#I tried to provide as many examples as I could without it getting any longer but
muzzlemouths · 2 years
Secret Santa here! I can't seem to find the post you had talking about what Dead Mall Dare Sun&Moon first wore. I have the image saved as a reference so that's not an issue
But you said that they changed clothes essentially all the time now since the mall's been closed, right?
If so, does this also include wearing "feminine" clothing like dresses and skirts?
And if you could, who would be more prone to wear what overall? Be it types, styles, colors, themes, etc. Any little bit would help if you know it
Ps. Don't worry about Moon's face plate crack for the last ask I sent! Just need to know which is the final one, the crack on the eye or the mouth? I have both saved as references
Sorry for so many questions in one go! Hope it doesn't overwhelm you /g
Here's the post (+ the reblog with the pinterest) talking about what they initially wore - ironically, I also mentioned here that they're considered genderless and wore clothes from either section of the mall, including feminine clothing! Two answers for the price of one lol
Going into more detail, Sun is the more likely of the two to wear skirts (especially when paired with a belt or a cardigan and tights), but he also loves jumpsuits, dresses, matching cutouts, and lots and lots of coats! If he's wearing pants, they're normally flare, bejeweled, or high waisted. In terms of accessories, Sun wears glasses, scarves, gloves, and lots of jewelry (mainly earrings - his rays have miniscule holes drilled in places for this specific reason)
Moon on the other hand prefers his pants graphic or patterned, and his jackets loose, or leather. Back when the mall was open he had a passion for fancy suits, but he hasn't worn one in years. Decades, even. For accessories, Moon prefers belts and many hats (or hoodies). His faceplate isn't suited to wear earrings. Both Sun and Moon wear boots and platform shoes.
I decided to finalize the design where Moon's crack is beside his mouth - with a splinter of it going up into/past his single eye, for future lore reasons.
Thank YOU for being so interested in all of this. I hope my answer doesn't overwhelm YOU either! lmao
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wordsarelife · 24 days
hiii !!! i really love your writing style, and i'm just obsessed with your account in general, i'm just wondering how you started writing?? any tips for beginners? i'm trying to start writing more, but i can't think of a scenario, or i get stuck at some point. any help is appreciated 😭 thank you !!! mwah !! 🫶🏻
hello my love, please excuse my late answer. first, thank you so much for the compliments, you're the sweetest!!! i've been writing basically all my life and i think whats most important for writing is inspiration. i spent so many years reading fanfiction and thinking about topics i would like to read about, just to notice that no one had written them yet so i tried to fill that space myself, with a lot of failing lmao.. but at some point i realized that it's just as fun to write as it is to read other people's stuff.
when i start to write something, i always make sure i'm passionate about the project. i start by imagining scenes that i would love to read about myself, decide on a taylor song i want to use, which does generate even more inspiration and search pinterest for aesthetics and more insparation.
i know what it's like getting stuck while writing (ask the thousand unfinished wips of books i tried to write), but sometimes i try to just write anything, even if its rubbish at first, at least you wrote a few more words.
or just think about the least expectable answer to a simple question and keep in mind that every answer reflect your characters personality. if you let your character answer something unexpectably it might turn the conversation into a different direction. and different is good, it's fun and sometimes you just feel what could be right for the story, without knowing it before. but if you need help to come up with a concept, try to look at blogs on here, who provide prompts or funny quotes to start your story off on.
one of my favorite creators is @creativepromptsforwriting (she also has great tips for writing, far better than any i could give you)
and just to emphasize what i said before, i'm going to show you what i mean by wiriting a little scene between theo and pixie from my series don't blame me:
example quote: you look good
so, to accurately write this scene, you should think about your characters personality, but also the relationship between them.
so it could be like this:
theo: you look good
pixie: thank you
and that would be it. but this conversation doesn't fit either their personality nor their relationship, and a great plus is also that it would be a longer interaction if you let them react differently:
theo: you look good
pixie: what are you trying to do right now?
theo: i don't know, genius, maybe compliment you?
pixie: well, don't expect to get one back, i wouldn't want to inflate your ego any further
theo: aren't you just a ray of sunshine...
pixie: complementing me again huh?
theo: sure...
so this is what i would come up with on the spot and i hope i could help you a bit, but this is mostly what i do when i write and then i just keep writing honestly. what i can tell you is that it will be easier the more you write, you get a feeling for it eventually. so in simpler terms: don't stress too much for perfection (had to learn that the hard way) just write and see what happens and just keep in mind that any word you write will help you to get better at writing, so nothing has to be perfect from the get go. i mean, has anyone ever sat down at a piano and just started playing?
good luck on your journey, i wish you all the fun at writing!!! ❤️
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aamy2100982 · 1 year
Long post about Symby appreciating everyday life? Yep :b
I think many aired the headcanon that Venom doesn't like vegetables, order and probably doing everyday things of personal cleanliness like bathing, brushing teeth.
And yes, it probably works that way in the movie, but I'm pretty sure Comic!Symby is the one forcing Eddie to do these everyday activities.
As a living being that doesn't care about daily activities, the symbiote didn't understand why humans did these things. it would see Peter do it every morning, but there wasn't really a need to, for example, brush his teeth, Peter didn't do it because he liked it, because he needed it or because he had to, his brain just told him "it's what you have to do" and he did it, every day, morning and evening
and the symbiote simply didn't understand how such simple and boring activities were "what you have to do", until it met Eddie. At first Eddie did these same activities, every day, the symbiote began to get used to the routine, the problem began when Eddie lost his apartment, forcing them to live on the streets.
Eddie no longer have the comforts to do his personal hygiene correctly and for the first time the symbiote realized why those everyday things were so important. We all know what happens with a lack of hygiene, the food accumulated on the teeth turned into dirt. Symby tried to clean them using themself like a dental floss, but instead of solving the problem, it got worse, because tartar wears away the gums, if the gums wear away the teeth fall out and unlike the symbiote that can lose 20 teeth and regenerate them in seconds, human teeth are more complicated. Symby can regenerate them, but the symbiote doesn't seem as good at regenerating bone as it is good at regenerating meat and skin tissue.
the lack of bathroom was also affecting, Eddie's sweat accumulated and the humidity could form fungus, apart from the obvious stench caused by the lack of cleanliness, sticky hair and in general the lack of cleanliness causes us in a bad psychological state when we feel ourselves so stinky
And i'm are not going to touch in depth the subject of the lack of food. Eddie probably takes it upon himself to give the symbiote all the nutrients it needs, forgetting about his own needs. Of course the symbiote can continue to live fully in a deteriorating body that only has the nutrients they need, but Eddie can't survive without his nutrients and even though it's a bad thing, he seems oblivious to it.
I think all these reasons make the Comic!Symby more understanding when Eddie needs to work, unlike the Movie!Symby, which is annoyed when Eddie wants to work by forcing themself to stay still for so long
work leads to money, money leads to satisfying the basic needs that Eddie has as a human. If Eddie has enough money to buy personal hygiene products and nutritious foods, then Eddie is fine, he is safe, and Symby can assure that Eddie is not only feeling better physically, but also mentally.
I am also very sure that Symby now forces Eddie to relieve himself frequently and also encourages him to buy products that can provide some good nutrients for him. maybe the symbiote thought that all those daily actions were just humans being lazy with their body, but it turns out that they are things that "must be done" in any case and if spending long hours in front of a computer to get money is the price it pays to see Eddie having a full life then all is well :3
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Hiya!! I love the way you write. can you do a motherly Natasha (who may be a vamp) who adores the reader( who is around 23-25) but that doesn’t stop mama nat from protecting reader and coddling them to the fullest extent. Please and thank you.
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Hi! I'm so happy you like how I write! Thanks for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Vampire! Nat
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Nat really does strike you as a vampire, doesn't she? Like, in the supernatural world, that's definitely what she would be.
And she'd be one of the really old ones, too. One that's been around for a really long time and seen a good chunk of history play out.
But because of how long she's been alive, I don't think Natasha would want to get too attached to anyone, especially not a human.
She has a few other vampires she's friendly with. For example, her sister Yelena, as well as the vampire hybrid Bruce.
Still, Natasha tries not to make it a habit to insert herself into human life like others of her kind sometimes are fond of doing. She knows all too well how fleeting it can be, and to expose herself to that heartbreak is something she wouldn't like to experience again.
And Natasha is usually pretty good about her rule. After being alive for so long, her discipline is incredibly strong. Her self-control is something that many vampires admire and strive to achieve.
But despite her self-control and nearly a thousand years of experience, it seemed to crumble around you.
When Natasha first met you, she looked at you as just another human.
There are rarely people who stand out to her, and when someone does, Natasha is quite good at ignoring them. She can't get attached to someone whose life is only a blip compared to hers.
But she had only just moved back to a place she hadn't visited in a century or so. While she could easily move back to one of her other spacious houses in another country, at the time she hadn't felt like wasting the trip.
And oh what a mistake that was.
The longer she was around you, the more interested in you Natasha became. She tried to resist at first. She knew that she was becoming far too interested far too quickly, yet she felt unable to stop herself from being around you more.
In your eyes, Natasha felt like something else entirely. You could never quite place what it was, but she felt like she was from another time; something not quite human, but human all the same.
But the strange woman was very kind. After only just moving there yourself, Natasha seemed like a lifeboat that helped keep you afloat.
She often showed you new spots to eat or shop, and wouldn't let you pay either. She always waved you off when you tried, saying she had plenty of money to spare.
You didn't want to push, despite feeling a bit guilty. You'd seen her apartment, as well as her clothes, jewelry, and furniture. Even the way she held herself screamed that she was as rich as she said.
For Natasha, it was an absolute joy to take you to do these things.
It isn't a surprise that she took on a motherly role for you. As we've gone over, she's very old, even by vampire standards. So while you may be an adult by human standards, to Natasha, you're still a small child.
Yes, you can hold an intelligent conversation and can walk, talk, and function on your own, but Natasha can't help but feel the same fear any mother would when seeing their small child walk on their own for the first time.
(Though, she is quite a bit more paranoid and protective than the average parent.)
You're so completely human that it terrifies Natasha. You age so quickly, and she knows that it will eventually lead to your death. Not only that, but you're just so weak.
You really are a child to her considering how easily you can be hurt compared to her. Even the weakest of monsters could kill you without any effort.
So Natasha can't help but coddle you greatly even before she kidnaps you. If she could, she'd be the one to make all of your meals and provide everything for you (though it's hard to reject her offers considering how sweet she is about it. Plus, her cooking is godly with how much practice she's had.)
Sooner rather than later, Natasha will turn you into a vampire, and it will be clear as to why she felt so otherworldly.
You have no say in the matter. She can't have you aging and dying on her.
And hey, it's not that bad, she claims. Now you can keep each other company for the rest of eternity, and Natasha can mother you even more.
Considering she's the one who bit you, she is practically your mother anyway, and she'll be the one to show you the ropes of vampirism.
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
I have seen many people saying that westeros is an absolute monarchy. Is feudalism not the opposite of an absolutist monarchy? I mean, even in the reign of Jaehaerys I, the Velaryon became vassals so powerful that the threat of war if choosing Viserys over Laenor was something to be feared. The Great Houses had the powers of kings in their regions, little changed for them after the conquest. In an absolute monarchy, nobles have little or no power, right?
The opposite of absolute monarchy would be, in theory, a pure anarchic society. In practice anarchism tends to devolve into warlordism fairly quickly, but in theory, the opposite of a system with absolute central authority would be an absolute absence of any authority.
In an absolute monarchy, in theory, the ruling monarch has absolute power and no check on their authority. In practice, no kingdom rules alone (particularly as the kingdom gets bigger and bigger) and so even the most absolute of monarchs invest key stakeholders with power to manage their kingdom and establish a set of carrots and sticks to ensure loyalty and coerce good behavior. What separates a feudal monarchy from an absolute monarchy is the feudal charter, which typically explicitly identifies needs and demands upwards and downwards - the king can obligate military service of X hands for Y days, in return the king provides defense against foreign invasion. Tolls, taxes, and so on are typically identified with cases made for emergencies. In England, for example, taxes could not be raised without the consent of Parliament, so a king that wanted to raise a war chest either needed to secure buy-in with the nobility or get creative with fundraising.
