#its always the terms and conditions that get you: mizora||in character
shimmerbeasts · 5 months
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TEMPTING – VERY TEMPTING. Such an offer, but this one has slipped through her claws once before, and how others had been punished for such bold and daring actions to try and read between the lines. That was her job, her contracts were ironclad and always tilted the scales into her favor, always. She cannot be cheated, she cannot be tricked, she cannot be robbed of what she is owed and this one, well let’s just say that her interest was there and that was free for the time being, everything else afterwards .. well that was going to become costly and this little mortal was already within serious debt, no point in adding to the collector and having countless fight all over the pieces once it comes time to carve her up. “Is this a bad time darling, do you need another forty winks to get some beauty sleep.” A hand on her chest and a coy smile upon her lips, false flattery and mocking words aplenty, but it is the nature of such dealings.  She already had her claws in many little pets within the land, why on earth would she want for anymore than what she had, but then again.  A deal was a deal and a contract was almost mouth watering to cut out her useless debtors and merely go right to the person causing her so much trouble and offer them, well what everyone wants, the deal of a lifetime.  No tricks, no little back doors, just a simple deal, what she wants, in exchange for what she wants, it was truly so simple. She had the blade, a hero, a legend within the land, but how he fights and denies, time and time again, how this ought to work. “I am here, to see if you wish for more from me, your sample, is it not to your liking, and that is nothing compared to what you can have, if you only ask for it.”
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"Ha ha ha", Jinx called out, feigning amusement at the joke, "I cannot contain my laughter. Ha ha ha."
Her mismatched eyes drifted over towards Mizora's large, bat-like wings. Bats had hollow bones. It allowed them to fly. They also were particularly fragile and the leathery skin, too, was something, which ought not be damaged. Jinx idly wondered whether or not Mizora would be robbed of the power of flight if she yanked just hard enough, twisted her bones by a joint and caused it to snap. Or perhaps she should take out her dagger and cut into the leathery skin that way.
The thoughts felt good like dipping your bare feet into the warm waters of a boiling spring. They coaxed a sly smile out of Jinx's lips and her tail flicked from one side to the next. Still, she forced the contemplation down. As much as she wanted to do it - and that desire burned to the point her muscles cramped -, she knew it would jeopardise Wyll's safety and hers. The tiefling could not let that happen.
Hearing Mizora ask her what she wanted, if she wanted more power, the warlock began to pace back and forth like a displacer beast in a cage, large tentacles flicking back and forth. Powder peered after her, the familiar's tail matching her tail's slow curls and flicks. Jinx closed her fingers around her chin as she thought long and hard. Finally, she stopped and looked at Mizora.
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"Here is the kicker", Jinx admitted, "I am not really after more power, so I really do not know how to ask for what I want. I am more invested in what's going on in here." She tapped a clawed finger against her temple. "Not the tadpole, mind yah! I am more interested in the whole other stuff. All these images and intrusive thoughts... I do not wanna get rid of them. But I do wanna understand them better. I think in the past, I specifically chose to become a ranger to understand what goes on in my head, but it didn't lead to the result, I wanted. Hunting game in the woods and even hunting people is different than the way people are, well, diabolical. Soooo, do you think you can help me on that front? Or is that out of a devil's skill book?"
@fallesto cont. from here.
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shimmerbeasts · 4 days
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Stories To Tell
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It was easy to disappear in the hustle and bustle of a tavern. Mizora sat in the shadowy corner of a corner table; her silvery eyes surveying the comings and goings of the patrons. The Cambion was masquerading as a beautiful lady with cream-coloured skin. Her fiery orange hair, tinging into an auburn tone, was adorned with several golden rings, glittering crescents and minuscule daggers to give her an air of nobility and elegance. Her silken, blue dress concealed itself in the dark, though some light fell upon a low-cut front and a warm, long, finely laced fur collar, which seemed to have been divided into a few braids, decorated with golden bracelets.
