#I’d kill for them
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stone5251 · 5 months ago
I may hate JD, but all I’m gonna say is that I understand where he was coming from when women like this exist
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catharticartist · 6 months ago
I love them so much that I cried in my dads arms about it while I was drunk
Also my friends are so cool…..some of them will see this .
guys oh my god they invented a thing called friends. and they love you and want to talk to you and be around you. has anyone heard of this
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forgetful-nerd · 1 year ago
The real reason we’ll never get another Turtles Forever is because if these three met then they would absolutely destroy everything in their paths.
Also they’d verbally eradicate any villain’s self esteem in like 10 seconds.
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toytle · 1 year ago
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merry halbarry to those who celebrate, santa got me their gay little sits + footsie playing activities this year ❤️💚
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socra-time · 4 months ago
My current favorite genin team, I hope nothing bad happens to them ever😭
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sketchbonked · 11 months ago
calico zuko calico zuko calico zu—
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decided to make silly cat versions for the whole avatar team
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corneredcopia · 2 months ago
Too bad we never saw rob and stone together when Ivo was wearing these boots….
The height difference…even more insane😵‍💫😵‍💫🤒🤒
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pepperspray3020 · 1 year ago
My lovelies
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Ra*bits - Album TRIP Outfit
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 27 days ago
Aaaaaaagh I wanna write mechanisms fanfiction so bad!!!! I don’t know the character thoooo it’ll be so bad
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HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZINNH. I’ve been squealing and kicking my feet like a crazy person because omg I love them
Hold Me When I Stand
Pairing: Cross/Epic
Rating: Teen
Synopsis: Inspired by the Drabble idea I wrote a while back and the GORGEOUS art @toffeebrews made, Epic finally reveals why Cross had never seen his hands bare before, until now.
CW: None I can think of, but do let me know if there should be one
Part 1 of 3: Wuh Oh, Trauma
Word Count: 5, 490
Best friends notice everything about each other.
Everything, from blatant details like disliking ketchup (except when mixed with chocolate)--
Cross’s face scrunched up as Delta and Color knocked their bottles of ketchup together before they tilted their skulls back and chugged. “You guys are gross.” They laughed at his “skrunkly” expression, as Epic called it.
–to bright, bubbly laughter tumbling out in jubilant “mwehs” when truly relaxed.
Epic watched as Cross laughed, breath catching in his throat as Cross laughed so hard he cried, mirthful tears welling in the edges of his sockets and mana painted his cheekbones like lilac flower kisses.
To preferring bandanas over ascots because bandanas “are cooler ‘cause they’re like badass mini scarves”.
Epic kept track of it all. Whenever he discovered chocolate with a(n) unusual ingredient(s), a delighted smile on a cherished face would enter his mind, and the now unimportant cost was promptly brushed aside. That bright laughter his friend was ashamed of made Epic swear he glowed with the light of his Soul. And occasionally, he’d sew matching bandanas that Cross would wear on his neck while Epic adorned his own atop his skull.
But Epic was not the only one who adored his best friend.
Along with observing and noting the more obvious details, there were also more subtle nuances, like despising grass stains due to constant difficulty with clothes–
Epic holds up a pair of tan lace up boots now decorated in murky green splotches. “Look Color, I like hangin’ with ya, but if I gotta get a new pair of boots from one more hike I’m gonna lose it man.”
–and channeling that annoyance into an insult.
“Delta you grass stain you keep that battery acid out of my cookie dough right the flip now or I’m gonna snick snack paddywhack kick yo’ sorry sunny d ass!” Epic warned. He kept the bowl of his precious cookie dough out of reach from his friend with one hand and smacking Delta’s offending claw with the other.
Or always wearing gloves no matter the occasion.
Were his hands covered in nicks and scars like Cross’s claws? Did he simply enjoy the feeling of smooth leather on his bones? Was it a comfort like his bandanas were for him?
Or staring at mirrors with phalanges gripping the socket edges of a rarely opened scarred left eye, expression so dark and twisted and in startlingly contrast to the usual bright and playful grin that adorned those pretty bones.
Best friends notice everything about each other.
Cross watches as Epic rubs his eyes when he thinks Cross isn’t looking. His hands fall from his exhausted face, tired shadows painting his hooded eyes mauve, adding an alluring, faux smokey look that makes his snow white and electric violet eyelights pop.
Epic makes crippling exhaustion look hauntingly beautiful, like the ghost of sleep is forever trying to sink its claws in, success held so high out of reach the spirit never managed to grasp it. The way the shadows dance and light cradles Epic’s face, draping themselves over the contours of smooth ivory bone is like he's a painting come to life, of exhausted reverie so beautiful Cross knows without doubt the sight will haunt him for all the nights to come.
