#I’ll answer questions there
phightingscreenshots · 5 months
Ok so
Screenshots can now be submitted!! However, I will only use the ones with the characters and chat bubbles in them for now ^_^
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rozenphox · 6 months
oh absolutely, anon ❤️
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boinky-doinky · 8 months
can you please draw the Winnie the Pooh meeting Alex Kralie
Thank you
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Alex Kralie meeting Winnie the Pooh
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So I’ve updated my Patreon
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
Okay but genuinely what happened to all the chthonic residents when the house was attacked? The dialogue briefly mentions that the shades fled so I’m assuming sisyphus, eurydice, orpheus, achilles, patroclus etc. are fine (also they’re already dead so they can’t exactly die twice) but like… what about dusa?! Is she okay??? Are the furies okay???? Is nyx alright? Did she flee to chaos’ realm? Where the fuck is thanatos?! CERBERUS???!!! IS CERBERUS OKAY?! SUPERGIANT ANSWER ME!!!!
I swear to god if that fucking titan laid a single hair follicle on that dog I will start killing
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cliopadra · 11 months
Oh my god, I forgot tumblr had an inbox.
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sopuu · 1 year
what do you think lukas would do if he found jesse really injured
(and vice-versa)
hoo boy you shouldn’t have sent this ask /j /lh
(doing vice-versa bc there’s not enough of it)
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the sky was dark that night
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androids-insides · 8 months
Sometimes it’s a blessing…
but it’s usually not…
I’ve made a sort of Stanley Parable branch story (again) which I created while doodling this. I don’t think I have the attention span to make another comic, but I like it enough to impulsively show it to you. As of now, it has no name. I have ideas, but alas.
Name Ideas:
Revenge of The Computer Virus
Curse of The Lawsuit
Story of Paperwork
Now with Printer Jam
Beyond Sequel
(Yes, these are the Sequel Title prompts. I thought it would be funny…)
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The idea is that Stanley befriends one of the computers, which talks to him instead of The Narrator (The Narrator is not pleased by this). There’s all this mess with him and The Curator on what it even is and what they should do about it, before it starts saying really weird stuff.
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Eventually, it tells Stanley to do something weird with the game files, which he doesn’t understand, but after an argument with The Narrator, something changes and it is released from the computer. Yes, it is The Timekeeper.
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It finds Stanley, offers him a new story, and puts The Narrator where they were in the computer land or whatever. Stanley just wants to leave mostly, and doesn’t understand why he has to stay, really. They give him infinite stories, but slowly start to take away the choice, before he goes to look for The Narrator or The Curator or Mariella or someone, only to find that they’re all gone.
He sees The Narrator in one of the computer monitors and gets him out somehow. Finds The Curator and Mariella and The Timekeeper realises what is being done and puts them all there just for funsies, continuing the story on their own.
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Blah blah blah, eventually we figure out that The Timekeeper is a previous version of Stanley who went a little power hungry and took over the game, but The Narrator still forgot about it entirely, somehow. They get really close to winning, they see what happens when “the wheel stops turning,” they win probably, clever fourth wall break with the reader, End Story.
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I honestly just really like the character designs. I definitely can’t use this as its own film without all the rights, so for now? It’s just dust. Do with it what you will.
ALSO!! Forgot to mention: this is also in the same universe!! My bad, pals 🪄
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wrathofrats · 5 days
Wrath I humbly ask you go into insane detail about your characterization for Alpha
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Welcome to wrath’s in depth guide to alpha ghoul and his story as I currently believe it to be and usually write it. Subject to change during random fics for my convenience or if I decide differently in the future but this is currently how the story goes
Including omega, delta and pebble details because I find it important to the story.
Idk how long this is going to be, probably very. I apologize in advance.
Alpha was summoned alongside omega. Two ghouls bonded from the start. Alpha to be a guard and omega to book keep and run the infirmary when they weren’t busy with the band. Primo found them to be sweet, good company while he summoned water earth and air to complete the band. Omega and alpha didn’t talk much to them at first, at least alpha didn’t. Omega was friendly, welcomed them with open arms. But alpha was stoic, and only kept to omega most of the time. He was meant to be menacing, not to mess around.
He was in love with omega. Time spent in practice close to his side, and outside of guarding primo he would sit in the library while omega made records of new and old important information about ghouls that the ministry could use. Helping him find the books he needed or sneaking kisses behind the shelves, they were borderline disgusting in their behavior, but primo and the other ghouls found it endearing, so no one mentioned it.
When secondo was sworn in he promised heavy changes to the ministry. The band hadn’t taken off like he wanted it to. Primo was soft, didn’t have the backbone needed for the job. Secondo though had the heavy hand to make them great.
Alpha was to stay by his side at all times. Almost no break from being his ghoul. By his side at the pulpit, outside his door, he was summoned for the purpose of protecting his papa. Omega stayed doing the jobs he was assigned, only seeing alpha when with secondo or late in the middle of the night.
They were forbidden from seeing each other outside of band purposes. It was a distraction, the ghouls shouldn’t be in relationships with each other, they’re religious servants and not much more. Lake and River got away with their relationship because truly secondo didn’t pay much attention to earth, air, and the constant rotation of water ghouls. But alpha and omega? They were distracting to everyone.
They would sneak off in the middle of the night to spend the twilight in each others arms before the sun would inevitably rise and they’d have to sadly walk feet away from each other in order to be at mass on time. Sometimes alpha would fake a cough or a sprained ankle just to feel omegas touch again.
