#I lvoe him so bad
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godidontgaf · 1 year ago
Begging u fr a trevor silly comp
(credit to @desadnta for the photos of trevor doing the silly dance GO FOLLOW HER SHE TAKES THE BEST GTA SCREENCAPS IDK HOW!!!!!!)
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3416 · 1 year ago
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auston matthews & morgan rielly all star media availability | 02.01.24
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zrllosyn-art · 10 months ago
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Kikoru and Narumi Sibling banter hours FT. @izfaish who contributed!! many ideas!!!
(thank u for contributing ur doodles n ideas buddy!!!)
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raisinushigher · 2 years ago
max is not available for me rn but i managed to get ahold of episode 2. Look at him.
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
HARD AGREE on the “Jason would not be pacified by Bruce considering killing the joker” Bruce does leave the joker to die, in an era where Bruce left kgb to die, not far off from casually throwing out “I’ve killed in self defence before” lines and those not being stamped out by the editorial mandate. Bruce’s morality at the time is a little more complicated. Exceptions can be made.
But Bruce, in grief, in despair, giving up, because Jason is dead and *joker will never stop being a problem* allowing joker to fall into the river, and then what? I think about a year later joker recovers from the mental episode that interaction and injury gave him and goes back to killing and Bruce has lost his conviction to do what jason sees as right. Jason would be MORE mad. I think Jason, late into his robin run and in uth, can’t believe Bruce is anything but detached from the people because he is clinging to the “antiquated sense of morality” and he wishes his death were the thing that finally shook Bruce by the shoulder and made him take it personally. But Bruce is already taking it personally, lmao
I do disagree a bit on jason being motivated purely by Bruce’s love, instead of seeing murder as the solution to a problem, but I can admit that I *want* to see that, and even then I think it’s both. Pragmatism AND revenge, and both are reasons Bruce does not think excuse murder. Jason is simultaneously valuing some lives above others (innocent VS guilty) and devaluing the act of intentionally murdering or killing in comparison to the numbers game. And there is something hypocritical about that, but very human.
(Metatextually I love how what Jason came back with was like a clinging to the time he was born/created in and every other Batman character moved on, but Jason’s stuck in Jason’s comics.)
somehow this got longer than the post it's jumping off of, so i added a read more just to not spam but oh the thoughts i have <3
i ABSOLUTELY agree on bruce's morals being far more complex than ever given credit for. there's this belief he's very black and white and perfectly stable in his anti-murder mindset, and even pushes it onto other characters. but that's really not true- he regularly works with and gets along with people who are pro-murder, and his *entire* issue is he's always thinking about murder. he's always tempted by that edge, which leads to situations where he *might* leave someone for dead if he's caught on the wrong day. because yes he's anti-killing to the extreme degree, but he's anti-killing because he *wants* to kill, not bc he doesn't want to. he's so tempted, especially when it's personal. Bruce routinely *will* get personal in a fight. the reason he can't make an exception (like what Jason wants) is because it's a dam, for Bruce. and if the dam breaks, the dam breaks. he firmly believes if he slips once, he will never stop falling and that's why he *can't* kill Joker. not because he doesn't want to, not because he hasn't thought about it. so yeah, it would piss Jason off more to know Bruce was considering it briefly in that arc, bc at the end of day, he didn't. he never falters. not even when faced with the loss of *Jason*.
i absolutely see your point, i think Jason post revival is incredibly pragmatic in how he kills. and there's a pragmatic angle to killing the Joker, for him. it's a pure logistical issue that he outright states- there's a *difference* between Joker and any other rogue. Joker exists in his own league and killing him will undoubtedly save lives. and so, there's that angle of purely wanting the Joker dead for the numbers game.
