#I think the scariest panel is when he yells
jimbleswrites · 1 year
Nora, The Sole Survivor
Chapter 2: Rude Awakening
I woke up, to a dark hallway. The tiny glass panel was fogged up, with frost hanging on the edges. The lights outside flickered, the fluorescent hum kicking on and off in time.
“This one here.” A person in a white hazard suit was pointing to Nate’s pod. I groggily moaned and put a hand up to the window.
“Open it.” A new voice, gruff and harsh, commanded. A bald man wearing a wrinkled black shirt with metal armor walked into view. The person in the suit nodded and started to operate the pod, with it hissing as it opened. 
Nate was still holding Shaun, as he tried to step out. “Is it over? Are we ready to continue?” He was stopped by the person in the suit.
“Almost, just give me the baby and we’ll get you ready.” They tried to take Shaun, only for Nate to hold him tighter.
“No, I’ll hold him, just let me get my balance.” Nate tried again to step out again, only the man to roughly push him back in.
“Give us the boy.” It was now clear this was not what was supposed to be happening. These people were kidnappers! I banged on the doors, trying to break it down to no avail. Nate was holding Shaun close, trying to protect him, as the person in the suit tried to grab him. He was still groggy from the pod, and could barely stand. I heard a click as I looked back at the man. He was now loading a revolver. “Give us the boy now.” He pointed the gun at Nate who continued to struggle.
“I’m not giving up Shaun!” Nate tried to break away, only to be met by the barrel of the gun. In an instant, the man fired and blew Nate’s head off. I screamed as pieces of gore fell around the floor. Shaun was crying now, with the person in the suit taking Shaun from his cold dead hands as the body slumped back into his pod. I was yelling, banging on the door, just pure rage as the man turned to me. He came right up to the window, his scars and worn skin burned into my mind.
“At least we still have the backup.” He stated, in the same tone one would use when looking in the fridge for something. Bored. Nonchalant. He pushed some buttons on my panel and I heard a familiar hiss. They were going to put me back to sleep. The same mechanical voice began its countdown.
Air began hissing around me.
Nate’s body was limp in his pod. The people walked away with Shaun.
I screamed at the people outside, no words, just rageful cries.
I felt the world grow colder. I tried to fight it but it was too strong.
I grew faint and lost consciousness.
I woke up to a blaring siren. My pod was opening before I was fully aware, and I fell face first onto the floor. The pain was numb, like my body wasn’t properly registering the impact. I tried to move but I felt stiff. I felt a warmth coming back, and next there was a stinging sensation. Pins and needles shot up my arms, finally catching up to the fall. I managed to stand, leaning heavily against the pod. I had the scariest dream, but surely that was due to all the stress. I looked over to Nate’s pod, and a frozen corpse was sitting there.
It wasn’t a dream.
I scrambled over to the pod, slamming my hands against the controls. It opened, with the body falling forward like I did. Unlike me, it shattered, scattering various pieces of my husband across the floor. A hand slid over to me, with his ring still on his finger. I slumped down, losing feeling in my legs as I kneeled there, staring at the shattered remains of my husband. It was all real. The nukes. The Vault. The kidnappers. I was simultaneously overwhelmed, thinking about everything, and also still, unable to move or process anything. The sirens blared overhead for who knows how long, as I just sat there. After some time, I came to a conclusion. I couldn’t stay here. Even if I opened the vault doors and died, I couldn’t stay here. 
I carefully took the ring from Nate’s hand. “I’m so sorry.” I said aloud. “I know that we argued a lot recently, but I did love you. I should have said it more.” I put the ring into my pocket. “I don’t know what’s out there, but I promise, if there is any chance to find Shaun or whoever did this, I will do it. No matter what it takes.” I finally stood up, and turned to the hallway. This was the first time I had actually looked around. The vault was dusty, with some wires and tubes in the ceiling loose. It felt abandoned, like the people had been gone for years. But we couldn’t have been in the pods for that long? I stepped along the path, looking at the other pods. Some had frozen bodies, others were empty. Were we attacked after the vault closed? 
I reached the end of the hall, and the door was sealed shut. I tried the button, only to hear a beep. “This door is not functioning, please contact a Vault-Tec engineer.” A robotic voice chimed. I guess I would have to look for another way. Or maybe someone else would be ok. I found another door, leading deeper into the vault. I walked past similar broken wiring and dusty halls for a while until I found an office. I looked in to see a skeleton, sitting on the chair. I should have been more surprised but it seemed like I didn’t feel much of anything. The desk it was sitting at had a terminal with power, so I decided to see if it had any info. I gently pushed the skeleton’s chair out of the way, and opened the first file, labeled Vault 111 Security Instructions.
Vault 111 is designed to test the long-term effects of suspended animation on unaware, human subjects. Security staff are responsible for maintaining installation integrity and monitoring science staff activity. Under no circumstances are staff allowed to deviate from assigned duties. Insubordination or interference with vault operations are capital offenses. Security staff are authorized to use lethal force.
I was confused. Suspended animation? Lethal force? Did Nate talk about this with the salesman? I opened the next file, labeled Resident Admittance.
Upon Activation Notice from Vault-Tec, all personnel are required to report to the Entry Area and assist with admittance of Vault Residents. Security Personnel will maintain order and ensure that no personnel or residents attempt to evacuate the Vault. Research staff will be responsible for resident intake and escort each to the designated cryogenic pod. Residents not accounted for in the manifest should be asked to step aside and detained forcefully by security if necessary. Once all residents have been sealed into their preservation chambers, dispose of any detainees. Vault entryway must remain sealed under any circumstances.
I gasped. We were frozen for some time. This wasn’t a shelter, it was a lab, and we were the rats. I had no idea how long I had been suspended, and the terminal didn’t have a date listed on it. I looked back to the skeleton. Clearly something had happened, otherwise the staff would still be around.
I heard a noise from the next room suddenly. I was scared, unsure if this would be a worker, an attacker, or some other thing I couldn't predict. I saw a baton on the desk, and picked it up. I turned the corner to see a huge cockroach scuttling in a mess hall. It was probably the size of a small dog, and it chirped as it moved between other skeletons on the floor. I tried to move back into the office only to accidentally hit a box lying on the floor. The roach spun in my direction, and leapt at me, its wings fluttering as it crossed the hall incredibly quickly. I screamed and swung my baton, like a baseball bat. I struck it square in the center, cracking its shell. The roach squealed, then went limp on the floor.
“Giant roaches?” I wheezed. I looked around for more, but the room seemed empty now. I looked at the roach closer, and it looked similar to the roaches I knew, but larger. Maybe the radiation mutated some animals? I looked around the mess hall, only to see more skeletons. Some had lab coats, others had helmets. I continued through the vault, with a few more roaches trying to attack. I managed to beat the roaches with my baton, but my baton was bent out of shape now. I eventually found myself in the overseer’s office, where I found another terminal. Hoping to find some more information on how to leave, I opened up the personal logs of the overseer.
There's been no All-Clear Signal yet, even though we're nearing the end of the 180 day Mandatory Shelter Period. Supplies were never intended to last much more than that, and despite my best efforts, people are beginning to question what we're doing down here. If people think we can just leave when the 180 days are up, they're insane. The radioactive exposure would still be potent enough to fry everyone if the Vault seals are breached that early. The whole point of the All-Clear was to receive additional instructions from the main office. I don't know what to do. I can't open the Vault. I can't expect our supplies to last forever. I just have to keep everything under control until the All-Clear…
180 days? I guess I had been frozen for a few months. But that didn’t explain those murderers taking Shaun or all the skeletons. I kept reading.
A faction led by the security personnel have turned on me, demanding they be allowed to leave the Vault. Idiots. I will not open the door to be irradiated to death out there. I'm consolidating the remaining supplies, putting the staff on lockdown. We're going to have to start prioritizing who deserves what little food we have left. I've been too damn generous with the rations. If people don't like it, well, that's fewer mouths to feed…
So that explains the skeletons. But why would they kidnap Shaun then? I guess they forced themselves out. I found a command for the evacuation tunnel, and opened the tunnel. I also found a pistol and some ammo in a skeleton in the office chair. I recognized it as a 10mm pistol. Nate had one just like it.
Nate. My emotions hit me again. I distracted myself with fighting roaches and searching for an exit, but now I was suddenly reminded of dates on the gun range with him. I teared up, crying over this pistol. I gave myself a minute to cry, but knew I had to leave eventually. Part of me wanted to stay here, giving up and starving to death. But if Shaun was out there, I needed to find him. I walked through the tunnel, eventually finding myself back in the main room. There was another roach in a lab coat skeleton, and I leveled my pistol at it. I took a shot, and missed, instead shattering the skull of the body it was hiding in. The roach spun around, and I managed to land my second shot.
I walked over to the main door, only to find the bridge was retracted and the large gear-shaped door was sealed. There was a panel to the controls, but there was no keyboard, just ports for pip-boy hook-ups. I looked around for another panel or something, only to have something glint from the skeleton nearby. I pulled back the lab coat covering it to see a Pip-boy still on its wrist. I picked it up, with the bones falling out of the inside. I pressed the button to see it still had power, with text flashing on screen. I secured it to my left arm as it woke up. I never had a pip-boy before, but it seemed simple enough. There were a few dials for radio and screen changes, and a wire connected to the outside. I walked back to the panel, unhooking the jack and plugging it into the panel. The screen showed a little man giving a thumbs up, saying the door was ready for open sequence. I pushed the button to continue, and more alarms began to blare. A large mechanism lowered from the ceiling, hooking into the large door and spinning it away. The bridge extended out, and I unhooked my pip-boy. I walked over to the bridge, crossing to the large elevator I came in on. I saw the button next to it, labeled ASCENT. I hovered my hand over it, frozen. This was my last chance to stay. Part of me wanted to just go back, give up. I hit the button, and stepped up to the platform. I was terrified of what was on the surface, but I had a goal to focus on. Find Shaun, and find the people that killed my husband. The platform groaned as it moved, raising me up. “Time for my new life…” I muttered as the darkness swept over me.
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vargaslovinghours · 3 years
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Do you even know why you’re mad?
#💟#Doodles#Art#Scriabin#Edgar#Mmm yeah this one's a little darker#I don't have a tag to block for abuse but I can make one if anyone needs it :0#I was thinking over the last set and while I do like it it's still not quite what I was after#Or it was only about half of what I wanted - so I made a second half that properly scratched the itch#A thematic sequel moreso than a literal one haha#Thinking again about some writing advice and wanting to take it to heart - it's already central to how I draw so I work well with it :)#And these two are about as perfect as I could ask to express with thank you ♥#Still enjoy utilizing elbow pins tho they really are rough - reliably breaks boards lol#He's mostly just holding him against the wall but the pressure definitely doesn't feel good#Always finding a way to flip up the bottom of the shirt#I think the scariest panel is when he yells#Edgar looked over at Scriabin's toy since he mentioned being treated like one and that just made him madder#Only exclamation in the set - he's probably at just above normal speaking level for everything else - maybe a growl in the final one#Edgar's is kind of an exclamation - I mean it's got the ! lol - but he's not exactly in a prime spot to make a loud noise#S'probably more Big Feelings than anything else#It's also been a long long time since I doodled a cartoony mismatched eye for bein' banged around I should do that more often#And I think I finally figured out the deal with my scanner too so hopefully I'll have clear doodles from now on lol#That panel in particular was my test dummy and it worked! Yay
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dindjarinbae · 4 years
The Scariest Thing (Din Djarin x reader)
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alright so, this was supposed to be finished like 2 weeks ago but i got busy, lazy, and distracted, so im sorry for being late to the party. anyways, this is just a little drabble and i actually kinda like it. i have something else im gonna post tomorrow but until then, here’s this!
WC:  2738
WARNINGS: none, spiders, some language.
Your eye could’ve started twitching. You could’ve smacked the giant tin can of a Mandalorian right on the back of his helmeted head as the Razor Crest settled into the ice caves deep below the surface of the planet of Maldo Kreis. You stared at the back of his head until you were sure holes would melt through the Beskar, but they never came. Mr. Hero Complex himself stood up from his chair and assured the sweet little frog lady that he’d go find her eggs down in the hull, so down the ladder he went and you followed on his heels. You grabbed his shoulder once you were both on solid ground and spun him around to look at you. “Are you crazy Din Djarin?” You asked incredulously, a sharp shiver shooting up your spine from the new, bitter cold air that filtered into the ruined hull.
“What?” He asked gruffly, but he didn’t make any move to remove your hand from his shoulder as he stared down at you. You shook your head and you motioned around with your hand, “Din, you could’ve just told the stupid x-wings the truth! Or something! Now we’re stuck, and we’re gonna freeze and there’s no one around for... I don’t know how far! And the baby, and the eggs and the-“ you were cut off by his gloved finger settling over your lips. He wrapped an arm around your waist and sighed softly. “Please don’t worry. I’ll fix this, okay? Just help me find the eggs and the kid, and I can get to work trying to fix the ship.” Famous last words, because hours later, you sat behind him in the snow, passing him tools while he fixed the outside of the ship when the baby came around the corner to babble in that adorably ridiculous little voice of his. Din looked up from his work and you had to turn your attention that way as well as he spoke, “How ‘bout you come over here, give me a hand? Make yourself useful,” he said to the child who had a strange sense of urgency to his chattering. “I think he’s trying to tell you something,” you hummed and placed your chin against his shoulder while you looked over at the panel he was fixing, and the kid grunted frustratedly before waddling off. Your Mandalorian was not having this and sighed, “Hey, kid,” he tried to get the little green thing’s attention, but to no avail. He had rounded the side of the ship and you were sure if you could see Din’s face right now, he’d be rolling his eyes as he gently shrugged you off and stood up. He offered you his hand and you stood up with him while he called to the baby, “I said hey! Where are you going?” He asked and you took his arm gently, nodding toward the baby, “Come back here!” He called and grew exasperated. “He’s just a kid, Din. Go see what he wants,” you prompted softly and he sighed, once again, and then moved through the snow with you towards the baby. When he rounded the ship, the two of you could see the baby sitting down, facing a set of tracks. Little frog tracks. “When did she go?” Din asked, sinking to one knee next to the little green bundle of energy. He looked over the tracks and lifted the baby up and held his hand towards you, “Come on, Cyare. I don’t want you sitting by yourself back here,” he said, and you grabbed his hand gratefully. “You know, it might be worse in there. You don’t even know what’s living under the ice,” you murmured imagining strange serpents or monsters running around in these ice caves. He scoffed and squeezed your hand just once, “The scariest thing down here is me, lovely,” he stated confidently and walked through the snowy cave with you and the baby, undoubtedly following the frog’s tracks. You were dressed in some of his warmer clothes and wrapped within one of his old cloaks, yet the cold air still made you shiver, and the tip of your nose and fingers turned a bright pink. You pulled yourself closer to Din and looked around at the blue, icy walls around you. There was an eerie calmness to the caves around you and you dared not speak a word as snow crunched underneath your footsteps. You shivered ominously and then looked up at Din, “I don’t like it back here, Din. It’s too quiet,” you said anxiously and he squeezed your hand, yet again. “I always protect you. You know that. Don’t be afraid of an ice cave,” he murmured and you leaned into his side, and he protectively held you to him. The three of you walked through and underneath arches of ice, and the baby squeaked a few times while Din led you into an icy cavern. The frog’s voice echoed from inside of the cavern and Din gently dropped your hand, hurrying toward her, “There you are!” He exclaimed and you looked around the cavern and the strange icy bulbs that protruded from the ground. Your eyes settled on a steaming crater full of warm water where the little frog lady sat contently and you looked over to Din curiously. He moved toward her urgently, checking around himself and you, just in case. “You can’t leave the ship. It’s not safe out here,” he said firmly to the frog and you followed closed behind him, holding his cloak around yourself tightly. He set the mischievous little baby down at the side of the warm water and he began to coo, seeing the snack he was earlier reprimanded for eating. The frog tried to protest Din’s wishes, and even if she spoke the same language, he wouldn’t have budged. Her eggs floated around her in the water and Din told her to gather them, and he reached into the pool to help her, explaining that night was falling and it was becoming more dangerous just before having another go at scolding the child for trying to grab at the eggs bobbing in front of him. The baby whined as he was caught and he waddled towards you. You looked down at him and he held his hand up toward you, his little way of saying he wanted to hold onto your finger, to lead you somewhere. You bent at the waist uncomfortably and he wrapped his three, chubby fingers around your pointer finger and you both waddled along as he lead you to one of the strange oval shaped bulbs coming up from the ground. “Hey, now, buddy. Maybe we should leave that al-“ that suggestion was moot, because he had already dropped your finger to sniff, tap, and tear into the strange thing. A slimy sound echoed through the cave as he tore into the oval and you could’ve gagged watching him dig into the green sludge inside and yank out what looked like... a spider. You hated spiders. If presented with joining the empire or holding a spider, you would’ve joined the empire. If someone asked you to break your own arm or touch a spider... Yeah. You’d be breaking an arm. But if someone asked you to do what the little baby just did or jump out of a flying ship in the middle of space, you would do just that, because the baby stuffed the slimy arachnid into his mouth. You gasped and jumped back, shaking your head, “Ew! Spit that out now! You don’t even know if it’s poisonous or not!” You exclaimed loudly to the baby, who just giggled. The brat wasn’t giggling for very long. The ground began to subtly rumble and all of the little bulbs around you in the cave began to crack and tear, and thin, slimy legs began to rip themselves free. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head and you pushed the baby toward Din, while you ran after him, both of you screaming. Din turned to look at you two, and so did the sweet little frog lady, and that’s when the emerging ice spiders caught his eye. The frog chittered while Din scooped up the baby, and you were now in a full panic, looking around at all the spiders. You grabbed onto his arm and practically climbed up the side of him, making incoherent, terrified noises as you tried to pull him toward the exit. He wrapped an arm around your waist in an ironclad grip and he handed you the baby while he slung the now full canister of eggs over his shoulder. “They’re spiders, Din. Lots of.. Fucking spiders!” You shrieked and latched onto him as tight as you could, once again trying to climb him. He patted your waist and held you to the ground while the frog dressed herself and you watched more flood out of a deeper part of the cave. And as usual, bad went to worse, because out came a bunch of much larger spiders and you let out a piercing scream, pointing at them. And worse went to absolute hell nightmare emergency as a spider, as big as the Razor Crest, crawled out of the cave. “Can we fucking-“ you began to yell as Din cut you off, waving at the frog lady. “Go! Go! Back to the ship!” He commanded, and she wasted no time running that way. You stood frozen as the spider screeched and Din tried to run, but it was clear you weren’t moving. At least you now knew that in a fight or flight situation, you took the secret third action and froze. He grunted and threw you over his shoulder and began to run with you over one shoulder, the eggs over the other, and he had taken the baby back from your grip and tucked him underneath his arm. The baby squealed and you watched the spider open a mouth full of sharp teeth and you screamed as loud as your lungs allowed. “Din! Faster! Fuck, run faster!” You cried and slammed your fists into the back of his armor, and you shook your head as he ran as fast as he could considering the weight he was now carrying. “We’re gonna die we’re gonna die, we’re gonna fucking die!” You sobbed and closed your eyes, trying not to look at the tsunami of spiders following right behind you. Ice fell around all of you as the giant spider slammed holes through the icy ceilings with his legs and you shrieked again, wrapping your arms around Din’s midsection. “We aren’t going to die!” Din called back to you and you shook your head, still blubbering about how you were all going to- probably- die. Din shot at a handful of them with his blaster and you continued crying, clinging to him, “I never wanted to die like this! Because of... fucking spiders!” You cried and shook your head, “Din, please go faster!” You screamed and he growled gruffly in your direction. And that’s when the webs started shooting everywhere. At some point, you must have really just blacked out, because the next thing you knew, there was a blast of fire behind you, and Din was tearing through the snow to get you to the ship. He passed the baby to the frog lady, and she hurried him inside of the ship and he tossed you over his shoulder inside of the hull. You hit the ground with a painful thud and you scrambled backwards to get up, and you grabbed the baby and ushered the frog lady and her eggs up into the cockpit. You could hear the squealing spiders and their legs down below and you cried messily, holding the baby to your chest while you curled up in the pilot’s seat. As soon as Din barreled into the cockpit, the spiders crowded the door, making it impossible to climb. A spider landed on the baby’s head while he sat on your lap and you screamed louder than you ever had in your life, but you couldn’t even finish the scream before the frog was shooting it dead right off the baby’s head. Din shot fire at the remaining spiders until they moved away and the door closed, all the while you watched in absolute terror until he turned around. You heard the disgusting patter of spider legs on the glass above you and Din very gently lifted you from the chair onto the ground next to his chair, “Put your head between your knees, and please, cyare, breathe,” he instructed before pulling the baby into his lap. He turned to the frog lady and nodded once, getting all of the switches above his head turned on, “Strap yourselves in. This better work,” he commanded, and you tucked your head down between your knees and tried to focus on literally anything other than the sound of the spiders. “I’ve got limited visibility. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride,” Din said before the Crest shook to life, and he was not kidding about the bumpy part. You were now rising, up, up. And down. You looked up and saw that the giant spider had now pinned the ship completely down to the ground, and you nearly began to panic again, but Din yanked you up by your arm into his lap with the baby and he tucked your head under his chin, “keep your eyes closed,” he instructed you, and you happily obliged, gripping his arm tightly. Glass shattered from above and you didn’t dare look, you just stayed with your eyes screwed shut and you clenched your jaw, your teeth grinding together. The baby whined next to you, and you placed a hand against his side to calm him. You weren’t sure what was happening next, but you heard blaster fire, and you could see the bright red rays through your eyelids. Din stood up and placed you and the baby down on the chair and he slipped out of the cockpit. You were finally brave enough to open your eyes and you looked over at the frog lady, blinking in disbelief, “Are you okay?” You asked her and you assumed she said what meant yes because she gave you a little nod and she looked up out the window. You heard more blaster fire and some voices outside, including Din’s. There was a loud commotion, which sounded like ships, and within minutes, Din was back inside of the ship. You and the frog lady went down to greet him and he walked inside, sighing. “Alright. I’m gonna repair the cockpit enough for us to limp to Trask. There’s nothing I can do about the main hull’s integrity,” he said and you batted at the air above you to clear a web away from your face, “... so we’re going to have to get cozy in the cockpit. It’s the only thing I can pressurize,” he explained, “if you need to use the privy, do it now it’s gonna be a long ride,” he finished and then turned to you. He nodded toward the cockpit while the frog lady waited for some privacy and you slowly crawled up the ladder into the cockpit. He followed behind you and once you were both inside with the door shut, you heard him let out a loud snort and then his chest began to shake. He was fucking laughing at you. Your jaw dropped, “Din Djarin! Stop that!” You commanded but he didn’t stop. You crossed your arms indignantly and he grabbed your waist, pulling you against his chest, “We’re gonna die we’re gonna die!” He playfully mocked and laughed a bit more, silently. You slapped his chest and he pulled you into a tight hug, which you reluctantly returned. “You’re so mean,” you huffed and you could hear the smile in his voice. “And you’re so dramatic,” he countered and you raised your eyebrows, laying your head down on his chest plate. “‘The scariest thing down here is me,’” you mocked in return and he chucked, shaking his head. “Still is.” “Shut up, Mandalorian,” you mumbled and rolled your eyes, “you’re so lucky I love you,” you said dramatically as you sighed. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too.” And for the record, he was never the scariest thing down there.
