#I still got the highest mark in the class for the assignment though
freckleslikestars · 1 year
I love public transport but holy fuck is it hard to use when you’ve not slept properly in a couple days and the motion is lulling you to sleep
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starg1rlie · 2 years
𐋃 return address : what kind of a student are they? [masterlist]
𐋃 sent from : various
𐋃 addressed to : @angryhope, @ajaxstar, @kiryoutann, @messyserver, @mobiussdarling, @samarill, @dinolvrrr, @xxfrostiee, @ehddsnys, @maaarshieee, @cesarsbeloved, @scaralvr, @nejibot, @dazaiscum, @shinobuko, @iiyumii. [if your user is in bold, that means i can't tag you properly. please message me, or send in an ask w/your user, or if you'd like to be removed from the taglist. to myst and cesar; my apologies if you did not want to be tagged ;-; link to taglist form ]
𐋃 post script : fluff and lil' bit of crack, i put characters in multiple parts, because i can see them as being both of them, gender-neutral reader, modern high-school! au (non-genshinverse), use of "childe's" real name (ajax), use of scaramouche's real name (kunikuzushi), alcohol mentions, anddd that's about it <3
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always turns in his assignments late, doesn't give a shit
━━ arataki itto, tartaglia, and dottore
why should he care about some stupid assignment? he has better things to do, like talk to his friends, hang out with you, eat some good food, and just relax with his feet up on the couch. he does what, about half the work before he just tosses it into his backpack to turn in when he remembers (which probably wouldn't happen if the teacher didn't phone his parents). he just, doesn't care. if it's late, it's late, what does it matter to him?
finishes the whole damn thing the day before it's due
━━ arataki itto, bennett, razor, kaveh, pantalone, and thoma
he didn't necessarily forgot the assignment, he just, didn't have any time to do it earlier. in other words, he procastinated or got distracted by something else. typical of him, wasn't it? even though you'd sent him multiple text reminders, and even left a sticky post-it note on his textbook, he still managed to forget about it. he had to pull an all-nighter the day before the assignment was due just to finish it, and promptly fell asleep right after the teacher collected all of their submissions.
assignment? what assignment? legit forgot there was something due today lmfao-
━━ razor, bennett, tartaglia, kaveh, scaramouche, kazuha, and gorou
wait what? there's an assignment due today? he had no idea; the very thought seemed to have slipped his mind. frantically, he looked through his planner, just to double check if the date was right. he promptly let out a groan, seeing the big red circle that marked the due date for this assignment. better get cracking... hopefully you'd be kind enough to offer a bit of assistance to him, even if it meant having to hear a lecture.
diligently finishes all of his work before it's even due
━━ xiao, scaramouche, tighnari, al-haitham, albedo, ayato, xingqiu, baizhu, and zhongli
it felt good to have finished all of the work so early. now he didn't have to worry about the deadline, which...was about a week from now. the teacher had barely assigned it to the students yesterday, and he was already finished. it made his chest swell with a bit of pride. of course, he'd get the highest grade on the assignment than anyone. and then he'd get to show his grade off to you, which you'd probably be proud off and give him a kiss as a reward. ah yes, the reward. perhaps that was why he managed to finish the assignment in such a short amount of time.
is the class clown / party-goer, so he doesn't have time to do homework
━━ venti and heizou
there's nothing quite like karaoke night and a good ol' can of beer. so what if he's still a minor; so many other kids have started drinking at even younger ages, and no one's stopping them. guzzling down a fresh new can of beer, he stuffed a hand through his backpack to look for his phone, instead, pulling out a sheet of paper that stated an assignment was due by the end of the week. shrugging, he shoved it right back in there and pulled out his phone, cranking the music's volume louder. if anything happened, well, he could just phone you and drop the assignment on you to do for him; he had much more important and better things to do, and it wasn't like he had any time, right? these beer cans weren't going to drink themselves, now were they?
starts fights
━━ arataki itto, tartaglia, kaeya, and cyno
the words "fight, fight, fight!" were chanted like a mantra as he quickly dodged a blow that would have most definitely dislocated his jaw if he hadn't ducked. wiping a trail of sweat from the side of his forehead, he jumped back at the person who dared start shit with him, raising a fist, and promptly punching them in the face. he held his fists up in victory, grinning like a complete idiot while everyone else just cheers and drags the downed fighter away. of course, the lecture that he gets from you is totally worth it in his opinion, even as you yank him by his ear all the way to the nurse's office.
ends fights
━━ diluc, tighnari, albedo, and zhongli
this was the third time this week that his friend had started another fight. as exciting as some may find it, it was also quite the hindrance. he shooed all the speculators away, helping up his friend from the ground and lead him away to get his wounds fixed up. after that, said friend gets an earful from him, which ends up going in through one ear, and out the other...but he does have you to back him up; fighting and violence are never an option, especially in an environment such as this. doing such a feat was asking for unwanted attention from the school principal. wait, did he just recite that all from memory? huh, perhaps you were starting to rub off on him.
cheers on the fighters / speculates
━━ xingqiu, scaramouche, ayato, dottore, al-haitham, and heizou
nothing quite as thrilling as a class fight, now was there? he clapped his hands together in amusement, eyeing the two battling students, who were clearly trying to flaunt for the crowd to see. if he had to compare them to an animal, he'd probably do so with a peacock; they're as proud as they were arrogant. he winced slightly as one of them took a hard hit, landing on the ground in a defeated heap as the victor shouted triumphantly. time for another class, he thought before walking down the opposite end of the hallway. he'd provide a whole play-by-play for you, in case you missed it or were preoccupied with something else at that time. the way he narrates the whole thing sounds as if he were wishing he'd been the one who won the fight.
asks you to do the assignment for them
━━ heizou, arataki itto, tartaglia, kaeya, and venti
"pleaseeeeeee, i promise this is the last time i'll ask you for a favor." you could practically hear how desperate he was through the other side of the phone. letting out a heavy sigh, you agreed. "fine, but you better buy me a caramal frappe tomorrow before school starts or i'll shred your assignment!" he was quick to agree, promising to get you two caramel frappes, if that insured that you wouldn't ruin his precious assignment. turns out, blackmailing is actually more useful than you thought it would be.
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
After School Assignment...
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After School Assignment...
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents : Highschool/College AU. Fluff, a single kiss at the end, not much actual Scara content, but its there,
Summary : You get paired up with Scaramouche for an assignment and have to go to his house to work on it.
Requested? No.
Wc : 1.3k
Not posting to ao3
Requests? Open!
this has been in the writing process for a few days so, sorry if it doesnt make much sense, i didnt want to proof read it lmao I also may write a part two to this, as the ending didnt sit right with me, but it depends i guess.
“You two are paired…You two are paired…and you two..” Your teacher went around the class, handing out a page for each pair of students. Everyone had a deskmate, so it was no surprise that your teacher just decided to do the pairs like that. It was the easiest way.
You sighed inwardly, sinking into your seat, and pulling up your mask as the sudden realization of who your partner was dawned on you. You questioned why you had picked this spot in the first place at the beginning of the year.
Your teacher didn’t say anything as she put the paper onto the shared table. You didn’t dare grab the page and expose your pitiful excuse of a hiding spot. You were right next to him anyways! Why even attempt at hiding?
Now, you knew there was nothing wrong with your partner. He worked swiftly and precisely. But…his communication skills were… something to say the least.
Scaramouche sighed and leaned forward to grab the loose page, skimming over the contents quickly as he was not listening to the entire lecture, to begin with. He had no real need to as the student with the highest marks.
“Got any ideas?” He asked, still staring at the page.
You shook your head in reply, not truly caring if he saw or not. You could care less for this assignment, you didn’t even know what it was about. You sure weren’t listening. You needed to though, as the student with the lowest marks that is.
Maybe that is why your teacher had pointed Scaramouche to your table when he arrived a few weeks ago.
He turned to face you, expression nothing short of foul. “Are you deaf or just stupid?” He asked, clearly having not seen you shake your head a few seconds prior. 
Once more, you shook your head. Giving him a small glare. 
He huffed and shook his head, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. “Fine. We can do it in Inazuma history then.” He tossed the paper to you, letting you read over it before the bell rang for the next class.
The teacher started to speak, going on about how the assignment was due in a week, and that it was best to do planning over the weekend with your partner.
Like hell, he would even agree to that.
With that, you took a picture of the paper and stuffed your bag with the rest. The bell was surely soon to ring anyways. 
Your desk partner didn’t say anything as he packed his own bag up for the day.
The bell rang, and the halls filled with a plethora of other students fleeing to their next class. You stood up from your seat and shuffled, pulling up your mask quietly before grabbing your bag and tossing the strap over your shoulder, and making your way to your next class.
You may share the same general class schedule with the foul male, but you surely did not care to share each seat with him.
One class was enough. Thank god this one had single seats rather than double tables.
You sat in your seat, looking between the board and your paper, you felt your phone vibrate. You quickly finished up your rather messy notes and picked it up, not caring if the teacher saw you on your phone.
You were ahead in the note-taking anyways.
You quickly skimmed over the message. And typed in your half-hearted reply.
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You sighed and set your phone back down, wanting to get these notes for your upcoming test. 
He wasn't too bad of a partner. You knew that much. He took on more of a lead role and liked to make most of the decisions when it came to a project. Which…worked out with you per say.
Humming softly, you decided to keep up with the notes, not caring for the other notifications from your phone.
__ Once your class had finally finished, you packed up your items and slung your bag over your shoulder, giving a quick look over your phone to see Scaramouche had left a message for you. His address it appeared.
“This guy is… something.” You mumbled to yourself, shaking your head as you walked down the hall and to the nearest door to leave school. 
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You walked swiftly to the nearest bus stop and waited. Soon you would be at his house and start on this stupid assignment. You just hoped you two would get a high grade- though with him you were sure you would.
While on the bus to his place, you thought about all the other times you’ve worked with him. Which would be none. No one ever seemed to like pairing up with him, though you never really understood why.
He worked diligently and supposedly got high grades. Why wouldn’t they want to work with him? 
Sighing as you got off the bus, you thanked the driver and walked down the street and to his house. You had to do a double take at the address he sent you and the address you were at. Was this really his house?
You had to remind yourself who his parents were and the type of family he had. Rich people things you’d guess.
You ran your hands across the hedges as you approached the front door, marveling at the look of the front garden. They looked foreign yet so well-grown.
You shook your head from the clouds and made it up the steps and to the door, working up the little courage you had to knock. You flattened your shirt and pushed some of your hair out of your face. 
Why were you trying to fix your appearance? He was just a classmate- an attractive one yes. But why did that matter? Maybe it was because of his family's high status. Yeah, it was that.
It took a few moments for someone to answer the door, you heard quick and angry footsteps approaching the door. It opened to show an irritated Scaramouche, his school clothes now discarded and replaced by a different outfit.
“Who is it?” He asked, brows furrowed before he noticed it was you. “Oh, it’s you. Come in.” He stepped to the side, letting you in.
You stepped inside the rather spacious home, quickly taking off your shoes to follow the quick male.
“My moms are out. This would have been a lot easier with them, since our family… yknow.” He sighed, knowing full well most of the world knew of his family's lineage. He opened the door to his room and once more stepped to the side to let you in.
You nodded at him, walked into the room, and stood near his bed. You looked around quickly before your eyes landed on Scaramouche once more. 
“Do you ever talk? Or are you mute?” He suddenly asked, having picked on the fact you don’t talk often. His facial expression was rather, unreadable. Why did he even bring this up? 
“I- uhm…” You tried to answer, and he gave you next to no chance. He walked closer to you and put a hand on your shoulder, pushing you down so you could sit on the bed. 
“Now that I think about it, you’re always wearing this mask.” He whispered, the proximity of you two close enough to hear him.
“Well I-” He cut you off once more by grabbing your mask, pulling it down quickly and smoothly.
“I never said you could speak. I simply asked if you could. And you’ve since answered my question.” He said, shaking his head slightly while eyeing you.
“Be quiet.” He whispered and leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips.
To that, you sat there stunned, and flustered. 
Maybe he didn’t want to work with anyone but you.
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Hey! I was hoping u could give me some advice.
So I’ve written a bunch of really important exams and I’ve really messed them up. Like left a good number of questions and failing these have serious consequences.
Im trying to maintain the state of having passed regardless of what the 3d shows me, but it’s kinda hard since everything and everyone around me is telling me otherwise and it’s kinda difficult to fulfill it in my imagination. Pls tell me how I can sail through this and get the marks I want?
Ok embarrassing story alert 🙃🙃
My freshmen year of college, I had all As, and then two horrible things happened the very last second.
The first thing that happened is while doing my vocabulary essays for history, I accidentally plagiarized one of my old assignments for something very similar. In college wether on accident or on purpose, and wether it’s to yourself or copying someone else’s work, plagiarizing is a huge no no, and can get you not only a failed class, but expelled from college. I live in America so we spend 10-25k per semester on school and expulsion is permanently on your record which affects your entry to other colleges. I got an email saying I had a board meeting with the council, and I about just spent 5 minutes doing the worst ugly crying I have ever done, while having a panic attack. I already have an anxiety disorder and this just about sent me into a clinical spiral. Then I remember manifesting and even through my ugly tears I just fell asleep affirming everything will be okay, everything will be okay. I had the board meeting and nothing happened to me?? It was almost like they forgot what I was there for. They just made me take an hour long anonymous class on plagiarism and that was all. It wasn’t on my record and I still got an A in the class 🥰🥰.
During my second semester again!! I had all As. In one of my classes in fact my highest grade class I had a 98% and we had an final essay due. two days prior I got sick as a dog!! I was asleep for 48 hours and missed the deadline for a 200 point essay! That’s right I got a fucking 0/200 On the assignment and when I emailed her explaining I was sick she just told me tough luck!! I Went from a 98% to a 68% because she made it worth 40% of our grade. She was also my only teacher who had a strict no late policy even if you’re almost dying (bastard!!) it was the worst luck and chance that it was this specific class. I ugly cried even harder than the first situation and I was sick too so it made it all that much worse !!!!
anyways I decided crying wasn’t going to do shit and I can solve this crisis just because I can and I don’t deserve to fail because of a sick mistake !! I had recently learned about revision so once again while ugly crying I just affirmed I have an A, I have an A, I have an A, and visualized her putting in a 100% in my grading portal until I fell asleep. Once again I woke up with a 200/200 even though I didn’t even submit the essay ???!!!!!
I don’t know if my desperation and crying heightened my affirmations or what but the easiest times I had with revision was my during my most desperate moments . I guess my advice to you is to just visualize yourself not missing those questions, and feeling slay after talking the test in your mind !then affirm to yourself you blew the test out of the waters (good way) and go to bed at ease because you’re going to be okay 🥰
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conkreetmonkey · 10 months
(heavy academic vent post, don't read if you're not in the mood. I don't want to bring anyone's vibe down. Minors pls don't read!)
So last night I found out that I missed an important assignment that's probably going to cost me a credit. I previously missed one, which was no biggie because it was only worth 15%, but this one was worth 20%. It doesn't seem like a big deal until it's taken into consideration that the final exam, taking place tomorrow, is worth a whopping 40% of the final grade, so even if I absolutely ace the exam, which I probably won't because I'm only human, the highest possible mark I can get is 65%, which I probably won't because the 15% assignment was marked by the unseen hardass TA who the teacher has had to keep reigned in because they don't even look at the assignment rubric and just go absolutely feral, docking marks for things the teacher explicitly told us to do and needing to be corrected on it.
(btw, the outstanding 10% is the stupid online discussion posts that I have not done for any class because I would honestly rather tear out all my toenails with a pair of pliers than subject myself to that. 2020 gave me a stress response to that shit. It feels like the academic equivalent of being forced to do a dance by a Walmart manager)
Since I bombed almost every class last year, my parents have told me I need to pass every class this year or they will withdraw financial support, something I totally agree is fair because I wasted so, so much tuition and residence money on pretty much zilch. The thing is, until last night, I thought I was passing. My father has withdrawn the money from my college fund and will soon be paying for my next semester (I paid for the first). Due to this, I am going to have to tell them I may fail a course and they should hold on to the money. They're probably going to be very, very mad. It's going to ruin an entire evening and it will cement me as the disappointing formerly gifted child for the foreseeable future.
The thing is, I can't tell them tonight like I've been steeling myself for because they've decided we're putting up the stupid Christmas tree. They're tidying the house for the obligatory happy family photo ops, as if we all haven't had a bad year for reasons too private to describe. So now I have to get tidied up and pretend to be a cheerful little clam for the phone camera, knowing I have to get up at 8:00 tomorrow to get fucking slaughtered by multiple exams, drag myself home, and tell my parents that I've failed them yet again. Putting up the tree at all just feels cynically bittersweet at this point. The youngest child has grown out of Santa, but we all have to keep up the act out of pure obligation to a tradition originating in happier times. While tidying, my mom threw out a houseplant I got her for mother's day, and it stung more than I'd like to admit. She claimed it was "pretty much" dead, but we all know it wasn't. She threw it out with a perfectly good pot attached. Basically, she's in one of those Mom Moods, where she leeches vibe arsenic into the air, making the rest of the day feel like walking on napalm-filled eggshells.
I feel trapped, and I'm tortured by the knowledge that I brought this on myself by forgetting about an assignment. I hate school so goddamn much, but I need to keep forcing myself through because a) I'll never survive in this economy otherwise, and b) if I don't use the rare oppourtunity of being able to attend university as a guy in a first-world country, I'll feel like an ungrateful POS for the rest of my life. I still feel like I should be forcing myself to become a doctor even though I don't want to and it's not expected of me, just because it's the "correct" thing to do. Instead, I'm shooting for a worthless bachelors of English that I don't even want just because if I'm not in uni I'll be obligated to work a shitty factory job until my bones crack to make up for it. No matter which way I go, I'm either miserable or a disappointment, and surviving outside of this house is impossible no matter what I do because this country's economy is collapsing in on itself. Even with my low-value degree, I'd be barely scraping by. I don't want any university degree. I hate university while studying something I like. Getting a valuable degree like business administration or bookkeeping would be like chewing glass. It's probably not even feasible if I couldn't manage this.
No matter which way I go, I'm trapped. I'm miserable in school, but making a living without a valuable degree in this country is impossible. No matter what I do, I'll be living in my parents' basement for at least the next 3-5 years because the rent in this town is absurd, so living somewhere else would mean full-time min wage employment with at least 2 roommates, and I'd be counting individual dollars at the Walmart checkout with no real prospect of saving.
I want to sprint away from my life screaming and start over, but that would be a death sentence. My only option is school and I hate it and I know I can do it but I have so much executive dysfunction that it feels like climbing Mt. Everest, as does doing much of anything aside from sleeping. My antidepressants aren't cutting it anymore. There's no way I couldn't be depressed in these circumstances, where I'm surrounded by options and they're all shit sandwiches. I doubt therapy or upping my prozac dosage would even help. The problem is the crushing pressure and lack of non-miserable prospects. No matter what I do, the next 5 or even 10 years of my life are set to be a miserable slog. There's no escape.
I wish I could run, but where could I go? It's just as bad everywhere. You cannot land a non-body-ruining job that allows you to afford rent without a degree anymore, simple as. Because of AI, I couldn't even make money writing/drawing porn anymore, which has been my backup plan since forever. The only way out of this basement is through school, and due to the fuckup that broke the camel's back, I'm probably going to have to put myself through it, all while my parents think less and less of their previously "gifted" child (aka, I was neurodivergent but went undiagnosed and thus had a lonely childhood. People knew and never told me). I want to explode. I wish I could get hit by a car and break all my bones so it wouldn't all be my fault anymore, and I could sue and finally stop worrying about money. I am so close to just pulling an internet scam so I can have enough money to get out of this life. I need out and there's no way out. I need money and there's no way to make money. I'm tired and stressed all the time and I want to scream and I can't even complain about it because I'm technically priveliged. I should be happy that I get to go to school because this is the best there is. I hate living in this world. I want to escape but I can't. I'm a rat in a cage.
