#I think there are several more striking similarities. But yes that one too
jacksintention · 1 year
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mysticdoodles · 1 year
hi i saw a post about the fish playing with the human child and even though your addition to that post is 3 years old by now i would love to hear more about ftm sheephead fish :3 (no pressure btw!)
Fish curiosity, in my inbox?? It's more likely than I think, apparently! xD
First off, there's actually multiple fish dubbed 'sheephead'! There's the sheepshead- note the extra S in there- and they look like this:
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And yes those are their teeth. Horrifying tbh, but they're very good at what they do- crushing invertebrates and other shelled snacks! They're an Atlantic species that sticks to temperate and warmer waters, and they max out at about half a meter in length.
That's not the fish we're talking about today. The focus of today is the California sheephead wrasse- note the lack of a second S- also known as the 'sheephead' for short. Not confusing at all! We definitely don't bash our heads into walls over the naming conventions and lack of record-keeping of our scientist predecessors.
THIS is the sheephead wrasse, the species of the lovely and now Tumblr-famous Red! :D With a length of up to a FULL meter, they're a whole different size class of fish! They can be found along the west coast USA from the Baja Peninsula all the way up to Monterey, and dwell almost exclusively in kelp forests and nearby environments. I will use one of Red's pics as an example of female coloration-
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The lighting isn't great but you can see how her body is streamlined, and besides the white underside of the jaw, has a salmon-pink coloration! Females can be pink or a dull silver-beige. And much like other large marine wrasse, MALES have a drastically different appearance.
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This thing is built like a damn tank!! Sheephead are a species of wrasse that shift colors to gain those striking black scales and physically bulk up when becoming males- because guess what? ALL OF THEM ARE BORN FEMALE! By default, all male California Sheephead are FTM trans :) They use that bulky head and extremely tough set of jaws to not only hunt their preferred prey- mollusks, gastropods, and bivalves, etc- but also to bash and chomp down on rival males. This one has won many battles, look at that scarred up muzzle!
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The sex change is determined by several factors, as it's not guaranteed all sheephead will eventually become males. Because sheephead school in a harem system- many females to very few males- in order to maximize pressure of stronger offspring, the biggest and healthiest sheephead male will drive out competition from the school. Naturally, a sheephead that lives longer and gains a greater size will have a much higher chance of shifting from a female to a male, if the conditions are right. Stress induced from competition can suppress the hormones that stimulate this transition in females, so they're less likely to gain size and shift from female to male if there's already strong competition taking place. However, in the event there are too few males to mate with the females, or no males present at all, the biggest female will start transitioning to fill the empty slot! It's a long process that can take as few as a couple months, or up to years, depending on resources available.
Conversely, if there are TOO MANY males, they can revert back into females! This process also takes a long time, and is a lot more rare to witness, especially because right now male California sheephead in particular are being spear-fished into becoming an Endangered species :c Sheephead adult males in good condition are considered a trophy animal in spear-fishing and similar marine trophy hunting off the West coast, and because males in particular are being targeted, the gene pool is being reduced when it wrecks the harem structure of schools.
As a fun fact- they're also an incredibly smart fish, and can form relationships with humans, as demonstrated with me and sweetiepie Red cx There's many documented cases of large marine wrasses forming long-term friendships with divers! Here's a humphead wrasse that made friends with a diver she learned would crack snails open for her with a hammer:
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I don't work at the facility with Red anymore, but I currently work with two unnamed adult male sheephead, and once again they both like me and seem to despise all my coworkers, even if I never had the opportunity to train them like I did with little Red xD They pick favorites I guess? Now if only I could make friends with the garibaldi...
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Speculative Analysis: Why TFP Soundwave is so Terrifying to His Fellow Cybertronians
Time for an essay on why I think TFP Soundwave might have chosen his current cryptid form—electrical tentacles and all. There’s a TL;DR at the end, so feel free to scroll down first and then decide if you want to read the full thing.
This will involve cross-continuity speculation, centered around TFP / Aligned but with some IDW / MTMTE lore thrown in. This could also loosely apply to Bayverse Soundwave, but I won’t be focusing on him. I’m confident you all can infer the potential implications for that version of his character by the time you reach the end.
Okay, so I’ve seen several fellow TFP fans speculate about why Soundwave went from beefy gladiator to bonafide cryptid. Some say it could have been due to the loss of his horde of “minicons” (the term used in ‘Exodus’ by Alex Irvine). Others think it was just Soundwave’s way of adapting to the direction of the war by taking on a form that would give him the best strategic advantage in his position as Megatron’s communications officer. I agree with the latter, but I think there could be more to it than that.
As we see in the flashback for Ratchet’s story and the TFP Titan comics, Soundwave had his current frame type, armor, and alt mode back on Cybertron:
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[Sarcastic Soundwave: Superior]
In the real world, Soundwave’s design is based on the MQ-9 Reaper military drone—an earth-based aircraft, but I’m not going to address that small discrepancy since it’s not relevant to this analysis. Skinny, cryptid drone Soundwave existing prior to his arrival on earth supports my theory anyway.
“Can’t we throw a tarp over him? He’s creepin’ me out.”
-Bulkhead in Minus One
On the surface, Bulkhead’s comment and Smokescreen’s subsequent response seem like an interaction between a couple of Autobots who are unnerved because they’re familiar with Soundwave’s reputation—Bulkhead more so than Smokescreen since the latter had probably not seen Soundwave up close in action before coming to earth. However, I think some of Bulkhead’s fear might have been due to an entirely different reason: Sparkeaters.
While reading MTMTE #3, my eyes were met with this lovely sight /s :
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[Hey, wasn’t the energon eater in Rescue Bots called “Sparky” too? I guess it’s a cross-continuity tradition to call life-sucking parasites “Sparky” at least once.]
Terrifying? Yes. But I stared in horrified awe at this abomination and thought, “Wait. One. Fragging. Minute. I’m having a galaxy brain moment.”
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Mind. Blown. Their overall sharp, jagged appearance, their thin, but formidable frames, their prehensile cables extending from somewhere inside (fuel lines for the sparkeater; multipurpose tentacles for Soundwave). I was—and still am—fascinated by the uncanny resemblance.
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[Now who’s Sparky?]
It’s true that sparkeaters aren’t confirmed to be canon in the Aligned continuity, but their existence isn’t denied either. We got something similar with the zombie Terrorcons, but those were a new phenomenon produced either by Megatron’s blind ambition and stupidity or Knockout and Starscream’s lack of forethought and scientific restraint. For the sake of where I’m taking this, let’s assume that sparkeaters, as defined by IDW, do exist in the Aligned universe. What would this mean for Soundwave’s disturbing choice of frame/body type? Why choose a visual motif so strongly associated with death and disease?
One word: Mimicry
Mythologically, historically, and medically, sparkeaters are inseparable from death and disease. Their very existence instills fear in most Cybertronians. What better way for Soundwave to strike terror into the sparks of his enemies (and potential enemies) than to take on a physical form that resembles the sparkeater—something that has been known to kill normal Cybertronians using a deeply disturbing, painful, and even sacrilegious method? Even though the initial shock of seeing a “sparkeater” show up during or around a fight would have dissipated once the Autobots realized it was mostly cosmetic, an impression would have been left. Coupled with his spy capabilities and gladiator-style prowess in combat, a message would have been sent: Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
And there you have it, folks! Another reason to love Soundwave’s design.
I could see Soundwave being called a few things by allies and enemies alike: “The Decepticon Sparkeater,” “Soundwave the Sparkeater,” or just “The Sparkeater.”
An interaction between two Autobot scouts:
Scout 1, over comms: “You there, kid? Who is it? Who did Megatron send this time?”
Scout 2: “It’s The Sparkeater! He’s here!”
1: “You mean Soundwave!? Do you have a visual?”
2: “How many ‘Cons do we see walkin’ around looking like sparkeaters??? Of course it’s Soundwave! And yeah, I’ve got a visual.”
1: “Aw, hell. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.”
TL;DR: Soundwave may have put more thought into his appearance than is obvious. He may have opted to look like a sparkeater as a way of sending a highly effective warning.
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sl-walker · 1 month
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
There's now an updated post with more color cards here!
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free! Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails. And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Midcentury Modern - $26 (sold!)
A fun and lively set of thirty nails, including three half-sizes for more granular sizing. These stand out with flat orange and teal meeting beautiful holos in turquoise, navy, red-orange and orange! These have a sharper tip and look elegant as hell, no joke. Great for anyone who really wants to draw people's eyes to their hands or, if you're like me, just stand under bright light and stare at how pretty they are.
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3.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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4.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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5.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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6.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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7.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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8.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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9.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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10.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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oftenwantedafton · 8 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 4
Rating - Explicit
Warnings- sexual content, non/dub con, kidnapping, restraints, minor violence
Also available on AO3
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A Monday evening. Six months to the day William Afton had first met you. He’s working second shift. So are you.
The air is stale outside. It hasn’t rained in nearly two months. You’re wearing another dress today, a similar style to the sunflower one you’d previously worn. Airy ruffled cap sleeves and flowing fabric and delicate pearlescent buttons. The pattern on this one is pale pink with little rosebuds. Pink high heel sandals with patterned rosebud laces that match the dress winding around your ankles. Your toenails are polished dark pink. Rose water scent to compliment your outfit.
Tonight he tugs you into one of the many liminal spaces when you leave for break. Backs you against the wall. Rests a hand there and leans into you. Inhales deeply. Kisses your neck. Feels you shiver against him.
“Your surprise is ready,” he murmurs. “Do you want it?”
Your eyes are lidded, hazy. Thumbs hooked into the belt at his waist, hanging heavy, letting him support some of your weight. “Yes, I want it.”
“We’re going to Freddy’s. You remember how to get there?”
He’s never taken you back. He’s been saving it. For this very moment.
You nod.
“I’ll meet you there. Make sure no one sees you.” His tongue occupies your mouth for the remainder of your break.
You’re standing outside the opening that leads inside the abandoned pizzeria.
You hadn’t expected the surprise to be in here. You think maybe it’s something to do with the animatronics. Perhaps he’s gotten them working again somehow.
Dave Miller appears.
He pulls you inside the restaurant. Leads you through the darkness. He does not even attempt to use a flashlight. You’re reliant on his guidance. He stops short at one point and you’re pushed against the wall. His kisses are rough, sloppy. Your cheeks and jaw and throat are wet from his mouth. You bury a hand in his hair. Listen to his ragged breathing. Feel the space between your legs throb.
You’re led forward again. You hear the sound of the breaker switch. The snap and pop of the fluorescents reawakening. He guides you in a new direction, some place you haven’t been before. So not the dining room with the animatronics, then. And not the arcade, either. You’re heading deeper into the establishment.
The security guard pauses beside an open door and gestures for you to enter.
For the tiniest sliver of a second you feel doubt. Misgivings like you’d had in the beginning. There was something off here. Something wrong. But he’s earned your trust these past few months. You follow his command and enter.
It’s a security office. Stacks of monitors sitting on top of a battered desk. A console with rows of switches positioned before them. The technology looks somewhat dated. You can see a variety of areas captured on those surveillance screens. The center stage. The hallways. The dining room. Kitchen. Main entrance. Prize counter. Cash register. And this last one which looks completely different from all the rest. This one newer, with several angles all partitioned on one large flatscreen that’s dead center. A living space. You see a bedroom and a kitchen. Frown and glance at Dave.
His eyes have gone black. He advances on you, one palm seated against your throat. Your buttocks strikes the edge of the desk. He grabs one of your hands and presses it against his crotch. You gasp and he moans at the feel of you touching his erection. Your pussy is tingling again.
You’re too shocked to respond properly. The hand against him is frozen, just feeling that intimidating presence. The hand resting along your throat moves down and drags harshly against your dress. The top several buttons surrender. You hear more than one clatter to the floor. His mouth is frantic on yours.
“Dave…wait…” It’s too much, too fast.
“I’ve waited for this for six months,” he growls, nipping at your bottom lip. His hand shoves beneath your bra and roughly massages your breast. “I’m done waiting. You wanted this, remember? You asked for this.” He squeezes your hand still positioned against his cock.
You did, but not like this. He’s too rough, too aggressive. You have no control over what’s happening and it’s frightening. “Dave, just hold on a second, okay?”
His mouth lifts off your throat and he looks at your features. “This could have gone so much differently. Just remember I gave you a chance.” The hand imprisoning yours releases and shoves inside his right pants pocket. The other knots in your hair. You’re trapped between him and the desk. You push against him futilely. You hear the sound of liquid in a glass bottle shifting. He wrenches your head back and covers your mouth with a cloth. You try to scream and the chemicals drag into your lungs. There is a taste of something sweet. “Oh, and by the way, my name’s not Dave,” he whispers beside your ear.
You lose consciousness.
You awaken and find yourself somewhere soft.
You’re lying on a bed. The room is dimly lit by shaded wall sconces. You feel the mattress beneath you shift as weight is added to it. Dave—or whatever the security guard’s actual name is—has just sat beside you. There’s something metal touching one ankle. Your sandals are missing. You struggle to sit up and he pushes you back down, his hands on your shoulders.
“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you, unless you make me.”
You try to swallow. Your mouth is so dry. Cottony feeling. You have a terrible headache. “Why are you doing this?”
He still holds your shoulders. “Because I went to all the trouble of making this place just for you. Inviting you into my home. And you don’t appreciate it.”
You frown. It’s so hard to concentrate. Your mind feels foggy. “What do you mean, your home?”
“I mean, it’s my home. Mine. I own this place. And now, I own you.” His teeth flash, sharp and bright even in the softly lit room. A wolf revealed.
“Who are you?”
“My name is William Afton. I’m the original founder of this establishment, and that name carries a history with it. Hence the alias. You’ll forgive me for that, won’t you?”
“Why didn’t you just…if all you wanted to do was rape me—”
William shakes his head violently, cutting you off. “—No. You’re misunderstanding my intentions. There is no satisfaction in simply taking by force. It’s too fleeting. I prefer something more sustainable for the long term.” The hands still gripping your shoulders relax. His thumbs trace circles. “If you’re good, you’ll be rewarded. I’ll give you whatever you want, within reason. If you’re not, I’m afraid the consequences will be unpleasant.” He leans closer to your face and you flinch. “In time you’ll realize this is all for the best.”
