#I worked muy hard on this
gay-ppl-real · 8 days
At long long last, here it is!
An Eddie's Big Lift full animatic by yours truly!
If you see fit I'd really appreciate giving it some love on YouTube too ^^ <3
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kimetsu-no-yabai · 1 year
i had some thoughts abt the tokitou twins
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
gather around me, my dear advisors...
should i keep trying to make myself write, go try and draw, or just stare into space for the next three hours... hmm
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why-bless-your-heart · 11 months
One of my (many) problems when I try to write is that every time I come to a sticking point the only solution I can figure out is to bring a new person in.
there are so many people.
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a-lexia11 · 6 days
Age of love (part 2)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Word count:Around 2k
Warning:none, just fluff.
Part 1
Based on this request.
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You’ve been dating Alexia for a year now, and while your relationship is thriving, the public reaction hasn’t always been smooth sailing.
Initially, the 10-year age gap between you sparked intense debate. Some fans struggled to understand how the two of you could be together, while others were outright critical.
It was tough to navigate that scrutiny, but over time, more people began to see what you both already knew—that you complement each other perfectly.
Now, you’re recognized as more than just “Alexia’s younger girlfriend.” Fans respect you for who you are beyond the relationship.
Balancing college, a part-time job at the cafe, and your commitment to being at Alexia’s games whenever possible has earned you admiration. The fans genuinely appreciate that about you.
At one match, you overheard a fan say, “Y/N’s got it all together. She’s smart, she works hard, and she’s always there for Alexia. We love a queen for our Reina” Hearing that made you beam with pride; it felt good to know that people appreciated you.
During halftime of Alexia’s matches, social media is abuzz with tweets and comments about you. You’ve been spotted studying during games more than once, and fans have embraced that with enthusiasm.
“Can’t believe Y/N is literally studying at halftime,” one fan tweeted. “She’s an icon, honestly.”
Another post went viral, featuring a candid shot of you in the stands with your laptop open on your knees and textbooks spread around you. The caption read, “The REAL MVP,” followed by a queen emoji. It was a moment that captured your dedication, both to your studies and to supporting Alexia.
As you scrolled through your phone, reading these comments and posts, your heart swells with pride. It’s uplifting to see that people appreciate you not just as Alexia’s girlfriend, but for your own hard work, determination, and the unique path you’re forging.
Each supportive message reinforces your belief in yourself and the relationship, making all the challenges worthwhile.
Being at Alexia’s games has always been enjoyable, but recently, there’s been an unexpected twist—people have started asking you for pictures. At first, it completely caught you off guard.
During one of Alexia’s matches, a young fan nervously approached you at halftime. “Disculpa” the girl stammered, glancing up at you with wide eyes, “¿eres Y/N?” (Excuse me, are you Y/N?)
You blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback. “Uh, sí. Soy yo.” (Uh, yeah. That’s me)
The girl’s face lit up. “¿Puedo... puedo tomarme una foto contigo?” (Can I... can I get a picture with you?)
You felt a rush of warmth and smiled, even though the request still felt surreal. “¡Por supuesto! Me encantaría.” (Of course! I’d love to.)
As she fumbled with her phone, trying to get the camera to work, you couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. You were used to standing by Alexia’s side, not being the one in the spotlight. “Aquí, déjame ayudarte con eso.” you offered, gently adjusting the phone. (Here, let me help you with that)
Once the picture was taken, the girl beamed. “¡Muchas gracias! ¡Eres increíble!” (Thank you so much! You’re amazing!)
You felt humbled by her excitement, waving goodbye as she rushed back to her friends.
Later, when you told Alexia about it, she burst into laughter.
“¡Mira a ti, cariño! ¡Ya eres famosa! Muy pronto te estarán pidiendo un autógrafo” she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. (Look at you, baby! Famous already! Pretty soon, they’re gonna be asking for your autograph)
You rolled your eyes, grinning back at her. “Yeah, right. They’re here for you, superstar.”
Alexia wrapped her arm around you, pulling you closer. “Maybe, but they love you too! “¿Cómo se siente ser parte del ‘club de novias famosas’?” she asked with a playful smirk. (How does it feel to be part of the ‘famous girlfriend club’?)
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Honestly? It’s still weird. I didn’t sign up for this!”
“Oh, come on! You’re a natural,” she said, nudging you playfully. “Just wait until you start getting fan mail. ‘Y/N, will you marry me?’”
You laughed, shaking your head again. “Not happening! They’ll always love you more.”
“Maybe,” Alexia said, leaning in closer, “but they appreciate you for who you are too.And it’s only a matter of time before you’re getting recognized at the grocery store. ‘¿Es Y/N? ¿La que estudia durante los partidos?’ (Is that Y/N? The one who studies during matches?)
You burst out laughing, feeling a mix of pride and disbelief. “Yeah, and I’ll be like, ‘Please, no photos while I’m buying groceries!’”
Alexia laughed along with you, wrapping you in a side hug. “Simplemente acéptalo, mi amor. ¡Ahora eres famosa!” (Just embrace it, my love. You’re famous now!)
Your social media following has grown since you started dating Alexia, largely because fans have loved the glimpses into your relationship. Nothing has sparked more conversation than the TikToks you've convinced Alexia to make with you.
One afternoon, you lounged on the couch scrolling through TikTok when you stumbled upon a new couple’s challenge.
Excitedly, you turned to Alexia, who was next to you, absorbed in her own phone. “Alexia, we absolutely have to try this one!” you exclaimed, your eyes shining with enthusiasm as you showed her the video.
She glanced at the screen, her expression falling. “No way. Absolutamente no. Ni siquiera entiendo cómo funcionan estas cosas.” she replied, half-joking, half-serious. (Absolutely not. I don’t even get how these things work)
You leaned closer, knowing she had a soft spot for you. “Please? It’ll be fun! I promise it’s easy.”
Alexia raised an eyebrow, skepticism clear on her face. “Siempre dices que es fácil, y luego yo termino viéndome ridícula.” she countered, crossing her arms. (You always say it’s easy, and then I end up looking ridiculous)
You pouted playfully, knowing it usually worked on her. “You’ve never looked ridiculous! You look adorable,” you whispered, leaning in for a quick kiss.
She sighed dramatically, a small smile escaping despite herself. “Fine. But if it’s no good, it’s your fault.”
You laughed, pulling her off the couch. “Deal! Let’s do this!”
Alexia pulled out her Samsung, the same one she had been using since the Olympic Games, and you felt a wave of disgust wash over you.
“What are you doing?” you asked, scrunching your nose as you looked at the phone, its sleek design somehow still managing to irk you.
“To film?” she replied innocently, a mischievous glint in her eye, fully aware of your aversion to that phone.
“Absolutely not! Get this thing out of my face!” you exclaimed, your voice rising as you reached out to snatch the phone from her hand.
You tossed it onto the sofa with a dramatic flair, feeling a little triumphant as she huffed in response.
“no es tan malo” Alexia argued, trying to defend her beloved device. But you just shook your head, unable to contain your disdain. (it’s not that bad!)
“It’s so… I don’t know, just not you!” you insisted, crossing your arms and pouting slightly. “You’re La Reina; you shouldn’t be using that!”
She laughed, rolling her eyes but unable to hide her amusement. “¿De verdad lo odias tanto?” (You really hate it that much?)
“Yes! It’s like, why not use something cooler?” you retorted, your expression earnest as you gestured dramatically toward her phone.
“¡Está bien, está bien! Conseguiré uno nuevo, lo prometo.” she chuckled, giving in to your playful disgust. (Okay, okay! I’ll get a new one, I promise)
“Good but no more Samsungs!” you warned her.
You pulled out your phone, your beautiful phone which is not a Samsung and set it up on a tripod, you started the music and began explaining the steps.
Alexia stood next to you, looking stiff and clearly out of her element. You could see her glancing around, visibly nervous. “¿Qué pasa si me caigo?”she asked, biting her lip. (What if I trip?)
“You won’t! Just follow my lead,” you assured her, trying to stifle your laughter. “Okay, now move your arms like this.” You demonstrated a simple move, your arms flowing gracefully.
Alexia watched intently, her brows furrowed in concentration. When she tried to copy you, her arms flailed awkwardly, and you burst into laughter.
“What are you doing?” you giggled between breaths.
“I don’t know!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. “"Me veo ridícula.” (I look ridiculous!)
You reached out to reassure her. “You don’t! You’re just... unique! Here, try it again. Just feel the music.”
“¿Sentir la música?” she echoed, looking even more confused. “What does that mean?” (Feel the music?)
“Just go with the flow! Like this!” You swayed your hips, demonstrating with exaggerated flair.
Alexia tried to mimic you, but she ended up swaying stiffly, her shoulders hunched. “¿Así es como se supone que debe verse?”she asked, a sheepish grin spreading across her face. (Is this how it’s supposed to look?)
“Not quite, but it’s getting there!” you said, stifling another laugh. “Okay, that was better! But maybe try to be a little looser?”
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide her smile. “I feel like una idiota”
You pulled her in for a quick hug. “You’re my adorable idiota! Now, let’s do it again!”
After several more attempts, Alexia finally managed to get through the challenge, though her movements remained stiff and a little awkward. You couldn’t help but smile at how cute she looked trying so hard.
Once you posted the video, the comments started rolling in within hours.
“Alexia is so awkward, I love it,” one fan commented.
“She’s trying so hard, bless her,” another added.
“She’s so awkwardly hot”, another said.
You glanced over at Alexia, who was shaking her head and laughing. “They’re too nice. I’m terrible” she admitted, still slightly embarrassed.
“They love it!” you reassured her, snuggling into her side. “And so do I. You’re giving them something real to enjoy.”
“Really?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eye.
“Absolutely! Especially when you’re moving around like a baby giraffe,” you replied with a laugh, nudging her playfully.
Alexia chuckled, finally relaxing. “Okay, maybe this was not bad. ¡Solo no me hagas hacerlo de nuevo pronto!” (Just don’t make me do it again anytime soon!)
“Deal!” you grinned knowing that you’ll definitely will make her do it again.
One night, after an exhilarating victory, the team invited you out to celebrate. They had come to cherish you almost as much as the fans did, and you were always included in their post-game festivities.
That night, the atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter and excitement, and you found yourself swept up in the joy of the evening.
The music thumped in the background, drinks flowed, and you felt lighter than you had in weeks. Alexia stood beside you, her laughter ringing out as she chatted animatedly with her teammates, her arm casually wrapped around your waist.
“Can you believe we won?” she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.
“Absolutely! You were amazing out there!” you replied, nudging her playfully.
As the night went on, the music shifted to something upbeat, and the energy in the room changed. People started dancing, letting loose, and you felt a bold urge bubbling up inside you.
Fueled by a few too many drinks, you suddenly had an idea. Climbing onto a chair, you grinned down at Alexia and the team. “Watch this!” you shouted, your voice barely cutting through the music.
Alexia raised an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and concern on her face. “Y/N, ¿Qué estás haciendo?” she asked, a laugh escaping her lips.(what are you doing?)
“Just having fun!” you replied, adrenaline coursing through you as you pulled off your shirt and spun it around your head screaming at the top of your lungs “Vamos chicas”
The team erupted in cheers, their voices blending into a cacophony of encouragement. Soon, others joined in, twirling their own shirts in the air.
“¡Vamos, Y/N! ¡Muéstranos lo que tienes!” Cata yelled, laughter ringing out. (Go, Y/N! Show us what you’ve got!”)
“Is this how we celebrate a win?” Alexia shook her head but couldn’t suppress her smile. “¡Vas a arrepentirte de esto por la mañana!” (You’re going to regret this in the morning!)
“Nunca!” you shouted back, fully embracing the moment, feeling like the star of the show. (Never!)
The next morning, you woke up with a headache and a sinking feeling. Groggily, you grabbed your phone and discovered that someone had recorded the entire incident.
It had already gone viral. “Y/N is a whole vibe!” the caption read, and the woso community was eating it up, sharing the video across social media.
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “Oh my god, I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
Alexia walked in, a sly smile on her face as she saw your reaction and lied down next to you. “Asumo por tu reacción que has visto el video.”she said, laughing. “But you know what? I think it’s iconic.” (You saw the video I assume by your reaction)
“Iconic? More like embarrassing!” you grumbled, but a smile started to break through.
“Embrace it!” she nudged you playfully. “It was very funny and people like it!”
“I just hope my mom doesn’t see this,” you joked, shaking your head.
“¡Demasiado tarde! ¡Ya se lo he enviado!”Alexia teased, winking at you. (Too late! I’ve already sent it to her!)
“Noooo! You’re the worst!” You both burst into laughter, the earlier embarrassment fading as you enjoyed the moment together.
A few weeks later, you sat in your usual spot at one of Alexia’s matches, watching her dominate the field as always. The game was intense, and your heart raced as the clock ticked down.
In the final moments, Alexia broke free, charging toward the goal with laser focus on the ball. You held your breath, eyes glued to her as she struck the ball cleanly, sending it soaring into the back of the net.
The stadium erupted in cheers, and you jumped to your feet, screaming her name. “Alexia!”
But what happened next completely took you by surprise. Instead of her usual celebration, Alexia turned to the crowd, a huge grin on her face.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, she pulled off her jersey and spun it around her head screaming at the top of her lungs “Vamos chicas!”, imitating the move you had pulled at the party weeks before.
The crowd went absolutely wild, and Alexia received a yellow card for taking off her shirt. She just shrugged it off, clearly not caring at all.
You stood there, mouth agape, shaking your head in disbelief. “Did she really just—?”
Fans around you lost it, chanting her name and cheering. “This is amazing!” one fan yelled, while another shouted, “Alexia, you’re the best!”
Social media exploded almost immediately, with fans praising her bold new celebration. “Alexia spinning her shirt like Y/N? This is the content we live for!” one tweet said, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the comments.
Later, after the game, you waited for Alexia in the tunnel, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as she approached, still buzzing from the excitement. “Really?” you asked, trying to keep a straight face.
Alexia beamed, a playful sparkle in her eyes. “What? You started it! I had to do something fun!”
“I can’t believe you actually did that,” you laughed, shaking your head in disbelief.
She stepped closer, leaning down to give you a soft kiss. “Fue un homenaje. Para mi reina.”she whispered, her tone teasing but sincere. (It was a tribute. For my queen)
You couldn’t help but smile back, feeling a warmth in your chest. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
Alexia laughed, pulling you into a tight hug. “Solo para ti. ¡Ahora todos recordarán nuestra celebración!” (Only for you. Now everyone will remember our celebration!)
You looked up at her and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “La próxima vez, haré una voltereta. A ver cómo logras ese tributo.” you murmured against her lips, causing Alexia to laugh. (Next time, I’ll do a backflip.Let’s see how you’ll manage that tribute)
You both walked out together, the excitement of the match still buzzing around you, feeling grateful for moments like these.
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buzzinrusso · 3 months
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Genre: smut
This isn't very good as it is rushed and english is not my first language
Prompt: where you visit Jenni in Mexico for the first time.
You knew it from the moment that you spotted you girlfriend in the crowded airport.
The look she gave you as you ran into her arms was not only a look on happiness but a look of 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦 and 𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘵.
"Te voy a follar muy bien cuando lleguemos a casa." She whispered. That statement alone, along with the looks she gave you made you very, very horny.
On the drive to her home, her tattooed hands that you loved her much, sometime too much, always rested on your thigh.
a lot of firsts occurred in your life. Your first time driving a car, your first time drinking, your first kiss, your first time... But you will always remember this first.
The first time you went to Mexico to see jenni.
Her nonchalant act quickly disappeared as the both of you made your way into her home.
She immediately slammed you against the now closed door that you walked into seconds ago, and started to plant needy kisses on your lips, her hands finding you ass and squeezing it hard as your hands wrapped around her neck to pull her closer.
"I missed you so much, bébé " she mumbled hurriedly as she went back to kissing you as you started to lightly grind you hips against hers.
"Fuck, jenni" you moaned as you felt her lip go down to your neck and start sucking on your sweet spot.
She tapped her finger twice on your thigh which made you quickly jump up and circle your thighs around her as she carried you to the bedroom.
She pushed you down onto the bed and quickly went in to her closet ; your eyes widened when you saw the huge purple strap that was now harnessed around her naked hips.
She made her way to your lying figure on the bed with a cocky smirk, just as she reached the edge of the bed, she started kissing you feverishly.
Her hands made their way to the hem of your shirt , pulling it up and off of you, smiling as she was met with your naked boobs.
"No bra? " she questioned while raising a brow.
"Didn't bother. "
She immediately got to work and started kissing your chest , sucking on your nipple while toying with the other one, all as you tried to get some friction by squeezing your thighs together.
