#I was eight years old and I wanted to die. Now I’m almost seventeen and I want the same.
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years ago
Shoutout to all the eldest daughters who had to basically raise their siblings. You’ve done the best you can, and I’m proud of you
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sergeantsporks · 2 years ago
Dadrius Week Chapter 7: Adoption
“Never thought you’d be asking me for advice.”
Hunter padded towards the kitchen at Eda’s voice, rubbing his eyes with a yawn.
“Shhh, Hunter’s asleep right now,” Darius hissed.
Hunter almost spoke up to let them know he wasn’t, but Eda’s next words made his voice die in his throat.
“Yeah, yeah. And what exactly is it that you’re so desperate not to let him know about that you’d ask me to come by in the dead of night?”
Hunter pressed his back up against the wall, heart thudding in his chest.
“I need your advice on this. You’ve had experience with kids that aren’t your own. Here.”
There was a moment of silence from Eda. Then, “It’s a big decision. Do you think he’s ready for this?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you. It’s a step I’m willing to take, but I wanted to get an outside opinion on whether it’s one he’s ready for.”
What next step?
Hunter heard a sigh from Darius. “He’s in a transitionary stage in his life. Even without the coven system in place anymore, he’s at the age where we have to start thinking about his future. I had my mentor to coach me through it, and my parents, to some degree. I don’t exactly think the emperor who wanted him kept on a tight leash and put a sigil meant to kill him on the day of unity really helped him prepare in that regard.”
“And you want to be that person,” Eda finished, “You know, Darius, you don’t have to go through all these mental gymnastics to say that you care about him.”
“I am not going to be lectured by the woman who called her eight-year-old her roommate.”
“Fair enough.”
Hunter backed away from the kitchen, blood roaring in his ears. He trudged back up to his room, numb.
Next step?
Transitionary stage?
My future?
“He’s going to kick me out of the house,” Hunter whispered.
“What?!” Flapjack chirped.
“Making sure I had the right outfits, teaching me how to cook and sew—he’s making sure I learn how to function before he kicks me out!”
“Just got here!”
Hunter ran a hand through his hair. “I mean, he bought all those clothes, and we had a really awkward first day, and I woke him up screaming, it’s not surprising he decided this wasn’t a good idea after all. Ms. Noceda wasn’t going to kick me out. Maybe Darius decided it was time he stepped in. I mean, I’m seventeen now—”
“Still a kid!”
“Yeah, but right around now is when I’d join a coven, with the way things were. Look at going to a specific track school, look at getting a job in one of the covens…”
“What next?”
Hunter shook his head, stomach roiling. “I don’t know. Could always move back to Hexside.”
“Not a house.”
“Luz offered to let me stay at the owl house, back when we were in Belos’ mind. I don’t know if that still stands, since I found another house, but…” Hunter opened the window, tossing a few outfits and his toothbrush back in his travel bag.
So much for having a closet of my own, and not keeping my clothes in a duffle bag under my bed.
How much of that speech was a lie?
“Do you think Eda will let me stay? I mean, I don’t know if she was agreeing with Darius down there. Maybe if I help her around the house? Or go out on bounty hunting jobs so I can pay rent? We’ll figure it out.” Hunter swung one leg out the window, bag over his shoulder. “Come on. We’re leaving.”
Luz blinked. “You think he’s kicking you out?!”
Hunter nodded glumly, his knees pulled up to his chest. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
Luz hissed in. “I mean… that does sound like a lot of the words they use in the human realm when they’re talking about college, and moving out. But I just guess I don’t get why he’d ask Eda for advice! She hasn’t even THOUGHT about asking King or I to leave!”
“What else would they be talking about?”
“I don’t know.” Luz shook her head. “Kinda funny, though, that he went to Eda for advice on how to prepare you to survive out there and then you came to me for advice on how to stop him from making you leave. Net zero advice.”
“I’m not here for advice. I mean—not like that.” Hunter sighed. “I don’t… if he wants to kick me out, I don’t want to stay there. I don’t want to be in his house if he doesn’t want me there. I just… don’t know where to go.”
“You could always move back in with my mom?”
“After I moved out literally just a couple of weeks ago? I said ‘okay, thanks for all the help, bye,’ and then go back? That feels… wrong.
“Alright, alright.”
“I just need a temporary place to crash. I’ll figure something out, I just want to be sure I have somewhere to go while I figure out what to do next.”
“I don’t think Darius would just throw you out out of the blue, it sounds like he’s planning on helping you figure out where to go.”
“Maybe. But… just in case.”
“Okay,” Luz said softly, “Just in case.”
Darius knocked on Hunter’s door. “Hunter? I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”
No answer.
“Hunter? Look, I know I said you should consider sleeping in more often, but eleven is a little bit…” Darius opened the door. “…late.”
The bed was empty.
The window was open.
“No.” Darius bolted for the window, looking around for any sign of Hunter.
Not again.
Darius practically threw the raven phone out the window. “Eber.”
It flew off, then the line clicked. “Eber, I need you here now, Hunter’s missing.”
The phone hung up, and Darius paced back and forth.
He would have told me if he were just going somewhere.
He wouldn’t just run off.
What happened to him?!
Eber’s ratworm slithered up, and Eber’s eyes immediately glowed. The demon followed a trail only he could see, Darius on his heels. Finally, Eber came to a stop in front of the Owl House, pointing, and Darius paced in front of the door.
“Why wouldn’t he just TELL me if he were coming here?!” he demanded.
The house demon followed him back and forth. “Oooo, are we doing a workout? I’ll help keep you on track! One and two, and one and two, and one and two and tuuuuuuurn…”
Darius grabbed the house demon’s face. “Is Hunter inside?”
“Can you ask him to come out?”
“Depends! Why?!”
Darius let go of him, taking a deep breath and smoothing his shirt. “I just want to talk to him.”
Hooty snaked around, slamming his face through a window. “HUNTER!”
Darius heard a muffled shriek, and Hooty recoiled from the window. “Ow.”
Yep. He’s in there.
Hunter’s head poked out of the window, and even at the distance, Darius could see his face drop. Then his face disappeared, and Luz’s replaced it.
“Is he in trouble?” she yelled down
Darius pinched the bridge of his nose. “Oh, titan preserve me. A little,” he yelled back up, “Just for giving me a heart attack.”
“What are you going to do?”
Darius threw his arms up. “I don’t know! Tell him not to do it again? Titan, can I just talk to him, instead of this proxy nonsense?!”
“Only if you promise not to hurt him!”
Darius held one hand up, as if taking an oath. “I won’t hurt him,” he said softly, “I swear on my life.”
The window closed, and after a few moments, the door opened, just a crack, Hunter’s face in that space. “Are you mad?”
“I thought someone had kidnapped you! What could have possibly possessed you to run off?! Climbing out the window?!”
“I—I heard you talking to Eda.”
Darius blinked.
I guess that answers the ‘is he ready for this’ question.
“And?” he asked.
“A-are you kicking me out?”
Darius just stared at Hunter for a long moment. Then he started laughing.
Hunter drew back from the door. “What? What’s so funny?”
“That’s what you got from that?! Little prince, you just moved in!”
“Told you,” Flapjack chirped from Hunter’s hair.
“W-well, what was it about, then?!” Hunter sputtered.
Darius straightened up, and drew a circle. A pack of papers fell into his hand, and he held them out. Hunter reached out the door and snaked the papers through the doorway.
Darius Deamonne
Hunter (Last Name Unknown).
Darius shrugged, as if it were no big deal, despite the fact that he was watching Hunter like a hawk. “I thought it would make the legal side of things easier. For schools, and medical visits, and permission slips, they tend to make things difficult if you’re not—”
Hunter sat down on the couch with a whump, the papers shaking in his hands. Darius finally pushed the door the rest of the way open and came in next to him, wrinkling his nose at the couch and sitting down gingerly.
“You don’t… have to say yes. It needs your signature, too, not just mine. I know that…” Darius waved a hand, not continuing his sentence for a few moments before taking a deep breath. “Putting your life in someone else’s hands may not be something you want to do again,” he said finally, “Not after the last person… If you sign this, ahhh, it does give me some legal control over certain aspects of your life, at least until you’re a legal adult.”
“Oh,” Hunter said softly.
“Listen. I promise I won’t exercise any of that control without discussing it with you first. I think you’re more than capable of making most of your own decisions. I may step in if I truly think you are making a decision that will negatively impact your health, and obviously, if you’re incapacitated, then I will assume medical directive. But by and large, I’ll leave your decisions, well, yours.”
Darius scratched the back of his neck. “My mentor… he helped me figure out a lot. Who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, how to get there. Even if you don’t sign these papers, I… I want to help you with that. You’re already living with me, this would just… make it official. If you want it to be.”
“Do… you want it to be official?”
Darius snorted. “I didn’t go through all the trouble of setting up a space for you and getting all the paperwork done for nothing.”
Eda elbowed him in the head as she passed.
He glared. “Ow, Edalyn!”
“From one jaded, closed-off rebel to another? Quit hiding behind twelve layers of grouch.”
She moved on, and Darius took a deep breath. “Yes,” he said, “Yes, I do want it to be official. I want you to stay in my house, and cook with me, and have sports matches and teacher meetings for me to go to. I want to be part of your life in a way I should have been back at the coven. If you’ll let me. And if you don’t want to take my last name, or call me dad, of course, that’s fine, I’m not—”
Hunter grabbed a pen, scrawling his name on the line.
He lifted the pen, tapped it against his chin as he looked at the blank space after his first name.
Deamonne, he added.
Darius blinked at the signature, relief sweeping over him. “You’re sure?”
Hunter twisted the pen around in his fingers. “When I thought… when I thought you were kicking me out, I felt… really bad. And I thought it was just because I’d be out of a house before I was ready, but then Luz said I could stay at the owl house, and… I still felt sick. Because it wasn’t just that it was about finding a place to stay, I wanted to stay with you.”
Darius opened and closed his mouth, speechless. “Oh,” he said finally, “Okay.” He cleared his throat. “About today—”
“I’m sorry for running off. If I’d just waited and listened, we could have avoided all of this.”
“You worried me. A lot. It was like… when my mentor disappeared, all over again.”
“Sorry,” Hunter repeated.
Darius bonked his head lightly. “Just don’t disappear on me again?”
“Okay. Promise”
There was a loud pop from behind them, and Hunter jumped about a foot in the air. Darius’ head whipped around, and he spotted Eda behind the couch with a foaming bottle of apple blood.
Darius rested his arm around Hunter’s shoulders. “Easy, just a bottle. Edalyn, he can’t drink that!”
“No, but you can. Congrats on being a parent! And congrats on your first child-caused heart attack! May you have many more!”
“I would prefer not to,” Darius muttered, but accepted the glass she handed him.
Luz emerged from the kitchen and tossed Hunter a juice box, raising her own. “Hey, nice new name. I’m going to write the whole thing on ALL your birthday cards, Mr. Deamonne.”
Darius leaned back against the couch. “Hey, I’m Mr. Deamonne.” He wrinkled his nose at Hunter. “I’m relatively certain that me being your official guardian means that all of your friends have to call me that.” He downed the apple blood and scooped up the adoption papers, thumping them against the table to straighten them out. “Why don’t we go finalize this, huh?”
Hunter nodded. “Last step. Not too late to back out, Darius.”
Darius shrugged, tucking the papers away. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
This isn’t a choice I think I’ll ever regret making.
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years ago
kind of an odd request — do you have fics where erik is grumpy with everyone else but a ray of sunshine with charles?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask. First and foremost, I'm so sorry for how long this took me but I've been searching for all the fics that come to mind that fit your request. Second, this is not an odd request because I love this trope so much. I mean, it's basically canon that he's grumpy with everyone except for his Charles, right? Anyway, I might add to this list later on, but I can't sit on this any longer and hope that you have found some fics that you enjoy!!
Fic Recs Where Erik is grumpy with everyone but a ray of sunshine with Charles
Twice as Blind – Darksknight
Summary: Erik is probably the biggest asshole on the face of the earth, and because of this, he'll probably die alone. Charles is a complete flirt and playboy and, probably, will never commit to anyone ever.
(The lesson here is that when you have two friends who are BOTH secretly seeing someone, well, it's probable that they're seeing each other.)
In the moonlight, on a joy ride – scarlettblush
Summary: Librarian AU. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
The Proper Care of Actors – Clear_Liqueur, Clocks, Etherei, afrocurl
Summary: Erik is an A-list action star who is notoriously difficult to work with, until the day he gets cast alongside Charles Xavier, rom-com darling who can charm the pants off movie audiences the world over and apparently even one Erik Lehnsherr. The paparazzi catch them out and about soon enough, and their real-life Hollywood movie romance becomes instant tabloid fodder.
Rumor Mill – ikeracity
Summary: Erik is the grumpiest, most foul tempered worker at Stark industries. His grumpiness is the stuff of legends.
So it's obviously the talk of the office when Erik is being made to go to the company party and he's bringing his husband. There's rumors flying round about how much of a masochist or equally antisocial bastard Erik's husband must be to put up with him. Others think he must be a meek mouse perhaps bullied by Erik.
What they weren't expecting was the confident, charming, adorable and unbelievably nice Charles that turns up on Erik's arm. What they certainly weren't expecting was how much Erik obviously adores his husband and how happy he is to let others see this.
Work/Life Balance – pocky_slash
Summary: Alex is pretty sure his weird, anti-social boss is a robot. Right up until the guy's adorable husband shows up. His adorable husband who happens to be a famous actor. His adorable husband who happens to be the very same famous actor who was the source of many of Alex's teenage fantasies.
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Of kittens and teacups and love – Ren
Summary: Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Fools Rush In – LoveSupreme
Summary: Erik owns a cafe on the edge of campus and accidentally starts maybe-stalking a Biology Professor there.
Growing Pains – ikeracity
Summary: Twelve-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. Ten-year-old Charles Xavier is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend.
Logan pretends he doesn't think they're both fucking adorable.
Home Together (The Finding Our Way Remix) – significantowl
Summary: Erik is not the sort of person other students strike up conversations with. His expression, his posture, every part of his manner say: Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you. But none of that stops the boy ahead of him in line with the collapsible white cane, and nothing can stop Erik from falling for him, like it or not.
Melted Ice Cream and Macaroni Art – pocky_slash
Summary: Everybody likes Charles. Nobody likes Erik. And that's really the source of Erik's doubts. Also, there's ice cream and a baby. Part of ‘the Daycare’ verse.
Walling in or Walling Out – stlkrchck
Summary: Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
(Wise Men Say) Only Fools Rush In – wildelybroken
Summary: After reading a fic where Erik and Charles are super sluts, meet at what is presumably Raven and Emma's engagement party, and end up sleeping together, I made the following comment and just inspired myself.
"They start casually texting each other throughout the day, maybe while they’re bored or frustrated at work, and start out meeting up and sleeping together semi-frequently. And eventually they accidentally start dating without noticing it at first, not until Raven and Emma get them alone and are like “wtf you two super sluts are actually dating??” And at first they deny, but then they’re both like “holy shit, we are!” And they meet back at one of their places and they don’t have to say anything, they just look at each other and come together immediately, kissing passionately and ~making love~. In the middle of it they realise that’s what they’ve been doing for a long time now and they confess their love to each other and they live happily ever after because they deserve all the good in the world."
For Charles – Shigai
Summary: Tired of being told he has to find his 'heart', classical piano graduate Erik Lehnsherr decides to travel to Italy and drink from the famous Italian passion for music. While searching for it, he meets Charles Xavier, a graduate in Fine Arts who is basically travelling around the world perfectioning his technique, and who will turn his world upside down.
Together they will discover that, sometimes, what you thought you didn't need is what you needed the most.
Erik Hates People – Anonymous
Summary: Erik hates people- it's his rule, a way of living.
Sugar – humanitys_cutest
Summary: Erik glances at the clock for what feels like the tenth time in less than half the minutes. It feels like he's been in some meeting or other since the day started almost 10 hours ago, and he's had just about enough of listening to these pompous old men discuss what would be the best design for his building like they know anything about it. He tries as subtly as possible to massage his temples to assuage the building migraine, but he knows it's no use.
He just wants to go home.
Everyone Likes Charles – Rosawyn
Summary: '“Everyone who's met him likes him.” Cain's grin was even stupider than before. “Once you meet him, you'll see.”
It was almost like a challenge then. And damn. Erik hated saying no to a challenge.'
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed – hllfire
Summary: Charles meets Erik, the man he had heard about many times from his sister and some friends, on a rainy Sunday morning. The stories about Erik paint him as a distant and intimidating man, but Charles finds out that maybe the stories had been wrong.
How to Successfully Ruin Your Life – humanveil
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Charles Xavier accepts a job at his local café, expecting nothing more than a fun, new pastime. What he gets is a mysterious customer and a schoolboy crush.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – magneto, pangea
Summary:Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
The Theory of Partnership Dynamics – Pangea
Summary: “Detective Lehnsherr, how wonderful to see you out on the job!” The fed in the front greets him as they draw nearer. He’s shorter than the other two by a full head, and he’s beaming at Lehnsherr as if completely undeterred by Lehnsherr’s paint-peeling scowl.
“What do the feds want?” Lehnsherr asks bluntly.
“You know I can’t tell you that,” the fed answers cheerfully. Then his gaze lands on Alex, and, impossibly, his grin gets even brighter. “Did you get a new partner?"
“No,” Lehnsherr says through his teeth while at the same time Alex says, “Yes.”
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tennessoui · 4 years ago
29 G.A.t.W. AU - The C.W.s start 2yrs early bc of Galactic Law EVERY Natborn in the GAR MUST be 18yr old. Obi-Wan is forced to leave behind his young Padawan. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.. Without the Masters being able to be there physically they have to start training programs to help the Pawadans. Every Master now has to teach certain subjects. Anakin finally sees a mind healer & finds inner peaces without the Council breathing down his neck. The Temple Locked Down so No Sith Influenc
so this is a beautiful ask and beautiful future and i followed it like i follow my google maps directions which means maybe 30% of the way but i was watching lord of the rings and thinkin about braids so here is this and i'm very sorry it's what it is
29. Going Away To War AU (Tatooine slave culture, 17!Anakin, preslash/Anakin's pining, mullet!Obi-Wan)(2.3k)
The Padawan braid isn’t the first braid Anakin learns about. It’s not even the fiftieth. By the time Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi land on Tatooine, Anakin is well-versed in the language of braids and what each means. He hadn’t had any of his own yet, seeing as how he was only nine with no accomplishments or triumphs or romantic entanglements to advertise, but if he had stayed on Tatooine, he’d probably have gotten his first braid after he won the podrace.
HIs mother would have done it with gentle hands and a proud smile, and their neighbors would have gathered outside their door to try and be the first one to congratulate him.
Braids are important. They’re sacred. Their style and the beads woven through the strands signify everything important to know about the Tatooinian wearing them. He’d see the freed people’s braids in the marketplace and burn with envy. He’d see a blushing girl braid her lover’s obsidian into his hair to signify courtship, and know one day he’d do the same to someone else. He’d practice his braids until his hands hurt from the motion, wanting to be perfect at it before he’d need to know. After all, as a slave, there wouldn’t be much else he could offer them except beautiful braids and beads.
There is only one braid he doesn’t know the meaning of, and it’s the one that hung down Obi-Wan Kenobi’s shoulder when they first met.
He thinks about asking him, even though it might be considered rude, but before he can, they’re at the Jedi Temple, then on Naboo and then Master Jinn is dead and Obi-Wan’s braid is gone, and Anakin thinks, oh. So the braid means love.
Mourners on Tatooine cut the braids off their dead and then a single braid from their own head, to mean that a part of themselves has died as well. Obi-Wan tries to be extra nice to Obi-Wan after that.
That is, until the man approaches Anakin with a serrated knife and a rueful grin and tells him that because the Council has allowed him to take him as his padawan, it’s time for Anakin to have the Padawan haircut.
The fit Anakin throws at these words could probably be heard back on Tatooine, but his new master must be made of the same strength Lukka crafts the sandstorms from, because an hour later, Anakin is looking at his shorn locks on the floor in a state of horrified shock.
Obi-Wan kneels down at his side as he begins braiding together the lone strand of hair Anakin has been allowed to keep.
“I’m sorry,” his master says quietly. “I know that your hair is very important to you on Tatooine.”
“How will I practice my braids now?” Anakin asks despondently. If he is to have short hair until he’s Obi-Wan’s age (ancient), then he won’t ever be able to practice the courtship braids. The engagement braids. The marriage braids. All the other ones too. Do the Jedi just present their beloveds with sloppy braids?
The thought has him near tears.
Obi-Wan looks very panicked. “Please don’t cry,” he begs. “Jedi apprentices shouldn’t cry.”
Anakin’s vision becomes even more blurred at this. Now he’ll never be able to practice his braids and he’s a bad Jedi.
“Oh blast, that’s not what I meant,” Obi-Wan backtracks, hesitantly putting his hand on Anakin’s shoulder. It’s not very comforting, but it’s the best Anakin has so he resolves to make do and lean into the touch. “Well. You can, uh. You can braid my hair?”
Anakin sniffles. “Your hair is short. And ugly.”
His master laughs and ruffles Anakin’s own short hair. “I’ll grow it out, just for you if it’s that important to you.”
He would? Anakin looks up at him hopefully. That could work. It even makes sense, kind of, for Obi-Wan to let Anakin braid his hair. After all, Anakin’s going to be wearing Obi-Wan’s braid, even though he doesn’t love him yet.
Maybe the Jedi do things differently. Maybe the Jedi weave the braid, and the love comes later.
“I remember a young boy telling me my hair was ugly,” his master says consideringly, as he lets himself be pushed to the floor while Anakin clambers onto the bed behind him.
“You bring that up every time, Master,” he sighs as he strokes his hands through Obi-Wan’s admittedly beautiful mane of hair. It’s not as long as he’d like, not really, but it doesn at least go down to his shoulders. “I don’t know how many times you want me to apologize.”
“Oh, just once more,” his master smiles with his voice. Anakin will miss this. Anakin doesn’t know how he’ll live without it, without Obi-Wan’s quiet wit and wry humor, his willingness to indulge Anakin no, even if it’s been eight years of braid-practicing.
“Once more might be all we have time for, Master,” Anakin whispers. His fears are not the sort one can say loudly.
“Do not think like that,” Obi-Wan turns his head to the side just enough so that he can look up at Anakin. “It will be fine. I will be fine.” “You’d be better if I came with you!” Anakin argues loudly. “You know I’m old enough! It’s not fair!”
His voice cracks on the last word, making him wince as Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow.
“The Jedi Council and all Republic legal branches have spoken. We will not take children into a warzone--”
“Then don’t, but I’m almost eightee--”
“--And I agree with them.”
Anakin’s fingers slacken on the strands of hair, loosening the braid. “You do?” he asks, feeling betrayed. “You want to leave me here at the Temple while you go get yourself killed on some Mid-Rim planet?”
“I want you safe, Padawan,” Obi-Wan corrects, breaking away from him so that he may stand up and sit beside him on the bed. “A war is no place for Jedi, but while us knights have no choice but to fight, we would keep our younglings as far from it as possible--even those younglings who are only a few months shy of being eighteen.”
“You’re taking away my choice,” Anakin says quietly, anger abating enough that he has to struggle to hide the fear in his voice. He brings his knees up against his chest and curls tightly into himself. “What if you die and--and--” he breaks off and pulls useless at his Padawan braid.
He knows what it means now after eight years spent at the Jedi Temple. It’s supposed to denote the Padawan from the Master, and signify the respect an apprentice has for their teacher.
But he’s never been able to shake his original conclusion that it was a representation of love, though he’d never say that aloud.
But when he touches it, sees it in the mirror, he’s reminded only of the love he bears for his master. A guilty, shameful love that takes up too much of his mind and heart. He’d fallen in love with Obi-Wan somehow. Now when Anakin dreams of marriage beads, his fingers are invariably braiding them into coppery blond hair. Now when Anakin dreams of--well, other things, it’s always Obi-Wan’s body beneath his, over his, inside of his, around his--
And now the galaxy is at war, the Knights and Masters of the Jedi Temple called to defend the Republic, and Anakin is too young to follow his master.
“And what, dear one?” Obi-Wan asks gently, hand coming up to unclasp Anakin’s fingers from his braid. “If I die, you will let me go as any Jedi would. I will become one with the Force and you will continue forward.”
Anakin almost wants to shake his shoulders. Doesn’t his master know anything about Anakin at all? How could Obi-Wan say these things as if he believes them? If Obi-Wan were to die--if he were to die away from Anakin, without Anakin--if the unthinkable were to happen--Anakin doesn’t know what he’d do.
A part of himself would die as well, he knows that immediately. He’d cut Obi-Wan’s braid from his hair so that the man could be buried with it, and he’d never weave another.
“Have faith in me, Anakin,” Obi-Wan tells him softly, hand falling to rest on his shoulders. “I will come back. Or perhaps in a few months you will join me.” He sounds falsely enthusiastic, like he’d do anything to keep Anakin away from the war.
As if Anakin would let that happen as soon as he’s legally able to fight.
“Will you let me braid your hair?” he whispers, slowly sitting cross-legged.
