#I love this au alot I think about it frequently
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“Fighting evil by moonlight”
Small compilation of summoner sailor moon au
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depravitymoon · 6 months
I love the thought of yandere bruno and yandere melone setting aside their differences and unite because of their huge breeding kink. Can you write something around something like that? Thanks, sorry if this is confusing
Context: Everyone Lives AU. Through the power of GER’s BS, Bruno got revived and so did La Squadra. La Squadra got paid a better income and Bruno became Giorno’s Sottocapo (2nd in command). 
I dont see them cooperating over the same darling, because I think there would be too much bad blood between them.  While they wouldn’t share a darling, their darlings would be similar in that they’re motherly. Bruno and Melone would totally help each other out so their future babies have childhood friends. After all, friends AND family are so important for a child’s development…..but not a willing mother, apparently!
Melone would be able to stalk their darlings when Bruno is too busy being Sottocapo. Meanwhile, Bruno actually has the manpower to kidnap the darlings and/or blackmail them. Bruno will tell Melone to keep the creepiness down.
Yan!Melone x Reader:
Bruno has a talk with Melone about his obsession. Bruno didn’t like it. He already had to have your brother assassinated. However, you were innocent of all his wrongdoings. You were already grieving over the loss, even if it was good riddance, you didn’t deserve to be more involved with mafia things.
Yan!Bruno x Reader:
Unfortunately, Bruno is a hypocrite. When he sees you caring for the local kids, especially those from broken homes, you had captured his heart right there. It would scare him when you would bravely go into dangerous neighborhoods for these kids. While it is noble, you’re gonna get yourself hurt and it causes him anxiety.
Melone saw this as an opportunity. Bruno didn’t want you hurt, but as Sottocapo he’s busy and can’t always stalk like you he wants to…. But Melone can. Besides, who better to protect you from danger than a hitman ready to kill at a moment’s notice. There’s plenty of vile women in that neighborhood you frequent he can use for baby face.
Darlings unite!:
Perhaps the two darlings become friends or were friends, finds out Melone is stalking them and killing people, so they somehow kick his ass. In comes Bruno to the rescue. Bruno's impressed, despite how wicked the people were, his darling still wept for the lost of their lives. So pure, sweet, naive, and foolish. This is why darling needs to be in Bruno's care. Melone’s just very impressed. Humiliated but impressed. You two outsmarted him. Such smart darlings would make wonderful mothers. He’s analyzed you two quite alot since his deal with Bruno. Even if you two will never forgive him and Bruno, you would NEVER take it out on sweet innocent bambini. Bruno attempts to comfort the both of you by explaining that he and Melone have the money and resources to raise a family, which wasn’t comforting at all. You two knew that it meant they have the power to keep you in place and there would be nothing you can do. Afterall, Passione basically controls Italy in the shadows. What chance do either of you have against them, stand or no stand?
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abouquetofdaylillies · 2 months
i live for ur modern aus i need more pls
Thank you! I'm currently in the process of writing a modern AU, but it's less comedic, and more of a dramatic romance. Jaime is a homicide detective and Brienne is a child welfare agent and she's pulled into the murder investigation of one of client's mothers.
I'm also making plans for a Western Gothic Braime fic, and a Blair Witch (kinda sorta, it'll be a ghost story but it'll take place in the Riverlands or the Whsipers can't decide) Braime fic.
But, for more modern AU headcanons, here you go:
-Jaime never obeys the speed limit, in the city or on the highway, and it stresses Brienne the HELL OUT.
-Tommen is one of those ipad kids who wears those big onesies around the house.
-Myrcella has a coquette/pink aesthetic blog that she keeps secret from the adults because a bunch of the photos are just women in pink thigh high stockings.
-Brienne loves historical romance but keeps it secret, she either reads on her phone or keeps the books hidden under her bed.
-Joffrey only wears stinky Minecraft hoodies and blackmails Myrcella by threatening to tell Cersei about her blog.
-Brienne is a big athleisure girly because she can always find peices that fit her and look good. When she starts openly dating Jaime, Cersei makes a bunch of passive aggressive posts on her Facebook and Twitter about how whorish and sloppy she thinks it is for women to wear leggings as pants.
-Jaime is constantly sending Brienne memes that are months old and she doesn't have the heart to tell him, so she's always like, "That's great sweetie :)"
-Jaime and Cersei were big on terms of endearment when they were dating, and called each other 'babe' alot. They've had several very tense and awkward moments where one of them accidently called the other 'babe' in front of Tywin.
-Jaime is still a big fan of terms of endearment when he starts dating Brienne, but calls her 'my love' instead. Brienne just calls him Jaime.
-Both Jaime and Brienne hate PDA but are very affectionate in private. If Brienne is sleeping on her stomach or back Jaime will lay on top of her like a slug until he feels like he has enough Brienne-time.
-Jaime and Brienne watch Dateline together.
-Tyrion is a huge pothead. He started using to help him with his chronic joint pain and eventually opens a head shop with Tysha, who is a ceramic artist and makes pipes that they sell in their shop. Margarey is a frequent flier in their store.
-Sansa plays tennis even though she likes track better. She thinks tennis skirts are prettier and tennis is a more refined sport.
-Jon has more friends than Robb, and often invites him to parties instead of the other way around. Robb loves parties while Jon hates them.
-Theon is hired as a waiter because he's really hot but quits because he didn't realize how much walking it takes and Ramsay the line cook always silently stares at him when he goes back into the kitchen.
-Sam and Jon become roommates after Sam gets kicked out and they host Smash bros tournaments in their apartment. They're very close friends and often get mistaken for a couple. Robb posts about how much he loves his LGBT family members on his Insta during pride month to try and be supportive and Jon thinks it's for Brynden Tully and likes it.
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starlight-nerd · 4 months
what about your hcs for Bedannibal as parents?? yeah we need to talk about this part too
Bedannibal Headcannons Prt. 4
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Bedannibal as parents?? I love a good parental AU!!!
... So I wrote alot. You've been warned.
1. Becoming parents was not planned by either of them.
2. Bedelia was very unsure about her pregnancy at first, but Hannibals pampering and excitement helped ease her into the idea.
3. Despite the pregnancy being high risk due to age, it was relatively smooth for Bedelia, practically a text book pregnancy much to her own relief.
4. Hannibals office hours change for his practice during the 3rd trimester of Bedelias pregnancy. He no longer does later appointments after 5pm so he can be home with his family.
5. I feel like Bedelia is a girl mom, for sure, she knows how to do all the hair styles, has the cute aesthetic, yet functional, baby clothes in various pastel and neutral colors, she handles the mood swings, and doesn't fall easily for the puppy eyes and pouty lips.
6. Hannibal I think would have his reservations about having a daughter, but would parent his child, son or daughter, equally, he'd teach them how to cook once theyre older, speak to them as if they're adults to help further their language development, he'd read to them, and be, over all, a very attentive father.
7. Hannibal definitely has either one of those baby rocking chairs, or baby bouncing seats in his kitchen so that he can keep an eye on the baby while he cooks.
8. Bedelia splurged on the nursery, sparing no expnse on the things their child would need for a while, and wouldn't outgrow quickly. She even hired a painter to do a forest mural for an accent wall.
9. Their child learned to roll over very early to escape tummy time while Hannibal was watching them in the livingroom, and skimming a TattleCrime.com article.
10. Despite their agreement that it wasn't a competition, when it comes time for their child to say their first word, they're both secretly coaching the little one to say either 'mama' or 'dada'.
11. The little ones first word however is neither, it ends up being 'More', much to their parents disappointment.
12. Hannibal was unfortunately at work when the little one took their first steps. Bedelia had called him around his lunch hour, narrorating what their child just accomplished.
13. Neither Hannibal or Bedelia outwardly freak out while their child is reaching their milestones, like walking, talking, or rolling. They let the child try on their own, not interfering unless encouragment is needed. Once the child succeeds, they give their praises, and if they don't succeed, they'll reassure them that they'll get it next time.
14. Bedelia and Hannibal, for sure, have their child playing some sort of musical instrument, probably starting them off with Piano.
15. As soon as the baby is old enough to eat regular foods, Hannibal has the little one trying all sorts of things.
16. If the little one is a picky eater, Hannibal will accommodate them, but not without being vaugely annoyed about it, and blaming Bedelias side of the family.
17. If the little one has any food allergies, Hannibal would be a bit disappointed, or very upset with himself if his cooking caused the reaction, but ultimately will do what's best for the little one and keep the allergen out of their home.
18. Hannibal and Bedelia parent equally, and divided the work load so that one isn't doing more than the other. They're as attentive to eachother as they are to their baby.
19. Bedelia took one 'Mommy and Me' class at the insistence of others, just to try it, and came home shaking her head, saying 'never again'. Not that the class was inherently bad, she certainly saw how they could be useful to some people, she just didn't care for it.
20. Bedelia hates others calling her 'Mama'. It annoys her to no end. She is her babies mama, and only her little one will call her mama. She is Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier to anyone else. It was more frequent of an issue when she was pregnant, but sometimes people still try to call her that.
21. They have a pretty solid routine for their little one during their baby-toddler years. But they make sure to instill variations and wiggle room for other activities.
22. Hannibal originally wanted to be a reusable diaper household, but Bedelia was having none of it.
24. Bedelia has one strict rule for their child's diet. No human. Hannibal respects it, and she knows he does, but she still double checks every time he makes a dish with meat.
23. Hannibal quickly gave up on trying to persuade her once the baby arrived. Diapers became a mostly Bedelia job very quickly since Hannibals sense of smell is so strong. He quickly grew fond of trash day when the used diapers and their smell would disappear from their property momentarily.
25. Hannibal is the designated driver. Bedelia was already an anxious driver, but with a young child in the back seat, her anxiety is even worse.
26. During check ups and evaluations for their child, Hannibal and Bedelia are both attentive, prepared, and equally answer all the doctors questions.
27. Their child definitely goes to private schools, smaller class sizes, uniforms, challenging courses, expensive tuition, etc. They want the best for their little one, and to provide them with all the tools they can to succeed.
28. School bullies? With this kid? As much as Hannibal would love to threaten them with body parts in the mail, Bedelia gets her way in these situations, and the bullies parents get very firm, and slightly threatening, phone calls about the behavior of their children.
29. If their child is a girl, Bedelia would definitely be the one to give her the talk about menstruation and how to handle her cycle. Hannibal, however, is the one that warns Bedelia when the time is coming.
