#I waited YEARS and this is the sendoff I get???
theoneandonlythorn · 6 months
Well, as those of you who are in the tiny sphere of the Amulet fandom, the last book came out about a month ago.
It was...Well. I think because I was waiting literal YEARS, starved for any content, then I accepted it and moved on.
I mean, yes, the series is technically wrapped up, but where's the satisfaction?? Where's Trellis kicking the Elf King's ass and healing from years of trauma?? Where's Emily accepting the consequences of her actions (Like blowing up half a prison, for example??) and taking responsibility?? Yes, I know she's the main character with plot armor and all that, but come on. Even I, inexperienced as I am with writing full series, make sure everything is tied up at the end; all plot holes resolved, characters getting a goodbye, the villain defeated in a satisfying way???
Speaking of unsatisfying, what's with killing off Vigo???? Like, come on!! I know he needed to die to write that book to fill in some plot holes, but really??? There could have been a better/easier/more efficient way to do it other than his death!
And don't get me started on Gablin and that whole mess!! Trellis has very clearly been working toward reclaiming the throne from his piece of shit father and returning Gulfen to its previous state of stability and prosperity. The Trellis I've been reading about for years wouldn't just roll over and give up the throne like that!!! Yes, I know Gablin saved his life, yes, I know it means he gets to rule over Cielis as Stonekeeper Supreme, or whatever, but come on???? I've heard that Kazu based him off of Zuko, but even in ATLA Zuko was able to reclaim his throne!!!
This series got me through hells and back when I was really struggling (Thank you, 2020 for royally fucking my mental health) and as much as I hate to say it...this isn't the send off I was hoping for.
This series got me back into writing, for the gods' sake!! I read it and decided to give fanfiction another shot; that turned into another fic, then another, then an original story....I literally have this series to thank for making me the writer I am.
I still have that unfinished fic sitting on my laptop, waiting for me to transcribe the final book into my own words...but I can't bring myself to do it. I mean, I'm already retconing Vigo's death (He has an adopted son in my fic and there's no way that kid is growing up parent-less again), that weird bit with Riva suddenly believing in prophecy when it's clearly established she doesn't really believe in that stuff, The Voice being an AI somehow, ect.
All in all, I'm just really....angry that this series failed in such a spectacular way. To be perfectly honest, the only thing keeping me from throwing my laptop against the wall is Motherstone's art (Go check them out; they're doing an Amulet rewrite and I love them /p eternally for that)
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niteyorb · 4 months
I know they all dressed up and everything for the final battle but I truly think if they'd ended this episode when TBK arrived in the red crystal realm, and then started the next episode (ep 21) getting deeper into TBK's rage reflections, and then we'd had like a whole episode of wrap-up after that, the ending would have been sooo much more satisfying to me. I know that isn't how it works with filming schedules and budgets and stuff but. let me dream
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oskea93 · 6 months
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✦ It Had to be You: One ✦
John "Bucky" Egan x OC Gale "Buck Cleven x OC
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and not associated with the real people mentioned from the show. This is simply based on the portrayals of the actors playing these characters. Warning for this chapter: Cursing, mentions of sex, depression, rage anger.
● If you would like to be tagged, just comment below ●
Black had become a staple in my wardrobe.
I used to despise the dark color – opting for more cheerful tones or floral patterns. I didn’t want to walk around looking like a depressive cloud – someone in constant mourning. I didn’t even own a black dress until I got the news – my mother making the journey to the store to buy one. I couldn’t bear to leave the house – not wanting the sympathetic glances of those in town that had learned the news. I can’t even begin to tell you how many letters I had received, those that knew Gale and even from those that didn’t. Each letter praised his heroic actions – thanking him in black ink for his level of service and dedication to the United States. Even received one from President Truman and the men of Washington D.C.
I used to look at women who had received the devastating news with such sorrow and sadness. Wonder how they would survive without their men - their source of comfort and love. I was certain that it would be very difficult to do so – have to learn to fend for yourself and go on without the man you loved. I didn’t realize that I would be in the same boat years later. I was a simple housewife – barely of age when we married. Gale and I were just two kids – two kids that were madly and deeply in love with each other. I had grown up more privileged than Gale or those that we knew. I didn’t know how to clean a house properly or cook a hearty meal that would fill the bellies of my husband and future children. I’ve always had someone do those things for me – my mother more focused on raising a proper lady. If you needed to know which fork went where, I was the girl to ask, but I couldn’t tell you anything domestic. I wanted to be able to learn all those things while he was away – making sure that when he returned home for good, I would be able to care for him like a wife should.
I had met Gale at a dance the local hall was putting on – a sendoff to some of the troops that lived in the area. He had just enlisted– saying that he was a week away from going to boot camp. He was cool as a cucumber – no evidence of fear etched on his beautiful face. He spoke of wanting to fight the good fight – getting up in the air and showing Germany the trouble they were in for. He was a born fighter – a genius when it came to life. We spent most of the night as close as two people could be while sitting upright- both speaking of our life and our dreams. Not to sound cliché but I was smitten as soon as I saw him. His blonde hair was slightly disheveled – his wool trousers fitting his frame nicely. His smile could light up a room – that deep voice causing my insides to quiver with a need that only he could give me.
I longed for him during those weeks he was away – smiling as I read his letters that would come bi-weekly. I could hear his voice as I read the words on paper – the excitement of finally flying and the annoyance he felt towards his roommate. The one true constant that popped up on each letter was the mention of his co-captain. His name was John Egan – Bucky – the nickname he had been given. Gale spoke highly of the man – praising him and saying that he couldn’t wait for us to meet. Gale was soft spoken – a bit reserved – he wasn’t into sports or gambling. He liked to sit outside the house and just listen to the sounds of nature. John Egan was the opposite that Gale needed in his life. He helped Gale open up and Gale helped John stay out of trouble...
Gale finally returned to me after weeks away – our reunion being one spent giving ourselves to one another. We were both virgins but the time away from one another ignited a feeling in both of us that we couldn’t suppress. He asked me to marry him a month after his return – wanting to get married sooner rather than later seeing as the war was ramping up. John Egan stood by Gale’s side as we exchanged vowels – his blue eyes shining bright as he watched us become husband and wife. He was the life of the party at our reception – singing along with the band as those around us danced to the music. I could see why Gale adored him so, but I was still weary.
That feeling came to a head when John convinced Gale that it was time for him to head over to England and join the ranks. He wrote to him about the fun he was having and all the missions they were accomplishing. He made it sound like a thrill ride – something that didn’t involve the chance of dying at any moment. Gale and I spent our last night together – wrapped up in each other – exploring and branding kisses into skin – almost as if we were creating a permanent road map to remember one another. It was the most sensual night we’ve had – that we would ever have.
The movie reel played on repeat in my head as I could still feel his lips on mine as he kissed me goodbye. Tears in both of our eyes as the sound of the car’s engine faded into the distance.
“I’m coming back to you – hell or high water – I will be back.”
He kept waving until his car was out of sight – my knees buckling – my body falling into grass below. A part of my heart left that Spring Day…  
I received his first official letter a couple weeks later – screaming out in joy as I read his chicken scratch penmanship. He spoke of the area they were located – how it felt flying in – the fresh air that surrounded the base. He gushed about the new friends he had made –describing them as if he had known them for years. The most important was how much he missed and loved me – repeating the same words as above – hell or high water.
No letter from Gale would be complete without a mention of John Egan. Gale wrote of how John had taken him under his wing, but also being John’s protector. He wrote of how he’s stopped him from getting into several scuffles with the British soldiers or the townspeople. His writings detailing how much they truly cared for one another – they were like brothers.
As time progressed, his writings became darker – tragic even. He detailed his first mission in graphic detail – expressing his feelings and the slight betrayal that he felt towards Egan. He watched men he had befriended either die in the air in a fiery explosion or pass as they laid on the stretcher in the makeshift hospital on the base. He never wrote of his fear that I’m sure he had – choosing to stay strong and do everything he could for his squadron. He was the main pilot – he had the lives of nine other men to think about – he wanted them to be able to return home safely even if that meant he was the sacrificial lamb...
The last letter that would arrive on time came through the mail on October 10th, 1943. It was shorter than normal, Gale explaining that he was moments away from an important mission. He must’ve written “I love you” about a dozen times before signing off – xo following his name. I had learned about a week later that his plane had went down somewhere outside of Germany. The news articles praised their efforts – telling of how they put a damper into the German’s artillery. That was all well and good, but my husband was missing – the base having no record of his whereabouts or if he was still alive.
Months passed before a battered letter was placed inside the mail slot. The enveloped looked as if it had gone through hell, but Gale’s handwriting could be seen through the grime. He had been placed in a camp for captured soldiers. Many of the men that he had met at the base were there as well. He hadn’t been injured – keeping quiet and under the radar of the German soldiers. I fell to the floor after reading that letter – my heart shattering at the thoughts of what might happen. Tears fell on the paper as I replied – simply begging him to come back to me…
“Sweetheart?” I looked up from the mattress as my mother entered the room. “It’s nearing one in the afternoon, darling.” She threw open the curtains – the bright sunlight beaming into the once darkened room. “You need to get yourself together and get dressed.”
My mother had never seen me in such a state – not even recognizing the person I had become. Long gone was the smile and laughter – replaced by tears and screams of anger. I was angry at everyone – my parents, my friends, God.
Oh, I was especially mad at God.
Countless times I would ask why Gale – why was it his turn to be taken? Was he needed for greater things? Why wasn’t I granted more time with him? Just why?
Growing up in the church, it was frowned upon to ask why for anything, more so for why God chose those that he did.  You never asked why – you just learned to accept the outcome. I was long past that – I wanted an answer – I demanded a Goddamn answer.
Sighing, I slowly moved to a sitting position as she laid the black dress and heels next to me. My eyes boring holes into the clothing – hoping that with another energy they would magically combust into flames, burning me alive with them. “I’ll do your hair when you get out of the bath.”
Our eyes connected, “I’m not taking a bath.”
Mother let out an exhausted sigh as her heels clicked on the hardwood floor. I watched as she walked to the window, her upper body jerking slightly as she wiped away the tears that started to fall. She never liked anyone to see her cry.
I started to speak, stopping before the first syllable could come out. I wanted to tell her not to cry but I didn’t have that right. She loved Gale too – she had been smitten by him from the get-go. We all held out hope that he would return to us – just not in a flag draped pine box.
A soft knock on the bedroom door caught both of our attention as my dad entered the room. His once bright face was downcast as he took in my appearance. “The car will be here soon, darling.” His voice soft as he exchanged glances with my mother.
The reality that I was an hour away from burying my only love hadn’t set in yet – just fog – fog that felt like it would never lift to clear skies. I fisted the black material, stepping over the kitten heels as I trudged towards the bathroom. The figure in the mirror was a stranger – someone who’s been through more things than a human is supposed to. Dark circles and pale skin stared back at me – my hair in a tangled mess – not even a comb could get through at this point. Gaunt would be the best word to describe this version of Carolina. I hadn’t bathed in several days – to numb to even remove myself from the bed at times. I barely made it to the bathroom to relieve myself, almost just wanting to go on myself so I wouldn’t have to get up.
Looking around, I noticed everything laid out by my mother. Toothbrush, toothpaste, the expensive makeup that I had collected over the years sitting on the vanity. I was supposed to look put together – still grieving – but have the attributes of a Hollywood starlet.
A guttural scream roared through my body as the vanity contents crashed to the floor – the glass bottles of perfume shattering as the liquid splashed in the air. I could feel the glass stabbing into my bare feet, the blood mixing with the perfume on the floor. I didn’t even register that my father had burst into the room until his arm wrapped around my waist, my back hitting his tailored chest. I thrashed against his hold like a wild animal trapped in a cage.
