#I wrote parts of this when very tired late at night so my notes of what kind of odd things Silver could get themselves in are-
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Any chance we could see a small snippet or sentence of the most recent thing you've been working on?
I have something! I'm working on a fic wherein Silver's various ways of giving people affection is discussed, following from an ask if Silver's methods there would differ a lot from the more conventional ways of the past. And they certainly do! I've thought up like four or five ways with a different 'story part' written about it, with an ending one from Silver's POV where he and Espio discuss this. There might still be a lot to change, since in that ending part I found a nice overarching sentence that I would like to incorporate further into the other parts, but here is the first one! I hope you enjoy🍀
It is almost surprising to Espio how quickly he adapted to having Silver around.
It has only been two weeks or so since the hedgehog decided he would stay in the past forever, and the chameleon could swear this is how his life has always been, happy and content with Silver at his side in a way he had never known was possible.
Of course, there are some oddities both he and Silver are still working on to get used to. Like the hedgehog’s awful sleeping schedule: convincing him to not wake up Espio during the various times he shot awake at night with cuddles and purrs galore had taken some time. Or Espio’s worries about introducing Silver to new foods – what if he doesn’t like it or he has an allergy? – despite Silver’s stomach of steel and willingness to try anything, for better or worse. Or the hedgehog’s occasional skittishness when going out on the streets, eyes flicking around warily as if a monster can jump on him at any moment or the people might chase him away. It’s just minor things in the grand scheme of it all and Espio loves helping his beloved with getting to know this wondrous world of the past, but still, there are some things both he and Silver are still very much exploring together when it comes to the limited knowledge his psychic has about them.
Like giving and receiving affection and grabbing someone’s attention, for example.
With a deep frown Espio sighs, the sound reverberating against the silence otherwise keeping the living room of the Chaotix in its grasp. For a change, he sits not on the couch or at the lockers; he’s found himself the unlikely occupant of Vector’s desk chair instead. The creaky old thing digs in his back uncomfortably, no doubt from all Vector’s roughhousing on the poor piece of furniture, and yet there is one thing causing Espio even more woes.
Their taxes.
Who Vector had been putting off so long Espio has kicked both him and Charmy out of the house to go make them some money while he tried to go budget having a whole new member in their household.
But it has to be done, the chameleon knows as well, and thus his hand swiftly changes between a red and a black pen to make copious notes on their spreadsheet. Even if he has adapted to having Silver around so easily, it does not mean that their expenses stay the exact same. Luckily neither has their income, because Espio – perhaps slightly immorally – has realised that having two cute-looking children at his side does occasionally knock some more dough out of people’s pockets than if he had gone alone. And luckily Sonic and Amy and everyone else are heavily engaged with welcoming Silver to the past and bring over the occasional food pallet or items necessary for hedgehog care as well, which is something the Chaotix then also do not need to pay for, but even when considering all those tiny benefits it does still seem that their financial situation has become quite a bit more-
Something wet trails over Espio’s elbow.
Vector’s chair rattles madly as Espio yelps and flinches, his spines colliding painfully with the seat’s back and a deep scratch of black marring the spreadsheet from his hand shooting sideways. “What-?!” the chameleon huffs out, staring at his right side with comically spooked wide eyes...
Silver, nestled against the side of the chair with a picture book in his hands, merely looks back amusedly.
“Hello,” Espio is the first to speak up, which makes a laugh spill out of Silver’s mouth.
“Did I scare you, Es?”
“Did you lick my elbow?” the chameleon retorts at that, rubbing the offended bit of his body. It’s all... nasty and a bit cold, blegh.
Silver for his part scuffles until he’s half-turned around, chin propping itself up on the side of the chair’s seat and golden eyes peering at Espio lovingly. “I said your name, but you were so busy, you didn’t hear me. But that worked, no?”
“Silver, you can’t just lick people to grab their attention. That is considered rude and gross,” Espio jumps into a lecture, making sure his elbow is wiped perfectly clean. Sure, he’s overreacting, but the idea of just randomly getting licked to give him the shivers.
“But don’t we do the exact same when kissing?” the prompt retort comes immediately... and Espio can’t exactly argue with that.
A fond smile unfurling on his lips at his beloved’s innocent response Espio skitters his fingers behind the other’s ears. “Only lick me, nobody else, and only if you have to,” his final orders come, followed by a pondering hum from the hedgehog.
Espio quickly figures that means said hedgehog will take the ‘only lick me’ part very well to heart there.
But he simply has to admit Silver is right about the kissing, so he truly can’t be too peeved about it.
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festivalsofmargot · 2 years
Pretty Thoughts {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Sebastian is down bad for you, my dear reader. But a lot of overthinking on your part makes you blind to it. So, his only option is to keep chasing after you. Takes place after MC meets Anne and before Seb’s final mission. Your Hogwarts house is up to you.
Word Count: ~2700
Warnings: Kissing, Teen Angst
Author’s Note: This is an (un)official Part 2 to Pining in Potions Class. I like writing one shots that could go together if you’d like, but you definitely don’t need to read any other stories to know what’s going on. I love the idea of a clingy Sebastian. Teens finding their first love can feel amazing but they also don’t know how to act. All they know is they want to be with that person at all times.
Songs (if interested):
Kill the Director - The Wombats
Whatever You Like - Single Version - Anya Marina Cover
Wallpaper - Matt Watson
How Long - TALK
You had found Sebastian around you a lot more lately, not that you minded. You enjoyed it, actually. But at the same time, it kept you on edge. Though you hadn’t known the Slytherin for long, this behavior seemed very out of the ordinary for him. When you were first getting to know him, he would be brief and to the point with you, then he was off. He was always prioritizing practicing new spells in the undercroft or going over every book he could get his hands on from the restricted section. 
At first, you thought maybe he had a falling out with Ominis, but then you saw them walking into the dining hall seemingly fine with each other. And then, you made yourself paranoid it had something to do with Anne’s health. But to your relief, he updated you on something funny she wrote in her latest letter to him.
Your early conversations mainly consisted of discussing the things he had found in Salazar Slytherin’s spell book, but that was only a small portion of the time these days. More often than not, the two of you weren’t saying anything at all. He was just there with you. Whether it be studying, laying in the grass and basking in the sun, or sitting with you at breakfast going over some last minute homework. 
He was getting dangerously close to you lately too. He might not have thought anything of it. But you on the other hand? Your mind went reeling. Every time you were together, he would do something simple that made your stomach dance with butterflies. He’d brush your fingers with his, lay his head on your lap while you laid in the grass, and touch his shoulder against yours whenever you sat together in the dining hall.
It was your final class of the day, and you were barely paying attention, your mind thinking back on those light touches you and Sebastian shared. Looking up from your notes to sneak a glance at him, you found he was already staring back at you. The both of you quickly averted your eyes.
With Professor Hecat’s dismissal, all the students made their way out of the classroom. Sebastian caught up to your side.
“Have to cancel our library session. I need to meet with Ominis. Can I still try to see you later?” He looked at you with hopeful eyes, as if he needed you to confirm he could, in fact, see you later.
“O-Of course, Sebastian. I’ll probably be in the library for the rest of the night if you need me.”
He gave you a small smile and nod of his head. He took a few steps backwards to leave, keeping his eyes on you a moment longer, then he turned and went on his way.
Rubbing at your eyes, you were relieved to be nearly done with all of your homework. It was the weekend now, you didn’t need to worry about finishing it all that night, but Sebastian hadn’t come to see you yet. So you stayed a bit longer than anticipated. It was getting late and everyone was gone except for you and Madam Scribner at her desk at the library entrance. 
You’d feel bad if Sebastian showed up and you weren’t there to at least tell him you were done and heading to bed. But if you were too tired, you were too tired. Sebastian wouldn’t be crushed if he turned up and you were gone... right?
You shook the thought from your head and rubbed at your blushing cheeks with the back of your hand. Sebastian doesn’t feel that way about you, he needs to focus on helping his sister. If he wants anything more, he’ll tell you. But then you began thinking about all his small touches again, pulling yourself back into the fantasy.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you knew you needed a distraction. You decided to get up from your table and explore the shelves for another book. Nothing education related, there had to be something in this humungous library that was just meant for enjoyment. Some fictional story to take your mind off of everything.
Aha! You believed you found just the book. You couldn’t quite tell from the cover, but the title was “My Beloved”. That sounded like a romance novel, right? Plucking the book from the shelf and running your hands across its bindings, you made your way back to your table. Not wanting to sit thanks to the lingering nerves, you opened up the book to a random page and read it over to see if your prediction on the content was correct.
You found it was a romance that took place in a small village. Before you knew it, you were engrossed in the story, picturing yourself and Sebastian as the main characters who were in love. You slowly placed both of your hands on the table, leaning on them as you kept reading, forgetting you could sit back down. It’d really come to this, you were so head over heels for him you were picturing the two of you in a romance novel. A dreamy sigh escaped your lips.
“What are you reading?” Sebastian asked, coming up to your side. Your attention snapped to him. He chuckled at your startled expression and very red complexion. “Uh oh, catch you reading something interesting, did I?” 
"Um...”, You started, but couldn’t think of anything to say. Your mind was still recovering from the romantic scenarios you were just picturing the two of you in. 
Shaking your head and avoiding his gaze, Sebastian took this to mean you were upset with him. His heart sank. “I’m sorry it took me so long. Ominis and I decided to try a new spell and it took us forever to figure out. I was so focused on getting it right, I lost track of time. You’re not leaving soon, are you?”
You gave a small wave of your hand, dismissing his apology. “It’s alright, Sebastian. I got caught up here and... well, lost track of time myself.” You slid the book away from him, slowly closing it, hoping you didn’t look suspicious.
But, of course, Sebastian thought you looked suspicious. He raised a questioning brow at you and glanced at the book.
“What?” You asked innocently, turning away from him and looking down at the romance novel, firing off ideas in your head of how you’d put it away without him figuring out what it was.
“That book you got there. Why are you acting so secretive? Did I catch you reading something interesting after all?” Sebastian got closer, leaning one hand on the table next to the book and peering at it over your shoulder. His chest pressing up against your back. There he went again, giving you the slightest touch and driving you mad. The scent of his cologne filled your nostrils, intoxicating you. In that moment, you were tempted to yank him close and bury your face in his neck.
He turned his head to look at you for an answer, but you couldn’t get yourself to look back. He was so close, his lips were so close. You could make out his freckles out of the corner of your eye, feel his breath against your skin. Did he know what kind of effect he had on you? Was he teasing you? Your lips were moving to speak but no words would come out.
He gave you a playful nudge with his shoulder, prodding you to answer him. “Come on, it can’t be that bad, can it?”
And it wasn’t that bad, at most he would tease you for reading a romance novel. What was holding you back at this point was how nervous Sebastian was making you. As if you weren’t tense enough, he took it a step further and placed both of his hands on either side of you on the table, trapping you in. He rested his chin on your shoulder, taking another peek at the book.
“I never realized how much taller I am than you.” He chuckled, chest humming against your back. Keeping you in place, his callused hands grabbed yours to remove them from covering the title of the book. He held your hands in his while he read it over, then he gave a quiet, amused hum.
You turned in his arms and he lifted his head off your shoulder to meet your gaze. He smiled at you, but it faded when he saw your face. 
“What’s wrong?”
Finally facing him, even with how close he was, your desire took over your reason. And, just for a moment, you allowed yourself to be selfish. “You make me nervous, Sebastian.” You told him in a low tone.
He didn’t think you looked nervous at all. Something was written on your features but he certainly wouldn’t call it ‘nervous’. Your eyes were dark and you licked at your lips. It was brief but it caught his eye, seeing a quick glimpse of your tongue made his head race with all sorts of thoughts.
You too glanced at his lips, not caring if it was obvious what was on your mind.
Seeing your eyes shamelessly stare at his mouth, he froze. He was afraid if he made one wrong move, you’d run. He had wanted to kiss you for a while now, and right then it looked like you wanted to kiss him too. 
Then you did, and his heart went rapid. He had been convinced you could feel it when your hands moved up along his chest until one snaked around his shoulders and the other rested on his neck. His hands left their place on the table to grab your waist, pulling you closer, holding you in place. His warmth enveloped you.
You pulled away to kiss at Sebastian’s neck and his knees went weak. You kissed around the area you pictured he sprayed his cologne. You took an inhale and breathed out, “I always loved this scent on you.” You kissed at the area one more time, sending a pleasant tickling sensation up the back of his neck. His fingers dug deeper into your waist.
You go back to kissing his lips, which were softer than you had imagined. The way he earnestly moved his mouth against yours ignited sparks in your chest. You had wanted him so badly, and you finally had him there in your arms, on the tip of your tongue, for the taking. One of your hands moved to his hair and you reveled in the feeling of his locks between your fingers. 
But the abrupt sound of heels walking along a marble floor slowed your kiss to a halt. Madam Scribner. The two of you were so swept up in the moment you completely forgot other people existed (faculty that Sebastian does not have a good reputation with included).
The two of you left each other’s embrace just as Scribner came into view. Sebastian, hair slightly askew, gave a cough and acted like he was looking over some important papers which were actually your homework pages for a class he didn’t have. All the while, you had managed to open up the romance novel, nodding your head as if you were learning some new herbology methods.
Madam Scribner eyed the two of you while she put away a few books. “Getting late, best finish up before curfew.” And then she was gone, returning to her desk.
You and Sebastian looked at each other, cheeks flushed, and grinning from ear to ear. You bit at your lip and he rubbed the back of his neck. Clearing your throat, you started gathering up your homework and books.
Sebastian watched with an ache to pull you back in and keep kissing you senseless.
“I-I’m sorry I did that. That was selfish of me.” You stammered, his brows furrowed in confusion.
“What do you mean?” He asked, returning to your side, thinking through anything he could have done to make you feel this way. You had helped him through so much, if anything he thought he was the selfish one. You came in as a new fifth year with seemingly endless catching up to do and you had to learn how to wield ancient magic on top of that. Yet, he was unabashed in asking for your help countless times, anything to steal you away for himself.
“Well I-I know how busy you are with your research for Anne and I’d hate to be the one who slowed you down just because I-.” You went quiet, unable to finish the sentence, fingers fumbling to organize the papers in your hands.
“Just because you... what?” He urged on.
“Merlin, Sebastian. Do I need to spell it out for you?” You exhaled, leaving to go put away the books you borrowed, him following close in pursuit.
“Please do.”
“As I said,” You sighed. “You make me... nervous.”
“In a good way or bad way?”
Putting the last of the books away, you turned to face him again. “Good, I suppose.” You confessed, barely above a whisper, unable to meet his gaze.
He tried to bite back the giddy smile forming on his lips. “I make you nervous in a good way.” He repeated back, almost sounding proud.
You nodded your head, looking down at your twiddling thumbs, listening out if he would say how he felt about you.
Sebastian glanced over to Madam Scribner, who made it not so subtle she was keeping an eye on the two of you. “We should start heading to our rooms now, I suppose. Curfew and all.”
Your heart dropped, he didn’t say a thing about reciprocating your feelings. Not even a simple “I feel the same.” He must have only been swept up in the moment, enjoying the attention. Perhaps teenage hormones could make kissing enticing no matter who you were with? Embarrassment filled your every limb and you wanted to run and hide. You gathered your things to go.
“Um, yes. You’re right. We should be going.”
“I’ll walk you.”
“No, that’s alright. At this point, I’m asleep on my feet and you must be exhausted too. I’ll just floo and go straight to bed.”
Your rejection took him aback. “Oh. Well, alright then. I’ll see you at breakfast.”
“Maybe. I’ve got some assignments outside of the castle, might not have time.”
“Well, let me come along to help.” He offered eagerly.
“Don’t worry yourself, just send me an owl if something comes up for Anne. Sleep well, Sebastian.” 
Before he could say anything more, you sped off to the library floo, and then you were gone. He was baffled at your sudden shift, everything was going so well. The two of you kissed and you had confirmed you felt the same as he did. He couldn’t believe he could make someone like you nervous. Hearing you say how you felt about him made him so happy he could burst. But then you were rushing to leave, rejecting his offer to help again. He didn’t think he said anything wrong, he barely said anything at all. Yet off you went, like you couldn’t get away fast enough.
He groaned in frustration as he made his way to his room. He had managed to kiss you and he still felt as distant as ever from you. He had never had the courage to outright tell you how he felt, so he would constantly toe the line with his touches. The brushing fingers, laying his head on your lap, sitting as close as he could to you in the dining hall, and now a kiss, all of which you seemed to welcome.
Sebastian laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, going back and forth in his head what your actions tonight meant. You had waited in the library for him all that time, you initiated the kiss, said you liked - no - loved his cologne, told him he made you nervous in a good way, and then you wanted nothing more to do with him. He replayed the whole night and he couldn’t pin down where he went wrong. 
