#I need to be more careful I really do 😔
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rhiannon im on my deathbed 😔 (i have a cold) i need jackie to be taking care of r who is always sick and is saying there going to die while being sick (yet jackie always makes fun of them for being overdramtic) thank youuuuu
(also whats up with all the flirting in your inbox 🤨)
nooo i hope you feel better soon 😝 anon!! <33
jackie had expected this.
the moment you sniffled at practice the day before, she knew. when you dramatically clutched her sleeve and whispered ‘this is the end for me, jax’ after sneezing exactly once, she knew. so now, as jackie stands in the doorway of your bedroom, arms crossed, watching you groan dramatically into your pillow, she just sighs.
the mountain of blankets you’ve piled on yourself shifts slightly as you weakly kick one foot out before retracting it like the world outside the covers is too cold for you to bear.
“this is exactly what i warned you about,” she says from where she’s standing, shaking her head. “but nooo, you just had to run extra drills in the pouring rain after coach scott canceled practice.”
“but nationals are coming up!”
jackie rolls her eyes fondly. “nationals don’t matter if you’re sick”
“god, i think this is it,” you croak. “tell my family i love them.”
“i’ll make sure they inscribe ‘gone too soon, taken by a mild cold’ on your tombstone,”
you roll onto your side, glaring at her with glassy eyes. “it’s not mild, jackie. i’m dying!”
“right. tragic, really.”
she finally steps into the room, pressing the back of her hand against your forehead. you’ve got a bit of a temperature, but you’re not that warm. still, she softens as she tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “well, at least you’ll go out as a legend. the first known case of someone actually dying from the sniffles“
you let out a long, pitiful groan, burrowing deeper into the blankets. “you don’t understand. my throat feels like sandpaper. my head is pounding!”
jackie takes a seat at the edge of your bed to pull the blankets up higher around your shoulders. “alright, you big baby. do you want soup or tea?”
she bites back a smile. “greedy”
“also, an eulogy.”
she hums, pretending to think about it. “okay, how about this: here lies y/n, bravely taken down in the great plague of '96, remembered fondly for their courage, their spirit, and their completely overdramatic and unreasonable tendencies”
gasping weakly, you clutch your chest. “i can’t believe you’re making fun of me on my deathbed!”
jackie leans down to press a warm kiss to your fevered forehead. instantly, your body is melting into the gentle touch. she can make fun of you all she wants, you know she does care, perhaps more than she’ll ever openly admit.
“so tragic,” you whisper. “so unfair”
jackie stands, smoothing down your pillow before heading for the door. “i’ll be back with your soup. try not to pass away while i’m gone, yeah?“
“can’t make any promises,” you call after her. she just shakes her head, smiling to herself as she leaves.
#jackie taylor Ღ#jackie taylor x reader#jackie taylor x female reader#jackie taylor x you#yellowjackets#yellowjackets x reader#yellowjackets x female reader#yellowjackets x you#😝 anon
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“A cold running through her daycare had finally latched on to her fresh immune system, turning his usually jovial baby into a shell of herself. He told his higher-ups that he needed to take the day to care for her in his mother-in-law's stead, but what he really needed was time alone to deal with his uninvited guest.” - i like these sentences
Every shift in his demeanor and thousand-yard stare showed that he was reliving a hellish time she couldn't protect him from. - 😞😔
“…his lips attached to hers for needy kisses that felt more like life rafts to keep him above rough waters than affectionate gestures.” —oooh thats a different, haunting kinda desperate
And ooh the spiraling. The imagery of grief as menace
Me taking notes about them patches cuz imma need ‘em when i start school✍🏿 😭
Not Charles Barkley 🤣nah why you had to do Nyla like that 🤣
Damn bad ass kids 😂poor Satchel
Whew this time in the water. Something so healing about the water.
Whew some tears streamed down the sides of my fact not gonna lie
The quotes/lines weren’t the only ones of note I just wanted to read and feel before analysis. So today might just be a feeling day, less quotes and structural analysis (not that you ever asked 🤣 but like in general even if don’t, that dont mean there weren’t certain things that hit or that i didnt enjoy 😭) but more so about the feeling, cuz I’m resting for the first time in a long time. And with that stillness, comes all the things you’ve kept at bay now vying for attention. I loved this snapshot alot. Patrice’s care and tenderness for husband, but not treating him like he’s fragile. The realness of grief, Terry’s specifically and how you really can’t prepare for how it comes to your door and when and why. 💜
Summary: Terry and Patrice learn more about their love through life changing news on New Year’s Eve.
Pairing: Terry Richmond x Black!OC
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mentions of Death
Inspired By: Ask #1 + Ask #2
Grief was a bitch.
A mean, ugly, unwanted bitch that had settled beside Terry as an unwelcomed guest just when he thought that he'd banished it out of his life, never to return. Over two years of joy that he'd fought tooth and nail to maintain came crashing down once grief came strolling into town without warning.
Mike was dead. He knew that. He'd reckoned with it, talked himself through the anniversary of his death once before, sent well-wishes to his aunt every time he could, cried in the shadows, mourned, lashed out, and sat in silence with the knowledge that his little cousin would never come through the door again. Mike wouldn't see another birthday. He wasn't around for the wedding or Christmas. They'd never see another football game together. Mike would never meet Nyla.
That fact came as a sobering realization while Terry watched his only daughter's chest rise and fall as she slept peacefully in her crib for the first time all day. A cold running through her daycare had finally latched on to her fresh immune system, turning his usually jovial baby into a shell of herself. He told his higher-ups that he needed to take the day to care for her in his mother-in-law's stead, but what he really needed was time alone to deal with his uninvited guest.
Leaning over the sturdy walnut railing keeping his little girl safely inside her crib, he watched her with the ghost of a smile on his lips. Mike would've loved her. Terry was sure of it. He'd make his way to Fayetteville at any opportunity and cause havoc, probably irritating Patrice but definitely doting on Nyla in a way that only he could.
Tears that had been fighting to see the world all day pricked Terry's eyes yet again. He almost let them fall but found himself blinking them back once Patrice pushed open the door and poked her head inside.
She smiled despite work wearing her thin and waved with her fingers. "Can I come in, or would that be too much?"
"Of course, you can," he answered, trying to put on a brave face to hide the true turmoil inside.
Seeing her stand there, her bright smile directed at him like he was the sun, moon, and stars, was the first time he'd felt anything other than the weight of regret. He needed her to come into the room.
Tiptoeing, Patrice approached Terry and peered over the crib's railing to look at Nyla. "How was she," she whispered before softly touching her forehead to check for heat. "Doin' any better?"
"A little. I got her to eat and play for a bit before the medicine kicked in. She should be out for the night and good enough to sit with your mom by the ceremony on Monday. But, we'll see."
"Good. Thank you for taking the lead. I know she was happy to have you around." She took a second look at her pride and joy, then focused all her attention on Terry. Worry and sadness had found a home on his brow line as they remained furrowed in thought. She leaned her head on his forearm and looked up at him. "And what about my other baby? How was he today?"
The date wasn't lost on Patrice. She noticed when Terry slowly retreated into himself the week before. She saw him looking at Mike's Instagram when he thought she wasn't paying attention. She heard the conversation with his aunt when he promised to come by and see her the next time he could make it to Baton Rouge, even though she knew that time wasn't coming. Every shift in his demeanor and thousand-yard stare showed that he was reliving a hellish time she couldn't protect him from.
No amount of soothing could pull him out of his rut. But that wouldn't stop her from trying.
