#I want the link if this already exists
casdeans-pie · 1 year
Dean asks Cas to teach him Enochian.
So Cas teaches him Enochian.
They sit together in the bunker - chairs next to each other, elbow to elbow, books spread out around them, and Dean learns the language of the Angels from his own.
Dean makes quips about Cas being his teacher, and offhandedly asks what he can possibly do to get extra credit.... Cas looks at him with complete and utter incomprehension while Dean has an internal meltdown at how that came out without meaning it to.
Dean's actually very focused when he has a goal - so he studies and he reads and he's genuinely a good student. He practices his pronunciation (which Cas has said 'is fine' but said it with the expression of someone in pain, so he knows it sucks) while he's cooking or in the shower, and Sam remarks more than once how Dean could have gone to college.
Dean still gets frustrated when he can't remember a certain word too many times, or can't wrap his head around a specific turn of phrase, but he also kind of loves it when he says something and Cas smiles with amusement at what he's said. It dawns on him that he's the one speaking strangely in Cas's language now, instead of the other way around.
The first time Dean speaks in almost fluent conversational Enochian he is so proud and pleased but Cas looks like hes going to throw up, and Dean thinks he must have got something wrong again. He doesn't know that Cas is having to physically hold himself back from immediately exiting his vessel and shattering every window in Lebanon with the force of his joy.
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st4rstudent · 3 months
For any toontown tierlist fans out there. I made a tierlist for toons (mainly from ttcc, some rewritten is included) since I couldn't find any. I'll attach and image below of all the ones I included, but if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
Link if you want it
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buggbuzz · 9 months
my gender is like meat leaf i think. boy materials in the structure of girl. like im a girl made out of boy things but not in a transman way like i like being female im just. a girl-leaning boygirl. maybe??
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#u dont understand ive been insisting to all of my friends for like 6 years that im NOT a trans man#i cannot be proven wrong at this point i'll lose it#and anyways im not actually a guy#im definitely a girl just like. a type of girl that scientists haven't discovered yet#and that sounds like a joke but im soooo fucking serious#im a fucking student geneticist dude#i think theres some autosomal gene (or probably multiple) that regulate gender in convoluted ways#probably linked and i think there's probably multiple types of fem and masc genders not to mention non fem OR masc genders#codominant? incomplete dominance? is it different on different scales?#its a completely possible and furthermore plausible concept like from my perspective it'd be really weird if gender genetics weren't a thing#i think theyve already lowkey been proven to be a thing cause of that paper comparing trans brains to cis brains#& finding a link where trans men had a certain section that was the same as cis men#and that same section in trans women was the same in cis women#its an OLD study too#anyways i want to research this one day but i also dont because i dont trust humanity with that information#but if i found proof that it exists maybe it could seriously back trans people with scientific evidence#not that they should fucking NEED it testimony should be fucking good enough#ive been bio obsessed since i was born and im a natural skeptic#but when i was 11 i asked a trans person i knew like 2 fucking questions and they answered me and i was like 'yeah this makes sense'#figured anything that didnt make sense was just something i didnt understand yet#and now that im older and in college level biology and genetics classes i know i was right#it would be really really weird if trans people didnt exist did you know that? all the kinds too like nb genderfluid agender genderq demi#i dont fucking care it makes SENSE#'nonbinary' was a good term to adopt because it really just fits perfectly#nothing in biology is ever ever ever truly binary especially not a neurological and psychological phenomenon#especially not in a species with a brain so overly complex and tangled up like HOMO SAPIENS??#are you kidding?? the fact that we even have a concept of art and music let alone have talents and passions for them is proof alone dude#that shit doesn't help us survive its a modified version of pattern recognition and uncanny valley#combine that shit with the fact that intersex people exist?? like#nonbinary gender is literally the combination of intersexuality and human neurology
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absowution · 9 months
Thinking of tiny Enver, following helplessly along as he's dragged through the streets by a strong, unrelenting grip. It was the middle of the night when the warlock came for him, darkening the Flymm's doorstep. The only time his mother made a fuss when they handed over their son, sparking a light of hope in Enver's heart that they might've changed their mind, was to ask the warlock if he'd counted the amount of gold correctly. After that they were right as rain.
As the trade concluded his mother never looked at him once.
The moment the door to Flymm's Cobblers closed shut behind them with a sense of finality, his fate well and truly sealed, Enver Flymm's mind was running miles a minute. Thoughts of escape had occurred to him, of course, but even if he were to manage to overpower a warlock twice his size and make a run for it, where would he go? His parents just sold him. If he went back they'd kick him right out the door again, screaming and yelling over what he'd done. He turns his options around in his head repeatedly, but he can't think well when his heart is trying to jump its way up his throat.