30. Bedelia and their child both share a love for Ice Cream/Gelato. No other desserts hit the right spot.
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sourle · 1 year
This is not from a request or anything! It's just an appreciation from me:D
I wanna say thank you for 66 followers! This account actually grew quick but sadly my xss couldn't update that much:(
But as a thank you for all of you, I'm gonna write a special 66 followers!
Lmk au idea!
Highschool au
Ohohohoho I'm gonna LOVE this so much! I think MK would be a junior alongside Mei. As they both are the youngest in the original lmk.
Both Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy would be a senior. I like to think they're the nerd group, as Tang being the smartest yet dumbest, Pigsy being the short feral gremlin, while Sandy is the group mom.
Now Wukong would definitely be the popular type. Being he's a legend and all(just think of this highschool accept any kind of people or demon k?:]).
Macaque would be the quite kid, yet popular because of how he looks. Let's be real here, he's the fakest of them all.
Nezha would be that one kid who's smart yet strict and probably a teachers pet-
Red son is the quite kid who's focus on his work only. He despised long conversation and can't stand being near people so being the red head he is. He's the kid who's always alone.
The Spider Queen and her minions (*cough* family *cough*) would be a bully. I ain't takin' my words back, i can imagine them definitely putting a kid on the ceiling in the hallways or next to the classroom wall for shet and giggles.
LBD is that one pretty girl who's manipulative in any kind of way. While mayor is that one simp nerd who would definitely carry a red carpet for LBD if he can.
Now comes you. A (not so) innocent baby being moved into their highschool in any reason:)
You being a newbie and doesn't know around the school of course will given the opportunity to explore but with someone guiding you, wether it's a teacher or student no one cares.
On high chances it's probably Mei or MK since both are i don't know. Teachers favorite for being the class clown.
It doesn't matter which one you got both will definitely be there to guide and show you around.
And here comes the fun part!
You, Mei, and MK ended up making a trio group! Bringing the school into chaos with you tree pranks.
Then come along Red son after some unexpected events of making all his school notes burned to ashes.
Which you tree have to fix. But it all end with red joining you guys group. How? Ask Mei and MK-
You don't interact alot with Macaque knowing he hates conversation so you left him alone. That is until your bumb into each other, you apolagizing and saying bye to each other before going on your part was the only interaction so far.
Now with Wukong it's hard to tell, he's the first to approach you with his flirty remarks and such. If you're oblivious then congrats, he's gonna laugh at you before being dragged away by MK.
You and Nezha didn't interact alot, being him always avoiding people and rather be himself or just close friends.
But you both do talk with each other, it's usually about homework and stuff that needed to be completed or just you asking for his help for an upcoming test.
Now with the comfort group aka Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy you actually interact with them frequently being Mei and MK is (somehow) also part of their group.
Pigsy is those type of friends who would get overprotective, Tang is definitely your study buddies when it comes to history or just mathematics really.
While Sandy is your comfort friend, being he's the gentle one out of all! So you trusted him easily.
As for now i only got this au ideas. Send me your thoughts on this au since i wanna know if it's interesting enough!
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yoonjinsgirl · 1 year
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with Chapter-6 to my series.
checkout series previous chapters: 1 💌 2💌 3💌 4💌 5💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, angst.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4/5 days.
Warnings: An au concept, not something that could make sense irl, it could be dangerously delulu. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: This chapter in particular has yoongi's pov.
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! Check my work until now: Masterlist💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Chapter - 6
As days keep passing you keep feeling more and more weird and uncomfortable with your situation. Because no matter how much you try to shrug it off it doesn't helps at the end of the day you still think what is going on with you! it's common for you to daydream or think of your bias but why the heck are you able to visualize the literal impossible scenarios and even though you've been army for years now you don't dream about them alot so why do you daily keep dreaming about yoongi? And most importantly from where did the ring appeared? You even shared it with your bestfriend but she is certain that you are only overthinking and that you are overwhelmed about yoongi's enlistment, again which is true for-sure but still you've a unsettling feeling which no matter how hard you try to shrug it just won't go away.
On the other hand yoongi won't appear anywhere! Like not on any of his sns accounts nor he could be spotted on any event or whatsoever! It made you want to run away somewhere and get lost somewhere, where these feelings won't affect you so much! His absence just made things worse for you! Dreams would keep coming, somedays you would find yourself waking up to your face stained with dried tears marks. This behavior of yours freaked you out because you never were like this, surely you loved him but you surely knew your limits! You knew you had to keep your delusional mind aware of your limits, and that no matter how much you want your imaginations to come true but your love for him was forbidden.
After having a long day at work as you settle down to rest, it's already been a month and yoongi is still not seen nowhere, so you just randomly think to message him on his sns account, although you know it's worth nothing as you are just one of those millions who would be messaging him, but that was an old habit of yours to always share your inner turmoil with him, he was definitely your safe place, so you message him thinking even if no one really takes your concerns seriously and judges you, atleast he would never! Ofcourse he would never know about your messages but also he if ever had seen he still would never judge you! Yoongi was never the person who would judge people you knew that.
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After messaging him youu fall asleep thinking maybe now that you had already shared your thoughts with yoongi you would be able to get over this thing of yours.
While you are asleep you have no idea the messages you have been sending off randomly, you've no idea what's actually going on with yoongi? Or what actually had happened to you leading to you getting various and frequent flashbacks.
33days ago...
Yoongi was genuinely resting at his home when he sees a shadow coming close to him, he was about to throw his hands but he freezes on spot when he sees his own reflection infront of him "WHAT THE FUCK! I guess I'm too tired from all the performing!! And whiskey is acting up"
Saying this he slightly pats his cheeks to get in his right mind, but to his shock his reflection stood right infront of him unbothered and judging him giving him side eyes! His eyes widens as he notices it moving,
"YAHHHHHH YAHHH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?", he almost shouts as he grabs his pillow to throw.
"Jeez you are way too over dramatic Min Yoongi it's not like I'm a ghost or anything", whatever thing that he was seeing said to him.
"Even ghost are far better than what I'm seeing rightnow! What the fuck are you? A mirror reflection who is here to eat me up or something like caging me into mirror and stealing my identity!" Yoongi spoke assuming all the possible scenarios that could take place.
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"Are you like seriously crazy dude? You need to stop watching too much of non fictional movies or shows or whatever shit you read to assume things like that!"
"Then what in the world are you??? Are you even there or is my whiskey acting up?"
"Nope I'm for real!"
"So are you here to harm me? Because I will call security so don't even thinking of doing anything, I'm warning you, also i can punch you down! Do not underestimate me!" Yoongi said defensively.
"Nope I'm not here to harm you! Sit down already will you? talk while having a seat I'm already tired answering your illogical questions by standing here?" saying that his dup takes a sit. Meanwhile yoongi is still, standing trying to process whatever is happening.
Finally after few minutes as yoongi sits down on his bed still staring at his dup and back looking at himself, trying to figure what the heck is this thing! Few minutes go's by and there's awkward silence.
"So are you by any chance from my future or something? Or wait don't tell me you are my son or grandson NO WAYS!", again yoongi says assuming too much.
"YAHH AISHHHH! NOO EWW! STOPPP! okay no! I told you before itself you watch a little too much of series and movies to assume all these sh!t!. So before you assume anymore shit let me introduce you to myself, I'm Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agustd! Yes I'm you but like in a different realm from a different world! You can suppose that i belong from a world which is exactly same as you with some exceptions, like it's 2023 and in my world its 2026, and I'm here to get help from you, you need to take my place for few days while i come here and i complete my research on how people live here so basica.."
"WHAT NO! Just get out! I'm doing nothing get that inside your head! Also how do i believe whatever shit you are saying is true? You told me to not speak nonsense but atleast my assumptions had some logic! I don't find even a drop of logic from whatever theory you just said! Also even if you are speaking truth how do i trust you?" Yoongi said cutting off his dup in middle way as he made his own point.
"Heyyyy no wait! Listen to me I'm not lying believe me! Just like you I'm also an Idol! I too have my armys in my mirror world! But what my fans and members don't know is, that I'm also work in a secret research as their team head for my world! To be honest i guessed that you will be similar to me so i came by to explain you the process. And to be honest even if you don't agree I'll have to interchange our positions for few days, you won't even know when you would get teleported to my world so just calm down and just cooperate and trust me i guarantee your safety and that i won't spoil your image here!", yoongi's dup said trying to explain his situation.
"How do i trust you?", yoongi asked his dup.
"Well we can go right now and i can show you around! No one knows my identity as a head researcher, so if we go we will have to be careful as literally no one knows about me not even my research team, as we only contact through mails. So the only thing we need is to hide my identity and be careful".
"No but wait what if your people they recognize it's not me?"
"That unfortunately is not possible since we are alike! Besides once you will get teleported into my world you'll possess a power that will help you to survive and that will mask your real identi.."
Before yoongis dup could continue yoongi cutoff his sentence in between as he curiously asks, "What Power? Am i supposed to be some kind of supernatural human??? I'm fucking just a normal human being who has some good musical sense and my fans ofcourse"
"why don't you hear me out without cutting me off dude! So basically this is a thing in the mirror world if anyone from another world teleports there, the world will enter into a different realm and for sure in your world it might not be a power but in the mirror world everyone who doesn't belongs from there are 10000× more powerful. So your power will be depending on your inner energy, so that inner energy or power makes some changes into our world, mostly for the survival. And according to my study your energy must be the 'Everlasting Memories', which will make sure you don't forget a single moment or thing, also you'll be able to know the memories of people around you so no one would be able to catch you off guard while you take my place!", the dup explained him
"But what if there's someone just like me stuck in your world they know who i am?"
"Well it's s not possible since i haven't got any report from my team mates about it and not everyone knows how to balance the laws for a person to actually meet their other significant in another world without one of them getting teleported, so i don't think even if they do anything, it would be same as you. As the person teleported there wouldn't even know what happened to them so relax!" Yoongi's dup cleared his doubts and spoke further, "But even if there's someone nevermind you still will have the memory that will always help you to know what the truth is to you! There only 10%chances of someone to overpower your inner energy and even if it happens you still will be able to remember their truth so you are safe in all ways!!".
"Ahhhh i see", yoongi said while slightly nodding as he tries to understand and process everything, meanwhile the dup continues, "See i told you about everything now so please cooperate, according to my research i believe you've right now for few days have no schedules or such! You can be there and rest! Besides turning your life upside down without any notice, it's better if you know and understand the situation and we exchange places".