“Carolina, please!” My mother bawled as she took in my state. “Please, darling calm down before you hurt yourself!”
Another voice was added to the chaos – a deeper voice than that of my father. He was dressed in a black suit – his tall figure looming over my parents. His hands replaced my father’s – his grip on my waist tight and firm. “Calm down, Lina.” His hot breath hitting my ear as the world started to spin around me. My body was running on fumes – the last of those turning into smoke as my brain finally had enough, shutting down before any more damage could be done.
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The Splatfest is over! Hope y'all had fun. I got into a 100x Splatfest for the first time in... almost a year, I think.
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And I won it, too!
Now, the question is. Next week will fall within the timeframe in which Nintendo announces the next Season, but as far as we know there's no more Seasons to announce, and Grand Festival is looking an awful lot like it's going to be the big sendoff Splatfest of Splatoon 3, especially with a new Nintendo console on the horizon. Is that going to be the case? Will we get any news this week? We'll just have to wait and see.
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side-vermin93 · 7 months
Long rant below this line if you're just scrolling by.
I normally don't do this sort of thing, I don't post my unfiltered dogshit opinions on any kind of social media, I don't toll the bells when I don't get my way and cry 'Foul Play' unless I truly believe that something is going wrong.
No doubt, everyone has seen the... colourful reaction to TADC's release date being set in May of 2024 (This May) and the Murder Drones tag on Tumblr is exploding for good reason.
Now, before I say my piece, I would like to immediately debunk a common train of thought often used by detractors to devalue the points that others have made when it comes to this controversy:
"Glitch is saying that they are taking their time to make the episodes and the finale as best as it can be." And that we as a fandom are "Overreacting."
To begin with, I personally hope that yes, Glitch is doing everything in their power to make MD as good as it can physically be, I hope that they are giving the finale to the season the sendoff it deserves.
But would it KILL THEM to tell us something? Post teasers, memes, references to Murder Drones or even something as simple as "Hey! You liked TADC, how about you check out Murder Drones while you wait?"
Instead, Glitch has spent months of complete and total radio silence, completely forgot the existence of the anniversary of Murder Drones' pilot, and as they did this, they continued to post teasers of TADC, including a personally vexing post that basically amounted to engagement farming, literally "If this gets 100k likes, we will open the door"
Stuff like this DOES NOT help assuage the fears of fans who believe that Glitch has begun to ignore MD simply because it isn't as popular or as profitable as TADC has become, it smacks of blatant favouritism and foul play when the fans of Murder Drones get nothing, meanwhile TADC is getting WEEKLY teasers, which is only serving to inflame the controversy between TADC and MD fans.
The thing that infuriates me the most is that Murder Drones is in its final stretch for (HOPEFULLY) its first season finale, and yet we have recieved nothing aside from the initial trailers and the release date of "sometime in early 2024" and we are now coming up on the end of the second month of the year, meanwhile TADC gets a concrete release date in MAY, which does NOT excuse the constant teasers and content for TADC that was produced before this point.
As for the overreaction? I think its personally an acceptable response considering the current controversy, but the biggest problem is what Glitch has said today.
"We're also working hard on Murder Drones & will be releasing final episodes soon!"
This, reader, is a very vague statement made by Glitch in their announcement today, and... well, notice how they said "Final Episodes"
Now, this could be Twitter and its word limit screwing them over, but Glitch (and most corporations) is very deliberate with their wording, and this could be no different, do they mean the finale of season one? Or is Murder Drones as a SHOW coming to an end after episode 8? We don't know because Glitch is being vague about this.
Now, because we don't know, we are (reasonably considering how companies often tend to focus on what is most profitable as opposed to any concept of "loyalty") reacting in a negative way towards this wording and believing that MD might very well come to an end before Liam is able to fully finish his story or for us to enjoy the show he has been working on for a long time now.
If it is the end of Murder Drones, then of course people are going to blame TADC for "Killing Murder Drones." Corporations have no loyalties and no qualms about being underhanded, only an appetite for more funding and appeasing their investors, and the most juicy of cash-cows practically fell into their lap.
Now, perhaps we are WRONG, maybe Glitch really did screw up because Twitter loves its word limits, then in which case, shouldn't Glitch try and clarify that in another post as soon as possible? Say that MD isn't going anywhere and that they meant the season finale?
Ultimately, we are in a very turbulent time and tensions are the highest they have ever been, and the next two months will either cool down into something to laugh about later, or there will a shitstorm. No inbetweens.
If it is a false alarm, then I will be there laughing with y'all about how I was doomposting like an idiot, but if it isn't? then I will continue working on my projects in the fandom until I believe I am satisfied, and I will be there when the shitstorm drops.
God, I hope it's the former.
Also sorry if the tags for this are crap, but I don't have the energy left over to fix them.
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jorvikzelda · 9 months
That’s a wrap on jorvikpov.
It’s been more than two years of planning, plotting, writing, and editing, and now, it’s finally over. The last jorvikpov is posted, and I have no plans to ever revisit it. I feel like it’s been enough of an undertaking and gotten enough appreciation that it deserves a proper sendoff post.
Mostly, I want to give a huge, huge thank you to anyone who’s ever read, enjoyed, talked to me about, or in any way interacted with jorvikpov. The support and love you guys have given jorvikpov all along the way means so much to me and I’m happy and grateful beyond words that my passion project became so beloved. A special thanks goes out to everyone who’s ever reblogged a post with something nice in the tags; seeing people get emotional over my writing or speculate about where I’m going with something is an incredibly special experience that I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had. A belated thank you, as well, to whoever nominated and voted for me in the SSOBlr Awards way back when. Even just the nomination means so much to me, and winning was probably the greatest honour my writing's had bestowed upon it.
An even more special thank you (so special, in fact, that it deserves its own paragraph) goes out to Manda/@shiroselia for beta reading the last nineteen jorvikpovs and thus making them the best they could’ve possibly been, for giving me the motivation to stick to a regular posting schedule but also for telling me violently yet lovingly that it’s okay and necessary to dial it the fuck back when keeping up the schedule would’ve pushed me past my limit, and most of all for being my friend, because that’s beyond a shadow of a doubt the best thing asking you to beta jorvikpov led to. I would not be where I am today without you—I owe a lot of the good things in my life over the past couple months to you, including the fact that I finished jorvikpov and am writing this post right now. (You're welcome for the over 100 words long sentence; I had to do it to you one last time, for old times' sake.)
While I’m happy to have finished the fic after all this time, I have to be honest and say I’m more than a little emotional about it ending. In a way, it feels like parting ways with a friend. Jorvikpov has been a constant in my life since November 2021, and it’s carried me through some of my roughest spots and changed me in ways I never expected—not to mention how attached I’ve gotten to the jorvikpov MC and their journey over time. It’s no surprise that it leaves behind an empty space. Still, it’s time to let go. Jorvikpov has done as much for me as it ever could. I'll never be more ready to move on.
I might go quiet on fic writing for a little while now, but I have a lot of plans and ideas that I can't wait to get to work on once I've got the time and energy for them. I'll see you all in the future, whatever it may bring.
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Made it through chapter 4 and talked about it with my mom. And hoo boy is there a lot to unpack 🤣
First of all, she got really mad at Crowley for leaving us at school and going on a vacation. (She legit was ready to punch Crowley when he refused our call). She did find the send off cute though but felt really bad for Riddle. She hopes that he'll become his own person and not his mother's puppet.
Then there's how she feels about the Scarabia duo. She ADORES Kalim, and calls him "that little sunshine" and thinks his Unique Magic is cool. She legit CRIED when Kalim cried omg 😂.
As for Jamil. She didn't really like him at first. At first. Though she thought he was handsome and charismatic. But after his true motivations were revealed, she absolutely hates him 😂. She literally dissed Jamil when we were pretending to praise him, calling him "Medusa and Jafar's love child". BUT when she saw his backstory, she did feel empathy but not sympathy towards him. In her own words, "While I understand where he's coming from, as being told to hold back your true skills is both frustrating and will make you envious and jealous of others' freedom, to pin it all on one person (Kalim) isn't the best or healthiest option."
She says that there are multiple people who deserve blame. His parents because they told him not to be better than Kalim. "They basically are the ones who started the fire of hate in his heart." She says. The whole class system, for obvious reasons. But the one person who deserves the most blame is Crowley for accepting a bribe from Kalim's parents and making Kalim housewarden with a bullshit excuse. All of them were really unfair towards Jamil and pretty much said the same thing "You're a smart boy, you understand right?" That line alone is enough to piss Jamil, and anyone really, off. She does praise Jamil for showing his true colors and vowing never to hold back in the end. In conclusion, my mom is kinda accepting of Jamil. For now.
She also found the Octavinelle trio hilarious but threatened to turn them into sushi when they told us to pay for the damages at Monstro Lounge and when Azul tried to get Kalim in a contract. She also expressed surprise at the Tweels and Azul's relationship.
During the end of the chapter, she actually deadpanned and said "who's this condescending Queen Bee" when she saw Vil.
Overall, she thought that Chapter 4 was the best chapter in her opinion.
Now I'm waiting for how she feels about Vil in chapter 5 cause it seems like she despises him more than she did Jamil. 😂
[I think this is the same Anon from this post and this post!]
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chksbskwbzks It’s been pretty interesting hearing these hot takes from your mom 😂 (I guess because this isn’t a perspective I hear from very often?)
I’m split on Crowley leaving for vacation and not answering his phone when Yuu tries to contact him. Yeah, it’s irresponsible for him to act like this, but I think we’re more offended by it knowing that Crowley is, in general, this level of incompetent (especially when we REALLY need him to come through for us in this very moment). Keep in mind that this is winter break, and teachers/staff usually also have this period off for the holidays themselves, so it’s normal to receive no responses or delayed responses during this time, no? I don’t think anyone really expected a super serious incident like this to unfold while they’re away as well.
The sendoff was really cute! 😭 It was nice briefly catching up with the characters we met in previous episodes!! I only wish we got to hear about the aftermath of the conversation that Riddle said he was going to have with his mother… I doubt that all of their issues went away with a single talk, but 🥲 just confronting her about the past is a good start. Maybe Riddle will have the chance to explore other career options for his fourth year internship (instead of concentrating on magic medicine like his mother wants him to). He could tackle law for one semester, then dabble in other areas for the remaining two internship periods.
xbsjwbksnwkw Why does your mom sound like such a cinnamon roll?? We could always use more Kalim appreciators 🥺
I think a lot of us have pretty complicated feelings surrounding Jamil 😂 Having empathy for the character rather than sympathy (the latter of which I think Jamil may actually take offense to, as this would be “pitying” his situation without truly understanding why it’s so awful for him) is similar to my own thoughts on the matter. It can feel so bad constantly being put down and having to hold yourself back from reaching what you know is your full potential, but it also wasn’t right for Jamil to blame it all on one person. However, it was the easiest thing for his young mind to do to cope with his circumstances, as Kalim embodies a lot of the issues Jamil has and is “soft” enough to be a convenient sponge for Jamil’s anger.
… Okay, but Jamil’s OB looks pretty ugly. I’ll give you that much 😂 It pretty much is a mishmash of Medusa and Jafar—
Mmm, Jamil’s trauma is unique in that it’s something deeply systemic and difficult to dismantle. It was definitely his parents who planted the ideas in him, but it was society that perpetuated it and kept Jamil down rather than encouraging him or recognizing his abilities. Crowley plays into this too, and I think his words are the ones that claimed Jamil’s last straw and set him plotting to overthrow Kalim. I really like that TWST didn’t neatly resolve Jamil’s issues at the end of the episode, but rather introduced it (and the start of his character growth) as Jamil deciding to live in his own way.