And when Epic glances over at him and his scarred Eye closes but his smile brightens, Cross’s chest floods with affectionate warmth as his best friend’s eyes glitter, terribly fond and enviably beautiful in its endearing glow. Cross quickly turns away, his smile strangely quirked at the corners and Soulbeat just a little faster to have been caught staring.
It’s only a matter of time before they learn everything about each other, too.
“Ah shit,” Epic cursed. He turned off the stove and glared at the offending sauce pan that had the audacity of bubbling and splattering itself, now coating the countertop, his sweater, and leather gloves in a greasy disaster zone of oil. “That was my last clean pair…”
“Here,” Cross picked up the towel and started to scrub the mess on the counter. “I can clean up while you change.”
“Alright, thanks bruh.” Epic was about to offer his fist for a bump before he reconsidered and sheepishly tilted his head to the side instead. Luckily Cross understood and leaned forward to softly bonk their skulls together.
“No worries dude.”
While Epic changed, Cross went ahead and threw out the oil. He’d burned his cooking enough times to realize that it had been burned beyond salvation and tossed it out. Scrubbing the pan and letting it soak while he wiped down the countertop was menial, almost relaxing as he methodically wiped and washed off the sullied kitchen area.
By the time Epic returned Cross was scrubbing his claws dry. He leaned back on the counter behind him while he waited for him to finish. “Ty man, oil spills are so annoying to clean up.”
Eh, not really. Out of all the things he’s had to clean, oil splatters on a countertop was nothing, in his opinion. Nowhere near as difficult as, say, getting chocolate stains or gunpowder out of his clothes. “De nada.”
Epic made a little noise of protest and reached out to him.
“Here lemme get that.” He held out his hand.
Cross handed him the towel. “Thanks. By the way, do you wanna go out later and–” he trailed off, noticing that Epic was wearing the same leather gloves.
As Epic put the towel in the laundry, Cross gave his best friend a quick, perplexed once-over. He’d changed out of his cable-knit sweater and now wore a new, form-fitting turtleneck that hugged his lush curves. He had the hood up (as usual) but now wore his long-sleeved jacket instead of trenchcoat. His lovely friend was dressed as pleasingly as ever, nothing odd there.
What was odd was that Epic still had on the same pair of leather gloves. That covered the leather in greasy splotches that made Cross’s own claws itch in sympathy.
Cross quirked a brow. “Forget something parce?”
“Uh,” Epic tilted his skull to the side. “Oh!”
He leaned forward suddenly, but Cross is used to them sharing each other’s personal bubbles and doesn’t react. It’s only when Epic’s throat vibrates in a low, rising hum and he presses a quick, appreciative peck on Cross’s cheek that the soldier shivers while his cheekbones burn with lilac mana and his Soul flutters.
“Mmmmwah!” Epic pulled back with cheeks dusted indigo. His unscarred eye crinkles into an upturned crescent when he smiles. “Thanks for cleaning.”
“¿Qué estás haciendo—” Cross sputtered “—your gloves, dude!”
“What about ‘em?”
“What about — they're dirty!”
“Yuh, an’ I’ll change ‘em later, no worries,” Epic dismissed. “I need to do laundry so I’ll change ‘em later.”
“Okay?” Epic was no slob. He showered daily, always used those scented soaps that made Cross forcibly resist the urge to noticeably inhale his scent, usually wore some kind of floral perfume or cologne, and always changed his gloves whenever they were dirty. Sure Cross never saw him do that, but he’d always seen Epic return with a new pair. So, why was he being so hesitant now?
…Come to think of it, had Cross ever seen Epic take his gloves off?
“You’re not gonna change them?”
Flummoxed, Cross watched Epic step pass him and wash his hands, gloves and all, in the sink. Epic shook his hands off and patted them dry on a new towel. “See? All clean now.”
Epic popped the fridge door open and rummaged through it. Cross stood beside him, increasingly confused as Epic planned aloud. “I messed up the sauce and haveta start from scratch but I’m still cravin’ souped up ramen. How ‘bout you?”
“Yeah sure whichever — what’re you doing dude?”
Cradling bundles of food Epic deposited them down on the kitchen counter. Cross shut the door behind him and followed closely as Epic started to prep. His soaked gloves glistened.
“Well I burned the OG so now I gotta make another—”
Cross put his hand over Epic’s, stopping him from peeling the garlic. Epic lets go of the peeler to hold Cross’s hand in his, and Cross warms at how readily Epic dismisses his previous task in favor of Cross holding him.
“Here,” Cross curls his distal phalanx in to catch at the end of the glove. “Let’s take this—” the moment his phalanx caught on the leather rim Epic jolted, roughly yanking his hand away like Cross had burned him.
