#I thought that was Miku for like… half a second
rayar32 · 1 year
Suddenly just had a thought: If Hibiki and Miku are cleansed from the Curse of Balal after G, does that mean that they get to understand/speak every language ever? Before everyone else does???
I imagine they unconsciously slowly start doing it more and more: When Miku does it, no one questions it at first, but when it's Hibiki everyone blue screens for half a second and just bury the thought because it's easier to do that than to believe Hibiki is skilled at anything other than singing and fisting fighting
Like, imagine the G Trio talking to Hibiki in perfect english, and none of them ever question it because "Well, someone must've taught her already or something like that" (coping)
Or hell, Hibiki screaming at Carol in german, or french at Saint-Germain and no one knows what to think of it other than "Y'know what, maybe she is a secret polyglot or something, who fucking knows maybe it's God-Slayer privileges!!!" (even more coping)
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thegreatyin · 2 months
26 27 30 36... Scoundrel and Scientist. Also gimme the cufflink saga already.
26 - What would be their ideal romance? Did they find a perfect match already, is it still a work in progress, or have they experienced something out of their expectations?
The Scoundrel's ideal partner would probably be someone willing to put up with her... everything. Either because they don't care, or because they indulge her to her heart's content. Someone able to back up her wildest dreams (or even fulfill them) while still being there at the end of the day to kiss her head and tell her it's all going to turn out okay.
She thinks this someone is Wines. It is not Wines.
The Scientist's ideal partner... is a lot more broad, and also simultaneously a bit more narrow.
See, he's fine with just about anyone, theoretically. All he wants is someone he can live for, and work to protect. He doesn't even care if he gets the same in return. Ideally someone patient, and clever, and maybe a little bit terrifying- someone he can trust completely and utterly-
But he doesn't really care about any of that. He just wants someone he can get along with. Someone he can almost feel safe around. He doesn't care about anything else.
27 - What is their romance’s theme song?
The Hatsune Miku cover of Poison. And Butcher Vanity.
...oh, you meant general romance, not together. That's, admittedly trickier.
And by "trickier" I mean "I'm stumped". I have absolutely no idea. I've never thought about it before. Consider this an open invitation for y'all to come in and suggest romance songs, because I'm kind of at a loss rn
30 - What is their love language?
The Scoundrel gives gifts. A lot of gifts. If you've actually, sincerely, unironically, somehow, against every odd in the universe, thoroughly captivated them, you'd get absolutely smothered in more gifts than anyone could hope to count. Extravagant ones, too.
They're the kind of person who thinks a comically expensive romantic dinner at the most exclusive restaurant in the country is "modest". They're the kind of person who'd send you hourly updates on how their day is going because they think you genuinely unironically need to know this pressing information because you love them and they love you back. They're the kind of person who spends hours trying and failing to win a giant stuffed animal at a carnival because you said it looked cute and they want to impress and pamper you.
They're the kind of person who spends half of their fortune supplying Mr Wines' revels because they think they're getting such an insanely good grade in flirting and serving and being such a good sexy appealing lover for their stupid horrible drunken crush that won't even give them a second glance-
I mean. Uh. Ahem. Clears throat.
Gift-giving. They like gift-giving.
The Scientist on the other hand- he's pretty squarely split between acts of service and quality time. I don't compare him to a cat for nothing. He's either actively being "useful" to people, or he's sitting with them in silence for 2 hours straight while they do an unrelated task in the same general vicinity.
He considers the latter to be fantastic socializing.
36 - What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
See the Scoundrel's aforementioned answer about giant stuffed animals and supplying revels. But also flower bundles. And honey. And bundled flowers dipped in honey. They feel like the type to gift what they like because they're under the impression that their favorite things are universal favorite things.
As for the Scientist... he's admittedly not the best at sending gifts, but he certainly tries? His gifts are way more humble. Way more small. Like the results of an interesting experiment, or a cool puzzle he thought up, or a handmade scrapbook that's not exactly good insomuch as it is unbelievably sincere. Tiny nerdy trinkets that won't mean much to an onlooker, but end up being super soft and sentimental to those in the know.
Also, I could see him knitting a bunch of stuff. Little winter hats, scarves, gloves, the works. It's sweet. He's sweet.
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helloworldjj · 1 year
Which pjsk group swears the most?
hello, tumblr! so I was bored and was thinking about pjsk as I often do and this particular train of thought led to me scouring the lyrics of songs to see which group swore the most. here are my results:
none. family friendly fr stan l/n <33 (unless you count like, kagerou daze bc I doubt being killed over and over is content for kids)
also none, but some songs are not as family friendly 💀 (looking at you, vampire)
Odo “half-ass deserves a K.O.” (kinda iffy on this one bc it’s ado’s official translation but lots more eng translations dont swear)
Honorary mentions:
Traffic Jam (the wiki’s translation has “fuck compromises” but several more translations use other words and the eng subs on the official video don’t use it. an and akito have this part)
YY (the og says “shit” various times but it’s BARELY audible in the vbs cover. akito and an get the lines where it occurs if you wanted to know lol)
Wonderlands X Showtime:
Law Evading Rock “party people (can just) fuck off” “welcome to the fucking circus” (tsukasa sings both of these ones lolll. the second one is only in the full ver and not the game one though)
Ego Rock “1, 2, 3, fuck you” (Len gets this last line)
ONLINE GAME ADDICTS SPRECHCHOR “shitty scheme” or “scheme like a shit” (miku sings it)
Honorary mentions:
KING (there’s literally not a single swear word but they bleep out Rui singing “die” and it is hilarious to me)
Literary nonsense (the eng subs on eve’s mv say “XXX you and your lies.” rui has this part. it’s funny that he’s been technically censored twice in these two songs even though he doesn’t really say anything akdjkajd)
Nightcord at 25:00:
Usseewa “shut the f*** up” (this lyric is censored on the wiki like this for some reason despite the fact other songs aren’t censored lolll)
Venom “like a shitty video game” (mizuki has this line)
Honorable mention:
Bitter Choco Decoration (the og spells out “fuck” but it’s not at all audible in the game)
The way I narrowed these down was by first going through this page that had a list of songs with “inappropriate lyrics” and looking at the translations of those specific songs.
Then I went through the main song list on the wiki, only looking at cover songs since I assumed the commissioned songs wouldn’t have any words I was looking for. I went through all of the songs and their lyrics featured on the wiki, though I did speed through them a bit so i might’ve missed a few words
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Drop the Miku Binder TJ rant bestie
okay so like
i was just thinking about it, and, like, i think it's fucking nuts but also really weird how the hamilton fandom (which i'm in but i swear i'm not an uwu lams turtles shipper please) somehow took this CRUSTY, TERF-BANGED, UGLY, OLD, REDHEADED, RAPIST ASS MOTHERFUCKER,
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and turned his ugly ass into this.
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like damn what the hell- what- how???? okay like yeah, they're using daveed diggs as a base for this bullshit, which, okay, fine, but YOU DID NOT NEED TO ADD THE INFO. The idea itself is funny but also a bit weird, however im 99% sure Diggs himself wore that shirt. However, all of the extra info??? come on. Where'd the fandom get this istg y'all-
Also, also, they did something similar by making John Laurens (gay blonde dumbass) into an UWU turtles boy. ....why. Bi trash coffee gremlin tumblr over-worked sleep-deprived alexander hamilton. like yeah relatable but. why. small bean big sweater uwu innocent boy blushy short james madison. ...why. bro was stubborn and would pick a fight and was the 'fuck you' type of shy.
I just find it wild the fandom made this and it is the entirety of the fandom into one. There's the good sides, there's the bad, and there's this. Which encompasses the ENTIRE. FUCKING. FANDOM.
The fandom has its headcanons, it has its perks, but then you reach the side where everyone is just a wild fucking original character. They don't model the historical figures anymore- they're just OCs with the name 'Philip Hamilton' or 'John Laurens' or god forbid our third U.S president 'Thomas Jefferson' slapped onto it.
I'm also so confused as to how this is what the fandom is known for. We have some good fics, we have hella good art, we have a M U S I C A L , and then the first thought people have of the Ham fandom is Miku Binder Third President Founding Fucker Slaveowner Thomas Jefferson.