“Of course,” Obi-Wan says immediately, sinking back to the floor.
“Will you keep them in this time? For as long as you can?” Anakin asks, shily, running his fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair slowly, savoring the softness of the strands.
“I will do my best,” his master promises him. “What will they mean?”
“Good fortune,” Anakin replies, seeing the braid come together in his mind’s eye. Yes, good fortune, a plea to the gods who see Obi-Wan in battle to look the other way. To take someone else instead. He gets to work, collecting a chunk of hair on the left side of Obi-Wan’s temple to braid back.
Nothing’s fixed. Nothing’s better. The person Anakin’s pretty sure is the love of his life will be sent out to fight tomorrow at dawn, and he might die never knowing how Anakin feels about him.
But it’s not like Anakin can tell him either, not when he’s seventeen. Not when he’s Obi-Wan’s Padawan.
He’s always planned to wait until after he’s been Knighted, after Obi-Wan has been given enough time to see Anakin as a man who has a choice whether or not to love him. And, yes, the Code forbids attachment and Jedi cannot marry, but it’s not like Anakin would ever be able to marry Obi-Wan legally even on Tatooine.
But he could give him the braids, if Obi-Wan wanted. That way, when they both died, in their sleep of natural causes, the Goddess Leia knows to keep their souls intertwined as she transports them to their afterlife.
Anakin’s fingers pause as he thinks of something that would make him feel better.
He bites his lip. His mother would disapprove. To give the braids to someone without their knowledge is heavily frowned upon.
Anakin winces, even as his hands change direction. These are extenuating circumstances. There’s a lot at stake here. Anakin can’t risk a life and an afterlife without his master. And he’s going to ask him eventually. Just not now. Just not yet.
The braids for good fortune form a crown over one’s head. The braids for marriage…
They start similarly enough at the temples, but connect to each other at the back of the head, where a third braid is begun. Then each braid is braided into each other. The left braid represents the braider. The right braid represents their beloved. The third braid that begins when the two meet represents the life that they will create together.
Anakin holds the three braids loosely in his hands, staring down at them in some sort of surreal shock. This is not the circumstances he has imagined doing this under, but he’s heartbroken. Not when it’s Obi-Wan who will be wearing his braids.
“Dear one?” Obi-Wan asks, breaking the heavy silence. “I do not mean to rush you, but my knees are starting to hurt.”
“You’re so old,” Anakin quips back, stroking a thumb over one of the braids, the right one--Obi-Wan’s.
“And you are so very young,” Obi-Wan retorts. “The two of us together is the equivalent of one good soldier.”
Anakin’s heart pauses for a second. “Would you want that?” he asks nonsensically.
“If you could choose. If I were eighteen. Would you want to be…” Just as suddenly as he gained that sudden burst of confidence, he loses it. He sighs, mostly in disappointment at himself.
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan prompts.
“You’d want me there with you if I weren’t too young, wouldn’t you, master?” Anakin finally says.
Obi-Wan hesitates, and Anakin’s chest feels tight. “I would want you safe, regardless of age, dear one,” he settles on saying.
Anakin’s fingers clench down on the almost complete marriage braids. “But if there were no war,” he forges ahead. “If the war never happened. You wouldn’t want to leave me behind. You’d want to stay together.”
Anakin can just imagine the furrowed eyebrows Obi-Wan must be sporting as he tries to figure out what Anakin wants from him.
“Just answer the question,” Anakin begs, tightening his hold on the braids to prevent Obi-Wan from turning around.
“You are my Padawan, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says slowly. “And someone who will one day be my partner, my friend. I would like...very much to be allowed to see you finish growing into the fine man you will be. The one that in many ways you already are.”
“And then?” Anakin asks doggedly. “When we’re both knights. And you’re assigned...a mission. And you get to choose your partner. And it’s me or. Or someone else. I don’t care. Who would you choose?”
“Well, I suppose it would depend on if this fabricated mission depends on stealth. Secrecy. The ability to tell a believable falsehoo--”
“I’m being serious,” Anakin insists, cutting his master off. He almost wants to drop the braids, let them fall apart. Clearly Obi-Wan doesn’t...perhaps won’t ever--
“It’d be you,” Obi-Wan murmurs very quietly, as if afraid to speak louder. “We are better together than we are separate.”
Anakin blinks and then smiles, only a little teary-eyed at his master’s confession. “Yes, Master,” he agrees, finally--finally--braiding the three braids together and tying them off neatly. He pictures the material of their souls responding the same way that Obi-Wan’s hair has. The thought makes him feel equal parts giddy and guilty.
“After all, someone needs to make sure you don’t crash every ship in the Jedi Temple,” Obi-Wan continues dryly.
“Yes, Master,” Anakin agrees again, running a hand lightly over his work.
He’ll tell him when he’s a Knight. Really.
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gamerwoo · 4 years ago
Seventeen: Welcome to Caratland (End)
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Characters: Seventeen x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: horror/halloween au, choose your own adventure au, horror au, angst, murder, major character death, 
Summary: The night before Halloween, you and your 13 friends decide to go explore the infamous abandoned amusement park: Caratland, where it’s rumored that rides start on their own, empty mascot suits are seen walking around, and people don’t return the same as when they left. Can you and your friends survive the night in Caratland?
a/n: realizing halloween is coming up, i’ve decided to FINALLY finish the au i did last halloween. for those who kept up with it: i’m sorry for discontinuing it. there was hardly any interaction with it so i just lost interest and motivation. and the lack of interaction is why i decided to just put all the choices in this part so you can see all the endings and whatnot. i’m sorry it took so long to wrap things up and there will probably be mistakes so i’m sorry about that, but i hope you all still enjoy it. ALSO LMK WHICH PATH/ENDING YOU GET FIRST TIME AROUND!!!
Tag list: @sadienita @xummie @mingoats @xxbluestrifexx @kwanseo @junhaoshua @allegxdly​ 
Previous | Caratland Masterlist
[NOTE: there will probably be mix-ups with paths and endings because i literally just did all of this in 3 days and posted without anyone proof reading it. i will go through everything later to fix and edit things, so please be patient with me!!!]
»»————-  ————-««
16 -- A
“It’s probably best to go back to the breach, right?” you decided. “We know it’s there so it’s the best way to get back.”
“_____ has a point,” Wonwoo shrugged.
“Alright, everyone head back to the hole -- and don’t get split up,” Seungcheol stated before deciding to take the lead.
“Okay, but if I see one of those glorified Chuck E. Cheese mascots coming toward us, I’m leaving all of you behind,” Seungkwan muttered as he followed with the group.
All of you were glancing around trying to keep an eye out for the animatronics, while also trying to quickly and quietly make your way back to the way you’d gotten into the park. You kept mentally kicking yourself for convincing your friends to come here. If it wasn’t for you, you wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. You were just lucky everyone was still here...
The gates were starting to come into view, and you felt relief begin to course through you. Your legs were starting to move faster on their own, just wanting to get out of this living nightmare.
Seungcheol shooting his arms out to stop the group was what had you skid to a stop. He whispered loudly for everyone to get down behind the nearby shrubs and two trash bins. The fourteen of you poked your heads around to see what had gotten him to act like this, and your heart sank at what you saw
Serenity was blocking the hole in the fence.
“Fuck,” Jeonghan hissed.
“We’re gonna die here...” Seokmin whispered, but Wonwoo was quick to comfort him.
“What’s the plan now?” Hansol wondered.
“I know it’ll risk us going to jail or something,” Jihoon began, “but I think it’s time we just cave and call someone.”
“No, I’m not going back there!” Seungkwan whispered intensely.
Your eyebrows furrowed as your turned to look at him, “Excuse me?”
“I’d rather get arrested than get murdered,” Mingyu insisted. “At least we know we’ll be safe and alive in jail.”
You made a face, “Will we, though?”
“Listen,” Hansol interrupted as he pulled out his phone, “I’ll just call my parents -- they’re really chill. And worse case scenario, they just lecture us.”
But as he went to make the call, all his phone did was beep at him like the line was busy. He took the phone away from his ear and looked down, furrowing his eyebrows.
“We had service all night, right?” he asked.
“Yeah...?” Joshua replied.
“Well now I don’t for some reason,” he said, turning his phone screen to show his friends.
Mingyu’s eyes widened, “You’re kidding.”
Then everyone, including you, were taking out their phones and checking for service. Just like Hansol, you had no bars.
Unfortunately, everyone else was in the same boat.
Now, Seokmin was on the verge of tears, “We’re going to die here!”
“Don’t get hysterical yet,” Minghao told him. “There’s gotta be a way out of this. Even if we have to wait around until morning, we can probably out-run these hunks of metal.”
“Y’know, I heard a friend of a friend snuck in here once,” Soonyoung began. “Some dude Changkyun knows. He said there’s apparently some sort of underground exit under the food court.”
“At this point, we’ll have to try anything,” Wonwoo sighed.
“So back to the food court?” Seungcheol practically whined.
You took a deep breath, “Unfortunately, yeah.”
[GO TO: 17 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
16 -- B
“Does anyone even remember where the hole in the fence is?” you asked.
Everyone either gave you blank stares or shook their heads. You let out a sigh.
“Alternate way it is,” Minghao shrugged.
“Let’s just hang here until someone thinks of something,” Seungcheol suggested. “We’re all here, and I think those things are still hanging around wherever we were before. It’ll take a while before we see them again.”
So the fourteen of you hung out at the merry-go-round. Most of you leaned up against the horses or found yourselves sitting down on them. A few of you sat on the two steps of the platform. Chan and Wonwoo were sitting in one of the carriages that most families or parents sat in. All of you were scrolling on your phones or looking at someone else’s phone, trying to research anything about Caratland that might help you find a way out. Maybe a map or a blueprint or something might come up. 
Suddenly, the ride jerked. You almost fell over onto Junhui as the ride began turning slowly, the music trying to play but the wiring was too old and worn that it just sounded demonic at best.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Jihoon scoffed. “Who turned on the ride?”
The question was overlooked by Mingyu’s shriek. Every head who was on his side of the merry-go-round whipped over to see Bongbong sitting on a horse only a few rows away from the tall boy. But another scream from Seungkwan was what brought attention to the answer to Jihoon’s question.
Eight was standing at the controls of the ride, his never-changing smile on his face as he slowly waved.
“Run!” Joshua called, leaping off of the horse he was sitting sideways on.
“Run where?” Seokmin called as he scrambled to get off the ride and jump the short fence.
“Food court!” Soonyoung shouted as he pumped his legs as fast as they would go. “It’s a long shot...but I have an idea!”
“I’d rather know the idea first!” Jeonghan called after him as the group ran together away from the merry-go-round.
“One of Changkyun’s friends apparently broke in before!” he tried to explain between breaths. “He said there’s an underground exit there! Who knows if it’s legit, but...”
But it was the only plan they had.
[GO TO: 17 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
17 -- A
All of you had to squeeze through the tiny basement windows to get back in after finding the doors to be locked once again.
“How’d those fuckers get out in the first place?” Jeonghan huffed as he landed on the concrete floor of the basement. “The doors have been locked this entire time.”
“We’re being chased by animatronics that haven’t been functioning for years, and they’re out to kill us for some reason, and that’s what you’re going to question?” Soonyoung pointed out.
“Can we focus, please?” Seungcheol whined. “The sooner we find this secret eit, the sooner we’re free.”
“Everyone start searching,” Hansol said, waiving for everyone to scour the basement.
All of you searched every inch you could. The floor, the walls, shelves, behind old cupboards and props -- but there was nothing.
“What if it’s not here?” Chan suggested.
“Yeah? And where else would an underground exit be other than in the basement?” Jeonghan shot back.
The youngest frowned and rolled his eyes, “Soonyoung just said it was underground, he didn’t say under what part of the food court.”
“I mean...Jeonghan has a point,” Seokmin admitted hesitantly. “The basement is underground.”
»»————-  ————-««
18 -- A
“It can’t hurt to check somewhere else,” you spoke up, moving to stand beside Chan. “We’re looked everywhere down here. What if it’s not in the basement? There could be some secret tunnel under a different location and we’re just going to be here wasting our time.”
“I mean...yeah, that makes sense,” Jihoon decided with a shrug. “Alright, we’ll try back upstairs.”
“I don’t wanna go back up there...” Seokmin whined, clinging to the nearest person -- it happened to be Junhui.
“We’re all going,” you reassured him with a soft smile. “Let’s go. Nothing’s going to happen.”
You led the way up the stairs this time, but you found yourself going slow. You strained your ears for any noise on the other side of the basement door but the food court seemed to be quiet. Maybe the animatronics couldn’t get back in since the doors were locked.
You pushed the door open cautiously, poking your head out to glance around. It seemed empty, so you opened the door wider and let everyone else out.
“Is that e--”
All of you jumped back and turned around hearing the basement door slam shut behind the last person out. 
“Fuck this, I want out,” Mingyu stated, shaking his head as he began to quickly walk away from the door.
“Hold up,” Wonwoo reached out and grabbed Mingyu’s wrist to keep him with the group. “We should stick together.”
“It probably just closed from the weight of the door anyway,” Minghao figured before going to pull on the door handle.
It didn’t budge.
“Move out of the way, toothpick,” Seungcheol smoothly pushed Minghao out of the way before trying the door himself.
Still nothing.
“D-did it...lock?” Chan asked slowly.
“Haha, would you look at that?” Seungkwan said, checking his wrist that very clearly didn’t have a watch on it. “I actually have to get the fuck out of here. Bye!”
“Maaaaybe,” Hansol grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him back, “don’t do that.”
“Yeah, nobody goes running off, got it?” Jihoon checked, shining his light at everyone to make sure they agreed to the new rule. “Shit’s too weird to be splitting up.”
“I think our best bet would be to hide in the security room until morning,” you spoke up. “It’s probably the safest place in here.”
“_____’s right,” Wonwoo nodded. “Let’s go -- and stick together.”
As a group, all of you made your way to the security room, with you, Jihoon, and Soonyoung leading the way. All of you had your lights, shining them around to make sure the entire area was safe until you made it to the security room and barricaded the door closed.
“Jesus Christ, I hated that,” Mingyu panted as if he had been holding his breath the entire time you were walking.
“I think I almost shit myself,” Soonyoung admitted.
“Imagine your last words being ‘I think I almost shit myself’,” Junhui snorted.
“Hang on, shut the fuck up,” Seungcheol snapped, holding a hand up as he quickly scanned the group in the room. He was trying to count heads while all of you were talking, and as he quickly recounted, his blood turned to ice. “Why are we one short?”
“One short?” Jeonghan asked.
“Someone’s missing,” he said urgently.
“Alright, let’s run attendance real quick,” Jihoon decided, trying to stay level-headed. He pulled out his phone and went to the group chat. “Obviously I’m here. Soonyoung?”
“Unfortunately here.”
Jihoon looked up from his phone, repeating, “Josh?”
You and your friends looked around, trying to find Joshua’s face in the crowded room. But nobody spoke up, and the silence following Joshua’s name became deafening.
“Oh fuck...” you breathed, trying to not completely lose your shit. “Did we really lose Josh?”
“We have to go back for him,” Jeonghan insisted.
“What? No!” Seungkwan shouted. “That’s suicide!”
Then everyone was bickering. While everyone of course wanted to hope Joshua was safe, half of the group felt that going back out to look for him would mean all of them would get killed. The other half, on the other hand, were willing to risk their lives to go on a rescue mission.
»»————-  ————-««
18 -- B
“I mean...how would it be under anywhere else?” you asked slowly with a shrug. “No offense, Chan. But like, this is kind of the only basement in the place.”
“See?” Jeonghan sneered.
Chan just frowned and rolled his eyes.
“There’s gotta be something we missed,” Soonyoung said, trying to stay calm. “Let’s just sweep the place over again.”
But after more looking, you still came up with nothing.
“At this point, I’m about to just dig through the boxes of old animatronic parts and just hope there’s a portal at the bottom or something,” Joshua sighed, slumped against a wall with Jeonghan beside him.
“Good luck,” Jeonghan scoffed. “I already tried picking one up to move them away from the wall but they’re super fucking heavy. It’s literally impossible.”
You turned your head to look at the large stack of boxes. There were piles of various sizes, but the ones at the back pressed up against the wall went up the highest. It was a long shot, but behind the boxes was the only place nobody checked because it couldn’t be reached. But with everyone giving up hope, it didn’t hurt to try, right?
“Hey, Gyu,” you spoke up before pointing to the boxes. “Think you can move those?”
Mingyu shrugged, “Yeah, probably.”
He walked over to the wall and began lifting boxes one-by-one. He grunted as he picked them up and moved them away until he called everyone over.
“There’s metal behind here!” he called over his shoulder.
“Ooh, is it the door?” Soonyoung asked excitedly, pushing himself off the floor.
“Told you it was better to look down here,” Jeonghan said once more.
Jihoon groaned, “Can you let it go? Leave Chan alone already.”
Seungcheol started assisting in the box-moving until the metal door was accessible. Seungcheol tried to push it open, but it didn’t budge. He tried harder, but still nothing.
“Can I try?” Mingyu asked.
Seungcheol stepped out of the way, gesturing for the tallest to give it a shot.
Mingyu threw his shoulder into the door a few times before it finally swung open, leading to a narrow corridor that looked like it would bring you straight to Hell.
“Okay,” Soonyoung breathed out, “let’s see if this is the way to freedom.”
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
19 -- A
“Why is this an argument?!” you shouted over the bickering. “Our friend could be dead! I don’t care if nobody comes with me, but I’m going to find Josh.”
“I’ll go,” Jeonghan stated.
“Me too,” Hansol volunteered with a slight raise of his hand.
“Plus, I highly doubt an animatronic got him,” Minghao scoffed as he went to join your group as you went to open the door.
“Well...good luck with that,” Seungkwan nodded.
In the end, it was you leading the way, with Jeonghan, Hansol, Minghao, Seokmin, and Seungcheol tagging along -- the latter two clinging to each other as you opened the door and went down the short hallway to the door that read EMPLOYEES ONLY on the other side.
“Why would he split off from the group?” Jeonghan wondered. “If he were trying to prank you guys, he would’ve had me in on it.”
“Maybe he just--”
Your sentence was cut off by a scream -- your own scream. Your eyes saw the scene before you: Joshua’s body laying just in front of the EMPLOYEES ONLY door, a bloodied mess. All you could do was scream.
Standing over him, covered in what you could only assume was your friend’s blood, was Bongbong.
“_____, run!” Minghao shouted, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the door.
He quickly reached for the door and slammed it closed as you and the others ran back down the short hall. Jihoon had poked his head out the door to see what the noise was, and you crashed right into him, hyperventilating as tears welled in your eyes.
God, that image was going to be burned into your brain forever.
“What happened?” he asked.
“J-J-Josh!” you sobbed.
“Those things are in here,” Minghao panted, closing the door to the security room and pressing his back. “Th-they got Josh.”
“You’re fucking with us,” Seungkwan said quietly and very unsurely.
“Would Minghao fuck with you?!” Jeonghan cried. “If you don’t believe us, why don’t you go out there and check for yourself, Kwan? Go get yourself traumatized!”
“Okay, don’t scream at him, it won’t help anything,” Wonwoo spoke up, trying to somehow keep the group put together.
“Let’s just focus on finding a way out,” Seungcheol decided in a shaky voice. 
“U-um...guys?” Mingyu spoke up, staring into the monitors.
Everyone gathered over to see what he was looking at.
Each room had a camera and a monitor to go with it. In each room, stood an animatronic. Each camera had an animatronic staring into it, as if they all were staring at the group.
They knew where you were.
“We have to get out of here,” Seomin panted, beginning to hyperventilate. “They’re going to come in here and kill us!”
“I get it’s scary, but we have to stay calm and--”
Everyone turned their heads a the sudden exclamation. Chan was standing beside a square metal door in the floor with some dusty boxes and wires he’d moved to find it. He smirked, gesturing to the door.
“While you guys were shitting your pants, I found the underground exit,” he stated.
“Well fuck, kid,” Jihoon whistled under his breath.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” Soonyoung said as he threw the trapdoor opened and descended the ladder that led to a narrow corridor.
Chan gave Jeonghan a pointed look, “And you thought I was stupid.”
Jeonghan just rolled his eyes, “Whatever.”
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
19 -- B
You felt like a shitty person for not wanting to risk your life for Joshua. You felt extremely guilty that you didn’t want to go out and look for your friend, but truthfully, you were afraid to die -- and that’s why half your friends didn’t want to go looking for him. Not everyone was brave enough to be a hero, and while you always told yourself you would be when putting yourself into the shoes of horror movie characters, it just wasn’t the truth.
But in the midst of the argument of whether or not to go out to search for Josh -- the argument that you stayed silent for -- Mingyu spoke up in a shaky voice, “U-uh...g-guys?”
Everyone turned toward him to see he was staring into the monitors. You all gathered over to see what he was looking at.
Each room had a camera and a monitor to go with it. However, the monitors had gone fuzzy so you couldn’t see anything in any of the rooms.
Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrowed, “Why are the cameras suddenly down?”
You wished they stayed that way after seeing what was displayed next. In each room, stood an animatronic. Each camera had an animatronic staring into it, as if they all were staring at the group.
They knew where you were.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the most disturbing thing.
You could see on one of the monitors, Bongbong was standing in front of the camera holding a familiar body. Joshua was being held up by his neck, and blood was coming out of his mouth, nose, eyes, and even his ears. 
You weren’t the only one to let out a scream and flinch away from the camera, hiding your face as you started panicking and crying.
“We have to get out of here,” Seomin panted, beginning to hyperventilate. “They’re going to come in here and kill us!”
“We have to find the fucking exit!” Seungcheol said in a panic. “Everyone go--”
Everyone turned their heads a the sudden exclamation. Chan was standing beside a square metal door in the floor with some dusty boxes and wires he’d moved to find it. He was just staring at you like he hadn’t just witnessed what all of you did -- and maybe he didn’t because he was too busy searching.
“Way ahead of you,” he stated.
“Thank god,” Jihoon said under his breath.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” Soonyoung said as he threw the trapdoor opened and descended the ladder that led to a narrow corridor.
Chan gave Jeonghan a pointed look, “And you thought I was stupid.”
Jeonghan just glared at him, “I’m not in the fucking mood.”
And then he went down the ladder.
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
20 -- A
Other than only being wide enough for one person to walk through at a time, it was also very dimly-lit. It definitely looked like something straight out of a horror movie that would 100% lead to the characters’ imminent death.
Needless to say your heart was pounding in your ears.
There was another metal door, but this one was far easier to open. The squeak of it echoed down the corridor as the thirteen of you filed into the room. It seemed to be where they kept the spare mascot suits that actual employees would wear. There were a few of the bodies of the suits hanging up, with heads scattered in corners and on shelves, along with gloves and feet strewn about.
“I hate this,” Jun stated, looking around the room. 
“I know these things are empty, but looking into their empty eyes is somehow worse,” Jihoon mumbled, staring at an Eight head.
At the opposite end of the tiny room in the right corner was another metal door. You were starting to wonder how many more metal doors you’d have to encounter in this place.
To the left of the room, there was a tiny wooden door that seemed like it would lead to a crawlspace. You assumed there was just more storage back there, but nobody cared enough to look back there, anyway. The focus was to get out of this place and get to safety.
“C’mon,” you nodded your head toward the other metal door that you assumed would lead to the exit, “let’s keep going.”
As Seungcheol went for the door, you and your friends heard banging. You all paused, Seungcheol’s hand on the handle. You listened for the banging again, and then looked to where it seemed to be coming from.
“Guys?” Joshua’s voice called from behind the small wooden door. “Guys?! Oh my god, guys! C-can you hear me? Hello?! Help me!”
“Josh?” Jeonghan took a step toward the door.
»»————-  ————-««
21 -- A
“Joshua!” you cried as you ran to the small door.
You knew what your eyes saw, but was it possible none of it was real? How else would you be hearing Joshua’s voice? He must’ve been alive somehow. Anything seemed possible at this point.
You got down on your knees, opened the small door, and crawled your way through. You stood up as your friends tried to get in behind you, but what you saw made your heart fall into your stomach as your hands went to cover your mouth, muffling the loud sob that came out.
Joshua’s body was slumped against the left wall, looking just as you had remembered.
He was still dead.
Your friends had similar reactions to you. Seokmin even threw up. 
Seungcheol shook his head slowly, eyes full of tears while some streaked his cheeks, “We... W-we have to bring his body...”
“He’s right,” Jihoon said solemnly -- his body seemed to be shutting down now, almost uncapable of processing his emotions. “We need evidence of what happened tonight. Nobody will believe us otherwise.”
“I-I hate to say it, b-but...it’ll s-slow us down, though,” Wonwoo interjected through his sniffles. “What if we don’t make it out?”
»»————-  ————-««
21 -- B
You quickly reached out and grabbed Jeonghan to keep him from going any closer to that door. He turned to look at you, a pained expression on his face.
“Jeonghan, that’s not Joshua,” you told him. “You saw what happened to him. Whatever it is, it’s not him.”
“I think _____’s right,” Wonwoo nodded. “We need to keep going.”