Cross’s chest grew tight and his hand felt empty but Epic ignored the flash of hurt that flew across his face and kept his face hidden so Cross couldn’t see the guilt and regret and fear. Avoiding his gaze, he kept his back turned to Cross as he resumed his meal prep.
“I told you it’s fine. It’ll dry off in no time.”
What the hell?
The rejection stung. Epic might as well have stabbed him in the chest, his Soul ached like he had.
Frustration bubbles amid the hurt he hates that his first response when he’s hurt is to be angry, he’s never liked it especially when he knows he wasn’t always an angry man and Cross’s previously soft eyelights narrow into sharp slits.
“Come on dude just take it off.”
Epic’s shoulders were hunched as he chopped the garlic and ginger. His magic illuminated the kettle, setting the water to boil with a flick.
“No, I don’t want to. It’s fine.” Cross tried to reach for his hand but Epic side-stepped him, gracefully dodging just out of reach as he reached for the soy sauce. “Don’t stress it.”
But Cross was a persistent bastard. “Dude, come on.”
This time when Epic started to pour the boiling water he glared at Cross’s missed swipe, beginning to feel irritated himself.
“Again, just drop it.”
Cross grabbed the instant noodles before Epic could. His best friend stared, unimpressed, with a pursed frown. “Really?”
“Yes really,” Cross’s frown deepened.
“Brah, it’s fine. I’ll change ‘em later, okay?” Epic poked Cross right where he knew the other was ticklish, surprising him enough to snatch the noodles back and add them to the broth. “Jus’ not now.”
“You’re acting weird.”
“I’m not!” Epic protested.
Cross quirked a brow. “You’re being weird right now,” he retorted.
The two locked gazes. Epic’s phalanges drummed against the countertop. Cross held the block of cheddar he needed to shred within his crossed arms. The soldier counted on time; Epic needed to get the cheese in before the noodles softened or else they would be too mushy (Epic taught him that).
Like Cross expected, Epic relented first. He sighed and closed his eye. “OK, fine. I’ll go change them.”
He could just do it here? But at least it was something.
Pleased, Cross nodded, uncrossing his arms to swiftly shred the cheese and throw it into the pan. “Thank you.”
“Keep an eye on the broth?”
“And I’ll throw in the seasonings too, I got it.” Cross opened the packets. Epic nodded gratefully.
He vanished in a spark of magic.
Cross cracked a couple eggs to add to the broth and closed the lid, setting it to a medium low slimmer to slow cook the eggs. He didn’t mind if it was overcooked or not, but he remembered that Epic’s favorite way to eat them was when the yolks were runny. When Epic returned a few minutes later, this time wearing long, rubber gloves that he often wore for washing the dishes, Cross contemplated whacking him with the pan.
“¿Hablas en serio?”
“Sinabi ko na sayo,” Epic chirped, his smug little grin annoyingly charming. He set out two bowls for them both, carefully pouring the ramen into each, the eggs jiggling but remaining unbroken atop the noodles. “It’s not a big deal, I just like wearing gloves.”
Cross knew his best friend. There was something more to this. His Soul could feel it. He accepted the chopsticks Epic handed him to softly set them down. “Epic,” his best friend pauses mid-scoop of his dish, “seriously, why are you being so cagey about this?”
A horrible, gnawing thought. “Did I make you uncomfortable?”
There. Right there.
Epic’s face was the same, he’d always had an impeccable poker face, but it was his eye. The beautiful glow of that ivory orb dimmed.
Epic fidgeted. Slowly taking a single, small bite and chewing without reaching for more.
“Are you okay? Did you hurt your hands or something?”
“No, no,” Epic murmured, “I’m not hurt.”
Okay, good. He was being more open.
Cross continued his gentle questioning. “Is it a tattoo?”
That got a little snort out of Epic. He covered his mouth to hide it, but Cross had heard the bubbly laugh and his own chest felt lighter. “Cross, come on. Y’know the only tats I’ve gotten are the silly temp ones.”
Delighted that his dear friend was cheering up, the soldier persisted. “It can’t be that bad.” Cross hummed in thought. “What? You got drunk and got a tramp stamp but it’s in your hand? Wait…” Cross paused. “Do you have a tramp stamp?”
Epic guffawed. “Stars, no. Maybe a temp one as a joke but nah. Definitely no tats on this guy, sorry bud.”
A smile quirked at Cross’s mouth. He was glad Epic had relaxed. But he knew he had to keep trying. Softly, he keeps his voice as neutral but gentle as he can when he inquires “Is it a scar?”
“I,” Epic faltered. “Huh. IDK, actually,” he admitted. He sets the chopsticks down and sighs, wiping his mouth off with a napkin. Finally, he meets Cross’s eyes. Carefully, he murmured, “Technically, might be more of a mutilation than a scar.”