I also find it kind of offensive (almost put insluting oh my ufckjg-) that they made a founder become this but like he'd probably be really pissed so please keep fucking up his memory lmao he deserves it
But like... also why. What made them think of this.
Like yeah I write 20k word TR smut but you don't see me drawing it.
You don't see me making him an UWU e-boy.
...Eh I probably would for shits and giggles tbh
But like this is founding father Thomas Jefferson. Third Pres. Second VP. First Sec. of State. And he is a furry, ex-cocaine addict. Also btw do they mean John Laurens or John Adams as the former drug dealer part because neither are better but it'd really help
Also bro literally raped his 14 year old slave and had like 6 kids with her. He had her room DIRECTLY NEXT TO HIS. He RAPED HIS DEAD WIFE'S HALF-SISTER. AND HE'S A SAD UWU MAN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG?
Let's not forget this same person made a post saying Lizzie (the Queen) would be reincarnated as a horse when she died. I'm serious. Deadass.
However, it's also funny as fuck because this entire thing is a tarnish to Jefferson and I fucking HATE that bastard so like good job lol
At the same time though it's still super weird??? But insane??? Because how did this become one of the Tumblr exclusives??? like it's Tumblr history at this point. Twitter history. You cannot express any like for the Hamilton musical before you get the 'have you seen miku binder thomas jefferson' and it's like 'well shit'.
But also remember: THIS IS NOT AN OC TO FUCK AROUND WITH. Hamilton the Musical specifically gave you and presented you the founder. Thomas Jefferson. Played by Daveed Diggs. Just because it is played by a POC, but also modernized, and vastly different from the actual founder and President, does not mean that at its core it is NOT STILL THE SAME PERSON.
If you name it Thomas Jefferson, if you use the presentation of him given by Daveed Diggs, you are still using that white fucking slave-owning racist motherfucker, and that's the point of it all.
I find it stupid but funny but also insane, and I wouldn't care, unless I KNEW IT WAS SERIOUS. The artist made it seriously. They made John Laurens. They made Philip Hamilton. They did this seriously.
but like also look at this lmao
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This meme of Thomas Jefferson in a Hatsune Miku binder really got trending on Twitter at one point
It's an infamous, hellish, classic meme of both Tumblr and the Hamilton fandom, and it deserves what attention it's got, but Jesus please never unironically make shit like this again, Hamilfans, we're stained by this we don't need another😭🔫
i have more
So like, I just remembered: it kinda romanticizes these guys??? The musical??? so like don't get me wrong i love the music but... it puts them into this light. This pink light. It paints Hamilton as an abolitionist who was outspoken about it. When, in reality, dude traded and sold slaves for his in-laws + wasn't all that outspoken about it + was against immigrants or migrants, WHEN DUDE WAS FROM THE ISLANDS. HE HAD SCOTTISH BLOOD. AND HE'S AGAINST IT? Hypocrisy at its finest.
Washington also owned slaves and ran his own plantation too, so he's not off the hook. Madison, the 'uwu small bean' of the fandom, also owned slaves and ran a plantation. So the main people of this entire fiasco are slave-owners. Perfect. But also I've heard Ron Chernow's book on Hamilton, the entire start of the musical, is a bit biased to Ham himself, so...
You could be saying 'but FDRsduckfloaty, Sally is mentioned!' yes. But however, not enough. Not more. It's not even implied more than potentially ONCE what he did, and I'm not sure it ever was! Cabinet battle 3 states it flat-out but it was cut. For your info, Ben Franklin and John Adams are the only two you can really like in the slavery aspect. Ben bought them but let them go for their freedom, and John detested slavery and was against it. Never owned one.
Jefferson did add a slavery clause to the declaration but it was discarded, and he didn't fight half as much as he could have. Maybe he did and since it was the 1700s he didn't have a lot of support, but surely he could've done something like, I don't know, call it out after his terms? Once you're done gaining your second term and out of office, they can't do shit to it or your presidency, since it's over.
So the musical itself has its own problem and the fandom is even worse. It blatantly disregards that a LOT. A hella lot of the amrev fandom + a small part of the ham fandom has called TJeffs out for it but I mean can we please not make shit like Miku Binder Jefferson and act like he wasn't an actual child rapist???
This video does pretty well at it. I will admit the tagline 'America then, told by America now' almost sends shivers down my spine for what it really means. But then again I find men not knowing they'd make it down into the history books for starting the world's global power and the world's economic powerhouse pretty interesting. Doing something big and knowing it's historical, but not that it's going to form a very, VERY large country, where you'll be honored down the road and called a Founding Father of an entire nation? Signing papers and not knowing they're the founding stones of a country and still looked up to today? Intriguing.
But like still fuck Thomas Jefferson lmao
there's a lot more videos on it that dig deep, but the point is, that Hamilton is a good musical with good songs but it's also very... complex, and a bit problematic, Thomas Jefferson is a little bitch, and you should stan 1776 before you ever stan Hamilton. 1776 does not do this. It is much more realistic. 1776 has Benjamin Franklin and that's an immediate win. Be more like a 1776, be less like a Hamilton.
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project-sekai-facts · 9 months
so, the new years line up just dropped. what are you predicting now?
i typed an answer to this 3 days ago but my shitty wifi deleted it so here we go again orz
okay so next event is vbs WLE we already know that. afterwards is rui4, and i have some thoughts on that. first off, it's cute attribute. second, i reckon Rin will be the vsinger 4* - her last 4* was on Stick to your faith, and currently she's gone the second longest amount of time since her last 4*, only beaten by Ichika. Also wxs rin has never had a 4* on a wxs unit event, only mixed banners. I'm a bit torn as to who the other 4* will be. Emu is the one I would say is most likely, but she also has a mixed event coming up (there's only 3 characters left now) and a WLE 4* in March, plus if her mixed event ends up in a perm slot that means she's gonna get a lim soon on top of that, so we could very much end up in an Emu spam situation. Nonetheless, I still feel she's pretty likely just based on the fact that Tsukasa and Nene have been rateup on 2/3 Rui events so far. In the case of Emu 4*, Tsukasa and Nene reward cards could go either way, but I'm gonna say Nene 3* Tsukasa 2* just based on how long its been since their last ones, and also because Nene was literally just a 2* a couple months ago on Tsukasa4.
However, in case of Emu spam, she works fine as the 2* and then just slap Tsukasa as the other rateup card (i would say nene also works but considering the likelihood of this event being cute attrib she's tied for most cute cards in the game right now).
so for rui4, one of
4* Rui/Emu/Rin, 3* Nene, 2* Tsukasa (<- most likely?)
4* Rui/Emu/Rin, 3* Tsukasa, 2* Nene
4* Rui/Tsukasa/Rin, 3* Nene, 2* Emu
(you could always swap rin for wxs miku and put rin on haruka4 or honami4 but i don't want to make this too overcomplicated)
the mixed event is where this shit gets horrible though
excluding Break Down The Wall and rui4, there are 6 events until we reach the 3.5 event at the end of march. one of those events in the WxS WLE in march event slot 1. 2 of these events are limited banners.
There are also 4 characters left to get their 4th event (Honami, Haruka, Toya, Ena). Last year, 3rd rotation ended the event before Resonant Town/2.5th. 4th rotation began the event afterwards.
We have 5 available event slots, and 4 characters. If we keep both the valentines and white day events as mixed events, we will go over 3.5th by one event. to me, it seems like they're trying to get 4th rotation over and done with by the half anni again.
That means either the valentines or white day slot could likely be taken up by a unit lim event.
There are so many characters due lims in the next few months that at this point I think they're gonna go over a year without one.
