#I’m a wee lesbian
trashpanda918 · 1 month
How does one use tags
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sleepy hugs and sleepy kisses <3
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 11 months
Listen. Listen. I know it makes no sense to come here occasionally screaming into the void about a non-canon poly ship from a 30-year-old show. But.
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suesheroll · 2 years
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If Anyone Is Feeling Anxious Or Worried...Or Even If You Just Want To Chat, Please, Please, Do Not Come Crying To Me by Onlylearsfool
E || 875 words || Clare Devlin/Sister Michael || Derry Girls (TV) || f/f
Clare wasn't feeling anxious or worried, and definitely did not want to chat, but there was quite a bit of crying involved.
one shot/drabble
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gaiassecretblog · 1 month
“yer- yer a lethbian?” lives rent free in my brain
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Okay okay. I saw you write “lesbian Janet Drake AU” AND I HAD A THOUGHT
Normally I’m team ‘Janet Drake was always a Drake and Jack took her last name’ BUT
I think it would be really cool if in this AU
Janet is a power hungry woman (perfectly normal) so she marries new money Jack Drake to get ahead in life.
She has a kid to secure the Drake legacy (hello baby Timmy)
And then she hires someone to off Jack!!!
The wonderful assassin lady she hired said that she’d do it for free (first assassin step mom, pick your favorite villainous woman), thus opening the door for baby Timmy to start picking up skills from his mom’s villainous girls friend of the week
So yeah, origin story of how we got Jack Drake out of lesbian Janet’s life and opened the door for many a morally grey/black step moms for Timmy to learn “life skills” from
I fucking love this so much, my lords.
In this AU specifically, Jack is an asshole rich guy who viewed Janet (smart, cold, calculative, charming Janet) as a trophy wife.
Janet was fine with this. She's not a good person (Jack was an asshole, but not overall a bad person. Killing Jack was a wee bit fucked up, but fuck yeah. Good for her), but she is a good mom. She loves her kid and does everything she can for him. She has her own life outside of being a mom (which is healthy), but her kid does come first.
Tim gets many many stepmoms.
The stepmoms are kind of charmed by Janet's morally grey BAMF MILF vibes
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Hi! I’m autistic and a lesbian and my current hyper fixation/ comfort show is Hazbin Hotel and my favorite/comfort character is Angel Dust. I was wondering if you could write a platonic Angel x gn/fem reader that is angsty and involves the reader comforting and taking care of Angel after a really bad night with Valentino. With cuddling, and handholding and Angel dealing with addiction/ self harm and the reader just being there and supporting him or something. I totally understand if not I just thought I would ask. Also I’m a huge fan of your work!!
Safe and Sound If Only For Now (Angel Dust x Reader fic)
A/N Absolutely can, and 100% understand the vision. THE BOY NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF. 🗣
Also, thank you sm im glad my writing is being enjoyed 🙏
CW: marking it as NSFW due to the themes within but theres not any actual smut, hurt/comfort, angst, gn!reader, written as platonic but could be seen as romantic as well, Angel throws up at one point(dk if I need to tw that), themes of s/h and addiction, reference to trauma responses and mentions of physical and sexual abuse
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When you were called downstairs by a very concerned Charlie at the wee hours of the morning, you knew that the night Angel Dust had was hell without having to even see him.
He'd apparently stumbled loudly through the door about 10 minutes ago, clearly not sober but still demanding a drink looking absolutely trashed. Husk had attempted to touch his shoulder, and the bartender was promptly smacked away with a yell to 'not touch him!'
Your footsteps had pattered loudly on the creaky floorboards down the hall of your hotel room as you quickly made your way to the bar where you knew he was.
And there you found him.
The hunched over, trembling figure of your friend with two of his arms folded around his head, a glass of alcohol you know tasted like utter shit clutched in another shaky hand.
Husk looked at you tiredly from behind the bar with clear relief on his features as he gestured to Angel with a look that asked you to take care of him - do what he couldn't in this moment.
It had taken a lot of verbal coaxing to get Angel to put down the drink and come with you to your room, but he eventually allowed you to gently grip his hand and tug him up the stairs and back down the hall to your room.
The second the door had shut behind the two of you, he'd completely fallen apart as you told him he was safe now.
That's how you were in this situation now, slumped on the floor next to the bed with Angel's face buried into the front of your shirt, your arms pulling his face closer and running your fingers through his messed up fur, carefully avoiding touching his neck and shoulders as you whispered to him softly to let it out.
Seconds ticked into minutes as his previously loud crying had slowly turned into broken, shaking sobs that were barely audible as you sat there with him slumped against you.
It was rather uncomfortable, your knees digging into the coarse rug on the floor of your room, but at the moment, that didn't much matter.
"'ank you. 'Ank you 'o much." He slurred out finally, voice cracking with emotion.
You hummed in response, relieved to hear his voice finally.
You removed your hands from where they were combing through his fur and instead cupped his cheeks, pulling his face away from your chest carefully.
Sympathy and anger stabbed through you painfully as you observed the darkening bruise on his puffy under-eye that had now been exposed with his tears. That asshole.
You brushed a thumb over the bruise with a furrowed brow, your frown deepening at the way he winced despite you barely even grazing it. You quickly moved your thumb away.
Angel's unfocused, bloodshot eyes watched you react to it with clear guilt. He swallowed thickly as he forced a grin onto his face. "'T's nothin' I'm not used to, toots." He mumbled. He could tell you didn't believe it for a second, and his heart sank despite all the alcohol knocking through him. Shit, he didn't want to sober up.
He could feel the pain he was trying to numb already creeping back into his body, though, and he 'tsk'd' with a hissing breath.
You shook your head slowly and got a better look at him as his eyes shut with a wince.
His jacket was a mess, a bite mark that was still bleeding soaking into his collar peaked out at you, and you grit your teeth as you looked down to see more droplets soaking into other places as well on his sides and hips.
"I'm going to go get some things to help fix you up. Are you okay with taking a shower on your own?" You murmured softly but very seriously.
Angel forced his eyes open and nodded despite moving being the last thing he wanted to do right now, having you leave being even lower on that list.
"Yeah.. 'ut get me a change of clothes while you're out. That is unless you wanna see me in nothing more than a towel." He joked with a humour that was obviously not present, voice still very much hoarse.
