#I would have responded to his late night texts already and I haven’t. won’t for a while
daringtoeatapeach · 2 years
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it’s all the same it all repeats and it does that because I never move forward. I make the same mistakes and I allow myself to fuck up and fuck up and fuck up and sink into all the consequences and it doesn’t even scare me, it just makes me feel hollow. my whole body is weighed down today for the stupidest reasons but I am so used to being weighed down that I am just sinking into it
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pshcomforts · 8 months
➳ “slut!” | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader (feat. taehyun from txt)
“in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
synopsis: your friend convinces you to go on a blind date with her boyfriend’s friend, sunghoon.
warnings/content: written in third pov. strangers to lovers. cursing. reader’s kind of awkward, and doesn’t like horror movies. sunghoon’s kind of flirty. nicknames used (gorgeous, loser). fluff!
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 6.0k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s partner), min-su (heeseung’s partner), and ji-woo (jake’s partner)
current song playing: “slut!” by taylor swift
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:35 ───────────|──────── -1:24
a loud groan left y/n’s mouth as she turned her back from her friend. “no ji-woo!”
“oh come on, y/n!! it’ll be fun!”
the girl faced to ji-woo with a frown displayed. “you know i haven’t gotten over taehyun yet..”
her friend rolled her eyes in a playful gesture before replying — “girl that’s why you go on the blind date!”
“it wouldn’t be such a bad idea..” dae murmured on the side.
y/n’s head whipped to him in an instant to send a stink eye. “it would be, actually. i’m not ready and having a double date with you and jake with someone i don’t even know is just so awkward.”
“it won’t be! jake just wants his friend to have some company for the night. please, y/n…” ji-woo pleaded.
y/n let out a disgusted sigh at her before turning her attention to an eagerly-waiting dae and min-su. “should i..?”
“YES!” they yelled together.
“UGH i hate you guys.. fine!”
the gang cheered in her defeat as they gathered around. “finally getting over taehyun!” dae exclaimed.
“i will end you..”
ji-woo gave a chuckle at her threat. “you’ll be fine y/n! he’s good looking, and he’s pretty much like you but in boy form!”
“is that supposed to be a compliment…”
“wait is it sunghoon?” min-su chimed in as she sent her text out to her boyfriend.
“oh yeah, heeseung knows him right?”
“mhm” — their friend responded, “i heard he’s kind of cold hearted from other dates he’s had though..”
“cold hearted..?” y/n repeated.
“i’m sure it’ll be fineee. from what i’ve heard, he’s a stand up guy.” ji-woo attempted to reassure.
“pft yeah right, he’s probably just into one night stands.” the girl retorted.
“isn’t that what you want though?” questioned dae who was giving light taps on his phone for jungwon.
y/n sighed. “well i’m not gonna expect anything out of that stupid double blind date i have with ji-woo.”
the group gave light giggles at her words. “you’re such a hater,” the dimpled girl snorted.
“i am! i’m only doing this for you.”
“you love me…”
“i’m leaving..”
“shut up, i’m leaving!” her footsteps hurried out of the room before she could hear their debating screams on coming back.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“do i look fine?” y/n nervously mumbled while fidgeting her fingers.
ji-woo sighed out — “girl yes! you always do.”
“shut up, i’m hating you so much right now. i cant believe i actually said yes to this.”
“well it’s too late! they’re already coming here anyway.”
the shorter girl huffed out a sigh after applying the last few touches to her makeup. “why did i say yes…” she muttered under her breath.
minutes passed and soon came the time when the two boys arrived. jake walked in first to engulf his girlfriend into a tight hug, as sunghoon awkwardly tumbled behind him.
“hey love, missed you today.” he sighed out in the embrace of ji-woo — earning quiet giggles from her.
as the two couple were hugging, y/n and sunghoon stayed on the side with averting eyes. they’re introverts, of course they’re too scared to talk first.
the girl gave a swift, clear cough in her throat to catch her friend’s attention. “hm? oh! sorry, y/n this is sunghoon. sunghoon, this is y/n.” ji-woo spoke to the two tense figures.
“hi…” y/n softly uttered with a weird hand wave.
“hello,” he replied in a light manner.
the silence was deathly awkward already. jake sucked in a deep breath before patting his friend’s back. “ah i’m sorry y/n, my bro here is a little awkward, but if you get to know him more, you’ll find that he matches you.” he beamed a smile at his girlfriend’s friend, who was just nodding.
“that’s nice, i guess..” she said, whispering the last few words to herself.
“girl you’re awkward too, you better not leave it to just sunghoon to talk.” ji-woo suddenly disputed while intertwining her hands with her boyfriend’s.
y/n gave a quick side eye as her mouth gaped open in shock. “yeah yeah whatever, just focus on your stupid date.” she bitterly spat back. she heard sunghoon give a quiet chuckle at his side, amused in her little antics with her friend.
he flashed a half smile, letting his fangs highlight his facial features even more. perhaps this date wasn’t such a bad idea after all…
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the beginning to the double date was to a movie. and of course, it was a horror movie — ji-woo picked it on purpose.
“ugh i really fucking hate you right now. why would you do this to me?” y/n fumed, feeling her hands shake with each taunting thought of the jumpscares in mind.
being such gentlemen, sunghoon and jake (mostly jake) volunteered themselves to grab the snacks while the two girls sat in the theater — letting previews play in the background.
“girl you’ll be finee, i heard that it’s not even that scary!” ji-woo defended.
“i don’t care, ji-woo! i cant do horror movies, you know that! i hate you so much, i wish i never went on this stupid date.”
“oh my gosh.. you’ll be fine y/n! just… hold onto sunghoon when you get scared.” her brows raised suggestively, earning a harsh nudge from y/n.
“you’re so ugly. i’m gonna fucking walk out, that’s what i’m gonna do.”
“no you won’t!” ji-woo yelled back with a hand grab to her. “the ticket’s been purchased so.. you have no choice but to stay here.”
y/n scoffed and groaned soon after. “fine but i’m not gonna sit next to you.” she got up from the middle section, and sat in the corner where sunghoon was originally gonna sit.
ji-woo only scoffed at her petty behavior, opening her mouth to make a comeback but was stopped with the entrance of jake. the boy sat next to her with a confused look.
“i thought y/n was gonna-“
“she wants to sit there so she’ll sit there,” his girlfriend intervened.
y/n rolled her eyes before searching for her date who wasn’t behind jake. “hey where’s my date?”
her friend’s boyfriend chuckled. “you care about where my bro is at now huh?”
her face morphed into an eye squint with her lips tugged at the corner. “god you’re just like fucking ji-woo…”
the couple laughed together before jake spoke again — “it’ll be okay, y/n. your savior just decided to get more snacks for you.”
y/n’s face felt heated with embarrassment. all that fuss, and he was just being polite.
“whatever… i still wish dae and min-su were fucking here. they’d still leave me for their man but..,” her lips pouted as she missed them, feeling neglected from her friend who was giggling with her man. soon after, she pulled out her phone.
y/n <33:
miss you guys :(
for once, i miss you guys 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
What about your date?
hee’s fav 🤍:
um that’s a first!
y/n <33:
ji-woo’s abandoned me and i want to go home already :(
somebody pick me up please..
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
You’ll be fineee
Just talk to him!
hee’s fav 🤍:
girl you’ve only been there for like 45 minutes
y/n <33:
Replied to ‘Just talk to him!’ — I DONT WANT TOOOOOOOOO
jake’s girl 🫂:
girl stop texting the group chat and talk to sunghoon!
almost immediately, y/n whipped her head to ji-woo who was already looking at her. she rolled her eyes before sending the middle finger to her, and then going back to the group chat.
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
jake’s girl 🫂:
she flipped me off!!
hater 🙄
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
she wants to abandon sunghoon already
y/n <33:
MIN-SU AND DAE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
jake’s girl 🫂:
let her talk to sunghoon first!
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Um sorry y/n :(
hee’s fav 🤍:
i would come get you but hee’s being clingy right now
he won’t leave me alone
sorry, you’re on your own
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
I’ll get you after the movies if you still want to come home
y/n <33:
i wanna go home now 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Sorry y/n, Jungwon just came too so
y/n <33:
yeah yeah whatever, have fun losers
the girl shut her phone after the text sent through to avoid any other messages. she gave a defeated sigh at the situation she was stuck in.
she didn’t hate the boy, but she was just simply too awkward to be going on dates like these.
soon enough, sunghoon came back with arms full of candy and popcorn.
just the sight of him approaching y/n was awkward — in a sweet, kind of dorky way.
“o-oh, you’re sitting in my seat?” he asked with his lips pressed together afterward.
she only nodded before looking down in an apologetic manner — “yeah, sorry.. i don’t want to sit next to my friend right now.”
he gave a chuckle as he sat down in the one next to her. “you must’ve really hated her for putting you on this date with me huh?”
“w..what!” her eyes blew up in shock at his sudden approach. “no! i mean, i just can’t go on dates with how awkward i am..”
sunghoon widened his smile as he empathized with her words. “are you usually this awkward?”
y/n bit her lips before melting in with a head shake. as if she was already comfortable with him, she sent a soft smack to his arms. “shut up, i’m awkward but i’m not as awkward as you.” the girl shot back.
his mouth slightly gaped open with how sudden he had been hit. “that really hurt, you know?” he teased in a shit eating grin, hands rubbing at the “bruised” area.
she reflected back a smile as she shook her head. in all the dates she’s been on, she’s never met a man whose met her expectations in the reactions for when she’d hit them — until him.
“you’re stupid,” she said in an automatic response.
sunghoon smirked with an eyebrow raise. “yeah? well if i’m stupid, then you’re gorgeous.”
y/n forcibly took a pause in everything. ‘where did that random surge of confidence come from?’ she asked herself while awkwardly laughing. “gorgeous..? that’s a little upfront.”
he did a head tilt with her words, causing her heart to lightly thump at his handsome, confused face. “upfront? did you like it?” his thick brows raised again as he grinned ear to ear, enjoying her shy reactions.
she shook her head after burying it into the palm of her hands. “ew stop it..,” her voice muffled out as she nudged her head against his broad shoulders.
hoon beamed with a warm, fuzzy feeling at the tip of his ears. “your reactions to what i say are cute. i guess i’m gonna have fun trying to figure you out tonight.” he mumbled near her head.
y/n bolted up at his words. “what??”
“it’ll be fun,” he winked. the mix of confident and awkward energies he gave were insatiable. is this how he does his one night stands?
she shook her head out of it. she doesn’t fall in love, not on the first date anyway. “uhm so, what kind of snacks did you get?”
sunghoon’s lips curled at her question. “well i heard from your friend that you enjoy chocolate, so i got you a little bit of everything from their selection.” one by one, he handed little chocolate snacks that had y/n mesmerized with sparkles in her eyes.
each time he gave her the candy, her hands would softly graze against his in a way that she didn’t realize, but he did. he’d take a gulp whenever he’d feel her nails faintly scratch his hands with how excited she was in snatching the treats.
“no way you got me all of this!” she exclaimed, feeling like a kid on christmas day.
he tugged a smile onto his lips as his heart was beating like crazy with the excitement she displayed. “i just wanted to make sure you’d be distracted from the scary movie.”
y/n peaked her head out of the chocolate, and to him with a puzzled look. “how’d you know i don’t like horror movies?”
“i could see how scared you were when we talked about it in the car,” sunghoon chuckled as he recalled back to watching her eyes nervously shift from ji-woo to jake, in hopes that someone read her mind (he did).
“sorry..,” she murmured. “i just can’t handle jumpscares.”
his lips pressed together in a line, conveying that he understood before showing his hand palm to her.
y/n looked at him with confused eyes, causing a hearty laugh to erupt from him. “you can hold my hand for comfort if you need to, dummy. whenever you’re scared, just squeeze it to know that you’re not alone.”
could she really do that with a stranger? “are.. you sure?” her eyes trailed up to meet his pretty face that spoke a reassuring look.
sunghoon nodded with a half smile. “yeah, i don’t mind.”
the girl’s heart lit up with butterflies. gladly, she let her hands intertwine with his and almost immediately, she felt a spark hit them.
y/n took a deep breath with how close they’ve already gotten. they barely talked and yet they were holding hands already.
as they were about to talk more, previews suddenly ended and the movie began.
when ji-woo could, she’d turn her head to check on the two — only to turn to jake and comment — “they’re already like a couple.” the male would glance at the said people and giggle alongside his girlfriend.
“i knew they’d match,” he mumbled with an approved head nod.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
throughout the film, y/n squeezed sunghoon’s hand continuously — a little more than he’d expect. when an upcoming jumpscare scene came, her hands would slightly grip in fear of what would show.
other times, the opposite side of their hands that weren’t holding would reach into the popcorn bucket situated between each other. again with the finger graze — their hands would accidentally bunk when dipped into the bucket, both too awkward to address it.
y/n gulped with the tension that was quietly arising between them. she’d occasionally stuff her face with popcorn to distract herself with how long her hands were holding his.
‘is my hand too sweaty?’ ‘is he tired of it yet?’ ‘when should i pull my hand away’ ‘he’s handsome..’ ‘damn he’s gorgeous’ ‘i could stare at his face all day’ ‘am i staring too much?’ — were all questions and thoughts that ran through her mind.
“are you that scared of the movie that you have to look at me instead?” sunghoon whispered with his head near hers.
her face grew heated with shame. “what?” she questioned aloud. her eyes trailed to his as he locked eye contact. a small smile plastered on him as he watched her shy away.
their faces were close to each other — tips of the nose barely touching with their hands still tightly intact.
“you’ve been staring a lot,” he chimed.
a glint of the movie scene, that was now deafened out by the both of them, reflected on his shiny eyes as they gazed at each other. the lighting was dark but she could still trace out all the special features highlighted on him — his thick brows, plump lips, softened eyes, and messy hair — her heart was fluttering in all sorts of ways.
“sorry.. that’s a little embarrassing,” y/n admitted with her lips firmly pressed. “i just-“
her words were interrupted by the sudden boom from the movie. a jumpscare appeared in a matter of seconds, causing the girl to jolt and tighten her hand around hoon’s.
quickly, she shut her eyes and turned her head away from the bright screen. she felt her heart beating out of her chest with the stimulated pace it was at.
in return, sunghoon rubbed his thumb in a reassuring way as he chuckled to himself. “you okay?” he queried while giving a light squeeze to her.
her breath became heavy as an uneasy feeling crept in. “yeah.. is it over?”
“yeah, the scene’s over.”
y/n peeked her eyes open to look up at a smitten boy who was still keeping his strong gaze on her. her cheeks flushed with a warming color once more as she averted his gaze to look at the bright screen.
immediately, her vision took in the scene displayed out in front of her — a woman being possessed. she yelped out in fear and gripped his hand.
“sunghoon!” y/n harshly whispered with a head whipped to him.
he flashed a smile, fangs and dimples full out on display as his heart raced. “sorry sorry, are you okay?” the boy softly murmured back.
“no, what made you think that was okay?” she whispered-yelled, furiously shaking her head in disappointment.
sunghoon couldn’t help but grin ear to ear again. biting his lips to calm himself down from looking like he had hangers in his mouth, he turned his head away from her — coming into eye contact with his friend, jake. he raised his brows in a way that spoke — ‘perfect for you, huh?’
he shook his head before turning to y/n, who was still scared out of her wits. “i didn’t know, i swear. the movie’s already over anyway.” his mutter was sweet and soft in her ears — causing a fluttering feel to hit at the pit of her stomach.
attempting to look unfazed, she groaned out a disgusted sigh before detangling her fingers that were still tightly attached to him. the movie was indeed over so no hand holding was needed anymore.
sunghoon quietly sighed out at the empty feel against his hands. “you okay?” he asked with worried eyes.
y/n nodded her head, hands rubbing her heart area to calm it down. “yeah no, i’m fine, but if i have nightmares, i’m blaming you.”
he amusingly chuckled before sending a pat to her hair. “alright that’s fair.“
“okay lovebirds, you guys ready?” ji-woo asked to the two.
y/n looked at her with disgust written on her face. she barely knew the guy after all.
sunghoon looked at her for confirmation, only to earn a simple nod and eyebrow raise.
the group left the movie theater together, and then carried onto their plan of having dinner together. in the seating arrangement, ji-woo and y/n sat near each other, facing their dates.
“oh shoot, i forgot something in the car!” y/n’s friend exclaimed with a sigh.
“what is it?” responded jake.
“my phone, i can’t believe i forgot it!”
a chuckle slipped out of his mouth as his hand gently placed over hers. “don’t worry love, let’s go get it.”
as she got up, y/n was quick to grasp her wrist. “uhm jake, why don’t i just go with her instead?” her eyes met her friend’s, letting it shift to sunghoon to give her the hint to not be left alone with him.
jake smiled as he watched his girlfriend’s friend give a poorly made signal. “it’s fine, we’ll be quick y/n. make sure she’s okay, bro.” he swatted a hand to hoon who was awkwardly nodding.
the couple vanished within seconds, allowing the two most awkward people in the world to be left alone.
y/n quickly cleared her throat before snatching out her phone out of habit.
y/n <33:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
hee’s fav 🤍:
what a traitor
y/n <33:
hee’s fav 🤍:
is it that bad that you can’t handle being alone with him?
y/n <33:
okay no.. but it’s just awkward 🧍🏻‍♀️
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Girll you’ll be fineee
jake’s girl 🫂:
Yeah y/n, talk to him. Don’t just leave my bro alone like that
y/n <33:
is that fucking jake?
jake’s girl 🫂:
y/n <33:
jake’s girl 🫂:
Okay it’s me, but give Sunghoon a chance
And get off of the phone
y/n subtly rolled her eyes before shutting the phone off. turning her head up, she was met with the same boy who looked just as smitten as earlier.
there was something about his eyes that she could get lost in.
“so.. sunghoon, do you go on dates a lot?”
she sighed to herself, wanting to twist her head in how stupid she sounded.
he softly chuckled at her reaction afterward, watching how she face palmed herself. “i don’t go on a lot, but i enjoy it occasionally.”
‘is he really a one night stand type of guy?’ y/n thought as she nodded.
“and you?”
“well i was actually in a committed relationship with someone but we broke up.. five months ago.” she took a noticeably large gulp of her water after to calm her nerves.
sunghoon’s ears perked up at her words. “you guys broke up?”
“well we’re on this date, aren’t we?”
the two laughed together at how silly and stupid this kind of introduction was.
he was about to ask more, but was stopped by the re-entry of jake and ji-woo. “sorry guys, the car was further than we thought,” the girl huffed.
“no worries, let’s just order.” y/n responded, eyes distracted with how handsome sunghoon looked. her gaze lingered through every facial feature of his, subtly admiring as she forcibly tore her attention away from him after.
hoping no one saw, she changed the subject into what possible dishes she’d order. he noticed though. of course he did. her attempt to look elsewhere was a fail with how she could feel his stare burning holes into her.
the boy laughed quietly to himself before looking at the menu as well.
meanwhile, outside of their world, jake and ji-woo shared the same glance that said — ‘as if it wasn’t already obvious.’
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when dinner finished, the two in a relationship decisively ditched sunghoon and y/n together.
the short girl groaned out an annoyed sigh. to be quite frank, she just wanted the night to end.
she scrolled through her phone to find a text from ji-woo — ‘forgive me queen!!’ — followed by a few other confused messages from min-su and dae.
a click to her device was made and she put it away to turn to sunghoon. “i’m really sorry that they ditched us here…”
he smiled as if he understood. “don’t worry, i don’t mind sitting next to a pretty girl.”
her cheeks quickly flushed, causing her to impulsively slap his arm for a response. “oh shit! sorry, i do that a lot.” she gave a sheepish smile as she rubbed his muscular arm.
he shined his teeth with a wide grin. “i can tell.. guess i should get used to that huh?” he murmured.
“nothing, just keep rubbing my arm like that.” sunghoon raised his thick brows, earning a gasp from y/n.
“the way you get randomly confident is so crazy to me.”
“guess you should get used to that.” he flirted, tongue slipping between his teeth. “wanna get a drink?”
“only if you’re buying,” she said, lips pressed into a sweet smile.
hoon chuckled out at her words — “of course i will, gorgeous.”
immediate butterflies hit her stomach with the newly given name from him. “you’re calling me gorgeous for sure, now?” the girl asked after ordering her alcoholic drink.
“yeah, you don’t like it?” he handed it to her once it was done and took small sips of his own.
she rolled her eyes before sending a light grin. “it’s not bad. can i give you one?”
“be my guest, gorgeous.”
her heart pulsed at the name again, feeling her insides jump as she said, “mm.. how about loser?”
instantly, sunghoon almost spat out his drink. “loser??” he closed his eyes to laugh at her suggestion. “you think i’m a loser?”
“i mean, you could be my loser.” she carelessly responded.
one of his brows raised in amusement. “look who’s confident now.”
“shut up!” she yelled, chuckling alongside the smiley boy.
changing the topic, y/n went into a few other different subjects. and now with a little more alcohol driven in her system, her confidence rose as she suddenly asked, “okay this is random but, how do you think this one night stand thing is going so far?”
sunghoon took a pause — “one night stand? you think this is a one night stand?”
she hiccuped a giggle as she shook her head. “well i mean, don’t you only do one night stands?”
he took her question in a light manner, scratching the back of his neck while laughing it out. “if you think this is a one night stand, then you’re wrong dummy. i don’t do that, and whatever you heard, it’s wrong. i’m not that kind of a person.” his finger playfully nudged her head as he rolled his eyes.
“wha- i’m sorry! i just heard that you tend to be a little mean..,” y/n defended with a scoff.
he beamed a half smile as he let a sigh leave his mouth. “you still think i’m mean after letting you hold my hand?”
she mirrored his expression before softly hitting his arm again. “okay you didn’t let me finish. i thought you were at first! but after that whole movie theater situation, i thought you were pretty sweet.”
his heart subtly lit with fireworks as he bit his lips down to hide his smile. “i am pretty sweet, aren’t i?” he cockily marveled.
“ew sunghoon..”
the male cackled out a laugh at her reaction. “come on, it was funny.”
y/n rolled her eyes — “just a little bit.. but don’t get too carried away with it.”
a few more push and pull on their spat was made before hoon decided to end it with a trip to the restroom.
as she was left alone, her hands pulled out her phone once again to check her flooded group chat.
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Why haven’t you been answering!
Do you still need to be picked up?
jake’s girl 🫂:
she’s busy with sunghoon!!
hee’s fav 🤍:
um ew
my hee said he’s proud of him
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n <33:
i’m literally fine 😭😭 i’m just at a bar with him
hee’s fav 🤍:
a bar??
jake’s girl 🫂:
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
y/n giggled at her screen, about to type out another message before being interrupted.
the familiar voice immediately clicked in her head. she knew that voice from anywhere..
“taehyun??” she felt her heart in her throat with how sudden he appeared back in her life. “what are you doing here?”
a chuckle erupted from his throat as he nervously scratched his neck. “i should be the one asking you that. are you drinking alone?”
“oh no i-“
“nevermind that, you look cold.” he interrupted, taking his leather jacket off to wrap around her.
“it’s really fine, taehyun, you don’t have to.” a sense of an uneasy feeling hit her stomach as she was tensely awkward.
his hands held onto the jacket, attempting to let it cover her shoulders — only for it to be pushed away with another coat from behind.
y/n, of all, was puzzled but quickly grasped that it was sunghoon. he arrived from behind, noticing the subtle body language change in her from her back.
now the jacket he wore earlier had securely been on her shoulders with a hand placed at her waist.
he pulled her in close to him with his eyes narrowing at her ex. “she has mine. she’s not cold.” the girl trailed her eyes from his chest to his masculine face. she took a gulp, careful to not get too caught up with how much she was admiring him. him, and his chiseled chest, strong jawline, sharp nose, dashing eyes, thick brows, and fluffy hair. god, she could stare at him forever.
meanwhile, taehyun felt lost, mind not able to comprehend how sudden a random guy had swooped in near his old lover. “oh i’m sorry, are you guys…”
sunghoon darkly chuckled. “yeah,” he paused with a jaw clench while tightening his hold around her waist, “we’re together.” the surge of possession drawing out of him was something she didn’t expect to see, but she liked it.
the older male understandingly nodded his head before apologizing and taking his leave from the scene.
“thanks.. i didn’t really feel like talking to him.” y/n confessed with her lips pushed in a line.
he smiled as he took his seat, not before sweeping the taehyun air off and taking a sip of his beverage. “i could tell. did i do good as your pretend boyfriend?”
she cackled a laugh, nodding in agreement as she joked, “yeah keep that up and you’ll be my real boyfriend.”
“yeah? i have potential?” his face dipped in closer to hers, breath heavy with a gulp at how close they were.
her lips curled into a smile before leaning in close to let the tips of their noses touch. “you do, loser.” she flirtatiously nudged his head away, laughing at how charmed he was.
they continued through other talks, finding interests in similar things and connecting on a different level. going on a date with someone like him was different than what y/n was used to. she felt like she could actually converse with him after pushing through the awkward surface.
little things about each other were getting to be known — birthdays, interests, goals, connections, mbti’s. they were enjoying each other’s company with just how well they could communicate.
a spark was undeniably ignited between the two loud introverts, and soon enough, the question had been asked — “wanna get out of here?”
