#I uh...have eclectic tastes in music
azraeldigabriel · 4 months
list your favorite musicals and have people vote on which one matches your vibe. and then tag some other people to play! <3
Stolen from @wild-zamboni because I am a bit too into musicals okay. Not gonna tag, please take if you want!
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astralnymphh · 28 days
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jackson!ellie falling for the girl with spectacular music taste. what does she think when passing by your open window? shit, is that the sick habit? rad. but it has trickled into a myriad of genres, now having an eclectic accumulation of records thanks to you, and your midday music sessions. on patrol, she thinks about you. in those abandoned record stores, she thinks—and dedicates time to you, fitting a couple inside her backpack she had graciously made room for. either to listen to them while daydreaming in psychedelic hues, or to give them to dina so she can deliver them to you. darkening your doorstep unannounced feels a bit invasive, and besides, you know dina way better than ellie knows you. confrontations are daunting; what would she even say?
she had no time to figure, since dina—in all her matchmaking glory—thought getting ellie out of her garage for something besides patrol duties for a change, and into your place, would ease her up to you. the path that leads there is precipiced, crowded with nerves. her cheeks are lovingly dimpled when you nudge her in the shoulder. “you never told me you play guitar!” ellie never expected you to be the epitome of romance poetry: all smiles, warming up in no time, so punctual in the eyes, she wonders what details you like about her. “u-uh, yeah. not too serious about it though,” she humbles herself. hand concealed behind her head.
yet, of course, dina never lets ellie be so soft-spoken. “come on! nobody, who isn't serious about music, writes their own songs. play something for us!” nudging with her voice from across the room.
ellie so badly wanted to punch her friend in the shoulder then. god, she shuddered at the encouragement. but, she couldn't deny you; when it was you, handing her the guitar long forgotten about from your closet, she had to indulge with a soft smile. thereon, when ellie was consumingly focused on tuning that hollow body of wood, she missed all your subtle stares of her face, or her freckled hands, whatever intrigued you to contemplate. after she played one of your favorites—receiving compliments from you for even knowing that song—you had to tell her all about your introspects. fortuitously, dina left by then.
“you're really good at it,” you said, gentler than the music of wind, with your head in her criss-crossed lap, and satin-shine eyes locking hers. anyone could tell she has been waiting for something as transient and calming as this. “you should write me a song, hm?” laying her palms on your face so delicately, afraid this moment could shatter. “would love t—i mean, yeah. sure.” still doesn't even know what to say!
the moment lives forever in the song she wrote that following night. it had to be captured; you need to know how much she fucking cherishes it.
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this was meant to just be a little something something but i turned it into something i'd cry to. #kms.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Idk if you have already done this already but can you do miles 42 x reader dancing to music such as songs like infrunami,best part,pink + White?
Hello and no I don’t believe I have yet, but I can definitely get this out for you :)
Dancing to the Rhythm of Love
➥ summary: miles would do anything for that girl, buy her pads at 3am cause she ran out, kill for her, wear matching hello kitty underwear’s with her and even dance to her music with her
➥ Earth 42 miles x reader
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Miles Morales, found himself in the cozy haven of his girlfriend's room. The walls were adorned with posters of bands and artists that (Y/N) adored, reflecting her eclectic taste in music. As the melodic notes of a song called "Infurami" filled the room, (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with joy and excitement.
(Y/N) stood in the center of the room, swaying to the rhythm of the music, her body moving with grace and abandon. Her energy was infectious, a vibrant display of happiness that touched Miles's heart. Even though the song wasn't particularly his cup of tea, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer joy radiating from his girlfriend.
With a playful smile, Miles joined (Y/N) in the middle of the room, mirroring her movements. He stumbled a bit, his usually smooth and coordinated agility failing him in the realm of dance, but he didn't mind. He was determined to share in the blissful moment, to make (Y/N) even happier.
They twirled and swayed together, their laughter mingling with the melody of the song. Miles's love for (Y/N) grew with each step, each beat of the music. He admired her passion for the things she loved, her ability to find joy in the simplest of moments.
As they danced, Miles couldn't help but admit to himself that this wasn't his usual genre of music. But seeing (Y/N)'s face light up with pure delight made it all worthwhile. Her happiness was infectious, and he would do anything to keep that smile on her face.
In the midst of their dance, (Y/N) looked into Miles's eyes, her voice filled with affection. "You know, cariño, this song isn't really your thing, but I appreciate you dancing with me. It means a lot to see you enjoying this moment with me."
Miles grinned, his heart swelling with love. "I may not be an expert dancer, and this may not be my go-to genre, but your happiness is what matters most to me. If dancing with you to your favorite songs brings you joy, then count me in. I'll dance with you all night if it makes you happy."
(Y/N) smiled, her eyes gleaming with love and gratitude. They continued their dance, moving together in perfect harmony, their hearts beating to the rhythm of their love. The room filled with a warmth that transcended the music, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
As Miles twirled (Y/N) around the room, their laughter filling the air, a momentary misstep caused her to lose her footing. Her feet tangled together, threatening to send her crashing to the ground. But Miles, with his reflexes honed by years of being prowler, swiftly caught her, their bodies colliding in mid-air.
The room echoed with a soft thump as they both landed on the floor, their limbs intertwined in a tangled mess. Just as they were catching their breath, (Y/N)'s brother burst into the room, drawn by the noise.
Startled, (Y/N) and Miles quickly untangled themselves, their faces flushing with embarrassment. They instinctively moved away from each other, the air between them charged with the need to explain the situation.
"It's not what you think," (Y/N) stammered, her voice laced with a mix of panic and embarrassment.
Her brother, a mischievous glint in his eyes, smirked knowingly. "Oh, really? What were you two doing, then?"
Miles, desperately trying to salvage the situation, chimed in, "We were just dancing and, uh, she tripped, and I caught her. It was an accident, I swear."
(Y/N)'s brother raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Just dancing, huh? Well, it looked like there was more than just dancing happening here."
Before they could offer further explanations, he turned on his heels and walked out of the room, leaving (Y/N) and Miles alone in their flustered state.
Miles, feeling the need to clarify, rushed after (Y/N)'s brother. "Wait, it's not what you think! Really, we were just dancing! We're just friends, I promise!"
(Y/N) sat in the room, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a mix of emotions swirling within her. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart at the way Miles had caught her, his protective instincts shining through. But now, with her brother's teasing and the lingering proximity between them, her thoughts became a whirlwind of uncertainty and longing.