Westeros is explicitly not an absolute monarchy. Aegon I made sure of that when he established the kingdom and preserved a lot of the rights of the nobility as a means of smoothing the transition to the Seven Kingdoms. Dorne enjoys explicit rights codified by Daeron II's charter, rights that they vigorously enforce and protect. That wouldn't be the case in an absolute monarchy, where royal whim governs what is and isn't acceptable. Some monarchs tried - Aegon IV and Aerys II chief among them, but by and large the Westerosi monarchy was a relatively weak monarchy, especially after the demise of the dragons where they could no longer use their flying sky beasts to make up for the relatively low number of royal levies under the Crown's command.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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octodrop · 2 years
stardew characters based on who is most likely to win in a hunger games situation
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it's been a hot minute since I made this, but here's some additional thoughts on some characters, from bottom to top:
clint would try and find emily to pair up with but she would already be gone. hed mope around in the open which would leave him an easy target
abigail would think shes such hot shit. but the second shes actually in a threatening situation she would hesitate which would be her downfall
pam and george are both way too stubborn to team up with anyone and it would easily come to their downfalls
sebastian does not have the skills to survive on his own. im sorry
snail is just used to that sort of thing but hes so easily killable. come on
morris thinks hes better than everyone this motherfucker would not team up with anyone if he could
listen. i love sam. but hes kinda dumb. hed get distracted and lost super easily
elliott deserves a dramatic death i think. also its just really funny to me. this man gets blown up
penny has 0 survival skills
i feel like krobus and dwarf would be those kind of deaths that happen without anyone knowing. there's a fire, and they're all alone.
i feel like leo's tendency to live in trees would be his downfall. again, with the fire example, he could get cut off by fire really quickly and have nowhere to go
leah definitely has some survival skills. And I think she'd last longer than most. She has proficiency in some tools that could be used as weapons, But I think she'd be pretty vulnerable in a stage hazard event, especially if she's making it alone.
shane, haley and birdie are pretty self explanatory. Have you seen Haley when she gets pissed off?
I had a whole thought process for Demetrius: Demetrius, Robin and Maru would all stick together (Sebastian had already seperated from everyone else). Demetrius would be super protective of Maru, not wanting anything to happen to his baby girl. But Maru insists she's going to be okay and she knows what to do if she's in danger: the protocols, etc. Demetrius worries if he's being unreasonably anxious over her safety so allows Maru to take a short journey to find water. She heads out. Time passes. A long time passes. There's no sign of Maru. Robin and Demetrius look for her. She'd been attacked. she passes away. demetrius blames himself for the loss and obsesses over it. Robin tries to help him but he can't move on, leaving him an easy target.
I don't remember why I put jodi there?
Gus would absolutely try to help out where he can. but ultimately he's just kind of a guy, he doesn't really have that many survival skills
Linus is hardy and he'd definitely want to help out as many people as he can. But I feel like someone would take advantage of this and kill him
gunther also has the drive to help the community. he can't provide much as an archaeologist but he would definitely do what he could
Harvey would be picked up pretty quickly by a group; his skills as a physician are invaluable in such a setting. This man is a trained professional, and would be protected with whatever it takes. He'd have a lot of support early on, but as number start to decline he'd become more vulnerable. Unfortunately for Harvey, he's physically weak, and does not have it in him to ever cause harm to another human being.
Magnus is a very knowledgeable man, and I think him, Marlon, Gil, Alex and Harvey would make an incredibly strong team. Magnus and Marlon would be experts at tracking field hazards and traps, furthermore, I think Magnus would be the first to sense any sort of approaching disturbance, providing the group with a lot of forewarning and time to prepare for danger. But physically? he doesn't fight with his hands, and if he's unprepared for a physical confrontation, he's gonna suffer
Alex is very physically fit. Honestly? I think he'd be good in a fight. With someone like Magnus to compensate for his himbo nature, he'd go very far. But without that....
Gil, the admin guy, is apparently very good in a fight. yet, we've never seen him leave his chair? the mans gotta rest. so I have no way of knowing how good his fighter instincts are
Then we have the final 3:
Marlon is a very skilled and active adventurer, and aside from what I mentioned above, he's a very seasoned fighter and honestly a powerful survivor so he's an incredibly good candidate for the final 3
Robin is physically active, aware, has the drive and does not a lot of hesitation. She has proficiency in a number of tools that could be used as a weapon, and she has the ability to construct good shelter. Like cmon. how could she not
Kent has been through this before. He's been around the block, knows how to sleep on limited food with one eye open. He's army trained and a war survivor. He knows what he's doing and wouldn't hesitate to kill
Emily is an absolute enigma. She has powers beyond any man. I don't know how to elaborate on this any further, but I just know it to be true
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contreparry · 2 years
Hello there and happy Friday!
Could I get a "Rubatosis: the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat" for Fenris (or the character of your choosing!)?
Absolutely! Here’s some modern!Thedas Fenris for @dadrunkwriting !
Fenris hadn’t had a lover before.
He had a history, he couldn’t deny that. It was one he did not linger on. If he was given the opportunity to forget those years of his life he would be sorely tempted to take it. He wouldn’t, of course. His past made him who he was, and Fenris rather liked the man he was now. But a problem still remained: he hadn’t had a lover before.
Hook-ups were easy. Slip into a bed and slip out, fuck without any hard feelings and escape any complexities that arose from getting attached. Fenris found that he liked the casual, the simple, the fun elements of sex without commitments. But now that he found someone he wanted to commit to, sex became complicated for reasons he didn’t realize even existed before Anders.
How interesting that his life in Kirkwall divided into so many Befores and Afters: Before Isabela and After. Before Hawke and After. Before Varric, Before Sebastian, and now… now Before Anders. For example, Before Anders Fenris didn’t know the first thing about cats. After Anders he now knew the best way to drag a feather toy across the ground to entice Pounce into playing with him. He knew how to tempt Pounce into his cat carrier (a bite of canned tuna always lured him out). He looked forward to cat cuddles now. Before Anders Fenris would slip out of his partner’s beds and leave, all parties satisfied with the arrangement. But After Anders, now that they were sleeping together (more than once, twice, three times, a habit now), Fenris… lingered. Not too long, mind, but long enough to settle against Anders’ pliant warm body, long enough to leave an impression in the sheets and mattress. Then he would spirit himself away across the apartment, back to his own room and bed. There he’d lay back against his pillows, all too aware of his heartbeat as he tried to sleep and longed for the warmth Anders provided.
His heartbeat pounded in his ears even now, a deep drum that kept him awake and uncomfortable. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. His bed was cool, his body ached from earlier tonight when Anders bent him over and- and his heart was too loud! Fenris tossed the blankets aside, grabbed his own pillow, and before his common sense caught up with him he crossed the apartment once more and entered Anders’ bedroom.
Anders was asleep, or very near it, when Fenris cracked the door open. He slipped in like a shadow, set his pillow on the empty half of the bed, and clambered up to join Anders in slumber. The mattress dipped underneath his knees, and Anders stirred when Fenris slipped under the blankets.
“Mmmmmrrrmph?” Anders grumbled, turning in the bed to face Fenris, bleary-eyed and half asleep.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Fenris mumbled as he settled back into the divot he left behind only an hour before.
“Mmmm,” Anders acknowledged. “Your mattress sucks.” He raised an arm, inviting Fenris to approach, to curl up, to share-
Fenris shifted closer, dragging his pillow with him. “Some people like a firm mattress, Anders.”
“Firm like a rock,” Anders giggled, even when he pressed his lips against the top of Fenris’ head. “Night, silly.” Before Fenris could even formulate a reply Anders was gone, limp in his arms as he fell into a deep slumber. Fenris settled into bed, his eyes heavy and his heartbeat no longer drowning every other sound away. There it was in the background, but joined with Anders’ breathing and Pounce’s purring it was no longer overwhelming, no longer painful. Fenris shut his eyes and allowed himself a wide, private smile.
If this was what it was to have a lover, no wonder so many people wanted one.
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asachuu · 1 year
Part 1: is there a “perfect” ship?
[List of all parts]
To truly get to the bottom of everything in a sufficient manner, I have to start from the absolute beginning, a bit further from highly specific pairings for the time being.
This is a question you might ask yourself upon simply thinking about this topic and subsequently the BSD fandom as a whole, though it is not limited to any particular piece of media at all. I will give you a short answer: no. In fact, most of the time, you could find criticisms in any ship if you tried, and many of those could be completely reasonable.
Now then, if that’s the case, why have I chosen to point Rimlaine out as a topic of discussion? The answer will be much, much longer than a single word, and you might be surprised to find out that my personal interests in the subject aren’t the only reason, although it goes without saying I certainly know a bit more in this area than other parts of BSD-related content.
For me, the distinction between something I would overlook and something I would rather speak out against is entirely dependent on two factors— the actions of any characters involved in a ship, both when they’re together and standalone, and their canonical interactions. There will almost never be a pairing free of anything we would deem at least slightly unhealthy or simply a bad sign, action or behavior if applied to the real world, especially in media such as Bungou Stray Dogs, the main focus of which is most certainly not on depicting a tale of some pure, untainted romance. However, even so, a vast majority of ships will not be directly labeled as “unhealthy”, no matter who you ask. Whilst I do not speak for everyone here, if someone were to have me explain my own reasoning behind it, it would be the aforementioned— the way the characters spend time with each other throughout the story and the actions they carry out. There is a vast difference between two or more people talking to each other in front of the reader’s eyes, knowing from their words and behaviors they do not mean genuine harm to the other(s) nor is some greater issue at play, and in Rimlaine’s particular case, two people who could only possibly reconcile on shaky terms after one of them had died. Even here, I should be using the word “reconcile” in heavy quotation marks, but I will elaborate on all this later on.
I will provide an example, which, albeit heavily outdated at the time of posting this, will still help me envision this better in one way or another. I’m sure anyone who has joined the BSD fandom has heard of Soukoku— a pairing between Dazai and Chuuya. I would say it’s the most popular ship of the fandom, hence why I’m choosing it in case less involved readers may be here, but I have seen it receive some criticisms over time too. Now, let’s take a look at those for a little while, shall we?
(Important note for the next part: I personally don’t ship SKK and am not trying to “defend” it because of my own personal enjoyment, nor do I believe it’s anyhow healthy myself. Due to this, the following section is NOT going to be taking anything beyond manga chapter 65 into consideration, as the claims originated many years before it, and I would have to make a separate essay if I were to truly shine the spotlight on today’s SKK from my point of view. The main reason I have chosen this very shaky example is listed above— its popularity making it easy to see even without much involvement, and there was a point in time during which it would have made for the best choice to mention, that to which I’m returning for a handful of paragraphs.)
One specific claim I have seen go around a long time ago, far before Stormbringer had even been announced, was that this particular ship isn’t healthy due to Dazai leaving/abandoning the Port Mafia, which could have potentially worsened Chuuya’s mental state after everything that has happened to him in the events of Fifteen (and subsequently the following novel as well, yet that one didn’t exist here), and additionally their current situation being nothing but constant “rudeness” to each other. If you’re someone who has heard me talk about the entire topic of fictional ships before, you may think this is pretty much the reason I claim Rimlaine to be unhealthy. To an extent, it is somewhat true, but once again— there is a vast difference, one that does not require me to go into details about both ships’ situations. Dazai and Chuuya, even back then, were seen to interact in canonical events again, long since that has happened. While I do have a lot of reservations towards them today, especially in light of more recent manga chapters/story developments, I’ve always had at least some of those, but they still had one thing Rimlaine did not— the actual ability to speak to each other in the story again. Seeing as this was circulating around far over three years ago, it was also at a time this was all we had, but back then, we saw that the pair was able to work with one another from the time they spent together without any heavy, deeper issues, and this canonical time between them showed us more than any speculation actually did.
Now, a sliver of my personal opinion is that I see nothing healthy between two characters who constantly go on about how much they hate each other regardless of how genuine it is and how many times they are shown to supposedly “care”, with the majority of their onscreen appearances together being argument after argument, no matter how humorous it may appear to a certain audience— however, I am only mentioning this on a side note as it’s not something that seems almost hidden in the public eye, it’s practically the very core of the SKK dynamic, and due to how extremely obvious it is, there would be no merit in me attempting to highlight those actions themselves. Even so, this brings me to another point, which I believe explains why I’m using a ship with interactions like that as an example of something that differs from Rimlaine, and why I cannot take as much issue with it despite my own thoughts on it.
This is an aspect related to not only these two ships, but also any other works of fiction, which I do feel is a little bit harder to explain in words and could cause quite a lot of disagreement as is, however it is something which goes without saying for the vast majority of people who engage in such content at the same time. This being what we view as “wrong”, and from that point, what I meant by “deeper issues” above.
For many people, perhaps even yourself, it’s not a dealbreaker to see violence in fiction, whether that be movies, books, shows, etc. Now, I am not qualified to claim this as anything beyond personal speculation, given I am in no way a psychology major or anything of the sort, but I do believe it’s because we already know it’s absolutely wrong from our entire lives, which is a lot more emphasized upon. None of us would ever condone the actions of these characters, but seeing as they’re not real and their worlds or lives usually operate under much different, often highly unrealistic circumstances, that fact simply goes without saying and we are still able to appreciate their individual selves— additionally, we will not be the ones to go and carry out the same things as them for a multitude of reasons, be it basic morality, lack of any realistic circumstance in which it would ever be justified or expected, and so on. If that sounds rather strange to you when I put it in such a way, ask yourself this: how many people have you seen enjoy a character such as Dazai or Chuuya, respectively? Now, with that amount in mind, how many of those people explicitly talk about not supporting their actions whatsoever each time they make a post about them? The amount is significantly smaller, right? It’s not because they don’t think those actions would be wrong in our world or they’re outright excusing them, it’s because it’s already established from the place of common sense, and due to the characters’ fictional nature, there are many other interesting things to focus on rather than their crimes and transgressions, which are also often a part, if not the full narrative of the given story, being fully guaranteed to be a feature of their lives from the start. This, however, gets far more complicated in other issues, which will be relevant down the line.