but the way Jason approached that conversation, to me personally, was from the perspective of himself as *Robin*. when he spoke about "if it was you [...] i would've done nothing but search the planet [for Joker]", he was speaking from the perspective of his child self. because Jason fully believes had the roles been reversed when he was Robin, he would've killed Joker. (and i agree, he would've) when i say Jason was fueled entirely by love in his violent actions, i mean Robin!Joker, because Jason is processing this both from the perspective of his current changed self, and the dead version of himself he no longer is. the current Jason views murder pragmatically, but a Robin Jason viewed it through a lense of revenge, and he understands his love for Bruce (when he was that age) through that lens, and believes it should've been reciprocated by Bruce in that manner. and so much of UTRH is a trauma response and fueled by Jason's emotions, to me personally! the pragma is put aside, because he could've killed the Joker a dozen times, but he didn't. he needed Bruce to kill the Joker.
and you brought up a great point about how Jason was disillusioned by Bruce even when he was still Robin. fanon like to paint Bruce during Jason's Robin run as a perfect fatherly figure and all of that time was completely loving, but it wasn't. Bruce regularly was sort of shitty to Jason and Jason's hero worship view of Bruce faltered because of Bruce's detachment and how he grossly mishandled certain things, in Jason's eyes. so in a way, i think Jason is desperately clinging to the belief that this detachment was temporary and it was something they would've worked through and that Bruce still loved him. because Jason is someone who's constantly in his head about whether or not he is to blame for his own death and if Bruce blamed him too. i think it's *why* Jason needs that proof of love from Bruce in killing Joker- because it will at the very least mean that even at their worst, Bruce loved him and could cross the line for Jason. but he won't. that's why it all comes down to love for me, but i definitely agree there is a pragma to it as well!! i just think it's emotionally driven first, hence not shooting Joker in front of Bruce immediately.
also, GOD i love metatextual discussions surrounding Jason. i love metatextually discussing the whole Batfam, but Jason specifically is fascinating, how much of his character and story will be forced to play out certain beats and never fully move on from them. because in the text, we're at the point *every* member of the Batfamily has died. some of them, for significant periods of time. Bruce's death arc was iconic, Dick had his death and subsequent Spyral arc, Damian was dead for quite a bit, and so on. but most of those events aren't lingered on in comics and aren't considered to be important to characterization. they were important singular arcs, but are not titular to these characters.
but with Jason, he was backed into a wall the moment he came back from the dead. because most fans -self included- don't have recent memory of reading comics in a time where Jason was still dead. he's been alive for nearly two decades (or: over two decades if you count Hush) and yet, because he was dead in comics for *so long*, the luster of his return is something that'll likely never wear off. characters in comics come back to life all the time- but not after almost two decades of being gone. we had the Bucky Clause for a reason- it was understood by fans no one is really dead, except Jason Todd, Bucky Barnes, and Uncle Ben. (and i always find it delightfully fun both Jason and Bucky came back in 2006.) it was just a hallmark of comics. so Jason's return was a big deal, it was a spectacle and his entire character was formed around it. and now, comics are never going to let him move on from it. no matter how many times he does, we're going to fall back to bringing up his death, his trauma, the Joker, his morals. he can stop killing for a month and get along with everyone, and then he'll backslide. because the comics don't know what else to do with him.
and that's not a dig at Winick -who wrote most of Jason's comics during his era of return- i think Winick did fantastic things with Jason and could've developed Jason in really interesting directions had he been given the space to. but because there's always a writer and editorial shuffle, it's about what DC at large is doing with him. no matter how much growth and development any writer will pour into Jason, he *will* backslide. it will become about his death and his Robin era again. it's why we keep retelling and retelling his death story (two different animated movies atp, with a *just* announced new one in the works for him and Dick) in adaptation rather than building off of it. it's rare and unique for a character to come back like this.
and being a Winter Soldier fan as well, it's interesting to me, given he's the only character who's comparable to Jason, having his death be such a big moment and then be dead for years. because while Bucky's death and his time as a teenage sidekick are certainly emotionally significant to him, they're really not what the bulk of his runs focus on. he gets to develop nuanced relationships and have interesting arcs and development outside of his backstory. so it's certainly doable, but it's not being done with Jason. which is frustrating bc to keep from rewriting identical comics, Jason's personality just gets changed every new time we retell this story. it makes him feel inconsistent and it makes stories written about his Robin era now feel unreliable in characterization.