He’d have to find you first thing in the morning, before you could leave.
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stars-and-inkpots · 1 year
Could you possibly write more soft Gale fics? He just deserves so much love and healing. I really liked how you wrote Reverence. Sorry I don’t have a more specific ask, I’m not very good when it comes to fic ideas.
Absolutely I can, I love writing for Gale so much, and he really does deserve the world. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy!
Late Night Book Club | Gale x Reader
No matter what you try, you just can't seem to sleep. Between nightmares and insomnia, you start to think you might never get a good night's rest again.
Gale seems to share the same issue.
While you might not be able to completely solve your problems, at least the two of you aren't alone in them anymore.
Pairing: Gale/Reader
Tags: Cuddling, Insomnia, Nightmares, Comfort, Fluff, First Kiss, Love Confessions (kinda)
Notes: choosing a name for this was the hardest part about writing it
Ao3 Link: Late Night Book Club
Word Count: 2,150
For whatever reason, you find yourself awake far later than everyone else. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem, if it wasn’t for the fact that this was the second night in a row where sleep eluded you to the point of exhaustion. The little amount of sleep you did manage to get was plagued with uncomfortable dreams that teetered on the edge of nightmares, making sure the rest was fitful. You knew you had to sleep; you couldn’t hope to lead the group if you were barely able to stand tomorrow. It’s frustrating. It isn’t like you aren’t trying to sleep either; you laid there for hours before finally giving up and leaving your tent to tend to the fire that has steadily burnt down to the last embers. It’s here where Gale finds you. 
The look on your face only adds to his concern at seeing you up so late. You don’t notice his approach, another thing that makes Gale think something must be wrong. 
“Is everything alright?” He asks softly, though the sudden noise still startles you. He watches you turn and immediately relax when you realise it’s only him. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry,” you apologise, but you aren’t exactly sure what you're apologising for. Perhaps it's for letting all of them down with your inability to sleep, knowing you’ll hold them back tomorrow. Then you notice that Gale looks just as tired. 
“Is there anything I can do?” He asks. 
You’re sure your exhaustion is evident enough, you can feel the weight under your eyes. A part of you hates feeling like you need to be taken care of. You don’t want to acknowledge that help would be both welcome and useful, but you know these feelings are simply a byproduct of the exhaustion that weighs on your shoulders. You can’t fault Gale for wanting to help. 
“No, it’s alright. You need your own rest.” The day had been tough on all of you. Gale, though talented when it came to magic, was pushed to his own limits today. 
“Very well. Would you at least allow me to sit with you for a few moments then?” Gale asks. 
You only nod, and Gale sits beside you on the ground. You’ve managed to get the fire going a little stronger again, and the warmth is appreciated by both of you. You’re suddenly aware of just how close you are, knees almost touching. You blame the warmth in your cheeks on the fire. 
“If there is something bothering you, I am more than happy to listen.” There is genuine care in his words. He is worried about you. As much as you don’t want to burden your companions with your troubles, he seems adamant that he wants to hear them. 
“I can’t sleep is all,” you admit. “It’s nothing serious. Just can’t sleep, and then when I do my dreams end up waking me up again.” It feels childish to say that your dreams are the primary culprit of your lack of sleep. You’ve been through so much in the past weeks, but it’s nightmares of all things that finally get to you. 
But Gale doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t tease you. Instead, he looks at you with only sympathy and understanding. He doesn’t pry any further, and you’re thankful. 
“What about you? Why are you still up? If you want to share, of course,” you’re quick to add. You don’t want him to feel like he has to tell you his own troubles just because you told him yours. 
“We have similar problems it seems,” is all Gale answers. You return his earlier kindness by not pressing him to elaborate either. 
The two of you sit there in comfortable silence again. 
“I understand if you wish to remain alone, but if you ever wish for company when you cannot sleep, you are always most welcome to visit me.” He says it so quietly, hesitantly, but not unsure. Knowing you don’t need to spend the nights awake alone, at least, is a comfort, and the thought of spending the time talking with Gale is pleasant; even if that time is simply spent sitting near to one another. 
You smile. “I might take you up on that offer.” 
Gale gives you a fond look. The golden light of the fire makes him look soft and at ease, though, maybe that’s only because he’s with you. 
“I think I’ll try to sleep again. Thank you for this, Gale.” You stand, and he does the same. 
Sleep still doesn’t come easy when you return to your tent, but eventually you’re able to get, at least, a little bit of dreamless sleep before you’re awoken again. The gaps between sleep and consciousness are still more frequent than you want, but it’s better than nothing. 
The next day is rough. Gale doesn’t look like he had much luck with sleep either, and you’re almost thankful because he is more inclined to ask the group to slow down than you are. Maybe the others can tell that you’re also struggling, because no one complains when the steady pace is interrupted. 
Perhaps some god out there is looking out for you, because the day’s travel is mercifully uneventful. 
Setting up camp again is a chore. You do your best to help where you can, but you can barely stand as it is. 
“Get some rest, soldier. We’ve got it from here,” Karlach says to you, voice quiet. You know she’s trying to be nice, but it feels like pity and you hate it. You swallow your pride and thank her before returning to your tent. 
Even though your body aches and your head is starting to hurt, when you lay down, you only end up staring at the roof of the tent. You suddenly just aren’t tired. You know you’re tired, because your body feels tired, but at the same time you aren’t , and it’s only partly caused by fear of the dreams you know await you. It’s frustrating to no end. 
After another few minutes of laying there with your eyes closed, you finally give in. 
Only a few of the others are still awake, sitting and talking with each other around the fire. They don’t notice you skirting around the edge of camp towards Gale’s tent. It’s not that you feel like you need to keep this a secret, you just don’t think you have the energy to talk to anyone besides the wizard right now. 
“Gale? Can I come in?” You ask softly outside the tent. You know he’s awake; you can see shadows that dance across the walls. 
“Of course,” Gale answers. Before you can move to open the tent flap, he waves a hand and it opens for you. 
“What a gentleman,” you tease, but even you can hear how tired you sound. 
“Always for you,” he returns with a smile, but there’s a truth in his words that brings a warmth to your face. 
You finally notice how cosy his tent is. There are several books, all of them stacked in piles that must be organised in a way you can’t discern. The ground is covered in plush blankets and pillows. Fluttering around the top of the tent are small, almost iridescent orbs of light, some purple and others blue. They give enough light for Gale to read, but keep the tent dim enough to be pleasant. 
“Please, sit down, make yourself comfortable.” 
You sit beside him; closer than you were last night, leaning against his side slightly. You peer over at the book in his hands, surprised to find it isn’t some arcane tome. As far as you can tell, it’s just a normal adventure novel. 
“Don’t let me interrupt you, you can keep reading.” Even just sitting here beside him is enough of a comfort; the tension already starting to seep out of your shoulders. You don’t want to talk about anything yet, and you figure that Gale shares the same sentiment. 
“Do you want me to read to you?” Gale asks, and though you almost think he’s joking, you realise he really means it. 
“That would be nice.” 
And it is. You’ve always enjoyed listening to him talk; Gale has a lovely voice. He picks up where he left off when you got there. He wasn’t too far into the book yet, but he still pauses occasionally to explain something. Eventually you close your eyes, focused only on his voice, the details of his words getting blurry. 
“Can we lay down?” You mumble tiredly. 
“That’s a good idea,” Gale says with a smile, having already noticed the way your head has begun to dip forward as sleep begins to pull at you. 
It takes a bit of coordination, but eventually you’re both underneath the thick blanket that Gale pulls tighter around the two of you. You move closer to him, your head underneath his chin, and he wraps an arm around you. He’s warm, and you feel safer than you have in weeks. He starts reading again, fingers playing idly with your hair. Within another minute, your breathing has evened out and you’re fast asleep. 
Gale folds the corner of the page to mark where you two left off and closes the book before he sets it aside with the countless others. Eventually, he manages to fall asleep too. 
Both of you still wake up a few times in the middle of the night. You didn’t expect this to be some miracle cure for your sleep problems, but having Gale there holding you when you wake up makes getting back to sleep a little easier. The same can be said for Gale who wakes up several times, only to be calmed down once he feels your arms around him. The two of you are able to get a good rest, and when you wake up in the morning you don’t feel the same ache in your bones as you did the past few mornings. 
It becomes a sort of routine between you. In the evenings, after everyone leaves for their tents, you follow Gale to his or he follows you to yours. Then he reads to you, and sometimes you read to him, and you both let sleep find you in each other's arms. The nightmares are getting more bearable, and even on the worst nights when neither of you can sleep no matter how much you try, at least you’re there together. 
It’s been a week since you started this arrangement. The book is nearly finished. Gale had promised to let you pick out the next one. 
He brushes through your hair with one hand, the book held open in the other. You listen while he starts reading the last few pages. The hero who’s story you’ve been following through the novel culminates in one final battle against evil. It’s cliché, you think to yourself, and then smile because isn’t this exactly your own life now? And what hero story is complete without a lover to kiss them at the end, which is precisely what happens. Good prevails, and the hero gets their true love. 
Gale feels your smile against his neck and, for reasons he understands but doesn’t want to admit yet, feels a warmth flood his cheeks. 
“The End,” he announces, snapping the book closed with a flourish, earning a laugh from you. “What did you think?” 
“It was nice. It felt more like a romance novel at the end.” 
Gale hums in agreement. “Yes, but I think that's what I enjoyed most.” He puts the book down then returns to hugging you close to him. 
“I agree, it felt natural.” You hope Gale understands what you mean. 
He does. 
The two of you have been dancing around this for a while now, neither one of you ready to acknowledge it. But there’s something about tonight that feels different. 
You lean back to look at Gale’s face, bringing a hand up to guide a strand of greying brown hair behind his ear. Your hand lingers on his cheek, thumb brushing gently across his skin. He puts his own hand over yours, moving it to kiss your palm. It’s a careful gesture, tender and nervous all at the same time. 
When you move to kiss him, he meets you halfway. It’s a soft kiss; a testament to these nights you’ve spent together. When you part, you rest your forehead against his. The way he looks at you makes your heart swell: like you mean everything to him. 
He kisses you once more before you tuck your head into the crook of his neck. He holds you like he’s scared you’ll disappear, and you tighten your arms around him as if to answer: 'I could never.'
You both sleep the best you have in weeks, still there for each other each time you wake. 
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thebluester2020 · 6 days
I wonder how sdv bachelor's would react to you getting mad at them for forgetting your (relationship) anniversary?
Getting Upset At SDV + RSV Bachelors For Forgetting Your Anniversary (For the Umpteenth Time And You Decided To Leave Them For It)
Warning(s): Angst (Especially on Shane's part lol, I'm a hater), No happy endings, Reader goes in on Shane and Alex in their individual parts,
Side note(s): Ik you were probably expecting something decently light anon but I just remembered that I haven't ratted on Shane in a minute so I thought some good ol' fashioned angst was in store.
Also, I picked who I wrote angst for because I teared up thinking of writing angst for my favorite emo or writer. Still, though, I hope you like what I've written anon (and sorry it took so frickin' long 😔)
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Shane | "Another Bottle"
You were so excited for tonight, you could hardly stand in place as you waited for Shane to get home!
Tonight would be your third year with Shane. A year that (in your mind) would symbolize the trials and tribulations the both of you had gone, as well as shared with one another. And for the last week or so, Shane had been talking almost non-stop about the plans he had for the both of you at the end of the week! He hinted at eating some fancy dinner cooked up by Gus at the Stardrop Saloon, and although he didn't mention it verbally, Shane had been spending a lot of time with Elliot lately.
The two had almost nothing in common so, butterflies erupted in your stomach at the thought of the extra things your husband was preparing for you.
Shane had also mentioned taking a walk on the beach at the end, and once the night had concluded? A nice wine on the porch whilst listening to a playlist of you and his' favorite songs.
All of it was straight from a dream, a fairytale even that...admittedly, you thought would never happen. Especially since...he had forgotten your first anniversary, the second one too—but, you were nothing if not forgiving.
You had to be.
Your husband dealt with a lot. He had mental health issues as well as a drinking problem that he was still fighting to curb to this very moment! When you married him—nay, when you first started dating him. You knew that you would have to be patient and constantly show him that you were with him through thick and thin, come Hell or high water. You'd stand by Shane's side and walk with him through any troubles he may have faced or had roaming around in his head.
Therefore, that's why, as soon as the clock in your shared bedroom ticked to five o'clock. You practically burst out of your bedroom and out to the front porch to wait for Shane like an eager dog waiting for its owner to return home after a long day! In any minute, he'd walk through the small gates that led onto the farm's property...maybe with a bouquet of flowers? A tired expression at first perhaps? One that would immediately melt away at the sight of you like it always did...you couldn't wait to see for yourself.
Six O'Clock
You had decided to sit down on the steps of the porch, constantly standing in a pair of heels was bound to hurt your feet sometime or another as you continued to wait for Shane to go through those gates. He must've been held up at work, maybe spending a little extra time getting your date ready! Something.
Anything other than the thought your mind was threatening to settle on.
No, anything but that.
He was late but you were going to have patience, after all, all the best things in life were worth waiting for, right? You were willing to bet that he was going to appear at any moment now.
Eight O'Clock
You had lost the bet with yourself, that much was obvious as you quietly took off the outfit you had put together for tonight and debated whether you should simply take a shower and go to bed or if you should comfort yourself over a nice glass of wine. On one hand, you wanted the former, anything that would help you forget this night but...this time? You just couldn't bring yourself to do it.
This would be the third time that Shane had forgotten your anniversary. Last year, you had let him slide with his excuse that he was caught up at work, even though he worked at a grocery store and the place had a set time for when it closed! The second year, that time around, Shane had claimed that Jas suddenly wanted to spend time with him! You wouldn't have minded Jas tagging along for your anniversary date, she would have made it more lively, so that year as well, you let it slide.
This time though...as tears started to well up in your eyes and your chest tightened. You didn't know if you had it in you to let another anniversary slide.
And that's when you heard the front door open and close.
Even from the bedroom, the scent of alcohol was strong and all too familiar. The lazy movement of Shane's footsteps...the way he groaned and grumbled drunkenly in search of you.
He had forgotten your anniversary...all so he could get drunk?
You saw red. "Where were you?" You immediately questioned your husband when you rounded a corner and into the living room.
There he was, lying down on the couch with the stench of alcohol radiating off of him. You clenched your fists so hard at the sight, that you almost worried they'd bleed. "Out." Shane finally answered.
You could feel a vein threaten to poke out as he slurred his words.
"Out?" You said in exasperation.
"Yes, out."
"I thought you were trying to quit drinking," You stormed up closer to him. Shane barely even flinched, you were hoping he'd give you something, anything that said he had remembered your anniversary but was just too drunk and stupid to remember it. "Why—"
"I needed a break from work!" He grumbled. "Get off my back."
"But—" You took a breath. "Shane." You continued. "Our anniversary...you—you promised." When that word made its way out of your mouth, Shane could barely give you the decency to look embarrassed. To look ashamed that he would miss his only spouse's birthday. The one person who had stuck with him through everything, listened to him when he was at his lowest, had made sure he was at Dr. Harvey's in a heartbeat the second you noticed he was too drunk to even stand. You had even gone out of your way so many fucking times to make sure that you had did some things for him, anything that made his recovery easier and swifter.
And what could he do to thank you?
Easy, begin to fall asleep on the couch whilst he still smelled of alcohol. Even as tears started to burn your eyes, he still couldn't wake up for you.
So, you decided that was that.
You wouldn't go through this again for a fourth, fifth, or even sixth time in a row!
You were done.
"...I guess you were right before Shane," You said to his passed-out form.
"You are nothing but a drunk. And that's all you'll ever be." You continued with venom dripping from each word before you stormed off to your bedroom. Immediately, you tore open the closet before you practically ripped and tore his clothes from the hangers, snatching pants and everything else he owned from the drawers and other places he kept his things before you carried them all to the living room before dropping it at his feet.
Still, he barely moved an inch aside from snoring obnoxiously.
You wanted him gone first thing in the morning and you wouldn't hear another half-assed apology or even an excuse that he was "still healing" or "just had a momentary relapse". It was a fine fucking time to have a relapse on the day you were looking forward to for an entire week! And you absolutely hated him for it.
But...soon you'd have your peace back, free of any disappointments too.
Once he was up and gone tomorrow.
Alex | "High Ambitions"
Alex's gridball career had been going extremely well as of late.