And here's my really, really messy thoughts on things
The limited banner won't be Haruka, nor will it be Ena (ena4 will have Mizuki as rateup, and Mizuki just got her 6th lim)
Honami works if you make Ichika and Saki rateup (we established earlier that the next vsinger lim with be KAITO for MMJ or N25, so no vsinger here). Honami is pretty due a lim, and its been long enough since Saki and Ichika's last lims. Shiho hasn't had a 3* in 2 years, Ichika has had 2 recently, and Saki has the most reward cards in the game. This makes a lot of sense honestly. Also Leo/need is due an event soon so you could put this in the valentine's slot no problem
Toya also works if you make An and Kohane rateup. Toya is the character in the game most in need of a lim right now (his last one was the white day one in february last year), but An is the 2nd most due (her last one was last march on 2.5). It's also been 6+ months since Kohane's last lim. Akito doesn't need reward cards though, but it's not like he has the most yet. There is also an issue here with proximity to the VBS WLE. I reckon Toya might go last in rotation 4, or at least very near the end (makes sense given that Rui4 happened a lot earlier than anticipated so it didn't clash with WxS WLE).
However the devs might decide they do not give a fuck about when they finish rotation 4, and run valentines and white day as normal
In that case, white day will definitely be Akito. I would've said Rui as the other rateup, considering there's only 4 possible cross-unit pairings between the boys, but white day is directly before wxs WL, so no. Looking at who is most in need of lims, we have Toya, An, Ena, and Mafuyu. All of these make a lot of sense, aside from Mafuyu, but he has met her. I'd say Ena is most likely though, since she's not a VBS member. This does land you in the issue of the 3rd rateup character though. Because you could slap N25 KAITO on there we've established KAITO lim coming soon, but also KAITO was rateup on last year's white day. So was Toya. I mean this event doesn't have to be white day themed though...
That leaves us with Emu and Kanade, one for Valentines, and one for 3.5. Only they both already have valentines lims. Do you get why I'm saying hona4 might be in the valentines slot atp?
You could do Mafuyu/Emu for 3.5 i guess. plus n25 kaito. and then. I dunno. We can't give Toya/An/Ena all lims before they hit 1 year under the assumption of hona4 being lim so. out of them i'd say toya because he knows Emu, doesn't actually have kizuna with her yet in spite of that, and wasn't on the 2.5 anni event.
i do think akito/ena/toya for white day slot is very possible though. akito/ena/an also works ig
this gets worse when you actually line it up on a schedule because no matter what order you put the events in you end up with hypothetical cards near b2b.
anyway i think it's better if we think about february and march events closer to the time with the current hell schedule
also akito just got a lim really recently didn't he. maybe he'll be perm mixed then
But for January lims at least:
4* Honami/Ichika/Saki, 3* Shiho, 2* vsinger (probably MEIKO or KAITO) (<- most likely? but less hesitant this time)
Akito, Kanade, or Emu banner + one or two out of Toya, An, Ena, and Mafuyu as the other rateups.
that's it
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^ Visually here's what I think is most probable for January based on actual card stats etc but staff does not give a fuck so some of the other possibilities I mentioned are in the running (I'm fairly sure about lim hona4 but rui4 could swap the Emu and Tsukasa cards)
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puddinzducky · 5 months
🎀.Welcome Back to VOCALOID
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☆ 1: Never
"Hey, Miku!" Iroha Nekomura greeted Miku Hatsune while they were in the class. "Hi!" Miku greeted back. "Why are you so happy?" Iroha asked. "Oh, it's because it's the third anniversary since me and Rin became a couple." Miku answered. "Oh, congrats!" Iroha congratulated Miku. "Anyways, what are you gonna do with her?" Iroha asked. "We're gonna go to a concert and have dinner, then we're gonna go to my house." Miku said. "Alright class, we have a new student. Say hello to Koto Hibiki!" Kiyoteru Hiyama said to the class. When Koto entered, almost everyone was going crazy, except for Defoko Utane, she was the quietest. "Hello, my name is Koto Hibiki. I am a 17 year old transfer student. I play guitar and piano when I have free time. I like music, musicals and peaches. My favorite colors are light blue and pink. I hope we will be the best of friends!" Koto said nervously. "Wow...she is just like me! She likes peaches and so do I!" Momo Momone whispered to herself. "Looks like the class is fond of you, Koto. You sit next to Minato Futaba and Michelle." Kiyoteru said to Koto. Koto sat next to Minato and Michelle. "Thank gosh my half-sis didn't sit with me." Ring Suzune thought. "Hi, Michelle. Hi, Minato." Koto said to them. "Oh, hi! I was wondering if we could be friends?" Minato asked Koto. "Sure!" Koto replied. "Not fair, Minato! I want to be friends with her too! Give me atleast a nibble!!" Michelle said.
Meanwhile, Teto, Neru and Miku were talking. "Hey, have you heard about Tei Sukone?" Teto asked Neru. "That bitch!" Neru said. "It's my second day at school and she's already on top of my hate list." Neru said. "That's it!" Teto said as she stood up. "We're gonna troll this bitch to death after school, got it?" Teto declared. Miku and Neru nodded. "Teto Kasane! How dare you say a threat to someone?!" Kiyoteru shouted. "But Kiyoteru Sir, she-" Teto was cut of by Kiyoteru's shouting. "SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Kiyoteru shouted at Teto. Everyone but Defoko was shocked he swore in front of them. "Wow, he swore in front of the whole class for the first time." Defoko thought to herself.
Minato wrote all the drama that happened on her personal diary for her news as she is the reporter of the newspaper club. It read "The teacher, Kiyoteru Hiyama said a swear word in front of the whole class while scolding Teto Kasane for threatening Tei Sukone. Teto made a declaration that they would prank Tei until death.".
After school, Miku, Teto and Neru were in the classroom. "Hey, why not go to the arcade?" Teto said. "I can't. Remember?" Neru said.
"Ok. How about we do a cute little prank on Tei and record it on your flip phone? One that we three could enjoy watching whenever we want?"
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twotwinks · 8 months
minato (p3)
oh the he...the specialest boy.....!
Sexuality headcanon: gay but he's grayromantic about it. generally he'd rather Not.
Gender headcanon: that man is so trans. he would wear the miku binder too i just know it
A ship I have with said character: ohoho...bankita.....best and worst accident of my life-! i spoke it into existence while trying to make a joke and now i'm down bad for them. it's so fucking wild because it can literally never work they are separated by time and space and DEATH but the short little time they do get together is so special and they are so fucking cute in persona q and what little i've seen of them in q2 too (wildcard buffet lives in my head rent free "i feel like i've gotten to know you way better" what are you two FUCKING talking about) i also love playing with them completely outside of canon they are like little dollies to me i will put them in Situations and make them be cute and soft and fluffy for absolutely no justifiable reason it's GREAT i need to write more for them they make me so happy they give me so much comfort they also break my little gay heart.
A brotp I have with said character: well we've already exited the realm of canon so i might as well stay here for a while and say akiren. they are just two silly little guys they have a lot of similarities but they have such wildly different outlooks on life that putting them together and making them talk is so much fun! i think akiren would be a good influence on minato honestly, he's so full of hope and he believes in people so much and i think that would help minato also come to his final stance of wanting to save humanity and give everyone a chance to live their lives a little quicker. half of the reason i came up with the Came Back Wrong au is because i want them to hang out together and i want akiren to have that chance to touch minato's heart. i dunno i just think they're neat and also they're both my favorite protags so!
A notp I have with said character: i was gonna say ryomina because i just can't get into it but you know what actually. no. aikoto. i can't fucking stand it i'm dreading meeting aigis in p3re because i know the game waifu baits her and i don't want to deal with it i hate it so much!!! i don't even feel like i can properly appreciate aigis as a character because i just keep thinking about how much they push her relationship with minato and ugh!!! persona really needs to stop putting in waifu bait characters i hate all of them. aigis and rise and honestly even sumi would be a lot more compelling if they didn't have this cloud of "the protagonist is Super Extra Special to me in a way that's clearly different from the rest of the team" hanging over them. i mean minato fucking dies in aigis's arms like what the fuck. (god bless p3p for letting it be anyone you romance on ng+ that was honestly really sweet and a massive improvement.) i probably wouldn't be so bitter about it if i wasn't aro but man. leave me alone. it's not even too terribly popular in fandom from what i've seen except among people who just like to take canon at face value because it really is essentially the canon pairing. exhausting. down with amatonormativity i'm so fucking tired
A random headcanon: oh my god i have so many (immediately forgets every single one). no but actually i think for now i will talk about how i think he takes a lot of comfort in the small little cafes and restaurants around the bay area. i'll never stop thinking about that time in pq where he sees a table set for tea in the middle of a MYSTERIOUS MAGIC LABYRINTH FULL OF SHADOWS and he's so out of it that he for a moment he believes he's at cafe chagall and drinks the tea without a second thought. like the fact that in this highly confusing and stressful situation he thinks of being at chagall i dunno it just reads to me as that being a safe space and a place of comfort for him. i love that he can work there now in p3re i love that he and akiren can bond over being baristas at a cafe
General opinion over said character: oh my god ohhhhh my fucking god he's the guy ever he's so so important to me he has been since i first discovered he existed even though i couldn't play p3 at the time he touched me in a way no other character has ever managed. he makes me feel so feral i'm rattling the bars of my cage i'm foaming at the mouth chomping at the bit etc etc i'm crazy i'm insane over him. he's my third favorite character of all time only behind the twins and honestly if enstars weren't my forever fandom and i didn't feel guilty about it i might say it's a three way tie for my number one. he's just like me fr (derogatory) he's my big brother he's my son he's everything to me!!!
