#I want him dragged through the mud emotionally and physically
kneelingshadowsalome · 2 months
Hi, Salome! I watching a movie with my dad today and, suddenly, sitting on the couch I envisioned the character in front of my eyes as König from 'FATUM NOS IUNGEBIT'. I guess I just thought him similar from @shkretart 's version (which is incredible btw!).
Do you think your König in this AU resembles Hercules from 'The Legend of Hercules' (2014)? Even if a lot bigger and wilder? I love your work!
(Here are some of Hercules pics!)
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A lot bigger and wilder, yes!!!
I love the overall aura this guy has, slightly playful, slightly menacing. Though König, having seen slavery, gladiator fights and military life, might not look so… symmetrically pretty? And while he would look absolutely gorgeous with a short Roman haircut, I think König might sometimes rebel against the norms and wear his hair a bit longer, maybe tie it with a thin leather strap etc (since he’s not actually Roman!) This is in no way meant to bash these pics you sent me which are amazing and fitting, I just started to ramble as per usual! ^^ Love to talk about Roman!König forever and always!
And don't you dare mention shkretart’s version of him 😭 It's like an illustration from the holy scriptures to me, the one and only König fanart I truly bow down to! ❤️❤️❤️
That being said I also love to imagine König as this battered, hollow-cheeked, slightly cross-eyed dude who hopefully has a chipped tooth or two, why not a hockey smile… Or maybe his nose is broken and it healed ugly, he has lines on his face from frowning all the time, alarmingly deep-set eyes, just something or a bunch of things that make him less conventionally handsome. You know, the type of guy you don’t know if you want to smile more or less because it’s always a bit unsettling when he does? 😶‍🌫️
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ofallthingsnasty · 1 year
heyy omg it's so fun to read your manipulator post!! can I please get when they become a total mess without you? like when they regret and all.. I know that kaiser won't ever regret something due to his superiority complex. so I wanna know what will he do without reader, I'm sure he somehow got little attached to reader right? AND PLEASE LET READER GO FOR GOOD NOT COMING BACK TO THAT BASTARD xD (thank youuuu! I know that I'm asking to much *sigh*)
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ah I'm so happy it resonated so well with so many people!! I really like the more hopeless, mean side of yanderes and I feel like Blue Lock really provides us with so many fucked up little guys who can really make your head spin -- it's the same reason reader will always end up with them but let me give you some food for thought haha. References this post. Requests are open!
tags: yandere, baby trapping, reader can get pregnant but no pronouns are used, emotional manipulation, noncon mention
word count: 0.6k
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We talked about you escaping Kaiser as a foreign darling here and I still think that at first, Kaiser will be seething. It takes him a good while to calm down again, to mend his broken ego at least a little bit. He does have feelings for you - he isn't cold, doesn't only view you as something to possess - but he wants to be worshipped. That anger is definitely born out of a sense of superiority and entitlement but also hurt feelings. That man loves you more than he likes to admit and your absence hurts him in ways he hasn't experienced before. It’s a confusing mix for him.
All things he does during those initial weeks: (subtly) dragging your name through the mud in the public, pulling strings to make life as hard as possible for you, having Ness talk to you - if they all fail, if nothing can make you crawl back to him on your hands and knees, I can see that anger slowly turning to desperation. It’s absolutely ugly. He doesn’t know what to do with the feeling, too used to getting what he wants, to winning. Ness will bear the brunt of it, no doubt. Moody, even more easily irritated than he already is, he’ll all but terrorize his team mates. Even the media picks up on it and they’ll have a field day with reporting on the subject. People around him are incredibly concerned for him and it will only drive him further up the wall.
In the end, he’ll turn up at your door on his own, no middlemen needed.
You’ll barely recognize him. Hair disshevelled, face pale with too little sleep and eyes red, he looks pathetic as he stares at you from his place on your doorstep.
It’s hard not to feel at least a little bit of pity for him when he looks like this. And maybe because he only ever emotionally abused you - never really kept you, never hurt you physically - your memories soften and you see his raw, vulnerable innards, see that big soccer star as some genuinely hurt young man, small and desperate. It isn’t really an act but the words he weaves aren’t all that truthful, either. It won’t take long for you to let him back into your heart: Being so close to him, remembering how you did love him, how he could be so sweet when he wanted to- that and the heartfelt talks you two are having even make you forgive him for the stunt he pulled with Ness. Everything is just too easily explained away with desperation, with him being beside himself after you left. One tiny part of you wants him to change, wants that initial magic of dating a pro athlete, back. You want to believe that he can and will change, that’s why his little spiel works on you in the first place. You still have too much love for him, in the end.
Kaiser is obsessed with control, we know as much - and what is one way to really bind you to him? Oh, it’s almost too easy. Marrying you is a no-brainer but today’s marriages are easily broken apart. No. He needs something entirely different - a child. Just one. A tiny little bundle of joy, the spitting image of the both of you, something that irrevocably keeps you with him, makes you think twice before leaving again. And he wouldn’t mind a child, even if he doesn’t feel quite ready yet - it doesn’t matter, as long as you stay with him for as long as you both live. Getting you so drunk you puke up your pill and don’t even remember him fucking you while you’re half-conscious is a breeze. Happy little accidents happen all the time, don’t they?
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the-bad-batch-baroness · 10 months
Helloooo, for Drip and Brett please!
🍃: Do they enjoy being in nature? What is their favorite outdoor activity?
🙉: What is the worst thing your oc could hear from someone?
🌍: Will they give up the world for someone they love? Is the decision easy for them?
🍼: What are their thoughts on children?
For two of my precious boys??? Thank you so much for the ask 🥺
🍃: Do they enjoy being in nature? What is their favorite outdoor activity?
Brett: Honestly, there's not much that Brett does enjoy... He'll be a stick in the mud indoors and outdoors. If he does go outside, he wants to be in the shade, because he doesn't like being hot. Ultimately, he prefers rainy days where he doesn't have to go outside. However, if someone *cough cough Tungst* makes a big enough issue out of it, he can be dragged into nature and forced to like it. The only outdoor activity I think he would enjoy is a tactical water gun fight. He will win. Drip: Someone please take this man on picnic in the middle of a meadow and make him a flower crown. Seriously. He loves being outside. The smell of the earth, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, and the touch of grass all ground him. He will sit outside when the weather is nice and read a book under a tree, while sipping on something cold. He also enjoys playing lawn games with his brothers like frisbee, badminton, cornhole, and other low-key sports.
