#I miss Rhett and Link so much
casperghosty · 1 year
do you ever feel separation anxiety from the things/people you hyperfixate on.........or are you normal?
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jula483 · 3 months
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Good Mythical Tour the documentary 💖
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steve-s-slut · 9 months
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"The Family Show" 20 minutes earlier
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He said his throat, Link!! What are you thinking about 🤔
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Kissing is for amateurs, we'd be ducking
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nightwriter357 · 7 days
Smosh Summer Games:ships part 8
Thank you so much for all the support guys. After this one there's 2-3 parts left and I'm so excited for you to read it and hear you opinions on it!! Hope you guys like this one!
Part 8: Why is everybody afraid of love, LOVE.
Waking up next to him still felt bittersweet. This is temporary, you reminded yourself. Soon, you’d be waking up alone again, the warmth of his body just a distant memory.
His grip tightened, almost like he could read your thoughts, pulling you a little closer. You stirred and turned to face him, only to find his eyes already on you, half-lidded but awake, studying you.
“Were you watching me sleep?” you teased, raising an eyebrow.
He smirked, though there was something softer in his expression. “Caught me,” he said, voice low. “Hard to look away.”
“Smooth.” You smiled, despite yourself. He leaned in, brushing his lips against yours, the kiss soft at first but deepening, almost like he was trying to hold onto every second.
When you finally pulled away, you could feel the weight of the moment between you.
“So... last night really was the last time, huh?” You tried to keep it casual, but your voice wavered slightly.
Damien blinked, his lips parted like he was about to say something, but you cut in before he could respond. “All of this is gonna be over soon,” you said, tracing a finger down his chest, playful but tinged with the uncertainty of what came next.
He sighed, pulling you even closer, his breath warm against your hair. “I don’t know,” he murmured. “I just... don’t want to stop.”
You nudged him playfully. “Then don’t, I'll give you a minute longer.”
He chuckled, his chest vibrating against you. “Is that an invitation?”
“Maybe,” you grinned, feeling a little lighter.
He pulled you back into his arms, the hug lingering a little too long, but neither of you seemed in a hurry to break it. It felt like you both knew that when you did, the illusion would shatter. You thought about asking him if he felt the same way—if this was more than just a fling to him—but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Instead, you settled for breaking the moment with a nudge. “We should probably head up before someone comes looking for us. Can’t have them questioning why we're always sneaking of”
He groaned, reluctantly letting go. “Yeah, I guess. But if they ask, I'm blaming you.”
“Fair,” you laughed, rolling out of bed with a grin. “Come on, let’s go.”
As you both got dressed and headed up to meet the others, you couldn't shake the feeling of his lingering touches or the unspoken words between you. By the time you reached the group, you pushed the thoughts aside, deciding for now to just enjoy his company.
When you arrived, the others were already gathered, except for Courtney and Shayne, who were nowhere to be seen. You caught a few curious glances from the others, but nobody said anything—yet. They seemed far to invested in their own conversation.
Arasha smirked. "I didn't dominate; I was just... exceptionally prepared."
Angela, raising a fork in her hand, chimed in. "If by 'exceptionally prepared' you mean psychic, then sure."
Arasha raised her mug in silent agreement, her face unreadable. "I'm having a ball, though. Doesn't matter who wins."
Spencer feigned disappointment. "A ball? Really?"
Arasha didn't miss a beat. "Sorry didn't meen to appropriate you culture. A ball is plenty, who needs two anyway?"
Spencer blinked, mock-offended. "Hey, you're expelled for that."
As the group joked around, you couldn't shake the thoughts of this morning. Each glance from Damien seemed to carry more weight than the laughter around you. Are you ever going to be able to not be distracted by him?
Angela snickered. "Is that even something a judge can do?"
"It's usually up to management," Trevor added, nodding sagely.
Olivia leaned in, whispering far too loudly, "Management? So, Rhett and Link?"
Trevor furrowed his brows. "It would be Ian and Anthony?"
She lowered her voic  leaning closer. "Oh, right! That explains why he's been hanging around."
Anthony shook his head with a grin. "You literally whispered that TO me."
Damien chuckled beside you, his hand brushing yours under the table, sparking that familiar warmth between you two. You couldn't help but glance his way, that bittersweet feeling creeping back in.
Chanse playfully nudged Arasha. "We have been trapped on this ship for way to long. We need to meet people, dance, have sex."
Your eyes met Damiens as you tried to supress a smile.
Tommy piped up, wiggling his eyebrows. "So... who do we think is the last person here that got laid?"
Angela laughed, setting her cup down with a bang. "Well, Shayne and Courtney are missing... so I guess it's safe to assume it's at least one of them!"
Everyone chuckled, nodding in agreement. 
Tommy glanced around, leaning forward. "Okay, but who's gonna be the next person to have sex?"
Arasha didn't hesitate, locking eyes with you. "Y/n."
You froze, choking on your coffee. Damien, who had just taken a sip of his drink, nearly spit it out. "Uh, no. Not me. Like how would I even do that?"
You felt your cheeks heat as the group exchanged knowing glances. "Seriously, not me," you echoed, feeling the weight of Arasha's smirk from across the table.
"Oh, really?" she asked, her voice as smooth as ever.
For a second, you swore her gaze shifted to Damien, then back to you. But before you could react, the conversation kept going, leaving you and Damien awkwardly glancing at each other.
Arasha's lips curled into a small, mischievous smile. "But if we were stuck here, Angela would you kiss Amanda?
"No way," Angela scoffed.
Arasha smirked. "But what if you're choking and need mouth-to-mouth?"
"And what if you're doing mouth-to-mouth and you need choking?" Tommy added with a wink.
Amanda, unfazed, leaned back in her chair, a mischievous grin on her face. "I would," she quipped, winking at the group.
Angela eyes looked as is they were going to pop out of their sockets, while the rest of the table erupted in laughter, Amanda elbowed her playfully. 
You smiled along still puzzled by the moment that had just passed. It wasn't what Arasha said, though- that definitely lingered, it was the way she said it. Like she knew something you didn't. 
"Well, at least we know Damien wouldn't be hooking up with anyone," Arasha said with a sly grin. "You know how he is—he's gotta actually like the person first."
Your heart jumped at that, stealing a glance at Damien. What does that mean?
Damien didn't look at anyone else but you, his expression softening. "Yeah... I'm not into meaningless things." His voice was quiet but firm, each word carrying a weight that made your breath hitch.
Tommy, oblivious, chuckled. "No random flings, huh?"
Damien's gaze never wavered from yours. "You could say that," he said slowly, his voice carrying weight. The implication hung in the air, and your chest tightened, trying to read between the lines.
The intensity of his words sent your thoughts spiraling. He means me... doesn't he? It was too much to process, the uncertainty, the possibility. You needed space.
"I, uh, need to... get some air," you blurted, standing quickly as you excused yourself from the table.
You barely registered their responses as you walked away, your heart pounding in your chest. You had to talk to Courtney. Now. As you left them at the dining table you could hear Angela saying, "but she went downstairs? is she getting air inside?
 You weren't sure if barging into the room to talk about this was a great idea—especially with Shayne there. You had told Courtney about you and Damien hooking up, but this? This was a whole different level of confusion. Still, you couldn't keep it bottled up anymore. Talking about this felt... awkward, but you needed to figure out what was happening. 
You burst into the room, barely giving Courtney and Shayne time to process your frantic energy. They both sat on the bed, chatting before you interrupted.
"I need to talk to you... about Damien," you blurted, breathless.
Courtney raised an eyebrow, exchanging a look with Shayne.
"Oh, so it's finally happening," Shayne said, smirking.
You blinked. "Wait, what? You knew?"
"Of course," he replied, sitting back. "I've known for a while."
You blinked rapidly, confused. "How? I only just told Courtney!"
Shayne glanced between you and Courtney, his smirk turning into confusion. "You told her?"
Courtney stifled a laugh, sensing where this might be heading. Shayne didn't pick up on it.
"I mean, we already told her that," he continued, clearly thinking you were on the same page.
You threw your hands up, bewildered. "Wait, wait... hold on. How could you know? I never talked to you about... Damien and me."
Shayne grinned, still oblivious. "Come on, he told me WAY before he told you."
You stared at Shayne, dumbfounded. "Wait, how could you know before me? That literally makes no sense. What, did Damien give you like... a rundown of all of it before it happened?"
Shayne, still unaware, gave a confused chuckle. "Well, yeah, obviously he told me about it before you."
Your face twisted in disbelief. "BEFORE?! What do you mean 'before'? I'm pretty sure I was there every time. I would have known BEFORE you?!""
Courtney's eyes widened, "Wait everytime? It happned more than once!?"
You blushed, your voice low. “a.. few times.”
Shayne raised an eyebrow, still not catching on. "Uh, can  ithappen more than once?"
You stared at him, completely lost. "What? Yes, what do you mean, ofcourse if can happen more than once? It's not like you guys have only had sex once?" You looked over at Courtney."
Courtney stifled a laugh as Shayne blinked in bewilderment. "Wait, WHAT?! You guys had sex?"