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Watching the CL26 bowling video where they had a large number of LDH groups bowl against each other. No subtitles, Vibes Only. DEEP and Doberman Infinity are there, but I admittedly know them less - I have heard of SWAY and Kazuki from Doberman Infinity and that's - basically it. I apologize to them, they all look to be lovely men.
But I'm mainly here for our Jr. Exile boys - THE RAMPAGE sent 6 mbrs - Likiya, Hokuto, YamaSho, Ryu, Shogo, and Kaisei. Fanta sent four - Sekai, Sota and both Natsukis. Ryoga from Psychic Fever and Masa from BBZ are hosting, so they aren't playing, but the other 6 boys from each group are.
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(our beautiful hosts)
This is a longass liveblog. I apologize. It's more than 3k words. In my defense, the video is an hour and a half long. It starts after Doberman Infinity and DEEP went in the first round of the first game because I felt the need to liveblog when RMPG started. Whoops 😅
I tried to reread and add in, like, emojis and shit where I thought they were needed, because I wrote this in notepad. But this is all meant in good humor and good fun.
First round of play happens - Ryu goes up for RMPG and I'm like "You've got this, buddy. You've got this, I believe in you." And he rolls two gutterballs in a row, so RMPG scores 0 for the first round. Oh, buddy, I am so sorry. He looks SO pained. Admittedly, RMPG loses basically every time they're competing against other groups, so, at this point, I think they're expecting it.
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(oh, baby. it's okay. You did your best.)
This is unfortunately followed by Sota scoring a goddamn strike because that boy IS a prodigy, his own objections be damned. 😂
BBZ sends up Riki, who scores a 9 and then rolls a gutterball, much to his own disappointment. However, still doing better than RMPG!
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(poor Sota 😂)
PsyFe sends up Tsurugi, who is seems to be jokingly beefing with Sota, our beloved baby boy prodigy. Tsurugi gets 7 on the first throw and 2 on the second.
DEEP's Keisei got a 3 on the first round, then DEEP's Taka comes up and scores a spare, for 18 points at Round 2.
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(I don't know him very well, but he just looks very stylish to me.)
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(I am not sure what's happening here, but 'onii-chan' and 'otouto' was said a few times? Genuinely confused.)
Doberman Infinity got 9 in the first round and the man sent up for the second round has - something? Going on with Tsurugi, mayhaps a older brother/younger brother vibe. He scores a 5 and then a 3, giving Doberman Infinity a score of 17 total at the end of Round 2.
RMPG sends up - Hokuto. The pained noise I made. Oh, buddies. Oh, no. I love Hokuto, Hokuto's not the clutch player for physical games in most scenarios. I am hoping I will be proven wrong. I have low expectations, the bar is not hard to beat, buddy. Please. He said he's gonna get a strike, I am in pain.
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(he is far more confident than I am.)
Holy shit, he got 4! I will take 4! And then a gutterball. RMPG is losing. RMPG has already lost. Across two rounds, RMPG has 4 points.
Hori Natsuki is up for Fanta, and he gets 9. He also looks really good in that light purple. He misses the last pin, but considering Fanta is rocking a goddamn 28, Fanta is still doing pretty damn good.
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(I stand by Hori Natsuki looking good in this purple)
Miku's up for BBZ. I am still not used to blond Miku. Oh, gutterball.
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(Oh, Miku, buddy, I'm sorry.)
And another one, but still doing better than RMPG! BBZ has 9 points in round 2.
Kokoro's up for PsyFe. C'mon, buddy. C'mon. I believe in you. Gutterball again. Oh, god, oh no. C'mon. C'mon, Kokoro, I love you, you got this. 6 pins! PsyFe has 15 points at the second round.
Standings at the end of the second round:
DEEP: 18
Doberman Infinity: 17
Fanta: 28
BBZ: 9
PsyFe: 15
Round 3
DEEP's round 3, Yuichiro, the third gentleman, rolls a 5, then 4. DEEP has 27 points in Round 3, still hanging behind Fanta, but doing pretty good considering.
Doberman Infinity sends up Kazuki, one of the 2 members I actually have heard of (again, I'm sorry). Gutterball, RIP Kazuki. Second ball gets 6, Doberman Infinity finishes Round 3 with 23 points. Still doing better than RMPG.
RMPG sends up Shogo. … Fuck. Physical challenges - do not - necessarily - become Shogo super well, from other videos I've watched. They were older videos, so - hopefully - please - let him have gotten better.
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(He looks pained.)
Oh, thank god, he got 6. He got a fucking spare! Shogo! My boy! My boyyyy! Well done! RMPG is no longer absolutely miserably behind. At the end of Round 3, they have 23 points.
SawaNatsu is up for Fanta and gets a 4. He gets a spare! Fanta is the Team to Beat, my god. They are doing really well. They end Round 3 with 47 points. … 47 points. Jesus Christ.
BBZ sends up Yoshi. He also looks nervous. He gets 8, then a gutterball. BBZ has 17 points at the end of Round 3.
PsyFe sends up Weesa. C'mon, buddy. He nearly falls over when throwing the ball, but scores a 9. He nearly falls again on second throw and misses, but PsyFe has 24 now.
Standings at the end of the third round:
DEEP: 27
Doberman Infinity: 23
RMPG: 23
Fanta: 47
BBZ: 17
PsyFe: 24
Round 4
Keisei, DEEP's first gentleman, is back up and he gets a gutterball on his first throw. RIP, sir. And a second gutterball. RIP, sir. DEEP has 27 points in Round 4.
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(the face of a man in pain.)
SWAY is up for Doberman Infinity. My god, he gets a strike. So Doberman Infinity is doing well. Congrats, sir. Doberman Infinity has 42 points at Round 4.
Kaisei is up for RMPG. First throw 9, that is the best of any RMPG member so far.
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(he is going to succeed or die trying because that's how Kaisei rolls.)
And he gets a goddamn spare! Kaisei, you ABSOLUTE MIRACLE WORKER of a man. Oh, my god. Kaisei, thank you. It will not be an absolutely miserable loss for RMPG. RMPG has 43 points at Round 4.
Sekai goes for FANTA and gets 9 on his first throw. Is FANTA gonna do a massacre? Not quite, his second throw misses, but they still have 56 points in Round 4.
BBZ sends up Ryusei. He gets 4, then 5. BBZ ends Round 4 at 26 points. We have found something BBZ is bad at, I'm impressed.
Ren goes for PsyFe. First throw gets 6, then he gets a spare! Well done, Ren! PsyFe has 44 points in Round 4.
Standings at the end of the fourth round:
DEEP: 27
Doberman Infinity: 42
RMPG: 43
Fanta: 56
BBZ: 26
PsyFe: 44
Round 5
Taka, DEEP's second gentleman, is back up. And he gets a strike! We know who DEEP's strongest bowler is, he's gotten a spare and a strike. DEEP has 47 points in Round 5.
Doberman Infinity's 5th gentleman rolls a gutterball. But he gets 9 on the next roll. Doberman Infinity now has 51 points.
