#I want to tag this Farscape SO bad you have no idea
gayamulet · 1 year
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Continuing my tour through Evan Collins amazing Are.na CARI archive of corporate & design trends of the 80s/90s/00s- some favorites from whimsigothic...
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karasbroken · 2 months
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Ok, there is zero reason for this story to be 34,000 words. I need a beta! And to outline my fics so I don't wander around for three chapters trying to decide what to do. I actually wrote the ending first, and then had to throw it away because it didn't fit. Probably it would also help to write the whole thing first and then post it.
But will I do any of those sensible things? Odds are low.
Unlike last time, this fic suffers from too much plot. John and Aeryn wrangling over attraction and loneliness mostly gets overridden by asteroids strikes and commerce stations. I wrote action! And lots of unnecessary slice-of-life space stuff. I was trying to explore Aeryn feeling more able to invest in John because she starts to believe he isn't about to leave at any moment. Then half way through she decides to leave instead. I cannot control these people. Lucky Pilot and guilt get me back in the direction of canon.
I don't know, I actually like some of this. So read it if you want. It's ok.
Rating: T    |   Word Count: 34,321 | Chapters: 6/6
Tags: Post-"Rhapsody in Blue", Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Violent Thoughts, Loneliness, Angst
“It was hard, Livy, seeing her like that.”
Aeryn heard John's voice in enough time to stop before the sound of her footsteps could carry to him. The name meant he was talking to his magnetic recorder again, not any of the Moyans. O’livy’a was the name of his younger female sibling—sister— Aeryn made herself think the colonial word. There was always a warmth in how John talked about his family that felt incompatible with the precise terms of galactic Sebacean. In English, it sounded inappropriately like a hiss, sisistr. She wondered whether the word for brother was similarly sibilant. The only time they’d talked of brothers, she had been too distracted to pay attention.
”I mean, what a mind frell—” Crichton stopped himself with a bitter laugh, “They’re getting to me. A mind frell,” he emphasized the word, one of the few profanities that had a perfect translation, though his English version was harsher to her ear, more violent.
“I thought I was going crazy, I mean, of course I did! But the worst part— is that it felt so right. So good. The idea of having someone else with me, dealing with this crazed frelled-up situation together— of just… not being alone…” John’s voice dipped and fractured, and he lapsed into silence.
Aeryn heard the click of the recorder being stopped. Was he talking about her? She hadn't thought he was there for any part of her humiliating collapse. To be rendered completely ineffective by mere hallucinations was bad enough when witnessed by Pilot and D'Argo. It was somehow worse to have the habitually incompetent human see it too.
But no, his words didn't seem to match that. They had not been together facing the rogue Delvians; that had been the problem. He'd been on his own.
The button clicked again. “It took me arns to figure out that Alex wasn’t real. Actually, I never figured it out. The priestess just let me go. Until then, I believed it all. That Alex joined Ayahsa with me instead of going to stanferd. That she was on the Farscayp project with me. That she had been my copilot when I got sucked down the wormhole….”
Alex. That wasn't a name she remembered from John’s many many stories. Someone he knew from his past, but didn't talk about. Until now, when he was clearly upset. That made her eavesdropping seem uncomfortably invasive.
Crichton was probably tucked into a niche just around the bend of the corridor. This hall, like many others, had begun to narrow and curve more dramatically in the last few weekens. But it still gave access to a window sheltered by an arching column where John liked to sit and watch space. Aeryn could continue on, greet him, ask him to help with the survey she was starting again, as she’d intended when she first went looking for him. It felt as if she'd just completed a full tier review, but Moya's internal structures seemingly changed every day. The work might be a distraction for him.
Or she could go back the other way, down a tier, or up, to find a new path around the apparently growing hangar that sheltered the ship’s child. She could leave Crichton to talk to his ghosts alone....
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binickandros · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @staceymcgillicuddy. Thanks!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
42! I have more on ff.net.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,612,657. She a chatty bjtxh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
rn just Stranger Things, but in the past I've written for Criminal Minds (that's sort of...ongoing, I guess), L&O:SVU, The X-Files, Sailor Moon, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sons of Anarchy, The Stand, and Homicide: Life on the Street. Also there's my roosthoard crackfic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sharp as Nails, Soft as Honey (hellcheer)
You've Earned It (Barba/Carisi from SVU)
Longing (Juice/Chibs from SoA)
Come With Me Tonight (Juice/OC, SoA)
The Space Between (hellcheer)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I forget and then I feel awkward replying like ages later. I never replied to a bunch on Space Between and feel bad about it. :/ So now I try to respond right away bc I want ppl to know how much I appreciate their support.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics end angstily. They might have angsty events, but everything always resolves happily. I write fic to fix shit, not to make it worse!!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ummmmm...lol! Probably the sort-of crackish sequel to Come WIth Me Tonight, Under My Skin. Juice, Chibs, and my OC move to a Greek island and raise goats and bees and have sex all the time. What could be better??
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not lately, but Come With Me did get some bullshit, mostly bc the SoA fandom didn't like the idea of a more submissive Juice Ortiz (dumb, frankly), and they just in general like to hate on OCs.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. Didn't start until my spn fic, Half of Something Else, but since then yeah. Most of them have had smut. Sometimes it's more vanilla, but I usually do prefer to play with power dynamics. Some have outright D/s stuff goin on, but I usually don't get that "formal" with it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've got the crack-ish roosthoard fic, which I plan on turning into a series, and once I tried to write an X-Files/CriMi but couldn't really get anywhere with it. So usually no, I don't.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. I'm not popular enough, which is fine w me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I was about to say no, but then I remembered back in the day someone translated my Sailor Moon fics. So yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of? Like, not officially, but nearly everything I write these days is at least partially co-written with @tonybourdain
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh gosh. Ummmm...okay, either Jon/Aryn from Farscape or Jaime/Claire from Outlander.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh geez. I want to finish my Stand fic SO badly, but idk if it's gonna happen. Also my SoA fic Get You In. I know what I want to happen, but writing it is the hard part. :/ But the one I know I'll probably never finish is Collide, my SVU fic. Like the other two could get finished some day, but that one? Prob not.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, esp banter. I think I'm pretty funny. Also giving my sentences and paragraph a certain rhythm. I have a good ear.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get stuck in ruts. Like repeating myself a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done bits and pieces of other languages in my fic, but if I needed anything more complex or longer, I'd get someone who spoke whatever language to help me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Homicide: Life on the Street, I think. Then very shortly after that, The X-Files. Or maybe vice versa I don't remember.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I really really love my spn fic Half of Something Else. There's this whole bit that takes place near a swamp that I just adore. But also my SoA magnum opus, Come With Me Tonight. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into that baby.
