#I was thinking of calling them 'Talon' but I didn't want them confused with the Overwatch villains
mostrandomgallery · 2 years
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The Black Eagles girls as a KPop-inspired group.
Fashion inspiration from this set.
Art © Stephanie M. DO NOT REPOST!!!
Also on Deviant Art
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kairiscorner · 1 year
ok but like it's canon in the comics that miguel's not as good at tech compared to biology. so imagine...
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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lyla was apparently resetting herself and would be unresponsive for a few hours, but it seemed he had no choice. coming from the future, he has little clue about how technology in the 20th century was supposed to work, but luckily, you were a natural at using 20th century technology! unluckily, miguel was too prideful to ask you for any help. the rest of the society had decided to resort to cell phones to contact each other for the time being, though it wasn't as great as the watches, it was at least useful for something. however, only one person remained to be clueless about these cell phones, and ironically, it's the guy from the future, miguel o'hara himself.
he had asked jess and peter b how to use a phone, but they, unsurprisingly, only know how to use it when someone calls--they don't even know how to facetime properly. he asked ben to help him since he classified as 'part of the youth', but his explanation was full of onomatopoeias and edgy narrating that miguel was totally lost. you approached miguel as he was practically snarling at his phone's screen, not being used to calling an AI assistant who wasn't lyla to fetch him information on the anomalies you all were monitoring, but the only search results siri gave him were the definition of anomaly and earth-1218 search results from fan pages.
"hey mig." you greeted him as miguel sighed and tried to compose himself. "how are you holding up?" you asked him, knowing full well he was losing his mind over the countless notifications he was getting from his chats from peter b that were all just pictures of mayday and his keyboard mashing over how cute his daughter was. "i'm barely holding on, to be honest." he said as he forcefully scrolled on the screen, which ended up in it being scuffed and scratched on by his talons.
"puta." he muttered as he looked at the now scratched screen. you took the phone from his hands and asked him what he was going to do, with him explaining he just wanted to dismiss the incessant notifications from peter b. you set his phone on a 'do not disturb' mode and shut off his notifications from peter b in an instant. "that's all you have to do, really." you explained as you handed the phone back to him, with his eyes following yours as you smiled up at him. "ah, thank you." he said as he took his reading glasses and tried to read a text that came his way. "congratulations, you have won a 100,000 dollars. email this contact to claim your reward... but i didn't do anything?" he remarked aloud, confused. "oh, that's spam. just ignore it, delete i--" he was calling the fucking number.
"hello? yeah, i didn't play any game. you texted me about a prize i didn't win, i think you have the wrong number. ...what do you mean i have to email you? just forward the message to the right individual. ...no, i'm not gonna email you, we're talking right now! look, i don't even want your prize, i make more than six figures a month. ...what do you mean you need my credit card information? hijo de puta, i'm not the guy you're looking for!" miguel screamed into the phone as he spoke to the scammer. you wanted to tell him to drop the call, but seeing him scare the scammer had made you want to watch this unfold. he was screaming curse words in spanish and repeating how he doesn't need any prizes from these hacks.
"on second thought, always call the number." you murmured to him as he angrily put the phone down. "shocking idiots, is the 20th century full of guys who can't double check numbers and force you to email them when you're already talking to them over the phone?" he asked you as you nodded slowly with a slight grin. miguel shook his head as he checked the progress on lyla's update. "17 more hours of this madness." he groaned as he buried his face in his palms. "well, you can always go on... i don't know, tiktok?" "no. we're stuck on earth 1218's internet, i've been warned by peter b it's a scary place i should never visit." "i wonder why..." you muttered as you avoided his gaze and smirked.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold
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radiolore · 3 months
venture x childhoodfriends!reader
heeeyyy soooo.... I watched that one episode of mlp where twilight meets and reconciles with Moondancer and it inspired me to write this 😈😈
also I haven't written a fanfiction since like.. middle school and for reference I've already graduated so I'm sorry if it's not that good 😭🙏
Sloan Cameron, also known as Venture. a now very well known archeologist, talon fighter, and the occasional overwatch agent. needless to say, their strength, wits, and discoveries has put them in the news and a few articles a good number of times.
right now, believe or not, they're not on some site looking for ancient relics of the past. or, in some way they could be. right now, they're at home looking through old photos of their childhood. they had recently moved after their previous apartment had been destroyed in an omnic attack.
for hours, they had been giggling to themselves, reminiscing old memories.
"awww, that was when I dressed up as a mummy for Halloween! I got called a nerd so many times.." they cringed briefly at the teasing they used to face. not like it was their fault that nobody else seemed to care about having a historically accurate costume! well... nobody except....
"wait.. who's that?" Sloan grabbed another photo, one of them in high school standing next to someone. they scratched their head as they tried to remember who this mystery person is.
"oh! that's y/n!" they finally remembered. their victorious smile faded as they started to remember you. "wow i... completely forgot about them.." they furrowed their brows.
they started to look for more photos of you. the more they saw, the more they remembered.
and the more they remembered about you, the more they remembered what they did to you and the pain they caused.
you and Sloan were best friends. from grade school until high school. the two of you met in grade school, both sharing a passion for dinosaurs, and you were inseparable since. you did everything together. you had a passion for art that matched the passion Sloan had for archeology.
Sloan remembered how you always said that you'd become an infamous artist, creating art for all to see and relate to or empathize with. they thought to themselves... well, if you were as passionate as they were, as they remembered, they were sure they could look you up and find countless of articles and online discussions about you. it would be easy to get in touch with you.
so Sloan pulled out their old cracked phone, and started to do some research on your name.
but... nothing. not so much as an online profile appeared. they blinked, confused. what happened? where were you?
their mind was filled with conflicting thoughts about why they couldn't find you online. they didn't doubt your ability to become successful, but maybe... you have an underground succession thing going on?
after not coming to a satisfying enough conclusion, Sloan shook their head. then they had an idea. even if you don't have an online appearance, you two used to be childhood best friends. it wouldn't be that hard to find you.
Sloan didn't know why, but they felt compelled and determined to find you.
actually, that's a lie. they do know why. they just don't want to think about it.
Sloan's nerves were through the roof right now. they started looking for you in their old hometown, and, surprisingly enough, you never left. so after some asking around, they found the apartment you supposedly lived in.
Sloan felt nervous as they stood at your door, feeling like an unwanted guest. well, they kinda are, but you'd be happy to see your old friend, right? who wouldn't be?
taking a deep breath in and puffing their chest out to feign confidence, they finally mustered up the courage to knock at your door.
after waiting dreadfully for a few seconds, the door slowly creaked open. Sloan's heart raced with anticipation for seeing your face again after so many years. and, from what they heard from the people who live here still, it seems nobody else has really seen you that often either.
eventually, the darkness inside your home filled with some light as Sloan was finally able to see your face. wow... you looked.. different. but still just as beautiful.
you styled your hair/hijab differently now, you were wearing more casual clothes (assumably resting at home), and.... you had bags under your eyes?
Sloan stood there awkwardly, watching your face go from confusion to shock. they lifted a hand and said, "hey..." while looking off to the side, unsure of how to greet you after so many years.
"uhm.. do you remember me? it's me, Sloan! we used to be friends? I just moved recently and I found some photos of us, and I thought of you so I wanted to-" they started rambling a bit, before they got interrupted.
"what are you doing here." Sloan's heart dropped as they heard the slight venom in your tone and they looked at your expression, only to find an emotionless, yet slightly bitter face. it wasn't the face they remembered... you used to be so sweet and caring, never letting a sour expression on your face. so why are you so different now?
"er- well.. I wanted to reconnect. I know we haven't talked in years, a-and I'm sorry for not reaching out before! but I got so focused on my work that i-" they were interrupted yet again as you scoffed, looking away.
"right. I know you were. I see you all the time on the news." you sighed. "look, it was real nice of you to stop by, but I'd rather be alone right now. goodbye." you shut the door.
Sloan stood there, shocked at your words and reaction.
meanwhile, on the other side of the door, your hands shook as you gripped the doorknob still. your heart ached as you just slammed the door in the face of your old friend, and... your old love.
way back when you two were still friends, as you grew up, you grew to like Sloan. like, really like them. they were everything to you. they meant everything to you. that is, until..
you shook the thought away, not wanting to remember. you let out a shaky sigh, trying to clam down from the flurry of emotions flowing through you right now. you held your head in your hands, overwhelmed. another knock at your door snapped you out of your thoughts. feeling anger build up again, you opened the door again, narrowing your exhausted eyes at your ex-friend.
"why are you still here? what do you want from me?" you spewed at them, feeling annoyed at the sight of them still at your door.
"listen, I know that we've- I've been gone for a long time, but I really want to reconnect with you. I want to be friends with you again." they pleaded, hoping you'll agree to their request.
your heart winced at the word "friends". you bit your lip, closed your eyes and sighed. "no thanks. I don't need anyone else, and I certainly don't need you." you closed the door again, this time with the intention of ignoring them if they tried knocking again.
Sloan stood there yet again, not knowing what to do. you were so... angry. and they knew why. and they knew they had to make it up to you. they did try knocking again, but after you didn't open the door again after the third knock, they left. they were still just as determined as ever to make it up to you.
you on the other hand, was determined as ever to push your feelings away and forget about them. you thought you had moved on, but seeing them again just brought up so many old memories, feelings, emotions, and heart break.
you sat on your couch, going through your phone. finally finding your and Sloan's old messages, you scrolled through the countless unread messages you had sent. tears welled up in your eyes as every emotion you felt then made themselves known again.
you remembered the heart ache you felt. the betrayal you felt. the sadness, the anxiety, the frustration, and the anger. you felt so.. distraught. you didn't know what to do with all these emotions.
after what happened, you became a shut-in. you closed yourself off from everyone else. you never left your hometown, never having enough money to do so and no goal in mind of where you would even move to if you wanted to. the sheer pain Sloan had caused you ruined you.
you had spent countless nights remembering them. so many nights wasted on laying in bed awake at 3am crying your eyes out over them. after a while, you convinced yourself that you moved on and that they weren't worth your time or emotions. nobody was worth your heart anymore. and you weren't going to mope around anymore hoping someone would change your mind. and you certaininly weren't going to let Sloan give you that hope.
Sloan felt defeated as they continued on their walk throughout their old town. every idea they had seemed like an idea that wouldn't work or go well.
almost considering giving up and going home, they paused as they saw a flier on a telephone pole. it was an advertisement for an art show coming up, which happens to be the next day. face lighting up, Sloan had an idea, it may be a dumb one, but most of the ideas they had were dumb, and those pretty much always worked out, so why wouldn't this one?
grabbing one of the fliers, they started to make their way back to your home, remembering your door had a mail slot in it.
you were sitting on your couch, sketching in your sketchbook to calm yourself down from earlier. even after what happened all those years ago, you still pursued art as a hobby.
your ears perked up as you heard something go through your mail slot in your door. curious, you got up to check what it was. you opened up the folded piece of paper, and saw it was an ad for an art show coming up tomorrow at the local museum. you felt a little excitement run through you at the thought of going to another art show. you enjoyed going to shows like this, seeing other artists' work. but that excitement was short lived as it was replaced with confusion.
"why am I getting mail at 8pm at night...?" you mumbled to yourself. opening the door, hoping to catch the culprit who gave you this ad, you looked around but found no one in sight. you just shrugged your shoulders and closed the door.
around the corner, Sloan was hiding behind a corner, silently celebrating that didn't seem to find out it was them who left it there and, fingers-crossed, were going to the art show the next day. their heart raced again that day as they prayed that you would show up.
sure enough, the next day came and you dressed up in some nice clothes and showed up to the art show. but, as you were arriving to the first steps to the museum, a familiar face stopped you dead in your tracks. Sloan.
"what are YOU doing here?" you asked, irritated.
Sloan took some steps towards you, "well, I know how passionate you are for art, so I thought I'd invite you here! we could walk through the exhibits and all the art together and catch up!" they excitedly explained, reaching their hand out for you to take.
they looked away for a second, finally being more honest, "look i- I know I hurt you. and I wanted to make it up to you. so please, let me try." they pleaded, looking back at you, flashing that famous smile at you that you loved.
your eyes wavered, considering taking their hand for a brief moment. but then you swallowed your feelings and pushed their hand away.
"and.. you think this is going to make up for everything?" you questioned.
"uhh, yes?" they said, full of hope.
"oh, so, you're gonna invite ME to this art show, when you couldn't even bother to show up to the last one?" you felt your emotions begin to rise up.
"what after this? you're going to leave? are you going to leave me again without even saying goodbye?" tears started to well up in your eyes.
"everyone was expecting me to be able to make a name for myself at that show, to finally start my successful career in art like I said I would! and i completely bombed it! I felt absolutely humiliated!!" your voice started to rise as you finally started venting all your feelings about what happened to them.
"I spent the whole event thinking about you: 'where's Sloan?', 'where are they?', 'maybe they're just late!', 'where's the person that i love?'!" your voice cracked.
"I felt like I didn't matter to you! it was the biggest opportunity of my life and I needed you there, and you! DIDN'T! SHOW! UP!" finally being overwhelmed by your emotions, you stormed off, tears rolling down your face as you ran off back home.
Sloan stood at the entrance of the museum, unaware of the people staring and just focused on your fleeing form. they were absolutely mortified. they knew they had hurt you.. but they didn't know it was this bad. or maybe they just didn't want to accept that it was this bad. they let a few stray tears go down their face before wiping them and coming after you.
you were at home, feeling as embarrassed and exhausted as ever. you felt empty too. tears were still coming down your face as you heard a soft knock at the door. you knew who it was. you briefly contemplated ignoring it, before getting up and opening the door, avoiding eye contact with the tall figure.
"y/n... can- can I come in?" Sloan stammered, unsure if you'd actually say yes.
you didn't even care at this point, you nodded and opened the door enough for them to come inside.
Sloan looked around your home, various art pieces and papers scattered around. they watched as you sat on your couch, following suit.
"hey.. about what-" they started before getting interrupted by none other than you once again. except this time it was much different than the last times.
"im sorry." you croaked out. Sloan had a confused expression on their face.
"i-im sorry for yelling and making a scene like that at the museum. I'm sorry for being so cold to you before when you were just trying to make amends." you genuinely felt guilty. you started to realize that, as much of a horrible friend they were for leaving you, you were just as bad for treating them that way.
Sloan shook their head, "no, I should be the one apologizing." they paused. "I abandoned you when you needed me. and... I never even said goodbye. I left. and we never spoke for over 10 years." Sloan started to feel their own guilt begin to rise up in them as they confessed.
"the reason I left... well, we were 16 and I had gotten accepted for an internship with the wayfinders society. but... it required me to leave to wherever they needed me, whether it's Cairo, Petra, Egypt, anywhere. it was the biggest opportunity of my life... and I knew that if I didn't accept it, I'd miss out on having my dream job." they smiled a bit as they remembered their early days as an archeologist. you started to look up at them, listening to their explanation.
Sloan frowned again, "but... the day they needed me to get on the plane and leave.. was the day of your art show. I had to choose. and... I'm sorry. I couldn't let this opportunity slip by me. so.. I got on the plane and left." their voice started to waver. "i.. I'm sorry I never even said goodbye. I wanted to but... I didn't know how. I knew it'd hurt you. and after you started texting me so much, asking me where I was and why I disappeared and left, I didn't know what to do. I was scared." there were now more tears coming down Sloan's face as they finally confessed how they felt about that whole situation. ever since it happened, they had never told a soul about what they did. they had too much guilt ridden inside them to ever tell that to anybody, especially you.
you reached over to hold their hand, hoping to comfort them, just like you used to.
