#I miss not being misgendered constantly
vergeofinsanity · 1 year
idk why but being misgendered has been fucking me up lately
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TW: mention of medications and periods
In non-politics related nonsense and news, I'm starting finasteride today!
Looking back at pre-T pictures earlier this year, I started realizing that my hairline has crept way north of where it used to be originally. Which, I don't really mind as much, actually I liked the change in shape of my hairline at first. The thing that really bothers me is the hair thinning I've had this year. I've always had super thick hair, and since I've started growing out part of my hair, I've been starting to miss it. Call me vain or whatever you like, but I'm not ready to go bald yet now that I can enjoy growing my hair out without being constantly misgendered because of it and without major dysphoria.
I carefully tried the rosemary oil thing with no luck, and it wasn't worth it because I was constantly scared of my cats getting exposed to it. Minoxidil was out as an option immediately because again, I have cats. So finasteride it is. I'm also going through a thyroid med dose adjustment in case that is causing the hair thinning (as it has definitely done in the past), so this should cover all the bases I guess.
Anyway, I was finally able to pick the finasteride up today. The prescription was sent to the wrong pharmacy originally, then after it was sent to the correct pharmacy I discovered that my insurance won't cover it and the listed price to pick up the prescription was $219.
So shout out big fucking time to the hero of the day, the pharmacist who did some kind of magic online and found a coupon for the medication. 90 day supply for only $18.
Hopefully it works without any scary side effects. I found a couple of random reddit threads from guys who started having periods again on fin and that sounds absolutely fuckin horrible, so wish me luck I guess.
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ohara-n-brown · 7 months
Sometime made a post going 'Love the trans women in your life while they're still here'
Someone added 'Trans men and Nonbinary too!'
And this was the response.
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My response: Cut this shit out, you're acting literally ridiculous.
First of all - no it's NOT an All Lives Matter moment.
ALL LIVES MATTER was created by white people who DON'T experience racism to silence the experiences of those who DO experience racism and die at the hands of it.
A transmasc or nonbinary person saying 'Us also!' is a not the same.
It's a group of people who DO experience transphobia adding to the experiences of those who ALSO experience transphobia.
It's A LOT MORE like a black person going 'BlackLivesMatter' and sometime commenting '#StopAsianHate too :)' and OP going 'wow fuck you read the room you're being racist.'
That's like a Gay person speaking out against homophobia and how it's wrong. And then a trans person says 'Transphobia too!' and suddenly it's 'Read the room. This isn't about y'all. Why do y'all have to bring yourself up always. This isn't about gender. Read the room-'
Sounds familiar to y'all? It should. I'm reading the room and the room is saying you just fucking hate another group of oppressed people lol
Another oppressed person who experiences the same violence as you adding their voice to your choir is NOT the same as white people using their privilege to silence others who experience racism when they themselves don't.
SECOND OF ALL - (tw death mention under cut)
YEAH THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO ADD 'Celebrate your trans brothers while there here' on a post you know..
considering a transmasc non-binary person got fucking beat to death on school grounds exactly a month ago.
Remember that??? The one whose death is being actively covered up by school, law, and state officials on a systemic scale??
Also - a fucking trans man from NJ is still missing as we speak (Elliot Ganiel)
But calling attention to that is like being a MRA??? Talking about a children deaths in a school bathroom and missing people are like being MRAs whose main concerns are women playing video games or some shit?
No. No it isn't.
Y'all misusing terms like MRA and yelling 'That's like all lives matter!!!' clearly show youdon't understand how oppression works in the slightest.
If you try to compare any white racist movement to an oppressed group of people - YTA.
One of us gets fucking killed with no justice, LGBTQ crisis line calls skyrocket, and when asked about it state officials say and I quote 'We don't want that filth in our state!!'
- and when we talk about it amongst people in our community it's 'read the room!!' or 'wow really MRA like'
Fucking bite me.
And before - 'Oh but they didn't have to put it on THAT post, they could've made their own'.
Did you not hear what I just said. A transmasc teen was beat to death and misgendered publically statewide.
Maybe transmascs would like to feel included by the community at this time? So they can feel safe? Safety in numbers? And maybe want to feel like the wider community cares when shit like this happens - which clearly.. y'all don't.
Cause when a transmasc kid is literally killed - and we see a post saying 'Love your transfemme friends whine they're here!' and add the same - only to be told to read the room - it tells us 'You only have a month or so to morn. They died last month? Why are you bringing it up now on a post about appreciating trans people before their death??? Read the room. That was for us only. Stop trying to hog all the attention'.
Like damn sorry for wanting to feel like my community would care if I got wiped off this fucking earth silly me. Silly us.
When we start the conversation on our own we're ignored. When we try to contribute our experiences to other conversations we're told to shut the fuck up and read the room and then compared to actual racists and sexists.
You constantly compare us to people who DO NOT face oppression - cis men and white people - in order to silence us, despite the fact you know we face oppression in ways both groups could never even imagine. You think you're slick. You're not.
