#I think he just likes having robots😊
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thatstoomanysausages · 4 months ago
Grian creating another robot son for himself is something I will cherish closely in my heart forever.
How often do you think he thinks about Grumbot. Season 7 with his two robot sons, then bringing one into Season 9, then bringing him to Empires as well. Now TriviaBot? I think his paternal instincts are going crazy.
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takavasen · 1 year ago
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
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Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
754 notes
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 months ago
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#55: The Future Generations (1.06)
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
The CRM was so convinced that they were creating a better world for future generations but they failed to see how they’re actually destroying and traumatizing the youth and those that survive their horrible attacks. But fortunately, Rick and Michonne see right through them. 👌🏽 And what I see within these next scenes is the most gorgeous shot of Richonne of all time 🤩...
Beale and Rick continue their meeting and Beale reveals that, similar to Okafor, he also sacrificed people he cared about, his home, and the whole city of Pittsburg for the “greater good” of saving Philadelphia.
Then Beale says, “It’s not exactly tearing into a person with your canines, but it’s not nothing. isn’t that right?” Why do I have a feeling that of all the soldiers he’s asked that same question of what’s the worst thing you’ve done, Rick gave Beale the craziest answer he’s ever heard lol? 🤭
Rick replies, “No it’s not nothing, sir...My dad taught me, for better or worse…some things have to burn to bring things back.” And Beale agrees with that line of thinking, saying, “It was that. The sword that kills is the sword that brings life. I killed my past and a whole city so another could live.”
Whenever I hear Beale talk about the sword bringing life I always think Rick would agree with him it’s just Beale’s talking about the wrong sword.
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Also, it’s interesting hearing Beale say he killed his past because the CRM nearly killed Rick’s past too by taking away the images of his loved ones from his mind. But fortunately, the sword-wielding woman who gives Rick life helped restore what the CRM tried to take from him. 😇
Beale tells Rick the first secret which is that the most likely outcome is they’re all gonna die. And then we see Michonne enter an auditorium where a projector shows a bunch of photos of little kids as a robotic-sounding soldier goes over the Child Evacuation Protocol of their horrific Operation N1W.
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Then y’all, we’re hit with a stunning shot of Rick and Michonne in that candlelit bed scene, and the lighting and framing of it all is perfect. 🙌🏽
And of course, now that Michonne is no longer facing away from Rick they’re back up on each other as expected. 😊 Michonne looks up at Rick with her ring-clad hand on his face as she says, “So, we’re born this way.” And the eye contact. 🫠 My goodness, they invented chemistry. 💯
They cut to several more clips of Richonne kicking butt in TWD that just further hammers home that they’re cut from the same cloth. And then Rick smiles down at Michonne and says, “I guess so.”
I love that Rick and Michonne found someone who matches their crazy and their fighting spirit so much to where they can both just know 'we were born like this and that’s okay.' In fact, being a bit certifiably crazy is part of why they’re still here. 👌🏽 And they're crazy about each other which is part of what makes this story about 'crazy love' so golden.
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Back in the echelon briefing, Rick learns that according to Beale humans only have 14 years left before extinction and that’s why the CRM does what it does.
Rick inquires about what they do and Beale says, “We’re trying to beat the odds, Grimes.” Then they cut to more TWD clips of Rick and Michonne, and I like how intercutting between Rick and Michonne clips really makes it feel like these two are one being. The baddest being. 😌
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Michonne is appalled by what she is learning in the auditorium and Rick is appalled by what he’s learning in the briefing as Beale finally shares what the CRM is really up to. Beale says that they destroy other communities for resources, strategic superiority, and the CRM's favorite line “to ensure the city’s secrecy and security above all.”
I like the parallel clips they use of Rick looking up at a helicopter in TWD season 8 and in TOWL ep 1, as he learns that these helicopters he saw were likely heading out to cause some serious destruction. 
Michonne sits in the auditorium as it's revealed that the CRM intends to evacuate 10% of the children before the area is gassed and its population is liquidated. And you already know none of this is happening on Mama Michonne’s watch. She’s going to fight for these kids and her kids because clearly, this 'last light of the world' doesn’t care who they hurt.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
And I know after having been gassed herself, Michonne is especially horrified that they intend to do it again to tons of innocent people.
Meanwhile, Beale tells Rick they have spies throughout the world to monitor and potentially sabotage others. Jadis must have been trying to win Spy of the Month, the way she stayed sabotaging Richonne and team family back in the day. 😒
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Beale says the CRM was behind destroying Omaha and in 18 hours they’ll destroy Portland to become the supreme force on the continent.
And then we’re blessed with another great shot of Rick and Michonne in bed as Rick says they’ll tell the Civic Republic the truth about what the CRM does, like the bombing.
Rick says “if they won’t who will?” as Michonne intently says, “No one” and I admit I’m not the craziest about this dialogue but what it lacks in subtlety it more than makes up for with the stunning visual.
Because then Rick notes that they don’t leave people behind and Michonne affirms that this is what they do and y’all the visual of her sliding her ring-clad hand in his hair as they look at each other…Put it in the Louvre. 🤩🖼
This gorgeous visual right here is truly my favorite Richonne visual of all time. 👏🏽 These two are some serious stunners and this shot is a mesmerizing work of art. 😍🔥
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gif cred: @lousolversons
Beale continues to give Rick the 411 on what they’re about to do and he’s so emotionally removed from the fact that he’s talking about wiping out a whole city of people. That alone lets you know his brand of crazy is a major problem and Rick can sense that too as he starts to reach for his knife.
Beale also says they’ll continue to take the resources of even more communities they find, which means eventually they’ll end up on ASZ's doorstep.
As Beale says, “Maybe we get to survive'' there are quick clips shown from several surviving members of the TWD cast. Michonne then radios Rick in the auditorium while she listens to the soldiers talk in a cold and disconnected manner about the trauma they’re bound to put these kids through.
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In the final bedroom scene, Rick continues to go over he and Michonne’s plan and he lets her know to key the walkie if anything changes and then he’ll get back to her when he can. Hearing that is always sweet to me because even with the stuff he has to take care of with the plan, he wants her to be assured he’ll get to her if she needs him.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Looking like a beautiful mermaid, Michonne says, “if I can be gotten back to.” 🧜🏾‍♀️ And then Rick’s walkie goes off in the briefing. 😬
Beale notices and Rick is quick on his feet saying it was just Thorne. Back in the auditorium, Danai does a great job communicating Michonne’s horror even through a mask as the CRM soldier continues their cold and emotionally detached speech even calling the stuffed animals “comfort items” to “furnish” the children with. 
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As the projector lands on the final image of a young Black boy (which I like how Danai wanted that pic to be the final one to connect to Michonne’s kids RJ and Andre) we then get more TWD clips of the adorable Grimes kids. And I like how each clip feels like it embodies a different season - fall, winter, summer.
There’s Carl smiling on those train tracks. 😭 Judith smiling and hugging Michonne in the snow. 😭 And RJ’s adorable little smile at the beach. 😭 And then, having seen enough, Michonne makes her way out of the auditorium. 
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I feel like here is a good time to note something regarding the CRM too. I know some felt like the handling of the CRM was rushed in TOWL and wanted it to be explored more in the show, but I think the CRM/Civic Repiblic was actually intended to be more of an arena for a far more personal story being told in The Ones Who Live.
This show was more about Rick and Michonne navigating a journey to overcome a lot of internal imprisonment, and the CRM was always explored in relation to that more contained and personal story of these two characters finding themselves and each other again.
At least in TOWL (I can’t really speak on any other spinoff show in the twdu since I don't watch them) we’re always seeing the CRM through the lens of how it impacts Rick and Michonne specifically. The CRM makes Rick lose himself, they make Michonne nearly lose her life when they gas her and her friends, they almost cause a major wedge in Richonne’s relationship and nearly keep them from going home together.
The CRM had done a lot of damage throughout the miniseries so it’s not like their impact isn’t felt, it's just not necessarily dived into on a grander scale outside of Rick and Michonne because this is Rick and Michonne’s story.
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gif cred: @nat111love
This miniseries was always meant to give Richonne closure, not launch the next ten years of the twdu. So for me personally, I was more than fine with Richonne getting substantially more focus than the CRM stuff.
Also, one of the main things to acknowledge about the CRM is that it makes everyone lose themselves. All these soldiers become faceless cogs in the machine, devoid of caring about anything other than the mission.
We see this with Pearl becoming a convert and becoming so obsessively mission-minded. That’s what the CRM does to its soldiers - strips them of what makes them human, so they can just obediently go along with these heinous acts for the so-called greater good. So in a sense, the way the CRM felt faceless and distant might’ve been the point. That’s what you have to be to belong to this military.
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And lifeless and distant is what the CRM nearly made Rick. However, what we saw in TOWL's actual core plot is that Rick did devastatingly lose himself but he found himself again when his other half reentered his life.
In fact, Rick is fully cognizant of the fact that his beloved wife and son are why he didn’t succumb to losing himself and being in the same emotionally numb state that Beale, Okafor, Jadis, and Pearl ended up in.
And in his final confrontation with Beale, Rick makes it known the ones who truly give him something to live for. 😌👌🏽
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yestrnight · 2 years ago
how much do I have to pay for svarog sex 😊
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FROM: svarog / afab! reader
SUBJECT: the underground of belobog is a cruel, dark place where it's a competition of the fittest. sweet, little clara is lucky to have svarog as her guardian, but you're even luckier to be able to... heh, get to know him ;)
MESSAGE: nothing to pay but ur dignity babygurl 🥴
( uh me and my doujinshi writing ass at it again; reader is a SL— /svarog counterattack/; overstimulation; robot fucking… duh; svarog is treated as an oversized vibrator cuz that is what he is!!! )
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you're not exactly sure when clara pulled you into her little family dynamic with svarog— the svarog, leader of the vagrants, protector of the underworld, and for the longest time, the barrier between upper and lower belobog. sure, you liked telling her the children's stories you've read from natasha's bookshelves, and accompanying her around as her personal bodyguard while she looked through scraps to find supplies for the vagrants.
but you feel like, even as clara tugs you by the sleeve, that stepping foot into the svarog's lair is a biiit too much.
your cold sweat and pale face as the large, rickety gates swing open for clara (and you) says all that needed to be said. your stiff body follows clara as she pulls you inside. "um, clara…" you start, your shaky voice betraying any kind of macho you try to summon. "i don't think this is a good idea… i'm from wildfire, you know? svarog and our relationship is a bit… y'know."
clara's a smart kid. of course she knows. but she looks up at you, as innocent and hopeful as she can be, and pleads with you. "it's okay!" she says. "i've told mr. svarog all about you before! in fact, he's the one who told me to invite you, just so he can properly thank you!"
