#I’d prefer to just vanish off the face of the planet or if anything just start over and be done with masking
yoongjoong · 1 year
.. hmm
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medusas-musings · 1 year
A Sticky Note (Tangerine x GN!Reader)
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Summary: After a year and a half of Tangerine disappearing from your life, he invites you out for dinner. Angsty overtones with a tiny hint of NSFW at the end.
(A/N: This is my first Tangerine fanfiction ever, which is special to me because he’s what inspired me after my 5 year writing hiatus.) Shoutout to our collective pookie bear 🍊🧡
Downing the rest of my first glass of wine, I opened my phone again. It was about 5 minutes since Tangerine said to meet him at our old favorite restaurant: a chain Mexican restaurant around town that had cheap booze and the best street tacos around. It was obviously crowded (as any other place to eat on a friday night would be) but that’s what he’d always preferred. Any way he could blend in with a crowd and not draw attention to himself he took it. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was already here, spying on me. 
A figure approaches the table and I already knew from the pure energy of sarcasm and intimidation it created that it was him. “‘Hey Darlin, love the hair.” He said smoothly, motioning to my hair and sitting across from me. He picked up the menu nonchalantly and I could already feel my blood rising just how it used to with him around.
“You leave me a note to dump me, ghost me for a whole year and a half, and all you can say is…love the hair?” I question him, a  storm in my eyes and lightning striking in my voice. Tangerine remained unphased as he put his menu down, glancing at me as if I was the asshole.
“Love the way you looked when you practically chugged that wine?” he tries again, this time with a mocking smile on his face. God did he know every single button to push tonight, it’s as if he had never left me in the first place. While I usually wouldn’t enjoy some asshole saying this to me, there was something about Tange that made anything to say to me sound so much more slicker and polite from his lips. “I’m sorry, Love, you know I could never handle this sorta thing.” A smile forms on his face, but I can’t make it out if it was out of narcissism over his own charm or if he truly was in hell, finally having to confront the mess he made out of me.
“Why are you here anyway? Last time I checked you moved God knows where and wiped off the planet. Do you know how much I cried about you?” I bit my tongue to stop myself from causing a scene. I couldn’t help but feel old scars opening. I took in a deep breath to stop my eyes from watering; I’ve already confessed how much control he had over me, I can’t let him think he still has any. 
“Love, I’m sorry. But with a job like mine, it was always a possibility that I would have to vanish on ya.”
“I knew you would maybe have to eventually leave me because of all that, but Jesus, a sticky note? That’s fucked.” I hiss as I lean forward, trying to keep the argument between us. It felt painful to scold him here, it’s where we always went after we resolved a fight. There would be so much lust in his eyes from across the table back then. As I look at him, there’s more of a coldness to them towards me, but there’s moments where it slips and I can see that same look again. “You didn’t answer my question.” I add because I know he won’t say anything about it.
“I was in town, thought I’d take a visit down memory lane.” He says in a casual manner, as if we were simply classmates in college that shared notes and not someone who kept a toothbrush and fresh underwear at my apartment. The morning he left, even those weren’t there anymore. I had nothing in my life to tangibly show someone that Tangerine was my boyfriend at some point. 
I get up from the table and start digging cash out of my wallet. “If you’re gonna act like this I don’t want to see you.” Before I could put the five dollar bill onto the table, he grabbed my wrist with just enough force for me to not break away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Doll, I’m fucking flounderin’ here. I’ve been thinking forever on what I’d say to you, but I always drew a blank. Can you give me a break, for once?” I look into his eyes, an unfamiliar note of sincerity in them. It was so out of character that it caused me to stay and let him try again. “It was a shit thing to do, Love. I should’ve told you in person, I handled the situation like a boy and not a man.”
I raised an eyebrow and a small smile started to make its way onto my lips. “There’s no way you just thought of that little speech.”
Tangerine smiles at me, letting out a sn exhale of humor. “That's about all I had.” He says, using his hand to smooth out his mustache, something I knew was a rare tell of him being nervous. “How have you been?” He asks, his accent sounding like a song that used to be stuck in my head.
“It’s nothing new, Diesel’s doing good. She misses you.” I say before opening a picture of the gray cat Tangerine and I picked out together. Lemon had convinced me to name her Diesel because “she looks like one” and he ended up convincing me (after all, she is a bit of an asshole) Tangerine purses his lips as he hears the name of the cat who used to cuddle into his lap as he read. I was surprised he didn’t take her with him.
“I miss you…” He says as he looks into my eyes with a warm smile. Ironically it was at the same time my frozen strawberry margarita arrived at the table, the news making me immediately take a sip from the drink.
“Are…are you fucking with me?” I ask, even though I’ve made my mind up about his answer. “What are you? Is this like a thing you do?” I cross my arms and raise my shoulders in a defensive position. His stance was a lot less confident and he hurriedly sat up going into damage mode.
“Hey Hey, I’m sorry. I really am. The biggest thing I regret is that stupid fucking sticky note.” His tone gets more aggressive as he curses his actions. “But…I couldn’t face seeing you sad. And I couldn't face me getting sad.” There’s a pause, he resonates in the confession, as if it might be the first time he confessed it to himself. “I really really fucking liked you, doll. I never wanted to break your heart, honest.” 
I can’t help but just stare at him. The usual smoothing of  the mustache fidget is now paired with a bouncing leg. To an untrained eye, this might look like a man who is just waiting for his food, but to someone who knows Tangerine, this was his equivalent to a nervous breakdown. 
“…so did you decide what you’re getting?” I ask him, picking up the menu again and glancing over to him. His face is puzzled but I shoot him a look, one that signifies I’m allowing him to have a normal dinner with me. It was a lot for him to admit any sort of weakness so I figured I might as reward it.
“Well for now I just want some fuckin booze, it’s been so long since I had the shittiest vodka ever, I miss it.” He smiles at me and I laugh at his quip. It was probably a mistake to not grill him for longer. I could’ve made him beg at my feet or give me his wallet at that point if I wanted to. But the more I look at his flawless features, the more his charm works on me, as if it’s some intoxicating aura that takes all your strength to resist. 
It’s probably a shit idea, but I think I’ll let him explain it after dinner. I curse myself knowing that he’ll tell me about it all in between our sheets as we stay up all night with pillow talk, just like we used to.
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midnightshard06 · 3 months
My birthday is upon us, which means it's time for my au crossover fic! It was a blast writing all these guy's interactions. Hope you all enjoy my little self indulgent fic.
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You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Due to the whims of an odd jackal, a group of people who were never meant to meet cross paths. Heroes from the worlds of Chaos Uncontrolled, Bound by Fate, Heart of a Hero, and Lost and Found are all dragged into a brief adventure where they have to work together to get home. They'll stumble a little along the way, but they'll get the hang of it.
Word Count: ~13,000 words
"Well… this could be fun." A black figure cradles a magenta gem in their hands. The creature carefully turned the gem to inspect it. “The Phantom Ruby, what an interesting artifact. But what to do with it…” They tapped the gem as they hummed. Their ears perked up as blue eyes narrowed. “Oh well that could certainly prove interesting, and perhaps the resulting confusion will give me time to figure out just how this works…” They chuckled. “Yes. That’s what I’ll do.” They gripped at what seemed to be a tear in the air. “Time to get to work.” With that they vanished through the tear.
Chaos Uncontrolled (Pre “I’m With You”)
“Why did we have to come to some place this cold? There’s just a bunch of snow and ice everywhere.” Super huffed from within Sonic’s head.
Sonic just rolled his eyes, fond smile on his face. “Hey Holoska’s a pretty… cool place you know?” He barely held back a laugh.
There was dead silence for a moment before Super let out an exaggerated groan. “Don’t.” He said sharply. “Don’t do that.”
“What? Gonna give me the cold shoulder?” Sonic finally let himself laugh as Super groaned even louder. “To actually answer your question though… we’re taking a trip around the world. Holoska just so happened to be part of the world.”
“I guess.” Super mumbled. 
“Plus it’s not like you’re the one dealing with the cold right now.” Sonic gestured to the snow. “You bailed the moment we landed.”
“Look, I can enjoy all this perfectly fine from where I am.” Super hummed. “Plus I’d been in control on the way over. It was only fair that you get control back for a while.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“You’ve just never had to deal with cold before, and you’re being a baby about it.” Sonic ignored Super’s indignant shout. “But it’s fine, because I’m a good friend who’s still gonna show you around.”
“Oh, how nice of you.” Super sounded annoyed now, but it was all in good fun. Sonic could tell there wasn’t any real anger behind it. This sort of back and forth was pretty normal for them after all.
The two slipped into a comfortable back and forth as Sonic pointed out the sights there were to see in Holoska. Super slowly warmed up to the place as they went around, so he’d count that as a win. On top of getting to show Super around it was nice to see some of the locals again. They all greeted him fondly and a few even made jokes about the planet being broken again. Jokes that confused Super, but Sonic assured him he’d explain later. 
As the sun started to set Sonic stretched. “Guess we should head back to meet up with Tails huh?”
“Hmmm guess so.” Super sounded distracted.
“Something up?” Sonic was instantly alert, eyes subtly darting around.
Super was silent for a moment and Sonic thought he might not answer. “Does anything feel… off to you?”
If Sonic focused he could feel… something. He wasn’t sure if it was the same thing Super was feeling but it definitely wasn’t normal. “I think I’m feeling it, yeah.” There didn’t seem to be anything off that he could see, but he knew Super’s senses were usually pretty accurate. “Any idea what it is?” He asked, this time keeping the comment purely mental. It felt safer to continue the conversation that way until they knew what was going on. 
“Not sure.” Super was definitely on edge. “Feels almost like… we’re being watched.”
Sonic cast a subtle glance around the area. “It’s not any of the locals?” He asked, despite not seeing any of them looking back at him.
“No.” Super answered quickly, sounding certain. “It’s definitely not.” Sonic could feel restless energy coming off Super and did his best to keep the other calm.
“Well well.” Sonic snapped his head around at the sound of the unfamiliar male voice. A black jackal, not Infinite though they did seem similar, stared back at him. Sonic had to suck in a deep breath as Super got defensive. “You two will do quite well…” The jackal grinned, showing off sharp teeth.
“This guy’s dangerous.” Super hissed.
“Yeah, figured that.” Sonic answered mentally, eying the all too familiar gem in the jackal’s hand. “So, what are you then?” Sonic turned his full attention to the jackal. “Some… relative of Infinite’s looking for revenge? Didn’t think the guy had anyone who would go as far as somehow finding the Phantom Ruby and then me in the name of revenge.”
“Oh no! You misunderstand my intentions.” The jackal chuckled, it wasn’t a pleasant sound. “I only wish to have a little fun. I have no care for your fallen foe. This-” They held up the Phantom Ruby. “-was simply a serendipitous find. One I intend to make great use of. Enjoy the trip.” Before Sonic could react things flashed red, and then everything went black.
Bound by Fate (Post chap 7)
Sonic took a deep breath as he stretched. Another new day meant another day of tracking down the Gaia Temples. He glanced over at Knuckles who was, predictably, already up. “Morning. Ready to head out?” Sonic grinned 
“Been waiting on you to get up.” Knuckles huffed as he adjusted his hat.
“Glad to know you won’t just leave me behind.” Sonic chuckled as he glanced out at the horizon. It was still pretty early in the morning so it wasn’t like he could have kept Knuckles waiting that long. 
In case you’ve somehow forgotten we’re literally stuck together.” Knuckles came up to his side. “You’re not going anywhere without me, and I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Makes it sound like a chore to spend time with me when you put it like that.” Sonic sighed dramatically.
“Keep acting like this and it will be.” Knuckles crossed his arms. “It’s already bad enough you insist on manhandling me at night.”
“Look who am I to deny anyone werehog cuddles? Tails says they’re some of the best around.” Sonic smirked. “Plus you don’t exactly try that hard to stop me.”
Knuckles pulled his hat down to hide his face. “I do try. You’re just annoyingly stronger than me like that.”
“Oh? Admitting I’m stronger than you? Guess if I didn’t know the world was ending I’d know now.” Sonic put a hand on his chest. “Perhaps we just weren’t fast enough to stop Dark Gaia.”
After a moment of Sonic trying to hold in his laughter, Knuckles righted his hat. “Whatever, mutt. Let’s just get moving.” He narrowed his eyes. “And remember…”
“No dropping you.” Sonic waved off the comment. “I know. I know.” He sighed. “Accidentally drop a guy one time…” Before he could pick Knuckles up though he froze. Knuckles gave him an odd look, but he held up a hand. Something felt… weird. Sonic glanced around. Nothing was out of the ordinary that he could see, but there was a definite feeling of wrongness. It felt… almost a little familiar honestly but he could quite place why. For now though he was on edge, with his fur and quills raised.
“What’s going on?” Knuckles asked quietly, glancing around. Sonic shook his head. He didn’t know. Whatever this was though he was certain it was nothing to do with Dark Gaia. He knew the feeling of something related to the god. This wasn’t it. 
Unfortunately though he wasn’t able to find the source of it before things went red, then black.
Heart of a Hero (Between chap 11 and 12)
“Hey Metal? You ok?” Tails walked up to where Metal was looking out over the edge of Angel Island.
Metal turned to him and shrugged. ‘Just thinking I guess’ He signed.
“There is a lot to think about huh?” Tails hummed. The two were quiet for a while. Metal wished he could feel the wind that gently blew through the area. At least he could vividly imagine it… “Are you… alright?” Tails looked at him with barely hidden concern.
If Metal could frown he would. Honestly he hated worrying any of his friends, but it just seemed to keep happening despite his best efforts. ‘I’m-’ Metal let his hands hang motionless for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. ‘-I will be ok’ He settled on. No point in trying to lie if Tails already knew he was not doing great. ‘Right now I just want to focus on getting those emeralds and maybe stopping Eggman with them’ He nodded.
“Right.” Tails sounded like he wanted to press, but he ultimately didn’t. “Do you think we’ll be able to find them all?”
‘For sure’ Metal nodded, wishing he could give Tails a reassuring smile. He pat the green scarf around his neck. ‘Already got one remember?’
Tails chuckled. “How can I forget? Knuckles trying to keep it away from you was some of the best entertainment I’ve had in a while.” The two lapsed into comfortable silence again. The emerald stashed in Metal’s scarf sent a jolt of chaos energy his way, perhaps in an attempt at reassurance. He appreciated the effort. “I’m just… worried about you.” Tails eventually broke the silence. “I think I speak for Silver, and even Shadow too when I say that.”
‘I know buddy. I know’ Metal signed slowly. ‘Things will work out. Just you wait and see’
“I… believe you.” Tails sounded unsure. “I’m just worried about what we’ll have to go through to get there.” He added, much more quiet. It wasn’t an unreasonable fear to have, especially with Eggman in control of most of the planet, but Metal hated seeing Tails like this. 
As he went to put a reassuring hand on Tails' shoulder he got a sudden alert. On instinct he grabbed Tails and rushed forward. He narrowly managed to save the two of them from falling into an odd tear in the floor. Tails seemed shaken up but his full attention was on the tear. Metal did a quick scan of it. Small traces of chaos energy… but nothing else he recognized. The emerald moved around in his scarf. Maybe it was uneasy? “What is that?” Tails asked as he pulled out the Miles Electric. 
Metal just shook his head. He had no idea what it was. Whatever it was though, it was giving him a lot of warnings. Clearly even his systems thought this was a major threat. While he didn’t love being super reliant on his systems for things like this, he felt inclined to head the warnings this time. “I’m… not sure what I’m looking at here.” Tails briefly glanced at Metal. “Whatever it is though… it’s not natural.” His tails flickted behind him.
‘Agreed’ Metal nodded. As he was trying to figure out what they should do he got another alert before things flashed red and he was shoved forward. Right towards the tear. He just hoped Tails was ok as things went black.
Lost and Found (Pre “Another Step on the Path”)
“Just stick close to me ok?” Sonic held out a hand as he gave Shadow a reassuring smile. “It’ll be fine, promise.”
Shadow looked unsure, tail flicking nervously behind him. His hand started to reach out but he hesitated. That was fine though, for once Sonic was alright with being patient. That’s just how working with Shadow had to be. Something he’d learned the hard way when first trying. He had several past scratches and bites to prove it. That was fine though, Sonic could take those. Plus Shadow had almost always looked… well dare he say scared after he’d realized he’d hurt Sonic. He hated seeing Shadow look like that, especially after finding out what happened to him.  
Finally Shadow nodded, standing up a bit straighter. He didn’t take Sonic’s offered hand but he moved up to his side. That was good enough. Sonic really enjoyed the moments where Shadow’s true personality started to shine through. Those moments only really came when he was comfortable though, and it was hard to get him there sometimes. Now, with Sonic leading them through some of the less busy parts of Station Square, wasn’t exactly one of those times but it was close. Hopefully eventually Shadow would feel comfortable to be himself all the time. Baby steps for now though.
All things considered Shadow did well. Of course he didn’t say anything and was more or less glued to Sonic’s side the whole time, but he seemed mostly calm. It was a big improvement over the first couple times he’d tried to bring Shadow out. Those had been… a bit chaotic but nothing he couldn’t handle. To be fair Sonic had been trying to move things a bit fast. Honestly he’d seriously underestimated how slowly he needed to introduce Shadow to most things. He probably should have listened to Tails a bit more in the beginning, but hey he’d figured it out eventually.
“Alright.” Sonic nodded. “I think that’s enough excitement for today. Let’s head back huh?” He gestured over his shoulder. Shadow silently sighed in relief and Sonic pretended not to notice. “What about a race back?” It hadn’t taken long for Sonic to realize how competitive Shadow could get. Something made all the more fun when he’d found out the other hedgehog could keep up with him in a race.
Shadow’s eyes narrowed, and the start of a confident grin slipped onto his face. That was challenge accepted then. “End point is Tails’ lab.” Sonic let a confident grin of his own slip onto his face. “Three, two, one-” Both of them tensed. “-go!”
The two were off like a shot. Sonic reveled in the feeling of someone being able to challenge him speed wise. Sure there was Metal Sonic, but while those races were fun they more often than not turned into fights. Plus as competitive as Metal was, it was way different when it was strictly friendly.
Sonic was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Shadow dive at him and send both of them crashing into the ground. He was about to say something when he noticed what looked like some sort of tear in the air. If Shadow hadn't stopped them they both would have run right into it. Shadow was up on all fours glaring at the tear with teeth bared. Not a great sign, but Sonic didn't need much information to figure the thing was dangerous. "Guess we're due for a bit more excitement today huh?" Sonic carefully stood up, but stayed where he was.
"Oh so very right!" A black jackal emerged from the tear. 
Sonic immediately knew the guy was bad news, and Shadow was less than pleased based on how he started growling. "Settle down Shadow." Sonic kept his voice calm. "So what's your deal then?" He crossed his arms.
"I'm simply putting together something… interesting." The jackal pulled out something Sonic never thought he'd see again. The Phantom Ruby. "You two just happen to be the final pieces." The ruby glowed in their hands. "Enjoy the trip." Sonic felt Shadow's tail wrap around his leg before he felt himself falling. He could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness as things went red, then black.
Shadow jolted awake. His eyes darted around to find Sonic. Thankfully his tail was still wrapped around the blue hedgehog’s leg. He allowed himself to relax marginally when he saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. Once he was satisfied with Sonic's condition he turned his attention to their surroundings. A sort of sparse wooded area with some rocks strewn about. He froze when he noticed there were others here, some were familiar. Mostly because there were two other Sonics. They looked different, but they were unmistakable.
He shuffled slightly closer to… his Sonic. What was this? This had something to do with that person who had shown up out of nowhere no doubt. Sonic had shown some sort of familiarity so maybe he’d have a better idea of what was going on.
As he tried to subtly rouse Sonic he noticed “Tails” beginning to stir. Although this fox shared many features with the Tails he was familiar with, most notably the two tails, there were plenty of differences that tipped him off it was not the same person. They blinked wearily before they locked eyes with Shadow. “Shadow..?” They asked, clearly confused. Shadow just narrowed his eyes at the imposter. Suddenly the imposter’s eyes were clearer. Their head swiveled around until their eyes landed on the robot next to them. They relaxed marginally, but were clearly still worried.
Thankfully Shadow was spared trying to figure out what was going on alone when Sonic groaned at his side. “Shadow?” Sonic turned to him, his grogginess apparently evaporating at the sight of Shadow. Understandable, he was on edge and Sonic had been getting very good at reading his moods. “What happened?” Sonic was alert, ready to move at a moment’s notice. Good. 
Shadow pinned his ears back and gestured to the only other person that was awake. ‘That is not Tails’ He signed quickly.
Sonic glanced over at the imposter and frowned. Shadow would guess he was cataloging the differences between them and the real Tails. “Sure looks a lot like him… but I think you’re right.” He hummed. “I wonder if this is a book type of situation…” He muttered to himself. Shadow had no idea what that meant. “Well, only one way to find out huh?” Carefully he removed Shadow’s tail from around his leg. “Yo!” He called as he stood up. Shadow reluctantly stood up beside him. He still didn’t like this, but he’d trust Sonic… for now.
Tails jolted at the sudden address and looked over where the call came from. He tried not to outwardly react as he caught sight of the blue hedgehog that had waved at him. It couldn’t be… could it? Had this whole situation just turned out to be a good thing? Whatever this situation even was. He glanced down at Metal. It would be good if the robot was online. If anyone could confirm the hedgehog’s identity it would be him. “Sonic..?” He tentatively asked.
The blue hedgehog didn’t seem too surprised at the name. “That’s the name.” Sonic grinned. “You are?” He tilted his head.
“Oh! Uh Miles… but people just call me Tails.” Tails wrung his hands.
“Tails huh?” Sonic’s expression changed slightly, but Tails couldn’t quite place it. Next to him the hedgehog that looked a lot like Shadow narrowed their eyes more. Something was off.
“Interesting.” Sonic mumbled to himself. “I think I might know what’s going on here.” His expression hardened. “That creep had the Phantom Ruby, so all of this probably isn’t real. The guy thought making copies of me and some of my friends would throw me off. Looks like he at least got a little creative about it though…”
Tails felt panic spike through him. He had no idea what this Phantom Ruby was, but if Sonic didn’t think he was real he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out what the hedgehog would do. If Metal was awake he might feel a bit safer since the robot should be able to match Sonic in terms of power, but as it stood Tails didn’t feel like he stood a chance. Especially if the Shadow look-a-like was anything like the Shadow he knew.
He was pulled from his panic by a hand on his shoulder. A familiar, metallic hand. Metal stared down the duo menacingly. “Metal are you..?” Tails glanced at him.
Metal nodded and shot him a thumbs up with his free hand. “Working with Metal Sonic huh?” Sonic looked between the two of them before giving Tails a disapproving look.
Tails pinned his ears down. “He’s my friend.” He steeled his nerves. “Don’t you dare judge him or me when you don’t know what either of us have been through.” He sounded angry by the end. Wasn’t Sonic supposed to be a hero? Someone who was supposed to help them stop Eggman? 
Sonic’s expression faltered a bit. Maybe Tails could get him to listen after all. That would be better than the fight that was clearly threatening to break out. As he tried to figure out the best way to do that another passed out figure suddenly jolted awake. “I’m up!” The… other blue hedgehog, this one wearing a brown scarf and moon shaped pendant, rose a hand. He blinked as he took in the tense scene. “Huh.”
Behind him someone who looked just like Knuckles got up, holding his head. “What happened..?” He glanced out at the scene as well, brow furrowing. Tails took a deep breath. Just what was going on?
Knuckles frowned in confusion as he took in everything in front of him. Sonic had taken to staring at the others, who looked about ready to fight, in a mix of interest and confusion. “What is this?” Knuckles straightened his back. If a fight was about to break out he wasn’t going to be caught unaware. 
Sonic hummed. “I might have an idea.” He tapped his foot. “I feel like… this is sort of familiar in a way.
“Well? What’s happening then?” Knuckles urged Sonic to explain.
“Just hang back. I’ve got this.” Sonic winked at him as he walked up to be between the others. Knuckles stared in mild disbelief at Sonic’s blatant disregard for his own safety. “Alright why don’t we all just calm down?”
“One of the fake mes is up huh?” The Sonic look-a-like hummed.
Sonic held up a finger as he frowned at the blue hedgehog. “First, rude.” He held up a second finger. “Second, no one here is fake. Probably.”
“Really?” The fox spoke up. “How do you know?”
“Wonderful question buddy.” Sonic cleared his throat. “I’ve… experienced something like this before. I had a nice chill chat with another me. Can’t really remember the conversation but I know it happened.” He crossed his arms. “This could be that, but uh more people.” He shrugged.
“You never told me that.” Knuckles crossed his arms. It was hard to shut Sonic up sometimes, there was no way the hedgehog wouldn’t have shared that with him.
“That's because I didn’t remember it before right now.” Sonic sighed. “I don’t think I was supposed to remember it at all to be honest.”
The other Sonic actually relaxed at that. “You know I guess that’s not too far-fetched. I have met up with my past self a couple times.” He frowned and turned to the fox and robot. “Sorry about threatening you guys. Me and Shadow were attacked before waking up here so I was kinda on edge. That wasn’t cool of me though.” 
“It’s uh… alright.” The fox nodded, relaxing as well. At the fox’s side the robot rose their hands and started to make deliberate motions with them. “Metal says apology accepted… as long as you don’t threaten me again.” The fox rubbed the back of his head.
The other Sonic let out a short chuckle. “I can do that.”
The black hedgehog looked at Metal with interest and started moving their hands as well. The two went back and forth for a bit before Knuckles lost interest in trying to figure out what they were trying to say. “Shouldn’t we be trying to figure out a way back rather than… this?” Knuckles gestured at the group. “Some of us have things we need to get back to.”
“We just had to sort things out first, Knucklehead.” The other Sonic grinned. “We’ll figure this out.”
“We should share any information we have first.” The fox spoke up. “That way we have a better shot at figuring out what happened.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Sonic nodded at the fox in approval.