You smiled at the comment half-heartedly and nodded. "I'll be right back, I swear." You gently patted his cheek before gripping his hands to help him stand up. With the tremendous height difference, it didn't do too much, but you could see he was appreciative of it nonetheless.
After a couple of minutes, you came back into the room with a change of clothes, a first aid kit, and a water bottle in one hand, a cup of hot chocolate in the other made just how liked it.
Angel was sitting on your bed awkwardly with a white towel draped over his lap. As he stood up and turned the other way to slip on the pair of shorts you'd bought him, you could fully see some of the multiple bite marks that were seeping into Angel's fur, matting it.
Your fists clenched and unclenched but you still didn't voice the silent fury coursing through you at what had clearly happened to him.
You placed the hot chocolate in Angel's hands as he sat back down, receiving a barely audible thanks, and then set into disinfecting the various marks and patching them up.
Each time he tensed up and hissed due to the disinfectant, you apologised profusely but didn't stop as you wanted to get it over as soon as possible for his sake.
Angel dug his teeth into the mug in his hands to avoid biting his tongue or cheek as he winced in pain, the hot drink on your part both a crutch and a grounding tool so he didn't dissociate away from everything completely.
If that happened, he knew he'd most likely pass out and that was the last thing he needed to do right now while you were making sure he didn't get some horrific infection from the wounds he'd sustained.
He was so incredibly tired of so much.
He didn't want to keep seeing the blurred images of the afternoon and night that made him want to start sobbing again.
He couldn't even remember properly, it was all a blur; hungry hands on him, faces and bodies he couldn't quite remember, and Valentino's red eyes looking down on him as his fist closed around his neck. All his memories were out of place, like a ripped up photograph rearranged wrongly.
Angel didn't even know what he'd done to get punished by him today.
He'd come to realise there was no real reason though due to you telling him as much, and that searching for it would just make spiral. It wasn't his fault that that moth-winged cunt had decided to break him today.
Or at least, that was the logical answer.
He still remembered the words that plagued him through the mess of memories and painful sensations staring at back at him like a hall of mirrors, though. 'You brought this upon yourself, Angelcakes.' Said through a cruel, patronising grin right before those same teeth dug into him again, and again, and again.
Angel grit his teeth as the memory made his head hurt before gagging as horrific nausea suddenly hit him all at once.
You cursed, having just finished up patching his wounds and pulled him towards the bathroom sink in your ensuite.
You took the hot chocolate from his hands before using the other to sweep his fur out of the way just in time as he started wretching loudly into the sink.
You patted his back awkwardly as he threw up all of what he'd been binging for the night in rapid succession, looking at a crack near the door frame of your bathroom to try give him some semblance of privacy.
After a couple of seconds, Angel panted with a horrified expression on his face at the taste in his mouth, shuddering.
"That was fuckin nasty, 'm sorry." Angel cringed, trembling with exertion as he washed out the sink and his mouth.
"If you're sick, you're sick, Angie." You continued rubbing his back gently as Angel straightened up, sighing in relief as he felt more steady now that everything had all been purged from his system.
One part of himself wanted to go bother Husk for more to drink, but he pushed it away, instead opting for the now lukewarm cup of hot chocolate that was sitting neglected on the edge of the bathroom sink.
He gripped the mug and threw it back, chugging it in the hope of washing out the horrific taste that still stuck around.
"Wait a second, I'll give you the painkillers with that." You called over you shoulder as you went to rummage through the first aid kit.
Angel slowly walked out of the bathroom after you, hunched over to be about your height as he waited for the pills. He tiredly spaced out as he looked at your hands going through the pile of stuff you'd brought.
You pressed the meds into his palm, and watched as he quickly downed it. "Do you wanna stay in my room tonight?" You asked as you cleared the stuff off of your bed.
You didn't really need the verbal confirmation as Angel flopped down onto your bed with a loud groan as he finally relaxed, exhaustion passing over every part of him.
You chuckled softly, and crawled up next to him, gently wrapping your arms loosely around his lower back as you pulled his face into your chest again.
He wrapped his arms around you in turn, another one of his hands creeping towards yours in silent request. You understood, lacing your fingers with his and gently nuzzled affectionately into the top of his head.
You could feel him start shaking softly again, once again tearing up despite everything. You tightened your embrace as you felt wet tears sink into your shirt again.
"It's okay, honey. It's okay. You're safe here with me." You repeated.
"Thank you 'o much." Angel whispered, tightening his grip on you in an attempt to bring you and your warmth to the bottomless pit of despair he constantly tried to forget.
"No problem. I love you, Angie. I really hope you know that." You gently kissed the top of his head, squeezing your hand laced with his reassuringly. "Now come on, try to get some sleep, you must be exhausted."
Angel's crying slowly stopped as the feeling of the security you provided swept over him like a warm blanket, creeping into every last crack in himself and filling it. The rhythmic beat of your heart under his cheek lulled him to complete calmness.
He didn't want it to end, but he still slipped into the warm embrace of sleep.
If only for a small while, the lock on his prison cell wasn't as cold, and the bars were not visible through your arms.
All that shit could wait until tomorrow.
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I've read over it multiple times, but if there are errors y'all can see reading this one pls lmk - my brains been on wrong a bit today.
Bruh I just want Angel to be happy and cared for istg, he deserves it. 😭
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100a-safriestus · 2 months
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“well, i’m sorry Clare, has his sudden tragic death interrupted your studies?!”
obsessed with this show, here’s the wee lesbian for ya
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jolenes-doppelganger · 6 months
hiii, i was wondering if you’d be willing to do a continuing of your rose the hat one shot, maybe where reader pays off her debt? ;) or literally anything with rose / rebecca, i’m sooo obsessed with her and ur fic made me go feral it was amazing !!
[Hi Anon! I originally didn’t consider making a second part to the fic, (I just like the vagueness of one shots), but I am happy to write a second story involving similar themes. We’ll call it a multiverse addition. :3 Thank you for the request!]
Belligerent Collector
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Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader
Summary: A chance meeting at a supermarket with a specialized clairvoyant brings Rose more than she could ask for. A little too much. [Shifting POVs].
