#I will say: there’s a good few ryomas I don’t know well enough simply because I didn’t consume their source
no1ryomafan · 7 months
Characterization discourse is so funny for me to watch because it’s people getting upset that a character they really like has their personality changed over time, whether this be because their a new iteration of the character in a new canon or their still in one canon but changed how they act because of different writers, usually to appeal to a newer fans which causes long time fans to be upset more often. It genuinely does suck to see a character you’ve liked possibly as early as your childhood be butchered by the writers just to try to appeal to a newer audience that they feel like a shell of them old selves, especially when this is a character you consider to be one of your favorites OR all time favorite…
But then I’m standing outside of this fire like “good fucking thing the only character I liked that has been reintroduced multiple times is from something that’s not really ongoing but also never fucked up his character to begin with!” Even if the trade of being a ryoma fan is some people just flanderize him.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
Kaito may have been a documented idiot, with a good heart might I add, though he'd have good intentions in mind whenever a fruitless and rash act was made by the man who lacked a few parts of his cranium,
It shouldn't have come to a fucking shock to anyone that this fucker didn't read a LICK of the student hand book. Probably hadn't even bothered to skim through the darn thing just a bit. Now here they were, dumbfounded and annoyed at the man's decision.
Of course, Kaede didn't show her frustration.
"Well, then Anya is safe and.. Kaito just was taking.. Precautions-"
"Just say he was being dumb,kid." Ryoma interrupted, the man not having been afraid to state the obvious.
".. Okay he didn't do the smartest thing but! It's fine! I'm sure Kirumi and Tenko are handling this. How about we all just move to the dining hall for now?"
"I suppose that'd be the best decision until that love sick astronaut comes to his senses."The long haired boy agreed(?),a slightly bothered tone resonating between his words. This day had been both stressful, confusing.. And beautiful of course. A human denying death and battling the lingering effects wasn't something the Anthropologist got to witness daily, but today it came at the cost of his patience and energy.
Well, his patience just fine. Energy was of short abundance.
"I agree without our history fanatic! I and the spirits wish to rest after this long day! In fact, I'll meet you all there!Bye-onara!"
And as quick as her sentence was spoken, The silver haired artist left before Kaede could tell her no. She didn't NOT like Angie but.. She was rather insistent.
"Shouldn't we go get Koki-"
"Nope. There's enough headaches in this room already, don't need another!Whatever or wherever that grape flavored condom went to isn't my concern. "
"Hmph. Funny, coming from you, Miu."Ryoma decided to retort, the inventor glaring at him before flipping him off and follow behind Angie.
The arguing between the two wasn't really good for Anya's senses.. Like,
At all.
While Tenko had been right about Anya not belonging to anyone, the way Tenko and Kaito had been arguing kinda went against quoted statement. They'd been fighting like 2 siblings battle royaling for a teddy bear. It was humiliating and most importantly,
Annoying and headache inducing.
Anya was a coward yes but, if the ringing in their head didn't stop soon, they'd been sure about to retract back to becoming a corpse again, missed or not. When she'd been 'asleep' there was no yelling.. Sleep.
She really wanted to sleep but.. She needed to be tended too.. But,
'I'll..ill just take a nap. Yeah.
Just a... Little..
Nap. '
Breathing softly, Anya went noticeably limp in the astronaut's arm, her snores soft and blocked out from the Akido master's and Astronauts childish war.
"Hmmmnnn... Bunny.. Taro."
Shuichi watched in slight admiration as Kaede seemed to hold a lot of patience, even for idiots like Kaito. Shuichi wasn't one to judge others, either for their intelligence or otherwise but; it was clear Kaito hadn't been the sharpest tool in the shed.
Something uneased the already uneasy detective the moment everyone seemed to dismiss the purple-haired boy. Kokichi often tormented everyone with his honest lies and false truths, causing everyone to distrust the short boy. A part of Shuichi considered the possibility of Kokichi being the culprit, but... Was it really something he'd do? The identity of the culprit remained a secret, and that simply just didn't sit right with him.
Shuichi had yet to discuss what this meant for the killing game; Anya... surviving. Even that still contained millions of questions with no answers to; thanks to Kaito kidnapping the small girl. He hoped, despite not enjoying Monokuma's company, that the stuffed bear would at least clear up some things.
Maybe he should've just enjoyed the peace at that moment, but something in his gut wouldn't let him, and he despised it.
"Kaede." Shuichi tried catching her attention before they made their way to the dining hall too. "Don't you think it's weird that... Anya survived? I mean, the Monokuma file said she was... But I guess it's not all that reliable, huh."
He continued, "But she lost a lot of blood, and the ice, not only that but w-" Shuichi bit his tongue, realizing he may sound strange for not celebrating Anya's revival like the others. "I don't know... I may be reading too much into this." He nervously laughed, keeping all of his noisy thoughts internal.
“She’s dead!” Tenko paled as she suddenly caught the green-haired girl going limp in Kaito’s arms. “Oh my god! You killed her! Again!” Tenko nearly tripped over her feet as she began screaming. 
“Relax! She’s not dead, she’s just-” Kaito looked down. “Ohmygodshe’sdead!” A blood-curdling scream escaped his throat.
“You idiot! How could you!?” Tenko shouted in terror, pointing an accusing finger at Kaito.
Neither of them had thought to check her breathing; perhaps idiocy was a contagious disease.
She couldn't help but let her eyes analyze his stance, wondering what attack should be used to safely switch who had been carrying Anya; because it was quite obvious Kaito wasn't a very good suitor.
Not like Tenko was any better.
Kaito swallowed and pushed down his incoming panic attack, legs suddenly going faster in urgency, startling Tenko as he finally made his way to the dormitories. Tenko watched in panic as Kaito looked to be ready to slam through the fucking door,
so before he could get millions of glass shards all over Anya, Tenko hurriedly opened and held the door for him. Despite alarms going off in her head for serving a male — even something as simple as opening the door for him —, multiple other alarms rang out in her head too, and successfully drowned the first one out.
Tenko slapped Kaito on the arm as he raised his foot in front of Anya's dorm.
"Damn it Kaito, don't break a woman's dorm door down! That's private! Give her to me!" Tenko refused to allow this man in Anya's room, somehow dismissing the fact that Rantaro slept in Anya's room as routine.
"Why!?" Kaito countered, a muddled and slightly disgruntled expression contorting onto his face.
Tenko opened her mouth, a smug look on her face as she began listing things in her head, counting fingers.
"Okay- no, just- Fine!" Kaito begrudgingly handed her over.
"She can stay in my room!" Tenko said a little too chipper.
"Tenko, you little- Give her back!" It was ridiculous. One second they were screaming in terror about how Anya was fucking dead, and now they were tossing her back and forth like a bag of potatoes.
How respectful :)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #608: Lucario Meets the Pineapple (SSBU X Fire Emblem Fates)
12:00 p.m. at Hoshido.......
Kamui: Takumi!~ (Happily Hugs Her Little Brother Tightly) It's sooooo great to finally see you again!~
Takumi: (Smiles a Little) It's good to see you too, Kamui...... I...see you've gotten really strong as of late...
Kamui: Oh! (Immediately Lets Go of Takumi Before Giggling Softly) Sorry about that.
Takumi: No worries. Truth be told, I...kinda missed you hugs.
Kamui: (Heart Begins to Melt) Aww~
Takumi: (Takes a Look at a Blue Looking Animal Standing Next to his Slightly Older Sister) Uhh... Kamui, who's this?
Kamui: Takumi, this is Lucario! My new mentor from Smash Town!
Lucario: (Smiles a bit Shyly While Holding in Paw up Towards Takumi) A pleasure to finally meet you.
Takumi: (Smiles Back While Shaking Lucario's Paws) Likewise. Are you really a spirit animal of some kind?
Lucario: I'm a Pokemon. Though, you could say that I'm from the canine side of the family....
Takumi: (Gives Lucario a Confused Look on his Face) A Pokemon? What's that?
Lucario: Well, you see, it's-
Kamui: (Smiles Excitedly) We can explain what they are later. I wanna see what how much this place change since I was gone. It's been so long! (Carelessly Sprints Her Way Towards the Town of Hoshido)
Lucario/Takumi: Kaumi! Wait for....(Sighs Once They Realize Kamui Was Already Long Gone) Us.
Lucario: Was she always this impatient when you first met her?
Takumi: Somewhat.
Hoshidan Restaurant.....
Kamui: Everyone is already busy?
Takumi: Yep. Ryoma is attending meeting, Hinoka is already assigned to a mission with her retainers, and Sakura herself, is out training to be a full fledged healer. Everyone else has already left for their own assigned mission as well.
Kamui: Even Hinata and Oboro?
Takumi: Yeah. (Frowns a Little) In all honesty, it does feel a little too quiet and boring without having those two around for the day.
Kamui: (Gives Takumi a Reassuring Smile) It's going to okay, Takumi. Everyone maybe gone, but your big sister and Mr. Lucario are still here to keep you company. (Place her Arm Around Takumi's Shoulder) I just know that we'll have a wonderful time together.
Takumi: (Chuckles Lightly) I can believe that. But speaking of which, how are things going for you in your new home and at the tournament? You didn't get yourself hurt too much out there, did you?
Kamui: (Giggles a bit Awkwardly) I tried not to. It was pretty rocky for me the first I entered, but I was able to get a better myself afterwards. (Smiles Proudly) Even more so now that Mr. Lucario has been training me.
Lucario: (Smiles Softly) We first met at the fourth annual tournament. After we fought, she asked me to become her mentor and I agreed. Our bond with one another has gotten closer ever since.
Takumi: (Smiles a Little) Well, it's good to hear that you're already in good hands. Although, there is one thing I've been wondering about you, Lucario.....
Lucario: (Turns to Takumi) Hm?
Takumi: Kamui said you are one of the strongest fighters in Smash Town.
Lucario: I-I... wouldn't exactly say I'm the strongest fighters in our town....
Takumi: Well, if that's the case, then how strong are you really?
Lucario: Well........
Thirty-Six Minutes Later in a Nearby Forest.........
Lucario: AURA....... SPHERE!! (Shoots Out a Powerful Aura Sphere Towards a Large Tree, Breaking it Down Instantly)
Kamui: (Smiles Excitedly While Rapidly Clapping her Hands)
Takumi: (Struck in Awe) Incredible......Just what kind of surge of energy was that?
Lucario: ('Sigh') That...was the power of the Aura. It's a type of energy I use to build up and release it's power. The Aura Sphere you saw before you, was an example of that.
Takumi: Ah. So it's almost how I used my Fuujin Yumi to store and release it's energy of each arrows.....
Lucario: What exactly is a Fuujin Yumi?
Takumi: It's a bow I used that was created by the Rainbow Sages. It was passed down to many generations of the Hoshidan Royal Bloodline. And I'm it's current wielder.
Lucario: I see. So you say you use it the same way I use my Aura?
Takumi: Mostly. But I'm not sure it's energy nearly as powerful as your. I could show you a demonstration, if I had it with me right-
Kamui: Ooh! I can get it for, Takumi! I think I know exactly where you usually place it at. Be right back! (Rush Her Way Out of the Forest)
Takumi: Kamui, wait a second!- ('Sigh') Annnnd.... she's of again.... What am I going do with you, Kamui.....
Lucario: (Chuckles Lightly) She really quick on her feet, huh?
Takumi: Tell me about it. (Turns to Lucario) I apologise if her impatient behavior cause you any trouble.
Lucario: Don't worry. It never cause any trouble in the slightest. (Smiles Softly) In a way, it actually makes me happy that she has a free spirit within her.
Takumi: (Turns Back to Where Kamui Ran Before Smiling a Little) Yeah.
Few Minutes Later.......
Takumi: (Sitting Down with Lucario on a Giant Stump of a Tree) I can't thank you enough for looking after our sister for us, Mr. Lucario. I know she can take care of herself and all, but it does mean a lot that you were willing to look out for her.
Lucario: (Smiles Softly) It's really no problem at all. She's a kind, hardworking princess who makes me proud everyday. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Takumi: (Simply Nodded) I'm glad to hear it. And I'm happy she's having a great time in her new home.....(Frowns a Little) Despite everything she been through in the past.....and how poorly I treated her during that time....
Lucario: (Frowns a Little as Well)......You know....Kamui told me a lot about you and all of your other siblings in the past. About how much she loves and misses them. I know this isn't my place to pry on family's affairs, but.....She also told me that, despite your falling out with one another, she still loves you to this very day. And I promise you that she shows no resentment towards you whatsoever.
Takumi: (Looks Down on the Ground) I wouldn't blame her if she did. Since the first time we met in years, I always gave her the cold shoulder. I didn't trust her nearly as much as my other siblings did at the time.....But even if that were the case, it still doesn't excuse me for the way I treated her. (Suddenly Felt Two Arms Gently Hugging Behind Him) Hm?
?????: Takumi.....
Takumi: (Turns Around and Sees Kamui Hugging Him from Behind) Kamui?! How long were you standing there?
Kamui: Not too long. (Frowns a Little) Are you really blaming yourself for what happened between us?
Takumi: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah.....I know it was a long time ago, but....I still treated you poorly.....
Kamui: But I'm not mad at you, Takumi, and I never once blamed you for everything that happened. Let only resent you for it.
Takumi: You....don't? Truly?
Kamui: Of course I don't, you dummy. I mean....Sure, at times, it did made me sad that you were harsh towards me during that time. But I completely understand why you acted that way. We....did hardly knew each other when we were young.....
Takumi: True....(Turns Around and Face his Slightly Older Sister) But I still should've gave you a chance beforehand. That's why I waited so long to see you again: To apologise, make amends, and to hopefully rebuild our relationship as siblings, stronger and better than it ever was. Because blood-related or not.....(Gently Holds Both of Kamui's Hands With a Soft, Sincere Smile on his Face) You'll always be our sister. No matter what.
Kamui: (Heart Begins to Melt While Putting on a Tearful Smile) Takumi......(Pulls her Slightly Little Brother for a Tight, Loving Hug) Thank you so much!~ No matter what anyone else says, you and all of our other siblings will always be my family. All I ever wanted was to get to know more about all of you. I love you guys so much.....
Takumi: We....love you too, Kamui. No could you please let go of me?
Kamui: Not a chance! (Starts Rubbing Takumi's Cheeks with Hers) After hearing your dilemma just now, you were already in need for a big sister hug!
Takumi: ('Sighs Heavily') You already gave me a hug, Kamui..... Remember? When you first arrived here?
Kamui: True. But it honestly can't hurt to have another.