and it makes for a bizarre difference in the way Jason's death is treated versus everyone else's. because sure, Jason's death holding more weight canonically makes sense, he was dead for years and he was the first real loss that the Batfam felt. but he's not the only one who's been changed by death- not even the only one who's been changed by the Lazarus Pit in the Batfam. so much of his character surrounds his death and his feelings about it. like you said, everyone else has moved on and he hasn't. i'm always interested in how to handle metatextual reasonings for things vs the textual canon when it comes to the significance of events or things feeling OOC. because i personally think Jason would move on eventually. not that his angry would go away or he would forgive Bruce, but he just has other shit to do. he deserves other wants and goals and there are a lot of interesting places to take him. but there will never be any real commitment to any change made to him so instead, at best he feels static and at worst he feels OOC and inconsistent. which sucks, bc pre-Flashpoint Jason was one of my favorite characters and there *are* post-Flashpoint stories i like with him, that i think were doing interesting things. but it's hard to get into a Red Hood story when you know nothing about it is going to matter in a few years and the cycle will rinse and repeat.
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scaredstupid · 2 months ago
i like dastardly
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pastellmochi · 4 months ago
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jjaime-lannister · 4 months ago
christening the blog w jaime ramblings ehehehe this isn’t gonna be great cuz im tired but ARGH this dumb blonde failguy lives in my head rent free
okay i fr loved his GoT ending and im HOLDON GUYS GUYS HEAR ME OUT. i am not a jaime/cersei shipper i promise. i just think it is highly in character and realistic of jaime to end up going back to this toxic relationship/household and i love it so much.
like he spends so much of the show believing cersei and the lannister’s and kings landing is the only place for him, he is a bad person and he fits in here with the bad people, it simply is. he doesn’t even consider change until he is knocked over the fucking head by the concept. and then he gets so close to leaving a couple times, but he always goes back, he’s intrigued by changing, if he could be a good person that might be cool. but ultimately it’s not something he can really buy into, so he goes back, this is where he belongs. but it’s not the same, he’s haunted by the idea that this isn’t the only place for him. but that’s weird and scary so he never actually seeks out brienne or any other place, just kindof stews in it until brienne shows up again, and most stories would have him either actually recover and get better, or reveal that he’s “too far gone” in some way. but for jaime he made the decision, it’s not that he’s incapable of change, it’s that he’s scared of change, he doesn’t want to believe recovery is possible for him because it’s fucking terrifying and he’d have to yknow, actually get better. he manages to do the right thing a couple times but in the end he cannot cope w recovery, can’t cope with the fact that he is capable of change. that he actually was a bad person and that was actually bad and changing would mean condemning his past behavior and his family and not doing those things anymore. so once again he goes back to cersei and his family and kings landing and it leads to his death. and it’s such a good ending to his tragic fucking story and i love it so much
no more happy ending only characters failing to get better bc they are too ashamed of their past ty ty
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tvisnoton · 2 years ago
"no a poe kinnie isn't going to fall in love with you"
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b0nkman · 1 year ago
Hey girl I got a crazzyyy oral fixation and I think u could help me out with it 😚😚🔥🔥🔥
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 1 year ago
i dont know if im still just fucking reeling and riding the extreme emotional high that the david kaufman voicelines gave me. but i think pd just bumped up to being my favorite jrwi campaign. like it was suuuuch a close second behind riptide for so long. and while i do love riptide very dearly and it has a really really specific special place in my brain. god fucking damn it i havent been this winded and weepy and emotional over a season finale in such a long time
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3416 · 5 months ago
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guys... this picture of him, oh my god
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lovinglin · 2 years ago
A certain ginger is holding my heart hostage and won't let go of it (rightfully so)
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akinachiri · 2 years ago
sorry for the izuleo im ill and sad
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suenitos · 3 days ago
i saw that anon and i gasped like man not the time :( i’ll keep talking about dnfies with you if you want. i keep spinning the way george looked at him in the new videos in my mind
honestly for the sheer audacity they kinda ate that my bad that everythings just a joke to me. and thank you :( i love that moment with the little instrument so bad georges little blinks :(
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f0linasahl0 · 9 days ago
god this art is so good im in love
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your zeroes and ones
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