A lot of people tend to misunderstand Jamil’s issues with Kalim on an individual level rather than a societal one, and it sometimes leads to talking down the seriousness the Viper family’s circumstances 💦 I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen “Jamil should have told Kalim about his frustrations; Kalim is kind and would understand, he would set Jamil free” without the fans recognizing the consequences of it. (Ironically, this is also something Kalim does in 4; he tried relinquishing his dorm leader seat and even offers to leave school to appease Jamil, but the offers are all refused.) Jamil has to consider his family and how his liberation would affect them and ultimately their legacy and livelihood (which Jamil brings up in episode 4 when expositing his motivations); it’s akin to generational trauma because it can’t be resolved overnight. It requires difficult conversations, acknowledging wrongs, and working as a widespread collective to fix it. The blame is not solely on Jamil not communicating; it’s also in part on the society and the systems in which he and his family operate.
… I mean, regardless of the reason for it, it was still legitimate damage to the lounge so I think (even if it was scummy to do), Octavinelle had every right to demand compensation. Otherwise, he’d be eating up the costs for that significant damage, and that’s not smart for a money grubber reputable business owner like Azul to do. And hey, what’s an octopus to do when he runs jnto Mr. Moneybags Kalim? He’s got to take advantage of opportunities and potential suckers customers while he can!
Azul and the twins’ relationship is so complex, man 🤡 I could honestly talk forever about it if given the chance bisvsjwnzksiwjd (but instead, I’ll link this post to get the basics of my thoughts out—)
I find it so funny (?) when people call Vil a “Queen Bee” type because while he definitely comes off as one at first, I found that (in the long run), I see Octavinelle as acting more like the stereotypical high school Mean Girls than Vil does 😂 Like, Vil certainly gives off a strong first impression (and not a very positive one), but I do think he ultimately has a stronger moral compass than most of the OB boys we’ve seen so far.
(Note: If you play EN, it has cut out content from parts of episode 5 😣 so I’d recommend looking up “Minna de Yahoo” and the deleted ending scene to get the full episode 5 experience!)
Anyway!! Episode 4 was also my favorite for a long time, the writing was pretty solid and I loved all the character interactions 😌 but then episode 6 happened and that one became my favorite—
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monarchisms · 1 year
...I hate being right the most.
[the previous ask, for context]
man, today has been fucking insane for former and current rt fans, hm?
like, coming down from the shock of the rvb news, i'm still a mix of "i'm pleasantly surprised they're giving it a proper sendoff, especially with bringing burnie back for writing from australia/scotland/new zealand/wherever the fuck he is now" and "wait, with a potential retcon of post-season 13 stuff, i feel like the writers of zero suffered the scrutiny from fans (derogatory) for nothing???" and also "with rvb not being an active rt show/property by late this year or early next year at the latest, camp camp and rwby are now, for the most part, the most popular animated series rt owns these days, if you don't count death battle"
fuck me, speaking of rwby:
i'm still of the opinion that if rwby doesn't get a proper conclusion in the worst possible scenario, one reason would be the fault of rt treating many of their employees like garbage, and not on the fans who are stuck in a moral dilemma of wanting the show to go on, but not at the expense of the employees enduring more workplace abuse
in addition to that, and apologies for not having all the details since i can only go off of updates from fans at the convention, it's so wild seeing the people working on the show asking fans to use a hashtag on twitter so that crunchyroll gets off their asses and finally greenlights a 10th season. rt asking for support at all isn't the surprising thing to me, though. like, that's to be expected. it's the fact that after all this time, with all the merch drops, with the very warm reception to volume 9, with the spinoffs and such, that somehow, we still have no new updates for the future of rwby's main story; all because of another company holding the show's streaming rights with a deal that was formed a year-ish ago. i may never wrap my head around it because of how... bleak that possibility is.
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
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My 25 Most Anticipated Films of 2023!!
No intro this year. Just, y’know, here they are...
1. Infinity Pool (Brandon Cronenberg) – 1.27.23
Haaaave you seen Possessor?!? Plus, that trailer!!
2. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Peyton Reed) – 2.17.23
Bring on Kang...
3. John Wick: Chapter 4 (Chad Stahelski) – 3.24.23
I’ll never not be excited to see Keanu kill the shit out of people.
4. Renfield (Chris McKay) – 4.14.23 
Nic Cage as Dracula... I repeat, Nic Cage as Dracula!!
5. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (James Gunn) – 5.5.23 
The trailer alone has me more emotionally invested than anything I saw in 2022, period.
6. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson) – 6.2.23
Haaaaaave you seen the first one?!?
7. Asteroid City (Wes Anderson) – 6.23.23
Wes is one of my very favorite directors. Enough Said.
8. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold) – 6.30.23
If you’re actually questioning why this is here, you clearly did not know how obsessed I was with Temple of Doom and Last Crusade as a little kid.
9. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part One (Christopher McQuarrie) – 7.14.23
Cruise can do no wrong... until he does... but even then the footage of his death will be a fucking blockbuster, and all his fans will give him the exact sendoff he’s apparently begging for. Can’t wait to see how he almost dies, this time.
10. Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan) – 7.21.23 
So very excited to see Nolan take on something more dramatic... plus, look at that cast!!!
11. Barbie (Greta Gerwig) – 7.21.23
Margot and Greta... enough said. Oh, but I’ll say more... we live in a world that will soon be home to a Barbie movie co-written by Noah Baumbach!! That’s beautiful.
12. Dune: Part Two (Denis Villeneuve) – 11.3.23
The first felt too unfinished to not be excited to see where Villeneuve brings it next.
13. Wonka (Paul King) – 12.15.23
Really couldn’t care less about Chalamet, and this project is totally unnecessary. But... I’m a die-hard Roald Dahl fan, and this is directed by the man who gave us Paddington 2, so... yeah.
14. Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese) – TBD 
C’mon... It’s Scorsese!
15. The Killer (David Fincher) – TBD  
C’mon... It’s Fincher!
16. Napoleon (Ridley Scott) – TBD 
I love Ridley Scott... and Joaquin Phoenix looks like he’s going to murder this role.
17. Maestro (Bradley Cooper) – TBD 
The theatre geek living deep down within me is enough reason. But then I also want to see if A Star Is Born was a fluke.
18. Ferrari (Michael Mann) – TBD 
Michael Mann directing a movie about Enzo Ferrari starring Adam Driver... why aren’t you excited about it?!?
19. Beau Is Afraid (Ari Aster) – TBD
No clue what we’re in for... but I’m certain it’s going to fuck me up for a week or two.
20. Peter Pan & Wendy (David Lowery) – TBD  
David Lowery... enough said. I mean, seriously, have you seen A Ghost Story or Pete’s Dragon?!?
21. Lee (Ellen Kuras) – TBD  
If Kate Winslet wasn’t enough... well, it is... it really is.
22. Blitz (Steve McQueen) – TBD 
It’s McQueen doing a WWII drama starring Saoirse Ronan...
23. Megalopolis (Francis Ford Coppola) – TBD  
I’m hoping it’s as wild as those set photos have been...
24. The Way of the Wind (Terrence Malick) – TBD
Malick does Jesus...
25. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson) – TBD
 I doubt this is actually going to release in 2023, but it is already in post, so in case does, I really need you all to know just how excited I will always be for new Wes Anderson.
There they are!
As for My Best of 2022, once again all of the major lists will not be getting posted until mid/late January, but I’m going to try to get some of the early lists – such as Posters, TV & Non-2022 Films – sorted and posted over the next week or two. Please Feel Free to Follow Along So You Don’t Miss Anything!
Stay Tuned!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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cocktailjjrs · 2 years
Did you guys see this!!!
Ash is really, actually, indeed leaving!!!
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While, yes, I am sad to see Ash go, but i feel this will give his character arc and story the deserved end. It’s a tough place to be, being both sad and happy. 
It won’t be the same without him and initially i did not wanted him to leave at all, but then i remembered how it was after his Alola win and he started a new journey, or any time in pokeani history where he reached a certain height in a league and then again started from 0 in the next region. Now that he is a Monarch (and it seems he still has ways to become a Pokemon Master, from his small conversation with Gary); there isn’t much left, only the last step remains, to become a Pokemon Master, which may even take decades. So, giving a respectful sendoff is quite fitting, to stop while at peak.
It does not hurt we are getting a mini series for the grand depart. AND THAT TOO WITH MISTY AND BROCK!!!
I’ve been waiting sooooo long for the OG trio to be back! 
It’s like coming to full circle, from where the whole story started..... 
And with this -
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Does it ever drive you crazy...
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Just how fast the night changes...
I’ll admit, the shipper in me is going crazy right now. Like, I have been shipping these two even before i knew what shipping was!!! 
I mean, I’m not expecting anything to be canonised by the end of this mini series, because let’s face it, they are still 10 years olds. 
But them just being together is what i want, with Brock ofc. Being together, supporting each other, teasing, fighting and always getting lost, caring and protecting the other. My heart ❤️
Ohhhh, I’m absolutely delighted. Over the moon. On cloud nine. Ecstatic. 
What a time to be alive 😍😍😍
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lesser-mook · 9 months
GARO: The Animation (anime recommendation) - Action, Dark Fantasy (Shonen Elements done right)
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(light spoilers)
I saw this once a few years ago, didn't leave much impression at the time.
After a re-watch (Autumn 2023); Surprisingly character driven, character development was well paced (so well paced for some, It left room for a lot of remaining exploration for others)
The show technically has more than one mc, and it works because instead of NPC's hijacking the story from the mains, the mc's are given focus, thus time isn't wasted or robbed from the characters that should have priority. And the extras serve to world-build, & some filler I found myself enjoying.
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Well executed action. (Not a fan of some of the CGI)
Music production is from Monaca, Keiichi Okabe's studio (NIER Game series).
Story isn't deep, it's simple.
The setting fits the tone well. (Dark fantasy, Medieval)
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Sub is better, Dub is satisfactory. Both good.
Likable core cast, Ema is the Goat. Alfonso the Legend, Leon the beast. Germán the OG Playa.
Again, the side characters fit appropriately to give some world building, everyone isn't contrived to have the same level of importance despite being NPC's.
No, when it's the extras time to shine, they shine, then they bow down as they should. And the main characters are the main characters.
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The fanservice didn't overstay it's welcome, didn't annoy me:
(Translation: Not a lot of stock jailbait/schoolgirls getting bent over, ya know, for the "kids"*), majorly it's played casual, it's just women that look sexy for the most part.
Not like a *Camera ZOOMS in on cleavage with bounce animation, sparkle filter, with Anime "WOW" sfx** (holds shot for 5 seconds+)
[Look look! Breasts! You like those right?! Give us a 10/10 please!] Shonen schtick.
As for GARO:
It has gags, comedy, but overall it's executed where it works, and when it's go time, it's go time. I was waiting for Ema's turn for the obligatory lingering, 5-8sec crotch shot while she's talking mid-sentence, followed by goofy sfx.
Just a 2 frame closeup you could miss if you blinked, Fanservice that flows with what's going on organically... Imagine my disappointment.
The situation doesn’t STOP________ To make sure you fully absorb the artistic significance of her crotch in the camera.
There was an occasion where the crew would've been stuck in an illusionary world if it weren't for Ema and her skills, so how she played into the events was unexpectedly not typical.