Taking a deep breath, she collected herself and allowed a small smile to grace her lips. In the midst of her blush, she realized that perhaps this accidental tumble had revealed more than they had anticipated. There was a connection between her and Miles, something beyond friendship, something that stirred her heart in the most delightful way.
As the room settled into a comfortable silence, (Y/N) contemplated the feelings that had been awoken. She couldn't deny the flutter of attraction she felt whenever Miles was near, and now, with the playful banter between her brother and Miles, it became increasingly apparent that there was something special between them.
With renewed courage, (Y/N) made a silent promise to herself. She would embrace these newfound emotions, explore the possibilities of what might be. And as Miles returned to the room, a sheepish smile on his face, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.
As they locked eyes, (Y/N) knew that their dance, both on and off the dance floor, was just beginning. And she eagerly looked forward to the steps they would take together, knowing that sometimes, the unexpected stumbles in life could lead to the most beautiful and unexpected connections of all.
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tenyrasims · 1 month
Red Emoji OC Asks ❤️‍🩹
🐞, 🎸and ❤️ for Kiyoshi.
🥩, ❗️ for Aidan
🌹, 💔 and 🎈for Ashina
Pls 😎
Uh thats a lot 😂 ok, lets start~
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🐞 - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see? ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Well you would actually guess hes the type to sleep in but hes not. He would get up at 5 a.m to go for a damn jog (cause he barely sleeps anyway bc of his nightmares) comes back, get breakfast with Daiki. Then it depends where Daiki would drag him. He also doesnt mind watching Daiki draw his paintings or learn for school ... even if hes looking more him than anything else😂 If it comes to him he would actually go play basketball with the boys before getting to training either dancing or taekwondo. At evening he can settle down if he got enough exercise and is satisfied if he can cuddle and watching a movie with him c: If hes tired he can get a real cutie 😊
🎸 - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy? ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pretty mixed he mostly listen to rock but is also into rap and RnB He always acts like the tough guy but pretty deep thinking. So he often listens to music which resembles his insides.
❤️ - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person? ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Thats pretty obvious. Its Daiki for sure. He would go to hell and back to keep him safe. and he would be able to manage this easy and kick asses. 😂
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🥩 - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
Oh yea - mostly drugs any kind of. He smokes a lot and drinks too much if hes stressed.
❗️ - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
Oh yea there were a lot scarie moments of his life. But hes not the type to get scared from something. There was just one moment which is also part of their story where he nearly lost Ashina and this feeling shattered his whole world to the core.
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🌹 - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
Ashina loves a challenge and she can't do anything with shy, submissive guys. That bores her pretty quick. She more the "I ruin bad boys" type of girl. The only who can mess with her temper is actually Aidan because he calms her down - and thats a trait she needs to find in someone which she actually dont know of that she need badly. Somewhere she can find peace. She need someone who can deal with her moods and personalities, is the same type of crazy without giving into her too quick. Someone who also take her on a leash if shes overdoing it. And yea all of this is Aidan.
💔 - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Uh yea, she hurted a lot of people in the past but the most? humm probably Aidan as she lied about that she slept with Kiyoshi in Dare to Love me as they broke up because all Aidan wanted was to protect her. She knew it would hit him hard because they are like brothers. She just got overboard there. And also ruined their friendship so they dont speak to eachother anymore. upsi ~
🎈 - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
hmm depents if shes drinking or na :D but if yea - dancing on tables, getting wasted, she wouldnt mind going alone dont worry. But Aidan wont let her 😂 trust me he never would. He just knows her too good.
Thanks for the ask ♥
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bardic-inspo · 5 months
Unsolicited Lore Dump
Thanks to the wonderful @paganwitchisis and @pinkberrytea for the tags! This is such a fun get-to-know you game!
Do you make your bed? No and I have no shame about it because I honestly don't really see the point. I straighten the covers at night before getting in.
Favorite number? Numbers greater than 10 with 2 in it! 12, 22, 32, etc.
What's your job? I work in HR, but not in hiring/firing/performance management. I do benefits administration, specifically for a closed pension plan. This means I work with a lot of retirees and older folks. I also work on transitioning active employees into retirement, benefits for beneficiaries when someone passes away, and setting up benefits splits resulting from divorces.
If you could go back to school would you? Not full time, no. I am too burnt out to flourish in that environment. I did 18 credits + two jobs my last three or so semesters of undergrad and that fried me something awful even this far removed from it. BUT, if I could cut my work schedule in half (without a drop in income) and take 1-2 classes at a time, I certainly would. I'd like to take foreign language classes, and I've always really love social sciences courses. I have a minor in poli sci that could be cool to turn into a complete degree/major.
Can you parallel park? Decently, yes. I could with my old compact car, but I'm much better now that I have a back-up cam.
Do you think aliens are real? Yes in the sense in that the universe is vast and it seems highly unlikely we're the only life forms in it. But I don't think it's anything like movies or video games might make it out to be. I think it's also possible that lifeforms used to exist elsewhere or will someday exist elsewhere but have either gone extinct or haven't yet emerged.
Can you drive a manual car? Nope, and I don't really have interest in learning.
What's your guilty pleasure? I'm working hard to have less and less guilt about any pleasures I have. But I suppose I'd say fanfic and hyperfixating on video game characters in general. Beyond just enjoying the game itself; really deep diving and getting sucked into a character or character(s) and running through rabbit holes imagining them in all sorts of scenarios, AUs, etc.
Tattoos? Yes! I have carpe diem on one foot, and a celtic triple spiral on another, gotten at age 18 and 19 respectively. I want to get a dragon someday, and have toyed with the idea of getting a 'sister' tattoo with it of willowherb (said to be the first sort of plant that comes back after a forest fire). I've also toyed with the idea of the dragon in more of a resting position, breathing to life a little campfire.
Favorite color? Purple or blue. I also like winey colors (reds and purples)
Favorite types of music? My music taste is incredibly eclectic, but I'd broadly say pop rock or pop punk.
Do you like puzzles? Sort of! I like ones that are hard enough to make me feel smart. I get easily frustrated by things I can't figure out somewhat quickly, though. I enjoy sudoku.