Just as with everything in the world, there are some instances which are deemed more “controversial”. As many will have vastly different opinions on where to draw the line, myself included, with this point being an extremely nuanced one that is simply impossible to properly condense, the following is my shortened perspective only.
Nevertheless, the term I used can apply to far more subtle things which many may not even notice the first time, but they mainly come in the form of content which perpetuates already prevalent harmful thoughts or behavior that is not deemed “straightforward” or “significant enough” by quite a large number of people. I’m positive many folks have seen such things centered around social issues online, for example, and I’m sure almost everyone has encountered it in some way, shape or form, be they aware of it or not. Even if my next words will sound quite far-fetched on paper, I assure you, it’s not something uncommon amongst fandoms of any kind— I assume you’ll certainly be more inclined to like a fictional character who has committed a lot of violence and criminal activity over a character who, let’s say, would be actively bigoted and/or predatory, with those just being two selected examples. I see this in many fandoms which feature both character types at once, and one always has a significantly larger fanbase than the other. Why is it so? Because, while the former lies within all the reasons stated above, the latter is something which, to many of us, seems entirely wrong for obvious reasons too, yet many people engage in and firmly believe they’re correct and in the right, even receiving support and zero consequences or proper attention far more often than the former— not to mention the large groups of victims with personal experience revolving around such behavior, of which many are taken far less seriously than ones of the former kind. If a perpetrator, or anyone else who might happen to be completely uninformed about whatever type of content is being showcased, is exposed to such things which aren’t painted in any explicitly negative light in the media itself, it may create or reinforce particular views in them, depending on what it is, and on the other side, if it’s the victims themselves or any other person who happens to understand the harm of such issues, many will most likely either not wish to be reminded of their experiences or simply like a character who is in any way linked to them, especially if there is no repercussion for them.
This point, however, doesn’t only revolve around issues of in/direct harm caused to people or various types of prejudice, as one may think. It also encompasses and shapes what others view as “normal” and “acceptable”, which extends to personal dynamics and relationships between people, too. This may look like a very obvious concept already, but for the sake of this essay, I will use another example to fully get this thought across. Let’s say you grew up surrounded by media concerning relationships in which one partner is constantly belittling the other. In every such instance, it is depicted as entirely normal and “the way things are”, not even people around you have much to say about it. You’ll very likely get used to it, begin thinking that’s the way it is for everybody, and if you do wish to pursue a relationship in the future, you might end up in a similar situation. Due to the influence all that media had on you with nobody to truly deny it or go against it, there is quite a high chance you’ll simply believe this is what everyone goes through and the way it’ll always be. You might not even begin to think that something may be wrong with it, even if it potentially makes you feel unhappy, unsafe and whatnot— after all, this is what has been presented to you so many times. If you do realize it, however, there is also a chance you’ll be an outlier amongst many people who will not treat your concerns with any amount of seriousness, having also been exposed to the same things and arriving at a much different conclusion, no matter if they’re personally satisfied with it or not. To some, this concept of influence seems apparent from the start, yet we cannot deny that there are many who would disagree entirely, precisely due to things like this.
On a side note, I must add that this does not mean one cannot create explicit content about unhealthy, violent or otherwise harmful, triggering and provocative matters, and if we are to look at another side of it, a lot of it can even bring awareness to these issues instead of promoting them or normalizing them. Most of it comes down to how it’s portrayed, if anything is said about it by the creators themselves and how they view their creations, but also the thoughts and takeaways of the viewers themselves— those will naturally never be a single monolith, yet if only a small minority come out of your work thinking the content was about anything I listed above, not acceptable, everyday things that one can easily overlook, perhaps this work should be assessed once more.
Anyhow, this brings me back to the “deeper issues” phrase I have used before. In the case of Soukoku, not only are they not meant to be portrayed as any kind of romantic relationship in canonical events at the time of me writing this, but their arguments and violence are both heavily out in the open for anyone to see and understand that this is not supposed to be a depiction of a healthy friendship/partnership at all, yet simultaneously leaning more into the fictional, chaotic and dramatized aspect of things that leads many to believe this is simply not how it should look in real life— but this is not real life, it’s fiction, and additionally, neither of the two characters seem affected by it on a level that would start raising many questions about whether it is acceptable to show support for, or what such a thing implies.
As for Rimlaine, however…that’s a much different story, one which requires its own set of details.
[Part 2]
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dwarfysays · 2 years
When you are at your twilight years, would you be OK with dying?
I feel like the ones who cannot accept death, do not really believe in God or eternal life. They genuinely have no faith. But they do make a show of being religious when they can. Which begs the question: do the “faithful” really believe?
Would the “faithful” fail when tested?
My parents are prime examples of the questionably faithful. Both in their mid 80s, have stage 4 cancer with other health issues. Both want every effort made to resuscitate them. Many who are as advanced in age and disease progression would take DNR (Do Not Resuscitate). Both my parents do not want that. They don’t care if the CPR breaks their bones.
I had a very stressful confrontation with my father. In addition to the stage 4, he has diabetes, asthma and COVID. He had no understanding that he had to stay home and recover. He tried to make a break for it outside. He was very combative as I physically forced him back into the house. If he wasn’t so old and so sick, I may have let him go for a walk outside.
He is angry and scared. I am too, but I’m sticking to my guns in assuring that he will not harm himself. I can’t talk to him because he is hard of hearing and a little cognitively disadvantaged. On top of all that he is stubborn. He is a 3 year old in an old,old man’s body. I’m frustrated with his uncooperative behavior and my mom’s refusal to eat. She too has COVID. Both are on antivirals. Both no longer have fever. Only my mom is still coughing and lacking appetite. Well, my dad still coughs, but does his best to suppress the cough and make himself appear strong. He is frail and any fall could break his hip. If that happens, that would be the end. Not recovering from broken hip when you are that old and that advanced in disease state.
I know both are supposed to use their walkers and with assistance whenever they get up to “walk” elsewhere in the house. But now, I let my dad walk without a walker. He seems fine. I just follow him. His anger probably provides the power for him to walk independently. Just not going to tell my sister about that.
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
While you already mention troops that you dislike, be the considered "fanficy" or not, which one specifically are they? And I dont mean broader things like the author being bigoted or ignorant
Maybe "trope" wasn't accurate.
And it's not like I'm not guilty of these behaviors in my own writing or just imagining how a story could unfold differently.
But one things I think is fanfic-y in a bad way: overdoing it on worldbuilding.
I love worldbuilding. I love creating these back stories behind how cities were put together, the history of a place or a person, or how whatever you add to a story that is in that story but not in our world (superpowers, new technologies) altered how those places developed and how that history unfolded.
Then there is worldbuilding that drags a story to a halt--because it's no longer about the plot or the characters.
I could point to the various iterations of the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics--and I don't just mean the pre-Ian Flynn stuff, because I think Flynn is guilty, but in a different way, of forcing so much worldbuilding and pre-plotting for future stories instead of just giving us those future stories. It's not like One Piece where you still get a good story--even as it is setting up three to four more stories in the future.
But the more recent problem with worldbuilding has been My Hero Academia.
It's not as if every time the franchise has tried to worldbuild that it has been bad. A good example of worldbuilding is the spinoff series, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, which slowed down the plot to naturally come off of a string of recent stories all about giant villains, before naturally easing into some worldbuilding details that shows the aftermath of those fights, and how those giant people now are trying to make lives for themselves--but, due to their large size, lack the infrastructure they need to survive. Any housing that can accommodate them is not conveniently located: it's a NIMBY, something the neighbors don't want near them, so giant people are kept to the outskirts of town, in industrialized areas, without access to most public transportation, groceries, and other amenities that are vital to living. And the problems these giants face lead to new problems that then lead to new stories that impact where the plot of the entire series goes next. It's not a tangent into an unrelated story: it is still building on the main story itself. That is great worldbuilding.
Then My Hero Academia, in its latest arc, takes so much about being giant, or animalistic, or a mutant or heteromorph, and throws in so much back story and new history all at once. I'm not saying any of the information provided necessarily conflicts with pre-established canon; if anything, MHA is finally building on stuff already tackled in Vigilantes. And it's not as if the back stories to Shoji and Koda come out of nowhere and are not a natural fit: they do get revealed in a natural enough manner that I enjoy the revelations. But stopping the story in its tracks to toss in some random details is inartful.
It's like when Star Wars or Star Trek mention something that was just a placeholder (so that the character doesn't say "that place," "that person," "that event" but actually names a proper noun)--only to shoot themselves in the foot because now the fans want an entire encyclopedic entry about what Jedha is, what the Clone Wars were, who Boba Fett was.
Sometimes a really skilled writer takes that name and conjures up a really good story that, on its own, works--and that should be the standard: if you didn't need to see any other Wars or Trek, does this new story work? Or is it just to answer a question no one ever asked? It's how you overburden a film like Solo with so many mythology gags that it comes off as pandering.
Heck, Greg Weisman (inadvertently?) even did a gag around this when having a future iteration of Brooklyn in Gargoyles have to hastily explain away some detail by saying "Clone Wars," with little intention on explaining what that was. It was a joke--you quickly make up a fake name, then move on. It was a meta joke about how much of the lore in these series really comes down to, "A creator just needed a name for a thing to keep the story moving, gave the thing a name, and moved on, not interested in developing the thing further."
Not that Weisman hasn't gotten my rancour up with some fanfic-y things, too. I love Spectacular Spider-man--but sometimes the coincidences of who knows who and how one thing leads to another thing are too convenient. Yes, this is fiction, you are making an artifice to make the plot progress and the characters progress--but it stands out as too coincidental. I'm guilty of this in my writing, too: sometimes you want the story to be neater and let one thing lead to another, even if that's not how it was in the original. Weisman did that with Spider-man: he took disparate details in the comics, that Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, and others didn't intend to ever connect up, and he made them connect up--to the point that it felt force rather than, forgive how repetitive and unspecific this word is, natural.
(That lack of a natural fit is also why the connection between Fire Force and Soul Eater still remains so fanfic-y to me: there is so much of the one that doesn't match the other, in terms of history, tone, geopolitical divisions, or pre-established canon. I know, "canon is secondary to plot"--but when the new story you tell not only defies canon, but defies logic, its own message, the message of the other story you are linking it to, and does disservice to your characters, then congratulations, now it's not only forced and fanfic-y, it just sucks.)
And that convenience problem persists with another thing Greg Weisman worked on, Young Justice--as does another fanfic-y thing that can get bothersome: the need to pair up everyone. And don't say, "They're teenagers, of course they hook up!" Aromantic, asexual, or just "not the right time": not every teen hooks up, not every person is interested in finding someone or will find someone.
I imagine some of this is due to changes in demographics and network: Cartoon Network evidently was not fine with a same sex relationship, but once you have an older audience and are now a primarily streaming series, you can have Kaldur be bi/pansexual. And it's not like there aren't stories in the original comics of the characters dating...which is why it is so bizarre the choices made. It seems less like adapting a work and more like making your own fanfiction: "What if Superboy and Miss Martian were instead an item?" It was allowing the plot to do more of the work--as if Weisman really wanted that pairing to happen to perpetuate a lot of the plot--but I would be lying if I didn't say it fit those two characters, too, or at least this version of those two characters--two characters who don't feel like they are a complete person of any species or racialized identity, who don't feel like they fit in, but who accept the other for who they really are, however they look or whatever their origin.
Then again, for how much I decry fanfic-y stuff, there are places where I like the too-convenient, too-clean linking up of everything. For example, Ninja Turtles 2003 did a pretty good job of linking up everything--because it lent more weight to what unfolded, and metatextually was a brilliant way to get around censorship. You want to behead the Shredder but you know 4Kids won't let you? Then you make things way too convenient so that you can get away with Shredder being beheaded without killing him. You want the turtles' origin to tie into the Shredder's, even though that's not how it worked in the comics? You go ahead and connect it, have three out of your four turtles literally laugh at that idea--then have the fourth one point out how that is not only fated but means that their existence is owed to a horrible person who killed so many just for these four to exist as they are now--and suddenly that moment of laughing at how bad the writing was turns into a moment of realizing how such a connection can pose an existential crisis. That is excellent writing: you do the cheat, acknowledge it's a cheat--then take it completely seriously so that you show the audience why you did this cheat for the sake of making that audience feel something.
In other words, something is fanfic-y when the artifice seems obvious--when it seems obvious how the author was doing all of this to get the plot to unfold exactly how they wanted it to, even if it makes no sense--while the best parts of fan fiction, and hence of fiction writing overall, is when the details don't come across as something the author did but just something in the story that naturally unfolded as it should.