"Your so fucking pretty, " Jenni said in between kisses as she trailed away from your boobs and to where you needed her most.
She unbuckled your shorts, slid them off along with your underwear and threw them off the bed to lie with your discarded shirt on the floor.
"So wet for me and I haven't even touched you yet. "
"I'm always this wet for you Jenni. " you simply stated facts as those words hurriedly spilled out of your mouth.
She continued to kiss down you boy and Just before her lips made contact with your glistening folds, she pulled away making you let out a long drawn whine from your lips.
"Relax bonita, you're going to get what you want. " she told you as she finally began teasing your folds with the tip of her strap .
You let out breathy moans as you felt her slightly dip in the tip of it before quickly pulling it out and resuming her teasing like it was nothing .
You were going crazy with every little touch she granted your naked body, with every little inhale and exhale she did and the words she said. She was quite literally driving you insane.
Then, She unexpectedly shoved half of the strap into you ,making you let out a 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 loud moan that echoed along the wall of the room.
"That's it baby. Take it like a good girl " she said as she watched your pussy greedily take the strap in inch by inch .
You let out a moan at the praises that left her mother as you finally fully took in all 10 inches of her strap or as she liked to call it, 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘬.
"Such a good girl form my, mi amor." She finally began to pound into you, just like you wanted her to.
The only sound that was heard in the room was the sound of skin against skin and your loud moans along with jenni's slight grunts as the harness hit her clit directly.
Her hand reached down to rub you clit as she continued to repeatedly pound in and out of your tight hole.
The extra friction she gave your puffy bud was a lot to handle along with her large strap pounding into you.
"Jenni,gonna cum. " was all you were able to get out in between heavy breaths.
"Wait for me mi Amor. " she said as she leaned down to connect your lips to each other .
They moulded to get her perfectly as always.
"Yeah, you like my cock don't you? ".
The reply you gave her was moaning her name.
"Jenni, Jenni, Jenni. " you moaned her name like it was prayer falling from your lips. "Cum in me please. "
"Cum for me. "
You let out a moan that mixed with jenni's own moan as you both came together, she kept pushing in and out for you both to ride out your highs .
A few second later, she pulled out slowly and started to plant sweet kisses on your neck, face and lips.
"You did so well mi vida. "
Just after s couple of minutes of you both laying on the bed, Jenni started to miss down your neck again. "Don't start something you can't finish hermoso. "
"Who says I can't finish? " she said with a smirk as her lips trailed down.
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pjackk · 10 months
Extremley Urgent Action Needed
Hi everybody i hate to to it but im in a realy bad spot and ive been pretty much bummed out really badly lately and lots of people on here are actually being really bad to me constantly and telling me lots of mean shit all the time and im pretty much in a super bad spot because im mentally fucked up badly right now and the theres some some holidays and shit comign up and i dont give a fuck about heaven or hell cuz my life is fucked anyways and going to shit so i dont know how it could really get worst but i pretty much want to treat myself and practice self care by making the right choices for me and getting shit that i really want as a gift to myself since nobody else will ever get me free shit since im a societal freak and a piece of shit apparently and something i really want is a Cast Iron Money Man
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So the great part about the guinness Stout moneyman is that on top of making me enjoy my life for once in my fcking life if i had him it would teach me how to save my coins and put them in a safe place so they dotn keep falling down the drain because whenever im counting my pennies and other brown or shiny colored coins its always in the sink cuz thats the only place not filled to the brim with stupid shit i keep finding LOL i keep finding shit on the ground and in the trash and its often interesting as fuck shit like a stick that would be realy goood for turning into a weapon if needs to be if i was attacked from every angel a great way to fight them and a perfect advantage to have is to have the range advantage so if the thieves and other bandits were coming at me with knives and shit i would be able to bash them with my stick and maybe break there bodys while im at it and i could legaly say i killed them to defend my self and all my other shit so anyways theres tons of shit everywhere and since i just throw away my dishes when im done with them because they are way to dirty and beyond even the level to get it cleaned no more cuz shit is dried on there and wont come off if i make it wet i just gie up so that means theres never shit in my sink exept for the coins when im counting them but the big problem is i dont have a money man made out of cast iron to keep my coins safe so they fall down the drain and when i try to pop them up by dumping oil in the drain and using gargage disposal switch it just crunches them up and shoots fragments into my glasses and always breaks my glasses so i always have to get new glasses since they are always breakign whenever i lose my coins but the big problem is since i dont have my coins no more since they all get all torn up and shit its super hard to afford new glasses or food at all even though i dont technicaly have to eat its always fun to eat yummy shit so please consider to send me money to help muy shit as fuck mental get better and invest in my prosperity i promise u it will trickle down to u and u will benefit from my well being im actually working on a new CD right now with dope as fuck music but its realy really hard to be creative when i dont want to get out of bed because im always hung tf over from drinking a shit load of top notch gin a the pub all night and feeling super depresed basicaly my Guinenss beer Shaped money man would be a perfect way to solve my problems let me know if u want to help by clicking the beer above and giving me money to spend on my cast iron money man
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b14augrana · 1 month
You and your mami go on vacation
Alexia Putellas x child!reader
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Warnings: ✖️, this is just fluff
A/N: this is my first time writing a child!reader fic 🥴 everyone say hi to our baby putellas!
i know i had a poll up for a few hours but i’ve just realised that ad astra per aspera (which won by a long shot) will probably take a while to write because it’s gonna be pretty long and in depth, and i wrote this quicker than expected so i might as well publish it. enjoy and let me know what u think!
“Capri, cariña. Can you say Capri?”
You smile at your mami in the mirror as she braids your hair, and you respond to her, “Capi!”
“Very close. Ca-pri, come on, you can do it,” Alexia coos, securing the end of your braid with a little rubber band. Your eyebrows knit together as you concentrate extra hard on pronouncing the word right for Mami. “Capi– noooo, that not it. Ca-pri… Capri?”
“You did it!” Alexia cheers, clapping her hands together. You beam immediately, copying her gesture as you clap your little hands and grin at her in the mirror. “Capri, am I saying it?” you ask eagerly, turning your head to look at her.
“Perfect,” she replies, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as she holds onto your shoulders gently. “Now you can pick what to wear in your hair.”
“Can you pick for me, mami? Too many, hard to pick,” you say.
You stand up and toddle over to your box of hair accessories. Alexia still remembers when you were half the age you are now, and you could barely stand up. You’ve come so far.
You lift the box up, and it’s not very heavy or big, but you feel strong lifting it all on your own without Mami.
She’s about to choose when you reach in and pull out a colourful bandana. It’s got a design on it that represents a neighbourhood, and it’s printed in purple-blue and pink stripes. In other words, it’s a 21/22 Barça third kit that Alexia repurposed.
About a month ago, she asked you what you wanted to wear in your hair, much like she did today. You got up and told her to wait, then you ran out of her bedroom.
When you came back, you had your tiny-versioned third kit on your head and a beaming smile on your face as you told her you were ready to go.
Alexia had multiple copies of the third kit from the 2022 season, so she transformed it into a little bandana you could properly wear on your hair.
“You want to wear that one?” she asks, and you nod confidently, handing it to her so she can tie it on your head.
She spins you around and ties it just above your hairline, smiling fondly as she spins you back around and admires her work. “Muy guapa, cariña. Put on your shoes and we can go to the beach.”
Mami stands up and walks to her suitcase, then she grabs her flip flops. You remember that you have the same flip flops as Mami and naturally, you want to match with her, so you run to pick up your own flip flops that are left beside your open suitcase.
You appear beside Alexia and stamp your foot to draw attention to your footwear. “Mami, look! I’m just like you!” you giggle.
She hopes that one day, other people will say the same thing when you grow up and play football for Barça just like her, keeping the Putellas legacy alive for another generation.
All she’s ever wanted out of a child is one who will inherit her footballing prestige, and she thinks you’re exactly that, because you love to kick your mini football around the house back at home, and you’ve got an eye for hitting it against the couch.
For now, she smiles at you, sticking her foot outwards while you’re amused by your matching shoes.
“Let’s go to the beach now,” Alexia says, offering you her hand. You happily grab ahold of her index finger with your entire hand, since that’s all you can fit.
Your little bag full of beach essentials is on your back as you and Mami walk to the beach. The bag of actual essentials is on Alexia’s back. Italy is a very nice country, and there’s so many colourful houses in Capri.
As you totter down the streets alongside Mami, you pass many people. To each one of them, you wave hello, and you grin every time they wave back at you as you turn to your Mami and tell her about your new friends that waved at you.
You’re totally enamoured of the neighbourhoods you two walk through to end up at the beach.
Immediately, you bend down to swoop your hand through the soft sand and laugh at the sensation. “Sand!” you exclaim, holding a fistful up to Alexia.
“That’s very nice, but what about the water?” she responds, motioning to the clear light blue water ahead. Your eyes light up, and you tug Alexia towards the water, though she doesn’t go far because you’re only tiny and not that strong yet.
She laughs and pulls you back towards her, picking you up in one fluid motion. “We can’t swim yet, you need to put on sunscreen!”
You huff and fold your arms stubbornly, frowning until Alexia gently tickles you in the stomach and sends you into a giggle fit which brings back your grin.
“Sunscreen first and then you can swim for as long as you want, I promise,” Alexia says, walking to a nearby beach umbrella with you in her arms. She sets you down, and once she lays out the beach mat, you plop down and get ready for her to put the sunscreen on.
She unpacks the bag and puts your water bottle and beach towel out on the mat, along with the sunscreen and her own water bottle. You unpack your own bag and pull out your mermaid toys and arm floaties.
“Mami, blow?” you toddle over to Alexia with the floaties in your arms, thrusting them forwards for her to blow up.
“In a minute cariña, sit down first so I can put your sunscreen on and then I’ll blow up your floaties. Vale?” She takes the floaties from you anyway and places them down beside her.
You nod, bum shuffling across the mat until you’re sitting in front of Alexia. You giggle as the cold sunscreen touches your face, and you scrunch your nose with a little gummy smile.
You’re just the bubbliest baby she’s ever seen. You have her smile and the same almond eyes, which disappear whenever you smile. Everything about you is tiny and adorable, and Alexia can’t help but be in awe of you the entire time.
Many people she knew had plans to spend their vacation with others. Alexia elected to spend hers with you, and she’s unapologetically glad she did, because now she’s on an island off the coast of Italy with the person she loves most and she’s the happiest she could be.
“All done,” Alexia says, rubbing the excess sunscreen on her own arms. You clap your hands and your smile hasn’t faltered. “Can we swim, Mami?” you ask hopefully, but your smile finally fades when Alexia shakes her head.
“I’m not swimming yet, I’m sorry cariña. Maybe later.”
“Not swim without Mami!” you protest, smacking your hands against the mat. You pout and cross your arms once again, kicking your floaties away.
Alexia frowns, grabbing your floaties back as she tries to restore your good mood. “I’ll swim later! Don’t you want to go see if you can find any fishies?”
You turn your back on her, shaking your head adamantly. “No!”
Mami sighs and begins to blow up your floaties anyway. When she’s done, she puts them in her lap. “You still need to put your floaties on.”
You let her slip them onto your arms, but afterwards you go back to crossing them tightly over your chest. “No mami, no swim,” you state.
“Okay okay, you little monkey,” Alexia laughs, standing up and running to the water. You’re quick to follow her, and you stumble along happily behind her with a newfound smile on your face that’s wider than ever. You and Mami go crashing into the water with a big splash.
Alexia pops up from underneath the water, and she shakes the water from her face and flicks it on you. “Mami, watch out!” you laugh, splashing her back by slapping your toys on the surface of the water.
She laughs as well, and soon you’re both splashing each other with your hands and toys. She puts you on her back and wades through the water, the pair of you floating calmly in the clearest sea you’ve ever seen.
“I like Ca-pri,” you say, holding onto Mami tightly as she swims. “Me too, cariña. It’s very nice,” Alexia replies, and the water laps at your back while she speaks.
Eventually, when the water is shallow enough, Mami lets you off her back and you can play with your toys in the water. Your bandana is helpful because your head doesn’t burn in the sun while you play, and you have more fun.
Alexia watches you fondly as you kick your little legs to stay afloat and play with your mermaids until it’s time to go and you trudge out of the water, teeth chattering slightly. The water and the sun kept you warm, but now it’s starting to set and you’re getting cold.
Mami wraps you in your towel and deflates your floaties while you put on your flip flops again, and then she packs your toys and floaties into your bag. “Come on cariña,” she says once you’re all packed up, giving you her hand again, “Do you want ice cream?”
“Yes! Love ice cream!” you exclaim, doing a little jump of happiness before gripping onto Alexia’s index finger again. “Let’s go get ice cream then, hm?” she adds, and you let go of her finger for a moment so you can clap your hands excitedly.
“Ice cream, ice cream!”
The chances of you pursuing the same career as Alexia used to be her biggest concern, but now there’s so many other things she looks forward to, like vacationing in lots more places with her carbon copy and eating gelato in Italy while the sun goes down.
She wouldn’t have it any other way.
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traveler-at-heart · 28 days
Lessons of Love - Part 4
Nerd!Natasha x Rogers!F R
Summary: As your relationship with Natasha progresses, you find some bumps on the road.
That was no way to start the day. Natasha had looked everywhere for her notebook, and now she was walking to Advanced Calc without any idea where it went.
Truth is, she could remember most of the things she had written down from lessons. What she regretted the most was losing all the little notes or scribbles you’d leave at random places.
“Looking for this?” she heard you say.
There you were, standing outside her classroom. You had her schedule memorised to know what routes to take to your next class and see her as offen as possible.
“Yes, actually” she nodded, taking the notebook from you. You smiled, leaning forward. To anyone else, it seemed like you two were just talking, but you had your hand on her arm, drawing circles.
“It was under my bed…” you explained, blushing at the memory of the make out session that almost became somethig more. You could tell Natasha was thinking the same thing, as her eyes traveled to your lips. You were about to close the distance for a short kiss when someone called for you.
“Hey, mamacita” it was Jessica Jones, who stayed oblivious to the intimate moment you were sharing with Natasha.
“Hey, JJ” you greeted, turning around and standing closer to Nat, hoping she’d put her arm around your shoulders or something. Instead, she excused herself and went inside the room.
You sighed, disappointed.
“We have Spanish together. Wanna walk with me? Podemos practicar en el camino, muy caliente!”
“Oh, wow. Your Duolingo streak must be on fire”
“Au, K, C, Na” Natasha pulled out study cards, placing them in front of you.
“Gold, Potasium, Carbon, Sodium” you listed all the elements.
“Correct” she leaned back against the headboard, chewing on some M&Ms.
“Where’s my prize?” you said in a low voice, getting closer to her. Natasha blushed and watched as you leaned forward… stealing the candy from her.
“Not fair” she complained, although she was laughing along. You offered her a chocolate to appease her, aware that your eyes followed her movements as she let you feed her.
Obviously, the study session was abandoned for other activities. Her lips were on yours and you had kicked the notebooks out of the way to have more space.
Natasha’s tongue explored your mouth expertly -god, she had gotten so good at kissing- while the other circled your waist. You yelped as she lifted you up, placing you on her lap.
“That was incredibly hot” you commented, licking and biting her earlobe.
Natasha responded by squeezing your breasts over your shirt. You didn’t know what had gotten over her, she was usually shy and let you take the lead, but you were definitely not complainig. Before she had time to hesitate, you took your shirt off, nipples hardening at the cold air and the arousal.
Natasha moaned, burying her face in the valley of your breasts.
“Can I…?” she asked for permission, her hand hovering over the clasp of your bra.
“Yes. Please” you nodded, and a second later felt your bra lose around your shoulders. Natasha pulled at it impatiently, her tongue swirling around your nipple. You jolted forward, moaning and feeling her erection against your leg.
With a cloudy mind, you unzipped her pants and palmed her cock through her boxers. Natasha’s hips went up, as her lips stopped working on your breasts, caught off guard by your bold move.
“I’m sorry, I just got carried away”
“Do it again, please” she asked against your lips, kissing you while her hand took over your nipple. Nodding against her, you continued to stroke her over the fabric, feeling the hardness strain against the underwear. You wanted nothing more than to pull the boxers down and suck Natasha off.
The thought made you squeeze a bit harder, Natasha losing her focus for a second, knowing she’d come any minute.
Your brother’s voice boomed across the hallway.
“Captain Rogers is pulling up the driveway. However’s doing something nasty, wrap it up”
You groaned at that, layind down next to Natasha. Your hair was a mess and you were both out of breath.
“My eyes are up here” you joked when she kept staring at your boobs, your chest going up and down as your breathing evened out.
“I know” Natasha nodded, still looking at them. You laughed, pushing her away as you rolled on your back to put your clothes back on.