Any phobias? I struggle with bugs, though I've gotten marginally better over time and can handle small spiders on my own, now. Due to a real, real rough apartment experience, I generally freak out about mice as well. I can keep my cool if they're in an enclosure like in a pet store, though I don't like looking at them there, either. I also have a recurring dream about accidentally driving off a cliff and so I get super tense and nervous driving on bridges.
Favorite childhood sport? Swimming.
Do you talk to yourself? In the car, or if I'm alone for a longer period of time. I work from home on Mondays/Fridays and find myself doing it more often those days.
What movies do you adore? Oh gosh, I honestly don't often rewatch movies, I'd generally prefer to watch something new instead. But uh, the LotR trilogy is pretty precious to me. Dune 2 was great! I liked Get Out and Nope. I remember liking Dr. Sleep a lot, too, but I only watched it once and it's sort of a blur in my memory. Recently watched Saving Private Ryan for the first time and it kind of fucked me up. I'm pretty eclectic in what I like with movies.
Coffee or tea? Black coffee. Death before decaf.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I think maybe an author. Also a fairy godmother for a long time. I still kinda wanna be both.
No pressure tags!: @electricshoebox, @halkuonn, @snowfolly, @tragedybunny, @tallymonster,
@scrytpe, and @mutualcombat <3
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
whats ur favorite song :D
Um. Uh. Er. Well…?
I don’t have a favorite, I’m afraid. I saw this ask and like fifty songs immediately came to mind.
Augh okay this is such a straightforward question and I already wrote (& deleted) a whole paragraph where I got poetic about what music means to me lol. I realize that is not the point!
But since I am indecisive & can’t really choose a favorite, I can tell you what I’ve been listening to recently!
I like to think of my musical taste as questionable but eclectic.
Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Tracy Chapman. I’ve always been a fan but after that Grammy performance of Fast Car (which was the first time I learned of the cover & who Luke Combs was… sorry country isn’t really something I listen to much), I was like hang on I wanna listen to some of the other albums that I remember my parents had. I was amazed to find that I still know so many of the words lol.
I’ve also been listening to Florence & the Machine. The song Seven Devils makes me laugh now because of OM but it’s such a good song.
A friend recommended Noah Kahan a while back & I’ve been listening to his album a lot too. I love Stick Season and the song Growing Sideways might as well just be about me lol.
Of course I also love instrumental music for writing. Toshifumi Hinata is always at the top of that list. But I’ll also listen to music in a different language and lately that’s been SKALD and The Hu. Oh and JJK OSTs dndjsks
Hopefully that kinda answers the question. It’s easier for me to talk in generalities because there are so many songs that I love. For instance, I’m also a fan of 70s classic rock because that’s what my parents listened to while I was growing up. I like a lot of 80s & 90s pop hits because of the radio. I also like K-Pop. I’m a huge Bach fan. Like it’s all over the freaking place.
I deleted what I wrote earlier because it was getting wordy but now I’ve just devolved into wordiness yet again. I give up lol!
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themuse-if · 6 months
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Jo Nielsen
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Jo Nielsen with us, the drummer of The Rebel Rejects. Jo, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue music?
Jo: Hey, thanks for having me. Music has always been my refuge, especially after the tumultuous experiences of my upbringing. The drums, in particular, spoke to me – they're like my voice, expressing all the emotions I couldn't put into words.
Interviewer: How would you describe your music?
Jo: My drumming style is raw and energetic, I really feed off of Ro and De's energy. I tend to really let loose and leave it all on the kit. We have a blend of punk and post-punk, with slight influences from other genres thanks to De's eclectic taste.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others?
Jo: I want to be seen as someone who's genuine and empathetic, who's been through struggles but still finds joy in life's simple pleasures.
Interviewer: How do you want your art to be seen by others?
Jo: I want my drumming to resonate with people, to be a source of comfort and empowerment. I want it to inspire others to find their own voice, just like music did for me.
Interviewer: What is your latest obsession?
Jo: I've been obsessed with hiking! I really love being outdoors, so I've been trying to hit all my favorite trails at home this summer before the move to university.
Interviewer: Describe your best friend(s).
Jo: De and Ro are literally the most amazing people I’ve ever met. When I first transitioned into normal life I wasn’t really sure what types of relationships I would form, but they showed up in my life and made me feel so seen and secure. They show me so many types of beauty in everything and truly keep me grounded when I’m feeling…lost. I know it’s cheesy but I would definitely say we’re soulmates.
Interviewer: Wow it sounds like you found true kindred spirits in De and Ro, that’s lovely. Could you describe your ideal partner?
Jo: Someone who's understanding and patient, who accepts me for who I am and supports my passions. Someone who's willing to go on adventures and explore the world with me. Also they have to get along with my friends, it’s an automatic deal breaker if they don’t.
Interviewer: What was your first kiss like?
Jo: I don’t really like to talk about it…it was a bit traumatic… I will tell you about what I like to think of as my first kiss. It was actually with Ro. *chuckles* I know, I know what you’re thinking, but it was actually really sweet. I had just finished opening up to them about my past and they asked me if I wanted a redo. It was nice…soft and gentle. Ro can actually be really sweet.   
Interviewer: Aw that's so cute! Ad I'm sorry but I have to ask, have you kissed since?
Jo: *starts to blush furiously* I uh…maybe once or twice…I mean did Ro say anything?
Interviewer: *stifles a laugh* Mmm I think I’ll let you ask them yourself. Moving on, have you ever been in love?
Jo: Not yet, but I believe in love and all its complexities. I think when it happens, it'll be a beautiful and transformative experience.
Interviewer: When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Jo: I haven't been in a serious relationship yet. Honestly I had never even had real friends before Jo and De. I've been so focused on my music and my friends that I hadn’t really thought about dating. 
Interviewer: What’s your ideal Friday night?
Jo: I love just hanging out with the band, whether it’s practice, a gig, or just staying in. It’s alway super fun when we’re together.
Interviewer: What’s the last song you listened to?
Jo: "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. It's a classic that always hits me right in the feels.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Jo: I think I'd be a supportive partner, someone who's always there for their significant other no matter what. I believe in mutual respect and understanding in a relationship. I like to do little things for the people I love to show them I care.
Interviewer: Do you approach those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Jo: I think it depends on the situation. I'm not afraid to make the first move if I feel a connection, but I also believe in letting things happen naturally.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Jo: People who are closed-minded or judgmental. I believe in acceptance and understanding, so it frustrates me when others can't see things from different perspectives.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Jo: Their energy. I believe in vibes, and I can usually tell right away if someone is genuine and authentic.