Courtney burst into laughter, clutching her sides. “Oh my god, this is the best thing I’ve ever witnessed!”
"That IS what we are talking about?!" you exclaimed, rubbing your temples.
Shayne ran his hands through his hair, looking utterly flustered. "Wait, that’s what you’ve been talking about this whole time?!  - So your saying he told you that he's inlove with you and then you had sex?!"
"Yes" You froze mid-sentence. "Wait... WHAT? In love with me?! I'm just talking about the fact that we had sex!"
Shayne looked like he was processing way too much at once. "Hold up. So Damien, who has been in love with you for years, finally hooks up with you... and you thought it was a fling?"
You blinked, trying to make sense of everything. "Oh my god. He likes me? Like, actually likes me? I didn't know he was in love with me! I thought it was just... something that happened."
Shayne let out a half-laugh, half-groan, shaking his head. "Oh my god, this whole time... How did you not see it?"
Your eyes widened.  Shayne facepalmed as you started to ramble. "He likes me? Why? How? When? Oh my god—he's liked me this whole time?"
Courtney snorted, wiping away tears from laughing. "This is such a mess."
"I like him too," you muttered, your brain short-circuiting from the revelation. "I... I need to talk to him."
Shayne groaned. "You better, because I need to lie down after this.."
Courtney had a wide smile on her face, "Oh my god, this is going to be so good."
You dart out of the room, practically skidding around the corner as you spot Damien near the door to your cabin. Your breath’s still catching up, but you launch into words anyway.
“Damien!” you pant, rushing over. “We—we get along, right? Really well?
He blinks, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, I know.. we do. What’s up?”
You take a deep breath, trying to slow your racing thoughts. “Okay, good, because I want us to still get along when we get back, even after… you know, everything that’s happened.”
“Uh-huh…” he responds, clearly not following where this is going.
“And now that we know all of that, there’s… also a lot of stuff we don’t know! Or, I mean, stuff you don’t know, or that I know but you don’t know—yet!” You’re practically vibrating with energy.
Damien's eyebrows scrunch together, trying to piece together what you're saying. “Wait, what? I mean, I think we know eachother very well.”
“Yes! Exactly!” You pause, realizing how close you’re getting. “Well, not exactly. I mean, yes, but—wait, no, I mean—ugh, I don’t know how to say it!”
Damien’s brow furrows, his confusion deepening. “Waht are you trying to say?”
 You take a deep breath, trying to collect yourself. “I mean, I..
Just as you’re about to blurt it all out, Spencer pops up between you two, practically bouncing with excitement. “Hey, lovers! Time for the game!”
You gape at Spencer as he throws his arms around both of you. “Let’s go!” He pulls you both away before you can get another word out. You glance back at Damien, who’s still looking mildly puzzled, but you’re already being whisked away.
Your chance slips away as Spencer drags you off, and all you can think is: Great timing, Spencer. Great timing.
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Empty Stomach | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi! This one's for my fellow ED sufferers. I mean, it's for everyone. But like, it's dedicated to those with past or current ED issues. That being said, do not read this if it is going to upset and / or trigger you. I will not be offended. Scroll on by if need be, catch ya next time. No worries, take care of ya mental health. Much love. ✌️💕
WARNINGS: Discussion of past eating disorder (bulimia), vomit, illness
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The chill of the tile pushed its way through the fabric of your pajama pants. With your knees pulled into your chest, you sat hunched over on the bathroom floor. Back resting against the wall. Blanket draped over your shoulders. An unopened bottle of Gatorade rested next to you, along with a bottle of water you’d failed to drink.
The time read 3:48am. Three hours of nothing but misery passed surprisingly fast, you thought. It was just after midnight when a strong wave of nausea pummeled into you and forced you from your bed. And since that moment, you found yourself lurching over the toilet every twenty minutes. 
Last night’s lasagna and red wine came up almost violently. And the tiramisu you’d eaten for dessert didn’t taste nearly as good the second time around. Round after round of painful retching disgusted you, made you cringe. Seeing your food make a second appearance only multiplied your already severe nausea. And with the way your night was going, you feared you’d never be able to enjoy Italian again. 
The back of your throat grew scorched with stomach acid. Your nose burned. And the turbulence in your stomach refused to quit. Eventually, your body eliminated your dinner completely. It was gone, flushed away. And you thought you might be done with this whole nightmare. You even ventured back to bed. 
But only minutes after warming the cold sheets with your body heat, you found yourself on the bathroom floor once again. With a vengeance, bile burned its way up your esophagus and forced itself out of your mouth. It seemed to you that this was your punishment for going back to bed. And so, you decided to take up residency in the bathroom for the rest of the night. 
But you needed a blanket- desperately. It just so happened that this misery decided to take place on one of the coldest nights of the year. And if you were to survive till morning, you needed a small piece of comfort. You mustered enough strength to fetch a blanket- Bucky’s favorite blanket- from your bedroom and drag it back to the bathroom. It was sad. Pathetic, even. But holding the soft, woven fabric that smelled like him tight around your shoulders brought a sliver of ease. It wasn’t nearly as good as having Bucky there, but it was better than nothing.
Tik Toks and YouTube videos helped you pass the time between each bout of heaving. You watched every video recommended to you- as long as it didn’t involve food. Just the thought of watching Rhett and Link eat carne asada pizza or Rosanna Pansino make Macha macarons was enough to turn your stomach. Again. 
The throbbing in your head, no doubt a side effect of dehydration, pulled you from the bathroom floor and into the kitchen. You needed water. Electrolytes. And you swore you’d apologize to Bucky for stealing a bottle of his Riptide Rush Gatorade. Not that he’d ever care; he would’ve given you his right arm if you asked for it. 
When you finally settled back onto the bathroom floor with an arm full of drinks, you let yourself feel the sadness that came up with each rush of Vomit. You were too nauseated to drink any of the fluids you sought out. And more than anything, you wished Bucky was with you. Every night that he didn’t spend at your place felt like a night wasted. Without him, your apartment simply wasn’t the same. It wasn’t as comfy or as homey. Didn’t feel as safe. Something was missing. 
Part of you was glad he wasn’t there to see your lasagna resurface, though. It was utterly vile and would surely embarrass you if he were witness. But you missed him all the same. 
Between the violent retching and the bitter cold of late December, every cell in your body trembled. You were weak, cold, miserable. And very, very alone. If Bucky were with you, you knew he’d take care of you. He’d keep you company while your food rebelled against your body. He’d keep you warm. And he’d put a smile on your face, no matter how impossible it seemed.
Ever since you grew close with Bucky, you were there for each other. Took care of each other. It was a given, an unspoken agreement. You wanted to be the other’s support system. The one in their corner. Bucky never felt so safe with anyone, and you returned the sentiment.
He often needed stitches after a mission or talking down after a nightmare, and you were always there. No questions asked. You closed his wounds and held his hand. You pulled him as his body vibrated with panic. Comforting him was a no-brainer. And just as you were there for him, he was there for you. Whether the flu made you cough up a lung or a clumsy step left your ankle twisted, he had your back. He took care of you when you had an allergic reaction to truffle oil and brought you comfort when strep throat stole your voice. 
You treated each other with the utmost care, the deepest affections. You each sat atop the other’s list of priorities, never leaving the number one spot. And by the time you started dating, you could practically read the other’s mind. When he needed you, you were by his side. And when you needed him, he was there. 
But not tonight; tonight, he was at the compound. He’d had a long day of meetings about the Flag Smashers and John Walker that kept him trapped in a conference room for hours. He hoped that with the early start time that morning, he’d be out by dinner. He wanted to return home and snuggle up on the couch with you in his arms. But as 9pm rolled around, his hopes of making it back to you in a timely manner died. 
At 10pm, Rhodey called it. Everyone was tired. Bored. Utterly fried. He dismissed the meeting- with the caveat that they’d reconvene early the next morning. And Bucky wasn’t happy. He dug his phone out of his pocket and gave you a call, voicing his distaste for the seemingly eternal meeting.
“I’m so sorry, doll, it ran long. Really long,” he’d said. “But I’m gonna head your way in a minute, okay? I should be back by…” he looked at his watch and stifled a yawn, “by elevenish.”
“Maybe you should just stay there tonight, Buck. You were up at five this morning- you sound sleepy.”
Bucky shook his head, even though you couldn’t see him. “No, no- I don’t wanna stay here. I wanna come be with you, sweetheart.”
“I’d rather be with you too, but it’s just one night,” you’d told him. “I know you’re exhausted, and I don’t want you driving back if you’re tired. It’s not a good idea. Just sleep there and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Bucky sighed. “I just miss you, that’s all. I didn’t get to talk to you all day and now I can’t see you till tomorrow.” All he ever wanted was to be with you.
 “If it weren’t such a long drive, it would be different, babe. But forty minutes of driving with a fried brain doesn’t sound safe.” You crawled into your empty bed and found yourself rolling onto Bucky’s side. The sheets smelled just like him; if you closed your eyes, you could’ve sworn he was home. “I miss you, too. But I’d rather you rest and come home tomorrow in one piece.”