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pitaparka · 4 years
sex headcanons
note — NSFW. whelp. if anyone wanted proof of me being clinically insane, this is what you could show them. not only has all of my free time been devoted to watching anything with pedro pascal in it, this is also what i think about while watching these anythings. i know there are people out there who have loved him for longer and are even more obsessed than i, so i figured i would share my personal headcanons for the PPCU (pedro pascal cinematic universe, duh). big love for any fans of pedrito - nat
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- VIRGIN with a capital V
- did you see how he reacted when grogu touched his face? this man has not been touched since he was a child
- he grew up with the mandalorians but he was exposed to suggestive behaviors because, helloooo, bounty hunter
- you have to coax him into it, but it doesn't take much, since he plans on keeping you around long term
- plus, you're so good with the kid
- you provide him a safe space to explore both himself and also your body and he has no idea how lucky he is for it
- doesn't make very much noise, but loves to listen to you
- he won't last long, he’s so sensitive from years of going untouched, but this man's recovery time???
- unparalleled
- he also has the dick of a space porn star and doesn't know it
- but seriously, rice purity score is NOT lower than 90, and most of the boxes he checks are "running-from-the-police" related
- he really wants to be held and have someone run their hands through his hair and kiss his neck and hold his hands is that too much to ask???
- his words are where he gets you
- who knew dirty talk could sound so elegant??? and poetic??
- what a tease he is, too
- he pants so heavily right in your ear holy sweet lord
- and loves to laugh during sex
- he doesn't take himself super seriously unless he gets super into it, which has been known to happen from time to time
- safe words have been used between you two, which there's no shame in, but he's so good to you afterward
- he loves aftercare, and being gentle and sweet after a rough session
- asks you what you want and makes you beg for it
- makes you feel like you're in control but really, he's the one in control
- will make you cum before he does
- kinky kinky boy, almost always willing to try what you want him to
- loves to pin you down, but after he loses his arm it becomes a bit harder, so he settles for holding you flush against his chest as you squirm in his strong grip
- a little soft spoken, but will whisper in your ear in public because he knows it gets you riled up
- will stare you down from across the room with bedroom eyes
- he's got that pilot's precision if you know what i mean aha
- he's honest with you about what he likes and has no qualms about telling you up front
- gives off switch energy, but you're gonna have to really make it worth his while if you want to fuck him
- a very gentle touch, which he would love to be reciprocated
- he aches from years in the service, his back, his knees, his shoulders
- would probably drop dead if you gave him a massage as foreplay
- what an arrogant piece of shit
- "gorgeous, darlin', sweetheart, sugar"
- he will butter you up like a roll on thanksgiving goddamn
- so straightforward, and very up in your face, but it got you to sleep with him the first time you met him, so you can't say it doesn't work
- not the best with his fingers, but dear lord that tongue does wonders when he's not talking
- is a man on a mission to please you
- will spend an absurd amount of time between your thighs, and loves to feel you try to push him away when you get oversensitive
- loves it when you get feisty
- pull his hair, bite down a little harder than usual, push him down onto the bed or forcefully unbuckle his pants and this man will be putty in your hands
- is SO LOUD, and expects the same from you
- doesn't understand that because you're not screaming to the heavens doesn't mean he's doing a bad job
- associates volume with pleasure which isn't always the case
- that's something you'll have to work on with him, but he's a patient man
- keeps condoms and lube on hand at almost all times
- ohhhh boy is this man willing to go at it wherever, whenever, you name it
- will fuck you until he sweats, and keeps going afterward
- and will definitely do you right
- he fucks to feel in control, so good luck trying to take control with this one
- almost tries to distance himself from you at first, but really it scares him that he cares so much
- there's just something about orgasming at the same time as you that just makes his whole week, and your hole weak (ahaha)
- likes to fuck you from behind and fuck you roughly, hands both occupied at the same time, mouth on you, and dick inside you
- very hands on, but can be sweet afterward
- this man kisses like no other you've ever kissed before, he leaves you breathless
- leads by example wink wink
- will show you what he wants done to him, and is pretty vanilla, but in a good way
- is big on foreplay and also aftercare, probably one of the sweeter ones on the list
- he's almost methodical in his sex, very routine, but willing to deviate for you
- gentle, but deep, languid strokes
- thinks he's quieter than he actually is
- always has a lot on his mind, so he really appreciates it when you can ease some of his tension
- secretly was really experimental in college
- very attentive to your needs and likes to tease
- morning sex is his thing. when he gets home from a long day, he wants to eat and relax and sleep. but in the morning? before anyone is up and before breakfast is even being considered, he likes to wake you up with sweet bruises and roaming hands
- marcus is the type of man to respect your boundaries fully, keep copies of toys he knows you like at his house, and surprise you at work with flowers and a dirty quickie in the bathroom because you've wanted to try it so badly
- a more traditional way of thinking on sex, and semi-reluctant to do anything involving his ass, but will try it for you if you really want him to
- a very quick learner, this one, and incredibly intuitive
- what he lacks in skill he makes up for in enthusiasm
- it's almost like he can read your mind, when he uses just the right amount of pressure and uses just the right motion to make you cum for him
- you have no idea how anyone could give this up, let alone break his heart
- his favorite thing is having you ride him, your face buried in his neck as you grind your hips down as he whispers praise in your ear
- marcus isn't super kinky, but i'm sure you can convince him to try something new every once in a while
- "a private word with you in my office, please."
- so very seductive. the hand on the small of your back gets you going and he knows it, but he'll have to be more subtle if he wants to keep you
- another one who will butter you up to get you to sleep with him. he's very obvious about it, so it may or may not work first time. regardless he's up for a challenge
- pays so much attention to your neck. you will have to invest in many turtlenecks if you want to be with max
- big on eye contact, except for the exception of fucking you senseless over his desk
- obviously, a vampire, so he's absolutely magic between your thighs
- is very personable with everyone else, mainly because he's a business major, but he LOVES to make you jealous, this man LIVES off of it
- will one hundred percent expect you to be putty in his arms immediately, and treats it as a competition if you aren't
- he WILL take it personally and will make it a personal goal of his to get you to like him and want to fuck him without using his powers
- a game of cat and mouse
- does not care at all about being loud in the workplace, but he likes to see you struggle to keep quiet, even if everyone else can hear you anyway
- has suCH a praise kink wow
- his favorite thing is to hear you moan and tell him he’s doing a good job
- a little more vanilla than his counterparts but does like to take control and be a little rough
- a switch sometimes, falls into ruts where he just wants someone to take care of him
- but he WILL NOT ASK FOR IT. his pride won't let him
- at first, he’s not as mindful of you as you’d like him to be
- his sex is fast and unpleasant with hands everywhere and mouths and teeth and touch
- so you sit him down, and show him what you like. very slow and sensual
- you take your time with him, and he eventually starts to do the same with you
- remember din's rice purity score? yeah, oberyn's is maybe ten. which is pushing it
- when you meet him, he knows what he likes, and is very particular about it
- he's done his fair share of experimenting, but he's willing to try new things, if there's anything new to be tried
- takes control inside and outside the bedroom
- not afraid to show you your place
- he's the kinky one in the relationship, and he will let you explore his body all you want
- if he doesn't like it he will kindly redirect you, his hands on yours, stroking and tugging and redirecting pressure and placement so that you learn his body in and out
- loves to watch you with his girls and boys. what an exhibitionist this man is
- for most people, they have to choose between quantity or quality in their sex lives. oberyn martell is not most people
- he is a prince, and will not let you forget it, but likes it when you talk back and he has to punish you
- the roughest one on the list, but not the kinkiest
- sex to him when he's at his worst is just a way for him to feel good and relieve stress
- when he's at his best, it's a way for him to make you scream his name
- very possessive about what's his, and if he has to show it in front of everyone else for them to know that he will do it
- this man fucks like a rabbit. how does he find the time??? nobody knows
- his libido is so high. you have no idea how he isn't absolutely spent at the end of a long day of fighting and training and wandering, but he'll fuck you where you lay if you let him and you're too tired to move
- once you accidentally walked in on him stroking himself, and the AUDACITY OF HIM
- he smirked, groaned, and asked you to help him out
- who could resist a man like that
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merakiaes · 3 years
Captain Jealous - William Lennox
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Pairing: William Lennox x reader
Requested: By @neemonroe​
Prompts: #20, #41, #42 from the smut-list. 
Warnings/notes: Takes place before Transformers. Not proofread so sorry in advance for any mistakes. Might be a little bit OOC but I still hope you’ll enjoy it. Please reblog and comment, it would make my day <3 
Wordcount: 3806
Summary: Flirting with Will only seems to result in annoyance, but when you finally turn your attention elsewhere, he’s not very pleased. 
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To most, you were one of the strongest and most admirable women they’d ever gotten the pleasure of meeting, but to others… well, let’s just say that you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
You were absolutely relentless when you put your mind to something and one of the many people who had fallen victim to that stubbornness was William Lennox.
Having enrolled in the army around the same time and being equally as good at what you did both back in training and in the field, the two of you had always respected each other and rather than being competitive, tried your best to lift each other up.
If one of you took control of a situation and started shouting out orders, the other didn’t question it, not even when Will eventually passed you in ranks. Because your minds worked in the exact same ways and so it didn’t really matter who gave the orders since the orders would be the same in the end, anyway, no matter whose lips they passed.
But you did differ in the way that Will much preferred to keep his personal life separated from his professional life, while you had a habit of letting them merge together, which inevitably resulted in you bringing the obvious attraction you felt for him with you out on the field.
Will was one of the people who thought you had taken your mother’s advice a bit too literally. That was what he told you on a daily basis as a response to your endless flirting, at least. But you knew better; you knew that he, at least to some extent, reciprocated your attractions, thanks to the few moments you had shared back in training.
“It was all fun and games back then”. He liked to say in that stern, military voice he had picked up the second he was promoted to Captain. “But this is the real deal. This is serious, and this, this thing you’re doing, is unprofessional.”
Ever the workaholic soldier, he was, at this point basically having dedicated his entire life to the job with no time to spare for fun. But no matter how hard he tried denying it, you knew that the two of you shared something, and so did every other member of your squad.
The only ones who seemed completely clueless to this were the newbies and as you gradually lost hope that your stubborn captain would ever admit and give in to his feelings, you found it to be a breath of fresh air to be able to spend time with people who weren’t constantly making suggestive remarks and fueling the attraction from your side.
One, in particular, caught your eye; tall, dark and handsome. He had yet to gain more muscle than the bare minimum and was, admittedly, kind of lanky. He was one year younger than you which was way too young seeing as you’d otherwise not even go for guys the same age as you, but he had banter and shared your flirty, dirty, cheeky sense of humor which, most definitely, made up for what he lacked in life-experience.
Will had smugly watched all of the newbies try to make a move on you only to be shot down quicker than your enemies, but then the last of the soldiers had swept up by your side, put a long, lean arm over your shoulders, and hit you with the cheesiest pick-up line he had ever heard. 
“How you doing, mama? You must be a parking ticket, ‘cuz you got fiiine written all over you.”
While Epps, Fig and the rest of the team broke out into laughter at the man’s poor technique, Will’s face transformed from smug to stone-cold murderer. 
Why? Because he knew that you didn’t want a man to tell you the stars reflected in your eyes or that you took their breath away with your beauty.
What you wanted was someone who could make you laugh, and when you threw your head back and joined in on the seemingly endless laughing fit, he was overtaken by a feeling so strong that he didn’t quite know what to do with himself.
And you noticed the change of demeanor immediately. The long, hard stares were only the tip of the iceberg, as was the way he would move closer to you and find a way to touch you as much as he possibly could without making it inappropriate or suspicious. 
The most extreme part of his change in behavior was how hard and strict he suddenly became with the rookie, who had quickly earned himself the reputation of your very own lapdog. 
He got scolded even for the most insignificant of mistakes, always got put on parade as the “example” in exercises in which he was usually thrown to the ground by Will himself and totally and completely humiliated.
Of course, those moments were just poor thinking on Will’s part seeing as you, besides being incredibly flirty and witty, also happened to be one of the most caring members of the team. 
Not only did he have to watch you laugh until your stomach hurt at the rookie’s bad jokes, but he also had to watch you comfort and reassure him after his one-on-one’s with the Captain.
And still, Will couldn’t stop himself from making the same mistake again and again, the consequences every time being that he was stuck watching you fuss over the younger soldier, because no matter how much it vexed him, he knew that you knew why he was acting the way he was. 
It was all a game to you and he played along because he wanted to keep showing you that he was the better option. Unluckily for the rookie, though, Will’s method of showing dominance was through physical contact.
You knew what Will was doing, how he was trying to punish the rookie, mildly and legally, of course, while simultaneously trying to show you that he was displeased with what was going on; that he wanted it to stop.
To a start, you only showed interest in the rookie to fuck with Will, but you quickly realized that he was actually a fun guy to hang around.
You enjoyed spending time with him. Not a second with him went without laughter and it was nice to be able to have fun like that for a change, and soon enough, you’d more or less forgotten about the silent war between the two of you.
