#I wanna find ways to draw his magical abilities in an interesting way instead of just posting a list
purpleponder · 8 months
Magical boy abilities are rotating in my head
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twstarchives · 4 years
Silver・Voice Lines
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Additional voice lines:
NRC Master Chef event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “What’s your next class?”
Groovy “I want to learn what a servant should be like.”
Home Setting “Oh, it’s you.”
Home Transitions “Are you done getting ready for class? Being ready is oftentimes more important than jumping right in.”
“The weather on days like this makes me wanna sleep...”
“I don’t really pay attention to my clothes. You think I look good in this? Oh, really?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m leaving if you don’t need anything. ...Why’re you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “I’m going to study my hardest, as to not embarrass Lord Malleus.”
“It’s good to exert yourself. Hard work always pays off; it’s easy to do, and the outcome is obvious since it relies on you.” ¹
“I’m fine with any kind of clothes, as long as it’s not rude to wear them.”
“Have you gotten used to this school yet? ...Oh. Well, there’s no need to rush.”
“Mm, thanks for waking me up.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Physical training is the groundwork for everything. Wanna train together?”
Groovy “My greatest enemy really is myself.”
Home Setting “I’m looking forward to seeing how far I can go.”
Home Transitions “Whether or not I act on my own doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else. You shouldn’t get too caught up about your surroundings either.”
“I think you might have some potential with using a sword. I’d like to see you take a serious try at it sometime.”
“Are you interested in horse riding? Come take a look at the Horse Riding Club sometime. It’d make Riddle happy too.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “What are you going to go do right now? If you don’t have any plans, it’d be great if you could come work out with me.”
Home Taps “Whenever I’m practicing, Sebek always comes over to try challenging me. It’s part of our normal.”
“Training your body in turn trains your mind. You should take it seriously.”
“I go through all of this training so that I can protect Lord Malleus and the others.”
“It’s faster to take a hands-on approach than just learning about something.”
“You don’t need to hit me so hard; I’m already up.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Relax. Your results will suffer if you’re so tense.”
Groovy “I have no choice but to train to overcome my weaknesses.”
Home Setting “You want to study together? You really work hard.”
Home Transitions “You can’t protect the ones you love with power alone. Situations will always come up that require knowledge and wit.”
“Have you been to the greenhouse yet? Be careful in there. It’s warm and puts you to sleep if you don’t watch out.”
“‘Tips for doing labs’? Follow what’s written in the textbook. That’s it.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve been trying to incorporate prep and review for my classes into my routine, but... I accidentally fell asleep last night. I’ll do it now.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The one thing that stays the same between magic and your studies is the need to work your hardest.”
Home Taps “Kalim from my class often fails all his experiments, but he never loses his motivation. That’s an important quality to have.”
“Aren’t you in the same grade as Sebek? What do you think about him? Isn’t his voice the most annoying you’ve ever heard?”
“Fath—Lilia has a ‘creative’ way of cooking. First he finds a recipe, and then he cooks without ever looking at it.”
“Everyone has a certain amount of hours they need to sleep each night, but exactly how many hours short am I...?”
“Rush like that all you want, but you’re not going to finish all of your learning in just one day.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I cook sometimes. I’m not that good at it, but at least I can sort of imagine how I want it to taste when I make things myself.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Zz... Ah! Were you calling for me?”
Groovy “The little birds are singing so joyously. I think it’ll be a nice day today.”
Home Setting “I tried fixing up my appearance so I didn’t look like I put in zero effort.”
Home Transitions “I’m really not used to seeing myself look so dressed-up.”
“When I first enrolled here, I was nervous too... Oh, looking back, I guess I wasn’t.”
“I’m still barely a rookie compared to Lilia. Someday I want to make it to his level.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Night Raven College has so much history behind it. I’m so grateful I’m able to attend this school.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Mm... Zzz... Ah! S-Sorry. I got too comfortable and fell asleep.”
Home Taps “It’s a little hard to move in these, but I won’t let something like this stop me from getting in my daily training.”
“They say that silence is golden. But in my case I just don’t have anything worth talking about...”
“I got tired and accidentally rubbed my eye. Did my makeup get smudged?”
“Academies are for nothing but learning. I’m glad I have the opportunity to develop myself. Yes.”
“I don’t know much about clothes, but... these robes would be considered unusual, right?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Someday I want to appear at a Night Raven College ceremony next to Lord Malleus.”
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Tutorial “Let’s go.”
Lv Up “I’m glad I’ve expanded my capabilities.”
“Alright, I’m feeling confident.”
“The only way is to keep on training.”
Lv Up Max “With every swing of my sword, I can feel the power rising in my hands. It makes me feel like I’m dreaming.”
Episode Lv Up “It’s not really any fun being with me. And yet you’re always next to me... You’re so weird.”
Magic Lv Up “My magic is hardly anything compared to Lord Malleus, but I’m going to hone my skill as much as I can, at least.”
Limit Break “If I get stronger, I’ll be able to protect Lord Malleus even more. That’s why you can never have enough power.”
Groovy “I’m happy. ‘I don’t look like it’? Understood. Next time I’ll try harder.”
Select Lesson “Any one of your classes is going to be worthwhile.”
“You’re going with that one? I think that’s a good choice.”
“Go ahead and pick anything.”
Lesson Start “I need to be careful not to fall asleep.”
Lesson End “It’s over? Time to move on to our next training.”
Battle Start “If you’re prepared, then draw your weapon.”
Battle Win “Thank you. I’ve gotten a little stronger now.”
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Profile Quote “Malleus, my lord, enough dawdling.”
January 2020 Trailer “It’s strange... I feel like I’ve met you somewhere before.”
Countdown Poster “No matter what enemies come for him, I will protect Lord Malleus.”
Login Bonus “You’re training again today? You can never be too prepared.”
Player Birthday Wish “Sorry. I remembered it was your birthday, but I couldn’t get everything ready in time. …No. An excuse isn’t good enough. Instead of a present, I’ll come with you to do anything you’d like.”
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Magic History
Good ★
“We’re at school, so let’s learn.”
“It’s just memorizing.”
“Strategies? I want to learn them.”
“It’s not good to just be sitting down.”
“Studying is training too.”
“Lilia is good at history.”
“A sleeping curse, huh?”
“I have horse-riding training after school.”
“Even lost kingdoms... still have history.”
Great ★★
“That was so easy.”
“I won against my drowsiness.”
“I’ll get by without Father scolding me.”
Perfect ★★★
“It’s just as I was taught.”
“Someday Lord Malleus will be in these textbooks.”
“Father taught me this.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Just do it like I always do.”
“Psyche yourself up.”
“Don’t lose your momentum.”
Good ★
“I’m on the right track.”
“Straighten you back.”
“I’m good at moving around.”
“Zz... Ah!”
“It’s just like riding a horse.”
“Did you warm up?”
“I bit my tongue.”
“I almost fell asleep in the air...”
“Always stay calm.”
Great ★★
“I have a lot of endurance.”
“No problems with this.”
“So this is it.”
Perfect ★★★
“I want to fly faster.”
“Lilia wouldn’t need a broom.”
“Horses are harder to get along with.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“I want to watch the Headmaster give an example.”
“He’s watching me.”
“I don’t really mind.”
Good ★
“The recipe... is...”
“That egg smells rotten.”
“No issues.”
“Wish I could solve this with a sword.”
“The chemicals sparked...!”
“I have no interest in gold.”
“There’s no easy way out.”
“You need to listen to the teacher.”
“I’m going to rest a little.”
“Eternal life...”
“Let’s keep at it.”
“I’m used to making concoctions.”
“This also trains your ability to focus.”
Great ★★
“It worked.”
“Father taught me this.”
“I can do it even if I’m half-awake.”
“Could be... worse...”
“Follow the textbook.”
Perfect ★★★
“I made jewels. Want one?”
“It’s just like cooking.”
“You can do it if you try. Don’t think about it.”
“I want to show this to Lilia.”
“Let’s try the next one.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“I feel calm when the Headmaster’s here.”
“Do it just like always... Stay calm.”
“Getting careless will make you mess up.”
“I’m not going to bring shame to Lord Malleus.”
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scarlettroubles · 4 years
2, 3, 8, 13, 29 and 47 for Eileen? Sorry, I wanna know more about her tho X3
I’ve already answered some of these questions previously but I’ll answer them again since I feel like a lot has changed since then so here we go.
2. What house are they in and why do they belong there?
Eileen was a hatstall for 12 minutes because the sorting hat couldn’t choose whether to put her in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. She had the courage, nerve, and daring attitude of a Gryffindor and the wit, wisdom, and creativity of a Ravenclaw but was ultimately placed in Hufflepuff because out of what all the four houses valued and looked for in a student, Hufflepuff is the house whose values resonated the most in Eileen. Not to say Eileen doesn’t possess the traits of a Hufflepuff because she possesses the traits of being hard-working, loyal, and just but what really put her in Hufflepuff was her want not to be a great person but a good one.
3. What’s their patronus? Why?
Eileen’s patronus is the same as mine on Pottermore which is a Runespoor haha. I think this summary from @hogwartswelcomesyou sums it up:
The runespoor is a creature original to the Harry Potter universe. It is described as an orange serpent with black stripes and three heads. Each head corresponds to a different personality – the left head is the planner (which comes up with the runespoor’s ideas), the middle head is the dreamer (which tends to get lost in its own daydreams and remains the most stationary of the heads), and the right head is the cynic (which critiques the ideas of the other two heads). Apparently it is not uncommon to find a runespoor with only two heads, as sometimes the first and second heads will bite off the third because it’s being too critical, though a two-headed runespoor will not live very long.
Snakes, of course, are a pretty standard symbol to associate with Slytherins, being symbolic of change, fertility, healing, energy, and the duality of good and evil. But more interestingly it has been hypothesized that runespoors in particular are representative of writers – one part of the writer is the logical planner, one part is the imaginative center that dreams up all the magical flights of fancy, and the last part is a never-ending self-critic who never sees their writing as good enough.
Having a Runespoor Patronus means you find comfort in push and pull. You are a multi-faceted and complex person (appropriate to a Slytherin!) and you don’t just listen to one internal voice, you listen to several…and that’s okay! You know that way that you’ll never be fenced in or pigeonholed. That flexibility and versatility is reassuring because you’ll be able to face whatever comes your way. This is what the runespoor appears to tell you – you have the energy and the capability to think your way out. It is a healing presence that says just what you need to hear – whether it be encouragement, idealism, or a good old smack of reality – to keep fighting.
8. Is there anyone at Hogwarts that they can’t stand?
At first it was Merula since in the beginning she made sure her first few years at Hogwarts were absolute hell but they eventually become proper rivals and later on allies. Second was Diego because she wasn’t the biggest fan of him constantly flirting with her even if she knew it was all in good fun and just his way of being friendly. And then there was Beatrice Haywood. Eileen knows that Beatrice is just acting all emo and pessimistic because of unresolved and undealt trauma from being stuck inside a portrait for her entire first year at Hogwarts but Bea constantly talking about how “Hogwart’s is doomed”, telling her to “find the vaults faster” and her saying how much she hates her sister because she’s too coddling when Eileen herself would love to have her big brother Jacob give her the time and day instead of just pushing her away to protect her from a danger she is already deeply entangled with just really gets on her nerves.
13. What are their talents? Mundane or magical.
Eileen’s good at drawing and sings from time to time. She also knows how to play the guitar and ukulele. Her parents tried having her learn the piano but Eileen had a hard time learning to read sheet music and wasn’t all too interested in learning the piano. Magic wise, Eileen has a strong connection towards magical creatures particularly felines and she’s working hard to become a magizoologist.
29. What’s their wand type? What does it symbolize about them?
Eileen’s first wand is Beech wood wand with a phoenix feather core,11 inches and reasonably supple flexibility. Beech wood wands pair with witches and wizards if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Eileen is wise and pretty mature for somebody her age and this is because Eileen was forced to grow up rather quickly. After Jacob went missing, her mother went into a deep grief and her father became a workaholic. He hardly ever came home and would stay weeks upon weeks cooped up in his office at the Ministry. One day, her father brought her into his office and told her that she had to be strong and that she had to be the one to watch over her mother and her little brother Conan. He told her to “Never depend on anyone Eileen, because they’ll only disappoint you in the end.” Before breaking down crying and pulling a 9-year-old Eileen into his chest as he tearfully apologized at not being strong enough for his own wife and children. This event is what causes Eileen to be so independent and apathetic.
Her second wand is Red oak wand, phoenix feather core, 12 1/2 inches, reasonably supple flexibility. According to Ollivander, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. The ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Eileen has grown a lot since her first year at Hogwarts and that’s largely due to the dangers she and her friends had to face with the Cursed Vaults and R. Eileen has always had pretty good reflexes but those reflexes greatly improve thanks to her uncle Magnus’s training. Because of the constant danger Eileen is put through she’s awakened what is known in her family as the Ryder Instinct. Years of hunting down dangerous dark wizards and witches and even dragons (they don’t hunt down dragons anymore btw) have caused any descendant of a Ryder to possess the ability to detect when danger is near. This magic is deeply ingrained into a Ryder’s blood and is the reason why fighting comes so naturally to those who are born into the Ryder family and why they are known as ‘The Family of Survivors’ because of the countless times the family was almost completely wiped out in the past and were only saved thanks to this strange power. The red oak’s reputation for being the perfect dueling wand along with Eileen’s Ryder instincts and reflexes make for quite the deadly combo.
47. What was their opinion of Patricia Rakepick?
She didn’t trust her AT ALL. Eileen has been disappointed by adults her entire life so when an adult says they just want to help she always doubts it and expects the worse from them but this time, she desperately wanted to trust Rakepick because she wanted oh so badly for an adult to actually care enough to deal with the vaults. To care enough about her well-being but Eileen’s instincts kept telling her that this woman was dangerous but even then she tried to ignore them because just this once she wanted to hope. But after Rakepick blasts her first wand to bits and she’s forced to watch her torture a bystander in Knockturn Alley she knew she couldn’t be trusted and so when the time came for them to finally face the Buried Vault and the dragon in it, Eileen was prepared for the betrayal she knew would happen but even then the sting of being betrayed and yet another adult disappointing and abandoning her still hurt like hell.
