#I need a donation
majd571989 · 2 months
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Amal's daughter, who had not yet completed the year, traveled to Egypt when she was two months old. I went to look for a treatment for her because her toes had not fully developed on her left toes, and she suffered greatly because of the war, from contamination of water and food. She was hospitalized more than once, and she was suffering greatly. I need your help, donation, and spreading the link so that I can get her and her brothers out of Gaza, escaping bombing, death, and hunger, minus the basic life resistances. The link is here https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-shymaas-family-reunite-in-egypt?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
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blinkpen · 3 months
(i Will go back to everlasting haitus if that GFM slows down too much btw, seeing it to its goal ASAP is my primary focus right now)
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ibtisams · 3 months
It has been almost 200 days of genocide in Gaza, and during this time Palestinians have been in the worst stage of starvation and famine. Children have begun dying from starvation and malnutrition, and more and more photos of Palestinian children are coming out where the child is nothing more than skin and bones.
Personally, I know I take the food I eat for granted every single day. I am no more deserving of a meal than the children of Gaza, so for that reason me and a few of my friends will be doing a minimum of FIVE day hunger strike in solidarity with my brothers and sisters in Palestine.
We will be starting on 1 May, as to hunger strike safely there is preparation needed. I making this post now in case anyone wants to join me and will want to prepare. I am not doing a dry hunger strike, I will be having fluids and I also don’t believe I will be able to hunger strike safely for more than 15 days for health reasons.
“Sponsor me” on my hunger strike!
If you send me proof of a $50 USD donation to Anera (the equivalent of feeding 180 Palestinians), I will add ONE day to my hunger strike (a maximum of 15 days)
Join me on my hunger strike!
If you think this is something you would be able to participate in, I encourage you to participate in any capacity that you can- as long as you’re doing it SAFELY
If you want to participate, please do your research and do it safely. I am doing this for the Gazan children who don’t have a choice right now, and I know in my heart I owe it to them. There is so much we consider a basic right and take for granted that people in Gaza don’t have access to. This hunger strike is solely in solidarity/raise money for Anera, there is no specific end result.
More information on hunger strikes (and why they needed to be prepared for if you’re choosing to do one)
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girlfictions · 9 months
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thinking about this poem by noor hindi today.
(donate to palestine here)
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
This is a verified fundraiser for a family of four to evacuate to Cairo. The fund's creator, Amal Abu Shammala, reached out to me personally to share this since she's failed to get her fund on Operation Olive Branch and Let's Talk Palestine's fundraising linktree.
As of right now, she has raised €2,397/ €42,000. You can see the breakdown of what the money will be used for in the fund description.
Please give generously!
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salamispots · 8 months
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posting a gift wip since I know my siblings aren't on here haha
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desolationlesbian · 2 years
I am never inclined to make fun of tumblr's cheesy attempts to make money and generally support them even if you consider them cringe. Websites need money to operate and tumblr needs to find a way to make money consistently or it will cease to exist. I do not want tumblr to cease to exist, and the most common alternative method of making money is to collect and sell all of our personal data, which I do not want either. Websites that can support themselves via people willing to spend $25 bucks to commit to a bit is a sign of a brighter and more sustainable version of the internet.
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deputy-videogamer · 2 months
Hi guys I was recently been informed by @safaakhateeb about her situation in Gaza.
Her family had just evacted from Rafah and has headed to Al-Wusta. They have no drinking water, no food, and no medical aid in this area.
Her mother is extremely at risk as she is diabetic and they have no access to any hospitals or medical necessities.
She has two daughter, 7 year old Wateen and 4 year old Naya. And is married to Muhammad Al-Thalateeni who is a photojournalist who suffered a head injury at the beginning of the war.
Their goal is €20,000 they have less than €200
Please help them out as much as you can!
Here is the link to her gofundme so you can help her out
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gertritude-art · 5 months
Hey everyone! In my time zone, it's currently the last day of the global strike in support of Palestine, and I wanted to do something before it ended. So, I'm offering up donation doodles! If you donate at least a couple of bucks to careforgaza, you will get a lovely doodle in thanks.
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(feel free to check the doodle tag of my blog's archive for more examples.)
For those who don't know, careforgaza is a grassroots organization that's distributing food to displaced families in Gaza. As an estimated half a million Palestinians are facing severe famine, and funding has just been cut to the UNRWA, getting supplies to people is more important than ever.
Although the strike ends today, I will be doing doodles throughout the week (1/28 - 2/04). Just DM me a screenshot of your donation to the careforgaza paypal, and I'll doodle whatever you want, within reason. Let's help out how we can!
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majd571989 · 2 months
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10 posts!
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stuckinapril · 2 months
Tomorrow I’m going on a 7-day long hunger strike. I’m doing this in solidarity with the starving Palestinians in Gaza, who’ve been enduring horrendous conditions for more than half a year now—so much so that the IPC projects 1,701,000 Gazans, essentially half of the entire Gazan population, to be in IPC 5 (catastrophe/famine) by July 2024.
I’ve raised 420 dollars to Anera to corroborate each day of my hunger strike; still, if you have anything to spare, please consider donating more to their cause. Anera is one of very few humanitarian aid organizations that have managed to contend with Israeli’s constant aggression, their strikes on aid trucks and their purposefully shutting down the borders through which aid passes, to bring food and medical supplies to a still rising number of displaced malnourished, wounded Gazans. Anything is something, even if you may think a few dollars won’t make a difference.