“been waiting for you to ask that.” y/n replied with a smile.
the two soon found transportation back to her shared apartment with her friends.
“so you live here with ji-woo?” he asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“yeah, and two others. they’re dating your friends too, heeseung and jungwon.”
sunghoon’s eyes blew up in shock. “what?? really? so how come i never knew you before?”
she grinned ear to ear at his question. “well i was dating taehyun for a while so i was pretty much off the market at the time.”
“too bad, would’ve been perfect for past me.” her head shot up to the boy who was having a faint color of pink tainted on his cheeks.
“what about being perfect for present you?”
y/n stopped in her tracks, allowing sunghoon to face her. “i could tell you already are.” almost immediately, her cheeks grew hot and heavy.
he chuckled, bitting his lips with how she reacted. “so i guess i figured you out tonight.”
her head tilted in confusion, earning another sweet laugh to be heard from him. “i said i’d have fun figuring you out tonight, and i did.”
“you figured me out through one night?”
hoon’s mouth ran through the little details he didn’t dare to miss throughout the night, causing y/n to have her jaw on the floor.
“wow.. you really did figure me out. i mean there’s more to it than that but-“
“but i did good huh?” his nose gave a soft scrunch as he smiled in satisfaction. “i should get a prize for that.”
she giggled. “you want a prize?”
he nodded his head. “only if you’re giving them out.”
the girl rolled her eyes at her date. “fine, what do you want?”
“another date.”
she couldn’t help the beam that took over on her face, closing her eyes shut as she nodded her head. “okay, another date with you it is.”
sunghoon reached one of his hands out — “shake on it.”
“shake on it?” she guffawed.
“yeah, shake on it.” the boy repeated.
she sighed in defeat, giving in because of how handsome his soft pout was. her hands firmly shook his and prepared to let go, only to be in a tight hold again.
before she knew it, his lips smashed against hers. sunghoon smiled through the kiss, enjoying her flustered state with how sudden everything was. his other cupped her cheek, pulling her in closer as she melted into it.
soon enough, he pulled away with his heavy breath against her cheek. the male planted soft and quiet kisses on her lips, indicating her with his longing to connect their lips again.
“that was a good shake huh?” hoon whispered.
she scoffed out a laugh and pushed him away. “shut up.”
a wide grin plastered onto his face as he laughed with a hand on his stomach. “so, another date?”
“we already confirmed that.” said y/n, giving a roll to her eyes once more before feeling his warm hand bring her back.
“can’t wait,” sunghoon murmured, leaning in to leave a comforting peck on her cheek.
“get home safely.” she said. the girl picked out soft strands from his messy and yet gorgeous hair, letting a few still take its fall as her eyes focused on him.
hoon’s cheeks and ears flushed with a tinge of pink, feeling his heart thump out of his chest while nodding — “i will, get home safe too, gorgeous.”
y/n smiled as if on default, softly smacking his arms as she replied, “can’t wait for our next date.”
sunghoon gave a quick ruffle to her hair before taking off. he laughed at her frustrated state when he did it, loving how his teasings caused an adorable reaction like that.
the two definitely had a lot more to learn about each other, but being as comfortable as they were on a first date was a good sign.
after a little more playful bickerings, y/n went inside her apartment complex to converse with her friends in how well the date went. ji-woo, especially, mentioning how she knew they’d match while min-su and dae played out their jokes and gasps in a light manner.
“what did i say!” yelled jake’s girl.
“still doesn’t justify you leaving me completely alone!” y/n yelled back.
“yeah why did you do that, ji-woo?” dae chimed in.
“she needed to talk to him, not me throughout the date!” she defended.
“wow see that, she didn’t even want to talk to you y/n.” min-su instigated.
as for sunghoon, the boy went to his apartment he shared with jake. he spent the entire night wondering and thinking about the girl he just talked to. eventually, asking his best buddy all sorts of questions about y/n so he could ask his girlfriend. the poor boy was exhausted from his own date, and yet hoon was pestering him about all the tiny details that could be heard from ji-woo.
“please jake!” the taller male pleaded.
jake groaned out an annoyed sigh. “dude leave me alone! ask me questions tomorrow!”
“but i want to talk about her now!”
“go bother heeseung or jungwon then, their partners are dating her friends too you know?” he mumbled with an arm draped over his eyes.
“but you’re here now!” sunghoon exclaimed.
“bro just text her, and stop asking me!”
a door slam was made in front of hoon, giving him no choice but to text the girl who’d now be someone he’d think about on the daily basis.
this was just the start to their relationship.
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Taste of His Own Medicine
You suddenly have to leave to go back to your home country for a few months. Yoongi decides to ignore you so you decide to show him how it feels when he realizes you’re gone.
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“Hi Yoongi.”, you said after letting yourself in the studio. You received nothing more than a grunt. “I brought you some food.”, you said trying to lure him over to the couch. “Not now Y/N. I’ve got a lot going on.”, he said without even looking at you. You were starting to get frustrated. Sure you wanted to spend time with him but you also had something really important and time sensitive to tell him. You knew he was already stressed and cranky and your news wasn’t going to make it any better. “Yoongi please come have dinner with me. I really need to talk to you about something.”, you begged. He slammed his hand on the desk and spun his chair around startling you., “What part of not now I’m busy are you not understanding? Sometimes you can be so frustrating Y/N. Please just get out and leave me alone.” You didn’t say a word and just grabbed your bag storming out of his studio slamming the door behind you.
Back at your apartment you were doing your best to calm your nerves. You couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to speak to you like that and even after you haven’t spoken or seen each other in three weeks. You felt that you were more than patient and understanding when he got into moods like this with his work. He always did this to you where he’d ignore you and if he did pay attention to you he was short with everything you did and said. You finished zipping up the last of your bags and placed them by the door along with your plane ticket. Something had come up and you had to fly back to your home country which was the reason for your visit to Yoongi’s today. You were going to tell him that in the morning you had to fly home and you’d be gone for at least two months. You had hoped to eat dinner together and cuddle a little since it would be the last time you’d be with each other for a while. Instead you were yelled at and called names.
The following morning you woke up and checked your phone secretly hoping for a text or a phone call or anything from Yoongi giving you a reason to call him and hear his voice before leaving for the airport but nothing. “Fine then. If he doesn’t care I won’t either.”, you thought slamming your phone down on the desk. You showered and got changed just finishing up when you got a notification that your ride was waiting outside. You grabbed your bags and took one last look at your apartment you’d be away from and closed the door behind you.
Once at the airport you remembered why you hated flying so much. The crowds of rude people, the loud noises, the having to rush no matter how early you are. You hated it. Your first flight went smoothly. You arrived at your layover destination and decided to grab something to eat while you waited to board your next flight. While eating your sandwich you remembered that you had turned your phone off before the last flight and pulled it out of your pocket to power it on.
Once up and running you waiting for any notifications to pop up. There were two texts from your mom, one from your best friend, and one from your boss. Then you saw something that concerned you. 11 missed calls and close to 20 texts messages, all from Yoongi.
Yoongles: Hey Y/N, I’m on my way home. Did you need me to stop and get you anything? I seriously can’t want to get in bed with you. I need a hug more than anything.
“Odd he wants to pretend like he didn’t snap last night.”, you thought before continuing to read.
Yoongles:Y/N where are you? I thought today was your day off.
Yoongles: Babe seriously you never go this long without responding.
Yoongles: Y/N why is a bunch of your stuff gone? Did you leave?
Yoongles: Listen I know I’ve been difficult lately but you know I love you and you mean everything to me.
Yoongles: Y/N please answer me. I’m really worried right now. Whatever happened we can fix it.
Before you could continue reading your phone started ringing again. You saw Yoongi’s name pop up. Part of you wanted to just ignore him but you did feel kind of bad knowing that he was in distress. You decided to answer,
“Y/N! Where are you? I’ll come to you. We need to talk”
“Umm I’m actually at the airport waiting for my connecting flight back home.”
“What?! You’re going back home? Like forever?”
“No I’ll be gone for at least the next two months. Maybe a little longer.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? You seriously just packed your stuff without saying goodbye.”
“Actually I came by your studio yesterday. Remember? I had found out yesterday morning that something has come up and I need to go back home for a while. I brought you food and asked you to talk to me. You ignored me and then yelled at me and called me annoying and told me to leave so I did.”
There was a long silence before Yoongi spoke again, “No this isn’t happening. I really don’t get to see you for at least two months? I can’t live like that.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, “Well maybe this will teach you not to take our time together for granted and to not treat me like that. They’re about to start boarding so I have to go. Take care of yourself Yoongi. I’ll see you when I get back.” With that you hung up not giving him the chance to say anything else. You knew it was harsh but he was also harsh towards you and you wanted him to regret his actions as petty as that might be. Maybe he’ll see what it feels like to be on the receiving end of feeling ignored. A taste of his own medicine.
You shut your phone back off and made your way to the gate boarding your next plane. Your next flight thankfully went quick and you landed back in your home country. You were going to be staying with your parents. Finally arriving at your parents house you quickly went up to your old room and laid in bed exhausted from the day of travel. You turned on your phone so you could charge it and set your alarm clock when you heard a bunch of notifications which you figured were all from Yoongi. You were correct. He had tried to call you six more times and sent you a bunch of texts,
Yoongles: Y/N I’m really sorry. I was such a jerk. I never should’ve asked you to leave.
Yoongles: Please let me know when you’ve landed so that I know you’re safe.
Yoongles: I’ll stop bothering you. Just please let me know you’re safe and okay. I’m laying in bed alone and I really miss you. I love you.
You sighed. As much as you wanted to completely ignore him you knew he’d be a nervous wreck all night if he didn’t know you were safe and you didn’t want that.
You: I just got to my parents so I’m safe. Get some sleep Yoongi. You really need it. I’ll talk to you another time.
Over the next couple months Yoongi texted you and called you more than he had in the last six months. You didn’t completely ignore him but you definitely tried to give him that taste of his own medicine.
You were able to get everything situated back home and got prepared to make the trip back to Seoul. You had decided to keep it a surprise from Yoongi telling him that you were still probably going to be gone for a few more weeks.Thankfully the trip was quick and easy and you were now making your way to his studio. You knocked on the door but all you heard was a muffled Go Away. Rolling your eyes you knocked again, this time louder and harder hoping to get his attention.
It worked because a few second later the door swung open with fury and standing there was a disheveled Yoongi. He looked like he hadn’t slept the entire time you were gone and he probably ate just enough to barely keep him alive. “What do you wa-?”, he stopped mid speech when his eyes met yours. Instantly he lunged forward wrapping his arms around you burying his face in your neck. Before you could say anything you felt his shoulder start to shake and not long after you felt warm tears landing on your neck. Gently you pushed him away to get a better look and saw that he was crying.
“Yoongles, why are you crying?”, you asked wiping at the tears. This was only the third time he had ever allowed you to see him cry and it was heartbreaking. He was taking this a lot harder than you ever thought he would.
Quickly you pulled him into his studio and sat him down on the couch trying to comfort him. After he was able to calm his breathing he leaned onto you snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, “I’m so sorry Y/N. I never knew how hard it was when I shut you out. These last couple months have been awful.” You kissed his forehead, “It’s okay Yoongi. I’m here now. I’m sorry that I just left like that but I wanted you to see how it felt even though it was painful for me too. I worried about you every day while I was gone.” He chuckled, “Yeah well I cried pretty much every night. I don’t know how you did it all these years. I promise I’m going to be better about spending time with you and I’ll watch my mouth.” You smiled while pushing the hair out of his face, “Good because next time I go home I just might not come back.” Yoongi shook his head at the thought.
You watched him walk over to his computer closing all of the systems and powering it off. “What are you doing?”, you asked confused. He started putting on his coat and walked over to take your hand, “We’re gonna go get something to eat and then go home. We have two months of cuddles to make up for and I’m not waiting any longer.” You smiled taking his hand and walking out of the room with him happy that you finally get to relax in his arms like you wanted from the start.
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diamond-champagne · 3 months
4. I Lost You
Paige Bueckers x Azzi Fudd
Warnings: Slightly suggestive
A/N: Thank you so much for the support <3 This chapter is a bit choppy as it is a filler but I hope it provides clarity for the chapters to come! As always, feedback is always welcome! Enjoy. :)
The next few days fly by as far as Paige is concerned. She spends it going through the motions. Before she knows it, she’s making arrangements to go home for Thanksgiving. It’ll be the first time in years that Paige is only going home to Minneasota. She won’t be heading to Virginia to visit Azzi and her family. Riley would be going home with her this year. The thought makes her want to vomit.
The younger girl hasn’t asked her about her plans for break. In fact, they haven’t seen each other outside of practice. It’s a strange reality for Paige because she never thought she’d have to miss Azzi when they’re finally so close to each other. It’s funny how they felt more connected when they were hundreds of miles apart. Paige sighs deeply. 
A knock on the door interrupts Paige’s thoughts. She quickly checks her phone before opening up the door. Blair is waiting on the other side. The basketball player promised to drive her friend to the airport. 
“We’re going to be late. Let’s go!” Blair rushes Paige. She quickly gathers her keys and her phone before quickly walking to the car. Paige is very happy that Blair gets to see her boyfriend. They’ve made so much progress in their relationship despite the obstacles thrown at them from being long distance. However she’s sad; because Blair is leaving and Paige doesn’t know how she’ll get through the rest of the semester.
It’s a shared sentiment between the two. They had a conversation while eating dinner.
It’s around 8pm on Tuesday when Blair texts her.
You. Me. Noodles and Company?
Paige immediately agrees. Beyond the mention of the place that makes her favorite Mac and Cheese, her friend is leaving tomorrow. The blue-eyed girl isn’t sure how to cope with that. Paige is deep in thought when her phone vibrates again. It’s another message from Blair.
Let me in!
Paige figures that the girl had already been on her way when she initially texted her. This distance between her apartment and the restaurant is too far for her to get here as fast as she did. Nonetheless, she moves from her spot on the couch to let the brown-haired girl in. The smell of the food attacks Paige’s senses immediately.
“Hi, Paigey” Blair greets as she moves into the kitchen. 
“Hey, B” Paige responds. The two girls are quick to pull out their food and dig in. The silence between them is comfortable, at least for a moment.
“I’m gonna miss you, B” Paige confesses. She isn’t sure how she became so close with the girl in front of her in a matter of weeks. The blue-eyed girl would’ve never thought that she would be friends with the girl who bought her a tequila shot, but here she is. 
“Stop! We’ll say goodbye when you drive me to the airport tomorrow.” Blair demands. She also thinks about how she’ll miss Paige. 
“What am I supposed to do without you?” Paige whines. She really doesn’t know.
“You’re going to heal your heart.” Blair responds softly. “You’re going to move on because this is killing you. You have to do this for yourself.” Paige can only nod. “When I come back, I want to see a happier version of you. One that gets all of the love she deserves in this world.”
Paige gets up to hug the girl. She only hopes that she understands what she means when she replies “Thank you”. Blair hugs the basketball player a little tighter before pulling away.
“This is our last night together. We need tequila shots.” Blair laughs. She doesn’t want the entire night to feel heavy. Paige laughs but agrees and pulls out a bottle from her cabinet along with two shot glasses.
The rest of the evening is spent enjoying each other's company. Both girls were so glad that they had met the other.
When they finally reach the airport, silence settles between them. Paige gets out of the car to help Blair grab her bags from the trunk. They aren’t ready to say goodbye just yet. It’s simple.
“I’ll see you soon, Bueckers.” Blair smirks. Her tease lightens the mood. This is what she said when they first met.
“I can't wait!” Paige flirts back. 
They hug before Blair turns to walk in the airport. She’s almost through the door when she turns back to gain the basketball player's attention. 
“Paige!” she yells which prompts the blue-eyed girl to look at her. “Take care of yourself.” It’s not an easy task but she says it anyway. 
“I will. Promise” Paige confirms.
“You’re too full of life to be half loved.” and with that, Blair walks into the airport. She doesn’t give the girl a chance to respond. She doesn’t need to. Blair can only hope that the blonde girl listens to her.
For the next few days, Paige carries those words with her. 
“You are too full of life to be half loved.” echoes in her head at all hours of the day.
She carries them home to Minneasota for Thanksgiving. She looks for any type of love within the people around her. 
She sees it with Drew. It’s in the way he naturally gravitates to her. It’s in the way he looks at her like she can do no more.
Paige sees the same thing with her dad. His eyes hold a certain type of admiration. She can tell that he’s filled with a sense of pride when he looks at her. He’s proud of her. 
She hears it when talks to Blair’ and her other friends. They naturally include her and accept her. 
She feels it when the Fudds call and text her individually on the holiday. Katie, Tim, Jon, and Jose each make an effort to wish her a happy Thanksgiving despite her not being there with them. They don’t have a reason to think about her; but they do.
She understands it now. Why should she settle for only half of that? 
Paige decided over Thanksgiving break that she won’t.
Azzi spends the week of Thanksgiving with her family and Riley. The decision to bring her was last minute and slightly impulsive. Okay so maybe slightly more than slightly impulsive. The curly-haired girl had essentially thrown a wrench into everyone’s plans by bringing the volleyball player home with her. 
Everyone had planned for Azzi to walk through the door with Paige. 
Her grandparents had come with the hopes of being able to see the pair for a little while. Jon and Jose were disappointed that there wouldn’t be someone to play 2K with besides each other. Katie had felt completely unprepared for the unexpected guest. She didn’t know what food Riley liked but she made sure to stock up on the ingredients for mac and cheese for Paige. Tim simply just couldn’t get past the fact that his daughter knew anyone else besides Paige. He really couldn’t get past the fact that they had washed this hideous fluffy purple blanket, only for the owner to not occupy their home.
Azzi knows this because she feels it too. It begins the day after Thanksgiving.
Riley and Azzi are cuddling in the basketball player's bed. Riley has an arm swung over Azzi’s waist while her face is buried in her neck. Azzi rubs small circles on her back while scrolling through tik tok. She’s bored and antsy.
Azzi is restless. She spent one full week with her girlfriend Riley and she hated it. It’s not that Riley isn’t fun to be around; but she wasn’t Paige. She didn’t know her way around her parents’ house or have inside jokes with her brothers. She didn’t understand why certain tik toks were funny. She didn’t smell like vanilla or have blonde hair. And she certainly didn’t have big, bright, blue eyes..
Azzi missed Paige. The concept isn’t exactly new to her. Their entire friendship is built off of them missing each other. But even in the times that they’re apart, they’re together. There’s a never ending stream of phone calls and text messages. They have a widget app that allows the other’s picture to appear on their home screen. They wear each other’s clothes more often than not. Paige and Azzi are always intertwined in some sense. Paige and Azzi are more like PaigeandAzzi.
If she’s thinking about it, Azzi suppose that’s why it was so easy for her and Paige. It was so easy to kiss Paige. It was so easy to touch Paige. They had already known everything there was to know; secrets, crushes, dreams, and fears. This was simply just something to add to this list. Now she knows all that she did before plus some.
Now Azzi knows that when she kisses Paige right below her left ear, the blonde lets out whimpers that one can only dream about. She knows that when they’re making out, she should bite the older girl’s bottom lip. Azzi knows that Paige lets out the most pornographic when she kisses the birth mark on her inner thigh. She also knows that she has to give Paige praise because even though she’ll never admit it, she loves it when Azzi calls her a good girl.
So, Azzi knows it all. She even knows that Paige is in love with her. She can hear it in the way Paige speaks to her. Her voice held a certain softness that is reserved specifically for the younger girl. She can feel it in the way Paige looks at her; like Azzi can hang the moons and the stars. She can feel it in the way Paige touches her. The blonde is gentle but Azzi feels every emotion when they hug. It feels like home.
It felt like home.
She hasn’t heard that voice or looked into those eyes in a very long time. Azzi knows it is her fault. She took all she could from the girl without giving anything else back in return. She didn’t have anything to offer the girl; so she didn’t.
Now Azzi is home during Thanksgiving Break; holding a girl that isn’t Paige. And that’s why Azzi hated it; because she wanted those eyes with blonde hair. Everyday. She wanted every holiday with Paige and everyday in between. 
She can’t have that though. Azzi has taken so much from Paige; she doesn’t even know where she would start.
So, she pulls Riley closer. She isn’t Paige but she hasn’t lost her.
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bluekidchaos · 2 months
toxic!mark hoffman x reader
this is ass btw
Pairings: Mark Hoffman x reader (no pronouns i think but envisioned as fem)
Warnings: 18+, manipulation, panic attacks, trauma, reader was in a saw game but no actual details are there, age gap (not actually mentioned but i envisioned it so in my head and i think it adds another spicy layer to the toxicness hihi), i guess kinda dub-con bc she’s only attracted to him bc trauma and manipulation so idk
Words: 1.5k
Can also be read on AO3!
Back to masterlist.
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mark isn’t handling your case directly but he sees you at the station after you had won your game and he’s mesmerized as he sees you again
he approaches you and makes sure you are ok and don't need anything
when you’re at the hospital he visits you as much as possible, offering a shoulder to cry on and to listen when you talk about what happened (or anything really) 
he sneaks you non-hospital food and drinks and keeps you comfortable
when you get released he gives you his personal phone number and tells you to call or text whenever and he’ll respond as soon as you can
you’re a bit hesitant at first, i mean he’s already done so much for you and now he’s letting you bother him off the clock?
but he insists that it’s ok, the first text comes late that night, just a small thank you for everything
the next few calls and texts are few and far between but as he keeps reassuring you it's okay you feel comfortable calling him more, sometimes just to chat about random stuff
you’d consider him a friend at this point and you meet up a month later for coffee, you mention feeling paranoid in your apartment, it’s where you were taken after all and he tells you there's nothing to worry about but to call if anything happens
a night or so after the meet you call him in the middle of the night, he can tell you’ve been crying by your hoarse voice and the sniffles coming through the phone
“what’s wrong?” he fakes a tired voice. “i’m s-sorry, did i- did i wake you?” you almost sob out. “no, not at all, are you okay?” worry clear in his tone, “i can’t stay here, i keep seeing shadows move in every corner and i constantly feel like someones watching me.” you blurt it all out in one breath. 
mark tries his best not to let the smirk betray his voice, “alright, you’re alright. i..” he pauses “i might have a suggestion but please tell me if i'm crossing a boundary here.” he knows you won’t say no but he’s gotta keep up the act a bit longer
“please, anything, i don't know what to do anymore, i haven’t slept in days.” you sound so desperate for his help and he has to stop himself from groaning into the phone, “you can sleep at mine tonight, i’ll take the couch and then i’ll help you find a new place okay?” 
your heart misses a beat, and you wanna take the offer the second it leaves his lips but the thought of putting him on the couch in his own home stops you, “i can’t do that, i mean you shouldn’t have to do that”
“it’s fine, it won't be forever” he gives a little laugh that reassures you, “just until we find you a new place ok?”
you resing your hesitation, you’re too exhausted to argue “okay..thank you” mark smiles again, this time not caring as much if it's noticeable “alright, text me your address and i’ll come and pick you up right away, and pack a bag.” 
you hang up and text him the address and start packing as he said
mark already knows where you live of course but you don't need to know that, he waits in his car for the time it would have taken him to drive from his to you before stepping out of the car and going up to your door and pressing the buzzer, “i’ll be right down!” he hears you say through the door phone before it flashes green and he steps inside and waits for you
you come down the stairs fast, he can tell you haven’t slept in a while, the bags under your eyes the biggest indicator
he grabs the bag from you and escorts you to his car before driving the two of you to his place
it’s the first night you sleep through all the way, feeling safe as mark is just outside on the couch and you're surrounded by the smell of him and his things
the next morning you wake up by mark shuffling around in the room clearly trying to be quiet but he notices you stirring and goes still “shit, sorry i was trying not to wake you” you sit up and groggily rub your eyes, “what time is it?” he walks over to his dresser and grabs some sock out of it, you notice now he isn’t wearing a shirt, only some sleep short and you turn your gaze away, a bit flustered, “5.30 am, sorry i’m just getting ready for work. you should go back to sleep.” 
oh, work, right he has a life to live, now you feel extra stupid for taking his offer, depriving him of sleep when he has to get up and work, stupid. but it’s like he can tell what you’re thinking, “hey, you go back to sleep and stay here today alright? you can use my computer to look at apartments if you want.” you nod and lay down again, and you fall asleep before he’s out the door.
that evening when he walked through the door he was met with the most delicious smell as you greeted him from the kitchen, “i thought i’d at least make myself useful while im here so i made dinner” he walked over to the stove and to a deep breath, he probably hadn’t smelt anything this good in years. “wow, it smells really amazing, thank you, darling.”
the name made your stomach flutter, and you blushed at his praise, “oh it’s nothing"
the next 2 months consisted of you and mark living together, you cooked and cleaned while he was at work, making sure he always came home to a warm meal, he would go with you to look at apartments and give his advice and opinion when asked. you really appreciated it, he always knew when an area was unsafe or not and you seemed to be quite unlucky in your search as all the places you found were either in unsafe areas or unsafe apartments, you didn’t really understand that but you trusted marks opinion on your safety and if he didn’t deem it safe for you you didn’t take it. 
you and mark had also gotten closer during this time, he’d care for you through your nightmares and panic attacks, and he’d hold you while you cried yourself to sleep and stay all night in bed with you. you were so lucky to have mark, he really cared for you, he'd seen you at your worst but still cared. he’d kissed you one night while comforting you, it caught you off guard a bit but you craved his affection and touch. it was the first time you had sex. 
you tried your best to go out and be a part of society but it always felt like someone lurked in the shadows, ready to get you at any moment. sometimes you called mark in a panic bc it felt like someone was following you, 
he gladly came to get you every time, lamenting on about how you had to be careful and there were dangerous people out there, he would always bring up some case he was working on as examples, eventually you stopped trying to go out on your own
you had realised one night while looking at places together that you didn’t want to live without mark, couldn’t live without him, the thought alone made your chest squeeze and your breath heavy. he could tell you were having another panic attack and pulled you into his arms immediately soothing you, “hey, hey what’s wrong?” he pushed some hair behind your ear to get a better look at you.
your glazed and teary eyes find his and the look you give him makes him have to bite back a moan, he always loved seeing you like this, panicked, desperate for his comfort, only he could calm you down, “i can’t live without you, i don’t feel safe if you're not around, how am i supposed to be on my own, i need you there!” you practically wail at him in your hysteria, clinging to him like your life depended on it and to you it felt that way
mark only held you closer and ran his hands soothingly up and down your back, “shh, shh, it’ll be alright. you don’t have to move out if you don’t want to, i don’t mind having you here. i’d feel better with you near me too.”