Right now I'm really enjoying my current hellcheer WiP, With Teeth. I think it's gonna be good.
I'm gonna tag @anniecrestaodairs, @prosopopeya, and @lightsaroundyourvanity
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tiggymalvern · 1 year
Eight shows to get to know me, tagged by @dreamerinsilico. Only the first couple are in any sort of rational order. 1. Blake's 7. The original disaster crew, in which Blake the idealist wants to take down the fascist dictatorship. Unfortunately he's stuck on a spaceship with a bunch of accidental randos, only some of whom are idealists. The rest of them just want enough money to go and live somewhere the government won't bug them. I was a few weeks short of seven when I started watching it (yes, that was too young) and eleven when it ended. It was the first TV I saw where bad things happened to the protagonists, where they died and it made one hell of an impression. (Also, Servalan gave me the first inklings I was bi.) Since the BBC didn't broadcast a repeat, I didn't see it again until I was nineteen and it got a release on video tape. And it was SO MUCH BETTER even than I'd remembered. All the nuances, all the moral quandries had completely passed me by as a kid. What might you have to do to take down a fascist dictatorship? Where do you draw the line on justifying collateral damage? Then I discovered that there was a fandom for this show, that people wrote fanfics and published them in zines, and the university intranet (there was no internet) had message boards where people TALKED about it. It's not an overstatement to say that it changed the course of my entire life. This show is also probably responsible for my lifelong love of morally grey protagonists who snark at each other. So, that one got long, it always does. Shorter from now on, I promise! (Okay, maybe not that much shorter. How everyone else managed to do this meme without going off about their obsessions, I have no idea.) 2. Due South. My first slash fandom, illustrating my other recurrent fannish addiction, besides the snarky disaster crew - the two people who are odd, who are loners (or who socialise, but have acquaintances, not friends) and then they meet each other and they just fit 💗💗💗 And let's be honest, those two people were usually two men, because of the misogynistic writing for TV shows. 3. Burn Notice. My current snarky disaster crew obsession :-))) 4. Hannibal. Trope number two, the loners who fit, put together in one of the best, most complex TV shows ever written. It doesn't just happen to push my buttons, it's also objectively, amazingly good. The first time you watch it, you love Will Graham and want to squish him and protect him, and then slowly you find out more and more. And then you go back for the first rewatch and you realise that it was there, all the time, so many hints, but it was so carefully done that you just didn't see it. (I have stated before and will again that season two of Hannibal is probably the best single season of any TV show I have ever seen.) 5. Black Sails. Another snarky disaster crew, in which practically everyone is queer (SO many bisexuals, yay!). The first season is not what it became, because the writers started carefully with an action show about pirates chasing gold. And with that success, from season two, they were free to write the show they wanted. A show about idealism and love and rage at the world, in which every character is so well written that each time alliances shift and enemies become friends or friends betray each other, it's justified and it makes sense in terms of their motivations and who they are. 6. Deep Space Nine. The Trek series that changed the franchise. Arc plot! Morally grey characters, hello Garak! A Federation captain who says to hell with the rules, I'm doing what seems right at the time :-) 7. Trigun. I wondered whether to put this one in because I prefer the manga to the anime (the manga's longer, with more complexity, especially in Vash). But it's weird loners who instantly click perfection, with the added twist that one of them was put there to betray the other from the start, and then he can't and the angst is off the scale. 8. Farscape. A snarky disaster crew with the amazing bonus of Aeryn Sun, one of those rare at the time female characters who was as amazing and well written as any of the males. (I haven't watched Farscape in many years. I probably should, I wonder how it's held up?)
As usual, tag yourself if you wish to play :-)
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adrianmunson · 2 years
tag some mutuals you want to get to know better
Tagged by @bvcksmunson
Favorite time of year: Autumn 🍂
Comfort food: Anything with pasta 🍝 or potatos 🥔
Favorite dessert: Baklava
Things you collect: Pins and books 📚
Favorite drink: Coffee Milk ☕️ 🥛 (Rhode Island state drink)
Favorite musical artist: Evanescence, Otep, The Midnight, Lights, Extreme, Metallica, Kittie, Arch Enemy, BTS, Stray Kids. (I definitely have more but I figured I should cap it.)
Last song you listened to: I like the devil by Purity Ring
Last movie you watched: Nightmare Alley
Last series you watched: Stranger Things
Series you’re currently watching: I had a rewatch of Peacemaker and now rewatching Farscape.
Current obsession/Hyper fixation: Lord of the Rings ⚔️, Adrian Chase 🗡, and Eddie Munson 🎸
Dream place to visit: New Zealand 🇳🇿(I want to go to Hobbiton so bad), Greece 🇬🇷, South Korea 🇰🇷
Dream place to live: long term I’d want anywhere that’s not my home state.
A place that you’ve been that you want to go back to: Paris and Rome. ♥️
Something you want: Kas!Eddie and Peacemaker season 2.
Currently working on: fine tuning some fic ideas and writing random shit to practice.
No pressure tags: @myguiltypleasures21 @milkshakeworm @sephmeadowes @38across @vigilanteh
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ceescedasticity · 3 years
fanfic writer ask game
Got tagged by @fallintosanity...
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm, hard to say. Not sure I have one? But I can say I am almost never interested in a ship that couldn't also be a Homestuck moirallegiance, and if you take the sex out it doesn't make me less interested.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Valor and Discretion, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Collateral from my P5 series, followed by 0k and Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind in Homestuck.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not?
These days yes, though possibly only with a "thank you for commenting!"
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm... I usually don't go for angsty endings? The No-Tailed Fox is I think supposed to have a downer ending, but I still wrote an optional less downer one.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Let me see, unalloyed happiness... yeah I'm not sure. Most of them are happy-ish anyway?
Do you write crossovers?
Only if you count all the SBURB fusions. --I am a voracious (if picky) reader of crossovers, but... mostly don't write them. --In the past I have written several embarrassing megacrossovers, only one of which I liked enough to let out in public even a little bit. It's still pretty bad, though.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I have received unsolicited critique from someone who took it badly when I didn't agree with them. --And one comment that might have been hate or might have been a fair assessment of what was going on in the chapter.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had people ask for permission, which I've given, but I'm not sure whether any of them have posted.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have still not given up on continuing New Order. Maybe One Man's Trash? Succession is not likely to officially finish, but I'm at peace with it. SCase I think I would need to re-do, is the problem -- it's not actually the best roster.