“Someone will find me. My mom will call the police.”
“False bravado does not suit you, my dear. No one will hear you. No one will find you, either. This place is completely concealed and soundproofed and continuously monitored. The police can search all they like. They’ll never discover anything. They never do. And even if they somehow trace your disappearance back to me, rest assured I will be able to talk my way right out of it. This isn’t my first rodeo, as they say.”
“You’ve kidnapped other girls?”
“Children. Not girls. Not a young woman like yourself. And rid your mind of that filth right now. That’s not why I took them. I had a much different purpose in mind. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Let’s focus on the subject at hand: namely you. You have free run of this room, as long as you cooperate; otherwise I’ll be forced to restrain your further. Bathroom and shower behind the wall there and no, there is no camera angled there, so you’ll have privacy. Toiletries and things for when you have your monthlies. Clothes, linens in the closets. Kitchen is stocked but I’ll bring you other things if you need them. Books to read, some on your beloved ancient Egypt. Contemporary magazines. Television, DVD player, movies, CD’s too. Things people your age seem to enjoy. It should all be more than enough to keep you occupied for now.”
You heart sinks lower and lower the more the older man speaks. A wave of nausea rolls over you. Why had you ever trusted him? You should have trusted your instincts. You should have…
Your eyes well with tears. Afton frowns. “None of that. It’s a change, I understand. Something to get used to. But you will get used to it. Soon enough you’ll enjoy my kisses again. My touches…” He kisses the corners of your eyes, collecting the salted liquid pooling there. One of the hands holding a shoulder slides down, dragging over your breast and along your ribs, pausing when it reaches your hip. “I know you want it. And you’re going to get it, I promise you. I’ll make you feel so good, you can’t even imagine.” He gathers a handful of the dress and tugs until it comes undone level with your thigh. Calloused fingertips stroke along your exposed skin. You squirm, the chain rattling slightly. He wedges a hand between your legs, sliding it up to the fork between. “You’re wet,” he observes, caressing the crotch of your damp panties.
You shake your head in protest, struggling against him, but the hand still pinning you down is unrelenting. “Did you ever fantasize about me doing this?”
You glare at him, refusing to answer. His fingers move deftly and you gasp involuntarily.
“Lying is considered bad behavior. I don’t recommend it,” he cautions you. “This is your first warning.”
“Yes,” you say through gritted teeth.
“What else? There’s more, I can see it. Tell me.” His breath is warm against your face.
“I wondered if…if you were doing the same, thinking about me.”
“The thought of that excites you, doesn’t it? Maybe even more than the thought of me touching you. Hmm?” His thumb presses against your clit through the fabric and your hips grind against him.
“Yes.” You hate him for doing this to you. Hate that he knows you so well. You hate yourself for wanting him to move his hand beneath the waistband and touch you directly. Sick. You’re so sick for enjoying this. His fingers wrap around the fabric. Why had you worn lace today? It tears easily beneath his fingers, ripped from your body. There is no longer any barrier protecting you.
“Good girl. You see how easy it is to cooperate?” His hand abruptly vanishes from between your legs and he leans back.
You stare at him incredulously.
“You have to earn that, my dear.” He releases your shoulder and rises to his feet. You sit up, pushing yourself back into the corner where the mattress abuts the wall. “It’s getting late. I’m sure you’re tired. Try to get some sleep. I’ll be back in the morning.” He’s about to stifle a yawn when the scent of your sex still clinging to his fingers floods his nostrils. His eyes darken and he climbs back onto the bed, pinning your wrists, his mouth rough against yours. You bite his bottom lip, teeth sinking in until you taste blood.
William draws back, grinning. “If you think that will deter me, you’re sadly mistaken.” He licks his lips rapturously. “Get some rest now. You’re going to need it.”
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
🍃 anon your mind!!
Hob finds himself in The Dreaming. He’s been there before maybe a handful of times now, a privilege he doesn’t realize he has as one of the few who know Dream for what He Is, but this is the first time Hob passes the gates.
Hob flows through the library as if he’s on a conveyor belt, shelves and titles passing by just slowly enough to read but too quick to pick up. Hob reaches one in particular ‘His Name: Jim’, but is whisked all the way to set of doors similar to the gate but so much more… delicate, responsive? Hob means to push through but the doors open with barely a touch.
The throne room - it is clearly the throne room. It’s the centerpiece of the entire chamber - is grand, no doubt: the ceiling is nearly too high to see, the stained glass windows loop and swirl settling and reforming, and the stairs… at once a serene bend and then impossibly, dauntingly long, leading to a single seat.
Striking, Hob thinks. Artistic. Impressive.
And there. On that grand, imposing, unapproachable pedestal, there was his Dream. Somehow as frigid as a statue yet pouring over the arms, liquid and resting his hand upon his
Hob blinked twice. There was no doubt, Hob had lived several centuries, seen his mother heavy with two of his sisters, and he’d had a wife and a child (…’children’ he corrected. Always corrected.)
Point being, he knew what pregnancy looked like.
So here was his Stranger, eyes closed, rubbing slow circles over his stomach, seemingly lost to the world. If you could call this a ‘world’? And here was Hob watching, with not a clue what to do or how he was here or
Why he wasn’t the one holding Dream instead of that fucking chair.
Hob takes the first steps in a while since that strange conveyor through the castle, deliberately setting his foot on the stairway. He begins to ascend
‘Hob Gadling?’
He can’t see Dream from his current place on the stairs, but he would recognize that voice anywhere even if he and Dream *weren’t* the only beings in this vast hall (Hob isn’t positive on this, but he and Dream were the only beings Hob gave a damn about at the moment even if not).
His eyes snap up and he takes the stairs two at a time, breath somehow remaining steady despite the exertion, and just as he rounds this turn to catch a glimpse of Dream again, this time leaning forward on one slim arm the other cradling his rounded belly, Hob says
He blinks awake, legs twisted so thoroughly into his blankets he would have tripped if he’d tried to get up.
‘Running…’ Hob breathes out. He unwraps the sheet and blankets around him, sighs and lies back on his pillow. He’s not sure what his subconscious is pulling on him, but he knows it’s trouble. Dream is barely his friend now - after centuries! - Hob can’t afford to get distracted.
He absolutely can’t afford to be horny about the whole thing.
But his brain can’t stop rewinding to that first impression: Dream, serene, rubbing soothing circles over his full belly. So prominent on his boney frame.
Hob closes his eyes and wills himself to sleep.
What he actually does is spend an hour Not Thinking about Dream and eventually having a cold shower just in time to leave for his first class.
This is nothing.
It’s fine.
- 🎱 anon
(I have …more help)
Omg yes!! Here's the link to 🍃's original ask for those who missed it. I'm definitely excited to talk more about this!! If you have more my dear anon, I'm always delighted to hear it!
I always love the idea of Hob accidentally dreaming himself into Dream’s personal space, either because he's just thinking about him so much or because the dreaming subconsciously recognises him as an Important Person and lets him get through the usual walls that sheild Dream from normal people. I particularly love this idea of Hob seeing Dream in this truly intimate moment... the two of them staring at each other, both lost for words.
And then Hob wakes up.
And it's not that Dream is embarrassed. He's more than a god, such things are nothing to him. But. He values his relationship with Hob Gadling, their fragile and still fresh friendship is special to him. He wouldn't want it to be spoiled. But there's nothing he can do - the dream within him is close to being born and he can't go into the waking world in this state. He'll simply have to hope that Hob forgets his dream or passes it off as nonsense.
Little does he know that Hob is spending his day desperately trying to catch a nap, even a snatch of sleep, so he can get back to the dreaming. He's concerned for his friend but there's something more than that. He can't let go of the image of Dream holding his gravid belly with tender hands. He feels this tugging sensation around his heart; a desperate and primal need. He needs to take Dream in his arms and hold him. It feels cosmically important.
The moment he drops into a brief sleep, his subconscious lands him right there in the throne room, just in time to find Dream crouching over, holding onto his throne with an iron grip. Dream’s face is twisted up, not in pain... but in pleasure.
And Hob realises that he's arrived just in time to see Dream give birth. Whoops!
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shifting scales
violence and cannibalism , shifter!au pre-canonish
Magnus stares at the large grizzly bear roaring in the middle of his club and seethes. It’s only out of courtesy for seelie and unseelie that Magnus allows those with angel blood to shift in his club.
It’s because of this that he has bouncers and wards that alert him the movement of nephil blood. Hardtail — while not belonging to Magnus — should have similar protections and Magnus is furious that it doesn’t.
Magic is hard to wield, to use against another’s shifted form, but Magnus is more than adept at it after years of battle. His talents are unneeded however when something drops from the railings and pipes of the ceiling.
It’s an anaconda, a muddied swamp color with brighter hints of vicious green and gold tangled through it’s scales. Magnus takes two steps back in admiration… and respect.
The anaconda targeted it’s prey with precision while striking from above and Magnus watches as dripping fangs tear through thick fur and muscle on the neck and, while it strikes, the bands of it’s body tighten.
The shifter-bear dies howling, caught in a half-shift as he’s pulverized internally and around them, people are fleeing and screaming. There are no mundanes in Hardtail and every single person there can see what is going on.
“Magnificently done.” Magnus allows and he steps forward to admire the way the anaconda unwraps itself from the corpse
There’s a moment of contemplation as cold, intelligent eyes watch Magnus in return. Then, in an act that Magnus has heard rumors of, but never witnessed, the nephilim shifter eats the one it’s slain.
“Hermano—” a young woman murmurs and she’s looking at the snake as it magically expands and swallows the bear down with a grimace. “Did it have to be a bear?”
“It’s not like I’m going to forget what my own sister looks like, Izzy.” A deep, dry voice says and Magnus blinks because where the snake was, is now a gorgeous man. He stretching, smirk on his mouth and two small fangs still peeking out. He rests his hand on his belly for a minute and Magnus reminds himself to tell Ragnor about this, because there is no sign that he’s just swallowed another person whole in this form.
“I’ve eaten plenty of bears and never made a mistake with you.”
“Yes I know, it’s why we don’t have any siblings.” Then she winces and she turns to Magnus, as if he’s the one she’s worried about. “Alec didn’t eat any of them! It’s just he ate Robert, so we couldn’t have anymore siblings once our sire was gone.”
There’s a moment where she pauses, clearly aware that she’s only making this worse for her brother, though Magnus is reluctantly charmed. Especially by the irritated scoff it earns her.
“Robert wouldn’t have been allowed that privilege anyway. If she didn’t kill him, mom would have at least castrated him.” The shadowhunter mutters, “and I didn’t eat him. Mom did, I just poisoned him first and you know why I did that.”
The girl scoffs and flips her hair, “I never said he didn’t deserve I. Just that you’re why we don’t have any more siblings.”
“Again, it wouldn’t have happened even if he’d lived and mom could have married again.”
He pauses, face in a grimace and he shifts, massive form writhing before he spits out several unlit, adamas blades. A moment later he’s back on his feet and picking up the weapons with a grimace.
“You think a single nephilim is going to marry her again? Everyone knows what happened to her last mate.”
“All they have to do is not cheat.” Is grumbled and there is a sigh before the shadowhunter tucks the weapons away into his jacket. Considering he just spit them up, Magnus is curious as to where he’s putting them now.
Magnus is entirely too charmed by this conversation.
Especially given it’s highly inappropriate setting and the fact that he’s just witnessed something the clave and no shadowhunter has never admitted to being real. Another way for the nephilim and clave to pretend they’re better than downworlders, that they don’t participate in ritual acts of cannibalism.
“It’s not like it’s hard. If they want more partners like you do, then they just talk about it. He’s lucky my venom worked faster than my muscles back then.” And then he flashes his fangs at her teasingly.
She growls back and moves a little further away, but she’s not scared, Magnus realizes. She’s just wary and he understands instantly that it’s her instincts. She just watched her brother eat something that she shares instincts with and with the scent of bear-fear in the air and all of him, she’s hesitant to go near.
Magnus has no such instincts warning him away and he strides closer, intrigued beyond anything he’s felt recently.
“I suppose you’re the ones who want a meeting with me.” Magnus says, eyes intrigued as he watches the shadowhunter curiously. His eyes are unglamoured and they meet eyes that flicker two eyelids in quick delight when their gaze meets.
“An unruned, unbloodied nephilim recently appeared in New York. The mundane neighborhood she lived in was burnt down, the fire started from her house and looks to be purposefully and magically set.”
“The fire went beyond the house?”
“The wards around the house weren’t being maintained properly, as if they were focused more on hiding than actually protecting.
Magnus curses under his breathe because his instructions to Dot were clear and this is unacceptable.
“We know that things are tense right now, that there is danger. We’d like to have a more formal meeting, in a place of your choice.” Alec — as his sister called him — still hasn’t introduced himself but neither has magnus. “The girl has connections to the Circle and possibly Valentine himself. Now that she’s under my authority, she has my protection but I will not protect traitors. I need to know if she’s lying, her mind’s been tampered with, or if anything else might be going on.”
“I certainly don’t mind taking time out of my busy schedule for something as interesting as that.” Magnus drawls, like this isn’t the chance to get an in with the Institute while hiding the depth of his own involvement and hopefully, that Ragnor is involved at all.
There’s a pause, and Magnus realize he’s still being watched and then Alec nods, turning with his sister to walk away.
“Alexander, you haven’t given me a time.” Magnus says, magic reaching out to caress the hunter’s shoulder and he turns, eyes bright and interested.
“Send me a fire message when you’re free.” Magnus is told with a smirk, “I’ll come as soon as you send it.”
Magnus stares as the two meld back into the crowd with a smirk, knowing that Alexander has offered to be at Magnus’ beck and call, rather than the other way around.
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mimilind · 9 months
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A Magical Classmate - Part 8
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 3500
Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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Draco and you start dating for real. When he meets an old friend, part of his burdens may be lifted from his shoulders.