From Bucky’s end of the line, you heard him step into the elevator and press the button for his old floor. “I know, I know. You’re right,” he conceded. “I really am beat. Something about going over the same details a thousand times took it out of me.” He leaned against the elevator wall and let out another yawn, “I’m gonna go to sleep, and I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay? I love you. So much.”
“Okay, Buck. I love you, baby”.
You hung up the phone, knowing damn well you wouldn’t get much shut eye. Being with Bucky every night always lulled you right to sleep. It was so easy to find peace in his arms that rest never evaded you. But without him, things were different. Your mind wandered. The bed was never as cozy. You stole a book from his bedside table and cracked it open, hoping to tire yourself out. 
After two hours of reading, the nausea hit. Your mouth flooded with saliva and your heart rate jumped. You hadn’t relaxed since.
As you changed position, desperate to find a way to be comfortable on the tile, you wished you lived closer to the compound. If it were a five minute drive from your place, Bucky would've been by your side the second the meeting ended; it was where he belonged. But he couldn't come home- not tonight. And while you were glad he made the safe choice, you wished he was just right down the road.
Bucky spent every night at your place, save for when he was on missions. It was his home, just as much as it was yours. He kept all his clothes there and most of his things. He helped with all the household duties. He even fixed the faulty latches on your windows so that they no longer allowed the cold winter air to seep in. 
But even after all that, he always knocked.
To him, it seemed like the least he could do. It didn’t feel quite right, barging into your apartment as though he owned the place. Sure, he basically lived there. But you didn’t make him help with rent- no matter how many times he offered. You knew he didn’t have much regarding monetary wealth. And his job didn’t exactly pay a salary. So, you never asked for his share of the monthly dues. It didn’t even cross your mind; you were just happy to have him there with you. 
It was kind of you, Bucky had no doubt about that. But it didn’t feel fair. So, he saved the key you gave him and swore to use it for emergencies only. He opted, instead, to knock and wait for an invitation inside. ‘Like a vampire’, you always joked. 
You checked the time once again- 4:01am. This was agony. And in your exhausted state, you found yourself missing Bucky more than usual. With the energy drained from your body, your emotions had room to grow in size. And the feeling that grew the biggest was your longing for him. Here you were, in your most vulnerable state, without the love of your life. He was almost an hour away, incapable of bringing you comfort in your time of need. 
And while spending one night apart wasn’t the end of the world, it surely wasn’t ideal- especially when you felt like death. 
But as you thought about how different things would be with Bucky there, you realized: even if he was home, you wouldn’t have woken him. Sleep often evaded him; and back before he found you, he never got more than an hour of uninterrupted rest at once. But with your help, he was getting better. He was sleeping more and waking up screaming less. Sure, it was a slow process, but there was hope for him. 
And so, waking him for something as innocuous as food poisoning simply wouldn’t be right. If this were an emergency, things would be different. But if he lay sleeping in the next room while you puked up bad lasagna, who were you to wake him?
Knowing that he was home would’ve made your situation a touch more bearable, though. It would’ve been enough to bring you comfort. Even having the option to crawl into bed next to him or feel his hand in yours would ease some of the misery, even if you couldn’t leave the bathroom long enough to do so. 
Miserable, you shot a quick text to Bucky:
Been puking my guts out all night :(
The intention behind the message wasn’t to upset him when he read it the next morning. Or to make him feel bad for not coming home to you. You just wanted to complain, to vent some of your negative feelings. And only for a second. It wasn’t often that you felt sorry for yourself, especially not when you knew how much Bucky suffered. But this was a moment of weakness. And now matter the horrors Bucky went through, he always listened.
Your forehead fell against your knees and your chin rested on your chest. A deep sigh filled your lungs. God, you were tired. Utterly spent. Voiding your body so aggressively drained every ounce of your energy. 
You missed your bed. Missed resting in Bucky’s arms and listening to his heartbeat as you laid on his chest. You needed a respite, a quick break from the misery. With a yawn, you allowed your eyes to flutter shut and your phone to slip from your hands. And for the first time that night, you actually drifted off to sleep.
But a persistent thudding noise pulled you awake half an hour later. It roused you from the rest your body so desperately needed, and just as you wondered what caused it, saliva rushed into your mouth. You ditched your blanket and knelt forward just in time for more acidic bile to push past your lips. It burned inside your nose and made your eyes water, but the sound of your front door opening pulled your focus. 
“Baby?” Bucky shouted from down the hall.
A reply sat on the tip of your tongue- but drowned in another wash of vomit. 
The heaving, retching sounds coming from the bathroom sent a rush of anxiety through Bucky’s system. He fled in your direction and burst through your bathroom door as his heart hammered against his ribs.
“Oh, sweetheart…” he knelt by your side and took in the scene before him as you caught your breath. You, his best girl, getting sick. Very sick. He clocked the blanket on the floor, your dead phone- you must’ve been in here a while. “Hey, what’s going on, doll?” His tone was soft and his words gentle. But the worry in his voice was unmistakable.
It took a few long moments for you to recover. “I got food poisoning from the Italian place on 9th,” you rested once more against the wall. “I ordered take out for dinner and it was clearly a mistake.” Just the thought was enough to make you sick again, but you powered through.
“Oh…” A sigh of relief left Bucky’s chest. “Oh, I thought you were-” he didn’t finish his sentence. But his shoulders relaxed and the tension in his brow dissipated. He wrapped the blanket around you and pulled you gently into his side. 
“What, Buck?”
“Nothing, doll. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.” He cracked open your Gatorade and offered it to you, “can you drink some of this for me? We need to make sure you stay hydrated.” 
Something lingered under Bucky’s words. And though your mind was a bit foggy from the exhaustion, you put two and two together. “Oh, you thought… you thought I relapsed?” 
Bucky nodded.  
Back when you’d only been dating for about a month, you decided to be honest with Bucky. He was truthful with you about his past and the PTSD that followed; it wasn’t fair of you to keep things from him. And so, you opened up to him about your past issues with food. With your body image. The way you used to force yourself to vomit until there was nothing left. Or until you tasted blood. He knew all about your struggle to recover and the way that, sometimes, those dark thoughts still tempted you to void your system. 
He listened and expressed admiration for your perseverance. He told you he was proud of you. He was so happy that, every day, you chose recovery. He kept an eye on you after you told him, watching for any signs of distress. But you’d done so well. You kept the promise you made to yourself. And just a few weeks ago, when the two-year anniversary of your last forced purge passed, he spent the day showering you in praise and congratulations.
“I know you’ve been doing really well- I didn’t mean to assume anything. But I saw your text-”
You frowned, more worried for him than yourself. "Why were you awake?"
“Couldn't sleep," he said. "And when I tried to call, you didn’t answer.” He felt another surge of anxiety flood his system, “I got nervous. I needed to come check on you.”
Your lack of energy kept you from climbing into his lap or throwing your arms around his neck. Instead, you nuzzled closer to him. Let your head rest on his chest. It was all you could manage. “Buck, you’re so- I didn’t mean to scare you, babe. Probably should’ve given you some context. My bad.”
He shook his head, “no, don’t worry about it, doll. I would’ve come anyway- you’re not feeling well, I couldn’t let you be here all by yourself.” He pulled you a bit closer, “I’m just glad you’re okay. Well, not ‘okay’ cause obviously, you’re sick. But I’m happy you’re not that kind of sick.”
Bucky once again offered you the bottle of Gatorade, which you finally accepted. A few small sips rinsed most of the lingering vomit taste from your mouth. “You weren’t supposed to drive…” you said after a while.
“I know. But you’re sick.” He prompted you to keep drinking. “And if you were, um…” he didn’t like saying the word.
He nodded. “If that was happening, I thought you might need me.” Truth be told, he would’ve done anything for you. Killed for you. Died for you. He’d burn the world and everyone in it- all for you. 
“That’s an understatement,” you gave a weak laugh. Your raw throat throbbed. “But we agreed you wouldn’t drive, Buck. You were supposed to sleep.”
He shrugged, “I couldn’t. Turns out I’ve grown accustomed to sharing a bed with you. Can’t sleep if I don’t have ya with me, sweetheart.”
It was sweet, yes, but struck a nerve. “Wait, so… you don’t sleep on missions?”
He shook his head.
“I know, I know. But I try- I always try. I swear. It just doesn’t work.”
With that, you found yourself lurching forward once again. Your eyes watered and tears ran down your cheeks. A painful force pushed out what little remained in your system. 
“Wow, you have really strong feelings about me not sleeping.”
At his stupid joke, a small laugh rumbled out of your chest- followed by more vomit. Coughs and sputters rattled out of your chest. Saliva dripped from your chin.
And though you knew you weren't done with this bout of retching, you wouldn't let him off the hook. "You need rest, Buck. And if you haven't slept, you shouldn't drive. It's not-" A flood of bile interrupted you.
“Okay, alright. I know. I’m sorry, sweetheart. But we can talk about it later,” he said, easing a hand up and down your spine. “Just let me take care of you for now, okay?”
And he did. No matter how many times your body violently emptied, Bucky had your back. He kept you hydrated, even when you didn’t want to be. And held you close between bouts of heaving. He kept you company. Kept your spirits high, regardless of how awful you felt. And no matter how tired he was, he stayed awake with you. He freed himself from the clutches of exhaustion and kept only you in focus, never allowing sleep to win. He wouldn’t rest- not until you did.