"im... I'm sorry you had to make that decision. I know it must have been an incredibly difficult one. but you not showing up and leaving without a word really did hurt me a lot..." you swallowed nervously, preparing to say your next words.
"the truth is... the reason why it was so important to me for you to be there was because.. I was going to confess to you afterwards." you closed your eyes, not wanting to see what Sloan's reaction to that was. "i... I had a huge crush on you for so long, and-and i had planned for months how I was going to confess, and after I heard about the art show and applying, I had a whole plan to invite you and confess to you afterwards." your cheeks started to flush a little.
"so... when you didn't show up.. and you left... it completely broke me. I felt abandoned, I felt like you hated me and didn't care about me." your voice started to crack again as tears threatened to spill.
Sloan's own cheeks heated up a little at your confession. you.. liked them? suddenly little behaviors you exhibited way back when started to make sense in their head. seeing that you were about to start crying, they brought a hand up to your face and caressed your cheek with their thumb.
you jumped a little at the sudden feeling of their hand comforting you. it had been so long since you've felt a comforting touch like this, let alone from them. you naturally leaned into and actually begun crying again.
"y/n.. I had no idea you liked me that much.. I'm sorry for not realizing sooner." they paused to think... they knew they never really had feelings for you like that. but... that was over 10 years ago. both of you were completely different people.
"do you think maybe.. we could start over?" Sloan proposed. they still wanted to make things up to you. hurting you was the last thing they ever wanted to do.
you sniffled as you looked up at them through blurry vision and teary eyes.
"i.. I'd like that." you finally smiled. the smile that Sloan loved.
"great.." Sloan cleared their throat as they stuck out their other hand to you for a handshake. "Heya! I'm Sloan, also known as Venture, it's nice to meet you! that's your name?"
you giggled at their silliness, but after calming down, you gently took their hand and shook it. "hi, I'm y/n. it's nice to meet you too." the both of you sat in comfortable silence, smiling at each other.
neither of you knew what your own respective feelings were for the other.. you didn't know if you loved them still. and Sloan didn't know if they'd ever grow to love you the way that you did. but either way, neither of you will ever be abandoning each other. you're here for each other.
I hope at least one of u gooners liked this even tho I yap a lot 🙏🙏
also not proofread cuz it's like 5am and I've been typing for hours and I'm not gonna read allat 😭🙏
hope it was good enough considering I hadn't written for years lol
Bai Bai :3
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 months
This can be read as a standalone, but if you'd like you can read my previous thoughts on Genya's literacy.
dear aNiki,
kocho gave me a Notebook today aNd told me to write down any after efects or experiNces after eating a demoN iN here but said I should also keep a jourNal to show you oNe day. she gave one to tokito to for his memory loss I thiNk.
she started teachng me how to write receNtly. she said if I caN’t become a hashira or talk to you by the time i've fiNished learNiNg, i can come up with a good apologi letter for you.
himejima-saN is very proud that I'm learNiNg how to write. he was sad he couldn't teach me Himself but Now I can help Him deliver messages he caN't write or Read.
i caN't do aNy breathiNg techNiques, but himjima-saN’s traiNing is iNteNse eNough that i can slay demons eveN without eating them sometimes. maybe i will be able to become the first hashira without a techNique.
Im Not sure yet Of what to write iN here, so thats all for Now. I hope you like the ohagi I seNt you. kocho said she'd pass it for Me.
Dear Aniki,
I'm very embarrassed to say this, but when I showed Kocho my writing it turned out I got a lot of things wrong. She was very nice about it when she saw how red I was but couldn't teach me today so the Butterfly Girls had to do it. I think they were too scared to laugh but it's embarrassing anyway to have them know more about writing than I do.
For one apparently I got all my captal (is that how you spell it?) letters wrong. Small letter n and captal letter N are also very different and it's confusing. And I'm glad Himejima-san won't find out I didn't write his name correctly.
The demon I ate the other day left me with a very weirdly shaped hand that hasn't gone away yet, so I'll stop writing for now since it's tiring to hold a pencil with talons. Kocho offered to cut my nails for me but I said no because she was going to use her katana.
Dear Aniki,
It really hurt me to find out you threw away my apology letter. I really want to apologize for that night but you keep pushing me away. Are you disappointed in me for joining the Corps or because I can't use breathing techniques? I promise I'll do better.
At least you didn't reject my ohagi. I found out because Tokito was eating it when I met him today. The Mist Pillar is really weird. I didn't know his amnesia was so bad to this state he wandered into the room I was staying in at the Butterfly Mansion thinking it was his. I found him standing by the window holding my gun without moving for about ten minutes. I thought he was a girl for a second so it kind of stunned me into silence. He didn't even notice I was there until I yelled at him to put it down.
It was really awkward at first because I had to explain to him it wasn't his room and he had to explain to me he wasn't a girl, then there was an awkward pause where we just stared at each other. He called me a rooster too…which is still confusing.
I find it really hard to believe he's fourteen and already a Pillar. Jealous, really, because he gets to see you and I don't. Although he called you a wolf and I'm not sure what that means when I asked him where he got the ohagi from and he said the “old white wolf looking Hashira…I forgot. I think I bought it…wait, but I didn't bring any money.”
Somehow I ended up agreeing to his demand of training with him first thing tomorrow to show him how to use a gun. Thankfully the side effects of the demon I ate is gone now.
Kocho told me he'll probably forget about it though.
Dear Aniki,
Today's my birthday. Do you miss me as much I do for you? I wish I can still celebrate it with our siblings and mom, or at least with you.
Kinzaki and the Butterfly Girls made me a cake. Kocho gave me a new yukata after I ripped my old one from my last fight. Her tsugoku gave me a coin for whatever reason. But I got really shy and didn't say much.
Muichiro forgot it was my birthday and thought it was Kocho’s, so he gave me her present. He thought it was funny to pin the butterfly to my hair. The girls started giggling at me so I chased him around the Butterfly Mansion.
Himejima-san gave me a cat. She's very cute. I named her Shizu, after mom. She followed me everywhere and even peed on Muichiro’s foot. He said she was stupid but later on I found him carrying her around.
Her white fur made me think of you. If you ever forgive me one day I'm sure you'll love her too. She likes the smell of ohagi too apparently.
Dear Aniki,
Rengoku-san the Flame Pillar and Kanroji the Love Pillar came to visit Himejima-san today. Rengoku-san gave me ohagi, so I thanked him but he said it wasn't from him. I'm praying this means you don't completely hate me.
Muichiro came over to Himejima-san’s estate today too by mistake, but he decided to stay and train with me anyway. He asked to see Shizu and that's when I realized she was missing.
How hard could it be to find a snowy white cat? That's what we thought until we (me mostly, Muichiro kept forgetting where he had looked) hunted everywhere for her. Then Rengoku-san said he saw her run pass him and when we looked she jumped off a tree and took off.
I still can't stop turning red whenever I think about how I slammed into Kanroji chasing Shizu, so I immediately ran off with Muichiro. I hope if I meet her again she'll have forgotten about it.
Dumb cat.
Dear Aniki,
Today that Kamado kid - the one who broke my arm back at Final Selection after I grabbed the Ubuyashiki girl; hope she doesn't hold it against me - picked up the stack of letters I accidentally dropped. You know it's the anniversary of everyone's death today, so I was planning on taking the letters I've been writing to them to burn. Usually I would just leave flowers and prayers at the shrine Himejima-san helped me make because we never got to bury them, but since Kocho taught me to write I decided to make a new tradition.
Anyway I knew he didn't mean to read them but I got mad anyway until he told me his family died the same way and he was happy that I was still honoring their memory of whatever. I wish me and you were like him and his sister. I wonder what would've happened if we had stayed together? I never meant to hurt you like that.
I don't remember writing any of this. Did I change my handwriting or something? Who's Aniki?
I've just chased away Muichiro. I can't believe he got our notebooks mixed up and started reading mine. I hope he didn't read anything…too personal. Foggy brained idiot just stared at me and left.
He came back later. He didn't apologize but handed me a watermelon. He's forgiven…I guess? I don't even want to know he got it from, especially when I can hear Kinzaki and that pig head boy shouting.
Dear Aniki,
Today's the day before the final battle and I don't have much time to write as much as I want to, so I'll make this entry quick.
Muichiro has become a much nicer person, and I've had a lot of fun with him over time. I'm gonna miss training with him and talking and cloud gazing together afterwards. I hope we both don't die. He called me his best friend the other day and although I got really flustered I don't want it to be the last time.
Kocho and the Butterfly Girls celebrated my “graduation” of learning how to write the other day. Maybe one day you'll be able to come and celebrate some other occasion with us.
I will never be able to repay everything Himejima-san has done for me. I owe him for the slayer I am today. I hope the wooden bracelet I carved will be able to convey it. I can write now but I'm no good with words.
I'm really grateful to Kamado and his sister for reminding me during the battle at the Swordsmith Village why I joined the Corps. I'm going to prove myself to you and apologize for once and for all. I don't know what I'm going to do if you keep pushing me away even after all this. I miss you a lot.
I swear we'll be brothers again after this battle.
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Help (Miguel O'Hara x reader)
Summary: After his sabotaged attempt to fix things, Miguel is on the run. He goes to you for a night, just until he makes a plan to make things right.
Note: Just a short something I wanted to write. This is an “x reader” story despite both of them being idiots in love who just won't be honest with each other.
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Your phone began to ring and vibrate on your desk, and when you looked at the screen, you saw it was your neighbor, a middle-aged man who loved to complain about everything. When you turned off the music you'd been listening to, your ears picked up another sound, a loud banging that came from your front door. Was he already there? This man was a nightmare.
“Hello, James,” you said into the phone in the sweetest tone you could manage. “Was the music too loud?”
“No, not this time. But I guess you couldn't hear that loud noise coming from the hallway. There's this creepy guy who's been trying to get you to open your door for the past five minutes. Be careful, he looks like some drug addict,” he added, sounding genuinely worried about your safety.
Who the hell could that be? “Thanks for the warning. I'll peek out to see who it could be. Thanks for the warning. Have a good evening.”
With a sigh, you picked up a pair of scissors and made your way to the door with your phone in your other hand in case you had to call the police. You cautiously looked out the peephole and the man you saw standing there made you gasp.
“Jesus, Miguel,” you said once you opened the door and faced your colleague with a worried look on your face. He looked disheveled, distressed, and generally in a bad shape. You grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, putting the items in your hands on the small table beside the door before turning back to him. “What the hell happened to you?”
Instead of answering, he went to the wall in the living room to push a few buttons and roll down the blind of the window. You didn't understand why he did that, but once they were down, he took off his sunglasses and revealed a pair of red eyes. You wondered if he had suddenly decided to wear colored contacts, but then he opened his mouth a little as if he was about to say something, and you noticed he had fangs.
“My eyes have been really sensitive to light,” he explained in the end as he sat down on the couch. “I know I've changed a lot, but it's… I don't… You're the only one I can trust right now.”
Nodding, you sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of him and took his hands in yours. “Why don't you go back to the beginning and tell me what the hell is going on with you?”
“I wanted to resign from the project I've been working on, but Stone didn't let me, instead he tricked me into taking Rapture,” he explained hurriedly.
“You're joking, right? That thing is highly–”
“Trust me, I know,” Miguel cut in as he buried his face in his hands. “I tried to fix things, but they didn't let me. Delgado found out and sabotaged the process. My DNA changed, and now here I am with fangs, talons, and light-sensitive red eyes, and other abilities I don't even fully understand yet. I think they're looking for me, I hoped you could let me hide here for a day or two.”
You sat on the couch next to him and put a hand on his back supportively. “You can stay here as long as you want,” you assured him.
“I need to do something, I can't just sit back and hope it will go away. It won't, I know that.”
He sounded sad and confused, and it broke your heart. The two of you had been close at Alchemax, with you bringing him late lunch when you heard he hadn't eaten anything all day, or with him keeping you company when you were among the last people in the building late at night.
But you barely met outside of work, you didn't even know he knew where you lived. And now here he was, asking for your help. Who were you to make him leave? He had been nothing but kind to you in the past, pushing him away now would have been the cruelest thing to do.
And in all honesty, you didn't want to hurt him. You liked him, maybe a little too much, but you weren’t about to take advantage of the situation. The best you could do now was being a supportive friend. “Just make sure you have a plan, okay?” you asked him. When he looked at you, you pulled your lower lip between your teeth. Damn, those red eyes saw right through you. “Don’t do anything in a rush. Like I said, you can stay as long as you want. Tell me how I can help and I will.”
Miguel was watching you with wide eyes, and you didn’t really understand it at first. But then he pulled you into a hug and placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” he said quietly. “But I don’t want you to be involved in this, I’ll be gone in the morning.”
“I’ll get the spare room ready for you. But first, we order food because I’m starving,” you said with a smile as you began to stand up.
“Thank you,” Miguel said when he caught your hand and kept you back. “I don’t know how I’ll repay it. I show up out of nowhere and you help me without asking questions.”
You nodded with a warm smile. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
He gulped as he thought about your words. “Right. Friends,” he said, and you couldn’t really understand why he said it like that.
But you didn’t waste your time trying to figure it out, instead you ordered some food and went to the spare room to make his bed. Miguel seemed to be lost in his thoughts so you didn’t want to bother him, and he also seemed like he could use some sleep. The two of you quickly ate the dinner when it arrived, then you said goodnight and went to your bedroom to sleep.
By the time you woke up the next morning, Miguel was already gone. The only trace of him ever being there was a message he left for you, in which he thanked you for your help and promised to stay away until he fixed things. You knew it would be hard to be in the dark about him, but if he thought it would be for the best, you had no choice but to respect his decision.
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some-pers0n · 9 months
I was poking around my older writing and found this piece. It's okay enough to share, I think.
It's about Whiteout and Listener. I do not like Listener. I remember writing this when I was a little grumpy over some people on the Wiki fawning over Clearsight/Listener. I'm a wee bit of a hater, no? So I just kinda zeroed in on her calling Whiteout "Weirdout" and, yeah, here we are. Ableism warning.
Whiteout was all by herself in the art room, painting a landscape. It was coming along quite nicely as well. She remembered visiting the Sky Kingdom with her mother and brother when they were both young, taking in all of the sights and smells. It was unforgettable to see the tall spires that pieced through the clouds or the trees that spouted like mere weeds from the ground.
She was inspired by it, wanting to make it a permanent memory. Even after the school day was finished, she'd stay in and work on her project. Her teacher, Lightweaver, was perfectly fine with it all. Whiteout was a good dragonet.
While she didn't enjoy school all the time, it was safe in the art room. She wouldn't be bothered for how she would speak and how loud the others could be at times. She adored painting at home, but with...recent events happening she found it being more peaceful here.
It was perfect. Alone and completely absorbed into her work, doing everything to make everything as neat and tidy as possible–
"Uh, Whiteout?"
A new voice. She recognized it, her mind immediately covering that pitch and tone into a taste. A lemon, acidic and not too great on its own.
Ignoring her knee-jerk reaction, she looked over towards the NightWing.
"Good afternoon, Listener," she greeted.
The dark red dragon looked around the classroom. "Wow, is it always this empty?"
Whiteout titled her head, confused by the question. "It's... after school hours, is it not? I'd be the only dragon in here."