“Hey, I didn’t overstep, right?” Natasha asked, kissing your shoulder as you looked in the mirror to fix your hair,
“No, my love. It was perfect” you said, looking at her reflection. Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you turned around and put your arms around her neck. “I liked it way too much”
“I did too” she confessed, smiling as you pecked her lips.
“Maybe we can talk about…”
“Yeah. I know… I’ve been thinking about it too”
“Wait. Are we both talking about marriage?” you said, serious. Natasha’s eyes widened and you laughed. “I’m just teasing you”
“Yeah, that’s what you are. A big tease” she said, kissing you softly.
Still thinking about everything that happened the day before, you walked out of Spanish class. It took you a moment to caught up with Jessica, who was talking next to you.
“So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“I asked you to dinner. Like, a date?”
“Oh” you nodded, and then it clicked. “Oh, JJ, I'm very flattered but the thing is… I have a girlfriend”
“You do? Huh” Jessica said with a smile. “Wait, don’t tell me. It’s Wanda, right? I mean, you guys are together all the time”
“Wanda?” you repeated, confused. It almost felt like you summoned her, because she came out of nowhere, pulling you by the arm.
“Hey, mind if I steal my girl?”
“Wait, that’s not what you think” you tried to correct, but Jessica gave you a thumbs up.
“Happy for you two”
Wanda kept walking down the hallway, her hand firmly grasping yours and you tried to keep up with her.
“Wanda, what’s wrong?”
“Jarvis is coming for the winter break!” she said excitedly.
“Oh, the English lad” you said with your bad accent. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Wait, why is Jessica happy for us?” she stopped suddenly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it”
Later that day, Wanda came back home with you to tell you all about Jarvis’ upcoming visit.
“I’m happy for you” you said.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean? Nothing, Wands”
“You didn’t even make the accent since I brought it up again”
You rolled your eyes and threw a cushion her way, making her laugh.
“Is it weird that Natasha and I are still keeping everything private? It’s been three months since we started dating, and we’re not exactly hiding but when someone comes to speak to me she just disappears”
“Have you spoken to her?” Wanda suggested, spinning in your work chair.
“I guess we’re due a talk for more than one reason” you admitted, playing with the hem of your shirt. Wanda caught on to your shift in mood and launched herself to lay next to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, yesterday, it felt like we almost… you know”
“Really? Oh my God, how was it?” Wanda squealed and you sushed her, fearing your parents would hear. “What? I wanna know everything. I mean, ew, not everything but… ya know”
“We didn’t do… it. It felt like we were going to, but then Dad was home. Plus, I haven’t even told her how I feel. It’s kind of cheap to do it without saying how much I love her”
“Well, just tell her exactly that. It’s not like she doesn’t love you back”
“I don’t know. Anything is possible” you shrugged your shoulders and Wanda kicked her feet in the air, sighing dramatically.
“You two are impossible lesbians. She’s out there looking at you as if you hung all the stars in the sky and you’re moping because Natasha might not love you back”
“Alright, jeez” you laughed. “Then help me tell her in a creative way”
“What are you thinking? Something she likes?”
“Morse code” you suggested and Wanda made a face. “Alright, non binary language”
“Like saying I love them instead of you”
“No, as in 0 and 1 like computers, genius”
“Ugh, you are a certified nerd” she gagged and you laughed. “What’s wrong with some old fashioned bouquet and chocolate?”
“Going back to the basics… you’re on to something, Maximoff”
Your mom was on board with your plan the minute you shared it. She’d been the one to arrange a bouquet of flowers from the family garden. It had baby’s breath, white carnations, pink camellias and a dash of red yarrow.
So, there you were, standing outside the Romanoff home first thing in the morning. You had plans later that day and you knew Natasha was going out for her run, but you were lucky enough to catch her before she left.
“Hey” she greeted you as she opened the door.
“Hi…” you began, and then she pulled you by the waist, devouring your mouth in that new found hunger that made your knees weak. “Uh… I…”
“It’s nice to see you first thing in the morning” she said, her nose against yours in a sweet gesture.
“Yeah, especially when you kiss me like that”
Natasha smiled, but let go of your waist and finally looked at the flowers.
“Going somewhere?”
“Huh? Oh, no. These are for you” you extended the bouquet and she took it. “I’ve grown all these flowers myself and wanted to give them to you because I…”
“Bless you”
“Thank… achoo!”
Natasha sneezed a few times before you caught up with what was happening.
“Damn it, you’re allergic”
“Nooo… maybe a little” she looked apologetic and you gently removed the bouquet from her hands, placing it behind your back.
“I’m sorry, baby. I had no idea”
“It’s fine. They’re really pretty. It’s the thought that counts” she sneezed one more time and you sighed. “Let me grab my medicine and I’ll be right back”
“No, it’s ok. I’ll come back later, I should take this back home” you held the flowers as if they were radioactive, as far away from her body as possible. “Catch you later for our date?”
“Looking forward to it” she leaned forward to kiss you, but broke apart to sneeze once more.
“Medicine, now” you sighed against her lips.
So, that was a bust. Your mother was ready to take personal offense when you came back with the flowers, until you explained what had happened.
“Well, what’s plan B?”
“A fortune cookie?”
You honestly thought the flowers would work so a backup plan was not even considered.
“We’ll bake cupcakes!” your mother suggested, always a step ahead of you. “Look for ideas while I get the ingredients”
You browsed until you stumbled upon a cute video. With an edible marker, you wrote “I love you” in a piece of sugar paper. Covering it with a food safe acetate and buttercream, you decorated the cupcake as if it was a letter, placing a small red heart on the center.
You prepared a tray with the rest of the cupcakes, making sure to place the one with the note in the middle.
“Good luck, sweetheart” your mother said as she dropped you off later that day on her way to the gallery.
This time, Natasha’s welcome was a bit more measured, since her parents were up and your mom was waving from the car.
“How’s the allergy?”
“It’s all fine now” she promised, leading you by the hand.
“Well, I got you some cupcakes. I’m pretty certain you’re not allergic to those”
“No, especially when you’re the one making them” she admired the work.
“You should eat this one first” you pointed at the one in the middle and she nodded, taking your face in her hands.
“I want something sweeter first” her lips moved against yours and you grabbed her neck to keep her there.
“Right in front of the cupcakes” Yelena complained and you broke apart, eyes still closed as you tried to bring your breathing back to normal.
“Those aren’t for you”
Of course, Yelena chose the one with the note. By the time you noticed, she was done with it.
“Uh… you didn’t taste anything weird in it?” you asked, worried about the acetate. Yelena shrugged her shoulders, and picked up another one until Natasha slapped her hand away.
“Get your own cupcake baking girlfriend”
“Is that all she is to you? A cupcake factory? Natalia, that is so rude. Y/N also has a cute butt, why not mention that”
“You know what I mean. And don’t look at her butt!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” you stopped the arguing, sounding a bit hysterical. “Come on, let’s get going, Nat”
You were silent for the entire ride, and Natasha allowed you to take the time you needed.
“We’re here” she announced after parking at the mini golf course.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to do something special for you and I think I’ve been failing all day”
“You haven’t. Everything you do is special for me”
“Really?” you whispered, blushing at her kind words. Natasha nodded, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. You suddenly remembered a thing you wanted to mention. “Our four month anniversary is next Saturday… why don’t we go somewhere nice?”
“I love that” she agreed and you smiled, eager to shout back and I love you
But you wanted it to be special, and what’s another week? You could wait, and maybe, this time your plan would work.
The Science Club was only five people. Peter, Darcy, Shuri, Ned and Natasha, the founding member. It was an improvement from last year, when it was only her and Darcy.
“So, next week we’re getting the guidelines for the Science Bowl, and then we can plan our study sessions” Natasha said, writing down a couple of dates in the whiteboard.
“Are we doing that?” Peter asked, looking around.
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well, I thought you would be focused on the Westview Science Fair. Since they have some people from MIT coming each year” Peter explained.
“Well, I’m a sophomore… I’m sure next year I’ll do it”
“Scared I’ll beat you, Romanoff?” Shuri taunted.
Natasha felt like she was under the microscope. Everyone in the club knew how brilliant her mother was, and how ambitious Natasha’s own goals were for her future as a scientist.
“Are you ok? We’ve had the impression that you’ve been a bit distracted” Ned said in a soft tone, as if he was afraid to upset her.
“I’m fine” Natasha lied, turning to Darcy. “See? Lewis is texting someone while we meet. Bet she’s more distracted than me”
“Hey! I’m just talking to Y//N”
“Why are you talking to Y/N?” Natasha snapped. Everyone in the room shared a look.
“Because we’re partnering for a Biology project. And then I’ll ask her out”
“I heard she has a girlfriend” Shuri intervened, saving Natasha from throwing the marker to Darcy’s head. “No idea who she is, though”
“Well, that won’t stop me” Darcy smiled, going back to texting.
“We’ll do the Science Bowl and I’ll work on the Westview Fair, so that’s thqt” Natasha returned to writing on the board.
“Wow. You’re doing both? Isn’t that a lot?” Peter said. Natasha shrugged her shoulders.
For the rest of the afternoon, her thoughts spiraled, filling her with anxiety. She had gotten distracted and lost focus and now her entire future was jeopardized over it.
It wasn’t until later, when she heard a knock on the door that she snapped out of it.
“Go away”
“You sure about that?”
Another thing she had forgotten; you had plans. She felt guilty, and wished she had cancelled before making you come all the way here when she was in a sour mood.
As she opened the door, you leaned forward to kiss her but she turned her face.
“You ok?” you said, confused at her cold demeanor. Walking to her desk, you placed a gift box and sat on the bed, looking at Natasha. She was tense, and avoiding your eyes.
“Fine. Just busy”
“Oh, ok. Well, want me to just wait until you’re less busy? I can go bother Yel”
“It’s gonna take a while. You should go back home. I’ll text you later”
“Nat? What’s wrong?”
“Why were you texting Darcy?” she finally snapped, picking a fight over something she knew meant nothing.
“How did you know?”
“So you didn’t want me to find out”
“I’m texting her because we’re doing a presentation for class. She asked me to be on the same team”
“You could have said no” she said, turning her back to you.
“I don’t have any reason to be a total bitch and say no to a group project, Natasha. If it bothers you so much you could tell her we’re dating. I told my friends, unlike you”
“That’s not the point” Natasha said, looking at the card that came with the gift. It was a simple equation.
“Then what is?”
“I don’t have time for this. You want me to do your homework too?” she threw the card on her desk and looked at you. “I’m behind, I totally forgot about the Science Fair and now I have to come up with a really good project in less than three weeks”
“Why are you making it sound like it’s my fault?”
“Because” Natasha stopped herself from saying it is.
But you knew.
She saw the hurt in your eyes and regretted everything that had just happened.
“Don’t worry. I won’t get in the way of your stuff anymore, Natasha” you stood up, walking towards the door.
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean to…”
“Yes, you did” you went out of her room, Natasha staying rooted to the spot.
She was a coward.
You had avoided Natasha all day. That’s how she finally realised that all those moments where you met and spoke outside of her classroom or in the hallways were because of you, going out of your way to see her.
During English class, you sat at the front, as far away from her as you could, and spend the entire period taking notes. By the time it was over, you were the first person out the door. Natasha tried to catch up with you but wasn’t even sure how to begin to apologize.
Natasha’s texts, as well as her calls went unanswered. Today was a Saturday, and you’d usually spend time together in the evening… she could try going to your place, or to your mother’s gallery. She had to find you and tell you how sorry and wrong she was. You were the best thing that had happened to her, and it was none of your responsibility if Natasha had too much on her plate.
Yelena walked past her in the living room, wearing her cheerleader uniform.
“You don’t have practice today” Natasha turned to her.
“It’s the end of the football season so we’re meeting today and tomorrow. I’m late” Yelena answered without looking at her sister.
“Wait! I’ll drive you”
Yelena rolled her eyes, but waited in the car nonetheless. She spent most of the time looking out the window, until she couldn’t hold her tongue anymore.
“If anyone had spoken to me the way you spoke to Y/N, I would have broken up with them, on the spot”
“Jeez. Thanks?”
“She’s kind. And she’s in love with you. You’re always so caught up in your world of science like mom. It’s great that you’re so smart but you’re so damn stupid sometimes, Tasha” Yelena said and left the car as soon as she arrived.
Natasha sighed, looking for you in the field. You were speaking to Pepper, smiling as she showed you what the next move would be. Your eyes landed on Natasha and your smile faded. Still, the redhead waved at you and you walked towards the bleachers.
“What’s up?” you said in a casual tone that made Natasha’s heart drop.
“I tried calling you”
“I had nothing to say” you shrugged your shoulders. “And you have a lot going on so I figured you could use your time back”
In that moment, Natasha’s phone rang and she ignored the call, without checking who it was.
“I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I was unfair to you because I had a bad day”
“Honestly, Natasha? I’m not sure if it’s just that”
“What do you mean? Damn it” she complained as her phone rang again. The sound was begining to irritate you.
“What I mean is… you’re very smart and I’m just me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I’m ok with that, because I’m 16 and feel like I have time. But if you have everything figured out, and you feel like it should be your priority, I won’t hold you back”
“You’re not holding me back” she promised, taking a step forward. “I just don’t know how to balance everything. I lost focus…”
“Because of me?”
“Because I… I’ve never been in a relationship before”
“Well, that sounds like something you should figure out on your own” you cut her off, starting to walk away.
“That’s not fair. You can’t expect me to feel bad because I know what I want? I’m sorry. But being in a relationship won’t get me into MIT”
“I never said that!” you groaned, frustrated as her phone began to rang again. Natasha didn’t ignore the call, and this time the noise made you even more upset as you both kept arguing.  “Pick up the damn phone”
Taking the phone from her hands, you answered the call.
“Hey, Natty. I’m waiting at your house but your mom said you’re out”
You recognized the voice. Jane Foster.
“Don’t worry. We’re done here” you threw the phone at Natasha, turning to walk away.
“Wait, it’s not what you think. Jane was only going to help me with the Science Fair project”
“Today was our fourth month together, I made a reservation and everything. And I kept it with the hope that we could make things right. But go be with Jane, take her out. Forget about me, us. If this relationship is a burden, you’re not in one anymore”
“No, Y/N, wait, please”
“Goodbye, Natasha”
You left her standing alone, as you walked into school. Yelena followed you, glaring as she walked past her sister.
“Nice one, Natasha”
Natasha didn’t know how to fix this mess. You were never alone at school, and she was sure it wasn’t a coincidence.
Pietro or Wanda were consistently by your side, even when their classes were across the school. Bucky glared at Natasha the only time she dared come near you, but you elbowed him and walked away as fast as possible.
You didn’t hate Natasha, nor did you expect anyone else to be mean to her. You were just heartbroken, feeling like everything she had said was confirmation of how unlikely it was for someone as smart as her to love you.
Wednesday seemed like the only chance to actually talk to you, but to Natasha’s bad luck, you skipped Chemistry class.
“No Miss Rogers today?” Fury asked in the middle of practice. Natasha shrugged her shoulders. “This exercise was her idea”
“Borax crystals?” Natasha looked up. The professor shrugged his shoulders, copying Natasha.
“Said she wanted to use the pipe cleaners to do some fun shapes. I’m guessing hearts”
Natasha thought about it for a second, while Fury gave her a knowing look.
“Crystal hearts” Natasha repeated.
“She also showed me an equation to check if it was correct, then wrote in something that looked like a card. Very mysterious”
“Yeah” Natasha nodded, going back to her notes. Feeling someone was looking at her, she raised her eyes and met Wanda’s murderous glare.
“Stop it” Pietro told his sister, while Natasha turned pale. Wanda could be scary.
Fury chuckled and walked back to his desk, hoping whatever was going on could be solved outside of his classroom.
For her part, Natasha wanted to skip the rest of her classes and go home. She was sure the card Fury mentioned was the same you had given her the day she acted like a total ass.
By the time she got home, Natasha went straight to her room. The gift box had been hidden in her closet, because she couldn’t stand seeing it all the time.
“Screw it” she muttered, opening the closet and taking it out. Natasha ripped the paper, trying to figure out what the box had.
Lego flowers.
So you can always have flowers without the allergies, a note inside said.
She didn’t deserve you. Natasha dropped the box in her bed and sat on the floor. How could she know so much about science but not be able to figure out how to fix this?
There was a knock on her door but she didn’t care to answer.
“Sweetheart?” Melina said, opening the door. Her eyes widened when she saw her daughter so defeated. “Tasha, what’s wrong?”
“I’m an idiot” Natasha shook her head, the tears finally rolling down her cheeks. She had tried to avoid it, because Natasha hated crying, hated feeling helpless more than anything.