"h-he did?!" is all you could yelp before she and her traffic light perkins whisked you away to their home.
a few moments later, you're face to face with the big bad robot himself, his lone red eye peering down at you seven foot above. you gulp, clenching onto clara's soft hand for support. "h-hello, sir svarog…" your voice cracks. "nice to meet you…?"
"my data says that meetings between parents and their children's educators are common between human life forms," his deep and rusty voicebank echoes throughout the room. "a parent-teacher conference, they call it."
you shrink further into your uniform. "um… i'm not really her teacher…" your voice is so small even you yourself can barely hear it.
"that is obvious," he states. "according to your data, you lack the qualifications for being a professional educator. nevertheless, you've taught clara a great many things. she is… happy, whenever she talks about you. i hope you continue to spend time with her."
"i told you!" clara leaps up with joy and clings to your arm. her smile is so great that it gives you a literal heartache as it squeezes from how cute she is. "mr. svarog likes you!"
you swear svarog's eye glints, and you double swear his gaze is directed at the red bandanna wrapped around your arm. you'd give him the staredown too, if you were brave enough, that is. after all, what kind of robot needed pants anyway?
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that robot needed pants because he needed to hide the luggage he was packing underneath. because if he had that out in the open, you swear any of your cowardice would have evaporated and you'd climb that big hunk of metal like a tree just to get that branch inside of you.
AHEM! what you meant to say was… oh, whatever, no use saving the very little dignity you have left. 
the first time you drool over him is when he protects you from the cold. it was a wildfire expedition gone wrong and you underestimated a rogue robot, and the vagrant camp was so unfriendly without clara around. frostbite made you delirious, so any sort of fear vanished when you yelled through the rusty gates for some sort of savior.
only when the world begins to go dark do you feel a giant metal hand cup your back, and your feet swing in the air. when you finally come to, it's by the crackling fireplace. the world is still blurry when you sit up and see svarog’s hulking body looming over you. in other circumstances, you might have run away as soon as you can, but the near frostbite has made you delirious, and… well, svarog’s looking too sexy for a piece of scrap metal.
“ngh, ah ♡~” svarog’s one metal hand is large enough to encompass your whole lower body. he cups it as gently as a warforged robot can, and he bullies your throbbing clit with his finger while you’re left shaking under him. his red eye glints as he observes your expressions– drooling and eyes rolled back, a happy grin on your face as you rub back against his finger. “m– more~ more please!” his cupped hand bounces you up and down, and you squeal in delight as it heightens the stimulations even further. 
“y– you can vibrate, right?” you gasp when svarog rubs your clit juuust right, and you pleadingly look up at him with tears in your eyes. “th– that makes sense… robots all– ngh! r-right there, please– vibrate, don’t they? jus’ comes with the machines ‘n all that, hehe~”
you’re quite the talkative one, aren’t you? svarog isn’t exactly used to this, given that all the architects and elites he served in the past were so quiet and distant while they used him. “what exactly are you insinuating, [your name]?”
“oh, come on!” you pout frustratedly. “v-vibrate for me, will ya? i need more! this isn’t cutting it for me anymore– a-aaH ♡ yes yesyesyesyesyes! right there, oh my gosh, right there!!”
his data tells him that you’re at the height of ecstasy as he watches you arch your back and kick your feet. your fucked out laughs as you continue to beg for more is the sign that tells him that he’s doing a good job, and putting one and one together, he increases the vibration setting and you devolve into orgasmic screams.
“ah ♡ ah ♡! ahhh ♡♡ wh-what the fuck, svaroggg!!! ♡” the vibration on your poor, swollen clit is too much as he continues to rock you up and down while pressing the vibrating finger down. “i– i never told you to– ahh ♡– increase ittttt!”
“is this not necessary?” svarog questions. he’s so used to cold and unflinching ‘clients’ that he’s not exactly sure what to do with a human as expressive and loud as you. “records tell me that further simulation will bring you to what humans call an ‘orgasm.’”
“i’m, nggh, i’ve already orgasmed, you idiot!” you sob as you flail your legs, squirming and kicking as if that will loosen his grasp on you. “oh, ooooh~ t-too much!”
ah. so this is an orgasm. while this does not fit the algorithmic standards for the measurement of beauty, svarog surmises that this is ‘beautiful’ to him. it’s his reward for a job well-done, as all worthy leaders give to their soldiers. “apologies, [your name], but i fear that my past experiences have not given me sufficient data on what constitutes an ‘orgasm.’ clara adores you very much, and i do not wish to strain you at the expense of her anxiety. so, if you would allow it—”
something pushes at the tip of your hole, and you widen your eyes when you look and discover that he’s slowly bullying his way into you. you grip his metal arms for safety and stare at him with wide eyes.
“if all goes according to plan, you should have nothing to worry about.” you don’t know how to feel comforted when he says it in that apathetic-sounding (yet super hot) voice of his. “human orifices can be trained to take in objects larger than them– i should have you sitting on my… cock, as they call it, at the end of the day.”
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fanficwriters-posts · 1 year ago
Hii, how are you doing? Hope all is well :3
Do you possibly have any thoughts as to how/if Hiro would work with a very energetic/chaotic s/o that has a tendency to be impulsive at times?
(I was thinking of them being Star Butterfly/Pinkie Pie coded...but idk if you know those characters or not!)
Hello! I'm doing well, thank you for asking! 😊 And of course i have some thoughts for Hiro x Chaotic!reader.
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Hiro with a chaotic s/o
(s/o is a student in campus and the same age as Hiro)
Meeting you is a memory Hiro cannot get out of his head.
You were in your lab, making your project until BOOM!
Hiro and Tadashi were in the lab when it happened but considering how dangerous your projects usually are, Wasabi already placed a protective shield that can be turned on and off manually.
Your hair was blown up and your face and your lab coat are covered in ashes, expect for your eyes since you wear goggles. Your ears were ringing but you didn't mind it at all
When Tadashi knocked on the shield which caught your attention.
You spun around on your chair and take the goggles off to see.
"Tadashi!" You exclaim excitedly before you press the button to deactivate the shield and let them into your lab. "What brings you here?" You ask him, unbothered by the mess.
"I'm just walking around, ya know?" Tadashi replied casually before he steps in with a shorter raven haired boy behind him. "(Name), this is my brother, Hiro."
You turn to the boy around your height but taller by a couple of inches. You give him a toothy grin. "Hi! So nice to finally meet Tadashi's genius of a brother!"
Hiro stares at you in surprise, you were covered in ashes of the exploded project and you weren't even hurt. "What's up? Uhm, are you okay?" Hiro greeted back before he smile nervously.
"Oh, yeah. This is nothing. Just a little miscalculation and accident." You giggled, wiping the black stuff off of your face and shake your hair back in place. "So, are you joining our program? I hear you're an awesome robotic!"
"No. Not really." He replied, shrugging his shoulders a little. It was a half truth and half lie. He wanted but he still wasn't sure.
"Oh." You pouted before you grinned again. "Welp, you'll be joining us sooner or later. These things just takes time." You shrugged and take off your lab coat and goggles, putting them away.
When he sees the real color under your lab coat, it wasn't what he expected. You were different in style. Tadashi walks over to your project to see what was wrong.
"Does this happen often?" Hiro asks you, noticing a few bandages on your arm and one on your cheek.
"Pfft, no..." You trailed off nervously, lying to him before you tell the truth, "Okay, yeah. This happens way too often. But, i'm okay."
That troubled Hiro a little. "Maybe next time we can work on it together- if! If you want, ya know? I-it's no problem."
You and Tadashi perked up at his offer and glance at each other for a second before you guys grin.
"Yeah! I can come by to the Lucky Cat Cafe." You spoke happily.
Hiro blushed and grinned back. "Yeah! You know, i live upstairs."
"I know. Tadashi told me a few days ago when i was at the cafe. Very homey and cozy." You tell him, putting on your headphones around your neck.
"Cool. Cool." From there it was awkward for Hiro but not for you.
You helped around almost everywhere. Doing stuff you weren't asked to, playing video games with Fred in his room, helping Hiro with his project, too.
Tadashi's funeral was not what you expected to happen. Heck, nobody expected Tadashi to jump into the fire to save Callaghan who apparently is still alive thanks to Hiro's Microbots.
After you guys get over the loss of Tadashi, you guys form a team and called yourselves, "Big Hero Seven".
Everyone have their amazing choice of weapons while you? If you were a character in Overwatch or TF2, you'd be the most useful one.
You have a shield, you carry a big hammer like Amy Rose from Sonic, you have an indestructible helmet that helps you bust through bricks and wood with ease.
I mean, come on, you were hit on the head with a vase once and even though it hurt, you're still alive until today.
After months of being friends, you and Hiro finally got together and everything was swell.
If it weren't for Hiro, you'd be covered in bandages. Heck, even end up in the hospital for a stupid reason during missions/patrols.
Hiro is super glad that Tadashi made a big marshmallow healthcare companion instead of something else because Baymax looks out for you, too.
Knowing your chaotic nature, Hiro tends to get energized by it as well. It's like your optimism and excitement energy just vibrates and it made him feel encouraged.
You have your own gaming room that has soundproof walls because you scream at jumpscares or unfortunate scenes in the games you play.
Hiro rarely sees you play games at home but at the arcade, he knows you mean business and so, you two play multiplayer games because you hate competing with your boyfriend.
You know how you get when you're playing against someone and when you play with someone, it's like you're a whole different person.
You're not.
And Hiro doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he finds it adorable at how focus your are at a game, almost similar to how focus you are to your projects and homeworks.
You definitely write fast. And when you're bored, you doodle little stuff on your notes. Professor Granville wasn't surprised but she admires your enthusiasm.
During dates, you and Hiro would have fun. Nothing is calm around you guys. Expect when you're going with the rest of the group or with Aunt Cass.
When Hiro got that internship with Krei, you weren't pleased. You love Krei but you hate the guy, too.
But as long as Hiro's okay, you're fine with it.
You know that episode where Karmic turned into a beast?
You almost put a fight with her if it weren't for Hiro holding your back and told you that it was your friend, Karmi.
Sometimes, you'd go out on patrol on your own or with Fred without the others' acknowledge. Of course, it got your in trouble at the end but at least you got tacos.
You, out of everyone in your friend group, listens to music a lot. That's why you got to have headphones at all times.
You listen to music while training, too.
I mean, who doesn't?
The teammate who takes the most damage? You.
The teammate who is always ready to protect? You. And Gogo.
And finally, one day you decided to take a break and lay down.
Hiro invited you to his place to hang out, but he expected chaotic you, not calm and relaxed you. You two went up to his room after Aunt Cass gave you guys a tray of snacks and drinks.
You lay down on Hiro's bed and sigh softly. "You okay?" He asks you as he place the tray of snacks on his desk.
