#I was possessed and it’s not my fault
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wrathofrats · 3 months ago
Caged and always provoked (By prey left unattended)
4k, explicit, Dewdrop/Rain/Aether
Merry Christmas freak @divine-misfortune ily and I hope that all the insanity I’ve been talking about for weeks now makes sense
Read under the cut or on ao3
Warnings and tags: medical examination, medfet, trans rain and tits cunt clit and all the other stuff used for his anatomy, gill fingering, virgin rain for religious reasons, a lot of religious fuckery, groping, breast exams, dew and aether are awful medical practitioners ok, pretty dubious consent but rains cool with everything and says that, it’s fuckery ok it’s 4k of fuckery and I’ve warned you
“We have to, we can’t just let you-“ Dew rambled. He set his clipboard down with a frustrated sigh before Rain interrupted him.
“I don’t have sex.”
Aether peeked his head up from his own sheet about reviewing Dew to look down over his glasses at Rain. Sure, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, and certainly not abnormal, but considering Rain was a ghoul Aether wasn’t sure if he fully believed him.
“You’re saying that you’re a virgin?” Aether asked, before looking back over at Dew.
Or rains summoned as a virgin for his papa and his doctors want to see how far they can push him
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“He seems easy enough. Could’ve sicked that new multi on you, looked like a handful” Aether slid the chart over to Dew who was pulling at his scrub top. The name Rain was scrawled at the top along with his summoning date and element. The rest of the spots were blank, meant to be filled in at his first appointment.
“Didn’t think I could handle it?” Dew clicked the pen a couple of times, scribbling in the corner of the paper to test the ink.
“Actually now that you mention it, I probably should’ve let you take him since you were such a menace for us when you were summoned. It took 3-“
“2” Dew interrupted with a scoff
“2 nurses to hold you down. You’re lucky I picked the quiet one for you.” Aether flipped open his own packet of paper meant for his notes on how Dew was doing. He wanted to train to be a nurse, a better and more meaningful job for him as he learned to use his new fire element. This would occupy him for the time being, and keep him useful considering they were down some staff as the siblings were taken for other clergy needs.
Dew rolled his eyes, plopping the clipboard onto the small table haphazardly. He didn’t know what time this ghoul was supposed to show up, barely even caught a glimpse of him during the summoning. Usually the new ghouls were thrown into the arms of those who were more trustworthy, such as Aether and omega, before being whisked away to check in on their new bodies and elements top side. The rest of the pack usually didn’t get to meet them until there was an all clear from the medical staff.
Which, now included Dew. He loved messing with new summons when he got the chance. Mountain was easy to lure right into his bed, teasing the poor guy until he just couldn’t stand it. And now being placed at the front lines? Even with Aether keeping a close eye on him, he had to admit the idea of thoroughly checking up and down this new summons body was tantalizing.
“You know what to do right?” Aether snapped Dew out of his thoughts with the throw of a tongue depressor that hit him in the shoulder.
“Got the check list, besides you’ll be here to remind me. Even if you gave me a very detailed lesson the other ni-“ Dew snickered before another tongue depressor whizzed past his head.
“You’ll treat him with respect Dew” Aether closed the glass jar and pushed it away from him. He crossed his leg in front of him, staring at his watch to check the time.
“Whatever, I’m a professional, remember?”
“Yeah a professional idiot maybe”
Dew barely got through his eye roll as the door knob turned. A sibling opened the door, gesturing for the ghoul in front of her to walk in the room. He was shy, keeping his head down as he sat down in one of the chairs by the exam bed.
“This is Rain, already got him checked in” the sibling handed Aether a couple papers before closing the door with a soft click. Aether was right, the new thing was quiet. Easy, if he really wanted to go that far already. The water ghoul barely lifted his head up to look at them as Aether started to quickly glance over the papers he was given. Simple things like height and weight, just to rule out any more obscure problems.