You always knew that his efforts, the constant hard work he'd put into the sport, would pay off one day. You always told him that! You just wished that...it wasn't at the expense of you sometimes, compared to how he was when the two of you first started dating, Alex was gone almost all the time. From sun up to sun down, he'd either be training or taking a bus down to Zuzu city at the crack of dawn in order to train further with his coach!
You didn't have enough fingers to count how many times you woke up by yourself. The spot where Alex should have been cold and empty, but Alex had promised you that he wasn't letting his ambitions and his budding career get in the way of you two! He'd always come back and hug you, stating that you were the reason why he was playing in the first place and trying to make it big.
All so that he could fund and take care of the both of you, deliver you a lavish lifestyle that would allow you to have more time to do the things that you and he liked to do rather than most of your day being spent with farm work and running around! And while that was all fine...your current lifestyle, was something you enjoyed.
And you enjoyed it even more when you did it with Alex.
Yet you had bit your tongue and nodded your head, you were happy for him and wanted him to succeed! So long as he didn't forget about you, you were happy and content. Besides, you'd have all the time in the world to make up for lost time with him tonight! It was your anniversary and the second he got back from practice, you wouldn't hold back from being a little greedy with him.
At least...that was the plan.
Until two hours went by.
He was supposed to be home at 8 o'clock.
Now? It was just barely reaching 11:00pm. And as the minutes continued to tick by, your anger at your husband only grew. He promised you that he would be home on time, that he wouldn't let practice take over you being his number-one priority. Clearly, that was one huge lie. However, as you heard the rapid jingling of keys at the door all of a sudden...you couldn't even find it within yourself to make up an excuse for him like you had many times prior.
No, it was clear where his priorities were as of lately.
And you weren't a part of them in the slightest.
"Y/N!" Alex called out as soon as he entered the house, his eyes quickly finding you sitting on the couch. Back straight and eyes forward, you hadn't even reacted to the sound of your name aside from a brief glance over your shoulder.
Oh, he knew he was in trouble.
"Sorry," Alex said bashfully, flashing you a boyish smile that would always do just the trick of melting your heart a little in the past. "I got caught up with practice, I scored three touchdowns today!"
"Do you know what day it is today?"
His eyes widened a little, his mouth opening to ask you to clarify as he desperately racked his brain. Only then, did horror wash over his features the second he remembered. "Y/N...I'm so sorry-"
You suddenly stood up. "Don't bother," You said sharply with a sigh. "It's the third time you've missed our anniversary!" You laughed emptily.
"All for fucking gridball practice. The same thing you told me wouldn't get in between us."
He rolled his eyes. "You know this is the one thing I've been working towards my entire life." Your husband huffed. "Why can't you be happy for me? I'm doing this for the both of us!"
"The both of us?" You scoffed. "You're doing this for you. I told you the second you started practicing to not let sports come between us, to at least take the time to remember me!" You shouted as you quickly got in his space, your chest heaving as your hands found their way to your hips.
"And what do you do? The exact opposite."
"Well, what about you?"
Oh, he was not placing the blame on you.
"You're always working on the farm, that or rushing off to the mines for the third time in a night!"
"How the- that's not the same! And besides, you're barely here to begin with! I'd rather be in the mines with the ghosts to keep me company than lay in an empty bed for the fourth night in a row!"
Your husband only blew you off with a scoff at your words, turning on his heels to walk away from the conversation. And that single act, it only made the pain worse. So much worse that...you couldn't even believe that you had married him in the first place. In the beginning, you were absolutely smitten with Alex, admiring his determination for gridball as well as his drive to be the best at it! Even now...you still want to support him at it, see him become the very best but...not at the detriment of you.
Not at the detriment of your marriage.
If he couldn't be bothered to remember the simplest things about you such as an anniversary.
Then it was best if you left the picture completely.
You took a deep shaky breath. "...Pack your bags tomorrow Alex." You said, your breath barely above a whisper but still loud enough to where Alex stopped in his tracks completely.
"Pack them," You repeated. "You want to focus on gridball? Fine, but it won't be with me playing second fiddle to it." Then, you turned around to walk to the bedroom and shut the door behind you.
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
The Touch Of Your Hands
+18 Smut
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Pairing: Stephen!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It's cold and Stephen's hands are hurting and you decide to take care of them (and other things too)
Word Count: 4,4k
Warnings: Mentions of physical pain, SMUT: Strong hand kink, fingering, oral sex (with female receiving), masturbation (with female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, creampie.
A/N: I've always had a fascination with men's hands and since Stephen's hands are such an important part of his story (and the fact that Benedict's hands are huge) it's kind of obvious that I would be obsessed with them. This story pretty much wrote itself and I intended it to be a fluffy fic, but as you'll see it took a totally different turn. Enjoy your reading ;)
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You were reading your favorite book, sitting lazily on your bed, back propped up by a pile of pillows. It was cold, very cold. You were dressed in flannel pajamas, wearing fluffy socks and covered in a heavy blanket.
The fireplace was lit, outside you could hear the sound of the wind hitting the window. Weather forecasters had predicted a blizzard for that night and the next morning. Flights had been cancelled, schools had sent notes to parents that they would be closed the following day, local businesses would probably do the same.
You liked the winter, but the idea of ​​Stephen being out in the snow doing god knows what was absurd to you and made you feel guilty for being comfortable when you knew your man was out there in the cold.
You were distracted by your book until you started to feel sleep taking over you, your eyes closing by themselves, so you placed your book on the bedside table, turned off the lamp and surrendered to the tireness of the day.
You must have dozed off for only a few minutes because the sound of boots in the hallway was enough to wake you up. The door opened slowly and Stephen entered and closed it carefully so as not to make any noise. You were so comfortable that you didn't even move, you just expected him to go to you and give you a kiss, like he always did, but instead you heard him walking to the bathroom and the closet door creaking open.
You continued to listen carefully until the sound of something falling and crashing on the floor startled you. Stephen swore under his breath, but you could hear the irritation in his voice.
By then you had completely lost sleep, so you got up, wrapped yourself in your fluffy robe and walked over to him.
Stephen was still dressed in his robes, standing in front of the mirror, trying to clean some bruises from his face. Trying because his hands were shaking a lot more than usual.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you." He said with a heavy sigh.
You walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist. "It's okay. Christ, you're freezing in these wet robes, Stephen."
He turned to look at you, his face was red from the cold, there were a few cuts on his cheekbones and forehead, no big deal. "I hate to ask, Y/n, but..."
"Yes I can help you undress. I already told you that you can call me when you need help, Stephen."
He nodded "I know, but you looked so comfortable that I didn't have the heart."
You smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Then you set about unbuckling all his belts. You freed him of the top of his robes and knelt down to remove his boots and finally free him of his pants as well.
"Thanks, sweetheart. My hands are terrible today. Probably from the cold. It's freezing outside."
"From what I've seen on TV, it's not going to get better anytime soon. At least we can stay in bed late." You gave him your best smile and then stepped away and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature until the water was piping hot. "Take a hot shower, then I'll take care of your hands. They are hurting, right?"
He nodded shyly, quickly got rid of his boxers and stepped into the shower.
You got him a change of clean clothes and left them on the counter, then went about preparing a basin of hot water and lavender essence. You grabbed some clean towels and the bottle of lavender oil and took it to bed with you.
Stephen did not take long to return to the room. He looked gorgeous in his sweatshirt and pants, hair messed up, a few strands falling over his forehead.
"Come on, let me take care of you." You said patting the mattress.
He smirked and crawled under the blankets with you and you adjusted the pillows behind him "Lean on the pillows"
He did as you asked and you spread one of the towels on his lap over the blankets. "Put your hands here, palms facing up. Good."
You wet another towel in the hot water and wrung out the excess water and wrapped it around Stephen's hands as he let out a heavy sigh.
"Let's wait a minute for them to get really warm." You said touching his face. The cuts had been cleaned up, but you knew they must be hurting. "It always breaks my heart when you come home hurt."
He tried to smile reassuringly, but he couldn't even do that. You could see the weariness written on his face, his eyes heavy from all those sleepless nights.
 "You're not going to work tomorrow, okay?"
"Sweetheart, I need..."
You put two fingers on his lips "Shh you don't need anything. Nobody's going to work tomorrow because of the bad weather. I want you to enjoy the day to rest and get some sleep."
"I can't, Y/n..."
"I'm not asking, Stephen. Unless you want to pick a fight with me, you're going to do what I say."
He sighed heavily "I'll call Wong tomorrow morning."
You smile "Very well."
You kissed him gently and then took the towel from his hands and returned it to the basin. You took the bottle of lavender oil and dripped a few drops into his palm and then smoothed it very gently all over his hand. "Let me know if it hurts, okay?"
He nodded.
You turned his left hand over palm down and started massaging his fingers. Starting with the pinky, you pinched the tip of the finger firmly for a moment, then used firm, short strokes with your thumb, massaging up the finger towards the knuckle. Finally, squeezing it all over. You repeated the process on the other fingers and he let out a heavy exhale. "This feels amazing, sweetheart."
You smiled "Yeah?"
"Uh hm" He hummed leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
You used your thumb to massage the back of his hand, placing the pad of your thumb between the pinky and ring finger, using medium pressure, sliding your thumb along the finger bone, up towards the wrist. You repeated the process working your way up along each finger bone taking some extra time in the place between his thumb and index finger, using circular motions.
"I love it when you take care of my hands like this. There's no one in the world I would let do that to me but you."
You smiled, feeling your heart fluttering in your chest at those words, but you continued with your work. You turned his hand over, and cradled it in both hands. Then began to massage the palm in small, circular movements using your thumbs, beginning in the middle of the palm, and working your way towards the sides, and then up towards his wrist. He let out a sweet noise. Something between a groan and a moan. His eyes were still closed, his breathing calm and relaxed.
"I love doing this for you. It's very intimate and it makes me feel good too."
You held Stephen's hand palm down, and interlaced your fingers with his to stretch the fingers apart. Grasping the whole hand in yours, and gently pushed back to stretch the wrist a bit. Slowly and carefully turned the wrist from right to left, and then left to right.
You finished the massage with a few more drops of lavender oil and proceeded to give several long strokes with your palm and fingers, beginning at the back of the wrist, and smoothing your hand down towards the fingers.
"One is finished." You kissed the back of his hand. "Now, give me the other hand."
He did as you asked and you restarted the whole process. Very slowly, taking your time, you worked on his fingers, his wrist, his palm, the back of his hand. You finished it off again with a kiss and when you dared look at him, he was looking intently at you, his blue eyes filled with love and affection.
You felt your face blushing at that look. "What is it?"
He smirked "I love you, Y/n. I love you so much, more than I ever thought I could love anyone. You are the most important thing to me in this world."
You grinned and threw yourself on top of him kissing him passionately. His arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you impossibly close to him.
You only broke the kiss to breathe and still you stayed glued to him, your forehead resting on his "I love you too, Stephen Strange. I love you more than anything."
He kissed you again, this time sweetly, his lips brushing against yours gently. You smiled and then moved away removing the towel from his lap.
"So, on a scale of 0 to 10, how much better is the pain in your hands now?"
"10. I'm not feeling any pain right now."
You smiled smugly "See? I know how to take care of my man."
You threatened to get up to take the basin and towels, but he moved his fingers making them disappear and grabbed you by the wrist pulling you on top of him. He arranged the blankets over your bodies. No matter how cold it was outside, it was so warm there under the covers with him. So comfortable.
"There's another way you can take care of me, now." He said with his most cocky smile.
You bit your bottom lip "And what way would that be?"
He moved both hands down to your ass moving them purposefully against his hard on. "Like this. Feel how hard I already am just from you taking care of my hands. I can't help it. It feels so good."
"Hum, I know. I feel the same way, I just didn't say it because I thought you might find it a bit weird."
He chuckled "What? That you have a hand kink? Not weird at all. And you don't need to say it, sweetheart, your eyes say everything for you."
You kissed him, biting his bottom lip to tease him. "And what do my eyes say, doctor?"
He kept one hand on your ass, but brought the other up to your face, cupping your cheek. His thumb forcing your lips open. "That you get horny looking at my hands, you like to admire them, touch them, but especially feel them on you."
"Hmm" You hummed opening your mouth for him and letting his thumb rest on your tongue. Spit gathering around it.
"You don't even try to deny it, do you sweetheart?"
You wrapped your lips around his finger and swallowed thickly, sucking his finger shamelessly as you began to move your hips on top of him, grinding back and forth on his bulge.
Stephen moaned and you felt his cock twitching beneath you. He took his hand from your ass and moved it in one quick gesture and instantly you were both naked. You lifted your hips enough for him to position his cock at your entrance and then lowered letting him penetrate you. You were wet from the moment you started massaging his hands, so he easily slid inside making you both moan loudly.
You started to move, riding him slowly, sensually. You weren't in a hurry, you wanted to enjoy your time with him, feel him inside you, stretching you. You were sure there was no better feeling in the world.
You took his hand that was on your face, taking his thumb out of your mouth with a pop, but proceeded to run your lips all over his palm, giving open mouth kisses and little bites to it, reveling in the feel of his hand on your face, in your mouth and on your tongue. Licking each of his fingers and then sucking on them and moaning shamelessly as you moved up and down, back and forth on his cock.
He moaned loud "That's right, sweetheart, use me. I'm all yours tonight."
You gave his palm one last kiss and then slid his hand to your breast, he grabbed it immediately, circling his thumb over your nipple, squeezing it. The other hand firmly on your hip.
"Feels so good, Stephen. You feel so good inside of me, stretching me just right. I love riding you, having you like this, underneath me. It’s so rare."
He moaned again and you felt his cock pulsing hard inside you "You know I need to be in control, sweetheart. It's how I like it. But tonight I'm too tired and I want you to keep taking care of me. You do it so well. So good to me. I'm so lucky."
You took his hand that was on your hip and brought it to your breast and held both of his hands there and started to move faster, letting yourself be carried away by the moment and feeling the pleasure building deep in your womb.
"If I could I would stay here with you forever. Just me and you, you inside me, your hands in me. God, Stephen, I love your hands."
He gave you a cocky smirk "I know. Tell me why you love them so much. What makes them so special?"
You bit your bottom lip to contain a loud moan and Stephen tsked. "Don't hold back, sweetheart. Let me hear you."
You moaned loudly feeling your pussy fluttering and you knew you couldn't take much more, you were so close and Stephen could feel it too.
"They're big. L-Long fingers." You replied closing your eyes and letting yourself be carried away by all the sensations.
"Yeah? What else? Tell me all about it. I want to hear it."
"R-Rough. They are rough. Feels good against my skin... Oh my god" You leaned against his chest increasing your pace. "Stephen I wanna cum."
He cupped your face and his hand was so warm against your skin, the light tremors were so peculiarly pleasing. You loved even that, even though you didn't have the courage to tell him.
"Open your eyes, sweetheart, look at me. I want to look you in the eye when you cum."
You nodded obediently and looked directly into his eyes. "Tell me I can cum."
"You can cum, sweetheart. You were so good to me, you deserve it. Use me and cum all over my cock. I'm right after you."
You brushed your hair away from your face to one side and leaned forward just enough to cage Stephen's head between your arms, the new variation of the position providing delicious friction of your clit on his pubic bone and eliciting a loud moan from your lips.
Stephen bent his head up to kiss you, his tongue thrusting into your mouth insistently to sate a desire that never really went away, just grew stronger and stronger.
You kept moving your hips back and forth, Stephen's two hands found the flesh of your ass again and stayed there helping you move, allowing his cock to move in and out of you providing just the right amount of pleasure that you needed and the sound of it was so good. Wet, you were so impossibly wet and the squelching sound was obscenely erotic.
Your fingers threaded through his hair and your breath and moan merged into one as you felt your orgasm creeping up on you like a fire rushing through a forest, burning, consuming, ravaging.
"Don't hold back, sweetheart, give it to me."
You had your eyes locked on his and no words were needed, he could see it happening and he could definitely feel the way your pussy tightened around his cock and then enveloped him in warm fluid, proof of your pleasure. Your entire body convulsed on top of his, your mouth went agape, eyes full of tears of joy and contentment.
"That's it, sweetheart, you did so good to me. Cuming so hard on my cock, being such a good girl." Stephen cooed cupping your face and kissing your lips softly. He wiped a tear that ran down your face with his thumb and you gave him the most beautiful smile in the world. "I love you, Stephen. So much."
He held you tight and flipped you under him in one swift motion. Your head on the pillows, back on the mattress, his cock never left you and he was throbbing, demanding him to sate his desire for you, but Stephen wasn't in a hurry, neither of you were, not that night.
He leaned on one arm so as not to drop his body weight on you, the other hand he took to your thigh, positioning it firmly on his hip as you took the hint and intertwined both legs on his back allowing him to go even deeper and then he began to move, slowly, sensually, making love instead of fucking, although in Stephen's head it was hard to find the line that separated these two things.
