#I was having a bad night
echo-the-fae · 9 months
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mrfandomgage · 2 years
Gage Fandom: hey kid
Gage Anderson: ?
Gage F, hugging his younger self: Don't forget that you deserve to be loved, ok?
Gage A: why would I forget that?
Gage F: you'll hopefully never learn when you get older, but please for the love of yourself, do not change your last name to Fandom, it's a huge mistake
Gage A, pushing back and running off: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Gage F, punching the ground: Damn it!
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jujujusillies · 2 months
I knew the world wasn't ending, I was just hungry /silly
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The moment FNAF movie Vanessa knew she fucked up
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
i think everyone who's ever had migraines should be financially compensated forever btw
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eskildit · 11 months
In a better kinder world. Gideon nav would have been at the club.
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axoqiii · 3 months
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azulhood · 5 months
Conversations between best friends has often led to some reckless/stupid/not thought out at all decisions. Like one conversation the amity park trio had where Danny said that he couldn't see Tucker as a doctor (the medical kind) to which Tucker responded with "Alright, bet." and enrolled in medical school. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Wayne and Tucker Foley somehow by coincidence *cough* clockwork* became friends. And stayed friends even after Bruce dropped out and Tucker went on to finish med school. It was a strange friendship that was mainly just Bruce calling Tucker from the weirdest locations and asking things "Out of curiosity, if an immortal nutjob wanted you to marry his daughter and become his heir what would you do? uh-huh, uh-huh, really? ok, thanks." and meeting up for coffee every now and then. It was during one of these coffee meet-ups that Bruce confessed that he wanted to adopt a recently orphaned child by the name of Richard. There was currently push back from people who didn't think 'Brucie Wayne' would be a good parent and from others who didn't want a random kid having a chance to inherit the Wayne fortune, the media was also having a field day. Everyone kept asking him to "reconsider" and doing everything they can to stall/stop the adoption process. Tucker, being the good friend he was, said "Don't worry, I got this" Stood up from the cafe table, walked to the nearest library and politely asked to use one of their computers, spent a good ten minutes on it, printed something out on the library's printer, walked back to the cafe where he left Bruce waiting. And finally, he handed over the paper with the words "Take this." and continued drinking his now cold coffee. Bruce was, understandably, confused. "What is-" "Trust me, it'll work." Tucker assured him. That is how Bruce Wayne adopted one Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
And after that, Bruce went to Tucker whenever he came across a kid that he wanted to adopt, which was often. It's one reason why Tucker will do everything in his power to make sure Danny and Bruce never meet for fear that the Gothamite might try to add the Halfa to the growing army of children. Aka
Tucker Foley is The Guy
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 month
I hateeee that screenshot of someone translating non-binary and getting no binario and no binaria and saying they hate Spanish. I hate it soooo much.
First mistake is thinking that's only about people. There are tons of things that use the binary adjective. But even when talking about gender, if you want to say non-binary gender you say género no binario, because género is a masculine noun and its adjectives have to always be in agreement with that! Even saying género femeninO follows this. And then if you use the word person you say persona no binaria, because persona is a feminine noun and it's adjectives have to always agree with that!! Even if you are talking about a man! If you want to call him a good person you still say buena personA. This is literally what having grammatical gender is.
It does make it a struggle for nb people if they don't want to be gendered at all, which is why there's a push to decline words using the letter E to make them gender-neutral. Then if you are directly referring to them you say no binarie. Not everyone likes to be referred in this way, but it's a proposed solution.
I get that grammatical gender can be hard to learn, but I don't want to hear any complains about this topic from Anglos who don't have to use Spanish in their daily lives and don't begin to understand how things work. Especially with how many of them seem to think that Hispanic people are less progressive thanks to gendered language due to some belief in linguist determinism. No, we do not think chairs are girls. If you guys keep insisting on this, I'm going to start saying that actually Spanish is way more progressive because you can naturally establish your grammatical gender by just using an adjective (or anything that requires gender declension) on yourself without anyone having to ask!! This promotes self-determination, actually.
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monstermonger · 1 year
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A Night Sky in the Woods
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lokh · 5 months
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The Mikes and Vanessas celebrate 10 years of FNAF!
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I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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fiendishartist2 · 10 months
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whats going on up there
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
it’s hard for me to feed myself right now (just in terms of physical ability), so my mom drove me and the animals to her place. she carried the cats in first, because I had to butt-scoot up the front stairs, and once inside, Pangur got scared and ran. she’s tucked herself away somewhere, and nobody can find her. I probably could, and I could lure her out and make her feel safe again, except that I’m largely immobile. I keep falling on the crutches and fucking my leg up further, and the likeliest hiding spots are up or down a fleet of stairs. it’s been 4 hours, and it’s killing me not to look for her. I’m so tempted to crawl down the basement stairs, broken leg be damned.
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hinamie · 29 days
Another blog noticed that Megumis scars are on the same position as Heian!Sukuna. And it's true! By that logic he should have scars under his armpits and on his belly (second arms and second mouth). You drawing it would be interesting
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shoutout 2 megumi for making up fr all of yuuji's scars i no longer get to draw
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