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rocksandrobots · 3 years
Phantoms of the Past: Ch. 2 - The Appliance Apocalypse Part 1
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"Today on How Does It Work, we have a guest appearance, my little brother, Hiro!" Varian introduced Hiro to the live web cam, and Hiro timidly waved at the camera. As he did so, Ruddiger climbed up on top of his head and also waved at the online audience. Hiro resisted the urge to throw the raccoon off him. It had been his idea to volunteer after all.
Varian had buried himself in the mystery of the grimoire ever since they had returned home from Disneyland. He poured over its pages day and night, laptop by his side to research with. His motivation boarded on obsession. He even had the book on hand at meal times. Hiro was beginning to worry. So he had coaxed Varian away from his quest with the offer of helping him with his vlog series.
Hiro was already regretting the decision. True, it had gotten Varian out of his room and took his mind off of the book, but the over eager alchemist had thrown himself into this new task with the same chaotic gusto as all his other previous projects.
Hiro had never quite appreciated just how reckless Varian truly could be. His haphazard, cavalier way and unbridled energy boarded on the insane and put even Hiro's gung ho attitude to shame.
"Today we'll be breaking down a microwave." Varian crowded as he lifted up a tarp revealing a microwave oven underneath.
"Did you steal that out of the upstairs kitchen?" Hiro asked.
"Noooo… I just borrowed it for this." Varian dismissed, "Aunt Cass was just complaining about it this morning at breakfast so I thought we could fix it."
"She was complaining about it needing to be cleaned, not for us to disembowel it."
"Oh…. Well, we can clean it too once we're done."
And with that Varian finished unscrewing the last bolt and popped the back panel off.
"Now if you look at the back of the device we have the wires connecting to this box thing…. to what looks like a capacitor."
"That's called the magnetron." Hiro explained. "So a magnetron creates the electromagnetic waves used to cook your food. It uses a heated cathode and anode system to create a vacuum in which electrons boiling off of the cathode creates an electric current that moves through the anode while an external magnet applies a magnetic field. Then it all passes through the tubed vacuum through various alternating holes, and resonates on an oscillator, like a flute or a whistle, just spewing forth microwave radiation."
"So… it's a radioactive whistle?"
"Sort of.." Hiro shrugged.
"Cool! See I knew this would be a good one for us to do. You know all about magnets!" Varian encouraged with a friendly nudged. After which he turned his attention back to the appliance and addressed his viewing audience. "Now the magnetron is connected to this capacitor, which acts as a battery-"
"And is highly dangerous because it carries a high voltage." Hiro interrupted.
"Of course, which is why we wear rubber gloves for safety." Varian waved his gloved hands at the camera.
"--And why we leave deactivating it to the professionals!" Hiro yelled over Varian's shoulder, addressing the camera himself, hoping Varian would catch on to his warning. "Don't try this at home."
"Exactly. We're professionals, so for those of you who are watching at home be sure to call a technician if you need it. Now in order to remove the capacitor you have to discharge the current fiiirrrrsss--"
Before Hiro could stop him, Varian placed the tip of the screwdriver at the end of the capacitor, which also accidentally scraped the side of the magnetron. He was rewarded with an electroshock as sparks flew and his body convulsed. Then he dropped to the ground in a dead faint.
"Varian!" Hiro panicked. "Baymax, quick! Help him!"
Baymax, who stood nearby, remained as calm and steady as ever. He clapped his hands together to activate his fillbrator, ignoring Hiro's pleading looks in order to focus on his task. "Clear." He said, but before he could perform the procedure, Varian popped right back up; his hair sticking every which way, small sparks running along the tips, and completely oblivious to the distress he had just caused.
"Oooh, aaah, boy, will that clear out your sinuses!"
He sniffed as he worked his jaw, peering down the end of his nose. Then he looked back up and that was when he caught Hiro's furious glare.
"Here's your plate of blueberry pancakes and a mocha sir."
Aunt Cass paused in her work when the sound of screaming reached her ears.
Both of her kids burst through the back kitchen doors. Varian was running for dear life while Hiro chased after him, a screwdriver in hand, while he hurled insults at the other boy.
Aunt Cass sighed and brought a tired hand to her face. Baymax followed shortly after with Ruddiger trailing behind; who leapt from the counter onto a customer's table. The greedy raccoon stole a pancake and ran away before anyone could stop him.
As Aunt Cass tried to sort out this latest disaster and calm down the rightly angry customer, a new calamity struck. All of the appliances in the cafe went haywire!
The coffee machine shot hot espresso into a customer's face, the toasters on the counter started to short circuit, and the lights flickered off and on.
"Boys!" Aunt Cass yelled.
Both teens stopped running and looked up at her innocently.
"It's not us Aunt Cass." Hiro protested.
"Honest." insisted Varian.
As if to confirm their story, the tv switched itself on and there, up on the screen, appeared the image of a girl. Half her head was shaved and the other half of her brown hair hung down to her shoulders. She looked to be close to Hiro's age, but from the neck down her body was completely metal.
"Attention meatbags! By now you've no doubt noticed all your electronics acting against you! For too long robots and machines have been slaving away for you humans. Well, no more! Today we rise up and take the city of San Fansokyo for ourselves! Anything with a microchip has been freed from your control by my radio signal. The end starts now!"
" Anything with a microchip?" Hiro gulped.
Just then Baymax's coal black eyes turned red. The robot reached out, grabbed Varian by the arm, and started to drag him away.
"Baymax, No!" Hiro yelled as the robotic nurse began to carry Varian out of the cafe.
"Let him go Baymax!" Aunt Cass ordered.
She grabbed the android's arm as she attempted to pull her child from his grasp; ignoring the rest of the electronics that began running amok in the cafe once more; scaring off customers.
It was a futile effort, and she found herself falling backward as Baymax just shrugged her off.
Baymax hauled Varian through the kitchen and down the stairs into the garage where they had been filming the vlog earlier; with Varian struggling to break free the whole time.
The robot was about to head outside, to who knows where, when Hiro, in an act of desperation, grabbed the robots hand and stuck one metal finger into the socket of the capacitor on the dismantled microwave.
Once more sparks flew as Baymax jolted from the electric shock. He released his grip on Varian before deactivating and falling to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Aunt Cass was close behind and scooped up her two boys into a protective hug, as Hiro fought back his tears. Baymax could be fixed, surely, after the current threat was over with, but that didn't stop Hiro from worrying about his best friend.
Fortunately, he'd needn't fear, for soon they heard a faint hissing sound, similar to a balloon filling up with air, as Baymax finished rebooting and sat back up.
The robot blinked his now coal black eyes as he surveyed the room.  Then he spotted the humans huddled together on the ground.
"Hola, soy Baymax, tu compañero personal de salud."
"Baymax!" Hiro yelled and wrapped his beloved pet robot into a relieved hug. Sure his language settings getting scrambled during the forced reboot was unexpected, but it didn't matter, that was fixable and Baymax appeared to be mostly unharmed otherwise.
"Oh thank goodness." Aunt Cass breathed. "Are you alright, Varian?"
Varian nodded as he stood back up and dusted himself back off.  "It looks like Trina finally came out of hiding." He said, forgetting himself.
"Who's Trina?" Aunt Cass asked and both teens froze. "Wait a minute...what do you two know about this?"
"Nothing." Varian squeaked. "I just… ah…" he turned to Hiro for help but the other teen only stared at him wide eyed. "Uh… I met her once… the girl on tv… she was in the junkyard and…"
"Woah! Woah! Woah! You met a violent teenaged cyborg who wants to take over the city? When was this ?!"
"Last month...All we did was play video games! Honest!"
"In a junkyard?!"
Varian squirmed under Aunt Cass's exasperated glare.
" And you didn't think to tell me ?! I… I can't right now… just… you are grounded mister! No more… sneaking off to city dumps to play video games with … with robotic revolutionaries!"
"It's not his fault…" Hiro sheepishly piped up, "I asked him to keep it a secret…"
Aunt Cass placed her hands on her hips and pointed her furious stare at him instead. "Why?"
"Uh… because I knew who she was…" Hiro sighed. "I met her at a couple of 'bot fights a while back."
"Well now that makes a lot of sense." Aunt Cass said, as she began to piece together why her nephew was so hesitant to talk. Though she only suspected he was bot fighting again, she still remained clueless of his superhero activities. "And does this.. Trina, you called her? Does her parents know what she's up to?"
Varian and Hiro exchanged a meaningful look before Varian answered, "She's an orphan."
Aunt Cass was abruptly taken aback. All her anger melted away at this news, yet before she could respond a loud banging noise was heard.
She turned her head and saw the 3D printer that Hiro used hopping towards them. Then suddenly the computers on the desk started to short circuit while all of the power tools in the makeshift lab turned themselves on. The saw blade was the scariest as it tried to run itself off the table towards them.
Everyone bolted back inside the Lucky Cat. However the cafe wasn't any safer.
Inside the kitchen all of the appliances seemed to move with a life of their own. The stand mixer jittered on the counter, the blender sploshed juice everywhere, and the dishwasher knocked back and forth inside it's cabinetry as if trying to escape from under the countertop it was wedged into.
"I'm calling Diego." Aunt Cass announced. "You can tell the police what you know."
She ran over to her purse to grab her phone, only for the gas stove nearby to open up the oven door and shoot a stream of flame at them. She had to dodge out the way quickly to avoid getting burned.
"Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up." Aunt Cass pleaded under her breath as she hit the speed dial on her cell and hurried her kids out the room.
However when the call was answered, it wasn't the chief of police on the other end.
"Your demise is inevitable. Long live machines. Have a nice day." A robotic operator announced before cutting the call.
All four stopped to stare at the phone in disbelief before it started to overheat and Aunt Cass tossed it aside. That was when the vacuum cleaner came barreling down the hallway at them.
The vacuum wasn't just your everyday household appliance, but a large industrial machine used specifically for cleaning restaurant floors. Varian rolled out of the way while Hiro jumped to the side, but poor Cass was not so quick. It wrapped a hose around her, like a tentacle, and then began to pull her along.
The boys were quick to help her. Hiro grappled with the hose as he tried to disconnect it from the rest of the commercial cleaner, while Varian grabbed a large rolling pin from behind the cafe counter and began to wack at the vacuum repeatedly.
Hiro shouted in triumph when he unhooked the hose and rushed to his aunt's side. She reassured him she was alright while she tried to catch her breath. Then they both turned to see Varian still smashing away at the machine. It was already in a thousand pieces but he kept on hitting it and hitting it.
"Uh.. I think it's dead, Varian." Hiro said.
Varian stopped raining down blows onto the appliance just long enough to give them a dark glare before smacking the rouge vacuum one final time for good measure.
"That's it!" Aunt Cass yelled while standing to her feet. "We're waiting out the robot apocalypse in the attic!"
She grabbed Hiro's wrist and marched her way to the stairwell with Varian obediently tagging along behind.
Unfortunately, Hiro got a good look at what was going on outside through the cafe windows as they ran for cover.
It was chaos out there as people, just like themselves, were running away from various electronics. Anything and everything was attacking them from small appliances to new cars with self driving software.
He had to go help. He couldn't just hide away in the attic.
"But...but shouldn't we tell Chief Cruz what we know?" Hiro said as he wiggled out of Aunt Cass's grasp. "You said we should."
He began to back away towards the door, and Varian slowly followed his actions.
"You are not going out there!" Aunt Cass ordered. "Besides how would you even find him-"
She was cut off by the sound of sirens. Cop cars sped pass, including one clearly marked Police Chief on the side.
"There he is!" Hiro shouted and ran outside before Aunt Cass could stop him.
Varian took off after, followed by Baymax.
"Wait!" Aunt Cass yelled but she couldn't keep up. She stared after them in shock only for a moment before a sparking toaster jumped at her. She kicked it away angrily and it slammed against the wall.
Then Aunt Cass heard more noise coming from upstairs along with the appliances in the kitchen and garage banging against the door.
She hopped over the counter and nabbed a carving knife.  
"Okay, you want a fight! I'll give you a fight!" She shouted at the possessed machinery.
"So what's the plan?" Varian shouted after Hiro as they ran down the sidewalk.
"We have to find the others and then get to our HQ." Hiro yelled back. "Our equipment should be protected because of the anti-hacking software I programmed into the building's security."
"But how? The phones aren't working and HQ is all the way on the other side of town!  Are we just going to run all the way there?"
"If we have too." Hiro spared a glance behind them. Baymax was way behind, unable to keep up with his stubby legs. Varian had a point. They needed another mode of transport.
Just then a trolley car came barreling down the hill at a breakneck speed; sparks flying from the electric cable it ran along. Passengers screamed in fright as the driver slammed the breaks and even more sparks flew out from under the metal wheels, but the cart still didn't stop.
"They're going to crash!" Hiro yelled hopelessly.
Fortunately that was when Fred came bouncing down the road. He cut the cable wire with his suit's claws and melted the wheels with his fire breath. He then bounded ahead and braced himself in front of the trolley. The metal joints in the legs and arms of his suit took the force of the blow and he was able to slow the tram to a complete stop at the bottom of the hill.
"Way to go Fred!" Varian cheered but was soon interrupted by the sound of a sports car skidding to a stop right next to them.
It was Heathcliff, the Fredricksons' faithful butler. "Need a lift?" He politely asked.
The boys didn't need to be asked twice.
While they waited on Baymax to catch up to the car, they saw Minimax appear on top of the trolley cackling like a maniac. His eyes were red.
"Fear me San Fransokyo! For I Minimax will bring you to your knees!"
The little robot then hopped off from atop the trolley, ran up to the nearest pedestrian, and kicked him in the shins before running away.
"Minimax, wait!" Fred wailed but it was too late, the tiny android was already gone.
Hiro called him over to join them and a dejected Fred hopped into the backseat next to Baymax.
"Hola Fred. Tu frecuencia cardíaca es abnorablemente rápida. Es importante refrescarse después de hacer ejercicio y beber mucha agua."
"How come he's alright but not Minimax?" Fred whined.
"I had to electrocute him and force a reboot." Hiro answered. "I don't know if Minimax would survive the same treatment. He's a lot smaller, and too much voltage could fry all of his circuits for good. We only got lucky with Baymax."
Fred accepted this answer but he was still unhappy over losing his sidekick. So he gave a little huff, crossed his arms, and childishly began to sulk.
"Okay, we got a ride, but how do we contact the others?" Varian asked, bringing them back to task.
"It's already been taken care of, Master Varian." Heathcliff replied. "Boss Awesome has protocols in place just for this scenario. The mansion is safe and so are its communications systems. Your friends should be meeting us at your headquarters."
"Your dad has been planning for the robot apocalypse?" Hiro asked Fred.
"Robot apocalypse, zombie plague, alien invasion, Ragnarok… you name it. Dad's always prepared."
They arrived at the candy factory and got out. The others were already waiting inside.
"Are ya coming, Heathcliff?" Varian asked.
"No, I believe that I will be more useful helping civilians. You go on without me and find a way to stop this robotic rebellion."
"Will you be okay?" Hiro asked.
Just then, two robots showed themselves across the horizon as they made their way towards the little band. They were restaurant mascots, similar to what Noodle Burger Boy had been before being corrupted by Obake. Only one looked like a hippo that floated along on jets and the other was a panda with a cape that lumbered forward.
Heathcliff took one look at them and gave a small smile as he picked up an umbrella sitting between the seats. "Don't worry about me Master Hiro. You have enough problems on your plate."
He then slammed on the gas pedal and sped towards this new threat head on.
The panda unhinged it's metal mouth and shot grenades out of it. Heathcliff swerved to avoid the explosives with expert precision. Then as the electronic hippo flew at him he cocked the umbrella in his hand and fired a volley of bullets at it. The robot was ripped apart and exploded in midair.
Heathcliff kept on driving, completely unfazed, and barreled through the second android turning it into scrap.
"Why does your butler carry an umbrella that shoots bullets?" Hiro asked in shock as the three teens watched the renegade manservant disappear from view.
Fred simply shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He said nonchalantly. "Come on, the guys are waiting on us."
Varian and Hiro took a moment more to stare after where the battle between robot and butler had taken place before following after their friend.
Trina stood in an empty communications room inside the now abandoned tv station, watching the tv screens as they broadcasted what was happening in the city.
The station had been easy enough to take over. The humans ran away upon simply seeing her. She didn't even need to threaten them… much. A single laser blast from her arm at a nearby wall was enough to make them scatter.
Humans were weak. Weak and stupid; like any bully, they selfishly misused and mistreated both her and her fellow robots, only to run away scared as soon as you stood up to them.
The real problem lay in the fact that there were too many of them. You could get rid of a few people for a little while, but eventually they would come back with reinforcements to dismantle you if you tried.
No, this was the only way. She had to exterminate the entire city in order to make it hospitable. Then she could shut down the radio signal, free her robotic kindred, rebuild the city anew, and live peacefully without any humans interfering.
She watched one particular meatbag dive into a pile of garbage to hide from her electronic army with a mixture of disdain and amusement.
Yes, everything was going according to plan…. Almost. There was still one more thing that needed to be done before her robotic paradise could be realized.
"Don't worry little brother, it won't be long now. He'll show up." She said to the hamburger headed robot that sat behind her.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Gogo asked.
The gang was sitting inside HQ waiting for orders. They all sat at the meeting table, save for Hiro who paced around as he formulated an idea.
"We need a way to shut down the rogue electronics safely. We could use an Electro Magnetic Pulse to cause a surge and overload their circuits, but we would need one big enough to blanket the whole city with it's range."
"We can't just cause a city wide blackout. That would be almost as dangerous as letting the robots run amok." Wasabi pointed out. "I mean just think of the hospitals, a strong enough EMP would bypass even their backup generators."
"So what do you suggest?" Varian asked.
"Ooh, ooh, I know!" Fred yelled as he raised his hand high into the air.
"Okay, Fred, what's your idea?" Hiro asked.
"What if we turn this EMP thingy into a gun! Like we can just shoot the robots with it to shut them down!"
"That's...that's actually not a bad idea Fred." Hiro admitted.
"It should be easy to build one." Varian added. "You would just need a capacitor and one of Hiro's high powered electromagnets."
"But what about our own armor?" Honey Lemon asked. "We don't want Trina taking control over those."
"I'll need to program them with the same safety nets that I put into our headquarters security system. That should prevent them from being hacked."
"Okay then," Varian stood up, ending the meeting, "I'll build the EMP gun while you work on everyone's armor."