You kept your hold on Jeonghan as all of your began filing out of the mascot room into another narrow corridor like the other one. This one, though, had a sharp right turn before leading down a while to another steel door.
But this door didn’t budge.
Soonyoung was at the head of the group, and he groaned in frustration as he tugged at the handle over and over again, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me; what’s with these doors?!”
You started to hear a thumping. It slowly got louder and louder...
...Or maybe it was closer and closer.
Junhui walked down the way you’d come and poked his head around the corner, his eyes widening at what he saw. He whipped his head back around and booked it straight back to where your group was trying to open the door, calling, “You might wanna hurry up on that door!”
Coming down the hall were all four animatronics, their eyes lit up as they stomped closer and closer.
“It’s not doing anything!” Soonyoung huffed, trying with all his might to open the door. “Mingyu, get up here!”
Mingyu squeezed between bodies to get to the door, trying to open it as the group just shouted for him to be faster.
“We might have to just...face these things,” Chan said. “Once and for all.”
“Yeah? How?” Wonwoo scoffed. “They’ll crush us in seconds.”
“There’s fou-- thirteen of us, and four of them. We might have a shot.”
“Well hurry up and decide so we can at least put the strongest up against them first,” Junhui called.
»»————-  ————-««
22 -- A
“We can’t just leave him here,” you stated. “Not only for the evidence, but because he doesn’t deserve to rot away here. His family doesn’t deserve to wonder what happened to him.”
“I’ll grab him,” Seungcheol offered, swallowing his fears and stepping forward to scoop up his friend. “Let’s get him home.”
Chan was the last into the tiny room, so he turned to go. But the wooden door was suddenly closed and wouldn’t open back up.
“What the hell?!” he grunted as he continued to try the door.
“Why’d you let it close, dumbass?!” Jeonghan demanded.
“I didn’t!” Chan shouted back. “It was just open!”
“Ugh, leave it to the fucking baby to--”
“G-guys?” Seokmin asked.
“Can you get off my fucking case?!” Chan huffed as he stood up and went to stand toe-to-toe with Jeonghan. “You’re always such a fucking asshole to me! Why can’t you--”
“Guys?” Seokmin tried again, looking between the left and right walls.
“Are you two really going to argue right now?” Jihoon groaned. “We’re literally--”
“Guys!” Seokmin finally shouted over everyone. “The walls!”
“What about the--”
Jihoon’s question died down as soon as all of you began looking at the walls. They were moving in toward each other, which would crush all of you between them.
Everyone was suddenly in a panic. Everyone was throwing themselves at the door, trying to tug it open before the walls could do anything. Some of you -- such as you and Wonwoo -- decided to spread out so you had more room. But some -- like Jeonghan and Chan, who grouped up by the door with a few others -- created a big human-lump that would be crushed faster. You heard their cries and pleas before they were crushed to death with a sound you couldn’t get out of your ears.
It was only a moment later you met the same fate.
»»————-  ————-««
22 -- B
"Nobody wants to be the asshole that says it’s better to leave him behind, but...” you trailed off.
Wonwoo was right. Joshua would more than likely slow you down. Besides, you knew Josh would want all of you to have the best chance of getting out alive as possible.
“Th-then you go ahead,” Seokmin spoke up, almost like he was afraid to.
“What?” Jihoon asked.
“I...” Seokmin looked at Joshua as more tears welled in his eyes. “It makes me sad to think he’d just be down here alone. I don’t care if he’s...gone. He can’t just stay down here.”
“I’m not leaving my best friend down here,” Jeonghan agreed.
“Seokmin, he’s--”
“Look, just go,” Hansol interrupted whatever Jihoon was going to say. “I’ll help them with the body. You guys just go on ahead.”
Minus the three who wanted to collect Joshua’s body, the group turned and left the small room and went back to the mascot room. Soonyoung tugged on the metal door and led the way down another corridor that looked exactly the same as the one that had led into the mascot room. This one, though, had a sharp right turn before leading down a while to another steel door.
But as you were walking down the hallway, you heard the yells and screams of your three friends. All of you turned on a dime and ran back toward the mascot room but the metal door was already closed and wouldn’t re-open for some reason. All of you were yelling and trying to open the door until you heard a sickening crunch, and then silence.
You all fell silent. You didn’t know what to do now.
“We--” Jihoon’s voice cracked so he cleared his throat. “We should just...keep going...”
Following behind Jihoon, you all turned one by one and went back down the hallway. You turned the corner and walked down that long hallway toward another metal door.
But this door didn’t budge.
Jihoon groaned in frustration as he tugged at the handle over and over again, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me; what’s with these doors?!”
You started to hear a thumping. It slowly got louder and louder...
...Or maybe it was closer and closer.
Junhui walked down the way you’d come and poked his head around the corner, his eyes widening at what he saw. He whipped his head back around and booked it straight back to where your group was trying to open the door, calling, “You might wanna hurry up on that door!”
Coming down the hall were all four animatronics, their eyes lit up as they stomped closer and closer.
“It’s not doing anything!” Soonyoung huffed, trying with all his might to open the door. “Mingyu, get up here!”
Mingyu squeezed between bodies to get to the door, trying to open it as the group just shouted for him to be faster.
“We might have to just...face these things,” Chan said. “Once and for all.”
“Yeah? How?” Wonwoo scoffed. “They’ll crush us in seconds.”
“There’s fou-- nine of us, and four of them. We might have a shot.”
“Well hurry up and decide so we can at least put the strongest up against them first,” Junhui called.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- A
“Mingyu, keep trying the door!” you called to him. “We’ll try to hold them back.”
“We?!” Seungkwan repeated.
Mingyu continued to try to pull the door open as the animatronics slowly turned the corner and began walking toward the nine of you. You weren’t sure how to prepare yourself for this at all, but you knew you couldn’t just turn your back and die.
But you should’ve known what would happen. Four giant machines up against eight fleshy humans who were nowhere near as strong. Sure, all of you were faster than them, but how could you dodge or run in such a narrow hallway? You were doomed from the start.
Well, not you specifically.
Seungcheol had shoved you to the back toward Mingyu, promising to keep you safe. So your friends all died in front of you, and all you could do was stand there and watch in horror.
That’s when Bongbong closed in on you.
“I got the--!”
Mingyu’s exclamation of finally getting the door open was cut off by Bongbong’s arm swinging out and clotheslining him into the wall and cutting off his oxygen. 
The attack that was meant for you, but you had ducked underneath.
The light flooded into the corridor, and just like that, the animatronics just shut down. The light turned off in their eyes, and they were frozen with their hands reaching out for you.
Except Bongbong’s arm that was now frozen in place, keeping Mingyu strangled against the wall. 
You could hear Mingyu gasping for air as you slowly opened your eyes that you’d squeezed shut when you ducked. You looked up and saw the animatronics were lifeless now, and then you shot up and turned to try to help Mingyu. You pulled and pulled on Bongbong’s arm while you had to watch Mingyu slowly die. It was like watching a movie in slow motion, the way his body went limp and the life drained from his eyes. Still, you stood there and sobbed and told him you’d free him as you continued to pull uselessly at the animatronic.
When it finally set in that you didn’t stand a chance, you ran out the back parking lot where the door opened to. You ran out of the park and to your car -- which was still parked near the other 3 that belonged to your friends that were no longer with you -- and drove off toward home with tears still streaming down your face.
The clock on your car radio said 6:08am.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- B
“The door’s useless!” you cried. “We’re not going to just turn our backs and die. That’s not how I wanna go out.”
Nobody had any faith, but they knew you were right. Laying down and dying after all of this wasn’t worth it. If you died, at least you would die fighting.
But you should’ve known what would happen. Four giant machines up against nine fleshy humans who were nowhere near as strong. Sure, all of you were faster than them, but how could you dodge or run in such a narrow hallway? You were doomed from the start.
Seungcheol had shoved you to the back toward the door that wouldn’t open, promising to keep you safe. So your friends all died in front of you, and all you could do was stand there and watch in horror.
That’s when Bongbong closed in on you.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- C
“The door will work!” you swore “Like the basement, remember? Just keep trying!”
Sure, this was different in the way that you had to pull and not push, but it had to give eventually, right?
You continued to face the animatronics that were now starting to close in on all of you. Seungcheol tried to squeeze in besided Mingyu, grabbing the handle and pulling with him. Jihoon crawled between Mingyu’s legs and stood in between the taller boy’s arms, both of his hands wrapped around the handle and tugging with everything he had.
You moved to put yourself in front of your friends. You got all of them into this mess, so you deserved to be the first to die.
As Bongbong closed in on you, you closed your eyes.
The darkness you saw behind your eyelids suddenly seemed brighter, and you felt a gust of wind from behind you.
There was a couple seconds of silence.
“Holy shit,” Minghao breathed.
You opened one eye just enough to see Bongbong’s face just inches from yours. But...why were the lights in its eyes off?
You opened your eye wider. Then the other one. Its arm was only a hair away from you, but it made no move to actually touch you. There was also light flooding into the corridor from behind you. You whipped your head around to see the door was open, and you looked back at four animatronics. Were they off now?
“Oh my god,” you sighed in a shaky voice, taking a step backward toward the door.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Wonwoo said as he grabbed your hand and all but dragged you out the door.
The door opened to the back of the parking lot. All of you ran as fast as you could toward your cars, only stopping at the hood of the closest one to catch your breath. Seungcheol pulled out his phone.
“It’s 6am,” he reported.
“Maybe that’s why the door didn’t open,” Wonwoo panted, hands on his knees.
“I don’t care to speculate,” Jihoon said as he went to get into one of the four cars. “Take me the fuck home.”
»»————-  ————-««
You weren’t sure what to do about the texts from the group chat when you got home. You swore everyone was dead. You watched them die in front of you.
Soonyoung said he was tripping balls the whole night.
Jeonghan agreed, saying he was sure there was something in the air making them hallucinate.
Even Jihoon was saying something weird had happened that night, because he thought he saw everyone die.
So...maybe they were right?
But when you inevitably went to school Halloween day, something didn’t seem right. Maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all night and you were drained in every sense, or maybe it was because you were convinced all of your friends had died right before your very eyes, but everything felt...off. At least, your friends did. It was their smiles and their voices and their hugs and laughs and promises that everything was fine, but something about it seemed alien to you. 
Maybe it was from how emotionally and mentally drained you were, and the fact you didn’t get any sleep, but you swore there was an odd glow to their eyes that wasn’t just the glimmer of the florescents.
And why did Junhui wink at you?
»»————-  ————-««
Get dressed.
Brush your teeth.
Brush your hair.
Go downstairs and converse with your parents.
Drive to school.
Say hello to your friends.
Laugh at what Soonyoung said.
Promise to walk to class with Seokmin and Seungcheol after you go to the bathroom.
Go into the bathroom.
Use the mirror to fix your outfit.
Use your fingers to brush through your hair one more time.
A light reflects off the mirror.
You are the only one in the bathroom.
»»————-  ————-««
(NOTE: i know some people might’ve only had josh die while other had more people die. so this part will mention multiple people who didn’t make it home but i will only mention josh by name. sorry if it seems kind of confusing)
You didn’t even want to go back home after everything that happened. But you needed to shower and change, so you dropped your friends off before going home. After getting out of the shower, you checked your phone. Your heart dropped and your stomach was doing flips at what it saw.
One series of texts was from a group chat that was all of the people you were positive made it home from Caratland. All of them were wondering what the fuck was going on.
The other was the original group chat, with a text from Joshua asking if everyone made it home okay. It made a shiver go down your spine. How could he be texting? He died.
Those that had died started having a conversation about hallucinating, insisting something weird must’ve been in the air to make everyone trip and see things that didn’t actually happen. Nobody knew if it was possible. Minghao suggested that at this point, anything was possible. But still, why did all of you have the same hallucination?
The group decided it was best to ignore the message.
When Wonwoo offered to give you a ride to school, you said yes.
The two of you walked to homeroom together and saw the usual group of your friends sitting at the left side of the classroom. But seeing the friends you thought had died now just sitting there like nothing happened made your skin crawl. You wanted to turn around and walk out.
Wonwoo squeezed your hand and continued forward.
You sat and chatted with the group, and everyone seemed to be dancing around the fact that things were...weird. Maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all night and you were drained in every sense, or maybe it was because you were convinced all of your friends had died right before your very eyes, but everything felt...off. At least, your friends did. It was their smiles and their voices and their hugs and laughs and promises that everything was fine, but something about it seemed alien to you.
Maybe it was from how emotionally and mentally drained you were, and the fact you didn’t get any sleep, but you swore there was an odd glow to their eyes that wasn’t just the glimmer of the fluorescents.
And why did Joshua wink at you?
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sweeethinny · 4 years ago
sirius/hestia: sirius being romantic and love's fool
hello anon thank you so much i love writing about them
I took a while, but then I thought a lot about this scene, and I loved how this fanfic turned out, so I hope you like it.
*It's 1995, just before Jily and Harry need to go to Grimmauld Place
They had fought over something stupid, honestly, Hestia knew it was something too silly for the two of them to take so seriously.
But of course it hadn't been stupid at the time, and the two of them took fights very seriously, so when they had to go to that stupid Aurors dinner, they weren't trying very hard to show that they didn't want to be there and that they had had a fight a few minutes ago.
Hestia couldn't even remember who started the fight, but she was irritated with work and Sirius kept being pessimistic about this stupid dinner, listing everything that could go wrong, and she freaked out because she didn't need to think about someone being rude with them, because she had already spent eight hours listening to people being rude to her, and being mean to her because they thought they knew better. She needed to have some faith that for at least two hours she was going to be able to smile and have fun, even the slightest bit.
She had gone into hiding in the bathroom when one of the Aurors came to talk to Sirius, she didn't have the patience to deal with Mr. Santiago, however well intentioned he was, Hestia didn't want anyone asking her if she was getting pregnant in the next few years, or she would wait to get older.
Sirius would handle it better than she did, she knew that. Santiago was his boss after all.
Sitting on the toilet, she sighed, glad to finally be silent.
She wanted to quit, wanted to tell Sirius that it had been a mistake that they had moved from their quiet, cozy house to a more central apartment, wanted to call her dad and yell at him for being a jerk last week when he saw her and Sirius at the market and ignored him, she wanted to tell Lily that it wasn't fair that she was so far away and she wasn't allowed to see her best friend because a lunatic nearly killed her son even though she knew it wasn't her or Potter's or Harry's fault.
Hestia buried her face in her hands, wanting to disappear.
When the bathroom door opened she was ready for her cabin door to open too, it was probably Sirius wanting to see if she was alright, and Hestia felt ready to be able to lie and say yes, even if he wouldn't believe it.
He knew her too well.
But instead, she heard female voices, cheerful and full of life, probably not expecting anyone else there; ''He's beautiful.''
''Yes, so, so beautiful.'' The other sighed passionately, which made Hestia chuckle softly, remembering when it was she, Lily and Marlene doing that, running to the bathroom of the muggle ice cream shop that was on the corner of her house, only to daydream about Elliot, the boy who works there. Older, charming, helpful, and very polite.
Hestia still remembered how they all screamed and jumped when Marlene kissed him.
"I'd give anything to kiss him," Girl A said, and the noise of things being placed on the marble sink made her believe they were both touching up their makeup or something. She had done so much with Lily and Marlene to forget what it felt like to just worry about looking pretty.
There was no war, people dying, hidden friends, nothing, it was just them putting on lipstick and making sure they were all perfect to try and get someone to kiss in some dark corner of Hogwarts by the end of the night.
Hestia remembered when Sirius saw her doing this. The two of them on James's seventeenth birthday, after making out warmly in his bedroom, Sirius showed her the bathroom and watched her touch up her makeup. It was so silly and natural when she thought about it, because he still does it, he still watches Hestia like it's for the first time.
''You know what I wanted? Kiss every tattoo of his.” Girl B said, and Hestia almost laughed when she heard her sigh loudly, imagining she was fanning herself. "So sexy."
‘’He's usually already a hottie, but when does he show off his tattoos? Urg, I feel like I'm going to die.” Girl A moaned irritably. "I hate that he's married."
Uh, married men, she had been through that with girls too, not that Hestia liked Johann, but she couldn't help saying he was hot. Lily was the one who thought he was most beautiful, she melted when he got close to her. It was funny, she should send her a letter talking about it.
''These days I saw him training, they were the best ten minutes of my life. '' Hestia chuckled softly, thinking of the times she had gone to the gym only to see Sirius sweating and exercising, every now and then he would lift his shirt to dry his face and make her feel on the clouds. It was her weakness.
"Lucky his wife who sees him naked every day."
"He bought her flowers yesterday, I think it was their birthday." Woman B said.
"He always buys it, or flowers, or something she likes to eat." They were silent, probably breaking up. "I heard one of the Aurors who works with him flirted with him."
‘’Yes, Felicity. She asked if he didn't want to go along with her to the convention in France… I mean, I understand, he's a hot guy, but he's married, hold your pants woman!’’
''Do you know what he said?'' Girl A looked curious, and Hestia was too, because Sirius was going to this convention in France and he didn't say anything to her about it, and he usually told her about Auror gossip.
‘’No, but she didn't look happy when she left his office. But Juan told me that Ester told him that he told her not to let her into his office anymore, and that he looked kind of furious. Not that Felicity was happy, of course, I think she expected him to agree to go out with her.”
“Ah, he would never do that, he's clearly in love with his wife.” Girl A laughed. ''Once, during one of our trainings, he told me that when they were at Hogwarts, he only started paying attention in Muggle Studies classes because of her, and that his favorite class was DADA because they sat near one of the another.'' Hestia frowned, thinking that this could only be a bizarre coincidence.
"Yes, I've seen them talking, and seriously, I hope that one day someone will look at me the way Mr. Black looks at her." They sighed, and Hestia became more attentive to their conversation. ''He has a picture of the two of them in his drawer, I once went there to get a paper for a meeting he asked for and I saw it, they are in a mountain of snow, and she is without her glove showing her ring.'' Sirius still kept this photo? It had been so long now, they were twenty-two and he had asked her to marry him.
“So cute.” The noise of makeup being put away resounded through the silent bathroom, and Hestia fingered the ring that had a lovely diamond set in it. Their names were still delicately engraved on the inside of the ring.
‘’Do you think that's why Felicity won't travel to the convention? Because did she flirt with him?” B asked.
''Probably. Not that I think he would cheat on her or anything, but he probably wants to avoid drama at all costs, you know how he hates it.” Sirius hates drama? Hestia didn't really agree with this, but probably because at work he was much more serious and reserved than at home, because she still remembered him saying that he would die after getting a fever and vomiting from eating bad food.
"Yes." The two continued talking, but now the voices faded as they exited the bathroom, soon leaving her alone in the bathroom again.
Hestia knew Sirius was a hot guy, she remembered how she had almost drooled every time she was admiring him in the common room, sitting sprawled on the couch as if he didn't realize that the more he tried not to draw attention, the more people looked at him, his chin resting on his hand as he watched Peter and Remus play chess.
He was handsome even when he didn't want to be.
Like the first time they slept together, and when she woke up she saw him sleeping. With his face scrunched up and his hair pinned up, so fluffy and helpless it was hard for her to decide to wake him up - but she was getting really hungry and she couldn't remember where her clothes were.
But she didn't know anyone was flirting with him. With her man.
And she didn't want to think like that, because she was an idiot, but it was the thing that was going through her head at that moment. Imagining some woman, much prettier than she, flirting with Sirius. Touching his hair, his face, his tattoos.
Hestia loved kissing his tattoos, all of them, and she liked to remember that he had made one just for her. But it disturbed her peace to think of someone else doing it.
And why hadn't he told her about Felicity? Hestia had met her once before, a nice and kind woman with short black hair and a body to envy.
"Hey, where were you, I was-" Hestia wouldn't let him finish, she'd come out of the bathroom on a mission and their stupid fight wasn't going to get in the way. Ignoring his coworkers and what Mr. Santiago was saying, she cupped Sirius' face as she had been doing since she was seventeen and ran away from home at night on winter break to meet him, and kissed him.
Hestia still felt those butterflies in her stomach when she did that, like she felt when he kissed her near the Potters' house in the rain, or when he took her for a walk in Muggle London, even though none of them knew where to go. She still remembered how she had jumped for joy in Lily's room, telling her and Marlene how he had made her jump over a gate so they could enter an old amusement park, the two of them going to sit on the old Ferris wheel, sharing an ice cream he had bought.
"Wow, okay." Sirius blinked as she pulled away, her hands still on his face. ''Hm, this is good... Where have you been?’’ He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her farther forward as she smiled. "Is this your way of calling for a truce in the fight?"
"Fuck the fight." She stared at him, feeling her chest burn. “Coming with me to get a drink?” She looked away quickly, just to check that the other guys had left them alone. It looked like Santiago had managed to drag everyone over to the cold cuts table, which was a good thing, because she didn't want his co-work to think Hestia was dragging her husband aside to have mad sex with him.
As much as they had already done it.
And as much as she was a little mad at this talk of someone flirting with him, Hestia wasn't making a big scene in public. Never.
"Of course." Sirius still looked a little stunned, but he followed her wherever she pulled. Hestia could see that there were indeed some people giving Sirius a second check, only to look at her afterwards as if wondering what he had seen in her.
She didn't take away their reason, she had already asked that same question to him a few times during her crises.
"You know you don't have to lie to me, don't you?" She asked as they reached the farthest part of the room, no one seemed to notice the two of them there.
"I know… Did something happen?" Sirius put his hands back on her hips, a smirk on his face. '’I thought getting a drink was code for getting laid, or for going home to get laid until we lost our wits, but I think I got it wrong?'’
“Don't be an idiot, I'm on my period.” She rolled her eyes when she heard him chuckle.
"And I don't care." He shrugged. "So what's this about me not lying?"
"Felicity flirted with you?" To his credit, Sirius looked confused for a few seconds before letting out a oh. ''Is that a yes?''
"Doll, don't mind that, it was the most shameful thing I've ever been through, and there's no need for you to worry." He grimaced at the memory. ‘’I didn't tell you before because it doesn't matter, I didn't even remember it. Who told you?''
"I heard it in the bathroom… It seems like there are a lot of people who think you're hot," Hestia said, trying not to be affected by the closeness Sirius was putting between them, his mischievous smile growing.
‘’Jealous babe? I thought we were past that stage.” His smug smile was the worst, his gray eyes gleaming as if he were a beast and Hestia his next prey. "I don't really care what other people think, you know that."
"I know," Sirius kissed her, gentle and calm as he did whenever he was teasing her. "And I'm not jealous, I was just curious why you kept it from me… Afraid I'd do something, Black?"
"Nah, I can handle you and calm your beast."
“Don't be cocky.” She lifted her chin to let him kiss her neck, smiling at the feel of his lips there.
"I didn't tell you because it was Valentine's Day and I wasn't going to spoil our dinner for something as dumb as that." He looked at her, hands firm on her hips. ‘’It's idiot, you know I only have eyes for you. But if you must know, I hated every second from the time she walked into my office, until she left."
"She's not that good then?" Hestia bit her lip as he kissed the sensitive flesh near her collarbone.
"She's not you, Hestia." Sirius raised his head, as if it were the most obvious thing.
“Urg, you're so cheesy.” It wasn't a real complaint, but she liked the way he smiled when she said it. "It gave me a toothache." They chuckled, Sirius returning his hands to her hips, creating a space between them. Hestia knew what he was going to ask even before he opened his mouth.
''What happened today? You don't just look like this.” Hestia grimaced, not wanting to talk about it now that they were all right again, but she knew if she didn't, he would make her talk sooner or later. It turned out that the two of them always needed a little push to talk about their feelings, and the other almost never liked the silence that came between them when that happened.
"It was a shitty day at work, and… I don't want to work there anymore." She accepted his embrace, laying her head on top of his heart, feeling Sirius kiss the top of her head. "I miss Lily, I don't like living in that apartment and…the drama with my dad last week?" She looked up at him, wanting not to cry but not able to keep the tears from stinging in her eyes. ‘’I thought it was over, it's been almost twenty years, why does he continue with it? I'm so tired… And today listening to those girls in the bathroom, I don't know, I know you won't cheat on me, that's not it, but… what are you still doing here?’’
''Like this? I'm here because I love you, where else would I go?’’
"To the arms of a prettier woman with a less troubled family?" She ventured, dropping her face back into his chest because she felt ashamed for saying that, and for feeling that. She didn't like to look him in the eye when one of her crises started, Hestia was always silly afraid that she would see in Sirius that disgusted and slightly annoyed expression she had seen in her father's eyes when that happened.
“I don't think there's a woman prettier than you, and about your family, it's not like mine is a bed of roses, is it?” He hugged her tighter, like he did when she was sad. Hestia knew Sirius would never look at her with that accusatory look that she was going crazy. "You know what I thought when Felicity walked into my office and started telling me about how Paris was a romantic city and all?"
"That we never went there, which is ridiculous because it should have been the first place for us to go together." He chuckled softly. ‘’Paris is indeed a very romantic city.’’
"Yes, you're right." She sniffled, tears stinging in her eyes again.
