#I went to the cinema asked and they gave it to me
arttsuka · 20 days
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Look at what I finally got :')
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street-corner-felines · 2 months
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Zero Day (2002)
#movies film cinema#zero day#ben coccio#I actually talked to the director on Facebook super nice guy and he told#me a lot about the filmmaking process and even helped me with tips on directing non-actors and new actors#I remember him telling me to always be supportive and tell your new actors they're doing a good job even if they aren't in the first take#cause you can instill confidence and still reshape and change their choices and mistakes later#Sometimes I'd message him for advice when I was running into problems on some of my early projects#he told me once ''did ya choose to collaborate with this actor cause you were lonely or you guys had passion and chemistry''#“collaborating is like a relationship” and he was so right#there's nothing worse than working with people you disdain cause there's no communication and no trust.#he told me how he wrote the first couple of drafts of Place Beyond the Pines but his take on the 3rd act wasn't clicking for the director#so he took the script and went and had another writer rewrite the 3rd act but he liked the process cause he learned a lot and still got pai#but I'd still like to see Ben Coccio's take on Place Beyond The Pines he says the 1st and 2nd act are mostly unchanged#Ryan Gosling's scenes are still mostly the same he said but he couldn't tell me too much cause of the NDA he signed#The bloopers of Zero Day are hilarious his tip he gave me about being supportive#“This is actually great but can we-” and Cal interrupts him “He says that no matter what if you're doing good or bad!” and everyone lols#I hope I can make it and ask him to collab with me on a script#He's such a nice dude compared to the harrowing film he made.#I wish there was BTS but he had only one tape to film on and this was made when digital camcorders were infants#I think he had only one 2 hour tape that's how low budget#The bloopers is just Cal or Andre secretly filming and Ben getting annoyed “Is it recording?” and Cal going “Nah..."#Cal is such a funny guy IRL I wanna see him act more cause he's so good. He was so great at playing a sadistic psychopath in this.#the final shooting is so harrowing and disturbing#I told Ben he srsly gut punched me/disturbed me and this is what made him really open up.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Shoulder II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: They're all hoverers
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Sometimes, you think that your family can do no wrong.
Your mothers are loving. Your girlfriend adores you. Everyone gets on with each other, even though Magda and Talia pretend they don't.
Other times, you just want to live alone somewhere on an island with no other people around to fuss over you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to adjust your sling?" Talia asks, lips pursed in thought," I saw you wincing a second ago."
"I was wincing because my painkillers are wearing off."
After your win with Lyon, you had decided to travel back to Sweden with your mothers to finish off your recovery there. You'd told Talia to just return to Spain, to make the most of her days off from football before joining up with the Spanish team.
She'd refused and insisted on coming with you to make sure you're okay.
Nearly a week in now and all three of them were driving you up the wall.
"Should I get you more?" Her girlfriend asks and you roll your eyes, leaning forward to peck her cheek.
"You're sweet, Talia," You say," But I can't take anymore for at least another hour."
She pouts. "Is there nothing I can do to help? Do you want some food or something?"
"No food!" You hear Pernille shout from the kitchen," This is almost done!"
You rolls your eyes.
She's been slaving away on the stove since you woke up.
She'd already had breakfast prepared and lunch already prepped and ready to be cooked. She's making it now but she's also been making it for the past hour now.
You're pretty sure she's cooking dinner simultaneously but you're not too sure. That's the only reason it could be taking this long.
"Are you sure?" You ask," Not even a little snack?"
"No," Pernille says," Just a few more minutes."
You're a little worried, truthfully.
As a child, Magda had always been the one cooking the big meals and Pernille helped by doing little things like putting broccoli in the oven or taking the meat out when asked.
So, you're a little apprehensive at what Pernille's cooking now.
You hope someone gave her a recipe to follow rather than letting her make something that appeared in her head.
"Here," Magda says, appearing at your other side," To tide you over."
A handful of magic stars are placed in your hands.
You used to love these as a kid but they were only ever really bought when you went to the cinema because you never liked popcorn.
You don't know where Magda bought them in Sweden but you're grateful as you throw them into your mouth.
You think Pernille thinks you're going to ruin your lunch, like you're a little kid again that has eyes bigger than her stomach.
It's sweet, you think but a little annoying.
"Have some more," Magda says, shaking more from the bag straight into your hands," You need to keep your strength up."
"I hurt my arm-"
"Dislocated it," Talia corrects.
"-I'm not sick."
"Having chocolate doesn't have anything to do with sickness," Magda says," It's just making sure you have energy."
"You're hovering," You tease and Magda makes an offended noise.
"If I'm hovering then what's Talia doing?!"
"Hovering," You deadpan," You're both hovering."
"We're making sure you're okay," Talia says," You'd fault us for that?"
"No," You say," I fault you for being so overbearing about it. If I feel bad or if I ache or if I need some comfort, I can tell you. Don't you trust me?"
Talia's expression softens a little and she smiles.
"Yeah. I trust you."
"And Morsa?" You say, turning to Magda," Do you trust me too?"
Magda purses her lips, not responding for a few seconds. "I..." She sighs. "Yeah but you have to tell us, alright? No trying to deal with it on your own."
You roll your eyes. "Fine."
"Good girl," Magda says, a sot kiss pressed to your temple.
"Alright." Pernille appears out of nowhere. "Lunch is served!"
It smells alright, the soup that has taken her an hour to make.
You force down a spoonful.
It's horrifically salty.
"How is it?" Pernille asks.
You force a smile onto your face.
"It's amazing."
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 6 months
Wait for your love (angst)
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summary: you wait in silence, waiting for wonwoo to finally love you
inspired by Ariana Grande's We Can't be Friends (AKA Wait for your love)
a/n: I wrote this in a fever dream, some suggestive themes but nothing much apart from that. It's a 2 part fic. so look out for part 2 I guess :D
I didn’t think you’d understand me
You remembered the first interaction you had with Wonwoo. You had asked him for help with some maths question back in high school. 
“I don’t think that’s the right answer…” You whispered, watching him flush red as he rummaged through his pencil case clumsily looking for his eraser. 
“My maths isn’t very good!” He cried, erasing the answer that was so far off. 
“Oh! How about we try this!” You stuck your tongue out as you worked on the question using another method. 
The both of you flipped to the back of the book to check the answer. You remembered the look of awe Wonwoo gave you when your answer was right. 
Wonwoo was the quiet kid, the one who sat at the last row of class, always looking out the window, not paying attention in class. He wasn’t a star student or an athlete so on the popularity scale he was basically non-existent. You weren’t far off either. Pigtails and braces meant you weren’t much higher than him on that god-forsaken scale. But that’s what brought the two of you together. 
After that first interaction, you started warming up to your quiet seatmate. You joined him in the cafeteria, asked him out on study dates, even dragging him to his first hangout. You liked to think that he just accepted his fate, the two of you were destined to be friends. 
Somewhere along the line of your friendship, you started developing feelings for the scrawny boy. You couldn’t pin point exactly when or what caused your infatuation. You just remembered realising his facial features were so sharp, his shoulders were so broad and his hands were so large and warm. Was it when your hands met in the popcorn tub during the Star Wars reruns at your local cinema? Was it when you stared too deeply into his eyes during a round of cards? Was it when he picked you up and ran a whole lap around the park to prove a point?
You couldn’t remember. But it felt like you had been liking him for the longest time.
I’ll wait for your love
Everything changed after graduation. 
The break before university was due to start, you had gone off to stay with relatives in Paris while Wonwoo had gone off to stay with his brother in Seoul. The two of you were scheduled to attend the same universities, even scheduled to live together. It was only natural considering how long you two had been friends. He would arrive from Seoul first and you were due to arrive 2 weeks after, just in time for the first day of school. 
You were thoroughly surprised by the boy man who greeted you at the front door. 
“Wonwoo?” You said, blinking rapidly. 
Where was the scrawny, skinny boy you were familiar with? Who replaced him with this tall, handsome and extremely well built man?
“Y/n!” Wonwoo beamed at you, immediately helping you with your bags. 
You were momentarily taken aback by his voice. His high pitched, nasally voice had developed into a deep baritone. 
“How was Seoul?” You had managed to croak out, still dumb struck by the massive change your best friend went through.
“Great. I actually met quite a few friends in the same uni.” Wonwoo’s eyes held an excited glint.
You hummed, wondering how your anti-social and shy friend had managed to become a social butterfly. 
You should have known that was the first sign of the inevitable downfall of your friendship. 
Throughout the next few weeks, you were busy trying to get settled into your new life while Wonwoo was busy partying his life away. He would leave each night and return at wee hours of morning.
You remembered the first time you went to pick him up. 
“Y/n,” He drawled over the phone. 
You turned to check the clock, it was 4AM. “Wonwoo?”
“Can you come-,” A loud cheer erupted in the background. “Can you come get me?” 
“Oh, ok!” You said, pushing your blanket aside. “Text me the add-,”
He hung up. 
You received the location from him.
Trying to look as presentable as possible, you hopped into your car. Driving to your best friend with Google Maps as guidance. 
You arrived at the party, expecting Wonwoo to be waiting for you by the road, ready to leave. But he was nowhere to be found. Wonwoo wasn’t waiting for you in front of the house, he wasn’t even standing with the groups of people near the front door. 
You tried his phone again but you were sent straight to voicemail. You jumped out of the car and went into the house. You tried your best to push through the multitudes of drunk people, looking for your best friend. Finally you found him, playing beer pong and boy, did he suck. 
“Won?” You said, coming up next to him. 
“Y/N!” He shouted, throwing his arms around you, dragging you into his chest for a hug. 
“Won, let’s go.” You coaxed, your nose crinkled from the strong stench of alcohol. 
“Everybody!” Wonwoo bellowed, “This is my friend! Y/N!”
You were horrified as everybody turned to look at you. You gave an awkward smile and squeezed his arm.
“Wonwoo, let’s go, please.” You begged, you had a class in 2 hours and you wanted to get home in time for at least 1 more hour of sleep. 
“But y/n, you just got here!” Wonwoo whined, he pouted. 
“Oh God, Woo, please.” You implored, biting your lip. You weren’t comfortable, you didn’t know anybody here and you had an overgrown child hanging onto you. 
“Okay,” Wonwoo quipped. “But only because you asked nicely.”
That was how you managed to get your housemate home. 
Wonwoo never apologised. He didn’t speak to you the whole week, he kept himself shut in his room while you went about your day. You tried knocking on his door, offering some food you had made but he never responded. 
After that incident, you noticed that he would do it more often. He would call you at odd hours of the morning, asking you to come pick him up, flirt with you then subsequently pass out on the couch. 
You found yourself getting hopeful. You deluded yourself into thinking that Wonwoo was doing this because you were the only person he trusted. You just had to wait a little longer for him to realise his feelings for you. You just had to wait.  
“Y/n, I love you soooo much,” Wonwoo slurred, you had slung one of his arms around your shoulder, walking him to your car. 
“Won, please.” You said, trying your best not to be effected by his empty words. You pushed him against the car while you fumbled for your car keys. 
Suddenly you felt your world spin, when it stopped you were face to face with your best friend. Wonwoo had flipped you over, your back now pressed against the car, his arms to your sides, caging you. His face was a whole ten centimetres away from yours. You could feel his breath on your face, your heart beat rapidly rising, one of your hands gripping his bicep to keep yourself steady. 
“Y/n, you’re so pretty.” He muttered, he placed a hand on your cheek. His eyes were on your lips. His tongue licking his own. 
“You’re drunk.” You whispered, you used all your strength to push against his chest. 
He didn’t move. Next thing you know, his lips were on yours. 
That was how you lost your first kiss to your best friend.
You cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again
After that kiss (wherein he subsequently passed out on you), Wonwoo seemed to avoid you even more. 
He no longer called you when he needed a ride home, instead his friends would send him home. You had met 3 of his friends: Mingyu, Vernon and Seungcheol. They each seemed to take turns dragging Wonwoo’s drunk ass into the house. Surprisingly they would all be sober each time. Which made you wonder if Wonwoo just had a habit of calling random people to send him home. 
“Y/n?” Wonwoo’s voice came.
You shot up from the dining table, you had just been busy revising for your upcoming tutorial. Wonwoo never spoke to you, so this was a shock. 
“I was wondering,” He cleared his throat, “could you help me with this?” 
You blinked, he was holding a few pieces of paper. 
“Sure!” You chirped, a little too cheerily. 
Of course you would help your best friend. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t spoke to you in months. It didn’t matter that he had ignored you when you tried to wave at him on campus. It didn’t matter that he pretended not to know you among his new friends.
Wonwoo was your best friend, so you were going to bury your feelings and help him. 
“Thanks.” He smiled. 
That smile that made your stomach do a summersault. That smile that threw you back to your teenage years, when he would smile at you and only you. 
It became a routine. He only spoke to you when he needed help with work. Even though you weren’t in the same course as him, you found yourself studying up on what he needed, just so you could help him. 
You found yourself staying up late, studying for both your finals as well as his finals. Just so when he came home the next day from some party, you could help him. 
You helped him because that was the only chance you had to speak to him. 
You helped him because that was the only time he showed you any attention. 
You helped him because you loved him. 
Just wanna let this story die
Wonwoo brought a girl home. 
It was 4AM in the morning, you were cramming for your exams the next day after looking through Wonwoo’s materials for his tutorial the day after. You could literally feel your head overheating with all the knowledge you were shoving into your brain. You stood up, deciding to stretch out your unused muscles when you heard the front door open. It was opened with so much force that the door banged onto the wall, causing you to jump. 
“Wony!!!” You heard a voice, it wasn’t that low voice you so loved from your house mate. It was a high pitched squeal which you were sure your house mate could not have produced. 
A yelp could be heard followed by loud shushes. 
You pushed your door open a smidge, peeking out into the hallway.
You blood ran cold.
Right by the front door was Wonwoo, making out with a girl.
You could feel a lump growing in your throat as you shut your door. You closed your eyes, trying your best to erase the sight. The image of your best friend’s lust-ladened eyes, arms encircled around another girl, lips on hers was burnt forever your memory. 
You felt yourself crumple against the floor. Your stared blankly into space for what felt like hours. The pit in your stomach grew with every second that passed. When you finally found the energy, you crawled over to your bed. Tears seeped from the corner of your eyes as you buried your face into your pillow. Trying to muffle the loud moans and groans coming from the other room. You brought a hand to your mouth, trying not to make a sound as you cried yourself to sleep.
So for now it’s only me, and maybe that’s all I need
“He’s a fucking asshole.” Chan cursed. 
You smiled weakly at your friend. The two of you sat in a booth at Chan’s favourite bar. You didn’t drink but he did. Chan had forced you out after you refused to leave your room for weeks.
“He knows you have feelings for him.” Chan hissed. “There’s no fucking way he doesn’t.”
You shrugged. After much pestering, you had finally relayed everything to Chan. Everything. From when you first met Wonwoo to when he brought a girl home. 
“I thought I would wai-,” You voice came out as a whisper, ashamed.
“Please don’t tell me. Wait?” Chan finished for you, tilting his glass of beer towards you. 
“Yup.” You said with a sigh. 
“Why wait for someone like him? Why wait for someone who doesn’t even care about you?” Chan said, sounding angrier and angrier by the second. 
His question stung. Deep down, you didn’t want to admit it, but you knew Wonwoo didn’t care about you. You knew he was just using you, keeping you around only because you made his life convenient. 
“Move out.” Chan demanded. 
“What?” You blurted, “Chan, I can’t just move out!” 
“Yes you can.” Chan pointed to himself. “Move in with me, I have a spare room!” 
“But what about Wonwoo?”
“What about that asshole?” Chan rolled his eyes. 
“I can’t just leave him like that.” You said, exasperated. You weren’t about to leave your best friend alone. 