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I didn't expect her to pop off the way she did at times. Heavy Femme Fatale energy. A professional. The only one in the show that can do what she does.
(I prefer her over Gina *Garo: Vanishing Line*)
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Her (Spider-Woman) wire swinging scenes is some of the best content in the series.
So this anime is one of those weird series that for the most part treats their characters seriously while having sexy, but not oversexualized characters. (Again: Imagine my disappointment)
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The characters read like characters with a stake & purpose, a story; Not caricatures with lines and a weekly scheduled cliche.
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The movie, is decent, the plot wasn't the best but it was also well paced, doesn't drag or waste time, served as nice sendoff.
Recommended, I didn't get to see it the first time around, so watching it after the series served the anime to be more of a full package story.
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Similar to (Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim: Movie Wars Full Throttle) technically being the sequel, true ending to Gaim.
My gripes would be the CGI look of the Knights themselves, that aesthetic is almost exclusive to them, almost. Clunky at first but they actually look surreal with how flexible and masterful they fight.
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A lot of the monsters are 2D, but the Knights themselves are almost if not always CGI, this is my headcanon but I see it as an artistic choice to maintain the illusion of them being an interdimensional force. So they stand out the most in a sense.
It grows on you, eventually.
The villain, for me, was not interesting at all. I did like his stake in everything, the man was a menace, he just wasn't interesting (to me).
German's decision to not save Anna, when he had to power to do so? (In one scene it's shown she's alive when he retrieves the baby, so unless she was technically dead & her looking at him was just an aesthetic decision, I don't see why he doesn't try to take her too). Never understood that. Not a lore breaking gripe, obviously she was as good as dead but still, smells off to me.
Grandpa and those goddamn seeds (If you know, you know), the needless outcome of that situation drove me nuts the most.
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Overall, well produced, decent writing, no masterpiece, naturally; Better than I remember. Underrated.
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Medieval Kamen Rider-esque but with Wolf Armor, my favorite of the GARO series trilogy.
The other 2 were OK (Vanishing Line could've been so much more if they focused on the better characters instead of Sophie) but the first, "The Animation" had a better execution about it.
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queeniecamps · 2 years
I feel like Roosterteeth really needs to fix their image right now since it's become like public news that a bunch of them are assholes, so releasing new episodes of abandoned favorites is going to be their tactic here. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited about the new episode I literally cried when it was confirmed, but like- it'll work. I wouldn't be surprised if Camp Camp was one of their most popular shows, just under rvb and rwby. People loved it and it never got a proper sendoff. But I am wary of rt now.
(Also with how RWBY has just continued to go downhill in quality I am also a touch nervous)
oh god, yeah, same
I'll likely p*rate the episode when it releases-
(1: I don't wanna get RTFIRST just for ONE special and just wait til it's free to watch with ads the next day 2: RT's website has been making screenshots low quality lately?? like all of the edges of camp camp have been jagged when i try taking a new screenshot, i either have to take a screenshot from youtube or PRAY somebody posted a season 4 screenie i needed
3: I don't wanna support them directly anymore, if i can avoid giving them my support i do)
My only concern with that though is a low view turnout = no more camp camp PERIOD, but honestly i gave up all hope a year or two ago, i'll gladly take the one episode we get
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mallwalker · 10 months
ncuti is so so good i cant wait for the christmas episode but also like i fully expected these episodes to end with donna forgetting the doctor again i dont think it was ever a possibility for me that she'd get to remember him and live LET ALONE what actually happened like i know it was corny i know it was fanservicey but donna had one of the most awful most heartbreaking most disrespectful to her character sendoffs of any companion and was stuck like that for twelve entire years i am so glad she got this
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nimbus-cloud-90 · 1 year
Hello there folks, you know the drill:
Chapter Eight:
Goin’ West.
When we woke up, everyone that did sleep cramped together on the park bench, I used my four of my five dollars to get everyone an ice pop for breakfast.
“Well, well, aren’t you being nice!”
“I’m pretty sure someone over there besides me will throw up if they see another Pop Tart.” I harshly whispered back.
While we ate I asked the vendor for directions to New Orleans from this point.
“How should I know, kid?” The voice raspy and broken, like they’d been a smoker for fifty years.
Wait a minute—
“They caught me, and now I’m sentenced to sell ice cream to minors for the rest of the era.”
“Hey, he’s lucky my stepmom is nice, Dad wanted to do so much worse!”
“Are you only sectioned to Louisiana?”
“No, my boss lets me use a taxi to send me to wherever children need ice cream.” They wheezed and struggled to get that last part out as they tried to breathe between each word.
“Okay then…are you sure you don-”
“Yes, I’m sure, now beat it kid before I chase you off with a broom!” They wheezed at the top of their lungs. I just raised my hands in surrender and backed slowly away to the park bench.
“He had no idea, did he?” Agni said condescendingly.
“No clue unfortunately.” I suddenly had an idea, “I’ll be right back.” I said and sprinted into town square. I got to an empty place, pulled the flower out of my dufflebag, put a flower petal on my tongue and swallowed.
“Really, you wasted a petal for this?” He said and gave me a road map.
And it surprisingly was an actual map!
“Why didn’t you give this to me earlier?”
“You didn’t make a wish for it now did you?” Although it was said in a teasing tone, there was a certain weight and power to those words.
Then he disappeared.
After that awkward sendoff I walked back toward the group and showed Bella the map, “Found this in the square.”
“Alright, an actual map!”
“I know right!” Bella took the map from my hands and started reading it.
“Alright, New Orleans looks to be to the left of here.” Bella said and gave me the map back.
“Alright gang we’re going east!” NIle said.
“Actually we’re going west….” Agni whispered to him.
“Alright gang, turn back the other way, we’re going west!”
@computerglitch306 @shadie-cat @ask-and-i-answer
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audriel · 2 years
the moon in autumn
Summary: Fang Rui is a male omega in a society that doesn't acknowledge his existence. How would this change things? (an exploration if secondary gender exists in TKA canon universe)
I haven’t written in a long time, I'm feeling a bit rusty. Regardless, please enjoy my humble offering to King’s Avatar fandom and Ye Xiu/Fang Rui rarepair, and my first foray into the omegaverse.
*drops this and runs away*
Also published in AO3
Team Wind Howl ended in ninth this season and failed to make it to the playoffs. Their team captain and ace player Lin Jingyan’s condition was declining due to age. After the duel between him and Tang Hao at the All Star Competition, which he lost, the title of Number One Brawler was no longer his. Their team’s other All Star, Fang Rui, had a strong start, but a weak finish this season. The All Star Competition was the start of his decline. On the other hand, Zhao Yuzhe’s performance was steady all throughout the year, so he won the Best Rookie award. (Chapter 693: Award Ceremony)
Fang Rui stares dazedly at the screen. The word GLORY stares back at him. They won their last match of the season, but it’s not enough for them to make it to the playoff.
“You’ve been working hard, Vice Captain Fang.” Firm hand lands on his shoulder. Fang Rui doesn’t need to look to know who it is.
“So have you, Captain Lin.”
Neither Lin Jingyan nor Fang Rui are the type to dwell in the past. Dirty playstyle requires calm, patience, but most importantly flexibility. It is a lie to say they are not affected with what happened at the All Stars. It is a reminder that time waits for no one. They know this is likely the last season for Criminal Partners, or at least for Demon Subduer as the core and ace player of Wind Howl. They are slowly shifting their focus towards Zhao Yuzhe’s Elemental Mage as the main attacker in their tactics.
However, their rookie’s own style is out of touch with Wind Howl’s dirty playstyle. Lin Jingyan does his best to rein Zhao Yuzhe in and make him cooperate better with the team, to various degree of success, but whatever remaining respect he has left for the captain seems gone after the loss against Tang Hao that he barely listens, especially when he sees more opportunities granted to him. He’s already getting a big head even without having them say anything, so neither Lin Jingyan nor Fang Rui speak up.
This leaves Fang Rui doing the most to connect their wayward rookie with the team, unable to exert his full ability due to the difference in rhythm. He won’t be surprised if there’s more criticism headed his way than Lin Jingyan, which honestly, while it’s not his intention, it’s not entirely unwelcome, if it makes the management consider keeping Lin Jingyan, even as a substitute. He wants to give a better sendoff for Lin Jingyan for his last season in Wind Howl than this season, falling short just one ranking to make it to the playoff, so close and yet so far.
Fang Rui barely remembers shaking hands with the opponents and leaving the stadium, exhaustion is finally catching up with him as they get seated in the bus. Both Lin Jingyan and Ruan Yongbin subtly throw worried looks at him.
“We’re going to Medical the moment we get to Wind Howl.”
“Yes, yes.” Fang Rui doesn’t put up a fight. Admittedly he’s been running himself ragged in being the bridge between the old and new, and between Lin Jingyan and the rest of the team, his condition doesn’t help matters.
By the time they arrive at Medical, Fang Rui is leaning heavily on Lin Jingyan. His captain is the only reason why he doesn’t trip on his feet. Ruan Yongbin would have followed, but he has a team to distract. Doctor Peng is already standing by, quickly ushering them into the examination room. Lin Jingyan helps him lie down on the bed after taking off his jacket. In no time, Doctor Peng wraps his upper arm to check his blood pressure.
“Have you eaten anything?” The dark-haired, glasses-wearing doctor asks.
“Some granola bar.” Fang Rui faintly remembers chewing something.
“How many calories will that make for today?”
“Er…” Now he draws a blank at that.
“Almost 2,000,” Lin Jingyan answers for him.
“I know you didn’t want to miss the playoff, but honestly, good thing you did.” Doctor Peng tells them bluntly. Fang Rui couldn’t suppress the grimace at that.
“Your blood pressure is low, Little Fang. You’re not gaining much weight, either.”
“I’m not supposed to, am I?” Doctor Peng gives him a stern glare at his smart remark.
“You’re still supposed to gain some weight. Male omega body or not.”
“Well, it does make it easier to hide.” Fang Rui smirks lightly, his hand goes to his stomach, where a bump was clearly visible now with the jacket removed. Both Doctor Feng and Lin Jingyan notice how his fingers rub circles over the swell of his abdomen.
“Is the baby moving a lot?” Lin Jingyan looks like he wants to check by himself.
“I’m not sure what is considered a lot, but honestly by now I’m just used to it. The baby is calm and quiet when I play Glory though.”
“... somehow I’m not surprised.” Lin Jingyan sighs, thinking of the parentage of the child.
“That said, I suggest you don’t stay any longer than necessary after you’re finished with your vice captain duties. You’re going to have the child in your hometown right?”
“Yeah.” That reminds him, Fang Rui needs to inform his mother that he’s going home earlier than expected. He could have given birth in Nanjing, not to mention the health facilities and service are more complete and advanced, but he was too high profile in the home base of Wind Howl. His hometown has his blood pack and the doctor whom he has been seeing since he differentiated into an omega. He did go to a specialist for regular checkups, but despite having proven their worth in both skill and privacy, Fang Rui still feels more comfortable with Doctor Jin. Doctor Peng does his best, but ultimately this is beyond his ability. He is merely the team’s doctor, to mainly care for their health in relation to maintaining professional players’ best condition.
“Give me your doctor’s contact information so I can send them your medical information,” Doctor Peng’s tone brooks no argument. “Jingyan, you’re going home with him right? Make sure the kid eats and sleeps well. He needs to look much more alive than he’s right now.” Lin Jingyan, the good man he is, dutifully nods.
