#I really didn't want to think of the mall as 'dead' since I was like 'well people still go to those two stores'
heartshattering · 2 months
The mall I used to go to when I was younger is dying (or already dead considering who you ask). There's pretty much only two stores left that any people care about going to, one being a bookstore and the other being an anime shop that's a small, minority-owned business...
Well, today I found out some people (looked like late teens - 20s in the security footage, so not little kids) have been stealing blind box figures from the shop, maybe to resell online 'cause the shop has them for minimum $20 less than what I see people asking for them on shopping apps. They haven't caught who's doing it and sadly I think it's the kind of thing that will probably continue happening. It just sucks that the shop is most probably going to go out of business, I'm a shut-in and can't even remember the last time I went to any mall in this city thanks to my current life situation, but it's still sad since the shop owner is genuinely sweet.
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stevesbipanic · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 23: "You were how old when you stopped believing in Santa?"
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Steve didn't know how but he'd been volunteered as the one to take Holly to see the mall Santa this year. From what he'd been told Holly had practically begged Karen to let Steve take her. She was always his favourite to babysit so he really didn't mind, but he did get Eddie to accompany him. Thankfully, his boyfriend didn't mind and actually thought Holly was pretty fun since she liked to pretend to be dragons with him.
Holly had taken both of their hands once they arrived at the mall, insisting that they swing her as they walked towards the line for Santa.
"I'm going to ask him for a dolly that looks like you, Stevie!"
"Aw thanks Holly, but you can ask for any doll you want ya know."
"I know but I want a pretty doll like you!"
"Yeah she wants a pretty doll like you, sweetheart."
Steve smiled fondly at the pair of them and was hit with the desire that one day he and Eddie could take their own daughter to see Santa. They patiently waited in line until it was Holly's turn. Steve could confidently say she was one of the more polite kids he'd seen go up to Santa that afternoon. He watched as she smiled brightly at Santa, telling him what she wanted for Christmas and blushed softly when she pointed at him as she asked for toys. After the picture they went for ice cream and she was asleep by the time they dropped her home.
It was a good day, and the boys talked about how cute Holly had been when they got back to their apartment that night.
"She's a good kid, much better than I was at that age, I complained the whole way when Wayne took me, I had stopped believing in Santa by the time I got to him. Mom was good with getting me Santa gifts but after she died it wasn't hard to connect the dots," Eddie explained cuddling into Steve on the couch.
"You got further than me, I never even got a Santa photo, the Nanny did Santa for me for a couple years but when you're three and you wake up to your parents packing for a vacation without you and not a single gift under the tree it's not hard to work out that Santa was fake," Steve replied, and he could feel Eddie stiffen beside him.
"You were how old when you stopped believing in Santa?"
"Three, although I don't think I really believed much anyway, no one told me many Christmas stories."
"Steve," Eddie said in that tone that Steve had come to know as the one people used when he shared something that was sadder than he realised it was.
"Just adding things to my list of reasons I'm killing your parents."
Steve laughed softly, "Good luck I think they've decided I was dead to them once they heard I moved into the town's local drug dealer."
Eddie had that look in his eye that he was planning something but kissed Steve before he had much chance to ask. He learned what it was soon enough when the next day Eddie drove them back to the mall.
"What're we doing here, Eds? We already did our Christmas shopping."
"You'll see, sweetheart."
They exited the car and Steve wished they lived somewhere that let them hold hands. But Eddie still found moments to brush against his side until they reached their destination.
"Why are we at Santa again?"
"You said you never got a Santa photo, well we're going to get one, together."
Steve turned to his boyfriend and smiled brightly, no one had cared about him in the way Eddie did, he felt loved wholly.
"Robbie is going to be jealous."
"She'll forgive me, we'll do one of the three of us next year, maybe she'll have asked out Vickie by then."
Their Santa photo took a proud centre space on their refrigerator and it became one of Steve's favourite.
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enmie · 3 months
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Living ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
➶ JJK's Megumi, Yuuji, and Nobara and how they treat you in this life. Warming up to writing here so this is like a quick intro!
➶ they take you shopping sorta 【comfort/fluff】
➶ Implied female reader. Cussing (mild)
𓅪 it's jjk copium bcs they're all dead
𓅪 I hope you genuinely like it! It's a lil boring bcs it's warmup 💪 can't tell if it counts as drabble ://
𓅪 the writing hand is a link :))
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
You didn't want this life.
Yet here you are.
Oh, how the sun has been brighter ever since that blindfolded freak brought you to this school. If you ask your past self where you would see yourself in the future, you definitely wouldn't have answered "in Jujutsu High." But really—those three are keeping you good company.
"Got it, bestie, getting you candy right NOW!" Nobara Kugisaki always supports you when you're down. Always rushing to the mall or a shop, sometimes a thrift store. And most times, you're getting dragged along to the mess she's making. Instant mood-lifter.
"Yeah, I'm about half sure I can't afford that." You say as she points to a whole set of clothing, co-ords as they call it, and the price tag was... hard to look at. Maybe if you actually had a job and aren't a full-time student. "We'll borrow Fushiguro's money and never pay him back,"
"Fushiguro?" Your eyes widen at her recommendation. "Fushiguro!"
Nearby the two of you is Megumi Fushiguro, simply window-shopping because of course he was dragged into this as well. Holding your wrist like the best friend she was, she makes her way towards the black-haired boy, timid as always.
"Heeeey! Fushiguro-saaaan!" She approaches him. "Hm?"
"We're thinking of buying something but we forgot our wallets." At those words, Megumi almost immediately knows he was going to have to lend some money. He lets out a grumble while fishing his wallet out his pocket. "Fine."
"Hey, look, Itadori-san is right there! Let's tell him we got Fushiguro's wallet!" Yuuji Itadori is one of your closest guy friends you've ever been comfortable with. Again, (for the fifth time probably,) she drags you to the pink-haired boy who's looking at a small candy stand. Huffing this time, she speaks out. "Wallet acquired."
"Wallet acquired?!" He cheers out in joy, jumping up. With a small giggle, you pull him back down on the ground with both hands on his broad shoulders. "But we aren't spending it all, got it, Itadori?"
Both gasp dramatically.
"But—" "No buts." You said the same time as Yuuji.
Now less energized, (though still energized,) the three make their way back to co-ords and stuff it in a cart. Yuuji picks out a little red and black cap, and if you had to be honest, it did look cute on a cute guy.
Of course Megumi notices but doesn't make a snarky and blunt comment about it like he usually does. You figured that he was just a bit introverted, but, oh, how there was so much more than that.
Of course Nobara encourages you to buy more and more things. Cardigans, shoes, headwear; shit, she even suggests you get an early wedding dress. Was this girl crazy or...?
Of course Yuuji makes you wear everything he tries on. He genuinely thinks you look cute in his potential clothing. If something looks good on you and fits on him, it automatically looks good on him in his eyes. Hence, why he shoves all the caps and pairs of sunglasses he wants on your face.
And this was all to cheer you up.
Okay, so maybe you did want this life.
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ⒺⓃⓂⒾⒺᛌⓈ debut fic
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"...But did you really have to spend ALL my money?"
He groans in frustration but looks down at you tenderly. In a caring way. Unusually. He lifts his hands out his pockets and ruffles your hair, his lips curling up subtly.
"I suppose it's fine, you're cute anyway."
"...I'm WHAT."
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victorianpining · 1 year
The Game is Now
(Well The Game is over a year ago, if you want to be technical about it)
I finally took the time to write up my notes and reactions to the original BBC Sherlock Escape Room Experience! Sorry in advance if things are a little vague at points, we only played through the room once and am mostly running off of iphone notes I wrote 13 months ago. I hope to be able to go back to try out the new Mind of Moriarty room during its run, if this one was anything to go by, it should be a fun time!
My usual disclaimer that while this is a TJLC slanted writeup, I'm just playing The Game for fun at this point, I really am not expecting any of this to lead anywhere. Enjoy your television responsibly, don't idolize television writers, eat your veggies, etc. etc. etc. And spoilers for the room, obviously.
Oh, and huge thank you to @watermotif @betweendoctorsanddetectives and @647763 (and her girlfriend) for playing the room with me! I had a blast suffering with you all <3
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The way I'm getting myself to finally actually write this up is by telling myself it's okay if my thoughts are a little informal, especially after this long, so this is going to be written the way I usually structure my outlines in the format of chaotic bullet points. Hopefully it's still readable!
I'm starting my recap of the experience outside of the escape room itself, which was located in what was, for all intents and purposes, a random, abandoned seeming mall in London (it wasn't actually abandoned malls are just like that now)
So imagine you are just walking through what looks exactly like your local, very dead, mall, when there's just this massive wall with dark damask wall paper and the most DFP Sherlock quotes you can conceive of plastered on it. Think "I may be on the side of the angels but don't think for a second I am one of them" "heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them" "I'm a high functioning sociopath" etc. It's already hilarious
You come around the corner from that and there's the gated off "Doyle's Optometrist" office, where you have to page in (I think we had to state our group name, I can't remember exactly how we got in)
Once you're inside the staff helping you are named Stamford. Yes like Mike Stamford. Yes all of them. If you didn't know you were in for psychological torment, you do now
[brief intermission here because some of us arrived early, so they actually let us through to the Mind Palace bar while we waited. It was pretty cool, apart from the guy working there being really pushy about ordering drinks. The bar is Victorian themed with framed pictures from TAB and the biggest one in the room, like by far, was a framed picture of Sherlock and Moriarty's little gun standoff, so you know, that was fun.]
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[here we are trying to be normal about it]
[also I went to the bathroom at this point and there was a little sign in the stall which said that the Sherlock theme song was exactly the right length to wash you hands to which was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life]
Anyway back to the intended order of the experience, Stamford led us back to the optometrist waiting room where we sat calmly while John Watson's voice read out random advertisements. (The only one of these I wrote down was "the eyes are the legs of the face" because it was so random, but there was a set of them)
Also as you will see in the following picture, the posters in here were Bananas
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(In case you can't see it since it's small in dash, the purple one behind Mia says "Doyle's Audiographs: for those who hear but don't listen" very evocative of the "I did tell you but did you listen" motif, 0/10 very infuriating)
Stamford came over at this point and brought us back and gave us the rules, which included no photography so photos end here unfortunately
So we were taken to a projector room where John Watson addressed the players, saying that while it says the office belongs to Doyle, this is actually a front for one of Mycroft's plans (ha ha ha (deadpan)) and that he's coopted John into helping. (hah. do you get it? the author and the narrator? hillarious)
It was so clear that Martin did not want to be there. Like yes John in character also doesn't want to be there but Martin literally looked like he was being held at gunpoint. His eyes were dead. Poor guy.
Stamford led us through another room into the 221B living room! Being in here was surreal. Because there are a few groups lumped together at this point, we had a bit of time to look around the room. Rachel found a book about fetishes on the mantle, which was something.
We took our group picture, they let you pick from a few props. I went for the white queen chess piece for Dracula reasons and got bullied into wearing the deerstalker, which was homophobic.
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Also the skull was the Yorick version, and I took a moment to stare into ACD's eyes, out of respect, as one does.
At this point the game proper begins! Sherlock's voice comes on (Ben is not on camera other than one brief exception which we will be coming back to later) and starts prepping us for our mission.
I don't remember the context but I think while telling us to be careful in the flat he told us "don't scrape your knees, or do." which was funny considering "the state of her knees"
Mycroft then addresses the audience (hah) only to be interrupted by Moriarty (hah) hacking the TV (hah hah hah)
The mirror above the fireplace? Also turns into a TV that Moriarty hacks. Ha. Ha ha ha ha.
Moriarty informs us that he has kidnapped Mycroft so the point of the game is to save Mycroft from Moriarty (I was fighting the urge to bash my head against the walls of 221b at this point, like I was expecting M Theory but like Come On you're killing me here)
You may be wondering how exactly Moriarty has kidnapped Mycroft considering he is dead. Great question! You don't get an answer apart from Moriarty saying "remember I am definitely dead" in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard come out of Andrew Scott's mouth. Full psychological warfare at this point. Having a great time. The usual.
Also at this point, while talking about Mycroft, Moriarty compares him to Sherlock, and he definitely listed off a bunch of things but the part that most stood out was he said verbatim "Mycroft is like Sherlock without the fangirls or sex appeal" so uh. Um. Yeah. M Theory Time!!! All Aboard!!! Choo Choo!!!!
We were taken to the first of our three puzzle rooms: the morgue at St. Bart's. Moriarty is introducing the room and jokingly refers to the brief time he spent dating Molly, lets us know that our goal is to break into the computer system (a development which had me thrilled, you know I love the Moriarty as a Virus angle)
Not one full minute after Moriarty joked about Molly being his cover, Molly voice over talks to John (who by the way has a beard at this point, that I had not mentioned) and goes "nice beard!" Hah. Hah.
To get into the computer we needed to put in a date, I don't remember the context for this puzzle but the answer was 2012, the year of Season 2.
The case in the middle of the room then lights up and you're able to see the corpse. On the computer, a database comes in, and in order to get into the server, we need to fill out a series of questions about the identity of the corpse.
One of the filters is the relationship status of the corpse with three options, single, married m/f, and married m/m. I let out the most exhausted sigh of my entire life and hit married m/m without even looking at the corpse. (we briefly removed it because the room was giving us clues out of order that made us think for a moment that this was wrong, it was not, the corpse is gay, you have to not assume he's straight. Do you get it?) (war and strife on the planet earth)
So the clue for that is that the corpse has the name Stephen tattooed on him (really? of all the names? Stephen????) and you're meant to figure out that he wouldn't get a tattoo of his own name. Or just be so mentally exhausted that you intrinsically know the corpse is going to be gay because of course he is.
If that wasn't enough, the corpse was also a member of the Royal Navy who was left handed. Hi John.
At this point my friends in the room with me pointed me up to the TV in the corner, which was showing random news feed but the ticker tap at the bottom was advertising BBC Dracula, which was fun.
When we were finally getting into the cage the server was in, Moriarty kept ominously chanting "let me in"
Again, don't remember the context, but one of the clues in this room was identifying the heart
We discovered the corpse died of a horrific virus (hah) just as Moriarty hacked into the server thanks to us (once again was genuinely enjoying the code stuff, this is a 10/10 from me, makes fadow better for everyone who has done this silly escape room sdhgakjdsg)
The second room was Mycroft's underground office and our task from Moriarty was to locate where his agents were stationed throughout the world and once again send off his virus. I was giggling.
Flipping around with switches on Mycroft's desk, we found that the mirrors on either side of the room were actually windows! Because of course they were!
Sherlock comes in with a clue at this point and lets us know something to the effect of "Mycroft likes to hide clues in photographs" which was uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... normal.
Those are my only notes for this room and I don't remember literally anything else about it so sorry about that on to....
The final room: The Victorian Operating Theater! Oh boy!!!
Moriarty has been using us to access the genetic code (hah) for a virus (hah) last scene in the Victorian Era (hahahahahahahaa). He literally phrases it as "an old treasure brought into the modern day." Hillarious.
Then the absolute highlight of the experience: there's this giant console thing in the middle of the room that comes to life with all these screens, and on them including Moriarty taunting us and, the absolute 12/10 winner, footage of Sherlock wandering around 221B. This is the only Ben footage you get and not only does it confirm the "Moriarty is always spying on Sherlock" part of M Theory, it's very similar to the wall of monitors I came up with for fadow. Fellow Moriarty fan Mia and I were dying at this as much as we were able to while still trying to solve the room.
Moriarty freed Mycroft but had infected us with the virus (this is why I joke that Moriarty gave me COVID, because I caught it this day and it might as well have been from him)
His plan was to unleash the virus on the world unless we could stop him
This room was more physical puzzles than mental, and we had to cure the brain, the heart, and the lungs respectively. The brain and the heart are obviously big Sherlock meta staples so since then I've been like "why the lungs tho?" My best guess is it has something to do with breathing new life into an old story, but that's just a guess
While we were solving it and making progress Moriarty came on to rant something like "the game was over! You should have known when to give up!" Flames, flames on the side of my face.
When we won, Sherlock insulted us, but Mycroft then came on to compliment our efforts and talents, which was a great way to leave off.
Apparently only 20% of people actually solve the room, and we were in the top 20% of that, all while trying to take in the meta of it all, go League of Furies!!!
Final thoughts: this really was like if watching the show was a thing you could live through in real time. If you've ever wanted to be tormented by Mofftiss in a more visceral way, this room is exactly what you're looking for. Also shoutout to Andrew, who acted his absolute heart out, 15/10 thanks for all the M Theory, it was delicious
Also once again to reiterate, I can't believe James Moriarty gave me COVID, after all I have done for him, rest in pieces except he isn't even dead all the way.
I guess 4 months of not being able to breathe fully was the real lungs meta all along.
Can't wait for the Mind of Moriarty game next though for real, that's gonna be Bonkers, if one of the scenes is a virtual version of the waterfall scene from TAB I think I would combust on the spot
Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this took me forever only to be such a casual writeup in the end, but hopefully this recreation of my mental breakdown in a mall was entertaining.
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sphaxcca · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen Ep. 3 Review
Okaaaaaay so since this is my first post on here: Hi there! guess who's gonna give her unasked opinion about her Playthrough of My Candy Love New Gen? ME! ofc.
So i've finished playing the episode and honestly i'm starting to wonder how the plot is gonna develop during the story.
Until now ce can't really say that the story is growing but, I mean, it's completely fine because these are the first episode so it's pretty normal that there's basically nothing but just a presentation of the character and a little peak of their routes.
