#I love you but whyyyyy?
legolasghosty · 2 years
"recreating their first date" for willex 👀😂(this is /hj feel free to delete it actually but also please write it we already planned it out)
Here you go, you gremlin! /aff /t /lh /nm
“I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve just gone on a date,” Willie mused aloud one day as he lay on the couch, his head in Alex’s lap.
Alex looked down at him, a bit confused by the sudden comment. He carefully shifted the hand that was woven through Willie’s dark hair so he doesn’t pull on it. “What do you mean?” he asked. “We literally went out for ice cream after the gig last weekend. Like three days ago.”
“But that was with everyone,” Willie countered. “I meant go out like just us.”
“Yeah, geez Alex,” Reggie snickered from his armchair. “Take your boyfriend out sometimes.”
“Stay out of this,” Alex groaned, letting his head fall back against the couch.
“Gotta be good to Willie or one of us might steal him,” Luke added, winking playfully at Willie.
“Shut it, Leprechaun,” Alex snarked, wrapping a protective arm around Willie’s shoulders. 
“I’m not a leprechaun!” Luke exclaimed, but Alex ignored him.
“I mean, do I just have to choose one?” Willie joked. “Only if Alex and I are a package deal though, I don’t wanna break up with him.” “Oh no, I’m not dating them.” Alex shook his head firmly. “I made that mistake before, not doing it.”
“Okay, we’re gonna unpack that later,” Julie interrupted from the doorway, “but can we go back to the part where you called Luke a leprechaun?”
Luke yelped. “Nope, we don’t need to go back to that, we can just move-”
“His initials are L E P,” Reggie cut in. 
“And he’s short,” Alex added. “So… leprechaun.”
“I’m not that short,” Luke grumbled. 
“Uh huh, and that’s why you’re always climbing on the kitchen counters?” Reggie ribbed.
“Not my fault you guys like putting things on top shelves!”
“Babe, you’re a good three inches taller than me at least,” Julie sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Shut up.”
“But you have a reason to be short,” Luke protested. “You drink so much coffee!”
As his bandmates squabled, Alex returned his attention to his partner. “Did you have something in mind when you said ‘date’?” he asked.
“Well being tangible and visible feels like more work than it’s worth, so food seems out of the question,” Willie thought aloud. Then they sat up straight, giving Alex a mischievous grin. “I know, let’s go stand in the middle of the street and scream when the cars go through us!”
Alex stared at them for a second, then slowly shook his head. “No, we are not doing that.”
“But it’s such a rush!” Willie said, grinning.
“I’ll take Alex’s spot if he doesn’t wanna go!” Luke piped up, overhearing their conversation.
“Absolutely not, no running into traffic with my boyfriend!” Alex ordered. Then he turned back to Willie. “Why would you even do that, it’s literally how you died.”
“It’s cathartic,” Willie responded with a shrug and a smile. “Face the thing that killed you knowing that it can’t hurt you anymore. Like how you like it when I call you hotdog, hotdog.”
Alex was about to retort that the two things weren’t really the same, but Reggie interrupted then. “Hey, we can play dodgeball! Except instead of balls, it’s cars! The stakes will be so much higher that way,” he exclaimed, sounding way too excited for something that would kill them all if they were still alive.
“The cars wouldn’t even hit you,” Alex pointed out.
“Exactly!” Willie declared. 
Alex glanced between his boyfriend’s face and his bandmates. “All of you, no. Absolutely not.”
“But it would be fun,” Willie pleaded, giving Alex their best puppy eyes.
“Okay, no, no one is running into traffic,” Julie intervened firmly.
All three ghosts fell silent at her rebuke. She leveled a glare at them all, shot a quick wink at Alex, then headed for the door. “Dad’s making dinner if you guys want something,” she called.
Reggie and Luke immediately darted up after her. Eating was tricky but doable for them now, though Alex suspected the interest was more in spending time with a healthy family than the food.
“You know, if you still wanted to go on a date,” Alex started once he was left alone with his partner, “I might have some ideas.” He held out his hand to Willie.
Willie smiled softly and grabbed his hand. “I trust you.”