“Hey, I’m right here.” Fang Rui protests, but the two Wind Howl most senior members ignore him as the doctor continues listing all the reminders to his beta captain. He leans back to the bed, trying to find a more comfortable position. Even though he doesn’t gain much weight, his back and waist tend to feel sore for a prolonged time.
Fang Rui notices the edge of the skin-colored patch on his wrist gland slightly peeling off. He brings it up to his face, but instead of sticking it back on he peels it off halfway. In the first inhale, he can smell his own sharp, tangy scent of lemon, but at the second inhale, he also detects the faint underlayer of deep, bitter scent of tea. He snorts, in the end, for all his efforts, he ends up getting marked anyway.
It was the second to last match before winter break of Season 8, which was later known as the second to last match of Ye Qiu before his retirement. Excellent Era played a home game against Wind Howl. All the top professional players noticed how off Excellent Era had been. The Battle God was still as invincible as always, and yet, their results barely had anything to show. Then there was the public opinion.
It’s pretty well known in the circle that Fang Rui likes to brush his own tag before sleep. Some said it’s narcissistic of him, some others–who know him better–said it’s masochistic of him. He might be the only player after Ye Qiu that attracts so much vitriol from Glory fans. Praises are often mixed with condemnations, compliments with criticisms, adoration with disdain. Not many other players garner such strong and mixed reactions from the fans. However by doing so, he’s realized how far he and his dirty playstyle has come. There was little to no support in his debut, to the point that Lin Jingyan banned the team from accessing social media except for the ones meant for communication between professional players. Fans who showed support or even the slightest hint of it were not treated kindly either. But those who persist, along with Wind Howl that makes it their main playstyle, worth their weight in gold.
Fang Rui doesn’t play for fame and fortune, but he knows he and Wind Howl can last this long because of these loyal fans. Going through the tags, finding the true fans and returning their support are the least he can do to show his appreciation. It also shows him the state of the public opinion, Glory and Wind Howl fans alike. He knows how to toe the line, when to move forward and to retreat, just like his playstyle. He might not care about their approval, but the club does. And he’s Wind Howl’s vice captain.
He was among the few who first noticed the changing opinion of Excellent Era’s captain. It actually started much earlier, back in the seventh Season. There have been sporadic suggestions that Ye Qiu was no longer the indomitable Battle God in the Glory forums. Then there was the fan analysis. They caught Fang Rui’s attention because it repeated the same point despite being done by different users. Those didn’t get much traction and soon disappeared. Fang Rui didn’t give it another glance then.
However, when Wind Howl met Excellent Era in the later half of Season 7 suddenly those online discussions came to mind. Su Mucheng’s Dancing Rain has always been criticized for her overt support of Ye Qiu’s One Autumn Leaf, but in that team competition, he couldn’t help but notice whenever he was prepared for other Excellent Era’s players to cover for One Autumn Leaf, the one who came through was Dancing Rain, even if it was not as effective. It didn’t happen once or twice.
At the realization, he barely restrained the impulse from asking Su Mucheng when their teams shook hands. He wondered whether the other Master Tacticians noticed, because it was such an obvious weakness to exploit, not that it was an easy one. Wind Howl still lost against Excellent Era. He couldn’t get rid of the feeling of wrongness, so he had gestured for Lin Jingyan to go ahead while he aimlessly walked around the dark, silent passages.
Only to find the very person that could provide all the answers.
His figure was shrouded in darkness, with the only light coming from the burning cigarette in between his fingers. His back was to Fang Rui.
Somehow, that day his back looked painfully lonely.
He knew once he made himself known, Ye Qiu would only give his usual smile, as if he was indifferent, unaffected. He would give both praise and ridicule in turns about the game, which would be always difficult to refute because there was no lie in them. Ye Qiu never lied, but he did not tell the whole truth, either. So instead of giving him a chance to, Fang Rui did the most daring thing back then, he peeled off the scent blocker on his wrist gland and let his omega pheromone fill in the space between and around them.
Society might try to shame them for not being a beta, for not being normal, might make him hide his secondary gender for necessity, but Fang Rui will always be proud of being an omega. He doesn’t mind that his nature is to care for others. He likes that his scent can comfort others. His sharp, tangy lemon scent could have mistaken him as a beta, but the faint undertones when it is intended to comfort, to soothe will not be difficult to detect for non-betas.
And Ye Qiu is not a beta.
It is well-known and widely accepted that there is power in pheromones, but at the same time, it’s not desirable to acknowledge the existence of secondary gender, so it is considered proper for everyone to wear skin-colored scent blockers in public. However, considering there are fewer non-betas and not all non-betas have the same sensitivity to pheromones, the scent blockers do little to hide the pheromones for the non-betas who have sharper senses than the others. Fang Rui is one of them. It is also what makes him good at reading people, since he’s attuned to the changes in people’s scent alongside their body language.
There was no visible change in Ye Qiu’s demeanor, but somehow Fang Rui could discern that the other non-beta was initially shocked, before his expression was replaced with something soft and tired and real. Ye Qiu smiled helplessly, slowly reaching out, unerringly towards the uncovered wrist gland.
“Thank you, Fang Rui.” The alpha–something inside him was so certain–gently, so gently, carefully, yet firmly, pressed the patch back on. “You really don’t have to.”
Even when he said so, Fang Rui noticed that he achieved his objective. Something inside Ye Qiu seemed to unravel, to relax, and that was enough for Fang Rui. This was the least he could do.
After that they simply parted ways without further exchange. However, it didn’t stop him from paying attention to Ye Qiu and Excellent Era when he was not studying the opponents he would be facing that week. He didn’t know himself what he was looking for, maybe some change, some improvements? He didn’t even know why he cared so much, either.
Excellent Era qualified for the playoff, unlike Wind Howl. Even then, they were stopped at the quarterfinals by Tiny Herb who eventually won the Championship, which covered up if there were other reasons for Excellent Era’s loss.
Whatever hope he had left for Ye Qiu was dashed with the start of Season 8, Excellent Era was off to a weak start, and the dissatisfaction with the captain was getting louder, more noticeable. The “fans” involved in suggesting that Ye Qiu’s condition was declining were a bit too good, too articulate, even for fans who have above average understanding of Glory. Then there was the timing of the responses supporting and the spread of the opinion.
Fang Rui liked to gossip as much as the next person, but something like this? That there was someone or some people who were willing to go to such lengths to discredit the sole reason that Excellent Era remained relevant despite the supposedly bad performance? And that Excellent Era’s PR team did nothing to stop it?
Fang Rui didn’t entertain the possibility that Excellent Era themselves had a hand in it, and dismissed it as soon as it appeared. But… there was a time that something the “fan” pointed out, that later conveniently happened in the next match of Excellent Era to support their argument. His first thought was to talk about it with Lin Jingyan, to make sure that he wasn’t making things up, but he didn’t even know where to start.
Before he realized it, he had clicked on One Autumn Leaf in the chat group. The empty chat window reminded him that they were not the kind of friends that sought each other out, which actually surprised himself. Because while he might not be as close as the older generations with Ye Qiu (particularly certain chatterbox and Master Tacticians), he didn’t feel distant either. If they were within the vicinity of each other, they would never ignore each other, even if it was only a brief, playful jab. Not many could keep up with Ye Qiu’s trash talk after all. Oddly though, whenever they met offline, they tended to fall into silence. It wasn’t awkward, either.
It was easy, comfortable.
That was why he didn’t think twice of revealing his most closely guarded secret. In comparison, he really needed to think about it before he finally shared his secondary gender with Wu Yuce and Zhou Zekai, whom he later formed a pack with.
His fingers hovered on the keypad, before finally closing the window. He would wait until Wind Howl meets Excellent Era.
Still, nothing prepared him for how bad Excellent Era’s condition was. And bad was understatement.
During the individual matches Wind Howl surprisingly got two points from himself and Zhao Yuzhe. It was the group arena when he really suspected something was seriously wrong. He got the impression that the first two players of Excellent Era didn’t really attempt to accumulate the advantage for the next player, particularly their defending general. One Autumn Leaf won the arena with 12% blood remaining after completing 1v2, and one of them was full-blooded defending Demon Subduer.
It was the team competition that confirmed his suspicions. His ability in spotting opportunities was no lesser than Huang Shaotian, and he saw and took advantage of far too many against a team in their own chosen map. Wind Howl won against Excellent Era, 7 to 3. He and Lin Jingyan exchanged glances by the end of the match, unable to fully bask in their victory.
Fang Rui wanted nothing else but to talk to Ye Qiu, but Wind Howl’s press conference should be after Excellent Era, and he needed to be ready to go anytime for their turn. He actually considered actually making an appointment with Ye Qiu, empty chat box be damned. He was about to do that when they were leaving the stadium.
He was barely taking a few steps outside, leaving the hidden exit, composing a text on his phone when he caught a whiff of a familiar scent, stopping him dead in his tracks. Ruan Yongbin who was walking with him at the end of the group faltered.
“What’s wrong?”
“I think I forgot something in the lounge. I’m going back to check. Can you tell Old Lin?”
“Should I wait for you?” Ruan Yongbin asked.
“Nah. Besides, our hotel is pretty close.” Fang Rui made a waving motion for his teammate to carry on. Ruan Yongbin didn’t argue, they knew the city well enough by now. Fang Rui waited until the other turned his back before going back in. He slowly retraced his steps, frowning imperceptibly when he confirmed that he did smell that particular tea scent that belonged to Ye Qiu. He wasn’t supposed to be able to scent the alpha at all.
He made several turns to a hidden corner which was oddly closer to Wind Howl’s side than Excellent Era’s where the scent was the strongest. A hunched figure was leaning against the wall, an unlit cigarette on their lips.
“Old Ye?” Before he was finished calling his name, Ye Qiu had turned towards him.
“Dirty Fang.” When Fang Rui approached him, he noticed the strangeness of Ye Qiu. There was an odd sort of dazedness, listlessness in the way the other held himself.
“Are you okay?” Fang Rui frowned deeper as he noticed as he got closer it didn’t seem that Ye Qiu removed the scent blockers. He wondered whether he was extra sensitive today or it was something else.
“...I’m not quite sure.” That response certainly made Fang Rui snapped up sharply into attention.
“Let me take you to Excellent Era.” This was no good. Ye Qiu shouldn’t be alone like this in the first place. He felt the urgency to get him somewhere safe and familiar.
“No.” The quiet, firm reply stunned Fang Rui, and he saw the same surprise reflected on the other’s face. The implication was clear.
“Okay then. Let’s go to my place.” Fang Rui didn’t question him further, leading them towards the hotel where Wind Howl was staying. Coming out to the brighter outdoors, Ye Qiu seemed rather flushed. Without thinking, Fang Rui removed his team jacket and put them over Ye Qiu. They were of similar height, so it perfectly covered Excellent Era’s jacket. Ye Qiu could have been easily mistaken as a Wind Howl player, especially since no one knew the face of the Glory Textbook. When he and Ye Qiu passed by the exit designed for the home team, Fang Rui thought he saw more than one reporter hanging around. They didn’t react to their presence, which could only mean they were there for Excellent Era in particular. Fang Rui didn’t think much of it then, more concerned in getting Ye Qiu away, more so with how quiet and docile he was.
Fang Rui expected to feel relieved when they finally entered his single room without encountering anyone, but Ye Qiu merely stood a few steps from the door, hands clutching Wind Howl’s jacket, nose buried into the raised collar. In the silence, he thought he could hear his quick breaths. His heart was sinking when he recognized the signs. He walked in front of Ye Qiu so they were face to face.
“...Old Ye, are you in a rut?” Fang Rui watched his expression carefully. The usual sharpness was still there, he could see Ye Qiu truly assessing his own state.