For you, however, they were clear as day and you loved getting fucked by your man, but you loved it even more when he took his time with you, making love to you like you were the most fragile thing in the world under his rough hands.
He grabbed your chin and kissed you roughly dissociating from the loving way he fucked you, his tongue thrusting inside your mouth much more vigorously and you knew there was a part of Stephen that would never relinquish control and being quite honest, you didn’t mind.
"S-Stephen, it feels so good..."
He bit your lower lip and took his lips to your chin, letting out an almost painful groan. "Fuck sweetheart, I want this to last, but I can't hold it, it feels too good and I'm so close..."
You smiled reassuringly holding his hand that was cupping your face. "It's okay, I already had mine. Cum for me, Stephen. Cum inside me, show me how much you love me."
The way Stephen's body obeyed your words would be pathetic if you two weren't fully aware of how much you loved each other. It was almost instantaneous. He let out a loud moan and buried his face in your neck as his entire body shook and ropes of warm cum painted your walls white.
God, you loved that feeling. Feeling the warmth of his seed buried deep inside you, hearing the sweet noises he made when he gave himself completely to his pleasure, the feel of his hands squeezing your flesh as if that was the only way he could stay on the earthly plane and knowing that you were responsible for having him that way. You could have that every night of your life and it still wouldn't be enough.
You could feel his cum oozing out of you and soiling the sheets and your pussy fluttered around his softened cock just by the thought of it. It was undeniable that you wanted more, but you knew Stephen was tired, otherwise he wouldn't have softened so quickly after cum, the man could take several rounds in one night.
He kissed you softly and then sighed heavily "I hate to leave you wanting more..."
You shushed him and went back to kissing him, your tongue entering his mouth, exploring, sucking on his tongue. He let out a satisfied hum and you took his hand that was on your face and directed it between you and he quickly took the hint and brought it to your clit and started playing with the swollen bud to which you let out a satisfied moan.
"Like this?" He asked with a smirk and you just nodded, leaning your head back and giving in to the feeling.
He pulled out, his lips trailing down your chin, lingering on your breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth, sucking slowly, then moving on to the other.
You arched your back letting yourself be carried away by the pleasure as his lips moved down your abdomen and finally reached its destination. He sucked on your clit gently and used two fingers to penetrate you, using his own cum as lube and making a lewd squelching noise while finger fucking you.
He fluttered his tongue on your clit, giving little cat licks on it and blowing gently on your sensitive bud making you see stars. Stephen knew exactly what to do and how to do it.
 "Oh my god, Stephen. You do it so well."
He replaced his tongue with his thumb, circling it around your clit as his fingers moved in and out of you. He reached to kiss you softly and then replaced his mouth with his middle and index finger.
"Suck" He demanded and you gladly obeyed, nursing on his fingers like your life depended on it. "Good girl." He cooed.
Stephen curled his fingers to reach your g spot and found it with frightening ease. You moaned around his fingers and he began to mimic the movements of his fingers on your pussy in your mouth, fucking your mouth with them and watching intently as you fell apart with the act. "Give it to me. Show me how much you love these long fingers working on you, sweetheart."
You closed your eyes feeling another orgasm approaching as he tsked.
"Look at me, keep your eyes open for me."
You complied, your moans suppressed by Stephen's big fingers fucking your mouth, he increased the pace of his thumb on your clit and you started to move your hips against his hand, getting as much friction as possible.
Stephen grinned "Good girl, make yourself cum on my hand and suck nice and hard on my fingers, show me how much you love my hands."
And just as he instructed, you came hard in his hand. Your entire body convulsing with the force of your orgasm. Stephen hummed satisfied, but only stopped working his fingers on you when he was sure you had finished. "Such a good girl. I'm so lucky to be able to come home after a day like I've had knowing that I have such a good girl waiting for me."
He took his fingers out of your mouth and kissed you sweetly "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
You just nodded, the words seemed to have vanished from your mind, your body felt like jelly.
He smiled watching you for a second and then he knelt between your legs and moved his fingers and the basin and towels you used earlier reappeared on top of the bed. He moved his fingers again and one of the towels seemed to come to life, dipping into the basin and wringing itself out of excess water. He took it then and began to clean you gently, the feel of the warm towel was very welcome on your sensitive pussy.
"I'm the lucky one, Stephen." You said when he finished his work and got rid of the basin with another wave of his hand. He snapped his fingers and you both got dressed again in your comfortable clothes.
He threw himself onto the pillows and pulled you into his arms pulling the blankets back over your bodies. You laid your head comfortably on his shoulder, your hand automatically reaching for his, lacing your fingers through his.
"How's the pain?" You asked and he sighed turning his face to place a kiss on your forehead.
"It’s hurting a bit now, but only because I forced them a little too hard."
You brought his hand to your lips and placed a small kiss on his palm to which he sighed contentedly.
You got distracted for a few minutes in silence, playing with his hand and when you dared to look at Stephen he was asleep. His face calm and relaxed, his breathing regular and steady. You smiled touching his face gently and feeling your chest fill with a love so big you didn't know how you could contain it inside.
Outside, the wind howled against the windows, but inside your shared bedroom the fire crackled keeping you warm and safe.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Sweater Weather. | J.JH (M) Part 3 <3
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prologue- “I want you.” + “I want to look at your face as we do it.”
tw- friend’s older brother!jaehyun x fem!y/n. sungchan is jaehyun’s younger brother. y/n has the fattest crush on jae and he finds it rly cute. Fluff and SMUT in this part <3. Soft smut. Soft dom jaehyun. Praising. Jae wants to take care of y/n. After care mention. Mirror is in use <3
notes- Heavily inspired by Sweater Weather By Neighbourhood. <3
tag list- @kae-t-eee <3 @j69no <3 @back2jisung <3 @pretiurs @seodami <3 @humongouscowboyskeletonranch <3 @hwaluvx <3 @caramelhyunn <3 @seokjinnjuice <3 @ytzvivi <3
It’s been a few weeks since the romantic confession between you and jaehyun. Your relationship with him was just the beginning.
Though the small sneaking about together behind Sungchan so he wouldn’t question why you two are suddenly really close, it somehow made you feel like you were in a romantic movie.
The days you guys weren’t able to meet one another (and you weren’t at the dorm but at your parents home), he would surprise you by gently throwing stones at the edge of your window, surely to wake you up. Then you come down from the front door and star gazing all night with him in a field behind your house.
You’d surprise him with made up lunchboxes when he would drop you secretly to uni on days you were running late, before leaving, you kiss him on the cheek leaving him flustered.
But now it’s been five days you haven’t seen him physically. Every uni student currently is going through it, their sleep schedule said goodbye and so did their will to continue. You know what this means. It was exam season. The most fearful thing that a university student could possibly hear.
The peers of pressure to pass the marking slot, the competition between their colleagues was high up on the list. Hell it felt like.— while teachers and professors somehow expect you to keep up with homework piles that are strangling your room in half as well as revising for the exams you have in just about few hours AND turn up to class too. It wasn’t easy. Far from it.
Nobody warned you how university was going to be stressful. Despite it having many good things to boost about, it can’t really compete to the stress you will get.
You blow on your lips following by a harsh sigh. You’ve been pulling at your hair for a while now as you wrote down on the very important fact to the success of hopefully passing. In the library that you’re residing in, there weren’t many people. Just a few plus the librarian.
Then a beeping vibration set you from the focusing zone you have brought yourself in. The phone screen flicking on with a green notification. You didn’t think much of it, so you pick it up without much emotions. Apathetically slandering the fact you’re so close to just slamming a book on someone’s head.
Yes you do have your frustrated moments. The tired droopy eyes watch the screen as you unlock it, your lips fall apart, your eyes immediately forcing in an eye-smile.
“My love <3”: hey baby i know it’s exam week but how do you feel about coming over? sungchan won’t be home because he will be doing a study sesh with his friends.
“My Girl <3”: hey bb imma come over then. i really need to see you </33 this close to having a mental crisis in this shit holeeee ;_;
“My Love <3”: this is a first i ever saw you swear and it was over exams, must be really hard for you :( don’t worry i’ll get your favourite ice cream and put on pitch perfect <3 mwah
“My girl <3”: you’re a life saviour babe. i’ll see you soon mwah
a hand slams down on the table causing you to nearly drop your phone, you’ve been lovestruck staring at the screen repeating yours and Jaehyun’s conversations that you completely ignored that the boy standing next to you now was speaking.
“yah what are you reading so intensely, it really didn’t look like exam revision.” Sungchan would say as he sat down on your table. you thickly laugh as you put the phone away. “of course it was revision. what else would i be looking at.”
you play it off cooly and calmly, turning back on the multiple books you brought to help. sungchan unzips the bag, pushing down the science books.
“i thought you were texting your boyfriend or something because you had this very goofy smile that only happens when you love someone.”
he was still completely unaware that you was dating his brother and honestly, it might shock him quite a bit. you would rather give it some privacy between you and jae before finally coming out to announce it
your eyes widen a tiny bit before awkwardly stuttering. your hands shake in front of the boy as you go to deny it. but another thing interrupts you and sungchan. The boy smiles.
“sungchan hey,” a much younger looking boy spoke as he turns to face you. Sungchan grins. “shotaro!”
“oh yeah so y/n, this is my friend shotaro. shotaro this is y/n, the one who tutored me.” the young boy beams and you turn around bowing your head politely to shotaro. the Japanese bot sits down next to sungchan with a bright smile.
Shotaro kindly speaks as he watches you. “nice to meet you y/n.”
“you too shotaro. are you perhaps going studying?” you raise your eyebrows at the two boys who hum agreement in unison. looks like he’s actually going on study dates with shotaro, how cute. sungchan opens the book.
“i’m meeting shotaro with two other boys, Chenle and jisung, in our year. we’ll be at the boys dorms most of the night.”
you would wow proudly, watching sungchan finally doing study sessions on his own without it your help. there ran something so in your blood that would make you feel like you’re watching a friend who was getting independent finally. it really made you happy, more happy than about your own achievements. Shotaro gently sways leaning to y/n.
“do you want to join us y/n? the more the merrier.” shotaro said and you’d raise your head with a soft smile. “I appreciate the offer but i think i’ll just go home or something. i’ll be fine for tomorrows exam.”
sungchan boosts braggingly as he whispers to shotaro, but the whispering was clearly loud enough for you to hear in the dead silent library. “taro don’t worry about her, she’s the prodigy. there’s no way she will fail any of her exams .”
shotaro gently gasps watching y/n. he heard about the female prodigy but never did he think it would be you, or the fact that he’d meet her.
“y/n you’re the infamous student who has 100 on their classes?” the boy whispers loudly. you blink lightly confused.
why was it a big deal? you rub your neck nervously. “uhm yeah but it’s not a big deal.”
“don’t be so modest y/n! my brother is a prodigy as well and he complimented you so much. clearly it is a big deal, a thing to be proud of. so take claim to it.” sungchan bluntly tells as he shakes off your humble demure. Shotaro looks at Sungchan.
he frowns looking the tall boy up and down from where he sat next to. “if your brother is the prodigy, what happened to you?”
Shotaro blurts out and Sungchan’s jaw drops to the floor, ears growing lightly pink. he pouts soon as he scoffs. “yah what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean…you don’t have the best grades. If your bro is so smart what’s up with you?”
“i’m not a biologist so i dunno! i guess he took all the brain genes with him.” sungchan murmurs silently sulking at shotaro’s blunt questions. y/n would smile watching the two boys lightly bicker and speak amongst themselves now.
you soon bid goodbye to sungchan and shotaro when it got much darker, by the time you left the library and the university campus it was 8.00 at night. you would be knackered to say the least, you’re feeling by the time you finish this week’s exam your brain will be fried inside and out like it was a bare boneless chicken laying in the desert.
making your way to Jaehyun’s house wasn’t that far in fact, you took the bus there and then got off. the walk from the bus stop would’ve been about fifteen minutes. you were anticipating to see your boyfriend after so long, seconds away from him felt like years and days without him would equal to decades passing like the blooming spring. it felt cold and empty without his warm bubbly presence that keeps you awake on your feet like caffeine would do. You didn’t slow walk on your way to his house, you ran. You ran through the late night just so you’d see him sooner; your mind was creating scenarios of his face, of his voice, the way he’d welcome you.
god how much you missed him couldn’t be put into words. when you are stressed he was your de-stress reliever if anything. it’s just a shame that he’s graduated from uni and you still have a few to go. The way you long to be standing in front of his door, hand clenching in a ball out ready to knock two times then awaiting the door to swing open.
and when the time came, you did exactly that, knocking on the door as your feet stomp on the ground with a rush of adrenaline excitement. the way this felt like a happy ball of heaven to you. the black door pulls open revealing a tall man wearing a white oversize hoodie and those grey-black checkered pants that he favours over anything. if he could, he would wear these every single day, anywhere.
The sight of your lover standing wide open with arms out only for you to walk in, to run in, to jump and never let go off in; the corner of his eyes sparkling down at you the moment those dull iris orbits met you once again, ears smiling wide as his eyes wrinkle with happiness.
Your face mimics the same euphoric expression he deadpanned at you with freedom. You lung yourself at him tight curling up, just like a baby kangroo would of done to it’s mother. jumping in the pocket. Arms linking by the end of his neck, your body weight crushed him just the way he wanted, he missed you. Everything reminds him of you when you are gone, busy with life as anyone would be; but the way everything reminded him of you tortured him deeply with penetration in his heart.
It just made this whole moment more worth it though. He gently sweeps arms around you the moment you jump on him. He kicks the door closing it shut with his back. He’d focus on locking his hands on you and only you.
jaehyun brings you into his bedroom with a deep longing kiss on your lips. he brought you underneath where he sweeps his thumbs on the sides of your chubby apple cheeks, he then disconnects from your lips, attacking your entire face with his wet lips.
pecking your forehead, eyes that you close in motion, your beautiful nose. Jaehyun’s lips kiss your reddish cheeks that felt cold, he easily warms them up with the multiple kisses he dents on your body.
You squeak tapping his arms as you start to squirm. Eventually those lips slowly crawl down to your neck where he was just carried away. he was savouring the moment with you. Your breath going ragged.
“jae i’m not going anywhere!” you openly exclaim with a soft loving sigh leaving. he gives a one final deep smooch on your hands that you tap him previously. he felt the way you were cold still. “you weren’t gone for long but why does it feel like it was an eternity.”
he would say gazing into your eyes lovingly. You sit up taking off your jacket, he rolls off helping you with your bag too. The man didn’t even give you time to take off the outdoor clothes and shoes, but that doesn’t bother him, he didn’t care enough at the time. Jaehyun lovingly watches you do such simple chores, but why was he so struck by everything you do? Love really makes you feel brainwashed.
but in the best way possible.
You turn around where you realise he’s been staring at you the entire time. You lightly tease speaking, reaching to squish those loving bread dimples. “you keep watching me like i am some meal dish.”
he chuckles humming a bit with his husky deep voice that just makes you stop and listen no matter what. “i’m just watching my girl look so pretty from afar, can’t her boyfriend do that?”
he curls as he pulls you immediately to lay down with him on the warm bedsheets that smelled exactly like him, welcoming . You grin as your legs and thighs wrap around his own lower body, he made sure that his hands rest on your waist, carefully caressing up and down your hips and curvy waistline.
“her boyfriend can do whatever he wants.” you reply back leisurely, as he felt your fingertips push his long free luscious locks back. Twirling them round your thumb or lightly flipping it around. simply admiring how he was such a beautiful masterpiece.
She paints him a ray of sunshine on a night starry sky. That’s the only way it could define her and him together. He was the observer, the watcher, the viewer, the mere bystander. As she was the performance, the art, the extraordinary history.
You suddenly raise your eyebrows realising something. “we both agreed to a movie and ice cream, but the first thing we did was cuddle and lay in bed together.”
“i know right? But i think those can wait.” jaehyun tells as he sits up, leaning leisurely to your lips once again. he pecks it softly.
“i’d rather talk to you over a movie and ice cream anyday.”
your heart throbs scraping against your chest heavily, hearing such loving words that no one else expressed to you but only him. You reach upwards to kiss him on the lips with enough passion to get him riled up, he responded by pulling on your waist and crawling on top of you. The way your hands slip round the hem of the hoodie to pull, running your fingertips down his abs and abdomen.
You murmur soft sighs once those abused lips left and began to roam on your soft collarbones exposed by your loose blouse, he sucks on it very light enough to cause visible red marks. you pull off the hoodie which he obliged, letting you strip it off from his skin, letting you take your own control. He enjoys the way you openly do small detailed actions to catch him slipping, like the way your fingertips pull on his hair to deepen whatever he was doing. The way your thighs tackle his hips pulling your bodies even closer.