Please, YamaSho, please. Please be good at this. Please. He gets a fucking strike! Buddy! Hell yeah! What a comeback! RMPG finishes Round 5 with a score of 60.
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(Not only is he good at bowling, he also looks very good in this video, in my opinion)
Sota's up for Fanta again. First throw is 8, and then he gets a spare. Fanta, damn, you boys are really fucking good at bowling. They have 73 points at the end of Round 5. Hmm, I wonder who's winning.
Rikiya is up for BBZ. First throw is a 7.
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(Ryuta looks - vaguely concerned - as Rikiya goes up for his second throw.)
Rikiya gets 1 more pin, BBZ has 34 points in Round 5.
PsyFe sends Jimmy, who gets a goddamn strike! Damn, boy! We love a king. PsyFe ends Round 5 with 57 points.
There were 3 strikes and a spare in Round 5, holy shit. That is the best round so far. RIP, BBZ, I think the first time I've ever seen them in the bottom in a competition, this is unusual.
Standings at the end of the fifth round:
DEEP: 47
Doberman Infinity: 51
RMPG: 60
Fanta: 73
BBZ: 34
PsyFe: 57
Round 6, the final round
Yuichiro is up again, for a fucking strike. Two strikes in a row, well done, DEEP! It looks like DEEP's final score is 57? I think.
I am discovering I have NO IDEA how strikes and spares are scored.
Doberman Infinity is obviously sending SWAY back up, since he's their best one. First throw is a 9, and he unfortunately misses the 2nd throw, but Doberman Infinity finishes Round 6 with a score of 60 and they are definitely not in the bottom. Well done, sir.
Likiya is up for RMPG and, once again, I am praying. Please. Please be good at this. Please. He gets a 1. Ah, shit. Oh, no. But they can't be worse than BBZ at this point.
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(after he threw the one, he turned back to the crowd and said "Mecha mecha pressure!" 😂)
Second throw gets a 6. RMPG finishes with 67 points. Thank god, they're not the worst team for once.
FANTA sends up Natsuki again, he gets 7. So they have at least an 80, so, like. Hmm. I wonder. I wonder who's winning. Odds of getting a spare seem low, since two pins are on one side and the third pin is on the opposite side. He rolls a 2. Fanta has 82.
Ryuta's last one up for BBZ. They are Fucked. He got 4 pins after it looked like it was going to be a gutterball. He's jokingly crying into his arm as he goes to get the ball for his second throw, which nets him - one pin. BBZ has 39 points and Ryuta is once again jokingly crying into his arm.
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(so that, mayhaps, didn't go as well as he would've liked 😂)
Ryushin's up for PsyFe. C'mon, buddy. Ah, shit, gutterball. Early gutterball, too. He gets 3 on his second throw and PsyFe ends at 60, tied with Doberman Infinity.
There's another hour left of this, so I assume there's more games of bowling ahead. Game 1's rankings are:
Tied between PsyFe and Doberman Infinity
Game 2! Not sure if there's a rules change of some variety, there's a lot of text on the screen, I'm very confused. It feels like a rules change? I don't know how you change the rules of bowling?
Doberman Infinity seems to be up first. Is it seeing how long your ball rolls for? There's a timer going. But they were REALLY distressed when it went into the gutter. I am Very Confused.
YamaSho is going for RMPG. His ball is faster than the Doberman Infinity gentleman's, but it is going straight down the aisle. He scores a strike, because YamaSho is, apparently, good at this game. Damn, sir. I don't know if the strike matters? I hope it does.
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(our bowling king - and look at Kaisei's cute smile in the background!)
SawaNatsu is going for FANTA. It ends up in the gutter as well.
Miku is up for BBZ. And it's in the gutter. I still have no idea what's happening, but gutterball seems to be Bad. The Doberman Infinity gentleman seems to be - consoling them? Every time.
Kokoro is going for PsyFe. Nope, that's a gutterball, too. So we're at 4/5 gutterballs. So he gets a handshake from the Doberman Infinity gentleman.
Taka, DEEP's best player, is going for them now. Notably, he's doing the same thing YamaSho did, but his ball swerved and ended up in the gutter riiiiight at the end. So YamaSho's the only one who didn't end up in the gutter.
Doberman Infinity is sending up Kazuki for attempt 2. His ball went fast, but he got a strike and it didn't go in the goddamn gutter. Well done, sir.
RMPG sends up Kaisei for try 2. Goddamnit, his ball ended up in the gutter in seconds. But, hey, YamaSho still did well round 1.
Sekai rolls a gutterball for Fanta, RIP. Ryusei's ball also ends up in the gutter. Weesa ends up in the gutter, too. And Keisei, DEEP's worst player, is up, oh, poor DEEP, poor man, honestly. I believe in you, sir - oh, no. So. Once again, only one ball didn't end up in the gutter.
RMPG wins this game, whatever that means. I think it's because YamaSho's ball took the longest to roll - his was, like, 7 seconds, whereas Kazuki's was, like, 3.5 or something? But, hey, not last place! And Doberman Infinity gets 2nd place, because, well, they're the only other team to succeed. And because everyone else failed, they get 0 points. Ouch. BBZ already only had 10.
Game 3 is - Bingo bowling? How does that work? My god, I wish I could know what the rules are. I think they have to roll specific numbers in order to make a bingo?
Before bingo bowling starts, we get a recap of the positions.
RMPG, with 110pts. My boys, my comeback kings. They will probably somehow figure out a way to lose, because that tends to happen, but for one beautiful, beautiful moment, they are in first place.
Doberman Infinity, with 90pts.
Fanta, with 60pts.
PsyFe, 40pts.
DEEP, 20pts.
BBZ, 10pts.
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(all of the bingo cards are identical and look like this for reference)
YamaSho is going first for RMPG for Bingo Bowling. And he gets a gutterball, damnit. Second throw, gets a 7.
Sota is going for Fanta. He gets a 7. It looks like he's asked if he wants to go again, maybe? And says no.
BBZ sends up Ryusei, he gets a 6. Ryusei also seems to be asked if he wants to go again and, again, says no.
Tsurugi is going for PsyFe. He gets a 1 and keeps it.
DEEP sends up Yuichiro. He also gets a 1 and they also decide to keep it.
Doberman Infinity's man gets a 7 and keeps it.
Hokuto's going for RMPG. He gets a 7 and is throwing again and gets a gutterball. Buddy. RMPG only has a 7.
Hori Natsuki is going for Fanta and it sounds like he's aiming for 5, but gets a gutterball instead. He gets a 3 on second throw. So Fanta is one 5 away from a Bingo.
Riki goes for BBZ. He's aiming for 9. He gets 8, but is throwing again in an attempt to get that 9. And misses.
Jimmy's up for PsyFe. He gets a 2 and PsyFe keeps it, because it's right next to their 1 from last round.
DEEP's Keisei, poor man, is up again and gutterballs it. He gets a strike on his second throw! Holy shit, sir, congratulations, but I don't know if that's a good thing? They didn't get a number on the bingo.
Doberman Infinity is sending up the gentleman who seems to have a brotherly dynamic with Tsurugi and he throws a strike. Aaand the strike is apparently a bad thing, they didn't get a number on the bingo definitively.
Ryu's up for RMPG, please, buddy. He gets a 6 and there seems to be a strong debate over whether or not he's doing a second throw. I think he's doing a second throw. They end up getting an 8, so they now have 7 and 8 on the board and only need 9 for a bingo.
SawaNatsu's going for Fanta, they just need a five. But he gets a strike. It's definitely a 0, RIP.
Rikiya's going for BBZ. He gets a 9, so they have 6, 8 and 9 - they only need a 7 or a 3 to win.
Ren's up for PsyFe. They just need a 3 to win. First throw is a 2, they're trying again. He ends up getting a 7 instead. So they just need a 3 or a 4.
Taka is up for DEEP, good luck, sir. He gets a strike. Ouch. He looks so pained.
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(pictured: the aftermath of one of the most painful strikes on record)
Doberman Infinity sends up SWAY. They're aiming for 5. They get a gutterball first try. Second throw, and a gutterball the second time. Ouch.
RMPG sends up Shogo. He wants a 9. First throw is a 5, I think, and they take it. So now they need either a 2 or a 9 for a win.