Interviewer: What did you dream about last night?
Jo: I think it was more of a nightmare…*gets comically serious* I dreamt I was on stage completely naked, with just me and my drum kit. And I was using bananas instead of drumsticks. AND even worse the audience was throwing bananas at me! *hides face in hands* That’ll teach me to eat a banana before bed.
Interviewer: *doubles over laughing* Alright Jo...not to suddenly get serious but... This is the final question, and I know this is a sensitive subject for you, but I have to ask. What's "the incident" that caused you and you mother to transition back into normal life?
Jo: *sighs so deeply* I... honestly... I still don't think that I'm ready to share that just yet. It's very personal and I only feel comfortable sharing that information with someone who has thoroughly earned my trust.
Interviewer: I understand, I'm sure it takes a lot for you to even open up this much. Thank you for today. It's been wonderful getting to learn more about you.
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Dr Strange x fem!reader
- deadass got another chapter up in the span of one day? the ideas i have for this fic is otherworldly. i’m so so excited.
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Stephen woke up groggily, eyes drenched in sleep as the billowing morning light fanned against his face through the window. His mind wasn't subdued at all, sleep did not seem to help him process anything from last night. It was abnormal the way you cut him off so quickly and cleanly, it was supposed to be him doing that to you- you flipped the tables against him and he'd be lying to say if he wasn't startled by it. The thought already soured his straying morning mood.
Stephen raked his fingers over his face and his hair attempting to swat away the fraying annoyance in him. He didn't know what you were planning today and that only seemed to amplify his wincing when he got up from his bed. He turned his head around and he was informed it was 8:52 in the morning. Stephen was dreading the day ahead of him.
You were already collating a few ideas through tip offs and knowledge of the local scene- it wouldn't be that difficult pretending to be a smack addict. You raised your coffee mug to your lips as you were absolved in your own thoughts, brows knitting together with increasing concentration. You jumped a little when Stephen swang open his door, he looked gruff as usual and you were too careless to be concerned about it. He wore his face tiredly as his lips thinned into a straight line when his eyes met yours- it was only then you realised what you were wearing. Stephen's eyes thinned as he saw you wearing a shirt about four sizes too big for you, it barely hit your thighs and he was sure you stilled at his discerning gaze. You were wearing a My Bloody Valentine tee. Jesus, you really had eclectic taste in music. Stephen wanted to smirk as he remembered the conversation from last night but he retained his expressionless face, he raised an eyebrow as he made his way to the coffee machine.
To his surprise however, you brewed him a cup and you offered it to him without saying anything.
‘’Uh, thanks.’’ He muttered appreciatevely before he took a sip.
‘’Don't mention it.’’
‘’How'd you know the way I like me coffee?’’ Stephen blurted without thinking.
‘’Educated guess. You're not too difficult to read.’’ You blatantly lied at him.
Stephen was impossible to read and you only figured it out due to your dumb gold luck, it saved your skin from embarrassment. Why was it so damn hard to read him? What the fuck was going on in his head? Did he hate you?
Did he slightly tolerate you? Questioning yourself was always unheard of, but now you were questioning yourself over such random and pointless crap- it was jarring and vastly annoying. For some reason, you were trying to figure out what to say.
Stephen leaned against the kitchen island as he stole a glance at you. Your hair was tied back loosely by a claw clip, loose strands framed your morning face very...nicely. You looked bright and awake, probably due to copious amounts of coffee.
‘’I have a plan for tonight.’’ You stated very matter of factly.
‘’What is it?’’
‘’I looked through the files and there's a popular club where druggies sell and buy, I'll probably head over there to scope it out. Someone’ll know something about who runs the whole thing. You know, social hierarchy and shit.’’
Stephen watched your mouth open and close when you filled him in on all the details. It wasn't a dumb first move but he wasn't completely pleased with the fact you only referred to yourself. He paused for a moment.
‘’Alone?’’ Stephen's eyes squinted as he said it. You turned your face around to look at him and his eyes darkened instinctively.
‘’Yes. You're more useful here.’’
‘’Absolutely not.’’ Stephen had to put his foot down, he couldn't just sit around waiting for you while you were out doing God knows what. Did you seriously expect him to twiddle his thumbs endlessly? One of the only things Stephen couldn't take is being bored and sitting around doing nothing- this was what was expected of him for a year and plus, you could get yourself killed and that would all rest upon his shoulders. The thought made him scowl and flare his nostrils.
The statement made your eyes widen slightly. This was the first time you'd ever seen him aggressive.
‘’Why not?’’You challenged him.
‘’You're not going alone. You'll get yourself killed.’’ Stephen attempted to reply with little feeling at all but the way you creased your eyes in a perplexed look made him believe that he portrayed the opposite.
His reaction made your insides flip, your response was uncontrollable due to how fucking unexpected it was. Did he actually...care? Stephen Strange caring is like a blood moon shining in your peripheral, it doesn't happen very fucking often and it was kind of a mythical thing. Your loosening thoughts went grey as you jumped to the conclusion that everyone seemed to have about you- that you were a damsel that needed saving. You didn't need fucking saving, you've killed men twice your size and yet people seemed to harbour the same mindset when it came to you. Stephen was just another thoughtless idiot that was added to the list.
‘’You think I can't take care of myself?’’ Stephen thought you seemed offended.
‘’I know you can. I've seen you.’’ He aquiesced, but he was sure it wasn't enough.
‘’Then what's the problem?’’ You crossed your arms as you glared up at him, your body language already proving to him that you were being childish and standoff-ish.
Oh, so this was a tender spot within you. Having your ability questioned. Note taken.
‘’I don't need to be worried about your whereabouts. I'll do it. You stay here.’’ Stephen tried to tame you by being 'caring' and letting you glimpse a little into the 'goodness' he actually had inside of him, it was a facade of course but you're smart enough to see through it. Stephen was treading on forbidden grounds yet he was being careless with the words he uttered.
‘’I'm not stupid Stephen. Don't cheat me by pretending with the forced niceties. Why are you fighting me?’’ You didn't even blink when you caught him out. The gall he had to lie to your face and then pretend it was a twisted sentiment of kindness. What kind of fucked up world were you living in? Stephen paused as his eyes darted and scanned over your face attempting to pull just about anything from you but all he could view was contempt.