They're halfway through the Lower City when the grip on his arm suddenly loosens. He could barely hear a thing at first - the city uncharacteristically quiet even for such late hours. Then, there is a sickening squelch followed by a slight thud as the warlock drops dead to the ground. He sees the vague silhouette of someone on top of the body, a smaller creature dripping with blood as it tears through flesh. It's too dark to see a face, but there is something animalistic about its movements. Either it doesn't notice Enver, or it doesn't care.
Whoever or whatever wild thing it was is gone just as fast. By some God's mercy, it passed right by him.
Enver is left alone with the mangled remains of the man who bought him, whose pockets he rifles through for gold and valuables before disappearing from the scene of the crime. Without a home he has to put his mind to work living on the streets, toiling and climbing his way steadily up so as not to ever be so powerless again. It's not a way of life that comes without soiling your hands, but sometimes the messiest deeds are the cleanest, and vice versa. Stabbed backs and broken souls are left behind in the process when you need a stepping stone or two. He will rob as many people of their freedom as necessary to preserve his own because a miracle like that will never happen again. Even so he is admired. Respected. The people of Baldur's Gate support him now in a way they never would have before.
Years pass but it's impossible to forget what granted him this chance to forge connections and climb his way up to become unreachable in the first place. However oblivious it might have been back then that murderous creature freed him, and while there is little to go on in terms of finding it again he'll never forget the debt he owes.
(It grows into an obsession.)
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illyth · 10 months
Me, after getting completely burnt out by a job and not writing creatively for like four years: man I really should think about writing something again. I just need to find something I am passionate about to use as a jumping off point *immediately starts writing LU fanfic*
I'm gonna post the full thing on AO3 either tomorrow or Sunday but for the time being I just wanted to share this somewhere. This is a 400 word excerpt of a single chapter that is maybe half written and already 2000 words and I am planning on there being 3 chapters total so hand to god trust me there will be context at some point (if you know me irl no you don't jk y'all know im a complete gremlin for fanfic) Idk how good it is exactly but its the first thing I have written in so long that I actually want other people to see and I crave feedback, so do with that what you will lmao
cw: violence, blood, injury, the slightest body horror
Time and the Deity both snarled, lunging the god’s blade forward. Majora flung itself forward as well, its inhuman screams reaching a frenzied pitch as it whipped its clawlike hands towards the Deity’s face. Behind it, he could see the length of the helix greatsword erupting from the monstrosity’s back, spraying black blood outwards into the moonlight. But Majora pushed forward still, and Time could feel the Deity’s revulsion as its fingers grasped the sides of their face. Time braced himself for it to rake its claws against his face in dying spite, but something changed. Gently, oh so gently, Majora sank its claws into the flesh below his ears. The Deity screamed in rage and pain, but Time felt no pain. Instead, Time felt callused fingers slip into the seams between the Deity’s consciousness and his own and felt roughly textured knuckles run across his face while the Fierce Deity’s power was pulled from him. In a brief flash of light, Time felt the Fierce Deity fully recede back to his mask.
Time came back to himself holding the Fierce Deity’s blade as it began slowly dissolving into light, the crimson blood dripping from its edges and darkening the dirt beneath them. His mind was hazy and unfocused, as if stunned by a thunderclap. His faculties began returning, but there was a lethargy to them he just couldn’t shake. A distant corner of his brain recognized his brothers in the background, but whatever they were saying couldn’t pierce the numbing in his ears. Inches away from him, Time saw the host of Majora begin trembling. The Fierce Deity’s mask slipped through scarred fingers and dropped to the ground. The host reached towards Majora’s mask with a black arm that was covered in elaborate etchings and ornamentation. After a moment, the cursed mask came loose before also dropping to the ground, clattering off the Deity’s mask. All sound was muffled save for the plip of blood drops staining the masks below as Time’s mind struggled to process the sight in front of him “…Wild?” he managed to wheeze out after a moment’s pause. This didn’t make any sense. Where did Majora go? And why was Wild standing right where-
Time’s thoughts ground to a halt as he looked lower. The helix blade wielded by the Deity, shaking slighting in his weakening grip, was rammed through Wild’s chest to the hilt.
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coquelicoq · 5 months
Qat lets you search for words matching a given pattern. It is the ideal tool for the discerning setter or solver of crosswords and other word puzzles. Try it now! A French-language version of Qat is also available, with the same search syntax. Essayez maintenant! Qat can find individual words matching simple and compound patterns (much like grep, Word Matcher and similar tools); beyond that, it also has an ‘equation solver’ mode that can find sets of words that simultaneously satisfy given constraints. Using this feature you can, for example, find pairs of words that are single-letter (or multiple-letter) misprints of one another, words that share common segments or that differ from one another in specified ways, words containing the same segments in different orders, and much more besides. See the examples below; a more formal explanation of the pattern syntax appears at the bottom of this page.
oh? my god???