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I love trans Jin Ling but I specifically love trans Jin Ling in a way where Jingyi calls him Young Mistress and Jin Ling rightfully gets pissed about it, but as time passes and the two become totally-not-friends-shut-up the name changes and Jin Ling actually sort of starts to definitely-not-like-it because he knows Jingyi doesn’t mean it like that and anyway it’s Jin Ling’s gender and he gets to decide how precious he wants to be about it.
Then Jingyi finds out Jin Ling is trans and he is appalled. He’s been? Misgendering him?? This entire time??? He didn’t know he didn’t mean to. He presents himself to the disciplinary pavilion for punishment and refuses to tell the disciple in charge the specifics of why he needs to be punished but he’s insistent that it’s A Big Deal and ends up kneeling in the courtyard for days, because the least-Lan Lan who ever lived is still, at his core, a Lan.
When Jin Ling asks what Jingyi got in trouble for this time Sizhui just does that Thing where he’s not rolling his eyes but somehow radiating exasperation and tells Jin Ling not to even worry about it, Jingyi is being dramatic, and Jin Ling lets it go only to notice, weeks later, that Jingyi no longer calls him Young Mistress.
Nothing else about their dynamic has changed. Jingyi is still the worst, and Jin Ling still endures it with all the grace, poise, and long-suffering patience expected of a man of his status, and if he does occasionally very rarely slip up just a little bit and express a totally reasonable amount of frustration with Lan Jingyi’s Everything then that’s still Jingyi’s fault because Jingyi was provoking him and Jin Ling has a responsibility to his clan and sect to defend his honor and therefor that of the Jin at large!
The only thing that’s different is that one, stupid name. And Jin Ling doesn’t care about it! Of course he doesn’t! Why should he even be curious about changed? He isn’t curious! It doesn’t matter to him At All!
Anyway other Plot happens and then they both do eventually end up in a situation where it comes up and Jingyi explains that he found out Jin Ling was trans and felt like a great big piece of shit because there’s bullying and there’s bullying and he has never once wanted to be that kind of person, and Jin Ling confesses that actually he kind of liked it before because he knew that Jingyi wasn’t trying to treat him like less of man, he was just being a jerk, and it felt easy and playful and dumb, and...
And Jiujiu used to say that Jin Ling looked like his mother. Not -- not a lot, not like, identical to her or anything, but. But that little girl he used to be, she was... unhappy, most of the time, for a lot of reasons, and he doesn’t regret... letting her sleep. He doesn’t regret burying her. But Jiujiu seemed almost relieved to have her gone, to not constantly be looking at a reminder of the sister he misses so much, and Jin Ling obviously is endlessly grateful for his uncle’s support and validation and he’s so much more comfortable in his body now and he never wants to be that little girl again, but. Sometimes, he feels like, maybe someone should mourn her. Like maybe there should be someone who... not wanted her back, really, but was still... aware that she was gone, and... was grateful for what she did. Respected the sacrifice she made, so that Jin Ling could be Jin Ling. There should be somebody who knew she existed, and thought of her fondly, on occasion.
And Jingyi looks at Jin Ling for a long, long moment, and says “Okay, Young Mistress. I can do that.”
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was ita for ghosting/cutting off my ex girlfriend after our junior year?
i (currently 17, trans M) knew this girl (currently 17(?), F) from around 7th grade [middle school] to 11th grade [junior year of high school], so five school years/ten ish years total, give or take. we just graduated this year so this is kind of old drama, i was happier not talking to her but i always kind of regretted not giving her like. the reasons why
we dated from i wanna say. the middle of 7th grade to the middle of our freshman year. she broke up with me because her other boyfriend at the time was jealous she was dating another person [both of us are polyamorous]. we stayed in contact but i got a bit distant during lockdown because my mental health was going down the drain fast and i was just kind of isolating myself from Everyone, but got back into regular contact at the beginning of junior year because of our schools dungeons & dragons club.
she was running basically a continuation of the campaign that had been cut short because of lockdown and i didnt know any of the other campaigns DMs so i decided to join her campaign again since i had been missing my character anyways. at this point id been out for about three years i think? and made a point of introducing myself to the group with my chosen name and he/him pronouns. i dont pass very well, but i usually had a trans pride flag and pronoun pin visible on my outfit whenever we had sessions. my character was also a trans man, only using he/him pronouns as well.
whenever she addressed me or my character, she defaulted to using she/her and my deadname, despite my constant correcting her and the other party members. the only people in the party that used both the right name and pronouns for me and my character were the only other trans person (currently 18, F) in the group who she also constantly misgendered, and a guy (currently 18, M) id become pretty close friends with, since we'd accidentally started a running joke about my character being his characters dad.
i started to kind of resent her and the other party members for the constant deadnaming and misgendering and honestly was just waiting for the campaign to be over. it wrapped up at the end of the year and i just took the opportunity to stop interacting with her entirely. i had made other friends that year, and had a few from the old friendgroup we had both been part of, that respected both my name and pronouns with no issues apart from the very rare accidental deadname.
senior year passed without me talking to her a single time, only really seeing her in the halls like. once a week. now that we've graduated i doubt i'll see her all that much except the way you sometimes see a kid from school at the grocery store or the mall or wherever, so theres not really anything i can do to get back in contact or make amends or whatever, and even if i could i dont think id really want to unless she showed she could handle actually using the right name and pronouns for me.
shes shown she can use them for a mutual friend of ours (currently 18, trans M) that passes really well so it just always made me feel like she didnt give enough of a shit about me or respect me enough to actually see me as the man i am. so. idk. was ita?