“really?” you barely get the word out between sobs, “yeah, i mean we’re together anyways so moving together officially maybe isn’t that dumb. and it’s a dangerous world out there, how am i supposed to protect you if i'm not with you?”
you nodded in a haze, “thank you, thank you, i’m safe with you” you cried as you buried your face in his chest again and he continued stroking your back
you couldn’t see the smile on his face as he finally had you exactly where he wanted you
paranoid and afraid of the world around you, only trusting of him, your love
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one-idea · 8 months
Nika reincarnated and the King of Hell.
I don’t know how many of you are Zelda fans but Luffy being the sun god Nika could go crazy hard with the Skyward Sword storyline.
For those of you who have not played Skyward sword no worries I’m changing enough of the plot it won’t matter to much
Let’s say there is the legend of Nika. A legend pass down of the sun god who came to earth to liberate slaves and return joy and freedom to the world.
Most of the texts has been lost but the oral tradition keeps the story alive. However it is not a totally accurate account.
They tell the story of Nika’s exploits on Earth. Including his help from other gods/angels/deities.
But the most famous tale is the story of Nika’s fight with the King of Hell. The fight to free the people of this world. Nika was able to seal away the King of Hell but was fatally wounded as a result of the fight.
However the true version this tale had been lost to time. The current version is missing quite a lot of detail. Including the fact that Nika, perhaps knowing he would be needed again or just wanting to be with his friends and loved ones once more, sacrificed his immortality so that his soul could reincarnate as a human.
Thousands of years later Luffy is born.
After Luffy unlocks Gear 5 he starts to get these weird visions or feelings. It starts out while he’s sleeping but he’s starting to get them while he’s awake. It’s starting to worry the crew. One minute he will be standing there talking to them and then the next his eyes are locked on the horizon, but they aren’t really seeing anything and he’s not responding to their calls.
It’s only for short periods of time, and Luffy tries to brush them off with the crew, but he’s really starting to freak out. Because he’s seeing things that he does not remember happening.
When they arrive on the next island Luffy gets separated from the others. Maybe a cult follower of Nika. Maybe an old friend, someone who already remembers their past life with Nika and is here to help Luffy as he unlocks his memories. (Maybe Shanks or Sabo, someone Luffy would willingly go with and trust them when they say his crew will be fine)
Meanwhile, while Luffy is going on a journey of self discovery, the crew is losing their minds
Specifically Zoro. He’s been having weird dreams since Enies Lobby when he unlocked his Asura form for the first time. They were few and far between but they always freaked him out because why was he fighting Luffy in those dreams?
It’s been getting worse since he gained Enma. Every night since picking up that sword he’s been having weird dreams. Something that used to happen once a month at most is now a nightly occurrence. And then when he unlocked the title King of Hell he started getting them in the day. And he’s starting to freak out. Because he’s starting to remember their previous lives. But nothing makes sense. There are some memories where Zoro?Asura? and Luffy?Nika? Seem to act like they do now, there are some memories where they seem closer (memories that make his cheeks burn) but there are also memories where they seem to be at each others throats and fighting to the death. But that seems to be only one memory, the one memory that won’t leave him alone.
And he’s been wondering for weeks if Luffy has been remembering to. If the pauses where he zones out are actually him being plaguing by visions to. But he’s to scared to ask, because what if the only memory Luffy has of past Zoro is them fighting? Or what if Luffy isn’t seeing visions and Zoro is just crazy?
And now Luffy has gone missing and they need to find him but they keep getting to him to late. Luffy’s moved on to the next temple, next location, and they are always just a step behind their captain.
(Note other crew members are remembering things from their past lives as well. I haven’t placed them all yet but they were definitely around with Nika in the past. Now what role they played is up for debate. A different god/ one of Nika’s angels/ or just a person who was loyal to Nika in the past, someone he liked enough to tie them to his soul when it reincarnated.)
Once they reunite Luffy and Nika have fully merged. The crew can tell he’s different. But they don’t have long to talk. Something is coming. Whatever happened in the past is about to come again and Nika has to hold it off until the crew is ready to fight. (Till they remember what he does) he goes to do this but swears to them that no matter what happens or what they remember he’s still their captain, he’s still their Luffy.
And the he’s gone again. Somewhere they can’t follow this time. Not until they remember. Not until their enemy is defeated.
As they go on their quest they all start to remember different parts of the story. Which could lead to one of them (probably Sanji) remembering the final fight between Asura and Nika. But he has no other context so it just lead to him and Zoro fighting because he thinks Zoro is their enemy or at least he used to work for him, because Asura dealt the fatal blow to Nika which started this reincarnation crap.
It isn’t until they put the whole story together that they find out Asura was possessed when he fought Nika. It was an unseeable betrayal because it wasn’t a betrayal. Once Asura delt the fatal blow to Nika he snapped out of it. He followed Nika’s decision to sacrifice his immortality in the hopes that they could be together again.
The main enemy is probably Imu. An ancient deity who Nika sealed the powers of long ago. Enough time has passed that the seal has weakened and that is way Luffy has to hold the seal while his crew gets their memories back.
I love Zelda and I think this could be a lot of fun taking elements of both skyward sword and Tears of the kingdom to make it work.
Obviously the whole crew had their roles in the past life. So did Ace, Sabo, Shanks and others
I kinda like the idea of Shanks being Luffy’s guide to his memories while his crew runs interference with the Strawhats. One of the great parts of Skyward swords story is your always a step behind Zelda and Impa never lets you forget that you were to slow to save her. That if Impa wasn’t there Zelda would be dead, and Link would have been to slow and weak to stop it. The idea of Shanks crew (and maybe Mihawk) taunting the Strawhats with the fact that they are to slow or weak to protect their captain has a lot of drama to it. Luffy’s safe, Shanks’ wouldn’t let anything happen to him, but the fact that they (the Strawhats) are to slow to help him over and over has to hurt.
This could also work really well with Sabo in this position. Sabo helping Luffy with his memories while Dragon taunts the crew.
I also love the idea that for centuries Asura was blamed for Nika’s death and Zoro and the crew learning about it with no context. Zoro would lose his mind at just the idea that he could ever be the one responsible for killing Luffy in a past life. Of course it’s not the full truth as they later find out but that moment would be awesome.
Let me know what you guys think. I want to talk about this more.
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
#1 - Mike:
Her phone buzzes causing it to nearly vibrate off her nightstand and onto the floor. She catches it just in time and blearily stares at the bright screen to see who the fuck is calling her at midnight. Deep down, she knows it is likely one of two people. Her girlfriend or her best friend. Knowing Veronica and the number of times Lena has bitten her head off for late night booty calls, it’s likely the latter. Rubbing her eyes to help focus, she is proven correct. It’s Kara. If her best friend is calling this late, it can only mean one thing. 
“What has the jackass done this time?” Lena groggily croaks into the phone. “Do I need to hire someone to beat his ass?” She rolls over in bed, resting the phone on the pillow next to her as she puts it on speaker.
Soft sniffles drift into the silence before Kara’s tired voice can be heard. “He came home drunk again. This time he had lipstick on his face and his collar.” Muffled movement can be heard in the background as a door closes. “He’s passed out on the couch now since I refused to let him in the bedroom or our bed. Why do I keep putting up with his shit?”
Lena sighs, rolling over and placing her phone on her chest. “Because you love him. Same reason I have put up with Roni’s shit for so long. Either that or we are gluttons for misery and mistreatment.” A humorless laugh reverberates between them. “Do you want to come over? We can cuddle and commiserate in my comfy bed.”
A quiet sob escapes Kara’s throat on the other end of the line. “Y-Yeah. I’d like that. W-Where’s Veronica?”
“Who the fuck knows? We had a fight last night and I haven’t talked to her since.” Lena scoffs and shuffles out of bed to turn a lamp on in the living room. “Just use your key. I turned a light on for you and will be keeping the bed warm.”
They both chuckle and hang up. Lena crawls back in bed to wait for her best friend. 
#2 - Veronica:
A few weeks later, Kara is up late watching a movie. Mike is god knows where. The story this time is he’s out with some coworkers after their shift at the bar. She’s pretty sure he’s fucking the other bartender, Imra. She can’t prove it, but there’s too much circumstantial evidence for it not to be true. He has already been sleeping on the couch since the last incident and she’s getting incredibly close to kicking him out of her apartment. Not that he really lives there anyway, he just stays there most of the time.
A long sigh of irritation huffs out as her phone chimes with a text. She glances at the time on her cable box to see it’s almost one in the morning. Her chest twinges because she knows it’s likely Lena and that means Veronica is up to her bullshit again. Grabbing her phone from the coffee table, she taps the notification. She does her best not to laugh, but can’t hold back when she sees an angry emoji followed by a string of expletives. Instead of responding, she hits the call button.
“So she decided tonight would be a good time to give you unsolicited advice about your own career and let you know she won’t be attending the gala with you on Saturday?” Kara says, listening to her best friend growl with unbridled anger on the other end. “What did she think she was going to get in response? A hug? A thank you? Fuck, sometimes I think Veronica has the emotional intelligence of a shoestring.”
The last sentence makes Lena pause in her rant and a sudden burst of laughter comes across the line before it quiets again. “Oh Kara, thank you. I needed that. I can always count on you to make me laugh. To answer your question, I have no idea what she was expecting. It almost seems like she is trying to piss me off.” A slight pause and a door closing sounds across the line. “Sometimes I think she does shit like this simply because she likes makeup sex. Why in the hell do I put up with that woman?!”
“Maybe it’s some twisted way of punishing ourselves? Sometimes I think I somehow deserve it. I mean, I always forgive him. Is that giving him permission to keep doing it?” Kara sighs, rubbing her forehead in shared annoyance. “It’s been two years and nothing changes. It makes me wonder what the final straw will be.”
Read the rest on AO3. Link above.
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟿 - 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝟶𝚝𝟾
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♥️𝚌𝚑.𝟾 ♠️ 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟶♣️
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿 - 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢
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Minghao led Y/N to a bathroom at the end of the hallway. He directed her to sit on the chair that was in the center of the room.
“What are you planning?” Y/N wondered.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out later once I’m done,” Hao smirked. “But trust me honey, when I’m done with you, those boys won’t be able to resist you.”
“To be honest, I don’t care if they can resist me or not,” Y/N sighed.
“I call total bullshit on that one,” Hao snapped, placing a cape on her to protect her clothing. “You may think you're slick, but I see the games you’re playing.”
He spun the chair around, facing Y/N away from the mirror as he started to work his magic on her hair.
“I’m not playing any games,” Y/N denied.
“Honestly, I can't blame you, they’re a sexy bunch and I’d want them all for myself too. But, when you play with fire, little girl, you always get burnt,” Hao said.
Y/N didn’t respond, she didn’t know how to exactly. Minghao accepted her silence as a confirmation of being correct. Satisfied, he continued to work on her hair.
“How do you feel about piercings and tattoos?” Minghao inquired.
“I don’t know, are you asking if I think you would look good with a piercing or tattoo?” she wondered, looking at the boy's perfect complexion.
“I know I'd look with anything but no honey, I'm already a piece of art, I wouldn’t want to mess with this already perfect canvas,” Minghao smiled. “I was thinking about you getting some things pierced and maybe a tattoo or two.”
“Why?” Y/N asked.
“I think it would add to the look that I’m trying to achieve here,” he explained. “You know what? I think we’re going to do that.”
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. When the person answered, Minghao started, “hey kitten, are you busy?”
“I’m never too busy for you,” the man on the phone said. “What do you need?”
“Can you come over and do a few piercings on a girl who is in desperate need of a makeover?” He asked. “I promise, I’ll make it worth your time.”
“Send me the address and I’ll be right over,” the man agreed.
He smirked, “I’ll see you soon.” He disconnected the call and sent his location over to the mystery caller.
Then sent out another text, frowning when he got the response.
“Well, it seems that you’ll be getting your piercings done today but the ink will have to wait till tomorrow,” he explained.
“I haven’t agreed to any of this,” Y/N huffed, sitting up in the chair.
“Awww, I think it’s cute that you think you have a choice,” Minghao smiled, pushing her back down in the seat. “Seonghwa said to make you more presentable and that's what I intend on doing.”
Y/N exhaled slowly, “why does he hate me so much?”
“Who?” he asked.
“Seonghwa. He’s always so mean to me, last night he called me a worthless whore,” Y/N explained.
“Seonghwa doesn’t hate you,”Minghao grinned. “I think he hates the way you make him feel. That seems to be the common theme around here lately.”
“How do I make him feel?” Y/N wondered.
“You’ll have to ask him that,” Hao said. “But if I may offer some advice. With that one, you can’t be so direct, you’re going to have to be a little more helpless. He’s the type that likes to be in control.”
“How do you know all of this?” she wondered.
“I’ve been around a long time, honey, and I know a dom when I see one,” he grinned. “What I would give to be you for one day. I would make that boy fall in love.”
Minghao continued to work on her hair, between the cutting and the dying, it took over an hour. Hao was almost finished blowing out Y/N’s hair when the bathroom door slowly opened.
“Knock knock,” a man said while entering the room.
“It’s about time you get here, kitten,” he smirked.
“I’ve told you not to call me that,” the man rolled his eyes.
“Oh that’s right, you prefer when I call you daddy,” Minghao teased. 
“Stop it,” the man said as he tried not to look embarrassed.
“Is this your boyfriend?” Y/N interrupted.
“No,” the man snapped. “I am not his boyfriend.”
Minghao glared at the man, “you don’t have to say it so harshly, damn. I have feelings too.”
“We talked about this,” the man quietly said. “And I thought you understood.”
“Oh I understand completely,” Minghao said. “I’m just supposed to  be your dirty little secret.”
“Don’t be like this,” the man sighed.
“Whatever,” Minghao rolled his eyes. “Anyways, this is Mingyu. He's gonna be doing your piercings.”
“Hi Mingyu, I’m Y/N,” she smiled.
“Don’t get any ideas, this one is mine,” Minghao snapped.
Mingyu shook his head in disbelief, “so what are we going to pierce?” he asked.
“I’d like my ears done,” Y/N said.
“Boring,” Minghao sighed. “Look you look hot with this hair, now the rest of you needs to get caught up.”
Y/N looks at Mingyu, “I apparently don’t have a say in this so why don’t you just ask your little boyfriend what you will be piercing.”
“He is not my boyfriend,” Mingyu responded.
“Not yet,” Minghao added. “I’m thinking her nose, maybe an eyebrow, ears, and definitely her belly button.”
“That’s a lot of piercings,” Y/N pointed out.
“Shut up,” he snapped, still staring at Mingyu with a look of lust in his eyes.
“And what am I getting out of this?” Mingyu asked. “You know what, don’t tell me now. Tell me later, when we’re alone.”
“Yes, daddy, keep telling me what to do,” Minghao smirked.
“You don’t look like you’d be gay,” Y/N pointed out, looking at Mingyu.
“And I do?” Minghao snapped.
“I mean…” she started.
Minghao turned to glare at Y/N, waiting for her response.
“Are you soon done with my hair? I want to see how it looks,” Y/N said, changing the subject.
“I’m finished with it, but daddy is gonna do your piercings and I’m gonna work on your face a little before I’m gonna let you see,” he explained. “And when I say a little, I actually mean a lot because, girl you need a whole ass face lift.”
“The anticipation is killing me,” Y/N stated. 
Minghao took a makeup kit out and proceeded to do a complete makeover on Y/N’s face. Mingyu went to work on the various piercings that his boss insisted on.
When they were both finished, Hao looked at Y/N and smiled, “you look hot,” he announced.
“Thanks,” Mingyu smiled, squeezing Minghao’s ass from behind. “You do too.”
Minghao bit his lip, “calm down, we’re almost done with her.”
He spun Y/N’s chair around so she could look in the mirror.
“Oh my god,” Y/N exclaimed, “I look completely different.”
“That’s the point,” Minghao sighed. 
She reached up and touched her hair, “I love it.”
“Of course you do,” he agreed. “I told you that you were in good hands. Now let’s go see what Seonghwa thinks.”
He grabbed Y/N’s hand, leading her out of the bathroom. Before they exited, he turned to look at Mingyu, “my room is two doors down that way, go wait in there for me…please.”
“Okay,” Mingyu winked.
He led Y/N down the hall, down the stairs and went down the other flight of stairs in the back of the house to find Seonghwa sitting in the den with Jongho.
“I’d like to present the new and improved, Y/N,” he said, leading her into the room behind him.
“Wow what a difference,” Jongho gasped. “She doesn’t even look like the same person.”
“I’m a master at everything I do,” Minghao boasted. “Isn’t that correct, Seonghwa?”
“That’s what you always claim,” he sighed.
“Well, do you like it?” Y/N asked, making sad eyes at Seonghwa.
“Eh it’s ok,” he answered. “Anything would be better than how you looked before.”
“We gave her a few new piercings too and tomorrow I have someone coming over to finish off the job with some ink,” Minghao explained.
Seonghwa smirked as he touched his chin, deep in thought. “I might have an idea of a tattoo that I want her to get.”
“Uh oh,” Y/N said with wide eyes. “What is it?”
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see,” Seonghwa smirked.  
“I think I should be able to know what is going on MY body since it's permanent,” Y/N argued.
“If the boss says you are getting a tattoo then that’s how it is,” Jongho growled. “You have no say in anything. Remember, you’re just a useless...”
“Yea I know, I’m a useless whore,” Y/N interrupted.
“No,” Jongho snapped. “I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to say useless hostage. Why the fuck would I call you a useless whore?”
“I don’t know but it seems to be a common theme around here,” Y/N said, making eye contact with Seonghwa.
“It’s actually a worthless whore…not useless,” Seonghwa corrected. “If you’re going to quote, make sure it’s accurate.”
“Ok well, since my job is done here,” Minghao interrupted. “I have some business to attend to so I will see you all tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Jongho asked. “Are you leaving?”
“No, I just plan on being in my room for the rest of the day,” he smiled.
“That’s odd,” Jongho pointed out.
“He has a boy in there,” Y/N announced. “I’m sorry, I mean his daddy is in there.”
“Your daddy?” Seonghwa interjected.
“Don’t look so sad, Seonghwa, you’ll always be my daddy too,” Minghao smirked. 
Seonghwa exhaled slowly, rolling his eyes, “no, no I won’t.”
Minghao smiled, “this is fun and all but I have someone waiting for me who gets very impatient.” He started walking towards the door. “If you get bored later, Seonghwa, feel free to pop in and join in on the fun. The more the merrier afterall.”
He exited the den, pleased with himself as he made his way back upstairs to his bedroom, leaving Jongho, Seonghwa and Y/N alone.
Y/N slowly turned to exit the room as well when Seonghwa cleared his throat, causing her to look in his direction.
“We need to talk, sit down,” he ordered.
Y/N did as she was told and took a seat on a chair across from where Seonghwa was sitting.
“Jongho, you can leave now,” Seonghwa ordered.
Jongho nodded and did as he was told without any resistance.
“Boy he never questions anything you say, does he?” Y/N observed.
“He’s a good worker,” Seonghwa announced. “I’m grateful to have him on my team.”
Y/N quietly listened to Seonghwa without saying anything.
“I’m grateful to have everyone on my team. Everyone has their own purpose. And if one would be missing then we just wouldn’t be complete. I consider everyone to be equally as valuable as the other, no one has greater value in this house and that is even including me. I know I run the show and I give the orders but that doesn’t put any higher value on me than anyone else. We’re a family and we all need each other.”
Y/N continued to listen in silence, wondering what this had to do with her.
“With that being said. I’ve been having chats with all of my members and it seems as though everyone is starting to grow quite fond of you. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this. However, I did bring you here and enforced your safety. So, I must take responsibility for that. This is not a game for us, this is our life and if this is just a game to you, there will be consequences. And when I say consequences I mean death…your death. I will protect my brothers at all costs and if that means your demise then so be it. Understood?”
Y/N slowly nodded at a loss for words.  
“Yunho came to me this morning and told me about the events of last night,” Seonghwa said.
“What did he say?” Y/N asked while staring at her feet
“Why don't you tell me what happened,” Seonghwa said.
“I woke up and he was in my room staring at me. It scared me so bad,” Y/N whined as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. “He said he could help me sleep by snapping my neck. I thought for sure he was going to kill me.”
“Did he hurt you?” Seonghwa asked.
“No,” Y/N responded as a tear ran down her cheek.
“Now tell me, was this before or after you put his hand on your thigh?”Seonghwa cocked his head.
“I only did that to try to distract him because he looked so intent on killing me,” Y/N confessed. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
“So you didn’t tell him to fuck you in Woo’s bed?” Seonghwa asked. “Yunho was lying about that?”
“I don’t remember saying that. Why would I want that?” Y/N asked. “I only like you…I mean…I only, I don't know.”
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, further examining her, “you can’t keep yourself out of trouble, can you?” he asked.
“I’m sorry, but this wasn’t my fault,” she insisted. “HE’S the one who came into my room while I was sleeping.”
“I don’t know what your endgame is here, but I’m not enjoying everything in between,” Seonghwa announced, while chugging the last of the whiskey in the glass he was holding.
“I don’t have an endgame and I’m not playing any games in between either,” Y/N argued. “You’re the one that is keeping me trapped in this house and not allowing me to leave.”
Seonghwa reached over and grabbed a bottle off of the table sitting next to the sofa where he was sitting. He refilled his empty glass, chugging the liquid immediately. 
“So you’re saying this is MY fault?” Seonghwa asked.
“No, absolutely not,” Y/N denied. “I’m just saying things happen and sometimes they are no one's fault. You just have to roll with it.”
Seonghwa stood up and walked towards the door. Before exiting he said, “I might send for you tonight so be prepared.”
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♥️𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 ♠️𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝♣️
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♥️♠️𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 - 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽♦️♣️
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mwebber · 1 year
“On the bound” fluff maybe? Everyone needs a bit of fluff ❤️
debated linking something older or copying and pasting something from the doc, and in rereading this i thought it was kinda cute. takes place in 2011, but before "wrestling in dirt pits."
. ⋅ ˚̣- : 
Thurgau, Switzerland - August 2, 2011
On Tuesday morning, Mark texts her that he’s going around Europe for a week and a half, and asks if it’s okay for him to crash at her old flat in Walchwil.
She has no fucking idea why he wants to put himself through more travel than necessary, nor why he wants to come all the way to Switzerland when he could enjoy the sun in Spain with Fernando, or hell, go home to Australia, if he wants the torture.
“You have the keys,” she says when he picks up the phone, incredulous. “You don’t need to ask.”
It might have been her place on paper, but it was theirs in practice—a quiet escape from their lives that the UK couldn’t afford them, a spot to go between races or during the breaks. 
“Well, you might have sold it, I don’t know,” Mark responds tetchily. “But thanks.”
“What.” Offended, she stands up, already beginning to pace the length of her porch. “You’ve still got your stuff there, I wouldn’t sell it without telling you, obviously.”
He sighs, staticky over the line. “I don’t know, okay? Sorry for asking.”
His tone says it all, and she flushes, suddenly embarrassed. Of course he wouldn’t just—use the space. They’ve broken up.
“Whatever,” she mutters. “Have fun.” 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : 
The day Mark arrives at the flat is the day Seb decides to make the hour-long drive there. Her usual parking space is taken up by Mark’s motorcycle. 
He doesn’t even seem surprised to see her when she unlocks the door, the knowing bastard.
“Hope you brought food,” he greets her. Casually, he takes her bags.