Every few minutes, he checked his watch. Timing the space between each instance of nausea helped him anticipate your movements. Your needs. And just like you said, they attacked every twenty minutes.
“I’m really happy you’re here,” you muttered, your head resting in his lap. Your eyelids fluttered and your words came out soft, breathy. “Even though you weren’t supposed to drive… I’m happy you made it home.”
Bucky ghosted a finger across your cheek, “So am I, doll.” 
Your eyes were fully closed now, and you’d fallen silent. Bucky hoped you’d finally been able to fall asleep. And then, out of nowhere, you spoke, “And you used your key.” Though opening your eyes was too much work, a warm, satisfied smile pulled at your lips. 
Bucky, too, smiled. “I did,” he said. “Had to. Needed to get to you.”
A happy hum left your chest and you nuzzled against Bucky’s thigh. “Thank you… Love you, Barnes.”
“Love you, baby.”
And finally, you were out. Bucky kept his eye on the time. Twenty minutes passed. Then forty. And when an hour went by without you stirring, Bucky sighed with relief. “I’m taking you to bed…” he whispered, though he knew you couldn’t hear him. He snaked his arms around you with the utmost care and lifted you from the cold tile floor. He held you close to his body, almost as though he were shielding you from something. 
“Thank god it’s only food poisoning,” he whispered in the quiet of your apartment. He remembered the pure dread than sunk in his stomach the moment he read your text. Your words painted a vision in his mind, a horrible picture of you forcing nutrients out of your system. He shook his head at the thought. “I was really scared for you tonight.”
He placed you on your side of the bed and wrapped the covers around you, protecting you from the biting winter air. A quick double back to the bathroom allowed Bucky to retrieve your water and Gatorade, and a trip to the kitchen supplied you with extra. Just in case you needed more.
And when everything was set just so, he stripped out of his clothes and finally climbed into bed. “See? Knew I should’ve just come home, doll.” This was all he wanted all day. He got himself settled under the covers and molded his body to yours. He was supposed to be here- right here- next to you. At all times. It was better for you, better for him. 
Peace settled over your bedroom and Bucky felt exhaustion pulling him under- until an alarm sounded in his head. He quickly scrounged around in the dark for his phone and, against his will, removed himself from the bed. He was so close to getting some rest, to spending the night tucked closely next to his best girl- but of course, something had to get in his way.
 He scrolled through his contacts with a sigh and found the name he needed before pressing call. James Rhodes didn’t particularly like Bucky. And definitely wasn’t happy that his least favorite person decided to call in the wee hours of the early morning. But the least Bucky could do was give him a heads up. 
“I’m not coming in tomorrow. My girl’s really sick and I need to be with her.”
Rhodes couldn’t believe Bucky called him so late- or, early- to give him such inconsequential news. “Um, okay. That sucks, I hope she feels better. But people get sick, Barnes. She’ll be okay. I still expect you to attend tomorrow-”
“No, I’m not leaving her here by herself. That’s final.”
Rhodes tried to form a rebuttal, but Bucky ended the call. He even shut off his phone for good measure. 
“Sorry about that, sweetheart…” he whispered, climbing back into bed. “But I’m all yours tomorrow. Well, let’s be honest, I’m all yours for the rest of time. But you know what I mean.”
Once again, he wriggled under the covers and snuggled close to you. You didn’t move when the bed dipped under his weight, nor did you stir when he curled around you. He knew you were so depleted, so spent that you wouldn’t wake until noon- if then. 
“I’m so glad you texted me,” he whispered into the dark. He let a hand trail up and down your arm, pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “And I’m so- I’m so glad you’re alright.” He fidgeted and maneuvered himself, wishing he could scoot closer to you. But every surface of his body was already pressed to yours; he big-spooned you so intensely that not even a millimeter-sized gap remained. Still, he wasn’t close enough. He wasn’t sure he ever would be.
“But even if you weren’t- if you actually had um… if you-” he swallowed hard, “if you relapsed, I’d be here. I always will be- through all of it. No matter what happens. I don’t care how far away I am, I’ll find a way to get to you. I promise.” 
With his promise spoken, a weight lifted from Bucky’s shoulders. He didn’t like thinking about you getting sick again, about your mind sabotaging your body like that. He knew it was possible, though. His own mental health hadn’t always been stellar, and he knew how easy it was to slip into the darkness. But the last time you battled your demons, you were alone. You kept your struggle a secret and didn’t bother resisting the downward spiral.
Bucky hoped that having him would make things easier if you ever did fall down that slippery slope once again. Not that being in a relationship could save your mental health- he knew well enough that that wasn’t possible.
He just thought that having someone by your side- someone who loved and supported you without judgement- would give you the strength you needed if the monsters ever came calling again. It certainly worked for him. Allowing you into his life kept him from the precipice on more than one occasion; he just hoped to do the same for you, if need be.
He knew you trusted him exactly the way he trusted you, and it granted him solace. He knew that if, heaven forbid, things ever got bad for you again, you’d let him help you. You’d be truthful with him about your struggles. You'd lean on him, go to him for support. Knowing that you had a safety net allowed him to breathe easier. And finally, after over twenty-four hours spent awake, Bucky fell into a deep sleep.
Taglist: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality  @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony  @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl  @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot  @seitmai @itvy5601 @dailyreverie  @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine  @evangeliamerryll @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather  @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky @hereforbuckyandsteve @barnesselo
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moxiebrown · 19 days
Moxie’s brief review of content creator subscription services and memberships
At the start of last year, I canceled all my big subscription services (Netflix, Hulu, etc) in favor of using that money to support more independent creators and smaller streaming services. After a year, here are my thoughts.
🤔 Smosh membership
I’m waiting to see if they offer additional perks for Bit City besides early access and Behind the Scenes members only videos. For now, I’m keeping my membership to feed my parasocial Ianthony needs. If they are NOT going to offer additional perks, I imagine they’ll end YT memberships at a certain point.
❌ Second Try
I had stopped watching a lot of Try Guys content before the Ned drama, but I was impressed by how they handled the controversy and I am rooting for them in general. I don’t think the Second Try app gives enough additional content to justify renewing my subscription, and the additional cast is very hit or miss for me. I can find my faves, Jonnycakes and Miles B. on their own channels so I’ll support them there. Also, there’s only so much of Keith eating mediocre food I can stand to watch.
❌ Mythical Society
You have to be a big Rhett & Link fan to enjoy this, or be invested in getting their exclusive merchandise. I’m neither, so didn’t renew.
❌ Watcher
I know they received a lot of backlash but they were my favorite Buzzfeed creator. I never remember to log in and I’ve decided not to renew. Unfortunately I think they’ll shut down within the next couple of years.
✅ Various Patreons of small content creators
This has consistently been my primary way of supporting small creators and in general, it’s been worth it. My favorite is Miles in Transit.
✅ Nebula
I like to have one stop for all my nerdy interests and long-form content. I’ve already renewed.
🤔 Shudder
I’m going to subscribe on a month by month basis; I love spooky content but sometimes don’t have the time to open the app for weeks.
Any creators or streaming services you think are worth it?
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delopsia · 2 years
Bestie i need more headcanons on cuddle bug rhett 😭🐛
I feel like I could go on about Rhett being a cuddle bug for HOURS
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When you first get together, Rhett is very, very hesitant to touch you. Not out of a dislike for it but because he tends to forget how strong he is, and he's mortified that he'll hurt you. He's had a lot of instances in the past where he's hugged someone a little too hard or otherwise caused some sort of accidental harm.
But once you establish that you're not breakable! and that he isn't going to break your spine simply from hugging you from behind; all bets are off.
He used to always argue that he's not touch starved, saying something about lack of physical touch not bugging him in the slightest, but in reality, he's just grown so used to it that he doesn't see the signs anymore.
That argument went out the window when one day, you reached up and cradled his cheeks in your palms, and his face softened with a realization that he'd never had before.
Touch is a very intimate thing for him. He never had a lot of it growing up, and for a while there, it was only a thing he could find in his weekend hookups. It's something that makes him feel safe, feel real, like he's not just an invisible being whose only purpose is to work.
Rhett's favorite thing is to have you lying on his chest. There's just something so comforting in having you on top of him, safely secured in his big, strong arms. He could lay like that for hours if you'd let him.
There is a designated kiss for every occasion. Hello and goodbye kisses, just picked you up in his truck kisses, cheer-me-up forehead kisses, bedtime kisses, I didn't expect to run into you here kisses, giggly nose kisses because it's cold out and our noses feel like they're made of ice. For everything you do, there is a reason for a kiss or two.
Kisses your injuries, too. From bruises to cuts to old scars, they all deserve kisses!
He loves it when you kiss the scar on his chest. He's never really paid much attention to it until you started doing that, and now its become one of his favorite scars.
Autumn and Spring are his favorite seasons. Not because of the weather but because sometimes you misjudge the weather and wind up snuggling into him for warmth.