What are these acronyms?
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m-pennanti · 9 months
I have not been in this active fandom long but I have noticed a weird pattern (or flavor I guess?) in the discourse
A few imaginary examples:
- Everyone was hoping Joel got in s10 and then Joel went “actually I don’t *want* to join hermitcraft” and suddenly people started attacking everyone who previously said they hoped Joel was in s10 because they were “pressuring him”
- Pearl hid a few spider heads in xB’s base for him to find randomly and everyone hounded on her for griefing but when Etho burned down Gem’s house and didn’t help rebuild it it was a-ok
- Something big happened to Cleo and they made a video explaining she was taking a break for a while and people constantly bothered her about coming back sooner to the point they had to leave social media only two weeks into the break
- False made an amazing mini game with only one real flaw and everyone called it “ok at best and lazily made and could’ve done with a few more tweaks” and then Joe made a very flawed low-effort mini game off the top of his head and people started calling it “the best game on the server that so much effort was put into”
- Xizuma retired from Hermitcraft and the Hermits agreed that Cub would now host the server and some people were very upset that they didn’t choose Iskall and others bullied Xizuma about it despite it being a decision made by everybody
- Wels became active again on his own accord and had a lot of interactions with other Hermits and took a slightly different approach to his builds and people started saying they “hoped Wels would stop playing Hermitcraft and leave”
Again, these are not actual things that happened
But you can see it can’t you, you can see these things happening
These aren’t targeted at any ccs I kinda just threw names in randomly, maybe I am a bit biased but the only thing I did intentionally was people getting mad at the female ccs over the male ccs in the second example because I’ve noticed a raging amount of sexism in the mcyt community which obviously sucks
Just thought it was weird how this community has a weird set of themes that bother them and starts conflict while other things get shut down immediately like homophobia and misgendering, at least as far as I’ve seen
I wonder if it’s like that for other fandoms too? This is the only big fandom I’ve taken a deep dive into in my life so I wouldn’t know if certain fandoms having reoccurring discourse themes is a common occurrence. If they do it either isn’t very visible on the surface or it just flew right over my head (which happens a lot with me it seems)
Ofc as well these are all entirely my opinions and observations and this is my first time discussing them so I won’t have considered other sides and perspectives, especially if I’ve missed something and just never came across it due to how fresh into the fandom I am
Thoughts? I realize this type of post is very dangerous to share because it feels like the type people would get upset about. If I’m entirely and completely wrong I’d be genuinely interested in hearing about why
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9-punk · 4 months
I remember reading a 9 fanfic once where 6 and 9 were dating, but 9 cheated on 6 with 1 resulting in 6 running off and then being comforted by 5, who he later got together with.
The only thing I was think during reading that was “9 would never do that. Ever.”
That was honestly the most out of character thing I’ve ever read in a fanfic.
I hate that fic with a burning passion. And the writer sucks too bc they constantly misgender the twins in fics (also I’m pretty they wrote a 9 x 3 fic at one point)
But look. I can handle some mischaractizations. That just comes with fandoms. I add to the miss characterizations with 8. (Tho tbh seeing how little was in the movie he almost a blank slate)
But you can’t just take away his key trait. Which 9 is loyal. That’s literally a major plot point of the movie. He wouldn’t cheat. He wouldn’t break you heart (on purpose at least) He’s brand new to the world and he’s figuring stuff out but something we know for sure is he has a lot of care for others
Again that fic sucks fuck that fic. 9 has two hands and would def try and convince 6 to be poly with 1 if he also loved 1.
