#I was almost never home last week due to being in the labs and when I did come home the dishes were a mile high in the sink
megagrind · 1 year
Siri how do I cause psychic damage to my roommate’s with my mind?
#ngl I was going to just try to fall asleep on my own but then I hear my fucking trigger in the other room so now it’s a distraction#hoping by the time it’s done it’ll pass#and that no one bothers me as I blast music to drown out the sound#ANYWAY#do what you want but if you’re screaming at 3:30 in the morning with 20 of your friends in an apartment you share with 4 people#maybe read the room and go the fuck to bed#AUGH#I’m so mad because before this I had such I nice night. big track race where I ran really well despite literally the past MONTHS of reshot#and I want to go to bed SO BADLY so I can rest and get up early to watch my friends screen their capstones#but nah the people I live with have 0 self awareness#I literally WOKE UP to them when they came home. and normally I sleep like a rock#I’m not gonna be mad or even passive aggressive to them since I never actually confront them about anything#but GOD I can’t wait to move out#I think they’re done now but I don’t know if the girl in the bathroom is still there so I doubt I’ll go to sleep now#which sounds insensitive but I would’ve slept through it if they fucking shit up to begin with!!!! ahhh!!!#damn tumble won’t let me tag anyway again#regionals is away so I’ll have a hotel room to sleep in the night before#and my new lease starts June 1st#I literally just have to survive until then#I was almost never home last week due to being in the labs and when I did come home the dishes were a mile high in the sink#proving my hypothesis that I am actually the only person in this house who does the dishes#which is hilarious since one time 3 of my 4 roomates woke up to find the drying rack empty#and every single one of them told me individually that I’m not supposed to wash the dishes on the drying rack#because I guess that was the only reason they could come up with for where they went#instead of. you know. putting them back where they belong in the kitchen LIKE YOURE SUPPOSED TO#anywayyyyyy#it is almost 4 am and I think they all finally shut up :)
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Aita for lieing to my mom for 6 years about a guy I dated?
🤐🇮🇪 <- so I notice me. This sounds bad but all things considered, i think I'm justified at least.
Tw for domestic abuse, physical abuse, fighting and non-explicit mentions of many other forms of abuse.
So in 7th grade grade I (12/13f at the time) was dating a guy named Jay(13/14m at the time)(not his real name and we were in the same grade) for about three months. I had a crush on him for years before we dated so I was ecstatic when he finally asked me out. Looking back now at 22, I can see he pitied me as i was very unpopular and no one wanted to be around me due to the fact I was very nerdy and very autisitc(I have a mental disability). He used me for sexual things and it wasn't super healthy but I was just happy to be getting attention as neither my school nor home life was safe from abuse/bullying.
Towards the end of those three months, an incident occured. Me and Jay were working on a mutural computer lab project that should of only tooken a week but the day we were set to start, jay had iss (in-school suspension. I don't know why). I needed his choice for a song because the project couldn't start without choosing it and he wasn't texting me and was being petty and whiny about it. Finally he picked some pop 2010s song and I got started. He was in the suspension for half the week so I was the one who did a majority of the project.
When he finally came back, he was being demanding and a jerk and I said fine, I'll do my own project and you can do yours, I wanted to do firework by katy perry anyway. He then demanded my part of the project since I wasn't doing that song anymore and I told him no and when he demanded it again, I deleted it infornt of him. Typical preteen arguments right? Well he slapped me. In front of all of his laughing friends. He'd never done that before and even though I had previous experience with physical abuse(a few instances with my dad but my mom didn't see it till much later after this incident. This is important.), never from a partner.
I don't remember too much as I saw red and reacted before I could think but I do remember ripping him out of his chair, throwing him on the floor and punching him in the chest and face a few times while his friends cheered me on in surprise. I was an average height but underweight and he was both taller than me and almost 300 lbs but it felt so easy. Once I was done I got up, told the teacher I was doing it on my own, aced the project while he failed and none of my bullies ever tried to physically fight me again. I went from nerdy shy weird pushover girl to scary strong weird girl and I'm ok with that. He hit first.
Even though we eventually broke up, we made up and it was something we joked about together as i didn't realize how serious that was at the time. But my mom did realize how serious it was and tried to explain to me how bad that was, that I should never let a partner hit me and she never wanted to see me talking to him again. She was being responsible but I was 13 and riding off the excitement of showing a guy I liked what for that we dated again not a month after we broke up. Except this time I wasn't dating Jay Lastname, I was dating "Sean mcduffin" or at least that's what i called him around family and because my mom never saw or met jay, she didnt recognize sean.
Our second time around only lasted another three months before we broke up and we're friends all through the rest of our school years, never more, but my mom still called him Sean because we'll.. I told her that was Sean and I couldn't back out now. I'm gonna shift gears for a second so stick with me.
I had gone through two extremely abusive relationships back to back from one in sophomore year (sexual and emotional abuse) and one in senior year (sexual, physical, religious and emotional abuse) and my mom didn't learn until a year later after I graduated. After my mom learned about it and the extent of the abuse with my father, she helped me heal and eventually started asking questions about the relationships and my dad and I answered her as were the closest weve ever been. She off handedly compared the one in senior year to the incident with Jay and then said how happy i seemed with Sean right after made her relax and hope i wouldnt be in another abusive relationship and it hadn't hurt me too badly.
I then realized I had never explicitly told her Jay and Sean were the same person and I had lied to her when I said they weren't (she had suspicions but never proof and trusted me). So I told her they were the same person and she got this very defeated look on her face. I apologized as I realized that was kinda shitty of me because my mom was just trying to protect me but I can also see why a 13 yr old who grew up in parental abuse wouldn't nessesarily take domestic abuse seriously. She just signed and said she wishes I was honest and I shouldn't of lied about it because it was serious. I explained my side but we eventually just moved on to talk further into our initial topic and she's not brought it up since.
I can see where I was the little 13 yr old asshole but I can also see why I wouldn't of taken the lie as seriously as I should due to my history. He never hit or hurt me again and I never heard of him doing it again so I guess i desuaded him from a life of abuse. Idk. Was I the asshole? Me and him don't talk anymore and since getting therapy, I've realized what a shitty person he was to me before, during and after our small relationship.
(small context: we were school friends only, he never really came over to my house or met my family more than once the second time we dated and I didn't talk about him as much after the second break up due to my focus on friends shifting from school friends to my girl scout troop. We were inseparable in school but outside of it, we rarely spoke.)
What are these acronyms?
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 24 days
Dreamboat Chapter 5
Summary: Y/N, her brother Steve, and his best friend Bucky all moved out West for a new start after Y/N was almost caught up and hurt in a rival gang fight.  Steve wasn’t in shape to fight in the war, but Bucky was drafted.  While out West, Y/N finds herself in trouble again from the local bar owner.  Steve is suddenly drafted for an experimental division of the army, but leaving Y/N alone isn’t an option.  Bucky comes home needing help, and Steve comes up with a crazy compromise.  
Warnings:  mentions of violence, war, unwanted advances, graphic imaging, eventual smut
*Y/N/N= your nick name
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Y/N was living a daydream, she had to be.  There was no way this man was real.  That weekend they had tried every position, seeing what worked best since he only had one arm, laughing at what didn’t, and learning all they could about each other in this context of their relationship.  Every day from then on she would nearly run home from work just so she could walk in and find him waiting for her on what was now their bed.  
Justin didn’t bother her anymore.  He didn’t appear out of nowhere or follow her to work, and she figured that at last he’d finally gotten the message that she wasn’t available or interested.  
She was worried about Steve.  They hadn’t received any new letters recently, and she started to stress.  When she and Steve hadn’t heard from Bucky in a long time she had been scared, but he came home.  Who knew what happened to Steve?  She tried writing to the army, to his battalion leader, but never heard anything back.  There was a strange story of a Captain America going around, a man who was beating the Nazis back and making a difference in the war, but she never paid enough attention to it all.  
Weeks later she started to feel sick.  Winter was in full swing and she figured that maybe she was catching the flu, but it progressed from flu-like symptoms to throwing up at the drop of a hat.  While she was at work she ran to the bathroom for the fifth time that day and her boss approached her.
“Okay, you, come with me,” Dr. Banner said, gripping her arm and pulling her down the hall when she came out of the bathroom.
“What?  What’s wrong?” Y/N said, keeping her mouth turned away so he wouldn’t smell the vomit on her breath.  
“You’re getting tested,” he announced with no room for argument.
“Tested?” she asked as he veered into an exam room and had her sit on the table.
Dr. Banner pulled out a cup and set it next to her on the table.  “Go piss, then bring it back to me.”
Y/N’s eyes went wide when she realized what he was wanting to test her for.  “I…that can’t be…wait…”
He pointed to the bathroom that was connected to the exam room and then walked out.  Y/N went and peed in the cup, closing it firmly before walking back out.  Dr. Banner was already waiting for her.  She handed the cup to him and he nodded.  “I’ll be back soon,” he sing-songed as he walked toward the lab.  
Y/N went back to work in a daze.  She tried to focus, but her mind kept wandering.  Was she?  Could this actually be happening?  It wasn’t like she and Bucky had tried to stop it, by any means, but it still seemed like a possibility that was a long way off for some reason.  A little later Dr. Banner caught her in the hallway, pulling her back into an exam room.
“Congratulations, Mrs. Barnes,” he smiled.  “You’re pregnant.”
Y/N gawked at him.  “Are…are you sure?”
“Hogben test confirmed it,” he nodded as he leaned against the counter.  “When was your last menstrual cycle?”  Y/N thought back and told him and he did some quick calculations in his head.  “Then you should be due near the end of September,” he said.  
Y/N nodded, still feeling dazed at the thought of being pregnant.  “Thank you,” she said.  Then she looked at him in fear.  “Are you going to fire me?”
Dr. Banner chuckled.  “No.  You’re one of my best midwives.  We’ll see how your pregnancy goes, and depending on what you need as it progresses, we’ll decide when it’s time to let you rest.”
Y/N frowned but nodded.  “Okay.  Thank you.  I’ll try to get to the bathroom faster–”
“Don’t worry about it,” Dr. Banner said.  “Just go home and rest.  Take care of yourself.  Get your vitamins.  You know how all this works.”
Y/N gave him a small smile.  “Thanks Bruce.”  He winked at her and walked out of the room.  Y/N got home a bit earlier that day, Bucky looking worried in the living room.
“Babydoll, you okay?” he asked, immediately walking up to her and reaching his hand up to tilt her head up so he could look her over.  “You weren’t feeling well this morning.  You shouldn’t have gone to work.  Did something happen–”
“I was sick,” Y/N explained.  “I got sick a few times at work.  But I’m okay.  I’m…it’s…” she paused.  She was unsure how to broach the subject.  They hadn’t talked about children or having a family at all.  He’d always been good with kids, from what she’d seen as they grew up, but she didn’t know how he would feel about it now.  But looking up at him, she couldn’t think of a better man she’d want to have babies with.  She decided to just bite the bullet.  Her eyes started to fill with tears and Bucky’s frown deepened, his eyes widening.  “It’s okay,” she quickly reassured him, her hands smoothing over his shoulders.  “I’m…I’m pregnant.”
Bucky froze.  His eyes were wide and his mouth agape as he stared at her, the only part of him moving was his eyes as they flitted back and forth between her eyes.  “Pregnant,” he whispered.  Y/N nodded, her hand moving to his hand on her neck, pulling it up towards her mouth and kissing his palm.  “My…baby,” he said, his eyes slipping down to her stomach.
“Our baby,” Y/N said, pulling his hand down to rest on her stomach.  “You’re going to be a father.”
Bucky finally blinked and snapped his head back up to look at her.  He smiled as his hand caressed over her stomach.  “My babydoll is gonna give me a baby,” he murmured.  He was looking at her like she hung the stars and it made her even more emotional.  “Why are you crying?” he chuckled.  “Are these happy or sad tears?”
“Happy,” Y/N whispered.  “Are you happy?”
“Yes,” Bucky nodded, his smile widening.  “Yes, babydoll, I’m happy.  I was just shocked at first.”  He leaned down and kissed her, his hand coming back up to her face to cup her cheek.  Y/N kissed him back passionately, her hands running through his hair.  “Mmh, you’re excited today,” he mumbled against her lips.
Y/N giggled.  “It’s the hormones,” she breathed, kissing down his cheek to his jaw then to his neck.  
“Ah, and here I was thinking you were just happy to see me,” Bucky teased, his hand slapping her butt.
“I am,” Y/N said, nipping at his collarbone, making him moan.  She pushed him to their room, fumbling with his pants.  “And it seems you're happy to see me,” she said, feeling him harden in her hand.
Bucky huffed a laugh as she pushed him back on the bed then sunk to her knees in front of him.  “I’m always happy to see you…Mama.”
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whoslai · 1 year
Off The Menu - Lee Heeseung (Chapter 1)
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genre: angst, fluff, slow-ish burn, eventual smut!! (you’re responsible for what you consume, read at your own risk)
warnings: none?? reader has anxiety/social anxiety and a few insecurities here and here. major slice of life for you peeps 
send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged! thank you to all my new followers, you guys are amazing for supporting me. please interact and give me as much feedback as you’d like (don’t be an ass tho, no need to spread negativity.
not proof read, sorry for any typos in advance. 
word count: 3.3k 
link to series masterlist or whatever
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Chapter 1: “Hey, lol.”
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Fall wasn’t your favorite season. From the stress of studying for finals to worrying about flight tickets back home when winter rolled around, you were never the biggest fan of the autumn months. With the combination of your busy schedule and your failure to get a refill on your anxiety medication, you felt immensely overwhelmed. Another thing to note was how lonely it got; Your family was across the country. Going to school in California was a conscious decision of yours, but you didn’t consider how tiresome it’d get not experiencing the warm embrace of a loved one in your times of need. To even take a trip back home would take you nearly 2 days, and that was simply not a risk you were willing to take with how dingy your car was. 
Your Friday’s typically consisted of this: Breakfast at the café off campus, lectures from 9 am to 12 pm, lunch at 12:30 pm accompanied with a small break, occasional seminars for an hour or so, then you were done. You’d usually study for a little while, but there were no promises. Being a second year psych student had its pros and cons; Less free time throughout the weekdays but completely free weekends. Though the pros outweigh the cons, you could use a bit more time to yourself throughout the week. As you were far from home, you had to make completely new friends. The vibe in California was completely different. You spent the entirety of your first year in your dorm in online school due to your school’s strict precautions against the pandemic, so you’d be stripped of the chance of branching out. While you weren’t the only one who went through this, it was 10x harder for you to go back to normal; Social anxiety had been something you’d struggled with all your life. The fear you felt when in big crowds, when being assigned to group projects, even merely walking to your class on campus…really…sucked. Tasked with the responsibility of your own finances, health insurance was something you simply couldn’t afford. Therefore, you hadn’t been on your meds for God knows how long. But anyway, you wouldn’t stay on such a depressing topic. 
Moving on, you had the weekend to yourself. You’d finished your last lecture around 2 pm and made your way back to your dorm. Fortunately, your roommate hadn’t made it back from her classes, so you had the space all to yourself. You locked the door behind you and took a breath of fresh air.
“Finally.” You sighed to yourself, plopping down onto your bed. Shoes were thrown about and you laid in your bed, indulging in the feeling of relief. But, as expected, it was cut short almost immediately.
Multiple knocks were sounded upon the door. It was nobody but Ningning, your lab partner in Abnormal Psych Stats 2. She was a sweet girl, she truly was. However, she always found a way to be overbearing. But you appreciate her as she was the only reason you ever left your room.
You slowly but surely got up to open the door, greeted by Ningning with a big smile.
“Y/N, were you lying down?” She asked, leaning against the door frame.
“I was, but now I’m up. Come, come.” You told her, moving out of the way so she could come in.
She walked in, closing the door behind her and sat on your bed as you spruced up your desk.
You glanced over at her, noticing that she was biting her lip and she only ever did that when she was holding back from saying something.
“Oh God, what is it?” You groaned, knowing she was about to say something outlandish.
She smiled and sat up, “Okay, don’t be mad but I booked us two tickets at this restaurant over in Malibu. Yes, I know it’s a long drive BUT…it’s worth it. Please tell me you’ll come with me, pleaseeeee…”
You sighed, rubbing your jaw, “I can’t.” Her smile faded, turning into a frown, “I don’t have the funds for that. I just planned on grabbing a meal from the dining hall…I’m trying to save up for a plane ticket.”
She shook her head, “Don’t worry about the costs, I’ll pay, it’ll be my treat. I wasn’t in town on your birthday and I want to make up for my absence. As your best, and ONLY friend, it’s my job to treat you. So, what do you say?”
You sighed to yourself, again. You hadn’t planned on doing anything tonight. You really were looking forward to having some down time to just relax and catch up on some shows. You also weren’t the type to depend on someone to pay for your meal, but one time wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Alright. Fine. When?” You asked her, stacking papers atop of each other.
“Today, tonight, let’s leave before 6 pm since our reservation is at 8:00.” She said, “I figured we could stay the night? If we left by 6 and got there at 7:30 ish, we could check into our reservation and stay at a nearby hotel. It’d be nice to take a break and be on our own for a while.”
You nodded, ‘That sounds nice…but costly? Where’s all this money coming from, Ningning?” 
She smiled, “Let’s just say…my job is treating me well. Now, pack a bag, be ready by 5.” She hurried up and kissed your cheek as she made her way out of your room, closing the door behind you. 
So, a trip. A mini girls trip for a night. You were excited, actually. It’s been a while since you had a chance to take a break. You’ve never been to Malibu either. This should be fun.
Later on, you finished packing a small bag with a few essentials. You changed into an outfit you thought fit the Malibu vibe: A black halter top with beige flowy pants and matching back sandals. You clipped a mango-ish colored flower into your hair after you slicked it back into a ponytail and grabbed your bag. You touched yourself up a bit before walking out of your dorm and made your way down the hall. You knocked on Ningning’s dorm and waited for her to open it.
Once she did, she met you with a smile and walked out with her bag, locking the door behind her. “You look so cute, Y/N. We’re going to have so much fun, trust me.”
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You two soon made it to the restaurant with not a lot of time to spare as it was 8:00 on the dot. Ningning quickly found a parking spot and you both agreed to find a hotel after you ate. 
From the outside looking in, the restaurant was beautiful. It was right beside a beach with a beautiful view of the ocean; Moonshadows Malibu was its name, it truly was something you thought you’d never see in real life. As you two made your way inside, you were hit by the aroma of vanilla and solemn music, only adding to the overall dreamy vibe. A pretty lady at the front greeted you both with a wide smile. She held up two shell necklaces, “Would you ladies like a necklace?” Ningning looked at you before quickly nodding, holding her hands out to grab them. She gave you one as she slipped hers on her head and you followed after her, placing the necklace around your neck.
“We reserved a seat for two?” Ningning remarked towards the lady.
The girl nodded, “What’s the name?”
“Ning Yi Zhuo..” Nigning replied, nodding.
The girl nodded, “Okay, follow me.” She showed you both to the deck of the restaurant, seated outside right above the sand and beside the ocean. You were in awe at how beautiful the sunset was. Ningning thanked the girl as she placed down menus and told you both that your waiter would be over soon.
“It’s so pretty in Malibu…” You sighed, looking at the ocean.
“I grew up right next door to Malibu, actually. I always enjoyed coming here on vacation, such a nice place. Anyway,” She laughed, “What are you getting to drink? I brought my fake just in case…”
You smiled, shaking your head, “I don’t drink, Ningning. You’re always pressuring me to drink.”
She scoffed, “Peer pressure? I’d never!”
You rolled your eyes, “Sure. I’ll probably just get water, I’m trying to be healthier.”
“Aw, okay. I love that for you, but I’m still going to get a Pina Colada.” She sighed, pretending to jut her lip out at you.
You shook your head and looked down at your menu, suddenly feeling your heart dropping. The prices were high! The cheapest thing you saw was $20!
“Jesus, Ningning! These prices are literally so unrealistic.” You told her.
She shrugged, “You pay for the quality, not quantity. They honestly have some of the best food in Malibu, trust me. How about we both share an appetizer and then worry about the entrees later? Sounds good?”
“Okay, well, at least I'll pay for your gas. Deal?” You asked.
“Oh hell yeah, you can definitely pay for my gas.” She nodded to herself.
You closed your menu and took your phone out, capturing some photos of the ocean for later. You wanted to savor the moment. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the beach, the waves lapped gently against the shore. The sky was painted in shades of pink and orange, while the clouds seemed to catch fire with the last rays of daylight. A few seagulls flew overhead, their silhouettes dark against the vibrant sky. The air was filled with the salty scent of the sea and the distant sound of laughter and music. It was a moment of peace and beauty that seemed to suspend time, as if the world had paused to take in the breathtaking scene before it.
Only, your attention was stricken as you heard Ningning whisper something. You looked back at her and her eyes were wide and signaling to the side of you; A waiter. Your heart skipped a beat as he drew closer, his smile dazzling and his eyes sparkling. He was even more handsome up close, with strong, chiseled features and a confident demeanor. You felt a sudden burst of nervous energy, unsure of how to act in the presence of such beauty. His voice was smooth and charming as he greeted you both. You felt an immense struggle to keep your composure. It was clear that he had an effect on you, and you simply couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way.
“Evening, ladies…” The young man greeted you both, “Can I get you guys started with anything to drink?”
Ningning eagerly nodded, “You most certainly can…Y/N?” Hearing your name snapped you out of your mini trance and you looked at her in confusion. She widened her eyes at you, signaling for you to talk.
“I’ll just get some water for now.” You told him, clearing your throat. 
He nodded, “Water it is…” A small smile crept on his face as he glanced back up at you and playfully remarked, “But I’ve got a feeling you might want something a little stronger later on.”
 You couldn't help but feel a bit flustered by his comment, but you managed to laugh it off. "We'll see about that," you replied, trying to hide your growing attraction to him. Ningning, on the other hand, was not as subtle.
 "Oh, I think we definitely will," she said with a grin, winking at the waiter. You shot her a look, but she just shrugged innocently, “I’d like a Piña Colada, extra coconut.”
The waiter chuckled, clearly enjoying the attention. "I'll keep that in mind," he said before taking your orders and walking away. Ningning leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye.
 "He's cute, isn't he?" she whispered.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't deny that she was right. "Yeah, he is," you admitted, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks.
“He was soooo flirting with you, Y/N.” She laughed, “It’s time you got some action, anyway. 19 and still a virgin? Unheard of.” You shook your head, trying to brush off her comment. But deep down, you couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to it. You couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store.
As the night progressed, you and Ningning chatted about a multitude of topics. Life, college, boys, parties, homework, etc. You were glad you went out with her, it was just the breath of fresh air you had been needing these past few weeks. 
Oh, and of course, you’d stolen some glances at the waiter. When he brought back your drinks, he made sure to place yours down first even though Ningning was obviously positioned in front of your water. 
One thing he did that made his interest almost completely obvious was when he leaned down on the table to speak to you when you knew he could hear you just fine as he was merely a few inches away. You wouldn’t say you were flirting back. Although Ningning was urging you to do so, flirting wasn’t something you were familiar with. Why would a guy flirt with you of all people? Especially as your much prettier friend sat across from you. For all you knew, he simply could have wanted a nice tip. You wouldn’t entertain him much, you came to get a break from campus, not to find a fling.
Ningning turned her attention back to you when he walked away to retrieve you both some refills, “He wants you.”
You didn’t respond to her comment, choosing to turn your attention to the last sushi roll instead. You rinsed it down with the last morsel of your water, sighing internally when he came back. 
“One filet mignon for Ms. Lily,” He said, placing down your food, “And a scottish Salad for-”
“Lily?” Ningning laughed, confused at the name he referred to you as.