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8. A Wizard and a Muggle
After Draco made up his mind, it was like turning a switch. He changed from morose to cheerful, and after many more sweet kisses he asked you to follow him home. 
Unlike the last time you were in his apartment, now there was no need for him to hide anything from you. He showed you how he used spells for everything from cooking to cleaning his teeth, and some of his wizard equipment too. He had a clock with strange numbers and symbols, and several sets of black robes which you recognized from the Halloween party.
“No wonder you didn’t know how to use electrical stuff when there are so many spells. And how sly to dress like your real self for Halloween!”
He smirked. “I thought it was a brilliant idea.”
Next he pulled out a photo album where each image moved. Most of them pictured a chubby toddler smiling toothlessly into the camera.
“You were such a cute baby.”
“Really? I think I was ugly. Look, I had no hair at all.” He traced an image with his finger, where baby-Draco was riding a broomstick across a neat lawn. “Flying is what I miss most from my old world; there is this sport we have, where we use broomsticks and different balls and I was rather good at it.” He absent-mindedly rubbed the callouses in his palm. Perhaps he had gotten them from gripping the broom handle.
In the next picture a handsome man with long, platinum hair was posing in a chair, his lips curled in a contemptuous smile. The likeness with Draco was striking, apart from the arrogant expression. It could only be his deceased father. 
Draco frowned and turned the page.
Another photo showed a beautiful woman at a concert piano, her fingers dancing soundlessly over the keys. 
Draco’s frown disappeared and instead he looked sad. “That’s my mum. She taught me how to play.” He nodded at his own piano.
“Do you miss her?”
“Sometimes.” He shut the album closed and put it back. “Want to see my potions? I made most of them myself.”
He had rows of bottles with labels in his neat handwriting. You examined one marked ‘dreamless sleep’. “I can see now why you like chemistry.” 
“The subject has many similarities, yes.” He took the bottle from you and put it back. “I don’t think I will need this tonight.” He gave you a small kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad you came. I always hated sleeping alone.”
His words reminded you of how late it had become. With everything that had happened you weren’t sleepy at all.
“Shall I put out an extra mattress or will we share my bed?” Then he quickly added: “I meant for sleeping, not…” His voice trailed off and his cheeks colored rather cutely.
“We can share.” You were secretly relieved he had no other expectations; you didn’t think it a good idea to rush it and sleep with a guy on the first real date.
Preparing for the night together with Draco was very different this time. Now you were sober, and had all the things he told you still fresh in your mind. When he undressed and exposed his tattoo you now knew the meaning of it, and though the sight of him in a tank top still gave you butterflies, it also reminded you of his dark past.
It felt a bit awkward and embarrassing to take off your pants and socks in front of him, but that disappeared when you slid under the comforter and was met by Draco’s warmth and now familiar scent. You edged close and pressed your nose against the crook of his neck, and he put his arm around you, softly stroking your back over your t-shirt.
Despite the late hour, neither of you were tired. Protected by darkness you talked, sharing more about yourselves; childhood memories; hopes and fears; personal things you had never told anyone before. 
When you could think of nothing more to say, you started kissing again. Lengthy, intimate kisses, so gentle and soft your heart swelled with fondness. 
After a while the kisses changed, becoming more intense. Draco raised himself on his elbow, leaning over you to deepen the kiss, slipping a hand under your t-shirt to caress your bare skin. 
You responded with the same eagerness, mimicking his movements. When you explored his broad shoulders and hard, flat chest, and felt his heated skin against your fingertips, new emotions stirred in you.
Draco drew back first. “Maybe we should sleep,” he mumbled breathlessly. “It’s already past sunrise.”
You willed your heart to slow its pace, glancing at the windows where a faint light spilled in. Seagulls squeaked outside, a common sound around dawn in this city. You estimated it was three or four in the morning. 
“Sure. But this time of year it’s always past sunrise.” You gave him a last, sweet kiss. “Good morning then, and sleep well!”
“Good morning,” he replied with laughter in his voice, looking adorable with mussed hair and chapped lips from all the kissing. 
Not long afterwards you fell asleep in his arms with a smile lingering on your face.
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You were surprised with how easy it was to get used to dating Draco. How his magic became part of your everyday life in the same way as his company grew familiar and comfortable. It soon felt completely natural to let him warm and dry you with charms after a cold swim, or eat a meal he used spells to cook. When you had a headache you swallowed a potion rather than medicine, and if you wanted to get somewhere it was very practical to ask Draco to apparate you instead of taking the bus, even with the nausea you got from the teleportation.
Draco adapted to you in a similar way. Under your influence, he learned to dress like a muggle and how to use all the electrical appliances in a normal home. He bought a TV, a mobile phone and a Playstation, and no longer had to be bored when alone in his home. Not that he was alone much; the two of you alternated between staying at your apartment and his, and you rarely spent a night on your own.
This day was warm and sunny; Sweden was showing its best side. You were at a beach not far from the city with Catrine, Andreas, Martin, and Martin’s boyfriend.
Draco lay stretched out on his back on a patch of grass between the bare, smooth cliffs, closing his eyes against the sun. He wore only swimming trunks and had used a spell to hide the Dark Mark; it was apparently a bit of a hassle to keep up which was why he normally preferred long sleeves.
You took the opportunity to admire his body, rare as it was to see him shirtless outdoors. You found him especially attractive now, in an adorably scruffy way; his hair disarrayed and damp from bathing and his jaw covered in stubble, and a healthy tan contrasting with a scatter of fair hairs on his chest and stomach that continued in a thin line down to his trunks. The sunshine painted his ripped torso golden and the mesmerizing sight gave you flutters. 
Suddenly you wished you were alone at the beach.
He opened his eyes. “I’ve been counting back. We’ve dated for two months today.”
Catrine made two thumbs up. “Yay! This calls for a party.”
“Why not? You’re all welcome to my place tonight, then.”
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It became a wild, but fun party. The morning after you were tidying away empty bottles and scores of burst, heart-shaped balloons (a gift from Martin), feeling perfectly well thanks to a dose of one of Draco’s amazing potions, when he came out of his lab looking slightly concerned. “This was the last batch; from now on we’ll have to resort to muggle medicine.”
“Can’t you buy more?”
“No, I can only get the ingredients from a wizard apothecary and if I show up in the magical community my cover will be blown.” He sighed. “I wish I had polyjuice potion; then I could have gone there looking like someone else. As of now, I’ll just have to make do without potions.”
You didn’t like the sound of that at all; you had gotten too used to his potions to give them up. 
You pondered over it for a few moments. “What if you use that concealing spell? You could go to the apothecary and take it off long enough to buy what you need.”
“Hmm. I doubt any shop owners in this country know me by sight… it might just work.” A pleased smile broke out on his lips. “I could buy more glassware as well, and a new cauldron.”
“Can I come too? I’d love to see a part of your world.”
He firmly shook his head. “No. Too risky.”
By now, however, you had become an expert persuader, and Draco clearly had a weak spot when it came to obliging you. It didn’t take long for him to budge.
“Alright then,” he acceded in mock exasperation. “You’re too curious for your own good.”
Draco chose an early Saturday morning for your visit since he figured the place would be basically empty at that hour. He apparated you to the entrance, which was located downtown in an underground garage. When you arrived, fighting your usual nausea from such transportation, a sickening smell of stale urine worsened your condition.
“I had imagined it to be a bit more stylish,” you said, covering your nose.
“Wait to judge until you see what’s on the other side.” He went over to one of the walls and stood in front of a spot that appeared no different from the rest of the whitish-gray surface. Using his wand, he tapped a pattern.
“There; it’s open.” He took your hand. “You need to trust me for the next part.”
“Then close your eyes.”
You closed them only partly; you didn’t want to miss what would happen, but when he commenced to lead you through the wall they squeezed shut by their own volition at the last moment.
You opened them again at the other side – widely. “Oh my God,” you breathed.
Entering the Swedish wizard shopping area felt like being transported back in time at least a century. The buildings were quaintly mismatched, with pillars, turrets, and decorative trim, and the street was paved with uneven cobblestones. 
“Welcome to Trollstavenyn. Pretty neat, eh?”
Under the disillusionment charm, and a silencing spell to hide your voices, Draco could show you around, explaining what was in the shops, and you gaped at everything with excited awe.
“Amazing. I wish we could go into them all and look more closely.” You pressed your nose against a window with an assortment of animals inside. 
“We’d better not.” He took your hand again. “Let’s shop for potion ingredients now. I’ll need to remove the muffliato charm so remember to keep very quiet.”
The apothecary was even more intriguing than the other shops you had passed. On the crowded shelves you saw jars and bottles of everything imaginable, from powdered spiderweb to unicorn lashes soaked in rum. 
Draco pointed his staff to himself, turning visible again, and walked up to the counter where an elderly witch was labeling glass bottles. “God morgon,” he greeted in Swedish. “I need some ingredients.” He handed her a list. 
He was waiting as she packed his purchases into a bag when the doorbell rang and a beautiful witch entered. Unruly curls cascaded down her back almost to her waist.
You went cold. Oh no! This was exactly what he had feared. To be recognized. Would he have to move away now? You couldn’t stand the thought of losing him!
On hearing the witch’s voice, Draco’s frame grew rigid, his features undergoing a strange transformation from neutral to haughty. 
He slowly turned around with a contemptuous sneer on his lips. “Why, if it isn’t Granger,” he drawled.
She closed the distance in two long steps, looking genuinely delighted. “I can’t believe I found you of all people, here, in this small town! Where have you been these years? How have you been? You just disappeared. Everyone wonders what happened to you. And your mum… I used to work with her and even she doesn’t know where you are.”
His sneer immediately disappeared. “Mum… works?”
“Yes, can you believe it? But she’s changed. A lot.”
“Is she, uh… well?” His voice was neutral but his face betrayed his coiled tension.
“She’s worried about you. And misses you, of course.”
The look on Draco’s face wrought your heart. You slipped your hand in his, squeezing it. 
The witch narrowed her eyes. “Is someone there?” She looked vaguely in your direction and you held your breath, keeping as still as you could.
Draco frowned. “I have to go.”
“Wait… It’s been so long. Can we talk over a butterbeer or something? I want to put your mum at ease. Please.”
You squeezed his hand again, looking at him encouragingly. His cover was already blown; he might as well talk to her and find out more about his mother. You knew he missed her too and regretted he had had to leave. Whenever the topic of parents came up, he would grow rigid with repressed emotions.
“Alright then,” he muttered.
As the witch led the way to a nearby inn, you were dying to ask Draco about her. Was she one of the kids he had mentioned who would pretend to be his friend because they envied him? Or was she one of those he had bullied? But if so, she wouldn’t have looked so glad to see him…
The inn was small and cozy, with wood paneling and a merry fire burning in the fireplace despite the warmth of summer. Draco and the witch received their drinks, and you eyed them curiously. They smelled sweet, like toffee. Maybe you could try one too after the witch had left. 
The witch sipped her butterbeer. “I still can’t believe I chanced to meet you. I’m only here for a brief visit to learn about the Swedish Short-Snout dragon’s healing properties. For my research.”
“You study healing, then?”
“Yes, and soon finished, too. This research is for my final thesis.” She continued talking, first about her studies, then mentioning several names, relating what they did now and who dated whom – small talk, that you had a hunch was mostly meant to make Draco at ease. 
When she was done, a silence ensued. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to take another sip but the bottle was empty. 
“Draco…” She leaned across the table, becoming serious. “I’ve been meaning to thank you, but you disappeared so soon after the war there was never an opportunity.”
He blinked. “Thank me?”
“For not turning us over to… him. That time in your manor. We were caught, and I know you recognized us, but you said you weren't sure who we were. You saved our lives.”
“Oh.” He shifted his stance again. “Well, then we’re even, I guess… You guys saved my life in the war too.”
“Have you been in Sweden all the time since it ended?”
He shook his head. “I went to South Africa first, to a sanctuary for magical creatures. I, uh… volunteered, actually. After Dad died, I just wanted to get away from everything. Get a fresh start.” He looked at his empty bottle, twirling it in his hands. “It didn’t work too well, as it were; as soon as people heard I was British I’d get questions about the war. All the questions I didn’t want to answer… Then I figured with my looks I might pass as a Swede and moved here instead. Unfortunately the language was complicated as hell so I thought ‘screw it, I can’t pretend to be from here’, and joined a muggle university as an exchange student.”
“A muggle university? You live among muggles?” The witch’s eyebrows rose so high they disappeared under her curly bangs.
“I know; ironic, isn’t it? I thought it would be the last place anyone would look… But, getting to know some muggles, I found that… It became more than just a hiding place.” He glanced at you. “I’ve made friends here.”
”There is someone there! I knew it.” Her piercing eyes brushed over you again. ”You can show yourself; I don’t bite.”
Draco and you exchanged gazes and you nodded your head. He could reveal you; the room was empty and your table wasn’t visible to the innkeeper. And you didn’t think this woman was a threat. 
He touched you with his staff.
The witch gaped at you. “You brought a muggle with you? You really have changed, Draco… I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.” She stretched out her hand. “I’m Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you.”
You recognized the name; she was one of the three who had been Draco’s chief adversaries at school. He had recounted to you many of his past squabbles with the trio, sometimes with amusement when he described the more harmless pranks he had put them through, other times with obvious guilt over his behavior. 
That considered, you were surprised Hermione acted so friendly. You didn’t think the warmth was feigned.
“I suppose I have changed, yes,” he said. “It’s been liberating to be an unknown nobody. And to do some good.”
Hermione smiled. “You’re so much like your mum. She’s a volunteer at St Mungos Hospital and works with patients who were injured in the war. She feels guilty for being part of the side who did that to them.”
He looked thoughtful at that.
“Can I tell her about you? I don’t want to expose you if you don’t want to.”
Again you were baffled over the kindness and consideration of this woman. If she kept his secret Draco wouldn’t have to leave you after all. Relief filled you.
Draco seemed to have similar thoughts. He met Hermione’s eyes for the first time, replying with gratitude in his voice. “You can tell her I’m well and that I’m happy, but please don’t give away that you know where I live… you can say we met at Gringotts or something, and I didn’t give you the details.”