Honesty was like an antioxidant, lying is poison.
‘’I'm not staying here laying around doing nothing while you're fucking about. You're smarter than that to know I'm actually useful there than anywhere else, let me do the legwork for you.’’ Stephen answered you like such a condescending asshole but at least he was honest. His smartass response made liquid wildfire radiate off of you. He was obviously trying to provoke you but you weren't going to back down from this, it would make you a different kind of weak. Stephen was about to walk away and leave you in the wind but you weren't in the mood to play along, you gripped him by the wrist to make him stay and stare you right in the eye. The sudden contact made him squirm and jump slightly- fucking hell, it was unexpected. Skin on skin contact between you two would be assumed to be cold, skin freezing akin to both of your frozen personalities but no...your skin was warm.
‘’Hey. At least I can get my fists bloody without questioning my morals, you go out there and even think about making a fist, you'd probably end up in a moral fucking dilemma and compromise us both. Do you really want that kind of shitstain following us around? Or would you rather have someone, case in point: me, who actually has experience undercover to not fuck this up? You decide.’’
Stephen couldn't believe how undeniably wrong you were. He could throw a punch and he could take one, his knuckles would be bruised like violets when he was finished but he couldn't let anyone know how far his need for violence stretches: especially you. In order to keep this charade up, he had to give into your incessant demands. He watched as your eyes dimmed against the morning light, it was quite incredible how your eyes would harden when anyone questioned your authority.
‘’Fine. Go play.’’ He remarked at you cooly and condescendingly as if you were a stupid little schoolgirl on the playground.
Stephen tugged his wrist away from your grasp and you would be completely unhonest if you said that his departure left you...hollow.
It was late, the colourless sky reflected his colourless mood and it only amplified when you left, you left about three hours ago and the darkness of night seemed to cloud his thoughts. Stephen found himself tapping his fingers against his whiskey glass, he was sat at the dining table wondering what the hell you were up to and what kind of shit you were thrumming up with the most covertly dangerous people in the city. The alcohol burned his throat, his whole body was feeling tense and sensitive- the clicking of time made him want to lose himself on this cool damp night.
To anybody's surprise, he was...concerned about you tonight. He was sure your confidence would crumble if one dealer asked you something as simple as which strain of weed you wanted but it was so difficult to place his trust into someone he barely knew. Stephen didn't trust you it was as simple as that- but he didn't trust these sleezebags either. They could be saying or doing anything to you by now.
No. No. Everything is fine. You can handle yourself, he wasn't in control of you.
The whiskey wasn't helping bridle his thoughts, if anything it was loosening his thoughts and tensing his body.
Stephen's fingers were thrumming away at the cheap wood, he hated doing nothing- he hated feeling helpless. This was a strange sort of crisis of masculinity; it was in his primal nature to push everyone away and build up inpenetrable walls. You were...unsteady. Dangerous. Unstable. Attractive.
Yeah, yeah you were attractive. It wasn’t a unmissable sentiment, Stephen had eyes but it was a throwaway thought as he attempted to dismiss it eagerly.
When he saw you this morning, it only reinforced the fact that he hadn't been in such close proximity with another woman. Stephen hadn't entertained a relationship since...well, that's for another time. Another time when he wasn't emotionally frail. He still didn't know who you were. Hell, he didn't know what you wanted with him either, it was like you were trying to catch him out as a means to disarm him.
Stephen knew you were hiding something, he didn't know what it was but he just felt it in his gut.
Without thinking and a lack of better judgement, he stood up and started padding to your room. It was a complete invasion of privacy but you would be living together for a year, might as well get it over and done with and air out all the dirty secrets you were concealing. Stephen creaked open your door and he found that your room was strewn with clothes all over the floor probably due to the lack of proper unpacking you did, he raised an eyebrow to see your bra on the floor. Hm. Victoria's Secret. Classy. His eyes wandered to your bedside table: Russian literature and poetry, a few CD's and just some other random knicknacks. He padded over to it to inspect it further. Stephen sifted through the books. This was a revelation- all of these books were flowery poetry passages and the CD titles fascinated him.
Lord. You were a hopeless romantic.
These albums were just so fucking cliche.
Jeff Buckley. Grace. It was expected.
Elliott Smith. XO
Fiona Apple. Tidal.
No way.
Dreamboat Annie by Heart? Interesting. What’s next, Bublé’s Christmas Hits?
Then he came across...
Chris Isaak. Heart Shaped World. The album that had Wicked Game as the single.
‘’If the world was on fire no-one could save me but you.’’
The topic of the first conversation you ever properly had with each other. It made him frown a little alongside the crease of his brows. Stephen finally saw a clearer glimmer into the window of your life. So this is the secret that you were hiding, the piner. The woman who pretends she doesn't yearn and long but does against all of her better will. Stephen couldn't help but let this insight slightly dictate the way he viewed you from now on.
All of a sudden, he wanted to see you. He left you out there for too long. He had to admit he was getting.. worried about you. That was all. Fuck it. You'd be pissed at him but he already found himself putting his coat on and going to the sleaziest, most dangerous place in town.
Stephen thankfully found his way to this seedy westside club that wasn't too far away from the motel. The neon lights glistened against the damp pavement, alighting his blue eyes as he sifted his way through the unsubstantial crowd full of individuals with enough heroin to kill multiple large animals. Stephen idled at the thought, drugs were running rampant throughout the city and it was something he didn't pay much attention to until he saw in real time. His eyes scanned against the outskirts of the club, looking for any indication of you by any of your fascinating features. Stephen felt unstable when he couldn't find you for a good five minutes until that one fateful turn of your head- he immediately recognised your side profile thank God. He was marginally elated to see that you were safe.
You weren't...hurt. Oh, good. See. Nothing to worry about.
He watched from the corner of his eye to see you buying something from some dealer. You descreetly flashed him some bills and he pocketed it before giving you a small bag of what he assumed to be cocaine. Stephen wanted to laugh, if you touched any of that shit you would dissolve into dust. Stephen blended into the background as you finally walked away from the crowd. As you sauntered along the wind, he grabbed you by the arm and you gasped.
‘’Keep. Walking.’’
‘’Stephen? What the fuck are you doing?’’
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corishadowfang · 7 months
For the Friendship ask game.