“Why not?” Chan argued. “You think he won’t do the same to you? He’ll drop you the first chance he gets, y/n.”
You felt tears well up in your eyes. You loved Chan but there were times when he was too blunt. 
“Chan, please.” You whispered, tears started rolling down your eyes. 
“Ok, I’m sorry.” Chan immediately panicked. “I’m sorry I said that.”
He moved to sit next to you, rubbing your back as you sobbed into your bowl of fries. 
You moved out the next day, without so much as a goodbye to your childhood friend. 
a/n2: not very good at writing, quality is absolute crap imo considering i wrote this in under an hour. anything you guys think I should improve in lmk!
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Twenty-Three - Without Him
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
2.1K words
Series Masterlist
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Recap from a previous chapter:
Carlos's phone vibrated against his chest. He picked it up, reading the text. "What is it?" Y/N asked softly, gently. Carlos wasn't hiding the screen from her or anything, but the text was in Spanish and she couldn't yet read it.
"My mother," he answered as he replied to the message. She was okay, had been in contact with Carlos ever since she'd made it to Alonsos safehouse.
As much as the Sainz family and the Alonso family hated each other, they had an agreement in place. If anything happened to the Sainz, those who could get out were to get to Alonsos territory if they could. It worked both way, with the Sainz offering sanctuary for Alonso and his men if needs be.
Señora Sainz had made it to Alonsos territory. By the time she'd gotten there, the attackers had left Alonsos. It was in a state, everything broken, documents missing, just like Carlos's house.
Alonso hadn't escaped like the Sainz family had. He had a bookcase that he could hide behind. Once he was behind it, the bookcase looked bolted to the wall, unmovable. Nobody thought to look for Alonso in there.
When Señora Sainz arrived at the Alonso house, he took her and her daughters to his own safehouse.
While she was in the Verstappen Stronghold, Max was the only person Y/N spoke to. He was the only person who would speak back to her.
She'd heard the rumours growing up, that Max Verstappen was as ruthless and terrifying as his father. But she didn't see that. To her, Max was sweet and kind and definitely not terrifying.
He loved joking, loved making her laugh. Actually, he was the best company she could have asked for while she was waiting for her husband to return.
Max gave her the tour of the Verstappen stronghold. He showed her the library, the home cinema, Max's very own game room. That game room wasn't Y/N's sort of game room. There were screens and monitors on every wall, with every type of gaming console known to man. There was a cabinet full of board games, Monopoly, cluedo, battleships, and chess.
The two of them spent a lot of time in the games room, playing chess with him. Well, it was more like Y/N playing a game of chess alone while Max playing his racing games on his xbox and tried his best to talk to her at the same time.
It wasn't like last time, when Y/N was the newcomer in Carlos's house. She wasn't going to rot away in her room while she waited for her husband to return. Time would pass by quicker if she kept herself busy.
"So, you're pregnant?" Asked Max as he drove around the corner. His set up had a proper steering wheel with the foot pedals and everything.
Y/N looked up from her game of chess. "Did Carlos give it away?"
Nodding his head, Max concentrated on the game. But the bots he was playing against were all colliding into the back of him, causing him to retire from the race. "Actually, he said you guys are gonna name the baby after me."
She couldn't stop herself from laughing at him. "Somehow, I really doubt that, Max."
"Yeah, but think about," he said, turning in his gaming chair. "You could name it Maximus Sainz, which is probably the most bad ass name for a head of family, ever."
Y/N rolled her eyes. She and Max continued chatting casually in this fashion as he played his racing simulator and she played her game of chess. Day after day went like this, but she didn't get bored. Not while she was waiting for Carlos to return.
Max was her solace in this time.
When Carlos returned to Spain, he was incredibly scared for his own life, although he'd never admit it. He had a wife who he loved, a wife who loved him, and a baby on the way. It wasn't like when he was a kid and he could throw himself into the line of fire without a second thought. There were people who counted on him. People he wanted to be there for.
When he landed back in Spain, from what was hopefully his last ever commercial flight, he rented a car. His car was too recognisable now.
His driving was still smooth as he headed back to his house. Their house. The house they were going to raise their baby in.
As he drove, his phone buzzed. Carlos easily answered it as he continued towards the house, holding the phone up to his ear as he steered. "Hamilton," he said into the phone.
"Sainz. I am sorry to hear about your father," said Lewis. "I've heard from almost everybody but you that they have managed to recover. How are you doing?"
Carlos sucked in a breath. "They found us in the safehouse," he said. "I've had to send my wife away but I won't be saying where, if it's okay with you," he said and Lewis agreed. So, Carlos continued. "I am heading back to my house to rebuild," he said.
"Keep us informed," said Lewis.
Carlos hesitated before hanging up. He had just one question left for the head of all of the families. "Norris, is he okay?" He asked him.
"Yes," Lewis answered quickly. "He's tightened his security, just as all of us have."
Carlos hung up the phone. There was no goodbyes in the mafia family, they just stopped the call. Carlos pulled over to dial one more number.
"Y/N?" Said the person on the other side as soon as they picked up.
Carlos pulled back onto the road, driving towards the house. "No, Lando. It's her husband," he said flatly.
The noise Lando made was unrecognisable. "Where is Y/N? Is she okay?" He asked quickly, urgency in his voice. Clearly, he was panicked.
"Yes, Lando, she's fine. I've gotten her somewhere safe," Carlos answered. "But I need you to do me a favour and call Max," he said.
"He's right next to me."
For a moment, Carlos frowned. He'd just left Max in the Netherlands. What on earth did Lando mean? But then it clicked. He always seemed to forget about Lando's best friend Max. "No, the other Max," he said. "Verstappen. Give Max Verstappen a call," He said and put down the phone.
Carlos drove the rest of his way to the house in silence, just praying that Lando did what he asked.
He pulled up to the house, the gates shutting behind him. They'd have to go, he thought as he imagined a few more rows of wall and gates. It would all have to be completely fortified.
He abandoned his car and walked into the house. The doors were already being replaced by metal ones, ones that bolted shut and required a retinal scan to get in.
Carlos made his way up to his office. That was where all the controls would be. It had been cleaned up by his men since the last time he'd been there, his papers put back into order. There was a stack of receipts, the costs of fortifying the house.
He wanted guard dogs, too. They weren't his usual sort of dog, with Carlos preferring something small. But he'd get the biggest dog around if it meant keeping his wife and unborn child safe.
He checked his weapons, all of them still where he had left them. Aside from the few papers, the thieves hadn't stolen anything. It was so confusing, what they actually wanted from him. They hadn't stolen anything of value, just paperwork.
The thieves had only seemed to attack every other family once. But Carlos had been targeted twice. Why? What did they want with him?
He signed some papers, allowing construction to start.
"You!" Shouted Señora Sainz as she stared at Oscar. She grabbed a hold of Alonso's gun and pointed it straight at Oscars chest. "What do you think you're doing here!?"
Suddenly, Alonso grabbed a hold of the gun, taking it away from Señora Sainz. "Now, now," he said, placing it in one of the many desk drawers. "There is no need to resort to violence."
Señora Sainz grumbled and crossed her hands over her chest, glaring daggers at Oscar. "I'm sorry to barge in like this," he said, although his tone suggested anything but apology. "But I've got nowhere else to go. Y/N and Carlos have gone and I can't get back to Australia," he said.
"As Webber's boy, you're allowed sanctuary here," said Alonso as he stood up to shake Oscar's hand.
Oscar visibly deflated, like he was a balloon that had lost all of it's air. He suddenly realised just how exhausted and hungry and thirsty he was.
But, before he could ask Alonso for some food, Señora Sainz cut in. "What of my son and his wife?" She asked suddenly.
Unable to hold himself up anymore, Oscar sank into the nearest seat. "They got away," he said. "While we were being ambushed, Carlos managed to get her out. I'm not sure where they are now."
"What ambush?" Asked Alonso.
"Those thieves, the ones that broke into every house. They came for us in the safehouse."
Alonso frowned. He shouted something in Spanish and two of his men strode forward. Oscar recognised one of them to be Lance, on loan from Stroll in Canada. Lando grabbed a hold of Oscar and walked him through the house, promising him food.
Oscar allowed himself to be dragged along. If he didn't get something to eat soon, there was no way he was making it through the night.
Max's phone rang. He looked at the caller I.D, a smile gracing his features. He held a finger up to Y/N and ducked out of the home theatre, walking out to the hall to answer the call. "Little Lando Norris," he said, wearing a smile.
"You can't call me that now, Maximillian," Lando responded with a slight grumble. "I'm a head of family now."
Max rolled his eyes. It really was easy to forget that Lando now had as much power as his father did. It wasn't fair, wasn't fair that someone younger than him had to deal with such a burden. "What do you wan?" He asked, his voice still chipper as he leaned against the wall.
"Carlos said I should call you," Lando said, jumping straight to the point.
Max shrugged his shoulders. "Probably because I've got your sister here," he said.
Lando made another one of those unintelligible noises. "What?!" He cried. "What do you mean? Is Y/N in the Netherlands? Are you in Spain? Can I speak to her?"
Unsure just quite how to answer that many questions at once, Max walked back into the theatre and passed the phone to his house guest. She looked at her host in confusion as she took the phone and lifted it to her ear. "Hello?" She called, her voice unsure.
"Y/N?" Came the startled voice of her brother. "Is that actually you?"
"Holy shit, Lando!" She stood, walking into the hall as Max went back to watching the movie. "You're safe," she said. "You're safe, you're safe, you're safe!"
"I've been so worried about you! Why're you with Max? Where is Carlos?"
Their conversation was a jumble of voices, the both of them trying to talk over the top of each other. Y/N needed Lando to shut up and listen and he was rambling, clearly stressed. Y/N could picture him now, his tie knotted too tight, his curls a mess, sticking up in every direction from where he had been pulling them.
"I'm pregnant!" She blurted out when he wouldn't shut up.
That did the trick. Lando fell silent. "Lan, you're going to be an uncle."
"Well, that's great and all, but you haven't actually answered any of my questions," Lando answered.
It wasn't the answer Y/N had been hoping for, but at least he wasn't stressing anymore. So, she calmly and collectedly took him through the events that had ended with her in the Netherlands and Carlos back in Spain.
Lando had only interrupted her once, with a little cry of 'they ambushed you twice?!' but he quickly let her get back to her story.
"That's it," he said as soon as she had finished speaking. "I'm bringing you home right now."
Taglist (CLOSED): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal @graciewrote @biancathecool @evans-dejong @sparklyperfectionstranger @venusesworld @goldenharrysworld @cassie0sstuff @gracielukey @watermelonworries @celesteblack08 @shobaes @chonkybonky
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #37
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.7k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Haneul is absolutely incredible.
He makes sure to prove that to you on every date and it's not him doing it purposely. It's you who thinks that every time you laugh, smile or just look at him being him. He's become a person you talk to all the time, even if it's just simple text messages, and has become a constant person you hang out with whenever you get the chance.
Ever since Friday happened, you exchanged your numbers in hope of your date, he has shown you how much interested he is in you. He even texted you if you got home safely that night and ever since then, you've been texting nonstop. And by nonstop you mean exactly that, the whole Sunday full of you being on your phone texting him as you planned out your date which happened the next day.
Monday. Your first official date. It was simple, just right for your first date as you got the chance to know him even better, this time without your friends' prying eyes and loud music surrounding you. He took you on a nice dinner, the only right time in your schedule considering you had work that day. You had an hour or so to make yourself look more presentable, trying to freshen up and cover the tiredness off your face.
The dinner was nice, he paid even though you insisted on splitting up the bill. You felt bad, knowing he had a part-time job in a bookstore nearby his college. Haneul insisted, stopping you before you could voice out your concern and distracted you by taking you for a walk alongside Han River.
It was so romantic with the moonlight and street lights, his fingers intertwined with yours as he gave you a shy smile trying to hide his blush. As much as you were shy the first time you held hands, you felt like it's even bigger deal for him as he confessed you couldn't leave his mind after he first met you. He confirmed Yejun's words of him coming to the club in a hope to see you there.
"I'm not a stalker, I promise," he laughed sheepishly that night, "I told my friends about you and they wouldn't let me live ever since, so they would purposely drag my ass there but I can't say I didn't want to go because I wanted to see you again." He told you, your heart warming immediately as you told him that's very sweet and cute of him.
He's more reserved than his friends and if it weren't for you, he would decline their constant nagging of going partying. But he admitted that he doesn't regret going because it means he'd probably never met you.
That night you had your first kiss.
Every day from Monday, no matter how tired you were from your work and Haneul busy with studying and attending class, you've always made time for each other. Went out on dates, from going to watch a movie in the cinema to another dinner. It doesn't really matter where he took you, all that matters was just two of you being two cute people having dates.
Haneul, originally from China but he and his parents moved to Korea when he was five, has stolen your heart and you couldn't say no when he asked you on your fourth date to be his girlfriend. That night you invited him to your place and opened a bottle of wine while talking and watching the movie, cuddling on your couch.
Kisses became much more intense and not just as innocent as before. Making out has become an act that happened on a daily basis as soon as you were safely in your apartment, the only place where you could be alone since Haneul lives in a rented apartment with two of his roommates. He proved to be even more controlled, not letting his hands linger on your skin for too long until you had to take his hands and put them on your ass while you were making out, sitting on his lap.
With Haechan, you moved naturally as things felt right and you feel like you were mostly affected by the curiosity of intimacy, so you wanted to take things further each time you spent together.
But now that you're dating Haneul, you knew more about those things and explored just enough that you became the person to guide him. From what he told you on one of your dates while you were talking about your and his exes, he had only one girlfriend before you and apparently it wasn't anything serious. And that one time you were making out on your couch again, grinding against each other to drive away that thirst, he confessed that he never had sex apart from blowjobs in his previous relationship.
He seemed to be a little embarrassed about it at first, but you assured him there was nothing wrong about being a virgin and you could take things slow. From his point of view he was a twenty, soon to be twenty-one, year old adult in a college with almost no experience (apart from handjobs and blowjobs) whatsoever. Guys his age, roommates, are wild and seeking for sex at every opportunity. But that's what makes him different, better and maybe that's why you started to like him to the point he has become your boyfriend.
"I like you so much," he confessed against your lips, "I don't think I can wait any longer."
So, you experimented and tried to get to know each other more intimately, see what the two of you like and what works the best for you two. You haven't had sex as soon as he confessed his want for you. You felt just the same, wanting to take another step in your maybe short relationship but it doesn't matter because it felt right. Still, the two of you got to know each other's bodies differently with a couple of handjobs, blowjobs and him exploring your own body with his mouth and fingers.
"I told Kiko."
You pause for a second, hands lingering against the cotton material of a greyish sweatshirt as you glance at Jungkook, who's standing beside you holding shopping bags of clothes you've managed to buy.
You're leaving tomorrow to spend some time but most importantly Christmas with your family. As you spoke with Jungkook on the phone yesterday, the two of you had decided to hang out together while you do the final round of Christmas shopping. Most stuff you bought is ordered anyway, already packed nicely to be given.
What Jungkook has just said doesn't come as a surprise, considering he has talked to you about this topic before and you encouraged him to do it. There's no need for him to elaborate more since you already know what he means and is talking about.
"And? How did she react?" you ask mindlessly, taking out the sweatshirt to have a proper look.
The truth is, you're acting way more nonchalantly than you really are and you're trying not to show too much interest in this particular topic, even though you're curious how she has taken the fact you were hooking up with her now boyfriend. You told Jungkook you respect his decision and you do, still trying to remind yourself of that sometimes, but you do hope she had at least a bitter feeling after hearing it. It's only fair for how much she hurt him.
"Surprised? And good, I guess." he answers with a murmur.
Humming, you turn the hanger where the sweatshirt is hanging from around, looking at Jungkook. "What do you think? Will Jimin like this?"
