#whiskey headcanons
mandobatemans · 2 years
SFW Alphabet (Agent Whiskey x afab!reader)
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warnings: pregnancy mentions, ex-wife & child death mentions, reader is assumed to be a Statesman agent but it's not really important, sex mentions 
word count: 3,151
also posted to ao3
A/N: This can be read as a gender neutral reader, except for a mention of pregnancy in letter "L", which is why it's tagged as afab. If there's anything implying a female-presenting reader that I missed, please don't hesitate to message me and I'll fix it! Also I didn’t do the letter “B” because I got lazy but the rest of the alphabet is there.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Jack loves touch. He always wants to be touching you, a hand on the small of your back or drawing little shapes with his fingers on your leg as you sit together. He’s into PDA—maybe too much. At work, he’ll sometimes rest his hand on your thigh during a meeting…you try to give him a warning look, but that grin on his face has too much influence on you, so you let it slide. When he wants to make out with you every time he sees you in the hallway…well, that’s when you have to put your foot down. Even if you two are sitting together at home working, he wants to be touching you in some way. He’ll cross one of his legs over yours on the couch or you’ll put your feet on his lap. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s opposed to you calling it “cuddling” but, yes, he loves to cuddle. After a rough mission or a long day of paperwork, there’s nothing he wants more than to curl up with you next to the fire or in bed. Jack will very often fall asleep while cuddling, but you can’t blame him. You’re just as comfortable wrapped around him as he is with you. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh my god, yes. Despite the womanizer exterior, Jack is a huge softie inside. All he really wants is to grow old with you at his ranch surrounding by kids and grandkids and great-grandkids and–
The first time he cooks for you, it’s in his New York apartment. You’re prepared with the number for the pizza place down the street in anticipation of his burning the kitchen down, but to your surprise, it's one of the best meals you've ever had. True to form, however, he’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy. The first meal he ever cooks for you is a steak dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans, and homemade gravy. You almost point out how stereotypical it is that your first home-cooked meal from a cowboy is steak and potatoes, but you keep it to yourself because the dinner is so good. He makes variations on it for your anniversaries, incorporating recipes from your side of the family over time. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Whiskey doesn’t break up. He’s snuck out on some one night stands before, but once he’s in it for real, you better believe it’s ‘til death do us part. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Once he falls in love with you, Jack is unconditionally committed to you. He has a funny way of showing it sometimes, but when you get more serious, he’s certain he wants to marry you. It will take him some time to be ready to get married again, but he knows it’s in your future. He’s tested the waters with off-handed comments about marriage, and you've made some indications that you'd like to marry him eventually. Neither of you are in any particular rush, as you’re happy with your relationship and both know you’ll get married at some point. As they say, things move slower in the South. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, he’s much gentler than you ever would have expected. He’s sweet and sensitive, nothing like what you expected from his strong, rough exterior. He’s maybe the most understanding man you’ve ever spoken to. Physically, he only won’t be gentle with you during sex, and that’s only if that’s something you’re into and express wanting. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
While Jack loves a good hug, it would usually be you initiating them. He’ll wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder while you’re brushing your teeth in the morning, but you've been known to give him a full-on hug out of nowhere. You just can’t help it, being enveloped in his arms overwhelms you with his scent, his warmth, and the steady sound of his heart beating, that you have to hug him at least once a day. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a while to say the words “I love you” explicitly. He tells you he loves you in every way except verbally. From teaching you how to ride a horse to telling you things he’s never shared with anyone else, he hopes you know he loves you. Jack knows it doesn’t make sense, but he equates love with loss. He loved his wife and unborn child—he lost them. The nagging voice in the back of his head tells him that if he doesn't say the words aloud, he won't lose you. When he finally does say it, it’s after a mission, one he barely survives. Something went wrong with the tech and his cover was blown, forcing him face-to-face with death. Whiskey had encountered his fair share of near-death experiences, but this one was different, a brush with death so close that he could feel it. The second he’s back at Statesman HQ, you’re there waiting for him. Neither of you are sure who threw themselves into the other’s arms, but you're a mess of limbs and tears. Cradling you as close to his chest as he possibly can, he repeats his first, second, third, and so on “I love you”s into your hair, on your lips, determined to make up for lost time. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Whiskey rarely gets jealous—he’s much too cocky. He’s amused when you’re jealous, though he would never purposely upset you. Whether on your own time or on Statesman business, people will approach him to flirt. Who wouldn’t flag down the cowboy at the bar? Before he can get a word in to politely turn them down, you’re at his side, greeting him with a kiss or firmly attaching yourself to his bicep. He can’t help the smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips when you get defensive over him. Part of why he loves you is how well you can handle yourself, and he’s more than happy to let you show him off.   
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
JACK LOVES TO KISS YOU! He’s always finding an excuse to sneak a kiss: at work, passing you in the hallway, before bed, before work, while you're brushing your teeth, etc. There is no time or place where this man will not be trying to lay one on you. They can be gentle and loving or passionate and demanding, depending on the mood he’s in. Long before he says “I love you,” his love is contained in his kisses. 
