#I never stretch before getting up
rasazys-ramblings · 5 months
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luminarai · 2 months
It’s almost one in the morning and Mim has suddenly started limping on one of her back legs and I’m freaking out
she’s still playful, not hiding, her appetite is normal (she’s currently eating) and she also fine laying on the side that she’s limping on??? but she was literally walking normally an hour ago and I can’t figure out why, there’s nothing wrong with or stuck in her her paw, no visible injury, but she doesn’t want to be touched in the hip/upper thigh of the affected leg (she doesn’t mind being touched on the other one) and there’s a chance that she somehow just bumped it or something without me noticing while in the same room but she also had femoral head ostectomy long before I adopted her and I don’t know the circumstances and I can’t remember on which side so now I’m sitting on the bathroom floor crying in panic while she’s just grooming herself next to me
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seventhdoctor · 9 months
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Graduation photos, episodes 161 and 167
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reticent-fate · 16 days
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part 11/26ish
anyone remember those scales with the springs in 'em? all i ever see these days are digital scales but those things made the best noises. i think i've seen some kitchen scales that still use spring mechanisms, but it's been a while.
technology is weird.
from the beginning
#otherkin hrt#fictionkin hrt#fictionkin#otherkin#digihrt#dg arts#-apomon#updates might slow down from daily since our brain ceased letting us do art about halfway through bfsdhjfbjshdbfs#oh well#i'm thinking of doing another fake in-universe pamphlet for a bonus though#specifically like talking about the “weight” stat#fun fact: we'd never stepped on a scale in almost a decade before finally seeing a doctor for the first time in that 10 years last year#we used to obsess over our weight in a way inherited from our mom's diet culture BS and then like#i'm pretty sure we split someone in the system who just managed to not give a shit#and everyone else that did basically got put in time out or fragmented to hell (we still don't know)#i think about this post i saw a while ago that talked about how like#weight (specifically as it is medicalized) shouldn't be a concern so much as if you're moving your joints and stretching them enough#and it should really only be a concern when it drastically changes in a short period of time because it can sometimes be indicative of#your body flipping its lid#the post talked about rapid weight loss specifically and how a lot of doctors will go “oh wow weight loss!! yay :)” when like.#no??? not yay???#anyways some medications can cause weight fluctuations too#our fibro medication can cause weight gain and tbh i don't give so much of a shit about that as i am curious about the mechanics behind it#our relationship to weight is mostly informed by being the one person in our family who never had to deal with fatphobia targeting them#but just because we weren't the target didn't mean it didn't affect us when our mom's whole life shifted around WW#i didn't want to delve into that in this comic tbh so aside from the little bonus pamphlet this is the last time it's brought up#but like a comic where we take a version of ourself through this kind of transition would inevitably have to touch on relationships to food#we're just lucky we finally found out that we can actually like... enjoy food without it hurting us?#part of the wish fulfillment of this scenario would (and is) the idea of getting to enjoy food without bodily discomfort#because on top of us almost developing an ED we also just have a garbage stomach
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bunnihearted · 1 month
goddess the body feels sooo good after a workout 🫠
#it feels so warm and heavy and so comfortable omg#have y'all heard about exercise and stretching it is amazing owo#my thighs are super gooey tho like can barely sit and stand#luv it!!!#it feels extra good bc i woke up today super depressed (bc yesterday was rough)#and i just wanted to keep my earplugs in and cry and stay in bed all day#but somehow i managed to get up and walk all the way to the gym#and i worked out for almost 2hrs lol like when i get started i dont wanna leave#i did more on the crosstrainer (my bby i love the crosstrainer) and i dared to use the leg machine i wanted#i could adjust the seat this time phew. and i tried just one bump heaver weight for everything too#owoowowow and for some reason i didnt totally wanna throw up when i had to observe myself in the mirror skskk#so yeah it was a good session today ^-^#as always tho i do feel stupid and inadequate... bc almost everyone who is there is in great shape#and they know what they're doing and they're doing complicated exercises with very heavy weight and im there#with my 2kg dumbells getting strains in my wrists (im careful tho dw!!!!!)#im definitely doing it at a very low level but last time i worked out was before my knee got fucked and before all of these weird pains#😃😃😃 so im not even as strong as i was when i was overweight.. i never felt weak when i was#but i go to the gym because i enjoy it since it's fun and even the low intensity stuff i do makes my body feel nice#and if i keep going regularly for years maybe i'll also get in good shape and do more and more stuff#i wanna be a gym bunny!!!!!!#i used to actually love the gym so much i wanted to work at one skksks
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stagehunt · 2 months
just wanted to say sorry for the sparse activity from me again 😭 i've got one more exam on the 17th and then i'm pretty much chilling until september so there's light at the end of tunnel but i'm !! unfortunately still powering through with all of the work + uni's constant insistence on adding / moving / extending the hours of classes at the last minute and my job's refusal to give me the time i need to actually attend dfkgjhd but i also want to thank those who've been keeping me company and letting me gush about our bbgs !!! i promise there will be a significant pick up in activity here very soon, i'm just stressed and working myself to death atm. ily all very very much for being so patient with me ♡
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alsojnpie · 4 months
sigh. so it's come to this has it. my life has arrived at the stage in which i am an absolute Tolkien nerd. alright then
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mr-independent · 1 year
you know, its not brought up in fics often but ted is extremely well read. he doesnt brag about it, but hes read everything from f scott fitzgerald's b sides to ayn rand's doorstoppers to the sixteen book Ender series, etc etc etc. Ted reads about as much as we see Beard reading (which. in my head is a trait that was passed on, a new focus to sharpen the mind and keep him out of trouble and his mind off drugs, something Ted offered up as a coping mechanism for when his own dad died, a way to have fun and adventure and escape without ending up in jail like Ted himself had a handful of times before, scaring the bejeezus out of his ma.)