You probably knew that it wasn’t a real interest, judging by the way you didn’t even care enough to remember his name, but it was fun to have another banter-buddy.
You’d had an identical friendship with Epps since the start, but two people could only keep the creativity up for so long; after a while, you just couldn’t come up with witty remarks and sarcastic jokes, anymore.
Up until then, Will had still kept his disapproval about the whole thing lowkey, because as long as you were only doing what you were doing to make him jealous, you were still interested. 
But when you started making moves on the rookie with genuine interest, without looking over at Will while doing it, it was no longer a game. 
While already on the topic of games, you were completely useless when it came to cards. It didn’t matter what game you played; you’d always end up as the loser. And although you enjoyed the banter that followed the teasing of your poor card-playing abilities, your patience wasn’t endless.
“Alright, I’m calling it.” You chuckled after losing the fifth game of the evening, dropping your thick deck of cards onto the table in front of you.
“Really? But it was going so good for you.” Epps wasted no time in firing back with feign-surprise, to which all you did was deliver a sharp slap to his head.
The table broke out into laughter. “You had that coming.” Fig shook his head, successfully starting a metaphorical war. 
You chuckled at their antics and pushed back your chair, getting to your feet and stretching your arms above your head.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You said, and wasted no time in starting to collect your things.
The rookie’s attention was instantly piqued, and so was Will’s, who had been playing in silence nearly the entire time you’d been there.
“You know, I need to shower, too.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk. “So, I should probably join you. You know, save water. Provide some extra heat.”
“Oh, yeah?” You raised a playful eyebrow and chuckled. “Tempting offer, but I’ll have to take a raincheck on that. Glad to know I have options, though. Maybe next time.”
Without waiting for his reply, you snatched your jacket from a nearby stool and playfully flicked his forehead, before turning around and walking away, completely oblivious of the pairs of eyes that kept watching you from the table you had just left.
You went about your shower routine like you always did; get undressed, wash hair, wash body, turn off the water in-between washes, get dried and get dressed again. Sharing the water with so many people could be hard, so you couldn’t really take the long, thoughtful showers you did when at home.
You were out again as quickly as you had gotten in and took your time getting lotioned and dressed, getting as much self-care into your night as you possibly could when at a military base.
“What are you doing with the new kid?”
You should’ve been significantly more aware of your surroundings as a soldier but in your defense, everyone dropped their guard to some extent when in a safe environment, so the scream that came out of your mouth at the sudden sound of a voice was completely justified.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You swore as you jumped around, hastily reaching for your damp towel to cover your bare chest.
Coming face to face with a furious-looking Will, you glared. “Knock much?”
He didn’t look amused in the slightest, crossing his arms over his chest. “Knock, knock. Answer my question.”
Your mouth snapped shut at the dominance behind his voice and your eyes instinctively flickered to his biceps, veins and muscle more defined than ever in the way he had positioned his arms.
You were, however, proud to say that you were quick to come back to your senses, your eyes snapping back to meet his.
“Do you, maybe, oh, I don’t know, want to turn around?” You asked sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.
If you wanted him to turn around to gain privacy for yourself or simply because you couldn’t stop glancing at his bulging biceps, you didn’t know, but no matter the reason behind your wish, he didn’t move an inch.
“Answer the question.” Was all that he said, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m just having a bit of fun.”
“Do you like him?” His questions kept shooting out as quickly as bullets and, again, you couldn’t refrain from rolling your eyes.
“He’s fun to be around.” You said simply, giving him a slightly annoyed glare before turning around and dropping the towel to continue getting dressed.
Will didn’t even try to cover the fact that he was checking you out, eyes shamelessly traveling your form and taking his sweet time to remember all the details his eyes could reach. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time one of you saw the other only partly clothed – you know, it was kind of inevitable for all of you to catch a glimpse of each other’s birthday suits once every blue moon - so once the shock of his sudden appearance had melted off, the nervousness followed.
“But do you like-like him?”
At the sound of that question in particular, you couldn’t help but snort.
“What is this? Third grade?” You threw him an amused look over your shoulder. “Say that I do like-like him, do you think I should ask Epps if he can give him a note asking him to check yes or no on whether or not he’d like to be my boyfriend?” You gave him a sarcastic pout.
At this point, Will was completely fed up with your inability to take anything seriously and spun you around by your arm. 
Luckily, you had just finished hooking your bra behind your back, said bra thankfully covering your chest from his view.
“Can you not make a joke about everything?” He asked, your wrist firmly held in his hand. “You have to realize how bad this looks to our superiors. First me, and now him. You can’t go around flirting with everyone. It makes you look unprofessional and uncommitted and that, in turn, makes it look like I can’t do my job.”  
“Is that really what’s got your big-soldier-boy panties in a twist, though?” You narrowed your eyes challengingly, and slowly fought your wrist out of his grip to, instead, grab a hold of his hand.
Further proving your point, he did nothing to protest, the glare remaining in his eyes, but the rest of his face being overtaken by exasperation.
“I just don’t get it.” He said. “You spend all this time pushing my buttons, being completely insufferable with your never-ending flirting, and now you’re suddenly interested in someone else?”
“I think the real question here is why you’re suddenly interested when I’ve spent so much time trying to get your attention to no avail and now, what? You suddenly want me because I might be interested in someone else?” You raised an eyebrow, and couldn’t deny the flash of heat going through your body when he lowly growled.
“I’ve never not wanted you.” He objected. “And you’re not interested in the rookie.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I know you.”
“So what you’re saying is, basically, that you can’t be with me, but I also can’t be interested in anyone else.”
“We both know that relationships in this work are highly frowned upon and-“
“Highly frowned upon, but not forbidden. You’ve still had the option to choose, and you actively chose not to act on it. Just making that clear.”
“I haven’t acted on it because it’s wrong.”
“If it’s so wrong…” You started, a sharp shiver going down your spine as your bare back hit the cold, wet tiles. “Then why did you just corner me in the shower?”
During that short minute of back-and-forth arguing, he had done just that, the two of you now standing chest against chest in the darkest corner of the room.
Your face was pulled into a determined glare, as was his, and the tension and intensity behind your shared stare was enough to have all of the previously discussed issues forgotten in less than a microsecond.  
The proximity between you in combination with the fact that you were at an obvious disadvantage in height and size made you feel both hot and cold at the same time. You felt like prey under his stare. You found yourself liking it all the while you were hating the feeling of being so powerless, and your inner conflict only added to the tension.
“You have no idea how much willpower it’s taken me to keep resisting you, to keep turning you down.” He spoke slowly, and lowly. “Each of my thoughts about you are improper and you put all of those thoughts into my head every day, pulling my strings, pushing my buttons, just walking around being… you.”
In one smooth motion, he intertwined his fingers with yours, and your eyes automatically flickered down to watch your now joined-together digits; rough and calloused meeting even rougher and more calloused.
“I like you. I care about you. More than I should.” He continued, prompting you to look back up with an eyebrow raised.
“What do you want me to say?” He asked, exasperated and impatient. “Do you want me to say that I want to be with you? Because I do. I. Want. To. Be. With. You.”
You snickered at his over-dramatic emphasizing, finding it nothing short of amusing that he’d been protesting and telling you how wrong it was only seconds before, and now he was more or less proclaiming his love for you. That, more than anything, just showed how stubborn he was.
“Took you long enough.” You mused, leaning your head back into the wall and smirking, all while looking him straight in the eye. “It’s just too bad that I’ve grown so fond of the rookie. You know, he’s quite-“
Before you could finish your sentence, you were interrupted by Will’s lips crashing into yours, roughly and urgently. In the process, you were pushed even further into the wall behind you, and as the sudden force threw you off balance, you instinctively reacted by moving your arms up to his neck to hold yourself in place.
In return, his hands moved to each side of your waist, big, warm hands squeezing down on the flesh that had long ago turned cold from being bare in the nippy air for so long.
You had always imagined what it would feel like to be touched by him like this, but not even your wildest imagination could compare to the intensity of the tingles that spread through your stomach and chest.
Your hands slowly sneaked up the back of his neck, your body reacting automatically, but just as you were about to tousle your fingers in his hair, the moment ended when he pulled away.
Both of you were left panting in silence, the only sounds available for your ears to hear being your ragged breaths and the rhythmic dripping of the shower beside you.
“Wow, Captain.” You were the first one to speak. “I knew you were hot for me, but try to keep it in your pants. That was hardly professional.”
Just like that, your sarcastic persona returned as if it had never left in the first place, your eyes opening after having been closed up until then and meeting his with a playful grin.
A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest. “I’m pretty sure you threw professional straight out the window the first time we met.” He pointed out and much to your dismay, stepped back. “Are you going to stop encouraging the rookie, now?”
Getting straight to the point, okay.
“I don’t know…” You shrugged casually, bringing your hand up to your face to inspect your nails and peeking up at him through your lashes with a devilish smirk. “Jealousy looks kinda good on you.”
“I’m not jealous!” He exclaimed quickly, and you immediately raised an eyebrow as a way to say ‘really?’
“I’m not jealous.” He repeated, this time in a lower, calmer tone. “It’s just, you’re mine.”
Those two words alone were enough to make you inwardly groan, like one would when eating that first scoop of ice cream after not having been able to eat any in a week. Or a day.
But in a brave attempt to not make a fool of yourself, you remained in your teasing element, raising your eyebrows and hitting him back with a feign-uncaring: “Is that so?”
To that, he stepped closer to you once again, brought his hands up to cradle your cheeks, and playfully glared.
“Stop flirting with the rookie.” He repeated.
“Is that an order?” You asked.
“I’m asking politely.” He lied.
“Hmmm….” You hummed, pretending to think only for a moment, before flashing him a shit-eating grin. “No. I’m having way too much fun watching you squirm.”
Still leaning against the wall, you carefully pushed yourself up, pushed your chest against his and watched in success as his eyes flickered down.
Taking your sweet time, you brought your hands up to his chest with agonizingly slow movements and leaned your head up to his.
His breath shook as you brushed your lips over his and whispered against them lowly. 
“You’re hot when you’re mad.”
Will pushed his head forward with obvious intentions, but before he could press his lips against yours, you slid out of the tight corner, resulting in him having to catch himself on the wall left behind.
With a proud smile, you walked over to the bench by which you had previously been working on getting dressed and snatched your shirt where it laid.
“You’ll drive me crazy before all this is over, you know that?” Will spoke from behind you, which only made your smile widen.
Quickly pulling on your shirt and collecting the rest of your things, you turned around and walked back up to him where he still stood in the shower.
“That’s always been the plan.” You replied simply, placing a quick peck to the corner of his mouth before once again turning around and walking away, this time leaving him completely alone in the room.
He had to take a few moments to collect himself and regain his composure, and by the time he walked back out, you were nowhere in sight. 
With only you on his mind, he headed back to the table where the rest of the team were still playing cards, and sat down in the chair he had occupied before leaving.
“So, now that it’s just us here, I could use some advice on-“ The rookie wasted no time, but didn’t get to finish.
“You couldn’t handle her even if she came with instructions, kid.” Will interrupted without even looking at him, reading his mind without struggle since the person of his interest was one they had in common.
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To some, this was an admirable quality while, to others, you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
When it came to Will? Well, he just had nothing bad to say about you. You might’ve gotten on his nerves ninety-nine percent of the time, and been completely and utterly insufferable, but God did he love it.
Taglist: let me know if you want to be tagged in any future Will Lennox fics!
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kaiserkeller · 3 years
More information regarding Alfred Lennon
(A lot of the information I have gathered about Alf and his relationship with John when they reconnected has been taken from the wonderful johnandcynthialennon blog — so big thank you to them!)
I wanted to outline exactly why John and his father, despite reconnecting when The Beatles became successful, became estranged again, particularly after John divorced Cynthia and married Yoko.
As detailed in the quote post from Pauline Lennon Stone’s book, ‘Daddy Come Home: True Story of John Lennon and His Father’ (1990), it appears that when Alfred came back into his son’s life in 1964, John was yearning for that closeness; that real father/son bond that families are ‘supposed’ to have. Pauline states that it was relatively easy for Alfred to move into Kenwood (albeit very temporarily) because of Cynthia’s kind nature and eagerness to see if the two could salvage any sort of relationship and that John appeared hesitant yet relatively happy to have him in the house, even though his busy days and frequent lie-ins meant that the two barely saw each other. However, she writes that Alfred did not enjoy life at Kenwood as one would expect, describing him as “restless”, something which was pointed out plainly to him by Lillian Powell on a visit to the house. 
How this unfolded is interesting. Pauline states that Alfred, although apparently not happy living with his son, was uneasy about telling him he wanted to move out and find a place of his own. According to her, Alfred was very concerned about John’s feelings and especially hurting him (although this seems a stark character change from what we already know about him). However, apparently Lillian was very proactive with her idea and took it upon herself to relay the news to John of his father’s departure (again). John, not uncharacteristically, tried to present himself as uninterested by the developments and did not allow the others to see distinctly that they had hurt him:
“However, this restoration of freedom was marred by John’s disappointment at his leaving. Freddie had detected a look of dismay on his face as Cynthia informed him of the arrangements that had been made. But it was clear from his withdrawn attitude that he had not expected this turn of events. And Freddie learned later from John Francis, the part-time chauffeur, that John had been ‘very upset indeed’ about his father’s departure. Nevertheless he gave orders to Dot to ensure that Freddie was given a couple weeks’ supply of food, and Cynthia went to great trouble to provide him with a carpet, a TV and some bedding for the new flat.”