“...Shouldn’t be.” And yet he was. They stared at each other at the realization.
Fang Rui has an alpha for an older sister, so he knows enough of ruts. He had been with her during her ruts, particularly during the worst of them. Unlike what’s assumed by the public and perpetuated by the media, ruts for alpha and heats for omega are not purely sexual. It can be suppressed–soothed may be the better word–with the scent of their pack in their nest, and better with the presence of their pack, particularly with the omega of their pack. Their sexual urges can be satisfied with closeness and intimacy. A partner–sexual partner or bonded mate–is not necessary to get through the cycle, though definitely more effective.
It can be said that his shamelessness is partially attributed to spending his own heats and his sister’s ruts with her. They’ve learned there’s nothing shameful for being open and vulnerable, for asking for and basking in comfort and reassurance. Their beta parents don’t fully understand this, but it doesn’t stop them from indulging their children, especially seeing there’s no harm in it and if anything, it strengthens their bond as family and pack. It’s an opinion that’s unfortunately not shared by the rest of society. It’s only natural then that Fang Rui tends to hold little disregard of societal standards.
If this was a natural rut, Fang Rui’s best bet was to have Su Mucheng here. She’s a beta, but undeniably pack to Ye Qiu. Faint as it was, he could recognize Ye Qiu’s scent intertwined with Su Mucheng’s natural one and vice versa, in the way typical for pack members to scent each other. However, if this was not a natural rut, bringing Su Mucheng would only endanger her. Fang Rui was growing more sure that this was an artificially induced rut, from the way Ye Qiu’s bitter tea scent got more pungent even through the scent patch he wore and the visibly growing desire shown from the tenting on his pants. Besides the obvious fact that for all he could be so casual, Ye Qiu was the most uncompromising when it came to Glory, he would not be so careless that he would allow his rut to affect the game. Fang Rui was no Master Tactician, but he was quick on the uptake when it came to people and what they were capable of.
Fang Rui’s mind rapidly connected the dots. Changing public opinion. Declining condition rumors. Quiet PR team. Disconnection within the team. Bad performance of the team. Reporters waiting for Excellent Era players, or player.
This was foul play. The worst and most heinous kind.
And it was committed by Excellent Era themselves. To their captain, their founder, and their main reason for achieving their fame and fortune.
Fang Rui was not one easily angered, but he couldn’t help the rage that threatened to choke him.
“Fang Rui… It’s best for you to leave.” Ye Qiu’s voice was hoarse. Fang Rui was sure it took all of him to keep his sanity. No wonder he barely made a move since he got into the room, an omega’s room. Fang Rui’s scent was both what kept Ye Qiu in control and could make him lose it.
A surge of protectiveness came over him.
At that moment, Fang Rui made his decision. First he went to lock the door, putting up a Do Not Disturb sign, then he walked to the nightstand next to the bed. After sending off a message to Lin Jingyan, he put down his phone and opened the drawer. As expected, it was well stocked. He pulled off the scent blockers covering his glands. Even with his back to Ye Qiu, he could sense all of the alpha’s attention narrowing, bearing down on him. He put the thick leather collar on his neck, designed to prevent marking.
“Fang Rui… You…” Ye Qiu’s pupils had dilated by now, his eyes completely dark, his alpha’s instincts were closer to the surface. Somehow Fang Rui dared to approach the alpha on the edge of losing control. He took the beautiful hands that had brought so many victories and earned him the title of Battle God, but could have been easily damaged with how hard he had been clenching it. He placed those hands on his waist instead.
Fang Rui had run through all the options. He could have given him a strong dose of suppressant, but there was a chance it might not work. And there was also the possibility that it reacted badly to whatever induced his rut. He could just leave him be and deal with his rut alone, but considering that this was no natural rut, it was certainly going to be long and painful, and with little to no control, he might end up hurting himself. He could go through it with a partner, but instead of hurting himself, he might end up hurting someone else. This left dealing with the rut alone as the best and safest option. Ye Qiu’s tactical mind certainly came to that conclusion before he could.
However, the Master Tactician didn’t take into account that Fang Rui might be willing to help, to get him through the rut in the most surefire, natural way. Ye Qiu is an alpha. Fang Rui is an omega. If anyone can get through an alpha’s rut safely, it will only be an omega.
Fang Rui had never been with anyone sexually. He didn’t really know what it entailed besides what he had seen and heard. However, he knew enough that the best way to get through it was not to fight against his omega instincts, to let them take over. It was honestly a tall order. Having to keep his secondary gender under wraps and to protect himself, it was almost second nature to him to fight his instincts.
Despite his nervousness, his hands remained steady as he peeled off both of the patches on Ye Qiu’s wrists. He nearly buckled at the strong, heady alpha scent. He slowly breathed in and felt the growing heat in his core. He could feel Ye Qiu’s fingers spasming against his waist while remaining unmoved, frozen in position. It made him realize that Ye Qiu’s was still fighting against his instincts, despite the obvious concession. Fang Rui found himself smiling at the realization. This was not just any alpha, this was Ye Qiu. He was the other person besides Lin Jingyan whom he had willingly revealed himself to.
He trusted him.
Fang Rui held Ye Qiu’s face and captured his lips. His other hand ripped off the last scent patch on the other’s neck. The effect was immediate.
The scent was overpowering, domineering. It completely overwhelmed his senses, and awakened his desire. He could not help the moan that came out from him, which appeared to be the only invitation Ye Qiu needed as he snarled, all restraint gone as he seized his waist in a bruising grip, slamming his back against the wall, prying his mouth open and stealing all his breath. When he finally caught his breath, his wrists were pinned above him, Ye Qiu’s mouth on his throat and his hand roaming under his shirt, their bodies pressed closely together.
Truthfully, Fang Rui cannot recall all the details of that time. All he has mainly is impressions because he has let his instincts completely take over, which now, in hindsight is indeed the best decision. Otherwise, it would have hurt.
Having held back for so long, Ye Qiu wasn’t gentle. He nearly ripped apart their clothes in his haste and barely wasted a moment in burying himself in his soft, pliant body. Omega’s natural reaction towards alpha provided enough lubrication for easy penetration, but it didn’t prepare for the expansion. He remembered his choked off cry, his back arching against the wall, his reflexive resistance as the alpha drove into him, bigger, deeper than he’d had experienced before. Though it quickly turned into pleasure as Ye Qiu fucked him senseless.
At that moment, Ye Qiu was undeniably an alpha, the powerful, formidable Battle God.
Fang Rui was completely at Ye Qiu’s mercy. He could only let him have his way with him.
When Ye Qiu found he couldn’t mark him due to the collar covering the neck gland, it was as if he made it his mission to claim Fang Rui in every way possible. He left no skin unmarked. He knotted him not just once, but twice, while biting the collar hard enough to leave a deep dent in it. Now he thought about it, it was no wonder that the pills didn’t work.
When he finally regained his senses, his body was sore and aching all over, even in the places he didn’t know he could be. He was completely and utterly exhausted and he could hardly believe it when he checked that it had only been two days. Fortunately, they somehow found their way to the bed, so he counted his blessings.
Meanwhile, Ye Qiu was completely dead to the world next to him. It seemed the aftermath hit him hard. Nothing could rouse him. Otherwise, he was completely normal. Taking advantage of his comatose state, Fang Rui dragged his tired body out of the alpha’s possessive hold to clean and refresh himself. Suspecting there might be more side-effects of the induced rut, Fang Rui decided to clean up the room and everything inside it. By the time Ye Qiu regained consciousness, there were no signs of the rut, and Ye Qiu himself only remembered that he suffered an abnormal state, and was brought to the hotel room by Fang Rui, but nothing more. So Fang Rui played along and told him that he helped give him suppressant and checked on him periodically while letting him go through his rut in his hotel room out of the kindness of his heart.
Ye Qiu believed him.
Fang Rui had time to think about it while waiting for Ye Qiu to wake up. What he had was merely suspicions, and he couldn’t share it with Ye Qiu. Because he knows that Excellent Era is not just a club, not just a team for Ye Qiu. Just like Wind Howl for Lin Jingyan.
If it was true that it was Excellent Era’s doing, that Excellent Era’s people are capable of doing this, Fang Rui didn’t want to think how much of a blow it would be for Ye Qiu. He didn’t dismiss the possibility of them hatching another nefarious plan, but he knew Ye Qiu was not stupid, and that he would be more careful after the incident. Considering how close it was to the winter transfer window, Fang Rui gave them time before deciding on the next course of action.
When the news of Ye Qiu’s retirement came out, Fang Rui might be the only one not surprised. He was sad and angry, but also relieved for Ye Qiu. Whatever sense of duty and responsibility that kept him in Excellent Era, he is now free of them. He can do whatever he wants.
Afterwards, Ye Qiu has pretty much disappeared from everyone’s sight. At least, he was not seen anywhere online. Busy with competition, Fang Rui didn’t have time to hunt the wayward Glory Textbook. He could ask Su Mucheng, but he and Ye Qiu aren’t renowned for being close, more so he’s not anywhere familiar with Su Mucheng.
Until he showed up with Lord Grim.
Fang Rui was among the professional players who crowded into the private room in the Arena. He didn’t hide his presence, but he also didn’t bring attention to himself. He was as surprised as the others at the Unspecialized and the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, but if there was anyone who could utilize them to the fullest it would only be the Glory Textbook. Lord Grim couldn’t be anyone else but Ye Qiu. He couldn’t help the knowing grin to see no hints of the declining condition that Excellent Era used to kick him out. While he was disappointed he couldn’t get a chance to play against Lord Grim, he was certain it was a matter of time to see the Unspecialized ion the professional stage.
With the speculations of Lord Grim’s identity rising in public, Fang Rui sneakily asked about Lord Grim to the Guild department. It was like a dam just broken, before he knew it he got the whole history of Lord Grim and his reign of terror in the Tenth Server. He was very careful not to cackle out loud, because if he were in their place he would have a lot of complaints himself. As the master of dirty play, he truly admired the man’s cunning. But what caught his attention was the fact that Lord Grim started a guild named Happy.
Fang Rui knew the significance of starting a guild. He was of the younger generation, but he had heard the stories.
Ye Qiu was building a team from scratch.
Somehow Fang Rui managed to hide his preoccupation throughout his way back to his room. Locking the door, he reached into the hidden corner in the back of his closet to bring out a box. After a moment’s hesitation, he opened it, revealing multiple slim white sticks in various types and sizes. They were pregnancy test packs, of different brands, and used in different times.
All positive.
Being a professional player, more so as an omega hiding his secondary gender, Fang Rui paid close attention to his body. While physically omega’s body is no less strong and resilient than alpha, as both of them are ultimately the protectors of the pack, omega’s reproductive system is more trouble than it’s worth. Unfortunately unlike their fellow child-bearing counterparts aka beta women, omegas have no safe medicine of sorts they can take to control heats. The only consolation is that their cycles are considerably longer than them.
Stress can delay the estrus, but Fang Rui’s has been relatively stable. So when there were no signs of incoming heat, it only took a week for him to take the test. The result was returned positive, and so were all the following at home test packs he took. By then he was around 8-9 weeks along.
It should be a clear choice.
Fang Rui is currently at his prime as a professional player. Pregnancy and childbirth are likely to affect his state. Even if he is lucky and regains his condition after childbirth, then there’s the matter of raising the child. He cannot and won’t give up his child. His conscience and his nature won’t allow him to, the moment he decided to keep the child.
He shouldn’t keep the child, not if this season would be Lin Jingyan’s and their Criminal Partners’ last.