As the group started to share information Knuckles glanced at the last person who’d yet to wake up. From the looks of it, they were another Sonic. Wonderful. One was already a handful but three? He’d just have to deal with it though. At least until they figured out a way to get back. For now though he should go pay attention to the information the group was sharing. The faster he could get him and Sonic back the better.
Super was not panicking. Thank you. He was just… keeping himself alert in a less than ideal situation. Yeah. “Sonic you better get up right now or I swear to Chaos…” Super growled. There was no response. Which was just great. He could hear things, voices, but couldn’t really make out what they were saying. It was possible that the Holoska locals had found them but… Super found that unlikely. That weird jackal had confronted them before all this and he doubted they would have just left them there.
This all left him with only one thing he really could do. It wouldn’t be good to let Sonic keep being a sitting duck. Not when he could do something about it. He flexed his hands. Even if he was doubtful about his ability to keep himself under control right now. With no resistance he pushed Sonic out of control and took over.
Sounds snapped into sharp focus now that the “body” was awake. Though of course the talking abruptly stopped the moment he moved to get up. Clearly whoever was there had noticed him. He opened his eyes to take in the group, and almost wished he hadn’t. Of all the things he’d been expecting this was not it. Two other Sonics stared back at him; along with Tails, Knuckles, Metal Sonic, and… what looked like Shadow.
Super blinked. The other Sonics blinked back. After several moments of tense silence one of the Sonics, the one with the red scarf, walked forward. “Hey there.” He spoke gently. “You are probably pretty confused, but don’t worry. We’ve worked out we’re all cool. Apparently we’re all from different worlds but we’re working together to figure out how to get us all back.” He smiled.
That seemed… just outlandish enough to not be a lie. Super slowly stood up, willing himself to stay as calm as possible. If this Sonic was telling the truth, attacking them wouldn’t help anything. “We’re trying to figure out how to get back so just come over and join us when you’re ready.” He stayed back as the Sonic rejoined the group and they continued whatever conversation they were having. This was all a lot, but he could handle it. He had to. For now though maybe he should work on waking up Sonic. His Sonic that is. The fact he was still passed out had Super on edge.
As he mentally prodded at Sonic he noticed his vision shift, the edges going red for a moment. His eyes narrowed at what was once a group of somewhat familiar faces. Standing there now was a group of robots and the last person Super wanted to see right now. Eggman. Things slowly clicked into place. Whatever happened must have been Eggman’s fault. That jackal must be working with the doctor.
He growled and Eggman turned to face him. The doctor grinned, and Super could feel chaos energy beginning to spark around his body. The robots all stood at attention, and Metal Sonic moved up to his creator’s side. That was it. No way Super was going to let Eggman make the first move. He sprung forward intending to attack the doctor directly. Maybe if he took out their leader this fight would be over quick.
A couple minutes earlier…
Sonic watched as the other him walked back over to the group. Leaving the now golden furred hedgehog on their own for the time being. “I think they’ll be ok.” The other Sonic said as he rejoined them.
“Good to hear.” Tails smiled. “Will they be coming over soon?”
The other Sonic glanced back. “I’d give them a minute. They seem kind of shaken up.”
“Well for now, back to business!” Sonic clapped his hands together. “First though we need to slow down and figure out what we’re all calling each other. Particularly those of us with the same names.” He pointed to himself with his thumb. “You can call me Fate. I think that’s the name I used the last time this happened.”
“Hmmm I guess you can call me… Blur then.” The newly dubbed Blur shrugged. 
“Kinda boring but it works.” Fate nodded. “We’ll figure out what to call them when they come over.” He gestured to the golden hedgehog, who seemed to be lost in thought. “As for everyone else… I guess just your names are fine since there’s no other repeats!” He gestured to the group. “So just introduce yourselves in case someone doesn’t know a version of you.”
No one spoke up for a bit, that was until Tails stepped forward. “Well uh, like I said before I’m Miles, but just call me Tails.” He smiled before gesturing at the robot that was with him. “And this is Metal Sonic. We usually just call him Metal though.” Metal waved at the group.
When no one else spoke up Fate pushed Knuckles forward. The echidna gave him an annoyed look. “I’m Knuckles.” He said, crossing his arms. Fate nodded in approval.
Blur looked over at the black hedgehog, at least Fate was pretty sure they were a hedgehog, and gestured to the group. He tilted his head in silent question. The black hedgehog sighed before putting a hand on their chest. “Shadow.”
“Now that we’re all acquainted…” Blur looked back at the group after giving Shadow an approving smile. “Do we have any ideas on how we can get back?”
“Based on the limited information we have I’d say our best bet would be to try and find that jackal.” Tails hummed. 
“We need to be careful though since they have the Phantom Ruby.” Blur frowned as he crossed his arms. “That thing can be pretty dangerous as long as that guy knows how to use it.”
“Does it have any weaknesses?” Knuckles asked as he let his arms hang at his sides.
“The thing does need a powersource to function.” Blur perked up. “If we can find that and take it out the thing should be near useless.”
“That’s as good a place as any to start things.” Fate grinned. “Plus if we go poking around for this powersource the guy might show his face to try and stop us.”
Blur snapped his fingers and nodded. “Bingo. If they try to stop us we’ll know we’re getting closer too.”
Metal was suddenly alert, his hands moving in what Fate had recently learned was sign language. Shadow looked concerned as well and glanced back where Metal was looking. Slowly everyone in the group turned to look at what the duo was looking at. Fate suppressed an involuntary shudder as he took in the golden hedgehog. They had energy sparking around their body and a dark look in their odd, spiral eyes. 
His fur was standing up and he fought the urge to give into his fight or flight instincts. This guy might as well have a big, neon sign pointing to them right now that said “DANGER” the way Fate’s instincts were going haywire.
Metal moved up to Blur’s side; the robot looked ready to fight. It occurred then to Fate that he should probably prepare himself too. Blur had been trying in vain to calm down the golden hedgehog with words, so things were probably going to come to a fight. The tension kept building until the golden hedgehog leapt forward. They were fast, but thankfully so was Blur. The other hedgehog barely managed to dodge a quick swipe from the golden hedgehog’s claws.
With that first attack everyone jumped in. Him, Blur, and Metal kept the golden hedgehog’s attention on them by running literal circles around them. Fate would really love to focus on the fact that there wasn’t only one other person who could keep up with him but three; unfortunately he needed to focus on not getting slashed by one of the golden hedgehog’s unpredictable attacks.
“Keep on your toes guys!” Blur leapt out of the way of a sudden dive. “If this guy is super like I think he is then we’re kinda outmatched here. Unless you two have some sort of secret power I don’t know about that can damage someone who’s invulnerable.”
Fate bit his tongue. He nearly blurted out something about the werehog. There really wasn’t a need to bring that up right now. It was good for fighting those Dark Gaia creatures not… this. Plus it wasn’t even nighttime so it didn’t matter anyway. If he could help it, these guys would never have to know about it. “Fraid not.” Fate quickly curled into a ball to avoid another attack before uncurling.
“Worth asking.” Blur shrugged before being pushed out of the way of an attack by Metal. “Thanks dude.” He nodded at Metal. The robot gave him a nod and thumbs up.
The golden hedgehog growled in frustration. “Enough messing around.” His eyes landed on Blur. “I’m going to rip your stupid toys to shreds, and then it’s your turn doctor.”
Blur furrowed his brow for a moment before realization passed over his face. “Shadow!” He suddenly turned to face the black hedgehog who’d been hanging back watching the fight. “That jackal is around here somewhere! I think this guy is under the effects of the ruby!” Without a word Shadow was gone, presumably to look for the jackal.
Unfortunately they’d all failed to notice that during that exchange that the golden hedgehog had been building up energy. “Been practicing this one. Consider yourself lucky you’re the first one I’m properly using it on!” The golden hedgehog snarled.
Metal seemed concerned and Blur’s eyes widened. “Everyone get clear!” Blur rushed back and grabbed Tails with Metal hot on his trail. Fate was only a moment behind them. He snatched up a slightly stunned Knuckles on his way. It wasn’t a moment too soon as there was an explosion of energy behind them. Once Fate stopped his eyes widened as he took in the aftermath. The air was charged with what he could now properly recognize as chaos energy and most of what had been in the radius was gone.
“That was chaos blast.” Blur explained as the golden hedgehog touched down on the slightly charred earth. He was panting slightly and his eyes were squeezed shut. Looks like they might have a couple minutes to breathe. “I’ve never seen anyone but Shadow do that…” He added, quieter.
“No need to explain how dangerous it is.” Fate cringed. That would have been devastating if they’d been caught in that. “So you seem to know what’s going on more than us.” He turned to look at Blur. “Any way to stop him?”
“Well if it works anything like my own transformation outlasting him would work but…” Blur trailed off.
“But?” Knuckles jumped in.
“But he seemed to transform without the emeralds at all. I’m not sure if the rules of my own super form apply to him.” Blur continued, frowning.
“So… chaos energy powers the transformation?” Tails asked, sounding contemplative.
“Yeah.” Blur nodded. 
Tails bit his lip. “If we could somehow drain him of enough chaos energy do you think the transformation would become unstable?
Blur grinned. “Looks like you being the smartest guy in the room is a multiversal constant.”
Tails looked away in embarrassment. “It was a pretty simple deduction. Anyone could have put that together.” Metal gave him what felt like an unimpressed look.
“Don’t put yourself down like that kid. You’re smart. Own it.” Blur pat him on the shoulder. “Plus I feel like you have a plan for doing that.”
“I-” Tails looked back up. “Yeah I do.” He cleared his throat and pointed at Metal. “I think Metal can do it.” Metal tilted his head. “You can run off chaos energy. You’ve been since we found that emerald.” Tails turned to Metal and the robot nodded. “If you’re able to take in chaos energy like that then maybe you can siphon it from him.” He gestured to where the golden hedgehog was still standing. It looked like he had almost recovered from the attack.
“That’s risky if you’re not positive he can do it.” Knuckles grunted.
“We don’t really have time for a safer plan Knux.” Fate gently elbowed him. “I’m all for risky over no plan right now.”
“I wish I had more time to think about it but…” Tails trailed off. Metal got his attention and signed something to him. A small smile made its way onto Tails’ muzzle. “Thanks Metal.” He looked up at the group. “I need everyone but Metal to be the best distraction they can. Really catch his attention. We need him to forget Metal even exists.” He looked at Blur. “I think you’ll have the best chance at keeping his attention on you based on what I noticed watching the fight.”
“He called me doctor.” Blur hummed. “If he’s under the effects of the Phantom Ruby like I think he is, I think he’s seeing me as Eggman. If that’s the case I’m not surprised he’s focused on me more.”
“Use it to your advantage.” Tails nodded. 
“Time’s up everyone.” Fate took a deep breath as he noticed the golden hedgehog’s eyes were open again. “Showtime.”
Fate, Blur, and Knuckles all rushed forward immediately gaining the golden hedgehog’s full attention. “Survived that huh?” Chaos energy crackled around him.
Blur cleared his throat. “That’s right you annoying rodent.” He said in an exaggerated voice. The golden hedgehog’s eye twitched. “Did you really think that would end me?” He rose a brow. “Hardly. You two?” He looked at Fate and Knuckles briefly. “Destroy him!”
Both of them hesitated. Fate realized he should probably listen since Blur was clearly putting on some sort of act. Probably acting more like this Eggman guy to sell the whole thing more. He rushed forward and collided with the golden hedgehog’s chest with a spin dash. He stumbled back but didn’t look hurt in the slightest. He rushed forward with some of the crackling chaos energy gathering in his hand before it was released as some sort of projectile. Fate didn’t have time to react and got hit dead on with it. It stung more than anything he’d felt before as he was flung backwards due to the impact. He hissed in pain as his back collided with the ground.
Well that could have gone better, but he was alive at least. “Still in one piece huh? I can fix that.” The golden hedgehog growled as he walked forward, chaos energy once again starting to collect in his hand.
“Back off!” Knuckles rushed forward and punched him square in the face. “I need that idiot alive!” Fate wasn’t sure if he should be insulted or flattered by that. Either way Knuckles was there to lend him a hand to get up. He took the offered hand without a thought. Before the golden hedgehog could attack again Blur rushed forward with a spin dash of his own, effectively putting all the attention on him. “You ok?” Knuckles asked, watching the fight with mild worry in his eyes.
“Been better, been worse.” Fate groaned as he tried to ignore the sting where the attack had connected. It was fading, but it was slow.
“Chaos energy when wielded properly can be extremely dangerous.” Knuckles glanced at the spot where Fate had been hit.
“I noticed.” Fate stretched. “All the more reason we should get back in there and help him out.” Knuckles grunted in agreement and the two ran in to rejoin the fight. Blur looked a little worse for wear but seemed happy to see the two of them back in the fight.
It was a dangerous game they were playing but at the moment they didn’t have much of a choice. Each time they failed they got a painful reminder why they needed to be on their a game. Thankfully they were saved from the inevitable conclusion of this game by the appearance of Metal. 
The robot rushed apparently unnoticed at the golden hedgehog until he was wrapping his metallic arms around the other. “What the!?” The gold hedgehog shouted in confusion and anger. “Get the hell off me Scrap! Before I make you live up to that nickname!”
Much to Fate’s relief some of the sparking chaos energy around the golden hedgehog started to fade. The golden hedgehog’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He tried to pry Metall off of him, but the robot refused to let go. Even when claws left deep scrapes in his arms. Fate had to pin his ears against his head to block out the sound of those claws screeching against metal.
Finally though it all stopped as the golden hedgehog collapsed to his knees, suddenly looking tired. He squinted at the group in front of him, a confused look on his face before gold gave way to blue. In front of them was now a very tired looking Sonic, no longer in super form. Metal let go and inspected the damage to his arms. Tails came rushing out of whatever hiding spot he’d been in to run to Metal’s side.
“You good now?” Blur cautiously walked forward.
Sonic frowned. “I… think? What’s going on? Last thing I remember I was in Holoska when this jackal showed up.” He looked at the three of them again. “And now there’s…”
“Two more versions of you?” Fate smiled. “Yeah it’s been a weird day for all of us.” He walked forward and offered a hand. After a moment Sonic took it.
“Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a truck.” Sonic rubbed his face.
“Actually you got hit by Knuckles.” Fate gestured over his shoulder at the echidna. “Plus a few spin dashes.”
“Sounds about right.” Sonic sighed.
“So, weird super form?” Blur asked.
Sonic tilted his head in confusion. “Weird super form..? Oh!” His eyes widened. “You mean Super!” He felt his chest, looking down for a moment. After several oddly quiet seconds he sighed, a small concerned frown on his face. “Super is… uh another person.”
“You both share the same body?” Tails asked, an interested look in his eyes.
“Yeah, exactly.” Sonic nodded, faltering slightly as his eyes landed on the fox. 
Before any further questions could be asked Shadow reappeared at Blur’s side. “There.” He pointed.
Where Shadow was pointing there was a rock, but more importantly there was a mostly black jackal that sat on the rock. There was an amused look on their face and a magenta gem of some sort in their hands. “How very amusing.” They purred. “You’re all quite clever hm?”
“You’re the one that sent us here right?” Blur stepped forward. “Why?”
The jackal perked up. “As I told you before. I was putting together something interesting.” They gestured to the group. “And interesting it has been so far. I was disappointed at first when you were able to diffuse things.” They pointed to Fate. “But I was given another wonderful opportunity in him being left unattended.” They gestured to Sonic.
“What did you do to Super?” Sonic narrowed his eyes and stepped forward with a couple unsteady steps.
“Simply nudged him over the edge where he was already teetering.” The jackal smiled widely. “Don’t worry about him. The others managed to take care of him before he could do too much damage.” They stood up. “Enough of that now though. That game is over. It’s time for something new.” They glanced up at the sky. “Ah what good timing. Night approaches. Have fun.” A tear in the air opened up behind them and they disappeared through it.
Fate sucked in a breath. Almost night already? He hadn’t even noticed with everything that had been going on. Knuckles looked over at him and the two locked eyes. This might be about to get rough.
Metal sat patiently as he let Tails repair his arms as best he could at the moment. Now that things had temporarily settled down there was time for it to sink in just how crazy this whole situation was. He already had enough to worry about between his own issues and trying to take down Eggman. Something like this was the last thing he needed. Things were made worse by the fact that there were three separate Sonics there. None of which were even the one they were trying to find. It was frustrating that the first time they’d find Sonic it wasn’t even their own. The emerald in his scarf sent him a consoling jolt of energy; he mentally thanked it.
“We need to figure out what they were implying when they pointed out that night was coming.” Blur paced back and forth.
“You think he’s planning on making another move then?” Sonic spoke up. The group had decided to just call the third Sonic by his name after everything that happened with Super, or as he’d explained it the whole other person who shared a body with him. Metal honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about that information, but Sonic had assured them that Super was typically not like that.
“I’d say so.” Blur nodded.
“They might target one of us again.” Tails looked up from his work. “I feel like if they wanted to fight us head on they would have done it during the whole fight with Super.”
“The ruby is strong…” Sonic hummed. “But if they don’t know how to use it too well they might not be confident in fighting us head on. Infinite had time to learn to use the ruby and Eggman to guide him. As far as we know this guy hasn’t had it long and no one’s taught him how to use it.”
“If we can corner them then we might be able to get the advantage.” Blur hummed, pausing in his pacing.
“We need to find the powersource.” Shadow spoke up. It was quiet and sort of tentative but it was there.
Blur nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Disabling the ruby should be our top priority. Gaia forbid they learn how to use it properly before we can do that.”
Metal’s attention drifted to the only ones, besides himself, that hadn’t contributed to the conversation yet. Fate and Knuckles. The hedgehog looked nervous, subtly glancing at the sky as he tapped his foot at high speeds. Meanwhile Knuckles was harder to read, but he seemed tense. Those two knew something, and for whatever reason they weren’t saying anything. Unfortunately Metal couldn’t say anything right now either thanks to his arms being worked on. Hopefully someone else would notice.
“We should go looking for it then rather than sitting around here then.” Sonic hummed. “If we stay here we’re just playing into their plans.”
“As long as everyone’s up for it.” Blur nodded. “How’s everyone feeling?” He cast a glance around the group.
“Oh, good good. Just fine.” Fate chuckled nervously. “Feeling… great.” Knuckles put his head in his hands and groaned as Fate put his hands behind his head, trying and failing to act casual.
“Are you… ok?” Tails looked up at him, concerned frown on his face.
“Yeah! Heh. Like I said just fine.” Fate did not look in him in the eyes.
“Do you really think you can lie like that… to two of yourself?” Sonic gestured between himself and Blur. 
Fate looked anywhere but at them. “Iiiiii have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Look we all wanna help each other here.” Blur took a step forward. “That means just for a little bit we need to tell each other stuff.”
Metal watched as Fate glanced around nervously before looking up at the sky. The moon was just starting to rise. “Ah yes. Totally. I’ll just… tell you… now…” His eyes darted around before he bolted.
Everyone stood there in mildly shocked silence. Well everyone except Knuckles, who was just glaring in the direction Fate had left in. “I’ll go get him.” He sighed and walked off.
“So I guess we’re waiting then?” Sonic glanced back at the group.
“Guess so.” Blur looked concerned. “I wanna help but I don’t know what his deal was. There’s too much of a risk of just making things worse.”
“Huh.” Sonic hummed. “That’s pretty mature of you. I probably would have gone and tried anyway if Knuckles hadn’t.”
“Benefit of age I guess.” Blur shrugged.
“Wait…” Sonic looked him over. “How old are you? I thought you’d be the same age as me and him.”
Blur smiled knowingly. “Older than you.”
“That’s not a number.” Sonic pointed at him, frowning.
“Sure isn’t.” Blur chuckled.
The two stared at each other for a moment before Sonic shrugged. “Fair enough.”
Metal mentally sighed. Well guess all there was to do was wait. With any luck Knuckles would be able to bring Fate back before that jackal made their next move.
Once Fate felt like he was far enough away he braced himself for his transformation. As it happened every night dark energy enveloped him before receding away, leaving him in his werehog form. He sighed. Running off probably wasn’t his best move, there were plenty of people who could actually keep up with him around, but he just didn’t wanna risk it.
He took a couple deep breaths to calm himself down. Realistically he wouldn’t be able to avoid them all night, so he really should just head back and rip off the bandaid. Yet he still hesitated. “Ok Sonic.” Fate took another deep breath. “You just need to go back and explain to them why you ran off. Two of them are literally you, they should understand.”
He started to pace, but stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps. Tensing he prepared to… well he wasn’t sure what but he was prepared to do something. He relaxed though as Knuckles came into view. “So you really thought just running off would solve the problem?” The echidna crossed his arms and gave Fate an unimpressed look.
“I… panicked.” Fate sighed. “Running was the first thing I thought of.”
“Well get it together.” Knuckles huffed. “We need to get back there and explain before something happens.”
“Yeah.” Fate nodded. “Yeah you’re right.” Knuckles grunted in agreement before walking back the way he came. After a moment Fate followed him. It was a quiet walk but honestly he’d expected that. It gave him time to figure out how he was going to explain. Once the others were in sight it really sunk in. This would be the first time he’d chosen to explain it to someone. With Tails and Knuckles he’d been forced to explain due to circumstance. He let his eyes wander in an attempt to distract himself from that thought. He stopped dead in his tracks though as he spotted a familiar sight. “Knuckles!” He whisper yelled.
The echidna stopped as well and turned around, quickly following Fate’s line of sight. “Dark Gaia creatures here? How?” Knuckles growled.
“No idea…” Fate growled as the monsters moved closer. “I couldn’t even feel that they were here. That’s never happened before.” He flexed his claws. “Go back and warn the others. I’ll hold them off.”
Knuckles looked reluctant to leave Fate on his own but eventually gave in. “Don’t you dare die on me while I have my eyes off you!”
“And disappoint you? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Fate chuckled. As Knuckles ran off to the others, Fate turned his full attention to the Dark Gaia creatures. “Well looks like it’s your unlucky day.” He smirked. “I just so happen to be just the guy made to pound you into the ground.” He slid into a fighting stance as they continued to approach. “Let’s dance.”
“We have a problem!” Knuckles ran towards the group, skidding to a stop.
Sonic was immediately alert. Even Super perked up in mild alarm despite still being groggy from before. “What happened?” Sonic was at Knuckles’ side quickly, checking him for any injuries or anything else.
“Not much time to explain, but there are monsters.” Knuckles pointed back in the direction he’d come from. “You all probably won’t be able to hurt them but me and So-” He shook his head. “-Fate can. We’ll take care of them. Just stay clear.”
“A little late for that.” Blur gestured to the familiar monsters that were now in line of sight. Shadow’s quills stood up as he narrowed his eyes at the monsters.
“Oh.” Sonic perked up. “Dark Gaia huh? That’s what you two are dealing with at the moment?” He looked back at Knuckles.
The echidna seemed confused but nodded. “Yeah. That’s… how did you know?”
It was Blur that actually answered. “Been there and done that.” He cracked his knuckles as he eyed the approaching monsters. “Did Fate run off because of the whole werehog thing? If so, no need to worry. Been through that all before too.” Shadow gave him an odd look. One that Blur answered by simply shrugging.
“Same here.” Sonic nodded.
“Were… what?” Super asked.
“I’ll tell you later, after we work all this out.” Sonic answered mentally. “For now just rest.”
“Ugh, fine. Just don’t get yourself killed.” Super sighed.
“I’ll try my best not to.” Sonic chuckled.
Metal signed something as he took in the monsters. “Metal says you all have some weird adventures.” Tails translated. “I can’t help but agree with him on that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that.” Blur rolled his shoulders back. “Knuckles you can go tell Fate we won’t judge him. For now we’ll see if we can do anything about these guys.”
Knuckles shook his head. “Alright. Fine. I’ll be back.” He ran back in the direction he’d come from.
“Been a while since I’ve fought these guys.” Sonic pounded a fist into his open palm. “Wonder how different it’ll be fighting them like this.”
“Just be careful everyone.” Tails’ namesakes twitched nervously. “Knuckles did say he wasn’t sure if we could fight them.”
“Only one way to find out.” Sonic dove at the monsters and collided with them using a spin dash. The weaker ones vanished as they were hit. “Well, question answered.”
“And what would have happened if that didn’t work?” Super asked as Sonic dashed back to where the others had started fighting. 
“Eh, I would have figured it out.” Sonic jumped over the swipe of one of the larger ones. “Doesn’t matter now since it worked.”
“I understand why Tails calls you reckless now.” Super scoffed.
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t have done the same thing in this situation.” Sonic pulled Metal out of the way of a monster he didn’t see and got a thankful nod from the robot before he jumped back into the fight.
“The difference there is I’m invulnerable. You’re not.” Super answered. “On your left.” He added, sounding almost bored.
Sonic used a quick homing attack on the flying monster on his left. “Thanks.”
“Someone has to make sure you’re ok since Tails isn’t here.” Super hummed.
“Guess so, but I can take care of myself you know. Kinda literally right now.” Sonic laughed to himself. 
“Just focus, hedgehog.” Super sounded unamused.
“Big guy coming up.” Blur pointed to a larger monster that looked distinct from the others. Knuckles was running in front of it while it gave chase. Shadow and Tails rushed forward; Tails grabbing Knuckles and pulling him out of harm’s way and Shadow colliding with the monster chasing him.
“The hell are you doing!?” Knuckles glared at Tails once the fox put him down.
Tails shrunk in on himself. “I was… saving you?” He sounded unsure.
“From what?” Knuckles’ voice sounded strained.
“From big ugly over there.” Sonic ran over and gestured to the monster Shadow was now engaging.
Knuckles looked over there, brow furrowed. “What..?” His eyes widened. “Oh for the love of… not again.” He looked back at Sonic and Tails. “That’s not one of them! That’s Sonic! My Sonic!”
“Oh.” Was all Sonic could manage. Ok maybe it made a bit more sense as to why Fate ran off. “Oh I need to go stop Shadow from hurting him then. Let the others know while I break that up. It looks like we’re almost wrapped up here anyway.” Without waiting for a response he dashed towards where Shadow and the recently identified Fate were fighting. “Yo Shads! Back off dude he’s not our enemy!” Sonic slid to a stop between the two of them.