But right now, she hated the way she had made you feel even more.
“Oh, you’re definitely not an idiot, sweetie. Come here” Melina sat next to her daughter, hugging her. Natasha felt like she was five again, but held on to her mother’s arms. “Is this about Y/N?”
“Yelena told you, huh?”
“No. I just noticed she hasn’t been around and you’ve been hiding in your room. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I was a jerk. All of the sudden I realised I was gonna have all this extra work from the Science Club and the Westview Fair and blamed it on her, as if she was distracting me on purpose”
“Oh, I see. You’ve never been good with stress, after all”
“I’m not good with people” Natasha shook her head. “She’s better off without me”
“Natasha, darling. You’re so smart. But you put so much pressure on yourself. I sometimes blame myself for it”
“What do you mean?”
“I worked so hard when I first came here because I had to prove myself. Had to be ten times better than anyone else to be seen as more than just the strange girl from Russia. I don’t want that to be your life. Choose a path that makes you happy”
Natasha nodded, wiping away the last tears.
“I don’t know how to fix it” she confessed.
“Say how you feel. Speak from the heart. And be better next time. That’s all you can do” Melina said, squeezing Natasha’s shoulders. “We’ll leave in an hour, the last game of the season is today”
As Melina left her daughter’s room, Natasha gathered the courage to open the card, curious to see if it had the equation that Fury mentioned.
She went over it a couple of times, and then sat, writing it down on her own notebook to solve it.
9x - 7i > 3 (3x - 7u)
9x - 7i > 9x - 21u
- 7i > - 21u
7i < 21u
i <3 u
“I love you” she read, her heart beating out of her chest.
Natasha stood up and tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. You’d probably be at the field, practicing with the rest of the team. It would be nearly impossible to get close to you, and Natasha didn’t want to wait until the end of the game.
She had to speak to you now. Natasha called someone else.
“Peter. I need a favor”
As it was to be expected, the school parking lot was packed. Melina walked with an arm around her daughter’s shoulders.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes” Natasha nodded. “I’ll catch up with you. I have to meet with Peter real quick”
“Alright” the woman said, going to the bleachers to find a spot for them.
Natasha walked to the school library, looking anxiously around the building.
“Hey! I’m here, sorry” Peter said, carrying the mascot suit. “This is a very weird favor to ask, Nat”
“I know, trust me. But I need to get to the field now” Natasha examined the suit, accepting Peter’s help to put it on. Once the body was zipped, Peter placed the lion’s head, making sure Natasha was adjusting it.
“How does it feel?”
“How can you even see in this thing?” Natasha’s voice came out muffled.
“Yeah, I can’t. You’ll get used to it, though. Come on, I’ll walk you to the field”
He took Natasha by the hand (well, paw) and she almost backed out of the plan. It was hot and dark in there and she might pass out.
But then she thought of you and the three words she wanted to tell you, and her resolve strenghtented.
By the time they reached the field, Pepper dragged Natasha out, not even noticing that Peter was by her side, instead of inside the suit.
“We change the routine’s speed so you better catch up”
“Wait, I don’t even know it”
“Stay there” the girl ignored her. Natasha looked around and walked with her arms reached forward.
“So, how are you feeling?” that was Yelena’s voice. Natasha walked towards it, hopeful.
“I’ve had better days” you admitted with a sad smile. “I miss Nat like crazy”
“If it helps she’s been very miserable” Yelena said and you laughed.
“She’ll be fine without me. Though I’ve been trying to avoid her, because I know she wants to break up and I cannot take it, not right now”
What? She never wanted to break up with you. Natasha struggled with the head of the suit, but stumbled against her sister.
“Hey, watch it” Yelena said, but turned as Pepper asked everyone to take their places. “Come on Parker, you know what to do”
“I’m not Parker. Y/N, wait!” Natasha screamed, but between the music and the cheers from the crowd, you didn’t hear her. Natasha stumbled around as the cheerleading squad began their routine. She crashed against some of the girls, and by the time she found a quiet corner to go unnoticed, they were pulling her back to the field, almost carrying her to the center of their circle.
Pepper pushed Natasha towards a trampoline, and the girl jumped a few times on it.
“Go, Lions!” the girls cheered as someone threw a ball to Natasha’s head. She flew in the air, losing her footing and the head of the suit at the same time. The redhead landed on her back, the padding helping a bit with the fall.
“Natasha?” you said, rushing to her side. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you ok?”
“I’m fine” Natasha said, breathing heavily and finding comfort in your closeness. She had missed you so much.
“Are you sure? Does anything hurt?” you insisted, checking her head with a gentleness that made Natasha swoon. Without thinking about it, she closed the distance, kissing you softly. You tried to protest, but gave in a moment later, shutting your eyes and pulling her closer.
You missed her so damn much.
People cheered and then it dawned on you that you were putting on a show for the entire school. You looked at the crowd, your cheeks turning pink.
“Maybe we should…”
“I love you” Natasha said, unable to wait any longer.
“You… do?”
“I finally opened the card and the equation… it was a perfect gift and I’m sorry, I was an idiot. I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you. Please, believe me, Y/N. You’re everything to me”
“Well, how can a girl resist a love confession like that?” you laughed, pulling her up. When Natasha stood up, she lifted you in her arms, spinning you around.
“I love you” she said one more time, kissing you softly.
“I love you too” you smiled against her mouth, not caring about the crowd anymore.
Now that you had made up (and made out) in front of most of the school, you and Natasha were inseparable. You walked to classes together, holding hands in the hallway and talking about your day. During break you’d eat together and at the end of the day hung out for a while with Wanda and Pietro, or only the two of you, sharing a few laughs and kisses.
Oh, the kissing.
First thing on Monday, when the school was still buzzing with the gossip of your relationship, Natasha came up the stairs as you entered the school. Her lips met yours, in that hungry way she usually saved for the privacy of your room, and you broke apart, blushing and smiling.
“Good morning”
“Uh-huh. I’ll say” you laughed, taking her hand, aware that some people were staring.
It became a habit. Most times it was innocent, like a kiss on the cheek while saying goodbye before your classes. You’d be talking by your locker and she’d end up leaning you against it, your hands on her waist as you enjoyed being trapped by her body, looking at her lips until the conversation died down and you kissed her, a bit possesively.
It made Professor Harkness warn you about “no funny business during class” and Fury talking about wanting no distractions if you kept working together.
Both of your friends were the most crossed by this, because more often than not, they’d interrupt in the middle of some make out session.
Like today. The Science Club was preparing for the competition, and they met to study at the end of each day. Since it was Friday and you had no classes left, you decided to tease Natasha as she waited for her teammates.
“I’m having trouble with something” you said, sitting in one of the tables.
“With what?” Natasha said, organizing the flash cards and not picking up on your mood.
“I’ll show you”, you asked, pulling her flush against you as she stood between your legs. “I can’t stop thinking about my girlfriend”
Natasha smiled, allowing you to take the lead with the kiss, her hands going to your legs to make them wrap around her waist. She groaned when your tongue darted out.
“If this is how we’re studying today, I’ll pass” Darcy said as soon as she walked in on the room. You broke apart, noticing how Natasha didn’t let go.
Knowing she was jealous of the time you and Darcy were speaking, you placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth and spoke loud enough for her friend to hear.
“Gotta go. You need to study. I love you, baby”
“I love you too” she smiled, kissing you one last time. You ran into Peter and Ned at the door and Natasha called out for you. “Don’t forget our date tonight. I gotta make it up to you for that dinner we missed”
You blushed as Ned and Peter whistled, nodding and waving goodbye.
All in all, life was good.
Comfortable and cozy. That’s what Natasha said you should wear. You had no idea where you were going, but felt excited.
“You look beautiful” your mom said as you went down the stairs. Your father turned as well.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know” he snapped, removing his glasses. “That is not safe. You’re staying here”
“Dad, it’s a surprise” you tried to ease his nerves, hugging him. “Plus, it’s not like you don’t track my phone”
“I…” he turned to glance at your mother, who looked ready to murder him.
“Joseph Rogers, that is an incredible invasion of privacy! Do you track my phone too?”
They were so busy arguing, they never noticed the doorbell. You ran to greet Natasha.
“Hi” she said, kissing your cheek. She pulled something behind her back, handing it to you.
“I’m allergic to flowers so I thought I’d compromise here” she smiled, giving you a cactus.
“Thank you, darling” you smiled.
“I’ll take that. You two have fun” your mother said, inspecting the plant. She was probably planning where to place it.
“Alright, don’t wait up” you winked at your parents, making Natasha blush.
“Young lady, that is not funny!” your father said. You laughed, walking with Natasha to the car, while your mother shushed him, still upset.
“Relax. He knows it’s a joke. Now, take me to this super secret date, huh?”
“We have a different ride today” she pointed at a pick up truck that you had seen on her dad’s garage.
Natasha opened the door for you, and extended her hand, as the climb to the seat was steep.
“It feels like we’re in a carriage” you joked as she turned it on and drove you. Reaching a gated park, a security guard opened the door for you two and you were pretty sure Natasha handed him a twenty dollar bill as you drove past him.
“This looks like the country club”
“That’s because it is. We’re just sneaking around the back” she winked at you.
“Well, we can go through the front, you know we have the membership…”
“Detka, trust me, I know the perfect view is this way” she squeezed your leg, leaving her hand there for the rest of the short ride.
“What does it mean?” you asked and she looked confused. “Come on, I don’t know how to say it. That Russian word”
“Detka? It means baby. Sort of”
You blushed and squeezed the hand that was resting in your lap, hoping Natasha would use it again very soon.
Natasha encouraged you to jump, holding you by the waist until you landed against her. She moved aside to show you what she meant, and you gasped as you saw the lake that was away from the courts and the restaurant.
The ground was usually reserved for parties, but it was luckily empty. As you kept staring at the lights reflecting in the water, Natasha uncovered the back of the truck to reveal it was full of pillows, blakets, food and her laptop.
“Hope you’re hungry” she helped you up, holding your hand while you steadied yourself in the back.
“Starving” you said, finally picking a corner to sit in and making room for her. Natasha sat next to you, her arm around your shoulders. “Nat, this is lovely”
“You deserve it, and more”
“I love you” you kissed her, leaning against her side until you needed to catch your breath.
“Love you too. Now, here” Natasha opened up the picnic basket. “We have lasagna and soda, chocolate cake for dessert, popcorn and gummies in case you want more snacks”
“What movie are we watching?”
“About Time”
“Yes!” you cheered, appreciating her choice. You knew Natasha complained about the time travel inaccuracies, but it was one of your favorites.
As the movie progressed, you came closer to Natasha, seeking her warmth when the air became colder.
“Here” she covered you with a blanket and you came closer, sinking in her arms.
“You make me really happy, Natasha” you looked at her, appreciating how soft she looked under the fading light.
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me” she leaned forward, pressing her lips against yours. As your hands went down her arms, you sank further into the pillows, until you landed on your back with a squeal. “Are you ok?”
“Yes” you laughed, pulling Natasha down. Her body was on top of yours, and you appreciated feeling her weight. The kissing became more frantic, with your hands exploring the skin of her back while she bit your lip and then kissed your neck.
“Oh, my” you gasped, as literal fireworks lit up the sky. “Did you do this?”
“I could lie and tell you I did, but I’m guessing there’s a party down at the restaurant”
Enjoying the free show, Natasha hugged you as you looked up.
“Hey” you called, squeezing her hand.
“Hi” Natasha smiled, kissing your temple.
“I know there’s a lot going on right now and it may be too soon… but. You know that thing that almost happened two weeks ago in my room”
“Mhm” Natasha nodded against you.
“Well… I’d love it if you… if my first time could be with you. And like I said, now’s not the time and all, but it’s just a step that I’d take only with you because I trust you and I love you”
Natasha smiled, surprised that you of all people were rambling.
“I would love that too, detka. We’ll know when the time is right, don’t you think?”
“Yes. And please keep calling me that. It’s the best thing in the world” you nudged her side and she laughed against you.
“Anything for you, moya lyubov”
“Oh, come on! That’s not fair” you complained, your heart skipping a beat at those new words. “Keep doing that and I’m losing my virginity right here in the back of this truck”
“Oh” Natasha let out a surprised squeal, turning red. Yeah, that was the Nat you knew.
“I love you, baby” you laughed at her sudden shyness. “And I’m kidding, of course”
“The back seat is probably more comfortable”
“Incorrigible” she mumbled, kissing you softly and laughing with you.
“But you love me”
“Yeah. I really do”
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pinkyqil · 2 months
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- Esas Perras Son Muy Molestas
Featuring: barcelona femeni x teen reader
Summary: r saying little shit stuff and learning actions comes with consequences.
Notes: this was honestly meant for monday but I hard work so my apologies hope you guys enjoy this chapter of crazy chiqi and feel free to send in ask hcs or requests that you want. Lots lf love and hope you have a great Friday 🩷
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It was the final for the supercopa de españa you were very happy as you were playing your very first big tournament for the team. But the energy you we're giving off was not very happy mostly irritated.
The score was currently 0-0 but with how both teams were playing getting into each other it felt like internity. As a teen the way you view things is very differently from your older teammates.
And right now was definitely one of them everyone on the bench were making comments.
on how they wanted to make an impact too the match or just talking away. but you on the other hand was just getting tried of what you we're seeing and your last straw was when the real madrid player's were being infuriated.
You didn't know what was going on in your mind but yelled out from the top of your lungs."esas perras son muy molestas".
Hearing the crowd behind you laugh made you take a moment to process what you just said as you immediately felt Ingrid hand go over your mouth as aitana scored a goal.
"No acabo de decir eso".You told her
"Yes you did". She said with an obvious sigh of discouragement.
"Ai Siéntete orgulloso, no todo el mundo es tu tipo de valentía por ser tan directo". You heard jana say.
"Don't encourage her". Ingrid told her
"dios mío". You said sliding in your jersey
"God can't help you chiqi cause I'm pretty sure the speakers and crowd heard you". Esmee who was normally reserved told you.
"no no no no there all going to come for my head".you said refereeing to the older players who were currently on the pitch.
"olvida haber hecho tu amiga terminado".vicky said laughing at you.
Before you could reply you heard your name being called to come in as a sub making your worries go pitter patter the rest of the game finished with a well deserved performance from the team.
You didn't really expect to act out like this on your first biggest competition.
After the trophy lifting and team pictures you alexia and Irene were asked for an interview.
"Entonces, durante el juego, ¿cómo te sentiste acerca de la intervención de insultos?". The reporter asked.
"qué". Was what the two said before for giving you a shocked look.
"Solo dice basura, cosas de los periodistas, realmente no pasa nada". You tried telling them and rushing the interview.
"dije ¿cómo se sintieron con tus comentar- before he could finish is sentence you cut him off saying."nada, no sienten nada más que felicidad después de ganar el juego de hoy, gracias por tu tiempo".
Grabbing both confused woman's hand heading to the changing room.
"qué quiso decir él".alexia asked you
"como si no dije nada".you told her rushing into the changing room.
"¿Alguien nos va a decir qué pasó? . This time it was Irene's voice that was heard in the locker room.
"olvida decirlo solo descaro twitter causa chiqita loquita ya es tendencia por su molestia". Mapi told them.
"mapi te voy a matar".you told her while signing to her and your neck.
"puedo explicarlo".You told the two women who were now standing infront lf you with a phone in there hand which was clearly repeating what you had said earlier.
"Será mejor que tengas uno bueno, de hecho estás haciendo entrenamiento extra". Irene said looking more annoyed rather than pissed.
"mapi podría haberme salido con la mía pero no, tu bocaza siempre arruinaba mis planes". You told her looking more than irritated.
"de nada". she said laughing straight at you.
"oh pequeña mierd-".
"termina esa frase te reto" . Alexia told you while the whole locker room was trying not to laugh so they wouldn't have to join you in running extra laps.
Least to say you learnt your lesson if you wanted to curse out players you should do it quietly next time.
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politemenacephd · 7 months
The Surrogate: Part II
Miguel O'Hara X Peter B. Parker X GN!Reader (+18) Part one Part Three Series Content: Planned pregnancy, Breeding kink, PinV sex, Oral sex, Threesome, Web knotting, Aftercare, Possible Angst/fluff.
Miguel and Peter want a third child, and apparently they've run out of options. That is, except for you, their friend and colleague. They offer to cover everything, and the pay is life-changing. There's just one catch: they went to concieve naturally.
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Notes: Oh boy here it comes time to give the boys a baby
As you approached the HQ you were a ball of nerves.
It was finally time to go in and get started.
After a few months of planning you were ready to begin the surrogate process. The whole process had been pretty smooth overall, almost too smooth. Miguel and Peter had let you hire a family friend as your lawyer, with Miguel paying every fee, and over each month you’d made sure the contract was fair.