Mizora's make-up was pronouncing her beauty just right, barely highlighting the silver of her eyes, the fine bridge of her nose and the curve of her purple lips. Finely cut and trimmed nails tapped against the rim of a glass. In it swam a lonely puddle of red wine - a pitiful excuse to the liquid fire, you could down in the Nine Hells. Everything about her hide currently was a pitiful excuse. Mizora missed the weight of her wings and the sway of her tail. Without them, it felt like she was missing a vital part of her communication. But alas sometimes you had to lower yourself if you wanted to attract the right sort of people.
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Like the soul, Mizora just spotted walking into the tavern. The Cambion raised a hand and waved, tantalisingly wagging her fingers back and forth. Waiting for the other person to meet her gaze, Mizora smiled and called with a soft cadenza: "Would you mind keeping a lone noblewoman company? You look like you might have some stories to tell. How about I buy you a drink? Make it worth your while."
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shimmerbeasts · 28 days
You know what? Fuck it
🎲 for Mizora and Jaheira
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I want the K||Accepting.
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7. A romantic kiss.
What could be considered romantic tended to vastly differ between a fiend and other species of Faerun. In fact, what might be read as romantic from an uncritical angle, was usually more akin to a sudden rush of endorphins and heightened arousal for the fiend in question. Usually triggered by a massive absorption of negative emotions like fear, panic, fright or anger, coupled with the sight of carnage.
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Mizora was currently in the thrall of that emotional high after Jaheira and she had beaten down a surprise ambush of a group of Absolute Cultists on the route to Baldur's Gate. While the tadpole gang had been able to take out Ketheric Thorm, it seemed that for many of the survivors of the Moonrise massacre, they were now the enemy number one and many of them hungered for retribution.
The air was thick with a haze of smells. Ironrich blood, so loaded you might throw up if you took too deep a breath. Frosty chills from several bodies covered in rhyme and contorted from the thralls of the Hunger of Hadar, Mizora had trapped a large chunk of the Cultists in. The bodies, which had not been eviscerated by her devouring, cold and toxic darkness and Jaheira's thick, unruly thorns, had been ripped to pieces by the claws of a panther and reduced to ash by the single gesture of a corpse-blue hand.
Mizora was remarkably untouched by the blood as, for once, she had not thrown herself into the fray and instead kept her distance while Jaheira had leapt straight into the thicket of the ambush. As the Cambion looked at the panther, her red eyes glowed with fiery appreciation and a hunger, which differed from the ways, she inspected the corpses. The panther's paws and muzzle were dripping with blood.
Soon enough though, the animal's body was enveloped by golden light before with a sharp tearing sound and a puddle of viscera and blood, the panther shed its animalistic shape and in its place stood Jaheira herself. The half-elf was dripping with blood, her hands and arms drenched in red and even her mouth coated in viscera. The flush, making Mizora's cheeks purple, returned, darkening them even more. She gazed at the half-elf with a sense of sick pleasure and appreciation as if Jaheira had just shown her a colour she really liked.
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"You have got a little something there, my dear." Mizora stepped closer and reached for Jaheira's face with her hand. "Let me help you with that." The Cambion traced her fingers over the half-elf's bloodied feature, collecting the red, which had not yet completely dried and crusted up around her mouth. Popping her fingers into her mouth, Mizora suckled off the blood with a satisfied hum as if she had just shared in a kill.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look like this, Jaheira?"
Mizora's voice was barely above a whisper. Her hand cupped the harper's chin, her thumb tracing across her lips, now mostly clean of the blood. The Cambion stepped closer. Her wings opened wide before they gingerly and carefully wrapped themselves around Jaheira's body, encasing her in a warm, leathery cocoon.
"Don't be afraid", Mizora cooed, "I promise, I will be gentle."