Takumi: Seriously. You're already embarrassing me in front of your mentor!
Kamui: (Pouts at Takumi) He has every right to watch us hug, mister! He's already like a father me, after all.
Takumi: Wait. Really? (Shook his Head) Doesn't matter. Just let me go already!
Kamui: Never!
Takumi: ('Groans in Annoyance') Honestly. You're even worse than Ryoma and Hinoka, whenever they try to hug me!
Kamui: That's because they love you, Takumi. And that they want to show it to you.
Takumi: That doesn't make it any less annoying.
Kamui: Tough luck. Cause starting today, we are gonna give you all the love you need!~
Takumi: KAMUI!!!
Lucario: (Smiles Softly While Watching Two Siblings Hugging and Fussing Towards It Each Other) (Funny..... I've always wondered what would it be like to have a sibling....I could say that Blaziken counts as one, but-)
Kamui: (From a Distance) Mr. Lucario! Could you join us in a group hug please?!!!
Lucario: (Chuckles Lightly) Settle down, you two! I'll be right there. (Makes His Way Towards the Two Siblings)
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Aftermath: The Debriefing
A continuation of the consequences of this chapter
Read from the beginning here
“Hey! It’s Mingfei. Please leave a message, and I’ll get right back to you...”
Nono lowered the phone from her ear and hung up. She’d already left a message. 
As soon as the plane had taken off from Japan, Caesar called her and told her that her newest recruit hadn’t survived her first mission. As soon as she got into the presence of the dragon egg, she’d turned servitor and they left her behind so they wouldn’t have to kill her.
Mingfei had to be forcibly dragged away from her. She wasn’t surprised. He was a lonely person, desperate for love and probably fell for her over the trip. He was probably heartbroken and needed time. He really was an unlucky guy.
She walked back into the principal’s office where Caesar and Johann were seated in front of his desk. “Still nothing.” She said. “Let’s just start without him.”
Anjou was leaning back in his chair, feet on the desk, puffing on a cigar. The blue holographic girl, EVA floated nearby, “Ready to record the debriefing.” She said. 
“Caesar. Please begin.” Anjou nodded, his eyes fixed on a  large globe.
“I will but first, I have to ask you to share your cigar.”
Anjou turned the wood box to Caesar who reached out and picked up one of the Cubans as well as a gold dragon shaped lighter and lit up. He took a long slow drag and let it out. Nono rested one hand on his shoulder. He leaned his head slightly toward it.
“This is the debriefing of team Caesar.” He began. “Upon arrival, things went as expected. The Japan division reps were polite but distant. They were led by Chisei Gen, who surprised me by already knowing about our new girl.” 
“Did he say how he knew?” Anjou asked.
“No. Only that he’d heard about a powerful new student. I think it’s likely that some of our freshmen here are plants to keep an eye on us.”
“On her arrival here, she attracted a lot of attention...” Nono commented, recalling the group that had followed her from the limousine. 
Caesar continued. ”They outfitted us in their traditional dress and escorted us from the airport. There was nothing out of the ordinary until our arrival at their headquarters when Masamune requested our assistance in eliminating the Devil Clan. He suspected they were behind the Dragon’s awakening.”
Caesar crossed his arms. “Masamune did not provide any proof of this accusation. The new recruit picked up on this actually... She said ‘if someone was waking up a dragon, they should be stopped’. If.” Caesar smiled at the memory. “She had good instincts.”
Anjou was silent, still not commenting. Nono glanced at Johann. He was relaxed his chair, not meeting anyone’s eyes and not speaking. To the casual observer, he seemed bored. Nono knew better. She wasn’t a mind reader, but she sensed a growing emotional disturbance coming from him, like a boiling under a lid, a low growl, rumbling just under the surface.
“They decided to divide us among the different clans. To keep her safe, I suggested that she go with Chisei Gen, the strongest hybrid in the group. I stuck with the Ryoma’s, Johann with Fuma, and Lu with Sakurai.” Caesar shook his head. “We all reported an unexpected number of servitors in this area. We took care of all of them, but it took longer than I would have liked. Had I known there were going to be so many, I might have insisted that the recruit stay back at the mansion. She wasn’t ready to see that kind of action... but...” He reached over and tapped the ashes into the silver tray. “It was, what it was.”
Johann’s eyes snapped over to Anjou. “She was deeply affected by it.”
Caesar’s cigar paused an inch from his lips. He sat, still as a statue. “Do not interrupt.” 
Their eyes met for a few seconds before Johann relented, breaking the stand off to resume staring into space. Nono slowly let out the breath she’d been holding.
“She got injured. I was planning on asking how, but I didn’t get the chance...”
Anjou finally spoke. “What were the extent of her injuries?”
“Bruising around the neck, like she’d been strangled.”
Anjou’s gaze lowered. “I see. Continue.”
“We got into submarine. The mission seemed straight forward until we got that message from Schneider about the Greenland mission. Warning us about doors. I uh... realized the mission was dangerous but, that warning put things into perspective. So, I had everyone record their last messages.”
“Including the recruit?” Anjou asked.
“Uh huh.” Caesar ran his tongue over his lips.
Nono could feel the emotion rising from him when he lowered his eyes and shifted in his chair. “You know what was interesting? she seemed to accept the idea of possibly dying a lot more easily than the rest of us did. It bothered me. A lot. I had that feeling that her last words were directed at me. In particular.” 
Nono reached down and slid her hand around the back of his neck, from shoulder to shoulder. This part he hadn’t told her.
“I got a really bad feeling. I told her to stay behind with Mingfei. But uh... we ran into a problem. Once we got to the site where the signal was coming from, there was no way into the tower. We considered blasting our way in. But that would have spent some of our munitions and potentially not have worked.”
“Turned out, the girl had a connection to the place that none of us realized. Even though it was dark, she could see. And she saw visions of dragons, that helped her solve the riddle to the first door. The second door required her to sing a certain song in draconic so we could get in. Johann helped her with that. She was the one who gave us access to the dragon egg.” 
Anjou turned to Caesar, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Her Speaking Spirit?”
“Possibly.” Caesar took another drag, stretching his legs out, relaxing into Nono’s gentle massage. “From your look, I take it you didn’t know about this?”
“On her E3 exam, she did not write anything on the paper. We have no idea what her Speaking Spirit is.”
Johann took a slow deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and then let it out.
Anjou tapped out the ashes and rubbed his beard. “None of you saw what she saw?” Caesar and Johann both shook their heads. “Go on...”
“Finally, we reached the final destination. And yes, it was a door.” He shook his head. “I... was over confident. I thought she was fine. I let her go in. As soon as she got in there...” He raised the cigar to his lips but didn’t inhale, biting down on the tip. “There wasn’t anything we could do about it. Johann and I both understood that but uh... Lu flipped out.”
“I see.” Anjou replied. 
The office descended into a somber silence. The pain in the room was like standing under a blazing sun. Nono endured it. Maybe if she hadn’t been so harsh in her last words to her recruit, she wouldn’t have taken so many risks.
“We had to drag him all the way back to the sub. All the way back to Chicago.” He reached over and snuffed out the cigar. “Don’t think he’ll be talking to us for a while.”
“And the embryo?”
“The signal disappeared. No sign of it. The corruption in the ocean subsided. Mission accomplished.” Caesar sighed, closing his eyes with a shrug. “I still got that damn kimono.”
Anjou looked over to Johann. “You have something to add?”
Johann’s voice was so soft, the AI had to increase the volume on her recording. “If you didn’t know she was key to the mission, why did you send her?”
Anjou leaned forward, elbows against his desk. He stared hard at Johann, thinking. For a moment there was no sound beyond the hum of the computers in the room. “There is an explanation. But I can’t give it to you.”
Johann’s expression shifted to disbelief.
“I know it’s hard to accept. I’m asking a lot of you. But on this case, I need you to trust me. And if you can’t trust me, trust her. Have faith that she found a way out.”
Johann’s shoulders sagged and he shook his head. “What are we basing this faith on?”
“The fact that she saw things that you did not.” Anjou glanced over. “EVA, have ‘Adams’ bring me her exam paper.”
The cat sized humanoid robot hovered away to retrieve it. “It appeared that she did not write anything on the E3. But perhaps she did and we simply could not perceive it.”
Nono looked up at Anjou, who was still massaging his beard. He was shockingly relaxed. Even though an S-ranked student was dead, he was more interested in her exam paper. He didn’t seem concerned at all.
Adams returned with the sealed black box. Anjou punched in a password on a keypad and it snapped unlocked. Inside was the blank paper collected at her E3.
Anjou stood up and placed it in front of Johann. “If you remember the words she used, could you speak them?”
The sharp spike in Johann’s emotional state! Nono’s eyes widened. The young man stood up and walked the few steps over to the desk.
The paper was not entirely blank. It was dotted with blotches where it had gotten wet and dried. She’d told him that on her E3 exam all she could do was cry. Those blotches were the marks of her tears.
All Johann could think about was how terrified she was the night of the raid. How traumatized she’d been afterwards. She wasn’t stupid. She knew the peril. He’d told her to trust them, to trust Anjou.
He didn’t tell her the name he’d picked out for her because he wasn’t sure if it would fit. The given name he’d considered, Meixiu, meant that someone was an iconic prodigy. Someone along the lines of Mozart or Da Vinci.  As only the second S-ranked student he’d ever encountered, that fit her well enough on a surface level. But she was more than an S-ranked talent. More importantly, he didn’t want her to be defined by a talent that was unstable and could kill her. 
When he looked at her, he also saw someone innocent. The family name Bai held a meaning of purity, light and innocence that embodied her. But it also had a secondary, less auspicious meaning: That of blankness and emptiness, something given free of charge. Like a white sheet of paper.
He thought he needed more time to find something more fitting. As it turned out, Bai Meixiu wasn’t as inappropriate as he’d imagined.
Johann laid his fingertips on the paper and slid it back toward the principal his eyes hidden by the curtain of his long hair.
“If... you’re so certain, that she’s alive...” Johann whispered, “Then... when she comes back from the dead, she can say the words herself.”
Nono stared incredulous as Johann turned on his heel and left the room, the slam of the door echoing in his wake.
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onebloodsoakedlion · 4 years
Things I hate in Gacha Life
Since I have been satirising this series, I’m gonna talk about a few things I hate seeing in Gacha Life videos and stuff:
1) The Hated Child If the Gacha comic I was making wasn’t already a good enough indicator, The Hated Child vids are one of my biggest pet hates. What happens in this video? Well, a mother gives birth to two or more children. She takes a look at each baby and suddenly decides that she hates one of them. From the moment it is born. Throughout the entirety of the hated child’s childhood, they are abused and tortured by their parents and siblings. Eventually, either through sheer luck or pity, one or more of the following occurs to compensate for the child’s suffering: - The Hated Child becomes royalty. - The Hated Child gains superpowers and/or becomes a hybrid. - The Hated Child becomes popular at school. - The Hated Child finds love. - The Hated Child’s family realises their mistakes and atone for their wrongdoing. Why do I hate this trope: It’s completely unrealistic, overdone and throws logic right out of the window. What to do instead: Make a more realistic story about child abuse! Maybe the parents are already assholes and all the kids are abused. Maybe the Hated Child has a proper disability (e.g. Autism, ADHD) and the parents are ableist little shits and/or don’t know how to take proper care of a disabled child. Maybe the child themself is an asshole and had it coming. Maybe the parents don’t even know how to take care of a child and/or cannot afford to raise one. There are many cases of child abuse irl and although they are unfortunate, you can take inspiration from them.
2) Text-to-speech This isn’t something I have covered as of yet in my comic, but I plan on doing so with my animatic. Text to speech is when you put a bunch of words into a generator and it generates audio of a person speaking the words. Since the good old days of Go!Animate, this has been very grating. Why I hate this trope: - The result is an emotionless robot speaking. It cannot convey emotion. It cannot sound happy, sad or angry. - TTS cannot deal with misspelt words, drawn-out words (e.g. “NOOOOOOOO!”) or made up words, opting to spell them instead. - TTS voices can often sound unfitting of the character they are used for, possibly due to a lack of variety. What to do instead: Do the voice acting yourself! Many decives nowadays are more than capable of recording your voice! Find a quiet room to record your voice. You can twist your voice to sound like someone else, or put on an accent. If you’re that unconfident in your voice acting skills, combine grunts, shouts and giggles with speech bubbles or subtitles a la Glitchtale, OFF and Fire Emblem. Or don’t use voices at all. My animatic teaser already uses voice acting done by ME.
3) One frame for walking What I mean by this is only using the first frame of the walkcycle to indicate a character is walking, like this:
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Why I hate this trope: It’s just very lazy and sloppy. It looks awful. What to do instead: Use all four frames of the walkcycle! It’s not THAT hard. It only adds a few clicks to the video-making process!
4) Speech bubbles cropped out Speech bubbles, since they appear directly above a character’s head, can end up being cut out by the view if the character is too big, too high up on the screen, or if there are too many words. Why I hate this trope: Should be obvious. It makes things harder to read and understand. What to do instead: Make sure your speech bubbles can fit within the screen. If you can’t do that, adjust your character, speech bubbles, or get rid of the speech bubbles and either use your own speech bubbles that you draw yourself, or use subtitles.
5) People believing the most ridiculous of lies. Imagine being as school as normal... but then out of nowhere, your best friend runs up to you, accuses you of attempting to murder some random person you didn’t even know, and immediately stops being your best friend. You ask them where they even got that from and they say “BECAUSE [insert school bully’s name here] SAYS SO!” Why I hate this trope: Any sane person would take such things with a pinch of salt. An example using FE Fates characters: If Azama told Hinoka that Ryoma tried to murder Tsubaki, would she believe him? No, she would slap him hard in the face and say “My brother wouldn’t do that!”. What to do instead: Use more subtle rumours. Something that is easy to believe, and maybe have the bully use a mole, someone who is close to the victim, to deliver the message so it’s more believable.
6) Slow walking/acting. Yeah, you’re probably familiar with this one. Why I hate this trope: It wastes time, makes the story boring and I just want to scream “GET TO THE GODDAMN POINT” What to do instead: Use a variable framerate! Even the most basic of movie makers should allow you to make pictures show for a mere 1/10th of a second, which should be good enough to get an okay animation. Shotcut, for example, has a default 30fps video, which should be MORE than enough to make a decently-paced Gacha vid.