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tasteleeknow · 2 years
is there a fic or something you’ve written that YOU believe is your best work yet like the best piece you feel like you’ve ever written but it didn’t get as much attention as you anticipated? and is there a post that you didn’t try as much on but the amount of attention it got still shocks you ?? 😅😅
I don’t write fics but I know I get sooo mad when in school i have to write papers & the papers I don’t try very hard on & write in a few hours do WAYY better than the papers I take hours or even days writing 🙄🙄🙄. Just recently I got an A+ on my final report that I did an hour before it was due while another paper that I wrote for a different class & actually tried on (spent DAYYSSSS writing) I received a D- 😭.
Sorry for the little rant but I’m genuinely curious LOL
the amount of work and time i put into writing has ZERO impact on how 'well' it does lmao for sure. hello stranger is my first series and i have a document of thousands of words with tables all full of character building and planning and it's... so much work. the chapters get like 500 notes maybe compared to one shots which usually get between 1 to 4k. i don't actually mind though bc i get way more feedback on the series. like ppl put essays in their reblogs and send me messages and all that. i care more about that than the notes, especially because the majority of notes are likes.
i actually tend to find the things that don't get flooded with likes have more ppl who will message me personally and be really passionate about it. i wrote a fairy!au that didn't do as well as most of my other minho one shots but i had ppl making moodboards for it and edits and all of that. which again, i appreciate more than likes.
koala still has the most notes and its one of the first things i wrote so i KNOW the quality of the writing is worse. also when i posted it i was convinced ppl would hate it like i was ready to hit delete. after that did so well i've just been like no fear tbh like how i feel about something seems to say nothing abt how others will feel. i just post and vibe.
i really don't think there has been anything i've posted where i was disappointed in the amount of attention it got. maybe aftercare with minho ?? it's a drabble but it had a label put on it literally 2 minutes after i posted it so it got very little exposure. i really am just grateful in general like my writing gets a lot more eyes on it than i ever would have expected so i really feel like i have nothing to complain about. i do just wish more of the eyes were... active rather than ya know silent/passive.
lmao in school i literally did everything at the very last second. i had a very severe undiagnosed case of adhd and was really just coasting the entire time. i remember having to convince teachers id hand something in and then just keep stalling until they actually just gave up or forgot about it. then there was like ONE TIME for some reason i really clicked with the content, it was a maths assignment and it was satisfying to my brain, so i spent a week on it and ended up helping a bunch of my class with it at the public library on the weekend and i got the highest mark possible and then never did it again. no lessons learned just 'well thats nice moving on'. but in uni when i was forced to actually do the work the assignments where i started earlier and tried harder did meh and the ones i didn't at all did well. so yeah, i get it. D- on something you'd worked so hard on..... i'd lose it hfjdsk i remember once handing something in that i'd worked harder on than anything else in my entire uni life and i barely passed and i was like yeah never trying again. and i didn't. and everything was fine. what's the lesson?? idk trying is overrated just vibe gfhdjs
sorry for MY rant hjds
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usertala · 3 years
MC doesn't indulge in their sin
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Obey Me Masterlist
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Is worried about you tbh
Not that he wants you to be prideful, but he finds it rather weird when you don’t feel any pride even with little things.
He was in the same class as you when the teacher congratulated you for having the highest score, yet even if you smiled he didn’t feel any pride coming from you.
It happened again when you were asking for his help regarding homework in math class. When he saw you answer a hard question, it was the other way around. Instead, he was the one who was proud of you; you seemed nonchalant about it.
When he confronted you about it, you shrugged it off, saying, “It’s only normal. That is not something I should be proud of. I studied and listened to you, that’s why I got it correct and why I have the highest scores. It’s just simple cause and effect, I don’t really see the point of it.”
“MC, just because it’s a cause and effect doesn’t mean you can’t feel proud. Like you said, you studied that’s why you have high marks. Which means you earned it, you deserve it and it’s only natural to feel proud. But I think before being proud you should be more confident”
And that’s how Lucifer ended up spoiling you with gifts whenever you feel pride.
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You piss him off,
Why were you never greedy? How do you give so much to others but get shy when someone gives you gifts?
He tried giving you small trinkets, putting them by your desk, but every time he had to run an errand he always finds his gifts back in his room. Whether you were looking at a beautiful necklace or nice clothes, he never felt greed within you.
“Oi! Why don’t ya ever accept my gifts? It’s not like I care, just say that ya don’t want it so I can stop wasting’ money” You look at mammon. His lips formed into a pout.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you, Mammon. I appreciate your gifts but I feel bad that you have to spend money on me…” You can see his face turning red and suddenly he can’t look you in the eye.
“Ya know that it’s okay to be greedy, right? It’s only normal! Plus, I don’t really mind spendin’ money on ya!” You just nod at his words and go by your day.
Imagine how shocked Mammon was when he actually felt greed swarming in you, but not in the way he expected. He was conversing with a succubus who had asked him about Leviathan. You weren’t looking at him but he can tell you can still see him.
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Doesn’t like you at all
Thinks you’re so perfect that you don’t get jealous while he’s the exact opposite
When you beat him in the TSL quiz, he becomes more open to you and gets used to you always hanging around his room.
One day while strolling through the mall, he noticed you looking at this rose gold necklace and after a few weeks; he noticed that you had already bought the bracelet.
He figured you don’t get jealous because you know how to get things you want.
Although, when he was geeking out about Ruri-chan, he felt immense jealousy within you even though you were smiling and agreeing with him. After this he spends much more time with you and opens up more about his feelings.
He can still feel jealousy within you when you see things you want being owned by other demons, so he tries hard to give you those same things.
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Whether Mammon stealing your grimm or Lucifer giving you back-handed compliments, you never seem to be angry.
He’s interested that you don’t get mad, that takes some incredible patience.
Until one day, that patience breaks
It was when Lucifer was incredibly mad at Beel and Luke, after that incident you didn’t talk to anyone besides beel, diavolo, barbatos, simeon, solomon, and of course luke.
Everyone thought they merely upset you, but Satan knew you were fuming going as far as flat out ignoring them when they talked to you. Sure, you still did the work that Lucifer assigned you, but that was it. Not one word out of your mouth.
After that, no one dared to make you angry. They were thankful that after the belphie incident you only ignored him and not everyone else.
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It doesn’t really bother him; he knows not everyone is into sex as he is
Whenever he tries to rile you up, you just laugh and tell him to jokingly tell him to cut it out.
He doesn’t really care? Lol, he knows it’s not because you’re too innocent but just because you don’t really feel the need to express this kind of emotion.
Although if you end up indulging in lust, then he’ll be there to give you tips and help you anyway he can
Would always suggest himself in case you need a partner
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Confused baby
Who doesn’t enjoy eating? Are you okay?
You laugh and tell him you just don’t have an enormous appetite. He nods his head silently, happy because this means more food for him.
Becomes more worried when he sees you eating a lot less, always takes food to your room to make you eat more...you know he means well but the food he takes just ends up being untouched and he always gets sad so you explain to him, “I know, you’re worried, Beel. But seriously, I’m alright. I just really don’t feel hungry. If I eat more than what I can take I might end up throwing up.”
He nodded understanding in but still brought you little treats, like little packets of biscuits, a small slice of cake, or just a few pieces of candy.
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Ok? If you have so much time in your hands then do his chores for him
Didn’t like you before, don’t like you now
Why can’t you sit still? Just- sit down will you?
Says he hates you but has a soft spot only he notices, like hell he’d let his brothers notice. Well, except for Beel.
When he always sees you doing something that requires all of your energy he just stares at you until you finish and if you still want to do something, he just drags you to the attic to sleep which you complain since you don’t feel sleepy but he just strokes your hair and starts talking that you desperately try to pay attention but feel you eyelids getting heavier.
You don’t notice his smile as he wraps his arms around you, sleeping with a small smile on his face.
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badboyjuyeon · 3 years
me plus you
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Pairing: Eric x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 4.6k
Summary: You have to tutor Eric in calculus, but you’re struggling in calculus and Eric doesn’t actually need help.
This was not happening. You rubbed your eyes again as if that was going to change the 0/100 that you received from missing your latest calculus quiz. It didn’t matter how many A’s you got in your past quizzes, a zero would definitely damage your grade. You shoved the test in your bag and made your way towards the teacher’s desk. 
“I missed yesterday’s class so I had no idea that I missed this quiz. Is there any way that I can make this up?” You asked your teacher, hoping that she might spare some pity and excuse this quiz. This was out of character for a straight-A student like yourself and you knew that she had a soft spot towards you. 
“Unfortunately, it was a unit quiz and you missed it. If you read the syllabus, it explicitly states that there are no make-up opportunities...” She began in a stern voice which eventually turned softer when she noticed the panicked look on your face. “...But knowing how you have always done well in this class, I would be willing to offer extra credit if you join the tutoring center.” 
“Consider it done!” You gave your best fake smile as you tried not to think of all the free time you were about to lose. It was your fault, after all, for sleeping in on the day you knew you would have the quiz. Maybe you turned off your alarm because you were struggling in the last few classes and scared to receive a failing grade. Maybe you closed your eyes for “five more minutes” because you didn’t know how to ask for help since you’ve never needed to before. 
As you turned to leave, you noticed Eric Sohn push his way from the back of the classroom. He avoided eye contact with the teacher as if that would make him invisible.
“Eric I would like to meet with you.” Your teacher called out to him as he had one foot out of the doorway. 
“Aww man, I was so close to escaping.” He muttered under his breath. You bit back a smile at his comment and watched him step back into the classroom. You brushed past him as you left to go sign up for the tutoring center. Eric envied you for being able to walk free, while he was going to be stuck getting yelled at. 
“Eric, you’ve been failing all of the recent quizzes. I spoke with your coach and we agreed that you can’t play on the team unless your grades improve.” She shook her head in disappointment. 
Eric could not believe what he was hearing. All his practice would have gone towards nothing. He could feel his dreams of becoming a professional baseball player slip away, all because of this one stupid class. “I promise I’ll do better on the next one, just please let me stay on the team.” 
Your teacher sighed, “You said that the last time. You still haven’t taken up my recommendation of going to the tutoring center. Another peer might be able to help you better. If your next few grades improve after tutoring, then we’ll talk.” 
Eric headed towards the library during his lunch period, which he never would have done under any other circumstance. He preferred to be outside playing basketball with his friends than being cooped up in the library. After signing his name, he sat down on an empty table and waited to be assigned to a tutor. When he tried to look for another familiar name on the tutor list, he noticed yours scribbled neatly with your perfect font-like handwriting. You’ve probably never failed a quiz in your life, let alone the past few quizzes. Eric groaned. How did he let himself slip up in this class? He had a pretty high GPA, but this class was dragging it down from its highest potential. 
He flipped through the notebook he dedicated to calculus and was met with empty pages. If only he didn’t stay up late studying for his other classes, he would have been able to pay attention during this class. But resting his eyes always seemed like a much better option. 
“Eric? Hi, I’ll be your new calc tutor.” Eric looked up to see you pull out the seat across from him. He let out a sigh of relief because you were not a complete stranger and you always got the highest grades. He would be back on the team in no time. He shot you a smile and his eyes formed crescent moons.
You returned his smile but it was only momentary, and it left as quickly as it came. “Can I tell you a secret?” You fidgeted with your fingers. 
Eric was unsure of what to make of your sudden question. He nodded his head to encourage you to continue. 
“I have no idea what’s going on in class.” You admitted to him, though this was not something you told anyone else. 
Eric let out a laugh, you had to be joking. “Don’t you need an A in this class to be a tutor?” 
“Yeah, I just always get my work done on time. My grade doesn’t reflect my understanding of the material but how well I can cheat on all of my assignments.” Upon seeing his confused face, you chose to elaborate. “I usually use photomath, that’s the only way I’ve been passing.” 
Eric’s mouth parted in shock. Why didn’t he think of using that app himself? He also couldn’t believe that you were struggling in that class. “Then I’m not crazy, she just really can’t teach. That’s why I haven’t been understanding anything.” 
“It’s not you, it’s her.” You assured him. “But can I still ‘tutor’ you because that would be the only way to make up for my last quiz?” You hoped that your desperation wasn’t too obvious. 
Eric studied your face, he never had any chance to talk to you this long. Your features were tainted with stress. He could tell that your grades mattered and that he was the only person that could help you. It wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time outside of class with you, it’s not like he had baseball practice to take away his free time. 
“Sure, I’m going to need these lessons to explain why I’m suddenly going to do amazing in this class after I start using photomath.” 
Your face lit up when you heard him accept and it was enough to ensure that he made the right choice. 
“How bad did you do on the last quiz?” Eric still couldn’t believe that you were not the nerd that he thought you were. Teachers always used your work for examples of model work and that was the only impression he had of you prior to this tutor session.
“I got a 0 because I missed class that day.” You looked away in embarrassment. The bright red 0 was still easily visible on your crumpled-up test. 
Eric placed his test marked with 65/100 next to yours. “Well I didn’t pass even though I was in class, so we can try to work on it together.”
You flipped to the chapter that the quiz was on and turned the textbook sideways so that he could also see. The library was mainly empty save for you two because the weather was nice and everyone would much rather go outside for lunch. Your table was positioned right near the window, and Eric had the perfect view of all of his friends playing baseball on the school field. He could have been there if he didn’t slack off this bad. 
No matter how many times you read the page, you still couldn’t quite get the concept down. No other class had you stuck like this one. While you were stuck rereading, Eric started attempting the first problem on his quiz. He finished in a matter of seconds and you took out photomath, a calculator app that solves literally everything, to check if it’s the same answer. 
You couldn’t hide the look of shock on your face when the answer on your screen matched the one on his paper. “Eric I didn’t know that you were a genius. You have to teach me how to do this.” 
Eric’s face also matched yours as he was also surprised at himself. He never even thought to attempt the problems before. 
“I don’t really know what I did.” He confessed but tried to walk you through his thought process. Hearing him explain the steps allowed you to think of the problem in an entirely different way and it was the only thing you needed to understand how to solve it. Your face still expressed the initial shock, but now you felt more impressed than surprised. 
Eric laughed at the irony, here he was tutoring you instead of the other way around. “I’ll have you know that just because I’m a sports guy doesn’t mean that I’m an airhead.” 
“And having A’s doesn’t exactly mean that I’m a nerd. I knew you weren’t an airhead, but sleeping during class didn’t exactly make you look the smartest.” You teased him, before asking him the real question that was plaguing your mind. “You picked it up so quickly, why did you fail the last few quizzes?” 
He switched his gaze from the paper to look straight into your eyes. “Honestly, I didn’t have any motivation to actually do the quizzes. I thought that I was screwed since I kept sleeping during class. And I have to sacrifice some classes to do better in the rest.” He answered, before moving on to the next problem. 
With him facing towards the paper, you took note of his perfect side profile. His eyebrows were furrowed as he thought about how to solve the question. Wow, his jawline was sharp and you were getting sidetracked.
Using his method, you were able to breeze through the problems. You were the type of student to follow the book, word for word, while Eric was the opposite. He was carefree and just did what he felt like, and it worked. You would’ve never thought to experiment like he did but it was exactly what you needed to do. 
“Wait I don’t get how to do these last few problems.” He interrupted you from your thoughts and you leaned closer to get a better view of the problem. You checked the steps to solve the problem from photomath and figured out how to solve it. 
While you were explaining the problem to him, Eric suddenly became aware of the short proximity between the two of you. His eyes traced your features and they subconsciously drifted towards your lips. He wondered whether they felt as soft as they looked, in a totally platonic way, of course. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. 
“That’s why you use this- Eric? Were you even listening?” You turned to face him after he stopped being responsive. Eric felt the blood rush to his cheeks. He quickly scanned the paper and pretended that he was paying attention all along. “Yeah I was listening, I understand it.” 
You spent the rest of the period working together to get through the quiz. You two were in your own world and you wouldn’t have noticed how much time went by if the library didn’t become loud, signaling the end of the period, as students transitioned between classes. The period never felt this short. 
“We are quite the team,” Eric said as you packed up your things. 
“Surprisingly, we are. Let’s meet up again at the same time next week.” You waved at him and rushed to get to your next class. 
“See you in class.” Eric watched as you left the library and looked forward to the next time he would see you.
Upon entering calculus class the next day, Eric searched for your face. He found you sitting in your usual seat near the window. Your head was down on the desk, unaware that he was approaching you. 
“Is this seat taken?” You lifted your head to see Eric gesturing to the seat next to you. You shook your head, confused as to why he decided to sit next to you instead of the back of the classroom. 
You didn’t have to worry about saving a seat for a friend because calculus was the one class that you didn’t share with any friends. You didn’t realize it until now but none of the boys you saw Eric hang out with were in this class either. At least you two would have each other now.
“Isn’t it easier to sleep in the back of the classroom?” You questioned.
“It is, but it's easier to cheat- I mean learn next to you.” He said with a cheeky grin. 
Your teacher walked in, cutting off your small talk. 
You took out your calculus textbook and notebook while you waited for the teacher to begin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Eric scribble something on the last page of his notebook. When the teacher turned around to write on the chalkboard, he slid his notebook over to you and tapped you. 
i forgot my textbook in my locker, can i look over on yours? 
You pushed your textbook towards him and positioned it in between you two. He mouthed a quick “thanks.” 
Your teacher began explaining the new concept and you almost forgot about Eric’s presence next to you as you copied down everything that was on the board. 
“Wait, is that a four or a nine?” You whispered, trying to decipher the messy handwriting. When you heard no response from Eric, you turned to look at him for the first time since class had started. Eric’s head was resting on the palm of his hand and his eyes were closed shut. He did not just leave you to fend for yourself. You nudged his hand and his head fell onto the desk with a loud thud. 
Your teacher briefly turned around to call out whoever was interrupting her lesson but you resumed writing and Eric pretended to read the textbook page extremely closely. After she faced the board again, Eric raised his eyebrows at you, as if to ask why you disrupted his sleep. Not wanting to draw attention again, you passed him a note.
pay attention if you want the teacher to like you, trust me it works.
easier said than done, teacher’s pet.
Eric waited for you to read his note before he stuck his tongue out at you. 
You were going to deny being the teacher’s pet when you were interrupted by Hyunjae, who sat on your other side. “Can you help me with number 1?”
“Uh sure.” You responded, despite wanting to work with Eric. You glanced back at Eric, but he began working on the new problem set by himself. 
Though Eric’s eyes were focused on the paper in front of him, his ears couldn’t help but listen to your conversation with Hyunjae.  
“You’re a lifesaver, thank you so much. Can I pay you back with bubble tea after school?” Hyunjae gave you a flirtatious smile. 
Eric’s grip on his pen tightened. He convinced himself that he was only annoyed because he didn’t know how to solve the problem.
“I would never say no to free bubble tea.” You checked to see if Eric was listening from your peripheral vision once again, but he seemed to be disinterested. You weren’t sure why you kept looking back at Eric, maybe you wanted to see if he would object. Or maybe you wanted him to object. But he made no such move to stop you. 
Hyunjae beamed. “Great, let’s meet up after class. And maybe we can study for the next test together?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Were you just trying to bribe me with bubble tea?”
Eric’s head was facing downwards as he tried to hide his feelings of betrayal. The nerve Hyunjae had to steal his study partner. 
“And if I was?” Hyunjae challenged.
“That was a smart way to bribe me, you might not even need to study with how smart you are.” You answered. 
Eric slammed his pen down, causing you and Hyunjae to look at him. 
“Oops, it slipped.” He blurted, feeling satisfied because he interrupted Hyunjae. 