"Okay then i guess let's do it, not like i have any choice so yeah!" Yoongi agrees a little hesitantly.
"I never thought you had accept this!! Well thank you then"
"By the one more thing are you some kind of dr.strange from multiverse kinda thing???", yoongi again asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
"Dude would you stop asking weird questions???"
"Hey! C'mon it's so much similar how could you decline it?", yoongi retorts back thinking it's almost similar with it.
"Well okay maybe it is!", the dup finally agreed to yoongi's point.
"Daymmn i knew it! Afterall things like that actually exist"
"I can't with you! see we will get teleport at night so bye now and be ready". Saying that the dup of yoongi from the mirror world disappeared from there leaving back a curious and amused yoongi behind.
After The Incident...
Yoongi was stunned when he woke up the next day. He was so stunned to see the world to be exact same, his members were same, his workplace was same, even his house was same! He was stunned to discover to that there existed a world apart from where he lived.
Everything was going smooth until one day suddenly he feels something weird and the next thing he knows he finds you sleeping on his bed! Although he knows he has no girlfriend in real life so why are you here? Didn't his dup told him that they both were alike? But afterall maybe his dup has he thought, also it was just the overpowering effect of your inner energy, no matter what he had do, he wasn't able to keep himself off you, loving and cuddling you, everytime he would see you his heart won't co-operate with his mind! He would feel like you were there since the beginning, but deep down he knew something is not right, but the more he stayed with you the more his feelings started to grow up on his mind, to understand what was happening with him.
It was like there were literal dailouges ringing in his mind and he would just blurt out those! He was irritated but everytime he would look at you or would have any kind eye or body contact he would lose his mind and he almost hated himself for stealing someone's else girlfriend because having same face doesn't gives any right to play with someone else's feelings and betray someone he thought! But no matter how hard he would try he would always find himself getting pulled towards you and he hated how he enjoyed himself with you.
All these years he somewhere always yearned to have someone beside him and now when he got you, deep down in his heart he was so happy to have you until one day, just like you had arrived without any notice, you disappeared in thin air. Half of his mind convinced that it was his dream while half of his mind telling him that no it was all true. But then if you were a true person and not just imagination then how could you disappear just like that? And how could no one tell that you did existed once? No one knew about you! Everyone just told him that at this point he should start looking at some dating options or maybe it was armys delusional mind working inside him, and everything they said made him think that it was partially right as you did mentioned him to be army afterall.
His thoughts contemplating until the day of his own departure came and his dup appeared again thanking him for helping him and co-operating, but yoongi on the other side felt like he was the bad guy here, so hesitating he asked him if he, his dup by any chance had girlfriend! And to his surprise he had none! So then who were you? A possible ghost! His beautiful dream! Or was really his mind playing games with him? Or did someone actually got teleported like him?, before he could go insane. He instead decided to tell everything to his dup and he told him the answer that yoongi most probably wanted to hear.
"Well during my time out there, i came to know someone had actually teleported here! And she whom you saw was indeed from your world my subordinates informed me. And why would you even doubt your memory dude? when i clearly had told you always trust your memories because they won't lie!", the dup told him clarifying the truth.
As yoongi spoke further about his situation, "That's not the only matter here! I just told you that i behaved with her like she was my love, my girlfriend when she clearly wasn't! I knew yet i had no control over my emotions and just like a magnet i kept getting drawn towards her, and i ended up developing feelings for her!"
"Did you just said that you knew the reality and still you did things you didn't wanted to?"
"Yes! But as i said after few days i actually started having feelings for her"
"Ahhhhh that means her inner energy was Law Of Attraction, so that is why whatever she might have wished for you did it!"
"I just told you, that is not entirely true, i ended up having feelings so she wasn't the only one to blame for whatever i did"
"Get a chill lol why are getting so defensive?"
"No I'm not! Why would i? I don't even know her and not like i will meet her again" although he clearly declined his feelings his crimson cheeks said a different story. All his dup could do was only chuckle at him.
"Okay then see you never again, tomorrow morning you'll wake up in your world! Thank you for everything"
"hmnn okay thank you for keeping your words"
"And yeah also good luck in finding your girl" yoongi's dup said with a playfull smirk, "yahhhh aishhh how many times do i tell you I'm not going do anything like that", yoongi replied denying having any feelings now.
"Well okay if you say so", his dup says while shrugging off.
"Also it's impossible because didn't you told me before that people always tend to forget things once they're teleported back into their world, and i would be able to remember because of that energy thing, so it makes so sense on looking for her?" Yoongi asked absent-minded.
"Even though you just told me you had no business knowing about your so called girl you are still asking me! Well still I will answer your question so don't worry!" He said teasing him further and continued, "as i said she has stronger side for law of attraction so there are chances that maybe she remembers it all and suppose even if she doesn't remember all of it right now, there are very high chances for her to regain those memories, if you somehow find her and try to remind her of your times that you had spend with her or any moment that you had shared with her, anything like that would be able to recover all her memories!".
"Are you sure this could work??", yoongi asked.
"Woahh woahhh woahhh!!! I'm offended! What do you mean by I'm sure? Ofcourse I'm damn sure! Infact guessing on you getting into a situation where you both ended up being lovers, which means she actually wishes to have you in her life, maybe she's someone who loves you, which also means she could be one of your fan! So maybe after all it won't be so hard to find her! Good luck on finding her". He replies while giving yoongi a small smile.
"Don't make your own assumptions, i only asked you for security reasons that's it!! Nothing more than that"
"Well ofcourse after all how could you fall for a fan! So..."
"So i guess you should go and get rest and sleep because you will get teleported only while you are asleep, tomorrow morning you'll be in your world safe and sound! So bye i guess" the dup finally said biding him a bye.
"Hmnn bye good night, take care" yoongi says as he gives a quick side hug and turns away towards the bedroom, after all yoongi was indeed the sweet and soft person.
As yoongi laid down on the bed to fall asleep he was happy and content knowing there are still chances that he could meet you once again! He certainly wouldn't try to contact or find you immediately but he knew he would, once he is sure he can! For now he was relaxed knowing that there were still chances of you and him getting back! There were still chances of you both crossing eachother's path! The thought itself made him feel good. As he fell asleep with the last night in this mirror world which he certainly would never forget because he met someone like you here! But he was also excited to go back to his world and meet his actual members, his friends, his 6 brothers, his world..back.
Before he knew he was back in his world, more than happy to be back and meet his family and his friends. And glad that he still remembered and had you perfectly glued in his memories as he smiled thinking he's one more step closer to you as you are now under same sky as him.
Little did yoongi knew you were absolutely clueless about your time spend with him and how you were unknowingly trying to get rid of those little memory flashes that your mind tried to remind you.
I hope guys enjoyed reading this one! I hope you all will look forward to upcoming parts! So stay tuned!♡
I know it takes me little too long to post but trust me my laptop is in repair and i haven't got it back and making corrections in my written draft takes my most of time, and i actually write my chapters in real time so it takes a little long especially writting them on my phone takes even more long, so i hope you can bear with me. Like it's almost 1.30am while I'm uploading this lol!🥲
Thank you so much for always being patient with me y'all!. Ily all! Also my big big thanks to those who are just reading, also to those who are reading and liking my posts too and also to those who literally always reblog them, I'm so so grateful to you guys!❤️‍🩹
Also last time i had said about naming chapters for this series! So i have already updated those on masterlist!!!♡
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.♡
So if you've requests please go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one. Also your feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated.💜
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
Thinking of questions is difficult but i'll try
have you ever had a percy(or even not percy) fanfic idea that you love alot but for the life of you just can't write it?
not that I can think of, no, there is no story that I have thought of and haven't been able to write down. I have thought of so many stories to tell that I haven't written, but that's mainly the nature of writing and my time scarcity, not a lack of capacity.
my main issue is not starting to write fanfic, it is finishing it. I have a handful of percy wips I would love to finish - a story exploring his sexuality, my remus outsider pov perciver fic, my cedric & percy fic, my hbp ron & percy canon divergence idea - but gosh, I'm scarce on time, and I have my FTH fics to prioritise (neither which are percy this year - one is shadowhunters and the other is marauders, but I'm excited to start writing them)! there are a lot of stories in the in defence of percy weasley series I would like to write, some more for the YearoftheOTP event - but, alas, time. I'm not a slow writer, I just don't write frequently.
I am still amazed that I finished writing and published a study of cracked gold (my percy & ginny post-war fic) and falling from dusk into dawn (perciver getting together post-war fic), although to be fair ffdid was my FTH gift last year for @sugareey-makes-stuff so there was a deadline [which I lowkey need tbh], which were 18k and 26k, respectively. that's a lot! my most 'I need to FINISH this goddamit' fic is my 42k WWII malec au I started in 2018.
so in short: no, it's getting the stories done that's the issue, not scribbling them down. ffdid is probably the closest - it was a difficult story for me to write, not the least because it wouldn't stop growing (it initially was going to be 10k at max), because it was a character study without much plot aside, focused on a character I hadn't explored in much depth before, but it was a good challenge.
have a question for me? I'm currently taking asks about percy weasley and my writing in celebration of reaching 300 followers!
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bakugosleftt0e · 2 years
Bakubowl brainrot hc
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I genuinely think that their trope is asshole x asshole. They're both pretty mean sometimes and theyre both pretty upfront about it.
Honestly me favorite au for these two would be tatoo artist/peirce person and bakugo would be the tated up motorcycle dude or skator boy and bakugo would be a regular at his shop and they would have some embarrassingly obvious feeling for each other
Shinsou definitely fell first. Bakugo would come on strong and shinsou would just happily accept it and even return it two fold. This would go on for a while, bakugo would come to the shop and visit Mina who is a peircer person and make small talk with shinsou to pass some time.
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Let's be honest Todoroki definitely fell for Bakugo first and told straight to his face. At first bakugo thought he was joking and turned him down. If I were to associate a trope for them it would definitely be enemies to lovers. Todoroki is way nicer to Bakugo and Bakugo sees Todoroki as the enemy and Todoroki sees Bakugo as the lover.
Over time Bakugo began noticing the little things about Todoroki and Todoroki kept hanging out with Bakugo. I feel like Todoroki and Bakugo go on shopping trips for dinner at the dorms. Todoroki would also spend a lot of Endeavors money on getting bakugo gift at the mall and other random stuff. Them seem like the type of couple to go book shopping while one person is super talkative and the other doesn't care about the books but cares about their lovers opinion on random books and spending way too much money on books.