“Okay?” Epic wasn’t missing any digits and his hands looked intact. “Anything like my gaps from my scars? Those aren’t that bad,” Cross reassured.
Epic smiled, but it was sad and empty.
Cross wanted to cradle his face and hold him until the light returned to his eye.
“I think you’d hate it if you saw it.”
Finally, things started to make a little more sense. “And that’s why you won’t take off your gloves in front of people? In front of me?” Cross guessed. “Because you think it’s something horrible enough to be hated?”
Epic winced. “Especially if you saw, yeah, man, and I don’t—” he stopped, a flicker of fear passing in his eye before he turned away. “I don’t want you to see me differently. T-to hate me,” he confessed, his voice silencing to a whisper at the end.
At once, Cross felt himself soften, his Soul impossibly warm and affectionate. “Oh, mi mejor amigo,” Cross placed his claw over Epic’s hand. “I could never hate you.”
Epic slowly lifts his gaze. “...”
“You don’t have to show me, or say why.” He squeezed his hand before he let go, missing how Epic curled the touched hand inward into the wooden table when he picked up his chopsticks. “It’s deep personal stuff. You don’t have to talk about any of that, I get it. I was just worried about you, but I get it now. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Epic stared at his ramen, expression indecipherable while his thoughts warred inside his mind. “Thanks.”
Epic was unnaturally quiet for the duration of their meal. They sat in companionable silence and enjoyed their comfort food. While Epic mulled over his thoughts, his gloved hand idly rubbing over the other, Cross was grateful his best friend had opened up to him, and kept his word, letting Epic have his space.
When they finished, Epic’s body moved on autopilot and followed Cross to the sink. There, he washed the dishes for the day—he had on the rubber gloves for it anyway, heh—and Cross washed his claws before taking the place on his other side with a towel in hand. Epic would scrub them clean, then rinse off the soap, and hand off the wet dish to Cross, who’d dry them off and put them back in their place.
There wasn’t a lot to go through, and in hardly any time at all, there’s only one plate left. Epic stares at it, gaze far off and distant. After a few moments have passed, Cross is about to regain Epic’s attention and ask for the plate. Only for Epic to speak and inquire something at the same time.
“Hey, do you want me to get tha—”
“Do you still wanna see?”
They both stare. Heh, whoops.
Cross cleared his false throat. “Sorry, what was that?”
Epic handed him the plate. He dried it off. As his back is turned while he sets it back in the cupboard, Epic repeats his earlier question.
“I asked if you still wanna see.”
“Oh,” Cross closes the cabinet door and turns to look at him. “I am curious,” he professed, “but you’re not obligated to tell me or show me anything, man.”
“Samesies, bruh, but I,” Epic wished he had some gum or jolly rancher or something to chew on. His Soul beat quicker as his eye darted away from Cross’s face and back. “I…if anyone ever saw, or, or knew…I’d want it to be you, Cross.”
He…doesn’t know how to react to that, really, what could he say? What should he say?
All he can do is stare at an unusually demure Epic, the way Epic looked at him, eyelight soft with ardor and glittering pearlescent under the phosphorescent light.
It wasn’t uncommon that he found himself like this because of Epic: breathless and lost while his Soul batted insistently beneath his ribs.
Tongue-tied, he nods. “Oh, thanks. You too.”
Stars, he was such a dumbass.
Glancing at the front door, Epic squeezed his hand over the other. “Is it okay if we do this in my room? I don’t want Delta or Color or someone ‘porting in and seeing. Or hearing,” he added.
Cross nodded in understanding. “Yeah dude, whatever’s more comfy for you.”
He followed Epic up the familiar path of stairs to his room. Everything is mostly clean and tidy from when they last hung out here, and he settled comfortably atop the bed. He’d always appreciated how Epic kept his bedroom neat for his sake, especially the bed.
One of his pet peeves was untidy beds, but Epic’s blankets and pillows — along with a few plushies — were arranged in an aesthetic way, pleasantly scratching that itch of despising unkempt habitude.
After double checking to make sure the door was shut and locked, Epic soon joined him, plopping down beside him with a sigh. He leaned back to rest his skull and back against the wall.
“‘Kay. So, uh,” Epic fiddled with his rubber covered digits. “I guess I ought just get it outta the way, yeah?” Cross’s eyelights flit from the rubber material to his tired eye as he spoke. “…Promise you’ll try not to hate me?”
Slowly, digits curled around the top of the glove.
Exasperated and a little irked that Epix would think Cross would ever hate his best friend, he opened his mouth to reply—
—only to freeze when the glove is peeled back and Cross sees Epic’s uncovered palms for the first time.