I’ll also be cold quitting social media for the time I’m on hunger strike. Any posts from May 1 through May 8 will be queued. Thank you for donating to my hunger strike 🤍 it means a lot
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horusmenhosetix · 2 months
Hi, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.
I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again.
I cannot afford the surgery but it would drastically improve my quality of life.
I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain.
Can people please reblog this so that it can get traction?
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ibtisams · 1 month
I’m committing to the art auction raffle thing idea to get some movement on gofundmes 👍
If you’re an artist/have something to donate to be raffled off please reach out (on here or you can find me on discord @/ibtisams) and let me know what you can contribute and what gofundme from this list you want donations to go to for your raffle. We can talk about the logistics of your individual art piece/contribution together and figure out the specifics then
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dostoyevsky-official · 9 months
mask off 💀
it turns out i'm a little soft hippy centrist shitlib after all: i don't like it when civilians get killed. i am beholden to the idea that life is sacred, holy, and inviolable, that civilians are innocent no matter how much you do not like them. i am against cruelty—i have always been against it— and i believe that informs my understanding of the past and present: i am against the apartheid state and the blockade, i am against the ongoing carpet bombing of gaza. i will not cheer with you when dead bodies get dragged and spat on in the street, i do not think it is a moment of liberation when children get kidnapped and beaten. because i am against cruelty i do not celebrate shooting up 250 stupid concert goers. because of the principles i hold i don't like it when israel murders children, as it has done so in the last 48 hours, with the world's support. i do not support a government that kills over 200 innocents with impunity in retaliation. i do not understand what massacres justify which other massacres. it is barbaric to deny clean water and basic medicine to children; it is barbaric to shoot them, it is not a revolution. i don't like the kahanists and their state that led to this and i don't like hamas. i will not support the state of israel—i never have—and the impending invasion of gaza, instigated by two groups of fascist religious fundamentalists. i think cheering any part of this tragedy atrocious. but now i've gone and pulled a both-sides!
i want you to look at what's happening as a real act and not a media event where you pick the side that's convenient for your team. set aside the outrage, look at the people dying, and think of each life, that holds so much and is a miracle in itself. try to understand the immense tragedy of what it means for that to be cut short. do you not value life? does your value of life inform your politics? do you not support palestinians because you value life?
i’ve consistently posted about how opposed i am to violence targeting bystanders, the terror and bloodshed it achieves and nothing else. the history of the twentieth century, still unfolding around us, tells me that much. if you are celebrating, you are either an idiot, consumed by online politics, or you have lost some sense of humanity; look around—look carefully—and try to preserve it instead
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canonkiller · 9 days
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Hi, I'm Canon. I'm a disabled artist with some kind of gender and homosexual tendencies. You might have seen my usernames around in posts about loving OCs, or complaining about video game inaccessibility, or attached to one of the worm-centric comics I made, like these ones:
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I hate having to ask for help when there's already so much going on, but I am also At My Limit.
To make a long story short, I am very disabled in multiple ways and I am living in a very inaccessible (and often directly disability-hostile) home. While I live with family, they do not provide assistance (financial or otherwise) and our rural location and the glacial pace of Canada's social services have left me A Bit Fucked. (Whatever you think Canada's health care provides, either it doesn't, or it takes half a year to even book an appointment.)
I've asked for help in the past with smaller goals, but costs continue to add up - and this time, finally, I may be able to actually make permanent accessibility changes to the household... if I can fund it myself. On the amount I get from the disability support program in my province, I can't do that; I would have to stop eating for months to afford even one of the major renovations in that time, and, obviously, I can't do that.
What kind of accessibility updates would this be going towards?:
A wheelchair ramp at at least one exit of the house; there are four potential exits, and all of them are currently multiple sets of stairs without railings.
A stair lift (for upstairs access) or a walk in tub (for downstairs access), depending on what my family will agree to
Dressers / storage that I am physically capable of opening
HRT (guess what isn't covered by Canada's health care, apparently!)
A whole mess of medical appointments (vision, prescriptions, dental, infinite various symptom testings) and transportation to and from those appointments (guess what else isn't covered!!)
A functional freezer
Physiotherapy 👍
Food 👍👍👍
And how can you donate?:
Donate directly to my Ko-fi page
Pledge monthly to my Ko-fi membership tiers
Order a commission from me (you'll be added to a queue; I can't provide completion time estimates right now)
Buy my premade digital goods (TTRPG resources, bases, tattoo tickets, etc) through Ko-fi or itch.io
Buy my art on physical goods through Redbubble or INPRNT
Buy designs / adoptables I've made through Toyhouse
Buy things off of my Amazon accessibility wishlist
I'm trying to buy used and second-hand / go through free stuff groups where I can to save costs, so I don't have a fixed goal and genuinely every bit helps. I really want to be able to get back to functioning somewhat normally, and due to Circumstances - as embarrassing as it is - I can't do that on my own, and I can't keep struggling with it the way I have been.
Thank you for your time, and any help you're able to provide. Reblogs are welcome and appreciated.
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
being a transmasc with honkin bazonkers is so uniquely tragic. i spend so much time and effort each day trying to hide them beneath sports bras and layers of clothing and its such a shame because. they're nice tits. even my mum is jealous of them. and yet here i am, wishing they didnt exist.
im so sorry tiddies, i dont deserve you.
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