You had been hired to be the men’s surrogate until completion, which didn’t have a set date on it but merely ended at whichever point you gave birth and the child was handed over into their custody. They would provide for your needs and health, and you would do your best to conceive for them.
You were allowed to leave at any time, though. It’d been a little difficult working out the details of leaving, especially regarding what happened if you were pregnant and had to stop, but Miguel and Peter had remained respectful. Eventually you’d worked out a plan that compromised what needed to be compromised, and so you stepped into the next phase: the actual conception.
It was a situation you were happy with. You felt safe, and soon you’d have a ridiculous amount of income. Right now, all you had to do was one, fairly simple job: From now until whichever point you conceived, you would be having intercourse with Miguel and Peter.
Simple enough, yes, but God, just the thought of it still made you weak. As you glanced up at their apartment, their windows glowing orange against the darkened skyline, you felt a pinch of nerves.
One of the things you’d agreed, just for the sake of convenience, was for you to move into Miguel’s plush new place at the top of the HQ, alongside him and Peter. Their girls lived with them too, but for tonight at least they were being babysat by a relative, and you’d been assured they had had the situation explained to them in the most child friendly way possible.
Later on things might have to change, but for tonight it was just about working out your dynamic and ensuring everyone was comfortable, and also getting the first attempt right.
It hit you hard, the idea that you might walk away from tonight pregnant with either of their babies. You kept thinking back to Miguel’s confident smirk in the bar, assuring you it wouldn’t take long. Why had he seemed so sure, and why did you so willingly believe him?
You sucked in a sharp breath and made your way in.
Your journey took you up through multiple elevators and beams and staircases as you ascended the HQ, which gave you more time to overthink. By the time you finally reached the apart you were a ball of nerves.
‘Okay… Okay, just, relax’ you told yourself. ‘Relax. Relax. You’re good. You’re all good.’
The moment you rang the doorbell the door swung open, causing you to flinch and yelp. You were met with Peter’s flushed and gleeful face as he threw himself through the door and around your little body, pulling you into a hug.
“HI! Hi, there you are! Oh- looking wonderful, muy bien, come on in!”
Before you could even get a word in he was carrying you into the apartment. Not shepherding, not pushing, carrying. He lifted your body was ease in a bridal carry and brought you through into the open-plan living room and kitchen area, babbling the whole way.
‘Miguel was worried you’d be late- OH, don’t tell him I told you that though, he’ll freak out, but I told him you’d be early and look who was right!”
‘A-Aha, yeah, uh- Peter, please could you—’ You stumbled on your attempt to request being put down as he gently shifted your weight, jolting you in his arms like a cat.
God, he was so strong. Deceptively strong. He felt nice, too. He was warm, toned but squishy, probably nice to cuddle. Perhaps, you didn’t want to be put down *just* yet.
‘Ah- never mind. Hi, Peter’ you said with a slight laugh. ‘I wouldn’t have thought me showing up early was such a surprise, you’re paying me enough for this.’
‘NO! I mean we’re paying a lot sure but it’s all worth it! I was just—’
‘Peter. Put them down.’
That dark, husky voice filled the apartment, rendering you both speechless.
You fell to the floor and immediately spotted Miguel leaning on the kitchen island. You felt your face go warm at the sight, as your chest seemed to tense in on itself.
He was just as pretty as usual, hanging around in loose joggers and an old shirt which left little up to the imagination. You were surprised to see as he moved around the kitchen that he also clearly wasn’t wearing boxers either, because the definition and light swing of what lay underneath caused your throat to seize up.
‘Thank you for coming’ Miguel said as he approached. You nodded hard, now trying your best to look anywhere except his perfectly toned V cut abdomen as it poked out beneath his shirt. He coughed before speaking. ‘Do you, uh—’
‘It’s okay, Miguel. I know you hate small talk’ you quickly said, cutting him off. To your relief you’d read him right; he did that gorgeous little half-smile down at you, his brows raising ever so slightly.
‘Mm. Good, thank you. This is why you’re my friend, hermosa/o’ he said with a throaty chuckle, only for Peter to appear at his back. ‘OUR friend’ he whined. Miguel shot him a bombastic side eye but ended up just shrugging and chuckling again. ‘Mm. Okay. Our friend. Perdón, mi amor.’
You watched slightly stiltedly as the two men butted noses and kissed, just a small peck before parting. You realized that you’d never really seen them being affectionate around the workplace, or even out in public like at the bar, so this was a surprise.
You almost didn’t notice Miguel turning back to you until he spoke.
‘Did you take the injections?’ Miguel asked. You awkwardly nodded.
You’d been given homework to do, mostly consisting of quite painful injections to stimulate ovulation. They sucked, hard, they made you feel awful and they burned when injected, but it was an important step.
‘And you’re ovulating?’ he asked next.
You felt your face burn up again as Miguel leaned in. He took your jaw into his hand and tilted it, seemingly trying to read something in your expression. This wasn’t an unusual move for him, especially with friends when he suspected they were lying, but right now it felt so much more intense.
‘I—yes, I have the app, I did everything on the list. I took the injection, I’m ovulating, I’m in the fertility phase, it- yeah.”
Miguel grunted, slowly retracting his hand. He looked pleased. Despite trying to keep a professional air about you, you felt your legs growing weak at his subtle little smile.
‘Good. I appreciate it.’ He turned and moved over to the counter as you awkwardly stood in the middle of the living room. Peter was still watching you, his face eager. You shyly smiled back at him.
‘So, do we, uh—’
‘Are you comfortable getting right into it?’ Miguel asked, pre-empting your question. You took a moment to decide but eventually nodded. ‘Yeah. I think so, aha, we- we got all night to talk, talk, afterward…’
The way Miguel chuckled at that made your sex throb. It was so sweet, so husky, so *smug*, in a way that was so unlike him. He glanced down at you in a way that highlighted his smooth, muscular neck, his eyes slightly lidded as he smiled.
‘Interesting. You think we’ll get tired?’ he asked.
Was- was he, teasing you? You blinked and swallowed, only to find your throat dry. ‘You... You have to get tired eventually, right?’ you said with a slight laugh, hoping it was a joke. Miguel’s smile widened.
‘Huh. Interesting’ he repeated. He held your gaze until he saw your smile falter, watching that sweet realization hit you that, no, he wasn’t joking. Peter was forced to step in to elaborate instead.
‘Oh no, no, no, Miguel doesn’t get tired’ he said, pridefully slapping the larger man’s chest right over his pecs. ‘Trust me, he will exhaust you. I’ve had to skip school runs because my legs just don’t work the next day.’
You raised a brow at that. ‘Ah… W- then, why are you two even taking turns?’ you asked. The two men glanced at each other. You saw them communicating silently; Miguel arched his brow and grunted, clearly implying something, as Peter raised his brows even higher and grunted back. The two turned to you in unison.
‘Miguel doesn’t get tired per se but he does get… well, empty’ Peter said, being as coy as possible. ‘He needs to re-charge, we both do, so, taking turns? Makes it easier! Plus, Miguel is…’
‘Rough’ he murmured, emphasising that word with such a husky tone. You almost collapsed.
‘Yeah! He is. Oh, you’re a kinky devil you are. I love you so much. But anyway, yes, so that’s why the switch. Hope that’s still okay’ Peter added on at the end, fixing you with an affectionate and open smile.
‘Aha, uh- yeah. Yeah, it’s all good. You guys really want that baby, huh?’ you said, your smile now slowly returning. While Miguel’s smirk turned shy Peter dramatically moaned.
‘We want it SO BAD! The girls are so BIG now, even Mayday can tie her own shoelaces, and all I wanna do is just cradle them in my arms and watch them babble nonsense and pretend to have a full conversation with them when all they can say is ‘babababa’—’
‘Peter.’ Miguel’s hand on Peter’s waist brought him to a stop. You noticed the way he subtly squeezed him. ‘We need to actually get started if you want that baby’ Miguel gently insisted.
At that Peter’s eyes turned to you again. You saw a spark in them you hadn’t seen before, and he quickly held up his hands in mock surrender. ‘Okay! Okay. Baby time. Follow me, pretty thing’ Peter crowed before promptly grabbing your hand, dragging you into the bedroom. Miguel took his time before following in.
‘Okay, so, this is your room’ Peter explained as he flicked on the lights. You were taken aback by how nice it was. The dark, hardwood polished floors with a rug in the centre, highlighting the rich white king-size bed pressed up to the wall. You whistled at the huge, underlit wardrobe doors built into the right side wall, the mirrors on the ceiling and walls, and the glass wall overlooking the beautiful city beyond. It was a glittering cascade of neon lights across a dark canvas, a sight you'd usually never get to see. 
‘My room?’ you stammered.
‘Mhm! Well, it’s the guest room, but for now, your room’ Peter crowed. He seemed to be enjoying your gawking.
‘It- what does your room look like then?’ you muttered half to yourself in disbelief. 
Peter gently drew you to a stop in front of the bed. When he looked you over he had a slightly mischievous smile on his face. ‘Well, you’ll find out soon enough. Don’t you worry. Miguel, ah- he sells patents for technology he makes on the side back to the city, that’s how he affords everything here. It’s how he funds the HQ.’
You blinked in surprise. How had you not known that? ‘Oh, really? Huh…’
‘And, it’s how he’s gonna fund you, my little angel’ Peter suddenly cooed, pressing one firm hand to your abdomen. He squished it gently, his free arm pulling you into a hug before letting go again. ‘Thank you, again’ he whispered, his eyes deeply sincere. ‘Thank you for doing this.’
You just nodded, a little flustered internally at the sudden affection. ‘I-It’s fine’ you replied gently. ‘It’s, all fine. Thank you for uh, giving me the opportunity? I guess?’
His mischievous smug grin grew a little wider. ‘Uhuh. The opportunity. Speaking of which, shall we get you undressed?’
You felt that warmth thudding in your lower abdomen increase alongside your heart rate. You nodded. ‘Yeah. Yeah, of course, ah—’ You paused only to watch Miguel slowly enter through the bedroom door, gently shutting it at his back. He gave you a curt nod, essentially bidding you to continue. ‘Yeah. Let’s, do that’ you finished, before gently grasping your shirt.
You struggled to remove your clothing while the two men watched. Peter tried to be polite by looking to the side and whistling but you could feel his eyes drifting back, his whistles occasionally lowering in pitch as he stared before shifting back up. Miguel, however, kept his eyes firming on you.
You were surprised, as you undressed, to see his shaft already twitching beneath his joggers. The fabric was pitching to accommodate the size, and his eyes were fixed on you, roaming without shame or concern. Was he getting off on just this? The thought made you so giddy.
The moment you were naked Peter rushed in to pick you up and carefully lay you down on the bed. ‘You doin’ okay? You still good to go?’ he asked, his brown eyes wide and gentle. His care was a comfort, with his hand brushing your forehead and his soft, brown eyes fixated on your face. You shakily nodded.
‘Yeah. Yeah, I’m- fine, I’m ready.’
‘Good! Good. Okay, big guy, you ready?’
As Miguel approached, your breath hitched. He was eyeing you up with those wolfish eyes. They were such a deep red they seemed to glow in the dim, peaceful ambiance of the bedroom. ‘Mm. I’m ready’ he replied.
He stripped his shirt aside and yanked down his joggers, carefully kicking them aside to reveal his fully naked form. You audibly squeaked. He was huge.
The suit didn’t leave much to the imagination, apparently. He was hairless spare for a soft, thin line of dark hair running up his pelvis and a scattering on his lower legs and upper arms, leaving you a good view of his body. His skin was rough, scarred, with many lines overlapping over his rippling abs and hefty chest. His waist tapered in above his slim hips before sloping out into his heavily muscled thighs, both thick and slender.
And then, of course, your eyes drifted to his pelvis. His cock was gorgeous, there was no other word to describe it. Thick, veiny, perfectly curved. You had a sudden knot of anxiety over trying to take such a thing, but the soft throbbing in your clit urged you to ignore that thought.
He must have noticed you staring as he allowed a ghost of a smirk to creep onto his face.
Miguel clambered up and knelt on the bed, with his clawed hands resting on your own upturned knees. You squeaked a little as he curiously shifted them apart, noting the sight of your spread form. You suddenly felt extremely shy to have him gawking at your spread sex so curiously.
‘Oo, he likes you’ Peter cooed, still stuck in his teasing, flirting stage.
‘W-What?’ you stammered. Miguel shot Peter daggers with his eyes, imploring him to be quiet, but Peter couldn’t be silenced. ‘He likes you. That face he makes, with the eyes. They get a little bit brighter when he sees something he likes. I notice it when I wear anything too tight, it's like a… like a cat locking onto a mouse.’
‘Peter’ Miguel hissed, his fangs now bared in a desperate attempt to claw back his professionalism and ideally his dominance. Peter just chuckled. ‘Sorry’ he whispered. ‘I’ll be quiet.’
‘Yes. You will’ Miguel grunted, before finally turning back to your spread body. Now you could see it; those wolfish red eyes, darting down and drooping slightly as he took in your body. You felt his fingers grip a little tighter around your knees, his lips parting ever so slightly. He was already hard, but you saw his member tight just a little as if he was tensing it.
‘Now… You remember the deal, with intimacy?’ he asked softly.
‘You are still comfortable with the terms we agreed?’ he asked, his voice softening even more.
‘Y-Yes’ you repeated. You caught him licking his teeth as he nodded.
‘Okay. Then the same rules apply. We'll be gentle this first night, just- the basics, to get you used to it. Your preference is oral, so, I will perform that to make insertion easier. Peter will ensure you’re comfortable throughout, and I’ll use my tongue to make you orgasm and also to loosen you up. Is that okay?’ Miguel explained. You just barely remembered to nod; the grip of anticipation was squeezing your guts like a fist.
It was time to start.
Miguel gestured to Peter with his shoulder and the man nodded, with the two moving in unison to either side of your torso. Peter settled on his side with his head by your own, his hands trailing over your chest, while Miguel sank down onto his belly with his head between your legs. Your legs twitched a little as you felt his hot, lurid breath hit your spread lips.
‘Y-You guys seem, pretty confident in your technique, huh?’ you said. You were struggling not to stutter.
Miguel didn’t respond; he just shot you a glance. You nearly buckled beneath the confident grin on his face. ‘Oh, we’re- quite confident’ he promised. As his mouth vanished behind the slope of your belly and sex, Peter gently gripped you tighter.
You felt the breath. You felt his lips brushing your inner thigh. You felt his groan, his tentative lick.
You tensed so hard it hurt. Here goes.
‘Okay, gently now, gently—’
You couldn’t help it; the moment that flat, wet, rough tongue hit your clit you gasped and moaned, your hips arched involuntarily to try and get closer. Almost immediately Miguel responded with a muffled moan of his own.
In seconds that quiet, friendly façade fell apart. Miguel gripped your hips in his clawed hands, his talons just barely piercing your skin, and he began licking at you ravenously while Peter groaned in your ear.
‘Oh, there we go, good little thing, well done’ Peter whispered, urging you to moan again. Miguel was grunting as he buried his tongue against your clit, lapping and circling and sucking where he could. His breath kept hitting that sensitive nerve spot in rapid pants, either in grunts from his nose or in pants from his mouth, and every time it made you buck and squirm.
‘F-Fuck, ah- o-oh my god’ you stammered breathlessly. You knew it was coming, but you hadn’t been expecting this. You lay back and practically melted as Miguel lulled you with his mouth.
‘Oh, yeah, that’s it’ Peter murmured to himself. His eyes were fixed on your spread legs as Miguel hungrily lapped at your wet folds, his glowing eyes and sharp nose the only part of him visible as the rest buried itself into the nook of your lips. He absently started to palm his own cock beside you.
‘Oh, you both look so good’ he groaned. His sweet, encouraging praise in your ear only stirred you up further. ‘Go on daddy, give ‘em some more.’
With a soft growl Miguel tipped your hips back, holding you in place as his enormous, rippled shoulders forced your legs further apart. He spread you with his fingers and began gently snaking his long tongue down inside your cunt, pumping you with a good wet inch or so until you were audibly screaming.
You could feel his satisfied grunts vibrating through to your insides as he continued to prob them, slathering you in saliva and venom until it dripped onto the sheets below.
‘Miguel- f-fuck, ah—’ Your muffled gibberish words caught Peter’s attention, who reluctantly stopped rubbing himself to that gorgeous display and instead stroked your cheek.
‘You okay, sweetheart?’ he whispered. You shakily nodded.
‘Y-Yeah, I’m- I’m, great, just- a-ah, fuck, Miguel!’