Freddie moved out, and the only meeting of note next was the following year, when he came to introduce Pauline (or Polly, as he called her) to John and Cynthia. I’ve already mentioned in a previous post that the motive behind the meeting was really to ask the couple to give Pauline a job, as she was no longer studying at University. Pauline was hired at Kenwood for a short while as secretary and occasional nanny, but Cynthia would later recall that it was a “nightmare. She was constantly in tears and arguing with her mother over Alf. She slept in the attic and we’d hear her screaming down the phone and sobbing up there.” The couple eventually moved to Brighton together after marrying in Gretna Green.
Here’s where things between John and Alfred get more complicated, though. I have no reason to believe that Pauline has a particular motive with her story telling, and she appears to be relatively honest about Alfred and the way he acted, even if it puts him in a bad light. However, he was her husband, and considering he didn’t gain anything at all really from being John’s father, I believe she genuinely loved him. Therefore, there are elements of her recollection that I have to take with a pinch of salt, for example: her complete brushing off of the possibility that Alfred tried to seduce Cynthia.
“However, it was the question Cynthia's evenings out with the girls which brought about a rift between John and Freddie and led John blowing his top with his father for the first but not the last time. During one of my weekend visits to Freddie in Kew we bumped into Cynthia in a nightclub one Saturday evening. Whether it was due to an excess of alcohol or simply the prompting of old-fashioned values I'm not sure, but Freddie was deeply shocked to find John's wife clubbing without a suitable escort and he treated her to a lecture on the subject of wifely duties. It was one of the few occasions when I was really mad with Freddie. I knew he had a terrible habit of saying the most outrageous things under the influence of whisky, but I was furious with him for offending Cynthia. I realized with despair that he had gone much too far, but what I did not realize was that certain members of John's entourage who were also present in the club would report his words to John in a totally contorted form. In fact several different versions of the truth reached John's ears - the most ridiculous of which being that Freddie had attempted to seduce his daughter-in-law! The accusations were nevertheless sufficient to enrage John, and without waiting to verify their validity he paid an impromptu visit to Kew the next morning, en route for London in his Rolls.”
Pauline’s account is plausible and does make sense, however the owner of johnandcynthialennon.blogspot.com makes a good point in commenting that it presents an angle on Cynthia that we’re not too familiar with. Her account of seeing Cynthia at a nightclub without John is not the ‘mumsy’ homebody we’re usually presented with, giving the impression that perhaps Cynthia had much more of a social life than she typically let on? Or maybe a story made up by Pauline to avoid making her relationship with the man already widely viewed by many as untrustworthy seem weak?
It’s possible that the story, like a game of Chinese Whispers, was highly exaggerated by John’s close circle to give him a sound reason to cut off the man they assumed to be gold-digging off his now-rich-and-famous son. But I would just like to point out that this particular story of attempted seduction was supported by John’s close friend from childhood, Pete Shotton, in his book ‘John Lennon in My Life’ (1983):
“Eventually, however, Freddie exhausted the limits of even John's tolerance when he attempted to seduce his daughter-in-law. Cyn was so distraught that John threw his father out of the house, and refused ever to see him again.”
This makes a lot more sense knowing that this really was the end of their relationship, as when Alfred took his baby son David to see his half-brother and his new wife Yoko in 1969, John explicitly let him know that he couldn’t care less. I doubt that he would have been so angry with his father if Cynthia had outlined that the worst he did was a meaningless misogynistic lecture on female roles. John did very briefly reconnect with his father in 1976 when Alfred was ill with cancer, and later offered to pay for the funeral, but Pauline refused. Despite everything, at the end John still cared about his father, but the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, though poison it may be.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What are vampires?
(Yes, I changed the title from “What is venom?” a week after publishing and after a whole set of sorry souls reblogged the post. I’m very sorry, but as I sat down to write the follow-up piece I realized that this meta is about vampires, not venom, and the title is no longer appropriate. My perfectionism got the better of me and I’m sorry.)
There’s been a lot of speculation on that in this fandom, here comes my take. It’ll split into four parts, this being part one where I look at what venom does to the human body. In part two I look at hybrids, part three I speculate on what venom is, part four I treat possible origins and raisons d’être of venom.
So, this first part is mostly me regurgitating facts. We won’t get anywhere if we’re not all agreed on what vampires are.
Also, I get very pseudo-scientific in this meta, but I have no education in biology or medicine so I could be wrong about everything. I tried to use good sources, though, so I can’t be entirely off-base.
With that out of the way, LET’S DO THIS.
To create a vampire, you infect a human with venom. This venom spreads throughout the body, altering every cell. The process is complete when the heart stops beating. If the human was injured at the time of infection, they will be healed, as long as the heart keeps beating.
Let’s go through that.
How does the venom spread?
When Bella was bitten by James, Edward was able to suck the venom out. Several minutes passed from she was bitten until Edward sucked the venom out, yet the burn was only reported to be in her hand. By contrast, anyone who’s ever had pharmaceutical administered intravenously knows that blood travels quickly. If venom travelled like any normal fluid, Bella would have said «My hand is on fire. No wait, my arm! No, wait, my torso! No, wait-» and Edward wouldn’t have been able to suck it out.
Additionally, Bella has that scar left by James. The venom had already altered the cells at the entry point.
To me, this sounds like the venom is like Pac-Man, spreading through the body by altering one cell at a time. It’s the only explanation for why it’s so slow. More on that later, though.
How does it alter the cells, and in turn the human body?
Physically, their skin is made impervious and perfectly even, their teeth are straight, razor sharp and white, their bodies impossibly strong, fast, and precise, their senses heightened to an insane degree yet they feel no pain from most physical injuries. Their digestive system is altered so they can only consume blood, preferably human blood, anything non-blood is regurgitated. They’re much more attractive than they were in life. They’re not reliant on oxygen, and their blood doesn’t circulate. They produce their own venom.
Mentally, their minds function at the capacity necessary to even utilize a body like this. They are able to process their heightened sensory input (for example, it’s the brain that interprets visual input from the eyes. For vampires to be able to see better than humans, both eye and brain have to improve), process though much faster than humans, they forget nothing, and they feel emotion and physical sensation more strongly than humans do.
Let’s go through these alterations one by one.
Frequently likened to marble, vampire skin is as hard as stone. When Bella becomes a vampire, she’s stunned Edward’s flesh now yields to her touch. Before, if she pressed her finger on him, his skin would not yield. The shapeshifters can kill vampires because their fangs are sharp enough to pierce their skin, without that advantage they couldn’t do it. No ordinary weapon could injure a vampire.
The stone skin is an armor, protecting them.
As us humans get older, the enamel in our teeth is worn away, revealing the tooth’s underlying yellow color (the dentin). Vampires can live for thousands of years, yet their teeth remain that perfect blinding white. What changed? I see two possible explanations, one being that vampires still have enamel, and it’s too strong to ever be worn away, or they don’t have it because their teeth have been altered to the point where they don’t need a protective layer anymore, and their composition is something completely different from that of human teeth.
I think it’s the latter, as there are two other major changes reported. Their teeth have changed shape, they are now sharp enough to pierce through human or vampire skin. They’re also venomous (more on that later), able to inject anybody they bite, fellow vampires included, with venom.
There’s also the fact that vampires are changed on a molecular level, but more on that later.
Strength, speed, and precision
Meta I wrote on vampire strength disparity.
Vampires are ridiculously powerful, no upper limit (as in, «Newborn Emmett can carry 500 tonnes») is given, but whatever it is it’s high. Alice might just be the physically weakest vampire in the saga (Jane is physically smaller, but she eats properly. Alice lives on a subpar diet), but to Bella it makes no difference, Alice blows her out of the park anyway. Edward, a malnourished and not too strong vampire, is easily able to pick up entire trees by the roots, and then throw them at a small target.
As for speed, vampires move faster than the human eye can register, which according to this article means they can reach a speed of 38 146 mph! (61 390 km/h for us metric people) (Also, the traveling object used for this calculation was a ball, and the article specifies that it would be different for bigger objects. Alas I’m not going to bother my physicist friend with this, so we’re using the ball number.)
When it comes to precision, vampires exercise perfect muscle control. They’re so graceful their steps can’t be heard by humans,  Edward can famously stroke a soap bubble without popping it, and they’re able to perfectly mimic the handwriting of others (a task anyone who’s ever googled forensic calligraphy will know is next to impossible). Much of this appears to be instinctual, like a downloaded .vampire package. Knowing how to attack prey, where to bite, that all happens on autopilot. So too does running, jumping, walking (funny how their default mode, even Carlisle’s, is to walk too quietly for their designated prey to detect). Snarling, hissing, and growling are also distinctly non-human manners vampire adopt.
Heightened sight, hearing, and smell is extremely useful. It makes them much more effective hunters. The smell especially is useful here, but really, all their senses are invaluable in this. It’s great for dealing with fellow vampires as well, they can see, hear, and smell their kind coming from a far distance.
There’s an added advantage, though. As I got into here, and here, if a vampire’s memories of their human life is dull and washed out compared to their brilliant new existence, dismissing humans as equally deserving of life becomes that much easier to justify. Heightened emotions serves this same purpose, though considering their longevity I think this is another form of survival, that they’re wired not to grow bored with life (but this is really for a separate meta).
There’s also the fact that their senses have to be tuned up to 11 to fit their other enhanced abilities. There’s no use in super-speed if you can’t see where you’re going.
Vampires’ heightened senses make them more efficient predators, and help them become the bloodthirsty sociopaths we know and love.
Pain receptors, or lack thereof
Vampires feel pain when they are thirsty, when their limbs are torn off, when they are bitten by other vampires (it appears to be the venom that stings), or when subjected to a gift that induces pain (Jane, Kate). They don’t feel pain like humans do, nor do they feel discomfort (they can sit indefinitely in any position, never feeling the need to shift around.
Interestingly, it looks to me like pain serves the same function for them as it does for humans. The brain registers pain to tell us something, a biological error message. Don’t walk on that leg, it’s injured. Get your hand off the hot stove and don’t put it there again. Pain is useful.
Vampires, by contrast, are not going to get injured from someone hitting them. There are no blood vessels that can burst, no soft tissue that can burst nor bones that can break. So, no need for their brains to register that as pain. Humans need to change positions every now and then for the sake of our circulation and so we don’t develop pressure ulcers (and I’m sure there are more reasons), vampires have no circulation and, as mentioned above, their skin is armor. No pressure ulcers.
What they do need pain for, is to let them know to feed. That’s the big one, and in turn the strongest one. The pain of the thirst is unbearable, as it has to be to turn a human who was infected with venom into a killer. It’s survival. Same goes for feeling pain when their limbs are torn off, or their bodies damaged by a bite. Their pain receptors let them know to avoid this next time.
As for Jane and Kate’s gifts, this may not serve a purpose for other vampires, but it serves a purpose for Jane and Kate. It protects them. So, sucks for everyone else, but that’s what gifts do, they give the gift-haver a leg up on others.
Digestive system
Carlisle had spent many years attempting to understand our immortal anatomy; it was a difficult task, based mostly on assumption and observation. Vampire cadavers were not available for study.
His best interpretation of our life systems was that our internal workings must be microscopically porous. Though we could swallow anything, only blood was accepted by our bodies. That blood was absorbed into our muscles and provided fuel. When the fuel was depleted, our thirst intensified to encourage us to replenish our supply. Nothing besides blood seemed to move through us at all. (Midnight Sun, chapter Home)
Ignoring the horrifying fact that the context for this quote is Edward wondering if Bella’s tear could stay in his system forever, this here is extremely interesting and I agree. Partly because I can’t think of anything better, partly because Carlisle is an in-universe medical genius who’s had access to far more data than I have. He can run experiments, I can’t. Even if I came up with a theory I thought was better, if blood absorption through porous tissue is Carlisle’s best theory then there must be evidence in favor of this which I don’t have access to. So, porous tissue it most likely is.
(Also, my «Carlisle totally volunteered for vivisection fun times with Aro in Volterra» theory survives that first paragraph. Vampire cadavers might not be available for study, but live ones absolutely are, you just pick them apart and put them back together after, and bring in Corin and/or Alec so the guinea pig has a good time too. There’s no way that never occurred to Aro. Even if it didn’t, it’s bound to have occurred to someone over the years, and Aro touches a lot of people. And we know he and Carlisle discussed what vampires even were, that they were best friends and all about that science.
We also know that sometimes, your weird science experiments involving dismemberment and tripping on Corin in Volterra, stay in Volterra. The tissue is porous, Edward, DON’T ASK ME HOW I KNOW.)