The bell rang and you rushed to copy down the homework into your planner. 
“Do you want to work on the homework together?” Eric suggested while packing up his things. “I didn’t know how to do the third set of problems.” He added in, hoping that it would convince you to work together. 
“I don’t know, I’m in high demand these days. Everyone wants to study with me.” You flaunted. Of course you would study with him, you just wanted to make him work for it. Eric rushed to follow you out of the classroom.
“Pretty please.” He pouted and gave you puppy eyes. You snorted at his attempt of acting cute, which he didn’t even need to do since he was naturally cute. 
“Okay fine, but only if you stop doing that hideous face.” You stopped to open your locker. 
Eric leaned on the locker next to yours and crossed his arms. “No one can resist this sexy face.” 
“Yeah okay.” You replied in a sarcastic tone, though you secretly agreed with him. You took a pen out of your locker and grabbed his hand. Eric held his breath and watched to see what you would do next. You wrote your phone number on the palm of his hand. “Text me. Or facetime me, whatever works for you.” You shut your locker and headed to your next class.
Eric stared at your number on his hand and smiled to himself, his heart still racing from when you touched him. 
While you walked away, you felt proud that you were able to pull that move off. But then the color drained from your face. You never said what time. The power rested entirely on Eric and when he decided to contact you. That means that you would have to wait and possibly be camera-ready all day. 
As soon as Eric got home from school, he entered your phone number and saved your contact. He wondered whether he would seem too eager if he texted you right away. You were probably still studying with Hyunjae. Eric scoffed as he thought about how Hyunjae was there instead of him. 
You stared at the black screen on your phone. Tapping on it for the millionth time, the screen read 8:15 pm. Why didn’t you specify a time? You dived for your phone every time you saw your phone light up with a notification. 
Was he even going to facetime you? You glanced around your room in horror. You weren’t able to fix it when you rushed out of the house this morning. You could not let Eric see this mess. You got to work fixing your room while you waited for him to text you. Hearing the familiar vibration, you reached for your phone, hoping it wasn’t another spam email. 
hey, it’s eric. are you free to ft and work on the hw rn? 
Eric sent the text and threw his phone on the bed. He had spent 15 minutes debating whether his text was too casual. Hugging his pillow, he anxiously waited for you to respond. 
yea i’m free
You checked your room once again to see if anything was out of place. Then you saw your reflection in the mirror. You were so caught up in fixing your room, you forgot to fix your appearance. You quickly applied something on your lips so you wouldn’t look too bad. 
After sitting down in front of a lamp so you would have optimal lighting, you picked up his facetime call. 
“Hey.” You felt your breath hitch in your throat. His hair was still wet from the shower he took just earlier. You didn’t think it was possible for him to get any hotter. 
“So how was your date with Hyunjae.” He didn’t even try to hide the bitterness in his tone. Wow, real smooth Eric. He should’ve waited a bit longer to bring it up, but he couldn’t help it. 
You laughed at his choice of a conversation starter. “It wasn’t a date, and it was actually very fun. Maybe I need to start charging you for my services. I’ll only accept payment with bubble tea from now on.” 
“Spending quality time with me is your payment.” He replied with a smug look on his face.
You shook your head. “That is not enough, I fear.” 
Eric crossed his arms and tried to look offended. “I’ll hang up right now then.” 
“Need I remind you that you were the one that begged me to help you today?” You spoke matter-of-factly. “But if you must leave, go. I’m very busy you know.” 
“Busy studying with other guys? I thought we had something special.” He dramatically clutched his heart. 
“You wish, you are yet another one of my side hoes.” 
“Your main hoe being boba?” He raised an eyebrow.
You paused to think of a witty response. “It seems you are more interested in my love life than those calculus problems you needed help with.” 
“Those problems can wait.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Fine, how about this? For every problem you get correct, you can ask me a question and I’ll answer it honestly.” You proposed. 
Eric smiled widely. “I like how you think. And what happens if I get them wrong?” 
“Then I get to ask you a question.” You replied. 
“You won’t be able to ask me any questions.” His cockiness was apparent from how confidently he spoke. “The first solution is 5.” 
Checking the answer to the first problem, you confirmed that it was 5.
“Since this is about your love life, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked, desperately wanting you to say no. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Yes, I do have one.” You watched for Eric’s reaction. Eric’s smile dropped for a split second as he registered what you said. 
“Oh really? Who? Do I know him?” He interrogated, completely dropping his previous act. 
You felt amused watching him squirm. “That’s three other problems you have to get right.” 
To your surprise, Eric continued to get the next three problems correct.
“So who is your boyfriend?” He phrased carefully.
“Hyunjae.” You said with a straight face.
Eric’s eyes grew 10 times the size they were. “Really?”
“Nah, I’m just playing. I don’t have a boyfriend.” You finally revealed the truth. 
That definitely made Eric happier than he’d like to admit. 
“You just made me waste two questions.” He emphasized by holding up two fingers. 
“Did you even need help with those problems Eric?” 
“Yes...but I figured them all out while you were flirting with Hyunjae.” He looked away from the screen. 
“I was not flirting with Hyunjae.” You lied. You did flirt a little, but that was only because you wanted to see if Eric got jealous. 
Eric rolled his eyes, not believing you. “Sure you weren’t.” 
“You have not seen me flirt, believe me, you would know.” You told him honestly. If you were going to flirt with anyone, it would be him. 
Eric’s smile returned once again. “I look forward to seeing that.” 
You and Eric fell into a routine where you met up every week to study calculus. And then facetimed after school. And then texted at night. You would work together during class, and Eric would get annoyed every time Hyunjae tried to join. 
You and Eric were prepared for the next calculus quiz and your efforts paid off. As soon as Eric got his quiz back, his first thought was to see the look on your face when he told you his grade.
At the end of class, Eric proudly dangled his quiz in front of your face, he couldn’t contain the smile on his face. 
You saw a large A on the top of the first page and you pulled him into a hug. Before you could regret acting so spontaneously, Eric hugged you back just as tightly. This was the first time you both hugged, but it felt so comforting and you didn’t want to let go. “Wow I’m so proud of you, I can’t believe you’re scoring higher than me.” You said when you finally pulled away.
“I’m coming for your throne.” Eric winked at you.
After consistently doing well in the classwork, Eric realized that he didn’t need help anymore. The tutoring sessions eventually became an excuse to meet you. 
Eric pointed at a problem, his eyes trained on yours, “Can you explain this to me?” 
“Eric, you literally taught me how to solve this.” You giggled.
“Oh, did I? Um...well I forgot. Explain it to me again?” You could never resist Eric’s puppy-dog eyes. The more time you spent with him, the more you realized how cute he was. 
“Graph this equation.” Eric had randomly said one day while you were studying at the library. 
You stared at the equation he wrote and looked back at him with confusion. “How is this relevant to calculus?”
“Just do it.” He whined. 
You reached for your graphing calculator and entered the equation. 
Staring at the shape the equation produced, you were pleasantly surprised to see that it resembled...“A heart?” 
You looked up to see Eric grinning from ear-to-ear, clearly proud that he was able to find this equation.
“Very cute Eric. This is why you urgently needed to meet up today?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, that and I needed to talk to you about something else. My coach told me that the improvement in my grades is enough for me to rejoin the team.” Eric started, unsure of whether he should tell you that he didn’t need tutoring anymore. 
“Oh really? That’s great news!” You kept your eyes focused on the paper. You knew that him joining the team would mean your tutoring sessions would have to come to an end soon. “I’m guessing you won’t have time to study anymore.”
Eric knew that he wanted to see you every day, but he didn’t want to pretend that he only wanted to meet you under the pretense of studying. He took a deep breath before speaking. You brought your eyes to meet his when you realized that something must have been up. Eric was never quiet for this long. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to continue meeting up outside of school hours, just us two,” Eric asked hesitantly, waiting for your response. 
Your eyes widened. Was he asking you out? It’s not a complete reach because you two have been spending a lot of time “studying.” You were afraid that you were taking his words in the wrong way. “You want to study outside?” 
“Oh...no, no studying. It would just be us meeting up outside, no calculus.” He looked at the floor. 
“Eric Sohn, are you asking me out on a date?” You asked him. 
“Only if you’re comfortable with that. I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t really need help anymore but I still want to see you often. I understand if you don-”
You cut off his rambling with a kiss. You resisted the urge to laugh at how red his ears were when you pulled away. “I like you too. Finally you can buy me my long-deserved boba.” 
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Timorous - Itadori Yuji
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I love hybrid au’s for the fact that I can google deep dive animal research for hours lol and speaking of research I went with a bunny, breed being a French lop with speckles. also this is a college au my guys, gender neutral reader! 6k words
A bit of a size difference thing here? Itadori is a tiger and tigers are bigger than rabbits...so I made him bigger and by that logic he’s bigger than you...tiger big rabbit small...I hope that makes sense lol and both reader and itadori are adorably skittish in this :) at least I think it’s adorable
To say Itadori had a problem would be both an understatement and an over exaggeration, depending on who you asked. Megumi said he was blowing things out of proportion while Nobara agreed that this dilemma he had was probably the biggest problem of their generation.
He had a crush on you, a rabbit hybrid. A soft, wonderful little thing with long ears and cute speckles all around your body. And it wouldn’t be such a problem if not for the painful fact of who Itadori was: a tiger hybrid. A predator nearly directly above you, much larger and stronger than you could ever hope to be.
He laid eyes on you during your first year of university, back in a prerequisite class for the major both of you had chosen. Seeing you walk in surrounded by other rabbits and sitting at the front of the class, he could barely take his eyes off you and when you said your name, he committed it to memory.
Everything about you was perfect, everything Itadori could ask for in a partner and more, but he knew there wasn’t any hope out there that he could approach you, at least not alone and especially not in your first year. So he waited patiently, almost too patiently, for the right opportunity to talk to you.
He waited so long it was now almost the end of your second year.
“Alright everyone, I’d like you to think about who you want to pair up with for this project and report back to me by the end of the week. Anyone that doesn’t have a partner by then will be paired up.” The professor announced at the end of class, closing up the textbook you’d been pouring over for an hour. This was the perfect opportunity for Itadori to get close to you.
Lingering in the classroom, Itadori packed up his things slowly and watched as the usual people you were with left class while you hung around to ask the professor a question. Holding his breath, Itadori walked out of the classroom at the same time as you.
You didn’t look in his direction at all, keeping your head down and ears framing your face. Itadori could smell the subtle unease rolling off you in waves and it disheartened him enough that he watched you walk away.
“H-hey (Y/N)!” Mustering up the courage to say your name, Itadori rushed over to your disappearing form. Looking over your shoulder, your eyes went wide seeing Itadori running toward you.
“What uh, what can I help you with?” This was the first time you were speaking to him and your voice was trembling. Your fingers were pulsing from how hard you were holding onto the strap of your bag, and you only briefly made eye contact with him.
“I was wondering…” Itadori’s tail twitched nervously and a lump began to form in his throat the longer he looked at you. You were just so cute it physically hurt him and all Itadori wanted to do was bundle you in his arms and nuzzle your fuzzy ears.
“I was wondering if you want to be partners for that project in class?” Seeing you flinch when he raised his hand up to scratch at the back of his neck, Itadori winced and tucked both hands behind his back.
“Uhm…” Worrying your lip, you took a look up and down the halls. There was a decent amount of people milling about, giving you a little more peace of mind. Even though Itadori was an arms length away he still took up a large portion in your field of vision.
“Y-you don’t have to give me an answer right now!” Putting both hands up in surrender, Itadori gasped as you stumbled back, clearly frightened by the sudden movement and his long claws. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m so sorry!”
Now he really felt bad. He scared you bad enough that you were pressed against the wall behind you, slightly crouched like you were ready to run away. Taking a generous step back, Itadori once again tucked his hands behind his back, idly grabbing onto the base of his tail as well.
“Can I give you an answer later?” You whispered, slowly coming to a full stand again.
“Of course! We actually have a few classes together later, so you can tell me then if you want.”
“Itadori! M-my name is Itadori!” Blushing lightly as he told you his name, he watched you think it over.
“Okay Itadori.” Nodding curtly, you pressed your lips into a thin line and started to shuffle down the hall. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Bye!” Waving at your retreating form, Itadori felt a trickle of hope. Even if you didn’t say yes to being his partner, at least now you knew his name.
“Excuse me, Itadori?” Two classes later and you approached his desk, keeping a fair distance away.
“Yes?” Looking at you with hearts in his eyes, Itadori sent you a beaming smile with all his sharp teeth on display.
“Why do you want to be my partner?” The question was unexpected, at least for him, and his smile fell.
“Well I- I just thought it’d be nice?” Panicking as he saw confusion flash across your face, Itadori sat up a little straighter in his chair. “N-nice to get to know my fellow classmates! We’re in the same major, so why not get more acquainted?” Stretching his mouth into a tense smile, Itadori let out a breath the same time you did.
“That’s actually a relief. I thought you wanted to be my partner to make me do all the work.” He visibly watched your shoulders relax, the unease in your stance somewhat gone.
“No, never! I would never do that to you! In fact, I’ll do all the work if you want me to! Just say the word, (Y/N)!” Bolting up from his chair, Itadori slammed his hands on his desk. It was probably a good thing you weren’t close to him, you didn’t flinch as hard at his sudden movements.
“We can work on it together.” Laughing under your breath, Itadori’s chest tightened up at seeing a soft smile grace your face.
“So you’ll be my partner? For the project?” Nearly running around the room when you nodded, Itadori forced himself to take a deep breath instead. “That’s great!” His tail swayed happily from side to side, and Itadori had a silly smile on his face as he looked at you.
“So uh, I’m going to take my seat now.” You said slowly, unnerved by his unmoving smile. “But we should meet up later? To discuss what we’ll do for the project.”
“Good idea!” Ripping a piece of paper out of the corner of his notebook, Itadori scribbled his phone number down and held it out to you. “Text me anytime, I’ll answer!”
“Good to know.” Chuckling softly, you took the paper and Itadori swore he would never forget the way your fingers brushed against his. With one last final goodbye muttered under your breath you went to your seat.
Itadori watched you for the rest of class, just waiting to see you take out your phone and text him. He hadn’t seen you do anything with the paper he gave you except tuck it away into your pocket.
Keeping his phone clutched in his hand for the rest of the day, Itadori experienced the highest of highs whenever he got a notification, and then the lowest of lows when it turned out not to be you.
At seven pm, just after eating dinner, Itadori finally received the message he’d been waiting for all along.
(Unknown number): Hello, Itadori? It’s (Y/N) :)
He immediately cringed after sending the message. What kind of person replied like that to someone they’d just met?
(Y/N): I’m good lol I was wondering when you were free to meet up? I don’t have any classes tomorrow if you’re free
(Itadori): yes yes I’m free whenever tomorrow!
(Y/N): that’s great, how about we meet at the north library at 1?
(Itadori): I’ll be there!!
Itadori could hardly close his eyes let alone calm down enough to go to sleep that night. Much to the chagrin of his roommate Megumi, Itadori got up several times during the night to pace around the room and rummage through his closet to choose the perfect outfit.
He was nearly late meeting up with you, having properly gone to sleep just before 4am and sleeping through his alarm. Stumbling through his room, Itadori just barely remembered to grab his bag before he sprinted out of the room and to the library.
“(Y/N)!” Screaming your name as he got closer, he caught a lot of stares from people and from you.
“Did you run all the way here?” You asked, looking over his breathless, sweaty body nearly collapsing.
“Were you waiting long? I’m sorry I was late!” Fumbling to grab his phone, the time read 1:10pm.
“No, it’s okay, don’t worry about it!” Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. Not only had he ran all the way here just to meet you, but he had made quite a scene while doing it. You were eager to get inside and away from all the people passing you by and looking curiously between the two of you.
“Let's...let’s go inside…” Itadori panted, light headed from the run but still making his way to open the door for you. Slumping into the first available seat at the first table he saw, Itadori let his dry, narrowed eyes look over you.
It was a warm spring day and you’d chosen the cutest outfit, one that showed off the speckles on your ears and skin. Itadori always liked them, likening them to his own tiger stripes on his ears and tail. He wanted to compare markings with you, trace a line with the dots on your body and learn more about them.
“Have you had a chance to go over the list of topics our professor gave? A few others have already chosen their topics, so we have to cross some out.” Pulling out the assignment, you showed Itadori the ones you’d crossed off and the ones you marked having interest in. Even your handwriting had Itadori wanting to coo at you.
“Whatever you pick is fine.” He replied dumbly, staring at the way you’d written your name on the top of your paper.
“You should have some say in what we choose!” You pushed back, slightly shaking your head.
“No, whatever you want is fine, I swear.” Looking up at you with rosy cheeks and a dry mouth, Itadori watched the gears turn in your head before you looked away and back to the paper.
“If you say so.” Shrugging your shoulders, you looked over the list more seriously before circling a topic and showing it back to him. “Is this one fine?”
“It’s perfect.” Just like you, Itadori almost said. Pulling out his laptop, Itadori put it between the two of you. “We can start researching and making a rough draft, I was actually looking some stuff up last night about the different topics.”
Not using a private browser last night was Itadori’s first mistake. His second mistake was opening Google with you right next to him, where you saw exactly what he’d been looking up during his sleepless night.
French lops, French lops with speckles, French lop ears, how do bunnies get speckles, what do rabbit hybrids like to do for fun, rabbit hybrid favorite food, favorite things to give rabbit hybrids, how to befriend rabbit hybrids, can prey and predator hybrids be friends, what to do if you’re a predator that has a crush on a rabbit hybrid-
Letting out an indistinguishable noise from the back of his throat, Itadori slammed his laptop closed. His face was bright red, not that you could see much of it because he had slammed his face into the table in shame.
Your soft giggle was immediately picked up by him, and Itadori nearly melted from the chair and onto the floor, dissolving into a puddle of nothing but embarrassment and regret. He thought about switching classes or switching majors entirely, anything to save him from having to face you again after this.
“All of my spots grew in by the time I was five, in case you were still curious, Itadori.” He actually was, almost more than he was last night. The internet had given him answers, but just as many questions he still wanted to ask you.
“Really?” Smooshing his cheek against the table, Itadori turned to look at you. You didn’t seem phased at all from what you’d seen, not if the small smile on your face was anything to go by.
“Mhmm.” Opening up his computer again, you took a brief glance at some of the questions he’d looked up. “And I’m assuming from your research you learned I’m a strict herbivore? My favorite type of food is fruit, mangoes and melons especially.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Still hanging his head low, Itadori pulled himself up from the table. He had wanted to get to know you more naturally, not have you find his obsessive search history.
“I want to! And It seems like you want to know, too!” Gesturing to the screen, you giggled when he hit his forehead against the table again. Patting him on the back for a few seconds revitalised him, the fact that you initiated physical contact enough to have him sitting straight in his chair again.
“I do, a lot! I’m really curious about-” Meeting your eyes for a second, Itadori screwed his eyes shut and forced the next words out of his mouth. “I’m really curious about you, (Y/N). I really want to get to know you more.” Nobara and Megumi were going to be so proud of him for finally saying those words to you. He’d been lamenting about wanting to befriend you for nearly two years, it was time to act on that desire.
“You can ask me any question, Itadori.” A soft warmth settled over your face and you tilted your head forward, blocking out your view of the world with your ears. Truth be told, you’d never had a predator show such genuine interest in you before, and it had your heart bumping hard against your ribs.
“My first question is: can we be friends, (Y/N)?” There wasn’t a doubt in Itadori’s mind that you hadn’t seen the last question he looked up, about having a crush on you. He almost wanted to address it, wanted to get his confession out of the way. But it wasn’t the right time or place, and there wasn’t a doubt in Itadori’s mind that if he confessed to you right now you wouldn’t reject him.
“What did your search say about that one? Is it possible for us to be friends?”
