#I want to draw them in outfits sometimes
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year ago
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Can someone please hold my hand and explain to me how I am supposed to draw them in nice outfits when I give them hump backs larger than camels
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soni-dragon · 6 months ago
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the jacket crew is on the case!
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javierduffy · 4 months ago
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they were born in the wrong generation 💔 (they were meant to be annoying lovers online)
this is th3 og pci i'm sorry i didn't feel like drawing javi;s profile </3 maybe some other day
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buttercupshands · 10 months ago
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my friendship with canon ended now fanon is my new best friend
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but first a cute bird
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basically my mind decided that it's now free to draw whatever AUs and stuff that I want including random stuff like this
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and this!
I think my way of coping with 423 is just... ignoring it ever existed so now it's just this and an occasional canon stuff
but good for him he deserves to have all the fun fanon can offer
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fun fact: this was the first sketch out of all of them in this post!
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loosesodamarble · 5 months ago
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Commission of me with my favorite guys from my otomes.
Thank you @crazycookiemaniac for your gorgeous and amazing and wonderful work on this. You have perfectly captured the handsomeness of my faves~! 💖😍🤩👏🥰💖
Since getting the completed commission, I’ve looked at it at least once per day. And it always makes me feel better. I even made it my pfp on Discord.
I love the softness of all the colors. I love the different poses and expressions for each of the guys. The flower background makes it dreamier, more romantic, and a bit playful too. I love that I can imagine pure happiness and bliss for them in this fictional moment I have with them. I love the commission and how it just makes me adore these characters even more.
To me, it is perfection~! 💖
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starrysharks · 1 year ago
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charlotte and mr. cinnamon's big show! dec 31st! you're all invited!
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months ago
erm…..posting about an OC via a rushed shitpost was not on my 2025 bingo card!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂get it??? 😂😂😂because his name is bingo??(GETS SHOT)
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these are all things he has done or has attempted to do so consider this the full intro post for that freak for now. he’s still too undercooked to fully introduce but damn I love him
#pdbc#I love him. he’s the sole descendant of a royal family and. if you’ll pardon the pun. is royally fucking things up for himself#he could do so much in life and instead decides to be the next Gordon Ramsay……..such wasted potential#did. did I ever mention that part of him. his clan is called the Ramsay clan after all#he wants to be Gordon Ramsay sooooo fucking bad…….#big theater kid gone wrong energy from him#so many of my posts this year have been pdbc related. it Will happen again.#< (in my defense I’m working on other non-pdbc stuff !! but pdbc stuff is easy to make because I don’t have to think about it)#once I’m not so burnt out I’m really excited to design bingo….not even going to attempt to rn#I hate designing outfits but I’m actually looking forward to his bc he has a horrid mix of royal garments and astereotypical butcher outfit#speaking of butchers. butcher vanity? great song absolutely fits him. cannot stop listening to it#surprisingly him being like. a literal cannibal isn’t even all he does. that’s just a…little quirk of his#like ya’d think him eating people would be more important but nah. he’s a POET and a MAGICIAN 😤😤#I’d say he’s one of the most evil characters but…..kinda all of my characters are#sure bingo tries to eat people and bomb people’s homes but there are side characters who put acid in the water supply and aren’t punished#so bingo’s just par for the course honestly#the best thing he’s ever done is install an air conditioning unit. there wasn’t one before bc Mole (his mom) didn’t like them—#—which resulted in people keeling over from heat exhaustion a lot so. good job for fixing that bingo#it’s the bare minimum but that’s pretty good for him so he can have a round of applause for that#I think I might have mentioned Gerbombs in passing but I love them sm#they’re gerbils genetically engineered to blow up when pressure is placed on them#they’re adorable. thankfully they have no concept of death so they’re just chilling with no worries in the world#before you get sad. Sushi rescued most of the Gerbombs and now cares for them so happy ending#no Gerbombs shall die under her watch. I don’t think I could deal with it if too many Gerbombs died#although they’re called Gerbombs they’re actually more physically close to jerboas#they’re so cute. I should draw a Gerbomb sometime#(I should also probably rename them jerbombs considering they’re not gerbils but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month ago
My four main characters' dynamics if you were ever wondering 🥰
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Little character bios + without text below the cut :)
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Preface: There's 9 different planets in my AU, and each of them has different kinds of humanoids(ex. Neptune has bird-people, Mercury has dragon-people, Pluto has cat-people, Neptune has mammal-people, etc.) Most of my ocs are from Neptune or Pluto, cause I like them best haha. Each planet has their own forms of hierarchies/discrimination, so that's important to consider with character dynamics. So for example on Neptune, people who are pure-breds(so basically wild animals in their "original" form. Wolves, tigers, deer, etc, too many to name) are considered more noble. Whereas there are ubiquitous "dogs," traditionally the servants of Neptune's god, who are seen as typically being servile and lesser. But then if you were to travel to a different planet, you would be SO lost about these kinds of dynamics. I talked a lot more about my two main ships in these posts, Eclipoir here and Rünoir here !!