This has huge implications. What happened to the digestive system they used to have?
It’s still there, but non-operational.
Middle solution: it’s recognizably there, but welded shut. At some point, whatever the vampire ingests hits an untraversable boundary, and from there the blood is absorbed while any other matter remains, undigested (though possibly dissolved by venom) until regurgitated.
The vampire’s inner anatomy is unrecognizable from that of a human. Vampires have no need for livers, bowels, gall bladders, and so on, and so these organs no longer exist, or have even been replaced by other organs (assuming vampires need any, more on that later).
My vote lies with the third option, though both second and third are possible. The first one, not so much, as it means that in theory, they could force something through their system. They can’t.
More, vampires are nothing if not extremely efficient and economical organisms. They don’t need to feel pain from a physical blow, so they don’t. Why carry around these organs they’re not using?
Then there’s what they even need their digestive system to do. Humans need the nutrients in our meals not just as fuel, but as- well, everything. We need the building blocks for our cells. Our bodies are constantly renewing themselves. Vampires, by contrast, don’t appear to do this. There’s no waste of any kind, and their skin doesn’t get flaky. Edward specifically says blood is fuel, and I think that’s a literal interpretation.
Now we’re veering into speculation territory, and this isn’t the place for it just yet as we’re veering into what venom is and does, but I think whatever digestive process vampires have, serves to turn their blood to venom. I don’t think there’s any particular organ for this, I think that’s just because that’s what happens when venom comes into contact with blood. We see it happen when humans are bitten, and I think it’s fair to assume that the same thing happens when venom comes into contact with ingested blood.
This also helps explain why animal blood isn’t equal to human blood. Animals can’t be turned to vampires, it’s blood but venom and animal blood aren’t on the same FM, so to say. So, with no better option, yes venom can make do with animal blood, but it won’t perform as well as it would with human blood. The vampire is now weaker, with the frankly terrifying side effect that their eyes change color. We’re so used to this that we just go «oh, yeah, animal blood means their eyes turn yellow. It’s like a LED light letting you know which diet the vampire is on!» when in any other organism, a chance of color like that is usually the sign of something being wrong. Blue lips, yellow sclera, red urine, all color changes that point to something not being not as it should be.
Now, to go further here would mean getting more into what venom even is, which is best saved for part three. I’ll say this, venom appears to be the only fluid in the vampire body. It’s moistens their eyes (and melts their contacts), pools in their mouth, is injected through their fangs, and the application of venom to a wound makes them heal faster. Venom is the substance they rely on, more so even than blood, their elixir of life. (My speculation on how Edward was able to impregnate Bella is reserved for the hybrid/what is venom metas).
Also, on what vampires carry over from their human bodies, I do think they’re economical enough to not fix what ain’t broken. I think this because the human nervous system is absolutely brilliant, and indeed Bella regains sensation during her transformation where her spine had once been broken and unable to communicate with her brain. Question is, of course, was this because her new vampire body still uses the human nervous system, or did Bella regain sensation because her transformation had gotten to a point where this was no longer the case?
The beauty part has gotten some very valid criticism, as beauty is very subjective and venom makes it out to be an objective, empirically measurable unit.
To caveat first, we see in canon that not all vampires are gorgeous. James was an ugly human, and so as a vampire he’s no beauty. Maggie was emaciated and not particularly attractive, so she’s bony and not hot by vampire standards. The Cullens, by contrast, were attractive humans. Human Bella is a hottie, she pulls all the guys without issue. If she were as plain as she thinks she is, she wouldn’t get male attention. Being new is only gonna get her so far. Jasper was turned because Maria thought he was a cutie, and same goes for Emmett with Rosalie.
(There’s also a certain inherent bias - I imagine attractive people have a much higher chance of getting turned than uglies.)
More, understand that vampires don’t look human. They’re flawless, desirable, perfect, yes - but they are very distinctly not human, and humans know as much instinctively:
Like any normal human, suddenly standing just a foot away from a vampire would send adrenaline racing through his veins. Fear would twist in his stomach for just a fraction of a second, and then his rational mind would take over. His brain would force him to ignore all the little discrepancies that marked me as other. His eyes would refocus and he would see nothing more than a teenage boy. I watched him come to that conclusion, that I was just a normal boy. I knew he would be wondering what his body’s strange reaction had been about. (Midnight Sun, chapter 21, page 547)
Vampires are beautiful in the way the Nefertiti bust is beautiful. It’s perfect, otherworldly, timelessly beautiful, but looking at it you know this is a bust and not a living human woman.
With that in mind, I think some of the vampire’s unnatural beauty is… not circumstantial, but happy bonuses to their other qualities. Their perfect skin, for instance, goes a long way towards making them beautiful. Perfectly smooth, a glowing white, no disruptions like blackheads, scarring, or sweat. At one point Bella describes Rosalie as looking airbrushed. Their perfect teeth, impeccable grace, these features also help.
Now, I think when venom makes a human more beautiful, I think the big thing it does is make the features perfectly symmetrical. This by itself is immediately inhuman and unnatural, more computer generated than human, just perfect enough to tick off the uncanny valley box. This would explain the flawlessness Bella keeps describing in vampires. It also explains the disparity in beauty, the features Rosalie had to work with and get symmetrical were lovelier than the ones James had, and why they can look completely different from each other yet share that same kind of uncanny impeccability. It also explains how people of wildly different face types and ethnicities can all be beautiful, the venom won’t erase the features you had but rather refine them into the best they can be.
I do think that refinement, in addition to symmetry, happens. If it didn’t, the change wouldn’t be so radical from human to vampire. More, all vampires are described as having sharp features, Esme stands out for the fact that she retained some of her human softness. So, the venom appears to make features more angular and, well, sharp.
Aro’s description is in favor of my interpretation of vampiric beauty: 
I couldn't decide if his face was beautiful or not. I suppose the features were perfect. But he was as different from the vampires beside him as they were from me. His skin was translucently white, like onionskin, and it looked just as delicate (New Moon, page 234)
His features are flawless, meaning symmetrical. He should be beautiful, so it’s the skin that gives her pause.
There’s also the matter that beauty is observed in the body, not just the form. They all look strong and limber, even the tiniest of vampires. I imagine some of this is simply texture, that vampires are made hard, smooth, and perfect, but we have this from Bella looking in the mirror after waking up a vampire:
She was fluid even in stillness, and her flawless face was pale as the moon against the frame of her dark, heavy hair. Her limbs were smooth and strong, skin glistening subtly, luminous as a pearl. (Breaking Dawn, page 261)
Fluid even in stillness, her limbs smooth and strong. This woman was starving to death when she died. Combined with the fact that Edward, who was a sick 17-year-old, has muscle definition, it seems venom does body sculpting as well. Though it’s worth noting that hydration goes a long way towards muscle definition for humans, so the change in fluid composition in vampires could have something to do with it their limber appearance.
Then there’s the other vampire beauty markers.
Their voices are described quite unusually, with words like wind chimes, bells, or feathers. They’re beautiful, but, like everything else about vampires, inhuman. When Carlisle calls Billy on the phone, Billy immediately recognized the voice as somehow wrong, it’s too clear and sharp.
I mean, I think in part this is because their vocal cords aren’t made of soft human tissue anymore, but most likely stone. No matter what they’re made of, though, it’s no surprise that we’re not getting human voices out of them.
Their scent is appetizing to humans and other vampires alike, and serves a duel purpose. Humans are attracted to them (well, vampires are too), while vampires are able to use it for tracking purposes. It’s tremendously useful for keeping track of your territory, as randos can’t walk in and eat your food and sneak off again without leaving a trail. It’s also good for meeting up with friends, we see Carlisle and Siobhan use it for this purpose in Midnight Sun.
The purpose of blood is to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Apparently, this isn’t a need vampires have. All they need is venom. The theory that their tissue is porous adds to this, as it would mean blood travels through their body in a different manner. The porous tissue replaces circulation.
So, no circulation for vampires because they don’t need it.
This meta is now getting ridiculously long, so I’m putting the venom production section in the venom meta.
The transformation
The transformation is complete when the heart stops beating. The former human is now a vampire, and no longer reliant on a heartbeat, nor oxygen. In this they are different from hybrids.
As for the process itself, I think that as the venom spreads, it starts multiplying on its own. This is why it took longer for Carlisle than it did Bella, she was bitten and injected multiple times and on every part of her body while Carlisle was grazed on the arm. Bella had more venom that could work on her, Carlisle did not. These facts support my theory of the slow spread of venom.
I’ve played with the thought of the transformation happening in stages, where the first act is the spread of the venom, which then spreads throughout the body and heals the body to put it at default, the second act is the bodysculpting, and the third act the finishing touches. It doesn’t quite fit with venom transforming as it goes, though, so I’m very hm on that.
A few observations:
Activity level doesn’t appear to help spread the venom. Carlisle exerted himself, and his transformation took far more time than normal (though lying still instead of contorting in agony probably doesn’t help in that regard). Bella laid still as a corpse, and her transformation took far less time than normal. The venom spreads in its own time, regardless of what the blood circulation is up to.
Going by the accounts of the Cullens, while the pain is constant, the transformation hurts increasingly as the venom spreads.
Bella was severely injured, and needed to be healed before she could even feel all the pain. Her broken spine, for instance, meant she couldn’t feel below the waist.
Carlisle said it’s «easier if the blood is weak» (cryptic much?! Not making it easy for me, dude. Though as this was said in the context of Edward explaining that Carlisle would only turn someone already dying, I do think he’s referring to what it’s like for vampires, though, that humans are not so tempting if they’re half dead.)
Now we’re veering into the venom meta, but: the transformation fixes anything that could impede the vampire’s function. Bella would get nothing done with her post-birth broken body, and so she’s fixed up for her. Alice’s emaciation means she’s thin and less strong than others, it doesn’t physically prevent her from doing anything.
The venom, it appears, heals the human not because it’s being altruistic, nor to make the vampire more appealing to others, but to make the human into an ideal host. BUT MORE ON THAT IN THE VENOM META.
With that, my god we’re done. And this meta is  words in total, an ugly number.
Lastly, I know that putting a read more at the end of a 4k long meta is the worst joke in the world (RIP to you poor souls scrolling past this. My reason for not being a read more kind of gal to be found here)
Nothing yet, I’m afraid.
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harmfulot · 4 years
Hi!! Before you read this or try to take this down please just consider reading this instead of being so hateful. I don’t mean to spread hate onto any shippers but I do believe that Inuyasha’s fandom has a major problem that needs to be addressed. Trigger warning for pedophila,child p*rn and grooming.
Why Sessrin is problematic.
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Sessrin is a very popular ship among the Inuyasha community. If you are a shipper of this pair you won’t have to worry for lack of content for it. Rin is a injured child character that is introduced in the original Inuyasha manga in issue 14. She meets Sesshomaru in the forest and even though she is going through a lot at such a young age her kind self still tries to help him out. Sesshomaru at first does not care for this child who is tending to him. He tells her to mind her business and has her leave. Soon after Rin is killed by Kouga’s pack of wolves and Sesshomaru with his demon power scented her blood and comes to save her with his Tenseiga. After this Sessshomaru decides to take in Rin and protect her even though he had a hatred for humans. A “similarly” shippers like to compare Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship with but their relationship is not written with romantic tensions..
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The reason why Rin was written and VERY important in Inuyasha is because she is the reason why Sesshomaru became a better person. He no longer hated humans or wanted to go against his brother. This broken human child Rin looked up to Sesshomaru who was a powerful older demon. Sesshomaru grew a soft side and it was because of her caring innocence. You could easily see their connection as father and daughter or Sesshomaru as a guardian for her. Never did he have the thought of getting with her when she got older and Rin never developed a crush on him. Why? Because she is a child who lost her parents and now has this person who protects her like one. People may say that Jaken was the father figure for Rin but I don’t agree because unlike Sesshomaru he did not care for Rin and only handled her to please his lord. Jaken would call Rin many negative things and go off at her. Rin was annoyed by Jaken. He is certainly not a parent figure for her. Sesshomaru provided a stay aside him to lead for Rin which she followed. Rin was no longer alone. She had Sesshomaru’s company now. Even if he was not very good at taking care of her he never wanted her to get hurt or killed again. He is new to this “taking care of people” thing after all especially humans...young humans. Sessrin would destroy the growth of Sesshomaru because it can’t be denyed that their relationship represents this much more than a romance waiting to happen. When Kagura came along Rin told Jaken joyfully she bet Kagura had a crush on Sesshomaru this small moment reminds you she a is a child that lost her parents and could be seeing this as a opportunity for Kagura to become her adoptive mother. And most Sesshomaru cosplayers would use their daughter to cosplay for Rin. Usually making the picture taken seem like Sesshomaru is protecting Rin or having them both share a cute bonding moment. Why? Because that is how their relationship is meant to be established. For a Sessrin cosplay to work people would have to age up Rin and her design or else the cosplayers would receive negative feedback. Now moving on to how aging up Rin is not okay either.