He looked up at her as he placed her food down, “Lily Flower, in your hair,” He glanced up at you, “It’s cute, by the way.”
You awkwardly nodded, “Thanks…”
He smiled and rubbed his hands together, “Well, I’ll be around. Call me if you guys need anything. I hope you enjoy your food.”
“Will do.” Ningning said, “One thing before you go…” He nodded in acknowledgment, licking his lips. “You single?”
The waiter chuckled, clearly amused by Ningning's boldness. "I am, actually," he replied, his eyes flickering over to you for a moment.
Ningning grinned. "Good to know," she said, winking at him. "We'll keep that in mind."
As he walked away, you couldn't help but feel a little jealous of your friend's flirtatiousness. But deep down, you knew that there was something between you and the waiter, something that went beyond just a passing attraction.
As you ate your meal, you found yourself stealing glances at him, meeting your eyes with his own whenever he walked by, feeling a rush of excitement every time he flashed you a smile. Finally, as the meal came to a close, he brought over the bill and once again flashed you a charming grin. "I hope you enjoyed everything," he said, his eyes sparkling. You couldn't help but smile back, feeling a little shy under his gaze. 
"It was great, thank you," you replied, trying to sound casual, knowing damn well that you were nearly shitting your pants under his intense gaze. 
He nodded, walking away to leave you both to the bill. Ningning shook her head, “If you don’t write your number down on this bill, I’m genuinely never taking you out ever again. This is a threat.”
You couldn't help but laugh at Ningning's threat, feeling a little embarrassed at how obvious your attraction to the waiter had been. But she was right, you knew that you couldn't let this opportunity slip away. As you saw the waiter returning to take the bill, you nervously scribbled down your phone number onto a small napkin, placing it beside the bill. You hoped that he wouldn't notice until you left as you didn’t want to make anything awkward. As he collected the bill, you tried to act casual, but your heart was racing with anticipation. You watched as he glanced down at the paper with your phone number on it, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Was he interested in you too? Or was this just wishful thinking on your part?
“Thank you ladies, have a nice night.” He said as you both got up. Ningning nudged you to say something but you urged her out of the restaurant, wanting to abort immediately. However, just before you walked out of the door, you looked back at him once more. You saw that he tucked the paper into his pocket without a word, but then he glanced back at you with a small smile, and you felt a surge of hope. Maybe there was something there after all. 
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You two made your way into town with the windows down, allowing the breeze to brush through as you listened to the radio. You pointed out a nearby hotel that looked nice, actually. Pool, multiple floors, adequate priced rooms. It wouldn’t hurt to stay for one night in a nice hotel, afterall, you only live once. 
Ningning found a parking spot and you helped her carry her bag in as she made her way to the front to pay for the room. She made small talk in the elevator but you truthfully found yourself checking your phone to see if he had texted. It was already late, nearing 1 am. Surely the restaurant wasn’t open this late. Maybe he only smiled at you out of courtesy, afterall, Ningning had left a nice tip.
As you entered the hotel room, you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that you hadn't heard from the waiter. Maybe it was a mistake to put yourself out there like that, to give him your number so readily. Maybe he wasn't interested after all.
Ningning caught the look on your face and immediately knew what was going on. "Hey, don't worry about it," she said, giving you a comforting pat on the back. "Maybe he's just busy or something. You'll hear from him soon enough."
You nodded, trying to shake off your disappointment. "Yeah, you're right," you said, forcing a smile. "Let's just enjoy the night." Ningning nodded in agreement, and the two of you settled in for the night, enjoying the comfortable beds and the peace and quiet of the hotel room. 
But as you lay in bed, your mind kept wandering back to the waiter. Amidst all of the doubt you held within your mind, you couldn't help but wonder what he was doing, where he was, and if he was thinking about you too. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but you couldn't help but feel like there was something there, something that was worth pursuing. 
As you placed your phone down on the nightstand beside you, it vibrated. Your heart dropped, surely…a family member wasn’t texting you at 3 in the morning, right? You took a deep breath, glancing to your side to see Ningning asleep. You reached for your phone, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as you saw the notification; An unsaved number. Your heart leapt in your chest as you opened the message, feeling a rush of relief and joy when you saw the text.
+1 424-936-2945: “Hey, lol.”
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authors note: i hope you guys liked this first part of my ongoing series. i was kinda writing outta my ass. i got this out sooner than i thought i would so, yeah! anyway, let me know how you guys liked it and feel free to send in any thoughts you have. i hope to write this series in you guyses vision, not my own. reblog, likes, and comments are all appreciated haha. lmk if u wanna be tagged in the next chapter.
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stvrdrops · 2 years
the american actress pt 2 | pt 1 ☆ shuri x fem!reader
after seeing how stressed you’ve been and how it’s impacting your relationship with the princess, shuri holds herself to a promise she had made early on in your relationship.
warnings : this is like full on smut so expect strap ons, kissing, and overall mentions of sex lol
word count : 3k+
note : i got some requests to do part two of the american actress so here it is ! i wrote this all in one setting and i’m not the best at writing smut but i hope it’s a good enough predecessor. i set it up for there to be a potential part 3 so we will see what happens !! ^_−☆
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it had been almost a whole year after attending the gala held in wakanda. in those many months so much of your life had changed. shuri and you had been essentially “courting” as her country would call it, considering she is royalty. the press found out shortly after, and then the whole world knew. you two quickly became perhaps an even bigger power couple than tony stark and pepper.
however, some people did not approve of the relationship you had with shuri. these people ranged from those in wakandan tribes to silly twitter stans that had a lot to say online. you had heard your fair share of remarks from both sides of the coin, however shuri was always there to comfort you about it.
“they are just jealous, my love.” she would whisper to you as she held you in her arms. she loves when you curl into her lap and just let her hold you. it is when she feels most at home no matter where she was. you had become her home and she had quickly become yours.
you worried so often about getting wakanda to fully approve of your relationship with her. mainly it was just trying to convince the council to love you, but the nation’s thoughts mattered as well. after all, you’d be considered a princess of the nation after marriage. it was far too soon to think of marriage, but due to you dating the princess of the richest place in the world it was a thought you often kept in mind.
if dealing with the worlds approval of your relationship wasn’t enough, you had also gotten booked for a major motion picture movie deal. it was centered around your character in a dystopian world she is aiming to destroy from the inside out. it was really just another action movie, which you didn’t enjoy because you had just started exploring other genres. however, what pushed you towards the deal was the talk of an oscar. they were just rumors, but apparently you could have a great shot at winning one with this movie. it’s an absolute dream of yours to win one. it’s better if it happens sooner than later. after all, if you did end up marrying shuri one day would you be forced to quit acting? you didn’t enjoy thinking about giving up your career, but you were sure that shuri is worth it. you wanted to discuss the topic with her sometimes, but something about it would make you too scared to bring it up. it was early into the relationship still and you didn’t want to overwhelm her or scare her away.
little did you know, she could tell you had done much overthinking over the last couple months. you two had been apart for a while due to your filming in another country. she drowned herself in lab work to distract from thinking about you. before you left she had given you your very own kimoyo beads so that calling could be better and faster no matter where you were. however, you barely used them. she would attempt to reach you through them but you were always too busy or tired. when you did answer she could hear how tired and stressed you sounded. she felt awful keeping you on the phone in that state, so the calls were never long. shuri, instead of becoming frustrated with the situation of the relationship, began working on a way to help you destress if your schedule allowed it. she had remembered mentioning this to you before, but surely you didn’t remember the sleazy comment.
your movie was being put on pause for a few weeks due to your costar spraining their ankle from a silly stunt. you had told them countless times to just have the stunt double do it, but they were too headstrong. despite feeling awful about the whole situation, you were glad to be spending some time recuperating and seeing shuri again. your girlfriend had been excited to know she was going to be able to see you within a few hours. you had been confused by this news, as you assumed you’d probably fly back to your apartment in nyc for a few days and then go see her. however, she had apparently heard of the accident on set and how it was delaying the progress for a few weeks. she gave very clear instructions over the phone:
wear the outfit that was coincidentally placed on your bed in the hotel you were staying in.
grab an overnight bag, that really needed to be made for many nights.
head to the limo that’s waiting downstairs for you.
you followed her instructions with no pushback despite wanting your beauty sleep before seeing her, you too had been excited to see her. you felt like you had been neglecting her lately which hurt your heart. she insisted she understood the situation and that she may have moments of her own like this someday in your relationship. it didn’t make you feel much better to hear those things though.
the box on the bed contained a sheer black lingerie dress made of only the finest materials. a matching black set of lace lingerie was underneath it which only made you snicker. of course she picked out something so scandalous as this. you hid the sexy attire underneath a large hoodie and shorts as you made your way to the limo.
the limo of course drove you to a location where a jet was waiting. a member of the dora milaje greeted you as you approached the jet by saying, “hello, princess.” a wink following after.
it caught you by surprise to hear yourself be called that. some of the people in wakanda would do it whenever they saw you due the fact you and shuri were dating. when you told shuri of this she only laughed and said, “they are only messing with you.” you would scrunch your nose in response to her teasing.
you made your way onto the jet and the woman warrior followed after you. it took off with ease and you allowed your eyes to shut for the remainder of the time. the distance would be traveled fast, but any bit of sleep you could gain was definitely worth it.
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“y/n, we have arrived in wakanda.”
the voice of the woman makes you suddenly open your eyes as if you were on full alert. she gives you a soft smile before helping you stand from the comfy seat you were sitting on.
“thank you.” you say to her, in which she nods.
one nice thing about wakanda is that you never need to worry about taking your bag to your room. the people around you were always ready to take your bag for you and place it in shuri’s room or elsewhere so that you could easily go and see her right away. that's exactly what they had done with your overnight bag you brought. the only thing you had to do was find the princess, which you were informed was in her room waiting for your arrival.
two members of the dora milaje accompanied you through the beautiful halls towards shuris room. you never quite got over just how beautiful wakanda was despite your many visits. every time you came, shuri would show you something new about the nation or the palace. you loved the little moments when she would make fun of the architecture or say how she could make something better or more advanced with her tech. she never fully exited out of her mad scientist role, even while with you.
the dora milaje stopped in front of the ever so familiar door. you smiled at them before pressing the doors open. you didn’t bother knocking on your lover’s door considering you were told she had been expecting you.
when you entered the doors shut behind you. your eyes wandered around the room to see scattered flowers among white sheets and open windows displaying the beautiful stars and city of wakanda. you thought everything was so beautiful and well set up. it warmed your heart to see how much effort she had put into all of this for you. you felt like you should’ve been doing this for her though, seeing as though you feel as if you had neglected her. however, shuri had often liked spoiling you, so you let her.
you noticed that the only thing missing from the room was shuri. you wondered where she could’ve possibly been until a voice answered your thought for you.
“hello ms. y/n. shuri will be joining you shortly.”
it had been griot, an ai that took you months to stop being scared of it whenever he randomly spoke. you see, shuri liked taking you in very public spaces. you had a fear of being caught. and somehow every time you were allowing her to be handsy in those situations, griot would speak out of nowhere and scare you half to death.
“hello griot, i appreciate the heads up.”
“my pleasure.”
you took off the hoodie and shorts, leaving yourself only in the lingerie she had given to you. you assumed it would be a nice little present for her considering she had put all this together. when you sat yourself onto the bed wearing the exposing lace, your eyes landed on something.
it had looked like a camera in front of the bed, but not directly in front. it hadn’t looked like a normal camera either, more like a high tech one. you assumed shuri had designed it. it had her qualities written all over it.
“do you like? it’s my own personal design.”
her voice tears your eyes away from the device and onto her. she entered through her side bedroom door wearing just a tank top and sweats. her hair had been freshly faded, leaving her perfect pile of curls resting atop her head. you felt far more exposed than her, but the tank top made you throb the same way the lingerie made her throb. she found out from one of the first times you got intimate with her that tank tops were a thing you loved seeing her in.
“you look good.” you say to her after watching her move around to the device.
“and you look even better.”
“hmm…” you groan as you let yourself fall back completely onto the bed, “i don’t feel better.”
she chuckles, “don’t worry, i’ll make you feel better.”
you can’t help but blush at her words and the deep tone she uses. your body even tingles a little. you didn’t realize how badly you missed her kissing and touching you until she was standing right in front of you. you just wished she would stop messing around with that stupid piece of tech.
“won’t you just come here already? i’ve missed you.”
“be patient. i’m attempting to set up this camera.”
oh, so it is a camera.
“oh?” you couldn’t help but vocalize your thoughts.
“ah there we go.” she said as you hear a little beep coming from the device. her footsteps can be heard making their way towards you.
“come here.” she says before picking you up and setting you down in her lap. you wrap your legs around her torso and blush. it always made you flustered whenever she’d show off how strong she truly was.
her dark brown eyes stared into your own. the contact from her fingertips on your skin was driving you crazy, but you tried not to show it too much.
“you know how i said i wanted to make a movie with you?” she asked, causing your eyes to widen. of course you know how she said that. it was one of the very first things she said to you. you had assumed she was only joking though, as it never actually happened.
“you’re going to record us?” you asked so innocently that it made her chuckle.
“should i have made it more obvious? i want to keep a video of this for when i miss you. your filming makes it so hard for me to fuck you. so now when you go back, i can just watch this and feel content for the time being.”
those words flowed so easily off of her tongue that it had caught you by surprise. she was incredibly nonchalant about this whole thing which made you think she had been planning this for a while. you were not camera shy in the slightest, but you had never exactly recorded yourself in any position like this before. not that you were opposed, just a little timid.
“just say action then.” you say to her, a smile spreading across your face.
“action.” she replies in a challenging tone.
soon your lips were colliding into hers. her fingers dug into your brown skin and you couldn’t help but exhale due to how good it felt. she had never handled you like this before. shuri was being gentle yet also harsh at the same time. you could tell how much she missed you by how hard she held onto you and how gentle she kissed you. you only hoped that your kisses and hands reaching out for her face relayed the same message.
kissing was enough for shuri until it wasn’t. she eagerly began tugging at the straps on the sheer cloth you wore on top of your lingerie. her mouth went to her favorite spot, your neck. after that first night she craved sucking on your soft spots and kissing in other spots until they were purple. she enjoyed the sounds you were making as her lips touched your skin.
your fingers gripped her hair as she sucked so eagerly on your neck. the vanilla and coconut smell radiating off of her was so pleasant and mouthwatering. she smelled so perfect even with smells as simple as those.
your hips had begun grinding into her, searching for some sort of release. you hadn’t even noticed you were doing the action until she stopped kissing on your neck. the thing about shuri is that she never full stops unless she intends on torturing you. she always eases out of things. she swears its because she never wants the moment to end. you swear it's because she just loves to leave you wanting more by easing off little by little. sometimes it’s more torture than fully stopping it. so before stopping her kisses, she eased off by peppering them.
“you are so eager tonight. i did not know you missed me this much.” she said while slowly taking you out of the lingerie you had taken so long to put on. you didn’t have it in you to detest her taking it all off of you. not that you would’ve detested anyway, but maybe been a tease just a little while longer.
“i missed you more than words can describe, shuri.” you breathe out as she begins palming your now exposed breasts. this pleasure usually wasn’t enough to overwhelm you but you felt so sensitive. had you two not been in the early stages of sex then you probably would’ve just asked to cuddle as you perhaps wept. although both things have you being vulnerable, the sex just seemed so much better. this was because she wouldn’t know exactly what you had been so stressed over.
“i’m sure i missed you even more, my love. i day dreamt of touching you like this again.” she begins to kiss your chest, “i grew so bored and lonely without you here. we haven’t been together for very long in the grand scheme of things but i am sure i love you.” her kisses begin traveling lower. “i am sure i love you more than anything and it makes me sad to see you so stressed and tired.”
you loved when shuri talked to you like this. she made you feel like the only person in the world, and she has been since you first met. this was not the first time she told you she loved you. in fact she had told you many times before this. the first time being out of nowhere in her lab. she had said it so casually.
“i think i love you.”
“you think?” you had asked.
“hm... no, i definitely know i love you.”
you couldn’t stop smiling for a week straight after that interaction. it was so simple but it was the perfect way for her to say she loves you. you didn’t want all that extravagant stuff, after all she was most extravagant for you on dates and intimate nights already. it felt so much more genuine that it came out of nowhere.
“shuri please…” you moaned out after she had been kissing on your now erect nipple. her lips plopped off of it and she looked back up to you with puppy dog eyes. you could feel yourself melting.
“please what?”
“please… please just make love to me. i want you so bad.”
you didn’t have to tell her twice. this was all about making you feel better and more relaxed. she was willing to do anything for you under any circumstance. while you were worrying about what would happen if you two were to get married, she worried that you wouldn’t want to marry her at all. shuri didn’t know how she would bear it if she lost you. it would be especially worse considering she would be forced to see your face everywhere on social media and posters for your movies.
“of course my darling.”
she flipped you over onto your back with ease. it wasn’t too harsh though, as she was scared she may hurt you. you laid there on the bed feeling yourself up to release some tension as she walked to the side of the bed.
“come here.” she commanded, causing you to turn your body to be positioned in front of her. you’re assuming this was the position she wanted you in as she climbed onto the bed. it would look the best on video. her getting a clear shot of how she stroked you so elegantly with the strap on she had been hiding underneath her sweatpants. it didn’t hit you until now why it was so nice to grind against her.
she lifted your legs up and got the perfect view of just how perfect and vulnerable you truly were. your entrance was begging for her to make her way in but she couldn't grant it that pleasure yet. shuri wanted to look at you a little while longer. she wanted to take in how beautiful you looked in your purest form. she admired your stretch marks and the way your stomach formed a crease or two while having your legs bent back. if she had the chance to, she would keep you constantly by her side forever, just so she could look at you for hours. she admired your birthmark and your little moles that adorned the most private places on your skin. she loved how your skin sparkled in the night stars due to the cocoa butter lotion you religiously lathered yourself in.
you were like a forbidden fruit that she craved more of with each passing day. she was sure you were created by bast herself despite you not being of wakandan origin. that didn’t matter to shuri though. she was sure bast put you here just so that she could know what true love and adoration felt like. even while you were going through a little rocky situation with your relationship, her feelings never faltered. you were both sure you could get through anything and that moments like these were to help with that.
she slowly pushed herself into you which caused you to moan. they were slow and steady strokes. shuri did not want to overload you with anything too fast. she wanted to show you with every movement how lucky she was to have you and love on you.
“faster... just a little bit faster, please.” you managed to get out between your soft moaning. of course shuri obliged and began thrusting faster while digging her fingernails deep into your thighs.
the extra pinch from her fingernails was beginning to push you over the edge. she cooed to you calling you her beautiful angel or sweet girl as you whimpered and cried out for her to go faster or slower. at one point you had switched positions into one where you were in her lap being pushed up and down her strap. you didn’t need to be guided for long though as you began making your own movements as she continued grabbing onto your hips. your head was nestled deep within her neck as you struggled to keep your breathing evened.
then finally her stroked began getting deeper and deeper. this was what really sent you over the edge. she was hitting every thrust like she was following the beat of a song. you could feel yourself be lifted up from her lap a little every time she did it. something about this intimate act could not compared to the others you two have shared. you asked her to make love to you and thats exactly what she was doing. before you two had just been fucking, simply having sex. this was so much more emotional and powerful and truly you felt like it couldn’t get any better than this.
“i’m c-coming!” you managed to get out of your lips as shuri thrusted faster and faster. your moaning and breathing became utterly uncontrollable as you let yourself melt in her touch. she could feel herself coming up on her release too from the strap’s material rubbing against her and your beautiful moans. at some point you forgot the camera was even rolling, too in tune with every thrust and grunt shuri had been making as she did it.
you soon came undone beneath her with a final moan and gasp for air. you kept your head nestled in her neck as your back arched and she continued to thrust, although slowing down. she had finished shortly after you with her slower strokes. those had always finished her off like clockwork which you found amusing. however, you much too tired to even giggle at the action. you could still feel the strap inside of you as you remained in her lap.
“my love, i have to get this out of you.” she whispered to you.
“must you? It feels so nice. i could fall asleep just like this.” you whispered back, your voice laced with exhaustion.
she laughed, “i’m sure you could, considering you already are. however, i can not have the ladies come in and see us like this. it would be improper of me.”
you sighed, “i suppose so.”
she helped you get off by slowly taking it out of you and setting you on the side of the bed that you always slept on. you could hear her shuffling around in the background as your eyes refused to stay open. her bed had been so soft and was covered in only the finest sheets made of satin and most likely vibranium.
“here.” she whispered out to you. suddenly you felt a warm towel wiping the inside of your legs and flower. you always loved that she took care of you after. shuri placed a kiss on your forehead before saying, “i love you y/n. rest well for me.”
she didn’t have to tell you twice. as soon as the covers were pulled over you the warmth flowed through your body and put you right to sleep. shuri climbed into bed shortly after you going to sleep, placing another kiss on your forehead before falling into a slumber of her own.
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gingersforeverbox · 2 months
Coffee and revelations
A/n: I'm not gonna lie y'all, this piece was hard for me and offered a new challenge, but I finally got it done! I honestly don't know if I will keep doing platonic requests, so please consider this my first and possibly my last. Anyways, thank you for the patience, and I hope y'all enjoy. Word count: 2.1k
warnings: panic attacks, formerly toxic home-life, canon-typical swearing and technology, and Nathan ofc
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How you got the position of being the assistant of a multibillionaire ‘tech messiah’ (Nathan’s words, not yours) is routinely up to debate, but the best and most plausible answer is that you are the only one in a long list of assistants that was actually able to put up with said messiah for more than a month or two.
 Your first weeks out in the middle of nowhere deep in the forests of Alaska were… rough to say the least. It was a constant barrage of papers and virtual conferences, emails and phone calls, and of course a boss that didn’t necessarily hover over your shoulder so much as he simply reminded you of his eternal presence using the over-coms and cameras. Thankfully there was only one or two in your room that you quickly dismantled using a handy-dandy pocket knife that was spare from the helicopter on the two and a half hour ride to the drop off point. Why Nathan insisted on being so dangerously isolated from people, you’ve yet to fully uncover. You had your theories of course, most likely something to do with the brains of the man, along with a splash of gifted kid problems that you’d recognized in others your age before you moved out to be surrounded by nature, Nathan, and the machines he cooks up in his labs. 
Over time, you began seeing Nathan for who he was: a troubled man who is too smart for his own good. Yet the urge to call this man ‘Dad’ infects you everyday, whether it's when you’re asking for your next assignment or explaining your stance on why Star Trek was so important to the influence of modern technology. He was just oddly comforting to be around when he was being decent and not a total asshat. Some people may insist that they aren’t cut out for parenting, and that may be true for some, but Nathan comes by it almost naturally. Even if he may still consider girls to be odd creatures, he still respects the fact that you’re just some teen who happened to get stuck with him while furthering your career. 
Deep down, Nathan knows that he has a soft spot for his young assistant. He can tell in moments of pride for you and your work, or when you actually beat him in an argument, or even when you silently leave him a glass of water and a pain killer at his desk for his hangover the morning after his drinking episodes. He knows he’s not the best boss or role model, but he appreciates your time and presence more than he cares to admit.
With the buzz of the over-coms, Nathan’s tired voice comes alive in your windowless  room. 
“Y/n. Coffee. Stat,” he demands bluntly.
You grumble as you slide off the bed, something about being capable of holding meetings in other countries on behalf of the sarcastic grump of a man only to be interrupted by a snarky ‘What was that?’ to float through the room. 
“On my way,” you sigh just loud enough for the microphone(s) to pick up.
Kyoko is silent as usual when you pass her in the hallway, on the way to the kitchen for the coffee that was already filling from the prepped machine. 
