#dream’s 100 + 200 followers prompt special 💙
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Hello! Would it be alright to request Scenario 8 for Mammon? ♡♡ I dont know if you take like additional requests onto the prompt but itd be nice if the MC was very soft and never usually got into trouble themselves haha, but thats all! Hope this isnt too much sorry ;3;
Ever since the Doll!MC headcanons I have developed a soft spot for soft MC 😌💓 (I am so sorry for the cornyness lol) but this isn’t Doll!MC it’s just a soft MC. Ngl, I didn’t know whether this was interpreted as MC arguing or Mammon arguing and after rewriting this like 3 times I just went with soft MC being the one arguing. They’re still soft so hope that’s okay 😭! Reader is gender neutral!
Prompt Scenario: “Person B gets into a heated argument with someone. Person B begins threatening them, so Person A picks up Person B and carries/drags them out of the room before anyone gets hurts.” with Mammon!
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You and Mammon went to the café after school to study and do some homework, after he convinced you that the “environment” would totally help him focus (where really it was for just a break and some time to spend with you, but you’re fine with that), and dragged you here. You’re trying to help him with his Hexes and Curses homework, but you two are having too much fun eating the variety of pastries and laughing together, so you suggested a quick break to get back focused.
“See MC, told ya this is a good idea!” Taking a bite of your slice of cake, he leaned back, arms folded behind his head. “And look at how much we’re getting done!” Well he wasn’t wrong, he does seem like he’s understanding the material more, and he’s actually getting some of his work done instead of putting it off like usual. Plus, he’s relaxed, genuinely smiling, and that’s enough for you to be smiling too.
“Well you were right! After all, they don’t call you the Great Mammon for nothing.”
“Y-Yeah! You got that right!” He couldn’t even hide the blush on his face quick enough, but you just laughed softly at him, eating some more. “Now, are you ready to do some more work? If we start now we might have time to-”
“Oh my Diavolo, do you ever shut up?”
You both froze, and Mammon looked past your head to pinpoint the source of the voice. Neither of you recognized the demon, but it didn’t take long for Mammon to growl at them. “Oi! Who the hell do you think you’re talking to-”
“Mammon please, it’s okay! I was probably being a little loud”, you tapped his hand and turned to face the demon. “Sorry about that! I didn’t mean to disturb you-”
“You’re really going to listen to this human? What are you, their dog?” He just laughed, wiping a fake tear from his eye. “You’re the Avatar of Greed, supposedly the strongest right under Lucifer himself, and you’re letting this tell you what to do? HAH! How pathetic.”
Mammon opened his mouth, no doubt ready to argue, but you beat him to it.
“Hey! You shouldn’t say that, he’s not pathetic!”
“He is if he’s lowering himself to your standards. Geez, even following that shady wizard Salmon would've been better than this."
"Actually, his name is Solomon, and that's not very nice to say either-"
"Does it look like I care? Cause I don't. All you humans are the same to me anyway; always beneath me."
You just sighed and turned back around, he isn't worth the trouble. Even after your time down here, while most demons have come to terms with bettering the relationship between you two, some still held onto their beliefs and were highly against it. Mammon was fuming across the table, slamming his textbook closed and shoving whatever papers he could inside his bag. He's trying to keep his cool, but just hearing the words coming out of his mouth is making his patience run thin, and he doesn't need to lose control in front of you. "C'mon MC, let's go."
"Huh, Mammon, you sure? We haven't finished our work yet."
"It's fine, we can do it at home. Besides, it's almost time for dinner and Satan's makin' dried blackberry newt legs, and I don't want Beel to eat 'em all again!"
You couldn't stop the guilt from bubbling in your stomach after you saw the fake smile he sent your way, but you understood. Your time was spoiled by this stranger, but you promise to make it up to him in anyway you can! His hand was already on the door, pushing it open-
"Tch, no wonder everybody sees you as a disgrace."
“Oh yeah?! Come say that to my fac-” He spun around, moving his way towards the man-
“What is your problem?”
Mammon is shocked. You, the most delicate and soft-spoken person he’s ever came in contact with, who never gets in trouble, so kind that he swears that you’re an real angel, who hated any type of conflict, is actively arguing in his defense.