\What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, and mimicking stylistic twists
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sensory descriptions and action scenes
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Usually not a good idea -- if the viewpoint character understands what's being said, the reader should, too. Isolated words which don't translate very well or are important for mood are okay (but don't go all 'keikaku means plan'). But if you really for sure know the language, and the viewpoint character doesn't, you can include it as a bonus for others who speak the language. Just... do explain it, at some point.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I posted fic for was Farscape. Technically speaking, the first stuff I wrote down was for Redwall, but it was not immediately identifiable as such because it was the backstory for the community I had made up to supply OCs for all the varying Redwall eras. If you go by things I talked about or thought about without speaking... Possibly Chronicles of Prydain? But possibly earlier than that, I don't remember.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
...Definitely not "Null and Void".
tagging, um, @asukaskerian, @tanoraqui, @catflowerqueen, @edenfalling, anyone else who feels like it!
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idabbleincrazy · 4 years
Subvert the Lyrics Challenge
Subvert - to overturn or overthrow from the foundation; ruin; to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith
Synonyms: abase, bastardize, canker, cheapen, corrupt, debase, debauch, degrade, demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate, lessen, pervert, poison, profane, prostitute, vitiate, warp
This challenge is to celebrate both finally reaching my milestone of writing 100 fics and reaching 850 followers! I got the idea for this challenge after writing Anything, Anything. After deciding on the title, I went and googled it to see if, by chance, there was a song with the title, and lo and behold, there was. By a band called Dramarama. I perused the lyrics and noticed that my fic was a slight subversion of the story that the lyrics told. That was a pleasant surprise. 
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to choose a prompt from the provided list and write a fic that subverts the lyric(s) of the song. Flip the script, if you will. Does the song give you the angsty sads? Well, then write your fave having the best day ever. That kinda thing. Most prompts are entire songs, but there is a stray prompt or two that is a single line from a song. 
Deadline: November 15th (I wanted to make sure you guys had a good chunk of time to write)
Must be following me (this is partly a follower celebration, afterall)
The prompts were mostly chosen with Supernatural in mind, but I will gladly accept fics for Lucifer(Netflix), iZombie, Farscape, The Magicians, and The Order, or anything Rich or Rob related.
Send in an ask with the # of your prompt, and a back up in case it’s been taken, and which fandom you plan to write for.
One person per prompt. 
If over 500 words, please use the Keep Reading tab, or an ao3 link so that I’m not filling peoples dashes.
Use appropriate ratings and warnings. Smut is awesome, but please let me know what I’m getting into.
I do prefer canon-verse, but if AU’s are more your writing style, that’s perfectly fine.
When posting, be sure to @ me and use #subvertthelyricschallenge in the first 5 tags. If I don’t get around to your fic after 24hrs, dm me to make sure tumblr didn’t pull a stupid.
Feel free to include this in other challenges or in bingo’s if applicable!
Things I won’t read:
Lucifer(SPN), Nick, Saileen, Incest, Underage smut (this includes Jack Kline), RPF, Watersports/scat, graphic rape/non-con (mild non-con, dub-con are ok), vore, daddy kink.
Happy Together - The Turtles @mir567
Wonderwall - Oasis
Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon
Only Wanna Be With You - Hootie and the Blowfish
Nothin’ But a Good Time - Poison
Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
Laisse Tomber Les Filles - France Gall/ Chick Habit by April March
The Wire - Haim @itsangelpie
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong @wingedcatninja
Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes
Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Meatloaf
“When you hurt, when you suffer, I’m your angel undercover” - Bitch, Meredith Brooks
Cruel to Be Kind - Nick Lowe
Gods & Monsters - Lana Del Rey @phantomwarrior12
“Will you hose me down with holy water, if I get too hot?” - I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That), Meatloaf
Anthem - Alana Yorke
The Rose - Bette Midler
I Believe In Angels - ABBA
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) - Irma Thomas
Once In A Lifetime - Talking Heads
Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode
I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow - Soggy Bottom Boys/Dick Burnett
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club @cajunquandary
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Someday, Someway - Marshall Crenshaw
Thank you in advance to all who participate, and I can’t wait to read your lovely fics! If you have any questions, my ask box is open. 
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gabolange · 4 years
Fic meme: 3, 15 (something other than Nick and Jen!), 45
For the fanfic asks meme!
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Ooh, this is hard. I think there are a couple that come to mind for different reasons, so I’m going to avoid the question and give you...three, for extremely different reasons.
First: Battlestar Galactica. I hate now to give BSG any credit for anything, but it was just a wonderful collection of thoughtful, fascinating women writing thoughtful, fascinating things. I had never gotten over my lurker tendencies to dive into Farscape (which I regret in retrospect, nearly twenty years later -- those were the most welcoming ladies *ever*), but I did for BSG. And man. We wrote so much meta you could power Galactica. And it was weird and deep and informed, even as we had absolutely no idea WTF was going on. (I wrote an essay on Paradise Lost for fucking BSG fandom??!) I had been doing fandom in various ways for a while by that point, but BSG taught me fandom could be intellectual on top of all the things I already knew it was. And that was revelatory. (Plus, you know, the whole best friend thing. That was also pretty cool.)
Second: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. There are many reasons I love this fandom, but the primary one that it respects good writing. There are various reasons that some fandoms aren’t into fic, or don’t elevate good fic, or whatever. But not all of them do. But MFMM really, really does, and I both benefit from it and appreciate it.
And third: The Doctor Blake Mysteries. I have never in my life been more impressed with a fandom than I was in the days and months after the whole CM bullshit went down. There were dust-ups and moments of weirdness, I know (I know), but for the most part...everyone was respectful and thoughtful and measured. Most people were forward-thinking and feminist and refused to fall back into the defensive cliches that perpetuate bad behavior in powerful people. And then--and then!--folks stuck around. Not everyone, of course. But more than I would have expected. And so we got Jeanuary! Twice! We got BNFs deciding they were still going to write. We had Secret Santa exchanges! We...are still here, when almost every other fandom I have ever been in would have either self-destructed or utterly vanished by this point, and it kind of astonishes me even now.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Hey, wait, Nick and Jen are obscure?! Turns out...
I tend to go straight for the het canon couples, so obscurity isn’t really my thing. But I just finished Giri / Haji and there is NO FIC AT ALL, but I really want to see Kenzo and Sarah ten years from now (no spoilers). It would be extremely fucked up. It would be great. (I could write the first fic. It would be like City Homicide, where I had to get TAGS WRANGLED GORSH YOU’RE WELCOME.)
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I have no idea. I have been reading very good fic for basically ever.  But hey, let’s pick something. Way back in the days of TWoP and the computer in my parents’ basement, I read Marguerite’s The Rarest Faith (link to part one). It’s an ensemble West Wing story that is set in the five years immediately after the Bartlet administration that was written before the series ended.