“Alright, I will.” She rose. “Can I send you an owl the next time I’m in the vicinity? I’d love to keep in touch. If it’s alright with you, of course.”
“Sure.” He suddenly blushed, dropping his gaze again. “Hermione… For what it’s worth. I’m sorry for everything… I was a jerk. I don’t deserve your kindness, really.”
”Think no more of it. And I’m sorry too; my friends and I could be a bit harsh at times. Everything was either black or white when we were kids. But we all grew up, thankfully.”
“Surprisingly, we did.” he smiled wryly. “If you see Potter, tell him I still think he’s a twat but that I’m sorry.”
She grinned. “I will. But you should tell him yourself or he won’t believe me.”
When she had gone, Draco renewed the charm that hid you, and bought another couple of drinks, handing one to you. It tasted like it smelled, sweet and syrupy.
“Well, that was awkward,” he said.
“She seems nice. And you did well; apologizing like that was brave. I’m proud of you.”
“I’m honestly a bit proud too.”
“Will you go see your mother?”
He looked thoughtful. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
You leaned your head against his shoulder and he put his arms around you.
“I support whatever you decide.” 
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Draco was silent and brooding the rest of that day. In the evening when you lay in his bed, he kissed you with unusual tenderness. Like the first time. 
“I’m so grateful for this. For you, for my friends… I’m a lucky bastard.”
“You deserve it.”
“I disagree.”
“No, you really do. You saw what kind of person you were and left him behind together with the rest of your old life. You became a new, better you. After giving so much up, you deserve everything good coming your way. You deserve friends. You deserve forgiveness.” You looked deep into his eyes. “You deserve love.”
He replied with a long kiss, overflowing with feelings.
You responded, and then gently pushed him onto his back. You kissed a trail down his neck, and each of his many tiny scars and nicks from hexes thrown on him in the war, and then the faded Dark Mark. Showing him how none of his past mattered. 
“I love you,” he mumbled thickly.
Your chest filled with warmth at hearing those words for the first time. “I love you too.”
When you started to doze off in his arms a long while later, you felt happier than you thought possible. Draco loved you. Even if he decided to return to his own world you were certain he would take you with him now. 
You also felt hope for him, for a happier future. Hermione’s visit had shown him he wasn’t as hated as he had thought. He would get closure eventually. A chance to make everything right again. 
He deserved that.
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I'm leaving it open whether Draco returns to live in the wizarding world or stays in the muggle one. But you, Reader, will be at his side, no matter what. :)
Thanks for reading, and don't hesitate to comment! I always love to hear from you and what you think about the story.
Note: The wizard town Trollstavenyn is a pun, “trollstaven” = the magic wand, and “Avenyn” is a famous Gothenburg street. :) My husband made up the name for me, so I assume it’s peak dad humor. XD
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Parts: [ < Previous Part ] [ Masterlist ]
Full story: [ AO3 ]
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cosmxcmxrk · 3 months
Hi I am welcoming my Adrinette smut to tumblr♥️ please tell me what you think, I also type on AO3 and Wattpad.
It was spring break for university students of Paris, one of the longest anticipated events many Parisian's waited for through the winter. Including Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien, that previous autumn had asked her to join him on a roadtrip to Marseille along with Nino and of course Alya, and had been tirelessly waiting all year for it.
Being a bakers daughter, she never had too many opportunities to travel, besides the occasional trip with her grandma and school events. But especially not with friends, and her boyfriend.
"Yes I promise I'll text you when we get there, mom." Marinette says happily into her phone while tossing different bathing suits into her luggage.
"Yes, yes. I know...what!? Ew mom, you don't have to teach me about that, I'm twenty!" She giggles with disgust and plops on her bed.
"Okay, tell papa I love him. See you soon." She hangs up.
She sighs and throws herself back feeling anxious. Tikki looks up at her and laughs. "Taking a break?" She asks.
"No, just trying to remember everything I thought I remembered. There's too many things!"
Tikki laughs and flies towards her crafting desk. "That's why you wrote it down last night, Marinette." She laughs and brings her the paper.
"Right! Thank you, Tikki."
Alya barges in wearing a flowy skirt and crop top. She twirls and strikes a pose. "What do you think of this one?"
Marinette smiles. "You look stunning as usual, Als."
"Thank youuuuuuu! Now what outfits did you plan, miss designer." She peeps into her suitcase.
Marinette laughs nervously and covers it with her body. "Nothing! Don't look!"
Alya rolls her eyes. "Come on! We both have to look like sexy French tourists having a romantic getaway with our boyfriends! Don't you want to run through the lavender fields with Adrien wearing that pink frilled sundress you made? I know that's why you made it."
Marinette blushes and moves away with a groan and picks through the pile of clothing. "Don't embarrass me."
Alya laughs and sits down on the other side. "You'll never be able to close it if you don't fold them, girl."
They both sit there going through the several flowery blouses. Tikki trying to make herself useful by checking things off her incredibly long list.
"I've been waiting six months, eleven days, and five hours for this trip. I shouldn't be feeling so disorganized, right?"
Alya tosses aside a few unreasonable things from the pile. "More like over prepared. We're going to have fun, girl. Don't stress. You even get a break from being a super hero!"
Marinette looks away. "Ugh! Don't remind me! That's already nerve racking to think about alone."
Alya looks down and widens her eyes. She tsk'd her tongue. Marinette feels her cheeks redden as Alya picks up a pair of lacy red panties that still had a tag. She cocks an eyebrow and smirks at Marinette.
"So you DID go back for the set we saw while shopping last weekend?"
Marinette pulls a pillow over her head. "No! I don't know how those got there!"
Alya laughs. "Calm down, girl. I actually bought similar ones last night. It's special!"
Marinette stuffs them into the luggage. "I hope Adrien likes stuff like this. What if it's too much?"
Alya closes the luggage and smiles. "Don't worry, every guy loves their girl in scant bra and panties! Especially if it's for something like a trip! He's going to love it! I even wrote a blog about types of lingerie for different occasions."
Tikki rests on her shoulder. "Adrien will think you're beautiful!" She says happily.
Marinette sighs pleasantly and stands. She throws her other totes on the bed and looks around hoping that's everything.
Alya walks towards the door. "Your turn!"
"My turn for what?" She says tying her silky scarf around her head.
"For you to help me pack!"
Adrien shuts the door to his red Renault Caravelle 64', after putting his suitcases in. It was the car his parents would take when they travelled to their vacation home in Marseille once a year.
It had been several years since he last stayed there, not feeling like it was right without his mother and father there. He actually had slightly forgotten about the property until coming across a photograph with the three of them in front of it, next to the car
He then decided almost automatically that taking the absolute love of his life would stoke the memories and make new, better ones. Of course bringing along their best friends, too.
He leans back against the door and checks the time on his phone. Plagg peeks out of his shirt. "Come onnn, when are we gonna get there, I wanna eat rich gooey cheese by the water."
Adrien shoves his head back in. "You do that everyday without the English Channel in your face."
Nino comes scrambling out holding way too many things, crashing them into the small trunk. Adrien shakes his head. "I thought the girls would pack too heavy, but this takes the cake."
"Nah, dude. Half of this stuff is my music set up so we can partyyyy!" He says patting the large bags.
"You'll disturb the peace of the countryside." Alya says walking up the driveway.
Nino smiles and walks up to grab her bags from her. "Oh, I have other ways to do that without the rig."
Alya laughs and smacks his shoulder. Marinette follows behind her, struggling to pull along her extremely heavy luggage.
She stumbles on a loose rock, and in Marinette fashion goes flying forward, only to be caught in the arms of her toned, blonde boyfriend.
She looks up happy to see him. She places her hands on his shoulders and pulls herself closer to him excitedly. "You know, I was hoping I'd catch you sometime today, bugaboo." He joked.
They met their faces in the middle for a soft, passionate kiss. She pulled away and brushed her nose against his. "Very funny, kitty. And also we have to be careful about the nicknames around them."
He pecks her mouth again. "Can't make any promises."
Marinette stood on her tip toes to steal another smooch from him. He happily leaned down just enough to allow it, holding her hips tightly.
"Save it for tonight, lovebirds." Nino jokes from the door.
In no less than an hour they were flying down the curvy country road, trailing through the yellow green hills of France. Adrien flooring it, Nino DJing, and the girls sitting on the head rests letting the wind toss their hair, arms flailing. Tikki and Plagg were of course enjoying the scenery from the back.
They finally approach a small populated area where hillside mansions rested. They all looked around in amazement, feeling lucky they had a wealthy friend.
"Town is just fifteen minutes down the road. The only people we'll see out here are lavender harvesters."
"And mysterious rich people." Alya said pulling out her phone to record.
Marinette looked out feeling her stomach fill with butterflies. All the months and days and hours she spent waiting for the most peaceful vacation with her lover had finally arrived.
They eventually pulled up to a ridiculously large house. Nino and Alya got out and immediately ran inside to check it out. Marinette laughed and grabbed Adrien's arm.
"Thank you." She said happily.
"You're welcome, but for what?"
She hugged his arm tightly. "For taking us here. I'm glad I get to be here with you."
Adrien blushed, loving how she always knew what to say. He grabbed her hand and led her inside. "There's no one else I'd rather be here with. Or anywhere actually."
As they stepped in, they could hear the excited shouts of Nino and Alya looking around the place. Tikki and Plagg poked out from behind Marinette's shoulder and looked around hesitantly.
"It's okay, you two. Keep a low profile and don't get into trouble. Mainly talking to you, Plagg." She said quietly.
Tikki let out a giggle as Plagg scoffed. "Trouble? You know me, calm and collected. Sugar cube here is the one you should watch out for."
Tikki huffed and flew away hastily, leaving Plagg to chase after her. Adrien and Marinette laughed and continued into the mansion.
"I'm surprised you don't come here more often." She said running her hands along the arm of the very expensive couch.
"Maybe. I don't think I'd enjoy coming here without you guys. I actually haven't been here since..."
Marinette turned around noticing his change of tone mid-sentence. She stepped back over and grabbed his hand. "Don't dwell on that too much. We're going to have fun, Kitty Cat."
Adrien continues guiding them through the house, showing them around. Occasionally stopping to share a memory or two.
The sun was starting to set over the colorful horizon, reminding the ever forgetful Marinette she forgot to call her mom.
She gasped in remembrance and ran towards the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. "Be right back, I need to make a call."
"Same here. Big sis will freak if I don't let her know I'm safe."
The room stayed silent for only a second before Nino looked at Adrien with mischief in his eyes. "So, dude. What tantalizing activities you got planned for your girl?"
Adrien scratched his neck nervously. "Uh, I didn't really think of anything like that."
Nino looked at him with amazement. "No way! You can't tell me you drove your gal all this way to a countryside mansion for spring break and didn't even think about nighttime recreational activities?"
Adrien laughed. "Of course I think about stuff like that, I just didn't necessarily plan anything extravagant."
"Well, you're a lucky guy to have brought a guy like me. Which is me. Your guy." He whips around a bag from his back and dumps it onto the counter.
Adrien looked down in slight horror and gasped. Before him was a mountain of condoms, a few bottles of lube, and a couple other things he wished he didn't see.
"You gotta be prepared, bro. I'm lucky if this will last us even a week."
Adrien quickly shoved them all back into the bag. "You're insane, besides I already have this stuff, just in a much smaller quantity."
Marinette and Alya walked into one of the bedrooms, admiring the decor. Marinette quickly opened her suitcase and pulled out the lingerie set.
"What are you doing?" Alya said with a smile.
"Hiding them! You know how embarrassing it'd be if he found them!" She crammed them in a random drawer.
"He's your boyfriend! Not your dad!"
"Still! He can't even know I have them!"
Alya grabbed her hand to stop her. "Of course he's going to know you have them, you're going to be wearing them!"
Marinette's face turned red. She knew he would like them, and she was also excited to wear something so flattering for him. The anxiousness was more anticipatory than scared.
Alya pulled the tags off and stuffed them behind a pillow on the bench in front of the bed. "Wear them tomorrow."
Marinette fiddled her fingers. "What about tonight? Should I have bought a pair for every night we're here? Oh gosh, I messed this up!"
"No, girl. If you don't have anything for tonight, then that's that. Wear nothing."
Marinette looked in the mirror and observed her outfit. Alya was onto something, it would be a fun flirty surprise for Adrien to discover her wearing such a short dress with nothing underneath.
She looked back at Alya with a smile. "This is why you're my best friend."
The sky was fully black. 4 young adults lounged around the outdoor patio, listening to crickets chirp in the feild.
Marinette let out her 10th fake yawn before they decided it was time to head to bed. Her stomach churned as she walked up the steps hand in hand with Adrien.
"Goodnight, you two." Alya said.
"Don't stay up too late." Nino joked.
"You should take your own advice." Adrien retorted before closing his door.
Marinette giggled and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the butterflies in her stomach turn into arousal. Adrien locked the doors and turned around to see his lover with the reddest cheeks, and the cute face she made when she wanted it.
He stepped towards her, loving the way she looked. So lustful yet so innocent. His heart melted as she bit her lip.
"I don't think I want to go to sleep yet, Adrien." She said quietly.
He continued walking forward and pulled his shirt off. Marinette blushed harder and leaned herself back on her elbows. Adrien climbed on top, knees on either side of her.
"What do you wanna do then, M'Lady?" He spoke softly.
Despite being extremely tired from driving, he had been waiting most of the day to spend intimate time with her, finally being able to have sex outside of a dorm or their houses.
He curled his index finger under her chin and brushed his nose against hers. She laid fully back, snaking her hands up his firm arms to his neck.
"I want you to ravish me, Kitty."
He leaned down immediately and began planting soft slow kisses along her neck and chest. He made his way up to her jaw and sucked at the skin. She let out a soft gasp and squeezed his shoulders.
That sound alone triggered his hormones to go off, sending all the blood in his body to his dick. She moaned softly, curling her fingers in the hairs that swooped down his nape.
He smiled against her skin and finally attached his lips to hers. His hands began roaming over her hips, down to her thighs. The kiss was slow, and hot. He loved how moist and plump her dark pink lips were, and how they kissed his back eagerly.