Shadow growled at him, like a literal growl which was kinda weird but Sonic didn’t dwell on that. “Move.” Shadow huffed.
“Not gonna happen dude.” Sonic stood his ground. This was more familiar, but this Shadow was clearly different from his own. Maybe he should have sent Blur over here to deal with this. Oh well, too late now. “This is Fate, one of the other people who got stuck here. I know he looks… well really different but Knuckles said it was him and I believe Knuckles.”
Shadow glanced up at Fate, and Fate nervously glanced back. “Fine.” Shadow eventually said. 
Sonic relaxed as the tension dissipated. Yesh what was it with this group and wanting to fight each other? “Maybe something about you just annoys people enough that they want to fight you.” Super proposed innocently.
“You’ve been spending way too much time around Shadow.” Sonic mentally answered as he sighed. Thankfully it looked like things had been finished up. At the very least he couldn’t spot any more of the Dark Gaia creatures around. “Sorry about all that.” He gave Fate an apologetic smile. “We all got kinda caught up in things and just assumed.”
Fate blinked. “It’s uh fine.” He cleared his throat. “You… don’t care though?”
Sonic waved off the concern. “Nah. Had to deal with something similar before so I get how it is.”
“Oh yeah?” Fate smiled, looking relieved. “That’s… good to hear. Not uh that you had to deal with that but…”
“I knew what you meant.” Sonic chuckled. “Now c’mon, we should go head back to the others.” He gestured for Fate and Shadow to follow him. Thankfully after a moment they both did.
Blur waved as they walked over. “Glad to see everyone’s in one piece.”
Metal nodded before signing something. Shadow nodded back at him. “He says that we probably shouldn’t stick around here and wait for the next thing to happen.” Tails translated. “We need to hunt down the power source. I know we’re probably all tired but…”
Fate waved it off. “I’m used to working on little to no sleep. Plus I’m still feeling energized.”
Knuckles hummed. “Usually after you fight those things you get tired. How are you still ok?”
“I’m… not sure.” Fate tilted his head, narrowing his eyes in thought. “It’s… possible those guys weren’t even real. I didn’t feel them before they showed up like I usually do.”
“And everyone was able to fight them.” Knuckles added, frowning in thought.
“Might have been the ruby then.” Blur suggested. “It could have easily been used to do something like that.”
“All the more reason for us to hunt down the powersource.” Tails sounded more confident.
“I’d be willing to bet that guy is using some sort of chaos energy to power the ruby.” Blur put a hand on his chin. “It takes a lot of energy to keep the ruby at full power and that would be the most effective powersource around.”
“If it’s chaos energy…” Fate spoke up. “Knuckles probably can help.” He put a lange hand on the echidna’s head. “He can sense it. Been using that to help us find the Gaia Temples.”
“Shadow can help too.” Blur smiled and pointed a thumb in Shadow’s direction. “He’s real sensitive to it.”
“And if that isn’t enough.” Tails spoke up. “Metal can help too.”
“Well, looks like this shouldn’t be a problem then.” Blur nodded. “Let’s show this guy that he messed with the wrong people.”
It was an oddly calm walk. Maybe it was due to the general tiredness of the group or maybe it was because everyone was slowly getting more comfortable with each other. Blur honestly wasn’t sure, but it was nice. Sure they hadn’t been here long, but a lot had already happened. They all needed the break. Shadow was sticking close to his side, but that was to be expected. This was a lot for him and Blur really had no way to ease him into something like this. He was doing pretty well, at least outwardly. “How are you holding up Shadow?”
The black hedgehog glanced at him before raising his hands. ‘This is all overwhelming’ He admitted.
“Yeah, I figured.” Blur sighed. “Sorry you got dragged into this mess.”
‘This was not your fault’ Shadow reassured him. ‘Having you here has made this tolerable’
“Happy to hear I’ve helped.” Sonic hesitantly put a hand on Shadow’s shoulder. “You gonna be ok to last a little longer?”
‘I do not have much choice, but I will be fine’ Shadow sighed. “Thank you.” He added quietly.
The rest of the walk was just as uneventful. The only mildly exciting thing being the occasional disagreement between Knuckles, Metal, and Shadow on which way was the right way to go. Nothing that escalated beyond slightly annoyed voices though. ‘It’s just up ahead’ Metal pointed while Tails translated for those who didn’t understand sign.
Said fox frowned as he caught sight of what Metal was pointing at. It was a machine of some sort, it’s powersource an emerald. The machine itself looked hastily put together. Honestly it was a miracle it worked at all with the way it looked. “I’m surprised this thing hasn’t blown itself up yet…” Tails commented as he pulled out his Miles Electric. “This thing is so unstable I’m not sure how safely I can disable it.” He hummed as he tapped away at the tablet. “I’ll do my best though. It might take me a while.”
“Can’t we just break it?” Fate asked, eying the machine.
“Unless you want to feel what it’s like to get hit by an attack that’s about ten times more powerful than that chaos blast we saw earlier I wouldn’t.” Blur hummed. “When the emeralds are improperly used like this they can get real dangerous.”
“Noted.” Fate nodded as he more cautiously eyed the machine.
‘Guess we’ll just have to hang back and let Tails do his thing’ Metal turned to the group. Since Tails was busy Blur made sure to translate for him.
“Guess so.” Sonic hummed. “Been meaning to ask you something actually Metal.” He pointed at the robot. Metal gestured for him to go ahead. “How’d you end up with Tails and not working with Eggman?”
Metal flexed his fingers before answering. ‘He could never control me. Eventually he left me deactivated somewhere and Tails found me. Fixed me up. In return I stuck with him and joined the resistance to help take down Eggman’
"Solid reasoning." Sonic nodded. "Nice to know it's possible for Metal Sonic to have a change of heart." He tapped his foot. "Super says he doesn't believe our Metal can change but I'll stay optimistic."
"I won't hold my breath for mine." Blur shrugged. 
"I've never even met a Metal Sonic so…" Fate shrugged.
"And I hope we never do." Knuckles added.
"Oh, and Super asked what was up with Shadow too. Since he looks different from the one we know." Sonic gestured to the black hedgehog.
"Different huh?" Blur glanced at Shadow in concern. He wasn't sure if Shadow would really want to talk about or have his past talked about right now. "Well how about you tell me how you met yours and we'll go from there." Hopefully that was safe enough.
"Mmmm it was when Eggman woke him up intending to work with him to take over the world." Sonic nodded to himself. "Shadow actually played the doctor and tried to destroy the planet but hey." He shrugged. "He ended up helping me stop the Ark from crashing into the planet in the end."
'I found the Shadow I know in a pod in an old abandoned G.U.N. base. He was really confused but I managed to talk him into staying with the resistance. At least for a while' Metal jumped in before looking over at Sonic. 'Yours tried to destroy the planet?'
"Heh heh…  yeah…" Sonic rubbed the back of his head. "And now Super is chewing me out for never telling him that story."
"And I've never met my Shadow either." Fate huffed and crossed his arms. "Why do all the other versions of me have a bunch of cool adventures?"
"You're on one right now." Knuckled glared at Fate. "Stop complaining."
"That's not the same." Fate looked away.
"The… Ark?" Shadow suddenly spoke up and looked at Sonic.
Blur took a deep breath and prepared to possibly diffuse a bad situation. "Yeah." Sonic nodded, oblivious to Blur's concern.
Shadow looked down. "Was he… happy there?" It was an oddly vulnerable question for Shadow. It had taken Blur a long time to get him to even approach talking about his feelings or at least addressing them. Something he rarely wanted to talk about was his past though. Life on the Ark for him hadn't been… great. Blur knew that even with the very surface level information Shadow had shared.
Sonic looked surprised by the question. "Well…" He hummed. "He hasn't told me much but I think in some ways he was. He's done his best to move on from everything that happened though. Forge his own path in life; which I can respect." 
Shadow was silent for a while, maybe thinking over Sonic's words. Blur was just about to step in when Shadow nodded. "Good." Even Blur couldn't read Shadow right now. He just hoped this was a good thing for the black hedgehog.
"I've nearly got it!" Tails spoke up. At some point during his work he'd sat down on the ground. "I just need someone who can safely remove the emerald when I shut everything down. But uh…" He rubbed the back of his head. "The timing needs to be perfect or…"
"It goes boom?" Fate asked.
"Yeah." Tails pinned his ears down.
"Well, step one is figuring out who should remove the emerald." Blur tapped his fingers on his arm. "Based on what I know I'd say Shadow or Metal would be the best to do it."
"I have an alternate suggestion." Sonic rose a hand. "Super. He's pure chaos energy so…"
“How does that even work?” Knuckles looked at Sonic in confusion.
“Eh some weird thing with the emeralds.” Sonic shrugged.
“As long as he’s feeling up to it that probably is our safest bet.” Blur nodded.
Sonic shot him a thumbs up before his fur and quills started to change to a golden color. Super shook himself out once the change was over. “Ugh. I hate feeling this drained.” He frowned.
‘Sorry about that’ Metal quickly apologized.
“Eh it’s whatever. I was out of control so it’s fine.” Super shrugged. “Let’s do this. You ready for me Tails?”
“Just give me a few moments…” Tails went back to tapping away at his tablet. “I’ll let you know when. You can stand over there and get ready though.”
“You got it.” Super walked over, stumbling once but glaring at anyone who tried to open their mouth to ask if he was ok. “Just say when.” He eyed the machine wearily. 
“Not so fast.” An unfortunately familiar voice said. A little ways away the jackal that had caused this whole mess stood. They looked… much less calm and collected than they had before. “Did you all really think I’d let you end things prematurely?” They stood up a bit taller, maybe trying to regain some of their former persona.
“Well kinda.” Fate narrowed his eyes. “You don’t like to fight yourself clearly. Don’t think you can take us in a fair fight?” He taunted.
Blur glanced over at Fate. Was he trying to goad the jackal on intentionally? It was very possible it wasn’t on purpose but they could use that to their advantage. The jackal growled, their form flickering briefly. That was… odd. “I’m more than a match for you all.” They barred their teeth.
“Then why not show us then?” Knuckles joined in the taunting. “Cause the way I see it you’re all talk.”
Metal gestured with a hand for the jackal to come at him. Well guess they were all in on this now. “If you’re really so high and mighty…” Blur stepped forward. “... then take us out yourself. Not with some cheap tricks.”
The jackal gripped the ruby tightly. “Very well. If you all crave your destruction so much, I simply must oblige.” Their eye twitched. 
“So quick question.” Fate glanced at the group as the area around the jackal flashed red. “Do we actually have a plan if they turn out to be more than talk?”
Blur shrugged. “We win like we always do.”
“Reassuring.” Knuckles mumbled as he fell into a fighting stance.
“Keep him off me and Super if you can.” Tails looked up at them in worry. “If we can cut the power mid-fight, that should make things easier for everyone.”
“Go kick that guy’s butt.” Super growled. “Make them wish they never dragged us all here.”
Shadow nodded in silent approval. “Alright guys.” Blur smacked his fist into his open palm. “Let’s do this.” 
How had things gone so off the rails so quickly? They dogged out of the way as the “heroes” began their assault. They would show those fools. How dare they deviate so drastically from their plans! There were so many more interesting things they could do. All that planning, waisted! They looked past the group which had engaged them. The fox and golden hedgehog needed to be stopped. If they managed to destroy the ruby’s power source… 
They lunged past their attackers, putting up barriers of red cubes. If only they’d taken the time to learn to use the gem properly! Their hubris had come back to bite them after all. Next time they’d have to be much more careful… They got some mild satisfaction out of the versions of Sonic slamming into the erected walls.
There. A clear shot at the fox. They lunged only to be intercepted by the golden hedgehog. “Hands off creep.” He growled before tossing them back. The air left their lungs as they collided with the ground. They got up in time to see two spin dashes heading right towards them. One hurt with the pain of super sharp quills, the other hard metal. They were once again sent flying back.
Perhaps they had… underestimated the strength of their foes. This whole experience could have benefitted from much more planning than the cursory glances into their respective universes. They narrowly dodged under the punch of the echidna. Would it be better to cut their losses now and prevent further harm to themself?
Suddenly there was a very angry black hedgehog pinning them down. Sharp claws dug into their arms. Ah so this was truly what pain felt like. What a foreign concept. This was the first time they’d experienced anything like it. They barely managed to kick the hedgehog off of themself and roll away.
If only they could think faster. Decide what to make with the ruby faster. Then they could gain the upper hand. They shouldn’t have been foolish enough to have let these fools goad them into a fight! They snarled and felt their form flicker. Somehow the form they’d made to suit this universe was beginning to unravel as well. Perhaps it was because it had been rushed. They’d need time to perfect it. For now though…
They caught the attack of the more monstrous looking member of their group and pushed him back, causing him to stumble but not fall. Their arms stung. A glance down at them showed the wounds inflicted by the black hedgehog were releasing a black liquid. No doubt the damage they received was hastening this form’s destruction.
One last ditch effort then. They held the ruby in front of them. “I’ll destroy you all.” They snarled. “Enjoy your last pathetic moments!” 
Super did his best to restrain himself from jumping into the fight. The others were fine. This guy was an absolute pushover in a direct fight. “How are we looking?” Super glanced at Tails. 
The fox was slightly shaken up from the attack Super had saved him from, but was otherwise fine. “Just about there.” He looked up at Super. “Ready?”
“Like I said, just give me the word.” Super let his hand hover over the exposed emerald. 
“Ok.” Tails took a deep breath. “Three.” Super tensed. “Two.” Super could feel Sonic sending calming thoughts his way. “One.” Super could hear that stupid jackal yell something but didn’t listen to the words. “Now!”
Super grabbed the emerald the moment the world left Tails’ mouth. Just in case he dove for the fox, intending to get him to safety if the machine did explode. Thankfully no explosion came. 
“No!” The jackal yelled. Super glanced over at them. The others were relaxing from guarded positions. “Fine then.” They spat as they tossed the ruby onto the ground. “You’ve won.” One of those tears opened up behind the jackal. “Enjoy your victory.” With that they were gone.
“I guess that guy was just as much of a sore loser as Infinite was.” Sonic commented.
“Good riddance.” Super huffed.
“Is that it then?” Knuckles looked at the spot where the jackal had disappeared. 
“I think so.” Fate flexed his claws.
Blur walked up to the Phantom Ruby and carefully picked it up. “I’ll take care of this. I’m not sure where he got it from originally so I won’t destroy it but… I’ll make sure no one can get their hands on it.”
Tails stood up and nodded. “Sounds good.” He locked eyes with Metal and ran over to him. Much to Super’s surprise the fox wrapped his arms around the robot. “I’m glad you’re ok Metal.” Metal patted his back comfortingly. 
“Don’t think I’m ever gonna get over seeing that.” Sonic hummed. “Makes me wonder where the Sonic of their world is…”
Shadow grabbed at Blur’s arm. “What’s up Shadow?” Blur looked at the hand around his arm.
“You’re disappearing.” Shadow looked concerned.
Blur blinked and looked at his arm more closely. “Huh… kinda like when mini me left after the war…” He looked up at the group. “Looks like I’m not the only one either.” Everyone looked at themselves in mild panic. “Don’t worry!” Blur got everyone’s attention again. “I think this is just the universe getting us back to where we’re supposed to be. Guess it’s realized something is wrong and is correcting things.”
“This is not how it ended the last time for me.” Fate shivered as he took in his transparent arm.
“Guess this is goodbye then?” Tails had stopped hugging Metal and was looking at the group.
“Guess so kid.” Blur smiled. “But hey, it all worked out in the end huh?”
“I guess.” Super shrugged. “Since we sent that idiot packing.”
“Hopefully they don’t get any ideas about trying this again.” Knuckles crossed his arms, glancing nervously at his disappearing arms.
“Even if this was all… well not the best experience…” Tails smiled sadly. “I’m glad to have met you all. It really gives me hope for our future.” Metal nudged Tails and signed something. “Metal says he’s happy he got to meet you all too and he’s glad to know that it seems like all Sonics are good people.”
“Let them know it was great to meet them all for me Super.” Sonic asked.
Super sighed but nodded. “Sonic says it was great to meet you all.”
“This was… interesting.” Shadow hummed. “I wish you all well.”
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news but…” Fate cleared his throat. “We’re probably not going to remember any of this. Last time this happened to me I didn’t really remember anything. Maybe vague things like feelings but…”
“Well that’s just how things have to be then.” Blur shrugged. “Nothing we can do about it.”
Tails’ ears drooped sadly. “I wish we didn’t have to forget but… it’s alright.” A small smile twitched onto his face. “I still think somewhere deep down I’ll know.”
“You’re all… alright I guess.” Super figured he should say something too. “Particularly you.” He pointed at Metal. “You’re a fighter, don’t give up on whatever you’re fighting for.”
“That was… oddly encouraging Super.” Sonic sounded surprised. “You ok?”
“I guess I’ll sort of miss these idiots too.” Super answered mentally. Metal tilted his head before nodding at Super. 
By now the bottom half of everyone had vanished and the process seemed to be speeding up. “Well sayonara everyone.” Blur gave a two finger salute.
“Goodbye.” Shadow nodded at the group.
“See you all around!” Fate waved. “Or er… probably not.” He chuckled. Knuckles simply waved.
“Good luck everyone!” Tails smiled. Metal quickly signed something with disappearing hands. “Metal says he hopes your lives are great.”
“This was certainly an experience.” Super started. “And I’m sure Sonic will want me to properly say goodbye for the both of us so… bye I guess.” 
Some of them waved until they were gone while others just stood and waited. Eventually though, all of them vanished leaving the area clear once more. The only proof this happened at all as vague memories and feelings of those that were never meant to meet.
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
A gift for @thenegoteator :D
It took a Temple to raise a child, and Mace Windu was very much aware of this. However, it did not explain what Ahsoka Tano was doing at his door in the middle of the night. Ahsoka had deep bags under her eyes, which wasn’t too much of a surprise considering the current living arrangements of her lineage. While little Luke and Leia were relatively well-behaved newborns, they were still only a few weeks old. If their human caretakers didn’t wake up at every single little whimper, then the togruta with the superior hearing certainly would.
“Do you want to come inside?” Mace asked, not letting his confusion show. He was used to people coming to his door at the oddest hours.
“If—if I can?” Ahsoka replied as if only now becoming aware of her actions. In this, she reminded Mace of her Grandmaster and the many nights Mace had found Obi-Wan coming to his doorstep during the first months of Anakin’s stay at the Temple.
“My door is always open, Padawan,” Mace said – and watched her wince.
So there was the problem.
“Caleb is currently sleeping in my bed as Depa is away,” Mace explained. “So please keep your voice down. I don’t want to wake him unnecessarily.”
The boy had already had a hellish enough month behind him, he needed all the rest he could get. Even though the war was officially over, enough planets refused to surrender, drawing out the battles until they had nothing but children left to sacrifice. It weighed on Mace’s shoulders, making him wonder whether he wasn’t too old to carry such burdens still.
Ahsoka nodded and followed Mace inside. He couldn’t recall whether Ahsoka had been in his room before, but from the way she eagerly looked around his quarters, taking in the sight of old instruments, books, and holos, he guessed she hadn’t. Well, at one point in their life, every Jedi had set a foot inside Mace’s quarters, so this was bound to happen sooner or later.
“Do you want a cup of tea?”
Ahsoka tore herself away from the sight and looked at him with surprise. “I—yes? That would be nice.”
“Then I will make a cup. Do you have any preferences? I believe I even have Obi-Wan’s favorite blend here.”
Mace had no idea whether he had bought it or if Obi-Wan had just left it here from himself when he came over. Knowing the other man, it was likely that the latter was the case. For a man claiming to be so very polite, Obi-Wan could be a right brat.
Mace’s kitchen was small, with only a few cabinets and one shelf, two cooking tiles, and an oven. He wasn’t much of a cook himself and preferred to eat in the cafeteria with everyone, frequently taste-tasting what the Initiates had prepared. He selected two uneven cups Depa had made for him when she’d been young from the shelf. Why she had decided to pick up pottery of all hobbies was beside him, but he supposed that she found the motion soothing. Devan did enjoy parkouring through the lower levels and Echuu was quite content playing the guitar to calm himself.
Perhaps Mace should focus less on why all three of his Padawans had decided they wouldn’t follow him into theatre so they could continue to make fun of him. Setting the water to boil, Mace searched through his cabinets until he found Obi-Wan’s favorite blend. The fruity tea was far from the blend he preferred, but Mace prided himself on being a good host. While he waited for the tea to finish steeping, Mace enjoyed the quiet of the night. For all that there were few sounds as dear to him as that of people walking, or in the case of some younglings and few selected Knights, running, down their large hallways, Mace could appreciate the quiet when the world came to rest.
With two finished cups in hand, he returned to the living room, where he found Ahsoka curled up on the sofa, no longer studying his quarters for any hidden secrets.
“Thank you,” she said when she accepted the cup from him. She held it in her hands as if to warm them, letting the steam hit her face. She breathed in once, twice, finding her rhythm again. Mace waited until she’d calmed enough to speak up.
“What brings you to my door, Padawan Tano?”
Ahsoka flinched and appeared to make herself even smaller as if attempting to vanish. When it became apparent that it didn’t work, that silence hadn’t been what she had sought him out for, she let out a sigh. “You keep calling that.”
“Calling you what?” Mace asked, his brow raised, playing oblivious.
“… Padawan.”
“Are you not? I was under the impression that you had returned to the Temple.”
“I did, but I still left,” Ahsoka replied. “I left and I was convinced that I had to leave and that it was good that I did. I still think I had to leave the Temple behind.”
“Then why are you torn?”
Ahsoka’s hold on her cup tightened and so, perhaps in wise anticipation, she set it on the table and buried her hands in her robes instead, hiding their twitching from view. Mace could trace all her mannerisms to her teachers and couldn’t imagine what it must be like to purposefully rip all those pieces from yourself when they had become so ingrained in your very being. Even Dooku, who’d fallen so far from their beliefs, had been unable to fully rid himself of Yoda’s lessons. Maybe it was for the best. Hope had become a scarce commodity during the war, yet Mace considered the possibility that in a decade, they wouldn’t be imprisoning a Sith anymore.
“But am I still a Padawan? A member of this Order?” Ahsoka asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she shook like the leaves on the trees in the courtyard.
“Has your Master told you anything different?”
Ahsoka paused. “…. No.”
Seeing that realization was settling within her, Mace nodded. “Then you should not doubt him. You are a Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, and you will remain one as long as you live by our tenets.”
That teased a startled laugh from her. “Compassion for all except people who cheat at push-n-pull?”
As if transported back ten years, hearing Anakin say the same, Mace snorted. “The similarities between you and your Master astonish me every time. Yes, Padawan Tano, compassion for all.”
This seemed to calm the youth as she reached for her cup again and emptied it slowly. “It’s good.”
Mace smiled into his own cup. “I’d be insulted if it wasn’t. Obi-Wan forced me to memorize all the steps for making it.”
The then young Knight had been frazzled, and Mace honestly couldn’t tell what it had been about and had forced Mace to learn how to make this tea until he’d more or less collapsed on Mace’s sofa, completely knocked out until morning when Anakin had picked him up.
“He does do that,” Ahsoka agreed. “I think this is the only thing anyone can make reliably now.”
“Sleep-deprived much?” Mace inquired.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. “Like you wouldn’t believe. I love Luke and Leia dearly, but they are demanding and need a lot of attention.”
That was honestly kinder than Mace would have described newborns at her age.
“There is a reason why we usually don’t have children this young in the Temple,” Mace said. “They are very handful. Do you get enlisted to help very often?”
Ahsoka shook her head. “No, Obi-Wan, Skyguy, and Padmé got it covered, and I’m mostly just helping out somewhere else.”
She trailed off a little. This, perhaps, was another issue, but one that could be equally easily dealt with.
“Thank you then for going where you are needed,” Mace told her.
Ahsoka blinked. “Huh?”
“You will grow into a specific role someday, Ahsoka, and that needs time. Do not feel as if you need to earn back your place in the Temple. You don’t need to earn yourself a home you have always had. For now, trust me when I say that everyone you’ve helped is glad that you were there. It is an admirable quality to have a sense of where you are needed. Do not see it as being the odd one out.”
This was the hardest lesson to teach and learn, the fact that there was a path out there for you, but that it took time to see where it would lead. Too many of their Padawans now felt utterly lost without the structure the war had provided them with.
“Oh. I guess if you say so.”
“Yes, I do say so,” Mace agreed. Then, eyeing Ahsoka’s empty cup, he added on, “do you want another?”
“No.” Ahsoka yawned. “I think I might best head back.”
“You can also sleep here if you want, and don’t mind Caleb hogging the blanket. I won’t go to bed tonight anyway.”
Ahsoka squinted at him as if attempting to discern whether he was lying. “Are you sure?”
“Ahsoka, go to bed.”
Clearly feeling better already, she saluted and, after Mace showed her his bedroom, made herself comfortable in it. She took off her shoes and tossed her robe over a chair before climbing into the bed. Ahsoka had barely laid down when Caleb already turned around to curl around her, clinging like a little monkey. After a moment’s apprehension, she relaxed and was fast asleep. Stealing one last glance at the two Padawan, Mace returned to his living room, looking through the incoming reports.
Hectic as the aftermath of the war was, as much effort as caring for their children was, Mace wouldn’t trade it for a single thing in the world.
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Even Little Moments Cannot Be Taken For Granted. (The Master x Reader)
WARNING: Talk about war. Sad times and Death.
