#I was suddenly cal
gunwhale-rotary · 1 month
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trad portrait of cal
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northernember · 1 year
thinking about the Devastating emotional damage that would come from being constantly told how much you look like your father, how much you take after him and looking into the mirroring and seeing nothing but his jawline and cheeks, the broadness of his shoulders, the forming shadows of his facial hair beginning to come in, the way his bronze eyes sit in your face. and at first you look upon these features with pride and they make you straighten your back and shoulders, raising your chin slightly to look as much of king as he is "but I will be kinder" you say, "I will lead with a gentle and generous hand" and you would have, in the only way you knew how, but it would not have been what was needed, it would not have been the kindness it was meant to be. then,,, then you had your mind taken from you, your limbs and body no longer your own but to your minds eye, and the memories that ingrained themselves in your head afterwards, there was no difference; and so as your hand gripped the sword and your arm raised above your head, your feet steadying themselves against the ground, the world slowed to a tormenting pace,, and then your arm arched down, the writhing shadow in your mind forcing you to use all the strength you have, to cut clean through the neck of your father. And the eyes, the nose, the jaw and the cheeks you saw repeated in every interaction and every reflection rolled past your feet, severed from the shoulders and height you had grown so easily into. What was it like afterwards? When you met his eyes in broken glass or rippling water. Did it feel like looking at a corpse? Did it feel like you were back in the throne room, severing his head again every time you caught a glimpse of your own reflection, every time you saw his haunted, grief ridden eyes looking back at you instead? Is that why you blamed yourself so heavily for what happened to your brother? Because you bare your fathers face and shoulders and body and He failed him? I don't blame you. How could you not feel his failures as yours every time you looked into a mirror or still puddle and saw his face, his bronze eyes and black hair crowding the surface. And so you bore not only your own sins but his as wells, because truly they are interchangeable by this point. "You are your father's son" They said, pride, sadness, bitterness, anger, and resignation brimming the sentence, disregarding completely how you glanced side long at his reflection in the window, desperately aching to see your own face looking back at you, for once.
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Calum on Twitter and IG Story
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ruvviks · 6 months
// oc in 15.
tagged by; @devilbrakers, thank you so much!! tagging; @reaperkiller, @vvanessaives, @hibernationsuit, @katsigian, @adelaidedrubman, @dickytwister, @rindemption, @noirapocalypto and YOU!
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an oc, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the oc. bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
decided to do this for vincent since he is the main character of my cyberpunk universe and it's been a hot sec since i talked about him! these bits are all from various fics including the broker which is a long fic that i'll never shut up about. sorry. i've included more than just the dialogue since a lot of vincent's manner of speech is also in his body language and internal monologue :^) his voice claim is basically masc v from in-game but with very distinct southern flair
from chapter 7 of the broker:
‘Here we are,’ Vincent repeated, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket and flinching lightly when he heard an explosion in the distance. ‘Just another fuckin’ day in Night City.’
from an unreleased fic i still need to finish and post:
‘The Deckhead?' Vincent asked. 'Fried to a crisp. Found ‘im hooked up to the Net high off his tits- he had an intruder alarm set up but it caused him to panic, ‘n he disconnected himself too soon. Lights went out before I could do anything.’
paraphrased from this fic, showing that vincent can and will talk to johnny out loud whenever he wants:
‘What the fuck,’ Vincent blurted out, voice shaky as he took another step back. […] Johnny raised a hand and gestured vaguely at Vincent, and himself, and the space between them. ‘You don’t have to speak out loud when you- I feel like I’ve said this before.’
from an unreleased fic:
‘Maelstrom wasn’t too happy I was running off with their toys,’ Vincent answered, eyes lingering on the bruise on Vitali’s face. ‘Had to flatline half of ‘em before I could get out.’
from chapter 11 of the broker:
‘Peachy,’ Vincent said and gave him a thumbs up. His mantis blade was still deployed and he nearly cut himself with it.
from chapter 16 of the broker:
‘Right.’ He stepped back, visibly biting the inside of his cheek as his eyes wandered off into the rest of the living room and he did a mocking salute in Vitali’s direction. ‘Yessir.’
from chapter 2 of the broker:
‘Pleased to make your acquaintance?’ Vincent said, the sentence more a question than a statement, and he frowned slightly as he watched Dupoint walk around the desk and sit down opposite of him while unbuttoning the jacket of his slightly too big suit.