Terry continued to stare down at Nyla as he answered. "I'm okay. Not too up, not too down."
"You need anything?" Terry didn't respond with words once he finally tore his eyes away from their daughter to look at Patrice. He only shook his head. "Can I give you a hug at least?"
His first dose of physical affection for the day felt like the wind was gently placed back into his lungs as Patrice pulled him closer by his shoulders. His hands found her waist first, giving the spot a short squeeze before allowing his arms to fully encircle her body.
"I love you. You know that?"
"I know." That was the one thing he was sure of. His heart and mind were splintered into a million pieces, but he knew Patrice was there to help him put each one back in their proper place. His lips found her temple for a lingering kiss as he closed his eyes to ward off the sadness, still trying to take center stage. "I, um…I... didn't have a good day today…" Terry struggled with the words, opening and closing his mouth in hopes that something would come out while Patrice listened to him try to articulate his thoughts. A deep breath and closed eyes helped him settle before he spoke. "I could use some time together. Whatever you have tonight, I'll take it. I know you have to be up early tomorrow, so even an hour is –"
His words were cut short by a simple kiss on his cheek. Patrice pulled back to look at him and flashed a reassuring smile. "Give me a few minutes to get changed, and you have me for however long you need me. I'll stay up late and everything. Dasia will understand if I cancel my hair appointment for tomorrow."
"I don't want you to do that."
"We'll play it by ear," she answered to douse the early flames of a disagreement. "Twenty minutes. You can time me."
Terry nodded in understanding and silently agreed to let Patrice out of his sight when he needed her most. Whether she was gone for 30 seconds or three days, the time away felt slow.
Terry tried and quickly tired of distracting himself in Nyla's nursery before quietly slipping out and taking the trek to wait for Patrice like a lost puppy.
He settled into the plush velvet chair in the corner and sighed with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Closed eyes heightened his sense of hearing, giving him full access to Patrice's singing in the shower.
Mike would've loved the Patrice he heard so much about. He'd call her 'big sis' and annoy her the way little brothers do. They'd argue endlessly but still find time for secret handshakes and inside jokes. He'd finally have someone on his side to pester Terry and receive sound advice from when the going got tough. They may have taken him in as their overgrown first child. They could've worked together to get him on the right path and save his life.
Unfortunately, Terry would never know. The not knowing left the door wide open for sadness to creep back in.
He breathed deep and tried to will grief away with Patrice's voice as a lullaby in the background. And for a moment, it complied. The dark, heavy cloud slipped off his back and down to his feet with every exhale, lightening the weight on his arms and shoulders until he felt close to a Terry who was safe, sound, and far from the troubles of his past.
Mike would want that. He'd like to know what Terry had going on as the last person expected to settle down into a family man. He'd probably poke fun at his older cousin for attending birthing classes and fawning over ruffled outfits in Target when what he knew of Terry was brooding, reserved, and quietly menacing. Mike had seen his cousin kick up dust with the worst of them. Seeing Terry as a man who wouldn't so much as cough too loud if his wife or daughter was around would be a sight.
As grief slowly packed its things and headed for the door, his comfort emerged from the steaming bathroom, looking like a lighthouse in a raging storm.
Patrice's humming paused once she noticed Terry sitting in the corner. "Missed me," she teased, drawing a small, dry chuckle from her husband as she made her way to their dresser. "You could've joined if you wanted."
"That's alright. I know you need your time to decompress.” He gestured toward the garment in her hand. “Need help with that?"
She could've put her clothes on with no assistance, but Patrice knew that Terry wouldn't have asked if he didn't need the distraction. She granted his covert request for her attention by quickly plucking matching pieces from her sleepwear drawer and placing them in his outstretched hands.
They spent time in comfortable silence while he slid soft cotton up her legs and then helped her into her shirt, kissing random spots of exposed skin along the way. "I didn't ask about your day. I'm sorry. I got a lot of…other stuff on my mind. How was work?"
"It was work. Nothing too important. Glad it's the weekend. Two more days, and I get to see my first graduating class of freshmen that I taught. Isn't that crazy? I'm getting old, huh?" She laughed by herself.
Terry avoided eye contact despite his faint smile, preferring to tie the drawstring at her waist in a neat bow like she preferred. "Never old. Only better."
"You're too sweet." Patrice cuddled him close when he was done and rubbed a spot at the nape of his neck to soothe him into closing tired, heavy lids. "I know it's tough, but I promise you'll be okay, babe. The sadness isn't gonna go away, but you'll learn to live with it. You'll learn to make space for all those feelings inside you at once. And I'll be here when you need someone else to hold some of them, too."
Terry sighed. "I'm not tryin' to be a burden for you, P. We have enough going on as is."
"You're not a burden, Terry; you're my husband – my friend."
To be accepted with all of the muddy waters traversing his mind and heart felt like too much to ask for in Terry's mind, especially from someone who'd spent so much time wading through all his bullshit without complaint. He owed her his life, the full weight of his love, until the day God deemed their time together but a beautiful memory forever etched in boxed trinkets and old photos.
He wanted to give her the moon as she stood stroking his pain away with her fingertips but settled for kissing his way up her sternum on the way to her lips.
One day, when other emotions had dwindled, and he was feeling more like himself, Terry would lay his head on Patrice's lap and tell her about the atrocities that had shaped the time before they reacquainted. That day wasn't today, and all he could think of was pouring his gratitude for her graciousness into making sure she was satisfied in the one area he could control.
Shorts that had only been on her body for mere minutes found a new home on the floor alongside her top. Patrice was weightless in Terry's arms as he carried her to their shared bed, his lips attached to hers for needy kisses that felt more like life rafts to keep him above rough waters than affectionate gestures.
Patrice questioning if he was sure about his actions fell on deaf ears, and soon, all of her inquiries became lost whispers in a room swirling with the sounds of desperate lovemaking. Terry left his mark on her neck and chest while he worked himself out of his clothes.
His voice came in gravelly against the shell of her ear. "I fuckin' love you, Treece. Don't ever leave me." He was pleading and caught somewhere between raw desire and tremendous despair. "Please, don't ever leave me."
"I'm not going anywhere, baby," Patrice reassured without hesitation.
Terry left soft kisses and big, salty tears on Patrice's cheeks once their foreheads met. "Please. I need you, Patrice." Grief was back and taunting him in his ear with its partner in crime, Doubt. She'll leave, just like everyone else. You don't deserve her. Lies filled his head with no shut-off valve in sight. The tears turned into sobs he couldn't ignore with breathing techniques or a change in his thought process. "I'm sorry. I just need you. I can't do this by myself. Don't leave."
Patrice quickly cast amorous feelings aside to wrap her arms tight around Terry. "Woah, woah, TJ. I'm here! I'm right here."
Grief was a bitch. Even when he threw his best punch at it, grief always hit Terry back with a haymaker that left him staggering and woozy in defeat.
The moments after his heaving, hyperventilating meltdown became a blur of Patrice's soft-spoken instruction, lavender bubble bath, and candlelight. When he came back from a mental trip to Shelby Springs to live out alternate realities, where he emerged victorious with Mike by his side, he found himself nestled between his wife's legs, surrounded by fresh hot water and scented white foam.
Patrice moved behind him, plastic crinkling as she peeled the back off of something he couldn't see before bringing her wet hands around to his face. "These'll help with the puffiness," she declared like an experienced esthetician informing a client. "I used to use this every other day in grad school. Cry all you need. No one will ever know by morning."