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You found yourself having a rather deep conversation about life with Graham. The two of you had very different experiences but his shorter life span in comparison to your longer one made for quite the discussion. "One day, you'll look back on your life and some catastrophes were tiny in the end. You'll remember the good and the bad but in hindsight you'll be so thankful and happy for the memories. Maybe your older, your body is failing you one year at a time but you were so lucky because you got to exist and experience the wonders and pain of living. No matter how unhappy you were at the time of living in those moments, you'll appreciate them because that's what life is about. Until the end, just be happy to be alive." You said softly. "Is that what you did?" Graham asked. "Every day. No matter when I die, not for one second will I ever not be happy to have lived, to have existed at all- even if I have no impact on anything." Graham was quick to correct you. "Everyone has an impact on everything. No one more than your dad. No matter what he does, anytime or place, you impacted his life. It sounds like he loves you more than you think. Take it from me." You smiled sadly. "I'd like that." Graham stared at you for a moment. "You really think so little of yourself even after so much time?" You hummed in amusement. "I'm just here." You smiled slightly. Graham hummed with a smile of his own. "Sounds like a common trait with you timelords. Here one minute and gone the next." "Oh on so many levels." Your smile widened. Graham paused. "...oh I didn't mean-" "I know you didn't. I just love a little bit of dark humour." You chuckled. "I don't really remember much about back then it was...a terrible time to grow up." Graham nodded. "You've done good though. You're good and you don't let anything get you down." "Thanks, Graham." You paused. "I don't really remember much of it in all honesty. What I do remember is horrific. The screams and cries of kids around me. The fear and panic everyone tried to hide. Those of us that left and never came back." Your eyes stared off momentarily, recalling the fragments of the memories. "I don't remember much of my parents. I see my dad and its like trying to remember a dream. He seems pretty glad about that. I think he prefers I don't remember. The Doctor seems to think the same." 
There was a whoosh just out of sight and the two of you were met with the Master. Graham was about to get the Doctor, immediately concerned as to why would be in the TARDIS. Yet the two of you noticed of upset the Master looked. Fresh tears rimmed his wet eyes. The Master's gaze locked upon yours and he moved towards you quickly. "Dad...?" You asked, worried immediately. Nothing ever made your dad upset. Enraged yes, but not in tears. You weren't even sure you had seen your dad cry ever. It seemed almost ridiculous to think he was incapable of it but now that you were faced with his tears, it seemed like the most ridiculous assumption you could have ever made. 
Silently, the Master pulled you into a tight hug. He squeezed you tightly, like you could vanish any moment. "You okay?" You asked. He didn't answer, hiding his face into your shoulder. It didn't feel enough to simply hug him back, yet he didn't utter a word. After a moment of silence he raised his head, kissed the top of your head and stepped away from you. Before anything else could be said, he was gone.  You looked at Graham with slight confusion. "See? Here one minute and then gone the next." You cracked a smile despite the concern in your eyes. "Excuse me, I better find the Doctor and see if she knows anything about just happened." Graham nodded in agreement as you walked away. The Doctor sounded just as clueless as you were. To her knowledge, nothing was wrong with the Master. Although it wasn't like he'd turn to her for anything. 
A few hours later, by pure luck, you stumbled across him on a planet that Yaz had randomly chosen. You wasted no time confronting him. "Hey, what was that all about a while back in the TARDIS?" You asked him. "What are you talking about?" He said rather distracted from you. "You looked upset and you hugged me." You said and the Master let out a quick laugh. "Sure I did." He didn't seem to believe you. You looked at him with confusion. "Yeah, you did." You said flatly. "I don't have time for this right now. Very busy. Why don't you run along and I'll see you later?" You exhaled with a slight shake of your head. "Right, whatever." You mumbled as you walked away. 
The next time the Master saw the Doctor again, she had approached alone. She had clearly went through an awful lot of trouble to find him. He sent her a narrow gaze. "What do you want?" He asked. "I need to talk to you." She said. "Not really up for a chit chat, love. A little busy with my 'evil schemes'." The Master made quotation marks with his fingers and turned away. "It's about (Y/N)." The Doctor said louder and that made the Master freeze mid-step. He turned. "What about (Y/N)?" The Master suddenly got very serious given the Doctors expression. "I'm sorry, something has happened." 
At first, the Master was silent. "Something happened." He mumbled. "Sorry?" The Doctor asked. "You said something had happened. You said it like this didn't happen to them." The Master's gaze snapped to the Doctor accusingly. "You let them die." "No." The Doctor shook her head. "No, I didn’t. They-they decided on their own." "Yeah, you told me that..." The Master said icily. "... but I trusted them to you because I trusted you and now you're telling me that my child is dead!?" Fury burned in the Masters eyes. "I wouldn't never have let them...I couldn't stop them. I told you everything." The Doctor said quickly. "Sure but maybe you liked your little pets on Earth more." The Master glowered at the Doctor with nothing but fire hatred. "They saved us." The Doctor said quietly. That made the Master snap. "They died! They're dead! For that stupid meaningless rock!" The Master bellowed. "There are seven billion people on that planet. They saved seven billion people!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Humans are nothing! Nothing and you let my child die for nothing! They were better than that planet! They were better than any planet! They were better than me!" The Master swallowed hard. "They were the best thing I had ever created." "I understand your anger but-" The Doctor was cut off by a rage fueled scream. "You don't understand my anger!" The Master roared before going silent, rage and tears brimmed his eyes. "If you did, you wouldn't be try to stop me for what comes next." The Doctor looked at him with a remorseful gaze. "You and I know loss more than anyone in the universe." She began gently. "But this was (Y/N)'s decision. Would you really let their sacrifice be in vain? This is what they wanted." "No...this is what you wanted! You filled their head with all your little pets and morals and it cost them their life." The Master recoiled with fury from the Doctor before he stormed off. The Master left to cool down. 
Sitting on a desert ground and watching the sunset. It wasn't anything special to the Master but it was quiet and peaceful. Not to mention he could remember watching you running around in the red grass of Gallifrey just as he had done with the Doctor when he was young. Recalling life before the Time War was difficult. Not for him but for you. He was glad you had little memory of it as you were too young to understand. He missed the life he built for you before the War. You gave him reason. There was suddenly a point to existence. He could faintly remember your twinkling laugh. Only your waist upwards visible through the long grass, the wind ruffling your hair. His whole life devoted to your smile. 
Things changed after the war.  When you were presumed dead, he changed too. That brooch the Doctor gave him long ago after that reminding him of the pain he felt when he thought he had lost you. That searing hot pain that seemed never ending. After many many years, hundreds of lifetimes passing, when he found you again, the grief had left an impact upon the Master. He loved you but almost couldn't show it. He knew it seemed like he barely noticed your return. He knew he should have taken you with him rather than entrusting you to the Doctor. Now you were gone for good and he couldn't make that right. He couldn't change it. He was filled with regrets. The Master’s broken expression quivered as he could no longer fight the tears. He let out a sob and put his face in his hands. He sobbed harder, uncontrollably. This kind of pain was always much too raw. Unbearable and no matter how many times it was felt, it was always like the first time. This pain might actually kill him. Losing you once was excruciating enough but losing you twice? No. He wasn't sure he could survive that. The Master glowered at the sunset in the distance and wiped his eyes.  Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see the Doctor crouching beside him. Her hand on his shoulder as the breeze ran through her hair. "I'm sorry." She said softly. She took it as a good sign when the Master didn't push her away. "I was thinking..." with her free hand she dug into her pocket dug out a had held device. "This was just going to be a collectors piece." She smiled slightly. "Came across it in a Judoon market. No where near as high tech as our stuff but...it can handle a trip or two." The Master furrowed his brow and the Doctor held it out to him. "Go and see them, somewhere peaceful. One more time, eh?" Teary-eyed, the Master looked at the device momentarily before taking it. 
The Master recognised fairly quickly that he was facing the TARDIS' console room doors. He heard the voice he needed to hear the most. "The Doctor seems to think the same." His breath hitched. Even as he moved closer and closer, he wasn't ready, he wasn't prepared to face what awaited beyond those doors.  His eyes fell on you in a heartbeat and he couldn't speak. He couldn't breathe. 
Somehow, seeing you again made saying goodbye all that much more difficult. The human looked at him warily before back at you and then him once more. However, the Master couldn't care about anything in that moment that wasn't you. Even in the most simple of moments, you were beautiful and seeing you before him, there was no hiding how proud of you he truly was. Even if you didn’t agree, he was so proud of your resilience, your strength, your intelligence and having an ability to love stronger than anything he ever could. Your hearts were strong and pure and he was so proud. He wouldn't have changed you for anything. You could argue with him to your hearts content if you wished and he would have let you. He'd do anything for more time with you. He'd give his own life it meant you would be alive. 
Despite his differences with the Doctor, deep down he knew he could trust her with you. After all, he practically left you in her care recently. It pained him but was necessary. It only hurt more now that you were gone. Time he should have had with you and that was his biggest failure in his eyes. If only he had realised it sooner. 
The master took you into his arms as you spoke. "Dad...?" He tightened his hold upon you. He fought the urge to weep just at the sound of your voice. "Are you okay?" He only held you tighter. He knew he couldn't speak to you. He couldn't change this as much as he wanted to and he couldn't do anything that would alter your decisions. It was then that he recalled the day you approached him asking what had him so upset and hugging you. The Master didn't know what you were talking about and had brushed you off that day but now...now it made sense. He swallowed hard wishing he could change that. If only he knew how little time he had with you. He wasn't sure if he could let go now that you were in his arms and safe where nothing could hurt you, knowing he'd have to and what would follow.  The moment he saw you, his anger with you washed away. Earth did not deserve his child nor their sacrifice. However that was just who you were. Good. He buried his head into your shoulder, committing this moment to memory. He couldn't say anything nor will you to know through a connection but he could tell you in his mind and at least pretend that you could hear him. That you knew and always knew. 'I love you so very much.' After a second he kissed the top of your head. His own way of saying goodbye. A moment that would be trivial and forgotten to you but everything to him. He stepped back, looking at you one last time. 
You were gone and he was back, he fell to his knees as he finally let out a pained sob. This was not how it was supposed to end. You had so many more years, so much more to see. It was a cruel possibility of life indeed to make a parent outlive their child. It just wasn't how things were supposed to be. His mind was brought back to the brooch the Doctor had given him the first time he had lost you. Neither of the two knew if he'd ever see you again and the universe was on his side enough to decide that would be the case. That brooch always brought you to mind not matter which regeneration. He kept it with him always. He gripped it tightly, an idea coming to mind.  That led to him contacting his former selves. 
All in holograms, stood in a circular formation. Missy was the first to catch sight of the Brooch in the Masters hand. She kept it out of sight and mind despite how precious it was to her. This was a terrible decision but the Master never did play by the rules. That was true in all of them. "Well this is an...unexpected reunion." The Master with blonde hair and a black hoodie looked around at his former selves and who he figured were his future selves given the woman beside him and the Master who had contacted him and grinned. "Yes, it is." The Master has yet to meet any of his former selves gaze's but he was clearly bubbling with rage under a thin calm demeanor that was only skin deep. He held up the brooch. "Most of us know what this is and I ask for your help. Damn the risks. Damn the universe because we have just lost the most important person of all." Missy's mouth gaped momentarily as she sucked in a breath feeling tears well up in her eyes. The grin fell from the Blonde Master's face. Meanwhile others seemed to find glowered with a newfound purpose. "How?" One of them asked. "You've went this far, so you've altered the time line. That's only for those of us who discovered they weren't dead the first time." "As if we care." The Master seethed, gripping the brooch in his fist. "I will make time bend to my will and destroy everything in my way. The question I extend to you is if you would like to give this universe hell before we burn it to nothing for taking our (Y/N) from us again. I want every planet falling to their knees in terror before I eradicate them. I want Earth to fear what is coming to them and I won't stop until it is nothing but dust!" The Master looked at his former selves. "So?" The blonde Master smirked and Missy straightened, eyes cool and calculating. All in unanimous agreement.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Trust, Chapter 9
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Clint was half asleep as he made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He got his glass and was heading back to his room when he passed by the lounge. But he noticed a light was on.
He slowly walked in, confused at the sight he saw. He wasn’t even sure if he was dreaming or not.
Loki and Darcy were sitting on bean bags at the coffee table, playing chess. And it was one in the morning.
‘Hey Clint.’ Darcy waved over at him.
Clint raised his hand and frowned, not sure what to make of the situation. He decided his best bet was to just go back to bed. Get back to sleep… Yeah. Surely he was dreaming.
Darcy and Loki laughed as he strolled off, muttering to himself.
‘You didn’t tell me there were zombies here.’ Loki grinned.
‘You get all sorts here.’ Darcy shrugged, eyeing up the board to decide on her next move.
They couldn’t sleep, hence why they were up so late. Being on another planet had messed up Darcy’s sleeping pattern. Loki didn’t really have a sleeping pattern in the first place, he just slept whenever he wanted. Day or night.
But when he’d found Darcy lounging around, he had sweet talked her into playing a game of chess. He was secretly pleased when she didn’t put up much of an argument.
‘So what do you think of your new home?’ Darcy asked after she made her move.
Loki pursed his lips for a moment before answering. ‘Well, it’s no palace. But it will do for now. The company is alright, I suppose.’ He smirked, knocking one of her pieces out.
‘The company is alright? You’re such an ass!’ Darcy huffed, quickly making her next move too.
‘You’re getting better at this. Thinking faster.’ Loki commented.
‘I just want to get it over with.’ Darcy leaned back and put her arms over her chest.
‘Of course you do.’ Loki chuckled.
They finally went to their rooms and got some sleep at three in the morning.
When Darcy eventually made her way out of her room the following day, it was after lunch time and she was on the hunt for food.
Clint, Natasha and Bruce were in the kitchen.
‘Finally, she rises!’ Natasha said with a slight smirk.
‘What? Nobody usually complains when I sleep in.’ Darcy said as she filled a bowl full of cereal.
‘Well, you have a job now. Loki has been stuck with Thor and Jane all morning, I don’t think they’re too pleased.’ Bruce said.
‘Loki’s up already?’ Darcy looked at them, surprised.
‘Yep. Seems he can work on lack of sleep.’ Clint chuckled. ‘Why on earth were you up that late with him, playing chess?’ He frowned.
Darcy shrugged and poured milk into her cereal, it overflowed a little and spilled onto the counter. She ignored it and went to sit down to eat. ‘I dunno. My sleep pattern is a bit messed up, there was nothing else to do.’
‘Who won?’ Bruce asked.
‘Loki did.’ Darcy said reluctantly.
‘Are you going to clean that up?’ Natasha asked, folding her arms over her chest.
‘I will after.’ Darcy dismissed with a wave of her hand.
‘Have you ever beaten Loki at a game of chess?’ Clint asked.
‘Not yet… I’m still learning though.’
‘He probably cheats.’ Natasha remarked.
‘I may be the God of mischief but I do not cheat at chess.’ Loki said as he strolled in, Jane and Thor were following him, exasperated at having to keep an eye on him. They looked so relieved when they saw Darcy was finally awake.
‘Thank god you’re up, Darcy.’ Jane huffed.
‘Because we’ve had to babysit Loki all morning.’ Jane glared at said God, who was rummaging in the fridge for a drink.
‘Does that mean it’s Darcy who will be showing me around the training grounds now?’ Loki asked, leaning against the fridge.
Darcy noticed that Loki was in mortal clothes. But totally didn’t look right for hanging around base. He was wearing an all-black suit. Kind of typical though, Darcy thought. Still wanting to look smart.
‘Are you going to a funeral?’ She quipped.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ��I will be if people keep mocking my choice of clothing.’
‘Yes, Darcy will be taking you.’ Jane interrupted.
‘She has to clean up first.’ Natasha hissed, heading out of the room.
Loki noted the mess Natasha was referring to and had it simply disappear. Darcy’s eyes lit up. ‘Awesome! Yep, I’ll take you.’ She wolfed down the last of her cereal and before she picked the bowl up, Loki had it disappear into the dishwasher as he walked over to her.
‘You know, I really could get used to having you around.’ She grinned up at him and patted his chest. He narrowed his eyes at her hand touching him, she paid no attention to the glare as he followed her out anyway.
‘Thor and Jane didn’t seem too happy. What did you do?’
‘I didn’t do anything.’ Loki said, mockingly hurt that she would think such a thing.
But Darcy stopped and put her arms over her chest, glaring up at him.
Loki sighed. ‘I was just merely proving that Jane’s work was wrong. And she knows it, she’s just too stubborn to admit that I’m right.’
Darcy grinned. ‘Yeah that sounds like Jane.’
She showed him around the training grounds. He was looking forward to working on his skills again, to get stronger. The indoor training hall would be perfect for practising his Seidr in.
‘So is magic your go to way of fighting?’ Darcy asked while Loki checked out some of the fighting dummies.
‘Seidr.’ Loki corrected. ‘Yes, usually that and use of my daggers.’
‘Doesn’t that mean you have to get up close to your enemies?’ Darcy frowned.
‘It does. But I prefer it that way. Makes it more… intimate.’ He winked at her.
Darcy shook her head. ‘Trust you to say something like that.’
‘Do you fight?’ Loki asked, though he knew the answer anyway.
‘Nope. My coordination isn’t great, I’d end up punching myself in the face.’ Darcy sat down on the bench at the side while Loki was still checking out some of the gear.
He chuckled at the thought. ‘There must be some form of combat you could do.’
‘Nah, trust me it’s for the best I stay put.’ Darcy dismissed him.
Darcy showed Loki around outside, telling him where the edge of the boundary was by the driveway.
‘Stark has set up an alarm system, so if you step across the boundary it will set off some kind of alarm. Unless you’re allowed out with someone.’ She explained.
‘Oh he has, has he?’ Loki asked mischievously as he strolled over towards the boundary.
‘Uh oh.’ Darcy ran to catch up with him.
Loki stopped at the edge of the boundary, he looked at Darcy and winked as he suddenly vanished right on front of her eyes. Then he appeared a few feet away out with the boundary. He put his arms out to his side when there was no alarm. ‘Ta da!’
Darcy face-palmed and shook her head. ‘Seems he still has some kinks to work out.’
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Trust, Chapter 9
TITLE: Trust CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 9 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki kidnaps Darcy Lewis, in hopes of getting the tesseract in return for her. Imagine his surprise when he grows rather fond of the mortal, finding that she understands him better than anyone else ever has.  RATING: M
Clint was half asleep as he made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He got his glass and was heading back to his room when he passed by the lounge. But he noticed a light was on.
He slowly walked in, confused at the sight he saw. He wasn’t even sure if he was dreaming or not.
Loki and Darcy were sitting on bean bags at the coffee table, playing chess. And it was one in the morning.
‘Hey Clint.’ Darcy waved over at him.
Clint raised his hand and frowned, not sure what to make of the situation. He decided his best bet was to just go back to bed. Get back to sleep… Yeah. Surely he was dreaming.
Darcy and Loki laughed as he strolled off, muttering to himself.
‘You didn’t tell me there were zombies here.’ Loki grinned.
‘You get all sorts here.’ Darcy shrugged, eyeing up the board to decide on her next move.
They couldn’t sleep, hence why they were up so late. Being on another planet had messed up Darcy’s sleeping pattern. Loki didn’t really have a sleeping pattern in the first place, he just slept whenever he wanted. Day or night.
But when he’d found Darcy lounging around, he had sweet talked her into playing a game of chess. He was secretly pleased when she didn’t put up much of an argument.
‘So what do you think of your new home?’ Darcy asked after she made her move.
Loki pursed his lips for a moment before answering. ‘Well, it’s no palace. But it will do for now. The company is alright, I suppose.’ He smirked, knocking one of her pieces out.
‘The company is alright? You’re such an ass!’ Darcy huffed, quickly making her next move too.
‘You’re getting better at this. Thinking faster.’ Loki commented.
‘I just want to get it over with.’ Darcy leaned back and put her arms over her chest.
‘Of course you do.’ Loki chuckled.
They finally went to their rooms and got some sleep at three in the morning.
When Darcy eventually made her way out of her room the following day, it was after lunch time and she was on the hunt for food.
Clint, Natasha and Bruce were in the kitchen.
‘Finally, she rises!’ Natasha said with a slight smirk.
‘What? Nobody usually complains when I sleep in.’ Darcy said as she filled a bowl full of cereal.
‘Well, you have a job now. Loki has been stuck with Thor and Jane all morning, I don’t think they’re too pleased.’ Bruce said.
‘Loki’s up already?’ Darcy looked at them, surprised.
‘Yep. Seems he can work on lack of sleep.’ Clint chuckled. ‘Why on earth were you up that late with him, playing chess?’ He frowned.
Darcy shrugged and poured milk into her cereal, it overflowed a little and spilled onto the counter. She ignored it and went to sit down to eat. ‘I dunno. My sleep pattern is a bit messed up, there was nothing else to do.’
‘Who won?’ Bruce asked.
‘Loki did.’ Darcy said reluctantly.
‘Are you going to clean that up?’ Natasha asked, folding her arms over her chest.
‘I will after.’ Darcy dismissed with a wave of her hand.
‘Have you ever beaten Loki at a game of chess?’ Clint asked.
‘Not yet… I’m still learning though.’
‘He probably cheats.’ Natasha remarked.
‘I may be the God of mischief but I do not cheat at chess.’ Loki said as he strolled in, Jane and Thor were following him, exasperated at having to keep an eye on him. They looked so relieved when they saw Darcy was finally awake.
‘Thank god you’re up, Darcy.’ Jane huffed.
‘Because we’ve had to babysit Loki all morning.’ Jane glared at said God, who was rummaging in the fridge for a drink.
‘Does that mean it’s Darcy who will be showing me around the training grounds now?’ Loki asked, leaning against the fridge.
Darcy noticed that Loki was in mortal clothes. But totally didn’t look right for hanging around base. He was wearing an all-black suit. Kind of typical though, Darcy thought. Still wanting to look smart.
‘Are you going to a funeral?’ She quipped.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ‘I will be if people keep mocking my choice of clothing.’
‘Yes, Darcy will be taking you.’ Jane interrupted.
‘She has to clean up first.’ Natasha hissed, heading out of the room.
Loki noted the mess Natasha was referring to and had it simply disappear. Darcy’s eyes lit up. ‘Awesome! Yep, I’ll take you.’ She wolfed down the last of her cereal and before she picked the bowl up, Loki had it disappear into the dishwasher as he walked over to her.
‘You know, I really could get used to having you around.’ She grinned up at him and patted his chest. He narrowed his eyes at her hand touching him, she paid no attention to the glare as he followed her out anyway.
‘Thor and Jane didn’t seem too happy. What did you do?’
‘I didn’t do anything.’ Loki said, mockingly hurt that she would think such a thing.
But Darcy stopped and put her arms over her chest, glaring up at him.
Loki sighed. ‘I was just merely proving that Jane’s work was wrong. And she knows it, she’s just too stubborn to admit that I’m right.’
Darcy grinned. ‘Yeah that sounds like Jane.’
She showed him around the training grounds. He was looking forward to working on his skills again, to get stronger. The indoor training hall would be perfect for practising his Seidr in.
‘So is magic your go to way of fighting?’ Darcy asked while Loki checked out some of the fighting dummies.
‘Seidr.’ Loki corrected. ‘Yes, usually that and use of my daggers.’
‘Doesn’t that mean you have to get up close to your enemies?’ Darcy frowned.
‘It does. But I prefer it that way. Makes it more… intimate.’ He winked at her.
Darcy shook her head. ‘Trust you to say something like that.’
‘Do you fight?’ Loki asked, though he knew the answer anyway.
‘Nope. My coordination isn’t great, I’d end up punching myself in the face.’ Darcy sat down on the bench at the side while Loki was still checking out some of the gear.
He chuckled at the thought. ‘There must be some form of combat you could do.’
‘Nah, trust me it’s for the best I stay put.’ Darcy dismissed him.
Darcy showed Loki around outside, telling him where the edge of the boundary was by the driveway.
‘Stark has set up an alarm system, so if you step across the boundary it will set off some kind of alarm. Unless you’re allowed out with someone.’ She explained.
‘Oh he has, has he?’ Loki asked mischievously as he strolled over towards the boundary.
‘Uh oh.’ Darcy ran to catch up with him.
Loki stopped at the edge of the boundary, he looked at Darcy and winked as he suddenly vanished right on front of her eyes. Then he appeared a few feet away out with the boundary. He put his arms out to his side when there was no alarm. ‘Ta da!’
Darcy face-palmed and shook her head. ‘Seems he still has some kinks to work out.’
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Milestone Spotlight: Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host
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Chaotic Evil Demon Lord of Chasms, Infestations, and Locusts
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War Subdomains: Blood, Catastrophe, Demon, Tactics
The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 42~43
Obedience: Meditate while allowing insects or worms of any type to crawl upon your body. If no such vermin is available, you must instead lie facedown in a trench dug into soil and mouth prayers to Deskari into the dirt while scratching yourself with sharp bits of bone or wood. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against disease and against effects caused by Vermin.
Have a buggy familiar? Done. Don’t have one, but a party member does? Done. No one have a buggy familiar? Keep some bugs as a pet; done. Can’t? Well then this gets a little harder. Plopping yourself down besides an anthill is unfeasible for multiple days in a row, not to mention dangerous to your health if they believe you’re a carcass that must be scavenged. Sometimes, you can just dig straight down a little bit to find some nice worms to plop right onto your chest for an hour, though heaping loose soil on yourself every day has dangers of its own.
Not as many as the secondary option, though. The wording here implies that you can’t use mud or sand, though your DM may be a bit more lenient here because it also requires you to scratch yourself to pieces with sharpened wood and bone. Thankfully you don’t need a carved knife or anything so complex, you can just snap a branch off a tree or somesuch if you need to (and bones are always available for adventurers!), but covering yourself in bleeding scratches every day will likely get people wondering what on earth you’re doing each time you vanish for an hour, which can lead to numerous uncomfortable questions. Unlike many Demon Lords, Deskari is known all across the Inner Sea Region because he’s responsible for the Worldwound, one of the greatest threats to life on the entire planet, and as such if you’re publicly found to be one of his followers? Roll up a new sheet, bud. It only gets harder if you use literally any of Deskari’s Boon abilities in public, too.