‘’I don't care if someone is flirting with me, or I don't know if there are women talking about me in the bathroom. Sure, it's really good for my ego, you know,” Hestia chuckled, rolling her eyes. "But none of them are you, and I'm not saying this because I want to convince you to have shower sex later, because you know we're going to-"
‘’-You love it. But it's because I love you Jones, and for you I can put up with your father pretending I don't exist for hours if it'll make you happy, and, I can find a way to get you inside Lily's house without Dumbledore knowing and staying talking to us about everything we already know. She needs you too, James told me she's feeling pretty lonely... And I don't like that apartment either, and Joe is looking to sell his house, so we can go visit if you want.'' Sirius was quiet, his chin resting on top of her head, his arms holding her securely in his embrace.
"I hate feeling like this," Hestia grumbled.
''If it's any comfort to you, last week I thought I'd cut my hair because you told me about that guy from your job.'' He admitted, and when Hestia lifted her face to look at him, Sirius' cheeks were flushed. "Don't look at me like that, it's been a tense week."
"Noooo, you're perfect like that." She brought her hands up to his hair, smiling at the familiar feel of his silky strands. "It's the only reason I married you, so if you don't want to deal with the divorce bureaucracy, don't cut it."
Sirius chuckled, looking pleased to have gotten her out of that cloud of self-deprecation. He was very good at it. ‘’Don't worry, I don't want to deal with these papers anytime soon.. Hope never actually...want to go home?’’
“Are you going to get that massage you promised me two weeks ago?” His gray eyes sparkled, his cheeks still a little flushed and a beautiful smile on his lips. Hestia remembered the girls talking about how he looked at her, and she didn't blame them for wanting that either.
‘’Of course, and then we can enjoy the shower-’’
"No way." They laughed, Sirius sighing in defeat.
"I'll still convince you and you'll regret not listening to me sooner." They intertwined their fingers, Sirius pulling her towards the exit, nodding casually to his coworkers, a little hastily.
'I'll let you try, but I promise nothing…'
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stiltonbasket · 4 years ago
but ALSO okay so first of all thank you so much for the ficlets so far they are Adorable and i love them so much. second of all i am so glad you opened prompts again bcuz. i have. smth ive been wanting to read for a WHILE. so. prompt: junior generation post-canon, they all have super high standards for romantic partners cuz they spend time with Super Lovey Dovey WangXian. not like jiang cheng's List but smth a la Tenille Arts's Somebody Like That iykwim
i hope its not too late to insert a detail to my prompt!!! (i ran outta chara space in the og prompt message and then forgot ^^" ) but theres just one thing!! i really wanna see!!!! in the wangxian spoiling each other bit!!!!! (and the juniors being all That is Love Why Should We Settle For Less) -- i want lan zhan walkin around at one point with his hair in a braid and flowers braided in!!! and if asked he gets all soft and looks at it and is like "wei ying did it" ahhh i love the image <3
can anybody find me (somebody to love)
by stiltonbasket
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?” 
(Or, the one where Jin Rulan visits the Cloud Recesses, contemplates his love life, and gets a new point of view on the Lan sect's taxation policy.)
Jin Ling is seventeen the year his dajiu marries Hanguang-jun, and finally gives Jin Ling the right to call Lan Sizhui his cousin. Sizhui’s always been his cousin, of course—they’ve been cousins since Jin Ling was born, even if neither of them knew it—but he couldn’t say so, because that would mean telling everyone that Sizhui was born a Wen. And telling everyone that Sizhui was a Wen would lead to terrible things, so Jin Ling keeps his mouth shut until after his dajiu’s wedding.
“You could just say that he was born to us during the Sunshot Campaign!” Wei Wuxian laughed, when he finally heard why Jin Ling wanted him to hurry up and take his three bows with Hanguang-jun. “Half the cultivation world already thinks he’s ours, anyway.”
But regardless of whether he could call Sizhui his biao-ge in public, Sizhui is first and foremost a very dear friend; and so are Lan Jingyi and A-Qing and Ouyang Zizhen, though Jin Ling’s best friend is probably Zizhen, just like Sizhui’s is Jingyi. He visits them in Gusu as often as he can, since all of them save Zizhen live there, and even Zizhen hangs around the Cloud Recesses more often than not. 
“Don’t you have a clan of your own?” Jin Ling frowns, when he visits his dajiu around midsummer to find the younger boy eating xiaolongbao in the jingshi’s new kitchen. “How come you’re still here, A-Zhen? The lectures ended weeks ago!”
“I’m almost sixteen,” Zizhen yawns, reaching for a shallow dish of black vinegar and soaking a salted mushroom in it. “Father says I’m old enough to go where I like, and Lan-xiansheng said I could keep studying with the Lan disciples as long as I stayed.”
“You’re just here for the food,” grumbles Jin Ling. His dajiu is a good cook when he doesn’t cover everything in chili peppers, and Jiujiu once told him in confidence that Wei-dajiu’s food was the closest Jin Ling would ever get to having his mother’s. But a steaming plate of xiaolongbao lands in front of Jin Ling before he can really start thinking about that, and then his baby cousin crawls into his lap and steals one of the soup dumplings.
“Ling-gege pays taxes,” three-year-old Lan Yu says serenely, poking a hole in the xiaolongbao and sucking out the broth. “Xiao-Yu can have one more?”
“Taxes?” Jin Ling stares at him. “What in the world does he mean?”
Wei Wuxian laughs and comes back over to give him another succulent soup dumpling to replace the one Xiao-Yu stole. “He’s pretending to be the sect leader,” he explains, ruffling Jin Ling’s hair on his way back to the stove. “And he found out about tax management this morning, since Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge are thinking about lifting the luxury tax on goods from some of the minor sects. But A-Yu thinks taxes are presents for the sect leader, so…”
“One more bao tax for xiao-Lan-zongzhu!” Xiao-Yu says imperiously, holding out his chubby hands. “Ling-gege give, please?”
“That is not polite, Xiao-Yu,” Hanguang-jun scolds, sweeping into the kitchen with A-Yuan and Jingyi behind him and A-Qing bringing up the rear. He lifts Xiao-Yu into his arms and sits him down on the bench next to Zizhen, and then he reaches up for a stack of patterned bowls and passes them around to the others. 
Jin Ling still hasn’t gotten used to eating at the Chief Cultivator’s table, even if Hanguang-jun is technically his uncle now. Sometimes Hanguang-jun even does the cooking, and feeds Wei-dajiu with his own chopsticks while everyone else watches, and then Jin Ling tries to choke himself to death on the bamboo shoots in his yan du xian before deciding that Lanling can’t afford to lose the first decent zongzhu it’s had since his great-grandfather’s time. 
“I wish I was married,” Ouyang Zizhen sighs dreamily, resting his cheek on his hand as Xiao-Yu tries to steal his dumplings next. On his other side, A-Qing’s cheeks flush crimson, and she stares resolutely down at her hands while Hanguang-jun offers her a plate of savory vegetables. “It looks so nice, Wei-qianbei.”
“It is nice,” Wei-dajiui winks—and oh, gross, because Hanguang-jun is blushing now, and staring at Wei Wuxian as if he’s the most amazing thing in the world. “Marrying Lan Zhan is the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“Mm,” Hanguang-jun says quietly, putting a heaping spoonful of potato congee into his husband’s bowl. “Wei Ying is the best thing that happened to me, too.”
Ouyang Zizhen wails. 
“Wei-qianbei, we’re getting old enough to go courting now,” Jingyi says eagerly; but he’s a horrible liar who lies, because he and Sizhui are only nineteen, and Jin Ling doesn’t come of age until early winter. “What do you think we should put on our list of requirements?”
“What, you want an arranged marriage?” Wei-dajiu frowns. “ I never went through the process myself—” and Hanguang-jun reaches out and squeezes Wei-dajiu’s waist, as if even thinking about Wei-dajiu seeing a matchmaker was too much— “and I don’t really know anyone who did, since Yunmeng’s a lot freer about these things. Are you sure, Jingyi?”
“I’m not asking for a matchmaker,” Jingyi says, tossing his long ponytail over his shoulder. “I want to know what to look for if my love of a lifetime comes along. So what were you looking for?”
“Nothing when I was your age, A-Yi. I thought I would spend my whole life at Lotus Pier, and marry one of the shijies or shimeis who liked me. But then I met Lan Zhan, and…”
And then his ideal became Hanguang-jun, Jin Ling finishes, chewing on a mouthful of mustard greens. Everyone knows that, Jingyi!
Unfortunately, the conversation doesn’t end there. It goes on for the better part of an hour, and all through the course of coconut pudding Hanguang-jun made for dessert, and Jin Ling can’t even leave because that would be rude, and the food is too good to pass up even if Ouyang Zizhen wants to ask about kissing now.
“How old is old enough to have your first kiss?” he inquires, while Lan Sizhui giggles into his hands and elbows Zizhen to make him stop. “I’m sixteen, so is that too young?”
“I was thirty-eight when I first kissed Wei Ying,” Hanguang-jun says dryly. “I would advise patience, unless Ouyang-gongzi already has a beloved one in mind.”
Jin Ling wants to die. Why is his extended family like this?
“Pudding tax,” Xiao-Yu announces from his lap. “Ling-gege, can A-Yu have a bite?”
“I’m Sect Leader Jin, though. I don’t have to pay you taxes.”
Xiao-Yu gives him a serious little nod before turning to Sizhui. “Yuan-gege, pay pudding taxes.”
“You’ve had enough pudding,” Sizhui scolds; and indeed, the dishes are mostly empty now, except for the serving bowls in the middle of the table. “Come on, A-Yu. Let’s go visit the rabbits.”
They end up at the rabbit field about ten minutes later, after Jingyi and Sizhui help Hanguang-jun with the dishes. Jin Ling thinks it must make a very strange picture: after all, one doesn’t often see three Lan juniors, one Ouyang sect heir, one Jin sect leader, and one Lan baby lying in the grass with bunnies climbing over them. But the peace and quiet is beautifully welcome after the political unrest in Lanling and the dog food in Wei-dajiu’s tiny kitchen, so Jin Ling closes his eyes and settles down for a nap with a small white rabbit on his chest. 
“I think Shufu was right,” he hears A-Qing say. “There’s no point in having a list of requirements. Look at what happened to Jiang-zongzhu.”
“His first list was terrible, though,” Zizhen objects. “And he’s going to be married by next spring, so it worked for him in the end. After he fixed his requirements, I mean.”
“Gossipping is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses,” Sizhui says tranquilly. “And what Father meant was that having a list means you might miss your fated one when they come along, so it’s best to think about what you want, instead of what your beloved should be.”
“I’d like it if my wife liked to eat my cooking,” sighs Zizhen—he’s an excellent cook, too, and Jin Ling knows for a fact that A-Qing’s favorite food is the shrimp and water spinach Zizhen’s mother taught him to make. “Then I could cook, and she could wash our children’s hands and bring them to the kitchen when I was done, and we would all eat together.”
“I think I’d like a husband who knew how to do my hair,” A-Qing says, not even trying to be subtle. Jin Ling has seen the combs Zizhen keeps giving her, even if they’re far too young for a courtship, and Zizhen is always the first to offer assistance whenever A-Qing’s hair falls out of its bun. “Even a plain bun is too hard for me, since my hair’s so bushy.”
Zizhen nearly drops his rabbit. “Oh,” he whispers, blushing so hard that his neck turns red. “That’s good!”
Jin Ling wants to die. He can’t stand visiting Lotus Pier because his jiujiu is obviously courting, even if he won’t say he is, and now he’s going to have to watch A-Qing and Zizhen flirt until Zewu-jun and Ouyang-zongzhu give them permission to get married. 
“What about you, Jingyi?”
“Huh? Oh, I want to marry someone who won’t mind how loud I am,” Jingyi shrugs. “Or someone even louder than me, so we can make trouble together. A-Yuan?”
“I haven’t really thought about it, actually,” Sizhui sighs. “I’m Zewu-jun’s heir, so I have to get married, but I’m not sure if I want to.”
A moment of silence. 
“Then you won’t have to,” Jin Ling says. Everyone stares at him. “Zewu-jun didn’t get married, and Hanguang-jun wouldn’t have if Wei-dajiu didn’t come back to life. You can just choose an heir born to one of your cousins, since Jingyi was going to inherit the sect before Hanguang-jun adopted you.”
The others swoop in to assure Sizhui that no one’s going to make him get married, and Jin Ling folds his arms behind his head and wonders if his biao-ge could possibly be like Zewu-jun: a yi xin yi shen, whole in heart and body, who eschewed marriage in favor of cultivation. It would explain a lot, Jin Ling thinks, because even he knows what it feels like when someone makes his heart beat fast and his face turn pink, and Sizhui’s never felt that way. 
(Jin Ling tries not to think of Nie-zongzhu’s hot-tempered archivist, who knocked him into the dust with her saber the last time he visited Qinghe and then told him he had pretty eyes. Nie Shiyong is a few years older than him, and he usually ends up nursing several new bruises each time he meets her, but Jin Ling is man enough to admit to himself that he likes her. Maybe.)
“Xiao-Yu is sleepy,” little A-Yu says, interrupting his embarrassing train of thought before it can go any further. “Yuan-gege, I have a nap?”
“You can just sleep here,” Jingyi suggests. “The grass is soft enough, right? And you can use one of us for a pillow.”
“Jingyi,” Sizhui chides, and Jin Ling hears the long grass rustling as his cousin gets to his feet. “Come on, A-Yu. I’ll take you home to A-Niang.”
“No need,” someone else says; and that’s Hanguang-jun’s voice, coming up the hill from the direction of the jingshi. “I am here. A-Yu, come.”
Jin Ling scrambles up to greet his uncle by marriage (sect leader or not, jiujiu would kill him if he greeted the Chief Cultivator from the ground) and then he reels back and blinks in surprise, because Hanguang-jun’s hair is up in a loose braid instead of a half-topknot, and somebody seems to have decorated the braid with a row of half-bloomed lotus flowers. 
“Wei Ying did it,” Hanguang-jun says, with a small, soft smile that makes Sizhui and the others gasp. “He will do the same for your hair, too, if you ask.”
And then he lifts Xiao-Yu up into his arms and carries him away, leaving Jin Ling still frozen mid-bow with Jingyi and Zizhen gaping behind him.
“I think what Hanguang-jun meant is that the first requirement for marriage is love,” Lan Sizhui remarks, when Jin Ling finally snaps his mouth shut. “And that no matter what we want, or think we want, we shouldn’t settle for less.”
(Jin Ling is the first of his friends to marry, and he never forgets his biao-ge’s advice until the end of his days.)
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i-am-an-idiot · 4 years ago
He ran through the city with nothing but a stick he picked up from a nearby tree and the clothes on his back, the store owner was still chasing him, he turned into an alleyway, “almost there, five more minutes” He dropped out of school three years ago, now he’s seventeen and trying his best to survive. “You! Get back here!” “Crap crap crap” He ran faster and faster until he got to the bridge and got on the edge “Kid! Get down from there! If you jump you die!” the store owner seemed less worried about him and more about the five hundred dollars in his back pocket “No, I'd rather jump than get caught by you, mom!” She was livid, she started running after her son, as soon as she took the first step, “Seya next year!” He yelled as he jumped off the bridge and started falling into the lake hundreds of feet below, he kept a hold of his stick, pushed it straight down, and dove. When he opened his eyes he was swimming in the lake, family hundreds of feet above him, and started swimming with the current into the tropics, where he had been camping out for a few months, when he got there another boy came running up to him and hugged him, “You’re back! Thank god!” the boy grabbed his shoulders “You need to stop being so reckless, Rave! You could have gotten hurt!” Rave hugged the boy “I'm fine Elijah, see? Nothing to worry about!” Elijah hugged Rave back, hiding his face in rave’s shoulders “still, i was worried” When he let go, Rave sat down at the log around the campfire. “I got a little bit of the old' hags money, i could only get about five hundred bucks though, if i got anymore i would be in jail right now.” “You getting the money is the least of my worries” Elijah was scrounging around the little hut they built to keep warm, and came out with some cooked fish and some lettuce he got from the little garden behind the hut. “I just want to be able to get better a cooking with a fire right now” Elijah was also seventeen, he ran away from his family when he was fourteen, he had been here a little bit longer then Rave, he didn't mind when he moved in with him though, the way he saw it is another person to help garden, clean the hut, and hunt. Elijah couldn't throw a spear or even hold one right, let alone kill an animal, but rave could, so Rave hunted and Elijah cooked, it was a nice life, but a hard one. “Hey, Rave!” “Yeah?” “Do you know where the other clothes are? Or do we need to make more.” “I think i can fix the ones that i'm wearing right now, other then that, we need to make more” “Ok!” Rave was also good at sewing, that and hunting are the few things he can do to help around the camp, Elijah can skin animals so that's what most of their clothes are made of, but the skin that they can get is always weak, so it normally is ruined the third time they wear it, they use money to get some decent clothes when they need it, other then that, they can get by on their own, if you’re wondering why they don’t just get a job, it’s because the stores that need jobs only accept adults and people with a house to live in, and these two are known to live in the woods and cause trouble, so they are left on their own to survive A few hours later Elijah comes out from the hut wearing some of the nice clothes they have, and rave was finishing up two outfits. “And… done!” “Wow, I forgot how good you are at that, we should just buy some good cloth and have you sew that into clothes.” “You can! Besides you’re already dressed for it, and i'm not going back into town, i just got back” “Or, you just don’t want to get chased by your mom and the cops” Rave set the clothes on a low hanging tree branch, as elijah smiled “Come on! I’m kidding, I'll go into town to get the materials, it’s only fair! You did just get back anyway” “You have fun with that Elijah, I'm going to bed, it’s getting dark out.” “Ok, goodnight” Rave went back into the hut and Elijah went out into the city to get cloth for clothes. *** The next morning Rave woke up, Elijah was still asleep in the small pile of cloth he bought a while ago to make some blankets, he
gave up after a week. Rave smiled and went outside and got some sticks, he’s been working on making a house for a few weeks now, the little hut has been getting cramped “Rave? Please don’t tell me you’re up already” “Whoops! Sorry about that.” he wasn’t sorry. Elijah came out of the hut blurry eyed and still tired “It's three a.m right? You need to come back to bed.” “It’s four a.m, not that early” “Yeah right, come on.” Elijah had to drag Rave back to bed before he himself fell back asleep
In the morning, Rave was still asleep when Elijah woke back up, he went outside and started cooking breakfast. *flashback* Rave was 5, running around the yard, his sister 7, chasing after him ¨you'll never take me alive!¨ rave yelled, he was happy and giggling ¨ Come back here! I can get you!¨ his sister was brunette with dark green eyes, like a meadow in the breeze Their mom comes out of the house, smiling. ¨Come on in you two! Dinners ready!¨ ¨okay!¨ the two run in laughing and sit down at the table, Raves older brother is already sitting at the table *end of flashback*
Rave shot up out of his bed, breathing in and out sharply. After he calmed down, Elijah comes in and smiles “Took you long enough, sleepy head, come outside, i made breakfast and you need to start on the clothes” Rave smiled at the boy, and got up to change into his one use clothes. When he walked outside he was ambushed with the smell of bacon and pancakes, “No. way. How did you get the ingredients?” Rave asked, gleaming “I used the little bit of money we had left from the fabric and i got us a cow and two chickens,” “Wait- how? Both of those things, you couldn't get with eight hundred bucks! Let alone less… than.. five hundred- no… you wouldn't have the guts!” Rave had a shocked expression on his face, like you just gave him three hundred dollars for free “If you're thinking I stole them, you would be right, we could use the money we get from the milk from the cow, and eggs from the chickens. Besides the farmer I took them from wasnt even taking care of them, and we could use the extra food.” Rave muttered something under his breath, which Elijah didn't hear. “What was that? I didn't hear you,” as Elijah said that, Rave blushed “U-uh nothing, it wasn't important.” he gave Rave a “mhm” and continued making eggs as Rave finished the first set of clothes. ***
¨It's been too long… where is he?¨ Raves sister is pacing back and forth, 2 weeks after Rave ran away, she was in front of a bus stop where they used to meet up every saturday.
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chrismho · 4 years ago
Summary: Is this not the closest I’ve ever been to living?  The Kurosaki Family invites Rukia along with them to the Opera. Ichiruki/Rukia-centric one-shot inspired by the opera scene in Moonstruck. Set a little bit after FB arc.
PS: It’s a pretty famous song but if you haven’t heard Flower Duet  before, I highly rec you give this rendition a listen, it’s breathtaking! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9NK-EbUAao
A day in the Kurosaki household was not complete without at least one collision between Isshin’s face and either Ichigo’s foot or fist. 
“I don't know how many times I have to tell you, old man: QUIT DOING THAT!” Ichigo roared, swiftly kicking his father back to the other side of the living room.
Rukia waited patiently for Isshin to complete this strange ritual, a fond smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Oh, Masaki!” Isshin sobbed, throwing himself upon his poster. “H-how cruel, how unloving our son has become! And Rukia at his side, so pure and lovely! W-we truly have here a beauty and the beast!”
 The dark-haired shinigami watched them butt heads and felt a vague sense of nostalgia swirl inside her. I didn’t realize how much I…missed this, she silently admitted to herself. Seventeen months had passed and Rukia kept herself busy with work--very busy. Too busy to stop and realize just how much she missed life in Karakura. But now that she was back, the realization was sudden and overwhelming; she missed late night hollow-hunting, the bustling hallways at Karakura High, she missed Keigo, Mizuiro, Tatsuki, she missed indulging in her schoolgirl act, pretending that she was human and truly one of them. But most of all, she missed him. That was a realization that had set Rukia very much on edge. Ichigo was a comrade, a partner, a friend. A friend she found herself pining for in those seventeen months. She recalled a saying she learned in the human world, something along the lines of “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. 
Absence had only made Rukia’s heart confused as hell. 
Though almost two years had passed, her relationship with Ichigo picked up almost right where they left off. They bickered, laughed, they understood each other without need for words. But…now there was something new. No, not new; it had always been there. But now....now it was loud. And hard to ignore. It was something that Rukia couldn’t quite name, but its presence was undeniable. It wasn’t uncomfortable...but… but it was there. 
“What do you say, Rukia-chan? Oh, please say you’ll be joining us?”
Isshin’s question snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Eh? I-I’m sorry?” she asked, startled. 
“THE OPERA! An old buddy and colleague of mine has season tickets to the opera house here in Karakura. He’s away on a business trip so he gave me tickets to tomorrow’s show. We haven’t seen you in so long, the girls would just love if you came! SAY YOU’LL JOIN US!” 
“Don’t push her, Dad!” Ichigo said irritably. He turned to Rukia but didn’t meet her gaze. “Seriously, y-you don’t have to go. It’s really boring, the last time I went I wanted to die-”
“OH, BUT THAT’S NOT TRUE,” Isshin cut off gleefully, shoving Ichigo out of the way and putting an arm around Rukia. “The last time we went, Ichigo was but a boy. Though only eight at the time, he was so moved by the performance that he wept and blubbered all night long--” 
“Yes, you did!” Karin called boredly from the kitchen. 
Ichigo hunched up his shoulders and scowled, his ears and cheeks an angry shade of red. 
“I’d be delighted to attend this...this ‘op-ohr-a’, Mr. Kurosaki!” Rukia declared, a cheerful and sparkly smile on her face. “Excellent! Come tomorrow evening at 7, and dress your very best, my dear! The opera is a most formal event,” Isshin beamed. 
“Whatever. And get your arm off her!” Ichigo grumbled, yanking Rukia away from his father and up the stairs to his room. 
“Ah, young love,” Isshin sighed after them.  “Eager to get her to your bedroom, I see? Yes, yes, I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do, if you catch my drift--” 
“SHUT UP!” Ichigo screamed over his shoulder. He hurried Rukia inside his room and slammed the door shut. 
“Nice to see the family dynamic hasn’t changed,” Rukia said, a sly smile on her face. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall alongside his bed. 
“1000 Yen says my dad’s got an ear pressed up to the door right now,” Ichigo replied. He sounded annoyed but there was a humorous glint in his eye. He looked up and met her gaze. They both dissolved into a quiet, gentle chuckle. 
“Feel free to sit, you know,” Ichigo said, gesturing towards the bed. “I know it’s been a while but time’s never stopped you from acting like you own this place.”
“No, that’s okay. I’m fine here,” Rukia responded, cursing herself for answering him a little too vehemently. Ichigo looked at her questioningly, and Rukia could have sworn she saw a very, very faint blush creep on his cheeks. A moment of silence passed. 
Tension. That’s what it was. 
“So what is this opera thing, anyway? I just realized I agreed to something I know nothing about,” Rukia asked, eager to change the subject and genuinely curious about this “most formal event” that moved a young Ichigo to tears. 
“It’s, uh, like a play. But with only singing. Really loud, annoying singing. And fancy costumes. And they usually end in tragedy.” Ichigo said, scratching the back of his head. 
Her amusement at his fumbling explanation made Rukia forget her discomfort earlier. She smirked and flopped onto his bed. “Sounds like fun. So this loud, annoying play moved you to tears, eh?”