"I know, but there's nothing of note. No books, signs, anything. Kind of bland, except for the paintings, of course."
The two dragons stared at each other, both not daring to make a sound. It was awkward and tense for the hybrid, unsure of what to say or how to respond.
"So, Clearsight wanted me to ask something from you. It's Darkstalker's hatchingday and all that's coming up."
"And my own," she said.
"Yeah, I know, but Clearsight asked about Darkstalker. For some reason he couldn't ask him herself and wanted me to come to you for these questions. Makes no sense, right? She could just ask him for what he wants."
"Clearsight likes surprising him," she said. "I would also say that she likes having choices chosen for her at times rather than stressing over what to say to get my brother what he wants. It would ruin the surprise too if he was asked for what he wanted."
"Yeah yeah, right. You say that as though both of them could be surprised by anything."
Whiteout turned from her work, fidgeting with the paintbrush in her talons. "So... you came to ask me what he wanted for his birthday?"
"Just anything he likes, that's what she asked for. You're the dragon he knows the most after all, more than his own girlfriend. Surprising for how he's constantly hovering around her and his need to be there for every choice she makes."
Whiteout let out a small sigh, hoping she wouldn't notice. "My brother likes wearing jewelry from time to time. Earrings, rings, I believe he's told me about liking crowns."
"As expected with him..."
She bit her lip. "He also likes blankets. Him and I get cold a lot and he feels comfortable under them. He describes it like getting a hug."
"Alright, blankets and jewelry? Is that it?" Listener asked.
Whiteout wanted to say more, but what she wanted even more was for her to leave. "That's about it."
"Dragon of few tastes, huh?" She scoffed. The two stood silently once more, Listener leaning over to observe Whiteout's painting.
"Wow!" she whispered. "Are those the Claws of the Clouds?"
Caught off guard by the sudden question, she looked back at it as if to confirm. "Yes. It is."
"That's really cool," she said, walking over to admire it more. "It's like it's really there."
Delighted by the compliment, yet confused by how she was acting. "Thank you," she mustered.
"Though, it looks like there's a couple smudges here and the trees aren't the best... Plus those dragons don't really have eyes or scales yet."
"It– it's still in progress... I'm not done with it yet."
"Oh, sorry! You're super talented though. You're a very special dragon."
"With... my painting?"
"Yeah yeah! W– with your painting and such. Really great artwork, mh-hm. Is there...never mind, it's a dumb question."
Whiteout just looked at the ground. "Well, uh... thank you."
"Yeah no problem! Thanks for the question. Now you can get back to... drawing your thing."
She stared at her paintbrush. "Thanks..."
And with that, just as quickly as she came, she was gone. A small conversation, yes, but one of many with her that felt... off.
Disingenuous, even with her compliments. She had an aura to her that radiated a certain feeling, one that told her that she didn't exactly see her as one another.
Then again, being called 'Weirdout' a lot when she was younger made her true feelings more clear.
That same lemon-like feeling with her never faded or gotten sweeter. Perhaps she gotten better at hiding her feelings.
But, she was used of it. It stung, but she's come to accept it now. This is who she is. She's the dragon who speaks weird and, despite not talking about it much, thinks and perceives things in 'abnromal' ways.
So, with a heavier heart, she turned back to her painting. The unfinished flaws were more apparent now, but she felt less motivated to fix it. A part of her almost wanted to just... scrap it entirely.
Yet, she held up her brush and began to paint again. Just like everything else in her life, she pressed on, hoping for something better to happen by the end of it all.
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seasonschange32 · 7 months
I'm trying to watch Athena P lore videos because god are they entertaining and so funny. But here's some shows/movies I would love a lore deep dive on and why:
Inspector gadget reboot - the 'romance' between penny and Talon was so confusing yet endearing. Also, loving how chief Quimby just Disguises himself just to give gadget a misson
Total drama - not only was it a huge fan of gross out humor and has our overlord chris mclain, it literally introduced me to the ' bad boy x good girl' trope before ripping it out and taking a character ( who was literally perfect with another) and forcing them together due to aesthetics.
Transformers: robots in Disguise ( 2015) or Transformers prime - two shows that have fanbases debating ( seriously), each saying why each respective show is better. But other than that, both are fine for what they are and gave me two crushes that I hold dearly.
Mia and me - a fairy show that's not only animated but live action? With the main character having an ability to talk to unicorns? And with one of her bullies DISCOVERING HER SECRET LIFE??
Ben and hollies little kingdom - super wholesome and I love how the humans coinside with the fairies
Max and ruby - there's a tiktoker who made a whole series on why ruby was annoying. Need I say more?
Trollhunters and the spin off 3below - honestly from what I remember, I loved the stakes of the show and how cool the Armour the main character had. Regarding the spin off, loving how the bully I think was into the alien girl
Max steel ( not the 2000s one. sorry) - Max having to come up with the most unbelievable excuses as to why he has to go is cliche but also kind of funny? And the fact that the company Max's dad works for has lore as well is kind of interesting
Dino squad - I actually remembered this show through a cringe compilation of all things and had to add it. From the theme song, to the plotines, to the fact that I had a crush on Laruzo even though he was obviously queer coded ( his Dino form was cool though)
Jem and the holograms - the I am a giant song from the misfits lives in my head rent free. Also, jem practicing trying to reveal to that one guy only from him to yell at her is funny to me
Lolirock - same with jem as revolution is iconic as well as the villians. Plus, why is was eventually taken off
The tinker bell movies - forgot I was supposed to mention movies as well ( sorry). But I love them and how the fairies each have their own abilities ( as well as different kinds). From pirate fairies to winter fairies, it's really cool.
Barbie: a fashion fairytale - I love all barbie movies equally but this...this just takes the cake. What other movie will you see ken making a child cry, fairies with attitude, rotting dresses, and a roller skating aunt?
Zoom (2015) - the trailer showing a scene of the main character and her character arguing is honestly what made me want to watch it ( I haven't but I'm planning on it)
Super hero squad - kid me was laughing my butt off when falcon married his bird. So...
The little prince movie - I didn't even read the book but when I saw that the old man had died, I was emotionally devastated, especially after listening to all his stories which inspired the main character to go find the prince UGHHH
The book of life - is it cliche? Yes. Is it like coco? Yes. Do I like that in the end, the main boy has to sing a guitar version of creep to calm down a bull? Absolutely yes!
Epic - josh hutcherson, beyonce, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny knoxville, an enemies to lovers storyline, a snail, a royal guard having a love for the queen, the enemies being bugs, and ANDD a nerdy dad. That's it.
Rise of the guardians - I absolutely love it followed jack and his arc of being seen and when he finally is, the kid and him are just so excited! Also, the fact that a lot of people are simping for the Easter bunny is a testament to how many people will call anyone sexy.
Daniel spellbound - wanted to add this because there's an awesome creator ( cough cough @bonkalore) who's made an amazing au out of this show and I wanted to see what you thought of it and your theories
Bonus options ( just random one's I think could fit): the rainbow fairies series, Lego friends, the complicated life of Claudia Christina Cortez, sonic underground, drama or sisters ( but any book by rainia would be great), Junie b Jones, stoked, barney, goddess girls, glitter force ( that's what I remember it as), invisible sister, a monster in Paris, Maya and miguel, and Martha)
If you want anymore, let me know!
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evandarya · 2 years
A Bird in the Hand is Worth a Talon in the Brush
{Read on Ao3}
Talon doesn't remember who he was before the Green. Sometimes, when the cold seeped into his bones and made his whole body ache he'd have flashes of memory. A man ruffling his hair, a woman smiling at him. Crystal blue eyes crinkled at the corners in joy. 
Talon doesn't remember joy. He remembers blood and bodies twisted in unnatural ways and screaming and a voice calling for him in a language he doesn't speak anymore. 
Talon doesn't dream. There is only the green and the cold and the memories. Sometimes he thinks it would be easier without the memories. 
Talons weren't supposed to feel. They were supposed to be dead. He was better. Being better meant he wasn't dead, not all the way. Being better meant he felt it when the Green was pumped into his veins. He felt it creeping along like liquid fire, burning the ice away every time his sarcophagus opened. Talon pulled himself out of his Sarcophagus and knelt before the two scientists who created him and the Master. 
"It isn't ready." The short one in teal said, "It still has too much independence.”
"You said six months, Mrs. Fenton." The Master said “I have given you eight.  This pet project has cost a lot of money and we need to see results." 
"If we could just have a few more weeks–" the big scientist in orange said. The Master cut him off.
"I have given you as much time as I can. Now," the Master's voice changed to the tone he used when addressing Talons. "The Court of Owls needs you, Talon. Rise." Talon stood. The Master was wearing a white mask, but Talon didn't look him in the face anyway. "The Court of Owls has sentenced Bruce Wayne to die." 
"Then he is dead."
Talon was better. Being better meant he could learn easier, and adapt better. Being better meant he could blend in with not-Talons if he needed to. He could hide his too-green eyes and too-cold skin behind a human mask. He could go where other Talons couldn't. He could go to a party disguised as the Master's son. He could be Daniel Masters until he needed to be Talon. He didn't like being Daniel Masters. Daniel Masters made the memories worse. 
"Ah, Vlad!" Talon looked over to where Bruce Wayne stood, surrounded by people. The Master's hand on his shoulder reminded him of what he already knew: not yet. Bruce excused himself from his group and approached the Master. He swayed as if he had been drinking, but Talon couldn't smell any alcohol on him. 
"I'm surprised to see you, and with a child, no less," Bruce said. His words slurred together, but his eyes were clear slate blue, piercing into Talon's crystal mask as if he could see the green beneath. 
"My son, Daniel." Masters said. Talon held out his hand for Bruce to grasp. 
"It's nice to meet you, sir." 
Bruce smiled at him, and it was warm and welcoming and reminded Talon of the man from before the Green. Talon hated him for it. "Please, call me Bruce. Oh, Margaret! Please, excuse me, Vlad, Daniel. Enjoy the party." 
Talon watched him go, planning which ribs he would slip his dagger between. 
Crystal blue eyes met Talons from across the room. He knew those eyes, remembered them scrunched almost closed as a ringing peal of laughter rang out. Now they stared at him in recognition, confusion, suspicion, and…rage. Talon wanted to run. The boy with the crystal eyes was coming toward them, and Talon wanted to run from the memories he was bringing with him, but the Master would not allow it. Talon did not need to see what the Master could do if he failed this mission. 
"Richard, it's nice to see you again." The Master said a hand placed on Talon's back. 
"Mr. Masters, it's been a while. I didn't know you had kids." Dick -no- Richard said. 
"Hi, I'm Daniel." Talon didn't extend his hand to shake Richard's. 
"I'm Dick. Are you hungry? I can show you the best things on the refreshment table." Dick didn't wait for a response, just grabbed Talon's hand and pulled him along behind him. Talon looked over his shoulder at the Master. In his eyes, he could see the warning and the order. "Don't mess this up, or else." 
Dick shoved a plate piled high with food into his hands and led him away from the party. Gone was the bright smile and friendly demeanor. In its place was an icy calm that would make any Talon jealous. 
"Kon san tu, phrala?"* The phrase was nearly whispered in a language Talon used to know before the Green. 
"I don't understand." 
Dick was disappointed but hid it behind a smile. "I'm sorry. You remind me of someone I lost." Dick popped a sausage ball in his mouth before stating "I haven't seen you at one of these things before." 
It wasn't a question or an order, and Talon didn't know how to respond. The Master wasn't in sight. But Talon was adaptable. He could learn. He was better.
"I've never been to one of these before." Talon picked up a sausage ball and popped it into his mouth like Dick had and nearly choked. Talon ate. His human mask required sustenance, usually in the form of high-density nutrition bars. One time when he was a new Talon the scientist's daughter mistook him for a human child and gave him chocolate. It was sweet and delicious and smooth and creamy, he still remembers it when the cold gets to be too much. The sausage ball was nothing like the chocolate. It was warm and savory and salty and spicy with a crisp exterior and a soft and oily center. The flavor burst over his tongue all at once and it was all he could do to swallow it down. Dick gave him a concerned look as he coughed, but offered him a glass of sparkling grape juice that was sweet and cool and refreshing with bubbles that tickled his nose. 
"Never had a sausage ball before, either, huh?" Dick asked with a smile. He was…teasing him? 
"No, not that I can remember. It's good." 
"If you think that's good, you should try the bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers." 
Talon wanted to try all the foods before he went back into the ice. 
People started leaving the party. Talon excused himself to the bathroom. He couldn't pretend to be human any longer. It was time to be Talon. Once Talon was alone he let his human mask fall. His black hair became white, the expensive suit was replaced with a sleek black uniform with white gloves and boots. His vivid green eyes glowed from behind the lenses in his hood. Gravity left him and he floated a few inches above the ground. Some Talons had weapons, but he was better. The ice in his veins solidified into daggers, throwing knives, and swords—any weapon he needed at a moment's notice at his fingertips. 
All that was left for him tonight was to finish his assignment, then forget about blue eyes squinting in mirth, forget the familial feeling in his chest as Dick laughed. All he had to do was slip a knife into Bruce Wayne's ribs. 
Talon stalked Wayne, an invisible predator, and an unwary prey. It would be easy to finish his mission if Wayne wasn't surrounded by people. Everyone at the party had to say 'goodbye' before leaving, then he supervised the cleaning crew. Then, finally, Wayne went to his study. 
"I know you're there." All traces of the man from the party were wiped, replaced with a soul-deep weariness. Talon was about to reveal himself and finish the mission when the desk chair turned. 
"I know what I saw, Bruce. It was him." Dick said. 
"I understand wanting to have him back, but bud, you have to look at it objectively," Bruce said. 
"Then we'll look into it, but I know what my brother looks like." 
"We can't make any moves until we have tangible proof." 
In response, Dick put a glass in a plastic bag on the desk. "He used this glass all night. Prints and DNA."
"Okay, I'll run it. Go to bed, Dick." 
Bruce closed and locked the door behind Dick. Silly. Locks don't work on Talons. Not when they are in the room already. Not when they can walk through walls. He sat down at the desk chair with a heavy sigh and picked up the glass. 
Finally, Talon floated behind Wayne and made himself visible. 
"Bruce Wayne." Talon saw Bruce look up in the reflection of the dark computer monitor. He met Talon's glowing green eyes but didn't jump or scream. "The Court of Owls have judged you, and sentenced you to die." Talon manifested a long icy knife and stuck it through the desk chair. It should have punctured Wayne's lung, but only pierced empty air on the other side of the expensive leather. 
Wayne had somersaulted over the desk and landed facing Talon. 
"Who are you?" 
"I'm Talon." 
"They're using children now?" Wayne sounded angry. 
"I am Talon. Talons are not children." Talon threw a knife right at Wayne's heart, but the man moved again and the knife embedded in the wall, cracking the plaster. 
"How did you get in?" Wayne was edging toward the fireplace. Talon let him grab the fire poker. It would do nothing to save him. Talon has learned to take the pain of iron and make it rage. 
Talon didn't answer, instead, three more knives flew at his target, the poker knocked away two, but one embedded itself in Wayne's shoulder, and ice spread around the wound.
Wayne attacked with the poker like it was a fencing saber. He could have dodged the hit, but the attack left Wayne open. Talon moved into the attack and the poker pierced his side as he stabbed forward with a knife, aiming at Wayne's fourth rib. Wayne twisted at the last second and Talon hit only air. Wayne yanked on the poker, still embedded in his body, and pulled Talon forward. Talon turned intangible and the poker slipped from his side. Red and green blood splattered on the white carpet as Wayne caught his balance. Talon suppressed a pained gasp. 