Jungkook sighs, not surprised by the lack of reaction you're giving him but at the same time he can't say he was expecting much. He just thinks you deserve to know that Kiko knows about you two.
"Yeah," he nods to answer you.
"What size should I buy him?" you think out loud, glancing at the label to see what size you're holding right now.
"Medium, he's tiny." Jungkook answers, causing you to snicker as you take the sweatshirt with you since it's medium. It looks a little oversized anyway, so it should fit just right.
"Be glad he doesn't hear you," you chuckle, the two of you turning around to make your way towards the cashiers as you put a hand on Jungkook's back, pushing him forward as he looks cluelessly at you. The poor guy has been shopping with you for the last hour and half, sighing every time you've excitedly led him towards another shop.
Jungkook reacts with a snicker, knowing how whiny and offensive Jimin gets whenever someone teases him for his height and size overall. That someone is usually Jungkook.
When you pay for the clothes you bought for Jimin and your dad, Taehyung's coat is already bought and safely put in one of the shopping bags, you make your way out of the shopping center. In the garage as you approach Jungkook's car, he pulls out his car keys and opens the car from a distance.
"So, did you tell her about us too?" You can't help but go back to the previous conversation which seems unfinished.
"Yeah, well I didn't tell her why we hooked up or anything. I just said we did," he tells you as he opens the truck, loading your bags there while you do the same thing. "Don't worry, I wouldn't talk to her about your sexlife." he reminds you, looking at you to make sure you look him in the eyes as he says it.
That makes you smile. No matter how much Jungkook loves Kiko, he thinks about you too and is considerate automatically without you even telling something.
"I know you wouldn't," you tell him softly, "And it's not like I'd mind it that much anyway, I don't think I'm embarrassed about the fact that we simply agreed on hooking up because I wanted to experiment."
"Still, it's a private and quite intimate topic. I don't think she needs to know any details, she knows the main thing and I think that's enough." he shrugs, closing the truck with a soft thud as all of your shopping bags are placed there.
As you think about it, you do feel a little weird knowing that you and Jungkook hooked up and are completely fine. Not always though, these are just moments when that thought crosses your mind and it's more like bewilderment. Overall, you're glad it hasn't affected your friendship in any way. Still, you've seen him naked, you've experienced what it feels like to have sex with him and you don't think it's something you'll forget. Not necessarily because it was one hell of a ride, but because it's a simple fact. You're not thinking about this every day but there are moments when you're completely bewildered how your friendship works. As long as none of you make it weird, it won't be. You've talked about this numerous times together after all.
Just like what happened with Yoongi. You went back to normal without any problems.
It's more like 'Wow, we pull this off without destroying our friendship or making things weird'. Mainly talking about Jungkook here. Can you even consider Yoongi as your friend? You don't hang out outside work, you just manage to give him a handjob in his brother's office. Oh, fuck. You've to stop thinking about this, it's starting to give you a headache.
You let out a chuckle at your thoughts, just when you sit in the car while Jungkook starts turning on the temperature and pulls out his phone to turn on his playlist. He looks at you, chuckling at your own chuckle. "What?"
"Don't you feel weird knowing we've had sex and are completely fine? Like we forgot it happened in the first place." you speak out your thoughts, mainly amused by them in the first place as Jungkook seems to think about your words for a moment as he shrugs.
"I didn't forget, I remember everything." he cheekily grins, poking the tip of his tongue to the inside of his cheek cockily as you push him in the shoulder while laughing, ignoring the rush of heat in your cheeks.
"Oh, shut up."
"Honestly, I think it doesn't have to be weird if we're fine that it happened. I mean, the both of us are living our own lives and are in a different stage with our relationships." he tells you once your laughs calm down, voice tender but serious at the same time.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," You knew he would always send comfort to your rather overthinking mind."Speaking of our relationships. Do you think I could invite Haneul for New Year's Eve?" you ask, meaning to ask him this for quite some time as you and Haneul talked about your plans for Christmas and NYE a few days ago.
He said he'd spent it with his friends, usually partying, but now he'd like to spend it with you. So, you thought Haneul could join you and your friends. Jungkook is bringing Kiko, Jin has a wife and probably everyone else is bringing a plus one.
Jungkook starts the engine, glancing at you for a moment as he opens his mouth. "Yeah, why not," he shrugs, one of the songs by Billie Eilish already playing from the speakers as you grin at him excitedly. "I'd like to meet the guy anyway." he mutters, causing you to groan.
"No, don't do that." you whine, "Stop acting like my dad."
Jungkook cackles, scrunching his nose as he drives from the underground garage to the main road. "I'm not, I just can't wait to meet him."
It's been around a week since you've told Jungkook about Haneul. You've told him pretty much at the very beginning about him, after your first or second date. You've never had any secrets with Jungkook (minus the incident with your car) and you often tell him things he could live without not knowing, so sharing your private life with him is like a daily routine. Sharing a new person in your life is quite big news, even though you haven't made a big deal out of it and simply told him you're seeing someone while talking with him on the phone.
He hasn't had a huge reaction, nor were you expecting one as he asked about Haneul and how you met him. So you told him everything, from how you went and what an amazing guy he is.
"Don't," you whine through a giggle again, "If you're gonna try to intimidate him, I swear to god. Haneul is such a sweet guy."
"He better be, or I'll kick his ass." Jungkook says, making you laugh again as you start groaning.
"You won't be kicking any ass. Haneul will pass your vibe check, I just know it, he's great. He's treating me right and brings me roses every time he sees me, even though I told him specifically he doesn't have to do that. How sweet is that?"
"Don't you prefer peonies over roses?"
"Not the point," you grit through your teeth, ignoring Jungkook's proud smirk. "He really is great." you gush over your boyfriend again, sighing a content smile as Jungkook snorts under his breath.
"Alright, alright, I get your point. I wasn't trying to intimidate him, by the way," You cock your brow at him, pursing your lips. "I'm just saying I'll let him know what happens if he hurts you."
Rolling your eyes, you hide your smile by looking out of the window. "Alright, alright, Mr. Jeon."
He rolls his eyes playfully, snickering under his breath. There's a beat of silence for a moment, Jungkook silently singing along to Billie's song while thrumming his tattooed fingers against the top of the steering wheel. "You know," he glances at you when he stops at the red light, giving you a toothed grin. "Maybe we could go on a double date."
You see how the corner of his lips twitches when he sees your glare. "Don't push it." you murmur through clenched teeth, fighting off a smile when you hear Jungkook's bubbly laugh as he steps on the engine as soon as there's a green light.
The rest of the ride is spent with Jungkook's soft singing and brief conversations. Jungkook is leaving for Busan in two days, taking some editing work with him to spend more time with his family. From what you understood, he's going alone. Not that it matters whether Kiko is going too or not. She went to Busan to spend Christmas with Jungkook and his family last year. It looks like they've decided to spend this holiday separately. You're not sure if she's going to Japan for a few days, probably not since it wouldn't be that convenient considering you're going on NYE trip on 28th and maybe her family is coming instead of her. Well, if she's going to Japan she could stay there and not come back.
You almost cackle loudly at your bitter thoughts, knowing if Jungkook could hear them he would be disappointed. But not surprised, right?
Somehow the universe seems to have its own twisted way of punishing you with endless and bitter thoughts about Kiko, it seems like God or whoever is up there loves her, because your eyes almost bulge out at the sight of Haneul in front of your apartment building. You don't notice him, not until Jungkook parks his car and the two of you get out of it.
He waves at you with a bright grin, your eyes widening as Jungkook follows your line of vision. He hasn't seen Haneul yet, he hasn't even met him in the first place. You thought your best friend meeting your boyfriend will wait until the NYE trip, that's what you hoped for. It's not like you don't want them to meet. Considering your previous conversation with Jungkook, you feel like you haven't made it clear enough for Jungkook to save his protective persona. You're more nervous for Haneul meeting Jungkook than Haneul himself, who's already walking towards you with the still same bright smile.
It's even worse when you both stand in front of the truck, Jungkook opening it as he turns to you, lips already curved in a satisfied smirk. "Looks like I'm meeting your little boyfriend."
You frown, ready to tell him to piss off and maybe threaten him a little (not that it'd help but you'd still feel better), but it's too late when you hear Haneul.
"Hey, I was just about to ring you." Haneul says when he's in a closer proximity.
You give him a smile, taking a few steps towards him as he welcomes you with a sweet peck. You shyly pull away. "Hey, I thought you'd come later." you tell him lightly, seeing him shrug as he hides his hands into his burgundy jacket pockets.
You made plans to hang out one last time before you depart to your hometown to see your family. He was supposed to come in half an hour.
"Yeah, my class finished earlier," he simply answers, eyes shining as he's looking at you with that adorable smile. You're about to say something, your own lips curled in an adoring smile but before you can open your mouth, Haneul's eyes shift to Jungkook.
Jungkook naturally came up in your conversation on one of the dates when you were talking about your and Haneul's friends. He has a very important place in your life, he's your best friend after all and you don't have any reason not to mention him. You still remember Haneul's interested expression when you told him your best friend is a guy. When you started talking about Jungkook and your friendship, he quickly understood that you and him are very close.
Yet, not even once he questioned your friendship and looked like he's suspecting anything, like most of your friends or people who simply don't believe in a friendship between a woman and a man. He even told you that's cool, since most of your friends are guys. One of the reasons Haneul is so understanding and sweet. He's different and very kind.
The topic of you and Jungkook hooking up before hasn't been the right topic for any of your dates. You weren't about to spill your private sexlife at him on one of your first dates while you talked about your friends. You'll tell him, you know you can trust him now that he's your boyfriend. You just wanted to see whether your relationship is going to be something more serious. But not that you're dating, it's only fair for him to know what happened between you and Jungkook.
You would lie if you said you're not slightly frightened about his reaction. But you're not going to keep that away from him, now that he's about to meet Jungkook and probably see him more often. You can kind of relate to Jungkook when he said he can't be between you and Kiko. You're not in the same situation but the thought of them hating each other makes your stomach clench with uneasiness.
Haneul already knew you're with Jungkook, shopping for some last minute presents. Not even once he showed a sign of jealousy or something negative, not even now as he smiles at Jungkook.
"Hey, I'm Haneul." he tells him lightly, grinning as your heart swells at his cuteness. You watch him outstretching his hand towards Jungkook.
You don't realize you're eyeing Jungkook from the side, sending him warning daggers not until he glances at you before he takes Haneul's hand and shakes it.
"Jungkook." he introduces himself simply, giving him a faint smile in greeting.
"I've heard so much about you," Haneul starts, letting out almost like a nervous chuckle, your lips pursing as Jungkook gives you a teasing grin.
"Have you?" he muses, still smirking at you as you roll your eyes. "Glad to know you haven't forgotten me." he teases you, pinching your cheeks as you slap his hands away.
"Don't make me aggressive, Jeon." you warn him, hiding your amused grin as Haneul stares at the odd interaction between you. Still, he's grinning almost amusingly at you both. It's because he probably hasn't seen you being annoyed and this kind of playful before.
"Aggressive, isn't she?" Jungkook looks at Haneul, grinning as he points at you while you slap his finger away.
Haneul laughs, throwing his head back in laughter as he looks at you. "I don't think so, she's totally harmless. Right, princess?" Haneul teases you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. You purse your lips at the pet name, shyly avoiding Jungkook's eyes.
It feels different when he calls you that in front of someone else in your presence – Jungkook out of all people.
"You're in for a wild ride," Jungkook snorts, ignoring your glare as he cackles under his breath. "Should I help you with the bags?" Jungkook asks, holding your shopping bags as you quickly snatch it from him as he starts grinning at your rapid reaction.
"No, you should go," you dismiss him, thanking Haneul as he helps you with the bags. "You already met him, so kindly shoo away."
"Oh come on, don't be so rude," Jungkook feigns a whine, shutting his truck. "I'm not that bad, am I Haneul?" he spreads his arms as if the answer is obvious, looking at Haneul who shakes his head with a breathy laugh.
"That's debatable." you mutter, grinning innocently at Jungkook when his amusement falls and he sends you a glare.
"You see? Women. You drive them home, walk behind them like a puppy for two hours in a shopping center and she gives you this attitude," Jungkook complains, tsking as he playfully looks at you and you snort at his playfulness. "Lucky for you I've somewhere else to be."
"Ah, such a shame." You're the one who feigns a pout this time, devilishly laughing at his glare.
Just like nothing happened, he's outstretching his arms for you as you chuckle and walk into his arms. "Call me when you get to your parents, alright?" he murmurs as he hugs you.
"Uhm," you hum against him, nose digging into his cold and padded jacket. "Say hi to your parents from me."
"Likewise." he says when the two of you pull away.
You nod, waving him off as he's already going back into the car. You and Haneul make your way towards the apartment building, cold spreading on your already red cheeks.
"Well, that was something," Haneul chuckles, aiming at the meeting of Jungkook. "He's a cool guy," You hum, opening the door for the two of you as your kind boyfriend takes all the bags from your hands.
"And a strong one." he adds as you chuckle, frowning in confusion.
"He almost cut my blood flow when he shook my hand." Haneul chuckles, noticing how you're not surprised, not even a bit.
How could you, Jungkook looked suspiciously fine, so you're not surprised he did something like that.
"I'm sorry about that." you chuckle, pressing the button of the elevator as the door opens and you step in.
"No, it's okay. It's good that he's protective. Luckily for him, you don't need his protection anymore. You've got me." Haneul jokes, wiggling his brows as you giggle before he leans down and kisses your lips.
"Yeah," you breathe out a chuckle, "Just don't tell that in front of him."
You both laugh, making your way to your home. Haneul is the first one to take the shoes off and you kindly ask him to put the shopping bags into your room, warning him not to peek inside since there are some presents for him too. He promises he won't look, cutely grinning at you as he goes to your bedroom. As you're taking off your jacket, your phone vibrates with a new message.
Kook: isn't he too young? 
You can hear the teasing in his voice even through the message, knowing he's just being his annoying self. You won't let him get to you. You laugh at the message, thumbs already moving to text him back.
"Fuck you"
His response comes in a few seconds.
Kook: you wish
You gasp at his message before an amused smirk plays on your lips, your thumbs already writing your response.
"Oh wait already done that"
Snorting, you send him the emoji of a middle finger too just for the right measure, shoving your phone into the pocket of your jeans. You just know he's cackling at your response and you shake your head, chuckling to yourself as you follow Haneul, ready to hide your presents until you can safely wrap them.
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"...you know what he's like. He basically interrogated me in the middle of dinner. At least he wasn't showing his set of knives this time."
His childhood bedroom is swallowed in darkness and silence as he lays in his empty bed, hand clutching the phone to his ear.
Jungkook laughs at that, trying to silence his laugh by pressing his lips together. Everyone has already gone to bed and the last thing he wants is for his mom to scold him in the morning for being loud.
The story of your dad's knives is quite remarkable. You've never been that kind of daughter to sneak guys to her home when your parents were there, or even if they weren't. From what you've told Jungkook, from the period when you didn't know each other, you weren't that kind of girl to bring any guy to your home. It wasn't intentional, you just didn't really find any guy to invite home.
Even though you don't admit it or think that, you've always been beautiful. You were cute as a kid and beautiful even in your teenage years when most of the kids would have a glow up. You didn't need that. Jungkook has seen your childhood pictures a few times and no matter how many times you waved him off, brushing off his comments whenever you got embarrassed at him for looking at them in the first place.
"Oh god, this is so awkward. How could I have worn that?" You'd always whine, snatching the picture from his hands as you hid it with flushed cheeks.
Everyone thinks they had a bad looking phase, if not – they're lying. Even Jungkook's photos from his own childhood and teenage years are proof of that. He'd had the same reaction whenever his mom showed you those pictures, wanting to snatch them from your hands as he started screaming out of embarrassment.