He was expecting a gash or two, maybe something long and big since most people disliked scars, but he dumbly realized Epic had been right to describe it as a ‘mutilation’. There, in the center, it was just…gone.
The other glove came off, joining the other somewhere off to the side of the bed. Cross paid it no mind, gaze zeroed in on the holes.
His palms were hollowed. But how could it have happened? The circles were too neat, too precise to have been accidental.
The only other skeleton he’d known with holes in their palms was Gaster, and it was because of his experiments—oh.
With increasing clarity, Cross’s eyes trailed up Epic’s hands to his face. His expression was carefully blank as he waited, observing Cross’s reaction with fearful intensity.
“Did he?” He can’t bring himself to say it.
A slow nod. “Yeah. Both of ‘em.” His hands rubbed over the other, fist clenching and unclenching as Epic glanced away. “First time was to make the—make something. Second time was to try to get the first failure to work better. It didn’t. So, now I’ve got these two “donut holes”, but all hole and no donut.”
Cross missed his joke, too focused on his hands. “Do they hurt?” Epic shook his head.
“Nah, I don’t feel anything. Kinda sensitive if they’re touched but otherwise I try to ignore them if I can.”
Cross holds out his claws. “Can I?”
His friend stared at his claws, then him. After a pause, Epic slowly blinked, and then he nodded. “Okay.”
Cross gently takes Epic’s hand in his. Ungloved, it feels strange to hold him but not unwelcome. There’s a hum of magic around the cored palm. Not unwelcome, per say, but it made it easier to feel Epic’s Intent. More concentrated maybe? He circled the rim with a claw and Epic shuddered, mouth parting in a low gasp.
“Does it hurt?”
He shook his head. His cheekbones were dusted indigo. “It’s just…strange? Touch and Intent is uh. More potent around it, I guess?” Epic’s brows furrowed in thought. “Huh. Like, just that feels like you’re hugging me.”
“Really?” Intrigued, Cross pressed more firmly on the rim, pressing into the textured but no less smooth bone, purposefully pouring in more of his Intent in the fond touch.
Okay?/Okay?/Feel okay/You’re still the same/Still mine/Okay?
His hand jolted within Cross’s grasp, Epic’s breath stuttered and ragged, the small, surprised noise he made caught in his throat. Cross looked up, worried he’d hurt him, and Epic’s eye was wide with unshed tears.
He immediately pulled away from the hole to lace their fingers together instead. A comforting handhold to hopefully soothe and amend his misstep. “Shit, I’m sorry, are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, I’m good, I’m good. It’s just so…intense,” Epic husks, “That time it. Uh, maybe leave ‘em alone, I think. ‘s not bad,” he quickly reassured. “Just a lot.”
Hearing Epic’s deep voice so utterly breathless and dazed sends a thrill down his spine and he shoves that feeling deep down and refuses to acknowledge it maybe later when he’s alone he can process how and why he feels like that.
“O-okay. Like what?”
His hand absentmindedly squeezes Cross’s as he thought. “I guess them being exposed is like, hmm.” Epic paused. “Okay, you ever summoned your body?”
He often did it for training, fighting, whatever. Cross nodded. “Yeah?”
“Right, and you know when the magic is still connected to the inner mana networks on the inside, but is also starting to form and spread from that mainframe to your external body?”
“Uh huh.”
“It feels like you're touching that.”
“Oh.” He slowly nodded, trying to imagine experiencing it himself. “Okay.”
Epic’s voice gentles into something unbearably soft that it coaxes his own mana out to burn lilac on his zygomas. “And you put your kind Intent in that, might as well have been sent right to my Soul.”
“Oh. Well, I meant it, and you feel what I mean, right?” Epic nods, and Cross—
“Yeah, I get it. I’m always gonna be your best friend too, Cross.” His thumb caressed the back of his claw. “I feel and know it.”
Lungs without function shudder around an unnecessary breath.
It's impossible to ever tire of hearing those words. That he’d always be Epic’s best friend, that Epic would always care for him no matter what. Despite everything that had happened, despite losing his memories and rebuilding their friendship anew, Epic never once stopped caring, never once gave up on Cross.
All his life, he’d been a failure. A disappointment. Never something worth carrying for because he didn’t live up to whatever expectation or use someone had for him.
Not as a son, not as an older brother, not as a friend, and not even as a weapon.
Always, Epic was exactly what he needed and wanted and he wanted to pull him close and taste—
Cross cleared his throat. “Same, dude.” He bonked his skull with Epic’s. “Always.”
Epic seemed to be ruminating on something else, the hand not held by Cross’s was stroking his scarred eye, distal phalanges trailing the line.
“There’s probably one more thing you oughta know, Cross.”
The soldier nodded. “Whatever it is, it changes nothing between us,” determined, his hold tightened on Epic. “I promise,” he vowed.