Your moans were a reward to him, especially those soft ones that slowly get louder. You become needier, you act on the neediness too, but you didn’t have to beg him. He will give you whatever you want, whatever you request, he is at your demise.
“I want you.” Those words leaving your gaping mouth as he slowly strips the blouse by the ribbon, taking it off your exposing body that he so dearly fell in love with all over again, the way you’re slightly smaller than him but you look as if you were carved out of the most fragile, beautiful lingering glass that was an antique to the world. Jaehyun softly hums above your bra, with his hands playing with to soon unclip it right off. He kisses above your cleavage.
“Then have me.” Jaehyun fully said as he sits up on the edge away from you now. You crawl slowly to him as you make yourself at home on his hard crotch, sitting right on it where your boyfriend could feel the soaking patches on your panties. He lightly groans as you softly dry hump on a specific spot.
It got him going feral, quite literally, as he tightly grips on the bedsheets. He lungs his head down, as you constantly do the same circling motions back and forth. You whimper when he tightly pressed you down on his hard crotch through the boxers fabrics
“please just, fuck me already.” you beg. jaehyun soothes your desperate cries by softly caressing your face.
“Patience is virtue baby.” he whispers, starting to hover your entire weight on the bed centre as he positions you underneath him. but a specific lining directly to the wide mirror in his room grazing over your lined bodies.
Then the most shocking words left his unbearable lips running on your body like it was a tug and war. He wishes to see everything, because this was both your first times together, though he was experienced and you weren’t; he wasn’t trying to scare you off with something dramatic. He wants to do you slow, enjoy this moment with him as much as you can. He doesn’t want to hurt you, he doesn’t wish to do anything extravagant.
When it comes to you, the simpler decision is always the best decision.
“I want to look at your face as we do it.” He states as your face was turning to the mirror on the side, you thickly gulp your abdomen squeeze. He hovers over your panties which he slips off, the way you had a puddle patch on the white underwear amazes him. The effect he has on you, will always have a clutch on him that he doesn’t know how or why.
You whimper as the new sensation of galloping mouth went straight without warning to topple you up like you were a meal to him. He acts on the pure lust running in his veins, but also the love that he wishes to push you to the most ecstatic high you will ever experience. The way your thighs squeeze together he was underneath, you watching him eat you out in vulgar raw manner, but the way there was a sense of love from him made you wetter than before.
You were a soaking mess. Jaehyun loved that, he didn’t care if you made a mess, he plans to make you his beautiful disaster.
“Ooh…fuck- im..” y/n warns with the body twitching unable to finish the last sentence as her orgasm approaches unexpectedly, he felt your insides ferrule round his long tongue exploring inside you, the taste of your high was soon approaching. The lush of wetness exploding on him tongue as left him kitten licking you clean, there was no way he would miss a single drop of you.
He lifts himself up pulling on your ankles, in which you look up seeing stars. The post orgasm has left you wanting for more, as you were left feeling high in another dimension. He sent you into another world.
He trails softly, kissing the inner thick thighs. “Mm, you taste divine, god. i want to feel you pulsing like that on my cock, so so badly.” you moan at the imagination, tugging on his boxers length.
“What’s stopping you?” you whisper as you ask him, he takes a moment to find the correct words. jaehyun leans in resting his forehead on top of yours, closing eyes. “i want you to enjoy your first time. At least, with me.”
you melt by the respectful yet considerate words, your hands wrap round his jaw, nodding softly. “I want this, as much as you want this.”
“so please, use me however you want.”
Use you. Those words ran through his head like a mantra chanting, then there it was, you were soon to realise that you fully triggered something inside your boyfriend in that moment. The way you have your permission, submitted to him with such bewitching words that left him thinking wonders and wonders of scenario is to use you.
He was absolutely ballistic over you. Jaehyun softly pins you down where he finally slings off the boxers, you face down to be met with a spring free huge length, in all honesty, you sorta lost the confidence when you met eyes with his raging hard boner.
You let out stutters of questions over questions. “I mean..I- will it even fit…babe..?” you whisper and jaehyun gives you the outmost soft look. he must’ve realised that you feel intimidating, but all he does to calm your sudden anxiety was with a gentle forehead kiss.
“It will baby, i’ll be really careful and slow with you.” you heard him tell as her aligned it with your entrance. At first you weren’t sure what to expect, but sooner than later you found out the answer to your exact thoughts. A piercing warm sensation stretched you out repeatedly but, carefully, you felt the amount of self control jaehyun had over him to not just ram in you because of how welcoming you were to his hard length.
You were clenching him like crazy, unable to push out the addictive pain feeling that made you want more. As your hands clenching on the bedsheets beneath your body weights; he hears you whisper desperately.
“Please move.” you direct him very slowly as he gives a soft nod, that is when the soft singular thrusts made you shrink in complete pleasure taking over your body.
Oh how loving you felt under your boyfriend who’s unforgiving thrusts were pushing in and in your walls constantly like it was a running a game of tag. The way you were crying with pleasure, tears piling in your ears, as your boyfriend gently wipes and shoos your hushing voice carefully, spilling words of affirmation at you.
He kept ramming about how you are doing amazing, that you’re like a drug keeping him tied to you, words of praising that you’re beautiful, and that you deserve everything in this world can give .
It was so hard to respond back but he couldn’t blame you, your body was doing all the telling. Clenching with every words he spoke with a big pulsing rush of electricity sent to him.
The way the reflection of you arching your body at the quicker pace of thrusts and pounds he gave in, he was watching your perfect body underneath him at his dispose of to use. Jaehyun, fell in love with you through a mirror all over again. As if it was love at first sight once again.
He can’t get enough of you truly. The way your night ends with I love you’s, kisses, you stay in each other’s accepting embraces and replay the memory back.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work, thank youU <3 reblog this fic and follow me for more to stay updated! It helps a girl out.
I’m writing this as I’m sick, I hope I didn’t make any mistakes LMAO. 😭
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Pairing: Garroth Ro’Meave x reader.
Cw: hurt comfort. Misunderstandings. Mention of cheating.
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Garroth is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. He's the type of person to help an old person cross the street or a hurt animal on the road and he's constantly helping others, especially in emotional ways.
Everyone leans on his shoulder for a cry or a hug, but won't do that for himself. He will hide his emotions and let them bottle cause he's so use to being the happy one. He feels like he can't let anyone down by his feelings. So when y/n did something wrong he would go silent.
“Garroth? “ y/n asks as she enters the bedroom door to their shared house but there is no response. Lately, things have been a little strained between them but y/n has no idea why.
“Garroth? She calls out to him again while walking through the house but this time she finds him lying on the couch.
“ garroth I've been looking all over for you” she speaks softly to him.
“ I'm sorry I didn't hear you, “ he says In a not-so-convincing way.
“ Garroth!.” she said once more and this time it made him turn her direction to face her.
“ what have I done!” She asked with a hint of worry very obviously. He signs and looks down like he’s trying to find the right words. While she waits for him to find the right words she gets anxious very anxious.
“Please look at me” she begged him in the quietest voice he’s ever heard from her which made him look up immediately. With tears forming in her eyes he knew he had to say something.
“ for the last few weeks you have been gone till 2 in the morning and lying to me” he Accused her. He looks more tired than upset. Quickly after he spoke her face changed from sadness to guilt.
“ garroth-“ she is cut off by garroth angrily saying.
“If you weren’t in love with me anymore you didn’t have to cheat, who was it? Dave from work? You told me I didn’t have to worry about him!”
“ You don’t! Listen to me “ she says walking closer to him but in retaliation, he stands up and backs away from her.
“Listen to me baby I swear it’s not like that just let me explain! “ she pleaded trying to walk his way but he wasn’t having that and ran up the stairs.
“ garroth it’s not what you think” she cried while chasing him up the stairs. Garroth locks himself in their bedroom leaving y/n outside the door.
“Garroth listen I’m not cheating on you please let me tell you will I’ve been gone!” She said. But there is silence on the other side of the door. Making y/n turn around and slide her back against the door till she's sitting on the floor.
“ I've been working night shifts at Nana's cafe for extra money. I needed the money to buy you that bracelet that you said you wanted really bad but could never buy it for yourself” she explained.
“ how am I supposed to trust your words when you were lying to me for who knows how long” he cried out. Y/n feels so terrible she never meant to cause him any pain.
“Baby please just look in my sock drawer you will find the bracelet and this note I wrote for you please” she pleaded for him to listen. After she stopped talking there was a moment of silence but the heavy footsteps walking towards a part of the room and a drawer opening. after there was silence again for a full minute that felt like an hour to her. Heavy footsteps and steps began getting closer until the door flew open and Garroth tackled her in a hug farther onto the ground the she already was while sobbing his eyes out on her shoulder.
“ I’m sorry sweet boy I never meant to make you feel like this” she whispers while her hands are wrapped around his neck and back of his head to gently run her hand through his hair, it always calms him down and she knew that. After a moment of him crying he sits up and holds her face with both hands to look her in the face.
“ I’m so sorry I’m sorry I was just so scared it was so scary thinking I was going to lose you” he confesses. Y/n looking at him with so much sympathy her eyes start to tear up too.
“ I know baby I know I’m sorry “ she apologizes while holding his cheeks to wipe his tears. After some loving sympathetic looks shares back and forth with each other y/n tries to lighten up the mood by saying
“ so you like the bracelet?” Garroth giggles at the icebreaker.
“ yes I love the bracelet and the note and especially you “he laughed while leaning in to give her a kiss.
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jinitak · 1 year
Fun fact about the poem Yai is reciting
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Note: I could not find a translation of the poem so everything is translated amateurishly by me
As people wanted to know, the poem came from Nirat Phukhao Thong (Voyage to the Golden Mount), one important work of great poet Sunthon Phu back in the 1800s.
The poem he is reciting is this verse,
แต่เมาใจนี้ประจำทุกค่ำคืน ฯ
Roughly translated as follows;
Even though I am not drunken by alcohol, I am drunken by love.
It is very difficult to stop my heart from wandering.
Drunken by alcohol goes away by late morning the next day,
But drunken in the heart is recurring every night.
My translation is probably subpar, but it gets the point across.
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The historical context behind this is that Phu is travelling to the golden mount in Ayutthaya (Don't get confused with the Golden Mount in Bangkok). He was travelling from the south of Bangkok and he passed a distillery and he commented on drunkenness by love. All of this was written when he was a monk by the way. The genre of poem he is writing, Nirat is poems about voyage, usually filled to the brim with love from a man to a woman he left behind and people excuse that even if the author is a monk.
The interesting part is about Sunthon Phu's life, he was a monk at the time because he was good friends with the previous king but he embarrassed the king's son and after the previous king died, the son got to be king. Phu, not really getting along with him, decided to be ordained to avoid any persecution from him.
In this poem he wrote many verses on how much he yearned for the previous reign. He did not really enjoy the life of monkshood. Sujit Wongthes (I'm his fan, bear with me) basically summarised Sunthon Phu as an 19th century celebrity, he had girls lining up to be his wife. He probably did not enjoy the life of a monk which is probably bland for him.
Another thing of note is about the metre of the poem, Sunthon Phu is known for his skills as a Klon writer, he is known for writing Klon 8 (Klon with 8 syllables per verse) very craft fully and you can see that in the poem.
First we need to understand the structure of a typical Klon 8. The typical Klon 8 has 4 verses per stanza with each verse having 7-9 syllables, the syllables have to rhyme in this set scheme as follows,
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Note: This diagram is arranged the traditional way Thai poems are written, 2 verses per line.
Sunthon Phu's style is known for using exactly 8 syllables per verse and has a lot of rhyming within each verse as demonstrated below
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Note: This diagram is arranged with each verse being on a different line
This section of the poem is probably not the best part to show that he uses exactly 8 syllables, so please trust me on this one.
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Note: This diagram is arranged with each verse being on a different line
But this section really showcases the amount of inner verse rhyming, in this 34 word section, he managed to put 11 rhymes into it, quite impressive
This concludes my TEDtalk on Sunthon Phu, I wanted to talk about this more but I am too tired. I will work on the historical context behind the series post soon.
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dreamingcloudie · 2 years
❛❛ In which; Dottore as a streamer... ❜❜
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✎ ❛❛ I'll have to admit, this character is quite... alluring.❜❜
Pairing(s): Streamer!Dottore x (kinda) Game-Character!GN!Reader (Mordern AU)
Genre/Format: N/A (headcanons)
Warning(s): wrote this at 6am without thinking straight so possible grammar mistakes and sentences that don't make sense
Notes: There really isn't much of x Reader here, sadly :( I might write more of this in the future but idk
I know i have requests to do but this idea came out of nowhere and it was too tempting to not write something for it— I've only written headcanon once so this is short. I have no idea if I'm doing this right 💀
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Let's be real, this guy would probably stream live torture on the darkest part of the internet
BUT, let's just pretend in this AU he's not an evil doctor man <3
He is a tired university student who majors in biology and thrives to earn a position in the medical field
And that means becoming a coffee addict and endless nights of staying up late to study 
Sleeping? What's that?
I can see him being so focused on his studies to the point where he doesn't interact with the internet much
If someone showed him a popular meme he wouldn't understand 
Due to how busy he is, he doesn't have the time to find a job
He lives off of the money his parents send him every month lol
That was until someone introduced him to the wonders of the internet…
One of his friends—Childe, told him something about a streaming platform and he should go check it out
And that night when he got home, he pulled his laptop out and searched for it
He also learnt that people can earn money streaming whatever
For instance, most of the people streams "let's plays"
He scrolled down a little and he found people streaming… questionable things, and he was baffled they get paid for it
So that means, he could stream anything he wants and he'd earn money from it, as long as he has a certain amount of viewers 
Say less
And an account was made 
This basically becomes his part-time job now
He usually streams to tutor struggling students and you best believe they were very thankful 
He'll sometime do "study with me" streams too
As he takes his fifteen minutes breaks from studying, he'd talk to his viewers 
And when I tell you this man has the driest humor ever—
That's what got his channel to grow
Viewers would clip his dry ass jokes and post them onto other social media platforms, which caused his view counts to blow up
As he got more and more popular, his viewers would beg him to do gaming streams
With how dry his humor is, they thought his commentary would be gold…
And they're absolutely correct, they get to see a different side of him too 
Surgeon simulator is the very first game he was introduced to by his fans, to get him interested in gaming
Man's cursing every time when he accidentally drops something
"Now, we put this lung over— Shit."
Cue chat spamming the Kek emote 
It's been months since he started to stream and things are going pretty well for him
He comes back home from his lectures today to find his Discord server is filled with loads of fans telling him to check a game out, mostly because of a certain character
The general chat is flooded with hundreds, and I mean hundreds of pictures of them
And Lo and Behold
It is you
The moment he first has his eyes on you, his jaw drops
Not to mention that harness you have on you—
He doesn't even know who you are or what game you're from
But man he's head over heels for you already 
The next time he starts his stream, the first thing he says is:
"Everyone was going crazy on Discord yesterday about a game character. And now my question is…
"Who are they and which game are they from?"
Babygirl took his first step into the world of simping <3
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Wednesday, April 10, 2024
(Posting on Thursday) Once again I post a day late. In my defense, I was very tired when I got home from ballet last night, so I had a quick snack, showered and got ready for bed, then went straight to sleep. I'll try to post Thursday on Thursday, but if not, look for it on Friday. I won't have a chance to post again until after ballet, but I wanted to get Wednesday's up.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed shaded area + learned about geometric probability involving lengths and areas + practice
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 23 vocabulary + read about Shakespeare + read a biography about Shakespeare + read a guide to Shakespearean language + read first two parts of reading Shakespeare's plays + read about the elements of drama + read a guide to Much Ado About Nothing + read SparkNotes summary, about, and characters pages for Much Ado About Nothing + wrote four lines of iambic pentameter + read about how to read Shakespeare out loud + read my four lines out loud to my mom + compiled my notes for my literary analysis on Emma (due next Friday)
Spanish 2 - Translated sentences in English to Spanish + reviewed clothing vocabulary + listened and repeated sentences
Bible I - Read 1 Samuel 14:16-52
World History - Answered questions dealing with the Holocaust + wrote a short essay on why remembering the Holocaust is important
Biology with Lab - Watched lecture videos on good bacteria vs bad bacteria and antibiotic resistance + completed first part of bacteria identification lab
Foundations - Read more on thoroughness + took next quiz on Read Theory + read Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" and looked for persuasive techniques
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - None today
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Greatest Events of World War II in Color episode 4
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 377-424 of Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed by Dashka Slater
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (1 Corinthians 6)
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
This is VERY UNLIKE ME, but here's some incredibly fast, EXTREMELY late-night meta on two dramas (Dangerous Romance and I Feel You Linger in the Air) from this TIRED mama, all before Only Friends later today!