The episode was pretty chill and cute for some point of view, but my only doubt is about the speed of the storytelling, i really hope that with new episode the story's gonna grow in speed or in lenght of episodes because, for how is it now, it's gonna take forever to make a real "change" in the plot (especially for Jason's route candies like me) The idea of the welcome party was EXTREMELY cute also the "preparation" part was okay;
Amanda not partecipating at the party because Candy didn't choose the park had me turn up my nose honestly, but by the way she reacted the all time, i could have guessed it. She gives me a little bit of snooty vibes but i guess it's just the shell of the character.
ELENDA. oh my ELENDA. I hope with my whole heart that she's gonna be the new Rosalya because i need it. I genueine need a ray of sunshine like her in my candy's life when she's gonna sleep with the rival agency's boss :PPPPPP (The truth or dare part XD had me DEAD, i mean come on guys, you're almost 30 and you need a TRUTH or DARE game to break the ice? LMAO. )
ROY. Can someone explain to me? Please don't tell me that the dare that he should have done was to kiss Candy and, because is dating Brune, he turned candy's head to kiss her on the check. Please don't tell me or imma GASP. At first i thought he was going to be the gym bro not interested in any dating or in date many girls at the same time, BUT THIS. BRUH unexpected. So i guess Candy in thi s case have to be Eric 2.0 of new gen. Love it. Let's sleep with another taken man!
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DEVON. So I Honestly don't know what to say about him for now because i can't really say what's gonna be the issue with him. I Just really hope is not gonna be like Hyun route ( a full of nothing) because the character seems really cute, so please beemoov give us some tea or a plot twist. Something that happened in the episode that made me actually turn my head the screen was Candy saying (if you go to him at the Mall) "It seems that he doesn't want to be the Ceo" Maybe this is going to be the route?
THOMAS. I honestly love him and i feel like his entire route is gonna be Candy tries to make him understand what is to date someone. I also have a feeling (which would make totally sense) that Thomas is either authistic or he's part of that percentual of the populations that has an IQ higher that the others. L O V E I T TBH and it's a shame that i hvae to play two time the episodes because the outfit it's not the same for jason's route.
AMANDA Snooty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside, i'm so sure of this. My guess here is that, girl's rich ass didn't say anything to her family that she likes girls. I just really hope is not the sme thing that happened with Priya because players dont wanna play things two times.
JASON. At last but not least, the enemies to lovers we didn't know we needed. what can I say? I have a huge love for Men who are so incure of themselfs that they put up this gigantic EGO (and not Confidence) to try to hide their real self. This going to be and Astarion (Bg3) route 2.0, I'M HERE FOR IT. Btw i'm pretty sure he seduced Danica to make her leave Devenementiel, this B, love him. At least he's not taken Candies....
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what do you think? <3
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verosvault · 6 months
1 theory and and an observation I made for FHJY from episode 7-11!
1. Yolanda Badgood.
I've been thinking a whole lot about Yolanda Badgood ever since we discovered what happened to her in episode 9. 🥲
She was like...my favorite teacher so I have the right to be sad! 😭
1st thing I wanna say is that...just cause I've been posting scenes from episode 7 but I'm fully caught up to episode 11 right now.
In episode 7. There's 2 things that happen that are alarming to me somewhat, and these are things that occur before episode 9 where we find Yolanda's body.
1. Kristen goes to talk to Yolanda about Lucy Frostblade but doesn't get a very high roll and uses a cursed Fig bardic to get more info from Yolanda about Lucy.
2. Kristen tells Yolanda about how Lucy Frostblade switched their deity and Yolanda said she was going to go talk to Principal Grix about it but Kristen said that talking to Grix wouldn't be a good idea, so Yolanda goes to talk to Jace Stardiamond instead.
I know that we assume that Yolanda died because of the events that occurred at Frosty Fair...and that very well may be. But I really doubt that the rat grinders had any kind of specific target just on "Yolanda". I think Yolanda died because she got "too close" or meddled with something she shouldn't have.
I definitely don't think the Rat Grinders had any type of beef with her? Unless maybe I'm wrong?
I don't fully know. Just because...well...if they did have beef with her, that is also Buddy's teacher but then again...I don't know exactly how much the rat grinders even care about each other as party members or how much they care about moving into a "pass-fail" type situation.
But then there's also the thing about Jace. Could Jace be involved with this somehow? Have the rat grinders been getting by so well because Jace is secretly supporting them behind the scenes? Did Jace have something or anything to do with Lucy? Wouldn't that explain something if Jace was maybe hiding that form of Lucy changing her deity and that's why Yolanda never even got it? Jace maybe never told her cause he didn't think it was necessary because he wanted to "cover this up"?
I don't fully know. I'm overthinking with my theories and I'm- 🥲
2. Baron and the Mysterious Voice
This isn't really a theory but more-so an observation I guess?
In episode 11, we discover the name of this dead god that is apparently Cassandra's spouse that she was in some kind of arranged marriage with. I'm a tad bit confused because in episode 11.
Baron says, and I quote: "The Nightmare King, very angry, once again in the arms of HIS loving partner. I think you should be very afraid Kristen Applebees, but not of sweet little old Baron from the Baronies. You have plenty of fish in your fish pot to fry with your fish oil."
What strikes me a bit weird about this is that Baron refers to the Nightmare King/Cassandra as "HE/HIS" and that's like...now I don't fully know because MAYBE this is a slipup on Brennan's part? It COULD be! I don't fully know. But I don't think that it is considering that Baron does have a "stark FATHER" which I assume is also in reference to the Nightmare King. Father being another term used under "He/Him".
So, then I went to go back to the mystery voice again that we heard at the end of episode 5 "Mall Madness".
And the mystery voice who I ASSUME is this "Ankarna".
This voice says, and I QUOTE: "SHE is at my side once more."
"Do you wish for divinity?"
"I shall give you a master you deserve."
There was ALSO RED, CRACKLING LIGHT when he opened that portal that "YES" came out of!!! 0_0
The voice continues to say to Kristen: "I am coming for you. And when I find you, I will break you in a way that none who loved you will recognize the ruin I have wrought. Lean your soul in closer, that I might give you more than words."
So this Ankarna seems to be VERY hostile with Kristen! If this is Ankarna speaking! Which, I ASSUME IT IS considering that Cassandra is BACK at their side! I don't want to assume Ankarna's pronouns. But, Cassandra is back at their side and when Kristen heard that voice, she said she wanted to try to mentally link with Cassandra but this is the voice she ended up hearing instead.
But what's a bit puzzling to me about this is how Baron refers to the Nightmare King/Cassandra as "He/Him" and Baron also mentions his "stark FATHER"! Another implication here of Baron using "He/Him" when talking about Cassandra.
But then Ankarna uses She/Her when talking about Cassandra.
I mean...it could be that Cassandra is gender fluid and goes by every pronoun??? It's just something I find to be interesting.. again...not any theory but just a cool observation that I've made. 😁
I'm trying to think about more theories as the show goes on but that's all I have for right now! 😂🤣💀
If I get another lightbulb moment, I'll post about it later! 😂🤣👏
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gaybananabread · 11 months
hii! for the tickletober prompts, how about lee dipper with day 12? like the ler (they can be whoever you see fit!) knows/discovers he is really weak to them so they get him. hope you're doing well!
TickleTober Day 12 - Nibbles/Bites
Thank you! I had a helluva time picking a ler for this, but I think Stan fits best. I need to write for him more anyways. This idea ironically happened less than 10 minutes after I finally chose Stan. My brain is weird like that (TvT). I hope you have a fun spooky season, Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Stan
Summary: Dipper is stressing out over the summer spooky season. Stan decides he needs a visit from a special kind of monster.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Once again, the Gravity Falls Summerween store opened its doors. The odd tradition began again for the year, residents joyful as they picked out candies and decided on costumes. Well, every resident but one.
A certain brown-haired, blue-hatted tween was sitting in the Mystery Shack gift shop, biting at his fingers. Ever since the whole "Summerween Trickster" fiasco, Dipper had been wary of the town's strange holiday. He would never forget the scene of Soos eating that thing…ugh.
Stan was taking inventory, making sure nobody had nicked any of his moderately overpriced merchandise. His eyes eventually drifted over to his worrisome great-nephew. That kid would worry himself into the ground if Stan let him…
"Hey picks-a-lot, those cuticles taste good?" He walked over to the teen, flicking the bill of his hat. The older man didn't mean anything malicious by it. He's just unapologetically mean sometimes. Dipper was used to his Grunkle's antics, brushing the comment off.
Dipper tucked his hands in his jacket, looking down at the register. "Sorry Stan. Just thinking about…stuff." He hadn't realized he'd been biting his fingers again. It was an old habit, one he wasn't keen on picking back up. Yet there it was.
The uneasy expression on his face was barely hidden. Stan didn't really know what to do about the kid's nerves. Normally, he'd sick Mabel on him. The tween was out with Candy and Grenda, so that wasn't an option. What to do, what to do…
"Uh…look kid. You want the rest of your shift off? I've got the shop covered, and you look pretty dead." He gave it to the kid straight. Dipper looked like he was one loud noise away from snapping, his fraying nerves and general high-strung mindset on overdrive. Stan could handle the almost empty gift shop, Tuesdays were always slow.
Dipper nodded, hopping off the creaky cashier stool stool. "Yeah, please. Thanks, Grunkle Stan." He lumbered up the steps to the attic, gently closing the door to his shared room behind him.
What was Stan gonna do with that kid?
The next few days weren't any better. With the rapidly approaching local holiday, Dipper's nerves only grew. Mabel didn't really notice, too enamored by costume ideas and trying to figure out Waddles's measurements.
He didn't really know the absolute cause of his worry. Was it the chance of Mabel getting hurt? The possibility of another garbage candy monster? The fact that he still can't unsee Soos eating his way out of the monster? All are good guesses. He just wished he could pinpoint which one it was.
His antsy demeanor hadn't gone unnoticed by the other Mystery Shack residents. Soos had tried to get him to play some arcade games at the mall, but he just wasn't up for it. Wendy had little to no luck, her attempts to get him to loosen up going nowhere. It was up to Stan…and he had no idea what to do.
He had tried things that worked before, offering him an extra break and listening to his rants about the Journals. Dipper just wasn't up for infodumping at the moment, and he just got lost in thought on his breaks. On the morning of SummerWeen, Stan finally threw in the towel. He did the only thing he had left; asking Mabel what to do.
When he opened the door, Stan was met with Mabel trying to put a superhero suit on Waddles. She was dressed in similar attire, her cape dragging behind her. "Oh, hey Grunkle Stan! You come to see the best heros this side of the Falls kick some butt?"
Stan chuckled, shaking his head. He felt a bit bad for the pig, he doubted those tights were comfortable. Better Waddles than him, though. "Nah, I'll be quick. What should I do to get your brother to loosen up? Kid's been freakin' all week."
Mabel's eyes widened as he said this, her brain quickly piecing together the signs she hadn't noticed. "Crud…he has been anxious." She fidgeted with her hair, giving the pig a moment to nibble on his cape. "I normally talk him down, but if that hasn't worked…maybe make him laugh?"
Stan sighed as she said this. He considered himself a pretty funny guy, but his humor normally made Dipper groan or question his existence. Not the best for making Dipper laugh, though it always gets a chuckle out of himself
His thoughts wandered to the times he had made the kid snicker, landing on a few well-timed zings and one-liners. The last was when he had been messing around with Dipper in the gift shop. He poked his great-nephew's side, and he squealed. He hadn't done anything then, but now? Oh, it's perfect.
"Hey Mabel…your dorky brother is stupid ticklish, right?" She nodded, a smile slowly forming on her face as she figured out her Grunkle's intentions. Waddles nudged her arm, showing off the lovely slobber stain in his cape fabric. "Silly guy, now I gotta redo your cape! Grunkle Stan, do you think you can get Dipper to be less Dipper-ish by 6:30? Our costumes this year are super, heheh"
Stan rolled his eyes, his mischievous mind racing with ideas of how to get Dipper back to normal. Well, as normal as the tween gets. "Yeah, alright. If you hear girlish screaming, cheer me on." He shut the door behind him, leaving his grand-niece to her silliness. That kid never fails to make him smile.
Dipper was in the living room, a costume hung on the chair in front of him. Mabel's costume idea that summer was super heros, with him being the villain. It was actually kinda cool, with the utility belt of fake gadgets he and Mabel had put together. The only problem was him.
He was worried about putting the costume on. First off, it would mean going out and trick-or-treating with Mabel. Nothing's wrong with it, his brain was just telling him it's childish. There's also the fact that he's worried the Trickster might come back. Black licorice was bad enough before, but now he can't look at a stick without getting shivers. They very easily could've died.
Stan was creeping in the doorway, watching the tween's inner dilemma. If he wanted to be mean, he could've scared the crap out of him. But, showing a shocking amount of restraint, he knocked on the doorway. Stan walked over to him, ruffling the boy's hair. "Anybody home up there?"
Dipper, successfully snapped out of his daze, swatted at his Grunkle's hand. "Stan! Knock it off!" The older man chuckled, pulling his hand away and smirking down at the tween. That look…he knew that look. The look that meant Grunkle Stan was up to absolutely no good. "Stan…?"
He barely gave Dipper time to think before he snatched his great-nephew in his arms. It killed Stan's back, but it was worth it to hear the shocked yelp and protests from the kid. "Put me down! Stan- get off! Mabel!"
Stan flopped down in his recliner, holding Dipper in his lap. No help was coming for the boy. Mabel was in on it, as he quickly learned, and nobody else was at the Shack. It was just him, Stan, and the evil look on the older man's face as he wiggled his fingers. Crud.
"You worry too much, kid. You're gonna have more grays than me, and I put up with all'a you!" Those wiggling fingers were getting a bit too close to his stomach for comfort. Dipper squirmed, but with the way Stan held him, he was trapped. "Always thinkin' about these monsters and crazy creature things. You're so stuck in yer head, you didn't even notice the monster right in front of ya…"
He tazed Dipper's side, making him squeak at the unexpected touch. "Stahan, wait, plehehease-" He was so unbelievably screwed. "The TICKLE MONSTER!" Stan finally put his wiggling fingers on the boy's stomach, clawing and digging into the ticklish area.
Dipper squealed, shoving at his Grunkle's hands and writhing in his lap. His negative and anxious thoughts quickly faded to fuzzy, ticklish surprise. He hadn't expected this from Stan of all people. Mabel, absolutely, but Stan? He didn't really know how to react. "STAHAHAN! WHAHAHAT ARE YOUHU DOHOIHING?!"
"What's it feel like I'm doing, ya goofus? I'm tickling the snot outta ya. Now hold still." He spidered his fingers across his belly, making sure to get a few scratches in his belly button. "GEHEHET OFF! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHAN!"
Dipper kicked his legs, wishing the recliner was bigger. He barely had any room on Stan's lap, his legs nearly hanging off the armrest. Stan had him positioned so that his midsection was almost unprotectable, his arms practically pinned to his sides.
The tickling, as unexpected as it was, wasn't awful. He'd never tell the old man, but he was having a bit of fun. It was nice to let loose, to let his worrisome thoughts melt into giggles and squeaks.
The boy's laughter was, in Stan's eyes, adorable. It was nice to see the nervous kid laugh like that. Thinking of the night to come, he imagined the kids' costumes and candy-grab ideas. Candy...an evil idea bloomed in his mind. An evil, ticklish, awful idea. "I'm getting pretty hungry, Dipper. Might just have a quick snack…" He pulled up Dipper's shirt, waiting for the teen to catch on.
And catch on he did.
"Stahahan- Stan don't! Nonononoho!" Dipper's eyes went wide when he figured out Stan's plan. There's no way he could handle those. The tween desperately tried to get away, kicking out and trying to grab his Grunkle's hands.
His Grunkle easily pinned Dipper's hands, smirking down at him. It was almost too easy. Stan lowered his head, nibbling on his great-nephew's poor belly.
Dipper shrieked.
"NAHAHAHA! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHA- STAHAHAP!" He tossed his head back, kicking and thrashing under the ticklish nibbles. Stan's old man stubble wasn't helping. The scratchy texture made it so much worse.
Stan was enjoying himself. Hearing the kid's laughter reminded him of the stupid things he and his brother would do as kids, the fun they'd have. Before it all went south, they'd do this all the time. The best part was that he knew Dipper didn't mind it.
Just to be a jerk, he started making little "nom" noises as he nibbled the boy's stomach. Dipper twisted and shoved at his head, but Stan wouldn't budge. The tween resisted the urge to hit at Stan's head, instead gripping his silver hair. He didn't tug, but just grabbed on, needing something to do with his hands.
The nibbles traveled across his midsection, going from his stomach to his ribs, then back down to his belly button. Dipper was in stitches, the simple action reducing him to a cackling mess. He could barely think, his mind reeling at the assault on his nervous system. It wasn't bad, but it was mean.
Dipper managed to last for another two minutes before reaching his limit. The boy's laughter had taken on a breathy edge, his thrashing slowed with exhaustion. He patted the top of his Grunkle's head, tapping out.
Just like that, the torturous sensations stopped. Stan chuckled, raising his head and rubbing his great-nephew's midsection to try and ease the phantom tickles. Dipper curled into himself as he giggled out the leftover buzz. "Youhuhu…you suhuck…"
That got him a poke to the side. "Watch it, giggles." And Dipper, not having much of a choice, giggled. Stan let him go with a knowing smirk. The tween quickly slid off his lap, rubbing his sides. The clock read 5:30, just in time for him to get ready. "Your sister wants you dressed in an hour. Don't be late."