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originlist · 4 years
bron thots and hcs 99% harvested from rambling i sent to charri and didnt wanna retype yet
thinking about avicebrons workshop as i write. it is... a nice place to be i think. in my terms of nice. avicebron keeps it comfortably warm bc he likes it better that way. it smells like earth. warmly lit. there are various comfortable chairs because he used to just have one or two for himself and then he realized people kept coming by so hes just [sighs and adds another good chair and someone else drags in a bean bag or some shit]. hes got a bookshelf full of things. theres clutter but its an interesting kind of clutter and he knows where everything is anyways and the floor is cleared so ur not gonna trip over anything except maybe a golems whos keeping it tidy. its a chill place to read a book and if u ask nicely u can use some of the clay he keeps to makes lil figures with for fun. thonk bron: im going to make a place i like being in as a workshop narrator: this means other people will also like being there and sometimes hang out with you, which means you will be forced to acknowledge The Existence Of Other People bron: fuck. ive played myself
one day i will reread my source on kabbalah and itll be the end for everyone bc ive been interested in it since freshman year but its hard to find sources. and i have Thots about his golems but ill properly phrase them once im able to look thru my other primary source, for now i just ramble but basically his current golems except Adam arent like True Golems and even Adam is iffy because its moved past what a golem is
so proper golems are entities made thru certain specific magical rituals, and they are beings created generally by rabbis with a background in mysticism in order to help the community. a proper golem is highly autonomous and able to think on (almost) human level on its own, somewhat similar to a homunculus in proper homunculus lore but also, not. dont worry about it. i dont have the time to get into it. but one day. thats a threat. the final piece to animating them is writing on either them or an amulet they are given, which they can be returned back to earth by erasing the first letter they are, specifically, made to either help or protect which is why the reactor core thing is [singsong] bullshiiiiiiit
avicebrons golems are quickly made things that are more like basic familiars, as they possess a lower level of thought and dont follow ritual, the handoff of being less autonomy in exchange for being able to make a lot of them very quickly and easily so he doesnt count them as Proper Golems but he also classes them as More Useful For Our Situation Than A Proper Golem they can do chores and they will keep u safe but they also dissolve after a few hits
look the man’s disabled and he uses golems to make up for the fact, he doesnt need them to be durable or fully sapient he just needs them to do chores when he cant move his arms all the way and his back hurts
adam however (his NP) is a Proper Golem Plus Some. im ignoring the part where its like 'in fgo he also would need a mage or high level reactor to be its core' because thats stupid a proper golem doesnt need a core it just needs mystic words and some other stuff, but in exchange ill say he writes life into it using some part of his own magic plus whats drawn from his master, and the rest of Adam's unique reality marble ability is that it can pull mana from the earth directly quickly made familiars have mineral cores in order to like..... cores are the equivalent of when u pull back a ball on those clacker desk toys, where they keep going back and forth for longer than they should? the core jump starts the mana conversion procedure allowing it to create energy to move bc gems in fate are a good prana conduit
he can still do the thing of like. fuck i forget the word for it. earthbending. like he does in apoc where he just kinda draws shapes out of soil, but its only for various kinds of dirt. cant rly fuck with gems or metal but hes got bigass clay jars in his workshop full of dirt and clay and Various Rocks to make stuff ut of that he can control with a hand wave. it makes his life easier. bron vc do i LOOK like i can lift anything. i thought not.
uuhhhh other random bron infodumps bc i made other posts and then deleted them
no legge, prosthetics start at the hip ball-and-socket joint. arms yes. the second pair of arms is removable and attached to a thin plate that he can attach under his shoulders. the secondary shoulder joint is technically hypermobile and its easier to dematerialize/rematierialize them instead of putting them on and off. theyre usually not out unless he needs them for something. he is ambidextrious with all four of them and will show off in the name of efficient multitasking.
got a lotta facial scars from having acne as a young adult. pockmarks and the like. on top of his whole body being fucky.
does not like the cold!! makes both his physical and prosthetic joints feel stiff. will not mention it but will just [slowly recedes further into his cloak]
his hair is not as fun as it looks (to me). he hates having a body in general and so he will intentionally refuse to care for any non-prosthetic part of himself properly for it until it gets bad, so his hair is generally kinda dry and messy. its not Bad bad but its not great.
he takes better care of his fake legs than he does the parts of his body he cant replace and u should yell at him for it.
his cloak is also not as heavy as it looks like it should be. its carefully balanced. he can and will however bonk you with the pointy bits if you stand too close to him. forcibly mandated 4-ft personal bubble.
THIS MAN CLICK CLACKS WHEN HE MOVES AND I DONT CARE WHAT APOCS LACK OF SOUND EFFECTS TRIES TO IMPLY. this man WILL go click clack between his feet and the metal decoration thingies on his cloak bonking each other.
people who know shit about golem lore feel free to tell me all my books are packed but thoughts ping like ping-pongs
actually just tell me about folklore in general from any of u i like legends and mysticism 
if u have read this far tell me about some of ur folklore
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anemeraldknight · 3 years
About Duke Cadash, part 2
okay so I know that this is supposed to be like an ask thing from here! butI only have like 3 followers on here, I just finished my second playthrough of Inquisition and I really really wanna talk about my Inquisitor :’)) so we’re doing this
what is your inquisitor’s name & race? - Duke Cadash, surface dwarf
what is their sexual orientation? - bisexual <3
what do they look like? (add screenshots, drawings, descriptions!) - he's a freckly ginger and has bright blue eyes, a very well groomed beard (he at least tries to redo the braids every morning), undercut on on the left side of his head but otherwise longish hair, scarring underneath his right eye and between his brows; he's like muscular and thick at the same time, I don't know a good word for it? but yea :) he's prettyy
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how did they feel about being called “the herald of andraste”? - he uses it to his advantage. he doesn't outright deny it to people he doesn't really trust, only those closest to him know his real stance on it. he just takes being called the Herald in stride, doesn't hate it but isn't the biggest fan either
what are their religious beliefs, if they have any? - believes in the Stone because his parents had been cast out from Orzammar and they passed on their beliefs to him as well. he's not super into it though, more like a casual believer.
what is their opinion on the mage/templar war? - supports the mages and even though he can get along with templars if necessary, he often calls them out for their prejudices and bullshit. he believes that the war was inevitable and kind of necessary as well because in his eyes big change usually comes by, sadly, using harsher tactics.
who is your inquisitor’s best friend? - he was suuper close with Blackwall in the beginning because their humor was pretty similar, he was one of the first people he recruited on his own, and they're both pretty close in terms of age as well. however, as Duke grew closer to Dorian, they became best friends instead (and then eventually lovers). I'd say his real best friend is either Cassandra or Solas? because even though he disagrees with both of them quite a lot, they still somehow manage to get on pretty well <33 and they both have been there from the very beginning of this entire journey!! so it makes sense :) also, Duke is suuuuuper loyal, so when he found out about Blackwall :)) he fucking flipped and completely shunned him and never again took him into his party.
who is their rival? - uhhh among the companions? I don't think he really has one...
who is their love interest, if they chose one? do you ship them with anyone else/non-romanceable options? - DORIAN!! <333
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warrior, rogue, or mage? - rogue, archer
how do they feel about the dalish? - he feels for them and wants to support them and work together as much as possible. he can see that a lot of them seem arrogant and standoffish on the outside, but he gets why that is, so he just lets them be and tries to work with it.
how do they feel about the qun? - he does not like the qun, to him it seems like a cult. he can also see many similarities between it and the chantry so.
how do they feel about the chantry? - he doesn't like the chantry BUT he does not shun them out loud because he knows that having them support him makes him look good to those who believe in Andraste and such, but also he doesn't wanna take away hope from those who find it in him during such a difficult time (even though he doesn't believe he's chosen in any way)
which demon is most frightening to them? - definitely the nightmare. Duke doesn’t get rattled very easily but that whole thing managed to get underneath his skin. plus! he’s incredibly scared of spiders and the nightmare created to many of them to freak him out, so the entire fade thingy was very hard on my poor Master Cadash :((
did they choose the qun or the chargers in iron bull’s personal quest? why? - the chargers. he didn’t trust the whole thing from the beginning and basically went along with it because he wanted to support the Iron Bull and because he could feel that something fishy was going on. also, even before the whole thing Duke got along with Krem really well, because he has this habit of taking younger people under his wing (exhibit A: Cole) so that’s also what kinda happened with Krem. ALSO! another thing is that Duke id very much against sacrificing lives in order to get something, so even if he hadn’t cared about any of the chargers personally, it would’ve just went against everything he stood for.
when are they the happiest? - when he's exploring the wilderness with his party, probably picking elfroot or iron lol
how do they feel about the mark/the anchor? - it doesn’t really cause him very much pain so he sees it mostly as something  that’s just there and helps him deal with this whole mess.
upon first meeting cole, were they afraid of him? - not really? he could tell that he was different but Thedas is full of so much surreal and nonsensical shit that this kid who acts a bit outside of the established rules of the society didn't really faze him. when he first met Cole during the attack on Haven, his first reaction was that “why is this young kid out here??? get him to safety!!!!” but yknow in a way where he could still see that Cole was perfectly capable of pulling his own weight, Duke just worries.
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did they use the templars or the mages to close the breach? - mages
what was their court approval like at the winter palace? did they have any fun at all? - the only things that Duke liked during the whole charade was seeing Josephine and Leliana enjoying the whole thing AND getting to dance with Dorian. he got 100 court approval but he hated that everybody kept shitting on him for being a dwarf etc. also dealing with Gaspard, Celene, and Breala was frecking frustrating.
someone is encroaching on their love interest. how do they respond? - idk how to answer this. he knows that Dorian can handle himself but if the situation requires his help then he will get supper angry and protective
what is their favourite weapon? - Duke’s Bayard!! :D this really great bow that he got made
are there any creatures in the wild that they refuse to/are reluctant to kill? why? - nugs because to him they look like a rabbit and an old wrinkly man merged into one. so yea, no. he also doesn’t like killing dragons. the only proper dragon he and his party ever killed was the big one in the hinterlands but Duke didn't feel right about it afterwards so he never went after another again
what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance? - to him blood magic is just a type of magic really but I don't think he'd use it if he were able to
what is their favourite place within playable regions? - interestingly, the hinterlands. it's because he grew up in fereldan is used to that kind of nature
did they feel suspicious of dorian upon first meeting him, because of his tevinter heritage? - a bit, yes, but it quickly faded
as a whole, how do they feel about tevinter + the imperium? - he hates the whole slavery business that they've got going on over there but Dorian manages to convince him that the imperium could be changed so he has hope for it. he doesn't blindly hate every vint he meets.
did they encourage cullen to continue taking lyrium, or to stop? for what reasons? - to stop because even though he’s not very close to Cullen and he has his issues with him, he didn't want him to be dependent of lyrium in order to work to the best of his abilities. because Cullen is in charge of such a huge part of the Inquisition, he needs him to be dependable
does it bother them to sleep in tents when on the road with the inquisition? - nope! Duke loves tracking and yknow finding and looking for stuff out in the wilds so he’s used to that sort of thing since he grew up in a naturey place. he had to spend a lot of nights in similar situations while he was part of the Carta too
are they an optimist, a pessimist, or neutral? - i guess something between an optimist and a neutral? I guess you could call him an optimistic realist. he rarely veers towards pessimism
if varric wrote a book about your inquisitor, how would they feel about that? - he would actively encourage it because it would be fucking hilarious to read
do they get along with vivienne? - nope, he doesn’t even recruit her.
are they afraid of anything specifically? - spiders
what was their reaction to the destruction of haven?
how do they feel about “the game”? - a bunch of nugcrap
are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves? - even though he knows that all three of them can take care of themselves and he trusts them to do so, he still worries about them the most. Cole, Krem , and scout Harding.
do they like their skyhold pajamas? - he hates the pajamas. but the outfits that he usually wears look superrr fly so he doesn’t mind those one bit
are there any insults they find to be especially offensive? (i.e. “knife ear”/”rabbit” for elves, “oxmen” for qunari, ect.) - I am not sure what insults a dwarf would get in terms of specific words. the fact that people keep making comments about the Inquisitor surprisingly being a dwarf does annoy him though
if varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? - either cherry because of his red hair OR the Archduke :P
do they enjoy being the inquisitor? - yes!! at the beginning, he's more wary of it, which of course makes sense, but even then he's just ready to take on the role of the leader because no one else will do it and he does have the mark so it makes sense for him to do it. as time moves on he grows to really like it! he makes a great leader and he knows it.
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Fight for Love
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Sett x Fem! reader
part 2
*warning small fight with small violence*
After closing the deal between you and the yordle, he led you to where the fight is.
While walking your friend turned to you and said.
"You know you don't exactly have to fight, we can find another ways that don't involve you fighting to buy supplies ya know." They said a worried tone laced in their voice.
"Don't worry buddy I got this and I want to fight anyway it's been a long time since I get to punch someone in the face, Ezreal's face was too soft anyway." You said re-assuring them.
"Ok but you have to promise me that you won't get hurt to much." They said knowing it's gonna be hard convincing you to change your mind.
"Don't worry I won't." You lied knowing Pit fights doesn't always end well.
Walking around the busy streets of Noxus hearing the loud voices of vendors yelling their merchandise, a couple of beggars here and there but a few alleys past by you started seeing more people looking shady, wearing cloaks or heavy metal/leather clothes with weapons in their person if you look close enough.
Suddenly you came across a large clearing with a large wall in the center with a gigantic metal gate as the entrance that was heavily guarded by two armored man holding Large axes instead of spears back in Demacia.
Kled turned to the both of you and said to wait while he talks to the guards.
You both comply and watch him as he started screaming his ass off to their faces your friend continued to look at him while you look around, you can see people looking at Kled and whispered to each other.
'he must be famous or something.' you thought.
Looking at the wall you can faintly hear over the wall screams and cheers, it made you so curious to know what's happening inside that you closed your eyes and opened your secret sense.
your ears followed the sound, disregarding Kled scratchy voice, the guards grumbling and the people around you and continued through a small crack on the metal gate.
From what you can hear your mind traced images of people shouting inside and heard clashing of metals that caught your interest as figures who looked like they were fighting was draw in your mind.
You had this ability ever since you were a toddler you called it Visions you mostly used this when you find yourself in a pickle or when you get chased by Demacian Soldiers, (friend's name) said that it wasn't magic they said you were using echo-location or something like following sounds and all that.
Opening you eyes you smiled feeling excited to what's to come, (friend's name) turned to you.
"So what did you saw?." They ask.
"Alot of fighting, maybe blood and also more fighting." you smirk at them.
"Yeah you're in your element alright." they deadpanned at you before shaking their head.
"Hey girly the fights inside! Let's go." you hear Kled scream at you and you see the Metal gate raising up behind it was a long pathway leading inside.
"We're coming!." (Friend's name) screamed back getting a bit irritated.
the two of you walk towards him and proceed to enter not minding the stares of the two guards give to you.
After entering the Metal gate slam down making the torches on the wall the only light source, walking for a few seconds you see a small entrance with a light shining through it and you can also hear the shouts of the people getting louder and louder as you near the entrance.