“IT DID NOT-Hmph, *ahem*, It did not move me to tears, I told you already that I found it boring. And I SAID YOU COULD SIT ON MY BED, NOT LIE ON IT!” 
“Oh, Daddy, th-they’re on his bed already! They certainly are fast, aren’t they?” a muffled voice that sounded suspiciously like Yuzu’s could be heard saying from the other side of the door. 
Ichigo’s left eye twitched. 
He swung the door open and Isshin and Yuzu tumbled onto the floor. “SCRAM!” He roared, shaking his fist as they hurriedly fled the scene. 
Giant, crystal chandeliers hung over the U-shaped hall, twinkling prettily in the warm, golden light. The house was packed with many well-dressed and well-to-do people. The euphony of various conversations and chatter rang pleasantly in the air. If Ichigo had been moved to tears by the place alone, Rukia would understand; it was truly, truly beautiful. She tilted her head back, taking in the glittering chandeliers and intricate paintings of flowers and stars on the ceiling. She must have looked visibly awestruck, for she turned to her side to find Ichigo looking back at her, an odd, almost tender smile on his face. She gave him a sharp elbow in the ribs. “What? What’s with that dumb look?” She snapped. 
“AGH! What the hell, Rukia?” He glared, letting out a sharp exhale before putting on another smile, this one more teasing. “N-nothing, I was just thinking...the last time I was here as a kid, I remember looking up at the paintings on the ceiling and counting all the stars as a way to pass the time. I guess I was just wondering if you were doing the same.” 
Rukia blinked. It was rare for Ichigo to divulge….well, really anything about his past and his memories. To share this random little anecdote felt oddly intimate. She felt her cheeks warm slightly and turned away. “Heh, no I wasn’t counting, I was just...admiring. She looked back up and couldn’t help but laugh. “Ichigo, there are hundreds of stars, up there! Did you really count them all?” He looked up too and smiled wryly, shaking his head. “Nah, the show always started and the lights would go off before I ever finished. But...I like that I don’t know. It’s this weird, unfinished mystery that just...stays up there on the ceiling, y’know?”
His amber eyes and fiery-orange hair glowed in the warm light of the hall. He glowed. Does he even know how handsome he looks in that stupid tux? Rukia thought, torn between feeling endeared and annoyed. And spewing out weird, lovely musings like that, too. What an idiot. 
She looked down at the program in her lap. In intricate, gold cursive, the words Lakmé: Opera en 3 Actes shone smack dab in the middle. “Is...is this in French?” she asked. “Yeah, but it’s okay; you see those black screens above the curtains up there? They’ll have translations…”
The lights began to dim. 
Quickly, stealthily, Ichigo stole one last look at Rukia in full light. She was already a beautiful woman but tonight she practically glowed. With the help of Yuzu and Karin, she had parted her cropped hair to one side and teased it into elegant waves. She had reluctantly let them put makeup on her, too, and Ichigo had a hard time keeping his eyes away from her lips, soft and painted red like a pomegranate. She was wearing a dress that Ishida had surprised her with a few weeks ago, a wine-colored sleeveless piece that gently hugged her form and flowed past her knees. Yeah. She glowed. It was annoying. 
Y’know, I bet she knows exactly how good she looks and is only pretending to be oblivious. He thought. What an idiot.
The red velvet curtains pulled back to reveal what looked like a stone courtyard on stage, adorned with all sorts of plants and exotic flowers. But the set was nothing compared to the music that emanated from the pit in front of the stage. She’d never heard anything like this. Not on the streets of Rukongai, nor in the banquets and gatherings in Seireitei. What was it Ichigo had called them? An orchestra. An orchestra, an orchestra, an orchestra. She had to remember that word. How so many voices, so many different strange and wonderful-looking instruments, could come together and create a sound so unified and sweet amazed her. 
A procession of people dressed in long, unstitched garments came onto the stage, singing words Rukia could not understand. A big man, clad in a costume beard and yellow robe, opened his mouth and began to sing a solo.
Rukia froze. 
It was obvious what he was doing required much skill, but….he sounded...funny? Rukia narrowed her eyes and fought a smile, trying to reason with this deep voice that shook with such a fervent vibrato. 
She heard a snicker two chairs away from her, and turned to see Karin in the dim light, her face contorted humorously. Rukia was about to join her before Isshin turned to his daughter with a glare so scary and dangerous that any humor at all in both Karin and Rukia was effectively vanquished. 
So entranced was she by the costumes and lights and flutes and cellos that the dark-haired shinigami found herself forgetting to glance up at the translations above the stage. She looked just enough times to gather that this was set in a temple in which rites were being performed. The ritual ended, and as smoothly as they glided in, the singers drifted back off the stage, leaving behind two women. 
The women, arm in arm, walked down to the “river” on stage to gather flowers. The one dressed in red turned to her companion and began to sing:
Viens, Mallika, les lianes en fleurs
Jettent déjà leur ombre
Sur le ruisseau sacré
qui coule, calme et sombre,
Eveillé par le chant des oiseaux tapageurs.
Rukia froze once more. This time, there was no urge to laugh. Goosebumps rose on her arms. Her ears tingled. What, Rukia thought shakily. What is this?
The other, dressed in a simpler, sun-colored dress answered her friend in a voice just as haunting and sweet:
Oh! maîtresse, c'est l'heure
où je te vois sourire,
L'heure bénie où je puis lire
Dans le coeur toujours fermé
De Lakmé!
 Rukia clenched her teeth, maintaining a stone-cold Kuchiki expression while her soul inside shook and quaked. 
What is this?
                                                 Dôme épais le jasmin
                        Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin
Like flowers landing on the surface of a pond, their voices floated, glided, rippled through the hall, lighter than air. 
                                                    À la rose s'assemble
                                        À la rose s'assemble
The melody seemed to follow some invisible wave that drifted down, then up, then down, and down again. It was elegantly unpredictable, like the path a feather takes on the way to the ground.
Rukia’s throat caught. The swelling in her chest bewildered and almost angered her. This...this beauty was almost cruel. Her eyes felt hot. Her face remained expressionless.
                                                 Rive en fleurs, frais matin,
                             Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,
I never did get the chance to understand what it is to live, Rukia thought. She had, in fact, died when she was only a baby. 
I....could see traces of what life was in the youth and excitement of Ichigo and his friends...the sound of their laughter, their chatter about the future.
                                                 Nous appellent ensemble.
                                       Viens, descendons ensemble.
With each rise and fall of their voices, Rukia felt as though her soul was expanding. The singers’ figures became blurry behind the tears that began to well in her eyes.
But this…this swelling in my chest, and the goosebumps on my skin. My throat...feels tight. 
A tear broke free and began to trickle down her cheek. 
Is this not the closest I’ve ever been to living?
Ichigo gazed steadily at the stage, letting himself float and drift with the melody. It was no wonder the Flower Duet was such a famous song, even to those unfamiliar with opera. He cleared his throat as quietly as he could and turned to check on Rukia. His jaw clenched. 
                                               Ah! glissons en suivant
                           Doucement glissons; De son flot charmant
She stood absolutely still, upright, her small, pale hands clenched into fists on her lap. She did not look at him. He watched with well-hidden astonishment as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She stared solemnly at the women on stage, blinking slowly. Her amethyst eyes glistened with the water and salt that filled them. 
                                                         Le courant fuyant
                                  Suivons le courant fuyant
A lump began to form in Ichigo’s throat. He turned away, back to the stage. He couldn’t put into words what she was feeling, but he felt he understood it. He didn’t want to intrude on her moment, but he also wanted to let her know that she was not alone. Even when they were worlds apart, he’d find a way to reach her. Slowly, his hand moved towards hers. 
His fingertips lightly brushed her wrist, and traveled up towards the back of her hand. 
Rukia kept her eyes fixed on the singers. She gave no indication that she even noticed his hand on hers. A twinge of disappointment and embarrassment stung him. I...probably ruined her moment. I shouldn’t have-
His heart stopped. Silently, suddenly, the slender, cold hand seized his own. She intertwined her fingers with his and squeezed lightly. She did not look at him. 
                                                     Dans l'onde frémissante,
                                      Dans l’onde frémissante
To this day Ichigo couldn’t say what the hell compelled him to do what he did next. Maybe it was the nearly two years of separation, or the swelling music and stupid, glittering, chandeliers messing with his head, or the way she gripped his fingers with such a quiet and loving intensity, or a mix of all of those things. Slowly, he raised her hand up, off her lap. 
                                                   D'une main nonchalante,
                                      D’une main nonchalante,
Rukia stirred, tilting her head slightly towards him. He brought her hand up to his face and slowly, gently, firmly, pressed his lips against her knuckles. Rukia’s eyes flashed wide open, and now she turned to look at him. Another tear rolled silently down her otherwise stoic face. Ichigo opened his eyes and looked back at her. 
                                            Dôme épais, blanc jasmin,
                             Sous le dôme épais, Sous le blanc jasmin,
Nothing was said, but a thousand words were exchanged between them. Ichigo lowered her hand but did not let go. They held their gaze for a moment longer, then turned their heads back towards the stage. 
                                                      Nous appellent ensemble!
                                    Ah! descendons ensemble!
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chronic-resus-needed · 5 years ago
Going Home
Highschool romances rarely led to a lifetime partner, but that was the case for Hugo and Simon. Coming out to his conservative parents in high school wasn't easy for Hugo, but Simon was worth it and it was Simon and his family who took him after he own parents kicked him out. For the first time in four years Hugo was going to see his parents. He had been against it, but Simon was encouraging. He said Hugo deserved all the love in the world. So off the went. It was spring break, their last spring break before they finished college, so the two twenty-two year-olds decided to make a small road trip from their University in Chicago back to their hometown in Owensboro.
 Hugo was nervous, he didn’t want to face a second rejection, but that wasn't why he kept stealing glances at Simon as he drove. Simon had been up half the night dealing with what seemed like the longest asthma attack in history. He had waved Hugo to bed each time he came out to check on his boyfriend who sat behind a nebulizer. Eventually they had both fallen asleep on the cheap futon in their tiny living room. Simon swore he was fine and up to the trip, but he still looked tired, his bright eyes duller than usual and when Hugo had awoken with his ear pressed to Simon's chest he could still hear a faint rattling with each breath. "What, do you want me to take over?" Simon joked as Hugo glanced over for the umpteenth time, "I'm fine. You're fine. This is going to be a good day." Hugo only mumbled under his breath making Simon laugh. He reached over from the passenger seat to rub Hugo's muscular back. "Everything is good."
 They were almost two hours into their five our trip when Simon first coughed, there was nothing but endless highway before them. This was the dullest part of the drive. Simon reached behind into the back seat to grab his duffle bag, his chin length blond hair shielding his face as he did so. When he sat back up he brushed it behind his ears and began digging through the duffle bag. "You really should keep you rescue inhaler where you can find it," Hugo chided. Simon held up the yellow inhaler with a triumphant smirk, "I knew exactly where it was." Hugo shook his head, "Sure, under all the other crap you shoved in there because no one ever taught you how to pack."
 "Don't make me laugh when I'm  trying to breath," it was a joke, but his small chuckle did lead to coughing. Simon brought the yellow inhaler to his lips and took a deep lung filling breath of the medication. The affect was immediate and he felt his heart rate pick up from the albuterol. "See? Everything is fine." He leaned over and exhaled playfully into Hugo's face, "But I do need to pee." Hugo gently pushed Simon's face away, "You do realize we have like two hours of nothing ahead of us. I can pull over?" Simon scrunched up his nose, "If I get desperate." Hugo rolled his eyes, "You're such princess sometimes." The bickered good naturedly about Hugo's 'brutish' nature and Simon's 'princess qualities' for a bit.
 Hugo was large, six foot three, broad chest, and a gym rat. In contrast, Simon was only five foot eleven. Like Hugo (because of Hugo dragging him to the gym), he was fit, but he lacked Hugo's bulk. Where Hugo was built, Simon was toned, slender. They fit perfectly together, complimented each other. Hugo was practical, organized, reliable. Simon was more care-free, spontaneous. Simon reached across the car to run his hand through Hugo's dark hair as they fell into silence.
 Silence was unusual when Simon was around, but Hugo had a lot to think about. When he got like this words just weren't enough so Simon just reminded his boyfriend that he was there, that he wasn't alone. The silence also didn’t bother Simon today, his chest was still tight. He flicked on the radio to add some background noise.
 The tightness didn’t go away and the inhaler was pulled back out. It was harder this time, hard to draw in a full breath, and the full dose of medication never made it through. He rubbed at his chest and coughed in an attempt to open his airways. Now Hugo looked away from the road, "Still?"  Simon nodded, he was beginning to wheeze. "Might be," he paused to breath, "a problem."
 Hugo may be anxious in nature, but he was good in a crisis. "Alright, hang on." With one hand still on the wheel he pulled out his phone and opened GoogleMaps. The nearest hospital was just under an hour away. He mad an illegal U-turn to switch sides on the highway, he would cut that time in half.
 Ten minutes passed and the wheezing could be heard over the radio and Simon was beginning to sweat from the effort of sucking air into his swelling airways. He tried the inhaler again, bringing it to lips, but his breaths were too shallow for the medication to do its job. "Hugh" This was the point where Hugo knew his fear was valid. Simon was scared. "Hey," he reached over and grabbed Simon's hand, bringing it to his own chest. "Just breath with me," he took slow deep breath. Simon could feel as Hugo's chest expanded and contracted, so steady, so strong. He tried to match, he did, but couldn't. Although he was beginning to heave with effort his rate of respiration increased, becoming rapid and shallow. By twenty minutes Simon's shoulder's were hunched. He had a vicelike grip on Hugo's right hand, his free hand was  at the collar of is shirt, the fingers curled around the fabric as if he dragged it downward as if exposing his neck would make breathing easier.
 Thirty minutes and the color was gone from his face, his lips were taking on a bluish tint. His breaths had turned into strained painful gasps with pauses in-between as he tried and failed to draw in more air. All the while Hugo kept talking, his voice soothing and encouraging, "You're doing good, one breath at a time." Hugo glanced at his phone, they were still fifteen minutes away, the endless highway had turned into a town. His foot pressed heavily against the accelerator. "Simon," he looked at his boyfriend whose eyes were closed, "Simon!" He shook their joined hands and Simon's blue eyes opened, he sucked in a shallow breath. "Simon if you die in this car I swear to god I am breaking up with you." Simon smiled weakly, but couldn’t speak. Their wasn’t enough air to waste on words.
 Thirty-eight minutes, they were so close. Horns honked as Hugo ran through a red light. Simon's wheezing as stopped, his eyes were half open, his head slumped against the passenger door window. The grip on Hugo's hand had gone slack. "Simon!" His chest was so still, so unnaturally still.
 The next few minutes were the longest of Hugo's life, but as he pulled into the ambulance bay he couldn’t even recall how he had goten them there. All he could see was Simon, Simon not breathing, Simon dying right beside him. The palm of his handed pounded on the car horn as he pulled in to catch the attention of anyone, anyone could help. He didn’t even bother to turn off the car before he was out and opening Simon's door.
 His boyfriend's lips were blue, his face grey, and his body was dead weight as Hugo scooped his smaller frames into his arms, carrying him bridal style inside. "He isn't breathing!" It was a small hospital, only a level four trauma center, but the staff reacted quickly. Simon was pulled from his arms and whisked away, they wouldn't let Hugo follow.
 They took Simon's now lifeless form into a trauma room, Simon would have been shocked at the number of the people in the room. One person placed an IV, one began cutting off his clothes as a third hooked him to various monitors, a fourth had an ambu bag pressed against his face trying to force oxygen into lungs, but met resistance. "He's not moving any air," a fifth person began chest compressions as the EKG he was attached to showed asystole.  With each compression on his slim frame his chest caved inward, his belly extended, again and again. "Push a round of epi and atropine." He was already at Simon's head ready to intubate, "He's swollen shut." The would have to trach him.
 As compressions continued as betadine was spread across Simon's neck and the doctor then made an incision into his trachea. A clear tube was placed into the incision forcing his windpipe open and an ambu bag attached. They had bypassed his swollen airways to get precious oxygen into his lungs. With the trach established they began to breath for him, forcing air into his oxygen starved lungs. Now with his airway secured Simon's chest rose with each artificial breath.
 Despite the fresh oxygen his heart remained still in his chest and a fresh set of arms took over compressions. When they paused for a pulse check there was no change, another round of drugs were pushed. It had been eleven minutes since he arrived.  Seventeen since he had drawn his last breath. Another pulse check and the drugs had forced his heart into a shockable rhythm. Compressions resumed while the defibrillator charged. "Clear!"
 In the hall Hugo was forced away from the trauma room. His car was still idling outside and security was forced to take his keys to move it when Hugo refused to leave the waiting area. How could he just wait? He needed to do something, needed to help. The only thing he could do was to call Simon's parents, to let them know, but doing that, it felt like a bad sign. He would call them after Simon was awake, when things were okay. Because they would be, Simon would be fine, Simon had to be fine because Hugo couldn’t live without him.
 Back in the trauma room Simon's back arched as 200 joules shot through him, his toes scrunched and then unfurled as body fell back to the gurney with a soft thumb. V-Fib still showed on the monitors. "Clear!" A second shock and again the paddles pulled his chest into the air, lifting the base of his neck clear off the gurney as his whole body jolted. His left arm slipped off the gurney and banged against the side of the gurney as chest compressions were resumed. He had fallen out of V-fib into pulseless electrical activity.
 There was tension in the air his team discussed their next steps. The doctor shone a light into his unseeing eyes, his pupils were reactive. Resuscitation efforts continued and another round of drugs were pushed. No changes were observed at the next pulse check and a fourth round of drugs as administered. His pale chest was bruised from their efforts and there a crunch with each compression. At least one rib was fractured if not broken but the nurse currently beating his heart between his sternum and his spine didn't let up her efforts. Finally, V-fib was restored and everyone stepped, but the doctor wielding the defibrillator backed away from Simon's prone body. The doctor pressed the paddles to his pale chest, "Clear!" No change. There a few beats of chest compressions as the machine charged as a fourth shock was delivered.  The heart monitor showed a spike as the charge coursed through Simon, followed by another, and another as normal sinus rhythm was returned.
 Once stable, Simon was left in a critical care room, hooked to a ventilator which continued to breath for him. Hugo wasn't permitted to see him until he was being transported to the ICU. Their reunion was brief. The site of his unconscious boyfriend lying so still and frail on the gurney, a respiratory therapist pumping an ambu bag to mechanically breath for him was frightening, but Hugo still leaned over and planted a kiss to Simon's forehead. "You scared the shit out of me," his hand found Simon's and gave it a squeeze that wasn’t returned. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."
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hieludoboi · 5 years ago
A List of Things I’d Like to do With You (Pt 2/9)
A/n- This is still going to be a lil sad, but not as bad. This first escapade isn’t that detailed, but lemme tell you, the next one, I plan on making people cry :3
Links to parts 1 and 3- Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
A/n- Ight I lied, the beginning of this is going to be pretty sad :(
This one was pretty long and for some reason took forever to write! But anyways, here’s your reminder to please send in requests, I love doing them and they always get my brain going!
Trigger Warnings- Vomit, blood, depictions of terminal illness, underage drinking, a little suggestive, cemetery, crying, just v sad, please proceed with caution :(
Pairing- Daichi/Fem!Reader
Summary- Though she was in pain, he had never known. Because her list had been made.
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She felt numb. A routine appointment landed her in the hospital. Her stomach was coursing with this unimaginable pain, rippling from her abdomen up to her spine. Were stomach aches supposed to give you headaches? God this felt like the worst hangover of her life. As she groaned and curled up on the hospital bed, her body jolted forward. In an instant her mother was holding her hair back, her father holding a bag to her open mouth. She could feel the heaves rack her body, stripping her of oxygen, constricting her lungs and stomach.
She had stayed like that for what seemed like ages, her body hunched over a bag of sick while her mother rubbed her back. Her body trembled, face sickly and pale. When had it gotten this bad? When had it started? Why had she kept this to herself until now? What if it was terminal, what if it could have been treated if she came in when it had started.
Y/n managed to sob between heaves, her hands shaking as she wrapped her arms around her middle. Was it second year? Was that when the unimaginable stomach aches began? Or was that when her drastic weight loss began to eat away at her body? Y/n gagged as tightly squeezed her mother’s hand, the metallic taste of blood coating her mouth, the sounds of her mother’s cries ringing around her ears.
It all happened in a blur, the tests, the scans, the somber talks of treatments, and lifespan. It was stomach cancer, stage four, and terminal. While her parents sobbed, Y/n sat still. Terminal? Stomach cancer? How? Why? She was supposed to graduate this year, watch the boys go to finals, watch them win nationals. She still had to grow old with Daichi, get married, start a family where Suga was the godfather, and the second years the uncles. She still hadn’t gotten her first sip of alcohol, or done any drugs, she still hadn’t told Daichi that she loved him. 
It wasn’t until her parents calmed down that she finally broke. She was going to die in 5 months, maybe sooner. How had she not noticed? She was getting thinner, her stomach pain had caused her to faint, she was vomiting every other day and could barely eat. How had she not noticed? Why did she put it off?
She went home that afternoon with a bag of medicines in her hand. There was no way they could treat it until it was gone, but they could give her medicine to keep the pain and symptoms at bay. Her mother entered the house with a dull look in her eyes, her father headed straight for their bedroom. It made her feel angry in a fucked up way. She was the one who was going to die, so why were they acting like they were going to die?
With teary eyes trudged to her room, gently sitting on the edge of her bed. There was still so much she wanted to do. So many escapades, and only five months to do them. She forced herself to smile when she sat at her desk. She was going to be happy these last few months. She was going to go to every game, she was going to hang out with Daichi every day, she was going to make a list of things she’s like to do with Daichi and complete it before her time came to an end. With a completed list, she looked towards the words at the bottom.
“Number eight. Get drunk with Daichi.” Y/n nodded her head as she read the first things off the list. She’d be damned if she left before getting properly shitfaced. The thought of getting drunk scared her just a little bit, but if she was Daichi, she was bound to be okay. No matter what, she was going to make sure that he made only good memories with her before she left.
Daichi had stared at his phone in amusement for about two minutes now. Y/n had sent him a photo of her posing in front of her mother’s liquor cabinet. She wanted to get shitfaced is what she told Daichi. Not expecting to actually get drunk, Daichi had made his way to her home. Living in the same neighborhood had come with major perks when it came to situations like these.
Daichi knew the type of person she was. In some way she was like Noya, a fiery, energetic, do now think later type of person. Still, knowing who she was could not prepare Daichi for the ungodly amount of bottles on the kitchen table. She was serious?
“You were serious?” Daichi stared at the table in disbelief before locking eyes with Y/n who had a closed-eyed grin on her face. “Y/n, I came to hang out, not get hammered. You’re going to turn eighteen in what, half a year? We can wait til then.” Daichi tried reasoning, but it was then that he saw this look cross her face in a fraction of a second. 
Y/n could feel the breath get caught in her throat. If she were lucky, she could enjoy almost five whole months. The doctors were being generous, but it was more likely that she’d be gone in the next three months. Y/n bit her lip and looked at the table of liquor, hoping that he hadn’t caught the grim look that flashed across her face. She didn’t have enough time, but how could she explain that to him?
“Daichi, with the career I want, I won’t have time to get hammered! I want to be reckless and live my life while I can! I’m not going to wait until I’m thirty-seven with a stable job, a nice home, a big family, and a husband to act like I’m seventeen!” Daichi chuckled, shaking his head in amusement before joining her at the table stacked of liquor. 
“Alright. I guess you’ve got a point. So, how are we doing this?” Daichi asked as he grabbed one of the glass bottles, opening it and taking a sniff before recoiling at the strong smell. Y/n giggled before grabbing the bottle from him and setting it back on the table. 
“Easiest way is to play a drinking game! So let’s pick a show and set up some rules.” Daichi nodded, grinning at the ‘serious expression’ on her face. While she busied herself in finding a show and picking some rules, Daichi stayed in the kitchen, sifting through bottles and shot glasses. She was acting strange, something wasn’t right. She felt dim, a bit cold, and far too serious. Daichi bit his bottom lip, staring at the bottle of Bacardi that sat on the table before him. He was going to figure out what was wrong. He just had to figure out how.
“Daichi! You got the bottles picked out yet?” He jumped back a bit, her voice suddenly breaking him out of his thoughts. Quickly, he grabbed a random five bottles and two shot glasses that resembled cups more than shots. He set them on the coffee table, arranging them before sinking into the couch, his arm wrapping around Y/n’s waist, pulling her snug into his side. He watched with a smile as she cuddled into his side, a soft smile on her lips while she leaned into his touch. 
He stared at her lips as she animatedly talked about the drinking game and the show she had picked out. Daichi heard none of it though, he was trapped by the movement of her soft lips, pleasantly focused on the little shine of light that her recently applied lip balm seemed to reflect. He could kiss her right now, hold her face in his hands, melt against her lips, be enveloped by the warmth and light her body endlessly created. 