She flicks her hair out of her face. “Honestly. It’s like you’ve never met me.”
Their evening is routine, and quietly domestic for how they slide into each other’s spaces again. It’s dinner, and washing up, and laundry, and cleaning, and sitting next to each other on her squeaky couch in their sleepwear, nursing their late night tea. Mark has his reading glasses on as he flips through a car magazine he got back in England. Seb leans against his side, silently skimming through the articles, her teacup warm in her hands.
She doesn’t ask, but he answers anyway, after the last page has been flipped, and their silence drags on for longer than it should. 
“I came to pack my things, the important stuff,” he explains. “Or at least see if I needed to rent a truck, or something.”
Of course he wouldn’t come out here without a reason. She allows herself to process the idea: Mark, picking his way out of her past, and not just her present or future. Nobody uses this flat anymore, but it’s frozen in a moment of time when they were together, and changing it would mean changing them.
“Why?” She clears her throat, sets the teacup down. “Now, I mean.”
To her surprise, he chuckles. “You haven’t seen?”
She sits up properly. That tone—he’s doing that thing where he knows she’s the butt of the joke and won’t tell her, and it used to be exasperating, but now it’s terrifying. “What?”
“Relax.” Smiling, he pats her knee. “It’s pretty funny, actually. I’m now one of F1’s ‘most eligible bachelors.’”
“It’s been a year.” She levels him with a flat look that he waves off dismissively.
“Fans are going crazy over you and Jenson now,” he says, and glances down at the back of the magazine, an ad for Cadillac. “It’s all looking very official.”
If Seb didn’t know him inside-out, she wouldn’t catch the way his expression falls minutely. She’d feel sympathy for him, in any other life.
Carefully, she puts her hand on his shoulder and leans against him again. “It’s not official yet.”
He quirks an eyebrow, turning to face her. “Could’ve fooled me.”
And his expression—
Turkey, 2010, was when she thought he’d never look at her like he loved her again. In the wash of the golden light around them, his hazel eyes are bright and warm, and the amused twitch of his mouth is begging to be kissed, and he still gives her butterflies in her stomach, after all this time. 
“You’re staring,” he whispers, like he hasn’t been staring right back at her.
Lightly, she pinches the frame of his glasses, and slides them off to fold and set them on the coffee table. He scrunches his face with it, blinks hazily at her when she’s done.
“Stay with me,” she requests. Her voice comes out soft, barely more than an exhale.
He leans closer, or maybe she does, or maybe they both can’t help it. When they kiss, it’s like every atom in her body settles before coming back to life again, renewed and jubilant. She brings her hand up to cup his jaw, ends up knocking into his own hand instead, and they stay there, fingers linked, lips sliding naturally together.
Seb keeps her eyes closed when he tilts his forehead against hers and breaks their kiss. If she opens them, she doesn’t know what she’ll see.
“'Forever, baby.'” His small huff of laughter is a burst of warmth against her skin. “Or however long. If only we knew.”
“Two nights,” she kisses his cupid’s bow, the tip of his nose, squeezes his hand. “Stay?”
Risking it, she peers at him through one eye, and then relaxes. He doesn’t look angry or sad, just—eyes half-lidded, cheeks flushed pink, like he wants to kiss her again.
He tugs her back in to do just that. There’s a sudden, desperate edge to his movements that she reciprocates. Inevitably, she ends up on his lap, and then hitched on his hips, and then on her back, in her old bed.
They make love where they’ve done so countless times before, rolling in sheets that smell like laundry detergent and warmth and home. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : 
“I think I might love him,” Seb confesses, later. She’s tucked in Mark’s arms, curled around his body, tangled with him. Distractedly, she draws random patterns over his chest, sliding on the soft fuzz. “I don’t know. It’s not the same.”
He has his fingers in her hair, smoothing over and playing with her curls. They haven’t stayed in the afterglow for a while. It’s both healing and damaging, to indulge in it now.
“How does it feel?” The question is punctuated by soft kisses to the side of her head. She hums into it, then returns the gesture on his throat, his pulse point steady and warm beneath her lips.
How does it feel? It feels like—
“The beam of a flashlight in the darkness,” she tries. “Or a campfire on a cold night, like when we went to that beach in Australia.”
“I remember.” He smiles against her scalp. “You were so scared.”
“It’s like everything in the wilderness is designed to kill people,” she grumbles half-heartedly. It’s an old conversation, ill-fitting on them now. Ghosts of who they were shout gleefully in the distance, the memory of their words too vague to make out.
Mark is quiet for a moment, and his fingers still where they’re wrapped in her curls. “Am I the darkness to you, then?”
It’s laughable, how insecure he can be sometimes. But she doesn’t laugh—she squirms until she’s in his line of vision, gazing down at him, holding him close.
“My love,” she kisses him once, twice. “You’re the sun itself.” 
With practiced ease, he tucks her hair behind her ear.
“My sunshine,” he says, like he used to, and the nickname splits her open, a knife through the stitches that hold her together.
Wordlessly, she kisses him again.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : 
On Saturday, she’s on a flight to Greece with Jenson, and Mark is en route back to England, and their little studio apartment remains as intact as it can be—a memento of heaven, when it was just the two of them, and the love they nurtured. 
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maddieladner1999 · 1 year
Bad idea right? Chapter 4
This chapter is mainly set after Christmas break with a brief recap of the break. This timeline covers a month I suppose. Ricky goes to see EJ perform at regionals and EJ visits home for a day.
EJ and Ricky finished their semesters of school and spent most of the holiday break together. They watched holiday movies like the polar express and the Santa Clause and sang along to their favorite Christmas songs. They decided to take it slow. After new years it was time for EJ to go back to school. They promised to come visit each other when they could.
After EJ went back to school they started texting everyday about literally anything and everything. Despite being in each others lives for almost 2 years, there were still things they didn’t know about each other. They started a weekly ritual of watching a movie or glee over FaceTime together too. EJ would text Ricky voice memos from his acapella group and Ricky would send voice memos of song ideas. They eventually even wrote a song together. After a month of EJ back at school, EJ FaceTimes Ricky out of their normal schedule.
EJ: hey baby
Ricky: hey sweetheart, it’s not our normal night what’s up
EJ: well I wanted to ask if you could come to regionals in 2 weeks I just found out the date
Ricky: of course! I’d do anything for you.
EJ: great. It’s actually closer to you so I was thinking I’d come home after for the weekend. I have Monday off so I’d get an extra day!
Ricky: that sounds great! So anything else new?
EJ: not that you don’t already know. I tell you everything.
Ricky: right well I was just studying and I guess this was a nice break
EJ: how are you doing at school?
Ricky: I’m doing it. I have a B average but that’s better than it used to be.
EJ: well keep working you can do it baby.
Ricky: thanks I will. Anyway I should get back to it. I’ll text you good night later
EJ: you better! Love you.
Ricky: love you too sweetheart
After the call is over Ricky goes back to studying and EJ decides he should too. After 2 hours he realizes it’s late and gets a text saying good night from Ricky. He responds the same and decides to go to bed too.
2 weeks later and it’s time for regionals. EJ is nervous but they’ve been rehearsing for weeks and they have absolutely nailed it. He’s excited to see Ricky today. It’s been almost two months since he’s seen him in person and they’ve both been busy so they haven’t had their scheduled FaceTimes. His hair is getting longer too. It grows so fast. Soon he’ll need a trim so it’s not in his eyes.
Ricky is early and brought flowers for his sweetheart. After the competition, EJ’s acapella group is going to nationals! He’s so excited for EJ. He finds EJ outside by his car. He can’t help but notice the length of his hair. He thinks it’s the perfect length. EJ hasn’t coifed it since the musical. It’s the only request he’s had so far.
EJ: I rode here with the team so I guess I need a ride.
Ricky: anything for you sweetheart. Get in.
They get in the car, strap in and Ricky sets up his directions. He probably won’t need them but he just needs to know how to get to the highway from here.
Ricky: you know your hair is at an absolute perfect length right now.
EJ: yeah? I’m glad to hear it. Any longer and it’ll be in my eyes
Ricky: well you can get a trim when that happens but for now don’t touch it.
EJ: you’re very possessive over my hair
Ricky: I’m trying this thing where I’m not jealous which is pretty easy given my competition is nonexistent. So I focus on your hair more so I’m not too possessive of you
EJ: you say the sweetest things to me Richard Bowen
Ricky: hey full name calling isn’t called for.
EJ: sorry. I was making a pop culture reference
Ricky: to what?
EJ: one of my favorite shows, one tree hill
Ricky: I guess I’ll have to watch it.
EJ: you know you could give me recommendations too. I feel like I’m the only one who does
Ricky: sorry I just don’t watch that much tv and when I do it’s animated or superhero’s
EJ: no wonder Carlos couldn’t figure out you were gay. You are just like every straight man ever.
Ricky: well I haven’t been gay very long but I’m learning. Carlos gave me a pride pin and Maddox gave me a gay flag when I told everyone I’m 100% gay
EJ: yeah she sent me a bi flag after our text conversation
Ricky: you guys talked about it too?
EJ: well yeah I come to opening night as your boyfriend and she didn’t get the opportunity to ask my orientation. So we texted about it. She’s my best friend. After you of course.
Ricky: I better be first
EJ: well you’re my boyfriend too so there’s no where else to put you but 1.
Ricky blushes and sneaks a look at EJ. He’s adorable as always
Ricky: so you staying at Ashlyn’s again?
EJ: yeah. I have some stuff there now so I don’t have to bring much with me. My aunt and uncle have basically taken me in
Ricky: that’s good. You need some sort of parental figure. So you still haven’t talked to your dad?
EJ: no. He hasn’t tried to reach out to me and every time I try I just can’t. Besides even if we spoke he’d probably get mad all over again when I tell him about you
Ricky: why? He a homophobe?
EJ: idk. I think so. He never did like me doing musicals and stuff. I just assumed he didn’t want that for me. Good thing I didn’t realize it then. Now I can be free and myself
Ricky: I’m happy to get to know the real you.
EJ: me too. I’m still a work in progress. Still a dork and your boyfriend but otherwise I got some things to figure out
Ricky: like what?
EJ: what I’m going to do with my life
Ricky: you give good advice maybe you can be a guidance counselor or a teacher. You’re good at that
EJ: I’ll think about both of those.
Ricky: I can see it now: EJ Caswell Music Teacher
EJ: yeah? You think I should teach music?
Ricky: you can sing, you’ve directed a play, and you can play guitar and piano. You already know chords and all the stuff that goes with instruments. Not to mention you’re in an acapella group so you know pitch, how to sing beats, and that stuff too. I’m sorry idk the terminology
EJ: it’s ok I don’t either
Ricky: look my point is you already have alot of knowledge from personal experience. You just need the degree. So go get it. If you want.
EJ: you’re right. And hey miss jenn did say I’d make a hell of a teacher someday.
Ricky: see. You already know what to do with your life
EJ: how is it I question my life’s purpose all the time and you figure it out in a matter of minutes?
Ricky: I guess all my studying made me smart
EJ: too smart for your own good
Ricky: I’m choosing to take that as a compliment
EJ: ok well we’re almost at Ashlyn’s, drop me off and text me when you get back?
Ricky: of course. And hey how are you getting back on Monday?
EJ: my aunt and uncle are flying out to go on a business trip and the airport isn’t far so they’re gonna give me a ride.
Ricky: well I’ll text you later
EJ: good. I’ll get settled and we can watch glee or something.
Ricky: want me to come over or are you gonna come to me?
EJ: I’ll let you know.
Ricky: ok. See you later sweetheart
EJ: don’t forget to text me. I love you baby
Ricky: love you too
After EJ gets out, Ricky drives home and immediately texts EJ from the drive way that he’s home. EJ responds with a quick ok and Ricky goes inside. His dad isn’t home right now, probably on a date. Since he and miss jenn broke up he decided to get back out there. EJ texts him later to come over. He’s still alone and his dad would probably get mad if they were here alone so he leaves a note saying he’s with EJ at Ashlyn’s and a text for double insurance
Ricky arrives at Ashlyn’s to find Ashlyn at the door. She tells him EJ is in the living room and invites him in. Ricky heads straight to EJ and gives him a quick peck. Ashlyn does back to her room leaving them alone. Her parents are probably upstairs too.
EJ: I thought we could watch some glee since we’re only on like season 2. It’s actually my favorite season.
Ricky: sounds great. Turn it on sweetheart
EJ turns on glee and they get a little snuggly. EJ’s head is soon in Ricky’s lap because he knows the boy loves playing with his hair. Ricky starts playing with it but still watches the show. After a few episodes, Ricky decides he should get home. They wish each other good night and make plans for tomorrow. EJ is leaving Monday afternoon so it’s there only full day they have together in who knows how long so they have to take advantage
Ricky texts EJ when he’s home and EJ responds accordingly. Ricky runs into his dad in the kitchen and they talk about their dates. Well his dad talks about his and Ricky just tells him they spent the evening watching glee
Mr. Bowen: so how was the competition?
Ricky: EJ’s group is going to nationals! They placed 2nd.
Mr. Bowen: good! Well I assume your hanging out tomorrow so tell him I said congratulations
Ricky: will do.
Mr. Bowen: alright good night. Don’t stay up to late
Ricky: I won’t. Good night dad.
They spent the next day just doing random things around salt lake. Some EJ hadn’t done before and some Ricky hadn’t. Ricky brings EJ back to Ashlyn’s after their long day.
EJ: well it turns out I have to leave at 10 tomorrow. Their flight leaves at 2 and they have to be there 2 hours early so I don’t think we will get to see each other tomorrow unless you come to see me off.
Ricky: 10 isn’t too early so I definitely will be seeing you off. I’m gonna set a 9:30 alarm right now.
EJ: ok well good night baby I love you
Ricky: good night sweet heart I love you too
Ricky drives home and repeats his pattern of letting EJ know he made it home. It’s not super necessary but it makes them feel good. He takes a quick shower before bed and doses off.
The next morning he heads to Ashlyn’s to see EJ off. He gives him more than just a quick peck when no one is looking and tells EJ to text him when he gets back. EJ says you know I will and it’s time for them to go
EJ: midterms are soon so I’ll be focused on that. We will get back to our FaceTimes after.
Ricky: ok. It’s the same for me so that’s probably a good plan
EJ: keep me updated!
Ricky: always. You’re the first person I tell everything too.
EJ: you’re the first person I tell everything too to. I gotta go. I love you.
Ricky: I love you too.
EJ and his aunt and uncle are off and Ashlyn goes inside after telling him she’ll see him at school. Ricky heads back home and texts EJ to travel safe.
An hour later EJ has finally texted him that he made it to school. He also tells him he’s gonna get started on his studying and that Ricky should do the same. Ricky says I’ve been doing it while waiting on your text actually so I’ll get back to it.
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deijiyong · 7 months
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2015 December 24th - Day Four
You look better
You find Taeyong just next to your usual coffee kiosk first thing in the morning
It’s a bit reassuring considering he was mad at you not long ago
Yeah, that plastic surgery finally healed
You hand over the money when your favorite lady gives you your usual americano
Don’t spend Christmas with him
Spend it with me
You sputter and wipe the coffee from your face
I asked first, shouldn’t I get priority or something?
(you laugh) He’s going back on the day after Christmas and I haven’t seen him in months
I see you every day now
(he pouts) But I want to spend Christmas with you
You notice he’s following you to your first class, so you aren’t getting out of this conversation
Don’t you have something for work on Christmas?
Only at night
During the day we have class
Shortened classes
Professors want to spend time with their loved ones
I’ll buy us lunch or brunch
Please spend time with me
Tae, don’t you want to spend time with someone you’re interested in? I’m just your friend.. Just like Jisoo
I would never ask Jisoo out on Christmas
Your mouth falls open and you’re unsure how to respond to that
What did he mean?
We’ll talk later
I’m going to be late
You run into the building before he can stop you
Closer to noon, Changkyun begins texting you
Are you almost done?
It’s freezing
You better be wearing that puffy jacket
I swear I’ll march you to your dorm if you’re not
Hold on! The professor is glaring at me!
When the class ends, you write him back
How would you walk me back to my-
When you walk out of the building, you freeze
Taeyong is glaring at Changkyun and likewise
Uhm, hey..
What’s going on?
This clown thinks he can take you from me
I already booked your lunch time today
Why would she go with you when she can go with me?
You as-
You jump between them
How about we back up a bit?
You push them apart with your hands to their chests
Tell him we already had plans, babe
She’s not your babe!
5 years of friendship would say you’re wrong
This is not how you pictured this day going
Changkyun used to not even look at Taeyong until today
What had changed?
Am I missing something?
Changkyun grabs your hand that’s against his chest
Spikey there likes you and thinks no one knows
When you look at Taeyong, he’s glaring at Changkyun
Too afraid to tell her, aren’t you?
You think she won’t talk to you ever again, huh?
Kyun, (you look at him) stop!
What makes you any better?
Aren’t you just projecting your own insecurities?
This wasn’t getting any better
You’ve liked her for 5 years, haven’t you?
But you never made a move because everyone knew, but her
Now that someone shows interest you’re upset
Grow up
You see a man approach Taeyong “The CEO called you in for a talk”
That’s the only time you see Taeyong back down
I’ll text you later, YN
Or you could just not
Okay, Tae 
He leaves with the guy you assume is his manager or at least someone who works for his company
Are you really going to text him later?
If he texts me, yes
Babe, really?
He’s my friend!
That wants to date you!
Aren’t you the same?
When he doesn’t say anything, you sigh and make your way to the market just off campus
You’re craving the rice cakes from a specific vendor there and you refused to wait for Kyun
Either way, he followed you
I’m sorry 
He says it when you’ve stopped at the rice cake vendor
You pay for some to split then pull Changkyun toward a bench
Which is freezing
You’re sick still, let’s go to the cafeteria
Just sit and eat
When he does as you request, you wonder if he realized how stupid that whole fight was
I was going to tell you
Changkyun tries again to break the icy atmosphere between the two of you
I was going to tell you the night we graduated, but you didn’t show up
And I didn’t want to do it when you watched me fly off
I’m sorry
You stare at each other for a long time
Those feelings you didn’t have a name for resurfacing the longer you stare at him surrounded by holiday lights
I liked you too
Past tense?
I’m not sure, but it’s better to figure it out before I hurt your feelings
During school, after you tried to make up for Sara, I definitely liked you
It’s got quiet as you both finish the rice cakes
Even the walk back is quiet
Text me when you get back?
Of course
He offers you his cheeky smile, but it isn’t as potent as usual
You watch him head off alone
He doesn’t walk you back to campus and you believe it’s because you blindsided him
Maybe he expected you to say you liked him now and had everything figured out
But you didn’t
Taeyong might not know you as well as Changkyun, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel anything
You sigh and kick at the snow beneath your feet
So much for everyone just being friends
After your last class, you walk out to the blistering cold and your shoulders immediately bunch up to try and shield your ears
Can I walk you back to the dorm?
Tae seems nervous and you know why
Are you hungry?
I want hot pot
I know a place
You raise a brow
What? I do!
I’ve heard that before
You laugh and throw an arm over his shoulders as much as possible
It’s in the market!
Oh, I know that place. Let’s go!
This time, you led the way since you knew where Taeyong had mentioned
The owner sits you both in the back; away from the door
How was work?
Hm? Oh,,
It was okay
He’s leaning his head against his hand as he rolls a napkin between his palm and the table 
Just the same as always
You lean forward on your elbows
Do you and Jisoo work for the same company?
No, she’s at a different label
So how did you two become close then?
School mostly
Our friends tried to set us up at one point
But she’s more like a sister to me
She seems nice
She is
You wonder what he’s thinking when he looks at you with those unguarded brown eyes
So many feelings shuffle through them
But you’re not sure which one he’s marinating in
I expected you to tell me no
The owner sets your veggies and meat on the table after he speaks
She explains to you, once more, how to start the hotpot and you thank her
When she walks away, Taeyong is already breaking up the veggies and adding them to the broth
Tell you no for what?
To walk you home..
I was going to text you to go out for dinner, but I didn’t know if you were done at work
I’ll be busy after Christmas, but I have time for now
That’s good
You both quiet down as things are ready to eat
I’m sorry about Changkyun
Taeyong coughs
He’s never been like that before
Taeyong shrugs
I think I hit a nerve
He reacted as I expected
I would skip classes so we could hang out in the morning, but I cannot get anymore points against me
I understand
But I can afford the points
You stare at him
Can I follow you tomorrow morning?
I won’t bother any of your classes
And then you can still make your plans with Changkyun in the evening
Won’t you get in trouble if you get that many points?
I’ll figure it out
You frown at him
Don’t worry
I’ll talk to the office and figure out community service or something
You want to fight him on it
But Taeyong has made up his mind
He walks you back to your dorm after dinner
Get inside
It’s freezing
Let me know when you get in
I will
Get inside
You’re still sick
Yes, dad
You roll your eyes
Taeyong laughs
You immediately relax when the warmth of the dorms surrounds you
You collide with Jisoo when you reach the fifth floor
I’m so sorry
No, I’m sorry!
I wasn’t paying attention!
No, I wasn’t!
You both laugh, smiles big as you take in the pretty girl in front of you
Have a good night
You too!
You move around Jisoo to let her get back to what she was doing
You lean back from your door to see her face just inside the hallway by the stairs
Tae really likes you
Good night
You stand there for a moment as she disappears
Then hide in your dorm
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stayboba · 2 years
𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝕲𝖔
‘Let Go’
Jisung (Han) x fem!reader
Your feelings for Jisung and the jealousy you have for a certain staff member cause you to distance yourself from him, until one night the truth comes out...
Word Count: 6.9k 
Genres: Friends to lovers cause i’m a sucker for this trope, Slight Angst (happy ending), Smut (18+ minors DNI)
Warnings: A lil angsty, smut, mature content (18+ minors DNI), negative self-talk, reader cries, jealously/insecurity themes, oral/fingering (f. receiving), overstimulation (f. receiving), spitting, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of voyeurism, mature language
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‘have u gotten off work yet?’ You hear a ping at the arrival of Jisung’s text. You read it as you simultaneously lock your office door, closing up for the evening.
‘just did, what’s up?’ You type back, rounding the block. It doesn’t take long before your phone goes off again. 
‘wanna come hang out at the studio? it won’t be long, we should be finished with what we’re working soon.’ Your hand tenses around the device as you scan over his response. Another message pops up under the one you’re reading. 
‘plus, changbin is starting to get rowdy cause we’re kinda stuck on this one track... we could use the extra pair of ears pls.’ This one is followed by the emoji with the teary, black eyes and the mouth drawn into a pout.
You sigh, letting your shoulders drop. It’s not that you didn’t want to see your friend. Lately, you've just developed a tendency to be avoidant of Jisung. Especially when it comes to being in the studio with him. Nonetheless, this time you decide to swallow your pride.
‘yeah, sure! that sounds good :)’ You respond, shaking yourself out of your mood. 
‘yay! that’s good because i already placed an order for takeout and i need u to go pick it up before u get here pls. lolololololol...’ You roll your eyes yet change your route towards yours and Jisung's favorite restaurant. 
As you approach the recording room, you can already feel the pressure building in your ear canals. The bass spills into the hallway, resonating throughout the walls. You struggle to open the door with the large takeout bag that you’re carrying in your arms. Somehow, you can hear the sound of Jisung’s footsteps scurrying over to you.
“I got it!” He shouts over the music. He takes the bag from you and sets it on the coffee table in front of the couch. Your arms feel like the noodles you ordered as you go to shut the door behind you.
“Hey, (Y/n)! Thanks for stopping by!” Chan turns around in his chair at the computer desk to greet you. Changbin sits next to him, clicking away at the computer mouse. 
“Arrggh!” He yells, snatching the pair of headphones off his head. He turns to Chan, then sees you out of the corner of his eye. 
“Oh,” His ears go red when he realizes you've seen his mini tantrum. “Hey, (Y/n).”
“Hey guys!” You laugh, taking a seat next to Jisung on the couch. You give his shoulder a smack as he reaches into the bag. 
“Ow!” He retreats, grasping his “injury” with his hand. “What did you do that for?”
“Why the hell would you put the order name under ‘J.ONE’ and not tell me?” At this, Jisung bursts into a fit of laughter. This earns a few giggles from Chan and a sly smile from Changbin. 
"What do you mean?? I use that name at that place all the time," He clasps his hand to his chest, faking a heartbreak. "How could you not remember?"
“Liar! That cashier looked at me like I was stupid,” You grimace, snatching your food container out of the bag. “He had to go back and read all of the recent orders one by one! I was holding up the line!” Jisung just snickers at the account of your awkward experience. 
“Alright, alright! Maybe I recently started using it to troll,” He’s removing the lid to his own food, already slurping away at a mouthful of noodles. “But you haven’t uh... well never mind.” His eyes fall from yours to the floor. 
You feel a twinge at your heart when you realize what he might have been about to say. This is the first time you’ve gotten food together in a while, the first time you haven’t made an excuse for not coming to see him. Still, you opt not to take the discussion any farther and instead begin to eat your food. 