He left the room, leaving Dipper alone with his costume. Stan knew it wasn't a permanent fix. The boy was always stressing about something. He just hoped that the playful moment eased his worries for the night. Those kids deserve a good night.
The tween looked over at the suit, a small smile still on his face. The negative thoughts from before were gone, replaced with a light and happy feeling. He picked up the dark fabric, sliding the mask on over his red face. Maybe the night wouldn't be so bad after all…
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sensei-venus · 2 years
That alpha Miguel post was great 🤤
It made me think of alpha hawk who just wants a mate so bad but he hasn't found the right omega yet which bums him our bc he wants a pretty omega and some pups already 😓
And then one day he's hanging out with hks friends at thenmall or smtg and he sees chubby omega reader walking in a pretty sundress and he thinks she has the most perfect breeding hips and her scent is so nice and he just fucking bails on his friends to go talk to her bc that's her, that's his omega
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(Unedited) (This isn’t really NSFW-ish,sorry)
“So how's the work at the dojo going? Miguel was telling me about it earlier on the phone.”
Sam said picking at her tray of mall fries, Miguel was busy trying to shove a hand-sized pretzel down his throat next to her. Demetri was busy meaning around on his phone, and Robby was chowing down on a thing of noodles next to him. Hawk rolled his eyes as he sat back in the mall's hard metal chair. He huffed as he looked at the shorter girl.
“It's going pretty good actually. Besides doing classes, Johnny and Daniel put me and Miguel on doing the summer camp this year. Whole shebang, Daniel even updated the campground and everything at the cabins.” Hawk preened a little at the success. Its been over two years of working at the dojo and three years out of highschool. He was proud of how far he had come.
Sam smiled at him saying “That’s great! I knew you guys where going to move up. I know you guys did camps last year how was that? You guys started doing elementary school classes too right?” Haw nodded at her. His mind flashed back to the previous year at the summer camp.
Hawk had been a bit nervous at the idea of taking on such young pups. They were so small and balls of energy at that age too. That energy was used well during classes, he thought it was funny to see a room full of tiny pups do two hours of karate before basically passing out on the mats for a long overdue nap.
“You know since we are on the topic-”
“If you bring up pups I'm not going to hear it.”
Sam pouted as Hawk shut her down. He didn't want to hear about how she and her wife were trying to have pups. They started trying about a month ago with IVF stuff, sadly both of them were omegas so they had to find other options to start their family.
Sam also knew Hawks luck with omega’s. After his failed relationship with Moon back in high school he didn't have much luck after that. He also realized Moon was never his mate, at least not his true one. Moon was pretty and nice and a great omega but she was missing something that not even Hawk could pinpoint. They both knew it and went their separate ways on food terms. But after that Hawk didn't have much of a dating life after that, a few one-night stands but nothing official.
Deep down it upset him and even made him a little bit depressed to be alone like that. Not not have someone by his side to love, the alpha instinct to have a mate and protect them. It eat away at him and he used anger as a way to deflect outsides like Sam.
Miguel spoke up saying “Me and my wife where thinking about having some soon, we just moved into the new house so there is room now. We haven’t really decided, we are thinking about just letting it happen? Not really fully planning for it I guess.” He shrugged. Hawk rolled his eyes as he looked at Demetri who was finally off his phone for a moment.
“Don't ask me-”
“I'm not in this discussion either, leave me out of it.” Robby side-eyed the group as he finished his noodles. Both Demetri and him where a dead end on the idea of pups in the first place. Both of them are not really interested in the idea at the moment. No one blamed them, Demetri was in his own little world with his girlfriend and Robby had no clue about small pups in the first place.
Hawk huffed as they sat at the table for a while, more small talk going on but Hawk choose to tone them out.
The group later got up and left the courtyard to explore the great of the mall. Hawk was just happy that they could get passed the conversation on mates and pups.
His mind was focused on following the group as they walked around the slightly busy mall. But something made him start looking around frantically. He stopped mid-step before looking around the area, the rest of the group not noticing and continued walking. Leaving the alpha behind.
He turned up his nose as he sniffed the air. There where hundreds of different scents that filled the air but one was making his head spin and pulling him. It filled his nose and made his heart thump harder in his chest. It was sweet and warm, it almost felt like it could coat his lungs like warm soft butter. It was like a sweet cream almost. His eyes looked around as he sniffed harder, trying to find the source of the scent.
Finally, he locked onto the omega that was steadily pumping out the scent.
She probably didn't even know she was doing it. She definitely didn't smell like she was on any one of suppresents with how thick her scent was.
He really couldn't help the way he was checking her out from afar. She was breathtaking, she had on a frilly sun dress that fit her perfectly and moved and swayed with the slightest movement.
Shit and her hips, wide and filling out the dress perfectly so he could see all of her. Hips thick and filling, he could practically already feel the way they molded under his hands as he felt her up. From the view he had her ass matched her hips, big and fat. His mouth watered not only from her scent but the view he had of her. He couldn't help but cut across the open mall area, passing and bumping into people as he jogged over to her.
Her sweet scent only got stronger the closer he got to her.
She finally turned around a bit more so he could see her fully. She was thick and wide all over. Fluffy stomach and thick arms, round cheeks, and full lips that were turned up in a small smile as she looked around. Her eyes seemed to almost glimmer as she looked at the mall's shops.
Suddenly he felt too close.
Maybe because he was less than a foot away from her now and her scent was making his mouth water.
“I uh think you dropped this.”
Her voice was like sugar as it filled his head.
“Oh yeah thanks, didn't even notice I dropped it. The names Hawk by the way.”
“I'm guessing it's because-”
“Yep it's the hair.”
She giggles as he points the his short mohawk that he was still rocking from highschool.
Their talk was long and they ended up walking around the mall with one another. He found out she was new to the area and was trying to get acclimated to the new place. The mall seemed to be the perfect place to explore first.
Hawk couldn’t take his eyes off of her the whole time. It was like she was pulling him in with every second he spent talking to her, standing next to her. She was so nice it was hard not to just look away for a split second.
It wasn’t until over two hours later when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out and checked his messages. There where about five or so texts in the group chat he was in with everyone.
“Hey where did you go?”
“Dude you did not ditch us.”
“Was this because of the whole pup conversation? It’s stupid you would just leave because of that.”
He could only smirk as he spared a glance over at the chatty happy omega that was walking next to him. He moved a bit closer to her, their shoulders brushing together.
She didn’t move away from the action.
He smirked back down at his phone as he started texting back.
“That might not be a issue soon enough. I ditched you guys for better stuff. Talk to y’all later.”
He shoved his phone back into his pocket after he sent the text.
He ignored the new frantic vibration’s of his phone as he leaned in closer to the Omega for the time being.
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the-final-sif · 8 months
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 75 total works currently!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
904,821 total words written!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only really DSMP, but in the past I've written for bnha, marvel, rise of the guardians, homestuck, transformers and a bunch of other random ones in there.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Before looking, my guess is it'll all be bnha, since some of those are my longer ones and and got pretty popular.
Katsuki Bakugou has No Goddamn Chill (But It's For The Best That He Doesn't) - 26,412 kudos
Lessons Learned - 15,859 kudos
You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions - 11,774 kudos
The Green Eyed Monster - 7,066 kudos
A Yellow Box, Time, Trust, and A Few Adjustments - 6,579 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not usually, I respond sometimes if there's something that catches my attention. but. Uh.
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This my inbox filtered by "comments without replies". I do read them all though! Even if I don't mark them as read.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh, for dsmp they aren't too bad but probably A Palimpsest Mind.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
For DSMP again, Mercenary to Mailman
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Nope, never really had issues with that. I've had a couple of weirdos but not really hate.
9. Do you write smut?
I did it once to prove I could but I didn't find it too interesting. Sometimes ideas can be fun but ever since the one time I found myself just wanting to write something else when I tried.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, it's not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, very weirdly. Was able to get it taken down though!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Several of my fics have been translated and it was super cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I don't think I have? But I've done RP and worked out ideas with people before!
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Uh, honestly I'm less interested in ships themselves and more the nonsense that you can create with that. Any ship can be my favorite if it serves my purposes.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Fissile Family tbh. I have so much written for that and it all planned out but my interested in the bnha fandom is currently dead.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I'm a pretty fast writer overall, and I think I do well with characterization and dialogue. I know that when I get in a flow I can get character voices down pretty well and that's something that I'm proud of. I'm also pretty good with doing my own take on characters that's different from their canon versions but is still verisimilar.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I just forget words or switch what sentence I'm writing halfway through and then never catch it. Also I have to actively beat back my own comma abuse.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's neat? Unclear what this question is asking me for.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior cats! It was hand written in a binder that I actually still have, about clans in an abandoned shopping mall. It was very silly and I'm still proud of baby me for writing it!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Seven Year Old Katsuki Has The Ability To Kill A Grown Man And No Concept Of Legality
The formatting on this one was insane and took so long and I'm proud of how it came out!
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dallonwrites · 1 year
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[ lover boy by @dallonwrites / sfgate / tumblr user catilinas / lover boy | little weirds by jenny slate / lover boy / hellraiser (1987) / manhunter (1986) / the lost boys (1987) / lover boy ] this post has alt text.
disclaimer: this is my own original work
Genre: Literary that wishes it were horror Setting: San Francisco, 1987/88 Aesthetics: fake blood, uncanny SFX in old horror movies, grainy home videos, a deeply orange sunset, retro arcade games, an empty mall, overripe fruit, anatomical heart models, heart shaped candles, leather jackets, rolling fog, the moon in the ocean, bowling alleys, red lights, trying to see a ghost in the hallway, real blood, mixtapes from former lovers, nightclub bathrooms, vampire fangs, neck kisses Summary: Sometimes, to cope with change and unpredictability, Beau likes to pretend he's the protagonist of a blood-soaked horror movie. And all he's ever wanted is a lover. But after the death of his childhood best friend he retreats into himself - frustrated at love and frustrated that Bobby hasn't haunted him the way he promised to - until he's jolted back by former friends needing his help with a movie project, an ex lover returning as new ones find new ways to hurt him, his friends and his community getting sicker, and a near death experience that comes with the urgency to record everything around him whilst he still can. The more that happens, the more he tries to find ghosts around him. The more times he sees blood on his hands, the more painful his old coping mechanism becomes, as his thoughts become less and less tasty.
what if you were autistic but you didn't know it because it's the 1980s and your special interest is horror movies and sometimes your brain feels a little bit blood-soaked but it's okay because it feels good! it makes you feel better, right? but then your best friend dies and also you lose the closest person you had to a lover and you wonder if you've wasted your time obsessing over romance but you don't have time to think about it because life keeps happening and nobody seems to care that your community is dying and no matter how hard you try you never see a ghost in the hallway or the bathroom mirror like you want to, and then your lover comes back but he's different, and so are you, and you really want to stop looking death in the eye, so you try to capture everything around you on your video camera to show that you were here, we were here and we're alive, and your queerness is your heartbeat and all you want to do in this life is love, so that's what you do, despite everything, whatever that love looks like, even when everything gets louder and brighter and too much to bare and you're starting to get scared by the blood in your thoughts
I call this "the culmination of my growing obsession with horror and the undergrad dissertation I wrote on how the AIDS crisis functions in queer narratives". I think it's my favourite thing I've started in a long time! There's so much flesh to this story that I haven't even dug my hand as deep into it as I could go. It's fun, it's silly, it's raw, it's sweet, it's emotional, it's complicated, it's a bit bloody, it's theatrical, it's trying it's best. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it's also crying in the bathtub you know
Characters (just a few otherwise this would get way too long)
Beau (he/him) the bestest boy in the whole world. Someone pleeeease take him to a farmers market on a chilled Sunday afternoon
Benji (he/him) Beau's little brother who Beau thinks is the bestest boy in the whole world. Even though he loves bugs and dirt and wants to be a shark when he grows up
Bobby (he/him) dead but before he died he thought being a ghost would be so fun. It'd be so much easier to sneak up on Beau! He could finally go to Fire Island! He loved handmaking jewellery and wanted to be a volcanologist.
Felix (he/him) the ex lover! He's doing sooo much better since the last time you saw him! Hey why is he crying in that movie theatre bathroom
Tiff (she/they) Beau's old friend and roommate. Tattoo artist who collects eye shaped decor and broken rotary phones. Lesbian/gay solidarity is the backbone of this novel.
Dorothy (she/her) In love with the moon and acrylic paints. What if you bumped into your ex boyfriends twin sister and feel like you shouldn't get involved but then you remember she's realllyyy fun to talk shit about people with?
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game: Momo Yaoyorozu is Hana Shimura, pretending to be much younger than she actually is as a hero student.
1- well i guess shes VERY good at pretending to be younger than she is. She's been doing it for years, ever since she was found by a young heir concerned by the crying dirty child near his limo. waving off his chauffeur he asked what was going on. The little girl replied her whole family was dead and her brother turned them all to dust. the heir was like "oh, dear. Jeeves, call the police and heroes for help" and looked around for a handkerchief. he didn't have one, and Hana made one, sniffling. The rich heir told Jeeves to cancel the phone call, and ushers Hana into the car. Then he calls his wife, "darling, you said you wanted a baby? i found a very sweet one! I fear her family may have been killed by quirk traffickers, but she really does look so much like your sister i think we can arrange something"
2- somehow mrs yaoyorozu is a flavor of unhinged that compliments her husband very well so she is delighted to have a suprise new daughter, and just a doll of one too. Hana doesnt really want to use her quirk, so she doesnt, and doesnt want to talk, so she doesnt. her new parents aren't sure what her name is, but when they suggested options "momo" she seemed to like it more than other options. Momo actually kept claiming a younger age because she didn't want to go to school, but inevitably her new parents caught on and are quie sure she's old enough for school.
3- She doesnt make many friends, given she's traumatized and also older than her classmates even if she doesnt say it. but the years pass, and life becomes somewhat normal for her. She wants to be a hero, and gets into UA
4. Nedzu absolutely knows something is up about her but isnt sure what, and so is currently just waiting and watching paitiently.
5. Momo is in a different section at USJ and so doesnt see Shigaraki, but she does hear about his quirk from classmates afterwards, and it shakes her. But then she's too far from hosu, at the mall, at the camp- and she cant take it anymore. So when the Rescue Squad asks her to help track the nomu and lov, she already knows shes going to do it. She's already decided she needs to look herself, to find out more about Shigaraki.
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eroseas · 2 years
eventually. [ellie williams] 1/5
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pairing: ellie/fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
cw: not proofread.
tags: n/a
an: hey.... im new here. practically scarfed down every ellie x reader fic i could find. enjoy, mis amores. no smut yet but it'll happen, so let's keep it 18+ please.
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It’s not particularly unheard of, being able to lie and being able to be good at it.
You’re not sure why or how you managed to avoid the questions about your past, about where you came from. But you know, ever since you got adopted by Dina into this merry band of misfits, that someone has been watching you. More precisely, you know Ellie’s been watching, and waiting, oh-so patiently, to figure you out. It's as unnerving as it is amusing. 
Transferring from your hometown’s university to this new one in a new city wasn't even the hardest part. Uprooting your life and leaving everything you had? That was a breeze. A walk in the park, even. Making friends, though? Trusting people enough to let them get close? A toughie. You didn't want to just dump your life story onto these people you didn't know. You cut yourself off everytime you mentioned your parents, smiling tight-lipped and awkward when Dina and Jesse gave you a sympathetic look. Ellie would observe you quietly, her eyebrows furrowed as if trying to solve a puzzle. You try not to think too much about how persistent she is. 
(She’ll figure you out. Eventually.)
You give new details every now and then, like how you used to play volleyball, or how you and your ex-girlfriend used to hide in the local mall till way after it closed. It’s nights like that when everyone seems more comfortable, like you're opening up to them, which you are, but not enough to really say they know you well. You try, though. Ellie never stops being observant, especially when you mention your ex, but you try to be forthcoming. 
It’s been five or so months since you first arrived in the city, a cozy little collegetown that is every lesbian’s dream. There are cafes on pretty much every street; one in particular is your usual choice. It’s where you go to hide from Dina’s persistent gaze, begging you to go out with them if only for a night. It’s not exactly your vibe, and you tell her as much, but she insists it must be because it’s Ellie’s vibe, too. Dina, more than anyone, likes to say that you and Ellie are the most alike and the most opposite. If Ellie likes a place, you usually do, too. You’ll never be caught dead going somewhere Ellie wouldn’t. But then again, Ellie has a fascination with space, but your special interest is the ocean. Ellie likes 80s jams and you prefer indie. Ellie likes Cat, and you– Well. You don’t. 
It’s not anything crazy, really, you just are very indifferent to her. Whether or not you’ll admit to it, Ellie is attractive, objectively speaking. You might have a bit of a crush. Nothing more. Cat is a nice girl, a good artist, and a lovely companion, you’re sure. Seeing them so cozy just leaves a sour taste in your mouth, which is why–
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” You mumble, glancing over at Cat who is draped over Ellie’s shoulder. Jesse pauses, following your gaze, and snorts. It’s not a big secret you have an interest in Ellie. You’re human, for fucks sake. So, it’s not a surprise that Jesse and Dina eventually caught on.
“Yeah, well, Dina says you can’t bail this time. Birthday girl privileges and all that.” 
You sigh, becoming increasingly annoyed. It’s fair, you know, for Dina to pull the “It’s my birthday!” card. Plus, you have bailed more times than you care to remember, and okay, yeah, maybe it’d be nice to dress up and drink and dance– 
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll go.” 