The added danger of worshiping one of the most prominent Demon Lords in the setting can make for an experience that’s both interesting and potentially hair-pulling, because you’ve got to make extra sure not to have your faith revealed to the authorities of a given settlement. At the very least, dropping bug-infested soil onto your body each day to perform the first ritual could be explained away as you communing with nature or the earth, rather than the insects within the earth, but carving up your own skin while laying facedown in a hole is a pretty big red flag. ... Also, now that I think about it, if you’re facedown in a hole, it’d be pretty difficult to scratch anything but your back and sides, right? Hm.
The benefit is low-tier. Diseases are rarely too much of a danger if you have any sort of caster in your party, though stopping them before they begin will save you a bit of gold in the long run. A universal saving throw bonus against the abilities of an entire creature type would be fantastic if that creature type wasn’t Vermin, who are known for A) disease and B) poison and little else. In Deskari’s favor, this bonus does indeed apply to the Distraction ability of most swarming Vermin, so a bit of extra help to avoid being Nauseated is always welcome.
Boons are acquired slowly: the first once you reach 12 hit dice, the second at 16, and the third at 20. However, the Evangelist, Exalted, and Sentinel Prestige Classes can be entered as early as level 7; doing so grants you the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Servants of demons may also take the Demoniac Prestige Class; you don’t get the Boons any faster than E/E/S, but you may select which Boon set you get, and you get cool demon-related powers!
Boon 1: Locusts’ Gifts. Gain Jump 3/day, Acid Arrow 2/day, or Fly 1/day
Why bother looking at Jump when Fly is an option? Granted, getting affected with Jump at level 10 (the earliest you can get this spell) means you can, among other things, clear a 30ft gap with no effort and get yourself an Eight Foot Vertical Leap... But flight will always be infinitely more useful. The biggest difference is that, while they last the same amount of time (1 min/level), you get Jump 3/day. It’s really up to you if Eight Foot Vertical Leap three times a day would be more useful for your character than a 60ft fly speed once a day, though to me, staying out of an enemy’s reach is always preferable.
Acid Arrow is alright in that respect. The damage it deals is pathetically low, but it’s repeated damage that cannot be resisted once it begins (unless the victim can jump in some water immediately) and both castings of the spell can stack together to make the damage stack on. I personally can’t think of a reason you’d take it over Fly, though.
Boon 2: Avatar of the Locust Host. 1/day, you can cast Verminous Transformation as a spell-like ability; the swarming parts of your body are comprised of locusts, and your swarm attack deals double damage to Plant creatures.
For 1 round/level, you transmute portions of your body into swarming locusts that can chow down on up to four Medium targets (or one Large+ target) within 10ft of you, automatically dealing 4d6 damage and forcing the victim to make a Fortitude save (10+1/2 your HD+Cha mod) or take 1d3 Con and Str damage from poison. Spooky! It also forces you into melee range more or less, but your swarm form also means you only take half damage from piercing and slashing attacks!
Also, it hits four targets for automatic damage. If you find yourself in a melee you want no part of, suddenly exploding into locusts and harrying your foes can break their morale in a hurry. Slapping four enemies at once means you can easily chew through smaller foes while damaging larger ones without the usual dangers of using AoE magic (like hitting allies), and 4d6 is a nice sweet spot of being a good chunk of damage without it being overpowering. And, again, it’s automatic; no attack roll needed, with the only interactions being the enemy HP going down and them rolling versus your poison. Being stuck in melee while your bugs are literally eating the enemy’s Str bit by bit doesn’t sound so bad, all of a sudden!
I like the touch that it deals double damage to Plant monsters, because if any intelligent Plant creature sees you turn into a swarm of locusts, they’re probably going to stop fighting immediately. The downside to this ability is that it lasts only 1 round/level and can only be used 1/day, so it may fall into Too Awesome To Use territory, though I’d personally unleash it any time I was facing a group of enemies that was even slightly challenging.
Boon 3: Infestation of the Flesh. 1/day as a standard action, you can transform into a Hellwasp Swarm for up to 8 hours. You gain Swarm traits (including immunity to weapon damage), a swarm attack, and the Hellwasp’s poison, Distraction, and Inhabit abilities. While in this form, you cannot perform any actions that the swarm could not perform; this includes casting spells with somatic components and wielding weapons or items. While not using the swarm’s Inhabit ability, you can return to your normal form as a full-round action. This is a Polymorph effect.
Heurghh, nasty. For your enemies, of course! You’re perfectly fine.
The fact you gain these abilities rather than just replacing your statblock with that of the Swarm makes me think that this means it runs largely on how other Polymorph spells in PF works; namely, your statblock largely remains the same, but new stuff is stapled onto it. If this is true, it means that your swarm damage is 4d6 rather than 3d6 (and increases to 5d6 once you hit 20 HD), and your poison and Distraction have a save of (10+1/2 your HD+your Con mod) rather than what a Vanilla Hellwasp Swarm possesses. Nice!
The real important bit here, though, is that you have the swarm’s Inhabit ability. Suddenly, any enemy that’s not outright killed is an unholy vessel for your power. Your poor victims are eternally Dominated by your presence until an outside source either kills them or expels you, or you finally eat their Constitution to 0 after a few hours. Even then, though, you continue puppeting their corpse around like a second skin, shielding yourself from attacks as you march to find a better body. If you don’t really need your spells or items, you can spend a full adventuring day walking around inside other people’s skin 
Dominating your victim means you can use all of their powers for your own evil benefit, so if that wizard you just knocked out still has spell slots left? If that troll is still kicking? If that dragon just recharged its breath weapon? All yours to command. Plus, even if your other foes kill your new shell, you continue to animate their corpse to use as a beatstick or an extra mountain of flesh to protect your insectoid form.
It takes a full minute to inhabit a victim, so you can’t just jump from shell to shell in the middle of a pitched battle, but you know what you can do? Jump from shell to shell all day until just before you reach the final boss, and then hop out and reform, basically fresh as a daisy with all your resources ready to tear into them. It’s very hard to take meaningful damage while inhabiting a shell, so while the rest of your party is nearly tuckered out and running on fumes and what few resources they could cling to, you’re likely barely below 75% health and have spent exactly one (1) of your dailies for the current session.
Boon 1: Swarming Susurrus. Gain Inflict Light Wounds 3/day, Summon Swarm 2/day, or Summon Monster III (Vermin only) 1/day.
Inflight Light Wounds has already fallen off by this point, useful only to patch up any Undead allies you may have to keep them on their feet, Summon Swarm can be dangerous to use unless you conjure it at maximum range, as the swarms are indiscriminate in their tide of destruction. The Vermin-only restriction on Summon Monster III means you’re likely going to be stuck summoning Fiendish Giant Ants or a pair of Fiendish Giant Centipedes to aid you. In either case, their usefulness in combat is minor if you’re fighting foes of a similar CR to your level, with the main selling point being that their mindlessness means an enemy Enchanter cannot control them and turn them against you.
All three of these are fairly underwhelming, but Summon Swarm is fun to drop directly on an enemy’s space, because it will continue to pursue the closest source of flesh it can--just make sure it’s not yours!
Boon 2: Swarm-Walker. You can walk through any swarm without taking damage or suffering any ill effects—swarms recognize you as one of their own. As long as you stand within a swarm, you gain a +4 profane bonus on initiative checks and saving throws.
Well... I guess that’s alright? I like the idea of monkey swarms, swarms of Beheaded, and masses of Grey Goo all leave you be just as a swarm of ticks or locusts would.
Taking advantage of the Initiative bonus requires conjuring or finding a swarm beforehand, or being ambushed by a swarm that falls upon you. You should be trying to summon things before combat begins anyway (due to most summoning spells taking a full round), though if you have no means of doing so beyond what Deskari has granted you, Summon Swarm is a pathetic way to reap this ability’s benefits as your shield of vermin crawls off to go eat an adjacent ally. You’ll want something more reliable, such as Vomit Swarm or Mad Monkeys (the former even scaling better with your level than Summon Swarm) to invoke this ability, not only making creatures in melee with you regret it, but bolstering your saves against everything by an additional +4.
... But only as long as the swarm lasts, and only while you don’t move outside of it or it moves away, and only as long as your enemies don’t blast you with AoE that kills the swarm instantly, and so on and so forth. It’s a very difficult ability to really take advantage of, and half of its usefulness is completely lost if you’re only inundated in a swarm before combat begins.
Boon 3: Swarm Master. 1/day, you can cast Quickened Insect Plague.
No, no, no no no! Awful! 
Yes, it lets you take better advantage of Swarm-Walker, but this is by no means a good final Boon! Come on, Deskari, if you want our assistance in your fiendish goals, you need to sweeten the deal a little bit here! No one’s going to want to be your Exalted if all you have to offer them is a 1/day wall of wasps!
That’s more or less what this ability is, by the way. It may as well be literally called Wall of Wasps, because your summoned swarms (all five of them) can’t move from the spot they’re summoned in. While they can act as obscuring cover, their low HP (31) will rarely survive a single Fireball or Cone of Cold from a level-appropriate enemy, and the DC 13 save on their poison and Distraction abilities will rarely land on any target you need them to. Both their damage and their poison deal so little damage (2d6 and 1 Dex, respective) that they’re unlikely to keep anyone from just walking through the storm of wasps to get at you,
It’s more for intimidation than anything else, making an enemy rethink coming closer. Intimidation and using the Wasp Ocean to take advantage of Swarm-Walker, and that’s just not good enough in my book.
Boon 1: Split the Earth. Gain Stumble Gap 3/day, Create Pit 2/day, or Spiked Pit 1/day.
I’ve stated my love of the usefulness of Create Pit and Spiked Pit in the past (under the Sentinel Boons), with them being pseudo Save-or-Sucks that can take anything without a decent Strength score or some Climb skill ages to clamber back out of the pit, while you and your allies either deal with other foes, or rain destruction down on them from above. Even if the victim makes their initial save, the pit doesn’t go anywhere, letting you push your targets in one at a time if need be. Since it’s literally just a huge hole in the ground, you can even hurl multiple enemies inside!
Which leaves a unique spell in Stumble Gap. It’s a cute spell, essentially cursing a single 5ft tile with a mobile, extradimensional gap that tries tripping up everyone who enters it. Anyone in the square when you first cast the spell or who enters the square while it’s still in effect must succeed a Reflex save (11+Cha mod) or fall prone into an adjacent square and take 1d6 damage. The real kicker, though? Even succeeding your save against the gap makes you stumble ever-so-slightly... which, for some reason, gives you a -1 penalty to ALL ROLLS AND CHECKS for a full round. Everything from attack rolls to damage rolls to saving throws to Knowledge checks (somehow) suffer a -1 penalty for a full round.
It’s not much, but it’s an interesting consolation prize and a very interesting line of text in what is otherwise a very simple spell. The penalty to every roll they make even on success makes it almost worth taking, if just for the possibility of making a 1-point success into a failure. It’d be difficult to make use of it more than once per casting, but I can see some amusing scenarios arising if you cast it three times in a row to either cover a single 15ft hallway, or in a long line in a 5ft hallway as a crowd of foes behind you trips all over themselves and each other.
Still, for all its potential (comedic and otherwise), I’d stick with the more reliable Create Pit or Spiked Pit.
Boon 2: Planar Wound. 3/day as a standard action, you can strike the ground with a scythe to open a fissure under your feet or the feet of an adjacent Medium or smaller creature (if you target yourself, the rift opens just enough to let you—and only you—through, regardless of your size). This fissure is a planar rift that sends the creature to the Rasping Rifts in the Abyss, as per Plane Shift, except the fissure can transport only one creature and closes instantly after doing so (or after being avoided). An unwilling target can attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod) to evade the fissure and negate this effect. Flying and levitating creatures are immune to this effect, and a creature capable of flight that is standing on the ground can avoid this effect if it succeeds at a DC 20 Fly check (it can still attempt a Reflex save to avoid the spell if it fails this Fly check). 
im sorry what
did. do you just. you just... you just send them to the Abyss? Like straight up?
There are Save-Or-Die effects in Pathfinder, and then there’s this. This is a step above Save-Or-Die, this is Save-Or-Be-Personally-Delivered-To-A-Demon-Lord-As-A-Plaything. This is Save-Or-Wish-You-Could-Die. If you manage to hit an enemy with this, they have a limited time to Plane Shift anywhere but where they are right now or they’re done. That’s it. On the best of days the Abyss is a hostile place to be, but the Rasping Rifts is close to the Worldwound and thus crawling with demons eager to pounce on the first non-demon creature they see. It’s also the personal realm of Deskari and is flooded with a hive-mind of verminous beasts, and as a level 13 servant, he’s likely to be paying attention to you and everything you do. He’ll know when you’ve sent someone to him.
He may even ask you to. Knock them unconscious or strike them with some form of paralysis and they can’t make their Reflex save, so they’re helplessly delivered right to the Lord of the Locust Host, who himself is a CR 29 horror beyond the hope of a single mortal to beat. The lack of a restriction beyond size means you can make extra use of effects which shrink your enemies down to ruin their lives even further. At the very least, since it operates like Plane Shift, the delivery point isn’t exact; it may take some time for the Demon Lord to find out where its new toy has gotten off to.
A DM wishing (justifiably) to rein this ability in may have Deskari command the Sentinel to hold off on sending just any old victim to the Rifts, and instead focus on specific targets. Of course, a DM can also point out that this ability carries with it the risk of losing out on loot, as your victim takes everything with them when they go. Be wary about using this on someone who’s carrying the Plot Device!
... using it on yourself, by the way, isn’t recommended. I doubt Deskari would tolerate cowardice. Could be an interesting roleplaying opportunity, though, bargaining with the demon horde of the Rasping Rifts, offering to lead them out. Just make sure you do have a way to get back out, because Planar Wound only goes in one direction. I wonder what happens if you use it while already in the Rasping Rifts?
Boon 3: Welcome the Rasping Rifts. 1/day, you can cast Rift of Ruin as a spell-like ability. When the rift closes, each creature still present within the rift must attempt a Will save (against the spell’s save DC = 18+Cha). Creatures that succeed at this save are expelled violently (as normal for the spell), while those that fail are expelled violently into the Rasping Rifts in the Abyss. If you close the rift early to summon creatures, you summon one additional creature of the same type.
For those who don’t know what the Rift of Ruin spell does, the short version is that it’s a souped up Spiked Pit spell. The hole is 5ft wide, 5ft/level long (so 80ft when you first get it), 60ft deep, and loaded with chewing mouths, acidic mist, starving fiends, and all sorts of other Abyssal nasties that make it painful to stay inside the rift. Everyone and everything inside takes 6d6 damage that’s randomly selected from bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, Electricity, Cold, Fire, or Sonic upon entry to the rift and each round they begin inside of it. If the spell ends and everything’s shot out, they take double damage that round and are knocked prone as the rift spits them back out.
So, every good thing I have to say about Pit spells? Say them bigger and louder here. But, that’s not all! Because you can end the spell early to instead call upon an Abyssal denizen, summoning two Bebeliths or two Vrocks, 1d3+1 Shadow Demons or Succubi, OR 1d4+2 Babaus or Brimoraks. Two Bebeliths or two Vrocks is usually the correct choice, as they’re resilient and dangerous in their own rights (especially Bebeliths, with their ability to shred armor like paper), but swamping stronger foes with smaller enemies can quickly finish a fight... if it wasn’t finished in the first place by the Rift of Ruin vomiting the victim into the Rasping Rifts.
One fun thing to try is to sit at the edge of the rift and waiting for an enemy to almost, almost climb their way back out before snapping the thing shut and either sending them to the Abyss, or stranding them on your side where they’re prone, tired, and now surrounded by demons.
Deskari is kind to his Sentinels.
You can read more about him here.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
The Christmas Conspiracy (RWBY AU Snippet)
Weiss looked about furtively and then hurried to unlock the door to her apartment. Ever since she’d stumbled across what could easily be the biggest conspiracy in the history of the world, she’d felt as though she was being followed. It would have been tempting to simply walk away, but she hadn’t become one of the finest investigative reporters in the world for nothing.
The door opened, and she stumbled inside before slamming it shut behind her. The sensation of being watched grew stronger, and she rushed to turn on the light.
She wasn’t alone.
“Hello, Weiss.” A tall figure in a blood-red cloak was sitting at her dining table. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
Of all the gods she could have investigated, of all the gods she could have potentially angered, why had she thought it was a good idea to pick this one?
“I…” Weiss turned back toward the door only to stumble away. A corgi was standing between her and the door. It was an incredibly cute and cuddly corgi, yet it somehow managed to radiate so much menace that she could barely even think. Simply breathing was becoming hard, and she clutched at her throat.
“Zwei,” the figure murmured. “Be nice. I asked Weiss to sit down. She can’t sit down if she suffocates from terror.”
The fear passed, vanishing like smoke on the breeze. For a split-second, the corgi was gone. In its stead was a colossal beast, a hell hound whose head seemed to vanish into the clouds. Black flame roiled over its body, and the spectral shadows of the Abyss shimmered around it. And then the corgi was a corgi again.
Weiss swallowed thickly and sat down at the dining table.
“It has come to my attention,” the cloaked figure said. “That you have come into possession of certain… information.”
Weiss licked her lips. They were incredibly dry. In fact, the air itself seemed parched. “I…” She forced herself to speak. “You don’t scare me.”
“Oh?” The cloaked figure shifted slightly, so Weiss could see her eyes. Silver starlight greeted her. “Would you like it better if I did scare you?”
Raw, unbridled terror struck Weiss like a physical force. Her eyes widened in shock, and every muscle in her body froze. Her mind shut down, and the last thing she felt was her heart bursting from the sort of primordial fear that only one of the Greater Gods could generate.
And then the figure leaned back. The fear vanished.
“Weiss, I’ve chosen to be… polite. Don’t make me regret that decision.”
Weiss nodded slowly. 
“So…” The figure gestured and a pack of cookies appeared on the table with a glass of milk. Weiss realised that they’d come out of her pantry and fridge, and she felt a brief surge of indignation before squashing it. Absurd. She had bigger things to worry about than some cookies and milk. “Why don’t you tell me what you think you know, Weiss?” 
Weiss wrapped her arms around the charm to Pyrrha that she wore around her neck. She’d worn it since she was a child, and the warmth it radiated had always comforted her. It was ice cold now, yet another reminder that the being in front of her was no mere god. “There is no Santa,” Weiss murmured. “It’s all a sham. You’re Santa.”
“And who am I?”
“You… you’re Death.”
“Yes.” Death chuckled softly. “So you thought to yourself that you would expose a secret that I was keeping. At what point did you think that would be a good idea? I am Death, Weiss. I see everything. I know what everyone is doing.” She smiled thinly. “He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. The words in that song aren’t exaggeration, Weiss. From the moment you worked it out, I’ve known.”
“Are you going to kill me?” Weiss trembled.
Death stared at her again with those starlight eyes. It was like staring into another universe, like seeing every single thing she’d ever done or failed to do laid bare. “I could. It would be easy. It would take less than a thought, and you’d be dead. It could look like an accident. No one would ever know.”
Weiss felt a surge of pride that she hadn’t burst into tears. She’d always wondered how she’d face her end. She was, apparently, meeting it with some small measure of dignity.
“But I’m not going to do that.” 
“You put all the little clues together, Weiss. You worked out that Death is Santa, but you never stopped to ask the most important question. Why?” Death reached down and lifted her dog onto the table. Zwei glared for a moment before settling as Death scratched his back. “Why do you think I pretend to be Santa, Weiss?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“The gods are part of the world, Weiss. But we prefer to limit our intervention. We gave you free will. It would be hypocritical if we never let you use it.” Death dipped one of her cookies into the glass of milk before taking a bite out of it. “But the thing is… the mortal world is full of both the best and the worst of what mortals can do. There is so much suffering here, so much sorrow, so much pain. It is… unpleasant. As Death, I see more of it than any of the others. But there is goodness in this world as well, just as there is goodness in mortals. Christmas is a time to celebrate that goodness.”
Weiss nodded slowly.
“When you think about it, the idea of a jolly fat man flying around in a sled pulled by magical reindeer is a bit silly.” Death chuckled. “But the idea of bringing joy and good cheer to all the children of the world, to everyone who has done their best to live a good and decent life, well, that’s not silly.”
“But why you?” Weiss asked.
“Because I can. Because I see into people. I know who has been good, and I know who has been bad. I can be anywhere I want to be. I can be everywhere.” Death smiled. “And because it’s nice, at least one night a year, to not be feared. I am Death, Weiss. What I do is not done out of cruelty or malice. Death simply is. It is part of what makes you mortal. It is part of the world itself. Yet with few exceptions, I am only ever greeted by fear and hate. It can get a little… tiring at times.” Death sighed. “The only people who ever visit my temple, Weiss, are the ones who are doing everything in their power to avoid me, or the ones who want me to pay their enemies a visit.”
“So what now?”
“I’m going to give you a choice, Weiss.” Death stood up. “I want you to think about all the good that Christmas does. I want you to think about all the joy, friendship, and warmth it brings to people’s lives. And I want you to think about how much of that would remain if people knew that I was Santa.”
“And now I’m going to leave. I’m going to let you choose whether you keep that knowledge to yourself, or whether you tell everyone.”
“Are you serious?” Weiss blurted. “Do you know how big a story this would be? It… I’d win prizes. I’d be the most famous reporter on the planet, I’d…”
Death smiled. “Weiss, I can see into people. You’re a better person than you think.”
And then Death was gone, along with her dog, the cookies, and the milk.
Weiss sat there. It would be easy to pick up the phone. She could have the story on the front page of tomorrow’s paper. It really would be the story of her career. Not merely a story about a god, but one of the most famous gods of all. But then her mind drifted to all of the Christmas displays she’d passed on the way home, all the children eagerly lining up to take photos with Santa at the mall, and all the people doing their best to stay friendly and cheerful because it was the holiday season.
“Damn it…” Weiss muttered. “Well played. Well played.”
X     X     X
Weiss trudged into her apartment. It was Christmas eve, and she’d only just gotten back from work. She’d kept quiet after all. She hated to admit it, but Death was right. The world really was a better place with Santa in it. She had just shrugged off her coat when someone tapped her on the shoulder.
“AAHHHHHHH!” Weiss stumbled back and would have tripped over her couch if Death hadn’t reached out to grab her. Seeing Death’s hand around her wrist, Weiss screamed again. “AHHHH!” She thrashed. instinctively, she began to say a prayer to Pyrrha. “Noble Pyrrha, protect me from harm -”
“Relax,” Death said. “I’m not here to punish you.” 
“You didn’t say anything,” Death said.
“I…” Weiss sighed. “You were right.”
“Still,” Death sai. “You did give up a lot of fame and fortune to do the right thing. It kind of seems like a shame.”
“Yeah, well, it turns out I’m a decent human being.”
“Would you like a gift?” Death asked.
“Can it be a billion lien?” Weiss asked.
“Heh. No.” Death grinned and scooped Weiss up into her arms. “Hold on.”
And then they vanished.
They reappeared high over the city. 
“Hmmm…” Death chuckled. “You’re screaming a lot more than the last time.”
Weiss found herself clutching onto Death for dear life. “Yes! Because mortals can’t fly, and we’re really high off the ground!”
“Yep. In fact, we’re exactly thirty thousand feet above the ground. You’d probably be enjoying this even less if I wasn’t using my powers to help you out.” Death smiled. “Now… look down.”
“Do I have to?”
“Trust me. Look down.” 
Weiss looked down. They were floating high above the city, and the clouds had somehow cleared to give them a perfect view of it. “It’s… beautiful.”
“It’s going to get better.” Death’s lips twitched. “You mortals look at everything around yourselves, but you don’t see. Weiss, it’s time for you to see.”
And Weiss saw.
She saw the lights of ten million souls for the first time. Every single person in the city below them was made of light, and she could see them all. They were countless different colours in countless different shapes. Some were small. Some were large. Some were a blazing, brilliant white. Others were a tranquil blue. And still others were a dazzling gold. The distance didn’t matter. It was like they were right there beside her.
She saw the wind, and the spirits that rode on the breeze.
She saw the stars above them, each of them a hero from ages long past.
She saw the blades of grass, the drops of water, the stones, every single thing, she saw it all, and she saw it not with the eyes of a mortal, but with the eyes of a god who had been there when Creation was young.
She saw it all.
And it was so beautiful.
She’d always thought the world was chaotic. But now she saw. Everything, everything was connected. Everyone was connected. They were all pieces in the puzzle, all notes in the song, all brushstrokes in the masterpiece of the gods’ design.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Death asked quietly.
Weiss was weeping too much to reply.
“But it gets better.”
As the clock ticked over to Christmas Day, a wave of light and radiance swept through the city. It was, Weiss realised, a wave of emotion, the joy and warmth of Christmas made manifest, a sight only the gods could see.
And her.
“It’s not an award, and it’s not money,” Death said. “But I hope it is enough.”
Weiss scrubbed at her cheeks. “I…”
Slowly, the vision faded. Her sight was mortal once again. And they were back in her living room.
“Weiss,” Death said. “The world can be an ugly place. It can be full of horror and suffering and woe. But it can be so beautiful too. It can be full of kindness and joy and love. The gods see both what is worst and what is best in you all.” She tapped a spot over Weiss’s heart. “You saw with the eyes of Death, Weiss. Do you understand now why I was so confident that you would make the right choice?”
Weiss nodded.
“Merry Christmas, Weiss.” Death grinned and then vanished.
Staring around at her empty living room, Weiss found herself laughing. She’d never been more right and more wrong about anything in her whole life. “Merry Christmas, Death.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
A little Christmas challenge. I wanted to write a snippet for Christmas, and I gave myself an hour to get it done. Mission complete! This took me just over 45 minutes in a single sitting, excluding the time I took to proofread it afterward. 
More importantly, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Like Death said, the world can be such an awful place, but it can be a truly beautiful place too. I hope, for all of you, that the world is a beautiful place full of kindness, joy, and love. Merry Christmas.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here.