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funkylilworm · 4 months
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Name: Andy
Full name: Andy D. White
Age: 10 yrs old
Mental disability/ies: ADHD and Kleptomania
Race: Black
Ethnicity: Creole
Birthhome: New Orleans, Louisiana
Guide: Sedrick
Physical appearance:
Coco brown skin, hazel brown irises , plump nose, black locks (the tips being a dark purple), 27 inches tall, and around 270 pounds
Clothing Appearance:
A dark green and dark turquoise striped t shirt underneath dark grey overalls,light blue and black braces, a dark purple yellow and dark green cap , black glow in the dark sneakers, and a black backpack with a yellow star on the front
•School backpack (was just heading home before he first ended up in Fairyland)
•Lucky cap (dark green, dark purple, and neon yellow)
•Braces rubber bands
•Mystic Candy sword (w/ a sharp golden blade)
• Mr. Rawr ,extremely soft glow in the dark lion plush (will fuck up anyone that touches Mr. Rawr , Andy is extremely attached and overprotective of him)
•Black sneakers (stolen from a different guest in which he took down)
•His mom's hair product kit
▪︎Positive traits-
Adventures ,Kind hearted, Takes shit from no one, Unique (very strange), Nerdy, Helpful, Brave
▪︎Negative traits-
Impulsive (adrenaline junkie), Stubborn ,Greedy , Insecure ,Unforgiving ,Snarky , Unpredictable
▪︎Nuetral traits-
Mute (does not speak at all) ,Steals anything that's not nailed down ,and Has a blank expression most of the time
Parkour, skateboarding, exploring, karate (he took karate lessons before he ended up in Fairyland) , drawing sketching and/or doodling (an amazing artist), computer technician, Fandom culture, and magic tricks and card tricks
Parkour, skateboarding, exploring, karate (he took karate lessons before he ended up in Fairyland) , drawing sketching and/or doodling (an amazing artist),computer technician, Fandom culture, and magic tricks and card tricks
Favorite food/s and drink/s:
Chocolate ice-cream cake(misses that), pepperoni and meatlovers pizza (misses that), cheese balls (misses that), lasagna (misses that), chili hot dogs (misses that), gumbo(misses that), and Benyas(misses that)
Fairyland, the amount of traumatizing adventures he has to go through (knows that he has no choice), Gertrude , Cloudia, having constantly being jumped scared by how bright his surroundings is , wet socks , being interrupted , rude people, being shoved ,bullying ,loud chewing , his name being said incorrectly, being misgendered, bigots , creeps , and physical touch
Pet Peeves:
Wet socks, being interrupted, rude people, being shoved ,bullying ,loud chewing , his name being said incorrectly, being misgendered, bigots , creeps , and physical touch
Background/Backstory: Andy is a 10 year old that's from New Orleans, Louisiana and he lived with his physically mentally emotionally and psychologically abusive parents named Diamond E. White and Xavier A. White ,not only that but their parents always fought and argued.
The only solace Andy got was from his older sisters named Rosie J. White and Zariya B. White, his French teacher Louise Faucheaux , and his karate teacher Calvin Faucheaux (Calvin and Louise not only is two married men, but the two are a lot more fatherly towards Andy than Andy's own dad).
Until one day while heading home, Andy randomly got sucked into a hole that led to Fairyland!!
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Name: Sedrick
Fullname: Sedrick L. MCNewton
Age: 24 yrs old
Mental disability/ies: Autism and OCD
Human (to guide): Andy
Physical appearance:
Really really small and chubby light green fly with yellow beady eyes
Clothing appearance:
Hot pink top hat, periwinkle purple monocle, light blue and periwinkle purple sweater, underneath the sweater is a white button up, and a hot pink bow tie
▪︎Positive Traits-
Sophisticated ,Fatherly ,Charming, Intelligent ,Laid back ,Confident ,Snarky
▪︎Negative Traits-
Sleazy ,Lazy ,Greedy ,Materialistic (Really really loves money), Arrogant ,Can be a jackass at times ,Perfectionist,Addictive
▪︎Nuetral traits-
A big anxious scaredy cat
Lockpicking and pickpocketing
Money, Lockpicking, pickpocketing, looting , drama , adventures ( but only if it includes an award or payment), rewards , dabloons , chamomile tea, green tea, peppermint tea , and coffee
Favorite food/s and drink/s:
dabloons , chamomile tea, green tea, peppermint tea , coffee , snickerdoodle cookies, sugar cookies, cheese cake, and brownies
Pet names, vulnerability, getting attached to people, the rich , Adventures, danger , long lines, waiting , people (hates socializing), socializing, loud chewing, Touching, shoving, germs , gross sounds noises and imagery , getting blood on his clothes , and black liquorice
Pet Peeves:
Long lines, waiting , people (hates socializing), socializing, loud chewing, Touching, shoving, germs , gross sounds noises and imagery , getting blood on his clothes , and black liquorice
Childhood- Had a terrible childhood, his dad proceeded to abandon him with his mom ,who than started abusing him (lived in a very rich family ,where his mom helicopter parented him)
Upbringing- Ran away where he ended up living a life on the road traveling as a child with no parents and living the life as a charming trickster that'll pickpocket and scam people out of their money to live
Adulthood- Now lives a lone where Queen Cloudia ended up assigning him as Andy's guide ,which he has tricked Andy into trying to abandon Andy multiple times before the two slowly but gradually started to trust each other
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isaactheterrible · 2 years
Tf2 Mercs Thoughts On Queerness (Part 2 the side characters)
TW: Homophobia, Transphobia (nothing graphic)
(Disclaimer: Thats what I think the 9 tf2 Mercs realistically think of gay/trans people based on their personalities in the comics. These are just my personal opinions, don't take it too personally)
1.Miss Pauling
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•Gay People:
-Very supportive
-Probably queer herself
-Very Understanding
•Trans People:
-Uses proper name/pronouns
-Stands up for her trans employees
-Recognizes both binary and non-binary genders
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•Gay People:
-Simply doesn't get it
-Is weirded out by it but probably won't say anything