from an unreleased fic:
‘Yep, that was me,’ Vincent said in response, his voice suddenly a couple of octaves higher. Smooth talkin’, you fucking airhead. You sound like a damn high schooler.
from this fic, talking to johnny out loud again:
‘Right, ‘cuz apologizing means everything is instantly forgiven and forgotten,’ Vincent snapped, accidentally startling an old lady he passed by; he quickly raised his hand to her as an apology and fastened his pace.
from an unreleased fic:
‘Born ‘n raised in the Glen, yeah,’ Vincent answered, flinching when he noticed the edge of someone’s umbrella get dangerously close to his face. ‘Won’t find the nicest people there but at least they generally know they’re not the only gonk on the fucking road.’
from this fic:
‘Headache that comes and goes-’ Vincent paused and glared at Johnny. ‘- but yeah, peachy. And you’re right. Worrying doesn’t help anyone.’
from chapter 2 of the broker:
‘V has had a lot of things on his mind, as of late,’ Vincent dryly said. ‘Please do enlighten me.’
from this fic, talking to johnny out loud again:
‘Alright, speaking rights fucking revoked,’ Vincent cut him off, visibly startling Vitali who had just slightly leaned in to Vincent’s touch. ‘Piss off, Johnny. Jesus.’
from chapter 15 of the broker:
Grant Armitage. Some seemingly random Arasaka exec with “his greasy little fingers stuck right up Yorinobu’s golden ass”, as Vincent had described him a few days prior.
from chapter 2 of the broker:
‘A fully opened center.’ Dupoint paused, raised an eyebrow, and glanced back at Vincent. ‘Do you know what that move is called, V?’ Vincent shrugged, and swallowed his laughter. ‘Dunno. The American Nutcracker?’
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Wilbur's Visit
day 5 everyone! I had like 12 different ideas for today, but none of them happened and I suddenly got a fever and everything very quickly went downhill :D BUT, I'm fine, I managed to write a cute lil fic with some georgebur <3 and post before midnight, which I guess is something! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! (also, remember to use the # "mushies lee!George week" if you participate! thank u!)
day 5 - thighs / prompts found here!
(lee!George / ler!Wilbur / ler!Dream : 1.1K words)
“Your garden is huge!” 
“It’s called a yard here in America, Wilbur.”
“Okay, your yard is huge!” He adjusted his wording, using the heaviest American accent he could muster up. George rolled his eyes with a fake huff as he looked up at his friend with a wide smile.
The two British boys stood next to each other outside in the back of the Dream Team home, Wilbur having visited due to Lovejoy having a show somewhere in Orlando. Dream and Sapnap had run out to pick up food for the four of them while the rest of the band had opted to get some much needed rest in their hotel rooms before their show tomorrow. 
“It is! Almost as massive as- HEY! Whahahat?! Wilbur!” George was in the middle of making some idiotic joke, turning away from the taller boy to admire the expanse of his backyard when suddenly Wilbur was in front of him, crouching down and quickly standing up with a very confused George clinging to his back. 
“Tradition, Gogs!” Wilbur exclaimed, adjusting his grip under George’s thighs as he spoke to make sure he wouldn’t slip off of his back during the spontaneous piggyback ride he had decided to give the brunette. Wilbur squeezed at George’s thighs, on the sensitive flesh above the back of his knee, causing the smaller boy to kick out with a yelp. 
Wilbur tilted his head to the side so he could see George, realizing quickly that he was just as surprised as Wilbur was at the reaction he had. He curled his fingers a few times and watched as the younger boy’s face twisted into a huge smile, a few more squeaks escaping and confirming what he had suspected all along - George was ticklish.
“What was tha-“
The elder giggled at George’s response, bouncing him a little on his back to make him squeal a few times, making sure to squeeze his hands up the bottom of George’s thighs as he did so.
The reaction was instantaneous. George was giggling like mad, kicking as much as he could as he buried his face into the back of Wilbur’s neck in an attempt to muffle his laughter. This caused Wilbur to start giggling as well, tilting his head to block the sensitive skin on his neck that George was now inadvertently tickling. 
“Stahap, you’re ti-! Y-You’re- ….just stohohop!” George exclaimed as Wilbur continued to squeeze, focusing on a spot towards his upper thighs that seemed to make the younger boy shriek every time he danced his fingers gently over it. George made a move to squirm out of the grasp, but to his surprise Wilbur started sprinting across the yard, cackling wildly when George screamed. 