🙉: What is the worst thing your oc could hear from someone?
Brett: "You hurt me." Despite his resting-b*tch-face demeanor and gruff personality, Brett doesn't enjoy hurting people, especially his partner. All of his relationships are built on trust, open-communication, and loyalty. He specifically puts things in place so that his partner feels safe at all times, and that he never goes too far and hurts them, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. He would be devastated if he ever hurt his partner to a point where they either left him or shied away from his touch. He would probably vomit out of grief. Drip: "I never loved you." I don't want to say Drip is delicate, but he is a bit fragile, and lacks some levels of confidence in the relationship department. He doesn't cope very well and he constantly second guesses himself due to his raging fears and anxieties. His love language is words of affirmation, and he needs to hear that he's being everything his partner needs him to be. If his partner told him they never loved him, after saying they did, he would lose every shred of confidence he ever had, and he may never try to love again.
🌍: Will they give up the world for someone they love? Is the decision easy for them?
Brett: He would burn it down. All of it. Brett is extremely loyal, whether it's to his brothers, his close friends, or his partner. This man would go to the ends of the earth for someone he loves and kill anyone in his way. This is why Brett is picky with the people in his close circle. He needs to vet them and make sure they are worth his loyalty. Drip: He would struggle, because of his fear that he would give up the world for them, and then they would leave him in the dust. When Drip loves, he loves with his entire being. It's not something he can turn on or off, it's just who he is. It's either all or nothing. For his brothers, he would give up everything in a heartbeat. For his partner, it might take a little convincing.
🍼: What are their thoughts on children?
Brett: Oddly enough, Brett is actually afraid of children and he has no idea why. Deep down inside, he definitely wants one, but he can never wrap his head around the logistics of it, especially considering the type of relationship he's in. It's hard to be a brat-tamer when he has a kid hanging off his leg. I think he's afraid of losing part of his identity and the dynamics of the relationship. He can't just get up at a restaurant to teach his brat a lesson, and leave the kid in the booth alone... I think he would have a mid-life crisis if his partner said they were pregnant. He would be attentive to them, but also afraid to touch them. Drip: He would absolutely love to have kids, but again, his fears and anxieties tell him he wouldn't be a good father. In reality, Drip would be a great dad. He would read his kids bedtime stories, make them pancakes, play with them outside, and do all kinds of other "dad things". If his partner approached him about having a kid, he'd need a little reassurance that he could do it, but he would warm up to it pretty quickly. He'd also be the most doting partner for his pregnant partner. We're talking foot-rubs, massages, body pillows, every book he can find about pregnancy and parenting, taking them to all their check-up appointments, doing all the chores, and fixing up the place in preparation for the baby.
OC Emoji Asks
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danger0uswham · 11 months
He could've still been here.
And that's what hurts. The "could've" part.
The part where he could've seen his children grow into these respectful adults with pride, humbleness, and care.
The part where he could've watched his sons become immersed into film and his daughter pursue so many things.
The part where he would've absolutely made some banger songs for the people we've lost. A song for Black Lives Matter. A song for the school shootings that we've seen over the years. A song of him watching his children blossom. A song of him healing from all the trauma he experienced as a child and throughout his career.
It hurts knowing that Mike isn't here. I look at the eyes of his children and my heart breaks more. Not only because he isn't here but they remind me so much of him. When Paris smiles, I get goosebumps. When Prince speaks, I get goosebumps. When Bigi appears, I get goosebumps. They all have so many qualities about them that shout "Jackson" but they also allowed themselves to be more than their family name. That was something Michael was keen on.
I've always admired the strength they all carried but Michael and Paris always have blown me away. Michael was belittled, treated like a punching bag, dragged along the mud. Paris has been stalked, chased, followed, harrassed, just like Michael. But the strength they both have is admirable. And I'm a bit envious - not in that way but I wish I had the strength. No matter their challenges, they've pushed through and I think that's a big motivator for me tryign to better myself now. I struggle with many mental health conditions, I want to lose weight, and I just wanna become the best person (emotionally; physically; spiritually) but it's hard. But I relate to them both.
But thinking about Michael recently has brought about so many things. I wonder if he knows that I exist. I became a fan after his passing but I did listen to his music beforehand. I was just a kid, though. I became a fan in 2012 - admired his music before then. I've admired his dance and songs forever. I still remember when he passed and it instantly saddened me. I've been a fan of Michael for half of my life and I just hope he knows about all of the new fans he's made since his passing. I hope he knows that I exist. I hope he knows that I will never stop defending him. I hope he knows - from Heaven. But I secretly know that it'll always feel like he'll never know about me - that I will only know him. I believe I recently stumbled upon many other fans that felt this way -- maybe it was on Discord, Tumblr, a MJJ forumsite, etc.. I'll have to check through my bookmarks and screenshots. I hope he's watching over me and that he'll visit me in my dreams. I miss him dearly.
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gg-selvish · 1 year
sapnap/unresolved georgenap in rules
someone on retrospring asked me for sapnap's perspective in rules because it's pretty underdevlopped in the fic so here's my answer so i have it saved because it was fun to talk about
ok i. ran out of time for sapnap in rules and i will be the first to admit that. sapnaps arc isnt very as satisfyingly resolved as dreams and thats because the dnf damage was just so intense and so fresh it took priority over longterm hurt but. theres a lot there that he went through thats implied and also in my personal headcanons of unwritten lore that implications stem from that i dont describe well or explore enough in the actual fic (sorry self burn booooooo)
rules is sapnap fell first george fell harder. 100%. its established in chapter 1 that sapnap had a crush on george since they were young and it was implied that george knew about it for most of the time of their friendship because it would be brought up casually/jokingly and while george thought it was lighthearted (and, once they got together, irrelevant) it was pure torture for sapnap.
loving both of your best friends is very difficult, if you could imagine. in my head dreamnap eased into each other better than georgenap did (emotionally) but... thats not really hard to do. dream and him established probably pretty similarly to treacherous in that it didnt take too long for them to realize their feelings for each other, but in rules george is more present so they get together faster because as we all know dreamnap are kind of scared of each other while george is the worlds biggest instigator. dnn complete each other yadda yadda im getting sidetracked
so they establish that they want each other and start this relationship but we're gonna math it out. sapnap isnt getting words of affirmation (outside of e-sex like praise no i love yous) or physical touch from george. he's getting words of affirmation from dream but limited physical touch due to The Rules (wooooooo). another thing thats quick in the fic is that dreamnap kinda lock away from each other because they Want to be together and theyre Not Allowed To so u can imagine the strain that would put on all of their dynamics. theyre so close but limited to compromise with someone who cant even say i love you or touch them like its Hard bro and theres resentment that comes from that piled atop the years of teasing for feelings that sapnap can never even be sure are reciprocated are u kidding????