There’s a little patch of his neck, right under his jaw, that makes him putty in your hands if you kiss. If you asked him directly where he likes to be kissed, he’d answer, “Oh, you know where, darlin’” and waggle his eyebrows, but in actuality it’s neither of those places. He wouldn't admit this, but he loves when you kiss him on the cheek. It’s something you do without thinking, like when you’re in a rush and have to head out the door or after he's answered a question of yours. It’s so natural to you that he can't help but feel loved when he thinks about it. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Some of the other agents have children, so occasionally there will be a kid or two running around Statesman HQ. Days when there are kids around are the longest you've ever heard Jack not curse. He was raised a good Southern boy, and you mind your mouth around little ones. As for your own children, Jack lost a child that he never even got to meet, so it will be a delicate subject. Personally, he didn’t really expect to have kids at his age or in his line of work, but if you unexpectedly became pregnant, he wouldn’t react badly. He’d be a little shocked, but slowly warm up to the idea of becoming a father again. Alternatively, if you express during your relationship that you want children at some point, he’ll have a bit more time to get accustomed to the idea. When you're pregnant, he’ll quit drinking with you, go to the doctor’s appointments, baby proof the ranch, everything. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Some days he’ll have to be in the office earlier than you are and vice versa. Whoever’s up first will usually make coffee or tea for the other to enjoy once they wake up. When it’s him, he tries really hard not to wake you up, but you sometimes stir from the kiss he has to press to your forehead before he leaves. When on the ranch, where the both of you can usually sleep in, he’s still up before you. On these days, he’ll make you breakfast, sometimes bringing it to you in bed, sometimes leaving you to sleep a little longer. Your favorite mornings are the ones where he stays with you, your bodies a lazy mess of limbs. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It depends how tired you both are. If you’ve still got energy, you’ll usually have sex. If it’s been a long day, one or both of you is reading and/or knocked out on their pillow. However, seeing Jack in his reading glasses will sometimes wake you right up. He won't go to bed without giving you a kiss and telling you he loves you. Some days, those will be the last words out of his mouth immediately before knocking out. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Jack has some fairly open wounds from his past, and he’s not going to just come right out and tell you about his fear of falling in love just to lose them again. Early in your relationship, he purposely avoids opening up emotionally and eventually, you stop asking. Once he’s more comfortable with you, he finds himself wanting to be vulnerable. He wants to have the kind of relationship with you where there’s open, healthy communication and no secrets. It will take him a while to get there, and it won’t happen all at once, but it will happen.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty patient. When he’s stressed out or tired, his fuse gets a little shorter.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He can be forgetful, but he remembers the important things. Everything you express any interest in at all, he remembers, even when you don’t. You’ll find him fixing the sink because you had mentioned the drip was bothering you. Or you lingered a little bit looking at a necklace in the shop window and next thing you know, it’s wrapped up in a little box on your desk.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There was a time where you both got injured on two separate missions, and Ginger had you both in the lab under observation in beds right beside each other. You had been on one or two missions together before, but always with another agent. Of course you knew each other from meetings and passing each other in the hallways, but had never really talked. Ginger had put you on lockdown in the lab, though, and there was nothing else to do but talk. This was long before you started dating, but looking back on it, it’s probably what Jack would cite as the beginning of your relationship. You had looked over at him and snickered, laughing about how he looked with healing gel around his forehead. After asking you what you were laughing at, he commented that you had the same gel on your chest. 
“Staring at my chest, cowboy?” 
“Hard not to, sugar, there’s a big fuckin’ bubble of shit on it.” 
You paused for a second before cracking up. Ginger wasn’t all too pleased when she returned later that day to find you had spent the time that was meant to be used recovering to talk and crack jokes (and flirt, in Whiskey’s case). 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Jack knows you can take care of yourself (he’ll never forget the time you roundhouse kicked him in training and he walked funny for a week) but he’s a cowboy, so a part of him is always going to want to protect you. Whether in public or on missions, he can’t help but keep an eye on you in case for some reason he needs to jump to your rescue. 
He has an emotional wall up when you first meet from the grief of losing his first wife. It’s an attempt to protect himself from ever feeling that pain again. The longer he knows you and the more time you spend together, the more he feels comfortable lowering that wall and baring his heart to you. He comes to find that, yes, love puts you at risk of being hurt, but it’s worth it to get to be with you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
It’s rare that the two of you get to do a date night, so he puts all that energy into anniversaries and gifts. Your first anniversary, he plans the most elaborate, all-expenses-paid trip for the two of you. It’s the most expensive and luxurious trip you’ve ever been on. You have the time of your life, but if this was the plan for the first anniversary, you worry if your bank account can handle what he would have planned for the second, third, fourth… After expressing this worry, he tones it down. Every 5th anniversary or so he’d plan something extravagant, but the ones in between are no less special. Dinner and drinks at home show you how much you mean to him just as much as a cruise would. 
Sometimes gifts just appear on your pillow or on your vanity or on your desk at work. They’re not that often, usually so spread apart that there’s no discernable pattern to them. The truth is, there is no special occasion. If Jack sees something he knows you’ll love, or remembers something you mentioned offhand and there’s no birthday/anniversary/holiday coming up, he’ll get it for you and leave it somewhere for you to find. He doesn’t feel like he has to make a big deal of giving it directly to you because he doesn’t need the kudos for it. He just wants you to have it. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Jack can be cocky. Nine times out of ten it’s charming, but sometimes he’s so stubborn and so arrogant that it’s too much. To his credit, he is working on it.
He can also be forgetful, dragging his shoes in without wiping the mud off his boots, or forgetting something from the grocery store if you don’t write it down for him. He’s got a great memory when it comes to mission briefings or differentiating a Scotch from a Bourbon, but not for mundane, day-to-day things. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s no more concerned with his looks than anyone else is, except for when it comes to his mustache. He could spend hours in the mirror trimming and grooming it to ensure it's totally even and just how he wants it. Half his bathroom cabinet is grooming products: comb, scissors, balms, oils, wax. For his birthday one year you got him a mustache care subscription box, and you swear he almost cried. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He doesn’t subscribe to the idea that a partner makes you whole. Your partner should make you feel like the best version of yourself, and that's how he feels about you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Jack is over the moon when you agree to let him teach you how to ride a horse. He has a few stables on his Kentucky ranch, and he’s had the perfect horse in mind to teach you on ever since you first told him you'd never ridden. She’s a Clydesdale named Peaches and a good beginner horse for you because of how obedient and affectionate she is. At least that’s what he tells you as he picks out a saddle for you. However fast or slow of a learner you are, he’s very patient with you. In the beginning he gets too overzealous and explains way too many things at once, but after you ask him to slow down he’s much more aware of your pace. When you finally get the hang of it, he’s so excited to take you to some of his favorite parts of the ranch that are only accessible by horseback. The first time he sees you out riding on your own, he’s overjoyed that you seem to like it as much as he does. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Whiskey doesn’t want someone who’s mean. He can take a joke, but if you’re downright mean? He’s too old for that shit. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He can fall asleep anywhere. He’ll pass out on the Statesman plane ten minutes into the flight. The second his head hits the pillow on your shared bed, he’s out like a light. After sex, when he’s sure you’re clean, comfortable, and settled, he falls asleep immediately. You've caught him snoozing at his desk a few times, too. Sometimes you tease him about it, saying, “Okay, old man…” when he insists he can stay awake to watch another episode of whatever the two of you are watching. When he ends up knocked out, you pause the TV and quietly tuck him in. You’ll either fall asleep with him on the couch and stay there all night, or he’ll wake up a few hours later and carry you to your bed before climbing in with you.
tagging: @absurdthirst @laters-gators​ @eupheme​ @psychedelic-ink​
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absurdthirst · 2 months
Headcanons for when the Pedro boys come home after a long trip and find out that reader has put on some weight? (Whiskey and Frankie are usually my favorites in these things 💖🥺🌸)
Coming Home To Find Out That You've Put On Weight:
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: He's not going to mention it. He's not stupid. He can tell you are a bit nervous, you tug your shirt down over the extra curves that you aren't happy with and you hesitate to get naked when he is trying to strip you down. He showers your neck and lips with extra kisses, pressing his aching cock against your soft stomach and growls that he has missed you and needs to be inside you. Gonna go a little harder with you though, more cushion for the pushing is the saying, right?
