#I may be aging myself but does anyone remember the old
shinobicyrus · 1 year
Now that it’s been out for a few months, what’re all of your thoughts on the Lackadaisy Pilot?
I can only give my opinion on the Pilot as a standalone work, since I've never read the comics.
I adored it. The animation was just... I have no words. After so many years of everything turning into CGI, seeing expertly done traditional animation like that was delightful! The details, the character designs, expressions, the colors, the style! The voice actors did spectacularly with their performances. Everyone had personality and flavor even if I didn't know their names.
Beat-by-beat the story was well-paced and executed. Again, as someone who never read the comics, I never felt lost, but I could also sense that there were nods to things that were for fans. That's a hard line to walk, but they managed it.
They also did a good job balancing the era with the tone and style. The whole world felt...well. Believable isn't quite the way I'd put it. It remained a cartoon that maybe my niece could watch with all the impressions of something appropriately darker, considering its bloody setting and era. It reminded me of an older style of animated movies/shows I grew up with. A bit cartoony but still...grounded.
Watching Lackadaisy was a treat, but it also made me realize that we had been missing something that was lost (or taken away) for a long time, and had no idea when it had happened.
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spiderink · 2 months
LV posted another comment about shipping a minor and adult, Horror and Aliza.
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More talking below cut for the sake of scrollers
They tried to make it seem okay, but that is still a child. Aging them up and aging the adult down will not change that. It is fictional, but many people have come forward and said they have been effected by people shipping those sorts of things. I myself have been effected by ships such as this, I’ve been desensitized quite a bit to it. It’s horrible how people have gotten used to horrible things like gore and things like this to the point people will just ignore it at times. But that doesn’t make it any better. No matter how they or any supporters of LV justify this, it will not be okay to ship. It hurts people. It has effected me and many others mentally.
The age of consent also does not make it any less disturbing, in fact that just feels like they’re throwing any sort of defense in there because they can’t think of any actual good reason it should be allowed. They aren’t even actually 16. They are canonically 12, and Horror is above 30. That is WAY BELOW the age of consent.
It’s disgusting that they are making Sans, who was created by Toby, and Horror, seem pedophilic. No one would want their OC displayed as that.
They could have gone back and changed some things and not mentioned they shipped the two. And none of the drama would have ever happened.
“Accusations of pedo are just strange” maybe it’s because it’s a 12 year old and a grown man above 30? Of course you’re going to be accused of such. Do not post a ship of a young minor and an adult and expect it to be fine.
“You may disagree with my opinion, and that’s okay. Just be polite. Remember that there’s a living person on the other side of the screen.” I do not believe people like this should be treated with respect. Pedo stuff is not a light topic, and to openly say you support it by shipping minors and adults together is disgusting, and cannot be justified in any sort of way.
Anyone who supports work like this are not welcome anywhere near me. If you do, block me. I do not need OR want you here.
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rachetmath · 8 months
Pyrrha: Hi you must be Alyx.
Alyx: Yes.
Pyrrha: Well I just want to talk to you about something.
Alyx: I mean sure but what-
Pyrrha: Not what. It’s who. You know Jaune Arc?
Alyx: I mean y-
Pyrrha: You know the Rustud Knight? The one you betrayed? Who you poisoned?
Alyx: Well I can- *attempts to run*
Penny: *blocks her path*Nope. All attempts of escape are at zero right now.
Alyx: You can’t be serious.
Penny: As the current generation would say," Oh yes bitch. Try me."
Alyx: Okay I may have wronged him a little bit.
Lewis: A little? You completely poisoned him.
Alyx: Lewis you are not helping.
Lewis: At least like Jaune I was trying. But you never listen.
Alyx: Look I understand but what’s the big deal? He got back to Remnant.
Pyrrha: Why?! Why did you do it?
Alyx: I mean… well… I… um….
Pyrrha: Alyx, understand, you have two deadly women on both sides of you. If you don’t give us a good explanation well…. I guess we’ll finally see if you can fall from heaven.
Alyx: Well I saw this vision and I didn’t like it.
Penny: Understood, what was the vision?
Alyx: Um… I *whisper* don’t remember.
Penny: You what?!
Alyx: I don’t remember okay?!
Pyrrha: What vision? Who’s vision?
Alyx: I don’t know. The writers didn’t give me anything. I saved him though. That counts, right?
Pyrrha: No. He just survived.
Penny: Plus your ‘help’ could give him problems down the road.
Alyx: Like what?
Me: I mean the fan base speaks for itself. I mean the guy hasn’t been in Remnant for years it’s going to be kind of hard for him to readjust. Not only that he has to recover from years of isolation, PTSD, trauma, and because of you he might as well also be having trust issues. Not only that he had to leave another friend behind. You and the Ever After might as have shattered him
Alyx: Oh Oum.
Pyrrha: Yeah. Oum can’t save you. Penny.
Penny: Way ahead of you.
Alyx: Wait you wouldn’t hurt an innocent black child right?
Pyrrha and Penny: ………..
Me: Alyx you heard the saying, “Equal rights equal fights.”
Alyx: Let’s say I don’t.
Me: No matter your race. No matter your sexuality. No more matter your gender or age. You made a choice to do what you do. And as a result of said choice you must face said consequences. Weither they be good or bad. Basically you may be a kid but you were grown enough commit murder. And as such-
Pyrrha: You have this coming.
Alyx: *crying* I’m sorry. I just wanted to home. Jaune had no idea how. So I did what ever took. And then the Cat betrayed me and I died. Please? Don’t hurt me!
Summer: Come now ladies. I know you’re both upset but-
Pyrrha: Ms. Rose! Shut up!
Summer: I’m sorry? Who are you talking to?
Pyrrha: You are a nobody. You have been irrelevant for a while now. You left your daughters and died. Your daughter ain’t shit. Your team is still disbanded even after you died. You might as well be an afterthought at this point.
Summer: Said the girl who’s only job was to run away.
Pyrrha: I went out in a blaze of glory. I proved myself. What the fuck have you done?
Summer: Um.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha I know I have no rights to talk.
Pyrrha: Damn straight. You suffered more than myself. All you had to do was live. Instead, you traumatized my man. He just got over me too. Why would you do that?
Penny: Okay, I’m sorry. But, he’s going to be fine now. Let’s just let her go. And we pray he gets better.
Pyrrha: Fine. You're lucky Alyx.
Alyx: Thank you. But I am sorry.
Pyrrha: Shut up. Oum damn. If this story continues he better get stronger and kill Cinder. Because this is stupid. I mean how much trauma does one guy need? How he is not a villain? I mean, come on, he can’t be like Yuji, he doesn’t have skills like that.
Penny: Well friend W-
Pyrrha: If you say her name I will end you.
Summer: Okay woah, it’s been nine volumes why are you mad about this?
Pyrrha: One; he deserves better. Two; I prefer your daughter or anyone else than her. Three; she’s fucking useless. And four; it took him being an old man for her to start liking him. Fuck that bitch.
Summer: Well like said, if you stayed alive then-
Pyrrha: If you stayed alive maybe Qrow would have stopped drinking. If you stayed alive maybe your baby daddy wouldn’t be in a state of depression. Maybe if you stayed alive you could help your daughter learn how to control her eyes and be less useless in fighting the Queen of Grimm.
Summer: That was uncalled for.
Pyrrha: Move along side character.
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The fall can be greater once at the top.
Logan howlett x reader
Warnings: Canon divergence.
I couldn't say I blamed them. They all wanted to know so much, but I had nothing to tell. Logan didn't remember me. He doesn't. And he may never do again. I may never hear him love me or feel his embrace or cook dinner with him ever again. But that's fine it's fine is in Fi it-
The dagger hit the wood stump down the middle, splitting it in two with a crunching crack. This wasn't my Logan. He looked like him yes and smelt like him and stared at me like him. But it Wasn't him.
How the fuck was I going to get him back? The early morning sun burst through the foliage with angelic rays of light that illuminated the grass below me. Like logans late night into early morning log runs. He would gather timber and old wood from the mill and bring it home. Would always say he'd turn it into toys for our children.
But he never did.
And we never had any children.
"Hey you!"
Logan. Still dressed in his suit, he marched through the thick ankle length grass toward me, that infamous scowl still printed on his face. Aged. Beautiful.
I cleared my throat "sorry" I stood up quickly "I can go if you'd prefer-"
"No" he interrupted "stay, you were here first I'm only stopping by to have a drink anyways"
Ever so grumpy and always so soft.