"You all are always picking on him, always attacking him for no reason! It's not right, it's not fair, and he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment!" You couldn't stop the tears welling up in your eyes. "Why can't you see how much that hurts him? Why can't you bring yourself to care?! Just because you're a demon doesn't mean you have to act so heartless!"
Now the café was going quiet, both customers and employees looking on at the dispute.
"You're just being so mean, acting so ugly, and for no reason too! You're talking about how much a disgrace he is, but look at how you're acting. If anything, you're the one being a disgrace right now."
"Do you think I'm going to let a weakling like you talk down to me?!"
"And you think I'm going to let you keep attacking Mammon?!"
“Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it if I do? Cry some more?”
"No, but what I will do is- EEP!"
You couldn't stop the squeak coming from your lips as you felt yourself being swept off your feet, literally. You got even more flustered when you saw Mammon's exposed chest and felt just how hot his skin was against yours. You felt the breeze of the Devildom air hit your face, and then remember seeing everything in a blur as he took off in the night sky.
"Hey MC, you okay?"
Mammon stood outside your door with your dinner, fidgeting and shuffling nervously foot to foot. Once you two got home, you stormed to your room, tears barely being held back. He went to follow suit, but was stopped by the others who were both worried and ready to rip him a new one all at once. After being grilled and explaining everything, Lucifer ordered everyone to leave you be for now, and that he will personally see to having this matter resolved. Mammon didn't even eat for dinner, instead taking your plate and rushing to your room, waiting.
He knocked softly on your door again, with no response. That's fine, he'll wait out here all night if he needs to. "I'm sorry about tonight. I-I messed up, I should have stepped in sooner. I'm suppose to be your protector, your first man, and I screwed that up. How am I suppose to be there for you if I can't even protect ya from something like this?"
He doesn't know when the tears started welling in his eyes or when they started to roll down his cheeks, but he didn't care. It wasn't important right now. "Just- I'm sorry, MC. Give me another chance! I care- I care too much about ya to let something happen to you, and I just knew that if we stayed there any longer, I-I don't know what would've happened."
And he wasn't lying. He's the brother known for his patience, and the only one besides Asmo that hasn't transformed out of anger to you, but he could feel his restrain slipping away the more he listened to that man. He couldn't remember the last time he lost his temper and transformed besides from today, and the only thing he could think of is getting you both out of that situation, before he does something that he might regret (or at least, regret doing it in front of you).
"And you stuck up for me, for me, of all people. I don't know how many people would do that", he gave a dry chuckle. "I don't wanna lose you, MC. Even if-if you stay mad at me forever, I won't stop protecting you. I won't stop caring for you. I won't stop loving you-"
The door opened and he dropped the food, after you jumped onto him and he had to catch you. His heart cracked after he heard you sobbing, but he was left dumbfounded after you could hear you laughing too.
"Oh M-M-Mammon, I love you too!"
You weren't mad at him, nowhere near. It's just that you could feel your heart breaking every time this happened, and you never understood why people had to make him their personal punching bag all the time. You hated how everyone treated him like he was unimportant, just a waste of time, and you don't know how many times you almost cried because of it. He always tried to brush it off like it was nothing, and show you a quick smile to try and change the subject, but you could tell that those comments do get to him, no matter how much of a facade he tries to put on.
Peppering his face with kisses, he didn't have it in him to shove you away (not like he was going to anyway, your kisses are to die for). But you still needed to eat, and he wanted to see your face light up when you see that he saved some leftover cake for you guys to share.
After he's done getting attacked and berated, you're always there to pick him up afterwards. Hugging him tightly, murmuring words of comfort, anything that can lift his spirits and show that he's cared for. You always do your best to make sure that he knows that he is loved, even if it's just you showing him. You let it be known that he deserves better, he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment, and you always make sure that you do everything in your power to remind him of that.
He thinks that it’s time to return the favor, and tonight would be a good opportunity to start.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Dream’s 100 + 200 Followers Prompt Special 💙 Masterlist
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So I had some extra time and decided to do a masterlist for this after months of not doing it lol
➔ bungou stray dogs masterlist
➔ obey me masterlist
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Prompt: “I want to marry you.”
Prompt: “I saw that. You just checked me out.”
Prompt: “You are my new pillow.”
Prompt: “I think I love you.”
Prompt: “I tried to move on, but nobody is you.”
