#I’m coining these
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under-your-floorboards · 9 months ago
Will Solace and Nico di Angelo having a ghosts youtube channel together like Watchers (Shayne and Ryan but gay) with Lou Ellen being their true crime collaborator.
Will : I can’t even begin to describe how gnarly this cause of death was … it is, very gruesome stuff.
Nico : please never say gnarly when referring to the dead ever again
Will : that does sound disrespectful, doesn’t it? No offense to the no longer living!
Nico : Yes, no offense to our dead audience members out there.
Will : do you really think ghosts are watching our youtube series?
Nico : they might do it just for kicks.
Will : *wheezes* like, “Look at these assholes trying to prove our existence.”
Nico : yeah. or “Terry, come take a look at this! They caught your cameo in the last upload!”
Will : *laughing hysterically*
Nico : what a couple of cards we must make to them.
Will : undoubtedly. Should we add that to our intro? “Welcome back to Halfblood Horrors, guys girls and ghouls”
Nico : oh, I like that.
Will, after hearing a loud bang that scared him so bad his country accent comes out : WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!
Nico : that was me.
Will : Gods damnit, Neeks, are you tryin��� to give me a heart attack?
Nico, snickering : you jumped like a startled cat.
Will : I’ll get you back for that. We’ll see how you like it.
( He does not, in fact, get him back for that )
Will : Welcome back to the channel our good friend over from Witch Crime is Which, Lou Ellen!
Lou Ellen : hello Halfblood Horrors fans. And hello dweeb and Nico.
Will : Wait — Why am I dweeb? I’m your best friend!
Lou Ellen : Nico’s earned my respect. I’ve seen you cry on the ground over rewrite the stars.
Nico : *snorts* always a pleasure to have you in the office, Lou.
Will : This is harassment and defamation, you’ll be seeing my lawyers very soon.
Nico : We’re already off topic —
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viktors-sternomastoid · 2 months ago
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Viktor's reminiscing hands - 14/many
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I’m not usually one for miscommunication as a trope but hear me out:
Arthur thinks he and Merlin are together because Merlin says shit like “you’re my destiny” and “two sides of the same coin” fairly often.
He even looks fond or proud whenever he calls Arthur a prat, and pet names never suited them. He considered it once but it just felt weird. “Idiot.” Changed to “Idiot <3” when they finally got together and that suits them much better than Darling or Babe or whatever else.
And it’s not like he doesn’t say romantic stuff back, all: “you’re the bravest man I ever met.” Or “you’re the best friend I have and I couldn’t bare to lose you”
Meanwhile, Merlin pinpoints the same moment Arthur believed they started dating as when Arthur started acting more affectionate and Merlin’s crush got dialled up to 11.
Arthur doesn’t seem to mind, so he pushes his luck occasionally and will hug Arthur after a long day or will lean on him if they’re eating together on a hunting trip. Merlin absolutely cherishes these moments, but he’s secretly wishing they meant as much to Arthur as they do to him. (Spoiler alert: they do.)
So they must be together, Merlin just can’t be bothered with titles and with everything that happened, Agravane and Morgana betraying him, it would be ideal to wait for an announcement of their relationship.
He gifts Merlin clothes, new boots, will leave flowers in his chambers and asked for the cook to make more of Merlin’s favourites so he can steal food from Arthur’s plate because he claims it tastes better when it isn’t his food.
Arthur gave Merlin his mother’s sigil, for crying out loud. They’re obviously together.
And even better, (you can pry demi or ace Arthur from my cold dead hands) they don’t even need to be intimate beyond the occasional hug or soft gestures like Merlin brushing the hair from his face before Arthur goes to sleep at night and Arthur doing the same whenever they’re not in the castle and sleeping next to each other. He was worried at first, but Merlin never expected it, which Arthur just takes as: “And how stupid to worry? who knows him better than Merlin? Of course he would already know Arthur didn’t feel comfortable with that sort of stuff.”
Then one day, a delegation comes to Camelot and one of the foreign knights is flirting with Merlin. Arthur sees, and he doesn’t usually feel any need to act on his jealousy because he trusts Merlin, but this knight isn’t flirting in the way Gwaine does that’s just part of who he is, and Merlin looks uncomfortable. So he calls Merlin over to him, starts acting like a prat, and keeps Merlin “busy” all night by keeping his goblet full or usual servants duties.
Then later, Merlin thanks Arthur but says he doesn’t need to worry and he can handle himself. Arthur, finally relaxing after being ready to start a fight for the past three hours, pulls Merlin into a hug and kisses his forehead, because let the medieval gays be soft sometimes. He whispers something like, “I know you don’t like talking about it, and that you’ve said you don’t need a title, but you shouldn’t have to handle everything on your own.”