Cute bunny. That's what you always called him when you saw twelve years old Jungkook with a bad haircut and bunny toothed grin.
However, Jungkook doesn't think you had a bad phase. It's simply true. You've lost your baby fat over your teenage years and even though some pictures might've been cringe-worthy, he didn't see why you were freaking about them so much.
You had to be aware that you're not ugly. The amount of guys that used to bother you with their intrusiveness speaks for it. You hate intrusive people, guys even more.
And whenever you'd mention any guy to your dad, teasing him because you liked his protective dad reactions because they were funny, he'd always show you his knives and inform you how sharp they are. You and Jungkook would always laugh about it, not that Jungkook has witnessed your dad doing that. It's just enough he heard you telling him that.
It became this joke that seemed almost forgotten, until you've just mentioned it.
Your father is a funny guy, he's not some psycho that would actually hurt anyone. Still, like every father, he's protective of his precious daughter that gets her looks from him. Your dad used to be a heartbreaker, not intentionally, his handsomeness even surprised Jungkook when he saw his pictures from a young age. It runs in the family, that's what he thought while looking at your family's pictures.
Apparently, you mentioned Haneul over the Christmas dinner, so your dad asked a lot of questions which is understandable. Now that you're older, your father is more fine with guys being around you.
But instead of trying to snatch any guy that would be able to fall on his knees for you, you always pushed them away. It kind of stuck to you until this day. Having a boyfriend and wanting to have a relationship is different. The amount of guys Jungkook had to push away from you and tell them to fuck off because you found them annoying and kindly asked Jungkook to take care of it whenever you went clubbing, is huge. Sometimes you didn't even have to tell him, all it took was one glance and Jungkook was already on his way to you. On the other hand, men in clubs think they can do anything just because they're out having fun, trying it on every girl. It happens to every girl in the club, not just to you.
Maybe that's one of the reasons you don't enjoy clubbing that much. You do enjoy it when you're drunk and have friends around you. It makes you feel safe.
"How was your Christmas? I saw the photos on Instagram, Haru is so freaking cute." he hears you gush over his little niece, causing Jungkook to smile as he remembers her big eyes and a big smile when she saw all the presents.
Jungwon, Sona and Haru stayed at his parents' house as well. As much as Jungkook loves his family, he's happy there's finally silence and his eardrums are not ready to burst.
"Great," Jungkook chuckles, "Everyone's finally sleeping. As much as I love Haru, she was crying for like half an hour and stopped just like fifteen minutes ago."
The whole time Jungkook was calling with Kiko, Haru cried through most of it and it was so loud that even she could hear it. Mentioning her, Jungkook has told his parents that they got back together when Jungkook's mom was asking about Kiko.
"She should've come here too then!" Jungkook's mom said when she found out.
"She's spending it with her family." Jungkook easily replied which is true. He wasn't lying when he said that.
What his parents don't know is the fact that Jungkook didn't ask her to come to Busan with him. He's happy they're back together, but he also acknowledges there are certain things that are different now and he wanted to spend this year with his family only. Them getting back together still feels fresh in some kind of way. So they talked about it and came to the conclusion it'd be better if they celebrated this family holiday with their own families.
Kiko was fine with it. Something tells him the only reason she was okay with not going with him this year, is the fact that she's probably embarrassed even though Jungkook's parents don't know anything about why they broke up because he didn't tell them.
"She's a baby. Babies cry." He hears you giggle, your own voice hushed meaning you're in your room too and everyone's probably sleeping as well. Well, it's almost midnight so it would make sense.
"I know that," he points out and you can perfectly imagine his frown, thanks to his slightly offended but feigned tone. "I kinda wish they went home."
"Jungkook!" he hears you exclaim, giggling right after as he starts laughing with you.
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" he exclaims back through his laugh, trying to muffle it with his hand.
You both giggle, trying to calm down. "Listen, I talked with Jin and told him you're bringing a plus one. He's fine with it, just thought you should know."
"Yeah, thanks." He hears the smile of appreciation in your voice.
The two of you talk for a couple more minutes, voices already sounding tired before you decide to end the almost thirty minutes long call.
"Y/N?" you hear Jungkook murmur, his own voice thick with sleepiness and raspiness as he hears you hum. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Kook." He hears you smile, already hearing you falling asleep as he ends the call, finally allowing himself to rest.
That is until he hears Haru's cries from the other room again, causing him to sigh as he lies on the side, grabbing one of the pillows and pressing it onto his ear. Yeah, he wasn't lying when he said he wishes they went home.
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"Bring your boyfriend sometimes."
Those were the words your dad said to you once you were leaving, ready to go back to Seoul. Your boyfriend. You're not surprised he didn't say his name, knowing your dad it was his way of teasing you or he simply forgot what his name is. At least your mom playfully rolled her eyes, swatting her husband in the chest.
"What he means by that, is that we'd love to meet him sometimes." she corrected, glancing at her husband with raised brow as you snorted.
You might not live with them anymore, but you know them very well. Especially your father and his tactics and role of being a protective dad.
"Don't give me that look," you told him, tugging your suitcase with you. "There's no need to be protective, even when you meet him. Jungkook made sure of that."
"I've always liked him." Your dad said, the words aimed at Jungkook as you simply chuckled at how relieved he seemed to look, knowing there is at least one person being as protective of you as your father.
However, you're not sure what your dad would think if he saw you right now.
The moans ripple from your throat, your cheek pressed against your pillow as you spread your legs even further apart to give Haneul enough space for him to thrust deeper. Now is definitely not the time to think about your father and their possible future meeting, you plan on introducing him to your parents and family. That can wait though.
After you came back to Seoul, relaxed and fully excited to see Haneul again, you met the same day you arrived back home. He came with a bouquet of roses, welcomed you with a kiss as you both started talking about your Christmas and the days you were apart. You exchanged Christmas presents too, your heart swelling at Haneul's cuteness as he kept smiling whenever you opened one of his presents for you. One thing led to another and things got much more heated which slowly led to Haneul confessing that he's ready and if you want him, he'd love to take another step into your relationship.
Maybe you're moving too quickly, although you don't think about it that way. Everything you do together seems natural and you both enjoy it. So, you agreed. That night you took Haneul's virginity while riding him before he fully dived into the world of sex and orgasms. And you've been more than happy to cooperate, desperate for his touch too.
"Let's do it again." Were his words when you brought him his first orgasm that night, your own orgasm ripped away from you since he came much faster than all those times when you gave him a blowjob.
There was nothing embarrassing about it. It's the first time he has ever experienced that feeling of being inside someone else and you made sure he knew that, showered him with kisses on his red cheeks and face full of embarrassment.
"You should take a break." you laughed at his determination of having sex again.
Twenty minutes later and you were doing it again, this time Haneul taking the control as he lasted longer and snapped that knot in your stomach, finally bringing an orgasm to your eager self.
A day later and you still can't keep your hands from each other. Haneul has stayed at your place ever since you've come back from your parents' house and those days have been spent with nothing but sex and constant cuddling. Since he's free from classes, thanks to the winter break, he brought some of his clothes to your place as you'll straight go from here to the cabin to celebrate New Year's Eve and spend a few days there to just relax. Your departure is scheduled tomorrow, still having two days to settle down in the cabin before the New Year's Eve comes.
The buzzing of your phone shakes you out from the pleasure as you groan, reaching for your phone. Haneul stops, still staying inside of you as he peeks at you from his fucked out state. You look at your phone, eyes widening at the name flashing on the screen.
For some reason, your stomach drops at the absurd situation of him calling you right now while you're in the middle of something. You ignore the call, turning off the buzzing by pressing your volume button as you turn to Haneul.
"It's Jungkook," you explain, "I'll just call him back later."
He nods, leaning down to kiss you before he starts pulling out before he thrusts. You make yourself comfortable, the side of your face meeting the softness of your pillow as you sigh in content as the pleasure slowly builds back in.
He's barely in his third thrust as your phone starts to buzz again.
"Continue." you tell him over your shoulder, hearing him groan in response as he listens to you.
You do the same thing, turning off the buzzing. This way you don't cancel the call, Jungkook is just going to think you're not answering because you don't have your phone with you. Having sex while your phone keeps buzzing would be distracting anyways, so it's better to turn the buzzing off. Putting your phone back on your nightstand, you moan as Haneul's length brushes against your sensitive spot while he groans at your walls tightening around him.
"Crap, I don't know how much I'll last." he groans, hands gripping your hips as you moan in response.
You feel yourself getting there, orgasm approaching as you clutch your sheets between your hands, telling Haneul you're close. He picks up the pace, bottom lip tucked between your lips, you encourage him to go harder before your phone starts to buzz again. The two of you groan at the same time, Haneul stopping his movements and this way your orgasm is gone in a second. Your lips curl in disappointment and frustration.
"Just answer him." Haneul sighs, pulling out of you, his length slapping against his abdomen as you bite your bottom lip at the sight.
Freaking Jeon. You sigh, reaching for your phone as you accept the call, already pressing it to your ear.
"Yah, where are you?" Jungkook speaks as soon as he notices you've accepted the call, his Busan accent coming through as you snicker.
"Hello to you too," you say ironically, chuckling right after. "Sorry, I was busy." you murmur, glancing over your shoulder at Haneul whose lips quirk up in a smirk, mimicking your own as you suppress the giggle that wants to ripple from your throat.
"Busy doing what?"
And he calls you curious.
"Just packing my stuff." you reply, clearing your throat as you feel Haneul's hands on your spine slowly coming to your ass cheeks.
You glance at him, raising his brow as he innocently shrugs and just traces his fingers on your exposed skin. Your thighs are starting to ache from the now awkward position as you hear Jungkook's voice again.
"I was just calling and checking in with you. Who are you driving with? We still have space in my car, I was wondering if you want to go with us." The caution in his voice is noticeable but somehow he remains soft and calm.
As much as you'd love to ride with Jungkook, knowing the rides in his car are always better than the chaotic duo consisting of Taehyung and Jimin. However, the thought of you spending a four hour long ride with Kiko in the same car is a huge no. You'd rather walk there than share a car with her. You get the feeling Jungkook knows that, that's why he sounds so cautious, but at the same time he's his usual self, sweet and caring, to ask just in case you'd want to go with them.
"Oh, no it's fine. I already talked to Jimin yesterday and he--ahh," you gasp as you feel Haenul's length pressing back inside you as you stare at him with widened eyes.
Index finger on his lips, he tells you silently to keep quiet as you bite your lip.
"You good?" Jungkook asks unsurely, the worry in his voice obvious as you feel your heart beating fast against your ribcage.
"Yeah, yeah, what was I saying," you nervously chuckle, biting into your lip again as Haneul picks up the pace. Fuck, you hope he doesn't hear the sound of your and Haneul's skin slapping, even though he still holds somehow steady and not that fast pace, so the sounds of your explicit actions are minimal.
"Oh yeah, I talked to Jimin and we're going with them. They still have two places left, so..." you trail off. Not from the awkwardness of declining Jungkook's kind offer, but from the fact Haneul reaches down between your legs and circles your sensitive bud of nerves.
You gasp into the pillow, momentarily forgetting Jungkook's on the phone as you hear your name coming from his lips. The low and slow tone as he says it completely goes unnoticed by you, until you hear him again.
"What are you doing?"
It's a simple question, yet the knowing tone in his voice causes your stomach to drop for the second time as you clear your tone. Your instinct reacts automatically, the need to get an orgasm is strong as you embrace yourself to keep your voice steady which you're doing an awful job at.
"I gotta go, I'll call you later." And you end the call before he can utter a single word, tossing your phone away as Haneul gets rougher and faster with each thrust.
The slight embarrassment comes right after you come around Haneul's length, his own orgasm filling up the condom as he goes to dispose himself off it as you lay on your back, staring at your plain ceiling. Jungkook's low tone rings in your ears and with each passing second you realize that fuck, Jungkook just maybe heard you while you were having sex with your boyfriend. There's a chance he probably didn't know what you were doing.
Yet, it's his voice and that tone stuck in your mind for the rest of the night. You don't call him back that night. He doesn't either.
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Jimin and Taehyung come to pick you up the next morning, stuffing Jimin's almost full truck with your and Haneul's suitcases for a good five minutes until it can be shut. Just like you predicted and already knew, riding in the same car as Taehyung, it's guaranteed there won't be a minute of silence. The four hour ride is long, mainly filled with Taehyung's passionate and loud singing that to be fair, makes even you laugh. The social butterfly he is, once Jimin scolds him and tells him to shut up, he starts to make conversation with Haneul who's sitting right behind him, politely and friendly answering any of Taehyung's curious questions.
Thankfully, he doesn't bring up Jungkook and you 'dating' which makes your stomach clench uneasy for the entire ride. You still need to tell him it was all fake, before he could accidentally spill it out and before you can tell Haneul about it. Fortunately, whenever Jungkook's name somehow pops up in one of Taehyung's stories, he doesn't mention anything about you and him. Even Jimin gives you a thoughtful look in the rear mirror while he's driving, giving you a slight smile.
It's not until you've to make a stop at the gas station because Taehyung drank a lot of water and needs to use the restroom, that Jimin turns to you and gives you an assuring smile. While Haneul went to grab and buy some snacks for everyone, it's only you and Jimin in the car.
"I told Tae not to bring up you and Jungkook 'dating'," He even makes air quotes which makes you chuckle, "I just told him it might be uncomfortable for you and Haneul too if he brought that up."
"Thanks Jiminie," you give him a smile, "You're a literal sweetheart." you tell him honestly, fully realizing his kindness.
"I know it's not any of my business, but I think you should tell him soon if that's what you're still planning to do. You know Tae, sometimes he doesn't realize he spilled something after it's done."
It's true. You love Taehyung and you know he's having your back just as much as Jimin does. The only difference between him and Jimin is that Taehyung means no harm but has a big mouth especially when he's enjoying himself, meaning whenever there's alcohol. There's no doubt there will be lots of it once you arrive at Seokjin's cabin.
"Yeah, I know," you sigh, "I'll tell him as soon as it's possible." you promise more to yourself than Jimin, already seeing Haneul and Taehyung laughing while walking out of the gas station with a huge bag full of snacks.
Surely, that was Taehyung's idea.
The rest of the ride is more calm while Taehyung stuffs his mouth with snacks, silently listening to the casual conversation happening between you, Jimin and Haneul. It's until Jimin informs everyone that you're five minutes from the cabin, that you pay more attention to your surroundings. The road is snowy but Jimin manages to drive safely and slowly up the hill. You can see a few cabins along the way until you ride more up the hill, the place more separated from the rest of the cabins.
You can already see a few cars parked in front of the wooden cabin, recognizing Jungkook's car almost immediately as your eyes widen.
"This is the cabin?" you ask, staring at it completely thrown off by its appearance. It's massive.
You knew it'd be a bigger size since a lot of you are coming and from what you've heard from Jungkook, there are enough rooms for two people sharing one bedroom. You didn't expect this cabin to be so big and modern, reminding you of those cabins they portray in American movies. It even has a set of huge windows in the middle of it, if it weren't for the daylight you'd be able to see inside. If this looks so magical from the outside, you're not sure how beautiful it must look inside. Even the huge trees behind it make it even more magical and breathtaking.
"Yeah, Jin's parents are loaded if you couldn't tell." Jimin answers, chuckling as he parks behind Jungkook's black Mercedes.
Everyone unbuckles their seatbelts, not wasting any time to just sit in the car and admire the surroundings behind a window. Jimin opens the truck, handing everyone their suitcases as Taehyung starts waving at Hoseok and Jin who are standing in the distance. They wave at him, or at everyone as Taehyung rushes with his suitcase to meet his friends.
"Tae, you forgot your bag!" Jimin shouts at him, holding Taehyung's duffel bag but the younger one easily ignores him even though he obviously heard him. "Dumbass." Jimin mutters, earning a giggle from you.