She always puts you on edge. You logically know that she is just an extremely fancy AI that Nathan had made at some point in his isolation, but she just seemed so damn real. She looked just like a normal- albeit very beautiful- woman, perfect down to the real hairs on her head that Nathan had claimed to place individually while building her. Due to that being one of the first things that Nathan had ever said to you when you came to the facility, you could never quite tell if he was being serious or not, but you wouldn’t put it past him to be so meticulous with “his things”. 
Whilst distracted by the slender form of the AI as you round the corner of the kitchen counter, your depth perception fails you, and causes you to stub your toe and trip around the corner. 
With a tumble, your body falls in slow motion. A short gasp leaves your throat as you watch the mug of coffee shatter into pieces and chunks, coffee splattering across the tiles of the facility.
Despite being alright from the fall, something snaps in the back of your mind. It’s like a dam of worries and fear over the response of your gruff boss, cracks- pouring out, along with the tears that sting your eyes. 
You’re unaware of how long you lay on the floor of the kitchen, alone… until you aren’t. 
“Hey, woah woah woah, kid, you okay?” Nathan questions as he stoops down to gather your arms and inspect them for glass. Your eyes are glassy with tears as your limp arms are turned and prodded by Nathan's surprisingly warm hands. 
“I’m so sorry, I was just trying to get your coffee, I promise I-” your words fell out of your mouth despite your throat tightening, desperately trying to choke down your tears. The cries soon turned into short and shallow breaths, panic seeping into your bones as the stress of Nathan being upset with you began to bare down on your shoulders. 
“Hey, stop breathing like that kid, you’re hyperventilating.” Nathan slowly moves his hands to your shoulders, trying to ground you to reality and prevent you from spiraling. Nathan’s solid hands gently squeeze in a slow pulsing rhythm before he slides his hands back down your arms and softly folds them over your chest like a mummy in a sarcophagus. 
“Can you start patting your chest with your hands one at a time for me, kid?” Nathan mirrors you with a neutral expression then demonstrates exactly what he wants you to do with a small nod of encouragement. As you watch the man gently pat his chest with his hands folded upright, you slowly begin to get in sync with his demonstration, your breath slowly becoming more regulated. Your mind, however, still felt like it was reeling. The feeling of your heart rate calming down was only a small comfort whilst overanalyzing the situation- particularly Nathan’s response. 
‘Why is he staring like that? Does he always look like that or is something different? He thinks I’m a disappointment, why can’t I just do what he wants? It’s just like home all over again, I’m so tired. I just want him to approve, that’s all I-’
“Hey,” he interrupts gently. “Stop thinking for a minute, everything is going to be fine. It was an accident, it’s just a cup.” Nathan continues to show the soft patting motion he is guiding you through, although a twinge of worry flares in his dark eyes. Noticing that the self soothing isn’t helping as much as anticipated, he opts for a different approach. 
As you sit silently, chaos reigning above all else in your mind, you feel soft arms wrap around your shoulders; Nathan quietly pulls you into his chest whilst making a rocking motion a few paces away from the glass filled area. 
“Are you physically hurt, Y/n?” 
A small shake of your head is felt against his chest where your head is resting softly, a soothing hand petting the back of your head. With a small sigh of relief, Nathan softly pulls you away for a moment to check your face for any deception, pleased to find none. 
“As long as you’re not hurt, that’s what matters, okay?” He states with his typical stone expression as he waits for confirmation that you understand him.
Tears well up in your eyes once more as you quietly nod up to the man who then pulls you back into his warm embrace without a word. 
“Thank you, dad.” 
Shocked at your sudden revelation of your image of him, he feels a new emotion wiggling under his chest. It felt warm and tingly inside, a feeling that Nathan quickly identifies as pride, along with something new: paternal affection. He always knew that he wouldn’t have children any time soon (unless it’s one of the nights where he is drunk and thinking about the possibility that he has a child somewhere in the world due to his relations with various women), yet in that moment the truth becomes glaringly obvious. 
He got a kid the first time you stepped foot in the facility.The first time you impressed him with your efficiency in your work. The first time you went to him for help with an assignment, when he had snapped at you for needing help in the first place, which led to him drinking himself to sleep in his office that night. The next morning he may have finished your work for you, leaving it on your desk once the hangover subsided, but he never acknowledged it.
Only now is he realizing how badly he fucked up.
While Nathan’s revelation hits him like a ton of bricks, causing him to feel another uncommon emotion for him- remorse. Guilt. 
“I-” he hesitates, as if mentally psyching himself up for the next words to fall from his lips, “I’m sorry, kid,” he mutters. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you, I know I fucked up,” he bluntly admits. 
At his blunt yet sincere tone, you pause in his arms, tilting your head to look up to the thickly bearded man. 
“You’re really not mad at me?” you ask hesitantly, unsure of his response. 
“No, kiddo. It was just a cup, and you could never make me genuinely mad,” he reassures with a soft shake of his head as he continues to hold you close, slowly swaying both of you in a comforting manner. 
With a gentle nod of acceptance on your behalf, a comfortable silence fills the air surrounding the kitchen of the facility. 
“Y’know,” the man speaks up in a slightly more gentle tone than he usually takes with you, “I think you’re doing a good job. You put up with me and my bullshit, you’re a smart cookie, and you even like Star Trek,” he lists with a small yet fond smile. 
“You couldn’t get better in my eyes if you tried, kid. I’m not gonna hurt you, and I will do everything I can to make sure nothing else will for that matter. I was more worried about you being hurt than the stupid cup of coffee, goofball,” he grins in a fatherly tone. 
In return, an involuntary smile breaks across your face as you both continue to sit on the kitchen floor. The worries surrounding the man you feel so attached to seem to fall away slowly at his reassurance and warm embrace. Sure, it may take some time to get used to Nathan’s new and more caring nature, but it’s a good change- a great one. 
Another comfortable silence fills the air around the both of you as you wordlessly express your affections with a tighter hug. 
With a clink of ceramic, you both look up from your embrace to see Kyoko gathering the shards of the mug with a dustpan and a cloth- always a dutiful machine. The man beside you scoffs softly in amusement before looking back to you. “Well, I’d say that’s enough barista duty for you. Kyoko seems capable. Besides, I want you to come take a look at some code with me downstairs,” he shrugs softly. “If you feel up for it, of course,” he adds in a rare moment of kindness. 
You pause for a moment, playfully humming and looking up to the high ceilings of the facility before looking up to his dark brown eyes. 
“Can you teach me some stuff about coding?” you ask with a warm smile gracing your features. 
“Duh, that’s the point, dude,” Nathan chuckles fondly as he gently encourages you to stand from the floor of the kitchen with a soft sigh. He offers you a hand to keep you steady as you stand to your full height before walking over to a cupboard and filling a glass of water for you. 
“Drink this first, though,” he orders in a blunt manner, “You cried a bunch and you need to hydrate,” he explains thoughtfully. 
With a nod of acceptance, you take the glass and begin to sip on it as the man guides you past Kyoko- who has finished cleaning up the mess- towards the elevator with a gentle hand on your upper back to guide you, caringly. As you reach the elevators and make your way down to the lab, you both talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, both of you seeming to enjoy the feelings of closeness that has brought you together as a guardian figure and as someone worth looking out for. 
The rest of the day is filled with playful jokes, lighthearted banter, and smiles (even from Nathan); a beautiful change to a growing bond of care for one another. 
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
While requests are open I was thinking could you please write how Shinobu or Mitsuri would react to reader relapsing into smoking cigarettes after being a few years clean due to stress from a mission or something like that? If not I understand thank you for being who you are and keeping me entertained 🖤🖤
Smoking Relapse Headcanons
Shinobu Kochou x They/Them Reader and Mitsuri Kanroji x They/Them Reader
A/N: I couldn’t decide who I wanted to write for more, so I did a little something for both. Hope the format is okay. Thank you for reading!
Shinobu Kochou
They didn’t even realize they had bought the cigarettes until they left the little tobacco shop they were meant to be passing by on their way home. But now that they had they a pack in their still shaky hands and the on-edge anxiety they carried in their chest was still as thick and fresh as it had been since their mission had concluded, they found themself shaking a cigarette loose from the box and putting it to their lips.
That would be fine… right? They didn’t carry matches anymore since they quit. As long as they couldn’t light up, just holding the once familiar weight between their lips should be okay. Something to distract them from the near disastrous turn they avoided on their mission. They could be content with just the taste of the paper…
Until an old man who had been smoking from a pipe nearby noticed their lack of a flame and offered to light it up for them. After the night they had, they couldn’t find it in themself to refuse.
They coughed out a cloud of smoke. It really had been awhile since their last cigarette, huh? Shinobu was going to kill them.
It wouldn’t matter if they threw away the evidence, changed their clothes, or took a bath with the sweetest smelling soaps. Shinobu always seemed to be able to detect if something was amiss. It would be best to just be honest and take the lecture straight up rather than give Shinobu time to make them really regret any lying by omission.
They still gave the rest of the pack to the old man before continuing on home. One cigarette was bad enough after having been clean for nearly two years. Some people would probably decide that they might as well finish the whole pack since they already slipped up, but they probably didn’t have a physician for a girlfriend who could be really terrifying when she wanted to be.
Upon arriving home, they would greet all of the usual faces, getting a little more nervous the closer they got to Shinobu’s lab.
They knocked and Shinobu called them in, smiling upon realizing who her visitor was. Soon enough however, as they neared the table, Shinobu’s head tilted curiously to the side and her eyes narrowed almost imperceivably.
(Y/n) sighed, getting ready to tell Shinobu all about their folly, but she took their hand in hers and lead them to a chair, scooting another one over to sit beside them.
Shinobu wouldn’t really scold them too harshly for their relapse. She could tell that they had a particularly difficult night and they were already kind of disappointed and aggravated enough on their own without her chiming in.
Shinobu cares deeply about (Y/n)’s health, especially as a demon slayer where breathing techniques are a crucial tool in most battles. She has never been more invested in the health of a pair of lungs. She could see a marked improvement in (Y/n)’s speed and technique since they quit smoking and she’d like to keep it that way.
Above all she’s just glad that they came home in one piece and she’s ready to talk about whatever happened on their mission when they are. But for the moment she’s content to sit with them and remind them of how far they have come while sharing a pot of strong tea that Aoi brewed per her request.
Mitsuri Kanroji
They had been called away on missions nearly every night for the last couple weeks and the pressure was getting to them. It didn’t help that Mitsuri was often assigned elsewhere when they finally did get to stay home for a night. It had been a stressful and lonely time.
To try to keep their mind off of their last dreary mission and very apparent lack of Mitsuri, they decided to clean their room. They swiped a rag over a high shelf, knocking something to the floor. They silently cursed, they had thought the cleared everything off of the shelf before hand, but clearly not. They bent down to pick up the little box, but froze when they saw it was an old, mostly empty pack of cigarettes.
Apparently they had forgotten about that little hiding place when they had started getting serious about quitting. Damn it.
They tried to ignore it and focused on cleaning the rest of the shelf before their attention was brought back to the carton on the floor. They picked it up, hand hovering over the garbage to toss it in, but they couldn’t seem to do it without taking one of the remaining cigarettes between their fingers.
They walked stiffly, but with purpose to the kitchen to take a box of matches and then they went outside to sit on the engawa, leaving the door open so light could flood the dark yard. They stared up at the moon and rolled the cigarette between their fingers until the itch got the better of them and they brought it to their lips before striking a match.
If the last couple weeks hadn’t been so rough, that discovery would have gone so differently. They exhaled a breath of smoke and leaned their head against the support beam they were sitting by. They had only made it three months, how depressing. As much as they missed her, they were glad Mitsuri wasn’t home to see this.
As they flicked some ash to the dirt below, they heard noise coming from somewhere inside. Then they heard Mitsuri’s voice calling out for them. She couldn’t see them like this. It would break her heart!
They put out the cigarette on the underside of the engawa and flicked the remains far beneath and out of sight. Their heart thudded in time with Mitsuri’s quickly approaching footsteps and they went rigid when her weight fell over their back and her arms squeezed them tightly in an enthusiastic hug accompanied by a showering of kisses.
Mitsuri noticed their stiffness before registering the scent that was clinging to the air around them. Then she hugged them even harder, almost dangerously so.
Mitsuri is very empathetic. She knows that they had been having a hard time lately, she had also been feeling lonely without (Y/n) around. It makes her sad to see what all that stress mounted too and she can tell that (Y/n) is disappointed. She wants to comfort them if they’ll let her.
She knows they were mostly trying to quit for her benefit ever since Shinobu had mentioned smoking around other people frequently enough could give them the same health problems as the one partaking. So Mitsuri is determined to be there for them in any way they need.
After all, she wants them to be just as happy and healthy as they want her to be. Whether they decide to stay outside a little longer and cuddle or they are ready to go back in for a late dinner, Mitsuri will be glued to their side until she is called away on a mission that simply cannot be put into someone else’s hands.
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fireyturtle · 2 years
It's late enough at night that I think I can post videos and pics to show everyone what happened to us through the hurricane.
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This was storm surge about to enter my house after Hurricane Ian hit. Each of us quickly packed our necessities, our memories, anything important to us into a bag and pushed through rising water into our cars to evacuate to higher ground. Keep in mind the wind is still going over 100mph when we went outside. We thought our house was going to flood. We were either going to die in the house or die in our cars outside. We managed to evacuate safely to a friend's house and slept there for the night. On Thursday morning we drove back to our house to make sure it was okay.
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It flooded our garage but did not go inside our house by some miracle. The water must've stopped rising soon after we left. When we left it was already touching the front door so I thought for sure it would've flooded inside. You can see from the box, that it was about a foot or more of water creeping up to our house. Our house survived another hurricane. We just had to clean up the yard and survive however long it would take for utilities to turn back on.
The trauma and fear from this is unreal. I've lived in this house literally my entire life. We've never moved once. And I thought I was about to have lost everything I've ever known. I thought we were going to be homeless. I actually thought we were all going to die. I called my fiancé and literally gave him my final words. I told him how much I love him and that this may be the last time we talk ever again. I made a goodbye video so he could see me one last time. If anything happened to us or our cars while we were outside, I believed we would die. It is only by sheer luck did we survive and make it through this the way we did.
What I worry about now is that it's been a week since the hurricane hit but we still don't have power. One of my jobs doesn't have power. We struggled to get gas until recently. None of us can work and have income to pay our bills. And those bills are coming up at the end of the month. I work 2 jobs to help pay for things and only one of them has power. The one that is the furthest away, costing me more gas and more money.
At the end of this month I plan to visit my fiance. This was a pre-planned trip months in advance and already paid for. I'm not giving up this opportunity to see him and us hold each other and cry from almost losing each other forever. But while I'm gone, I worry about my family being able to take care of themselves. They still may not be back to work by the time I leave just because of how long it's taken to repair everything. I'm going to be leaving funds for them here while I'm away but I worry it's not enough. So I created a paypal link in case anyone wants to donate to help my family out.
If you want to know more about my family, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in January 2021. This January makes 2 years since his diagnosis and it's scary for us all. We still have to continue paying for his treatment and lab work. He's been so stressed through this I'm worried it's going to affect his health. Because of his lung cancer, he's not able to work anymore and has retired. If he pushes himself too hard, he'll get really weak and wheeze. He struggles to catch his breath and almost collapses. He's already done this to himself a couple of times this week due to the stress and heat.
My mom and brother both work from home, but that requires an internet connection. We can get power back but still not have internet, so they still won't be able to work.
I have a 14 year old chihuahua named Taz who I love with all my heart. He's been stressed out since we evacuated suddenly on Thursday. He sleeps in front of a fan for half of the day cause the heat is too much for him in his age. We do our best to make him comfortable. Here he is sleeping in front of the fan:
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My brother's wife also lives with us so that makes 5 people in one house plus a small dog. Our food bill was like $250-$300 a week just on dinner meals and some snacks. We've tried our best to trim it down as much as possible but $200-$300 seems to be the range. We've stored some food in preparation for the hurricane, so we do have some stock for now, but we will have to buy more food at some point and that will cost money we don't really have right now. At the end of this month our bills are due. Literally 2-3 weeks from now. And no one other than me would have been working during that time. And I do not make even close to enough to pay for all of our bills. And since I will be gone, there's next month to worry about as well.
I don't know how long it will take the city to recover from this. I don't know how long it will take for my family to recover. But we are all heavily traumatized and stressed out. That's why any and all help is greatly appreciated. I have friends around me who can give me a place to shower or wash my clothes, but I wouldn't dare ask them for money during this. They are hurting too.
I created this paypal.me link a few days ago. If all you can send is $1, that's fine. I appreciate it nonetheless. I know things are tough on everyone.
If you have the ability to donate and wish to, my link is:
If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I will figure something out. Thank you if you've read this far. Please be safe and well.
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crittercrossing · 7 days
All three dogs are having some health issues at the same time, and Ivy may possibly have something diabetes-ish going on. Almost all of this has happened within the past month, and, in the dogs' case, within the past few weeks. I wanted to post an update sooner, but I genuinely haven't had the time to do it. I work a full-time job and a part-time job, on top of taking care of things at home and traveling a couple times per week to my parents' house to visit them, the dogs, and the chickens. This blog is run almost entirely on queue, but I wanted to stop in and post a text update.
A few weeks ago, I took Dorothea and Ivy for their yearly check-ups. It was technically about a month and a half early, but the day before, they had gotten into a closet they're not supposed to be in and ate into some plastic bags of treats. They had me terrified, thinking they might get blockages from eating plastic, so their check-ups got bumped up so that I could also make sure they would be okay after their adventure. Thankfully, neither one experienced any sort of issues from their plastic-eating. For the most part, all went well, and things were unremarkable. Dorothea was great! Nothing in the slightest going on with her. Ivy, however, is a challenge at the vet. She is extremely aggressive and has to be medicated prior to her visits. Even then, she doesn't fully relax, and vets are very limited with what they can get done with her. She was completely fine, other than some lab work levels that were off, most alarming of which was her glucose, which was pretty extremely high. The vet confirmed my suspicion that, most likely, it was due to the extreme stress she was under during her visit, but said this could technically be due to diabetes, as well. I am to watch Ivy for weight loss, increased urination, and increased thirst. I'm concerned for her health, and also worried about if she is diabetic. I've never had a diabetic pet before, so I would have a lot to learn, in addition to figuring out how to manage that in a cat that can't really be held and can usually not be medicated at all. With Ivy being young, female, and a perfectly healthy weight, I don't really think she's at huge risk for it. My only real worry here is that since their exam last year, Dorothea gained about half a pound, while Ivy's weight remained exactly the same. I'll be keeping a close eye on her.
The poor dogs are all having a bad time right now. I've been worried sick about them. It started with Holly. About a month ago, she began coughing out of nowhere, and it's an extremely bad, nearly constant cough. If she's awake, she's coughing. It's nearly every breath she takes. She went to the vet, where they did x-rays and determined that it wasn't anything visibly wrong with her heart or lungs. Holly does have a heart murmur, but she's had that for a couple years now, and it has not caused coughing issues in the past. She's on medication to treat the cough and an antibiotic. She has finally started coughing less within the past week, so hopefully whatever this cough is is coming to an end.
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed Chevelle started showing UTI symptoms again. She had a UTI and a severe case of bladder stones in early 2021, and my immediate fear was that it might be bladder stones again. I took her to work with me (my full-time job is at a vet hospital), and sure enough, she not only had an extremely bad UTI, but... The dog is full of rocks again. The x-rays were horrifying, and I may end up posting them separately later. Monday will be two weeks since that day, and Chevelle is going back for a re-check. She's been on a prescription urinary diet for the past two weeks, with the hopes that, depending on the type of stones she has, the food may start to break them up. If her stones aren't breaking up when we check again on Monday, she'll need a cystotomy again. She had the same surgery in 2021 for her last case. Regardless, she'll be on the prescription diet for the rest of her life. She's been acting fine most of the time. She tries to pee every five minutes or so, and most times passes a little blood. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she still has the UTI come Monday (even though she's been on antibiotics), and I'm fully expecting the surgery to take place.
Katy has been declining for a couple of years now, and it's started happening pretty quickly over this past year. She has a lot of pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility in her legs, especially in her hips. She has also had a bad case of dermatitis on and off for a while. Due to her epilepsy, Katy can't have any chewable flea preventatives, leaving topicals such as Frontline as the only option I knew about for years--and I live in one of the ever-growing areas where Frontline and similar drugs don't kill fleas at all anymore. It's been a struggle to keep fleas off of her. Between fleas and baths trying to kill the fleas, it started messing with her skin. The biggest issue has been a recent, very sudden increase in the frequency of her seizures. She used to have about one a year, sometimes two. Over the past month, Katy has had four seizure-like episodes (vet is assuming they're seizures for now), and that's only four that we know of. It's extremely possible she's having more when no one is watching her. She has really unusual symptoms when these happen, so as soon as I found out this was happening, I took her to work with me too to get all this stuff sorted out.
Katy's case is still ongoing, but here's what I know and what's been done so far: She has started a daily regimen of carprofen, which is already showing promising results. A few days after starting it, she was able to stand up on her own and go up short flights of stairs--both things she couldn't do previously. She will remain on this carprofen most likely for the rest of her life. She was also put on an anticonvulsant to hopefully prevent any more of her seizure-like episodes from happening. It's been about a week, but so far, no one has seen her have any more of those strange episodes. Her skin is being managed with a medicated shampoo that she is being bathed twice weekly with, and she finally has a good flea prevention strategy! The vet suggested we try a Seresto flea collar, and it made an immediate difference. I haven't seen a flea on her since she started wearing it. During Katy's exam last week, the vet ran some bloodwork. it came back mostly normal, but her T4 level was really low. Tomorrow, she's going back in for another blood draw to run a second thyroid test--if her levels come back low on this one, she'll be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism could explain both her sensitive skin and the seizures, and if she has that, she can go on medication to treat that, as well. I'm cautiously optimistic that we can get Katy feeling a lot better again, and I hope that she can spend the rest of her life not being as miserable as she's been lately.
I'll post more updates on everyone as things happen!
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
New Student, New Friend
Pairing: Young Snape x french!reader
Word Count: 2,751
Request: #1 “Hi! Can I request a young!Snape x french!reader where the reader's transferred from beauxbatons and isn't fluent in english/has a thick accent? Love your work!!”
#2 “Hi hi! Love your work! Can I request Young Snape x French reader? Sorry if I dont speak well, english is not my first language <3”
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello everyone again! :D I combined both requests because they are pretty similar so enjoy!
Posted: 9/10/21
~*~*~ = time skip
(Y/n) = first name
(L/n) = last name
~*~*~ = POV change
~*~*~*~*~ *~
There was a strange static in the air this morning, one Severus couldn't quite place. He brushed his long hair back behind his ear and listened in to the hushed whispers of passing classmates.
"...Beauxbaton, can you believe it?"
"Nice to not know someone for a change - "
Beauxbaton? Severus gathered they were talking about a new teacher perhaps? Although it wasn't that odd to get new professors in the middle of the school year. Just last year the Dark Arts professor was promptly replaced when he went mad after a spell backfired on him; In fact, every year there was a new one.
It was strange that the new teacher should be a transfer from another school such as Beauxbaton... Maybe they were fired and no one else wanted them, must be down on their luck. And if that is the case, how very fitting for Hogwarts, home of inadequacy.
Severus, still deep in his bitter thoughts, almost tripped over the shoe that had extended out in front of him. He caught himself and whirled around angrily. "Watch it!" he growled, straightening.
James Potter smirked. "Oh, Snivellus. Didn't see you there.” His Gryffindor friends snickered behind him, bolstering his ego. "I'd get along to class if I were you. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day back."