“Got it?” Daichi blinked, his eyes darting back up to see the silly smile spread across her face. Daichi could feel the blush begin to spread across his cheeks, but he ignored it, reciprocating a smile before filling up their shot glasses with some Jose Cuervo. “Ready?” Y/n had this glint in her eyes as she picked up her shot glass, her body buzzing with chaotic energy. Daichi nodded, picking up his glass and clinking it with her glass before downing the shot. Y/n giggled as Daichi winced, poking fun at the faces he was making before downing the shot in a less than graceful fashion. -------------------------------------------------- Her throat had become numb with each shot of tequila, her mind pulling blanks whenever Daichi would drunkenly ask her a question. At this point, she couldn't tell if she was nauseous because of all the alcohol in her system or because of sick that was prodding at her esophagus. Still, she carried on, downing shot after shot of burning liquor. 
When she looked to her left, Daichi was hiccuping, giggling at the sounds that tumbled from his lips. She was focused on the way the liquor coated his lips, making them shine in the dim living room light. They looked pretty, just a little pink, and the slightest bit puffy. Maybe it was liquor, maybe it was the illness, or maybe it was just because of how hard she was focused on his lips, but in seconds she was rushing to the bathroom. Even in her drunken state, she managed to close and lock the door. No matter what, she was going to make sure Daichi didn't know. 
It was the same as always, her hands would grip onto the edge of the toilet seat until her fingers became a sickly grey. Her body would tremble with heaves and gags while the sweat from her forehead would drip into her tired eyes.  As soon as she would finish she would stand and stare at herself in the mirror, admiring the way the blood tainted and stained her quivering lips. It was funny to her, the way she managed to find some crooked beauty in the illness that was stripping the life from her body with each second that passed. It was routine, no matter how grizzly it felt and looked. So with a sigh, she finished her grizzly routine and trudged back to the couch where Daichi had fallen into a slumber of liquor. ---------------------- How many shots had they had? Y/n couldn’t tell anymore. Daichi was seated next to her, drunkenly giggling at everything that happened on the tv before him. His speech was slurred, his smile crooked and his eyes drooping just a bit. In her drunken state, Daichi appeared like some greek sex god, perfectly chiseled with a beautiful sheen coating his lips. Maybe it was the alcohol but she went from horny to sad in two seconds. 
“Man, can you believe I’m going to die a virgin?” Y/n slurred, hiccuping between some words. At that moment, it was like the alcohol began to drain from his system. Daichi sat up from his previously slouched position, the haze in his eyes clearing as he turned to look at Y/n who was practically a starfish on the couch. Was this what she had been worrying about? Dying a virgin? Why would she die a virgin? She still had plenty of years waiting for her. 
“What do you mean? You’ve got plenty of years to look for that one person.” Daichi tilted his head, his eyes widening as she practically threw herself on top of him. Her head was resting in the crook of his neck, her arms wrapping around his body. Daichi gently wrapped his arms around her, almost flinching when the first few hot tears fell onto his bare neck. Was it the alcohol? Did something happen?
“Please... Please just tell me you’ll be here until the end, please just tell me it’s going to be okay...” He could feel the way her body trembled against his, her hands balling the material of his shirt into her fists. He could hear the shaky breaths and stutters that would escape from her lips. Had he missed something? Did the liquor screw her over that bad? Although that sudden confession had sobered him up a bit, the murky haze of tequila still fogged his mind.
"Of course I’m gonna be here until the end. We’re friends until the end, remember? No matter what happens we’ll be together, always.” His hand gently rested atop her head, his other hand rubbing her back to soothe the ache that radiated from her chest. “I’ll always be by your side, okay? As long as the sun rises and sets, I’ll be here.” Daichi whispered, his lips pressing against the top of her head, watching with a tender gaze as she fell asleep. --------------------------------------------------- When Y/n woke up she was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. Daichi was gone and the bottles and shot glasses were put away in their cabinet. When she looked at the coffee table she saw a yogurt drink and fruit sandwich, a snack that Daichi would often leave her when he had to leave early for whatever reason. She could feel a smile forming on her face as she tossed the blanket to the side, stretching her arms above her head before reaching to grab the drink. Before her fingers could even brush against the pink bottle, she felt a sudden burst of nausea ram her head and throat. She stood as quickly as she could, her legs doing their best to rush her to the restroom. 
She felt her knees hit the cold bathroom floor, her body practically folding in on itself. Her throat was burning, the bitter taste of vomit mixing with the metallic taste of blood as her mouth hung open. Tears dripped from her cheeks before hitting the curve of the toilet seat mixing in with stray droplets of blood and sick. Her body fell back, hitting the bathroom wall and jolting her from her nauseous trance. With trembling hands, she wiped the sick from her mouth. She was crying, the sting of her throat, and the terrible ache in her stomach becoming unbearable. She stayed on the floor like that for a good minute, trying her hardest to catch her breath, but it felt like fire rushing her throat with each breath she took. 
She sobbed as she grabbed onto the edge of the sink, forcing herself to stand no matter how badly her aching body protested. All she had to do was stand and open the medicine cabinet, that’s all she had to do and she could finally rest. Her hands gripped onto the edge of the sink with such force that her knuckles began to pale. Each breath she took rattled her bones, the wheezing becoming much more prominent the longer she held herself up. She couldn’t tell if it was her body recoiling from her illness or if it was her body rejecting the copious amount of alcohol she drank. The doctor did warn her to not take alcohol with her medication, but what did she have to lose right? It was times like these that Y/n was convinced that her parents feared her death more than her. 
She of course understood why they felt broken, they were going to lose their daughter, but it should have been all the more reason to make these last few months count. Y/n shook her head as she grabbed her bottles of pills from the cabinet. She was going to make sure she kept her pain under control. No one had to know what was going on with her, she didn’t want people to treat her differently just because she was on the cusp of death. 
She could see it now, people being especially nice to her, everyone being careful of what they say to her, Daichi, Suga, and Asahi tending to her every need. It wasn’t something she wanted to live with, after all, she was a prideful person and pity didn’t sit right with her. She was almost too weak to twist the top, her muscles aching as she strained to open the bottle. It's okay, Y/n thought to herself, a sad smile on her lips. 
She had trudged to her room almost immediately after taking her pills, her body collapsing against the firm mattress. Maybe it wasn’t healthy, the fact that she didn’t think about it. Maybe she should have paid attention to it, but who wanted to think about their impending death? And so with a depressive sigh, she let her body sink into the cradling arms of sleep, her mind nestling deep into her future escapades with Daichi. 
“Number 7, spend a night stargazing.” ------------------------------- Daichi had been anything but focused during practice. At this point, he had run more laps than Noya and Tanaka combined and had done the most dives out of everyone on the team. He was missing passes left and right, consistently coming in short on one thing or another. Though perhaps, what scared his teammates the most was the empty look in his eyes. Had something happened? “Noya.” They were putting away equipment when Daichi spoke. His voice and words hung heavy in the air, dragging enough to weigh down clouds. Noya turned abruptly, his eyes wide. “What’s that one joke about never losing you, Tanaka, and Y/n make all the time?” Daichi questioned, his eyes focused on the handle of the mop in his hands. 
“I’m gonna die a virgin, cause I ain’t ever lose, why?” Noya stared at Daichi, desperately awaiting a response from his out of character captain. Daichi could feel his eyebrows furrow as his mind began to race. Was he looking too deep into it?
Daichi pondered the same thing over and over again while laying on his bed. Y/n was a silly person, there wasn’t a day that went by where one stupid joke after another burst from her lips. Maybe he just missed the joke?
Daichi sighed as he turned onto his side, his eyes locking onto the evergrowing stack of polaroids that sat on his desk. It had become an unintentional tradition. Every year they would take a trip and on that trip, they would always take a photo. She was always beaming in those photos, her smile as radiant as ever. She was herself in those photos, and Daichi couldn't help but notice that she became less and less like herself this past year. He had to be imagining it though, right? ---------------------------------- Suga stared at Daichi with sad eyes. He looked happy, giving vague details over one of the last nights he had spent with her. Perhaps it was still too fresh, the wound of her death would not heal for a while. With time Daichi would probably be able to give more detailed descriptions, but not now. Not here. 
"I find it ironic. I spent most of my life taking care of her. I spent most of my life making sure she didn't get in trouble, and even when she did, I would get her out of it." Daichi's voice was shaking, his hands balling into fists at his sides. The tears began to pool into his eyes once more, his jaw clenching. "I spent so much time taking care of her, and in the end, she was the one looking out for me. She made sure I was happy. She made sure I was sheltered. She worked so hard to build stability for us those last few months, but nothing could have prepared us for the end." Suga took a step towards Daichi, flinching as Daichi abruptly stepped back, accidentally crushing the yellow chrysanthemums that sat atop her grave. 
Daichi's head snapped down, staring at the yellow flowers with anger. Yellow chrysanthemums. They meant farewell, they meant goodbye, they meant that she was gone. Why couldn't people understand that she wasn't gone? Daichi shook his head before turning to leave the cemetery. He didn't want to be there any longer.
As Daichi left, Suga stared after him, a frown tugging at his lips. Suga sighed, crouching to try and fix the flowers back onto her grave with care. It was obvious to him that Daichi still needed to heal. He just hoped it would be soon, he knew that it was probably killing her to see Daichi in such a state. 
"Y'know, you always were the only one that could calm him down. I just hope you can still cast your light on him, even if just for a moment, Y/n..." Suga whispered, smiling tenderly at the plot of land covered in white and yellow flowers before making his leave as well.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years ago
JaliceWeek2020 Bonus Day
JaliceWeek2020 Bonus Day: Quarantine
Also Untitled We’ll Worry About That Later
Notes: Under 3k, woohoo! This barely fits the prompt, but I’ve decided to go rogue. The real question now is... can I get another one posted today?
The phone rings at 11:27 p.m. on a Tuesday night.
It’s not Carlisle’s night on call, but everyone is being a bit more flexible at the moment. He expects a summons, that the hospital is short-handed again. It’s to be expected once Forks got its own outbreak - of the fifteen people hospitalised, eight of them were doctors or nurses.
Edward hits a sour note as he overhears the the phone call, trying to temper his reaction so not to signal that anything is wrong.
Carlisle is utterly professional during the call, but when he hangs up, he is left with the hideous duty of walking upstairs and telling his youngest - and oldest - son that one Mary-Alice Brandon has just been placed on a respirator.
They’ve put the infected in the old wing of Forks Hospital, where they can be properly quarantined. There’s no blood in the wing yet, and so Carlisle sees no risk allowing Jasper in to see Alice through the window; it’s the closest anyone can get to these patients.
And Jasper was not doing well. Telling him had been so much worse than Carlisle had ever envisaged. Esme was still repairing the damage to his study, and Jasper had gotten himself worked up, his terror at a point where he was infecting the rest of the family - Edward was almost permanently camped out at Bella’s, unable to tolerate another second of that bone-deep fear that Jasper pushing out.
But the second they arrive, and Jasper gets to see her, Carlisle fears that he just made things much, much worse.
Alice is tiny in the hospital bed, pale as the sheets tucked around her. The respirator is strapped to her face, obscuring most of her features. Tubes and wires run out of both her arms, the machines surrounding her beeping routinely. She’s completely unconscious, the dark circles under her eyes the only spot of colour on her entire face.
The whole scene is devastating, and Carlisle is quite sure that he’s watching his son’s heart break into a million pieces as he stares at his human mate, slowly dying alone, not a single person allowed to hold her hand.
Carlisle is not cruel, and hasn’t told Jasper the full details of Alice’s prognosis, but Jasper is no fool. Alice was already so fragile, with existing health issues, and she’s just so very, very sick.
“Jasper…” Carlisle begins in a low voice, reaching out to put his hand on his shoulder, but Jasper jerks away, storming out of the hospital in such a rage that Carlisle’s just relieved the door stays on its hinges as his son disappears into the night.
He is furious. He is rage. He has never, ever been so angry in his entire life. He wants to destroy, to fucking decimate something because it never, ever should have been her.
He thinks of going to the Brandon house, and crushing her selfish father into pulp. To bestow upon Alice’s father, who could not resist his trips to his mistress in Seattle, the slow, lingering death he passed on to his eldest daughter.
But he doesn’t. The man is sick - the whole family is sick, though not nearly bad enough to require hospitalisation, that particular honour had been given solely to Alice - but he tries to comfort himself with the fact that the man is at least suffering.
He steals into Alice’s bedroom, how many times had he climbed into this room and found Alice sitting crosslegged on her bed with her laptop or with her sketchbook, her face lighting up at his appearance. How the fairy lights strung around her bed would be lit, as well as the lamp shaped like a rabbit, and half a dozen novelty lights scattered around the room. It made the room look like magic, like home.
But now, it is cold and still. The bed is unmade, her quilt crumpled on the floor. The lights are off, the hamper is full, and he wants to destroy it all.
He lets himself have one moment, one little weakness, as he picks up the sweater tossed over the back of her desk chair and buries his face in it. It still smells like her, before she got sick - like raspberries and rainwater, her floral shampoo and rose perfume, of a million different little things that made up her human life. It is a comfort, yes, but it is also hurts in a sharp, new way that makes him want to weep. She’s not here, she’s not coming back, not going to walk in and tease him for being ‘weird’, as she wraps her arms around his waist and presses against him.
And he puts the sweater back, swallowing hard against the rising grief. He’s here for a reason. And so he goes hunting.
For her sketchbooks, and her diary, and her little worn out plush rabbit that always sat on her pillow. Her Polaroid camera, her very favourite purple top, and the ‘Alice’ necklace she wore every day, and the little photo-book that she kept by her bed.
It has to be things that won’t be missed, will be easily overlooked, but things that are precious to her, and thus precious to him.
Whatever happens next, he needs to keep them safe for her. Let her know that the things she treasured above everything else won’t end up at a garage sale or a thrift shop, won’t be boxed up and forgotten, won’t be thrown away. No, they’ll either find their way back to her hands, or they’ll be his shrine, his holy objects, for the rest of this cursed existence.
He goes back for the sweater.
Her heart stops twice. The first time, Carlisle hears about it second-hand and by the time he gets to her, she’s back.
The second time, people talk. That Dr Cullen was like a monster, forcing that girl back to life without compromise. That he short of reached into her chest and squeezed life back into her heart by hand.
It’s not going to help, the staff whisper. The Brandon girl is going to die, the youngest fatality in the state so far, before she even graduates high school. It would take some kind of miracle for her to come back from this, no matter how long Dr Cullen insists on delaying ‘time of death’.
The question needs to be asked, but he can’t form the words because it changes everything. It’s turning reality upside down and inside out. He’s never been good with change, and he was happy like this, for the first time in a long time.
Asking the question admits that he failed her.
He wishes he’d asked her before now, but it was one of those things they never talked about. And not in a tense, unspoken way. He can’t think of any moments with her that weren’t comfortable; love and affection and appreciation dipping and swirling between them.
They were going to be together forever, they both knew that. They were going to go to college and go travelling and get married. But neither of them ever specified if her eyes would be green or if they would be gold, and now he can’t ask her and he doesn’t know what would be worse - letting her go, or having her hate him for it, for the rest of their lives.
Why hadn’t he asked her?
Carlisle takes Edward to the hospital, to see if he can get a read on Alice’s thoughts; Edward looks grim and shakes his head minutely - whatever physical state she’s in, her thoughts are nothing decipherable now. There is no awareness of anything around her, and if her organs weren’t slowly failing, maybe they could wait.
They sit in Carlisle’s study, Edward feeling every year of his life, as they discuss Alice.
“Is it wrong that every single day, I’m grateful that it’s not Bella?” Edward says finally. “That the dice was rolled it was Alice, not Bella?”
Carlisle is quick to reassure Edward that anyone would feel the same, and he shouldn’t feel guilty. Except, Jasper overhears that statement and smashes the piano into kindling.
Bella was healthy. Bella probably wouldn’t have needed a hospital, let alone wasted away with broken ribs, and a machine breathing for her.
In the end, he doesn’t have to ask.
Carlisle offers.
He accepts and hates himself for it.
Mary-Alice Brandon dies at 1:57 a.m. on Saturday morning. Dr Cullen is more restrained this time, following procedure precisely before he calls it.
Alice’s family are still quarantined at home, and Mrs Brandon’s voice is quiet and shaky when Carlisle calls to give her the news. She doesn’t ask any questions, just thanks him and hangs up.
Her daughter died alone, with only a doctor, an intern, and two nurses clad in PPE with her. That’s what Mrs Brandon has to live with.
Carlisle comforts himself that he was with Alice when she died. That he already loves her like a father, and he watched over her as he prepared her for what came next. She wasn’t alone, and she was loved. That she would have felt no pain, no fear.
If this doesn’t work, he hopes that that offers Jasper some kind of peace.
The Brandons have Mary-Alice cremated, and interned at the local church as soon as they are allowed out of a quarantine. They have the funeral over the little hole in the ground where they will place the box of ashes; just the Brandons, all pale and solemn, Minister Weber, Angela Weber, Bella and Charlie Swan, and the Cullens.
It’s very short, with Minister Weber praying over the box, and then the box is placed into the hole, a tile with her name and the dates is settled into the dirt, and it’s over. Seventeen years of life, and that’s the final page in the book. There’s no reception, not during the current crisis, with the Brandons still so tired and weak. Cynthia puts a small wreath of daisies over the plaque, and Mr Brandon scowls when the bouquet of pink and yellow roses that Esme bestows upon the grave, from her own garden, is so much finer.
No one lingers in the rain, and Cynthia is quick to comment on how distant and cold Jasper Hale was, that he didn’t put any flowers on her grave, even though he claimed to love her.
“Teenage boys, Cece,” Mrs Brandon sighs, as they get in the car. “He’s probably already gotten over her. It was nice of him to come today, with his whole family.”
And then they drive away.
The basement of the Cullen house isn’t exactly the ideal place to undergo the transformation, but it is utterly sound proof, and they’ve made it as comfortable as they can. The plan is that, as soon as Alice awakens, Jasper will take her to Alaska for her newborn year - there’s too much risk, staying close to Forks.
Assuming she doesn’t pull him to pieces for changing her in the first place. It was supposed to be Carlisle who changed her, but in the moment, he’d just done it. It seemed like the natural response to seeing his mate in such a state, to lean into her throat and sink his teeth and venom into her whilst the others were fussing around, preparing for something so simple.
Everyone had been shocked he had the control, the self-restraint, to do such a thing but he didn’t bother to explain. He had done what needed to be done, and her wrath would be his to bear alone.
The sickness left her wasted and weak, and it is the quietest, stillest transformation he has ever been witness to. He sits with her, holding her hand like he wasn’t able to do in the hospital, watching as her body is healed from illness, from pain, from every little imperfection. She’s going to be lovely, of course, but in truth she’s no more or less beautiful to him after the venom than she was before.
She whimpers and cries and moves around a little, but mostly she is still.
Carlisle checks on him regularly, assuring him that she’s doing fine. Esme checks on him, and reassures him he made the right choice. Rosalie checks on him and tells him she’ll totally support Alice if she decides to dismember him for the next decade. Emmett checks on him and promises that he’ll keep Alice under control for the next year if Rosalie’s prediction is true.
Edward does not check on him, and instead plays his new piano loudly, still the indignant victim of the original’s destruction, agitated that this sudden change of plans has inconvenienced his own plans with Bella.
One day.
Two days.
She doesn’t wake up on the third day, and whilst he starts pacing, Carlisle tries to be reassuring. A longer transformation means nothing, not when her body was so completely damaged from illness. It’s going to be fine.
It’s the middle of the fourth day when her heart is racing, and there’s nothing left for the venom to do; Esme and Rose have washed and dressed her in a clean dress, brushed her hair out of her eyes, and now it’s just waiting.
Waiting for that moment when her heart
And she opens her eyes.
The first thing Alice is aware of is love. Adoration. It’s wrapped around her, warm and sweet, and so when she opens her eyes, she is already smiling. No one could do anything less, not when they are so certain of their worth.
Everything is quite strange, sharp, and clear, like a veil has been lifted over her eyes. She can’t quite remember what came before this little bed, this room, - was she sick? - but it doesn’t really seem that important. She’s looking around for something… no, someone.
He’s crouched about four feet away, golden eyes fixed on her with a look of clear desperation. He looks like he’s holding his breath, like he’s waiting for something.
Jasper. Her Jasper. A million little thoughts, memories, erupt in her mind - laughter, stolen kisses, plans and hopes and dreams, and that feeling of perfect love that she’s still wrapped up in, only she’s not sure if that’s her love for him or his love for her. She decides that it doesn’t matter.
“Jasper?” her voice sounds a little different to her own ears. She thinks about getting up, and suddenly she is standing, only a foot away from him.
“Alice,” his voice practically caresses her name, and he straightens up, towering over her (still?). “How are you feeling? Do you remember what hap-”
Before he can finish his sentence, her arms are around him, and she’s clinging to him like she’ll never let go.
“You did it, you did it. I was so, so worried you’d change your mind or be chivalrous or something ridiculous,” she babbles into his shirt, and he gently pulls back to look at her eyes (perfectly red, framed in black eyelashes, and oh, he’s falling in love all over again).
“I never asked you if you wanted this,” he says hoarsely, smoothing her hair from her face.
Her laugh is like … delight, the bubbles in champagne, perfect happiness.
“Oh, Jas,” she smiles at him. “There was never any question to ask.”
(He kisses her then, not like high school sweethearts; he kisses her like she’s his beautiful, perfect, newborn mate and he’s not even a little bit sure how she’s managing to tolerate the burn her throat and the thirst this long because the only reason they don’t put her little cot to another use is because Carlisle comes down to check on them, his relief like a cool spring breeze when he sees the smile on Alice’s face and the matching one on Jasper’s.)
They leave Forks two weeks after she dies and rises again, with a smile on her face. They leave hand-in-hand, vanishing into the forest towards Alaska. A year there, and then as much time as she needs to maintain control around humans.
And then… they have so many plans. She wants to go to college, study fashion or maybe painting or maybe photography… and they want to go travelling, to all those places on the list in her diary. She wants to help Esme restore a house, and have Rosalie teach her to drive. She wants to meet every single one of their friends, and he can’t wait to introduce her to Peter and Charlotte.
And he wants to marry her, in a white dress, with a preacher. He wants to watch her marvel at the Northern Lights, and create havoc at Milan Fashion Week, and dance with her to the old records in his study. He wants to make sure that there is never a single moment, a single thought, where she ever regrets what she lost. Anything she wants, he’ll bring it to her.
She looks up him, sensing his worry, and lifts his hand to her lips.
“It’s okay, Jas. It’s all going to be amazing,” she murmurs to him, leaning against him as they walk. “You don’t have to worry - we’ve got all the time in the world.”
They leave Forks at 11:28 p.m on a Tuesday, hand-in-hand, and neither of them looks back.
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mightydragoon · 5 years ago
Suitless Vader and Luke Fic Recommendations
@silvereddaye Hey you asked for it. 
1. Sent Out for Safety - Chapter 1 - throwawayflames - Star W...
At the age of eight, Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia, are split up for their safety. Leia stays with their Uncle Ben, and their mother, to learn how to be a Jedi. Luke, on the other hand, is sent to the Organa's, where he will pretend to be their adoptive son who was orphaned. Ben had only given Luke one rule to live by while he was away from his family, don't tell anyone his last name, and he followed that.
It wasn't his fault that Darth Vader sensed that he was a Force Sensitive and now he wants to train him, as a Jedi no less. That's the complete opposite of what Ben had told Luke. And after asking Darth Vader about his dad, Luke can't help but say yes to Darth Vader training him. After all, Luke's always wanted to be a Jedi like his father.
 2. Another Empire -   Theace1
Another Empire - Chapter 1 - Theace1 - Star Wars - All Med...
The Battle of Yavin had a surprising outcome with the death of Emperor Palpatine. Luke Skywalker's confrontation on Bespin has a much different outcome in the AU story, meeting someone he never expected to see: The Empress Vader.
3. Oceans Across- planningconquest
Oceans Across - Chapter 1 - planningconquest - Star Wars -...
Star Wars on the high seas! Doesn't get more simple than that.
4. Burning Mother planningconquest
Burning Mother - Chapter 1 - planningconquest - Star Wars ...
A Jedi Luke emerges onto the galactic scene over a decade after the Jedi temple burned. Joining with Cassian Andor, rebel spy, they attempt to return to the Rebellion to attempt to full fill his destiny as the Chosen One. Sidetracked by pirates, farmers, and blind monks. All the while hunted by a vengeful Lady Vader who would see the young Jedi dead with the rest of his Order.
5. Dynasty  Valerie_Vancollie
Dynasty - Chapter 1 - Valerie_Vancollie - Star Wars - All ...
Hit in the leg by a stormtrooper's blaster bolt, Luke falls in the Death Star hanger bay and is unable to escape on the Falcon along with Han and Leia. During the subsequent interrogation, his true heritage is revealed and Vader instantly takes him to Coruscant, determined to reclaim the son the Jedi stole from him. But the glory of the Imperial capital belies its true nature, where politics and power are everything and anything is fair game in the never ending game to reach the top. Not lying, not betrayal, assassination, sabotage, blackmail, nor seduction. As he commences his Sith training, Luke must also learn the rules and etiquette of the Imperial Court if he is to survive as most of his enemies fight their battles with words and political maneuverings rather than military force. Yet, even as he struggles to gain his place within the Empire, Luke learns that his best friend has joined the Alliance...