"Did that hurt?" Wayne growled. "Talons don't feel pain, or bleed"
Talon attacked with fists and knives and anger. Wayne matched him blow for blow, targeting his wounded side. One good hit landed that had Talon doubled over gagging. Wayne wasted no time pulling his hood off, revealing his white hair and green eyes. 
"You're not a Talon." 
"I'm better." 
"You're a child! I can help you." 
"Help me by dying." Talon lunged again, and Wayne twisted out of the way and ran to the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, Talon quick on his heels. The clock slid away and Wayne bolted down the hidden stairs. Talon flew behind him, knives embedding themselves in the stone and stairs as Wayne dodged. Wayne was speaking, but Talon couldn't hear him. 
The stairs opened up to an enormous cave, and Wayne vaulted over the railing and onto a platform with a massive computer. Talon flew after him and slammed into his back. Frustratingly, Wayne only stumbled and didn't fall. He reached over his shoulder and grabbed Talon by the back of his suit and slammed him into the ground. Talon only had a second to go intangible and fall through the platform before a fist connected right where his face had been. Finally, he sees Batman instead of Wayne. 
Talon popped his head up through the floor and watched as Wayne scanned the area, wary. Like a shark through the sea, Talon flew towards Wayne and grabbed his ankle, pulling him through the floor. They grappled as they fell, Wayne targeted his injured side to keep him from turning intangible until he was slammed back first into the next platform, all of Wayne's weight landing on him, forcing the breath from his lungs. Wayne stood above him and Talon rolled into his hands and knees, coughing and spitting the acidic-iron blood from his mouth. 
"Stay down," Wayne said. "I don't like hurting kids." 
"I" Talon wheezed "am Talon!" He got his feet under him and stood. His side was burning and he could feel warm blood trickling down his leg. Wayne looked sad for a second before he moved, pushing Talon back. He tried to gain ground, but Wayne kept pushing. Too late Talon realized Wayne was guiding him. With one last kick, Talon was knocked back into a containment cell, the door slamming closed behind him as the small room filled with freezing air. 
Talon hated the cold. He wasn't like other Talons. The cold didn't put him to sleep, but it made him slow and stupid. He couldn't access his powers in the cold, the scientists made sure of it. There was a cot and a blanket in the cell, but Talon sat on the floor. Blankets were for humans.
Wayne had left once he was sure Talon wouldn't be able to leave the cell. Once he was gone Talon allowed himself to press his hand to the wound on his side. It was bleeding sluggishly now, and deep breaths pulled pained gasps from him. He sat for six hundred and fifty-two breaths before an old man in a suit and mask appeared before his cell with Wayne, now in his Batman mask. 
A beep sounded and the old man spoke into the intercom. "Young man, I'd like to come in and treat your wounds. Would that be okay?" 
"I heal fast," Talon said, pressing his hand into the wound. 
"Are you already healed?" Batman asked. 
"No." It would take him at least a week to heal from this fight if he finishes the mission and gets back to the Master. But he’s stuck in this cell, with the cold seeping into his skin.
“If you aren't already healed, you should let us treat you, so you don’t get an infection.” 
“It won’t matter.” Talon was getting sleepy, his eyelids were getting heavier by the second. Without the Green, he could feel his human mask creeping toward the surface. He was going to change soon, then he’d freeze or bleed out. Or Batman would finish him off. He should. Talon would. 
Batman and the old man shifted to look at each other. “What do you mean by that?” 
“I failed.” he blinked his eyes open, moisture gathering on his eyelashes and freezing quickly. “Talons don’t fail.” 
“You’re a child,” Batman said. “Failure is expected from children, that’s how they learn.” 
“I’m a Talon,” he said. His eyes slid closed and he couldn’t pry them open, he felt his human mask take over as he was pulled into the freezing darkness. 
When Talon came to he was warm. Warmer than he could remember being in his entire life. There was a soft blanket over his body and he could feel that he had been changed out of the fancy suit and into warm and comfortable clothes. He was comfortable, which means something was very wrong. His eyes flew open and he sat up quickly only to groan in pain as the wound in his side protested. Strong hands guided him back to laying down. 
“It’s okay, Daniel, lay back. Everything is okay.” 
“Not Daniel.” 
Well, I’m not calling you Talon.” 
Talon opened his eyes again and took stock around him. He was still in the containment cell, but it wasn’t freezing anymore. He had been moved to the cot and an IV was in his arm. He made a move to remove it, but his other arm was stopped by soft restraints. Dick was the only one in the room with him. “I am Talon.” 
“Talon isn’t a name, it's a title,” Dick said. “If you don’t like Daniel, I can call you whatever you want, but I refuse to call you Talon.” 
“You shouldn’t be nice to me,” Talon said. “I’m supposed to kill Bruce Wayne.” 
“Yeah, that's why you’re restrained and sedated.” 
“I have to kill him. If I don’t the Master will–” 
“Do nothing. Bruce left an hour ago to hunt down Vlad Masters and the Fentons. He’s going to go away for a long time.” 
That didn’t make sense. Why would the Master go away? Talon failed, he needs to be punished. “Why?” 
“Kidnapping, illegal human experimentation on a minor, child endangerment, child abuse, conspiracy to commit murder. I could go on. You don’t have anything to worry about, Danny, they can’t get you here.”
The name settled into his bones and felt right. He remembered crystal blue eyes laughing as he flew in the air. 
“Good job, Danny! You’ll take center ring before you know it!” 
“Dick?” The name fell from his lips like a plea. A question he didn’t know how to ask behind the word.” 
“That’s my name!” Dick said with a grin stretched thin over some other emotion Talon–no–Danny couldn’t name. He wanted to know. 
“I think I know you,” he started slowly. “From before I was Talon. There was an elephant and ropes and lights and music.” Dick was watching him with serious eyes. “Did you know me?” 
“We are waiting for the blood test to come back,” Dick said, his fingers twitching like he wanted to grab Danny’s hand, but grabbed his own hand instead. “But I had a brother. We were separated after our parents died and he went missing.” 
“I don’t know if I can be a brother. I only remember being Talon.” 
“It’s okay. I can teach you how to be a brother.” 
Danny felt his face stretch into a smile slowly like the movement would break him if he wasn’t careful. “I think I want that.” 
Dick’s smile could melt even the ice in Danny’s veins. 
The blood test came back at the same time Batman did. Danny could hear the old man, Alfred, berating him for going out with an injured shoulder, but his face softened when they both came around the corner to see Dick asleep, half on and half off the cot. Danny was carding his fingers through his hair, enamored with the silkiness of the strands, but he stopped when the two adults entered the cell. 
“He fell asleep, I didn’t do anything to him.” He said, pulling his hand away from Dick. 
“I believe you. I wouldn’t have allowed him in here if I thought you would hurt him,” Batman said.
“He said the Master was going to go away.” Batman nodded, even though Danny hadn’t asked a question. “Did you bring the sarcophagus?” 
“No. It was destroyed in a fire, along with all the Fenton’s research,” Batman said.  
“Oh. What- will you freeze me in here?” 
“You're not getting frozen,” Dick mumbled from where he lay, face half smashed into Danny’s leg. “We have plenty of beds up in the manor.” 
“But Talons are frozen when they aren’t needed.” 
“You aren’t a Talon. You’re Danny,” Dick said, sitting up and wiping a bit of drool from his face. 
“Danny Grayson,” Batman said, holding up a piece of paper. 
Dick’s eyes got huge and a smile spread across his face. “For real?” At Batman’s nod, he launched himself at Danny, wrapping his arms around his torso and squeezing until Danny hissed in pain. “Sorry, I forgot about your side.” 
“And concussion and multiple spinal contusions,” Alfred said with a pointed glare at Wayne. 
Batman grunted in response but looked a bit sheepish. 
“It'll heal,” Danny mumbled into Dick’s shoulder. 
“Come on, Sparrow, keep up!” Robin called across the rooftops. Danny laughed and ran toward the edge of the roof, ready to leap into the air after his brother. Flying over the rooftops was different from flying as Talon, but Danny loved running the city with Dick. He loved going home to the manor and eating the delicious foods that Alfred cooked and sleeping in the warm and soft bed in his room. Sometimes, when he woke up at night from memories of the Master or the scientists he would climb up to the roof and look up at the stars. On those nights, Bruce would find him after a little while and sit with him. He was learning to love those moments, too. 
Sparrow ran as fast as he could and overtook Robin, finishing the race on the edge of the roof above where the Batmobile was parked before he froze. 
“Sparrow? Something wrong?” 
“Someone’s stealing the tires,” he said, pointing out the tiny figure in a red jacket, not nearly warm enough for the changing weather. 
“Oh, we should go say ‘hi’.” Robin didn’t wait for a response and grappled down to the ground behind the thief. Sparrow didn’t bother with a grapple, just allowed his Talon mask to slow his decent enough so he didn’t hurt himself. 
Maybe next time they go out he’ll point out the kid with a camera that follows them around.
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randomwriteronline · 10 months
There were still things that put the Chain on edge.
Surprisingly; because they'd been through some wild stuff, individually and together.
Sudden appearance of a portal? They could handle that. They'd gotten almost used to it, by now. Only almost, but almost.
No, the weird part, which made the nine heroes draw out their swords in the blink of an eye to point their blades at the brand new threat and Skull Kid's pupils thin into slits as they hid behind their larger friends' legs, was that from the strange gateway into who knows what dimension emerged a being they weren't even sure they could have ever dreamed, not even after the biggest, most uncoordinated, stomach-ache worthy supper of their lives.
Its elongated head was bone white, with red eyes and an enormous mouth of teeth; its body seemed at first deathly emaciated beneath the dark mantle, but a more careful look revealed that it was more or less only a skeleton - a metallic one at that, with incomplete hands and sharp feet, similar to the talons of a bird of prey.
Whatever the hell that thing was looked at them nice and long, taking them in one by one.
"Oh," he finally said, clanging his horrible teeth together in dismay: "Oh, you are hideous. Disgusting, even."
"Never look in a mirror then," Four quipped: "You'll get a heart attack."
"A mirror? Why would I do that? Ah, I see, I see, that's an insult, I understand - but you see, you horrible fleshy thing," the stranger replied with no apparent malice in his voice, in a rambling tone, "I have seen myself - well, not since this mask was fused to my head, but I have, and you will have to understand that while I do indeed have a horrendous face not even my own other half could love, you are made entirely of meat. Of flesh. Of organic material. No such thing as a piece of metal on your bodies except for your swords. No masks at all. Not even a glimmer of iron on you - although I do like your fabrics, I do, they'd make for quite a nice cape, and - oh, you do have armor, yes, you do, that you do... You won't mind me taking it all from you once I'm done killing you all, will you?"
The nine of them tightened the grip on their weapons, making them glint in the sunlight.
"I'll take it as a maybe."
Wind glared at him up and down a couple times: "What even are you?"
"A Skakdi, or the half of one, to be more precise," the being answered as if any of that made perfect sense. He turned to Time: "You should be shorter. And less meaty. And less appalling, but only slightly."
"Funny. I don't think we've ever met." the older warrior replied curtly.
"We haven't? Oh, I suppose we would not have, not here. Such a shame, truly. I didn't like that other you at all. I would have hoped not to meet another one in the next place I ended up in."
"Sucks to be you."
"Indeed it sucks."
"And you got a name?" pressed Four a little more rudely than usual. "Or at least half of one?"
The creature paused. His strange hand tapped on his chin pensively, as though he honestly needed to think about it for a couple seconds.
"A name, a name, a name..." he mumbled, until finally he seemed to remember: "Ah! Of course I do, of course. I gave it to me myself, after all - it's Vezon, with a Z, which means double, because I am a double, ripped away from a big blue brute, Vezok, also with a Z--"
"With a K," Sky corrected.
Legend elbowed him.
"What?" Vezon asked.
"Vezok with a K," Hyrule repeated helpfully.
Legend elbowed him as well.
From threatening and unpredictable, their opponent completely shifted his demeanor: now he stood a little hunched, arms limp down his sides, head tilted, face a bit scrunched into a confused expression.
"Yes, I do know Vezok is spelled with a K. My name is Vezon, though."
"You mentioned Vezon with a Z, but Vezok also has a Z." Sky explained.
"Yes, I know that too."
"That's not a difference."
"I'm aware. What is your point?
This time it was Hyrule who clarified: "If you don't want us to call you Vezok, you should specify that Vezon is spelled with an N and Vezok is spelled with a K."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because that's the difference between the two names. It sets them apart."
Vezon seemed floored.
"I did not think about that," he admitted. "That does seem more useful."
"This guy tells us upfront he wants to kill us to loot our corpses and you start arguing with him on spelling?" Warriors took the chance to hiss at his fellow heroes while the creature was distracted.
Sky raised his shoulders defensively: "It made no sense! It was bugging me!"
Wild, who had some amount of brain damage due to caramelizing for about a hundred years in the rebirth oil, decided he had enough experience on the matter to ask the half Skakdi with a hint of genuine concern: "Are you like. Alright?"
"Oh, yes!" the being replied: "I am insane."
That did explain a variety of things.
Skull Kid (who, as they were wont to do, had snuck away from their friends so quietly that their absence had gone completely undetected in order to investigate possibly deadly things on their own) sniffed at Vezon's arm. Based on their furrowed expression and squinted eyes, the scent was less than enjoyable.
The mechanical creature turned to them, and widened his awful grin.
"My dear! You still look the same! Sort of," he croaked out almost happily. His incomplete hand prodded at the wooden head, specifically interested in the mouth area: "You're still non organic. Mostly, I mean, you still have all that horrid plant-life on you, but you're not as immensely horrid as these fellows here... You are much shorter though. And much quieter. And you still don't have a mouth, do you? Ah, such a shame, such a shame, I was hoping in one of these universes you'd have a nice set of teeth for once, you know - maybe I would manage to rip them out of you nice and clean so I can jam them in your jaw once I finally get the chance to pry your skull open and-"
Skull Kid's razor sharp teeth bit down on his palm.
Vezon's head glowed suddenly: he barely had time to shriek a blood-curling A-- that he was already gone, disappearing in the fraction of a second.
The imp's teeth clattered close around the empty air. They looked around, confused.
Nope. The guy wasn't coming back.
"Well," Twilight hollered loudly to break the silence: "Guess that's over."
"Did the Goddesses just think it was getting a little chummy around here? Did they figure we were getting bored and so threw... That, at us?" Four wondered aloud in genuine bewilderment.
"He tastes like metal." Skull Kid informed them. "And he has tendons."
"That's great, Sweet Pea."
"I think I have some in my mouth."
"Ah, fuck-"
"Here, come over here..."
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
*Cole knew it was a stupid idea, he knew it was stupid for shoving Ashe it was a death wish but he had too. Besides Overwatch and the Gang  happened to be in the same area only to be stick in a cross fire with Talon agents. It was a temporary truce between the two but as of as now he took a stray bullet that got him instead of Ashe, so this is how he dies huh. Sacrificing himself once more*
Cole:*look at his own blood surrounding him and hears Ashe panic* y-you can't even watch yer own-
Ashe:*cuts him off as she tries to stop the bleeding* IDIOT!! SACRIFICING YOURSELF FOR ME !!!
Cole:*lets out a painful chuckle before groaning a bit* S-..Someone had to watch..fuck..watch your back...