-Similar to Soldier in beliefs but less friendly towards lesbians
•Trans People:
-Transness is an entirely new concept to her
-Actually more supportive than Soldier
-You're probably the first trans person she knows
-If you can explain it to her in a way that makes sense to her, she'll use your proper name/pronouns
-Still heavily confused about nonbinary people
3.Grey Man
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•Gay People:
-Very homophobic
-Gives money to homophobic politicians
-Seeing people happy hurts his soul
•Trans People:
-Doesn't care that much about GNC people
-Would drop dead at the sight of a drag queen (she slayed too hard)
-Very transphobic and intersexist
-Actively profits off of transphobia
4.The Administrator
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•Gay People:
-Weirdly chill for someone her age
-She's too busy being a girlboss
-Will use her queer employees as a PR tools
•Trans People:
-She doesn't get it
-That being said she's too busy to make any drama about it
-She draws the line at neoprounouns
-It's not that she's transphobic she's just too busy to make any real efford either way
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•Gay People:
-Ultimate Sigma
-Very supportive
-You're just another person
-Will defend queer people being harassed
•Trans People:
-Absolute Ally
-Will correct others if they misgender you
-Will punch them if they give you trouble for it
-Asks a lot of (non invasive) questions but only as long as he's interested in you as a person first
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•Gay People:
-Neoliberal straight girl
-Very lesbophobic
-Hides her homophobia and lesbophobia behind the fact that she has a 'gay best friend'
-Might defend a gay person from homophobia unless the attacker is her homophobic boyfriend
•Trans People:
-Only correctly genders cis-passing trans women that do not threaten her in any way, and no one else
-Still sees them as men tho
-Constantly bullies non-passing trans fems, intersex people, trans mascs and non-binary people but in a subtle way
-Acts shocked and will pretend you're the aggresor if you call her out for it
Link for Part one:
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egirlgarak · 2 months
the thing about being in florida with mom is that i straddle this strange line of feeling like a fully realized person in a way i forget i am capable of being bc of how mom Knows me vs also feeling like an imported copy of myself where some of the files are missing or were damaged in the transfer from the hard to external drive bc she will not call me by my name and misgenders me constantly. and for a while, it doesn't bother me! but then i wake up one morning and realize every she her baby daughter loveygirlism has wriggled its way under my fingernails and i cant even dig it out without it getting lodged in further
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redtail-lol · 10 months
heyey dw abt dykepridee
everything theyve sent was in assuming bad faith and theyre not worth arguing with. they're just trying to stir up discourse to feel superior about themselves
dont worry, dont waste your energy, Im sorry theyre bothering you. they came up to me and 2 other people as well, assumed I romanticised stalking with 0 proof past the gender itself, called faunic attraction 'no-dick attraction' which is super insensitive, and reblogged someone else assuming a term related to sleepiness must be romanticising... narcolepsy, out of every other possible sleep disorder?
I have no idea how someone is okay with being a pan lesbian while they constantly assume bad faith about identities theyre unfamiliar with, aka you know, the same thing people are doing to mspec lesbians.
Thank you. I don't get why someone, especially someone who is nonbinary, sees a post that essentially boils down to "nonbinary people are not men or women and they shouldn't be misgendered by people calling themselves monosexual because apparently being attracted to nonbinary genders 'doesn't count' as mspec because they're not one of the 'REAL genders' and people who are attracted to women and enby genders only can call themselves mspec lesbians or just lesbians but by calling themselves mono they are saying those nb people are just women" and has an issue with it.
Also good to know about faunic, because I literally... Am faunic?? It's not "no-dick attraction" it's being attracted to people who are not men, and I'm actually favorable to dating non-op trans women and AMAB enbies. I'm a non-man and I'm attracted to non-men and I'm allowed to have a label to describe that. If it's a bad definition for lesbian then fine now it isn't for lesbian it's for faunic/daunic. Not being attracted to men, and wanting a label for that... Isn't wrong? At all?
(also genital preferences are valid so L + Ratio dykepridee people are allowed to not like dick or not like pussy and that's FINE.)
I don't think they even understand what I was saying. I wasn't excluding nb-attracted lesbians from being lesbians, or even exclusive lesbians. I am one! I call myself an exclusive lesbian all the time. It's just not mono. It will never be mono to be attracted to women AND to people who are not women!! Yet exclusionists constantly define themselves as mono even though they include nb folk, which is misgendering them, and my post was to call out the rampant misgendering of nonbinary people that these lesbians partake in, even some being nonbinary themselves, because otherwise they'd have to acknowledge that mspec lesbians make sense and are valid
In short: my whole purpose in writing the post was to call out the rampant misgendering of nonbinary people within the (exclus) lesbian community for the purpose of pretending lesbian is a strictly monosexual label. People never talk about it and it needs to be talked about.
Their "counterpoint" that no one cares in real life is so... Bad. It missed the point, it was pretty clear they had entirely missed the point, and also, "no one in real life cares" is a stupid counterargument in any "debate." For one, I exist outside of tumblr and I care. For two, I don't care what happens at pride parades. Misgendering nonbinary people (who do not identify as women at all) is not okay, no matter how much people at a parade care about strangers. If you can't actually prove why I'm wrong, your point is null and void.