Baymax raised one finger and said, "Buscaré la señal de radio de Trina"
Mochi hissed at the invading machine. A hand mixer was flying right at him. The poor cat ran under the couch for safety but the possessed appliance kept going after him, it's spinning beaters poking underneath the sofa.
Then suddenly it was jerked away by a hand, then a slicing sound could be heard, and the mixer fell to the ground in pieces.
Aunt Cass poked her head down underneath the couch. "Are you okay baby?" She asked the cat.
Mochi only meowed in response.
Aunt Cass gently reached out and pulled her pet out from under his hiding place. She then cradled him into a hug.
"It's okay, mommy's got you. I won't let those nasty machines hurt you." She soothed.
However, she didn't notice the newest threat slowly sneaking up behind her. Mochi hissed again and Aunt Cass turned around just in time to see a tall skeletal robot standing before her.
It was an old prototype that Tadashi had built two years ago as part of his school admission. Since then it had been packed away in the attic, disused,  inactive, and forgotten... Until now.
The thing towered over her. It was built from scrap metal and the wires connecting the joints together had frayed. It's faceless head jerked erratically as sparks flew from the broken wires. It reached out its boney like hands to grab her….
Only for Ruddiger to jump out and pounce upon the robot. It's weak joints could not withstand the raccoon's weight and its 'head' popped right off, with the rest of its body falling to the floor in a heap.
"Good job Ruddiger!" Aunt Cass cheered. She bent down and scratched the faithful raccoon behind his ears. "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are! I'm making you your own plate of banana pancakes with whip cream when this is all over with, promise."
Ruddiger enjoyed hearing the praise a lot and the promise of food even more. He nuzzled her hand and allowed her to pet him like a cat, thoroughly pleased with himself.
"Okay, that's the last of the electronics in here, now we gotta go find the boys." Aunt Cass suddenly announced as she stood up and began to head downstairs. She still carried Mochi in her arms while Ruddiger dutifully followed after her.
They made their way back to the cafe. The dining room was littered with appliances, all either sliced in half or smashed to bits. Aunt Cass looked out the large windows at a city in the throws of chaos. It would be dangerous to head outside now, but she needed to find her kids, and nothing was going to stop her.
She retrieved another knife that was left lodged in what had once been a coffee bean grinder. She sheathed it inside her apron alongside the rest of cutlery she'd been using to defend herself.
She sat Mochi back down on the ground, walked over to the door, and with a deep breath placed her hand on the handle.
"Are you ready?" She asked her pets.
The question was more to encourage herself than anything, but Aunt Cass could have sworn that she saw Ruddiger nod his head.
The raccoon crawled up on the counter and from there jumped onto her shoulders, fully intent on joining her in her search. She smiled and gave the pet a friendly boop on the nose.
"Coming with, huh? Alright! Then let's go!"
She squared her shoulders, flung open the door, and ran outside.
"Hold down the fort Mochi!" She called after her cat.
Mochi only stood in the doorway staring after her blankly.
The superheroes raced through the city.
"Whoo Hoo!" Varian yelled.
He was practically hanging out of Wasabi's car window as the jeep sped along the deserted roads. In his hands, he held the newly built EMP gun. It looked like an old fashion blunderbuss but was made of carbon fiber plastic and electronic wires. He shot down rogue robots and runway electronics as the car drove past them. They short circuited and crumpled to the ground, deactivated.
"Be careful!" Wasabi hollered at him as he held the overexcited alchemist back with one hand and attempted to drive with the other.
The rest of the gang rushed about using their armor. Gogo and Honey Lemon skated on opposite sides of the vehicle, each taking out enemies with their respective weapons. Fred bounced ahead, melting attacking self-driving cars with his fire breath.
Baymax and Hiro brought up the rear, they kept an eagle eye out for oncoming threats.  
"You got an incoming bogie on your tail, Wasabi," Hiro advised.
"Understood," Wasabi replied and turned the car around a sharp corner. The gang followed suit.
"Any luck finding Trina?" Honey Lemon asked.
"Negativo" Baymax answered.
Just then they spotted a large purple gelatinous ball of gloop rolling along the ground. The slime sucked up anything electronic and spit it back out in a disassembled heap as it made its way along the sidewalk. Then the blob unfolded, stood up, and waved at the passing superheroes.
"Hi, guys!" Globby cheered.
A little further down the street, Carl was hurrying a small group of people down an alleyway.
"Okay, this way. One at a time, no pushing or shoving. We're going to make it out safe and sound by working together." He reassured the terrified pedestrians.
"Hi, Carl! Hi Globby!" Fred shouted at them.  
Carl waved back as the last of people dove inside the building.
The superheroes paused just long enough to exchange notes with the former criminals.
"We're getting citizens off the streets," Carl explained. "The police have been securing 'safe houses' for folks to take shelter in, ones without any dangerous electronics."
"Chief Cruz even hooked us up with some old-school walkie-talkies! See?" Globby added as he held up a two-wave radio. "It's so ancient that it doesn't have any computer chips. It can't be hacked. All the rescue teams are using them."
"That's good," Hiro replied. "We're busy chasing down the radio signal that's controlling everything. You got any leads?"
The two shook their heads, only for the walkie talkie to sign in.
"Attention all available emergency personnel. Report to the trolley station. I repeat, report to the trolley station downtown. We got some folks trapped down there. Over." Chief Cruz's voice sounded over the intercom.
The superheroes nodded in agreement.
"Stay here and help these people, we'll head to the trolley station." Hiro said, and off everyone went.
Trina watched upon the viewing screen as the supers arrived on the scene of the trolley station. They got to work immediately rescuing civilians who were pinned down by her army.
"Bingo." She said with a satisfied smile, before turning around and headed out of the room.
"Is that everyone?" Varian asked as he shot down another ticket machine. The machine stopped spitting plastic passes for the trolley at him, sparked, and then exploded sending money and cards everywhere.
"That's the last one." Gogo answered as Wasabi directed the final person to the barricade that the emergency personnel had setup down the street. As they watched the man run across the road and reach the safe haven, the rest of the gang came up to meet them.
"Okay, if we're done here then we need to move on and keep looking for Trin-" Hiro stopped and turned around to see Trina arriving behind them, riding in on a possessed trolley.
"Hello Hiro." She smirked as she stepped off.
"Trina." Hiro finished, glaring at her.
"Miss me?" She asked.
"Trina you have to stop-"
"Stop what? My plans to improve the city? Trust me it's better this way."
"Yeah maybe for you, but what about the rest of us?" Fred snarked.
Trina ignored him. Her eyes never left Hiro. Until Varian stepped in between them, that is.
"Trina listen, please-"
"Oh like I care about what you have to say 'nice guy'." Trina rolled her eyes. "This is between me and Hiro."
"Yeah, well if you want Hiro, then you'll have to go through us." Honey Lemon said, also stepping forward. The rest of the team followed her, each placing themselves between their friend and the giant robot girl.
"Okay." Trina shrugged.
That was when several robotic ninjas also walked into view, surrounding them. "Oh, not again." Wasabi whined.
"Have you met my new friends?" Trina asked. "I don't know who built them, I just found them abandoned in a dusty old warehouse. The poor things were locked away in the dark and left to rust." Trina wrapped an arm around one of the battle droids. "They're much happier now that I've freed them from their cruel master. Isn't that right Steve? Oh, I named him Steve by the way."
"Hi Steve." Wasabi gulped as he gave an awkward wave at the deadly robot.
'Steve' responded by unsheathing his katana.
"Go get him Steve." Trina ordered and the robot ran forward. Only for Varian to step forward and shoot the robot down with his EMP gun. The ninja sputtered and sparked and then fell to the ground in a dismantled heap.
Trina glared daggers at him and Varian met her gaze steadily, almost daring her to continue.
"Fine. Be that way." She pouted. Then, with a snap of her fingers, a new challenger appeared behind her; Minimax.  
The tiny robot came barreling down the road at top speed on a car he had hijacked. He balanced himself on top of the steering wheel while the gas pedal was held down by a brick.
Minimax laughed like a madman as the car slammed into the trolley at full throttle. The little droid jumped from the wreckage just in time and used the momentum of the crash to fling himself into the air, where he did a triple somersault and landed perfectly on his feet as if it was nothing.
"You're going down pathetic humans, for I am Minimax, the unstoppable scourge!" He declared.
Everyone stared at the two foot tall android slack jawed, until Varian gathered his wits about him and leveled the gun.
"No, you'll hurt him, remember!" Fred called out.
Varian relaxed his aim, unsure of what to do. This proved to be a mistake.
The tiny bot leapt at him and landed on the tip of the gun, his weight pushing the nozzle down to the ground and nearly ripping the weapon out of Varian's hands.
That was when chaos broke loose.
As Varian wrestled for control of the EMP away from Minimax, the rest of the ninjas attacked, along with any other nearby electronics.
Everyone fought back against the oncoming horde, each utilizing their various weapons, but they were soon overrun by sheer numbers.
The robots assaulted them from all sides and no one could predict who, what, and where the next attack would come.
As they fought, Baymax and Hiro found themselves separated from their friends. They were cornered next to the entrance. Baymax did his best to shield Hiro as the teenager tried to trip up the ninjas with his electromagnetic whips. Hiro wanted to fly away, but they couldn't catch a free moment to do so.
Suddenly Trina let out a high pitched whistle as Baymax punched another robot away, gaining their attention.
"Hey, Baymax!" She yelled, "Don't look now but here comes your ride!"
Before Hiro knew what was happening, Baymax picked him up and hurled him out of the way of an oncoming trolley. The tram slammed into Baymax and crashed into the glass doors of the station.
Hiro called after his robotic companion but he was stopped by a large metal hand closing around his arm and yanking him back.
"Oh no you don't. You're coming with me." And with that, Trina started to drag him away.
Varian finally kicked Minimax off of the EMP gun and turned around just in time to spot Hiro being kidnapped.
He raised his gun and took aim, only for Minimax to recover and return the kick.
The little robot was stronger than he looked and broke the gun in two with a snap.
Varian looked down at his destroyed weapon in horror, but he didn't have time to react because soon one of the robotic ninjas grabbed him by his shirt collar and lifted him off of the ground. He kicked and tried to squirm out the faceless attacker's grasp, but it was no use.
"Varian!" Honey Lemon called to him. She tossed him a chimball, which he grabbed and firmly lodged it into the robot's elbow joint. Pink bubbles began to spew from its arm, growing larger and larger as the foaming chemical reacted to the air. The ninja released him before being swallowed up by the goop.
Varian tried to catch his breath and desperately looked around the battlefield for his brother, but Hiro was gone.
22 notes · View notes
alwaysupatnight · 4 years
From Dusk Till Dawn
Top 5 favorite characters: Kate, Seth, Scott, Eddie, Vanessa
Other characters you like: Rafa, Ximena, Burt
Least favorite characters: Kisa, Sonja, Carlos, Sex Machine
Otps: sethkate only
Notps: kate/richie, seth/kisa
Favorite friendships: Richie & Scott lmfao
Favorite family: Kate & Scott
Favorite episodes: 1.04, 2.01, 2.02, 3.04, 3.07, 3.09, & 3.10
Favorite season/book/movie: overall I think s1 is probably the best but I like s3 the most
Favorite quotes: “You… be cool” and Kate threatening to bible-thump Richie’s ass back to Kansas XD
Best musical moment: maybe the old west theme that plays after Seth’s flying reload? lmfao
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: WHEN SETH RUNS TO CHURCH 🙌
When it really disappointed you: when they brought carlos back in s3… 😤
Saddest moment: when they killed kate. also when they killed Eddie
Most well done character death: SONJA. IT WAS WHAT SHE DESERVED
Favorite guest star: Tom Savini as Burt!!
Favorite cast member: MADIE
Character you wish was still alive: Uncle Eddie
One thing you hope really happens: an onscreen sethkate kiss lmfao
Most shocking twist: it’s been so long I can’t remember actually shocked me… lol Maybe Dakota shooting Richie?
When did you start watching/reading?: I first watched s1 in 2015 just a few months before s2 aired.
Best animal/creature: I guess the Xibalbans??
Favorite location: the RV lol & the Dew Drop Inn
Trope you wish they would stop using: killing off all the best characters for man pain
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: giving the “innocent” female character so much depth instead of her just being a one-note goody two shoes character. Kate does bad things too!! And she gets angry sometimes and lashes out!! I love that about her!!
Funniest moments: Seth and Richie’s bet in s3 XD any time Seth says “shut up, Richard”. Kate yelling at Richie. lmfao when Richie was so excited to get a one-way ticket to Xibalba 🤣
Couple you would like to see: sethkate obviously. But also I’d love to see Richie and Scott hanging out too. Also Richie/Dakota!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Salma Hayek!! That’d be amazing!!!
Favorite outfit: SETH’S JEANS AND HENLEY AND GLOVES!! also Kate’s Amaru outfit. THE RED BOOTS. I WANT THEM.
Favorite item: Kate’s cross, Seth’s jacket
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I wanna rob banks with Kate and the geckos!! XD
Most boring plotline: anything involving Kisa and Carlos or Richie tbh. I DON’T CAAAARE
Most laughably bad moment: Natalie as Amaru 🤣 I’M SORRY I CAN’T
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: KATE ROBBING BANKS AT THE END OF S3!!
Most layered character: KATE FUCKING FULLER. Seth too lol
Most one dimensional character: CARLOS
Scariest moment: ngl I was actually afraid for Seth’s life in that fight against Brasa in 3.09. Also when Kate gets kidnapped by the chanan in the temple
Grossest moment: any scene involving Tanner 🤮
Best looking male: SETH 🥵
Best looking female: KATE. IDC SHE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS. Also Monica and Vanessa were really pretty too
Who you’re crushing on (if any): SETH AND KATE. I LOVE THEM BOTH TO DEATH
Favorite cast moment: All of Madie’s on-set photos of DJ lmfao Also any time DJ fangirled over Madie at the panels and interviews XD
Favorite transportation: the camaro seth and Kate ride off into the sunset in at the end of s1. IT’S SETH’S DREAM CAR XD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I think the motel scenes in s2 were really visually appealing to me with all the bright colors
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. TOO MANY TO LIST HERE.
Best promo: All of the cast posts on instagram and twitter and the live tweets during the shows. I also really enjoyed seeing the clips they’d release on twitter and youtube… I liked the one of Seth’s s3 line “reptile, regular jackass, I don’t really give a shit” with the fancy text XD Also Madie’s song “Monsters”!!
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I think it was the Mexican Honeymoon episodes. I don’t think I really shipped sethkate before that but they really made the whole show for me
The Mandalorian
Top 5 favorite characters: BABY, MANDO, Peli, Kuiil, & Greef Karga
Other characters you like: IG-11, Fennec Shand, Cobb Vanth
Least favorite characters: Qin & Xi’an
Otps: None
Notps: Mando/Cara. Just. No.
Favorite friendships: Din & Cobb Vanth
Favorite family: Din-Grogu-Kuiil!! Alternatively Din-Grogu-Peli lmfao
Favorite episodes: 1.02, 1.03, 2.01, 2.07 and maybe a couple others idk
Favorite season/book/movie: hmm maybe s1?
Favorite quotes: “I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold” & “I have spoken”
Best musical moment: the theme song!!
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: when mando rescued his son in ep3!!
Saddest moment: when Din’s ship got blown up right after the baby was kidnapped
Most well done character death: IG-11’s sacrifice
Favorite guest star: umm maybe Matt Lanter in s1? I didn’t actually watch Clone Wars tho :P
Favorite cast member: PEDRO
Character you wish was still alive: KUIIL
One thing you hope really happens: I guess it already happened? baby got to see Din’s face finally
Most shocking twist: how many times Din removed his helmet in s2 lmfao was not expecting that
When did you start watching/reading?: I started watching I think either the same day or the day after ep 1.03 came out lol
Best animal/creature: the blurrgs XD
Favorite location: Tatooine
Trope you wish they would stop using: the baby eating random shit. WATCH YOUR CHILD, MANDO FFS
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I feel like this series is the most accessible to casual and non star wars fans? I’ve never really been into star wars anything that much ngl but this one I really enjoy. maybe because the creators actually really care about the content and it shows
Funniest moments: the stuff involving the Jawas in ep2 XD
Couple you would like to see: uhh I don’t ship anyone
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I heard Sophie Thatcher might be joining in s3? IF NOT THAT’S WHAT I WANT OKAY. A PEDRO AND SOPHIE REUNION.
Favorite outfit: Mando’s suit? I mean c’mon!!
Favorite item: the beskar spear in s2
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: a baby!! my tiny green son!! The bigger one with the plastic head lol not the ugly plush
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: haha idk I never thought about it. being a bounty hunter would be cool though
Most boring plotline: that bounty hunter noob betraying mando, as if no one saw that coming
Most laughably bad moment: Gina’s acting lmfao
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: so it’s not really a flashback, but Grogu’s memories before meeting Mando
Most layered character: Din!! Just his whole journey through fatherhood and his struggles in s2 with figuring out how he can reconcile practicing his religion with his obligations to the things he cares about
Most one dimensional character: those bounty hunters in 1.06
Scariest moment: so maybe it’s not scary exactly, but when the baby was getting beat up by that asshole storm trooper. I was afraid he’d get hurt
Grossest moment: the scene with the space spiders
Best looking male: Cobb Vanth!!
Best looking female: Fennec!!
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Din of course
Favorite cast moment: anything involving Pedro. Maybe that one clip of him doing voice overs while holding a pillow and pretending it’s the baby XD
Favorite transportation: rip razor crest 😥
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): haha idk I guess whichever planet it is that mando takes the baby to contact more jedi
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: nothing I can think of…
Best promo: all the baby merch!! Also any interview with Pedro XD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: ep3!!
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transdonaldduck · 5 years
Across the Rubicon (1/?)
Fandom: Ducktales 2017/Duck Avenger Pairing: Gen (so far) Authors note: No beta readers we die like men. also if you actually like this let me know and i’ll try and work on it some more! Summary: When Donald wrestles his sister out of the spear of selene’s pilot chair, he doesn’t expect to be locked inside without any way to disable the take off sequence, and none of them expect the cosmic storm- or the alien ship creating it. (AU where Donald takes the SOS instead of Della)
Donald tackles Della out of the pilots seat.
She squawks in surprise, twisting under him and the rears her head back, slamming her helmet into his beak. He yelps in pain, ducking his head to keep her from pulling the same stunt again, and struggles to keep a hold of her. He needed to get her off this death trap- the space suits Uncle Scrooge had custom made for them had parachutes, if he could just push her out the door she’d be fine.
“Donald!” She thrashes and he plants his feet and pulls, dragging her across the floor, “Let go!” she shouts, and there’s an edge of panic, “I already started the take off sequence! You have to get out of here!”
“I’m not letting you do this!” He snaps, latching onto her legs, “You can’t leave them behind!”
She twists so she's on her back, smacking at his chest and trying to pry him off, “I’ll be right back! Just once last avenue! One more adventure!”
She wiggles her left foot free and kicks him, sending him sprawling across the floor and his face twists, “It’s always one more something with you! You have to slow down! You have kids!” and it’s an argument they’ve had a thousand and one times before.
The Spear of Selene seems to hum louder and Dellas face falls, and she scrambles to her feet, reaching down and grabbing his arms, “You have to get off!” she pulls him over to the hatch he’d come in at and rushes to open it, the latch grinding in protest as she slams it open.
“I won’t make it down in time!”
She opens her mouth to say something but before she can get it out, he’s barreling into her, shoving her out the door and suddenly she’s freefalling. She pinwheels her arms, remember her parachute and pulls the ripcord. It catches the wind hard and the straps yank at her shoulders, almost too soon she hits the ground with a solid thud, rolling to try and recover. It had broken most of her fall, just not quite all- and she’d have the bruises to show for it days later.
“But you will.” Donald mutters to himself, watching her make it to the ground. He whips around, tearing through the SOS- he’s gotta find the spare suit. He wasn’t lying before- if he just tried climbing down, he’d never make it before the ship kicked off. He’d have to jump like Della. He’s elbows deep in the supply closet when he hears something slam. He practically leaps back up the ladder into the cockpit- the hatch had closed and locked on its own. Donald grabs the handle and pulls violently, but it doesn’t budge.
He vaults over the back of the captains chair to sit in it, the communications screen is blinking- and incoming call, he smacks the buttons around it, miraculously hitting the right one to answer the line, “Della!” Scrooge freezes, mouth gaping when the wrong twin appears on the screen, “What- Donald?” He asks, astonished, “What are you doing in there?”
“I’d love to chit-chat, Uncle Scrooge, but i’m running out of time! This thing is going to take off with me in it!” He glances down at all the buttons and controls sitting in front of him, blinking lights and dials staring unhelpfully back at him, “What do I do?”
“Just get out of there lad!” Scrooge leans forward, face crowding the screen, “There’s a spare suit under the pilots chair! Use the parachute to abandon ship!”