A 'thank you' tried to rise from his throat, but Terry quickly found his voice too hoarse to say anything worth a damn. Patrice didn't mind, though. She was content to press another cold patch underneath his eye before grabbing the shampoo rinse cup resting near the baby monitor at the edge of the tub.
Terry closed his eyes as the warm water washed over his short curls, sitting neatly behind a sharp hairline and tapered sides. His hair glistened under flickering lights provided by small flames in glass components. Patrice used her acrylic nails to work magic against his scalp, turning shampoo into a mountain of suds to cleanse the pain.
"I swear every time my Nana and mama scrubbed my head, I felt like a new person after. One time, I was going through the worst friend breakup I've ever had, and by the time Mommy finished with me, I didn't even know that girl's name. Didn't even matter anymore."
"What happens after the scrub, though? You just…go back to normal?"
Patrice chuckled as she ran another stream of water across his head to start on a second lather. "Hell no. That's where the patches come in." Terry allowed himself his first genuine laugh all day, taking a stone out of grief's stronghold. His fingertips ran back and forth over the wet skin on Patrice's legs as he sat with his eyes closed in a battle for his sanity. They let the quiet ripple of water around them fill the humid air in the room, preferring to enjoy the feel of skin on skin over extraneous conversation until Patrice began running conditioner through each of his thick strands. "I love when you wear your hair like this. The haircuts are nice, but when it's grown out, it reminds me of young you."
"Hot-headed, couldn't buckle down enough to work through being mad at not getting scholarships to still go to college me?" Terry scoffed, finding the notion of a younger, far less polished him being someone worth missing.
Patrice shrugged. "I didn't know that Terry," she confessed. The stories of his anger felt like fables to Patrice. The only Terrence Richmond she'd ever known was sweet as homemade banana pudding after Sunday service and a whip-smart boy with the world at his feet. "My Terry and his little fro was always kind. Always noble and lending a helping hand. And now he's got a baby girl in the other room with a head full of her daddy's curls after she looked like Charles Barkley for three months." Terry smiled at the mention of Nyla and how she'd inherited at least one part of him after taking her mother's entire face. Patrice watched him reach for the monitor and bring it closer to his face for a look at his second favorite girl before she continued. "My Terry is who Mike loved. I never met him, but I know he saw the best in you. We all do, baby."
More silence sat heavy as Terry wiped away fresh tears gathering at his waterline. Of course, they'd see the best in him when he couldn't see the best in himself.
Grief came knocking again with Doubt in tow, but Terry ignored them to slide deeper into the water and rest his heavy head on Patrice's chest before speaking. "Mike and me…we used to get in a lot of trouble at my granny's house."
"Yeah? Two badass kids, huh? Tell me about it."
"One time," he started, already smiling at the memory. "We got her beagle, Satchel, sick because we kept feeding him shrimp out of the gumbo. He threw up all over the back porch, and Mike got so scared that he told on us, thinking we wouldn't get the switch if we were honest."
"Did y'all?"
Terry laughed and nodded. "Wore our asses out. I hated that damn dog for the rest of his life. It wasn't his fault, but I was just a kid."
"You knew better, though."
"Whose side are you on right now?" Terry asked, looking up at Patrice with faux offense on his face.
She giggled back. "Okay, my bad!" A final round of water cascaded down Terry's shoulders and back, washing the ugly soot of regret off of his grief to reveal the love making up its inner parts. Patrice kissed his wet hair and held her lips there even as she spoke. "Can you tell me more about Mike? I wanna know him through you."
The invitation erupted a dormant volcano deep within his Terry's heart.
He told stories of his cousin and their time together until the lavender-scented bubbles evaporated into tepid bath water. Until grief felt more like gratitude for memories made. Until Patrice's stomach ached from laughter. Until the clock struck midnight, and tears started to roll again. Until Patrice had wiped his entire face with her delicate fingertips several times over without a single inkling of exasperation or judgement while they lay face to face beneath cold sheets. And until she finally closed her eyes from exhaustion and turned her back for some shut-eye.
Then, he talked to God. A long list of thank you's emerged from his heart. A thank you for keeping him alive, one for time spent with Mike, one for his daughter, and another for the only person keeping him afloat when all he wanted to do was drown.
Terry looked at Patrice and smiled. Light from the television illuminated her face, highlighting her knitted brow and slight frown as she lay in the throes of a dream he could only imagine was vivid enough to evoke such a clear expression of disgust. The thought alone produced a genuine smile.
Clicking the power button, Terry found himself in complete darkness, fighting for the words to finish his prayer. He sighed and looked back toward Heaven. "She's perfect, God. Even when she isn't. If you never give me anything else, thank you for Patrice."
Patrice's groggy response to her name being called made Terry roll over on his side to calm her back into sleep. "Nothing, baby," he spoke into her shoulder before pressing a kiss on her skin. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, earning a content sigh. "I was just praying for you."
She smiled without opening her eyes. "Well, amen to that."
Tears tickled Terry's waterline, this time filled with overwhelming gratitude. A blessing like no other.
"Yeah. Amen to that."
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#kumkaniudaku#aaron pierre#terry richmond#terry richmond x oc#rebel ridge#fav writers#fav fics#terry richmond fic#atiya reacts#terry x patrice
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bartender(is that how you call it??) sub!hanni x soft dom! ceo gp reader🥺👉🏻👈🏻 it's been in my head for too long and i can't think of a plot 😔 i hope you do it tho
i had an idea in mind but it ended up being something else... i changed the dynamics a bit 💔
cw: riding.
going to a bar to drown your sorrows because being a CEO was a tough job and work had been shitty lately; conferences with other companies and CEOs that only gave you headaches because they were simple and empty proposals led by arrogant bosses who felt they were the center of the world, having to be patient and fake a smile with a secretary who seemed to have laziness as the predominant emotion in her body because she always did her work with little enthusiasm and somewhat incompletely, and dealing with employees who increasingly failed to meet the job requirements
like any other day where you feel this way you would do the usual thing of just going home after a long day of work and drinking on your couch means that your mind is so clouded that you don't understand a single word that the people on television are saying, buuut you needed a change of routine so much that you didn’tmind going to a local bar in the city center
bad luck for you that it just happens to be a friday night, meaning teenagers or young adults going out to parties or something simpler like hanging out with their friends, whatever the option, the place was plagued by young people who were too loud and were gradually irritating you
until a voice pulls you out of your thoughts! a pretty young girl with hair tied in a messy bun and thin-framed glasses resting on her nose. she just smiled at you and tilted her head, wiping a damp cloth over the bar and cleaning the remains of drops of alcohol that fell when preparing the previous drinks
“rough night i guess?” oh yeah! you can’t tell if she is making fun of you given the small smile tugging at her lips, but your tone was being quite honest, so you just had to cross your fingers
“you can say it…” and your usual serious and strict CEO demeanor had completely vanished, being replaced by… vulnerability? honestly, you didn’t know what caused your change of attitude. maybe it was because being able to vent to someone was something you'd been looking for for months, but you never succeeded because your family always reminded you that you were an adult and that you shouldn’t act like a baby with “basic” work-related problems, or something like your friends always minimizing your problems and making jokes about how the “rich girl” expected mommy and daddy to solve everything for her…
you end up venting to hanni?? you don’t know if she is really interested in listening to you or if she simply doesn’thave other clients to serve because her other coworkers are taking care of it while she deals with your drunk ass… whatever the option, you’re thankful that she is a good listener! she was even being a good advisor, not understanding much about the scope of working in an office and having a position as high as that of a CEO, but anyway, she was there for you
until there comes a point where your system clearly can’t tolerate any more alcohol and you’re practically lying in the chair, looking so messed up that at any moment your body will fall off the chair straight to the floor 😭 hanni helps you go to your car and get in; partly because she is a little embarrassed by your messy state and how you even struggled to tell her which of all the cars in the parking lot was yours, and also because her coworker minji told her to take care of your drunk ass before she kicks you out of the place herself because she didn’t want you to throw up in the bathroom right after she cleaned all the stalls!