Your utter defeat is followed by Jesse cheering, fist pumped into the air. Dina hurries over, her hands full of caffeinated beverages. Ellie looks up from her journal to see what’s going on. You catch her eye, but turn towards Dina before the air gets sucked out of your lungs from looking at her too long.
“She said yes, didn’t she? Oh, thank fucking God, I knew she would!” She squeals, placing down the cups and clapping her hands. She barrels into you soon after, wrapping her arms around your neck, and you wrap one of your own around her waist, steadying her. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you smile, your chin tucked over her shoulder, “I’m the best, no doubt.” 
She pulls back, and drops a big kiss on your cheek, leaning on you. Ellie watches, entranced seemingly, and eyes your hand that is flush against Dina’s waist. You watch her, a fluttering in your stomach at the interest. She meets your eyes after a moment, raising an eyebrow at you, her cheeks a very pale pink. A small smirk dances on your lips, and you vaguely register that you’re pleased.
That’s new. 
After some time, everyone disperses and heads to their own apartments. You and Ellie are actually neighbors, and you are especially relieved that Cat decided to head back to her own home instead of following after Ellie. You both walk towards the building, your hand wrapped around the shoulder strap to your bag, the sun setting behind you both. 
“So,” Ellie says, cutting into the silence, looking over at you, “Finally decided to join us, did ya?” 
You glance over at her, noticing the amused grin on her lips, the crinkles near her eyes. You huff out a breath, smiling back.
“Well, can’t say no to the birthday girl, can I?”
She hums in agreement, nodding her head. There’s not much you two talk about very frequently; Cat isn’t the biggest fan of letting Ellie out of arm's reach and it’s not like you two are close enough to just hang out by yourselves. You both need that buffer; the excuse of a group setting. Soon, you hope that changes, but can’t realistically see that happening. She clears her throat, suddenly nervous.
“Listen, I told the others, but I thought you should know, too.” She pauses, her pace slowing, and you slow with her. Your eyebrows furrow, and you look at her with concern. She twists her fingers, a nervous habit, and lets out a breath. You follow the motion, then meet her eyes. She offers a small, timid grin. 
“I dumped Cat before we all left the cafe.” 
You still. It must be true; Ellie and Cat had disappeared right before the group had left the building. You figured, of course, that they must’ve been saying their goodbyes privately, as to not flaunt their love. You nod in realization, tilting your head side to side, trying not to scream “finally!” right in Ellie’s face.
“I’m sorry about that,” you say instead, though you’re not really sorry at all, because Cat was definitely a bit much at times, even without your little crush on Ellie. She shrugs in response, chuckling a little.
“Nothin’ to be sorry about. Figured it was about time.” 
Could say that again.
“Yeah, well, I don’t know you all that well,” you say, resuming your walk with her, your eyes moving to look forward instead of at her. “I didn’t wanna overstep. Didn’t seem like you were all that happy half the time, but then again, the fuck do I know?” 
Ellie hums again in response, choosing not to say anything as you both start making your way into the apartment complex. You start climbing the stairs, Ellie following close behind, and this is when she decides to speak. 
“I get it, but I figured we could change that.” The statement makes you miss a step, because you know, deep down, that getting to know Ellie more is dangerous territory. That it’s everything you want, and probably not the best idea. Ellie is… charming. Enticing. Hot as fuck. Being friends with her would make your feelings more real, and while it makes you sick, it excites you, too.
Ellie’s arms shoot out so she can grab your hips, pulling you back before you eat shit on the stairs. She steps up one, her chest against the back of your shoulder, her fingertips pressing into your skin. You swallow, then let out a harsh breath through your nose, the adrenaline from almost falling and the fact that Ellie is grabbing you so tight and close almost too much to bear.
“You alright?” She murmurs, her voice a gentle rumble. Your ears burn up, and you nod. Ellie’s hands slip away from your hips and you take the last few steps, leaning against the door of your apartment. Ellie follows suit, but stands closer to her own door, right across from yours. 
“I’m peachy,” you finally reply, smiling tight lipped. Ellie snorts, nodding. 
“I’ll see you at the club, yeah?” 
You nod, suddenly dreading it. 
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helloalycia · 1 year
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moving on [two] // alicia clark
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summary: Alicia takes you back to the fire as you desperately hope to find your sister and take her away from Jeremy. Things don't seem to go to plan...
warning/s: mentions of injury and death.
author's note: here’s part two for the few people reading this one aha, hope you like it! ♥️
one / three / four / five / six / wattpad / masterlist
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"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you're in a lot of–"
"I'm fine," I cut Alicia off for the millionth time, gritting my teeth.
She glanced at me before nodding and returning her attention to the road. I closed my eyes and looked away, trying to push away the pain in my shoulder. It was hurting a lot more than I realised, the meds Naomi gave me only doing so much. Really, I needed rest, but I couldn't waste time, not when Y/S/N was somewhere out there.
Alicia kept to her word and was taking me back to the fire, which should've long burnt out now. She'd been able to take a car from the stadium which I was surprised they had the gas for, along with some supplies and a gun in case we ran into any trouble.
As we got closer to the building, I noticed a lot of infected hanging around nearby, drawn in by the smoke. Less than when I was here last, but still a lot more than expected. Alicia had to pull up down the road so we wouldn't attract them.
"I don't think she's gonna be in there," Alicia said hesitantly, as if afraid to insult me yet again. It didn't matter – I knew she thought this whole thing was pointless, but I didn't care for her opinion.
Annoyingly though, she was right at the moment. There was no way Y/S/N would have stayed with this much infected around. I wasn't sure what I expected to find.
"Drive past it," I told her. "We set up camp not far from here. If they're still there, that's where she'll be."
Not arguing it, Alicia hummed and turned the engine back on, carefully manoeuvring around the stray infected and following the road away from the fire. I glanced at it in the window, realising how lucky I was to have made it out alive. That, and a small part of me was terrified I'd find my sister walking amongst the dead.
Thankfully, she wasn't.
All of my hopes were placed in the belief that Y/S/N was back at camp with Jeremy and the rest of his gang – it was too soon for them to move on, unless they deemed it unsafe. I didn't want to consider that as an option, since we hadn't talked about where to go next and so if she wasn't here now, I'd truly lost her.
The car ride was quiet except for the occasional direction from myself, and after a tense ride, we finally reached a deserted strip mall. I tried not to worry at the emptiness of it all, knowing this had been full of tents and supplies when I'd been here only a few days ago.
"They should be here," I muttered, mostly to myself, and barely acknowledged Alicia's response when I got out the car and made my way to one of the stores.
Knife raised (since Alicia refused to give me an actual weapon), I ran inside, hoping to find any sign of people. But everything was a mess, empty packets and cans of food left lying around like everybody had moved out.
"No, no, no, no...," I mumbled, the panic growing as I sped around the shelves of the store, expecting to find somebody. "Y/S/N?! Are you here?! It's me!"
There was no answer and I knew they'd left – it only made sense – but I refused to accept it. There had to be something!
I checked the back of the store – a small room where we had left some supplies – but it was empty and anything leftover was simply rubbish. They'd gone.
Y/S/N was gone.
"Y/N," Alicia breathed out when she saw me stepping out from the back room. "I... I'm sorry."
Tears pooling in my eyes, I glanced at her, seeing pity staring back at me. I didn't want her pity, I wanted Y/S/N.
"We never move on this quickly," I said, putting my knife away. "Maybe they went out."
Alicia pressed her lips together, no doubt judging my naïvety. "Or maybe they left because it was too close to the fire. To the infected. Too dangerous."
I frowned, squeezing my fists together. "There's got to be something here to tell me where they went. I'm not giving up."
I ignored her protesting voice as I peeled my eyes for any clue to their whereabouts. Alicia called my name as I zipped around the store, flipping over the few belongings that had been left behind, but it was useless.
"There's nothing here, Y/N, maybe you should leave it," Alicia tried, and it only pissed me off further.
"No!" I yelled, spinning around to glare at her. "I'm not just giving up! She may not mean anything to you, but she's my sister!"
"She left you to die!" Alicia retorted, sympathetic eyes flickering between mine.
"She didn't!" I defended her. "It was that fucking arsehole– ugh!"
Out of frustration, I swung my arm at a nearby shelf, it falling to the floor with a crash, and though it temporarily eased my frustrations, it permanently left me with a strike of pain in my shoulder. Immediately wincing, I clutched my arm, cursing at my stupidity.
"Your arm–"
"I'm fine!" I shouted, glaring at the stranger who had no need here, but it wasn't threatening in the slightest because I was a blubbering mess.
"Y/N, you have no idea where she is and they could all be long gone by now," Alicia tried again, this time in a gentler voice. "Your shoulder isn't looking good and if you leave now, it's a suicide mission!"
I sniffled, eyes blurry with tears, too many to make out Alicia's face. I hated how emotional I sounded when I said, "I can't leave her. She's my sister. I can't stop looking, not when she's out there somewhere." Frowning, I let go of my shoulder and wiped away my tears, but only more replaced them. "She's all I have left. You don't get it. I'm supposed to look after her."
Hesitantly, Alicia took a step forward and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You've done all you can right now. You're hurt. You need rest."
She was right. But giving up wasn't easy, even though deep down I knew that finding Y/S/N was impossible. She could be anywhere by now and I had no idea where to start looking.
I still wasn't sure whether she chose to leave me back at the fire or not, but I knew that we shouldn't be apart. Still... oddly enough, I couldn't help but wonder if it was supposed to be like this. We'd been arguing a lot lately, she was changing right before my eyes and I couldn't stop it. I despised Jeremy, but he did keep her safe. Maybe she was finally with people who understood her, not like I did.
"Y/N," Alicia said softly, and I realised I was crying again, the loss stinging more than the pain in my shoulder.
"I know you're right," I said, not meaning for it to come out as a whisper.
Alicia sighed regretfully, dropping her hand. "We have scouts that go out regularly from the stadium to keep an eye on the surrounding areas. I can ask them to keep an eye out for your sister and this gang. If any word or sightings come up, you'll be the first to know."
I glanced at her, wondering why she was being so generous, especially after my lack of gratitude.
"You're not giving up," she assured me, nodding. "We'll be looking. You're just keeping yourself safe. Doing the smart thing, not the reckless one."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, sniffling uncomfortably. Was she right again? Probably. But it wouldn't make losing Y/S/N any easier. My baby sister. Lost.
"Please will you come back to the stadium with me?" she asked carefully, looking up at me through her eyelashes. "Your sister got a fresh start. You deserve one, too."
It was hard to agree, considering it was my fault this had all happened. But I had nowhere to go, and Alicia was the kindest person I'd met in a long time.
"We should go," I confirmed, unable to meet her gaze because I was horribly hurt, embarrassed and still a little angry, though not at her.
She seemed to gauge my mood as she nodded and led the way back to the car. I glanced around at the deserted store, wondering by how much I'd missed them all. It didn't matter, but I still wondered.
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When Alicia and I returned to the stadium, time didn't feel real. I followed along as she returned the car and spoke to some of the guards posted at the gate, but none of it was really sticking. Lost in my own head, that's what I was, and the last place I wanted to be was here.
Alicia's mother, Madison Clark, found us by the gate, too. I only knew who she was because she was the one who let us go this morning, understanding my need to find my sister. Of course, now it meant nothing. She was nodding along intently as Alicia explained what we found, but I tuned it out. Until suddenly, I felt her touch my arm briefly, bringing me back to reality.
"...sorry you couldn't find her, Y/N, I really am," Madison was saying, staring at me with the same sympathy her daughter had been this whole time. "We'll keep an eye out for her and hopefully something will come up. But for now, you should stay here and rest up. This place could be something special for you if you allow it."
Admittedly, the southern twinge in her accent and the fact that she was the first elderly maternal figure I'd come across since losing my own made me feel a little better, but then the hurt returned when she let go and I was back to feeling lost.
Alicia said a few more things, none of it meaning a thing to me, before Madison left us. Only when she nudged my arm slightly did I realise she was asking me something.
"What was that?" I asked, blinking with realisation.
Hiding a frown, she asked, "Are you alright with going back to see Naomi? She should check on your shoulder."
Feeling like I didn't have much of a choice or interest in the matter, I shrugged halfheartedly and followed after her.
I hadn't wanted to return empty handed. Maybe I had let my mind run wild last night, imagining a scenario where we found Y/S/N and I finally convinced her to leave Jeremy, to come back with me to the stadium. Being here without her was a permanent reminder of what I'd failed to do.
Naomi checked me out once more, but I barely remembered it. A few stitches had come loose (no doubt a result of my tantrum) and she fixed me up quickly enough.
Soon after, Alicia said something about a tour of the place, but considering she led me straight to my own small room that had been newly built, I could only assume she meant another time.
"This is all for me?" I asked with surprise, looking around the small wooden shed that had had a glass window and enough space to house a bed, dresser and desk. More than I'd had in a long time.
"Yeah, it's one of the newer rooms we've built since we have the space," she said casually, like this wasn't the biggest luxury of all. "Also, I didn't think you'd want to share with a stranger right now. But if you find yourself getting lonely, I can arrange for a roommate."
All I could think to do was nod, in slight disbelief as I looked around the space. Everything was spotless, ready to be lived in. And to my dismay, the first thing I thought was how it would be the first space I'd live in without Y/S/N.
"I'll leave you to get settled," Alicia spoke when I didn't. "Lunch will be served soon. I can come and get you and show you around a little from there. Is that okay?"
I was glad not to be facing her, otherwise she'd see me shamefully trying to wipe away some tears. Why couldn't we have found this place sooner? I'd still have my sister. We could have been safe. It was right under our noses this whole time and we'd missed it.
"That's fine," I cut her off before she could attempt to comfort me. "Thank you."
For some bizarre reason, the brunette was persistent as she found my gaze worriedly. "It's been a long few days for you. I understand this can feel overwhelming. If you want to talk about it–"
"I said I'm fine, Alicia," I interrupted a little too harshly, before adding, "Thanks," in a poor attempt to ease the blow.
She didn't seem offended, not entirely anyway, as she nodded. "Right. Well, I'll be back in a bit. Be careful with your stitches."
I nodded, watching as she left me to it. When the door closed behind her, I finally felt like I could breathe, no longer under her watchful stare. It was a lot to process, her personality a big question on its own, but I couldn't begin to think about that right now. Not that, not this place and it's privileges, not anything.
Y/S/N was plaguing my thoughts. She was gone, for now, but she was still out there somewhere. She had to be. And I wouldn't give up until I knew she was definitely safe.
I knew this, and yet the tears still rolled down my cheeks and I still found myself sobbing in the corner of the room, mourning her like she was truly gone.
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Settling into the stadium was much more difficult than I realised. And not at the fault of the people here – they were actually some of the nicest bunch I'd met in a long time – but because I was still in denial about Y/S/N.
Wherever I went, whatever I did, I'd think of her. How couldn't I? She was my family, my sister, the person who knew me the best. We'd been together our whole lives and now suddenly we weren't? It was the worst feeling, one I couldn't adjust to. Every day for as long as I'd been here this past week, I'd asked the patrol in the evenings if they'd seen or heard anything about Jeremy and his gang. It was always the same answer: no.
The stadium itself was difficult to adjust to as I still couldn't get used to seeing so many people, a community, altogether at once. Y/S/N and I had been on the run for so long, I'd forgotten what a community felt like. Everybody helped each other out, befriended one another, took turns with chores, acted like a family. There was no constant looking over your shoulder for fear of infected or wondering where your next meal would come from – every day was like a breath of fresh air. The closest thing to normal I'd seen since the world went to shit.
I should have been grateful, I know it. And I would have if you'd caught me at any other point in my life, but not now. Not when I couldn't accept it all without my sister by my side.
I mostly kept to myself, finding it easier that way. After Alicia had given me that initial tour, she offered to introduce me to some people to help me settle in, but I had no interest in doing so. At mealtimes, I would stick to my own table. When I'd sign up for chores in the morning, I'd only converse if I had to. Apart from speaking with Naomi about my health when she checked on my shoulder, I rarely spoke. It wasn't healthy, I knew that much, but it was hard to enjoy anything without Y/S/N.
It didn't stay like that forever though.
One day, I was on laundry duty, scrubbing some clothes on a washboard but very much lost in my own thoughts – a common pastime of mine lately, it seemed.
"Hey!" a voice shouted, startling me from my thoughts and making me look up. It was Alicia. "You've gotta start pulling your weight around here, those clothes aren't gonna wash themselves."
Worried, I straightened up and looked back to the washboard, scrubbing the clothes faster. "S-sorry, I'm on it."
"Hey, hey, hey," she said quickly, stopping my hands with her own. An apologetic smile was on her lips as she said, "I'm kidding, relax."
I sighed quietly, embarrassed as I looked away. "Right."
"I just wanted to ask how you're doing," she continued, losing her smile when she realised I wasn't amused. "I feel like we haven't spoken much since you've been here."
She was being polite about it, but we both knew it was intentional on my part. Every time she looked like she wanted to talk to me, I'd actively avoid her. It wasn't anything she'd done, more so that I knew I'd have to open up to her because she wasn't one to leave things alone, and I certainly wasn't ready for that.
"It's safe," I said truthfully, answering her question, hoping it would be what she wanted to hear and convince her to leave me be. "Everybody is nice. It's nice to be guaranteed a meal, one that nobody had to die for."
When she didn't respond, I glanced up and realised she was frowning, making me feel bad.
"Sorry, never mind," I said awkwardly, clearing my throat.
"No, it's okay," she found her voice again, the sympathy returning. "I know what it's like out there. How hard it can be."