this turned into a mini fic and i lost my train of thought but point is, Ted reads So Much and more people need to pick up on this in fics please and thank you.
#ted lasso#hes got an artistic soul!#but also anyone whos fav book is the fountainhead must be both well read and stubborn as a bull#its a slog and thats coming from someone whos read both infinite jest and les mis#im getting through it slowly but surely. mostly to stretch my story endurance before jumping into atlas shrugged#also. yes i know we have no evidence that he read all 16 ender books#but having had read them myself i know in my heart of hearts that ted absolutely finished every one of them with gusto#probably on the bus to and from games with his team back in the US#no wait hold on. he was a backup punter right? that means LOTS of time sitting on the sidelines waiting for a whole bunch of nothing#lots of time was spent watching the plays and the team and formulating im sure (which is also probably why he trusts nate so much in the#beginning. bc that used to be him sitting on the sidelines taking it all in) but also theres long stretches of no play in american football#during which he probably read like a demon to keep his grades up and keep his scholarship#so that this ma never had to worry about him away at school. He wasnt going to get into trouble anymore not like he did in high school#he had to be the man of the house and gosh darn it was he going to do it with gusto#which meant good grades and learning about life and people and spending all that free time the right way#therefore: books. an easy habit that keeps him out of trouble and keeps his mama proud. plus itd be easy to hide from coaches under his pad#if they ever had a problem with it (which im sure they would at first but once he proved he was paying attention and wormed his way in#with the team even as a reserve well. they were less eagle-eyed after that concerning the paperback-shaped lumps under his jersey)#anyway have another mini fic i guess lol#im feeling a tad verbose today
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parameddic · 5 months
"So you know," BJ wagged TK's wallet between them, "you are very easy to pick when you're distracted. Be careful in that side of town. Eyes sharp, wits sharper."
PAY ATTENTION TO TK / always accepting but in particular accepting today. | @ofyorkshire
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"Wh-" how did he - TK lifted a hand, torn between being amazed and impressed, and patted his own pocket for the wallet which, obviously, was not there. "How did you...?" was BJ always that good at that? TK knew he was good with his fingers, but still, that was sorta next level.
"No, no way. I used to live in New York. I've never had a problem." No way he was that easy a mark.
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badolmen · 8 months
If I think about Hesh for too long I think I’ll burst into tears. This poor fucking guy. He has to sit helpless while a monster forces his little brother to shoot their dad. All he can do is scream. And when it comes time to kill that monster he barely makes it out alive, and then only thanks to his little brother. And the nightmare is over but it isn’t because the monster cannot die and takes away the only family Hesh has left. He has to sit helpless while the monster drags his little brother away. All he can do is scream.
His story ends bleeding and orphaned and alone.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
its my birthday for transsexual thursday B) this week has been great, ive been living with my partner just for the week and we’ve enjoyed each other’s company. they let me play on their switch all day (wuz playing breath of the wild if u were wondering x3).
i turned 20 which is great because i never thought i would even make it to 18. ive healed to the point where im excited to make it to 30 and 40 and 50. ready to have good times in my 20’s and for the rest of my life babie!!!
That's amazing; happy birthday! May the years gaze on you with loving eyes, and may your healing bring joy that overflows 💐🍰
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raksh-writes · 5 months
Somehow, after months of not moving a muscle, I managed to get off my ass and do some light stretching + a whole damn abs routine too, that I still have no idea how I got through it, I remember it being hard on Normal day, and now my whole body is feeling this little workout and I'm like?? WHo are you?