Haneul helps you with your suitcase, grinning at you when you look at him to thank him with a smile on your lips. He's already holding his own suitcase that Jimin so kindly handed him. When everyone has their suitcases and travel bags, leaving the truck empty, Jimin shuts it.
"Hey, you guys made it!"
You glance at Jungkook who's happily grinning and walking towards you. He's wearing a dark green sweatshirt with black jeans, his favorite black padded jacket unzipped which you'd usually scold him about considering it's cold.
"Hey, yeah, we had to make a stop at the gas station because someone had to drink the whole water bottle." Jimin ironically snickers, already annoyed at Taehyung for leaving his stuff for Jimin to carry as Jungkook's eyes look at you.
You quickly jump into action, shaking your head. "Don't look at me, it wasn't me. It was Taehyung." Jungkook chuckles at your quick need to clarify.
"Obviously," he playfully rolls his eyes, stretching his arms to hug you as you hug him back. He does the same thing with Jimin as he helps him with Taehyung's bag, giving a nod to Haneul in greeting. "Everyone's mostly settled, so you should pick your rooms fast."
Jin is already approaching you, welcoming everyone with a bright smile as he shares his enthusiasm with everyone coming.
"Come, I'll show you the cabin and you can pick any free room." he offers, taking the bag from Jungkook's hands.
In the distance, you notice Namjoon walking into the cabin with a woman next to him as they hold hands. Oh, you totally forgot he has a girlfriend. It's nice to see him again. Even though you've only seen him once, the camping trip is still very memorable in your mind for many reasons, Namjoon is a cool guy. He was very easy to talk to and very sweet, which you don't get those vibes from a lot of people, especially when it's the first time you meet them.
"Hey, I got you something. Can I steal you for a moment?" Jungkook asks, eyes focused on you as you respond with a nod.
"Will you pick our room please? I'll be right there in a second." you tell Haneul, taking your suitcase from his hands insisting he doesn't have to carry it since his hands are already full with his suitcase and your travel bag. The least you can do is take care of your suitcase.
"Yeah, sure." he smiles, leaning down to kiss you which you happily welcome as Jin calls out for him.
"There will be lots of time to be all lovey-dovey, come on!" Jin yells at Haneul, causing him to blush as Jimin's bubbly laugh resounds. You catch him slapping Jin's arm teasingly while the older cackles loudly, leading them to the cabin when Haneul catches up to them.
"What's up?" you ask Jungkook as he wraps his hand around your wrist and gently tugs you towards his car.
"I wanted to give you this later, but I've been driving this in my car for a few days. Plus, I think you might put a good use to one of those things." he answers, cheekily grinning at you as he opens his own truck.
Not going to lie, you're kind of unsure about what to expect. The last time he surprised you with a gift... he shocked you too much with it. However, you couldn't put a good use to that gift. Not without him which was so freakin frustrating that you wanted to smack it against the wall. It's safely hidden underneath your bed for no one to see.
You look into the truck, seeing nicely wrapped up presents as your features soften, already staring at Jungkook. "You brought me Christmas presents?"
Presents. Not a present that you and Jungkook agreed on, since you don't want him to waste his money on you by buying you multiple things. You're both too stubborn not to buy anything for each other, so you settled on one present instead. Looks like he can't keep his promise while he just innocently grins as if he could read your mind. He doesn't have to, your expression says it all which you're completely oblivious about.
"You can unwrap them later," he says, taking one of the presents that is wrapped in gold wrapping with little snowmans on it. "I think you could use this one though."
You take it, quirking your brow at him, still not approving he bought you more than one present. But Jungkook doesn't care, nudging his head in the direction of his present to urge you to open it. You do, the glimpse of light yellow fabric is just enough to give you a clue what it is. Your mind is already going back to that time you've last seen him, as you shopped for Christmas presents.
"Wow, this is cute!" you call out, nudging Jungkook to get him out of your way as your eyes stay focused on the light yellow knitted sweater that's hanging on the rack. 
You hear Jungkook snickering but he follows you, getting to you as you're already reaching for it and examining it from close. "Isn't it pretty?" you ask, eyes sparking as you look at Jungkook.
"It is." he says simply, causing you to roll your eyes at the lack of his reaction. Typical man. 
You dive your hand into the sweater, trying to find the price tag which takes a few seconds as you pull it out and check the price. The price spills out of your mouth in a shocked and disapproving manner as you scoff. 
"Are they serious? They want this much for a simple sweater?" 
The truth is, the sweater is completely soft and without doubt warm for this cold weather. You could probably afford it, but you're trying to save as much money as you can for your car and presents for your friends and family. That's the main priority right now. Besides, you've a lot of clothes and this sweater for its price is just not worth it. 
"It's not even that pretty. Just put it back." Jungkook says, taking the sweater from your hands as he hangs it back while you pout. 
You want to argue with him that it is pretty but you know you don't need it. So you just sigh, focusing on finding a decent present for Jimin as you already make your way towards the men section. Jungkook trails behind you like he's been doing for the past hour.
"You bought me that sweater?" you almost yell, eyes widening at Jungkook who seems to be genuinely happy to see your reaction as he bites into his lower lip and nods. "But I thought it's not that pretty." you tease him, glancing at him as he innocently grins.
"I just said that so you'd put it back," That explains while he took it from your hands before you could even take one last glance at it. "I went back to buy it after I drove you home."
Your heart warms at the new information, your shoulders slouching as you pout at his kindness. You can't believe he went back and bought it for you. The price was ridiculous for such a piece of fabric, even though you secretly love it. Well, maybe not that secretly judging from the way your eyes sparkle when you look at the sweater. It's not the fact you actually got it. It's the fact Jungkook put the effort to buy it for you, not caring about the price or the fact he had to go back to the shopping center after walking around there with you for two hours.
"You're such an idiot." you murmur, sniffling as he starts laughing at your current state.
"One way to show your gratitude." he jokes, causing you to glare at him.
"It was too expensive." you point out. Of course, you're grateful he bought it for you. You'd be grateful nevertheless of what he'd buy you. You don't like when people spend their money on you and Jungkook tends to do that a lot. With your approaching birthday, you're not sure what he'll buy you then.
You always try to buy him something useful and of course, something he'd love to have. But it's incredibly hard to buy him something since most of the things he wants, he simply buys for himself. When he had his birthday in September, you invited him to dinner, a Korean barbeque, along with Taehyung and Jimin and gave him a cute bunny key-chain. It was after you went back home and stumbled on this open shop with stupid but cute things. Taehyung went there immediately, so the three of you waited outside for him as you just browsed through the rack of key-chains outside. You joked the bunny looks like Jungkook which he rolled his eyes at but grinned nevertheless of you teasing him. It's not something he'd obviously buy for himself and it's not something useful. But you went inside and bought it for him.
"It can be your lucky charm." you simply told him when you gave it to him.
He grinned cutely, scrunched his nose as always as he put the keychain onto his keys, dangling with it in the air.
"I don't care," Jungkook tells you, ignoring your comment of the sweater being too expensive. "I even washed it for you."
That's true. There's no trace of the price tag, which is usually cut off anyways before you give it to someone as a gift. But as you bring the sweater to your nose, you recognize Jungkook's fabric softener right away and you gush at the sweet but soft smell.
"Thank you." you tell him, pulling from the sweater as you hug him.
He laughs, hugging you back. "It's nothing."
"It's not nothing, Kook," you murmur against him, pulling away. "I've got your presents with me too."
Yes, Jungkook isn't the only one who thought about this. He's also not the only one who bought more presents than just one. You're guilty too, but only because you had a suspicion he'll do this.
Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, snickering at you as you proudly grin at him, your face screaming 'See? You're not the only one'.
"We can just unwrap the rest of it later, with Tae and Jimin too." you think out loud which Jungkook nods to, agreeing with you since he brought their presents with him too.
Jimin and Taehyung have also brought their presents for you and Jungkook too, so like every year, you're going to unwrap them too and witness their reactions to your presents while unwrapping them.
You clutch Jungkook's present to your chest, ready to join the others until Jungkook stops you with a soft 'hey', his hand grabbing your wrist. Staring at him curiously, you hum in response.
"What was that call earlier?" he asks, your throat getting dry right away as you're trying to keep your natural and automatic reaction at bay.
You can't read Jungkook's expression at all, it seems like he's asking you a casual thing but in reality, he's mentioning yesterday's call. He definitely heard something, you're not sure if he knows or not, but all you can do is act like nothing happened. The fact he's bringing this out of nowhere makes you embarrassed because this has never happened before. You wouldn't care about it if he didn't just bring it up.
"I don't know what you're talking about." you tell him casually, lips pressed in a tight line as he lets go off your wrist with an amused chuckle. Okay, he definitely sees right through you. What did you expect, right?
Still, you don't give him that satisfaction of giving him a reaction as you hold your head high and raise a brow at him.
"You're awful at lying, I told you that many times." he jokes, shaking his head at you as a frown makes its way to your face. "Lighten up, I'm just teasing you."
Still, you clench your jaw in the same embarrassment as you can feel your cheeks heathen up. Thank god for the cold outside, your cheeks are already red from it.
"I'm not lying." you pathetically state, knowing he doesn't believe you a single word as he chuckles again. Lowly and deep.
Your breath catches in your throat when he leans towards you, lips dangerously close to your ear as you can feel his hot breath against your skin.
"I think you forgot that I know how you sound when you're getting fucked."
If it could be realistic, your jaw would hit the floor at how easy he says it, your heart almost jumping out of your chest as your insides tremble with something you can't put your finger on. Is it an embarrassment? Excitement from the words he just said to you? Why would you be excited? That doesn't make sense. Jungkook has a great way of talking and choosing his words, making anyone flustered.
"Hey, there you are!"
Before you can try to get some word mess out of your mouth, there's a feminine voice you recognize in a second coming your way. You look behind Jungkook to find Kiko approaching you, wearing just a cardigan as she hugs it closer to herself. Great, just what you needed right now.
You're still in shock from Jungkook's honesty and bluntness to fully grasp the fact, there's Kiko approaching the two of you until she stands beside Jungkook.
"I was waiting for you, I already picked our room," Kiko smiles at Jungkook, directing her brown eyes to glance at you. "Hi, Y/N." she says, somehow cautiously and you'd mentally snicker at how careful she seems to be while facing you again, if your head wasn't screaming at Jungkook's bluntness. Your own eyes stare at Jungkook who simply watches you waiting for you to say something.
"Hi," you let out a dry greeting, not even hiding the fact you're not pleased to be in her company. "I should pick our room too." you murmur, walking away from them with an annoyed huff as you hear Jungkook sigh.
"What are you doing here in the cold wearing just this? You'll get sick." he scolds Kiko gently and when you glance across your shoulder, you see him pulling her closer to his side to warm her up.One glance at them and you're ready to fume, especially at the sight of her in her full princess and innocent glory. Just great. When you thought you could actually make it through this trip without feeling annoyed.
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levenlike11 · 1 year
tsukishima seemed like he hated your guts. you had no idea why he did, but he acted kinder even to kageyama than he did with you. he was trying to ignore your existence all day everyday, also in every practice or during the school. he even refused to take any towels or water bottles from you if you offer him any since you're the manager of the team. you saw yamaguchi ask him why he's acting such a way with you many times but you never saw him reply, he usually just shook his head towards him and closed the topic. this became more and more disturbing as time went on because you had to communicate with him in order to help the team but he quite literally acted like he didn't want to see your face for another second.
"what are you guys talking about?" you asked when you saw hinata jumping up and down with nishinoya, too happy about something that they're talking about.
"we were planning to see this new movie coming out on the cinema tomorrow after the game if we win it as a celebration! you should also come with us, it's also your and kiyoko's effort as much as ours!" hinata said as pulled you and her towards the group.
"i'd love to, you all deserve a break after working so hard!" you smiled and hinata hugged your side tightly after hearing your answer. as for tsukishima, he didn't even feel the need to hide his discomfort. you could see his face drop from where you are very clearly after you said you'd be there. you stopped wanting to care a long while ago, but it still hurt everytime he behaved so horribly with you.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
expectedly, karasuno won their match with a great score, they topped off the amazing season they had this year with this victory. you also changed and waited until everyone was no longer sweaty or in their uniforms, and then left with the team and kiyoko to see the movie.
first you saw yamaguchi trying to speak to tsukishima, and then yamaguchi looking at you, and then back at kei. you didn't understand what it was all about but you didn't want to ask since you were sitting so far away from them in the table you decided to eat dinner before the movie.
a few minutes later, you saw hinata analyzing your face as you ate your dinner. "is there something on my face?" you turned to kiyoko and asked.
"not anything i can see." she gave you a weird look. "why?"
"why does that end of the table keep staring at me then?" you mumbled under your breath and tried to ignore them while munching on your remaining meal.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
it was either fate, or hinata and yamaguchi's doing that you somehow became seated next to kei in the movie. they probably just wanted you to start getting along with him but you hoped that they realize you didn't get along with him *because of him, not you! you tried your best for months, and he has only responded with a few rude looks or just once, mostly twice, disrespectful remarks to you.
just as you were about to ask someone to switch their seats with you, the movie's intro started rolling on the screen and the lights turned off. you sat there, unhappy with your positioning until after the break of the cinema. not exactly sure when, but sometime near the end, you got very bored of the movie playing in front of you and fell asleep.
that was fine for a while. that is, until you decided to turn around and put your head on kei's shoulder, not knowing it was him. if you weren't so tired and in need of sleep, you would have woken up by how much your action startled him. he probably knew how much you needed that sleep too, so he didn't move or tell you to wake up and lift your head. you slept peacefully until the end of the movie when the lights turned back on. when you realized whose shoulder your head was on, you quickly lifted your head up and apologized.
"i'm so sorry tsukishima, why didn't you wake me up or move my head? you must've felt uncomfortable." you pouted. why were you still thinking about how he felt when he's been nothing near polite to you for the whole semester?
"it's fine, i didn't mind it. i knew you were really tired so i didn't want to wake you up, i wasn't uncomfortable." he answered quietly, surprising you.
"thank you, i'm sorry again, if i made you uncomfortable. is your arm okay? i think my head is kind of heavy..."
"yeah, my arm's fine. and no, your head's not heavy." you smiled at his answer, which seemed like it made him blush. (you chose not to comment on it though.)
neither of you spoke for a while and you just watched the others talk about how good the ending of the movie was. "your hair smells nice." he broke the silence with his comment.
"thanks! it's the shampoo from -brand name-." you smiled, and you didn't talk to him any more that night afterwards. he only smiled back at you, which was probably the kindest thing he had ever been towards you, and you both went on with your own days. if you paid more attention to what was happening behind you, you would see hinata and yamaguchi nudging the others to look at your interaction after trying so hard to get you guys to talk properly.
although if you had been rewarded with a chance to see the future months ago, you would have fallen asleep on his shoulder way back then.
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nicolesainz · 1 year
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Timeless (CS55)
Carlos Sainz x f!reader
Warnings: much much fluff, bits of heattbreak, flashbacks
Summary: Carlos has had many supporters, even during his first years in racing. Deep down he knows that only one of them stands truly out and will be by his side until the end of the line.
A/N: The story is from Carlos’s POV :)
Two lovers laughing on the porch of their first house.
“Will you make me wait any longer? I’m bored, let’s go!” Y/N hand’s we’re grabbing my legs, pulling me off of my bed. It was Saturday afternoon and exactly a week after I’d fly to England for two whole months.
Two entire months without being near Y/N. Hearing her voice. Feeling her touch. Being hugged by her and kissed on the forehead. Being encouraged by her praising words. Feeling the butterflies in my stomach every time she is around.
“Okay, fine, fine. You win! Let’s go. We will take my car this time. Yours is always squeaking and I’m afraid we will be stranded.” I gave in on her suggestion of going to see a new romantic movie that had just been released. All our mutual friends had invited her with them, but she always refused to. Two were the main reasons why.