…would you believe me if i told you that you don’t remember exactly how you went from hanni helping you out of the bar to her riding your cock in the backseat of your car? i mean–! it’s not your fault that alcohol impairs your memory because it’s a central nervous system depressant that slows down brain activity! giving you blackouts, which are gaps in your memory of events that occurred while you were intoxicated, and boy were you drunk! aol you remembered at this point was leaving work, blinking, and suddenly getting so drunk and BOOM a cute girl was riding you…
awww and your head is spinning so much that you can barely lay your head against the headrest of the seat and keep it there without feeling like it’s weighing you down 😭 luckily hanni notices this and comes to the rescue! bringing her hands to your head, holding your face between her palms and running a hand through your hair to brush the loose strands away from your face 🥺 you were looking at her from below with eyes squinted from tiredness and clouded by alcohol, giving hanni a needy look as she rode you in a way that took you out of your boss bitch role and made you whimper for her
you barely mustering up enough strength to try and make a move, pushing yourself off your seat and leaning forward a little to try and kiss her, only for her to place one of her hands over your mouth and push you back against the seats again, saying “owww nooo you have alcohol on your breath.” 💔 but when she sees that you want to complain about her words, she silences you by giving you a sweet kiss on the cheek, adding "fifteen more minutes and my shift will be over. then you will take me home with you, right?” and never before have you nodded with that enthusiasm!
#📽️ anon#hanni#hanni x fem reader#hanni x reader#hanni smut#hanni pham#hanni pham x fem reader#hanni pham x reader#hanni pham smut#pham hanni#pham hanni x fem reader#pham hanni x reader#pham hanni smut#newjeans#newjeans x fem reader#newjeans x reader#newjeans smut#new jeans#new jeans x fem reader#new jeans x reader#new jeans smut
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A super out of context thing for Edmund’s brothers. Basically something happened with the second-born Charles and the brothers all split on what they wanted to do. Ares, Louis, and Dante on one side, and Silas, Matthias, and Edmund on the other, while our unbothered chill guy Maximus not taking a side cuz he doesn’t gaf lol.
I’m gonna be so honest, I know nobody cares about these characters who aren’t even in my fanfic, but I really like them. I’m very proud of the designs (at least faces) and personalities, so safe to say I like them a lot 😔
Some info on the brothers for the 5 people that care

Ares is the first born, and is 43 during Love at Twilight. He’s the crowned prince and is the “golden child”. He thinks very highly of himself, and is very aware of the reputation he must uphold. But he does a VERY good job at upholding the reputation. He’s the golden child after all! A perfect prince! He actually loves his family a lot, caring deeply for his parents and his younger brother Charles. But the other brothers are sorta ignored by him. He’s more focused on taking over the kingdom anyhow. Which honestly makes him come off as aloof.

Charles is the second born, 42 during Love at Twilight, and feels like the failure to his parents. He gets second everything, always in his older brother’s shadow. He doesn’t feel like he can amount to anything, even with his younger brothers, he can’t seem to be special like them. Ares loves him, but Charles deep down resents him and everyone else in the family. But cuz he’s nothing compared to everyone else, nobody really cares. He’s just kinda there, and he’s frustrated about this. When Zelda enters the family, he really takes his frustrations out on her, cuz even tho she’s queen, she’s just a woman, right?

Silas is the black sheep of the family. Aged 40 during LaT. Many believe him to be a child born from a different father, and many hate him for it. He doesn’t deserve to be apart of the royal family, he clearly doesn’t belong! Because of this, he comes off as cold and avoids the others, not really bothering to reach out to the others. But he actually is quite smart and has a good moral compass, being very dependable when he needs to be. Quite underrated if you ask me. The queen defends Silas constantly, saying that he is of royal blood and she was never disloyal.

Maximus, Age 36, was born way later because the king and queen had a lot of issues with Silas. He’s a very aloof guy who never takes charge, letting things run their course which makes him chill and also very indecisive, which is no good. I don’t have much on him but he’s very neutral on things a lot, which can be good, can be bad.

Louis, age 34, had become the high priest of Labrynna and is EXTREMELY self righteous. He constantly condemns others and preaches repentance, however he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, he just believes that as the high priest, he’s perfectly fine. A bit of a… bad fella, probably the worst on this list, because he doesn’t come off as bad, which makes him extremely manipulative. Of course, he doesn’t think he’s being manipulative. You just don’t want to see him snap and lose it. I might make him narcissistic but I don’t know enough about that to feel confident in writing it, and people just throw the term around with no issues so… we’ll see? But he’s a very fascinating character to me.

Matthias, age 32, is a very caring soul who really looks out for the youngest brother, Edmund. He wants to watch over and care for the “little guy” and is deeply loyal to those around him. He doesn’t seem to like Charles all that much, and the two argue constantly. Other than that, he gets along with everyone and serves his kingdom in whatever way he can. He seems to be the only one in a genuinely loving relationship with his wife.

Dante is a very materialistic, greedy, and prideful man. Age 30, Dante is highly confident in himself and looks down on others, believing them to be below him. Even his older brothers he finds to be foolish, though he’s a bit of a yes man to Ares. I also don’t have much of him but yeah. A guy.

And ofc our guy Edmund! Age 28.You kinda know him. He’s known as the smallest and weakest brother, having severe asthma, so he can’t do things the others can do. He was also very sickly as a child, hence why Matthias is so protective of him. But he makes up for it with his wit and unique ways to be strong. He’s very pompous tho, and I like him a lot.
#long post#sorry I just really wanted to ramble#if you read all the rambles I love you so much#Zelda oc#love at twilight#legend of Zelda#legend of Zelda au#Zelda au#changed some colors in the digital version lol#I just like them#I find them so fascinating#I don’t show this well but Ares is only two years younger than Rusl!#and Edmund is the same age as Link and Zelda#so a BIG age difference between the two#I lik Silas
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James potter pure smut and he’s whimpering. Maybe we’re pegging him, maybe he’s being a munch, I don’t know I just need him really bad 😔
Birthday Boy - James Potter x Female Reader
Synopsis: It’s James’ Birthday and Sirius kindly gifts the pair of you an empty dorm for the night. It only seems right that you fulfil one of James’ fantasies.
Warnings: smut, handjob, anal (male receiving), swearing
A/N: tysm for the ask and sorry it took so long to write! this is my first time writing for James, my first time writing smut, and my first time writing pegging, so please be kind! (though constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged pls i need it) 😭

Sunbeams poured through the windows, thawing the condensation that thinly coated the panes. As the early morning light began to cast a warm hue over the Gryffindor common room, you made your way down the staircase, clad all in pyjamas.
Most students would choose to spend their Sunday curled up in front of the fire, or running around with seemingly endless energy, in the case of some particularly rowdy first years. Knowing this, you and your friends had decided to get up early to give James his birthday presents, hopeful to avoid the daytime rabble.
Socked feet met with the cozily carpeted floor as you scanned the room, eyes falling on a drowsy looking James – no longer asleep, but not awake quite yet. Settling down opposite him, you made sure to offer a grateful smile to the other three boys, knowing that he likely put up a fight, not being a morning person by any stretch.