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We all know that this is the childhood friends to lovers. Izuku makes it clear throughout the show that he looks up to Bakugo, even through childhood he kept on looking up to Bakugo. Izuku adores Bakugo and know way more about him than the rest of his classmates. I honestly think that he takes pride in that fact.
Bakugo also knows alot about Izuku. He knows his favorite foods and sometimes cooks special meals for Izuku. Izuku already has a training and food regimen but sometimes he forgets to take care of himself and Bakugo has to slow him down and make sure he eats properly. I also feel like Bakugo pressures himself to be perfect and ends up not talking to people for days. Izuku also helps him with that by frequently completing him, giving him blankets, and them having study dates and coffee runs early in the morning.
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Their trope is head over heels in love x oblivious
Or loud blonde x their person. I feel like they would go on mall dates, and by that I mean Bakugo looking in stores and looking through the food court and criticizing all of their unhealthy food options while Kirishima is just walking alongside him and just agreeing with everything that Bakugo is saying.
Kirishima is definitely one out those people on valentines day that spread their partners favorite flower petals in a big heart in their room and buy those cheesy cards with an extra long note written personally with multiple oversized teddy bears on the bed. Bakugo would definitely pretend that he doesn't like it but will definitely get over it after a few minutes and shower kirishima with affection.
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Trope for them is one that I haven't really seen before and that is probably loud mean blonde x loud nice blonde. I haven't really read much on these two but I really like their dynamic and they seem really fun together. I think that they would have outside dates like going skateboarding or going to a place where they could spray paint or something.
I think that their friends would only be kind of surprised but genuinely happy for them and very supportive. Mina was most likely the reason they got together. Bakugo would hang out with her and they would talk about classmates and Bakugo having a crush on Kaminari definitely came up and on the flip side I think that Kaminari told Sero about his feelings. Sero and Mina definitely pushed them to confess their mutual feelings.
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When it comes to these two I like to thing that bakugo come onto ilda first with the whole "I like you and you've been eyeing my ass for a while so we should make out." Ilda was definitely surprised but he had a crush on bakugo so he just went with it. I think that ilda got a bit more relaxed around bakugo (a.k a. he became less of a stickler for ALL of the rules & maybe even started cussing abit.)
They're the type of couple that goes to those pottery stores and makes bowls or cups for the other. They also go on three day long hiking trips and take those cheesy photos of them kissing on the ledge of a mountain. I also think that they cook for each other. Ilda makes more traditional meals while Bakugo makes dishes with a personal twist to them. Anyway, I think that their classmates would only kind of be surprised but their fun to think about.
I just love all these ships and especially love Bakugo❤
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thebestbooksaround · 3 years
okay so top 5 fanfics👀
Idk why I did this to myself 😅 so below are fics I've reread at least 4 times, so I'd say that means they are in my top 5. Also...it's more than 5 because 5 is too small a number.
Cornerstone by Vendelin
Sterek | Honestly. This fic is absolutely amazing. Its one of the fics that got my into fandom and I love it with all my heart and soul. Also the art by @tsumi-noaru and @maichan808 is absolutely breathtaking.
Three Marks by sanam
Sterek | Soulmate identifying marks???? Sign me right up. This is my absolute favourite soul mate-ish fic. So well written and I love love love it.
Binomial Coefficients by DevilDoll @devildoll
Sterek | The sweetest little high-school AU to ever highschool and I love it so much. Nerdy freshman Stiles with Jock Derek crushing on him??? Yep.
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis) @dsudis
Sterek | This one hurts so good!!!!! It's just amazingly written. Also Alive Laura, is a huge plus.
Defiance and Progress by rosepetals42 @petals42
Sterek | Just all the yeses. All of them. I've read this fic so many times and it never ceases to make me smile and cry.
We, the Monsters by rainier_day
Sterek | okay. This fic. If you haven't read it. Go read it because it is a masterpiece.
And some Buddie! I'm newer to the 911 fandom so I haven't had the time yet to reread alot of fics multiple times as yet--but here are a few that I have. And I can't wait to add more to the list!
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black @redtooblack
Buddie | this fic, and it's subsequent parts make me grin so hard my cheeks hurt. I love, love, LOVE this verse so much and I definitely think it's a comfort fic for me.
Those Two Firefighters by DarkFairytale
Buddie | Need I say anything more about this fic??? I am a sucker for Canon compliant but told through a romantic lense (does that make sense?). Also, outside POV gives me life!
Ask me 'my top 5' anything
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bitchkay · 2 years
Can you do more modern Court Of Darkness headcannons?
Of course I love making modern AUs♡
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Fenns nudes leaked but no one's surprised💀💀
His fans 100% have them screenshoted.
they're so pretty
Modern AU court of darkness princes are just rich lil pretty boys
This post explains my thought process... uhh ignore the last line😳😳
Rich boy Roy and his 18 foreign cars, his favorites the yellow Lamborghini Sherry's favorite's the blue Tesla, second's the hot pink BMW
Both Invidia siblings are models but Sherry's Instagram famous
No one believed Sherry was 5'1 and until she and Roy shared a magazine cover and she had to stand next to him💀
Rio drives a truck or like a van
Rio also knows how to fix cars but not a car guy by any means
Toa reads fanfiction.
Dia once wore the same hoodie for 4 days straight but no one noticed cus he always smells like weed
Rio is in college for culinary
Rio likes the atmosphere of fast food restaurants then fancy restaurants cus its alot more relaxed, theres so many varieties of people there, from children to adults, old people, school kids stopping by for lunch, young kids getting a treat from their parents, old couples sharing an ice cream cone, young couples sharing their fries, middle schoolers making tiktok by the window, more chaotic yes, but also more comfortable, especially those places with a play area for kids, Rio loves children so hearing kids laugh and play is always a good thing
Fenn can twerk in a way that would make Megan thee Stallion proud
Fenn is thin asf, how tf his ass move like that--
Aquia works part time in a flower shop
If Rio came to pick me up for a date in a range rover I'd fuck him in the backseat ON THE SPOT‼
Lance dosen't often get into bar fights but when he does he always wins unscathed
Rio would love Flintstones gummy vitamins
Knight is a gamer. He just is. Kenma tease-
Thoma works at a bakery☺️💞
Lynt smells like new born babies.
Toa got his highschool volunteer hours at a long term care home I did that--
The boys took Guy to the strip club for his birthday and he simply dosen't throw bills.
Gets one drink and pouts the whole night.
Says he had a great time.
Roy wears women's jeans cus he says they give him shape (roy doesn't have an ass yall😔👊🏽💔)
Knight sleeps with a stuffed panda at night, if anyone comes over Pandi gets stuffed into the closet
Yes the bears name is Pandi.
He has a little hat with a blue feather.
Knight goes to the gym with Rio♡
I love that mental image☺️
Rio goes so much attention from women but yk its Rio so he's like 'omg new friends☺️'
You'd think he was a player the amount of numbers he's got in his phone💀
Knight and Thoma frequently play video games together
Graysons everyones designated driver
Literally everyone has him on speed dial when they go out drinking
Fenn would usually have a big party for his birthday but instead he wasn't feeling it so him and Violet got a cosco cake and some nachos and to this day that was his favorite and best birthday ever
Grayson works as a hostess at a fancy restaurant, specifically a hostess
Every now and then he has women throwing themselves at him(cus he's hot🤨) and he simply freezes, stiffens up dosen't know what to do, 'please stop flirting with me so I can show you to your table😰😰'
Sherry has a YouTube channel and she has a segment called 'cooking for my brother' where she cooks various things for Roy to try
You'd think she'd learn after Roy gets the stomach flu.
Sometimes you gotta wonder if she knows she can't cook and wants to poison him💀💀
Her viewers love when Roy's on her channel cus they all have a crush on him, they all beg him to make his own channel
Fenn and Guy hooked up one time when wine drunk (specifically wine drunk) and they don't act like it didn't happen but they don't explicitly talk about it, but every now and then Fenn's like 'OMG remember when we had sex🤣🤣' and everytime Guy like fucking chokes him but quickly remembers Fenn's into that
Fenn in a strip club but he's the one stripping.
He doesn't work there btw
All the princey rich boys having modeled at one point each some how end up on the cover of a monthly issued magazine 7 months in a row
Example, say Roy got March's issue, Fenn's on April's issue, Lance May, Rio June, so on and so forth
They don't find out until they each get a copy of the magazine
They'd be really hot on a magazine🔥
This has been in my drafts for 5 days???????
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
What if Hunter could purr when feeling safe, well taken care of and warm?
This is actually interesting to me.
I dont think the clones can legitimately purr, not like I head canon togrutans being able to to (they can make all the vocalizations that a tiger can, plus purring. They can hiss, growl, roar and cuff. They just dont do it alot).
But I have always seen the yandere clones from my au as having sort of a rumbly hum that they do when they're happy, content and/or sleepy. Usually when they have their loved ones close. Nice and tucked up safe in their arms.
I can totally see hunter making this vocalization when snuggling with omega or any of his brothers before shit hit the fan.
He doesnt do it as much now, rarely calm and safe enough to allow himself to be that vulnerable.
If he does do this 'purr' it will be with just about any jedi, regardless of if he knew them before. They are all in it together now, and it's his instinct to want to bond with the group or family hes with.
He does it more and more frequently as time goes on and hes on the run with the jedi.
Shaak ti was like a mother to him, or as close as one could get in their situation, so when he curls up with her and starts to rumble, she will purr back at him. He also curls up with glitch amd omega alot. The two clones deep hums and omegas slightly higher pitched ones are loud and soothing.
When hunter starts to 'purr' it will often lead to a cuddle pile, the younger jedi attracted like magnets to it, bringing the older jedi with them.
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zeraphiimm · 3 years
Always thinking never making content, that's my specialty you guys..
My little... Fucked up normal AU... Instead of being all cool and famous in Galar, they're just some Weird Men(i use that term loosely) in the UK and they're all stupid and British and struggling in their own ways, hold on man I need a minute,I need aminute/hold on...,,
Piers and Marnie live in a dingy little flat in such a grody part of town, all their stuff is in boxes cause whenever they move, they never stay for more than a few months at a time. Piers works at a shitty little music store down the street and uses the equipment there to make his own songs. He's self produced and his songs never get more than a couple thousand streams, but Marnie likes them. As long as she's his number one fan that's all that matters.