Epic stared at him, his carpals and metacarpals covering his scarred eye. He took a deep, slow breath. “Stars, I hope so,” he murmured so quietly he almost missed it.
When Epic’s hand left his face, both his eyes were open.
White and violet orbs stared into Cross’s own orbs.
“You’ve seen me open it when I fight,” Cross nodded silently, “but otherwise I try to keep it hidden.”
Why? He still looked fine as ever to Cross.
“That’s why I always keep it closed if I can or never let anyone see me without gloves. ‘Cause everytime I see this Eye, see my hands,” his best friend’s face contorts, burning with a hatred so cold and dark that a shiver travels down his spine. “I’m reminded of that, that putang ina,” Epic cursed. Everytime I look at myself or look at my stupid hands, all I see is him.”
“Epic, you—”
“You don’t get it. He ruined me, Cross.”
He'd always been a failure. But he made him into an abomination.
Tears well in Epic’s sockets and Cross was certain he must have a physical heart because he could feel it break. “I can’t sleep. No, literally. I literally don’t sleep.”
His bed was always so neat and tidy…
Like it was hardly (or never) used.
Epic trembles, his voice shaking but now that he’s started he can’t stop. “Every single damn time I fall unconscious, the Eye channels magic from the Void and creates these creatures, horrible demons that if I don’t kill them first they kill me. Every. Single. Time.”
But then, that would mean… “Is that how you have LV?” Epic nods, his shadowed face riddled with exhaustion.
“Yeah. But if I don’t do it, I die. And dying doesn’t even take me out of that place. My body has to wake up.”
“I’ve gotten better at it,” he admitted. “I hardly die anymore, now. But I’m always tired, and there’s nothing I can do to feel totally good and awake. But I’m so done,” the tears finally fall, glistening as they travel down porcelain bone. “I’m so, so tired, Cross. Sometimes,” Epic falters. “Sometimes…I just want it to end. And just lay down and never wake up again, if it meant it would finally stop.”
There are too many times where he said the wrong thing or did the wrong thing even when he had the best intentions at heart.
Always Sometimes, it feels like all Cross is good at is hurting.
His friends.
“Frisk! What have you done, you idiot?!”
“I’ll Reset the world and make things right.”
His family.
“My name is Cross!"
The ones he loved.
“Long time no see bruh! I barely recognized you in that weird outfit!”
If he wasn’t used for someone else’s convenience, all he could do was hurt. 
But this time, 
Epic lifts his head up when Cross gently pulls the hand tugging at his scarred socket out. 
He won’t. 
He was full of DETERMINATION. 
“Dying’s easy for us, huh?” Epic laughed bitterly. 
“I’ll say.” 
“It’d be so easy,” Cross continued. “To kill for you, to die for you.”
Epic’s hand is cold in his burning claws. But together they are warm.
“In a Soulbeat.” Epic agreed. 
“But I want to live for you, too.” 
“Living is grief, and we die anyway,” Epic pointed out. His lovely eyes are dim, glow duller than their usual brilliant light. 
He didn’t disagree. “Always mourning what could’ve been, what won’t be, what we can’t save.”
“It’ll never stop.” Epic closed his eyes. “No matter how hard we try or want it to.”
But there were so many reasons to keep trying anyway, so many little reasons to keep going. 
“At the very least,” Epic sighed. “I’ve got used to dealing with it after two decades.” He glared down at his hollowed palms. “I just wish I didn’t look like him, too.” He seemed to deflate, shoulders hunching in as he’s unable to meet Cross’s gaze. “It’s why I thought you’d freak out or hate m—hate it, ‘cause it looks like Gaster and I know he was just as shitty to you, too, a-and I didn’t want you to see him when you look at me—”
His self-depreciative tirade slows when Cross gently takes his hands in his and turns them over, slowly running his phalanges around and over his cored palms phalanges while Epic anxiously waits for his reaction. 
And Cross just looks at him, soft and sweet, humming as he replies. “I don’t see Gaster. I only see you.” And he lances their hands together and brings Epic’s palm to his mouth. 
His eyes watch Epic’s as he purposefully presses the tip of the hollowed crevice to his teeth in a gentle kiss, mindful of his Intent and force of his touch. “And my best friend is beautiful.”
“Even my Eye?” Cross nods, reaching out to cup his face and stroke his zygomatic arch with his thumb. 
“Did I ever tell you, purple’s my favorite color?” Epic shakes his head. “It’s because of you.”
Epic stared at him in disbelief. “No, really. I used to hate it, hate my ecto, because it was always red until XGaster overwrote me, and it never went back.”
But now he matches his best friend, who to him, has the loveliest shade of purple he’s ever seen. A vibrant, vivacious violet, glittering like a twilight sky and brighter than all the cosmos.