Laces your pinkies together when you walk. It's subtle, just a loose little link that doesn't result in hot, sweaty hands after a few minutes.
Drops everything to cuddle with you if you ask. It doesn't matter what he was doing beforehand; he's already halfway across the room with his arms open wide. Do you want to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie? Go to bed and take a nap together? Hell, he'll even carry you there!
Recently, Rhett's been introduced to the theaters with big couches instead of tiny seats, and he's been hooked. A movie with his sweetheart, in a comfy loveseat where he can cuddle with you and not spill the popcorn?? Sign him the fuck up.
It's a bit of a drive, considering Wabang is close to nothing, nothing, and more, nothing, but he doesn't mind it. That just means he gets to spend more time with you!
He won't admit it, but he really enjoys being the little spoon. Especially if you let him tuck his head up under your chin and go to sleep there. It's nice to feel small and delicate every once in a while.
Turns into a damn glue trap when he's drunk. Once you let him touch you, he's not coming off.
The good thing is, that means he's the last person to go missing in a bar. The bad thing is, you literally cannot get him off of you. He's hugging you from behind, sleepily kissing your cheek as he fusses about how he's sleepy and wants to go home.
And what do you mean that he can't snuggle into you in this booth because you're in public? That couple over there might as well be having sex against the wall at this point, and they're not bothered! So why can't he cuddle you??
"Just one kiss?" Rhett pleads, batting those pretty, long lashes of his, "please?"
"Rhett, I've already given you one," you regret the words the very second they come out of your mouth because his eyes drop to his lap, disappointed. You might as well have just backhanded him.
What's worse is you know he's not doing it intentionally. He just doesn't know how to control his expressions when he's drunk. If he's feeling it, you can see it written all over his scruffy face.
Reaching over, you take hold of his jaw and tilt it up, pressing a soft peck to his lips.
The corners of his eyes crinkle as he giggles.
It even works to get him out of those petty bar fights. All you have to do is run your hand up his back, speaking gently, and he's backing out of it. Might have a few more choice words for who he's angry with, but it works. Perry calls it the Magic Touch.
In the event that you tell him no, he does one of three things, he either pouts, accepts it, and moves on, OR he turns it into a game of 'who's gonna crack first.'
He always cracks first.
All you have to do is cozy up somewhere, open up your arms, and he's gone.
It's rare that he gets to join you, but bubble baths are his favorite way to wind down with you. It always starts out with him sitting across from you, legs tangled up as you talk about everything under the sun, but as the water starts to grow cold, he scoots over to sit next to you.
Play! With! His! Hair! There is no quicker way to make the man nearly purr. Sleepily blinks at you and smiles all big and wide while you do it.
Shamelessly loves the sparkly bath bombs you use every once in a while. he gets a real kick out of seeing the glitter on his skin the next day, and you usually get a picture of his shimmering hand with the caption, "darlin', I'm sparkling in the light again."
This past summer, Rhett got the big idea of putting a hammock behind the house, tucked safely into the shade of the trees. Really went all out and got one of the bigger ones because, hey! Potential cuddle spot!
Sometimes you'll find him out there, knocked out cold with his hat flat on his face, and you'll climb in and join him in his afternoon cat nap. He's too deep of a sleeper to notice your arrival, but he's always grinning like an idiot when you wake up. "Didn't expect to wake up with an angel in my arms."
Does that thing where he places his hand on your lower back as you step past him. He doesn't even intend for it to happen; it just winds up there, gently pressing into you until you're out of reach.
Nuzzles you with his nose like he's a dog. It's the first thing he does once he's got you in his arms, nose wiggling against you as he finds himself a nice, comfortable spot. It tickles, and your giggles only make him do it even more.
Who would have thought a cowboy could be so cuddly?
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amjadxxx · 27 days
The vows renewal .. and Wonderhole episod2..
Oghhh, i actually ndeed a couple of days to recover abit from them.. And the Wonderhole episod being on the same fucking day😫😫 it was alot..
First, the way rhett was trying to holds eye contact with link.. but link being so awkward, he was barely able to look at rhett without giggling… but please, note the way rhett was LOOKING at link…. when link wasen't looking at him, he would basically stare, but the MOMENT link's eyes shifts towards him, he'd look away…(you would think he's a middle schooler and this is his first time having a cruch on someone😭) and the last part… the "if you feel like it, kiss" link literally saved him. rhett just didn't know what to do, he just kept fidgeting ,and jumping from one foot to the other, wating for someone to move, or for something to happen… like i don't think i've ever seen rhett be this discombobulated before, he literally forgot to say the thing they say at the end of EVREY episod, someone from the crew had to till him, say it!!
I mean tell me please, i'm i missing something? Do all best friends look at each other with so much adoration and LOVE??… I can't remember looking at my bff like this😅 But who are we kidding, they're not like any other, are they? Forty years of being together, since elementary schoole, growing up together, through thick and thin, good and bad.. just all of it, together. ( I'm not trying to be over the top about it..this. is.literally.it.😭😫)
And about the second episod of Wonderhole.. offf, just so many emotions😭 the thing that gets me is not that they actually did that, and acted these scenes, no. What just makes me want to cry (while simultaneously giggling and kicking my feet) is that they actually sat down, just the two of them, and wrote that, before even knowing if they're ganna actually do it and if it's gonna happen or not… things like "wherever you go, i go" " i'll miss you best friend" and "you'r fused together, you two are literally one"… And so many other lines that are just so romantic, it hurts..and we still don't know what they have instore for us in the coming episodse…( I don't know if my heart can take it, but i'm so excited..)
But I'm realizing that this is like their little love letter to each other, without actually having to look into each others eyes and SAY those things (like in the vows renewal, where they just seem to forget how to make eye contact..😆)
But I'm so happy for them, and i'm especially happy to see that they're actually starting to understand the depth of their connection. It's not just a "normal" friendship, it's so much more than that, and while i've always thought that they down play it and try to say, oh it's not a big deal ( becuse of thing they'd say some times..) i think this forty years mark is really resonating with them.. and thank god for that, it's about time.
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lilac-hecox · 3 months
I can’t help but be jealous of Try guy fans and Mythical fans. They get so much of Zach & Keith and Rhett & Link while Smosh fans get to see Ian & Anthony maybe once every other week at times. I miss them and I wish they knew how much we love to see them in videos.
I was thinking of that as well. Though, I think the Try Guys are slowly moving towards having more content that doesn't rely just on Zach and Keith. They have a bigger cast now. Rhett and Link, their content still focuses mainly on them with crew being big support.
Smosh is interesting because the heart of it is Ian and Anthony and their bond. Then it wasn't that for so long. I'm glad we have the smosh cast. They are incredible and hilarious, and I do love them.
Ian and Anthony have also said that they want Smosh to be overall the bond of friendship and highlighting the cast of talented people they have.
It's a delicate balance, and right now, the balance is off because of the break. I love seeing Ian and Anthony together and wish there was something dedicated so we got them at least once a week.
I'm glad we at least have lunchtime to look forward to this week.
I'm also hoping when they do come back it will be content also focused on them.
It's strange because I don't only want Ian and Anthony all the time but I DO want to see them and see them across the channels and together.
It's rough!
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jula483 · 1 year
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VERY excited for tomorrow's Rhett and Link channel video!
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
📓 💙 if you have the spoons
Hi, Clem!!
Ough! Okay yes! So the other day I was thinking about a very cute friends to lovers au for JacePorter where it’s like if Rhett and Link from GMM were like actually romantically together but not until much later in their careers. So here we go 💖
Jace and Porter have been inseparable since the 1st grade. The way Jace tells it, little Ambrose Bellgate kept making fun of his ears so new kid Porter threw a pencil at the little brat and told him to leave Jace alone.
Porter remembers it differently, that Jace DEFINITELY joined in on the pencils throwing because he was a menace of a 7 year old. It ended with a crying Ambrose and both Jace and Porter stuck inside during recess. They make the most of it though by reading a comic Porter snagged from his brother’s collection and sharing the fruit snacks Jace’s mom packed for him that morning. 
They still bicker about the details of that story even though they have countless more from middle school, high school, college, and even more documented throughout their shared YouTube career. 
Even after all these years they still do everything together, so much so that fans speculate about how they could still be that close after 30 years. If it’s been that long they must be in love right? 
Much to Jace’s dismay they aren’t. 
He has, however, been hopelessly and embarrassingly in love with his best friend since high school. He thought things would change when he started dating his first boyfriend but he squarely fucked that up when he moaned Porter’s name during his first time. He’d hoped his feelings would die down when Porter started seeing his first girlfriend. But then there was another and another and Jace just found himself jealous of every single girlfriend and still in love with his completely oblivious best friend. 
He didn’t think anything between them could be a possibility until he watched Porter sneak off with a guy in a club bathroom during college. He pointedly doesn’t ask, but it does give him a tiny ounce of hope.
Present day, Jace is unhappily married, Porter is contently divorced and maybe one night in their shared office Jace is still buzzing from the office party they threw to celebrate a wrap on season 20 of their morning show. Porter stumbles through the door drunk and giddy and plops down next to Jace on their couch. 