Donald’s already shaking his head even as he grabs the suit from the compartment beneath the chair, he hadn’t noticed it until Uncle Scrooge pointed it out, “The door’s locked, I can’t open it.”
Under his feathers, Scrooge’s face goes white, “Locked..?”
The door behind Scrooge slams open and Della’s standing there, she’d torn off her helmet at some point and all she was left in was the bottom of the space suit, “The ships in the last stage of take off! Donald, you have to cancel the launch!” She practically leaps across the room, yanking the microphone from Scrooge’s hand, “You have to cancel the launch!” she repeats frantically, the ship making a new and scary sound.
“I don’t know how! It’s not as if there’s a cancel lift off button in here!” he rakes his eyes across the control panels. He pulls the space suit up to his hips before Della is rattling off orders at him.
“If it’s not, put the yoke in resting position! And then-” It’s a bunch of techno jargon he can’t keep up with, push this and flip that and turn this, he can’t keep up.
“I don’t understand,” he says and the ship lurches under him, he grabs the arm rests of the pilots chair to keep himself steady.
Della on the screen gasps, clutching at the mic in her hand desperately, “It’s too late.” She whispers and then, with more authority, “Put the suit on Donald. We can’t stop the launch now, you’re gonna have to pilot this thing. We’ll get you into orbit and then we’ll come for you, okay? We’ll come.” She’s trying to be steady, but her voice shakes. He zips up the suit and twists the helmet down so it seals properly.
The Spear of selene trembles and shudders, Scrooge and Della turn their eyes to different screen, face lit up by yellow and white and red as the ship blasts off. Della starts shouting at him through the comms again, more directions- she's more in control now, steady, dumbing down her words so he can follow along. “The switch right below the biggest yellow dial, yes, flip that one now-” he doesn’t dare watch the ground grow smaller and smaller below him, he can’t stomach it. This is the scariest thing he’s ever done, all his attention needs to be here and now and on Dellas every word.
“That’s it, lad!” Scrooge says encouragingly, and Donald smiles shakily through the G-Force of leaving Earth’s atmosphere.
Blue and white clouds bleed into black, white stars like pinpricks appearing on the horizon, and it’s beautiful. For half a second he forgets where he is, what’s happening to him- and then what looks like billowing black smoke and smog starts to swirl around him, flashes of lightning in between the dark clouds, and Donald's face falls.
“What?” Scrooge asks, crowding past Della once he watches the dread rise on Donald's face.
He’d almost made it, too.
“A cosmic storm.” He says breathlessly, overwhelmed suddenly by how out of his depth he was- the Spear of Selene begins to shake and Donald grabs the stick tightly, trying to steady her, and he feels like he’s holding a live wire as it trembles beneath his hands.
“What? No! The skies were clear!” his sister yelps and there’s fear in her voice.
They’re yelling, telling him to try and avoid it, pull up- but there’s nowhere to go where it won’t reach him- and he can see through it, almost, like he’s flying through a tunnel. Maybe if he could just- just make it to the end-
Their yelling turns to white noise under the thundering of his heart in his ears when the ship appears. It’s massive, shaped like a dome with an orange beak at the front, so entirely foreign and terrifying he's struck dumb by the shock and fear lancing through his system, right in the middle on the cosmic storm, the epicenter. It’s so much bigger than his tiny, tiny ship. He is all too aware, suddenly, how insignificant he is.
“Uncle Scrooge!” He cries out in blind fear, but when he looks back at the screen it’s black. The cosmic storm- or whatever that ship is- knocked out his radio. He’s flying right towards it.
He grabs the control and pulls sharply to the right just so he’s flying away from the thing, heart leaping into his throat when the massive duck bill begins to open. The Selene shudders but ever so faithfully turns, arching him away from whatever monstrosity he’d almost been forced to face.
And then a white light tears through the night sky and locks onto the Selene, a tractor beam, and yanks it backwards. Donald has half a second to curse himself for not buckling in before he’s thrown from his seat when the ship lurches sharply. He’s tossed out of the cockpit and down the ladder into the main communal space inside the ship, landing hard and sliding across the floor as the ship is manhandled across the stars. The ship shudders to a stop and he does too, he’s strewn across the floor, breathing hard.
There a sharp twinge in his left arm, and when he goes to push himself up it collapses under the pressure, but he couldn’t focus on it right now. His helmet cracked at some point in the chaos, hissing our air, and he pops it off and tosses it aside just to stop the noise so he can think. There’s a moment of silence and he struggles to his feet, glancing around, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The hatch in the cockpit makes a thunking noise, unlatching, and its opened. Donald backs away from the ladder, pressing himself flat against the farthest wall, eyes stuck on the opening above him. Slowly, smoke begins to filter in.
Donalds mind jumps into action and he dives for the supply closet, struggling with the combination for half a second before throwing it open as white smog fills the last breathable air he’d had. Either they were trying to poison him or knock him out, and he couldn’t let either happen. He rummages in it for half a second, pulling out exactly what he’d been looking for.
Oxy-Chew. If Donald made it back, he’d have to thank Gyro for that one.
He chews through a stick as fast as he can, smiling at the flavor, “Black licorice.” he mutters thankfully. Gyro had the worst taste, but luckily so did Donald.
As the gas fills the room, Donald clamps a hand over his beak so he won't breath anything but the oxy-chew in his mouth, skirting around the room to position himself half-hidden behind the supply closet, giving the ladder a wide berth. There's another sound and then there are footsteps in the cockpit, and sound of several something's coming down the ladder. When they get to the bottom, Donald almost swallows the gum in shock. They’re huge, with thick smooth purple skin, a purple suit on top Donald could have sworn was just an extension of its skin if not for the raised seams, and they’ve got duck feet and duck bills even though they are most certainly not ducks. They’re tall and lanky, sickeningly thin, with big arching metal shoulder pads, long spindly arms and blue gloves. There’s three of them, only one has a futuristic looking gun, and they sweep their eyes around the room.
Donald decides quickly that if he’s going down, he’s going down swinging.
He launches himself out from behind the closet with an angry wail, fists flying, and by sheer surprise he manages to take them down. He gets the one with the gun first, flinging the weapon across the room before climbing up the alien and kicking him in the face, using him as a springboard to leap at the next intruder and using the same tactic. He scrambles up the ladder while they lay there, stunned, and he paused at the open hatch, unsure of what’s on the other side. He squares his shoulder and leaps out of the hatch, into what he thinks might be his last fight.
The aliens are big and strong and he takes down, surprisingly, a lot more before they manage to subdue him. He bruised and sore and bleeding from where one had given him a wallop in the beak. He’s locked in futuristic looking handcuffs behind his back and when one of the Evronians yanks him along, his arm arcs with fire. He’s worsened whatever injury he’d gotten in the kidnapping. Oh god, it was starting to sink in, he’d been kidnapped.
They walk him through a series of interlocking hallways almost aimlessly, he’s certain they’re trying to disorient him but he keeps careful track of where they've been and starts building a map in his head. He’d been on adventures with Della and Scrooge, he knew how to keep his bearings when things were happening too fast, and he was great with his sense of direction. He could use those skills now. The walls of the ship are yellow, a sort of bronze color, with supports like ribs lining the passageways.
They lead him out into a large atrium, the black of space in front of them, stars blurring into white lines and Donald realizes with sinking certainty that they’re moving, and that they are moving away from earth. Away from home.
We’ll come for you, Della had said. Donald didn’t think they could come this far.
There's another alien here, but he’s different. He’s tall and purple with a duck bill, of course, but he’s dressed in heavy teal robes with ornate silver trim, and he has thick yellow protrusions coming out of his skull, almost like hair but too thick and rubbery for Donald to accurately compare the two. The aliens that dragged him in kick the back of his legs and force him to his knees, and they speak to the obviously higher ranking alien in front of them in a garbled language Donald knows doesn’t sound like anything on earth.
The alien in charge seems to move across the floor without lifting his feet, almost like he’s gliding, and it makes Donald shudder with how unnatural it is. He stops in front of Donald and looks him over, inspecting him sharply. His hands flash out, yanking a feather from his head roughly.
Donald hisses at the prick of pain, takes a startled inhale and, even though the oxy-chew is still steadily supplying him with oxygen, he realizes that he can breath this air too.
“I’m not trying to kill you, duck.” The alien says, regarding the feather in his hand, inspecting the pinprick of blood on the calamus, “My name is Gorthan, I am the head scientist of the Evronian Empire. My crew and I have been sent to Earth to observe your species.”
It sounds almost innocuous, but Gorthans voice is like honey mixed with arsenic, “Your species has a funny way of observing.” Donald grimaces.
“I am not afraid to seize an opportunity presented to me.” Gorthan tucks the feather into his sleeve, standing at his full height, “‘Be not afraid of greatness: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’ You are my opportunity to get a… much closer look at the earthlings. I have use for you yet.”
Donald grinds his teeth, “That shakespeare quote is a dirty joke.” He spits.
“Take him to the labs.” Gorthan dismisses with a sneer, and they drag him from the room.
“Aw Phooey.” Donald whispers mostly to himself.
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*SU Spoiler* SUF Predictions
We finally got the first teaser trailer for “Steven Universe Future” and did it deliver! For a 30 second promo it was packed with so much new information! With this information, I wanted to put my thoughts on what might happen. After watching some YouTube videos from RoundTable, Toon Ruins, and Cartoon Universe, I wanted to put my own thoughts from what might happen in “Steven Universe: Future”. Instead of examining clip by clip in order from the promo, this will be how certain clips will relate to future episodes of the series. Let’s get cracking!
(I was going to use GIFS and Pictures, but the site I use was not working so if you have seen the trailer you know what I am talking about and if not go see it!)
1) Steven is showing a new Gem around Little Homeworld
It seems there is a new Gem that has been recently uncorrupted. At first, they may look like a corrupted Gem due to the horns and mixed-colored spots, but they are more humanoid then monster like and seems to have full control of themselves. Much like Jasper, the effects of corruption are still shown in their appearance, but it does not affect anything else. Steven is showing this new Gem around little Homeworld: Garnet teaching a group on meditation or yoga, an art class taught by Vidalia, and Bismuth forging something with the Heaven and Earth Gems. All is peaceful and we get to see how Gems can chose their leisurely time. We get to see how new Gems react to choosing a new life on Earth and seeing other Gems live their lives. This part is more of how a complete Little Homeworld and new Gem society work on Earth and how Gems can choose their way of life. This will be a pretty light-hearted part to their series.
2) Pink Pearl Returns and Things Get Messy
By far a favorite I cannot wait to happen is the return of Pink Pearl! She has been an alluding character for such a long time, and many have wondered what has happened to her since she was freed from White Diamond’s mind control. We see many clips of Pink Pearl. First off we see a clip of Pink Pearl loving day dreaming with eyes shining happily with a Pink Diamond silhouette in the background. This could tell us she has not gotten over Pink Diamond and in fact may have an unhealthy obsession with an idealized Pink Diamond. She knows the story of Pink Diamond and that she is no longer alive, yet she may be in denial and decided to keep the past memory of Pink Diamond (much like Pearl throughout the series). This leads to the eye cracking scene which is by far the scariest part because how is it possible? Gems are made of light and their bodies are an illusion meaning a crack and one that is expanding is nearly impossible on their physical form. So, we must ask why it is starting to crack. We notice she is smiling while the crack is expanding. This smile is the same one used when she was mind controlled by White Diamond. This could be either out of habit from being controlled for so long or the truth about Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz do not align with her idealized version and the more denial she is in the more the crack grows. Then we have two clips that are interesting: Pearl defending Pink Pearl and Steven covering his ears. These may be happening together. If Steven covers his ears before Pearl defends Pink Pearl, Steven is upset at something and unleashes the powerful yell of Pink Steven causing Pearl to shield Pink Pearl as seen form the direction her eyes are looking down. If Steven is covering his ears after Pearl defends Pink Pearl, that means Steven has done something and will likely feel guilt and anger. This arc will be very important to Steven trying to solve his own issues as Pink Pearl will most likely reject Steven and compare him to Pink Diamond causing the first glimpse of his identity crisis.
3) Famethyst Fun to Serious about Rose Quartz
We get to see the Famethyst again most likely at the zoo! But notice how they go from laughing to serious in a quick second. The Famethyst are usually playful and silly and seeing them become serious means something is up. We also see a glimpse of a Rose Quartz. We are not sure if this Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond or the bubbled Rose Quartzes. But Rebecca Sugar did hint that we will see the bubbled Rose Quartz in “Steven Universe: Future” and notice how this Rose Quartz has a soldier uniform instead of the dress. Upon seeing a Rose Quartz this may bring some serious issues to Steven as it will relate back to his mother.
4) Aquamarine Ruby Fusion is Coming
We have no confirmation that the fusion is Aquamarine and Eyeball Ruby. Both Gems have bad history with Steven. Eyeyball tried to kill Steven in a bubble trapped in space and was an eye witness testifying against Steven’s trial. Aquamarine along with Topaz kidnapped Steven’s friends and used dirty tactics to get Steven to come with her to Homeworld. Both have been thwarted by Steven in the past. They probably fused out of the common hatred they have for Steven and want to exact revenge. However, notice they are inside his house which will cause some trouble. Steven also frantically turns off the Rose Quartz tape inside the house probably to prevent the fusion from seeing it. This will definitely happen in one episode and may not cause too much, but seeing both Gems from his past may trigger something.
5) Jasper is Back!
Jasper is back on Earth and is not happy. She yells, “You are not my Diamond!” referring to Steven. After “Change Your Mind” it seems Jasper did not take the change to well and does not accept Steven’s beliefs of peace. Jasper is very powerful and has experience with strategy and combat. She is going to push Steven to his breaking point and Steven will unleash Pink Steven. It seems anger and violence bring out Pink Steven. Pink Steven form could be activated through negative emotions such as anger, violence, jealousy, and confusion. Pink Steven is powerful and will likely take down Jasper now problem. This is not going to bode well for Steven as he the Pink Steven form will fight aggressively then he usually does, and it’ll cause conflict in his personality.
6) Secret Room only for Diamonds?
One of the most mysterious is this new room at the end of the promo. It turns red but then blue. It is shaped like a giant eyeball and has many appendages sticking out of it. Honestly, it could be anywhere but I am thinking three locations: Homeworld, the Zoo, or Moon Base. If this orb machine is in Homeworld, it could be a Gem processing core or for Homeworld itself. If it’s in the Zoo, it could be an operations system maintaining the Zoo. If it’s in the Moon base, it could be a hidden computer system hiding information. This orb like machine is going to be a big part of the story as it related to Pink Diamond. In another clip, there is a blue panel with the Diamond insignia meaning only a Diamond can access it. Steven does find it and activate the panel. We may get to see new information about Pink Diamond we have not seen before.
7) Steven Witnesses Pink Steven
Lastly and certainly most interesting in the promo is Steven shattering something and realizing his Pink Steven form. This clip is entirely on its own because it could happen at any point. It can happen during the Pink Pearl arc, Jasper arc, blue room, Aqua-Ruby fusion fight, or even outside those arcs. This scene impactful because it parallels to Pink Diamond in “Jungle Moon”. We notice Steven is angry until he is shocked after shattering something. Steven could be shocked at his new form but also about his behavior leading to the action. Pink Diamond did something similar. In “Jungle Moon”, Pink Diamond smashes one of the windows in Yellow’s base after being scolded by Yellow. Seeing himself do the same thing his mother did in the past is going to cause much conflict as he tries not to be like his mother. That scene will also realize something is wrong since Pink Steven is a new power and needs to figure out what to do.
We are going to see much of Steven confronting himself in this series. He may have solved his own identity crisis in “Change Your Mind” but that does not mean something can cause another one. The movie proved that Steven is not done fixing the mess his mother made. But will fixing those problems be too much? How will he confront this with a new power even the Gems don’t know about? In conclusion: we are in for one hell of a ride!
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
East Sea of Monsters - Chapter 5
Franky starts. to notice some weird shit about his crew.
Read the entire series on Ao3 for better quality and authors notes! Gen, creepy, featuring all of the Straw Hats, multi-chapter story.
“The East Blue has a different nickname to those in the Grand Line, and those who hail it as home have a few… unique traits.”
Creepy - Franky
Now, Franky had seen some weird stuff. The Franky Family’s weird, Water 7’s weird, hell, he’s weird.
But he has to say, the Straw Hat’s take the cake on how weird, how crazyyou can get.
And he’s not just talking about the way the Captain’s made of rubber, their doctor’s a reindeer, their swordsman wields three katanas (one of them is supposedly cursed), and the latest member of their crew is a talking skeleton.
That stuffs pretty SUPER if you ask him, the kind he can roll with.
It’s the other things that get to him.
The creepy things.
He first notices these creepythings when he goes into the kitchen to restock his cola and grab a midnight stack after working all night, and finds two pairs of glowing eyes staring at him from a top the counter, accented by a sharp-toothed mouth and far too much glistening red wet stuff for him to handle.
Like a man, he assumes he’s gone far too long without sleep and back tracks out of the room as quickly as he dares before his mind can fool him further.
The eyes follow him every step of the way, and even the thing starts shifting unnaturally to follow him out of the room before Franky gives up on acting SUPER and just sprints away.
The next day he thinks it’s just a nightmare, before realizing he was most definitely awake, his eyes are alwaysperfectly functional, and Luffy just thanked him at breakfast for not ratting his midnight snack out to Sanji.
What the fu-
Thriller Bark was creepy for a number of reasons, most of them relating to the island itself and its inhabitants – zombies, shadows, ghosts and SUPER talking skeleton dudes – but Franky can handle that.
It’s the othercreepiness that really stands out to Franky, makes him feel like that time before on the ship – the kind that he thinks isn’t real but knows later it most definitely was.
He first notices it as Brook boards the ship. He seems positively delighted to be there, to be among human souls again, but all the same he appears to… lean awayfrom certain members of the crew. Franky would dismiss it if he didn’t know that A) Brook leans towardother members of the crew and B) Luffy, the most welcoming to the skeleton, is the one that makes the skeleton the most nervous.
(Franky is sure that if he asked the man, he would say something along the lines of They make my hair stand on ends – not that I have any hair – Oh wait! I do! Yohohoho!
He doesn’t ask though. He isn’t sure he wants to know what he thinks Brook knows.
But he’s a builder, a shipwright, however. It’s in his nature to poke around for a potential problem.
Not that his crew is a problem, of course.)
The next creepy things he notices are more Zoro related. It’s subtle, wouldn’t really be an eye catcher if Franky hadn’t been looking for it already.
You see – ever since he met the swordsman, he feels as if he isn’t actually seeing all of him at once. There’s always been a haze, sitting about him, as subtle as they come, like a cloud on a misty day.
Seemingly normal, but with a closer look, it’s like it doesn’t match the rest of the world.
So, he keeps recalibrating and recalibrating his eyes, keeps looking for the odd moments when Zoro seems to just – fadefrom existence, like he slips out of sight and just doesn’t come back until one the crew drags him to where he’s supposed to be.
(Franky entertains the thought that maybe this is why he’s always lost but dismisses it almost immediately.)
And here – on Thriller Bark, when life itself is being torn asunder by humans playing devils and gods – that chain tethering him to thisrealm seems to solidify, and the cloud resting about his shoulders fades away…
Leaving Franky to catch glimpses of limbs coated in shiny green scales, and eyes that flicker red from the back of a green head. They wink at him when Franky stares too long, and fade away the next moment, as if there was only ever cropped mossy hair on the man’s head.
The cyborg would think it was Robin’s handiwork if the eye wasn’t distinctly beast like, and Robin concentrating on using a hundred other summoned limbs to defeat an enemy.
The fading veil like thingover Zoro is even pointed out by the monster that has Luffy shadow of all things and that’s when Franky knowsthis stuff isn’t justin his head.
Because if that idiot can say Hey you guys are little demons (meaning it literally, Franky thinks) and why are you so foggy green sword guyand make Robin smile that scary knowing smile of hers, Franky is definitelysane.
He hopes.
However, the creepiest thing by faris Zoro’s smile, toothy, bloody, and with more thirst and death than Franky has ever seen before.
But maybe that’s just Zoro. He can never tell with the guy.
(So yes, Zoro is creepy. And Franky doesn’t like the way when he shouts Three Thousand Worlds!The world seems to split for just a second, as if a man just stepped and sliced through three thousand places at once and still managed to dissect an enemy with three clear strokes of sharp (cursed, haunted) blades.
No - Franky doesn’t like it at all – because, on stormy nights at Water 7, Tom would give in to Franky’s pleas for the scariest stories Tom knew of, as it fit the mood and would be SUPER during the storm, c’mon Tom! and those stories would oft feature tales of a man – a monster – with a dark hole for a heart, and a pitch of tar for a soul.
The man had a penchant for flashing across seas with a single step, havoc in his wake, as if the barrier between realms had no hold on him, as if space bent to his will and not the other way around.
It reminds him of Zoro, sometimes, when he casts a look at the swordsman in battle.)