Any or all of the NULs for 🎵 (music taste) and/or 🐣 (upbringing)
(For this)
I'll do the whole crew, haha! (Oops, I guess this got kind of long, too, so...under a read more it goes!)
🎵 Music — do they have similar music tastes to one another? if they exchanged phones, what songs would they be most surprised to hear from their friend’s playlist? what sort of songs would they associate with the other(s)?
Some of them do! Ephemer and Ven have very similar tastes; very pop music and musical-driven. They'd probably share songs a lot, haha.
Lauriam likes a lot of classical stuff--but he's also actually into rock/metal, which really shocks his friends. Skuld, however, thinks it's great, since she also likes that sort of music, and is happy to have someone to share songs with, since the others...aren't quite as into it.
Speaking of Skuld--she actually has pretty eclectic taste in music, and will listen to almost anything, even if rock and metal tend to be her favorite. She is probably the one most likely to steal...whatever they have to play music on in Daybreak Town...to listen to other people's music.
Brain likes a lot of techno and indie stuff! He's willing to try out new things, but won't necessarily be enthusiastic about it.
As for what sorts of songs they'd associate with the others...most of them I think they'd guess pretty spot-on, haha, with Lauriam being the main outlier.
🐣 Upbringing— how do their childhoods compare, and what do they think of the families that raised them? have they always been together? do they share any common footing when it comes to how they grew up?
Their childhoods vary pretty wildly! Skuld came from a large family (both extended and immediate); Ephemer came from, ironically, a very small family, which was really just him and his dad; Brain had a...less than ideal relationship with his mom; Lauriam and Strelitzia were basically on their own; and Ven, uh...well, he loved his family, but there was a lot of conflict about him even, like...existing.
When I was writing Dandelion Seeds, I wanted them to have a lot of different family situations, while still having some things that they could relate to each other with, so while they haven't always been together, they CAN find some common ground with each other. Ephemer and Skuld had pretty good upbringings, overall; they both grew up near Daybreak Town, so they find they have a lot to talk about surrounding that, too.
Brain relates to Ven a lot. Brain didn't have many friends growing up, either (just Ava, and she was apprenticed when they were pretty young), and while his situation wasn't quite the same as Ven's, he's still sympathetic to the complicated family situation.
Lauriam has the hardest time relating to any of them directly, since he and his sister had to struggle on their own for a long time. He probably had the roughest childhood out of the bunch, though he does feel for Ven, who grew up with...very limited love and few outside connections. As far as he's concerned, at least he still had his sister; Ven didn't really have much of anyone.
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grievedifferent · 5 months
nonverbal prompts. accepting !! // * @omniterror
[  playlist  ]  sender  curates  a  playlist / jessica to josh!
okay, if josh were to guess jessica's top three genres, he would probably take a gander at something like bubblegum pop, modern pop, and dance-pop. anything with a super catchy beat, shallow lyrics, and a hot set of backup dancers in a flashy music video.
so, he's a little surprised at the mix she's got hooked up to his sound system via her phone. the aux cord is brand new, like everything he owns, and it's oddly just the two of them. this never happens, he considers, but here she is. here i am. everyone else is gone ...
and the last few hours have actually been nice. if anything, it's given josh a better glimpse into the most popular girl in school. psychologically speaking, she's got an edge. he wonders just how hard he can push the envelope ... ??
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❝ jessica riley, ❞ he teases, ❝ you didn't tell me you had such an eclectic taste in music. i'm a little surprised. ❞ he pauses. ❝ hey, you know? uh, i won't tell anyone that we spent some much-needed quality time together. ❞ he's messing with her, nudging her shoulder with his own before settling in at a comfortably amicable distance. ❝ it'll be our little secret, okay? ❞
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katmajik · 11 months
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🎼 мυѕι¢ мση∂αу : ✨spotify wrapped special edition✨
“do wah diddy diddy” -> manfred mann + “ms. new booty” -> bubba sparxxx
“I have some, um. Eclectic tastes.” Stevie’s words are accompanied by that bubbly schick-schick-schick sound it makes when you scroll through music. “I can spare you, if you want, maybe put on this Top 40 playlist instead?”
“Absolutely not. What’s eclectic? I mean, I know what it means,” Milo clarifies as he turns down one of the backroads, “but give me an example.”
“Oh, well. Uh. One time one of my playlists shuffled from ‘Do Wah Diddy Diddy’ to ‘Ms. New Booty’? I think that’s the most informative thing I could tell you.”
Milo tries to whistle, but it pretty quickly tapers off into a laugh. “What playlist is that?”
“Yeah. Y’know.” She shrugs, taps her screen. “Songs that bang.”
every(ish) monday i’ll be sharing song & artist recs name-dropped in my debut romcom, ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪʙᴇ?
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Palisade 29 spoilers, mostly SCREAMING through the episode
We are in the fucking WAR AGAINST BRANCHED?? Just JUMP and we are IN THR FRONT LINES
I saw ONE WORD SPOILER for this episode and it was DAHLIA so i have high hopes.
I thought they would show up on Palisade but NOPE, you come to the Glorious Princept, not the other way around. Mirror this to that fucking Kesh man.
This flagship/garden city is wild!!
Liguid black, kinda like stone tight plugsuit. Had to google Jesse James Keitel, was not disapointed, they look like a princept to me.
I am excited to see what they are like. What are you like, Dahlia, how can you claim so many thrones?
"Captain Kalvin Brnine." Not me immediately liking them for using the right name, the bar could not be any lower.
"What drives you, Kalvin Brnine?"
*face down, head in hands* yeah uh-huh, hmmhmhm. Kalvin Brnine opposing Apostalos has pushed them more than a millenia of fighting the branched right yup cool cool
"That's a fucked up thing to say." YEAH!!!
"They would like us not to be human anymore."
"They do not know they are being kinda shitty, is the thing. Which is that the room changes around you. The light becomes softer. It is a living room on a warm, sunny day. This is a thing your old friend, Phrygian, could do." (I just let out the most pained wail of my life, sorry roommates.) "And it strikes you, they are not in the room, they are the room."
"Hate that." YEAH!!! SAME!! NOT GOOD!
They have become something like the branched. They fucking think that only CONFLICT and ANTAGONISM will bring change.
OH DAHLIA, YOU ARE FUCKING FULL OF SHIT! WHAT?? ONLY WAR MAKES CONNECTIONS???? DEFEATS THE NATURE OF SELFISHNESS??? Someone give them a hug or something, they grew up wrong and think this is how they can make true connections. (And also teach them how to be a cool room.)