so not only is there this prodding and underlying making fun of sapnaps feelings at regular interverals and overall memeing on him for YEARS theres george putting him in a painful position in the relationship too. more resentment. the piles getting pretty high, huh? and then they meet. theyre together. and its george but its also someone completely different. suddenly he's being worshipped and touched like gold with the kindest words whispered and he slips into subspace and feels so safe and he loves george so much why does it have to be so hard?
so he settles for when it's not hard.
he consents to cosigning the breaking of dreams heart and lets george sleep with him alone because for just a few minutes or hours he can pretend he means something to george. because he has doubts. maybe id go so far as to say theres times where he really doesnt believe him at all. but he does believe him when he's combing fingers through his hair and letting him taste love on his tongue
i think a lot about dreamnap in oklahoma. how sapnap felt to sleep in the same bed as dream and want to be with him alone the way they were when george was on call but he cant. all the while knowing if george was in his place he could do whatever he wants because hes on another wavelength
more resentment. george always wins, isn't that so unfair?
and when sapnap comes back different. that line is important and holds a lot of weight. thats when he got tired of george being unfair and dragging him through the mud and he wanted to be strong against someone who makes him weak so he tries so hard even though hes being torn in two and he's so tired, can you imagine? so he stops the unsafe scene. more resentment builds. he's done with george. he cant take this anymore. hes ruining everything and so he pulls away from him even more
and then he gets drunk and george crawls under his skin and he fails and can you imagine how much he was beating himself in the head for that? after being so strong and maybe he felt excluded a little because of it but he wasnt being weak and then george fucking makes him weak again and dream catches him and it all blows up because he was weak
and still. even with sapnap and him on the chopping block. george does not say i love you.
sapnap defends him in the fight. and george still doesnt say it.
it takes dream taking him apart and nearly forcing vulnerability. and sure sapnap is told first but was it because of him? do you think he'll always wonder if it was always going to be dream fixing george and never him? do you think he would feel resentful about that as well?
there's a lot of negativity in him. he's been really dragged through it and treated like shit and theres a part of me who has this perspective and sees rules!george apologists and wonders if theyre thinking about any of this. if any of it is even detectable in the tiny one liners i slipped in because i was going too fast
rules is about george at face value, but it's also kind of about dream, and it's definitely about sapnap.
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hypergamiss · 7 months
The timing of your most recent post is interesting for me. Just wanted to share what it's like being on the other side of this;
I'm currently going through a similar situation as your friend (although hers sounds much worse than what I went through) and I'm very disappointed in my witnesses-- what you did to your friend is what my witnesses and friends are doing to me. I understand that self preservation is natural and apart of human evolution, but I will never understand choosing NOT to speak out against violence and support the people you care about, simply because you don't want to be involved in the legal system. People would rather sit back and watch their loved one get killed because they didn't want to write a written statement to support them. I don't get it.
Speaking of my case specifically, because my witnesses were too afraid and didn't want to be bothered by the justice system and write written statements, a horrible dangerous man is free to roam and he will probably never see accountability. The best comparison for him would be Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Epstein.
I understand not everyone is emotionally equipped to deal with court proceedings, but just know that the reason why men like this are allowed to get away with these things for so long is not because we live in a rape culture/patriarchal society, it's because people don't speak up and speak out when they're given the opportunity to.
Personally, I roll my eyes when I see other women complain about the type of men I listed above. Those men exist because scared witnesses, who don't want to be bothered, allow them too.
First of all, I am very sorry about what you are going through and I hope things get much better for you.
"what you did to your friend is what my witnesses and friends are doing to me."
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I believe that everyone acts according to their own experiences. There is a lot of detail that I did not include, but I will say that I was dragged through the mud even before things took place in court. At some point, I had to begin to think about myself and protect myself emotionally, financially, and physically. My friend repeatedly did things to me that were extremely rude because her abuser told her to and everyone around me begged me to remove myself from the situation long before I did. I will always admire the lengths my ex went through to protect me and he was my biggest supporter when all this happened. I wish my friend had even considered me to be a real human with real feelings when she chose to treat me like I was nothing to her over a guy. I gave her many chances and I didn't "give up" on her easily. I did everything I could to get her out of the situation and every time I tried I was the one who ended up losing. Even her parents told me to get away.
"I understand that self preservation is natural and apart of human evolution, but I will never understand choosing NOT to speak out against violence and support the people you care about, simply because you don't want to be involved in the legal system. People would rather sit back and watch their loved one get killed because they didn't want to write a written statement to support them. I don't get it."
I wrote 9 police statements, picked her up in the middle of nowhere god knows how many times, consoled her every time she cried, and called the cops countless times. But guess what, she would refuse to press charges every time and let him off the hook. She did not want to be helped. I spoke out enough, and she had plenty of opportunity to lock him away. I had copies of everything sent to her and wished her good luck. She never even apologized for the things I was put through.
"Those men exist because scared witnesses, who don't want to be bothered, allow them too."
In my case, he existed because she wanted him to. I was exhausted. Now you wanted him to have the satisfaction of draining my resources too? To each their own.
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baymaxmuses · 1 year
@diffxrentwxrlds (Sonic), cont.
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Knuckles was taken aback by the rather profound response that came from the other, having expected a witty remark, perhaps. He'd known Sonic for a while, but even still... he was capable of more than the echidna guardian gave him credit for, both physically, and emotionally. Trying to come up with a response was hard, but he didn't want Sonic's brief moment of sentimentality to go to waste.
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"Well, you know, regardless of what I say to myself when it comes to you saving the day... I guess teamwork is what makes the dream work, in a sense. That's how the saying goes, right?"
He patted Sonic's shoulder in mutual respect. Despite everything they'd been through, if it wasn't for him, Knuckles would've been dragging himself through the mud for being fooled by Eggman... and he'd either sent himself on an ill-fated mission to get back the emeralds alone... or he'd be guarding an empty vigil, heartbroken over his failure in being more vigilant.
In short, the hedgehog brought both wit, and energy. Things that this guardian needed in spades.