First, they all went as couples and she didn’t want to be third wheeling. And secondly, I wasn’t here. I was in Barcelona for testing. Now it was finally her time to see the movie in the comfort she chose.
I was never planning on going to see that movie. Like Lando has told me, romance movies are not my cup of tea. But I’d sit and admire her passion about those films all day and night.
“I’m so sorry miss, but we are sold out. Maybe come tomorrow morning to check for new tickets?” The cashier tried to sound a little bit hopeful for Y/N’s sake, but that didn’t quite work.
“Oh yeah, sure. Thank you very much!” Y/N put on a fake smile and took my hand in hers, leading us back to my car. Disappointment was drawn all over her face. I couldn’t bare looking at her like this. I felt so bad that I couldn’t do anything.
“I should’ve gone with the guys. Why did I think there would still be availability for tickets? It’s the highest selling movie and has such a big demand.” She was scratching her head, trying to hold back the frustration.
“I’m so sorry amorcito. I would’ve booked you tickets if I knew earlier. We can try again tomorrow. I’m up for it.” Truth be told, I would have fallen asleep on the cinema seat if we went to the next day’s screening, since my father had taken me to practice.
“No worries Carlos. Let’s just go home and we can order something. My parents are out so we can find an old dvd or play a board game.” She wouldn’t even look at me. She was staring at her phone, typing to her girlfriends how in the end we didn’t find any tickets.
What took me by surprise was some of the messages I peeked as I was trying to catch her attention, clearly failing.
“Will Carlos take you anywhere romantic?”
“I bet if you asked him to go to the fun fair he’d speed there”
What truth? Did she want to go to the fun fair? Where should I take care? What was she hiding from me?
I turned on the car and took the opposite direction from her house, which lead to one of Madrid’s biggest fun fairs ever. Especially this time of the year, it was really enjoyable and nice.
I wanted Y/N to enjoy her time. Have fun. Live freely. See her happy. I was driving as fast as I could, so she wouldn’t notice where I was taking her.
Comfortable silence had take over the car ride, but after a few moments I heard slight snoring. I looked next to me during the red light to see that she had fallen asleep.
I don’t even know how many hours of sleep she’s lost due to talking with me on the phone, keeping me company, from the other side of the world. While I was warming up her voice was calming me down. It was like a ritual. But I didn’t understand that I was affecting her negatively this much. I had to make it up to her.
I decided not to wake her up until we reached our destination. I turned off the radio so the music wouldn’t bother her and focused on the road.
I would’ve read your love letters every single night.
“Mi guapa, do you mind waking up for a second?” I softly whispered in her ear, not wanting to startle the peace she was in. Slowly, she was rubbing her eyes and only the bright lights of the fair hit her eyes, her mouth fell open in surprise.
"Wha-Carlos what is this?"
"A way of trying to bring your smile back"
Y/N took my hand in hers and squeezed it very tightly, as if I was going to disappear. The sparkles in her eyes gave me hope and her cheeks, even though light was limited, were as maroon as ever.
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go have some fun." I opened her door and she quickly grabbed my bicep and guided us inside the funfair. She was swirling and shouting at all the games she wanted to play or the rides she wanted us to go in.
I am not a funfair guy. Even as a kid, when my sisters brought me here, I would sit out most of the rides with an ice cream on my hand, enjoying the view. I feel like with Y/N being so excited and thrilled, my inner child found what it was looking for.
What excites me is racing and speed. That day, I had found an even better reason to be excited and happy. I didn't mind the noise, the screams, the swearing, or the chilly air. I was purely happy just being alongside Y/N and seeing her with a massive smile plastered on her face.
When we entered the haunted house, we had been warned that actors pop up every now and then. She wouldn't let go of my hand, scared that in the darkness of the room I would run away. But no. I had to stop running away from her. From my feelings towards her.
I was holding her waist firmly, wanting to balance her and prevent any possible accidents. As we were close to the end of the 'tour', a witch actress scared the both of us for the last time with skeletons surrounding us.
Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs. But what she did say, almost made me fall on the ground.
"I do not want to die without having kissed you"
She wanted to kiss me? My Y/N wanted to get a taste of my lips? And as it seemed as badly as I did?
I wasted no time and in utter dark, I held her face against mine, smashing my lips onto hers, bringing the heat of her body closer to mine, wanting to secure her.
The taste of her lips was as I had imagined. The feeling I had in my stomach was levels superior to the thrill Formula One had ever given me. From race win to podiums, I had never felt like this before. It was everything I wanted. Everything I desired.
When I broke the kiss, we walked outside of the haunted house and being confronted with a visible shock on her face, but it being painted wine red. Her fingers were touching her lips, unaware of what had just happened. The other hand was on her chest.
"Is it possible to die from butterflies or being in love?" she whispered softly, coming closer to me and eyeing me directly. My own heart warmed at the sight of her being so shy and innocent. Jesus we were 20 but at that moment I felt like a 15 year old boy again, falling in love with my best friend, with whom I would share irrelevant information about my mechanics on my home's front porch.
"Don't die on me cariño. I haven't even said 'I love you' yet."
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crheativity · 2 months
Congrats for your 200 followers, hopefully you will grow more!
Can I request Silver at 7 pm? Cuddling with him in MC room, specially since how busy he can be as Malleus guard. Hopefully this is fine.
WARNINGS: ametuer poetry lol
COMMENTS: Hey Anon! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you don’t mind but I changed it slightly to make it just a little more SFW as this request is right on the edge of what I’m comfortable writing. Also, the poem is selected lines of a sonnet I wrote a couple years back, bc that was a thing I used to do often. As such, it’s not very professional, so sorry if the poetry isn’t the best. Thank you! :D
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It had been a while since you’d gotten to relax with your boyfriend. I mean, he was awfully busy. You supposed that was a fair price to pay for someone as sweet and good as Silver.
But in the rare moments - in between his and your studies, random bouts of sleepiness and monitoring Malleus’ wellbeing, miraculously, you were able to make things work. You never seemed to have the time for any big, romantic dates. It was a rare occasion indeed where you had dinner at the Mostro Lounge, watched a movie at the cinema or went shopping together.
That didn’t stop either of you from having dinner at Ramshackle, watching movies at home or going on errands to Sam’s together. Your “dates” were often smaller, and even more sweet than anything else you could imagine doing.
Like right now, for example.
Currently, you and Silver were sitting close to each other on a couch. A blanket was draped gently over the two of you as you sat holding a book of poetry. The two of you took turns searching through it, before you each found one you’d like (whether it be funny, romantic or emotional) and read it aloud to each other.
Silver had been getting sleepy for a while now, although he was a little too stubborn to admit it. Or maybe he just wanted to spend more time chatting and reading with you.
That thought gave you butterflies.
Concentrating on the book, you flicked through, scanning the contents for any poems that stood out to you - ones you hadn’t read yet. Your eyes settled on one, a soft smile settling on your lips as you skimmed the contents.
Yes, this one seemed appropriate.
“Have you found one?” Silver piped up sleepily beside you. He’d started leaning on you gently, resting his head on your shoulder as his eyelids grew heavy.
“Yep, you ready?”
You smiled softly as you read aloud.
“I can still remember the day we met,
You held my hand and asked me what was wrong.
I don’t remember why I was upset,
But I remember your smile as you sung:”
You paused for a moment, skimming the lyrics and guessing how the melody is supposed to go. Softly, you sung the next verse of the poem.
“No matter what has happened dear sweetheart,
I am always here for you, it’s okay,
Like flowers, whose petals must come apart
So they can bloom, you will find your own way.”
Silver shifted next to you. His breathing was changing by the moment, his sleepiness finally starting to win the battle against his will to stay awake - to stay with you.
He was always here for you, much like the friend in the poem. The thought made you smile. You wondered if Silver could sing? That would definitely be something to ask him when he woke up. Maybe he could sing the poem to you next time.
You continued through the poem, reading through the last verse.
“Fast forward a few years, we were best friends,
“Best friends”… oh yes, and maybe something more.
We were “best friends”, with seemingly no end,
Until the day you knocked upon the door.”
Your mind wandered back to the day Silver had confessed. It was simple, but very sweet. He had come to visit you at Ramshackle. It was the only time you could remember seeing Silver nervous.
You brought your mind back to the last couplet of the poem as Silver continued to fight a losing battle against his sleepiness.
“You told me you’d find me, gave me this ring,
And every day since, I have spent hoping.”
You felt Silver squeeze your hand and glanced over at him just in time to see his eyes flutter closed.
Sleep had won.
You gently set the book aside and adjusted Silver into a more comfortable position against you, moving the blanket draped over you both to cover him more fully. You gently leaned against him and shut your eyes. One hand held Silver’s, your other floating up to your neck, where a promise ring hung from a chain.
Maybe your love was like poetry in more ways than you’d thought.
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♥ Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it! ♥
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yourimagines · 10 months
Hey again! I loved your content on AngryGinge! I was wondering if you could do fluff content for ArthurTV? If not, it’s completely fine I understand! Thank you! 💕✨
Sorry that this took so long, I officially feel old because I didn’t know who he was 🙈 I’ve done some research on him. (Watching some videos.) I hope you like this one and I’m sorry it’s a shorter one
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: Swearing and fluff
- summary: you have a crush on Arthur
Arthur asked me if I wanted to join him today on a podcast. A few others where there also like Chip and Calum. “Hey Y/N.” Chip greeted me as I arrived at the studio. “Hi Chip.” We both walked to the rest. Arthur was laughing with Calum. “Oh hey guys.” Arthur smiles at me, smiled shyly back. “You guys ready for today?” Calum asked us all. “Yes always.” Chip said while taking place on the set. “Okay then let’s get started.” Calum walks away to take a seat. Arthur smiles at me. “Let’s join them.” I nodded as we both took a seat. “I’ve never done a podcast.” “Don’t worry, Arthur will help you.” Chip laughs as Arthur pushed Calum. “Oh shut it.” I shyly looked at the microphone as the guys laughed about it.
“So we all seen the new movie talk to me right?” I shook my head. “No I haven’t.” “Why not?! It’s the best horror movie from this year.” Chip said to me. “Because I get scared easily, I don’t want to see a horror movie in the cinema, I wait till I can see it at home.” Calum laughs as Chip shook his head disappointed. “I can’t believe you….” I shrugged my shoulders. “Sorry I guess.” Arthur smiles at me. “We can watch it together then, I haven’t seen it either.” Calum gasped. “No way, come on guys..” “oh shut it Calum. Y/N and I will watch it together and then we come back to this topic again.” Chip starts to whistle, I blushed as Calum wiggled his eyebrows. “Yeah… watching the movie my ass.” Arthur laughs and shook his head. “Of course what else.” Chip made a kissing face. I was red as a tomato and hide my face. “Oh look at her!” Calum yells. “This is so not fair, you guys are making it weird.” I said into the microphone. “We?! Nahh you guys are so oblivious… just go on a date already.” I looked shyly over to Arthur who was smiling at me. “Only if you want” I nodded. “Yes, do you want it?” He nods. “Yeah for awhile to be honest.” I giggled at him. “Okay cool.” Chip and Calum high-fived each other. “Yess we did it again.” Arthur and I laughed at them. “Okay let’s move on…”
—— a few days later ——
“I heard you went on a date with Arthur.” Harry asked me as we were having lunch. “Yes, did you saw that video with chip and Calum.” “Yeah, you where embarrassed…” I nodded and sighed. “Yeah I’m still are.” “Why you like him and he likes you too.” “How do you know that maybe he’s just being nice and didn’t want me to be more embarrassed.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, he does talks a lot about you when you’re not around. He smiles a lot when he sees or mentions you.” “Really?” He nods and took a bite from his food. “Yeah its getting annoying.” I hummed and took a bite from my food.
I was making a video with Harry as he got a call. “It’s Arthur.” I looked surprised as he answers the call. He made a silent movement to me as he puts him on speaker. “Hey Harry.” “Hello mate how’s going.” He smiles at me. “Good, I actually calling you about Y/N.” We both looked at each other. “Oh yeah, what’s about it.” “Well I’ve been on a date with her, was super nice but I don’t know if she wants to go on another one.” I smiled as Harry winked at me. “Ask her out then.” “You think she would love that.” “Mate you both like each other so yeah why not.” He gave me a thumbs up. “Yeah you right. Thanks Harry.” “No problem.” Arthur hangs up as Harry and I laughed. “See he totally likes you.” Then I heard my phone going off. I looked at my phone and saw Arthur’s name. “Oh my god.” “Pick it up your idiot.” I quickly answered the phone, putting him on speaker. “Hi Arthur.” “Hey Y/N, how you’re doing?” “I’m good, how are you.” Harry wiggled his eyebrows. “Good.. I was wondering if you want to go out on a second date.” I smiled brightly to my phone. “Yes I would love too.” “Really?! Uhh okay is tomorrow night fine with you?” “Yes that would be lovely.” “Okay cool. I’ll text you for the actual time… I see ya tomorrow then.” “Yes I see you tomorrow.” “Okay bye..” “bye…” he hung up and I did a happy dance. Harry laughs and joins me. “Oh my good Harry, I’m so nervous.” “Why you heard him he likes you, don’t chicken out now.” “I’m not just nervous about this.” I signalled with my hands around us. “It will be alright, you guys are totally in love, it’s makes me almost sick tho.” I pushed his arm. “Don’t be mean now.” “Hey I’m just saying..” we both laughed about it and started the video again.
—— date night ——
We where at a mini golf arcade. Arthur was winning the game. “Ugh not fair.” He laughs as my ball missed the hole. “It’s okay, you did your best.” He patted on my shoulder as I throw the ball in. “I’m hungry let’s eat something.” He nods and grabbed the golf stick. “Let me carry these to the counter.” I smiled and gave it to him. He walks over and gives them to the young girl behind the counter. She smiles and checks him out. ‘The disrespect of her.’ He waves and walks over to me. “Okay done, let’s eat something now.” We both walked next to each other to the food court. Our hands brushing slightly against each other’s. I got a light blush on my cheeks as we walked in.
“So favourite game.” I started to think. “Favourite game, I think at the moment party animals..” he nods. “Yeah that’s a fun one.” “What about you?” “Uhh I don’t know, I like a lot to be honest.” I nodded and took a sip from my drink. “I hope we can do this more often..” he looked at me with his beautiful smile on his face. I started to get shy and smiled. “I hope so too.” He carefully grabs my hand. “I like you for a while now, I hope you feel the same about me.” “Yes I do..” he squeezed my hand slightly. “I hate it that they were right about us, imagine all the bullying.” I groaned. “Oh yes especially from Chip and Calum.” We both laughed. “I hate them already.” “Yes me too, I can see the looks on their faces already.” He laughs and nods. “We need to protect each other from them, I have your back if your have mine.” “Don’t worry Arthur I have your back 100%.” He pulls my hand to his face and slightly kissed it. “Thank you..” I blushed at him. “No problem.” We both sat there for a few more minutes. Smiling at each other as two crazy love birds who just confessed their feelings.
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pantheresssy · 2 months
Between Two (Abby Anderson/ Reader)
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Hello there!
It’s been a while since part 2 but i wasn’t on the mood for writing this fic. I’m still deciding where this is going plus how many chapters left. Hope you enjoy!!
Summary: After that day with Abby, it was your turn to disappear and try not to let anyone know what had happened. What better way to do it than to go out with Ellie?
a first kiss? maybe…
Two weeks. That was the time you tried to hide what had happened. Two weeks that you didn’t talked to anyone but Dina or your classmates. You had silently disappeared for the rest of your friends, to anyone that didn’t shared the same classes or the same hall in the dorms. You were hidden specially for Abby and Ellie.