"I'm sure your wondering why I'm wearing the same suit as you huh?"
It was a terrible conversation starter. Because of course he wasn't. Why the fuck would he be?
"I was at first. But now I'm just thinking your some kind of fan" i sipped the liquid in his drink.
A fan.
a fan. A fucking fan. He looks at me like a fan. I took a bullet for him. I lost limbs and lost an eye. I kept secrets from my own family to protect Logan. Almost died protecting my own mind from Xavier to keep Logan safe. I killed myself so that Magneto couldn't trace him. Destroyed myself from the inside out for the possibility that it could save Logan. Helped him regain some memories back when he lost them. Stitched him up when he lost the ability to regenerate. Snapped a lot of metal bones back into place. Held him when he had nightmares and snuck out of bed. Trying to not wake him in the middle of the night to stitch the wound his claws had given me so that he wouldn't panic.
I held him in my arms while he died bleeding from the mouth. Choking. Coughing as I sobbed onto his clothing soaking my face in delicate tears of agony.
But what would I know I'm just a fucking fan.
"No. No, I'm no fan. I actually come from another earth like Wade. I'm the first female wolverine to grace the earth in that universe. Feels pretty amazing sometimes"
For a moment, I saw a glint of smile on his lips. "Damn, a female wolverine, huh? So, do I still exist or at all in your universe?"
Oh. Oh yes, does he exist. He's amazing. Oh, Logan, if only I could express it to you. Not even Odin above or any Oracle could give me the power to tell you about my wolverine.
"You do. Infact we know each other"
It was a risk. Fuck it was a massive risk doing this. I felt like I was going to throw up or worse faint. I thought death must be kinder than this.
"We do?" He furrowed his brows "hard to imagine anyone would even fucking look at me in Any other world" he drank his drink again.
"In," I sighed and scratched my head nervously. "In my universe, you're actually my husband"
Logan could have dropped his glass onto metal in a soundproof room, and it would have been quieter than the silence that fell upon the forest as I spoke. He shifted his head slightly.
"Sorry i-"
"No, no, you don't have to be sorry," he chuckled.
He actually chuckled.
"You look like her. My wife. I'm my universe. She's dead. She died saving me. You have her hair, her eyes. Hell, you even fucking smell like her"
He stared at the grass by his feet. I felt his thoughts working in his brain. I felt him try to pick what to say and how to say it. Like the earth was spinning, and he was the only one standing still. I just focused on him. That's all I could do
"I wish just once," he started, "that it could actually be her. Passed the hallucinations and the nightmares and the dreams and the constant agony. I just wish once that whoever is standing up there in the heavens would just let me see her again"
But you are. I'm right here. I'm right fucking here. The woman who died for you in your universe. The woman who saved you and lived in mine. The woman you married and loved and adore.
But of course, it's not actually her. I'm not his me. And he's not my him. It's all just one big agonising dream, isn't it? It's all just a tortuous slow and painful circle that we must endure to live peacefully.
"I'm sorry I wasted your time." he gruffly cleared his throat and walked away.
I should have grabbed his fucking hand.
But I watched him leave.
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aprilmayverse · 11 days
mayverse dash simulator
💅 pinkprlncesses Follow
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🧟‍♀️ samuraishattered Follow op this is an incredibly fucked up and insensitive way to post about this. six people are dead. four of them are literal children. imagine losing a loved one and people are fucking memeing about it with supernatural. grow up. learn some fucking respect for the dead. this isn't just some quirky little fandom story like sharpie bath or whatever. these are real kids who had hopes and dreams and families and loved ones and now they are dead.
💅 pinkprlncesses Follow was it ever really that deep
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🦴 trudycryme Follow New video about June July and Dysnomia Badmann's murders on the way! Special surprise at the end so stay tuned ;) Sponsored by Tender Lender <3
🦴 trudycryme Follow No fucking way
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🩰 blood-and-books Follow wait, has anyone noticed that the accomplice in the bluecorp case and that 13 year old who killed her gfs parents and 2 random boys are half-sisters??
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🪷 helloroses Follow does anyone remember how fucked up april may's career was. i rewatched pint-sized princesses after the news got out about her execution and like i know it was the 90s but what the fuck was going on there. it feels like a crime to watch it
🪷 helloroses Follow it's the same with her modelling career, why was she, a teenage girl, doing so many photoshoots where she was barely clothed. why did ad campaigns need all this
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🦢 evilwomanenjoyer Follow why are we defending june july in 2018. she killed people. she murdered people. you are the same people who defend joe darke and dahlia hawthorne and matt engarde and fucking redd white. she took lives. where am i.
🐜 what-is-a-username420 Follow please learn about nuance and use your brain
🦢 evilwomanenjoyer Follow nuance is for fictional characters like pious priestess or whoever the fuck. not for real life situations like this.
🐜 what-is-a-username420 Follow sometimes im like "the reading comprehension on this site isnt THAT bad" and then i read shit like "nuance is for fiction not for real life"
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🦴 trudycryme Follow I am truly, truly sorry for attempting to film those teenagers corpses and for breaking into the victims childhood home in an attempt to interview his family 2 days after the murder, I understand why I was wrong and I'm going to try my best to refrain from doing stuff like that next time lol. To further this, I'm starting a new merch collection and donating 20% of profits to JAVCV (Japanifornian Association for Victims of Violent Crime), buy it before the sale ends on March 4th!
🧟‍♀️ samuraishattered Follow not to be harsh but i hope you die
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🌈 godsstrongestfujo Follow i think april may was a genuinely a bad person like she was just this rich woman who both did the modelling campaign + assisted in the murder to get money from her sugar daddy. shes not as innocent as yall make her out to be she just has pretty privelege
🍁 diskhorse-divorce Follow 1. she was not rich. she, her single mother, and sister were homeless for years. she had to be a child star and teen model to provide for herself and her family. they lived in a trailer at some point 2. she was very obviously being threatened by white. the courts said it was a lie because of fucking misogyny and white's power over her. 3. even if she did do it out of her own free will she still got executed over a crime where the death penalty at age 23 was not justified. 4. why are you calling a thirteen year old a bad person for doing an ad campaign where she was being heavily sexualised and exploited and stolen from you fucking weirdo
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🩰 angelfawns Follow april may was such a tragic girl and an icon and so beautiful omg. she looked SO good during the summer 2008 ad campaign for bluecorp too. hold on i need to change my pfp
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🐦‍⬛ proud-edgelord Follow if my parents named me teylhoure i wouldve killed myself too
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 5
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: Where are you? What does anyone know? And is Nat unfairly getting the blame?
Chapter Warning: Mentions of mental health, death, loss, electric shock therapy.
Wanda’s eyes went wide and she snapped to look at Nat.
“Have you seen this? Have you seen this before?”
Natasha shook her head.
“You never showed me this Steve. Why wouldn’t you show this to me? To any of us?”
Steve sighed.
“Honestly, it hurt too much. Every time I look at it, every time I look at her, see her face. It feels like my heart is being crushed. To everyone else it’s seventy years, for me, well, it’s not. I look at it and I can smell her perfume, hear her voice, feel her. The chances of her still being here were small. When I was first given a stack of files from Fury, some of you were in them, so were Howard and Peggy, but she wasn’t. When I asked Fury, he didn’t know who I was even talking about, and if anyone could find anything it was you or one of you. This is all I have of her and I couldn’t risk losing that.”
“But you realise that this would have helped us look right? Sure there’s nothing from then but if you’d have shown Nat this, or Clint? It would have been ‘oh hey, I know her’ but instead you’re giving Nat shit. That’s not cool Cap.” Sam replied.
“This is all we have. The evidence shows she’s dead.”
“That’s her Steve.”
“I know Buck, look, I looked for her myself once I’d got a hand on the technology. There was nothing until that file and I gave you all a very clear description and…”
“Now hang on” interrupted Clint “you think hair and eye colour are a good description. Rogers there’s billions of people in the world, and you’re questioning us?”
Steve remained stoic. Bucky however, couldn’t seem to get a reign on his emotions. This was a chance of him getting his girl back, he wasn’t about to hide things.
“He was scared.”
“Tony’s right. After everything that’s happened, everyone, including you and me, promised no more secrets, no more lies. You were scared Steve, hell, I’m scared too. What if she doesn’t want me after all these years, after all I’ve done.”