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alasmydearatlas · 11 months
i’m angry again and i can’t let it go
i wasn’t meant to be your go between i was ten
i didn’t want to listen to you berate my dad and drag him through the mud, he was one of my favorite people
i didn’t want your mistrust of me and other people and your need to “protect” us
it was smothering
you wouldn’t know accountability if it bit you on the ass
i can’t even describe how angry i am with you for stealing so much of my childhood
it is this leeching stain that cuts through almost every memory i have
no sleepovers no playdates
i couldn’t go there they couldn’t come here
mistrust and weariness
having my world broken wide open and then stomped to smithereens in the days and years after
what happened to my birthday
what happened to me
there to take the blame and the anger and learn to manage your emotions and how to keep it from being worse for me and for my little sister
you dumped it all on me and told her nothing
and yet you still talk over me now in conversation
you talk about my friends to the family dismiss my stories about them bc you know more you know better you know everything and i don’t know why i even bothered coming back
you set little traps for me and i fling myself down onto them because i haven’t figured out any other way to be
i’m working on it tho
slowly i’m pulling away and biding my time
little less than a year
and you lose your financial grip on me and you don’t understand how much that is the only thing keeping me in your line
you’re losing me
and i don’t want it to be like this i never wished for it to be like this
it hurts me and it hurts you
but we are eldest daughter and her mother
we were doomed by the narrative from the start
we didn’t stand a chance
i will never be the daughter you wanted and you were never the mother i needed
it takes 10,000 hours to master something right?
that’s a little over a year to master independence then i guess
and the funny thing is you love how independent i am
why, i practically raised myself
one of these days i will stop running and i won’t just stand and take it
not any time soon but maybe
i didn’t realize how much you lost your community after what happened with dad
some of them turned their backs on you and you pulled away from the rest to lick your wounds alone
and you severed our community connections as well with that
all of our family is far away both physically and emotionally
they’re strangers to me
i don’t even wish they weren’t
they’re no one to me
the church is full of hypocrites and weak air-headed cowards
you can’t stand your other friends
it’s not fucking fair
sure roast me for taking forever to make friends i had to learn that shit from scratch
it’s not fair and it never has been
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jakesmashly · 1 year
What makes you think you're a good man ?
What is a "good man"?
Find the same definition twice and then let me know.
I know I'm good because I do no "bad".
I do not wish to hurt anyone.
I only wish to be loved, and give love.
I lost the last 10yrs of my LIFEEEEEEEEE giving it to women who played me, cheated me, abused me, broke my belongings, broke me mentally, physically, emotionally, financially...
Even when things got tough, they were "my person" my other half.
9/10 times I drop everything to run to the one I love, her needs, wants, adventures, hobbies, etc.
I could be in the hospital with a broken arm, and I'd leave with it still broke if it meant she would be happy.
But, love.....
in my lifetime the need of that from me or the want of myself, has never been valued. I've been a game. I've been used. I've been abused. I've been thrown away with no explanation, cheated on, lied to, and dragged through the mud so that everyone and anyone around me views me as the "bad man"...
Bridges I never got to build got buried before I was able to speak.. I wasn't allowed to speak, and when I did, I was still "wrong".. I've accepted it.. the bridge may have fell, but.. I can swim.
And still, I try everyday to be better. To be different. To cope different. To feel different. To act different. To be who I need to be for them.
All in hopes, for a different conversation next time.
To be the "good man", to be "accepted" and "wanted" and "needed" to be, AROUND whom I love with no limitations on where I can and cannot be.
No one would understand what being a "good man" is, until those around you have broke you a million and one ways and you still are able to stand back up the next day, still capable of love, still capable of accepting, still capable of even LIVING.. while still solving others problems, solving my own problems, changing to be who someone wants and needs to BE NEEDED, to be WANTED... even if that means losing everyone around him.
Again, what is the definition of a "good man"...
Does all a "good man" do is work?
Does all a "good man" do is care about himself and pussy.
What. Is. A. Good. Man...... when everyone that comes into contact with me, leaves, finds someone new, and wants to come back....
What, is.... "good man".....
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moonieshinesims · 1 year
Generation One - Chapter Ten
River continues to deal with her emotional trauma, all while preparing for graduation with her friends.
Things would go smoothly for a while, then River would feel the fear crashing down on her again. Sometimes it came on gradually, and could be prepared for, but other times it hit her like a brick wall.
At those times, she had to hide fast, so people wouldn't see her falling apart.
She got caught one day in the bathroom during lunch sobbing, and the school called her family, concerned and confused.
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Her mom tried talking to her about her feelings. But River never really wanted to divulge much to her. She knew she cared about her, but Bee was never really there for her emotionally prior to the kidnapping.
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It was easier to talk to Elanor about her feelings. Elanor didn't know her really, so it was okay to spill all the weird thoughts and emotions she was having.
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It was still wild to her that Rohan had nothing to do with Joe's schemes. As close as the two of them were, she wasn't sure if she believed it. Rohan's family had money though, so he could get away with anything.
She was scared that he, or someone else that worked closely with Joe would come after her again. And of course, he did it to help her, but what if the people Ichiban worked with came to make her pay back the debt of being saved!
She couldn't even mention him. She cared about him a lot and didn't want to drag his name through the mud.
These were things she didn't even want to talk to her friends about, let alone her mom. So it was hard.
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River had one last set of exams before she was given the OK to graduate. She studied a lot, and felt rather confident about her results.
After class she went to the convenience store across the road and got a snack.
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Once she sat down, her phone rang. It was Havarti.
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"Yeah! Cassandra will meet us there too. We have to talk about some things!"
She didn't realize that upon answering her phone, she sat her pizza roll down on the dirty table.
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After her snack, she took the bus to the library. Havarti was waiting for her outside.
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River hadn't realized it, but Cassandra was apparently just as neurotic about this college thing as Havarti was.
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"Housing? Majors? I just know we're going to Foxbury, I don't even know what they offer..."
"How are you going to go there and not know anything about it?" Cassandra frowned.
"I promised Havarti I'd go with her! I didn't care what they taught."
"A true friend indeed." Havarti nodded, "But out of the best choices there's biology, computer science, economics, physics, psychology, and villainy!"
"Villainy?" River's ears perked up.
"Yeah. Villainy."
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"Of course I am. Look guys, there's nothing else really important to me in life other than you guys and Ichiban. And I'm already gonna be living with y'all, so how else can I get closer to him? Through crime. Duh."
Havarti and Cassandra exchanged looks.
"Well, at least your dad's not making you go into computer science so you can keep his tech conglomerate alive!"
"I can't believe you're gonna go through with that." Cassandra sighed.