Now to keep it going, tho...
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hella1975 · 1 year
happy eurovison!! do your stretches!!!
babe it's been days since i did my stretches at this point im too scared
#in my defence idk WHAT was going on with my sunday shift bc i only waitressed 7 hours and that's a pretty normal shift for me#like im aware compared to a normal person it would be very difficult to just out of nowhere expect them to be on their feet#walking back and forth the entire length of a restaurant regularly carrying heavy things all the while keeping up ABOVE AND BEYOND socially#for SEVEN ENTIRE HOURS with ZERO BREAK like masking that entire time on top of the 7 hour physical workout#like it's insane if u think about it for more than 2 seconds and im really trying to bc every time i falter i beat the shit out of myself#and like? NO? my job is actually very physically demanding and emotionally draining compared to most people's day-to-day activity#it's gonna have impacts sometimes!#so yeah long story short i finished my shift sunday and when i tell you my legs LOCKED UP in bed that night#like mainly my thighs but it was all in my hips and knees and it was so bad that i lay there until 2am before getting painkillers#bc i couldnt hack it#which is SAYING SOMETHING for me bc im normally both quite good with pain and also a hardass for taking painkillers#ive had that happen once before (again after waitressing lol) & never worried about it but my mum recently got diagnosed with arthritis#and ever since ive been like. Looking at my own joints any time they even HINT at playing up#like i am RENOWNED for inhereting all of my mum's medical shit from mental to physical like i KNOW i'll get it it's just a matter of when#and yeah that was sunday it's now tuesday and my thighs STILL feel bruised#and im like. embarassed about it bc it's not like i did anything spectacular? and idk why it's happening?#yeah idk hiiii rori did u like me ranting about my physical health in ur stretch reminder ask sorry do u still think im hot <3#ask
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url0calpr0sh1tt3r · 1 year
the fact y’all are letting jokes abt a fictional character upset you is concerning ngl
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
let's play a wip game!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
@friendlyfaded @bicyclepainting @krushkreates thank you for the tags! i tend to name a lot of my wips straight away, so most of these are more working titles than anything descriptive lmao ✌️
drop me an ask and we'll have a look! you can even send in several at once if you're feeling adventurous 👀👀
the whole shebang
五二零 (answered here)
frozen peaches and cream
get in, loser! (answered here)
FORMERLY a ring on the carousel
mad or sublime (answered here)
over the threshold
motion capture (answered here)
orangina, lemonade
tags: oh god ik loads of people have been tagged already - provisional tags go to @morgansplace @mar-the-magician @tiredandsleepyx @sealriously-sealrious @solclaw @barbabetos @amistytown bc i haven't checked the dash yet, but please - anyone else who is in the mood to play, you can say i tagged you, we won't tell anyone hehe 🤠🤠
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pepprs · 2 years
bad enough that i am stuck in my life but even worse when i have to work through / around the stuckness in front of people i care about / explain it / be perceived in experiencing it. UGH!!!!!!
#purrs#i live in my childhood home i share a bedroom withy sister it hasn’t been redecorated since before we were born i don’t even have a license#ive never dated or even been liked like that by someone i know except one time ive never done like 75-80% of the things ppl my age do and im#gonna show up empty handed and empty brained to everythi ng and be seen as stupid and uncaring and whatever when really im just tired and my#life is so flat rn and i don’t have the strength to pull it up by myself and give it shape again but i have to. i don’t think i have covid (#thank GOD) but i can say even without having ever gotten it and hopefully never getting it that it has ruined my life like genuinely. i mean#good things have come out of it too but i was already socially / emotionally stunted and then being locked down for a year and a half like l#literaly not leaving my house for anything but medical stuff until july 2021 was so PRPFOUBDLY damaging. i feel like someone has taken a the#motion blur tool i. photoshop and just drawn like a scribble over me so some parts of me are stretched to where they need to be and other pa#parts are stuck at like age idk 16 and i think i need to have most of the parts motion blurred to like… move forward! but i can’t make that#happen and i have to explain it and move around it and it’s so EMBARRASSING omg. girl help i am flowering on the wall i am blooming late i a#am hiding in my shell and i want to come out but i also DO NOT so i am cowering in fear forever and never standing up for myself or standing#up at all to be honest!! lol 😸👍#anyways this post is brought to you by how INSANELY much i do not want to reply to a particular email in my inbox or spend my time tonight#[redacted] on express when i am already so exhausted. and if that makes me a bad person then so be it i guess i am one#* i don’t even have a LEARNERS PERMIT let alone a license. lawl <3
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