“No Steve, I know you. If you’d have given Nat, Tony, any of them that picture, it would have been ran through every single database in the damn world and I’m pretty sure Friday or Tony could have aged her, taken into account any changes to her appearance, part of you was scared. Scared that if she was around, if she’d survived from back then, that she’d be old, wouldn’t remember you like Peg or that we’d have put her in danger again.”
“Aliens came out the sky Buck.”
“I had no reason to not believe Peggy.”
Seeing the conversation becoming heated, Tony decided at this point to step in.
“I’d like to add something if I may. Peggy Carter was my godmother and I knew her as well as you can when someone is your parent’s friend. I never heard them speak about your soulmate or any other female agents, map girls, just each other, you two, Phillips and the Howling Commandos. So all of this, deleting her, behaving like she didn’t exist was to keep her safe. If their truth was to out when Peggy died then it would be neatly put together just like this. If there was anything else, it would be in her file, if there was a clue to anything else it would be here in Peggy’s handwriting. I want to help you Capsicle, and you” nodding at Bucky, “but I need everything and I need Friday to scan that photo, you don’t need to move it, none of us need to touch it but we need it.”
Steve nodded and Bucky uttered a quiet ‘please’.
“You all saw that right, he nodded. I’m taking that as consent. F.R.I.D.A.Y get to work, scan the photos on the table and capture all the info in this file. Romanoff, gonna need her info.” Tony stood as projections came up over the coffee table that sat between the sofas they were all sat on.
“Freelance British Agent 21. Code name White Knight.” Said Nat.
“Why is it locked?”
“You have to high level clearance according to the screen.”  Vision pointed out.
Tony gasped in mock horror.
“Well most of us are still on the naughty list. Friday scan Rhodey for access.”
“Access denied Boss.”
“Access denied. What? I’m on the good list!”
“Boss none of you will get access.”
“Unless” Romanoff started “you have an access login given to you by the agent herself.” Nat typed in her phone and projected the result to go against the others.
“Just to loop back around, earlier the contact you were talking about, it’s her?” Asked Tony.
“Yes. Does that matter?” Natasha asked.
“No, but unless you haven’t noticed I’m incredibly nosy.”
Clint snorted with laughed. “Oh you and Y/N are going to get on like a house on fire.”
“Nat don’t let the two of them spend too much time together.” Laura added.
“Why not?” Steve and Pepper replied at the same time.
“World domination springs to mind.” Clint muttered.
“Oh I definitely like her already. Ok, Friday, what do we have?”
“The results are inconclusive boss.”
“What? What does that mean?” Asked Bucky.
“Break it down F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony replied.
A fresh batch of projections displayed.
“Examining the facial features, matching the structure and identifying marks, is a 100% match but her DNA and genetics test show she’s not of the age of Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes soulmate would be.”
There was sighs around the room. Vision spoke first.
“It’s unlikely that the testing could have been tampered with due to the secure way it’s taken.” Vision pointed out. “Although her last testing is past the usual repeat time.”
“How is she still working if she’s missed testing? It’s a requirement for the health check.” Rhodey added.
“Must of been busy.” Clint said, trying to brush past the comment.
Bucky watched as Nat seemed to find an interesting spot on the meeting room carpet that she couldn’t take her eyes off, Bruce rubbing circles on her knee. Clint was now looking off screen, Laura had disappeared.
“OK, what is it you’re not saying?” He asked.
“Who you talking to Buck?”
“These four. Bruce, Nat, Laura and Clint, you’re not lying but there’s something you aren’t saying.”
F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted.
“Boss, we’ve got a visitor.”
“Well, don’t let them in.” Tony instructed.
“Sorry boss but it’s Deputy Director Hill and she’s used her pass.”
“Wilson, your booty calls here.”
Sam shook his head.
“Actually Boss, she’s here to see Agents Romanoff and Barton.”
Before anyone had time to comment further, Maria entered the room. Tony acted quickly, minimising the screens that displayed their soulmate, wanting to respect Steve and Bucky’s privacy.
“And what brings you here Hill? That isn’t Sam’s sparkling personality?” Tony asked getting him a swat from Pepper.
The team shook their heads at Tony’s poor joke. Maria didn’t even flinch or react. Her lack of reaction causing everyone to turn to look at her fully.
Her eyes were blood shot, face damp from tears and she looked liked she hadn’t slept in a week. The enhanced in the room could smell the coffee she’d clearly been living off, along with a faint hint of scotch. Steve would guess one glass, thirty minutes ago.
Pepper stood first, nearest placed to Hill. Sam also stood to go towards her.
“Maria what is it? What’s wrong?” Asked Pepper. She held her hand up to stop them going further.
“I’m here in my role as Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton as….” She paused and swallowed hard.
“This isn’t a mission is it?” Sam asked.
Maria lowered her head and took a breath, when she looked up, she locked eyes with Nat, who was now also standing.
“Shall we do this here or in private?”
Nat had a horrible feeling. A feeling deep down in her stomach that this was the worst kind of news. She had seen Maria in this state twice. Once when Coulson died (or so they thought) and the same when Fury had (or so they thought - again). Clint spoke before Nat had chance to reply.
“Just spit it out Hill, so I know if I need to get on the jet or not.”
Maria glanced at Nat who nodded.
“According to our records and that of MI5 and MI6, you are registered as next of kin and the emergency contacts of Freelance British Agent 21, code name White Knight. As my role of Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D I’m here to inform you that 50 hours ago, during a covert mission for our agency, Agent 21 missed her checkpoint. Due to the evidence found two hours ago, she is now declared as missing in action, presumed dead."
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(ooc under cut)
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Hi! Charles here! I know what you're thinking... woah! another ask blog?! you're doing too much, brah! And to that I say. Yes! I am doing to much! But I love Brock and im having fun! Plus, I also maybe hope to spread my Discocube propaganda, but who's to say! Mwehehehe.....
Here's the run down of the blog. Things to ask. things not to ask. you know how it goes.
No NSFW. I'm a minor. Don't be flickin weird bro.
Don't spam my inbox. I'm not gonna answer shit like "hi" and "how are you", that's boring. Gimme juicy stuff.
I'll try to do drawn responses for some, but as to not burn myself out so fast, I'll also just have in character text sent.
I'm cool with RP interactions! 100%! However, the way I hc Brock may not be how you expect it to be, so my responses may not be what you want.
Please please please please PLEASE just always keep in mind that I AM A REAL PERSON. And anything hurtful or weird will not be tolerated. I have the right to delete asks from anyone.
"What's your opinion on [character]?"
Questions pertaining to his hobbies
His past (its angsty, ye be warned)
General compliments
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This is Brock. Hi. He's a retired model, millionaire, and what I mean by "somewhat immortal" is that he still ages and will die of old age, but he cannot be killed by other means. If he does "die" he'll just wake up the next day, and won't even remember what happened. Thus, meaning he has no idea he can't die. It's some weird curse pertaining to the elevator.
Annnnnnd um. Yeah. He has like an angsty background or whatever I guess I dunno.
Anyway, that's all you get to know. Anything else you wanna know, you'll just have to send an ask :)
so expect interaction with them lolsies
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Yep!!! That's abt it!!! Enjoy i guess! I'm really excited I love Brock sosososo much... giggles so joyously....
Oh yeah, tagging system:
brock answers : he answers an ask
brock rambles : misc posts not from an ask
brock ooc : when its an ooc post
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
ur blog is soo helpful !!!! ive been looking into writing more lately and this is like a godsend <3 i was wondering if u could do some starter tips?? like stuff to avoid as a new writer :o ps. hope ur having a wonderful week!!!
ahhh, hello!! this is such a sweet message, and thank you, i hope you have a fruitful week ahead too ♡ i'm so glad you're writing more lately- i'll def do my best to provide some starter tips (though i'm really also a starter myself 😅 so i hope you like these, and feel free to let me know what you think!) also, just to put it out there that these are what i found helpful personally / what i think will be helpful, and may / may not resonate with everyone. Also, this topic is soooo broad and there are a million things that can be covered, but for now I'll just keep it short and go with stuff to avoid (or rather, approach differently) as per request. if you / anyone else would like another post for more specific writing tips, feel free to drop it in my ask box!
Some general writing tips — stuff to avoid; little things to not overdo
overusing fancy vocabulary
over-criticising your work
more details under the cut!