Ezra: Delighted. You haven't been living off bits bars and meager rations. Maybe a little greedy for the fact that he might get better meals than what he had been having since being away from you. Plus he is of the opinion that every form is beautiful; fat, thin, tall, short, it doesn't matter. Your cunt is still hot and clutches around him like a glove and in your arms, he finds the solace he craves.
Mando: Mando yearns for softness. Everything in his life is hard, unyielding. His armor, his creed, even his cot is hard as a rock. So when he comes back to the covert to find that you are softer, he loves it. You can't see his express, because the room is pitch black, but you can feel the eagerness of his touch. The moans even louder when he squeezes parts of you that are a little fleshier than before. It might be the quickest he's ever finished.
Frankie Morales: See, Frankie loves a thicker girl. Those thighs you hate? He loves them. They are soft and cushiony, a perfect place for him to lay his head down on while pretending to watch tv with you. He always falls asleep. That pooch over your pussy? Fucking loves it, constantly touching it. So when he was deployed for eight months and he came home to find that you had put on a little weight, it didn't bother him at all. He was still going to strip you down as soon as the kids were taking and nap and explore ever soft curve you have with glee and exhaust himself and you.
Pero Tovar: Another man who does not mind if your waist grows thicker or your body is softer. Pero loves it. It shows that you did not starve while he was away, a constant source of guilt and worry for him. He had left you enough coins to last and you had obviously been successful in your gardens and trapping animals like he had hoped. The weight you have added might have made you have to let our your dresses, but your tits are also bigger, so it's extra fun for Pero.
Max Phillips: Whistles when he sees you. For a moment, he thinks about making a sarcastic comment about the weight gain, but he can see that you are actually self conscious. Max might be an egotistical, vain prick, but he's not cruel to you. You are still sexy to him. "There's my little blood bag." He hums, sweeping you into his arms and kissing you before smelling your pulse. "You look good enough to eat." He growls playfully, even though you both know that he will feed off of you when he is done making you scream his name.
Agent Whiskey: Listen, this man can throw a grown ass man around with a whip, you think you gaining some weight is going to take the fun out of the rodeo? He doesn't give a shit what the number on the scale says, as long as you still ride his mustache and his cock, Jack Daniels will be a happy man. Plus, he likes the extra jiggle.
Marcus Pike: Understands completely. He's been talking to you on the phone, knows that you have been doing the quick and easy dinners and snacking more - he has too. He doesn't mind the extra weight, as long as you don't. If you complain about it, he will offer to go for walks at night when he gets home or go with you to the gym in the mornings before work. If you don't say a word, this man will just happily love you as you are.
Oberyn Martell: Immediately asks if you are carrying a child. He has been gone for two months and when he finds that there is weight on your stomach, he is smiling as he caresses your skin, hoping for another child. The only way this man is disappointed is when you tell him that you have had your bleeding consistently while he was away. Then he will pout. But only because there is not another Sand Snake on the way. Then he will just get busy making that happen.
Dave York: He's getting older and the fucking weight just doesn't come off like it used too. He hates running, unless he absolutely must, so it doesn't bother him. Not really. Does he have the stray thought that you weigh a little more when you're riding him? Yeah, but he knows better than to say that shit out loud.
Zach Wellison: Doesn't say a word. He notices, but it's not his place to say anything. He's been gone, and you've been doing everything yourself. He just kisses you and asks how you have been while he's been gone.
Dieter Bravo: Doesn't really recognize you put on weight. He's just happy you are still here when he gets home, and you want to fuck him. He's greedy and needy in bed all at the same time, but after the deed is over, he's soooooo comfortable cuddling into you that he calls you his new pillow and drifts off to sleep with a smile on his face.
Javi Gutierrez: He notices. He notices everything about you. It doesn't matter to him. You are still perfect. You are still the woman he adores. Coming back from filming his latest screenplay is a relief and he is over the moon to be reunited with you. His love for you is pure and real, it's not even going to matter if you gained weight to him. He just has more of you to love.
Max Lord: Max is one who loves appearances, so this is something that you worry yourself sick over. The 80s is a time where everyone wants to be supermodel thin and gaining weight is heavily frowned upon. So you are a wreck when Max comes home from the super secret trip that he had taken. Only to find that he is completely unaware that anything has changed. He's too focused on being successful.
Marcus Moreno: Doesn't care. Are you healthy? Are you happy? If not, then he will help you however you need. If you are, then he is happy. He loves you and completely understands that bodies change over time. He's not wearing the same size Heroic's tac vest he was a few years ago, and it's not because he's gotten smaller. He's still gonna find you irresistible and slap your ass when he walks by you in the kitchen every morning. Maybe even more so now.
Tim Rockford: All the evidence points to the new flavor of cookie you've discovered. It's a good cookie. Tim is just happy to be home, that case took way too long to solve and he just wants to curl around your thicker frame after he's made you cum and sleep for a week. He doesn't care about weight, he's home and the case is solved.
Joel Miller: Doesn't bother him a damn bit. You still fit into your clothes, although they are tighter. Joel cares about you, not what size you are. There are more important things to worry about as long as you are healthy.
Marcus Acacius: It's been two years since he has seen your face. The memory of your last kiss, the last time he made love to you, has carried him through the campaign that had taken so many Roman soldiers. You look gorgeous to his weary eyes, a safe harbor to take shelter in. The plumpness of your new body does not take away from the way he needs you. This is a man who is just happy to have come back home to you.