I hummed uncomfortably, unsure what else to say. My eyes were on the bucket of water that my hands were stuck in as I wondered whether or not she'd leave, but then she spoke up again.
"Do you, maybe, wanna hang out when you're done?" she asked politely. "I was gonna–"
"I'm okay," I answered before she could waste another breath. The last thing I wanted was even more of her pity, even if she was only trying to be nice.
Surprised at my abruptness, she licked her lips and nodded slowly. "Hmm, yeah, no worries. Well, I'll be around if you need anything. Or change your mind."
I nodded, knowing I wouldn't, and she awkwardly walked away, leaving me to do my job.
In the week I'd been here, I still hadn't pinpointed what Alicia's story was. Despite not speaking to people much, it wasn't hard to eavesdrop on conversations or gain the occasional context from people whilst working. It still wasn't enough though.
All I'd gathered was that Alicia and her family were adamant on keeping this place safe, secure and open to those who needed a home. It didn't make sense why she was so kind and wanted to help people – nobody was that nice without a hidden motive. I was still trying to figure it out, but the more I observed the girl, the more I began to believe that maybe she was just one of those rare nice people, one of the few left in the world.
Lucky me, I guess.
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That same evening, after dinner, I was stretching my legs and going for a walk around the stadium with the intention of making it back to my room to have a quiet night in (the usual for me nowadays).
It wasn't too cold out, the weather finally starting to feel like spring, and the sun had just set so it left me in a rare yet peaceful mood. I was somewhat enjoying the time alone, not really thinking of anything in particular, when I felt something hit my foot. Confused, I stopped and looked down, realising it was a toy car. How did that get there?
Before I could think to do anything, it whirred to life and reversed a little before attempting to drive forward again, once again hitting the tip of my shoe. A second car rolled onto the scene, slamming into the first one at full speed, resulting it in landing upside down. Whoever was controlling it attempted to move it with the controls, the wheels spinning in the air, but it was stuck.
I looked up, very much lost, and spotted a kid cheering in the distance, a remote in hand and grin on her face. Alicia was kneeling beside her, a remote in hand also, and looked like she was scolding her briefly before standing up and meeting my eyes apologetically. Jogging over to me, she smiled awkwardly.
I bent down to pick up the upside down car as the other one drove away, standing up as Alicia stopped before me.
"Hey, sorry about that," she said quickly, eyes darting to the car nervously.
"S'okay," I said, before giving it back to her. Unsure what else to say, I added, "So, er, is this what you do for fun?"
I cringed as soon as I said it, internally kicking myself for sounding like an idiot.
She snickered nervously, shrugging as she played with the car between her fingers. "I found some batteries for them and thought little Aaliyah might want to do something fun."
I glanced over at the young girl in question, watching as she continued to play with her car with a permanent grin fixed on her face. It was strange seeing a child get to be a child, but it felt right. It was how it was supposed to be, and Alicia was pretty sweet to give her this experience.
"Looks fun," was all I could think to say.
Alicia hummed in agreement, glancing over at Aaliyah, too, before her green eyes met mine. "I was going to ask if you wanted to join us earlier, but I... er..."
I realised what she was referring to and immediately felt bad for blowing her off so suddenly.
"Sorry if I offended you," she decided on, sounding genuine. "I know that you're still settling in–"
"No, no need to apologise," I interrupted, feeling mildly guilty for icing her out unnecessarily. "I'm sorry. It was rude of me to decline like I did. You were just being nice and I..." I sighed inwardly. "Thank you for the offer."
She pursed her lips, nodding slowly. I assumed she'd leave it there, but her eyes lingered on mine hopefully before she said, "The offer's still there if you wanna reconsider..."
I paused, surprised that she still wanted to hang out with me after how I'd acted. Then she wiggled the remote a little in her hands in an admittedly cute attempt to entice me, and it annoyingly worked.
A ghost of a smile on my lips, I accepted the remote from her. "Thanks."
Her own smile appeared, softening her features, and she put the car back on the ground for me to use.
I hadn't played with a remote-controlled car since I was a kid, so playing with one now was certainly something. Definitely a time I wouldn't forget, not with Alicia sticking by my side like we were kids in a playground that had suddenly decided to play games with each other. We played together with Aaliyah, engaging in little competitions, and it was admittedly the first time I'd thought about something other than Y/S/N. The first time I'd felt myself smile since coming here.
It was a weird feeling and I almost felt guilty for feeling like I was living again, but I didn't get chance to because Alicia's laughter and Aaliyah's cheering would distract me, and I'd have no need to think otherwise.
Y/S/N and I had stuck together all of our lives and especially during this apocalypse, so I hadn't had room or time for friends since it had all started. I was rusty, clearly, but it was a pleasure to be able to hang out with someone – to hang out with Alicia – and see a potential friendship. Though, I was still in denial about that last part, of course.
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The next morning, I was heading to get breakfast as usual, planning to sit alone like I always did. But as I was about to join the queue to collect my food, none other than Alicia found me and joined me with a small smile.
"Good morning," she greeted, lining up behind me in the queue.
It was out of the ordinary for her to greet me, especially since it was obvious I'd been actively avoiding her recently and she knew not to approach me. But last night seemed to have changed the dynamic a little, and I didn't completely hate it.
"Morning." I returned her smile, albeit a little more tired than I wanted.
I moved up the line as trays were being handed out, closer to getting my food, when Alicia spoke up again.
"So, would it be overstepping if I asked if you wanted to sit with me this morning?"
My first instinct was to decline, the words on the tip of my tongue as I glanced over at her. But then she smiled at me – curse her friendly smile – and waited patiently for an answer, and then I remembered how I actually liked being around people last night, so maybe it wasn't a bad thing to say yes.
"It wouldn't, no," I answered, hoping it was the right thing. "Thanks."
She nodded, suppressing her smile as she looked away. "Great."
We both collected our breakfast – something I was still getting used to because of how varied it was every morning – and I followed her to a table. The one she chose already had two people seated there, whom I recognised to be her brother, Nick, and his girlfriend, Luciana. I hadn't formally been introduced to Nick, but I'd heard of him through others over the last week. And of course, Luciana had been with Alicia when they found me.
"Hey, guys," Alicia greeted when she took a seat opposite them. "Y/N is gonna join us this morning. Be nice."
"I'm always nice," Luciana said, making Alicia smile with amusement.
"You're right, Luci, my bad. I obviously meant my idiot brother," she corrected herself, making her brother grin.
I slid in beside Alicia, offering a small, awkward smile to the couple.
"I'm always nice, too, for the record," her brother said to me with a playful smile, before introducing himself. "I'm Nick, Alicia's brother."
"And I'm Luciana, as you know," Luciana added with a friendly smile. "It's nice to properly meet you, Y/N."
"It's nice to meet you both, too," I returned politely, knowing they were just as much in charge of this place as Alicia and her mum, even if they all claimed there was no official 'leaders'. I didn't want to make a bad first impression, though I was sure I was a little late with that.
"How are you finding it here so far? You've been here for a week or so, right?" Luciana asked with genuine interest.
"It's a lot better than what I'm used to," I said truthfully, before looking down at the scrambled eggs in my plate. "I dreamed of eggs once upon a time. Now I actually have them."
She smiled with amusement. "Yeah, it's a little hard to believe sometimes."
"The best bit is when we get to have the beef," Nick said with a satisfied smile, as if remembering something. "We pull out the grill, have a barbecue. It's just like old times."
"Oh, yeah, because back at home you used to love having family barbecues," Alicia said sarcastically, giving her brother a knowing look.
Nick grinned. "You're just jealous that I used to get my burger made before yours."
"It wasn't jealousy," she corrected him, like they'd had this discussion many times. "You used to sit and do nothing whilst I helped mum and dad out with the food, then waltz on in to get served first. It wasn't fair."
"That's not how I remember it," Nick teased, scrunching his nose.
Alicia raised her brows. "You might wanna get your head checked then. Because I'm right."
Nick shrugged, going for a forkful of eggs. "Jealous."
I couldn't tell if they were arguing or sharing playful banter, as I looked between them like a tennis match. Luciana glanced at me, unbothered by it.
"You learn to tune it out," she assured me.
I nodded slowly, wondering if that were true, then the Clark siblings finally put their petty argument to rest and turned the conversation back to me.
"So, what did you sign up for today?" Nick asked, making conversation.
"I, er, said I'd help with the cattle," I said. "I'm just kinda trying everything out to see what I like."
"Aww, that's good, you're helping Nick's family out," Alicia teased, looking to her brother with a mischievous smile.
He tried to fight his own smile as he rolled his eyes. "Really funny that was, Alicia. You should be a comedian. Seriously."
"Maybe in a different life, who knows?" she played along, trying to annoy him.
"Though I suppose the audience would be too distracted by your ugly face to listen to the jokes," he added, making her scoff.
"Says you?"
"Yeah, to you."
They continued to bicker, all of it lighthearted and in good faith, and as Luciana said, she tuned it out and kept eating. I smiled a little, finding their insults to one another amusing, but it also saddened me a little, reminding me of my relationship with Y/S/N, or what it was once like before she started to change.
And just like that, the grief returned, washing over me like a tidal wave, and it only made me hurt more.
"I'm gonna get a head start on my chores," I said suddenly, losing my appetite and not wanting to be here anymore. "Thanks for the company."
As I stood up, about to leave, Alicia looked up at me with concerned eyes.
"Are you okay?" she asked, and I simply nodded, briefly meeting her gaze before looking away.
"All good. Thanks again." And with that, I left them to it, knowing the temporary happiness was too good to be true.
It was amazing how one thing could put me in a sour mood for the rest of the morning, even as I worked on feeding and washing the cattle with some of the others.
I'd almost felt like myself again, but it was snatched away in an instant, Y/S/N returning to mind. Again, I'd asked the patrols last night if they'd seen or heard anything about her, but still I was met with nothing. She was still out there and I was still in here with no choice but to stay.
Would this place every truly feel like a home to me?
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v-era-18 · 1 year
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Red Licorice
Chapter Three: A Dead Girls Diary
“We don’t need them. It’ll be me and you against the world,” -Casey Beker
June 14th 1996
I know I'm supposed to start out with Dear Diary, but that's for basic bitches as Tatum would say-that dumb redhead.
Today my mother gifted me with another diary to write down my feelings after my break up with basketball player Paul Mathews. We had been dating for over a year, had gone on several dates, I cheered at all his games and wore his jersey blah blah-. She thinks I took it hard but in reality, I was more appalled with the reason why for the breakup. From what Pual’s sister had confessed, it was because he didn't like me at all-and was using me to get to my best friend (Y/n) (L/n).
(Y/n) is my best friend, I love her so much! Not only is she super smart but she's insanely pretty too. The only problem is she never believes it whenever someone tells her how beautiful she is. Hence why I wasn't hurt with the fact that Paul fell for (Y/n)-I understood why. She's like a beacon of light that you want to be covered in each day, from the way she laughs with a wide smile to the way she enters the room warming the space around her.
Long story short, many guys have come up to me and asked me how to ask her out before, and you know what I did as a good friend? I told them to get lost and they could kiss my ass! All of the boys at our school are practically dogs, (Y/n) needs a boyfriend that actually cares and likes the things she's interested in.
Take Randy for instance, he would be a perfect match-
(The rest of the sentence was crossed out)
On second thought, she doesn't need any man but me.
June 17th 1996
Okay Diary, I know it's been a minute since i've updated you on what's going on, but long story short-Tatum has lost her damn mind! Not only did she decide to sleep with my ex boyfriend Paul but there's a rumor amongst the other cheerleaders that they had been sleeping with each other for awhile behind my back! The absolute nerve!
(Y/n) told me I should let it go and possibly find another boyfriend who really cares about me the way I should be treated. She even went out of her way to watch a marathon of Rom-com videos with me to cheer me up. Not only did she cook me my favorite chocolate cake but she also made sure we did our nails. She even let me put color to hers-although she wouldn't let me do pink, but I didn't mind.
I am a bit jealous that Stu and Billy have been trying to get her to watch horror movies with them alone. I find it really weird how the two of them since we've been kids have always insisted that it has to be the three of them to enjoy the movies. But the jokes on them! (Y/n) has been spending all her time with me, Sidney and that bitch of a redhead.
Who needs boys when you have girls instead.
OMG I just got the greatest idea on how to get back at Tatum!
I'll keep you in the loop with my devilish diary!
June 27th 1996
You'll never believe what happened today! My plan to get back at Tatum worked! Well not actually but indirectly.
You see Tatum has a huge crush on Stu Matcher, the dumb trouble maker (Y/n) always watches horror movies with. The bright side is that he's hot and is known for making all the girls melt in our school. I honestly didn't get what Tatum sees in him-but it must be something since she keeps ranting and raving about it during our sleep overs.
(Y/n), Sidney and Tatum came with me to the mall to do a little shopping, and Stu and Billy just so happened to be there looking for god knows what. They simply insisted on tagging along and the whore was more than happy to give in. It seemed to make (Y/n) uncomfortable with how much Tatum was flirting with Stu-I put it together that she simply hates public displays of affection. That's how it was when Paul was around.
Eventually Sidney and Tatum decided to head off in the lingerie store and decided to drag (Y/n) with them-knowing that my friend hates men seeing her in there. I was about to take along and make suggestions when Stu stopped me, the boy was straightforward with flirting-and I hated how easy it was for me to fall for his sly smooth words. I would be mush if I honestly found him perfect, but the amount of times he's followed (Y/n) around like a lost puppy freshman year screamed otherwise. So I played the game-remembering I had a score to settle with Tatum, and soon enough we were in the public restroom getting busy.
I won't lie-he was good. No wonder he broke so many hearts and had ex’s demand to get back together with him.
It wasn't long after the mall that he asked me on a date-a bit backwards don't you think? I guess I was a very good lay for him-my efforts paid off though, he only paid attention to me in spite of Tatums efforts.
During the whole time, (Y/n) did not speak to me, I could tell something was wrong due to her forced smiles and lack of conversation. Especially when Billy mentioned the new horror movie coming to theaters that he and Stu wanted to go see with her. I even asked to join, but she acted docile during the whole conversation.
I felt as though I made a deep mistake of some kind. And it really bothers me.
July 2nd 1996
I fucked up. Really bad.
(Y/n) has been avoiding me, and each time I invite her over my house she always says she has to help her Aunt out with something-which is bullshit because her aunt works her ass off at the hospital 24/7.
I have been spending a lot of time with Stu lately, but we either are having sex or he wants to watch horror movies. Sometimes I simply just stare at the scream lost in thought as to why I wanted to continue this relationship. I mean the sex is good, don't get me wrong and it feels like a victory to continue tormenting Tatum with our relationship, but it didn't feel right to keep doing this if my best friend isn't around.
I told Stu about my concerns with (Y/n) only for him to ask if he should talk to her about it, it was the way that he asked that quickly threw me off. I then proceed to ask about their friendship and how they often hang out with each other. He tells me they haven't interacted as of late because of me, and asked me to ‘politely’ stop getting in the way of their movie time together.
We had a huge fight about it. I didn't like the way he said it so casually that he wanted her there with him rather than me. We ended up having sex an hour later-but it didn't feel right. It was odd, Stu seemed to be hate fucking me one minute then caressing and telling me how sorry he was.
Once he was done he looked at me for a long moment, it was like he was trying to see me as someone else-I had seen that look before with other boys who loved someone else. Whatever spell he was under he snapped out of it before kicking me out before his parents got home.
I’m so lost.
July 4th 1996
(the page was torn out with leftover teardrops)
July 7th 1996
Me and (Y/n) had a heart to heart. It was jealousy - something that we both never in terms felt within our friendship. I know her, she’s not the type to get jealous unless she truly liked or felt for the person she was looking at. And even then-there wasn’t many that she looked at-from my knowledge anyway.
We spent the rest of the afternoon together watching movies on her living room couch. It felt good to be in each other's good graces again, afterall my life just seemed out of place without her in it. Watching horror movies, going shopping, or simply walking in the town square didn't do it for me without her by my side. There was one part in the movie where I watched her laugh the hardest she's ever done, her smile warmed me up inside, my heart hammering miles per minute.
When it came time for my mom to arrive, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. To hear her laughs and have her stay in my embrace longer. The bed in my home feels colder-missing the warmth on the other side of the mattress.
July 13th 1996
I'm scared to share this, but I've been rewinding last night's dream in my mind for the past three hours straight. It was nice at first, it seemed like every other day, I was over (Y/n)’s house horror movie in the background with the air blaring to life. The one thing that seemed weird was how close we were, she was laying on my chest covered in a blanket as I played with her curls.
It was comfortable, until (Y/n) leaned up and kissed me, not a quick peck but a slow passionate one. It wasn’t like the many empty ones I had given in my past relationships, it meant something. I could feel it-the love the joy my best friend was giving me. What shocked me the most was the fact I was kissing back taking the lead-dominating her entire being as I watched her melt in my grasp.
Soon I was on top of her kissing down her neck, stripping her of her clothes and sucking her breasts. I enjoyed it, the sight and the sounds she was making pleased me. It was different taking control but from how I was acting it was as if I had known how to do this my whole life.
I’ll never forget the way she moaned my name as I gave her orgasm after orgasm on the couch-her cunt practically dripping wet with her own thighs coated in her mess. Her eyebrows pulled together in ecstasy with her brown circles of breast on full display-arching into the air. It wasn’t long before we both finished, the aftercare was something I noticed I prioritized. I made sure she took a shower and was fed before taking her to the room to sleep.