He was pretty, Dew had to admit. Blue skin and silky gills along his neck, the lingering thought of Rain even knew how they felt to be touched yet, and if he could send him home with the desire to do so. Delicate fins along his ears with a mop of dark hair. The poor thing was already blushing, looking properly scared even though they hadn’t done anything to him yet. Maybe it was Aethers size, or the perpetual resting bitch face Dew seemed to carry. The cherry on top was what was in his fist, a long string of black knots and beads, ending in a wooden inverted cross.
Aether raised his eyebrow at Dew who was properly staring Rain down, motioning down to his paper that was already all sectioned out for him.
“Oh- uh, I’m going to ask you some questions Rain, just routine in case there’s anything we need to know, is that alright?”
“Yeah, that’s ok” Rain shoved the rosary into his pocket, folding his hands in his lap and watching Dew nervously. He fiddled with his fingers, eyes darting between the two.
“How was your sleep the past couple nights?”
“Slept well, it’s new but my room is comfortable. Maybe 7 hours?” Aether gave him a smile while Dew scribbled down his answer.
“What has your diet been?”
“Small fish, been craving shrimp I think,”
“Ok, sounds good uh-“ Dew squinted at his paper, reading down to make sure he had recorded what he said properly and if there was anything else to take note of before he moved on. “Is there any chance you could be pregnant?”
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s apart of the protocol, is there any chance at all?” Rains face flushed deeper as Dew looked between him and Aether expectantly. He hesitated, biting his lip while he tried to think of what to tell them.
“No. None”
“Good, that’s fine, uh.. any chance of an STD?” The only sound in the room for a moment was the scribbling of Dews pen on the paper. Rain once again hesitated with his answer.
“No.” It came out more tense this time. Something a little more impatient about the answer.
“Perfect, what kind of protection are you using?”
“I’m not.”
Dew looked up at him with his brow furrowed. What did he mean he wasn’t? Maybe it was one of those things, where the siblings would come in and be adamant about not practicing safe sex even after Aether begged them and wonder why their tests all came back positive. If there was another rampant case of chlamydia papa would have their asses. Maybe he was just naive, nothing an awkward pamphlet couldn’t help.
“Well- if you’re not using protection then we do need to test you”
“It’s fine, trust me”
“We have to, we can’t just let you-“ Dew rambled. He set his clipboard down with a frustrated sigh before Rain interrupted him.
“I don’t have sex.”
Aether peeked his head up from his own sheet about reviewing Dew to look down over his glasses at Rain. Sure, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, and certainly not abnormal, but considering Rain was a ghoul Aether wasn’t sure if he fully believed him.
“You’re saying that you’re a virgin?” Aether asked, before looking back over at Dew.
“Any reason or“
“Dew” there was a scolding tone to Aethers voice. The question was inappropriate, even if it was burning in both of their minds.
The room went silent for a second once again. Dew looked at Rain expectantly, waiting for some kind of answer. It didn’t truly matter but the curiosity was eating at him. The pretty little thing had never been touched before? What was he saving himself for?
“The Church.” Rain continued to pick at his fingernails, “was told to, they said it would make me a better servant for the clergy. For papa.”
Summonings were a fickle thing. Some of the ghouls were plucked from down below at random when needed in an emergency like Mist or the anomaly that was Cowbell, but others were chosen for it. Brought up to serve the church, practically handpicked for the band.
“Would there be any other reason for us to give you an….” Aether looked over at Dew, grabbing his papers to take his own notes, “exam of that sort?���
“Fingers? Toys? Maybe even a pillo-“ Dews leg was promptly kicked from under the table. Aether threw him a shocked look, mentally noting needing to go over how to talk to patients at a later time.
“I’m not allowed to. It would only distract me to give into those ….. desires”
Dew finally shut his mouth. The idea of asking “what kind of desires” edging their way into his brain. He couldn’t, at least not here. Aether was still staring at him, the frustrated shock of his words melting into something more curious about the ghoul who was sitting in front of them. The idea of being completely untouched was more than tempting for Dew to explore.