My main four OCs seen here are the DHE and Eclipse. The DHE are a friend group/unit, who met through being scouted for the god of Neptune's espionage/black ops unit. They are comprised of:
Anastassia "Rüß" Petrov - (the main leader of the operation, very tough but intelligent. She was scouted from Siberia and grew up very poor. She is a womanizer, loves money, and she was originally very standoffish but is now extremely charasmatic, and seems to know everybody. However she is a dog, but the complete opposite of what a dog is expected to be. Which is why she was scouted to be the leader in the first place!! She was originally more undercover, but now kinda functions as the handler to Noir's attack dog. She preferred to work alone before, but came to appreciate the team dynamic.)
Noir Mono-Loup -(Nepo baby!!! She is a wolf, and is from a very rich, influential family, so she's a pedigree pedigree. She is genuinely very strong and can be analytical, but struggles to manage herself and her bloodthirsty and possessive compulsions, AND she is very prone to craving submission. So even tho societally, she's seen as higher/more noble than Rüß, Noir is perfectly happy to be her subordinate and follow orders. However, while Rüß brings out the submissive side in her, Eclipse on the other hand brings out the possessive, territorial side.)
Seren Baumstark - (The brains of the group I guess, though they're all pretty smart, in different ways. She's not from Neptune, she's from Pluto! So she doesn't really factor in to the whole weird purebred-dog dynamic the other two have going on, which is for the better because she's very peaceful and there's no expectations. Very meek compared to the other two, but chosen because of her intelligence and cooperation skills. Has her own shit going on aside from the main plot, that's more involved with the gods. The main plot with the other three mainly is fucked in its own way, but Seren is lowkey going through that Spongebob hallway meme honestly, but its kinda impossible to quickly explain.)
"Eclipse" - (from a very famous/influential family from Pluto/Neptune. However she has been disowned, as she was seen as ruining the family image with her instability....and because her mother is a terrible person who couldn't accept that her child wouldn't be the heir of the family. She has a very codependent relationship with Noir, however they were separated for many years because Noir is technically the reason she was ultimately disowned, though she's pretty grateful for that. She's an assassin, who Noir is trying to track down, not knowing its Eclipse.)
I have like three seperate time periods I jump between, so it's a bit confusing I think. The first would be when it was just Noir and Rüß, since Seren came in later. Noir was very annoying and puppylike, and Rüß at that point was super cold. Rünoir(Rüß x Noir) are FwB with a very dom/sub relationship/dynamic. The second would be when Seren is now with them, and when Noir first meets Eclipse(she saved her from being kidnapped, and that's where their codependency began.) And the third would be when Eclipoir(Eclipse x Noir) are finally fully reunited, and not at odds anymore, and the DHE are now in different roles, but still best friends.
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ifindus · 1 year ago
did nor do anything special for Valentine’s Day? (this is me not very inconspicuously asking for scotnor valentines day fluff)
You know I cannot turn down ScotNor 😩 Nor didn't do anything special, he doesn't really see the point in the day, but Scot likes it, so they just had a slow evening together 💖
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icewindandboringhorror · 4 months ago
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Recent images I suppose ~
#First one is THE LONG series of GEESE that fly by!!! my aforementioned friends... Or I think I referenced them in tags of some post#days ago. and how I love watching them. See how many there are? And multiple of these will go by. It's like hundreds of them.#Then just the sky because I love the sky. My hair looking ridiculous as it always does when I brush it out of the four big braids I always#keep it in to keep it out of the way lol. I just find it silly how small it can be all braided up and then as soon as it is Released and#combed then it poofs into some sort of swamp dwelling wizard style.#Then... a daily word count... have been so busy the past week that I sadly haven't written much but I'm WORKING on it. Still on the blasted#'odd jobs' tasks sections which were SUPPOSED to be very quick and short. but.. alas.. Though I am on basically the last one. You go work#for one of the enchanting specialists in the city (very important in society since a majority of people cannot do that type of magic) and#basically he just works so much he has no time for a social life so he hires random people to sit with him in the afternoons doing menial#tasks. You show up thinking you'll help with some Important Job or something but hes just like 'no... peel this apple for me.. :)' lol#Edit note: arrgh just had to fish a slippery avocado pit out of a narrow garbage disposal drain with a chopstick. felt like some#sort of taskmaster challenge or something.. gods... I know some people just reach into them. I guess maybe#my hand would fit?? but... erm... scary. what about Sharp Things in there or something.. also Sludge of some sort perhaps.#ANWYAY.. interruption... I got up to go to the kitchen in the middle of typing my tags... lol..#Next image is SLEEPING boye.. And then PIGEONS!!!!!!!!!! my beloveds...#Oh then the giant evil hole in my bathroom ceiling which is STILL not fixed and the repair people still have to come back again.. BUT they#did have this terrible industrial dehumidifier thing they put in the bathroom and just left here for like 5 days and it was like a noisy#hairdryer going at all times and raised the heat in the bathroom from 65F to 76F in like two hours so.. I'm glad at least at their#last arrival they've finally taken it away.... the Noise Beast... silence in my house at last...#though I am still plagued by Mysterious Hole.. the plastic wrap rustles sometimes when I'm in there.... go away...#Ah. Then a delightful little lemon poppyseed muffin someone didn't want and then gave to me. Which was interesting since I haven't#had one in soooo long even though its like a very Classic Flavor.. I do quite like them though now that I've had one again. :0c#Lastly.. mushrooms. I think it's the mushroom season here. Everywhere you go outside there's some new manner of fungus#having popped up from nowhere. I like the variety of all their little shapes. These in particular have an interesting wispy curled layers#sort of look to them. Almost like a shaggy hairstyle that's curled up at the ends or something. They seem neat to draw perhaps.#Okay.. that is all.. I still have literally like 2 costumes and 12 outfits and I think 1 sculpture? to post.. but I am so busy this is#what I can manage for now I suppose lol... quick pictures that don't really take any sorting or cropping or editing lol#photo diary
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sysig · 1 year ago
hhhhh oh my goodness, your art is so cute and soft- And I love your theories and rambles in the tags, it’s fun to read! Have a nice day! 💙
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Thanks so much! 💕 Wishing you a nice day as well!