Over-planning — plan the general outline, direction of your plot, message of your story, characters and their rough personalities; yes, do all that well! good planning makes for a good story, but i think it's helpful to remember that sometimes things don't pan out the way we envision them to. and it's important to let certain things go, appropriately of course. if your initial storyline doesn't quite fit the characterisation of the protagonist etc (and vice versa), then perhaps it's time to rethink things — and NOT be too hard-up about it. [tldr: be flexible!]
Overusing bombastic vocabulary — i'm sure you've come across millions of writing advice pieces that aim to spruce up your vocabulary with bombastic phrases. by all means go ahead and pick a few that fit the mood and style of your writing. otherwise, i'd say that sometimes, less is more. throwing in fancy words for the sake of it may not be as helpful as you think. there should be a fine balance between using words that add flavour + help to illustrate nuances and using words to make your piece seem complex. simplicity goes a long way, as i've learnt. but having said that, building up a solid repertoire of vocabulary / good phrases is always helpful, the key thing is using those phrases in the right context. definitely easier said than done, so i suggest reading your favourite author's works couple of times through and pick up their way of using language to their advantage.
Over-describing — narration, descriptive language are great, and can really help to nudge your story in the right direction. it helps set the scene, the mood, and all these are critical in writing... BUT! not the same can be applied to describing actions. not every single action has to be written out explicitly — an example: she walks over to the kitchen, turns around, and opens the refrigerator. she then takes out a canned drink, and places the drink on the countertop... etc — you get the point. some things can be left implied, rather than explicit.
Over-criticising your work — ahh, the age-old piece of advice. i do it all the time, and you probably do too... sometimes, being harsh on yourself and on your work may seem like the only way to better yourself and push your limits, but often times, i personally find that this is counter-productive both on the physical and mental front. it wears you down, it is a nidus for dejection and negative vibes. i think the way i try to get round this is by taking pride in my own work; telling myself that 'this is something i wrote, these are my ideas put into prose, these are my thoughts written on paper'. the caveat here is that avoiding being over-critical of your work DOES NOT and should not mean avoiding proofreading. proofreading is extremely crucial to check for grammatical and structural errors (i recommend doing it once or twice yourself, and if possible, getting a fresh pair of eyes to do the same).
Over-comparing — this ties in nicely with the previous point. take pride in your work! this is something original from you and you only, written in your unique style. having authors/writers whom you look up to is essential in moulding your writing style and habits, but should not be the sole focus when you write. remember that every writer is different, every piece of writing is different; this goes even for pieces with similar plots / tropes / character personalities. nuances, subtleties and underlying messages can come through very differently when written by different people. after all, our life journeys are all personal, which is a factor influencing the way we convey messages across through the written word.
and... that's it for now! i really hope that this helps. honestly, i'm scratching the surface here, and there are lots more i can talk about when i have more braincells >_<
feel free to drop any other requests or questions in my ask if you'd like ♡
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skellyflowers · 5 months
Royal Ball 2
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Vessel x reader
Sleep will be referred to as “Queen Jeinnv” 
Vessel will be referred to as “Prince Adrian”
II will be referred to as “Prince Roddric”
III will be referred to as “Dilan, Duke of Elderstock”
IV will be referred to as “ Edgard, Duke of Haverlem”
Chapter 2 
The Royal Place is even more grand than I remember. The last time I was here was my father’s  title ceremony. Tonight under the full moon the place is more beautiful. As our carriage pulls closer to the front gates I can hear faint music in the air. As we enter the main entrance my mother makes sure to point out the members of the nobility.
“Remember girls your goal is to marry up not down.” she says as she adjusts her mask. “I need to be sure you are going to be taken care of by a man of means.”
“Darling, you're making them nervous.” my father interjects.
As we stand on the stairs before the ballroom the same panicked feeling starts to return. I try to distract myself with the flowers on the banister. There is a mix of red roses, white chrysanthemums and black charm lilies. Quinn gets my attention with a tap to my shoulder and motions her head to the top of the stairs.
“Look, that's Dilan, Duke of Elderstock and next to him has to be Edgard, Duke of Haverlem!” she whispers.
“How do you know?” I whisper back.
“I doubt that the crowned prince’s best friends would not be here.” She says “Besides, he is the tallest man here.”
We share a giggle as the royal announcer confirms the identity of the masked men we were just talking about. Soon we reach the doors to the ballroom. I see my father give the announcer a card. He then bellows my family’s arrival, as we enter the ballroom.
I try not to notice the eyes that linger on me and my sisters as we enter. I tell myself that the “hard part” is over. I have entered the Ball and have not made a fool of myself. I would be surprised if anyone could hear our announcement over the full orchestra playing. Yet someone does, the only friends we have, Viscount Gray.
The Viscount and his family had been the first to visit after we moved into the manor. His daughter Lucy had become our friend immediately. It was good to see a familiar face. My brothers walk off with the Viscount’s sons to mingle as my sisters, Lucy and I find a table to sit at.
We get little time to chat when suddenly the orchestra stops playing. We look at each other when we hear.
“Her Royal Majesty Queen Jeinnv, Prince Adrian and Prince Roddric!”
At the top of the Ballroom’s entry stairway stood the queen with one Prince each side of her. As the three entered the Ball we bowed as they passed. When the Queen reaches a small thone placed in the room she addresses all the guests.
“My dearest subjects, I thank for joining us tonight to celebrate my son’s birthday.” the crowd starts to cheer. “Tonight we invite you all to drink and be merry. Happy birthday to my son Prince Adrian.”
My father rounds us up to greet the Queen and wish the Prince a happy birthday. When we reach the front of the line I get a better look at the Queen. She is dressed in the royal family colors, black and gold.  Prince Adrian is on her left and Prince Roddric is on her right. The three look otherworldly. Especially because the Queen is the only one without a mask.
“My Queen.” my father says, as he bows to her. “May I present my family. You remember my wife, my two sons and my three daughters.” We all bow as father introduces us. “Happy birthday my Prince.”
Prince Adrian nods his head. It is hard to know what he is looking at under his white and red mask. The mask greatly stands out from his black suit. Prince Roddric is dressed more simply; his mask and suit are both completely black.
“Excellent to see you tonight Baron. I’m glad your family is here with you.” Queen Jeinnv says “How old are your sons Baron?” she then asks.
“I’m 27 and Andrew is 25, my Queen.” Alfred answers.
“Wonderful! It would be good for my sons to have more friends their age. Not just the Dukes.” Both Dukes are nearby and turn toward the Queen when she makes the comment. 
“Only if they can keep up on horseback.” joke Duke Dilan.
Duke Edgard walks over to shake my brother's hands. The four walk off together after the brief introduction. It looks like they are having a successful night so far. The orchestra starts back up when we walk back to our table. We share a drink before a man approaches me and my sisters and asks Quinn if she would like to dance.
“Of course she would!” Mother says “All of you should go dance.”
Her tone lets us know we don’t have much of a choice in the matter. As Quinn walks onto the dancefloor me and Maddie stand together on the sidelines and wait to be invited to dance. Lucy Gray finds us again to tell me and Maddie the gossip about the lord Quinn is with.
I started to think that tonight wouldn’t be so bad. The castle is beautiful, I’m with the people I love, the orchestra is playing and the drinks are flowing. I truly start to relax then a group of men approach us.
“Would you ladies honor us with a dance?”
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biscuits-of-bagend · 2 months
Andy Murray - The Flowers We'll Remember
I made this playlist halfway through the week, in between victories one and two. It tells me the story of Andy Murray's career as I experienced it, through songs that mean a lot to me, which is to say it might not make much sense to anyone else! So I've included some explanations below.
The title is related to a passage from the Ali Smith novel 'Summer'. It's about a summer day that told the gods it wanted to last forever, which the gods found hilarious.
Halfway Right by Linkin Park - 'I scream at myself when there's nobody left to fight', representing my earliest memories of Andy Murray, which involved a lot of him screaming at himself.
Hard Times by Paramore - Losing to Federer and Nadal and later Djokovic, but jauntily. A young man's losses.
The Heart Never Lies by McFly - 2012 Wimbledon final on-court interview 🥺
Love Forty Down by Frank Turner - I know he was 40-0 up at the end of the Wimbledon final, but functionally going from 40-0 to 40-Adv is basically the same thing 😂
Hold On by Twin Atlantic - back injuries :/ still sort of felt like it would all work out okay though, at least that was my understanding of it I think.