“I’m what, Gogy? Tickling you?” He flashed George a smile over his shoulder, chuckling when he watched George’s face turn a bright red.
“Whahahahat?! Nohoho! Stohohop, plehehease! Wilbur!” 
“Noho can do! You were trying to escape my tickles! That’s extremely rude, don’t you think?” Wilbur spoke, bouncing George again to readjust his grip on the smaller boy. He moved his grasp towards George’s inner thighs this time, pushing in with his fingers a few times with a little more pressure and breaking out into giggles as George shrieked and attempted to climb off of him again. 
“Look! You’re doing it again!” Wilbur yelled before taking off once more across the yard, ending up next to the lounge chairs near the back door of the house. “Looks like you leave me no choice, George!” 
“Whahahat, I just- WILBUR!” George was suddenly dropped from Wilbur’s arms and landed on one of the chairs below, startling him and sending him into a frenzy of giggles. The weight of the two caused the back of the lounge chair to lay down completely, allowing Wilbur to push the smaller boy down onto his back. George quickly turned over onto his tummy to try and get away, but the taller boy straddled the backs of his calves so he couldn’t escape. 
“It’s fine, king, just relax!”
Contrary to his calming tone and request, Wilbur dug both hands into the backs of George’s upper thighs, focusing on the area towards the tops of them to make the brunette shriek. George clawed at the cushions of the seat before dropping his hands into the grass below, ripping up the blades as he laughed himself silly and pleaded like his life depended on it.
“NAHAHA PLEHEHEASE! Nohohohot there not thehehere!”
“Yes here! It seems like a good enough spot to me!” 
George resorted to bringing his hands up to cover his face, trying to block out his laughter and also to try and soothe the rapidly growing blush before Wilbur would try to flip him over and see. 
“It is a good spot,” George froze as he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. “In fact, it’s probably the best.”
“Dream! How lovely to see you here on this fine afternoon!” He heard Wilbur over exaggerate his accent, deniably making him giggle more at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“DREHEHEHEAM! Hehehelp mehehehe!” George pleaded, shoulders scrunched up to his ears and face still hidden in his hands due to the embarrassment of his best friend finding him in this predicament. It was nothing new, he had ended up in this exact scenario more times than he could count with the blonde, but that didn’t seem to make this any easier on him.
“Help you? Alright, if you say so.” 
George suddenly felt another set of hands begin squeezing at a very precise spot on his upper inner thighs, a spot only Dream knew, sending his laughter up an octave and causing his squirming to turn to thrashing. 
“Whahat?! I'm helping!” 
The brunette was in full hysterics, smacking his hands against the cushions of the chair as his thighs were tormented by his friends. It wasn’t until Sapnap wandered into the backyard looking for everyone, too hungry to wait for them to finish whatever torture Wilbur and Dream had started, that the two finally let him up.
When he was finally able to sit up, George felt tears streaming down his cheeks and whined in embarrassment. He wiped his face with his sleeves with a groan, turning to face the two and swearing to take down everyone in the house if they pulled anything like that again.i
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hibiscuslynx · 3 months
northern attitude by noah kahan is so caliyork from ny's perspective. who said that.
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maybesomemilo · 12 days
angsty superbat to the tune of midnight rain
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llumimoon · 1 year
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The essence of Dot <3
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calwasfound · 1 year
What is the jukebox challenge?
the jukebox challenge is / was a challenge that artists started doing when their spotify wrapped data were released - people could send asks w/ a number & a character, and the number correlated to a song on the spotify top 100 songs playlist. just a fun way of generating prompts & drawings :]
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treasure-goblin · 7 months
The rain is so mean 🥺
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kingdomoftyto · 8 months
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Hey everyone how are you doing today because I'm uh. I'm??? I'm.
Yeah I'm!! really Going Through It, holy fuck
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incorrectpizza · 2 years
I have a bad feeling that Star Wars: Jedi: Battle Scars is going to be "The Last Jedi" of Star Wars tie-in novels...
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
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hello caligula, what news from the afterlife
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cal-is-tired · 1 year
They've temporarily blocked the bullshit "emergency rule" the AG here in missouri is trying to pull, until the 15th. The preliminary hearing is on the 11th.
I dont plan on even trying to start T until i know its fully blocked. Its such a waiting game and a test of my patience.
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llumimoon · 6 months
i might jusy post all my old dndads wips after i finish this episode bc i dont think im gonna finish them
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aroace-number-eight · 2 years
what if Six/Marina/Eight
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