#I wish I could communicate better
wanderingmind867 · 1 year
I always feel like there's posts I could make, things I could say, etc. But I also never know quite how to say them (for example, I'm struggling with that right now). I'll try and make some posts getting my thoughts out now, but I don't know if it'll work.
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gr33n3rgr4ass · 2 years
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life is so beautiful and so crazy and i can’t stop grieving. i wrote this today.
today the grief is insurmountable. I had to check how to spell that.
“I don’t want to be a chainsaw, I want to be a plastic bag”
Emily didn’t want to try my soup.
If I start a new journal maybe I’ll be more careful with my words.
Every mistake bothers me.
Especially mine and when they’re handwriting related.
Would making bread or doing my homework make me feel better?
I don’t want to be a chainsaw, I want to be a tree.
My soup is missing something.
I don’t know how I used to keep this all inside.
I think I used to be stronger than I am now.
Now I can’t shut down this urge to tell everyone, to scream how I feel.
Today, a text to lauren will suffice.
But I did have to prevent myself from calling my mom.
One of my roses died.
I feel like I opened my mouth and now it can’t close.
why do I strain against myself?
I need to be alone right now, but the thought scares me, I can’t.
I need to stir my soup.
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rottengurlz · 5 months
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I don’t know why I bite
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canisalbus · 5 months
sorry im emotonal and going off of the other asks sent about machete and just i need to stress how beautiful it is to me that machete sees himself so undeserving of love and affection and feeling as if vasco's too good for him but despite all that he is so incredibly devoted to vasco and loving towards him (in his own way) but is so incredibly clear to anyone with eyes that just how in love he is with vasco. like it's not done out of a "oh god please never realize that you're too good for me here here let me overdo it with the affection" its done with the "i love you, and will always love you, no matter what happens to us or separates us, and i will give it to you as long as i am able, and if you ever leave, i won't be okay, but will still love you, and want you happy". like he doesn't use his own feelings of being undeserving taint his love or the way he loves for vasco, and it's so, so beautiful
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bixels · 4 months
I feel like I've seen most of what interests me in FiMFiction for the time being, so I read through some good ol' reliable Stardew Valley fanfics last night, only to realize.
Haley x Female Farmer is basically Rarijack. Rarijack adjacent.
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 7 months
selfshippers who aren’t comfortable sharing i love you ! be as possessive as you would like as long as you’re not hurting or harassing anyone; your f/o is yours and they know just how much you love them. you understand your relationship better than anyone, and if not sharing is what’s right for you, you shouldn’t feel guilty about taking comfort in that.
selfshippers who are comfortable sharing i love you ! you have so much love in your hearts and it’s a beautiful thing that youre open to forging friendships with others who have the same interests. i have so much respect for you and your f/o would just adore your kindness. keep doing what you’re doing and keep making this community a wonderful place to be.
bottom line , you are all wonderful and your selfship is valid no matter what <3
unless , of course, youre a proshipper ; go away i don’t support u .
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bl00d1ng · 12 days
Parallels between Jamie and Arthur
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The relationship between what happened to Jamie with The Chelonia cult and Arthur's situation with the band seems to me to be quite similar.
Jamie came from a family that was quite dysfunctional, his mother had died and his father treated him badly and constantly despised him, so he needed to find a place where he was validated and felt accepted. To do this, he joined The Chelonia cult, where they told him what to think, what to say, what to do, and they took his money for the supposed "donations." Jamie knew that they were manipulating him and that everything about the cult was a lie, but he still stayed there because it was the only place where he felt accepted and where people treated him well.
Like Jamie, Arthur did not have a structured family and was alone since he was little until Dutch and Hosea adopted him and he began to be part of the band. Dutch made sure that Arthur had the same ideals as him and at all times he told him how to do things and what was the correct way to think and act. Arthur had his own way of seeing things and he didn't always agree with what Dutch said and did but he always gave in and in the end he ended up doing what Dutch wanted even though it wasn't what he wanted, partly because of Dutch's manipulation and the need for validation and because he felt like he owed him his life. He always saw Dutch deteriorating more and more but he never left the band, first because it wasn't that easy but mostly because it was the only family he had and the only people who had accepted him and that was the only life he knew.
"They're using you, they're telling you what you want to hear" In the end, Dutch used emotional manipulation to control people, especially Arthur, spontaneously giving him validation and calling him son so that in the end he would do the things Dutch wanted.