You know what, the branched should have captured Dahlia as a baby. The farmer should've gone straight to the enemiest of enemies and be like "hello".
WOOOOAH, WILD SWINGS, WILDEST OF SWINGS. "On of scale from 1 to 10 how much can I assassinate this person and still be able to- (laughter) break out?" "What!? Break out of WHAT, you are IN them??"
Hehe, read the room. Because. The princept is the room.
Ali was not even on Roll20, what a fucking powermove.
Integrity, Commitment and Dahlia in a soup... Something something Chimera?
Ah, no, it seems they are still kinda three separate beings but Dahlia can just be. A room.
"If you took action in here-" uh oh.
Reading all of these moves is hilarious!
"Hollow blood, less weight!" Fjfjjfjfgghh
I like how excited Austin was about the possibility of just KILLING Dahlia just outright, after teasing them for soooo loooong. I might be bit sad because they seem like an excellent antagonist.
"Anyway, the Glorious Princept is Bleeding everybody. In their throneroom."
Figure wants Brnine to know. That Millenium Break can really change lives. (crying)
Figure can cry!!!
I love Cori grilling Eclectic about Leap...
Hunting cleaning their rooms, watering plants... midnight running simulations.... partial walking into the ship with baggy pants...
Saffron Septet running to see what the fuck is happening...
OH COMMITMENT, POOR COMMITMENT :( searching it's elect and integrity... need another elect...
Branched, go get Commitment!!! Go get it!!
Did they forgot the tier difference on the princept fight? Eh, it was fun.
Routine joining Starioma. Best worst case scenario. Please save him. Please.
"When did we break up???" So true ali, so true, together and still toxic.
I hate that brnine/gucci ship has overtaken me.
"Did they just win??? There is only one princept." I mean kinda?
Cori is sweet. Thisbe and Brnine convo... Phrygian made the best cereal box mazes... Branched Man...
They sound SO TIRED! And there is 40 minutes left in the episode!!
Cas will become the next apokine..... oh no.... oh cas......
Gur told me about them. About... Valence?? About the tapes.
They are never going to play the rest of the eclectic-brnine -scene, huh.
Jesset texts! Emoji between a heart and a sparkle... Two hearts is ambiguous.... :) :) :) Jesset Boyfriend City is real....
"I was SURE you would've died on the combustor"... aaaaghhh she LOVES them!!
Big! Swings! We love it! The drama! Big! Moves! Moves that MATTER! Fuck the empire UP!! WE WILL LEAP!!
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bunbeeplays · 8 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 17 - Tiffing with Tiff
The next day, the band, and Tiff, go to Miko and Penny's new apartment to talk about their song choices. Penny doesn't love the white features but Miko likes how clean it looks, and love is about compromise. Penny can at least have her eclectic furniture to brighten the place up.
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Miko: Thanks for agreeing to meet us here. I know San Myshuno is far from Tartosa.
Drew: No worries, it's all the same loading screen.
Miko: Uh, Tiff? Where's the other violinists? They were invited too.
Tiff: As lead, I can relay any info back to my cohorts.
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Miko: Okay then. Did you all have a chance to look over the sheet music we sent you?
Ophelia: Yes! Let's pull them up.
Tiff: You young people and your technology.
Drew: It's the same technology every Sim has had since 2014, Tiff!
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Penny: You guys are the experts. What do you think?
Moses: They're all great songs! Unique but not too wild. You have no idea how many times we get the same old songs to play.
Penny: You know I've gotta keep it fresh!
Miko: I vetoed some of the more... outrageous suggestions.
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Penny: Looks like out ceremony music requires violin and piano. You okay doubling up, Piano Man?
Moses: I get double the pay so you know it!
Penny: Tiff, you good to learn the sheet music? I know this probably isn't the type of song you usually play.
Tiff: Already memorized.
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Ophelia: I love your first dance song. I've been singing it for days. It's starting to get on my girlfriend's nerves!
Miko: Oh, you and Libby made it official! Congratulations. You've posted a bunch of pics with her on Simsta lately, so Penny and I had a hunch.
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Tiff: I see. You two are... very friendly with Miss Ophelia outside of work, huh?
Penny: Well, we kind of cornered her in a coffee shop. Hard to keep things strictly business after that. Plus, who else would I constantly text asking to go to the Spice Festival with me?
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Tiff: I see. Well, I have connections of my own. Heard of Ty Harper? Head writer for PlumBright Magazine? I could get him to write an entire feature on your wedding!
Penny: The scumbag from that trashy gossip rag? No thanks. You're friends with him?
Tiff: ...I'm married to him
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Miko: Uh, moving on. Were there any issues you all saw with the songs for the reception?
Drew: No, everything looks good. People might have song requests but we know a ton of songs.
Ophelia: My mind is a steel trap for song lyrics, I should be good to cover most requests.
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Tiff: If young Ophelia doesn't have the range for a certain song you want I'd be more than happy to fill in!
Miko: Uh, thanks, but we made sure we selected songs in her range. I'm sure requests will be fine. You're amazing at violin, we'd like you to do that.
Tiff: I can do both!
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Penny: Lady, we don't want you to do both, she's trying to be nice. You're lucky you're playing at all, after the way you treated Miko during our tour! Lucky for you, my fiancée is a lot more forgiving than me!
Tiff: In my defense, teens and young adults look exactly alike!
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Miko: Honey, it's okay! Tiff, we're happy with the plan we currently have. We'd appreciate if you focused on getting your team prepped. You're an amazing violinist.
Tiff: Well your taste in singers is... different than mine but you sure know your stuff about string instruments.
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The elevator ride downstairs is awkward. Tiff doesn't seem to notice or mind.
Tiff: The clients' questionable choices aside, I'd say that was a successful meeting. Gotta say, that Pizzazz girl has a screw loose. Guess that's why she's such good friends with you, eh, Ophelia?
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Ophelia: Do you constantly have to undermine and insult me every chance you get? I've been trying real hard to be civil.
Tiff: I'm sorry, it's just really easy to undermine you, sweetheart. You still have your baby fat.
Ophelia: It was just the holidays. This is regular fat!
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Ophelia: I'm singing at this one wedding! It sounds like you're going to sing at the rest of them after this! What's the big deal?