7) Assuming that every student with glasses is a NERD. ...Because apparently, glasses = nerd. Looks tell all. Why I hate this trope: Not all people who wear glasses are actually nerds. Some people might NEED glasses to actually have a normal fucking life! What about short-sighted people? My mum wasn’t even good at school and she always has to wear glass because she is short-sighted. My dad isn’t much better - being the long-sighted person that he is, he needs glass to read things. Reading isn’t nerdy, it gives you essential fucking information! Like how to cook a meal in the oven! Gods! What to do instead: Use better, more realistic indicators about whether someone is a nerd.
8) Self-defence being a crime Imagine that two kids decide to physically bully you. You fight back. You win. Guess what happens next? The principal gets involved and calls your parents, who ground you for a week, treating your reasoning of self-defence as a pathetic excuse. Why I hate this trope: You’re basically being forced to choose between being beaten to within half an inch of your life and being punished to within half an inch of your sanity. What to do instead: Have people listen to the person who beat the others up. They should hear their side of the story and consider it. If you really want the defender to suffer, give them a lighter punishment than if they started the fight themselves. If you really want to paint this person as the bad guy, have them obviously go too far (such as bashing up someone smaller than them who was simply poking them with a stick).
9) Skimpy clothing. Sometimes the girls tend to wear skimpy clothing, as in, wearing short shorts or baring their midriffs, even as students in school. Why I hate this trope: They’re usually KIDS, FFS! And THIS IS IN A GAME MADE FOR KIDS! Also makes no sense considering the school’s dress code - even on non-uniform days, my school NEVER allowed skimpy clothing. What to do instead: Show feminity ANOTHER way! Dresses, skirts, pink and frills are just a mere handful of ways to convey this, or failing that, use feminine facial features such as pretty hair and eyelashes. If you really must show some skin, save it for outside of school: At home or at the beach are some acceptable places to expose oneself. But don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that everyone has to dress like Muslims, though.
10) No one noticing a character’s problems. In other words, people so blinded by lies and/or hate that they actually cannot tell that someone is being abused, bullied or suffering in any other way. Why I hate this trope: Because it makes everyone look like unempathetic assholes and only serves as a plot device for the character’s suffering. What to do instead: Have the character push people away, or be unable to recieve help due to circumstances other than no one offering it to them.
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ultimateshc · 5 years
V3 boys reacting to their selective mute S/O sing for the first time, and she has a really beautiful voice?
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I want to apologize to every mod on this blog because it must look like I’m doing crack with how much I’ve been writing lately. I have finals coming up, and I don’t want to study. This will have major spoilers for the end of the game, for those who haven’t finished it yet. So beware.
- Mod Korekiyo
Gonta Gokuhara
He was just coming back from making sure all of his bug friends were put to bed before going back to the dorms.
He was passing by your room when he heard an unfamiliar voice through the door.
He was a bit worried that someone outside the academy was inside with you, so he did the most gentlemanly thing possible!
He knocked on the door.
He was quite relieved that it was you who answered the door.
“Gonta heard a strange voice in the room! Is Y/N okay?”
You looked around the dorm hallway before pointing to yourself.
“It was Y/N!? That’s why sound was so pretty!”
Pretty sure you’re more flustered than he is.
Robots can’t exactly sleep, and he accidentally overcharged when he was low on battery during free time.
So he decided to take a stroll around the academy.
As he walked towards the trial grounds, he saw you on one of the benches.
He was wary, you might be planning a murder!
As he got closer, it sounded like someone was talking to you.
Oh wait, it’s just you?
Prepare to be bombarded with questions, he thought you couldn’t speak!
Oh wait, you chose to do that? He doesn’t quite understand it, but he wants to!!!!
Thanks to his awesome memory, he has a recording of it, as well. It was very pretty, it’d be a shame to lose it.
He wasn’t sure that anything other than Miu’s “flirting” could make him blush so hard.
Bet your ass that he had that recording playing in his head when he sacrificed himself for the other survivng students.
Kaito Momota
If he can help Shuichi with his self-esteem and anxiety, he can help you, too!!!
He made you take part in the daily training with Shuichi and Maki.
Though you still didn’t speak, you seemed more… open, which he took as a good sign.
It was just after the daily training, and he wanted to get a quick snack before heading off to bed.
He was also hoping to visit you before you fell asleep, he couldn’t find you when he went looking for you when you didn’t show up.
It was when he approached the door to the dining hall did he hear the singing.
The voice was unfamiliar, but beautiful nonetheless… was it the mastermind?
He burst through the door, fully expecting to find the mastermind and a dead body.
Wait… it’s just you?
It was only when he saw your red face did he realize what he had heard.
You both look like cherries now.
He’s suddenly hugging you, not wanting you to see his flushed face.
Thanks, Kaito.
Kokichi Oma
He was getting ready for another prank to pull on the next unsuspecting victim.
Nobody usually went to the library after Rantaro’s passing, so he wen’t there to prepare it so he could set it up in the arcade next door.
Just before he opened the door, he heard a voice.
It surprised him, not many people would be singing during a killing game.
He opened the door slowly, he didn’t want to get caught in case it was a psycho in the middle of committing a murder. 
But all he saw was you on one of couches reading a book, in your own little world.
You hadn’t noticed him yet, and he was unsure of what to do. Scare you? Prank you? Blackmail you with your own voice? 
Instead, he just sat against one of the bookshelves, listening to the voice he wished he had heard before.
It was when you stopped did he come to the conclusion that he should probably wipe the awestruck look off his face.
“Neeheehee… I knew there was something Y/N was hiding from us!”
Don’t worry though, he won’t tell anyone, as long as you promise to keep singing for him.
Korekiyo Shinguji
You were hanging out in his lab together, and he was teaching you about rituals and how to preserve them.
You were helping him clean everything up when he had to run out for a second to replace the wrappings on some of the artifacts.
When he returned, he heard a singing voice through the door of his lab.
He was afraid at first thinking someone was messing with his relics, but listening more closely, it was one of the songs used for a ritual.
It was you, signing, and for the first time, he got to hear it.
“How beautiful, kukuku…”
So he stood outside the door, not wanting to intrude and ruin the song you were singing oh so perfectly.
When you were finished, he waited a minute or two before entering, not wanting to embarrass you.
Only after wrapping up the relics and putting them away did he say anything about it.
“You sing them better than I do, my dear.”
Rantaro Amami
He was walking towards the dining hall for breakfast when he heard the singing.
He wasn’t sure it was you, but his Big Brother Instincts kicked in, and he went looking for the owner of the voice.
It wasn’t long before he found himself at the door of the messy greenhouse.
He opened the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to bother the singer.
Instead of a new student or someone in trouble, it was you.
He leaned against the door frame, watching as you pulled weeds out from the cracks in the concrete.
He has a small smile on his face as he watches you work, happy to know that even in a killing game, it’s possible for you to feel safe and comfortable enough to want to use your voice. 
After a few minutes of practically being in a trance, he knocks on the door to get your attention. 
With a wave of his hand, you’re following behind him to get breakfast. 
The smile hasn’t left.
Ryoma Hoshi
He was in his lab hitting tennis balls back and forth off of the wall, not wanting to lose all of his skill while trapped in the academy.
It isn’t long before the racket breaks from overuse, and cuts his hand.
He thought it best to wash it off in case anything had gotten in it, and so he heads to the connected bathroom.
That’s when he heard a small, quiet voice from outside the window.
It takes a while due to his short stature, but he eventually is able to look out the window and into the pool area.
With a small laugh, he goes back to his practice, using your singing as a sort of soundtrack.
It’s only when you stop does he confront you.
“Keep going, sweetheart, I didn’t get to hear any good music in prison.”
You decide to just go to his lab, instead.
Shuichi Saihara
Class trials always tire him out, as he usually carries the entire discussion.
He found himself with his head in your lap, using his hat to cover his blushing face.
With him being naturally tired, and you playing with his hair, it’s no surprise that he eventually drifted off to sleep.
After maybe an hour or so, he’s awoken by someone singing.
As the voice is pretty close, and his head is still being pet, he’s pretty sure that the voice is yours.
He’s very thankful that his self-conscious being made him put his hat over his face to not make a fool of himself.
As he laid there, he thought about how you may react if he responded to your voice.
In the end, he simply listened to your voice, and allowed himself to slowly drift off again.
Maybe one day he can wake up to this again, but he’d rather not risk you being too embarrassed to sing for him again.
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Ryoma, Yusuke, Futaba, Kirumi, and Miu with s/o who struggles with sodium valproate syndrome (more deets in first paragraph)
Basically, I have a condition that acts as a barrier between me doing well in classes, keeping friends and being by myself with my own thoughts due to my emotional state. I don’t have any distinctive facial features, nor do I have any of the associated problems, like heart and bone conditions. So people think I’m just antisocial bc I feel like it, when I truthfully feel embarrassed by my emotions. My brother also has the condition and he has a LOT of the obvious physical signs of the condition. 
-Mod Miu
Ryoma Hoshi:
He was drawn to you due to how distant you were to people. It was almost as if you had something you were hiding, either due to embarrassment or due to not wanting to be found guilty of something.
You didn’t have many people you showed your more vulnerable side with, and you seemed fine with just getting straight C’s. Ryoma did, however, notice how long you would lie in bed doing nothing for the first 2 hours of the morning. He also spotted how people spoke about you behind your back, making the assumption that you were simply a “self-centred brat”.
So, He wants your point of view. He could tell by looking at you that you had something going on emotionally, he just couldn’t quite identify why.
“Hey, s/o.” He growled out casually. “Come over after your stuff is done and we can hang out or whatever.”
You felt your ears tingle in a familiar yet vague warmth. You hated the feeling your ears got whenever you could tell you were going to get told off.
So, you hesitantly agreed to do so.
Arriving at his apartment, he walks you through into his office.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Ryoma started.
There went your ears again. Your body tenses up, preparing to get told the same stuff your ex-friend said to you.
“I noticed how long it takes you to get ready for the day.” Ryoma stated. “It’s almost like you don’t care about yourself.”
You started to cry, expecting Ryoma to just tell you to grow up like everyone else had done with you.
“I haven’t heard nice things about you lately, s/o. I can tell you’re deliberately sabotaging your social life.”  Ryoma lets out in a sigh, rubbing his temples. “So please tell me what’s going on.”
You pause, looking down at your feet.
“I suck at embracing my emotions.” You let out, unsure how to explain your next sentence. “I’ve always struggled with it, and I know why I am the way I am.”
You take a deep breath, expecting Ryoma to chew your ear off with you not looking like the condition.
“I’ve got a condition that acts as a barrier with emotions for me. It has a lot of other things to it, but I somehow only picked up shitty emotional stuff. I’ve got sodium valproate syndrome, Ryoma, and I’ve been working hard at it to deal with the condition.” You let out, knowing it’s been stuck in your mind for ages. “If you don’t believe me, I seriously don’t care. I’ve had enough people only going to easy answers.”
Ryoma doesn’t change his expression at all after hearing this, but internally he was glad that you at least knew why you struggled with emotions. Additionally, he was glad you didn’t have a recent traumatic emotional experience.
He makes sure to support you with what you need, and your happy Ryoma is as open as he is.
Yusuke Kitagawa:
You and Yusuke got together because you were both classed as difficult to read. After all, both of you had straight faces, and it was rare to see you guys smiling.
However, Yusuke was more open about his strange personality than you were. It became apparent that you struggled more with your emotions than others did. You could maintain an average appearance, but Yusuke did note how little you would study in favour for distracting yourself from your emotions.
One day, when you returned from school to get away from your inferiority complex, Yusuke sent you a message inviting you over to act as a model for a new painting he was working on. He had everyone else involved as models as well, and you  found an excuse not to go.
“Ah, dear! Come in, I’m glad you came.” Yusuke let out softly, letting you in as he closed the door.
You noted the lack of art supplies in the room, and this set you off into a bad state. 
“Ah, I forgot to get the canvas out.” Yusuke let out, placing the blank canvas on the stand. “Now, my dear, please take a seat and we can get started. Would you like something to drink as I paint you?”
You politely turn down the offer, placing yourself down.
“Tell me about what’s going on in your mind, s.o.” Yusuke started as he painted you. 
You started to slump in the chair you were sitting up in, letting out a shaky sigh.
“I’ve always struggled with my emotions, Yusuke. I recently found out I was diagnosed as a child with a condition that explains this to me.” You start.
Yusuke looks at you, curious about what condition you had.
Explaining the condition, you allowed Yusuke to listen and watched for any negative reactions.
Unsurprisingly, he hid any bad facial expressions.
“I see.” He let out after you explained it. 
He was slightly more forceful, yet encouraging, as he invited you out for any friend gatherings. He now knew why you didn’t like to be alone, while you were very quiet for an extrovert.
Futaba Sakura: gonna write as a friend instead of s/o
You were originally the person that supported her to get better with controlling her anxiety, and you now were the best of friends. Her quirkiness would improve your mood almost immediately, and the few times she wasn’t with you she sent you loads of memes.
You never had to really tell her about your condition for her to understand how you were, as she understood what mental health is like.
There were some times when you would get overwhelmed with emotions, and Futaba would be able to pull you out of your daze before it became uncontrollable in the moment.
She found that when she needed to go out, she would always feel safe by your side due to how analytical you were of your surroundings as well as how good you were at preventing harassers due to experience.
Both of you needed the other as a friend, and this created a strong bond. She was there if you needed someone to sit with you, and you were there to help Futaba in public situations.
Kirumi Tojo:
She didn’t see you for a few days, and she was getting worried. Knowing where your spare key was, she lets herself into the house while announcing herself to you.
You heard her, but you just didn’t have the mental energy to sprint into a hiding place.
Of course, even if you did this, you knew Kirumi would hear your rustling into your chosen hiding place. So, you just layed in bed. It had been days since you took proper care of yourself.
“s/o, I’m coming into your room now.” Kirumi warned you, entering the room that was unkempt. 
“Is everything okay?” Kirumi queries, rubbing your shoulder.
You just look at the blank white ceiling.
Kirumi cleaned your room with your permission before coming through with herbal tea and talking to you about your condition, as well as how it affects people differently and how others have misconceptions about how the condition is identified.
After you explain yourself, Kirumi reassures you that she is open with knowing about people’s health, as well as appreciating your co-operation in helping her understand a complex condition that had mental and physical effects on a person’s well-being.
Miu Iruma:
Miu was outspoken, while you were introverted. Both of you didn’t like to show emotions like sadness to others, as it made you look vulnerable and/or like you wanted to play a victim in a situation.
For the most part, you were able to hold back the urge to cry.
Until it became uncontrollable at times. Once time Keebo was saying things, comparing you to him in the way of not showing a vulnerable side. Miu was around the corner as she heard Keebo say “Maybe you are a robot like me, and you’re embarassed about it.” triumphantly. 