It just felt right. No guilt. No thoughts about boys and their rough nature. Just the two of us. One embracing the other.
July 20th 1996
Distractions are what I found myself needing each night, and lucky enough for me there were plenty in Woodsburror. But with the many times I ended up underneath Stu I couldn't get her out of my head. Her moans and sweet utterance of my name against my lips, the same lips I found myself sucking the dick of the same man who had a secret attraction for my friend.
I know right-when did that happen.
It was the other night when I was with Stu in his truck, I had a slip of the lips and moaned (Y/n)’s name. I really hadn't meant to, but the way Matcher had stopped everything was telling enough-he didn't like the fact it was her name I had said. He had stopped initiating sex with me that night-even though he was still on hard.
I asked him if he was going to tell anyone what had happened. He said no, and instead offered a proposition. At first I was a bit scared to know what it was, but thought I didn’t have much of an option-I didn’t want my secret getting out.
He wanted a threesome between (Y/n) and Me. I immediately looked at him in a mix of shock and utter disgust. To get out of it I immediately mentioned that she was a virgin still-he countered it saying that he would be her first. The way he said it was weirdly full of warmth and affection. It twisted my stomach into knots and made me question how authentic was the relationship we currently had. The way he said her name-from the way he promised not to use her-to be gentle all the way through.
I hated it. I hated him. I never wanted to get out of a truck so fast in my entire life.
To get out of the conversation I lied and said I would think about it. But obviously-I'm thinking of a way to end this.
He wasn't going to touch (Y/n). Not on my watch.
July 27th 1996
Cheating isn't something to be glorified, ever. But damn did it feel like a weight off my shoulders when I heard of Tatums whore ways.
The new rumor amongst the cheerleaders this week was hot! Half the squad was over Autumn’s house when the ball was dropped about what the team captain had seen the other day on her way to Blockbuster. Apparently Tatum had invited Sidney and (Y/n) along on their blockbuster run knowing that Stu and Billy would be there. At first I was a bit upset (Y/n) hadn't told me anything about it-but the gears started turning once Autumn said Stu had ignored Tatum the entire time, his attention solely on my best friend.
It was confirmed with a simple sighting and interaction with the two, Stu didn't want me or Tatum. He wanted (Y/n). And in his own twisted way of trying to get close to her he was using us (her friends) as a gateway.
I don't understand. He had more opportunities to date her from the beginning, they were practically inseparable since they were kids-especially in middle school. Billy soon added to the mix not so long after his mother wasn't as present anymore.
You're probably wondering where the cheating part had taken place right? Long story short, our team captain-Abigail- had saw Stu fucking Tatum against the wall of an alleyway next to the store. It was embarrassing, not only did everyone give me sympathetic looks, but they all knew about what Paul did. It was the same thing happening twice in the row-(Y/n) being tossed in the mix.
I played the part of the sad grieving girlfriend very well, maybe it was because through the irony of it all- I didn't care about the fact the boys didn't want me. I cared about the fact they wanted (Y/n). They wanted my best friend-the girl I wanted all to myself.
I don't blame them for falling in love with her though, after all. I did it myself.
August 1st 1996
Today was cheerleading practice for the new school year along the day football players start preparation for the upcoming football season. Most of the time while we were coming up with cheers on the sidelines, the fresh new round of quarterbacks would hoot and holler for our new uniforms.
I'll admit, they were very sexy. But I really couldn't get my mind off of me and (Y/n)’s sleepover last night. She had simply fallen asleep on my chest, her silk nightie rode up at the bottom leaving her lace painties in view. I was quick to pull the dress back down-but my mind had wondered if I had proceeded things differently.
My parents weren't home and it would've been the perfect opportunity. But instead I was too scared of what she would say or the possibility of ruining our friendship.
My kicks and flips were the worst it had ever been throughout practice and the other girls could tell. And much to my embarrassment they thought it was because of Tatum messing around with Stu. As if I could care less what that whore did with my lay! And the bigger fact of the matter is Stu dosen’t even want Tatum either-hes just fucking her till he gets bored.
I couldn't do it anymore, I was sexually frustrated. From the pent of feelings for my best friend and the fact Tatum continued to pretend she didn't keep stabbing me in the back over and over again.
I had noticed Steve staring at me throughout his drills, and decided to call him over once me and the girls took our two hour break from practice. Seducing him wasn't that hard-it was obvious he thought more with his dick than his own head.
The locker room was thankfully deserted giving us enough time to get an hour of pleasure in. The poor boy took it the wrong way and thought I wanted to go out with him-it wasn't a bad idea though. Steve was cute and had a lot going for himself, and seemed somewhat of a decent guy, plus it gave me an excuse to dump Stu.
I can only hope he doesn't get too angry about it down the line.
August 7th 1996,
Okay so the breakup didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped-but it was better than I had originally had expected.
Stu wasn't as furious about the breakup as I thought he was going to be, he only seemed a tad bit frustrated with something I couldn't understand. Even with the many accusations I had tossed his way about screwing Tatum and wanting (Y/n) all for himself. He seemed only focused on the fact that (Y/n) wouldn't be around that much anymore-he has a serious problem he needs to solve.
And I told him that. (Y/n) isn't his-and she never will be.
That's what started it-the rampage the boy went on. I had never seen Stu so livid from just telling him he couldn't have her. The one girl he wanted. He did not place his hands on me or anything but kept screaming for me to get out of the house. I did leave in a rush, afterall I had my current new boyfriend outside waiting to comfort me.
But when the news broke out, things started to flip upside down. I think the only person that was disappointed in me was (Y/n). She couldn't believe what I had done-cheating on Stu with Steve and causing such drama amongst the group. In my opinion I had done nothing wrong-it was Tatums fault for fucking Paul then going after Stu while we were in a relationship.
I didn't understand why she was taking Stu’s side either, it hurt hearing she didn't want to lie to him and say I didn't do what I did. Or how much I hurt him.
I lost my temper. I'll admit it, yelling at her wasn't the way to go. And I might have said something I wasn't proud of. But it was how I felt at the moment- she didn't need to worry so much over Macher if she was MY friend! If she was MY everything!
But that's the thing she's not mine. But she should be.
August 12th 1996,
Today was the first day of school, my senior year. One semester away from saying goodbye to these bloodsucking vermin in the dust once and for all. Mom wished me luck this year, we had a long prayer at the breakfast table for scholarships and hopefully a bright future ahead. The only thing that seemed out of place was the empty chair beside me; (Y/n)’s place at the table.
This was the first time she wasn't over for the first day of school with me. We usually had sleepovers the night before, gossip-made bets on what's going to transpire but no-I had made the ultimate mistake of yelling at her and degrading her for voicing her opinion.
I called her Stu’s whore.
I didn't mean it of course, but it was something I said to hurt her-the last thing I had wanted to do.
The first day of school was okay, it turns out I have a few classes with (Y/n) and Sidney, fortunately I don't have any with Tatum ,Stu or Billy. But Randy is in my science and history class. Randy wouldn't shut up talking about how cute (Y/n) looked today, and I couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy as many men in the school watched her up and down the school halls.
She wore her hair up into a high afro ponytail, swirls of her hair laid upon her head. I couldn't help but stare at the loose flannel-her shoulders were bare, and she wore some jean shorts with some beat up converse. During class I couldn't help but stare, even with Sidney encouraging me to speak to her I couldn't. And I felt as though if I tried talking to her about it something else might have transpired.
I couldn't tell her my feelings for her. What would my parents say? Not to mention the whole student body. Being gay in this town isn't uncommon but many people, especially adults are old fashioned. Last time I checked (Y/n)’s Aunt even had something sly to say about girls viewing each other's bodies if they are not family.
I can't win. Not if I leave this hell hole and start anew.
Would it be a possibility that (Y/n) would come with? Come with me to start a new life away from all of this? I would let her watch movies whenever she wants and help her through school.
I want her dreams to become a reality. I want to be there every step of the way, to see her on that red carpet of the movie she makes. The series of horror movies that would have the world in a chokehold.
I want to be that wife, her holding my arm as she waves shyly to the cameras for me to beam down at her in pride.
I would give her everything Stu couldn't and more!
August 13th 1996,
I can't believe Tatum had the nerve to try to give me advice to please Steve in the bedroom! For her information Stu’s so obviously pretending she’s (Y/n) while fucking her brains out. The worst part is everyone knows about Tatum and Stus relationship now, not that they're a fan of it-it's just new gossip.
Apparently (Y/n) didn't like the relationship, that's what Sidney said. But I don't understand why. Everytime Stu gets into a relationship with someone (Y/n) says it's not a good match- or both parties deserve better.
It's almost like she wants him-
(The page was torn off halfway)
August 15th 1996,
(The page is filled with many crossed out words and x’s making it illegible to read) (It was almost as if she couldn't bare to process what she was writing)
August 17th 1996,
I couldn't take it anymore! I had to talk to (Y/n) and make up with her! These past few days of silent treatment were getting to me. Not only has Tatum noticed, but Sidney as well. It was embarrassing to know that her other friends have been asking me what's going on when I've known her for the longest. They don't even care about her as much as I do!
But it's not just my feelings for (Y/n) that have been consuming my thoughts lately. I've been struggling with my sexuality, and it's been eating me up inside. I've never told anyone, not even my best friend, about the way I feel. It's like this big secret that I'm carrying around, and it's starting to feel suffocating.
I know that (Y/n) would never judge me, but the fear of rejection and the unknown terrifies me. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she thinks I'm weird or gross? I can't risk losing my best friend, but at the same time, I can't continue living this lie.
The looks that Stu and Billy have been giving me lately only make things worse. It's like they know something about me that I don't even know myself. I feel like a fraud around them, like they're constantly judging me.
I don't know what to do. I'm so confused and scared. All I know is that I can't keep living like this. I need to talk to someone, anyone, about how I'm feeling. But who can I trust? Who can I confide in?
For now, I'll keep my secret to myself and focus on repairing my friendship with (Y/n). But I know that this is something that I need to address eventually.
Of course she was reluctant to talk but I had bribed her to let me in with three packs of her favorite popcorn and of course five packs of licorice. She took the popcorn and candy and allowed me to have an hour to say what I wanted to say before I was asked to leave.
I understand her anger. We've been best friends for years, and I called her such an unforgivable thing because I was jealous of the attention she was giving Stu. I felt terrible, and I told her everything. I apologized and begged for her forgiveness. I could see the pain in her eyes, and I knew I had hurt her deeply. But thankfully, she eventually forgave me, and we hugged it out. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
But now, I'm left feeling guilty about how I treated (Y/n) and how I let my jealousy get the best of me. I need to work on my insecurities and learn to communicate my feelings better. (Y/n) is my best friend, and I never want to hurt her like that again.
August 31st 1996,
(This entry was ripped out aggressively to what seemed like not too long ago.) (investigators eventually found the entry locked in a secret chest underneath Becker’s bed along with her previous diaries and most treasured items.)
September 8th 1996,
Slowly but steadily I've been getting closer to (Y/n), we've even started making plans on what to do for Halloween! It's her favorite month. All the decorations, costumes, and of course the horror movies. She did seem a bit down today when I mentioned dressing up together as playboy bunny girls, clearly she was expecting something more her speed.
I know-I know what you're thinking. Why would I want to dress up as a playboy bunny costume when (Y/n) clearly wants to dress up as a slasher? Well it's simply because it gives me an excuse to have her wear something revealing all night, and second she's a slasher every single year.
It's time to do something different. No more bloody (Y/n). Instead we'll have a super hot one instead.
In the end she said she would think about it, but with the way she looked over longingly at Stu and Billy; maybe just maybe I should be a slasher with her this year.
September 15th 1996,
Unfortunate change of plans, my parents announced that they were visiting family the week of Halloween. And for once I hated the thought of leaving here without (Y/n) by my side. In the past with her being alone on Halloween always sits wrong with me, and the fact is she wouldn't be alone; Stu and Billy always ended up being there.
Sick? Stu and Billy would come over. Aunt Gia unable to take her to the movies? Mrs. Macher would fill in, Stu dragging (Y/n) to the backseat. If I was out with the other girls dressing girly? Billy would immediately pull out a Micheal Myers mask and a bucket for candy.
I just can never get the timing right on Halloween to be with her. On her favorite holiday.
I might as well push these feelings to the side and let Stu or Billy have her this Halloween. Just like they always do. This time Tatum and Sidney won't be able to deny their boyfriends attraction to (Y/n).
September 19th 1996,
I can't believe I lost my diary for three days! And that's not even the worst part. Tatum was the one who gave it back to me. I was spiraling, hoping that she had some sense and did not read any of it.
Imagining the thought of her reading it sent chills down my spine. Not only would Tatum be out for my blood but (Y/n)s as well; even though the two girls get along fine now- I just know Tatum would immediately flip the script and try to ruin her life.
So what if (Y/n) had feelings for Stu and Billy. She likes Randy now. Even though I’m trying to be the main contender for her love-even I had to face the reality that she wasn't going to go for someone in a relationship. If I was to confess my feelings to her it most definitely would have to be after I dump Steve.
Don't get me wrong, the boy is really nice and sweet. He'd be the perfect boyfriend for me if I wasn't you know ‘a little sparkly’. The sex is good too and he even knows how to communicate well. The only argument we've had thus far was about how much time I've been spending with (Y/n) lately, it resulted in me crying and guilt tripping him.
He was getting a little bit too close to the truth.
But that's not what I'm afraid of. This afternoon I asked Tatum how she found my diary. Turns out she wasn't the one who found it.
It was Stu who had it for the weekend.
September 21st 1996,
Tonight (Y/n) came over to hang out as usual. Soon we were gossiping and talking about others' relationships before it shifted back to mine. (Y/n) apparently don't like how quickly me and Steve got together, and to be honest she was making some good points. Hooking up with boys and then immediately becoming a couple was very misleading and isn't how relationships should be formed.
The conversation got intense however once she suggested we watch a horror movie, we fell back into our normal routine. She did say something that threw me off though. She said if I was in the horror movie I would be the dumb blonde that dies first.
As if! I'm clearly too smart to die in a horror movie! I joked around with her about it and asked if she remembers the promise if I were to die. Of course she remembered but knew she wouldn't have to do it till we were daily older.
To me it doesn't matter how old we get together. She'll always be my everything in my eyes.
I had asked Steve to come over Wednesday to watch a movie, but obviously that's not what we're going to do. That night will be the last time I ever mess around with a boy, and Thursday morning I'll be single and ready to confess to my best friend.
I can only hope she reciprocates my feelings.
August 31st , 1996
Last night was a total nightmare. I don't know who to be more angry at Sidney-or that bitches friend Tatum! We were all invited over (Y/n)’s house to sleepover and have a great time.
Unfortunately things took a twisted turn-
Screams emitted through the TV as the four girls settled across the living room floor. (Y/n) was snuggled up on Casey's side sharing a blanket as Tatum and Sidney were laid across the couch; apparently Tatum valued comfort rather than the floor, but Sidney did remain on the floor laid up against the couch with her sleeping bag.
It was a good thing the movie had subtitles since it was in Japanese; the plot in the movie was about a series of mass murder of teen girls who've all dated the boy. Upon the grand reveal it turns out it was his childhood best friend, her love for him was so obsessive that she resulted in killing all potential suitors for her friend. One might argue it was sick and twisted, but was it so different from many murder cases in the US? Sure some of the scenes were very violent, including the parts on how she disposed of the bodies; however jealousy and obsession can turn deadly quickly if not caught on to.
The alleged ‘final girl’ ran down the school corridor, running into the male protagonist as he tried to calm her down. Her hand was gone, blood practically spraying and pooling along the floor, (Y/n) would have to give it to the directors, the protruding bones look so real.
“All bets in that she's not going to survive,” Casey muttered.
(Y/n) hummed, “Yeah she already lost her virginity, so she already lost in that regard. Not to mention she was seen drinking a few scenes ago.” The two friends had watched so many scary movies at this point that they could predict when someone was going to die, or the ‘twist’ the directors were trying to pull.
The killer rounded the corner, her mouth and face going slack as the male lead and her locked eyes. The boy seemed shocked for a moment before he began to question her on why and how she was doing this. The subtitles were fast but the girls could get the gist of what was being said from the brief words on the screen.
“Wow,” Tatum scoffed, “What a love confession. Someone please kill me if I ever become that desperate over a man.”
“Wait,” Sidney watched as the boy started to step closer, his eyes brimming with tears, “Is he…is he confessing back?! After all the girls he’s slept with and had died due to her, he wants a relationship with her?”
This caught (Y/n)’s attention, she watched how the two childhood friends embraced one another as the other girl cried out to the boy pleading for him to stay-to save her. Only for the male to take the knife from the killer and kill the final girl himself. Something about the scene made it hard to look away.
‘How can someone choose a killer rather than the innocent?’
“He's in love with her,” She muttered, “so much he's willing to kill another innocent person in order for them to be together.” Something fluttered in her heart at the sheer devotion they have towards one another. They way they looked at eachother-no more secrets all the obstacles that were there before have been removed. The two halves of the same whole acn be together at last.
The screen cuts to a house, the childhood friends had gotten married and one would guess moved to another city to leave their choices behind. What caught the afro haired off guard was how happy the couple looked, they had even achieved a loving family; a pair of twins and a four year old boy all sitting at the table sharing grace before credits started to roll.
Casey shifted a bit, “Well, that movie was-,”
“Shit,” Tatum snarled, “How can he want that ugly bitch and kill the good looking one? Isn't this Japanese? Wasn't it the standard to marry for good looking kids and successors?” The girl's attitude threw the other three girls for a loop.