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creedslove · 2 months
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who was so unsure of starting a new relationship with you after all the heartbreak he went through; after losing his wife and unborn son, he just shut himself down for new relationships and only got involved in meaningless hook ups here and there but the moment his heart beat faster at the sight of you, he felt something inside telling him he should give himself a new chance
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who still feels guilty about being happy after what happened to his first family and sometimes can't help dwelling into depressing and self deprecating thoughts, but gets his heart soothed when you assure him his wife would've wanted him to be happy
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who is so thankful for your attitude towards his past, the way you are always respectful towards the memory of his first wife and you always know how to address the situation without being jealous, as the two of you know it's not the case there, Jack loves you, but he can't help being consumed by guilt at times
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who appreciates how you are always motivating him to seek help and continue his therapy so he can be better for himself and for you too
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who feels turned on if you call him 'Whiskey' but what he truly loves is when you call him Jack, simple as that, he's just your Jack, your cowboy, because it doesn't really matter if he's an agent or not, he's just you handsome cowboy
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey whose heart melts whenever you show him some affection, he never realized how touch starved he had been all those years until he effectively felt your warmth in several ways: your arms around him during a hug, your lips as you left pecks all over his cheek, his neck and his lips, your fingers scratching down his back gently, or going through his locks in a gentle caress
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who doesn't feel the need to go to as many missions as he did before, instead, his adrenaline longing decreased and he values the quiet, domestic moments he spends with you on his ranch, just being around nature and loving each other
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who loves taking you to the barn and making sweet love with you during a warm lazy afternoon, the way he loves feeling the soft feel of your sweaty skin under his finger tips and knows how lucky he truly is
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who will definitely teach you how to ride a horse and even buy you a new one as a gift, so just he can see you enjoying the ranch life
boyfriend!Agent Whiskey who isn't so sure if he would face marriage again but it doesn't matter to him if he'll make things official or not, all it matters is that he wants to be with you forever
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slvtforoldermen · 7 months
Pedro’s Characters: The Dick-tionary: Part Two
(PS. I’m currently on my ovulation week so this is gonna be mental)
Part One ;)
Frankie (Catfish) Morales:
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Okay so I just finished watching Triple Frontier and oml I love this man. One thing I wanna say is, he definitely fucks you in whatever flying vehicle he owns, not during flights of course <3 safety first and I have such a bad fear of flying. Anyways, Frankie’s about 7 inches, and he has a pretty pink mushroom tip, he’s pretty thick too tbh, and he’s a vein up the side that you can feel when he’s inside you. PRAISE!!! He’s a praiser and not a degrader. Breeding kink is a must!!! Maybe it’s because he’s a family man but I feel like he has a domestic kink, like, he lovesssss talking about you being his ‘pretty little wife/husband’. Fuck, he lovessss filling you up and talking bout how he wants to get you pregnant, even if you can’t get pregnant :0, he was quite delicate with this factor at first in case it made you uncomfortable but he 100% wouldn’t say anything about that if it made you uncomfy. He just needs you to be happy. “My sweet girl/boy, spread your legs for me will ya?” “Yeah you like that, yeah you do… good girl/boy.” “Pretty little baby, taking me so so well, aw, so cute” “Take my cock in your mouth, oh yeah, just like that, my sweet, sweet baby.” He shaves well enough I think, likes to leave a happy trail to tease you with.
Agent Whiskey
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Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Literally. Ride him and he’ll love you forever. Pedro’s cowboy characters hold a warm place in my heart because I find Southern accents sooooo sexy, ugh yes, talk about your farm daddy.
Um…. Anyways! Jack is so cunty I love him. Okay, he’s a big boy, about 8 inches, up there with Javier and Joel. He’s thick, like oof… Nice big tip too. Depending on the day, he switches between soft and hard dom. His fav position is cowgirl obviously, despite popular speculation, he’s not really a big fan of reverse cowgirl, but he LOVES doggystyle, he’s an ass man so spanking is a yes. He’s not a daddy man. OH MY GOD WHEN YOU RIDE HIM PLEASE WEAR HIS HAT PLEASE HE’LL CUM SO SO HARD!! SIT 👏 ON 👏 HIS 👏 FACE 👏 If he’s feeling soft and wants to be all chivalrous and his Southern self, he’ll fuck you in missionary, peppering kisses all over your face and neck. “My sweet girl/boy… takin’ my cock so well.” “Oh darlin’, ya look so pretty f’me.” “Fuck, so good, baby, such a good lil hole.” Big snail trail enthusiast!!!
Marcus Pike
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I have not watched the mentalist so I apologise for any inaccuracies :( but good lord how gorgeous is this man…
Sorry guys I just can’t get over how pretty he is, but I’m actually crying because he’s so beautiful. Anyway, he’s about 7.5 inches and loooovvvvessss to be sucked off. You just look so so pretty with his cock in your mouth, and suck on his tip, his hips buckle a little and he whimpers, his hands going straight into your hair. He’s such a sweet lover, when he’s inside you, he’s so soft and gentle, you’d have to physically beg him to be rough. A BIG KISSER!!! Loves kissing you, just make sure you’ve kissed him at least 20 times and he’ll be content. He’s such a sweetie, please just be nice to him. “I love you so so much.” “Please oh baby, I love you, love this hole, so fucking good for me, good girl/boy.” “I’m gonna cum, oh please, where do you want me to cum, please tell me where to cum baby…” He likes to keep its shaved but he’s not completely bald.
Lucien Flores
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Now, I have been looking for the clip of him making out and I can’t find it anywhere 😭😭 if someone could find it for me pleaseeeee send it I will love and cherish you for eternity. I also couldn’t find a gif of him so bear with me 😭.
Oh guys… MIRRORS!!! From looks and expectations and fanfics I’ve read, mirrors are a big thing for him. He’s about 8 inches. Loves doggy, he’s also an ass man. Choking you is a MUST, oh god he loves making you take him in a mirror, in doggy, with his big hand wrapped around your pretty neck, seeing you in the mirror taking him sooo well. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Same thing with the bathroom. He has you with one leg on the counter, the other dangling as he pounds into you, just absolutely destroying you. Shower sex too! He has you, either against the wall or legs wrapped around his waist. In fact just let him fuck you on every single surface of the house. Bed, bathroom, floor, sofa, dining table, kitchen counter, anything!! Loves eating you out from behind. He shaves and isn’t bald, yknow standard procedure 🤷🏻‍♀️
Special Guest!! My fav TV cameo 🫶
Reggie Luckman:
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My MAN!! 🥺 he whimpers, have you seen him to that pretty when you cry edit, UGH STRIKES MY HEART EVERY TIME! I watch that edit about 3 times a day. I am very well aware that he’s just found out he’s killed his friend in this gif but he’s just so beautiful…
He’s 7 inches, and has such a cute face when he’s inside you, eyes squeezed shut and biting his lip as he conceals his whimpers. You keep telling him that he’s fine to moan but he just gets so embarrassed. Such a praiser, calls you a good girl/boy soooo much. His hips stutter when he’s close, and he bites down on your shoulder, accidentally leaves hickeys on your neck and collarbones. He loves going fast. When you ride him, he looks up at with those sweet eyes, and it makes your heart melt, hands on your hips, guiding you sweetly. Tug on his hair in orallllll!!! “Please, please, you feel so good, I love you.” “Mmm, please, I’m gonna cum, can I cum in you?” “I can? Thank you, thank you, fuck!” Praise him back, tell him how he’s doing, tell him that he’s good. Pleaseeeee I need him soooo baddddd!!!!!!