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"I don't know, something you actually enjoy?"
"What about you Cassandra?"
She blushed. "I'm thinking physics."
"Oh, so the family tradition of a science career, huh? So much for doing what you actually enjoy."
The three of them sighed.
"Stop being so down. Weren't you stoked about graduation? Are either of you throwing any killer parties?"
Havarti and River slowly turned their heads to Cassandra.
"You do have the biggest house."
"Dammit. Fine! I'll throw a party!"
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With that settled, the girls had their plans for college set. Now onto actually applying.
"Wait..." Cassandra called out to the others as they got up from the table, walking away and leaving Cassandra behind.
"We didn't even talk about housing!"
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youn9racha · 3 years
can you do dilf tropes for skz? (each member has a dilf trope kinda thing) 🙏🏼
Ella’s Thoughts #14 (??) (requested)
hmm i’m not sure about that one, but i’ll give it a try. also i assume you mean it in a wholesome way, so i practically made it as them as dads 💀💀💀 i hope its not a problem.
Headcanons: Stray Kids as dilfs/dads
Unpopular opinion: i see chan being more of a stepdad dilf rather than a biological dilf (no i do not mean it like that, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER !!) he strikes me as the type to not want children but he would love to take care of them nonetheless. like a non-dilf dilf type of guy (like he is rn lmfao.) he does not by any means hates children, he would love to have kids with you if you both want to. he just feels having a kids is too much, and its enough that he serves as a father figure to not only seven boys, but also to some stays, i think he would better off taking care of the boys’ kids or your kids of a previous relationship rather than having actual ones.
BUT if he were to have kids, its not any different from the way he treats his members. i mean there‘s an obvious difference, but he would still be that goofy, caring yet slightly strict father who constantly looks after his kids, especially if his kid is a girl, but it wouldn’t be any different if his kid was a boy as well.
oh and he’s a silver fox dilf like i’ve mentioned in the past :)
I mean ain’t he technically a dilf (along with chan) ???? mans already has three cats, ain’t that enough ??? no jk, minho’s the type of dilf who’s very chill and nonchalant about the way he’s handling his child. Like he strikes me as the type of dad dilf who would ignore his child’s cry for attention, but obviously it would be a totally different story if his kid, lets say, gets injured, there he would be this comforting dad who would both tend his child’s wound and also try to make them smile by making goofy sounds and faces.
I can also see him enabling his child’s chaotic antics. as long as no one’s hurt or crying, he’s not stopping them.
all in all; Minho’s a 3 c’s dilf; chill, chaotic yet cherishing.
Oh boy is this man’s a child. i think he’d be more like Minho, but has a little bit of Chan element to it. He has the tendency to be very childish and he allows himself to be kid-like with his kids, however he does happen to discipline his kid when his kid has done something wrong. He still however acts all goofy and he sometimes makes baby faces and noises to his kid in order to make them laugh when they’re younger, or endearingly embarrass them when they get older
He‘s definitely more freeing than Chan, but he’s less lenient than Minho when it comes to parenting, however he’s a baby dilf, so be it.
Again, this man’s already a father of a dog, kami, so he’s a technically dilf as well. He’s the type of dilf who’s very stylish and attractive to anyone of all age demographics, and he knows it. He would also SPOIL THE SHIT out of his child. he may also match his child with his outfit. like if i’m wearing burberry, my child’s wearing burberry.
All in all, Hyunjin’s a stylish rich daddy >:)
How can someone gives off teen dad vibes despite being in his twenties and does not even have a pet, let alone a child? for some reason, jisung gives off that vibes. Don’t get me wrong, he’d definitely be affectionate and caring, but you can’t tell me that this man isn’r the most unprepared and anxious dad ever. Like every new parent, he does feel scared to carry a baby, in fear of dropping it, but his child would be 18 years old and he’d still be anxious as fuck.
All in all, he’s a caring and kind dilf but this man is a nervous wreck, he’s a cause for disaster most time. But he is cute, so he can get a pass lmffaooo.
ngl i’ll probably cry writing this…. cry of laughter, because gOD IS HE MORE EMBARRASSING THAN JISUNG !!! idk whats my vendetta against felix, but on god i love this kid so much. YES KID, because you going take care of two kids rather than one, you’re a single parent, i’m sorry.
in all seriousness, he’s a child parent, and he often is seen silding down the slide with his child in his lap. He constantly makes that baby voice he makes at times. He’s also the perfect guy to read his kid a bed time story, and he would also have a bake day with his child as well <3333 nahh he’d be an adorable ass dilf no joke.
this man… he is a savage in itself, and you think his kid, the literally creature that came out of his testes, would get a special treatment? think again, because he would absolutely drag his child through the mud. i obviously don’t think this man would do anything to hurt his child, emotionally or physically. think of it as a father-child banter between them. bonus if his child happens to have the same personality as him.
he does get all intimidating when mad, which envokes fear onto anyone close to him, however i still do think he’d be a fine ass dilf…. he just needs to shut his smart ass up before i beat him and his child u—
He’s giving felix and jisung here as well. clueless, scared, and anxious. mans a baby, why the fuck would you give him a child? he’d hold the child with his eyes wide open and be like “…. wait thats mine?! help me!” in a panicking voice making him and the baby cry.
he would be the type of dad who would let his child off the hook most of the times. he gives off “my child isn’t wrong, you are” vibes highkey. He also is the type of dad who would yell at his child for not cheating at an online class. what i’m saying is he’s a weird dilf thats all im saying lmfao
oh you disagree ? THATS TOO BAD I DON’T CARE !!! //j
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seeminglydark · 3 years
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So I've posted my story before, lots of times, but the art is old and back then I didnt realize I should probably have some trigger warnings and all that. So I'm gonna tell it again. Cuz maybe it, like the comic i recently posted, can spare you a moment of the trauma I experienced while finding myself. So if you're interested in my Asexuality journey, you can read under the cut. I don't go into detail on any of the triggers in the story, its all alluded, but just in case, stay safe. Triggers for assault, bullying, self esteem issues, ED, isolation and emotional abuse. But mine, like Johnnys, has a happy ending.