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen - Davis Cup at the end of 2015 through to World Tour Finals at the end of 2016. A euphoric period (ignore any losses to Djokovic in grand slam finals, we don't need to talk about those), but hard to look back on without thinking about what was coming.
Airfield by Enter Shikari - The Hip. Queens 2017 & 2017 Wimbledon QF to Australian Open 2019 'retirement'.
Wetsuit by The Vaccines - so get a hip operation, come on, come on
Get Better by Frank Turner - Bursting back to life/resurfacing in Cincinnati 2019. Also makes me think of 2019 'Resurfacing' documentary even though that didn't come out until later in the year.
Walk by the Foo Fighters - omg I've just realised I was thinking of the US Open 2020 not 2019... welp, timey wimey I guess, insert your preferred moment of watching Andy figure out how to play with his new hip
Mountains by Biffy Clyro - Antwerp 2019
Getting Old Sucks (But Everybody's Doing It) by Bowling For Soup - Pandemic through to 2023, including the post 4am fightback from two sets to love down against Thanasi Kokkinakis (see pics below). Getting old does suck, but Andy was really good at it.
Forever's Not Enough by McFly - "I want to play forever" (Wimbledon 2024)
26 by Paramore - a sad quiet song about hope, ie the only thing I was holding onto during the first half of that match against Nishikori and Daniel, which, lest we forget, was horrible
The Last Song by McFly - from 5 match points down through to breaking back in the second set against the Americans. Just pure fucking magic ✨ (thank you Dan!) ~~Epilogue section~~
Growing Up Beside You by Paolo Nutini - Andy Murray may be 11 years older than me, but so many of my memories of watching him play are tied to memories of times in my life. For example, I watched the 2016 World Tour Finals semi-final against Raonic in my student union, and vaguely remember trying not to show how stressed I was. I'm currently the age he was when he won Wimbledon the first time, so that's not terrifying at all...
The Way I Loved You (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - I do really like Jannik Sinner but this could sort of be read as an indirect towards him? Although tbf watching post-puke Sinner power through tournaments has been its own kind of awesome. Honestly though, I don't think anyone will ever make me feel as much of a "rollercoaster kind of rush" on a tennis court as Andy Murray did anyway, not even the stress of watching Grigor Dimitrov try to hold a lead ❤️
Wouldn't Change a Thing - I really really wouldn't, and I hope Andy feels the same. Well, I mean, he'd probably choose not to have a hip injury, but you know what I mean 😆
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fullstcp · 6 months
"Manic" by Halsey Sentence Starters
"I can't remember why the decision wasn't mine."
"It seems I'm only clinging to an idea now."
"Took my heart and sold it out to a vision that I wrote myself."
"Someday, when I burst into flames, I'll leave you the dust."
"I told you I'd spill my guts."
"Seems like now it's impossible to work this out."
"I'm so committed to an old ghost town."
"Is it really that strange if I always wanna change?"
"If only the time and space between us wasn't lonely."
"I'd disintegrate into a thousand pieces."
"Think I'm making a mistake."
"But if I decide to break, who will fill the empty space?"
"I told you I'd ride this out."
"It's getting harder every day."
"Somehow, I'm bursting out of my self."
"In my world, the people on the street don't know my name."
"In my world, I'm seven feet tall."
"In my world, I'm constantly having a breakthrough. Or a breakdown. Or a blackout."
"Would you make out with me underneath the shelter of the balcony?"
"I don't need anyone."
"I just need everyone and then some."
"Wish I could see what it's like to be the blood in my veins."
"Can you feel it too when I am touching you?"
"Left my shoes in the street so you'd carry me."
"Would you make out with me on the floor of the mezzanine?"
"I left my daydreams at the gate because I just can't take them too."
"Know my heart still has a suitcase, but I still can't take it through."
"It's crazy when the thing you love the most is the detriment."
"Let that sink in."
"The hand you wanna hold is a weapon and you're nothing but skin."
"I keep digging myself down deeper."
"I won't stop 'til I get where you are."
"They say I may be making a mistake."
"I would've followed all the way, no matter how far."
"I would've followed all the way to the graveyard."
"You push right through me."
"It's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies."
"I gotta get it off my chest."
"Got no anger, got no malice. Just a little bit of regret."
"Know nobody else will tell you, so there's some things I gotta say."
"You're not half the man/woman you think that you are."
"I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you."
"You can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you."
"I feel so sorry, I feel so sad."
"I tried to help you, it just made you mad."
"I had no warning about who you are."
"I'm just glad I made it out without breaking down, and then ran so fucking far."
"I really meant well from the start."
"Take a broken man/woman right in my hands and then put back all his/her parts."
"You can't fill the hole inside of you with money, girls, and cars."
"You should be sad."
"I spent a long time watering a plant made out of plastic."
"I cursed the ground for growing green."
"I spent a long time substituting honest with sarcastic."
"I cursed my tongue for being mean."
"You cut me open, sucked the poison from an aging wound."
"Who'd reach out and grab the moon if I should ask or just imply that I wanted a bit more light?"
"I could never hold a perfect thing and not demolish it."
"What am I thinking?"
"What does this mean?"
"How could somebody ever love me?"
"Your eyes are fragile and timeless, it's beautiful."
"There's power in the words you whisper."
"Your eyes are open when you kiss him/her."
"You can take a chance, come take my hand."
"I'm my own biggest enemy."
"All my empathy's a disaster."
"I don't know what they all think of me."
"I don't even remember anything but thinking you're the one."
"I can force a future like it's nothing."
"I'll just hate everybody."
"Why can't I go home without somebody?"
"I could fall in love with anybody who don't want me."
"I just keep saying I hate everybody, but maybe I don't."
"I know I've got a tendency to exaggerate what I'm seeing."
"I know that it's unfair of me to make a memory out of a feeling."
"I notice every single thing that's ever happening in a moment."
"Infatuation's observation with a cause."
"But none of it is love."
"If I could make you love me, maybe you could make me love me."
"If I can't make you love me, then I'll just hate everybody."
"Think I took it way too far."
"My insecurities are hurting me."
"Someone please come and flirt me."
"I really need a mirror that'll come along and tell me that I'm fine."
"I do it every time."
"I keep on hanging on the line, ignoring every warning sign."
"Come on and make me feel alright again."
"I'm calling everybody that I know."
"I need it digital cause, baby, when it's physical I end up alone."
"I know it's complicated."
"Know that my identity's always getting the best of me."
"I'm the worst of my enemies."
"I don't really know what to do with me."
"Will you please pick up the fucking phone?"
"Found you when your heart was broke."
"I filled your cup until it overflowed."
"Took it so far to keep you close."
"I was afraid to leave you on your own."
"I said I'd catch you if you fall."
"If they laugh, then fuck 'em all."
"Tell me, how's it feel sitting up there?"
"You know I'm the one who put you up there."
"Gave love about a hundred tries."
"Just running from the demons in your mind."
"I didn't notice cause my love was blind."
"You don't have to say just what you did."
"I already know."
"I had to go and find out from them."
"So tell me, how's it feel?"
"You've got hips like Jagger and two left feet."
"I wonder if you'd like to meet."
"Your voice is velvet through a telephone."
"I've never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss."
"I'm terrified, but I can't resist."
"Beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong."
"I think it's finally safe for me to fall."
"I've never recognized a purer face."
"You stopped me in my tracks and put me right in my place."
"Used to think that loving meant a painful chase."
"You're right here now and I think you'll stay."
"I can't change my appetite."
"It doesn't matter to me."
"I have never felt the difference."
"I think I'll probably die before I have you."
"I live for loving impolite."
"Told me pick my battles and be picking 'em wise. But I wanna pick 'em all and I don't wanna decide."
"Tell me, have you ever keyed a Ferrari before?"
"I won't ever feel this way again."
"Cause you don't need me anymore."
"I won't ever try again."
"All I want in return is revenge."
"So where do you go?"
"I don't wanna Uma Thurman your ass."
"I don't need you anymore."
"I've been trying all my life to separate the time between the having it all and giving it up."
"I wonder what's in store if I don't love it anymore."
"Wanna scream, but what's the use?"
"Feeling so incomplete."
"Wonder will we ever meet?"
"Would you know it right away, how hard I tried to see your face?"
"I still believe it won't be like before."
"When you decide it's your time to arrive, I've loved you for all of my life."
"I should be living the dream."
"I got a paranoia in me."
"I know that I've done some wrong, but I'm tryna make it right."
"Get me out right now."