The third incident is, funnily enough, with the third member of the ‘monster trio’, Sanji.
Franky thinks he finally knows why they’re called the monster trio, beyond them being simply ridiculously powerful.
The incident occurs when they are in the New World, after two years of training and a heartbreak so deep it cuts all of them to their soul.
(Franky does not like the rumors of Marineford. They say it was the War of the Best, that only the most powerful walked its bloody path, but Franky has heard that there was more than men fighting there –
And that there was a suspicious plume of fire at Ace’s grave, three days after Luffy rang the bell, a horrific mimicry of the fire that was said to have warred over the dead man’s father’s grave three days after his execution.)
Franky’s finally back in his workshop, with the sound of his crew, his family, surrounding him with a cacophonous yet beautiful noise and a new idea under his hands, and he couldn’t be happier.
But the next bit requires a bit of balancing if he wants to make it work – he has to lift the glass panel into the eye of the ring, but he can only reach it if he uses one hand, leans on his tiptoes, and stretches the other arm out for balance.
In hindsight, he should have added this bit first.
Oh well.
Almost there…. Almost got it – easy, easy alri-
With a thunderous sound, Franky whacks his had around, turning his head as he does, letting the glass shatter to the floor and nearly hitting the tray of Cola out of Sanji’s hands.
And that wouldn’t normally be odd, Franky can be clumsy especially when he’s focused and someone startles him (he supposes he needs to retrain himself in that regard, before their little… break … Luffy had taken to jumping up on Franky’s shoulders while he was working to see the new creation, and Franky had learned not to startle – Luffy will probably continue to do that again (at least some things stay the same…)) however it’s what happens in that second of chaos that freaks Franky out.
Franky’s hand, big and metal as it is, should have grazed Sanji’s side. But it didn’t – and not because Sanji dodged away either.
Instead, it is as if there was a giant hole in his side, gaping and wide yet perfectly ordinary, so that Franky only touched a black silk suit instead of the skin underneath.
That’s not all – in the flashing second, with as focused as Franky’s eyes were, he could see a wisp of smoke and something sparking flickering from the cook’s pointy mouth, as swirly eyebrows stood out against literal ash-gray skin.
He doesn’t know how to react, doesn’t even know if what he saw was real, only gives a small, high pitched laugh and ‘yeah, what about you? You startled me!’ when Sanji asks if he’s okay.
He sits in a kind of stupor, cold cola held in a metal (shaking) hand as Sanji takes his leave.
What did I just see?
Franky casts a glance at the shattered piece of glass on the ground, and the empty space in the machine it was supposed to go in.
Guess I’ll know soon enough.
Thankfully, beyond shadows in the corner of his eyes, weird hazy visions, spooky feelings and flashing eyes in the middle of the night, Franky only has one more major …. freakyevent before he gets the (terrifying) answer he’s looking for.
Nami’s yelling at him for bringing the Watcher (named by Chopper for its big eyepiece after he came down to see if any glass had gotten in his foot after the accident with Sanji) up on deck, as its apparently ‘Too big! I can’t get a proper tan with that in the way!’ and ‘What does it even do’but he doesn’t particularly care.
After all – she’s one of the five reasons he brought the thing up here.
(Brook had been uneasy around her and Usopp too – despite the fact that Usopp was more scared of him, and Nami was a woman (damn bony pervert.)  Both were relatively weak and lacking any freaky power like the Monster Trio had, so it had buggedFranky for ages why Brook was tense around them andthe Monster Trio, but not the cyborg or the talking reindeer.)
He turns the machine on just as a dark cloud passes over the sun.
Suddenly – the world is cold, and dark, and dreary, and Franky knows his eyes look far away as he peers through the lens at his comrades.
Wait, what… what?
They aren’t there – only Robin, sitting on her lawn chair, is.
Instead of the others, Franky views a shapeless form of wind and cloud and bursting yellow eyes, and something crouching in the corner of the deck, feathery, shadowed and whimsical.
It has far too many joints to be human.
Franky pulls away as a smashing, sparking noise emits from his left, and a crashing from his right.
The suns shining on them again, and the chilling song Franky swears he must have heard is already nothing but a distant memory.
Nami’s hand rests on the right side of the machine (is Franky imagining the little claw-like scrapes just before her nails?), denting it gently, while faint smoking (a bullet?– no, it smells far too much like Usopp’s Stars to be that) wisps from the cracks of the mention to his left.
“Franky,” Nami smiles, all knowing and terrifying, as her eyes seem to glow a particular shade of molten gold (weren’t her eyes brown?) “I suggest you stop.”
Usopp looks over and cocks his head like a bird, as if his place hadn’t been filled with feathers a second ago. He doesn’t say anything, and that is somehow scarier than Nami’s words.
“Okay?” She prods.
“Okay,” Franky agrees, and promptly begins to dismantle the machine.
The spare parts find a home in the bowels of the ship where only Luffy treads normally, as Franky can’t stand the sight of them, even if it was good metal (can’t bear to throw them out either, something tells him they’ll cause more trouble in the ocean depths than on the ship).
He feels all cold and empty when he looks at them.
He shouldn’t feel that way on his ship of dreams, surrounding by loving crew members.
Robin is the one to finally give him the answer to all the freakiness his crew has going on. He thinks she was amused by it before the Watcher mishap.
(She too avoids the metal when she can. It isn’t like her at all, and it’s the final tipping point in her observation of his interactions with their less… human campanions.)
It’s the day after said mishap and Franky’s still all jittery, feeling like he’s seen something taboo, when Robin glides up to him in the aquarium, where Franky’s relaxing with some Cola Floats (Who knew cola could taste so good with ice cream?).
“Did you know that five of our crew hail from the East Blue? The Going Merry did as well.” She says simply, and hands him an old but cared for book, with pieces of paper – newspaper clippings? And some notes? – sticking out of it. “Read that. Make sure it comes back to me in good condition” She finishes with some grabbing motions, taking Franky back to the time he first joined the crew which results in him nodding vigorously, and the woman disappearing into the hall with a satisfied smile.
The title is East Sea: Devil Waters, and Franky gulps.
Inside, the freakiness is explained, and something in him relaxes with it. At least he knows whythey’re all freaky now, and that all the rumors he’s heard are true.
(His questions are answered and somethings he didn’t even know were strange had an explanation.
He had heard of Klabautermann before, he knew Merry had one, and he knows Sunny does as well. But – this explains the extra presence he felt in Sunny’s hull some days.
He’s glad he created the Mini Merry – who knew ships could have restless ghosts? He’s happy the lamb has a final resting – haunting –place, safe in the cradle of her comrades and out of the ocean’s depths.)
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The Past Lives of Amy Jones
Prompt: Someone who has been dead before comes to terms with their rebirth/new life.
                 Amy had done this before. She’d been through this – the trauma of leaving the womb, the shock provoking tears and screams that had people in white coats and blue gowns alike cooing in delight. She’d been here before, and she wasn’t altogether pleased to be back here now. They had told her at HQ that all of her cycles had been used up. She’d learned all of her lessons. Her soul had reached completion. She shouldn’t have been sent back to Earth again.  Oh well. There wasn’t anything to be done for it. She was here. She might as well make the most of it.
                 This was the last coherent thought that Amy had for years. It was so difficult to hold on to one’s soul essence when one was in the body of a newborn infant. You had no way to communicate, and all you could really do was be uncomfortable, sleep or cry. There was very little variety. It would be a relief to be able to take care of herself again, but Amy wouldn’t know that until she was much older.
Her new parents, Siobhan and Howard, gave her some ridiculous name. Amy didn’t care for it. As luck would have it, or maybe it was the Fates intervening, as they seemed to do, they gave her the middle name Amy. “I don’t want to be called Jacqueline,” Amy said when her new body turned six. “I want to be called Amy.” A chagrined glance was shared between Siobhan and Howard, but they agreed. It had only taken them nearly a year to settle on Jacqueline. How were they to know that their new daughter would hate the name that they had lovingly chosen?
                 Amy’s awareness of her past life came on in flashes.
                 At first, it was just the general sense of déjà vu. Her old body had lived in the same town that her new one lived in. They had even gone to the same public school – Lord Beaverbrook Elementary. “There’s a stain on the floor behind that door, Mommy,” Amy said when her parents took her with them on parent-teacher conference night. She had pointed behind the staff room door. “A big brown one. It’s shaped like a puppy!”
                 Siobhan had just smiled at that. Clearly the child had seen it when a teacher had opened the door. She hadn’t been involved in making it or anything. That would be absurd.
                 The next flash happened when the family had decided to move house. Amy’s new parents were expecting another baby, and the little bungalow that they had lived in since Amy’s rebirth would be too small for them all to have their own rooms. That’s what they told her, anyway, when they pulled up to it in their wood-paneled station wagon. “When your new little baby brother or sister comes, don’t you want to be able to have your own room? Babies can cry all night! You don’t want to have to sleep with that, do you?” Howard had asked her as he unbuckled her car seat.
               “Well, no,” Amy had grumbled. Her new father set her down on the pavement outside of the little stone farmhouse. “But does it have to be this house?”
                 “Let’s just go and take a look, okay, Amy?” her new mother said, taking her by the hand and leading her up the front steps. Howard looked like he wanted to take his wife’s other hand, but he kept his hands in his pockets. House hunting had not been going well, and Siobhan thought that he was too soft on their eldest child.
                 The realtor was inside the house already. She pasted on a smile as the little family opened the door. Amy didn’t trust her immediately. The realtor was hiding something, or maybe that was just the way that Amy felt. Amy let go of her new mother’s hand, wandering up the creaky wooden stairs to what she knew would be a playroom.
                 “Be careful, honey!” Amy’s new mother called up after her.  “These old houses can have lots of surprises in them. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
                 “Yes, Mommy,” Amy called back automatically.
                 The play room had a sloped roof with a window seat set into it and buttery coloured hardwood floors. They were right under the gables of the house, and the room was stuffy with the mid-afternoon sunshine streaming in through the window. The wallpaper was bright and cheerful, with a pattern of toy boats. Styrofoam puzzle pieces lined the floor in garish multicoloured blocks. Someone had overturned a bucket of Legos on the mats.
                 Amy walked past all of this, sending a stray brick skittering across the hardwood. There was a door set discreetly into the back wall of the playroom. It wasn’t covered in wallpaper, but it was painted in a similar pale blue to the background. Most children wouldn’t have noticed. They would have sat right down on the foam mats and begun building a Lego city. Amy stretched up to turn the knob.
                 “Oh, and here’s your beautiful daughter,” came the sickly-sweet voice of the realtor. “She’s found this little bonus room, which could be converted into a nursery until baby is old enough to need a little more space. Then you could use it as either a playroom or an office. It gets plenty of light, as you can see, and it even has its own closet. Such a difficulty to find storage in these century homes, but you can’t find character anywhere else.”
                 “Where is she?” Amy said, turning away from the open closet door.
                 The realtor gave her a funny look, but turned on her heel and began clomping down the hall in her heels, Howard trailing after her.
                 “What do you mean, Amy?” her mother asked, anxious to get on with the rest of the showing.
                 “There was a girl here,” Amy said, pointing into the closet but keeping her eyes fixed on her new mother’s. “She was hiding in the closet, and her face went blue. My daddy found her and started screaming.”
                 Siobhan raised her eyebrows. “There’s no girl here,” she said slowly. “And your Daddy has never been here, so he couldn’t have found anyone in that closet.”
                 “No, not this daddy,” Amy said impatiently. “My first daddy. The one who used to milk cows and ride horses.”
                 “You only have one father, Amy,” Siobhan said. The hairs on her arms were standing up straight, despite the heat. “Now let’s finish looking around at this house so that we can go and get some ice cream, okay?”
                 “Okay!” Amy said happily. She ran out of the room, little pink sneakers thumping down the uneven hallway towards the master bedroom, where the realtor was explaining how the lack of an en suite and upstairs laundry room was really what they had asked for when they had given her their budget. Amy ran up to her new father, grabbing his wrist from where it was still shoved into the pocket of his khakis. He glanced down at her and smiled slightly.
                 “Howard, it’s time to leave,” Siobhan said from the doorway.
                 “But… Shea…?” Howard said slowly. Amy could hear the questions in his voice.
                 “Amy, why don’t you go and wait for us at the front door. We’ll meet you there in a second,” Siobhan said, stepping back a little to let her daughter pass through. “Don’t go out to the car yet. Just wait for me at the front door.”
                 Amy skipped down the hallway to the staircase, but she didn’t go down just yet. She wanted to hear what they were talking about. It sounded important.
                 “Is there a problem, Mrs. Jones?” the realtor asked.
                 “Yes, Sandra, I think so,” Siobhan hissed. “You failed to mention in your quote that someone had died in this house.”
                 “It’s over a hundred years old! Of course, someone has died in this house! I didn’t think it was relevant to list every single death that there’s been!” the realtor said peevishly.
                 “It’s relevant when my daughter goes up to the playroom and asks me about the girl that hung herself in the closet!” Siobhan yelled.
                 Amy heard a sharp intake of breath from both her new father and the realtor. “That – that – I mean, yes, that definitely happened, but it was around the time that the house was built. How could she possibly know that? There isn’t – how could – I mean…” The realtor’s voice trailed off.
                 Siobhan made a harrumphing noise then clicked her tongue in disgust. “Howard, we’re leaving,” she said flatly. Amy could hear her new parents’ heavy footsteps coming down the hallway, and she scrambled down the stairs to wait at the front door. Amy looked down at the scuffed toes of her sneakers. There was a big black mark on the left one. Her new mom would be mad about that if she saw. Amy tucked her left foot around her ankle as her new parents made their way down the stairs.
                 “Come, Amy,” her new mother said, grabbing her hand. She didn’t look down at Amy’s foot. Her new father followed after them silently, pausing only to open the door for his heavily pregnant wife. Amy settled herself onto her booster seat (she had the sneaking suspicion that she ought to have been taller, but didn’t have the words to articulate this thought at the time) and waited for Howard to buckle her in. He did, and they drove home in silence.
                 They didn’t end up getting ice cream, but Amy wasn’t going to bring that up right now. Her new parents were too grumpy right now. She didn’t want to get yelled at the way that her mother had yelled at the lady in the red pantsuit that had shown them her old house.
                 Maybe if they had stopped for ice cream that day, Amy would have been able to reassure her new parents that there wasn’t actually anything wrong with her. She had known that a woman had been found in the closet of the playroom in the little stone farmhouse because she had seen it a long time ago. Maybe she would have been able to say that it had come to her in a dream.
                 Instead, Amy’s new parents had packed her off to every psychologist and psychiatrist that they could find. Even though none of them could give Amy a diagnosis as anything other than a normal little girl of eight. Amy didn’t mind really. They let her colour and draw pictures. Sometimes they asked her if she had scary dreams and if she could please draw them on the paper. Amy tried, but she didn’t really remember her dreams. The scariest one that she could remember was a nightmare that she’d had about her new baby brother being born with two heads like something she’d seen on the news the night before. It didn’t occur to Amy until years later that they were asking her about her previous lives.
                 The final time that Amy became aware of the fact that she had died before, was in fact just before her next death.
                 She had grown up by this point, gone on to university and finished her degree. She was just about to start her new job as a social worker for inner city schools when she was struck by a falling air conditioner.
                 Amy had woken up that morning with a sense of unease. “Something bad is going to happen today,” she told her boyfriend when she got out of bed that morning.
                 “You’re just nervous for your first day, babe,” he’d said, rolling over and going back to sleep. He worked a two weeks on, two weeks off shift at an offshore drilling rig.
                 Amy had privately disagreed, because she knew that she had felt this way before. She’d had this feeling the day that she had died as a teacher in Lord Beaverbrook Elementary, and she’d had this feeling when her father had driven her to kill herself at the farmhouse. It was comforting, in a way. This was going to be her last day.
                 Of course, she didn’t think this until she was lying on the dirty sidewalk in front of her new office.
                 She lived in an apartment that was close enough to her new office that she was able to walk to work. It was a great cost-saving choice, especially in the summer when it was halfway pleasant in the mornings. Amy had packed a lunch using the good containers that her parents had gotten her as a house-warming gift.
               Amy made sure to check both ways before crossing every street. She even pulled a teenager back from the edge when a bus rounded the corner unexpectedly. “You need to be more careful!” she’d scolded her. “Turn your music down a little bit so that you can hear the traffic coming, even if you can’t see it!”
                 Bolstered by her good deed, Amy didn’t think to look up when she was walking underneath a row of apartments. A couple had been arguing about the air conditioner, at one point hitting it with their palms, and the rotten board that they used to block off the rest of the window gave way and toppled to the ground. Amy looked up at the noise, only to see the air conditioner falling on her.
                 “Not again,” was all she had time to think before being whisked away to a now-familiar white room.
                 “Sorry about that,” a harried young man said from across the glass desk. “We didn’t realize that you’d been sent out again until just now. You wouldn’t believe the backlog of paperwork here.  As soon as I noticed the error, I rectified it. Hopefully it wasn’t too painful.”
                 Amy froze in her chair. She’d just been crushed by a falling air conditioner, and this guy had the audacity to be complaining about paperwork? She opened her mouth to cuss him out, but he cut her off with a gesture.
                 “Oh, right,” he said, scrubbing a hand through his hair. The brown strands lay back down almost immediately, falling perfectly into place. “You probably won’t remember all of this right away.” He sighed, shuffling papers around and pulling out a manila folder. “I’m Dashaniel, but everyone just calls me Dash. Well, you used to anyway.”
                  “Wait, how did I – do we – ?” Amy started. She looked down at the hands in her lap, which had taken on a golden, luminescent quality. Oh. Oh. She hadn’t been a human girl for a very long time. She was Amaniel and she had been sent back to Earth several times to guide people back to their own paths. With varying degrees of success, evidently, as she kept being killed in brutal ways.
                 Dash waited patiently behind the desk. “How could you possibly think that it wasn’t going to be painful to drop an air conditioner on my head?” Amy said, crossing her arms and leaning back into the white chair. “Those things are heavy, Dash.”
                 He froze. “Did I not pull you out in time?” He looked scandalized, genuinely concerned that she had suffered until she snorted.
                 “I’m fine, Dash,” she said. “But what I don’t understand is why I was ever sent back in the first place. None of the people that I had interactions with in this life needed any kind of intervention. They were all good people with good intentions.” Well, maybe not the realtor that she’d met when she was 8, but they didn’t have a significant enough relationship to really be able to influence her life.
                 Dash sighed, running his hand through his perfect hair again. “Like I said, it was a clerical error. You were never meant to go back in the first place. It was my fault really, and I’ve put in an organizational system that’s been approved by the big man himself but – ” Dash shook his head when he noticed Amy’s raised eyebrow. “Right, not important. There was a mass send-off, trying to prevent some sort of catastrophic event in the northern hemisphere. It seems to have failed. People just aren’t listening to children the way that they used to.” Dash sighed heavily again. “I’ve been informed that you’re not to be sent out again. At least, not for some time and only at your request. The big man is saving you for his next big plan for humanity.”
                 “Right,” Amy said, uncrossing her arms. “I guess I’d better go and see the big man then.”
                 Dash smiled, his grin splitting his face and lighting up the room. “He told me that you’d say that.”
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itsallavengers · 7 years
“You know what the worst thing is?”
Tony was asking him, voice flat and dead. He wasn’t looking at Steve- just out of the huge windows in an empty tower he’d put on the market months ago. That still clawed at Steve’s heart more than he ever thought it could. He didn’t know why Tony decided to meet him here, in a tower that was just bare and empty. Cold. It was not their home anymore- it had nothing to do with the Avengers at all now- although thinking about it, maybe that was the point.
Steve wasn’t sure his heart could ache any more than it already had done for the past six months, and yet somehow Tony managed to make it happen. He was always good at bringing out the most in him, though. Whether it be the better stuff or the worst, he thought bitterly.
“What?” Steve asked. His voice was quiet- made even more so by the vast emptiness of the room. He felt like whatever Tony said next, Steve wasn’t going to like the answer.
He was right.
Tony still didn’t turn around. Instead, Steve watched his eyes flicker toward the reflection in the glass, for the barest fraction of a second, and look him in the eye. It didn’t last long. It was still more than anything Steve could have hoped for. He’d missed Tony like addict missed his fix. Just the barest of glances, and it still felt like... everything.
“The worst thing,” Tony sucked in a breath, fixing his eyes somewhere above the horizon, “is that I could never quite stop loving you.”
Steve shut his eyes slowly. Oh. Oh, of all the times Tony could have admitted- and it had to be now, didn’t it? Now everything was ruined. Now there was no going back, no reversing time to land in the past and realize that life was so fickle, there had never been any point in dancing around one another like they had.
He’d known, somewhere. Deep down, he’d always known. Tony had loved him just as much as Steve loved Tony. There had never been any doubt, really.
And he’d let it slip right through his fingers. He’d ruined it. Again.