You keep to yourself like this for a while, munching away at your teriyaki chicken while watching Chan and Changbin fidget with the computer. You try to ignore your own guilty thoughts and the occasional burn of Jisung’s eyes into the side of your head. Unable to bare the strong silence, despite the loud music snippets playing every now and then, you clear your throat. 
“Ji said you guys were stuck on a track?” You asked the two at the computer. Chan replies with a sigh. 
“Yeah, we can’t decide what beat works best with what we have so far.” Changbin turns in his seat again, glaring over at the youngest of the three producers. 
“Hey, Han! Why don’t you get back to helping us make a decision!” He shouts at him. Jisung sinks into the couch beside you. 
“Okay, okay... I’m almost done.” He starts to eat the rest of his noodles one at a time, making you giggle. The two of you exchange a look for a few seconds before you avert your gaze away again. Chan suddenly looks over his shoulder at you and gets an idea. 
“Why don’t we just play them for (Y/n)? See what she thinks?” Now all three pairs of eyes are on you. 
“Well... sure. I’ll try!” Changbin gets up, offering you his chair. You sit yourself down, putting the headphones on over your ears. Chan plays his first, then Changbin. You nod your head to the boom of the bass, understanding why this is such a hard choice to make now.
“Han, come play yours now,” Chan says. Jisung sets his noodle container down, walking over to the desk. Your breath hitches when he leans over you, standing so close. His hand brushes yours as he reaches for the mouse. That’s when you hear the door open.
“Hey, Sori!” Your heart drops as you whip your head around to see a woman walk into the room, her bright smile practically lighting the place up. Your eyes instantly flit over to Jisung, and your lip goes into a frown when you see he’s looking at her with a smile just as bright. 
“What’s up!?” There’s an almost sickly, sweet tone to her voice. 
“We’re just trying to decide what kind of beat we want to use for the bass on this track,” Chan says, gesturing over to the computer. As Sori’s eyes lock with yours, you want nothing more than to either disappear or kick yourself for coming here. 
“Hi (Y/n)!” Sori chirps, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh, hey!” You say, trying to hide any signs of unease that might be on your face.
“I was just about to play the one I made.” Says Jisung.
“Cool! Can I have a listen?” She looks to you, pointing at the headphones. 
“Oh, yeah sure!” You hesitate before taking them off and handing them over to her. You get up so she can sit down in your previous spot. 
“Okay, ready?” Jisung’s eyes are full of anticipation as he looks down at her. 
“Mhm!” He hits the play button, leaning on the desk. You watch Sori’s face in the silence as she listens to the music. Her brow furrows before an impressed grin spreads across her face. 
“Oh my gosh, this one! This is it, you have to use this one!” She gawks. Jisung begins to shake his fists in excitement. 
“Really, you think so?” She brings her hand up to rest it on his leg. 
“Yes, definitely! This sounds really good, Jisung!” You cross your arms across your chest in hopes of making yourself smaller when you hear her call him that. You’re screaming at yourself to look away but at the same you can't resist the urge to watch.
“Now hold on! You haven’t even listened to mine yet!” Changbin argues, and the whole room laughs. You’re mustering a fake smile while trying to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to the bathroom.” You blurt out before leaving the room. You walk at a hurried pace down the hallway. Much to your relief, you find the restroom empty when you get there. You hunch over the sink, peering up into the mirror. 
You knew deep down that Sori was just a staff member, someone who worked with Jisung. You also knew that she was just a friendly person, which of course she fucking was because everything about her was perfect. She was probably just being nice whenever she interacted with Jisung or any of the other members. And so was he, always striving to keep things professional.
But these rational pieces of knowledge could never stop you from feeling on edge whenever she was around. No amount of reason could lighten the dark shade of green on your face from every smile, every laugh, and every harmless touch that Sori and Jisung shared.
All because you are in love with your best friend and pretty much always have been. This was probably most unfortunate of all because you knew that you couldn’t be with him. A relationship with him would be seen as a scandal, it would be a blow to his career, and you could never do that to him. So, you’ve kept silent all this time.
Yet this didn’t stop the growing envy you felt when Sori was around and in turn, your jealousy could never deter your feelings for Jisung. You were simply caught in the middle of the crossfire of emotions within you. You had to let go of him before you got yourself, or even worse: him, hurt.
Somehow, you manage to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. You pull yourself together before leaving to go back to the studio. Before you can make it over, you see Jisung in the hallway. His lips go up in a thin smile when he catches sight of you. 
“Hey, you okay?” He asks. You give him a nod. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” His eyes linger on your face for a minute before he lets out a hum. 
“We finished up. Chan and Bin have some other stuff to do but I think I’m ready to get out of here,” he says with a laugh. “If you’re not busy, do you want to come back to the dorm with me? I think it’s just Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin there. We could watch a movie or something.” You feel bad for admitting it but getting away from the studio (and away from Sori) with him sets your mind at ease.
“Yeah! I’m in...” You breathe out. His smile gets wider as the two of you start to walk down the hallway together. You wrap your jacket tighter around yourself as you step out into the cool night air. 
“I’m glad you came by today" Jisung tells you as you round the block. “I haven’t seen you in a while.” You gnaw at your lip as the familiar feeling of guilt creeps in. 
“Yeah, I’m really sorry. I’ve just been busy...” You lie. He shakes his head, waving it off. 
“Ah, it’s okay. If there’s anyone who should understand, it’s me!” You stride farther down the pavement before coming to a crosswalk. While you’re waiting for the sign to go, Jisung turns back to you again. 
“You’re not mad at me, or anything are you?” His words appear to be a joke at first, but the tilt of his head tells you his question is somewhat genuine. 
“Of course not, Ji,” You try to sound as reassuring as possible, which was hard to do. Not because you hated him but because of everything going on in your head.
 “I haven’t forgiven you for the ‘J.ONE’ thing exactly, but I couldn’t ever be mad you. Not even for that!” He smiles as the sign turns green and the two of you begin to walk again. 
“Good, because I would really hate it if you did...” You direct your head away from him, so he doesn’t see the red tint on your cheeks. 
“Wanna make a convenient store run? Snacks are on me!” The corner of your mouth raises in a half smile. 
“For sure!” You exclaim, skipping into the store with him. 
Jisung struggles to get the keys into the door with the pile of snacks tucked in his arms. And you have it no better, pretty much carrying the same amount. Instead, he opts to knock/kick the door while yelling for someone to come let the two of you in. 
“Jisung! You’re gonna wake the whole hall!” He looks back at you with a shiny grin on his face as you scold him. A moment later, Felix comes to answer the door, hair disheveled and eyes heavy with sleep. 
“Why didn’t you use your key?” The blonde grumbles. Jisung holds out the snacks in response. 
“I’ll take that, thank you!” Felix takes a bag of chips from the top of the mountain, stepping aside to let the two of you walk in. You immediately drop all of the snacks onto the kitchen counter, rummaging for the ones you wanted to eat first.
When Jisung has his haul picked out, he settles on the edge of the couch. He grabs the remote to start looking for a movie to watch. Felix plops down next to him, opening the bag he took earlier. Jisung glares over at him.
"I thought you were in bed earlier." Felix holds up a chip in Jisung's face.
"It's late night snack time!" He explains before popping it into his mouth. Jisung rolls his eyes but doesn't tell him to leave. You're still in the kitchen, slipping your shoes off and fixing yourself some water. That's when Seungmin and Jeongin tread into the room. Jeongin's eyes are like beacons in the television lighting.
"We're watching a movie!?" The youngest member says, excitedly, jumping onto the couch beside Felix.
"Hi, (Y/n)!" Seungmin waves at you as he joins you in the kitchen. The two must be caffeinated or something, probably taking a break from a video game marathon.
"Hey, Min!" You say back. He eyes the snacks on the counter.
"You can take some if you want." You go ahead and tell him.
"Thanks!" He says, taking some type of chocolate snack from the stash. He goes back over to the living room, sitting down next to Jeongin. 
“Oh yeah, sure guys! You can join us!” Jisung states, sarcastically. The three younger boys stick their tongues out at him in sync. You walk out of the kitchen with your snacks, realizing there’s no more room on the couch. Jisung shoots his members a glare but then he gets an idea. You watch him as he parts his knees. 
“You can come sit here.” He tells you, lips pressed into that familiar, thin smile. That’s when a memory pops into your head. 
One night you were upset about something, you can’t remember what it was now. But you had called Jisung and he dropped everything to come over and be there for you. You were crying so hard that you couldn’t even heave yourself up on the couch. So he just sat behind you, leaning over to hold you just like that. But then it became a habit whenever you were hanging out with him, to sit like that during movies or while you were playing video games together... so it has its happy memories too.
“Okay...” Your heart begins to flutter as you settle yourself down on the floor in between him. Jisung presses play on the movie and you rest your cheek on one of his knees. That's when you feel his hands absentmindedly combing through your hair. Your eyes are glued to the screen but nothing about the movie registers with you. All you can focus on is his touch. 
But rather than bringing you comfort, it brings you heartache. You know the truth is that there was nothing more to his gesture than friendliness. It's merely platonic. Maybe it's because he wouldn’t see anyone for the sake of his career, maybe it was because he was secretly dating Sori... a million different scenarios flood your thoughts. No matter what the reason might be, you told yourself over and over again that you would always be friends with Jisung and nothing else. 
You finally felt all the emotions that you had bottled up that day spill over. A tear began to fall down your cheek. You try your best to keep the boys from noticing the hiccup in your chest. You sniffled and you fell Jisung’s hand pause against you at the noise. You slightly panic as it moved over to the side of your head, brushing the hair out of the way to expose your face. Before you could turn away his fingers were already brushing a tear off of your cheek. 
“Hey...” He says in a hushed voice so only you can hear. You slowly turn your head back to face him. Your glassy eyes lock onto his and you notice the mix of emotions that he's holding within them. 
“We’ll be back...” Jisung mutters to the other boys before getting up and pulling you off the ground. The others make a few grunts of acknowledgment, too invested in the movie to give much thought to the fact that Jisung was now leading you down the hallway to his room, alone. 
Once he closes the door behind him, he gently guides you to sit down on the bed with his hands pressed to your shoulders. A soft sob forces out of you as you bury your face in your palms. 
“What’s been going on?” He asks, voice soothing. “Talk to me... I’m here.” You shake your head, throwing your hands up to drop into your lap. 
“I’m sorry, I’m being stupid...” Your lip trembles as you speak. You couldn’t believe you had let your feelings get this far and all because you just couldn’t learn to let go. Jisung starts to rub at your shoulders. 
“No, you’re not,” he says, reassuringly. “I knew something had to be bothering you. You just need to let it out, so go ahead.” You shake your head once again in protest. 
“I can’t tell you...” You whisper. 
“Of course, you can! (Y/n), you know there isn’t a thing in this world that you can’t tell me.” He wraps his arms around you, and you welcome it, letting your head sink into his chest. 
“It’ll change everything.” His hold tightens around you. 
“Maybe it will, but it can’t change the fact that I am your friend and I’m gonna be with you and you with me no matter what. It has and always will be that way.”
"But I don't want to be friends..." You mutter against his sweatshirt.
"What?" He questions, pulling away to look at you again. You let your eyes linger on his concerned face for a moment before you finally reveal what your heart had been wanting all this time.
“Ji... I’m in love with you.” He doesn’t say anything, surely just processing, but your heart drops anyway. You quickly continue in order to distract yourself from the shift in the air. 
“But... I know it’s not appropriate for you to be in a relationship with your image and everything. So, I completely understand. It’s why I haven’t said anything but...”
“(Y/n), I don’t give a shit about that stuff anymore.” He says, cutting you off. “I mean yeah I used to when we were getting started but... I promise it doesn't matter to me anymore."
“Oh...” Your feet begin to fidget at the sudden tension within the room, making you blurt the next part without thinking. “So you must be with Sori then.” 
“What?” Jisung asks, furrowing his brow at you. 
“Hey, It’s okay! I won’t tell anyone! I get it if you’re trying to break it to the public slowly or...” 
“(Y/n), I’m not with Sori.” He tells you, leaving you taken aback once more.
“Wait why?” But his smile is already answering your question for him.
“Because she’s not who I want,” He takes your hands in his. “You are...” You thought you misheard him. Did he really just say that? Or are you so hysterical right now that you hallucinated it? Are you dreaming? 
“Wh-what? Wait I-” His finger comes up to press against your lips.
“Stop talking,” He coos. “Save those pretty lips for something useful...” With that, he’s cupping your face in his hands and bringing it to his. Warmness spreads throughout your chest as he presses his lips to yours. You had always wondered how this would feel... 
“Ji...” You whisper against him when you finally part. He pulls you to sit in his lap, latching his lips back onto you as his hands enclose around your waist. His kisses leave you breathless, the plush of his skin against yours making you feel faint. 
“It’s always been you. I’ve always loved you and I’m an idiot for not telling you sooner...” He looks up at your flushed face, intertwining his finger with yours. 
“It’s okay,” You say, shaking your head. “We’re here now, that’s all that matters.” His face scrunches as you place a kiss on his nose. He lets you shrug off your jacket before going back to kissing you. His hands wander anywhere they can, eager to make up for lost time. 
He decides to then carefully lay you down under him, allowing the kiss to become more feverish. The warm, wetness of your mouth makes his head grow cloudier and he can’t help but slip his tongue in. You moan into him for the first time and it’s a sound he wishes to relive over and over again. 
“Fuck, (Y/n)...” He pulls away, leaving the two of you gasping for air. 
“We don’t have to keep going if you don't want to.” He tells you, lips hovering over yours with sheer inches in between them. “But if we keep carrying on like this... I’m not gonna be able to stop myself.”
You contemplate, staring back up at him with weighted eyelids. 
“Don’t stop now, Ji,” You begin to plead. “We’ve kept ourselves from each other all this time, please don’t stop now.” You watch the look in his eyes take a dark turn as they scan across your face.
“I’m sorry, hang on...” You’re confused when he suddenly pushes himself off of you, going to reach for his phone. You sit up and peer over his shoulder, eyes going wide when you see he’s texting the three boys out in the living room. 
‘get out or turn the movie up...’ He tells them. The three text bubbles show up instantly. 
‘Dude...’ ‘why???’ ‘bruh’ Jisung scoffs, throwing his phone across the bed. He looks back at you as if he’s going to eat you alive. Suddenly, he’s pushing you underneath him again. Without warning, his lips cascade down your neck, kissing and licking over your sensitive spots. What takes you even more by surprise is when he slides his knee in between your legs, rutting it against you. 
“Ji!” You moan loudly. That’s when you hear screeches of terror come from down the hall, followed by the front door slamming and the TV volume blasting up. 
“Well, that worked like a charm.” He chuckles, amusingly. Wanting to coax more out of you, Jisung goes back to kissing your neck, occasionally leaving a nip or two. You feel a tingle run down your spine when his hands go under your shirt, fingertips dancing across the soft skin. On top of this, he hasn’t removed his knee from your heat and your hips involuntarily grind against him. 
“Can I take this off?” Jisung murmurs in your ear, wrapping his fingers around the hem of your shirt. You nod your head, but he perches himself back up to look at you. “I need to hear you say it, (Y/n)."
“Yes, Jisung. You can take it off, please take it off.” You breathe out. He smirks, grazing his lips beside your ear in a kiss. He lifts the fabric over your head, watching intently when you arch your back to help him. Once it’s off, he crumples it and tosses it over the edge of the bed. He lets his kiss-swollen lips travel all over the expanse of newly exposed skin, his nose tracing a soft trail behind them. 
You gasp when you feel his kisses become wet when he reaches the part of your breasts peeking out from your bra. Your hands instinctively fly up to claw at the material of the back of his top. He takes your arms and pins them down beside you in response, not wanting you to throw him out of focus. He is practically drunk off of your skin alone. You whimper when you feel his strong grip encircle your wrists. 
“Ji, you too.” You beg him. He hums against you, leaving one last peck on your neck before sitting up again. Jisung quickly shimmies out of his sweatshirt, letting it fall beside him. Your eyes, hiding shyly behind your lashes, snake up his tone torso. He exhales sharply when your hand comes up to run over his smooth skin and muscle. You don’t stop until you reach the side of his face, cupping his cheek in your hand. He sighs happily, placing his hand over yours. He puckers his lips around your palm before looking back down at you with the most adoring look. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He murmurs, placing a second kiss on the inside of your wrist this time. “Absolutely beautiful.” He leans back over you, kissing all over your flushed cheeks, making you giggle. 
“Come here...” He pulls you up to sit on your knees so that you’re face to face with him now. He hurriedly fills the space in between you, landing his lips on yours again. That's when he realizes your hands are shaking.
"Hey..." He pulls away, placing his hands on your hips to steady you. "You still doing okay?" You nod reassuringly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You go to wrap your arms around his neck. "It's just a lot... in a good way! But still a lot." The truth is, you really couldn’t believe what was happening. The feeling of Jisung’s lips and hands caressing your body is still fresh in your mind, and you knew it would be forever burned into your brain. The closeness you had been sharing with him, that you had only dreamed of until now, was overwhelming. 
“I know,” He coos, kissing your cheek. “Am I being gentle enough? I’m not hurting you, right?” His eyes, filled with concern, bore into yours. You reach up to push his hair back out of his face. 
“No, Ji. Everything about this is perfect...” You let your pillowy lips brush against his and your chest swells with pride when you hear his breath catch in his throat. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long...” He lets his eyes fall shut, hanging on to every last one of your words. 
“God, me too, baby.” Your grip tightens around his shoulders to keep yourself from crumbling in his arms at the name. He takes the opportunity to lower his head down to kiss your neck again. You lull yours back to give him more access. That’s when he begins to lead you farther up the bed, laying you down on his pillows. 
“Just relax for me,” His breath is delicious against your ear. “I’m gonna take really good care of you, baby.” Your skin begins to flush as you feel him slide his hands behind your back, unhooking the clasp of your bra. You watch as his slim fingers wrap around the straps, sliding them off of your shoulders. 
“Mmmh, fuck me.” He groans when he finally sees your breasts perking up. “You’re stunning.” He begins to retrace his previous trail of kisses down your chest, lightly biting at your collarbones this time.
“Ji...” You whine, squirming away as his lips travel lower.
“Nuh-uh, where do you think you’re going?” He tsks at you, pinning you down by your hips. You gasp when you feel his tongue lick up the valley in between your breasts. 
“Jisung!” You mewl out. You feel him smirk against your skin.
“Glad to see you’re finally making those pretty lips useful,” You turn your face away as you blush at his words. “I guess it’s my turn now.” Your head plunges further into the pillow when you feel him enclose his lips around one of your breasts, squeezing the other in his hand. 
“Shit, Ji.” Your ears tune into the lewd sound of him sucking your nipple into his mouth. He moans around you. The vibrations from his voice turn into chills that spread all throughout your body. He shifts his head to your other breast to pay it the same attention. 
“I fucking love your mouth, Jisung.” Your eyes widen at your own declaration. He lets go of you, cocking his eyebrow up. 
“Oh yeah?” He teases, but he can feel himself twitching in his pants. “Well, you’re about to love it a lot more...” That’s when he begins kissing down your stomach, wet lips smacking messily against your flesh. Your hips buck up at the feeling of his tongue jutting out on you. You tense up when his nose tickles the skin below your belly button. He waits until he can sense your anticipation, before starting to kiss horizontally above the hem of your jeans. 
“Ji, please...” You pant. You could let him kiss everywhere on your body for hours, but the growing need in your core makes you desperate for his lips to be elsewhere... 
“I know, sweetheart...” You exhale in relief when his fingers go up to undo the button of your jeans. “I’m gonna give you everything I should have a long time ago.”
 You wiggle your legs, helping him get them down. As soon as he’s got them off your feet, he wraps his hand around your ankle, holding your leg up for him. He makes sure his eyes are locked with yours before his lips and teeth begin to rake down the skin. You would protest his stalling if it weren’t for the animalistic look he’s burning into you, the flame in his eyes becoming brighter as the distance between him and your core closes in.
“Hmm...” He hums against you, satisfied by the fact that you’re already soaking through your panties. You sigh as soon as you see him hook his fingers under the waistband. Your heels dig into the sheets when he places kisses over the hood of your clit when the skin becomes exposed. Once he slides the garment off of your ankles, he tosses them over his shoulder before inching his face back over above your heat. He licks his lips before diving in. 
“Ah, yes! Ji!” Your legs open more, letting him get as close as he possibly can. He’s already moaning into you at the first taste, hands coming up to grope at your tits. 
“Shit, you taste amazing...” His praise is muffled as he covers your slit with his open mouth. He lays his tongue flat against you before moving his head side to side. 
“Oh fuck!” One of your hands goes over his on your breast and the other runs down your body to pull at his locks. His eyes roll back as if he’s getting high off of your taste. Your mouth opens in a silent moan as you feel the sharpness of the tip of his tongue running up from your sopping entrance to your clit. 
“Jisung~” You call out his name over and over again as he laps at your needy bud.
“That’s it, baby,” He paused to place a kiss on your thigh. “Keep moaning my name like that. Like it belongs to you and only you~”
“Fuck yes...” You yelp when you feel his teeth lightly graze your folds. “Jisung!”
“I’m all yours,” He whispers, kissing your clit. “All yours.” He starts to make circles around your entrance with his fingertips before sliding one into you. Your hands pull harder at his hair, pressing him deeper into you. He takes the opportunity to suck more of your clit into his mouth. Your vision goes white and you’re only able to focus on the feeling of his tongue flicking against you while he curls his finger up against the sweet spot within your walls. 
“Mmm, baby let go one moment.” You do as he says, taking your hand out of his hair. He lifts his head up, eyes still trained on your messy cunt as he lets a string of his spit fall from his lips onto you. You moan as you feel it trickle down your folds. He leans back down, lapping his own saliva up along with your wetness. He slides another finger into you, pounding them into you without warning. At the same time, his tongue and lips feel like they’re everywhere at once. 
“Fuck! Ji, I’m gonna cum...” You cry out as you begin to feel the pit in your stomach tighten. He hums against you in response, eager to drink you in. As you finally release into his mouth with one last moan of his name, his hand squeezes tighter around your breast. He lets himself completely drown in you, helping you ride the wave of your high. 
As you begin to come back down, Jisung stays put in between your legs. You look over at him, curiously, as you continue to catch your breath. 
“Ji? What is it?” You ask him. That’s when he suddenly grabs your thighs, pushing them up into your chest. His head drops back down to tongue furiously at your clit again. 
“Jisung! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” It takes all of his strength to keep your legs in place. Your knuckles turn white around the sheets, nails threatening to tear into them. 
“Ji! I c-can’t...” When you feel another orgasm about to rip through your body, he pulls away and lets go of your legs. Before you can register what he’s doing, he’s sucking at your tits again. His tongue swirls sloppily around your nipples, smearing your juices along with his saliva. You moan out, burying your nails into the skin of his shoulder, spurring him on further. 
“I’m sorry, baby...” He moans against your chest. “I just want this to last forever.” He sucks dark marks into your skin as one of his hands travels down to rub fast circles around your clit. 
“Ji...Ji...” His name is the only thing on your mind right now as he brings you to ecstasy again. You whine as he holds you tight against him, kissing over the marks he had left. 
“Thank you for being so good for me...” He praises, lifting himself back up to give you a sweet kiss. You don’t fail to notice how beautiful he is. Sweat making his messy hair stick to his face, eyes blown out with your arousal staining his lips. He hisses when your hand comes up to palm him through his jeans. 
“Ji, I need you now...” You plead. 
“Oh, baby, you have me~” He says with a wink, sitting up so you can reach the button of his jeans. Your eyes don’t leave his as you go to undo them. You push them down to his knees so that he can kick them off. You pull him back down to kiss you while letting your hand slip into his underwear. When he lets out a groan, you slide your tongue into his mouth, and he only gets louder as a result. 
“Fuck, (Y/n)...” His eyes squeeze shut as you wrap your fingers around him, sliding them up and down. He presses his forehead to yours, lost in your touch. Becoming impatient, he makes swift work of taking his boxers off, finally freeing his hard cock. His eyes travel all along your body as he bites his lip, giving himself a few pumps. He slowly moves his hips over to meet yours, carefully guiding himself into you. Your head falls back and his falls onto your shoulder once he’s all the way in. 
“You feel so damn good,” He whispers in your ear, kissing just below it. “And you look so good too, so fucking beautiful... even better than how I imagined you would be like this.” His words make you wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper. You bite down on the inside of your cheek when he begins to move, his tip already kissing your sweet spot with every thrust. Your head goes dizzy at the sound of his deep breaths in your ear and your fingers go to grasp at his tone back. He grunts at the sting of your nails scratching down the skin, encouraging him to pick up the pace. 
After a while, he gets up on his knees so that he can hold your legs open to watch his cock disappear inside you over and over again. The sight of your pretty face lost in pleasure makes him grow even harder against your walls. That’s when he thinks back to what you said earlier. 
“(Y/n), I need to say something...” He rasps out. Your eyes shift up to look into his, unable to form words with the way he’s rocking into you. He pauses for a moment to place a kiss on your knee beside him before resuming the rhythm of his hips. 