Fanta sends up Sekai. Gutterball throw 1. Strike throw 2. RIP, Fanta.
Ryuta's up for BBZ. He's aiming for a 3. They get a 7 instead, getting them the first bingo! Congrats, BBZ, maybe we'll have new comeback kings.
Ryushin's up for PsyFe. Gutterball throw 1. 4 on throw 2. Apparently they are now tied with BBZ for first place because they got bingo.
I think we are starting over on a new bingo to determine second place. DEEP got an 8 on their first throw, Kazuki got a 6 for Doberman Infinity.
For RMPG, Kaisei does a first throw and gets 4 and he's trying a second to see if he can knock down one pin to get a 5 instead and he does!
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(pictured: a king)
Sota throws for Fanta - throw 1 gutterball. Throw 2, 9.
Yoshi's up for BBZ - I am really confused? - and gets a gutterball on throw 1. Throw 2, strike. RIP.
Weesa's up for PsyFe. 1 on throw 1 and they're taking it.
DEEP gets a 9, so now they have an 8 and a 9. They just need a 7 for bingo.
Doberman Infinity also gets a 9, so they have a 6 and a 9, they just need a 3.
Likiya's up for RMPG. Please, buddy, please. They get a 4, but I think they've having him throw again. Please. No spare. He gets a 9 with the second throw, so they have a 5 and a 9 and just need a 1.
Hori Natsuki's up for Fanta. Gutterball, then 6. They have a 9 and a 6 and just need a 3.
BBZ sends Miku. He gets an 8. They keep it.
Kokoro for PsyFe. He gets a 1 again and he's going for a second throw, which gets nothing. So they sit at just a 1.
Taka is up again for DEEP. He gets a 7, which is what they need for bingo.
I have No Idea what's happening, it looks like the other groups are still finishing their round? And they might be able to get a bingo. Doberman Infinity gets a 5 and keeps it.
Kaisei's up for RMPG, c'mon, buddy, just - just get a 1. Just get 1. Gutterball on throw 1, he was so close. I can't watch throw 2, but he gets a 2. Shit.
Fanta sends SawaNatsu. They need a 3. Can he roll a 3? Everyone is crowding to watch, it's honestly getting impressive how many people are behind Fanta's booth. First throw is a gutterball. Second throw is a gutterball. RIP, SawaNatsu.
I think maybe my boys won the whole competition? Maybe? It sounds like they may have won it. Hokuto's talking and I think he's thanking Kaisei.
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(The hosts asked Likiya a question and I would just like to say, I think he looks good in this video)
They did win it! We cut to another shot where the 6 RMPG boys are all in their 16 tour gear and it looks like they're getting their gift cards. Yay! They didn't lose miserably for once! Ha!
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(They won! For once! And they look good here, too.)
But we seem to be cutting back to the bowling alley for another game? They're explaining a lot of rules. It seems to be timed, but not for any specific team. I am not sure what the rules are, but it seems like you're okay as long as you knock down some pins. Ohhh, I think you might need to knock down at least the specified number of pins and now Masa's rolling for BBZ and he does get the 8 required pins. Oh, god, is PsyFe swapping Ryoga in when they need at least 9 pins? God. Brutal. Ouch. But homeboy gets a fucking strike! Ryoga, Ryoga, Ryoga!
Ah, shit, DEEP needs to get a strike and it's our gentleman who hasn't been bowling super well. He gets 8 pins, but not a strike. Ouch.
And we're starting over again from 1. C'mon, Kazuki. He does it. Hokuto, buddy, you just need 2, oh, thank fuck, he gets it. SawaNatsu, gets a strike, so he gets the required 3. Rikiya also gets a strike, so the required 4 have been knocked down. Tsurugi gets 8, which means they met the at least 5 requirement. Taka is up, he gets 8 and so they've met the at least 6. SWAY's up, he needs 7, but only gets 4.
Starting over from 1 again. Ryu's going for RMPG, he does it. We need a 2 from Sekai, we get a gutterball. RIP.
Starting over from 1. Ryuta needs a 1, we get success. Kokoro handles 2. We need a 3, DEEP's player just misses it.
Starting over from 1. Doberman Infinity gets 1. We need 2, Shogo succeeds. Need 3, Sota succeeds. Need 4, Yoshi fails.
Again, we restart. Need 1, Weesa succeeds. Need 2, DEEP's Keisei succeeds, yay. Need 3, Doberman Infinity does it. Need 4, Likiya succeeds. Just barely, but he does! Need 5, we get a gutterball from Hori Natsuki.
Restart. Need 1, Miku gutterballs it.
Restart. Need 1, Ren succeeds. Need 2, Taka succeeds. Need 3, Doberman Infinity's player succeeds. Need 4, Kaisei succeeds. Need 5, SawaNatsu succeeds. Need 6, Riki gets a strike and succeeds. Need 7, Ryushin gutterballs it.
Restart. Need 1, DEEP's Yuichiro succeeds. Need 2, SWAY succeeds. Need 3, YamaSho succeeds. Need 4, Sekai succeeds. Need 5, Ryusei succeeds. Need 6, Jimmy fails.
Restart. Need 1, DEEP succeeds. Keisei got a strike, yay. Need 2, Kazuki succeeds. Need 3, Hokuto gets a goddamn strike! Need 4, Sota fails.
Restart. 1, Rikiya gets a strike, success. 2, Tsurugi succeeds. 3, DEEP succeeds. 4, Doberman Infinity succeeds with a strike. 5, Ryu gutterballs.
Restart. 1, Hori Natsuki succeeds. 2, Ryuta succeeds. 3, Kokoro fails.
Restart. 1, DEEP success. 2, Doberman Infinity gutterballs.
Restart. 1, Shogo success. 2, SawaNatsu gutterballs.
Restart. 1, Yoshi success by the skin of his teeth. 2, Weesa success. 3, DEEP success. 4, Doberman Infinity fail.
Restart. 1, Likiya success. 2, Sekai success. 3, Miku success. 4, Ren success. 5, DEEP success. 6, SWAY success. 7, Kaisei success. 8, Sota fail.
They apparently had 15 minutes to see if they'd succeed and unfortunately they did not. But, damn. Points for tenacity, they restarted 15 times, which means they attempted it 16 times.
And that is unfortunately the end of what I can understand by vibes alone. There seems to be some amount of speeches, but this concludes the bowling. I hope, if you read it all, that it amused you at least slightly.
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ganbaruwayo · 5 months
Sekikomi Gohan ft. Hatsune Miku Translation by Platonic水を食べる / Free to use with credit and a link back to this post.
虚な眼差しに祈る 焼き切れた回路に I say a prayer to that vacant stare, on a burnt-off circuit 一度だけ 一度だけで良い Just once, just one time is enough
駆け抜けた世界で独り 無くした落とし物 Alone in a world that’s run its course, I’ve dropped and lost something 探しても 探しても Even though I look, I look for it, まだ 見つからないでしょう? It still hasn’t been found, hasn’t it?
名前も存在も いつか消えてなくなる My name, my existence, one day they’ll disappear, they’ll no longer be Only Lonely Only Lonely 大事な約束事さえ 泣いて儚く溶けていく Even that big important promise, while crying, I’m fleetingly melting away そこに涙は残らない Though, I’ve no tears remaining
空回る世界に1つの愛を Even though I was called crazy, for forgetting 忘れたって狂ってたって A single love in an empty, revolving world 聴こえてる?僕の声 Can you hear it? My voice 奇跡縋って2つの愛を It’s okay to wish for two loves, clinging onto it 刹那だって願っていいじゃない Like a miracle, even if it only lasts half a second 覚えてる?僕の想い Can you remember it? My thoughts 束ねては 結びつく All bundled and tangled up, 記憶 リメンシア The memory of Rementia* 君と歩いていた この道を I was walking together with you, on this street.