Passing through it the light blinded you for a moment before you eyes gotten used to it was the moment your eyes widen and your mind gathering everything.
It was a large arena with alot of people sitting or standing on the stands screaming and cheering with their might towards the platform in the center.
You see two large build man fighting against each other with their sword and axe clash together, you can also hear the grunts thanks to your hearing.
"Well that's a bit violent." your friend mumbled.
"That's the point dum-dum." you answered.
After a bit Kled ordered you to stay at the stands before leaving the two of you disappearing somewhere with Skaarl.
watching as the two men fight before suddenly the baldman with an axe bash his head on his opponent making them lose their composition using that chance he kick them in the stomach making his enemy lay on his back as he didn't hesitate to put his axe in their shoulder.
You can hear the man's screams of pain but it was easily cover up by the people's screams of glee around you as if violence was a common entertainment for them.
"Well that's something, they allowed weapons now, nice." you commented.
"Seriously?." (Friend's names) remarked at you but seeing your face emotionless they didn't add more and leave you be.
"LADIES AND GENTELMAN YOUR WINNER!! AGUL THE SLAYER!!!." a man on a more smaller platform on the side of the stands shouted on the top of his lungs announcing the Victor of the fight.
"DO YOU WANT MORE!!!!." he screams with his arms opened as people chanted 'MORE' or 'YES'. While Agul the 'slayer' motioned the people to yell more too while the poor man who lose got drag to another entrance from to opposite side from where we came in.
"NOW WHO WANTS TO CHALLENGE THE GREAT A- huh?." The man who you believe is the host was pulled down by someone as the waist height wall covered the person, the two spoke in hushed tone well to you it was but for the others they didn't hear anything.
"Huh!? You sure-?." But he was cut off by a scratchy voice.
"YES NOW SHUT IT BOY!." the voice you guess was Kled and you also recognize the hat popping out on top of the wall.
"ok you got it a deal." he stood up straighten his clothes and you see Kled rose up with the help of Skaarl and see him wave to you.
"What was that?." (Friend's name) ask confused by the sudden commotion.
"Kled happened." you blunty said still looking at the one eyed yordle with your left eye brow raised.
"(Y/N)!!!!." He finishes dramatically.
people murmured around you looking for the person named (Y/N).
sighing in irritation before standing up and going down a few stairs before jumping to stand on top the wall that seperates the battle ground and the stands where people can watch in a safe distance.
You raise your hand looking bored as you show yourself to the people, you can hear them talking about how your gonna lose or wondered if you can actually fight but you didn't care you were used to people trash talking to you anyway.
you scoff and said to yourself.
"Oh I'll give you the show you'll never forget." you smiled before jumping down and landing on the ground with no problem before walking calmly to the cement covered sand where Agul stands menacingly.
"Hehe your think you can beat me little girl? why don't you just run away and play somewhere else you don't have a chance in this fight". He taunt you as people chant his name and not yours but you know your friend is rooting for you.
"Oh I don't 'think' I can beat you." you smiled at him while he laughs at you as his pride grew more.
"Cuz I 'know' I can beat you ,now let's cut this sweet talk and fight I'm getting a bit bored." you finished with a fake yawn.
He glares at you and grips his axe before throwing it aside.
"I'll make it fair for you then." he smirks.
"Oh! What a gentleman!." You giggle before frowning.
"but you might wanna need it." you said.
He growl before running towards you his large feet stomping the ground feeling it shake under your bare feet.
"This is gonna be fun" you smirk.
Just like the first part pls visit Lol's website to support them and Lol isn't mine the champions the plots etc but the story is mine.
I hope you enjoy this😘
EDITED: 01/18/20 I found some typo and fix them a bit srry.
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My Thoughts on the Potential Personality of a Certain Pharaoh We Never Met
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Hey guys...It’s been a while since I wrote something about YGO specifically and well since that is the main focus of this blog, I thought I’d create another discussion. 
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This particular tidbit (more like a brain fart to be completely honest) is from scrolling through this website and other social media pages and therefore stumbling on the fandom making their theories and headcanons on what Atem’s true personality is. I think we have all seen the jokes on how we as a fandom like to write him off as this super gay, suave, smooth talking, prideful king. The counter argument I often see is that he is socially awkward, fumbling serial killer, with an identity crisis. All of these claims tend to be backed up by people recalling numerous amounts of the original source material from Mr. Takahashi, but sometimes I wonder what could have been. 
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Popular headcanons asides (that means we are not using any ships and/or made up assumptions with no basis), let’s talk about this for a minute. What has Kazuki provided and what can we assume about Atem’s actual character. Despite being a 200+ episode anime, several movies, and over 30 volumes of manga, our favorite author has left a lot to be desired from this guy. Once we’ve discussed the material, I’ll make a personal evaluation of what Atem could have been like had we been able to meet him after he had retrieved all his memories.
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Okay so perhaps the fandom is right about one thing, Atem started out as a borderline serial killer. Well, according to the manga, he has got quite a bit of red on his ledger with multiple violent injuries/deaths by his hands.
Right at the moment Atem’s spirit was reawakened by Yugi completing the Millennium Puzzle, we have an individual very determined to protect his vessel at any cost. Of course not without his own enjoyment in participating in his “Dark Games”. So we can tell Atem is very protective of Yugi, his group of friends, and generally any other innocent bystanders. We can argue he is a little over protective via his deadly methods but I guess it’s the thought that counts right?
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Luckily for Atem’s victims, he stops his magically mind-fucking bullshit after the Duelist Kingdom arc. He never explains why he stops. Perhaps it has to do with his development as a character to not be as ruthless in an attempt to comfort Yugi.  
One attribute Atem does not lose throughout the series is when confronted with any sort of enemy, we see Atem is very confident in his abilities. Another thing the fandom got right is well... he is quite the smooth talker. Despite being from a completely different era, this guy always knows what to say to enemies and rivals alike. Not to mention his motivational speeches to his friends are always quite powerful. If anything I would almost consider Atem a bit of a life coach. He more or less helped raise Yugi and company into the individuals they become. 
Along with giving everyone their moments of support, Atem does a pretty good job blending in with modern society despite being locked up in his own head for thousands of years. I find some individuals, thinking Atem is a complete fumbling socially awkward dork and well, maybe not so much. Sure he has his moments, I think we can all look back on the ‘Date’ episode, but we have to look at which version we are watching/reading. For the sake of accuracy I tend to interpret the Japanese material as it is closest to the manga. As I said, Atem isn’t perfect, he can be very blunt to people when they ask him for an opinion (or telling people it’s the end of the world if he doesn’t win a card game), but I certainly wouldn’t consider him completely ‘socially awkward’ in general. 
But honestly that can be a whole other essay and I’m just talking about basic character traits overall. Now let us discuss some of Atem’s flaws.
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So to make things easier, let us list the flaws as they appeared in both manga and anime:
When Shadi was first introduced to us (manga), we got a glimpse of seeing our favorite dark spirit sweat in the heat of a shadow game. It was revealed that Atem knew little of his true identity and sharing a Yugi’s body meant, that the two would share each others emotions. Moreover, this spirit had fears and doubts just like the rest of us.
As time passes we see more of Atem’s doubts emerge as he becomes more comfortable with Yugi and company, and therefore he expresses his confusion about his past. Where did he come from and who is he and such. This guy needs to have a sense of purpose and being Yugi’s guardian is fine, but at the end of the day, it would be best for him to become his own person.
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There is another interaction in the manga (and in the Japanese version of the anime) that I found interesting. When Atem addresses this identity issue and whether his time on this plain is limited, Yugi kind pushes it off as something he doesn’t want to think about. The kid does it again (god I can’t remember exactly which arc this is, I wanna say DOMA), Atem mentions the issue and Yugi says “You can have my memories”. 
For fans of the pairing (to be honest I’m a boring canon-ish shipper so not my cup of tea, but I get it...this scene is pretty gay) this moment is viewed as tender love and care but I can’t help but notice a pattern and another character flaw. We have a guy with no memories of his own and having an identity crisis but every time he wants to discuss this issue, his best friend tends to push it away. I understand Yugi’s reasoning, that Atem is basically the catalyst for all the good things to happen in his life, but the constant ignoring of the problem for the first half of the series is borderline toxic. Furthermore, it shows Atem is a bit of an enabler when it comes to Yugi. Unlike Joey who loudly addresses the behavior to Atem’s face, Yugi finds comfort in it and for both of them it only makes the journey harder for them in moments of separation.
Just something I thought I’d bring up since I don’t see a lot of people talking about moments of toxicity in this friendship. Not that it is a bad thing, I find it quite interesting and realistic. Not all relationships with people are perfect.
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Last by certainly not least, Atem’s biggest character flaw, is he is one prideful son of a bitch. Yes, I said it. He likes to complain a lot about his rival (Kaiba) about the characteristic when he is also guilty of it. It’s always duelist pride this and duelist pride that, when a lot of the times this bullshit is what almost gets people killed. Atem’s pride kind of ties in with the ruthlessness of his character, where in the ride to victory he sometimes forgets the people he defeats are still humans beings. Take the incident with Arkana, it took Yugi switching back to keep the guy from getting his legs cut off. (Move out the way Jigsaw, Atem is gunning for your spot.) 
But his pride works against him when individuals such as Yami Bakura and Dartz use their words to question his morality. What would Atem do just to obtain victory? While our hero tends to grow from these experiences and beat the bad guys in the end, it does not negate the fact that the pharaoh’s greatest strength also tends to be his greatest weakness.
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Okay so I’ve gotten most of Atem’s characteristics down pat before he retrieves his memories. In summary here is a list of some of his qualities I’ve gathered from the source material.
-protective & caring nature
-generally is confident in his abilities
-good with his words, knowing when to pick someone up and put his enemies down
-Adapts to modern customs and his friends pretty well, especially for someone locked up in a pendant for so long
-easily takes a leadership role (probably a projection of his kingship past) although he is often humble about his status as pharaoh
-his pride keeps his head held high and rises above all challenges
-let’s be real the guy is incredibly blunt (this could be a pro or con depending on preference)
-can be an enabler to Yugi at times
-ruthless nature (let’s be real his kill count is like 5+ people in the manga, probably more)
-has an overall identity crisis
-tends to put others above himself, which at times can be toxic or detrimental to his character
-his own pride can be used against him, placing fear and doubt into his mind (DOMA was a great example of this)
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I feel like every time Takahashi draws him in a new movie, he just adds more flair and muscles (not that I’m complaining)
So now we come to a head and the big question is what are we missing out on? Perhaps one of the reasons Yu-Gi-Oh DM has so much fanfiction and forums about it is the general sense of emptiness the ending of the series left behind. I think dub Tea put it best, (these are not the exact words, I’ve already spent an hour writing this) Atem was leaving us just as we were getting to know him. Finally a season where we get to see him as his own character, and honestly him fighting bad guys and dying for it, was not the way a lot of us would have wanted to see him go. Instead he comes back to duel Yugi but Atem feels so stiff and mysterious. The guy doesn’t even talk to the poor girl crying in front of him. This isn’t a guy who just wanted to up and leave from the get go. But now that he got the information he wanted, suddenly he just says fuck it and gives a thumbs up walking into the light? Nah. I’m sorry to say the Yu-Gi-Oh is not on my top list of anime endings, but it can be one of saddest. 
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I often wonder time and time again, what would have Atem been like around his friends. Maybe he would have more of a sense of humor (like he was with Mana). Would he have more wisdom? Would he be more charming? These are just a few question I and many others have about our favorite pharaoh. But hey that’s what we have headcanons for right?
Now some of you may be wondering, especially as a fanfic writer, what are my own headcanons about Atem? As I mentioned before I guess you can say I’m boring, I prefer canon-ish ships and I try to keep my headcanons as much in line with the source material as I can. Of course I add a tad of my own flair to it so it isn’t completely the same. If anything I try to fix so of the errors I see in the original. 
My headcanon for Atem (post memories): A lot of the qualities I mentioned before would most likely remain the same, if not positively amplified. He certainly wouldn’t be as ruthless as he used to be, the anime/manga has shown his growth from that. He would definitely still be very protective of those he cared about. Although I can’t help but think that after remembering his past, he would carry himself in a regal manner. Possibly even without him noticing because he was raised from birth to become a king. Considering the strong connection with his father, I can see the guy having a keen sense for family bonding, perhaps even wanting one of his own. It is traditional for pharaoh to want to pass on their legacy. I’m also sure we all like to think the guy would be incredibly charming, considering how he always seems to know exactly what to say. Although he would still be blunt with his statements, he isn’t one to lie or hold back. If you ask Atem a question you will get the truth and the honest truth. Pride and honesty are incredibly important to him. While he respects honesty, I can imagine he would like to keep personal matters to himself and not worry others. If anything he would rather stay quiet than create a lie. Lastly considering how humble he tends to be with the people around him and how he values everyone as equals, I can see Atem being very open-minded to try new things and explore various ideologies. He would not judge, or have prejudice. He would be accepting and encourage others to be who they are as long as they were good people.
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 Okay so maybe he would be low-key nervous around pets lol.
Well, that was longer than I planned it to be, but thanks for reading all that if you did. Feel free to add to the conversation or blow up my inbox!
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Adrien AUG-Reste Day 27: Dadrien
Chat Noir has to take care of Ladybug when she gets hit by an akuma's attack. Also, there is a scene in here based on this comic, which was most of my inspiration for this story. 
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Read on Ao3
Another day, another akuma so out of control they are even defying Hawkmoth.
Maybe that explains why they completely lost interest in Chat Noir after he dived after Ladybug. He still had no idea what the akuma’s ability was, but his partner had definitely been hit. Instinct took over after that, but it was only once he landed that he realized that his partner was a lot lighter than she normally was.
When he finally stopped to look for any injuries, his jaw fell open when he realized he was carrying a little girl, no more than three or four years old. A four year old in magical kwami-granted armor, pigtails, and the biggest, bluest eyes he ever saw. His heart melted even as worry gnawed at his gut. There was no way they could continue to fight like this - and he definitely wasn’t about to drop her off somewhere by herself while this wore off.
He bit his lower lip, bouncing up and down in place while cradling her in his arms. It had to be temporary, right? And he had no idea where the akuma went anyway. Maybe if he just… kept an eye on her for a while, she’d go back to normal? The day was still young - although not quite as young as Ladybug was at the moment. What were they going to do until then?
“Pway with kitty!” She reached forward, pawing at his ears that stayed just outside her reach.
“Hey! Young m'lady you can't just go pulling on a distinguished cat's ears!"
Her only response was an entertained giggle as she stubbornly continued her quest.