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padfootagain · 6 years
The Haircut
I'm done with season 2 of the Punisher… And this gives me extra Ben feelings, cause he's doing such a marvellous job with this character, and I'm so proud of him… So here is a little extra cute drabble for Ben to celebrate our talented cinnamon roll :)
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word count : 1633
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The early morning was among your favourite moments of the day. When you woke up first, the first rays of the sun still shy and barely passing through the thick curtains hanging before the window, your whole body tickled by the soft sensation of the sheet against your skin…. When the first thing that you could hear, before your ears could catch the sound of the buzzing of traffic outside, was his slow and peaceful breathing. The first feeling you were truly aware of even before the tickling of the sheet was the weight of his arm across your torso. Before you opened your eyes, you were already smiling.
And when you finally lifted your eyelids, it was to be discover the best sight you could ever lay your eyes upon.
Ben was still asleep. The corner of his lips slightly curled upwards in the ghost of smile. His dark lashes trembled as he dreamt. He was lying on his side, his right arm draped across your stomach. He seemed so peaceful… just watching him sleeping was your favourite thing in the world. It was one of the things that never failed to make the whole world disappear. Your troubles vanished into thin air. But then, you felt that way every time he held you close…
You let your fingertips trail the length of his arm, from his fingers resting on your hip and up until you reached his shoulder. You traced tiny circles on his skin for a minute or two, taking some time to study his features. You knew his face by heart already. Every detail… the stubble that coloured his cheeks, the tiny lines at the corner of his eyes drawn across his skin by his bright smiles, the freckle under his eye…
His face felt like home. A place you knew like the back of your hand, and yet always wanted to go back to. A path you had walked through thousands of times and yet you always wanted to wander across it once more.
Your fingers resumed their travel up the side of his neck, through his short stubble tickling your skin in the best of ways, resting for a few seconds on his freckle, before getting lost in his dark hair.
Hell, you loved his dark hair so much. How the soft locks slid through your fingers… You kept on playing with his hair all the time. And Ben loved it too, so it was actually pretty rare to find the two of you cuddling without your fingers lost in his mane.
Right now, his hair was messed by sleep. Which was how you preferred it, if you were to be honest. He looked adorable that way.
His hair was quite long, and you kept on playing with the black locks for a while, until you felt Ben stirring a little against you. But he didn't open his eyes, instead, he merely moved closer to you, until he could rub his cheek against your forehead a couple of time, making you giggle.
"What time is it?" he asked in a voice made hoarse by sleep.
"Don't know," you answered truthfully. "Don't care."
He chuckled, dropping a soft kiss on your brow.
"Good answer," he nodded in approbation, and his low voice made shiver run across your whole body from your toes to your head.
He let out a loud a content breath as you kept on playing with his hair, and he moved his large hand across your hip.
"We could stay here all morning," you proposed.
You felt him smiling against your skin as he rested his lips on your forehead.
"That is what I call a plan," he agreed, before turning his voice from merely hoarse to husky. "And… what could we do in this bed together all morning, huh?"
He covered your naked leg with his, and you let out a little chuckle, closing your eyes.
"I'm sure you could find an idea or two to keep me busy," you answered with humour.
"I could… but I have to go…"
Finally, Ben opened his eyes and took a look at the alarm clock on your bedside table. He still had a fair amount of time before leaving though. He would go through a number of screen tests for the second season of the Punisher early in the afternoon. He could stay with you for a while longer though.
He finally pulled away just enough to look down at you, and his hand travelled across your spine for a moment, making you goosebumps appear on your skin, and you took a sharp intake of breath as his nails trailed the length of your spine. He finally raised your hand to stroke your cheek with the back of his fingers in the most tender way. He stared intensely at you with his dark eyes, that looked completely black in the soft morning light. His eyes travelled through your features he knew like the back of his hand but was never tired of contemplating.
"What about I make us pancakes? Cause I'm starving."
"How could I say no to your delicious pancakes?"
"You can't resist my pancakes. They're my secret weapon. That's how I've managed to keep you by my side for so long."
You both laughed.
"No, that's why you kept me around for so long," you shook your head, your hands still playing with his hair making him joke again.
"The fact that I let you play with my hair so much?"
You both laughed again.
"The fact that you have the dorkiest sense of humour on the planet."
"I'm not a dork!" he faked outrage.
"You are. You're adorably cute."
"You're cute too," he laughed.
He dropped a series of kisses all over your face before letting out a groan as he sat up.
"I'm waiting for you to come back with my pancakes," you chimed.
"You're taking advantage of my generosity!"
You sat up as well to wrap your arms around him again, dropping a couple of kisses on his shoulder blade.
"You may get a reward for these pancakes," you whispered in a husky voice.
He raised up an eyebrow, and dropped a kiss on the tip of your nose. Your fingers got lost in his hair again.
"I'd better make these pancakes then…"
He let you play with his hair for a little longer though. He loved it when you played with his hair…
… he wondered how you would react this evening when he would come home. Because he had had a couple of talks with the guys at Marvel about the look of his character for season 2 of the Punisher… and it meant a rather big change…
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Ben was about to walk out of his car, but he took one last look at his reflection in the tiny rear view mirror.
His hair was so short…
You were going to hate it.
He couldn't wait to see your face at the sight of his so short hair…
He hurried out of the car and to the home you shared. The second he opened the door he caught the scent of food and guessed that you were preparing dinner. So he walked across your home to the kitchen, and indeed, found you in relaxed clothes, singing out of tune at the catchy song that played on the radio, and using your wooden spoon as a microphone. He couldn't refrain a little laugh, and watched you for a few seconds with all the love on Earth in his gaze…
… hell, he loved you so much.
"Evening, darling," Ben finally called for you, leaning casually against the doorframe.
You spun around, about to tell him about your day when you froze, your jaw dropping…
You remained too shocked to say anything for a moment, and you opened and closed your mouth several times like a goldfish as you gestured with the spoon in the direction of his hair.
"Ha, you've noticed that?" Ben joked, passing a hand through his very short hair. "Goes with the new style for Russo for the Punisher. You know, I told you about it… the screen tests were today."
"Yeah… I… I know…" you stuttered. "But… your hair…"
"Cut it off. For the role."
"That… that is criminal… these Marvel guys should be arrested."
He exploded with laughter, before crossing his arms before his chest and staring at you once more.
"So… should I get it that you don't like it?"
"I would be lying if I told you that I preferred this haircut to your longer hair that I adored so much."
"So, that's it… you don't love me anymore?"
His voice was full of humour, and yet you could see in his eyes that there was something a little worried in their expression.
You walked to him, giggling at his joke, and you wrapped your arms around his neck before running your fingers through his hair like you had a thousand times before.
"I will always love you, babe," you reassured him. "Even if you go bald. Even when you're old and turn into a grumpy old man and we both have tons of wrinkles and grey hair… or no hair at all, if you go bald."
He laughed at you, wrapping his arms around you.
"I'll get used to it," you reassured him. "You could have warned me though. That was kind of a shock!"
"Thought you're like the surprise."
You looked up at his hair again as you ran your fingers through his hair again.
He was still handsome as hell. And you still loved him more than anything in this world. You guessed you would get used to this haircut of his…
Tag list : @geeksareunique @giggleberts @sad-orange-thoughts @aylinnmaslow @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla @drinix @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse @newtstarmander @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @madamrogers @presstocontinue @ilmiopiccolounivers0 @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynight-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things
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v-thinks-on · 5 years
How Do We Know About Any of Us? - Part 2
Back to We Know That We Need, But Not What || Previous
The feeling of something constricting his chest jarred Jim into awareness. He found his whole body trussed up with vines. They wound up his legs, around his torso and down his arms. He could even feel a few rough tendrils clinging to his face.
He gave a shout of surprise and nearly fell over in the rush to free himself.
Only then did he realize that the whole floor of the cave beneath him was covered in vines, and the surface he had been leaning against was significantly softer than Spock’s shoulder.
“Spock!” he cried, but to no avail.
Jim tore off the creeping tendrils, wincing a little as they clung to his bare skin, and scrambled around to face Spock - or where he had been when Jim fell asleep. There was the faint outline of a humanoid, seated with his legs crossed as though for meditation, covered in a mound of vines. The side that Jim had been leaning on was molded to his form, as though it was beginning to engulf him too.
If only Jim hadn’t fallen asleep, he would have been able to prevent this. He only hoped Spock could still breathe under all of the vines. His only consolation was that if the forest had been trying to kill them, it should have done so already.
More vines were already beginning to creep up Jim’s legs, winding almost painfully tight around his ankles, but that was nothing compared to the mound that covered Spock. Jim tore at it, pulling away vines by the handful whether they were covered in buds or burrs. Thorns dug into his arms and legs, as though trying to drag Jim away, but he could not relent until Spock was free.
Finally, he glimpsed the pale blue of Spock’s uniform over his chest, thankfully still rising and falling with his steady breathing. That seemed to be enough to awake Spock from his meditation. With a forceful shove, Spock sloughed off the remainder of the vines and stepped back, away from the remainder of the mound that had buried him.
“Spock,” Jim exclaimed, smiling uncontrollably with raw relief.
He reached out to confirm that Spock was truly there and alright, but the Vulcan deftly stepped aside, his body stiff and his expression as flat as ever, with his lips pressed into a thin line. Jim could almost feel the discomfort and distrust radiating off of him.
Jim’s face fell. He stepped away and pulled back on his shirt, before facing Spock again, his arms crossed over his chest. Spock watched him warily, as though waiting for him to make another mistake. The vines still dug into Jim’s legs, but he refused to give them the satisfaction of a response.
“We should keep moving,” Jim said at last and led the way back out into the forest.
It was still drizzling, but it was hardly the rain from a few hours before. Jim ignored his stomach growling in discomfort. The sun was low in the sky, but if they made good time, they might be able reach the others not long after dark. Jim turned to Spock to see which way the tricorder indicated they should go.
However, Spock had other plans. “You require sustenance,” he said with some impatience.
Jim frowned - he could feel thorns poking through his uniform. “It can wait.”
“The other members of the landing party are probably likewise in need of sustenance,” Spock pressed, as though it was an obvious concern.
Jim let out a sigh. He didn’t like it, but Spock was right. They could all probably use something to eat, especially the injured officer; an accelerated recovery was taxing even under the best circumstances.
“Alright, lead the way,” Jim said, though he couldn’t quite keep the irritation out of his voice. He waved for Spock to go ahead of him.
They waded through the forest in silence. The undergrowth clung to them with tendrils and thorns as they passed and the tall, flexible stalks of what passed for trees seemed to squeeze closer together as though to hinder them. It was slow going, even more so for Jim than for Spock, who had his human inefficiencies to contend with as well as the woods themselves. The vines seemed to wind tighter and tighter around him even as he struggled to free himself.
Spock didn’t say anything, of course, but Jim could see the Vulcan standing almost at attention as he waited, his posture perfectly straight, watching Jim with narrowed eyes and an almost arrogant tilt of his head. Jim wanted to snap at him, but he held his tongue. Even in the short time it took Jim to catch up, he could see the vines beginning to wind around Spock’s ankles.
Finally, they found some fruit-bearing trees.
Spock examined the sizable purplish-brown fruits with the tricorder. “As they have not been cultivated for human tastes, I doubt they will be pleasant, but it appears the only toxic substance they contain is an enzyme which should denature when exposed to sufficiently high temperatures,” he reported.
Jim nodded. “We should be able to cook them. Let’s get back to the others.” He glanced up at the sky and frowned - it was already beginning to darken.
They gathered as many of the fruits as they could comfortably carry and continued on through the forest. The sun dipped below the horizon and the only source of light that remained was the sickly green glow of the clouds, presumably reflecting the artificial light of the nearby city. In the shadow of the forest’s canopy, it was almost pitch black.
Jim attempted to pick his way blindly through the underbrush, trying not to trip on the uneven ground as the vines and thistles grabbed at his boots and seemed to shred his pant legs. If he stared too long at a tree or branch ahead, it seemed to dissolve into the darkness. Even Spock, pushing through the forest in undeterred in silence, threatened to vanish into the night.
And then, over the sound of the underbrush crunching under his every step, Jim heard something rustling behind them, like vines slithering through the woods. Jim attempted to quicken his pace, and nearly tripped. He could almost see something moving in the forest around them, but he couldn’t really see anything in the dark.
Spock stopped and turned to face him, his eyebrows raised as though to ask, “What is it now?”
“What are you waiting for?" Jim snapped.
The rustling was getting closer…
“You,” Spock replied pointedly. He made no move to continue.
“Keep moving,” Jim ordered and Spock obliged, though he seemed to be in no hurry.
Jim felt something brush against his ankle and nearly jumped. He pulled out his phaser and scanned the ground, but all he could see were dark shapes that seemed to fade in and out of the shadows until he couldn’t tell what was solid and what wasn’t.
Jim reluctantly holstered his phaser and looked up to find Spock watching him, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. Jim pushed past him without a word.
“Jim,” Spock spoke up at last, “There is no cause for concern." Jim faced him and made to protest, but Spock continued, "I will not allow any harm to come to you."
“Spock,” Jim said, surprised, a smile slowly spread across his face. But he turned serious as he continued, “It’s not me I’m worried about; the vines don’t seem that interested in me.” He sighed. “What happened earlier was my fault. I shouldn’t have let my guard down when I knew it was dangerous.”
“I likewise lowered my defenses when I should not have.” Spock hesitated. “I hoped that through meditating I could restrain my emotions enough to prevent them from influencing the native plant life, however, doing so appears to have attracted them instead.”
“If I’d been awake, I would have been able to stop them,” Jim insisted, “They’re just vines, they shouldn’t be able to move that quickly.”
“It is not your responsibility-” Spock began.
Jim grabbed Spock by the shoulders, perhaps with more force than was strictly necessary and met his eyes with fiery determination. “As your commanding officer and your friend, of course it’s my responsibility - if only you’d trust me with it!”
Spock seemed ready to argue, his eyes narrowed as though he were attempting to puzzle through a completely illogical line of reasoning. However, at last, he relented - “I apologize for giving you cause for concern.”
“It’s not your doing.” Jim loosened his hold on Spock’s shoulders. “We’ll be off this planet soon.” He gave Spock a weary, but sympathetic smile.
Spock inclined his head in appreciation. “It is not ideal for Vulcan inhabitance.”
Jim nodded, his smile a little wider at Spock’s subtle humor, even under less than ideal circumstances. “It doesn’t help that it’s actively trying to get rid of us...” He trailed off, his eyes wide as the forest transformed around them. “I guess it isn’t all bad,” he marveled.
Almost every living surface for a few feet around them was aglow with fluorescent light of all different colors. The large, almost translucent trunks seemed to glow from within, covered in bright stripes of vines. Thin stalks that waved in the wind like seaweed underwater were decorated with ever-shifting splashes of color. The canopy above twinkled like stars. They all let off a dim light, but it was enough to illuminate the dark forest.
Still, Spock stood stiffly, frowning ever so slightly at the brilliant display around him. “I would prefer it if it were not a reflection of my emotions.”
“They’re probably just responding to me,” Jim suggested with a grin - the woods seemed to glow a little brighter for it. “You know I never could keep my feelings under wraps.”
Spock looked unconvinced, but he let his hand brush against Jim’s to pass some restrained gratitude through the contact. He felt the vines loosen around his legs.
Jim stared up at the starry canopy for just a moment longer, and their hands lingered together, letting some of his enthusiasm echo between them, soothing Spock’s nerves just a little.
Finally, Jim settled back onto the surface of the planet with a renewed sense of purpose. “How far away are the others?”
“We are significantly closer to the cave where we waited out the rain,” Spock replied. “I recommend we return there so that you can sleep.”
Jim frowned, but he nodded in assent. “Your meditation was also rudely interrupted. We can switch off sleeping.”
“With all due respect,” Spock said, “Vulcans do not require as much sleep as humans, so I will wait until we have returned to the Enterprise.”
Jim didn’t like it, but agreed and gestured for Spock to “Lead the way.”
It was a short walk through what seemed like a faintly illuminated tunnel through the woods, back to the cave. The vines had all retreated in their absence, leaving it as pristine and lifeless as they had found it. Even the rock they had heated with their phasers to dry themselves off and stave off the cold was exactly where they had left it in the middle of the cave, as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
Jim heated the rock up again with his phaser and they used it to cook a few of the remaining fruits they had gathered - the ones that Jim hadn’t dropped. Spock monitored them with the tricorder, and declared them done as soon as all the toxic proteins had denatured.
Jim swallowed as much of the bitter fruit as he could, leaving a bizarre tingling in his mouth. He couldn’t help but ask, “You’re sure you got all the poison out?”
Spock raised an incredulous eyebrow at him in response.
Jim supposed he was right; Spock wouldn’t have suggested he eat it if there was even a chance that it was still poisonous.
They left the remainder of the fruit for breakfast the next day, and Jim tried to make himself comfortable on the ground next to the still glowing rock. Meanwhile, Spock moved to the mouth of the cavern to sit watch through the night.
Jim lay on his back on a relatively warm, flat part of the cavern floor, staring up at the dark ceiling. He could only barely see the bumps and grooves in the rough rock above. He glanced over at Spock, sitting a few feet away, perfectly still, his legs crossed as though he was meditating again. It had been a long time since he’d fallen asleep to that sight, usually beside him on the bed in his quarters on the Enterprise before the refit. The beds were clearly made for one, but somehow the two of them had squeezed onto it - not that the new beds would be any better.
But they were taking things slow. Jim let out a sigh and closed his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.
“Is something troubling you?” Spock’s voice cut through his aimless thoughts.
Jim opened his eyes and propped himself up on his arm to find that Spock had turned around to face him.
“No,” Jim answered automatically.
He hesitated. It would be easy to leave it at that and try to sleep, but nothing would change if he didn't try.
"I was just thinking about before - our first five year mission together," Jim admitted as lightly as he could, as though he was testing the ice on a newly frozen lake.
Spock nodded in acknowledgement. Jim wished he could see Spock’s expression, but he was too far from their only source of light, and the glowing rock was too dim to illuminate anything but his general shape.
Jim waited for him to continue - Spock had yet to turn back around and resume his watch - but he said nothing. Perhaps he was waiting for Jim to speak, but he didn’t know what to say, especially when he could barely guess what Spock was thinking.
Jim’s heart sunk and he let himself fall back onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling, too restless to close his eyes.
Whether it was the feeling of privacy of sitting seemingly alone in the dark, or some other impulse that encouraged Spock to speak at last, Jim didn't know, but after a long silence he remarked, "I frequently reflect on our time together during our first five year mission.” He hesitated. “It had its merits."
Jim let out another sigh. Spock wasn’t giving him much to go on, but it was true, their time together had its merits… Jim gave a wry smile at the thought.
“Do you miss it?” Jim asked at last, testing the thin ice once more.
There was a long pause. Jim almost didn’t expect Spock to answer, or if he did to deflect with some logical pronouncement.
However, Spock did answer, very softly, but unmistakably, “Yes.”
With a sudden spurt of recklessness, Jim said, “I know we can’t bring back the past, and we’ve both changed, but we could... try again.”
Spock seemed to consider the suggestion. “Perhaps.” Jim could imagine Spock’s eyes narrowing as he attempted to puzzle out Jim’s intention - “Is there something in particular…?”
“No-” Jim cut short his reflexive reply. He would be pushing his luck, but this was as good a time as any and better than most. “Well,” he tried to keep his voice light, “For example, I was just thinking about how you used to stay in my quarters sometimes” - eventually it had turned into every night, but maybe that had been too much.
Spock hesitated again. Jim wondered if maybe he had gone too far, pushed too much. He couldn’t read Spock’s mind, couldn’t even guess what he was feeling like he used to think he could.
But to Jim’s surprise, Spock finally answered, “I would be amenable to your company.”
Jim could not help but smile, even though Spock certainly couldn’t see it in the dark - at least, Jim didn’t think that was one of his many Vulcan abilities. Heartened, Jim sat up and scooched over to where Spock was sitting guard. He lay back down beside him, so they were close, but not quite touching. Jim could imagine the warmth radiating off of Spock.
“Good night, Spock,” Jim whispered, once he was comfortable - at least as comfortable as he could get on the hard rock.
“Good night, Jim.” Spock gently rested a hand on Jim’s shoulder.
Jim managed to sleep until a little before dawn, only waking up a few times to toss and turn in the night. They cooked a few more of the bitter fruits on the phaser-heated rock in the center of the cave as the sun began to rise, illuminating the alien forest in a soft grey light, and then they set off. Spock led the way through the woods, following the faint, distant signal of the rest of the landing party. It seemed the others were in motion as well, presumably heading back to the city.
Jim and Spock talked little, both intent on the mission at hand. Spock still walked with a rigid posture, but he was a little less cold, and Jim for his part, was serious, but with a faint smile and some of the thrill of an adventure finally coming to a head. As much as he enjoyed commanding from the bridge, it didn’t feel like he was actually exploring the galaxy if he didn’t beam down to an alien planet every once in a while.
The sun was nearly at its peak by the time the forest began to thin and give way to the thick mat of vines. The vines grabbed at them as they approached and wound up their legs. Spock stiffened at the touch and his features flattened so he was even more unreadable than before. But the vines made no attempt to pull them under.
Jim rested a hand on Spock’s arm in an attempt to convey his sympathies, but it did little to help him relax.
Spock was scanning the area for the others with his tricorder, when they heard a shout.
Dr. McCoy and a trio of security officers hurried out of the woods to meet them.
“I was worried those vines swallowed you up!” Dr. McCoy exclaimed. He rounded on Spock - “Where did you run off to?”
Jim stepped between them. “Later,” he cautioned Dr. McCoy with half a smile. To the rest of the landing party, he said, “We’re going to try again to convince them, but be ready to beam back up if things go south again.”
With that, they marched into the city. More and more vines wrapped around them as they walked, but following the captain’s example, they paid them no heed. They strode past curious onlookers, to the central square, and into the tall building with the giant fern above vine-covered doors.
They passed through the central chamber, into one of many winding corridors that branched off of it, and went straight to the council chamber where they had first been received. Several officials were already gathered there, discussing some no doubt essential matter among themselves.
The officials stopped speaking as the landing party entered the room.
“What are you doing here?” The largest among them demanded.
“I’m sorry for intruding,” Captain Kirk said. “We didn’t mean to offend you before, and request that you at least consider trading with the Federation if you won’t allow our scientists to study your medicine and possibly help advance it in the process.”
“How dare you return!” The official roared.
“It wasn’t easy,” Kirk remarked. “At least let us return to our starship and leave you in peace - something on your planet has been preventing us from contacting her. If you will forgive the accidental insult, we can send an ambassador who will hopefully be able to explain everything more clearly.”
The officials communicated among themselves, vines gradually shifting around them.
Finally, the largest of the officials spoke to Kirk, “If you speak the truth, and were unable to return to your spaceship, then perhaps you are wiser than your words suggest. Otherwise, you would not have made it back. Therefore, we permit you to send a diplomat, who, for their sake, is hopefully better at speaking than yourself. We no longer regard you as enemies, so you should be able to contact your vessel.”
“Thank you,” Kirk said. He pulled out his communicator - “Kirk to Enterprise, do you read me?”
“Captain Kirk?” Sulu exclaimed on the other end. “You’re coming in loud and clear! And it looks like our sensors are finally clearing! What happened down there?”
“It’s a long story,” Kirk said with a grin. “Six to beam up.”
“Yes sir!” Sulu said and a few moments later the landing party dematerialized in columns of golden light.
One Ambassador Later:
The ship’s gardens were in full bloom, as always. For the occasion, they had brought out the most exotic plants from the botany lab to sit among the usual favorites. Lieutenant Commander Sulu had enthusiastically volunteered to lead the diplomatic party on a small tour and was in the middle of showing off his favorite carnivorous plant, Gertrude. It eagerly snapped at the ogling crowd.
“Now this one is alive!” The largest of the representatives of Motus IV exclaimed.
Sulu grinned back. “All the plants are alive, they’re just not quite as active as yours.”
The representatives of Motus IV had, of course, brought along their own greenery. They would have been quite naked without them; colorful vines wrapped around their bodies where clothes would have been, and followed behind them in long trains besides. Their crystalline faces were blank, but their vines seemed to explore with a voracious curiosity.
Commander Spock was careful to stay well out of their way, at the end of the procession. In front of him, a handful of the Enterprise’s senior officers mingled with the representatives from Motus IV, the ambassador who had made the gathering possible, and her staff. Still others had broken off from the grand tour to wander around the gardens in smaller groups, away from their respective superiors.
Admiral Kirk was standing toward the edge of the tour, in the midst of an avid discussion with one of the more restrained representatives of Motus IV - if their simple grey vines were to be believed. For an instant, he glanced back at Spock and shot him a sympathetic smile, and then his attention returned to the conversation as though it had never left.
But it was not long before Kirk slipped away and appeared beside Spock.
Spock raised his eyebrows at the captain in an unspoken question.
Kirk smiled at him, perhaps a little sheepish, but he kept his voice light as he remarked, “They do some impressive work, mostly botany, but there are some papers on empathy you might find interesting.”
Spock nodded in acknowledgement. The secrets of Vulcan telepathy lingered unmentioned between them. “I did not intend to interrupt your conversation,” he said, though he was not certain why the captain had ended it.
Kirk waved off the question. His eyes held Spock’s for several moments too long. A hopeful spark fluttered nervously in Kirk’s chest.
The others slowly moved on, continuing on their tour, but Kirk put a hand on Spock’s arm before he could follow. Spock obliged and waited as the others meandered out of sight.
At last, they were by all appearances alone - though Spock could still hear the tour in the distance. Only then did Spock say softly, “Jim?”
Jim smiled, but did not reply. Instead, he began to lead Spock in the opposite direction from the others. Jim’s eyes wandered, admiring the trees and flowers and other plants from all over the galaxy, though he could still feel Spock’s intent gaze fixed upon him.
At last, Spock attempted again, “Jim” - Jim turned to face him - “I owe you my gratitude. If you had not found me in the forest of Motus IV, I would not have been able to escape.”