“You’re the most beautiful, most wonderful girl in my life,” He tells you, “The only girl for me...” He leans back on top of you, earning a whine from you when you feel your nipples rub across his glistening chest. 
“I’ll fuck you in front of Sori myself to let her know her place if that’s what it takes to get you to see it...” His voice is low in your ear as he finishes his statement. 
“Ji!” You groan in embarrassment burying your face in his shoulder. Despite this, his words still make you clench around him even harder. He chuckles, kissing your face as he drives into you faster. The sweet, familiar pressure begins to build back up within you. You can tell he's also getting close too by the way he's throwing his head back, sweat dripping down his Adam's apple.
“(Y/n), I’m gonna cum soon,” He pants, hips rutting into you harder, “Where do you-” 
“Inside! Please I want to feel it inside me...” You trap him within your legs so he can’t escape. 
“Fuck. Okay, sweet girl...” With that, he brings a hand down to rub at your clit, making sure to send you over the edge before he gets there himself. 
“Mmm! Jisung!” You come apart underneath him, the sight of you making him spill into you soon after. Your body shivers when you feel how warm his seed is inside of you.
“Ah! Fuck, baby~” Jisung lets himself fall into your arms, lazily grinding himself into you as he continues to fill you up. Once he's spent, he rests his eyes, listening to your calming heartbeat. You kiss his forehead, soothingly running your hands through his hair. The two of you stay like that for a couple of minutes, catching your breath.
"This was long overdue..." He remarks, making you laugh.
"I'd say." You reply.
“I’ll go run a bath for you.” Jisung whispers, kissing your cheek before pulling out of you. He pushes himself off the bed before disappearing into his connected bathroom. You turn over on your side, pressing your thighs together so that his cum doesn’t drip out of you. You let your eyes shut against the pillow you’re cradling underneath you. 
Just before you can drift off, you feel someone tapping at your shoulder. Your eyes flutter back open to reveal a smiling Jisung with his cheeks puffing out. 
“Come on, sleepyhead. Let’s get you in the tub.” He helps you to your feet, both of you not failing to notice the slight shake in your leg as he guides you to the bathroom. He carries you in, setting you down in the warm water. You sigh as the tension in your muscles fades away, laying back against the wall of the tub. He lets himself admire your relaxed form before turning to leave. You stop him by grabbing his wrist. 
“Come join me, please?” He can’t say no to the big eyes that you’re giving him. He sheds the underwear he had put back on before climbing into the tub with you. He immediately opens his arms up to you, to which you gladly indulge. Your back is pressed firmly to his torso, head resting comfortably on his shoulder.
“Did everything feel good?” He asks you. You hum contently, nodding your head. 
“I’m afraid you’ve got me in deeper than I was before,” You joke, looking up at him. “You’re stuck with me now...”
“That’s fine by me,” He chuckles, pressing a kiss into the side of your face. “Because now that I have you, I’m not letting go...” 
“Me neither, Ji.” You smile.
Ahhh, hello! Thank you so much for reading! I know this fic was longer than what I normally do, but I really loved the plot I developed for it so that’s why I went a little crazy lmao. I came up with this by mixing a couple ideas I received together so thank you to everyone who submitted ideas for a Jisung fic when I asked! Please don’t forget to reblog, comment, and interact with this post/my blog if you liked this, I would really appreciate a little more than just a like :) 
Another thing I should mention is that I am unfortunately going to be closing my requests for one-shots at this time :( I have a good bit of requests right now that I need to write for but I will let you all know as soon as I open them again! If you still want to submit a hard/soft thought that you want me to make a note on or write a little drabble for, feel free to do so because I still want to be active and interact with all of you! 
Okay, one last thing this note is as long as the fic I’m sorry.. I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for reading my stories and supporting my work in the short time I’ve been writing! I didn’t expect to see my content get as much attention and positive feedback as it is and I am so so so thankful to everyone who interacts with what I post! So again, thank you so much, and thank you again for reading this! <3
🏷: @biscuitslino @sydsownworld @lovebella
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chososheart · 3 years
Spider-Man: In Your Home (1)
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x F! Reader
Content: SPIDER-MAN AU!, established relationship, SPIDER-MAN! EREN, GWEN! READER, college au.
Summary: Eren Jaeger, also known as spider-man (shhh, it's a secret ;), comes knocking on your window hoping for you to heal the wounds he got while fighting a huge lizard man :))
CW: NSFW, suggestive themes (idk if what i wrote counts as smut lol), ANGST (Y'ALL, I WROTE ANGST!!), FLUFF, descriptive mentions of bodily injuries: wounds, big cuts, blood, bruises, a burn injury (its slightly mentioned dw). medical procedures: (needles, stitches, medication), mature language, eren is a foine mixture of Andrew's Pete and normal ereh :))
Word Count: 4.8k
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Okay, but imagine Eren Jaeger as The Amazing Spiderman. Imagine being his Gwen, the girl who he’s head over heels for and who he always searches for when he’s in trouble; when he gets badly injured and it’s too much for him… I think we all have that glorious scene of Andrew Garfield in mind—but, what if it was Eren?
It was late at night, you’re not sure what time it is or how late it is, but your false perception of time doesn’t affect your vision. The sky’s been cloudy and dark for a while now.
You’ve had your nose buried in books all day. You’re a smart girl with a great future ahead of her (lmao). People have great expectations for who you’ll be, what you’ll do, how you’ll live. Meeting not only their expectations but yours is what keeps your teary, tired eyes, scanning over the tedious texts in your notebook. It’s what keeps your trembly, sore hands, writing the most important parts of said texts in your notebook. And you were on a stride, getting a lot more work done than you had intended–when you hear a thud, something like thump-thump-thump-thump.
You drop your pencil and turn your head halfway-
Stop. No distractions.
“Right.” You look at the books on your table again and sigh. You pick your pencil back up when you hear it again, but louder.
It’s coming from your window.
You hurriedly stand, head tilted and face twisted with worry. And with a few long steps across your room, your face drops. Your features relax as you let a deep exhale out.
Fucking jerk.
He knows you’re supposed to be studying and he knows his life would be cut short if your father saw him, so, what the fuck is he doing outside your window? Plus, he’s in his fucking bug costume.
What if someone sees him?
You’re ready to send him back home when you open your window with one quick and harsh pull, up. Except, he falls headfirst into your room before you can say anything.
“Agh-” Eren’s eyes were already semi shut before he fell, they fluttered open every time he felt himself go unconscious while he waited for you to open your window, but now they were tightly shut as the rest of his face scrunched from the sharp pain he felt on the shoulder he landed on.
“Oh, my god! Eren?” You rush to aid him. When you fall on your knees, you’re reminded of the hardwood floor you own. Ouch. You ignore the scrapes and bruises forming on your knees and grab his face in your hands.
“Eren!” You whisper-shout, voice filled with gravity and desperation.
You move his body, which was heavy as a million bricks, into your lap. You give his face a few slaps; not hard enough to pain him but to make him react. Like how vets do when a newborn animal won’t respond.
“Ah- fuck.” Eren moved his face away from you and squinted his eyes after getting hit with, what felt like, a million bright lights burning his eyeballs.
You straighten your body and relax, a sigh leaving through your trembling lips along with all your worries.
“Eren.” You blink away the sting forming on your nose and eyes—a tail tale sign you were about to cry. “Don’t ever do that again.” It came out shaky; like you’d been crying for hours, though you haven’t. You press your lips together, feeling like a sob might scape as well. You’re frustrated you let your emotions show.
But Eren doesn’t think of your emotions, of you, like a disturbance. He snapped his head at you the second he heard that first waver in your voice. Through the squint of his eyes, he tried to study you, your face. He has worried you—pained you, even. He feels that stinging sensation in his heart. He has hurt you.
“It’s nothing serious.” His voice was deeper than usual, raspy, too. His voice cords suffered, with every word he spoke, every breath he took. You can tell from the harsh swallow he took after finishing his sentence.
“Eren, I thought-”
“Shh. I just need a little help. That’s all.” He said the last part with a grunt as he forced himself off your lap and sat across from you.
“Eren, I-” You think about arguing some more. You know he’s trying to make it seem like he’s only gotten a few scratches; you aren’t foolish enough to believe him. But you also know your boyfriend, his personality and mannerisms. He’s stubborn as a rock and won’t admit to being wrong. He also won’t ever ask for help unless he deeply needs it. Fuck, it’s bad, isn’t it?
“Eren.” You take a deep breath. Though you know his conditions, it’ll hurt to see. “How bad is it?”
He looked at you—at the lamp behind you. He can never look you in the eyes when he lies. After you once called him out on how pink his ears flush when he lies, he hasn’t done it as confidently since.
“Few scratches, I already told you.” When his voice stilled he instantly caught your eyes in his.
You give him a few disapproving seconds, blinking at him with a straight face. And when you saw that he wouldn’t give in, you studied his body, how he sat, any clues of pain or discomfort in his face. And…
His back was slouched and his chest tucked back, almost as if it was a natural, don’t touch me here, it hurts, response.
So what do you do? Of course, you touch him there.
You poke his chest with your pointer finger. Eren’s shoulders came fighting back at your attack. Both slinging forward—to hide his chest from you—so quickly you would have missed it with a blink. But no amount of blinks would’ve hidden the sharp hiss that escaped his lips.
With his hand on his chest, he looked at you again, eyes still stubborn, but his face, laced with a dash of cooperativeness. “Maybe it’s more than a scratch.” He looked at the floor.
You won.
You roll your eyes, no shit. “On my bed. Now.”
You walk to your door and when you look back, he’s limping and holding the wall for support on his way to your bed. Fuck, it’s worse than I thought.
You turn back around and exit through your door. “Mom!” You lean against the staircase handle and yell.
“Yes, honey?” Your dad yells back.
Fuck, not him.
“Dad, can you get mom?”
“What for?” You heard him reach the bottom of the stairs.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Female problems! All that gross stuff. Get her.”
You can’t see him, but you can mentally envision the face he’s making. Probably a scrunch of his nose, along with his unnecessarily huge eyebrows completely covering his small eyes. His typical face when he’s even just a bit uncomfortable.
“She’s in the kitchen, honey. Come downstairs.”
You rush down the stairs, a creaking sound, shot in the air with each step. When you enter the kitchen you lean against your marbled counter, arms crossed in front of you and supporting your weight.
“Mom, do you know where the first aid kit is?”
Your mom stops the stirring of her beloved golden soup spoon and turns her head to the side, not to look at you, but for you to see her face’s profile. “I heard you tell your father it was for ‘female problems’.”
Of course, she heard.
“Yeah, um, I just need some cotton, I ran out.”
She places her spoon on top of the uncovered pot to keep the liquids in it from going overboard, a life hack she saw on Facebook, and she turned and leaned on the other side of the counter you leaned on. Her eyes analyzed you, looking at your face for any clues of disbelief in your statement. ‘If you won’t believe your statement, how can she?’ Is another obnoxiously untrue life hack she learned on Facebook. Phycology 101, those Facebook moms will call it. They—she will use it the most unnecessary of times. It’s ridiculous.
With a final squint of her eyes, she makes up her mind, you aren’t lying. “Under the bathroom counter.” You open your mouth to ask which one, “Upstairs,” she says.
She turns around and lowers the heat on the stove. She takes the spoon again and, “Ouch!” She yelled after touching the burning spoon.
While you exited the kitchen, hurriedly going to the bathroom, you squeeze your lips into a tight line, trying not to laugh at her.
Facebook moms, they’re hilarious, really. They teach you how to make your life ‘easier’ without keeping anything else in mind. Like, how different materials in certain objects can affect the life hack they’re teaching. Metal is the best heat transmitter, but God forbid you to try to ‘outsmart’ her.
You giggle your way up the stairs and grab what you need in the hallway bathroom. When you enter your room again, you turn around and lock the door.
You look at the ground for a bit before turning around, and when you do, with a cheeky smile, you say, “You’ll never believe what happened with my m-” You gasp. “Eren!” You rush to him and drop the first aid kit on your bed.
It looked like he originally was sitting at the edge of your bed, but fell, due to his unconscious state. He now laid like he took the best nap of his life. Which, by itself, isn’t worrying, but context, people. He was almost dead when he, quite literally, crashed into your room. You can’t afford him going unconscious when you aren’t sure how to hurt he is.
You get on top of your bed by placing one knee in the spot in between his legs, and the other on the free space on your bed. “Eren!” You whisper as loudly as your thin walls allow you to. You slap him again, and again, and again, until…
“What the fuck are you doing?” He grabbed onto your forearm and squinted his eyes. His suit felt weird against your skin, it was prickly, but it tickled.
You sit down—which, because of the position you were in—you straddle his thigh. You didn’t give it much thought, you didn’t even notice it until he opened his mouth.
“Damn, take me out to dinner first.” He placed his forearm under his head while giving you that usual grin, the one that made your breathing heavy and knees weak—but you’d rather die than ever let him know.
“Shut up.” You reach for the first aid kit that lay discarded on your bed.
“No, no. I know one better. Make sure I’m fully alive first.” He filled the room with his heavy, and loud laughter.
You wack him in the arm. “Eren, be quiet. They’re gonna fucking hear you.”
But he couldn’t stop laughing, he thinks he’s so funny. You roll your eyes and let your head drop, your laughter soon enough joins his. And he makes sure to make fun of you for it.
Until a sudden twitch of his chest brings you back down to earth, he’s injured. “Okay, Eren, sit up.” You get off his thigh and stand in front of him.
When he sits up, he’s hesitant about taking his suit off.
“I promise I’m not gonna get pissed. I’m here to help.”
He looks at you for a few seconds longer. He doesn’t believe you. He slowly peels off his suit and hisses with every tug of the material that’s drenched in blood.
Oh, my God.
“Eren, I-” You stretch out your arm to touch him but instantly change your mind and retreat.
“How- what did they- what happened?” It sure was a sight to see. Eren’s chest was filled with cuts and bruises—what if he has a broken rib?—three specific cuts run diagonally across his chest. Like three lines. You feel like crying. That sour sting is building up in your nose again, but you don’t think you can fight back your tears this time. You turn around and remain with your back to him while you desperately wiped every tear you weren’t strong enough to hold back.
Shit. He feels like shit. Why does he keep doing this shit to you? Why does he keep getting himself in near-death situations only to drag himself to your room and watch you break down every time. It’s worse each time, too. Next time he knocks on your window—no. There might not be a next time if he keeps this up. This recklessnesses; this fire in him to not give up, that he just can’t seem to turn off. Not even the tears you’ve shed can seem to do the trick. When am I gonna stop?
He knows the answer and you do too.
“It’s- it’s not even-”
“If you dare say it’s not even that bad I’m gonna throw you out the window you came from.” You snap at him. Voice wavering but the determination behind each word is still there.
You wipe your last set of tears, that’s enough, and turn again to look at him. And you can see it. His heart, exploding into a million pieces. Putting him in greater pain than he was at before.
You step toward him with a straight face. Still sniffing every now and then. You open the first aid kit and take out the oxygenated water and cotton pads.
“If it's infected, it’ll hurt.”
“That’s okay.” He took a deep breath and squeezed his hands into fists, clawing his flesh in the process.
You tilt your head to get a better look at him. You dip the oxygenated water in the cotton, and softly start petting it into his skin.
Eren's mouth remained tightened but a sharp hiss managed to escape. He shut his eyes and refused to pain your heart any longer. This isn’t even the worst part.
Parts of the wettened cotton remained in his skin, in his cuts. the sight was enough to make your hands tremble and spine tingle.
But it was done. This part, at least. You disinfected the area and now there was only one thing left to do.
“Eren, I have to-”
“Stitch it?”
“You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do.”
You look at him. His green eyes twinkle with the soft lighting of your room. You’ve never stitched a human before, only clothing. I assume it’s the same thing, right? Okay, not the same thing. But, the same technique, right?
“Take a deep breath for me,” you say, but you’re not sure who it was aimed for.
He takes a deep breath. It hurt. It felt dry against his throat and it stung his nose. His chest filled to its capability and ached. When he flattened his chest, you made your move.
Sliding the black thread through the hole of the needle. With hands as shaky as yours, it was a challenge. The thread felt different than your regular sewing thread. It resembled thin plastic. It’ll hurt, that’s for sure.
You place your palm on his chest, on top of his left pectoral. The thumping on your fingertips had you confused, as you didn’t know if it was yours or his. You swallow hard. Swallow every worry that’s clouding your mind at the moment. A shaky doctor is the last thing he needs. You move your face closer to him. By squinting your glossed eyes, you could see exactly where the cut began.
You take a moment to look at Eren in the eyes. It was warm, his face, his look. He’s completely at your mercy but his warm gaze reassures any what if I fuck this up and make it worse? out of your mind.
“Hey,” he spoke. His voice, rough and low.
“Hey,” you whisper back. Your faces were aligned with each other’s, your body’s conjoined like a puzzle; your leg in between his and his hands holding the back of your thighs, so lightly, it’s easy to miss.
“I’ll be okay. You got this, okay?”
You’re both embarrassed and heart-struck at his encouraging words. He's comforting you as if your life was in his hands and not the other way around.
“Mkay.” You smile at him, your breath fanning his cheek and making his heart tight against his chest.
You clean the needle and pass it through the two split sections of his skin. You did it quick, the faster, the fewer chills crawled down your back.
“Fuck,” he breathed. His hands held your thighs tightly now.
“I’m sorry.” You inspect his face for any signs of regret.
Eren shook his head and closed his eyes. “Keep going.”
You suck in a quick, dry breath and continue. You pull on the needle and pass the thread through his flesh. The sound was enough to put you in agony. Your hands were shaky and your shoulders tight. But you continue. You have to.
You begin again, about a centimeter lower than your last stitch, and repeat the movement. Your fifth time passing the needle thought his skin, and you’ve got the handle of it now. You steadily, but quickly, continue the movement, ignoring how his nails dig into your skin. You prefer it. The pain helps you focus, in a weird masochistic way.
You pull on the needle once you finished with the first cut. You pulled on it to tighten the work you’ve done but when you do, Eren’s forehead falls directly on your chest. You can feel his eyelashes flutter, warm tears spring out and fall against your skin.
“I’m finished with this cut, Eren,” you say.
He remains quiet. You’d allow him to stay in this position forever but you can’t see your work and you have to tie it.
“Eren. I need to make the knot. Okay?”
Without a word, he moves and allows you access again. You quickly tie the knot and cut the thread.
You start with the cut in the middle. You slide the needle in, and Eren grips your thighs with twice the amount of strength as before. His nails dug temporary holes in your skin. It hurt. But you’d be dammed if you didn’t find him incredibly attractive. You hate yourself, you really do. But you can’t help the feeling that travels through you every time he holds you tighter, closer. It’s this feeling that feels empty but you know it’s there. It traveled through your organs, your skin, your bones. Like if you were dropping down on the highest roller coaster in the world. It made your breathing hard to carry. You struggled to breathe, but Eren was worse. He inhaled heavy breaths and full exhales. He groaned and cursed every time you prickled him with the needle.
“Eren, please stop. I need to focus,” you whispered. So light, so softly. It felt as sweet as a siren’s melody. Your voice lured him in and kept him trapped, unable to process what you had just said. But one look at your pained face and his hands suddenly felt like bricks. The heaviness quickly made him stop.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed.
You shake your head. You didn’t mind the firmness of his hold. But your thoughts were getting in the way. Eren is the sweetest partner you’ve had. He’s soft and gentle with you. Only ever praises you. He makes love to you. But you’ve always wondered what it would be like if he treated you roughly? You know he wants to, you’ve seen it in his face as he’s buried deep inside you. You’ve seen how he scans over your body under him with a sly smirk—before he hides it away and tells you how good you’re taking him. You’ve had him grip your skin too tightly at times. You’ve had him manhandle you, which you very much liked, but he always took those gestures back. He always compensated by treating you as gently as he could after. Treating you like glass. So when he grabs you in the way he just did, it makes your heart go crazy.
But you recognize now isn’t the time for this. You swallow all your wants away and take a final deep breath. You finish your work, tie it with a knot and move on to the final cut.
You repeat everything you’ve done before. You slide the needle in, slide it out and repeat. You felt Eren’s thighs twitch and slam against you every time you pulled on the string. But one quick look of reassurance from him had you moving in no time. Slide the needle in, slide it out and repeat. Slide the needle in, slide it out and repeat. Slide the needle in, slide it out and repeat. And just like that, you were done. You slide the needle in one last time and tie the knot.
Eren drops his head in your chest. You can’t imagine the amount of pain he’s in. But the heaviness on your heart may come close to it. You close your eyes and just feel him. Feel his touch, his presence, his warmness. You hate yourself, your mind for even thinking about it, but you know this feeling, this comfort, may not last forever. He knows it too.
You slide your hands through his hair but notice the knotted mess his hair tie is stuck in. You, little by little, tug and separate every knot until you get the tie out. Eren kept his nose buried in your chest the whole time. Hiding every hiss or heavy breath with your skin. He stayed like that for a long time, he always does. He breathes you in and feels at peace, at home. Nothing can take away the state of mind he enters when he feels your scent and warmness surround him. So when you grip on the sides of his face and force him to look up at you, his eyes are different. It’s as if the battle he just escaped from, the stitches you had to sew, didn’t happen. He looks happy, relaxed, so beautiful. His eyes, submissive, and his lips slightly parted, allowing a few breaths of his to hit your skin.
“You have a cut,’ you whisper, your voice light but with the slightest rasp.
“Where?” he whispers in the same tone, except his was heavier and pleasing to the ear. His voice grumbled in a way that makes the average woman roll her eyes to the back of her head and knees buckle. But again, you’d never admit to that.
“Right,” you slide your thumb down his bottom lip, “here.” his lips were tainted a deep red from the blood and bruises on it. Again, you hate yourself for this, but he looks incredibly hot.
“Why don’t you heal that for me too?” he said. Though your eyes focused on his eyes, you can audibly hear the cockiness, the smirk that came with that remark. But you do it anyway.
You lower your head towards him. Breathing heavily and desperately. Showing clear signs of arousal and anxiousness. Eren’s hands are quick to follow your league. One holding your lower back and the other cupping your face. You approach his face slowly, his eyes making it impossible for you to move, but you do. You angle your head to the right as he angles his to the left. Both breaths are so heavy you can almost hear moans in their undertones. You both stared into each others’ eyes, completely lost in them. You’d only lose eye contact to glance at his lips. You feel chills almost electrifying your whole body from their intensiveness. You still can’t understand how someone can make you feel as flustered as this. Your cheeks are itchy and hot, neck and breathing tight, and when you’re about to reach his mouth, you bump against his nose. You give Eren a surprised look before laughing the awkwardness away with him and joining your lips with his.
A metallic taste. That’s what you could mainly feel. But you don’t mind it at all. You breathe him in, desperate and needing, and swallow him whole. Sliding your tongue against his and crashing your teeth with his every time he pulled you closer by the neck.
“Mhm,” you moan against his mouth and staddle him.
You dip your hands in his hair. Its course, messy and hard to slide through; when you’d tried, you accidentally pulled on it. Eren groaned and bucked his hips against yours. You were parted on top of him, feeling every movement through his skin-tight suit, so, when he responded like this, you felt all of it. You release a broken moan against his lips. He releases your lips with a quick bite and covers your mouth with his hand. He continued to swirl and buck his hips into yours.
“What are you- what are you doing?” you mumble against his hand.
He continues his rocking movement, letting go of your mouth and guiding your hips back and forth on him. You could feel him getting bigger and harder. You’re not sure you’ll be able to contain your moans if he keeps going.
“What do you mean?” he breathed.
“Eren,” you place your hands on his shoulders and look at him, “we can’t.”
Eren squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back. “Why not?” he whined.
“I just—” You feel him poke you, hard and prominent. His suit’s fabric was not made for boners. “I don't think we should do this—” You’re interrupted by an involuntary moan of yours. You can’t even think straight. “Eren, you’re injured. We can’t.” You rest your forehead on his shoulder and close your eyes. It's incredibly hard to say no to him when you can feel him in all the right places. You can feel it applying pressure on your clit in the right ways and the friction had your head spinning. This is so unfair.
Eren stilled his movement and kissed the top of your head. “I’m fine. I promise.” He gave your waist a small squeeze to encourage you to move but you’ll feel too guilty if you allow this to continue any further.
You look at him. “Eren, trust me. I want it so bad.” You close your eyes and take a deep breath. “But think about your condition. You were half dead when you fell in my room. You’re still recovering. Let’s not abuse the little energy you have right now.”
The look on his face doesn’t budge. In his head, it doesn’t make sense you’re not having sex with him for him, since he can’t think of anything but having sex with you. But your pleading eyes hushed his thoughts.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay.” He leans in and kisses your forehead. His lips, rough and warm. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“Thank you.” You breathe and grab his face again. You lay a quick peck against his lips and peel yourself off his lap. Your lower body feels damp and overheated but Eren’s case is even worse. His cock throbs in pain and his balls hurt. It feels like it’ll explode at any moment now. He can’t fully believe how little you have to do to rile him up so much.
He gets up and hugs you from behind. “Thank you, baby.”