Also "I'm almost 30, my back hurts, and I just woke up" bitch nobody gives a fuck about your back hurting, it's clearly too early for you to use your brain, and you're a whole grown adult arguing with a child online. That's real mature.
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talkingteardrop · 11 months
some of my headcanons for my fav people for a bit more info on my main au
firey: Bi-polyamorous, in a relationship with Leafy and Flower Leafy: Pan-polyamorous, in a relationship with Firey and Flower, has adopted Rocky Flower: bi-poly, trans, leans towards women more, in a relationship with Firey and Leafy Rocky: Has arms in his human form, occasionally speaks a word or two Firey Jr: Leafy and fireys son from da futuree Lollipop: Les-poly, styles hair for money, owns a shop/restaurant with Gelatin and Flower, has adopted Gelatin in a relationship with Pencil and Match Pencil: Les-poly, makes fun of fanny just to make her sad (will expand when i get to fanny), in a relationship with Match and Lollipop Match: les-poly, likes dying peoples hair, in relationship with pencil and lolli Gelatin: aroace bc he thinks love is gross, 11, adopted by Lollipop, literally chaos incarnate TD: Straight, has a thought translation headband made by GB, in relationship with Woody Woody: Straight, can still be a scaredy-cat/affectionate, dating TD, doesnt like children Book: Lesbian, a lil bit of a nerd, has a crush on pillow Pillow: Lesbian, bffs with Fanny, knows book likes her and teases her often (holding hands, leaning in her, etc) GB: Straight, has arms in her human form, sometimes invents random things when shes bored, daring TB TB: Bi, has arms as a human, once had a crush on SB, helps GB with inventing things, dating GB Remote: Lesbian, loves rhythm games, comforts Fanny during her breakdowns and often lets fanny fall asleep on her, has a crush on Liy Bubble: Confused in her sexuality, constantly debating if she should leave her alliance, oblivious to fannys crush on her Fanny: Lesbian, has arms as a human, hides her insecurities with hate and anger (she has vitiligo and thinks it makes her ugly), has a BIIIIG crush on Bubble but denies it Tree: Gay and trans, Leafys older brother, Very protective over leafy, disapproves of Firey, dating Black Hole Black Hole: Bisexual, has a tree hairclip, clingy asf, dating tree Four: wtf do you call a genderless dating a genderless???, hates two, protective over X, dating X X: same as Four, bffs with all the other algebraliens, mentally 10/affectionate, dating Four Two: Aroace, B r i t i s h, hates Four (kinda), loves to use his powers to toss X around Winner: bi, hates being misgendered, protective over Taggy and Profily, dating Loser (hidden relationship) Loser: Pan, had abusive parents, ran from home at 7, has bandages on his one arm for two reasons, 1: to match Winners missing arm, 2: to hide scars from abuse, scared of yelling, dating Winner (hidden relationship) Pin: bi, had a crush on leafy, extremely sarcastic at times, dating Coiny Coiny: bi (thinks hes Straight), dumb*ss. Actually on good terms with firey, dating Pin Profily: Aroace, friends with almost everyone, still doesn’t like leafy Taggy: Aroace, loves making the >:3 face, bffs with the other nb contestants Six: AGAIN TF YOU CALL A GENDERLESS DATING A GENDERLESS-, always tired bc of Nine, just wants sleep, dating Nine Nine: not gonna repeat myself, loves doing kickflips to show off, obnoxious, dating Six Cake: Trans, shy, had a huge crush on loser, dating pie Pie: Trans, pretty chill most of the time, will get pissed if someone hurts cake, dating came
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popcorn-plots · 3 months
Im so close to a meltdown just from the fact that I haven't had time to decompress from all the stress yesterday, and then today I almost had an anxiety attack and now my ankle hurts and I have to constantly mask and I'm being misgendered because I'm not out to anyone and this entire thing gives me so much anxiety and I bled through my pants today I've been giving 100% to this during 13 hour days after two weeks of summer vacation and I miss my parents and my cats and my mountains
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (June 19-June 26)
Considering Misaya Reiroukanseems to have such an affinity for dogs - she seems to be the type to be into petplay. She and Ayaka should have some fun together.
Kara no Kyoukai
shiki imposing the concept of death onto the possibility of being cucked via mikiya framed as her cucking every azaka in every timeline at once
Turns out the real reason we never saw the Aylesbury Valesti in the Original Tsukihime timeline was because someone built a Tesco's over the ritual point and the giant Dead Apostle Ancestors involved simply couldn't fit inside. Altrouge is not particularly happy with this development, of course.
Melty Blood
Since we have child Sion in FGO now, can we get something with Satsuki and Riesbyfe taking care of her?
I want to see Iri in yoga pants but with her ass completely missing.
kerry summons his counter-guardian self , grail war speed run ensues. making this a selfcest porn with plot fic is optional
Fate/Stay night
fate stay night but instead of Shirou summoning Saber he summons Castoria. corgi moment.