Her hand tightened around the harper's jawline and Mizora guided their heads closer to one another, even bending down a touch to make the following kiss easier. As their lips touched, Jaheira would hear a brief whooshing sound. It was Mizora's wings, trembling ever so slightly. Her kiss was soft and almost a bit succulent as the Cambion nibbled at Jaheira's lips, though wisely kept her tongue with its sharp hooks on the surface to itself. A low purr originated from Mizora's throat as she gave the harper a firm, yet gentle and carefully controlled kiss, which might be compared to a cat softly sniffing your nose.
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shimmerbeasts · 3 months
What do you think about Raphael? Tell me some devilishly hot gossip.
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"Milady, another letter arrived for you."
Mizora opened her eyes. The Cambion was stretching out and relaxing on a longue in her private chambers. Her skin was gleaming with massage oil. Her wings were draped to the side and her tail lazily curled around her ankle. Sleek, warm hands stopped in their pressing into her shoulder blades and spine. The tiefling threw a tentative look her way, biting his lips as if not sure if he oughta to continue.
In front of the Cambion, stood another Cambion with orange-red skin, black hair and black, Antilope horns. She was dressed in a revealing, yet tastefully cut, black dress and had tipped her body forwards in a graceful bow. Keeping her gaze on the floor, the Cambion offered Mizora the folded-up later.
She plucked it from her hand, and as her servant rose again, Mizora opened up the letter. Not looking at the Cambion, she said: "You may take your leave, Mercedes. As for you" - her red eyes glinted in warning as she peered at the tiefling - "I did not tell you that you could stop."
"My apologies, milady."
As the tiefling returned to the massage, Mizora properly inspected the letter, handed to her. She dimly registered Mercedes exiting her chambers after another brief bow. The Cambion furrowed her brow as she thought over what she could tell Dove that they did not already know. Placing her head onto the back of her hands, Mizora closed her eyes as the tiefling massaged the back of her neck. Eventually, she ordered: "Get out."
The tiefling pulled away and muttered: "Yes, milady."
Mizora rose from her seat as he exited the room. The Cambion stretched her wings and brushed a stray strand of orange hair behind her ear. She picked up the letter and with a snap of her fingers set it on fire. Only then did she bother answering Dove's question:
"Raphael is a Cambion like me. However, just because we share a species does not mean that I like him or think very highly of him. Raphael's unfortunately extremely arrogant, even more arrogant than can be common for a devil. Him, having the House of Hope makes him believe that he is very special. It can be quite tedious, if not frustrating to have to deal with his pompous ass.
"If anything, his high and mighty and noble role, which he so fawns over, falls apart the moment, you actually scrutinise him a bit more. For one, among Cambions, it is fairly common knowledge, thanks to Harleep, that Raphael is very bad at sex. As entertaining as that knowledge is, it is not even the worst part in my opinion.
"Most devils and Cambions alike try to perform a type of role if they want someone to agree to a deal. The more flexible you are in that performance, the better. I personally believe a warlock patron should be fluid and tailor his role individually towards each of his cases. Raphael does not think so. He has picked one role and one role only: He tries to lower your guard by casting himself as the gentlemanly host. Completed with inviting you to a banquet at the House of Hope. It is quite an elaborate ploy, and usually, it works.
"Unfortunately, not everybody is receptive towards that ploy, so the fact that Raphael is not flexible in it, nor his role can lead to problems. For instance, did you know that Raphael is extremely bad at fox hunts? Honestly, put him on the back of a horse and he will fall off it." Mizora couldn't help but giggle at that thought. "It is quite humorous as fox hunts are associated with the aristocracy and kings, and Raphael is such a poor hunter, that he cannot even make use of it. Can you imagine what a damper to his pride that is? He can create the best banquets, he wants, but he will never be able to impress a potential client from the back of a horse or in a hunt. Leave alone that there will be certain types of souls, his role will never allow him access to, like the poor and desolate. He needs someone to be just as arrogant and self-assured or recklessly stupid and desperate to make a deal. And unfortunately, those things will never inspire loyalty in the souls, he has in the afterlife."
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shimmerbeasts · 8 days
؟ 😘
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A Random Thought Passing Through My Head||Accepting.
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Oh, Vhaal is a delightful, little toy.