So I guess I don’t really have a timeline. I’ve probably been Ace my entire life without even knowing it cuz how could i have even known what it was at 15 in the mid 90's. It wasnt something anyone talked about. In school I never dated and I got teased all the time for being super skeeved out by any kinda sex discussion. All this coupled with being incredibly awkward and over six foot afab made for a lovely high school experience. Anyway at some point I met this dude and he was nice, made me feel pretty and all that. I married him shortly afterward, quickly, because i thought that was what I was supposed to do. I thought getting married would change my feelings on sexual experience. I didn’t realize it at the time but he was emotionally manipulating me to believe he was the only person who would ever love and find me attractive, he isolated me from my friends and family. Throughout our relationship I always found excuses to avoid sex, even after we were married. I stopped eating and lost way too much weight, i worked endless hours so he could stay at home and play video games, anything to 'make up for' not being able to perform my marital 'duties.' I’m not going to drag anyone through the mud here, but lets just say things escalated fairly quickly in an ugly way and I had to exit the relationship and move to another state. I thought what happened to me was my fault, because I couldn’t perform the way i thought a spouse should.  At this point I didn’t understand asexuality was a thing. I thought there was something wrong with me, and I tried to force having sexual relationships. I was told by everyone that no one would ever love me if I couldn’t figure out how to perform the simplest sexual activities. This went one for several years, through another tried and failed marriage (I will emphasize this man was not abusive, and a quite lovely person, but i never told him how i felt about these things, and so he never even had the chance to try and work with me.) I wanted to badly to be in what I thought was a normal relationship, it never occurred to me this wasn’t my fault. it never occurred to me sex doesnt have to be the basis for relationships. No one told me. I went to sex therapists trying to fix my issues but no matter what i did I still hated the idea of sexual contact in anyway.
At some point I met my current partner, about 15 years ago. I told him the truth, despite still not having a word for it, and to my surprise he's always been ok with me the way I am. It’s insane, and my relationship with him is what made me start to realize what Asexuality is and that I’m NOT broken, that love and sex arent the same thing (that being said ofc there are people whos love language is physical touch, mine is not.)
I’ll end this with one of the last conversations I had with my dad before he died. I remembered telling him one night that I was Ace because he found me crying in the kitchen. Even all these years later, in a healthy relationship, i still experience trauma about it. I explained everything that led to that decision, a strange moment because we normally didnt share like this, but as i said, he was nearing death and sometimes you want a parent to hear and understand your words. I remember he looked at me across the table with tears in his eyes. He said ‘I wish you would have told me this when you were a a young adult. I wish you would have explained how you felt then. I would have told you everything was ok, and that you were ok and not broken. I wish I could have spared you all that pain you experienced finding yourself.’
So now I look to you and I say what he wished he could have told me.
You’re ok.
You’re not broken.
You’re not alone.
We exist.
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diamondluxesugar · 4 years
His Money =/= Your Money
A while back I answered an ask about what I spend my money and I started thinking about how I manage my money as a young woman and how it can either make or break the future.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
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Let me start by saying that while I believe in being a kept woman, I don’t want to be 100% dependent on any man. I firmly believe in having your own AND having a partner that gives you everything you want and need. I’ve seen so many women change their lives completely because of a man, just to have his behavior change. He becomes complacent and stops providing, whether it’s financially, emotionally, or physically. Men will want to change you no matter who you are and what you do all to maintain their own ego and sense of dominance. A woman can be a neurosurgeon or a stripper and still find a man who wants her to quit her job because be a. feels inferior b. feels insecure or c. emasculated. Is that the woman’s fault? 
Bill Clinton did it with Hillary. Sidney Poitier did it with Diahann Carroll. Joe AND Arthur did it with Marilyn. Offset did it to Cardi B. Men begin relationships with beautiful, intelligent, witty women and then try to get them to change who they are, to accept less than the best, to dim their shine so the man can be seen as having won her a prize. To be honest, I don’t even really care why men are like this. The simple truth is that they all are. But now that we all know this, the question becomes how do we combat it? How do we make sure that we’ll still be taken care of even if the men in our lives wake up one day and decide screw you over because you don’t fit into what and who they want you to be?
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Answer: By having your own.
Have a job, have a volunteer organization in which you have an essential leadership role, have a successful blog or book or business. Just have SOMETHING that is more than just the spa days, hair appointments, and shopping trips. (Hell, if you’re really clever you can even turn that into a hustle, but that’s a conversation for another day) 
Having a job/transferable skills PLUS having an SD/boyfriend/sponsor(s) can be a lot to juggle, I know. I don’t know about you, but I put a lot of time and effort into my career. I’m constantly studying, developing new skills, reading the WSJ and researching anything that will give me a competitive edge. Yes, these things are time consuming and a lot less “fun” than shopping but it’s so important. I know I’ve mentioned this somewhere before, but you can’t put professional hoe on your resume. Having a job gives you security that you’ll be able to support yourself in case something goes left.
Trust me, things will go left in the blink of an eye. 
Look at the whole situation with Dr. Dre and Nicole Young. She’s trying to get $2M/month plus $5M legal fees as a settlement from him and part of the legal claim was denied. Why does she want that much? She is having trouble keeping up with her monthly expenses, Dr. Dre kicked her out of the house, he’s freezing the charges she’s making to cards, is saying that she’s embezzling money from him (and now she’s being investigated), and all types of foolishness. It’s messy and since she was “just a wife” how much of his $820M+ money is she going to get? Nicole was a lawyer before marrying him, and gave it up for him and for family. She adopted his 5 other children. How many nights do you think she was up having conversations with him about business, giving him advice, being a sounding board? Over 25 years?!
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Seems like a lot of work just to be known as the devoted wife, am I right? Now since California is a communal property state, she’ll probably leave with something, but is it really going to be close to what she is accustomed to living on? Not to mention when you have that much money you KNOW he’s not going to part easily with any of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been moving things into secret trusts and oversees accounts since before the divorce paperwork was filed. However, imagine if during these years she built up a practice with her OWN contacts and clients, had her name plastered in the credits of everything he produced, had ownership stakes in all of the companies he created. Sis would be making out like a bandit right now. She’d be able to just pick up, take her lil divorce settlement money and ride off into the sunset with a hot buff pool boy. 
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Instead she’s being dragged through the mud in court and in the press after dealing with Dr. Dre’s annoying ass for 25 years. How unfair. And if you aren’t satisfied with a celebrity example, I know women who got divorced and during the proceedings it came out that the man had an entire real estate company on the sly. Do you know how much money and how many secret deals it takes to have an entire RE portfolio on the side?
Ladies we have to play the long game. We have to have our own and whatever is being given to us needs to be the extra. 
No one can take your degrees or certificates (that his money paid for, but your brain received).
No one can take your career or professional experience(that you elevated using his money).
No one can take your connections and network (that he introduced you to, but you made your own). 