“I’m your favorite?” Epic softly bumped his head with his, and Cross nuzzled him back, smiling softly into his eyes. 
“Always. Like cookies and chocolate.”
“Sugar and spice.”
“Peanut butter and jelly.”
“Sushi and soy sauce.” 
“Heheh,” he chuckles under his breath. “Just two peas in a pod,” Epic quips. His grin falls slightly at the corner. “But you mean it? I don’t look like him?”
“I only see you, Epic.” He promised. “Mi mejor amigo.”
The tired but dazzling smile that flutters then blooms across Epic’s expression reminds him of the field of lilacs from his AU, of the savory sweet taste of pimplom pie baked with love, of violet butterflies' graceful wings unfurling above the flowers like paint across a canvas. The picture it paints is bright and beautiful, of home and safety and peace so deep that he yearns with all his heart and Soul. A true work of art, it brightens the room and melts his fluttering Soul that blooms with warmth, like blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies. 
They’re so close that Epic had only to tilt his skull to the side and gently press closer to set Cross ablaze, the point of contact sparking and shooting out through his body with electric bursts of magic. 
The kiss was brief, only a tiny moment of time where Epic had nuzzled against him, but it was a euphoric eternity to his jubilant Soul.
When Epic broke away to rest into the crook of his neck, his arms wrapping around him, Cross was grateful he couldn’t see the way his entire skull flushed soft, luminous lilac. 
“Thank you.” It’s whispered like a secret. And Cross knows he’s been entrusted with more than a secret. 
For once, he didn’t hurt.
For once, he lov—cared for someone, and he didn’t hurt them. 
When he returned his embrace, it was with the comfort that he held his world in his arms, safe and adored.
It’s gradual, but Cross noticed when Epic began to keep his gloves off. Whenever they were alone, he’d take them off without a word. Only reaching out for Cross’s hand and finding his unanswered plea accepted without a moment of hesitance. And soon it grew from an occasional happenstance to a daily occurrence. 
It won’t be until several weeks later that Epic would feel safe and comfortable enough to do the same around Delta and Color. 
And he would’ve never been able to without the courage all of Cross’s love and support had given him.
Cross watched Epic chat with Color, animatedly waving the hand not laced with the soldier’s in the air as he emphasized his point. The conversation went unheard, lost to him, as he focused only on a bright smile and hands openly displaying hollowed palms.
One down, he thought, unaware of the besotted smile he wore as he stared at Epic’s closed, scarred Eye. One to go.
Shoutout to my lovely moot @sirsquidsalot for help writing how hauntingly beautiful Epic is! I just couldn't phrase the paragraph quite right and they were so helpful to get that final revision. Please check out their lovely writing!
De nada -- Spanish for "no problem"/"you're welcome"
parce -- Spanish for "buddy"/"friend"
Mi mejor amigo -- Spanish for "My best friend"
¿Qué estás haciendo -- Spanish for "What are you doing?"
“¿Hablas en serio?” -- Spanish for "Are you serious?"
Sinabi ko na sayo — Tagalog for “I already told you”
Putang ina — Tagalog for “Son of a bitch/bastard”
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idontmindifuforgetme · 29 days ago
I literally don’t understand people who rush milestones like you need something to look forward to
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months ago
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scribbles based on my Another Wonderful Life file where i discovered Rock and Nami showing up together at Vesta’s farmhouse late at night on multiple occasions to cause various types of chaos and disturbance and havoc until Marlin and Vesta’s bedtime (which they both announce in unison to kick everyone out) this included
Rock levitating and attempting to rizz up vesta
Nami making a beeline for Celia’s room where she stands around making very subtle remarks (celia isn’t even in her room)
Marlin Enduring
haunting crime scene photos of the shenanigans:
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what-bot · 1 month ago
Beck: Paige, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.
Paige: That’s the real Tron? He’s alive? Then…no offense, but why did he need you to be the Renegade?
Tron: Reasons.
Beck: Shut it. Now look, I want the both of you to get along.
Tron: As long as you like her and she doesn’t betray us, I’m happy.
Beck: Oh. Really? Great!
Tron: Paige, if you hurt him, they’ll never stop finding your remains.
Paige: I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Beck: What did I JUST say?
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hisnamesdylan · 17 days ago
Kipps (to Lockwood): I hate you. I hope you know that.
*goes ghost hunting with Lockwood and Co.*
*runs errands for Lockwood*
*commits felonies with Lockwood and Co.*
*fights against tyranny with Lockwood and Co.*
Kipps: no positive feelings. Whatsoever.
Lockwood: same here.