Ashe:*glares at him* You're a fucking idiot!!!
Cole:*is to tired too argue with her*... thought y-you want me dead...
Ashe:*glares at him but seems very concern* Shut up save and your breath beside only I can get to kill you...
Cole: *feels his eyes become heavy from the blood lose*I..I'm a sorry...
Ashe:*snaps her fingers in his face before looking around for any medics* Hey! Hey ! Hey keep yer eyes open...Don't you even dare close them...CAN SOMEONE GET ME A MEDIC!!! HE NEEDS HEALING!!!
Cole:*is trying to stay awake*..I-I'm sorry for...everything Ashe...
Ashe: *looks quickly back at him* Hey asshole you better not die on me!!
Cole:*feels his vision become blurry before the whole world goes black hearing Ashe voice calling him *
Cole:*Groans softly as he wakes up sore and winces in pain before turning his head and see's Ashe sleeping in a chair arms crossed looking like shit*what the-
Angela:*walks in worriedly cutting him off* thank goodness you're awake Cole, you were out for at least half a day I was starting to become worried you wouldn't be able to wake up and- Whats wrong?
Cole:*looks at Ashe* What is she doing here?
Angela: *looks at Cole than at Ashe*She wanted to stay when you wake up...
Cole:*is confused* Thats not....
Angela:*sighs softly* Well her quick thinking brought you over here too me she was very worried about you Cole...
Cole:...That's not something she woul-*gets cut off*
Angela: *sighs*Cole look she was begging me to save you, she cried but don't tell her I said that okay.
Cole: *looks a bit shocked* S-she cried?
Angela: Look she here because she insisted, trust me not everyone was to keen about her coming with us mainly the whole gang
Cole:*leans up in shock only to be struck with pain in his chest* THE GAN- Fuck!!
Angela:*sets him down hushing him* Shh relax and Yes the Deadlock gang is in Overwatch
Cole:*nods softly and sighs* Tell me Angie how bad is it...injury I mean....
Angela:*sighs softly* well the bullet really didn't leave... It shattered so I had to carefully remove each fragment out around your chest...it just missed you're heart...
Cole: Damn...is this why I'm having chest pains?
Angela:*nods* yes but you'll be in top shape in no time though-
Ashe:*wakes up and see's Cole awake*  This isn't a dream right..I better not be dreaming...
Cole:*Looks at Angie and looks at Ashe*
Angela: I'll leave you two alone but I'll be outside and no its he's awake be gentle with him okay*smiles sweetly knowing what cole meant by that, but also smiles threatenly towards Ashe as she leaves them alone*
Cole:*not liking the silence * You know-
Ashe:*cuts him off* You died...Twice in a row during the surgery... you better thank that Angel of yours....
Cole: I'll thank her later...You know you could have left me to di-*is surprised when Ashe hugs him tightly*
Ashe: *is trying not to cry* Don't finish statement..You scared me...
Cole:*Sighs softly hugging her back before pulling away from her since this was going to be awkward* I'm sorry for scarin ya.... Ashe:...Why did you do it.... Cole:...Do what?
Ashe:*glares at him* You know what I mean...Why did you save me!? Cole:*Looks away from her * I don't kno- Ashe: LIAR!! THAT BULLET WAS MEANT FOR ME SO WHY!?! Cole: *looks down* Cause it was cheap shot against you and someone had to watch yer damn back!! Ashe:...why do you always have to be the hero.... Cole:...I only do it for the people I care about....Look you may not like me and for me I can't hate you...you have every right to hate me Ashe for everything I did....But in the end I did it for you and the gang more than you can ever realise...
Ashe:....You're the most dumbest man I've ever met Cassidy....I didn't need you saving me!! I would have been fine but than you shoved me and... Cole: You were saving me... Ashe: We'll yeah only I'm the only person who can kill you not by some random Talon agent or whatever it was.... Cole: And how come you're not killing me now? Ashe: *rolls her eyes* I got threaten by a monkey and an angel but mainly mostly by everyone Cole:*snorts a laughter*There very protective of me.... Ashe: *sighs softly* You really care about them don't you Cole: We'll I care about them like how I still care about the gang, why do this I haven't thrown any of you guys in jail or even better you guys aren't even dead. Ashe:.... Ashe: You know that does mean I have time to plan on killing you right? Cole:*shrugs and smiles softly* I know but still you always miss Ashe:*glares at him* I won't miss this time and this means nothing I only saved you because I want too kill you myse- Cole:*rolls his eyes* yes yes, You want to kill yourself and not someone else. Ashe: Yeah that... Cole: Yet you came here too Overwatch and now what? You gonna head home with the gang and let them know that I lived? Ashe: I'll tell them that You lived but I won't tell them I hugged you alright... Cole: Alright than but be careful cause were friends with a few hackers so get ready for some blackmailing. Ashe: Yeah I'll blackmail them with a bullet through the skull first Cole:*Laughs a bit before wincing in pain* Shit I can't laugh too much Ashe:*smiles lightly but went to grab her stuff and fixed her hair* This was a truce for now Cassidy remember that..
Cole: Yeah I get that Ashe, also don't worry I won't tell a single soul and Athena can you delete whatever you saw Athena: *hums a bit* Of course Agent Cassidy. Ashe: *rolls her eyes * Thanks and I sometimes hate AI, forgot you have one. Cole: Not everyone trusts you, but I promise you they won't see the hug and you cryin~*he teased her* Ashe:*flustered* I wasn't cryin!!! Cole:*waves his hand a bit* yeah, yeah. I'll see you in another time Ashe take care Ashe: *puts her coat on and glares at him before flipping him off before leaving* I'll kill you next time Cole.... Cole: Bye Ashe *once she left with he rest of the Gang, Angela came back looking a bit concerned* Angela: She could have killed you know... Cole: Though she didn't Angela:*sighs softly pinching the bridge of her nose*...What do you see in her Cole? Cole: *thinks of all the times he spent with Ashe when he was with the deadlock gang* Cole: We'll let me whisper it in you're ear Angela:*walks over to him and her eyes widen as what Cole is telling her* SERIOUSLY!!!?? Cole: Yup but promise not to tell the others Angela: Honestly Cole I don't think they would even want to hear it Cole:*chuckles softly* Thanks Angie Angela:*Rolls her eyes but smiles softly* Anytime Cole and rest okay you need it.
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idabbleincrazy · 3 months
We Make Our Own Destiny ~ Ageless
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Fandom: Smallville
Rating: T (E overall)
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Characters: Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, Evan Sutherland, Lionel Luthor, Genevieve Teague
Word Count: 3420
Warnings: angst, light fluff, episode rewrite, Lex would have made a great father or big brother
Summary: Clark and Lex bond with the baby. Lana finds out about their new relationship. Evan gets his name, and has a growth spurt. And Chloe's just confused.
A/N: Lana finding out this early was unplanned, but ultimately should be helpful in guiding her character into a better plotline than canon gave her.
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Chapter Two:
Clark walked down the bustling hallway towards the Torch office, where he could hear Chloe and Lana talking. He struggled to keep the grin he knew was on his face to a low wattage, memories of last night’s babysitting escapade at the forefront of his mind.
“I found an arrowhead in Evans Field once, but never a baby in a crater.” Chloe shuffles some papers around and then heads over to the coffee maker, pouring the strong brew into two mugs. 
“It's really weird. But what's even weirder is the way the boys are with him.”
Chloe hands one of the mugs to Lana. “Let me guess, they’re completely baby-phobic.”
“Actually, exactly the opposite. I thought for sure that Lex would run screaming at the first diaper change, but it was amazing.” Lana beams, her face scrunching up happily at the remembrance. “You should see the look in his eyes when he's holding that baby. It's like he's completely at ease. I barely felt like I was even needed there. Not to mention, Clark's a natural-born baby burper.”
Clark chuckled to himself and pushed the door open, stepping into the office.
“I've got the spit-up stains to prove it.” Clark set his backpack down by his desk. “Sorry I'm late. Lex and I were up all night with the crying machine. Every time we put him down in his crib, he started up again. Lex is working from his laptop today so he can get some sleep whenever the baby does. Mom says the little guy isn’t colicky, but he’s sure actin’ like it.”
“Well, if you need any help I could come over again”, Lana asked hopefully.
“Actually, that would be great, Mom and Lex could use a reprieve. Lois volunteered to take care of the Talon just to avoid baby-duty.”
“Great!” Happy to be needed, Lana jumped at the chance and ran with it. “Need me to pick up diapers or anything?”
“Nah. Lex has that all covered. I think we’ve got a month’s worth of diapers and formula stacked around the house. He’s sparing no expense.”
Chloe, a look of growing bafflement on her face, interrupts.
“Okay. Before you guys start picking out boarding schools for the little tyke, you might want to hear what I’ve found so far.”
The blonde plops down in front of her computer, waving Lana and Clark over. As they hover behind her, she pulls up a file. “I had my contact at emergency services run a check of all the 911 calls made around the time that you guys found the baby. This one kind of stuck out.”
She plays the recording, and from the computer’s speakers issues the sound of Tanner screaming into the phone as Karen whimpers in pain in the background.
“What the hell's the matter with you people? This is an emergency!”
“It's too late! It's too late! It's coming! It's coming! Aaah!”
“She sounds so scared.” Lana reaches for Clark’s hand, needing the touch for reassurance.
“No! No, don't leave me, please!”
There’s a faded sound of a boom as recording ends. Lana’s grip tightens around Clark’s hand.
“Did he…did he just leave her there?” Disbelief colors Lana’s voice; how could you just abandon the mother of your child like that?
“If he did, he might still be alive.”
Chloe sighs. 
“From the sounds of this, the mother wasn't as lucky.”
“She didn't even get to see her own baby. And he just left them there, to die.” Lana turns her head into Clark’s shoulder, biting back a sob of anger.
“But the baby survived.” Chloe looks between Clark and Lana. “How is that possible?”
“Can you trace this call back to the cell phone?” Clark wrapped his arm loosely around Lana, wanting to provide the same comfort he always has, but unable to bring himself to hold her as tightly as he once had. She was no longer the one he wanted to ensure stayed at his side. Now that his choice had been made, and accepted, Lana was relegated to the friendzone, no more alluring than Chloe, though the connection between them seemed slightly stronger. “If we can track him down…”
“I can try.” Chloe noticed, but didn’t comment on, the difference in how Clark was treating Lana in her obvious distress. Slightly colder than she was used to seeing when it came to the brunette; more like how he comforted her. “It might take a few hours.”
“If this is the father making the call, he might have some answers for us.” 
The bell rang for the first class of the day, and Lana and Clark left Chloe to start the process. Lana diverts halfway down the hall towards her econ class, and Clark waves her off just as a rush of pain clenches his chest. He rushes to the bathroom, pressing back against the door as he rides out the inexplicable feeling. 
A feeling of horror washes through his connection to Lex; a nightmare. Lex is dreaming, about that awful night, when Julian died. Clark feels tears sliding down his cheeks as he feels Lex’s anguish. Forcing himself to focus, he floods the bond with love and calm, soothing the thread of connection until he feels Lex settle back into a dreamless sleep. Panting from the ordeal, he quickly rinses his face free of bitter tears, torn between staying at school or speeding back to the farm to comfort Lex in person. God, it’s going to take some time to get used to this new development. Who knew Kryptonian relationships were so intense?
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Lionel doesn't even bother to knock, just scans the keycard left for him down at the lobby and opens the hotel room door. Genevieve continues to snip away the dead leaves from the plant that has her attention as he steps into the room behind her, a smug twist to her lips.
"Genevieve." Lionel's voice is an authoritative growl. "You know, I'm not accustomed to being summoned like a lapdog."
"Don't be silly, Lionel", Genevieve chides, smirk widening as she still tends to the greenery. "I'd never allow you on my lap."
Lionel chuckles, a dark and dangerous sound in the small sitting room.
"So, uh, why am I here? If not for the pleasure of your company."
Lionel drops his jacket on the coffee table and Genevieve finally turns around to face him. Haughtiness drapes like an expensive coat around her shoulders, her gaze expectant as it lights upon him.
“It's time to repay old debts, Lionel. Arranging your release from maximum security prison was not an easy task, and I have yet to receive even a hint of gratitude.”
Lionel’s eyes widen slightly at Genevieve’s audacity; he has to remind himself that this is not one of his underlings, nor a less competent business associate. Genevieve Teague is definitely one of the few he truly considers an equal, and a force to be reckoned with. Still, he cannot help the bitter note behind his words as he attempts to placate her. He too, is a force of all his own. He kowtows to no one, no matter the expectations, no matter what they thought he owed them.
“Well, I've been racking my brain trying to write a thank-you note, but words could never express the way I feel.”
Genevieve ignored the sarcasm bleeding through the statement. Lionel knew full well he owed her immensely for his reprieve from incarceration. 
“Your son just returned from China with a lost element, and I would like you to retrieve it for me.”
“No, no, you have the wrong son in mind. It was Jason who brought the stone back home.”
The two power-players have stopped a couple feet away from each other, their little dance of steps and words bringing them nearly face to face. Lionel itches to step closer, to force Genevieve to have to look up to meet his gaze.
"Oh, Jason's incapable of such subterfuge." A soft susurration of breath as she laments her sheep of an offspring's pedigree. "Unfortunately he inherited his intelligence from my husband's side of the family."
"Yes, I never thought you married well." Edward Teague was a mouse of man, and a weasel of a lawyer, but Genevieve had always been the real brains and brawn of the Teague family. Lionel had often enough hoped she might divorce Edward, so that he might scoop her up. 
"Lex, on the other hand, received his genes from a far more cunning source." Genevieve had known Lillian when they were young girls, and always both admired her for catching Lionel's eye, and thought her a tremendous fool for not recognizing that it had been her money and family name that had drawn him to her in the first place. "Between you and Lillian, Alexander has always been primed for such deviousness."
Lionel stepped away to the small bar cart and poured them both a drink. Handing Genevieve one, he crossed back over to the sofa.
"You know, there were other treasure seekers in China, Genevieve."
Genevieve smiled benignly at Lionel as he sat down on the couch.
"Yes. A farm boy, an ex-cheerleader, and Lex Luthor."
"Who do you think ended up with the prize?"
"Well, my son hasn't been listening to me for years. Still bearing a grudge for his temporary banishment, I suppose. What do you want me to do, give him a good spanking?"
He chuckles and takes a drink as Genevieve stares at him coldly. She steps closer to him, using the height difference to her advantage to give herself an imposing air.
"You know, Lionel, I don't think either one of us wants me to go after Lex myself."
Lionel straightens, his voice turning into a deadly growl. 
"You be careful, Genevieve. I regard a threat to any Luthor as a threat to me, unless I'm the one issuing it."
"Interpret it any way you like. I want that stone, Lionel."
She walks away. Lionel takes another sip from his glass, eyeing Genevieve. Planning.
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In the Kent's kitchen, Clark is holding the baby wrapped in a blanket, trying in vain to feed the fussy infant from the bottle in his other hand. Lex looks over from the other side of the kitchen island where he was working on his laptop, a soft smile on his face.
"What's the matter? What's the matter, little guy?" Clark tries to nudge the nipple past stubborn lips. "Is your milk too cold? Huh?"
The baby cries harder, squirming in his bundle. Clark holds up the bottle and uses his heat vision to warm it up.
"That is so cool." Lex is still amazed by the easy honesty that now exists between them every time Clark uses his powers in front of him. 
Clark spares him a quick, loving smile before holding the bottle back to the baby's mouth. 