Peter’s concern turned to soft chuckling as he realized you were just unbearably overwhelmed. He leaned in and kissed your jaw, his lips brushing up towards your ear. ‘Mm, he’s good, isn’t he? The best. I know what he can do with that tongue, and he must think you taste good to get that deep. Thanks for letting him practise, you pretty little thing.’
You could barely hear Peter’s filthy mouth over the drumming of your own heartbeat.
It wasn’t long before the sweet motions of his tongue stretching you out drew you toward your climax. He’d switch between sucking your slit and stretching you out until the double stimulation tripled over in your gut, tipping you right over into orgasmic spasms, and with the smuggest eyes possible he watched you squirming on his tongue as he tasted every second of it.
Peter was quick to soothe you, but Miguel had only been emboldened. He had a job to do, and he wouldn’t stop until it was done.
You caught a glimpse of his jaw as he withdrew, shimmering with your slick like a pearly sheen. He made eye contact once, his eyes a dark and bloody red, and with your unblinking attention he wiped his face with the back of his hand only to lick it off again. You could only whimper in response.
While you panted and tried to catch your breath Miguel began slowly mounting from the front. You looked up and watched those dark, foreboding eyes peer down at you from above.
‘I will, try to be gentle’ he said. You could hear the desperation behind his soft words. The man was twitching with excitement, his veiny cock already peaking thick drops of pearly pre-cum as he approached. You could see his tongue pressed to his teeth, his lips parted so he could pant.
You hadn’t expected him to be so aroused by this. You’d expected he just wanted this for business purposes, but you were starting to realize he might just be fulfilling something more here.
He spoke, then, and fully confirmed your theory.
‘Time to get you pregnant’ he breathed, his voice husky and wet, dripping with a deep and erotic urge. Peter chuckled. The man was also biting his lip, clearly enjoying the display his partner was putting on.
‘Miguel thinks he can get you pregnant first go’ Peter whispered in your ear. Miguel shot his partner a glance and ever so slightly curled his lip.
‘That’s because I can.’
You shuddered at his confidence, as did Peter. You were both brought to your metaphorical knees beneath the intensity of those bloody red eyes. The man reeked of potency, and when he spoke, you didn’t doubt him.
With you both now silenced Miguel settled himself down, easily spreading your legs with both hands to make way for his body. He leaned in and bent your legs down with him, pushing them into a mating press. He saw the rush of adrenaline in your face, the mixture of nervous fear and excitement. His eyes softened a little.
‘You okay?’ he murmured. You nodded just a little too fast.
‘Y-Yeah. Yeah, I’m—fine.’
He nodded back. His eyes darted over you once more to ensure you weren’t too tense, too stressed, before pressing a quick kiss to Peter’s jaw. The two didn’t need to share words. Peter leaned back with his arm around your head, and Miguel in a planking position pushed down towards you.
You watched his cock approaching with bated breath. That thick, veiny rod disappeared down between your thighs, leaving you with only the sensation of his member nudging at your wet pussy. You bit your lip and braced.
With a soft grunt, Miguel started trying to enter you.
At first, he simply couldn’t. He pulsed at you a few times, smearing your cunt with pre-cum as he tried to ease your muscles aside, but he couldn’t get more than a few inches in. The size difference was just too clear.
He wasn’t angry with you. You could see him fighting his impatience for your sake. Peter was left to soothe your gabbled apologies with promises that it was fine, they had time to try, while Miguel shifted to using his fingers instead.
‘My fault, should have—done this first, hermosa/o. It’s my mistake.’
You gasped aloud as he worked his calloused index finger inside you. He pushed right up to the knuckle before brushing your g-spot, admiring the way you bucked and moaned, before switching to lightly pulsing it in and out of your cunt.
All too soon his finger was sopping. He noted the thick strings of slick accumulating on his thick digit with a sense of pride, and slowly shifted to two. You moaned again, louder this time, and seemingly unable to help himself Miguel began leaning into it. He started pulsing harder, his eyes fixed on your hips as they pathetically rocked against his hand.
‘Mm, there we go. You like that? Is that good?’ he purred. Your moans vibrated through his soul, fuelling his ego. He slowly started fisting his cock as he watched.
‘That’s it’ he whispered to himself. ‘That’s it. Ah—I’m going to breed this. I’m going to breed this. I’m going to put a baby in there, sweet thing.’
His hand was making the most obscenely wet noise at this point. The heavy clap of his wet fingers was all that covered up his lewd mantra.
‘My baby’ he grunted, almost growling. ‘My baby, plumping you up, urgh—’
He made it to three fingers before becoming too desperate to wait. He pulled out his hand and quickly let Peter lick them clean, giving his partner just a little attention as he whined and licked your juices into his mouth, before pushing your knees down and mounting again.
This time, it came easy. He pushed into you with one hard grunt and let you feel every single inch slipping up to the tightest point, only stopping once he’d fully bottomed out. You screamed.
‘Urgh- uh, fuck, argh- so tight’ he panted. He didn’t waste time on soaking in you, as with a mind that utterly fixated all he could think about now was getting you stuffed with his seed. He started to pump his hips back and forth the moment he got inside.
‘That’s it, that’s it’ Peter whispered, getting you warm and comfortable as he watched his partner's enormous form rutting between your legs. He noted your wet lips and desperate moans, ensuring that you were enjoying yourself. ‘There, does he feel good?’ he purred.
You couldn’t even get the words out. You were almost mewling as Miguel bent your back and started arching his hips, smacking them down onto your cunt with such terrifying vigor it almost made you wince. He was grinding up inside you, pulverizing those sweet, gummy walls, slipping against every soft ridge he could find.
His lips parted and he started to grunt with each rhythmic thrust, emphasizing the harsh slap of skin on skin with his own noises. ‘Uhn- uhn- uhn, que rico- uhn-’
It took you a little getting used to, settling into the rhythm of his body and his thick cock gently stretching you out. His claws on your knees were sharp, his breath on your face so hot that you started to sweat, and the power in his body was terrifying. He had to force himself to be careful with you. Every deep plunge into your cunt, each gentle pulse, could turn into a back-breaking move if he wasn’t careful.
He eventually had to lower his hands to the bed to stop himself from clawing at your knees. You lay back and tried to focus on the sensations. The warmth of his cock moving inside you, thrusting right up into your guts until your body began to grow flush with warmth. The wet slap of his hips as you began to coat his pelvis in thick, viscous slick. The beautiful sight of his inhuman body rippling between your legs.
‘F-Fuck’ you whimpered, unable to handle anything more. ‘F-Fucckkkk…’
Peter remained at your head as Miguel pumped. He was so gentle, soothing you and petting your face as your body was jolted back and forth.
‘Good, that’s it. You’re doing so good’ Peter whispered.
‘I’m close’ Miguel growled. His claws began tearing the sheets apart as his thrusts tripled in strength and speed, slamming into you repeatedly until the bed began to creak beneath the force. You could hear the springs giving out, and even the wooden base sounded like it was groaning at the strain. Your hips were numb at this point from his rough pumps, but you ate it all up.
It was utterly orgasmic, the sensation of being filled and fucked so thoroughly. You lay back and moaned your assent for him to finish.
‘Así así’ he praised breathlessly as he saw you give in, his tongue slipping as he felt his body tensing up to unload. It was pure heaven, almost rapturous for him. Finally, he got to do this, fulfilling the most primal itch in his brain. He clawed the sheets to shreds as he rutted and humped to completion.
‘Mm- mm- Así así, hermosa/o, lo necesito, lo necesito- ah, ay chingada- haz que me corra—!’
With a groan that echoed through the room he felt his muscles tense and unload, his cock swelling before finally spurting those terrifyingly thick ropes into your cunt. It was thick enough for you to feel it as it squished into every inch of space, coating your insides with his imprint, all while he panted and groaned against your cheek.
You felt every pulse, every gently expanse and release, as it hit both of you in waves; he’d just cum in you, for the first time, and if he got his way you’d soon be pregnant for real.
‘Ah… a-ah, that’s it… that’s it…’
You noticed his arms shaking as he slowly rocked to a stop. You could still feel him twitching a little as he stilled, throbbing against your overstimulated walls. He glanced at you from beneath his mop of sweaty hair, and gave you a soft smile.
‘Eh, hermosa/o…. There you go. That should do it…’
As you both collapsed Peter rushed into soothing both of you. He kissed Miguel’s jaw and cheek and lips, whispering how well he did and how beautiful his baby would look, and he stroked your forehead while whispering what a good job you did.
His attentive aftercare really was wonderful, but after a few minutes of soaking to ensure his seed had taken Miguel pulled out, and Peter switched tones. After all, you weren’t done yet.
‘My turn?’
You were too busy panting to reply as Peter swapped places with Miguel. All you could do was moan.
You watched Miguel sink down to his knees at your head. He was wiping sweat from his forehead, still panting, but he used what energy he had left to continue Peter’s work. He brushed your cheek with his calloused thumb as Peter carefully eased your legs up.
‘Shh, there you go’ Miguel purred in that deep, warm voice. ‘He’ll be gentle, don’t worry.’
‘I’ll be gentle, but be aware you- may cum again’ he said with a shrug as he shifted you into place and mounted from the front. You felt the brush of his member up against your clit and quivered, something that made him eagerly bite his lip.
‘Guey, don’t get too arrogant’ Miguel grunted back. Peter leaned in hard and kissed Miguel on the mouth, even licking his fangs before withdrawing. You’d never seen him so confident.
‘If you didn’t want me to be cocky, you should have stopped telling me how good I am’ he teased, before gently and slowly easing his cock inside you. Your breath almost immediately hitched.
Peter wasn’t as rough, but he shared Miguel’s ability to roll and rock his hips in just the right way. You could feel him intelligently sliding back and forth, snapping his thrusts in just the right way to stimulate every spot he needed to.
You could still feel the dull thud of him hitting at your tightest point, like a sharp pump right up into your guts. You instinctively grabbed at his biceps for support, something he eagerly encouraged as he started to get harder.
‘That’s it’ he whispered against your forehead. ‘That’s it. You take it just like that. You like it, don’t you?’
You didn’t even reply; he didn’t need you to. He bent you back into a near circle as he got down on his knees and pumped you until you drooled, manipulating every little soft spot on your body. He knew just how to curve his cock into your sweet spots, just the right angle to pull back and start carefully bobbing his hips in place so he was carefully rubbing one point rather than pulsing back and forth.
He let you scream, let you involuntarily shake in his grip, let you stare at him in shock, all with that same dorky, confident smile.
‘Mm- I can feel you in there, big man’ he grunted, eagerly biting his filthy tongue as he pumped in and out of your cunt. He made sure to make you clench him before speaking again. ‘Mm- so warm. You did good, beautiful man. Shame I’m just- using you as lubricant to finish the job.’
Miguel audibly hissed, a seemingly involuntary motion as he quickly tried to clamp his jaw shut, but Peter seemed to relish in the display. You felt him throb hard against the walls of your cunt as he started going faster.
‘Mm- that’s it, that’s it, come on—’
You felt Miguel settle as your body was being jolted back and forth, and you caught his glowering eyes glowing a little brighter as he watched. He was fixated on the little slither of Peter’s shaft he could see pumping back and forth, utterly saturated in both your click and his cum. You caught him biting his lip as his eyes narrowed to slits.
‘Mm..’ he grumbled. ‘Yeah…’
‘Come on baby, come on, that’s it, fuck—’ 
With a few hard, deep thrusts Peter unloaded his own thick ropes, tenderly cupping your hips as he pulled you in against him. The dull smack of your pelvis’s colliding filled the room alongside your frantic moans.
It was there, right in the middle of Peter’s orgasm, that he fulfilled his promise. He shifted his thumb to your clit and gave the swollen, sensitive nub a few gentle prods, all while deliberately creaming around your g-spot, and with a shudder you groaned into your second orgasm.
‘Yeah, that’s it, oh- well done’ he praised, still breathlessly thrusting. ‘Go on, that’s it, draw it all up. Good, good, well done, baby, well done. So proud of you.’
He let you whimper and spasm around his cock until your body went limp, and after soaking in you for another few minutes he pulled out and collapsed next to Miguel. The sound of your overlapping panting filled the otherwise silent apartment.
‘Good job’ Peter repeated after catching his breath, giving a slightly shaky thumb up. ‘Good everyone.’
‘Peter please shut up’ Miguel replied.
You got a good half an hour of rest, just lying in a sweaty, exhausted pile together as the city soundscape filled the silence.
You used the time to contemplate your position. So, this was it. You’d done it. From this point on, you could very well get pregnant.
You were still in a bit of a daze over how good it was. You knew they were attractive, you knew they were charming and charismatic and endearing, but this? You felt like your soul had been dislodged by one too many hard thrusts. You could still feel the imprint of both men’s shafts, the ghost of their throbbing members against your cervix.
With a sigh you let your eyes drift shut. Perhaps this would be a far more enjoyable experience than you expected.
You felt rather than saw Miguel moving. You thought perhaps he was getting water again, but you were surprised to feel his huge, clawed hands splitting your legs apart again. Your eyes shot up.
That dark smirk filled your gaze, as did those beautiful red eyes. You watched his shoulders roll, his muscles rippling in the beautiful neon light, as he lined himself up with your cunt again.
‘Ready to go again?’ he purred.
All over again, the knot in your gut began dragging you down. Your pulsing clit hadn’t had enough, and clearly, the two men hadn’t had enough either.
This was going to be a long night.
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Baby, be still for me
Summary: Miguel accidentally bites you, paralyzing you for a while...
Pairing: Miguel o'Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, porn with no plot, overstimulation, fingering, oral (f!receiving), cockriding, p in v unprotected (always use protection guys!!!), small aftercare, Miguel!switch, reader!switch
A/n: this is definitely the filthiest thing I've ever written so I hope you all enjoy <3 (tagging @tripleyeeet because yes)
The bite had been an accident, or at least that was what Miguel told you.
Just below your jaw, so close to your jugular. You could still feel the sting, the slight pain and numbness where Miguel's fangs had dipped in your skin.
The paralyzing serum had worked quickly, more than what Miguel had anticipated. In less than a minute you found yourself completely still in bed, still breathing but unable to speak or move anything other than your eyelids.
"Do you want me to stop, nena?" Your breath quivered as he moved his hands down your waist, grabbing a handful of your thighs and pushing your legs open. "Blink once for yes," he whispered, his words accompanied by a shallow movement of his fingers along your inner thigh, "and two for no."
You blinked slowly, even your working muscles almost stuck in a haze. You hadn't opened your eyes back from the second blink that Miguel's tongue had already moved on your folds, lapping and sucking on your clit.
You tried to scream his name, but all that left your mouth were incomprehensible moans and grunts as Miguel's tongue slithered inside and out of you.
The first orgasm reached you quickly in a blurred ecstasy, followed by another one when his fingers finally entered your pussy and reached the spongy spot that his tongue didn't manage to.
Every nerve in your body screamed for more, to push your hips towards him and rock them in a symphony of movements, to grab his hair and pull his mouth on every inch of your skin they hadn't touched yet.
"¿Te gusta así, nena?"
His voice was low, a hot breath against your skin as his fingers kept pumping inside of you and his thumb circled relentlessly on your clit.
Some air left your lungs, intending to cry out a yes, but your lips still weren't collaborating. A needy and broken moan escaped your mouth, a visceral sound you didn't know was in you.
Another moan followed the first one though when Miguel stopped his motions.
"You gotta answer me, cariño." Wet fingers reached your chin up and pulled it down until you met his scarlet eyes. There was a wild rawness in them, that made your heart and core throb.
"Do you like this?" he asked again, his hands going back inside your slick folds but without ever breaking eye contact. "Yes or no?"
You blinked, your chest moving sharply up and down, and Miguel smirked devilishly.
"Muy bien," and he continued the siege of your pussy as his other hands played with your nipples.
You didn't know how long this went on, your mind was completely drunk with pleasure. Everything between your legs was red and puffy and so, so sensitive.
That's probably why you didn't even realize when your arms moved and your hands gripped Miguel's hair.
He raised his face, lips swollen and smudged with your juices, and another smirk appeared.
"Welcome back, sweetheart." He crawled towards you and kissed you — no, he ate your lips. You could taste yourself on his and somehow that set your core on fire once again.
"You treated me so well," you whispered breathless on his mouth, pulling him closer by the neck. As you did, you felt his cock resting on your belly, hard as a rock. "Now let me do something to help you."
Before he could say something or pin you against the mattress, you thrusted him on his back and sat on his erection.
Miguel opened his mouth to say something but a quiet moan was all that came out as you started grinding on it.
"I'm gonna ride your dick," you explained, the friction making you gasp for air for every word you uttered, "and you will stay there. No hands on me, nothing."