He pulled away slightly with a smack to bite down gently on her swollen bottom lip. He nibbled for a moment then released it, then placed his lips on the bitten skin to suck it.
She felt like her body was turning to jelly. He pulled her lip with his mouth then released it once again. He stuck his tongue out slightly and gave it a lick, asking for an invite inside her mouth.
She of course obliged and parted her lips farther. The sounds were wet and incredibly dirty, sending shivers up her spine. Adrien hummed in delight at how easily it was to unravel Marinette.
She pulled her legs up to wrap around his waist. He happily welcomed the action, securing his grip on the backs of her lower thighs right below her ass.
Her heartbeat quickened, knowing in the next few minutes he would discover bare skin where he usually found fabric. The thought made her hornier.
She rocked her hips against his, getting impatient. He giggled into her lips, loving when she got antsy. As the heated kiss continued, and his wondering hands wondered, he realized he hadn't felt the elastic of her panties.
A few seconds went by of feeling for them before he pulled away from her lips with a smack. "Are you not wearing underwear?" He said in a cute, confused tone.
Marinette's face went crimson. She nodded and slid her hands gently down his chest, knowing how much he loved it when she touched him there. He felt weak at her touch, skin scorching hot.
Adrien admired her boldness, grabbing her hand in his and kissing it tenderly. "You're the cat's meow, you know."
She laughed as he inched his way south, kissing a trail down her chest. He lowered his knees to the floor and held her thighs around his neck.
She looked down at him with raised brows and parted lips. He buried his head under the dress and began teasing her with soft thigh kisses. His hands traveled up and down her thighs, and towards her abdomen.
She hummed in pleasure and lowered her hands to his hair, almost pulling him into herself. He took his damn sweet time marking up her inner thighs, driving his girlfriend crazy while doing so.
"Come on, A-Adrien stop teasing." She said sounding out of breath.
She squeaked at the sudden kiss at her vulva. Adrien nuzzled his nose against her clit teasingly. She tightened her thighs around his head, feeling anxious.
"So impatient, M'Lady. I'm trying to savor my desert."
He finally delved into her, groaning as he worked his tongue and lips around her pussy. Marinette threw her head back, covering her mouth with one hand to try and stifle her moans.
The sounds she made spurred him on, his shorts becoming tighter. Marinette's hips moved on their own, grinding with the rhythm of his tongue movements.
Her body felt hot and soft in his hands. And she smelled amazing. Tasted amazing. Like always. His head started to become fuzzy with thoughts about his lover girl.
At this point he was engorging himself. Possibly receiving more pleasure from eating her out than she was taking it. Her sounds were like a reward for his work.
Marinette herself was fighting for her life to keep it quiet, knowing Alya and Nino would be sure to tease them the next morning if they heard a single peep.
"F-fuck...yes, Adrien..." she said feeling the pleasure build.
He shoved his face further into her, doing everything he could to make her sing. He felt her legs start to tremble slightly.
She removed her other hand from his hair to grab his own. Squeezing it tightly, she arched her back letting her Chaton know she was getting close.
Adrien was feeding off of her pleasure, groaning into her hungrily. Practically begging for her to suffocate him with her thighs.
He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking softly knowing how sensitive the little bud of nerves were. She let out a breathy moan in the shape of his name. He opened his eyes to look at her face, which immediately caused a painful twitch in his tight shorts.
She felt like she was going to burst. She twitched at every tongue flick, at every vibration his groaning sent into her core. It was overwhelming, how incredible he was at tongue fucking her senseless.
She continued moaning out uncontrollably. Gasping out her lovers name over and over trying to cope with the insane sensation. She looked down for only a moment to see two green, half lidded eyes watching her take the pleasure they were giving her.
In that moment she felt her stomach twist with ecstasy. At this point she didn't care about the noise, moaning loudly. Adrien scrunched his eyes closed, focusing on his lady's orgasm.
"Adrien...Kitty I-I'm gonna cum." She whimpered out.
She curled her toes and tightened her legs around his face. Her mind was turning to mush. She continued pulling at his hand, legs shaking harshly.
"Fuuuck, ahhhhhh!" She sang out.
She pulled his face away abruptly, then clenched her legs together. He watched her lustfully as she convulsed and gripped at the sheets, riding out her orgasm.
Her face was blushed, eyes blurry and wet, pieces of hair falling around her face. She looked lewd, and absolutely stunning in Adrien's eyes.
He smirked and pulled her legs apart gently to see the mess he made of her. The sight nearly made him pass out. "You're so hot." He said under his breath.
He leaned back in and closed his mouth around her clit, giving it one last hard suck and pulling off with a smooching sound. She gasped and clenched her legs together again.
He laughed, kissing at her legs. "I could eat you out all day if you'd let me."
She let out a soft moan at the remark, looking away slightly embarrassed.
He stood up quickly and pulled her up to a sitting position, he pulled her dress off over her head and picked her up, moving them further back on the bed.
As they kissed each other intensely she slid down his shorts, he kicked them off quickly. He looked down at her body, feeling the same feeling he always felt when he saw her like this. He had seen her naked, in the sheets with him hundreds of times now, but the feeling of utter desire hadn't changed.
"I love your body. Actually, I love everything about you." He said bringing a few fingers down to rub at her wetness.
She twitched at the sensation. "You say that everytime, Kitty."
Marinette softly pushed him to the side, rolling them over to where she was on top of him. He gripped her hips tightly, guiding them as she ground down on him. She took the liberty of peppering his face and neck with kisses as he had for her.
He began to understand the impatience she had felt and closed his eyes with a groan. Marinette laughed and sat up, running her hands down his chest.
"You can dish it but you can't take it?" She teased.
She reached down and grabbed his dick giving it a few pumps before lining it up to herself, rubbing it against her wet folds. His grip tightened, gritting his teeth.
She bit her lip and moaned. She sat down slowly, readjusting to his size. She gasped at the familiar stretch of her vagina, whole heartedly loving how it felt each time he entered her. She closed her eyes, throwing her head back with a moan once her ass was to his hips.
She instantly began curving her hips front to back, knowing this maneuver felt amazing for him. He moved his hands to cup her ass, kneading at the soft skin. Adrien moved his hands with her hips, grinding up into her.
"Holy shit, Marinette." He groaned out.
She stuck a finger in her mouth, slicking it with her saliva. She kept the intense eye contact as she lowered her finger to her nipple, playing with it.
Adrien watched with a blown out look on his face, utterly enamored by her actions tonight. He took initiative in moving his large hands up her stomach to her tits, replacing her hand.
She picked up the pace, bouncing on him, the sounds of their skin meeting became louder. His thumbs rubbed softly over her nipples, holding them in place as she moved faster.
Her moans were louder, more desperate as she rode him. She wanted more from him. She wanted him to feel as brain numbingly good as he made her feel.
She rested her hands on his knees, wriggling her hips at a new angle. She ground down her hips faster, curving ever so slightly with each thrust. "You're gonna kill me, Marinette." He groaned out.
She was eating up his reaction. She loved when she was able to make him merciless at her touch. His hands made their way back down to her hips, squeezing tightly.
He lifted his feet to sit flat on the mattress, knees bent, allowing himself a better position to fuck up into her. He bit down on his lower lip and watched his lover with hungry eyes. She placed her hands on his wrists, curling her stomach at the incredibly feeling of being fucked in this position.
"Feeling good, Princess?" He grunted out lowly.
She couldn't even form a sentence, the only thing able to pour from her mouth were cries of pleasure. Her eyes were blown with lust, fingernails digging into his skin, hair flying messily around her shoulders.
Marinette couldn't contain herself, rocking back on him with each thrust upward, loving the way his dick was pounding up into her. She put her hands back on his chest, squeezing his pecks. She arched her back giving him direct access to her favorite spot deep inside her.
He giggled through a grunt at how needy she was, moving his hands to her ass, holding her in place so he could fuck her in that spot she loved so much.
"I love riding you, Chat. Fuck me h-harder!" She managed to moan out.
He breathed through his teeth, feeling the burn in his thighs. He growled through the pain and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her chest to chest with him. She relaxed her hands on his shoulders, keeping her head thrown back.
He breathed hard, holding her down to him tightly, hips bucking up harshly. He even went as far as to bury his face in her chest, sneaking a nipple into his mouth to suck and bite as he exhausted himself pounding her.
He moaned lowly at the sensation of her squeezing around his dick. He twitched in delight, thrusts becoming sloppier. "You're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that, bug." He groaned into her ear.
"I'm so c-close, Kitty! Don't s-stop...please!" She hollered, eyes starring into his.
He looked back into hers, eyebrows screwed up. The look she gave him was wanton, glassy, like he could see her soul behind her eyes. He grumbled and bit down on her shoulder, feeling himself reach orgasm.
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, M'Lady!" The words poured out of his mouth.
Her legs shook violently, reaching her second orgasm. His thrusts slowed, still feeling her hips twitch forward, riding the wave of pleasure. He watched her while catching his breath, as she squirmed and moaned at a high pitch.
He ran his hands up her feverish body, loving how she molded into his touch. He was already laying back, but still felt as if he was going to fall and crash.
She pulled herself off of him, a squelch erupted as his softening cock sprang out of her. She looked down with a blush and sat on his stomach trying to hide the sight of her cum splattered lips.
He grinned tiredly and pulled her to the bed. He sat back up and rubbed a hand over her forehead, smoothing out the damp hairs stuck to her head. "I'll take care of you." He said softly.
She grabbed his hand in both of hers and smiled with lidded eyes. "I love you." She said quietly. He leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly before standing up to grab towels.
"I love you." He said back.
After cleaning them up, he finally laid down in the bed trying to sort through the now scrambled up sheets. She pulled herself into him and nuzzled her face into his neck.
He ran his fingers through her hair, lulling them both to sleep at last. Only minutes later it felt like, the sun was rising again.
Marinette squinted her eyes at the light pouring through the window, groaning and rolling over. Adrien was still sound asleep next to her, arm resting loosely under her head.
She smiled and blushed tiredly at his peaceful expression, leaning in to peck his lips. Alya and Nino stood on the other side of the door grinning. Marinette opened the door and nearly jumped a mile in the air.
"How'd you two sleep?" She teased.
She groaned, knowing this was going to happen. "Not any better than you." She said back with false confidence.
"You guys were up later than we expected, at least I can hold back my-"
"Don't finish that sentence." She said playfully smacking her arm.
Adrien rubbed his hand up and down Marinette's leg as she combed her dainty fingers through his hair. His head was laid comfortably on her chest, arms wrapped around her waist.
The tall grass of the field was soft and warm against their skin. The breeze smelled like flowers and pollen.
Marinette would occasionally lean down and plant a kiss on his forehead or nose as she traced his ear. His eyes were closed, but a slight smile was painted across his face.
These were his favorite moments, surrounded by love from his lady. Nothing was more comforting to him than her delicate touch.
"Are you going to be lazy all day, my Chaton?" She joked.
"Why, am I not allowed?"
"Mmm, I guess you are." She paused, blushing at her own thoughts. "You...probably wore yourself out last night."
He laughed. "That was nothing, Bug."
He sat up a bit to look at her and moved his face close to hers, touching noses. "I'll show you more tonight if you'll let me." He said quietly.
Marinette felt her insides fizz up like a shaken soda, thinking about the underwear set she was sporting underneath her homemade dress. And even more about how he would react that following evening.
"Can't wait." She spoke with giddiness in her voice.
Adrien kissed her cheek and sat up completely, leaning forward on his hands. He plucked up a shoot of lavender and placed it behind her hair on her ear.
"All the flowers in the world couldn't compare to your beauty, Marinette."
She blushed and curled a finger behind his ear. "You're not too bad yourself, Agreste."
He planted a soft kiss to her lips before standing and pulling her up with him. Alya and Nino waved from the distance, also having spent a breezy morning frolicking in the field of indigo.
"Sorry blondie, but I'm stealing your girl for the afternoon." Alya said wrapping an arm around Marinette's neck.
Adrien laughed and stood next to Nino. "Then I hope you don't mind if I take your boyfriend out for a date."
Nino made overdramatic love eyes at him. "A date with a millionaire! I must be the luckiest dude in France."
"Second to me." Marinette joked.
By date, Adrien meant jumping off cliffs into the ocean and sailing on an old luxury boat. And Alya meant going shopping in town and getting a sweet treat.
"So I thought that of course the pink cashmere would clash with the silver fishnet." Marinette rambled on.
"For sure, girl." Alya said pretending she understood a single thing Marinette was talking about.
Marinette picked at her nail as they strolled the shore side shopping strip. Alya glanced at her and looked down to her legs then back to her chest.
"You're wearing it, right?" She said looking at Marinette with a grin.
Marinette blushed and looked at Alya shyly. "Yes, Als. I can feel the lace burning my inner thighs."
Alya rolled her eyes and pushed her glasses up on her nose. "You're too much. I almost thought you had slipped it on last night after hearing your scream fest."
Tikki popped her head out. "Ive had hundreds of holders, and none have been as loud during...human interactions as this one."
Alya laughed, loving how easy it was to tease her. Marinette couldn't even feel embarrassed at this point, admitting to herself that she was incredibly vocal.
"Very funny, guys. You'll be hearing that same symphony the rest of the trip since you two like it that much."
Alya placed a hand on her shoulder. "I never thought sweet, twinky Adrien could do so much damage. Guess I was wrong."
Marinette gave her a smug glance. "Puh-lease! He may act like the charming, adorable, dreamy, sweetheart he is in front of you guys, but when it's just us, let's just say his feline comes out."
Alya snickered. "I should've known."
Marinette bit the side of her lip thinking about her boyfriend. "Yeah, he's pretty amazing." She giggled to herself.
"But what's with the nicknames?" She said looking around at the shop windows.
Marinette stared down confused. "Nicknames?"
"Yeah, you call him Kitty? I've heard you say it before, but I didn't really think about it then."
Marinette felt her heart drop. Oh shit. She had managed to get out of her figuring him out in the past, but it got harder each time she brought up something.