(Y'all. I've missed being around this week! Moving and unpacking... I'll tell ya. It gets harder as I get older. Mostly because I/we have more stuff, and the BRAINS I need to figure out where this stuff should go is like, as mentally draining as it is physically draining to open boxes, unpack 'em, go up and down stairs -- damn. I have been COLLAPSING at night. Friends have been sending me meta to read -- @ranchthoughts, I see you, boo! <3 <3 The little peeks and breaks I've been getting have been giving me energy. I'm a little back on my bullshit now, and I can't wait to give Only Friends the full treatment tomorrow. But for now, quick notes!)
1) Dangerous Romance, episode 4: Listen, the friends covered a lot (here, here, and here -- @neuroticbookworm, @lurkingshan, @wen-kexing-apologist, all clowning correctly). WKA also notes that this show was written by Pratchaya Thavornthummarut and Bee Pongsate, two of the three writers of some of the best BLs ever -- Bad Buddy, My School President, Dark Blue Kiss, etc. When Bee and Pratchaya write WITHOUT Au Kornprom, as they did in BBS, MSP, and DBK -- things go a touch awry (cc @chickenstrangers, as we've talked about this before). Bee and Pratchaya, for instance, wrote Vice Versa, which I haven't watched, but I know the fam is mid on. (Remember when Aof Noppharnach had to come in to save 2gether by making Still 2gether? 2gether was written by Bee and Pratchaya -- Aof and Au joined in on the Still 2gether correction.)
ANYWAY, ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY that I should have been smarter about this show when I started in on it. It's directed in part by Lit Phadung, formerly of SOTUS, which is a fine show by nostalgia's standards! But like, not the height of drahmah.
So there's a lot of mid kinda swirling around here, and god, honestly, I'm kicking myself, because I should have been more sus. I should have been more sus!
Perth and Chimon are too good for this show. Not that I hate it! I don't hate the show, per se. It's just -- the first episode was so intense, so very issues-based, as all the dear friends noted, that to swerve towards a SUCH a gloopy romance plot was just... man, even SOTUS was WAY more clear in its plot than DR. (Dudes, I was chatting with @neuroticbookworm while I was watching this, and I was like, LOVE SICK HAD A MORE CONVINCING ROMANCE PACE THAN THIS. LOVE SICK!!!) DR is moving WAY too quickly towards the cheesiest of tropes, without the beef to back it up.
Anyway, from the energy vibes that Perth and Chimon are giving off, they should either 1) be making out by now, and/or 2) doing it by now, because like, WHOA, lots of staring, boys! LOTS of staring. And lemme tell ya, someone's staring at me like that, like in the clurb or something, and I'm like, yep, make-out time, right?! RIGHT?!
I am now officially watching this show, as I noted to @neuroticbookworm, literally to watch all the dear GMMTV celebs in here try to avoid a dumpster fire. (Where the hell is June?!) (At least Marc and Pawin are funny for like, the 10 seconds we see them.)
OH, ALSO?! What's the difference in Sailom becoming a sex worker vs. being bought out as a live-in tutor? Were we supposed to judge Sailom becoming an escort? Are we intentionally ignoring bias in socioeconomic gaps, writers? TOO MUCH TO ASK, TEAM! Too. much. to. ask.
I luv you, Perth and Chimon, I LUV YOU, BUT WHY. ANYWAY. MOVING ON.
2) I haven't written anything about I Feel You Linger in the Air yet because of LIFE (see above), and I was very wibbly about it when I started it, because you, your mother, MY mother, and MY MOTHER'S MOTHER all know about how sus I am on Tee Bundit (but I finally watched Lovely Writer and LOVED IT, so I am a touch less sus).
ANYWAY, thanks to the convincing of @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm to look past the slow pace of the first episode as accurate for a historical drama, I kept at it with IFYLITA. And I'm glad I did.
Now this? THIS IS A BL, BABY!
We got sexy typewriter scenes! Drawings of cutie widdle pigwets! Drunk falls! Red cheeks! Reading out loud! POETRY! FLOWERS! ENEMIES AND INTRIGUE! (I'm not happy about the marital rape, but unfortunately, I am thinking that is accurate for the time being portrayed.)
Admittedly -- god, Tee, the episodes are still a little long, my homey. A little long. BUT.
This show, as so many have noted, is just beyond gorgeous. The plumerias. I LOVE Ming and Maey. I LOVE THAT WE MAY HAVE A SAPPHIC SUB-PLOT.
But I also appreciate that only four episodes in, we haven't forgotten that this is a time travel show, in the midst of the budding romance. My thinking on that out-of-body experience on Jom's part was Jom flirting with consciousness after the present-day car crash. But who knows.
I like that Jom is making the connections with those drawings he found in that chest -- and that, lol, he was asking Prik questions about the architecture. Even though Yai's dad seems like a bad dude, I have faith that Tee Bundit is going to keep Nu Surasak going as a good BL dad/dude -- fingers crossed.
I am just -- I am loving where this show is going to go. The house is worried about Yai. I like the way the scent about Yai's preferences is a lot more muted in 1920s Thailand than it would be as set in the present-day. I just think that's totally accurate for what I would call an "old-fashioned" Asian perspective now. I'm very intrigued to see how a historical drama like this will wrestle with homophobia, as this is my first period BL, and -- I'm just excited to see where it'll go.
The acting is GREAT, the pace of the romance is GREAT, the pace of the filming is still slow, but I can't believe I'm saying this -- I'll continue to forgive it for now. Tee, please, PLEASE don't fail us, because you have something GREAT going on here. Yai, head over HEEEELLLLSSS for Jom, is just -- it's a wonder to see, and I am fully on this roller coaster palanquin ride.
(Also, hey, TWO DRAMAS where dudes were PAID to live with their crushes. K!)
(Oh, also, definitely, next time I'm at a clurb, in like, 20 years, I am definitely ordering an URN of liquor with a ladle. Like a baijiu urn. Fuck yeah. What a LOOK.)
(Okay, that's it, good night, see you for Only Friends!)
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indian-kahani · 1 year
Day 5: A little freedom is all I need
I found very little of that in my life. Three siblings meant that more often than not, bedroom translated to communal dorm, balcony to extended-family-chai-and-snacks-space, and free time to free babysitting. I learnt early on to hide things – not because I was ashamed of them, but because it was safer. Hiding them meant I wasn’t accountable for them. Hiding them meant no one could take them from me. Hiding them meant they were safe.
Paint sets.
Favourite outfits.
To a seven-year-old me, hiding things was exciting, sure, but tiring. Every so often, I would lose that favourite pair of socks, or that special birthday present, and scratch my head for weeks as to its whereabouts, only for it to turn up a few months later.
And so, I tumbled into my teenage years – with mismatched socks, a skeptical outlook on life, and fiercely protective of what little personal space I had.
School gave me a little respite, but it was painfully obvious that I needed more freedom than my parents were willing to allow me. There was only so much that could be stashed in lockers and among textbooks, after all. I rebelled. Oh, boy, did I rebel. Resentment and tears and tantrums followed me through my teens until finally, at the grand old age of sixteen, my parents allowed me to move schools – and move state.
I faced this revelation with a smile on my face. I bid my best friend goodbye, wrote a card for my teachers who had shook their heads at me with increasing desperation through my years of schooling, and jumped on a train to my new state. My new school. My new life.
I could practically taste the word in the air, in the way the tricolour flew above the train station as I hopped off the train, eager to see what my life would be like in this strange, strange city. The boards were written in a language I did not know, the locals spoke a spirited tongue, harsh and flowing at the same time, that I did not understand.
The prospect of adventure made me smile – a small, crooked, alive smile.
In this new environment, I not only survived. I thrived, I flourished, and I found myself.
Late as always, awkward as ever, I found myself saddled with the baggage of my first crush at the age of sixteen. Love notes and poems, stored in the secrecy of my new rental home (it seems I never got out of the habit of hiding things), written by a starry-eyed young woman experiencing the power of Kamadev for the first time.
He was cute, of course. And kind, and smart, and had the power to make my heart feel a thousand different ways. But it was only a crush. And so, as crushes tend to do, it passed.
I set away a part of my heart under the heading ‘Him’ and smiled for what I had found for the first time.
Imagine my surprise, when barely a year later I had my second crush. Yet more love notes, written in the hand of a seventeen-year-old finding her place in the world, scented with the slightest whiff of jasmine perfume, hidden beside ‘Him’ and labelled ‘Her’.
She, like the one that had come before, was cute, of course. And kind, and smart, and like him, she made my blush feel a thousand times more intense. But yet again, it was only a crush. And so, as crushes tend to do, it passed.
I confessed this to my best friend, expecting to see her smile fondly at me as she always did and gossip together about love and friendship and all the things that came with it. For her to tell me about her girlfriends and crushes.
She still smiled – and now I know better, I love her for that, all of her accepting, open-minded self – but it was more unsure, more careful.
I’ve never had a female crush. She told me, late at night. Not many do. That’s not to say it’s bad, or wrong. Some people are just like that, you know?
I had always thought that maybe God just intended for us to love everyone: male, female or anything, anyone in between. But alas, it was not so.
Thus, with the aid of my best friend, a dictionary and unreliable school Wi-Fi, I realised I was pansexual.
That same year, I attended my first pride festival. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the smiles and the waving flags, I found something that I had craved for my whole life.
I had found my own freedom.
@desi-lgbt-fest day 5 prompt!
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sfsolace · 4 days
Makinata Mondays: A Hakumei & Mikochi read-along
This is a weekly series where i read my favorite manga and share my thoughts along with some screenshots.
Chapter 11: The Union Office
Plot Summary: Hakumei and Iwashi visit the carpenter's association, since they are about to repair the big stone wall that lines one of Makinata's roads.
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In this chapter we meet Katen and Narai, the vice president and president of the Iwanuki Carpenter's association. Hakumei is in unfamiliar territory here, since she usually only works with Iwashi.
Katen is very kind towards Hakumei (or people in general) and usually tries to resolve conflicts. Narai, on the other hand, is very focused and determined; to the point of appearing cold to people that are unfamiliar with him.
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This chapter shows a lot of Hakumei's inner workings. She is initially not allowed on the work site, but goes there to sharpen Iwashi's tools; just so she can watch the carpenters at work.
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She is really engaged with the work, constantly taking notes or drawing diagrams when she's not sharpening tools. She even stays awake late at night to draw and strategize. When something interests her, she often does extra work, even if it is not really needed. (I wrote more about Hakumei's ADHD tendencies here)
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Narai immediately notices that she must have made it at night (since he knows she was at the worksite until sundown), so he sends her home for the day. Hakumei agrees and even though Katen wants to do her a favor by letting her help fetch water, she declines; she really is too tired to safely be at the site.
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However, before sleep, she does sharpen all the knives at home. Guess she still needed to complete a task that day.
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One of the most interesting parts of the chapter is this exchange at the end, where Narai (mistakenly) assumes that Hakumei is married to Mikochi. There is so much to unpack there.
Throughout the series, some people compare their relationship to marriage or straight up mistake them for a married couple. They certainly live like one: they cohabitate, sleep side by side and go on trips together.
Also, Hakumei doesn't really comment on Narai's assumption that she's married, she only says "I'm a woman", sidestepping the question.
Now, with how messy Japan's views on gender can be at times, it's hard to tell how the author feels about the relationship between Hakumei and Mikochi; but it's noteworthy that he writes a manga about two women living together, in a world largely populated by female characters. I just think that's nice, whatever his feelings on the subject may be.
At the end of the day, Hakumei gets to join the work site. How that will go? We'll find out next week!
See ya!
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(Bonus Hakumei)
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flvrism · 6 months
For A 2nd Time...
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‘Who knows!!’ Sakura said, ‘perhaps you’re just falling for a second time.’  But does it count as falling when you didn't ever really stop feeling something for her?
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Warnings: Cussing, mentions of death, mentions of the word 'ghost', bad attempt of angst.
Genre: exes 2 lovers
Featuring: Aespa Ningning, Giselle, Le sserafim Sakura, Yunjin, Enhypen Sunoo, Jay,
Author's Note: Just a small disclaimer this is NOT a smau it's a small thing I got inspired when I was listening to reflections by the neighbourhood and decided to write it on impulse. Pls give feedback since its been so long since i last wrote something and english isn't my first language.
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'The universe works in so many wonderful ways, always in our favour and never against us. It knows our deepest desires whether we are aware of them or not. But it sometimes has to show you things like a slap on the face if you don't see the subtle signs or just blatantly ignore them.' You finish typing on your computer as you work on your creative writing's essay.
Your friend, Sakura is making you company and taking a break from her responsibilities, and you see you aren't ignoring her on purpose, but you suddenly got inspiration for your essay, which you won't let go to waste. After a while you feel bad for not listening to her and decide to take a break to focus on the conversation.
The topics vary from whether she believes in ghosts, which she apparently does not and tells you to get good night sleep if you believe in all that because it's part of people's imagination and need for attention to seem interesting to somehow exes. Which is a topic you aren't very fond of considering how you went through a breakup recently.
‘Who knows!!’ Sakura said, ‘perhaps you’re just falling for a second time.’  
It's been exactly 2 weeks since that conversation.  
It is safe to say you weren’t getting any sleep tonight again, unsurprisingly... That conversation with Sakura still replaying on your mind. Perhaps that was the universe giving you a clearer sign and telling you to get your shit together.
Could you even consider it ‘falling’ when the feelings truly never went away? Call It ‘falling’ for a second time when you still feel the rush of emotions just as the first time you met her? Seeking for answers to an already answered question was a waste of time yet here you are asking yourself the same question every night hoping to somehow wake up to a different answer refusing to accept the one you already knew.
But to hear this from someone else just felt too much, it was as if someone else was voicing out your unconscious thoughts for you.
And you hated it.
Without looking at your phone you could already tell by the countless of other nights that you’ve stayed up that it was no less than 4 in the morning.
Great just great, another sleepless night with a very busy day ahead. This should not be affecting you as much.
but it is.
Staring at the ceiling you ask to whatever is out there to spare you from this misery and just as you’re about to fall asleep your alarm starts ringing.
This is probably karma from breaking up with her you think while sighing loudly, ‘come on, Yn!! Pull yourself together’ you whisper. No matter how tired you are you still have responsibilities so you get out of bed to attempt to make it look like you're not on the verge of breaking down.
Making your way into the stuco office you’re greeted by Sakura, Yunjin, Sunoo, and Jay. Giselle nowhere to be seen which you assumed was her being late, but she’s had a busy week with the preparations for the welcome committee of new students. Taking a sit you make a mental note to ask her if she needs anything imagining how tiring these past weeks have been for her.
There's no reason for all of you to be up as early as 6:40 in the morning and in school already but mere habit.
'So, today is the big day', you say with a sigh.
'I can't believe our classes are the ones helping out the new students that are just starting and we’re almost leaving.’ Sakura says before being interrupted by Yunjin with a fake cry and the most dramatic ‘I DON’T WANT TO LEAVE I’M NOT READY TO BE A HAG’, following right after which makes the whole room laugh.
Sakura clears her throat giving Yunjin a stern look pretending to be annoyed, but the smile on her face says otherwise and the attention is back to her as the laughter subsides, ‘as I was saying...' She pauses, hesitating to continue her words and you instantly catch onto this being the observant person you are by nature and it's making you feel anything but calm to hear what she has to say.
'I was thinking. No, we were thinking. What if you somehow end up being paired with NingNing.'
As soon as you heard that you immediately froze. It was way too early in the morning to be dealing with this shit you thought.
Seeing that you looked like you saw hell itself and came back up to earth they spoke up, ‘look it wouldn’t be such a bad idea yn... you could maybe fix everything with her, and we don’t say you necessarily have to get together, but being friends or even being able to simply say hi would be a good start for the both of you’, says Jay.
And you know he is right. You hate that he knows you so well, but you’re not ready for this, it feels like it’s too sudden for you to think that it's a good idea to fix your relationship and start over.
Ningning is someone you have known for as long as you can remember, she has been there for every important milestone in your life and suddenly not having her around has not been easy.
Everyone around you can tell you two aren't the same, and not in the sense that your personalities changed but in how it's always been Ningning and Yn, Yn and Ningning, the inseparable duo.
Snapping out from your thoughts as the always reasonable Yn you say no. 'We broke up, I broke up with her.' You correct yourself. 'I don’t want to do it and I don’t care if I don’t ever fix my relationship with her.'