Severus grit his teeth and did everything he could to not growl his displeasure of being in so close proximity to the pinnacle of mediocrity that was Potter. It had been a week after winter holidays had ended but after another nearly fatal encounter with Black, he’d been forced to stay in the Hospital Wing un-zippering his mouth and a couple of fingers before being allowed back.
The memory of the experience made his knees weak, making keeping his riled demeanor that much harder. He was lucky he'd had the foresight to cover his nose before Black unleashed his hex. It wasn’t a quick run from the lake to the nurse, and he certainly wouldn't have made it with his nostrils zippered together as well.
"Mind your own business, Potter." Severus spat out his name like rotten apples, furrowing his brows in an attempt to seem more threatening however he could not help but notice the hallways getting emptier by the second. He knew better than to get caught alone with Potter.
He laughed and turned to catch up with his friends. Severus watched him go, only relaxing his shoulders after Potter had rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight. The hall was empty.
He turned and continued down the corridor when his hearing perked at the scuff of loud footsteps. He whirled around, hand plunging into his robes, but it was too late.
Severus' head snapped back as his feet whipped out from under him. He hung limp in the air, watching his wand roll away on the stone floor. His hair nearly touched the dirty ground.
James laughed. "Welcome back, Snivellus!"
He closed his eyes as his boiling blood rushed to his head. He was hanging upside down in the air, alone in the empty corridor. He couldn't scream for help, he'd just get yelled at for disturbing lessons, and he couldn't reach his wand - as long as his limbs might be, his wand might as well have rolled down into the dungeons. He'd have to hang there until classes were over or one of the portraits decided to help him out for once.
"Eh... Excuse moi?" A quiet voice wrapped in a thick French accent broke the silence.
His eyes flew open and stared straight into the face of a beautiful but completely unfamiliar student. She bent down low to meet his eyes. She must be the mystery person from Beauxbaton, the new student as it turned out.
This was worse, so much worse than being caught by anyone else in the school - except for a very select few. Severus looked around in search of anything that might make this all less embarrassing.
"You need help, no?" Her voice was more confident this time, laced with a hint of friendly amusement.
"Uhh..." He met her eyes and hoped this new student would excuse his red face to be due to all his blood rushing down.
She straightened and pointed behind him. "This is your wand? I'll give to you?" His wand was in his hand with one quick flick of her own.
His eyebrows automatically shot up at her use of nonverbal spells. "Thanks," he tried swallowing but ended up coughing. He covered his mouth and performed the counter-hex, dropping to the floor with a grunt.
She rushed forward, looping her arm through his and helping him up to his feet. She laughed and dusted the dirt off his back while he stood paralyzed.
"Better, no?" she smiled, facing him a foot from his stiff figure. "I'm new seventh-year transfer... And you?"
For a moment his mouth opened but no words flew out, and then all at once words poured out as fast as if under a curse. "I'm - oh - yes you're from Beauxbaton, right? Yeah - er - yes, seventh-year as well."
Her hands flew up and she waved them in front of herself with a laugh. "Slow please!" she laughed again. "One more time?"
Severus gave an awkward laugh that matched hers and nodded. "I'm also a seventh-year."
"Oh!" she held out a paper and pointed down to the class he was late for. "I am so lost! You help me now? Oui?"
She smiled up at him and his heart nearly leaped out of his mouth. He nodded quickly, "Yes - er - oui, I'll help you... Actually, that's my class too..."
"Oh!" Her smile widened, "I need partner for the class! You have one?"
For once Severus thanked his unlucky past self. His time in the hospital wing all week meant everyone would be already partnered up. "No, I don't..." his face flushed red again and he cleared his throat, looking away. "We could be partners?"
"Bon! Lead the way, partner," she motioned for him to lead, keeping a very close pace next to him as they walked. "I am lucky to find you, did not know anyone yet. You are only third person met!"
He gave her a small smile as they walked together, but he knew it wouldn't take long for her to find out his status at the school. Being a new student, he was sure she’d make all the friends she could ever want by the end of the day. Then she'd reconsider her luck after everyone tells her all about her lab partner, 'Snivellus'.
They made it to class late. The professor looked up and frowned, ready to tell them off when Severus' new ‘friend’ spoke up.
"Excuse us, Professor, I am new and got lost."
The professor sighed and waved his hand, giving her a pass. "And I see you're back Mr. Snape. Get to your seats, you'll both be working together - get moving."
The two back seats were empty and Severus was glad to be away from the front for once. His new partner set down her things, and as she bent to pick up her books Severus caught a glimpse of Sirius Black glaring at him from the front, a seat behind where Severus had been sitting the last term. Black had anticipated his return and was obviously annoyed with the change in seating.
"What may I call you, Mr. Snape?" The new student whispered, giving him her full attention despite the lesson continuing.
"S-Severus." He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to him. He'd die of embarrassment if they started teasing him in front of her for daring to open his mouth. "And you?"
She smiled. "Severus Snape? That's a beautiful name." She looked back up to make sure their conversation was still private and turned back. She reached up and gripped his tie, pulling him towards her. She leaned and held a hand to his ear, moving her lips inches from his ear. "(Y/n) (L/n)."
Severus’ heart beat faster than it ever had before. The immense drumming in his ears almost made it impossible to hear her whispers. When she released him, he turned to look at her, feeling his face heat up either from proximity or from her warm breath flowing over his face. "(Y/n)... Good to know." He swallowed and realized he had not moved since she had pulled him towards her. He would have felt like an idiot if she wasn’t looking at him so playfully.
"You gonna kiss her, Snivellus?"
Severus pulled back quickly and clenched his jaw at Black.
The professor smacked Sirius' head with a roll of parchment. "Mr. Black, disturb my class again and I'll assign you an essay for every night this week." Severus smirked. "And you, Mr. Snape," the Professor smacked the board, creating a puff of chalk, "- will hand me your notes tomorrow before class - legible notes, might I add."
Severus nodded as the class snickered and turned away from (Y/n). The rest of the lesson went by agonizingly slow. Severus counted the seconds until he could run away to the library, away from taunting eyes. He hated himself for turning so red, but he hated Black even more for making him the fool.
You could tell the boy, 'Mr. Black', had embarrassed Severus greatly. He was hunched over his parchment, focused completely on the professor's words, and never once looking back up at you.
You read the words on the board but soon your eyes ventured down to look at the tall lanky boy currently trying to visibly shrink in his seat. The moment shared between you both still played on your mind. He had beautiful long lashes and deep dark eyes to match. It had been fun to see him so flustered over you, but the guilt of what you'd caused sat heavily on your chest. That boy had noted Severus had been in the perfect position to kiss her, which... did she kind of wish he had?... Just to see - for just a curious taste.
You didn't know what specifically was so alluring about Severus, but you could imagine yourself wrapped in his arms, pulling on his long hair, biting his lips, and hearing that deep voice of his purring for more. Something about him - or maybe everything about him - made you wonder how gentle those hands of his could be.
The bells rang in the distance, marking the end of the lesson. You packed your things and sat waiting for Severus to do the same. He was slow at first and then after a quick flick of his eyes up to you hurried along.
You stood at the same time and motioned for the door, scrambling to translate your thoughts into English. "Lunch now? We can sit together?"
People filed out of the class, which Severus watched closely before turning back to her and answering. "Look, this isn't the only time… I'm not someone to hang out with unless you like hexes and spells to be thrown in your direction."
You could see the hurt in his eyes, the way his brows furrowed, and his down-turned eyes filled with tears that wouldn't fall. Before you could bring yourself to respond, he sighed shakily, giving you pause.
"It's not your fault... I'll show you down and then I suggest you forget about being friends." He pulled open the door and held it open for you without meeting your eyes.
What could you say to him? You stepped out into the corridor, contemplating how to phrase what you were thinking when laughter pulled your focus.
"I see you've met our Snivellus." The stupid boy, Black, came forward talking to you but keeping his attention on Severus. He had long curly hair nearly as long as Severus' and was taller, with proud shoulders held in a loose demeanor that still made him seem important in some way. His eyes shifted to you, "Hope he didn't drip any snot on you while he tried for a kiss."
You scoffed, “You do not understand what you saw. Please leave us alone.”
“Love, maybe you’re not understanding me. For your own safety I insist YOU leave this sniffling slime alone.” Black took a step closer.
Severus pulled out his wand but held it low, at the ready in an instant. "I’m done with your games. Unlike you, you nitwitted tower troll, I have places to be." He finally glanced your way, "Excuse me," and made to leave.
Black blocked his way, laughing at the now pointed wand in Severus’ hand. "Go ahead, I’ll be glad if you finally get expelled for using wands in the corridors. Mine's not even on me."
You eyed the smirk on his face and the tiny shift of his hand towards his trousers pocket. Was that a lie then? Whatever the case, you had enough of this game too. "My friend, Severus, is showing me to lunch. We are going now." You stepped between Severus and Black, giving the taller boy an annoyed look.
"I’m telling you, be careful," Black chuckled. "He might try to kiss you again if you’re too nice."
You paused and stepped back, looking up at Severus, whose eyes were fixed on Black, staring daggers into him. You bit your lip and chuckled the same way Black had, finding a different kind of amusement than him in this situation. "I hope he will."
Severus' head snapped to you, his cheeks slowly going a light shade of pink all over.
Black made a disgusted sound and a show of his fake nausea. “Darling, I don’t think I understood you correctly. Check your dictionary and if that’s not the problem maybe your eyes.”
This boy was really getting on your nerves now. If you’d been back at Beauxbaton you’d’ve already hexed him into a soggy pile of starter yeast, baked him into the perfect Pain au Levain, and chucked him out the tallest tower window. “Move it,” you made sure your French accent coated the word heavily.
Severus’ hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you back. He kept his wand and eyes trained on Black but spoke to you. “Go down to lunch. I’ll stay here to have the chat Black so desperately wants to have with me.” He looked up again, “Let her leave.”
Black smiled, “That’s fine. Been meaning to ask how your winter holiday was after I last saw you.”
You turned to Severus, ready to protest when the door to the classroom opened, cutting Black off. You all stood very still and awkward, hoping to hide the atmospheric hostility that had been created.
The Professor locked the door with a flick of his wand and looked at everyone with concern. "Off to lunch, no need wandering the corridors. Now." He ushered everyone down the stairs, walking close behind in equal silence.
You reached the floor second to last, after Black and then Severus, and pulled on Severus' arm the second your Professor had turned towards the staff room. You kept your hand on him to make sure he didn’t decide to leave before you could talk to him. Before Black could step towards you to continue the ‘conversation’, other Gryffindor students pulled him towards a small crowd gathering across the floor. Whatever it was seemed to be of higher interest and he left with only single backwards glance.
You both watched him go dissolve into the rowdy group and suddenly the air around you shifted. Severus turned instantly, searching your eyes with an intensity you could almost feel. You blushed and slid your hand down his sleeve and lingered on his bare hand. Neither of you said a word but the electricity connecting your eyes and the comfortable silence that enveloped you both spoke volumes. "We could eat together, no?"
His eyes settled on your hand still on his until you let go. "Oui," he whispered with a smile pulling at his lips. “Lunch then.”
As you both walked on, he slowly crept closer with every step, making your shoulders brush against his arm. His pinky tickled the skin on your wrist, making you cough to hide a giggle as you entered the Great Hall. Your eyes flickered up at his and you smiled, seeing a gentle blush and an even gentler smile on his face.
~*~*~*~*~ *~
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kiyosamu · 3 years
pairing: rintaro suna x female reader.
genre: yandere, dark, light romance. // one shot, 4k words.
synopsis: abusive relationships can seem impossible to leave. when you open up to a classmate, your life takes a dramatic turn in the best and worst ways imaginable.
content warnings: assault, domestic abuse (not from suna), descriptions of violence, yandere themes.
“hey, kid.” suna’s voice caught your attention as you passed by him in the university corridor. he was quiet, only speaking loud enough for you to hear right as you were walking by.
“hey, rintaro.” you stopped for a moment, refusing to look up at the tall man towering over you.
“i haven’t seen you in a while. everything okay?” he leaned against the wall and clutched a textbook to his chest. “you haven’t even been to class. kinda been missing my project partner.”
“you got my work though, right?” you asked him, partially covering your face with your hair. “i emailed it to you.”
“i did.”
“okay… good.” you cleared your throat, awkwardly shuffling and offering a suspiciously sudden goodbye.
“hey, wait-" suna grabbed your wrist to keep you from leaving. the small amount of pressure more than enough on your deep bruise to make you wince.
suna noticed your pained expression and immediately let go, stepping back.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt you. i just wanted to ask you if-“
“it’s okay!” you interrupted, knowing you’d already spoken to him for too long. you needed to get out of there before anyone noticed. “you didn’t hurt me. sorry, i have to go. bye!”
your behaviour was erratic. your speech was rushed; forced and strained with every word as you tried your best to appear normal.
unfortunately it was much harder to pretend everything was okay than you’d originally thought it’d be.
you quickly turned and headed down the hallway to drop off the assignments to your other professor. the last one you’d have to see for the day before heading home. you were almost there. so close you might not even run into him.
you’d hoped, anyway.
after seeing your professor, you walked out into the fresh evening air. the cold stinging your cheeks and the wind pushing your hair out of your face.
your cheeks burned from the freezing air, but it was your black eye was that hurt the most.
“i’m sorry, i just lost my temper.” his words echoed in your head, “you shouldn’t have pissed me off.”
you nodded, essentially agreeing with him. it’s true, if he didn’t get mad, he wouldn’t have hit you. and why was he mad? because of something you did. so really, it was your own fault.
you were the one apologizing to him that night. doing anything you could to make it up to him. all of this with a deep purple bruise forming on your face.
when he finally left your dorm and went back to his, you were mentally exhausted. you fell asleep and woke up right before your second class of the day.
he had started forcing you to miss classes, to do everything at home and only go in to submit your work. this was for two reasons.
the first, you could spend more time with him due to your schedules. if yours was freed then you’d have more time together.
the second was to stop you from talking to other men. completely.
...and then he found out suna was your lab partner.
“i don’t want you working with him.”
“i have to. the professor is the one who chooses.”
“then work from home and submit the stuff online. that guy is a manipulator. he’s dangerous and will take advantage of you. i just know it.”
you’d never gotten that type of vibe from suna, but you obeyed your boyfriend because you didn’t want to know what would happen if you didn’t.
secretly, though, you missed class. you missed working with him. laughing, getting to know each other. he’d become a good friend over the past year and since you had the same majors, you two shared quite a few classes.
he was calm. funny and quiet, but definitely not timid. his energy made him come off tough, but not scary. if anything, he made you feel… safe.
just for those few hours you had together.
and whenever class would end, you found yourself missing that feeling.
“i have to go to class tomorrow.” you said, refusing to make eye contact with your boyfriend who’d invited himself over to your dorm.
just like he does every. single. night.
“why? you gonna go talk to that suna guy?” he approached you, giving you a terrifying smile that you know wasn’t coming from a place of happiness.
“yuji… please.” your words were barely a whisper when you felt his fingers wrap around your throat. “my professor told me i need to start going. my grades are falling behind.”
his fingers tapped rhythmically against your skin. dancing skillfully as he toyed with the idea of choking you. you held your breath, expecting the worst.
“you should try harder.” he growled, digging his fingertips into your neck and you clenched your eyes closed. “get your grades back up so you don’t have to spend any more time with that guy.”
“okay, okay!” you grabbed onto his wrist and his eyes widened. “i will! i’ll get my grades up so i don’t need to see him anymore.”
“good girl.” he smiled, the evil expression he’d previously worn had melted away into a false image of a kind man. “always listening so well for me.”
yuji leaned in and kissed you. you kissed back, barely, but just enough for him to be satisfied and leave you alone.
“time for me to go.” he sighed as he heard the dorm advisor do a final walk through to knock on the doors and let the students know it was time for guests to leave.
“see you tomorrow?” he asked, tilting your chin up to look at him.
“sure…” you whispered. you trembled under his touch and wanted nothing more than for him to leave your sight.
“good. it’s a date.” he said happily and gave you another kiss, practically skipping down the hallway back to his own room.
you shut and locked your door, desperately wishing that was the last time you’d ever have to see him.
“well, well, well.” suna cooed as you took your seat next to him. “as i live and breathe, i never thought i’d see the day. you finally made it to class.”
you nodded and pulled out your books.
“had to. my grades are slipping.” you sighed, looking around at the science classroom. “what are we doing today?”
“lab day.” suna said as he nudged an instruction sheet towards you. “should we put on our coats and get to it?”
you started to have an internal panic attack. your wrists were as bruised as the black eye you were hiding behind your hair.
suna stepped away to get your lab coats.
this would all be visible, and you didn’t want suna (or anyone) to see any of it.
you nervously approached your professor and she looked up at you with a disinterested stare.
“ma’am, i need to be excused from class today.”
“absolutely not.” she scoffed, “unless you want to fail my class, which i know you can’t afford to do, you’ll stay and do your lab.”
you opened your mouth to reply but she kept speaking.
“go put up your hair, roll up your sleeves and get your lab coat on. you should be thankful you have such a competent partner.” she crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair, “actually, i think the two of you should spend some time together. he’s my top student and you definitely need some tutoring.”
“i don’t think that’s necessary-“
“mr. suna, come up here please.”
suna walked up with a confused look, unsure as to why he was being brought in to the conversation.
“something i can help with?” he asked.
“yes,” the professor smiled, “i’d like the two of you to do tutoring sessions a minimum of twice a week, an hour each time. could you do that?”
“oh, sure. i don’t mind.” he smiled, “was that all? we should get to our assignment.”
you felt backed in to a wall. of course you were okay with this, you enjoyed spending time with suna.
unfortunately, you were terrified of the repercussions.
even worse, there was nothing you could do about it.
when you got back to your table, you put your hair up and silently thought of a plan. keep your head down, don’t make eye contact. maybe he wouldn’t notice.
you rolled up your sleeves and put on your white coat. it was barely long enough to hit your wrists, but did a decent job of hiding the bruises.
the first half of the lab went well. suna explained things in a way that made it easy to comprehend and you were genuinely enjoying yourself.
until you completely forgot.
you began to pour the green liquid into the tube. suna was writing his lab report when he looked up and noticed your mistake.
“oh, hey,” he stood up, putting his hand over yours to tilt the container back up. “you need to pour it slower, like this.”
when it started to pour just as he’d wanted, he let go and you found yourself missing the brief comfort of his touch.
“good job! you did it.” suna smiled and you looked up at him with an excited expression. finally. finally you were getting something right.
when the two of you made eye contact, his smile immediately dropped into a look of concern.
“what happened to your eye?”
“oh,” you stepped back, covering it with your hand. “i fell.”
suna carefully held onto your wrist and you winced in pain. his intentions were to move your hand away from your eye, but he took immediate notice of your reaction and pushed your sleeve down.
the bruises in the shape of fingerprints stained your skin a deep purple.
“what about here?” he stepped closer. you tried to read his expression but he looked completely emotionless.
“from the same fall, i’m just clumsy.”
“and your neck?”
suna pushed back your lab coat to see the same fingerprint bruises scattered around your neck.
you were suddenly thankful you’d chosen the table in the far back end of the classroom. nobody was ever watching.
“yeah.” you said, practically a whisper. “i’m just really clumsy.”
suna leaned down and looked into your eyes.
“why don’t i believe you?”
“five more minutes!” the professor called, interrupting your intense conversation and the two of you snapped back into action.
you finished your lab report and quickly packed up your stuff before rushing out the classroom door.
suna followed closely behind.
“it’s your boyfriend, isn’t it?”
you stopped dead in your tracks and turned around to look at him. suna’s expression was no longer emotionless. he was angry.
“okay,” you sighed, grabbing his wrist to pull him to a secluded space outside. the two of you sat down under a large tree, away from everyone else.
“yuji gets upset with me and… hurts me… sometimes.” you choked out. “i haven’t told anyone because i’m scared of what he’ll do to me. i haven’t left him because i’m scared of him. i’m stuck.”
you hadn’t said these words out loud to anyone, ever, and the way they were flowing so freely had you crying before you were even aware of it.
“please don’t tell anyo-“
“i’ll take care of it.”
you looked up at him. suna looked completely calm, his voice smooth and gaze held on you.
“what do you mean?”
suna stood up and ran his hands through his hair.
“i mean i’ll take care of it.” he smiled, “see you tomorrow afternoon for tutoring?”
“wait, suna-“
“later!” he gave you a passive wave before walking back towards the university building.
that evening you waited for yuji to come by your dorm, but he never did.
you waited for him to call you, but he didn’t.
you worried about what suna had meant. maybe he was going to talk to him, maybe even threaten him. you’d hoped he wouldn’t do that, but you really didn’t know what he was capable of.
surely the rumours about him couldn’t be true. an honour's chemistry major being involved in a more sinister, underground group that nobody even knew if it was real or made up?
he was too nice. there was no way.
after class you headed back to your dorm to get ready for your evening. suna had asked you to meet him under the same tree from the day before. around 7pm.
you debated on calling yuji, but ultimately decided against it. maybe he’d come to his senses. maybe he was remorseful, and just wanted to move on. to leave you alone and pretend your relationship never happened.
that was what you wished for the most.
you stepped out into the cold evening air. the wind blowing softly and brushing the hair out of your face.
you clutched your books to your chest and took a short cut through the back fields separating the dorms from the main university campus.
you checked your phone, you were early. suna would be there in about 15 minutes.
you reached down to grab your phone when it was immediately snatched from your hands.
“you did this, didn’t you?” a familiar voice snapped at you. you glanced up to see yuji, sporting a similar black eye and a bandaged cut on his cheek.
“i- no, of course not!”
he rolled his eyes at your reply, clearly not willing to listen to a word you were saying. yuji grabbed your wrists, forcing you to drop your books and pushed you against the back wall of the university.
“you did. tell me right now. everything you said. who you said it to. and why.” the look in his eyes was horrifying. scarier than any other look he’s given you before.
this made it seem like his previous bouts of anger were nothing but minor inconveniences.
“i didn’t-“
yuji pulled back, immediately hitting your chin with a hard punch that knocked your head back into the concrete wall.
“try again.”
your vision was hazy. mind blurring memories together and you couldn’t even form a proper sentence.
you felt a warm, wet sensation cascading down the back of your neck and were immediately soothed by the feeling. the warmth was comfortable, even though you didn’t know what it was from.
yuji’s hand wrapped around your throat and he pressed his forehead to yours. his fingers dug roughly into your windpipe, causing you to choke out the remaining air in your lungs. you felt yourself get sleepy, closing your eyes and letting darkness overtake you as your body went limp.
“hey, wake up.”
snapping fingers in your face had you looking around curiously. you couldn’t focus on your surroundings. it was unclear who was with you, unclear what was happening around you, and unclear why you were there.
the sounds of multiple men. grunting, panting. speaking quietly between deep breaths and harsh exertion.
what were they doing?
“hey.” the fingers snapped in front of your face again.
“what…” was all you could manage to say. your body felt heavy. weak. you were just so tired. all you wanted to do was fall asleep. you submitted to the exhaustion, closing your eyes again.
“don’t go to sleep.” a soothing voice lifted the back of your neck, pressing something soft against your head. “stay awake and listen to me.”
“ya like beatin’ up girls, huh?”
“wanna put a girl half your size in the hospital, for what? to feel like more of a man?”
“a real man would never hit a woman.”
“a real man would beat the shit out of losers who do hit women, right ‘tsum?”
“right. maybe we’ll even put him in the hospital.”
“oh, he’s gonna be there once we’re done.”
you finally recognized the last voice. it was suna.
he spoke again, his voice raspy and dark but still audible from where you were.
“i hope to fucking god you didn’t hurt her so badly that she’s knocked out…” suna trailed off and let out a small chuckle. “because there’s nothing i want more than for her to hear you cry like a little bitch when this blade goes right…”
the sound of yuji’s sudden scream was immediately muffled by what you were sure was the hand of the other man.