Even as he noticed you take a seat he refused to perk up, choosing his usual melodrama instead.
“Can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” he huffed, sinking deeper into the sofa, “and on my birthday as well.”
“Don’t be daft, Prongs, it’s only six thirty – you’re up earlier on a weekday,” Remus reasoned, elbowing the sulking boy beside him. He quietened down – albeit reluctantly – as the logic of Remus’ observation sank in. That was, until Sirius decided to pipe up.
“I dunno mate, it does seem unfair that I should have to lose my beauty sleep for this muppet–“ he leant close to Peter, fingers pulling his skin taut– “do you see the wrinkles this has given me?”
Before their descent into typical marauder chaos, you interjected, swiftly moving the conversation forward.
“More importantly than your complexion, Sirius,” you began pointedly, “it’s James’ birthday and he should open his presents,”
Amazingly, at the mere mention of gifts, any remnants of fatigue disappeared, Peter being the first to hand a neatly wrapped box to James, a little bow adorning the top.
Thick hands grasped the package, only a soft rustling audible as he held it up to his ear, shaking it around. Swiftly declaring that he couldn’t possibly guess, the ribbon was untied and wrapping paper torn off, revealing a maroon knit sweater with a stag embroidered on the front. As he said his thank you’s, he slipped the jumper over his head, groaning at its softness.
“You need to feel this,” he urged, not leaving much choice as he grasped your wrist, running your palm along the sleeve, “it’s so soft,”
Hearing this, Peter beamed proudly, “It’s made from puffskein mohair,”
Everyone else took turns at handing him presents, the chairs around you filling up as Marlene and Dorcas arrived, followed by Lily. The room was brighter now, the midmorning light sending dust motes flying through the air. A steady stream of Gryffindors flowed past your small huddle, some wishing James a happy birthday, but most just focussed on making it to the Great Hall in time for breakfast. Almost instinctively, you pushed yourself up and merged into the crowd. James, trusting Sirius with his presents, hopped up too, his toned arm coming to rest loosely around your waist.
Stood patiently, you leant against his chest, awaiting the moving staircase. Taking this opportunity away from any prying eyes – or at least anyone who would care, as you had lost both Marlene and Lily in the masses – you decided to let James in on a secret.
“I’m so glad you liked your tickets to the Quidditch World Cup,” you confessed, running a hand down his chest, “they were a total pain to get a hold of,”
Looking down at you, eyes wide and gentle, he replied, “I loved them - seriously, best present ever, I can’t wait.” He tenderly stroked your hair. “Besides, I’d love anything you got me, even if it was like, a single shoe.”
Lips sealed tight to hold in a laugh, you got on tippy toes, mouth at his ear.
“That’s good, because Sirius agreed to let us use the dorm tonight. Maybe we could try out that thing you suggested?”
Heat flooded James’ face as he pulled you in tight to his side, his gaze elsewhere as he offered a short, yet very enthusiastic, nod.
Hours were spent chasing James around on his new broomstick – courtesy of his parents – as he got used to it, readying himself for the match against Ravenclaw later in the month. Sirius joined the pair of you in practicing, whilst Remus and Peter (who were much less athletically inclined) grabbed snacks for everyone to share before heading to The Three Broomsticks.
It was late evening now, as you arrived back at the castle with James in tow. A thin sheen of moonlight illuminated your path up the staircase, stone steps twisting their way to the boys’ dorms.
Arm working to haul your boyfriend in behind you, the bedroom door swung heavily shut. Despite promises to give you some alone time, you knew better than to trust any Marauder, so, to be safe, you swiftly cast a locking charm.
Satisfied, your gaze fell upon James’ shirtless figure, bent over and wrestling to remove his jeans.
“Woah, Buckaroo,” you laughed airily, tentatively moving toward him, “let’s go slow, yeah? Tonight’s all about you.”
Brown curls bounced with his nodding, catching the warm light and reflecting it with a glisten akin to that in his eyes as he faced you. One hand threading into his hair, you dragged him down to you, your lips meeting in a slow kiss.
Testing the waters, you tugged lightly, a stifled groan leaving his mouth, and a trail of goosebumps rising as you trailed your fingers down his bicep.
“Please,” he whispered, face inches away from yours, “been thinkin’ about this all day,”
This somewhat desperate admission makes you reconsider any teasing. It was his birthday after all, it only seemed fair that he gets what he wants so badly.
You soften. Lowering yourself to the floor, you undo his belt, ridding him of his remaining clothes, and begin to work his cock with your hand. Though, he needed little help, already well past half-mast.
“Jamie, you’re so hard for me.” You tease, licking his tip fleetingly. “You could’ve told me you were feeling needy, I would’ve helped you out.”
Your mouth takes his full length then, and James’ fingers fly to your hair, in a desperate attempt to ground himself. Evidently unsuccessful though, as the moans spilling from him seemingly replaced any need to breathe.
“More,” he panted through ragged breaths, “please,”
Spurred on, you gripped his calves, taking him all the way down your throat. Some tears welled in your lash line, but you blinked them away, too focused on pleasing your boyfriend. Swallowing around his cock and working your tongue around the head, it quickly became clear that he was close, so you pulled off, rising from your knees.
“Get on the bed, I’m gonna grab some things.” You directed, feet padding over to the chest in the corner. Having removed your clothing, you rummaged around, grabbing a bottle of lube and a strap-on.
When you returned to James, you found him on all fours, waiting more patiently than you had expected. The bed dipped as you clambered behind the boy, who began to whine and wiggle his hips around at your arrival.
You ran your palm down the plane of his back, soothing him with intermittent shushes.
“I’m just going to start with one finger,” you warned, careful to take your time, “is that okay?”
“Yes - need it so bad,” he whined, a deep sigh of relief leaving him as your middle finger eased into him, gradually beginning to move it.
Noticing his weak attempts at taking you deeper, you reached for the lube. The boy in front of you shivered, taking a sharp inhale as the cold liquid made contact with his skin and you pushed a second digit in. You continued to crook your fingers, working back and forth in preparation for what was coming next.
Minutes later, once you deemed him loose enough, you retracted your hand, receiving a rather bitter look from James.
“Hush, I’m gonna fill you with something even better – “ you lined up with his entrance, tapping against his hole – “you just gotta be patient for me.”
Attention fully on his arse now, you tried to sink in, met only with tight resistance. This was normal, you had heard (mostly from Remus and Sirius, as they were your main source of information on the topic – though you wouldn’t tell James this), but forcing would simply not help. So, you offered a little distraction, your body folding over James’ as you reached for his rouged cock, stroking it and paying extra care to run your thumb over the tip.
Muscles slackening, his whole body becoming less tense, you managed to push in to the hilt, your pelvis pressed against him as you gave him time to get used to the feeling of his arse being filled completely.
“You can move,” he assured between gasps for air, “please- please move,”
Grasping one of his hips, you bottomed out, keeping a steady pace as you thrusted into him.
Meanwhile, your other hand continued to jerk him off, a particularly guttural whine being made as you massaged his balls.
A few short minutes later, and James was already a mess, fisting the sheets beneath him and pushing back to meet your thrusts. You could tell he was close from the way he struggled to hold himself up, so you began to speed up your movements, eager to make him come.
“I’m- fuck- I’m gonna-“ he tried, voice shaky.
“I know, come for me, pretty boy,” you encouraged, pressing kisses into his spine and whispering quiet praises to him.