"Uh, that's just a silly name I call him! It doesn't mean anything!"
Alya looked at her, knowing that classic tone of voice she did when she was trying to be sneaky. "Don't tell me..."
Marinette was about to explode. This is not how she expected her best friend to find out her Adrien and her Chat Noir were one and the same.
"You guys like to roleplay as Ladybug and Chat Noir during sex! That's too good, girl! I wonder what Chat Noir would think!"
Marinette grumbled, wishing she had actually used her brain cells rather than giving her more reason to tease her.
Adrien and Nino pulled harshly at the rope that hoisted the sail to the old boat. The boat his dad used to take him sailing on. The same luxury boat Gabriel bought with the first load of money his clothing line brought in.
Nino looked down into the water and gulped, having a slight fear of the deep, dark ocean that was lapping rapidly against the rocks in the distance.
"Don't tell me you're scared?" Adrien joked, pulling off his loose white shirt.
Nino wracked his brain trying to think of something else to talk about besides his slight fear of the deep. "I'm surprised you're spry enough to go swimming after last nights events."
Adrien jumped in the water, trying to avoid the jest. Nino pressed further. "Did you decide to plan extravagant activities like I suggested after all?"
Adrien whipped his now soaked hair back, splashing Nino in the face. "Wouldn't you like to know. Jealous I can make my girl scream without having to 'plan' anything?"
Nino mimed a knife stabbing through his heart. "Damn, Agreste. Didn't realize I was talking to mister big dick."
Adrien laughed and pulled himself back up onto the boat. Nino took a moment to study Adrien's appearance and general nature in a platonic way, realizing the ex model was effortlessly attractive.
Nino looked away with pursed lips, feeling half jealous that his buddy was actual eye candy. It was no wonder Marinette couldn't keep it down.
"Something bothering you?" Adrien finally pried.
"We're all good, dude. Just thinking."
Adrien leaned back on his elbows and looked at the horizon. Nino tried to mimic the pose, hoping he looked as sexy and brazen.
"Maybe we should have a little competition. Between us guys." He said smugly.
Adrien looked over blankly. "And what's that?"
"We're gonna be here another week and a half, that's ten days, at least ten rounds to pound."
Adrien lowered his sunglasses. "I'm listening."
"I say we keep a score of who can make their girl finish first, seeing as we'll be able to have verbal confirmation of who wins each night."
Adrien scoffed. "I don't know if that's a good idea, man."
"Why not, scared you'll lose?"
"Nah, scared I'll have no real competition." Adrien said pulling his sunglasses back up.
Nino laughed. "Mister big dick strikes again!"
"You're on."
The boys walked into the small shoreside restaurant where Alya and Marinette were already chatting at a table. Alya shoving her phone in Marinette's face making her look at every picture she captured that day.
Adrien slid in next to her, earning a quick embrace and a peck on the cheek. She made a weird face and smacked her lips. "You taste like salt water."
"Missed you too." He said bringing her hand to his lips.
Nino leaned in for one as well, but Alya refused after putting together that he'd also taste of ocean. "I prefer kisses that don't taste like the English Channel, thanks."
"Fine, but you owe me double later." He winked.
Adrien snuck a sip of Marinette's fruity drink before looking at her happily. "So what'd you two do today?"
Marinette pulled out a small shopping bag from her purse and slid it toward him. "We missed you guys so much we couldn't help but buy you gifts."
Adrien couldn't even look at the bag, too enamored by Marinette's shiny lips and sun kissed cheeks. "You're the only gift I want."
There was an audible groan from across the table as the two smooched. "Sorry Adrien, it's actually a keychain that says 'World's Corniest Boyfriend'." Alya joked.
"Then I hope you got one for Nino that says 'World's Quickest Nut'." He chided.
Marinette smacked his arm with a stifled laugh. Alya herself couldn't help but chuckle and look at her boyfriend with a smile.
"Goddamn, is it just me or is Adrien incredibly savage today." Nino said laughing along.
Dinner went by quickly, the four cracking jokes and picking on Nino. The first full day in Marseille had ended. It was time for the evening ritual of walking up stairs to head to separate rooms.
Adrien elbowed Nino and leaned toward him. "Don't forget to take your viagra, gramps." He whispered.
"Sorry I forgot mine, could I borrow your extra strength?"
Alya poked Marinette in the arm giving her some confidence. "Sweet creams." She joked.
Marinette turned to the door laughing at the phrase. "All of you guys are insane."
Adrien closed the door behind them and walked toward the en-suite. "Care to join me, Bugaboo?" He said opening the double doors.
Marinette blushed and stepped forward playing with the bottom of her dress. "Of course, Kitty."
He stepped behind the giant glass panel, flipping the hot water on. Marinette stared at herself in the mirror, working up her confidence.
He's seen every inch of you already without scant underwear. You are a sexy seductress! You save Paris from evil every day, you can pull off a lingerie set.
She turned around and whimpered at the sight of her freshly tanned boyfriend shaking his damp salty hair out of the loose ponytail it was in.
He glanced at her with a smirk and wagged his finger for her to come closer. She obliged, reaching behind herself to lower the zipper of her dress.
He turned her around by the shoulders, never allowing her to take off her own clothes. He kissed her shoulder as he pulled it down. She blushed hard, wishing she could see his reaction. She looked into the mirror and stared at his face as he peeled the dress off of her shoulders.
At first, he just registered the red straps as of course, a bra. Then realized he hadn't seen this one before. Then his attention was turned to the matching, intricate yet sexy design of her panties.
She turned around slowly and looked up at him bashfully. His face said it all. He looked her up and down, mesmerized by how perfectly the fabric sat at the curves of her hips, making her pale skin glow next to the vibrant red.
"Meeeow." He joked.
Adrien's eyes widened as he studied the details, dick instantly begging to jump out of his boxers. He chuckled and gave her cheek a rub with his finger. "I'm definitely gonna win tonight." He muttered.
"What?" Marinette laughed.
"Nothing, you just know how to knock me off my paws fifty times over."
She gained a stroke of confidence, noticing how flustered her partner looked as he glanced her up and down, hands caressing her hips tenderly.
She reached down unbuckling his shorts and shoved them down his legs, then pushed him backwards by her fingertip into the shower.
He backed into the wall, looking down at her like he was hypnotized. His eyebrows were pointing up in arousal, lips parted to breathe heavily. She leaned up and kissed his mouth softly.
"Do you like it, big boy?"
She snaked her tongue down his chest to his stomach, sneaking in smooches. His skin was hot from the sun and salty from the sea. Her mouth watered at the taste.
"I love it." He groaned out.
She made it to her knees and looked up at him with beady eyes as she ghosted her mouth over his clothed erection. He cursed his underwear, thinking about how it always made great use for unbearable teasing.
She nuzzled her face against it and smiled up, humming in delight. He winced in pain, begging with his eyes for her to take it out. She dipped her fingers into the elastic and pulled them down slowly.
Adrien grunted deeply, as his dick sprang free, causing Marinette to squeal in excitement. She immediately wrapped a hand around the shaft and gave the tip a kiss. He twitched, watching her closely as she sucked the swollen head into her mouth giving him a hard suck.
She stuck her tongue out and rubbed the smooth skin of his tip against it, then slapped it a few times on the muscle before taking him halfway in her mouth. His dick, like the rest of his body wreaked of ocean water. She tried not to let it bother her, and continued to slurp slowly.
Her hand twisted up and down the rest of his length, matching the rhythm of her head movements. She moaned into him, giving her eyelashes a flutter as she found herself enjoying his dick in her mouth.
Adrien couldn't help but stare at her moist puckered lips and crystalline eyes. She looked like a doll, reddened cheeks full of his cock. For a moment, Adrien thought she would be the one to beat Nino.
His moans were guttural, echoing lowly through the bathroom. The slurping sounds becoming even more incredibly lewd as she added length to her bobs, and more saliva collected in her mouth.
She felt his pink tip hit the back of her throat and scrunched her eyes shut, trying not to gag. She held her breath as she began to deep throat her lover, moaning into the slightly uncomfortable sensation of being choked by it.
His legs wobbled slightly, stomach fluttering as he watched Marinette savor him. She was thoroughly indulging herself, becoming love drunk off of him.
She pulled off with a pop to take a breath, pumping him fast to keep the pace. "I love your cock." She moaned out.
"F-fuck, Bug." He smirked.
She almost immediately went back down with a moan, eyes tearing up slightly. Adrien's groaning became slightly higher, muttering praises under his breath.
The feel of her velvety soft tongue mixed with the warmth of her mouth was like heaven on earth in Adrien's mind. No outside thoughts dared enter his brain when such a euphoric feeling filled his body.
"Getting close." He coaxed.
His hips began moving forward with her pumps, craving his release. He ran a hand through her hair, giving her loving strokes as she fucked her own throat with his dick.
Marinette pulled off again, a string of her saliva connecting her swollen lips to him. She stuck her tongue out, pressing it into his slit then flicked it softly.
The sight of it made lightning shoot up his spine, the feel of it tipped the scale causing his orgasm to rush out of him. He grabbed Marinette by her hair and gently pulled her off of him as he came hot, white strings of pleasure onto her tongue.
She gasped in surprise, gripping his thighs tightly with each hand. His face was twisted up in pleasure, sending a zap to Marinette's heat. She kitten licked at his twitching tip as it softened, slicking it up with his own cum for what she wanted to happen next.
He grabbed her hands and helped to pull her to a stand, instantly flipping them around pressing her into the wall. He stared down at her smirking face, and leaned forward to kiss her hungrily.
"I'm utterly enamored by you." He groaned below his breath into her neck.
She moaned in response, loving the way his fingers were playing with the straps of her panties, dipping in ever so often to rub her skin.
He sucked hard at the moist flesh of her neck, lips begging to paint her skin purple. He knew Marinette wasn't a huge fan of visible hickeys, but he wanted to visually see later what a mess they made of each other.
He pulled away to reach back up to her lips, feeling her mouth melt into his. The smooches were wet and sounded more 'smoochy' than usual. He ran his hands up the small of her back, causing her to arch it and gasp.
He smiled, knowing how sensitive that spot was. He took advantage of her agape mouth, sucking tenderly at her bottom lip. He slowly worked one of his hands around her hip to her abdomen, sliding his middle finger below the elastic leading to the lips of her heat.
He pulled his face away from hers to watch her reaction as he rubbed the pad of his middle finger in a slow, pressed circle around her clit.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes humming in pleasure. She rocked her hips forward to gain more friction, but he kept his teasing pace.
His heart throbbed at the way she looked in this moment. Her hair was wet, slicked up against her cleavage and shoulders. Every inch of her skin percolated with drops of water. The red of her lingerie was darkened from the water it soaked up.
She looked like a goddamn playboy model, and he was her Hefner.
He continued rubbing her wetness, dick springing back to life at how warm she felt. He lowered his head back to hers, resuming the wet, heated kiss. It was sloppy, quiet moans escaping her mouth with each hand movement.
He pressed his two fingers together, rubbing further down her vulva. She squeezed his shoulders as he teasingly dipped them into her entrance.
He snickered, breaking away from her mouth and continued kissing wetly around her jaw and neck. He finally pushed his fingers inside her, the pads rubbing up her walls slowly.
Marinette placed the back of her hand over her mouth and bit her lip. Adrien quickly grabbed her wrist and pinned it above her, leaning down to her ear.
"Don't you dare try to hide that beautiful voice of yours, Marinette. Let them know how good of a job your kitty does at pleasing his lady."
She was a goner. Her skin lit up with goosebumps, legs turning to jelly. Adrien quickly picked her up by the thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist.
She loosely held her arms around his neck, scratching at his skin in anticipation as he ran his fingers along her folds.
"You're driving me crazy, kitty cat. I want it." She whined.
"You know I always ask for my lady's permission."
Before she could even finish her sentence, he was sliding her panties to the side, replacing his fingers with his girth. The sudden intrusion caused an airy scream from Marinette.
He wasted no time in pounding her relentlessly against the shower wall. Her toes curled, thighs clenching tightly around his muscly waist.
The air was steamy, lights dim, and the ambience was erotic. His thrusts and her moans were exaggerated by the echo of the bathroom.
His fingers dug harshly into her thighs, the slick of her skin and his fingers making it slightly difficult for him to hold her up.
"Scream for me." He growled, pressing his forehead to hers.
She didn't have to be told twice, moans becoming uncontrollable at the angle his dick was thrusting into her. He loved every second of it, his ego being fed graciously.
He pulled her up higher, moving his arms under her legs resting the backs of her knees on his inner elbows. His hands pulling her waist down on him harshly, fingers tangling in the elastic straps of her panties.
She reached a hand back to push on the wall, the other holding his neck. She arched her back and tried her best to bounce back down on him to meet his hips.
"Ah- you like that, Marinette?" He smirked with a groan.
"F-fuuuuck, I love it! Fuck me, Adrien!"
It was music to his ears when she begged him to fuck her, the comment making his heart race faster. He felt the all too familiar pressure in his groin build.
The determination to beat Nino, no- the determination to give Marinette a brain numbing orgasm pushed him to keep up a steady, hasty pace despite his senses being overwhelmed.
He stepped closer to the wall, bending her almost in half with her legs pressed flat between them, back completely against the tile. Her flexibility as Ladybug always came in handy when trying different positions.
She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and stared into his eyes, vision getting blurry. His grunts became higher, teeth gritted together.
She watched his face as it screwed up in pleasure. She cupped his face with her hands and stifled a moan.
"You're doing so good, my kitty." She praised, knowing he was soft for her kind words.
"Ahhh, shit." He moaned out, hips sputtering upwards as he came.
The feeling of him filling her was enough for her to reach her own orgasm. Her body shook violently as she screamed, announcing to the countryside she was cumming.
He continued holding her incredibly close to him as they both panted, their noses pressed together. She thumbed over his cheeks, his hands gripping his waist tightly.
He finally allowed her to slide down, her legs shaking as they reached the tile. He kept his arms around her as she got used to standing again. She leaned her head on his chest and trailed her fingers along his pecks.