"And know that I love you."
"I'm still learning to love myself."
"No one wants to really commit."
"Can't remember half the time that I've been alive."
"They say don't meet your heroes, they're all fucking weirdos."
"God knows that they were right."
"Because nobody loves you, they just try to fuck you."
"Who do you call when it's late at night?"
"I wasn't in love then, and I'm still not now. And I'm so happy I figured that out."
"I've got a long way to go until self-preservation."
"I think my moral compass is on a vacation."
"I'm still looking for my salvation."
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that--fish · 2 years
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Chapter 1: The Wedding
Synopsis of series: Yn gets married off to the head of the Kamisato Clan. Yn's family, Inazuma's wealthiest tycoons, were nearly on the brink of bankruptcy so they arranged a marriage with one of Inazuma's most powerful politicians to maintain their power. Would Yn be a sacrificed pawn in a bigger game or would she turn the tables?
A jug of angst and a pinch of fluff ☁️✨️
The bachelorette party wasn't as fun as I expected. But what could I have expected? Mainly relatives and my step-mother's acquaintances. Mostly everyone had passed their 50s years ago, it was as if I was visiting a retirement home. Everyone were catching up, talking about life and gossiping. But I have no life to talk about and I have no one to talk to. I'm sure father spent most of our money on this. The well decorated room, a giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling; he almost made a replica of a ballroom.
Today is the day. The day where I'm going to start my miserable life as someone's wife. Will he treat me like a servant? Will I get my freedom? It dreads me to think about it. I don't even know him, I don't even know how he looks like. Father didn't give me any pictures of him. Let's just hope he isn't too...undesirable.
My wedding dress looks stunning nonetheless. It looks like a ballgown, like of those princesses I read in fairytale books when I was younger. I know how to sew dresses, I could have just sewn one myself but father insisted not to. The dress was adorned with shiny pearl beads and flowery lace patterns. Slipping on the dress was not an easy task. The corset is tight! It's very hard to breathe in this, I'm as slim as it gets! Wait...this dress comes with heels? I thought I can wear anything I want under this. The heels are the perfect fit, but they are very high. I've never worn heels this high, I didn't have the need to. It looks like a glass slipper but with diamonds, a lot of diamonds, I wonder if these are real? One of the bridesmaids are doing my hair into a bun and another is doing my makeup. Luckily the makeup isn't as cakey as my step-mother's, given that my bridesmaids are my step-mother's friends. I suppose she has chosen a maid of honour for me, I can't tell who it is though, they all don't look too different.
The reception is starting soon. I'd better be prepared to be under the eyes of many old men. Kamisato Ayato, my soon-to-be husband. I hope the age gap isn't too big. I wonder how much money did father give to get him to marry me. We don't have much money to offer, our company is going bankrupt soon. Well, father might have played some nasty tricks, but that's not for me to know. Sigh Let's get this over with.
The reception is held in a ballroom, a fairly large one. There are murals on the walls and ceiling depicting a heaven, with angels and clouds and a clear blue sky. I requested a piece to be played when I entered, Winter. (Vivaldi Four Seasons: Winter) There is a whole orchestra playing. The piece is very dramatic, like the climax of a story. I walked down the aisle, holding father's arm. He is smiling ear to ear, I'm sure it's a fake one. I plastered a smile on my face, walking towards my fiancé.
He is more handsome than I expected. Father made a good choice for once. The person who I'm going to spend my life with, this blue-haired guy who is a head taller than me. My neck hurts from looking up. He gave me a soft grin...
Remember dear, do not trust anyone.
Mother might probably say that to me.
His lavender-blue eyes, soft features, his hair tucked back into a sleek ponytail...GIRL, GET A GRIP! He is probably way older than me. Father must have bribed him into this, just as he does for other things.
I said my vows just as how I practiced weeks ago. It went flawlessly, no stuttering.
"You may now kiss the bride"
Okay, this part - father didn't tell me about this - I didn't expect father would do me like this - I am so not ready.
He leaned in for the kiss, one hand pulled me closer by the waist, the other cupping my face. Act natural, Yn. I put my arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss. Haha~ I wonder what father has to say about this. I pulled away. Such a coward. His face was barely pink, he doesn't seem fazed.
After cutting the cake, popping champagne and all, I am tired. How late is it now? Ah, I need to greet the in-laws. How do I do that exactly?
"Ah, Yn, we heard so much about you from your father. We knew that you would make a lovely wife for our son." I suppose that's his mother. She seems rather sincere with her words. "You should stay at our estate, to get you used to it."
"Yes, yes I agree. Your step-mother and I will miss you so dearly, Yn." His menacing grin could go unnoticed. Who knows what he's plotting behind my back.
Well, smile and nod, smile and nod.
The night is still young, Yn. Ugh, when will this end? I don't do social interactions and plus, it was father's idea to keep me cooped up in the estate. Was this how mother might have felt on her wedding day? I wonder what did she see in father?
"Yn, is anything the matter?" He asked. His voice... i-it's so...calming? His voice makes me feel like I'm melting in a warm embrace. I doubt father has ever talked to mother like this.
"Oh, n-nothing."
It was almost midnight, and it ended. Finally.
As everyone left, father ushered me to my husband's limousine, which I could have done very well by myself.
"Take good care of my precious Yn."
"I will, Mr Tanaka."
Father waved goodbye, dabbing away his tears. It's all just for show. The Kamisato estate isn't far from here. Now, father can't interfere with my life anymore.
I am my own person.
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morguemaw · 2 years
So. I wanted to make this post, and my brother, and girlfriend have supported me. My brother knows this entire situation, but i wanted to come out about it because it has dealt alot of mental toll on me, and im scared of this creator. No, i dont want to interact or start drama. No, dont mention me to him. No, i dont want his apology. No, i dont want any pity. I just want to tell my story because it happened before, happened to me, and just because he has a "soft gay boy nice boy" attitude does NOT mean it wont happen again. What ill go over in this post roughly/you will get the impression of is;
Why i hate comparison
Why im fast to jump at conclusions/be defensive
and Why i mention my trauma with the UTMV community, specially under posts regarding art, art style, characters or character design.
And no, im not even posting this to try and tell people im some snowflake who cant handle criticism or compression, this is targeted to the people who have ill intent with those and go as far as to label things others do as copying or ripping off.
Yes, im okay. Yes, im going to continue what i do. No, im not wanting to send anyone after him. Please, just read what i have and understand that the way i am is because of something i have kept to myself and only 2-4 other people for the past 5 years.
To get it started, ill be calling this creator, he/him, by his publicly known name. However, ill also possibly switch from his name, to part of his username/nickname.
This creator in question, is the content creator named Lizherubones, also known as TwistedBones, thebastardbutcher ( here on tumblr, too. ) , ButcherZone, and his oldest username, Zippy3006. He sounds familiar because he was one of the bigger creators in the UTMV, back in the dark ages of fontcest being the normal. However, i will call him William, as that is his name, and its public information. He also goes by Will, so im sorry if i call him any variation of those names/usernames.
Other things you may read about in this is an old discontinued app called DoodleClub, a OC of mine named Ezher who is the reason why im making this post, as i wanted to draw and post him again, but the timeline will be abit scattered as trauma and blocked out memories happened because of this, however another important person, despite being lightly mentioned is another victim who i will simply call Az as of right now.
Ill try to keep this as short as i can within reason, there will be time gaps, there will be references to previous things mentioned, and if it gets rough i may even stumble on how i type and mention things too soon or later on, im very sorry.
The Start.
During the time of 2015-2016, i had first found Undertale. During it, i joined a app called DoodleClub, its where i met my brother, Glitchy. During this time, i had also joined Tumblr. With the rise and popularity of Undertale, i had seen alot of artists, some other popular names you may recognize is NSFWshamecave, BlogTheGreatRouge, and a few others whom aren't important to the story other then to get the gist of it, Lizherubones was one of the artists i had encountered, and grew attached to. I adored his style. To me, it was a perfect mesh of cartoony and pleasing aesthetics and anatomy that i just.. Well i loved it. This is when i got stupid. On DoodleClub, i would post artwork of either 100% traced or partly traced artwork of his, along with my own where i weakly attempted to mimic his style. Soon tho, i got too comfortable. Sometimes i sent him asks on or off anon, i drew him fanart, and on DoodleClub i even changed my username to "Twisted Bones", because i really liked that name. However, sometime a user, who i will just call Nutty for right now since its what i remember them by, they found out. Slowly, a few others did, and Nutty ended up reporting me to William. Now during this i never got screenshots, one screenshot i remember Nutty posting was one of William saying i was a loser for tracing, or something similar but equally short.