A person’s support can always be taken away, so the one thing you need to count on is yourself. Get those things that are valuable and will last you longer than this season’s designer..
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rahleeyah · 3 years
sometimes i wish EO wasn't endgame, and honestly i love them but continue to be so on the fence about it all
the funny part is, i have no long-term resentful bone in my body, i can be mean and vicious and a bit vengefull but i could never be done with the love of my life, even after some of the shit we've gone through, some of the things i have felt and been made to feel, some of the things i have heard, some that hurt so badly but that i needed to hear
so i should understand olivia, i should understand how it is to feel unable to give up, to let go, to be done with someone, i should know that one look or move would be all it takes for my anger to subside, i also know that my rage burns bright and short and that i immediatly feel bad about it after because i don't want that to define me, to be how people and the person i love most remembers and knows me
but i feel vengeful for olivia, i feel like i need to protect her at all costs, and sometimes i am unwilling to believe that the one who hurt her the most is also the one who can make her the happiest, for some reasons that thought makes my heart ache, it makes me not believe in justice and i wish that elliot would just understand what it is she has been feeling her whole life, about people leaving, about her feeling she's not enough or, actually, too much
i can relate to olivia, i know how she feels because i feel it too, being too much and not enough at the same time is a burden to live with and i think, somehow, elliot tries to understand but he doesn't know and he will never know and sometimes, sometimes i just wish he could actually get into her head and her heart to finally, finally understand completely what is feels like
but the worse part is, the ones who actually don't understand are the ones the best equiped to heal you, because they try so much to get it that they do the work, they listen, they try and i know elliot can be that person, the one who completes her, who gets her in another beautiful way, who sees who she is, the real her, olivia
but sometimes i also want her to not be olivia all the time and to be selfish and to just say to hell with it and just take what she wants instead and not give it, give it, give it
so yeah, i wish they would end up together, but i also wish they wouldn't, i guess i will be happy and frustrated either way
Something I think is important to remember, when we talk about how Elliot leaving hurt Olivia, is that Elliot is also a person and Olivia knows this.
I don't think I agree with your thesis; is Elliot's departure the thing that hurt her most? No, I think Lewis did the most damage, emotionally as well as physically, bc he took away her control and her understanding of herself. Elliot's departure hurt but she wasn't in therapy over it. Sheila's betrayal hurt worse, I would argue. Bc Olivia didn't trust her but she wanted a family so goddamn bad she let her in anyway, and very nearly lost her son in the process, and blamed herself for it.
The thing is. What Elliot did, leaving, wasn't about hurting Olivia, and she knows this. He wasn't being cruel to her. He made a decision and one of the consequences of that decision is that she was hurt, but there are also positive outcomes with that decision. His family - the family both he and Liv have always put first - will be taken care of. He won't lose his pension, his reputation. He leaves his job on his own terms. Liv won't be dragged thru the mud alongside him.
Also!!! Remember!!! The part where he killed a teenager!!!! He is grappling with an actual serious trauma. And Liv knows this. Liv knows he wasn't trying to hurt her. He wasn't even being particularly selfish, imo; it's not like he wanted to go. Oh he could have answered the phone; ok well Liv knows where he lives and she's turned up uninvited to talk sense into him before. Why didn't she?
A) bc they're not real but b) I think she understands, on some level, why he had to go, and that she has to let him.
His marriage is not just an inconvenience to him. As far as he is concerned it is never going away; he loves his wife, he loves his kids, he believes in his god and the vows he has made, and he wants to be the man who stays. With that in mind it is kinder of him to leave Olivia than to continue to keep her in his orbit, bound to him and yet not ever his. He can't have her, and letting her go hurts her but it gives her the chance to maybe find happiness elsewhere.
You've pointed out that he does understand, better than pretty much anyone, exactly how Olivia feels, exactly how much she needed him, how she struggles with abandonment and feeling like no one wants her, bc she has told him more about herself, given more of herself to him than she has to anyone else and also he walked beside her for so long. They know each other. She knows his secrets and he knows her. So what makes him a threat? That he is the one who loves her most, and therefore is the one who can hurt her most?
The people we love most by default have the ability to hurt us more than anyone else, not because they choose to (yes, they know which buttons to press and which words cut the deepest but willfully inflicting pain for the sake of it is not love) but because they are so bound up in us. Their choices affect us more deeply than the choices of people we care less about. When you build a life with someone, every move they make has the ability to shake you bc you have the same foundation. It doesn't make them cruel. We have to learn to bend together.
The only way to protect Olivia from this pain is for her to never share her life with anyone else. If she doesn't depend on anyone she won't be hurt. If there's anyone who matters, tho, there is a risk of pain. That's life.
I hear you wanting to protect her and I fully get that but I don't see Elliot as a threat. Yes, his leaving hurt her. Yes, he could hurt her again. Anyone could. Anyone she loved, no matter who he was, could hurt her, bc she loves him and he could leave.
Their journey isn't over yet, either. We don't know how their coming together is gonna look. We don't know what kinda work they're gonna put in, what kinda conversations they're gonna have. So we don't know what this looks like.
And also. Fiction gives us a safe place to explore dynamics we maybe wouldn't want in real life and that's ok. Wanting them to be together in fiction doesn't erase your moral judgment, or your knowledge that you'd want better for yourself in a relationship.
So. Idk what to tell you, really. Your feelings are your own and you may just stay conflicted and that's ok!!! We all bring our own baggage to the table and sometimes we can't help but project our own feelings onto the characters, and sometimes that means we're gonna react differently to stuff than other people do. That's just human. I'm sorry if you feel you're struggling with this, but I hope that eventually you find some peace.
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garrettsiwicki · 4 years
If what Tati said is true and Shane really did offer to edit her Bye Sister video, then most likely Andrew would have been the one to actually edit the video and would have KNOWN about potentially editing it beforehand. Yes, Shane could have offered this without consulting Andrew first, but as it stands it would appear Andrew is the only person who could potentially confirm if this claim is true or not... Andrew could also confirm if Shane planned to interview James’ “victims”. If I was as closely wrapped up with Shane as Andrew is, I would be losing my shit right now. I want to believe Andrew is a good person, but what he does/doesn’t say about all of this will be extremely telling... Not only that, but at the same time it’s kind of scary? Shane’s IG live really makes Shane look emotionally/mentally unstable. I have no doubt if Andrew came out “against” him or said he was quitting, Shane would throw a huge fit. I mean, if Shane is willing to throw that big of a fit LIVE, then imagine what he does off camera... I’m not saying he’d hurt Andrew physically but he’d definitely be dragged through the mud and publicly humiliated and/or manipulated by Shane. Andrew appears to be the more quiet, anxious type who avoids conflicts and seeing what Shane/Jeffree are capable of doing to everyone else’s physical and mental health just from their WORDS... jesus.