Her ran his hands around her skin softly, plucking the latch of her bra apart and sliding it down her arms.
"You should wear stuff like this more often." He whispered as he planted a kiss to her head.
"You should pound me in the shower more often."
He took the liberty of pumping shampoo into his hands and frothing it into her hair as she calmed down. She hummed happily as he did so. The peaceful moment being interrupted by the sounds of Alya in the next room catching up to them.
"One point for me." Adrien joked as Nino tiredly sat at the bar stool in the kitchen.
Nino yawned. "Don't get too smug."
Alya looked at the two suspiciously. "What was that 'point' comment for?"
Nino put his arm around her neck. "Just guy stuff, don't worry, babe."
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure."
Marinette set a plate of croissants on the counter. "Courtesy of Tom Dupain." She said happily.
Adrien looked at the plate like it was the last in the world and immediately grabbed a few. As marinette reached, Alya nudged her side with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows.
Marinette looked at her confused. "What?" She whispered.
"How'd you sleep? If you know what I mean." She said back quietly.
Marinette blushed. "So good my body is kinda sore from my sleeping positions." She joked back.
"Nino slept crazily last night, crazier than normal, at least." She winked.
The boys looked at the two with confused expressions, not quite understanding what was being conversed.
The next 10 days went by incredibly fast, the four getting sunburns and swim suits full of salt. Sadly Adrien and Nino tied. As marinette shoved her pink suitcase back into the car, Adrien placed a hand on the small of her back.
She looked up at him with a smile. He scanned his eyes over her tanned shoulders and grunted. "I don't want to go home." He said grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips.
She made an awe sound and turned towards him to hug him. "We just need to go on vacation more, Kitty Cat."
Alya jumped into the back of the car and put her shades over her eyes. "Alright people, let's get a move on, I have blog content to edit."
Marinette stood on her tiptoes to kiss his nose before getting in the car. Adrien looked back at the house and smiled thinking about his mom and dad.
He felt a small tug on his shirt and he looked down. "Come on, Paris needs Chat Noir and Ladybug." Plagg whispered.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
We pressed on the door, the rusty hinges creaked, and it slowly opened. It was startlingly like the image conveyed to me in Dr. Seward's diary of the opening of Miss Westenra's tomb; I fancy that the same idea seemed to strike the others, for with one accord they shrank back.
While Jonathan says he is reminded of the staking of Lucy, I can't help but wonder if a door opening to a certain other residence belonging to Dracula is haunting him here. Like, of course the memory is on his mind, and he outright says so a bit later but... even more so. I wanna make a point of it.
We closed the door behind us, lest when we should have lit our lamps we should possibly attract attention from the road. The Professor carefully tried the lock, lest we might not be able to open it from within should we be in a hurry making our exit.
I imagine Jonathan watching very closely as the lock is checked. Jonathan, turning his back to it and walking further into Dracula's house, telling himself that he saw the door remains unlocked, that it won't shut him in this time. Telling himself, over and over.
Jonathan, not quite believing.
The light from the tiny lamps fell in all sorts of odd forms, as the rays crossed each other, or the opacity of our bodies threw great shadows. I could not for my life get away from the feeling that there was some one else amongst us. I suppose it was the recollection, so powerfully brought home to me by the grim surroundings, of that terrible experience in Transylvania. I think the feeling was common to us all, for I noticed that the others kept looking over their shoulders at every sound and every new shadow, just as I felt myself doing. The whole place was thick with dust. The floor was seemingly inches deep, except where there were recent footsteps, in which on holding down my lamp I could see marks of hobnails where the dust was cracked.
Last time he was frightened because he was so alone. He should take comfort now in his companions, and he does a little, but - he feels like they aren't alone. He feels a presence here.
He looks at the shadows. He looks at the footprints in the dust. He knows neither means anything when it comes to vampires.
On a table in the hall was a great bunch of keys, with a time-yellowed label on each. They had been used several times, for on the table were several similar rents in the blanket of dust, similar to that exposed when the Professor lifted them. He turned to me and said:— "You know this place, Jonathan."
Walking through Dracula's home in the dark, searching the old and abandoned rooms for keys. Yes, he knows this place. Knows it too well.
It takes him a moment to remember about the map. To remember this is Carfax, not the Castle.
We were prepared for some unpleasantness, for as we were opening the door a faint, malodorous air seemed to exhale through the gaps, but none of us ever expected such an odour as we encountered. None of the others had met the Count at all at close quarters, and when I had seen him he was either in the fasting stage of his existence in his rooms or, when he was gloated with fresh blood, in a ruined building open to the air; but here the place was small and close, and the long disuse had made the air stagnant and foul.
It stinks, like the last chapel. But worse. The smell crawls inside, filling him with revulsion and fear. His feet feel cold in his shoes. He expects to feel stone with each step.
There were only twenty-nine left out of the fifty! Once I got a fright, for, seeing Lord Godalming suddenly turn and look out of the vaulted door into the dark passage beyond, I looked too, and for an instant my heart stood still. Somewhere, looking out from the shadow, I seemed to see the high lights of the Count's evil face, the ridge of the nose, the red eyes, the red lips, the awful pallor. It was only for a moment, for, as Lord Godalming said, "I thought I saw a face, but it was only the shadows," and resumed his inquiry, I turned my lamp in the direction, and stepped into the passage. There was no sign of any one; and as there were no corners, no doors, no aperture of any kind, but only the solid walls of the passage, there could be no hiding-place even for him. I took it that fear had helped imagination, and said nothing.
Counting boxes again, he sees the Count. Just a glimpse, just a moment - pale, red-eyed, red-lipped, staring. (Bloated, blood dripping from the mouth, eyes burning into him, his mind afire-)
It's not real. It must not be real. No one else saw anything. (He checks further, just in case.) There's nowhere he could be. It's just the fear getting to him, it's just paranoia. He shouldn't speak of this. No one else needs to know how his mind wavers, echoes what has come before. He will focus on the facts, those confirmed by others. He will focus on the task at hand.
Whether it was the purifying of the deadly atmosphere by the opening of the chapel door, or the relief which we experienced by finding ourselves in the open I know not; but most certainly the shadow of dread seemed to slip from us like a robe, and the occasion of our coming lost something of its grim significance, though we did not slacken a whit in our resolution. We closed the outer door and barred and locked it, and bringing the dogs with us, began our search of the house. We found nothing throughout except dust in extraordinary proportions, and all untouched save for my own footsteps when I had made my first visit.
See? It was just fear. When the rats are gone he feels better. The evil influence has vanished, the smell is clearing, his mind is clear. Mina is safe at home, they have got information of vital importance, this is a victory every step of the way.
(He sees his footprints in the dust, from long ago. The steps of a man unaware, walking blithely into utmost danger.)
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oh-bunny-dearest · 11 months
RisAbba Nation Rise Up!!
We have to make a stand! Risotto and Abbacchio are a perfect pair and to illustrate this I, Bunny, shall discuss the many parallels between them!
1. Design
Take a look here, where I have circled several keypoints where they share design elements
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first off, what isn’t pictured is how in the manga they both had black lipstick (although ris only had it in a pic but still). Besides that, look at their outfits have: an open chest area (so does everyone else in golden wind but shh there’s still more), a long billowing coat, a large statement belt with their initials, sleeves that go past their wrists with gold bracelets over them, and a goofy ahh striking head piece. Also it may be worth noting that Abbacchio and Risotto also have particularly striking eyes: Abbacchio has bicoloured yellow-purple eyes and Risotto has black sclera (shhh I know, Polpo—)
2. Trauma
These bitches gay AND have very similar trauma. Grief is a very important part of their character/how they ended up the way they are and although we don’t get nearly as much insight into Risotto’s character, I think they both also have many feelings of guilt and self-hatred over what happened. Risotto is a deeply vengeful character and I think part of it is feeling like he has to avenge everyone’s deaths as a means of atonement for himself. When Gelato and Sorbet died, he was the last person to leave the chapel and that gives me the feeling that he spent a lot of time alone to internalize those guilty feelings.
3. Narrative
Abbacchio was the first person of team Bucciarati to die, Risotto was the last person of La Squadra to die. They died in the same place at around the same time period. Risotto died seeing Diavolo’s face, knowing he was killed by the Boss whereas Abbacchio despite being the one looking to get a record of the Boss’s face died completely unaware. They both lost a limb fighting an enemy and reattached it with a stand. They both have a cold outward demeanor but are intensely loyal to their teams, willing to die if that’s what would benefit the group (yes la squadra was already all dead when risotto was going to take Diavolo out with him but it was to avenge their deaths that he was so intent on killing Diavolo)
They’re my babygirls and they’re both transfem and in love RisAbba real
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✨This too is yuri✨
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The First Step in All Cases
A little totk fic for Linktober 2023 Day 8 Prompt: Constructs. 1200 words.
AaaaaAAAAND face-plant.  Of course.
Somewhere along the line, he really thought he’d gotten better at this.  All that Calamity-smiting might’ve gone to his head.
(Definitely, it definitely had, because he let Zelda he let Zelda fall)-
“No,” he said with a sputter of grass, grit, and adorable little purple petals (What were those?  They didn’t taste half-bad) from his mouth, the sting of a long scratch the full length of his face an annoying reminder of his utter lack of elixirs and determination to find out where the frick they went whenever he got home.
He ignored the downed wing behind him and jogged toward the nearest ruined foundation.  The conditions here had preserved materials so well.  Maybe he’d find something to patch himself up-
-like a cookpot!  Link smiled, huffing at the similarity between those strewn about Hyrule and this ancient example, sitting near the center of a home from far longer ago than the previous Calamity.
“Okay, except I don’t have any monster parts.  Could make myself some dinner, though-“
Link’s feet returned to the stone, his first coherent thought being gratitude at not face-planting for the second time in two minutes.
“Allow me to offer unsolicited advice,” the sneaky steward construct said.  It meandered toward Link, though it didn’t enter the ancient footprint of the house.
“…Uh,” Link said.
“Are you going this direction?”
Link glanced at the hands it held loosely, the fingers dangling and not at all pointing any particular way.  “…Uhh-“
“This mountain path is especially rugged.”
Link looked around.  “What mountain pa-“
“You must take your environment into account when traveling.”
“…Right.  Hey, I don’t know how much Rauru clued you in, here, but I kept my memory this time.  Totally got this.“
“I have developed guidelines for traveling this mountain path.”
“Guidelines, really?  That’s great- I think I’m all set, though-”
“Shall I tell you them?”
“Uh.  I think I got it.  Stay warm, right?  Yep.  All set.”
The construct cocked its head at him.
Its strangely adorable head.
“…Don’t give me those dangly robot earrings.”
“Allow me to offer unsolicited advice.”
‘Please?’ its sideways face said in a way only mysteriously non-metallic rigid features can.
Link loosed a sharp sigh, nodding to himself.  He could spend a few minutes listening to a robot who’d been lonely for tens of thousands of years, couldn’t he?  Zelda was safe and here, right?  Of course, she was.  He saw the glow lift her up.  She’s up here in the temple, and he just has to get in.
“Let’s hear it!” Link said.
Something vaguely stern seemed to enter the construct’s inanimate stance.  “Very well.”
Link swallowed, hands on his hips to ride this out.
“Fire is a crucial tool when traveling the mountain path.”
Oh dear Hylia.  “Damn right!”
“A fire can be used either to cook or to warm yourself.”
“I recommend using flint as a Fire starter.”
“Fantastic recommendation.”
“Place flint next to a bundle of wood. Then strike it with a metallic or stony weapon.”
Dear Goddess, it really does think I have no idea.
“This is my recipe for fire.”
Link blinked.  “That’s- amazing.  It’s mine, too!”
“There are several other methods.  But it is best to internalize the basics first.”
“Makes sense.  You know, you can also use red chu chu jelly-“
“Would you like to hear about cooking?”
That sounded more interesting.  Ancient cooking?  “Yes, please!  Teach me about cooking!”
“You can cook anytime and anywhere.”
Wow.  Optimistic robot.
“All you need is a pot with a lit fire.”
“Oh.  I- know about pots-“
“One method of cooking-“
“-I use them all the time.”
“-is simply to throw random ingredients into the pot.”
“I’m a pretty good cooOOH RANDOM?”
“Others are more careful.”
“I’m sorry, did you just start a newbie’s cooking lesson with ‘put RANDOM things in a pot?’”
“This is the best way to make meals that can warm you up.”
“Wait wait wait, careful how?  You have to be specific!  A newbie needs clear instructions!”
“Other effects are also possible.”
“Yeah, true, but let’s start with the basics-”
“Insects and monster parts are not edible.”
“No no no no, you don’t start with stuff you don’t put in the pot-“
“Do not cook horns or guts with food.”
“I don’t tell people ‘by the way, don’t put a bunch of soap in a cookpot’ and then send them off to cook their first meal!”
“Save these parts as materials for elixirs.”
“Elixirs?!  You haven’t talked about cooking normal food yet!”
“Elixirs are also helpful in the mountains.”
“So are pants!  That doesn’t make them part of a good first cooking lesson!”
 “They are an alternate way to warm your body or recover stamina.”
“Noted, but-“
“The first step in all cases is to start a fire.”
Oh- okay, maybe this is where the cooking lesson starts.
“This is all I can tell you.  Take care.”
Link’s palm struck his forehead with a loud smack.  “You’re- kidding me!”
“Do not worry if you forget any of this.”
“I wish I could, but I think my forgetting days are over-“
“I am not going anywhere.”
Link stared at the construct.
10,000-plus years… for this?  This poor thing knew literally nothing about cooking, yet was doomed to wander the sky island for all eternity to expel its meager wisdom to random passersby?
“No.  No, this is not cool,” Link said.
“BrbrEEEEEBrrr,” cooed the construct.  It turned as if to attend its other duties.
“Eh- Allow me to offer unsolicited advice!” Link said.
“BrbrEEEErrEebr?” Its head cocked at Link.
“I happen to actually be a good cook,” Link said.
It stared at him.
“I- gh- hmm.”  Link grimaced.  “I… have developed guidelines for cooking simple, nourishing meals!” he said with a smile.  “Shall I tell you them?”