Marnie is a growing girl, she needs her ENRICHMENT. So she takes the train a town over, walks to the Library, and picks a few books up. (Always on hamsters other rodents alike.) She Also Very Much watches creepypasta AMVs on youtube using their computers.
She has a few internet friends, Hop, Gloria, Victor, and Bede. She wants to meet them one day seeing as they all live relatively close and they get along fairly well (Sometimes she has to yell at Bede to be nicer but he usually straightens up around her after being told off.)
Hop is a little silly she thinks, he lives in a more rural neighborhood. He shows her pictures of all the animals nearby, his favorite are the sheep that belong to a neighbor's farm.
She'll sit in the library for hours until her big brother pulls her back to her no wifi, no hot water, stupid dumb idiot home.
Raihan, the Librarian, watches her come in each day and helps her reach for books she can't get on her own. She needs help navigating the computers sometimes and Rai is very surprised to learn that a girl her age has Never owned a computer in her life.
Raihan watches Piers stop by every day, and even though he kinda smells like ciggies and looks like he hasn't had proper sleep in a good 6 years, Raihan will work up the courage to talk to him one day. (Piers will ignore him until he is inevitably worn down ofc.)
Walking into the library, there's a little pet bed sitting at the front desk and people often wonder "oh! A little cat? A little cat for me to love and hold and kiss? At the library??" No, fuck you!! It's a giant lizard that Raihan rehabilitated himself and now it sleeps in a little pet bed and greets you when you walk in!
Raihan volunteers at a sanctuary for reptiles and Sonia works with him, she focuses on all the research and medical staff.
Raihan is... Also a self-proclaimed influencer. He has around 400 followers and won't stop falling for the fake promotion bots. (He thinks he'll make it big one day.)
Nessa helps Rai out, it's mostly just photography tips for his social media and how to put on makeup. He's grateful, really! It just gets hard to listen when she starts talking about things like Framing and Composition, he thinks about why he can't just post a mirror selfie and call it a day. This is why he only has 399 followers. (He lost one.) Rai also has a secret second account where he'll fact-check every single "Did You Know?" Page and call them out in the comments when they're wrong. A secret account of course... because he can't ruin his "cool guy" reputation.
Raihan introduces himself to Leon at the gym they both frequent and Raihan makes it apparent that Leon has the same name as a Chameleon at his sanctuary. Admittedly that is... kind of a stupid way to introduce yourself to someone, but Lee thinks he's really funny anyways.
They spot each other and become gym bros, sharing routine secrets and setting up a friendly rivalry between themselves.
On certain days, Rai will sit back and watch Leon use the punching bag, he learns Very Quickly that this man is under an Alot Of Stress.
Leon works for a Stupid Fucking Company and sits in a Stupid Office, filing Stupid Papers and making Stupid Calls, and writing Stupid Emails.
It would be extremely boring if it weren't for the constant stress that his employer/CEO puts on him 24/7.
He would quit if he could, but Rose says that he's his best employee, his right hand man, his favorite!! If he leaves then Rose's company is left in shambles, and Leon doesn't want that!! (He actually should want it, really.)
Leon thinks about his old life, slower times, it was easier back in the countryside. He thinks about his little brother, and how he misses him so much. He won't be able to move back home until he finishes uni, he worries about how Hop is holding up.
Surprisingly, he's fairing well, he laments to the local sheep population about his problems. Sometimes he'll vent to the chickens too, but they scare him a bit. Beaks are sharp after all.
Hop helps out on Milo's farm in exchange for some allowance, he'll use the money to take the tram to the city and see his big brother and internet friends.
The city is a lot different than back home, but the view from Leon's apartment window makes him feel like he's on top of the world. As much as Leon worries about Hop, Hop will worry right back. But they both know that sometime in the near future, everything will fall into place, and everything will work out just fine.
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tamashiflame · 2 years
So, as far as my art goes, a few of you may have noticed the Omega Ruby au I've posted about a few times, but I guess I've never really explained it in much detail. SO LETS CHANGE THAT!
~ Tams silly little Omega Ruby au ~
The au itself is comprised a bunch of personal headcanons, ocs, and a desire for a slightly darker pokemon game that focus more on, who I deem, the more important characters in the story. Will I ever do anything with this au concept? Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe a webcomic, but I don't exactuly have the best track record, which is why this post now exists.
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As far as 'important characters' go, these are the 6 I wanna talk a lil bit about, the 6 that I suppose matter the most in terms of storyline (there should be 7, but the rival character has yet to exist beyond a small in mind concept)
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Firstly, Alex. The main protagonist? Character? Focus? Of the story. She is basically the May/Brendan replacement for the plot (though May and Brendan do exist, explanation in a bit). Shes 16 during most of the plot, and comes from Shinno. She got caught up in the team Magma shenanigans and ends up chasing them (which she defo later regrets). She ends up being very close with Archie, after everything that happens with Groudon and Maxie, and, you know, everyone deserves a father figure
Next is Lilo (17 yo), Alexs travelling companion and friend. They don't get so involved with everything happening with team Magma, rather acting as a lifeline for Alex where she nearly dies every other day. They grew up in Hoenn, so help Alex find her way around, whilst chasing their own goals of wanting to be a pokemon ranger and doctor.
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Whos this next person, you might ask. That would be May...or at least...and older, adult May. In this au, she completed her journey a few years prior and is now the standing champion of Hoenn. She herself didn't get caught up in the main fray of what happened, though she did have to stop the two teams fighting a few times, even when she was still on her own journey. Steven is her mentor still, and helps her look after the league and Hoenn (The league is a form of authority for the region, so people depend on them alot for support and protection)
Steven Stone, former (ha) champion, though he still plays a large role in the league and Hoenn itself. He focus' alot more on hos research and helps with his father buisness that also plays a large role in the league now as well. (He gets punched at some point)
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Now, Archie and Maxie I will through into one explanation, as they kinda link together and...if I talk about them separately I will not shut up. They are the main reason behind my idea for the au tbh, as they play a much larger role in the story overall. Team Magma and Aqua will appear, not only sooner, but more frequently during the overall plot, being more of a nuisance to Hoenn. I wanna explore their relationships more, and show the diwnfalls in not listening to research, and how that can very much corrupt a plan. Obviously, as an Omega Ruby au, Team Magma are the'villians', whilst Aqua is the support, though they will be alot more supportive than the games, actually taking the time to bond with the heros and help them out during the course of the events. I say villians loosely, as, neither team are inherently evil, they have good intentions, but go about it in the wrong way (which we see in the recebt pokemon master update WHICH I LOVED!!)
Annyywayyyyy, I think thats about...the basis of this au. I've been meaning to talk about it for a while, and I guess I just finally got around to drawing these characters and talking about them a little. I will defo try to post more things in the furture about this au, but in the meantime, feel free to ask any questions you might have, and I'll try to answer them!
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bangteamhyuk · 3 years
Seesaw (I)
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Genre: Mature/Smut, Strangers to Lovers, Neighbors with benefits/Fuck buddies, Producer! Min Yoongi, Fuck girl! OC Y/N, Neighbors AU (a Spin-Off to “Moving On”)
Warning: NSFW! alot of kissing (torrid, soft, neck, and down under😉), protected sex (you can never go wrong with a rubber on, kids!), oral sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of nipple pierce (pls don’t kill me 😣), mentions of cheating, appears to be pwp but i swear there’s a plot in this..so bear with me please😖, elevator buddies (lol. thanks ggukieland for mentioning this) to eventual lovers. I’m ending this in good terms 😌
Synposis: His outfits are always in black, and if not black then it must be in dark muted tones. You pressed the button on the elevator floor, and positioned yourself at the edge. You watched his back from a distance, and turned away if he moved his head. You were always the one who start your small conversation with him: From “good day” to “good night” to “that’s interesting (whatever it is you find ‘interesting’ from him, even though you were interested in him more than the item)” and other things. You and your little crush to your neighbor who lived on the 18th floor.
Until one rainy night, all drenched and cold, and your eyes smudged all over with kohl, you found him waiting for you inside the elevator. His body slacked on the edge, hair unkempt, his jacket barely settled on his shoulder while holding on to an empty bottle of scotch.
“Rough night?” he asked while you moved to the other side of the lift,  pressing the button from the elevator immediately closing its door.
“Yeah, seems you had one too?” you watched him attempt to position himself upright in amusement.
He drank from the empty bottle before he replied and realized straightaway that it’s been drained.
An idea came up to you suddenly and you asked: “I have more of that in my place. Wanna come over?”
A/N: Yoongi have been tormenting me of his visual for weeks and I just have to. Also I owe Producer!Min Yoongi to be happy. :( I hope you’ll enjoy “Seesaw” as much I enjoyed writing it. I decided to make it a mini-series because ideas are just piling up for the two.
And yep, mood song is “Seesaw” by Suga 💖
Word count: 7,190k
“Good morning” you said upon entering the elevator. You walked past him and placed your back on the steel wall for support.
“Good morning”  he replied, eyes blinking.
You opened your insulated tumbler to drink your freshly brewed hot coffee you made before leaving your apartment, when you noticed something particularly interesting from the lone stranger you’re with inside the lift. “Nice bean hat” you complimented.
“It’s a gift from my friend” he looks up at the elevator screen, monitoring what floor you two are currently in before it hits the ground floor. “That coffee smells nice, Ethiopian beans?” he turned his head a little to your direction, but wasn’t trying to look back at you particularly.
“No, Tanzania Peaberry” you took a sip and levelled your eyes to the decreasing number before the elevator digital screen until it hit ‘Lobby’. “Well, have a good day!” you smiled at him as you walked past his side. Yoongi let you leave first, like a true gentleman that he is.
It was always the same dry and small conversation. Always the same feeling whenever he is around. Your little crush on the man living on the 18th floor.
It started about two months ago when he was running towards the closing elevator, asking for you to wait for him before you could push the close button on the lift. Normally you would mind, and would even subtly push the button hard (about once or twice) so the lift would close quickly before the other person could even enter.
But not this guy, no. The way his eyes looked at you for a second, there was something behind it, something you couldn’t pinpoint exactly. When he reaches out for the door, you knew from that moment on, it was already over. He finally came in and pushed the ‘close button’ before you.
You were charmed.
“Thank you” he panted, as he tried to catch his breath from running and crouched down on his knees right when the elevator door closed. He was wearing a black oversized hoodie and dark blue fitted jeans and black canvas shoes, but were all dripping wet.