Your phone was blowing up with messages, vibrating and ringing with Abby’s despair. On the other hand, Ellie sent occasional messages of ‘hi’ and ‘hope you’re ok’, in the sweetest and most affectionate way you had ever received. You felt guilty for leaving her in the dark, to suddenly not talking to her anymore. But you wanted a time for yourself, from the college even, but it wasn’t a option. If you could, you would just sit on your bed for the day. Everything around you was still working, so you had to work too.
Dina slept with you sometimes, saying that you needed a friendly shoulder. She was the only one to really know all the details, the only one you trusted that wouldn’t say anything to anyone, that she wouldn’t take it to Abby at the first opportunity to get some sort of credit with her. So you stayed as calm as you could, supporting yourself on your (only) best friend.
But you couldn’t live hidden forever.
As you walked to your classes, you stumbled against someone... Ellie. She was wearing her hair back, with some of it falling on her eyes; those that shone when she saw it was you. Happiness or surprise, you couldn’t say. “Hey,” She said, her tone enchanted. You reciprocated and tried to give her your best smile.
She was standing there as if she wanted you to say something else. But you didn’t. You wanted to, but at the same time, you weren’t making any effort to do it. So she continued: “Dina told me that you had been going through some shit… I didn’t wanted to disturb you so I didn’t looked for you, but I’m sorry if my massages did.”
You were impress on her ability of saying everything in one breath. The way she looked so nervous, pulling the skin of her thumb while not letting her eyes focus on your face. She was a step away from combust. Your silence only added more munitions to everything. And after realizing it you quickly spoke. “They didn’t, you didn’t. It was the best part of my day, even when I didn’t respond any of it back.”
She smiled, still nervous. You did the same, squeezing your lips together. The time was passing and you really needed to go for your classes, but your body wanted to stay there, with her. And you couldn’t deny that your mind did it too.
“We could go out.” She said. You snapped back from your thoughts and frowned your eyebrows, feeling like you didn’t hear her well. “I know you like cinema. Dina told me that you like cinema”
You lowered your head a little and looked at her under your eyelashes. Dina always liked to talk about what you like with people she thought that were with some sort of interest on you. But Ellie wasn’t– wasn’t she? “What else did she say, besides?”
“Nothing more. Just- that you like cinema, music. Ordinary things that any person likes.”
You shook your head yes and shrugged. After she clarified your doubt, your mind went back to her ask. It would be good to be away from your room for a day, since you had declined any Dina’s try. You loved cinema and you liked Ellie, it would be a good match. You think. “I’ll go. I’m free for a while, you can just show up or text me.”
She quickly agreed, placing her hands on her pockets. “Today, maybe?” She asked, looking at you hopefully.
“Fine.” Fun, you said. Ellie gave you a delighted answer, and soon you said goodbye for her.
Your every day routine didn’t changed. You watched your classes, did your homework and eat the first thing you saw. Trash was all you have been eating those days, part of the fault being Dina’s. She couldn’t cook to save her life, and you just didn’t wanted to spend hours doing something. Quick is easy.
After finishing taking what you were going to eat, you took your cellphone and walked with the plate. Ellie’s message telling you in what time she would pick you came at the exactly same moment you sat at your bed with your food on hand.
I’ll be there at 7pm!
sended: 6:01pm.
You smiled and took a bite. It was a short time for you to get ready, but you would make it work.
And I’ll be ready at 11pm.
view: 6:04pm.
The little blue bubble showed up and you waited for her answer.
I’ll be happy to wait.
sended: 6:06pm.
Nobody knew you better than yourself. Maybe Dina – (or abby), but still you did it better. And when you said joking that you wouldn’t be ready in time, it was real. When Ellie arrived, you were on your way to putting your shoes. She knocked on your door and waited patiently for you to open, which took you longer than usual. “Sorry,” Was what you said as soon as the latch turned.
“It’s ok.” She said softly. Her eyes looked you up and down, stopping at your hair. “You’re looking good.”
By the way her mouth went slightly up on the corner, you knew that she was looking for the right compliment. You smiled; “Thanks. Yourself been looking good too.”
You got out of your room, hitting your pockets to check if everything was where it should be. Ellie was the one to drive you to the cinema, buying everything and even fighting a little with you when you said something about ‘sharing spends’. You two were going to watch a scary movie, which you knew that Dina has suggested – and bought –, since it was the one who caught your eye from the day it was released. You should be angry at her for doing all of this knowing what happened, but it was cute. She was a hard person to be angry at.
“You know, thanks for taking me out. You’ve made something that Dina tried for days.” You said while you walked a few steps in front of her, putting the trash on the trash can.
Ellie stepped by your side and waited, helping when you dropped a straw from the cup. “She told me that you just went for your classes then back at your dorms, and… that you refused her tries but would never refuse mines.”
You hit one hand in the other, removing any excess dirt before going to wash them. “So you did it for her?” You asked, playing with her. Ellie panicked trying to clarify things in desperation, and you laughed. “I’m kidding, Els.”
She tried to laugh too, but a nervous sound came out. “Okay.” She whispered. You watched through the mirror while she seemed to thought about asking you something, but she was apprehensive. “Dina told me that you were sad and that’s why I wasn’t seeing you that much, but… she never told me why?”
You finished drying your hands and took her out, you two walking slowly through the wide corridors. “I asked her not to. But I think you should know.“ One look and the protest words she would say died on her tongue.
You licked your lips, and looked at your feet. It was better if you distracted yourself with something else.
“I was dating- but not really dating- a girl. She was my girlfriend at my eyes, but I wasn’t in hers.” You blinked hard and rubbed your eyelid when an uncomfortable burning appeared. “At first I didn’t realized nothing too alarming. I couldn’t see nothing wrong. But it was. And that was when it lead me for a fight.”
Ellie gently took your little finger with hers and gave it a little squeeze. A reminder that she was there and that you should only say what you wanted to say. And that’s one of the (many) things you liked about her. “She was hiding me in front of anyone, as if she was kind of ashamed of me. I don’t know. She changed when it was only the two of us, and that was when I stopped to questioning myself and started to questioning her.”
Your seconds of silence gave her a time to say something. “Are you ok? Y/n, you don’t need to…”
You dismissed her words with a wave of your head. “Two weeks ago, she went to my dorms. I thought everything would be equal but different, but in the end, I realized that… she liked to have a power over me. To know that I can’t be with anyone else but her, that I would come back for her when she wanted to. That made me miserable.”
When you finished talking, you sniffed and gave her a side smile. Ellie was with frowned eyebrows and looked confused, sad, all at once. “I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, something you did much often to pretend that everything was fine. “It’s ok.” You said. “Those days away really helped me.” They didn’t.
Ellie could see that your words weren’t true. You weren’t the best on hiding even when you wanted to. So she took the lead to end that uncomfortable situation. “Want to take ice cream?”
For the first time, your smile was truthful. “Definitely.”
And then, just like that, you were better.
Spending that time with her was the highest point of your (last) days. She was able to put you mood up again. Letting apart the time where you told her what happened, you didn’t think about Abby that much. And you supposed that it was time to stop think about her at any time of the day. And that’s what you were going to do.
Ellie insisted on taking you to your dorms, saying that it would be no problem and that she wanted to. She waited patiently behind you while you tried to find your key and open the door on the dark, having to run your finger countless times to find the right place. “Thank you again, Ellie.”
You took one of her hands and gave a light squeeze on her finger. She smiled for you and took a step further. She was closer, but not too much. ‘Has she always had these freckles?’ “There’s nothing to say thank you for, Y/n. I liked being with you.”
“Me too.”
Silence was supposed to be strange. It means that none of you had something to say. But while you stayed there, swaying her hand side to side with your eyes unfocused on the ground, it was the most comfortable thing you had. She made everything comfortable for you. And when you looked at her, seeing a shiny thing passing through her eyes before she leaned closer, you didn’t felt any need to step back.
Her lips were hers. It has a taste that you would imagined for her to have. Something sweet yet sour. It had no definition on what that taste was, but you liked it. And when your hans went to the back of her neck, pulling her impossibly closer, her tongue meeting yours in the most gentle way possible, you got goosebumps. You pulled away after awhile, not because of the lack of air, but because your head was spinning with her – and you would go crazy if you stayed there for another second.
Ellie was enchanted, heart throbbing. You were no different. You were more than sure that your face was red. But you needed to go away. So you just did the first thing you thought to run. “G’night.” You said choking and quickly went inside.
You pressed your back on the closed door and run your finger on your lips, biting your bottom lip soon after. It was a sudden thing – at least for you – but it was an unexpected welcome surprise. You and Ellie weren’t as close as you liked her to be, but maybe that was what makes everything special in your mind. Maybe you had been liking her without even noticing, or the day with her, laughing and smiling, had open you for that moment.
You couldn’t know.
All you wanted to do was lay on your bed and sleep. So you did it, still thinking about the kiss – (and with your treacherous mind sending you flashes of a blond hair and blue eyes).
you can find part 1 - 2 here, or go to this masterlist.
end of part 3!
it took me so long to write this, but when i finish a chapter i just like to give my mind a break on thinking about long things and words to make it interesting (sometimes it may take longer than i myself would like.)
sorry for any mistakes, hope you had enjoyed til here.
taglist: @pinkpanther-44, @elsmissingfingers, @sofi4v13, @bready101, @mattxxamryli, @macaroni676, @loveyru.
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astrae4 · 1 year
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pairing — the boyz x reader
genre — fluff, romance, humor
warnings — could be seen as suggestive in some.
note — hehe~ i’ve been a lot more active these days since school’s over!!
more works — navigation | tbz!masterlist
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SANGYEON | after-date kiss
this man is so prepared. He had it all planned out in his head. The date was perfect; your conversations were amazing and the chemistry oozed out naturally. After he paid for the meal (despite you insisting that you split the bill instead), he drove you back to your house. Holding your hand as you’re about to part, he worked up the courage to give you a cheek kiss—but oh gosh, he was so nervous! Thankfully he had you, who gave him one small peck in his lips, before running into your house with a laugh, leaving him in shock. Safe to say he left your driveway with a dumb smile on his face!
JOONYOUNG | late night walk kiss
after going out for a hangout with a few friends, Jacob offered to walk you home as your houses were on the same direction. One convenience store stop later and you’ve both taken a detour to walk on the sidewalk. Oh, how he thought you were absolutely gorgeous. Even with your tired eyes, messy hair, and cakey makeup that was screaming to you to be taken off. Sensing his stare, you hit him with the “What? Is there something on my face?” And so he replied with the cliché “you’re beautiful.” Next thing you know, you’re both kissing underneath a lamppost in the starry night.
YOUNGHOON | for the job kiss
the actor you were working with was handsome. you got casted as the female lead and he—the male lead. Today, you were going to film the kiss scene. “Nervous?” He asked. “A bit.” You replied. It was fake—all for the job, of course, but why did it make your heart flutter so much? The director gave you a signal, and to your fortune—you did good. Just as the director gave you guys a cut, the handsome man leaned in your ear, whispering, “Just so you know, I wouldn’t mind for us to do it again off camera.”
JAEHYUN | during the movie kiss
Hyunjae had been such a sweetheart. Asking you for time after school, he brought you to the mall. He bought you some tteokbokki and drinks, and then brought you to the cinema to watch some newly released romance movie. The movie was great, by the way! The casts were amazing, the shots were beautiful, the plot was interesting, and the boy beside you was staring at you with heart eyes! Wait—what? You turned to the side to look at Hyunjae, both staring at each other before you naturally leaned in, a kiss being shared as the stars of the movie had their happy ending.
JUYEON | childhood kiss
you remember the day your boyfriend and you first met. baby you and Juyeon were in the same daycare. Another kid had taken your toy shovel, making you let out a cry of sadness. Baby Juyeon was a knight in shining armor, scolding the bullies and taking your shovel back. He had cooly crouched down with you wiping your tears with his baby hands before giving you your shovel back. Your tears stopped, and Juyeon had appeared to become the most handsome man in your eyes ever since. You thanked him by slapping your hands in his cheeks, before pulling him for a kissy kiss!!
HYUNGSEO | i love you kiss
you both were best friends. Yet, friends don’t do such things. Friends don’t stare at each other for too long, friends don’t have lingering touches. Just today, you slept over his house because you stayed for too long the other night, making it ‘too late’ to go home in Kevin’s eyes. Reaching a conclusion, you went down to where Kevin was making breakfast. “Good mor—” “Kevin, do you like me?” He stopped cooking to look at you, before answering you, “Truthfully, I do—no, actually, I love you.” You wasted no more time, pulling his face to yours for a kiss.
CHANHEE | in the pool kiss
taking a sip from your glass of wine, you put it back on the edge of the pool. giggling as you see Chanhee’s impatient expression, you quickly came to him, hooking your arms around his shoulder as his fall on your bare waist. Only the sounds of the water in the pool resonated as it was now too late for humankind. You both look at each other in the eyes, before moving closer to each other. “May I?” He asks softly, biting his plump bottom lip. You nodded, and soon enough; your lips connected as you shared a soft and sweet kiss.
CHANGMIN | thank you kiss
the sounds of synchronized steps echoed the practice room as the song came to an end. Changmin had offered to help you with a step you were confused with, and so here you are; doing extra practice in the middle of the night. You both grabbed a drink, pants echoing the room. “I think we’re done with practice—you were great just now. We should go home since it’s late.” He said. You nodded, grabbing your bag before you turned off the electricity and left the room together. “Thank you for staying and helping me, Changmin. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You gave him a peck, before leaving. Only when you reached your humble abode did you realize that you didn’t kiss his cheek.
HAKNYEON | shared chocolate kiss
sitting in a bench after going to the convenience store with Haknyeon, you both unwrapped your drinks. Sipping on the matcha milk, Hak nudged you. “Care for some chocolate?” He asked. You said yes undoubtedly. Imagine the shock on your face when; rather than giving you a piece, he put half on his mouth and held your nape, pulling you in for a kiss. You instinctively opened your mouth to bite the chocolate, lips pressing against each other in the process. After pulling away, the damn menace then proceeded to act as if it was nothing and focused back on his food, leaving you in a blushing mess.
SUNWOO | shutting one up kiss
being friends with a cowardly tease can be fun sometimes. They’d act all flirty and bold, making the other a flustered mess. Yet, they become the flustered mess the moment a hint of teasing is retaliated. It was really fun. Especially given the way your best friend, Sunwoo, was blushing. The day started off in annoyance as his teasing was endless. So you replied with a “if you don’t shut up, I’ll kiss you.” Flustered but not wanting to lose his cool, Sunwoo started singing lalalas. So, you kissed him, shutting him up.
YOUNGJAE | the accidental kiss
let’s be for real. this over-thinker would be way too pussy to actually kiss you outside of his own imagination. So it’s either you that have to initiate it or it happened accidentally. In this case, it happened accidentally. Basically, we all know how clumsy he is, right? Well, he tripped and fell on your lips. Scrambling up in a hurry, the both of you started to apologize to each other. Gosh, what a way to meet, right? Who’d guess that one question and three weeks was all it took for a non accidental second kiss.
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taglist — @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @deoboyznet
© astrae4 2023 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
End of the World III
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Ruesha Littlejohn x Child!Reader
Summary: It's different at Mammy's house
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"I've got you!" Mammy said, reaching down to snatch you up.
You shrieked and tried to pull away but she had you nice and tight, throwing you up into the air and catching you. "Mammy!" You laughed," Let go!"
"No chance!" Mammy declared, pretending to bite at your cheeks.
You laughed again, trying to bat her away as you caught sight of Ma sliding the back door open.
It was an unusually warm day so Ma said you could all eat in the wendy house at the bottom of the garden.
"Katie!" Ma scolded when Mammy turned you upside down and shook.
"We're just playing!" Mammy laughed as she pretended to drop you, much to your amusement and Ma's horror.