Usually, I find my entertainment in the trapped souls in Hell or in Karlach's frustration, but this is such a cute little plaything to have on the side. Vhaal is practically pudding in my hands. All I have to do is smile, offer some vague remarks and half-truths and the poor, little drow falls over his own feet in an attempt to please me. I could probably convince Vhaal to crawl into a hellbeast's jaws and the fool would do so smiling.
Still, if he were just a fool, he would not be as interesting. Vhaal has such a delightful personality. Like most drow do really. Oh, they are so deliciously violent, and yet so very obsessed with rules, ranks and hierarchial conduct. It is a devil's paradise! So to have Vhaal be such an unpredictable, little ball of chaos in all that order... I should not enjoy this nearly as much, but I do love the messes, he gets himself into. Especially when I so often have the feeling that he oughta know better.
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shimmerbeasts · 21 days
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So, I dunno how many people here are EPIC: The Musical fans (which is a big inspiration for how I portray Wyll), but with the Wisdom Saga having dropped, one song stood out to me the most. And that is the song "Little Wolf".
Basically, upon hearing this, my brain went This is Wyll's fight with the Tiamat cultists. Not just the instrumental, but the lyrics fit to a T! The idea that Wyll at first was struggling against the cultists and at the risk of losing and dying.
Then how Athena just drops into the middle of the fight and offers Telemachus her aid. I freaking could see Mizora do the exact same thing! Even Athena's lyrics just screamed Mizora at me. From the "Need some help" to how she directs him during the fight. And don't get me started on Athena's own Little Wolf verse! Just I could see Mizora cheer Wyll on as she helped him wield her powers for the first time.
And the fight ended with "Oh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard.", followed by "Ow!". I could see Mizora say that after Wyll gets his eye gauged out. Maybe she even winces a bit. I am just psyched by how awesome this song fits their dynamic.
Heck, all the Athena and Odysseus' songs of Epic shaped how Mizora behaves around Wyll.
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shimmerbeasts · 22 days
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patron saint of blood
patron saint of the life that flows through our bodies. patron saint of violence. patron saint of love. something that does not watch over but exists within: not for protection but for vitality. there is no passion without a beating heart at its core. when that heart breaks open, someone has to be responsible for what it bleeds.
Tagged by: @deaddoveadventures
Tagging: @demonswcb, @faerunscursed (Wyll), @ferinehuntress (Aylin), @iron-hearts-ablaze, @harpershigh, @sharransepulchre
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shimmerbeasts · 1 month
Me: *does the kissy roulette meme* Wyll: *gets the peck on the cheek kiss* Mizora: *makes that somehow sexually charged* Vhaal: *gets the rough kiss* Me: WHY DO I HEAR BOSS MUSIC?!
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shimmerbeasts · 2 months
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While I did not really rp this evening, I used a lot of my energy to make some icons for Mizora. I am using my Origin Wyll run for this, so I get all the scenes. Anyhow, I love how even in her first scene, Mizora has such a variety of facial expressions.
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From soft and gentle...
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To "I am going to eat your babies".
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shimmerbeasts · 5 months
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So, as I was reblogging some fan art of Jinx, one art piece made me think of Mizora and Wyll. This one made me go: If you picture horned Wyll strangulating his past self with Mizora basically guiding his hand, you get a really scary visual and an even darker implication.
And I think what I really liked about this thought experiment was the fact that it felt incredibly unsettling and creepy. It felt unnatural and strange, which really fits the whole fact that at the end of the day, Mizora is a devil. She should be allowed to have moments where she even frightens Wyll with her behaviour.
I couldn't help but think about how paranoid Wyll must be if that instance happened to him in a dream. He would probably be wondering after waking up if he was dreaming or if Mizora invaded his dream. What would make it even worse, is if his motion is halfway there. Like he already reaches for his past self's throat before Mizora picks up his wrist to guide him the rest of the way, maybe even encouraging him to continue the motion. Maybe even whisper into his ear that he would enjoy this action.