I love how Jamie asks him "and what do you know about that, Arthur?" I would say quite a bit, taking into account the dynamics of the Van der Linde gang and Arthur's relationship with Dutch.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
not even to wake up in a haterrific mood on such a beautiful morning but I feel like I gotta say something. Especially when I’ve been seeing a multitude of posts critiquing black writers and seeing so many of amazing moots leave. (and reminder that the anon button is OFF so you will argue with the wall or get that ass cussed out publicly, your choice. And if you feel brave enough to come to my DM’s, I got something there for you too 🤗 so feel free) but I am so so so SICK of seeing these very unnecessary and annoying standards being placed on black writers. I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again that the goalpost keeps moving for us. It went from the toxic, plug, sneaky link, etc fics are harmful and damaging to us as black women to now I’ve had the displeasure of seeing that modern AU’s in general are problematic and we should write more canon AOT stories (I wish I was making this up). Don’t know about you but I want no parts of that depression fest. Especially because the ONE black person was basically observed like some type of mystical being. I’ll pass on the whole ‘why does your hair feel like that’ and a handmade’s mammy tale of tending to a war criminal’s wounds in a jail cell. Regardless, all of this is rooted in a respectability and projection issue. Because as I’ve said before, none of these critiques started until the TikTok girls started publicly bashing black writers and using them as a ploy to get views because doing it to other groups who write the SAME tropes with a “digestible” packaging would’ve gotten them backlash. So as does everyone on this hellscape of a planet, they use black women as a punching bag and laughing stock to garner engagement. Now you’ve got an influx of people regurgitating these same things and making others feel bad for what they write. I’ll be honest, a lot of these tropes/stories that I see, they’re not exactly my niche, mainly because I don’t smoke, I don’t do parties and stuff like that so I can’t resonate with it (don’t come at me, I got asthma and social anxiety, bitch 😭) but that doesn’t make me love/wanna read them any less. I love seeing different perspectives and being in another set of shoes for a while. There’s nothing wrong with that because as long as black women/enbies are happy and confident in what they write and it’s not causing harm, I’m going to support ten toes down because we need representation, we need that community and I’ll be damned if I turn my nose up in the air at anyone just trying to express their creativity. What I WON’T support is a bunch of hateful, nasty spirited shrews parading around in clean girl cosplay and bashing others to be seen as acceptable and ‘one of the good ones.’ Not liking smut doesn’t make you a better reader/writer, not liking modern AU’s and ‘overused’ tropes doesn’t make you some prophetic, divine person and sitting up in anons and on the dash, reporting fics because YOU personally don’t like them doesn’t make you superior. And running everyone else off of here won’t make your writing any better. What does it make you is a loser, a cornball ass bitch and a lazy bum. Because the energy you exert into being haters, you can simply open a Google doc or draft on here and write what fulfills you. Be the change you want to see in the world or whatever they say. Also, a lot of us ARE writing these very scenarios you all are claiming you want to see. We can also see the notes count in comparison to the ones being deemed so horrible so again? You as the consumer determine what’s popular and not. We’re only going to write what’s going to be seen. Anyways, black women/femmes/enbies, I love you. I love your stories, I love your portrayals of our favorite characters whether they’re a drug dealer or a doctor, I love seeing y’all on my dash and I hope that you continue to grow in your writing journeys. I hope that you write what brings you joy and block out all the bullshit. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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acanthemp3 · 1 month
sorry for disappearing from tumblr for 3 months without saying anything but im back now :> hiiiiiii :> ill ramble a bit abt why i was gone in the tags. anyway yay hi guys :> good evening :> hows everyone doing :>
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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Special boop for a special person!
Nsndndkskfkdkkskfkdkskdkskfnskkdkgkdksllfkekgkekfndn SKEEEEEETTTTCCCCHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Awaajfjdjdkdkdk BOOPING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ruporas · 1 year
i wanted to give you some support to counteract the weird asks. and that is to say that... your comics and art hurt me in the best way. you really are *the* trigun artist for me. you give the characters such humanity and softness. i think you're the reason trigun occupies my brain so much, and why i'm reading through trimax.
your characterization is perfect. and it's wolfwood who i'm really a sucker for. the desire to protect him, knowing how unfair his life has been, maybe even knowing what happens to him as well. he has his gruff and blunt personality but its the way he's truly a sweetheart deep down, with those he loves, and not only that, but he would continue to protect others, before himself, despite everything.
...i really love how you do angst. neither of these idiots (affectionate) would admit to anything being wrong with them, and yet you manage to beautifully portray the weights they carry. if not through tension in their relationship, then physically (scars and memories; or dark circles under eyes. "can't talk about it" might be one of my favorite works of yours) um... basically, i hope you keep up the good work, and keep making things that you love and are passionate about. don't let the opinions of others stop you. the world needs your art and your voice. i love reading your tags and everything you do. ...and i hope you are taking care of yourself, irl. you are loved. <3 thank you.
T___T THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR KIND WORDS WAHHH... i didn't mind the previous asks at all, but it really means a lot to see this kind of support and i'm happy to know my art can push that desire to read maximum!!! sincerely, one of my top goals is to just push for that, so thank you for including that detail <3
and wolfwood is absolutely my favorite character so i'm happy to know my characterization for him is good... that sentence of him continuing to protect others first instead of himself is just, :") yeah,. for his entire life basically, he's taken care of other people and if not for the eom, he could've had a gentler life of doing just that, taking care of others without the bloodshed. he is such a sweet character, it's forever painful remembering what he's endured.
and gahh thank you so much for enjoying my work and for reading my comics in general..!!! vw is the rep ever for unspoken love so i have a lot of fun exploring the different avenues that could lead to, many parts of it tends to be sad and bittersweet, but only because they love the other so much.
genuinely, thank you for all of this!! i will keep making art for as long as i can, for myself and for everyone who's willing to stop by. this kind of support is always incredibly encouraging, i really don't know how to express it properly in words, but just know i read them over like 20 times before i can even reply bc i need to digest it and explode with joy dgmkdsmgg BUT THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SEND THIS AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! have this small doodle of two very exhausted guys, they are getting thru the horrors together
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dragonsasastronauts · 18 days
Side note, if you have read only one of the books, just select the "has read" option. It's honestly not a big deal, though. I just included reading/not reading the books because I thought it would be interesting to see if that impacts anything at all.
Also also, for those of you who have Alistair marry Anora, but also have your Warden become his mistress, please just pick the mistress Warden choice. I only get to put 12 answers here, I am so sorry 😞
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jeffwingxr · 9 months
jeff's "age pills" storyline was so weird. we all know what really happened there, dude.
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disasterhimbo · 5 days
If I try hard and want it bad enough I should be able to just get past and ignore my disability, that’s how it works, right?
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kirbyliker12 · 11 months
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things scrawled out as fast as possybl while i was Bored
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misdrexvus · 1 year
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🌸 waiting for you 🌸
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