*hires Kipps*
*steals googles and gives it to Kipps*
*invites Kipps to go ghost hunting with Lockwood and Co.*
*stands up for Kipps*
Lockwood: the feeling’s mutual.
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dykedvonte · 3 months ago
I was rewatching mouthwashing, and I ended up thinking of the different reactions that Curly and Jimmy had in doing their tasks. How during the scene of Anya evaluating Jimmy and showing dread towards the idea of doing his evaluation, Curly was the one that offered to take it off her hands. He had no issue with adding more to his plate, because he knew - or well, thought, he knew that Jimmy wasn't going to "bullshit" with him since he's known him for a long time. When Anya hands Curly a note from Swansea, Curly goes to check out what the issue is and he takes care of it without a complaint, the only "complaint" he has is how this incident could have damaged the pods. Which is reasonable, those pods are their only way to be saved if anything tragic happens on the ship. However, in comparison to Jimmy being asked to do things, he's passive-aggressive about it. When Anya asks Jimmy if he could help her out with Curly's painkillers, he tells her that people should be worth their titles, specifically using her title as a nurse when she asked him for help and then when she says forget it, since he made her feel insecure, he still goes "Oh no, I'LL take care of it" as if he was doing a chore, a favor for her. Then, there's that part where he blows up at her for things that she didn't even ask him to do - more so the others asked him about it, like the code scanner, him deciding he needed to find the axe for the foam, and then, there's the medicine part (which when she does ask, and she reconsiders - going to do it herself, he takes that away from her). Jimmy complains about the tasks he has to do and he treats it like a big issue, a "woes me" that he has to do this and that - wanting the praise of the capital without actually doing any work. While Curly doesn't complain about it, in fact, he even mentions that he's aware of how well he is doing at his job as a Captain during that cockpit scene with him and Jimmy. If Jimmy only had to do a small amount of tasks to get irritated and annoyed at being captain, while Curly didn't which I feel like encapsulates their personalities. Curly understands what he's doing is a job, it's a responsibility, why would he complain at any point for doing what he's suppose too? Why would he be upset at people asking him to do tasks? While Jimmy on the other hand, isn't used to it at all and it's different to what he's had before and he's realizing that he doesn't actually like doing the work he has too. I just wanted to ramble about it even if it seemed kind of obvious xd
It’s obvious but it is a thing people miss or understate when trying to find parallels in Curly’s and Jimmy’s relationship/personalities.
Like the way people portray it as neither taking responsibility when it is almost split down the middle of Curly taking responsibilities and faults that shouldn’t be his and making himself unequipped to handle the ones that are while Jimmy refuses to handle the responsibilities he has because he wasn’t expecting the work that comes with them.
Not a lot to say but people forget that another thing the game comments on is prioritization of issues and responsibilities and how the guys fail at it in one way or another in the situation.
#this talk of responsibility is more so about me be very annoyed with people acting like Swansea was the most responsible man on that ship#when he immediately takes a break after his intern in stuck in the foam starts drinking the moment he find out the mouthwash is alcoholic#doesn’t tell anyone about the cryopod or explain himself and did nothing about Jimmy either until it was too late#like I’m sorry but he is also the last guy I’d like to hear about responsibility from cause he did just as bad as Curly post crash like he#wasn’t even nice to Anya outside the one conversation we see he was actually just as rude to her as he was Daisuke when they cracked open#the crates and dismissive before hand like I’m getting more mad at the glorification of one guy vs the woman whose doing the most 4 herself#like I get his speech and the recognition of his faults but he still had them and they still were his downfall in the end and part of the#reason Daisuke listened to Jimmy and it’s not his fault that happened but it’s the same way it’s not Curly’s fault Jimmy is like that#but I digress cause people don’t exactly like when we actually discuss the responsibilities the crew mates should’ve and shouldn’t have had#or what they actually did to help cause idk Anya likely would not feel supported by any of them after the fact if they survived like girl#only ever got attention for her problems when they were literally at the worst that’s not helping or taking responsibility like she had to#kill herself to feel some sort of relief also the irony about Curly’s concern about killing herself only#for it to get to the point she actually did because there was no safety for her they all failed her#Swansea would’ve just told her to tell the captain and he’d watch Jimmy and ultimately it would play out the same cause he’s tries to not#get to involved cause he’s old and been through enough already and she’d feel just as unheard like he was closer to Daisuke#and not once after the crash did he really try to steer him away from liking Jimmy which again he points out himself#like I love Swansea and Daisuke but they were just as complacent in Anya’s suffering and Jimmy’s behavior even if they knew less that should#not make them more viable options or it more excusable like crazy conclusions to comes to ig on my part but yall hate#the idea that maybe a major point is that Anya was alone as a woman and overlooked#mouthwashing#ask#mouthwashing game#anon#curly mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing
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