“…through you.”
your eyes widened and you were starting to understand what was happening.
all you could feel around you was danger.
you started to hyperventilate. panic was taking over.
“focus on me. come on, we need to get out of here.”
“who…” your head started to hurt now. badly.
“my name is osamu.” he bent down and cradled you in his arms, bringing you close to his chest and picking you up bridal style. “hold on to me if you can.”
“i’m scared…” you whispered.
“i know.” he murmured, carrying you away from the scene and back through the field. “i’ll keep you safe. we need to go to the hospital.”
“what about…”
“the only thing you need to worry about is stayin’ awake right now, okay? it’ll all be okay.” osamu’s voice was soothing. his body was warm and his strong arms supported your body in a way that made you never want to leave his hold.
you gave him a weak nod. even if you wanted to get away, you couldn’t. so you decided to trust in this man and hope for the best.
“hey, sweetheart.” the calm voice of a nurse slowly woke you up. “you’re finally awake.”
“where…” you choked out, your throat was dry and you could barely make out where you were. it was all so… confusing.
“you’re in the hospital.” she said as she stood on her tiptoes to change the fluids on your iv pole. “you were assaulted. your injuries aren’t good but you’ll make a full recovery.”
the nurse leaned back down and held onto your hand. “you have a real knight in shining armour, you know. your boyfriend hasn’t left your side since you were admitted. he’s going to be so happy when he finds out you woke up.”
your heart started to race at the thought of yuji coming in. you looked around, preparing for the worst when you heard footsteps enter the room.
“hey, sleepyhead.”
“speak of the devil.” the nurse smiled, giving your hand a squeeze. “i’ll let you two have some privacy. please press the call button if you need anything, i’ll come back and check on you soon.”
the footsteps grew closer and you heard the squeak of a chair being pulled up next to your bed. you opened your eyes to see suna giving you a compassionate smile.
“rintaro?” you whispered, “what are you doing here?”
“making sure you’re okay.” he crossed his arms, “been here since you were admitted.”
you tried your hardest to remember even coming to the hospital, but you just couldn’t. everything was gone after your head hit that wall.
“what… happened?” you asked, your eyes pleading for him to be honest.
“someone attacked you and your boyfriend.” suna leaned in, “do you not remember anything?”
“i remember yuji being upset with me…” you blinked, your mind working as hard as it could to remember something of importance. “my head hit the wall and it’s kind of fuzzy after that.”
“i see.” suna nodded.
“wait, how did you know i was in here?”
“some people mentioned an attack on campus. i got worried when you were late for our study session, and when your phone rang and you didn’t answer i felt like something was up.” he shrugged, taking a moment to think of his next words. “i called the hospital and asked if you were here, and then came right over when they confirmed it.”
“oh. okay…” you went to scratch an itch on your scalp and were met with searing pain at the slightest bit of pressure. “ow!”
“careful.” he smiled, taking your hand away from your head. “it’s gonna be sore for a while.”
“yeah…” you trailed off, trying to make sense of the situation. “what happened to yuji?”
“why do you care?”
“huh?” you glanced at suna who’s expression had turned sour.
“why do you care about what happened to him? he could've killed you.”
“i just wanted to know if he…” your voice was shaky and you tried to compose yourself. “if there was a possibility of him coming after me again.”
“not a single chance.” suna leaned over the railing of the hospital bed and took your hand. “besides, even if there was, i won’t let anything happen to you.”
you’d found out yuji had suffered from severe injuries almost taking his life. he was beaten, stabbed, and his spinal cord suffered so much damage he was permanently paralyzed from the waist down.
while you were relieved the abuse would be over, you constantly wondered who had assaulted him.
you remembered telling suna and him saying he’d take care of it, surely that wasn’t him, right? there was no way suna could do something like that.
months went by while you recovered from your injuries. you’d been discharged from the hospital after 3 weeks, and suna had stuck by your side every day.
“i’m happy to say you’ve essentially made a full recovery.” the doctor smiled, shaking your hand. “i’m so proud of your progress. you’re truly a walking miracle.”
“what about my memory?” you asked, “when will i remember what happened?”
“oh, you might not ever remember. you hit your head hard and from what we gather, you were unconscious.” the doctor stood up, clutching his clip board before walking out. “it’s probably for the best that you don’t remember what happened. you should focus on moving on, now. take care.”
“well, should we celebrate?” suna asked as you walked out of the hospital together. you stopped, causing him to turn and look down at you. “what’s up?”
“i just wanted to say thank you…” you said, feeling your face getting hot. “i don’t think i could’ve done this without you.”
“you could’ve. you’re the strongest person i’ve ever met.” he leaned down, brushing the hair out of your face. the same hair that used to cover the deep bruises, now showing your true complexion. “and the most beautiful.”
you felt your heart flutter at his sudden compliment. suna’s hands found your waist and you instinctively draped your arms over his shoulders.
“you really mean that?” you asked, looking into his eyes.
“of course i do.” he smiled, leaning in to give you the long awaited kiss the two of you had been dying for. his lips were soft and you melted into his arms. he pulled away, resting his forehead on yours. “beautiful in every possible way.”
you felt tears well up as you were being complimented. the sweetest, kindest, most handsome man touching you so delicately and speaking to you with nothing but respect.
you'd completely fallen in love with him, and it was everything you ever could’ve asked for.
a few weeks after the two of you made it official, your honeymoon phase was in full force. you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. you were experiencing your first true relationship that made you feel loved and you cherished at every moment.
one evening, you decided to go to suna’s dorm to surprise him.
knock knock
“rintaro?” you called out, opening the door to let yourself in. “are you home?”
“in here, baby.” he replied from the kitchen. he was sharing an apartment style dorm with two other men, but you hadn’t met them yet. they weren’t ever there when you were.
“we finally get to meet your girl, huh?” one of them cooed as you walked in. he had dyed blonde hair and smirked at you as you walked by. “damn, she’s a looker, huh ‘samu?”
samu… why did that sound familiar?
“don’t be such a pig.” the other boy replied. you realized they were twins when he stood up and walked over to you. he smiled, holding out his hand. “nice to meet ya, i’m osamu.”
“my name is osamu…”
it couldn’t be.
“…hold on to me if you can.”
no, no, no.
the memories of the night of the assault came flooding back to you.
it only took a moment to realize...
...it wasn’t a random assault at all.
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hokiis-writing-dump · 3 years
Little Fire Plume Pt.6 (Last part!)
At last, this comes to an end. After many delays due to my ability to have a work-life balance is horrible. Hope you guys enjoy this final chapter :)
Diluc x Child!Reader (PLATONIC!), Reader has Pyro Vision, some angst(lies its more than some), fighting, blood warning, and some swearing
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After leaving the cave along Albedo’s side, you come to in a small bed. Toys shaped like abyss mages are littered around the room, as well as and actual abyss mage
Now you’re a kid
A not very smart kid considering you almost died once following a seelie
So, you go over to the abyss mage and ask to play, because your little kid mind is focused on playing with the seemingly cute fluffy thing and not on where you might be.
When you tap it, it nearly jumps into the wall. Def regretting offering to watch over you now
It entertains you for a while, until an Abyss Herald walks in, and you drop your toy, hiding behind the abyss mage.
Like bro this thing is 3x your height what is that
The Abyss Herald tries its best to be careful with you and is really trying not to scare you but it’s stupidly hard since it’s so massive.
Eventually it lures you out with toys and brings you to Albedo, in which you are elated to see a familiar face.
He calms you down when you ask a thousand questions on what’s happening and where you guys are, to which he answers you question of where you guys are with “We are home.”
You’re still super confused bc you thought Mondstadt was home but okay i guess
The entire place looks like it’s ruins that are somewhat maintained, various abyss creatures lurking about and heading places.
Albedo and the Abyss Herald take you to a lab that has another smaller bedroom connected to it, and you learn that this is where Albedo and you will be staying from now on!
The glowing crystals that are stuck to the walls and ceiling catch your eyes as you stare at them, and you attempt to read the weird language written on some of the walls. Overall, it looks basically the same as the Dragonspine lab, just a few minor differences but not enough to make too much of a difference.
You go to the room connected to the lab and see the number of children’s toys in the various toy chests in the room, and you feel your little child heart explode as you start to pull out all the toys.
The time you spent there included a lot of playing and training with your vision and natural abilities as a homunculus, which led to you being able to summon animals varying in size and type to come to your aid, as well as being able to set traps made of pyro.
After a few hours of just playing after training and forgetting everything else prior, like the blonde woman, you hear a knock and a familiar voice. “Now, now, it seems like someone’s having a lot of fun without their uncle, hm?” You turn around to see Kaeya leaning against the doorframe and you immediately run up to hug him.
“Look at how big you’ve gotten over the past few months! Someone’s certainly growing fast.” He jokes, lifting you up into the air while you giggle. Though, you are confused. “Why are you here too, Uncle Kaeya? Did you see the blonde lady too?” Kaeya’s face seems to darken slightly, and he looks a bit upset.
“Uncle’s...always been a part of this place. Just so happens that I came here after arguing with your dad over...things.”
“You argued with Albedo?”
He seems a bit shocked by your words, you think of Albedo as your father now? Well, it’s better than still being attached to someone who left you, he knows that feeling all too well.
“Ah...never mind it. Let’s play for a while, alright?”
Now with Diluc, and this is about a few weeks after you get to the ruins
Dear GOD, the guilt is eating him up inside
Like he’s thinking about you 25/8 and he feels so bad about leaving you, but when he’s upset, he always has the need to isolate himself from the problem. Which in this case was you lol-
After arguing with Kaeya about leaving you like that, he’s re-thinking everything he did. So, he goes back to Dragonspine in hopes of finding Albedo
And boy 
He got a surprise when he learned that Sucrose was in charge now after Albedo’s, and your, disappearance.
When she tells him that she’s the Acting Chief Alchemist, he’s now worried about where you are since he left you in Albedo’s care.
“Master Diluc...(Y/N) is missing as well...and Jean has also reported that after your argument with Captain Kaeya a few days ago, all traces of him have gone missing as well...” Sucrose reluctantly chirps out.
Diluc’s heart DROPS.
Oh shit
Oh fuck
His friend is missing
His brother is missing
His KID is missing
He turns his ass right back around and runs to search for you 3
Like he’s tearing through anything in his way to find you
And when he’s struggling to get any leads, he goes to someone who seems to know a bit too much about the Abyss
He goes to find Dainsleif for leads, and explains what Albedo told him months ago about possibly having to leave, and you being a homunculus.
Dainsleif goes to find the traveler for help, which Aether immediately comes to their aid when he hears the Abyss is involved, which means his sister might be connected to this.
Diluc goes to get help from Jean and Amber, really anyone who can help
They all go to another cave Dainsleif had been looking into and are greeted with resistance from the Abyss.
Diluc is absolutely RAGING. He wants his kid and brother, and he wants it NOW.
Aether is using the 3 elements he has collected as of now to tear through the Abyss’s forces.
Jean is doing her best to heal the others from any injuries while fighting, and Lisa is close behind guarding her blind spots.
Amber is taking a shot at any moving enemy and is throwing baron bunnies left and right.
Even knights of Favonius have come to save you 3 from what they think is peril
The area you’re in is on full alert, gathering any homunculi and protecting them all in one area. Albedo grabs you and runs to the area being guarded. Kaeya is close behind helping you stand back up whenever you trip and fall.
You’re panicking and crying as you run, scared since no one’s explaining what’s happening. Your knees are bleeding with how many times your fallen onto the rocky ruins flooring, and your hands are scratched from hitting the floor. You look to see another small family of homunculi with a child that’s crying, and the mother is wounded from what might’ve been a falling rock. The father is armed with a claymore and seems to be a guard.
“Papa!” You call out to Albedo, “What’s happening! Why are we running?!” You scream through tears from fear and pain. He looks back for a second, but doesn’t answer.
The tunnel shakes from fighting happening where Diluc and the others are, as it seems the fighting is destroying some of the cave systems. Albedo stumbled as multiple people fall into him, and the floor gives out beneath you. Kaeya and Albedo both reach down to grab you, but you’ve already gone too far down, you hear them scream for you as you fall into the darkness below.
When you hit the bottom, you know you fell unconscious for a while, the ache in your head says it all. Not to mention the blood that’s seeping from it and pooled under you.
You get up despite the pain in your body screaming for you not to and wander the darker caves. You can still hear fighting; you can hear the rapid running and screams of people above. 
You limp and lean against the wall, still crying somewhat as you feel your vision fading, even if you can’t see much in the darkness anyways.
You grab the pyro vision that has been attached to your hairpin made of falcon feathers and hold it to your chest, trying to summon anything.
You hear the crackle of fire as a small fox made of fire brushes against your legs, and it reminds you of the one in Dragonspine. It chirps at you, even though it sounds more like distorted fire crackles, trying to light a way for you.
You follow it through the cave, and occasionally stop to catch your breath at a rock to sit on.
“...I want Papa Albedo back...I wanna go home...I don’t wanna be scared anymore.” You sit and cry for a while, the fox curling around you.
After sitting and crying for a good few minutes, you hear loud footsteps coming closer and closer. You get up in case you have to run, but then are greeted with an Abyss Lector. It offers a hand to you, which you take quickly to have some sort of an anchor for support while you cry. It carries you off to the other areas of the ruins, and the fighting gets louder.
You hear an Abyss Herald shouting orders to Abyss Mages and Hilichurls, and you also can hear voices such as Diluc and the others. Part of you is excited to see him, but it quickly dies out when you remember how he left you, and now you want nothing to do with him.
When the Abyss Lector entered the room with you in its arms and Diluc caught sight of you, he began to see red once he saw your injuries. “(Y/N)! LET GO OF MY CHILD!” Diluc ignored the other enemies and chased after the Abyss Lector that had you, which Jean quickly scolded him for and chased after Diluc with Aether close behind.
You could hear Diluc screaming at the Abyss Lector, you could hear his calling out to you, but you chose to ignore it. You were still angry at him, and you had every right to be. You felt anger at Diluc build up in you, and you could feel the air around you become hotter. The Abyss Lector took note of this and saw the chance to use it.
It turned and attacked Diluc, Jean and Aether, using the pyro energy you were emitting to combine it with its own electro abilities to create an explosion. 
Right before it struck, a shield of ice blocked it, and Eula was beside them. “I can’t have you lot getting injured now, can I? Let’s get (Y/N) and then get out of here. Albedo and Kaeya have already been located.” Jean and Aether nodded, and Diluc was already prepared to fight. 
The Abyss Lector looked down towards you, and you glanced up at it. “Child...lend me your strength...” You looked back to Diluc, who looked somewhat sad, and when you returned his sad face with and angry glare and nodded to the Abyss Lector, it only got worse.
You summoned a larger fox made of flames to assist the Abyss Lector, and combined with the Abyss Lector’s powers, it led to many explosions in the area. Diluc kept asking for you to stop, trying to reason with you, but you’d only scream back in anger.
“(Y/N), please! Just comeback with us!”
“NO!” You screamed with tears in your eyes. “YOU LEFT ME! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING! YOU LEFT ME ALONE AND YOU DIDN’T COME BACK FOR ME!” You kept commanding the fox to attack, and it already left some burns on Jean since it was too large to easily dodge. Diluc’s heart ached at your words, but he understood your anger.
“..I did leave, and I’m sorry! It won’t happen again, I promise you, (Y/N).” You really want to believe him. You really do, but anger blinds you as you keep attacking even when the Abyss Lector is weakening.
When the Abyss Lector finally went down, Jean, Eula and Aether kept the fox busy while Diluc approached you. You were crying and flailing your arms and legs. You were tired. Beyond tired, your injuries were slowing you down too.
Diluc lifted you while you tried pushing him away, hitting his shoulders to make him drop you. He didn’t let go, he held you and kept apologizing for leaving, even if he knew it wasn’t enough, it was something.
You stopped hitting him, and just laid in his arms while he tried rocking you to sleep. It calmed you enough to let Jean heal your wounds, and you sniffed here and there while Diluc carried you out the caves.
When you FINALLY got back to the manor, boy were you tired and on your last leg before sleeping.
Like if you stood up you would’ve just fallen back down and slept on the floor
Diluc was clinging to you and kept apologizing, even after you forgive him kinda
You still feel a little distrustful, scared he might just leave again, but you both are making a start to being close again.
When night falls and he tucks you into bed, you remember a question you haven’t asked him in a while
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
“How did you find me..?”
He stops, a bit hesitant. Then, he comes over and sits next to you.
“…You we’re surrounded by dead Abyss Mages and a nearly dead woman. She was being crushed by rocks from a cave in. She must’ve known her time was up. She said she was a researcher, called herself Platinum. She asked if I could take you and raise you in her stead, and if possible, take you to her sister, Gold. I’m not sure who is Gold woman is, but I don’t think I can handle being away from you again.”
“Oh…okay. Thanks for telling me, dad…”
He stopped, and smiled. “Of course, (Y/N).”
FINALLY we come to the end of this, it’s been so much fun writing this, and I hope to make another enjoyable series soon. Until then, have great days everyone!
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rendevousz · 4 years
little hacker
avengers x fem!teen!reader
characters: brief clint barton, tony stark, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, peter parker
summary: you hacked into tony's systems and he, along with the team, track you down.
warnings: mentions of death and a car crash, hacking written by someone who has no idea how it works
word count: 3241
note: hi um this is my first oneshot on tumblr i hope you like it!!
you were 14 when you first met the avengers. your family had gotten into a tragic car accident and you were the only one who made it out alive, leaving you in excessive guilt and burden; guilt because you were the only one granted a second chance at life and burden because you had to live your life, barely scraping by as you were dropped the responsibility of taking care of your sick grandmother.
at 11, where all that the kids your age had to worry about was whether their pocket money was enough to get themselves an after-school snack, you worried whether or not the money left to your name was enough to survive.
at 11, where girls worried about their changing bodies and asked their mothers about it, you had to figure it all out yourself and with the help of your trusty laptop, the only gadget you had, one that your dad had gifted to you after you had gotten 100s for all your tests at age 8. he thought you were his little prodigy and figured a laptop would treat you well. you took care of it well because while you didn't want to spend the last of your money left, —that was specifically set aside for your grandmother's hospital bills— you wanted to hold on to the laptop for as long as you could, as a reminder of your loving father, as well as the memories the item held, after you've watched movies with pretty much all of your passed family members on that laptop at different points in your life. that was why whenever the thing lagged due to how much you've been using it, you almost always figure out how to fix it until it was good as new.
at 12, while your classmates had their parents to protect them when they were out at night, you feared for your life whenever you were out past dark. which led you to learning self defence from youtube videos. you learned them pretty quickly and with your sharp-wittedness, you no longer feared to be out at night. you even had the honours of trying out your skills when some men thought they could get you just because you were smaller than them.
at 12, where kids your age were having fun, enjoying their childhood, you had no choice but to be mature and think for the good of yourself and your sick grandmother. you were forced to grow up and you were probably more mature and intelligent than the rest of your classmates combined.
and at 13, you realised that money wasn't going to grow on trees and the money you were left with wasn't going to last forever. it had to last until you were old enough to work. but with your grandmother's condition getting worse and worse, you were forced to drop out of school. you were upset because you loved it. you loved knowledge. but family came first and the only thing that your knowledge increased on was on computers.
which led to you being able to hack into tony stark's bank account at only 14. you had no other choice than to steal money and who better to steal it from than a guy whose pocket change could probably last you another five years or so? you knew who tony stark was, the whole world knows who he is. and you thought that maybe he would be too preoccupied with his alter ego saving the whole world, along with his group of earth's mightiest heroes that he wouldn't notice the tiny bit of money you'd stolen from him.
of course the billionaire had been alerted immediately by his AI when you'd accessed into his systems. "security breach?" he exclaimed, immediately dropping the tool he was tinkering his suit with in his lab.
he spent about 3 minutes, that was how long you took touring around in his systems, observing what you did in it. he watched as you did nothing about the highly confidential information he had and instead, stole....5 grand from his bank account? that was barely a scratch to his account. what was going on?
he had requested FRIDAY to track down the hacker, mainly because he was perplexed that someone had hacked into his well protected system just to steal a tiny bit of money but it seems that even FRIDAY couldn't track down where it came from.
he told the team and it was then that everyone worried how dangerous the hacker could possibly be.
"who steals just 5 grand after hacking into a billionaire's bank account?" clint frowned after tony had explained the whole situation. "i mean, if i managed to hack into your systems, i'd do way more than just steal a couple bucks."
"exactly. and who knows? they might just be waiting for the right moment to install dangerous malware into the system and until we find the culprit, they're roaming somewhere out there with all our confidential information right at the tip of their fingers. if they decide to use it against us..." tony trailed off, for once having a worried expression on his otherwise nonchalant face. he's never been this clueless about what to do with any sort of technical issues concerning the avengers or himself.
you on the other hand, after getting complacent that you weren't caught, kept doing so for the next couple months or so. you had no ill intentions, just trying to scrape by. the whole situation puzzled tony. he didn't care how much you've taken from him in total now, you were right; it was merely pocket change to him. but you were still considered a threat since you had free access to his systems and he didn't even know who you were or where you were.
that was until you made a tiny mistake, one that if tony wasn't spending every waking moment trying to track you down he wouldn't have noticed. and though it was a small mistake, it certainly was going to change how things ran from then on.
that afternoon, after having just gotten back from visiting your grandmother at the hospital, you were planning to get more money from the billionaire's bank account at the comfort of your own home. god, hospital bills were expensive. once you had had a little snack, you settled down on the couch and opened your laptop. but being the quick-witted person you were, before the screen in front of you lit up, you saw movement from behind you.
your heart raced. you could handle fighting people but those usually happened in alleys at nighttime. this was in your home, your safe place. you made sure to lock the doors and there weren't fire escapes outside your windows so how did the intruder get in?
you could tell they were trying to be inconspicuous to get to you and so you let them. you let the person think that they were going to get you without a fight but when they were right behind you, you swiftly turned your body around and jumped over the couch. the masked intruder let out a surprised yelp and the two of you fought for a bit. before you knew it, you had them pinned under you in just ten seconds.
"wha– how– what?" it sounded like a boy. you looked down at him and noticed his red and blue spandex suit. you frowned. wasn't this the friendly neighbourhood spiderman guy or something? why was a superhero breaking into your home?
he was coughing from your knee pressing down onto his chest and you lifted it slightly, enough for him to breathe but not enough to escape. he seemed grateful though because he muttered a seemingly embarrassed 'thanks'.
"get off the kid or i'll blast you off of him myself."
you look up and saw the iron man repulsor aimed right at you, and obviously iron man himself was standing right there in the middle of your small apartment. behind him stood a redhead, who you knew as the black widow, aiming a pistol at you, and a man with a shield, captain america. the spiderboy must've come in through the window and unlocked the door for them.
when you made eye contact with steve, he frowned in confusion. you looked way too young to be the culprit they had expected. he muttered a quiet 'wait, what?' before tony stark revealed himself, his iron man faceplate opening.
"um...kid? where are your parents? or guardian? we need to see them because there's been some highly illegal activity coming from this address." the man in the suit spoke. you stayed still, knee still pressing against the boy under you, frowning at the adults in the room. they noticed your apprehensiveness and slowly lowered their weapons. "we're not here to hurt you, you can release the boy now," steve told you gently.
you usually weren't one to trust easily but since these people were known superheroes, you reluctantly stood up, still anxious of the possibilities of what they could do to you. the spiderboy got up too and dusted his back, before going to stand next to steve. you were confused as to why these heroes were breaking in your home until you remembered what you had been up to for the past weeks. how could you forget when that was the only reason you were still surviving?
your eyes widened with fear when they met tony's soft ones. he looked at you with such care and worry that you were reminded of your late dad. the man in front of you wasn't the arrogant man you've watched on youtube. you felt bad for stealing from him now. you used to think that he deserved it, despite how little you took compared to how much he had. the man knelt down before you so he didn't appear so big in front of you, seeing your frightened expression. little did he know you were frightened for a totally different reason.