And it’s one of those stories that is both honest and kind, that paints a future that is hopeful while also not being unrealistic. It was one of those stories that taught 20-years-ago me what fanfic could be--how it could take characters we know and evolve them while still being true to who they were on screen, how it could build a whole new future that made sense. It is probably one of the stories that made me such a canon whore, because it taught me that you didn’t have to change canon to build wonderful, rich lives for your characters.
I haven’t read it lately. I suspect it still holds up.
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someoneasgoodasyou · 5 years
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better Tagged by @luciferloveschloe​, hell yeah! top four ships (Just doing TV ships because if I expand to books I get all fighty in my brain about “ok do I love Lucifer/Chloe or Toby/Tybalt more???” and that feels bad.)
Lucifer/Chloe (Lucifer)
BA/Murdock (The A-Team)
Audrey/Nathan/Duke (Haven)
Aeryn/Crichton (Farscape)
The only one I haven’t written fic for is Farscape and that is because Farscape is like. From a fic-wanting perspective, fucking perfect for me. There’s nothing there for me to want, because it delivers almost before I know I want something. last song
Last song I actively listened to? “In a Week” by Hozier. Song that has been stuck in my head since FUCKING DECEMBER TWENTIETH TWO THOUSAND AND NINETEEN and thus I have technically been listening to it all the time? “Toss a Coin to your Witcher” from the fucking TV show on Netflix and LET ME TELL YOU I am going to go insane if I can’t get rid of it soon. It’s been A MONTH AND A HALF aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
last movie Ugh, Joker. I found it bleak and not in a good way. reading
(Doing books but really what I’m reading is all of @profdanglaisstuff​’s fic lol and I am zooming through it.)
Despite what my goodreads profile says (I have temporarily abandoned all of the books on the Currently Reading list because I got a sudden incredibly strong hankering for scifi romance) I’m reading Gabriel’s Ghost by Linnea SInclair. I’m also working my way through Rock Your Plot because I’m going to finish my fucking book this year or die trying. what food are you craving right now? UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO I WAS CRAVING THE SHIT OUTTA CAKE RIGHT so like any sensible human being I got up and pulled out all the ingredients to make cake from scratch because it’s not like I have cake mix handy and whipped together the batter and didn’t have quite enough vanilla but that’s okay and put it in the oven and suddenly did not want cake anymore. It’s still baking and I’m *so mad* because I still gotta like get it out and let it cool and make buttercream frosting and frost it and I don’t want to :(
Shoulda made enchiladas instead.
Not tagging anyone because I have no idea who’s done this or not or if it’s even really going around or what. Consider yourself tagged if you want to be.
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youknowmymethods · 6 years
Content Creator Interview #2
In this week’s interview, fandom friends @lilsherlockian1975 and @mrsmcrieff talk about whether they found Sherlock hot or not at first sight, how publicly sharing their work changed their writing, and the hardest thing about writing smutfic (pun fully intended).
And for those who don’t know, today is Lillian’s Birthday, so m’dear, Many Happy Returns!!!!
Hey, so Lilsherlockian1975 and myself, MrsMCrieff, have decided to interview each other for Aine’s challenge. We’re going to try to answer each other’s questions but there is always the danger of us going massively off piste. Our conversations in the past have been eclectic and very wide-ranging not to mention M rated.
 Anyway, I thought we could start by saying how we came into the fandom and more than that writing in the fandom. Lil, do you want to start?
Lil: All right, my sister on another continent, here’s how it went: As I’ve explained about finding The Full House on Pinterest, let’s explore what came before that moment, then just after... I was working third shift at a hotel (I had to as Mr Lil and I didn’t really have any childcare options at the time, so we just worked opposite shifts). The hotel was in a very small town - we were never busy, some nights we sold maybe 2 rooms - I usually spent my time watching Netflix. After making my way through Doctor Who, Star Trek Next Gen, Voyager then (God help me) DS9, Farscape and Firefly, I’d finally run out of anything to watch. You’d be surprised how quickly you can burn through a series binge watching for 8 hours at a time (and getting paid for it!).
 Then… then I found Sherlock. Well, that changed things… a bit.
 “Good Lord, who is the Cumberstud chap and why won’t he have all the sex with me!?” was my first thought, my second was, “Maybe I have a chance with the dishy DI?” and third? “Oh… what fresh hell is this ‘Mycroft’? Yummy!” Then finally, “Ahh, did the casting director somehow read my diary? Creepy but… all right.” To my defense, it was late and I usually worked on very little sleep. Also, I’m a kinky bitch.
 I’d never been involved in a ‘fandom proper’, I suppose. That’s not to say that I wasn’t a fangirl. I am and always have been. I was hugely into the Kevin Smith movies, going as far as visiting the Quick Stop and RST Video in Lenardo, NJ, respectively, as well as The Secret Stash, in Red Bank. I was a comic book geek in my youth, Marvel mostly, but some DC as well.
 After reading The Full House, I desperately needed MORE Sherlock and luckily enough, there was more to be found.
 At first I was just reading, then I wrote and posted a couple of (horrible) fics and met this fellow writer named MrsMCrieff (I might have had a little ‘writing crush’ on you, Mrs!). We chatted on FF.net and struck up a friendship.
 So, for me, writing came before fandom. Mrs was doing some betaing for me, but I didn’t ask for help often; I hated bothering her all the time for the multitude of stories I was turning out. At some point around here, I got an elusive invite to AO3 from sherlockian87, bless her soul, because I kept trying to join and couldn’t get a blessed invitation. Also around this time, I had written a prompt and got a PM from MizJoely asking if she could fix some of my mistakes (she was very sweet about it, even though I totally flipped - half fangirling, half losing my shit because ‘Crap, I screwed up so bad, here was The MizJoely asking if she could edit out my mistakes!’) but she wasn’t being critical at all, of course, just helpful as I soon found out. Shortly after, now having formed a friendship with MIz, she suggested that I start a Tumblr blog. And that’s how it all started.
Yes, sorry… I, um, tend to be a tad loquacious. Writing out my answers doesn’t help one little bit.
 Okay, Mrs, right back atcha!
 Mrs: OK, shall I try to be more concise? I’ll probably fail as I’m terrible as writing short fics they always seem to end up spread over multiple chapters.
 I’m another one who had always been a fangirl, Doctor Who, Buffy, Twilight, vampire Diaries (yeah, I love my vampires) but I’d also been a Sherlock Holmes fan. I’d read all the books in my teens, watched the Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett adaptations and even stayed at the Sherlock Holmes hotel on Baker St so when a new series was advertised it was an easy sale.
 I was late to the cumberobsession though. I have to admit watching the first two series as they came out and I remember thinking I like them but it’s a shame Sherlock isn’t that hot. I know, I know, I’m embarrassed even as I write that.