Secondo eventually stepped down and was replaced with Terzo, along with two new summons. Delta, and pebble. Terzo did away with the harsh rules, and alpha and omega could be together once again.
Delta and pebble ended up being more … interesting new summons. Delta didn’t like to be touched or talked to much, mostly sticking around pebble. While pebble was loud and rebellious, much to omega and terzos dismay as he wreaked havoc around the ministry with delta in tow.
Omega wanted to retire, it was all becoming too much, and now that he had alpha back he wanted to spend all the time he could with him.
Delta was wrong, like any other water ghoul was. Something off about his demeanor that made omega sick to his stomach to witness. He would go feral, it was only a matter of time.
Delta begged, pleaded with omega to change his element, even though omega constantly denied him because it was too dangerous. Delta didn’t care, he didn’t want to succumb to the fate of the others. He stole books and whatever he could find from the library, and locked himself away to do it himself
The transition worked, but only barely. His eyes went dark, his personality changing, the quintessence eating away at him, killing him from the inside. Omega tried every spell he could to help, but all of the fixes never lasted more than a day.
Pebble blamed him, omega could’ve stopped delta. He could’ve just given him what he wanted instead of watching him do it himself because he knew he would fuck it up, pebble was convinced omega could’ve saved him if he tried. Hell, delta was omegas replacement. If omega just decided to keep performing they wouldn’t be in this mess.
Omega went to Terzo for help, begging for whatever forgiveness he could. Day after day not sleeping in his bed with alpha, going back to Terzo to be comforted. It wasn’t a problem at first, alpha understood why omega was upset. But the bed no longer smelled like him, his clothes were halved because he kept taking them to where Terzo stayed. It hurt, that was his mate, and now he’s found someone else?
Alpha would use pebble to fill in the gap, at least sexually. Pebble was easy, and a shithead, someone he could take his frustrations out on and he would continue to ask for more. It didn’t fill the hole in his heart, he never felt better afterwards either. But it was physical touch, he could feel needed for the hour and that’s what he really was after.
Pebble told him to leave omega, he didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Omega killed delta, and was now abandoning alpha? It wasn’t fair. How could he make all the mistakes just for the consequences to come down on everyone else. He told him to go to earth, hell even air. Anyone else, leave omega in the dust.
But alpha didn’t. He sat, and waited for his mate to return to him.
Ivy was summoned along with a plethora of new ghouls, including one to replace alpha as he had decided to retire.
Pebble found solace and love in Ivy, now spending all his time with him instead of alpha. And omega never came home. He was left alone to talk to mist sometimes and watch pebble and ivy fawn over each other while his room became his once again instead of sharing it.
Terzo is killed. Taken and beheaded in front of his band. News spread to the ministry before the clock struck midnight.
Omega was distraught. Destroyed what he could get his hands on in the chapel while alpha stood and watched, let him take out his emotions in whatever way he could. Omega returned to alphas room, night’s that weren’t spent at Terzo grave instead spent in alphas arms while he let him. He never mentioned the past. He never held it against him that he left. He was back. And that’s what mattered.
And omega would eventually heal, he would spend more and more time telling alpha he loves him instead of saying how much he missed Terzo, and with every I love you alpha forgot more and more of how they had gotten to this point. It didn’t matter anymore, he had omega back.
That’s how they stayed. The ministry’s resident old married couple. Often flirting with their arms wrapped around each other in the common rooms or making inappropriate comments just to hear the newer ghouls whine in disgust. They were cute, in love, and only those who had been there really knew what happened.
Alphas an old grandpa who shows he cares for his fellow ghouls with food and remembering their favorite colors and animals, and carrying them to bed when they fall asleep in weird places, but can’t voice his own feelings with words.
I hope this helped! Sorry for the … very very long ramble
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dryingpanzer · 2 months
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This canonically happens in the ninth game, right?
This is another drawing idea I have which I might do some day
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twentysidednerd · 7 months
i have finally finished gideon the ninth
i am. in shambles.
i am just… i am so sad and so very happy i read this and so very excited to read the sequel
i will admit, i did not block any tags on here so i already knew how some of the book would go and i’m still so very sad
now onto harrow the ninth lmaooo
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lulu2992 · 24 days
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In exactly two years in the timeline of “that fic I’ll never write”, on August 29th, 2026, Taylor and John will welcome their first child, a daughter named Eleanor Hope Seed.
I picked this middle name because it felt right (I doubt I’m the only one who’s had this idea for a Seed baby and/or Far Cry 5 OC) and her first name was inspired by Eleanor Lamb from BioShock 2, the character who awakened my parental instincts.
Between 2026 and 2035, the couple will have a total of four children. In fact, until very recently (about a month and a half ago), I would have said three, but I decided to also include a last son, originally from a sort of New Dawn AU I had. It suddenly made me very sad that he didn’t exist in the “main” timeline, so I fixed that :)
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*Literally less than 1 second later*
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🤨 📸 
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rallentando1011 · 26 days
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hehe, guess who’s trying out a new marker set and is developing a new strain of obsession over a show they’ve already hyperfixated on for years?
bet you’ll never guess who… anyway here’s my version of me possessed as Bill n a couple billford sketches from class ;P
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sirazaroff · 8 months
How do you think Velvet flirts with Coco?
This is one of the funniest asks I ever got and im glad cause this is just gold. Like how does the Bun™️ woo her stupid bozo??