You moved from his penis and sat on his chest, wet from both your cum and his pre-cum. "Am I clear?"
Miguel nodded. "Sì, clarísima."
And as much as him speaking Spanish turned you on, you shook your head.
"Blink, love."
Another smirk pulled his lips upwards as he blinked.
"Muy bien."
When you finally guided his cock inside of you, you felt no resistance whatsoever. Your walls opened up as if they had been waiting for it and immediately sucked it in completely.
You and Miguel gasped together when his tip hit your spongy spot, and you heard him swear under his breath when your hips started thrusting.
"Joder!" he gasped as your sped up your motions, gripping his hair with one hand and the sheets with the other.
You threw your head back, your eyes closed as you simply fucked yourself into his cock. The sound of your bodies was an incoherent mix of squelching and gasping and swearing and your pussy almost hurt from all the prior overstimulation, but your mind was completely drunk on all of these sensations.
The knot inside your stomach was close to come undone, you just needed a little push, but you weren't alone in this.
You looked down on him as your hand went down to your clit and started circling it quickly.
"Gonna come for me, big boy?"
Miguel didn't wait for an answer. He pushed himself up, so that you were chest to chest and thursted into you a couple more times before he filled you up.
You followed soon after, eyes closed and limbs tired, and you let your forehead fall on Miguel's shoulder.
He kissed gently your salty skin, and you felt him smiling against it.
"Nada," he shrugged, leaving the bed to retrieve a towel from the bathroom. "Just thinking I should bite you more often."
You chuckled, too tired to even think of a way to respond. You simply let him take care of you, as you always did.
Spanish translation:
Nena - baby
Cariño - darling
¿Te gusta así? - Do you like it like this?
Muy bien - Very good
Sì, clarísima - Yes, very clear
Joder - Fuck
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damiansgoodgirll · 7 months
drabble of damian going down on reader and never stopping not even when her legs are shaking bad bad
and here we are😌
damian priest x reader
‼️smut so stay away kids ‼️
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shake it off
his left hand was pinning your stomach down to the bed while his other hand was keeping your legs open.
all you did to find yourself in that position was saying to damian how tired from work you were and that you needed a hot shower to relieve some stress.
of course he wanted you to feel relaxed but he wasn’t so sure about the shower part.
so now you were overstimulated, crying from pleasure in damian’s bedroom.
“give me another one please…” he whispered against your pussy “you taste so good mi vida”
you would have said yes if it wasn’t for the fact that you already came two times in the last twenty minutes.
“dam please…” you begged him but you weren’t so sure about why you were begging him for.
“is that a si mi amor?” he asked, making sure that you were okay with that.
“fuck yes…” you didn’t care that your legs were shaking, you didn’t care that you were heavily breathing and that you were overstimulated. his tongue between your legs was enough to make you forget about the rest.
his hands struggled a little to make you stay calm but somehow he managed to it.
this time he was taking his time with you. he went from kissing your thighs to gently licking your clit, the mischievous smile he had on his face was gone and his eyes were looking at you with such tender you felt like you were melting.
“eres muy preciosa…” he whispered against your completely destroyed pussy “te amo mi amor” his words were making you shiver.
you loved his rough side but you loved his lover side even more. it reminded you how of a beautiful soul he was and you couldn’t be more grateful to have him by your side.
“you like this uh?” he asked, already knowing the answer when his lips went back to your clit and his finger moved slowly into you. your legs were shaking so bad that he had to throw them over his shoulders otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to finish his mission.
“dam please…” you were a completely mess.
“shh…i know baby, i know…just let it happen” he slowly whispered. he added a second finger inside of you and that was enough to make you cum, again.
but he didn’t stop.
“damian please…it’s too much - fuck” you said squeezing his fingers so hard he almost came in his pants.
“let me clean you and then you’ll be free…you taste heavenly i can’t get enough…” he kept licking your pussy, tasting her like it was a delicious piece of cake.
it took him a few minutes to clean the mess he made between your legs and when he looked into your eyes he swore he just saw an angel. even with your make up all ruined and tears falling from your eyes, to him, you were the most beautiful human on earth.
“thank you…” you breathlessly whispered.
“anytime…” he said, knowing that it was a promise.
540 notes · View notes
girlgenius1111 · 8 months
just let go: chapter 3
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warnings: handcuffs. exhibitionism / voyeurism. strap on use. face sitting. cunnilingus. thigh riding. fingering. cockwarming [kind of?] praise + degradation. dom / sub themes. hint of anal [if this excites you, the next chapter is for you]
now it's r's turn for a show, and Misa's turn with Alexia and Jenni. she's finally beginning to understand that maybe this submitting thing feels good.
"Cuidado, cariño," Alexia warned, lifting her head to give you a stern look. "You are supposed to be sitting still."
You huffed in frustration, removing your hands from where they had drifted, and stopping the gentle grinding of your hips down on the chair. You gripped the arms of the chair, biting your lip as you looked back at the scene in front of you.
Misa was slid down, laying completely flat on the bed. Her hands were still cuffed together, arms stretched out over her head. Jenni had moved to straddle one of the goalkeeper's muscular thighs, while Alexia lay next to her, propped up on one elbow to gaze down at Misa.
"Are you going to let Jenni use you? Let her use your thigh?" Alexia whispered. Misa didn't reply, eyes glued to the striker on top of her, who was beginning to slowly drag herself up and down the goalkeeper's leg.
Alexia gripped Misa's chin, tilting the younger woman's face towards her. "Vamos cariño. Eres?"
"Sí," Misa said impatiently, unconsciously moving her hands, instinctually trying to grab Jenni's hips and guide her.
"No, Jenni can do it herself." Alexia mocked, pushing Misa's hands back down onto the mattress. "You just focus on looking so pretty for us until it's your turn, hmm?"
Misa choked on air at the words from the Barcelona captain, shutting her eyes tightly as her cheeks blushed a deep crimson.
"You like that? You like it when I call you pretty?" Alexia smirked, inching forward to brush her lips over Misa's pulling back before any real contact was made, enjoying the way the brunette chased her lips. "Eres tan bonita bebe, you're driving me crazy."
Finally, Alexia closed the gap between her and Misa, connecting their lips in a heated kiss. The midfielder's tongue almost immediately pushed it's way into Misa's mouth. Misa fell into the kiss, allowing Alexia complete control in a way she wasn't used to. She was at the blonde woman's mercy, hands bound above her head, and all she could do was kiss Alexia back, try to keep up. Alexia nibbled on Misa's bottom lip, insistently working her lips against the other woman's.
"I can't wait to use your mouth, once Jenni is done with you." Alexia traced a finger over the goalkeeper's puffy lips, before turning her attention to her girlfriend. Climbing her way over to Jenni, she kneeled behind her, laying kisses on the back of the strikers neck, at the same time Jenni was sliding back and forth, her wetness leaving a sticky trail on the goalkeeper's thigh.
The striker leaned her head back, resting it on her girlfriend's shoulder. "Ale," she murmured.
Alexia smiled into her neck. "Are you close, Jenni? You going to come all over Misa's thigh?"
Jenni didn't respond, probably the only person in the room capable of not responding to the blonde without facing consequences. Instead, she gripped Alexia's hands in her own, and dragged them up to cup her breasts. Alexia kneaded at them, before rolling Jenni's nipples in between her fingers. Jenni was getting close, and Alexia could tell. Not stopping her motions against Jenni's chest, Alexia bit down on the striker's shoulder, not too hard, but hard enough to leave a temporary mark.
The flash of pain pushed Jenni over the edge, and she came, still grinding down roughly on Misa's muscular thigh.
"Te sientes muy bien," she whined, body jerking as she came down.
Misa was looking up at her, jaw clenched, face red with frustration and arousal. "It would feel better if I could touch you," she sneered. Jenni's eyes flew open, and leaned down, lips so close to the other woman's ear that Misa could feel the strikers hot breath on the skin there.
"Mala zorrita," she hissed, before abruptly rolling off Misa's body. The loss of contact made the goalkeeper let out an almost embarrassing whine, and her eyes scanned the room, already regretting her words.
You were where you were supposed to be, sat in the chair although you didn't look happy about it. The frustrated look on Misa's face, though, made you smile slightly, enjoying seeing the tables turned on her. Before Misa could do more than glare at you, Alexia was climbing over her, and lowering her pussy down towards Misa's face.
The brunette had no control, her arms unable to wrap around Alexia's legs and hold her where she wanted her. Instead, Alexia guided Misa's head where she wanted it, and the goalkeeper's tongue was darting out, sweeping through Alexia's folds before dipping into her hole.
"Mierda," Alexia sighed, rocking gently back and forth against Misa's face. Watching so far had turned her on to an insane degree, and she knew it wouldn't take long for her to come, especially not when Misa was so eagerly lapping at her.
"Jenni was -fuck- Jenni was going to touch you, but your attitude..." Alexia sighed dramatically, somehow still putting on a performance even as her legs began to shake. "Something to work on for next time, bonita."
"Now you'll have to wait." Jenni's voice came from somewhere next to Misa's head, not that she could see her. There was other rustling from the nightstand that Misa could somewhat pick up on, and if she wasn't so focused on the task at hand, she would have thought to wonder what else Jenni was getting out of that drawer.
"How does she taste?" Jenni asked, her voice closer now. Misa could feel a finger trailing lightly across her abdomen, ghosting over her breasts, and she fought the urge to arch her back into the touch.
"Mmm," she hummed, not able to form words at this juncture. The vibration against Alexia's pussy was intense, though, and she pitched forward slightly, grabbing onto the headboard for support.
"Ay dios mio, tan buena," Alexia whispered, her eyes falling shut as pleasure began to overtake her.
"Don't suffocate her, Ale" Jenni laughed, reaching forward to pull Alexia off of the goalkeeper's face, just slightly.
"She's fine," Misa spit out, tearing her mouth away to utter the words, before diving right back in. This time, her nose was nudging against Alexia's clit, and combined with her tongue pushing insistently in and out of Alexia's cunt, she was approaching the edge quickly.
She adjusted her weight, lacing her fingers through Misa's hair, before she really started to grind down on the other woman's face. She was coming seconds later, her body offering no reprieve for Misa, who surely could barely breathe.
The goalkeeper didn't seem to care though, tongue still working madly at the blonde's core, until Alexia couldn't take any more.
The blonde climbed off Misa, flopping down onto the bed, as she caught her breath. Misa, too, gasped for air, although the blissed out expression on her face told everyone that she was quite happy with herself.
Jenni smiled down at Misa, unlocking the handcuffs, and pulling them off the goalkeeper's hands. Misa let her arms fall down to her sides, her wrists slightly red from the friction. Her eyes were shut as she tried to catch her breath, and she only opened them when one of Alexia's large hands rested on the side of her face, tilting her head over.
"Okay?" She asked gently. She hadn't meant to lose control on top of the other woman like that, and even if all signs indicated the Misa was fine with it, thrilled with it, she still had to check.
Misa could only nod, a part of her that was normally easy to control prompting her to roll over and into Alexia's side. She froze, then, suddenly not confident in her actions, but Alexia wrapped an arm lazily around her, and Misa relaxed into the embrace. Being good for Alexia felt good. Letting the other women decide exactly what she was going to do made her mind feel wonderfully empty, and she already craved more of it.
Jenni finally turned her attention to you, still sat in the corner of the room. You were completely still, eyes burning holes into where the woman lay on the bed. Your face was red, legs crossed tightly, but you were still.
"Mi buena niña," Jenni cood, walking over to wear you sat. "So good for us, cariño, you've been so good." She cupped your face in her hands. "Do you want us to touch you now, bonita?"
"Yes, Jenni, please," you begged, pupils blown as you looked up at the striker.
"Hmm. But that would be rude, wouldn't it? Letting you get off before we get our guest off?" Jenni teased.
You groaned, leaning your forehead to rest against Jenni's abdomen. "Jenni, please don't make me wait any longer, I need you."
The striker laughed softly, Turning around to look briefly at Alexia, the blonde got a mischievous look on her face, energy restored as she hopped off the bed and retrieved her strap, changing out the dildo for a smaller but longer one.
"I don’t think our girl is done watching, don't you agree, Jenni?"
Jenni nodded, smirking at the pleading look on your face, that immediately disappeared as she agreed.
Alexia positioned herself over Misa, languidly connecting their lips, letting the strap drag slowly across the goalkeeper's drenched pussy. Alexia cleaned up all remnants of herself left on Misa's face, while the brunette was like a liquid under her, arms not even bothering to wrap around the other woman, knowing she'd be denied.
Meanwhile, Jenni guided you up and over to the bed. She settled you in between her legs, back rested against her chest, on the very edge of the mattress.
"I'll touch you, baby, don't worry. You aren't coming yet, though. Not until Misa fucks you."
Your eyes are on the goalkeeper, watching closely as she gazed up at Alexia. Misa looked at Ale the way everyone does; like she's a goddess. You had never before seen such submission in Misa's eyes, and it excited you. Watching Alexia take her to pieces was going to be even better than you could imagine, you were sure.
"She needs your fingers first, Ale," you instructed; Misa wasn't used to taking a strap. She'd had Jenni's fingers before, but that probably wasn't enough to stretch her out for what was attached to Alexia's hips.
Alexia doesn't even bother to look at you, her attention completely fixed on the woman underneath her. "You need my fingers Misa? Or can you take it in that tight pussy right now?"
The goalkeeper does spare you a look, something smug flashing across her face. "I can take it." She whispered, and Alexia grins down at her. The blonde doesn't wait for anything else, settling on her knees in between Misa's spread legs, and lining up the strap with her entrance.
You jolted as your attention was pulled away from the beautiful sight in front of you when Jenni runs her fingers through you, pushing in at the same time that Alexia begins to thrust in to Misa.
It's a torturously slow pace that Alexia sets, one that Jenni keeps; it's too little for you, not nearly enough. For Misa, though, it's almost too much.
She moans, a sound coming from deep in her chest, back arching on the bed as Alexia inches in further and further.
"Mierda, Alexia, más lento," Misa whined, gripping tight onto Alexia's arms, where they held her legs spread wide.
The midfielder paused, resting a reassuring hand on Misa's stomach, enjoying the ridges of muscles there. "Shh, you can take it." She said, waiting until the brunette's body has relaxed further into the mattress, before pushing in further. Once her hips met Misa's body, she paused again, letting the other woman get used to the feeling of being entirely full.
"You are taking it so well, bonita. You want to be good, don't you?" The blonde whispered, watching as Misa nodded mindlessly in agreement.
"Sí," Misa cried, as Alexia began to move her hips, dragging the cock in and out of the goalkeeper's drenched cunt. Jenni had stilled her fingers inside of you, and you resisted the urge to grind down on them, knowing the momentary pleasure would not be worth the punishment.
"You are not going to be brat anymore? You just needed someone to fill up your pussy to fix that attitude?" Alexia's teasing didn't relent, even as her hips sped up, and you watched in wonder as it clearly turned the brunette under her on even more, her hands letting go of the blonde to grip the sheets tight in her fists.
"I'll be good, Ale," Misa whined. "Faster, please, I'm close,"
"Faster? You just told me to slow down, no?" Alexia grinned sinfully. "Which is it? Faster? Or Slower?" The midfielder slowed almost to a complete stop, her cock buried deep inside Misa, unmoving.
'No, no please, faster," Misa replied breathlessly, eyes flying open, looking up pleadingly at the older woman.
"I don't know, bonita..." Alexia said, pausing to consider. "I'm getting tired, maybe you need to show me how bad you want it."
Alexia was far from tired, that was obvious. Misa didn't have it in her to argue, though, when the blonde flipped them over, leaving her length still deep inside the goalkeeper. Sat atop Alexia's legs, she began moving immediately, rocking herself up and down the dildo, finding the perfect angle. The angle was perfect, too for Alexia. Every time Misa pushed herself down, the base of the strap rubbed perfectly against Alexia's swollen clit. She was still sensitive from Misa's mouth on her earlier, and the pleasure was steadily pleasant; she knew it would be enough, combined with the gorgeous woman above her, to make her come again.
Misa glanced over at you, suddenly slightly embarrassed at the position she was in. You were held tight against Jenni, her fingers knuckles deep inside of you, and you looked back up at Misa with wide, fucked out eyes. Your whole body was tense from the struggle of not fucking down on Jenni's fingers, while Jenni was completely focused on the way Alexia's cock disappeared into Misa's pussy with every grind.
"You like the show, bebita?" Alexia asked, tearing her eyes away from the goalkeeper to reach over to you, cupping your face in her hand.
"Yes," you managed, eyes flickering between both women opposite you. "Jenni," you began, prepared to beg for her to move, as though your life depended on it.