Merlin pulls back, looking shocked and confused. Then they actually have to talk about everything.
Merlin’s just fine with actually dating the guy he’s got a massive crush on and now he’s more willing to instigate hugs and affection. (Arthur just thought Merlin wasn’t going to push him to not make him uncomfortable but secretly wishes that he would instigate more) They end up sleeping in the same bed in Camelot too, because cuddles and softness, something Arthur wanted for a while but didn’t know how to ask for.
Basically all the problems in the relationship that Arthur was worried about but kinda felt “it’s already more than I could hope for” so didn’t want to bring up get worked out naturally and Merlin, who was previously worried about his friendship getting ruined if they changed the dynamic too much, is shocked by how little actually changed now that they’re together. He just gets to hold Arthur’s hand, can be less subtle about stealing from his dinner, gets to relax and gets an Arthur that’s more clingy and soft now that Merlin knows he’s allowed to reciprocate affection.
They still tease each other, they’re still two idiots sharing a braincell that they occasionally give to Leon to babysit, they’re just more open about being in love now. (More open to each other, anyway. Literally everyone else in Camelot knew long before they did)
Bonus points if they’ve been talking about their relationship and having the important conversation with each other the entire time, just without actually talking about it. Merlin asking why Arthur suddenly changed how affectionate he is and Arthur saying he thought he was allowed. Merlin’s just like “cool, as long as you’re okay. I’m glad you’re feeling more comfortable and relaxed.” And glad there’s no love spells or anything sinister going on. Arthur says he doesn’t like Merlin flirting with Gwaine, even if he doesn’t mean it, and Merlin agrees to stop if it makes him uncomfortable. He doesn’t think too much into it, just thinks Arthur doesn’t like the casual flirting and believes that relationships are important so casual stuff isn’t super comfortable. Merlin is still friends with Gwaine, just makes less jokes about going home with or marrying him.
Like, they’re having entire conversations and maintaining a fully functional healthy relationship, they’re just fucking idiots at the same time.
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communistkenobi · 1 year ago
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stealing this screenshot from a post correcting people about what liminal spaces are, because I want to say something kind of unrelated and don’t want to bother the op - it’s funny this wiki article identifies airports as one of these non-places, and one of the “criteria” for a non-place is somewhere where you are able to remain anonymous, because (at least in north america, I can’t speak globally), one of the primary terrors of airports is its ability to render you a known quantity at basically any time, to bring you into public attention specifically by cops and security people identifying who you are. Airport security, bag inspections, police, surveillance cameras, etc do this security theatre routine at airports in a way that is more intense than other public spaces. Like I just don’t think this state of remaining anonymous in the airport applies to muslims or other religious and racial minorities the state deems to be a “high risk population” vis a vis border security, I think if you want to make the argument that these places allow anonymity, a fundamental part of this analysis has to include the fact that this anonymity is premised on visiting state violence, surveillance, and coercion on largely non-white and religious minorities, particularly and especially muslims, to “protect” and secure this space of (largely white) public anonymity 
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blacklegsanjienthusiast · 3 months ago
i’m never not insane about how opla luffys first impressions of zoro and sanji mirror each other, how the first time he sees them both he watches them fight and out loud comments “good fighter” and then later, in his first proper conversations with them, he tells them both that they’re “a good guy” which he saw in zoro protecting rika and sanji feeding gin…like yup…those are his wings…his strongest fighters and two of the best people you will ever meet…
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hazieash · 8 months ago
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Screencap redraw of the most important moment in Season 6
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be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie · 10 months ago
Cressida being a real person is refreshing and nice. Showing her actually taking Eloise’s advice and using it to be a nicer person is so good and interesting. And then using it to comfort Eloise back?? Are we becoming girls girls this season, Bridgitonies????
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cherrycherryves · 21 days ago
What ships are canon?
This ask means the world to me because I love romance and I love talking about ships >w<
Here in MiM, we have a variety of ships that are/will be canon! They include:
Idiots in Love! — Judge Angels/Bloody Painter
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Actually Competent Couple! — Homicidal Liu/Eyeless Jack
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Idiots in Love! (Yuri) — Nina the Killer/Kate the Chaser
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And… last but not least…
Idiots in Love! (Yaoi) — Ticci Toby/Jeff the Killer
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There are two more dynamics that I won’t be dedicating a tooooon of time explaining or really diving into, just because these pairings are more like… idk how to word it! They don’t really need a label for their bond! But they include Tim/Brian and whatever the fuck LJ and Nurse Ann have going on.