The construct’s head shifted back, the earring-like structures jangling in a way reminiscent of a Hylian retriever’s ears.  “I will listen.”
Link approached the construct with a grin and took its hand.  “Follow me to the cookpot, please.”
“Brr-brr-eEEe.”  It didn’t budge.
“What is it?”
“I have not been invited into my masters’ home.”
A small, half-smile touched Link’s face.  “I… live here, now.  I’m inviting you in.”
The construct crossed the threshold without resistance.
“Okay,” Link said with a clap of his hands and a delve into his Korok pouch.  “There are three ways to cook in a cookpot.  You can cook in water, cook in fat, or you can dry-roast.  Um.” Link pulled out a raw pigeon carcass he’d already cleaned—he’d had half a mind to cook it before the construct spoke to him anyway.  “Perfect.  This is raw bird—pigeon!—it has some of its own fat, so we’ll just go ahead and roast it.”  Link smirked and eyed his artificial friend.  “…What do you think the first step is?”
“The first step in all cases is to start a fire.”
Link nodded.  “You got it.”
“And if you collect enough of these and grind them down really fine, you make flour, and if you cook that in fat you make a roux, and there are all sorts of things you can do with that!”
“Brbrrreeee!” the construct chimed.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
I went on a stone age art wikiwalk. come partake in some highlights with me
Çatalhöyük. Often called 'the world's first city' and located in current day Turkey. Here's a probable reconstruction of an interior of the houses:
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Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük. A figurine found in Çatalhöyük. Personal note: what the hell this art fucks so incredibly, look at that definition, those shapes!!
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Venus of Dolní Věstonice, found in current day Czech Republic. It's dated to 29,000–25,000 BCE (!!!!) and is one of the oldest known ceramic pieces ever made.
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I don't know why this got to me as much as it did, but during a scan in 2004 they found the fingerprint of a child between 7-15 on this figurine -- they probably weren't the artist, but must have handled it at some point before it was fired. and somehow that gets me real emotional haha
Venus of Monruz. Found in current day Switzerland, likely about 11,000 years old, and of a profile I feel can only suitably be described as 'absolute dumptruck'. Mostly here for the ass enjoyers to balance out the representation of glorious boobage, if I'm being honest. Some similar figurines were found in Germany and at least one of them are theorized to be made by the same artist; I find this idea absolutely delightful because I love the idea that someone so obviously Knew What They Were About back then. (The actual function of Venus figurines, whether for ritualistic/religious purposes as fertility symbols, works of art, or good old fashioned tit(t)illation is uncertain and contentious (as is the use of 'Venus figurine' as a name for them, accordingly), but in my own humble and entirely unqualified opinion: somehow this one feels deeply horny. someone here was all about that base and didn't care who knew it.)
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Venus of Hohle Fels Found in current day Germany, the oldest known clear depiction of a human being we know of, dated to 40,000 -- 30,000 years old. (The Löwenmensch figurine is likely older, but it's kind of unclear if that is meant to depict a human being or a god or what. My unprofessional personal opinion: Yes, that is right; the furries got there first, and I don't see why anyone's surprised fhsdfjak.)
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Several male anthropologists have said some deeply exuberantly weird and horny things about this one! It does somehow feel like I'm daring tumblr to strike me down even in the absence of female presenting nipples on display here (nevermind the 'more of a pussy out sort of look' of it all) so maybe they have a point, but I find this piece of art so deeply charming I'm ready to take the chance anyway. I adore the way the hands are rendered especially. I also cannot recommend enough that you go to the wikimedia section of this one, not least because I found THIS in there
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the power of transformative art. the anime titty jiggle of our modern day applied to the oldest known human figure. art begets art across the ages
Not a piece of art as such, but the the Neanderthal skeletons found in the Shanidar Cave in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq fascinate me. Lots of interesting speculation about the possible presence of altruism in Neanderthals brought up from this. Special shoutout to the body known as Shanidar 3: a male person who was between 40 and 50 at the time of his death, and who may have been the first guy we know of to have been stabbed to death by someone. what a claim to fame. Caesar may have done it the most but this guy did it first
This little guy
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I can't stop laughing. yes that is exactly how I feel too, trace of French cave art possibly depicting a cave hyena from Le Babiliou Cave, Dordogne, France. You're saying what we're all thinking
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sl-walker · 24 days
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
*updated 9/3/24*
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free to the continental US! (Though if you wanna toss me a couple bucks towards it, I won't turn you down. It's about 4.50 per package. LOL!) Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails! And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! (We just finished a set of Boba Fett nails and we're working on Maul ones!) If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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3.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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4.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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5.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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6.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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7.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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8.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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9.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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10.) A Touch of Class - $34
This set of thirty includes three half-sizes on the end for better sizing! A gorgeous set of nails with white, decorated nails meeting silvery gold magnetic metallic meeting a gorgeous deep green glitter! This is a really lovely set, my cat Ajax really wanted to see them up close. LOL! You can't beat that endorsement. (But we're selling them anyway to help feed Ajax. XD)
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11.) The Denver Mint - $30
Oh man, I actually gasped when Erin showed me these. Just the richness of the metallic silver and copper looks awesome in person offset by the plain beige nails interspersed through the set. This is another set of thirty that has the three half-sizes, too! A really lovely and elegant set of almond shaped nails.
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12.) Please Forgive Ajax - $36
This is another stunning set, this time with printed decals and some custom hand-drawn art on them! Please ignore the stray cat hair, they will not come with; the culprit is sitting on my lap right now completely unashamed. But anyway, beyond those lovely green nails, the silvery-gold magnetic metallic nails will absolutely transfix you in the light. Heck, they transfix me and I can't even wear them. This set of thirty also includes the three half-sizes.
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13.) Tropical Daydreams - $30
With the deep teal and the gold metallic and an almond shape, this set's sure to invoke the tropics; same as the others above, a set of thirty with three half-sizes! They're a relatively straight-forward set compared to the rest, but no less beautiful in person.
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14.) Is Star Sapphire a Villain? - $34
If you're a DC Comics fan, you might giggle. But for everyone else, this particularly cute (and even conditionally chunky!) nail set is a lovely group of pink, dusky sorta violet, and actual violet magnetic metallic flake! So they're especially interesting in motion, and the bling on them are a whimsical kind of fun, too!
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15.) The Spider-Gwen Special - $34
Protect Trans Kids. (Like my nephew!) And thank you, makers of the Spider-Verse, for having that poster on Gwen's wall and inspiring the name! Anyway, the theme of this set of thirty (no half-sizes on this card) is obvious; short nails, they'll look good and probably not interfere too much with typing! And the jewels are supercute, too.
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16.) Cool Colored Chameleon - $40
THESE ARE SO DAMN COOL! Ahem. ANYWAY. Several of these are actually temperature-reactive! So, they change color with the temperature. Like a mood ring, kind of. They're also really super pretty in-person, not gonna lie. I can't tell you how many of the nail sets Erin shows me cause me to go O.O and oooh. This was a big one, I think I might have squealed. A set of thirty, with the three half-sizes, this one's just ridiculously fun.
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17.) Pretty in Pink - $32
Another one of those sets with some breathtaking magnetic metallic, this time in a soft silvery pinkish color! Mixed with the flat nails and the occasional bit of bling, this delicately colored set nonetheless has enough flash and flare to make your average redneck (meaning me) happy. Hopefully they'd be able to make you happy, too!
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itoshi-s · 2 years
helloo nonnie ;;!! I'm the anon who asked for the [therapy] s/o or friend ideaaaaa. And yes! Which one of the boys from Blue lock would do dat. I'm sorry for not being precise 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇
ah it's no prob love !! i was just at work and my head was blowin uuuppp i wasn't sure if i got that right ajfhsalkf BUT ofc i do have a few ideas in mind (´。• ω •。`) ♡
i definitelyyy think bachi would call u his therapy !!!! he knows that he's being weird sometimes, that despite his cheerful nature he's not a person that just anyone will get along with - and that's why he holds all of his friends so deeply to his heart . BUT even then he can never be sure if they'll be there to stay forever - and he doesn't want the dull empty feeling from his early youth to come back - so i can see meguru always having these second thoughts :(( similar to the 2nd selection when he was so scared to lose isagi !
but then,, there's you, in all your glory. you're always here - curled up next to him in bed, in the first row stand at his match,, or waiting at the airport to pick him up when he comes back to japan - and for once, the thought of you possibly not being there has never crossed his mind not even once. it's like you're a given, a granted presence in his life, and that brings him so much peace </3 tbh i do think bachira would have a bit of issues regarding him being left alone !! he'd be rly anxious abt it when it came to his s/o, but he wouldn't be really communicating it that much.
he might not even be aware of how it always lingers in his mind - until he feels the overwhelming peace you bring. that's when he realizes how his heart is no longer heavy with fear of being left behind - cause he knows you'll always be there, even if everyone else fails.
meguru definitely jokes around and calls u his little therapy. it's cute, and people always swoon at the way the usually playful strikes refers to you, his s/o, with such mature and sweet words. and even though they don't really put much thought into it, think it's just a little figure of speech, meguru really does think that you've healed him <3
ALSO - rin !!!!! obviously . yet another boy with severe abandonment issues (thx sae!!!). now,, since he is rly bad at communicating i can see him also being a bit short on such loving names. he wouldn't call u his therapy out loud, BUT the thought of you being it to him is heavy in his mind, warming his heart. <3 it might seem like he's not doing much for u, and it makes people think that you're too good for him. ((UNTRUE !! i already elaborated on this with nonnie earlier . his love language is acts of service definitely !!!)) after all, before you moved in together he was away all of the time; then, when you flew over to him and left your previous life behind to stay with him in europe, you had to come back to an empty apartment, rin only joining you at home a few long hours later. many people wouldn't have enough love in them to withstand this - but you never gave rin a reason to worry about you leaving.
he loves the way you have your own goals and ambitions, and that you continue to chase after them feverishly just like he does. you're hardworking, focused on your purpose, and it makes you so much more alluring to him. BUT, at the same time, you're always there to greet him with open arms and a warm smile when he comes home in the late evening hours. you're still there to listen when he finds it in himself to speak about his troubles and worries, and you give him a shoulder to rest on when the thoughts grow so loud, it gives him a headache. you believe in him, god you never once made him feel any different. you always push him forwards, further into his dream future, but you're always there to catch him if he trips.
you make him soar - and yet, despite his fears, you never do it by giving him harsh blows, much like the ones his brother did years back, leaving a wound that just won't seem to heal no matter how hard he tries. but maybe, just maybe, he starts to feel like people can stay if they want to - that not everyone is transient. you change his way of thinking, day by day, slowly, and you only ever seem to realize when he gives you the brightest smiles when u two are alone <333
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blue-mint-winter · 2 months
House of the Dragon s2e6
A slower episode. I liked all the new stuff in it, but besides that unfortunately it has too much filler. What I mean is the constant repetitions of things we already know - "Rhaenyra doesn't have an army" was repeated several times, Jace asking about Daemon AGAIN, Viserys banishing Daemon AGAIN in his vision, Alyn and Addam are Corlys' bastards - AGAIN, the same old Alyn & Corlys interaction - AGAIN, no one listens to Alicent - AGAIN. Please find new material to pad out the episodes, I beg you. It feels like half of the episode should have been cut to get rid of all these repetitions. Not very efficient use of the screentime.
I absolutely enjoyed the dragon claiming part of it. Poor Ser Steffon, Rhaenyra's plan to give dragons to her loyalists wasn't a bad idea, it was just impossible to execute because dragons have their own minds and preferences. Perhaps it is similar to marriage and dragon didn't want an old and unsexy man (lol). I really liked that Seasmoke went out and claimed a rider himself before Rhaenyra tried to force another candidate on him. The whole sequence was exciting and well done.
As an aside, I think it would be more interesting if instead of showing Corlys with Alyn, it was explained more about what kind of relationship the brothers have with their father. Or to show Addam&Corlys interaction. Anyway, I predict that in next episode Addam is going to be Corlys' favourite son and future heir.
I actually quite liked Alys in this episode, to my own surprise. She's owning her role now. I only wish that instead of Daemon's pointless dreams and regrets we could see Alys in Riverrun, getting rid of lord Grover. That could have been a shocking end to the episode. (Also, too bad Daemon didn't come up with the idea to send her to do it, after all he advised Oscar Tully to kill Grover. Kind of a logical progression.)
I liked the smallfolk plot and Mysaria's pro-Rhaenyra PR campaign. Starving people turning against the ineffective politicians makes a lot of sense.
Green council politicking was quite interesting. I like that the problem of lords not respecting Targaryens strikes again with Jason Lannister demanding that Aemond join his forces before they go to fight in Riverlands. I am blaming Otto for this, Viserys was too nice yes, but Otto was the Hand for years, he was at the wheel and that's the result.
Aemond throws his weight around, people are cowed, but that doesn't mean they won't do anything. Alicent finally talks to him and he throws her out of the small council (contrast that with Jace telling Rhaenyra "my mother is my ruler"). They still don't address what he did to Aegon. Aemond sends out Criston to probably die in Riverlands against Daemon. Makes sense he wants to get rid of the only witness to his treachery. The whole scene of Aemond threatening bedbound and injured Aegon, then ordering maester to ensure a long healing process was savage. He is a true villain now.
Interesting that Aemond wants to reinstate Otto as Hand as he sees an ally in him. Or maybe he just doesn't like the foot fetishist (does he knows about Larys and Alicent?). I live how Larys tried to get on his good side and when it didn't work, he immediately switched back to Aegon.
The Larys-Mysaria parallel is strong in this ep, both telling their sob stories (which might be true or not) to Aegon/Rhaenyra who both fall for it, because they're alone and desperate as their strongest supporters betrayed and deserted them.
Larys kissing Aegon WHEN?!!
I quite like how there are factions within factions with both Daemon and Aemond going rogue. Gwayne's description of Daeron and lack of news from Otto makes me suspect that Otto is cooking up a new plan and using Daeron for it. Maybe this last grandson will be a willing puppet to his power hungry grandpa.
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