I have my biased takes on what Coco and Velvet are like as characters, but to start off I wanna focus on what Vel brings to the table.

I think a lot of people have moe’d her down to a nervous/scaredy bunny girl and…that’s not her at all. She’s a real multilayered character who can and will kick your ass flat. She’s also…
- very very attentive to people
- excellent at memorizing things she sees and hears, and quickly at that
- very emotionally in tune with people, herself included
- insanely kind and helpful
- honest about her feelings and will voice her thoughts when ready
Also she’s a bunny like come on. Is baby. It’s impossible to not find her likable.
I can go on forever, but I think these are enough likable traits to work with.

Time to shift. Now we focus on what I think Coco likes in a person:
- Hot girls
- Complexity
- Someone true to their nature
- Some sense of honor
- Someone striving to learn and to better themselves
Hopefully it’s not lost here, but there’s some compatibility don’t you think? Velvet’s got some of those traits that Coco likes.

So where’s the flirting? It’s coming I swear, I just needed the background info to help support the answers.
Bun bun flirts two ways: intentionally and unintentionally. The latter is usually what’s happening most often.

Her intentional flirting is what you would expect. Some cheeky words, being a playful tease in her actions like when she flashed her camera in After the Fall. I think she would 1000% take advantage of her physique and incredibly vast skillsets. She is totally totally showing off during training and sparring. Coco might hide her gaze under her glasses but that dumb bitch is so easy. So so easy…
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Now her unintentional flirting is basically that Velvet is just doing her thing. She’s comfortable and loved by her team. With them she’s able to be herself and have fun, and that’s what coco loves most. Seeing Velvet thrive and not feel like she has to hide herself away from the world, and with it comes moments and actions that make Coco, much to her surprise, fall for Velvet.
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I guess simply put, Velvet flirts by being her cheeky self around Coco, and her leader falls for her every time.
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Here’s y’all’s food— eat up
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