Prompt: “I know I kissed you like, ten times, but just another ten, please.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A falling asleep on Person’s B shoulder/chest/lap and Person B really needs to get up and do something but doesn’t want to wake Person A.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A having a broken leg and Person B has to carry them up and down the stairs to their bedroom every night/morning.”
Prompt: “Is that my shirt?”
Prompt: “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.”
Prompt: “I’m not lying when I say I love you.”
Prompt: “How about a kiss?”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A is about to leave for work. Person B asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'”
Prompt: “I heard you talking in your sleep.”
Prompt: “Shooting star, make a wish.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person B absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm Person A uses, so they keep stealing kisses from Person A.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because Person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.”
Prompt: “So I was driving past a pet store and couldn’t help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home...”
Prompt: “I want to marry you.”
Prompt: “This is why I fell in love with you.”
Prompt: “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Prompt: “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
Prompt: “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Prompt: “Just pretend to be my date.”
Prompt: “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person B and Person A watching a horror movie and Person A is scared to sleep alone, so Person B keeps them awake all night, talking about whatever comes to mind.”
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Prompt Scenario: “Person A and Person B go to a fair/amusement park and Person A wants to go on the roller coaster and Person B agrees. Later, Person B regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Person A for dear life.”
Prompt: “Are you jealous?”
Prompt: “We’d make a cute couple.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person B helping Person A with simple tasks, like brushing their hair, or putting on jewelry, where it’s obviously an excuse to be close to each other, but neither are complaining.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person B gets into a heated argument with someone. Person B begins threatening them, so Person A picks up Person B and carries/drags them out of the room before anyone gets hurts.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A loving when Person B strokes their hair. Literally loving it. Person A could be having a conversation and stop talking just to grin because Person B touched their hair.”
Prompt: “Are we really just friends?”
Prompt Scenario: “Person B hiding in a closet to jump out and surprise Person A, but Person A just keeps not going near the closet by chance.”
Prompt Scenario: “Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because Person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.”
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Congratulations on 200💞🎈🎀🎊🎉
Can I request quote no. 17 for chuuya if u don’t mind 💞🙏
Thank you lots 💙💙 so I got a comment on A03 saying how they need a continuation to this and I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity. Reader is gender neutral!
TW: language and spicy/suggestive themes but nothing graphic or extreme is mentioned
Prompt: “No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” with Chuuya!
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Chuuya has the world’s worst headache right now.
It feels like someone used his own ability on him and constantly pounded his head into the ground over and over again.
Reaching over on his nightstand to grab some pain killers that he’s saved just for this occasion, he swore that he will never get this drunk again (or atleast he won’t get this drunk for a while). The only good thing is how warm his pillow was, so comfortable that he could just sink into it-
The pillow shifted. And then groaned.
That was enough for him to snap his eyes open.
Little by little, he shook as he overlooked his “pillow”. His heart dropped when he recognized that the “pillow” was really you, donned in one of his dress shirts, softly snoring.
He-he didn’t!
He got so wasted that he took you to bed and he doesn’t even remember it?! He dreamt of this moment so many times, envisioned how he would show you just how much he really loved you, and he ruined it because he got too carried away. He is more than mortified. What if you look at him differently now? Of course you do, he knows that he would if he were in your position. What if it’s too late to try and fix things?
What if he already lost you?
“Good morning Chu.”
He snapped out of his self-loathing, eyes falling upon your form, which was sitting and stretching, hearing your joints pop and crack. “How did you sleep?”
“F-fine”, he coughed to try and regain some sense. His hangover was still lingering, but he had more pressing concerns. He just had to play it cool. Just wait for you to say something, and then casually ask about what happened. This should be easy. “What about you?”
“Oh I slept great. No complaints over here, especially after the fun night we had.”
Oh God, he really did it!
“Mhhm. You were very entertaining, Mr. Nakahara. Best fun I’ve had in a while. But”, your voice turned serious. “We need to talk.”
This is the worst case scenario that could come out of this. He could feel himself start to sweat, he’s starting to lose his cool, the nerves getting the best of him-
He bowed before you could continue.
“(Y/N), no amount of words could express how sorry I am for last night. I’m...I’m ashamed of it. The fact that this even happened...that I could have made you uncomfortable...”, you saw his fist ball up and tighten. His head shot up, eyes swirling with emotions. One stuck out to you the most.