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fangomango · 1 year
Dear everyone who is writting Nimona fanfiction
If I don't see angsty shit that happened during that timeskip about Goldenloin and Braveheart about him cutting his arm off and all the fighting I will cry /lh /hj
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wardingshout · 1 month
hm random question. which is your favorite outfit (s) that youve drawn the sillies in. totally not for fanart reasons wdym-
!!!!11h!!!!! I am being very normal !!!!!!!!!!
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aaaah if I had to pick I'm rly fond of my Zelda in the shorts overalls thing tbh aaaah but I'm not sure about Link tbh I feel like I haven't quite nailed smth specific yet... whatever looks the most fun !!!
also I feel like I couldn't properly portray my excitement in a relevant doodle but I drew a new icon for myself just now so have that too !
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
The significance of names (and titles and what people call each other) in Wolf 359 is So Good because it links into almost all the major themes of the series. Names are about identity and the self and how characters perceive themselves. Names are about relationships and communication and how characters perceive each other. Names are about personhood and humanity and the power of individuals. Names are about self-determination and autonomy and respect... And I think that's why there's so much stuff to think about in terms of how this show uses first names and surnames and aliases and titles and the right to one's own name. There's so much to say about what these characters call each other when.
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deuynndoodles · 2 years
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[id: a digital drawing of legend and four from linked universe. they both have confident grins and hold their aflame fire rods, faces lit up by their glow. end id]
fire rod bros
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synth-ab · 10 months
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My brain is slowly rotting with these two.
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landfilloftrash · 2 years
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there’s comedy potential here
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gale-force-storm · 6 months
Ok, I have neither the skill nor the time to do this myself, so I'm putting this idea out there in the hopes that someone else will run with it:
Fan vid with clips of Gale talking about Mystra set to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne
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my least popular loz opinion is that i never want playable zelda ever
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ruelpsen · 10 months
Honestly, as someone who has been going through fictosexual attraction for years and also didn't know how to deal with it at first: Just write and think about the most self-indulgent bullshit you can picture. It is the only way to keep sane or so I've found.
Oh I'm already on it, believe me. In fact, here's a little snippet from what I've been working on...
"Are you... turned on by this too?" you ask. "I'm not sure," he growls. "I will admit it's not something I've ever involved in my... liaisons before. But seeing you so desperate like this is always sure to awaken a hunger in me. Or rather-" he pauses for a moment, burping again- "a thirst." With that, he kisses you deeply once more. You feel his fangs press against your lips as you moan with pleasure. You grip the back of his shirt as your hips instinctively buck against his, suddenly jostling his body. He abruptly breaks his lips away from yours only to turn his head to the side and release a short, thick belch. "Apologies," he says. "I didn't want to be..." He trails off, lost in thought for a moment. He eyes you for a second, observing the redness in your cheeks and the pleading look in your eyes. "On second thought, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" "Yes," you moan. "God, yes." "My, my, what a nasty little creature you are..."
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
what do you think about the kaeya = caribert theory? i saw some people use it as an 'explanation why his skin is dark' like. oh he used to be a Monster and the skin is a remnant of it :) and it pissed me off so bad. i need to know what other people think about it
its honestly not a theory im super fond of i think its a little stupid no offense. i dont think it makes a lot of sense? to go super in depth i'd have to take another look at the caribert quest (and maybe read up on the khaenri'ah lore we have so far again) but i kinda feel like it establishes pretty firmly that kaeya couldnt be caribert. descended from that branch of the family maybe (though im more fond of the theory that kaeya is descended from the branch of alberichs that were actually being regents, something that chlothar wasnt involved in because he distanced himself from the rest of the family to look after his son) (makes sense that kaeya would know more about the alberichs being the regents in khaenri'ah than he knows about an alberich being the founder of the abyss order) (theres a post about it i reblogged it some time ago and it hasn't left my mind since) but like.. him actively being caribert? sounds.. honestly really dumb to me.. don't ask me how kaeya isnt (or at least doesn't seem to be) affected by any curse, be it monsterification or immortality, but i just feel like that isnt the explanation. the actual explanation could be related to the events in caribert though.. cant wait for them to tell us what it actually is lol. on the off chance that this fucking theory is true then ill just bite my tongue i guess but i know im right. ok now moving on to the elephant in the room. what kind of take even is thatttttt "thats why his skin is dark"what is bro talking about🔥🔥‼️ if i read that with my own two eyes id block a person SO fast. why would you say that and treat it as serious evidence and backing for your theory. thats just. racism basically. what. anyways kaeya whos half from sumeru supremacy
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