"Yeah. Why?" You reply calmly, sitting up to look at him. Hiro's brows furrowed and he place the back of his hand on your forehead to check for any fever.
You raise a brow in confusion. "I'm not sick, Hiro. If i was, i wouldn't be here."
"J-just checking." He said in defense before he sits down beside you and place his finger on your neck to check if your hot but you're not. You're just warm.
"I'm fine, Hiro. Seriously." You giggled, grabbing his hand and you sandwich it between yours. "I know you're not used to me acting so calm, everyone aren't. But, sometimes i also want to relax."
"Oh! Oh, okay. Oh!" He said with relief. He then grin and wrap his arm around your shoulder after he pull his hand out of yours. "Well, maybe now i can finally put down the first aid kit."
You laugh wholeheartedly and kiss his cheek. "I always keep you on your toes, don't I?" You giggled.
"Eh, sometimes you do. Sometimes it's because of my instincts as your boyfriend." Hiro respond, shrugging his shoulders a little.
At the end of the day, Hiro prefers his chaotic s/o over calm s/o.
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femdomlieeh · 8 months ago
Notebook of a fool ✧ Xiaojun
BFF!Xiaojun ✧ Crush!Fem!Reader
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WC—3.8 ✧ k
WARNING—anxiety ✧ heartbreak ✧ crying ✧ pet names
THEMES—sfw ✧ light angst ✧ future fluff (?) ✧ best friend au ✧ crush au
A/N. 누나 (nuna) = older sister
psst! Next update is a Beomgyu smut… probably my fav smut I’ve ever written
M.LISTS—wayv ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
Today was one of those bad fucking days. One of those days when you can't find any positivity in anything. One of those days when you don't feel like talking to the people you love the most. One of those days when you just want to give up.
The first thing you saw in the morning was a notification of a text from your boyfriend. Looking at the white speech bubble is something you usually look forward to when you see Wonwoo's name bright up your screen, knowing he always has something entertaining to tell.
But this particular morning he said something you wish were a joke.
Wonwoo Boo💞
[ive been thinking lately and _____ i think we need a break]
[You're not going to tell me why?]
Seen 10:17
You asked him the first thing that came to your mind. He couldn't possibly just expect you to be OK with having a break without a reason, right?
After an hour you accepted the fact that he had left you on read and that he wasn't going to reply anytime soon.
Maybe it was because he called you _____.
He never called you by your name. Only your friends called you that. He was supposed to call you weird or cheesy pet names and nothing else! 
He left you with a headache. He left you with your bad thoughts and theories. Damn you, Wonwoo.
It was very human-like of you to be in a bad mood. Only a robot would feel nothing in this situation. The day wouldn't get any worse. You were going to make sure of it! Your mood may have been bad, but you weren't going to let anyone else get affected by it. Lashing out on innocent people because you don't feel good on the inside is something you hated doing.
Today you were going to hang out with your best friend, Xiaojun, have a picnic on a park next to the Han river. Xiaojun had packed a cute pink basket (that he had specifically bought for you two to use for picnics together since they happened at least thrice a month) which was filled with kimchi kimbap, green grapes, two clementines and some churro flavored chips and you had packed a large outdoor blanket so Xiaojun wouldn't have too much to carry. For almost a week you two hadn't met up and you both missed each other and wanted to make up for the days you had spent apart so of course you went for the nice, typical not-romantic-at-all picnic hang out session.
But no.
You weren't going to meet Xiaojun and ruin his parade with the rain cloud that was following you around wherever you went since you opened your eyes this dark morning. No, you weren't going to let the first time you two meet in such a long time be ruined by the sad news you got this ugly morning.
누나 🥰
[I can't hang out today, sorry]
Prince Junnie🦄
[why not?☹️]
누나 🥰
[I'm not feeling too well]
Prince Junnie🦄
[it's ok i'll make u some delicious soup😊]
누나 🥰
[No, you don't need to, I don't want you to get sick!]
Prince Junnie🦄
[but ive missed u sm☹️]
누나 🥰
[We'll meet another day I promise to make up for this!]
And so you put the phone gently on the table to lay on the sofa and binge watch some random show. You made sure to turn your phone off first since you knew you'd cut Wonwoo some slack in case you read any persuasive text from him — he's good with words and making you feel loved. Whilst you were looking through all the lists Netflix had created for you, which were filled with movies and series you either had already seen or weren't interested in, Xiaojun was still expectantly waiting for his screen to go bright.
She must be joking, he thought.
Unlike you, Xiaojun's morning had started out brilliant. From the moment he opened his eyes, he was smiling and full of energy, excited to hang out with you after not seeing you for five whole days. He had missed you. Spending time with you was one of his favorite hobbies! Since you two had picnics regularly you two had decided that you would take turns in deciding and packing the picnic basket and this time it was Xiaojun's turn! He had been so excited all week, planning out a shopping list days before. He had specifically purchased grapes this time because he had this fantasy of putting one in your mouth (which sounded weird, but it would feel intimate to feed you fruit) and also playing around and throwing grapes up in the air and catching them in the mouth. 
Needless to say, he liked you a little more than a best friend should and that was a bit of a problem. His friends kept telling him that it was stupid to spend so much time with you and that Xiaojun should either try to ignore his emotions or he should distance himself from you until he loses feelings, because it was unfair to hurt himself by giving himself false hopes of getting somewhere with a taken girl. 
And Xiaojun knew it. For so long, he'd known that it was a bad idea to like you. You didn't like him in the same way, and you even had a boyfriend for fuck's sake — and a really pretty one at that! But no matter how many red flags there were, he still wanted to spend everyday with you. He didn't want a week to go by without being with you. He wanted to cuddle with you on a picnic blanket. He wanted to kiss you when you visited photo booths. He wanted to share hoodies with you. He wanted to stay up late and talk until you two fell asleep in each others' arms. He wanted to be the only one you called Prince. 
Wondering why you called Xiaojun 'Prince' when you already were in a relationship with Wonwoo? Well, Prince had been Xiaojun's nickname before you even met Wonwoo (yes, you'd known Xiaojun longer than you'd known Wonwoo, yet you still found yourself in a relationship with the latter — or not anymore actually). And though your (then) boyfriend never liked it, you had convinced him it was just a friendly pet name. Because that's exactly what it was.
To you.
To Xiaojun it was the closest he'd ever feel to being your boyfriend. But you started using that pet name less and ever since Wonwoo came around and ruined everything more than it already was ruined. Xiaojun even had to change his contact name on your phone to include the word 'Prince' so you wouldn't forget to call him that.
He loathed Wonwoo.
Wonwoo was always the reason why you couldn't hang out with your bestfriend for too long, why you couldn't call him Prince on certain occasions and why you couldn't look at him as a potential boyfriend. Wonwoo was an attention thief. Not really. But it felt like it. Xiaojun was jealous of everything Wonwoo had with you.
Because your boyfriend obviously was a threat, Xiaojun felt like he needed even more of your validation than before (which was already a lot). He needed your attention. If you ignored him he'd think it was your way of telling him that you had left him completely for Wonwoo. Ridiculous! He shouldn't feel like you owe attention to him.
Your friendly fucking friendship was the closest thing Xiaojun had to being together with you in the way he really wanted, so he valued it a lot. Not having you as his girlfriend was painful enough, but not having you as even his friend would break him.
Right now you weren't validating your time together, nor your friendship — or at least it felt like it to Xiaojun. He always needed your attention and unlike normally, he wasn't getting it right now. His smile dropped and so did his excitement for the day.
Was this the end?
He knew that spending one week without each other would lead to more time for you to spend with your damn boyfriend but he didn't know it would lead to the end of your friendship. 
No way he'd bail on the picnic plans.
Prince Junnie🦄
[can i pls come over? i bought fruits for u<33 i'm sure fruits is exactly what u need right now!!]
Prince Junnie🦄
[idc if i get sick or not bc i still wanna hang out w u]
Prince Junnie🦄
[pls 누나]
Sent 11:33
You had ignored him only once before and it was a horrible experience.
The way you ignored him (on accident) was so hurtful that he had to leave the gathering that he had looked forward to for so long, confusing the other guests, to go and lock himself in a bathroom so he could cry without bothering anyone. You'd gone right after him since you knew it wasn't very Xiaojun-like to leave a fun time for no reason. After you had knocked on the door and reassured him you were his best friend and not a random person coming to make fun of him, he let you in the bathroom.
The sight you were met by was his crumbling figure on the floor and overflowing tears on his cheeks. He had thought that you wanted nothing to do with him. Stupid you didn't see the obvious signs. It was because of the fact that you hadn't paid any attention to him that Xiaojun had gotten the idea that you had grown bored of him or that you wanted to leave him for Wonwoo (he hadn't told you the latter part, of course). And weeks later you did get together with Wonwoo. And that made him cry himself to sleep for days which you never knew.
How much your lack of attention and affection for Xiaojun had affected him was scary. And a fucking sign, you idiot. Nobody gets so worked up over the loss of affection of someone they view as a friend. Ever since that incident you'd made sure to always remind him of how much you value your friendship.
Except for today.
He thought he had made it clear enough to you that you never ever should ignore him unless you really meant It. Unless you really wanted to part ways. To go from the bestest friends to cold acquaintances. Some people might think it's crazy to be this attached to a best friend but you weren't just his best friend. You were his love and happiness. Without you he didn't have either.
Five minutes passed since he triple texted you and he still had no reply. Slowly he felt how his tummy was turning into knots and how his eyes started stinging.
Prince Junnie🦄
[ur making me worried]
Prince Junnie🦄
[hey!! text me so ik u didn't die from choking on strawberry milk 누나😰]
Prince Junnie🦄
[r u ignoring me?🫠]
Prince Junnie🦄
[unless u have corona, meet me by the river at 6 if u care abt me. i need to talk to u abt smth important]
Sent 12:04
If you didn't show up he knew for sure that you had left him behind forever. If you did show up then he'd confess to you. So spontaneously he couldn't keep his feelings away from you for another year because it wasn't healthy and he knew it. He knew he would have to tell you about his feelings sooner or later. And after being without you for a whole ass week and after experiencing the cruel punishment that is being ignored and even thinking you broke your dear friendship off, he knew the time had come for him to finally woman up and confess.
Whilst he was anxiously thinking through why he made such a bold move and possibly ruined any future he had with you, the girl he loved was being lazy and stuffing her face in pillows in front of a TV.
one season of Bojack Horseman later...
Tossed between blankets and an overflow of pillows, your tummy roared like a lion. You hadn't eaten anything yet. Maybe it was time to do something other than numbing your feelings with Netflix and the drinks you had at home? As you stood up you felt heavy. You had moved maximum 100 meters in the past few hours — to go to the bathroom, then kitchen and back to the living room — and it had taken a toll on your body physically.