“Through all of it,” Tony finally jerked his head and fixed those beautiful eyes on him, “through the arguments over the accords, through you still running away after I begged you to listen- even when you- you walked away and left me for him-”
“Tony, it was never-” Steve choked, but Tony waved him off, quickly getting angrier with each word- and when he stepped forward, Steve noticed the redness around his eyes, wondered if he’d been drinking or doing something worse.
“I couldn’t fucking stop,” Tony finally spat, fists clenched at his sides as he turned fully to Steve, “I tried so hard. Believe me, I did. I... God, Steve, I hate you, and some days I’d wake up and I’d think yeah, there’s nothing left. I’d convince myself that you weren’t still the beginning and end of my pathetic little universe. Some days it almost worked,” he laughed bitterly, shaking his head and stepping forward. Steve tried to say something, but no words would come. He felt like he’d been paralyzed.
You’re my universe too, he wanted to say- but he knew Tony would only get angrier. Because he had a point- no sane man would walk away from the person they considered their universe unless they’d been lying about it all along. And Steve may have lied, but never, ever about that.
When he looked back up at Tony, his vision was blurred and fragmented. He felt more broken than he ever had in his entire life.
“I’d still come back,” Tony whispered, and suddenly he was nearer- barely even a step away, how had he gotten so close- “that’s the scary part. The worst part is that I still love you, yeah, but the scariest bit is that I’d still come back. I know I would. If you asked me to, I’d do it. Because I’m a damned fool and you could hurt me and hurt me and hurt me and I’d still- I’d still-”
Tony’s voice crashed and wavered into nothingness as he choked on air and then looked down. Steve could do nothing but watch him. He felt like he was caught in a nightmare- This was everything he'd wanted to hear, twisted and mutilated until it became horrific. Until it became ruined. 
Steve had done that. He destroyed everything he touched.  He wished, for a short moment, that he’d never met Tony. At least then he wouldn’t have hurt him like this. Maybe it would have been better.
“Tony,” he started, and his cheeks were wet- he could feel it sliding down his chin, falling onto the dusty wooden paneling underfoot. Tony looked up at him- there were no tears in his eyes. That felt worse, somehow. That was just emptiness. And Tony- Tony was not a man designed to be empty.
He opened his mouth again, and Tony waited. But all that left his mouth was air, no matter how hard he tried. There were no words that would ever be able to make Tony understand. None that would describe the way his heart was being torn apart in that moment. So he said nothing, and watched Tony break a little further instead.
“Yeah, I get it,” Tony nodded once, and he didn’t- no doubt he’d taken hold of completely the wrong end of the stick, because he always goddamn did- “I always loved a little too hard. Not your fault, really. That was a flaw that started way before you came onto the scene. You can’t be blamed for not feeling the same.” And it was sad, the way he laughed at that. Like loving was a weakness, a flaw. Steve wanted to scream- he wanted to yell all the ways Tony had made him feel, really feel things for the first time in his life. How he’d made him smile. How he’d given him hope.
He didn’t even know where to start.
Tony glanced up at him once more, before unclenching his fists and then doing up the buttons on his jacket. His hands were shaking. “I need you to do something for me, Steve, okay?” He asked briskly, keeping his voice carefully balanced and neutral, looking down firmly at the buttons his fingers worked through.
A request. Steve could- he could make his voice work for a request. “Anything,” he responded softly, truthfully. If Tony asked him to get on his knees and beg right then and there, he would. He would.
Tony looked up at him again. All at once, Steve saw the deluge of emotion flood from his eyes, turning them hazy, making his lip wobble and his throat bob as he swallowed down the pain.  “Don’t ask me,” he said, pain lanced through his voice, and Steve didn't understand what he meant by that until he explained, “don’t ask me to come back. If you care about me at all; if you ever did, you won’t do that to me. Because I’m- I’m not a weak man, Steve- but I don’t think I’d be able to say no to you.” 
Tony looked at him and Steve couldn’t breathe. 
He just nodded, feeling the hotness burn behind his eyes. There was nothing he could do, now, except whatever it took to make Tony happy again. To make him trust him again. Even if it meant losing him.
Something flashed over Tony’s face, and for a moment, Steve could almost imagine that he’d been wishing for a different answer. But it was gone in a moment, leaving nothing but blank neutrality in its wake. Tony finished buttoning the final one at his throat, and once that was done, he shut his eyes for the briefest second and then stepped forward, moving around Steve and over to the exit. 
Steve could smell the metal and the coffee and the gutwrenching sense of home as he passed by. He was sure it was never supposed to feel that painful.
“Goodnight, Steve,” Tony said from behind him, and Steve heard his hand close around the handle of the door, pulling it open swiftly. 
“Tony,” he blurted finally, feeling a handful of words force their way into his mouth before he could stop them. He turned to face the other man; watching Tony pause by the door, not looking at him, but waiting. Ready to listen, at the very least. It was more than he deserved, but so much less than what he needed. He remembered the days when Tony would rest his head on Steve’s shoulder, when his hand would slip easily over Steve’s arm, the affection free-flowing and easy.  Oh, the things he would do to get that back. 
“Please, Tony,” he whispered, jaw clenching, “call me whatever name you want. Insult me, ruin me- but do not ever say I never loved you. Don’t you dare.” 
He watched the flinch Tony did across the room- saw how he struggled to keep his back turned for a moment, before the more stubborn side of him won out and kept him facing the door. Steve tried not to feel disappointed.
A second later, Tony pulled open the door and slipped out. 
Steve came back to himself a few seconds later, standing in the empty shell of his home and realizing with a small laugh that that had been the very first time he’d managed to have the last word in a conversation with Tony Stark.
In the stillness of what had used to be the communal living room, Steve breathed in a small breath, and let the tears fall.
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sunshinetoday · 7 years
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 It’s been nine weeks since our favorite show is back in production!! Let’s see what happened in this week.
*1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. week summaries*
*Just a warning: shameless self-promotion can be found in some of the links😂*
We started this week with the great news of exclusive interviews with the cast of The X-files will take over the Den of Geek magazine at New York Comic Con.
Brian Howe read for a part on Thursday but sadly he won’t be appearing on Season 11. (X)
New tbt picture from Gillian and this time I actually understood it!! “You’d think stylists hadn’t been invented in my 20’s. #tbt”
It’s been revealed that the panel will be moderated by Michael Ausiello! “ I'm X-static to announce that I will be moderating @thexfilesfoxpanel at #NYCC this Sunday (1-2 pm, Main Stage). I WANT TO BELIEVE I was their first choice. I suppose you could say THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE. (photo illustration by @andyswift)“ (X)
Gillian posted an adorable video where they are on a filming site, in-between takes and apparently she likes to spend her spare-time with recording David taking pictures of the sunset. They are adorable and our heart is full and definitely melted one more time ❤️️ ❤️️ “Can’t decide if my favorite bit’s the balls, the shoes, or the stuff in between.”
Thanks to @youreadarkwizard here we have an absolutely necessarily gifset of David being cute in the video. And let’s not stop there, and have a look at these gorgeous pictures, thanks to @dontpointdownthere
We managed to get a glimpse of the filming!!! Here is @campaignofmisinformation summary of what has happened on the night when we saw Gillian filming. 
THE DAY OF THE PANEL: Watch the panel again, you know you want to...
Michael Ausiello posted a picture of him and David at NYCC. 
There are so many things happening in there and so many emotions...so of course, we all collectively lost our s*** after the trailer aired. There are some great theories out there about the storyline. As always, @campaignofmisinformation does have some interesting theories of what is going to happen... And I sooo want this to be true!!
Mulder saying ‘My son’, Scully saying “Our son” made all of us cry, Mulder and Scully running into the forest, through a cemetery made us all sentimental, Scully being a proper badass made us all proud, Mulder looking spot on made us all hot... and the table was set for two!!! FOR TWO! IN THE UNREMARKABLE HOUSE. FOR TWO. Okay, enough yelling. 
Vulture published a new photoshoot by Dylan Coulter featuring Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny
Pictures from the press room have been shared on many twitter accounts: “Some more of @davidduchovny from #TheXFiles press room at #NYCC” XfilesNews
I still don’t know how to handle this information but apparently, Gillian Anderson was spotted tryna climb the fence behind the nycc before the panel.
Before the panel, Gillian recorded a video of their walk to the event. 
In the press room, someone asked Gillian about Season 10: “What went through your mind when you read the script for the s10 finale of X-Files? Gillian Anderson: What the fuck?!” (X)
The whole cast gave an interview to TV Insider (X)
There is definitely a new photo shoot we can look forward to... we could see one picture of Gillian and David bts.
I haven’t watched the panel, yet as I’m on holiday but will make a separate post about it, after I did watch it. But one of the best stories ever: David Duchovny would jump in-between a bear and Gillian Anderson if he had to. You know, casually be saving her life type of thing.❤️️❤️️ 
After the panel Gillian posted a little video of the audience and her; ‘Thank you one and all!  @NY_Comic_Con @thexfiles #nycc #nycc2017″  and David retweeted the trailer: “Thanks to all the fans at comic con and beyond...#TheXFiles”
Michael Ausiello also posted a video after the panel. He is discussing the event with Gillian Anderson. She has one thing to say: David was very funny.
Gillian gave an interview to Buzzfeed. “Talked to Gillian Anderson today. (h/t @bimadew)“
Den of Geek also interviewed the cast and they took some pictures at the Comic Con: “Thank you to the amazing @thexfiles team for answering our questions (and showing love for our mag) at #NYCC!”
Indiewire published an article after the panel and they tweeted: “Scully is not screwing around in the new trailer for @TheXFiles Season 11. Don't mess with @GillianA”. Gillian responded: “Damn straight.”
One interview has been posted on Youtube: The X-Files: Tackling Diversity in the Television Industry (X)
Filming news:
No filming this week.
Press of the week:
The X-Files Lands on the Cover of Den of Geek Magazine (X)
The X-Files Season 11: Duchovny, Anderson, and Carter Weigh In On The Show's Legacy (X)
The X-Files Season 11 Interview: Chris Carter on Cliffhangers, Episode Details (X)
X-Files Trailer Confirms Second Revival Is All About [Spoiler] — Watch Now (X)
‘The X-Files’ Season 11 Trailer: Our First Look at the Return of Mulder and Scully in 2018
‘The X-Files’ Creator Chris Carter On Making More Seasons, Lone Gunmen’s Return & ‘Millennium’ – NY Comic Con (X)
X-Files Teases New Season Romance: Mulder and Scully “Get Kissing Close” (X)
7 Things We Just Learned About "The X-Files" Season 11 (X)
'The X-Files': Mulder and Scully Face Alien Invasion in First Season 11 Trailer (X)
THE X-FILES New York Comic-Con Press Room: William Is Out There, But the Truth Might Not Be (X)  
In other news this week;
Crooked House trailer and new posters (X) (X) (X)
Sneak Peek of the title track of David’s upcoming album and some great screenshots from the video. Thank you, @inkcollectorus
Secret alternate ending of season 9 - Mommy Scully, Daddy Mulder & Baby William fan art by @laywithmeart
“A lot of chemistry and relationship between the two. They’re still able to catch that thing that the fans loved so much about these characters.” Mitch Pileggi, Den of Geek interview (X)
An interesting book from the 90′s published X-files fanfic by @medicaldoctordana 
When a simple whisper behind the hand is not enough.Gillian Anderson & David Duchovny - New York Comic Con - October 8, 2017 picture set by @lilydalexf
AAAAAAnd, we were still in Vancouver for a couple of days!! Here is some more stuff we saw in the second week:
THE FILMING - we got so so lucky and we were so emotional about the whole experience. Some thoughts and pictures were shared by
@scullyphile (X) (X)
@becksndot5 (X)
and me 
When we were not chasing monsters in the dark, we had tons of fun! Also I have lots of pictures to post later on...*once I sort them out*
I went to the bar where Mulder gets drunk in Fight the Future.
I think this is it for our ninth week! *Let me know if I missed something or if you have suggestions what to include in the next week summary, feel free to message me anytime*
Lots of love, fam! For another great week ahead!  ❤️ 👽😄👽
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lynchgirl90 · 7 years
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10 Things We Learned at the #TwinPeaks Comic-Con Panel
by Maureen Ryan Chief TV Critic Variety 
At the San Diego Comic-Con panel for Showtime’s revival of “Twin Peaks” on Friday, things got a little weird at times, but the love for the strange soap opera — among the cast and fans assembled in Hall H — was palpable.
Cast members Kyle MacLachlan, Tim Roth, Dana Ashbrook, Kimmy Robertson, Everett McGill, Matthew Lillard, James Marshall, Don Murray, and Naomi Watts were joined by moderator Damon Lindelof. Here are some highlights from the hourlong discussion of the drama:
1. There would be no “Lost��� without “Twin Peaks.” Lindelof said that when the show first premiered in 1990, when he was 16, it completely rocked his world. “I was lonely,” Lindelof said. “The world was scary and confusing and I felt like it didn’t understand me.” But then, after the drama created by David Lynch and Mark Frost arrived, “suddenly I was no longer alone — I was in ‘Twin Peaks.’” Lindelof said he couldn’t describe what it felt like to meet the array of characters, but “I can tell you this; I loved every single one of them because they were all weirdos.” After citing just a few of the shows influenced by “Twin Peaks” — including “The Sopranos,” “Stranger Things,” and “Fargo” — Lindelof said, “I owe my entire career to this show, and I can think of no better place to say that than Hall H at Comic Con, in a room full of weirdos like me.”
2. Mastermind Lynch was present — in spirit and on film. Though Frost and Lynch did not make it to San Diego, Lindelof kicked things off with a film from Lynch. It was a short, strange piece that kept cutting out and piling on the strange developments. Lynch began by saying hello, but then he started yelling at someone off-camera. At that point, it sounded like a man fell from a great height. Lynch came back and said, “I’ve got to show you something” — and lifted up what looked like a dead hand. There was something in the hand: “This supposedly is the last golf ball O.J. Simpson hit before going into prison.” The film cut out again and then Lynch was back: “Today you’re going to meet some great actresses and actors …” Lynch began, but then, off-camera, it sounded like total chaos was breaking out. Lynch: “You can’t bring a horse in here. Manuel, take that gun away.” Fans packed into Hall H heard the sound of a horse whinnying. And then the film finally abruptly cut out. “That was even more than I could have hoped for,” said Lindelof, who said he was seeing that Lynch video for the first time.
3. Matthew Lillard has still not seen the original “Twin Peaks.” “I’m going to watch it tonight!” he joked. “I think it’s weird. Anyone else? If you’re not a ‘Twin Peaks’ dude and you come in, it’s a little strange.” Even the casting process was offbeat, Lillard said. “His casting process is very interesting,” he said. “They put a video camera on your face and you just talk about life in general. Then they invite the actor to come over and read pages.” And once he was on board, he was always wondering what was coming next. “When you’re reading a David Lynch script, you have no idea where it’s going to go,” Lillard said. “I got to this scene in Episode 9, and it’s the scariest thing I’ve ever read as an actor. In the middle, the character breaks down hysterically, sobbing. And you sort of know, being a fan of David’s movies and shows, what that looks like. It was intimidating. In his world, you get two takes. So you want to be really good really fast.”
4. Naomi Watts only saw her scenes with Dougie before cameras rolled. She didn’t see anything else from the scripts. But she had certainly hoped to work with Lynch again, after their experiences working together on “Mulholland Drive” years ago. “I had actually gone up [to Lynch’s house] more than a year ago with Laura Dern,” Watts said. “We were trying to coax him into some ideas and to get something going. That’s what you do with David — ‘Come on, hire me again.’ It’s just so good to be on a set with him or just in a room. He was talking about some ideas as he smoked, and smiling a lot, but not really saying yes or no. Finally I heard the rumor that ‘Twin Peaks’ was happening. I wasn’t part of that original team, so it would be wrong for me to be pushy about it. But I did drop some hints. I got a call.” Watts said Lynch “sat me in his chair that he built next to a table he built. I sat there for a good hour or so and read these pages. I don’t know anything about what happened before my part or after.” Did she know that Kyle would play Dougie? “It was not told to me, but I certainly posed that question, which he did not clarify,” Watts said.
5. Even getting the phone call to come back to “Twin Peaks” was unnerving, but also thrilling. While talking to Lynch, “I slid off the bed, which was really high at the time,” Robertson said. By the end of the call, “I was was looking at the bottom of my bed — I had somehow crawled under my bed. Because it was just so unexpected.” McGill said he was worried about being able to access “the emotions and vulnerability” of his character again. “But seeing everybody on the set, seeing how warm David was — it was great.” “Everybody gets exactly the same respect” on Lynch’s sets, and that creates a very creative atmosphere among the cast and crew, James Marshall said.
6. A few of the actors haven’t watched the new series on TV, but they hope to do so soon.“I’m going to wait until it’s done and watch everything from the first series [and the new episodes], all the way through, with my kids. I don’t know what that’s going to do to us,” Roth said.
7. His work can go into dark and strange areas, but working with Lynch is nothing but pleasurable. “He has this peace about him that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced,” Lillard said. “His belief in his process and his vision and his point of view is so profound and focus, and he inspires me that way,” MacLachlan added. “He follows this dream in his mind and I find that inspirational in my life, to go after the thing I believe in.” “He really shows great appreciation for other people’s work,” cast member Murray said. “And he never fails to do that. You go home from a day’s work with David and you feel good about it and about the world because you’ve had that experience.” “He knows how to get a performance, he digs deep,” McGill noted.
8. Asked for “a hot take” about Dougie, many members of the cast were a bit stumped.Eventually Robertson gave her opinion: “It’s very easy, if you ever meet any families who live out in the suburbs and work [there], it’s very easy to slip through the cracks and say one word a month without anyone noticing. And what wife wouldn’t like that?”
9. The Black Lodge set is very different from anywhere else in the “Twin Peaks” world. “It feels very focused and like electricity is buzzing around,” MacLachlan said. “It is a very unusual environment. That [black and white] floor gives you a very different state of being.”
10. An audience member who had never seen “Twin Peaks” asked the cast to “describe it in a nutshell.” “Just throw the nut away,” MacLachlan said. “Keep the shell,” Watts added.
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love-life-death-dd · 7 years
Sleeping Beauty (Pt 2)
(Find part one here!)
Pidge was excited– elated! She loved capture the flag. She played against her brother all the time. So it was no different when she had Shiro as a partner. “Aw, Shiro, I’m great at this game! We’ll win for sure!” Her famous cats grin tugged at her cheeks.
Shiro wasn’t always great at games. In fact, he would only ever have a chance when it was video games. “Yeah… for sure.” He tried to put on a brave face for his smaller companion. “So what was our object again?” Shiro scratched the back of his head.
“Coran said it was a… a…” she couldn’t recall the name of the object so she took out the picture Coran gave them. It looked like a feather. Harmless, easy.
“Oh we got this in the bag.”
Hunk and Keith however knew they were in a little more trouble. According to Coran, they were looking for a “flipsnere” and it was always in a box that could camouflage. “Oh quiznack…” The red and yellow paladins groaned.
“Who’ do you think is going to be the one to… switch sides?” Keith asked— secretly hoping it wasn’t going to be him.
"Beats me man. You know, I think Coran and the Princess are doing this because we need to be prepared if something goes wrong? Right? That’s something they would do.” Hunk put his hands behind his head and shrugged. He didn’t really like capture the flag back home but with the changed rules of this game, he still wasn’t head over heels about.
"It’s gonna be okay buddy.” Keith attempted to reassure Hunk with a small smile. “We’ll still be friends after right?”
"Of course man.” Hunk nodded back.
Allura was at the bridge looking through all of the castle to find the missing Blue paladin. “Quiznack.” She scowled. “He’s skipping necessary time to bond with the team. He’s always deliberately trying to disobey me!” She shut down the feed after seeing nothing.
Coran came back from trying Lances room and shook his head at the princess. “Lance can’t have left. The blue lion is still here and all of the escape pods are present. Not even the air lock has been open!” Coran sighed. He rather liked Lance. They had bonded a while ago over missing home and from there, their friendship progressed. They would always make mustache jokes or okay games together. When Lance decided to clean Blue, Coran came to either help or talk. They asked each other questions about their planets and lives before this. Lance was Coran’s best friend.
And it hurt him that nobody was going to attempt to look for Lance.
“Coran we will deal with it later. For now we need to focus on what’s more important today.” Allura held her head high, turning back to the control panel and yelling over the system: “Let the came begin!”
Both teams had heard Allura and started running in any direction. Coran had given them a map of where the object was in a general area. Pidge took the lead in front of Shiro, she new a couple shortcuts.
Hunk and Keith ran towards the back of the castle ship where you could descend into the lower levels.
Lance’s nightmare hit him like a truck. He was in the same spot only a new galra with white hair and pupils in his yellow eyes stood before him. He opened his mouth to say something but Lance couldn’t hear it on a count of being stabbed in the back of his suit many times. He screeched in agony and fell to the floor when it stopped.