Heck, it would be even scarier if Wyll ended up breaking his neck in the dream. I dunno... I just feel like this whole scenario would feel extremely like something, Mizora would do. Intentionally guiding Wyll to embrace amorality instead of his good moral compass and values. And I feel she would absolutely use such a dream sequence to mess with Wyll's head. What would be even worse if Mizora was not even behind the dream and yet it still ends up happening. After all, that would imply there is some inner darkness in Wyll, which might long to break free.
I dunno if this is a meta or just me rambling or some possible roleplaying wish.
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shimmerbeasts · 3 months
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What kind of tragedy are you?
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you were given the choice to live, a thousand times over, and yet you never choose it. not intentionally, oh no, you didn’t know it was a grave you were digging. but with every turn, you were twisting the knife deeper. every decision doomed you more. had it been anyone else, they would have made it. but you? you are so perfectly you, there was no escaping it. the true tragedy of it all, is how preventable it was.
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What kind of tragedy are you?
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written in the stars
it had to end this way. we all know it. only you were unaware. you had hope. hope, of course, only makes it hurt all the more. we all knew you would look back, oh love, there’s no other version of the story. and yet, alongside you, we still had hope. we believed in you, even though we knew you couldn’t win. and you believed in yourself till the last moment. it isn’t fair, is it? you didn’t know you were doomed.
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What kind of tragedy are you?
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you were given the choice to live, a thousand times over, and yet you never choose it. not intentionally, oh no, you didn’t know it was a grave you were digging. but with every turn, you were twisting the knife deeper. every decision doomed you more. had it been anyone else, they would have made it. but you? you are so perfectly you, there was no escaping it. the true tragedy of it all, is how preventable it was.
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What kind of tragedy are you?
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doomed from the start
there was no way of winning, and you knew it too. but you still tried. you tried again and again and again to change it. you fought tooth and claw to change your fate, but she cannot be easily manipulated. it’s not your fault. the game was always rigged against you. from the moment you entered the narrative, your fate was sealed. you didn’t stand a chance.
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What kind of tragedy are you? (Lae'zel)
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doomed from the start
there was no way of winning, and you knew it too. but you still tried. you tried again and again and again to change it. you fought tooth and claw to change your fate, but she cannot be easily manipulated. it’s not your fault. the game was always rigged against you. from the moment you entered the narrative, your fate was sealed. you didn’t stand a chance.
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Tagged by: @necrophcge and @ferinehuntress
Tagging: @apalestar, @warwaited, @deaddoveadventures, @the-rogue-dragon, @countlessrealities (The Smith family), @moxxietude (Lacrimosa, Loona), @zaunseye, @playgroundmonsters (Ran), @ruinouss
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shimmerbeasts · 3 months
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So, I just did some digging and I found those two descriptions, which accompany the infernal robes and the infernal rapier respectively i.e. both items, which Wyll gets as a reward from Mizora.
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I find the description of these two items so incredibly telling because they are framed very, very personally. The robes seem to be implied to have belonged to Mizora herself at one point, maybe it was her attire during her time in the Blood War. The rapier is literally claimed to be Wyll's soul as a weapon and also something very carefully tended to and looked after.
Looking at those descriptions, they completely recontextualise Mizora's rewards to Wyll. Those are not just some powerful treasures, those are deeply personal items. I feel like in a way, Mizora almost gifts Wyll (if he gets both items) the outfit and weapon she used during the Blood War.
This personal nature of her rewards adds such an interesting element of nuance to their dynamic, and I feel, in a way, does imply Mizora's own type of care. It does not necessarily excuse her behaviour or anything, but it adds an affection, which I feel goes easily missed.
I, for one, really like it.
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shimmerbeasts · 4 months
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So, I just finished another reply for Wyll and Mizora, and I am here like "I dunno if I wanna go 'Awwhhh, how sweet' or 'Ew, ew, ew, ew' or both at the same time?" Like if you actually let her cook, she gets a really scary dynamic with Wyll. It is this malicious care.