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meandhisjohn · 25 days
It's the beard folks.
The beard drives me mad.
Half of my Johnlock headcanon includes the improved Freeman.
The beard....😅😅😅
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pidgeispunk · 5 months
Pedro Pascal Character Headcannons — Cuddles Pt. 2
you can find part one here.
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Oberyn Martell:
Oberyn’s a lazy sleeper, but he likes to make sure he’s close to you. Most nights — if not all — he’ll let you chose the position, meaning it sometimes varies night to night. Usually at least one arm is around your body, whether it’s around your waste or holding your thigh, his hands will always find you. He likes the way you seek out his arms in the night, sometimes not even realising you’re doing it. The way your hand laces with his, and you’re pulling his arm up and over yourself. Usually you’ll wake up in a completely different position that you fell asleep in, and most times Oberyn will have moved himself much closer to you.
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Pero Tovar:
Tovar almost always sleeps on his back, he struggles to get to sleep any other way. He also can’t not have you cuddled up to him, any time you try and wriggle out of his hold he’ll whine something and pull you closer. Both arms stay tight around you, fully engulfing you as his hands splay across your back. He’s a little insecure that you might up and leave him at any moment, so he takes the advantage of the night to hold you as close to him as he can. It’s like he’s trying to merge your bodies the way he bear hugs you. He doesn’t care if you’re facing him, spooning, or completely on top, he just has to be hugging you.
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Agent Whiskey:
It took Jack a while to admit it, but he adores being the little spoon. He’s always so protective over you during the days, especially given his line of work, so when it comes to sleeping, he loves just being held by you. He feels so safe with your arms around him, head tucked over his shoulder as you press kisses to his temple. His larger hands find yours, lacing his fingers with yours and smiling at the way you absentmindedly fiddle with his. He’ll make sure he’s pressed back against you completely, sighing when he feels you draping a leg over his waist. Some nights he’ll turn around in his sleep, getting even closer if that was possible.
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Ezra hates how he has to be so on guard during the night. When he first arrived on the planet he barely slept, he would try and guard as much as possible. But now you’ve convinced him to actually get some sleep, you’ve got enough reinforcement on your ship. He keeps his gun on the floor beside the bed, force of habit you could say. But when it comes to cuddles, he’s more than happy to let you curl up on top of him, you aren’t exactly heavy. He lets his fingers run through your hair as a way of calming him down, knowing it’ll also send you straight to sleep. He likes to be sitting up a little, just in case.
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Max Phillips:
Max’s is possessive, despite nobody being around it’s like he’s trying to make sure nobody can get to you. He keeps a hand on your thigh at all times, on the leg that’s bent and draped over his legs. He’ll pull your leg higher if he can, just so he can get his hand higher on your thigh. Considering max doesn’t actually sleep, he’s more than happy to spend the 10 or so hours just watching you. He likes the way you curl up at his side, making sure your head’s comfortable on his chest as a hand lays flat beside your head. Sometimes he’ll slip a hand beneath your head, letting you rest on it just because he knows how much you love it.
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Javi Gutierrez:
Javi has a habit of fidgeting. You will most likely not wake up in the position you fell asleep in, and half the time the duvet’s been yanked over to his side. He doesn’t intend on doing in, and sometimes he feels quite bad the way he’s left you with almost no cover and very little room. If he hasn’t starfished and almost knocked you off the bed, he’s taken you with him. If he rolls over, he’ll drag you with him. When he moves an arm, it stays around you.
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lionlena · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal
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One Shot:
♡A kitchen disaster
♡Just let it go…
♡New job, new problems...
♡Just breathe
♡His Curls - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (completed)
♡Hate run, love speed - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress)
♡We don’t love each other - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 - Final (completed)
♡A perfect day for a perfect girl (It's your birthday and Pedro makes you feel loved and special all day)
♡What sleeping position do they most like when you are with them? (Pedro Pascal characters)💤
♡How will they react to your makeup? (Pedro Pascal and his characters) 👁️👄💅
♡Headcanon: How do they behave when you have a migraine? (Pedro Pascal characters)🩹😴   (+ Dave and Marcus)
♡Headcanon: How will they react if you tell them about CDD? (Pedro Pascal characters) 👰💔😱🤕  
♡Headcanon: Who will be ready to kill for you? From most willing to least... (Pedro Pascal characters) 🔪💀☠️🩸
♡Headcanon: How do they cook for you? (Pedro Pascal characters) 🥕🧑‍🍳🍓
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Joel Miller
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One Shot:
♡This is just a nightmare… (The Last of Us ff/ Joel/Ellie)
♡Strong for both of us
♡Trouble with ex
♡Dyeing your hair…
♡Together in happiness and depression… (no outbreak)
♡Unforgivable mistake, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, (in progress)
♡I can't be everywhere (No outbreak!) Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5... (in progress)
♡You need a better place (Joel loving a girl with epilepsy)
♡Blue dress (Joel Miller x plus size!reader)
♡When Joel goes limp… (JoelMillerxf!reader)🤷🍆🩹
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Javier Peña
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One Shot:
♡I’ll protect you… (bc you’re mine)
♡I’ll hurt you… ( bc you’re mine )
♡I’ll leave you (bc youre not mine)
♡I'll stay with you... ( bc I love you)
♡You’re hot…
♡A girl from the street
♡Dancing With Your Ghost - Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Epilogue (completed)
♡Too many shadows behind you - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5 (in progress)
♡Nicotine (JavierPeña and You)
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
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♡Dynasty - Part 1, Part 2, (in progress)
One Shot:
♡Mean (JackDanielsxf!reader)
♡Llamas don't drink whiskey...