Somehow in the haze of alcohol and fuzzy feelings Jace found his way into Porter’s lap and Porter can’t get enough of the sounds Jace is making. And Gods, somewhere in his stupor he’s back in college listening to Jace getting railed in the next room over while he jerks off wishing it were him in that room instead of whatever douchey asshole boyfriend Jace had at the time. 
But then Jace is kissing down his neck and fuck the past, he wants to live in the now, where Jace is grinding down hard on him and he has a slight pink tint to his cheeks from the alcohol and all he can think of is how gorgeous he looks right now. How good Jace’s lips feel against his how- How Jace is married… and this probably isn’t okay. Porter doesn’t like Jace’s stupid idiot husband Ambrose (yes, that Ambrose. Typical Jace to marry his bully much to Porter’s fucking dismay.) 
But he’s not about to fuck up Jace’s relationship over one drunken make out. So he pulls away. And he doesn’t miss the small pout that crosses Jace’s lips before he’s climbing off of him and saying he’s sorry. And Porter looks at him, like really looks at him and takes his hand.
“You don’t have to be, I liked it.” And that’s all Porter needs to say before Jace is mentally signing the divorce papers. Because fuck Ambrose. He still makes fun of his ears and they’ve had more arguments than Jace could count about how he gets to fuck off to his “little fantasyland” (Fuck you, Ambrose 🙄🔪) with Porter, while he works a shitty 9-5 he hates. It’s not Jace’s fault, he told him he makes more than enough to provide for the both of them, but of COURSE Ambrose took issue with that too like he does with-
“Hey, hey calm down, look at me. Breathe.” Porter can tell he’s thinking, running through every little scenario in his head because Jace is prone to worrying. It’s why they work so well together. Jace worries and Porter reminds him everything will be okay. Always. Just like he is now. Once Jace heart has slowed to an acceptable pace, Porter holds Jace’s hands in his and asks, “Are you sure, Stardiamond.” 
Jace nods and for the first time in years, he truly has everything he’s ever wanted. 
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asherlockstudy · 6 months
Did you give your thoughts about the colonoscopies? I would love to know your take on what was said and implied because I have some thoughts..
I almost didn’t do it but okay let’s go.
The Brolonoscopy (they pronounced it as Brolinoscopy?)
I will once more start with the puzzle piece reference. Let’s see the exact quote: “Well, the technical term is colonoscopy when a doctor explores your large intestine with a little camera to check for signs of cancer, polyps, gastrointestinal abnormalities, missing puzzle pieces. It could be anything.” Okay, with all the objectivity I can master, the possibility of this being a throw-away statement and not a reference to their own old video is, very seriously, below 1%. Let’s start from what the joke is on the surface. The superficial joke is the weird objects people insert in their rectum for sexual gratification. But why say puzzle pieces of all things? I don’t think I need to explain why a puzzle piece has a shape that is not meant to offer any pleasure but is sure to cause huge discomfort. Nobody (I hope) would like the idea of sticking a puzzle piece up there = 0% pleasure, 100% cuts and pain. So why go with puzzle pieces and not a million other objects that would have a more reasonable shape? Furthermore, notice that it is the ONLY irrelevant item Rhett mentions. He says cancer, polyp, other health abnormalities… and MISSING PUZZLE PIECES. He jumps to it straight away. It is not part of a series of items that have no business in your butt. He just says this one, in specific, all alone and nothing else. Lastly, of course this quote is from the scripted intro. No incoherence, no thoughtless blabbering. Scripted intentional statement.
The Link butt flashing is nothing truly important, it’s a throwback, Link had also done it in the brosectomy. Rhett looked the other way but there was also a cut there lol
I love how butt flashing Link thought Rhett was being indecent because a little bit of the shoulder was showing 😂
Let’s go to drugged up Rhett. The things he says are: a) using buttplugs regularly, b) eating a lot of hotdogs (although when sane he has said he doesn’t often opt for actual hot dogs), c) a man fond of looking and entering the asshole (although when sane he identified as a vagina fan man). So he spoke of three things and all were associated with anal sex and more so gay anal sex (hot dog). I think at some point Link’s embarrassment almost became genuine. There’s more to be said here but I will come back to this later.
Rhett was somehow so endearing when he was mumbling how Link complains about everything except peanut butter.
Link makes it clear he’s fine with something going up his dookie shoot.
Overall, sedated Link is more of a normally sedated person than Rhett was and there is stuff to be said about it. But first, let’s talk about the normal stuff: when Link is brought to during the colonoscopy, he initially is antsy, has discomfort, asks repeatedly if the doctor found anything bad, tries to move. Those reactions were normal. The only not normal one up to this point was wanting to canoe down a colon… But, again, there’s a lot more to be said.
“I’m glad we saved ourselves for each other and broke the seal together” intentional joke when Rhett was fully awake.
Link also said something like “I spent all my life with a cone up my ass” probably a metaphor of repression.
As a person who has had an endoscopy with anaesthesia (maybe more than a regular dosage), a relative who had one with half the typical dosage of anaesthesia and a thug relative who did it with NO anaesthesia, in case you are young and vibrant and healthy, which I very much hope so, and have not undergone such a procedure yet, let me tell you something: regarding many parts of their incoherent sedation, THAT’S NOT HOW BEING INCOHERENT DURING SEDATION WORKS.
Link commented in the end of the video that he was more out of it than Rhett was and Rhett disagreed due to all the insane stuff he had said, for which he took no responsibility. The thing is, Link was telling the truth and perhaps intentionally. He was more out of it than Rhett. “Out of it” here means being more sedated and therefore more incapable of communicating or talking. And certainly NOT saying sexual and other supposedly crazy stuff with extraordinary detail. There is proof for that in the video, as spoken by the doctor, which was not edited out.
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The doctor said Rhett took less medicine than the typical dosage is and, you know, doctors have the tendency to minimize pain anyway. Which means that for the doctor to be impressed that Rhett handled it so well, he was in fact not all that drugged up. The dosage that was given to him was apparently enough to numb the pain / discomfort but he was pretty conscious for most of the time. Compare it to Link, who was given more medicine and when they tried to wake him as much as Rhett, he had discomfort, was making motions and asking the doctor questions about his health. Link’s state was making a lot more sense. There are several cuts and edits during Rhett’s colonoscopy but in general I feel like he took one up for the team (literally) so that he would say certain things under the cover of incoherence. Like they said, they asked the doctor to use the minimum drug dosage so they could be as alert and conscious as possible - apparently Rhett was able to tolerate a lower dosage that inevitably made him remain more alert for a longer time. Bodies are different. In any case, Rhett took much less drug than his doctor expected him to need, which means he was able to communicate well and maintain an unusual level of consciousness during such a procedure. Besides all the sex jokes he made with full phrases, this is more obvious in the “Jessie” question. Here’s how sedation works: if you are in the state that you don’t remember your mother for example, you definitely also don’t remember the lyrics of an obscure song you listened to once. End of story. What happens with Rhett here is exactly that. He supposedly is incapable of remembering his wife but he has no problem remembering… let’s analyse this.
Doctor: So, Rhett, who’s Jessie? You got a tattoo.
Link: That’s his favourite proctologist.
Rhett: You’re talking about Jesse Pinkman?
Doctor: We got Jessie on your right buttcheek.
Rhett: … he was the right hand man of Walter White in Breaking Bad.
Link: No, they are talking about your wife, dude.
Rhett: Jesse James was a…
(Irrelevant chatter about endoscope going in.)
Rhett: Jussie Smollet was a…
Link: No, let’s not talk about him.
Also look:
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Look at him. He is pretty alert. He looks at Link when he talks to him, he is wide-eyed, he raises his head. He also repeatedly looked to his right (our left) during the Jessie conversation. This was a bit. Perhaps the various Jessies were written on a paper there because he could have a problem remembering them on his own. When the endoscope was inserted, he was like “oh yeah hehe there it is, hello, ask for consent maybe hehe”. It’s funny, it’s inappropriate but IT IS NOT incoherent. It was a sex joke very suitable to the situation. He knew what he was saying at all times. Therefore, no matter how numbed he was, he was not enough to forget his own wife or repeatedly ignore the cues Link and the doctors gave him about her, all while listing a sidekick character from a show, a notorious bandit from the American civil war and a controversial but little known gay actor who staged an assault against himself and has mythomanic tendencies.
Link emphasises on the bit by saying to the doctor: “ I wonder if he’s gonna remember his wife when he wakes up. Because he certainly remembered every other Jessie he’s ever heard about”.
Like, okay? Trust me on this. Anaesthesia doesn’t work like selective amnesia. And few very particular amnesias work like remembering the obscure thing and forgetting the pivotal one.
This. Was. A. Bit.
And even Link’s embarrassment is parts real, parts a bit. Like, emphasising on how Rhett can’t think of anything besides buttholes.