"Here, try this, try this, try this. Huh? Yeah?" 
The baby finally stops crying and suckles from the bottle. Lex watches a moment longer and turns his attention back to his work, trying to get ahead a bit so he can relax and bask in this impromptu slice of life that has been sprung upon them. His earlier nightmare lingers in the back of his mind, but it's sting is lessened by the warmth he'd felt course through him as he'd slept. Clark's influence had eventually turned the nightmare into a blanket of calm nothingness, the rest of his nap dreamless and refreshing. 
"There you go. There you go."
Clark is bouncing the baby in his arms as Martha enters with a smile on her face. She looks between the two young men, a vision of the future playing out in front of her. Her heart swells. 
"Clark, I could easily get Chelsea to cover for me at the Talon so that I can take care of the baby. You two don't have to stay here."
"That's okay. I want to stay with him."
"Okay. Lex? You could always head back to the manor for a while, get some real sleep in."
Lex closes the laptop and steps down from the stool, joining Clark in fussing over the baby. 
"I'm fine, Martha, honestly. If I went back to the mansion, I'd just be splitting my time between work and worrying about the little one. It's easier for me to just stay here, than to call Clark every ten minutes to check in."
"It kind of changes your perspective when you have someone who depends on you for everything."
Martha nods in understanding, remembering when Ckark was dropped into their lives, and smiles. "Yeah."
"And I mean everything." Clark looks down at the baby with a grimace. Enhanced senses aren't always a blessing. He puts down the bottle and shifts the infant in his arms. "Could you hand me a diaper?
"Oh, sure." Martha stifles a giggle as she rummages through the diaper bag. "Here you go."
Clark puts the baby down on the counter and Martha hands him a diaper. Lex nudges Clark out of the way, knowing the brunette has yet to master this particular baby-rearing task. He rolls up the sleeves of his gray cotton shirt and gets to it. 
Unsnapping the onesie, Lex moves the fabric out of the way and peels open the sticky fastenings of the soiled diaper. Lifting chubby legs up, he pulls the diaper away and hands it to Clark to toss out, laughing at the face the younger man makes.
"Well, listen, you have my number at the Talon and your dad's out in the barn if you need him."
"Okay, Mom."
"All right?" She looks between Clark and Lex again, her heart full of joy in a way it hadn't been since the day she was blessed with Clark. "Have fun."
Lex chuckles softly, pulling a wet wipe from its dispenser. "We will, Martha."
Martha leaves, feeling oddly secure. 
Clark watches with distaste as Lex wipes the baby's little bottom clean and hands him the clean diaper after he has dusted the sensitive pink flesh with a coating of baby powder. 
"Okay, little guy?"
The baby giggles up at Lex, his little feet trying to kick in his loose grasp. Clark's grimace instantly transitions into a toothy-grin at the burbling sound. Lana steps in behind them and smiles, watching the two men cooing at the baby.
"Lex Luthor, changing diapers like a pro. Who would ever have thought?"
Lex sets the baby's legs down, distracted by the appearance of the young woman. 
"You know, this baby stuff is easier than people say. I think we pretty much got it under control." Just as Lex turns his attention back to the infant, a small stream of pee sprays up into the air. Lex barely dodges the droplets that fall back down. Clark and Lana can't help their laughter as the baby gurgles proudly, beaming up at Lex. "Wow. Nice aim, little guy."
Stepping up beside Clark, Lana watches Lex handle the new mess and finish fastening the new diaper.
"You know, we can't keep calling him little guy. They're gonna make fun of him when he gets to high school."
"Well, um, we found him in Evans Field." Clark looks from Lana to Lex. "Why don't we call him Evan?"
Lex picks up the re-bundled baby, smiling at the little squeal delight he issues.
"How's that sound, huh, Evan?"
"I think he likes it." Lana reaches out a finger to tickle the baby. "Hello, Evan. This is Clark, the one holding you is Lex, and I'm Lana, and we think that you're the most beautiful baby ever."
Clark looks between Lex and Lana, a weird feeling, almost like jealousy, clenching at his heart. A twinge of regret followed it. He could see how much both of them doted on Evan, hell, he did, too. But Evan wasn't theirs, not to keep. And, given who, what, he was, no matter which of them he had chosen, he couldn't give either of them this. A child to love and raise, a complete family. Lex may deny it, but it was obvious just watching him with Evan, he wanted to be a dad, to be the kind of father Lionel never bothered to be. 
"You know, you guys, maybe we should take a step back."
"A step back from what?" Lana looked up from Evan, confusion coloring her expression. 
Clark walked out to the living room and the others followed.
"Well, maybe we shouldn't get so attached." He gently took Evan from Lex and set him down in his cradle. "If his father's still alive-"
"Then he never should have left him in that field!" 
Lex watched the argument brewing between Clark and Lana, holding his tongue. He, too, had felt irate upon learning that the father of the baby had, by all appearances, abandoned mother and child to their fate. He felt that Lana had every right to vent her spleen about it. 
"Lana, we don't know what happened. He could've gone for help. He could be looking for Evan right now."
"Or maybe he isn't. Maybe he survived, but he just doesn't care enough to look. Maybe he still got caught in the explosion, and Evan is an orphan, just like we were."
Clark looks away, towards Lex and Evan. 
"Clark, things like this don't just happen. There's a reason he survived and that someone like you found him."
"We all found him." 
Unexpectedly, Clark reaches out for Lex's hand. Without thought or hesitation, Lex takes it, letting Clark pull him to his side. Clark's eyes meet his, the question in them obvious. Lex nods, sending acquiescence through the bond. He trusts Lana enough to know that, while she might be confused or surprised by the turn of events, she won't freak out. 
Lana looks from Clark, down to the joined hands, up to Lex's face, and back to Clark. Realization dawns in her hazel eyes, her lips parting in 'O' of surprise. She feels a pang of sadness in her heart at what she now knows she's lost, but it disappears just as quickly as it flared into existence. They'd had their chances, and it just wasn't meant to be. She'd seen the way Lex and Clark had circled around each other since the day Lex had literally crashed into their lives, and honestly, she was surprised it had taken them this long to do something about it. She knew something had felt different between them yesterday.
Clark blushed a cute pink, and Lana noticed Lex's grip tighten around his hand out of the corner of her eye. 
"Friday. Mom's the only one who knows so far. We're still figuring things out. Lana, I…"
"I won't say a word. Thank you, Clark, for telling me." Lana turned her gaze from Clark to Lex, her eyes hardening into a stern glare. She hadn't forgotten all the pain Clark had felt when his friendship with Lex had almost fallen apart. "If you hurt him-"
"I love him, Lana. Trust me, if I end up hurting him, nothing you could come up with would cause me more pain than my own self-flagellation."
They stare at each other for a moment, a conversation taking place in their silence. Lana nods, once, an understanding passing between them. 
The lights start to flicker and the trio look around in confusion. A strong wind and a warm golden glow spreads out from Evan's bassinet. Instinctively, Clark places himself in front of Lex and Lana, his hand clenching around Lex's as his adrenaline spikes at the new threat. 
The glow surges, spreading over and out the cradle, and Clark feels Lex tug him back when he tries to step forward. 
"Clark, what's happening?"
"I don't…."
Within the flaring light, Evan seems to change. But the glow is now so bright that Clark is forced to shield his own eyes, Lex and Lana behind him, Lex hiding Lana's face against his shoulder. When it finally fades away, they stare at Evan in wonder, speechless. 
Jonathan runs into the house to see what is going on, stumbling to a stop at the sight before him.
"Clark, what - my God…"
Sitting before them is Evan, but he is no longer the tiny infant they brought home from the hospital just a day ago. Now, Evan is a little boy who looks to be around seven years old. He looks from Clark to Lex to Lana fearfully. 
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
for the Emrald Academy au I imagine reader to be a bit of a rebel or social butterfly in terms of social norms. Like maybe they actively seek out or are friends with scavengers. Sneaking out to dance or socalize in the town square. probably covered head to toe trying to hide their appearance trying to be as human as possible how would platonic yandere parents react?
Okay! (My first answer got deleted, so I'm doing this again!). Now, first, Reader and the others dragons aren't human-sized. Humans are usually 5-6 feet tall, with a regular dragon size being about, 15 to 20 feet, I think? Dragons age fast the first seven years of their life (count year one for a dragon as three years old for a human, then times by three until you reach seven, which would be twenty-one for a human, then they age slowly for the rest of their life). I'm making the ages easier. So, a one year old dragonet would be a two year old human, two year old dragonet would be a four year old human, and by age eleven, a dragon would be considered an adult. I hope this works, and makes sense for this au)
Chary (NightWing Xavier) would be worried if Reader wanted to befriend or have a pet scavenger (they're humans, but called scavengers). He applauds Reader wanting peace between them and the dragons, but he's worried for Reader's safety first and foremost. Why can't Reader befriend other dragonets? They're possibly more open-minded than a scavenger towards dragons...
Storm (IceWing Storm) wants Reader to be safe and happy. She'll allow this friendship, but only as long as the scavenger is a good friend and isn't dangerous. If they try to hurt Reader, then Reader won't be allowed near them again. She has either her nephew or herself spy on Reader and the scavenger when they meet up.
Locust (HiveWing Wolverine) doesn't like it one bit. He thinks scavengers are dangerous and that they'll hurt Reader, so he'd rather Reader make friends with the other dragonets rather than a human. He will hunt down anyone, dragon or scavenger, who hurts Reader.
Beauty (SilkWing Beast) finds it fascinating. He wonders if it's an experiment being done, and wants to ask so many questions. He refrains, for the most part. He likes that Reader is open-minded, but reminds them to be careful.
Manta (SeaWing Magneto) is completely against it. He will NOT tolerate any scavengers near his students, least of all a student he views as like his own dragonet! He's putting his talons down on this, and won't allow it. He tries to hunt the scavenger, especially if it hurts Reader.
Majestic (RainWing Mystqiue) finds it odd. Why would Reader bother being around a scavenger? Is it a weird joke? An odd phase? She doesn't understand it, but doesn't mind as long as Reader isn't being used or turned against them.
Sawfly (HiveWing Sabretooth) doesn't like it at all. He's hunting down the scavenger and threatening it, if not outright eating it. He's worried it will hurt Reader, as he and his brother were hurt when they were dragonets, so he'd rather skip to the part where he eats it and Reader goes back to the school, possibly mad, but safe from scavenger schemes and brutality.
At best, they're all confused, at worst they're disapproving or trying to break the friendship apart. Either way, Reader won't be friends with the scavenger for long (that is assuming the scavenger accepted Reader, and didn't run in terror or try to kill them...).
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Arácnido Jr y Law!
(Au: So when I found out Hobie's middle name is Larry short for Laurence. I decided to create another Hobie variant. Prowler Hobie name Law because his name in his world is Lawrence instead of Laurence. So Hobie Lawrence Brown.)
This is bad, very bad. No one expected a large anomaly to attack while the Spider-band with their backup dealing with another level ten anomaly.
Miguel shouted at the team, "A la puta! LYLA CALL FOR BACKUP!"
"MORE?" Lyla asked out loud as Spider-man 2099 runs up on the highest building seeing a large monster that had massive sea creature like crab with sharp spikes on its back and fangs.
The anomaly they were just dealing was a dangerous corrupt Mecha that Peni had to get the build Mecha suit to take down. All the Spider-heroes had to tied it down that way Peni could take out a Mech sword from her robotic back and stab the corrupted robotic being into the chest.
"Peni! Peni! You gotta get out of here!" Miles shouted out loud seeing how her Mecha is kneeling on the floor, a sign of exhaustion. This fight took a lot out of her.
"My body... I'm so weak, guys..." Peni said through the intercom being in her sit having all her energy use on her Mecha.
"Shit. Shit. Shit!" Miles saw the giant crab monster heading her way. "We gotta move the crab away from Peni! She's weak!" As he swings toward Peni's mecha's head.
"And we have to protect her giant robot, too!" Pavtri said out loud through the intercom.
Jess said, "Alright, Team A helps Peni. Everyone else follow my lead! Petra, you, Gabriel and Ben distract the monster."
"GOT IT!" The three were swinging from above with Miguel 2099.
"Miguel, I'ma need your help here." Jess uses her motorcycle as she releases some grappling hooks appear at the sides as she drives through underneath the monster beast. Webslinger follows her having his lasso ready. "We need to tangle its legs and try to hold him off. I want anyone above to make a large web!"
"YES, JESS!" The Spider-heroes responded to her.
"Man, I didn't think I would wake up today facing a Giant crab! What universe is that thing from?" Spider-ham shouted out loud as he sits on Deadpool's shoulders.
Deadpool running up the building, "Me neither! Good thing we don't have giant crabs back at home!" He winks at the readers, "I mean, I dated a girl that had crabs-" Peter 616c shouted, "WADE!"
"No, I mean it! Her parents own a Seafood shop! She sell all sorts of fish, crabs, and lobsters! She always smelled like fish!" Deadpool explained himself. "What do you think I meant?" He winks at Spider-ham who was laughing out loud while Peter 616c looked embarrassed.
"Hey, you three! Come over here! Copy me!" Sun Spider shouted being on the crab.
Mariana 1022, Billie 1613, Lupe saw SunSpider already using her mechanical spider chair to crawl all over the crab having think strong web like rope with powerful metal tough arrowheads that tacts to two builds on each side. "Got it!" They copied her moves.
"Billie, be careful!" Gabriel shouted out loud!
"What?" Billie 1613 asked out loud being confused, then she uses her intercom, "What, Gabe?"
"Be careful! You know, this is your first time being involved level ten anomalies!" He said.
"I got this, Gabe. You act like this is my first rodeo! And-" Maria 289 came by swinging as she helps the women, "Billie, focus! Gabriel 660, stop babying her! She's a Spider-woman! Lupe, we have to strengthen our webs, those spikes cutting through them!" She took her talons out to take the sharp spikes down.
"Need a hand?" A Spider-woman in vivid red appeared flying down, she show off her talons.
Lupe said, "Oh Gabi 2075! You made it!"
"I never miss a good monster fight!" The young woman grins under her mask as she helps Maria take down the spikes.
Sun-Spider looks over at the web being formed in front of them, "Damn, we need to go faster! The web isn't finish!"
"What is Miguel 660 doing?" Lupe scowls as she puts on the intercom, "OYE, pendejo! Work faster!"
Miguel 660 responded while Peter 616, Ultimate Spider-man, Miguel 2099, Spider-ham, and so many other Spider-heroes working the web. "What do you mean? We are moving as fast as we can? what are you doin'? Talking about the last time you broke a nail!"
"HURRY UP!" Lupe shouted back at Miguel 660 in anger.
Punk Miguel shouted, "Can we focus on the main issue instead of arguing!"
Miguel 928 sighs, "We are trying to go as fast as we can! We still haven't gotten the back up we need!" He knew this web needs to be stronger and bigger to stop this damn monster. He calls Jess, "Jess, we need your team to pull the crab down!"
"We're working on it! But..." Jess sighs at the legs suddenly having spikes coming out ripping out the webs.
"But...?" All the Spider-heroes asked.
"It grew spikes on the legs!" She said with an exhausting tone. It's always something happening when they have a good plan. All the Spider-heroes groans being exhausted at another issue to deal with.
The monster hissed and roars through the air. "Okay, simple solution!" Maria 928 explained, "All Spider-heroes with talons and claws or anything sharp weapons. Cut the spikes!"