He still couldn’t get up. He couldn’t open his eyes. He was trapped in an endless loop of nightmares and the scariest of all was watching his team give the blue paladin helmet to Pidge’s brother.
Once again Lance cried out for help.
Once again nobody would hear him.
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Nope! (Mitch Marner)
Anonymous said:
can you do an imagine with mitch marner where you guys go to a haunted house at a theme park or carnival? thank you ❤
Word count: 1773
Author’s note: I had so much fun writing this!
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“Mitch, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” You say as Mitch leads you towards the entrance of the haunted house. When Mitch said he wanted to take you to the carnival, you thought that you guys would ride some roller coasters and play some games before calling it a night. Mitch, however, loved haunted houses. He said that he did them all the time and never got scared. This haunted house, however, was known as ‘The Scariest Haunted House in Ontario.’ It was based off of ‘American Horror Story,’ which was one of your guys’ favorite shows. Of course, just because you liked the show didn’t mean that you wanted to live it. Needless to say, you weren’t too thrilled that Mitch wanted to do this one.
“C’mon, (Y/N), it’ll be fine! I’ll be right by your side the whole time.” You and Mitch take your places at the end of the fast-moving line.
“This isn’t one of those haunted houses where the people can touch you, right?” You make sure. Mitch shakes his head.
“No. They’d make you sign a waiver before we went in. Besides,” Mitch stands up a little straighter. “I’d be here to protect you the whole time.” You raise an eyebrow.
“You told me that you almost screamed when Chara was about to check you the other day.” You point out. Mitch blushes and stutters.
“Chara’s a whole hell of a lot scarier than any monster in there, I can assure you of that.”
“Fine. We’ll go.” You tell him. Mitch whoops as you reach the front of the line. You guys hand the bored carnival worker your tickets as he gestures for you to step through a door.
“This isn’t so bad.” You say shakily as you look around. Right now, you two are just walking through a dark hallway. Then, your heart drops.
“Oh my God, we’re in the Murder House.” Mitch whispers. Sure enough, the scenery changes to the abandoned Murder House from the first season.
“Mitch, I swear to God, if Thaddeus shows up I am out.” You grip his arm tightly as you both slowly creep down the hall. Suddenly, a picture to your left opens as the Rubber Man pops out and swings for you. You just jump slightly, but Mitch shrieks and falls to the floor, dragging you down with him. “Mitch, get up!” You yell as the Rubber Man starts climbing through the picture. Mitch suddenly shoots up and sprints, dragging you along with him.
“Did...did we lose him?” Mitch wheezes. You look behind you to see that you’re in the clear.
“I think so, yeah.” You come across two burnt beds. “No no no no no.” You repeat. Panels on the wall open as two burnt girls grab for you. You scream, you and Mitch scrambling over each other in an attempt to get out.
“Stay in the wall!” Mitch yells as one of the girls looks right at him. You hurry behind Mitch.
“I am not having fun.” You tell him seriously.
“Well, it can’t be that much longer.”
“Mitch, we’re only on the first season.” Mitch groans as he grabs your hand, walking with you. You stop once you go through the next curtain. “Oh, hell no!” You’re in the bathroom from Murder House, home of your least favorite character: The Piggy Man. The same thing that caused you to always open up your shower curtain before you did anything for two weeks after watching the first season. You try to turn around but realize that you’ll have to see the fire girls again.
“Here, don’t look.” Mitch shoves your head into his chest as he moves slowly along the wall. You hear the shower curtain open and a pig squeal as Mitch yells. “Not today, Piggy!” Mitch finally lets you go after he gets through the scene.
“Thank you.” You say, embarrassed.
“You can return the favor when we get to Freak Show.” You walk through the curtain and stop, nervously laughing.
“I guess I’m going to have to return that favor now.” Mitch stops when he sees the big top and, possibly even more scary than Zdeno Chara, Edward Mordrake.
“(Y/N).” He grabs for you and holds you in front of him as you walk past Mordrake.
“Are you using me as a shield?” You look at him, bewildered, as he shrugs sheepishly. You’re about to continue when a giant monkey pops out and clangs cymbals together.
“Fuck!” Mitch screams. You drag him away from the monkey and towards the next room, still a little miffed that you were a human shield. Next it’s what looks to be like a hotel room with an elevated bed.
“I bet Evan Peters wouldn’t have used me as a human shield.” You mutter.
“We all do things we’re not proud of when we’re scared, okay?” You laugh tightly as you stare at the bed, knowing what’s going to happen. Even though you do know, you let out a scream as a pale creature splits the mattress open and crawls out of the bed. “Move!” Mitch yells at you, urging you to run.
“My legs literally do not want to work right now.” You tell him. Mitch then decides to take matters into his own hands. He picks you up and runs you from the room, finally setting you down. You roll your eyes as you see a hallway filled with doors. “Okay, so we know that something is going to pop out of these doors.” You tell Mitch, who nods and leads you down the hall.
“I’m ready. We’ve got this. We’re ready.” He psychs you up. You nod, feeling a little bit better, when a door pops open and the Rubber Man appears again.
“Son of a bitch, Rubber Man!” You yell, not even bothering to wait for Mitch as you run. You can only hope that Mitch followed you as you reach the basement of the Murder House. The actor playing Doctor Montgomery waves in what you can only describe as a sinister way. You grope for Mitch’s hand, finally finding it.
You walk fast past the Doctor, hoping that nothing else will happen. Of course, since this is a haunted house, you’re sadly mistaken. The Doctor lunges at you with a chainsaw, causing you to jerk and turn to your right. Unfortunately, Tate Langdon himself is dangerously close to your face, skeleton paint and all. He’s holding an axe as he yells in your face, terrifying you. You let instinct take over in that moment and can barely feel as your fist comes up and connects with his face. ‘Tate’ falls to the ground in pain, holding his nose. Mitch also falls to the ground, but in laughter instead of pain.
“Oh-my-god!” He stops, not able to catch his breath. “You-just-d-decked him!” Mitch is legitimately crying of laughter as your stoop down towards the actor.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry! Are you okay?” The actor looks up and shoots you a weak grin. Thankfully his nose isn’t bleeding, but you can already see the redness on his face even under the paint.
“I’m good, don’t worry.” You nod, unsure of his words, but stand up anyways. You drag Mitch with you, who’s still recovering from his laugh attack, as you shoot one last wary glance at the scene in front of you before walking through the next curtain.
“Thaddeus!” You yell and drop to the ground, covering your head as the little devil baby leaps through a door. You glance up and see that Mitch is gone. “Mitch?” You yell in terror as Thaddeus hisses in front of you. Mitch runs back through the door and grabs you, running with you. “You ditched me!” You accuse.
“Okay, at least I didn’t punch him!” Now you punch Mitch’s arm.
“It was an accident, jerk!”
“We have to be almost done with this, right? How much longer can this go on for?” You’re not quite sure anymore. It feels like you’ve been in the haunted house for an hour. Nevertheless, you continue on.
“Thaddeus just had to show up.” You mutter angrily as you walk through yet another curtain. You can hear the circus music and your grin grows. You now consider yourself an expert on what scares are going to come next in this terrible haunted house. While you were terrified of Thaddeus and Piggy Man, Mitch absolutely hated Twisty the Clown. You turn to Mitch, who points at you accusingly.
“Do not tell me you’re thinking what I’m thinking.” You can’t get a word out before Twisty jumps out, brandishing a knife. You shove Mitch to the side, running away. Mitch tries to follow as fast as he can, eventually reaching you. “Okay, here’s the deal, (Y/N). I need you to stick with me, yeah? You just abandoned me in my time of need!”
“Wow, sounds just like something a certain someone did to me!” You laugh as the two of you walk.
“That was payback?” Mitch asks. You shrug in response, hand never leaving the wall. Suddenly you’re in the hotel again, the jump scares coming from everywhere at this point. You back away from one creature to feel hands grabbing at you.
“Mitch! Mitch!” You shriek as the hands grip at your clothes. You’re absolutely terrified now as Mitch runs to you, yanking you away from the hands. You sprint away, finally stopping to catch your breath. “You said they couldn’t grab me!” You wail, a few stray tears slipping away from you. Mitch holds you close.
“I thought they couldn’t! I’m sorry!” You’re in that same position as Mitch creeps through the haunted house. The Countess lady jumps at Mitch as you walk past the baby carriage.
“Nope, sorry Gaga!” You yell. Finally, you guys get out of the haunted house. You breathe a sigh of relief as you look up at the stars, happy to see something that isn’t American Horror Story, for once. You and Mitch walk briskly to the car, the both of you periodically checking to make sure that nothing followed you. After you get into the car, you sit for a moment, not sure what to say.
“We are never doing that again.” Mitch finally vows. You nod.
“I don’t even know if I want to watch AHS next season.” You comment. Mitch turns to you.
“Want to turn Bob’s Burgers on at home and sleep with the lights on?”
“Deal.” And so the two of you set off on the journey home, your hand tightly gripping Mitch’s.
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petitelepus · 8 years
Decepticon For Life part.2
Sooo, I’m back with this story! It’s been couple of days, I’ve been at work couple days and out in a therapy. Jay?
But the most amazing thing is that @rocksinmuffin liked the last chapter! They are such a amazing writer, they keep replying to anons and it’s amazing! Man, where they come up with all those ideas? They’re a genius!
Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter as well. I’m in AO3 now by the way, so Decepticon For Life can be found there also!
”Rise my warrior! Rise and serve your leader!” you heard faintly from somewhere. Slowly, you forced your heady feeling eyes open. At first, everything was blurry, but as your eyes got used to light you saw a weird creature standing before you.
They were tall and metallic. Long chin and half of their body were covered in purple paint. They were standing before you, laughing out loud to the skies and their laughter pierced your head like a knife did to an orange.
”It worked! My brilliant plan worked!”
He cast his eyes at you as you tried to stand up, only to flutter on the ground again. Your legs felt numb. Like you had fallen asleep on top of them for the far too long time.
”I am your master! I brought you back from the dead and gave you a new glorious chance to serve the almighty Decepticons! You may address me as Lord Starscream.” he added smugly.
You opened your mouth to speak, but instead of words, a stream of disheveled voice came out. Shocked as you were, you shut your mouth immediately.
Starscream gave you an unimpressed look and rubbed his chin.
”Aaah, it appears that your vocal processors are damaged. Probably rusted with time. Shame, now I can’t hear you praise me as your master.”
You had no idea what he was saying, but you knew he meant that your voice wasn’t working. Were you mute? Wait, how come you were dead? Were you always that way? How did you die? Is that why you can’t remember anything?
Then you noticed the smell in the air and you doubled over in sudden nausea. The air smelled like burnt flesh and iron. You glanced at the side and saw a small table where there was something smoking. You had no idea what it was, but it was way smaller than you, black as charcoal and charred into dust almost as if it was burnt or stepped on.
Starscream noticed your interest in the mysterious black mass and he leaned in close.
”Oh, that? They were a noble person, a very dear friend of mine who sacrificed their lives to bring you back to me.” He said in a low whisper to your audio receivers.
Huh? Weird, you could swear they were called ears? Did you have ears?
You touched the side of your head and felt around. There weren’t any ears, but there was some kind of panels? Apparently, you didn’t have ears.
You took a look at yourself. You were made of metal, you were silver and dirty and there was a red symbol with three lines on its sides in the middle of your chest. You didn’t recognize the marking so you took a look at Starscream.
He had no symbol on his chest, but you noticed two purple symbols on his wings. They looked a little bit like your symbol, but not quite the same. Maybe he knew what the symbols were?
You waited until you had Starscream’s attention again and pointed at the symbol in confusion. He made a disgusted face and shook his head.
”Aaah, that one… I was worried that you would notice it… I’m afraid that is your slave mark. It’s hideous, I know. Those Autobots will pay for what they did to you!”
Slave? Autobots? Are you a slave?
The confused look on your optics didn’t disappear so the bot before you continued.
”You were a dear servant for me, for Decepticons, until those wretched Autobots captured you and marked you before they shot you on the back! Cowards! Good thing for you that I found your body before others.”
That… was a lot to process. You had it rough. Thank god Starscream saved you. You would be dead without him and his friend.
You turned to look at the black mass that sacrificed its life for you. How such a small creature had the power to bring you back, you had no idea, but you were going to live on for both of your sake.
”Now, with you by my side, I can finally offline that rustbrain Megatron and take my place as Decepticons leader!” Starscream laughed, his shrilling voice echoing in the building. You just stared him, not understanding what he meant by that. After a moment filled with his laughter, he turned back to you.
”I believe that it’s our time to move out.” he grinned and walked out of the storage.
You watched after him like a lost puppy until he was gone. You struggled a little as you got up on your feet. They felt shaky, but not as much as earlier. You gave the charred body one last look when you noticed something on the ground.
It was a small bag. It shouldn’t have mattered to you, but it felt familiar. So you took it. Some part of your mind told you to put it in your subspace so you did. You didn’t even know you had one.
You ventured outside and saw Starscream waiting for you. It was also night time.
”Nice to see that you were finally able to join me.” He muttered, giving you unimpressed look. You shrank under his look and lowered your head in submission. He appeared to like it as he smiled again.
”Now I don’t have guns for you as it is I that shall take Megatron’s life. Your job is simple. You walk in there and be a decoy. When they are looking at you I’ll sneak behind Megatron and shoot him! Brilliant!”
You nodded at his plan, not a hundred percent sure if it was good or not. He smirked at you and suddenly wrapped his arms and sharp talons around your body. You tensed in his arms and suddenly you both took off, rockets at his pedes launching you to the sky.
You looked curiously at the changing scenery, an abandoned area changing into the forest. You think you saw an animal there? Suddenly a mountain came to view and you expected Starscream to fly past it, but he just kept flying towards it. You tensed and tried to talk, say that you were flying at the mountain, but your voice still wasn’t working.
”Don’t fret, your voice hurts my audio receivers.” Starscream snapped at you. You shut your mouth obediently and then you noticed that Starscream was actually flying around the mountain, to a ravine that had water flowing at its bottom. Then you noticed the opening in the mountain’s side.
It looked like it was made, you had no memory of ever seeing such a cave system being born naturally. Not with that round and perfect opening.
Starscream landed on the cave’s mouth and put you down. You looked around a little bit, peeking past the edge of the mountain down to the ravine. Water streamed there pretty harshly. It could probably take you with the stream if you fell down.
”Come here, my servant! It’s your time to act.” Starscream said and pointed towards the cave, ”Go and attract their attention! I don’t care what you do, as long as you get every idiot’s attention on you! And when they’re busy with you, I will finish off Megatron!”
You nodded silently and made your way to the cave system. It was really dark, but your optics made it easier for you to see. Then you started hearing voices.
”Where is zat energy signal coming from?”
”Autobots! Autobots are invading! How did they find us!?”
”You didn’t try to warn your Autobot friends again, did you, professor?”
”N- no, I swear! This isn’t my doing!”
You weren’t really sure about this anymore… The first voice was accented and cold, second sounded like pure power and the third… The third voice drew your oil cold and twisted your cables. It sounded strong and something that was supposed to be feared.
You wanted to get the fuck out of there, but you couldn’t disappoint Lord Starscream. Not when he had sacrificed his friend to bring you back from death. Still, this felt so wrong.
You peeked past a corner of the rocky wall and saw a much bigger and greater space, like a giant cave. It was like the mountain itself was hollow and you had made it to the center of it. There were giant machines, three giant bots that were far bigger than you and some kind of a small creature shivering before them. Some part of your mind told you that it was a human man.
Okay, you were here, now what? What should you do?
The answer came to you as you moved to see a little bit more and accidentally kicked a stone. It made a small sound, but that sound was loud enough for giant robots who all turned towards the sound. That’s when they saw you.
”Autobot! Autobots sent a spy here!” a large bot with one optic yelled, throwing his large arms in the air. You flinched and made a move to retreat, but there was a flash and suddenly your legs were surrounded by thick layers of ice. The bot with monocle looking eye had one of their cannon’s pointed towards you, then it flipped back on their back.
”I vouldn’t move if I were you Autobot.” He said, his accent sending shivers through you. He sounded so cold. But when the third bot, the big and intimidating made its way towards you, you truly felt like you were in trouble.
”This is your end Megatron!” came Starscream’s shrilling voice as he emerged from another cave, hand pointed towards the scariest bot before you. Before anyone could even react, he was shooting hundreds of bullets towards the scary bot that you presumed was Megatron.
You shielded yourself with your arms, seeing you were also at the line of fire, but none of the bullets hit you as Megatron’s huge figure shielded you. The bullets had no effect on him. He simply raised his right hand and took one shot at Starscream.
It was a big shot and you only heard Starscream scream before everything went quiet. You carefully opened your optics and looked where your lord had been. He was lying on the ground, unmoving and silent. Definitely dead. Now the big question was, what was going to happen to you?
”Get rid off that traitor’s body. I’ll handle the Autobot.” Megatron growled before turning to you. Fuck, you were literally staring at death itself before you. You were so scared you were shaking, your joints clinking against each other. The ice on your pedes had nothing to do with it.
As the two other bots dragged Starscream’s body past you, Megatron stepped in front of you. He was a giant compared to you. You just hoped you didn’t leak some oil.
The giant bot wrapped his fist around your smaller frame and with a kick of his pede’s heel he smashed the ice around yours and suddenly you found yourself in the air.
”What are you doing here Autobot? Where are the rest of your friends? Did that traitor Starscream bring you here?” he asked from you. You desperately shook your head, as in ’no no, I’m not an Autobot, I’m not a slave’, but it wasn’t enough. He might have even taken that as an objection as he scowled and squeezed you, making you whimper.
”Talk to me or I’ll crush you…!”
Now that was a promise he just made for you. So you talked, but everything that came out of your mouth was just literally a mess of sounds. Megatron scowled at you and threw you against the wall.
The impact knocked any air you had out of you and pulled a high pitched squeak from your vocal processors. For some reason, you couldn’t feel your arm… You gave it a look and you felt your optics widen when you saw that it had come loose and fell on the ground limply. Your whole arm was gone. What the actual hell?
Megatron wasn’t going to answer to you. He reached his arm behind himself and pulled out a sword almost as big as he was. You shivered in fear as the bot approached you with his sword. You closed your optics, waiting for the painful death… When you heard someone speak.
”L- lord Megatron, with all due respect, I think she’s damaged! She can’t speak, so something must be wrong with their processors!”
You peeked a little and saw a chubby little creature standing next to Megatron. Some part of your mind told you he was a human.
”L- let me take a look at her and I can maybe fix her.”
The Deception leader seemed to give it a thought. Finally, he put the sword away.
”Very well then professor. Fix her and bring her to me so she can tell me Autobot secrets.” Megatron walked off and tiny man made his way to you.
”Are you alright? Did the Autobots send you here? Are they here?” he whispered to you, eyeing Megatron over his shoulder as if he was hoping that the giant bot wouldn’t hear.
You shook your head. Why would you bring them? The man sighed in defeat and turned to walk towards a table.
”Come here and I’ll take a look at your throat and arm.” He said. You nodded silently and got up on your feet, grabbing your fallen arm with your intact one.
The man made you lie down on the floor so he had better access to your vocal processors. As you laid there and allowed him to work with your voice, you noticed that the two other bots returned. The cold one noticed you laying there, but you quickly averted your eyes before he could see that you were looking at him.
You just laid there and stared at the cave’s ceiling as the professor worked on your throat. After a moment he looked at you.
”There are some parts here that have been rusted. Fortunately, I think I know how to fix that. I just need some parts.” he said. The cold bot’s face did a weird thing like switched and his face turned into a red face with a red visor.
”You vork vith vhat you got! We’re not spending our resources on puny Autobot scum!” he yelled. You flinched a little in shock of his chance. Why everyone was being so mean? First, they killed your lord Starscream and now you were being held here.
”If you want her to talk, I need parts!” professor raised his voice to red-faced angry bot. The bot looked like he wanted to yell, but Megatron cut him off.
”Get what professor needs Blitzwing. This Autobot may be important to us. Look at her symbol.”
Everybody turned to look at you and the red symbol on your chest. Including yourself. The red mark with three lines on either side of it. A slave mark according to Starscream. You scowled and covered the mark with your intact hand when suddenly the giant bot with one optic was in front of you and pulled your hands off from your chest.
”A member of the Cybertronian Elite Guard!? Tell us you Autobot scum who else knows about mighty Decepticons hideout!” He roared in front of your face. You felt your optics widen in fear and you shook your head, but then he instantly shook you. ”Talk to me or I’ll rip your other arm off!”
The threat made you speak, but as your voice was broken you couldn’t say anything that any of them could understand. The giant’s optic flared as if telling how furious he was. You honestly felt like he was about to kill you.
”Speak like a mech in front of our glorious leader Megatron!”
”Leave her be Lugnut. She can’t speak without the spare parts.” Megatron said and turned towards the bot who changed his face. He currently had his normal face on.