Saber discovers there are effects to constantly gorging yourself on food, and begins to put on weight. Thankfully Shirou seems to be into BBW and not just UBW
Something with Arthur and Lucius Tiberius
Fem!Shinji from that one gender swap art of Taiga she was in the background of/Fem!Shirou from that same art
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Smut, necrophilia Angra has sex with Bazett's dead body
BB gets punished for her crimes (hacked to run Doom)
Smut, BB gets a computer virus! It's not designed for her OS, so it definitely doesn't do anything to her. ... clothes? What are clothes? She's never heard of clothes before, and if she had, she definitely wouldn't have ever worn them. They'd get in the way of her life's purpose of having a dick up her ass as often as possible!
Smut, Passionlip serves as the Comfiest Seat! Firm abs, soft pillowy chest to lean against, thick cock buried up inside her Master who's now stuck there and paraded around as Passionlip goes about her day like nothing is wrong...
mordred should get to stab the people that misgender him.
Gudao and Ryougi Shiki go on a date (or what he considers a date) and the entire time Shiki talks about how much she loves Mikiya and how she hopes to see him again
Oberon, Castoria, and Muramasa are all handcuffed to each other for a week. Chaos ensures.
Smut, fergus n medb showing emiya some celtic 'hospitality'. while scathach watch. emiya might not survive the night. (framed as cucking cu)
Smut, Gilgamesh and Enkidu explictly framed as cucking Ishtar and being the original base for the concept of cucking as a whole
fou hunts merlin for sport and looney tunes shenanigans ensue
Smut, Dury gay sex with Karna and Ash. Or Arjuna and Bhima. Take your pick.
Smut, i need li shuwen training-turned-fucking ritsuka like i need oxygen. extra love for emphasis on the teaching element.
Wholesome fluff of Mephistopheles baking brownies with Grandma Europa
Jeanne crosses swords with an Avenger class Gilles, who was the result of an alternate history where he never killed any children but was framed by the church to discredit him due to being too strong of a supporter of the holy woman they executed
it turns out that Fou didn't accompany ritsuka & mash to Lb6 because of a hatred of fairies , instead , he got rayshifted to a singularity & now has to clear said singularity himself. since the grail at core of the singularity is his only ticket home , fou semi-reluctantly steps up as a master . note for the prompt filler : the servants & plot of the singularity are largely your call . and if you want to give fou his own mystic codes , i'd recommend fou's attire in the detective fou-mes CE to be his equivalent to ritsuka's atlas academy MC.
We all know how much of a raging mad-on that Penthesilea, the Berserker of El Dorado, has for Achilles. Which means that when Achilles winds up being summoned to Chaldea, the Master has the unenviable task of keeping Chaldea from being torn apart when Penth inevitably learns about her archenemy's arrival.
well parvati's screwed once Kali & durga are summoned.
gudako is trapped in a singularity/lostbelt/situation which can only be escaped by relaxing and taking at least one goddamn break
magi mari handshake event for romani's birthday(he does not question how she got into chaldea in spite of the incineration of humanity or where merlin has gone)
the real dobryna is summoned to chaldea. and turns out the reason he's in the pretender class is because he's not actually a kemonomimi servant , dude's faking it b/c he feels out of place in his family. gudako , upon learning this information proceeds to go get this guy therapy , even if she's gotta carry him to the office herself.
Morgan and Castoria discuss whether the two of them having sex with each other counts as Selfcest or Incest with Guda(gender irrelevant), before saying fuck it and going whole hog without a care. Guda can either leave or join, doesn't really matter.
Gudao crawls into Passionlip’s breasts during a high stress situation and just relaxes, Passionlip covers for him until he’s ready to come out
Da Vinci, Solomon, Sheba and Merlin/Magi Mari all in a polycule
Smut, Melusine after getting caught out in the rain has to ask for help from Barghest to get through Chaldea with her now soaked and transparent clothes. Barghest however now has to deal with the ungodly primordial urge to FUCK her with her cock. Up to the writer if she gives in or not but bonus points if Melusine turns out to be into it and makes it harder for Barghest to resist.
guda after years of training in magecraft manages their first spell: penis blast
Either Morgan somehow makes it back to her Throne at the end of part 2 and ends up slaughtering all the traitors who attacked her in her throne room, before promptly saying "Hey sorry" to Guda and Castoria before they all try negotiations again and work something out. OR. The summonable Morgan sees what the fuckers did to her lostbelt self as well as her adopted daughter, and, with Guda, Castoria and the rest of Chaldea as backup, goes to fuckin town on the fuckers. Neither of these would stop what happens next, but it'd be cathartic.
Koyanskaya of Light is summoned to Chaldea by Ritsuka Fujimaru. However, she got summoned WAY too early, and now has to assist her new Master in preventing the incineration of Proper Human History and resolving the Seven Singularities. This would be a lot easier if she didn't have to constantly worry about her lies about being one of the Tamamo Nine being exposed, or accidentally causing a time paradox or creating a Singularity out of this timeline due to acting on her knowledge of the Future. TLDR; Koyanskaya's misadventures being summoned by a newbie Master. For bonus points, because Alaya CLEARLY has it out for her or something, newbie!Ritsuka somehow also manages to summon both Ashiya Douman and Rasputin, so now Koyanskaya has to keep her coworkers from causing all sorts of mischief, which is distressingly often.