6. Possibilities of If May Be Valerie_Vancollie
Possibilities of If May Be - Valerie_Vancollie - Star Wars...
Co-authored by Selinthia Avenchesca.
What if two different Star Wars realities started to merge?
7. We are all in the gutterarcticapple
We are all in the gutter - Chapter 1 - arcticapple - Star ...
Vader gets caught by the Rebellion and eight years old Luke gets tossed into the mix. Observe and discuss.
8. new cornerstone: a reconstruction mandalorianed ( Private) 
When Luke had imagined finding out who his parents were, he had never imagined this.
9. Revenge Leads to Karma, and Karma Bites Darikiema
Darth Vader created them for his revenge; the clones of Obi-Wan Kenobi were his to torture and kill. But when something goes wrong and one of them isn't grown before being released from the pod, he's met with a dilemma that could change the face of the Galaxy.
Karma sucks and if Darth Vader ever meets her, he's going punch her in her damn face.
10. The Reckoning.  SpaceTrashCanFan (Sketchandcomicbookperson)
After Darth Vader goes missing after an failed attempt to assassinate the emperor, he was presumed to be dead.
Years later, a few Jedi and a child show up at the front door of the rebellion with an mysterious defector in tow. And they have big plans...
11. Bright Binary sunset in Dark Times SpaceTrashCanFan (Sketchandcomicbookperson)
A.k.a Vader got frozen in Carbonite, somehow.
Since Vader went missing, years ago somewhere in the outer rim...when Leia was very young (5 years) . Leia Organa gets years later when she was seventeen a bodyguard assigned to her after an attempt on her. Normally, she would protest.
But this man is not like the others. Something that was eating him and her parents were keeping a secret. Wielding a weapon of a Jedi... Using the Force and having secret meetings with spies and her father..
Leia is determined to find out what is going on and discovers how her bodyguard is a reformed Sith-Lord who went missing several years ago.
12. Tumblr Prompts  KaelinaLovesLomaris
A collection of unrelated Star Wars ficlets, from tumblr prompts. New "chapters" will be added as I get new prompts, and I'll update tags as I go too. Almost all of these revolve around Luke and Vader's father-son relationship, aside from the first few.
13. No Distance Far Enough KaelinaLovesLomaris
Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker is kidnapped by the Rebellion. His father is not happy.
14. Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly) antebunny
In which Leia is seven when her only friend Dijan dies. Her grief tears apart the shields Obi-Wan Kenobi put up on her mind to hide her adeptness with the Force, and is felt by two other residents in the galaxy: her father and her brother.
Or: The Skywalkers have a mental conversation from opposite sides of the galaxy because they're Skywalkers.
It also changes the course of the galaxy, but that's just to be expected.
EDIT: the second work is all part of this work!
15. Those Who Walk Series  antebunny
Skywalker family fluff.
16. Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly) II --antebunny
Sequel to Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly), because there are still a lot of things that need to happen. But they're Skywalkers, so it has to be dramatic as possible. Including old friends, Organa Family Drama, Skywalker Shenanigans, and Hutts. Also, don't mind Obi-Wan. He's busy moping.
17.  the shifting light of stars  freefan1412
Obi-Wan never needed to ask Padme for Anakin's location. That has consequences.
18. Fulfilling a Prophecy KianRai_Delcam (orphan_account)
Qui-Gon's eyes are gentle when he replies, "Changing fate is not always best, Vader. Whatever happens is as the Force wills it to be." Vader scoffs, "I'm hardly a youngling to be lectured, Jedi. My knowledge of the Force is more complete than yours. You have not walked both sides of the Force as I have. The Force is neither an ally nor a slave, as the Jedi and Sith see it." After Darth Vader's death and Anakin's redemption on the second Death Star, both Luke Skywalker and Vader are more than surprised when they find themselves alive on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple. Of course, Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are a bit perplexed as well. Follow the Chosen One and company as they journey across the galaxy once more, discovering their true selves and fulfilling a prophecy as it was meant to be. Fic takes place over a few years, and may possibly go into the Clone Wars. Not just another time travel fix-it AU. You have been warned.
19. Cloak And Dagger  dorenamryn
“...and those that endeavour to dissolve it [the Union of Great Britain], carry a dagger under the cloak of patriotism, to stab their country in the heart."
In which everything changes, but also nothing does. (aka: the one where Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi Knight pretending to be a Sith, Emperor Palpatine thinks he's won, Obi-Wan Kenobi thinks his best friend's betrayed him, and Leia Organa is stuck in the middle of it.)
20. The Good Temptation Sinclairchap
The Force is out of Balance. Unfortunately, it's Chosen One has done little to fix this, and has even Turned to the Dark Side, furthering the Unbalance. The entities created directly by the Force, who guide those who use it, have decided he requires a nudge in the right direction. A rather large nudge.
But not everybody, or even the Chosen One himself, agrees with this plan.
(Previously titled "Path to Redemption")
21. Misguided Light Skylanian_Writer
Vader survived Mustafar unharmed, but believes everyone he holds dear is gone. Except his son, who he would do anything for, so long as Luke stayed by his father's side.
Padmé managed to survive childbirth, and lived to see everything she fought for be deystroyed. Except her daughter, who Padmé would die for in a heart beat.
Unfortunately, Luke and Leia are not willing to sit quietly as their parents fight a war. The twins actions shake the entire galaxy to its core.
The Force really hated the Skywalker family.
22. In the Past  SilverDaye
It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
23. Runaway SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
24. The Bargain SilverDaye
Vader has killed off his master and claimed the throne as Galactic Emperor. Padmé has become an outspoken figure head and leader of the Rebellion. Vader captures his wife. Now she must figure out a way to be free for not only herself, but her children as well. She's fighting against Vader, who will stop at nothing and use anything means necessary to bring his family together.
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Return to Me - Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Love Story
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A/N: THE WEDDING!! I hope you all like! I have rewritten this problem nine times since I wrote the first one forever ago. I literally spent weeks stressing over what dress to pick and changed it at the last minute. Let me know what you think and enjoy the smut and the fluff because next week we get the breakup. If you want to be tagged, have any questions, or anything to say, let me know! Love you all! Also, I really feel like Love Story by Taylor Swift really represents their relationship so maybe listen to it while you read! 
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 6,766 Synopsis: Securing a vacation for the two of them, Poe whisks the reader off to Naboo to ask her to marry him. Warnings: smut.
Tag List:  @xeniarocks, @too-many-baes, @araceli91103, @idocarealot, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr, @thescarletknight2014, @charlottie2998, @ibikus, @mellow-f1, @mrsdaamneron, @trustme3-13, @missjess71, @ella-solei, @minelskede, @gleigh42, @usuallyweepingnacho, @givemethatgold, @and-claudia, @constantdisgrace, @wordsinwinters, @readingvogueonprivetdrive​, @trshbb​, @kaitlynw011​, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands​, @fairytalesforever​, @thanos-jeep​, @mixedfandxms​, @pastelbunny1501, @emotionalcal​, @daniellajocelyn​, @getyourselfaunicorn​, @spider-starry​, @jimhalpertcanbuymelove, @angelicaxhouston, @roserrys​, @blushingwueen​, @americasass-romanoff​, @commondazy​, @throughparisallthroughrome​, @ms-dont-care​
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“Alright, I need to ask you something, but you have to promise not to laugh, okay?” you asked, sitting down at the table Karé and Jess were at, not even waiting for an invitation. They exchanged a look but nodded.
“What’s up?” Karé asked.
“Is it just me or has Poe been acting weird lately?” you asked.
“Why would that be funny?” Jess asked.
“I don’t know. I just have this feeling that either something really great is about to happen, or something really terrible is about to happen with the two of us.”
“I don’t want to be wrong.”
“I sincerely doubt that anything bad is going to happen to the two of you,” Karé said, “What do you think is about to happen?”
“He might break up with me?” you said quietly. The women exchanged another look and laughed. “What did I say!”
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Karé said. “But that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say.” You opened your mouth to say something but Jess spoke first.
“Listen. We’ve both known Poe for a while, and I’ve never seen him as in love as he is with you, okay? So, just stop stressing. Nothing terrible is going to happen.”
“Okay,” you said, letting out a sigh.
“What’s the really, really good thing you think might happen?” Jess asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
“Seeing how you reacted to my worst case scenario, I’m not going to tell you.”
“Oh, come on!” Karé said. “We need good drama.”
“Well, ask Jess about Nové. There’s always something interesting happening there.” Jess smirked at you evilly.
“Nothing to report, unfortunately. It’s been smooth sailing for us the past few weeks,” she said. Karé turned to look at you again, her eyes wide.
“Okay, so spill.”
You all three turned and saw Poe jogging towards your table. You stuck your tongue out at Karé and Jess, just as Poe reached you. He leaned down and kissed you quickly.
“Hey, baby,” you said with a smile.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you.”
“What’s up?”
“I have great news,” he said, sitting down next to you. “I got us a few days off. I know you might still have to check in with your university, but I figured we can find a romantic place on Naboo to spend a few days–” You cut him off with a kiss, grabbing his cheeks in your hands.
“That sounds amazing. I know just the place.”
“Great,” Poe said, still smiling from your kiss.
“I’ll go make a few calls! Thank you,” you said, squeezing his hand before running off. Once you were out of sight, Poe looked back at Karé and Jess. They both had matching smirks on their faces.
“So,” he said, taking a breath, “Do you think she suspects anything?”
“She suspects something,” Jess said, “But this trip might be enough to throw her off.”
“Are you going to propose on Naboo?” Karé asked.
“I think so,” he said, “It’s just a lot to plan. I want it to be perfect.”
“And Naboo is the best place for that?” Karé asked.
“Y/N loves Naboo. As long as her parents stay away, she’ll be happy.”
“Well, I wish you luck,” Jess said. “You still stuck on your mother’s ring?” she asked, reaching across the table to touch the ring that had hung from his neck for years. “It’s a little old.”
“Yeah, and you know how much Y/N loves fancy clothing and jewelry,” Karé added.
“She does, but this is the only ring I’d ever propose with.”
“It’s a good thing you’re so handsome,” Karé said. “If Snap proposed with a ring like that I’d reject him in a second.” Poe shook his head and Karé winked at him. “It’ll be perfect. She’ll love it because she loves you and you’ll be together forever.”
“A little much, but yes,” Jess agreed. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“Thanks, guys.”
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You stepped off the shuttle the next day, still feeling woozy. Looking over at Poe, you knew he was feeling the effects from the bumpy ride to Naboo as well. However, being that he spent most of his time flying, it was affecting him much less than it was you.
“Wouldn't have been so bad if you let me fly you,” he said, grabbing your bags out of shuttle. You shot him a look, taking your bag from his hand.
“How many times do I have to tell you I don't like small ships?” Poe frowned at you as you walked up the steps to your parents' home. His curls were soft in your hand as you pulled him in and kissed his forehead. “Hey, it'd do you some good to get out of a cockpit.” He smirked at you as the front door opened.
“It's so good to have you home,” your mother said, embracing you. “What, did you both just come from a fight?” she asked, taking in your clothing.
“Well, vacations don't always happen when you want them.”
“Come in,” she beckoned. You walked into your childhood home, taking in the all too familiar decor. “We cleared out your old room—”
“Oh, Mom, I told you, Poe and I are going to be staying in Varykino.”
“Did you get permission for that?” she asked. You sat down on the couch, taking Poe's hand so he would follow.
“No, I was just going to break in.” Your mother rolled her eyes as you smiled at Poe. “I spoke to one of Queen Dormé's handmaidens. She informed me that none of the politicians had it reserved and welcomed us to use it.”
“I don't know why you'd come all the way home just to stay away from your parents. Especially during the Festival of Glad Arrival,” your mother muttered, bustling into the kitchen.
“Where's Dad?” you asked, leaning up against Poe's shoulder.
“He went into town. He wanted to make you dinner.”
“Well, he can make us dinner tonight. We just wanted to settle into Varykino first.” She came back into the living room, looking angry.
“Can I talk to you in private, please?” she asked. Poe nudged you slightly, so you followed her down the hall.
“We've been as accepting as we can.”
“Of what?”
“Your decisions,” your mother whispered. “We let you join this fight.”
“Let me?” you tutted in disbelief.
“We're accepting of your new relationship—”
“Mom. I've been with Poe for three and a half years now. And as far as accepting goes, I wouldn't say your actions towards him qualify.” She rolled her eyes.
“I just want what's best for you.”
“I'm happy! Doesn't that mean anything?”
“Of course, it does. It's just—”
“This First Order business is going to die down. You've wasted four years on a fight that doesn't need you.”
“And if it doesn't die down? And I leave the Resistance to chase a career path I don’t want?”
“But what if it does?” she asked, “What will you do? You've wasted your political career.”
“I don't have to start directly at seventeen. It's my life.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I think we should go. We'll come to dinner if that's what you want.” You stalked back into the living room, and Poe looked like he heard everything you had said in the hallway.
“Ready to go?” you asked.
“Sure,” he said uncomfortably. You grabbed both of your bags and walked out the front door. You got to the end of the steps when Poe touched your arm. “Y/N.” He had run down the steps after you, jostling his necklace from behind his jumpsuit. You thumbed his mother's ring, smiling at it.
“I love you.” He took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“How far is Varykino?” he asked.
“A short flight,” you said with a smirk. Your father had a small fighter pilot in your hangar, a token from his days in the rebellion. The irony of it made you almost not bring it up to Poe. “My dad has something that could get us there.”
“I'll go careful,” he said, taking the heavier bag you had dropped at your feet.
“I know.” You walked to the ship, and Poe made sure you were comfortable before he even put in the coordinates to Varykino. He leaned over, touching your knee. You remembered thinking how kind his eyes were in that moment. “I love you.”
“I love you, too” he said, smiling before taking off. You hadn't ridden in a small spacecraft like this in years. The slight imbalance of the ship made you take in a deep breath. “Alright, it's just a ten minute ride, we'll be fine. I'll just keep talking, distracting you.”
“Okay. Well, it's weird that I love flying so much when you hate it.” You looked at him seriously. This was not how you wanted to be distracted. “Alright, no, that's no good. Well, your parents don't like you with me.”
“I know,” you said, closing your eyes. Poe squeezed your knee, trying to calm you.
“Which is crazy because I actually think we're really good together.” This brought a smile to your face, so Poe kept going. “I mean, we're definitely physically compatible,” he said, garnering a laugh from you. “I don't even know what I would do if you weren't in my life. Every mission I take, all I'm thinking about is getting back to you. Getting to kiss you. Getting to sleep with you. Getting to hold you.
“And it really sucks that your parents don't like me, because my dad is crazy about you. Not as much as I am, but still,” he said, laughing to himself. You chanced to open your eyes for a minute, but seeing that you were flying over a lake, you squeezed them shut immediately after. “We're almost there.”
“Keep saying nice things.”
“Alright. Well, you're one of the smartest people I know. Not to mention, the most beautiful. You make me laugh all the time. You're one of the strongest people I know, too. You're the only person I know who's deserving of my mother's wedding ring.”
“What?” you asked, your eyes flying open. Poe was landing the ship.
“I love you,” he said, turning off the spacecraft. BB-8 beeped from somewhere in the back, turning your attention. When you looked back, Poe was opening the overhead door. He helped you down, keeping his eyes from yours. “Not so bad, right?”
“Not so bad.” You leaned in and kissed him, savoring the fact that you were now far away from your parents' judging eyes. “I love you so much.”
“Now, show me around this beautiful place.”
“You don't have something else you'd like to say?” you asked, taking his hand.
“I already gave you a list of compliments, what else do you want?” he asked. You laughed, leading him to the retreat as BB-8 followed.
“You don’t have to say anything else,” you said, leaning up against the doorway, “But it would be an honor to wear her ring.”
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“Wait, don't you want to get changed before doing more exploring?” Poe asked. You had just finished giving him a tour and were now running down the stone steps to get to the lake access.
“Don't worry, I will be taking off these clothes.” Poe cocked his eyebrow at you, following you quickly. You got to the water, letting it lap over your toes.
“Is this area private?”
“Of course,” you said, unzipping your jumpsuit, letting it fall at your feet. You heard Poe groan slightly at your body that was now only covered by your undergarments. The water was cool, making goose flesh appear on your skin. However, the deeper you walked in, the more comfortable you became. You walked out until you could swim, dunking your head under the water.
“How's the water?” he called from the shoreline.
“Better, if you'd join me!”
“I can't leave BB-8 alone.” The droid backed up in what seemed like disbelief, looking at Poe. You smiled as Poe gave in and dropped his clothes, too. He swam out to you, his curls now weighed down by the water. “Oh, Y/N, the things I do for you.”
“Come on, it'll be fun.” You wrapped your arm around his smooth neck and kissed him. He tried to hold onto you, but you swam backward. He rolled his eyes, swimming after you. “Keep up. I've got a lot to show you.”
There was an island across the lake. On it was a little shack that housed a few boats and diving gear. It was quite a long swim, and after a few seconds of swimming at the same pace, Poe began to go faster. You knew he was trying to race you. However, this was the same channel you had swum in your entire life.
Poe noticed you were swimming faster, too. The island was in view. He tried to push you off, making you choke down some water. He reached the island before you, basking on the sand as you stalked out of the water.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” he said as you kicked sand onto his wet skin. He pulled away, smiling wide. As you walked past him, he grabbed onto your ankle.
“I'm sorry I pushed you,” he said, sitting up so he could kiss up your leg. You breathed a happy sigh, stepping away from him.
“I don't forgive you,” you teased. He jumped up and followed you, wrapping his arm around your slick waist.
“Let me make it up to you.”
“How are you going to do that?” you asked, opening the door to the shack. There were two speeder boats in the shack, leaned up against other floating devices you used as a child.
“I'll take you on a romantic boat ride,” he said. You smiled, bumping your hip against his.
“You don't know how to drive one.”
“I can fly anything.”
“You can fly anything,” you said at the same time, nodding. “But this isn't flying. It's more like gliding.”
“Are they so different?” he asked as you started to push the boat out of the shack.
“Want to give me a hand?” you asked, breathless. He nodded and helped you push the boat down to the water. “Hop in.”
“You're going to drive?”
“Got a problem with that?” you asked, looking up at him.
“No. I'm actually very turned by that.” You laughed, kissing his lips and jaw before getting to the driver's side. Poe sat down next to you, looking at you longingly.
“We can't be out too long,” you said as you shifted into gear, gliding across the water, “My parents still want us to come over for dinner.” Poe nodded.
You hated that your parents treated him the way that they did. In the four years you had known Poe, he had never done anything to hurt you, accidentally or on purpose. Of course, you fought like a normal couple, but you had never been with someone who had made you happier.
“What?” you asked, looking over at him.
“You just spaced out.”
“I'm sorry my parents are dicks,” you said, skidding past a bridge, bringing up a splash of water.
“You really don't have to apologize.”
“I do. And I'm going to make it up to you.”
“There's nothing to make up for.” You looked away from him, a smile on your face. “What do you have in mind?”
“We’ll just have to wait, won’t we?”
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“Poe.” After your boat trip, the two of you got ready for dinner with your parents. An uncomfortable event as any was with your parents, you were both glad to be back at Varykino. Still tired from your journey, he was laying down on top of the sheets.
“Hmm?” he hummed, looking up at you.
“I still have to make it up to you.” He blew air out of his nose, sitting up on the edge of the bed.
“Not in that dress you don't,” he said. You smiled and sauntered over to him. You sat down in his lap, kissing him softly.
“I love you, baby,” you said, biting your lip. Poe groaned, loving when you did that.
“Really? How did I get so lucky?” he asked. You smiled, kissing him once more before standing up.
“Really. And I'm going to prove just how much.” Poe cocked an eyebrow as you reached into one of your bags. You pulled out two silk scarfs, waving them carefully.
“What are those for?” he asked. You shrugged, walking back over to him. Kissing him again, you laced your hands in his. He kissed you back as you leaned into his body. Putting pressure on him, he dropped your hands and relaxed onto his elbows. You moved away from him again, garnering another moan.
“Sorry, I'm doing this in the wrong order.” You crawled on the bed behind him, taking his shirt off before taking both of his hands in yours.
“Just tell me if I hurt you,” you whispered, kissing his cheek as you tied his hands behind his back.
“What's the other scarf for?” You smiled, taking the smooth fabric and tying it over Poe's eyes. You ran a hand down his back, feeling how hot his skin was against yours. Peppering kisses up his back and shoulders, you settled your hands on the chain around his neck. As you continued to trace your tongue over every part of his body, you massaged his shoulders, making sure to leave scratch marks. Poe moaned as your lips moved up his jaw and stopped at his ear, leaving a soft bite.
Moving swiftly, you looped around his body, straddling his lap. You knew he was crazy with lust. Poe nearly always had the upper hand in your sex life and knowing that you were completely in charge turned the both of you on.
You picked up where you left off, feeling a new pressure in your lap as you kissed down the curve of his perfect jaw, finding his perfect lips. Having some control, he kissed you back hungrily, moving your lips with his. You bit and licked and moaned against each other until both of your lips were swollen.
“You gonna untie me now?” he asked.
“We haven't even had fun yet,” you said, trailing your nails down his warm chest, finding the erection that was pushing the fabric of his pants. He let out a moan as you started to massage the bulge, dying to look in his eyes as you did. The kisses you left on your way down his chest were soft and calculated, taking your time with where and how the hickeys you left were.
You dropped to your knees, smiling as Poe groaned, biting his own lip. Moving carefully, making sure to tease out every moment as long as you could, you pulled his cock out of his pants. Your lips found his shaft, smiling against it as Poe gripped the bed sheets.
You took your time getting to his head, working your way up his shaft. He moaned at every kiss you placed, every swirl of your tongue. Your lips found his tip, enjoying the fact that Poe's hips bucked when you did.
“Fuck, baby,” he let out as you took him in your mouth. Your lips massaged his tip, letting him rock gently in your mouth.
He was losing control. His moans were no longer kept at bay. Just as you felt him begin to let himself go, you stood up. He moaned again, this time in anger.
“This isn't fair,” he said.
“Life's not fair,” you said as you untied the scarf around his eyes. You winked at him as you dropped back down to your knees, watching him as you sucked his dick. Poe smiled softly, enjoying watching you work. You exchanged your lips for you hand as you began to talk him into coming. “Am I forgiven now?” you asked, keeping your mouth less than an inch away from his cock.
“Oh god, so much,” he moaned.
“Prove it.” You continued to massage him until he came into your mouth with an explosion of sounds that could have brought you to an orgasm as well. Satisfied with yourself, you stood up, fixing your dress slightly. Poe had fallen back on the bed, his chest still rising and falling rapidly.
“Let me untie you,” you said, moving him over slightly so you could take the scarf off. When you did, he brought you onto the bed with him, kissing you passionately.
“You're incredible.”
“I know,” you said, rubbing your thumb on his cheek.
“I am so in love with you.”
“Me too.” You kissed him again before pushing him off and standing. He groaned, snuggling into the pillows on the bed instead.
“Where are you going?”
“Just to the bathroom.”
“Hurry back,” he whined, closing his eyes. You walked into the bathroom, washed your face and changed into the nightgown you packed specifically for this trip. “Did you dress just to turn me on?”
“You know I don't dress for anyone but myself,” you said, climbing into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around you, tickling you and making you giggle.
“You still look gorgeous.” If you could spend every second of the day kissing Poe, you would. You found his lips again, smiling happily. Poe pulled away, looking at you seriously.
“What?” He stared at you for a moment, his eyebrows knitted together. “Poe?” You put your hand on his chest, your fingers finding the ring around his neck.
“What can I do to make your parents like me?” You sighed, resting your forehead on his chest.
“Can you give me a political career?” Poe blew air out of his nose before kissing your head. You looked back up at him, frowning. “My parents want me to be someone I'm not. I'm incredibly happy with my life right now. I love you. I love fighting in the resistance. I wouldn't change a thing.”
“But it bothers you that they don't like me.”
“Because it's not fair. You're a good person.” His hand around your waist tightened on the sheath of your nightgown. “But I don't need their approval. I know what I want.”
“What do you want?”
“You. Miles and piles of you.” Poe laughed out loud, pulling you in tight.
“Yes, Poe, you're all I want.”
“What about this?” he asked, picking up the ring on his chest. Your eyes widened slightly, looking up into his. “Would you want to wear it?”
“As a necklace or as a ring?”
“As your ring,” Poe said, twisting his mouth in worry. Your lips crashed into his immediately. Your fingers ran through his curls, pulling him so he was as close as he could possibly be to you. He pulled away with a smile, panting slightly. “I had a million other plans for how I was going to do this, but I have never loved someone more than I love you, and every moment together I grow more in love with you. I’m sorry I’m doing this in bed, half naked, but,” he cleared his throat and sat up straight, carefully taking the ring off of his chain, “Y/N, will you marry me?”
“Absolutely,” you said, grinning as you held out your hand. He slipped the ring onto your finger. You threw your arms around him again, kissing him passionately as he laid you back down on the bed.