This ended fast, as people were on my side. But it didnt end there. Same day Nutty reported me, and word got out, i decided to confront William myself. I explained that i was sorry, i wouldnt do it again, and i saw him as a idol and wanted forgiveness. I was terrified and at my grandmothers trying to hide me talking to a almost 30 year old man about traced work. The first trauma tick with him, was when he threatened legal action against me, saying and i quote, 'Your parents will have to pay alot of money'.
May i tell you a few things;
I was a CHILD at the time. 11-12 years old, not even classified as a Teen yet. I couldnt legally be sued.
He lives in Chile Brazil, i live in Michigan USA. After about a year, and also after a third situation that happened that caused me to do alot of at the time feeling smart teen research, he couldnt have even attempted a law suit because of the fact i wasnt making money off the traced work, and that the laws are different in both states and countries regarding copyrighted content. Not just that but.. He was too far, and would have to come to me. Which again, different locations = different laws, and so on.
As stated above, i made 0 money or even thought to off his traced content. In my mind at the time, i just traced to learn the style, and ill even say it that from what i remember, i didnt trace enough to have it be my main thing.
After this, he commanded me to delete all my work, and to never return to the internet. Which i did.
Return of the Deja Vu (Instagram Arch).
Skipping to 2017, my slow return to the internet. I had gotten Instagram and decided i still wanted to draw. However, like a cow being branded, his style still stayed in my mind. Though, this time it was just muscle memory.
During both this interaction and the previous, both times William had stated his art , characters, and even worse the colors used on them were copyrighted.
In the end of this, because the more important one comes next, is people kept tagging him in my work. Saying it was familiar, asking if it was his characters, ect. Which lead to him messaging me on my now forgotten account, once again threatening the law to me. This time, however, i just told him to leave me alone as i wasnt doing anything. He had also made comments and remarks on my artwork like, "This just looks like a human version i did", or "Looks like a draw i made." ect, ect. I had made a very old, possibly lost Reddit account talking about this, which was made just within the same week of him telling me these. This situation ended fast, mainly because i went inactive on this account. If the name Zure/Zhure sounds familiar, that was apart of my user at the time.
The Big Blowout (Twitter Arch).
This is where my links and pictures come in. All are screenshotted from Twitter. This is also where i can provide more proof of things. I will mostly gloss over everything, as its foggy for me. The timeline is roughly 2019. On twitter, i still was ignorant and blind to this all. Rose tinted glasses. I wanted to just be seen by someone i looked up to and just get a small sorry if he even felt any pity. On Twitter, i began posting. I began to also like his art, but never followed. Just to try and gain his attention. This ended badly, however. After i first not only made a suggestive Human Swap Sans, at the time not realizing at this point what i was doing was taking inspiration from him rather then trying to copy, but i had also made a OC named Ezher.
Ezher was the main breaking point.
This is Ezher;
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As you can clearly see, yes, he looks alot like William's own OC, Rheiz. , However, i remember clearly the source of what i liked most about Rheiz was the marks in his hair and the dark to light hoodie he wore. Something extremely important, but when i made Ezher, William was a faint memory to me at the time. So when i say source pf his OC, it was a distant memory and i didnt think much when i created him. Off topic note, but turns out that while talking to someone William considers a close friend, all i did was make Ezher half red, half blue and that made Ezher original. Who knew a color tied his fate. Sound familiar? Thats because mentioned earlier, William told me previously that he had characters that were copyrighted. He also mentioned that using the same colors as his characters was wrong, too.
Ezher will be getting a update and will be coming back. When Will found out about this, is when shit hit the fan. I got many, many @'s like this;
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^ Mind you in the last screenshot, i was trying. I really was. A user named SnoweyBones also made a message on their Twitter, telling people to report me. This got my acc taken down. This is only a small part of what i personally could find. I roughly remember screenshotting the DMs + others, but they are either lost to time or something else.
If you couldnt tell, the gist of it was, William had made a post about me somewhere which in return led to a mob.
This scared me off the internet for abit, and i went into hiding for awhile until my brother started to give me more confidence, and i realized that everything that happened,
was all because someone was egotistical about a artstyle and monochromatic color scheme.
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^ That was my old account. Very easy to find however, so it is what it is.
Things i found, Things you should know.
To once again clarify, im not seeking pity nor revenge. Im wanting to shed light and say my story about this artist, because this isnt the first time he has done this, let alone something terrible.
William has attacked another creator, this same creator he is following on Twitter and acting like nothing happened.
There was a situation creepily similar to mine that occurred not too long before my own. Similar insults and similar situations.
v link
William has a history of attacking other creators. His reasoning is that his own trauma is the cause of his actions. I have trauma with him, and the furthest i ever went was when someone used my characters (in my eyes) unique name for themselves and created a sexual variant of my OC without my consent and proceeded to openly complain, insult, and suicide bait members around them because i rightfully called them out for doing something with something of mine i didnt like, didnt let them do, nor would have ever consented to.
To sum it up.
Im not doing this as revenge. Im not doing this as pity. Because again, a close friend of his helped me and made me feel better during his final attack on me and helped me still connect to a OC of mine.
Im doing this because its for me a traumatic experience and a reason why i tend to act the way i do. Im scared to post certain characters, art, or ect without the fear of him coming around or others comparing me to him.
Again, my OC Ezher was the starting point of this. I want to draw him and love him again, but im scared of William.
Even if i have a whole redesign in mind, even if he doesnt remember me or even bother with me, even if no one cares or even if the community now isnt so butthole tight about stupid things like similar color schemes or aesthetics, its still something that affects me and has affected how enjoy the fandom.
Repeating this, but im not even posting this to try and tell people im some snowflake who cant handle criticism or compression, this is targeted to the people who have ill intent with those and go as far as to label things others do as copying or ripping off.
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
Just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE Lady of the Lake and I've reread it so many times that I should be lowkey ashamed haha BUT
I'm also very curious about Nyneve's interactions with other ghouls like Delta or Dew. How did Dew find her?
You can absolutely take this as an opportunity to ramble about it if you want :)
okay so. i admit that technically the ghoul i call Water in my fic i guess is Delta? im terribly bad at tracking who's who in the water ghoul 'lore'. but Terzo called his bass player before Mist 'Water' so thats what i went with. so please call him whatever you'd like lmao.
for anyone who needs a refresher, this is sort of all i've established about Nyneve's past interactions w/ghouls or otherwise:
Uh, how long has it been? Since you’ve met a ghoul, I mean. Rain isn’t sure what to do with himself—what to do with his hands, his limbs, any of it. He dangles in front of her like a worm on a lure, and he supposes he is one, in a way. A slice of life outside the murky waters she inhabits. But he knows he’d be her catch of the day, not the other way around. 
Many years, Nyvene says wistfully. I can sense those who venture into the water at any depth, as well as those close to the shore. But the ones who seem most closely aligned to you have never traveled as far as yourself. They were surface dwellers. Rain gives her a confused look. Not all are drawn to the depths, and that is perfectly fine for a being such as myself. But I did begin to wonder who would come next.
Dew had been telling the truth, then. Who was before me?
His name was simply Water. He was quite robust in his search, perhaps a little impatient. But he was kind to me. So I cannot fault him too much. She seems wistful, reminiscent. Rain realizes he doesn’t know much about the water ghouls before him and Dewdrop, let alone any of the ghouls that came before their current pack. 
How many before him?
Many, she says simply.
Rain swallows, more bubbles escaping his gills. How, uh—how old are you, exactly?
Hm, age is a funny thing. That can’t be good. I have existed for a long time, longer than your congregation. 
So, we didn’t, um, create you?
No, my child. Though, the dark magick running more frequently through these lands has been . . . refreshing, to put it simply.
You’ve always been here? In this lake, I mean. 