Miu knew what he was talking about, and it pissed her off to hear him of all people talking to you in the way he was. She was disappointed in him for thinking as analytically, until she realised you were a rather analytical person as well.
She walks up to the two of you, stopping when she’s next to you and she realises you’re starting to tear up because of the confrontation.
“Jeez, you sound like Kokichi when you say that, Keeboy!” Miu exclaimed. “Let’s just talk about what’s going  on in that big fuckin brain of yours s/o!”
You eventually spoke about the many difficulties you grew up with, also stating you managed to not be put in a special unit like your sibling did, who was less fortunate with their academics but more fortunate with emotions.
Once you explained yourself, Miu raised her brows. 
“Jesus christ, that explains shit!” Miu exclaims. 
“I must apologise for my comments, s/o.” Keebo sheepishly let out, rubbing the back of his head.
You got a closer connection to Keebo, and Miu was more understanding of you as a person.
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soulephant · 5 years
It’s been a while since I last posted about 3H. Then, I implored people not to give shit to Black Eagles players for liking a house. By the way, don’t do that.
Turns out that isn’t the extent of the disrespect and snobbery that is displayed sometimes in regards to Three Houses.
Some people compare Three Houses ridiculously unfavorably to either Radiant Dawn or Conquest(?!?!). And then proceed to be all high-and-mighty and talk people down implicitly if not explicitly. Again, please don’t do that. Anyway, let’s address the comparisons first because I have some choice opinions about that.
(I guess, by the way, I’ll give some spoiler warnings for those who have not played Three Houses yet)
 Let’s start with Conquest. It plays really well. That’s more than can be said for the vast majority of pre-awakening games, most of which were marred by awful handling of weight (in what world should specific people be slowed down by Iron Lances?), multiple promotion items, handaxes and such being broken at the expense of bows, and other assorted problems, to a point where I wonder “how is this supposed to ever become more than a cult classic?“. Then again, so does Three Houses.
Conquest pretty much always has some difficulty. Conquest normal is perfect for me, but then, I’ve played several Fire Emblem games at this point. Now I’m not giving Conquest shit for this because it was designed for veterans difficulty-wise. It’s what the game set out to do and Conquest was marketed as such. Ideally though, normal should be normal. It should give the “average“, whatever that may be a challenge, but not be too punishing for exploring whatever the player wants to explore. My inner jury’s still out on whether Three Houses is too easy instead or not. I do not rule that out at present. But too easy is better than too hard, because with too easy, people at least get to play your game and like things about it.
Anyway, I will give Conquest props for gameplay, which I can’t stress enough is quite a good thing.
Characterwise, Conquest is a mixed bag. In part, because some characters had some pretty bad gimmicks (Setsuna would have been maybe okay if she was a general airhead, and didn’t have an absolutely ridiculous focus of falling into traps instead, which is simply not a viable primary trait), though it also has some characters like Niles and Peri, who have backstories and reasons for being the way they are. So far, there isn’t a single stinker in Three Houses, and the cast is shaping up to be stronger in general.
Storywise though... I’m sorry, I can barely begin to reasonably grant Fates fans any points in this regard. I was promised conquest, and what was I given? A conquest that is undesired to the point of Corrin being very whiny pretty much always, when ideally you would expect Corrin to at least toughen up a little (hell, his Nohrian siblings were right there to show him how it’s done!). Other than, what, chapter 16? Where Corrin actually quite masterfully plays Iago, they actively reject character development and keep embracing angst (after Ryoma’s death being the best example). And I get what IntSys/whoever the writer was was going for, because the war isn’t pretty. But it fails to work I find. Also, Conquest throws deaths left and right but... how are most of those supposed to affect the player again? Lillith being the most glaring example. She’s the reason your castle exists, and that’s... about it. Conquest just falls flat storywise (even if bits and pieces could have been okay), and comparing it to Three Houses favorably in that area is something I can already never comprehend.
Now Radiant Dawn. This mostly comes up because Edelgard is compared to Micaiah and people favor Micaiah? But here’s the thing: Radiant Dawn has a prequel (that, on a side note, is a more solid game). That prequel has a cast. That cast benefits from a support system, which Radiant Dawn practically removed. Then Radiant Dawn puts that cast, Ike and co and basically every legitimately good guy, against Daein, which has mostly just lost its mind again. Daein did not deserve the brutal occupation it had during Part 1, but that’s all I can say in Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade’s favor. The key thing is that if you have played Path of Radiance, and notice that Daein is awfully racist and quite unhealthy besides, why would you still willingly side with Micaiah? Why would you not wonder why the game forces you to guide her to victory, instead of teaching Daein a lesson again with a cast that you actually got to explore?
Basically, Micaiah’s enemy is not wrong. Daein may have been yoked by a blood contract, but let’s face it, most of Daein’s army just revels in fighting “sub-humans“ again regardless of why they would actually go to war. To boot, most of Daein’s cast has... little to no character to be found. Even if there was, the player would only have had Part 1′s 10 chapters to get that depth as opposed to the 26 or so that Path of Radiance’s cast had.
The same can’t be said for Edelgard. IntSys made the attempt to treat all houses equally, for starters. All houses are on equal footing. Edelgard’s methods are wrong, and she’s more extreme than most of the Hardin archetype, so please spare me that old news because I know already. But there’s enough things in the game to prove that Edelgard has a point regarding the nobility and crests (just look at some characters’ backstories!). To boot, there’s enough implications that the church has been untruthful for, what, at least a century? And don’t get me started on Rhea because she seems entirely too eager to execute dissenters and erupts the moment she doesn’t like something. Edelgard’s enemy has skeletons in its closet, is implied to be problematic, or at least aren’t the literal heroes of the game. Her enemy is actually potentially wrong!
Two other things in Three Houses’ favor are balance and difficulty. Radiant Dawn’s normal difficulty is... schizophrenic (supposedly localization turned what was hard mode into what we know as normal mode), sometimes too easy, other times outright making me break my no-death rule out of sheer frustration, and further serves to make Part 3′s Daein chapters absolute nightmares because the Dawn Brigade has like no exp pool. Three Houses, again, may turn out to be too easy but I’d take that over whatever Radiant Dawn’s normal mode was. Also as alluded to, a fair few units especially among the new cast just aren’t good. In Three Houses, everyone is usable. Sometimes a few units are broken but at least you can use everyone!
So for short, Three Houses:
The most morally gray or whatever side has a point and their enemy has actual skeletons in their closet.
Normal difficulty is perhaps too easy, but at least the game is accessible. You know, unlike most of the franchise.
Balance is satisfactory. No one is really useless.
Has a proper support system.
Radiant Dawn:
If you played Path of Radiance, why the hell would you still side with Micaiah? Her enemy is not equally wrong. Not even close!
The normal difficulty is schizophrenic because it was in fact supposed to be hard mode. Also because Dawn Brigade has like no exp pool. Still accessible enough, but only just, and pales in comparison to PoR and basically every post-awakening game including Three Houses.
Several new units are as useless as they are underdeveloped.
Has a pathetic excuse for a support system that makes any new addition to the cast a pretty poor character because they have no real opportunity to actually have potential depth explored.
I wish I could change people’s minds but I know there’s always people I disagree with. That’s fine, despite some of my strong word choices. If I end up displaying some hypocritical snobbery of my own in the process of outlining my own thoughts, that’s my mistake and one I will own up to.
What I am not okay with is when people go like “they’re just generous“, “they must be men” or any derogatory variation thereof. Come on man, that’s not being a critic! Being a critic is outlining positives as well as the negatives, and not getting particularly hung up on any of them. It especially isn’t being a snob towards people who don’t see things the same way! They don’t deserve that treatment, much less over video games!
So I hope I have clearly outlined my thoughts here.
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NDV3 Boys confessing to their crush.
A new imagines blog! Can I request the NDV3 boys confessing to their crush? Thanks in advance.
I hope you like it dear!
-Mod Angie
Shuichi Saihara
This poor boy is really nervous.
What if you reject him? What if you ignore him afterward? What if he never sees you again?
So many things are going through his head.
He spent an entire day writing his confession for you, but he was still really insecure about it.
He finally decided it’s time for him to confess.
He went to your house and knocked on your door.
‘She probably isn’t even going to answer it...’ he thought.
But you opened it right away, smiling at the sight of your friend.
You asked him why he was holding a bouquet of flowers and a piece of paper, only for him to stutter.
His face was already as red as a tomato.
He looked at the paper in his hands and started to slowly read the confession out loud:
“S/o, y-you’re probably the best friend I’ve ever had, spending time with you always make me happy, staying by your side makes my heart beat faster, your presence calms me d-down during the worst moments, your eyes that are always filled with hope bring me joy every day. Even if there are high chances that you’ll reject me, I want to confess that I... I-l love you, I can’t imagine a world without you.”
His face is probably burning at this moment.
You smile to yourself, hearing the adorable confession made your heart flutter with joy.
It’s up to you your answer and true feelings.
Rantaro Amami
From all of the boys, he’s definitely the most chill about this.
He had asked his sisters before some advice on how to do a good confession.
Just keep it simple, just buy a flower for you, maybe some chocolate.
Everything is going to be a-okay.
That’s at least what he expects.
First of all, he invited you for a walk around the park, the weather was a little hot, but not too bad.
He bought some ice cream for you and him to keep you both cool during this quite sunny day.
Are you hungry? Let’s go get some snacks.
Are you thirsty? Let’s go get something to drink.
Are you tired? How about we lay down under that tree?
You had a really fun day!
Now you two are sitting on a bench, the sun is setting down as you both talk to each other.
It’s finally time for his confession.
He takes a deep breath and looks deep into your eyes.
“S/o, I’ve loved you since the day we met, your bright smile brings hope to me every day, your fun personality makes me happy, your beauty always makes me blush... I can’t really express my feelings in words, they are too big to be expressed through a simple confession, but hopefully, you’ll know that I love you more than anything else in the world.”
His cheeks were dusted with a light pink, one of his hands was behind his head.
You were flattered by his words, but... Do you love him too?
Kokichi Ouma
He acts like it isn’t a big deal.
But he has never been so nervous in his entire life.
He makes a plan to confess to you, and his organization’s members are going to help him.
He first asks you if you would like to hang out with him.
Then, he selects a place for you two to hang out at, which in this case is going to be an amusement park
He sets his entire organization to make everything go as perfectly as possible.
During the end of the day, he’s going to confess.
Nishishi! There’s no way this plan is going to fail!
Well, there’s only one way to find out!
When the day of the ‘date’ reaches, he’s feeling nervous.
Thankfully he’s able to pretend that he’s totally fine.
The day went as smoothly as he wanted it to go.
His organization’s members set up accidents so you two would get closer to each other, they randomly served you popcorn and cotton candy and even got a way to let you into a ride for free.
Everything was perfect so far!
But the hard time has come.
He has to confess his feelings for you.
“Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”
Wait... What?
“Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears! “
Is this..?
“If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber!”
“Ouma, what are you-”
“Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.”
“Is this some sort of joke?”
“No, it’s a confession! Nishishi!”
“You aren’t lying, right?”
“Nope! It’s totally true!”
He looks happy and bubbly on the outside, but he’s dying on the inside.
You don’t know if you should laugh, blush or cringe, but you must answer one thing: do you love him the way he loves you?
Gonta Gokuhara
What should he do?
W h a t  s h o u l d  a  g e n t l e m a n  d o ?
He’s clueless about how to confess to you.
Should he write something? Should he give you a little bug? Should he just directly tell you?
He needs help, he really needs help.
He asks Kaede for advice. She tells him to come up with something on his own.
This doesn’t help him too much.
Since Kaede told him to come up with something on his own, maybe he should write a poem!
He grabs a pencil and a paper, already imagining what he will write for you.
He wants to tell you how beautiful you look, how amazing you are, so why not make a poem about all of this?
He starts it, not thinking it would be too hard.
But it takes him hours to come up with the perfect words to describe what he thinks about you.
There’s also the problem that his writing isn’t the best, you can barely understand what he writes...
But he’s going to persist and do it!
The poem ended up not so bad, it was okay actually!
He needs to show it to you right now!
He takes a little monarch butterfly with him, inside a bag, it’s an addition to the poem!
He asks you to go to the forest with him, and you accept.
You find it a little weird for him to be carrying a big bag around but doesn’t question it.
When you two are deep enough into the forest, he says there’s something he wants to tell you.
He takes a butterfly container out of the bag and asks you to hold it.
He also takes the paper with the poem out of the bag and starts to recite it for you.
“S/o is as beautiful as a monarch butterfly, Monarch butterflies make Gonta happy, S/o is as cute as a monarch butterfly, And Gonta likes monarch butterfly’s cuteness! Gonta loves S/o, even more than he loves monarch butterfly! So does S/o love Gonta too?”
You have never heard something so cute and innocent like this in your entire life.
He stares at you with a smile and hopeful eyes.
But... Do you love him too?
Kaito Momota
This guy right here.
If you think that he’s going to plan a confession, bring you flowers and prepare a beautiful dinner.
Well, I think you’ll be a little disappointed.
He’s anxious, of course, but he doesn’t have anything planned.
He just randomly decides that he’s going to confess, RANDOMLY.
He just calls you and asks you to come over, SIMPLY OUT OF NOWHERE.
He prepares a few snacks for you two and has the idea of you two watching a movie together.
But that’s all he has planned.
He planned it at the moment you ringed his houses' doorbell.
He opens the door and greets you, he tells you that you’re going to watch a romantic comedy.
You didn’t know he that likes romantic comedies, but you decide to not question it.
You two ate popcorn, drank soda, cringed and laughed during the entire movie.
There were the cheesy scenes that made you feel slightly uncomfortable, but that’s okay!
After the movie ended, he decided to confess to you.
He asked you to look at his eyes, straight into his eyes.
He finally opens his mouth to speak.
“S/o, I’m not really that good with confessions, but I think you’ll get the idea! I love you more than anyone in this universe! You’re my star! You’re the girl I’ve dreamed during my entire life! Actually, not my entire life, but since I met you. You’re the most amazing and awesome person in this entire galaxy! Do you love me too?”
What the-
You weren’t expecting this.
He said such sweet words... He’s truly an amazing person!
But... How should you answer this?
This one is really anxious about it.
He did a research on feelings like love and the chances of being rejected or accepted.
The poor boy didn’t understand most of it.
He asked Miu for help. It definitely wasn’t a good idea.
So, he decided he needs to come up with a nice confession.
He spent 1 hour thinking about the right words to use in every single sentence of the confession and memorized it.