Alex felt his heart flutter as he poofed them to the museum where they’d had their first… well, it didn’t feel quite right to call it a date, since neither of them had actually admitted their feelings back then. But it certainly felt like it had more than a friendly hangout. 
“Nice choice,” Willie chuckled as they materialized near the bench Willie had helped Alex move so long ago. 
“Well, this pretty cool person brought be here one time,” Alex joked. “I feel like that went pretty well.”
“Oooo, were they pretty?” Willie asked, feigning ignorance. 
Alex laughed and pulled Willie closer by their joined hands. “I can’t quite remember,” he mused, reaching out to brush a strand of hair back behind their ear. “I haven’t seen him in a bit, I might need a closer look.”
“I suppose he’d have a hard time denying you that,” Willie murmured, gaze flicking between Alex’s eyes and his lips.
“I hope so,” Alex breathed as he leaned in and closed the space between them.
It didn’t end up being much of a ‘date’, more like a cuddle session with a lot of stolen kisses and loud screams, but neither of them complained. Normal dates were overrated anyways.
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dododrawsstuff · 3 months
Happy birthday Clavis!!
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I'm not late this year, yay! (Are you proud of me, Clavis?) I wanted to make something special for him, so I tried to make an animation, I wanted to make him blink, but that was beyond my and my PC's capacity ahdhshdhd
Anyway, I hope you like it! I'll study more so I can at least make him blink ajshsjsj
Ikepri taglist: @keithsandwich @scummy-writes @bicayaya @natimiles @floydsteeth @lorei-writes @aquagirl1978 @ikeprinces-stuff @goustmilk @sh0jun @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @violettduchess (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist)
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aeymii · 3 months
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killjoy-prince · 4 months
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A kiss from Death
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months
i have once again become absolutely insane about the odazai scene in bar lupin bc like. dazai is never this sincere, this open. as a general rule he is more open and genuine with oda than he is with other characters, but even then the beast lupin scene was a whole different level. and what gets me is this is all coming from a place of such sheer desperation. dazai, at the end of all that he's wrought, finds himself so desperately wanting, so desperately hoping, that oda will understand why he did what he did, that oda will see where he's coming from. he prepared for this, he literally bet on the fact that oda would not know him, would not care about him, would not like him or consider him a friend bc that's what dazai had to do to keep him safe, to keep the world where he can live and write novels from disappearing. and yet, faced with the actuality of that exact situation he's created... dazai can't help but beg oda to understand the reason for his actions
he wanted this. he planned for this. and as hard as that was for him to do, i don't think he could have ever fathomed how much it would hurt to truly be confronted with the reality of it
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
What do you think of my Mermaid Teensy Wizard? 🧜‍♀️✨️
(He's beautiful and quite feminine tho lol-)
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You wanna know if I, the biggest advocate for transfem Teensy Wizard, like your feminine mermaid version him??? Of course I do! He's very pretty <3
And since I've been in a mermaid mood as of late (two months late, I know), I figured I'd give you a little treat of my version of a mermaid Teensy Wizard.
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She is a parrot fish! They are mostly blue, have random flashes of different colors depending on lighting (sorta like Wizard's beta design), and are known to be able to transition, which I think is a neat touch for her.
I also modified some designs from my current version onto this one. Things like her coat being a mucus membrane bubble (lil gross but whatever) her top and hat being a discarded costume she found from the surface, and her wand now being a tether ball that still does magic but is unable to drift away.
She was very fun to imagine as a mermaid, so thanks for the inspiration!
Progress and Ref below cut:
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Fish Ref lol:
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Have a lovely day broskis :)
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puckpocketed · 3 months
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25/06/2024 - Anaheim Ducks Rebrand
A tribute to our legacy, with eyes on the future. You're entering Orange Country.
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generaltrashshecox · 1 year
Y'all I've girlbossed a little too close to the sun with this one 💀
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I just wanted to do the meme a silly joke and aksjnsn please Shayne this is how I get noticed 😭😭
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anotherfanaccount · 3 months
People who waited from August to December for part 2 of Alchemy of souls....how????? How did you all manage???