“I’ll understand if you never want to see me after this. I’ll understand if you never accept my apology, hell, I’ll understand if you want to beat the shit out of me, I know I want to”, he just laughed dryly. “Just know that I would never try to hurt you, and I respect whatever choice you make from this point-“
“Do you really regret last night? Better yet, do you even remember last night?”
He was stumped when you interjected, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “Not really”, the last thing that Chuuya remembers is clinging his glass with yours, feeling the buzz of the flowing alcohol and just admiring you once more. Even that memory’s a little blurry.
“So how could you regret it?”
“Because I don’t remember it! And if I don’t remember, it means that I wasn’t in control of my actions”, he sighed out. A blush started to adorne his face as he mumbled to himself, “I imagined it going down differently, not like this.”
“So this isn’t your first time thinking about this?”
“Does that really matter?! That’s not what’s important right now!” He’s already humiliated enough, he doesn’t need anything else to add on to it.
“Alright, alright”, you laughed. You guess that he had enough (even though his reactions have been amusing). “Do you really want to know what happened?”
You know that he wants to know, but at the same time, he’s nervous in what you’re gonna say. It seem like time froze for him, until he steeled his nerves and gave a determined nod.
The air went tense, Chuuya felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He’s so used to having control of situations, being confident no matter what, but that went out the window when it came to you. He’s faced literal life or death scenarios on a daily basis, yet you’re the one who has him on edge.
“We didn’t sleep together.”
“...huh? We didn’t?”
“Nope. I carried you in, you begged me not to leave, and pretty much stay attached to my side like a cat.”
“Hey I never said that we slept together, you’re the one who said it, not me-“
“JUST get on with what really happened. And no bullshit this time!”
“Fineeee”, you shuffled to where you can fully face him, all traces of playfulness erased. “You told me all of these nice things last night: about how I’m so nice, badass, funny, pretty, stunning...”
The more you went on, the more Chuuya could feel the embarrassment seeping in. But what made his breath get caught in his throat and his eyes widened was the next words that came out of your mouth.
“And you told me that-that you’re in love with me.”
With the way that your eyes are darting around the room to avoid his eye contact, how your voice begins to die down, and how the blanket is being wrung between your fingers, he knows that you aren’t lying.
He wants to say something, anything, but what can he say? How can he comfort you without overstepping? What if that was what made you uncomfortable? His heart twisted at that thought, hoping that it wasn’t true. If it was, then he’ll stand by his words from before.
Your happiness comes before his, no matter what.
But you weren’t happy.
Seeing the exasperated look on his face just made any hope you had the night before sink.of course he didn’t mean it, he was drunk and just clinging onto the nearest person he could, which was you.
You guess the saying isn’t true all the time then, that drunken lips spill truth. You just wished it was in this case.
But you put on a brave face, trying to stop the will to cry in front of him, “I’m not upset with you, Chu- I mean Chuuya. I know that you were just drunk and just rambling on about anything”, the lies spilling from your lips weren’t helping either one of you like you planned. “I know- I know you didn’t mean any of it-“
“You’re wrong.”
“I said you’re wrong.”, he reached across to grip your chin, turning so that you can’t avoid his azure eyes. “I’m not a liar (Y/N). Damnit, why did it have to come out like this?!”
“Chuuya it’s okay-“
“Stop saying it’s okay when it’s not!”
The air went silent, and he breathed out a shaky sigh. “Look, I wasn’t lying. I was dumb enough to say it while I was heavily intoxicated, but I really did mean what I said”, he gently reached for your hands, breathing a quiet sigh of relief when he saw you didn’t jerk away from him. “I still do. I’ll always mean it. Just-“
He gazed into your own eyes, leaning forward.
“Let me confess to you the right way this time.”
His eyes moved from yours to your lips, and you didn’t stall any longer in granting his request.
For someone with such a fiery persona, Chuuya is a very delicate lover.
To know that someone of his profession can be so tender, handling you with so much care. The feeling only made you feel at peace, and it made you feel selfish since he was like this just for you. After his rather descriptive proclamation of love, you felt at bliss, like everything was finally right in the world.
Was this how true love felt? If so, you don’t want this to ever go away.