“100% possible.” Itadori said with no hesitation.
“Then yes, we can totally be friends.” There was a brief pause between the two of you, one filled by your nervous laughter and Itadori’s relieved sigh.
“Alright then friend, let’s get started on this project.”
Itadori tried his best to focus on the project, he really did. He typed up everything you said, bookmarked everything you wanted and even went back and forth between the stacks to get the books you needed for the project. But his mind was wrapped up in the new title of your relationship, and the greed he felt deep inside himself to make it something more romantic.
By the time you left the library it was well past five pm and the sun was already beginning to dip behind the campus buildings and to the horizon. Helping you clean and pack up, Itadori was astounded at the amount of time that passed; it barely felt like an hour had gone by.
“Man, I’m starving!” Itadori exclaimed as you left the library, throwing his head back and inhaling the fresh air.
“Me too.” You agreed, fatigued from all the work you’d just done and still needed to do.
“You wanna head to the dining hall together?”
“Sure.” Following his lead, you walked through campus. You still kept your distance from Itadori, not quite able to shed how nervous being around him made you, but with time he hoped it would come to pass. Someday, Itadori hoped to hold your hand in his.
Sitting down at a quiet table together, Itadori wasn’t sure how to make conversation with you now. At the library it was easy, there was the project he could talk about and keep a conversation going with that. But here, he was drawing blanks.
“So Itadori, what-”
“Yuji!” Just as you’d started to speak, the familiar voice of Nobara cut in all the way from across the dining hall. Both of you turned to see Nobara waltzing in with a big grin on her face and Megumi trailing after her.
“Oh god.” This was the one time he didn’t want his friends to come and sit with him. But there they were, already collecting food and coming to sit down at the table.
“Found you!” Nobara giggled behind her hand, her own tiger ears relaxing flat against her head.
“Yup, you did.” Speaking behind tight lips, Itadori took a glance at you. Megumi had taken the seat next to you and he easily dwarfed your smaller body. All of them did, it almost looked like you were a child among adults.
“Nice to see you again, (Y/N).” Making sure his large fluffy wolf tail wasn’t brushing against you, Megumi gave you a polite nod and you returned it.
“W-what?! You two know each other?” In all the time Itadori has been crying over you, he never knew of Megumi's connection to you.
“Yeah, Tsumiki and (Y/N) are roommates.”
“Really?” Itadori gasped loudly, exaggeratedly turning his back to you.
“Mhmm!” Picking up your utensils, you began to eat. “Having a wolf as a roommate was kind of scary at the beginning, but we get along great now!”
Itadori was floored. Positively flabbergasted. He could have gotten to know you this whole time by using the excuse of being Megumi’s roommate and best friend as a reason to drop by and ‘check in’ on Tsumiki and see you by extension.
Sending a sharp, pointed look to Megumi, Itadori began to eat in a huff. He would have to grill his friend later on why the connection was never brought up.
“Have you two been here long?” Nobara asked, tapping her long claws against the table.
“No, we just got here.” Your voice only sounded a little meek when you replied, only able to meet Nobara’s intense gaze for a moment before looking down at your plate again.
“Yeah, we just came from the library. We’re partners on a class project.” Mumbling childishly, Itadori snorted at the surprised looks on his friends faces.
“You are?” Nobara almost gasped. “Who asked who?”
“I asked.” Itadori raised his hand.
“And you agreed, (Y/N)? Just like that?”
“Well, not really.” Giggling softly behind your hand, you took a glance at Itadori. “I told him I’d think about it first. I know we’re all in university now and should be adults, but I still get so scared around predators, I needed to weigh my options.”
“Did Yuji say he’d do all the work?” Megumi chimed in.
“He did! It was pretty funny, I thought the desk was going to fall over.”
“Sounds like Yuji.” Snorting, Megumi gave Itadori a look before eating his food.
“Hold on, I still got a couple questions.” Rapidly tapping the table, Nobara flicked her fingers between you and Itadori.
“Can’t they wait until we’re done?” Itadori already had food stuffed in his mouth, his cheeks were bulging out quite a bit. You had also started to eat the mountain of vegetables on your plate.
“Alright, fine.” Heaving a sigh, Nobara grabbed the juice she’d gotten. “But don’t think I’ll forget!”
It was a blessing that Nobara ended up forgetting that she wanted to grill you and Itadori because there would have been no avoiding all the awkward questions she was sure to ask. As your meal progressed, she got onto the topic of beauty products for tiger hybrids and that was all that occupied her mind for a good while.
“(Y/N).” Catching you by the elbow as you walked out of the dining hall almost an hour and a half later, Itadori looked up at the dark sky. “Let me walk you to your dorm.”
“You don’t have to, I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way! Nobara and I can walk back together, we live in the same dorm.”
“Ha well, uh actually…” Scratching the back of her head, Nobara grabbed onto Megumi's sleeve. “Actually, Megumi and I are going to go to a…” Swatting him on the back, Nobara fell silent.
“My father sent Tsumiki and I some more things and I promised to give Nobara some old books.”
“Yup, books! Exactly! So you two walk together and we’ll see you later!” Grabbing onto the back of Megumi’s shirt, Nobara sprinted away, her orange and black tail the last thing you saw before she turned the corner.
“Let’s go, (Y/N).” Itadori tugged on your sleeve gently, bringing your focus back to him. Walking side by side, the night time didn’t seem as scary compared to if you had been alone. You generally tried to avoid being out alone at night, but with Itadori it felt like the sun was still high in the sky.
“Are you cold?” Itadori broke the silence that had settled over you.
“You just shivered.” Right as he said that, another gust of wind went through the air and blew your ears back, making a strong shiver go up your spine. “Here.” Itadori was already taking off his thick hoodie and pushing it into your arms.
“But you’ll be cold!” Looking at the long sleeve he had on underneath, surely it couldn’t be enough to keep him warm.
“Nonsense, I’ll be fine. Put it on.” It was a miracle that Itadori hadn’t fallen onto the ground from how lightheaded he was. He had given you his hoodie in the spur of the moment and now his actions were catching up to him.
“Okay.” Giving him one last look, you put it on. Swimming in fabric and with the scent of Itadori all around you, it was truly a sight to behold. “How do I look?” You chuckled, trying to adjust the giant hoodie onto your body.
“You look good.” There was a high lilt to the end of his sentence, and Itadori slapped a hand over his face and turned his back to you. If he looked any longer, he would pass out from how cute you looked.
“Thanks Itadori, it’s really warm!”
“N-no problem.” He seriously couldn’t look at you, and seeing your sweater paws out of the corner of his eye had him tripping over his own feet. Thankfully and tragically, the walk to your dorm wasn’t too long, so Itadori didn’t have to deal with it for too long.
“Thanks for walking me back.” Giving him a smile, you began to take off the hoodie.
“K-keep it, keep it on.” Planting his hands on your shoulders, Itadori looked down at you. “I have a million, so just keep that one.” The mixture of your scent and his that was wafting up to his nose was going to be ingrained into his mind forever.
“Wow Itadori, you’re so nice! We should have become friends way sooner!” Patting him on the arm, you shuffled closer to the front door. “Text me when you get back to your dorm, okay?”
“I will!” Waving at you until you went inside, Itadori let out a breath he’d been holding in. The feel good chemicals in his brain were all flooding in at once; the day had gone from good, to great to perfect. Seeing you in his hoodie was one of the things Itadori had wanted for so long it hurt, and now that goal was finally reached.
His happiness turned to adrenaline, making his hands shake and body tremble from how excited he was to see you tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. He was so excited for the future that he ran all the way back to his dorm, letting out cheers and excited screams as he went.
(Itadori): made it to my dorm :)
(Y/N): have a good night!
(Itadori): you too! See you tomorrow!
Clutching his phone to his chest, Itadori threw open the door to his room and immediately made eye contact with Megumi.
“Now let me explain-”
“Save it, wolfy! Tell me all about your relationship with (Y/N)!”
As days turned into weeks, Itadori noticed a subtle change in your demeanor around him. You slowly started to walk closer to him, sometimes close enough to occasionally brush shoulders. The fear that was so pungent before was now gone, only replaced with some unease whenever Itadori threw his hands around too much or chewed with his mouth open. All in all, Itadori felt like you could call him a true friend.
And what did friends do? Invite each other to parties of course! Being so personable and easy to get along with, it was only natural that Itadori got invited to a lot of events around campus, and he wanted you to join him.
Which is how you found yourself at probably the biggest party of the season, people pouring out of the doors and spilling into the yard around the university house chosen for this night.
“I’ve never been here before.” You mumbled to Itadori as you approached the house, flanked by Nobara and Megumi. Sure you’d been to parties before, but none this size.
“That’s okay, just stick by me!” Over the past few weeks the level of physical contact in your relationship with Itadori had risen high enough that he was able to put an arm around your shoulder and pull you a bit closer to him.
“Yeah (Y/N) we’ll make sure you have a good time!” Nobara chimed in, her words just a bit slurred. She had pregamed on the way to the party, the flask she kept offering you tucked snugly against her hip.
“Let’s find Maki and the others.” Fushiguro was the first to step into the house and take the lead on where to go. Pushing through the crowds of people for you, Itadori made sure you stayed close by his side.
Meeting up with Maki and a few other upperclassmen, you felt safe among the group. There was a plastic cup in your hand mixed with god knows what, the music was loud and overbearing, but you had been welcomed into the fray with open arms. No one looked twice at your floppy ears and tense body, they just launched into conversation like you’d always been there.
“G-gotta go bathroom.” Your words were slurring more than you expected after finishing your second cup of horribly mixed liquor. Standing away from the wall you’d been leaning against, the world was spinning.
“Need help?” Itadori held onto your elbow tightly, helping keep you stable.
“No.” Shaking your head slowly, you pushed him away. “I got this.”
“(Y/N), lemme show you where the bathroom is! I’ve been here like a million times!” Swooping in between you two, Nobara took confidently drunk steps with you under her arm.
“M’kay!” Giggling, you gave Itadori a wave and stumbled away with her.
“I’ll stay out here and keep guard!” She announced to not only you but to the people around you as well. Throwing open the door, you gave her a big thumbs up before slamming it closed and locking it.
Doing your business as quickly as possible, when you opened the door, Nobara was gone. You could hear her voice echoing throughout the house and when you turned a corner she was at the dining table playing beer pong and losing horribly.
Looking up and down the hall, you were at a loss at what to do. You didn’t remember the right way back to the group and Nobara was too ensconced in the drinking game she was a part of to be of any help.
Dragging your feet down the hall, you ended up at the front of the house, a far cry from where you wanted to be. There were so many people pushing past you to go deeper into the house, or yelling for others to come to them, some of them didn’t seem to care when they bumped you against the wall or nudged you a little too hard.
“Hey little bunny, you look a little lost.” You could smell the fox hybrid before you could see him appear before your eyes, cornering you against the wall as another wave of people walked by.
“I- no, I’m fine.” The lie was evident in your voice and he caught it right away.
“You sure? A little thing like you shouldn’t be all alone.” His voice was condescending, mocking you in plain sight. His soft red fur gleamed under the light of the house and while you would probably admire it from afar, now wasn’t the time.
Nodding instead of speaking, you looked down the hallway again. Surely someone would come looking for you and Nobara.
“Who’re you looking for, bunny? I could help you find them.” Leaning more into your space, the unnamed fox gave you a once over, flashing his teeth once he met your eyes. “Or maybe you were looking for me?”
“No.” The alcohol in your body was making it difficult to string together more than a few words or thoughts in your head, but you knew one thing for sure: you didn’t want to be around this guy anymore. The party was overwhelming enough as it was and adding him into the mix, a predator directly above you, was only making it worse.
“Aw, no need to be shy! All your dreams have come true!” Chuckling to himself, he grabbed onto your wrist. “Let’s go get you a drink, I’ll introduce you to some friends.”
“No.” You said a little louder, but he just ignored you. Trying to get your wrist free wasn’t working either and you quickly found yourself being dragged away from the wall. Digging your heels into the ground, you kept looking for a familiar flash of pink hair. “Itadori!” You shouted, voice mixing with the others in the air and hopefully travelling to the person it was intended for.
“You’re lookin’ for Itadori? Why, I know him! He’s my best friend, I’ll take you to him!” The fox hybrid sent you a sleazy grin, running his free hand through his hair.
“(Y/N).” A familiar heavy hand landed on your shoulder, preventing you from going anywhere.
“Who the hell are you?” The two men shared a sneer, sizing each other up. Finally getting your wrist free, you attached yourself to Itadori’s side.
“I’m their boyfriend. Now get lost.” Wrapping an arm around you, Itadori gave one last glare to the other man before turning and walking away. Getting you to the kitchen, he quickly got you a glass of water. “Drink this.”
“Thanks.” Downing it immediately, the growing tension in your body subsided just from having Itadori next to you.
“If anyone else gives you trouble, tell them I’m your boyfriend. I’m in sports clubs with a lot of the people here, they’ll know who I am.”
“Thanks.” Repeating yourself like a fool, you were overcome with sudden emotion and hugged Itadori. Burrowing your face into his chest, you muttered thanks over and over.
“S’no problem.” He grunted. Itadori was glad you couldn’t see the bright blush on his face right now; he’d only dreamed about hugging you almost every second of the day. Hugging you back, he let his hand come up and stroke your ears and your fur was just as soft as he imagined it to be.
For the rest of the night, Itadori was like your second shadow. He made sure you didn’t drink anymore alcohol, filling you up with water and snacks until you were as sober as he was. He also introduced himself as your boyfriend whenever the need arose, like constantly shouting ‘boyfriend coming through’ as he pushed through crowds for you.
“I hope you had fun, (Y/N).” Itadori said at the end of the night with Nobara passed out drunk being carried on his back.
“I did!” It was nice to meet some upperclassmen, a couple you learned were in your major as well. Fushiguro was walking with them a few feet in front of you, talking animatedly to them.
“That’s good. I was worried that the whole ‘boyfriend’ thing was making you uncomfortable.” A bashful blush coated Itadori’s face as he gave you a sideways glance. Your own cheeks got warmer as well.
“I uh, I kind of liked it.” You said quietly, hoping that he wouldn’t catch it.
“You did?” Of course he heard it. Stopping in his tracks, Itadori’s mouth hung open slightly. Biting his lip, Itadori checked to make sure Nobara was truly out before speaking again. “Well then, can we maybe make it official?”
Maybe it was the lingering energy from the party that was giving him the confidence to ask or maybe Itadori had finally lost it, either way there was no backtracking from what he had just said. Taking your lack of immediate answer as skepticism, Itadori quickly spoke up again.
“If you want, I can take you out on a proper date first! Truthfully I already have everything planned in my head, I’ve wanted to take you out on a date for a while now. B-but you don’t have to if you don’t want to! I just- I want you to give us a chance, but don’t feel pressured to say yes!”
His face was completely flushed, adrenaline pumping through his body. Whether you said yes or no, Itadori was just glad to have finally gotten it off his chest.
“I want to go on a date with you too.” You smiled gently at Itadori, playing with your fingers nervously. “I just have one question.”
“Did you also Google best first dates to take a rabbit hybrid on?”
“(Y/N)!” Laughing breathlessly, Itadori felt the tension in his body release.
“It’s a fair question!” Laughing along with him, you started to walk down the street again.
“For your information, no I didn’t look that up.” A comfortable silence settled over you as the laughter died down. As soon as Itadori could get a second alone with you, he would. There was actually a lot to discuss for the date that he’d been planning since the first year of university.
“Mmmm…” Nobara groaned and both of you looked at her curiously.
“Nobara? Are you awake?” You asked, brushing the hair from her forehead.
“Kiss...kiss each other.” Her words just barely made sense and Itadori nearly dropped her once he made sense of what she’d said.
“Go back to sleep!” He shouted, nudging her with his shoulder. The blush that had managed to subdue itself was now back tenfold.
“We’ll kiss each other later, Nobara.” You added, fixing her hair and letting her relax onto Itadori again.
“Promise?” She sighed.
“Promise?” Itadori echoed.
“Yeah, I promise.”
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
Wait cql lawyer/law school AU
i got you my pal dont worry!!
law school, im gonna be honest and say i know like nothing about law or law school so pls ignore any inconsistencies or inaccuracies
lwj goes to law school and he is definitely the top student in his class. they’ve been there for like a month and everyone already knows he’s gonna be the best
his one and only competition is this dude called wei wuxian but lwj isn’t particularly worried about him
so far they’re still in the stage of the course where they do the fun things to sucker people into doing the class for the semester so there’s been some practise debates and arguments and stuff in their tutorial classes
wei wuxian has that Charisma and like yeah all of his arguments are perfect but also he has an amazing smile and people are like yes i can trust him 
(he’s definitely the sort to be like hm, the easy way to argue this case would be to quote some laws and use precedence to justify this but that’s boring)
lwj is also good at that sort of stuff because his arguments are perfect and everything is so perfectly researched that there should be no ground at all for someone to lodge a counterargument
(wei wuxian manages somehow and it makes lwj so mad)
but that’s whatever lwj thinks,, a lot of people join law thinking it’s gonna be like the tv shows and books and then get completely blindsided when it comes to the rote learning part or like the actual laws 
and for all of wwx’s confidence, lwj hasn’t actually seen wwx so much as touch the textbook/s and he always studies in the law library so he knows that wwx has probably never even been there bc he hasn’t seen him even once (why’s he looking? bc he needs to see which books wwx uses to study,, bc there has to be something going on there,, obviously)
then they do their first like proper written assignment and lwj and wwx tie for the highest scores and now lwj has a Rival and he refuses to lose to someone who thinks that putting a ‘-us’ sound at the end of a word makes it latin (did wwx say habeas corpus and then point at a soft drink and go  sprite-us can-us,,, maybe,,,,)
anyway! lwj and wwx are kinda rivals for the top spot and it’s one of those situations where one test lwj wins by a point but then the next test wwx gets full marks and they just keep exchanging the top spot in class
and this whole time wwx is like The Worst to have in class. he’s always interrupting to ask questions or just straight up not listening and spends the class doodling pictures of rabbits (they’re cute but wwx is terrible and he’s not allowed to make cute drawings)
so after a few months the most horrible thing happens.... they get put together in a project and lwj is like ugh. internally of course but his face is also saying ugh
the first time wwx and lwj get together to work on the project, lwj is prepared with a proper list of tasks to do all nicely split up between the two of them and a schedule for when they should get certain parts done by. 