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elizakai · 1 year ago
“what’s Nightmare doing signing paperwork all day”
“is he catelogging aus”
“is he signing 100 treaties”
“is he writing fanfiction”
NO. (well. maybe the fanfic.)
you guys what if Nightmare is just a landlord?
over the last 500+ years he’s accumulated property after property and he makes fucking bank. gramps just monopolized the housing industry (s. plural industries. multiversal)
why does he need money? because he wants it duh. also leverage, he can bribe anyone who won’t be intimidated by him.
he pays for his castle of course! he’s much harder to trace if the records for his property are that of an honest, tax paying citizen!
who’s to say nightmare didn’t build the castle himself at this point!
he’s managing legions of properties and renters on the daily, very high maintenance, lots of paperwork to file and mail to send daily.
he went
“How do i make people most miserable”
“I know.”
“I’ll be a landlord”
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fumifooms · 10 months ago
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Dad always said I was like him
Meijack and Chilchuck Tims Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ 1: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 2: Bug like an angel, Mitski / 3: Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle / 4: The Third Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart / 5 & 6: FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK,", Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 7: Batman: Year Three (1989) / 8 & 9 : FROM THE MAKERS OF […], Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 10: Wilt, CJ the X / 11: How Do We Forgive Our Fathers, Dick Lourie / 12: Milk and honey, Rupi Kaur / 13: And My Father's Love Was Nothing Next To God's Will, Amatullah Bourdon / 14: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 15: Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong / 16: untitled, Joan Tierney v 17: Drunk, The Living Tombstone / 18: unknown
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it, and still you stand next to your mother just as silent and just as stoic as her during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight, out of mind. And he’s never really been there, even when he was there, after all.
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goldcleaver · 2 months ago
Phainon will fail Nikador's trial.
Let me explain;
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TLDR; Phainon will fail the trial as Nikador will reject him. However, he will be chosen by Kephale to lead the people of Amphoreus to victory. The coreflame of Nikador will instead go to an unwilling Mydei.
Soooo, Phainon is off on a big adventure trying to claim Nikador's divinity after surrendering their coreflame to the Vortex of Genesis since the ambassador of the prophecy doubts his strength of will. I'm here to tell you that he will fail this trial in some shape or form.
Throughout the trailblaze mission, Phainon proves on multiple occasions that he worries about those he cares about constantly. Obviously, the best example of this is how desperately he wants to help Mydei fight Nikador. When he's denied, and sent to discover Nikador's weakness instead, he spends the next couple of hours in-game yapping about how much time they're wasting. He's worried out of his mind, and the rest of the cast picks up on it all the time.
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Not only that, but he doubts himself. Something troubles him ahead of surrendering the Coreflame to the Vortex, which both Castorice and Dan Heng notice. He seems to have no qualms about admitting it, but he clearly can't shake whatever it is making him falter. 
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While there is nothing explicitly stating what he's worrying about, the possibilities are endless. Prior to being chosen by the prophecy, Phainon was fuelled by his desire for vengeance, described by Castorice as being a "hollow shell". She questions whether or not his new mission takes priority over his desire for revenge. Similarly, Mydei says Phainon's fear holds him back, and that his resolve must be toughened if he is to withstand whatever Nikador throws at him. Phainon evidently wears his heart on his sleeve, and it's a very troubled heart.
What this shows is that Phainon is not ready to dedicate himself entirely to the fight, which Nikador demands. Nikador uses extreme violence to extinguish strife and war to maintain the balance of Amphoreus, which currently doesn't quite line up with Phainon's character. He is more inclined to using violence as a way of defending and protecting people.
Now, that's not to say that Phainon has nothing to do with Nikador at all. He seems to be a figure the people can rally around and follow into battle, much like Nikador. However, I don't think this is enough to see him through his trial.
So, while Phainon will be rejected by Nikador on account of his fears, he will instead be chosen by Kephale.
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Phainon is the Deliverer. This isn't just a silly nickname given to him by Mydei - it's his role in the story of Amphoreus. When he has overcome his own struggles, he will lead the people and the Chrysos Heirs through the crisis and towards a new dawn. In Aglaea's own words;
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Now, what exactly she means by this is unclear, but it gives me an uneasy feeling. The only miracles we have seen so far have all involved looking back in time, which Phainon currently cannot do. However, Aglaea's words are eerily similar to those describing the legend of Kephale's return in the Tides of the Basin. Here, Kephale leads the people to victory against the black tide, which seems more fitting for Phainon's character.
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So, Phainon will be chosen by Kephale, whether that means receiving their Coreflame or assuming their identity, or perhaps he already is Kephale, in his own way.