While he was still getting prepared, he got a phone call from you asking him if you can come over to his house.
Oh no.
He told you that you can come over.
But was it the right thing to do now?
He isn’t prepared for this, he’s panicking.
He managed to calm down a little... Only for him to hear the doorbell ringing.
He rushed to the door and opened it, he’s almost over-heating.
You greeted him with a smile, but you frowned at the moment you saw his red face. What happened?
You asked him if there was something wrong, only for him to panic even more.
In an act of even more panic, he blurted out his confession.
“S-S/o, I really really like you! You make me feel human emotions that I never thought I would ever feel. Love isn’t something that I understand very well, but I can assure you that I have feelings for you! Seeing your face makes my heart flutter, watching you laugh gives me weird butterflies in my stomach, I can barely understand these feeling! So please, answer truthfully, do you love me too?”
You take a few seconds to process everything. Kiibo loves? How is that possible?
But the most important thing is: do you love him too?
Ryoma Hoshi
He really didn’t want to confess to you since he’s already expecting rejection.
But keeping these feeling to himself is making his situation even worse than it already is.
He needs to do something about it.
He plans to confess to you the next day, he knows you’ll reject him anyway, so why plan something complicated? Why not just go up to you and tell you that he loves you?
Maybe if he confesses, you’ll distance yourself from him, maybe this way it won’t be so hurtful to you when his end comes.
The next day, he asks you to come over to his house, he has something really important to tell you.
He hangs up before you can say anything.
Getting to his front door, you ring the doorbell and wait for him to answer the door.
He opens it right away, with a depressed look on his face.
He asks you to sit with him on the sofa.
You’re confused, what is it that can be so important?
And then, out of nowhere.
“S/o, I love you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I love you, I really love you.”
So... Ryoma loves you...
You weren’t expecting this... You definitely weren’t expecting this.
You wonder how much time he has loved you, maybe days, months, or even years.
Do you... Love him too?
Korekiyo Shinguuji
You probably are the most beautiful exemplar of humanity he has ever seen.
He loves you deeply, he loves you more than anyone else in this world!
He can’t keep these feelings to himself, he has to confess to you as soon as possible.
He planned to confess to you during nighttime, under the light of the moon.
He bought a bouquet of lilies for you, a type flower that he loves.
They’re just as beautiful as you.
He invites you to his house, smiling to himself while talking to you through his phone.
You take no time to get to his house.
When he hears the doorbell ringing, he answers the door as fast as possible.
You look beautiful as aways.
He invites you to have a cup of tea with him, and you accept with no hesitation.
You two sat down on the sofa, Korekiyo offered you a cup of tea.
He takes off his mask to drink the tea while looking at you mesmerizing face.
When you two finish the, he takes you outside.
it’s time for him to confess.
He takes your hands and starts to confess.
“I have never seen such a beautiful human being before in my entire life, your beauty is almost the same as of millions of other human beings, you bring joy and creativity to me every time I see your beautiful face. I could say hundreds of words to describe how wonderful you are, but I don’t have the time. I love you, I love you a lot dear S/o, do you love me too?”
You were speechless, no one has ever said stuff about you like that.
He loves you a lot, and that’s something that you appreciate, but...
Do you love him as much as he loves you?
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gascon-en-exil · 6 years
I Liked Fates Before It Was Cool!: Birthright Part 1
Opening Chapters
Chapters 6-11, in which Hoshido’s military is extremely disorganized and only regroups because the mere idea of Ryoma is just that awesome.
Chapter 6
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Not much to say here. Corrin tells Xander they’re siding with Hoshido against Garon and implores him to do the same, Xander accuses them of being brainwashed and, after repeated refusals, tries to kill Corrin. Following this is a chapter that will probably be finished during the first enemy phase unless Ryoma gets really unlucky. I suppose it makes sense that this is the shortest of the three versions of Chapter 6 as Corrin went to the border already with the Hoshidans. While it’s kind of neat that all the Hoshidan royals are playable on this map as a bit of a preview, note that this is the fourth of just seven chapters in which Ryoma has appeared as a unit prior to his formal recruitment. We get it already, the guy’s an OP powerhouse and a clear favorite of the writers.
This is also where I should probably bring up My Castle, but I don’t have much to say here as it was never a feature I particularly enjoyed. Other FEs have addressed the concept of a base for your army integrated into gameplay far better than this. Genealogy and the Tellius games and others may not let you perv on your units taking a bath or disgust them with your horrendous cooking, but what does that really add to the experience? I know, I know, a bunch of small and scattered stat boosts....
Chapter 7
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Oh, silly banter in the middle of an attack while surrounded by wounded and dying soldiers. Never change, FE. But seriously, even if he’s just Cordelia with a dick whose semen produces more Cordelias let’s take the time to appreciate that Subaki is the series’s first playable male pegasus knight. Fates’s take on classes is actually very egalitarian, a fact that often gets lost in its sea of fanservice and subtle story-enforced misogyny and everything about <insert character whose gender/sexuality-related presentation offends you most>. Moving on.
I’m still not entirely clear what happens to the Hoshidan army between this chapter and the preceding one. They really appear to just break ranks and scatter: Corrin and co. go fool around in the astral plane with Lilith, Ryoma and Takumi lead some of their forces toward Izumo (why?), no one cares about Hinoka, and Sakura retreats here to Fort Jinya to tend to the wounded at a makeshift military hospital. It makes sense that the Hoshidan army wouldn’t have the strictest organization thanks to their years of protection under Mikoto’s barrier, but the problem is the game never tells us that and we’re left to infer these things based on the events of the next few chapters.
The Nohrians meanwhile are still on the offensive, but they screwed up by sending Silas’s unit to attack the fort. Silas has an unhealthy attachment to Corrin that frankly rivals Camilla’s, and his abrupt defection here because he wants to hang out with his partially amnesiac BFF undoubtedly bodes ill for anyone associated with him when news of it reaches Nohr. I guess it’s cute in my case that Silas’s obsession with Corrin knows no gender, but the guy probably steals underwear to sniff. Saizo is entirely justified in being suspicious of him.
Paralogue 1
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Oh yeah, I forgot all about this chapter. Mozu’s just not as memorably meme-worthy as Donnel, and recruiting her is less frustrating since you’re not forced to make her poke things in her joining chapter. It does make the Faceless seem like more of a threat to Hoshido, although as a consequence playing through this paralogue in Conquest always feels a little weird. This plus the first Castle Invasion were mostly for EXP and support farming. For anyone wondering, I’m going to be keeping most of my characters in their default class sets since I don’t feel like grinding skills or anything elaborate like that. Also, I’m playing on Normal, so I’ve got a lot of latitude in how I play which is how I prefer FE anyway.
Chapter 8
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Hinoka sums up my feelings on her and her retainers. Azama’s got some amusing lines and if I knew more about Buddhism his...interesting take on philosophy would probably be even funnier, but that’s about it. And yeah, Hinoka really just does pop onto the scene with no explanation except that she’s also trailing her brothers and I guess everyone really did forget about her. Sucks to be a late development addition.
Iago tosses the conflict ball to ensure the party’s trip to the Wind Tribe village is a rough one, though since Fuga was set on testing Corrin’s worth by sending a bunch of his tribesmen to get slaughtered by their army anyway I wonder why he even bothered. This is a rare case of a desert map that isn’t a frustrating pain in the ass, because it’s small and there are Dragon Veins to reduce the amount of sand. I also like how even on the lowest difficulty of the easiest route the game is already throwing a boss at you with some annoying skills. Fuga’s motivations may be silly, but at least he leaves us with the memory of a good chapter, some cryptic foreshadowing for the Yato, and a shota wind mage who unfortunately continues in the tradition of Ricken stepping away from their archetypical dynamic after Tellius made it just a little too close to explicitly gay.
Chapter 9
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Izana, huh...Izana is...
Let’s talk about Zola!
Zola is one of the rare Fates villains who isn’t (always) exactly what he looks like. On first glance he’s just a typical simpering syncophant with a fitting talent for illusions, but he actually comes with a bit of a character arc in Birthright which I have to say I wasn’t expecting. It was almost as unexpected as Leo’s unexplained appearance at the end of this chapter to kick off said arc by leaving Zola exiled. One big problem I have with Fates is how characters have a tendency to teleport around off-screen as the plot demands it, distance between locations or basic geography be damned, but it’s marginally more forgivable here since Leo is shown later in this route to know how to perform literal teleportation.
I believe this is also one of the only times in Birthright where Hinoka gets to do something that affects the plot, so good on her for acting suspicious of fake!Izana. She’ll go right back to being overshadowed by her brothers - including being overshadowed at being overshadowed - soon enough.
Izumo’s role as the designated neutral nation is delved into more thoroughly in Conquest, weirdly enough. Here Corrin and co. get left only with a vague directive to head toward the Bottomless Canyon and some of Azura’s song lyrics. That’s kind of a good thing, because I’ve got nothing on Izana now. I get that he’s an amusing surprise the first time around, but...who wrote him like that?
Chapter 10
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Allow me to divert for a moment from the Takumi angst to pick some very large nits with the geography of this game. In the previous chapter Corrin learned that Ryoma and Takumi had been pushed to the Bottomless Canyon, which is nowhere near their location - but hold onto that thought. The canyon is clearly northwest of Izumo, yet the party goes south to Mokushu allegedly in an effort to reach them there. Fates has a bad time in general with giving a good impression of where its events are taking place, partly because the scale of the map is odd and not helped by it being a topographic rather than a political map like in every other FE, partly because there are times like this where the information presented appears to be simply wrong. What’s worse, the major plot development surrounding Takumi’s possession in Birthright does not, at least so far as I recall, necessitate that he have been possessed by Anankos or anyone else connected to the Bottomless Canyon. I’ll certainly be revisiting this when the time comes.
But...whatever. In spite of everyone getting lost except Ryoma (because of course) this is actually a good chapter, with a cramped map filled with environmental hazards to add challenge. The treachery of Mokushu spans all three routes and is one of those set pieces that benefits from development in each of them. Kotaro’s connection to the, er, Christmas ninjas (and elsewhere, Shura) isn’t developed here unless you choose to have them engage him in combat, but that just saves stuff for the other routes. 
Chapter 11
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Pictured: easily one of the most forgettable playable characters in this game. It’s a shame too, because she’s the only default kinshi knight and her bits of dialogue and few supports offer hints of an interesting backstory that would speak to gender roles in Hoshido. Alas, she’s merely a Corrinsexual.
This chapter itself is filler, but mechanically it’s good filler. Your new OP archer royal gets plenty of targets for his bow, there are some promoted generics to spice things up, and the Dragon Veins can either help or hinder you depending on how you use them. I don’t care for the antagonist fake-out between the opening and closing cutscenes and the chapter proper - where did possessed!Sumeragi the mysterious swordsman go while you were fighting the fliers? - but that’s a minor quibble. Corrin already beat that guy.
A larger problem is with Takumi’s development, or rather lack thereof. As I said last time the events of the opening chapters explain his initial hostility to Corrin (and Azura) quite well, and Mikoto’s death only reinforces that feeling. Why then does that hostility vanish so quickly in Birthright? Just one chapter after recruitment and he’s already turned his characteristic prickliness onto Zola instead, and I don’t recall it appearing much again except in the context of possession. It’s only the route the ends with Takumi as the final boss that allows him space for his feelings to develop organically (albeit in a negative direction), possibly because Conquest is the only one in which he’s not beholden to love Corrin like all playable characters in Avatar-centered games.
Next time: Birthright Chapter 12 - 18
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firesofdainix · 6 years
I Learn to Live Half-Alive
the former ultimate tennis pro grieves his existence.
He has little knowledge over his past. He simply forgot about it. But what he never forgets was Danganronpa.
He can feel the water seeping at his nose, slowly drowning him. With his natural instinct to fight, he tries, and fails, to get out of the sink. He can hear his handcuffs scratching the sink. Why is he fighting? Didn't he just say he had no more reason to live anymore? Is it his natural instincts? Is it because the water is killing him, suffocating him, drowning him? He can feels someone's hands on him, drowning him. Killing him. Just like he once did to the mafia employee he had killed years ago. Was this karma, because of what he did? Why did the killer target them? Because they're weak, small, and already dead inside? Is that why he was here, sulking about why he didn't have someone in his cubs pad? Why no one was in his supposed motive video. He really doesn't belong here.
He starts to fade from this world he says he hates so much. Is he going to heaven? Or to hell? Maybe the latter. He doesn't belong in heaven. He's just a murderer, that's all. He finally closes his eyes, and his struggling for freedom finally dies. He wonders how hell will punish him for his sins. No, this hell is going to make him suffer for his misdeeds in the real life he has.
He wakes up in a dark, empty, tight space, where he can only move in limited moves. His eyes widen to the venue he's in right now. He hates dark spaces. He hates being locked in a small space. But he keeps calm, even though he's noisy, pounding heartbeat says otherwise. This is... the real world, right? His memories are a bit fuzzy, like, he can't remember what happened the past few days. Though he can remember some details, like him never being in prison, for one. Huh. Never being in prison. That's new. He waits for a few minutes, until the hatch to his so called pod opens. A man with a shirt labelled 'Team Danganronpa Staff' reads.
Danganronpa. Ryoma tries to remember the memory to where he had heard such a name before. Then it clicks. Oh yeah. Yeah. Huh. Danganronpa's the world he had emerged in? The one where they kill teenagers, right? It's a show, right? A high rated show, right? Who would want to watch teenagers murder each other? Then he remembers the many times he has watched the show with his friends. Oh yeah. He's a psychopath too, huh? Watching the people try killing their comrades, then get executed themselves? How inappropriate for younger audiences. And... that's all Ryoma remembers, in actuality.
"Hey, what's the deal with me not remembering anything?", Ryoma asks the staff who helps him up.
"Oh, it's probably because of our new policy", the staff replies.
"What's the policy?" Ryoma could barely talk more than a low whisper, and now they're asking him to stand?
"No breaks while filming. The fans want none stop Danganronpa this year."
"I...see?" Fucking morons. He tries to stand, but then remembers his death. His short legs quiver, and he falls back into the pod. The staff notices this.
"Do you want me to carry you, Mr. Hoshi?", he asks in a polite manner, bowing to him.
Ryoma absolutely hates being carried by others. He hates his short stature, he hates how everyone looks down at him. Maybe that's why he had joined Danganronpa? To tell everyone that he's not a harmless fucking midget, but can be called a murderer as well? He shrugs that thought away. He doesn't remember anything, and he doesn't bother. Maybe not remembering might give him a new life and new identity. And, since he can't walk that well, he just nods to the staff to carry him.