“Okay, maybe we can burn off some of this energy first,” he mumbled mostly to himself as he tightened his grip on her and leapt up onto the roof tops. There was a park he vaguely remembered from his childhood, one that his mom would take him to.
With the threat of an akuma hanging over people’s heads, the park was unsurprisingly empty. A perfect place for his little lady to exhaust herself while he waited for her to return to normal. However long that took. But he was more than up to the challenge. He was Chat Noir, after all. How hard could watching a four year old be?
The moment Adrien planted himself on a bench, his eyes widened as he watched her running around the open space, narrowly avoiding colliding with various hard, metal playsets as she weaved between them. He immediately sprung to his feet.
“Okay, technically, m’lady you are still in a super suit, but you still need to watch where you’re going!” He yelled after her, but she just laughed and kept doing what she was doing. Their time at the park only got more stressful from there.
He let out a very manly screech. "Young M'lady you get AWAY from the fountain!"
Without having anything to dry her with, both her and her kwami could get sick. Thankfully, she changed her course...
“No! You CANNOT play with the pigeons! They might carry you away!"
...right towards a flock of birds.
It went on like that for nearly an hour and by the end of it, Adrien was feeling more exhausted than little bug was looking. He already felt frazzled and she was still pulling him along by the hand, clearly trying to get… wherever she wanted to go to in a hurry. Which made it all the more jarring when she suddenly changed course to stop and look up at him.
"Kitty? Tummy's growly."
All his previous annoyance with her melted right along with his heart in the face of her pleading expression. It took him a minute to process what she was saying.
"Tummy's... oh! Right. Children need food. And the akuma battle was this morning so you probably didn't get a balanced breakfast."
"Fwench fwies!"
"Now,” he began as he put on his best Stern Parent impersonation, “I don't know who your parents are, but I don't think they'd appreciate- Don't look at me like that, LB. I…” He sighed in defeat. “Fine..."
“Yay!” She started skipping as they walked.
Was this how she was back then? Carefree and adorable? Or was that just part of the akuma magic? Not for the first time, his heart ached with how little he knew the love of his life. Maybe one day they could share their identities and he could find out all there was to know about her. He had to believe that.
Like the park, the fast food joint was mostly abandoned and the cashier was looking at her phone when Adrien walked in. She glanced up at him, only to do a triple take - once to realize a customer had just arrived and another when it hit her that it was Chat Noir. And baby bug.
Mustering as much charm as he could, he smiled warmly at the bewildered staff. “Hello! Can I get two fries and two drinks?”
“Um… yeah.” The cashier - Katia, if her nametag was accurate - said slowly. “That’ll be five euros.”
He reached in his pocket and thanked Plagg for magic as five euros from his normal wallet manifested in his hands. He was just about to hand them over when Ladybug pulled on his free arm.
“I wanna buy it!” She frowned in thought and whispered to him. “Pst! Can I pwease borrow some money?”
He shrugged apologetically to Katia and took back his five euros, handing them to Ladybug, who could only barely see over the counter. She clutched them in her tiny fist for a moment before nudging his elbow and holding the euros up to him. Fighting a smile, he took the euros and handed them to Katia, who was thoroughly bemused at this point.
“We’ll, uh, have them out to you two in… just a minute.” She disappeared behind the counter and Adrien took little bug over to one of the booths. He had her sit on the inside to keep her from getting into mischief.
Thankfully, it proved unnecessary since there was some paper and crayons at the table. She hummed to herself while doodling and he took the opportunity to browse the Ladyblog. Maybe Alya had spotted the akuma while he’d been busy taking care of Ladybug.
He hadn’t found anything by the time their food arrived. From the way her eyes lit up when her fries were put in front of her, it was just as much a treat for her as it was for him. Father would never approve of him having fast food, after all.
“Kitty, here! This for you!”
His attention floated back to her and his heart melted when he saw the crude crayon drawing of a him and a mini Ladybug at the park. They seemed to be having a lot of fun.
“Aww, thank you, little bug. I’ll love it forever!” He took one last tender look at it before carefully folding it up and staching it in his pocket.
They finished their meal and Adrien hoisted her up onto his shoulders once they were out of the restaurant. He wandered back through the park and could feel Ladybug getting antsy above him. That didn’t bother him too much until he heard her start to sniffle.
“Hey,” he said in as soothing a voice as he could, “what’s the hubbub about, bug? Aren’t you having fun?”
“I wanna go home!” She sniffled. “Wanna see papa a-and momma!”
He held her close, heart breaking. It was easy for him to forget that she had a family to go back to.
“I know, little lady, I know. But you have to be Ladybug until we can get you back to normal, okay?”
"Don't wanna be Wadybug anymore! I'm Mawinette!"
The world froze in time for one brief moment. There was a feeling of something shattering. Later, Adrien would assume that was him breaking through the enchantment on the miraculous. For now, he was too stunned to form a reply. Instead, he just held her close while she cried. Her tears pulled him out of his stupor before long and he tightened her hold on him.
“I’m sorry, Marinette…” He gave her a kiss on the top of her head.
He was startled again when she became enveloped in a flash of light. When he was done blinking the spots out of his eyes, he noticed that there were still a lot of spots in front of him - except these were the much more familiar black-on-red spots he was used to. The unexpected weight toppled him over and both him and a restored Ladybug tumbled to the ground.
“Geez, kitty, and I thought I was the clumsy one.” She disentangled herself from him and stood tall. Well, as tall as she usually stood. “What happened? Where did the akuma go?”
“You… don’t remember?” It was a struggle to get any words out, but he was doing his best.
“Well, I got hit by the akuma, you caught me, and you just fell…” She looked around and her brow furrowed. “Does the akuma have teleportation powers? Weird.” She waved him on. “Let’s go find them before they can cause any more harm, Chat Noir!”
She swung off, leaving Adrien to stare blankly after her.
How was he going to break the news to her?
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intelwon · 5 years
Okay, so I wanted to put down some of the things that I want to write and do on this blog. I have a hard time asking for things that I want to do but putting out a sort of “wishlist” so to speak is a good way to start the process I guess? I’ll put it under a read more as I expect this to get quite long, but anyone willing to power through.... you the true mvps. I’m thinking of just listing some ideas and thoughts I have for each character and going from there. If any of these interest you, hmu!!!
Because this already got long quickly, I’m probably gonna post a p2 at some other point (since I have to leave work in a few) but this is just some ideas of what I want to do 
For Magneto, I want to explore A LOT of different ideas. I want to venture into a time where he seeks redemption for his actions. I draw some inspiration from the comics in that his mutation drove him insane to certain degrees and that he was altered and “fixed” by Moira so to speak. I want to see him as a teacher, more first class threads. I want to go off on an au where he was blinded in the experiments during his time at the concentration camps and uses his ability as a means to “see”. 
For Anna Valerious, I want interactions with other werewolves and vampires. I want her to see a world where she may overcome her ignorance to see that they are not all controlled/not all evil. I want interactions where she becomes a werewolf instead of her brother.  I want Anna as part of the rebellion in a Star Wars verse. Her personality fits well with the rebellion and she reminds me a lot about Poe tbh. 
For Emma Swan, s1 interactions are the best interactions and you cant ever change my mind about that. I want more of her bail bondswoman days and pairing up with police or detectives to solve a case accidentally while trying to get her money back. Because she is the product of true love and holds power inside of her, I want supernatural creatures to find her. I have a verse for The Vampire Diaries/The Originals where she becomes a new line of witches because of the magic of what she is and it would make her a target. This could apply in a lot of different ways. 
I wanna get Emma thrown into the Star Wars universe with her verse that can be found HERE because she struggles with light and dark as is seen in ouat and I want to focus on the fact that she is not always entirely good nor is she entirely bad. The struggle is perfect in a star wars setting and she’d have a lot of means to interact with the first order. I also have this little headcanon that could make things A LOT more interesting as well. I have a lot of thoughts on this and could very well discuss it more in depth with people who are interested.
For Hermione Granger, I want threads involving her time after the war. I headcanon her having a mental break, ending up in St. Mungo’s. She struggles with PTSD after what Bellatrix did to her. I want threads of her in her 7th year when she goes back to hogwarts after the battle. I have her canon divergent in that she doesn’t pursue a career in the Ministry and actually becomes a teacher at Hogwarts. Education had been so important for her and to just abandon that seems strangely ooc? I want her teaching the next generation. 
For Elizabeth Shaw I want ALL THE SPACE THINGS. Listen, I don’t use her enough and I need her in a WHOLE BUNCH OF THINGS. She can be in Star Wars, Star Trek, The Expanse, EVENT HORIZON AU. Just, I need all the shit. I need science/space bros. I gotta have it.
For Peter from What Still Remains, I want some post apocalyptic shit. This bitch is a cult leader guys. Like ????? he’s part of a religious cult that leads unsuspecting people to possibly death or to be part of his religion and he’s pretty extremist and crazy. If you catch him before he joins the cult, he probably wouldn’t be bad actually. Probably a normal dude trying to protect himself in the apocalypse. Catch him post-cult after it’s been destroyed then he’s a bit unhinged and probably psychotic. Either way, it’s bound to be an interesting time. 
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Acquiring Debt
sequel to ‘A Bargain’. 
Summary: Edge does not like to be indebted to anyone.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Dirty Lemon Goodness, Kinda Rough Sex, Not enemies so much as ’people who don’t like each other’ having sexytimes. 
Notes: Welp, as I warned, it’s just dirty, dirty lemony goodness. Never let it be said that I can’t rise to a challenge! Enjoy or avoid as per your tastes. 
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
It was becoming very evident to Edge that he hadn’t given Stretch enough credit as a fighter. Because while he had no true gauge of his attack capabilities, his ability to evade was nigh on perfect.
Ever since their brief time together to ‘bond’, as Blue phrased it, two weeks ago, Stretch was managing very effectively to never be alone with him, and did so with surprising cunning. He could play the game of entering through one door and exiting another as well as Sans and Red, it seemed, vanishing soundlessly if Edge followed him into the kitchen or the living room. It was frustrating.
It was intriguing.
But the debt of the last time hanging over his head was an aggravation he was not about to bear, and he wasn’t about to allow Stretch to draw this out, taking extra pleasure in his discomfort.
Edge had a plan of his own and tonight he would implement it.
It was movie night and the Tale brothers were hosting, or rather, Papyrus was, and Sans was doing his best to meld in with the sofa cushions. The coffee table was littered with drinks and bags of potato chisps, surrounded by bowls of dip, two mostly consumed and one carefully disturbed in a way that made it seem as if it was being eaten.
The room only held one sofa and one chair, with other chairs from the dining room being called in to service. Sans, Red, and Stretch claimed the sofa early on and Edge would not take the only comfortable chair from their host. He sat stiffly in the hardback wooden chair, waiting for his chance.
Half a movie in, it came, as he’d known it would.
“gonna step out for a smoke,” Stretch pushed up to his feet, living up to his namesake with a bone-popping groan. “back in a mo’, bros and hoes.”
“Brother—” Blue said exasperatedly, while Sans snickered and Red gave him the finger.
“eh, i didn’t say who was who,” Stretch grinned. He shuffled over to the door and in the moment where it was open but before he stepped through, Edge struck. He stood quickly, stepping up on silent feet.
“I’ll come with you,” he stated aloud, one hand circling Stretch’s humerus. He caught a glimpse of Stretch’s startled face but pushed on, their forward momentum carrying them through the door before Stretch could even form a protest.
Stretch pulled away the moment the door closed behind them, stumbling down the steps to the snow.
“what the fuck are you doing?” Stretch hissed, giving the door behind him glance.
No one else was investigating, as Edge knew they wouldn’t. Red wouldn’t understand why Edge wanted to speak to Stretch but he would certainly understand that he did, and was likely kicking up some sort of fuss to draw the attention of the others. A bad joke or a pun would go a long way as a distraction, and he could count on Red for both.
“I wanted to talk to you, and you’ve been avoiding me,” Edge said bluntly. He didn’t miss the way Stretch’s eye lights slid away from him, wandering to the Gyftmas lights draped from the house with bland, false interest.
“really haven’t, edgelord, dunno where you get these—” Edge stepped forward deliberately and Stretch danced back, demonstrating that he was as light on his feet as Red, after all.
“Why are you…I’m not going to hurt you!” Edge snapped. How was it possible that with one act, he’d somehow made Stretch wary of him when he’d never had the sense to be before?
Stretch gaped at him and then laughed shortly, shaking his head. “the last time i let you get close, you stuck your tongue down my throat!”
That was unexpected information. One act, yes, but apparently not the act that Edge assumed was the issue. He raised a brow bone, watching as Stretch pulled out his cigarettes and lit one. Foul as they were, if they soothed some of Stretch’s agitation, it would be helpful.
He let Stretch have a few smoky breaths then asked, lightly, “You prefer my cock?”
It earned him a started cough and a glare, and he only looked back, waiting.
“yeah, actually,” Stretch snapped, “look, it was a one-time offer, find someone else to pester if you’re trying to get laid.”
“I don’t owe anyone else,” Edge said, a little of his testiness slipping into his voice. Why did the other universes always have to be so difficult?
Stretch stilled, his cigarette frozen halfway to his mouth. He lowered it and gave Edge a look that he couldn’t read. “owe?”
With exaggerated care, Edge explained, “You sucked me off and got nothing in exchange. I’d prefer to clear our debt sooner rather than later. So, what do you want?”
Red was the one who was an expert at reading faces. Edge couldn’t guess what the complicated expression that crossed Stretch’s face meant. But he blew out a sharp breath, tossing his cigarette down to hiss out in the snow. “okay. fuck me.”
That made him blink, unexpected, “Fuck you?”
“yeah. right here,” Stretch said challengingly. He raised his arms and gestured to the snow surrounding him, the empty streets. “if you wanna clear your ‘debt.’”
The finger quotes were highly unnecessary, and Edge nodded. “Very well.”
He grabbed Stretch’s wrist and tugged him along, drawing him around to the side of the house that bordered the garage. He stumbled along with him, grunting as Edge shoved him hard against the side door.
“hey!” Stretch sputtered out. Whatever his protests were, they faltered as Edge slipped a hand into the front of his pants to press his fingers between his legs. A cunt greeted him, too dry yet and unprepared, but quickly growing slippery as he stroked.
“You said right here,” Edge reminded him. It was dark enough that even with the glow of the Gyftmas lights anyone would have to be passing very close by to see them and at this hour, the streets of the Taleverse version of Snowdin were empty.
“okay, yeah…oooh,” Stretch groaned, spreading his legs wider to let Edge’s fingers slip inside him, fingering the soft folds until he was wet and whimpering, shivering with need and likely a little cold.