“Didn’t expect the rain too” You pulled out your gym towel from your bag. The one you didn’t get to use because, Matt, the cute guy your friend introduced to you during her wedding day, suddenly sent you a message asking if you had any plans for this afternoon.
Naturally, you cancelled your ‘gym day’ to trade it for one steamy workout session with him inside his car. Which leaves you now with your gym outfit and other stuff perfectly unused,  including your towel.
“Here” you handed it over to him, feeling sorry for the situation he was in. Wet and dirty from running outside the street. He turned to you, confused, unsure whether to accept the towel you were offering or not.  “Oh don’t worry, that’s a new one. I didn’t get to the gym today so it’s not used, like at all…” you smiled.
“Thanks” he bowed a bit and gently wiped his neck and face as he pushed the 18th floor button. He shook his raven short hair a little to his side and tapped it with the towel, hoping to reduce the water trickling from the ends of his straight hair.
You pushed 17th.
“New here?” you asked.
“Yeah, I just moved two weeks ago” he gently wiped each side of his cheek for warmth.
“Has anyone ever welcomed you here?” you took a quick glance at him and furrowed your eyebrows  then retracted “Well, besides the management and the security guard?” you snickered, eyes still fixed at the elevator buttons and its screen.
He chuckled at your query “No, unfortunately.”
“Bummer. Well, let that towel be the ‘first welcome gift’ then. From a neighbor” You shrugged then turned to face him and smiled.
The elevator bell rang, ‘17th floor’. You put your feet forward near the elevator door, arguing in your head whether you should ask his name or not. Usually, you don’t ask strangers for their name, especially the ones you just met. You barely knew anyone in this building, except your next-door neighbor who frequently complained about the noises you make at night.
And It’s not like he owes you anything either, so you didn’t expect that he’ll do it so casually… and yet here you are, hoping.
At least, maybe he could ask you a thing or two about you and say ‘thanks’ one more time? That’s just wishful thinking though. You suddenly remember that you did mention the towel was a gift, despite not bothering to ask if he wants it or not.
You began to worry even more, and wanted to ask if he really wants to even keep it. So, you turned around to meet him the eye and “Ah w—”
“Thank you, neighbor” he smiled and held the towel to his ear. The elevator door closes before you, stunned to see him smile. Yes, that damn smile. The kind where you forget where you live for a second, and you just nod. Leaving him behind.
“What’s your name?” you asked no one, and sighed. “Whatever… you’re welcome, neighbor” you turned away from the closed door in frustration and walked along the hallway.
Boys are like games. You liked it when they made you scheme so that they could find you interesting, and then trap them once they took the bait. And leave when it becomes dull.
Every so often, you try to lure in guys that interest you so that you could spend about a week or two with them, to fill in the gaps of your own boredom. You despised monotony, the way you hated commitments.
Though you were not always like this before, you once believed in ‘true love’ and ‘fairytales’, until you’ve had your heart broken a few times (mostly due to one-sided love) and then that was it. You’ve had enough. Back then, you were still young and naïve, thinking men will come and save you from this cruel world. You’ve seen it in movies, tv dramas and heard countless songs play about it on the radio, you were hopeful.
Yet no one came to save you, not even one. You came to realize that only you could save yourself from making your life any more tragic. Men are never the key to happiness. Love is not the formula in living a good life.
You looked at your own reflection and marveled at the beauty you created for yourself. And that was the thing, you saved yourself way too perfectly that you just don’t believe in love anymore. And out of nowhere, men were starting to line up.
Not like the teen romance kind of stuff, where they literally line up for you because you started to look like Gal Gadot overnight. More like, you don’t seem to care whether you get asked out or not, either way, men like you because you are a challenge. And who doesn’t like a challenge?
Because men are dying to see one day, that all the walls you’ve built for yourself would fall for them. They wanted to see a damsel in distress behind that wall.
Because men always like their ego stroke, and they always want to have the bigger prize. Unfortunately for everybody, it’s not Princess Peach who they want to save on top of a tower, they just want the game. That’s it, they want to see whether you’d fall for them or not. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s why you never let it. You refused to get too personal and you renounced commitments. You’re too proud.
Because for you, commitments are the epitome of prison. For you, commitments are just a disguise for convenience. In the same manner, convenience is a sugar-coated word for validation, caramelized to perfection.
And for whose validation? For men? Maybe then, they could make you do their laundry, cook them food, satisfy their lustful desires? Are those really an act of love or selfish desire to make their lives easy?  Clearly, your choice to keep yourself free from commitments isn’t an act of rebellion against sexims and double standards. It’s actually letting yourself be free from nuisance, which is what they call “love”.
That is why you remain in your stance, that you want men for your own pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. That you want to see them admire you, kneel if they must, before you. Cry desperately for your touch. Because you’re not giving any, not until a man who thinks the same way as you do, the ones who are smart enough to knock on your door and present to you his pure intentions.
Evidently, that’s impossible, with the way men are in this god-forsaken city? The closest thing you could ever meet to a perfect man is the cardboard stand of Park Seojun, smiling at the entrance of a restaurant beside you right now.
You pat the fabric from your dress, after looking at your reflection from the glass window. Joe, your officemate, from the Design Department, finally asked you out for a ‘little dinner nearby’.
“Y/N, you sure you want to eat here? We can go to some place fancier” he asked while he folded his long sleeves.
“Two seats please” you ignored his query as you grinned over the lady who took on the customer cue. She rolled her eyes upon seeing you again with another man.
Joe went to you close and whispered “Do you have any beef with the lady?”.
“Nah, we’re good. It’s her term of endearment for saying ‘welcoming back’. I’m a regular customer here” you winked at her “so I’m sure she’s delighted to see me every time” she groaned in annoyance and let you in. She remained polite by guiding you both to an empty table.
Obviously that’s a lie, because next thing you knew, you were already making out with Joe inside his car, barely reaching his apartment.
“Mmm” you shifted to his seat, knees in between his legs, as he unzips your dress on your back. You helped him pull the fabric down from your shoulder, exposing your lacy lingerie, exclusive for this occasion.
“Can’t you wait until we get into my place?” he parted, panting, leaving him breathless after that torrid kiss.
“I just wanted to give you a little preview with what I can do” you smirked, as you began to kiss his ears and traced it down his neck. “Will get there, don’t worry” you gently bit his ear lobe which made him groan in pleasure. Until, someone came knocking on his window. Joe moved from his seat to see who it was.
“Lara!” he immediately stopped and pushed you away.
“Lara?” you turned to face where he was looking, and to your horror, you saw Lara. Lara, your officemate and your best friend. Lara, who perfectly knew your history and the list of men you slept with. Lara, who stood by you even after office hours and saved your ass multiple times from your mercurial boss.
You didn’t have any slightest clue she was seeing this Joe from the Design department, yet you feel like you’ve done something terribly wrong.
You quickly pulled your clothes up, while Joe immediately left you in the car to talk to Lara.
“I can explain,” he pleaded, shutting the car door hard.
“I don’t need it” Lara shook her head and took a step back.
You pulled down the headboard mirror to fix your hair and lipstick for a moment and let the two do the talking first. You listened to them argue, rather faintly from the inside of his car while you tried to put on your heels.
After you gently pat your lips with your finger, you finally decided to leave the car and went to Lara so you could take on her side and put more misery over Joe, the canker cheater. Besides, isn’t it Joe’s fault that you are all in this muddling position?
“I always knew I shouldn’t be friends with a slut like you!” she spat a disgusted look on you.
Your mouth went agape, bewildered at her reaction “Excuse me? I didn’t know Joe’s seeing you”.  You were expecting that above all, she would understand the current situation, that it was Joe and not you who started out all this mess. Why does it feel like you’ve put gas in to the fire? When the one who deserves all these words is Joe.
“So, is it my fault now? That I didn’t tell you I’m seeing Joe?!” she scoffed and folded her arms. Now she’s starting to piss you off too.
“Because I don’t know Lara? We’re best friends? We’re not supposed to hide secrets?” you gave her a sardonic smile, which peeved her even more.
“Of course I should, the way you sleep with everyone’s boyfriend without being sorry? I definitely think I should” she bit at you, barely quivering from the words she chose against you. You must admit, that definitely hurt. Not the words she chose, not the way she barely quivered, but because it came out from someone you trust.
Lara, was the least person you thought who could inflict a burn to your already-distorted ego.
You sighed, forestalling the tears that were slowly looming around your eyes “Right, well at least I learned something about you tonight. Have a great night with Joe, I hope you two sort out things…” you pulled your bag from your shoulder and walked away but then you remember something.
You wanted to slap Joe in the face so bad right now, that the only thing that’s stopping you is the idea of an eventual ‘Physical Harm Outside Office’ complaint against you from the HR Department, well if you were careless enough to actually do it.
“There’s a thong hidden underneath your seat, which isn’t mine by the way. I only wear Kiki De Montparnasse, don’t I Lara? Well, those are Victoria’s. You know I dislike Victoria’s ” you declared, before leaving, not turning your head to face them one last time.
“We’re over Joe!” Lara screeched, as Joe pleaded even more, their voices turning inaudible as you moved farther away.
Of course, that was a lie. There were no thongs left inside Joe’s car. Just the friendship you lost with Lara.  And you wanted to retaliate hard, to put everything on equal footing. Except, it didn’t feel that way, because Joe took something away from you forever: Trust.
Someone knocked from Yoongi’s studio. “Excuse me sir, but Mr. Park and his fiancé are waiting for you at the lounge area?” one of the staff asked, sticking her head out from the door.
“Right, tell them I’ll be there in sec!” he pushed a few buttons on his keyboard and then left his seat to meet his visitors.
“Hyung!” Jimin stood up from his seat to meet him, together with his fiancé… Yoongi’s ex-girlfriend.
“Hey there kid!” Yoongi went to give Jimin a brief hug, and gestured to them to return to their seats. “Hey there” he nodded and smiled weakly to his ex, not that he’s sour or hostile towards her, but he was just in a tight position seeing the two of them together in one room.
“Hyung, I’ve been really meaning to ask you, but I know it’s pretty awkward considering the two of you well, you were once, you know” he scratched the back of his neck, trying to find proper words but decided to continue anyway “together… and I know this is sudden too, but we reserved a seat for you on our wedding day tomorrow, and hopefully as one of my groomsmen…”
Be there on their wedding day? Tomorrow? As one of his groomsmen? Is this a joke? He was baffled for a moment, but his face remained stoic. “I can’t. I’m sorry…” he nodded coolly.