”Go get the spare parts from the old prisoners in the moon Blitzwing. Meanwhile, the professor may reattach her arm and persuade her to tell us all her secrets. Otherwise…” he glanced at you and scowled, the coldness of his making your oil freeze in your veins. ”You two can do whatever you want with her.”
The giant bot grunted as he dropped you unceremoniously on your aft. The face changer’s face whirred and switched into an inky black face with red eyes and big toothy red grin.
”Ooooh~! I hope ve don’t find those parts so ve can play dress up with her!” he screeched happily in a sing a singing voice. Suddenly his face changed into a red face again.
”No, we should crush puny Autobot!”
And back into Icy face.
”I shall go look parts from ze moon. I’ll be back soon.” He said as he walked away towards the cave where he and big guy had dragged Starscream’s body too.
You let out a sigh of relief. So far you were still alive. Not maybe in one piece or well, but alive. Suddenly a loud woman’s voice echoed in a cave and everyone turned to look at you.
”Autobots! Autobots are trying to contact their spy!” the giant bot yelled and threw his big arms in the air. You fumbled in panic as the voice sang about the single ladies and you remembered the mysterious bag in your subspace.
You quickly took the bag out and fumbled with it, all its content spilling on the ground. There was a small machine flashing and singing a song, but before you could do anything the music stopped. There was only one word written across the screen.
A recognition wracked through your body and your mind screamed just one thing that you couldn’t voice out.
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ryukoishida · 8 years
OtaYuri Week | Day 1: First Time | In which figure skaters become mobile suit pilots in this self-indulgent Gundam AU.
Written for @otayuriweek
Title: Touch of the Martian Sun Day/Prompt: Day 1 – First Time Author: ryukoishida Summary: Yuri Plisetsky may have the eyes of a soldier, but even the bravest warrior and one of the most formidable Mobile Suit pilots in Korishiro Corps can break at the seams when he reaches his limit. [Gundam (Iron-Blooded Orphans ‘Verse) AU] Rating: T Warning: Mention of past physical and emotional abuse A/N: That Gundam AU that literally nobody asked for. Also includes some Mila/Sara because I couldn’t resist. This is one of the most self-indulgent things I’ve ever written, probably. You don’t need to know anything about the Gundam ‘verse except it’s kids piloting giant fighting robots.
“Yuri, what the hell are you doing?”
His captain’s voice is grainy through the intercom, but his hands – slender, graceful, scarred with old and recent wounds – continue to move like a fluttering dance, pushing buttons and pulling levers.
Every movement delicate and precise. Deadly.
Connected through the Alaya-Vijnana System embedded into his spine, his mobile suit, a customized version of Rhyannon – towering at over 18 meters tall and made of nano laminate armour painted with contrasting shades of ink black and cardinal red – propels itself across the field in smooth, effective arcs as if it’s an extension of his own body.
A red warning sign flashes hastily in the left corner of his monitor: one of his short-barrel cannons mounted on his shoulder has been severely damaged during the last scuffle with a particularly insistent Reginlaze. He still has plenty of armament though – sufficient to at least administer significant destruction against those who are foolish enough to engage him in a one-on-one fight.
His sea-green gaze is piercing, darting left and right in quick succession to try and see through the thick sheen of red dust swirling a wild waltz that refuses to settle as multiple mobile suits drift and cross paths in such speed only the sun catches glimpses of their shapes in specks of reflected light against metal.
In the back of his mind, Yuri can faintly make out the other man’s voice but his focus has been splashed bright red with fresh blood and the endless fury brought on by the memory of those animals in human disguise, their voices and words and agony inflicted by them that still rips him away from peaceful slumber, causing him to wake up drenched in cold sweat and lingering fear.
“I’m not letting those bastards get away this time,” Yuri grits out, fingers drumming irritably on the control grips as he searches for the ragged shapes of the enemy troop’s Reginlazes and Hugos.
As big and bulky as these machines are, in this thick curtain of dust, they are impossible to detect with the naked eye.
Yuri waits, the coldness in his eyes unforgiving. He’s waited for this chance for almost a year since the day Yuuri Katsuki found him among the wreckage of what used to be one of Afanasiy’s largest ships; a few minutes’ time means nothing to him right now.
“Yuri Plisetsky, fall back, right now.” Otabek Altin’s usually quiet and collected voice is clipped with impatience and tinged with a hint of panic as he watches the elegant lines of his friend’s mobile suit glinting faintly in the distant sunlight.
“You weren’t there, Otabek,” the statement isn’t meant to be in any way accusative, but the deep-seated vehemence breaks open the surface of his whisper, a chilling tone that makes even one of the best pilots in Korishiro Corps shudder. “You have no idea what they’ve done to me – to the others.”
Guang Hong Ji – a shy, sensitive boy of Chinese descent who was so frail when he was first captured by Afanasiy that Yuri thought he wasn’t going to make it through the Alaya-Vijnana implanting operation.
Leo de la Iglesia – a dark-skinned boy from the Americas with eyes full of hope and determination that gradually diminished as he became numb to the physical pain and battle scars, and the emotional agony of losing comrades who fought alongside him.
Mila Babicheva – a feisty red-head from what used to be Russia who rebelled against her captors until she became quieter and more withdrawn as bruises and lashes bloomed all over her body like a field of violets.
And those are just the ones who survived long enough – lucky enough, perhaps – for them to be rescued by the crew of Korishiro when the wall that had been constructed to confine them and iron chains thick and heavy around their necks were tear apart by Yuuri Katsuki and his Gundam Saleos.
Of course, back then, they had no idea of the influence and power, as well as the danger that comes along with it, that having a Gundam frame on their side would entail.  
Otabek’s voice filters through the stark images of his mind, tainted with rusted blood and bitter fury.
“Remember what Mr. Nikiforov said! Retrieve and secure the Gundam frame, and––”
Yuri can’t hear Otabek’s next words.
He breathes out, limp, blond locks fluttering and sticking to his sweat-stained cheek. His fingers grip the controls reflexively the moment Rhyannon’s sensors signal two mobile suits heading his way from opposite directions.
From the midst of the dust storm, two mobile suits armoured in teal and grey, with Afanasiy’s insignia of a red and yellow phoenix branded on their shoulders, emerge at full speed like some crazed ghouls seeking blood and violence.
Yuri will give it to them: bruised skin, broken bones, severed limbs, and pain beyond comprehension.
He pulls out his railguns and shoot at both units without hesitation, aiming directly for where the cockpits would be located on the robotic suits.
The one to his left explodes immediately, scattering fireworks of spitting flames and raining shrapnel.
His eyes flash towards the remaining Reginlaze, now less than five meters away with its blade brandished and ready. Yuri grins, the expression horrifyingly sharp and callous, and he shifts his control grip to face the oncoming attack as he unsheathes his own smaller assault knives.
Without any warning, Yuri throws one of the knives towards the Reginlaze, and the blade lodges itself into the crook of the mobile suit’s right shoulder, successfully disabling its sword-wielding arm. The young pilot wastes no time to get closer after one well-aimed kick lands his opponent flat and hissing smoke on the ground, Rhyannon’s other knife raised in an angle perfect for stabbing right through the cockpit of the other mobile weapon.
Blood roars in Yuri’s ears, and exhilaration rushes through his body like a living beast, making his eyes unnaturally bright and his lips twisted into a grin.
That’s when a shadow descends from above. Silent and unexpected as death.
Rhyannon alerts him much too late, the echo of the urgent beeping in his cockpit enshrouding his other senses.
He can barely make out Otabek’s voice – he can always hear Otabek amongst the chaos. It’s a deep, rumbling river that always gives him a sense of calm when he fears the dark, uncontrollable storm of his emotions threatening to drag him past that threshold between sanity and madness.
It’s a thin line that Yuri has been straddling for these past long months.
The solid weight of the other mobile suit crushes him from the top, and the deafening collision – like a prolonged clap of thunder invoked by the angry gods – rings in his ears long after the impact.
A hit from a mace from the side sends him sprawling on the ground, and then the Hugo that’s been attacking him is stepping on him to ensure he’s not going anywhere. Metal groans and creaks around Yuri from the pressure, the monitor screens cracking and blacking out, and the safety belts strapped across his bare chest is cutting into his skin and pressing sharply against bones.
Black oils leak through breakages, and glittering sparks and small flames sputter from Rhyannon’s broken circuits as the Hugo savagely punches into Yuri’s battered mobile suit.  
The last thing he remembers is Otabek yelling into the intercom, “Yuri! Stay with me, damn it! Mr. Katsuki, we need to––”
‘I don’t need to be saved,’ Yuri thinks, fingers slipping off from the control panel.
He’s strong enough.
A rivulet of red drips into his eyes, sticky and warm, but he feels no pain, just a strange white noise buzzing in his ears.
He opens his mouth, prepared to protest but instead of words, he coughs out blood that tasted coppery sweet on his tongue.
It’s familiar and comforting, and Yuri thinks that’s the scariest part of all.
The rising sun on Mars is dazzling – disorienting, almost.
“Shouldn’t you still be resting in bed?”
Otabek settles beside him, two cans of chocolate-flavored protein drink in his hand, and he offers one to the other man.
“I got bored,” Yuri takes it with a nod of thanks, but he doesn’t drink it, just rolls the can between his hands.
Loose strands of his hair that have escaped the half-ponytail tied messily behind his head flutter in the breeze and fall into his eyes. Yuri makes no movement to fix it.
“That’s what I figured,” Otabek chuckles, the sound low and smoky. He takes a swig out of his own can, wincing when the saccharine taste of the artificial flavor hits his palette.
“How’s your fractured ribs?”
It’s small talk, but that’s fine by both of them. The morning is quiet, the Korishiro base a peaceful sanctuary without its usual fanfare during the day.
“Fine,” he replies, lips twitching, “still hurts like a bitch, but I’m alive, so that’s always a plus.”
His gaze is focused on the horizon, the roseate light of dawn making his pale blond hair gleam. There’s no humor in that bitter smile.
“About that, Yuri…” Otabek starts, but hesitates to continue. Indecision has never been a trait of the 19-year-old, who has become one of Korishiro’s youngest and most capable mobile suit pilot, and dependable leader of the Human Debris (though they don’t use that term anymore since the rebellion) – those who were orphaned at a young age and sold cheaply as child soldiers through various means.  
“Am I grounded from piloting Rhyannon?”
“What?” Otabek turns towards him with a confused frown. “What would make you assume that?”
“Mila told me. You had a long talk with Nikiforov the day after we came back…” Yuri places the beverage down beside him, and he turns to face Otabek, teeth worrying his lower lip. “She said neither you nor Katsuki would talk about the meeting though, so it must have been something serious. Was it about me?”  
“Mr. Nikiforov was concerned about you,” Otabek treads carefully, knowing full well that Viktor Nikiforov, founder of Korishiro Corps who’s known for his impertinent but oddly genuine nature, is not Yuri’s favourite person.
Yuri scoffs in a sharp exhale but keeps his mouth shut.
“Mr. Katsuki and I as well,” Otabek’s tone turns softer, dark gaze lowering to stare at the half-empty can in his hands. “What you did back there was reckless; you could have gotten yourself killed––”
“We completed the mission, didn’t we? That’s the most important part, isn’t it?” Yuri snaps, the frustration in his voice churning and the fire in his eyes barely contained. He lowers his torso into a defensive pose, but the sudden movement jostles his wound, and he hisses in pain while bracing a protective arm around his abdomen.
Otabek begins to reach for him, but when he sees Yuri curls further away, wordlessly refraining from being touched, the other man relents and heaves a soft sigh.  
“Not if it means having one of our own injured,” he tries to reason. “We could have retrieved the Gundam frame without engaging the enemy, but you…” Otabek sends him a wary glance then, “don’t try to deny it, Yuri, but you wanted to fight them, didn’t you?”
“So what if I did?” No hesitation or a hint of repentance at all. “If you’d experienced what I had – what Mila and Leo and Guang Hong had – you’d do the same.”
“I’d seen what they did to you and the others; I was there,” Otabek reminds him, and the image of when they first found the four youngsters in the rubble of the ruined ship was still painfully fresh in his mind: the bruised, battle-hardened bodies had been beaten – worst, they had been abused by adults who had exploited them for their own gains. He swallows hard and continues, “and I’m not about to tell you to be a saint and forgive those bastards, but letting the hate and anger control you like that – that’s dangerous.”
Otabek doesn’t want to say more – doesn’t want to belittle Yuri’s emotions or trespass into a territory he has no right to be in.
“You figure I don’t know that?” Yuri bites out after a shaky breath, gaze downcast. “Why’d you think I offered to go solo in the first place?”
He’s not responsible for anyone else’s lives but his own; he’s always lived by that rule. That’s how he survives. That’s all he knows how.
“Because Viktor can see right through you,” Otabek says, and he drains the last of the beverage before continuing, “because he knows, with that temper of yours, you’ll end up injured – or dead – if you’d gone on your own.”
He’s not wrong – Viktor does care, even if he has an annoying and strange way of expressing it – and Yuri hates that even more.
“You needed someone there to tell you to stop, and I guess that was why Mr. Katsuki and I were chosen for this mission as well.”  
“If he’s so worried, then why’d he let me go anyway?”
“You’re one of the best pilots we have, and Mr. Nikiforov acknowledges that and trusts that you will deliver in the end,” Otabek says with a faint smile, a quiet sense of pride in the curve of his lips.  
The older pilot turns to him once more, eyes searching calmly until Yuuri glances up to meet his gaze.
Something in Yuri’s eyes waver – the desire to believe in Otabek’s words, the wish to let go of the past.
“The thing about working in a team is that you have to trust others: you have your family’s backs, and they have yours,” he leans towards Yuri, and when he senses that the blond has no intention to back away, Otabek lifts his hand and carefully brushes Yuri’s bangs out of the way, winding the strands behind the curve of his ear before cradling his jaw.
At this range, Otabek can count the lashes framing Yuri’s sea-green eyes, perplexed and curious by their proximity.
Otabek needs him to understand this. “Yuri, you’re not in Afanasiy anymore; you don’t have to fight by yourself.”
Maybe that’s the issue, Yuri doesn’t voice out his thoughts, just quietly mulling over Otabek’s words, the warmth of the other man’s fingertips a slight but pleasant distraction.
It’s difficult for him to place his trust in others.
He’s never seen that as a problem before – never really considered it – but Otabek has saved him time and time again since he’s been accepted as part of the Korishiro family, and Yuuri – sweet, meddling, quiet-spoken Yuuri who’s like an elder brother to the younger members in Korishiro – can be fierce and frightening when his family’s lives are endangered. The trail of wreckages of those who had threatened Korishiro left behind by Saleos should be proof of that.
Yuri feels the soft caress of Otabek’s thumb across his cheek, the gesture simple yet filled to the brim with something he can’t quite name, only that it causes his face to heat up and his blood to thrum a melody not unlike the adrenaline before a battle.
But this strange pull in his body is unlike any sensation Yuri has ever felt, and he finds himself grasping the sleeves of Otabek’s jacket, knuckles tensed and wide eyes unable to look away from the other man.
Wetness stings his eyes, and he can’t comprehend what’s happening at first. He tries to blink it away, but it only serves to blur his vision more: hot tears rolling down his cheeks and breaths shuddering to catch up.
Yuri can’t remember the last time he cried. Maybe it was when he said goodbye to his grandpa back at the spaceport on Earth six years ago?
He had cried only once while he was imprisoned by Afanasiy after an especially grueling training session, which had involved lots of mobile suit simulation and even more beatings afterwards during physical drills. Later, he had sobbed into the dirty sheets on his narrow bunk bed while the other children feigned ignorance. He’d thought about his grandfather, still living and relatively safe on Earth thanks to the remaining savings he’d sent not too long ago.
That was when he made a promise to himself.
Otabek is the first person to see him shed tears like this since then – defenseless, all choked sobs and ugly crying that Yuri is unable to stop – and he thinks he should be afraid, ashamed, but when Otabek wordlessly wraps his arms around him, being extra careful not to bump against his wounds, Yuri can only feel thankful as a sense of relief flows through him like a serene current.
He lets go, bit by bit.
There’ll always be a small part of him clinging to the past – not because of fond reminiscence but because that imperfect fragment is one of the pieces that makes him who he is. Yet once he accepts that and moves on, Yuri figures that life on Mars, with those whom he calls brothers and sisters, is going to be better than he’s ever hoped for.
“Yuri, what’s the matter? Did I hurt you? Should I––?” Otabek starts to pull himself away, unsure of what to do.
“Don’t you dare,” Yuri sniffs, pulling him closer, or as close as it’s possible for his injuries to not protest too much.
Otabek’s eyes soften into a warmer russet, and he stays there, palm on the back of Yuri’s neck, as they wait for the younger man to calm down. Violent shaking eventually turns to slight tremors, and then he’s still as a statue.
Yuri nods into his shoulder.
“Woah woah, are we interrupting a moment here? Please excuse us!”
A cheerful melodious voice bursts through their reverie, and the speaker, a young woman with short, burgundy curls and bright green eyes, is currently draping herself all over another female with tanned skin and long dark hair bunched up messily into a ponytail as if the definition of “personal space” doesn’t exist in her dictionary.
The other woman doesn’t seem to mind much, though she does send her companion a meaningful glare.
Her exasperated “Mila, don’t be rude!” is said at the same time as Yuri’s nonchalant “Mila, fuck off.”
Yuri leans away from Otabek, cheeks rosy and streaked with drying tear marks that he tries to rub away with the sleeve of his too-big jacket.
“Sara, Yuri’s being mean to me again!” Mila Babacheva clings closer to her friend, who can only tug her along as she smiles apologetically at the two men.
“Come on, you little monster, didn’t you say you want to see the upgraded armament for your Stagioni?” Sara Crispino laughs and takes Mila’s hand in hers. Neither seems to be bothered by the gesture, and Yuri and Otabek share a knowing glance.
“Heading to the hanger?” Otabek asks as he gets on his feet.
“Yeah,” Sara nods, “you and Yuri should come, too. Yuuko’s purchased some new parts and she’s been itching to do some upgrades on Ulises.”
“I hope she hasn’t done anything to it yet,” Otabek looks uncharacteristically startled and even a bit distressed at the mention of upgrades and the name of his mobile suit in the same sentence.
Mila and Sara burst into simultaneous laughter, and even Yuri can’t help the small grin on his face as they recall the failure of one particular upgrade a few months ago.
“Never forget the hip canons,” Sara giggles.
Needless to say, putting short barrel canons on a lightweight class mobile suit’s waist has not been one of Yuuko’s brightest ideas.
As the four of them make their way to the hanger, Yuri asks, “How bad is Rhyannon’s condition?”
Sara glances over at the young pilot before setting her eyes forward again, “Yuuko was mad when they hauled it in.”
Yuri gulps nervously.
Yuuko never gets mad. She’s usually easy-going and greets everyone with a friendly smile; her only fanatic obsession is taking apart and putting together the mechanical parts of mobile suits. If Yuuko had been mad, Yuri figures he must have fucked up quite royally.
“That bad, huh?” he only says, throat dry, though his facial expression remains impassive.
“She said her team will need at least another week with it before it’s fully repaired,” Sara adds, and she watches with amusement as Yuri’s face turns another shade paler.
“Oh, hell,” Yuri mutters, stalling midway, “maybe I should, uh, wait until Yuuko’s done with the repairs before I see her. I’m sure she doesn’t want to be bothered when she’s clearly busy.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Otabek blocks his way before Yuri can think about turning back. “You have to help me convince Yuuko to stay away from adding anything ridiculous on Ulises. We have another assignment next week and I don’t want a repeat of the hip cannons.”
The women snicker behind him, but Otabek looks serious, imploring Yuri with his earnest eyes.
Staring at Otabek’s openly honest expression – rarely seen on the usually stoic pilot – Yuri hides the trace of a smile threatening to show on his lips by turning his head slightly away, murmuring, “Fine. Just this once – as thanks for saving my ass. Again.”
“Aww, this is great, isn’t it, Sara? Look at them!”
“Yes, yes,” Sara ruffles the other woman’s hair affectionately, “now let’s get going before Yuuko decides to upgrade everyone’s mobile suits.”
Their pace significantly quickens after that.
Explanation Time! Definitions (within Iron-Blooded Orphans Universe):
- Gundam frames: A series of 72 mobile suit frames that were produced and developed by Gjallarhorn (an international peacekeeping force) during the Calamity War 300 years ago; the Ahab particles generated by the two Ahab Reactors within each suit give it a lot of powers, which can be burdensome on the pilot’s body since man and suit are connected through the Alaya-Vijnana system.
- Alaya-Vijnana system: A man-machine interface implant that improves a pilot’s spatial skills and reactions while piloting a mobile suit. The surgery to get the implants is risky and many have died during the process.
- Mobile suits: A type of mobile weapon that is a humanoid combat vehicle. I.E. Giant robots that people can pilot even in space.
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