Edge pulled his hand free, raising it to his face and inhaling deeply. The sweet musk of Stretch’s magic was too tempting to resist; he licked his slick fingers, sucking them clean and watching as Stretch’s eye lights widened.
That sweetness was gone too quickly and for a moment, he mourned that going to his knees to steal a more direct taste was not in the bargain. Instead, he undid his own belt, lowering his trousers enough to free his cock, wincing at the chill air. He slapped away Stretch’s hands when he reached for it, instead reaching out to yank his track pants down.
“what are you—” Stretch squawked as Edge caught hold of him and lifted, hooking Stretch’s knees over elbows. It was awkward, clothes caught between them and Stretch’s shoes resting on his shoulders, but this was no place to undress and they didn’t have time for it, anyway. He pressed Stretch against the door, his cock grazing the slick opening, but the angle was wrong.
“Put me inside you,” Edge said harshly and even in the darkness he could see a faint flush rise in Stretch’s cheekbones. But he did it, fumbling between them until he could line Edge’s cock up with his softened entrance, enticing warmth amidst the cold around them.
With a shift of his hips, Edge pushed inside, sliding in deep, and Stretch scrabbled against him frantically, fingers digging in, “oh! oh, fuck!”
“Am I hurting you?” Edge grunted, pausing until Stretch shook his head frantically.
“no!” Stretch gasped. His cunt clenched tight as Edge pushed in deeper, but his garbled cries held only desperate encouragement, “ah, you…shit!”
Awkward as it was, Edge managed to shift Stretch’s weight enough to cover his mouth with a hand, hissing out, “Be quiet!”
Not that anyone nearby couldn’t guess what was happened. They thumped against the door with every thrust in a telling rhythm, Edge driving hard into him, again and again. It was unexpectedly overwhelming, the hot slickness of Stretch’s cunt around him, the faint burn of effort in holding up his light weight against the door, the muffled cries and pleas caught in his hand.
He could feel Stretch getting close, the exquisite rippled around his cock as his pussy clenched in a telescoping grip, and Edge bit his tongue until he could taste his own magic, focusing on that bright pain as Stretch shook in his arms, his eye lights rolling back as he quivered.
Edge waited until the aftershocks slowed before starting to pull out. Only to pause at the sudden, furious sounds coming from behind his hand.
He pulled his hand away, “What?”
“what are you doing?” Stretch whispered, indignation dripping from each word as readily as the slickness down his femurs.
“You came.”
That brought a fresh wave of outrage, the paleness of his eye lights shading to orange. “you didn’t. you aren’t stopping.”
“That wasn’t the deal,” Edge reminded him, letting that faint orange flare even brighter before he offered, “If you want a new bargain, then let me kiss you.”
For a moment, Edge honestly thought Stretch was going to form an attack; he’d never fought anyone with his dick hanging out before and was not looking forward to the challenge. Instead, he rocked his hips, pressing deep into welcoming slickness and watched the sharp irritation haze, dimming.
“…fine,” Stretch groaned, the word swallowed instantly in a hard kiss. Teeth caught at Edge’s invading tongue with punishing pressure and he didn’t care. He only licked into that mouth until he found the sweetness beneath the faint bitter of smoke, even as he fucked into Stretch again. The slick sounds of their coupling matched with the soft thuds of the door and every soft, sweet cry that caught in Stretch’s throat.
His own groans were spilling into Stretch’s mouth, helplessly. He was close, unable to stop driving into that wet, clenching heat, greedily trying for deeper, for more. Until that slick pussy tightened again and Stretch choked out a wail, his finger bones scratching at Edge’s skull hard enough to leave marks as he came with a breathtaking convulsion.
Edge broke the kiss to watch his face tightening beautifully, his mouth colorfully smeared with both their magic the same as his cunt would soon be. That thought, coupled with the view and alongside the rippling constriction around his cock was enough drag him over into his own pleasure. He pressed deep, coming hard inside Stretch, groans escaping through his clenched teeth. Until he sagged, his knees weakening, leaning them both heavily against the door as he panted, their breath mingling the same as their bodies had.
All too soon, Stretch was squirming in his arms. “let me down.”
Slowly, Edge did, lowering his feet back to the ground…and catching him when he wobbled unsteadily, his pants sliding down to puddle on top of his shoes.
The darkness robbed the world of most of its color, but he could still see wetness trailing down Stretch’s femurs, glistening in the Gyftmas lights. Unsteadily, Edge reached out to touch, fingers sliding as he drew them upward, slicking them.
“thanks for the help, but i can clean up on my ow—” the word broke on a squeal as Edge pressed his fingers into him, pushing his come back inside. Stretch’s cunt was stinging hot, surely still sensitive, and it was not unexpected to have his hand slapped furiously away. “stop that, you fucking pervert!”
“Here.” He pulled a handkerchief from his inventory and Stretch snatched it away from him furiously, wiping up the mess as best he could. Edge watched deliberately while fastening his own belt, even as Stretch glared at him, jerky anger in his movements.
“aren’t you afraid of getting more debt from watching the show,” he asked, snidely, tugging his pants back into place. Almost, he tossed the soiled cloth down and visibly hesitated, the handkerchief vanishing into his own inventory instead. It would seem even he didn’t want to leave evidence for their hosts to find in the morning.
“Not if you’re going to stand in the open like that,” Edge told him easily. Whatever Stretch was muttering beneath his breath was fouler than the cigarettes he was taking out, but before he could light one, Edge grabbed the front of his sweatshirt and pulled him close, ignoring his startled yelp to steal another kiss.
Stretch’s mouth was no less furious than the sounds escaping it, and Edge winced as his tongue was truly bitten this time, the taste of his own magic overshadowing the sweetness of Stretch’s. He drew back, touching his tongue and looking at his fingers, reddened with his magic.
There was a smear of it on Stretch’s teeth as well and his eye lights were a fury, gloriously orange.
Edge only smirked, licking his own teeth. “Now that? That was a debt.” He turned to walk back to the house, calling back, “Let me know what I owe you.”
The amount of swearing behind him was astonishingly creative, cutting off as Edge stepped back into the house. His entrance was only worth a couple of curious looks and this time, Edge settled to sit on the end of the sofa next to his brother, already anticipating the seething from Stretch over him stealing his seat.
Red’s glance at him lingered tellingly, and he leaned in close enough to murmur, too low for the others to hear, “guess you’re one of the hoes.”
“Time will tell,” Edge told him, softly, ignoring the movie.
Soon enough the door was going to open, and he didn’t want to miss the show.
He’d paid enough for it, after all.
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 7x09 Never Leave Me
aka tired of subtle
We did it, guys! We made it to the last season! Also, hello if you’re new, and stumbled upon this without context. As usual, these impromptu text posts are the product of my fevered mind as I rant about the episode I just watched for an hour (okay, sometimes perhaps two). Anything goes!
And I prefer today’s episode to Sleeper as a post-Big-Bad-reveal kick-off to our season’s main arc in multiple ways. Also, Willow drags Andrew. Literally.
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Season 7, as a whole, struggles from the main story arc taking up too much of its time. People often hate on filler episodes, but the truth is, you can’t fill out 22 episodes of television with a singular, focused story arc. And you shouldn’t.
Not to mention that fillers are a great way to explore characters without being bogged down by an overarching plot. (So stop hating on their concept, just because some shows do them badly.)
Buffy at its best realized that these things – your main arc, your character stories and your fillers – can coexist in the same episodes. Some of the best episodes of the show are one-off stories, using a unique set-up or villain of the week while focusing on characters and pushing the season arc on some level.
Unfortunately, the structure of season 7 makes it much harder to tell these kinds of stories. Our Big Bad is ever-present, and the battles and confrontations with it are constant throughout the season, once the reveal happens in episode 7.
I’m pointing this out not to criticize Never Leave Me, but to emphasize how good it is, and why the issue of the season has more to do with trying to keep up with the pace this episode sets.
Oh, yeah. Hot takes I guess about the episode that ranks 98th on iMDB. Never Leave Me is pretty good.
(I kinda wanna look up each episode’s iMDB ranking at this point before writing up on them, just for funsies, but I also don’t want to be influenced by the popular opinions? The struggle.)
To be fair though, part of my fondness for this episode comes from my feelings regarding the previous one. Watching it, I felt like I was seeing a much better version of what a follow up to Conversations with Dead People would look like.
And a lot of that has to do with Spike. And Buffy.
I spent the last time ranting at length about how I just don’t connect with Spike, and that’s okay. Pretty much all Buffy characters are incredibly flawed, and we all relate to and/or gravitate towards different ones, based on our own experiences. I love that. I love that these are well-rounded characters who change and grow in both surprising and consistent ways.
I also like Spike much better in this episode, because his story relates to Buffy much more strongly. Which does seem to be the best way for me to find a connection to Spike in any given episode (see also: Fool for Love).
I guess another aspect is that unlike Sleeper, this episode focuses much less on his romanticism. He instead talks about his past. About the horrific things he’s done. About his and Buffy’s self-hatred. About how he understands it and that she used him now, and how he didn’t back then.
More importantly, Buffy gets to fire back. She did tell him all those things last season. It’s why she ended things with him in the first place. She also challenges his assumptions about that self-hatred as a current motivation in what’s decidedly my favorite scene of the episode.
SPIKE:  “Have you ever really asked yourself why you can’t do it? Off me? […] You like men who hurt you.” BUFFY:  “No.” SPIKE:  “You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer.” BUFFY:  “No. I don’t hate like that. Not you, or myself. Not anymore. You think you have insight now because your soul’s drenched in blood. You don’t know me. You don’t even know you. […} Listen to me. You’re not alive because of hate or pain. You’re alive because I saw you change. Because I saw your penance. […] You faced the monster inside you and you fought back. You risked everything to be a better man.”
I love this scene, because Spike posits something that’s in line with Buffy’s own fears about her relationships, something that she voices as far back as season 4. That maybe she herself seeks out these painful, dramatic romances.
…But this discussion isn’t really just about that, isn’t it? And even if Buffy hasn’t quite landed yet on how to approach her romantic history, she has plenty of self-knowledge. She knows why she hasn’t and won’t kill Spike now.
Buffy sees and believes in the best of people. Even when they don’t. And here she shows the same compassion to Spike that she did to Angel as far back as season 1.
See, she’s a protector, not a killer. And one with a huge fucking heart at that.
That’s why she didn’t kill Spike. At worst, she saw him as non-threatening to others after his chip debacle, at best, she saw a potential for him to become better.
Still. How does one reconcile this characterization of Buffy with what we see in Selfless? Has Anya not proved more than enough times that she can be better? That she’s more than just the vengeance demon she used to be?
Worse, when Buffy and Xander argue about the difference between stopping Anya then, and Willow at the end of season 6, Buffy’s argument doesn’t really make sense once you think about it. She says that they weren’t planning on killing Willow, because Willow’s human. But from everything we know of vengeance demons, there really isn’t any distinction between them and a human with powers. They still have their souls.
So the distinction Buffy makes between Anya’s and Willow’s case feels arbitrary. And so does the decision to not kill Spike at certain points of the story.
But that’s what Buffy says in Selfless, isn’t it? “Someone has to draw the line.” And in a world with no clear-cut black and white morality, that line is arbitrary.
Buffy’s been acutely aware of the fact that the world she operates in is full of grey areas ever since Lie to Me. There are no easy answers or choices, even when you’re fighting literal creatures from hell, but someone has to makes these decisions regardless. Someone has to draw the line. And that’s Buffy.
But I think that’s why she finds it all the more important to choose hope sometimes. She has to be prepared, yes, and she can’t rely on the power of love alone, as discussed before. Her responsibilities come first. But she can offer a choice.
Even in Selfless, one of the most important moments for Buffy is when she implores Xander to find her another way to deal with Anya. Which is what Willow ends up doing, by asking D’Hoffryn to offer up the same kind of choice to Anya, that Buffy felt unable to in this situation.
Never Leave Me is also the episode where the gang meets Andrew again. More accurately, Willow runs into him, and he’s terrified. As he should be.
ANDREW:  “Warren killed Tara. I didn’t do it. And he was aiming for Buffy anyway.” WILLOW:  “Not making it better.”
In case you missed it, this was a direct callback to another scene:
WARREN:  “It was an accident, you know.” WILLOW:  “Oh. You mean, instead of killing my best friend, you killed my girlfriend.”
Listen, all I’m saying that if Willow flayed Andrew after that line? I wouldn’t have blamed her.
But Willow these days is less about the murder, so instead she just stares incredulously at Andrew after that little moment of rage-inducing blunder. And they both nerd-monologue at each other, I guess?
(Sidenote: I don’t think I ever got around to mention this with the last season, but there’s an interesting and somewhat uncomfortable interpretation of the Trio, as a mirror to Willow’s own character. Mostly the worst parts of her at that of course, but there are definitely some parallels here; particularly to Warren and his tech savviness, and Jonathan and his magical abilities. Andrew is probably the least obvious example though – unless we take his relentless gay-coding as a nod to that.)
This whole storyline of course ends up being played mostly for comedy, as Anya and Xander take it upon themselves to test their interrogation techniques on Andrew. And it’s fun, too, seeing them work together without the added baggage that was their romantic relationship. It makes me both root much more for them to get back together, and wish that they wouldn’t, because they work so much better like this.
Even if Xander’s speech to Andrew is obviously supposed to be about himself, and how he’s still not over Anya.
XANDER:  “There was this one guy, her hurt her real bad, so she paid him back. She killed him, but she did it real slow. See, first she stopped his heart, then she replaced it with darkness, then she made him live his life like that. But he still had to go do his job, and see his friends, and wake up in the morning, and go to bet ad night, but he had to do it all empty. Without anything to look forward to. Ever.”
Honey… I know you know this, but you did this to yourself.
Oh, and isn’t it fun that when the Harbringers attack, one of the first things they do is knock Willow unconscious? It’s almost as if the show is trying not to call attention to the fact, that she could probably take these guys out in a second with magic.
But at least this gives Dawn some chance to kick ass, so that’s always a plus.
Another side-plot that’s happening is with my boy, Robin, who finds Jonathan’s body in the basement. And decides to bury It instead of telling anyone about it.
I’m sure there’s an explanation to this other than making us believe that he’s a bad guy, but I honestly can’t even remember. We’ll see, I guess.
The episode ends with Buffy making the connection that they’re up against the First, and the First itself monologuing at Spike about how it’s tired of being subtle. Which feels very meta in an ironic kind of sense from the show, but also marks a questionable turn in the season arc.
There’s a lot of cool concept and potential (hehe) in the First as a Big Bad, that we’ve seen demonstrated in Conversations with Dead People. It knows things. It can appear as anyone you know who died. It can mess with you in infinite ways.