"No, be patient." Jenni laughed in your ear, kissing her way across your jaw, until you turned your head to meet her soft lips with yours.
A soft smack to Misa's thigh brought her attention back to the woman underneath her, and she doubled down, falling forward to rest her weight on her forearms. Alexia was bucking up, just slightly, into Misa's hips, adding more to the feeling against her core.
"There you go. Get yourself off, bonita. Make a mess on my cock, like the good girl you are."
"Fuck, Ale, I'm gonna come," Misa warned, dropping her head to rest in the crook of Alexia's neck, even as her hips stuttered in their rhythm.
"Come on, niña bonita, come." Alexia encouraged, lifting her hips to meet Misa's motions, now pounding up into the goalkeeper. This was the last push needed, and Misa cried out, a guttural moan echoing through the room, her body tensing, before she collapsed entirely onto Alexia. The blonde came too, though less intensely; the orgasm only made her want more.
Misa only really came back into herself at the sound of your voice from next to her. It was weak, pathetic, pleading, and it made her core ache, even as she didn't have the energy to lift herself off Alexia's cock yet.
"Please Jenni, I've waited, I've been good, it's my turn, please,"
Misa could hear you gasp in surprise, and she twisted her head to look over at you. Your mouth was hanging open, and Jenni's hand had disappeared between your legs.
"Hmm? This is what you wanted, no? For me to fill you up?"
"Jen," you whined, holding tight to the tattooed arm wrapped around you. The pressure of her finger on your second hole was not new, but also not what you were expecting. You writhed in her Jenni’s grasp as she worked it in further, a smug smile gracing her lips.
"You're going to take my fingers in your ass and Misa's cock in that pretty pussy, and we're going to make you come until you can't think straight." Jenni whispered, her filthy words making you and Misa shudder.
A burst of energy at the prospect propelled the goalkeeper off of Alexia, who frowned slightly when the weight of the other woman lifted off of her. She relaxed, though, when Misa leaned over to you, her lips pressing against yours in a bruising kiss.
"My turn with you, cariño." She whispered sweetly, and you blushed hard, all of the attention suddenly on you, squished in between the two women. It wasn't a bad feeling, even as anticipation flooded your body, you could only look forward to what was coming.
combined chapters 3 and 4 bc neither were very long on their own :)
hope this made you all crazy 🤠🫶🏻
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glossysoap · 1 month
glossy. this isn’t a request but lord jesus i need to share this thought with someone.
rudy.. just rudy being a very sweet person when around his family and friends, but with you? alone? oh god he’s so rough, he grips your ass and thighs. leaving marks there and slapping every inch of your body. especially your thighs and ass. grips your cheeks together to smoosh your cheeks together and make your lips pout out.
he chuckles at you, so evilly :(( just gripping your hips with so much force, your head forced into the pillow as he plows into you from behind, the bed creaking because this man thrusts in you. then he grabs at your throat, pulling you back and making your back arch for him, your hands try to reach the sheet but at the angle your at you cannot reach them. you can hear slow murmurs of: “Sí mamá, esa mierda se siente bien ¿eh?” (yeah mama, that shit feels good huh?) to “deja que te folle, mama. vas a recibir mi semen muy dentro de ti.” (let me breed you, mama. your going to take my cum deep inside you.)
and JESUS.. his arms? his muscles, he looks so good. sweating while his pelvis and abs tense and flex, scars adoring his skin and fuckkkk- you might cum on the spot because of how good he’s fucking you. he pushes you back down on the bed, flipping you over so he can watch your pussy take his thick dick. he and you both look down as he begins to thrust, a creamy ring beginning to form at his base. you moan and he groans. “look at tha’ mama. she loves my dick. sucking me right back in.” and when he begins to thrust in a little bit you cum so hard you squirt.
anyways, that’s my thought on rudy. i’m not sure why this popped into my head but it did. <3
(ps, my ovaries are wilding right now. so just ignore this if it isn’t your thing.)
FANGS your brain just keeps making banger after banger after banger.
(also im so so sorry for this taking long. you know what kind of dumpster fire these past few months have been. these are just some thoughts, not a full blown fic. this is also the very first time i’ve ever written for rudy so 🤞)
18+, afab and fem reader, fingering under table (so if you consider that dubcon then that's dubcon i guess?), breeding kink, choking, dirty talk, squirting, daddy kink (papi kink technically)
The way he’d be the sweetest to your family, especially your parents but fucking you to tears in private? Chefs kiss.
The scene that immediately comes to my mind is when your mom invites the two of you over for sunday dinner with your famly.
The weather was great, a little breezy — not too hot, not too cold. So you opted to wear a cute little sundress for dinner. It was a fresh shade of teal, ending just above your knee and flowing perfectly in the wind as the two of you walked arm-in-arm up to the door.
He was a perfect gentleman, like always. Holding the door open for you, pulling your chair out for you. Squeezing your hand while the table says grace, if your family does it.
The dinner takes place like normal, the different conversations flooding the dining room while some ate and some passed food around to spoon onto their plates.
“How’s your work going, hun?” Your mom would ask over her plate of food, with a fork in hand. You forced a smile as you felt your cheeks warm. Though Rudy looked perfectly normal to everyone else, eating his own plate of food next to you, they had no idea what he was really up to.
If anyone in your family had taken a look under the table they would see what his other hand was busy doing, which was gripping your bare leg. Starting at your knee and inching up your thigh, leaving a trail of electricity along your sensitive skin. Slipping underneath your dress to rest inside your inner thigh.
"Oh, sorry, w-what was your question?" You stumbled on your words with a sheepish laugh, still looking at your mom and trying to listen to her. It proved to be more difficult than you thought when Rudy picked up the pace. The rough pads of his fingers had begun inching closer and closer to the hem of your panties when your mom called your name again.
Your breath hitched, both from Rudolfo's dangerous teasing and from your mom pressing you for an answer at (what she didn't know) was the worst moment possible. You shook your head a bit in hopes of yanking yourself out of your lust-filled mind.
Under the table, you swatted at his hand that was planted on your inner thigh. His lips twitched as he fought back a smirk, his usually warm deep eyes all filled with hunger and want.
“I said, how is work?” Your mom pressed, taking a small bite of her food while she waited for you to answer. You could feel the attention of everyone else at the table waiting for you to answer. Rudy, the smug asshole, hummed expectantly. As if his fingers weren't now sliding under the flimsy fabric of your panties. As if the rough pads of his finger tips weren't caressing the sensitive skin of your folds.
"It's going good! Yeah, it's going good." You choke out as he traced a single finger along your soaked slit.
"Awe, well that's nice! I'm glad," She took another bite and began striking up a conversation with someone else sitting next to her. You couldn't tell who, nor did you really care. Not when Rudy had began easing two fingers into your dripping heat.
You barely conceal a gasp as he begins moving his fingers inside you, teasing your warm walls with delicate rubbing and stroking.
From that moment on in the dining room, everything around you is tuned out. Your families voices are muffled and the scrapes of silverware against plates are just a small clink in the background.
"W-what the fuck are you thinking?" You whispered to him, attempting to speak with venom but the warmth in your stomach was just too strong that it overpowered any intimidation you'd hoped to have. And he could tell, leaning over so his mouth was next to your ear.
"I'm thinking," He whispered against your ear, his fingers scissoring inside you. "That I need to get my hands on you and that perfect pussy, cariño... and I need it now."
… Which is how you ended up here.
All but whisked away to your childhood room, food long forgotten, as he locks the door behind you and paws at your sundress. His calloused hands tug on the straps and pulls them down so they hung off your shoulders, revealing your tits.
He wasted no time in pawing at your breasts, grabbing handfuls into his calloused hands and groping to his hearts content. He backed you up against your bedroom door, brown eyes peering down at you with what could only be described as pure unadulterated hunger.
“There they are,” He crooned, voice deep and husky, sending chills down your spine as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth. His tongue flicked at it as his mouth was wrapped around your nipple, lapping at the sensitive skin. He’s all tugging and teasing, suckling your bud with a hum, before letting go with a pop.
Your breath hitches and he smiles against your nipple at that small gasp.
“Been seeing these all day long, wanted to grab them so many times.” He remembers seeing them sit so pretty in your sundress, wanting to grope them and nudge his cock between them.
"R-Rudolfo, please!" You plead, your hand coming up to card your fingers through his hair, holding his mouth to your tit. Your cunt still throbbed, all from his teasing throughout the dinner.
"Oh, I know, querida," He murmured against your breast, "You're all needy, hm? So pathetic." Your cunt throbs even more at his degrading words. You nod over and over, whines spilling from your lips.
He laughs.
"All wet n' dripping for me? For papí?" The last word made your breath hitch.
"Yeah, yeah! Please, please, I need you, papí!"
Before you knew it, he had you bare on your childhood bed. Skin slapping against skin, wet sounds filling your room. Your moans and whines mixed with his grunts and groans. He was still fully clad in his suit, only his cock fished out of his pants.
Your legs were folded up as far as they would comfortably go, hiked over his shoulders. His chest was damn near flush against yours, just as his forehead was pressed against yours. His cock filled you up perfectly with every thrust, his tip nudging your g-spot every time he thrusted in.
"So- so fucking tight! So perfect, my preciosa." He grunts out, feeling you clench around him.
His face was crowding you, not letting you look away as he splits you open on his cock. One hand is gripping your throat and keeping your gaze on him - slightly squeezing to restrict your air flow just enough to have your head all fuzzy.
"Fuck, fuck! P-papí," You choked out a moan. He chuckled at the blissed out look in your eyes, your pupils all lust blown and your eyes all glassy. Your lips were all slick with spit and drool, sore from being kissed and bitten.
"Go on, let it out. Don't you dare hold back, cariño." He damn near demanded, readjusting his position and propping himself up on the balls of his feet to be able to thrust into you even sharper. He smirked as he watched your mouth hang open in a wail and he bottomed out.
"Good girl, good girl," He leaned into your ear to purr. He felt you clenching around him as he whispered into your ear, never slowing in his thrusts.
The coil in your stomach tightens as you feel yourself growing close to the edge, his previous fingering already building up your pleasure. Your brain's all muddled and fuzzy and your cunt's gripping him so tight, clit throbbing and swollen.
He could feel it, too. you were practically milking his cock, begging for his seed to fill you up and claim you as his own.
"Fuck, you're taking me for all I'm worth, amor." His mouth moved down to your neck, licking a stripe along the span and ending up under your ear where he left a bite.
"Gonna fill you up, gonna make you mine. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like me breeding that cunt, taking her for myself?" He growls in your ear, mouth moving to start biting your neck again.
He hisses in your ear when you pulse and flutter around his cock at his words. He feels his own orgasm approaching from how tight you were hugging him. It only moved him even closer with how pretty you were whining and whimpering for him.
"Fuck yeah, please!" You cry out, clutching at his shoulders desperately, trying to find purchase through all the pleasure. "Breed me, breed me, breed--," He laughs as you babble mindlessly, begging for him to fill your cunt with his spend.
He ruts into you endlessly, feeling his tip nudge the plug of your cervix. He uses his free hand to reach between your bodies and find your swollen clit, just begging for his attention.
When his rough finger pads start toying with your throbbing clit, he hears you wail and clench around him so deliciously. You gush around him with a cry, squirting with a damn near shout. When you cream on his cock, you push him over the edge too.
"Fuck!" He damn near howls, warmth flooding your core as he fills you up nice and proper, determined to make it take. He punctuates his orgasm by sinking his teeth in the crook of your neck.
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
I just read the fernando headcannons and OMGGGG. The nsfw ones babe 😭😭 can you maybe write a NSFW nando fanfic??? Well maybe he's all riled up or something. Honestly Idc just a NSFW nando fanfic after reading the headcannons..😫
so glad you enjoyed, I loveeee writing for Nando, especially when it’s spice 😏 not sure if this is what you have in mind but I hope it does justice to the headcanons…
Fernando Alonso x Reader - Smut! Fernando gets wound up after a race gone wrong. Lucky for him you’re waiting for him nearby in the hotel room where he takes his frustration out in a more… intimate manner. tw- smutty smut legit just porn- the story goes straight to the point so yeah 18+ - talks of penetration, dirty talk, spanking, oral- everything. So sorry this is only short 🫶🏼.
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“Fuck, Nando!” She sobbed, cheek pressed to the mattress, Nando’s hand pressed on her head, pinning her down as his fingers gritted together, tightening in her hair. She was on the verge of tears, sobbing and writhing in pleasure as her fiancé worked hard on top of her, back arched with her ass in the air for him. Fernando fucked into her mercilessly, he’d found a rather healthier way to let out his frustration, in a way both of them enjoyed. It worked a treat, as soon as she saw him all red faced and tense she knew exactly what to give him. Now, he’d taken charge, knelt on the bed, hips thrusting into hers like a piston as his teeth gritted, eyes scrunched shut. Nando was trembling, Y/n could feel that, his pants had soon turned into grunts and growls with each push of his rock hard cock into her tight whole.
“Muy bien. todo mimo.” (So fucking good, all mine). He struggled between squeezing his eyes shut from the blinding pleasure and watching her, the way her ass bounced on his cock, the beautiful expressions she’d make. Nando let out a louder groan, throwing his head back as he threw his whole body into each thrust, the bed beginning to squeak and thud against the wall with every movement.
It was so hot- too hot, she could feel each time the tip of his cock would hit deep inside her, one hand moved to rub at her clit and she cursed with such intensity feeling Nando work harder inside her tightening pussy. “Harder, Nando- m’ gonna fucking cum.” She wept with a moan that could wake up the whole hotel. Nando’s growled again, yanking her hips harsher into him, spurred on with the desperate moans and pleads which escaped her mouth. She’d never had anything or anybody so good, Nando was so riled up and so focused on the blinding pleasure he lost all control. She found it so fucking sexy, and when the intensity peaked in her stomach, she came undone with a yell only muffled by the bedsheets. Fernando panted, quickly, pulling her hair back so he could hear vividly every single noise she made.
Her legs trembled with each wave of her orgasm, she was moaning incoherently, head pulled back by the man behind her who hissed at the gush of her pussy against his cock. “Tan bueno. Buena niña.” (So good. Good girl). Nando praised in his native tongue, feeling his desperation only build further at the feeling of her pussy tightening around his thick cock. He could feel each throb of her pussy, each tremor, each time she whined. He was so deep inside her, sighing in ecstasy at the sound of her wetness around him. Nando let go of her hair, soothing over her scalp as she collapsed to the bed with a huff. “You made me cum so fucking hard for you, Nando.” She muttered, voice again muffled by the bedsheets as she shook her ass. Nando wasn’t done yet, he flipped her over, already feeling the calmness spread through him to see her giggle. His face was flushed and he was sweating, hair slightly sticking to his damp forehead. “Are you ok?” The Spaniard checked. “Yeah.” She’d smile in reassurance, fingers coming to dance down his spine, over his tattoo. He wasted no time kissing her again, guiding his cock inside her once again. “M’ so wet for you, god.” She cooed, irresistibly sexy as Nando’s eyes were locked on her face. He thrusted slower, hands gentle this time, as were his kisses. “Are you gonna cum for me now, Nando?” She hushed as he shuddered, pulling her legs further apart gently.
“Yes.” He hushed with a shaky sigh. “Fuck me like you did before, I fucking loved it.”
“Chica sucia.” (Dirty girl). Nando muttered. “Please, I love it.” She pressed a kiss to his jawline and it was enough for Nando to begin thrusting into her harder than he previously was. The slide of his huge cock inside her wasn’t fathomable, Nando was not surprisingly fucking amazing at this, and when his hand slapped her cheek before pinning against her neck again, they both let out a deep groan, knowing he was nearing his high. “Harder, Nando, fuck! Cum inside me. Fuck, make me all yours, Nando!” As the intensity picked up, so did the noise levels. Nando could no longer choke back the moans as he did before, he was straight up moaning and wasn’t ashamed about it. He fucked Y/n deeper, harder, faster into the mattress fists clenched as his whole body began to shake again, tense and almost bursting for release. “Please.” He hushed to nobody in particular, growling as he gripped at the bed sheets harder. “Yes, yes, yes, cum for me!” Oh fuck. Nando couldn’t control it any longer, he lost all control and felt himself beginning to cum deep inside her. His orgasm was so good he collapsed on top of her, letting out a groan with each rope of cum he shot deep inside her. “Oh my god, oh- fuck, Nando.” She hushed, fingers grazing down his neck as he shuddered again, rocking his hips ever so gently to milk the last of her pleasure. Only when he came back to earth did he notice the slight redness forming around her neck, Nando sighed, lips immediately pressing to the area. “I’m sorry, was that too much?” “No, not at all. I loved it… are you ok now?” She smiled, kissing his temple lovingly. “So much better.”
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