needless to say, lwj does not expect wwx to be ready, but wwx is definitely on top of things
he rocks up and is like yeah let’s do this, this and this and have them done by this time - basically proposing to do everything that lwj has already written down
and lwj is pleasantly surprised and is like hm maybe i misjudged wwx and decides to like re-evaluate his opinion on him
in doing so he realises that when he’d never seen wwx studying, it wasn’t an exaggeration at all. he’s never seen wwx so much as touch a textbook or spend more than a minute on a laptop doing something that wasn’t minesweeper or solitaire
but wwx is also making all of their deadlines and even adds extra information and resources to their document that could be useful elsewhere and sometimes he shows up to their study sessions and he looks absolutely exhausted
eventually lwj manages to get the truth out and wwx is just like yeah it’s easier to get worse grades than a genius but if you both study and you still get lower grades, it’s not easy,, for jc or for me
so wwx usually studies at night when his brother is asleep and lwj is like that’s bad, you can’t keep that up and just when wwx is about to go off at him lwj is like you can come study at my place
and thus begins the wonderful time where everything is alright and lwj falls in love with wwx
they work really well together and wwx is strangely considerate and nice? when he finds out lwj likes rabbits, he goes out and buys bunny post-it notes for lwj and starts to always bring him a doodle of bunnies every time he comes over. he always gets his work done on time, early even, and his work is always so brilliant and every time wwx smiles at him, lwj feels warm inside etc etc
for a long while lwj is like yes (: this is friendship (: bc he’s never had a crush before but then on the day they submit their project wwx is like hey,, the two of us make a great team,, we should always work together,, now and next year and even when we graduate,, i want to help the innocent people who need our help and i think i’d like it a lot if you joined me and lwj has his oh moment
they get a perfect score on the project of course and even after it finishes, wwx keeps coming over to lwj’s place to study or just hang out and lwj is just falling more and more for wwx each day
they’re best friends now and everyone gets used to seeing them work together on projects and then turn around to try and decimate each other when they’re working one on one and lwj thinks that he might just be the happiest he’s ever been
but then one day wwx doesn’t show up to class. it shouldn’t be strange but wwx has never missed class even once and he ends up hearing from lxc who heard from jgy that wwx was caught sabotaging some other student’s work (the other student was jzxun, who had a fondness for playing devil’s advocate and other than wwx once telling him that his argument was shit, wwx never spoke to him or seemed to know who he was but lwj is a bit too angry to remember that)
he manages to find wwx outside of his dorms as he’s moving out and he’s just like why did you do that? and wwx is like oh y’know,, bc he’s not really sure what’s happening himself,, one second he was at the top of his class and the next he was being brought before a board and being told that he was being expelled but he’s not going to tell lwj that bc lwj would definitely try and stand up for him and then they’d both get expelled
but lwj is furious and just spits out well if our dreams meant so little to you then maybe it’s a good thing you failed now,, bc his mother was a lawyer who took all these little jobs that helped people who actually needed the help and lwj was looking forward to doing that with wwx and he doesn’t even seem to care that now they can’t do that 
wwx flinches and then smiles at him and just cheerily says, that’s me and leaves. he doesn’t look back and lwj doesn’t chase after him.
lwj doesn’t see him again for years (you can do 13 or 5 or however long you feel like)
lwj is a fully licensed lawyer and he’s working for the family company and he spends half of his time working on cases and uses the rest of his time to do like outreach programs where he goes and visits schools and runs sessions on what it’s like to be a lawyer, how to apply, and to provide assistance to any students who decide to study law at uni
and then at one of these programs he meets this kid, wen yuan, who is ridiculously bright and enthusiastic and has a smile that seems oddly familiar
at the end of the second session he comes up to lwj and is like mr. lan, is your name lan wangji? and lwj just says yes, expecting the kid to be a fan of one of his cases or something but then wen yuan is like oh wow! i thought i recognised you from my dad’s photo!
and lwj isn’t expecting much but he asks what the photo looks like and wen yuan pulls out this photo from his pocket and lwj immediately recognises it,, it’s the only photo he has of him and wwx
your father is wei ying? lwj asks him and wen yuan is like yes, hesitates, and then asks, would you like to see him?
and that’s how lwj finds himself following wen yuan to some dinky little office that has a plaque outside that reads wen and wei
(wen ning is the nicest and sweetest person ever and lots of people underestimate him but then he’s an absolute monster on court. he gets up and completely decimates the opponent and then at the end is like (: it was so nice to meet you!! i am baby!! and all that,, you know our boy)
anyway they walk in and wwx turns to greet wen yuan but then he sees lwj and is like woah! you! and he’s not sure whether to hide or go and hug lwj so he just gives him a fist bump,, like a bro,, and immediately wants to shrivel up and die
anyway they get the reunion stuff out of the way, swelling music, tender wrist holding, lots of staring, lwj silently declaring his wholehearted love for wwx and refusing to believe rumours about him again even though he doesn’t actually know what happened, you know how it goes
from wwx’s side of things,, after he got kicked out he went to some small uni. good in its own right but not known for their law program and ended up specialising in family law
the first case he ever won was for the wens to have the right to keep custody of a-yuan and the first case wen ning ever won was to let wwx adopt a-yuan bc i’m soft like that
so wwx has just been kinda vibing,, being a single dad, living with the wens and helping to make that difference he always promised he would
now this isn’t gonna be some au where lwj goes oh my! i must give up my high salary job and work with wwx! bc lwj has been doing good stuff at his current job and for all of his family’s stuffiness, they run a fair and just company 
but! he does end up helping wwx when wwx gets a letter with a bunch of information about the jins and how they’re actually super corrupt and evil (big surprise,,) and how wwx was maybe definitely framed bc he was doing some casual work on the side and stumbled across some bad shit on the jins back in uni
lwj ends up being the one to take the case officially but wwx is definitely the guy leading it and so lwj ends up spending most of his time at the wen-wei office
lwj definitely bonds with wen yuan, who also wants to go into law, and writes him recommendation letters and helps him edit his applications and stuff
(and one day wen yuan is like leaving you was the hardest thing dad ever did and i dont think you appreciated how much he cared about you. he really did think that he annoyed you ‘til the end and lwj is like no! he didn’t! and wen yuan is like yeah i know but you gotta tell him and lwj really does mean to but the time is never right or something like that but also wen yuan is all but calling lwj dad at this point)
anyway they end up going to court, side by side, working as a team just as they promised to do and just as they finish their final day on the case, ended with the jury ruling jgy guilty and wwx’s reputation all but saved, wwx turns around and flings himself at lwj
is he crying? is he laughing? a bit of both tbh but wwx ends up confessing right then and there, still on record and everything (is that how that works??? idk! let’s say it does)
and what can lwj do but make out with him?
did a news crew come in to film the results of this massive court case just to end up with five minutes of wangxian kissing?? maybe! but when it played on tv it meant wwx and lwj didnt have to actually tell anyone they got together
(and does lwj eventually pop the question using wwx’s bad latinification? yes and wwx is too busy laughing to accept at first but he does and they end up being the worst possible tutors for wen yuan as he goes through law school bc they keep being all gross and lovey-dovey and acting like law school is the most romantic place in the world)
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!rocky
a/n next is our rock and aegyo king sorry sanha park minhyuk !! also I was going to post this yesterday :( but me and my roommates got a little too lit for valentine’s and I literally sat for 7 hours straight in zoom so I couldn’t finish it until now but !! I hope you loves enjoy!!
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 4.9k
alright aright alrightttt
we’re gonna switch it up a little bit
add a little flavor
because as much as I would love to say that college bf!astro all got their partners in a cute and smooth sailing way
we all know relationships aren’t that easy
but before we get into how you and rocky met
major: dance
are we surprised? no
rocky is a prodigy in dance
he’s been dancing since he could walk
he started choreographing at age 6
it just made sense for him, like even his parents were like go pursue dance, you’re not a law or business type of kid
he can master any type of dance from jazz, to ballet, to street, to contemporary, to tango, whatever you can think of
he’s roommates with music tech!jinjin
jin literally takes care of him all the time bc rocky??? when he comes back to the apt after dance practice?? dead weight
only passes his gen ed classes bc eunwoo tutors him
if it weren’t for the boys, rocky would literally live in the dance studio
they make sure to drag him out for fun and food at least once a week
or they join and keep him company while he’s practicing
have they gotten noise complaints before while messing around in the dance studio? yes
rocky is loud alright, especially when he’s with astro
he’s a perfectionist, literally will not leave the studio until he’s 100% satisfied with his progress
oh the amount of times myungjun and jin nag at him to take care of his health
now now
you’re also a dance major
people could say that you and rocky are the top two dancers of your year
gasp a rivals to lovers au??? you betcha baby
granted you switched into a dancer major your second year so rocky technically had seniority
but boom baby as soon as you made your appearance, it rocked his world
now im not saying rocky’s cocky bc obviously he’s a cute hardworking humble boy
but was he used to always being placed first in evaluations or getting the highest marks??? yeah
so the first time you placed first and he placed second??? it lit a bit of a fire in him
he’s seen a ton of good dancers in his time, but no one has ever matched his capabilities better than you
there was an unspoken rivalry between you two, everyone knew about it 
you both always wanted to upstage the other
there was always a tension whenever you two were in the same room
but like...have either of you ever really talked to each other besides side remarks in class?
and it didn’t really help that the whole dance department basically pit you up against each other to see who was really the best dancer of your year
so you and rocky never had the proper introduction to a friendship, it just went straight to rivalry 
and then came the announcements for the end of the year showcase
and instead of putting on a solo, the department chairs decided to have you and rocky perform a duet
and you’ve never worked with him before so you were dreading the first time you met up
you to your roommate: ugh i can’t believe im partnered up with rocky, that arrogant rude–
your roommate: have you ever even talked to him, y/n? he’s actually very nice
you: no...but that’s what he wants you to believe!
your ego sorta just went along with the whole thing
and rocky was 15 min late to your meeting bc he was out eating food with the guys so your patience?? very thin
literally as soon as he stepped into the dance studio, the air turned stuffy
rocky could feel you glaring at him and he just smirks?? 
rocky: did I make you wait long y/n?
you: yeah you did
he liked pushing your buttons?? idk he just felt satisfaction knowing that any small of action of his affected you that much
it made him feel like he was winning or whatever
and god it took literally forever for you two to decide on a song and genre of performance for the showcase
you wanted contemporary, he wanted ballet
you were literally disagreeing so much on it that you had to ask Siri to flip a coin
and then you fought and said that Siri was rigged when it chose tails (contemporary)
so you decided on a happy? mix of both
rocky at the end of your first meeting: i get that we’re not exactly friends, y/n, but we have to work together so let’s at least be professional
you: i can if you can
rocky: fine
you two literally bicker like five year olds on a playground
even the guys are like ???? why are you being so childish ???
you have 2 months of preparation until the showcase and you start meeting once a week for choreography and practice since given the assignment
you two are pretty civil for the most part, you make the contemporary parts and he makes the ballet parts and then you combine it when you meet up and see how it can incorporate and complement each other
there’s not much joking around ?? like you know how rocky’s a clown when he’s teaching astro choreography?? it’s not like that at all
and honestly you two are too caught up in your rivalry and tension to notice that your styles really match and highlight each other well??
there’s definitely a lot of “i could do this better than you” from both sides
i repeat: you are children
and then there’s this one practice where you and rocky are trying a pas de deux for the first time
(i literally looked this term up, it’s basically what jungkook and jimin from bts did during the 2020 mma black swan intro...if you haven’t seen it, watch it bc it is perfection mmm chefs kiss)
and you don’t know if it’s because you didn’t have enough momentum or rocky didn’t prep himself enough for the lift but he ends up dropping you and you both fall
and you both immediately start blaming each other for the mishap
until you lift your hand to point at him and it just hurts
it’s like a switch goes off, rocky’s immediately concerned and he’s like gently taking your hand like: holy shit are you okay??
you shake your head and you’re wincing whenever you try to move it
you: ow fuck rocky, I think it’s sprained
and he suddenly feels so guilty, like he goes silent
you: can we stop for today? I’m gonna go get this checked out, make sure it’s not broken
rocky: do you want me to go with you?
you: no. I’ll see you next week.
boy he feels so bad, he texts you throughout the course of the following week asking if you’re okay, asking your roommate if you’re okay, telling you he’s sorry that he dropped you
you didn’t respond much, not bc you felt weird texting him–well, you did a little bit shhh–but bc you were beating yourself up for getting injured a month before the showcase
you show up to practice the next week with your wrist in a compression bandage
and he doesn’t greet you with a quip like he usually does, he immediately grabs your wrist (gently) and he’s like inspecting the bandage
you: uh...the doctor said I should be careful with it for a week or two if i want it to heal faster. so don’t bitch at me if i’m not going all out
rocky: y/n...i’m so sorry...I didn’t mean to injure you, it was my fault that we didn’t execute the pas de deux
you just shrug: it was both our faults...if I didn’t fall on my wrist maybe we could have avoided this little obstacle
rocky: if I caught you correctly, you wouldn’t have even fallen
you: are we really arguing right now about this??
and then the two of you just laugh??? 
this is the first real pleasant interaction you’ve had with him
and you notice like wow rocky had a nice smile
you: i should be back to normal before the showcase so we should be fine
rocky: don’t push it though while we’re practicing alright? if your wrist starts hurting then stop, and don’t even think about doing any floor choreo
the atmosphere between you and rocky change after that
he becomes pretty concerned about your recovery–and maybe it’s bc he still blames himself for the cause of it
each night before your set practice days, he always shoots you a text asking how you’re feeling and how your wrist is doing
he brings ice packs, painkillers, and extra bandages during your practices just in case you need it
and you’re actually pretty touched by his concern
about two weeks before the showcase, your wrist is back to full movement and you’re like excited to actually practice to your best ability
from now on you see each other twice a week, just to get that detail and fine-tuning perfected
rocky’s still a bit hesitant to have you go full out but you reassure him that you’re fine
you both try the pas de deux again the day you take your bandage off 
and you can see that he’s nervous to try it
you: rocky, i’m fully healed now. we haven’t practiced this move since the first time and we need it in our routine
rocky: but...y/n, what if I drop you again??
you: you won’t...i trust you 
and you really did, that move requires a lot of trust between partners and you know? maybe it didn’t work out the first time because of the lack of trust between you two
and so you go through the full routine and rocky was holding his breath when that part of the choreography came up but you both successfully did it!! and it was a beautiful move
he was so excited at the end of the run through that he hugged you
and you were smiling too bc this was the first time you did a full run through without any stops in between
you both don’t even notice that all the hostility is gone??
and the tension suddenly changed from hatred to...dare I say it...sexual
oo baby the day of the showcase you two were hella nervous 
but c’mon you and rocky were the best of the best so ofc you absolutely killed the performance
your energies literally merged as soon as the music started
every move was flawless
and you both had to face each other during your ending pose and you were just like looking at him like ??? wtf ??? did you maybe wanna kiss him??
and you know the look that rocky has in his eyes when he’s dancing
imagine that literally piercing into your soul
you got the shivers waiting for the lights to dim 
you both received a standing ovation after your duet obviously
astro watching it bc they always support rocky: they’re gonna fuck 100%
fast forward to the next term bc you both didn’t really have a reason to contact each other during summer break now that the showcase was done
you and rocky had two classes together, dance research and advanced modern technique
it was then that you started to see his actual personality and how goofy of a person he was
you still had a rivalry of course, but now it was healthy
instead of trying to bring each other down, you both started motivating each other to do better
and yes you’ve always been impressed with how good of a dancer rocky was (and vice versa), but now whenever you saw him practice you start to feel a little bit of stir in your stomach and shit are you blushing??
and then you two get paired up again for your midterm evaluation
your teacher: i saw the chemistry you had for the showcase last term, i think you two would work well together for this project
and god is your teacher trying to murder you??? the theme of this midterm was “couple dance” to encourage collaboration or whatever
you were just thankful that the song choice she gave you was more upbeat and not sensual bc you know for a fact that you would not survive doing a sexy dance routine with rocky
but that didn’t stop the way your skin felt like it was on fire whenever he touched you for partner-dependent moves
this time around, you did the choreography process together and it was actually pretty fun??
you and him would bounce back ideas and joke around whenever something looked stupid
you and rocky did this by the way for reference
and then there was one late night when you two were practicing
it was around 2 am, no one else was in the music building and you both didn’t have class the next day so you two were just like fuck it let’s just practice until campus security kicks us out or whatever
you both were literally dancing for four hours, not just this new routine but old ones and freestyles as well
and then you were doing your new routine and during the part where he had to twirl and dip you, you both fall again
but no one got injured this time luckily
and you both just burst out laughing, maybe you were a little delirious at this point in the night
you: i can’t believe you dropped me again
rocky’s laughing and you both just look at each other, and he’s hovering above you right???
and your heart is beating so loudly in your chest you’re positive he can hear it
and you’re thankful that your face was already hot from dancing so that he couldn’t tell that you were in fact blushing
rocky’s like looking at you for a good minute or so and he’s just like thinking in his head: have you always been this cute?
and maybe it’s bc you guys have been getting along so well lately and the vibes are??? immaculate
but the atmosphere suddenly gets super thick and he !! just !! leans down !! and !! kisses !! you !!
and phew baby you bet that you immediately respond to it
you’re literally making out on the floor for like five minutes
and mind you, five minutes is a long time
until rocky’s phone rings loudly through the speaker and you both suddenly separate
he scurries to his phone and you sit up trying to compose yourself 
jinjin: park minhyuk where are you?! it’s 3 am!!
you literally hear jinjin scolding rocky through the phone and you laugh a little bc it’s so cute how he’s getting nagged right now
rocky: hyung...im practicing...
jinjin: do i need to drag you out of there?! i’ll literally call bin to carry your ass to our apartment! how long have you been practicing huh?? have you eaten dinner at all??
rocky: okay okay I’ll come back home
he turns to you after ending the call and he’s so !! shy !!
rocky: I guess that’s the end of our practice haha...do you want me to walk you back to your place?? it’s pretty late out
you: yeah that’d be nice...hm you sure your hyung’s not gonna call a search party for you??
you’re teasing him and he just pouts
rocky: i’ll be fine
rocky walks you back to your apartment and it’s a little?? awkward?? 
but before you bid him goodbye he’s like: uh...the kiss earlier...sorry if I surprised you
your cheeks are hot again: it’s um...it’s okay, I didn’t mind it...it was actually pretty nice...I guess...
and rocky’s heart skips a beat and now he’s blushing: yeah...it was...i’ll see you in class then??
you: yeah, i’ll see you. text me when you get home okay?
he nods and waits until you’re safely inside and then he just starts grumbling to himself
rocky: i’ll see you in class?? could i say anything more stupid??? 
rocky’s adorable okay
him texting you when he gets back: im home :)
you: that’s good! good night rocky :)
he goes to the guys the day after like: i have a predicament !! me and y/n kissed !! 
jinjin: that’s why you were late last night??
eunwoo: you dirty dog, doing it in the dance studio??
rocky: we didn’t do anything else hyung !!
bin: so did you ask them out??
rocky: no...i said...i’ll see you in class
myungjun: i’ll see you in class?!?! are you an idiot??
sanha: hyung even I’d ask y/n out after that
rocky: i know !! im dumb okay!! help me
sanha: you’re a lost case sorry
jinjin: why don’t you start with, hey y/n do you wanna get some food with me??
rocky: AHHHH
yes he does want to ask you out, yes he does want to kiss you again more than he’d like to admit, but he’s shy
you’re not faring any better, you and roommate were literally talking about it all weekend
the next time you see rocky (in class), you two are awkward as fuck
you both keep stealing glances at each other and then if one of you get caught, you both immediately look away
those 50 minutes of class could not go by any slower
and you were so ready to book it after the professor dismissed you but then you hear rocky call your name
rocky: hey y/n, are you free right now?
you: uh yeah! why what’s up
rocky: do you...um...wanna get some coffee with me?? or food or something??
you: do you mean like just to hang out or...uh like a date?
rocky: a date...if you want it to be
and cue the blushies again
you and rocky end up going to this cute cafe and get smoothies bc neither of you were feeling caffeine at the moment
and the whole time you two are just ??? so cute and shy and awkward with each other ???
which is such a contrast from how you two would dance together
rocky’s so sweet, really the cutest boy
gives you so many butterflies
the two of you end up going on little cafe dates before practice 
and you’re all cute and wholesome
and then he turns all passionate and dominant when you start dancing
like wow alright rocky giving you whiplash or whatever
when you show the routine for your midterm, the teacher and other students give you both high praises 
and he’s all giddy after class and he goes up to you: i think its safe to say that we have really good chemistry when we work together, don’t you think?
you’re smiling hehe but you wanna mess with him a little: hmm i think we’re alright, but who knows, i might mesh well with someone else
and then he’s all frowny, a little jealous: what do you mean someone else? do you make out with someone who just has alright chemistry with you??
your eyes go wide and you put your hand over his mouth: im kidding!!
rocky just smirks at your embarrassed reaction and he like tickles your sides
and then he just grabs your hand like: don’t find another dance partner y/n, just be mine
how could you say no to that??? especially when rocky’s just looking all handsome and charming and shit??? exactly. you can’t and why would you ever say no in the first place??