Too bad it did when the phone ringing cut through the air, immediately breaking you out of your trance.
You absentmindedly searched for it, when Chuuya beat you to it. He growled out a “what”, and after some more cursing and barking out orders, he ended the call abruptly. You figured that this moment would have to end eventually, but it just felt too soon. You shuffled to get from under the silk covers, begrudgingly starting your day-
You weren’t prepared to be tugged back and pinned to the bed.
“And where exactly do you think you’re going?”
“Um, to do our jobs? Isn’t that why you got that call?”
“No, it was for some other shit that can wait.”
You chuckled, reaching up to fiddle with his hair after his grip relaxed. “Chu, we have to go to work eventually. As much as I like to have a lazy day with you, duty calls.”
“Tch, yeah right”, he bent down to pepper kisses along your neck, pleased to hear the noises you’re trying to hide (and failing at). “They can wait.”
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed”, he began to suck at your skin, pulling away only to admire the new marks that slowly littering your neck. “Besides, doesn’t sound to me like you want to leave anytime.”
He can be so petty sometimes, but it doesn’t seem like he’s going to be stopping anytime soon. And you are pretty comfortable, just basking in the suns’ rays peeking through his blinds, but you really should get up...
Donning his signature smirk, he attacked your lips next, enough to take your breath away.
Okay he convinced you. You guess you could stay in bed for just a little longer.
“Glad I was able to change your mind”, he chuckled. He touched his forehead to yours, genuine happiness in his eyes.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Well you told me a little bit last night, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
He snickered and gave you another kiss, this one lasting longer than the ones before.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Chuuya.”
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Here are the remaining requests! After these are done, I’ll be doing a big post on what’s remaining for the prompt special for each fandom and then requests will be open again 🥳🤪
Hello! I’m sorry to bother but is there any change you could make a post about the prompts you’re planning to write please? I have requested something some days ago but I can’t remember if the requests were closed or opened lmaojjfjfj sorry :( I love your writing so much by the way!
Omg no I’m so sorry about the wait for the prompts 😭😭! But I can most definitely make a list and tbh it might be easier for me too 😅 and thank you 🥰💚💚💙
Upcoming Requests:
Scenario 5 with Lucifer: in progress POSTED 🥳
Person A and Person B go to a fair/amusement park and Person A wants to go on the roller coaster and Person B agrees. Later, Person B regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Person A for dear life.
Quote 17 with Chuuya POSTED 🥳
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Quote 3 with Junichiro POSTED 🥳
“How about a kiss?”
Quote 11 with Dazai POSTED 🥳
“I know I kissed you like 10 times, but just another ten, please?”
Scenario 7 with Fyodor POSTED 🥳
Person B and Person A watching a horror movie and Person A is scared to sleep alone, so Person B keeps them awake all night, talking about whatever comes to mind.
Scenario 2 with Junichiro POSTED 🥳
Person A is about to leave for work. Person B asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'
Quote 17 with Ango
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Quote 8 with Kunikida
“Is that my shirt?”
Quote 18 with Oda (still hurts 😔)
“Just pretend to be my date.”
Scenario 11 with Ranpo
Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because Person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.
Scenario 4 with Mammon
Person B helping Person A with simple tasks, like brushing their hair, or putting on jewelry, where it’s obviously an excuse to be close to each other, but neither are complaining.
Once again, I completely apologize for the wait! I’m trying to be quick but I feel like if I rush it won’t be good enough 😔😔 BUT I’m bout to pull an all nighter 🤪🤪🤪 and will be posting for the next couple of days along with some extra stuff as thanks for the support 🥰
Thanks again!
-Dream 💫
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Hello! I abs love your writing for bsd🐶💕 I wanted to request a quote but wasn’t sure if you’ve been asked it already so I got options just in case that you could choose from hehe:3
1. w/ Poe🦝
4. w/ Chuuya🍷
9. w/ Akutagawa🐕‍🦺
13. w/ Dazai🌝
14. w/ Mori🌚 and/or Fukuzawa
Thank you!! 💙💙 So I’ve literally been waiting on someone to request quote 13 and now I get the opportunity to write it with Dazai 😈 and I am not experienced in writing angst cause I’ve been writing this for at least 3 days but tbh I think I did alright for my first time (it has a happy ending but still) 🤧 reader is gender neutral!