"Dinner will be served shortly", the staff announces as he puts him down on a chair. Ryoma looks around. Looks like a dining hall.
"Sure", Ryoma says. To be honest, he's not that hungry after his death, but he feels so skinny.
"That is a good sign that you want to eat", the staff sighs. "Because you have been stuck there for a week and a half."
Ryoma feels himself sicken after what he said. He was in that... whatever you call it for a week and a half? Why? How long is each episode? Why are they making them do this? Why did they not let them eat, sleep, nor drink in real life? The fans? The ratings? Money? It angers him that he's only been eating virtual food. Ryoma sighs, then looks around. This dining hall seems decent enough. Some people start to enter, and catches him by the eye, then talks to each other.
"The writers are truly pulling it off", one says, sitting on a chair.
"I agree", another says.
Ryoma listens in to their conversation.
"I want to see how they solve the mystery", the first says.
"Adachi, it was horrible, how he had died", the second says, looking at Ryoma with malice hidden in his eyes.
"Eaten by piranhas, what a bad way to go...", the guy, Adachi, says.
Eaten, huh? How long was Ryoma stuck in that pod before he pulls to consciousness. He knows he had been drowned in a sink, in his fictional research lab, but when were piranhas ever involved in his murder case. Unless... He smirks. Oh, Tojo, you've done it again. Talking to Tojo, then letting her kill him... she must already have a plan, since she can't have prepared the murder at nighttime. Punishable.
"I can't wait until tomorrow", Adachi says. "Too bad they only do reruns at nighttime. You know, after nine?"
"But the poor teenagers have to way until their demise", the other says. "But anyway, I can't wait 'til tomorrow for the trial!"
Ryoma stays silent during the whole encounter, and more and more people start to flood in the dining hall, all talking about the death. They do acknowledge Ryoma's presence, but being the insensitive piece of shits that they are, they sit near him, letting him hear what they were saying about his death. Then he feels someone tap his shoulder. He looks up and sees a familiar face, someone he has known in the killing game and his faded memories.
"Amami", Ryoma says. "Weren't you supposed to be dead like, last week?"
Amami chuckles. "Oh, yeah, yeah, but my fucking parents haven't arrived yet."
Ryoma shrugs. "Shame."
"Shame indeed."
From what he can gather from his old memories, Rantaro Amami, the Ultimate Adventurer, one of the survivors of 52, is a legend. He became quite famous when he was just a young child. He doesn't know the details though, but still, he's a legend in Danganronpa. But in Danganronpa 53, he doesn't seem to have that paranoia or fear in 52. All he has was a laidback, mature attitude. Oh, and add being mysterious there.
"Long time no see", Ryoma says.
"I left after a week", Amami replies. He was so careful at not using die in his sentence. "So, how's it holdin'?"
"I don't remember anything, outside from Danganronpa", Ryoma says. "All I fucking remember is my fabricated memories, some shit about Danganronpa, and that's it."
"Lucky you", Amami says, sugarcoating the words.
The cooks are now filing out of the kitchen, giving them all sorts of food. Amami seems to be the first one to dig in, since the others were just talking, not noticing that there was food on the table. Ryoma takes some sushi and rice balls, and starts to eat. He didn't know he was this hungry as he bites to one of the sushi rolls. He looks at Amami's plate. His plate looks like French cuisine, but he doesn't know what kinds of food it is. He notices that Amami takes small bites of his food.
"How's your week in here?", Ryoma asks as he dines.
"Shit", Amami replies casually. "I've been forced to watch the show."
"They're fucking cruel." But, how cruel was he in this life? He was a murderer in Danganronpa, was he cruel in this one too?
"So, how's your first bite of real food?"
Ryoma savors his food's taste, so he doesn't respond until he swallows a portion of his food.
"Yes, so delicious."
"So, Amami, how did you feel about my death?" Ryoma is curious about how everyone would react to his death.
"Sad", Amami says with a decisive look. "Wasted potential. Infuriating. You know, the works."
"Why do I feel like you're just making an opinion up?"
"I actually don't have an opinion on who dies, to be honest."
"What? Why?"
Amami smiles yet again, but somehow, this was unnerving. "Because, you are all good people, and I shouldn't be biased."
"How... unique." Ryoma finishes his food and sits there, just doing casual talk with Amami.
"I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't I?", Amami sighs, looking and sounding exhausted.
"Huh. Maybe."
"Oh, it's probably because of my mood swings. Whenever I'm not in the mood I go around making people uncomfortable." Amami scratches his head. Ryoma sees scars on his arm, all new. He's cutting himself now? Is that why he wears long sleeved clothes?
"Oh? Have Borderline Personality Disorder?"
Amami shakes her head. "No. The only stuff I think I might have are Depression and PTSD. That's... probably it?"
"You should go talk to a real therapist", Ryoma suggests.
"I have a therapist", Amami says. "and that's me."
"Self therapy?"
"Isn't that... illegal?"
"If you don't know what mental illnesses are."
"...Fair point."
Ryoma was sent to a bedroom, since his parents are not here yet. Letting him sleep in the place where he kinda died, are they... giving him more trauma or something? Though his past self did get asked for this, got asked to be in the killing game. But why bother changing him? Did they change who he is so he can be accepted by the viewers? To be sympathized with? Because he honestly can't remember who he was before. Was he an asshole? An obsessive fan of Danganronpa? A delinquent? Or was he always like this? Mature, untrusting, suicidal, depressive? Did he go to prison? Or did he live a normal life. The staff says that his memories about his life will return to him in a week or so. So he's stuck with non-existent memories and a bunch of fuzzy ones. Whenever he tries to remember something breaking his memory barrier, his head aches. So he avoids thinking about memories at all.
There was a knock on the door. Ryoma looks at the conveniently placed clock right above his bed. It was a little after ten. So, who could it be? He opens the door to see Amami in front of the door, with a small smile and his hands behind the back.
"...What are you doing here?"
"I just want to give you a little something", Amami says. Then Amami gives him a small pocketknife he was hiding behind his back.
"What do I need this for?", Ryoma asks.
"Oh, nothing", Amami says, still smiling. "But hey, if you're down and sad, why don't you cut yourself to make you feel better?"
Ryoma looks at him with a blank expression, and takes the pocketknife from him. "Thanks... but are you feeling alright?"
Amami seems to go back to normal after that. "Oh... gave you the goosebumps again, huh? Sorry."
"S'all right. Now I'm starting to think you have BPD or something."
"I don't." Amami scowls, then sighs. "I don't know who I am anymore."
"Me too. Looks like we still got long ways to go."
"Will you ever use that?", Amami asks.
Ryoma shrugs. "It depends if I'm not that depressed or a sad sack of shit."
"You were always sad in the game, though."
"Well, I'm going to turn my life around."
Amami scoffs. "Well, good luck with that."
And he walks away, and Ryoma closes the door, looking at the pocketknife he was given. Was he really going to use this? To inflict pain on himself, to see himself flinch in pain, then finally becoming numb to it all. He shrugs. Maybe he's going to use it in the near future.
Just... not today.
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twinsky · 6 years
Ah sorry for being vague!! um well I'm pretty big on any ship involving Ouma like Oumasai, Oumami, and Oumota, or any kind of friendship! do you have any headcanons about Ouma interacting with anyone?? Or how they would interact? is this okay?
it’s fine! i’m jsut really bad with vague questions haha
hmm, okay i’ll try to do one for each character for you ! except shuichi my fic is enough of their interaction i think lmao (these can be in either canon or hpa au)
under a cut because this is long
Tenko: ultimate wlw/mlm solidarity, tenko does not like ouma in the least but during pride month they band together for ultimate chaos, everyone fears this. Ouma likes to tease tenko, it’s really easy when your very existence sets her off, he loves it. Tenko can and will throw him at any oppurtunity
Rantaro: one of few people who genuinely enjoys spending time with him. Borne of the patience only one with as many siblings as him can have, he’s quite talented at calming ouma down. That said, he is also easily roped into doing w/e ouma wants simply because rantaro enjoys the adventure of it. Ouma visits his room frequently and they have nice talks.
Kaede: unstoppable force vs immovable object. Kaede’s unstoppable desire to have everyone be friends fights with Ouma’s desire to not get close to absolutely anybody until they are somehow level 10 backstory close. Actually rather close despite how it looks to others, tease each other frequently, though Kaede is quick to shut down mean spirited teasing both from and towards Ouma from anybody. Ouma respects her absolute drive to achieve her goals but he’ll never say that outloud.
Kiibo: People like Kaito are convinced at first that their interactions are just Ouma bullying him but Kiibo actually one) doesn’t really take offense, and two) can tease Ouma right back. Ouma’s personal feelings towards Kiibo are currently on hold, Kiibo is shockingly more human-like than he expected, and that’s interesting (in canon kiibo’s existence is sketchy given the situation, in an hpa au I think he’d lean towards a more positive opinion of him -still won’t stop him from being robophobic tho)
Miu: indescribable. Almost everything they say to each other is insulting and they don’t seem to get along at all but yet??? they hang out a lot???? no one understands. everyone fears them actually getting along because they would be too powerful together
Kaito: Even easier to tease then Kiibo, Kaito almost seems to take personal offense to Ouma’s lack of desire to be an even semi-nice and co-operable person. Ouma in turn is even more annoying around him just to piss him off some more. Given time and an actual attempt to get to know each other they’d find common ground in a desire to help others but until then Kaito’s gonna keep trying to get Ouma in line and Ouma’s gonna keep laughing at every single attempt
Maki: controversial opinion perhaps, but I think Ouma and Maki could be great friends. It’s not gonna happen any time soon since they both absolutely hate everything the other stands for but... idk.... definitely not a chance in canon though but if they were fear the wrath you bing upon yourself if you hurt anyone they mutually care about -actually, that just happens anyways and it’s one of the few times they work perfectly together.
Gonta: Out of everyone Gonta is easily the most gullible and trusting, Ouma doesn’t really... like that. Ouma will use that to have fun and tease, sometimes even a bit on the more cruel side, but anyone to actually abuse of that nature would find themselves :)) you know. In a way Ouma kind of admires Gonta’s personality, and in other ways absolutely can’t stand it. All of this said? Gonta giving Ouma piggyback ride? valid and so very canon.
Himiko: really good friends! They take naps together and sometimes, much to Tenko’s dismay, Ouma is her assisstant in her magic shows. Idk, I’m very fond of the idea of them being chill with each other
Ryoma: friendly enough towards each other. Ryoma’s spent a lot of time with less than savoury people, he might not understand Ouma’s deal but he knows a liar and a facade when he sees it. Being such, he’s quite casual around Ouma no matter what he says he does around him. “You know hoshi-chan if you keep walking to class with me one of my hundreds of enemy might jsut kidnap you and take you out” “yeah. sure. wish they would Ouma”. Sometimes it kinda bothers Ouma how Ryoma is like, virtually unteaseable in this sense but it just makes him try harder. Bond very much over cat videos (Gonta is always invited to these sessions)
Kirumi: is relatively indifferent to everything about Ouma, and takes Ouma’s jabs with practiced ease. Don’t have a lot of thoughts on these two actually.
Shinguji: Fascinated by Ouma, high on his list of classmates he stalks (featured: angie, tenko, ouma, maki, amami). Ouma likes to bug him with stupid questions which either end up with him receiving a lecture (bad end) or a chase (good end). No creepy sister thing, just. no. Ouma doesn’t really have a positive opinion of him but it’s fine.
Angie: art!!! buddies!!!! Argue often over the existence of god, when they agree to do something it instills fear in everyone. Either at each others throats or best friends. absolute no in between. Have threatened death upon each toher on multiple occasions 
Tsumugi: would absolutely never be friends in canon. in any other au probably weeb friends together. They meet up every saturday and watch anime together probably. Both of them and angie probably have a cosplay group (they like pretending to not be themselves if only for awhile)
a lot of fics have like... everyone hate ouma.... I’m not gonna lie even the positive relationships in this are undertoned with like. Ouma you lying piece of shit. We don’t know what you’ve done but once we find out you will pay. But.... give Ouma friends... pls...........
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nanashi1869 · 6 years
🌼Flowers for my wounds🌸
(@kondo-hijikata @liuet in case you feel like reading it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
~Yes, woo what a surprise, a long rant about the Shinsengumi again, how original Nashi. ~
Why thank you, dear reader ;) In all seriousness though, all the previous rants I made were spoiler free and it made me ridiculously furious that I held back all the salt and awe I have in me just for the sake of not spoiling any potential newcomers. I’ve covered some of this in vague posts hundreds of times, but today I will break that habit, I will spoil this to hell and back and enjoy it just as much.  
You've been warned.
PS: I’m doing this entirely based on my memory and some snippets I’ve seen one time too many for my own good. Inaccuracies are bound to happen. 
As always, what better way to begin than with the infamous episode 33...
I'm kidding, today I'm starting by digging into the post office. As with the usual routine the theme to talk about with this wreck is - guilt. Guilt over losing money in a gamble like a complete fool, guilt over buying a book and being too big of a shit (with rather solid arguments) to admit it, guilt over making rules you can't break even though going through the consequences once was enough to make you regret it for the next few miserable years... (Yes I lied, inadvertently everything comes back to the foolish daffodils). But let's talk about our pure accountant who is one 'i' short of being nothing but cute. Let's talk about the edge they put us on a bit before the main event took place, when the (drama version) of the idiot trio tore that scroll. Never forget that could have been the reason for all our tears, yet in the end it still had to be some more complex scheme. An act with the convict being an innocent man and the true criminal roaming free, while Toshi had all the time in the world to steep in deep, raging self-denial over the legitimacy of his past actions and life choices, all the while ending up the scapegoat to whom all the anger can be directed towards. The subtlety with which we were deceived to think the "actual events" of episode 38 were to play out earlier is truly commendable. But with this drama nothing is ever easy. You get to know a new character, someone moves a chess piece and then instead of moving forward everything takes a step back and lets you seethe with nervousness because, without realizing, you've been tricked and have to wait for all the heartbreak a while longer. Takeda's resolve to keep to his decision, regardless of consequences, was in his eyes, completely justified. It did make sense to try and prevent Kano from buying the book for Ito in order to protect the group from his growing power, the action simply failed due to Toshi's own greed after it. Kawai innocently, perhaps naively, thought lending money more than once would not be punished in hopes his friends would be saved from harm. It is his kindnesses that is ultimately his doom and it is the unexpected, usually harmless twists in life that turn it into a spiral with no point of return. Takeda's following quest for redemption ends up being just as pointless as Kawai’s death - he is killed in an instant of hate directed at him, where the assailants are unaware of his reasoning for the justification of his friend's demise. The book too, loses value as Ito gets his own copy later on.