Then there’s the sire of the child.
Not only did he lie to him that they spent his rut together but the man’s whereabouts were also currently unknown, and even if he found him, what would Fang Rui say? Sorry I lied to you, but we actually spent the rut together, and now I am with your child? Besides, the poor alpha didn’t ask for any of it: the rut, Fang Rui spending the rut with him against his wishes, and then the child.
However, Fang Rui hesitated. He dawdled.
And Fang Rui is no good at denial. He accepted that he was actually considering keeping the child.
The only person he could go to was Lin Jingyan.
As it had become routine, both captain and vice captain of Wind Howl stayed in the training room long after the scheduled time to review their progress, followed by dinner and late night conversation in either of their rooms. The moment Fang Rui suggested his room, Lin Jingyan gave him a knowing look that finally his vice captain would share whatever had been troubling him lately. Fang Rui smiled inwardly, he couldn’t really hide anything from his captain. Being around Fang Rui for a long time, everyone in Wind Howl has picked up that no one goes into his room without an invitation. Only the original Wind Howl team members know that the reason is due to his omega’s territorial nature, which now only Lin Jingyan and Ruan Yongbin are left. When you are invited, it means a display of trust.
For a long time, there was only silence. Lin Jingyan just sat there patiently, waiting for his junior. But still, it didn’t prepare him when it was finally broken.
“I am pregnant.” Fang Rui stared straight at his captain, his teacher, and his friend as he broke the news, belying its truth and seriousness. Lin Jingyan didn’t doubt him, but he wondered how it could happen considering how careful Fang Rui was. For all his playfulness, the younger man was never reckless when it came to his own wellbeing.
“I had a heat partner when it came early.” It was the excuse he gave to Lin Jingyan when he told the team to leave Hangzhou without him when he was actually helping Ye Qiu. Lin Jingyan was no slouch either, he recalled the only time that Fang Rui mentioned having his heat came early and knowing full well that he would not take any random people as a heat partner, he slowly but surely narrowed down the possibilities.
“...Ye Qiu?” Fang Rui’s heart jumped in surprise, though his face betrayed nothing. Lin Jingyan wasn’t sure, but Fang Rui’s reaction said it all. The older man was about to speak, but he paused, looking at him thoughtfully. Fang Rui felt himself sweating nervously, unsure of what Lin Jingyan was seeing. Lin Jingyan’s expression softened, reaching out to his clenched hands. Fang Rui didn’t even notice that he had been doing so unconsciously.
“You want to keep it, don’t you?”
Fang Rui, the man who loved surprises, was for once completely taken by surprise. Only then he realized that he had made his decision, and what he needed for Lin Jingyan was not his advice, but his support. And Lin Jingyang came to that realization before he did.
“I would make sure it won’t affect the game.” Fang Rui assured his captain.
Lin Jingyan only smiled at him sadly, helplessly. The knowledge of non-beta bodies is not as complete and extensive as their beta counterparts. While it is known that omega’s bodies are physically above average, it won’t matter if something goes wrong because of lack of information. More so, Fang Rui isn’t just an omega, he is a male omega. The rarest of them all. The doctors can miss something, or give improper treatment. Something minor can turn out major. The game should be the least of Fang Rui’s worries.
Fang Rui couldn’t help the chuckle, even though it was devoid of mirth. He knew the risks, better than Lin Jingyan. It was the reason why he took so much time to make a decision. His prime for playing professionally happens to coincide with his prime for childbearing. His current age actually has among the lowest risk for childbearing. And admittedly, Fang Rui wants a child of his own.
He had never quite thought about it, but now that it happened, he was unwilling to let it go. This is Fang Rui’s personal, selfish choice. However, Fang Rui is also Wind Howl’s vice captain and Lin Jingyan’s partner.
Lin Jingyan let out a sigh then, giving him an affectionate, exasperated look that was so familiar whenever Fang Rui did anything particularly stupid and careless, drawing trouble to himself. The part of Fang Rui who would always be Lin Jingyan’s junior and student, instinctively prepared to protest and defend himself.
“We’re a pack, aren’t we?”
The words died in his throat. Coming from his first pack leader outside of his blood pack, it meant much, much more. Because it would be them against the world. Fang Rui’s secondary gender in Wind Howl is only known to a limited few, the manager, the doctor/health advisor, and the Wind Howl pack.
Like everything related to secondary gender, pack culture is becoming lesser known, being considered irrelevant in the beta-dominated world, though the word pack is still often thrown around. However, pack is important for non-betas, for their overall safety and health. And Lin Jingyan who was given stern talking to, not to mention the following strict observation by Fang Shijing when he showed interest in poaching Fang Rui from Blue Rain, made himself and all the regular starters of Wind Howl learn of pack culture and made a pack out of all beta men. All the while taking up dirty playstyle as Wind Howl's main playstyle. Fang Rui knows it must not have been easy for Lin Jingyan, but he never showed it in front of him. He has always been his greatest supporter and protector.
This time was no different.
Fang Rui was nearly brought to tears at the acknowledgement and reminder.
"Just promise me this: you will not take unnecessary risks when it comes to your health. We will have the best specialist looking after you. The price doesn't matter, if need be I'd pay for it, so would Yongbin. Whatever the doctor gives you, medicines, vitamins, instructions, you will follow it to the letter." Before Fang Rui could protest, "We'll make them consider that you also need to maintain a competitive state." Lin Jingyan looked at him sternly, brooking no argument. Fang Rui knew better than to argue when his captain and pack leader was like that.
"And you better tell Ye Qiu. It's his child too."
"I have no intention of hiding it from him. Just, I won't tell him now, or anytime soon." Lin Jingyan frowned at his answer.
"Why not?"
"One, I don't know where he is, and I cannot ask without letting Su Mucheng know. Two, he's starting a team."
"You think he's really joining Heavenly Justice?”
"No, not Heavenly Justice. He has established his own guild in the Tenth Server." If Fang Rui understood the significance, Lin Jingyan surely did.
"Then why?"
“In typical Ye Qiu’s fashion, he draws aggro wherever he goes,” Fang Rui snorted.
“Protection?” Lin Jingyan caught on.
“It was two separate announcements. One was about Lord Grim joining the Heavenly Justice guild. The other is about the guild leader creating a team to join the Alliance. People are just connecting the dots themselves.” Fang Rui inwardly sighed at the speculations that Ye Qiu’s retirement was related to Heavenly Justice's future team, as if he had no love and loyalty for Excellent Era. Fang Rui knew better, that was why he was so sure that if Ye Qiu built a team, it would be completely his own.
Happy, was it? The name of the guild in the Tenth Server. Simple, nothing so grand like Excellent Era, but it might be exactly how it was supposed to be.
“So what? You’re… going to wait until he comes back from his retirement?”
“No.” Fang Rui shook his head, “Until he returns to the Alliance. Because he will.” Of that, he had not the slightest doubt.
Creating a team was not easy, Ye Qiu must know that better than anyone else. However, unlike in the beginnings of the Alliance, everyone else would have a head start. He could only imagine the difficulties he would have to overcome. And knowing the lengths Excellent Era went to take him out of the picture, they would be one of them.
A child would only complicate things.
This was his choice, just like his choice to help Ye Qiu’s with his rut. The consequences were his to bear.
Fang Rui absently touched his still flat stomach under Lin Jingyan’s watchful eyes. The older man sighed in acquiescence, he knew when his partner and pack member had made up his mind. Fang Rui could only smile apologetically, but his heart was calm.
Fang Rui winces against the bright lights. His vision is slightly blurred by tears. A shadow falls over him, giving him reprieve. His mother’s smiling face greets him, patting his face gently with a towel. His concentration is shot, but he can sense his mother’s well-concealed worry throughout the labor. He can’t really blame her.
It has been a long and difficult delivery. His water broke last night, but until this afternoon he was not fully dilated enough that eventually his doctor decided to induce labor. It’s within expectation considering his circumstances, but it still didn’t prepare him enough for the intense pressure and constant discomfort due to the contractions. When the time finally came, the agony was excruciating, but it was gone as soon as it arrived, replaced with sweet, sweet relief especially when he heard a loud, hearty cry.
“Where?” Fang Rui doesn’t hide his impatience, earning him a chuckle from his mother. This time he can see the relief in her eyes.
“Patience, my dear. Doctor Jin is just getting here with your child.” Right when she says that, he can hear the cries getting closer. Doctor Jin appears with a small crying bundle in his arms, his wizened face crinkled happily, which settles Fang Rui’s heart that there’s nothing wrong with his child. His mother helps with opening the front of his hospital gown to initiate the first skin-to-skin contact.
“Careful.” The good doctor slowly, gently, lowers down the tiny figure on top of Fang Rui’s beating heart and close to his neck gland, his own hand instinctively raised to support the baby, covered by his mother’s hand in the case he hasn’t fully regained his strength.
Like magic, the cries stop. In its stead are adorable contented sounds.
“Oh.” Fang Rui is at a complete loss of words. He is completely enraptured by this living, breathing miracle.
“Congratulations, it’s a healthy girl. She’s smaller than average, as expected, but nothing suggests she won’t grow and gain normal weight.”
“A girl.” Fang Rui repeats breathlessly, tracing his daughter’s features with his eyes and finger, from her already thick dark tufts of hair to her incredibly tiny fingers. Gender hasn’t really mattered for Fang Rui, so he doesn’t know he’s having a daughter until now. He is counting her five perfect fingers when his index finger is caught in firm grasp. He faintly hears a gasp from his mother, not that he is any better. He finds himself looking at her in wonder.
“Hey there.” Fang Rui grins widely, eyes creasing in happiness. “What a strong grip you have.”
“What would be the name on the birth certificate?”
The question doesn’t seem to register to Fang Rui, his gaze remains fixated on his daughter. There was only himself and his daughter. Doctor Jin and his mother exchange knowing glances.
“...Fang Qiuyue.” Finally, Fang Rui speaks up.
“Her name is Fang Qiuyue. Daughter of Fang Rui and Ye Xiu.”
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suntiger745 · 2 years
Just came home from seeing Wakanda Forever. First film I’ve seen in a theater since the pandemic started back in dec 2019. Was good to see a film on the big screen again. :) I knew Shuri becomes the Black Panther in the comics, so I assumed that was the route they would go after Chadwick Boseman died. The opening still was a gut punch, with Shuri frantically trying to come up with a cure for her brother and then Queen Ramonda comes out from another room and you know it’s too late. The funeral for T’Challa was a beautiful sendoff to both the king and Chadwick Boseman, both with the art of him shown, and the dances honoring the king from the population. The more private ceremony with the priests, queen and princess also showed how Shuri blames herself for not finding a cure in time. Queen Ramonda is both clearly mourning but still has a regal air about her that commands respect. The acting from both Laetitia Wright and Angela Bassett is stellar.
Cut to a year later: Other nations (predictably) wants the vibranium and some of them sends mercenaries or special forces to get some of it at one of the Wakanda outreach centers T’Challa established in the wake of the events of Black Panther. Apparently, the wakandans are onto this and rather than mostly scientists at the center, it’s a few scientists and disguised Dora Milaje waiting for the mercs, who gets their assess kicked.