In this scene though, the First is talking about bringing these Uruk-hai vampires to the surface, and that’s just not as interesting as those other tactics. Even if Buffy gets to have cool fights with them.
But that’s still to come. Who knows, maybe I’ll appreciate the super vampires after all.
Also appreciated – those scene of Quentin and the Watcher’s Council being their usual, holier-than-thou selves, keeping information from Buffy, and relying on empty platitudes... immediately followed by them getting blown up.
Yeah. This show’s anything but subtle, that’s for sure.
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dragonshost · 6 years
Gajeel x Lyon + challenge
Two years after his first, Gajeel found himself participating in the Grand Magic Games once again.  The preliminaries had been beyond easy this year, but somehow Fairy Tail’s other team that had been entered had failed it - and had nearly drowned in the process.  Luckily, Gajeel had had plenty of experience nearly being drowned by Juvia over the years - not to mention that aquatic demon from Tartaros - so passing had been a simple matter for him.
He was greatly looking forward to showing off this time around.  Natsu’s stunt during their double battle still stung the iron dragon slayer’s pride, and he intended to rectify the slight in this go around.  So it was little surprise to anyone on the team that he volunteered for the first group event, a game called simply “Glacier.”
Entering the arena to a decent amount of fanfare, Gajeel carefully sized up his fellow competitors for the event.  He didn’t recognize half of them, but the ones he did he knew he needed to watch out for.  There was the swordswoman from Mermaid Heel - the one with gravity defying magic that had nearly fought Erza on equal terms two years ago.  The snow mage from Blue Pegasus, a former Rune Knight like Gajeel.  And the ice wizard from Lamia Scale, the one that had pursued Juvia relentlessly.
“Now that all participants are on the field, it’s time to announce the rules of the game!” the pumpkin headed referee stated with glee, bouncing from foot to foot.  “In ‘Glacier,’ we have a special treat for you all...”  With a wave of his hand, Mato ushered in four glowing magic circles.  From within them, sprouted towering columns... of beautiful, gleaming blue ice.
“Your task is to carve these into whatever you choose!” Mato informed them.  “Make anything you want!  The sky is the limit!  Within reason, that is.  Please do not abuse the contest creators’ goodwill by making something crass.  Aside from that, let your imaginations flow!  But keep in mind that the judges each have their own particular taste, and that will affect their decisions accordingly.”
Frowning, the ice wizard contemplated the pillars.  “Excuse me, if we will each be carving these, why are there only half as many as there is participants?  Will some of us not be allowed to carve?”
“An excellent question!  The reason is that, for this game... you will have to cooperate with someone in order to get it accomplished!  Drawing straws will determine the matchups, and the points awarded will be split evenly between you.  Winning team gains ten points, second place gains six, third place gains two, and last place gains none.  Individually, that’s five, three, one, and zero points you may gain for your guild.”
“Interesting,” the Blue Pegasus mage said.  “I chose to participate because of the event’s name, but I might be at a disadvantage here. However... if my partner is sufficiently skilled, we can sill potentially gain the top place.”
“Correct!” Mato exclaimed.  “Now, without further ado, let’s decide the teams.”
Gajeel stepped forward first, with a triumphant grin on his face.  “Let’s see if my partner can even keep up with my first-rate artistry.”
“An excellent attitude!” Mato stated.  “Once everyone is finished drawing, find the other participant with the same number, and the ice block that is labeled the same.”
He came away clutching a straw that blinked with a magical 4.  Walking over to the block, he was soon joined by the ice wizard from Lamia Scale.
“Hello there.  I don’t believe we’ve ever spoken before,” the white-haired man said congenially.  “I’m Lyon Vastia, of Lamia Scale, and an Ice-Make mage.”
“Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer.  From Fairy Tail,” Gajeel responded, shaking the other man’s proffered hand.  “With your magic, I bet you’re pretty good at things like this.”
Lyon nodded.  “Indeed, I am.  With your ability to cut the ice easily, this challenge is as good as won.”
Their conversation was cut short by Chapati announcing the partnerships for this challenge.  “On Column One, we have quite the cute team-up!  Mattan Ginger and Nalshe Mikagura from Twilight Ogre and TItan Nose make quite the beautiful team, wouldn’t you say?”
“Quite so,” agreed Arcadios, the second judge on the panel.  Yajima had declined to be a judge this year, claiming his age made the endeavor more difficult with each passing year.  So instead, the knight was chosen to fulfill the vacant spot.  “Although they do pale in comparison to the princess, in my humble opinion.  What do you think, Mr. Roderick?”
Roderick Snodden, renowned art critic and guest judge for the first day, nodded solemnly.  “They are indeed easy on the eyes.  But can they bring forth beauty through a vastly different medium, such as this?  I’m looking forward to seeing what they will bring forth from the ice.”
The women waved enthusiastically at the crowd, all smiles and charm, and the stadium went absolutely wild as Mattan blew them a kiss.
“On Column Two,” continued Chapati, moving along, “we have Kagura Mikazuchi of Mermaid Heel and Dobengal of Sabertooth.  I must say that I’m really looking forward to this one.  Both of them are renowned fighters, after all, with similarly serious dispositions.  I’m sure whatever they carve, it will be amazingly detailed.”
“Their matching aesthetics in terms of their wardrobe is also quite promising to me,” commented Roderick.
“I agree as well,” stated Arcadios.
“On Column Three, we have the male counter to the team up on Column One!  With Eve Tearm of Blue Pegasus and Mace Orlando of Phoenix Grave, the male gender is certainly being well represented in the beauty department as well!”
“Indeed,” Arcadios and Roderick said in unison, pleased smiles on their faces, not able to get much in edgewise around the fevered screaming that had erupted from the stands.  Both of the male contestants had quite the following.
“And finally, on Column Four, we have... Gajeel Redfox representing Fairy Tail, and Lyon Vastia representing Lamia Scale.”
“Is it just me,” Lyon commented under his breath, “or was our team’s announcement lacking the vigor of the others?”
“I must say that Gajeel doesn’t particularly strike me as the artistic type,” Roderick stated bluntly, disinterest written clearly on his face.
“Perhaps his partner will balance it out somewhat,” interjected Arcadios.  “He is, after all, a maker mage.  Imagination and craftmanship go hand in hand, there.”
“So long as the brute doesn’t drag him down.”
The dragon slayer spluttered, and shook a fist at the judges box.  “No artistic sense?!  I’ll show you artistic sense!  Get down here and I’ll make real pretty work of your faces!”
“Calm down,” cajoled Lyon, sweat running down his face at the display.  “We need to win this for our guilds, so lets not lose sight of that goal.  Besides, the best revenge would be to shock and amaze them, wouldn’t you agree?”
Although he grumbled, Gajeel backed down.  “Alright, let’s do this.”
Introductions completed, Mato raised his arm, a giant timer appearing above the stadium.  “Teams!  Begin on my mark...”  The mascot dropped his arm.  “Go!”
The teams conferred briefly, but it wasn’t long until ice chips began to fly through the air as the carving contest got under way.  The judges began to commentate on the progress of the groups.
Meanwhile, Lyon and Gajeel found themselves at an impasse.
“We have to consider the column’s dimensions,” Lyon informed Gajeel, his brows furrowing in his irritation.  “So there’s no way we can make the things you suggested.  I think we should go with a crane, and to avoid making mistakes, you’ll do the carving, while I direct you.”
“Oh hell no.”  Gajeel’s lips twisted into a sneer.  “No way am I doing all the hard work while you just stand there, and no way am I making some prissy-ass bird.  I say we make a guitar, that would be much more cooler, and shows off my musical soul.”
“A guitar?”  Disgust filled Lyon’s face.  “We’ll be judged based on difficulty and artistry, you realize.  What’s artistic about a guitar?”
Gajeel bristled at the heinous insult the ice make mage had just delivered.  “You wanna say that again, pal?”
“I’ll say it as many times as I need to,” Lyon retorted.  “It’s far too simplistic of a design to win us first place, and not really pleasing to the eye.”
“I take it you have zero experience with rock n’ roll fans,” Gajeel stated bluntly.  “You don’t look like you have a musical bone in your body.”
Lyon took deep offense at that.  “I’ll have you know that I-”
“Uh oh.  Look’s like there’s trouble over on Column Four!” Chapati announced.  “Seems like they haven’t even started yet, and are still arguing over what to make!”
So engrossed in their discussion, Lyon and Gajeel both failed to take heed of the the judge’s commentary.
In fact, their argument became so heated that they failed to notice as the timer continued to tick down, down, down...
“Aaaaaand, time’s up!” Mato called out, signalling the end of the challenge with a blow of his whistle.  “Everyone stop carving and step away from your creations.”
Gajeel and Lyon looked towards their untouched pillar of ice, cold dread welling up inside their chests and bullets of sweat running down their faces as they faced their grave error.
“Let’s begin the judging phase,” Mato stated, gesturing towards where Column One had previously stood.
“Mattan Ginger’s fire and ice powers were quite the sight to behold during the carving phase, and very unique in terms of technique,” Arcadios observed.  “Although I must confess that I’m not very artistically inclined myself, so I have... no idea what this sculpture is intended to be.”
“Fool!” declared Roderick, stars shining in his eyes.  “It’s clearly a willow tree!  Such a beautiful one, too.  With the melted and refrozen ice it lends the sculpture the illusion of waving fronds.  I absolutely love it.  If it were marble, I’d have purchased it and had it shipped to my home already.”
“You’ll just have to settle for photographs of it, I’m afraid,” Chapati remarked.  “I definitely see what you’re talking about though, and I must say that I am also suitably impressed.”
Mattan and Nalshe exchanged a high-five, happy with the results thus far and what they had accomplished in such little time.
They wrote down their evaluations, hiding the final score until the reveal at the end, and then turned to judging the second team.
Kagura and Dobengal stood proud of their work, and Arcadios beamed at their creation.  “A sword!” he declared.  “What an excellent inspiration.”
Roderick hummed and frowned.  “I must say that I’m not particularly impressed with this one.  The detail work on the finer points deserves some merit, however, I’m afraid that the subject matter just does not entrance me.”
“I think it looks fantastic.”  Chapati nodded to himself.  “It’s easily recognizable for what it is, and the detail work is stunning.  I say well done.”
Also pleased with how their work had been received, both Kagura and Dobengal bowed to the judges, and then to each other.
Likewise with the second pair, the third seemed immensely pleased with themselves.  And unlike the first two teams, they had somehow procured a cloth to cover up their creation for what would hopefully be a dramatic reveal.
“I’m excited to unveil this sculpture!” remarked Chapati.  “What could lie beneath the cloth?!”
Mato pulled back the covering, the cloth sliding down to pool at the sculpture’s base.
There stood a gargantuan, eerily lifelike and incredibly detailed bust of Ichiya’s face.
Dead silence filled the stadium.
“I call it, A Reflection Of Perfection,” Eve stated, a hand clutched over his heart.  “A tribute to my amazing teacher and guide in life, Sir Ichiya.”
Profuse, incredibly loud sobbing erupted from the Blue Pegasus gallery, as Ichiya broke down with joy over the sculpture, snot and tears dribbling freely down his face.
“I must admit that I’m a fan of the classics,” admitted Mace.  “And Ichiya of Blue Pegasus has to have one of the most classic visages I have ever encountered, so it was a pleasure to pay it homage.”
“...Strikingly detailed,” Roderick stated, though his voice was much more subdued than it had been for the previous sculptures.  “I can see the stubble, even from the judges box.  And the tribute to classicism is much appreciated.”
“It can certainly be said that it rendered us all speechless,” Chapati offered, somewhat weakly.  “
Arcadios appeared to be as frozen as the sculpture was.
“...And finally, Column Four,” Chapati said, drawing the topic away from the bust of Ichiya.  “Unfortunately, it would appear as if this team was too busy arguing to work on the carving at all.  Their ice appears to be completely untouched.”
“A pity,” Arcadios said.  “Teamwork was a key component of this challenge, and in lacking that, they have failed to create anything at all.”
Shame burned through Lyon and Gajeel in equal measure, their faces stained with red.
“Hold on,” commanded Roderick, the art critic holding up a hand to prevent the other two from handing down a judgement of failure.  “I don’t think you two see it.”
“See... what, precisely?” Chapati threw Roderick a questioning look.  “Nothing was done to the ice block.”
The man slammed his fist down on the table.  “Precisely!” he shouted, causing the other two judges to draw back slightly in surprise.  “Don’t you see?  That’s why it is perfection itself!”
“Perhaps you could explain it, then,” suggested Arcadios, sharing a brief, confused glance with Chapati.
“It’s a blank slate,” Roderick told them, his eyes shining with the force of the awe that he felt.  “The block of ice stands there, proud and unyielding, like a monolith.  A monolith of potential, for every possible thing it could become remains inside it still!  Hundreds of sculptures, existing simultaneously!  It bursts with imagination, for anything it could become!”  Tears began to gather in the man’s eyes, and he gave a heavy sniff.  “I have never, in all my career, seen anything quite so beautiful as this.  Day in and day out, I gaze upon gorgeous things.  Perhaps that has made me a little unappreciative of them all.  But now, I see the light.  For the first time in years, my eyes are wide open to the beauty of possibility.  I thank you, good sirs, for showing me something so wonderful on this day.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!”
When the final scores were handed down, Gajeel and Lyon were not surprised in the least to find that they had taken last place, with zero points.  After all, despite how much one judge had liked it, the other two still saw the block of ice as a failure to complete the challenge’s objectives.
But it was worth it, afterword, when Roderick approached Gajeel and Lyon behind the scenes to enthusiastically shake their hands and thank them profusely once again.
Gajeel had changed the man’s opinion of him, which was what he had wanted to do in the first place.
And Lyon?  Lyon reflected that this was an opportunity in the making, for self-growth and friendship.
So he invited Gajeel to carve one with him for real, this time.  Or maybe several.  Everything they had wanted to create, they could attempt after all.
Gajeel accepted, wholeheartedly.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Devilish Delight
Welcome, welcome! Please call me Gil :) I have posted here before and was very happy with the results, as it helped me quite a bit finding amazing partners! Through my recent post I met amazing partners who I share a great Roleplay with. But now I am also really craving for another kind of RP, a darker one… with less boundaries and more grit. It’ll be a hell of a good time! 

Stay seated because puns will be rolling through this whole shebang :P (And they will be terrible.)
My mind has become restless with the idea that has been haunting me recently - a Roleplay involving Devilish creatures, Demons, Demon Hunters as well as the concept of Heaven and Hell. And no I don’t mean in a biblical sense… more in a mythological kind of sense. I am heavily inspired by original lore and creating our own version of it.

But before I whip out an excerpt from my idea, a few things first! 