"I got a katanas if that helps?" Deadpool took out his swords.
"Yes, anything! We need to slow this monster down!"
"Morales, have Peni been taken to safety?" Miguel 2099 could feel sweat on his forehead as he and other Spider-heroes went to the monster to cut through the spikes.
Miles stood seeing the Mecha shut down or hand some haywire issue going on, "Uhhh, another problem..." They all felt a sudden wave of panic, "Peni's Mecha had shut down? in a weird way and the entrance door is jam! Noir and Miles 42 are trying to break it down." They all groan again at another problem, it seems to always happen as Spider-heroes.
Miles 42 saw Noir using a crowbar to break the main door, "It's really stuck on here!"
"Careful, man! This is a Mecha! They sometimes got some weird connections with the person on the seat, you don't want to cause anything to hurt her!" Prowler Miles uses it claw trying to work at the other side of the door.
"It's always something with technology these days." Noir sighs, being stressed about this.
"Will Peni be upset if we sacrifice her Mecha?" Gwen asked Miles as she, Hobie, Pavtri, Silk, Web Weaver, British UK Spider-woman, and so many others trying to save civilians from left and right. Even from the buildings being near the Giant Monster Crab they had their main focus.
"I dunno if that's a good idea... we still need to move the anomaly robot from here too!" Pavtri said.
"How are we gonna move that those things? They are huge and both of them shut down!" Web Weaver said out loud.
"We need to have Peni's Mecha running again!"
"But we need to get her out first." Noir said with a worry tone.
Miles wore a black leather jacket before trying to pull the bottom part of the door, "Ehh, it's really stuck on it! I'm afraid to use my Venom strike on this. What if I shock her?" He said to Noir and Miles 42.
"We gotta keep trying!" Miles 42 said out loud.
"Don't worry Sunflower, I can smash it with my guitar!" Hobie can to his Miles ready to swing.
"No, Hobie! Bae, we're fine. You can go smashed stuff with Jess' team!" Miles raised his hands up at his boyfriend, "Bae, I love you when you go all wild and chaotic but this stuff is really delicate! We can't risk hurting Peni!"
"Hmm, you're right, luv. Maybe we can try using a stronger object with the same material to open the door." Hobie squat with his hands on his chin, it's hard to take him seriously with his bug eye Spider-Punk mask looking shock all the time. Miles went back to helping Miles 42 and Noir on the opening seeing the metal Peni used is very fancy, advance and strong.
"I know we're in a crisis and all, but Hobie where the did you get that leather? It's so fucking sweet!" Gwen asked as she swing by before going to another civilian.
"Oh yeah, that's such a cool jacket! Can't believe you haven't wore it, but cute to let Miles wear it." Pavtri said out loud.
Hobie blinks a couple of times, "What jacket?" Then he noticed his Sunflower wearing a black thick leather jacket with metal studs, spikes and white spray paint with buttons and patches. "That's not my jacket? Luv, where did you get it?"
Miles 42 chuckles, "He doesn't know?"
"Know what?" Hobie asked hearing Miles 42 laughing in amusement.
Billie 1613 spoke into the intercom, "Oh, you guys haven't Law? I could've sworn ya'll met him!"
"Wait, they haven't met Law?" Jess asked out loud a bit surprise.
"Wow, even I met him." Miguel 2099 said.
"Me too!" Peter 616 said out loud.
"Same!" Most Spider-heroes said out loud.
Punk Miguel said to the Spider-band, "En Serio?"
"Law?" Gwen, Pavtri and Hobie asked all confused being left out of the loop.
Then, a bright large celestial orange glitching portal opens up from HQ. "The Cavalry has arrived!" Lyla sang.
"If Pirus and Crips all got along. They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song"
Loud rap music booms through the air causing the monster to turns it upper body toward the music and roars back. M.a.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar plays through the air.
"Seem like the whole city go against me. Every time I'm in the street I hear-"
Everyone looks up at the portal seeing shadows, then a large high-tech motorcycle shooting out the portal.
"Yawk! Yawk! Yawk! Yawk!"
The motorcycle had someone wearing in black Cyberpunk style; leather, cargo pants thick boots. A massive sleek helmet cover the face. The advance bike left a purple light from the back.
"Man down! Where you from!"
The rider push a button on his motorcycle as he let his motorcycle release wings for an easy landing. Following behind the motorcycle a large groups of Spider-Heroes jumping and swinging over.
"I thought we need Law for this situation." Lyla hums.
So Law is the guy on the motorcycle, which got Miles 42 grinning widely at Hobie. "You're so gonna be jealous!"
"Oh Arácnido Jr is came, too!" Billie happily said.
They saw the Mexican Spider-man teenager jump on Law's motorcycle on the back. The two had the biggest dramatic entrance, Mariana happily waves at Arácnido Jr, "Hola, JR!"
"Hola, hermosa!" The Latino Spider-man teenager decide to swing up high to go check on the girls, "Hola, Billie. Lookin' beautiful!"
"Awe, Jr! You're too kind." Billie giggles girlishly by the Mexican Spider-man.
Gabriel 660 merely grunts hearing from the intercom being jealous. Punk Miguel patted on his friend's back. "It's alright, man. He's just flirting."
"But does it have to be with her." He frowns under his mask.
Back at the bottom with Team A and the Mecha, the motorcycle stop right in front of the robots, the rider got off it. Gwen and Pavtri being curious got on the head of the giant robot to get a closer look. The tall man wearing all black with small accents of gold and bolder use of vivid electric purple, he looks up at the Mecha, he uses his utility belt to launch a grapple hook up high to latch on to the robot.
"Law up here!" Miles 1610 waves over to his friend.
Hobie leans over to see the tall male shot up from the ground up. The group saw the mysterious male having long dreadlocks with golden cuffs, and added some colorful dyes of blue and purple into some locks.
"Law, you made it!" Miles 1610 gave him a side hug.
Noir nodded at the Prowler, "Law." A simple greeting.
"Law, my man! What's good?" Miles 42 asked with big smile on his face under his Prowler mask.
"Sup." As the tall young man stood on the shoulder of the Mecha, he pushed a button on the side to reveal his face. His voice deeper and had a thick Brooklyn accent.
Pavtri let out a dramatic gasps, "OH MY BRAHMA! It's a Hobie Prowler variant!"
"The names Law, little spider." Law corrected the India Spider-man, his high tech boots are able to suction on the robot with the ability to defy gravity. "I never liked Hobart, thought that shit is for Boomers." His Heterochromia eyes are so brightly vibrant; right eyes is purple and left eye is Honey-brown eye. He kept that edgy punk look wearing black lipstick, and black eyeshadow with blue.
Law looks like a fine young man with those eyebrow piercings on his left side, he had one tear-drop piercing on his left side of his cheek. He had a well physique; lean with muscles and one arm that is attached with the Prowler claw. Pavtri blushes under his mask, "Why he sounds so hot!"
"Miles, you didn't tell us you got another Hobie by your side?" Gwen playfully teased.
Miles happily said, "Law is my friend!"
"Yeah, we get along fine with him." Miles 42 said as he let Law check out the Mecha.
"Is this the famous Spider-Punk 138B?" Law asked as he eyes on Hobie, "Huh, bit odd for a British boi that claims against colonization to be wearing that." He eyes at Hobie's red and blue suit under his punk clothing. "What is that? Red and Blue are we being too patriotic." He turns to Miles 1610 and Miles 42 being confused.
Spider-Punk looked rather offended until his Sunflower said, "Be nice, Law. Hobie doesn't get your jokes, man."
"Ah, my bad. My bad, sorry Brit boi." Law smirks widely as he enjoys poking at danger. A true Hobie nature one may say.
Miles 1610 got between them feeling the harsh stare down. "Hobie. Law. Law. Hobie!"
"Elo, mate. I neva heard of yuh because my Sunflower never mention you!" Spider-Punk coldly said.
The Prowler chuckles with amusement. "Hi, my name is Law- just Law or the Prowler! I wasn't bitten by a damn Spider, but I did create a drug that gave me super strength, and speed. During my years of stealing shit, fighting cops, and up holding justice on the streets of Brooklyn. Protecting my community, my brothers and sisters! I prefer no labels- in fact don't call me a hero. I rather be called a threat so the damn pigs not to fuck with me! And I work along with-" Billie 1613 came swinging down being so happy, "WITH ME!!! He's my big bro!" She gave Law a big hug. "I'm so happy you came!"
"Whoa! Whoa! Law knows Billie? You two are from the same universe?" Gwen asked being mind blown.
Billie nodded being happily, "Yeah! He and my brother use to date until... you know." Her voice went quiet about the mention of her big brother, then she said, "Law had dedicated his life fighting off corruption in the streets. When i became Spider-woman, he was technically the first person I told him and we work together!"
"I have to protect her for my Miles." Law shrugs, "What's the point of being a vigilante, when i can't protect my beloved's lil sista!" He left his arm on Billie's shoulder then his paint plump lips twist in a wide grin, "Miles," he pointed at Miles 1610, "you left your pullover back at my crib!" He decided to go near Miles 1610 to check the head of opening of the Mecha.
"Pullover?" Hobie asked sounding jealous.
Billie 1613 giggles, "It's a type of sweater!"
"And you left your hair tie." Law added as he kept checking on the door giving a little tug to feel it. His robotic claws attached to his arm made clicks as gently taps it.
"Oh, I've been looking for that! Man, I was just at your crib, too!" Miles 1610 sighs, "I thought my Billie hid it."
Gwen and Pavtri looks surprised feeling like this was deja vu but the other way around. Pavtri as he looks at Hobie knowing that man is jealous. "Ah, see! Told ya that jacket looks fire on you, man!" Law grins at Miles 1610 wearing his leather jacket.
"Hehe." The Spider-man with the leather jacket giggles before he went to Noir side, "I feel like it's not my thing, y'know? It's cozy! I was freakin' freezing at your place."
Billie went to the side with laughter, "Oh yeah, Law loves his place ice cold! Man acts like he lives in Alaska!" She swings trying to stop large debris falling on civilians.
Miles 42 tug at his own black grey jacket, "See, I told you Spandex be whack!" Then he glances at Hobie being near his boyfriend, with those goofy bug eye mask staring down at him. "Y'know, this guys thought it would be smart to break the shit open!"
Now, Miles 42 didn't have issues with Law, they just clicked into being good friends like the other Miles' variants. The Cyberpunk Prowler merely turns to Spider-Punk, "A bit of advice, Brit Boi. It's not about using all your strength," He touches jiggles the stuck opening, "it's about knowing the weak points are." As the opening gave a weak shake on the stuck latch, "And just," One strong pull, "Like," one more time, till the opening pop off with the latch broke, "That!" Having a big smug on his face that gave Hobie the ick.
"Wow, so amazing!" Billie 1613 and Pavtri gawks.
Noir and Miles 42 nodded in approval. Miles 1610's eyes widen on his mask, "Wow, Law! You're so cool!" Helping him and the other to pull up the opening showing a knocked out Peni in her tight Spider-woman suit that's connected to the Mecha. Even the screens had warning signs with a teary Chibi robot.
"Peni! Hey," Noir went to check on her giving her a gentle pat on her cheek, "Come on, princess. Stay with us."
"Huh?" Peni mumbles being so weak, her eyes closed back again.
"She must be exhausted seeing how she's unconscious." Miles 42 said as he unbuckled the seatbelts.
Miles took off his leather jacket to cover Peni's upper body, "Here maybe this will give her some comfort." The jacket is heavy so a heavy material can bring comfort, right?
Noir carried out Peni with the leather jacket on her. "Okay, I'll send her back to HQ. You guys, figure out how to move these robots out of here!"
"Right ahead of you!" Law already went down to the chest of Peni's Mecha, using one his claws to cut the metal, "Heh, Vibranium seems to be common in these universes, huh?" He pulled up his Prowler mask to cover his face. "Doe Deer, gonna need you to use those electric powers of yours. The Mecha needs a jump drive."
"Doe Deer?" Gwen asked.
Miles 1610 shyly scratch the back of his neck, "Haha, he calls me that!" Then hops into the seat of the Mecha, "On it, Law!"
"While, you guys focus on that. I'ma go help finish up the web!" Billie swings up having to do tricks.
"Hobie, we gotta save more people!" Pavtri shouted, he and Gwen jumps in midair using their webs to swing around the area.
Spider-Punk mutters being jealous the way Law and his Sunflower seem to be so close and friendly, "Bloody wonderful!" Just as he was about to take his leave he heard Law's voice.
"Be careful out there, Brit Boi."
Spider-Punk merely sneered under his mask then he saw familiar variants pass them. A male version of Gwen came by called Gideon swing by, "Awe snap! Law is that you! Nice seeing you, man!" Passing by to help stop the giant crab.
"OMG! Law, is that you! Ohh I'm so happy you finally join the Spider Society with Billie Boo!" Mimi 1015 came swinging by.
Miles 43 came from the other side, "Whoa, man! Welcome to the chaotic life of Spider Society, POOKIE!" He laughs having to swing around.
"Okay, Bookie." Law chuckles then said to Mimi, "Hey, gorgeous!"
An Emo Pavtri variant came swinging by, "Hey, Law!"
"Hey, man."
Spider-Punk watches every Spider-hero saying, "Hey Law. What's up, man! Nice seeing you!" What is going on? Since when his counterpart became so famous?
"Hey, Law baby." Punk Miles came by being a bit flirty.
Law chuckles lowly being busy. Spider-Punk didn't trust him, especially leaving him with his Sunflower. Then he saw Miles being so excited being inside the Mecha, his sweet Miles isn't the type. Hobie had to suck it up.
He quickly went to his Sunflower, "Yes, Sunflower?"
"Mwah! Love you," Miles kisses his mask feeling their masks together. "Be safe, okay?"
"Awe, luv. I'm always am." Hobie snuggles his boyfriend before going to help the mission.
While Miles sit in the Mecha, he heard Law say, "Heh, he's a jealous, huh?"
"Ha, I was the same way." Law said to him before he tweet some wires from the Mecha.
"Guys! Hurry up! That monster is- Oh hey, Law." Mariana 1022 came down to warn but smiles happily at Law, "Having fun?"
"Hah, you can say that, Bonita."
That made Mariana giggles into a shrill girlish tone being bashful, "Your such a flirt Law." She playfully shoves him then said, "Oh, you guys better hurry up. That monster is one tough cookie!"
"Don't worry. We'll get this robot moving." Miles happily said.
Then Margo spoke through the intercom, "Miles, is your team able to move the Mecha?"
"Huuh, we getting there."
"OKay, so came near the portal. My team set up a large Go-Home device to send the anomaly Mecha back.
Then the large monster started to turn into a different color and roars! "You guys hurry up! The webs aren't holding it much longer!" Sun Spider shouted as every Spider-hero got away from the crab.
"Alright! Lil Doe, do your thang!" Law jumps of the Mecha while Marian swing away. The dark skinned anti-hero jumps on his motorcycle as he looks up at the Mecha.
Miles got his hands glowing with electricity, "Got it!" He uses all his Venom Strike power to jump start the Mecha, as the whole body light up by the powerful electric shock, the systems of the robot went back up and the seat latched to Miles' body. His eyes glowing golden honey having to connect with the Mecha and saw the Sp//dr being active. "This is so fucking sweet! Whoa!"
The large Spider-man Mecha began standing up as Miles takes control. "Ugh, he's so lucky!" Billie 1613 said to Miles 42.
"Right!" Miles 42 mentally nerding out.