'I'm not interested so our home room teacher can pair her with someone else.’ Lie after lie is all that comes out of your mouth, and it hurts, but you can’t do it. You're too scared of how she will react, especially since it’s been 5 long months of no contact between you two after that breakup.
Glancing at your phone you notice how it's already 07:15 and as you stand up you say, ‘i’ll be taking my leave, it's almost time for all of us to head out anyway .’ And you can see they all have an apologetic look which you can guess that is caused for bringing that topic up, and you know they’re doing it with good intentions, after all they're your friends and want the best for you, but you’re not ready.  
"Aw come on, all of you are making me feel bad with that kicked puppy look you have on your faces," you say while laughing. "I'll see all of you later, and good luck with the students assigned to you. Hopefully they're not a pain in the ass."
Making your way to your class with a small smile on your face you think back on what they said. What if you actually got paired with her, 'I think I'd rather jump off the window,' you mutter under your breath.
Stop thinking about it, it won't happen. Just think positively or well try.
Being the president automatically makes her the bearer of the good and bad news and just to your luck Sakura brought you bad news.
She sat down next to you which you didn't think much of it because she did it occasionally. As you waited for your name to be called, she started speaking, 'Yn, please don't think I had something to do with this. I actually came to tell you as soon as I found out, but I don't want you to think it was me or anyone that was in the student council room this morning.' A feeling of uneasiness taking over you and you knew she was also nervous since she always rambles whenever she is anxious.
'You were paired with Ni-'
'Yn and Ningning.'
Your teacher interrupts, and now you understand why she was on the verge of shitting herself, because now you are too.
You hate your friends.
You were convinced they somehow manifested this. If only they hadn't spoken up perhaps you wouldn't be in this situation.
"Oh, it seems that there are more students than originally anticipated. Sunghoon, go ahead and join Yn and Ningning." Your teacher says and, in that moment, you wanted death.
It felt like a punch to your gut. You have nothing against Sunghoon, if anything you did find him cute, but ever since you broke up with Ningning you have heard different rumours from them having something to them being together already and that did not help to lighten your mood at all.
Most popular rumour was the 'love traingle' one that is that you had broken up with Ningning because you found out she had something with Sunghoon and much to your dismay it was one of the most popular theories amongst the school. Which was absurd, and you hated how they made her look like a cheater and involving the poor guy when he didn't even know Ningning at the time.
When they were announcing the pairs to help out never in a million years did you expect to hear Sunghoon and Ningning’s names next to yours, it caused a few different reactions, but it mostly had people giggling with their friends. Of course, they're going to find this as free entertainment when the three of you were in a 'complicated love traingle' as they like to put it.
Ok perhaps you weren’t so unlucky after all because it seemed as if the universe took pity on you and Sunoo ended up being called out to be part of your group. Finally, something good from this day that you already were thrilled to end.
Sunoo did not waste a second and rushed to switch places with Sakura that was making her way to her partner. "Before you say anything I had no idea this whole Ningning and Sunghoon plus you thing would happen." He says, and just like Sakura you can hear how genuine he sounds.
"I wouldn’t do that knowing how much it bothers you." To that you gave him a quizzical look with a face that could only be described as what the hell are you talking about now.
Sunoo simply scoffed, "Yn, we both know I know you better than you know yourself. I know, you know about those stupid rumours and how you don’t like them but since your head is too deep into your ass to realise or well admit out loud that you still care about Ningning I’ll keep quiet." To that you didn’t say anything because he was right; it would be pointless to try and change the truth of something you both knew.
Your anxiety levels were spiking up and it was pretty evident by the way you were fidgeting with your fingers. Taking notice of this your friend grabs your hand, "Yn, breathe it will be alright. If it gets too much, I'll think of something to get you excused from school." Giving a light squeeze to his hand you thank him because honestly without Sunoo you would be pretty much screwed right now.
Too busy freaking out you didn't notice how now Sunghoon and Ningning were approaching the both of you. To make their presence known Sunghoon clears his throat snapping you out of your inner monologue.
"Um... Hi?" he says which sounded more like a question. You couldn't help it an silently laughed to yourself from the clear awkwardness lased on his tone. He and Ningning sat down facing you two.
Now, you honestly did not even expect her to say hi or even look your way because of how you broke up with her.
You wouldn't expect any ounce of kindness coming from her and it's not like you deserved it, but you caught her looking at you and when you two made eye contact you wanted to run out of the building. Her eyes didn't greet you with the anger you thought you would find that hatred that you knew you deserved, to your surprise they still held that warmth and comfort you always knew.
With a small smile on her face, she muttered a small hi, clearly meant for you. But of course, the ever so eloquent and smart vice president that you are, you froze.
To anyone's perspective it would look as if you were ignoring her, if anything she probably thought you were as well because you saw how her smile faded and she looked at Sunghoon since he was talking with Sunoo to see how they would divide everything since your group had the most number of students assigned.
Deep in thought you didn't bother to pay attention to the discussion, occasionally giving a small nod where you thought was needed to pretend you were actively listening to the conversation.
You start coming back from wherever your head takes you after hearing Sunghoon and Ningning standing up, making their way out probably to meet the students.
As soon as they leave you slam your face against your desk. "I am going to kill myself; she probably hates me for sure now. I didn't mean to ignore her I just got surprised," you say. "Trust me I can tell better than anyone else since your nails were digging at the palms of my hand when she simply said hi to you." Sunoo says while massaging his hand.
'Well, let's go! The sooner we end this the better' you whisper out the last part loud enough for Sunoo to hear, but not loud enough for your teacher to hear as you both stand up making your way to go meet the students you were assigned to guide for the day at the auditorium.
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You were sure your bed was a mess from all the tossing and turning. Recalling what happened during the day you felt stupid for not being able to reply to her earlier. "How the hell am I expected to survive the rest of the school year if I can't even say something as simple as hi," you groan into your pillow. Remembering everything especially her defeated expression replaying on your mind made you want to dig up a hole and never come back out.
Just in time your phone started ringing pulling you out of your misery temporarily. "Oh wow you look like shit" is the first thing you hear Yunjin say. "Wow I totally did not notice Jen," you say sarcastically looking at the call with the straightest face you could muster which didn't last long before you and said girl started giggling.
"I'm serious though, you look rough. I heard it didn't go well with Ning..." she hesitantly said testing the waters to see if the topic was up for discussion or not and honestly it's not that you didn't want to talk about it but it was more like you were embarrassed to admit out loud to your friends that you simply panicked and couldn't say hi to your ex girlfriend AND best friend.
"Yeah it went bad in a way?", you say which sounded more like a question. To this Yunjin raised her eyebrow quizzically and without her having to ask you continued, "I fucked up by not replying back to her." You pause taking a shaky breath to stop yourself from crying ,"She didn't look like she hated me Jen and I panicked which is why I didn't reply and she looked so upset after that which just made me want to scream cry and die."
"You know I don't think she ever hated you, I think she was hurt by you cutting her off completely out of your life with no explanation especially with how close the two of you were" said Yunjin, to which you sighed knowing she was fully right.
"I don't know... well I mean I do know it's just complicated? Or maybe it's all in my head, I just feel so bad, but it's not like I can apologise for not saying hi to her when I havent even apologised for the other things."
After what seem like ages you two ended the call to get some work done hoping it worked as a distraction and without even realising it you fell asleep on your half way done physics homework with Ningning being the last thing on your mind.
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Making your way to school you decided to grab a cup of your favourite drink in hopes to help you get through the busy morning ahead and apparently you weren't the only one with that in mind since Jay was there as well. "Good morning, Yn" he says before being cut off by a yawn. You giggle at your friends obvious lack of energy in the mornings which is something you can relate a little too well. "My favourite morning person, hi" you say laughing at the way he looked at you as if you've gone mad. "Very funny", he says throwing you a playful glare. You loved Jay, after all he was one of your closest friends that genuinely took time to understand you and give you heartfelt advice whenever you needed it.
Once you ordered everything and got the drinks you two continued making your way to school. Feeling the slight tension you can already imagine what it is about so you tell him to ask." I know you're wanting to ask about Ningning since you probably heard how bad it went", you say looking back at him with his you caught me smile. "I mean yeah I did hear you didn't really reply back to her, but I'm assuming it was because you probably got nervous since it's been quite some time since you two last had a conversation."
You nodded because well he was right, "I got nervous yes, and when I saw the upset look on her face I felt the urge to stand up and slam myself against the wall. I hate to admit this but honestly who doesn't know at this point I love her and I just... I'm not sure." You paused but just as if he was reading your thoughts he says, "you just want to fix it don't you? I told you already you should talk to her whenever you feel ready, it will do both of you good." You just sigh because he was right and you were scared of talking to her. "I know you're scared but it's Ningning you two were the inseparable best friends plus I'm sure she'll listen. Just talk to her when you're ready." And with that you bid him goodbye since you had already reached the school making your way into your respective classes.
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Now you're not one to shy away from a challenge, but this is completely different. It's funny how everyone says it should be easy because the two of you were close, but that's what makes it harder. All these thoughts were like a plague slowly eating your brain alive, you so badly wanted to stand up and go to her to talk it out but frankly it felt impossible to do it and you were starting to annoy yourself because of it.
Honestly everything was aligning itself for you to make your move, from getting paired with Ningning that one time along with sunoo and sunghoon to randomly seeing her more on the hallways, to your teachers making you go to her classes more often to help students who didn't understand the subject well hoping that coming from another student it'd be easier to understand. And each time you were near her you could feel a lingering gaze that you knew well it was from no other than her which honestly made you hopeful oddly enough and a little giddy. Maybe you were just relying on your delusions to be positive to get enough courage to confront her once and for all. "Universe, stars, gods, whatever is out there just help me out this once I beg, I need to talk to her before it's too late", you sigh clearly frustrated at this point you just needed a big push to do it in one go, it's been weeks since you 'ignored her' and time wasn't getting any slower you were soon close to graduation preparations and if you didn't talk to her now it would be hard to do it once you didn't see her in school.
Pulling your phone out of your bag you text your friends, 'we need to meet after school it's friday give me a break from this shit hole', to which they all agreed sending similar messages to how school was driving them mad making you giggle seeing how you're not alone in that.
"Okay we need to address the elephant in the room", Giselle says, "Yn she's talking about you I fear" Yunjin says which makes you laugh sarcastically. "No shit Jen I totally didn't know." you say after leaning back on the couch. All of you decided to go to Jay's place since it was closest to school and ordered food from different places because all of you can never come into terms with just one place. "Okay seriously Yn, no sarcastic remarks to cope with the awkwardness let's talk. You look like you haven't been sleeping and that you're in constant stress and we all can guess why." Compared to how it usually goes in your hang outs the room was awfully quiet and all the attention was on you and to be honest you hated it at the moment. "We don't want to add to the burden but we just can't help but notice there's a clear difference of the current Yn and how you were before, especially when we all can tell school and Ningning have your stress levels elevating through the roof", Sakura continues as you listen in silence knowing you can't disagree. "If you want to talk to Ningning and you don't know how to tell her we can help you out, you don't need to do everything on your own Yn. Asking for help won't hurt you", says Sunoo as you nod in agreement. Having known you the longest Jay knows how overwhelmed these type of confrontational moments make you feel so he grabs your hand to reassure you that everything is going to be alright. "Well this is not how I planned my relaxing friday to go, but yeah I guess all of you are right even I can't stand it anymore. I really need help with talking to her before it's too late."
And just as quick as it came it ended. Weekends are so short especially when you don't want to face your fears, but it seemed like your physics teacher had other plans because he called for a group project which in reality it was just pairs the random picker would choose so everyone had more time to know more people other than their friends or something along those lines that teachers always say.
It didn't really register at first when you heard Yn and Ningning, but as soon as it did you went cold. Let's not freak out and give her the completely wrong idea again Yn you thought. Preparing yourself physically and mentally for what's about to come for the rest of the class was not how you expected it to go because right now you felt like you were quite literally about to pass out. As soon as the bell rang you took one deep breath ready to walk up to her when you see her rushing almost out the door, but not without leaving you speechless with the next sentence that came out of her mouth, "Text me to discuss the project I know you still have my number."
Your heart felt like it was about to explode at any second, maybe you were being overdramatic but who really cares, this was it, your chance to talk to her and hopefully apologise and make it up to her was being shoved right into your face. Pulling out your phone you text her a simple 'Hi' not knowing where the sudden flow of confidence was coming from you sent another text, 'Where do you want to meet to work on our project?' Not even one minute later you received her reply
'Your place or mine you decide then lmk.'
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Being honest you didn't know what to wear to go to her house, suddenly everything in your closet didn't feel enough. How were you supposed to be dressed when it was just a school project, you didn't want to go overdressed but being in a too simple outfit didn't feel right with you either and quite honestly you wanted to put in some effort for her to see. After digging for what felt like ages you found something that fell into the casual but stylish category deeming it good enough to not weird her out if you showed up looking overdressed. As you were getting ready you couldnt help but laugh at the way you're acting, if anyone saw you they'd think you were getting ready for a date with how excited you looked and it all reminded you of how it felt when you started crushing on her to the first dates before dating.
Needing that extra boost of confidence and support you decided to call no other than Jay and not one second into the call you immediately ask "how do I look? do you think its good enough to work on a project with my ex? should I even care that it's my ex? ofc i should I love her. I'm overthinking this right" all in one breath. You two pause for a moment and immediately start laughing, "to answer your questions you look good and it's lies between casual but effortless looking well put outfit if that makes any sense, but you need to take a deep breath." You couldn't help it your adrenaline was kicking in with full force preparing your fight of flight instinct and in this moment you wanted to choose flight. "I'm just nervous and excited about this it's been so long and you better than anyone know how much I miss her," he sighs shaking his head playfully going on a tangent of how he told you and you didn't wanted to listen and seeing how it was almost time to go you two finally hung up, not before wishing you luck of course.
Making your way to her house felt all too familiar, the countless of evenings you two would walk side by side bumping into each other giggling, the hushed conversations, and the day you two had your first kiss before confessing all the feelings you were hiding. All of these memories putting a smile on your face as you looked back at them and without realising you were already standing at her front door.
Taking a deep breath you knock softly on the door wondering if her parents were home, if they were what were they going to say after seeing you for so long? How would they react? You wonder if Ningning even told them that you two stopped being friends, they sure must've noticed your sudden disappearance, but before you could get way deeper into your thoughts Ningning is at the door opening it so you can come in. As of reflex she was going to greet you with a hug, but she quickly managed to stop herself and continued to open the door wide enough so you could come inside.
Everything felt so awkward. Being in her room not even looking at each other as you were sitting down not even bothering to look up from your laptops was painful silent. If you wanted to see results you need to make the first move you thought as you took a deep breath, "so... what are we going to work on? Do you have any ideas?" You ask her as calmly as possible, still not looking up from your screen. You can hear a sigh and feel her gaze lingering on you, "I got a couple of ideas written down already I can share the docs with you so that it's easier." When you received the document and went through it one of the ideas caught your attention and you think it can land you a good grade if you know how to execute it properly. After agreeing on what the topic would be and arranging and assigning parts the room falls silent again.
Trying to make small talk to relieve the tension you decided to ask something you were curious about. "To be honest when I came here I thought one of you parents would be home," and as you say this you can hear her stop typing on her laptop. "They went out for today visiting some extended family member, I was supposed to go with them too but I had to stay here to work on the project." She then looked down and got to typing again and you took it as a sign that conversation was over, honestly you were grateful you got much from her and proud of yourself for carrying out conversation. With a deep breath she speaks up again, "you know if my parents were here they'd be happy to see you," causing you to smile involuntarily, "they've missed you," and with a shaky breath you faintly hear her say, "I've missed you." Immediately stopping anything you were doing you look at her, " what did you just say," you ask in pure disbelief thinking you were imagining things. "I've missed you and now we can't even have one single conversation without feeling like I'm going to suffocate with all of the tension," she said finally snapping unable to handle it any longer.
"You know what? Honestly fuck it, I'm tired," she said crying. "I'm tired of how you ignore me, how you shut me off completely without any reason or explanation that if we're being honest I deserve, I tried to give you space thinking you'd come to me giving me closure but all I got was silence on your end. You're so selfish but even then I still can't bring myself to hate you and that's the worst part. You reassured me that nothing was going to affect our friendship and I have been regretting listening to you ever since that day because look at us now, we can't even look at each other in the eye. I'm really tired Yn and I don't think I can handle this anymore."