You sat back down on your sofa and brought your phone to view after hours without it.
[6 new messages from Prince Junnie🦄]
Fuck. The last message was sent so long ago. You looked at your windows. It was dark outside. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. As fast as you physically could, you put on a pair of shoes and a jacket with your aching limbs.
In just a few minutes you were on your way to the closest bus station. The whole bus ride to the river was filled with thoughts putting you down. Your favorite person in the world was sensitive about this stuff and you hurt him. You were supposed to not let your bad mood affect anybody around you. But who were you kidding? Of course something had to go wrong with an idea you constructed and analyzed for four microseconds.
Before you knew it you had arrived at the destination. You were speed walking to the river. You two always went to the exact same spot by the river since it was usually vacant, by some miracle, and had a pretty view of a bridge.
You were naive enough to think that isolating yourself from your bestfriend and your phone would help solve your problems, so you were certainly naive enough to go and check if Xiaojun was still at your meeting place hours after you were supposed to meet him. What if he wasn't there? What if he was there?
The water was shimmering from the moonlight and next to it was a bench and an athletic, tall silhouette. Your eyes widened. Could it be...? Sniffles. That's the sound that came from their direction. You walked closer and could make out the lines of a figure that was all too familiar.
The silhouette turned around and though it was dark you could see that it in fact was him. You quickly sat down beside him and noticed that a couple of notebooks were scattered on the ground next to a bike. You didn't know what to do, never having seen glad Xiaojun cry. After another particularly loud sniffle you turned your attention back to him. The light of the moon exposed the redness and tears on his face. For hours he'd been outside and his face was still wet with tears.
"Why are you still out at this hour?"
He choked on his tears and rested his face in his hands, "Because I'm a fool."
"No, you're not a—"
"Why are you here?" he interrupted you.
"You told me to meet you if I care about you."
"You come here hours later as if I don't mean anything to you," he hurried out before his voice could crack.
"I'm sorry about that. But if I didn't care about you I wouldn't show up at all," you spoke with a soft tone. The last thing you wanted was to be harsh, especially since you were the reason your best friend was upset.
"Why did you do this to me, 누나?" he looked you in the eyes as if he'd find any answers inside them.
"I promise I didn't do it on purpose. I would never hurt you on purpose," you took his hands into yours, oblivious to how the simple gesture made Xiaojun a bit hopeful on the inside.
His hands were so cold it was shocking that he was shaking because of his crying and not because of the ice-like coldness. That's what happens when you're out for hours when there's no sun — or person — to keep you warm.
"I saw the messages 20 minutes ago and got here immediately. I would never purposely ignore you, Prince."
You made sure to use his nickname in almost every sentence you spoke, silently telling him that you don't want to fight. Slowly you brought his hands to your lips and kissed them lightly, five kisses on each hand for every finger. He looked at your lovely action and felt how his tears were slowing down. The kisses didn't make him warm — maybe for a second — but at least they made him feel somewhat better inside.
"I'm so, so sorry you had to be here in the cold," you apologized and kept his hands in yours as an attempt to warm them.
One part of Xiaojun wanted to continue being mad and make you feel bad for the hurt you'd caused him but the bigger part wanted you to hold him in your arms. He loved you and couldn't stay mad at you for long even if he tried.
"I-It's OK, 누나. At least you're here now," he whispered and looked at your locked hands, admiring the sight since it may never happen again — or maybe he should make sure his hands are cold more often—
You sent him a sorrowful smile and let his head rest on your shoulder, resting your own against it as an instinct, both from being comfortable and tired.
"From now on I will check if I have any texts every hour for you," you said with an exaggerated joking voice to lighten the mood.
He giggled. You weren't even being that funny but you were both tired and sad, so anything even a tiny bit funny was hilarious to both of you.
"What did you want to tell me before, Prince?" you whispered into his fluffy hair and petted it.
Should he tell you how he feels? Should he possibly ruin this? If he told you how he truly felt, would you ever kiss him hands like you did just now? Would you ever touch him this caringly ever again? Would you continue to call him Prince? Or would all of that be gone due to your loyalty to your sweet precious boyfriend Wonwoo?
For hours Xiaojun had been outside in the cold waiting for the love of his life so he could tell her the truth. But it took time before you, the love of his life, showed up. Too long.
When a person is alone outside with notebooks filled with blank pages to write feelings and stories in, it's easy to let emotions take over. He ended up writing around seven poems. Some poems were really cheesy and written in the spirit of the moment. Some didn't even rhyme. Some were a perfect description of where he was in him non-existent love life.
But they all had one thing in common.
They were melancholic and written from the point of view of a man who was hopelessly in love with his best friend.
"Nothing. I just wanted to have a picnic with you, 누나. I was just being dramatic to convince you to come despite feeling under the weather," he lied right through his teeth.
That made no sense because you two had never been on a picnic after sunset and Xiaojun would never lie to make you come see him. But you were tired and desperate to leave the cold outside, so you chuckled lightly, believing him immediately.
"Then where are the snacks?" you asked, confused since the only things around you were notebooks, a bike and water.
"I ate them."
Laughter filled the air; your genuine one and his fake one.
You put your face in his cheek, making him blush (not that you'd notice, since his cheeks were already red from before), "Well, my tummy is a little too thin right now, so let's go somewhere."
"In the middle of the night?" he questioned.
"Yes," you smiled against his cheek and he felt it, making him smile too.
You both were still smiling when you were picking up all the notebooks to get ready for the ride. Jokes were thrown here and there. It was as if nothing had happened. You both knew it was a misunderstanding and you valued the friendship with the other too much to put energy into arguing. And you were tired too, so the argument wouldn't even be that epic even if you tried.
"What about your bike?" 
"Oh nooo! The buses are always so full now that it's too late to take the subway!" Xiaojun whined.
"You know what? Since I was a jerk you can go take a warm bus while I ride in the cold," you said impulsively.
"B-But, 누나—" he smiled, flattered. 
"B-But nothing," you interrupted him and sat down on the bike. Anyone who had spoken to you knew you were stubborn. He laughed. The little sadness he had left was gone by now. His cheeks were dry. Still red, but not from crying, now they were red from blushing.
"OK, whatever you say, 누나."
"You brought a transport card right?" you made sure since he came by bike.
"Yes I did~ See you in an hour, 누나," he winked at you and waved with a smile brighter than the moon before running to the bus that just arrived.
You waved back to him and got ready to bike — you definitely needed a head start. But before you started you couldn't help but see something white standing out in the darkness.
It was another one of Xiaojun's notebooks. You must've been too tired to notice it when you were picking them up. Thankfully the notebook was open or else you wouldn't have noticed it as it had a dark cover. You took it into your hands. To make sure it really was Xiaojun's you needed to read at least a snippet.
You prayed it was Xiaojun's because it would be worse if you read a stranger's private thoughts than your best friend's since you already knew all him secrets. The snippet was Xiaojun's. It was from one of the pages of poems that didn't rhyme, that was very cheesy but depicted how sappy he was feeling and also told him part of the story that you never knew.
I want to feel my best friend's lips on my lips
I want, more than anything, her to call me HER Prince
You drop the book on the grass. So that's what he wanted to tell you.
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fjsjjgnnfjdjf · 1 month ago
Size allergy (8/?)
Hehe... Hello? 😅
It took a lot more time than I would have liked to update again, it took me a little while to start this chapter, but now I'll be back with a little more constancy ✨
I'm still planning to make more drawings of this story, I even have plans to make a little cover, but everything in its time 😊
Now we'll see Splinter's point of view, the poor man can't have a day off from his children 🐁
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English is not my mother tongue, if you see an error, please feel free to comment.
For 13 years of experience taking care of his children, Splinter sometimes thought it was a miracle that none of them had had anything happen to them by now, and this time was no exception. He had been wandering from one place to another after the strange discovery he had made in his youngest son's room, still not knowing what to do, it always happened to him with these things; he didn't know if he should stay and wait for his children to appear, if he should go out to look for them, if he should look for clues or if he should call someone... Everything was always very confusing with his children and he had a hard time making a decision. 
Meanwhile, he kept wandering around the lair, even thinking if he had done something wrong during the training that (for some reason) would have made his children feel bad; he discovered that the tank was still in the lair, which missed him more, maybe they went out to watch a movie? Although they used to give notice when they did that. At one point, he passed by Donnie's lab and, guessing that maybe he had something to do with all this, he wandered in to see if he could shed some light on the matter. 
To be honest, he didn't know if what was there was either incredibly suspicious or the most mundane, “With purple everything is a mystery” he thought to himself. Then he noticed his son's computer, maybe one of the security system cameras recorded what happened with Mikey's gun and maybe it would give him a clue as to where his kids are. However, luck was not on his side, the device asked for a password and obviously he didn't know it. 
“Ugh... Why do they always make everything so complicated?” he grunted to himself, as he tried to guess what the password would be. 
Of course, he had no luck, and after five tries the computer locked up. He grunted again, wondering if maybe it would be better just to wait for them to come back. 
“Splinter?” a robotic voice was heard from behind him. 
At first, he was startled, but as soon as he saw the purple drone hovering in front of him, he returned to his look of annoyance at the earlier situation. 
“Ah... You're just the drone in purple...” he wrinkled his nose, thoughtfully “What was your name again...?” snapped his fingers “Shelly?” 
“Shelldon” corrected the drone, he seemed puzzled by the rat's presence “What are you doing in Donnie's lab?” 
“Uuuu... nothing important” he waved his hand indifferently, when an idea occurred to him “Wait, if you're the robot in purple, then you have access to the lair's cameras, right?” he pointed out with some enthusiasm. 
“Unfortunately, Donnie took that feature away when he upgraded me to version 10.2” he replied with some discouragement. 
“Of course...” Splinter commented frustrated “And do you know the password to his computer?” 
“Removed in version 5.8” after hearing another annoyed grunt from the rat, Shelldon decided to ask “Why do you want to know that?” 
“Ughh... Things you wouldn't understand...” the drone kept looking at him and Splinter sighed, “I'm not losing anything by telling him” “The boys aren't in the lair and I want to find them... I have a bad feeling” 
“Oh! For that you should track their phones!” he exclaimed, and before even the rat asked him if he was able to track them, the drone projected a map above him, marking four bright spots; one blue, one purple, one orange and one red. 
“Wow...” he said with surprise while noticing something peculiar on the map “Wait... Why is red so far away from the others?” the point that marked his eldest son was considerably far away. 
“Oh... It looks like the others are still in the lair... Raph is apparently out of town” Shelldon replied without noticing Splinter's nerves. 
“What?!” he exclaimed upon hearing his eldest son's location “That's not true!... I've already checked the whole lair!” he raised his arms, melodramatic “None of them are here!” 
“So, they left their phones... Donnie left his here” commented the drone pointing with one of its propellers to the genie turtle's work table, indeed, there was his phone. 