(Y/n) still wanted to argue her point, “I think it's a good film! It's a lot different from the horror movies I usually watch, and I think the fact that the childhood friends got together despite everything was a good twist and satisfying ending.” She got up from Caseys side and went to retrieve the tape and grab another movie, “Here, we can watch a Chick flick next since you didn't like-”
“You think all childhood friends should end up together huh, (Y/n)?”
The girl paused her movements at the question. She didn't understand why the question seemed so-hostile. Casey sat up and shot Tatum a look, clearly disliking where this was going. Sidney on the other hand had a very uncomfortable expression on her face, almost like she was expecting this.
“Well, sometimes yes,” (Y/n) shrugged the stranged feeling off, “Think about it. They’re the ones that know each other most inside and out. Look at most successful marriages for instance-they were either childhood friends or friends and with each other for a long time.” She popped in ‘She’s All That’ before turning to the strawberry blond, “Plus my parents were childhood friends. That's why their marriage was so successful.”
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room.
Something shifted behind Tatum's eyes; malice, spite, fueled by jealousy. “Oh, so you're assuming that Me and Stu’s relationship is going to be temporary since we were not childhood friends?”
(Y/n) made a face at the mention of her friends name, her heart contorted “No! That's not even what I was trying to say-”
“It was implied-”
“Fuck off Tatum,” Casey barked, “The only reason why he’s with you is because your so willing to lay on you back for him.”
They all had to have known it was true. Tatum was so desperate for the boy to acknowledge her since the seventh grade. Going as far to change her style three times before settling on the busty mean girl persona; of course she wasn’t mean all the time-just liked the look.
Other than that Casey wasn't going to let the girl accuse her friend of these things without proof. (Y/n) wasn't the type to go after someone elses’ boyfriend; however with the information the blonde knew about she did feel a bit hypocritical.
Stu wanted (Y/n). Did she know if it was the same the other way around? No. Was she still going to defend her anyway? Absolutely.
Tatum whipped her head over to the other blond practically giving her whiplash. Her face was red now in embarrassment or fury one could barely tell. “Oh! Just like how you were so willing to do that same-,”
“At least I didn’t fuck my friends boyfriend while they were in a committed relationship-”
“It was only two times-”
“Two times too many!” Casey huffed, “Is this what you came here for? To start something with (Y/n) because you know she's the nicest out of the rest of us?”
Tatum rolled her eyes, “You act like she's a newborn, she can defend herself,” She took a swig of her cola before shifting her eyes to her best friend, “Besides I’m not the only one with questions, Sidney does as well.”
(Y/n) zeroed in on Sidney, the girl was fiddling with the sleeve of her sweater. Something about her whole demeanor screams ‘guilty as sin’; as if she just got done something unforgivable. In this case she felt pressured to get to the bottom of why Billy had this slight obsession with the girl in front of her.
Sidney did have a question about Billy and her relationship, and she wanted the girl to be honest about it. She wouldn't be mad if there was something before,but it would mean things between her and her boyfriend would be called into question.
“Y-you have something to ask me Sid?”
Sidney nodded, “Yeah, um I went over Billy’s house the other day, and I saw a lot of things in his room that surprised me is all,” Surprise would be an understatement, her heart felt like it was being ripped into thirds with the items she came in contact with. They haven't been dating for long but she felt like she really liked him, but there's only so much one can take, “You-uh-you guys have a lot of photos with each other. Even with his mom and dad-and uh-Stu was in some of them too..”
She was trying to give a hint to the girl about what she was trying to say. Sidney knew no boys or men who would have that many pictures of a girl visible. Especially in a relationship. It wasn't like it was just on his desk, no-it was all around his house. On the hallway walls, in his dads office-in the kitchen-everywhere. Mr. Loomis almost seemed shocked that Sidney even earned the title ‘Girlfriend’.
‘What happened to (Y/n)?’ Billy’s Father voiced out loud.
Billy stilled for a moment his eyes hazy, ‘(Y/n) has been busy with school lately,”
His father simply cocked an eyebrow and said nothing more. Sidney had never felt more embarrassed and out of place; she knew what the question really meant and what answer Billy’s father was looking for. He wanted to know why (Y/n) wasn't the one at the table with them with the title instead of Sidney.
“So are you asking if I have the same pictures as him?” The girl cut through the silence.
Sidney shook her head, cheeks pink. She didn't know why this was frustrating her-it was just a question. So with a deep breath she ripped off the bandage, “Did you and Billy ever have a secret relationship?”
(Y/n) sputtered as her face grew warm at the question, sure she had secretly entertained the idea of having Billy as a boyfriend but it quickly went out the window once she realized her long term feelings for Stu. It should've been easy to answer back at the question but she was so surprised with the way it was said threw her for a loop.
“No, me and Billy have never had that sort of relationship.” She finally stated.
The brunette didn't seem convinced, “What about the nickname they both gave you. Billy and Stu,” Billy had a habit of calling (Y/n) by her nickname rather than her real name, even in Sidney's presence. It would be different if it was something funny, or a common nickname given among friends, but it was so intimate. And (Y/n) didn't notice it like the other girls did.
Sidney didn't even have an intimate nickname. Billy just called her ‘Sid’ like everyone else.
“What nickname? You mean (N/N)? Billy and Stu haven't called me by that name in years-”
“No! The other one!” Sidney persisted, “The intimate one. You’ve got to remember, Billy calls you it all the time when you're not around-,” The girl paused for a moment, her thoughts sinking in. What if Billy and Stu never said the nickname to the girls face once they got to highschool; it has been a long time since Sidney and Tatum was thrown into the mix in regards to their group. “Did Billy and Stu ever call you anything else in your presence?”
The afro haired paused, thinking it over before answering. There was one nickname Billy and Stu used to call her by sometimes, but it was just while they were watching movies and alone with the three of them. It was around about ninth grade when the nickname was made; Billy insisted that they call her by it.
“Final Girl,”
There was silence again. If there was a way from steam to whistle out of Tatum's ears they all would have heard it.
“Excuse me?” Sidney said, “They call you what?”
(Y/n) bit her lip, “Final girl, Billy insisted I be called that. You know Final girls are the ones that-”
“That’s not the name I was talking about. You mean to tell me you have another one-?”
“Did you fuck Stu instead?” Tatum cut in, “If you couldn't have one friend you might as well go for the other one-”
“Tatum,” Sidney hissed. This wasn't how she wanted to go about doing things. Backing (Y/n) in a corner like this was just bullying her, and if she did have private relationships with either boy it wasn’t for them to know. (Y/n) even had the right to refuse not to answer.
The afro haired girl gripped her band tee in frustration, “I didn’t fuck anyone!” She got up and glared at Tatum in frustration, she didn't understand the girl's deal. She had won already, she had Stu all to herself, “You both have Stu and Billy as your boyfriends and spend so much time with them to the point we three don't hang out as much anymore! When would I have the time to even get the chance to do something like that?”
“Can we just all calm down for a second-,”
“Did you ever have feelings for Stu or Billy?!”
“What does it matter?!” (Y/n) cried, “You have both of them! You won! Tatum you fuck Stu every single day! And Sidney you watch movies with Billy all the time-!” The girl cut off a lump forming in her throat as she could see her favorite boys doing the activities with her friends. Something inside twisted and lurched-her eyes growing warm and sight blurry.
This was all enough for Sidney and Tatum to see the girls true feelings. One felt sympathetic with the reaction, the other on the other hand-.
“I told you!” Tatum pointed, “I knew there was something going on with those three! So how did it feel being Stu and Billy’s whore all throughout ninth grade-” The girl was cut off with a pillow connecting to her head.
Casey loomed over the other girl, her face contorted in rage, “Say that again. I dare you.”
The two other girls stood up immediately with how Casey was standing over Tatum, they knew if a hit landed there was no coming back from this. Also (Y/n) didn't want anyone to be fighting inside her house, her Aunt would have a fit knowing why her living room looked a mess. She would be okay with a bit of fun-not a full out brawl.
(Y/n) sighed sadly, “Tatum, Sid - you guys need to leave.”
A sad solemn look took over Sidney's face at the girl's tone, “Wha - No look I'm sorry can we just pretend this conversation didn't happen?” It was wistful thinking, but she honestly didn't want to leave things this way between everyone. They were supposed to have fun; Sidney wanted to ignore the boy problems for one day and just enjoy the presence of her friends without any problems. (Y/n) didn't deserve to be asked questions that way tonight, especially about the two people she saw as her best friends for the longest time.
“Pretend?” Said Casey, “After the two of you tried jumping down her throat! You want to pretend you didn't do anything?!”
The blonde stormed over to the two sleeping bags grabbing them and rushing back to the front door. Tatum finally got up from the couch in shock, following after the angry girl. Not a single one of them had ever seen Becker this upset, sure she argued and had a sharp tongue but throwing their things outside of the house was way beyond what they could imagine.
“Casey! Are you fuckin crazy-?!”
“For my best friend? Yes!” Casey yelled, “Now are you going to grab your backpack yourself or am I going to have to grab them for you?”
(Y/n) wiped tears from her eyes, “Cas at least let them call their parents-”
“Tatum's house is two blocks away, they can kick rocks.”
It was quick with how the girls left, and the afro haired girl felt a sense of dread with the door closing. It was only when Casey placed a hand on her shoulder did she break down. In some way she blamed herself for them-for their actions and jealousy towards her. She allowed her best friend to guide her towards the couch before she left to get some water and tissues. She stared blankly at the chick flick on the screen, she didn't know why she chose that one.
It was Tatum's favorite. And it was her least favorite.
Casey came back with a glass of water, tissues and a pack of red licorice in her hands, “You okay?” It was a rhetorical question of course, but it was better to ask rather than not asking.
“Would I really be considered a whore if I liked Stu and Billy?” The girl sniffed, “Is it really that bad that I used to have feelings for them? I mean I like Randy now but is it bad that I acknowledge Stu would never look my way because I wasn't enough-”
Casey grabbed the girl's hands, cutting her off , “You are enough. It's their fault they couldn't see that,” She proceeded to wipe the girls cheeks clean of tears, “And in my opinion they've lost the best thing to ever enter their lives. You.”
Silence filled the room for a moment. Nothing could be heard over the girls sniffles and the faint sound of the movie in the background. Casey simply held the girl in her embrace, rubbing up and down her arms in a soothing motion to calm her down.
“Casey,” The girl whispered softly.
“If I dont have anyone else, it'll just be me and you right?”
Casey looked down at her friend, a loving smile taking place on her pink lips, “Of Course. We don't need them. It'll just be me and you against the world.” The girl unexpectedly sprung up off the sofa and headed over to the pile of movies, “I think this chick flick isn't our speed! Lets watch another horror movie, any recommendations?”
(Y/n) gave a watery smile, “I got another japanese film we could watch,”
“Cool! Which one is it?” The blonde shuffled through the tapes.
“It's the one with the two bloodied friends on the cover. It's called, ‘Forget Me Not’.”
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Hi hello yes may I please have more slasher ghost please thank you please
Here you go! This was written for Horror Night!
They'd started to let them go back outside. Let was a... strong word since Rodolfo made it pretty clear Alejandro wasn't getting none until he got to go back to classes. They'd reached a middle ground with online classes and Alejandro going with them out shopping occasionally.
Soap was kind of annoyed that he couldn't do his own shit, but he had learned by now to not really argue about it.
So, here they were, in the mall, Soap watching Rodolfo look at clothes again. "You have so many, you don't need more." He sighed.
Rodolfo pouted. "But I like them."
Black joggers, of which Rodolfo had several pairs of, but these were apparently different because they were meant to look more military esque. Lots of pockets, faint almost couldn't be seen camo. "You own so many pairs of those."
"Alejandro likes them." Rodolfo smiled, nodding his head in Alejandro's direction. Alejandro was leaning against a rack with aviator sunglasses on and a leather jacket, and had told Rodolfo he loved everything he'd tried on.
"I adore how you look in them, mi sol." Alejandro half grinned, looking at them over his sunglasses.
Rodolfo grinned. "I'm gonna get them." Alejandro held out his card and Rodolfo gladly took it, heading up to the counter.
Alejandro watched him go and Soap rolled his eyes. "Simp." He mumbled, ignoring Alejandro glaring at him.
"Soap, why won't you give Ghost a full chance?" Alejandro asked after a moment.
Soap cringed. He'd known this was coming, eventually. After that night, he'd basically ignored Ghost. But... he'd felt weird about it. He'd been so upset that night that he'd just willingly let him into his bed. Soap felt embarrassed. He shouldn't have done that. "I don't know how else to stress to you two that you are both murderers and I don't want any part of that."
Alejandro shrugged. "Soap, I think we both know it's not the murder that you have an issue with."
Soap narrowed his eyes at him. "What the fuck do you mean by that?"
Alejandro half grinned and Soap had half a mind to just tackle him and beat the shit out of him, but he wouldn't do that. "Ghost told me you practically threw yourself at him that night."
"Yeah to save my own life- stop, wait. You weren't there?" Soap frowned, confused.
Alejandro raised an eyebrow and laughed. "No. I was at home with Rodolfo. I don't think you'd like the details on that one."
Soap frowned more. He'd spent this entire time assuming Alejandro had been there, since he knew it was unlikely Ghost had killed 9 people in the course of only a few hours in such horrific and gruesome ways. "So who was? Because I know Ghost didn't do all of that by himself."
"I wish you were more susceptible to gaslighting. It'd be so fun to convince you that you did it." Alejandro sighed, almost forlorn. Soap rolled his eyes. "No, there's a third. He's not super good at it, yet. But... he'll get there."
Soap's blood ran cold. "There's a third psychopath?!"
"You throw that word around a lot." Alejandro chuckled. "Yes, there is a third. You know, I think you two should meet him. You'd like him."
"No thank you. Anyway, back to earlier, I don't want to date a murderer, thank you." Soap huffed a little and looked away. "Especially not a murderer with the social skills of a dead rat."
"A sexy dead rat." Alejandro corrected, laughing when Soap glared at him. "Oh, give him a chance, Soap. He really likes you. And I've taught him how to take care of his partners."
Soap rolled his eyes again. He wouldn't admit it to Alejandro, but that did reassure him ever so slightly. Despite the whole... kidnapping and murdering all of his friends thing, Alejandro treated Rodolfo really well. Soap would admit to having been a bit jealous since he never thought he'd get that.
"Whatever." Soap mumbled, looking at the rack. "I'm not like Rodolfo, I won't throw ass for a murderer."
"You use such lovely language." Alejandro chuckled, again, before straightening up as Rodolfo came back. "Mi sol..." He kissed his cheek. "Ready to go?"
Rodolfo nodded a little and Soap immediately picked up that something was wrong. He was quiet, keeping his head down. "Yeah, can we just go back to the house?"
"What's wrong?" Alejandro immediately was over to him, his sunglasses off. Soap was surprised he could move that fast.
Rodolfo shook his head. "It's nothing, I just- I just want to go." He took Alejandro's hand and led them both out.
Rodolfo didn't speak another word until they were home, despite Alejandro's prodding. Even there, when he was back, he just nodded a hello to Ghost and went to bed.
Soap frowned, now very concerned for his friend. He was glad when Alejandro followed him, because he hoped Alejandro would be able to pry whatever it was out of him.
Ghost turned to Soap once they were both gone, "I have something I want to show you."
Soap hesitated before giving in. "Alright." Mentally, though, he told himself that he was not giving Ghost a chance. "What is it?"
"It's outside." Ghost explained.
"No, I'm smarter than that." Soap shook his head, going and sitting on the couch. "I like being alive and intact, thank you."
"If I wanted to kill you, I'd slit your throat on that couch." Ghost looked tired, closing his eyes.
Soap relented, since yeah. Soap had a better chance of survival being outside than he did inside. He reluctantly got back up again and followed Ghost outside.
Honestly, the house was fucking ridiculous. The entire back wall was glass and Alejandro and Rodolfo's room had a giant balcony thing with a fire pit and couches, oh yeah, and a fucking projector. Soap knew, because he and Rodolfo had already hung out up there and watched several movies.
Roasted marshmallows.
Ghost's room, itself, had to be at least as big as both the kitchen and living room of the apartment, which was already stupidly big, and according to Alejandro and his very suggestive tone, the bathroom was as big as a bedroom.
Soap would definitely NOT admit to considering the imagery of Ghost in a garden tub that was apparently big enough for three people, again according to Alejandro. Alejandro had also alluded to Ghost being well endowed.
That had sparked an argument for Rodolfo and Alejandro, because Rodolfo had wanted to know how Alejandro knew, and Ghost had laughed way too loud at Alejandro's bright red face. Soap could still hear Rodolfo's yelling.
Ghost talking brought Soap back to reality. "Alejandro had it built for me."
Soap frowned, confused. "Had what built?"
"Have you been paying attention at all?" Ghost raised an eyebrow, not even looking shocked when Soap shook his head. "That reminds me." He got into one of his... many pockets, has Ghost always worn pants with that many pockets?? and pulled out an orange and white bottle. "Here."
Soap's eyes widened, recognizing his ADHD medication. He took the bottle, immediately, and thanked him, shoving it in his own pocket. "Anyway, what are we looking at?"
It looked like a giant glass box, though inside, Soap could see a couch and some bookshelves. Ghost opened a door and went inside with Soap and once they were inside, Soap glanced around, taking in the view. It was gorgeous, honestly. The glass allowed them to see all of the nature around them, and it was fairly close to a small cliff, so the view was almost breathtaking.
Soap smiled. "It's gorgeous. Honest." He went to the couch and sat down.