To say she left you speechless was an understatement, but seeing how hard she was crying by the end of her rant made you realise that sometimes actions are better than words, so you went to her and for the first time in so long you finally hugged her
You couldn't resist it anymore and you let your body act on its own because just for a moment you wouldn't let your brain think and you hugged her as she kept crying and without realising you were crying as well.
"We were inseparable before dating and used to tell each other everything. If you realised dating was a mistake you could've told me and I would've been fine just by being friends." It pained you to know she went through all of that because of your stupid insecurities, but seeing how she wasn't done you let her continue.
"I feel you're so close to me yet so far away and unreachable because of the sudden distance you put between us and I can't do anything about it because you run away just by hearing my name. We were inseparable before dating and used to tell each other everything. You were my best friend and a big part in my life that suddenly left and I didn't know what to do."
You tried to pull away slightly to face her, but she was clinging to you as if she was silently begging you to stay.
"Ning, I'm sorry." Is the first thing you say because it was the right thing to do after everything you put her through. "You never deserved this happening to you, I made a promise and soon after broke it letting my insecurities get the best of me."
Caressing her hair in attempts to soothe her down you continued, "You were never a mistake if anything you are probably the best decision I have taken in my life and I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. The only regrets I have were ever leaving you."
After hearing those words Ningning pulled away slightly to look up at you, her face carrying so many different emotions. For the first time in a while you were finally able to look at her face to face and it started to hit you on how much you missed being in her presence.
"You have no idea on how much I've missed you," you say drying her tears. "I am still in love with you just the same as the first time I realised you weren't just my best friend. I'm so sorry for leaving you with no explanations or closure and I won't even think of making excuses because there's no valid one."
Before you could even continue speaking you felt her cupping your face and without realising you two were kissing and every unspoken word hat hadn't been said was poured into it and you couldn't help but smile while kissing her with the same amount of eagerness that she did.
After what felt like ages you two pulled away and looked at each other just for Ningning to start laughing the shyness she felt away hugging you once again to hide how red her face was becoming. And you loved her laugh and missed it so much.
In that moment it felt everything was falling into place and that balance your life needed was finally right besides you.
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You two decided to keep the dates and each other a secret until it felt right to tell everyone you were together again. Everything was going smoothly as if none of this ever happened. You wanted to take all of that private time to fix your relationship and the communication issues. You soon learned that Sunghoon was indeed a really close person to her, but that none of the rumours were true if anything he was what Jay was to you and you were glad that amidst all these chaos she had someone to rely on.
Your friends knew both of you talked to each other 'casually' which was a big lie, but nobody needed to know that. So it wasn't a surprise to see both of you walking side by side occasionally.
"Do you want to tell them now? or when?" Ningning asked unsure about it and you could tell she was still feeling insecure, but no matter how many times she felt like that you'd be there to reassure her about your relationship.
Spotting your friends from afar you give her a quick kiss and grab her hand, "let's tell them now, enough time has passed and it's not like they don't suspect it." She laughed while saying they probably were making bets which was highly likely knowing all of them.
When they finally notice both of you without needing to speak Giselle screams "oh my god they're so back pay up." Causing everyone to laugh especially you and Ningning because you both truly knew them that well.
"It was about time that you got back together let me tell you Ning, this girl was losing her shit without you crying herself to sleep every night," said Sakura to which you replied with a barely audible shut up hiding your face while back hugging Ningning.
All of them were teasing the both of you until the bell rang for class and Yunjin said "Good luck on the project losers hopefully you werent too busy shoving each other's tongue down each other's throats."
And at that moment both of you looked at each other while simultaneously saying
"Oh my god the project?!"
It was safe to say both girls did in fact forget the project.
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danielslaw · 2 years
LIMO POSSE: a lawrusso nsfw fanfiction.
Summary : After the aftermath of the fight at the dojo in the season five finale, Johnny and Daniel have a talk after everyone else leaves. Alone at the back of the limo, they begin to discover things about each other. Being them, it ends up heated and messy and so very them.
Notes: I haven't written smut in a long time but here is my attempt to some emotional porn. And of course, the first to get this treatment are my idiot men. Enjoy. This is an old fanfic I wrote for my now deleted AO3.
They make sure to take all of the kids back to their homes. That was the priority for the night. Shannon came by to pick Robby up and the look on her face when she saw he was injured made both men ache. But she didn’t blame them, simply hugged Daniel as she always does, somehow always grateful for what he does, and with Johnny. . .they were working things out. But she nods in his direction. She takes Tory too and some of the Reseda kids and part ways. Carmen and Amanda leave together and take Miguel, Sam, and Anthony with them. 
“That’s not fair, I want to stay with dad.” Anthony proclaims as he gushes like the kid he once knew about how cool he was and how his dad was much better than other dads. But Amanda nudges him forward. They are all aware of how much he and Johnny needed to talk. The ambulance takes both Chozen and Barnes, at Daniel’s insistence and he watches them go, and all of a sudden, they are alone. 
In front of a Cobra Kai dojo, now empty, the sirens are gone and so are the kids. Silver is gone. Kreese is out of jail. Somehow, what had felt like the end, now felt like a prelude to another storm. Johnny is not unreadable, though. For all of his tough exterior, the alcohol and adrenaline had left him worn down, ripe for the plucking, and for Daniel to see through him.
He is troubled. Who wouldn’t be? Somehow, they end up at the back of the dojo, all doors locked because of evidence and all that police procedure. The limo had been parked there and no one had taken it. Louie would kill him but for now, it felt like a little safe haven for both of them. To sit and relax. Side by side, knees bumping into one another as they breathe. He needs the moment to refocus back into reality, half expecting Johnny to complain, except, all he hears is the other man on his side.
Daniel doesn’t realize Johnny is mimicking his breathing until the third time he inhales and looks to his side, the man breathing deeply and releasing. Somehow, he is transfixed by the sight, the way his chest fills up, blue eyes closed as he focuses on it. 
It almost feels rude to wake Johnny up from the exercise but they can’t just sit beside one another like that and do nothing. “Johnny. . .it’s gonna be okay. We got this.” Because what else is left to say? Daniel let his head linger by the side, focusing on Johnny as his eyes open and he stares straight ahead. “God, I’m tired, but. . .we just need a plan, be prepared-”
“--Aren’t you tired of us, man?” A pause at the interruption, as blue eyes finally snap back at him. They always make him so alert, because he isn’t sure how to react to them, not even now when they are friends. Johnny is like the ocean, unpredictable but you can walk away from it once you are swept under his force.  He is about to ask what he means when the man just continues. “We have been at each other’s throats for thirty-four years. We fight, all the fucking time.” 
He frowns, yeah, they kept doing that but lately, they've just been circling around each other. Just friends. Something grows inside the pit of his belly, and he aches, thinking of what it could mean. Under all that fighting and hatred, is it really that simple? They could be so much more and yet, friends don't simply cut it. “We are talking now, Johnny.” 
Their knees bump into each other again as Johnny moves closer, crowding him against the door of the limousine. His whole body tense and prepares, like it often does, as Johnny is gripping the sides of his jacket and pulling, and Oh , that’s familiar. “Fight, talk, we keep doing this shit. Do you feel like talking?” The question hangs in the air and he almost misses it, because of the way he feels Johnny’s hot breath hitting his mouth. 
Too close. His body tries to wiggle out of the pressure of the others like it often did in high school. Except for this time, he feels something pressuring him back. Oh . That was different. What the fuck. It feels heavy against him, where it was clear that he was feeling the same way.  “What do you want to do then, Johnny?” And fuck, he should probably fight back and tell Johnny that he is drunk. Except not drunk enough because he hasn’t felt this clear in years. 
He is tired too. Fighting is all they did. They keep their distance and be friends now except it doesn’t feel like it’s enough for either one. But there is something in those blue eyes as he feels the grip on him loosen. “Don’t fuck with me, LaRusso.” 
Daniel doesn’t let him say anything else before he moves and leans forward, surging Johnny’s lips into a kiss and shutting him up. And it’s so sloppy, between the stingy breath of alcohol and the taste of blood and yet, so perfect. It’s uncomfortable, his back aches from the position he is pressed on but he can’t really hate it when Johnny presses down and feels him through the fabrics of clothes.  
“I am fucking with you , Johnny. No fight, or talk. You could’ve died today.” I could’ve lost you . And Johnny attacks his lips again, and finally, he feels some of that aggression he loves on Johnny come back with full force as his tongue presses into his mouth and Daniel opens up for him, moaning into the feeling, exploring each other with too much force, too much need. 
Fuck . Thirty-four years to figure this shit out. And yet, he can’t have it any other way, as strong hands grip his waist and pull him up, close. His legs straddling Johnny’s and he takes a moment to breathe and not hit the ceiling with his head.  They really are doing this. Holy Fuck. “Off.” He points toward Johnny’s jacket as he struggles with his own. 
This isn’t how he pictured it though. In his shame, when they met again, he had imagined it differently. At the dojo, under the stars, sitting side by side on the pond. Or on Johnny’s unsanitary warehouse as he presses him down to the dirty floor and holds him down, just the perfect middle between fighting and fucking. 
Somehow this is better and just the same. Because Johnny is mouthing on him now, lips attached to the side of his neck and nibbling on sensitive skin there as his hands fail to unbutton his shirt. 
“So fucking slow, LaRusso.” And it shouldn’t be as hot as it is when Johnny just pulls on the fabric and the buttons fly around, and the cold air hits his exposed skin. Jesus, what a caveman. Somehow, it makes his body grind down, seeking some friction and when that elicits a strangled sound from Johnny, he does it again. As he tears away the fabric of the shirt, Johnny does the same for his own and his hands reach down between them, where their bodies meet. 
He kisses him again, as his hands find the zipper of Johnny’s trousers and pull it down, feeling the heat that radiates from the other’s body. Fuck, of course, he is big. Bastard. He palms him through the clothes, lips lingering on his own. “If we are gonna do this, you better start using my name, Johnny.” He kisses him again, breathing out a strained moan as he feels a hand on himself, somehow, through the words and the struggle, Johnny had managed to get a grip on him, stroking his cock, straining against the fabric of his underwear. 
And Johnny nibbles at him again, one arm sneaking through his middle and gripping tightly, pulling him down into the seats. Eyes rack down to where the blond is now pulling his pants down and Daniel feels like a teenager, about to get it on in the back of a car except, shit, his teen self would never be able to afford a limousine. He manages to wiggle out of his own pants and push them away, inhibitions are damned. 
Johnny wraps his legs with one arm and pulls him close, as he settles in between his legs. Shit, they don’t even have lube for this. He isn’t even sure if they have time for the full thing. He doesn’t really care, as he feels the weight of Johnny’s cock against his own and one grip holding them both together, stroking the heads with quick movement. They moan at the same time, out of breath and overwhelmed, his hands moving to grip Johnny’s hip and gripping, scratching. 
He groans against him and moves to thrust harder against him. “I can take it, come on. I know you can do better.” Daniel aches for something bruising.  It should bruise Johnny. It needs to ache and bruise and leave him dazed for another thirty-four years. “You talk too much, Daniel .” And the use of his name leaves him shuddering at the ache he feels. “Little shit, you always did.” He wants Johnny to consume him and to return the favor. Feels like it's never enough.
Johnny shifts, it would be easier with him on his stomach but somehow, neither wants to stop looking at each other. He doesn’t mind, as he watches Johnny figure out his next move, slotting the head of his cock to Daniel’s crack and test driving that with a move. “Squeeze.” And Daniel does and he thrust again, and oh fuck, that’s good .
“Yeah, right there.” And somehow, like everything else, they fall into a rhythm. It’s messy and tangled, but that's all them . The weight of Johnny on him, pushing him down, the hand that sneaks into his throat to keep him in place as he begins to piston against him, and he sneaks a hand to his own cock because it feels too much and he feels so close. 
Not enough time, but the perfect time for them. “I want to be inside you, man. Fuck. You feel so good.” The sincerity is raw and unheard of but god, he wants the same. He tightens his leg grip around Johnny, free hand holding the man’s hand on his throat, not pressuring but not letting go either. He wants him there. At the moment, with him. 
He always forgets how to breathe around Johnny anyways. It’s only fair he takes his breath again at the moment. “I want you inside too. Next time, yeah? Yeah , next time, I’ll even let you come inside, that’s what I need.” Jesus, where did that come from? Daniel isn’t sure but it does something to Johnny as he moans and grips his throat tighter and there is a relentless ache between his legs before the blond man collapses on him.
Warm hit his ass and part of his thighs and he just had Johnny Lawrence come on him, and it felt like the most glorious thing. He follows next, as Johnny nips on the side of his ear, pulling and tugging on the earlobe and hands holding his stomach as he hits his peak, Johnny’s name on his tongue like a prayer. A promise. He convulses through it all, hot breath against his skin,  Johnny's own cock rubbing against sensitive skin and he shivers. "Fuck yeah, Daniel."
Coming down from the bliss, he fears whatever this was. Adrenaline or just a rush would be gone. But Johnny is looking back at him, closing the distance for a gentle kiss that takes his breath away again. “Hey.” He mumbles against the other man’s lips. 
Johnny scoffs back, but he lingers on, and his grip is still tight on his hips, hands shifting to touch his cum against his stomach. Somehow, he should find it gross but it only makes him let out a breathless laugh. “Hey, LaRusso.” A pause, as he seems to reconsider. “ Daniel .”
He smiles, he feels sticky and messy, tired. They are not teenagers anymore to be frottaging against each other in a backseat but here they are. And it feels like a long time coming. “Let’s go home.”
It feels like home, though. Right there. With Johnny slotted between his legs and the weight of his body against his. Just perfectly right.
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romeythehomie · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
my buddy parker @amrv-5 tagged me in this and i Do love talking about myself slash my writing so. here we go babey! more questions under the read-more :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
17 in all, plus some that that i wrote in high school, orphaned, and probably could find again but simply have no desire to.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
those which are recently (~past five years) i have published for M*A*S*H, resident evil, saw, breaking bad, and the MCU
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
alright this is where we get into anonymized fic territory -- much of these were written when i was in very late high school/early college and are representative of that in both quality and tone. i'll still link them but...you know, that's what we're getting into!
you've arrived at last, my friend, 309 kudos
carrying the weight together, 218 kudos
losing me at your fingertips, 179 kudos
my tired eyes are blind, 147 kudos
i take my cue from you, 143 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but feel bad just saying "thanks :D" five hundred times over so more often only if i have something of substance to reply
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly i am not good at undeniably angsty endings; a lot of my MCU stuff had a running theme of "nothing every really gets better" but also was heavy on the comfort parts of hurt/comfort. recency bias aside, i'm inclined to say snapshot of a morning, 1954 is up there for the absolute lack of resolution for BJ's ennui and borderline anhedonia
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably kotenok, arguably the cutest. it's "bucky gets a cat: the fic!"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
ah....yes and no? i'll write sex scenes in a work, but not so much porn for porn's sake. i have a google doc of some indulgent paragraphs that i've written in the dead of night but those are for my eyes alone
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also no
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i think the one that i'll always come back no matter the time in between is, admittedly, steve/bucky MCU. rewired my brain and i think is just a part of me forever now!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
god. i have this whole contrived resident evil AU that i write for as the mood strikes me but the gist is "leon is unwillingly transferred to the BSAA after the events of RE6 because it's not great governmental optics for your best agent to seemingly go rogue and kill the president"
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like my prose! I have what i know is a very consistent writing style and tone
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm far better with it in original fiction, funnily enough, but when it comes to fic i tend to loiter and meander SO much. this scene only needs to be a few hundred words to move things along? you're getting quadruple that and none of it will ultimately contribute anything to the plot. i LOOOVE to be verbose. read my words boy
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i do it in english, for however much sense that makes -- if it's from the speaker's pov or that of someone who understands the second language, i'll use something like:
"Here's a sentence in a different language!" Character exclaimed in, unexpectedly, an enthusiastic ramble of Non-English Language.
if the POV character doesn't understand the second language, i'll just use a "Character said something in Non-English language, far beyond the comprehension of POV character, and the conversation had moved well on by the time POV character could ask."
i quite frankly have never once used any end-notes "translation guide," i think it's greatly counter-intuitive to a reading experience, and especially so for any non-latin scripts. sorry but it just doesn't work for me! for little foreign words, especially nouns, which cannot be directly translated, i'd use the native word and then define it best possible in the work then keep the ball rolling
19. First fandom you wrote for?
um. god. do i have to admit it? do i really? it was dan and phil RPF. yeah like the british yewchubers
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i have this really soft spot for my jane/jesse breaking bad fic surrender (my everything). that's romance, baby!!
thank you so much for the ask parker this was lots of fun to think about when i haven't touched a lot of fic writing in so long! i'll tag uhh @thebrandywine and @doomednarrative if either of you feel so inclined!
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