His cock pocked your ass.
“Fuck,” he whispered. He buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling you in and leaving kisses that made you feel as light and high as a cloud. He held onto your waist tightly while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. You scratched his head while holding back moans, hiding them with your heavy breaths. When he let go of you, his cock brushed against your hips. You shut your eyes and bite the tiny whimper you felt bubble up in your throat away.
You turn and face him. “I’ll see you next week, Eren.”
“Tomorrow,” he says.
You frown and cross your arms. “I have to study. No distractions.”
“I’m a distraction?”
“When’s the exam?” He moved toward your window, opening it.
“In three days.”
“Cool.” He looks at the piles of books on your desk and quickly extends his arm. He shoots his web at the biggest book he could spot and jumps on the outer rail of your window. He holds on to the wall outside. “I’ll just borrow this and give it back tomorrow, yeah?”
Your eyes widen, how in the fuck did he do that so quickly?
He laughed. “Glad you’re cool with it. Love you, babe. See you tomorrow.” He jumped from your window and threw his web against a building.
You run toward your window and look up at the sky.
“Maybe we can continue where we left off!” he screamed as he swung from building to building, slowly disappearing from your vision.
Your head falls against your glassed window. You laugh as you shake your head. “I love you too.”
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CHOSOSCUMSLUTT 2022 © All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, modify, or repost.
AHHHH I CAN FINALLY POST THIS YAYYYY. hope you guys enjoy this as much as i do <33
chap 2 will be fun hehe
tag list: @the-princess-button @too-phased @cutelilfrogge @westandontwe @histarean @todorokishoe21
if your name is pink i couldn’t tag you :(
(if you want to get added to my tag list, check this post)
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Surprise, surprise.
Author's note: This is my first ever written one shot. The inspiration popped into my head during my shower. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy
Fluffy one shot.
Part 1.
// Introduction //
A little info about Y/N and Vinnie.
So, you guys met during the first Covid lockdown.
You weren’t really seeing anyone of your friends during this time because you didn’t feel like taking any risks. So the only way for you to interact with anyone, was via social media. Before lockdown you also kind of give up on the idea of finding a lover because the last time you gave it a shot it didn’t work out.
You remember one of your best friends told you ‘’ Once you start focusing on yourself, it’ll come to you. ‘’ Well, what better way to focus on yourself other than during quarantine?
That’s when Vinnie came into the picture.
After many failed attempts of having a normal conversation with serval people, the last thing Vinnie expected was to meet someone like you. A lot of the time people tried to take advantage of the fact that he was famous. They would post his personal info on social media and share their conversations for clout. Just like you, Vinnie was kind of over the idea of meeting someone who would like him for his personality instead of his name.
You guys instantly clicked. It felt like talking to someone you’ve known your entire life. There wasn’t a thing you couldn’t share with another. But because the two of you lived in different time zones you couldn’t talk as much as you’d like, but you made it manageable. There was only one problem; traveling was not an option due to Covid, so the two of you had never seen each other in real life.
Until now…
// End of introduction //
Alex (Warren) set up his camera to make a video.
He clicked on record and looked into the camera.
‘’ So as you guys know, Vinnie and Y/N met online in the beginning of Covid, but they’ve never officially seen each other in real life. Now that traveling is allowed again and Vinnie hasn’t been feeling himself lately, I thought it was a good idea to surprise him. I bought y/n a plan ticket so she can come over and hopefully cheer Vinnie up. And I will document the entire journey. ‘’
// Vinnie’s POV //
It’s noon. I lay on my bed, scrolling on my phone through TikTok. I haven’t heard from Y/N all day. Normally she would call me before going to bed herself, but she never did. I tried texting her but no reply.
Yo bro, you there???
I miss your voiceeee
Please don’t be asleep already 
Pick up!!!!!! Or else I’m coming for you.
God, I wish I could just fly to wherever she was at and kiss her entire face. Because, yes, I am indeed in love with her, and she feels the same way about me. I just never thought I could recognize so much of myself in someone else. She’s the most kind, beautiful and loving person I know, and I can’t wait to hold her in my arms one day and never let go.
I’m starting to daydream about a life with y/n without the long distance, because it truly sucks. Then I hear a knock on the door and before I know it Alex comes rushing in with his camera in his hand.
( Vinnie & Alex )
‘’ Vinnie, say hello to everyone! ‘’
‘’ Hello everyone. Alex what do you want? ‘’
‘’ Why are you assuming I want something from you? ‘’
‘’ Because you only enter my room if you either have one of your crazy ideas to share or if you want me to get involved in something I probably shouldn’t get involved into. ‘’
‘’ Pfft, not true. My ideas aren’t crazy, they’re brilliant in their own way. ‘’
Alex grins at me. Suspiciously.
‘’ Anyways that’s not the point Vincent, I actually came in to see if you would join me to get some groceries because the only thing left are rise waffles and I’m starving. ‘’
Alex is blinking his eyes with the same grin he has had on from the moment he came into my room.
He’s not going to leave until I agree on coming. So before I know it, we’re on our way to the grocery store.
// Y/N’s POV //
I received a text from Alex a few weeks ago. He told me about his idea to surprise Vinnie. I couldn’t be more excited. Ever since Vinnie and I started talking I have pushed many of my personal boundaries. In a positive way. Vinnie has helped me regain trust in others and has showed me that love is real. I have lost my faith in love due to my previous experiences. That’s why the connection that I have with Vinnie is so important to me.
I have arrived at the airport as I turn on my phone. My phone starts to receive all the missed text messages and calls from Vinnie. I smile as I read through them.
‘’ Oh Vin, if only you knew ‘’ I think to myself.
I hear someone yelling my name behind me. As I turn around, I see Nailea running towards me.
Nailea is a close friend of Vinnie so of course she was the first to know about Vinnie’s contact with me. She’s been super kind to me, and I consider her as the sister I never had.
Nailea hugs me once she has approached me.
( Y/N & Nailea )
‘’ OH MY GOD. Girl, I am so happy that you’re finally hereeeee!!! ’’
I laugh as I see people around looking at us.
‘’ I am also very happy to be here. To finally meet everyone. For real. ‘’
‘’ Yea, now tell me, does my nose look bigger on the screen than in real life? ‘’
‘’ Hahaha, no Nai. You look fantastic on the screen and even better in real life. ‘’
Nailea and I take my stuff and walk out of the airport.
Once settled in the car, I receive a text from Alex:
We’re almost at the store. He hasn’t got a clue. See you there.
This is all a part of Alex his big plan. First, I will act like a regular costumer shopping at the same store as Vinnie and Alex. Then once they get back, Alex will distract Vinnie just a little longer, so he won’t notice me walking past the car right away. Brilliant.
// Vinnie’s POV //
Alex and I walk into the store.
‘’ Alright, what do we need? ‘’
‘’ Anything but rise waffles. ‘’
I shake my head, laughing, as I walk to the lemonade aisle.
Alex is taking out his camera and starts filming me from a far.
I start singing Paparazzi by Lady Gaga as I act like I'm hiding from him.
‘’ Oh, you should also take a few cans of coke. ‘’ Alex suggests.
As I walk towards the aisle with cans of lemonade, I notice a girl standing in front of it. Her hair instantly reminds me of Y/N. The exact same length, color and texture. Call me a simp, but I just pay a lot of attention to the girl I love. I slowly approach the girl before Alex attacks be by throwing a teddy bear on my head.
‘’ Hey, watch it! ‘’ I fix my hair.
‘’ Sorry man, I just know how much you like teddy bears. ‘’ Alex’s laughing out loud as he zooms in to my face.
I laugh, as I start to think back to the day Alex thought it would be funny to buy a giant teddy bear and have Patrick in it to scare me.
Just then, I notice the girl was gone. I didn’t see her anywhere else again.
After collecting all the stuff, we needed, we went home.
Once we arrived home, Alex stopped me before I opened my car door.
‘’ Let’s just sit here for a bit and talk about some stuff. ‘’ I stare at Alex with a confused look on my face.
‘’ Yea, because the viewers want to know, how are things going between you and Y/N? ‘’
I scratch the back of my neck and start feeling the heat take over my cheeks.
‘’ I mean, it’s hard sometimes. She’s one of the most important people in my life, yet I haven’t even met her in person. But I just know that once I do, that everything will naturally fall into it’s place. ‘’
Alex pouts as he listens to all the sweet things I have to say.
‘’ You really like her, don’t you? ‘’
‘’ I mean, yea I do. I really do. ‘’
‘’ Alright, so imagine her standing in front of you right now, what would you do? ‘’
I look at my hands as I start to imagine a situation like that.
‘’ Uh… If she was standing in front of me right now.. I would.. ‘’ My eyes scan a figure walking past the car and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
// Y/N’s POV //
Shit, I almost got caught. The plan was to go into the store, just to admire Vinnie from a far. I didn’t plan to stand in the exact aisle, where he needed to get something from. Luckily, Alex had a plan to distract Vinnie while I fled to the exit. Phew, that was close.
Alex texted me, saying they were on their way home. That’s when it hit me, I am going to be able to see, touch and kiss Vinnie for the first time ever. Nailea noticed my anxiety kicking in and she told me everything would be just fine.
It didn’t take long before Alex’s car pulled up on the driveway. Alex and Vinnie stayed in the car for a bit. My phone started buzzing as I read the notification: ‘’ Now!’’ That was my cue.
As nervous as one can be, I walked past the car with the person who’s the other half of my heart in it. I didn’t dare to look in his direction.
// Vinnie’s POV //
I couldn’t believe my eyes. This isn’t real right? Was I dreaming? I mean, I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night because I was worried sick due to Y/N not responding to me anymore.
I rub my eyes as I watch in the direction of the person again and there’s no way it couldn’t be her.
Then she turns her face into my direction and my heart starts pounding. There she is, the love of my life, the only person who can make my day just by popping up in my notifications, Y/N.
As I try to open my door, I hear Alex locking it.
‘’ Let me out! ‘’ I look at Alex as I try to unlock the door, but unable because he keeps his hand infront of the lock.
‘’ You haven’t answered my question yet. ‘’ Alex smirks at me, but I do not find it funny at all.
‘’ Please, let me out and I’ll show you what I would do if she were to stand in front of me ‘’
And with, I heard the door unlock. I jumped out of the car and ran as fast as I could to the person who I longed for the most.
Click here for part two;
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vidalinav · 3 years
Stu(died)-Chapter 3
Summary: Cassian takes care of a sick Nesta
Nessian Modern AU-university setting. 
Masterlist, Stu(died) Chapter List 
(Rolls eyes hardcore) I am continuing this fic for literally five people. Smh. 
Nesta comes to their tutoring session late and that’s the first thing that tips him off. Already his phone is in his hand ready to call 911. He has Nesta’s number in his phone saved. The first person listed in his text log under Nerd. He can always text or call her. He belongs to The Rat Pack in Nesta’s Snap Chat group, and he knows he can always contact Emerie or Gwyn if something is truly wrong. Yet he dials in 911 and his thumb hovers over the call button.   
If she doesn’t show up in fifteen minutes, Cassian swears he’ll call.  
Nesta’s never late. In fact, she’s annoyingly early. She practically has a stop watch in her hand at all times, counting every minute she waits. When Cassian comes running in five minutes later, as he so often does, panting with some excuse, Nesta doesn’t even bother looking up from her textbook. She merely gestures to the seat, a heavy sigh on her lips, like she’s running out of time to bore him death even as she fascinates him to pieces. 
Her books should already be splayed onto the table, her pencils straight and neatly lined up. Today, the table is empty. 
He’ll give it fifteen minutes and then he’s calling.  
But Nesta shows up before another minute ticks by. She steps out of the elevator wearing that grey polo he’s seen on her a million times. She lugs her way to him, dragging her feet with the weight of those textbooks he’s sure are in her bag. 
She’s wearing a mask, today, and that’s another thing that sends his brain screeching somethings not right here! It covers half of her face, and her eyes look tired from where they peak above the fabric. Cassian doesn’t even bother waiting for her to settle. Already he’s crossing his arms, his brows crinkling with concern and something like irritation. 
How dare she think studying is more important than her health.  
“Go home,” he says as she nears. Nesta only blinks as if as not understanding his words. The fact that she doesn’t immediately argue is enough for him to start gathering his things.  
“What are you doing?” She says as he stuffs his notebook in his bag, “You have an exam in two weeks.” Nesta sets down her own, it slaps at the table with a heavy thump. Cassian can hear the zipper unzipping but not as well as the cough that roars out of her mouth.  
It’s loud and wet, and Nesta pauses as if to get her bearings, covering her mouth with her arm. She coughs and coughs and Cassian lays a hand to his own chest. He can almost feel how much it hurts, how she gasps. 
Cassian shakes his head, “No, I’m taking you home.”  
Nesta’s brows furrow and she gets that look in her eyes. He just knows she’s going to fight him on this. “I--”  
Cassian cuts her off, “please, save your breath. You’re going to make everyone sick.”  
“I’m wearing a mask!” Nesta argues.  
“It’s almost midterms.” Cassian gestures to the other occupants in the library. He sees one person with their hoodie pulled up over their head, clearly sleeping... and moves on to someone else. A group in the corner who’s standing by a whiteboard. “You want to take your chances with sleep deprived students?” 
Nesta seems to think about that. While she does, Cassian zips up her bag and throws it over his shoulder. It’s as heavy as he thought it might be. Briefly, he thinks of making a joke about how she must have stuffed a body in here, but he doesn’t think she’d appreciate it, given how quiet she is.   
Mentally, he starts making a list of everything she needs. Medicine? He’ll get the pills and the syrup, never mind if she scrunches her nose at the taste. He’ll get her soup. Not the canned. Cassian will buy the ingredients. He’s sure he can make something appeasing. Vaguely, he can remember his mom’s recipe. Beef broth and cabbage and squash. Hopefully she can stomach it. Never mind, the salt will be good for her.  
“Hey,” she whines, blinking up at him slowly, “give me my bag.”  
“Have you not heard me? You need to be home lying down. Not here, helping me study. Why on earth did you think this was a good idea? I’m taking you home.”  
Nesta crosses her arms and the intimidation tactic seems ridiculous with her face half covered and her endless sniffling. “You can try, but I’ll just refuse to tell you my apartment number.”  
Cassian scoffs, “I know where you live. I can see your room from the house when you study at night.”   
“Who says that out loud?” Nesta shouts. 
She must be terribly ill if she’s yelling in a library. That’s all he can think as he gestures to the elevator, bags in hand. 
“Never mind that. Let’s go,” Cassian says, walking ahead without her. 
He can’t hear her shuffling though, so he turns back to find Nesta leaning on a chair, holding her stomach. He can already feel himself sighing.   
Cassian rushes back just in time for Nesta to rip off her mask, and move to the closest trashcan. It’s situated under one of the bulletin boards and as Cassian sidles up to her, rubbing at her back and pulling her hair away, he looks to the papers tacked to the board.  
Join the rowing team. Looking for tutors. Research participants wanted.  
He can hear the retching and Cassian reads on. 
Babysitter wanted for professor, transportation needed.
“I haven’t thrown up since middle school,” Nesta says pathetically. She frowns as he hands her his bottle of water. Her nose and cheeks are red and for some reason he thinks of Rudolph, lighting the way for Santa through the storm. 
He feels bad for little Rudolph...
“Now will you let me take you home,” Cassian sighs. He hopes it doesn’t sound like an ‘I told you so’ but she should really be lying down. He lays a hand to her forehead, but she brushes him off, moving towards the bathrooms.  
“I’ll wait right here,” he says, but Nesta moves ahead as if she doesn’t hear him at all. Cassian can’t find it in himself to mind. A sick Nesta is guaranteed to be a stubborn Nesta, he just knows.  
When she gets out, she looks surprised to see him and that’s another look that just proves how sick she must be. It’s a fairly obvious prediction that he’s going to wait next to the girl's bathroom, counting ceiling tiles. It’s a perfectly ‘Cassian with Nesta’ thing to do.  
“You’re skipping class?”   
Nesta coughs again, and she looks perfectly pitiful as she blinks her tired eyes. Cassian can feel his lips frown, and he shifts her bag more securely on his shoulder if only to keep himself from reaching out for her. Already he can feel his hands bunch into fists because he wants to grab her own and squeeze it until she's reassured. He wants to hug her until she feels better.  
But he can’t.  
Cassian lists every action he wants to do. Kiss her forehead where Nesta rubs her hand, because she must have a headache from how sick she is. Put on her favorite movie, so she can fall asleep to its sound. Run to every store, raiding every Walgreens and CVS until he comes back with a pharmacy.  
What might she allow now that she’s sick? Will she let him fuss like he wants to?  
But Nesta rolls her eyes in that haughty way of hers. “You can’t do that.”   
“I can’t do what?” Cassian asks and he wonders if she can read his thoughts. If she studies him so well, reads him like one of her textbooks, memorizing facts and facial features.  
“You can’t skip class,” she argues. “Why am I tutoring you if you’re going to skip class?”  
At the words, all Cassian wants to do is sigh. She’s thinking about attendance at a time like this...   
“Nesta, there is no class more important than you.” 
Her brows crinkle at the center like she’s going to start arguing, but Cassian allows himself one touch. He places his thumb there, between her brows, smoothing out the lines. Nesta rips away, blinking up dazed and all too confused. Cassian would laugh at the look, if he didn’t need the distraction.   
He juts his head to the elevator quickly. “Let’s go. We can walk slow, so don’t overexert yourself.”   
Nesta scrunches up her nose, so cute and red, but she follows him anyway albeit a little petulantly. She holds her hand out for her bag, but Cassian turns toward the doors, pretending not to see.   
“How does me being sick make you bossy?”   
Cassian doesn’t dare to respond. He doesn’t know whether he’ll admit that he wants to take care of her, that’s he’s so worried a knot twists in his stomach, or if he’ll make some joke, he knows will make her mad. Maybe that’s the better option, he thinks. He can handle a mad Nesta. He likes a mad Nesta, but a Nesta who so easily rejects him?   
Cassian doesn’t know about that.   
“You don’t have any classes left this week, right?”   
Nesta coughs into her sleeve before answering. Though she means to sound queenly, she only sounds sick, “you know where I live, and you also know my class schedule... seems suspicious if you ask me.”   
“I’ve known you for two years.” 
“And murder victims are three times more likely to be killed by someone they know." 
Cassian huffs out a laugh, shaking his head, “Do you still go to sleep watching SVU? Or have you switched to Lifetime movies where the babysitters always try to kill the wife?”   
“People should be wary about the people they know,” Nesta shrugs as if that’s answer enough.   
Cassian snorts, “well you don’t have to be wary of me.”   
As the elevator doors open, Cassian gestures for her to go first and Nesta does, but not before crossing her arms.   
“That’s just what a murderer would want me to think.” She squints as if dissecting him, limb by limb. “You kill me, and I’ll haunt you. You won’t be able to sleep at night without thinking of me.” 
Too late, Cassian thinks.  
It’s much too late for that.  
Rudolph has the patience of a five-year-old when she’s sick. Cassian learns this fairly quickly when he runs inside a Walgreens on their way to Nesta’s apartment.  
There’s a bench that she can sit on, where she can wait if she feels tired, but no. Nesta decides she needs to run errands. She has an entire basket filled by the time he finds her again. She’s by the greeting cards, holding three open at a time. Cassian huffs with a receipt and medicine in hand.  
“Here,” he says, giving her the cough medicine. “Take some of this.”  
Nesta doesn’t even bother with pouring. He watches as she rips the cap away, taking a swig right out of the bottle, gulping it down.  
“That’s way more than the suggested amount,” he cries, “you can get drunk on this stuff!”  
“Good, maybe I’ll forget this day ever happened.”
Cassian sighs... it seems all he does is sigh when she’s like this. A sick Nesta is a petulant, irritated Nesta with a permanent furrow between her brows. 
“I know you feel sick,” he tries to placate, “but I bet you’d feel a whole lot better if we get you home as soon as we can... so you can lie down and sleep.”  
Nesta only picks up another Halloween card. She ignores his suggestion, laughing under her breath as she reads whatever inane joke is written there. Soon, she’s coughing though, and Cassian reaches for the basket just to stop himself from rubbing a hand down her back, combing his fingers through her hair.  
Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, his thoughts scream.  
Cassian looks to the contents to distract himself from her watery eyes, and that’s when he notices what she’s grabbed. It seems that while he was in the cold and flu aisle, Nesta was raiding the snacks. 
“What is this?” He gestures to the basket. Two boxes of cereal. Caramel corn. Baked Lay’s and cans of Arizona tea. Cassian takes one and holds it up. “Really Nesta?”  
“What it’s green tea!” she argues, shoving another card back in its slot.   
“This is all... junk,” he tries to explain, but Nesta’s already glowering. 
“Look I don’t question your decisions. You don’t question mine.”  
Cassian gives her a bland look. “You question my decisions all the time. Before we came in here, you literally said ‘why are we going in here, Cassian? Weren’t you supposed to take me home.’ You said that.”
Nesta simply raises her chin, pulling out another card. “I recall no such thing.” 
“Fine,” Cassian grumbles, “if you want to eat yourself to an early grave and ignore everything that could potentially make you feel better than that’s just fine with me.”  
“Good,” she says, putting back the other cards. Nesta settles for a pop-up that sings Monster Mash when she opens it. She sets it in the basket he holds, walking ahead without even looking back. “I’m ready to check out.”  
“Really?” Cassian jokes, mockingly. “Are you sure you raided the candy aisle?” 
Nesta stops in her tracks, peering through the section with printer ink and paper as if she can see the other side. He swears he’d facepalm if he wasn’t carrying all this stuff. 
“You’re right,” she says, nodding. 
“Wait!” Cassian calls. “Where are you going? Nesta!”  
Too late. He can already hear crunching bags. 
The variety packs.  
Cassian sighs, lugging their things to the aisle next door. 
“Can I use these vegetables?” Cassian asks, as Nesta shoves open the door to her room. He’s surprised she’s not still by the freezer. When they first get back to her place, she sticks her head in there and he wonders if he should suggest taking her temperature, or if she’s doing it just to show him she’s annoyed.  
Perhaps her ears bleed from the sound of his voice.  
That seems like something Nesta would say.  
“They’re Emerie’s. Why?”
“To make soup,” Cassian explains, rifling through the contents. There’s zucchini and summer squash. Onion, fresh parsley and carrots. Cabbage and lettuce. Fresh fruit. He can make a nice stew out of this.  
Nesta scoffs, “I don’t need soup.”  
She enters her room, shoving the door back behind her until it leaves only a crack.  
“You can leave now,” she yells. “I’m home like you wanted.”  
“Are you lying down?” He asks, crossing his arms sternly though she can’t see him.  
Nesta sighs loudly, “you’re annoying!”  
“Maybe if you got some rest, I’d be less annoying,” Cassian sings brightly.  
He can hear the soft sound of her voice. “Doubt.”  
Cassian shakes his head with a smirk. He opens his snapchat where The Rat Pack is the first on the list, but the group name has changed... to People I Tolerate.
That’s got to be Nesta.  
Cassian laughs under his breath and types. Can I use your vegetables? Making Nesta soup.
Emerie’s bitmoji pops up at the bottom, but the person who texts back first is not Emerie, but Gwyn.  
You’re at our house?
Cassian can almost hear her voice. Stern and cautious. He’s almost certain she doesn’t like him. Gwyn looks at him with even more disdain than Nesta when he's around. That stay away from my friend look.  
He sighs. Yes, Nesta’s sick.  
Gwyn’s quick to respond. I can come home early. I need to drop off a paper, but I can be there in 30.  
Cassian rolls his eyes and types, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of her.  
Nesta’s face pops up. I can take care of myself.  
“No, you can’t!” Cassian yells.  
“Yes, I can!” Nesta yells back, but then she starts coughing again and he can hear her groan in the other room. Cassian raises a brow at her door.  
I’m going to make soup. I’ll make enough for all of you, but can I use stuff from the fridge? I’ll replace it all.  
Emerie’s face pops up and then disappears quickly. He’s about ready to go to the store himself or at least next door to the House, but Emerie’s text appears.  
I have no objections to this.
Cassian smiles in relief, and he’s about to set down his phone when another notification appears. It’s Emerie again.  
And if you make good soup, you can stay indefinitely.  
Cassian sends a winking emoji. Nesta sends back the emoji with the straight mouth and eyes. Before he can frown at what that means, Cassian sees that the group name has changed... to Three’s Company.  
That’s got to be Gwyn.  
Stone cold, Emerie texts back.  
Cassian decides he’s going to ignore that for the moment and focus on the objective at hand.  
Cassian pulls out the vegetables and looks through the cupboards. Emerie, it seems, has all the good spices. He finds the broth packets stored in the back, and he pulls out some beef from the freezer. It’ll need to defrost but he can start the broth now, get the vegetables soft, and brown the beef later. It’ll take a couple of hours anyway.  
Occasionally, he hears a cough as he works. Then a sweet laugh... followed by a cough and a groan. Cassian feels bad for her he does, but he can’t help but find the whole situation amusing. She should be resting and yet she seems to be wide awake.  