 It all changed after watching season 3 and I blame the Sherlolly kiss 100%. I watched the series, DELETED the records!! And then realised I was spending a lot of time thinking about Sherlock and Benedict...that turned into looking him up online and from there it was a short step to reading Sherlolly fics on fanfic (I was already reading fics for other shipping obsessions). Anyway, it didn’t take long before Sherlolly took over all my other ships and Benedict was my number one hottie.
 As for writing, I hadn’t written anything fiction based since school and school was a long time ago...almost thirty years. But one day I was looking for a specific fic, I wanted to read about Sherlock and Molly having to share body heat and I just couldn’t find anything that satisfied me. I’m not sure why but in that moment I decided to write it myself and in half an hour I’d written Frozen...my first ever fic. It took another couple of hours to pluck up the courage to post it and I clearly remember feeling a bit sick and my hand shaking as I pressed the final button to post.
 Thankfully, I almost immediately started to receive positive reviews and feedback and it wasn’t long before I started to write more...the rest as they say is history. Lil got in touch soon after and it was fun chatting to another writer just starting out. We soon found we were not dissimilar in age and both had two sons and the friendship started there.
 We’ve been through quite a lot over the last few years Lil and written some fab stories. Wouldn’t you agree?
 (I should let on that we are now faffing about trying to find the original list of questions...we are trying to be professional).
 Ok Lil, so I’ve looked at Aine’s questions and they look really hard. Any preferences on which ones you want to answer :).
 Lil: I think a great follow up to that first one is this: How did posting your first story change your process of writing? So I’m shooting it back to you, Mrs, and you can send me that one or select a new one for me. Tag, you’re it!
 Mrs: I can tell you quite simply how it changed my process of writing...given that it was my first piece of writing in 30 years I was starting from scratch when it came to any process. One thing that I started with that’s held true for me ever since is that my stories are fully mapped out and written before I even start posting the first chapter. I will edit and make refinements but the bones of the story are there.
 I know lots of people post a chapter and then write the next chapter but that would put me under too much pressure. The downside is that if someone gives me a prompt they could be waiting months before they see it posted. The upside is if I’ve started posting a fic you will get the end of it as it’s already been written.
 There have only been two exceptions to this method: Sherlock Holmes, Vampire which I worked on over a year or so posting four chapters every so often as I wrote them...it was stressful. And the other is Never Have I Ever which was/is more of a collection of one shots woven together into a fic.
 How about you Lil? How did it change for you?
 Lil: So, I’d been writing little stories and whatnot for years and years but, having no idea that there was such a thing as ff.net or AO3, I had no place to put them. Writing was always a very, very distant dream of mine. I have loads of notebooks filled with stories, story ideas and my own personal ramblings (unfortunately, my Tumblr followers now have to read the ‘ramblings business’). I stopped for many years after my roommate/best friend since childhood found some of my writing in college that I’d carefully hidden under my bed. I came home to find her in my room, sat on the floor, on the phone with our Art History professor (whom she was sleeping with), as she read him my story and laughed hysterically at its awfulness.
 I was devastated and vowed never to write again.
 But that changed, of course. Those first maybe ten stories were just me letting my mind go and getting out what I wanted to say (aided by liberal amounts of wine). Since then, however, my ‘process’ has changed drastically. I don’t always write an outline (never for one shots, which I write often) but I generally do for long fics. If not, it’s easy for me to get lost and miss critical points. My writing has become more about ‘layering’ for lack of a better word.
 I found after those first few posted fics, that in going back and re-reading them I wanted to make changes. I didn’t re-edit them (because I’m lazy), but it made me realize that my writing required more time and proofing before posting; that first draft is just the start for me - a thin layer of primer paint on a canvas, if you will. I then read over it and add more details and more and more until I get the desired effect. Again, much like oil painting, I have to build things up, layer by layer. This works for me; I have no idea if it’s a proper method of writing. So, posting my first fic(s) helped me learn that I shouldn’t be so trigger happy about posting if the story wasn’t ready.
 Okay, Mrs, this one is geared specifically towards you. I don’t think anyone would argue with me about your supernatural ability to write ‘case fics’, so let me ask: Which do you prefer writing, case fics or fluffy smut-filled romps? And why?
 Mrs: Oh God, ask me something easy why don’t you. Both, I like writing both. I love the depth of a case fic, the idea, the research, plotting it out and working out the characters and detail but it’s so time consuming and I often write a bit, leave it, come back to it etc. etc. so a detailed case fic can take six months.
 Fluff on the other hand is less satisfying but quicker (my minds already in the gutter with an analogy).
 Woohoo I kept is fairly short for once. So, here’s one that’s good for you. I’m endlessly envious of how easily you make friends and how you know so many people in the fandom whereas I’m the introverted hermit. Which other authors are you friends with, and how have they help you become a better writer?
 Lil: Goodness! You make me sound like a social butterfly (Mr Lil calls me that all the time!). I like people, plain and simple. Other than you, I am close to MizJoely and Darnedchild, that’s no secret, so I’ll talk about them first (you included, because you’ve made me a better writer, I’m sure of it - have actual proof!)
 I cannot count the ways Miz has helped me improve my writing. She figuratively took me by the ear and said “okay, you don’t suck but do you even know what a comma is used for?” No, not those actual words, she was much kinder about it, but I got the hidden meaning and I needed it, trust me. She also challenges me and is not afraid to be honest with me when I’ve written something that isn’t good or perhaps doesn’t fit. I know I’ve improved since she started betaing for me, like a 1000%. And Child… When I volunteered to beta for the Big Bang Challenge, I had no idea what I was getting into, but man… she’d written and enormous fic. Good, amazing really, but it was longer than anything I’d ever worked on before. It scared the shit out of me but I really think it was exactly what I needed. Betaing someone else’s work can really make you see your own mistakes from a new perspective. I feel like I jumped ahead after working on the BBC with Child. As for you, MrsMCrieff, just the other day I had The Best compliment… someone actually thought I was British! Yes, that happened. I can only attribute that little feat to you, my friend. You’ve taught me when to add a ‘u’, when not to zed and about many different terms like pavement, taps, hob, loo, trousers (we really don’t say that here!). Not to mention the fact that most European men aren’t circumcised. Who knew?! It’s pretty common in the US.