崩れ去る身体に祈る 燃え尽きた感情 I say a prayer to that crumbling body, on these burnt-out emotions 一度だけ 一度だけで良い Just once, just one time is enough
加速する世界で独り 追いかける幻想 Alone in an accelerating world, chasing after a fantasy 連れていってよ 連れていってよ Take me, please, take me along with you, まだ 消えない内に While I still haven’t disappeared
ズレた時を生きて そして置いてかれていく I live in displaced time, and thus I am left behind Only Lonely Only Lonely 悪夢のようなこの始末に 光無きこの命は This outcome is like a bad dream, lightless is this life 抗い拒み続けていた 歌って I sing, continuing to fight against and refuse it
振り返る世界に確かな意味を In a reminiscing world, standing in the future 未来に立って 君を待って With absolute certainty is the priority, I’m waiting for you** 届いてる?僕の声 Is it reaching you? My voice 強く願った 動き出してよ Strongly prayed after, it starts to move, 思い出して 掴んだこの手 Memories begin to flow, this hand that I clutched, 感じてる?僕の想い Can you feel them? My thoughts 束ねては 結びつく All bundled and tangled up, 記憶 リメンシア The memory of Rementia
2人誓ったその夢を That dream that the two of us pledged
息が詰まって 溢れ落ちていく I’m having trouble breathing; it’s overflowing, falling down, 虚空満ちて 滴る願い Emptiness fills the sky, desires trickling down 愛している I love you, ねえ そうでしょう? Yeah? Isn’t that right? 醒めて還った 僕の世界に I woke up and came back, in my world 溢れ咲いてた 月下の花 Flowers, in the moonlight, overflowing and blossoming 今だけは 今だから Just at least for now, because it’s ‘now.’
カケた世界に1つの愛を Even though I was called crazy, for forgetting 忘れたって狂ってたって A single love in a world of a faded photo 聴こえてる?僕の声 Can you hear it? My voice 記憶辿って2つの愛を It’s okay to wish for two loves, tracing the path 刹那だって願っていいじゃない of my memory, even if it only lasts half a second 覚えてる?僕の想い Can you remember it? My thoughts 束ねては 結びつく All bundled and tangled up, 未練 リメンシア The lingering attachment of Rementia 紡ぎ繋いでいたこの道が宝物 Spinning and tying it together, this street is my treasure
*Rementia: Re(peat) + Dementia. The majority of the Japanese audience of this song points this out and agrees, and those comments are liked by the producer, so given the major theme surrounding memory I’m 100% sure that’s the intended message. **確かな意味を未来に立って is the phrase of note here -- meaning “Standing in the future with absolute certainty”, however, the verb part of it is sung as 先に立って which means “to take precedence.”
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thrilling-oneway · 1 year
My first thought seeing the countdown is that it's a scene from each character's focus (and then whatever they're doing for the vocaloids) (assuming miku is being saved for the actual day) but then realised Shiho hasn't had a unit focus for the year they're basing them off of (eh they'll probably just give her a Don't Lose Faith scene anyway).
My second thought is that if that's the case An's is going to be from Light Up The Fire and that made me sad again. And also Mafuyu. So the countdown is half sweet (gay) scenes and half the angstiest things imaginable.
ajshdkjahsj yeah the only thing about them shuffling the event order to wrap up stories is that some characters haven't gotten a unit event since second anniv while some have gotten two. everyone does have at least one event though even if it's mixed (shiho got the 2.5 anniv banner which i forgot existed until i went through the event list just now)
my guess is 20 character (1 per human and no vsingers) + 5 unit illustrations (1 per unit). the fact they started from 25 days means there's probably no vsingers bc that should make 26 (usually on the day they do an illustration with all the unit reps). last year they started from 21 (20 characters + 1 with all the starter vocaloids from sakura event)
my main question is are we doing pairing/group illustrations or are we doing random event moments. because picking the anhane nap scene for kick it up a notch seems kinda random to me lol. like if you did a significant scene from that event i'd pick Kohane's solo performance. picking the anhane scene at least from the perspective of only having 1 illustration for reference seems like we're doing relationships. not even talking like ship stuff, like maybe we'll get mafuyu and her mum for mafuyu's illustration. the idea of looking at different relationships for characters is interesting to me.
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justgoji · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for MEIKO, or mayhaps KAITO? :3
So I know a lot of people ship KAITO with Miku but I’m personally a KAITO and MEIKO kind of guy. Idk I just feel like they were made for each other or something
So for MEIKO, I like to think she’s a very skeptical person, but also very loving as well. She will often question the possible outcomes of a situation before acting upon it, unless it involves a certain drink, in which case she won’t take a second thought. MEIKO’s also very fond of KAITO, despite being a little bossy to him at times.
And for KAITO, half of the time he’s just a big softie with child-like wonder, and the other half he’s a bit flirty. He likes it when things are cold, and because summer is a hot season, he’s not a big fan of it. KAITO also loves MEIKO a lot, and would probably be very distraught if something happened to her one day that would separate them.
I know this probably isn’t much, but I hope it satisfies you.
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derpycatsu · 1 year
hiiii haiii (^∇^)!!
u said u wanted more asks/were fine with asks so here i am :0 thought i would ask something fun :]
do u have a list of ur favorite goobers :0? ur favorite little silly guys if u will. the ones that u just want to crush with ur bare hands in the most affectionate way ever. and if u had to, how would u rank them :0? the scale of which u rank them could be anything that u want lol
hope u have fun with this and here’s a cat to keep u company on ur blog (u gotta give them a name) :] : 🐈
HI MATT!!!!!! I LOVE U <3333
OOOH okok let me grab them…
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(list for anyone that wants it :) wallace (pokemon), ryan akagi (infinity train), tulip olsen (infinity train), hatsune miku, shad (loz tp), umi sonoda (love live!), howell wizard (bapc), prince gumball (adventure time), wataru hibiki (enstars), vivid bad squad (prsk))
ok i tried to pick like actual characters i like and not just kins LOLLL so i decided to rank them based on how intense my sp/in was! wallace obviously being the first and infinity train second :-D there are some more characters id put up here but image limit U_U. wallace/pokemon being a sp/in for me for a year and a half now and i believe my infinity train sp/in was 10 months? and twilight princess has been around for basically my entire life but its always been an on and off thing
the others would be bee (bapc), vash + wolfwood (trigun), snake + otacon (mgs), mew + pikachu (pokemon), prof sycamore (pokemon), vaati (loz tmc), callie + marie (splatoon). and also every single twilight princess character. and im sure theres more im forgetting… ALSO these arent in any particular order they r kind of all equal to me
but yeas those are my guys.!!!! i love them so much
AND AS FOR THE CAT. im naming it steve minecraft thats his full name
hope u have a great day matt :-D bye bye!!!!!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
ok ok but actually i want to know ur thoughts on the en titles like even with my limited understanding of japanese im????? on half these titles and worse i gotta memorize them bc youtube forces u to read them that way. nooo its not testament its kyuuyaku hankagai nooo its not blade its shuuen touhikou....
okay i actually have my yt set to jpn so all i see of the eng titles is actually second hand but from what i know
last i checked aru sekai shoushitsu was left untranslated. i dont know how i feel about that.
problem for me starts with kyuuyaku hankagai. kyuuyaku IS old testament yes thats where the eng testament comes from. hankagai is actually a bit of word play on magus part bc there IS a word hankagai meaning like a business district or busy downtown area but the hanka magu uses in the title is actually for scientific generalizations with the suffix of town at the end. so u end up with something like town of the old testament's generalizations which. right away u can see how much extra context ur getting from that alone. reducing it to JUST testament leaves out a lot of detail & makes it more open to interpretation. if i didnt know the og title id see testament & go "oh its called testament bc its a testament of her will to work so hard and go thru all this horror time after time after time" but thats not it. look im not a religious person at all but it goes beyond word choice here the opening text is reminiscent (at the very least) of dante's inferno, 2 songs later we get more church imagery & a whole angel, this isnt a one time thing its also a part of the story & to leave it as just testament makes it so easy to ignore or overlook that part. and then there's the fact its one of the songs tied directly to a certain world's disappearance. disappearance has its main lines distributed under specific headers of sorts, each being a single 2 syllable kanji. the first of which is kyuu which is literally "past". translating both to reflect this in eng is. difficult esp when it gets to other songs but even if u leave it as old testament the "old" is Still There & its a lot more possible to catch onto the connection (hard maybe but not impossible)
shuuen touhikou makes me need to talk a walk and im not joking. fucking "blade" sounds like ur trying to appeal to edgy middle schoolers. aside from that when i hear blade im thinking its going to be a fighting song - maybe not a physical fight, but theres going to be conflict- and yes! there IS conflict in this song! its not what i would expect from seeing blade tho! she is fighting & yes the lyrics are like. using her sword to try and forge her own path out when the others let her down, but blade makes it seem like idk some noble fight or something. but u read demise escape & u KNOW shit's serious. it IS a fight but its that kind of "god i dont want to die like this" type of primal fight and not some cool miku swordfighting action. this girl's been told to sit tight and it will work out & she knows thats wrong & the only thing left is for her try whatever she can so that maybe MAYBE she can make it out alive. demise escape as a title hits the type of fear & heaviness thats in the series and gets across and entirely different picture than what blade could ever do. and. again. as one of the main songs blade completely lacks anyway to tie back to the og song. the lines in shoushitsu are shuu which becomes the shuu in shuuen. end & demise are harder to accurately translate in both songs so even with the more accurate eng title its not that easy to tie back into shoushitsu but like. at the very least u can add it as a fun fact or something somewhere.