Well, this certainly meant that something was wrong (if the previous signs were not enough); his kids could leave without their weapons, they could leave without their equipment, hell! Splinter would bet they could even leave the lair without their masks, but they would never leave without their phones, they were practically addicted to those devices. That only one of his sons would come out with it was to mark the situation as event of the century. 
Luckily, he knew Raphael's position, probably if he found him, he would find the rest of his sons. So, he left the lab, preparing to go out and look for them. 
“Where are you going?” Shelldon exclaimed, following him. 
“To look for my boys” he said as he grabbed the keys to the turtle tank and headed for it. 
“Are they in trouble?” he asked curiously. 
“I hope not... Although if not, they will be with me” he commented the last thing to himself. 
“Oooh... Can I go?” excitedly flew the drone around Splinter's head “I can be the new Donnie!” 
“Ummm... I don't know, purple won't let you out?” he raised an eyebrow at the drone. 
“No” he complained “But that's because he's boring and a party pooper!” he exclaimed in annoyance. 
Splinter sighed a little as he thought for a second. It was true that the little robot was irresponsible, though it was also true that Donnie was boring. Besides, how could he follow the map if he didn't have him or understand his son's technology?, he looked again at the robot, who seemed determined to get out. 
“Hey, I guess it's no problem” he said, standing up, the robot fluttered with joy “But stay close to me! Purple would tear me apart if anything happened to you!” he pointed firmly. 
“Yes! A trip outside!” exclaimed the drone as it entered the tank behind Splinter, disregarding his warning “Booyakasha!” 
Raphael was still somewhat asleep, when a slight tremor around him woke him up; at first, he was disoriented and didn't know where he was, until he saw Mikey's giant face (he was still asleep) and the memories of the night before hit him like a truck. He sat up and tried not to make too much noise when again the slight tremor stunned him; turns out it was his phone, Draxum was calling him, then he remembered. 
“Oh! Draxum... I'm sorry I didn't write you, I forgot” he spoke low, trying to avoid waking Mikey. 
“I thought you would forget” he said with an exhausted sigh “How is Michael?” he asked quickly. 
“He's fine now” at that, he activated the camera to show the yokai the half-sleeping face of his younger brother “He grew more times yesterday, but after that he hasn't felt pain again” he placed a hand on the latter's face to show the difference in size. 
At that, the box turtle started to wake up, noticing his little big brother in front of him with the phone, a bit disoriented. 
“Raph?” then yawned slightly. 
“Mikey... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wak...” he started to speak, but the yokai interrupted him. 
“How are you feeling Michael?” asked the yokai, the turtle wrinkled his face to see whose voice it was and when he saw then he smiled slightly. 
“Barry? Hello” he greeted and looked at him curiously “How are you?” he yawned as he said this. 
“He's asking how are you” Raph explained to his little brother who was still shooing his own sleep. 
“Oh... I guess I'm fine” he answered vaguely. 
“Have you been feeling any aches or pains?” he asked “What is your current height?” 
“I haven't been in any pain after yesterday” he answered more clearly now “Mmm.... I don't know, but I can see over the trees if I stand up” he pointed upwards. 
“The trees?... Where are you, Raphael?” asked the yokai with some annoyance in his voice. 
“Oh... Well, Leo sent us to Todd and...” as he was explaining, his phone vibrated again. 
It was his father! The snapping turtle almost panicked, and quickly cut off the intrusive call, to see Draxum again. The latter looked at him strangely, Mikey also looked at his brother with some suspicion. 
“What was that noise?” demanded the adult. 
“N-nothing... This phone sometimes fails hehe” he laughed nervously. 
“...Anyway” he answered after a moment “If you haven't felt any pain after hours, that means you're done growing... And from what I see, the fairies sprayed you many times” from the phone screen it could see how Draxum was looking Mikey (or at least his face) up and down and saw Raph, probably mentally comparing their sizes. 
“Yes, Donnie told us that yesterday” he looked away somewhat uncomfortably, but quickly returned to a smile “But I'm fine, my brothers and Todd are taking care of me” he said optimistically. 
However, the mention of Donnie upset Raph; realizing that the position his little brother was in was not the same as when he fell asleep. He began to observe the ground around him, there was no presence of his shrunken siblings (which only increased his paranoia), not realizing that Mikey and Draxum were still talking, while he was fidgeting with the phone engrossed in his fears. 
“RAPHAEL!” Draxum's authoritative voice snapped him out of his panic spiral “What's wrong with you?!” he demanded after seeing the camera stop shaking. 
“Raph...?” Mikey said cautiously as he saw his brother stare at nothing; seeing that he didn't react, he gave him a gentle nudge with one of his fingers.  
This seemed to wake the snapping turtle from his trance. 
“Ah!” he exclaimed, getting his brain working again, he gave a feigned smile to the yokai watching him “I'm sorry Draxum, but I have to go, I'll call back! Bye-o...”  
And with that, he hung up the call, if anything Draxum managed to say, it went unheard. 
Before Mikey could ask Raph what the hell was wrong, Raph came out of the little hole he was in on his arm and started circling around him, not taking his eyes off the ground. 
“Raph, what's wrong?” he didn't understand what was going on, he moved slightly, but his brother threw himself on him (figuratively) as if trying to stop him from moving. 
“MIKEY!” that scream was louder and more distressing than he thought, it scared him a little “Don't move!” Raph realized he was scaring Mikey, but he was scared too “I can't find Leo and Donnie!” 
Mikey blanched, seeming to share the idea his older brother had in his head, he almost seemed traumatized by his own imagination of what might have happened. No, he didn't want to believe it, he strongly denied it. Raphael continued to search the surroundings of the huge box turtle, looking for any sign of his shrunken siblings, praying he would find nothing of what his paranoia was making up. After many turns and checking to make sure nothing was crushed, other than the pillows and sheets, he looked over at his little brother, who seemed on the verge of an anxiety attack. 
“Calm down Mikey...” he wanted to try to calm him down, approaching his arm and giving it a caress. 
“D-did you find them?” he stammered in fright. 
“No... But I assure you they are not crushed” that brought some relief to both of them “I'll look for them... You'd better not move too much yet, maybe they're still nearby” 
Mikey nodded, feeling a little helpless as he watched his brother carefully walk away while he searched. As he tried to calm himself down, he felt something strange; he had been trying to ignore it since the early morning, thinking maybe it was his body resenting the change in size, but this was different, only his stomach hurt, he didn't want to think about that now but the pain didn't stop. 
Raph felt a new tremor, but this time it was coming from the giant turtle; seeing it, he realized that Mikey had both hands on his belly and had a slight blush, he knew that this problem would come sooner rather than later, but why just now? 
“Really?” he complained to himself with an exasperated tone of frustration. 
“Sorry” the boy seemed embarrassed by his body's reaction to hunger.  
Raphael felt like he literally couldn't handle it all, miraculously he didn't end up letting out an annoyed scream, just holding it in because he was still trying to be the big brother in this whole situation. But it just WAS TOO MUCH; their dad is looking for them, Leo and Donnie are missing, and now Mikey (who is the definition of huge) is hungry. 
“Snack Cakes!” he exclaimed, wishing someone or something would help him with all these problems. Prologue Previous / Next
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campbenji · 10 months ago
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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moonliched · 6 months ago
Hello baby!
Kisses u on the forehead
How r u feeling? I just finished rereading your fic and damn i love it so much it's in my solid top 3 of mer fics and is keeping its 1st place proudly. I just melt into a happy puddle while reading it! And during a day my mind often drifts to think and theorise about your work! Also you are so cute and bubbly it only adds on to the whole vibe in the book. I loved little fun facts! They are adding so much character and perspective to the people and situations! Can we have some more?
Btw can we give you some ideas for plants and stuff?
can't wait to see more of your magic 🌸✨️
you n me, perchance (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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i am feeling like i need a long holiday! i hope your autumn is off to a good start🍁🍂
you have no idea how big of a complement this is aaaaaaaaa, i always wanted to make a fic likeable enough to reread xD you're so nice to me❤️
you can absolutely give me whatever ideas you'd like, i welcome the excuse to chat n make up cool fantasy stuff😊✨ thanks for the ask, i am absolutely squeezing you in a hug rn!!
i gotcha more fun There Are Many Benefits facts ;3
🪸 Sun and Moon coexist calmly and happily. they are very close and their bickering isn't in seriousness. so if you join in, at any moment they might exchange a glance and gleefully gang up on you at the drop of a hat
🪸 Meryn can see a deeper range of certain colours than the mers can, like the difference between the white of Sun's eyes and his paler pupils. so Sun thinks he's being sneaky when he looks at Meryn without moving his head, but obviously Meryn can tell that he's staring dead at them. they find it funny
🪸 after Meryn revealed in chapter 16 that they intend to build BON-BON a body, he promptly spent the rest of the night searching up cool robot images and brainstorming stuff to put in it. he 100% has not thought about the sheer work that's going to go into making just a regular body, nor the fact that Meryn would never ever trust him with rocket launchers
🪸 Sun and Moon are aware on some level that Humans Wear Clothes (though how they know this is a spoiler!) but they don't fully understand the minutiae of the when and the why humans keep covered. so, just enough to get flustered when they're removed lol
🪸 Meryn was considering getting piercings before their hand webbing was removed. now they have lost their taste for any permanent body modifications
🪸 BON-BON spies on the Glamrock team's meetings, but not as much as he used to. he gets bored easily and a lot of what they discuss references previous tasks and goals he also didn't really listen to when they were first brought up. as a result, he misses out on a lot of stuff that would make for juicy gossip-and-mystery-solving content to share with Meryn😅
🪸 Sun thinks that Meryn's 'nest' (bed) is tragically bare. it must be because they have no one to take care of them! he has plans to rectify that
🪸 Meryn typically responds with a one word 'okay' when they're agreeing without meaning it
🪸 BON-BON thinks the Glamrock team's apparent bleeding-heart stance on AI is just performative, and that if the time comes to ever put those beliefs into action they would fall back on reporting him as sentient
🪸 Vanessa only followed Meryn's example of using he/him pronouns for Sun when he spoke like a human, by mimicking her words
🪸 it's often obvious to Sun and Moon when Meryn doesn't understand something, and they find it amusing to call them on it, or let it play out if Meryn doesn't express their confusion. they think it's cute
🪸 As of chapter 16, Meryn is getting sick of Monty helping himself to their food and drink and has a plan to punish him for it >:3
🪸 BON-BON's enjoyment of shopping is more to do with the new experience of getting to express himself through his appearance than fashion itself. he's still learning what he likes and how he wants to present himself
🪸 Sun and Moon love making Meryn laugh, as they don't actually laugh or smile by themself often. but tbf all of their expressions are super interesting to the mers
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kattozilla-blog · 4 days ago
Would you want to infodump about zombie au? 👀
yayay 😇
ermm still working out some things but ice man and heat man are the MAIN main characters [can you tell the entire au started off due to The Zombie Song? xd] and cut, rock, roll, elec, maybe guts and fire? are a part of ice's group of survivors and they live in a boarded up house ,,
Wood becomes a part of the cast when they find him in the forest
sooo basic rundown I can think of in the linear plot 😁
an updated "strain" of Roboenza [creatively called Roboenza-Z] has appeared and it causes very intense symptoms, which includes completely shutting down any bot that catches it, full stop can't be turned on again [this includes MOST ROBOTS, not just Masters]. it's such a hindrance that even humans are afraid of what's happening 🥶‼️
Heat Man is one of the robots to catch this first strain, among other bots [i think i called this the Romero strain?] and shuts down completely just like the others
THEN these completely disabled robots start booting up again after months. yay! but they're acting a little weeeird. no! they're zombies now 😥‼️ they eat metal and attack other robots [even humans aren't safe, if they have metal in their bodies like pacemakers or bone braces umm that's uncomfortable to imagine ☹️]
mysteriously both the doctors are missing. Dr Cossack might still be around, I don't think I've decided, but if he is then he's trying to study the computer virus and make a possible cure/antivirus
this brings us to Ice Man, and his survivor crew. the zombies have developed an evolved strain of Roboenza-Z that works much faster than the Romero strain [this one is the Neville strain i think], so they're even more of a threat 😔 Ice Man is the one usually going on grocery trips to abandoned stores for supplies because he's so used to going on dangerous expeditions anyhow. the others will sometimes go too, I imagine Rock is pretty competent even if his armor is broken [btw his armor is broken. look I need to create tension somehow!!]