“Ok, that’s perfectly normal. It’s still part of protocol to give you a full physical, but in this case we won’t do any tests, just a look to be sure” Aether grabbed a pair of gloves before sliding the box to Dew, “do you mind fully undressing and putting on the gown on the table while we step out?”
It was Dews turn to look shocked. Aether was blatantly lying through his teeth, not only was a vaginal exam not necessary anyways, it especially wouldn’t be in this case. He’s not complaining, no, but the idea of Aether having his own plans about this made his heart beat even faster.
Rain nodded while Aether opened the door and motioned for Dew to step out. He still looked shocked, brows furrowed and eyes wide as he stared at Aether.
“A virgin?” Dew exclaimed once Aether finally had the door shut. “I didn’t know they did that in the pits. Keeping himself pure to please papa?”
“It’s not unheard of. River stayed untouched until he retired. In Omegas chart he mentioned having to be extra careful with him during any full body check ups” Aether watched the clock on the wall tick away, giving Rain ample time to undress and hopefully calm down a bit from being so nervous. It was cute, the bashfulness in his explanation, if Aether had half a mind he would’ve let Dew continue questioning him.
“Must be a water ghoul thing. Do you think he knows about his gills yet Aeth?”
“You’re a professional, remember Dew?”
Aether raised his eyebrow at him before giving a quick knock to the door, opening it slowly once Rain gave a meek ok. He sat up on the exam table. Ankles crossed and gown bunched awkwardly behind him in an attempt to cover himself. His clothes were folded in a neat pile on his chair, rosary sitting right next to his shoes on top.
Dew hastily snapped a couple gloves on his hands before walking up to stand between Rains legs, a little too close to be entirely clinical.
“Do you mind if I perform a bodily exam on you? we are just looking for any abnormalities we should be concerned about after your summoning” His tone was a bit quieter, something less harsh than his usual bravado.
“Please, go right ahead”
Rain reached up to undo the tie behind his neck, keeping the gown right under his breasts in order to not expose more than he needed to. His chest was small, a cute tiny pair of breasts with dusky little nipples that Dew was trying hard not to completely gawk at. He was a pretty thing, lithe body with a couple curves.
Dew pulled down the gown completely, letting the front section sit in his lap with his arms tight to his body. His cheeks were flushed a deep purple, eyes darting around to anywhere besides Dew.
“Going to have to ask you to lift your arms over your head for me, I need to see the gills on your abdomen” Dew reached beneath the bed to pump a small amount of lubricant on his fingers, rubbing them together to spread it evenly. The gesture looked, felt, dirty. Even if Rain was still in the assumption that it was completely innocent he couldn’t help how his mind wandered as he watched the blue latex shine.
There was a second of hesitation before Rain reached his arms over his head. Dews warm hand pressed down against his stomach, moving inch by inch to his side. Gloved fingers glided delicately over the soft fragile skin of Rains gills. Practically petting over them before dipping just the finger tip in as Rain gave a quiet gasp. He twitched Into the touch before quickly pulling away again.
“Are you alright Rain?” Aether looked from Dew to Rain, noting how he almost looked flustered. Lip between his teeth and the flush creeping down his chest. Dew turned and gave him a knowing look, pushing just a millimeter further in to watch him struggle.
“I’m fine, his hands are just … a bit cold” Rains lips turned into a tight line. He hoped neither of them would push back against such a bad lie, hell Dews hands were probably just on the uncomfortable side of too warm if Rain was being honest. Something sparked in his abdomen as Dew slid his fingers from side to side beneath the thin skin, eyes focusing intently as if he were looking for something.
“No pain? They seem fine otherwise. Nice color, not too loose, some amount of lubrication.” Dew mumbled in Aethers direction for him to write down, “I’ve heard of other water ghouls gills getting dried out from summoning, yours are slick though which is good”
Aether scribbled a couple notes down on his paper while Dew shot him a cocky look and pulled his fingers out of Rains gills, wiping his fingers off on a paper towel. Rain could see whatever came off of his hands shine in the white light of the room, embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. Sure there was the thought of what would happen if he pushed his fingers into his gills himself but the thoughts always came with a night of prayer and maybe a cold shower afterwards.