Most, if not all, tragedies in this drama happen because someone is trying to protect or shield - and idea, a person. Toshi's friends die because he must protect the order of the group for Kat-chan, Yamanami and Akesato have a rift in their final moments because they cannot be honest (likewise Souji and Hide), Kat-chan's relationship with Tsune suffers because he lies about Miyuki, Nagakura and the others write the petition to shield the group from Toshi and Kat-chan's (propensity) ego. The pattern is pretty clear.
I'm going to loop back to the script for just a second - watching this drama knowing what will happens adds a thrill, it makes you question when an event will take place even though you know the chronological sequence, because the “mini-arc” leading up to it has to be completed first and the tension must be just right. How long that is depends on the episode and event of course. But each arc is a stepping stone to a new point of no return.
I think, since I've mentioned him, I'll take a bit to talk about Ito as well. I love, love, love the confrontation Kondo and Ito have right before his death. It's absolutely stunning despite being simplistic in nature, because what Kondo states is in fact the very obvious truth and in no way some overly wise notion of the situation. However, it's that simplicity (to me) that adds to the charm of the scene. If you expected some courageous battle of wits, you might have been sourly disappointment, but otherwise - see the pattern? - what brings people to their knees is once again the basic things in life. Kondo’s sincerity, the fact that life is and always will be (mostly) separated into black and white for them. Farmers and samurai, poor and rich - they fit in a narrow grey zone, yet even there they are bullied, pushed away to leave. It's everything complex they're trying to achieve being haunted by little things. It's the desire and determination to be something big and more buried into the ground by the small things they were raised with, holding them back.
Ah, it’s about time this goo got to the good part.
No, it’s still not episode 33. Firstly because I’m sure everyone is tired of my whining about it and secondly because I like to leave best (in my opinion) for last.
This is for our Gargoyle and Tofu. Just imagine, for a second imagine that final hug again and bathe in it, then come back to me, okay? The wedding rings champagne caps and Toshi’s little grimace when he tries to convince himself ‘it’s not over yet’. (At this point I would just like to praise Mitani again for giving us closure with that hug, unlike some other shows I watch *side eyes knife pile*). I’m really glad the two of them got to hug it out before the whole deal blew up. Everytime a ‘Kat-channn’ or ‘Tossshii’ came around my heart melted a bit. THE DYNAMIC IS SO GOOD. (I get so, so jealous each time I see well written relationships between two guys. Doesn’t matter if it’s boyfriends/best friends/would-die-for-you combined or only one of these included. (*cough* NIF & Bleach for one *cough*) I don’t even know what to say! We all know Toshi would sacrifice the world for Kat-chan. We all know Kat-chan trusts him above all else. The guilt one feels and the content of the other having come so far together and being such a power combo…*noises*
I don’t even know how to put this.... (@kondo-hijikata help this is your expertise)
I’m going to move on to some more feathery stuff because I’m really at a loss about these two (analysing NIF’s LC/MCS has engraved so deep into me it’s ruined my perception for everyone else, I apologize).
Right, feathers…
I wrote about Serizawa and his issue of not being able to get over his “I’m a bad guy, therefore I must act like it” complex...somewhere before. I can’t find it, but I’m very sure that was once a thing. I know most people hate the man with a burning passion and part of me probably does too, yet the way he is presented also makes him fascinating, like he is very self-aware but cannot change anything about that (this is similar to Toshi’s “indifference” (we all know he actually cares) of his path to become the villain - he knows that what he is doing is morally wrong and has no intention of stopping). I feel like in the end both of them continued with “bad guy” roles simply because they were too far down that road to stop.
I would analyse Serizawa’s character more, but I honestly don’t remember much anymore. I did want to mention this though.  Toshi on the other hand…feels like someone who desperately wishes to rage quit everything, but keeps on going out of pure spite.
And since I’m speaking of our beloved vice-commander - one thing that opisses me off is that Kotetsu got mentioned, but the whole wow deal with Kanesada got dropped out, even in the movie. *cue bawling over that Katsugeki finale* I was hoping for that when Tetsu showed up dammit!
Am I tiring you yet? Come, sit down, have some tea Gen-san made because he is totally ok and alive an happy and you cannot convince me otherwise because the hugging thing did not happen. Period.
Lastly, because my mind is going blank this is quite long - the bane of my existence and the one thing (to me) more cursed than Ryoma himself. (I’m lying PMK upped this x100000 and I am not over that either. I’ll confess immediately I did not read the whole thing yet but this, this haunts me).
This stupid episode with it’s stupid ending and it’s stupid decisions. *insert me yelling about rice balls on the Mibugishiden review post* I mean what is it with this drama and ending brutally sad episodes with (unintentionally?) funny moments? *cue Toshi’s squeaky crying* I have covered my thoughts about Akesato here and here though and since that essentially recaps everything I want to say, I won’t repeat myself. (Thought you’d have to read through 5 more pages of me screaming? I did too before I forgot what I wanted to say.)
I might make a part 2 someday, if I think of more to say, but for now, I’m done, leaving you with this stressful mess. Feel free to add your own opinions, I’m really curious about what the rest of you think.
~Nashi out~
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NDRV3 Boys and Online Friend/SO who goes missing and then shows up after a month because they tried to commit suicide
Gonta Gokuhara
Though it was hard for Gonta to work computer, computer helped Gonta make friends!
Friends who liked bugs too!
That is how he met you!
You love bugs like he does!
He has much fun talking to you through computer box
And even makes plans to meet you in real life
But then you don't speak to Gonta for a really long time
Gonta gets so worried that he sends you messages constantly
He thinks about you everyday that your not online
So one day when he sees that you replied he is so relieved that he starts crying
He immediately questions
Where were you? Why didn't you talked to Gonta?
Your icon was flashing for a few seconds to show that you were typing
And you wrote five simple words
“I tried to kill myself”
He freezes and then the tears start falling even more
You and him spend a long time typing and sending heartful messages to each other
And then you spend him a picture of yourself.. the first time you have ever and you were smiling with tears falling
“Thank you so much Gonta... thank you.”
You two eventually meet in public which is a very tearful meeting and stay best friends forever
Kokichi Ouma
You two have actually met through an online game
Since Ouma gets rather bored easily he often spends time messing around in online games
(He usually gets banned pretty early on for trolling)
However than he met you, a fellow troll
And boy did you two have fun messing around wth people online
Plus you two had each others back and often lied for each other, so it took much longer for him to get banned than usual
However before you two got banned you two exchange phone numbers and just began chatting with each other
And honestly you two had a very fun and playful relationship, sending each others jokes and memes and even a couple of selfies every now and then
(You can't tell me that Ouma would not love to take selfies)
He generally cared for you (which scared him) and as time past grew a small crush on you
But then you stopped reply
At first he thought that you were simply busy but then a week past with no replies
But as time past he grew more and more worried
Like he is so worried he was legitimately thinking about tracking you down to find out if you were okay
A month had past and he was this close from catching a plane to see you when you replied back
And he spammed you with questions
“Where were you?” “Are you okay?” “What happened?” “Why didn't you answer any of my messages?”
You were silent for a while and he was afraid that he scared you off but then you replied but
“I've been in the hospital, I tried to commit suicide.”
That sentence made him freeze and he burst out in tears and he called you and told you how much he cared for you and how everything would be okay
That is how he confessed to you and he helped you through your recovery
After dating online for a while he surprises you by meeting in real life
And that is when you two have your first kiss
Ryoma Hoshi
In prison he didn't really have access to a phone or internet in general
However there was a program in his prison that let you emailed a prisoner,  it was mostly for friends and family though
However the prison though it would 'help' him if he got a pen pal of sort... what a joke
At first he ignored your messages
But eventually you found his weak spot, cats
And after sending him pictures of your cats he finally started talking
So a tentative friendship begins
And over time Ryoma starts to smile more and even laugh every now and then
For once he can see a sliver of light... he feels hope again
Hope that once he gets out of there he won't be alone anymore
That there is actually someone in the world that cares about him
And he actually starts working on getting some good behavior points
So that maybe, he might get the chance of parole
But then as soon as the hope returned to him it was gone
You stopped talking to him
You always made sure to send at least one email a week
It had been almost two months...
And nothing had come in
He was beyond worried.. but he also thought that maybe.. maybe you gave up on him
Eventually he asks the wardens what happened to you
It took them some time to deliberate but eventually they told him the truth
You had been in the hospital all this time after a suicide attempt
Hearing that broke his heart
He spend the next days wallowing in sadness
How.. how could you do that?
Could... could it have been his fault somewhat?
They tried to set him up with a different person but he refused, he only wanted to talk to you
Eventually you were able to email him again
And he was able to help you through your recovery one email at a time
It hurt him that he wasn't able to be there by your side to help you
But he was motivated more than ever to get out of prison as soon as he could so he can go outside and help you
Korekiyo Shinguji
Surprisingly enough he had to be in contact with many different people as he traveled the world
Many of them fellow anthropologist who came to share findings and ideas with him
That's how he found you
Even though all of your interactions with him have been online he could feel the passion emanating from you
He could feel your excitement as you wrote about your latest find
You were a truly beautiful and fascinating human being who loved their work
He enjoyed all of the little chats you two had
Whether it was about a recent place he visited or a new folklore you translated
He could feel the bight spark you had and he encouraged you on your work
(Sister would have loved to meet you...)
He finds himself generally caring for you and he sees you as a friend
(Perhaps even more than that as time moved on)
He looked forward to whenever he would see your name online or your name flash on his phone
But then these chats stop
You stopped texting him or even emailing him
You stopped contacting him all together
At first he thinks maybe you simply got busy
He knows from experience about doing research that takes quite a while to finish
But weeks turned into a month which turned into two months
And he gets extremely worried, so much so that he researches you to see if he could find out what happened
The article he found makes him frown
As he reads the article he realizes that it is true.. you did try to commit suicide after your only remaining family member perished in a car accident
He knows the hopeless feeling well for when a love one dies
He understands your pain and what you are coming through
So he finds the place where you are now residing (he frowns that the article states that so bluntly)
And he tries his best to relight the spark in your eyes
Shuichi Saihara
He always found it rather difficult to make friends
Or talk to other teens in general
Thankfully his uncle found a solution to help him out
An online book club
And that is how he meet you
You have been in the club for a while and took it upon yourself to welcome him to the club and introduce him to the others
You seemed so happy and so easy to talk to
He couldn't help but get attached to you
And soon he was talking to you outside of the group
He couldn't the small smile that would cross his face when he noticed that you messaged him
And you two became fast friends chatting to each other almost everyday
You helped him build his own confidence up
(You two got so close that you sent each others selfies)
(He was so nervous that what your going to say about him but he couldn't help the blush that crosses his face as you told him he looked so cute!)
(And you... wow.. you looked amazing)
He couldn't help but be so grateful towards his uncle, without him he would have never met you
But suddenly you were gone
You stopped messaging him and even stopped appearing in the book club
You.. were simply gone
And he was beyond worried and anxious
A full month had past and he was about to ask his uncle to help find you
Then you messaged him
He was so relieved and sent you message after message asking what happened
It took a few minutes for you to reply but your message made him freeze
“I'm so sorry Saihara... I.. I tried to kill myself.”
You.. you..
He immediately calls you to hear your voice and he comforts/lectures you
You could hear the tears in his voice and soon you broke down crying too
He was so excited to chat to you
The Professor had set up a pen pal for him, to help him learn how to interact with other teens
You and him became fast friends
He loved it when you sent him pictures
Especially if it was of scenery or food
And he loved to ask you random questions about everyday life
However he sometimes accidentally crossed the line, which you had to point out making him apologize profusely  
Likewise you had so many questions for him
You two had so much fun asking each other questions and answering them
You introduce him to so many new things and broaden his horizon so much
(The Professor couldn't help but smile as he saw Kiibo enthusiastically type you another letter, he has never seen Kiibo so happy before)
He would constantly ask the Professor if he could ever meet you which made him laugh and ruffle his hair.
“Maybe one day Kiibo, it's their decision as much as mine or yours.”
However he felt a bit awkward asking you
(And for some reason his face plates heated up)
As he worked up the courage to ask you that question.. you suddenly stopped
Stopped reply to his messages
At first he was confused since you two messaged each other just about everyday but the Professor said you could be busy with something and to give you a couple of days
Two weeks past and still nothing
Now even the Professor was worried and thus he attempted to call your parents
He waited anxious for the Professor to tell him what happened.. but the Professor seem sad as he talked over the phone
The Professor sighed as soon as the phone called ended and looked at him with an odd expression on his face
He then asked Kiibo if he wanted to visit you, which he said yes obviously and got ready to go
Kiibo looked around outside the car excitedly but the excitement turned to confusion as the Professor drove him to a hospital
That's when it hit him, you were in trouble
When he found out what your room number was he bolted to there
(He didn't care that the Professor yelled at him to wait, you were in trouble)
What he saw made him crash
You were in a hospital bed, bandages covered you from your forehead up and you were plugged into various machines like a heart monitor, an IV and  breathing mask
When he rebooted the Professor was by his side and place a hand on his shoulder
“... They tried to kill themselves by shooting themselves in the head.. Fortunately they survived.. but they have some major damage...”
If he could cry, Kiibo would be flooding the room right now
However he looked to the Professor determine and ask if he could be updated with medical data so he could help you
The Professor nodded and Kiibo took one last look at you before exiting
Rantaro Amami
In all honestly he met you because of one of his sisters
While he tried his best to help her in math she didn't seem to learn much for him
So his mother got her a math tutor online who helped immensely
And after hearing so much about you, he couldn't deny that he was curious
So after asking his sister, he got your email address and began to chat with you
At first it was kinda awkward between you two
Understandable of course
But he managed to charm his way into your heart and be your friend
Pretty soon you two began chatting about all sorts of things
School, daily life, family,whatever you guys could think of
Eventually he started sending pictures to you, of himself, scenery, makeup, whatever he thought of
It took a while for you to send pictures back though, he understood your hesitation though
And once you did have the courage to send a pic he immediately began thinking of what outfits would suite you
Honestly he thought about hopping a ride on his family's jet to visit you a couple of times but he didn't know where exactly you lived and he didn't want to freak you out
So he settled to wait until you brought it up
But something seemed to happened to you
You didn't reply to him as often and wasn't.. as full of life as you were before
Even his sister noticed through her tutoring sessions that something was wrong
He tried to ask you but you simply brushed him off
And then.. and then.. you stopped sending him messages
He was worried at first but then realized that he might be able to talk to you through his sisters lesson
However when their next session came up.. you were not there
Instead someone completely different was there saying that you had quit
Now he was really REALLY worried
You mentioned before how much you loved this program and how you wanted to be a teacher in the future
For you too just quit...