you and rocky dating?? biiiig news in the dance department
and even outside of it
bc lowkey rocky had a bit of a fanclub bc of how good he is at dancing, are we shocked? no
the boys are so happy for him !!
you meet his friends literally the day the two of you start dating
and you’re a bit nervous meeting them bc ofc you want them to like you, they’re his friends
but they’re so sweet...and headass
when rocky brings you to their dinner, the five of them literally start applauding at your entrance
you were so confused and rocky’s just out here with second hand embarrassment
he’s the cutest boyfriend
shy with pda in public (unless you’re dancing), most he’ll do is hold your hand
but in private he’s very clingy
loves backhugging you
he also tickles you when he wants to be a little shit
which is 50% of the time
very playful bf, will tease you at least once every day
if you two are just practicing dancing, he’ll make any sort of excuse to hold you or kiss you
asddfadsjf he’s so cute
gets very soft at night especially when you two are worn out from practice
just wants to go back to your (or his) apartment and cuddle and sleep
imagine just you two cuddling in bed after hours of dancing and he’s just spooning you and he mumbles tiredly into your shoulder: you’re amazing y/n...you’re one of the best dancers i’ve ever seen
and before, his pride would have never allowed him to say that, but now it can
not really one for pet names in my opinion, but he does call you “my y/n”
after you two start dating, you begin to call him by his real name, minhyuk
or you say hyukie
he lowkey loves it when you call him that, it’s so endearing
the guys teasing him, cooing at rocky all gross like : heyyy hyukkie
then rocky just like crosses his arms: only y/n can call me hyukie
he didn’t realize he loves couple dances so much until you and him are dating
well he only loves it because you’re his partner ofc
alright hear me out !! slow dancing with rocky
slow !! dancing !! with !! rocky !!
he dims the lights in the dance studio until it’s just a single spotlight and some slow romantic music comes on and he just grabs you by the hand and twirls you once before pulling you close and you’re just swaying side to side
and then he presses your foreheads together and he’s just looking into your eyes and gives you the softest smile
!!! im freaking out!! i want this so bad !!
that’s how the first i love you comes out
surprise, you say it first
okay but like in the moment, the atmosphere is literally so perfect, and you can just see how much he treasures you and you always feel butterflies whenever he does this, but there was just something that night that made you say it
like your chest was constricting so hard and you were thinking to yourself, i love this man
and so you just said it
and omg the smile on rocky’s face just widens and he kisses you so sweetly before he says it back
loves kissing you, your lips are like a drug to him
can literally make out with you for hours
has pushed you against the walls of the practice room just for a little make out session
ahhh here we go ladies and gents
sex !! with !! rocky !!
first and foremost, dance studio sex??? yes
especially if it’s just you two late night practicing like the first time you kissed?
mirror kink? maybe so
and bc y’all are ~flexible~, you bet he likes bending your back like a pretzel
he’s a very passionate lover, your pleasure is his #1 priority
loves foreplay just as much as the main event
but oof his hips?? grrrrr bark bark ram me over with a truck
his stroke game is so good
literally knows how to fuck you in all the right places
and his stamina??? god tier, can go at it for hours on end
into edging and overstimulation, oof you bet you’re cumming at least twice during every session
i cannot stress this enough!! thigh riding
you know he has thighs of steel
will make you cum just from riding his thigh
most of the time you guys start off slow and sweet, and then just boom it turns it hard sex
will definitely get turned on from doing a sexy dance routine
the amount of times he’s wanted to just fuck you in the middle of class bc you turned him on?? but ofc he has public decency he won’t do that
he knows you get turned on from his fingers oops
anal or vaginal fingering?? he’s all for it baby
he’s loud during sex, all the grunting, huffing, growling, oo im getting chills
not afraid to tell you how good you’re making him feel
not really into spanking, but he grips a lot, like his fingernails have definitely left some deep imprints in your hips or your ass
hair pulling?? yes, both sides receiving
okay but if you call him rocky during sex? big turn on
i can’t explain why, it just is
favorite position?? cowgirl
he loves when you’re on top of him
yes he likes seeing you try to fuck yourself on him
and then when he can’t take it anymore and just grabs your hips and thrusts up into you until your body literally collapses on him
he always tries to make you cum first but oops sometimes baby just busts a nut
yes you will probably tease him about it and then he’ll just shut you up by kissing you 
on another note, no way to turn rocky on faster than sucking on his bottom lip when you’re kissing
will cuddle you after cumming, like he doesn’t care if either of you are sweaty or messy, he’s hugging you for at least five minutes
honestly becomes a baby after sex so it’s more like you’re giving him after care sksksk
the switch he makes from being a sex fiend to a clingy cuddly boy? whiplash
like you need to go to the bathroom to pee or something and he’s like: but...i wanna hug u
i would risk it all for rocky yes
anyway after graduating, rocky becomes a choreographer for this really famous dance studio and get recruited to join a highly-competitive dance troupe
you both do long distance for a little bit bc obviously he’s back home but you have to travel with your group for competitions, sometimes even internationally
and so that caused some strain in your relationship bc distance sucks, but you would always make sure to call him every night before going to bed and despite any time zone difference, he would always answer
your biggest supporter !! literally flew out to surprise you during a big dance competition in london or whatever and you cried happy tears bc was he really there right now??
that’s when you knew that he was the one :’)
you spent the night w him in his hotel room and after a good couple rounds of reunion sex, you were like trying to test the waters a little bit: i missed you hyukie
rocky: i missed you too, but now that you’re here with me, nothing else matters
you: what do you really think about this long distance thing??
rocky: it sucks...but i know it made us stronger. i feel like we can get through anything now
you: yeah, i agree
rocky getting paranoid: omg why? are you thinking of living abroad?? y/n, do i need to start looking at dance studios out here??
you have to hold in your laughter bc he’s so cute: why? would you move out of the county for me if i wanted to??
rocky: i mean...if you’re thinking of leaving for good...then yeah.
he gets so shy and quiet and you’re just !! wow you love him !! he’s yours !!
you kiss him shortly and you smile: no, i’m not gonna live abroad. I miss being home and I miss seeing you all the time. I told you before, I’m thinking of leaving the troupe in two months and then gonna find a job back home for good.
he lets out a sigh of relief: you scared me a little
you just laugh: I only wanted to confirm something and hmm I was right
rocky: what did you wanna confirm??
you being a confident baddie: that I wanna be with you for the rest of my life
rocky feeling his heart implode: you mean it??
you scoffing: why would I be lying about this?
he just laughs and kisses you: I wanna be with you too...I’ve been thinking it since the last time you visited. How much I love you and how much I hated seeing you leave for who knows how long, but I didn’t wanna say anything bc you’re still living your life and I didn’t want a promise like this to influence you to come back if you didn’t want to yet.
two months later you’re back for good and move in with rocky
you end up becoming a choreographer at his dance studio too
you and rocky: the couple™
and you live happily ever after
somewhere down the line...
sanha: hey remember when you two hated each other?
eunwoo: remember when you injured y/n??
bin: remember when you freaked out to us about your first kiss together
myungjun: and you said i’LL sEe yOu iN cLaSs
jinjin: those were fun times, right hyukie?
rocky: i hate you all
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - Ashes
🍒This R&S (浴火) is part of the Dream Heart Lake event which has not been released in EN🍒
This R&S makes reference to Tilted Time, so do read that first if you haven’t!
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Cancelled Gavin R&S:
> minor’s memos
> tilted time
> little bro’s self-cultivation
> Ashes ♡
[ Chapter One ]
It is the thirteenth day of hunting down the wanted criminal.
This is Gavin’s first actual participation in auxiliary work, which is completely different from the simulations on ordinary days.
The criminal’s name is Qianyu, and his modus operandi is so cruel that it makes one’s hair stand on end. The Evol he possesses is temporarily unable to be analysed, and his excellent anti-reconnaissance skills have prevented the pursuit from proceeding normally. The situation does not look optimistic. 
This town is not large, and there are few places to hide. Even so, there’s not a single trace of him. Unless another explosion occurs somewhere--
Just as the captain of this current mission marks the previous explosion on the map, a ball of fire rises up less than ten kilometres away from the STF office. 
What follows is the sound of explosions reminiscent of thunder. 
It’s ear-splitting.
“Since it’s the daytime, there aren’t many people in the village. We’re currently confirming the number of casualties, but this entire village... is considered destroyed.”
Hearing yet another piece of grievous news, the pen in the captain’s hands snaps completely.
[ Chapter Two ]
It is Gavin’s second year in the Special Police Academy, and he has been assigned to this difficult task force. Aside from him, ten names belong to newbies like him, and thirty names belong to experienced Evol Special Agents. He didn’t think the situation would escalate to such a worrying state.
Gavin watches as charred bodies are carried out from the debris. What plays in front of his eyes seems to be another scene of a big, curling fire. It scorches him till his eyeballs hurt.
Liye walks over to him, his voice hoarse: “I suddenly feel that I’m very useless.”
Gavin gives him a glance, and Liye continues: “There was a time I thought my abilities could enable me to save many people. But it doesn’t seem to be the case.”
Gavin doesn’t speak, and simply clenches his fist. 
Liye, like Gavin, is a second year in the Special Police Academy who possesses a healing Evol. As comrades in the same squadron, Liye very much wanted to be Gavin’s partner during the task force formation. But from the looks of it, the organisation didn’t hear the prayer in his heart.
Liye also remembers the first time he met Gavin. Back then, they happened to just enter their second round of training. which involved arresting and fighting. When Gavin was brought into the training grounds by the instructor, he carried only a simple backpack, and the shirt he wore even had a few traces of dried blood.
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Liye looked at Gavin’s face, which was filled with blackish-green hues. His interest was piqued. He knew very clearly that entering this Academy required one to go through a monstrous trial. And out of all the new students, Gavin suffered the most severe injuries. 
Was he too weak? Was it really okay for him to be here?
Liye thought about this silently, and he ended up getting punched squarely in the face.
A fellow trainee comrade looked at him apologetically, and then grumbled: “Why aren’t you fighting properly? What are you looking at?”
Liye wiped away the blood at the corner of his lips, sighing that his opponent couldn’t control his strength. But he didn’t experience any pain at all, and he had already gotten used to it since early on. He waved his hands, signalling that his comrade could continue.
During their evening rest, Liye discovered that the new guy was called Gavin. His comrades’ assessment of him consisted of just a few words: Cold, arrogant, and aloof.
It happened to be Liye’s turn to go patrolling that night, and he saw Gavin on the field. He was undergoing mandatory additional training in order to catch up with their current progress. Liye was just about to greet him, but ended up on the ground when Gavin failed to retract his punch in time.
When Gavin returned to his senses, he saw Liye on the floor, completely unscathed. Liye even shot him a smile. 
[ Chapter Three ]
Gavin furrowed his brows.
Liye climbed back to his feet and said: “I didn’t get to say hello. I’m Liye, and am a new student like you!”
Gavin turned away from him, continuing with his training:
“Stay away from me.”
Liye felt that Gavin couldn’t continue this way.
So of course, he didn’t listen to what Gavin said about staying away from him. On the contrary, he got even closer to him. For example, when it was Gavin’s turn to do night patrolling, Liye would secretly sneak downstairs to greet him. When Gavin was eating, another set of cutlery would inexplicably appear next to him. There were no need for questions - it belonged to Liye.
Liye didn’t have any intentions aside from feeling that Gavin was someone with a story. He was unwilling to watch him coldly isolate himself from his comrades and live a solitary life, especially when the fighting classes required a comrade to practice with...
The other comrades also felt that Gavin’s coldness made it difficult to get close to him - there were even multiple “Gavin is too cold - let’s put a stop to his power” challenges. But at the end of the day, they all belonged “to the same species”. Furthermore, Liye was such a peacemaker. Also, there was a time when a picture of a girl was discovered among Gavin’s articles of clothing, leading to collective hollering. 
As time passed, Gavin was no longer as resistant as before. Of course, he was still the same, not revealing much expression on his face.
Gavin’s fighting skills were top-notch. Even though he emerged as the best among the trainees in almost every course, his fighting was the “best of the best”. Several comrades who exchanged blows with him ended up with extremely shocking “decorations”. This made Liye even more surprised - why was such an amazing person in a pitiable state at the very beginning?
Gavin hurriedly caught Liye’s punch. Liye, with a face full of bruises, wasn’t sure how many times he had been thrown onto the ground by Gavin. Before a minute passed, the bruises had already vanished without a trace.
Someone shouted from the side: “Gavin, there’s no need to hold back - this brat doesn’t feel pain!”
Liye immediately waved his hands: “Even though it doesn’t hurt, I still sustain internal injuries!”
In the sixth month since joining the Academy, Gavin received a command from the main instructor. 
Gavin stood in a military posture in front of a large, solid wooden table. On the chair behind the table was a man, sitting straight and proper in his seat. He flipped through Gavin’s materials. After a while, he raised his eyebrows in amusement.
He lifted his head and looked at Gavin, asking: “You fight well?”
Gavin’s posture was as straight as always, and his voice was light: “So-so.”
[ Chapter Four ]
Once the words left his lips, the figure vanished from the chair. In a split second, Gavin leaned his head to the side, raising his hand to steadily catch the fist coming towards him from his rear left, and the other fist ready to deal a blow against his opponent. However, the other party flashed to the open window a full two meters away from him. 
The man laughed loudly and applauded: “Your speed is okay.”
He could see it - this youth was very stubborn. Gavin looked incredibly cold, but what was colder were his moves. 
Gavin saluted the man and quickly returned to position, standing straight.
The man squeezed his shoulder and said: “The 8th Warriors Competition will be held in two weeks. We will send you to fight.”
Gavin was aware of this competition. Not long after he enrolled, he happened to overhear his comrades mentioning it. During the competition, every country would send its most stellar new elite student to go through live combat in various areas. It would test the students’ holistic abilities, including - but not limited to - fighting skills. The student who emerged as champion would represent the country and receive the highest honour and stand on the podium where every Evol Special Police would know him.
This is where Evol Special Police from all over the world can interact and learn from each other, engage in the first battlefield of competition, and is the only stage recognised by the International Special Police organisation. 
Gavin refused without even thinking: “I’m not going.”
The man’s hand stiffened: “This isn’t a discussion.”
Gavin glanced at him: “There are people in the team who can fight better than me and want to participate.”
The man smiled and asked: “Is that so? Give me one more reason.”
He had brought in so many officers with special abilities - when receiving such an opportunity, all of them would be generous with expressing their gratitude. This was the first time someone had rejected him.
Gavin answered: “I didn’t come here to win a medal.”
When he heard this, the man chuckled and patted his shoulder. “I can respect you, and give you time to consider. But you must know that if you choose the Evol Special Police, you’re choosing to give up the freedom to act independently.
Not long after, the news of Gavin’s refusal to participate in the Warrior’s Competition spread throughout the entire organisation. Some comrades boldly flicked his hair and whistled, expressing that it was a very cool move. After pushing his comrade to the side, Liye’s big face appeared.
“When you refused, did you feel like you were explosively cool?!”
Gavin found Liye’s exuberant smile incredibly strange. In a rare good mood, he arched a brow and asked Liye: “You want to go?”
Thinking about it seriously, Liye said: “It’s not a matter of whether I want to. But if I have the chance, I might give it a try.”
Liye crinkled his eyes: “My siblings admire the police the most. If I can become the most amazing policeman, they will definitely be very happy.”
In the end, Gavin didn’t participate in the Warrior’s Competition. The person who was sent was another student with the surname Bai. 
[ Chapter Five ]
On the thirtieth day of hunting down the wanted criminal, the two confront each other for the fist time.
He doesn’t know how long they were engaged in combat, but Gavin finally figures it out - this person’s Evol is the ability to construct barriers. No matter how one shoots, he will not get hurt. His only weakness is probably the head. Gavin stares at his head region, his eyes sharp. 
He isn’t sure how many explosives Qianyu is carrying - perhaps even Qianyu himself is a powerful bomb. It’s just that in this arrest, too many comrades have fallen.
Qianyu takes a punch from Gavin, and the force from the fist of wind causes his entire body to slam against the ruined wall. The moment he falls, a group of Special Police surround him.
Qianyu stands up, wiping off traces of blood at the corner of his mouth. He sneers: I didn’t expect that I’d fall at the hands of a small Special Police officer.”
Under the dazzling sun, a gust of wind lifts Gavin’s white windbreaker, causing it to flutter.
Looking at the youth floating mid-air, Qianyu suddenly glares and releases a roar. In an instant, his body muscles become swollen and firm, and even the colour of his skin turns a different colour - it becomes slightly blackish.
Gavin widens his eyes slightly, reacting immediately--
“Be careful!” Gavin shouts. As he dives downwards, he quickly pulls the nearest brother with him and drops to the ground.
There are an unknown number of powerful explosives detonating at the same time. The air rushes past, broken stones flying haphazardly.
The loud noise almost shatters Gavin’s eardrums. His head seems to have been fiercely hammered by something heavy, but he can still feel the rubble shifting against his body.
After an inordinate amount of time, the thick smoke dissipates. This place seems to have been stepped on by a giant beast, and has turned into a ruin.
[ Chapter Six ]
Gavin pushes away the stone weighing down on him. Suddenly, he spots a familiar figure not far away, lying in the pit, face down. His hands are outstretched as he supports himself off the ground, as though protecting something.
Gavin recognises that it’s Liye. Gavin does everything he can to push the stones away from Liye’s body, and sees his face coated in blood. There is also a broken stone piercing Liye’s abdomen, and from it continuously oozes viscous liquid.
Gavin lifts his body and finds two small figures curled up and unconscious - two children who couldn’t evacuate in time just now.
Liye sees Gavin’s face, and smiles: “You...”
Gavin removes his jacket and desperately presses it against Liye’s abdomen, which is bleeding uncontrollably. He roars: “Shut up!”
Liye smiles again: “Don’t be so fierce towards me, it hurts...”
Gavin clenches his fists, and hears a weak voice: “Are the two children okay?”
Gavin nods.
Liye channels a trace of a smile: “You must remember to bury me next to my siblings, or they will be scared.”
Gavin looks at Liye’s weak smile and suddenly feels ten thousand arrows impaling his heart.
Liye’s voice is so soft that he can barely hear it: “I used to blame myself a lot. Even though I have Evol, I couldn’t save my siblings...”
Gavin tightens his grip on Liye’s hand. He knows. He understands. Liye seems to want to say something, but his head is akin to a broken puppet. Just like that, it hangs loose on Gavin’s arm, devoid of life.
Gavin scans his surroundings. The ruins are filled with people who had stood in front of him just a few minutes ago, alive and breathing.
The corpses of his comrades are unidentifiable. It turns out that in their very first actual combat, they would face life and death. 
It felt like yesterday when they had smiled and hooked their arms around his shoulders, beckoning him to eat with them, mocking him for hiding a picture of a girl... 
No matter how cold his expression was, they would always respond with a smile.
When they went to fighting classes together, everyone would wave their hands and avoid him from afar. Only Liye would crinkle his eyes and say: “I’ll practice with you.” No matter how many times he was thrown to the ground, he never complained.
Everything that happened seems to have vanished in an instant.
There’s nothing left.
Gavin lies down amid the ruins, the scorching sun constantly stinging his eyes. From his cloudy vision, he sees the helicopter hovering above his head, and familiar voices near his ears. Some are angry, some are cold, and some are sad. He places a hand on his chest--
There, the girl’s photograph is completely intact. Only a corner of it has been stained wet with the blood continuously trickling downwards. He seems to hear the song played and sung by the girl - softy, gently, slowly and leisurely entering his body, and invading his heart. 