Warnings: Depictions of straight sex between Rose and Crow (oral M and F receiving/giving, 69), one slap (R receiving), choking, depictions of attempted SA, overly emotional for a smut fic, lesbian smut (oral R receiving, strap on use, strap sucking R giving, forced deepthroating, Rose uses a set of vibrating panties to get off), a wee bit dub-con for good measure
A/N: Author pushes her writing boundaries in the name of character authenticity!!! No I’ve never had straight sex, no I don’t want to have straight sex, but boy oh boy, Rose has and will continue to fuck our little corvid boy, and you bet the mattress has some stories to tell. (I promise it ties in!!! It’s very brief!!!).
Word Count: 5.6k
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Waking up in a foreign environment had always felt strange. Waking up in a foreign environment in a dream, only to wake once more in reality made realities blend together. Were you really in the rundown motor home of your Grandma’s in Dallas or were you in the divinely furnished home of some elite posing as a trailer park beauty? Then memories… Oh fuck, the memories.
“Rosie, the kid is barely even a kid, not worth eating at this point.” Crow lamented.
“Oh, for fucks sake, she’s not a kid, she’s an adult, let’s just call her that.” Rose spit back, crossing her arms over her bra covered breasts.
“Okay, fine. The adult-kid, this little overgrown shrimp, can see us coming from miles away. We wouldn’t even know about her if you hadn’t brushed her hand in a supermarket.”
Rose rolled her eyes, or more so you felt the motion of her rolling her eyes. These were her memories after all, and you were living them through her eyes.
“The rube brushed my hand, and she brushed right through my train of thought. She skimmed my mind, Crow! She skimmed my mind!”
Rose felt many things in this particular memory. Anger, a sense of deep humiliation, or more so violation. Rose felt that she had been violated by the little bitch child, a half-adult. The little half-ling had brushed her hand reaching for a lane divider for the conveyor belt of the grocery store, and had managed to skim her mind doing so. Like it hadn’t even been a forethought. She read the inner monologue of Rose the motherfucking Hat like it was as simple as brushing her hand in the first place!
“I want her dead.” Rose blurted. “Not just because she’s a little steamier than normal for her age, but because she read my mind. And now she knows who I am, she knows what I do, and she’s an adult, Crow!”
“-And since she’s an adult she has the authority and the ability to cause more problems than a kid, blah, blah, blah, I get it!” Crow cut her off.
Through Rose’s eyes, the bare-chested man was neither handsome nor appealing. He was a fucking vermin. One that had been latching on to Rose like an overgrown calf, sucking her dry; patience, charity, her damned sex drive all dried up like a desert.
The memory ended there, and with it came a brief reprieve, but brief. Another one of Rose’s memories slammed right into your head, the intensity of it hitting you hard. The last memory had been triggered by the touch of the sheets under your fingertips. This memory by the weight your body exerted on the mattress.
I need to breathe, oh fuck I need to breathe-
“Rosie baby, you taste so fucking good.” Crow moaned, sliding up, his dick sliding out of Rose’s mouth.
Rose sputtered, taking in mouthfuls of air. She laughed once she could, wiggling her hips enticingly. A mouth came down on her open entrance once more, tongue rolling wet circles over it; the way she liked it best. It was a 69, Rose was on the bottom because they were trying something new. Rose opened her mouth again, breathing in deep before guiding Crow’s hips down again.
The angle forced her to deepthroat him in his entirety, without exerting too much pressure on her uvula. She felt him licking and kissing her open pussy, moaning into her as she swirled her tongue at the base of his dick. It was the closest to breath play Rose was willing to go, and even as tears streamed down her cheeks, jaw aching at the stretch and gag reflex struggling against her higher will, it was fun.
The memory was ripped away, and you shot up as fast as you could, desperately trying to get away from the unwelcome memories that kept springing upon you. Never before in your life had someone's memories been so vibrant, so stubborn to be heard. You felt humiliation, no, violation. These mental images springing upon you without warning, without a trigger other than touch were akin to being violated. Usually you had more control over your abilities, you didn't have the ability to so easily peruse someone's mind, but with Rose it was like you weren't even trying. Well you weren't. Clairvoyance was an entirely conscious effort, at least it always had been. But Rose? Her mind and memories jumped open. It wasn't like a book sliding off a shelf, or a book falling open, no. It was like the books were violently flying off the shelves, ripping themselves open and shoving your face into them.
"Didn't I tell you to get out already?" Rose sighed, setting the book down she'd been reading.
Andy appeared, worrying her lip like a frightened child. Well... Hadn't she been a teen? Rose couldn't remember, age was pointless anyways. Whether she was 32 or 15, she'd look young with a fresh batch of steam in her.
"But.. I thought-"
"It was a one-time thing. My man is coming home today, and I'm not in the mood to pull apart a cat fight." Rose huffed.
This was the morning after she'd turned Andy, the night after she'd eaten the little blonde's pussy again and again until the young woman's body gave up on pleasure entirely. And waking up after that power trip, that victory for the Knot, it put things into perspective. But regardless, she was being a little too harsh on the newcomer.
"Put your clothes on, and come over here."
The blonde wasn't special, like Rose thought. A glorified pillow princess. And the blonde did have an ability that would benefit the Knot, but Rose was hungry now. She'd given Andy her own damn steam, her own life force. Sure, it had been fun, but not fulfilling.
"Why?" Andy whispered, sliding into Rose's open arms.
Rose groaned, sliding her hat over her head. She had her pair of two day old panties on, nothing else. She looked good, as always, but she was tired.
"Because it just can't. It was fun, it was something we could share, but I'm not available. I can get away with one night, one little welcome for the newbie, but I can't justify more than that to my Crow Daddy." Rose sympathetically explained. "You'll find another, there's plenty of youngins in the Knot still. Silent Sarry, for one."
Andy stared down at her feet. Rose watched her large brown eyes fill up with tears. Then she jerked her head, willing them away. A tough cookie, Rose thought. She'd get over this.
"Can I hug you goodbye, at least?" Andy whispered, looking at the floor still.
Rose chuckled at this, pulling the girl in for a gentle hug, followed by the softest kiss she was capable of giving.
"There. Now chin up, go have breakfast with the others. You're True now, you're family."
As Andy gently closed the door behind her, Rose let out a soft sigh, drawing patterns over the floor with her toe.