one day Ice Man is on a usual trip, keeping any zombie robots at bay with his frozen metal baseball bat [he doesn't like abusing his ice slasher lest he run out ‼️], when through some event, he comes across the zippo creature himself. Heat Man is different than the other zombies, he's affectionate and doesn't try to hurt Ice. so as any sane person would do, Ice keeps a FUCKING ZOMBIE in his bedroom because that's a great idea Icy! it's fine he feeds heat aluminum foil because for some reason that keeps zombies happy. Ice is the most paranoid and sensible survivor probably, but Heat is ✨special✨ and is given a free pass [read: ice man is GAY]
after some more unspecified time, we meet my last but not least favorite WOOD MAN ‼️ he's been alone surviving in the woods by himself and with the robot animals. the zombies don't usually try to attack him because he's mostly wooden, but he's still in danger because he devotes himself to protecting the robot animals, which actually results in him getting bitten on the leg 😢❗ but he self-amputates and makes a prosthetic from a tough stick. Cut Man finally has his pookie 🥰😇😊‼️✨✨✨🤭🗣️🎉 cut carves a whole new prosthetic for him because he's just a nice guy like that umm GAY 🫵
they then mostly discover the reason Heat calms down when he eats aluminum foil. ALL zombies regain themselves temporarily once actually consuming enough metal [there's a few "stages" to this ranging from "doglike but aware" to "fully sapient again like normal"]. so there's a new ethical dilemma over killing the zombies if they can effectively be medicated back to health,, PSYCHOLOGY‼️‼️
that's kinda the story so far,,, I've got more ideas though bc I like this au if you can't tell 😇‼️✨ it's got a lot of potential
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tooselfaware · 7 months ago
Raon's voice in my mind is similar to Tanya Degurechaff's soldier/inner voice in the anime, especially when he's in vicious mode.
Choi Han has the Protagonist voice, of course. Not very deep since he's stuck at 17 (I know some 17 year olds have deep voices but in my mind, Choi Han does not.)
Cale and Alberu's voice are those of nice characters that may or may not be a villain underneath. You know, the guys that are usually the one's calming people down (Ma ma!)
Beacrox has the deep voice of usually silent characters. The ones I can think of rn is the deep voice of the "past life" Ryouma in "The Man Picked up by the Gods" (forgot the official anime title) or Souei from Tensura.
Ron has the old butler voice. 😊
On's voice in my head kinda like Milim's.
Hong a kinda baby voice to call "Noona".
Rosalyn's voice in my mind changes depending on the situation. It just does. A different voice for casual, for plotting with Cale, and for when she commands.
Mary's voice is similar to Yuna (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear anime). Just more robotic...
Eruhaben's voice is not as deep as Beacrox but deeper than Choi Han. Always calm, cool, and collected. Until he's not. 🤭
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that-blue-vault-dweller · 1 year ago
Companions favorite Disney movie?
A/N: Howdy, howdy, folks! I know it's been a while, but I hope y'all enjoy these! 🥰💙💛 I've been extremely busy and have sort of lost motivation for this fandom, but I'm going to try to play Fo4 soon and see if I can muster up some more motivation 😊 I still have some fanfic to write and some reactions to do and I've got to get my butt in gear!
Cait - Brave. It might seem like the obvious choice because, well... ginger twinsies.... But she loves it because of the constant action and the fact that Merida wields a sword and a bow while also riding a horse often at the same time. She also secretly sort of finds herself vicariously living through Merida and wishing she would have had a family like hers with parents that actually loved her.
Curie - Inside Out. It's sciency and presents a fun, creative way of examining the brain's functions. She would prefer that Disney be more realistic, but despite her slight disappointment, she also understands that it has to be presented in a child-friendly way that would keep a kid's attention. A close second for her would be Big Hero 6. Honey Lemon is her hero.
Piper - Zootopia. She finds herself very much relating to Judy Hopps most days. Just a girl in a big city and a big world with the chips stacked against her and hardly anyone on her side as she fights the good fight. She also enjoys Judy's optimistic, sarcastic, energetic spirit that she upkeeps in the face of adversity. It's something that Piper herself has done her best to maintain.
MacCready - Finding Nemo. As a concerned dad with a struggling young son of his own, he can relate to this movie greatly. Plus, a bonus is that he likes to mess with F!Sole about being Dory, which she never seems to appreciate nearly as much as he does most days.
Deacon - The Emperor's New Groove. All of the jokes and the lightheartedness of the overall movie is totally Deacon's style. He always quotes the movie afterward and drives everyone at HQ crazy with his rather awful impression of Yzma.
Codsworth - Flubber. He sort of is crushing on Weebo the robot assistant. Granted, he says he has no sort of manner in which to facilitate such feelings since he is not programmed to feel things like that, but he raves over her enough that everyone can see he clearly has some manner of feelings.
Hancock - A Bug's Life. He doesn't really know why, but it cracks him up every time he turns it on. Of course, he's usually high when he's watched it, but that's not the important part. The important thing is that it's anti-grasshoppers and after the stuff he saw at Nuka-World, that suits him just fine.
Danse - Toy Story. He would rather die than admit it, but he likes the movie for the odd reason that he heavily relates to the spaceman. His perspective on life and his soldier-like dedication to his mission is truly outstanding. He also strangely relates to him in many ways, but he's not quite sure why.
Preston - Brother Bear. He enjoys the deep feelings and meaning behind the film. It's such an underrated yet good film and it has a really great sound track as well. He also has a strange affinity for Toy Story because of Woody and his steady dependability.
Valentine - Old Yeller. It's traditional and it has that sense of old-timey living that Nick can appreciate. He also enjoys the deep emotional quality of the film and the fact that it's about a good, loyal, brave dog. Kind of like Dogmeat.
X6-88 - Maleficent. He enjoys her sense of humor and her sense of taking care of business and revenge when people do her wrong. However, his favorite non-Disney movie is The Matrix. He firmly believes the coursers' design is based on Morpheus and he secretly thinks he looks like him most out of the courser models.
Dogmeat - The Fox and the Hound. He loves nothing more than to howl along with the dog on there. Finally a movie that actually has a character that speaks his language! The dog also actually successfully befriends other animals in a way that Dogmeat never seems to do too well since they're always trying to stomp on him or kill him. He also is a fan of Bolt.
Strong - Monster's Inc. Firstly, Strong doesn't like movies. They're confusing and make no sense because what do you mean those things are not really there? They're standing right in front of him! But he likes Monster's Inc more than most because Mike Wazowski looks like a super-mutant. An ugly, one-eyed freak super-mutant, but nevertheless one of his kind.
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scandinavianfairytale · 1 year ago
Pairing: Tony Stark x Millionare Reader
Warnings: A few mentions of sex, but no act itself and a small age gap (7 years) between the reader & Tony 😊
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"I think you two would be great together. He works a lot, you work a lot, he's rich, you're rich, he's a nerd, you're a nerd-"
"I get it, Pepper." You stopped your friend who has been trying to set you up with her boss for a few weeks now. She has seen you go through so many boring men that you were rolling your eyes immediately after someone offered a date to you. Experience taught you it will be a dumpster fire.
The last one turned out to be homophobic, ignorant and went into detail how his Christian ex-girlfriend was into public sex. As you listened to him you wondered if it wouldn't have been easier for you to just stay single. So you deleted all the apps and decided that you won't be going on any more dates any time soon.
And now Pepper has been pestering you about her boss.
Tony Stark.
In all honesty, a date with him worried you. He was a billionare, while you just made your first million, and you came from a humble home, still feeling weird and queasy when attending anything remotely fancy. The thought of dating a rich old(er) man confused you. There was a 7 year age gap, which doesn't seem much, but you've been dating guys your own age your entire life. And none of them could've ever imagined being as rich as you. Let alone as Tony Stark.
"Just go out on a date. I'm not asking you to marry him." Pepper pressed. Tony has been driving her insane, working at all hours, meaning that she was also working insane hours. So she figured...maybe if Tony gets a girlfriend, he'll sleep once in a while. And who would be better suited for him than her sharp-tongued and a newly turned millionare friend who was into robots almost as much as he was.
She has been trying for weeks to get you to agree. She didn't worry that much about Tony. If she was to mention a woman, he was on that subject immediately, requesting a date.
You, on the other hand, with your string of very bad dates...you were the tough cookie.
"One date." You stated.
"One date. If you like him, more dates, but for now let's go with one." Pepper smiled.
And then Natasha got involved. The sensual, no holding back friend that also knew Tony was "tasked" with your make-over. Not like in the movies make-over, the kind where she went through your closet and told you what to wear. She pulled out the black dress that was reserved for fancy dinners. Not a first date.
"He's a man. Not like the boys that you have been going out with. You need to pique his interest and you're not going to achieve that wearing those disgusting jeans." Natasha commented as she glanced at the jeans that you were wearing at that moment.
"He's dubbed as the playboy." You conutered.
"That's because playman doesn't exsist. Now go change."