Yoongi saw how she quickly held on to Jimin’s hand tight, to give Jimin comfort from the rejection they expected from him.
“We understand” Jimin breathed and faced the ground.
“It’s not like that” Yoongi lied. “You know that contract I just had for a soft drink commercial? Well apparently they wanted a full revision on the song, so I just had to finish it before the weekends”
“Oh” Jimin smiled shyly “that’s unfortunate…”
Yoongi turned to face his ex, who knew him fluently. He gulped and smiled weakly, hoping the message would come across to ‘Not tell Jimin’. She nodded, fully understanding what Yoongi had in mind.
He wanted to save everybody (especially her family who knew him for years, and their common friends who’ll come by) to see an uncomfortable scene on their special occasion: An ex on a wedding day.
Hours passed, and Yoongi politely offered to see them leave the office building while bidding them good luck for tomorrow.
“Excuse me, I just need to get this” Jimin took his phone to his ears and left them to receive the call from his manager. “Yeah, they’re there? All areas secured? Yeah, thank you. Hopefully, we can avoid paparazzi and obsessive fans at the wedding venue tomorrow…” Yoongi heard him say, his voice turning faint as he walked far.
“Yoongi” she quickly but subtly held his hand “Just say it…” she shut her eyes and pleaded him.
Yoongi knew what she meant, and even if he still feels something for her, he had to do it. “Don’t do this… I know it’s probably just wedding jitters, and maybe we really haven’t had a proper closure when we broke up, but Jimin is a good guy. He’s better. Please, be with him” he said softly, resisting to meet her eyes.
“I’m so sorry for leaving you that night, I should have stuck out to you then, and understand you, I really lo—“ she started to talk fast, while her eyes glistened.
“Stop” Yoongi, moved back, pulling his own hand away from her. “You made the right decision, and I also made mine. Everything falls perfectly, where it should be”  Yoongi bit his lip, maddened to hear her regret. For what? What good does it make to agree with her and run? To destroy a relationship right before their wedding day? He’s not dumb to take the bait.
After years of being left behind, years of putting him in the dark after she left, years of hoping that the two of them can get back together. Only to find later, by chance, that she was already dating his colleague, Jimin. “Stop!” he repeated, taking another step away from her.
Jimin ran back to her side, clueless of what just happened between her and Yoongi. “I’m sleepy, love” she yawned, trying to mask her teary eyes that started when she pleaded Yoongi to take her back.
Yoongi nodded “I’m sure you two are tired from all the planning. I really appreciate you two for visiting. Take care! I need to get back to the studio, client’s calling too!`` He quickly turned away and left, digging his hand in his pockets to hide his shaking palms. The thought of almost agreeing to take her back, right on the night before their wedding, sends shivers down his spine.
He needed a drink.
You fumbled on your wallet and realized that you left your transportation card on the office desk. Honestly, you thought you wouldn’t need it when Joe offered to drive you home. “Please, at least a change, at least a change…” you mumbled it like a mantra, praying something helpful would appear, but didn’t.
Even when you dug deeper in your bag, there was no spare change in sight, only your credit card. You didn’t expect the night to turn out so bad. Even worse, it was starting to rain. It didn’t have an umbrella either.
You paused in the middle of the street to cry, not being able to comprehend the series of unfortunate events. You watched the rain flushed down your makeup from a convex mirror hanging on a pole. Your eyes were starting to look like raccoons. Your favorite dress is already drenched and filthy from street dust and smoke. Yet you remained walking, hoping that if you continued to raise your hand every so often, a taxi would come by and let you in.
But even after an hour, no one bothered to let a rain-drenched woman into their dry and pristine car. Until it took you long enough to arrive at your apartment lobby, and you sighed in relief. You shook your head when the security wanted to ask what happened, and declined when the service staff offered you a seat to wait on the couch and bring you a towel. You just wanted to get to your home quickly.
And there he was, inside the elevator, your little crush who lives on the 18th floor.
You saw him drink the last drop from his bottle before he pressed a button, when his eyes widened upon seeing you in a poor state. You walked towards him.
In an attempt to look sober in front of a stranger, Yoongi fixed his posture and quickly pressed the ‘open door button’ and waited for you inside.
“Rough night?” he asked while you moved to the other side of the lift and watched you press the ‘close button’ from the elevator, immediately closing its door. His body fell almost instantly on the slight movement of the lift that shifted towards the upper floors. His body slacked on the edge, hair unkempt, and his dark denim jacket barely settled on his shoulder while he held onto his empty bottle of scotch.
“Yeah, seems you had one too?” you watched his attempt to reposition himself again upright, in amusement.
He drank from the empty bottle before he could reply and realized straightaway that it’s been drained.
“I uh” he gulped “I met my ex a while ago, and she pleaded with me to take her back right before her wedding day” he drunkenly confessed, and giggled to hear himself say it.
“That’s rough buddy…” you folded your arms and watched the elevator screen, as usual.
“What’s your sob story?” he asked, blinking as he tried to mask his insobriety.
“Oh this?” you momentarily look at your drenched clothes. “Well I found out the guy I was out with, ‘double-dipping’ me and my best friend”
“That’s even tougher” he chuckled as he peered on to his empty bottle, wishing that a drop would magically appear out of nowhere.
“I think we’re even” you watched him silently, trying hard not to laugh to see him in his drunken state, until an idea suddenly came up. You asked: “I have more of that in my place. Wanna come over?”
The moment you two stepped out of the elevator, you found your bodies pressed together.
Lips knotted on each other, wet and tacky. You moved back while he pressed you forward along the hallway. He then moved to force you up against a wall, pressing himself to you even harder.
Yoongi didn’t waste a minute and pushed his tongue in between your lips, and you reciprocated. You roughly brushed your hand towards his hair, and pulled him even closer to you and deepened your kiss. Whatever it is you two were doing.
He parted and pressed kisses on your throat, his fingers reaching down to your waist and clutched your bottoms.
It was so sudden, so fluid, that you almost forgot that you were still outside from your place.
“Oh, bless you two!” your 60 year old next-door neighbor cried, who just went out of her door. Fidgeting while she tried to close it and ran towards the empty elevator.
“I’m definitely going to receive a house complaint from the management tomorrow” you chuckled. You parted for a moment, and stopped by your apartment door. You quickly entered your password on your lock screen, while he continued to press kisses on your neck. You didn’t mind if he saw it, since you were pretty sure he’s too intoxicated to remember every number.
Upon entering your door, he quickly discarded his jacket and left it on the floor, he kicked the door close. You didn’t dare break the proximity between you and him, even if it bears as a challenge to move back while taking off your shoes from the threshold, and still manage to wrestle with his tongue.
He cut the kiss briefly to remove his own shoes, but quickly as a fox.  Like a clockwork, he continued where he left, back to hungrily pursuing your lips. You parted and watched your lower lip leave gradually from his soft bite. You smiled at him and began to trace kisses on his neck.
He closed his eyes and revelled from your touch. He then carried you over to your bare dinner table and hurriedly pulled your dress up, exposing your lacy underwear, while you helped him pull his shirt off exposing his pale chest. You pinched your lip, stared at him for a moment, all pleased to see him bare.
“What?” he nervously asked.
“Just thinking how I’ve always fancied seeing my neighbor naked come to a reality” you tilt your head, while your eyes remain focused on his chest.
“What a coincidence, I was thinking the same” he finally realized that you had a zipper on the back and pulled it down a bit.
“Careful, this one’s from Lanvin” you alerted him. He obediently followed and carefully pulled it down your waist. You gently pushed it away and threw it on the carpet.
“Wouldn’t it be cool if you had your dress in Versace?” you laughed at his remark.
“Oh, so you could sing that Bruno Mars song? Kinky”
He chuckled at your retort. You then realized how charming he looks up close, his gums flashed before you as he grinned.
“Uhuh…” and just like that he swiftly changed from cute charming to a seductive one, as he shifted his position and watched you react to his finger pressed beneath your cloth that was keeping a barrier between your skin down below and his fingertips. “You’re wet”
You breathed at the sensation and nodded “You know for a neighbor, you are pretty friendly. Yet I never get to know your name” you whispered in his ears and unbuckled his belt. You help him pull down his pants from your seat.
He smiled, seeing you fairly repay his effort by finding your hands gently brushing his length beneath the fabric of his underwear.
“Yoongi” he replied, a bit groaning. You felt his flaccid length grow stiff at your touch.
You turn to look at it, then his eyes “Y/N” you smiled as you pulled it down and began stroking it bare. Nice and slow.
“Nice to meet you… God… that’s it” he shut his eyes and breathed, as he unclasped your bra and began cupping your breasts.
“Nice to meet you too Yoongi…” he opened his eyes, his right hand shifted to lick his fingertip and stick it between your lacy fabric down to your nub, brushing it quickly yet soft.
“That’s… yes…” you shut your eyes at the sudden contact. You were sensitive. “You know we are 3 steps away from my bedroom, why don’t we continue from there?” you gave him a peck on his lips and pulled his hand away from you. You jumped out from the table and waited for him to follow you to your bedroom door.
He just stood for a while and watched you slip your panty down, he gulped at the sight and immediately followed.
“Yoongi!” your toes curled, as he pulled you even closer to him. You heard him growl a little underneath you. His hands under your butt cheeks, caressing it gently while he sticks his tongue out for a taste. Seeing stars was underrated, if you must describe how wonderful his tongue techniques were when you are receiving him.
“Yeah, that’s pretty” He parted and licked what’s left of you on his lip while watching you shiver beneath him, slowly coming undone. You lost count how much you orgasm with his tongue alone. He then pushed two fingers in you and slowly stroked it in and out, and watched you unfold for the nth time to his touch.
God, you almost forgot that he’s been pleasing you for almost an hour that you forgot to return the favor. “Yoongi, stop… lie down” you gently pushed him to the side, letting him relax on his back, and began rubbing his length.
“Y/N, it’s okay. I want in” he stopped you before your mouth received him.
“Right now? You sure?” you asked, as he chuckled at the query.
“I’m fully erect, Y/N. What’s there to be unsure of? Lie down…” he commanded, and you gladly obliged.
“The condom is on the bed side table, first drawer on the left.” You pointed. He opened the drawer, and found one. He gently opened the golden foil as you helped him pull the rubber out and placed it on him.
He moaned to the cool sensation “Mmm…” he placed both your ankles on each side of his shoulder as he slowly moved inside of you.