 If you reach out to me, please be sure not to ghost me after the first few messages before we even get to the Roleplay itself. Don’t write to me without a proper thread, or a simple one-liner like ‘Hey, I’ve come across your rp ad on tumblr and I thought I’d message you. Wanna rp?’ sort of thing. Short and lacklustre messages will also be ignored, sorry :( I am currently searching for a literate, mature (preferably 20+ partner) writer with a vast, creative mindset willing to push some boundaries. Someone who is not afraid delving into darker themes, or come up with new fresh ideas for a fantasy plot. Someone who is willing to commit to a long-term Roleplay. Are you that someone? I’ll swing you a few facts about me: I am a 20+ woman, living in Europe, currently studying at a university that is fairly time consuming. With that being said, I am able to type out 3-4 messages per week. I think tis a good solid rate that can get the plot going. Depending on my schedule, my frequency will increase or decrease. Not to worry, I will let you know as soon if there is something coming up that might influence the Roleplay. I love detailed paragraphs that describe a scenery and emotion of one’s character. If you are someone comfortable or only willing to type one-liners, you are not going to find your match here, sorry. I only role-play on either email or goggle docs.
    Above the age of 20, thus mature and open minded
    Paragraph writer
    Experienced with 10 years under my belt
    Preference to doubling
I love a good brainstorming. Once we get to know each other, I would love to do a bit of strategising, erecting a system in our own world, a gathering of ideas that we can utilise for the story. 
Here’s a detailed description of my style and boundaries that I have for a potential RP. How I write: I am a multi-paragraph sort of writer, which means that frequently, my writing will exceed at least 500 words, and upward of 1000+ words. I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. Generally, I tend to write in the 3rd person. But it can change based on the situation. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in erudite writing.   The genres I am into: I am versatile when it comes to genres and settings that I like to focus on. Supernatural is my bread and butter, especially urban and gothic fantasy, but also very much mythological stories. But I am not opposed to tapping into science fiction, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, though my most favourite is a combination of both fantasy and science fiction. What has struck my interest lately, is a world with gargantuan titan like monsters battling against each other, causing all sorts of havoc and devastation. I was heavily inspired by Pacific Rim, Godzilla and other monster themed movies, films and games. We could forge something original along those lines, like a clash of titans, ancient deities and creatures believed to be myth who now awakened to take back the world by storm. For the Roleplay I would like to take a lot of elements from the Lovecraftian lore and a bit of inspiration from Hellboy. I love to mesh multiple genres together to make it an original and different sort of universe. Romance: I openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might excel in this category more than I would do with the others. I do not fade to black - instead I encourage erotism and tastefully written romance scenes. The passion must be felt, even if its just an intelligent description of someone’s stream of thought. I am double friendly and prefer it over a single pairing! Characters, the center of attention: Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely welcome / sufficient. I am not someone who necessarily requires a face claim for a character in order ‘to get the picture’. There are many instances where I could not find a suiting match for my character’s definition, so I resorted to drawing them myself or leaving it with a simple description. Characters should have flaws - that is a no brainer obviously, because its what makes them most interesting and compelling to read. I think we’re also far past the Mary Sue and Gary Stu issue, so I am certain that anyone who messages me, is capable of forging great characters. World building & plotting: An active Roleplayer is wanted in this category, without a doubt. I love to build but I tend to lose interest real quick when I get the feeling I’m the only one who puts effort into it. I can’t do the thinking for two people, so I implore anyone to at least share the burden (which should not be regarded as such in the first place, because Roleplaying is a fun hobby and nothing more). Too often I find people shying away from it in this regard. If I feel that I’m carrying the weight of the world-building part with specific ideas, I will end the Roleplay with immediate effect. Be bold with your ideas! A bird cannot fly with only one wing. Content: I find writing erotic, dramatic or action packed scenes very enjoyable. I don’t hinder myself when certain subjects are mentioned that may be uncomfortable for the general public. But then again, as a reminder, a Roleplay is not reality but fiction. For example situations that heavily imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture are things that don’t really bother me in a sense, because again, it is fiction. Characters should be fully fleshed out, even the not so pretty parts of one’s personality and actions. Limits: I don’t do necrophilia, pedophilia & and any sort of underage pairings, bestiality, vore, toilet play, furries and other strange fetishes. What I’m also not particularly fond of are oneliners, text-talk ‘grammar’, or emails with the subject: ‘Hey wanna rp?’ or ‘RP?’. I also note that my partners must be around 20 years or older, I will accept no younger partners, sorry. The last thing I tend to avoid like the plague are slice of life Roleplays, because lets face it, our own lives are pretty much slice of life. MY IDEA: So this idea takes place in a world that is modern, much like ours but different in some ways. Humans have evolved enough to not believe in the supernatural and rely on technology. However this cannot be further from the truth …. Devils and demons are hiding in the shadows, creating their own little network among mortals, possessing, draining and eventually killing them. Spirits whisper things, inspiring people with the best and worst of ideas, driving them to reach their ultimate happiness or demise. Although rare, magic seeps through every crack of reality. With each passing year the spectacles increase until the veil finally breaks, unleashing demons into our world. Corruption, violence, deviation and other carnal vices become rampant in the world, especially in capital cities. Who or what set them free? And what is the purpose behind all of this? What powers have come into play here?
Well… this can be answered by a multitude of characters who are willing and capable enough to take the infernal bull by the horns. An extremely sharp and intelligent detective who comes to realise that there are powers at play here beyond anyone’s control - a secret agent who specialises in the supernatural with a dubious mission to end it one way or the other - an extremely experienced demon hunter with his target set on destroying evil - a halfbreed, born from a devilish father and human mother who shares a great vendetta against the world - and a world class thief blessed / cursed with the eyes of the devil, granting her inexplicable powers and the ability to see evil. Who will be the one to save the world and who will be the one to destroy it? Who will win in the Devil's Dalliance? Of course we can totally rearrange things here and there, change it up, modify the story and create our own cities, characters and so forth. Its just a very rough concept that I am dying to role-play for quite some time now! 

If this idea managed to garner your interest, you know where to find me! <3
Original pairings I am absolutely down for are:
Supernatural x Human (non supernatural)
Witch / Warlock x Human
Witch / Warlock x Hunter
Witch / Warlock x Witch / Warlock
Monster x Human
Antagonist x Protagonist
Bully x Victim (sort of..)
Criminal x Regular citizen
Criminal x Cop
Soldier / Warrior / Knight x Civilian
Royal / Noble x Peasant
Royal / Noble x Traveler
Mentor x Apprentice
Knight x (Female in disguise) Knight
The list goes on.
Also, if an original doesn’t really suit your fancy - I am willing to do canon Roleplay, although I don’t feel as much inspiration for it as I do for an original story. I’m also very picky about it, so apologies if there aren’t too many things listed here:

Carmen SanDiego
Pacific Rim
Star Wars
Star Trek
Harry Potter
Dark Souls
Devil May Cry (The original series, not the reboot)
Shadow of the Colossus
Kingdom Hearts 
God of War
What I will NOT do are canon stories of shows, games, movies, books, comics, etc that aren’t listed here. Please don’t ask me if we can do a specific RP based on anything I have no interest in, or don’t personally know. I highly welcome ideas and other takes on a story. If you crave something different, I am down for it as well :) If you are still reading, congratulations! xD 
The journey has come to an end! Usually I would also list my Discord on this platform, but since Discord did an update on me recently where I can’t log into it anymore - I thought email would be a better alternative. That way I can better assess the person. In the past, people on Discord had only sent me friend without messaging whatsoever so I couldn’t quite figure out what they were looking for in the first place, or being completely uncommunicative. Email is much safer and more professional that way. Contact me here! EMAIL: [email protected] Hope to talk to you soon!
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selenelavellan · 6 years
Hey so... in the dnd au, does Selene get a familiar? Maybe... two of them? Maybe... Fear and Deciet?
Dirthamen, Fear, and Deceit are @feynites
This takes place just before this piece.
Dirthamen notices many things, in thisnew plane.
He notices the different ways thatmagic moves, the ways that so many different races of people havelearned to coexist (mostly), the ways thatinteractions between people can influence their environment. The waylaughter and teasing is not always cruel and at an expense, the waybread and rations can be torn and shared, the way that a good evening of rest in an inn with friends can relax most tensions.
He notices Selene.
That is...normal, he supposes. She isthe one tethering him to this plane now, after all. He has not been apatron to very many, despite his age, and he is meant to keep acertain amount of his focus on her as a result of their pact.
He had not been expecting her, when sheappeared to him. It has been many centuries since anyone solved hispuzzles, and he had thought himself long forgotten by the mortals.Had very nearly forgotten them, in turn.
And then suddenly, there she was.Minuscule on the scale he had grown accustomed to, but warm andglowing, nearly overflowing with her own magics as she reached outfor him. Asking him for so many things, nearly greedy in her desires.
But harmless.
The most common thing people ask for,is power. To grow magic where they had none, to steal his labyrinthsto trap their enemies, to use him to raze whole civilizations andrewrite histories. And he has done it, of course, for anyone that hadsolved his puzzles. They had earned it.
Selene did not wish for power, though.And that had been enough to pique his interests.
Past pacts had begged for power,vengeance, and blood; she asked for knowledge, for freedom, forcontrol of her abilities.
For love.
He was unsure of his ability to fulfillher last wish. But she agreed, even without words. In a split secondthat spanned eons, the terms of their deal had been determined. Hewould accompany her throughout her journeys, help her learn what shewished to discover, to funnel her powers not through books andwritten words, but through a filter of his own design that wouldallow her the control over her flames that she craved so desperately.
He has noticed many things, since then.
Most worryingly, he has noticed howfragile her mortal form is.
Often times, she will wander off withother members of her party, leaving him behind to keep an eye ontheir campsite. He does not mind; it permits him time to obtain therest his form still requires. Bandits and wandering wildlife do notdraw enough of his magics from him to put a substantial damper on hisrecovery, and so he has not made a fuss at what she has asked of him.
Except that she often returns wounded.
Scraped or bloody, covered in ash orwith crossbow bolts sticking out of parts of her that are soft andshould not be struck with such things.
When she returns unconscious and slungover the back of her friend Des, he decides that something must bedone.
“You are not coming into town,” Sheargues even while her fingers stroke over the sensitive ridges aroundhis eyes.
“You let me go into the last one,”he retorts.
“And did you notice we had to leavewhen you starting turning back into a blob in front of the crownsguard?”
He had noticed.
“You require protection,” He triesinstead.
“I'll be fine,” She assures him,fingers finding the space under one of his chins that has a habit ofmaking him purr rather loudly, as he is doing now.
He does not believe her. She has arather poor habit of lying when she believes the truth mightinconvenience those around her.
That might work.
He allows the matter to rest for theevening, as they relax into her bedroll and the cool balm of thenight sky settles around them.
The next morning, he summons twoaspects of himself into this plane. In smaller forms, easier tosolidify and fill with power that could be used to aid Selene in diresituations.
Deceit, to help them remain hidden, andFear, to help them remain safe.
It is quite a good idea, he thinksproudly as they spend much of the day relaying the events of Seleneback to him. Selene will not have to worry about him frightening themortals, and he will not have to worry about her mortality bringingtheir agreement to an abrupt end.
...It does not go quite as he plans, onthe second day.
Around early afternoon, Deceit decidesthey do not wish to keep their distance any longer.
They land on Selenes shoulder and beginpreening her hair, and she nearly screams in fear before they explainthe situation.
She is not pleased by their attempt tospy on her.
...But she does not push Deceit away,either.
Dirthamen watches with interest asthroughout the day, Selene offers Deceit food and water andaffectionate scritches while she is focused on other tasks. In fact,she adapts so quickly that even Fear introduces themselves to her,and ends up perching atop her new staff for much of the day.
When people ask her about theirpresence, she lies and claims they are her familiars. Another part ofher deception to claim she is still a wizard, he supposes. But not sofar off from the truth, either.
It is strange to view her spending somuch time with these pieces of himself. To be beside her, and not.Something in him stirs at the emotions it is riling in him. Things hehas not felt in quite some time, if ever. Affection, yes. He hasalready realized that he enjoys being affectionate with Selene andearning her affections in turn. A sense of protectiveness, a desireto keep her safe; also not a new feeling. It is only sensible that hewould want to keep her alive, while she is connected to him in such away. Perhaps...perhaps it is jealousy? It would not be very sensible;after all she is currently laughing and splitting her baked good witha piece of himself, and it is not sensible to be jealous of yourself.
Perhaps he is less fond of being leftto watch the campsite as he had previously thought. Perhaps hewould like to be the one tucking Selenes stray curls behind her ear,or splitting a sweet tasting pastry while her eyes crinkle withlaughter.
Perhaps...he has noticed things withouttaking full stock of them.
Dirthamen does not bring the matter upwith Selene that night. Instead he sneaks into Des's tent, whileDeceit and Fear each rest curled up against her. The tiefling man isstill awake, reading some sort of book whose cover is decorated withtwo half naked orcs on the cover by the light of his fingertips.
Des grins when he spots Dirthamen.
“Well well. Come looking forsomething new?” He teases.
“No,” Dirthamen admits. “I amhaving...troubles, with Selene. You and she seem to be fairly close.I had hoped you could assist me.”
“Am I going to have to change mymagic type to do it?”
“Shame,” Des shrugs, closing thecover of the book before sitting up straight, legs criss crossed infront of him. Long painted fingers close over where his ankles crossas he leans in towards Dirthamen. “What can I do for you?”
“I do not think Selene approves of myform. I wish to become more pleasing to her.”
“What sort of 'pleasing' are youlooking for?”
Dirthamens heads tilt in consideration.
“You know,” Des continues “Do youwant to be soft and easy to cuddle? Do you want to spend more timewith her like your birds? Or are you looking for the best kindof pleasing?”
“There is a best kind?”
“The sexual kind of course,” Desnods, tail swishing behind him.
Dirthamen considers his options.
He does quite like cuddling withSelene, but his current form already permits that, so whatever he islooking for, it is something else. A bird might be more comfortable,and allow him the freedom to openly spend days with her as he wishes.But there is something...something....
“I wish to spend more time with her,”Dirthamen admits aloud, slowly choosing his words. “But I do notwish to be seen as a creature that is so different from her. Ihave been having many emotional reactions to her lately, and I wishto understand them.”
Des'seyebrows raise up, his golden piercings with them. “Holy shit,”He whispers. “You really dowanna be her sugar daddy.”
Dirthamenblinks. “What does that mean?”
“Youshould try being an elf,” Des says instead of directly answering.“...or a tiefling. I've seen the way she eyes my tail and hornswhen she thinks I'm not looking. Actually, she might be into you nowand just not realize it, all things considered. Although you couldstand to be a little prettier if you ask me. Which you are, so...”