As it turned out, the first date was actually really good. You actually had a good time. Tony picked you up himself and you went to a new art exhibition at the Met, followed by a dinner and a ride home. As you were about to exit his car, Tony took your hand and kissed the back of it.
"Thank you for the lovely time." He said with a smirk.
"Thank you as well. But please, let me get the next one." You smiled back as he let go of your hand.
"Deal. I do hope you forget that you promised to pick the tab."
"I don't forget things, Tony." You smiled before wishing him a good night.
As the weeks went on, you met with him several times. It was always interesting and you spent hours talking and he even made you laugh. You could feel hope and contentment bloom in your chest. That little anticipation whenever he called or texted.
And then it all came crashing down. You noticing that he started getting cold. He was texting less, no face times were requested. It just died down.
"He's busy with work." Pepper told you over the phone. Tony has been holed up in his lab for days, barely getting out of that room.
It's not like you weren't busy as well. You also had a demanding job and a life outside of it. And you understood the fact that he gets sicked into work, you knew from experience, but this was different. It hurt, because you got your hopes up. That he'd be different. And he was, much different than all other guys, but this time around you might've gotten attached. Which has never happened and it made you mad. Mad at yourself for feeling this, mad at him for doing this to you, mad at everything.
"I don't care how busy he is." You responded.
"Just be patient, he has never taken this much time for a woman before."
"That's because he immediately sleeps with them." You rolled your eyes, pacing around your still empty apartment.
"You still haven't slept with him?" Pepper stopped walking.
"Of course not."
"What do you mean of course not?"
"We barely spent 18 hours all together." Saying that aloud made your blood boil. How the hell were you feeling this way after 18 hours.
"You talk everyday, what do you mean it's been 18 hours? And so what?"
"I don't sleep with men I don't know. And if this is how he acts in everyday life, I think it's better I stop seeing him altogether."
"If you gave him a reason to continue trying it'd be for the best."
"If he's not interested in me with what he already knows, sleeping with me is not going to pique his interest. I'm done, Pepper. I'm not the type to sit at home and wait for a man's text. I don't care what his profession or reason is. This isn't me, nor is this my style."
You hung up the phone and angrily stared at the blank walls and the pile of boxes waiting for you to unpack them.
I can't believe that I'm feeling bad because of a man. You groaned before taking off your jumper and started unpacking. You put your phone on silent and threw it in the bedroom, away from your reach. You noticed how much it put you in a bad mood when you saw 0 messages from Tony.
It must've been a couple of hours when the doorbell broke your concentration. You made significant progress as almost all the boxes have been unpacked. In all honesty, you were mildly annoyed that you were abruptly taken out of your flow state as only 2 boxes remained.
"Why are you ignoring me?" Tony asked as you opened your front door, getting startled as you saw him standing there.
"What are you doing here?"
"You were not taking my calls. Can I come in?" He didn't wait for your answer and entered your apartment.
"I've been unpacking. And also that's rich coming from the man that has been steadily ignoring me for the past two weeks." You rolled your eyes.
Tony started opening your kitchen cabinets, looking through them. "Do you have any coffee? I could use a cup about now."
"You're not staying that long. And my coffee would be wasted on you." You snatched your speciality coffee from his hands.
"Why are you angry?"
"Because you showed up at my door, entered my apartment without my permission, and are now snopping around my personal things."
"You were angry before that." Tony pointed out and leaned on the windowsill.
"I was annoyed. Now I'm angry and annoyed." You glared at him.
"Okay. Why were you annoyed?"
"Because I feel like you're playing games." You confronted him.
"I'm not playing games. At least not that I know of. Do you want to play?" Tony smirked and winked at you, making you roll your eyes. "Can you tell me what's got you upset?" He crossed his arms.
"It's been two weeks since we spoke. And then you show up at my place, accusing me of ignoring you."
"I was busy at the lab."
"I understand. I get how quickly you can get sucked up in work, I've been there. But I've never ignored someone I was interested in. A clear deduction from that is that you're not interested in me. Which is fine, but then you don't get to show up at my place, demanding attention. You don't get to act hot and cold and expect me to go along with it. I have an ego too. And also you pride yourself with being direct however you love playing games. There are hundreds of women who would love to play games with you, but I'm not one of them. I take no pride in becoming one of the notches on your belt."
"Great speech, a couple of things, though, if I may correct you." Tony straightened and walked towards you slowly. "I am interested in you. That's a given. How could I not be? Secondly I am direct and as such I can tell you right now that the reason why I was holed up in the lab for two weeks with no contact was because I needed to finish something before focusing on you. I want to spend more time with you. Take a trip or two." He paused for a second. "And have sex with you."
You let out a snort, feeling your face heat up slightly.
"Lots of sex." He was standing right in front of you, staring into your eyes. It made you insanely nervous, making your skin crawl, but in a good way (?).
"You made your point." You found your voicebut you knew it sounded breathless.
"Did I?" Tony asked before tipping your chin up and kissing you.
It was such a good kiss. God, you haven't been kissed this good in such a long time. Your hands pulled at his collar, trying to bring him closer to you, and together, you stumbled backward until his hand extended behind you, slowly pushing you into the kitchen wall and preventing your head colliding with the hard surface.
As you separated to catch a breath, Tony stared at you. "Still doubting my interest?"
"No." You replied firmly before reaching for him again.
Thank you for reading 😊
The GIF doesn't belong to me, belongs to the amazing creator 😊
My first Tony story! 🙌
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stripedstarsblueflags · 7 months ago
Goodbye to a World
reading between the lines of the various goodbyes and dismissals to logan sargeant
Pt. 1: Williams App
full series
i don’t have to say a whole lot about the end of july. the wait is over! our second seat for 2025! carlos’s video which was professional and respectful and obligatory. williams garage’s video, which was appalling and shameful and disgraceful. we remember, we were there. something to recall, though– you guys remember how there was NO logan announcement? like NONE? we scoured social media like we were stalking our ex and there was nothing?
so we though– or at least, so i thought. i didn’t find the official logan departure announcement until weeks later, and i’m going to have to do this off the top of my head since in the past few days it’s been taken down, but i finally fucking found it– it’s in the williams app. hard to find because you have to scroll through five or six videos first, all under the category:
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every time i genuinely think okay, this time it really can’t get worse, we smash through rock bottom like it’s a chassis in australia and hit another. even looking at this old screenshot makes my blood boil. i’m not going to be very coherent so let’s just break this down and phrase all the fuck-ups in a list:
- the only way to find the message is if you have the app. if you PARTICIPATE IN MORE TEAM MARKETING/PROMOTION PLATFORMS. you have to have an account, too. sainz gets eight posts on every single social the team can admin at once, including links, but logan’s post is essentially an easter egg.
- logan’s goodbye post isn’t its own post, it’s included in the sainz category. he doesn’t even get to be an individual figure leaving the team; he’s an event, he’s a side effect, just a domino tipped by another much more important decision. the end of his entire future is a footnote. it’s causation. it’s collateral.
- his cute lil article? it’s titled Thank you, Logan: His Williams Journey. it’s not even titled about logan. it’s williams saying “hey! look at us lovely guardian angels 😌 see how we took this poor little bird under our wings 😊 we’re so philanthropic and generous 😊 read along and find out all the amazing things we did for our little buddy!” it’s promo. it’s propaganda. in the midst of their announcement that he’s being kicked to the curb they take the opportunity to pat themselves on the back for everything they’ve done for him. it’s not enough to bury him alive, they had to dance on his grave too.
- i think there’s a good chance a robot wrote this. either that or they picked the most unoriginal journalist they could find.
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that’s just humiliating. a thirteen year old on wattpad describing someone’s eyes as cerulean orbs makes a more captivating point than this.
- james consonants has one quote in the article. he’s the only one who’s quoted. the rest of it is about logan’s carer in junior series with williams driver academy. the last sentence is:
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this is going to be more relevant in the posts ahead, when jv pops off once again. but can i also say how revolting it is that the message comes from james? when logan gets dropped early the wording gets a little different, but in the initial announcement (if you can even call it that) it’s all about james. what james has to say to logan specifically. williams’ whole thing is that they’re a family team, birds of a feather that stick together, they have each other’s backs and love and friendship and lalala all that bullshit. one would THINK it would be in their best interest to remember who they are. but nope. instead we get james making a point to single himself out so that he alone gets to show off how kind and forgiving and gracious he is to logan and the lack of a team statement gives the implication that the rest of the team didn’t even care. didn’t even notice. of course that isn’t what’s directly communicated but how sloppy and careless can you get with the wording that that message can even be interpreted IN THE FIRST PLACE?
all in all, williams is telling the world:
logan is not even worth effort. it’s not enough that they’re going to abandon his strategy, give him the shittier car, ice him out in his own team, not give his car any upgrades until over halfway through the season… they’re going to make sure we know that he isn’t even worth good writing. the lack of respect and decency and acknowledging someone as a human being with a sentient presence in the world is so severe that even on the fucking internet, where all they literally have to do so much pr and image management, they don’t have the words.
williams is making sure we all know: logan is so worthless he’s not worth taking the time to say that he’s worthless. they talk about underperformance, and this is the way they treat their team members. their fucking drivers. the faces of the brand.
it’s almost comical. it’s unbelievable. if someone was writing this in a story and i was proofreading, i’d tell them to tone it down, because at this point the antagonist is becoming too villainous to be believable; they’re a caricature, a parody.
but no. this is actually happening.
(to be continued)
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13keithxpidge13 · 2 years ago
First I ADORE YOUR WRITING!! Your punkflower family AU is soo cute! Could you do a snippet of how it went when Miles found out he was pregnant and Hobie's reaction? Any funny scenarios you had in mind on Hobie caring for Miles during his pregnancy? You are amazing have a nice day 😊❤❤
(just a little side note, Miles and Noir have a scene together and there is a mention of, y'know, N@zi's, it's just the single word but I don't want to trigger anyone, haha. Enjoy!)
Having his senses buzz every second was unusual. Normally, when his senses buzzed it meant that a villain would be coming to punch his lights out in the next millisecond but, there was no villain to be found when his spider-instincts triggered.
He had talked to his husband about it and Hobie was just as confused. In their puzzlement, Hobie suggested perhaps going to see some of the other Spider's to get some advice? He hated asking for help but, it was important that they find out what was going on with him, Hobie told him.
So, Miles did just that and first, went to talk to Peter B.
"That's...odd, yeah, kid, I'm not sure," Peter B told him sadly as he settled Mayday into her crib for her afternoon nap. It had taken forever to get her down for the afternoon. "Maybe ask Noir? Maybe he knows."
And so, Miles did, and received more or less the same answer.
"Sorry, Miles," Noir apologized as he punched a thug straight in the jaw. "I don't really have any idea. But, perhaps Peni knows. She's smart. She knew what color was on my Rubik's cube before I could figure it out the other day."