"You can play later. Come on, kiddo, help me carry everything out."
As soon as you were on your feet again, you hurried inside to collect the plates Ma wanted you to take. You walked as quick as you could without running (because then Ma would scold you like she scolded Mammy) and placed the plates on the little table in the wendy house that Mammy and Ma built for you last year.
"You got everything, kiddo?" Mammy teased as you moved back and forth between the table and inside.
You thought for a moment, nodding before shaking your head. You bounded over to her and asked," What do you want to drink, Mammy?"
Mammy laughed. "There should be some fruit juice in the fridge, kiddo. Can you get me that?"
"I can!" You scampered off back inside and tugged on Ma's shorts. "Mammy wants fruit juice."
"And she's too lazy to come and get it herself?" Ma teased as she poured some into a glass for you to take.
"I asked!" You said quickly.
"My helpful girl," Ma kissed you on the head before sending you on your way.
On your way to the garden, you begin to feel a little woozy and blink a few times to see the entire garden has gone still and someone's calling your name.
You blink awake suddenly, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see Ma kneeling in front of you.
"Hey sleepy girl," She says," You look like you were having a good dream."
You nod sullenly.
Ma puppeteers you into your clothes when it becomes clear that you don't want to move. You've spent your week with Ma and now you're going back with Mammy to Arsenal. You're used to the routine of it now but after your dream, you can't bring yourself to be happy about seeing Mammy again even though you've really missed her since you've been away.
You swing your leg up to put on Ma's knee and she laces up your shoes nice and tight.
Ma does a lot of things she didn't use to do with you. When it was Ma and Mammy and you, you did things all together or with one of them only. Now though, Ma has a lot more time with you. She takes you everywhere, to the park, to the cinema...Anywhere you want to go, she takes you.
You went to the zoo yesterday and the day before that you went to the trampoline park. You scraped your elbow there and Ma gave it special magic kisses and took you to get ice cream.
Something that's become increasingly more regular with Ma is that she holds you. She didn't used to hold you in her arms, just your hand, but she does it a lot now. Sometimes, when she's having one of her bad days, she holds you close and tight and just sits with you. Sometimes, when she's having one of her really bad days, she cries.
You both pretend not to notice.
She smiles at you as she zips up your jacket and helps you wear your backpack. That's new too, decorated with the characters from your favourite show. You went to Camden market the day you came home to her and you saw it at one of the stalls and Ma bought it straight away and then you shared some Dutch pancakes before getting on the tube to go home.
"I love you," She says as she presses a kiss to your cheek. She puts one on your other cheek. "I love you." Then your forehead. "I love you." Your nose. "I love you." Your chin and then your cheeks again. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
You giggle and try to squirm away when she tries to start it all again. She doesn't let you go and you're thankful when the doorbell rings.
"Mammy!" You cheer, barrelling into her. All of your earlier aloofness towards her has disappeared as you crash into her, arms coming up to wrap around her middle.
"Hey, kiddo!" Mammy laughs as she picks you up," ...Hey, Ruesha."
"Hi, Katie."
You know something bad happened between Ma and Mammy. You know so because you heard Ma discuss it with Auntie Shebahn and Lucy when they were having one of their adult juice nights when you were meant to be sleeping.
Ma mentioned Mammy's adult name a lot and Caitlin's name too but you didn't understand it. All you know is something bad happened and now Ma and Mammy won't even be friends anymore.
"All of her stuff is packed," Ma says to Mammy as you wait on the doorstep, standing on your tiptoes to shyly wave at Caitlin, who was waiting in the car," There's a juice box and snacks too. Her tablet's all charged up and she's got her special pillow too, in case she wants to nap and-"
"I'm her Mam too, Ruesha," Mammy says as she takes your hand," I know what to do with her. Say goodbye to your Ma, kiddo."
"Bye Ma! Love you!"
"Love you too."
Mammy straps you into your car seat and pulls off the driveway.
Caitlin says hello to you before she and Mammy get involved in one of their adult conversations that you don't know how to contribute to. Now that it's just you and Ma, she never has conversations that you can't be included in like Mammy and Caitlin do.
It's a little annoying but it doesn't take too long to get home so you can deal with it.
"Put your stuff away," Mammy says," And then we'll sort out some lunch. Sound good, kiddo?"
"Will you play with me?" You ask.
She winces and brushes a hand over your head. "Later," She promises," I've got some meetings to go to and some emails to answer. But I'll play with you later, okay?"
Ma always plays with you when you ask but this isn't Ma's house and this isn't Ma. The rules at Mammy's are a bit different to Ma's so you just nod and go to put your stuff in your room.
You sit criss-cross-apple-sauce in the living room with some of your barnyard animals, making your tractor drive over the rug. Cooper naps nearby and you give him a kiss in greeting before going back to your game.
Mammy and Caitlin sit at the kitchen table. Mammy's got her headphones on and she's talking to the people on her screen while Caitlin is hunched over a book, scrawling notes with one hand.
You're hungry and Mammy's on one of her special calls that you know you're not meant to interrupt her unless you're hurt. You glance at Caitlin. You know the bad thing that happened between Ma and Mammy had something to do with her so you're a little wary in approaching her but you suck it up because you're hungry.
You tug on her top. "Caitlin?"
"Huh...? Oh, right. Yeah, what's up, kid?"
"I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
Caitlin glances at the kitchen. "I think we've got ham and cheese? Do you want a sandwich?"
Caitlin lifts you up onto the granite countertops as she makes you your sandwich.
"You have to cut it into triangles," You say," And no crusts. Because crusts are bad."
She grins at you. "Triangles and no crusts. Got it, boss."
That makes you giggle a little. You're not the boss.
"Thank you, Caitlin."
You sit by Cooper on the floor to eat your sandwich, playing with your toys. By the time you've finished your sandwich, Mammy has finished her meeting.
"Mammy," You say as she passes you," We can play now?"
"Sorry, kiddo," She replies," I'm still working."
You huff. "But it's later now! You said you would play with me! Ma always plays with me!"
You know it's the wrong thing to say because Mammy's face goes sad for a moment before she presses her lips to the top of your head.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," But I'm very nearly done. Why don't you play with Caitlin? She's free."
You give Caitlin a wary look but she's smiling at you and you've got no other options with Mammy doing work and Cooper asleep. So, begrudgingly, you nod.
Caitlin joins you in front of your farm toys.
You give her a look. "You can be the donkey," You say, passing the toy over to her," And the fat duck. He's fat because he eats bread all the time. He's stupid."
You're sullen and a bit pouty and you keep looking up to see if Mammy's nearly done.
She's working a lot now. Always working or doing something that you can't do. Ma never does anything like that. She always plays with you.
You pout, bottom lip jutting out as you wait for Mammy but she's taking ages.
Caitlin seems to notice because she looks between you both several times before opening her mouth. "Katie!"
Mammy looks up.
"Come and play."
"I have work," Mammy says.
"Nothing that can't wait a few hours," Caitlin says," You haven't seen her all week. Come and play with us."
"Please, Mammy," You say," I promise I won't ask again all visit!"
Something in Mammy's expression shatters as she approaches. She cups your face, running her finger over your cheekbone. She sighs.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," She says," I'll...I'll play with you. You don't have to promise that."
"Mammy needs to work," You say to Caitlin," Not supposed to interrupt her when she works."
It's clear to Katie that you're a bit bummed out about everything. She had plans last night to take you out to the park and to the nice bakery you like but a call from her agent in the car when she drove to pick you up about today's meeting had completely blindsided her and then, when she thought about it, she realised that she had emails that she needed to reply to.
Katie sighs, sitting down on the floor and pulling you into her lap. "No," She says," I don't need to work right now. I've got an adorable little kiddo to play with first."
You give her an odd look like you can't quite believe what she's saying before you look down at your toys with a smile.
"You can be the horse," You say," Because he likes playing rough with his friends."
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tanadrin · 6 months
Then you have those who legitimately had no idea what gender was even because we grew up in a tiny Irish village in the early 2000s, and because the one book they had was ‘Noughts & Crosses’, and the one film they had was ‘Men In Black II’, they didn’t know what racism was either, thinking America was ruled by black people. Like I was a pasty 9 year old with three sisters. When I was 7 one of my sisters decided to become my brother, then went back to being my sister a few years later, and I didn’t think anything of it, I thought that was accepted, that you could be whatever whenever you wanted. I got another brother the same year (this one born); to date my sister is still my sister, although she occasionally goes back to being my second brother when he feels like it. I thought my aunts in London were married for years, and my uncle got divorced when I was twelve, but no one explicitly told me so I didn’t find out for another twelve years. I have a cousin who became mute after brain damage and claims benefits but I know he can still talk because he swore me out when I was teaching him how to swim, he just doesn’t like his mothers. Now my other cousin also has stage four cancer but has never mentioned it any time we have hung out, I had to find out from my mother, and another cousin of mine died of a brain aneurysm but no one told me until a month later. I am agender, asexual, and aromantic, but don’t often tell anybody because it doesn’t come up. Which has led to me accidentally having to go on dates a lot: my sister who went to Australia to be an architect for a year but never got to be says I have ‘unbelievable rizz’, like I’m so oblivious to romantic tension that I seem interested when I’m just trying to be a person. Like I told someone she had a ‘perfect sneeze’ once and she tried to bring me into a throuple. And I had to stay a while since I was too socially awkward to say I didn’t want to be there. Same thing happened when a friend was moving to Poland and I made my way across the country to see her off. Then when I was going to the cinema last year someone lit a tram on fire in front of it so they gave me three months worth of free cinema, and pretty much anyone I asked to go with me thought it was a date, and I had to say yes because like you can’t turn someone down if you accidentally ask them out. Then afterward I went to the bank and accidentally found a secret door to a speakeasy next door with a password and 70% absinthe drunk out of lemons. And the guy from ‘Django Unchained’ was there, he’d been shooting a game show with his daughter (who was also there) in the country (this was not America), so we drank for a bit until he was done. He was a little annoyed that I didn’t seem drunk before seeming impressed when I mentioned I can’t really get drunk due to some weird genetic thing, the most I get being that I feel like if someone asked me for the truth about anything I would tell them, so basically truth serum, although I don’t really have secrets, so there’s nothing to tell. The most I’ve done is leak television pilots or films I’ve found access to on the internet, that people didn’t know had been leaked. Or spot plagiarism. Like I have the script for the new ‘Nosferstu’, I put it in my bag I carry around all the time, then like the next day my lecturer was talking about the original ‘Nosferstu’ and I said “Oh I have the script for that would you like it?” and he said “Yes.” so I pulled it out and he had expected me to be taking out my computer or something to share a PDF of the old film’s script, not for me to just hand him the new film’s script, and the look on his face had me go “wait.” I have surprised you? And anyway that same day someone tried to pass off a short story of mine I’d shared anonymously in Cork two years prior as their own, and this was Dublin, I didn’t know them, so I was more amazed at the circumstances of my merely being there than annoyed by the plagiarism (like if he’d asked I’d have let him, but he didn’t even know I was the writer, so he was just a massive coincidence). I am 23.
thumbs up emoji
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violetngrey · 1 year
A part 2 to the Charlie walker 10 things?? Maybe they go on a date or something?
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well it’s definitely something
part 1
# :: 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 🫧 - 𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒂 𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒃 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆
after yesterdays flirtatious conversation charlie had with you he couldn’t get you off of his mind
he kept replaying the whole thing in his head over and over
“you don’t have to lie to me to talk to me” you laughed
“who said i was lying”
you just laughed and smiled “i’m y/n”
“i know”
you’d awkwardly gotten up and left after and he could just hit himself as it was the perfect opportunity to ask you out
he spent days thinking about ways to talk to you again all while you sat quietly in the back of the club
recently you’d been missing some of the clubs sessions and charlie had started to get concerned
after class had ended one night he went to seek you out
vaguely knowing where your locker was he made sure to not get in anyones way
there you were
smiling and laughing with another boy
this struck something within charlie he didn’t know he had
“heyyy y/n, i was just looking for you” he decided to put his hand round your waist
risky move
the other guy, much taller than charlie looked rather confused as it’d seemed she been flirting with him back
“hey charlie, you’re late” you gave him a look
the other guy ended up skulking off after a few of charlie’s diabolical looks
he quickly took his arm back and turned to you
she just thanked him and said the guy had been bothering her for a while now and doesn’t like coming down this corridor anymore because he know this is her locker
something about him wanting to take her out on the town next week
so that’s why she wasn’t coming to cinema club recently
it was his fault
he’d pay for that later
“how about i take you out instead”
charlie blushed a lot more recently
“only if you want to of course”
y/n seems to blush a lot round him
tucking her oh so soft hair behind her ear she agreed
charlie would be picking her up on friday night from her house for a date
just one more day to get through until then
he definitely went home that night and had a victory wank
it’s not like he hasn’t done it before over her but this time there was progress
he’d completely forgotten he used to stutter over kirby just six months ago when she teased him and now he’s not bothered at all
robbie definitely noticed
kirby seemed to notice too
she started making conversation with him more
trying to get him to talk about movies with her and jill often
he was definitely nervous if he should get you flowers or not
friday rolled around way too quickly for charlies nerves to settle
especially after he’s had such a busy thursday
he already knew your address so it was only a matter of time
a button up shirt, nice jeans and converse and charlie felt sick
he’d never felt this way before
always racking his hair back
red roses were presented upon opening your front door
“just like the movies”
he’d pick a fancy restaurant as he had no idea what you liked
getting there just in time, the reservation didn’t go through
you guys ended up driving to the local shop and buying strawberries, chocolate and some random junk food
you both sat eating them in the boot of his car
he ended up melting the chocolate with his lighter and you both had chocolate covered strawberries
as you smudged a bit on his cheek and he retaliated by throwing half a strawberry at you
which got onto your clothes a little
“i’m sorry, okay! how was i supposed to know you’re weak to strawberries”
you scoffed and got the tissues out the front door pocket
you heard a shuffle and a bump from charlie in the back causing you to look up
he was shoving something back into the boot underlining
you thought he definitely skateboards
abandoning the tissues and taking it out of his backseat you rushed up to the boot of the car
he just looked surprised
he didn’t skateboard
he stood there teaching you and helping you not fall off around the parking lot
by the time you could somewhat push by yourself charlie would retreat to the car
he was still nervous
he called it a night rather suddenly as you guys left the parking lot
the red had started to drip out the underside of his car
at least the guy won’t be bothering you anymore
please support me by reblogging / commenting / liking my posts! it means so much to me!
I love anyone’s requests so much and it gives me even more ideas and inspiration to come up with more.
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edwordsmyth · 2 years
"It would, but a fantasy, which wouldn’t be read as real. But it was. Here’s what happened. On January 1, 1964, a friend of mine went back into her house to look for something, and I sat on the stairs to wait for her. Suddenly, I felt so much despair at that sun and that empty water, the first day of the year, that I said, “Oh, my God, give me at least a symbol of peace.” And when I opened my eyes there was a dove beside me. Then I went to the movies. The stores were closed, but, at the Cinema Paissandu, in a shop window, there was a plate with four doves on it that I, the next day, went to buy. I don’t use it much now. But the third thing was the most dramatic. I was going downtown on a hot day. I took a taxi and was so tired, wearing sunglasses, that I leaned my head on the back of the front seat. Suddenly, I felt something between my eye and my glasses, and I reached up to see what it was. It was a dove feather. Then I went to visit a friend of mine who’s a doctor, and I told him the story. And then I asked, “How can you explain that?” He just said, “Good things don’t need an explanation,” and asked, “Do you want a dove feather?” Astonished, I said, “Do you have one?” And he took one and gave it to me. Another time when I went to the doctor, I took a taxi, and, along the way, he slammed on the brakes. I asked the driver, “What was that?” And he said, “Thank God, I just avoided killing a dove.” An incredible story." -Clarice Lispector
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