He didn’t need to be thinking like that. He was healthy and he should be happy, not letting Dews words make him feel light headed. What would papa think?
Rain brought his arms back down to rest his hands in his lap. The air was cold even if Rains body felt impossibly hot. Goosebumps prickled at his skin while Dew put on a fresh pair of gloves. His instinct was to cover himself again, no one had ever seen him this vulnerable, especially not two people at once.
“Still with us? You’re quieter than most of the other ghouls we have in here” Aether spoke up after a second of watching Rain stare intently at Dews hands while he put on his gloves. Rain jumped a little, looking back at Aether with wide eyes.
“Just don’t talk much, I’ve always been told I’m quiet”
“But you’ll speak up if you’re uncomfortable right?”
Rain gave him a solid nod. Aether pushed his glasses back up his face and crossed his legs in front of him to rest his clipboard on. Even beyond Rains racing thoughts he looked devastatingly clinical, Dew as well who was dressed in blue scrubs. Something to keep him grounded, remind him why he was there.
Dew stepped in front of him once again. His hands grabbed along his arms, pushing at his shoulders. They practically rubbed down his sternum in a way that made Rain shiver. Warm hands pressed into his ribs looking for any signs of pain or discomfort.
He took a deep breath as Dew finally made it up to his breast, palms kneading into the supple flesh with a careful eye. Rains fingers dug into the paper on the table with a sickening crunch. Aether immediately noticed how he practically stopped breathing, going entirely still with his lip between his teeth.
Dew tried to pretend he was being entirely professional, every pull and knead being necessary even if the pressure lingered until Rain finally squirmed under his touch, making Dew move on to the next area he was supposed to be examining.
“Seem sensitive” Dew practically hissed through his teeth. The professional demeanor was slowly coming unraveled the more he was able to see what his touch was doing to Rain. A blushing virgin practically losing his composure beneath him just from groping his tits. It was taking all of his self control not to just push him back onto the table and hike the gown over his hips.
Dew was getting ahead of himself. A particularly rough grab as he got lost in thought had Rain writhing off the table.
“Jus- just a bit- ah!” Rains thighs clamped together, chest debating on pulling away or pushing into the rough sensation. Dew was properly pulling at his nipples now, rough calloused fingers pinching the pretty buds just to keep drawing small forced noises from the back of Rains throat.
The gown had fully slipped down and threatened to slide off of his lap if he wasn’t careful. Small neat trail of hair along his navel with a couple dark curls peeking from behind the plastic. Rain knew he was about to be exposed if he made one wrong move, but couldn’t bring himself to grab the gown to cover himself again, not when Dew was touching him like this.
Rain shot a look towards Aether in a small plea for him to do something. Aether looked shocked, pen sitting idly in his hand as he stared blatantly at Rains chest while Dew worked. He should probably step in, pull Dew off and let Rain catch his breath but god he looks like he’s thoroughly enjoying himself and he puts on such a nice show that Aether doesn’t think he can intervene.
“Soft, probably feels so good, doesn’t it Rain?” Dew was almost impossibly close to him by now, both hands groping him and breath hot on his neck, “really never done this for yourself, never let yourself feel good?”
The words made Rains bRain turn off for a solid couple seconds. Whatever air of keeping things chaste and clinical now unraveling as Dew tugged on Rains nipples. He couldn’t deny the small sparks of electricity that ran through him with the pain of Dews pinching and pulling, couldn’t deny that it made his head feel fuzzy and stomach feel hot even if he wanted to.
“Not supposed to” Rains voice was meek. Sure he wanted to, but it was wrong. Sinful. Body dedicated to his papa but oh being touched like this was absolutely delicious. Even if it was just his breasts, something he had done in the shower more than a couple times with the excuse of making sure he was healthy even if his hands lingered, much like what Dew was doing now.
“You’ve never thought about it? Never considered giving into the desire?”