Meanwhile, Link’s eyes are half-lidded and whenever the endoscope moves he tries to move and the nurses stop him. He’s on a bigger dosage and he’s more sensitive to this procedure than Rhett. Honestly, Link is just way more normal, I don’t know if Rhett was that hell of a champ or there was crazy editing going on. But Link is brought at some point more to as well. And then he says this:
“You know, Rhett, I am glad you are here for me. Why don’t we hold hands?” *Editing with a lot of stuff about polyps, business decision etc, at this point Link communicates well too* “I am so grateful that I get to have something shoved deep into my colon, in your presence… because you know that’s what life is all about.” Throughout this monologue, Link also looks somewhere at Rhett’s left and he is a little robotic. Maybe he was reading as well. This, too, was a bit.
And just like with all recent videos, this has similar vibes to another one. Let’s go back to the We Dug A Medium Sized Hole. As Rhett and Link dig with their shovels, Link says;
“You know, there is nothing I’d rather be doing now than digging a hole. Seriously, this is exactly what I want to be doing. And there’s no one else I would rather be digging a hole with.”
That’s all from me, you said you had thoughts as well, if they are additional or different, I would love to read them!
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The Cowboy’s Ice Princess ⛸ | Rhett Abbott Headcanon
Link to my Rhett Abbott Masterlist
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Takes place in the year 2021 (I know OR came out in 2022, but they more than likely filmed last year so im using that as the timeline). Also content warnings: light mentions of sporting injuries and misogyny/sexism by the press.
Rhett falling love with a Olympic figure skater would look like:
It all began when Rhett was asked by Cecelia to take Amy to her ice skating lessons. First off, the man didn’t even know his niece was enrolled in them. second, where the hell was he supposed to take her? After gaining the information —which was that Amy’s classmate had their birthday party at the ice rink in the city where she immediately fell in love with skating and begged for lessons—Rhett was giving the address and the two were on their way. “We’re gonna be really early, uncle Rhett,” she said when she saw the time, deep down it excited her-knowing that before her lessons were the training hours of a famous skater. Rhett, unaware of what the girl was thinking replied, “well, there ain’t no harm in showin’ up early. Better get you started now.”
When they arrived at the rink they were really early. Like Amy still nearly an hour till her lessons started. Only a few cars were in the parking lot so Rhett suggested they wait in the car until it got closer to the time, but Amy was like “no! Let’s go in! I don’t mind waiting inside.” “Well alright….” Walking toward the facility, Rhett missed how beneath the name of the building it said, “home of Olympic Champion, Y/n L/n.” Inside the lady at the counter smiled at Amy saying, “you’re early today Amy. The ice won’t be ready until they finish up down there, but i can get you your skates and you two can head on over to the bleachers.” Picking up her skates, since Amy didn’t have her own personal ones to bring, she carried them past the concession booth and locker room entrance to the stairs leading to the bleachers where music could be heard through the speakers.
As soon as the rink was visible, blue eyes landed on the figure gliding across the ice like she was a ballerina doing a solo on a the stage. Even from a distance Rhett noticed her beauty, which was only accentuate as she danced across the ice. She was dressed in a black turtleneck and leggings, white skates in her feet and hair slicked back into a tight bun. Rhett was pretty much frozen, captivated by the lone skater who was in her own element, unaware there were onlookers besides her coach who was off to the side. Each spin, each jump, each glide and Rhett felt like he was in a trance—until Any pulled him out by hissing under her breath, “stop being creepy and sit down, uncle Rhett.” When he did Rhett noticed a look of awe in Amy as she watched the skater, leaning in to whisper, “this why you didn’t mind waitin’ in her’ when you still got plenty of time?”
With a grin and not taking her eyes off the skater, Amy began to rant to her uncle, “That’s Y/n L/n—one of the best figure skaters in the world. Some weeks ago some of the girls I do lessons with told me ‘bout her after I asked about the little shrine dedicated to her when you first walk in. You didn’t see it but it’s on the other end of the counter if we would’ve turned right instead of goin’ straight,” Amy paused to watch the woman, Y/n, complete a triple axel, one of the most difficult jumps in the sport. “Anyways, Ruby told me Y/n’s trained at this rink since she was five years old and is one of few people from this city to make it big in the world. She’s competed on the international level since 2010–and went to the Olympics!! Three times!! She’s trainin’ for the 2022 Games in China happenen’ next year. Her trainin’ is right ‘fore my lessons but gramma always brings right on time so I never get to see her unlike some of the other girls. I heard people on tv call her the ‘Ice Princess’ —not ‘cause she’s a great skater, but ‘cause she’s rude to reporters—but some of the girls say she’s very nice and welcomin’ when they’ve gotten a chance to talk to her before class.”
Impressed and captivated by you, Rhett does a google search and finds your career stats. Whistling under his breath, Rhett reads that since your debut at the 2009 U.S Figure Skating Championships at the age of 14, you’ve gone on to become—in your discipline of the women’s singles— a six-time National champion, a four-time World champion, and are currently the reigning Olympic champion of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Rhett also reads you have three World silver medals, are the 2014 Olympic silver medalist & the 2010 Olympic bronze medalist as well as part of the 2014 & 2018 U.S Olympic bronze medal teams. Bringing a total of five Olympic medals in three appearances. Rhett even came across a YouTube compilation titled, ‘Y/n L/n being the Ice Princess & snapping back at reporters for 4 minutes straight.’ Curious, Rhett watches it and all he saw was you acting how anyone would when asked about their weight, diet, personal struggles, and that they were getting old in a sport known for young girls.
What made Rhett’s eyes gouge from his head was when your information read that you were actually from Wabang. “No fucking way,” he muttered just as the music ended. Lifting his head he saw you exhale and skate in the direction of your coach. He couldn’t hear what was being said but soon you were back in the middle of the ice doing spins so fast it made him dizzy. You continued practicing elements of your routine for the remainder of your training. When it came time for you to exit the ice, feeling bold, Amy jumped up and raced to the entrance of the ice to meet you there with Rhett calling out to her. The sound caught your attention, where you smiled at the sight of a little girl beaming up at you with awe in her eyes, “well hello.”
Introducing herself, Amy politely asked for a picture which you happily agreed to just as Rhett approached with an apologetic expression. Immediately you thought he was handsome and looked away when you connected eyes. Gosh they were the most gorgeous shade of blue you’d ever seen. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. We didn’t mean to bother you, Ms. L/n.” You brushed it off saying it was not a problem and you were enjoying Amy’s company, hoping Rhett couldn’t pick up on the fact you found him extremely attractive. Since Rhett had the phone, he quickly snapped some photos of you two before he and Amy thanked you for your time. Amy’s lessons were about to start so you wished good luck and to have fun before heading to the locker room to freshen up and change since you weren’t gonna be back in the rink till later that night.
Rhett could not stop thinking about you after that. Whenever Amy had lessons Rhett would offer to take her, making his mother confused, and, coincidently, would arrive 20-30 minutes before her lessons just to watch you train. Sometimes her friends in the classes were also there, so it worked out cause then they weren’t the only two being lowkey creeps. Finding it amusing—especially when Rhett tried to make it look like he wasn’t completely captivated by you—you’d wave to them and say hello when passing by on your way out. Rhett would tip his hat, giving you a smile that nearly knocked your skates off.
Amy had lessons every Saturday & Sunday afternoon so after a month of admiring each other from a distance, you made the first move by approaching him after changing into your hoodie and jeans, “This seat taken?” “Not at all. Please, be my guest.” You two talked the entire duration of Amy’s lesson. After finding out they were also from Wabang, and Rhett mentioning he read you were from there, you explained to him, “Yeah my ma worked as a nurse here in the city and would bring me everyday while she worked almost a twelve-hour shift. I basically grew up in the rink. My pops was a ranch hand ‘til he hurt his back and homeschooled me so I could skate. I moved closer to here when I turned eighteen—but my folks still live in Wabang and I visit every week.” Rhett then talked about his family’s ranch and bull riding and soon Amy’s lesson ended. While she was getting changed you and Rhett exchanged numbers after the cowboy asked if you wanted to get coffee the next time you were in town.
The feelings between you two bloomed over several weeks of texting, phone calls, and going on dates whenever you were in Wabang or having Rhett travel to the city. One of your dates actually was bringing him onto the ice after the days lessons were done and nobody wad there. That memory would go down as the funniest night of your lives with Rhett losing his balance, bringing you both onto the ice several times because you two were holding hands. “C’mon, cowboy, give me one lap without falling and I may just give you a kiss when the night ends.” Oh you bet your ass he did everything in his power to not fall on that one lap. When it was a success he immediately asked for his payment, and so your first kiss happened right there in the middle of the rink. From that moment on you were his and he was yours
When you came to the ranch Rhett would teach you to rope and ride a horse. His mother nearly had a heart attack when you met for the first time, obviously knowing who you were because she’d seen the shrine dedicated to you and your accomplishments at the rink. She couldn’t believe her son actually was in a relationship with you. Amy was over the moon and happy for her uncle. Royal and Perry were actually impressed but lowkey made bets on how long it would take for Rhett to fuck it up.
Rhett was head over heels for you and made the promise to never let you down. You were his woman and he became your biggest supporter. Even when Amy didn’t have lessons Rhett would come to the rink in his free time to bring you food or sit in on your practice. He saved up money just to travel and watch you compete, spent time on learning the different moves and jumps, and how the scoring works. You’d made it known to him that the upcoming Beijing Games were to be your last if you made the team so Rhett became your personal cheerleader to motivate you to do your best. “Baby, you’re gonna make that team—no doubt ‘bout it. Just keep doin’ what’re doin’ and that gold medal will be yours again. And I’m gonna be cheerin’ you on every step of the way.”