"anyone else living here, kid? because i tracked down this address and someone has been stealing money from me. i might need to have a little talk with them." he explained, looking around the house. you fiddled with the hem of your shirt nervously, scared of what would come once you came clean about your actions. you were scared you were going to be taken in for juvenile crime but you were also scared of the consequences of lying straight to their faces. so you took a deep breath before deciding to just tell the truth.
"t–that would be me, sir." you admitted in a small voice, avoiding eye contact with the billionaire you had been stealing from. a few shocked looks from the team and an incredulous 'what?' from tony had you biting the inside of your cheeks in fear.
"i'm truly sorry about that, sir. i..." you trailed off, debating whether or not to justify your actions because you thought that he might not even want to listen to it. "i had to pay off my grandmother's hospital bills because she is very sick. my family died a few years ago in a car crash and i was the only one who made it. i was left some money to my name but having to survive on that along with paying off nana's bills, it was bound to run out. i...i thought that since you were a billionaire, stealing a few thousands wouldn't matter to you...i'm so sorry, sir. i– i'll start working to pay you back.." you stuttered out, holding your hands together so it would minimise the shaking.
tony's mouth opened and closed, like fish out of water, not knowing what to say to you. he stood up and you were on the verge of breaking down right then and there, feeling as small as you did before he knelt before you. "p–please don't report me, sir. i– i don't know what would happen to my nana if you do.. i swear to you that i didn't mess with your other files. i only accessed the system for your bank account and that was it. i have no ill intentions, please don't report me.." you were now the one kneeling down in front of him, begging.
the team were flabbergasted at the scene unfolding before them and tony was quick to get you off your knees, which scared you even more because the death grip of his metal hands on your forearms had your mind running wild at the millions of possibilities of what he would do to you. was he going to kill you and leave you somewhere that people were never going to find your body? or was he going to dispose of you and use his power to remove you permanently from the system so no one came looking for you? he had the power to ruin your life and you feared that.
snapping you out of your mental breakdown, he spoke softly. "hey, it's okay." and that was when you realised the 'death grip' he had on your forearms had only been your paranoia getting the best of you. he was barely even touching you. your teary eyes looked up at his soft, brown ones in fear.
then he smiled at you.
"it's okay. i understand the reason why you did what you did. you're a good kid, your nana is so lucky to have you. what's your name?" he knelt down before you once again, knowing that him standing tall in his iron man suit terrified you. "y/n." you responded timidly.
"how old are you, y/n?" this time, it was steve who asked. you had forgotten that there were other people in the room, too consumed by your fear for your life a few moments ago. "i'm fourteen, mr america, sir." you whispered out, the sight of captain america in person intimidating you until you saw a kind smile on his face.
"you're pretty young to be doing what you've been doing, y/n. are you aware that you're the first person to be able to hack into my heavily protected, supposedly impenetrable network? many have tried to do so and failed, and they were really smart people too. have you been doing this for a while?" tony asked.
"um...my father gifted me this laptop when i was 8 because i did exceptionally well in school. he believed i was a child prodigy and let me have a laptop since he knew my studies wouldn't be affected by the distraction of entertainment. i used to only hack into games to cheat my way up the ranks but only recently i tried something else since i had nothing better to do and i've been out of school for a while now. i knew you were a billionaire so i tried just for the heck of it and surprised myself when i got in on the first try. and then i saw your bank account details and i really needed money so i stole some... again, i'm so sorry about that." you apologised, looking down at your feet.
he couldn't believe it. you were just messing around and you managed to get into his system? you, a mere fourteen year old who was out of school, managed to single handedly do what geniuses around the world had failed to do?
he was initially just going to have a talk with the hacker, and in case they were dangerous and had backup, he brought his own. but bringing steve, natasha and peter proved to be unnecessary when the culprit turned out to be you.
"where did you learn those moves?" natasha stepped closer towards you. you looked up at the redhead, noticing the glare she had on you when she aimed her pistols at you was replaced with curiosity.
you fiddled with the hem of your shirt even more, embarrassed to tell her that you learned to fight from a couple of youtube videos when she had gotten years of actual training. you were pathetic compared to her. "i, um, i learned them from some youtube videos."
her eyebrows raised in surprise at the revelation. you hadn't gotten professional training yet you moved like you had. peter had superhuman strength, agility and endurance yet you took him down in under ten seconds. sure it may have been a disadvantage to peter because he was caught off guard but he should've been able to take you down still.
now was tony going to let the chance of a lifetime slip by? no, of course he was immediately thinking of recruiting you. your dad had been right about you being a prodigy. you adapted to new skills quickly and you were perfect for recruitment.
"hey kid, wanna be an avenger?"
your eyes widened and your jaw dropped in shock. steve immediately turned to him, an incredulous look on his face as he glared dangerously at the billionaire. "stark, you wanna think about this for a minute?"
"thank about what, cap? you saw what she did to the spiderling. and she successfully hacked into my system on her first try and we took weeks to trace her. romanoff back me up here," he saw how impressed natasha was by you and he knew the redhead wasn't going to disagree. "stark's right, steve. she's only fourteen and she's capable of so much already. we need someone like her."
"exactly! she's only fourteen! this life is dangerous for her!" steve argued. peter then tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "hey, mr rogers, i'm a sixteen-year-old avenger and she took me down easily. not gonna lie, it hurt my pride, also my back when you flipped me over your shoulder," he turned to you but you didn't say anything because you couldn't see his facial expression. "but i think she's going to be okay, sir."
steve sighed before turning to you, the defeated expression on his face softening when you looked up at him with your doe eyes and a small smile. you didn't answer to tony just yet since it seemed that steve had a say in it as well but you were dying to say yes. not only were you not going to be reported for your crimes but to be recruited by iron man himself to be an avenger? who could say no to that? not you, at least, since you had nothing better to do with your life at the moment.
"well, what do you say, kid?"
your smile grew and you nodded happily. the team couldn't help but crack a smile at how happy you looked for the first time since they've encountered you.
"well, you should go pack your important stuff so we can go back to the tower. you're going to be moving in if you're an official member of the avengers." tony told you and you nodded, walking towards your room to start packing while the team sat on the couch to wait for you.
"wait, what's going to happen to my nana?" you turned back towards them, worry etched onto you face. "don't worry about it, kid. you can give me the details later and i'll settle it. she'll be in good hands." he assured. "okay." you mumbled in response.
you were actually going to be an avenger. "awesome.." you grinned to yourself as you packed.
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albaedhoe · 4 years
pairing : albedo x gn!reader
summary : having known albedo since forever ago, of course you have silly endearments for him.
word count : 2.2k
Tumblr media
what you call him:
(My) Prince
Is the first and the most used nickname you’ve given him! When he was given the title “Kreideprinz”, you had started to call him Prince to make fun of him for it. You swear you call him Prince more than his actual name- it bugged Albedo at first but he eventually warmed up to it
“Prince! Master says that we need to collect slime condensate!” You yell while running to Albedo, who was busy carefully adding droplets of a solution into a flask. Although, due to your sudden outburst, his concentration was ruined and he squeezed the pipette too harshly. The concoction turns from a light blue to a harsh red, the familiar smell of smoke filling the air around you and slight sparks in the flask, but Albedo was too fascinated by the reaction that he didn’t notice.
“Watch out!” Grabbing the glass from Albedo’s hand, you threw it as far away as you could. “What-” Albedo was still confused. Pulling him to your chest and swivelling so that your back faced the direction where you threw the bottle, an explosion erupted and the ground rumbles. Once deemed safe, you let him go.
“I’m sorry that I ruined your experiment but next time, please don’t hold onto the after product of my accident when it clearly gave out sparks and the smell of smoke, my Prince.” You could see Albedo pout the tiniest bit at your tone while he looks away, “Fine, and I thought I told you not to call me Prince.”
Eyes filled with mischief and a soft smile gracing your lips, you were lucky he wasn’t facing you. ‘He didn’t deny that he was mine...’ you thought.
When you and Albedo had been sent to Mond through recommendation by your master, - Albedo being assigned as Chief Alchemist and Captian of the Investigation Team; While you were his assistant and second in command - everyone had first thought that he was an actual Prince. I mean, he had the looks and this regal aura around him so it wouldn’t be surprising if he was one. After many misunderstandings and explanations, the people of Mondstat eventually grow accustomed of your nickname towards the genius.
“Psst, do you reckon they’re staring at us because we’re not from here?” Walking side by side with Albedo, you tried to ignore the curious stares you received from some of the citizens as you climbed the stairs leading to the knights of Favonius headquarters. Some stared openly, some didn’t give you a glance and minded their business.
Not looking up from his newly bought book, Albedo mutters something only you could hear. “Maybe it’s because you yelled ‘what do you want me to cook for dinner, my Prince?’ at the gates.” You think about it for a bit but couldn’t understand what your lover was implying. Albedo snorts slightly, despite you being the same level of knowledge as him when regarding alchemy, you were very oblivious. “Since there is no patriarchy in mondstat, they would be curious if a so called ‘Prince’ were to enter their city.”
A light went off in your head. “Oh! That makes sense, I guess.”
It didn’t matter how serious the situation is or who is around the two of you. It didn’t even matter if Albedo was there at all! You would still refer to him as the nickname and the knights of Favonius (mainly Kaeya) would tease him about it if you weren’t around. The first time you called Albedo ‘Prince’ infront of Kaeya wasn’t eventful but still had an impact on the said alchemist;
“I’ll be at the giant tree in Windrise if you need me, Prince!” You wave goodbye to your partner. “Prince, huh? How cute. Would you like me to call you ‘Prince’ too?” Kaeya teases Albedo as he watches you leave the meeting room. Sorting the numerous transfer documents in his hand, Albedo says nothing but releases a small sigh, “I’d prefer it if Y/n were the only one that does, Captain Kaeya.” Silence fills the room.
Slowly realising what he had just said, Albedo walks away from the knight and to his new lab. Closing the door behind him, he makes sure that no one else is around, sensing if there were any footsteps heading towards his study. Once the coast was clear, Albedo’s gloved fingers card through his hair. Though parts of his ears were hidden among the loose hairs that escaped his braids, it was obvious that the tips were just as rosy as his cheeks. “I told you not to call me that infront of others...”
This nickname originated when you paid close attention to the star-like marking on his neck. Though it was slightly unusual, you thought of it as charming and it complimented his outfits very well. Not many people have said this to him before so he doesn’t know how to respond to you.
You would call Albedo ‘Starlight’ when he would be in the state of insecurity and/or doubt. Pulling him aside to another room or a secluded part of a room, you would whisper reassurances and hold his hands or cradle his face. Never will you call him Starlight infront of others, it’s your own secret nickname for him that you would rather people not know about. You call him Starlight to remind him that he is the brightest and most serene person you have met on this earth. To Albedo, it’s comforting and he thanks you for thinking this way of him.
“Starlight, hey, look at me,” you cooed. Albedo looked forward but not at you, softly placing the palms of your hands on his face, you gently forced him to look into your worried eyes. His own no longer held that mesmerising shine and were instead dull and fatigued. “I’m here now. I’m fine. I didn’t leave you.”
One month prior to this scene, you had travelled to parts of Liyue in order to collect ores and minerals for Albedo’s new experiment hypothesis, so being his assistant, you went for him. Promising him that it’ll only take a week, what you didn’t expect was to be ganged up on and ambushed by treasure hoarders, multiple times.
Thankfully, you’re a vision user, meaning that you could easily take down these bandits, but there’s only so much a person can use their powers. Exhausted, battered scathed in multiple places, you decided to rest in Liyue Harbour for a couple of more days. You haven’t even collected half the materials needed for Albedo! You couldn’t just go back to Mondstat almost empty handed. You injuries won’t heal immediately so that means collection time will be much slower than normal, not to mention you have to be cautious travelling back as well.
When finally arriving at your shared home, it was a literal dump. Papers were scattered across the floor and the dishes were piling up. You partner wasn’t home at the moment so you decide to make use of your time and clean the house. Hours pass by and the door creaks open, Albedo walks in. He notices that the house is much more clean than the state he last left it in, his guard is up. That is, until you walk out from the kitchen, sleeves rolled up with a wooden spoon at hand.
“Welcome back!” Albedo’s eyes must be tricking him again. He wouldn’t be surpised since he hasn’t had proper rest since your departure, only ever taking two or three hour naps on occasion. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping the ‘hallucination’ of you would disappear, but you didn’t. Brows furrowed and plenty of blinking, Albedo concludes that you are, in fact, real.
He slowly makes his way over to you, trapping you in his hold. Burying his face between your neck and shoulder, Albedo relishes in your presence and scent. He wasn’t aware that he was trembling, all of his exhaustion and constant state of insecurities finally catching up to him, until you cupped his face, which leads to now.
You would also sometimes call him Starlight to express worry. To maintain his serenity, he needs to look after himself, of course . Times like these are usually when he doesn’t come out of his study for the whole day. This means he most likely hasn’t eaten or drank anything during this period. You would occasionally pop in with a meal and force him to take a break. Albedo gets slightly irritated at the interruption but he knows you mean well in the long run.
During these breaks he would ask about your day, have you been working on a new experiment of your own or have you found anything that may prove useful in the future, all of that. You happily answer all of his questions, asking some of your own too.
Knock, knock. “Come in.” Opening the door to Albedo’s laboratory you balance two plates, one in the palm of your left hand and the other resting on your forearm. “Sorry to interrupt, but you haven’t left your study all day, Starlight.” Albedo catches onto the use of the nickname, so, having no desire to start a fight between the two of you, he pushes aside unnecessary books off of his desk to make room.
Knowing that Albedo’s appetite was small, you made only a few slices of meat on his dish with a selection of vegetables. The other plate in your grasp had a stack of cookies, freshly made from the comfort of your own home. You hear Albedo mutter a small thanks and started to dig into the food you brought him. While he focused on eating, you focused on him.
The afternoon light that penetrated through the window and lit the room had beautifully graced Albedo with its rays. Golden hour seems to favour the young alchemist as it kisses his skin gently. You watched as his light, ashy, blonde hair frames his face, a few loose strands escaping the braid you put up for him this morning before work. Comfortable silence fills the room except for the scraping of utensils.
Albedo wasn’t sure if he should bring up the way you looked at him in times like these. Your irises were filled with so much affection and love, he could almost see his reflection of how brightly your eyes shone at him. Though, Albedo keeps quiet. Afraid that you may become shy and refuse to look at him. He rather enjoys being the centre of your attention.
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bonus ::
what he calls you:
Häschen = bunny
Albedo will only ever call you this if he wants something, such as: to see you blush or simply because he’s in a teasing mood. I’d say the endearment formed because you look or act cute to him. The first time he’d call you Häschen would be a complete accident.
While Albedo was sorting and writing documents about his new found discovery, you were lazing around on the sofa, in your back with arms raised, reading a rather interesting book. To his dismay, Albedo’s ink pot, after hours of torture, was beginning to run out. Not looking up from his papers, Albedo didn’t want his concentration and motivation to deplete if he got up. “Could you get me another ink pot, Häschen?” Albedo asks you politely, unaware of what he just said.
A loud thud bounces off the walls and enters the alchemist’s ears. Glancing at you rather than the book on the floor, he sees crimson flare across your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Despite the slow throbbing coming from the bridge of your nose and forehead, you didn’t mind it all. Rather, the blood that rushed to your face masked it, making you only feel a radiating heat. “W-What did you call me?” Thinking back to what he said, Albedo soon matched the expression on your face.
Albedo takes advantage of the fact that the two of you were from a different part of Teyvat, where the language is different. He calls you Häschen infront of others on purpose to watch your reaction, while the others around you don’t understand what it means.
“Sorry to cut the conversation short but Häschen and I need to head out to Dragonspine while the sun is still up.” Your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as you whip your head to face Albedo in a double take, giving him a look. If you looked close enough, you could see the mischievous and knowing glint in Albedos eyes. Trying your best not to show your growing blush, you feign interest towards the floor.
“Häschen?” Jean, the acting grand master, asks out loud what everyone else in the room were thinking. Silently pleading to yourself that Albedo won’t say anything about it, sweat rolled down your temple. “Ah, it’s Y/n’s other name. I say it out of habit sometimes.” Albedo couldn’t hide the teasing tone in his voice from anybody at this point. Having enough, you grasp the fabric over Albedo’s elbow and began to drag him out of Jean’s office. “Alrighty, guess we better head off now. Bye, everyone.”
Making sure that nobody was in earshot, you scolded your lover, letting go of his coat and stopped walking to face him. “I thought I asked you to stop calling me that infron of everyone.” Albedo raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, “will you stop calling me ‘Prince’?” Exaggerating a gasp, you clutched the area over your heart, faking hurt. “Now, why in The Seven would I do that?” Albedo chuckles at you and ruffles the top of your head. “Exactly,” he tuts.
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a/n :: apologies if there was a mistranslation with Häschen, I used google translate-
I am also aware that Mondstat is based on Germany but lets ignore that as well-
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752 notes · View notes
spideyspeaches · 4 years
Roller-coaster ↬ p.p
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gif’s not mine
A/N: My take on What if Peter was in Wandavision? But with a twist ;) Beta read by my wifey @stars-aligning​ 🥰🥰
Warnings: canon typical voilence? mentions of death. Also the timeline doesn’t really make sense, just pretend everyone is of the same age. OH and Wandavision spoilers :)
WC: 9k (longest one shot I’ve ever written 😭)
Pairing: Peter Parker x ex!Reader 
Masterlist || Taglist
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"Ben? What's wrong? Why are you looking at her like that?" 
"I- I don't. I don't know. She seems familiar." 
"Familiar? Familiar how?" 
"Like her and I don't belong here. Like we're from another world." 
Working with Tony Stark as his intern, then head of the R&D and now working in the labs as the head of the department felt surreal, a fresh breath of air every time he looked at his desk, with his name written on it. It had been Peter’s dream to meet Tony Stark, maybe work with him too.
And then he got bit by a radioactive spider, giving him super strength, super eyesight and apparently super luck too, because though he liked to think that he was working in SI due to his intelligence, the spider bite did play a role in becoming his mentor’s favourite intern, without which he might have not had a chance to meet him hands on.  
Tony kept reminding him that even if Peter had not been bit by the spider, he would have still secured a high position in Stark Industries, with his disarming intelligence that rivaled Tony’s own and charmingly trippy personality. 
Peter begged to differ. But then again, he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in it’s mouth. Ever since he was a bushy haired, rosy cheeked jittery teenager, he had always worshiped the ground Tony walked on. 
Peter remembers the day he got an anonymous letter, which turned out to be SHIELD's handiwork, asking him to join them in their base in New York, even if he insisted that he wasn't interested in being a superspy wannabe. He was skeptical at first, why would the most paranoid of paranoid agents send him a letter in mail? Him, twenty three years old Peter Parker, who lives in a shitty one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn with termite issues and smokes weed like the government is going to ban tobacco and is barely able to take care of himself with the overload of work. 
Maybe it was just his Parker luck, or the fact that he was a freelance vigilante who looked after New York in a skintight spandex suit, because the safety of the people was apparently second in priority to the government. They'd rather have people die than have an illegal protector. 
Yeah so Peter was salty, and what about It?
Slinging his satchel higher, he saw the sleek black car in confusion, trying to get a look at the number plate before the lift binged on arrival, walking into the open door. He swore he was either hallucinating or in midst of an intense flashback of the events that lead to what people dubbed as the 'Civil War', back to when he had been shaken out of his mind watching Tony Stark eat his aunt’s homemade walnut date loaf that had more salt than sugar.
His thoughts were put to a halt when he entered his and his aunt's old apartment in Queen’s after a long week of Spidey on mission and nearly getting (illegally) fired, footsteps coming to a pit stop. It's not like it's everyday you come face to face with Agent Coulson, Nick Fury and your ex not- really- girlfriend, somehow all in one day all together. 
"So… um. What are you- What are you guys doing here again?" he asked, folding his hands on his chest defensively, leaning into his aunt's side as he whispered, "how long have they been sitting here?" from the corner of his mouth.
Fury raised a non-existent eyebrow, looking at him with a dagger for eye, making Peter shift nervously. Agent Coulson looked uncomfortable and You, You looked strangely in your element, sitting on the couch with one leg over the other, a neutral expression on your face. 
Back when he was still in high school, when he'd first met you, he used to be in awe of how outgoing you were, seemingly adjusting in whichever situation you were thrown in. You had always accommodated to your surroundings, but with a start he realised that he had never seen you so… You in a while. 
Not during your visit to the Avengers tower, not during the first time you came into his bedroom, all alone. Not when he had seen you take down a mugger on your way home from your first date without even as much as batting an eye.
"They were here ten minutes or so before you came home. It's creepy, as if they knew you were visiting," May answered with a whisper, wearily eyeballing them before moving towards the kitchen, leaving Peter unattended to Your and Fury's piercing gazes. 
"I'm sure they know my monthly schedule before I do," Peter said, turning to look at the aforementioned agents. "So... you like, work for SHIELD, too?" He asked, wringing his hands to abate the tension in them. 
"Yes, she does, but that's not what we're here for, Mister Parker," Fury said in his gruff voice, sitting back with a sauve expression. Peter gulped as Agent Coulson looked him in the eye, finally noticing the thin file he held in his hands. 
"Well what are you here for?" Peter asked, mustering up some confidence as he tried not to look at You or the eye that Fury had that wasn’t covered by the patch.
"We need you to come to Westview, New Jersey with us," You said, a final no nonsense undertone in your voice. He shuddered when he heard you, remembering how soft and sweet you used to be. But that was before you disappeared out of nowhere, and apparently that nowhere was with SHIELD. 
"Me as in Peter Parker or Spider-Man?" he asked, looking behind his shoulder to make sure May wasn't listening. It's not like she didn't know about his… nightly whereabouts, he just wasn't comfortable with making her worry. She already had too much to deal with, with the nephew by day and vigilante by night thing he had going on.
It was also a little concerning that the three in front of him knew that he was visiting her today. He wondered if his apartment was bugged (well, more than the daily roaches and ants) or if SHIELD had been keeping an eye on him after he had denied their offer, instead opting to stay in SI.
It was probably the second one, although the first one was entirely a possibility. He was going to need to talk with Mister Stark about debugging his shitty one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. 
"We need Peter Parker and his tech skills for this one," Fury said, before shoving the file in Peter's hands and crossing his own, “and my offer still stands.”
"For the last time, I'm not joining your little murderous boy band," Peter grumbled, scrunching his eyebrows as he looked at your twitching lips, as if holding in laughter. "I'm perfectly content with working with Dr. Connors in his little laboratory in SI." 
Fury didn’t look convinced and opened his mouth to probably threaten Peter, when Aunt May came in with a tray of cookies. They smelled amazing, too good to be made by her, she probably brought them from Delmer’s.
“Oh- Were you…? I just thought you guys might want to eat something,” She said awkwardly, looking at Peter with pleading eyes.
“That’s very thoughtful of you, May! I would love to eat some of those, I’m famished,” You butt in, taking the tray from her with a smile.
“Um, May, you can um- you know?” Peter gestured, shifting on his legs, hoping that May would get the message before she stood for a minute too long. He didn’t like the way Nick Fury’s eye was looking at him, his tranquilizer gun suddenly visible from his leather jacket.