As soon as he reached his peak, hot spurts of fluid leaking down onto the duvet, you urged him onto his back. With a small cloth you had grabbed earlier, you began to wipe him clean, careful not to overstimulate him. At the sight of this, however, your boyfriend’s brows knitted together with confusion.
“What about you? You didn’t get to come-” he started, interrupted as your lips pressed to his in a sloppy, passionate kiss.
“Tonight was just for you, Birthday Boy,” you reassured, “besides – we don’t have long ‘til Sirius tries to bang down the door,”
i hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day wherever you are 🩷🩷
dividers by @enchanthings-a
#harry potter#marauders#chxrryhxrt writes#james potter x reader fluff#james potter x reader smut#james potter fluff#james potter smut#james potter x reader#sirius black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew
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today I made a fuck up due to my lack of careful actions and mindfulness and I feel pretty goddamn awful about it. thinking about Sam starting the apocalypse is helping a lil bit tho
#😔 I do feel horrendous I basically lost the trust of someone and I won’t be able to use her services again#and she’s going hashtag cancel me in her whatsapp group this is awful !#and I do feel pretty bad because she was reliable and trustworthy 😔😔😔😔😔😔#I will have to change names change identities no one is going to want to work with me ever again#(I didn’t tell her I booked another car to move me from a city to another one and she reserved a place for me and I didn’t correct her )#i was confused it wasn’t on purpose of course but also knew this could happen so I should have said something#and now I think she’s going to have to pay for the seat I didn’t fill and I feel really really bad !#I need to be more careful I really do 😔
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#*reese witherspoon voice* I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I DON'T CARE ABOUT FUCKING “LESBIAN COP TROPE”#like. yippee your morals are better than a fictional character's your leftism more left. do you want a cookie? 😐#there's also like. the point that at the end of the show we kind of don't really know if they're cops at all#but they are in league so it doesn't matter. which speaking of league actually literally they're cops in league#like are we really all gonna whine about the adaptation adapting things. my god#although I've also heard that the police are reformed in the league canon? but idk that firsthand so don't quote me#<- nobody get on my ass for that one about how we need abolition and not reform or whatevs like yeah no shit#league of legends media is only liberal. sadly. 😔 who could've seen this coming and managed their expectations accordingly?#arcane#caitvi
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In this soba eating scene, the gaga subtitles were off regarding the subject/meaning of Hiroko's thoughts.
そうそう ... 本来はこういう反応だよ ( Indeed, Normally that's how people would react )
危うく間違え��とくだった ( I almost misunderstood it )
This is important because it is essential to how Hiroko has been acting throughout this entire episode! From the moment Ayaka declared to pursure Hiroko infront of everyone, she has been gauging everyone's reaction to Ayaka's confession/actions. When the coworkers had a positive attitude towards it, it enabled Hiroko to answer positively to Ayaka's advancements and let her guard down momentarily. When confronted with a coworker?/business partner? who framed Ayaka's confession as a type of identity exploration of the youth "before they eventually settle down", Hiroko felt that familiar/what she had been expecting as the reaction to all of this from her experience in the past. This reinforced her mindset as it fed to her own biases that ultimately the world has not changed afterall and she nearly misunderstood that it was okay to be open about it and be accepted.
Ayaka on the other hand is almost blind/indifferent to everyone's reaction/opinion to her feelings as she bulldozes ahead to the detriment of Hiroko. They are both polar opposites. Hiroko cares far too much about what others think of her and subsequently of Lesbian relationships (either romanticing it through works of Yuri or not taking it seriously at all) that she has not even considered what she should do/want now that she can't avoid it anymore. Ayaka can't seem to understand why would Hiroko withdraw from acting on her feelings when she likes her and definitely needs help understanding Hiroko's worries. Even after Risa questioned her whether it was okay to say it infront of everyone after knowing what happened in the past, Ayaka did not get it.
Again, I dont think any character is particularly wrong in their actions (apart from that old man) they are all approaching it from their own insecurities or lack of it in the case of Ayaka. Not everyone will think about the major consequences of their actions before acting and some will only think of that and I love how this episode depicted it.
#this reminds me of my only coworker who is out proudly and basically established the lgbtq+ society in our organisation#he unbashedly bulldozes through anything to do with even a slight hint of discrimination/homophobia by calling it out on it loudly#leaving everyone speechless#and I work for a very large organisation in a country that any racism/sexism/homophobia is subtly done or thrown as a curve ball#but he doesn't care about acceptance - he is more this is who I am - take it or leave it type of person#i pick up on the covert discrimination but never say anything because i am very much Hiroko 😔#i really need to grow a spine#anyway I ended up joining that society but stayed in their hidden list which only the admin knows#he is my favourite co worker for sure - he is highly passionate -easy to talk to - does not mince words on anything#still loving ayahiro though#ayaka chan wa hiroko senpai ni koishiteru#ayaka is in love with hiroko#ayahiro#yuri
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on the topic of mother men ……… would like to be aki’s roommate who he unintentionally coddles relentlessly as a coping mechanism for his grief
#😔😔😔#he just wants someone to take care of#makes you coffee in the morning … washes your clothes …. cooks dinner for you both#acts like it’s no big deal even though you barely do any work#he is Mother . always#actually i think aki is more mommy leaning than anyone .#not sure if he beats suguru ….#but they both have a craving to take care of you that they don’t really ever bother hiding#😔😔😔 need them both .#ari noises ✩
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Have an excellent idea for a Curly Mouthwashing fic but idk if there’s an audience for that lmao
#I don’t really care tbh I’m gonna write it anyway#curly mouth washing#I need more nuanced takes about this guy so#I gotta do it myself#if you’ve read this far I’m looking for a beta reader lmao#none of my usual buddies have seen mouthwashing 😔✊#my thoughts
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Wild that one day you can just look at a coworker who you're well connected with and realize you can really see them as your parental figure
#💭#🧧#this is me with my favourite coworker M 😔#I need to rant about this actually but man#I don't think I'll ever be able to meet another coworker who's as helpful and considerate as M#he helps me a lot with knowing how this job goes and giving me advices of what to do with certain aspects of my well being#he... worries so much more than I'm used to NOT being worried over ( my mom doesn't care as much about my health )#but I can tell he just cares about me a lot which I can appreciate#I also appreciate how easy he is to smile / laugh 'cause of me#as well as he does these little things for + to me that makes me feel happy and small#my father left me with my family when I was thirteen to be with his ( nowadays ex lol - lmfao even ) wife#and I never really care about the fact or long for a father figure in the end#but after meeting M - i realized near three months later of working ( end of last month ) how much he mean to me as a father figure#like... at first I was freaking out because is it Normal to think of that or-#but Sol told me it's understandable given the way he'd treat and speak to me often#such as today he gave me a banana from the cabinet where we keep snacks for the clients???#hell he even had us BUILD A SNOWMAN together today when he's constantly going through some physical pain with his limbs or back!?#he didn't gotta do all of these things with / for me but he Did#and how am I going to live the rest of my life having this thought that M cares about me so much to the point I can see him as a father#when I leave this job or he leaves first in the end#it makes me feel so sick and heartbroken thinking about it and I don't know if we'll be able to remain in touch when it happens#I just know I'll end up crying badly when either case happens lmfao#anyways anyways I just :< I like M a lot I just think he's Neat
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Ok so they still can't find any signs of injuries, but she does have a fever. So they're putting her on some meds stuff to hopefully help with that, and if she's not better by next Thursday, we're gonna do some blood tests for her. They think she has a virus, Could be the same one that gave June her cold earlier this month, but a different manifestation of it. So here's hoping the meds help her!!! It's the same stuff that the emergency vet gave me, except this time double checked to ensure that I don't get empty capsules (bc for some reason the packets come with half of them empty??? Weird af). And also a fluids thing that will help her in the short run with hydration and fever. She's a grumpy kitty for being manhandled so much (as much as Tally can get grumpy) but as soon as we got home, she jumped up to eat some dry food, which I think is a good sign!!! God Willing, she can beat this virus and get her health back up to what it should be. I miss my little chaos demon.