He tried sending you message after message and even called you a couple of times
Hell even his sister was worried now about you
And both of them did everything they could to contact you
Days turned into weeks and still no sign
And then suddenly he saw you name flashing on his phone
His heart leaped out of his chest as he rushed to answer
And as he opened his mouth to talk, you spoke instead
“Hey Rantaro... I'm sorry for making you and your sister worry about me so much. I'm so sorry.. Y..Y-you two shouldn't worry for me..”
You were crying loudly as you spoke
But before he could comfort you, you spoke again
“I... I tried to do something terrible.. I tried to leave you guys and everyone.. I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry”
He could feel his blood freeze in his veins as he heard this
You.. you tried to kill yourself
He felt so choked up but you needed him right now
So he tried his best to comfort you, trying to tell you that everything will be alright about how much he cares about you
(You both cry together and it's totally worth the mascara running)
He asks you if you want to meet him in real life and you said yes
Next week he gets on a plain and is there in person to greet you with a huge hug
Kaito Momota
He is a very active fellow so he doesn't spend much time online for fun
Hell he wanted to be the Ultimate Astronaut he would have to work hard for it!
However to be an astronaut you gotta now both English and Russian
So to help he signed up for some online classes
Learning Russian wasn't the hard part, surprisingly enough but English oh boy English
He was shit at English
Thankfully he found a solution that might help
An English pen pal well more like email pal
To help him learn English and them learn Japanese
So he signed up and that is how he met you
(To be honest he was so excited to talk to someone who lives in another country, I mean how often can you do that!!)
And you two hit it off instantly
Sharing jokes, slang, and just helping the other to learn how to speak the language
You both shared different holidays, traditions, and even pictures
He couldn't help but keep his inbox everyday to see if you emailed him back
(He really wishes that he could meet you in person one day but hey plane tickets are expensive)
And your a really good teacher too!
You helped him learn English way better than those stupid courses online
And he tried his best to teach you Japanese too
(He'd like to think that he is a really good teacher)
You were such an amazing person, honestly
(It didn't help that you were rather cute too...)
But then a month past and you still haven't sent him something which was strange
I mean you two didn't talk every day but at least once a month
Worried he shoots you another message
Two weeks past still no word from you
He wants to think that your just busy with something but he could not shake the anxiety from his heart
As week three past he sighs as he checks his inbox but then he sees it, you responded
He rushes to open it and curses slightly when he realizes the whole thing is written in English
As he opens a website to help him understand some of the tougher words
And he can't believe what he's reading.. it's wrong.. it had to be wrong
You wouldn't.. you wouldn't do a thing such as try to commit suicide
It had to be false right?
But the picture you attached.. was you in the what had to be a hospital
Oh fuck
He immediately writes a response (not caring that it is in Japanese) yelling at you
Telling you that your life is precious, that your life is not only your own but everyone who cares about you
… About how much he cares about you and how it hurts him so much to imagine what you went through
(He doesn't realize when he begins crying but he is)
He also writes you a promise, a promise to help you through these tough times to be by your side
No matter what
~Mod Souda
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Could you do a scenario of the ndrv3 boys reacting to their s/o being harrassed by some douche bags!
Screw people who do things like this, harassing is no fun. If any of you harass others, please do humanity a favor - go to hell.
Tumblr media
~Mod Junko
Ryoma Hoshi
You two are going to buy some groceries.
Unluckily for you, some teenagers notice you when you go past them and decide to make some fun.
Whenever you're going, they follow you and yell comments towards you.
Ryoma looks annoyed, but he just grips your hand tighter and tells you to ignore them.
Brats notice you ignore them, so they change their target.
Now they suggest you should leave "that kid" and come with them to find out how real men taste like.
Okay, now Ryoma's pissed.
He lets your hand go and asks you to wait here, without turning to them.
You reluctantly agree, wondering what he is planning.
Ryoma disappears from your eyesight and a few seconds later you hear douchebags scream in fear and... pain?
You can't stop yourself from looking, so you slightly turn to look what's going on.
All you see is brats running away – one of them is pressing his hand to his face – and your boyfriend, who is wiping his hands in his coat.
"They won't bother us anymore" he simply says, coming back to you.
He refuses to tell you what he did to them.
Not like you really want to know.
Korekiyo Shinguji
I mean, come on.
His appearance itself is enough to make people shit their pants.
So when he comes out of the bookstore and notices you are being harrassed by some fools, he doesn't hesitate to come close and coldly ask them to "leave you in peace and walk away when they still can".
Most of them lose their perkiness and step back, but one of them – probably the leader – smirks at him.
"Or what?" they ask, looking straight into Korekiyo's eyes with defiant look.
Wrong choice.
You only manage to blink before the bullier is pressed against the wall, with your boyfriend's hand gripped on their neck.
"Or I'll show you what real pain means" he replies with quiet, dark voice. "Humanity is beautiful and equivalents of junk like you shouldn't pollute its world. But since I've been in a good mood before meeting you, I will give you the only chance to change your disgusting self. How about this?"
He lets the bully go and they disappear almost immediately.
He turns to look at you and asks if you are okay.
You nod, telling him he didn't have to scare them like this.
"You could get into trouble, you looked almost like you'd like to murder them" you mumble.
He smirks under his mask and shrugs. "Oh really?"
He really doesn't want to have any problem.
He's not too good with dealing with bullies.
So when some men start harassing you, he grabs your hand and tries to get you away from them.
Well, they don't like it.
They try to stop him by punching him, but they have no idea he's made of metal.
He barely felt anything.
But a douchebag who attacked him is crawling on the ground, holding his probably broken hand.
"I'm not interested in getting into troubles, so please leave us alone" he says before walking away with you.
They yell some insults at both of you, but they let you go.
When you're alone, he turns to you and asks if you are alright.
He doesn't want to get into fight, but if they have made you feel bad...
You tell him you're fine and there's no need to worry about it anymore.
He's really relieved with it.
Shuichi Saihara
Uh oh, this is bad.
He knows he's a little too weak to deal with aggressors, if things get steamy.
He tries to politely tell them to leave you alone and drag you away.
Now they're attacking him, too.
He ignores it, focused on getting you as far from them as possible.
But those freaks don't give up.
One of them pushes you, almost causing you to fall.
Shuichi grabs you right before you hit the ground.
He makes sure you're okay, when he hears their laughs behind himself.
And at this moment.
He snaps.
He turns to them and starts yelling at them to fuck off.
This is the first time ever you've seen him so mad.
The first time when you hear him cursing.
Where did your innocent, cute Saihara go...?
When bullies finally go away, he turns to you.
He's back to his old self.
He asks if you are okay, obviously ashamed of his sudden outburst.
You smooch his cheek and assure him you are okay, thanks to him.
Kokichi Ōma
Well, he's a goddamn punster, he's used to be harassed.
But he's not okay, when it turns against you.
You are innocent, they have no right to bother you just because you are his lover.
He's not smiling; actually, he's serious as hell.
He orders them to let you go.
When they ignore him, he walks past them and grabs your hand.
"They have nothing to do with it, let s/o go" he growls, looking at your oppressors with mad eyes.
They eventually let you two walk away, but you can't get over a feeling of being followed.
You tell Kokichi about this and he turns annoyed.
"Really, such a fuss because of some small jokes... Don't worry, s/o, my organisation will take care of them".
He's right; a while later you two walk past DICE members in disguises.
When did he manage to call them?
He insists on walking faster, because he doesn't want you to be close, when situation will get bad.
There's no way you get off of him until he gets you home safely.
Then his cheerful side comes back.
He starts to make joke about it, though you can see remains of worry in his eyes.
For the rest of the day, he cheers you up to make sure you will forget about it soon.
Kaito Momota
He leaves you alone for literally two minutes to buy some snacks.
And when he comes back, he finds you being oppressed by some hopeless idiots.
Boy, they have no idea what they got themselves into.
He storms at them.
You have to forcefully pull him away before he beats them to death.
He still yells insults at your oppressors while you're taking him away.
When he chills, he hugs you tightly and apologises for not being there to protect you from the beginning, even if you tell him it's not his fault.
Rantaro Amami
He's mad.
Some dumbass think they can harass his s/o with their pathetic flirts?
For a moment he wants to go straight to them and tell him to go to the hell.
But then, a better idea appears in his mind.
He walks close and pulls you into the hug.
He kisses your forehead and asks if there's something wrong, looking at the oppressor with warning in his eyes.
They get the idea and walk away. Fast.
You hug him back and thank him for help.
He smiles gently and tells that you're welcome, watching the loser go away.
Nailed it.
Gonta Gokuhara
Harassing other people is very not gentleman-like!
He rushes to make them stop bothering you.
At first they are scared because of his tough appearance.
But when he asks with a small, kind smile to leave you in peace, they laugh at him and come back to annoy you.
It makes him slightly malcontent, so he asks them again, but with less gentle voice.
When they keep on not paying attention to him, he reaches his hand to gently push them away.
At least it was supposed to be gentle.
Because he accidentally pushes them all on the ground.
Before any of you can say anything, they get up and run away.
The situation confuses him a little, but at least s/o is safe now.
And it's all that matters.
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olivebranch311 · 7 years
Crippled Fate {Shiro} (part 1)
Shiro knew from the start of when he entered the war, his father would disagree with things he did. Shiro was brash, Ryoma thought it through. Shiro fought with brute strength, Ryoma fought with calculated strikes. Hell, he was a spear fighter to have the best advantage against his old man. He and his dad argued, bickered, and really, didn’t see eye to eye. And really, Shiro and some of the others in the army had to agree because it was Ryoma’s fault for not telling him that he was a prince, like his Nohrian counterpart, Seigbert.
Recently, the army was going through tough times. Supply lines being cut off, invaders from Garon and the invisible soldiers, etc. Shiro, however, didn’t really pay attention to that, until one day, he and his partner, Asugi, set off to stop some of the thieves tailing the supply root. On that day… that day Shiro got the yelling of his life. Asugi and he failed to get the thieves, and as such, the supply trail was compromised. And it was Shiro’s fault (which was false, they later learned), naturally. His dad flipped.
“Your too reckless, Shiro!” His father yelled at him. He went on for a good few minutes, and Shiro just looked at the ground, his head wrapped in bandages. He listened and listened. It just droned on until, “Your a terrible son! This isn’t befitting of a king of Hoshido!” Shiro had enough, “Well maybe if YOU had told me I was, maybe I WOULD have been ready!” He snapped back, glaring at his father.
“I don’t have anything against YOU, but sometimes I wish you weren’t my dad!” Ryoma countered with, “Sometimes I wish you weren’t my son at all!” Silence. Those words seemed to echo, and Ryoma’s eyes widened, suddenly realizing what he said. Shiro nodded, “Yeah… I know.” Ryoma tried to take it back, “Shiro I-… I didn’t mean to- I-” The prince was scrambling to apologize, but Shiro just shook his head, “Don’t. You mean it, and it’s okay. Feelings mutual is all.”
“Shiro I never meant to say that! You just know how to make me loose my composure!” Shiro laughed, “Pushing the blame on me again, dad? That’s not right. Well, I’m going out. See you.” He walked out of the tent and outside. Outside of the castle and into the forest with spear in hand. He needed to hunt something… and that’s when he was surrounded.
Those next moments were a blur. His head was already bleeding and he probably had a concussion, but he still stayed and fought against them… one of them took a sword and sliced his leg clean off. He screamed, an agonizing wail piercing the sky, and in just a few minutes, his father came charging, Raijinto in hand. His aunts and uncle appeared, Sakura running to him, and Hinoka and Takumi fighting with Ryoma. At some point, Shiro lost consciousness, with his aunt telling him to stay awake…
He woke up in a medical tent. He groaned and stretched, wincing at the pains in his joints, and the feeling of emptiness. Before he could comment about that, his dad was there, looking very concerned and relived. Guilt was in his expression was well, conveying so many feelings to his son, “Shiro… my son, are you feeling any pain?” He asked gently. “Dad… my… no I don’t feel anything, just really sore.” His father nodded and messed up his hair, gently and affectionately. Shiro huffed, trying to pull away, “Dad, no, really…”
Aunt Sakura appeared, holding vulneraries, “Shiro! Y-your awake. That’s good.” Shiro nodded, “Yeah, thanks Aunt Sakura.” Sakura fiddled with one of the bottles, “H-here, drink.” He took it and drank it down, feeling his pain edge away. “Hey, I feel kind of… empty? Like something’s missing.” As he said that, his father looked upset, “Oh Shiro… I… I’m so sorry.”
Aunt Sakura turned silent as well, and Shiro asked, “Dad? Aunt Sakura? What’s going on? What happened to me?” Shiro looked at his body, and something seemed missing… The he remembered. The soldiers… a sword… his leg… “No… no, that’s fucking bullshit!” Shiro ripped off the covers to see one leg and a stump, bandaged to prevent bleeding. “The leg was completely severed… I’m so sorry.” His aunt apologized. Shiro just began to cry, staring at his leg.
Great. Now he was completely useless. He can’t move properly for the army, he’d have to live off of their generosity. He can’t train with his dad, his opportunity of wielding Raijinto was thrown away, and he can’t even be a ninja like his mother. He was just… Shiro. He cried and cried, feeling his father hug him, his face pressed into his chest.
He was crippled. He was the first in this whole army to be deemed ‘useless’, and to make it even more terrible, he was a child, a second generation whose future was ruined. Asugi had come out then, saying how it was never Shiro’s fault. The thieves had hostages, children around six years of age with them, knives to their throats. Even Asugi wouldn’t have been able to save them all.
~~~~~~~~ [Ryoma’s POV]~~~~~~~~ Shiro had fallen asleep soon, his head leaning on Ryoma’s chest as he held him close, and simply watched him with protective eyes. He ran his fingers through his hair, imagining when Shiro was young and when he did this. His son, his dearest light, had lost his leg after an argument.
After he told him he didn’t wish for him to be his son, at times. And Shiro was okay with that statement? It was like he… expected it… No. No, he needed to be a father now. He would take Shiro out of his war and take him to Hoshido. And he will take time off of the front lines, to help his son get used to this new life of his.
“Forgive me, my son… because of me, your future is gone… but I will do everything in my power to make sure you get a new future. I swear now to be a better father… I love you, Shiro.”
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