TW: angst (but with a happy ending!), minor language, season 2/Dark Era Arc spoilers, and mentions of suicide (bc it's Dazai), but nothing graphic is mentioned
Prompt: “I tried to move on, but nobody is you.” with Dazai!
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This hurts.
This really hurts.
Ever since Dazai left you, you just feel so...hollow. The apartment feels emptier every time you come home, and you have to stop yourself from crying when you don't see his shoes by the front door. He didn't move in officially, but he was over here so much it felt like this was your home together, not just yours, and it made the separation even worse.
You couldn't stop replaying the scene in your head over and over, never forgetting how dead his eyes looked, how emotionless his voice was as he ended things. He didn't even seem fazed when you kept sobbing and apologizing for whatever happened, for not making him happy. Even when you grabbed at his trench coat sleeve, begging him to just tell you why, to just give you a reason, an explanation, his gaze just hardened and he answered-
“Because I shouldn’t be loving you anymore.”
You didn’t reach for him when he walked out the door, out of your life, and you crumbled as soon as the door clicked shut. You can’t remember how long you laid by the door, wailing until your throat was sore and your tears ran dry. And you still feel the numbness spread through your body every time you think back to that night.
It still feels like it happened yesterday, but it’s been a month since. It took you time to get used to seeing him at work, but it seemed like everything was fine to him, everything was normal, even going back to asking the servers to commit double suicide with him or trying more attempts himself. Like he didn’t leave his partner- ex partner- devastated and crying their eyes out, pleading for him to not leave and then telling them that he’s tired of loving them, even though he has said otherwise before. He acts like you don’t even exist, pretty much ignoring you which made the pain even worse, but you can deal with it- you will deal with it. So you returned the favor; moved your desk far away from him and give him the same cold shoulder that he’s giving you. Everyone in the agency didn’t know how to react to the situation, and whenever someone brought it up to you, you just told them that there was nothing to worry about, which made them worry more.
Maybe it’s better this way anyway...
Who are you trying to fool? You’re still hurting, even after all this time passed. You know that one day you’ll forgive him, even if he doesn’t deserve it, but you’re not going to focus on that right now. You just want to be happy again, and you will be, without him. You don’t need him to be happy, you were happy before he came into the picture, and you’ll be happy now!
Trying to move on when you’re still very much in love with him is hard, and it sucks, especially when you don’t even know what went wrong. But that’s okay, you’ll get over it hopefully eventually.
A night in, curled up on your couch, watching your favorite movies and eating all of your favorite junk food with the rain only soothing you more, is only one of the ways that you’re treating yourself, and you are absolutely loving it. You found a dating app and your thumb hovered over it, but still couldn’t bring yourself to open it. You know that you’re nowhere near ready to be on the dating scene, but it doesn’t hurt to meet new people right? It doesn’t hurt to make new friends-
Someone is knocking on your door. You jumped up, your food finally arrived! Tossing your phone down and unraveling yourself from the blanket, you raced to the door with tip money in tow. Oh, this night couldn’t get any better-
Your heart sunk down to your feet, and your breath caught in your throat.
There was Dazai, clothes soaked and water sliding off his strands of hair, holding onto what looked like a small cake and other sweets.
You both just stood there, him shocked and you horrified. He gave a hopeful smile, and opened his mouth-
You slammed the door shut.
This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this is not happening- Dazai is not standing outside of your door with your beloved food. He is not standing outside your door, he can’t be. You’re just so hungry and stressed that you’re imagining things, yeah just imagining things. Just take a breath and open the door, he’s not out there, it’s just your food. Breathing in, you tentatively looked through the crack- and SHIT he’s really there.
“I got your favorites”, he held up the bag with a smile, but let it fell and sighed. “We should- I need to talk to you.” You saw him lift his foot to take a step. “Can I co-”
He froze mid step, a look of shock appeared on his face but it quickly melted into a blank stare. “You don’t- you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to come here and say that you need to talk, not after what you did.” What exactly is he playing at? What’s his true intentions?
“Why are you here?”
“Because l need-”
“Do not give me that bullshit, Dazai. Why are you really here? What, another failed attempt? Didn’t find any precious ‘belladonnas’ to drown in the river with and couldn’t do it by yourself?”