“Don’t be rude Pete, here May, I’ll help you get that.” You smiled, winking at him and dragging May by her arm, who was mouthing “she’s such a sweetheart” behind her shoulders. 
"What if I told you that his man accidently got evicted due to some legal issues? And that now you're legally unemployed with severe financial issues that need to be looked after because the government suspects something illegal brewing?" Fury continued, looking him dead in the eye.
"Are you seriously blackmailing me? Threatening to unemploy me after all that shit you put me through with Mysterio?" Peter defended, raising a disbelieving eyebrow, watching you strutt back into the room, distracted by the sway of your hips in your mom jeans. He tried to shake the image, rolling his head to crack some tension that had built at the base of his skull.
"Mysterio was a mistake, Parker. This one is not; and we really need you for this one. Besides, remember that you're still a vigilante that hasn't signed the Accords of Sokovia." 
Peter stiffened that the mention of the Accords. He thought the government was over it after the second amendment after the arrest of Thaddeus Ross, but apparently not.
"You said that last time and I almost died! My ex-girlfriend almost died, my best friend nearly died, heck half of Europe almost died because you Director Fury, apparently trust some superhero wannabe in a green and purple costume and overlook facts that could potentially harm someone. So the answer is clearly no!" he retorted, flopping the file on the table as he resisted the urge to sit on the floor flat on his back. 
The three agents were looking at him with an unreadable expression, making him uncomfortable in his skin. 
"Well, it's all up to you then." His voice had a finality to it, one that irked him to no end.
"Do I have a choice?" He sighed after a beat, looking at the three of you with a forlorn expression. 
"Get your equipment ready, Mr. Parker. We'll be leaving for the camp tonight. You can read the details in this file." He heard Agent Coulson say (he was pretty sure his name was Phil), trying to make sense of how fast everything was going past the chronic tinnitus in his ears.
"It's Dr. Peter Parker," he muttered fruitlessly, blushing under your raised eyebrow. 
"So, I didn't know you got a PhD. I knew you were smart, still are, considering that you're a PhD at twenty two," You said, sipping on your virgin mojito, and placing the mug in front of you. 
Peter had taken you to a cafe after the confrontation, wanting to know more about your whereabouts and how he had not noticed that you were a superspy all of his high school years. You had retorted with a simple "I'm a spy, that's why,” which he found pretty badass.
"Well, yeah, I did my undergraduate and PhD together." He shrugged casually, looking out of the window to avoid looking at you. 
You had always been beautiful, but somehow, you had become even more beautiful than the last time Peter saw you. 
"That sounds brutal. Only you can manage that," You joked. You weren't going to admit it, but you had missed being with Peter, joking with him and watching his beautiful side profile as he blushed under your scrutinizing gaze.
"So, um. This thing, what is it about?" Peter asked, snapping you out of your daze. 
"Huh? Oh it's a long story. Like really long, if this was a TV show it would take five episodes for me to explain." You gestured, dismissing his scowl. "Okay, so you remember that time when that super high security facility was broken in back in december 2019?" 
"Which super high facility? There are a lot of break ins happening in high security facilities in America, and it's more than concerning, considering they're supposed to be super high security." He said, fiddling with his own drink. 
"Okay, Yeah that's true. It was a S.W.O.R.D facility, and long story short, Wanda Maximoff kidnapped her corpse husband to reenact the dad-knows-best suburban lifestyle with an entire town held as her hostage." You said, looking over your shoulders to make sure no one was listening. 
"Wanda stole Vision's corpse? Wait, is this about Westview? 'The Town that ceased to exist'? Is that what happened? Is this some sort of mind control thing? Cause I know she can make people believe what she wants them to..." Peter whispered, leaning in to show that he was interested. You took a moment to admire his front profile, his broken nose and dimpled chin, rosy lips and sharp cheekbones, accidently zoning out on his theories.
Leaning forward, you brought a hand up his face, pushing a stray curl behind his ears, cutting him short of his rambling. 
"W-what?" He stuttered, his breath hitching, making the table shake with a wince. 
"You have nice hair." You commented with a smirk, caressing his hair one more time. 
"You said that in the senior's party too, and well, there's no sex happening anytime soon." He said, rolling his eyes, sitting back in his hair with his hands folded on his chest.
"I like being optimistic." You rolled your own eyes, heart beating a mile a minute at the reminder of your relationship- ex relationship with Peter, "so what were you saying about Westview? I kind of zoned out." 
You watched him roll his eyes again, trying not to let your eyes wander around his biceps and the little bit of his collarbones peeking from his shirt, unbuttoned from the top, also exposing the thin chain that he always seems to be wearing. With a start you realised that it was the one you had gifted him on his eighteenth birthday.
"So this town, Westview, it just disappeared right? Behind a barrier of sorts? Is it like, coming from an energy source? Was it created by Wanda?  " he asked, ever his inquisitive self.
"Yeah, apparently she's created an alternate reality, sitcom style, with the people of Westview trapped in it." 
"So she's basically starring in a fanfiction alternate reality of sorts but a sitcom format? Wouldn't blame her, poor woman's been through a lot." He nodded, shifting in his seat. He could feel your eyes burning a hole in his skull, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Are you staying in a hotel? Or a shield facility?" 
"Nope," You answered, leaning back on your chair. "Am I still allowed to stay in your room? With the doors open?"
He watched you with narrowed eyes, tilting his head with a smirk, replying to you with a nod, "alright." 
"Did you pack your mittens? The extra warm ones with a built in heater? You know you're susceptible to frost bites-" 
"May! I packed my mittens." Peter murmured, ducking his head in embarrassment as he raised an eyebrow at your amused smile. 
"Okay, okay, that's great. Socks? Painkillers? Extra pair of glasses?" she asked, fumbling around the room like she did whenever he went on field trips. 
"Yes, May!" 
"Great. Stay safe, okay?" Her eyes softened, holding his cheeks in his hand like he was a seven year old, living with them with a knowledge of death no seven year old should have. Sighing, he leant into her palm, holding his own hand encompassing her small one. Giving her a smile, he kissed her cheek. “Ti amo, May. I’ll call you once I get there, okay?” 
She nodded, pulling him into her embrace, though she knew full well that he’s going to forget to call her, too excited to be in the vicinity of multiple certified geniuses and other figures of authority. 
"Is there anything I should know about? Like anything unexpected?" Peter asked, looking at the camp in awe as the jeep pulled over makeshift gates, a bunch of soldiers surrounding them. 
Peter was used to seeing the hustle and bustle of camps, considering all the missions he had gone through with the Avengers, back when Steve wasn’t retired and the newer generation of avengers hadn’t entered. 
“Your blood’s radioactive, right?” You asked, turning to face him with a smile. 
“Yeah. Why? Is that relevant?” he replied, raising an eyebrow as he saw someone carrying his bags before he could protest. 
“Well, Dr. Lewis found out about this hexagonal anomaly, no one really knows what it is, but the source seems to be emitting huge amounts of radiations,” You said, getting off the jeep, pulling Peter out with you. Walking towards the crowded camp, you came face to face with the tent where everything was set up.
“Doctor Darcy Lewis?” Peter said, looking at the place in awe. It wasn’t extravagant, but the technology surrounding the tent, the vans and what seemed to be a broadcasting antenna were all way beyond the regular one used in tech companies, which is funny, considering he’s been working with Mr. Stark his whole teenage life. 
“Yup, that’s her, nerd.”
“So, what exactly is this Hexagon? Is it, like, a barrier of sorts? Can everyone go in?” He asked, looking around with glinting eyes, lips twitching in a smirk as he saw the barrier in question. His super hearing caught the static sound it emitted, wincing at the sharp noises. His boots crunched under the snow as he felt the thing pull him towards it, your voice muffled by the noises of the hex. 
It was something he had never seen before, like the static of a TV with a lost signal, glowing red in places as if reaching out to him. His senses seemed dull, the world greying around the way it had before he was bit by the radioactive spider. The spider bite had enhanced his vision in a way that he saw colours not visible to the human eye, a technicolour wonder that even Bruce couldn’t solve. 
He felt a tug, looking down at his shoes, wondering if he had just imagined it. 
“Mom and dad have been, not fighting, just like different.”
He swore he felt a white light flash in front of him, his spidey sense buzzing at the base of his skull, tingling all the way to his spine as he straightened up to dissipate the feeling, shifting awkwardly.
“Only Captain Rambeau has gone in and come back intact so far. It’s emitting a colossal amount of cosmic microwave background radiation, also known as CMBR, and once you get into it, your mind doesn’t really stay your own, so no one has volunteered other than her. Everyone knows the risk,” You said, startling him, a sharp contrast to the voices that seemed to have suddenly accumulated in his brain. 
“If you’re going to break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you!”  
‘Sound barrier?’ he thought, looking back at the hex as it flashed red, the tug strong enough to make him stumble in his place. You looked at him weirdly, asking if he was okay, but he wasn’t listening, turning to ask you what the red flash meant, distortion evident in the barrier.
“Captain Rambeau? The daughter of the director of SWORD?” he asked instead. 
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“Damn.” He sighed, running a gloved hand through his hair, and dragging it down his face. 
Walking inside the tent, Peter was hit with a face full of cold air, and the hundreds of monitors nearly gave him a sensory overload. The people running around didn’t help, either. “Where do I keep this?” He asked, pointing to his bag full of equipment that Fury had asked for. 
“You can set up over here, newbie,” A new voice said chirpily. Turning around, he came face to face with the Darcy Lewis, eyes widening as he took in her smiley presence, another human who he didn't recognise standing behind her. “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself! I’m Doctor D-”
“Darcy Lewis, I know- I’m a fan!” 
“Aw look at you, you have a fanboy at your hand,” Captain Monica Rambeau said, strutting in and keeping a hand on her shoulder, confidence radiating off of her every pore. 
"And… You are?" he asked awkwardly, looking pointedly at the FBI agent. He saw Darcy hide a snicker behind her hand, patting his shoulder and shoving him forward. 
The man fell forward, steadying himself on the table before he flicked a card seemingly out of nowhere. "Agent Jimmy Woo, FBI,” he said proudly, a smile on his cute little baby face. Peter was left staring in awe, wondering how he had done that.
"Wait, can you do that again? How did you do that?!" 
"It's cool, isn't it? I could teach you if you want." 
"Yes, of course, but how did you do it? It appeared out of nowhere and if you take in consideration the law of conservation of mass, it can neither be created nor be destroyed and it just seemed to have accumulated-" 
"It's a trick of illusion. You see, when I opened my palms, I-" 
"Peter, let's set things up shall we?" You interrupted their session, a smirk on yours and the other women's faces, shaking your head.
Ditching the bag on the counter, he nodded, willing his heart to stop beating out of his chest. This was the coolest thing that had ever happened to him next to Tony Stark sitting on his aunt’s old futon. And the magic trick.
“This is the coolest day of my life,” he whispered, shrugging when you chuckled at his excitement. “Ned’s going to freak out.” 
“Wait until you see the schematics and control panels.” You smirked, making him raise an eyebrow as he blushed, the flush apparent from his neck to his ear. The others scattered just as he finished setting his station up, fidgeting with the radio, when the voice of Hayward boomed across the cubicle. 
“Ah, Mister Parker!” he says, a faux smile on his face as he looks at the station, making Peter shift uncomfortably. The weird tingling of his spidey-sense came up again, his hand automatically reaching there to scratch at the itch.
“Here we go again,” Darcy muttered, patting Peter’s back, her eye roll loud enough for him to glance at her. 
“It- It’s doctor,” he muttered, hearing a “he gets me” from Darcy.
“Very well, Doctor Parker it is, then. I’m Hayward, welcome to SWORD.”
“SWORD? I thought this was a SHIELD thing?” 
“...Fury didn’t brief you?”
“He did! He was just very vague, hence why I’m asking. What exactly have I been called here for?”
The silence that took over was palpable, with you shifting awkwardly as Hayward eyeballed them all, looking at the five of them morosely before saying, “Brief him Monica,” and leaving.
“God, is every higher official such a dick here?” Peter grumbled, watching him retreat, shaking his head as he threw the ball of paper he hadn’t noticed he had been fidgeting with.
“See? He agrees, I like him.” Darcy nodded, pulling him with her towards the briefing table. 
“This all started when the town of Westview disappeared after the second blip,” Monica said, pulling up holographs that showed the image of people reappearing from the snap, his breathing increasing in pace as he remembered vaguely of his own reappearance. 
The whole situation was fucked up. After stealing Vision’s corpse, Wanda had basically resurrected him, holding and controlling thousands of people, an entire fucking town. Looking at the list of all the missing people, his eyes zeroed on to one particular face. He racked his memory to remember who exactly it was, mouth hanging open when he realised who exactly she was.
“Is that… is that Agatha Harkness?” Peter said, pointing at the woman who had no name written under her photograph.
“You know her real name?” Darcy asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows as he nodded, wringing his hands around.
“Yeah, Wanda told me about her, she’s the witch from the Salem trials!”
“How is she significant to the plot, though?”
“She... she mentored Wanda, before she went to the dark side." 
In the time he knew Wanda, she had been the sweetest person ever. She was like an older sister he didn’t know he needed, empathising with him on a cosmic level. They had come close before the events of Thanos happened. She was his person, and they shared a lot of secrets, this one being one of them.
“That’s one connection to her. What about the others? She keeps telling Vision that she doesn’t know what’s happening, but when the drone strike happened, she looked straight at the camera, like she knew,” Monica intervened.
“He tried to deploy a drone strike? In front of her children, after knowing very well that she saw her parents die in the Sokovian attack when she was ten? Is he fucking insane?!” Peter seethed, nearly crashing his fist on the table hard enough for cracks to appear on it. 
“Peter, hey, calm down! You breaking things is not going to make the situation any better, okay? He already tried to chuck us out of this, you don’t go around breaking things now!” You said, holding him still as his body shook. You had never seen him this angry, and frankly, you would never want to see it again. 
Peter was a sweet person, respecting people’s boundaries and always so understanding. He was the embodiment of good, even after living a fucked up life, he never projected his trauma on the other. He wore his emotions on his sleeves, and your heart clenched every single time, seeing him in pain. 
"Listen, that's my sister in there, and she has no idea what she's doing. She needs our help and I'll do anything to help that woman and if you guys even think of hurting her I will make sure each of you regret it," Peter hissed, staring daggers at the silent team members of the room. 
“Is there any way to reach there?” he asked, more softly than before. Darcy exchanged a look with Agent Woo and Monica, opening her mouth before knowing better and shutting it. “What?! Is there a way to communicate with her?”
“Follow us,” the brown woman said, breathing deeply as she looked at the other two silently. 
"Where are we going?" Peter asked, fidgeting with your fingers. He hadn't noticed himself holding your hands, your lips twitching when you realised he had done that unconsciously.
“Trust me, I don’t know half the things these ladies do,” Woo whispered, and Peter nodded along seriously. 
“Whoa, I feel like there’s a secret underground base here! Is there a secret underground base?” 
“Well, it’s not underground, and not really a secret anymore,” Captain Rambeau said, unravelling a curtain, revealing a small space with a million monitors and a wooden desk littered with laptops and too many empty coffee cups. 
“This is so cool,” You whispered, watching in awe as Dracy lit up the screens, revealing various codes and stuff you didn’t really understand. Peter was already invested, babbling about codes and addresses and hidden files within hidden files, things that flew over your head at the speed of Darcy’s fingers on the keypad.
Leaning on the table with one hand, Your eye caught a flat round metal looking thing on the ground, picking it up and tracing it with your fingers. “Is this… a bullet?!” 
“Yeah, it was hit on that suit, which turns out to be 87% kevlar. That happened when Captain shot at it,” Jimmy answered, giving you a smile as you dropped your jaw. 
“She went in wearing a bulletproof vest right? Wanda just… manifested a dress made of kevlar?” You wondered, your words interrupted by Peter’s yelp.
“So, remember how Director Douchebag ordered a drone strike on Wanda?” she said, contemplating her words next as everyone turned towards her. “Turns out he’s been planning something else.” 
“What’s that?” Jimmy asked, pointing at the screen, which displayed two boxes full of what seemed like cells.
“That’s Monica’s blood work, he’s been tracking it the whole time. The first time you travelled to the hex? It changed your cellular structure on a molecular level, twice.” She said. 
A sombre expression took over the older woman’s face, pursing her lips. “He thinks I’m gaining powers.” Monica nodded.
“I may not be a genetic engineer, but from what I’m seeing here, he’s most likely right,” Peter interrupted, a silence taking over everyone. “He’s keeping track of the enhanced, if I’m not wrong.” 
Shaking his head, he clenched his eyes when he heard another voice. You watched him weirdly, reaching to ask him if he was okay, before retracting your hand.
“Chill out sis, it’s not like you can kill your dead husband twice.” 
“You’re right. He’s been tracking everyone who’s enhanced, including Vision.” Dracy said, typing something on the screen to show you the map of Westview, pulsing red and blue dots appearing in your sight.
“Do you know what his endgame is?”
“Yeah. Rebooting Vision.” 
Peter inhaled sharply, trying not to let his face show the anger inside him as he looked at Monica with wide eyes, both of them looking at each other dangerously, both of them realising same thing.
“Then, I’m going in. Someone needs to tell her,” he said, looking at the others for affirmation.
You took a step back, gulping in anticipation of his words. Reaching out with a hand, you stared at him, hoping he wouldn't lash out. "Peter, you have to know, the hex is a dangerous place. You won't even remember who you are so there’s no point in you going in. You won’t be able to convince her to magically leave her hostages, she’ll just see you as an outsider and throw you out-" 
"Captain Rambeau went in and she was able to get out!" he argued.
"Peter, I was tossed out because she saw me as a threat. She might not do that to you but going in that thing is dangerous, especially with your mutations-" 
"I don't give a fuck about my mutation! You of all people should know how it feels like to lose family, Monica," Peter said, looking at her. The fire in his eyes spoke volumes. No one dared to intervene. 
"Peter, your mutation could potentially kill you. You know the risks of going past the barrier due to your enhancements. The radiations are altering DNA to a molecular level, your cells-”
"-are already metastasizing! My spider DNA is going to get me killed some day because my body won’t be able to handle it anymore, so I don't care, I'm going and that's final." He nodded, puffing his chest to show that he wasn't going to step down. 
"Fine, I'll come with you then," You said, looking at him as you said that. A lump formed in your throat as you realised that he was so willing to sacrifice himself, and blood pumped in your veins as determination set in along with a rush of adrenaline. 
"Do as you please." He shrugged, pursing his lips, but his eyes were a different story. You felt sick, insides tearing themselves up as you took a good look at him and his pallor, the artificial lights illuminating the scar tissues on his face. Ones that you knew were inflicted by his years of being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. 
“Maximoff is never gonna negotiate with us,” Hayward said, circling the table as Monica looked at him with disbelief in her expression. “We’ll need all the guns we have here to stop her.”
“We can’t outgun her, but what we can do is try and talk her out of this. Antagonising her is only making things worse. If Wanda is the problem, she has to be our solution!” Monica argued, looking forward.  
“She’s already killed thousands during the Sokovian attack. How do you guarantee that she won’t kill another person she finds threatening?!”
“She was guilty about it. It wasn’t her fault, do not bring that into this.” 
“Yeah? Well, the guilt isn’t going to bring back the dead children is it?” 
"The dead children aren't coming back, but those people trapped in Westview? They can, if you fucking let us!" 
"Fine. But someone will be monitoring you."
Negotiations with your boss and commanding team of SWORD concerning the ship was a tough feat. you had finally convinced them to let you and Peter go across the border, but Darcy and Monica were to be on the radio in case everything went amiss.
Sitting in the (illegally acquired) van, you watched Jimmy, who was trying to teach Peter the card trick, invested in the trick yourself. Leaning forward to get a better view, you tried not to let the rush of blood in your cheeks get to you at the close proximity with Peter, heart pounding with every step you took closer to the hex. 
“I did it! I finally did it, Y/N, look!” Peter said, showing you the trick, smiling at his childlike enthusiasm. 
“That’s great! You should show it to Morgan, she’ll like it.” 
“How do you know about Morgan?”
“I know everything.”
You may have been bluffing, but he seemed to have caught on your cue, the awkward tension reappearing as he shifted in his seat, twisting and turning and going back to the magic trick. You tried not to smile, but your mouth never did coordinate with your brain. 
“We’re here,” the driver said, parking the van. 
“Okay let’s go through this again: Captain Rambeau and Dr. Lewis will be on the radio while you try and get in, stay near a radio as much as you can so we can try and communicate, and do not try to meddle with Wanda,” Jimmy said, going over your checklist. 
You were skeptical of the plan, thinking about how successful your mission was going to be, considering how powerful she had become in her own little sitcom. You had heard of her expanding the borders just after you had started driving near it. 
“You ready?” Peter asked, taking your hand as you nodded, and wrapped your fingers around his knuckles, before taking a deep breath.
“I’m ready.” You nodded, looking over your shoulders to see the FBI agent giving you a thumbs up, muttering something into the comms. Looking back at Peter, you felt dizzy with the buzzing anxiety, the pull of the barrier strong. 
Stepping close to it, you felt electricity buzz in your veins, shuddering at the chilling sensation and sudden exposure to stimuli, your gut twisting the more your hand went in the hexagonal anomaly. You swore you felt your physical being tear apart, your life flashing in front of you in a white hot light, your brain was practically mush with how much force you needed just to get in. 
"I thought we would be able to get in easily!" Peter shouts, his screams echoing in your eardrums, mixed with your own screams. 
"She's becoming more powerful the longer she stays inside, and so is the hex," You replied, gasping for a breath as you tried to move forward.
With a final scream, you closed your eyes at the static sound bombarded your ears, you couldn't fathom how loud it must be for Peter, sending a look towards him. His eyes were scrunched, hands curled around his head and ears to stop the sound. Before you could comment on his state, your own vision doubled, bright green and magenta lights appearing out of nowhere, the coiling of your gut intensifying, and before you knew it, the strong force pulled you inside, throwing you off on the hard concrete of the road, and everything went dark.
“I’m okay. I’m okay. Everything is alright,”  Wanda said, repeating the phrase like a mantra as she sat on the couch. 
She repeated the phrase like clockwork, just like being a mom to two half synthezoid pre-teens and the gatekeeper of Westview. Snapping out of her daze, she felt something in her brain stir, realising with a start that something had been messing with the barrier-- or, rather, someone.
Closing her eyes, she willed her powers, similar to the ones Tommy had, to look past the barrier, opening her eyes with a flash when she saw a familiar face.
“Peter,” she muttered, the brown eyed boy who she had come to think of as a brother materialising in front of her, dropping on the carpet with a thud as his unconscious form fell on top of Yours. Wanda remembered you from all the stories Peter had told her about. 
Crouching down, she reached out to touch you both. Her eyes glowing red as she held a finger to your and his forehead, scrunching her eyelids as she navigated both of your heads.
A lonely young girl was seen sitting on a rock, the wind blowing wisps of her dark hair along with her dress. Suddenly, the noise of clucking of horseshoes could be heard, a woman coming into view as she got off her horse. 
“Feeling lonely and afraid at the middle of the night when you’re a young and beautiful teenage girl?” the woman in the cowgirl shoes said, holding her hip as the girl nodded. “Well, don’t worry, every young girl must have a sword at her disposal!” 
“A sword?” the young girl asked, tilting her head as she took the object in her hand.
“Yes, a s.w.o.r.d, my dear. Fear not, for the sword will protect you from all the hexes around you.”
The girl smiled, looking at the camera with the cowgirl’s hands on her shoulder. “A sword to protect the young!” 
Buy now at your nearest convenience store, terms and conditions apply.
“What are you two doing here and not at school?” Wanda chortled, startling the two who were now very much conscious. The boy moved, fisting his eyes, and he curled his hands to stretch the kinks that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, the varsity jacket scrunching underneath his fists. 