You dropped to your knees, clutching your head. It was painful, exerting this much energy into viewing her memories, even if it was completely against your will. You'd been in and out of consciousness for... You couldn't be sure. Time had lost all meaning. You were bombarded by memories until your body succumbed to exhaustion, only to wake up and be subjected to more memories. Rose's memories.
You knew her better than yourself at this point.
"Ah, you're actually conscio-"
Rose carried the little rube to her trailer, smirking as the girl twitched spasmodically.
"Bit off more than you can chew there, huh? Too greedy? Viewed too many memories at once?" Rose taunted, watching the young woman as she continued to twitch, her eyes wildly fluttering as her eyeballs roved around beneath her closed eyelids.
"God, she's like the dying." Barry the Chunk commented.
Rose laughed at that. Her fingers were frozen in twisted shapes, like the claw of the arthritic hands of the elderly. It was nothing like Grandpa Flick's nasty rheumatoid arthritis, but it was comparable.
"Well, that's what happens when someone gets too big for her britches." Rose smirked, hauling the girl right atop her bed. "She'll stay here under my watch until she can maintain conscious-
"Oh god, make it stop!" you cried out, clutching your head as it throbbed dangerously.
You were so tired, so hungry, and thirsty beyond belief. Nothing about this place was welcoming enough to allow you even a split second of rest and relaxation. Out of the corner of your eye, a ring covered hand came forward, reaching out to touch you.
"Don't touch me!" you shouted, voice dry and ragged.
Rose raised an eyebrow, looking at you quizzically. It was one of the few times you'd seen her. And unlike the mirrored effect you were used to viewing her in, the only perspective of herself she had, you were looking at her in the present, through your eyes.
"So now you're calling the shots? Oh, well excuse me." Rose let out an annoyed laugh.
You were scared to breathe, waiting for another memory to suddenly implode over you, but none came.
"I just... I'm tired. And if I move, if I shift my weight over the damn floor I might get another memory."
Rose cocked a brow.
"Get another memory? What, you can sense the memory of objects?"
You hesitantly nodded. Rose let out an intrigued sniff, but that's the only reaction she gave. You had been in her head long enough to understand what her different mannerisms meant. It gave you an advantage, being able to read her so.
"So... You've been reliving whose memories?" Rose asked, brow raised in that calculating critique.
Stern, that's what she was. This was Rose being stern.
"Yours. Only yours."
Rose's nose twitched in immediate disgust and disgraced anger.
"Not by choice," you butted in, trying to calm the storm before it began to brew much farther, "I keep passing out from exhaustion because I can't figure out how to stop viewing the memories. I'm tired, I've had enough of your thoughts and memories and..."
You cut yourself off. The next words out of your mouth would have been 'hedonistic escapades', or worse, 'sexcapades'. Rose eyed you dangerously, neither really believing or listening to your plight.
"Too big for my britches, crude violator, shrimp, halfling, rube, bitch-child," you listed, "I know. And I know too much. I don't want to know, I-"
You cut yourself off, pausing before you reenacted Irina Spalko's inversed lament. This could be something out of an Indiana Jones movie, you supposed. Rose had the special, magical hat after all.
"So, what. I don't care if you do or don't want to read my thoughts-"
The slap that landed across your cheeks stung, and for the first time since meeting Rose, you were stunned. Slapping someone wasn't something the woman did. She was zealously cruel, calculatingly wicked, manipulating, hateful, over-indulgent and sadistic, but the woman didn't hit people. To lose herself in such a motion would surely seem overdone, by her standards.
"Shut your mouth." Rose seethed.
It was anger. Pure, unbridled, raging fury that caused her hands to shake. You'd never gotten a memory from Rose where she was so angry. Her trailer wasn't a place where she let negative emotions hang about, and that's why it was her safe place.
"You have the audacity to interrupt me when I'm speaking to you? You've been leaching off of me for weeks while I tracked you, reading not just my thoughts, but re-living my memories, and you have the fucking gall to interrupt me?" Rose spit, hands reaching up and choking, squeezing your windpipe.
It was an ego wound, you realized. She was bitter because her ego was being trodden all over by someone who'd been in her head for as long as you had. It was simple, in essence. You knew her. Intimately. More intimately than anyone else. In all of Rose's glory and power, you were interrupting her like any other individual regardless of the fact that you knew her. Knew what she could do, knew what she was.
"I don't even want your steam anymore, I just want to watch you die."
Your stomach lurched, and a memory slammed so violently into your skull that it didn't have somewhere else to go. You grabbed onto Rose's wrists, pulling her down the rabbit hole with you.
"Fucking Rube!" Malte wheezed, hands clinging to Rose's wrists.
Rose was shaking, her hands were shaking. The man beneath her wiggled like a squirrel caught in a trap, his eyes bulging violently, the whites of them rolling wildly. Rose was scared shitless, squeezing harder on instinct, even as the man beneath her slapped at her arms, trying to pull the young teen's hands off him.
He'd tried to rape her. He'd lured her into a street corner, promising her cash if she hiked up her skirts for him. She'd agreed to do so, she needed the money to feed her family. But she'd misheard him, or more accurately, had misunderstood him. The English these American foreigners spoke didn't cling to her Irish tongue easily. That and the structure of the English language was hard. It didn't match up with her native tongue. Combined with a day working in the filthy factories of Jersey had rubbed her hands and mind raw, so "Lift your skirt" meant to quite literally lift your skirt, no other motive or hidden arrangement. She was tall for a fourteen-year-old girl, but he had been stronger. Malte, the son of the factory owner, descended from Dutch immigrants who settled in Delaware, well before it was called Delaware had his eye on her. And he'd shoved her up against the brick wall of the factory, pawing at the front of his trousers, trying to bury himself between her legs as she tried to politely get him to stop.
But Rose was tired. And there was no direct translation for 'no' in her native language, and she couldn't remember the English word for it, so all her words were mixes of jumbled Irish phrases, none of which he interpreted correctly until she struck him between the legs.
His mouth was starting to froth. And the more pressure she exerted on his neck, the more afraid she got. If she killed him, oh god, if she killed him she could ruin her own life, the life of her family. They'd starve, they'd have nothing left to eat. She reached for the first strewn article of clothing she could grab. A top hat, the expensive satin lined kind, one that could fetch enough food for her family if she sold it. Food, eat, live long, stay young... Eat well, live long, stay young...