“I have” the admission struggled to come out. Like saying the words out loud were enough to damn him completely. “It’s wrong- not supposed to need or want anything more than papa”
Dew felt a little bad at the laugh that got forced out of him. A bit cruel especially as he pushed Rains tits together just to thumb at the cleavage, more just for the sake of doing it and to see Rain squirm than any other reason. The whole persona of medical professionalism had been thrown out the window the second he was even allowed to touch him there, and hell, Aether didn’t seem like he was going to stop him.
“Afraid you’ll just become addicted? Won’t be able to keep those hands away from this pretty little body of yours?” Dew gave another squeeze to Rains tits before skating them lower and lower, hovering over the only thing still covering any amount of modesty Rain had left.
Rain let out a shocked gasp as Dew pushed him down onto his back, legs maneuvered to be fully spread in front of him. The flimsy gown fell haphazardly onto the floor along with Aethers pen that had been dropped as he watched the scene in front of him. Rains legs pulled apart and cunt practically on display, slick coating him in a way that could only be described as obscene. Even for a water ghoul, it was more than a bit surprising to see how wet he had gotten from Dews hands on his gills and chest.
“See? Cunts just aching for it isn’t it?” A gloved finger slid between Rains folds, practically gathering the arousal and letting it drip down the latex, “Can feel you twitching. Give in, ask for it.”
Rains body was trembling. Legs shaking as Dew dipped the tip of his fingers inside of him for him to clench around. That’s all he had ever done himself. A couple of slow pets and maybe just the tip of his finger before he could come back to his right mind and stop himself. A night trying to deny what he really wanted, how he craved for something to be inside of him in a way that prayer just couldn’t take the edge off of.
“Papa wouldn’t allow it, my bodies for him”
“But it feels good doesn’t it Rain?” Dews fingers fully pushed inside of him. He was hot, beyond tight as he clamped down and let out a strangled sound. His thumb pressed against Rains clit earning a gasp that was forced from the back of Rains throat.
“So good-!”
Dews fingers pumped in and out of him slowly, scissoring apart to see if he could get him any looser. Dew could pass out if he thought about it too hard, his fingers being the first to open up the water ghouls virgin cunt? The thought had him about to shove down his scrub pants and be the one to fuck him first as well. He tried to maintain his composure, looking back at Aether who had a hand on top of his bulge, palming himself through his pants.
“Let yourself feel good, come on baby, give into those sick desires I know you have” there was an awful wet squelching sound coming from Rains cunt, slick dripping down onto the exam table as Dew rubbed fast circles into his clit.
“Please- need more” Rains hips canted off of the table, practically trying to hump Dews hand as he pumped his fingers in and out of him “don’t tell papa please-“
“Oh but Dew, it’s not supposed to feel good, it’s just an exam” Aether had gotten up to stand by his side, white coat discarded on the chair and clearly still hard.
What was he even getting at? He pulled apart Rains cunt to get a look at how Dews fingers slid in and out of him with ease, cold air of the room only making Rain feel more exposed while Aether practically gawked at him.
“It’s not?” Dew stalled his movements, Rain giving a small noise of protest beneath him.
“No, its entirely medical remember? since we are supposed to be keeping him pure, papas orders” Aether said like it should’ve been obvious. Maybe it should have been honestly, Aether pushed a finger of his in next to Dews making Rain arch off the table with the stretch. With the way he clamped down he was surely close already, never been touched and now being stretched wide on three fingers, “maybe the poor things just too far gone if he’s feeling this good. If he was truly devoted he would be still, wouldn’t ask for more. It’s a shame that we will have to inform papa”
Dew pressed a bit harder on his clit, fingers crooking up against that sweet spot he wasn’t sure if Rain even knew he had. Before he could stop it, Rain was spasming around Aether and Dews fingers, a small cry leaving his lips as he completely soaked the paper on the table
“Oh well that’s certainly not normal” Aether removed his hand, disposing of the glove in the trash can without another beat while Dew debated licking his clean, “a true disciple wouldn’t do that, would they?”
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biowho · 3 months ago
I just saw a post talking about the circle and I have no idea what that is? Maybe it's only because I've played Veilguard but is it like mage school?