“Babe?” the boy groaned, messing up his hair, looking at the general direction of the girl. 
Putting on a smile, Wanda folded her arms, biting her lips at how adorable the two of you were.
“Ben? Is that you?” the girl asked, looking at her disheveled frock with a confused expression, finally noticed the woman standing in front of her. “Oh my god, babe, I swear we were at the bleachers not long ago. Did you manifest teleportation powers now?” 
“Miss Maximoff! You’re Billy and Tommy’s mom! Babe, we’re in Billy and Tommy’s house!” The guy, Ben said, his voice rising up an octave as he looked at his surroundings. 
He couldn't remember much about the Maximoffs, except that his neighbours talk about the weird mom and dad almost everyday in the gossip sessions. Whatever, he wasn't interested in them.
"She turned them into teenagers." 
"Well there goes our plan. Do we still have back up ready?" 
“That’s right, kids. Now, what were you two naughty children doing out of school?” Wanda asked, helping the two kids get up as the boy blushed, stuttering an apology.
“We- we weren’t ditching, I swear, Miss Maximoff! We were just-”
"-Doing homework! Because… because Ben's a nerd and he doesn't like that he gets behind because of the baseball team!" the girl said, stuttering as Ben nodded along with her.
“Yeah! We weren't making out or anything! Even if we're totally dating." 
Their relationship wasn't exactly your normal relationship. It was more of a… mutually beneficial relationship. 
Well, so far they had the entire town fooled, having them all think that a guy such as Benjamin Fitzpatrick would ever date a girl like her, who liked her books more than her siblings. 
"Hmm, well, thankfully, I'm a cool mom and I will not tell your parents about this… thing. Whatever it was. Anyone want cheesecake?" Wanda smiled, clapping her hands once as she looked at the two teenagers. 
Ben's stomach growled at the thought of food. "You don't have to do it, Miss Maximoff, but I would love some," he said, sheepishly looking at the ground, and wincing at another growl. 
Wanda chuckled, patting the boys back kindly. "Oh honey, it's alright. Come on, don't be shy, the both of you!" she said, looking over her shoulder and saying, "and it's just Wanda! Miss Maximoff makes me feel old, you know." 
They followed her to the kitchen, taking in the interior of the house. Ben's eyes caught something from the corner, it was almost as if it was… flickering? Shaking his head, he dug his fingers in his eyes, wondering if he was still feeling the effects of the time he had hit his head during the baseball practice. 
"You okay?" the girl asked, keeping a hand on his shoulder to steady him. 
"Yeah, probably the aftereffects of a concussion." He nodded, burrowing his brows in confusion. 
"Hmm, should probably get that thick little noggin of yours checked by the nurse." She snickered, hitting his shoulders playfully. Her heart was beating fast, he noted, wondering how he could hear it so clearly. The thought that he would have to leave her after she gets a date for prom made him sad. 
They may be faking their relationship, but he had caught on very fast and realised that he wanted it to be real. As real as the town of Westview.
Wait, what?
"You know we don't have to pretend anymore, right?" Ben said, looking at the girl as she came to a halt. Miss Maximoff was nowhere in sight, the house eerily silent with her heartbeat echoing in his ears. 
"This is the best ship SWORD could ever make." 
The awkward silence was interrupted by the opening of the front door, a loud jingle as Agnes came strutting in, a big smile on her face. It made Ben's neck sting weirdly, slapping his hand at the base to nullify the feeling. 
"Hello, children! What are you doing, skipping school like the little troublemakers you are?" She grinned, pinching each of their cheeks as her voice took a baby-like tone to it. Ben took a step back, grimacing as she continued pinching his cheeks. 
"Um, we weren't- we have no idea actually-" 
"Agnes! Oh, what great timing! Were you here for Billy and Tommy?" Wanda came in, a plate full of cheesecake and crackers in her hand. 
"Oh, Wanda, Wanda, Wanda! Your little troublemakers are already in my house, or did you forget?" She chuckled, the sound of her laughter taking a higher pitch. 
Wanda furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to say something, before closing it, a grin taking over. "Right. Yeah, of course! They really love it there with you, huh?" 
"That's right, everybody loves Auntie Agnes!" 
Ben looked at his girlfriend again, feeling strangely out of place between the two women. 
"Um, Miss Ma- Wanda? C-Can we go now? I feel like-" 
"Oh, Ben, don't be ridiculous! Why don't you sit down and take a breather? You look pale, hon." Wanda smiled, setting down the plate and ushering the two kids on the table, both of whom looked at the table with hunger in their eyes. Well, it had been long since lunch break. 
"Thank you for the cheesecake Mi- uh, Wanda, we appreciate it," the girl said, promptly digging in after the affirmation. 
Vision knew something was wrong the moment Agnes showed signs of knowing what was going on. The first time it happened, he was sure his paranoid wife would do something, but she had continued to act as if nothing was wrong with Agnes' behaviour. 
Walking down the road in his ridiculous costume, he nearly sighed in resignation, before he realised that he wasn't capable of such human actions. 
One more thing that perplexed him to no end was his strangely human behaviour. It was as if someone was forcing him to act more human, some weird force that was so unlike Wanda's warm presence, something more foreign and way out of his realm (like the gum incident. He sure did remember Wanda chastising him for doing this atrocity, surely she couldn't have been the one controlling him? Right?).
His mechanical heart ached for his wife. She had gone through a lot, from what he had read from her thoughts; losing a brother (twice, if the absence of Pietro was anything but a confirmation), and then him (it didn't bother him much. He was a synthezoid, there was entirely a possibility that he could be revived). 
He just really missed her, he realised. Their relationship had been strained ever since the boys were born. He didn't blame the drift on his boys, of course. He loved them to no end, would sacrifice himself for them, but he couldn't help but notice the change it brought in Wanda. 
The arrival of Pietro 2.0 didn't help either. 
His thoughts were interrupted as his feet halted their movements, and with a snap he realised that he had somehow made it to Ellis avenue, the border's static buzzing through his entire being. 
"You look lost, buddy," a strange man said. 
Looking at the man, Vision tilted his head, looking through the database of Westview to see that the man seemed to be nowhere in the records. How had he made it here? 
"I- I'm sorry, who are you?" He asked, leaning against the car door to peer inside, the man sitting rigid. It was only then did he realise that the man's eyes seemed… glazed, almost like he wasn't aware. Looking back at the barrier, Vision gaped at the view in front of him. 
The man's car was half inside and half outside the barrier, the slow moving particles seemed to be disintegrating the vehicle, watching in awe as sparks flew the closer the barrier came to the man. 
"Listen, you have to get out of here before that thing destroys you." Vision tried shaking the man, but to no avail. His attempts were in vain as the man simply grunted. "Listen! Can you hear me? What's happening? Why is the barrier moving?" 
He tried opening the door, but it was shut firmly. Groaning, he punched the door, nearly falling to catch the falling man, who was mumbling some incoherent mumbo jumbo. 
"Wanda, what are you up to...?" Vision muttered to himself, realising with a start that the barrier was expanding and the man had come from outside the barrier. 
Looking at the muttering man, he quickly moved them both away from the barrier, propping him up against the grass.
"I'm sorry," Vision said, his hands gliding yellow as he touched the man's forehead, his own circuits being bombarded with incoherent noises. 
"Oh god! I'm sorry, please save me! Please, this hurts, this- you- you're the Vision!" the man screamed. 
"Yes, I'm the Vision! Now, can you stay still? I'm trying to help you!" 
"-Please! She's in my head!" 
His hands lit up again, the yellow light smothering the man's forehead as he went still again, as Vision retracted his hands regretfully. Opting to leave the man there, he stood up again, startling once again that day when he heard a shrill cry, the body of… Geraldine? Appearing out of the barrier. Shaking his head, he was convinced that he was hallucinating, if that was even possible for a droid, and turned around to walk back home. 
(Agatha gave a satisfied chuckle, purple sparks erupting from her fingers as she turned back to Wanda, pretending that that didn't just happen.) 
"Do you think our school is a little… solitary?" Ben asked, inhaling a puff of smoke from the blunt in his hands. His girlfriend and him were sitting on the rooftop of Westview high, their feet swinging against the edge as she clutched at Pe- Ben for dear life. 
Peter? Who was that?
"Did you see that?? Peter was right, that was Agatha Harkness and she's been the one manipulating the people, it never was Wanda! It was meant to be a plot twist, but I totally predicted it."
"What? I'm invested." 
Y/n? Can you hear me? Please say yes if you can hear me.
She noticed the static sound of the radio speaking to someone. The static noise increased, and Ben didn't seem to have noticed the small portable radio malfunctioning. Shrugging it off, she went back to passing the blunt from her boyfriend. 
Boyfriend. The word ignited a flame in her chest. Ben, who she faked her dates with once upon a time, now was her actual, real boyfriend, who she was ditching homework to smoke a blunt with, uncaring of her nearing curfew. Her parents would have her head if she found out.
"Do you hear that?" She asked, exhaling the stale air from her lungs. She knew it was more of the deep breathing than the weed, but it made her feel serene. 
"I've been hearing a lot of things lately." He croaked, clearing his throat, sniffing the air as he leaned back, his Adam's apple bobbing with every gulp. His glasses were sliding off his face. She reached to push them back up, smiling at the flush of his face.
"What do you mean by that?" she asked, slipping her fingers through his, rubbing a hand on his back. His life had been difficult, she knew about him being an orphan, but she didn't know he was having a hard time with life at the very moment, her heart aching for the poor boy.
"I don't know, I keep hearing these voices in my head. Children screaming, people crying, and this… this buzz at my neck, I can't ignore it anymore! I feel like I'm going insane and I can't keep them quiet! I've tried, but it's like they're trying to communicate with me." 
Her eyes softened, hands running through his thick, straight hair as he leaned his head on her shoulder. Suddenly, the height at which they were sitting on didn't matter, she had him in her arms. 
"He broke the fourth wall. He's been hearing things, just like Billy." 
Wiping away his tears, she kissed his forehead, rubbing her hands gently on his back. 
"It's gonna be okay. You're okay, they'll go away soon." She reassured, folding her legs to get up, and pulling him up with her. "It's getting late, and mom will have my head if I'm later than curfew." 
"You've broken curfew before." He chuckled, stepping closer to Her, his hands on her hips.
Moving forward, she enclosed her hands around his shoulders, intertwining her fingers at the nape of his neck. Standing on her highest tip toes, she crashed her lips into his, their bodies swaying with the cold wind. 
"Awww, they're so cute! Exes to lovers, I like it."
"I agree. Didn't see the fake dating coming though." 
"Right?! Wanda should start a production company." 
"If Agnes lets these people go." 
Meanwhile, Monica had managed to find an abandoned shack in the backyard of Wanda's neighbour's house, her body buzzing with a familiar tension. 
Opening the shack, she saw the trails of purple, vein like thing running their tracks until they reached somewhere she couldn't see. She didn't notice another person creeping up on her, too busy looking at the trails. 
"Snoopers gonna snoop," the voice said, making her jump out of her skin, and keeping a hand on her heaving chest to stop her from hyperventilating. 
"Pietro?!" She startled, looking around to see if anyone had heard her. The neighbourhood was eerily silent, leaning against the wall, before deciding against it and squared her shoulders, looking at the man in front of her. 
"Yeah, that's me. But who are you? And what are you doing in Margie's backyard?" he asked defensively. She would have found the expression comical if it wasn't for her racing heart and adrenaline filled brain. 
"I could ask you the same thing," she said, folding her arms to show a defensive stance. 
"I'm here because… I live here?" he muttered, borrowing his brows as his eyes glazed over again, "Yeah, wait, no... I live with my sister! Who lives two houses from here! What am I doing here?"
"I don't know, you tell me." 
"God, this is so weird. First Wanda was being weird, now I am." 
"What do you mean?" 
Billy was afraid. He knew that he should be stronger and braver, if not for himself, then for Tommy. His momma always told him that the only thing to fear was fear itself, and he didn't know what that meant, but he knew that he had to be braver to get back to his mom and dad. 
"Billy, I'm scared," Tommy whimpered. "I'm hearing voices again." 
"It's gonna be okay, Mom and Dad will be here soon," he reassured, just as scared as his brother. They were only twelve minutes apart, but he still felt a responsibility for him.
Mom said that they both reminded of her own brother- Uncle Pietro. 
Hearing the door open, he felt a chill crawl up his spine. 
"She's here! Billy, she's here!" 
"I know! I know! Shh!" 
Her footsteps came closer, the cackling of her laughter making his heart pound. His brother buried himself in his shoulders, both of them huddled next to each other, as if the inevitable could be avoided. 
"How are my best boys doing?" Agnes' shrill voice rang, making Billy breathe faster.
"We want Mommy," Tommy whimpered, sounding as small as Billy felt. 
"Oh, I'm sorry honey, that's not happening anytime soon." She tsked, sounding as apologetic as the villains in the action movies his mom forbade him from watching.
"Why's that?" Billy asked, squaring his shoulders as much as he could. 
"You didn't hear? Mommy's dead." 
And his world crashed, his brain crowding with darkness.
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A/N: Lemme know what you think! 😁😁
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yourmcu · 4 years
Emotional Support Mode
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader
in which the reader is the loner, antisocial daughter of Tony Stark and the other Avengers including her father never acknowledge her presence (they thought some sort of interaction made you uncomfortable) so she becomes friends with Friday instead - Tony probs finds out and it’s gonna be all cute n fluffie once he realizes -
Word count: 2,243
a/n: hi just wanted to write fluffy tony :)) also I used they/them for friday’s pronouns
Warnings: angst n fluff, friday’s a bit more advanced (not like they aren’t already but) bc they could almost act like a literal human here.
read it on ao3!
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You arrive back at the Avengers facility, shoulders slumped and just tired in general since you have a lot of homework and projects to do from school, most of them due by the end of the week. You also have exams later in the week.
“Hey, Fri,” you huff as you make your way to the elevator.
“Welcome home, Y/N. Where do you want to go?”
Yes, you're very close with the A.I that they started calling you by your first name. “To my room - and uh, will you remind me to read two chapters in my history book after I’m done with all my homework? I also have this project, I just need some measurements later, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing.”
“Thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night, you sigh heavily just thinking about it. Now you’re probably wondering, ‘you live with the Avengers! Why don’t you ask Tony and Bruce for help? Maybe Steve and Bucky for your History test?’
Yeah, well... you barely talk to any real person you live with. Maybe it’s you, you always thought you're making the team uncomfortable. You don’t even talk to your own father often which is kind of depressing on your part.
You love them, they’re like your extended family, but it just isn’t working out. Maybe they just don’t like you. Up to this day you still wonder why Tony took you in when you were just a baby (you were a mistake from one of his one night stands) - he had the choice not to.
“I’m assuming you zoned out again. You have arrived to your room five minutes ago.” Friday announces.
“Y-yeah sorry,” you shuffle out of the elevator and swiftly head to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“I also asked if I should inform Mr. Stark that you have arrived home.”
“No, no thanks. He’s busy and... probably wouldn’t care anyway,” You mutter the last part as you pile the books you need on your desk. “Can you put my study playlist on, please?”
“What time is it, Friday?”
“7PM. I was about to remind you to take a break.”
You get up from your chair and stretch, halfway through the last of your homework which is a two page essay. “You’re too kind, thanks pal,” when you walk out your room to head to the kitchen and grab a snack, the lounge is empty, kitchen empty,
“The team’s on a mission? I thought they had the whole week off,” you say before gulping down a water bottle.
“I checked the security footage: they left about an hour ago. Captain Rogers was talking about getting dinner.”
You put the bottle down. “Oh,” you try to mask your disappointment. This isn’t your first time being alone, they always left you here when they had a mission of course but... well, it’s not like they want you around them. “I’ll - I’ll just make myself something later, then. Not a big deal. I have to study anyway.”
Another hour later, the Avengers are back. They're all conversing happily as they pile in the lounge. Peter's rambling about upgrades for the Spiderman suit while Tony's typing away in his phone, nodding at everything he says. Everyone else is arguing about the TV channels and talking about the new restaurant they ate at.
Rhodey shifts, looking around. “Why do I feel like we forgot something?”
Natasha looks at him, waiting for him to go on.
“I assure you, I brought Mjolnir with me this time.” Thor butts in.
“No not that, what time does Y/N get home from school?” No one answers. It’s not like any of them know. It's natural that Rhodey would be worried about his goddaughter (even if they rarely talk). He turns his head to his best friend who’s now walking away with Peter, an arm around his shoulder. “Tony, where’s Y/N?”
He doesn’t hear since he has his full attention on his protégé.
“I’ll start making this tomorrow, I guess. I still have to buy materials.” You mumble to yourself, but you hope Friday's listening to everything you say just to make you feel less lonely. You swipe the hologram of the blueprint away and place the thick books in front of you.
“I would like to recommend a suitable study plan.” they state.
You rub your eyes, sighing, “I’m already halfway, I would’ve considered it earlier though.”
“This is only a recommendation, feel free to ignore it.”
You push yourself away from the desk and mutter a “go on,”, fiddling with your pen.
“Asking Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes would give you more details for your History examination, since the pair were originally from that time period. The same goes for Mr. Banner for your Science examination, I believe he has seven Ph.D’s, you may also approach Vision for the same topic. Mr. Stark has all the necessary materials for your project in his lab. Would you like me to-”
If only it were that easy. It should be easy, the thought alone makes you really nervous. “No, I - I appreciate the recommendation, Friday, but - I think I can do this on my own.”
“But you’re tired and it is almost midnight. I would help you myself but you specifically told me not to.”
They’re not wrong. Your eyes are starting to droop and you barely understand anything you're reading. You're also fighting back tears - why is talking to your family so hard?
“I can sense sadness. Would you like me to activate emotional support mode?”
“Yeah, okay. That sounds great right about now.”
“Crap. Guess we lost track of time again, kid,” Tony wipes his hands with a rag while he looks at the time on his computer. “You better get home. I’ll send May a text for keeping you this late.”
“Okay, thank you Mr. Stark. I’m just gonna use my suit-”
“No. Happy will drive you.”
Peter knew better than to argue and insist so he just nods and smiles sheepishly. A minute later Happy came ‘round to take him home.
Tony turns back around. “Friday, make a new project for me please, I’m adding minor upgrades to the Spiderman suit.”
“Not now, boss.”
Oh. He did not expect that. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N is currently opening up. I would like to give her my full, undivided attention. Please come back after fifteen minutes or so.”
Tony doesn’t exactly know how to feel about that. He never sees her outside her room anymore that he kinda forgot she existed tonight - oh fuck, they didn’t bring her to dinner with them.
“Well,” he exhales. “What is she saying?”
“That would be an invasion of privacy.”
“I’m her father-”
“Are you, sir?” Friday’s clever remark makes him stop abruptly.
It’s pretty clear that he’s been a shit father. Not only does he ignore you all the time but he treats Peter way better than his own flesh and blood. The Avengers on the other hand, they were nice people, but just didn’t understand so they try their best to get out of your way.
You were afraid of rejection, afraid to interact, because you had no idea what everyone thought of you. Did they like you? Did you make them uncomfortable? Did they want you around? What about Tony, did he really want a daughter in his life? Because you noticed he’d be better off with a son, yeah, like Peter goddamn Parker.
Tony sighs, walking out of his lab and heads to the mini bar to grab a drink. He needs to think: there's absolutely nothing wrong about you, he just didn’t do his job right, you thought he didn’t care, you thought nobody did. Even Friday is turning against him, doing a better job of comforting and being there for you.
“God, I’m such an asshole,” he mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead. He drinks his last shot and heads to the kitchen. “She still awake?” He calls out.
“She is.” Friday has a bitter tone.
He's hesitant to ask again, feeling really bad for not knowing this simple question - “what’s her favorite beverage?”
“How do you feel?”
You sniffle. “Well y’know, better than before. I should probably go to sleep. Thanks, Fri.”
“You’re welcome. Also, Mr. Stark is outside your door.”
“W-what?” You put away your books and straighten up, rubbing your damp eyes. “You’re serious? Okay, uh, let him in?” It's more of a question.
You turn to face your desk as Tony enters the room, holding two steaming mugs. He sits at the end of your bed, just right next to the chair you're sitting on. “Hi,” he gives you a small smile and hands you a mug.
What’s the occasion?
“What’s this?” You ask quietly before taking the mug from his hands. Tony's being gentle and soft, it's odd but you’re not complaining.
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“Green tea with honey. I... I thought I saw you make that stuff once.” He says, not mentioning the fact that Friday told him that.
“Oh, well, yeah,” you take a small sip. He added a bit too much honey but other than that it was good. “I thought you preferred coffee, though,”
Tony shrugs, his eyes glistening when he looks at you. “Wouldn’t hurt to try something new.”
“Did - did you want something, Dad?” You always found yourself awkward, couldn’t even make conversation with someone for long, always wanted to get straight to the point so it could be over with.
He looks like he wants to say something but he just averts his gaze to you, his hands, the floor, then suddenly he leans in and hugs you. Your feel your heart swell and body warm up, it’s a new sensation for you after all, you rarely get hugs from people. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “For everything. I’m such a bad dad, I don’t deserve you. I even forgot you when we went out to dinner.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything. I had loads of stuff to do earlier anyway, so, but yeah I was just - I just overreact, I’m sensitive. I don’t blame you and the others for not liking me, I know there’s nothing like-able about me, I’m not like Peter-” You ramble, tears now leaving your eyes again.
“Sweetheart, don’t say that,” Tony says as he pulls you closer to him, head resting against his chest while he rubs your back comfortably. “Y/N Stark, you are smart, brilliant - I was just an ass for not acknowledging that.”
“I know you’re just saying that to-”
“Oh, but I’m not,” he now places his hands on your shoulders, getting you to look at him. “Tell me who built their first engine when they were eight?”
You blush, “Dad-”
“No, come on, I wanna hear it.”
“I did.”
“Yes you did. And who made a completely functioning robot at their middle school science fair that blew all the teacher’s minds?”
You’re trying to hide a smile, recalling the memory,  “I did.”
“And who,” Tony gets up and walks to the bulky looking thing that you covered with a sheet, pulling it off, “is currently building a computer from scratch?”
“Dad! That’s still a work in progress,” he messily places the sheet back and chuckles.
“My point is, you’re a clever and talented girl, Y/N. Don’t bring yourself down. And you don’t have to be shy around your family, those idiots have been dying to get to know you but since you don’t talk much... they don’t want to force it. We love you,” he says. “I hope you forgive me ‘cause I really wanna make it up to you. I’m not calling Peter in for a few weeks.” Tony sits down beside you again.
You couldn’t believe he’d do that for you. “You don’t have to, if you need him for something then-”
“-then you could help me instead, if you’re up for it.”
“I’m really sorry for being such a lonely freak,” you yawn, getting back into Tony’s open arms. “I love you.”
Tony tucks you in and lies down beside you, “I love you tons, kiddo.”
You snuggle into his chest, feeling his steady breathing while he rests his chin above your head.
It's morning. The Avengers are gathered at your open bedroom door.
“Are you getting all of this, Friday?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Steve turn that shuttering sound down!” Natasha hisses at the super soldier who's doing his task, taking pictures.
Steve almost drops the phone and has Bruce fix the volume for him.
They’re all watching you and Tony cuddle together, still fast asleep.
“Do we have to stay here until they wake up?”
“Unless you have a great way of waking them up, yes. Now shut up.”
“If you think about it we definitely look creepy right now.” Sam comments.
“It’s their fault for having the door wide open all night!” Clint says.
Tony's actually awake the whole time, listening to them bickering. “You have three seconds to get the hell out of here before I make all of you polish my suits.” With that, the team races down the hall, pushing each other to get away first like literal children.
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