Rose was crying. Sobbing like a fourteen-year-old child all over again. And the body underneath her was seizing, twitching and letting out garbled sounds. Rose grabbed the body, hugging it to her chest with possessive neediness. She needed physical contact, she needed that reassurance. The memory viewing had ended there, but Rose's memories filled in afterwards. She'd run home, falling into her overburdened mother's arms, sobbing and whimpering like her infant brother, still latched on her mother's breast. Her father had been furious, her mother scared. They were all scared in the perpetual twilight of Rose's memory.
Malte had never pressed charges. Whether it was pride or some other vice that compelled him to stay silent about the assault, he never did speak a word of it to anyone. But Rose found that her hours were cut back, her position was regularly filled before she had made it to her station. She looked for other work, worrying over the little bump that grew inside her mother. Worrying about food, about money, about the things that they needed to stay alive, let alone stock up to build their American dream.
"Tá brón orm." she sobbed into the girl's hair. "I'm sorry." she repeated.
Because Rose wasn't holding the rube girl anymore, she was holding a mirror of her younger self.
Waking up for the upteenth time was more exhausting than being awake itself. Your head swum with too many thoughts, the mind's way of catching up after being unconscious. Someone was petting your hair, little strokes and teases that pulled at your scalp menacingly.
"We have a debt." Rose murmured. "My people are hungry, and they're going to go hungry because you're not on the menu any longer."
Her words rolled over your head in weary waves, peddling meanings over the valleys of your brain until they slowly sunk in, stringing together cohesive ideas once more.
"And why does that mean I have a debt with you?"
Rose gave the hairs at your scalp a tug, raising an eyebrow as she looked at you seriously.
"Because what I say goes, honey pie."
You closed your eyes, nodding in defeat. The light hurt, everything hurt.
"Got any more memories to view? I have millions, my mind is a cathedral."
You fought back the urge to mouth the words along with her. You knew her little cliches too well.
"I don't think so. The last memory was pushing others out of the way until it could be seen."
The logic behind that theory was imbued with a hidden clarity that had come from somewhere in your unconscious mind. The memories would stop jumping in front of your eyes again.
"Okay, well, you owe me. I'm keeping you alive because you're useful. Clairvoyance is a gift, we don't have a lot of True with such wide sensors as you."
Leaning forward felt like the next best thing with your head throbbing so violently. A soft little 'mmph' left your lips as you did so.
"You're not listening..." Rose said in sing-song fashion.
"Brain hurts."
Rose snorted at this.
"So eloquent. Truly, you should write novels with your linguistic prowess."
You let out another grunt in response.
"Its like talking to a caveman." Rose muttered.
She brought a cup of something to your lips. Tea. You drank it, not really caring that it was lukewarm and half full. It was liquid.
"Not picky. I'll add that to your list of positives."
You eyed her wearily.
"And let me guess, all the negatives include the fantasies of me you can't have because I know you too well."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, momentarily stunned.
"Well. I do have plans for you in the physical department. Crow and I are fizzling out, it might be time to break in a new lover."
She said it so confidently, in a fashion that made it almost unbearably flirtatious.
"You're wondering how good my head game is."
Rose laughed, a stunned kind of bark that caused her chest to jiggle, the swell of her breasts unencumbered beneath her t-shirt.
"Oh god, you're hysterical. I mean yes, but you make me sound so blunt. So, collected." Rose snickered. "I can be blunt, and I certainly try to be..."
Rose trailed off, eyeing you carefully.
"Kiss me."
It was a command that cut through your tired brain. She caught your head as you leaned in, pressing her lips against yours, one hand tangled in your hair, the other resting on your back. Rose pulled away after the short kiss, seemingly a little vexed by something.
"How much... How much experience do you have? You kiss like a petrified boy."
You blushed profusely, even though embarrassment in your exhausted state was difficult to even feel.
"I'm tired. Not in the mood."
Rose sighed, nodding at that statement.
"Fine. We'll nurse you back to health before the turn, get you all spick and span. But right before then... You and I are going to sort out this little debt situation we have going on. And then we'll see if you survive the turn."
The thought made your stomach queasy. You were between hell and a hard place. Become like her or die.
"What if I'd prefer being on the menu?"
"Not a lesbo?" Rose teased.
"Not a child eater."
Rose rolled her eyes, leaning in closer as she gripped your hips tight. She kissed your neck chastely.
"Eat well, live long, stay young."
You found yourself looking up at the ceiling, almost willing another memory to intrude, an excuse to pull away from this aggravating situation, but nothing.
"I'd like the luxury of just being normal."
Rose laughed at this, a genuine laugh.
"Whoever told you reading minds was normal. God, you're positively hysterical. I want to make a miniature you and stick her in my hat."
You crossed your arms, perusing the trailer for any signs of food, like a mouse. A little mouse caught in the cat's trap.
"I'll feed you, but first you need to give me a proper kiss." Rose whispered, breath tickling your earlobe.
As if you had anything on your mind other than food. Rose was pushing at your boundaries, playing with you and molding you into a state somewhere between desperate and stubbornly defiant. You leaned in, but you paused. You were coming on too strong. This needed to be natural, not forced. But it was forced, that was the paradox. Leaning in again, slowly, you met her grey eyes, taking a deep breath in. Your hands you drew up to her face, thumbs gently rubbing over the hollow of her cheeks. Rose leaned in, eyeing you with predatory intent.
"Good." she whispered. "You're getting somewhere."
You leaned in even further, pressing a teasing kiss to the corner of her lip, catching her gaze with hers. It was a game of both movement and eye-lines. Each of you would rove your eyes up and down the other, trying to catch the opponent in the act, making that split second of contact before drawing away to brush noses, to shift grip slightly. You weren't kissing yet, no, this was all about will. Who could tempt the other into making the first move.
"I believe I asked you to give me a kiss." Rose whispered, growing a bit bored of the game.
The softest brush of your lips over hers, making that eye-contact.
"Is that what you want?" you asked.