“Just returning the favor,” Jim said. His expression turned serious as he hesitated over his next words. He glanced away, and then back at Spock - “I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself otherwise.”
"Still, I am grateful for everything you have done for me," Spock said firmly. With an almost human impulsiveness, he put a hand on Jim’s arm to emphasize his words.
Jim could not hold back a grin. He tentatively reached out to Spock with his first two fingers.
Spock mirrored the gesture and brought their fingers together, touching ever so lightly, but enough for Jim to feel Spock’s heart racing through his finger tips - or perhaps it was just his own. A rush of feeling beyond words passed between them, a heady wave of love and longing and so much else, powerful enough to almost be all consuming, but somehow fragile.
At last, they drew apart. Jim’s eyes slowly opened, though he did not remember closing them, the world around him suddenly over bright and his mind still reeling from the rush of feelings that were and weren’t his own. His heart pounded in his chest and he could see that he wasn’t the only one left a little winded.
That was a lot deeper than they had gone in a long time, and Jim couldn’t help but wonder what a full mind meld would bring.
Spock recomposed himself, drew himself up to full height with his perfect posture, and watched Jim with a carefully questioning gaze. Spock hadn’t really meant to let it get that far - Jim could see it written all across his restrained features.
Jim smiled back, though he probably looked more breathless than reassuring.
Spock’s eyes narrowed, as though that would enable him to see more clearly what Jim was thinking, but all he saw was a very human smile that he somehow still found disarming.
Jim gestured for them to continue wandering through the garden.
It took all of the human qualities Spock had - good and bad - to angle an arm around Jim’s waist as they went.
Jim glanced over at him, unable to believe his senses, but he could feel Spock’s arm brushing up against his back, even as the Vulcan walked beside him, staring straight ahead as though nothing had happened - nothing he was willing to admit to, at least. Jim just grinned even wider and leaned into Spock’s side.
Notes: Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through “We Know That We Need, But Not What,” and “How Do We Know About Any of Us?” This marks the end of this little series, but of course, Kirk and Spock’s journey is never over. Next week’s story is a oneshot that takes place a little while after this point, seven years after Amok Time.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
My Doctor: Thirteen x Reader - Part 2
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Summary: You’ve landed in Sheffield and are about to change the lives of a small group of people.
Of all places to land after the TARDIS kicked you out, you landed in a train with very scared and confused people on-board.
You got to your feet and hoped to get some time to talk to your, now, wife. All those thoughts went out the window when an alien showed up, so it was a good time to shut up and help out.
The Doctor just kept on talking, you had to kiss her to stop and get her to focus. She reminded you of her past self, the one with the bowtie. The one you married. She brought a smile to your face.
"Sorry, I'm distracting myself." She grinned and turned around to face the alien.
Now that these people had just witnessed that, they had become apart of the team to figure out what was going on.
Running through Sheffield wasn't exactly what you had planned, but it turned out to be quite exciting and you had grown quite fond of your new found friends.
"So, you're married to an alien?" Ryan asked at one point.
"Are you...?"
"Alien? Yes. Now."
"What do you mean 'now'?" He asked narrowing his brow.
"I was human before." You gave him a sweet smile. "The Doctor did something stupid and had my life saved by using up something valuable to Timelords. Now I'm one of them, basically speaking." You shrugged your shoulders.
Ryan was fascinated by you, that's for sure.
Then the time came when you both had to leave. Returning to the TARDIS was the main goal. You held your Doctor's hand and thanked your friends for their help, still feeling awful that Grace had fallen.
The Doctor gave your hand a squeeze and used her free hand to use the sonic, both of you closing your eyes tightly as you expected to be on the TARDIS. Of course, it didn't quite work out that way as when you opened your eyes, you were floating in space, your wife floating beside you and to your left, your new friends.
Everything after that was a blur as when you woke up you were on a ship with Ryan and Graham.
A woman, who was piloting the ship, told you all that she had found you out in space. Just you three. Graham argued with her a little bit, before Ryan asked her where you all were in space.
"There was five of us in total." You tried.
"I only saw the three of you." The blonde woman repeated. You were rolled your eyes. "Hold up, landing ahead."
"No no no, were not doing anything until you turn this ship around and take us back to our friends." Graham came up beside you.
"There would be no point. If they were even still out there they'd be dead." The woman looked him in the eye.
"They can't be dead." You said firmly, looking her in the eye. "Don't panic," you turned to Ryan and Graham, "we'll figure this out."
You all sat down prepared for landing, your thoughts going to the Doctor hoping she was safe and fine and that Yaz was with her. You'd find her again, you knew you would.
The planet looked like a desert, bare and Sandy looking. There was no life in sight. No buildings or anything. Just the ship you came in and your little group.
Ryan and Graham stood beside one another and looked out ahead of them.
"We're on another planet." Ryan spoke as if to try and let that thought sink in.
"Yeah." Graham' s thoughts were all over the place.
"Not your first planet then?" Ryan asked looking at you as you smiled at the pair of them. "Course it isn't, silly question."
You chuckled. "I've been to many planets. Many moons. Many worlds. I still get amazed by things, even desolate planets like this one."
The woman who brought you here went on ahead to take in the readings of the planet.
"What shall we do?" Ryan asked, now over the shock of being on another planet.
"Follow her?" Her suggested.
The pair nodded and walked beside you as you made your way to catch up to your pilot.
"Maybe they're already here, Yaz and the Doctor. Maybe they're safe." Ryan said, hope laced in his voice.
"Yeah. Guess we'll find out." You muttered, fiddling with the ring on your finger.
The three of you were non the wiser to Yaz and the Doctor still being in space.
Graham and the pilot began to argue you some more once you had caught up to her. The urge to roll your eyes at the pair of them was hard to resist.
A low rumbling sounded from far up above, all of you turned to see where it was coming from.
The pilot sounded impressed.
A ship came into view. It was hurtling towards the planet and right at all of you. In a desperate urge to not die you trapped the sleeves of Ryan and Graham and began to run.
"It's heading straight for us. Run!"
The pilot was quick to follow.
The ship hit the ground and began to slide along the ground, it's speed slowing, but not fast enough. Dirt flew up into the air and made the air fill with dust and sand.
Ryan tripped and both you and Graham made quick work to get him back on his feet. Just in time too.
The moment he was up again, however, the four of you fell back and rolled down the hill. The ship glided along the ground for a few moments more before it stopped entirely.
You got to your feet and looked up through the sand that was still floating through the air. There was silence for a while and then you head Ryan.
You cast your gaze over to where she came into view and smiled. Relief washed over you.
"Sorry about the mess." She apologised with her hands up.
Ryan and Graham went over to greet Yaz, happy she was alive and here.
You can straight into the Doctor's arm. She accepted it gladly, relieved to see you were OK. You could feel her bury her face into your shoulder and give you a squeeze.
"I'm so happy you're alright." You mumbled into her ear. "For a moment I did wonder if I'd see you again."
She pulled back just far enough to see your face.
"Don't ever doubt me." She wasn't angry, just teasing. "I'll come back to you, remember that." She kissed your head and grasped your hand as she turned to the group.
"Quick update: I made a terrible mistake and we shouldn't be here. I'm going to fix it and get you guys home." She promised. "As soon as I figure out where we are."
She then assured the group that should would figure all that out and then welcomed them to their first alien planet, wanting them not to touch anything.
That made you giggle and her smile.
You all followed her as she wandered off, her hand still in yours.
A siren of sorts sounded out over the hills and the two pilots of the ships marched on ahead, seemingly knowing what that sound was.
It led you all to a tent in the middle of no where.
Things were about to get complicated. You could just tell.
The Doctor explained to Graham why you could understand the aliens, via implants due to a lack of the TARDIS, and led you a inside where a man was sitting. The Doctor waved her hand through him to confirm him being a hologram and then introduced you all. She then went on to explain how you all ended up there while the pilots argued about you all being bonuses, and finally asked what the situation was because everyone was clearly confused.
Hologram man explained that it was a race. A space race. The pilots were the finalists. The winner would receive a prize. The with of which, was lost on you.
The last challenge was for the pilots to cross the terrain of the planet and reach the place named the Ghost Monument. The loser would be left here.
You shared a look with the Doctor. Neither one of you agreed with the outcome of the race.
The hologram explained the rules to the pilots and where the Ghost Monument was located. Apparently the planet was quite viscous and the water was dangerous.
Hostile planets were not your thing.
"I know you prefer to ignore the Doctor, but what is the Ghost Monument?" You asked, hoping her answer you.
The pilots prepared themselves for their task as he explained to you that it was legend told by many of a monument that appears in the same place every thousand solar rotations.
You cast a glance to the Doctor and wondered for just a moment if it was possible.
"What does it look like?" The Doctor asked, almost desperate to know.
"What does it matter?" He asked her, walking through her.
The Doctor told him outright that you were a group of people who barely knew each other stranded on a planet with no equipment and very little to go on.
Then he showed her.
That feeling you had was right.
You smiled.
"The TARDIS." All hope was coming back to you now. "Thank you so much."
The Doctor reached for your hand and pulled you close to her side gently. She was relieved to see her beautiful TARDIS.
The tent around you vanished.
"Bye then." The Doctor sighed.
The Doctor was smiling wider than you had seen her smile all day. She was excited and also full of hope. She  began to explain to the group that the Ghost Monument was her ship, the TARDIS, and that if you all made the journey to it, she could take them home. She explained why she thinks the TARDIS is phasing in out and as it appears to be doing and how should could stabilise it. Knowing she could made you happy, because you just wanted to return to your currently unstable home.
The Doctor promised them once more that she could get them home.
"We should follow them." You suggested, looking out to where the pilots had set off to.
"Let's get a shift on." She grabbed your hand once again and began to follow the pilots, the rest following behind.
Home was closer than you thought.
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i’m completely and entirely head over heels for one of my super close friends, and i’ve received info she likes me back lately. i’m like SO scared of talking to her about them, i’m really scared of screwing things up, but i really want to be in a relationship with her. i’m COMPLETELY new to feelings, i’ve never been in love/dated anyone before, so could you give me advice and info on what to do and what to avoid doing? i have no idea how to go about telling her or asking her out.
I hate to be that guy that gives the ultra cliché advice, but "bE yOuRsElF!!!"
I know it's stupid, so let's explain. What I mean when I say you need to just be yourself is that there are no wrong ways to experience the feelings you're feeling. Some people barely feel anything, some people get completely swept away by their feelings. Everyone experiences feelings and romance differently, and if you're completely new to romance, then you're going to have to learn just like everyone else what that means for you, your brain, your body, and your emotions. Yes, your body too, and I don't mean you getting horny and shit. Love is a PHYSICAL experience. Love gives you literal rushes of chemicals to your brain at even the thought of the person you care about. Love physically reduces your stress, both mentally and physically. Love LITERALLY heals wounds faster, and helps you see the world in a more positive way. This is legit stuff.
But because all our experiences of love are individual, it means there's no right or wrongs to anything. How you feel? There are no right or wrongs. Mistakes? There are no right or wrong mistakes. Obstacles? What might be an obstacle to you might  not be an obstacle to me. It's all variable.
So what I'm instead going to do is give you some quick do's and don'ts for your relationship future. These may not apply to your current situation or your current emotions. But these tips are ALWAYS valuable, regardless of the situation, and can be applied toward this current one and all future ones.
USE YOUR WORDS. Legitimately, just SPEAK. Say anything. If you don't express your feelings (good or bad), then your partner will never know. They can't read your mind, and you can't read theirs. The only way for you two to understand each other is to communicate. When you feel happy, let them know. When you feel sad, let them know. When you feel angry, let them know. Don't hide things; hiding your emotions can feel easy and smart, but it's a bad habit, and gets worse the more you do it. It can be really scary and horrifying to admit your feelings; it can feel like you're messing everything up permanently. But usually it'll be fine. So take a big breath and use your words. CONSENT IS HOT. I know everyone rambles about consent all the time. But consent is valuable, and it applies to more than just sex. This is related to using your words, but you should be free to ask people how they feel. Ask if they want things from you, and await their answer. Some people see this as stupid, and that you don't need to ask. And that's fair, some people have very simple boundaries. But outlining what is and is not acceptable behaviour between each other is important. Make sure you get in the habit of just checking in and seeing how other people feel. SET UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Okay, you ask this person out, and they say yes. WOO, congrats. Now what? The first thing people should do when starting a relationship is lay some ground rules. This is a huge issue, because most people don't do that. They just get into a relationship with the mentality of LOVE WILL FIND A WAY, but hell nah, love is messy. So making sure you build a nice structure for your relationship right at the beginning is important. For instance, you should express your issues and baggage upfront. "Listen, I struggle with anxiety. I might flip out every once in awhile. Here are some of the things that set off my anxiety: [insert list]." You should also express your intentions and desires that you wish to see in a relationship. One person may say, "I'm not in a rush to have sex, but sometime in the future, I'd really like to have sex, get married, and have kids," while another person might say, "I'm asexual, I hate children, and never want to get married." If you learn this right away, and that's a deal-breaker for any one of you, THAT'S GOOD TO KNOW before you both get more invested. Beyond that, just ask about feelings and stuff. How much should you two communicate? What are the best ways to communicate: are they an IRL person, or do they prefer phone calls more than texts, or video calls more than phone calls? Is there an amount of conversation they expect? Daily texts? Hourly texts? NEVER GO TO BED OR ELSE I HATE YOU texts? What about physical affection levels? Is there some affection they don't like? Every situation is different, and cementing the relationship also means figuring out all these little issues early on.
DON'TS YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO YOUR PARTNER, BUT ONLY TO A POINT. You need to have boundaries for yourself. It's nice to have that pure romanticist view of "we are both a part of each other." But let's be honest, that's not how the real world works. If you're in a monogamous relationship with your partner, it's important to be there to support them, care about them, and treat them with respect. But that has to end eventually. You are not your partner's therapist. You cannot financially take care of your partner. You are not responsible for their problems. While you may be willing to help your partner with these issues, and many more, you're not obligated to do more than your needs. You need to take care of yourself first. Your partner should not feel like a burden or a drain on your life situation; they should feel like someone you're inspired to help and support. Just remember, you can't take care of their life for you, and you shouldn't let them twist you around their finger too much. You need to have self-care too.
DON'T FORGET YOUR FRIENDS AND YOURSELF. Seriously, your friendships matter. That's your support network. And it can be really tempting to invest entirely in your relationship. I'm sure you've seen other people who just vanish off the face of the planet when they get into a relationship. While it happens all the time, do your best to regulate your own friendships beyond your relationship. Make time for your friends, keep talking and hanging out with them. Related, but also don't give up your hobbies for your relationship. Those make you who you are! You deserve some alone time, and you are also allowed to keep working on your hobbies and friendships and interests and career ventures on your own time. Sometimes that means you need to pull back a little from your relationship, and that's good! That's healthy! Don't forget to take that time.
DON'T MAKE BIG DECISIONS WITHOUT THINKING IT THROUGH. Good life advice in general, but the line that I usually use on this blog is, "You cannot unring that bell." If you're going to make a decision that affects many people, you better have a good reason for doing it. This especially applies to break-ups. If you feel like something is going wrong in the relationship, whether your feelings get hurt, or your partner isn't giving you the attention you deserve, or some other problem, TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT. Don't make actions unilaterally; you're a team for a reason. The reason you should always be patient and take actions slowly and with proper thought put into them is if you make the wrong choice on the spur of a moment decision, you might not be able to fix that problem later; it might be permanently broken. Be careful and act slowly and with purpose; don't act on rash instincts. 
DON'T BE A DICK. Seriously though, it needs to be said because people are so often frequently huge douche-nozzles to each other. Don't cheat on your partner - if you must, break up with them first. Don't lie to your partner; that's just fucked up, and you know better. Don’t reject or ignore someone’s consent: that’s literally rape. Don't be disrespectful to your partner; we're all adults here, and if not, we need to start acting like it. Don't disregard your partners feelings; sometimes we can't handle our partner, and that's okay, but you need to say that.
This is not an all-encompassing guide. Again, every situation is different, and nobody could make a perfect guide that makes everything clear for everyone. But what you can do is take good, smart, actionable steps to making your relationship more healthy and happy. That's all that can really be hoped for.
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elsajeni · 5 years
Chocolate Box 2020 Letter
Dear Chocolatier: thank you for dropping by! I know I will enjoy anything you write for me, but if you’d like a little more detail on my preferences, here it is. First all the general stuff, which is all in my sign-up, but for the sake of having everything in one place:
Likes: bantering and bickering; moments of humor even in dark situations; pining; misunderstandings that turn out all right in the end; hurt/comfort; rescue missions; casual relationships; “undercover as a couple” tropes; “actually a couple, undercover as something else” tropes.
Sex & Kink Likes, if you go in that direction: light bondage; lots of talking during sex, both sweet and dirty; laughing during sex; inappropriate use of magic/Force powers/miracles; “foreplay” activities as the main event; overstimulation; orgasm denial, orgasm control, forced orgasm; light D/s dynamics.
DNWs: rape/non-con unless specified; incest; explicit scenes with underage characters; detailed description of bodily fluids; mundane AUs (coffeeshop, high school etc.); A/B/O; lifestyle or outside-the-bedroom D/s; infidelity; pregnancy, miscarriage, or infertility; unrelentingly dark and grim stories (I like a glimmering of hope); unhappy endings in Good Omens fic specifically.
Onward! to the pairing-specific prompts!
Luke Skywalker/Wedge Antilles -- this is a long-time favorite pairing, and I would love pretty much anything about them! Given the Thrawn trilogy as a setting, I’m interested in the pressures that their respective positions and commitments put on a relationship, and especially the complications of maintaining a relationship with someone who’s always running off on incomprehensible Jedi business (Luke just... up and fuckin’ vanishing off of Hoth is a pivotal moment in how I tend to see their relationship) -- whether they’re trying to make a committed relationship work, or deciding that a casual whenever-we’re-on-the-same-planet thing is the best they can manage, or what. How do you deal with loving someone when circumstances never seem to let you make him your first priority, or you his? (If it comes up, I strongly prefer Wedge’s old EU/Legends backstory.)
Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker -- another long-time favorite! Another pairing where I would like basically anything you give me! I’m especially interested in the innate connection between them that exists before they even meet, and how that shapes their relationship. I am, of course, very into their eventual true love and the canonical slow build into it; that said, I’m also super into the idea that they had the occasional purely-chemistry-driven goddammit-I-don’t-even-like-you hookup long before that. (If you’re into soulmate AUs, this is also the very rare pairing where I’m into soulmate AUs, not least because of how completely furious Mara would be about it.)
Mara Jade/Darth Vader -- I’m interested in Mara’s youth in the Emperor’s court, and the sort of... just-under-the-surface yawning horror that we know is there, but that doesn’t get dug into much in the EU. Give me something with her and Vader encountering each other -- as rivals for Palpatine’s attention, as tentative allies in court intrigue, as student and tutor? This could go in a lot of directions, from something as relatively innocent as a kid’s crush on the one person she thinks understands her to something as dark as the Emperor ordering one of them to the other one’s bedroom; whatever way you go with it, I do want you to treat the power dynamics and age dynamics here seriously, and lean into the darkness it suggests -- no one here is having a nice time or doing something they’ll be really happy to look back on.
(This is my one sort-of-exception to the “no rape/non-con” clause; it’s a pairing that lends itself to questionable or compromised consent, and I’m into that. The line between “dubcon” and “non-con” is blurry, but as much as possible, I’d like you to stay on the dubcon side of it -- deceit, coercion, and uncomfortable power imbalances, yes; violence, physical or Force-based force, or explicit non-consent that’s ignored, no. This is NOT an exception to the “no explicit scenes with underage characters” clause; if you write this with Mara as a teen, please keep anything explicitly sexual off-screen.)
Garik "Face" Loran/Ton Phanan -- listen, this is a long shot and I know it, but: GHOSTS. Give me Ton still hanging around after death -- where else does he have to go, after all? Haunting all the Wraiths, or just Face, or trying to figure out how he can go haunt some Imperials and ruin their day. Making Face miserable, or still making him laugh (and is he real, or is this some kind of coping mechanism, and does Face want to find out which?), or not seeming to know he’s dead. Just… Ghost Ton. Pls. (If ghosts aren’t for you, I’d also be very happy with them getting into shenanigans and having lots of pleasant casual sex during happier days!)
Wedge Antilles/Wes Janson -- I’m just looking for more Wraith Squadron/Starfighters of Adumar-style shenanigans here, really. Maybe some silly undercover-as-a-couple type stuff, or just some pure stress-relief casual fun? Alternately, this is a pairing that lends itself to hurt/comfort; both of these guys have more than enough canonical close calls, let’s see the aftermath of one of them. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could fix Isard’s Revenge for me by writing their post-Distna reunion, after they’ve both believed each other to be dead for weeks.
Son of Havoc/Ivelisse Velez/Angelico -- I just love these beautiful dysfunctional dipshits and I want them to love each other! I’m into this as a casual stress-relief thing among teammates that accidentally turns less casual; I would love some hurt/comfort, which I feel like wrestling fic is basically made for, and I have a special love for “oh no, *I’m* the one who hurt you” h/c in particular, which I feel like these three squabbling idiots are basically made for. My general taste in Lucha Underground fic is “turn the supernatural nonsense up to 11,” so go nuts with the “persecuted by the literal goddess of death” business; I have a particular weakness for regular mortal Ivelisse and Havoc getting dragged into supernatural nonsense because their boyfriend is a supernatural creature with no sense of self-preservation.
Aziraphale/Crowley -- hi, yes, like everyone else on tumblr I am now a full-time Good Omens obsessive. This is another pairing that I like pretty much any way you take it -- six thousand years of angsty pining and “no actually they’ve been fucking and/or married since Eden” and anything in between all equally welcome. I love the historical scenes that we get in the TV show, and would be delighted with anything looking at what they’ve been up to throughout the rest of history (ooh, how about a Robin Hood interlude?); I love rescue missions and hurt/comfort of any kind; I have a terrible weakness for the delayed-action total fucking breakdown that Crowley is clearly going to have post-Armageddon; I’m down for them not being quite as safe as they thought they were post-Armageddon, and having to fend off one last attack from Heaven or Hell or both. I love the warm soft side of how ludicrously much they love each other, and also the absolutely crucial part of their dynamic that is “I can’t believe I have somehow been stuck, for six THOUSAND YEARS, hanging around with the SINGLE MOST ANNOYING PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE”. My one specific demand is: I don’t mind some angst on the way to my happy ending, the payoff is all the sweeter if you make me suffer for it a little, but this is the one pairing where I feel really really strongly that you gotta give me the happy ending, or at least leave them on track for it if they’re not quite there yet.
(A note: I requested Aziraphale/Crowley under both book and TV fandoms, and I’m lumping them together here because I honestly don’t care much about the distinction. I love the book, I loved the show, fics set in book canon, TV canon, or a sort of pick-and-choose hybrid canon are all equally fine with me!)
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puregummi · 5 years
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Wanted to practice writing fight scenes! So have the fight between Popu and Limon that turned Limon good- or well, not evil anymore.
Limon stood before the fallen warriors, dark aura enveloping her as her dark expression grew. A sharp tooth smiled bare for all to see.
“I thought you Z Fighters would put up a better fight! Since I was so easy to beat the first time around.” The young Majin mocked. This wasn’t her first fight with the Earth’s defenders. Initially when she came to this planet she tried to take them on, with the help of her Saiyan bodyguards of course. While the Saiyans provided a bit of an upper hand for Limon, she was no match once Goku and Vegeta arrived on the scene. However after a year of radio silence, the Majin was back and way stronger than they thought. But without her Saiyan friends. What a mistake that was.
However they seemed to have gravely underestimated the Majin.
She took down each Z fighter one by one, effortlessly almost. Where did all this power come from?! Limon taunted them from her place above them, beaten down and damaged. Goku and Vegeta were out of the count- nobody knew where they were right now. But it’d be really nice for them to drop in any moment now! Limon began approaching the fallen warriors. This was it, this was the end. A Majin finally came to destroy them and their world and they couldn’t stop them this time.
However before Limon got too close, a figure appeared.
It was quick and sudden, everybody looked up to the shorter pink Majin who appeared before them, eyes scowled and teeth bare.
“I thought I told you to scram and tell my father we wanted nothing to do with him.” Popu glared, causing Limon to snicker back at her. “You really think just because you asked I’d just leave? I’m as much an heiress as you are Popu! You have no authority over me.” Limon sneered, causing Popu to glare. “I’m not asking for authority. I’m asking you to fuck off.” She took a step forward. The Yellow majin made no movements, watching Popu with a delighted smirk. “Oh ho, quite unbecoming of you, your highness. Such words aren’t be coming for the crowned princess of our clan!” She mocked. In a second Popu made her move, Limon barely blocking with her own arm.
“Ah, you’re much faster than I remember. Have you been training?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Popu hissed, kneeing the other Majin. Limon coughed a bit, a devious smile appearing on her face as she dealt a blow to the side of Popu’s face. The smaller Majin growled. Now it was on.
Everybody watched in awe as Popu gave it her all. Watching her fight was a rare occasion, she much preferred to sit and watch and when she did fight, it was all for the fun of it. She held her arms up shielding her face as Limon dealt blow after blow against her. Raising one arm slightly, she blocked the other’s arm as she grabbed her incoming fist, trying to force the other down in submission. Limon growled, eyes wide and manic as she kneed Popu. As she doubled over, the yellow Majin clasped both hands together as she knocked Popu over the head, sending her flying towards the ground. The crater it left was immense, debris covering the smaller opponent in a thick fog of dust. Popu coughed as she pushed herself up, shaking her head. Oh, now she was pissed.
“I’m getting real sick and tired of this.” Popu growled, shooting back up and dealing an uppercut to Limon. The majin sputtered, flying back and shaking her head. Realigning her jaw slightly, she blasted towards Popu, shooting all kinds of Ki flares at her. Popu dodged them all effortlessly, teleporting behind Limon the moment she got close. They were causing too much damage to the city and it was best to deal with her quickly. Popu didn’t have time to tango with this pompous uppity piece of shit and she was going to end it as quickly as she could.