She behaves like a parental figure, but at the same time, you can freaking see her influences worming their way into Wyll's being and it is just *shudders* so incredibly creepy and disturbing. I do not follow the whole sexual undertone of the game, so the fact that I can provide this type of narrative even without that aid is deeply unsettling. Mizora clearly cares for Wyll in her own twisted ways, but at the same time, she so clearly wants to change his very being.
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Do not get me wrong: I love this dynamic and I really, really enjoy writing it. But it also is such a potent reminder of what angst can mean. It does not always have to be hurt/comfort, it can also be downright horror, and I think what makes this so nausea-inducing is the fact that it is so real. People like Mizora exist, and I am sometimes very horrified at how well I manage to capture this stuff. At the same time, Mizzy has so much nuance while still being a terrifying person. I mean, I could gush about this a lot, but I probably already talked too much.
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shimmerbeasts · 4 months
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12 Tropes or Less.
How to play. Summarize Your Character in 12 Tropes. You may use tools like TVTropes to help you but you can make up trope names as you go too. There's no official rules!
It's a fun, creative way to help other Mods/Muns remember/understand your Muses in a tacit and unique way!
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Enemy Within
Killer Rabbit
Dark and Troubled Past/Trauma Conga Line
Mafia Princess
Accuser of the Brethren: "I don't care that you are sorry and want to make amends! I won't forgive and I will punish you."
"Anger is healthy" Aesop/Unstoppable Rage
My Master, Right or Wrong/Undying Loyalty
Trigger-Happy Maglomaniac
Hearing Voices/Stress-induced Mental Voices
The Child Protegee
Crazy Equals Genius/Success Through Insanity
Everything Explodes Ending/Set The World On Fire
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12 Tropes or Less.
How to play. Summarize Your Character in 12 Tropes. You may use tools like TVTropes to help you but you can make up trope names as you go too. There's no official rules!
It's a fun, creative way to help other Mods/Muns remember/understand your Muses in a tacit and unique way!
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Deal With The Devil/Magically Binding Contract/Read The Fine Print
Older Than Dirt
Lawful Evil
The Corrupter
The Hunter, through Wyll also Hunter of Monsters
Tempting Seductress/Femme Fatale/The Baroness
Soft-Spoken Sadist
It Amused Me.
Predation Is Natural.
Noble Demon.
Right-Hand Attack Dog Owner/Fluffy Tamer.
Grand Dame and Amoral Attorney.
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Tagged by: @moxxietude
Tagging: @ferinehuntress (Karlach and Dame Aylin), @faerunscursed (Wyll), @ruinouss (Faye), @deaddoveadventures (Curume), @playgroundmonsters (Ran), @piltover-sharpshooter, @the-rogue-dragon
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shimmerbeasts · 8 days
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A full belly was one thing, but Haarlep had been deprived of his luscious life within the House of Hope. When he was bored, he could tease the eternal debtors or order them to do things, lest they wanted the master of the house to punish them. He had been able to use his pure association with Raphael as a means of power play--and he had gotten away with it for centuries! Now, he wasn't the master of the houses little plaything anymore, and Haarlep grew bored very easily. Blue and black wings draped sadly behind the incubus' back as his tail fell between his legs. A whining puppy was exactly what he resembled. Sighing rather dramatically, Haarlep frowned in Mizora's direction. "I'm booored," he whined, slinking his way across the room and over to the desk. A pretty enough establishment Zariel was running here, but it didn't share the same (and more) vain aspects and comforts of what Raphael had had within his home. Zariel was leading a war, and Mizora was one of her... bureaucrats... "And I want attention," the incubus fully admitted outright. "Your devils here are fine enough, but... they lack any intriguing personalities. And charm. They are more muscle than brain, my dear." He plopped himself up onto the desk, leaning a little closer to the cambion. "Preen me? I miss the touch of a pretty cambion."