Rose's eyebrow quirked, and then she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in response. The kiss wasn't as soft as you would have made it had you been administering the kiss. Rose kept you steady with a hand on your hip, a hand in your hair, her mouth occupied with yours. You forced yourself to be more engaged, even with how hungry and weak you felt. She tasted of mint tea, an undercurrent of something sour clinging to the edge of your tastebuds. It was the product of your clairvoyance, surely. Rose didn't taste quite right, a fact that lingered in the peripherals of your thoughts as you leaned into the kiss. She pulled away after a moment, seemingly amused.
"You're so chaste with your kisses. Or perhaps neat is the correct word. It's entertaining to see you so careful and focused."
Rose leaned back, dropping her hands. She easily maneuvered you out of her way, walking towards a fridge on the side of her camper. She wasn't wearing any pants, just too tight lacy panties. Her long legs were on full display, bare feet padding across her wooden floors. Her motions were all so elegantly careless, like she didn't much care what kind of gesture she made, so much as things landed in their respective places.
"Eggs alright with you?" she sighed.
"Yes, thank you."
Rose hummed in reply, starting up her gas powered stove top. She cracked open three eggs, reaching into the fridge for chives, cheddar cheese and bacon bits. It smelled good.
"You're pale, drink this."
A glass of orange juice appeared in front of you, and Rose looked down at you with some amusement.
"Like a startled lamb, freezing up in front of a newcomer." she laughed.
You drank the juice, grateful for the liquid. You weren't really paying attention to where your eyes rested as you drank, you were too tired to focus on much else other than the motion of your throat as you drank down the juice.
"I look that good do I?" Rose teased, grabbing your chin and angling it up.
You'd been staring at her upper thighs. Being so tall, Rose's legs filled much of your central and peripheral vision as you spaced out. The couch was low to the ground, and her stance gave a clear view of her inner thighs and the patch of dark hair that clung around her bikini line.
"Sorry, spaced out." you blushed, face going hot with the weight of your embarrassment.
Rose chuckled, squishing your face in soft teasing. She took the glass out of your hand, returning to the stove top. She came back with three eggs piled with cheese, chives and bacon. An American breakfast classic. You ate quickly, and the miserable tightness of your stomach gradually subsided.
"Perhaps you'd like to lay down on the bed and take a nap." Rose suggested.
You nearly choked on your bite of egg. The memory and the feeling of being forcefully deepthroated through Rose's eyes still clung to the back of your mind.
"Uhh, no. Not the bed. Couch is fine."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, taking away the plate of food you were still working on.
"Why? My hedonistic escapades still haunt you?" Rose threw your earlier internal monologue right back at you. "My sexcapades?"
You looked up at her in pure disbelief and jaded embarrassment. Rose wore a shit eating grin, leaning in as she grabbed your chin.
"Poor thing, thought you were the only one with the ability to skim someone's foremost thoughts, huh?" Rose cooed. "Maybe that's what we'll do.. Re-enact that little fixation of yours, get it out of your system."
You found yourself shaking your head and stuttering, hands searching for something to grab onto.
"Mhm, oh you're getting all flustered just thinking about it." Rose grinned cruelly, pulling you up to her feet. "What a perfect way to settle our debt, huh? We'll re-enact one of the memories you collected."
This time, you ardently shook your head, getting over your momentary bout of shyness.
"No, I didn't have control over what I was seeing, I didn't want to-"
"Shush, honey pie." Rose cut you off, pushing you to sit on the bed. "It'll be fun, we'll go slow-ish."
Rose stretched, settling on the bed beside you. She dusted off her hat, gingerly setting it off to the side. Hands looped around your waist, drawing you in.
"You'll like it, I promise." Rose whispered, leaning in to nip at your jaw and ear.
As she placed little love bites over your face and neck, her hands massaged slow patterns on your waist and back. You let out a soft sigh, leaning into her little nips and kisses.
"There you go, warming up to me perfectly." Rose cooed. "Touch me."
Your hands obeyed, cupping her lower face and neck. She placed a slow kiss in the crook between your jaw and neck, opening her lips to suck softly at the skin there. A soft moan broke out of your throat, to which Rose replied with her own throaty hum. One of your legs crept up to straddle her, and a hand from your waist quickly caught your leg, aiding the motion.
"Oh, good girl." Rose whispered. "Warming up nicely."
You smiled shyly, brushing your nose against hers. Her lips caught yours in a kiss, her tongue sliding out to caress your lip. You met her tongue with yours the longer the kiss went on, teasing her with your tongue. Rose's hands slid down your back, taking handfuls of your ass and massaging slowly. You moaned immediately, allowing Rose to slip her tongue into your mouth. Your hands were in her hair, playing with the half-braided strands that clung to the base of her scalp.
"Ready for more?" Rose rasped, one hand gripping your rear, the other drawing patterns down your spine.
"Yes." you found yourself saying.
Rose pulled off her top, freeing her breasts entirely. She brought your hands to them, biting her lip playfully.
"Touch, squeeze."
You did as she asked, to which she rewarded you with a sinfully teasing kiss.
"Lay down, top off."
You did as directed, pulling off your shirt, and the loose sports bra she'd found you in. Rose rummaged around in a drawer near the bedside for a moment, grabbing several Items. You watched as she slipped off her underwear, pulling a plain looking black set over her thighs again. A remote, which she clicked just twice. Rose bit her lip immediately, wiggling her hips a few times. A fake dick, a harness. You blushed as you realized just what she was going to do.
"I've never... I can't suck dick." you blurted out.
Rose laughed, sliding the harness over her hips.
"Too bad. You're gonna. And if you leave teeth marks on my nice silicone cock I'll throttle you."
Rose settled between your thighs, dragging your leggings and underwear down in one motion. She spread your thighs, eyeing the glistening folds of your inner labia. Taking a moment to gather saliva in her mouth, Rose leaned down, spitting on your red, erected clit.
"There's something you can focus on while I stretch your throat."
Rose crawled over you in a traditional 69, slapping the silicone dick on your chin.
You could see the soft blur of the panties as they vibrated, producing a noticeable wet spot on the black fabric. Opening your mouth as wide as you could, you were careful not to graze the silicone with your teeth. The saliva Rose had placed on your clit slowly began to drip down and cool, producing a maddening sensation. Leaning forward all the way, Rose propped herself up on her elbows, holding your thighs open.
"Breathe through your nose, deep breath, now relax."