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kyoujurous-eyebrows · 5 years
ohh i loved that rengoku comfort request (///) can i request a similar one with uzui and a demon slayer s/o? thanks 💙
So sorry this took so long anon DX I hope you enjoy it! Really enjoyed writing this especially after the day that I had haha
Sorry if there’s any mistakes or it seems rushed, I had written it all and then accidentally deleted it so I was very frustrated
(Also yes, I realise bathing in Japan doesn’t work like this, I remembered that after I had finished writing it and was not going to go back and change it)
Uzui Comforting You After A Rough Day
Fluff, Comfort
Words: 1.2k
At the end of the day, there was nothing more you could have done. Your brain realises this, but your heart does not, and the deep aching feeling refuses to go away. It had rained during the walk back, you had slipped in some mud, and you did not smell nice. You wanted to cry so bad, but you were almost home and then you could collapse and hide yourself under the futon for the rest of the day.
“I’m home…” You solemnly called out. Bare feet padding on the wood made it to your ears and you peeked through your wet hair up at the tall figure.
“Wow, you look like shit. Rough mission I take it?” Your now going on five-month boyfriend spoke up as he watched you take off your shoes and put on some slippers.
“Thanks for noticing. I’m going to go take a bath. I feel disgusting.” You added a bite onto those last words, feeling it physically, emotionally and mentally right now.
“That sounds like a fantastic idea! How about I join you?” Uzui smirked, a knowing glint in his one good eye. You knew this man was the most obnoxious, brash and flirtatious man you had ever met, and you loved him, but you were really not feeling up to dealing with his energy today.
“Thanks for the offer, but I would rather go in alone.” You began dragging your heavy limbs up the stairs after placing your sword on it’s holder near the entryway. Uzui followed close behind, hot on your heels. You could feel the shit-eating grin he was wearing without even needing to turn around. You just wanted to use the bath as an excuse to bawl your eyes out, but now it seemed like not even that was going to be an option.
“Oh~” Uzui purred, “there’s no need to be shy darling, we’ve both seen each other naked plenty of times already.” He laughed as you reached the bathroom door. You didn’t have the patience nor the energy to begin an argument with the flamboyant man, so you opted for saying nothing and just going with the flow. Upon opening the bathroom door you noticed the tub was already full of steaming hot water, a bubble bath being drawn already. You turned around to look at your boyfriend with a questioning gaze, but he just gave you a kiss on the forehead and pushed past you into the bathroom.
“Thought you might have wanted to relax when you got home. Well, was I right?” Uzui winked at you with his one eye, which just made him look like he was blinking, but he was trying. Uzui began undressing quickly, and you became mesmerised by the multitude of scars that covered him; something you never fully got used to seeing. You were mainly focused on the long scar across his left eye, so focused in fact, you hadn’t realised that Uzui was standing right in front of you, buck naked, staring down at you.
“As much as I love you staring at me, especially while i’m naked, I think you should get in the bath love before I start stripping you myself.” He laughed at the panicked expression and reddening of your face as you quickly began to work your clothes off. The wet slop of your ruined uniform filled the chamber, and you now realised how cold you actually were. Half jumping into the tub, the hot water melted through you instantly, and you unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Large, warm, strong hands wrapped around your midsection and pulled you backward into a warm and broad chest.
“Much better,” Uzui sighed, running his hands up and down your arms to get the remaining blood and dirt off of them. “I was serious about the scrubbing your back offer, you know?” Without waiting for a response, he lightly pushed you forward and began lathering a soft sponge with soap. The cold soap hit your now warm back with a slight shock before you grew used to it. Uzui, being the man that he is, took sneaky opportunities to brush a little too close to your rump, or circle his hands a little too far forward, to which you lazily smacked him in reprimanding.
You let out a hiss as he scrubbed your right shoulder. Quickly washing the soap away revealed some fairly deep scratches. The same scratches you had received from the demon as you jumped in front of a little boy. The same scratches that made you let out a scream of burning pain. The same scratches that made you hesitate as the demon turned on the little girl instead. The same scratches that made the lives of two innocent kids perish-
Fat, hot tears rolled down your face as hiccups and sobs echoed off of the steamy walls. Your body shook with the force of your crying and Uzui was stunned for a moment. You had gone silent after he had cleaned the dry blood off of your wound, and worried that he had hurt you worse, leaned forward to see your face and ask if you were okay. The terrified look that was frozen on your face had him dumbfounded for a moment, and it finally dawned on him why you were being so distant since you had arrived home. He gently pulled you into his chest, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles as his chin rested on your head.
“Hey, love, what happened on the mission? Was it that bad? Is it the wound? Speak to me, you can tell me.”
“I- I couldn’t save them,” you started, “those two kids are dead now because I hesitated! I hesitated because I- I was scared of getting another wound!” Your shouts of pain echoed through the chamber as Uzui pulled you in closer.
“Listen to me darling. You can’t change the past, but you can change the future. You’ve learned now that you can’t hesitate in battle when it comes to saving other’s lives. I don’t blame you at all for what happened though. Everyone is scared of getting hurt at some point, some just have to experience it at a more unfortunate timing. You did what you could, you did your best, and now you can learn from your mistakes and get even better. Don’t beat yourself up too harshly for this, otherwise how will you go out and save others lives?” He paused for a moment, listening as your cries began to taper off slightly.
“If you want to overcome your weakness, I can help train you. I won’t take it easy on you either, and it’ll be up to you in the very end whether you will take that step forward or not. So for now, do what you can, improve yourself, and then show the world that you’ve grown, okay?” Uzui fell silent, and your sobs had turned into sniffles. Your boyfriend had started to wash your hair at some point while he was speaking, and the encouraging words as well as the scrubbing of your scalp helped calm you down enough to begin thinking rationally for the first time that day.
You quickly rinsed out your hair before snuggling back into the love of your life’s chest, wrapping his strong arms around you. He may be brash, flirtatious, incredibly self-centered and kind of an asshole; but he is also sweet and loving, doesn’t beat around the bush, and knows how to treat you right. You had never been so thankful to have him in your life before, and you silently thanked him as you began drifting off in his arms, the warm water of the bath enveloping you both.
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