"It is." Ghost nodded in agreement, though his eyes followed Soap. "Anyway, as I was saying, Alejandro built it for me. Watch this." He grabbed a remote from the side of the couch and clicked a button.
Within moments, there was water droplets hitting the roof of room, which then ran down the sides of the walls. Soap's brain had gone dead silent. It was fantastic. "This is amazing..."
Ghost smiled. "I'm glad you think so." He sat by him.
Soap closed his eyes, relishing in the simple silence of his mind. He could live like this, forever. "Hey, why did Alejandro build this for you?"
"Sometimes, I get overwhelmed. He apparently got sick of me having "meltdowns" as he called them, so he had this built. Anytime I get overwhelmed, I come out here. I have books, I think Alejandro's stuck a few board games in here for when we've hung out in here, together." Ghost shrugged.
Soap nodded a little. "Why did you show it to me?"
"I read that rain sound can help soothe traumatized brains. So... I thought it would help." Ghost shrugged.
Soap snorted. "I mean, it does, kind of. But... man, I need my therapist. You guys took me away from that and she doesn't do online sessions." He'd only really seen her once a month, but it'd been helpful.
Ghost considered before shrugging a little. "I'll figure that out."
Soap narrowed his eyes at him before shrugging and relaxing. "Alright." He leaned back on the couch. Alejandro was right, Ghost really did seem to be trying... no, he was still a murderer. "This doesn't change that you killed people."
"I'm not trying to change that." Ghost shrugged. "I told you I would try to make you love me and I'm doing that. I'm fine with waiting."
Soap flushed a little and looked away. "I will never love you." Even he was starting to believe that wasn't true.
Ghost smiled. "There's less conviction this time." He murmured, touching Soap's face and making him look at him. "I won't hurt you, Johnny."
"You hurt others." Soap frowned, moving his head away from his touch. "You kill."
"You don't actually have a problem with that." Ghost shook his head. "You could have told the police that it was me. Why didn't you?"
Shit, Alejandro must have told him. "I don't- I don't know." He mumbled, telling the truth. He really didn't know why he hadn't told the police that he knew it was Simon Riley who'd done it. He just... hadn't wanted to. "I didn't want to."
"Why?" Ghost hummed, looking almost smug. "I'm a murderer, I deserve to be locked away, right?"
Soap huffed, unsure what game he was playing. "Yeah, you do."
"Then why not tell the police?"
"I don't know!" Soap burst out. He stood up, incredibly agitated and upset. "I was terrified you'd come back and kill me for it! You said you were coming back and that I was yours! So, I thought if I told the police, you'd kill me and I was terrified of that happening! I didn't know you had some weird little crush on me, I just didn't want to die!"
Ghost frowned and then his face softened. "I wouldn't have killed you, Johnny."
"You carved your name into my side." Soap huffed. "Which I covered up."
"To claim you. Alejandro has bites all over Rodolfo." Ghost pointed out.
Soap snorted. "Rodolfo's a freak! He likes that shit! I don't!"
Ghost frowned and then sighed a little. "I just want to prove that I love you. What can I do to prove that?"
Soap shook his head. "You can't-" He was lashing out, he knew that. He was stressed out and upset and so he was lashing out, but hell, maybe the psycho murderer fucking deserved to be lashed out at. "I'm never going to love you."
Soap covered his face and sank to the ground. His heart was pounding and he could feel blood dripping on his face again. Over and over. He couldn't breathe. There was so much blood. Everywhere.
Hands touched him and for a moment, he considered screaming, but they were lifting him a little, pulling him into an embrace. "Do you want me to get Rodolfo?" Ghost asked, softly.
Soap hated how easy it was to melt into the embrace, but he did. He shook his head and tried to just focus on the sound of water hitting the glass box. It helped his brain quiet a little. "No, Rudy is... busy right now."
Ghost nodded and just held him. He pulled him over to the couch and they sat down together. Soap closed his eyes. "In high school... I was so jealous of how Alejandro treated Rodolfo. All of my boyfriends had only ever treated me like shit. But Alejandro worshipped Rodolfo. He was constantly buying him things and treated him like a god."
"I could give you that." Ghost murmured. "I would gladly do all of those things for you."
Soap snorted. "If I could get past the murder."
"Is the murder really as bad as you're making it out to be?" Ghost sighed, softly.
Soap hesitated before slumping a little. Because it really wasn't. He kept acting like it was but... if he was honest, he didn't care nearly as much as he should. Maybe it was just an excuse so he didn't have to worry about Ghost loving him. He'd always pushed away potential partners. "Maybe not..." He mumbled.
Ghost smiled. "I don't think it is." He murmured, again moving Soap's face to look at him. Soap looked at Ghost's eyes. He should have pulled away when Ghost leaned forward, he really should have, but he didn't want to. When Ghost pressed his lips to Soap's, he didn't do anything but relax and give in.
Maybe Ghost was right, maybe he could get past the murder if it meant being loved.
Soap tilted his head as he watched his best friend run around his room, trying desperately to find a "nice enough" outfit. "I don't know why he suddenly wants to go out." Rodolfo explained. "But the restaurant is pricy! He told us to invite Gaz as well."
Soap snorted. "So we can have our phones back?" He plopped on Rodolfo's bed. "Weird. I wonder why he's inviting Gaz. Must be important."
Rodolfo shrugged. Soap watched him finally settle on an outfit and decided to go and get his own outfit on. He walked past the living room, frowning as he noticed Alejandro was pacing while Ghost was sitting on the couch.
"You're making it bigger than he is. Of course he's going to say yes." Ghost chuckled. He made eye contact with Soap and waved him over. "Soap can tell you."
Soap frowned as he walked over. "Tell him what?" He accepted Ghost's hand when he offered it, looking at Alejandro, who looked incredibly stressed out.
"No, no. He'll tell Rudy and I do not want the surprise to be ruined." Alejandro waved his hand. "Just go get dressed, Soap."
"Damn, okay." Soap snorted, now very confused. He flushed when Ghost kissed his knuckles before letting him go. Soap smiled and then shook his head, leaving to his room.
When they were dressed, Alejandro ushered them out to a car, making them get in. Rodolfo and Soap sat in the back, which Soap didn't mind. Rodolfo did. "Mi amor, can I please drive?"
Alejandro hesitated before sighing and getting out. Which meant Soap had to get up. Which ended up with Rodolfo and Soap in the front. "I already put the location into the GPS." Alejandro explained as he got in.
"Gaz said he'll meet us at the restaurant." Rodolfo nodded and started to drive once everyone was in.
"Alex is doing the same." Alejandro nodded.
Soap frowned. "Alex?"
"We've taken him under our wing." Alejandro chuckled and nodded. "He's just usually busy with classes, so we never see him."
Oh, the third murderer. Soap glanced over to Rodolfo, who'd gone silent, staring out the windshield. He'd started to do that, a lot. He'd randomly go pale and just stare out. Go silent. Soap would have worried it was Alejandro's fault, but Alejandro seemed just as worried, so he didn't think it could be Alejandro.
"Rudy?" He murmured, nudging him.
Rodolfo jumped and glanced at Soap, before softening and smiling. "Hey. Sorry, I was just thinking about some homework."
Soap was unconvinced but he nodded and turned back to his own window, looking out it.
It wasn't a super long drive to the restaurant and soon they were getting out and walking in. Gaz and Alex were not there, yet, so they had to wait a small moment for their table before they were led there.
Rodolfo's mood seemed to improve, immediately. He looked around, his eyes wide. Soap had to admit, it was a nice place as well. Really leaned into the whole gold aesthetic. They were sat in a corner away from everyone.
Soap noted that Ghost looked very on edge. He wondered if he was often out in public. He took Ghost's hand, gently, trying to smile reassuringly at him. Now that he'd given in, he was really trying to give this relationship a go.
Ghost nodded, though his expression was hard to read with the face mask he was wearing. Soap turned back to the rest of the table and looked over the menu. Since Alejandro was paying, he didn't give a singular fuck about the prices. However, it was fairly concerning that there were none on the menu.
He picked something that sounded good and then sighed, putting his chin in his palm. Honestly? Restaurants were boring as hell. He didn't like watching the sports they kept on the TV and so sitting there and desperately trying to come up with conversation was annoying.
Gaz arriving brought a small amount of entertainment since he immediately mentioned how worried he'd been. "You two just disappeared! I had no idea where you two went!"
"It's a long story." Soap snorted. "Gaz, you know Ale, and this is Ghost. My..." He tried to figure out what word fit.
"Boyfriend." Ghost answered for him and Soap decided to just go with it. He held his hand out and Gaz shook it, clearly surprised.
"Huh, Ghost." Gaz frowned. "Odd name, but I like it."
"It's a nickname." Ghost nodded and pulled his hand back. His other hand landed on Soap's thigh and Soap tried not to blush bright red. That would be embarrassing.
Gaz ordered his own drink and food when the waiter came back. "I heard what happened at the party and I assumed the worst. I was terrified you two would be part of the list of victims. But, they never listed your names."
Soap and Rodolfo both cringed. "We didn't end up going." Rodolfo explained. "Alejandro and I broke up so we went and... found something else to do."
"Ah." Gaz seemed to blush. "Makes sense. I'm glad I didn't go, either. But you and Alejandro are together now, right?"
"Yes." Alejandro immediately answered.
Then, a sixth person showed up. He smiled and introduced himself as Alex to Soap, Rodolfo, and Gaz, though his eyes lingered on Gaz for a moment.
Soap and Rodolfo shared a look before looking at Gaz who was... starstruck. Soap internally rolled his eyes. He'd have to warn Gaz that Alex was a murderer. "It's nice to meet you." Gaz nodded as Alex sat in front of him.
Soap shared an amused glance with Rodolfo.
Alejandro cleared his throat. "Since we're all here, I figure I'll go ahead and get this over with."
Soap froze as he watched Alejandro get out a small velvet covered box. Rodolfo turned bright red and froze as well. He was grasping the table cloth so hard his knuckles turned white.
Alejandro opened the box and took out a very nice looking ring. He took Rodolfo's left hand and slid the ring on his finger. "Marry me, Rodolfo."
Rodolfo's eyes met Soap's and Soap could see panic in them.
Oh no.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Radar Love
summary: when you have some car trouble you run into the hottest mechanic in hawkins w/c: 1,653 warnings: pet name (princess) a/n: i'm sure i'm not alone in my thirst for car mechanic eddie, i also know nothing about cars so i mostly just pulled all of this out of thin air, well i did see a video about the main issue but the rest is just me making whatever i want up bc i can
if you like this please reblog, leave a comment. even just a keysmash it really helps me out.
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(moodboard by me)
It had been your idea to move back home. You’d left after high school and gone to college just how you were supposed to, but it just hadn’t been working out. 
When the earthquakes happened it seemed like the right time to leave. To go home. Figure out what you actually wanted to do. 
So you told your faculty advisor, your tutors, everyone that you needed some time to go back home and help your parents pick up the pieces. As it turned out you weren't the only one who'd thought the same, you'd run into more old friends and classmates around Hawkins now than you'd ever done before. People who had stayed, people who had left and come back for one reason or another. 
It almost felt like Hawkins had some sort of gravitational pull that no matter where you went or what you did Hawkins would always pull you back into its orbit. Like there was something, not natural, going on. It wouldn't be the first time people brought up the strange happenings in town and attributed it to something unnatural. Though people like that were usually seen as nothing more than crackpots and conspiracy theorists, like that guy Murray your dad had told you about who lived outside of town. 
It was strange being back in Hawkins but also as if you'd never left, you'd expected things to have changed somewhat in the year since you'd been gone but apart from some more stores that had closed downtown apparently threatened by the new mall being built outside of town, new since the company that had owned Starcourt went out of business after the fire (something about asbestos was the rumour) but all the money had since been diverted to “help Hawkins heal”, which seemed to be the bullshir campaign the mayor was running on to try and get re elected. According to your dad however, it wasn’t gonna work.
You'd been lost in thought and almost didn't see the boy who ran out into the street in front of your car, you just about had time to slam on the brakes before you added to the Hawkins Death Toll. What was strange however was that instead of coming to a dead stop your car seemed to want to go left towards the curb.
You could see the boy's mother coming out into the street and chastising her son, obviously she'd turned her back for two seconds and the boy had just forgotten all about basic road safety,
"I am so sorry about him, is your car ok? Did you hit the curb?" the woman asked, "Johnny! Apologise to the lady, you probably scared her half to death!" 
Johnny didn't seem to understand what he'd done wrong and was instead gawking at his mother with large wet tears forming in his eyes, 
"I'm ok, the car probably just needs to go to the shop. It's due for a check up" you told the woman, you had no desire to stick around and wait for Johnny to start crying and screaming. So you bid the woman goodbye and headed off home again. Your car was already full of groceries and you didn't want anything to spoil.
After unloading the car and the groceries you told your Dad about what had happened, 
"That's definitely not good, you really should get that checked out. I'll take a look"
"No you will not" your mum warned, brandishing a spatula as a weapon, "you aren't a mechanic and you don't know half as much about cars as you think you do" 
"I was just gonna take a look" 
"Take it to Randy's on Elm, they'll take a look at it for you" your mum brandished her spatula at your dad again, "if you want something to do then I've got a hundred jobs you could be doing" 
You took your mother's advice and left the house again. Watching as your dad slumped back towards the house, he was a man with a lot of opinions. It was true but those opinions didn't always equate to professional knowledge. 
You made it to Randy's without incident and pulled your car up into the forecourt, you couldn't see anyone around and thinking maybe they were in the back or on lunch you headed into the office. The door made a ringing noise as you opened it and you could hear someone calling out from behind the counter, 
"Be with ya in just a sec" the male voice called, the voice sounded vaguely familiar and so you wondered if perhaps another old friend was working behind the counter these days. 
When a curly headed man popped up from behind the counter you had to dig your keys into the palm of your hand, Eddie Munson looked different than you remembered but he still had the same effect. He had scars on his face and what looked like a ligature mark around his neck, you remembered hearing about the escaped Serial Killer Henry Creel and what he'd done to the kids who'd been his victims and to Eddie but you hadn't expected Eddie to still be in Hawkins, 
"How can I help you Princess?" he asked with a slow grin, "having car trouble?" 
You swallowed hard and relayed your troubles to Eddie and that you'd been told to come here specifically to get the car checked out,
"Um I don't know what's wrong but I guess it's my brakes?" you said shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, "i don't know anything about cars" 
"Well don't you worry Princess that's what we're here for. Why don't you leave the car with me for a couple hours and I'll see what I can do" 
You nodded and moved towards the counter to fill in the paperwork Eddie placed on top and handed him your keys. He laughed at the little keychains you'd attached to the main keyring and you felt all the blood rush to your face, 
"Um, should I wait here or?" 
"It'll take me a little while and I wouldn't want you waiting around for me" Eddie told you, "why don't you go home and i'll call you when we're all set" 
You nodded and left the office. How you were going to get home was another question entirely but right now you needed someone to vent your feelings to.
Twenty minutes later you were sitting in Benny's with your best friend Maria and relaying the whole interaction to her,
"He looks even better than he did in school Maria, how is that fair?" 
Maria who'd known all about your crush on Eddie in High School and had listened to you talk about him for hours just laughed,
"Girl you were in college, didn't you find any nice college boys to get over this crush?" 
"I thought I did but … ugh" you hit your head lightly off the table, "he was wearing coveralls and he had his hair up, I'm only human!" 
Maria just shook her head at you and stole another one of your fries. She knew there was nothing she could say or do in this situation, you just needed to get it out,
"Would it be entirely unethical to just ruin my car if it means he'll be the one fixing it?" you asked from your spot on the table, "like I'm sure I could find something in the library that would tell me which parts i could pull out to make it still run but need looking over" 
Maria opened her mouth but then cut herself off with a grin, she had spotted a familiar mass of curly hair not too far away from where you were currently lamenting,
"I think maybe that's a little extreme babe" she said, "eat your burger, we'll go get your car when we're done. I'll be your emotional support" 
Maria was true to her word and she drove both of you back to Randy's to pick up your car, or at least to see if it was ready, 
"Well well what have we got here. Miss me that much Princess?" Eddie's voice rang out across the forecourt as he came into view again. His coveralls were tied at his waist and there was what you assumed to be engine oil on his white t-shirt, arms and a smear across his face. You could tell he'd built some more muscle since high school, probably from working in the Garage and his arms were much more toned than you remembered, 
"Is the car ready?" Maria asked, since apparently you had lost the ability to speak,
"Yeah she's ready to go. Why don't you come in the office with me Princess and we'll get this all squared away?" 
You nodded dumbly and followed Eddie into the office, he jumped the counter and fumbled around looking for the right paperwork. You could see Maria outside giving you an encouraging smile and thumbs up, 
"Um, what do I owe you?" you finally found your voice as Eddie turned back around, you'd brought your Dad's credit card with you knowing you wouldn't have enough to pay for this outright,
"How about we call it $150 and a date?" Eddie grinned at you again, "and you promise you won't ruin the poor car just to see little old me?" 
"Oh my god you heard that?" you wanted nothing more but the ground to open up and swallow you whole, "i'm so sorry" 
"What's to be sorry about?" Eddie laughed, "it just gave me the little push the guys said I needed to ask you out. So what do you say?" 
"Absolutely. Yes" 
Eddie made a little fist pumping motion and you couldn't help but laugh. Turns out you wouldn't need to ruin your car for a date with the hot mechanic after all. 
Maybe coming back to Hawkins was the best thing you'd ever done. 
Taglist: @pillow-titties @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting
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