Rose pushed her hips down, forcing the silicone past your molars, past your uvula and down into the hollow space of your throat. You gagged, grabbing at her hips and thighs, desperately trying to push away the weight on your head that bore down. Rose laughed as she heard you gag and choke, letting up after fifteen seconds. You sputtered, nose running and eyes blurry with tears.
"Catch your breath, I'll give you fifteen."
Fifteen seconds felt more like five, and the silicone was back down, further this time. You couldn't breathe through your nose, and the burn of your lungs mixed with the stretch of your throat was both terrifying and maddeningly difficult to get away from. Rose let up after a moment, and you were quick to breathe in through your nose, filling your lungs as rapidly as you could, exhaling shortly thereafter. The next time, you breathed in through your nose as the dick slid down your throat, forcing the muscles of your throat to relax. Rose hummed in approval, pressing a soft kiss to your clit.
"Good girl. Now I'm going to rock. If you absolutely cannot manage to get any air in, two taps to my hips, got it?"
Rose didn't wait for you to make any sort of noise or gesture in understanding, she just undulated her hips slowly. You exhaled with every thrust out, inhaling as she thrust in. Your lungs slowly began to accommodate the lack of air, your throat muscles relaxing. Rose kissed your clit again, humming carefully as she rolled her tongue in slow circles over your clit. You found yourself getting the hang of things, more focused on the sensations between your legs than the burn of your throat. Rose's own stimulation was heightened by the pull and stretch of the vibrating panties that shifted with every movement of her hips. You moaned as she licked down into your entrance, and Rose let out a breathy hum in response.
Her mouth settled at your entrance, licking and probing gently. You gripped her hips, helping to support her thrusts. Overtime, your nose brushed her clothed clit as the base of the strap met your lips, adding direct pressure to the vibrating panties. Rose moaned loudly at this sensation, fervently kissing and licking your open pussy. Your lower abdominal muscles coiled rapidly, and by the way Rose was growing sloppy with her thrusts, she must have also been close.
Warm tingles slid up your spine as you climaxed, and your moans were muffled by the strap. Rose slipped the silicone dick out of your mouth, allowing you to gasp and moan through your orgasm without threat of suffocation. Still relatively aware, you had the forethought to find her clit through the panties and rub circles over the vibrating fabric. Rose let out a series of breathy whimpers, pushing her hips back into your thumb until she too climaxed. In need of a place to rest her weary hips, Rose sat back, resting on your face. A mouthful of panty-clad pussy and an eye-full of ass was all you knew for a good fifteen seconds.
"Fine then." Rose sighed, sliding off of you after you tapped the side of her ass twice.
Rose looked down, eyeing your puffy, tear and snot covered face. She smirked, reaching for something on her bedside table. A polaroid camera, one that had to be from the 90s. She snapped a photo of your frazzled state, taking out the photo produced and grabbing a pen.
"What shall we name this one? 'Belligerent collector', perhaps."
Rose gave an evil grin, sliding off the vibrating panties and casting them aside. She swung one of her legs over your face, angling her still wet core over your mouth. Another snap of the camera, capturing your mortified eyes as your mouth was obscured by her vulva.
"And this one we'll title 'debt settled'."
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charlxttexo · 1 month
I never watched the last dsmp streams cuz 1) techno wasn’t there, what’s the point and 2) I knew they wanted season 2 but I had a feeling it wasn’t gonna happen, so I knew the ending wouldn’t be satisfying. So anyways here’s what I wanted to happen/ happened in my delusions :
- Tubbo and Tommy blow up Dream with the nukes
- Jack was there and saw it bc why tf not?
- there’s basically no forms of governments left so the syndicate members are like ‘ok let’s chill out’
- dream tried to hide the revive book but Techno knew where he’d hide it, found it, and then revived ranboo. No shut up I’m not hearing criticism on this one.
- techno then proceeds to burn it bc there they’re all tired af so he’s pretty sure there won’t be any more wars
- Phil is like ‘awesome let me go be the dad that I couldn’t be for Wilbur to Tommy’ bc I’m extremely desperate for the SBI dynamic ( Ik he’s not a good parent, I KNOW. Let me live a little )
- Tommy, Tubbo and ranboo go to therapy ( or maybe the whole server bc they ALL need it )
- Tommy pick up new hobbies like gardening n embroidery
- Tubbo moves in next to ranboo with Michael
- Tommy shows up one day to be the cool wine aunt and never leaves so he lives there now
- techno builds a bigger house but doesn’t say anything
- Tommy also happens to find pots of potatoes everywhere in his garden as gifts, wonder who that’s from
- tubbo and Ranboo enjoy gay marriage ( I am dying bc cc! Beeduo haven’t talked in centuries, ok? )
- puffy and Nikki get married ( let’s go lesbians )
- Jack cries at the wedding bc he’s proud of his sister ( Jack and Nikki siblings headcannon real, fight me )
- techno and Tommy eventually forgive each other
- Tommy teaches Phil how to sew
- Jack and phil try to build a car based on a dream Jack had and failed ( don’t ask why idk )
- Jack also ends up working with Nikki to build Phil that mechanical wing typa thing ( for context I was thinking of how to train your dragon so it’s based off that )
- he can’t fully fly but it helps
- boom boom boy ( Wilbur ) is at who knows where
- techno and Nikki help Tubbo build a bee sanctuary at l’manburgs grave
- Michael and techno bond wee
- yeah so has everyone chills tf out and lives happily ever after
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some-siren · 1 year
Alright it’s time for some headcanons cause this trans is ready to throw hands
In order of how much i like them (the headcanons, not the characters)
— Trans man, not because he’s inherently transitioning from one state to another (FtM or XtM or something like that) but because he deeply identifies with the human concept of « Male »
— Grey-ace, he still feels sexual attraction under some circumstances, which are left to be determined and may or may not involve kinks (because why not?) but most definitely involve Crowley
— Gay, for Crowley specifically. Doesn’t matter their gender, at the end of the day he’s gay for it.
— Autistic, he just vibing somewhere on the spectrum
— Both genderfluid and genderless. Fluid in the genderlessness if you will. Pronouns? Sure, have fun with those
— Aroace, not one ounce of allosexuality and very much on that aro spectrum. They’re not sure what kind of love they feel for their angel but they do know it’s limitless and all-powerful
— Gay, gay gay homosexual gay. He’s gayer than the fucking moon*. He’s so gay he’s a lesbian.