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Demotion was something feared throughout all of Hell; and while Haarlep had not been demoted per se, his situation had changed and he was no longer in a position of importance or power. In fact, as far as the other denizens of Mizora's menagerie were concerned, Haarlep was more akin to a begrudging guest, they barely tolerated. Everybody knew Haarlep had only approached Mizora's home because he had nowhere else to go and refused to head back to Mephistopheles and Cania.
The devils and Cambions, working under Mizora, ensured that his hunger was fed in the most dispassionate way possible. They were doing the bare minimum required to keep an Incubus alive. However, other than that, they mostly kept Haarlep out of the way. After all, the menagerie was an active participant in the Blood War; and the last thing its inhabitants needed was a whining Cambion bemoaning that he could not mess around with some indebted souls. If anything, they were annoyed by Haarlep expecting things to follow Raphael's pattern of behaviour instead of attempting to learn the ways of the Lady of the House.
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Mizora looked up as Haarlep sighed. The Cambion leaned against the doorway, black-and-blue wings draped behind his back and his tail dragging around the ground. "I told you, you are nothing but a sheltered kitty-cat", Mizora said patiently as the Incubus slunk his way through her office, "And don't come to me about being bored, Haarlep. My animals tried to engage with you at the start, even trying to invite you to play. It is not my fault you chose to ignore their cues, simply because nobody swoons over you here."
She made a strange gesture with her hand, hellish magic dancing around her fingertips as she made the unfinished contract vanish. It was not even one of her own, but another devil had asked her if she could do him a solid and review a contract, he had been working on. In exchange, he had provided a workforce to help Zariel mine some more infernal iron. An easy exchange for what Mizora considered a dog water of a contract. But alas, if anybody knew how to salvage a bad contract and refine it into something more useful, it was her.
"They are soldiers, Haarlep", Mizora reminded the Incubus softly, "You want to see their personality, observe them in battle. And well, they do not think too much if all they have to concern themselves with is how violent they can make a demon's death."
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Hearing Haarlep practically plead for her attention like a famished man in the desert, Mizora sighed and pushed her chair backwards, so the Incubus had a chance to crawl on her lap. She warningly raised a hand and instructed: "You want pets, then you turn into a female first. If you try anything, which might be read as sexual, I will stop immediately. And no kisses. You try kissing me and I will have your mouth sown shut."
@dvilsdesire cont. from here.
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shimmerbeasts · 2 days
❝ i’m not your enemy. i’m actually trying to help you. ❞ - Curumë @deaddoveadventures
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The trap's wire rattled against her body as the small, black fox came leaping at Curume. A sleek muzzle, full of sharp teeth, opened in a hollow bark and the snapping of the air. It was only thanks to the noose around the poor animal's neck that it could not get any closer. Wincing in pain as the noose tightened a bit, metal stinging against a soft pelt, the fox sat down, trying to make the rope slack. One of her paws had wedged itself between the noose and her neck to prevent it from pulling too tightly.
Mizora eyed Curume up and down and gave another soft threatening growl. The vixen's red eyes gleamed, however, she then slowly backed away a touch so that the 'stranger' could work on the trap and disable it. It should not be too hard. All, he had to do, was either dig out the peg or cut through the wire. The vixen kept her gaze fixed on Curume as he went about freeing her from the trap.
Once she was free, Mizora staggered forward. Kicking against the wire, she widened the noose and pulled her head free. Gasping for breath, the fox looked up at Curume. With a whimper, the animal tried to walk away. However, Mizora had not even taken two steps before her front paw bent and she slumped back into the ground before Curume. Peering up at him, she whimpered again and pawed at his shoe.
Under the pathetic display, Mizora kept staring at the half-elf. Her red eyes began to glow and a strange dark orange spark whisked across one of her paws. The Friends cantrip clung itself to Curume's brain like thorny veins. The end of Mizora's muzzle tipped into a small grin as she waited for him to keep tending to her. If she had cast the spell properly, Curume should feel compelled to pick her up and carry her to his camp.
The camp, he shared with one Wyll Ravenguard.
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