In the northern half of Thedas it's a mage school yes, in the southern half it's a prison and its full title is the Circle of Magi, the wiki page for it is here if you want to give it a gander and this is the one for tranquility while we're at it
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nerd-who-likes-cats · 3 months ago
(Little) Silver Tsum!
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Silver is from @terminuslucis and the second OC tsum I'm sharing. I shall begin stacking them next post in this series so you can see all of them. (Story under cut)
Silver was sitting on the roof with Malleus and a couple of gargoyles, listening to Malleus explain various things about the gargoyles to him.
"The proximity is not entirely just a aesthetic choice but actually practical because-" Malleus was cut off by the sight and sound of a familiar portal opening over ramshackle dorm.
"-Ah, it seems our small and curious visitors have returned" Malleus said, watching the sky, as something began descending.
Silver watched the light, eyes following a the purple outfit of a tsum falling towards the nearby garden, not noticing the one descending above him.
The tsum knocked into him, and they both almost went tumbling off the roof, only caught by Malleus in the knick of time.
Silver picked up his tsum "it looks like me!" He told Malleus, who was still floating in the air after catching the two and setting them back on the roof.
Malleus nodded "it does bear quite a resemblance. I do believe we've just met your tsum lookalike, Princess."
"He's wearing my diasomnia uniform" Silver noted "a teeny cute version of it. I should go get mine on to match him."
Malleus nodded "it would probably be safest I get you both off of the roof. You hold onto the tsum and I shall carry you down."
"Thanks Emerald"
The tsum and Silver didn't waste time going to diasomnia to go get dressed. They'd notice the memo that they were supposed to meet in Crowley's office eventually. Probably. Maybe...
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months ago
Me when I see someone rambling negatively about a character I wrote, or making incorrect assumptions about them based on their behavior
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Me when I remember they haven’t read the 100 pages of backstory on said character, watched the nonstop footage of said character’s life in my head, and are going entirely based off little crumbs I’ve shared and don’t understand the meaning of unreliable narrators
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Me when I remember it’s ok to be at peace with people not liking a character I wrote, whether it’s because more hasn’t been revealed about them yet or because of their personality - because that’s how real life works too, people like some folks and don’t like others, and it means that maybe I wrote a three dimensional character
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(Shoutout to @/linkeduniverse for the images)
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crazy-thing-called-rock · 5 months ago
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Late night scribble based on one of my fav deleted scenes, cause this quote won’t stop pestering my mind 😩💔
If u like my art, consider supporting me on Ko-fi! <33
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peasant-player · 5 months ago
Maeglin Possessed AU
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This is for @overlord-of-fantasy they are drawing a Sauron Possess Maeglin Comic !
I really like the premise and I too got Possessed to draw some Angst.
I hope you like this Maeglin !!!
It is drawn with colored pencils.
I'm really rusty with using them so please be kind ❤️
@erendur look at this hand I'm very proud of it one for your collection ;D
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remyfire · 1 year ago
Had a houlihawk meltdown tonight and didn't wanna lose it, so here we are.
I always feel like I love houlihawk the most if they never get the suburban home with the white picket fence, but if they get to be mobile in a freedom-centric way outside of, like, Margaret's childhood of Army transfers—just them renting instead of owning so they can travel all across the country and see new things and reconnect with their friends. Ending up in New York City for a year, mischievous, making out in elevators going up through these tall tall buildings as a race to see how stirred up they can get the other before the elevator dings at their floor. Going overseas, seeing Europe, touring France, Margaret playfully singing "C'est Magnifique" as a little street band plays for her and Hawk sweeping her into a passionate kiss as the crowd that had gathered around them applauds her performance. Just playfulness, adventure, discovering who they are in these whole new ways.
I had the image of Margaret who is terrified to ever get married again and Hawkeye who is still so fearful of marriage just. Agreeing that they don't want to get married. They want to just be together until they might not want to anymore. But I got emotional about the idea of Hawkeye giving Margaret one of his mother's old necklaces as a kind of symbol of commitment all the same and Margaret finding the finest watchband for Hawkeye, and them wearing those symbols year after year after year.