“What the-?!” Limon glanced around her, where had that tiny pink blob gone?!
“Stay dead.” Popu growled as her hands lit up in a menagerie of purples and pinks. Limon whipped her head behind her, pupils shrinking and eyes wide as the other dealt a Majin Kamehameha at point plank.
Popu thought that’d be the end of it, wiping her hands together and letting out a sigh. However, before she could set down on Earth, the sound of an Instant Transmission caught her as Limon grabbed her shoulder. “Did you forget I could do that too?”
Popu was sent flying, crashing into a building. Limon laughed maniacally as Popu came barreling out, resuming her fight with Limon.
She could match her in speed and strength, this was getting ridiculous. At this rate she might- she might…
“Feh!” The pink Majin snarled.
Popu let out a shockwave of energy, sending Limon back. She had no choice. There was no way she could overpower Limon at this rate. She was… She was going to have to learn how to control herself real fast and not lose herself in the process. The grounded Z Fighters watched as the fight progressed, growing more and more concerned for Popu. They knew she could fight- but she was quickly losing leverage it seemed. However, the girl began to change. Plumes of smoke began radiating from the vents in her body.
“What is she…” Krillin stared. Limon blinked back, furrowing her brows.
“Wait. What are you doing? You’re not-” Limon’s eyes widened. Popu smirked, glaring at Limon. “Mom and dad never taught you, did they?” Was all she managed out before she was enveloped in the smoke. Her breathing was caught in her throat and she began to change, a demonic roar being ripped from her throat as air rushed out of her, clearing the smoke. Her body contorted in ways that made anyone’s backs ache. Flopping forward like a limp doll, she lifted her head slightly to reveal wide dark black eyes and small red irises. A sharp tooth grin flashing itself to Limon. Her tendrils had joined to become one long one hanging off her head while her body morphed to be the spitting image of the malicious Kid Buu. The Majin symbol on her belt shined in the sun as she stood, glaring at the other. “Why so scared Limon? I thought you were stronger than me.”
“You…!” Limon clenched her teeth, hesitating slightly. THIS was purification. She didn’t know how to enter such a phase. But how?! Her sisters weren’t able to utilize the form either! Why was Popu able too?!
However, everyone on the ground was much more surprised and shocked than Limon was. Popu. Sweet little Popu who wouldn’t hurt a fly. With eyes full of stars and a smile so bright it felt like sunshine. She was the sweetest Majin to ever land on Earth. She was friendly, charismatic and generally harmless. Nobody thought she could become the image of something so evil and monstrous. But the truth was Popu had always been this way. She’s always been able to utilize this form and she was stronger than people took her for. Nobody ever respected Popu the way she wanted. She may have been cute but she was a fighter, she was the daughter of one of the universe’s most terrifying species. Majins weren’t all happiness and rainbows, there were some capable of atrocities around the universe who had no qualms of ending lives and destroying worlds. Popu comes from that lineage of Majin. And in this form, it becomes quite apparent.
The shockwave she made when colliding with Limon threw back even those on the ground. Limon struggled to keep her arms up as Popu mercilessly dealt throw after throw, a wicked smile as she relished in the struggle and pain Limon felt. Oh how good it felt to be back in this skin. How long has she gone in that smaller, inferior form? She wasn’t much taller when pure, she knew, but she much preferred the ferocity and power of this than what her unpure form dished out. Limon’s guard finally broke, giving Popu a good opening to send the girl flying. A cackle left the Pure Majin’s throat as she watched the other weakly pick herself up.
“Is that all you got?! What happened to your much ‘superior’ strength? Huh?” She taunted, crossing her arms. She moved out of the way as Limon’s ki blast barely scraped her cheek. Hm. She was rusty. No matter, the Majin smirked as she launched herself at Limon. Kicking up debris and dust as the two brawled in the pit she created.
Limon met each punch Popu gave, blocking kicks and elbows as the other became more and more barbaric in her attacks. Although base Popu had form and calculated strikes, Pure Popu would quickly lose herself in the heat of battle, just trying anything that would seem to work. This began to weigh in Limon’s favor, throwing her punch to the side and managing to get a hold of Popu, bringing her face against her knee, the pink Majin let out a bark of pain. In her daze Limon was able to follow up with another kick that sent Popu against the crater. She spat out some blood, staring at the vaguely magenta stain against the dirt. Oh, she was not having any of it. Growling, she caught Limon off guard with a vanishing ball. The shockwave bounced Limon against the ground, knocking the wind out of her lungs. Gasping, she stared at Popu as she approached. Her arm stretched attempting to smash Limon. Limon rolled quickly, scrambling to her feet as Popu continued to set her barrage against her. This was getting out of hand quickly. She had to subdue Popu quickly or else she’s not getting out of this alive.
She let out a calm sigh, reacting accordingly to Popu’s unpredictable movements. The unpredictable soon became predictable with each thrown ki blast and punch. Popu seemed to go back to the same few moves when she got frustrated, and that feeling of frustration is what Limon is gonna rely on to hopefully pull through as victor. But Popu was full of surprised. Anticipating one attack, Limon was caught in a Pearl Flash, ripping a scream of pain from her. Popu smirked as she grabbed Limon’s body. The other clawed against Popu, squirming and attempting to break free to no avail.
“Look at you. You’re no match for me Limon. Why do you fight anyways? For our father? You do know he doesn’t love you right?”
That struck a chord with Limon, causing her to furrow her brows up to the other.
“He never did. Not you, not me. If you think I’m a monster then do I got bad news for you. He’s a disgusting tyrant who’s using us as weapons and pawns. He sent you here to look for us. For me. You say you’re just as much of an heir as I am? In his eyes you’re nothing more than a lowly drone with your only mission being to bring back his precious crowned heir!” She spat, pulling Limon’s face closer to her’s. Popu’s teeth were bared in a snarl as the other winced.
“There’s no point in this. He’ll throw you to the curb the moment you complete your job. He’ll never love you no matter what you do and you’re either going to accept that or die in vain.” She threw down Limon against the ground harshly. Despite her unhinged nature in this form, she held enough of a grip on herself to be able to give Limon a choice. A choice to stop fighting and never show her face against or a choice to fight bared to the teeth and die a mistake.
Limon stared at her hands, eyes hollow. For once, she questioned her obedience and loyalty to their father. True he had never once shown her an ounce of love. But she thought… If she could just do this one task… Perhaps…
“Hurts doesn’t it?” Popu’s voice cut through like a knife. Limon twitched slightly, looking back up to Popu. The smoke was beginning to ventilate from her once more as she let out a sigh, her form returning to what it once was. She no longer stared at Limon with contempt and ridicule. Instead it was more… Sad. Sympathetic. She was once in Limon’s shoes, angry at the world and not understanding why her parents didn’t love her. But she grew to understand that, it didn’t matter if her parents did or not. They may have raised her, but she wasn’t obligated to be their child. If that made sense. It took years to undo the gaslighting and manipulation that left her when she landed on this planet. Limon was a case forced to age quickly for a specific person. She was a drone. Not her father’s child.
Limon was silent once more. She didn’t know how to answer. She… Didn’t feel like fighting anymore.
The young Majin stood up, looking at Popu. Her eyes were empty, unreadable. Taking a deep breath Limon turned, taking to the sky and disappearing to the forest. Popu watched quiet as the other made her resolution. She hoped Limon could overcome her problems like she did and perhaps, one day, they could meet again on better terms.
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Murderhorse Meddling
{{Just something silly for your birthday, love. Vivi does not do as told, just so you know.}}
“He’s up to something,” Vivi fumed, shredding her napkin into smaller and smaller pieces and glaring daggers at the tall figure standing at the server’s stand of the outdoor cafe.
“Vivi—” Under the table, Mystery put his paws over his muzzle and did his best to inject a soothing tone into his voice, in spite of his frustration. “Since when has he done anything wrong?”
Vivi’s hands slapped down on the table. “You know what he did! He tried to ki—”
“Recently,” Mystery interrupted, a little desperately. “Since then, he has done nothing wrong.”
“I don’t know that!” Vivi seethed, lifting the tablecloth to glare into his eyes. “He could have done any number of things when we can’t keep our eyes on him.”
Mystery resisted the urge to sigh heavily. “Vivi, we would have heard about any disappearances. And, not to put too fine a point on it, no livers have washed up on the shore recently.”
“So he’s hiding them, or eating them too!”
“Vivi, he is not doing that. He has admitted that due to the high iron content of liver, he cannot digest it. It’s not quite poisonous, but it does him no favors.”
“Good,” Vivi dropped the tablecloth and returned her attention to the man who was even now accepting a receipt from the server. “Remind me to make him some Foie gras pasties.”
Just then, Calder turned around and fixed her with an unreadable look before striding off, his back stiff.
“See!?” Vivi crowed. “Proof he’s up to no good!”
“I’m relatively certain he could feel you glaring at him,” Mystery opined cautiously. He was well within kicking distance if she took exception to his words.
“Not even just that.” A voice whispered from thin air. After a moment, Lewis faded back into visibility behind a screen of bushes, stepping back to take a seat across from Vivi and put on the sunglasses waiting for him on the table. “He said to remind you that he can sense me, even when I’m invisible. And he’ll thank us not to spy on him.” His last words took on a hint of Calder’s distinctive Scottish brogue.
Vivi growled low in her throat. “What was he doing?”
“Nothing illicit that I could see,” Lewis assured her. “It looked like he was buying a gift certificate.”
“Vivi—” Mystery tried again.
“He had to be up to something.” Vivi turned to glare in the direction the target of her ire had gone. “Maybe he conned that poor server into giving him a certificate for… like leaves under an illusion to look like real money. Some of my books say faeries are prone to do that!”
“No,” Mystery stuck his head out from under the table. “I would have sensed that.”
Vivi’s irritated gaze snapped back to him. “You couldn’t even sense anything from him when you were sitting under the same table he was at!”
“Not his personal magics, no. In his human form those are well hidden. But illusion magic I can sense, easily. He was using none. He has not broken his word or his sworn trust.”
“What trust?” Vivi asked suspiciously, reaching down to snag his collar. “He didn’t give us any trust, He just said he wouldn’t try to steal Arthur again. When did he give you his word?”
Mystery’s eyes skated sideways. “It doesn’t matter. Suffice to say, he swore to do no harm to any of us.”
“Talk!” Vivi commanded, giving his collar a little shake.
“Woof.” Mystery said dryly.
“Vivi,” Lewis attempted to soothe her. “That doesn’t really matter. It just means he wasn’t up to no good, this time.”
Vivi was in no mood to be soothed. “This time! That doesn’t mean he’s not planning anything. I don’t trust him any farther than I can throw him.”
Mystery shook off her grip on his collar. “Considering your chances of lifting him to throw him are between zilch and none, that’s hardly sensible.”
“Don’t you give me any of your lip, butt-sniffer!”
“Really, Vivi? Name-calling?” Mystery stuck his nose up in the air. “I am insulted.” “You’re gonna be assaulted if you don’t start talking!”
Lewis put a hand on her arm. “Inside voice, love.”
Vivi scowled at him, but lowered her voice. “We’re not inside,” she pointed out, waving to the open-air cafe.
“Point,” Lewis conceded, chuckling. “But you were getting way too loud.”
Vivi puffed up her cheeks in a pout but didn’t try to contradict him. “I don’t trust him. He’s a sneaky, slimy— evil— murderhorse!”
“He’s been behaving himself lately,” Lewis reminded her gently. “Why are you so sure he’s up to something?”
“When has he not been up to something?” Vivi stared at her drink, running a finger around the rim of the glass.
“You need to let go of that grudge, Vivi, before you strangle yourself with it.” Mystery stretched out in the shade of the table. “You know well enough that no good comes of keeping anger in your heart.” His pointed glance darted to Lewis, who ducked his head.
Sticking her tongue out, Vivi blew a raspberry in Mystery’s direction. “I don’t want to. It is my indelible right to hate his giant horse butt.”
“Vivi—” Mystery’s tone was exasperated. “He has been true to his word. He has even been helpful, of late. I borrowed the book that helped you deal with the fuath from him.”
“What?” Vivi’s eyes narrowed.”I wondered where that book had come from. And where it had vanished to.”
“We returned it to its rightful owner,” Lewis put in.
“Proof that he was being helpful.” Mystery added, stretching his paws out.
Vivi made a dismissive noise. “He probably just didn’t want it anywhere near his territory.”
Yipping annoyance, Mystery fixed her with a flat stare. “It was all the way over the border into Louisiana. Calder only claimed the lake and its environs here.”
“He probably th—”
Lewis’s palm over her mouth stopped her. “Vivi, I think Mystery is right this time. He hasn’t done anything wrong. You’re letting your temper get the better— Did you just lick my hand?” Lewis’s tone was a blend of horror and amusement.
Vivi fixed him with a smug look. “And I’ll do it again if you try to shoosh me like that again.”
Lewis wiped his hand on a napkin. “Very mature, Vi.”
Snorting, she leaned back in her chair. “I never claimed to be mature.”
“While this is all very entertaining, can we draw the conclusion that he is not up to something this time?” Mystery yawned deliberately.
Vivi snorted at him, but subsided. “I just don’t trust him.”
“I believe we are well aware of that,” Mystery shook his head and sneezed.
Vivi sailed into Kingsmen Mechanics, arms full of takeout boxes from Pepper Paradiso. “Artie, I come bearing food. You better come get some before I—” Her voice trailed off when she realized Lance was the only one there, standing in front of the counter with a wary look on his face and a wrench held defensively in his hands.
“Uncle Lance—?” She paused, setting the takeout on the counter. “What’s going on? Where’s Arthur?”
Lance tilted his head toward the rear of the shop, his expression, going from wary to bemused. “He’s out back in the junkyard. I sent him out there to sort scrap when I got the damnedest phone call. I didn’t even know that horse-faced creep had a phone.”
Wary now, Vivi glanced back over her shoulder. She knew exactly who Lance was talking about. “Neither did I. Why did he call you? I thought you told him in no uncertain terms he wasn’t allowed to come here.”
Lance huffed. “Right enough, I did. Made damned sure he knows where he stands with me. Preferably as far away from Arthur as possible an’ still be on the same planet.”
“What did he want?” Vivi demanded, darting to the back door to peer out into the junkyard. Her relief at seeing Arthur peacefully sorting through piles of scrap, his head bobbing in time to the music on his headphones, was palpable, filling her chest.
“That’s the funny thing,” Lance responded, setting his wrench down. “Asked me, all polite like, to make sure that Arthur had this Friday off.”
“What?” Vivi knew her voice scaled into painful ranges when Lance winced away. “What the hell?”
Lance jiggled a pinky finger in his ear before shaking his head. “Damned if I know. Thought maybe you did.”
Fuming, Vivi pulled out her phone and dialed Lewis’s number with a violent stab of her finger. “No. But you can bet I’m gonna find out!” As soon as Lewis’s voice answered, she barked, “Lewis, Kingsmen’s now for a strategy meeting. I told you that sneaky bastard was up to something!” She hung up before Lewis had a chance to make more than a startled interrogative noise.
“I knew it!” she seethed, pacing. “I knew he was up to something when I saw him the other day! I just knew it!”
“What’s he up to then, girlie, an’ how many ways do I have to beat him black an’ blue?” Lance’s face was set in a thunderous scowl.
“I don’t know, and all of them,” Vivi retorted. “You— none of us— are letting Arthur out of our sight Friday.”
A burst of purple fire heralded Lewis’s arrival. His human facade had faded into bone and swirling flame. “What is it? What’s going on? Is Arthur alright?”
An oily rag sailed past his head. “Cool yer damned jets before you set the whole place on fire, boy!” Lance barked. “My insurance ain’t gonna cover overwrought ghost inferno. An’ put your face back on before you scare off a customer.”
Vivi hurried over to Lewis and gripped his arm. “Nothing has happened to Arthur yet, Lew. But I told you that horse’s patootie was up to something!”
Lewis paused, his human features replacing the skeletal visage. “What? What’s going on?”
VIvi filled him in quickly.
Lewis held up a hand after a moment, before she could launch into more detail, and, to be honest, probably more accusations. “Wait. So he what? Start at the beginning and go slowly.”
Vivi opened her mouth, but Lewis laid a gentle finger across her lips. “Mr. Kingsmen first, please, love.” Vivi huffed and debated licking his finger, but subsided after a moment.
“I’d sent Art out to sort scrap for his latest project since it’s a slow day,” Lance waved at the empty stalls of the garage in illustration. “The phone rang an’ I answered it. It was that Calder fella, recognized his accent right off. I started to hang up on him when he said ‘I know you don’t care for me, but I have a favor to ask.’ I asked him ‘what favor?’ and he, all polite, goes— ‘Could you see your way to givin’ Arthur this Friday off?’ ”
“Did he say why?” Lewis asked.
“Nah. I asked, an’ all he said was he thought Arthur might enjoy a long weekend.” Lance scowled accusingly at the phone on his desk. “Then he thanked me, still polite, mind ya, an’ hung up.”
“That’s all?”
“Everything.” Lance nodded stoutly.
Lewis turned his attention to Vivi, who looked ready to explode. “So he wanted Arthur to have a long weekend and this is an emergency how?”
“Don’t you see? He has to be planning something for this Friday!” Vivi jittered in place. “If we take our eyes off Arthur, who knows what he’ll do? He might even try kidnapping him again!”
“I think you are letting your paranoia get the better of you.” Mystery had eeled in the open door and hopped up on a stool to address them. “Also, Vivi, think before you send Lewis off in that state, I could sense him all the way back at the apartment. So could anything with supernatural senses. Eau de’ hysterical spectre leaves a lovely trail in the aether.”
Lewis ducked his head a little.
“I am not paranoid!” Vivi rounded on Mystery, fists on hips and cheeks red. “He’s a fae. They never do something without an ulterior motive! And he’s less trustworthy than most of them!”
“You are letting your anger color things,” Mystery responded serenely. “Yes, He did some terrible things in the beginning. We all made mistakes then. All of us, including Calder. And since, he has kept every promise he has made to us. He does not hunt humans, he has kept his distance from Arthur and indeed, all of us, and he has willingly lent us his knowledge, be it books or simply things he knows better than mortals.”
“He what now?” Vivi simmered, glaring at Mystery. “Are you talking about that book?”
Mystery chuffed softly and met her gaze calmly. “That and some few other times Lewis or I have asked for his aid. And to be honest would you have accepted knowing where the information came from?” he laughed. “I think not. More likely you would have thrown it back in his face, if we had told you the source, even if it was knowledge we desperately needed.”
Sighing, Lewis nodded. “Vi, I don’t care for him either, and believe me, I haven’t forgotten what happened, but—” he chuckled wryly. “I’ve moved on.”
Vivi flinched, her glare softening. “Let me guess, if you can get past it, I should be able to, too?”
Drifting forward, Lewis cupped her cheek. “You wouldn’t be you, if you gave up on anything, but you also know when to let logic trump emotion. Tell me, are you being reasonable about this? Given the evidence, are you letting your anger rule or are you going to look at it logically?”
Vivi gritted her teeth. “I don’t like or trust him.” She heaved a sigh. “But you say he’s been keeping his word, and you, I trust.”
Lewis pulled her into a hug.
“How about explaining it to the peanut gallery,” Lance grumbled, folding his arms across his chest. “I ain’t inclined to trust him either, Blue, not after what you two and him told me went down.”
Lewis released Vivi and stepped back, his hair flaring a little. “It’s not that we trust him, Mr. Kingsmen—” he began.
“As Vivi told you before, Calder is a fae creature. That means that he is bound by his word. A fae might try to twist the wording of a bargain to their advantage, but their word, once given, is inviolate. They cannot break it. Calder swore on his honor and on the names of the eldest fae, commonly called gods and goddesses, that he would not try to steal Arthur away again.” Mystery finished for him.
Lance stared the dog down for a long moment, but Mystery did not flinch. Finally he sighed heavily. “So what’s he after, wanting Arthur to have the day off?”
“That, I do not know. But I do not think it is done with any ill-intention.”
Vivi and Lance managed a disgruntled sigh in complete unison.
“So what? I just give the boy the day off an’ hope nothin’ happens?” Lance’s displeased look could have curdled cream.
“I think that would be for the best.” Mystery prodded, glancing at Vivi.
She heaved another sigh. “I hope you two are right about this.”
Friday dawned bright and sunny, just cool enough to be comfortable, but not chilly. Vivi was decidedly reluctant to let Arthur get out of bed, snuggling close to his chest and grumping. “Uncle Lance gave you the day off, right? I vote for staying right here in bed.”
Arthur chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “While it sounds good to me, Lewis is already up and any minute—”
“Up and attem, slugabeds,” Lewis’s voice called. “Breakfast is ready.”
“Told ya.” Arthur chortled.
Vivi groaned but dragged herself out of bed, the call of Lewis’s cooking too tempting to linger.
In pajamas, they trooped to the kitchen, where Lewis was dishing out wonderful smelling omelets onto plates. The table was already set, with orange juice in glasses and Vivi’s over-sized coffee mug already filled to the brim. In the center of the small table was a vase filled with flowers, and Vivi couldn’t help a suspicious glare at them. Water hyacinth, water lilies, and lotus blossoms filled the vase. It was more than easy enough to guess where they had come from. Even Arthur paused to look at them oddly.
Lewis set the plates down, including one at his own seat, and grinned. “Bon Appetit!”
“Uh, Big guy?” Arthur stared at the third plate, confusion in his heterochromatic eyes.
Mystery chuckled from his place on the floor, with his own plate of omelet. “I think it’s time to come clean, Lewis.”
Lewis snorted and fixed Mystery with a mock glare. “You couldn’t let me enjoy the looks of confusion for a little longer?”
Vivi fixed Lewis with a glare. “Are you really Lewis?”
Lewis laughed, hair throwing off little sparks of pink. “I am, I promise.”
She got up and grabbed the front of his shirt. “Then I would like some answers to what the hell is going on now, please!”
Lewis smiled and detached her hands from his collar. “Calder was up to something, just not in the way you thought, love.” He pulled a tiny charm from under his shirt. “This is part of it. This lets me eat and drink… and taste the food… like normal. It only lasts for a day before it has to be recharged, but he gave Mystery the spell to do so.”
“And before you ask, I made very sure there is nothing else to the spell. It does exactly as advertised. It merely allows Lewis to enjoy food like he used to.”
Arthur gaped at Lewis. “Really? That’s awesome!”
“I think I’ll let him explain the rest.” Lewis said with a grin.
“What!?” Vivi bolted upright, glancing in alarm at the paper wards that were above every door and at every window of the apartment. They were undisturbed.
“Calm down,” Mystery looked up with a canine grin.
Lewis set a pearl on the table. It shimmered in the overhead light and glowed with its own soft radiance. An image formed in the air above it; Calder, from the shoulders up, one eyebrow quirked and a wry half smile on his lips. He shoved a hand through his tumbled bangs. “Ah, an’ here I was thinkin’ you’d sleep the day away. Mornin’.”
“Calder!” Arthur exclaimed, voice bright with surprise.
Vivi moved to lean over Arthur’s shoulder and stared at Calder’s image. “What are you up to?” For once the hostility in her voice had mellowed.
“Why, bein’ more trouble than I’m worth, I’m sure. Can I nae do somethin’ for the birthday o’ one o’ me friends?” Calder chuckled dryly. “It happens I thought I might do somethin’ nice for the lad, as much as against my nature as it might be t’ be nice.”
“Calder!” Arthur scolded.
“Ah, dinna mind me. Now that I got that frightenin’ old man o’ yours t’ give y’ the day off, I bethought y’ might wanna spend it enjoyin’ the company o’ those you love best.”
“Ah?” Arthur’s face was a study in confusion.
Puffing his cheeks out, Calder exhaled a gusty sigh. “I mean for y’ three t’ go out an’ about doin’ whatever romantical-date-type things people do when they’re datin’. Go out t’ eat, watch a film, go on a walk, chase ghosts… or is that last one only you lot?”
“Hey!” Vivi stuck her tongue out at Calder’s image.
“My point bein’, go out an’ have a nice time for Arthur’s birthday. Take him places, treat him t’ nice food an’ nice things.” Calder retorted, exasperated. “The lad deserves a nice day out, an’ by dint, I suppose y’ do too.”
Arthur was blushing, his face and ears gone bright pink. “C-Calder, that’s not necessary. None of you have to do anything for my birthday. Not you and not them. You don’t need to go through that kind of trouble for me!”
“Hey now—!” Lewis began.
Vivi’s attention snapped to Arthur. “You shoosh that talk, bucko. You’re our boyfreind and if we want to spoil you on your birthday, we can. I was gonna have a small party for you tomorrow, but this will do just fine, even—” She cut herself off.
“A sneaky slimy connivin’ murderhorse planned it,” Calder finished, green eyes sparkling with amusement. “Though I’d be thankin’ you t’ remember I’m nae a horse.”
“He just plays one on TV,” Mystery chuckled.
“An’ sure’n that’s enough outta you, mutt.”
Lewis held up a hand. “Seriously, Artie, we’re not obliged to do it, we want to. It’s no kind of trouble at all.”
“Lissen t’ your spectral lover, lad. There ‘tis no obligation in wantin’ t’ treat y’ with love and the good things y’ deserve.” Calder said solemnly. “That’s why I went about doin’ this, because it’s somethin’ you deserve, even when y’ think y’ don’t.”
Lewis reached over to cover one of Arthur’s hands with his own. “Let us… all of us, do nice things for you today.”
“Right enough,” Calder broke in before the moment could get too maudlin. “Now, I got you a certificate t’ that cafe y’ like so, the one where the mutt ‘tis welcome. I dinna know where you’d like t’ go after that, but just… have yourself a good time for your birthday.”
Vivi slipped her arms around Arthur’s neck and squeezed. “It’s gonna be the most awesome birthday ever, even if Calder had a hoof in it.” Maybe she could even cut him a little slack, not that she’d ever tell the stupid horse.
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