Miles laughed at him and reassured him it was alright, waving goodbye but, before the portal could close, he watched as Noir grabbed the thug by the collar before chucking him in a dumpster. Served the bastard right. Fucking N@zi's.
Miles feels even more frustrated though when even Peni doesn't have an answer for him.
"That's never happened to well, any of us before, I don't think," She said while fixing up her robot friend. "I'm so sorry I can't be of more help. But, maybe you should ask Jess? Or Miguel? They've been in the game longer than us."
Miles shudders just thinking of asking Miguel.
Guess Jess is the next best option.
"Your senses are going off all the time?" Jess looked up at him, eyes blinking behind her goggles as she sat next to her bike, a wrench in hand. "Like, all the time."
Miles nodded, sighing as he already sensed he'd come up empty here too. "Yeah...it's nonstop, like, just before I walked in here they started chirping again."
Jess blinked at him for a moment before muttering something underneath her breath and Miles tilted his head.
"...do you know something?" He asked. "Anything?"
"Not sure," Jess licked her lips. "Just...go see a doctor. Okay?"
"What?" Miles straightened. "A doctor? But-I can't tell them-"
"Yeah, I know," She told him, nodding. "Go see one of our doctors, tell them what's going on. They'll know what's up."
Miles blinked at her largely. "That...I don't know why I didn't think of that."
Jess laughed and he ran from her in a hurry, face darkening with every single bout of laughter that escaped her lips.
He met up with the doctors only a few hours later, settling in the office easily before being led into one of the many rooms inside. Turns out, there are a lot of doctor Spider-man variants lying around and they all help Miguel out by doing their jobs in HQ.
"Sooo," Dr. Spider began, holding onto a clipboard and Miles has to hold in his laughter at the sight of a Spider-man dressed in a lab coat with only his mask on his face. "Your senses are going off twenty-four seven?"
Miles swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, basically."
"Hm," Dr. Spider stood up. "That means that there's something going on inside of you. Unless, of course, you have a stalker."
Miles deadpanned.
"Welp, an ultrasound it is, then," He told him and Miles blinks rapidly.
"Wait, an ultrasound?"
"Yep," Dr. Spider said. "It's likely you're pregnant, due to being an omega but, this is also just procedure. So, just hang tight for a minute, kay? I'll be back in a moment."
Miles can't get another word in before he's leaving, shutting the door behind him and Miles is left shocked beyond compare.
He could be pregnant.
Oh god.
He comes home late that night, shutting their apartment floor door as quietly as possible.
His footsteps can't even be heard, perks of having the abilities that he does. He walks into their kitchen, making sure to be as quiet as possible so he can grab a drink of water and a pack of fruit snacks to calm his nerves.
Then, he's stalking into their living room, walking past the couches to hopefully get in their shared bedroom without waking Hobie and-
The light switches on and Miles freezes.
Hobie's sitting on one of the couches, an eyebrow raised.
They stare at each other and Miles swallows.
"Hey," He croaks.
"Hi, love," Hobie greets and tilts his head. "Ya've been gone all day. Weren't answerin' my texts and calls."
Miles licks his lips. "Was busy."
Hobie stands from the chair and walks over to him and immediately, Miles is turning away to hide his sniffles and he wipes at his watery eyes. Of course, this doesn't go unnoticed by his mate and Hobie gently grabs ahold of his wrist, his hand dwarfing his arm by a mile like it had always done.
"Love," Hobie whispers. "What's happened? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just-" Miles twitches. "It's just been a long day...I'm fine."
"Yer cryin'," Hobie argues. "Yer not fine. Jess told me ya' went ta' the doctors in HQ, what'd they say?"
Miles curses Jess and his teeth grind.
"Are ya' hurt?"
"Are ya' sick?"
"Then, Jesus God, Miles what the hell-?"
Miles shakily reaches into the pocket of his hoodie and pulls out the crumpled picture in his hands. Hobie pauses and watches as he holds it up in the light to him.
His brows furrow.
"I got an ultrasound," Miles tells him and Hobie gently grabs onto the photo.
He stares.
Miles sniffles and wipes a hand down his face.
"I'm so sorry, Hobie. I-I don't know how it happened," He cries, unable to stop his tears. "I didn't-I was so stupid. I didn't even realize that I forgot to take my pill during my last heat. I'm so, so, sorry. Please, please don't leave me, I-"
"Leave you?" Hobie breathes and glances down at him, their eyes meeting and Miles' breath hitches as he sees tears glistening in Hobie's mismatched orbs. "Miles, baby, leave ya'? This is-I would never, especially not...yer pregnant?"
Miles sobs and nods pitifully. "I'm sorry."
Hobie exhales loudly and looks back to stare at the photo where an obvious outline of a babe is printed onto.
He glances back down at Miles' stomach. He's hardly showing but-
Hobie gently caresses him tummy and Miles twitches, whirling up to look at him with wide, teary, caramel eyes.
"...Hobie?" He breathes.
"Yer pregnant," Hobie whispers, astonished. "Ya'...ya' want to keep the babe?"
"I-" Miles hesitates. "...yeah. I do."
Hobie licks his lips and nods. "Aight, then," He says. "Then, I guess we're havin' a baby, love."
Miles breaks down and sobs.
"Re-really?" He cries, reaching for him and grabbing onto him so tightly, like Hobie is his only lifeline, like he'll fall apart without him. "Really? We are? You'll stay?"
"Gods, Miles," Hobie laughs breathily. "Of course I'll stay. We didn't plan this but I always figured it'd be in the cards fo' us one day. Kinda scary that we didn't plan any of this, yeah but, we'll make it work, babe. Spider-man always makes it work."
Miles laughs wetly and immediately hugs him tight and Hobie returns the gesture, kissing his head and rocking them back and forth as Miles cries and cries into his chest.
"Oh, my darlin'," Hobie coos, rubbing up and down his back. "I love ya'."
Miles sniffles and nods. "Love-love you too, Hobie," He sobs. "I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited, I'm-we're gonna have a baby-"
"With yer eyes," Hobie grins.
"With your smile," Miles laughs right back.
Hobie kisses his temple and Miles stands on tip toes to catch his lips in his own.
Days later, the printed ultrasound photo can be seen hanging from their fridge and they begin counting down the days until they can meet their baby boy.
Eight months later, Aaron Morales is welcomed into the world.
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I heard about an fnaf au with Solar and Moon being a couple, is that true??
What will the story of the au be about? What would the relationship between Solar and Moon be like? and how will Sun react to this game of passion??
I'm already getting invested in this ship😊🤭
Lol. It's not really a story I'm making. You can't read it anywhere yet. Who knows, I don't know if I'll make a fic based on this concept or not... but never say never.
I talked about it a bit more detail in here along with other links
It's just more of an RP scenario I'm playing with my friends. So there's no real story outside of just imagining Pining and smooching. There's no concrete Au but one might develop later.
I just give it the title of "AU" cause I don't want people coming in my inbox like "but are they cousins????" Cause, lol to me they're not, and I've talked about the loosely defined relationships of the robots before many a time.
To clarify, when I ship Solar and Moon I did before the 'cousin' relationship was clearly defined, and I don't see them as cousins. Okay? Okay???? We cool? We Cool.
But basically,
Solar has developed feelings for Moon. He probably has when back he first met him, and they've just been growing more since his memories have wiped and Moon has become chiller, and kinder.
Has very "as you wish" Princess Bride feels with Moon you know what I'm saying?
Not many people would rebuild an entire daycare in a Day.... how much can he pay back for this Moon. He gave him a place to stay, and saved him from his own Moon. (me and my friends call Solar Dimension's Moon "Asshole Moon" for simplicity's sake)
Solar was willing to sacrifice his life for everything. To Stop Eclipse once and for all. The Eclipse that hurt Lunar.... but he did this.... Not just for Lunar, but for this Moon in another dimension he doesn't even know and his whole family.
Solar hates his Moon. He even admits to hating Moons, and the worst sides of Moon, like Bloodmoon for example, remind him of his Moon, and he even calls Moon out when he's acting like Asshole Moon. .........Solar's attempted Sacrifice to let Moon kill Eclipse is a pretty big deal.
And Moon refused to let that happen. Even if it was of no consequence to him. Moon tries to justify it in that, he just can't see another person get hurt... But think.
Think for a few seconds, and think about how I thought of it at the time, and still do.
Reframe that.
He couldn't see SOLAR get hurt.
Couldn't see Solar sacrifice himself for him. He pushed him into that dimension as the only way to save him. Solar was justifiably mad, and even angrier when Moon told him after the fact Lunar might possibly be alive. He understands why Moon did it...
And a few weeks later, once he realizes all hope for his dimension, and having the love and warmth and family he gets from Lunar and Moon will be something he will never have here... and Sun will never be the same again...
He left.
Showed up at Moon's dimension like a sobbing wet cat, like "I have nowhere else to go"
Solar is also one of the firsts to Accept NewMoon as he is as a new person, he listens to Moon complain about Sun missing his old brother, and gives him perspective.
As far as the AU goes.... Solar is pining hard... and he doesn't want to break the friendship he has with this Moon. It's something special to him.... And he knows Moon, well, Old Moon was aroace and he doesn't know if that still applies. He doesn't want to test his boundaries. He would hate to see Moon mad or worse, reject him.
He is content (he's not) for now, building Moon things, making him things, building for him and caring about him. As long as he can stay here.
It's only others taking notice of his pining heartbreak, which he keeps under wraps until it becomes way more noticeable... that others give him a push. Because Solar was ready to take this to the grave with no one ever possibly knowing.
Moon also realizes he likes spending time with Solar, and he likes his snarky sense of humor, and is more surprised about the feelings, but is willing to test the waters on this, if it just means spending more time with him..
As far as how Sun reacts to Solar and Moon's budding relationship..... Eclipse has been his willing sex slave locked in his room secretely for a month at that point so he hadn't noticed.
As far as when this all takes place?
I'm guessing somewhere around the time Eclipse 'died'
But in this au, he survived broken and destroyed and crawled out of the portal like a banshee out of rage and spite and was ready to murder every single celestial animatronic he saw, but had no star power and was too weak to do anything.
Sun just kept him in his room because he didn't know what to do with him, was hesitant to tell Moon the plan didn't work, because now Sun was seeing how pathetic Eclipse actually is, and he doesn't think he wants to kill another person again. So broken Eclipse just kinda stays in Sun's room for a good while.... until Sun slowly starts to repair him (with limited functionality due to lack of resources, he doesn't trust him, and isn't as skilled as Moon, especially without access to parts and service.)
Cue the banter of hateful teasing transformed into flirting and... there you go.
Eclipse won't talk about the past with Sun. He won't. That will take years for him to explain this whole deal. So it's more of a mutually beneficial relationship for them....as they say
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