When Miles took over the Mecha, "Ugh, it's pretty damage guys. I think I can hold down the Crab after i move the anomaly robot." He was able to move the anomaly toward Margo's team where they have the Go-Home device fully activated on the ground.
"Whoo! Go Miles!" Billie shouted having to swing high above.
The crab roars at the robot Mecha, Law uses his motorcycle to launch some bombs at the monster's legs. The punk Prowler droves between the legs having to use it's own electric rope ties around the legs.
After the epic fight, everyone went to celebrate on HQ. Close friends went to check on Peni seeing she's in recovery and needed rest. When she woke up, she was able to come to the small party in a bar area.
"So Law, how are you so cool!" Pavtri asked out loud.
Hobie merely rolled his eyes, Miles hug his boyfriend's arm, "Bae, you were jealous of him, weren't you."
"Ha, me? Nah, luv." Hobie plays it off, "He's an alright lad."
"He's really cool like you, bae." Miles kisses his boyfriend cheek.
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It is Often that the Unexpected Happens
Chapter 2
Word Count: 1552
Summary: Ash the BeetleWing has died to what would later be called the Othermind. Unfortunately, by means outside his understanding, he has been brought back in 7426 as, far from his time, and far from the extinction of his tribe. He doesn't belong in this time, he misses his friends, and he knows that the friends he left behind aren't safe. With the help of Darner and Poseidra, Ash goes on a quest to return home.
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He woke up with a start, confused and surprised. How was he alive? He was certain he had been done for, he knew he should be dead. Despite all that, he was still alive and breathing, probably.
"Stag?" he asked worriedly, "Click? Orchid? Where is everyone?"
He shook his head, it didn't matter, he had to return to Click and Stag like he promised. He wanted to make sure everyone got away safe. He quickly flew to the camp.
He stopped where the camp should be, there were no trees, like on the entire flight, but there also wasn't any signs of dragons, or even a scuffle.
He looked around for any dragons. Out of the corner of his eye he saw an odd looking dragon. They had dragonfly-like wings, an extra horn on their head, and a stinger on their tail.
"Hey!" he said, backing up in case they were dangerous, "who are you and why are you here?"
They held up their talons before quickly responding, "I could ask you the same question."
"I'm Ash, I returned after helping save a lot of BeetleWings and LeafWings from the unusually large swarm of bees, I came back to report to Click," Ash said, before getting annoyed at their response, they looked like they were trying not to laugh, "what's so funny?"
"Sorry sorry, it's just, everything seems so convincing about what you're saying," they said, "but everyone knows that the BeetleWings have been extinct for at least three thousand years."
"You're joking right?" Ash asked, "I spoke to two not that long ago."
“I’m not joking, if I was, I wouldn’t be here," they said.
"And you are?"
"Right, right," they said, "I am Darner, of the HiveWings."
"Hive… What?" at this point Ash didn't know what to think, "what the fuck is a HiveWing?"
"Wait, you're serious?" Darner said, "and you're an actual BeetleWing?"
"Last I checked, yes," he said.
"That makes no sense to me but maybe Queen Acacia’lll understand," Darner suggested.
"'Queen'?" Ash echoed, he had never heard the term before.
“How do you not know what a queen is? I mean, they lead the tribes of Pyrrhia and Pantala," Darner said, sounding surprised.
"We didn't have them, our leaders were Click and Orchid, they didn't have special titles," Ash explained, before adding "but it's nice to know that the dragons of Pyrrhia are still alive."
"Alright, I have no idea what's going on," Darner said, "I'm taking you to Queen Acacia, maybe she'll have answers."
"I'm not sure about this," Ash said, "I kind of don't want people to stare at me, and if I'm supposed to be dead, that'll attract attention."
"I'm sure it'll be fine, we've seen plenty of odd dragons," Darner assured, "now come along!"
"Uhh, why?" Ash asked, confused.
"Alright then…"
"I'll go in first, you wait here for a bit," Darner said, "I'll tell you when to come in."
"It's normal to do this when speaking to another tribe's queen," Darner explained, not helping Ash’s confusion, “now, please stay out here while I talk to her.”
After some time, Darner came out, "alright Ash, you can come in now."
"Alright," he said before walking in. On an odd structure was another HiveWing, this one had many pieces of jewelry and something odd on her head.
"What is this, Darner?" she asked.
"Queen Acacia, this’s Ash, he is the only living BeetleWing," Darner replied.
"How do you know he's actually a BeetleWing and not just some weird SilkWing?" Queen Acacia asked, "Actually, whatever, you've very interesting, is that all?"
"What, Queen Acacia, I-"
Darner was cut off as the door slammed open, and out came what looked to be a less furred IceWing with wings similar to Darners, she had a very serious expression and bags under her eyes, "hello Queen Acacia, I'd like to request something."
"Why didn't you ask before barging in?" Queen Acacia asked, sounding really annoyed.
"I did, but they didn't believe me when I told them that I was Poseidra," the dragon said, "something about how I'm not alive."
"Well clearly you are, what do you want?" Queen Acacia asked, her tone changing from annoyed to exasperated.
"I'd like to officially resign from being a soldier, I almost died on the field, and I would like to avoid doing so in the future," Poseidra said.
"Is this what was so important?" Queen Acacia asked, "you could have waited, I'm doing something else right now."
Poseidra looked over at Ash and Darner, her squinting a bit at Ash before looking back at Queen Acacia, "I don't see why you'd be so distracted."
"Of course you wouldn't," Queen Acacia said, pinching in between her eyes, annoyed, "you're a hybrid who somehow now has fur. Nothing could possibly be weird in your eyes.”
"Part of the reason, sure, but I have other reasons," Poseidra said.
"Oh? Care to add onto the reasons?"
"Nope," Poseidra said, popping the p, "but, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a nice chat with the BeetleWing here."
"Oh I don't mind, two things solved at once," Queen Acacia said, "better for me."
"Whatever, come along," Poseidra said, "now I think introductions are in order, what is your name?"
"I'm Ash."
"Nice to meet you Ash, I'm Poseidra," Poseidra stated, "now come on, I'd like to speak to you."
"Uhh, ok?" he said, cautiously following her.
Once they were a few paces away from where Queen Acacia was, Poseidra spoke, "you don't have to be so tense, I won't do anything."
"Why am I going with you?" Ash asked.
"I don't really trust monarchs that well,” Poseidra said, looking at the throne room doors with an odd look, “I’ve had some unpleasant experiences.”
“‘Unpleasant experiences?’" Ask echoed, confused.
"It's unimportant info. So you're the last BeetleWing alive? Gonna be honest, that sounds… not very fun," Poseidra said, "you should be with other members of your tribe. On top of that I'm sure everything here is new or confusing, we've come a long way since BeetleWings went extinct."
"It is, I'm not used to any of this," Ash said, "I'm used to sleeping in a small camp, I'm used to small structures, hell, I don't fully trust those little fires that are hanging to not burn this place down."
"It's understandable, when things change a lot in what feels like a short amount of time, it can take quite a while to adjust," Poseidra said, she sounded like she was speaking from experience, "but if it helps, I could probably get you used to everything.”
"Eh, I'm good, I don't need your help," Ash said, "honestly, I just want to go back to my tribe. I miss Orchid and Click, I miss Stag. I miss my family."
"And how do you plan to do that? They have been dead for thousands of years, and no one from our time can get you back to then," Poseidra pointed out, "we don't have anyone with that kind of ability or tech."
"I don't know, it's just hard for me," Ash said, "I've never been this alone."
"Hey, how about, instead of dwelling on what we can't do anything about, and instead find something better to do?" Poseidra suggested.
“Such as?? What can we do at this time?" Ash asked, "I don't know what is available."
Poseidra stood quiet for a moment before speaking, “I know! I could introduce you to my friend, Ray. It’s a long flight, but I think it'd be worth it."
“I think I can handle a long flight, I flew from Pyrrhia to here” Ash pointed out.
"Sure you can do that, but what about this continent and an ocean?" Poseidra asked, "and what if those millennia of you not existing destroyed that stamina of yours?"
“You are acting like you don't want me comming," Ash said, "let's just go already, which way?"
“East,” Poseidra said, “we should go as fast and as soon as we can. I want to be there before the sun sets."
“Hold on!” a voice said, both turned around to see Darner running after them, “let me come with you two!”
Poseidra’s eyes narrowed, “why do you want to come with us?”
"Most dragons have never seen a BeetleWing, it'd be nice to learn about what happened during the scorching,” Darner explained, “and Poseidra has been gone for moons, I also want to know what happened to her in that time.”
"What are you talking about?" Poseidra asked, "I almost died, what more is there to say?"
“I don't believe a word of that 'I almost died, bs,' it was so long, something happened, also you have a friend who's name doesn't sound very HiveWing, proving as much," Darner pointed out, "and I'll find out. Even if I have to pressure your friend."
"You won't get anything from pressuring them but alright," Poseidra said.
“Sure- whatever, we should get going,” Darner said, “we don’t want to put off the flight if we want to get there when Poseidra'll prefer."
“Yep, Poseidra,” Ash interjected, “the sooner we fly the sooner we’ll be there.”
"Well then, let's go!" Darner said, taking off in the direction he had seen Ash and Poseidra about to fly towards.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 1 month
“Okay well you have to admit, you are pretty strange, in- in a good way though!” She quickly corrected herself, not wanting to come off as too offensive.
She shook her head. “No! We can still do it! Can we just do the ones that are close by?” she asked, looking up at him.
As Hiccup unfolded the map, she scooted closer, leaning over slightly to get a better look. Had he been to all of those islands?! Some of them even looked like they were marked as outside of the Archipelago!
Biting her nails, she thought for a moment, raising an eyebrow. “Wait- why aren’t you guys married yet? Haven’t you been betrothed for like, two, almost three years? From what I know, that’s a pretty long time to wait.”
“Looking at birds? I would probably fall asleep from boredom.” She scoffed. “You only like to play Maces and Talons because you can cheat your way to victory, and don’t deny it, I know it’s true.”
She hummed in acknowledgment. “From the looks of it, you’ve already made a pretty big dent,” she stated, gesturing to the map. “Hold on…” She leaned in closer, trying to read something. “Are you serious?” She turned her head back to Hiccup. “‘Itchy Armpit?’ You’ve got to be kidding me, there’s no way you actually named an island that.”
“Oh, uh… I like also like green, but purple has to be a close second. I like to draw, but I’m pretty sure you know that already. Taking walks through the woods is nice too, helps me relax. And don’t call me weird, but I like to sleep, it helps pass the time when there’s nothing to do.”
Chuckling, he gave her a look. "Very well said, Danny, I feel so much better now!" He knew she meant well, so he didn't take any offense.
Nodding, he pointed to a series of sea stacks less than a mile from Berk's shores. "I was thinking about going to these, here. What do you think?" His eyes passed over the rest of the map, feeling a little sad. He hadn't added anything to this map in almost a year. It suddenly felt like it had been much longer, due to how much has changed.
Shaking off that feeling, he shifted his focus. He didn't want to dwell on the past, not right now at least.
Letting out an awkward chuckle, he scratched the back of his head. "Uh, well, yes, that is true, but given the events that came about in the past few years, we decided to wait a little longer. Astrid wanted to give me some time to adjust to being chief before adding being a husband to the list. But, I don't know... maybe we'll be ready in the next year or so." As he spoke, a light blush revealed itself on his face.
Truthfully, he wasn't sure why Astrid kept putting it off. True, the whole chief thing was a valid reason, but it's been almost a year since. He felt a little confused about it, but knew that Astrid would tell him when she was ready.
It was hard to wait, though.
He was pulled from his thoughts at Danny's accusation. "What? For the last time, I don't cheat, and you know it!" Shaking his head he shifted his sitting position, leaning on his hand for balance. Giving her a playful look, he added on, "You just don't like to lose, that's all."
"Hm? Serious about what?" He looked on the map, trying to find where she was looking. When she spoke the island name, he burst out laughing. "Oh! Yes, I remember that one! Toothless named it!" Laughing a little more, he finally took a breath. "Oddly enough, that is where I met Eret...it was named before we ventured there, though!"
He listened, nodding in agreement at how pleasant a walk in the woods was. At her warning, he eyed her suspiciously, only to laugh at the reveal. "Why would I call that weird? There's nothing wrong with that!"
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axgmented · 1 year
next time you leave, tell me first.
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There's a flash of rebellious rage she hasn't felt in years. Her eyebrows pull together in confusion and aggravation, lips peeling back over sharpened canines before rounding on Tifa. She was an adult, she could go wherever she damn well pleased without having to check in with anyone but her boss. The last time she checked, Tifa didn't pay her.
"What tha' fu-- Why tha' hell would I do tha'?"
she chose the lesser of the two swears, minutely aware that Marlene was probably asleep and she certainly didn't want the little angel repeating the offensive sentence enhancer in the morning. She glares stubbornly at Tifa from behind the bar while the woman was drying off the last of the glasses and placing them on the shelf.
She takes the mumbled sentence as a threat, and no one threatens Turks. Her jaw snaps shut, the muscle beneath her skin jumping faintly at the hinge. Her hands tighten on the back of the stool, her heart thundering in her chest. Rem doesn't like answering to people-- the only person she does without a fight is Rufus; Tseng even gets a little pushback when he questions her. Tifa doesn't have a right; the woman isn't her boss, isn't the one who signs her paychecks or gives her orders so why the hell did she think now was a good time to start playing Bossman?
"Because, Rem; I worry about you!"
Rem translates it to pity; Tifa worries she isn't strong enough, that she hadn't paid her dues to the Turks in her time being a suit. What, did the woman think she was weak? The thought caused her molars to grind against their opposites, talons digging into the metal backing of the chair. What the hell was her deal!? Rem goes to open her mouth, to let loose an absolute string of filth and mean, spiteful words before Tifa crosses her arms and leans on her hip with that no-nonsense motherly position she embodied so well.
"Oh stop it! That's not what I meant and you know it! Get that look off of your face. I worry about you because I care."
she reels back like she's been slapped. The whole concept was foreign to her. It felt… unnatural, to care for someone like her. She wasn't born to a family, wasn't placed upon a mother's chest when the tank was drained. She was created in an artificial womb, placed in a incubation basinet and observed until she had enough in her youth and broke out on her own. The only care she had ever received came in forms of combat, of injections, of observations of her stamina, tests upon tests, experiment after experiment and it was all for the namesake of science.
"ya.. what?"
her voice sounds small, the words meekly squeaking past parted lips and a tongue that was full of poison a few moments ago.
"I care, about you Rem. despite what side we picked… I still worry about you, like you were my own."
Oh, shit.
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Panic floods her chest and Rem releases the back of the chair as if it branded her. No, Tifa can't worry about her. She can't claim her; she was a Turk and no one was supposed to worry about them unless a debt needed to be settled. Rem pressed her lips together, feeling shame burn at the back of her neck. Tifa wasn't… putting her down, or forcing rules on her. She wanted to know out of genuine feelings, not so she could keep tabs on her like a pet. Her throat swallows the lump forming in her throat, teeth biting at her lower lip. Great, she felt like a jackass now.
Rem sighs, slow and quiet before her eyes close in a surrender and her shoulders sink from where they were tight around her ears; she's resigning, withdrawing the urge to fight against the woman that's only ever looked out for her without expecting anything in return other than a phone call once in a while. Rem's watched the phone ring and never answered it-- like father, like daughter.
"..shit, m'sorry Ma.. I didn't mean ta' be an' ass.."
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