You made Rhett feel things he never thought he would feel. You inspired him, motivated him, was not only his partner but his best friend. With you he never felt like a disappointment. You made him laugh, held him when he cried after a bad day, encouraged him to follow his dreams. Rhett loved you so much he couldn’t picture a life without you. Even when he would rant about how you deserved better than him, you stayed by his side, kissing him breathless to show you were just as crazy about him as he was of you. “I don’t ever wanna hear those words again, Rhett Abbott. I don’t just open heart to anyone. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I love you so much and I’m going to make sure you know that everyday. You’re my cowboy, Rhett Abbott.”
You would attend his rodeos, cheering in the stands which has some of the locals shocked to see you there. Although you no longer lived in Wabang many of the residents knew who you were. Whenever the Olympics came around your picture was on the front page of the newspaper, detailing your accomplishments. Many couldn’t believe one of then had made it to the worlds greatest sporting stage and was recognized as one of the best athletes in their sport. They also couldn’t believe the notorious Rhett Abbott had managed to pull you—confirmed by the dropping of jaws when Rhett swooped you off your feet to kiss you when he finished his ride. He’d been up front with you about his reputation, but you assured him you’d never judge him by his past and as long as he continues to be the man he was to you then you were in for the long haul. “C’mon, cowboy, let’s show ‘em you’re better than what they perceive ya.” With his Stetson on your head, you had to hold back smirking at the disappointed looks from buckle bunnies.
Being a professional athlete working to defend an Olympic title was challenging. There were days you didn’t hit your routine as sharp or fell on a jump. About three month before the trials you lightly sprained your ankle when you landed wrong on your triple axel, putting you off the rink for two weeks for it to heal. During that period your stress and anxiety was high, worried that you were falling off your game and would miss your chance at winning a second gold. 2018 was the best year of your life, winning your first Olympic gold in your third Games. Since then the commentators have put a lot of pressure on you and have go so far as to call you the ‘Ice Princess,’ due to your stone cold attitude at the press when they’ve asked offensive questions you’ve called them out on instead of giving a sugar coated answer to remain polite. Only the media seemed to be your enemy because friends, teammates and even competitors had praised you for standing up to the press.
On those days that were hard Rhett would take you out on a nice date before settling down for the night by cuddling on the coach with the fire going and have a movie on the tv. Rhett would hold you in his arms, running his hands through your hair and murmur words of encouragement. “I know you had a rough day, baby. But just ‘member that each rough day is a sign to do better the next. Tomorrow is a new day. You just gotta rest tonight and put your mind at ease, so let’s talk about anythin’ ‘sides the ice.”
When the trials came for the 2022 Winter Olympic team, you were the #1 overall skater for your discipline securing your spot on the team. You were in tears, hugging your coach as Rhett, his family, and your family cheered in the stands. He even had to wipe his face, overcome with emotion and met you when it concluded with a bouquet of flowers and a passionate kiss. “I’m so proud of you, darlin’. So so proud,” he said in between kisses, “you were incredible—I knew you could do it.” Unfortunately Rhett wouldn’t be joining you in Beijing due to the COVID restrictions set in place, but he promised to be up every morning to watch you skate. It was a tearful goodbye at the airport with Rhett telling you how much he loved you and would miss for the next two and a half weeks, and after several kisses and promises to call everyday he finally let you go so you could get through customs.
Rhett and his family sat down to watch the opening ceremonies of the Games where you led Team USA as their selected flag bearer. You looked so adorable in your outfit that Rhett couldn’t help but take a picture if his tv when the camera panned to you. Not much of a social media person, he did however post it on his story with the caption, “That’s my Ice Princess♥️⛸.” The nickname you once hated ended up being your favorite whenever Rhett called you it. Only he could make you flustered when it rolled off his tongue. He was your cowboy, you were his Ice Princess.
Making through with his promise, Rhett got up at the ass crack of Dawn the days you were set to go on the ice. Qualifications, team finals, short program, free skate, he was on his couch watching it live. When it came back you were the #3 overall qualifier, Rhett was over the moon. Then he and Amy cheered together when the USA claimed the silver metal in the team. He watched you with beaming eyes on the screen medal yourself and hold it up with pride.
On the day of your free skate, the final segment of the women’s signals skate finals, Rhett held his breath and was on the edge of his seat when you stepped on the ice. The last to perform, becoming a two-time Olympic champion would be down to the four minutes ahead if you. All through the routine he felt that familiar skip in his heart like the first time he saw you. You glided across the ice with ease, like a ballerina on stage. Each twirl, each jump was perfection and you hit every single element, finishing the routine with a grin on your face. You knew right then, as did the small crowd of local spectators and members of team USA as well as Rhett and y’all’s families back home. They were already celebrating with Rhett having tears in his eyes the moment your name came up with the overall total next to the #1 spot.
Rhett never thought he’d find love—especially with someone as amazing as you. You were the definition of perfection, the most dedicated, inspiring, beautiful person he’d ever met and everyday he thanked whoever above to allow him the honor of being your cowboy. When the gold medal was placed around your neck, and you announced the closing of a chapter with retiring from the sport of figure skating, Rhett couldn’t wait to be a part of the next chapter. But no matter what you did on or off the rink, you would always be his Ice Princess.
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tame-a-messenger · 7 months
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON, I don’t follow Rhett & Link so I didn’t see that post but omg. When I seen that it made me so freaking happy. And no it’s not just a little dribble, at this point that photo was a whole meal + dessert. I missed them so much together and I’m happy we got them back, even if it’s just a post on Twitter 🥺
(About Mythicals Damangela post)
Genuinely that one photo + Damien interacting with it has added years to my life
(I feel like I had a tall glass of water at 2am) (that photo is my everything rn)
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delopsia · 1 year
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Thank you so much for 1000 followers! 🥹 ❤
I'm not good at celebration-based things; I've spent so much time thinking about what I could possibly do, and while I had plenty of options, nothing felt more fitting than a little dedication to the works that got us here.
When I stumbled into the fandom back in October, I really, truly thought I'd missed out on everything. Historically I've never had much luck fitting into fandoms, so when I tossed my little 1,800-word drabble about making Rhett say, "please," into the void, I really expected it to be a one-and-done thing.
You can imagine my surprise when I woke up to a flood of notifications full of people who not only enjoyed my writing style but wanted more.
I rolled in late, out of the blue, with arguably the roughest piece of writing I've ever made, and y'all just? Decided to keep me around? I'm still so shocked that I'm even here.
Every single one of you has helped me to fall back in love with writing, and that's something I truly thought would never happen. You've reminded me why I used to enjoy this so much; hell, you've even given me a nickname that I absolutely adore.
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to interact with me and my writing. I can't wait to see what else is in store for all of us.
- Del ❤
Links to all of the works shown in the banner, in order of appearance 💃
The Dreaming | Rhett Abbott x Reader x Bob Floyd
Flowers In November | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Whispers In The Dark | Rhett Abbott x Reader x Bob Floyd
Whiskey Sour | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Dancing Beneath The Moon | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Rhett_16 is typing... | Rhett Abbott x Reader x Bob Floyd
If You'll Have Me | Bob Floyd x Reader
Reeth | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Come On, Cowboy | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Better | Bob Floyd x Reader
Something Unholy | Rhett Abbott x Reader
Santa Dress | Bob Floyd x Reader
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I haven’t been here much and I miss y’all. I don’t think anyone particularly cares about what I’ve been doing but I love reading mundane stuff like this from my mutuals so here’s an update:
1. I shaved my head. I love it. I look like a badass lesbian (which is like 49% true).
2. I’ve read 90 books this year. 90% of those have been ebooks on my phone. So I finally caved and bought a Kindle Paperwhite. I’ll literally never go back. Reading is so much more comfortable now, omg! (Found a couple new favorite m/m romance authors too!)
3. I went to see The Little Mermaid and the new Spiderverse movie at the cinema. Was surprised how much I loved The Little Mermaid. Was not surprised how much I loved the spiderman movie. (Gwen is the coolest character ever!)
4. Watched The Owl House, Gravity Falls and Amphibia with my kiddo. Obsessed with all of them, especially Owl House.
5. Got back on depression meds and they seem to be helping. I’ve been feeling almost normal for the past few months.
6. Joined dating apps to maybe dip my toe into the dating pool. Did not get a date. Only got frustrated.
7. Joined a kink app and have been talking to some people in hopes of finding a sub to have some online fun with. One candidate read some of my rhink fic and was casual viewer of GMM. I of course gave them a lengthy lecture on Rhett and Link and their incredibly romantic history and soulmate-ness. Their response: “I’m never gonna see the show with same eyes again.” I feel I’ve already achieved more than I could have hoped for in that app.
8. Started writing multiple different novels but crippling anxiety and self-doubt stops me from continuing. Fun times. Should try go back to writing fic, just to be writing something.
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