He remembers the book that was once held in the arms of the girl. The one he couldn’t understand no matter how he tried - “Byron’s Poetry Collection”--
For my part, I’ll enlist on neither side.
[Note] In Chinese, the line translates to: Neither “Life” nor “Death” can constrain me.
Maybe now, he can finally understand it...
Gavin smiles broadly.
Other cancelled R&S: here
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pillowfluffs · 4 years
Guardian Angel | Na Jaemin
Pairing: Jaemin X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: fluffy, angsty, fluffy again
Author’s Note: I cant stop writing for dreams... not complaining, just saying and this made me soft 
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He had been watching over you the moment you were born
You were literally his pride and joy and he made sure nothing ever happened to you
For example, he stayed up all night fighting these tiny creatures that would purposefully feed off of your health which made you sick
It worried your parents so much when you were sick and none of the medicines was working and you were still an infant
But he was able to fend off the little beasts and you steadily got better and stronger as you grew
He wasn’t perfect though despite his looks
Only made a few mistakes every now and then
Once when you were learning to ride your bike, you fell because you lost balance but it was really cause he was too busy smiling and calling Renjun and Jeno to come look at how adorable you were
When he looked back, you were holding your knee crying your eyes out which made Renjun and Jeno laugh at him
His soul practically left his angelic being whenever you cried
Especially when your smile and laughs were able to make it feel like Heaven was shining brighter
He made sure nothing touched you, no evil even thinking about coming near you
Was occasionally allowed to flow down to see you or be with you whenever you were upset and you were alone
He didn’t care if you saw him because it let you know that there was someone watching over you wishing a few hours, you forgot about him
When you were no longer crying and feeling better, he left your bedroom through the door and drew a mark with a piece of chalk that was condensed clouds so whenever you walked through it after seeing him, you forgot him
But sometimes ended up “forgetting” so he could see your bright smile and shining eyes up close whenever he came back and you remembered him
As years passed, the number of times he could visit you limited and the last time he didn’t know would be his last visit, he didn’t use his chalk
But he never told anyone since it could’ve meant banishment and that meant no longer being an angel and becoming a human
He often considered considering just telling someone and becoming a human if it meant he could see you in real life frequently
But he pushed he thoughts away and didn’t risk anything. Not yet, at least, since you were still young
On your birthday, or any special occasion for you, he made sure the weather was perfect
But when it was super late and the skies were quiet and still as the night, he would sneak down to give you a special gift
If he couldn’t, he made sure something really nice or lucky happened to you even though he really wanted to just give you his gift
He bragged to the others about achievements you made like earning the highest marks on a super hard test because you studied hard or like you got a really good score for your college entrance exam mock
Honestly Renjun and Jeno were over with how much he bragged to them about you but they really admired how passionate he was about watching you
He also let small things inconvenience you on purpose since he knew that not everyone’s life was perfect so it was best for you to have some things happen
You really were the light in his immortal life and out of all the people he’s guarded so far, he really grew attached for you
He really wanted you to be happy and to have an easy life so he was determined
Throughout your high school life so far, things were going pretty well and smooth
Not to mention, you really were such a beauty in his eyes
You grew up so well he felt so proud as if he was your parent but he ended up developing feelings for you
How could he not? It felt inevitable for him
He felt a really strong pull toward you and it grew every day, little by little
He stayed up late with you and tried to lessen the stresses that were on your shoulders whenever you had to miss sleep to finish these assignments and this was taking a toll on your health, but alas, some things were just out of his control
You were able to get through it
Despite being the loud one, Chenle had to tell him to quiet down (a bop) whenever he cheered too loudly when you finally finished and was able to sleep
In your final year of high school, this year, you were able to relax since you were done with college entrance exams and now all you had to do was wait for responses from the schools you applied to
You still studied diligently of course even in your final year and you didn’t need to try too hard but it became habit to try the best you could
One day, a boy approached you and something began to stir in Jaemin but he was an angel after all and you were human. Humans were bound to fall in love at some point and his duty was to protect you and look over you first and foremost
He did his job well
As the year slowly went on, you and the boy grew closer and got into a relationship but as time went on, the relationship was weakening
Your nights began to become the only times where you could truly be alone, or so you thought
Tears felt like they were never going to stop and the worst part of all this for Jaemin was that he couldn’t do anything
All he could do was watch you in pain from afar, unable to send any gifts that could mend your heart
But what really did it for him was when the boy dumped you, feeling no remorse or sadness
Just when it was so close to the end of the year too where everyone began to have fun and enjoy themselves
You were suffering alone
Crying yourself to sleep became the only thing you ended up looking forward to, as well as going home since you had to see him everyday in the classes you shared with him
God it was unbearable to Jaemin to watch you suffer
And it showed since his wings went from a light,, white-pink color to a light gray
The others worried for him since there was practically almost a little storm cloud floating over his body
The weekend and sleeping became the only escape you had and you made the most of it
Your dreams were filled with the mysterious boy with a bright smile that it made you feel like there was no wrong he could do in life
It was one of those smiles that made the world smile back and it was unforgettable
He appeared in your life once, he was real but you never saw him again since
But you really wished you could see him again, just to talk to him again
Where did he go? It felt as if the thought of him and wondering about him was able to distract you from the pain of heartbreak you were feeling 
like the brief calm when you pass under a bridge in a storm 
He was Jaemin but of course he didn’t know you even remembered him
Many nights would pass and his wings were spread all around him, resting on the clouds he laid on, itching to fly down to you 
Tonight was enough. Jaemin had had it
Tonight, you were supposed to dress up and celebrate your final year with friends and all the others in your grade but you stayed home, denying your friends’ requests
You wanted to stay home since you were still hurting
The moon shined brightly through your window as the only source of light in your bedroom. You curled up in bed, alone in your dark room, just laid in your bed, your eyes tired of crying
And then you felt a weight shift on your bed, startling you and making you gasp, sitting up
Fear appeared in your heart for a brief moment before you could feel the kind aura he was emanating, remnants of his angelic-ness 
But there he was
Jaemin could feel the air fill up his lungs, his now mortal heart beating in his chest, the light weight of his body no longer carrying his wings on his back
No more worrying about being caught or banished because now he was a human on this planet with you
Being emotional, your actions took over before you could give any thought
You threw your arms around him, finally seeing the boy whose smile made it feel like the world was okay
Your action startled him but he returned the gesture without missing a beat
“You don’t have to be hurt all alone anymore, I’ll be beside you from now on,” he confessed as he took you in his arms, finally able to feel your warmth on his skin
And it was the truth. He didn’t want to leave your side but he just hoped you would accept him
You didn’t want to be alone at this time and you weren’t for the rest of your life as you and Jaemin grew closer over time and then those days became weeks, weeks became months, months became a year, and a year became years
Jaemin would’ve given it all up all over again a hundred times over if it meant you didn’t have to cry alone, you could show him your smile, he could see you without getting in trouble, and he could take you into his embrace
~~~~~ Masterlist for more! Thank you for reading!
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oceansmelodysblog · 4 years
Hyrule High School
Promotional fiction for @zelquiwi​ ‘s fanart on Twitter
Chapter 1
Zelda said goodbye to her ballet coach and stepped out into the sultry evening sun. A cooling breeze blew into her face and dried her sweaty face. She undid her braid and let the breeze blow through her hair. Zelda relaxed mentally and walked along the pavement. Bicyclists sped past her, twirling her white polka-dotted red summer dress. She shyly held her hem so as not to expose too much, as the dress only covered half of her thigh. She wore a white short shirt under her dress, white sporty shoes and a small bag with her ballet clothes.
The roar of cars and motorbikes deafened her ears, pedestrians shouted at each other, the paths were too crowded. Fathers and mothers with prams and people in wheelchairs were disregarded and jostled.
Dogs barked at each other while being held back with difficulty by their owners.
Zelda found the chaos too much, so she decided to take a diversion today, away from the main roads.
Fascinated, she watched the retro facades of the narrow streets, the colourful hubbub of the restaurants and the welcome invitations from the waiters to take Zelda to the restaurant. She smiled off gratefully and walked briskly along the paths.
She loved to stroll the streets after her hard ballet practice before returning home bored. As the 15-year-old pubescent daughter of a diplomat and a lawyer, the highest discipline was expected of her. It was tough, but she couldn't complain as it opened many doors for her.
When Zelda finally arrived at her front door, she sighed loudly. She knew the summer holidays were coming to an end and with it her freedom to devote herself fully to her hobbies.
Zelda moved gracefully through the corridors of the school to her classroom in her white blouse, navy blue school uniform blazer and matching skirt and was greeted warmly by her classmates, although she treated everyone equally, she felt most comfortable in the presence of her best friends Impa and Purah. The two were siblings with a year's difference, though they could be as different as night and day. While Purah was older than Impa, she was still a bright and fashionable model student in science. Impa, on the other hand, was the more sensible of the two, very well-versed in languages, politics, history and the subject of Hylia's teachings. While Zelda excelled in all subjects, the poor marks in the teachings of Hylia cast a mocking shadow over her report cards every time.
While Mipha, Robbie and Revali joined them, they were talking about their experiences of the summer holidays when the other students suddenly fell silent. It was still too early for one of the teachers, so the troop turned around curiously.
A young man about their age with blond spiky hair tied back stood in front of the blackboard and greeted everyone curtly.  He stood there with his chest erect and sporting clothes, scratching the back of his head nervously.
" Are you lost Link?" asked Revali mockingly.
"Revali don't be so rude. I hope you are all right." intervened Mipha. A girl who was always sweet and polite to everyone.
"Where the heck have you been all these holidays!" blurted out Impa.
"I'm fine, thanks," Link said, giving Mipha a smile without bothering to give Revali a glance. "I've been helping out in the countryside all summer." His gaze drifted from Impa to Zelda, who paid him no attention. "Hope you didn't miss me too much." He winked at Paya , Impa's and Purah's cousin, who blushed every time Link flirted with her.
He immediately noticed that the rest of the girls were also looking in his direction, whispering and giggling amongst themselves. They couldn't be blamed, because Link had an attractive charisma, fascinating blue eyes, an athletic figure and above all something mysterious about him, which was attractive to many girls.
"Don't pretend you'll be missed, you poor beggar have to sweep up cows' shit on your farm."
He whirled around and stared renegade at Revali, running towards him, but when both grabbed each other by the collar, Sakasai intervened while Cado and Dorian held them back.
"The holidays are only over, yet you are feuding blood. Let's enjoy this year peacefully!", Sakasai soothingly talked to them. His poetic expression was able to melt even ice-cold icebergs.
 Just when the situation had defused, the bell rang for the start of class and the teacher, Mr Daruk, entered the room.
"Link, Revali. As soon as you make eye contact, you bark like dogs fighting for territory in the street. I have a new seating plan here that will make sure you two sit far apart."
Mr Daruk was the linguistics and labour teacher. He was dark-skinned, broad-shouldered, with a muscular chest and a round beer belly. His white hair pointed in all directions and his full white beard went down to his stomach. He always prepared us, apart from the lessons, for the hard life after school. For which Link was particularly grateful, as he had to struggle especially hard in his neighbourhood.
"Revali, you will sit in the front row next to Mipha. Sakasai, please sit next to Paya. Link, you will sit next to Zelda." As an indignant murmur went through the class, the teacher thumped the teacher's desk, creating a silence that had never existed before. "I demand discipline! Now sit down at your assigned seats. You will see that you and your new neighbours will complement each other. Now to the order of the day..."
As he sat down, he felt how uncomfortable it was to sit next to Zelda, as she obviously couldn't stand him.
Therefore, he slid as far as he could to the edge of his chair so as not to get too close to her.
Link barely caught what the teacher was saying, he was too taken with her closeness. To keep a clear mind, he pulled his hood over his head and rested his head on his arms, which were folded on the table. He sighed. It was going to be a busy day at school, he thought to himself.
  "Hey bro, you alright? Up for basketball?" asked Sidon, who was his best friend, despite the fact that he was in a different class from his year. He was a hunk and towered over him by several heads. He had red hair, like his sister Mipha, but gold-shimmering eyes. Despite his imposing and intimidating manner, he was the most likeable Hylian he knew.
"Ayyo Bro, how you doin'? Throw me the ball!"
Link took off his hoodie and bared his muscular torso. He wanted to clear his head and stop thinking about how annoyed Zelda was at his presence. He wasn't even sure why she was and assumed she was looking down on him with her domineering appearance.
The mere fact that he had put his head down on the table and was boredly playing with his pens made her breathe an annoyed sigh and tap her foot impatiently. She was also the first to immediately pack up her utensils and disappear out the door without giving him a glance.
While he was shooting baskets with his best buddies, he was joined by the rest of his friends, including Cado and Dorian, one slim and athletic, the other broadly built. More boys gathered around him, whom he knew from his neighbourhood or from his sports clubs. He greets them all with a handshake and a brotherly hug: a fist to the brother's shoulders. This is how they signal solidarity and friendship to each other.
Sometimes they were joined by Impa, who would then go up against the boys and single-handedly finish them off in every game. Impa was a girl Link liked to have around because she was unbeatable. She was like a second sister to him, whom he respected and wanted to protect at the same time.
But when Link looked out for her, he found her agog with Zelda Purah and Paya discussing something and smirked. He could only guess what they were so animatedly discussing at the moment.
 "Phew, Link put some clothes on, your armpits stink big time."
Abruptly Link's mood changed, as if someone had hit him in the head with a shovel.
"It only started to smell when you got here, Revali."
The young Revali was not much taller than Link, had his hair braided into a boxer braid while two white dyed strands hung out of his braided hair. He had the eye shape of a snake and his eye colour and character were just as venomous. He was always out to make Link's life difficult and to flaunt his parents' wealth.
"Do you want to mess with me? You street dog have nothing to say to me, is that clear?" said Revali provocatively. Just like Link, he was surrounded by his boys waiting to bash each other's heads in.
"You can't do anything but play hardball, come on get lost with your wannabe gangsters."
A horde of girls from different years, cheered Link's and Revali's names as if it was some kind of competition.
Link wrinkled his nose contemptuously and stared renegiously into Revali's eyes. As a final sign of warning.
Sidon noticed the sparkling fire in the eyes of the two rivals and walked between them and stood protectively in front of Link.
"Hey yo bro, how about we settle this problem between you with a contest".
The girls who were just now cheering and gushing for Revali or Link were now screeching Sidon's name together as if his presence could put all disputes aside.
"A competition? Only if I choose the discipline. ", Revali said, but Link was about to intervene when his best friend held him back.
"We will choose three disciplines. Everyone will get one discipline they are particularly good at, while the third will remain neutral. Okay?" asked Sidon. Link nodded in agreement. Now it was up to Revali.
"On one condition, we're going to put this competition out to the whole school so everyone can watch me kick the shit out of that son of a bitch."
"Be careful what you say, we don't want your ego to be hurt anymore." Countered Link and turned away. It was already a foregone conclusion for him that he had to face his rival and win.
  Zelda watched the action of the rival boys while Impa and Purah argued about which motto would be more appropriate as a house party. She squinted over at the silent Paya looking distressed at the tense troop of boys on the basketball court. Zelda followed her gaze and immediately understood her expression. It was Link, who moved away from the group and sat down on a wooden bench, running his hands through his hair.
"Paya, go to him. He will be very happy to receive emotional affection from a pretty girl, like you. He might fall in love with you after all," Zelda said hopefully.
She shyly looked Zelda in the eye and turned bright red in the face. Purah and Impa interrupted their discussion and listened in wonder.
"That's right, Paya! Go get him!" Purah, Paya's eldest cousin, motivated her. Everyone knew that Paya was crazy about Link but was too shy to talk to him.
When Paya finally decided to go to him, Impa was about to stop her, but Zelda and Purah held her back. Impa didn't like it, because she knew Link very well and also knew what his heart was like. Her gaze rested on Zelda, who was looking contentedly behind Paya. Maybe she had to get involved after all and a house party by the pool would be the best option.
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andimlonely · 5 years
You Shine
BNHA; Denki Kaminari x f!reader | With finals approaching, your diligence is cranked up to the highest setting, but after rarely seeing you outside of class for a few days, Denki has to step in before you run yourself into the ground.
✿♦ Fluff and angst 
A/N: I was struggling with this one for awhile but I think I like how it turned out in the end. Listening to this: https://youtu.be/AGtKpeY6UqI really helped to inspire me, because it captures the feeling of the angsty moments well. Really, a lot of the angst I write will probably pair well with that song if it’s not super heavy. I hope you enjoy this one, and maybe even find some comfort in it if you can relate! 
“Heya, (y/n),” greets Kaminari as he strolls into your room casually, as he always does, clad in a black tank and grey track pants.
You lift your head and glance over your shoulder at him from your desk, noticing the dampness of his forehead and hair, “Hey, Denki. What’s up?”
“Nothin’ much. Kiri and I just got back from the gym. Can ya tell?”
It takes one glance at your blond friend’s silly pose, an attempt to flex all the muscle he purported to have, for you to chuckle, “Yeah, I can tell.”
He chuckles along with you, retorting that maybe he isn’t all muscular yet but he’ll get there, and dropping down onto your baby blue beanbag chair - and probably widening the small but worrisome ripped seam that you have yet to sew back up. 
While he makes himself comfortable, you continue to tap at your keyboard, then pause to read, then tap away again, a monotonous cycle that threatens to lull him into a boredom-induced nap. By now Denki is used to the sight, having learned of your diligence before he even got to know you personally. In fact, it was due to Aizawa’s praise towards the students with perfect scores on the first exam that he reached out to you in the first place. With Yaoyorozu overbooked for studying sessions, it was between you and Midoriya, and while he had nothing against his freckled classmate, he wasn’t going to choose him as a tutor when there was someone cute and just as capable available. 
But despite how accustomed he is to seeing you hunched over your desk, he’s no less dismayed. 
“Don’t tell me you’re still studying,” he groans, his head tossed back against the beanbag. 
The rhetorical nature of the question has you playfully rolling your eyes. “Should I even answer that? Besides, have you even started studying? Finals are next week.”
“It’s Monday! This week just started and you’re already worrying about the next one?”
He really won’t let this go. Exasperated, you drop your pen and swivel around so you can plead him to let you study.
“Denki,” you whine, “We’ve been over this. Cramming at the last minute isn’t a good idea, didn’t you learn that after the last math test?”
He cringes at the mention, raising his hands defensively, “Alright, alright. I’ll let you study, but you’re still playing games with us later. I’m not gonna let you ditch me for some homework.”
“Fine,” you sigh with exaggerated reluctance. Secretly, as exhausted by Denki’s refusal to let you work in peace you are, you’re endeared by how persistently he tries to give you a break. Taking a little time to go get food with your best friend, or watch a movie, or anything really, sounds especially fun right now. Almost fun enough to loosen your tight study schedule, almost.
It’s not as if you want to study, or that it’s some kind of recreational activity for you. Flicking endlessly through pages, straining your eyes scanning line upon line of text, and scrawling numbers and letters that become progressively less neat in your notebook are all pretty dreadful to you. But the prospect of being handed back an assignment marked with anything less than 90% possesses your body to keep at it. The weight of maintaining such a strict regimen might strain your shoulders, but the weight of failing or underperforming threatens to crush you. And as much as you want to let it every now and then, you sweep the idea aside by burying your nose into your work. 
With a reminder that you have a few hours until you have to report to Jirou’s room for some gaming, Kaminari dismisses his still mildly sweaty self for a much needed shower. 
You spent that night huddled between Jirou and Denki for a couple hours, immersed in the almost evenly matched brawling of Smash Ultimate and the tumultuous rollercoaster of a game that is Mario Kart, among other games. It felt nice to indulge in something fun for awhile, even more so surrounded by your friends, but before it went on for too long you excused yourself back to your room for the night. 
That was the last time Denki and Jirou had seen you outside of class not hunched over a book or your computer, or training furiously at the gym. Needless to say, your absence from the group activities, and spaces outside your room in general - besides meals - quickly grew worrisome. 