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People claim they only would like to see these two get together once Rin is older but that is almost as bad as shipping Sessrin while she is a child. Sesshomaru saw Rin grow up. He raised her for a while as his own this needs to stop being denied in the fandom. For Sesshomaru to impregnate Rin is out of character. And seems like a sick fanasty. He is not that kind of character. He wouldn’t touch Rin in that matter. Even if she was in her late 20’s. He respected child Rin and would still respect her older. Sessrin is like if a babysitter got together with the person they use to take care of as a kid. It’s disturbing!! Not cute. Rin does not deserve to be fedished.
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It’s actually terrifying how much child p*rn there is of Rin. I feel so ashamed by even coming across one by mistake. Don’t use the excuse that Rin is a fictional character. Enough with that excuse. Let’s throw that excuse away. That excuse of “it’s fictional it does not matter..” only works for certain things like when someone assigns headcanons for their favorite character or ships a non-canon pair that isn’t problematic. Not when we are speaking of drawing nsfw of a fictional child. And fictional or not. Rin is a child and every grown person who has drawn smut of her should be ashamed and even arrested. If you see a fictional child in this matter what knows what could you lead you up to see an actual kid as this too. It’s a big problem because there are so many people who have gotten away with this. It’s so easy to find a image of child Rin without any of her clothes on or being r*ped by Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru would never r*pe anyone. It’s quite sad. Kagome was saved from being sexually assaulted by Mukostu because of Sesshomaru. People has even brought doujinshi comics of Sessrin making love or may I call it child p*rn in disguise? Be honest with yourself. It really is just that.
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Everyone finding out would be horrified. Excluding Hanyo No Yashahime which majorly changed the characters. Sesshomaru and Rin being together would make everyone uncomfortable even Miroku who has before asked a child if she would bare his kid. Which Inuyasha,Kagome,and Sango reacted very badly to. And was yelled at for it. They do not tolerate pedos nor grooming. Kagome especially would be against. She referred Rin as the girl many times and puzzled together that Sesshomaru took care for Rin. Many people bring up that Kouga proposed to Ayame when she was a kid but remember that was never in the original. Sunrise created Ayame and added this other plot in order for Kouga to have someone at the end. Which is sad because this could have worked if Ayame met Kouga and gained a crush on him instead. She was a cute character after all. In the manga Kouga remains by himself since Kagome stayed with Inuyasha. Now I am definitely not a fan of Kouga and Ayame. I despise the fact Sunrise only created her to be Kouga’s romance interest but having him tell her he would marry her once she was older was even worse. This was a choice Sunrise made not Kouga’s original character. The reason why Kagome does not call out Kouga on this is because she did not know Ayame was a child at the time he proposed. He never mentioned it but if he did I’m certain Kagome would have not tried to keep setting them up together knowing this information. And just a reminder that even in real life some Inuyasha voice actors such as Richard Ian Cox and David Kaye voice actor for Sesshomaru does not support Sessrin. Adding on shipping Rin with Sesshomaru is like shipping Shippo with Inuyasha or Kagome. Weird right?? In the Manga Sesshomaru’s Mother Inukimi says that Sesshomaru is like his father in the strangest of ways after saving Rin again. No this doesn’t mean that he will soon come to love her romantically because Inukimi did add “In the strangest of ways” and refers to Rin as a girl like Kagome. She means that Sesshomaru had now changed and that he cared about someone who was a human like his dad who also cared for them even though they are both demons.
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It’s funny how the sequel claims girl power but does not know how to treat it’s female characters. Kagome and Sango are both introduced as Inuyasha and Miroku’s wives instead of their actual character. Now if you not a woman please do not have a say in this unless you wish to agree but this is very sexist Sunrise. I’m not exaggerating how upsetting and disrespectful it is to see you introduce these strong main female role models like this. Inuyasha and Miroku were not titled as husbands of...so why were Kagome and Sango? I’m sure 99% of audience would know who is married to who. Women are not objects or tools Sunrise. Kagome is the main character of Inuyasha even if his name is on title. She is the reason why got to meet these characters. Sunrise has done female characters dirty many times like making Ayame obessed with Kouga when she could have been a neat character but what they did to Rin takes the cake. Rin is introduced as “The girl who adores Sesshomaru” but apparently now that girl is the mother of his children. Shame on you Sunrise!! We only saw Rin ever as a child even when series ended aging her up to become Sesshomaru’s wife without knowing how she is as a grown person is not a good example for your younger female audience to view. This could have been avoided.
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Even though I’m a minor who only been in this fandom for half a year I gather a lot of knowledge of how far this fandom goes. It was definitely most popular around early 2000’s and many say it was their first anime with their first anime crush being Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was an anime I did not look content for till later after finishing season 2. When I discovered Sessrin I was real confused and thought to myself it was just a small part of the fandom but I could have been more wrong. Many accounts I followed that involved Inuyasha shipped Sessrin. Even after finishing many Inuyasha episodes I was very confused on why this was a thing and how could have it gotten so big. I thought something magical would have happened like Rin turning out to be someone much older but that never happened. I was wrong. This ship is just pedophila and nothing else. And I’m sure if Sesshomaru wasn’t “attractive” Sessrin wouldn’t be big. Going back to people crushing on Sesshomaru when they were younger I’m sure the reason Sessrin is not more discussed about for how toxic it is online is because besides people being scared,people like to insert themselves as Rin but this has to stop. Adults should not pair a child and grown up together even if the child is now grown. Especially grown ups with kids. This is not good example to set for your kids. I’ve seen many minors being harassed online for disliking Sessrin by adults. Which is super immature and should be in trouble for. Netruals must know that is not a ship war because there have been people who have gotten horrible hate and were told very graphic things by Sessrin shippers. ( By the way I’m sorry to anyone who has been hurt online even Sessrin shippers. I do not support Sessrin but no one should be told awful things. ) Many Inuyasha fans which dislike Sessrin have left Twitter and Tumblr because of how much hate they have gotten. This is not okay. People should be able to voice their opinion on something without being told to commit s*icide or hoping they get r*ped.
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And your point? This sequel is being written in the 21th century. We could write it however we please not everything has to be “accurate” and also this state is just supporting the idea of children being wed with a grown up was okay before because the age of consent was different. Ugh..but this claim is just another excuse. Please stop using it. Many things in the past were allowed which wouldn’t be allowed today. So no this is not a valid reason to ship Rin with Sesshomaru.
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Sunrise should not be off the hook for using child Rin clips for the opening as the daughters are shown. It was a wrong decision to make them seem like “moments” since now many actual pedophiles will support this pair as well. Even before this continuing was announced Sessrin was a big thing and “adult Rin” was not. Sunrise should not be supporting Sessrin at all. Nor anyone in the Inuyasha crew. They have many young fans watching and supporting this anime and they are being influenced and will grow up to think grooming is okay when it’s not. Again in 2021 this can not be allowed and it shouldn’t have ever. This sequel was not necessary. The anime ended fine.
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If Rin is the mom I will no longer support Hanyo No Yashahime. I’m sorry but I will sadly have to drop it. There are a lot of reasons why Sessrin should not be a thing and Sunrise should know many themselves,because they have joined along these character’s journeys and seen through scripts who they are. And what Sessrin is pedophila and grooming that happened to get a lot of support which is why it is hard to find more people within online media discuss it. I sure do hope it does because I am tired of seeing only few doing it. We need more awareness of how problematic grooming pairs are in anime media. No more portraying children to grow up as romance interests for people they were raised by. Let’s keep Sesshomaru and Rin’s relationship wholesome. There is no need for them to get together. At the end of the day Rin owns Sesshomaru nothing and he knows that. Let’s start viewing them from a different point of view. Let’s see more fanart of them acting like father and daughter. I love that. Thank you and have a good day.
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cazimagines · 3 years
Long distant relationship love letters, between Laszlo and his travelling performer love, for bat anon 💞
My dear love,
How is the experience of travelling treating you? I fancy it must be considerably stimulating being able to see the world for a job, to visit many exquisite opera houses, see different cultures. I must say I am quite envious love. My own profession, true, has lead me around a few times. For one such example when I went to spend some time studying with Freud in Vienna (until I had to leave due to quarrelling with him) but even then my time was restricted to learning and studying and not enough time to permit me to fully getting to know the area. New York is home to me, but I can acknowledge how dreary it can be here. Just the other day as I was leaving the house to go for a walk to the park, I almost stepped on a rat. I'd hope such vermin wouldn't reside in such an area. Maybe around John, but not at my home yet alas. Speaking of John he has been rather bothersome lately. He needs a good story to receive a bonus in his paycheck and so he has taken it upon himself to badger me for an interview, though he knows how much I abhor them. But moving on, I'd like nothing more than to be able to watch you perform again at the Opera, your voice is beautiful. Do not feel the need to rush to answer this letter, I know how busy you may be, I too am busy at the moment as it's time for me to interview children to be accepted into the institute for this year.
Love, Dr Laszlo Kreizler,
Dear Laszlo,
How many times do I need to ask you to sign your letters with just 'Laszlo' it is not a professional letter love. When reading it, it almost feels as if I am a colleague rather than your lover if you sign it like that. As for your problem with John, would it be that bad to provide him with an interview? Need I remind you, he is one of the closest friends you have plus he has done a great deal for you. He obviously needs this paycheck so what's one interview? I know you don't like people to pry into your privacy but I am sure John won't ask you any questions you wouldn't want to answer. I hope the interviews have been going well. I regret I am not there to help you with the procedure, I would of liked to make a good impression upon the new children as they arrive at the institute. As you've said, being able to travel has been exquisite, it's been showing me a whole new perspective, a whole new life I had never been able to experience for and I am forever indebted to you for convincing me to leave with the travelling Opera. You've never fully told me what happened with Freud, perhaps that could be a story for the next letter?
From your love, y/n
My dear love,
I'm afraid it's a force of habit at this point to sign my letters as such. I am unable to not sign it off like that without it agitating me. I do however put a kiss upon it. Is that not adequate for you? As for the story about Freud, that one is not one I am particularly proud of and not one I believe should be discussed over a letter, but I am no longer allowed to visit his place in Vienna so that should say all. After reading your letter, I thought about what you had written about John. Perhaps I had been too ungracious upon the man. Reluctantly I agreed to the interview. I'm afraid your prediction on John not asking me questions I wouldn't want to answer was wrong. He played meticulous attention to our own relationship, asking me numerous questions about it. I tried not to divulge in giving away too much information to him, and I tried my best not to lose my temperament with him. Really if he needed that paycheck so bad, I could have just provided him with the money he sought. Nevertheless, is it over with now and I shall avoid the newspaper when it comes out and any prying eyes that might be about. Perhaps Sara would like to join me at the Opera instead of John. That might show him my position upon the interview. If it's not too bold of me to say, I miss you greatly my love.
Love, Dr Laszlo Kreizler
Dear Laszlo,
You make me incredibly curious about what happened between you and Freud. If you do not inform me yourself what happened, I might just have to find out on my own. I'm sorry if the interview made you uncomfortable, John should have known better. Still, though John frequently informs you how much he dislikes the Opera, I believe he secretly loves the fact that you always invite him along and spend that time with him. I believe he will be quite disheartened if you take Sara instead, especially after everything he and Sara have been through. You don't want to avoid yourself in their situation. You haven't informed me of how everyone else yet? Is Stevie well? Are the children missing me? Have you seen the twins recently? I do miss them all greatly, but not as much as I miss you, my love.
From your one, true love, y/n
My dear love,
'your one, true love' is not how you usually sign off your letters, is something the matter? You'll always be my one and only y/n. I could never love a person the way my heart loves you. The children miss you greatly, often they ask about you. They hope you come home soon, as much as I too hope for you to return home. Stevie has been good, he has been a great help to me after Cryus left. He has the unfortunate habit however to try and smoke. I have been lecturing him upon the dangers of addictions but he seems to pay me no mind. I believe he is currently going through the recorded phenomenon of where teenagers rebel against authority. I hope that in time he might wise up to the dangers of smoking and listen to my words with greater importance. I have in fact supper with the twins as of yesterday. They are incredibly busy at the moment for they have been working hard on a case, you might have seen it in the news, I have offered them my help if it is needed. As for John, he came over the other day and apologised to me about the interview and the questions he asked. I could tell from his words he was sincere and so waved the apology off and invited him to the Opera instead of Sara. You were true in that I shouldn't involve myself within their situation, though I can't lie and say I am not inquisitive about precisely all that is going on.
Love, Dr Laszlo Kreizler
P.s, I'll tell you about Freud when you return home. Please don't go inquiring about it
Dear Laszlo,
Can I not change up my sign off every once in a while? I bore of the same thing over and over. This letter had to be short as I am returning home soon. I am glad you were able to patch things up with John. Your friendship with him is special, I'd hate for that to ever be broken. I look forward to seeing the children soon, and please don't be too hard on Stevie.
From your one, true love, y/n
A/N: I loved writing these letters and the Andrea ones! They were so fun to make. In the future, I might do some letter requests
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