 But that’s just a few. I cannot count the number of fandom friends who have helped me and all the ways that they’ve done so. That doesn’t mean I won’t try…
 There’s likingthistoomuch who always listens to my ideas and encouraged me to post my first Harry Potter fic. OhAine has been a true friend from the very beginning, always insightful and supportive. Mellovesall who is just too sweet for words and always helps with edits, no matter what’s going on in her life. Kendrapendragon who let me bounce ideas for my Mirror Has Two Faces AU off of her for like a whole day! the-sapphiresky who has helped me with this historical AU that may or may not ever see the light of day. Allthebellsinvenice who answered about a dozen questions (over two years!) for Dig Down Deep when I’d panic about some D/s situation I’d written myself into. o0katiekins0o who backs me up when I’m in the middle of a sensitive subject. I can always depend on her to help me when I’m afraid I’m crossing a line. Broomclosetkink, Lord help me! She’s pinch hit for me when I’ve written a fic for Miz or if I just need a good laugh. She’s the best. Sweets… it’s very hard to talk about sweet-sweet-escape. I still cannot even bring myself read her stories or the ones I wrote for her without breaking down, but no one was more supportive or kind to me than Sweets. I miss her so much.
 Then there’s all the love and support I received from everyone during The Fic That Shall Not Be Named debacle. That’s when I knew how much this fandom (well, this ship, really) had my back! I will never forget how much love and support I received. Bless you all!
 I’m forgetting people and I hate that. But I really do love all my fandom friends as if I see them and hang out with them every day. I mean that.
 Okay, Mrs, here’s one for you (I’m going back to the list for this one because I like it and I think it’s interesting): What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters of the opposite sex?
 Mrs: See, see I said you knew loads of people!
 As for your question that’s easy to answer...knowing what it feels like when they get aroused and orgasm. I’m more than happy being female but it would be kind of interesting just to be a guy for one day. It would improve my writing no end.
 On a wider note when it comes to writing characters I don’t think any of us made it easy on ourselves when we decided to try to write being a high functioning sociopathic genius. I think I can speak for most of us when I say he’s not the easiest person to try to write authentically. I just wish I had half his knowledge then I wouldn’t feel like such an idiot when I’m writing him.
 I gave my youngest son the option of any number between 1 and 40. He chose 7 so does writing energise or exhaust you?
 Lil: It absolutely energises me! I do get frustrated trying to find time to write, but actually writing does amazing things for my mental and physical self. I find that I’m much more productive around the house when I’m in the middle of a writing jag. I’ll sit and write for a while, then get up and pound out some chores (usually more quickly as to get back to my computer). Somehow, this works for me. Frankly, it’s probably got to do with my ADHD. I’m the kind of person who needs to do multiple things at once. I’m the same at work; I cannot just stand behind the registrar for 8 hours. I practically beg my managers for extra work, which they’re happy to give me.
 I have an original question for you, love: How does a bad review affect you?
 Mrs: I’ll be honest I don’t react well to a bad review but it does depend on whether I think it’s valid or not. You probably know each and every time I’ve had one because I will probably have sent you a screen shot and asked your opinion. Thankfully they have been few and far between, occasionally they have made me think...especially if I’m being accused of using a tired old trope and I’ve made the effort to up my game in future fics but often they are just being nasty for the sake of it.
 Writing is such a personal thing though, we give a piece of ourselves in each and every fic so it’s hard to not take criticism very personally.
 Same question to you Lil.
 Lil: Oh, I’m a giant baby about a bad review and have been known to take it very personally. At first I brood… like really hard, thinking on the entire thing much longer than necessary. I suppose it depends on the nature and tone, for the most part though. If it’s attacking and spiteful, I’ll attack right back but if it’s coming from a ‘goodish’ place, I do try to look at my writing a bit more objectively (I don’t always succeed). Anonymous bad reviews get to me the most. The fact that I cannot reply drives me up the wall!
 Okay, we’re wrapping this up (else we could go on forever!) Thanks so much and a big thanks to Aine for organizing this as well!
 Mrs & Lil
Next Week:
Posting on Friday 01 March it’s @ohaine ‘s turn (eek!) to interview @ashockinglackofsatin
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scapeartist · 7 years
@handypolymath put out a general tag for anyone wanting to play the top/bottom 5 kudosed fics on AO3. Thought I would play along. Trying to get back into a fic frame of mind.
Starting with the sad and lonely bottom:
Odin's Emissary (0 Kudos): A character study of Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series. I loved early Eric from the books. Sigh.. 
Being a former soldier, Ocella still found it difficult to stay away from combat, and when Ocella was set on going, Eric could not refuse him even if he had wanted to. Besides, following a large army on the move provided so many opportunities for steady meals it was hard to resist. Eric, too, would feel a rush at the thought of the thousands of beating hearts all converging on one place ready to be stopped by spear, sword, bullet, or fang.
Slice of Strife (1 kudos): Based on the prompt "Captain Hook & Pizza." This takes place during season 2 of OUAT after Emma leaves Captain Hook in a storage closet in NYC when he attempted to kill Gold.
He’s not sure how long he’s knocked out, but when Hook awakens, his head is throbbing and he cannot see. The floor beneath him is smooth underneath the thin layer of grit, and he’s sure he’s never smelled anything like what’s assailing his nostrils right now. It’s overpowering, burns, and leaves an oily feeling in the back of his throat. He coughs trying to clear it, but all that does is send a shooting pain through his skull.
Dead Men Don't Tell Tales (3 kudos): This Farscape fic takes place during the season 3 hiatus and was my take on how Crichton and the gang would take down Scorpius. I was right about at least one part, so go me! 
She hadn't been down there since before he died in her arms. Aeryn had watched helplessly as Stark and Crais had carried John's body away, still covered in the red blanket they shared. They had taken him to the med bay to initiate the cryogenic process to keep him until they found Moya again, and then they placed him in the cryo pod stored at the back of the cargo bay. It was hard not to think of him back there alone in the dark-it was even harder to think of jettisoning his body into cold space. But now, she would have preferred he was floating millions of metras away than used as a decoy to fool Scorpius, whom she secretly doubted could be deceived at all.
Bicorne (3 kudos) Based on the prompt "Liam Jones & Uniform." It’s a short, dialog only bit about a special occasion between the brothers during their Naval days. 
“How do I look?”
“Looking for a flogging are you?”
Ascension and Dissension (3 kudos): Another short piece based on the prompt "Lt. Jones and Apprehension." Filler for the flashbacks of “Good Form.”
“It’s doom,” the boy said, and something in his tone of voice gave Killian pause.
Perhaps it was the unwavering certainty of the pronouncement, perhaps it was his choice of word, but no matter what the reason, every part of Killian tensed like a line being pulled by a desperate fish at the end of a hook.
And now on to the top 5:
Time and Again (114 kudos): Part 9 of the Drinks with the Prince series, takes place during "Snow Drifts" and "There's No Place Like Home." Killian and David chat at Granny's before and after his and Emma's time traveling adventures.