This is not only conveyed to us textually via foreshadowing within the story itself, but it is also communicated via visual design. Phainon's design is positively littered with Kephale's symbol and other sun-related imagery.
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I can spot at least 12 instances of Kephale's symbol or sun motifs in his design. That's no coincidence. In comparison, the only real reference to Nikador is the fact that he wears white, which Nikador also does, according to the information provided via the Tides of the Basin.
But if Phainon won't get Nikador's divinity, then who will?
Well, the game basically shoves the answer in your face; Mydei. He's the prince of Castrum Kremnos, he has some manner of bloodlust, and he has no reservations about using violence as a means to an end. On paper, he's the perfect candidate, which Phainon states to Aglaea. However, Mydei has refused the Coreflame. He has done so implicitly, as well as explicitly, to both Phainon and Aglaea. He doesn't want the Coreflame, nor the divinity that comes with it, because he's afraid of leading his people down the same dark path as his predecessor. Seemingly, the only reason he wanted to deliver the final blow to Nikador was for bragging rights.
Thus, something has to change drastically for Mydei to not only be offered the Coreflame, but to accept it. What this will be, I have no idea, but it will start with Nikador spitting Phainon back out without making him a demigod.
And if that wasn't enough to convince you; they are literally associated with these Titans in-game:
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In their respective entries in Amphoreus' Saga of Heroes, Phainon is depicted with the symbol of Kephale, whereas Mydei is depicted with Nikador's. Whether this is an oversight on hoyo's behalf or a not-so-subtle attempt at foreshadowing, we will likely never know, but it's interesting food for thought.
Now, this isn't some earth-shattering revelation, nor is it some super deep character analysis, but it will be super interesting to see Phainon's story unfold. His character development has the potential to be some of the best stuff hoyo has ever written if they manage to pull it off. 
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rabidbatboy · 5 months ago
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ALIENPUPPY: a gender or term for when you are a puppy from space, both a puppy and an alien, a puppy who enjoys aliens etc — an alienpuppy
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ALIENPUPPYGIRL: a gender or term for when you are a puppygirl from space, both a puppygirl and an alien, a girl who enjoys puppies and aliens etc — an alienpuppygirl
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ALIENPUPPYBOY: a gender or term for when you are a puppyboy from space, both a puppyboy and an alien, a boy who enjoys puppies and aliens etc — an alienpuppyboy
TAGGING: @radiomogai @io-archival @just6another4account8 @sevvys @inknoidd
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my-craft · 1 year ago
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SOS Smp Rule One: No Lore.
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renmorris · 6 months ago
Ford is leaving Stan's carefully manipulated mindscape like “I’m so glad Bill is gone forever and my brother wasn’t an unhoused sex worker/drug mule. he’s just the same old guy with the same terrible jokes. time for sea adventures!”
and Stan is like “ohh no you saw mr tummy how embarrassing ahaha”
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yourfavecharacterisqueer · 9 months ago
friendly reminder that merlin only was born because of arthur’s birth (and how he couldn’t control fate) and arthur’s death was only because of merlin (and how he couldn’t control fate).
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miitokii · 8 months ago
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outfits for shuake roleswap au!
see this post if you wanna see a proper drawing with it!
shuake week 2024 day 1: roleswap AU
they call blackmask ren ‘hat guy’ because it’s his most distinguishing feature (nah bc it’s goofy just like scaramouche)
i have thought A LOT about this au, including their personas
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blackmask (hat guy) joker has odin (loki’s counterpart), and prince joker has arsène (i changed the design a little though)
leader of the thieves crow has merlin
and now have a sketch dump with notes:
explaining the choices i made/thought process when coming up with the designs and personas, and arsène’s design lol
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i was considering a red outfit for (prince) joker, but went with blue so it could be more refreshing! and also because he is reflecting goro (and to a degree naoto)
red is passionate, bold, and angry (righteously angry). blue is calm, collected, intelligent.
akechi’s colour feels blue, he wears a blue vest on his casual outfit, his blackmask outfit is blue and black, and robin hood has blue in his design. in the 3rd semester his true self is calmer and much more reserved. true he does kind of go chaotic in the metaverse but he’s blue.
BUT his prince outfit is red and white, like a reflection of joker’s but white instead of black. akechi sees rebellion as passionately wanting to uphold justice. he wants to reflect the passion in joker’s red
so roleswap au, of course that’s reversed! two sides same coin all that jazz
maybe detective prince akechi wants to come across as more passionate (about justice) than he might seem or feel. and maybe detective prince amamiya wants to seem calmer and more intelligent than he might seem or feel.
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