♡What does Jack's ranch look like? 🤠🐴🐓🐮🧑‍🌾
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Javi Gutierrez
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One Shot:
♡Too hot
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Frankie Morales
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One Shot:
♡Lost cat
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Marcus Pike
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One Shot: 
♡"7.44 am"
♡If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years...
♡Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
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Oberyn Martell
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♡Red Viper and Fox - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress, soon english version)
One Shot:
♡♕Queen's Milk
♡I Hold You
♡Remember me… (ANGST!)
♡Leave... (ANGST)
♡Headcoanon: Oberyn's finger kink... 🤤💦🤌
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The Old Guard (movie)
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One Shot: 
♡ Amira
♡ It hurts like hell    
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thapunqueen · 1 year
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okay boone, so we need you to RAWR for the camera (featuring a doodle or 2 of boone with hair bc i was just curious...)
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eudaimaniacs · 2 years
agent whiskey smut headcanons
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character/universe: agent jack "whiskey" daniels (kingsman: the golden circle) warning/s: full-on smut, read at your own caution notes: first time writing smut, so i'm not yet comfortable writing a full fanfic/imagine about smut, but this definitely helped me to write more. hope you enjoy reading!
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Agent Whiskey is one heck of a man and lover. He can be rowdy and rough but shows his romantic and passionate side.
Jack loves putting on his cowboy hat whenever you have sex. Quickie or not, this man won't let go of his hat. (Save a horse, ride a cowboy).
His favorite position is cowgirl because it fits the cowboy aesthetic he's known for. Jack prefers positions that let you ride him but also loves when he sees and kisses you.
Jack is vocal during sex and loves complimenting you in that thick accent. He also lets out beautiful and deep grunts and moans that are music to your ears.
Location can vary for this man, but the bedroom is the best (of course). He wants privacy when you have sex with him but takes risks when he feels to. One time, you two were almost caught by a co-worker, and it was awkward brushing it off.
Jack also loves car sex, especially in his Ford Bronco. It can vary from Jack fingering, giving him head to fucking you. It's uncomfortable to have car sex, but Jack makes it the best.
This man has a heavy breeding kink. Jack wants to start a family with you, and it shows when he hasn't seen you in a long time. He loves dumping his warm load inside your pussy.
Jack is the dominant one when it comes to bed. He takes control and gives you the most head-spinning and fantastic sex.
Jack is a major tease and lets out a hearty laugh when he does it.
Whenever you tease this man, it's another story. Jack becomes possessive and marks you to remind everyone that you belong with him.
He doesn't like to admit it, but sometimes Jack loves when you switch and take control instead. It turns him on when you become dominant and shows confidence.
Going back to one headcanon, Jack is a worshipper and takes his time to admire every detail and curve on your body. You shiver when he touches those sensitive spots while complimenting your figure on that sexy, thick accent.
Whenever you have passionate sex with Jack, he takes his time indulging and taking care of you. He whispers compliments and makes the atmosphere romantic.
Lastly, aftercare with Jack is the best, rough, or most passionate sex. He cleans you up and makes sure that you feel okay. Jack kisses and hugs you after sex when you two lay on the bed. 
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eudaimaniacs © 2023
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amekeii · 6 months
Criminal Minds Characters as Cocktails pt.2
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JASON GIDEON - ABSINTHE absinthe | sugar cube | cold water
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ELLE GREENAWAY - SIDECAR cognac | triple sec | lemon juice | orange twist
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ALEX BLAKE - CHERRY MANHATTAN rye whiskey | dry vermouth | angostura bitters | maraschino cherry juice
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TARA LEWIS - SANGRIA red wine | licor 43 | havana rum | fruits
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MATT SIMMONS - YOGURT SOJU lychee soju | yakult | sprite
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LUKE ALVEZ - PENICILLINE scotch | honey ginger syrup | lemon juice | candied ginger
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theywhoshantbenamed · 2 months
KY: you’re a lot nicer than I thought you’d be! The other Northeast states seems to hate conversation
ME: the others don’t have the same weakness for your smile that I do
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replaytech · 1 year
Din: I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold
Me: *blushes* so enemies to lovers?
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absurdthirst · 2 months
I know that a/b/o isn't everybody's cup of tea, but... maybe headcanons about (alpha) Pedro boys getting home from work and finding omega reader in heat? Pretty please?
Coming Home to Find You In Heat:
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: There isn't a day that Javier doesn't come home thinking about fucking you. It's programmed into his DNA. However, the second he hits the door, he smells it. The intoxicating scent of your pheromones filling the house. Second only to the scent of your cum on his cock as his favorite. His entire body is throbbing as he calls your name. Walking through the door to see you whimpering his name with the toy you have buzzing between your legs. "Oh 'mega." He groans, ripping off the suit jacket and tossing it aside. "Don't stop. I'll be inside you soon enough. Let me get undressed."
Ezra: He isn't even aware that you are in heat until he removes the sealed helmet from his head. You had stayed in the tent because you weren't feeling well, so Ezra had decided to dig by himself. Coming back earlier than normal so he can check on you, he had decontaminated and had just unsealed his helmet when that intoxicating aroma fills his nostrils. "Kevva." He groans, eyes darkening as you sweat and suffer. "Little gem, you should have let me know of your plight far before now." He hums as he starts to strip himself of his suit. "It my humblest undertaking as your alpha to see to your comfort during the trying times of the burden of your nature." He is practically panting already, thinking of the ways he will take you and make sure you are knotted properly. "Push two fingers inside that deprived pussy, gem. Gratify yourself until I can accommodate you suitably with my cock."
Mando: He immediately sets a course for a hospitable planet, one he knows will be safe for you and the kid. He knows that he will be get very little sleep over the next few days, making sure the kid is taken care of and out of trouble as well as taking care of you. The little sleeping nook isn't big enough for your nest, so he moves containers and crates to create a private area for you to build a nest with the blankets and padding he has on hand. As soon as he has landed, the safety protocols for the ship are engaged and he has every light turned off, plunging it into darkness so he can remove his armor and helmet. "Don't worry, cyarika." His unmodulated voice is warm as he reaches for you. "You will be crying in pleasure soon."