Nesta doesn’t come out of her room though. It’s as if he’s not even there, and he takes that time to look over her shared apartment. There are three doors, each with a letter at the front. The N is blue, the E, green, and the G, pink. He doesn’t know how it’s possible to have a living room that looks like all three, but somehow it works. It’s studious and bright. Colorful, but subdued. There are way too many throw pillows and books scattered everywhere, but there’s also a TV with a fireplace under it. He can just imagine Nesta laughing at scary movies. Some slasher fic she’ll watch like she’s taking notes.  
He can imagine Nesta everywhere, in fact.  
This is where she eats. Where she sits. Where she studies. This is where she trips over shoes if they’re not neatly lined up and where she complains about dirty dishes. This is where she cooks... if she does cook. Cassian doesn’t know.  
Maybe he’ll get to find out one day.  
Once the water starts boiling and the meat is in the microwave to defrost, Cassian goes to check how Rudolph is doing.  
He knocks on her door lightly, pushing it open. “Nesta?”  
Cassian’s never seen her room before, say for when she sits by the window with her curtains wide open, and just like then, it seems like an invasion of privacy to do so now. But Nesta’s plopped on top of her bed, tucked beneath her blue comforter, and she sets down her phone when he appears at the door.  
Her whole room is filled with blues and creams, and it looks exactly what he imagines Nesta’s room to look like. The large calendar, an agenda on the desk, bookshelf after bookshelf lining her walls. There are also things he doesn’t know of her yet. Pictures and posters and a.... stuffed lobster? Cassian holds it up.
“Would you stop looking around?” Nesta groans. She has her arm resting over her eyes, and he wonders if it’s because she doesn’t want to see him looking or if she feels that bad that the light is bothering her.
She should be getting some rest, he thinks.  
“Where did you get a stuffed lobster?”
Nesta coughs out her response.
The sound makes Cassian grimace, his chest ache with need, but he doesn’t rush over like he wants to. This is her house, her room... and this is Nesta who doesn’t like to be coddled by anyone.
“It’s a heat pack,” she says at last, after she catches her breath.
“A heat pack?” Cassian looks to the soft red claws that dangle. He’s never seen anything so soft be a heat pack.
“For cramps,” she says as if it’s obvious. Nesta must take his silence to mean ignorance for she lifts onto her elbows, raising a judgmental brow. “Please tell me you know what periods are or am I am going to have to go back to teaching you biology?”
“No,” Cassian draws out, “I know what periods are.”
Nesta mumbles a thank god and Cassian watches as she shifts under the covers, pulling them up until they hover just beneath her mouth.
“Are you cold?” Cassian asks, looking around her room. He spots his burgundy hoodie neatly folded and nearly yanks it from her desk. “Here. Wear my sweatshirt.”
“I just washed it,” Nesta whines, “I was going to give it back to you.”  
Cassian’s confused by the words, but he merely gestures for her to budge up. He’s thankful when she doesn’t argue. He rolls the sweatshirt over her head and Nesta fits her arms through the sleeves.  
“You didn’t have to wash it,” he says, watching as she pats down her hair. If only he could pull it up for her, comb his fingers through it. She could use his scrunchie too, if she wanted.
Nesta rolls her eyes, and he can only imagine what she thinks. He can practically hear the words. Of course, you wouldn’t care about clean clothes.
Her expressions practically give her away--everything she feels and thinks. Cassian wonders if he knows how open she is to the rest of the world. He wonders if she’d hate him if he told her this.
“It was going to smell like me,” she frowns.
Cassian wants to huff out a laugh. That is perfectly fine by him.  
“Stop laughing,” she whines, “I’m being serious.”  
“Yes, you’re being very serious.” He can’t help his smirk as he gazes up at her. He doesn’t even realize he’s on her bed, sitting to the side of her all bunched up in red. Her nose to the fabric. He almost wants to say she looks cute in his hoodie, all sick like that, but he knows she’ll only bite at him, remarking about how he has some weird fetish for sick girls. 
Cassian holds back a laugh as he hears the microwave ding. He needs to turn the meat around, so it doesn’t cook through, but Nesta grips his arm. His head whips towards her and... Nesta’s gazing up at him. Her eyes are a soft blue. Just like her room.  
“You’re warm,” she says. To explain herself, he thinks, and why she holds him as if she doesn't want him to move.   
Cassian’s lips raise lightly, and he places the back of his hand on her forehead. “You must be worse than you’re letting on if you're okay with me being in your bed.”  
Nesta scoffs, “you’re on it. Not in it. I’ll make that distinction very clear.”  
“You can’t be that sick then,” Cassian shrugs, smiling. “If you’re making everything sound like a tutoring session.”  
Her cheeks flush a bright pink and Cassian thinks she must have a fever. He wonders if he should search for an ice pack or make one, so she doesn’t get too hot.  
“Are you tired?” He asks, noting how slowly she blinks. “You did drink a lot of cough syrup.”
“I also took a NyQuil,” she says, closing her eyes.  
Cassian huffs, “remind me to teach you how read warning labels when your fully coherent.”  
He can hear the microwave ding again, and it reminds him of an alarm. Wake up! It seems to say. Being in Nesta’s room does feels like falling asleep. Rather dream-like and hazy. The microwave dings incessantly, but Cassian doesn’t want to wake up just yet. 
Her hand is still on his arm. It’s so much smaller than his and he wants to trace the skin there and see if it’s as soft as it looks. Cassian doesn’t dare look at her, in case she doesn’t just bang together two loud cymbals and tell him to get up and out and away. 
Cassian looks ahead instead, fixing his gaze on the stuffed lobster on her desk.  
“Nesta,” he starts and then swallows. He feels nervous, his hands clammy. “Nesta, I really think you and I... we’d be good together.”  
Cassian takes a breath, and he stares at the lobster as if it’s her face. “We’ve known each other for a long time now and I... I haven’t hid how I feel about you.” His heart is beating way too fast, and he doesn’t feel any freer from speaking the words, but Cassian decides it’s time to rip the Band-Aid off. “I thought maybe... we could try it out. See if you might be comfortable with it. If you might like me... too?”  
He doesn’t know why he words that like a question, but Nesta doesn’t say a word. Cassian looks back, hoping there’s no disgust in baby blue. He doesn’t know what he’d do if she just outright says he’s trash and she’ll never like him. 
But Nesta’s fast asleep.  
Cassian doesn’t bother sighing as he grips her limp hand, setting it on the blanket. He doesn’t bother being disappointed when he tucks the comforter around her. Her cheeks are a lobster-red and he rubs a thumb lightly there, wondering what it would be like to hold her face in his palm and kiss at her nose. Would she complain as he pecked her lips? You’ll get sick Cassian.  
Then we can stay in bed together, Nesta.  
No. Cassian’s not disappointed at all. 
He’ll tuck away his dreams where tomorrow lives. 
Today, he’ll stick to what he’s good at, so Cassian heads to the kitchen to make soup.
~ ~
In case you missed, here’s the stuffed lobster in the flesh.
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@arinbelle @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @nestaarcher0n @duskandstarlight @soitsgorgeous @swankii-art-teacher @lordof-bloodshed @thewhelk @daisy-in-danger @highqueenevankhell @lovelynesta @sirendeepity @champanheandluxxury @ladynestaarcheron @moodymelanist @teagoddess99 @spoilersteph @angelic-voice-1997 @bo0kmaster69 @drielecarla @generalnesta @cozycomfyliving08 @confusedfandomslut @dread3r @sv0430​
"Why am I still writing this fic?" I say angrily, as I angrily type it in my angry word document.
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dollslayer · 3 years
Charity Case
Bucky Barnes x Reader, College AU, enemies to lovers
Summary: You loathe Bucky Barnes and his cocky attitude but you find yourself doing him a favor. Is he really as insufferable as he seems?
W/C: 3,830
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, uhhh kissing, that's it!
A/N: Here it is! My entry for @sweeterthanthis Quote Me On It 6k challenge!! My quote was "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?" (in bold). I love the Heathers so I'm excited!! Hopefully I did this prompt justice. As always, if you liked it please reblog/comment! Cheers! I do not consent to my work being reposted/translated on any platform.
Main Masterlist
Steve was running late again. You try not to chew your nails off in frustration but he’s definitely testing you. This is the third time in the last two weeks that he’s late to meet you. When he hasn’t been late he’s cancelled all together. Always with a half-ass apology of ‘Bucky needs me’. As if.
You’ve been friends with Steve since your freshman year creative writing class when the only open seat was next to him. Ever since that first day you two had been close. But not as close as him and Bucky. Childhood friends attending university together, thicker than thieves.
You always felt like Bucky was maybe a little jealous of the friendship you and Steve have. Maybe you’re a little jealous too but you’re almost positive Bucky is more jealous of you than you are of him but that’s beside the point. On top of his jealousy Bucky was just annoying. He had a girlfriend but he was always flirting with every girl he met, yourself included. Not to mention he was cocky as all hell.
Steve vouches for his character, swears that it’s all an act and he’s actually very sensitive underneath but you don’t buy it for a second. If you were his girlfriend you’d have dumped him a long time ago.
You don’t have time to dwell on your annoyance too much because Steve is rushing through the doors of the coffee shop. He looks around for you and when he finally finds you the look on his face is relieved. As he gets closer it’s clear that he’d been running to get to you in time. He’s sweaty and a little out of breath and if you weren’t so annoyed with him you’d have found it endearing that he ran here.
“There you are,” he huffs out, “I’m so sorry, I was with Bucky and I lost track of time.”
You purse your lips and hand him a napkin which he takes with a gracious nod before wiping the sweat from his brow. You hand him the iced coffee you’d ordered for him too. The ice is slightly melted from sitting there but he looks so refreshed to be drinking it.
“Figures” is all you say with a huff. If he hadn’t been doing it so often you would’ve been a little kinder about it but you were just irked.
“Seriously, I’m sorry. Nat just dumped him, he's been having a hard time” Steve explained.
“Is it because he flirts with anything that moves?” You scoff.
Steve scoffs in return “He does not! He’s just… outgoing. But no, they had their own problems.” You raise one eyebrow at him. “Okay the flirting had something to do with it but there’s a lot going on there.”
“Whatever, let’s just study for this exam while we can”.
You and Steve spent the next two hours cramming for your midterm together. Things were going well and you’d nearly forgotten that you were mad at Steve in the first place. Nearly.
You were so deep into your notecards that you didn’t hear the door open behind you. A voice that could grate on only your nerves. A voice that if it didn’t belong to such a bastard, might even be kinda sexy. The voice breaks your focus completely when it calls out.
“Hey, Steve, are you done already or what? Oh hey, what’s up, beautiful?”
You set your notecards down on the table maybe a little harder than you should. You shoot Steve a glare because you thought it would just be the two of you. Really? You cut in before Steve can answer his friend.
“No, Bucky, he’s not. Can we help you?”
He smirks, giving you his full attention. He knows he has you now, knows you took the bait and he’s goaded you to the point of backtalk. He pulls up a chair to the table and wedges himself tightly between you and Steve. The sound of the chair legs scraping the floor as he scoots closer to you rings in your ears and makes you cringe. You look at Steve again only to find him avoiding your gaze.
“Well, sweetheart, me and Stevie boy here have plans later. Gonna do some gaming and order a pizza, really embracing the bachelor lifestyle.” He raised his eyebrows at this and you just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I heard Nat dumped your ass, actually, is that true?” You asked with a fake sweetness.
“Why, you interested?” He rebuffed.
You bristled at his quick response and muttered your annoyance under your breath. You chose not to respond. Instead you decided to address Steve.
“Steve, I didn’t realize that you had plans”
“Oh… yeah, loose plans…” He answered distractedly while pretending to be reading a text on his phone.
You decide to call it a day. You were getting seriously fed up with Steve’s passive behavior in all of this. Thankfully you didn’t have much to pack up, so once you slung your backpack over your shoulder you looked up at the pair to bid them goodnight.
“Well, Steve, this was… enlightening. Bucky, eat it. Goodnight fellas, have fun with your ‘bachelor lifestyle’” You said with air quotes. Turning on your heel you left before either could respond.
You had left the coffee shop that evening pretty upset with Steve. Of course it’s fine for him to have other friends but lately it was like he only cared about Bucky and all of your plans took a backseat to theirs. You decided you weren’t going to be the one to text Steve first, since he was being a bad friend. He could be the one to initiate plans.
He did just that when he caught you in the hallway after your midterm a week later. He jogged up to you once again and tugged on your sleeve to get you to stop.
“Hey, how do you think you did? Bet those notecards paid off, right?” He half-joked. He looked sheepish. Nervous almost. You figured it was because of what happened last time you met.
“Yeah, Jesus Christ! I’ve never been so grateful for little pieces of paper.” You scoffed. You decided to keep it light between you. You were still upset with him but his tone leads you to believe he was gonna apologize.
“Right?” He laughs nervously, “So listen, I know I’ve been kind of a jerk lately… Maybe we could get something to eat at Nick’s?”
Nick’s was the local greasy spoon on campus and they had the best breakfast food you’d ever had. You eyed him suspiciously but accepted.
“Alright, but you’re buying. And there better not be any visitors!” You add as you bound down the hall ahead of him. He knows you mean Bucky and he’s not worried because Bucky won’t be showing up today. He’s more nervous about what he has to ask you.
You’re sipping on pop as you play with your straw wrapper. You look up at Steve and notice he’s fidgeting a lot more than usual.
“What’s up? Why are you so twitchy?” You question him.
“Me? I’m not twitchy! I was just thinking that’s all” He quickly defends himself.
“Well that was the last midterm of the semester for both of us, I think it’s safe to say you can relax.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” Steve concedes quietly.
You and Steve eat in near silence, neither of you mind though because it’s comfortable. You worked on your hashbrowns when you looked up and noticed that Steve had barely touched his food. He was still fidgety, he looked nervous.
“Hey, you’ve hardly eaten anything, what’s the matter?”
He looks a little embarrassed, like he’s been caught. Or like he’s about to come clean about something.
“Look, I wanted to say sorry I know I haven’t been the best friend lately with everything going on with Bucky. He really is having a hard time since the breakup y’know… he’s lonely”
“Right” You laughed, “I’m sure he’s soo lonely.” You rolled your eyes and picked up your fork.
“No really, he just needed a friend to be there. I think he does need to get back out there though.”
“With how smooth he thinks he is, I'm sure he’ll have a date by the end of the night. I wouldn’t worry about it, Stevie.” You responded.
“I’m serious! As much of a player as he comes off he needs to be with someone he already knows. He’s actually really sensitive.” You interrupted with another laugh. There were many choice words you’d use to describe Bucky Barnes but ‘sensitive’ is not one of them.
“But anyway, I was...kinda hoping you’d do me a favor…” Steve trails off.
Based on the conversation you just had you’re cautious. You eye him warily but motion for him to continue.
“Well, like I said Buck’s having a hard time and he needs to get back out there but he doesn’t feel comfortable hooking up with a stranger. I was thinking maybe.. You guys should hang out?”
Steve refused to look at you as he finished the question. The look on your face was a look of confusion and shock.
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?” you asked in disbelief. “I mean seriously, I’m nice but not that nice.”
“No!” You cut him off, “You know I can’t stand that prick. Also why would I want to put myself on the long list of women he’s probably tried to fuck? I don’t buy this whole ‘sensitive’ thing for a minute.”
“I’m serious, Nat kinda crushed his heart when she left. He acts cocky but it’s a front. I just think he needs to see someone to get it out of his system. You’ve got more in common than you think. Just hang out with him once. Don’t think of it like a date, just a really really big favor. Please?” Steve begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “You. Owe. Me. So. Much”
“Really?” He asked hopefully.
“Really. But I’m not gonna bang him. Hard no on that” you said.
“Yeah, yeah of course! No problem! I’ll give Bucky your number!” He reached across the table and grabbed your hand. His hands were kidna clammy but you let him.
“Seriously, thank you. I know you think he’s some jerk but I promise he’s a good guy.” Steve adds, “A-and don’t think of it as like a date, even, y'know? I think honestly he could just use another friend. Think of how good it could be if we could all hang together some time?”
You shook your head and chuckled at his optimism while you stabbed another bite of your meal.
‘What’s up, sweetface?’ Gross.
‘Okay, sorry. Hi, how are you?’ Better.
‘I’m alright, you?’
‘Good. Steve tells me you’re a huge trivia nerd. Wanna go to Sally’s tn?’
‘It’s a date’ Shit. Didn’t mean to say that. Fuck. Quick- say something that will deflect before he responds!
‘And since it’s a date you’re paying’ That’ll have to do.
‘Ugh fine. Here’s hoping you’re a cheap date at least. I’ll meet you there at 9’
What do you wear for a date with someone that you despise? It’s just bar trivia so it’s nothing special but somehow the jeans and flannel you’ve been wearing all day don’t feel like they make the cut. You rip your closet apart trying to find something before you settle on black skinny jeans and your favorite sweater with some boots. Casual but not too casual.
You spend the whole walk there dreading the night ahead of you. Knowing that you wouldn’t even have Steve as a buffer between you made the whole evening seem daunting. At least you had trivia to distract you. You decide to give Bucky the benefit of the doubt tonight for Steve’s sake. You try to remember Steve’s insistence that Bucky’s a good guy and you have a lot in common. We’ll see about that.
When you arrive at the bar you find Bucky already waiting for you at a high-top table with two PBRs and a shot of brown liquid. Please don’t let that be whiskey. He sees you coming and smiles that damn-his-good-looks smile at you while patting the open chair next to him. The closer you get you even see that he got the whiteboard already for trivia.
“Please tell me that’s not Jameson or Fireball” you greet him.
He laughs a little and shakes his head. “Better - it’s Jack. Sorry, doll, but I already opened the tab. This is what we’re drinking” He nudges one of the shots closer to you and motions for you to pick it up. “Come on, we gotta start the night off right, bottoms up!”
Before you can gag at the thought of drinking whiskey you grab the glass and face him. You both knock your shots on the table before clinking them together and swallowing them in one go. You grimace at the taste and feel the warmth flow all the way down your throat. You quickly take a sip of your beer to rid yourself of the taste.
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re grossed out.” Bucky coos at you.
You’re embarrassed and annoyed but it goes away quickly.
“Shut up, Barnes”
You give him a light shove and he pretends like he’s about to fall off his stool, making you laugh. For someone that’s only ever annoyed you he’s doing a pretty bang-up job of being likeable when it’s just the two of you.
“You ready for me to carry you through some trivia?” You joked.
“Hey, now! I know...stuff” he concluded.
“Mmhmmm, I’m sure you do. Don’t worry, I’ll answer the questions and you just sit there and look pretty” you reach over to pat his face lightly with a wink.
Bucky grumbles before taking another sip of his beer.
You settle in for a long night when the host announces the first round is starting.
You managed to steal the first round without breaking a sweat, second round was a little rocky until it came down to you and one other couple. You knew the third round would be tricky but the way Bucky was cheering you on you were determined. To no one’s surprise Bucky had been completely useless so far but to his credit he was trying. At least he was a supportive teammate.
Things were going well until the third round was announced: Old School Videogames. You didn’t know shit about old school videogames. Or regular videogames. The extent of your video game knowledge started and ended with Mario Kart.
When the third round was announced though Bucky hit the table in excitement and cheered.
“Woo! Fuck yeah!” He pats you on the shoulder, “I got this, don’t worry. I so fuckin’ got this!”
He was a few drinks deep but he was so confident and he was your only hope so you went with it. He looked like a little kid the way he was practically giddy.
“You had better! There’s some serious prize money riding on this round.” You said in warning.
“No, no. You don’t understand that I’ve GOT this. Your turn to look pretty, not that it’s gonna be all that hard for you, sweetface” Bucky grinned at you over his beer as he took another sip.
Your cheeks felt heated and you tried your best to hide it by taking another drink yourself. Bucky’s flirting has never worked until now. Must be the alcohol.
“Shut up, Barnes” you mumble.
“Y’keep saying that but what I really think you mean is ‘I love you, Bucky you’re so strong and handsome~’” He imitated in a high pitched feminine voice.
You shoved him for real and before you could say anything else the third round was starting.
Bucky wasn’t kidding when he said he had this. He had won the round in a clean sweep and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed. Who knew this man harbored so much videogame trivia? When the host handed you the prize money he just waggled his eyebrows as if to say See?
“I gotta hand it to you, Barnes, I had no idea you had that much videgame wisdom rolling around up there. The only videogame I ever play is Mariokart so I’d be toast without you.”
“Mariokart? That’s it?? No problem, doll. It was nice to contribute.” He chuckles at that.
You divvied the money up and handed him his half.
“Guess I’m not such a cheap date afterall, huh?”
He chuckled as he took his half from you.
“I’m gonna go pay the tab with our winnings, I’ll be back”
You picked up your phone while you waited for him to find some missed texts from Steve.
‘How’s it going?’ ‘Are you guys doing okay?’ ‘I haven’t heard anything so I’m assuming you haven’t killed each other. Have fun, text if you need a ride home.’
You almost rolled your eyes at Steve’s insistence but found yourself smiling instead. You’d text him back when you got home.
Bucky was walking up to you once more and you smiled at him slightly.
“You said you’re good at Mariokart?”
“I didn’t say I was good at Mariokart, I said that I played it. Why?”
“Well I was thinkin’ maybe we could go back to mine and I could whoop your butt”
You weren’t going to say yes but now he was goading you and you took the bait without hesitation.
“Oh, you’re on, Barnes. You’re so, so on.”
His smile grew wider when he heard your response. With that he placed his hand on your lower back and ushered you out of the bar.
You played two tournament cups worth of Mariokart and Bucky had indeed whooped your butt. You don’t know why you were surprised, with how much gaming he and Steve do it’s no surprise he’s a natural. You still had fun though. Just when you were about to propose a third round Bucky got up and headed to the kitchen without a word.
He came back with two glasses of water and handed you one. He sat down on the floor next to you and you set down your controller.
“Here, drink up.”
You were taken aback a bit by the kind gesture but accepted the glass just the same.
“Thank you, I might regret saying this but, you’re not so bad when you’re not being insufferable, Barnes”. You told him
He smiled and shook his head as he drank his water.
“Thanks, I guess”
“How come you can’t be like this all the time? When it’s just the two of us you’re so kind and you’re even… I don’t know, funny maybe. Why do you get all cocky whenever else I see you?”
He looked down into his glass at your comment and you watched his brows crease in thought.
“I don’t know, it just sort of… happens, whenever I’m around other people I don’t know that well. I don’t mean to be a dick or anything but it’s like I can’t help myself. People expect me to be a certain way and I can’t help but fall into it sometimes. Nat hated that about me, it’s part of the reason why she dumped me, actually”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. And I’m sorry about the breakup, too. I know you guys were together for a while.” Bucky only shrugged at this and downed the rest of his water.
“It is what it is. I’m ready to be over it, I’m getting there slowly but surely. I gotta say, you’re not so bad either when you’re not getting all defensive and in my face. You’re actually pretty funny”
Your turn to become flustered at a personal analysis.
“Thanks, I guess I don’t mean to be so defensive either, it's just my response to most other people. I feel myself slip into it and it can’t be helped.” You explained.
Bucky nods at you, not knowing entirely what to say in response.
“I like spending time with you” He says leaning closer to you.
You swallow thickly, not sure what to make of what you feel knowing his face is so close to yours.
“I… like spending time with you too. You’re not what I thought.”
“Me neither,” he shakes his head, “You’re something else.”
With that he leans his head closer to yours and you feel yourself close your eyes and move your lips to slant perfectly into his. You’re kissing Bucky Barnes. The Bucky Barnes you can’t stand. That Bucky Barnes. You’ve decided that his tongue feels too good in your mouth to care now.
His hands come to frame your face and bring you in closer. His hands are warm and calloused but they feel like comfort. You can’t help but to melt. You moan into his mouth and it seems to spur him on. He pulls you into his lap and you let out a noise of surprise that’s muffled by his mouth on yours.
Your hands come to caress his sides and you take your time feeling every muscle and ridge. Your hands idly make their way under the hem of his shirt and his skin is just as smooth as you’d expect. He sighs into your mouth and it takes all of your strength not to fall apart right there. You feel yourself getting lightheaded and have to pull away for air. When you do you rest your forehead against his and the only sound is both of your breathing.
You finally brave a look at him and he has the softest smile on his lips.
“Sorry, doll, didn’t mean to get so carried away but I’ve been waiting for a long time to do that.”
This catches you off guard.
“You have? Wait, did you like me? But you flirt with everyone!” You explain.
“With you, I flirt with you. You just can’t stand me” he laughs out, “Nat dumped me for a couple reasons but that’s one of them she told me I needed to get my priorities straight and I gotta say, I’m thankin’ her for sayin’ it ‘cause she was right.”
You don’t know what to say or what to make of any of this. All you know is that you want to kiss him again, so you do. You grab him by the collar and pull him into you again. He lets out a startled noise but kisses you back all the same.
You don’t care what you used to think of Bucky Barnes and you don’t care about what’ll happen after today. Right now all you care about is feeling him in sync with you for the first time. You could live in this moment forever but right now will have to do.
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