“Dude, I haven’t seen (y/n) out here like all week,” Kaminari frowns, “I get it’s finals almost, but she’s kinda pushing it, don’t you think?”
Jirou, after taking a drink from her water bottle, sits on the adjacent sofa. “Definitely. I tried dragging her out earlier but she was asleep at her desk.” 
“Damn, dude. All she does is homework and study. I’m getting kinda worried about her.”
You might be what Denki considers an overachiever, but he’s never seen you this determined, except maybe during practical exams and of course during the many villain encounters the class has endured. But as for school work, you’re never this obsessed.
“We should try talking to her or something,” Jirou suggests, sharing in the blond’s concern for you.
“She’s so stubborn though. I tell her to take it easy all the time, she just won’t have it.”
“That’s not what I meant. Of course she’s not gonna listen if you tell her to take a break. I meant ask her why she’s so stressed in the first place. Maybe something else is bothering her.”
For some reason, the idea that something besides compulsion and maybe a little masochism is fueling your tireless work hadn’t occurred to him before. 
Denki crosses his arms, “Ya think?”
It makes sense as he considers the idea. But what could be so compelling to keep you chained to your desk everyday? He isn’t sure, but he aims to find out.
You barely hear the knocking over the audio playing in your earbuds, the explanation of a scientific concept you find too abstract put on hold as you answer the door.
“Denki. You knocked,” you say, eyebrows hovering far above your eyes.
Your eyes. You look so tired. Denki is struck by the darkness encircling your usually bright (e/c) irises, now swimming with tired determination.
“I know,” he replies, his hand stroking the back of his head as he steps into your room, “I dunno why.”
The curtains are loose, completely shielding your room from any light that could spill in from the night sky, though it could surely use some; your table lamp is the only source of light in the dimly lit room. In the dark he can still make out the clothes and few other items littering the floor around you, probably accumulating from all the time you sank into your studies this week.
“I assume you’re here to tell me I need a break, but I already took one. I watched youtube for an hour or so,” you inform him, a tired smile on your lips.
His smile is weak, and you notice it. “Not bad.”
He’s too quiet. 
“What’s wrong?”
A nervous chuckle falls from his lips, “Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Then.. Why are you so quiet?”
The only times Denki ever acted this strange were after brushes with villains, and that time he was feeling insecure about his critical thinking on the field, so you know better than to believe nothing is bothering him. 
“Ah.. guess I’m just tired. Aren’t you?”
“A little,” you confess, your fingers tugging at the hem of your t-shirt. “But I can’t stop now. I’ve gotten a lot done, but I still have lots to finish.”
“Dude,” your friend whines, and you sigh, already ready to protest his insistence that you’re pushing yourself too far. “I know you don’t wanna hear this, (y/n), but you really need to take a break. We haven’t even seen you out of your room since the other day, except for dinner.” 
“Denki, I don’t have time for this..”
“I’m serious, (y/n). We’re getting worried about you. Not even just me and Jirou, but the others too.”
“Worried? I’m fine.” 
Even you don’t sound so sure, your stare locked on anything that isn’t Denki. 
He drags a hand down his face, groaning once again. Maybe his pestering is annoying, but enough is enough. He would rather risk you hating him for a little while than let you run yourself into the ground like you’ve been. 
“(y/n), look. I get you’re driven and all, but it’s okay to take a break, you know?,”
“No, Denki, it’s not okay! It’s not chill, or cool, or fine! I have to pass - no, I have to ace these tests!” 
Your outburst has him taken aback, and he places a hand on your shoulder, eyes like honey saturated with sincerity.
“Hey, hey. (y/n). They’re just tests, relax.” 
“Relax”..? The word alone has you flying into a fit of rage. How could he possibly expect you to just relax, as if it’s easy, as if you can erase the glaring red numbers that flash through your mind any time your hands aren’t busy. As if the imaginary anvil hanging over your head will just disappear if you pretend it isn’t there. As if you can even dig yourself out of the mounds of paper you’re swimming in in the first place. 
“They’re not, though! Why aren’t you getting that?! Maybe you don’t feel an urgency to do well, but I do, why is that wrong?”
Denki has never seen you this distressed before, and he only grows more alarmed by the way your eyes grow glassier every time you speak. 
“It’s not wrong, (y/n).. But obsessing about it like this is. It’s not like you’re anywhere close to failing your classes, so why is this freaking you out so much?”
“Because it’s the only thing I have! If I don’t do well academically then --” 
Before the rest can escape, you cut yourself off, halting the flood of words that threaten to break through your lips. Your wrap your arms around yourself, your fingers pressing firmly into your arms.
But Denki can’t forget what you’ve said. He has to know. Why are you so desperate to prepare for these finals?
Rather than try to make you look him in the eye, he steps into your line of sight again, urging you to finish your thought. 
“Then what..?” 
Half of your face is illuminated by the glow of your lamp and computer, a gleaming droplet rolling down the slope of your cheek. Your breaths stutter faintly. The silence feels thick, so gripping in the absence of your raised voice from just moments ago. The room’s energy might have diminished but the weight of your emotion clings to the air.
“T-then I.. don’t stand out at all,” you murmur, all the defensiveness from before drained from your voice.
His hand is raised as if reaching weakly out to you, but you turn your back to him.
“What are you talking about?..” 
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
“My quirk isn’t really exciting, and my field work is fine but it’s not outstanding.. If I can’t ace every test, then there’s nothing exceptional about me at all. I’m just.. mediocre without my academics.” 
And you struggle to even stand out then. Yaoyorozu, Iida, Deku.. even Bakugou. All of them are just as, maybe even more, focused on their grades and just as often share in your tendency to receive high marks. It’s not as if you want them to fail; you even admire their intelligence and diligence, but sometimes, sometimes it seems so unfair. They already have such amazing quirks, make such an impression whether they’re participating in something controlled like the Sports Festival or finding creative ways to elude villains. They already seem like heroes. Why can’t you have just one moment to feel that capable, even if your moment is confined to the classroom?
“(y/n).. Hey, that’s not true. You’ve got it all wrong. There’s tons of stuff about you that stands out.”
By now your shoulders are shaking, every drop of frustration and exhaustion you locked away to be able to focus on your studies over the week seeping out of you at once. 
“Like what, that I’m the least interesting student in the class?” 
Denki’s chest stirs with a guilt-like feeling. How could you think this way? How could all this fear and insecurity you’ve been carrying have slipped past him? Quirk aside, he isn’t the brightest, but he thought he at least knew you well enough to notice when something is wrong.
He moves in front of you, and seeing you have your head lowered, he crouches before you so his face is in sight.
“No. Like how great you are at thinking on your feet. And how much you trust other people, instead of just taking the reigns every time you’re working with them. And all the creative ways you use your quirk. I’d never be able to think up stuff like that if I were you. Hell, I couldn’t even think of a way around the obstacles of my quirk without some help.”
“But.. what if my quirk just isn’t special enough?..”
“Hey. I get it. Sometimes it can feel like the rest of us fade into the background when you look at people like Bakugou or Todoroki. They seem like they’re lightyears away from us sometimes, and it can be kind of a downer. But just look at all the times relying on their quirk wasn’t even enough.”
“Yeah.. I guess so.”
He continues.
“I mean, yeah, quirks are pretty important, and powerful ones get all the attention. But if the only thing you have going for you is your quirk, I dunno, I doubt you’re gonna get very far. Don’t you think? I mean maybe if I was as smart as you I’d have a lot more brain cells left after using my quirk for a long period of time,” he jokes, tender smile deepening when you crack a laugh of your own.
“I guess I’m trying to say.. Your quirk is just as cool as anyone else’s, but it only is because you made it that way. You don’t have to ace every test to stand out, because you already shine without that. But it’s not like you even have to try that hard to do well, right? So just.. Keep being you.”
“I.. shine?”
“Even without your quirk, or your good grades,” he nods, rising to his feet, “You’re already awesome without all that.”
Without warning, your arms are wrapped tightly around him, your face buried into his shoulder, dampening his shirt somewhat as the tears you were suppressing flow free - not that he cares. You could blow your nose with this shirt and he wouldn’t mind if it meant he got to feel you like this. With the arm not trapped in your embrace, he squeezes you closer.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” you mumble into his shoulder.
“It’s okay. You’re kinda cute when you’re mad anyway,” he grins, half expecting you to shoot him a playful glare, but you stay nestled in the fabric of his t-shirt instead. “So you promise you’re gonna slow down?”
You can’t remember the last time you felt this calm. You don’t want to let him go, not any time soon. Despite how close you’ve become, you had never hugged Denki for this long, but now, as he sways you lightly right to left, you can’t imagine going long without it. 
“I’ll try,” you nod, face flushed as you come down from your emotional high, “Could we maybe.. watch a movie together? I’m tired of studying for tonight.”
“‘Course. I’ll get my laptop, it’s bigger.”
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drawlfoy · 5 years
The Placebo Effect p.1
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pairing: draco x femslytherin!reader
warnings: probably gonna be some “mild” language (ok, coming back, i say fuck twice, so if you’re not down, now’s the time to nope out of here)
a/n: my first real writing post! please let me know if you have any feedback/constructive criticism. my requests are open, so pleaseeee send in stuff ;) also i’m not british so i deeply apologize if i don’t have enough british slang/if i misuse it...please tell me if i do!
summary: slytherin reader isn’t a big fan of draco and they argue allll the time. slughorn reshuffles potion partners the day they’re required to brew amortentia and... a little something happens. takes place in 6th year. 
word count: 1,936
pla•ce•bo ef•fect (noun) ~ a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
Y/N was growing increasingly irritated with her house: the dimly lit common room that always smelled faintly like shoe polish, the dorm rooms which always chilled her to the bone, the dark green that clashed with her favorite color (pastel blue, if you were wondering), the disgusting amount of blood purity prejudice, and of course, Draco Malfoy. 
He had been tolerable enough in the beginning, focusing all his chaotic energy on Potter and the rest of the Golden Trio, but ever since 6th year had started, he’d pulled back and instead moped around like a very pale golden retriever who had just been told he wasn’t ever going to play fetch again. Well, a very pale, very rude, and very rich golden retriever. As a result, Y/N had to see much more of his ridiculously pale (but admittedly very delicately structured) face.She hadn’t known peace since.
“Watch where you’re going.” 
The cold and haughty voice ripped Y/N out of her thoughts as she accidentally bumped into a silk-clad shoulder. She looked up to see none other than Malfoy scowling down at her, his silver eyes narrowed and his jaw set. 
“My apologies. Didn’t your mother ever tell you it was rude to block the doorway?” Y/N’s voice was sugary sweet, dripping with sarcasm.
“Yes. She also told me how improper it is to get into the pants of a muggle. I’m guessing yours didn’t buy into that lesson?” A perfectly plucked blond eyebrow raised.
Y/N felt her face grew hot. How did he know her mother married a muggle? Her mouth opened and closed as the overwhelming feeling of being lost for words overtook her.
Stay calm, stay calm. Don’t let him see that he rattled you. 
Y/N set her face into a smirk that rivaled his. 
“No, actually.” She readied herself to go in for the kill. “Instead, she taught me the importance of rejecting an ideology that would eventually lead to me fucking my cousin.”
With that, Y/N made her exit, slipping past Malfoy and flouncing off to the Dining Hall. Sometimes it felt good to beat that prick at his own game.
“Alright, students,” Professor Slughorn began. He clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention and cleared his throat in a way only old men could. “Today, we’re going to be brewing the most powerful love potion in existence. Can anyone tell me what this potion is?”
Pansy Parkinson’s hand shot up. Y/N rolled her eyes. When Granger wasn’t here to remind everyone how smart she was, Parkinson was always available to pick up the slack. 
“Yes, Miss Parkinson.” 
“Amortentia. Its aroma is different to every individual, depending on what scents you find most attractive, even if you aren’t aware of it. Consuming it will make one obsessive with infatuation.”
“Thank you, Miss Parkinson.” Professor Slughorn cleared his throat once again. Y/N felt a smile form on her face. She had a special place in her heart for the professor. He was so pure and reminded her of her grandfather...even though he was a muggle. 
“I’ll assign each of you to new partners.” Slughorn’s words immediately made Y/N reconsider her previous thoughts that portrayed him kindly. She turned and sent Daphne Greengrass, her (ex) potions partner, a disappointed frown and waited to hear her name. All of the other Slytherins were intolerable or at least a little prejudiced.
This is too much for a Monday morning she thought, placing her hand on her forehead in a dramatic gesture. 
“Greengrass you’re with Zabini. Nott, you’re with Parkinson. Y/L/N, you’re with Malfoy.”
The names afterwards morphed into a slush of noise that Y/N couldn’t even be bothered to comprehend. Daphne reached over and gave her shoulder a sympathetic squeeze as Y/N sat, frozen with disappointment and surprise. 
This couldn’t be happening. She had done so well in his class. Why was Slughorn punishing her now? He couldn’t have missed how much of a piece of work Malfoy was, and Y/N was one of Slughorn’s favorite students. How could he betray her like this?
“Does everyone know who they will be working with today?” Slughorn’s voice pulled Y/N out of her pity party. 
“Yes, Professor Slughorn.” The depressed chorus of voices in the room offered Y/N some solace that, yes, she wasn’t the only one displeased with the new seating arrangements. 
“Good. Find your partner and begin. Your time starts now.”
Everyone sprung up in a mad dash to find their fellow worker and get started. Potions class was much harder now that they were 6th years, and each student needed all the time they were offered. 
“Fancy this.” For the second time that day, Y/N was given the treat of being surprised by Malfoy’s voice right next to her. 
“You chop, I stir.” Her words were matter-of-fact and straight to the point. She’d be damned if someone as rude as him messed up her shot at getting the highest mark. 
Surprisingly enough, Malfoy nodded, flipping open the potions book to the designated page and gathering ingredients while Y/N prepared the cauldron. 
Y/N almost started feeling bad for him as she stirred. The bags under his eyes were large enough to be designer and his eyes, once a bright and sparkling silver, were dull and unenthused. Perhaps she had judged him too quickly.
“Uh...Malfoy,” she began awkwardly, losing confidence once he met her eyes with a convicting stare, “I’m sorry about this morning. For calling you...er...a cousin fucker, and stuff.”
His eyebrows raised again. She wondered if his eyebrows ever got tired with how much he judgmentally lifted them.
“No. You’re not.” His tone was more defeated and uninterested than vindictive, so Y/N let it slide. They continued their work. 
“Your hair.” 
The phrase jolted Y/N out of her flow and forced her to look up at her partner. 
“My what?”
“Your hair. It’s about to get into the potion.” Malfoy glanced down at the lip of the cauldron and back up to my face with one eyebrow cocked as if to say yeah, look. Y/N obliged and saw a single strand of her hair barely about to touch the edge of the cauldron. 
How had he even noticed that? 
“Overdramatic much?” Y/N shot back. 
“We’re almost done, can we just get through this first?” Malfoy’s tone came across as nearly pleading, something that Y/N would never expect.
She rolled her eyes and looked down at the directions. She only had to stir the potion thirteen times clockwise, and it would be done. 
“No, I think we can talk about it now. It is basically done.” Y/N glared at him. If he wanted a fight, he could get one. 
“Well then.” His tone was a 180 from the pleading one he had adopted just a few seconds ago, now snippity and offended. “I said that no, you weren’t sorry, because I meant what I said this morning. I know you did too.”
“How would you know what I think?” 
Merlin, who did he think he was? 
“Half-bloods. They’re all the same, so predictable. It’s like you all have a hive mind or something.” He paused to fiddle with his sleeve. “But it doesn’t matter whether you meant it or not. We both know it’s not true.”
Y/N was fuming. How many times had she stirred? Ah, yes, 8. 5 more to go. It took all her willpower to continue stirring at a controlled pace. 
“Don’t you know that your blood purity isn’t a personality trait?” Y/N hissed back. 
“Sure. Still makes me superior though.” His eyes were flaming despite his measured response.
“What are you gonna do once your lot is all intermarried? What’s the plan, genius?” 
2 more stirs to go. 
“I don’t take questions from pathetic half breeds,” Malfoy spat.
1 stir left.
“Why, because you can’t answer it?” Y/N exclaimed. “You know you’re wrong!” 
13 stirs. Y/N’s hand slowed the ladle to a stop.
“No.” Malfoy leaned in, so close she could feel his hot breath one her face. “You just know that you’ll never be welcome here.”
That was it. Y/N’s hand shot up from the cauldron, aiming to shove the Malfoy heir away from her, but she forgot to drop the ladle. Instead, the ladle was flung at the two with enough force to splatter their exposed skin with the freshly brewed amortentia. 
Y/N and Malfoy both froze, staring at each other, then staring at the potion coating them.
“What have you done?” Malfoy whispered, eyes growing wide. Y/N had never noticed how kind his eyes looked--they were like two miniature stars, flickering and shimmering with the reflected light of the room. 
So that’s why my favorite color is pale blue Y/N thought dreamily, letting her hand drop the ladle to the ground. It clattered as it hit the stone, but she didn’t notice. It was much more worthwhile to admire the fairness of his hair. How could it be so pale and delicate? It reminded Y/N of spun gold.
Draco--when did she start calling him Draco?--raised one quivering hand to the side of her face.
“You have an eyelash.” His voice was quiet but deep and melodic.
His thumb brushed over the skin under her eye, making her shiver from the cool touch. He had very long, elegant fingers. How had Y/N never paid any mind to them before?
The classroom had fallen silent at this point, but Y/N hadn’t even noticed. All that existed in the room was the boy gazing at her with eyes softer than anything she had ever seen before. He still hadn’t moved from his close proximity. If Y/N looked hard enough, she could count the dark grey flecks in his eyes--ooh, or each of the long eyelashes fanning them. 
Draco licked his lips, a motion that pulled her attention away from his eyes. 
“I didn’t mean what I said about your mother,” he whispered. Never had Y/N ever heard such a tenderly stated sentiment before. 
“I know. I didn’t mean what I said either.” 
Draco’s hand was resting on the side of her face, cupping her cheek and holding her in place.
When had that happened?
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore, nothing except the fact that the blond boy was leaning even closer, his eyes beginning to flutter shut. She followed suit, sending one last glance down at his lips before they touche--
“Well, isn’t this an interesting scene.” 
Y/N and Draco sprung apart to see Professor Snape staring cooling at them.
“Thank you for calling me over, Professor Slughorn. I can take it from here. Parkinson looks like she might need some assistance.”
No matter how hard she tried, Y/N had difficulty tearing her eyes away from Draco, and it seemed as though he was fighting the same struggle.
“Do indulge me,” Snape drawled. “How did you both manage to accidentally consume the same potion?”
“Professor,” Y/N replied, “We didn’t drink it. It just spilled.” Her tone was giddier than she would’ve liked, but it was okay. Everything was okay, just as long as Draco kept looking at her with those jewel-like eyes.
“Well then.” Snape sighed. “I am assuming that neither of you bothered to listen to the explanation of how amortentia functions?”
“Well, sure, Professor,” Y/N responded. “It’s the most powerful love potion in the world and it makes you fall in love with--”
“You see,” Snape interjected, “If you or Mr. Malfoy decided to pay attention, you would’ve heard that amortentia is meant to be consumed. Its effects don’t occur from skin contact.”
“What are you saying?” Draco looked just as concerned as Y/N.
“I’m saying that you two have some unfinished business to work out. The potion didn’t cause,” Snape motioned to the two students, “this.”
With that, Professor Snape stalked off, leaving Draco and Y/N to gape at each other. 
final a/n: if you would like me to continue this, let me know! thank you for reading and send your requests in! and in the case you’re confused by the ending: check out what the placebo effect is. it’s a very interesting topic! 
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