“Andyou think this would allow me to obtain the sort of relationship withher I am seeking?” Dirthamen verifies.
“It'scertainly not going to hurt,” Des shrugs.
Dirthamennods to himself, decided and determined with a clear goal in mind.
Itwill take some doing; but it will be worth it, in the end.
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asrisartarena · 7 years
So I'm thinking, maybe some of them are actually brothers and so people kinda expect maybe a family falling out but when they get on regardless of house it's not too surprising they are family. People think that's it, until one of the bro's aka robbie gets the others to join the group and OMG HE BROKE THE HOUSE RIVALRIES I'd say Jameson, Anti and Jackie are not related so we can still ship the couples all we want. OMG I have so much I want to add, I might end up spamming you with asks... Sorry
(Putting this under a read more bc my additions made it Super Long and I don’t wanna clog up everyone’s dashes ghsdfd.)
I see Anti being 2 years above everyone else so he naturally has the threatening and big brother attitude. To stay with all of them for their Hogwarts years he becomes an apprentice for charms, which seems to be the closest thing to computer illusion stuff you know? He’s got a reputation for being a loner even among his fellow slytherins, real tough and uncaring, and then he falls for this little petit firstie and declares Robbie as his, my smol! My baby bro! Now he’s mentor ish to the group
Jackie is muggleborn+his gryffindor tenancies=his want to be a hero. He’s kinda like Hermione with the elves, he sees these things that are really outdated and harmful to people while benefiting the rich and declares to save them. Aka the werewolves and other “half-breeds”. Despite being gryffindor he’s often in the library looking for ways to help others+get stronger, that’s how he meets Marvin. He grew up with Spiderman and he hopes he can find the magic equivalent, maybe even broomless flight
I literally just finished writing one about Jackie and I’ve forgotten if I pressed ask or back by mistake oh well. Marvin grew up with magic, he’s also a prodigy in that once he sees something done and has the power to do it himself he can get it down in one or two tries. He reads a lot because he wants to be there for his family, to know what to do in any situation aka Mom Friend. He sees Jackie in the library looking for something and goes to help since he knows the library well, etc etc
Oooh maybe Schneep could be older than Anti and is apprentice-shipping under the nurse, and so is around and learning medicine. He’s quite knowledgeable and can treat many injuries already, it just takes many years of practice before he can be certified and where better than the school his accident prone brothers are. Poor Robbie is in every other day if not daily He’s everyone’s favourite in the infirmary, cause he gives lollipops out if you’re good, and everyone no matter how old loves lollipops
Angus is the Charlie Weasley of the family, he’s super into Care of Magical Creatures, spends a lot of time in the forest, *whispers but you didn’t hear that from me 😜 no particular animals he likes more he loves all animals equally. He could maybe have an ability like parseltongue but more universal, beastspeak? Idk, something like that. He doesn’t interact much with anyone other than his brothers and their very close friends, except KotS maybe if we’re mixing them together
Shawn has a passion for transfiguration, or more accurately conjuration. The idea of creating something from something else is fascination, and making it appear from nothing even more so. It’s alchemy and the like that he’s truly interested in but this and a mix of charms is as close as he’ll get unless he can find a mentor to work under after the 7 years at Hogwarts. He’s painfully awkward with others, only paying attention to what he’s making, which he’s doing 24/7 sleep is for the week
Jameson ooh I could go angst and say its mute from an abusive muggleborn household, whether selectively mute or was beaten and damaged his vocal chords. Or he has these cool family bloodline powers which took his voice as compensation, like you have this but that means we have to take something. Maybe a seer or a conjurer, He sees this lonely guy and wants to make him less lonely. He persistently bugs Shawn until they become friends etc
Chase is the second or 3rd eldest. Old enough to have a serious relationship and a heartbreaking fall out. He genuinely love Stacy, gave her his all, but she broke up with him when he refused to stop spending time with his brothers (aka Robbie, Stacy hated him, thought him a freak) he wouldn’t, as he’s super close. Luckily she left at the end of Robbie’s 1st year so he wasn’t bullied or anything. Chase becomes super attached to Robbie afterwards OMG brilliant idea give me a sec
I’ll do Robbie now then the idea. Robbie is the youngest, and his story is kinda sad. All of the brothers were playing in the woods behind their house when it happened. The older siblings were climbing and Robbie tried to join in but fell and hit his head hard enough to kill him. Accidental magic from all of the sibling somehow brought him back but he lost his memories so he’s even younger mentally, as he lost 8/9 years aka he has the young mindset he has in your world
These are all so good holy shit?? Jackie being a muggleborn Gryffindor with a hero complex is super fitting too omg. 
I kind of think Jameson would just be born mute without any real drastic reason behind it? Like yeah there are spells that could probably give him a voice, but he actually prefers to be mute and he’d rather it stay that way and oooh idk if sigils are a thing in the HP universe but maybe a lot of his spells can be him drawing sigils in the air with his wand instead of speaking them?? Idk that’d be super interesting if that would work in the HP universe.
I also see Chase actually being one of the younger ones?? Like Stacy was his first love and they were young and stupid kids in love that just ended up not working for each other, and Stacy ended up being super controlling and that’s when Chase had to break it off.
I adore any version of Anti being the most protective and the closest with Robbie, and Jameson being Shawn’s first super close friend-turned-lover. Like these two happy-go-lucky sunshine Hufflepuffs being closest to some of the most closed-off and intimidating students is the Good Shit and totally my aesthetic.
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orbyssarchives · 6 years
A Brief tl;dr
This is probably a lot to say for 20 unfinished webcomic pages and I know I can be fairly long-winded so if you just wanna skip ahead and click through the pictures I’ve put up, I understand.
The TL;DR is
Hello and welcome to Mage Punk Archives! My name is Tables and this is some of the work that I’ve done over the last few years and what I’ve been up to in my little corner of the world. This is the third and last of a series of posts, outlining a number of updates that I completed on the site.
Included are some of my inspirations and a little of what I’ve learned so far about myself as an ever growing artist up to this point.
After this, I want to keep the content more focused on the actual art and story.
  I’ll post to this site as often as I am able.
    Thanks for reading!
Long Ago, Before the miracle of handheld internet searches and Instagram
When I was but a young, internet webling, I was heavily into shitty online flash games and looking for anything even remotely related to my interests at the time. From Mario and Sonic to various comics, videos games, anime and things never to be said aloud (pornpornporn). My love of the likes of Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog (big fandoms for me at the time) would later lead me to sprite comics. Today, my feelings for the little hodge podge collage strips of old video game sprite sheets and backgrounds are a little mixed.
(They were beautiful and I’m gonna make one someday)
Then, in Highschool, I took a basic Web Design class. It was a VVoid World Web of Notepad and Internet Explorer where a kindly old crone passed on to those of us there, some knowledge of the ancient runic language which forms the foundations of the World Wide Web: HTML. Tables, frames, css, oh my! This knowledge would eventually prove invaluable.
Throughout our studies we were occasionally allowed to venture out into the Wider World Web. It was during these little adventures and travels across the Web that I happened upon the magical land of Webcomics. It was also during this time that I began break free of the enchantment of sprites. Even though I would probably never return to them, they would always hold a special place in my heart.
  The Internet is for [Comics]
    Webcomics – Synonymous with “Masochism”
At first, I had no idea just how grueling webcomics could be. Most webcomic artists pump out pages one to three times a week. At the time I got into them, MegaTokyo, then still partially a video game webcomic, was just releasing its third printed book; 2-3 updates a week with a loosely set schedule. Evan Dahm was wrapping up his surreal fantasy epic, Rice Boy; with updates consistently going up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The various sprite and drawn webcomics that I was following at the time were updating all the time. Seeing all the great work going up, I felt encouraged to try it myself.
I drew these closer to the end of my junior year of high school.
Taking major inspiration from a lot of the manga and anime that I was enjoying then, I used pen and ink to make my comic pages. I liked working in black and white because it felt direct and skipping on color made it easier to finish faster. I figured I could work faster if I didn’t have to worry about the extra step. When I did want to use color, as is typical for the early pages of a new manga, I used markers.
At the time, I had no idea that mangakas used assistants. That’s messed up.
Not to say that it was completely unrealistic, but back in the real world I could only average one black and white page a week. If even. The spider webs I was drawing all over were so that I wouldn’t have to use a ruler to draw my panel proper borders. I thought it gave the comic an “old archive”. In the end, I concluded that the spider webs should have their place and not be all over.
This time, I decided to work a little more carefully and deliberately.
  Moving Forward
It was going pretty well but by the time page 7 rolled around, it was time for midterms and I had become too self-conscious and uncomfortable with the way I was drawing my comic pages then. Then, it was time to take finishing high school seriously and before I knew it, I was a freshman at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. I did a lot of growing in the next four years that I attended there. Unfortunately, I never revisited those pages. Instead, near the end of my sophomore year, I took a Sequential Art class where the Final was a full-color, 5-page comic.
These are the ink-wash versions of the 7-page Final that I submitted. I’d originally colored them digitally to meet project requirements but I don’t want to post those just yet..
  In the End
I wasn’t satisfied. The truth was that I waited until the last minute, rushed it, and over-reached on a re-draw that wasn’t much fun for me to work on. During the course of that Sequential Art class my professor turned my attention to artists like Moebius and Mike Mignola. I also came across Katsuya Terada’s stuff around this time.
  And school went on…
    I worked on Mage Punk when I could between assignments.
    Between thinking I could possibly work on a for-print comic…
    …and a webcomic at the same time.
  The End was Near
Most of these were actually made towards the end of my four years at Ai. Those of us graduating were tasked with compiling our work from the years past in accordance with the requirements for obtaining our degrees. I believe that we were given two semesters to gather our pieces and do any revisions to previous works to get them up to date with the rest of the portfolio piece. Illustration Graduates at AiFL were typically required to gather a required selection of their work into an on-demand printed book. The year that I graduated, my department decided to change things around a little. Specifically, we were given the option to collect the requirement work into a plain black binder portfolio and make the printed book more geared towards our pursuits. I opted to make a Mage Punk/Orbyss Archives “Zine” as my main portfolio piece.
  And Then College was Over
I drew a few more pages of the comic until I became employed full-time. These days, there aren’t enough free hours in my days for me to keep up with any typical webcomic’s update schedule so for a long while I stopped working on the comic altogether. I’m squeezing as much work out of every second that I’m not there; with whatever energy I can muster. This includes planning, writing, sketching and drawing. Before I got back to work on the site, I was posting fairly regularly to my Twitter and Instagram; those posts took time to do as well.
  Most of this post was written in separate sessions on my commutes to work.
Even though I always wanted to present Mage Punk as a webcomic, I always worked on it like it would go to print eventually. This created a confusing mindset for me when working on the comic, where I had to work on a whole book, but I have to rush to finish every page. If I wanted to put out pages more frequently I took shortcuts at any point I could to be done with them. Even if I created a good buffer of finished pages, I’d still run into that same pitfall eventually. I wasn’t enjoying my project because of a pressure I applied on myself to finish it in a way I wasn’t necessarily comfortable with. I didn’t even get that much done in the end.
It’s important that I work on it at a pace that lets me show the best of my ability. I would love it if I could be properly finished with the pages before I post them but if I wait before it’s all good and done I’ll just never get around to posting anything, forever floating, aimlessly, throughout creative internet limbo.
Instead, if I have to work on my comic in piecemeal, I’ll just post it up in piecemeal. Mage Punk will still be presented as a webcomic but, until the end of the book is done, certain changes are still a possibility. Editing is an important part of producing any book and I’m going to make its presentation reflect that.
  Cue Rhidiculous shouting “I told you so!” from some nearby bushes.
  A Webcomic in Presentation Only?
Those Two Images are the Same Page
Instead of trying to finish things at breakneck speeds, I’m going to work on the comics at a more reasonable pace. I’ll try to work on it mainly Chapter to chapter instead of page to page like how a webcomic normally is done (buffers aside) This gives me the opportunity to take a step back and get a broader look at the story while still putting out content in enjoyable chunks.
It’s difficult for me to wrap my head around drawing a comic on a start-to-finish, page-by-page basis. While I was working on the later pages in the chapter I kept finding myself jumping around and making changes to previous pages to make some things more consistent with later parts of the story. Instead of working page-by-page, I was editing the chapter as a whole to try to strengthen the narrative I’m trying to tell.
To that end, I still want to present it on this site as a webcomic; if only in name and archive.
The Process
At the VERY longtime behest of my editor, I’ll be presenting the comic as a work in progress at various points in the following production stages.
I’ll post dialog excerpts here and there. Nothing that can spoil the story too much.
This step will be kept largely behind the scenes.
I do these on index cards in ballpoint pen to figure out the sequence of events that I most prefer.
This is the step where I’m prone to overloading a page with information.
First Drafts
Full size roughs of the earlier thumbnails. This step helps me get a better sense of how crowded or unbalanced a page might be early on.
This step also helps to prune out any strenuous scenes or dialog that could otherwise have their own pages.
If it isn’t working visually at this point, it’s not going to work in the next step.
This is where the real drawing happens. Drawings in this step are made by either digital or traditional means depending on when or where I’m working.
This step is exactly like the drawing step but in pen and ink. Despite my affinity for real pen and ink, I’ll mainly be working this step digitally.
This step is wrought with indecision but it also one of the faster, more fun steps to do.
I’ve removed the dialog from all the pages currently up, opting to keep that out until a chapter is completed; it’s the thing I’m likeliest to change the most frequently until the end.
All lettering is currently done digitally but I’m considering the possibility of hand lettering.
Drawing dialog can be quite fulfilling but it takes a lot of practice.
This part will be happening all throughout. Page re-orders, panel redraws, changes in dialog.
Until the book is done.
  Here We Are
I’ve already made some revisions to a handful of the pages that are already up; if you browse through the comics you can see the revisions noted in the comic descriptions. I’ll make blog posts for any major revisions or series of revisions that I do. I have a few ideas for some smaller projects that I can work on while I work on Mage Punk. Whether they be illustrations, stories, or even mini-comics like this silly thing down here.
      Moving on
I might have also mentioned before that I have a few other drawings that I wanted to make for the site. In particular I have a neat idea for some social media icon illustrations. I wanna make something that takes advantage of what I’ve learned with using CSS. It’s nothing too fancy.
All that said, future posts will be a bit more brief than these last three were. I’d much rather write and post about the work itself, but I feel like I’ve hit a personal milestone and felt the need to ramble on about it a little.
    Until next time,
  Thanks for reading!
    The Big Site Update (Part 3) A Brief tl;dr This is probably a lot to say for 20 unfinished webcomic pages and 
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