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orokay · 2 years ago
I think one of my faaaavorite parts of doing commissions is seeing all of the art the commissioner sends for references. SO MUCH incredible gorgeous art that they've received from past commissions or drawn themselves and it's really amazing!! And seeing their characters interpreted in different styles!! I love it so much!!
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skygremlin · 2 years ago
Regretting my decision to draw my hnk ocs with the most pain in the butt hair to color with different hairstyles
Okay so Pearl's isn't that bad but still. Tigers eye's was a nightmare
It's fun to make moon outfits even if they aren't goin to the moon
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kil9 · 2 years ago
taemin fans dont want him to meet and fall in love with them like in the wattpad fics. they want gory criminal-based manga, homoerotic hannibal style, multiple volumes
#99.txt#who is with me grrrrgrgrgrrrggrr#who will be insane abt susino with me plzplz plz i think about them too much#i will also accept him making a movie abt them....#use your film degree boy.#anyway this is the one aspect where tumblr annoys me bc not enough ppl are willing to be insane and nerdy abt his stuff#its all ''ououh hmm 🧐🧠 perhaps the 'criminal' is fame itself''#and not enough drawing him anime style with one angel wing and one devil wing covered in blood !!!!!!!!!!!#not enough drawing him kissing his evil alter ego on the mouth !!!!!!! even hes doing it in the posters come on !!!!!#stop being pretentious our boy is a GEEK. plz be a little more fun abt his stuff plzplz plz#ugh fine I WILL DRAW him with one angel wing and one devil wing covered in blood 🙄🙄 i gotta carry out ALL his wishes#cos everyone else is all about the realism WATEVER#the twitter ppl get me. right now everyone is in cardcaptor sakura!taem obsession mode#idk abt western shawol twt i only follow like 3 of u the rest are boring.....#its just reposting clips or pics or whatever and being like ''WOW he SLAYED'' what EVER !!!!!! and it gets 700000 likes#the rest of the world IS drawing him edgelord style with one angel wing and one devil wing like god intended !!!!!!!!!! or in maid outfits#get a grip !!!!!!! get him in the magical girl outfit boy !#sorry gksdjhsdgsd im going insane i just want the fanbase on here to be a little more fun. that sometimes i lose my mind#cos as cool as my twitter circle is. im the only one who speaks english 💀
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adzukiins · 10 months ago
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yee-haw :)
(i lived in texas for [20% of] a year i am allowed to say this)
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deva-arts · 2 years ago
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She's corrupting him with brushed hair, skincare and head scratches. Soon he might actually be tolerable.
On a side note who gave him that smarmy shirt. Someone, anyone. Go compost it.
Bonus scribble and speedpaint under cut!
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Making the ratman want to go back to the sewers
Video!!! A video!!! I love ibispaint's niche little features <3
#sonia is really pushing it with her outfit but vincent does not particularly understand or care about the concept of cleavage lol#soniasanderstag#vincent is so odd to draw for me#vincenttag#they are so silly#When asked what she likes about vincent#sonia says: lmao idk he's stupid sometimes i guess haha also can i use the bathroom#she went to the bathroom and proceeded to jump out of the window to evade the interview panel entirely#when vincent was asked the same he said: shes okay i guess.#then he proceeded to insult the interviewer with a thesaurus' wealth of words until she cried and flew to a little farmer town to woo ellio#they are friends#the world will never know if vincent actually likes the scritch scratches.#(he does. he just has trouble articulating when he feels safe or at ease most of the time. being cared for at all is pretty foreign to him.#she's socializing vincent like a feral kitten and it might be working somehow#while vince is still learning and adjusting to the shiny new world of humane treatment chock full of new layers to his hierarchy of needs#sonia is just happy to chill and have a friend. a kooky weird friend that regularly talks about wanting to fight bears nude in the forest.#sonia is the kind of person that can get along with anyone#given the right amount of time to reach them#Golden retriever personality vs feral hyperactive racing dog personality#Vincent: Oh. This actually feels... Not-pain? is there even a word for this? f*cking yikes bro. ew. cringe. I want more actually#art#artwork#digital art#my art#my artwork#MY OCs#original character#OC#my OC#ark_systema
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