Novus Adventum
194 posts
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demcrazymandolin · 13 hours ago
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i miss my ginger jedi :((
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demcrazymandolin · 1 day ago
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I did not know they were stackable ?????????
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demcrazymandolin · 2 days ago
Some of my Jalim sketches because they're my world right now :3
They're just flirting and joking around
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The second one is not detailed enough but tbh I was tired///
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I hope I've not upset anyone or forgot something important. Just want to share some of my stuff
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demcrazymandolin · 2 days ago
thought i may as well post some of my stuff here :]
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demcrazymandolin · 2 days ago
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it's been a loooooooooong while since i posted anything at all. this time i decided to show a fantastic mashup of scout and jason. love these two. you may enjoy and rest in piece for i will disappear for anotha 3000000 yearz
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demcrazymandolin · 3 days ago
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demcrazymandolin · 3 days ago
At this point I'd rather be in the ancient temple with the alien vampires than at this damn customer service job
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demcrazymandolin · 3 days ago
💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💌💌💌 Send this on anon to a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are and wants to show you how much they appreciate you 💐 🌷 🌼💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓💖💓
(Not anon, bc I want you to know I'm sending forehead smooches)
Awww thank you mysc!!!! Made my day <3
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demcrazymandolin · 4 days ago
This being the hook for an article really took me out
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demcrazymandolin · 5 days ago
i'm at the bdsm club running into walls because someone keeps painting tunnels on them #yeowch
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demcrazymandolin · 5 days ago
Sometimes having a reputation for being smart beats actually being smart.
I once beat my school’s chess champion in a game because he spent the entire match desperately trying to work out my strategy because I was “smart” and therefore good at chess.
We were playing with a Lord of the Rings chess set. I was moving the characters I liked best.
I’m terrible at chess.
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demcrazymandolin · 5 days ago
get unemployed & fag out
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demcrazymandolin · 6 days ago
A silly Jalim drabble because my brain is bouncing the two of them around like the old DVD logo.
“What is that?”
Pausing with one foot lifted to step into the bathtub, Jason looks over his shoulder at Salim. “Huh? What is what?”
Hanging up fresh towels for them, Salim has a troubled pinch in his brow and a frown tugging his lips down. He points. “Down the back of your leg. It’s bright red.”
Jason tries to twist himself to see it only for Salim to have to rush forward to steady him before he falls on his ass. He lets Salim guide him to the full-length mirror behind the door, then, and sucks in a breath when he sees what Salim means. “Well, shit. No wonder it’s been itchin’ like a dog covered in mange.”
Salim winces. “What did you do?”
“Fuck if I know.” Jason casts back in his memory for an explanation and only one appears, making him wince. “Wait. Dammit. When we were at Maggie’s and I played hide and seek with the kids in the woods, I bet I brushed up against some poison oak or poison ivy or something.”
“That was two days ago,” Salim says, concern filling his voice now. He bends down to retrieve the clothes he’d just discarded and starts redressing. “You didn’t think to say anything about it on our entire flight home? Or yesterday when we got back?”
“You were jetlagged! You weren’t conscious yesterday for me to tell! And it’s only- ehh, okay, don’t look at me like that. I admit it, it looks pretty gross.”
“We are taking you to the doctor.” Salim says.
“Hold on, but we were gonna have a nice bath and fool around and- Aw, damn it. This is what I get for being a fun uncle.”
“At least it’s only a single pill,” Salim says, attempting to soothe Jason as he drives them home. He reaches over to set his hand on Jason’s knee. “It is just to help get rid of the rash, since the cream they gave you before didn’t work.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Jason grumbles.
Salim purses his lips sympathetically and drops it for now. He understood why Jason was upset about it. He’d really wanted the cream the doctor had originally given him to work so it wouldn’t come to him having to take any sort of medication, especially something he’d never had before. But he’d scratched himself raw twice now and Salim couldn’t bear to watch him suffering anymore.
The rest of the drive is filled with the silence of Jason’s stewing about it.
But when they get home he dutifully takes the pill, downing a whole glass of water with it. Then he throws himself down on the couch to be grumpy about it.
Salim gets busy making them a nice dinner. Something he knows Jason really enjoys, to help lift his mood again.
He’s halfway done when Jason pads into the room with an odd look on his face. “Darlin’, something is off.”
Stirring the gravy he has thickening on the stovetop, Salim pouts down at it. It looked fine to him. “I followed the recipe exact- Jason!”
He has Jason in his arms the next second, keeping him from tipping over and crashing down onto the tiles. Salim lowers him down gently, patting his cheek. “Jason! Hayati, can you hear me? Jason?!”
For a couple of seconds Jason’s eyes are rolled back. And then they slip open again, slowly focusing up at Salim, clouded by confusion.
Salim presses him back down when Jason tries to sit up. “Hold on. You fainted. Stay there for a moment.”
“Fainted?” Jason repeats, dazed. Sweat has broken out along his brow.
Brushing it away, fingers slipping through Jason’s hair, Salim nods. “Yes. Take some deep breaths with me.”
They sit together on the kitchen floor until Jason’s breathing is calm and even and his eyes are alert once more. He winces. “Fuck. Must be that medicine I took. I think it said it can make me dizzy.”
Salim frowns, worry etched all over his face. “It shouldn’t have been that strong, though.”
“It probably ain’t all that bad for most people, but the most I’ve had in the past two years is a para- parasesa- the British advil.”
“Paracetamol,” Salim supplies with a small shake of his head. It made sense, though. It reminded him of the first time they’d gone to America and he’d taken a benadryl because the allergens there had kicked his ass. The benadryl had promptly kicked it harder and left him sleeping for two full days.
Very carefully, he helps Jason back to his feet and over to their dining table. “I’m sorry, love. I should have kept an eye on you.”
“Not your fault, babe. I’m already feeling back to myself. And no itching, either.” Jason met Salim’s gaze and grinned, reassuring. “And, damn, that smells good. Are those biscuits in the oven?”
“Yes,” Salim answers, finally giving Jason a smile in return. “Since you decided to bring a bit of Texas home with you, I thought it was fitting.”
Jason snorts. But his grin grows. “In the future I’m gonna leave Texas right where it is.” His gaze becomes so soft that Salim can’t help but come over to him, because he knows that look. It’s Jason’s, ‘come here so I can kiss you’ look.
And it’s exactly what Jason does.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” Jason murmurs against Salim’s mouth.
“I always will,” Salim hums back.
They kiss a bit longer before Salim finally pulls away and murmurs, “Now let me finish this and then once we have eaten how about we run a bath?”
“I like the way you think.”
“Mm?” Salim straightens up from placing the plug in the tub.
“What in hell is that?”
Salim’s stomach sinks for a second. He goes right to the mirror to look himself over. But he finds nothing. His eyes meet Jason’s in the reflection, bemused. “There is nothing-“
“Wrong. It’s your sexy ass.”
Jason’s loud snickering is muffled by the towel suddenly thrown in his face and Salim trying to keep the amusement out of his voice as he says, “Jason, get in the tub.”
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demcrazymandolin · 7 days ago
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demcrazymandolin · 7 days ago
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jalim part for grocery store au (???) collab i made with friend
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demcrazymandolin · 7 days ago
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Meme liberated from Facebook.
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demcrazymandolin · 8 days ago
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salim's neck has become non-existent after this point RIP this man and his height over his boyfriend 😔
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