“I love you,” he said breathlessly, pulling away from your hot lips.
“I love you. I have one request?”
“Anything,” he said, looking into your eyes.
“I don’t want to be your fiancé for too long. I want to marry you. As soon as possible.”
“How about while we’re here in Naboo?” he asked, leaning in to kiss your neck.
“We’re only here for three more days.”
“I know,” he said, talking into your skin as his lips trailed down your skin. “We can do it. As long as it’s everything you want.”
“You’re everything I want,” you said, taking hold of his cheeks and looking into his dark eyes.
“Can we save wedding planning for later?” he asked, looking you up and down.
“Yes. Let’s just celebrate us tonight.”
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Two days after the proposal, after finding the perfect dress, and inviting everyone who could come, your wedding day arrived. You walked up the steps to your parents’ home once more, readying to break the news to them. You figured it was best to not give them a chance to argue with you, but a last minute invitation to your wedding was a risk, too.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” your mother asked once she answered the door.
“Is Dad here?”
“Yes,” she said, letting you in. Your father was setting the table for breakfast. He smiled at you, coming over to kiss your forehead.
“What brings you by so early?”
“I have some news.” They exchanged a look as they sat down. “Poe and I are getting married. Today.”
“You're what?”
“You're only telling us this now?” your father asked.
“Yes, and we would love for you could come.”
“You didn't even ask—”
“For your permission? Blessing? I'm not stupid, you wouldn't have given it to me if I did.” Your mother sighed. You stood up abruptly. You wouldn't give them the chance to ruin this day.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” she asked.
“Entirely. Will you come see your only child get married or not?”
“You're throwing away your future,” Henri said.
“How?! You met Mom in the rebellion. I wasn't born so the pair of you could work your political savvy.”
“No, of course not,” your mother said, trying to soothe the room.
“So why can't you just be supportive?”
“We'll try to make it,” she said weakly. You rolled your eyes, making your way towards the door. Getting back to the house on Varykino, you stalked into the living room, finding Poe talking with BB-8.
“Hey, we're not supposed to see each other,” he said.
“I don't care,” you said, falling into his arms on the couch.
“What's wrong?”
“My parents say they'll 'try' to come. To their only child's wedding!” you exclaimed, letting Poe's hand on your back soothe you. BB-8 beeped, invoking a laugh from the both of you. “No, thank you, BB-8. But if I need someone to shock them, I'll come to you first.” The droid hummed happily.
“I'm sorry, Y/N.”
“It's fine. I shouldn't even be surprised.”
“It's not fair.”
“I know,” you said, sitting up to look at him. “But I don't care about that anymore. It's our day, not my parents'.” Poe smiled, leaning in to kiss you.
“You're right. Leia just called.”
“She's here?”
“With most of our friends from the resistance. And my father.”
“Really?” you asked, breaking into a grin.
“Really. So what’s the plan?”
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Poe went off with BB-8 to say hello to his father, and to give you the chance to get ready. Nové came home for the wedding and agreed to help you get ready.
“You're going to kill him,” Nové said, dropping your veil over your face.
“Thank you. And thank you for being here.”
“Of course,” she said, hugging you. “Your parents?”
“We’ll see,” you said.
“Well, we won’t worry about them. Today is about you and Poe,” she said, making you smile.
“I'll see you soon.”
“Good luck,” she called as you walked out of the lake house. You told Poe to meet you on the stone veranda circling the house. Walking down the steps, you saw Poe, dressed in his formal officer attire.
“Hi,” you said. He turned from the water, looking at you for the first time. A smile broke out on his face, holding out a hand to call you near.
“Hi. You look breathtaking.”
“So do you.”
“Are you ready?”
“Where are we going?”
“I told Nové to have everyone meet us at the festival. I want it to just be us for our wedding.”
“So, who's going to marry us? I don't think BB-8 is capable of doing it,” he said. You leaned up against the stone wall, laughing.
“I have someone to marry us, too.”
“The only person you love more than me,” you teased.
“General Organa?”
“Dameron, you could at least act like it's a secret.” Leia was walking down the same steps, a smirk on her face.
“Are you sure you don't want to marry her?” you asked. Poe pulled you into his chest, looking into your veiled eyes.
“No one else but you, baby.”
“Leia!” you called, not being able to keep yourself from kissing him for another minute. “I don't want to spend any longer not being married to this man.”
“As long as you don't tell your parents it was me who wed you,” she said.
“Deal,” you both said, taking hands.
“I assume you'd like to say a few things to one another.”
“Go ahead, Poe,” Leia said, taking a step back. He unveiled you before taking your hands back in his.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he said, rubbing soft circles on your hand, “Ever since I was young, I wanted to be just like my parents. I joined the Republic Air Force and then the Resistance so that I could do what they did, fight who they fought. But it wasn't until I met you, that I felt closest to them. You are everything I fight for, you're everything I love.
“I thought I knew who I was when I joined the Resistance, but I had no idea who I was until you opened my eyes. I never saw life beyond this fight, and you've given me hope that one day we'll have the life we're fighting for. One day, it'll just be you and me forever and ever. I am so glad we get to start forever today. I don't know what else to say. I love you, and that's all I really know.”
“Y/N,” Leia said, and looking over at her you saw she had a tear in her eye. You took a deep breath, smiling at Poe.
“Poe, my entire life I always did the right thing because that was what was expected of me. When I joined the Resistance, I didn't know what I was running to. Not until I met you. You have made me a different person, shown me a world I couldn't see on Naboo. You have opened my eyes to so much and shown me what true love really is.
“I don't care if my parents don't approve of you. For once in my life, I'm with someone that makes me happy, someone that I truly want to spend forever with. For once, I'm deciding how I want my life to be. And truthfully, I don't care what my life is as long as you're with me every step of the way. There is nothing right about loving you, but it's all I can do.”
“Do you have the rings?” Leia asked, standing close to the two of you again, tear stains running down her cheek.
“BB-8?” you both called. The little droid rolled up, holding out a tiny compartment with two wedding rings. Poe slid his mother's wedding ring onto your finger, smiling with tears in his own eyes. You slid a matching one onto his finger as Leia pronounced you husband and wife.
“You may now kiss your bride.”
“Finally,” he muttered, his voice low, before he kissed you. You couldn't keep yourself from smiling against his mouth. That didn't stop you from kissing him though as you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him dip you slightly.
“Congratulations,” Leia said, breaking up your kiss. He stood you up right, still smiling at each other. “I'm going to head down to the festival. You two will be there shortly?”
“I wouldn't say shortly,” Poe said, never looking away from you. As Leia walked away, you grabbed hold of his cheeks and kissed him again. “Your parents are going to kill me, Y/N Dameron.”
“I’d like to see them try.”
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“Poe, if we don't leave now, we'll miss the best parts of the festival,” you said, pulling away from his lips.
“I don't care.” You laughed, trying again to stop kissing him, failing miserably.
“Poe, darling,” you said, stepping back so he couldn't snake you back in, although keeping your hands in his. “Save some energy for the honeymoon.”
“We're on honeymoon for here on out,” he said, smiling. You bit your lip, falling for his charm once again, and falling back into his arms.
“I love you,” you muttered, resting your forehead against his.
“I love you.”
A few more minutes, and you were finally able to coerce Poe to go meet up with your friends and family. Walking into the city square, you spotted Poe's father first. He turned as you both walked up and embraced his son. You smiled but couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. Knowing you better than you understood, Poe turned back and gave your hand a squeeze.
“Welcome to the family,” Kes Dameron said, hugging you as well.
“Thank you, Kes.”
“Show him the ring,” Poe said, standing proudly behind you. You gave Kes your hand, watching as he smiled sadly at his wife's ring.
“It's a perfect fit. I'm so glad you've finally found someone to wear it. Your mother would be, too.”
“I'm glad, too,” Poe said, looking into your eyes. His magnetic stare drew you in, making you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I think I'll go say hello to General Organa,” Kes said, excusing himself. Poe kissed your forehead, sensing your sadness.
“I'm sorry they're not here.”
“It's okay. You're all the family I'll need.”
“Y/N!” You turned from him, seeing Nové running your way. You both let out a squeal as you embraced, giggling. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks!” She went over to Poe, who went to embrace her, but was stopped short.
“Hurt her,” she said, putting a finger in his face, “And I will end your life. There is no chance you can escape me, Flyboy.”
“I would never—” Poe began.
“Don't even think about it!”
“Okay, Nové,” you said, lacing your arm in Poe's, pulling him to safety, “No one's going to hurt anyone here.” She glared at him as she walked away, making you laugh a little.
“She's never going to like me,” he said.
“I doubt it,” you said, laughing. “But I like you enough for the both of us.”
“Dameron!” A woman called, stopping you an inch from your husband.
“I think someone needs you more than me,” you said, smirking.
“They could be calling you, too.” You nodded behind him and saw Black Squadron walking down the steps.
“I don't think so.”
“Y/N,” Leia called from the opposite end of the square.
“I'll see you in a bit,” he said, rubbing his thumb on your cheek. “Dameron.” You scrunched up your nose, smiling widely.
“Hurry back,” you said. You walked over to Leia, letting her hug you again.
“I didn't get to say it earlier, but you look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“I tried to get Amilyn, but she's on Hoth.”
“That's alright. You're here.” Looking around your small party, though, there were so many who weren't. Your parents weren't here, no one knew where Han was, Holdo was in Hoth, and Ben was impossible to talk to about anything lately. You were starting a new life with Poe, which meant that what happened in the past wouldn't be the same.
“Don't let them worry you today, Y/N. Many of your friends are here. And we'll always be here.” You hugged her once more, hoping to find Poe as soon as possible. The next person you ran into, however, was Jessika. She congratulated you and handed you a dark purple liquid.
“Drink it all,” she commanded, taking a shot with you. Instantly, you felt your whole body begin to tingle. “I know,” she said, looking at your bewildered gaze. You glanced around the square, finding Poe.
“I don't know what that is,” you said, pointing at Jessika, “But I never want to put that in my body again.”
“You got it, Mrs. Dameron.” You winked at her, making your way over to Poe. Stumbling slightly, you landed in his arms.
“You alright?”
“I don't know what Jessika has, but don't drink any.” He laughed, enveloping you in his arms. A band had struck up in the middle of the square, drawing your attention.
“Dance with me,” he whispered. You nodded, letting him lead you out to the square. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his rested on your hips. He led you softly with the music, enjoying the fact that you were lost in the crowd of other dancers. You toyed with the hairs on the back of his neck, smiling at him.
“I am so incredibly in love with you,” you said.
“It's not a competition, but I am definitely more in love with you.”
“Oh really?” you asked, laughing. He nodded appreciatively, barely keeping back his own grin. “Can you prove it?”
“Well, not here right now. There are kids around.”
“You're ridiculous,” you said.
“You're stuck with me now, baby.”
“That I am,” you said, kissing him. “How didn't I know you were such a fantastic dancer?”
“There's not much time to dance on base.”
“Well, we'll just have to find more time for that,” you said. He smiled and kissed your forehead.
“How did I get so lucky?”
“Pity.” He purposefully stepped on your toe, making you whimper slightly.
“Sorry, baby,” he said, overly sweet.
“This is how you treat your newly wedded wife? Abusing her?”
“I would never—” he began. You cut him off, kissing him again.
“I'll hold you to that, then.”
“You can hold me to anything.”
“There are children present,” you said disapprovingly, although your smile contradicted what you were saying.
“Then let's get out of here.”
“We haven't been here that long.”
“Oh please, our friends just wanted to say hello, and then get drunk. They won't miss us,” he said.
“You seem confident.”
“You should see me in the bedroom.” You laughed, dropping your head on his shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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i-am-an-idiot · 4 years ago
ok, this one took up three whole pages and then a little bit more, have fun!
He ran through the city with nothing but a stick he picked up from a nearby tree and the clothes on his back, the store owner was still chasing him, he turned into an alleyway, “almost there, five more minutes” He dropped out of school three years ago, now he’s seventeen and trying his best to survive. “You! Get back here!” “Crap crap crap” He ran faster and faster until he got to the bridge and got on the edge “Kid! Get down from there! If you jump you die!” the store owner seemed less worried about him and more about the five hundred dollars in his back pocket “No, I'd rather jump than get caught by you, mom!” She was livid, she started running after her son, as soon as she took the first step, “Seya next year!” He yelled as he jumped off the bridge and started falling into the lake hundreds of feet below, he kept a hold of his stick, pushed it straight down, and dove. When he opened his eyes he was swimming in the lake, family hundreds of feet above him, and started swimming with the current into the tropics, where he had been camping out for a few months, when he got there another boy came running up to him and hugged him, “You’re back! Thank god!” the boy grabbed his shoulders “You need to stop being so reckless, Rave! You could have gotten hurt!” Rave hugged the boy “I'm fine Elijah, see? Nothing to worry about!” Elijah hugged Rave back, hiding his face in rave’s shoulders “still, i was worried” When he let go, Rave sat down at the log around the campfire. “I got a little bit of the old' hags money, i could only get about five hundred bucks though, if i got anymore i would be in jail right now.” “You getting the money is the least of my worries” Elijah was scrounging around the little hut they built to keep warm, and came out with some cooked fish and some lettuce he got from the little garden behind the hut. “I just want to be able to get better a cooking with a fire right now” Elijah was also seventeen, he ran away from his family when he was fourteen, he had been here a little bit longer then Rave, he didn't mind when he moved in with him though, the way he saw it is another person to help garden, clean the hut, and hunt. Elijah couldn't throw a spear or even hold one right, let alone kill an animal, but rave could so, Rave hunted and Elijah cooked, it was a nice life, but a hard one. “Hey, Rave!” “Yeah?” “Do you know where the other clothes are? Or do we need to make more.” “I think i can fix the ones that i'm wearing right now, other then that, we need to make more” “Ok!” Rave was also good at sewing, that and hunting are the few things he can do to help around the camp, Elijah can skin animals so that's what most of their clothes are made of, but the skin that they can get is always weak, so it normally is ruined the third time they wear it, they use money to get some decent clothes when they need it, other then that, they can get by on their own, if you’re wondering why they don’t just get a job, it’s because the stores that need jobs only accept adults and people with a house to live in, and these two are known to live in the woods and cause trouble, so they are left on their own to survive A few hours later Elijah comes out from the hut wearing some of the nice clothes they have, and rave was finishing up two outfits. “And… done!” “Wow, I forgot how good you are at that, we should just buy some good cloth and have you sew that into clothes.” “You can! Besides you’re already dressed for it, and i'm not going back into town, i just got back” “Or, you just don’t want to get chased by your mom and the cops” Rave set the clothes on a low hanging tree branch, as elijah smiled “Come on! I’m kidding, I'll go into town to get the materials, it’s only fair! You did just get back anyway” “You have fun with that Elijah, I'm going to bed, it’s getting dark out.” “Ok, goodnight” Rave went back into the hut and Elijah went out into the city to get cloth for clothes. *** The next morning Rave woke up, Elijah was still asleep in the small pile of cloth he bought a while ago to make some blankets, he
gave up after a week. Rave smiled and went outside and got some sticks, he’s been working on making a house for a few weeks now, the little hut has been getting cramped “Rave? Please don’t tell me you’re up already” “Whoops! Sorry about that.” he wasn’t sorry. Elijah came out of the hut blurry eyed and still tired “It's three a.m right? You need to come back to bed.” “It’s four a.m, not that early” “Yeah right, come on.” Elijah had to drag Rave back to bed before he himself fell back asleep
In the morning, Rave was still asleep when Elijah woke back up, he went outside and started cooking breakfast. *flashback* Rave was 5, running around the yard, his sister 7, chasing after him ¨you'll never take me alive!¨ rave yelled, he was happy and giggling ¨come back here! I can get you!¨ his sister ws brunette with dark green eyes, like a meadow in the breeze Their mom comes out of the house, smiling. ¨Come on in you two! Dinners ready!¨ ¨okay!¨ the two run in laughing and sit down at the table, Raves older brother is already sitting at the table *end of flashback*
Rave shot up out of his bed, breathing in and out sharply. After he calmed, down Elijah comes in and smiles “Took you long enough, sleepy head, come outside, i made breakfast and you need to start on the clothes” Rave smiled at the boy, and got up to change into his one use clothes. When he walked outside he was ambushed with the smell of bacon and pancakes, “No. way. How did you get the ingredients?” Rave asked, gleaming “I used the little bit of money we had left from the fabric and i got us a cow and two chickens,” “Wait- how? Both of those things, you couldn't get with eight hundred bucks! Let alone less… than.. five hundred- no… you wouldn't have the guts!” Rave had a shocked expression on his face, like you just gave him three hundred dollars for free “If you're thinking I stole them, you would be right, we could use the money we get from the milk from the cow, and eggs from the chickens. Besides the farmer I took them from wasnt even taking care of them, and we could use the extra food.” Rave muttered something under his breath, which Elijah didn't hear. “What was that? I didn't hear you,” as Elijah said that, Rave blushed “U-uh nothing, it wasn't important.” he gave Rave a “mhm” and continued making eggs as Rave finished the first set of clothes.
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outerbonks · 5 years ago
selfish - rafe cameron
 i posted this yesterday but it formatted all weird and annoyed me so i took it down but here it is again. please enjoy and lemme know what you think!
based on selfish by madison beer 
summary; your relationship with Rafe isn’t healthy, you both know it, but you don’t know how to let the boy go.
word count: 1.8k
warning(s): swearing, mentions of drugs, toxic relationship
masterlist ♡
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Boy, you're such a lost cause, now your name is crossed off
How you gonna fix this? You can't even fix yourself
Each day it got harder and harder to give yourself reasons to stand by your boyfriend, Rafe.
He was out of control, if he wasn't coked up and out of his mind he was blowing his top on pogues who did nothing to deserve his rage.
You loved him so much, you truly did but you couldn't watch as he destroyed himself and took you down with him any longer.
He'd been warned by you months ago that you just couldn't do it anymore. You were sick of the constant arguing, sick of his absolute lack of regard for anyone other than himself but more than anything you were sick of the disregard he showed towards you.
Rafe always begged you to stay, claiming that he needed you, that he'd get clean and fix himself up for you.
Months went by and nothing changed, yet the boy still promised you time and time again that he'd fix the mess he'd made of himself and the love that you shared.
It was almost two years, that I chose to spend here
All alone on New Years, thinking what the hell?
Your relationship with Rafe began when you were seventeen and he was eighteen and it was absolutely wonderful, it had been at first at least.
Now you were nearing your nineteenth birthday and the man who called himself your boyfriend hadn't returned any of your calls or texts in almost three days.
On a massive coke bender with his impressionable friends, you imagined, not that it was anything new.
He always did this, disappeared for days without a word and then reappeared when he overdid himself in a mess of tears and weightless apologies.
Sobs filled with "baby, I love you."s and "I'm so sorry"s and "please don't leave me. I need you."s
And they got you every time.
He'd miss dates, events that were important to you and you'd get mad and shout a: "What the hell is the point anymore?" He would break down and hold you like you were the most important thing to him in the whole world and you'd believe him when he told you just that, despite how he'd proved on more than one occasion that you weren't even more important than a bump of coke with Topper or Kelce.
I don't wanna break your thread and needle tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse
Every time he came to you undone you tried with everything you had to put him back together again, even if that meant tearing yourself apart to do so.
As it began happening more and more often you couldn't even remember the last time he'd kissed you just because he thought you looked pretty and not because he wanted to make sure you were still real and beside him. 
You weren't his girlfriend anymore, you were his therapist.
Enough was enough, you had to put yourself first, if you didn't soon enough you'd have no more of yourself to give. Everything would be gone. He'd have wrung you dry.
Shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
It wasn't healthy and you both knew it. You shouldn't have stayed for as long as you have, he was bad for you but you were hooked. He was your drug and the damage he was causing proved that he was just as bad for your health. Yet you ignored it time and time again.
It's not to say that Rafe didn't love you because he did, he does. But he loved you in his own twisted way. He wouldn't move mountains for you and he wouldn't drop anything to help you but he'd just about die without you.
His love for you was selfish. It benefits him but never you. He could see the effect it had on you but how could he let you go when he needed you? Letting you go wasn't in the cards, you made him feel love and if you got hurt in the process then that was all the more reason why he couldn't give you up.
The knowledge that you loved him so much that you were willing to endure so much pain to make him happy fueled him. 
Don't know why I looked the other way, I wanted you to change
Shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it, I always knew that you were too damn selfish
It was partially your fault. You saw right from the moment he first kissed you that he was doing it for the wrong reasons. Ignoring red flags had become a daily occurrence for you.
Giving up on him was something you didn't want to do, not in the slightest. You figured that he'd change, that he'd get better, that he'd treat you better.
He never did, never even tried. 
But still, how could you just ignore all the good in favour of highlighting all of the bad?
His smile, the gentle touches he gives you when he thinks nobody else is looking, the way he kisses you like his life depends on it- you couldn't abandon all of it, you didn't want to.
And maybe that made you the selfish one, but you couldn't fool yourself anymore.
I bet you thought you gave me real love, but we spent it all in nightclubs
All you ever wanna do is lie, why you always such a Gemini?
Rafe's idea of a romantic date was dragging you to a kook party on figure eight, leaving you alone to deal Barry's content and then finding you hours later high as balls and begging to you fuck him in some random bedroom. 
He genuinely believed he was some kind of king when it came to the way he treated you. He brought you to parties, made you popular, heightened your social status among the other kooks, but that was all he thought mattered. Getting everyone else's approval.
You allowed him to reflect his warped sense of love onto you, he gave you what he thought was real love when really it was just the approval of your peers.
He thought real love equaled approval. It was as simple as that.
That wasn't what you wanted though, you wanted trust and tender moments, things Rafe didn't give to you unless it played in his favor.
Trust was an issue, he didn't trust you to know where he was going and to keep your mouth shut about it so he'd lie, lie, lie and lie some more.
Calling him out on it never helped either.
"Y/n why can't you just trust me for once?" He'd ask, throwing his arms around angrily.
"Because all you do is fucking lie to me Rafe! How can you expect me to trust you?" You'd scream back, tears threatening to spill from your eyes out of frustration from having the same fight over and over again.
He'd see your tears and he'd ease up, "Baby, don't cry." He’d say softly and then he'd pull you into him, "I don't ever want to make you cry." Then he'd look at you with those pretty eyes and kiss you softly and just like that you were back in his trap, as if nothing was wrong to begin with.
Baby, who you tryna run from? Me or all your problems?
You know you will never solve 'em, you don't even know yourself
Every now and then he'd push you away, tell you that he didn't need you anymore, that he'd be perfectly fine on his own.
And so you'd leave and he'd go MIA for a while but ultimately end you right back where he started, at your doorstep begging you to take him back. You always did, he knew you'd never turn him away. 
"Why do you do that?" You'd ask quietly, your head resting on his chest as he twirled a strand of your hair with his fingers.
He'd look at you confused, "Why do I do what, baby?"
You'd furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head up to look at him with a saddened expression, before you'd answer him pathetically, "Run away from me."
And then he'd sigh but wrap his arms around you tightly, "I just needed to figure myself out. You know I always come back." He'd try to reassure you but the statement only caused your blood to run cold at the thought of reliving the situation again and again.
"And did you? Figure yourself out, I mean." You'd question as softly as possible, always hoping the answer would be yes.
But he'd only shrug and pull you up to be face to face with him, he'd bring his hand to your cheek so tenderly and stare at you with an affection neither of you knew he was capable and he'd whisper out, "I don't know. But I just know that my head doesn't spin so much when I'm with you."
But it's not possible
Plus I'm not responsible for your self-made obstacles
Put my heart in the hospital
"I can't do this with you anymore, ok Rafe? I've had enough." You told him, swallowing the lump in your throat as he shook his head in refusal.
"What do you mean? What did I do?" He asked, tone demanding an answer as he took a step towards you.
Letting out a sigh of distress at his oblivious nature you frantically motioned between the two of you with your shaking hand, "This! This isn't healthy! All we do is fight and make up! I can't do it anymore."
Your voice was weak but absolute, he wasn't going to charm his way out of this one, you wouldn't let him.
"Baby, I-" he said softer, attempting to pull you in, but you took a step back and shook your head.
"Don't. I don't want to be your emotional support dog anymore, Rafe." His eyes widened and his jaw clenched, this wasn't happening.
"I'm trying to fix it! We've been over this!" He was shouting now and it brought up an anger in you, that excuse was old and you were sick of it.
"It's been two fucking years, Rafe! You haven't even tried! I can't possibly give any more of myself to you and yet you give me nothing." You yelled at first, but your voice lowered in volume at the end as you looked into his tear filled eyes.
"But I need you." Rafe choked out, voice cracking along with your heart, you couldn't stand this.
"I love you. But you're selfish and it hurts too much being used by you, so I can't let you anymore." Tears were falling down your face rapidly and you had to bite your lip to contain a sob.
"I'm sorry." Was all he could say, he couldn't deny what you said, it was true and you were right but he couldn't let you go. You were all he knew.
"We can figure this out, baby. We always do." He added, attempting to grab a hold of you again, nerves taking over.
But you shook your head, "Not this time."
Shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it.
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