Frankie Morales: Heats after kids is difficult. He knows you are in pain and suffering so he calls his mom, begging her to take the kids. He has to give you a quick orgasm on his fingers before he takes them over to her, so desperate to feel your alpha that it makes him a little bigheaded. He's stopping by the pizza place to grab some food to make it easy for you as well. His weekend get together plans with the boys are cancelled, he has more important things to do, like you.
Pero Tovar: You think that this man isn't going to smell you the second he stops his horse? Think again. The smell of your need calls to him and he is rushing through bedding down his horse and stripping down to wash in the barrel next to the door. You don't like it when he tries to fuck you when he's dirty. Not that he cares. All he cares about is that his omega needs his cock. He won't even stop to eat the food you had managed to prepare before you had taken to your bed, barring the door and growling when he sees you in the bed. "Omega." He growls, knowing that he will be taking care of you until the heat has passed.
Agent Whiskey: There is nothing that Jack likes more than a needy, whiny omega, begging for his cock. Especially with it's his own omega. A trail of clothes is left through the house as he makes his way to the bedroom. Pausing at the end of the bed to watch as you try to pleasure yourself with your fingers in the middle of your bed, surrounded by the scent of your alpha, but it's not enough. His cock is already hard and leaking, his hand wrapped around it. "Sugar, you look mighty lonely in that pretty nest of yours." He coos, grinning at you. "Why don't you let your alpha take care of you and fill that needy pussy up?"
Marcus Pike: Marcus knows before he gets home. He can hear it in your voice and he keeps track of your heat cycles. He hated having to travel so close to the time, but he had hoped he would make it back in time. On the way home from the airport, he is calling for takeout to be delivered, knowing that you will need him to knot you, then you will need to eat. You forget to eat in the haze of lust unless he makes sure you do. On the drive home, he is talking to you, soothing you over the phone and talking you through using one of your toys while you are wearing his academy shirt that smells like him.
Max Phillips: This is one cocky motherfucker. An alpha and a vampire? He knew that you were going to be in heat before he ever even left on his fucking business trip. The iron levels in your blood changed. So when he hits the door, this man is already a puffed up, primed alpha. He's on you before you even know he's in the house. Groaning over your scent and burying his face in your cunt to get you ready to take him. His inhuman abilities will have your pain pushed away in no time and your sweet omega cries filling his ears.
Dave York: FERAL. This man is absolutely feral when he learns you are in heat. The animalistic urge to wreck you is always there, right beneath the surface, but when your hormones go wild and your heat sends out those heady pheromones, he takes it to another level. Your comfort is best determined by having your legs up on his shoulders, his cock buried inside you with his knot locking him in place while you scream his name until you are hoarse.
Oberyn Martell: Oberyn is actually slightly upset at you. There are other alphas, even betas, that you could have used to help you until he arrived. Ellaria lets him know that you are in your nest, suffering needlessly. He's even more upset that you haven't taken the potion he had been working with the maester of Dorne to help ease your heats. But he can't be too upset at you when you whimper his name and beg him to put a baby in you. He will stay right there until every second of your heat has passed and you're satisfied.
Zach Wellison: Zach is an attentive alpha, he's honestly so guilt ridden that he had been working on Ms. Martinez's water heater issues when your heat started. He's rushing to you and cooing, apologizing while he strips down and climbs into the bed with you. "I'm so sorry, baby, you should have called me." He is kissing and comforting you, pulling you into his arms and immediately starting to get you ready for his cock to take the ache away.
Max Lord: Max comes home, completely distracted by the fact that his company is failing. He smells something, but he is pouring over the reports and obsessing over the meetings that hadn't gone the way he had hoped them too. Unaware of your plight until he walks into the bedroom to change out of that uncomfortable suit and he is smacked in the face with your scent and sees you whining in the bed. His instinct is to take care of you and he will, but he's a little annoyed that he must right now. It's not the best time.
Marcus Moreno: He's nervous, this is the first time he has had to care for an omega since he lost his late wife. Not like you haven't had sex, but this is the first heat. It is his job to take care of you. He calls his mom and asks her to pick Missy up, aware that while his daughter knows what is going on, he needs to focus on you. Reminding you and himself that it will be okay and he will make sure that you are comfortable. Perhaps a little unsure of himself to start, but as soon as he comes into that alpha headspace, you remember why this man leads the Heroics team and is the perfect alpha for you.
Dieter Bravo: The fact that this man is an alpha is still the biggest surprise of your entire life, especially when he's your alpha. "Honey I'm hooooooooome!" Is the almost irritating greeting you get from the doorway, shouted through the house, but today he's yelping as soon as he hits the door. "Fuck! Where's that natural lube? Are you naked yet?" You can hear him banging around downstairs and slamming doors in a near state of panic. "I'm coming! Then - you're gonna cum! I promise! Fuck, I love when you are in heat!" Despite his chaos, Dieter loves noooooothing more than forgetting there is anything outside of the little nest you fix and the need to be buried inside you.
Javi Gutierrez: Javi was never away from you to begin with. He writes in the office with the door open and the second the first grunt of pain is heard, he is shutting down the laptop and coming to you. He knows that you are going into heat and immediately starts to reassure you that he will be right there for you. Whatever you need and however many times you need it, he will take care of it. Urging you to strip out of your itchy, irritating clothes and to climb into the bed that you will share for the next few days.
Tim Rockford: You have to call this motherfucker home. It's another late night for him. Chinese take-out cartons, cigarettes and stale coffee had been how his evening had looked as he worked well past the time other officers went home, burning another quart of that midnight oil. He had been startled when the phone rang, but when he hear your desperate, pained voice begging him to come home, he's grabbing his coat and racing out the door.
Joel Miller: Going into heat on the road is not easy, or convenient. If you think that his stress levels are high normally, they go through the roof right now. You will be so vulnerable, and his attention has to be focused on taking care of you. Joel will have to ignore the needs of your body, and his, until he can find a safe place for you to hole up. Somewhere Ellie can block out the "gross sounds", because let's face it, who wants to hear their chosen parents fuck? There's also the problem with needing more calories and water during this time. It's a lot to deal with, but Joel will take care of you, he hasn't let you down yet - but he has got to get you somewhere to dick you down before you feel like you're going to die.