You missed the way he tensed up.
His face stayed blank and he was quiet, and it was just pissing you off more and more. Did he think that he’s being the bigger person to let you release all of your pent up frustrations? You swung the door fully open and laughed dryly, “You are just unbelievable. What is there to talk about? You made it crystal clear that you don’t love me anymore-”
“I never said that.”
You were caught off guard at the dark look that crossed his face, the anger radiating off of him being on the brink of overwhelming (was this how he was in the Port Mafia?). But you were not going to back down. He thinks that he has the right to be upset, to be mad at you, after everything?
It just pissed you off more.
“You said and I quote, ‘I shouldn’t be loving you anymore’, so what the hell do you think that means? Do not sit here and lie to me anymore Dazai! Because if you even had an ounce of love left for me, you wouldn’t have abandoned me the way you did. You would have actually gave a damn about me!”
He just gave you that same damning look, at least that’s what you can tell, your tears are making your vision blurry. You cursed, you didn’t want to cry over him anymore, let alone in front of him. You swore that after that night, you were done wasting tears over him, and you couldn’t even keep your own promise.
What’s worse is that you still love him.
Your relationship wasn’t toxic, it had its up and downs like any other (but it was more ups and rather any downs), and the memories that you two make- made together will always stay with you. The times spent together goofing off, waking up next to each other in his arms, him finally letting you in, the “I love yous” shared...you couldn’t forget those even if you tried, and it just made the pain you felt excruciating.
“I hate...I hate that I don’t hate you, that-that I can’t hate you. I hate that I still love you despite everything!”
You kept wiping at your tears, but they just kept falling at a quicker pace. You don’t care how childish you sound, it wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair to you.
“Why can’t-why can’t I move on?”
You felt so weak, and you felt yourself crumble again. Your knees buckled, and you don’t even care that you’re about to hit the ground-
But you never felt the impact.
Dazai had caught you and brought you to his chest, sliding to the ground with you. You tried to weakly push him away, cursing at him to let you go, but he just tightened his grip around you. After feeling the warmth that you had missed for so long, your pushes casually decreased and you just fell apart in his arms. He didn’t get up or let you go either, he stayed with you the whole time, shirt soaked from both the rain and from your tears. It was only when he heard your sniffles that he let you pull away somewhat, and even then he still kept you close.
“(Y/N), look at me, please.”
You lifted your head up with the help of him lifting your chin, your eyes puffy and nose runny. You were met with his own gaze, his eyes full of...regret?
“I never stopped loving you, no matter how much I tried to force myself to. I didn’t want to, I never wanted to, but I came to the realization that I shouldn’t be loving you, because I don’t deserve you.”
“I don’t deserve you (Y/N).”
His mask is starting to crack.
“You mean so much to me, and the thought of living is already pointless to me, but...it becomes unbearable without you. I still want to leave this world, but...you make me want to stay in it a little longer. And that- that worries me. A horrible being like myself isn’t deserving of you. Misfortune and death always follow the people that I care for because of it. Always.”
You didn’t miss the flicker of pain in his eyes, he still bares the weight of Oda’s death on his shoulders, even to this day.
“Yet, that still hasn’t stopped me from loving you.”
Who knows how long he was feeling this way? “Why wouldn’t you tell me this? We could have talked about this-”
“I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it if we did.” He gave a dry chuckle, “But, I guess it was all in vain anyway. I still found my way back to you after all.”
Bit by bit, you can see his facade breaking, and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I love you with my entire being and that will never change. Even when I tried to stop, to give you up, I couldn’t. How could I? I was a fool to even think that it was possible, let alone that someone can replace you, even if it was to commit the perfect double suicide” he brought his hand up to his face in disbelief. “Honestly, what was I thinking? That someone can replace you? That I could leave you alone?” He scoffed.
He inched closer and closer to you, him touching his forehead to yours. His chestnut eyes glimmering and his gaze sincere, the opposite of the dullness he left you with that night.
“I tried to move on, but nobody is you. Nobody will ever be you.”
His thumbs rubbing off the tears that were glistening your cheeks (when did you start crying again?), “You’re so stupid Dazai, seriously. Do you like making me cry?”