Imagining them spending a year or two working in free clinics around an overcrowding city, providing international aid as medical staff, always hand in hand, never one without the other when it comes to providing care. Spending a few years in California renting a room from the Hunnicutts while Hawk, Margaret, and BJ work tirelessly through the AIDS Crisis even though for all intents and purposes they should be thinking about retiring from medicine.
One day an 80-year-old Hawkeye is reading his newspaper and just tips his head back and yells, "Hey, Margaret?" and she shouts back, "Yes, darling?" and he goes, "D'you wanna get married tomorrow?" and Margaret is silent for a moment before she yells, "Sure!"
Which is when I realized that it would be the year 2000 if they were driving down to the courthouse while in their eighties to get married and that the Backstreet Boys would come on the radio on the way and Hawkeye would be trying to sing I Want It That Way to her while she's laughing her head off about how he's ruining the lyrics. And I exploded.
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sampegger · 11 months ago
do you guys think the writers would have taken it more seriously if it had been alastair around relentlessly tormenting dean in late seasons as opposed to lucifer with sam
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torchickentacos · 11 months ago
girl help, the pokemon youtubers are calling Battling The Enemy Within one of the worst pokeani episodes
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year ago
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Oh god Evil's Fault Brainrot is back. I mean this is a queue'd post so by the time yall see this the brainrot may have calmed down BUT IT'S STRONG AS I'M DRAWING THIS. I miss my 2021 Ex fixation...
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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pinkeoni · 6 months ago
If we bring back Will Byers being able to load a gun in season 5 I want it to be in the form of self blame and guilt. Will knew he was able load a gun but he wasn't able to fire it. And he starts to blame himself for being unable to prevent his own kidnapping. It was his fault for not being able to take care of himself, or thats what he thinks.
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shalomniscient · 11 hours ago
period horny is demonic
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thenonbinarydetective · 9 months ago
Gotham War is shit and all, but I'm starting to get tired of people complaining that Bruce was OOC that was like literally one of the main points
complain about literally anyone else being OOC because they don't have an excuse
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avatarkcrra · 6 months ago
tlt enjoyers i am so curious to know what has been occupying your mind the most during the alectopause. i for one Cannot Stop Thinking about judith deuteros.
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widowshill · 1 year ago
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— I couldn't care less about your future. — Well, you'd better care, because you're part of it, and so is your wife.
r/v/b for @tortoisesshells.
#victoria devlin starring in: i gave up trying to find my father so i just got a few boyfriends old enough to be my dad. or my uncle.#tortoisesshells#➤ roger collins & victoria winters & burke devlin. ┊ to know how it ends‚ and still begin to sing it again.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#gifs.#i've been accused of not exactly truth-telling when it comes to posting about r/v ... well.#this is lies. we made it up. but look at them! aren't they just darling!#thank you 60's daytime television.#this is my unethical polycule. the nonmonogamy is consensual and negotiated we're just evil in other ways.#(one of them framed another one for vehicular manslaughter and sent him to prison.#two of them have been the other one's employees at one point or another.#they have all — at some point — accused each other of murder; except for accusing vicki who is by all accounts an angel#and who would NEVER frame her boyfriend for her manslaughter on purpose. although this does happen in canon. accidentally.)#also that she stabs roger with a knife in the au but that's not *really* her fault because she's under hypnotic vampire influence.#(and – moreover that roger a. deserves it and b. enjoys it)#because they are doomed to reenact the machinations of collinsport's tripartite love story.#because a woman in possession of josette's (& laura's) locket; of an adventuring‚ prosperous husband who builds her a home in collinsport;#of a vampire-coded boyfriend also in love with her but doomed chiefly to yearning and the occasional bite;#of a foretold fate of falling from the cliffside; and on top of all that is a brunette – well‚ she must be josette.
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quotidianish · 1 year ago
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doodles :3
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