Marcus Acacius: The entire encampment knows you are in heat. The tents are not thick enough to keep the cloying scent of your need and arousal contained to his tent. Alphas will be sniffing around and the only thing that protects you is the clear knowledge that any alpha that lays a hand on you will be die a slow and agonizing death at the general's hands. He is pulled from a strategy meeting by one of his servants, a loyal beta, who informs him of your plight. Making him hurry back, hearing your calls for him long before he reaches the tent to join you. Once he is inside, he is in complete control and the war will just have to go on without him, or there will be a tentative peace while he cares for you.
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creedslove · 5 months
Hello baby!
What if our favorite cowboy organizes a date with his sugar, the man literally prepares everything alone or the best he can. He organizes everything in his ranch.
It was the first time he was so excited to receive her, prepared a meal, get ready, once he finally picked her up, he was like:
"Hell, sugar... you look so goddamn precious!"
Whisky being literally being a pleaser to his sugar, he teached her how to ride one of his favourites horses, his home, he doesn't know what else to do for her.
I hope you feel much better! I send you a big hug! ✨
Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
A/N: hi bestie!!! I love this so so so so much, this is such Agent Whiskey coded because he is a people's pleasure, and above all, he's a sugar pleaser, which means he'll please his sugar until the day he dies
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• Whiskey is the king of date: he never lacks ideas, plans or any other thing to take his sugar on a date, he's got a wide range of creativity and money that helps a lot, so it's just a matter of picking up the mood for the day not to overdo himself
• he's definitely the kind of man who would drive you across town just so you can grab that one pie you had when you were PMSing years ago and you never forgot, or he would book you tickets for a weekend getaway if you complain about stress at work and stuff like that
• but even if he's great at pleasing, he's still a romantic at heart, so the best kinds of dates in his opinion, are the ranch dates, because he loves his ranch, it's a huge part of who he is, at his ranch, he's not just the tacky cowboy who talks funny and isn't afraid to pick a fight at places, but instead, he's himself, not Whiskey, just Jack, with his beautiful green fields, his horses, his simple life and his southern manners
• so you can expect a real weekend, because the cowboy isn't just going to invite you for a day, you're going to at least spend the night, have the whole ranch experience, all you gotta do is to say yes to it and he'll make it happen
• and he's a gentleman, let's not forget about that, so even if you insist you can drive to his ranch, chances are you aren't because he'll make sure to pick you up with his Bronco, he just wants you to take on a ride in it because he loves that car, it's pretty, comfortable, it's got status, and he's excited to be seen driving around with you in the passenger seat, just as he's excited to see you wearing your cute sunglasses as your hair flies loose at the window
• that if he doesn't gift you a cowboy hat the minute he picks you up, because yeah, he is gonna buy you a stetson, he just doesn't know when he's gonna give it to you, so why not in the beginning of the adventure, anyway?!
• and let me tell you: that cowboy's ranch is simply gorgeous! He will be so proud and happy to show you around, knowing exactly where to take you and what to do with you there, giving you a tour through the main house that's big and comfortable af obviously and then taking you to the stables so you can see the animals and play with them and all of them
• now, hear me: he loves horses, he's been riding them forever so if you know how to ride them, he will be glad to do so with your company, but if you don't, Jack will be thrilled to teach you from the very beginning, from how to actually get on the horse, to where to hold it and gentle guide it until you are feeling safe
• if the weather is hot enough, you can also expect him to take you swimming out at the lake, because let's face it: do you think Jack Daniels didn't grow up swimming in those waters around the ranch? He knows all the nice and pretty spots to take girls by the way, and you won't be different at all
• in the evening, you can expect him to throw a barbecue or just smoke some meat, but the thing is: it's gonna be outside, it's dark, warm and the lights will be on, making the ranch look so nice, although it's a little bit empty too, but it's a good thing since it's just the two of you spending time together; he'll serve you appetizers, the main dish, and the best liquor Statesman is capable of producing
• and yeah, he will roast marshmallows by the fire and tell you ghost stories about that land as if you two were in a summer camp together, and even if you know there's a big fat chance he's lying, you will still feel slight shivers down your spine and you will cling to him just a little bit tighter once the howling wind blows
• but once you two get back inside, it's sweet sweet love making with a sugar coated cowboy, where you can't have enough of him and he can't get enough of you, loving your body all night long and of course he'll greet you in the morning with breakfast in bed because he's a romantic at heart
• so chances are, you're gonna spend the morning in bed, enjoying the big breakfast and the cowboy's sugar and in the afternoon, he's definitely taking you for a picnic, with everything you're entitled to: a beautiful basket, a nice plaid towel, mini sandwiches and cake, all he wants is to spoil you
• watching the sunset together as you enjoy this romantic time is great, but as soon as the sun sets, he's gonna give you puppy eyes, asking you to stay the night once more, not ready to let you go home just yet 🥺❤️
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odetodilfs · 2 years
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What I write for PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, REGLOG MY FICS IF YOU LIKE THEM!! Also no spam liking, that gets me shadow banned.
Kinktober 2023
Joel Miller fics
Dio Morissey fics Agent Whiskey fics
Tim Rockford fics Frankie Morales fics Javi Gutierrez fics
Pero Tovar fics
Silva fics Javier Peña fics Din Djarin fics Dieter Bravo fics
Oberyn Martell fics
Marcus Moreno fics
Steve Murphy fics
Namor fics
Poe Dameron fics
Jim Hopper fics (and Santa Harbour) Other characters
Miguel O'hara fics Some drabbles I love
Multi character fics
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emptyapartments · 3 months
same anon as before and no ur so right. it’s literally just misogyny and gender roles repackaged and projected onto mlm ships and like. it’s already boring, tired, stupid, and offensive in real life, why bring it into fandom?
the whole obsession with which character is topping/bottoming and then changing their personality to “suit” that is hilarious, because irl it so doesn’t matter. all types of people bottom and top and vers. that said hell yeah, they can flip a coin or fight like dogs or set up a rotation idgaf just take it beyond the stereotypical, boring shit
i think the worst part of it is just that it isnt going to change like. ever? fandoms have been doing this for years and will continue to do it because some people like it, and they tend to be the majority atp. thought i was safe with the cod fandom but no apparently not. i mean the worst example is ghostsoap but reboot pricegaz characterisation can go out the fucking window sometimes its crazy. anyways anon ily ur always right
flipping a coin is now the way soap and ghost do it btw. i bang my canon hammer and the force of it rings out a sound for eons. it happened guys sorry. that, or rock paper scissors
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