#speculation nation#animal sickness ment/#my bank account is now several hundred dollars lighter. between this and the emergency vet visit 😔#worth it for her though. i'll gladly pay thousands if it'll save her life. i was prepared to possibly have to last Saturday.#(when i didnt know what it was and felt like it could maybe be smth she might need surgery for)#thankfully doesnt seem like itll be That much. though if she does need the blood work thatll be another $200 gone 😔#so. hoping that the meds work so i wont have to lol#ive already spent like $300+ 😭😭😭#but it rly is so concerning seeing her so lethargic and in pain. she just does not feel good.#and given how dramatically my last cats' healths dipped... for Sammy and Cassy. yeah i didnt wanna risk it ending up like that.#wanna be proactive to make sure that i keep her around for as long as possible. bc i love her so so dearly.#she went from about 9 pounds to about 8 pounds in the last month tho... it really is so concerning#the vet wasnt the Most concerned bc 8 is still a healthy weight for her. so as long as she doesnt lose even More she should be okay.#she feels so light though... 😭😭😭 it feels so wrong. like shes just a little scrap. my poor little baby...#i hope i wont have to bring her in to the vet for at least another year. for a normal checkup. not anything else like this.#i will just do my best to take care of her.
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i dont remember why people hated the Eternals so much its one of the most visually stunning mcu movies like ever but especially in recent years
#esPECIALLY when tiamut starts emerging from the earth it looked SO COOL#i think ppl said it was just a bunch of people doing nothing for 2.5hrs but idk i like their chemistry#also i need to see more druig and makkari i love them so fucking bad#i’ll say it eternals was the last good mcu movie😔#actually no way home came after that so nwh but eternals is UP there#also looking at the upcoming mcu projects.. why are they making more avengers movies those fuckers are DEAD HAHA#ome could argue the new avengers but de we really care about them lmao nah#kats movie rants
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genuinely bought horizon zero dawn yeaterday (twas on sale for a mere 12 american dollars!) and im having sooooo much fun with it foe the firsttime in forever
#genuinely have not played a video game and had fun for like#couple years i think#like genuine fun not like i need 12 other types of stimulation to get me engaged because i dont care about what im doing#all ive been playing recently is genshin impact.... i think thats killed my attention also instagram reels 😔#but ive been trying to cycle thru games to have fun with them#i tried skrim.... i dont think skyrim is for me#like its ok#i think my favourite kindof game is one whereyou have a heavy overlying story and lots of intersecting systems to understand and grind for#instead of more open ones where u just kinda fuck around and find out in the overworld#like not to say i dont like doing that but i prefer having a structure and a place to go ratberthan just meandering around a very grey marsh#for 2 hours#i really wanna try zelda but a lot of it is more open worlx#i dont think its super my thing but i could be wrong#ive tried it before and it didnt really click#but i really wanna like it#anyways im rambling#convo
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Squid game x reader hcs
Summary: How the people in squid games would cuddle you (separate)
Includes: Thanos, In-ho, Se-mi, Dae-ho, Myung-gi, Jun-ho, Hyun-ju, Mi-na (non!squid game au)
Warnings: might be slightly suggestive at some points.
a/n: I love writing these so much! I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do!!
Get ready to be crushed
Lays on-top of you
And does not let you get up for anything
“Let me get up for a second I-“
While laying on-top of you he takes the opportunity to kiss your neck or chest
If you do end up getting up he whines until you lay back down
Type of Bf to use your butt or thighs as a pillow 😔✊
Randomly bites you
Has cute aggression 100%
Very deep sleeper
Moves so much in his sleep so if you guys fall asleep cuddling at least one of you is gonna be upside down when you wake up
Will give you pda anytime anywhere he does not care
I’m literally Dr. Seuss
Not very big on cuddling
He tolerates it for you tho 😚
Even tho cuddling isn’t really his thing he LOVES when you sit on his lap
Especially when you’re facing him
Also likes when you lay on his chest
Literally just lets you cling to him and do whatever
Acts like he doesn’t care for it but we all know the truth
When he’s tired he just completely lets his guard down
That will probably be the only time he initiates cuddling
Other wise you’re kinda on your own 
Loves laying on your chest !!
Gives you neck kisses when she’s the big spoon 😏
Also a biter
Likes to have you on her lap
Touches your tummy while cuddling
you cannot stop her 😡
Clingiest Gf you can have !!
Takes every opportunity to hug you from behind and just stays like that for as long as possible
When you lay on her chest she likes to play with your hair
Another deep sleeper
Girl will not wake up for anything
If you are in bed with her you better be ready to never leave the bed again once she gets her hands on you
“Babe I need to get up”
“Five more minutessss”
Most cuddly person ever
Big spoon !!
not so secretly likes being small spoon sometimes
Either rests his head on-top of yours or in your neck
If you guys fall asleep like that expect not to be getting up at all
Literally has a death grip on you
Lays his head on your thighs or chest pt.2
Will fall asleep immediately if you start playing with his hair 🙁
HATES sleeping without you
The lightest sleeper ever
If you softly shake him awake he will either have a dramatic mom reaction or he’ll just be confused asf
My babbyyyyyy
Struggles to sleep if you aren’t next to him
Religiously the big spoon
He likes to put his hands up your shirt while cuddling and his excuse is
“My hands were cold 🙁”
“Damn right they are 😡”
Yaaaa we all know his real intentions ✊
Neck kisses pt.2 !!
Another one that uses your thighs as a pillow
Moves a lot in his sleep as well but stays holding you the whole time somehow
Loves you being on his lap pt.2
The type to rub your thighs while watching a movie or some sht😭😔🙁😭😡😔😔😡
I want him so bad
Gives you so much kisses !!
I need someone like him omg 😔
Loves cuddling face to face if that makes sense 😭
Likes to hear about your day while just holding you
Listens intently and plays with your hair as you speak
He also enjoys when you lay on his chest
The weight of your body calms him down and he feels better knowing you’re safe in his arms
If he’s feeling extra vulnerable that day he’ll lay his head on your chest
Probably gets super exhausted after work sometimes so he just falls asleep the second he gets home
and when you join him in bed he immediately wraps his arms around you
Overall I don’t think he’d be to big on cuddling but he also wouldn’t mind
She’s just a big teddy bear
Especially when you’re alone with her
She isn’t too big on pda so in public she probably just sticks to holding your hand
But in private you’re getting cuddles, kisses, you name it
There will be a lot of giggling going around
Loves if you braid or play with her hair while cuddling
Lets you try out new hairstyles on her to see which one looks the prettiest 🤭
Loves when you lay on-top of her
When the both of you go to bed she HAS to be touching you
No matter if it’s holding hands or being straight up on top of eachother
Poor girl just needs you 😔
I feel like she wouldn’t really care for being touchy with anyone but if it’s her s/o
Sign her up !!