Well, as long as I can remember, yes. She chuckles.
so, you'll notice, and as a gentle reminder, Dew and Mist did not interact with her. to me, they are not a deep-water alignment as Rain is. that's not to say Dew never meets her. because he does. but he didn't interact with her prior to Rain.
i think water ghouls, and ghouls/demons in general, have more specified alignments within the elements they are 'made' of/from. just water itself can be saltwater, freshwater, deep sea, rivers/streams, storms, ice, and things of the like.
so not all of them will have desired to go to the bottom of the lake (i think its pretty deep, think some of the deeper american great lakes depth despite its overall size). the elder ghouls may have passed down the knowledge about her, and some, like Water i think, dont. maybe theyre a little selfish about her, feel like theyve been 'chosen' and that everyone else should have to discover her too. with Water (again, Delta, w/e), it was turbulent with the new summonings, the changing of ghouls and even elements. there simply wasnt time to be like 'oh yeah also theres a big tentacle lady in the lake if you want to have a fun time' you know? not his fault.
so Nyneve's def had a relationship with many a ghoul, but it hasnt been linear. it hasnt all been water ghouls either, but i think the interaction of other elements has come and gone throughout time. i havent decided if any of the 'more recent' ghouls beyond the others mentioned have met her, or just know of her.
certainly there'd be urban legends passed around amongst humans that live in the surrounding areas, so they may have heard about something in passing. esp if any of those humans happened to become siblings of the church. but humans that do know of her have never truly known who she is, and mainly just call her varelse, creature. a monster.
the poem at the end you may have noticed uses her real name, Nyneve. so we can assume someone more personally familiar with her wrote it. scribbled it in some tome somewhere about local myths and legends, or historical drafts about the abbey itself.
she's very mysterious and not even i know everything about her, haha! dark magick gone rougue, some creature that crawled up from the depths, or something created by some long forgotten god.
all this to say, Rain had to introduce Dew to Nyneve. once he got over the fact that he'd have to tell everyone else about her, considering hed come home with sucker marks all over with no real logical explanation. i think Mountain is the first one he tells, but Dew is the first one he introduces.
i really appreciate that you enjoy LOTL so much; apologies for taking a little bit to answer this, but thanks for stopping by xx
if you havent already read about Nyneve and Rain, and this sparks your interest, you can do so here:
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wavesmp3 · 8 months
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some of my fave rbs or asks or comments ive received... thank you all :) - no need for anyone to respond or anything to this, just really wanted to put this together more for myself - i doubt most of your remember these but i do heh [more under the cut, and perhaps lil notes too depending on the comment]
the first three!! major huge moments for me. from sha (@dinoshaur) one of the first comments i received on a work that wasn't fanfic exactly. meant the world to me then, and still does now. | from @redevenir the very very first comment (i believe) i ever ever received on the sea is yours to take,, it's been nearly 4 years since i first posted that piece and people still somehow find it, and it all started with that rb | and from choco ! @chocosvt one of the very first comments/rbs i got when i started properly writing on tumblr in 2020, this got the ball rolling on what became (and still is) such a dear passion/hobby of mine (also also can you believe i still use the mlist banner that choco oh so kindly made for me ages ago LOL its beautiful, i'll never get rid of it as long as this blog exists
and moment of silence for my old url :0
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the first one... when another line of mine is quoted in another piece of mine's comments... head in hands forever. 2/3 of these were left by @gracefulweather (one for sure is, and i think the uquiz comment was also left by them but not sure) but thank you either way sherri!! | the second sc tbh i don't remember who left it but it was on tsiytt and it made me feel like i achieved something in crafting that world. although i may never revisit that world in writing, i revisit it often in my mind.
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flower anon your comments meant so much to me, i hope youre still out there somewhere doing well :) | and to the other anon that left the second one, i was speechless and honored to reach that ask
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@hhjs amal's comments have always made me feel like im doing something otherworldly which isn't true at all but i will forever love rereading their tags. also just amal's mind in general, i wanna pick your brain forever
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n! i already made an emo missing n post but here are some comments from them lol. and the last one!!! me and water <3333 when people starting associating me with water/ocean/sea/waves too <333333
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@heavenlyhaechan zahra!!! there were so many ones i could have put here but this one seemed to sum it all up. you get me :p if you see this, i hope you've been well :))
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@dapingu the first and third one are just ones that make me giggle still LOL and then the second one is one that i hold so so close to me cause i had absolutely no idea if anyone would read that piece but then you did ! and you left this comment even after the fact too! i was so touched. i feel like i should personally apologize for making no moves to continue the series (and probably also for deactivating the gifts and sins blog) BUT thank you nonetheless. and as a added bonus you never failed to make me laugh so thank you also for that
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@thepixelelf ursa!!!! the first one is horribly cut off but is prob one of my fave notes you ever left on a fic of mine (battling also with that one sunwoo recovery files style inspired drabble) and then ofc i couldn't not mention the 'boo you whore' comment :D also so glad to have you on this site still and to have your friendship and to look at bees and bears and think of you :) you mean the world to me
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@kabira manx i think the fact that there are so many screenshots here speaks for itself like... i just simply could not bring myself to pick one !!! i am so lucky to have found you on here. i think in a way you helped me find out what i was good at and what i liked about my own writing before i even figured it out myself <3
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@sagescaffeinemania the first one made me laugh and the second one makes me emo. feels like a declaration of love in way but i don't mean that in a weird way LOL i think your support on oasis singlehandedly introduced so many others to that piece, how can i ever thank you for that? and i apologize if i haven't even attempted a thank you yet
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@cuppasunu KYU your bulleted comments on my silly long fics always meant so much to me ,, i know its been a very very long time but i hope you've been well
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@blossom-hwa lina! best for last some might say. i mean you must know how much that oasis rb meant to me right? because it means the world. i think you calmed every doubt i had about that piece and lifted even higher everything i loved about it too. and the first sc esp, i couldn't have said it all better myself. that scene felt like i risk when i was writing it and im so glad it played out the way i was hoping it to and not the dreadful other way lol | and as for the second screenshot. really i think i love that comment because of how you wrote it more than what you said about the piece if that makes sense. one can tell from that little paragraph alone what a writer(!) you are. i love rereading that comment but i think i mainly just love reading your writing lol (dont think im not making my way through worn out soles)
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loevhyuck · 1 year
it's always hard to talk about someone you've known for so long, whose memories are directly related to yours. years have flown by, and this is the fourth birthday that i remember about you. i saw the person who became an example for me, support and someone I always wanted to follow further. the older I got, the more I found similarities in us, I saw my own in your pain and fatigue, and then I correlated what you said with mine and realized that our thoughts were similar. perhaps I absorbed like a sponge what was said, written by you, or initially everything coincided detail to detail. but now I know only one thing, and it is important to remember. I didn't become one person with you or lose myself, but grew up and became better together. you let me see the world with different eyes. through the broken thick glass of glasses. but it will be so little, if not to say that you have grown up with me and before my eyes. looking back, how much new music have you written? how many texts have passed before your eyes and does it correlate with the number of days you spent with yourself, resting? the answer may be no, but you know where you are right now. life can't be changed in any way and you're here. the world-famous idol is a child prodigy, followed by a golden boy and a talented child in the eyes of anyone who dares to look. shy, kind and with a big heart, someone who is not so scary to rely on, with bitten knuckles and big dreams. and maybe that's the way it is, you really have become one of the turning points not only in the lives of people around you, but also in your company and industry. you showed a completely different level of the artist and his attitude to work. a man who grew up in a family with a love for music, for people and a desire to give everything there is in this world. the child of his parents, who are now proud of you like no other. we are all proud of you when a very young Mark just joined the company and took the first places in the rating. still a little clumsy, insecure, but rapidly proving that talented children multiply their inclinations with work and work. and now, after many years, can anyone deny how much you are a rapper? how much are you a singer and a dancer, how well do you feel the music and everything connected with it? No, you become a landmark. it's scary how time flies and that it's already the fourth year (me with you) and you yourself are no longer twenty years old, you have become more mature, even more talented, open to the world. he trusted us with his secrets and told us why it is important not to let the bad feeling get the better of you. and it's like it's our turn to open up to you and know nctzens, markf, anyone will be here to shout your name loudest, laugh and cry with you. a year ago you released child, now golden hour, one day you dream of your own book and be in this place as long as possible. you once asked in one song ‘i hope you like it where i am now’ and the answer is yes. im proud of you, the boy from canada, who was not afraid and went after his dream. everything worked out for you and then only a bright future, in which there is always a place for you and a small guitar. It's strange to feel like I'm a twenty-year-old little adult, older than you when I first learned the name mark lee. it's funny, I'm twenty now and you turned twenty that year. but i hope that next time we will meet again, i am at the age of 21 and you are 25.
happy birthday, Mark, and thank you
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