— Genderless, they haven’t even learnt what it is yet, give them a break and a raise
— Ace, because again, sexual attraction? What’s that?
— Neurodivergent, I’m not enough of an expert to say how exactly but they’re not 100% neurotypical for sure
— Non binary, it’s canon, what more can I say?
— Pansexual, really they’ll take anyone who gets them
— Genderless, sure he’s aware of the concept of gender, but it’s too low for him to partake in it
— Don’t know, don’t care. Beelzebub.
— Woman, as far as she’s concerned it doesn’t matter much though
— Bisexual, she’s just got that energy you know?
— Woman, cause she can be gay for women
— Gay, cause she can be a woman for women
Elspeth and wee Morag
— They were friends in a historical way right?
Btw these are all based on vibes
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meteor752 · 1 year
I just watched episode four and five
I have thoughts
Episode 4
Izzy being drunk and mad at a wooden unicorn for a whole ass episode is an entire mood actually
He’s the unicorn <3
The crew is working through their divorce trauma, love to see it
Roach is an absolute sweetie
Aw Bunny!
Aww, we love to see some healthy lesbians <3
No they’re a little bit fucked up actually
“I love your chin” aight love
Very happy to see Ed and Stede actually talking about what happened and their feelings about it
Also love that Ed, despite clearly loving Stede, is not ready to say it back yet, not just because of what happened but also because of his own past and issues
Also Buttons is amazing
Please don’t hook up with Olivia though she’s a fresh widow okay she’s going through things
Episode five
Love that Roach fully believes that they just straight up killed Buttons, because honestly what would you think
How often are they gonna clean that spot on the ship?
Love to see a healthy polycule with Archie Jim and Olu. I’m now fully represented in this show
OFMD inventing things part 48: Peanut Butter
Stede looks very snazzy and I expect a lot of cosplays to come from this episode
Izzy and Stede friendship, love to see it
Did they ever get Frenchie something for his allergies? Or is my mans just gon die
Lucius addressing his trauma and Ed trying to help him through it, love to see it
Lucius and Pete development
Edward neurodivergent confirmed? I mean we all knew
So is Wee John gonna have anything to do or is he just gonna stand around because I don’t even remember him being in this episode
There’s no words to be said about the last five minutes
Also loving that they want to take their time with it, not rush in, because let’s be real they haven’t known each other for that long
Kevin? Really?
This show is everything to me
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At Home With Ourselves: Tee's Home
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At Home With Ourselves is an interview series in which we profile lesbian homes. From van life to the suburbs, from self-built cabins to studio apartments, from collective houses to the things that make you feel at home wherever you may find yourself. Wherever and however lesbians live, we want to know about it.
Welcome to our first profile! We are happy to introduce Tee, who wanted to share her home-away-from-home.
Devorah: Hi Tee, thanks for inviting us over! Tell us about your place.
Tee: An important home for me is the one I create when I’m camping, preferably with other lesbians. This can occur in pretty much any place, though setting up on women’s land can make it extra special. The home space I create includes my tent and sometimes a screen house/storm shelter. When I’m sharing the space with other women, I often include decorations to jazz it up a bit and define our space.
Devorah: As someone who has had the benefit of being your neighbor, you definitely make it special! Your decor is beautiful, the screen house is a perfect hangout spot, and your solar pathlights have guided me home many times! How long have you lived here, so to speak?
Tee: My love of nature and camping was inherited from, and nurtured by, my mother. I’ve been doing it since I was a wee girl. In that time my outdoors home has evolved from a tiny canvas pup tent with two wooden poles, no zippers, and no netting (i.e., no way to keep from getting soaking wet and covered in bug bites) to a veritable palace that has enabled me to weather many a storm in comfort.
Continue reading on LesbiansOverEverything.Com
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 11 months
You know, when I first started this show, my best friend expected me to be into Rose.
After season 1 I knew I had the biggest crush on Dorothy.
Now that I’m in the middle of season 5, the truth has been revealed to me: I’m down bad for Rose, Blanche and Dorothy.
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heymacy · 7 months
saturday night picrew on a sunday morning ✨
i was tagged by @mybrainismelted, @juliakayyy, & @energievie to do this sweet little picrew!
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[clare devlin voice] i'm the wee lesbian
i’m tagging @gardenerian, @palepinkgoat, @deedala, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @too-schoolforcool, @darlingian, @tanktopgallavich, @michellemisfit, @callivich, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @metalheadmickey, @whatwouldmickeydo, @howlinchickhowl, @gallawitchxx, @thisdivorce, @arrowflier, @crossmydna, @suzy-queued, @y0itsbri, @sxltburn, @vintagelacerosette, @captainjowl, @7x10mickey, @mmmichyyy, @jrooc, @creepkinginc, & @transmickey 💛
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except4bunnies · 1 year
@chrisoels tagged me to list 9 of my favourite shows, that was fun – thank you 💛 Here they are in no particular order:
1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer. To me, it’s perfect. I got my handle from it. I watched it with a dedicated group back in the days and alone and still have some merch and some research literature lying around though the poster of the musical episode is gone.
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2. Superstore. It’s funny until it isn’t. Not a weak season and a perfect ending. I’m invested in all the characters. Binged it through the pandemic.
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3. Derry Girls. Pure 90s nostalgia and Sister Michael. And Michelle. And the wee lesbian.
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4. Orange Is The New Black. So many women, so queer right from the start. Didn’t like every season or every development and Piper and Alex are a toxic mess. But still, I’m in love with them.
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5. Mord mit Aussicht. Not where I grew up but a bit like where I grew up. The quirks of rural life.
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6. Popular. Ryan Murphy’s (I think) first endeavor. Before Glee and all. Weird, funny and short-lived. It gave fanfiction the wonderful pairing of Brooke and Sam. (Fun fact: One fan story features a queer bar in a small greek village that I thought was entirely fictional until I danced years later in said village and said bar and recognized the name and the place.)
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7. Golden Girls. I totally credit Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia for some of my skills in maintaining friendships and living together.
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8. Grace and Frankie. Another smart and warm hearted show about friendship and family (and getting older).
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9. Tatort. Because of Tatort Hamburg and Julia Grosz. (And Falke. And me getting back into writing and getting to know lovely folks along the way.)
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