He hummed, “Not at all. If you had to cry, I rather it be happy tears instead.” He turned serious, “You don’t need to cry anymore (Y/N), I won’t be making this mistake again, I promise.”
“Next time, you have to talk to me, okay? I know- I know you don’t like feeling vulnerable, but you need to know that you’re not alone. I’ll always be there for you, right by your side okay? Because if you pull a stunt like this again, I will personally un-alive you myself.”
“Ooo, that would be perfect.” He gasped. “We can even make it a double suicide!”
“You’re such an ass, Osamu.” You pushed him, sniffling once more. He just smiled in response, and stood up to lead you back into the apartment, his arms still wrapped delicately around you. “But I’m your-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, you’re already on thin ice.” You’re officially worn out, your clothes are damp, you look a mess, but you feel so much better now. Despite how emotionally draining this night was, it really was needed, for the both of you. “I’m tired, and I’m calling it a night, and you need to change if you’re staying here.”
“Does this mean, I can finally be back close with my dear love-”
“But you aren’t sleeping next to me in my bed for the next month.”
He started to life his arms in his usual dramatic fashion, but just sighed. “That’s fair. Cruel but fair.”
“Good, because it’s not up for debate. Now, I’m going to take a shower again, since someone just had to come and get me drenched. And you’re taking one after me because you are not messing up my couch.”
“But what am I going to wear?” He whined.
“You figure it out, and my snacks better not be messed up when I get done either!” The door slammed shut, ending the discussion. He just chuckled and went to your dresser, opening the bottom drawer.
You always put his spare clothes there, and it made him feel grateful to see that you never threw them away, even after the break-up. Your words still rang in his mind, “Why would I not keep your stuff here? This is pretty much your second home, or your only one really, since you never want to go back to your own place.”
“Well why would I need to go back to my own place when I have everything I need here?” And you would always roll your eyes and giggle when he kisses you afterwards. But he was telling the truth, and still is.
As long as you’re there with him, he has everything that he needs.
And it’s you.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
I just realized how much my masterlist is growing for BSD and OM so should I do a separate list for the prompts? 🤔
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
But seriously tho, I only have 4 left and then requests are open again for the prompts 🤪 wish me luck
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dreamkidddream · 4 years ago
Hello! I’m sorry to bother but is there any change you could make a post about the prompts you’re planning to write please? I have requested something some days ago but I can’t remember if the requests were closed or opened lmaojjfjfj sorry :( I love your writing so much by the way!
Omg no I’m so sorry about the wait for the prompts 😭😭! But I can most definitely make a list and tbh it might be easier for me too 😅 and thank you 🥰💚💚💙
UPDATE: Here are the remaining requests! After these are done, I’ll be doing a big post on what’s remaining for the prompt special for each fandom and then requests will be open again 🥳🤪
Upcoming Requests:
Scenario 5 with Lucifer: in progress POSTED 🥳
Person A and Person B go to a fair/amusement park and Person A wants to go on the roller coaster and Person B agrees. Later, Person B regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto Person A for dear life.
Quote 17 with Chuuya POSTED 🥳
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Quote 3 with Junichiro POSTED 🥳
“How about a kiss?”
Quote 11 with Dazai POSTED 🥳
“I know I kissed you like 10 times, but just another ten, please?”
Scenario 7 with Fyodor POSTED 🥳
Person B and Person A watching a horror movie and Person A is scared to sleep alone, so Person B keeps them awake all night, talking about whatever comes to mind.
Scenario 2 with Junichiro POSTED 🥳
Person A is about to leave for work. Person B asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'
Quote 17 with Ango POSTED 🥳
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.”
Quote 8 with Kunikida POSTED 🥳
“Is that my shirt?”
Quote 18 with Oda (still hurts 😔)
“Just pretend to be my date.”
Scenario 11 with Ranpo
Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because Person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.
Scenario 4 with Mammon
Person B helping Person A with simple tasks, like brushing their hair, or putting on jewelry, where it’s obviously an excuse to be close to each other, but neither are complaining.
Once again, I completely apologize for the wait! I’m trying to be quick but I feel like if I rush it won’t be good enough 😔😔 BUT I’m bout to pull an all nighter 🤪🤪🤪 and will be posting for the next couple of days along with some extra stuff as thanks for the support 🥰
Thanks again!
-Dream 💫
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