Tiff: You KNOW the big deal. This is a celebrity wedding. One of the guests could make me a star and you just stumbled ass-first into this gig!
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Drew: Tiff, you're being more ridiculous than usual. The clients made their decision. You're not going to change their minds.
Tiff: Why's everyone on her side? This was supposed to be my big break. You don't know what it's like to have something so huge taken from you!
Ophelia: You don't know anything about me! If your husband is such a big shot, just get connections through him.
Tiff: He's too good of a man to abuse his power like that.
Moses: Didn't he send paparazzi to Judith Ward's second husband's funeral? Tiff: No one asked, Moses.
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Tiff: Fine, if you're determined to embarrass yourself on that stage, be my guest. Don't worry, I'll stay away from you until the wedding. Worrying about you destroying the Laurents' reputation is going to give me stress wrinkles anyway.
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Ophelia: UGH! What is her damage! Does she have some sort of tragic backstory or something?
Drew: Nah, I think she just likes being a bitch.
Moses: Look, let's not worry about her now, love. We've got your back. Let's go to the venue and practice, yeah?
Ophelia: Okay. Thanks.
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2, 16, 25 for the ask game? :)
2. thoughts on veganism?
im gonna give you the tldr so we're not here for 3 hours, since this is perfectly at the intersection of many of my long time special interests and passions.
-everyone has the right to their own dietary choices, and those choices can be made for literally any reason
-the current state of ALL industrial agriculture is environmentally damaging
-due to the land requirements of many crops in a vegan diet, along with the utilization of crops traditionally cultivated by indigenous peoples, veganism is not inherently more sustainable than other diets
-i'm a firm believer in ethical animal agriculture, land stewardship, and making sure workers aren't exploited. these issues are present in literally all industrial agriculture, not just veganism
-if you come to my home i'll make you whatever food you like, because i don't let people go hungry in my house
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
lifelong fan, match made in heaven. i'm so sorry mint haters it doesn't taste like toothpaste i hope you achieve understanding soon
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
well, uh, i...yes. for the most part my taste in music is pretty good, partially because the end result of playing in orchestra for a decade is being a bit of a music snob. it is, however, deeply eclectic. From my spotify shuffle we have: Woman King by Iron and Wine, Chismiten by Mdou Moctar, and Memories by Thutmose.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
Summer WIP tag game!
I was tagged by @thana-topsy, I am so excited about what might happen with Halfway to the Sky, I am 💓vibrating💓 and also 👀 at a potential Dark Brotherhood story
I tag @ms-katonic-of-tamriel @mswhich @canonicallymoriche
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I am working on a trilogy of novel-length fics called Wives of Shor (WIP snippet here: Moth to Flame.) It's a fic that started out as a pastiche of bodice-ripper romances starring Kaidan and Lucien Flavius getting sex-pollened by Sanguine, but it has become a tale about loving someone from an entirely different background than you, having a crisis of faith, and learning how to move on and live a good life when you've done unspeakably terrible things in the past.
I'm planning on having the entire first novel written out + at least most of first drafts of the second and third before beginning to post, so it will be awhile.
OK the game says one but screw that here's some other WIPs I'd like to chip away at, even if they aren't my highest priority:
A Wives of Shor prequel that explains why Lucien only made it to Falkreath before deciding that he REALLY needed some protection on the road.
A fic that explains why there's a bandit trapped in a hay bale in Swindler's Den when a) hay bales require industrial machinery to produce and b) who the hell was baling hay inside a cave. It will also explore the character of Ennis, the goat farmer in Rorikstead, and his relationships with other characters from Rorikstead.
Because I Could Not Stop for Death a short-ish novella that explores how Thane Bryling navigates the transition of being ruled by High King Torygg to his young bride, Elisif the Fair. It was inspired after I noticed that the Holy 80s High School Movie Girl Trinity of Jock-Prep-Goth was present in Bryling, Elisif, and Sybille Stentor. (Yes, all the chapter titles are Emily Dickinson poems ha ha)
I'd really like to get the full summary/outline of a fic my friend TheInducer and I yes-anded into existence. It involves a retelling of the Odyssey by way of Mor Khazgur needing to find a new Chief after theirs went missing. TheInducer did a great write-up on the theory we came up with on r/teslore: Durak is (probably) from Mor Khazgur.
And of course, I continue to hope I will be seized once again by the fit of utter depravity that caused me to write 2K words of Sanguine/Hermaeus Mora tentacle porn a few months ago called La☆Blue Daedra so I can actually finish it and inflict it on the rest of fandom.
2) Rec a book:
The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt. Her first novel is often overlooked by more celebrated/literary ones like Tuck Everlasting but to me this book is the quintessential fantasy story, and it's a very fast read without sacrificing vivid world building and descriptions. Here's my favorite, I think about it whenever I'm struggling with trying to describe something:
There was a lovely greenish glow in the forest, a glow pierced everywhere by tree trunks like fingers thrust into an aquarium full of tinted water; and Gaylen slipped between them like a small fish. With the trees all around him and the rain dancing on the leaves high over his head, he felt as if he were going deeper and deeper into a world that existed tranquil and quite separate from the one he had left behind.
3) Rec a fic:
I have an entire bookmark collection of The Elder Scrolls fic recs!
If I must pick one for this tag game, it would be Like Lightning by Jotting Prosaist. This fic single-handedly changed my opinion on 2nd person POV. It's absolutely masterful and I couldn't imagine experiencing the story it tells any other way. Mind the warnings, it goes to some very raw places.
4) Rec music:
Uh, my musical taste is...eclectic. I guess right now I've been on an early European music and metal kick, so I guess Corvus Corax fits the bill.
5) Share one piece of advice.
Floss daily, check your fire extinguishers and smoke alarms twice a year.
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ironwoman359 · 1 year
✨️When you get this ask you have to put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your followers (positive vibes are cool)🎶✨️
I'll say one song from the last five albums/playlists I listened to, otherwise it'll just be a list from the NSP under the covers album XD
[Song title - Album, Artist]
More Than a Feeling - Under the Covers Volume II, Ninja Sex Party
Hey, Runner! - Finch in the Pantry, The Arcadian Wild
Black Sheep - Scott Pilgrim vs The World Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Metric ft. Brie Larson
Lion - single by Saint Mesa
The Secret History - The Architect, Kerry Muzzey with the Chamber Orchestra of London.
I, uh....have an eclectic music taste XD
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