oumen mokushiroku i just have to sit here & accept that it actually works much to my own dissatisfaction. the direct translation is concave revelation BUT mokushiroku is part of the lyrics in shoushitsu & it has an alternate reading of being pronounced "apocalypse" so a series accurate title here is concave apocalypse & concave is for the most part just tying back to the ou/concave lines in shoushitsu. for as much as i think about this song i actually dont have anything deep to say about the concave part of the title beyond that so like. fine. reduce it to just apocalypse fine whatever i hate it but [throws my hands up] u win this time magu
unplanned apoptosis is accurate the only problem is in jpn u can catch the a-a alliteration in the title but thats not a problem with the translation thats a problem with the english language itself. the alliteration thing is in fact series context btw it keeps in with that repeating fractal theme they emphasized in shoushitsu and kyuuyaku. same with marshall maximizer but there u can actually see it. kanons fine.
kugutsu ashura is. hm. im nitpicking here. literally its puppet ashura. this isnt connected to a shoushitsu heading so ur not losing anything in that regard. however. from what ive been told about ashura (thank u my friend emimin) they arent very.... in control of things. per se. so when u compound that with puppet in the title it just really drives home what she's doing is not her own will. she cannot affect anything beyond how shes supposed to (i guess thats an okay way of putting it) which saying this is also why the motif isnt in this song either but thats off topic. ashura by itself doesnt bother me as much as the others but theres just that little extra context u get from knowing the first part is puppet that adds to it from a series standpoint.
laboratory is fine the only thing is in jpn it has the separation (labo-ratory) so its obvious its on of the songs with the alliteration theme going on. more of a fun fact than actually being wrong. its fine.
as far as i know yamete kudasai and kannagi dont have the official eng titles?? even if they did idk what to say about them bc these titles are already weird from a series standpoint anyway. they dont fit into the 5 kanji title songs category they dont fit into the alliteration category theyre just kind of here. if there IS thematic importance to them we're only going to know when more songs get posted. they dont have any keywords or kanji that tie into any other specific song either. theyre just here.
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fridayyy-13th · 9 months
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
yes absolutely there is, oh man you have no idea. i've been pretty vague about it the few times i've mentioned it, but i've got a TMA WIP called Minutes to Midnight that's just...augh. i've been keeping most of it under wraps, but yknow i figure i can at least talk about how the idea came to me and the general premise of the thing.
so one evening back in 2022, i was playing Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX on my 3DS, specifically the song Cendrillon—my favorite vocaloid song, even before this. i was half zoning out half thinking of an English cover of the song i liked (not necessarily important, but it was this one), and i thought to myself "hey wait a second. the plot of the song ends with the Cinderella character stabbing her prince to death, even though she doesn't want to. TMA ends with Martin stabbing Jon to death, even though he doesn't want to. wait just a second—" and then i proceeded to pull an all-nighter brainstorming ideas for a fic (i would've been up anyway, i had a flight to catch a couple hours later, it's fine lmao).
so it's a TMA/Cendrillon fusion AU! and also angst with a happy ending because i am incapable of smashing two tragedies together and keeping the resulting story a tragedy!! and i'm aware this is probably the sort of AU that's only really gonna appeal to a very niche group of people (namely, me), but dammit if i don't write this thing i'm forever gonna be disappointed in myself. i'm already mildly disappointed that it's taken me this long with hardly anything to show for it, but also there's been enough edits to the story over that time that ehhh, i can't say i'm not glad i've been taking my time on it. the story flows a lot better than it did when i initially thought of it.
(ask game)
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figurecollection · 1 year
hiya zan! is baba :D
i went to LAGC yesterday! decided to go yesterday instead of today because i thought that merch wouldn't be quite as "plentiful" on the second day. i've decided next year we're just gonna go to HJ instead LOL.
it waas decent! it was pretty busy, and the setup was almost the exact same as last year, but there wasn't really "much" i was interested in because (understandably) it was pretty filled with mainstream/popular stuff. lots of nge, re:zero, jjk, just a huge amount of miku everywhere, and some sao. there was quite a lot of "older" figures which was really charming, but nothing that i could justify buying, which was a shame.
i did see a figure i was interested in, the sakura miku lamp with the battery lightup, but a literal thirteen year old brought it before i could look into it AHAHA she seemed really happy though so actually i'm really glad it was her who got it, i'm just happy i got to see it in person because she was a lot bigger than i was expecting for a prize fig.
the issue being that if i get a miku fig i wantto get "the miku fig to end miku figs" so i feel content with not getting any more, so i'm trying to figure out what figure of her i'd actually want. i guess deep sea girl, but actually my dream figure would be her bottle figure with the water/fish in her hair, its just a gk though orz.)
turns out anon has a limit on text. .w.);;
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Is this the bag in question?
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I love these bags a lot, I collect My Melody and would love er version of this bad so I'm really glad you got it. I've also seen the Klee scale at cons a few times (I went to Doki Doki Festival yesterday and saw they had a raffle for one and thought about you) so I hope you can get her soon. I'm glad you had a good time, I understand it's nice to go to cons just to walk around. Also I know how much it sucks to watch someone else buy something you want from in front of you LOL. I like a decent amount of popular series but it's rare that I can justify buying something I know I can get for half the price online. Older figures tend to be be cheaper anyway at cons. It's honestly really nice to just see stuff in person though. I'm glad you had a good time. I really recommend Hyper Japan, I might see if I can make it for November so you might see me there if you go then!!
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loopingpyre · 1 year
top 5 Obbligato Musicians
Here have some Caligula 2 rambles
5. Mu-Kun
He sucks. Doesn't have a creative bone in his body, but is so desperate to been as valuable, but even with Redo he ends up second place in the one thing he thinks he can do, composing- to the propaganda writer of all people. You see Mu-kun's all the time online, even his producer name isnt creative it's effectively Miku-kun. Insane. Gin tells him to get fucked in such a fun way yknow.
4. Kranke
OH MAN. How do you justify someone having a wheelchair in a digital world where everyone can fix themselves? Jesus Christ, she's so fucked up I love her. But it's like, sure she's fucked up but I totally get her. Kranke.....
3. #QP
Has a whole "I didn't think I swung this way" moment with the FeMC, straight up says she'll hang on the winning team to your face, desperate to find love and affection that will give her life some sort of purpose
2. Bluffman
I THOUGHT HE WAS GOING FOR A BRAHMAN REFERENCE WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S THAT PATHETIC. Incredible major antagonist, [redacted song lore], some amount of bias exists because he shares his VA with Satoru Yukidoh, a favourite VN protagonist of mind
1. Kudan
Writer, self concious about a stutter, has read Dies Irae and watches Gundam, her song Miss Conductor is amazing, incredibly loyal to a fault in such that it induces obvious oversight, her charisma in Redo is godtier, auggggh, half of her is just like me fr.
Regret is an honourary 0th place becsuse holy shit I love her so much but I can't elaborate because I don't want to rereramble about spoilers.
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