The Prince moved slowly through the crowd, as if looking for something, while Hook approached him from the far end of the counter where the alcohol was being set up. He had tucked a mug of beer for himself into the crook of his hooked arm, the mug he'd procured for David in his hand. They met in the middle of the room, guests of the party maneuvering around them to get a glimpse of the royal child.
As You Don't Wish (115 kudos): Emma Swan buys a ship in a bottle and gets more than she bargained for in the shape of a genie pirate. (Based on a short story by Neil Gaiman.)
Emma Swan didn’t know what possessed her to buy the dusty, old, ship-in-a-bottle at the dimly-lit antique shop downtown, but she couldn’t resist the perfect, billowed sails, nor the cheery yellow trim along its rails and hull. It was a ship fit for the open seas.
She had no idea where she was going to keep the thing.
20 Questions and a Bagel (141 kudos) Captain Cobra. Takes place early in season 3b. Henry and Hook have a conversation while waiting for Emma. (Yes, there are 20 questions in it.)
Henry closes the door behind Hook and walks over to the small coffee table in front of the couch he had been sitting at. There are bags and napkins and cups strewn about the surface and Henry points at a lumpy bag. "Wanna bagel? They aren't as good as the ones we have at home, but they're better than nothing."
"I am feeling a bit peckish. Thank you, lad." Hook sits down on the couch and picks up the bag, peering into it. It smells heavenly—the scent of cinnamon most prevalent—and the bread is still slightly warm. He grabs the first one he can reach and pulls it out, sniffing it with his eyes half closed. It’s been far too long since he’s had sweets of any kind.
Sit, Stay, Feel (157 kudos) Modern AU: Emma Swan is the owner of Pet Savior — a dog training/walking/sitting service. Killian Jones, and his dog Gale, are her clients.
The blonde human and the sleek black canine had been a team since Gale started with Pet Saviors as a 12-week old rambunctious ball of fluff about a year ago. In that whole time, Emma hadn't met Gale's owner. They communicated by notebook — he would leave instructions or training requests and she would write a little something about Gale's day — but they had never crossed paths. Their "conversations" amused Emma more often than not because they frequently pretended to write as if they were Gale. It was silly, but once it (he) started there was no going back. Some days those notes were the only thing worth laughing about. Nonetheless, Emma never felt a need to get to know Gale's owner since the whole point of Emma being with Gale was to break up the dog's lonely day and give her the exercise she needed to not be a furniture eating lunatic. People weren't Emma's thing anyway, so notes and the random email worked just fine for Emma and Gale's "Dad," Killian Jones.
Laundry Day (161 kudos) CS Smut. That’s really probably all I need to say, and explanation for why this is my top kudosed fic. But here’s the description anyway: Hook's doing laundry and Emma needs to see it for herself.
Emma rolled her eyes at her father and attempted to refocus on the paperwork in front of her, which was futile, because, seriously. How does a three-hundred-some year-old pirate do laundry? Washboard? Pounding his clothes on rocks? Mmmm...pounding…. Stop. She tried not to picture it (in any more detail) because in every scenario that arose, he was buck naked, and, well, she was still sharing office space with her father for Pete's sake. Blowing an errant hair from her face (definitely not trying to cool the blush blooming across her face), and shifting in her seat (because the uncushioned chair was uncomfortable, not because anything down below was beginning to tingle or heat up or in need of relief), Emma rattled the papers again pretending she was being productive. Jesus Christ.
And there you have it. The good, the bad, and the kudoed. Consider yourself tagged if you want to play. 
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karasbroken · 4 months
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My ninth story I wrote in chapters, so it feels a little different. I really struggled with what I wanted to say and ended up going on and on. The main theme is Aeryn trying to deal with the realization that what Namtar did to her can't be fully undone. She's no longer purely Sebacean and purity is a core value to Peacekeepers. My version of Aeryn is almost suicidally self-loathing, so this is another 'watch the tags' kind of story.
The plot might also be controversial? I'm not sure even Ben would be with me on this one, but basically John gets drunk and gets his Captain Kirk on. Then he not only has to do the walk of shame in front of a really disgusted Aeryn (purity!), he also has to ask her about making alien babies because John made multiple bad choices. Yes, this is just my excuse to write an essay on Sebacean genetics, but I tried to make it fun? And at least I wrap on an up beat for once, with John trying to get Aeryn to see the good side of being part-Pilot.
Rating: T    |   Word Count: 21,840 | Chapters: 5/5   
Tags: Post-"They've Got a Secret", Angst, Bickering, Drunk Sex, Mildly Dubious Consent, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reproduction Discussion, Pre-Relationship, Past Relationship(s)
“Are those schematics?” John leaned over Aeryn's shoulder to look, making any response pointless.
“Mm-hmm.” The work bench she’d claimed as her own had been out of the way when Aeryn chose it. Lately though, John had tended to work on his projects from the next table over, meaning she had to deal with his interruptions whenever he grew frustrated, or bored.
“We’ll make a Tech out of you yet!” John's condescending pride instantly put Aeryn on edge. “What are you trying to figure out?”
“You have no idea what my training involved, and yet you continually doubt me. This has nothing to do with tech work, you idiot,” she snapped.
“Okay, okay, Angry Spice.” He threw up his hands, trying to placate her. ‘You talk about your old life less than anyone else on Moya, you know. Tell me about your special diagrams.”
Everyone on board hated any mention of the Peacekeepers, except as the villains of their stories. It didn’t leave Aeryn with a lot to say. Even if it hadn’t been intensely painful to think about her life before.
Aeryn shoved the second stool at John. She’d learned to keep one nearby to prevent him hovering at her back. As he sat down, she stacked the flimsies, leaving only the most interesting one, where she had marked the observed changes, on the cleared surface. “This is a section of corridors and access shafts on Tier 14 hamman-side. On my last patrol, I noticed DRDs working in the area, reducing the corridor width and adding ribs. I'm trying to determine if this is related to Moya's baby.”
“Huh.” John pulled the flimsy closer for study, then looked up. “Wait, patrol? We’re interstellar and haven’t had Peacekeeper contact in weekens, why are you ‘patrolling’ the ship?” He made that double-curled finger gesture Aeryn had yet to precisely define.
“Because no one else is.” Aeryn’s head had started throbbing an arn ago, dashing her hope that the chronic headaches had finally gone away. Under John’s pestering, she could almost feel her temper physically fraying.
“But there’s no reason to! That’s like… crazy tyegur-in-a-cage behavior. If you’re bored, I could teach you something useful, how to fix—” John cut himself off when she reached over and yanked the flimsy back.
“You’re not even useful yourself, Crichton.”
“I have my moments,” he muttered. “Hey, if you think it’s worth your time, then have fun. But do you really expect to find mystery invaders?”