Definitely small spoon
She wants to be treated like a princess 😋
Puts her legs over your lap and just pouts at you till you rub them
If she’s feeling a little frisky she’ll get you to put your head on her chest and then just cling onto you
Loves giving you kisses !!
ugh I want her
Cannot fall asleep if you aren’t in bed with her
a/n: hii! I hope you guys enjoyed thissss! (If you’ve made requests it might take awhile for me to get to them I’ve been busy lately I hope you understand!) (reqs are currently closed)
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DDA: dorm displays of affection

Being a famous idol means PDA is out of the question, but not dorm displays. Alternatively, ways the enha boys show you’re theirs while in the dorms with their other members 🤭
1.5k words, idol!enha x gf!reader, this is fem reader, about 200 words a piece… no warnings i think, flufff, some are more general than others, im sorry 😔
Always has you sat on his lap.
Literally does not matter where you are or what you’re doing, you are not allowed next to him
Even if it’s a movie night and EVERY SINGLE member is there so you think ‘surely I can sit by myself this time, it’d be so weird for us to be cuddled up like that in front of everyone’
As soon as you sit down next to him, he looks at you like you’ve lost your mind
The pout comes out
“What are you doing?” 🥺
Genuinely looks so confused that you’re sitting anywhere else
“Hee, all the boys are here.”
Looks at you like ‘and since when do I gaf??’
Grabs your waist with one hand and pulls you into his lap himself 🤭
None of the boys bat a single eye
“Everyone knows this is where you belong baby” he says, kissing your temple and wrapping his arms around your midsection
Ignores you literally combusting
The definition of princess treatment
You can literally just turn your brain off when you’re around Jay
You haven’t touched a single door since the two of you started dating
He opens the car door, the door to the dorm, even his bedroom door
( he has your location turned on so he gets a notification when you’re close and can be there to open the door for you as soon as you arrive at their dorm)
One of the first times he took you out, you opened the door for yourself and he slid across the car hood to close it again and re open it before you had time to get out 🙄
(He looked really silly but you tell him it was cool)
Pulls your chair out even when you’re just eating dinner with the guys
Cue the boys exchanging looks and whip cracking motions 🤪
If you’re walking best bet he’s on the outside of the sidewalk and his hand is on your lower back, guiding you
You didn’t realize how much you stopped thinking around him until once when he was guiding you through the hall and he literally had to stop you from running into Sunghoon
It’s not your fault, you’re just a girl 🎀
The boys actually didn’t know your name for like a solid six months bc he NEVER said it
“My girlfriend is coming over” he’d announce
“Your girlfriend that is…?”
“Pretty?” He has no idea what they’re talking about
As soon as you get there all they hear out of his mouth are ‘pretty girl’ and ‘sweet angel’
Like hello you have a name 🤨
“C’mere pretty girl” as soon as you open the door
“What do you think, princess?” He asks your input as the boys decide what to watch
😵💫😵💫 sike, you don’t even need a name, he can call you whatever he likes
The boys like to tease him when they need you two for something
“Yes Jake, can you and your pookie wookie bear please join us in the kitchen for a moment?”
“Hey Jake, does your schnookums like cream in her coffee?”
He really doesn’t call you those, but anything out of his mouth might as well be to the guys
“Yes my beautiful girlfriend who is an angel on earth does like cream thank you very much. Lots of it.”
He does not care at all, he thinks you’re the sweetest thing ever and deserve to be reminded of it every time he talks to you
Bro CANNOT FOCUS when you’re around it’s actually so bad
The boys have probably seen you guys kiss like twice but the amount of times they’ve had to smack him upside the head bc he’s zoned out staring at you???
He has the biggest heart eyes, if it was possible to love you anymore he’d probably actually develop heart shaped retinas
“Hoon? Hoon?” Heeseung calls his name four times before following his line of sight and seeing you filling a glass of water
“You’re so embarrassing.”
The boys approach you with anything they have to tell him because the only way he snaps out of it is if someone else joins you
He’ll be in space for 20 minutes but the second one of the guys walks up to you he’s right there
“Why are you talking to my girlfriend?”
(Yes I’m thinking about that fansign where he said no to everything 🤫)
The managers were gonna let you come to filming one time but the boys said ABSOLUTELY NOT
Hoon could not be in a five mile radius of you without getting dating rumors he was down so bad
This man loves you so bad he does not care who sees
Greets you at the door with a bone crushing hug and kisses all over your face
(The boys make faces at each other while they listen to his loud ‘mwah’s from the living room)
You flush when you walk in and realize they all heard it, but Sunoo pays them no mind, leading you by the hand to where he has a bouquet of flowers and your favorite coffee on the table
He’ll take you into the living room where the rest of the guys are playing games just so he can sit there with his arm around you while you enjoy your drink
Even when he gets into a fight with Sunghoon and starts yelling with his hands they’re still attached to you
One time he accidentally poked you in the eye while gesturing and he felt so bad he almost cried
Kissed it to make it better only to have the guys start throwing pillows at him for being “gross in the communal area”
“Fine, I’ll go kiss my girlfriend in peace!”
Now you’re a blushing mess that they all know 🫠
“Don’t be embarrassed baby, they’re just mad I have the prettiest girlfriend ever”
He takes care of you SO BAD
The boys teased him the first time they saw him stop to tie your shoes for you, but never again
Will be cooking the most delicious smelling thing in the world and smack the boys hands when they try to steal it
“This is for yn” 😠
Braids your hair, zips your jacket, honestly just fawns over you like a grandma 😭
“It’s cold out. You should bring a jacket!”
“But wonnnn, I don’t want to” you’d whine but does he care?
His baby is not getting sick on his watch
Not only does he pick your jacket, but he also puts it on for you, zips it up, and puts on a matching hat
Imagine the boys reaction when the two of you go out one night and won comes back barefoot 😭
But your heels hurt and he wasn’t about to have that ‼️ so he gave you his shoes and carried your heels the rest of the way home
(The same heels that he insisted on clasping for you while you sat at his vanity)
‘Down astronomically bad’ Jay would cough as won leads you back to his room
Jungwon just thinks you should never have to do anything yourself 🤷♀️
“You just sit there and look pretty, I’ll get it” 🫣
Is quite literally always hanging off of you
Nonchalant my booty, when he’s in the comfort of his own home with the people who know him best… his facade goes down the drain
If you’re standing up at all— washing dishes, doing your hair, even standing in the living room having a conversation with one of his members
Without him??? I think not 🤨
Literally drapes himself across your back, hanging his arms over your shoulders and dropping his chin on top of your head
“Hi ki!” You chirp, turning around to see him staring, arms still locked around you
“Why are you doing that?” He asks
He doesn’t want you doing ANYTHING in his dorm.
Why are you even doing dishes? That’s his hyung’s job. Doing your hair??? For who? You will not be seen by anyone for the next 1-3 business days if it’s up to him
And if you’re talking to one of the members 🙄
He won’t say anything, but if you’ve kept talking for more than 2 minutes after he’s showed up, he’ll pinch your side and shoot daggers at whoever you’re talking to until the two of you give up
“No need to get moody, I’ll give you your girlfriend back,” Jake rolls his eyes
That’s what he was waiting for ‼️
Throws you over his shoulder and takes you right back to his room where you will never be heard from again!! (Until dinner time)
#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen scenarios#enhypen headcanons#enhypen reactions#enhypen drabbles#enhypen fluff#heeseung scenarios#jay scenarios#sunghoon x reader#jake scenarios#sunoo scenarios#jungwon scenarios#riki scenarios#niki x reader#sunghoon scenarios#heeseung x reader#jay x reader#jake x reader#sunoo x reader#riki x reader
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