Just finished part 1 and I'm in shambles. Would have been digging my own grave if I didn't have these 10 more episodes.
Jang uk🫂 naksu/mu deok 🫂 park gang gu 🫂 seo yul 🫂 Cho yeon 🫂 crown prince 🫂 madam kim.....these people have my heart. See how the kids are suffering because adults wanted to play with power beyond them. And still are playing with the kids at stake. Madam Kim the only grown up ever.
Also how dare they make this final episode so sweet for all these couples and then just everything goes up in flames.
Like woah. The tone changes and how. With literal death.
Jin Mu is the example of fuck around and find out tbh. Man literally did everything that has Jang UK in full power. I hope he dies a horrible death. Can't wait to see that.
Crown Prince. I just hope you repent a bit. You were not at fault but still. Look what you enabled man.
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ughgoaway · 7 months
Ok but like I NEED to know what matty gave teacher girly for Valentine’s Day 😭😭😭
ik this is a couple of days late, but it's because I CAN'T DECIDE??? maybe it's because I've never had a partner for v-day, but I honestly I really struggled to think of stuff!!
(this is all post-relationship btw... I just realised you probably ment pre... I'LL DO ANOTHER BLURB IM SORRYYYYYY)
But I've decided it would be multiple presents, the first part is a holiday. somewhere beautiful and hot, a massive villa with a pool, private beach access, and it would just be the most beautiful place ever. you try to not accept,
"Matthew! I can't take this, I got you a mug that says "i <3 cum" on it oh my god. and it's so expensive, please i-" matty shutd you up with a kiss, because he is cheesy like that.
"Baby, you deserve a break. cmon, let me treat my girl, hmm? imagine it; you, me, the sun, and both of us in not very much clothing. doesn't that sound fun?"
you quickly get convinced, and you go bikini shopping later in the week! (which does end with matty fucking you from behind in the mirror with his fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet... oops <3)
the first 4 days are just you and him, in a villa doing absolutely nothing (apart from each other...) But I think on day 5, Denise, Annie, Lincoln, and Louis arrive, and it becomes a whole family thing for the next 4 days!!
I also think he would get you an "M" necklace. he's possesive, and it took him wayyyy too long to get you NOT to advertise that you are his, and his alone. it would be small and delicate, but enough weight around your neck to remind you who you belong to, and you love it.
along that route, I also think he gets some kinky sex stuff. maybe a book with new positions to try, some new toys that you've been discussing (I'm thinking butt plug for you, and perhaps a strap to experiment on him...) and some pretty decent quality handcuffs because your pair keep on undoing mid sex and it lowkey ruins the vibes lmaoooo
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hellsgayngels · 6 days
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(id in alt) munchin on lachmagine and beer at home after work while my friends play d&d 😔
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good-beans · 2 months
I need all my friends to live in my house!!!! I suck so bad at messaging I need to show my affection like a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mmgwritings · 1 year
not danielle galligan being pro israel... 😃👍 well, goodnight then.
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melodiclune · 2 months
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An Ace plush just for u bc I love u Lune <3 <3
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im gonna tbh with yall, listening to magnus archives again without the constant fanon bleed and regular discussion etc.... definitely colors it a different way lol! i have more criticisms than i did when i listened to it the first time and it makes me a bit sad because i love it so so soso much. just coming up on the unknowing arc and i'm mentally strapping myself in because i'm realizing things [I dont like jmart very much / would like it MUCH BETTER if martin was actually a twist villain and web aligned i keep seeing the wires johnny i am shaking you by the shoulders DID YOU TAKE WEB ALIGNED EVIL MARTIN FROM US TO APPEASE THE FOUND FAMILY FANFICTION SOFT TEENAGE FANS ..... tell me why jonelias is so much more appealing to me now relistening to it as a grown ass woman . PAIN].
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eazy-peazy54 · 5 months
The songs that Iare the most relatable to me from In Case I Make It are Euthanasia and Against The Kitchen Floor
I MIGHT be cooked 🙏🗣🔥💯‼️ (I'm definitely cooked)
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