“Pilot and Moya were both recently incapacitated for several arns, and have been distracted, healing, or impaired ever since. Anything could have come on board undetected while we had the DRDs shut down, too.” John was still looking skeptical, so Aeryn leaned in, speaking slowly and clearly. “I know humans have terrible memories, but less than three monens ago we all almost died because an interstellar parasite got on board without detection.”
“Fair point,” John half-shivered, half-shrugged, crossing his arms and rubbing himself as if he were cold. “Just thinking about those giant sentient space kahk-roechiz makes my skin crawl. So let’s avoid that.” 
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neth-dugan · 7 years
Nine Worlds Panel Call - Redemption in Sci-Fi
So @nine-worlds-geekfest is happening this year and put out a call for content a while back. I submitted three ideas not expecting to get even one and I’ve gotten all three. And at this point I need participants! There is a database some place of people who’ve volunteered for panels but accessing that is via remote and a lucky dip so I’m going for tumblr first.
I’m putting out a separate post for each as they’re different topics but you can find the post for ‘Queer Dax’ and ‘Albus Dumbledore: Good or Evil?’ if you click through. Especially Queer Dax, I have specific ideas there that will be hard to meet via lucky dip.
Redemption in Sci-Fi
From Vader in Star Wars, to Teal’c in SG-1, from Aeryn Sun in Farscape to Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Faith from Buffy.
Okay so the last two more fantasy, I love Zuko and Faith is.... Faith. We can do fantasy too if panelists want. There are a wealth of characters that can be brought up here.
There are characters across SF/F who do bad things. Like really REALLY bad things. But then they switch sides. Sometimes it’s a struggle, sometimes its a last minute thing before death, sometimes there don’t seem to be any consequences for the atrocities they committed in their good ol’ bad days. Why were they bad? Why are they now good? Are there any themes that commonly play out in the redemption arc, and what do you look for in an interesting journey towards the light?
Its an interesting and varied area across many fandoms. But the ‘I was bad, something happened and now I’m good and who cares about the past?’ trope seems to be particularly common in SF/F and it’s something that I thought would be fun to look into.
If you’re interested, please drop me a message in my mail box here on tumblr with your e-mail and why you’re interested/background. If not, or if unsure, can you still re-blog this so that it gets around and finds people who may be interested? Especially as this is such a multi-fandom thing it’s going to be pretty hard to tag.
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flyinyoursoup · 7 years
92 Truths Tag Meme
Tagged by @erizee, thank you! <3
Rules: write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people
LAST: [1] drink: coffee with caramel syrup that I’m drinking right now [2] phone call: my mom [3] text message: my husband  [4] song you listened to: Enter Sandman by Metallica was on in my car on the way to work  [5] time you cried: a few weeks ago. Going through a dry spell.
HAVE YOU EVER: [6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: my dad [10] been depressed: constantly [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, unfortunately
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] blue [14] violet
(keeping erizee’s colors because they are my favs too! with green a close 4th)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: [15] made a new friend: yes [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: yes [18] found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so? [19] met someone who changed you: not really [20] found out who your true friends were: no? [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: my husband?
GENERAL: [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most [23] do you have any pets: 2 cats, Shadwell and Agnes, they are my bbys [24] do you want to change your name: kinda...but the time for that has already passed [25] what did you do for your last birthday: I can’t remember...probably drink with friends [26] what time did you wake up: 8am (I was late to work! doh) [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: tumblr I think [28] name something you cannot wait for: Thor Ragnarok, Gotham, meeting Robin Lord Taylor and Cory Michael Smith <3 [31] what are you listening to right now: coworkers chatting in my office [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes [33] something that is getting on your nerves: I keep sleeping through my alarm [34] most visited website: gmail and tumblr [35] elementary: like, where did I go? It was in Dearborn, MI. It sucked. Kids suck. Yep. [36] high school: Adrian, MI. It sucked slightly less than elementary and middle school. [37] college: U of M in Ann Arbor, MI. Where I learned I am actually not a genius, but in reality average. Hard blow, man. [38] hair colour: black [39] long or short hair: short [40] do you have a crush on someone: yes, on so many celebs I do not know [41] what do you like about yourself: I’m persistent? And good at math? Idk [42] piercings: just one in each ear so far [43] bloodtype: A+ [44] nickname: meowmix, fly [45] relationship status: married [46] zodiac sign: virgo [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv shows: buffy the vampire slayer, angel the series, firefly, kids in the hall, star trek (tng, ds9), hannibal, doctor who, mst3k, the expanse, yuri on ice, farscape, battlestar galactica 2003, breaking bad, thick of it, freaks and geeks, gargoyles, batman the animated series [49] tattoos: none yet, I am indecisive [50] right or left hand: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: had my adenoids removed [52] piercing: ears when I was a baby [53] best friend: emily, who went to my elementary school and lived close by [54] sport: idk, I never liked sports [55] vacation: florida probably [56] pair of trainers: ?
RIGHT NOW: [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: coffee [59] i’m about to: go to my psychiatrist appointment [60] listening to: a coworker coughing [61] waiting for: lunch I am hungry [62] want: the day to be over [63] get married: already am [64] career: I work in a library
WHICH IS BETTER: [65] kisses or hugs: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller (I’m short so.. they are always taller) [68] younger or older: older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms? don’t really care either way [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hmm... >:) troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: [74] kissed a stranger: no [75] drank hard liquor: yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses: yes, lost glasses in a river once :( [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date: no [79] broken someone’s heart: no idea? [80] had your heart broken: yes [81] been arrested: no [82] cried when someone died: yes [83] fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: [84] yourself: no :p [85] miracles: no [86] love at first sight: no [87] santa claus: no [88] kiss on the first date: yes [89] angels: no
OTHER: [90] current best friend’s name: don’t have a ‘best friend’ [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: lord of the rings movies, re-animator, serenity, casablanca, deadpool, shaun of the dead, young frankenstein, the last unicorn, the rocky horror picture show, labyrinth, the dark knight, avengers, the nightmare before christmas, edward scissorhands, jurassic park, the mummy, indiana jones and the last crusade, ghostbusters, mad max fury road, back to oz, the princess bride, tremors, pan’s labyrinth, ratatouille, blade runner, the secret of NIMH, hook, the halloween tree, cabin in the woods, clue, blue velvet, donnie darko, tarsem singh’s the fall, the fifth element, singin in the rain, death machine, dr. strangelove, psycho, galaxy quest, the muppet christmas carol, the big lebowski, wet hot american summer, robin hood: men in tights, what we do in the shadows    oops that’s probably too many :x
I’m not tagging anybody. If you read this and you want to do it, go for it!!
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