At a hearing at the UN, France and the US then brings up their complaints about Wakanda not sharing enough of their tech with the world. Queen Ramonda arrives to answer these complaints, and is dressed to kill. Not just that she looks good (which she does). I thought her outfit came across as ‘aggresive’ in its design, even taking into account the wakanda style designs. Looking back at how T’Chaka and T’Challa dressed at their meetings with the UN, Queen Ramonda (and her guards) makes a statement of power. The reason for this become clear when she answers their complaints by telling them of the attack on the research center, frickin’ marching in the captured mercs right into the meeting chamber and then declaring that she will be lenient - this time, but that further provocations like that will be considered an act of war. Message fuckin’ delivered. >:) Every detail about that UN meeting was calculated to send a very clear message. No wonder her outfit had an aggressive design. Then we get our first look at vibranium found outside Wakanda, followed by the US researchers finding out that it is already claimed by the atlanteans. (Or I guess they would be talokans in the MCU.) The next part is Queen Ramonda and Shuri having a moment by the river near the capital, with Ramonda trying to help her daughter finding closure by burning the funeral garments they wore a year before. Shuri is clearly still not over her brother’s death, and can’t let go of her anger and survivor’s guilt. As a side note, this is one of the reasons Black Panther, Namor and Aqua Man (and their dark mirror, Doctor Doom and Latveria) are so interesting to me compared to most other super heroes. They are royalty and/or rulers in addition to being super heroes - which makes their actions have a much broader scope in terms of consequences and the kind of decisions they have to make. And here we also get to see the personal family side of the equation, bringing a third aspect to the table. Once again, hats off to the acting of Angela Bassett and Laetitia Wright. Cue Namor making a visit, the first look at him in the film. I will say, changing his origin and culture to mesoamerican was a stroke of genius, because well-done CGI or not, the feathers on his ankles had a hard job of not looking silly in a non-animated film. But, with the mayan- or aztec-influenced aesthetics of his outfit, the wings fit in really well. Still, he comes to deliver an ultimatum, not an offer of friendship. And so we are introduced to Riri Williams, the Tony Stark of her generation. Okoye suggests bringing Shuri along to retrieve her, despite Queen Ramonda’s misgivings. I was torn on this while watching, because Ramonda is correct that Shuri is too valuable to risk, but Okoye is also right that Shuri has been cooped up in the lab for too long (no doubt feeding her survivor’s guilt on bad brain days). Of course Shuri comes along, and the retrieval of Riri goes smoothly, with some funny banter between Okoye and Shuri. To start with. Then the FBI shows up. Which is not surprising. Anyone who is capable of building a freakin’ vibranium detector as a school project is bound to get watched by a few government agencies. Riri then reveals the *other* thing she’s been working on: and Iron Man-style exo suit/power armor. The escape goes fairly well, until the talokans show up. Okoye shows why she’s the general of the Dora Milaje, taking down three talokans and only runs into serious trouble when she fights their leader Attuma. Kudos to the actors who plays Attuma and Namora btw. Namora has a fairly flamboyant outfit, the underwater plant crown in particular, yet she also projects a sense of danger and being someone you don’t want to cross at the same time. Attuma wears what I think is the head of a hammerhead shark on his head and it could come across as silly, but with the rest of his outfit as well as his physicality and presence, he instead comes across as solid, powerful and dangerous. Shown quite well when he fights Okoye to a draw with advantage Attuma on the bridge. And so Shuri and Riri ends up taken to the talokan’s city. While there, Shuri gets to meet K’uk’ulkan/Namor and he tells her of his story and origin. One very interesting aspect here is the compare and contrast between K’uk’ulkan and the Black Panther. Both are rulers with superhuman powers, but because K’uk’ulkan was born and grew up in the 1500′s his people, while superhumanly strong and fast from their bodies being adapted to living in the sea and having access to vibranium tools and weapons, they have been more cut off from the world and its technology. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, with the long lifespan of K’uk’ulkan his friends, people who knew him when he grew up, are all dead and though he is revered and respected his status as a demigod to his people seem to have left him without any real friends. He does seem to be closer to Namora and Attuma, but it still seems to be a relationship of ruler and respected subordinate. I suspect this is something he struggles with privately, since he mentions to Shuri when speaking of loss that he has watched all his close friends die. The Black Panther meanwhile, while both venerated and respected as being their god-blessed protector is still someone the wakandans will argue with and who has family and friends. I think this is tied both to the Black Panthers, for all their powers, still having a normal lifespan (or at most, only slightly longer than normal), and the focus on developing technology for both the royals, the military and the ordinary citizens. Both the lifespan and the technology is key to how different the wakandans see their ruler, and the friends and family aspect on the personal front, is a key difference in how the Black Panther sees their people and the world.
Back in Wakanda Queen Ramonda dismisses Okoye from the position of general for her failure to protect Shuri. In a heartwrenching scene, Okoye and the queen both speak of what they have sacrificed for Wakanda and once again I can do nothing by wipe my tears and salute the performance of Angela Bassett and Dani Gurira. The elders and M’baku also make pertinent contributions to the scene, but it’s Ramonda and Okoye that takes center stage for sure. The queen then goes to get the person who has been conspicuously missing so far. Nakia. She finds her at Haiti, teaching at a school there. (Also, she looks breathtaking.) Requesting her to return to her former service as an infiltrator once again, Nakia reluctantly agrees. Whatever pains she is carrying after the loss of her love, she does still care a lot about Shuri, the Queen and her homeland. Then there’s an interlude with Agent Ross and the subplot of the CIA thinking Riri’s disappearance was orchestrated by the Wakandans, and the US wanting to put pressure on them, possibly with Riri as a pretext for an armed intervention. Ross tries to dissuade them, and appears to be successful for now, but who knows how long that will last?
Nakia manage to track down Shuri, and killing two guards she rescues both Shuri and Riri. While Shuri got shown Talokan by K’uk’ulkan and there was some burgeoning seeds of mutual understanding, the killing of the guards makes him go for his Namor approach and he marshal the city’s warriors for war. Despite the increased vigilance and strengthened defences, water has a way of getting everywhere and soon Wakanda’s capital is attacked. While his warriors and sirens attack the city and the people, Namor takes on the Dora Milaje and goes after the Queen. Ramonda motions for Riri, who is visiting the palace, to get behind her when Namor attacks and after being initially stumped, he then blows a hole in the side of it and floods the throne room. With her last strength, the queen gets herself and Riri to the surface of the flooded throneroom. Resuscitation attempts are made, but only Riri wakes up. Within the span of a year, Shuri has now lost both her brother and her mother, and on top of that, she also has the burden of having to take over as queen. Maybe.
Without the heart-shaped herb to give her the powers of the Black Panther, there is potentially a crisis of succession. Shuri being very much a science prodigy and viewed askance by the elders of the council for her disdain of the old ways means that the council might rule instead. Or perhaps a challenge for the throne will be made. M’baku did that when T’Challa was to be inaugurated after all. With everyone reeling from the attack, Shuri and M’baku have a quiet moment where they talk about what to do next. Evacuating the people of the capital to Jibariland, and whether to seek vengeance against Namor and the talokans for the death of the queen. It is interesting how differently M’baku approach Shuri compared to how he approached T’Challa. To be fair, the situation is quite different as well, but for being a staunch traditionalist who does not shy away from conflict, M’baku is very gentle with Shuri. Even taking the loss of her mother into account. Regardless, the evacuation is made, and for the moment M’baku and the council hold things together in Jabariland while Shuri and Riri goes into the former’s lab to work on solutions that could help with the situation, both in terms of taking care of Namor and how to boost their own abilities. Riri plays to her strengths and builds a power armor, while Shuri tinkers with the special Dora Milaje suit she was working on before. And then she realizes that the bracelet K’uk’ulkan gave her while she was in Talokan might be a key to synthesizing the heart-shaped herb successfully.
The astonishment and disbelieving joy on the faces of Nakia and Shuri when the process finally works would feel exaggerated or overacted if it wasn’t such a profound thing. She was able to perform nothing short of a miracle, and it’ not just a scientific success it has so much deeper implications than that, both for Shuri personally and Wakanda as a nation. And then comes the visit to the spirit world. Seeing Killmonger there instead of T’Challa or Ramonda, or even her father was perfection. With Shuri’s state of mind at the time, he was both the most aligned with her at that moment, and for all that she claims they are nothing alike, Killmonger makes some very solid points about his influence on Wakanda.
The moment a bit later, when M’baku and the council of elders is sitting discussing and the ship drops the Black Panther into their midst was both one of the coolest and most heartwrenching/heartwarming moments in the film. The flare of purple energy as the suit absorbs the impact of the landing, and then the people, the elders first among them, reaching out in hope and disbelief, to M’baku clasping hands with her in a test of strength and not being able to move her hand even a little. It’s not just Shuri coming into her own as the Black Panther (arguably, she doesn’t, though she does step into the role here), but she gives her people back their protector in the here and now when they are in dire need of them - and she returns to them a cultural touchstone that has shaped the nation ever since it was united who was thought to be lost forever.
Here again come a moment where I think the difference between K’uk’ulkan and the Black Panther is put into stark contrast. This is the closest moment the wakandans have to the demigod worship status K’uk’ulkan has, but though the moment is both deep and profound, there is also a big difference. And once again it is M’baku that provides the more grounded view the wakandans have.
Kudos to Winston Duke. He manages to show both how meaningful the return of the Black Panther was, and still argues with her about the course of her actions. He does see her as the rightful ruler, he’s even the first to call out that the Black Panther has returned, but while he shows respect he is also not subservient and do not consider Shuri above reproach or critique.
He doesn’t quite come across as a mentor in their private moment, but it’s close. And again, I think he would have been more confrontational with T’Challa in the same situation. For all that he does not approve of Shuri’s views and methods, he does acknowledge her skills in what she does and respects her, both as Shuri and the Black Panther. A hard balance to walk, but he does it beautifully. Both Winston and Laetitia are great in that scene. The subsequent fight at sea, while really cool, had perhaps the least impact on me, for all that it’s a Marvel film and fights are their bread and butter. Riri in the power armor is really cool though, and the rematch between Attuma and Okoye is really good as well. The main fight between the Black Panther and Namor is more interesting in some aspects. One of them is another of the key differences between Shuri and K’uk’ulkan - she used her friends to outsmart Namor rather than just go toe-to-toe with him after gaining the powers of the Black Panther. He’s so powerful that he likely hasn’t had a real challenge in centuries (unless he has fought other super powered beings between the 1600′s-2000′s) and while his people follows him loyally, they don’t have the same capacity to outhink their opponents as Riri, Girot and Shuri has.
Of course, a big part of the fight is their anger. K’uk’ulkan’s anger at the surfacers in general and the wakandans for killing two of his people, and Shuri’s very personal anger at him for killing her mother. It’s a powerful moment when Shuri gets impaled and the visions come back. First Killmonger again, giving her the willpower to pull herself off the spear, and then the vision of her mother telling her to show K’uk’ulkan who she truly is. That is when I would argue Shuri comes into her own as the Black Panther. And in her sparing him, K’uk’ulkan sees an echo of his own mother. Proud, fierce and protective, but not without compassion and gentleness either.
In the aftermath, Okoye springs Agent Ross from a prison transport, because it’s probably a bad idea to leave the CIA agent with considerable first hand knowledge of Wakanda to the tender mercy of other CIA interrogators. And it’s also time for more waterworks from me as Shuri goes to visit Nakia at Haiti. She finally reaches a position where she can let go of blaming herself for not finding a cure and to mourn her brother’s death, seeing him on the wind as her mother said. And just for an extra (but good) emotional gut punch, she learns that she isn’t alone after all. She still has family in her nephew, and by extension Nakia. Really liked the film. I really liked Black Panther too, and Chadwick Boseman left large shoes to fill, but I think Laetitia Wright together with the writers and director, as well as the other actors, made Shuri a worthy successor to T’Challa and Wakanda Forever a worthy sequel to be proud of. Definitely recommend it. :)
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