Paper Moon!Lev summoned Lan Ling because he was secure enough in his heterosexuality that he would not be effected by the servant's famous beauty. He was wrong.
in honor of melusine and barghest proving the servants do eat the mats you use on them (or at least some of them), servant mukbang serving embers and such. any servant you want and the stuff they need but i would like to see it. hear what they think of this stuff
Beast Guda but they're not a threat to humanity because their servants become their impulse control and push them away from any ideas that screw over humanity. For example, Guda: "With the amount of grails we have on stock I could wish for paradise for humans!" Morgan: "My husband. You forget those grails are for Melusine and Jack." (They're not she's making it up) Later... Guda: "I'm off to make a singularity to test some things out." EMIYA *with a spray bottle*: "oh no you don't! Oh no you don't!"
The otaku Servants are arguing over whose taste in anime is superior, and things are getting violent. Gudao is called to intervene, but he instead makes things worse because one of those HEATHENS had the gall to insult one of his favorite mecha anime. One thing led to another, and now Chaldea has weekly anime marathon nights, much to the bewilderment of the staff. Unbeknownst to everyone else, this was all planned out from the very beginning, and Gudao was in cahoots with the otaku Servants the entire time.
During a mission with Guda, Saber Gilles is ordered to protect some civilians that are under attack. One of the civilians includes a child, who thanks the servant for saving them. This gives him a lot of mixed feelings.
Smut, Koyanskaya and Murian hot sex. Who says that pleasure can’t mix with business? Bonus points the furrier and larger Koyanskaya is in comparison to Murian tiny body.
Summer Kiara learns that's not what people mean by "fuck the police".
FGO, again
Baobhan Sith was already blindsided by Morgan being married to Guda, but she was especially not prepared to suddenly get a stepsibling, let alone Jack the Ripper. Bonus points for her coming around in the end and loving her little sis.
incest, Can I ask for some Morgan/Baobhan Sith? It doesn't have to be healthy or even requited, I just want fucked up fairy incest.
Blackbeard gets shot out of the chen gong cannon and dies to death
The various child servants (Jack, Paul Bunyan, Voyager, etc.) plan and have a tea party picnic! There's implications of some kind of Abject Chaos in the background that goes uncommented on because the kids aren't involved and are too busy planning their picnic to care.
Mash/Morgan reunion fic but the reason Morgan remembers Mash is that no one else eats her pussy the way Mash does.
Smut, I would give anything to have Guda and Kama gentle/tender sex because that feels accurate for them
Smut, Quetzalcoatl dicking Kukulkan down and Kukulkan laying eggs afterwards
via intense training chadbeard our best bro figures out how to erase shitty memebeard lolicon dirtbag from all realities so we never have to deal with him again
Any fandom
the servant install system from prilya was severely underutilized.
In the vein of legendary machines coming back as Servants, the Titanic comes back and sees this shitshow.
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1892 · 1 year
really do miss being around my normie straight men roommates who got the point and don't misgender me bc they just registered me as a short guy. instead of living with trans people whose entire personality is them being gay/trans who constantly point out that fact. like why can't i just be a guy why do i explicitly have to be a trans guy and u have to point that out every time we interact. i'm not ashamed of being trans, i just don't want it to be the cornerstone of my identity in people's minds. if that makes sense. ugh.
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uninformedartist · 1 year
How exactly does Chai being proship somehow taint thr information they're putting out? (/gen) I'm so confused. If they're talking about real problems with Vivienne and the show, how is it bad to interact with those posts specifically? If you have the proper taggings and filters, I wouldn't imagine that it'd be such a big deal.? Maybe I'm missing something here but I really don't understand :/
The trans bridget situation was pretty shitty though, I'll admit. Like idk man you don't need to misgender a character just because you disagree with how the story is written.
It doesn't discredit or taint whatever Chai said, I agreed with a lot they said and they have posts they aids a lot to how terrible Viv is. Thing is especially in this fandom if they find or know you're problematic in anyway boom you're out they don't listen to you, everything you say is "lies" and will constantly berate you on whatever is problematic about you. On the critical community, I cannot speak on behalf of all in the critical community. If they want to continue interacting with Chai ect all power to them I can't stop them nor will I I'm not the boss over anyone. I mostly speak personally on why I don't wish to associate with Chai anymore, they didn't do anything to me its just their morals, views and what they stand for I do not under any circumstances agree with, I've had my terrible past with a few proshippers and what they shared with me and said all under the pretence of being online friends... yeah its my personal sentiments creeping in on this situation too. Proshippers do not necessarily by my knowledge do harm irl but it does create an extremely toxic environment online that is so easy to fall into and a lot of Proshippers hide their "tastes" in fiction in creative ways, its just an unsavoury mess the whole proshipping community so people generally don't want to accociate with individuals that are, like myself.
Lastly Transphobia of any kind I don't stand for, so Chai being a Proshipper is one and their Transphobic views is a big no for me.
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