You shut your eyes and opened your mouth wide, surprised to feel something fairly sizable and immense. He rests for a second, letting you adjust to him.
“You okay?” he asked worriedly.
“I’m tough, and I like it rough” you panted.
He chuckled momentarily, but his face turned earnest when he began to thrust inside of you slowly. From a steady placid pace, it gradually accelerated, penetrating deeper into you as he moved further. He wasn’t just hitting your sweet spot, he was unearthing everything within you. To say you’re pleased is an understatement, he definitely did more than that. “God!” he started to move fast to an inconsistent pace and finally came.
You followed.
He pulled out, and rested on your chest.
You gulped and found your throat dry from all that just happened “Want something to drink?” you sat on your side of the bed.
“No more scotch, just water. Know what? Fuck it” he pulled you back to the bed. Swiftly changed his soiled rubber to a new one. He took another condom from your bed side table and immediately entered back into you.
Turns out, the night ended unexpectedly great.
🎵 Love me special… love me special… love me special🎵
Your alarm resonated all over your apartment. “Alexa, stop” you commanded, as you shift from your bed and was surprised to see a motionless body you don’t recognize on the other side of your bed.
You slapped your forehead upon realizing who it was on the other end. Your little neighbor crush, now with a name: Yoongi. The song continued to play, stirring the stranger from his sleep “Nngh” he lazily scratched his neck in annoyance.
“Alexa, stop the alarm!” you exclaimed, blinking at the thought of rousing him further from his slumber. You didn’t want the idea of little chit-chats on the morning after sex.  You disliked being demanded to answer questions like “how did I get here?” or “was sex good?”and etc., conversation like those are a total drag.
Regardless who it was, whether it was one night stand or a regular fuck buddy. You wanted to casually forget it by the day, then crave for it during the night. It is how you put up with stress from your work. You separate your professional life to your personal life, that’s how you endure having to face bullshit for years.
He turned around to see you put your clothes back. “Oh shit” he shut his eyes the moment his memories stirred him from his stupor.
“Morning. Look, I’ll go ahead? I’ll be late for work. You can stay as long as you like… but not too long… Whatever, just, don’t forget to take all your things on the way. I know where you live so don’t do anything funny” you put on your bra and underwear then quickly move to your open rack to take your satin robe with you to your bathroom.
“Wine” he sluggishly replied.
“I’m sorry?” you asked, you peered from the wall separating the bedroom and the baths.
“You were playing ‘Wine’. I made that.” He snickered lazily.
“Made what? Wine, this song?” you pointed to your speaker “It’s sung by a girl named Suran? Wait, are you still drunk? I have Tylenol inside the drawer– ” he smiled at the thought of you being kind and considerate. He then shook his head.
“No, I meant I produced that. I’m glad you like it enough to make it your alarm” he pulled down the duvet, exposing his bare chest. He sat up, but the brightness from your window made Yoongi squint his eyes.
“What are the odds”  you chuckled, but only for a while, because when you took your phone and typed in the song on your search bar you found his name, well his other name that is.
“Suga? Are you Suga? Who named you that?” you smiled, as you turned away from him towards your shower but stopped midway.
“You produced a song for Jimin?! THE Park Jimin? the famous idol? The one who won KMA, MAMA, and Daesang… you made those songs?” you swiped further and saw a ‘breaking news’. You narrated it out loud “Look, you know about this? ‘Park Jimin just married his long time non-celebrity girlfriend’…” then paused. You remember the conversation you had with him last night, suddenly grasping and putting things together “Shit, she’s the ex, isn’t it?” you went back to face him, waiting for his response.
“Yeah” Yoongi sat up, eyes still listless. “Isn’t it Dispatch worthy?” he asked sarcastically.
“No,” you replied dryly.  “You know what is?” you rested your arm on the doorway from your bathroom and watched him react “Park Jimin, has a piercing on his left nipple. That’s why you never see him wear a fitted shirt” you raised one of your eyebrows and smiled.
His eyes, which looked formerly lethargic, became wide and lively.
“Wait, what? How? When?” he opened his mouth in shock.
“He was still a rookie then I guess? Anyway it’s been years… and was very single at that… He loves that left nipple a lot, you know? That he came by too soon. He wasn’t that great to be honest, you were better, well more than better to be precise… and I guess that’s what made your ex regret her life decisions?” you shrugged as you watched him laugh hard at your remark. “So don’t be too bummed, okay? You were definitely better, and you deserve the best out there” you smiled and left him there on your bed.
“Thanks” he spoke softly as he watched you close the bathroom door.
That was the very first time you talked with someone you slept with, the morning after. And  the funny thing is, you never regret doing so.
You didn’t want to come, but you have to, it was such a horrible position to be sitting beside your now ex-best friend while you two try to remain professional at work.
It was the first time you weren’t left with a sticky note with a smiling face, nor placed a freshly brewed coffee for her, first thing in the morning on her desk. You were both working fine, but the relationship was beyond repair.
That night after work, you found Yoongi waiting in line to get a cup of java in one of your favorite cafes.
“Hey neighbor” he smiled. “Fancy meeting you here?”
“Well I was on the way home. Then I saw you. Have you eaten dinner?” you asked, you went beside him on the line.
“Is that an invitation or are you asking me out?” he squinted his eyes towards you, as you rolled your eyes.
“It’s the former. I thought it’s around dinner time by now, maybe we could share a meal? There’s a promo on one of the restaurants nearby…” you took your phone out to show him a copy of an electronic voucher they were giving for free online.
“Sure, I like promotions. The ones that don't require me to shell out a lot” he remained stoic, despite genuinely liking the idea of cutting regular priced foods.
“Exactly” you winked at him.
You brought him to a BBQ place, and saw him turn ecstatic to see them actually serving Kobe Wagyu Beef.
“I must admit, you know the perfect places to eat” he affirmed.
“Of course, I’m very particular in choosing my meat” you stared at him for a second, as he watched you chew a piece, your eyes still fixated on him. He gulped.
“Wanna come over to my place, after?” he asked.
UPDATE: Chapter 2 is HERE!
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princeanxious · 4 years
An idea I’m drawing stuff for:
Okay so g/t sanders sides au idea but where the tiny people are actually mini android/cyborgs made to accompany people /if they want to/ as companions to humans that can connect to technology and the internet. (Medium-big sized ramble under-cut)
They arent nessesarily helpers, but they can help humans w/ technology issues if they want(and there are lots of human laws in place that prohibit forced labor and captivity from this new sentient race, but as you might guess, just bc there are laws doesnt mean everyone follows them or gets caught breaking them) the rest of the world is kinda up for development but i can tell you these tiny android people sometimes come with additional features such as tails w/ audio jacks/place where the tail would go to insert an audiojack, eyes and fingers that glow, ear type varients depending on what time they were born/created, have as many bendable joints as a human, but their legs and feet are naturally a bit thicker/wider both for balance and more room for technology in their tiny bodies.
Theyre a very intermingled mix of liveform and android(and are probably best explained as just. Straight up aliens to planet earth), to the point that theres no actual way to seperate tech from bio-matter. And theyre so tiny that trying to seperate the two on such a small scale is still scientifically impossible at this current time. Damage and wear/tear to their body can heal quickly with enough energy, rest, and time, but losing body parts can be nearly detrimental to their health if said parts cant be reattached quickly. They are not strong enough to regenerate a full limb.
It’s not an immediate death if they lose a limb, but its very much an emergency due to how spread out their bodily function sensors are in their tiny bodies. Losing a certain leg can mean losing complete mobility of both legs and balance, or losing certain patches of memory, losing a certain arm can mean losing the ability to balnce well, or go nearly sensory blind(meaning they can see things, but no longer feel them that well.) the tail is the only bodypart that is not immediately detrimental to their health, just their lifestyle. Their tail is their only way to directly connect to the online world without assistance. Without it, they rely on adapter prostetics that wear out over time and need to be replaced on occassion.
That being said, in this au, Roman, Remus, and Janus are tinies in this world. Roman and Remus are twins, and both suffered an injustice of experimentation that involved one of their legs each being removed, and being reattached(successfully) to the other’s body, as a test to see how similar twin tiny’s bodies are and if the similarities assist any in surrogate limbs attaching successfully. Theyre rescued and rehabilitated amd rehomed together before anything more was done to them, but they live life knowing they have eachothers leg and function as if said legs are really their own, and it connects them in a very odd way that they cant really explain.(it comes w/ a bonus of being able to send messages to one another, but a con of being able to see a portion of the other’s memories, be it mental, or physical muscle memory)
They live with a group of humans, Logan, Patton, and Virgil, who are aware of their situation and have welcomed them into their home to live normal tiny lives. Patton and Virgil are brothers, and Logan is their childhood bestfriend. Remus tends to travel w/ Logan the most bc Logan isnt bothered by Remus’s constant hyperfixations on dark and grusome things.(they hold alot of convos abt dark literature and anatomy, and astronomy. Remus finds Logan’s voice soothing on his semi-irratic stream of thoughts, and talking abt astonomy helps sooth Remus to sleep the fastest.) Roman clings to Virgil mostly but passes inbetween Virgil and Patton pretty frequently depending on whose at work. (Virgil and Roman bicker about everything under the sun, but it’s still healthy for them. Virgil keeps Roman’s ego in check and Roman helps Virgil gain more confidence in things, especially things in public.)
Janus is.. well, he was born.. defective, in a way. No ones really sure exactly what happened, if there were dificulties in his development, or if his existance was fused semi-incorrectly with another while in the preverbial womb, but he is born with his body being partially down the middle on one side with another set of tiny genetics, leaving 1/4th of his body from one side of the head to just below the same side’s ribs to be a different skin & metal plating color. One eye glows gold, the other a bright milky white, the same going for either hand w/ his finger-tips on the same sides. Pure snow white skin, plating, and hair is unnatural, and its theorized to be a permanent glitch in his physical coding seeing as the ‘other tiny’ that had yet to combine correctly would not have developed any physical traits until birth to mimick a combination of it’s parents, it’s physical attribute coding would remain dormant and thus not addapt with the rest of the body.
This leaves Janus visually different, and physically different. He has his own two legs and tail so that part of his body functions normally, but the arm that is inter-functionally dormant leaves him with terrible balance issues(thus leaving him to require a cane) and his on the same side that is similarly dormant leaves him functionally blind in said eye and deaf on said side.
He’s developed an extremely defensive personality because he refuses to be pitied for something he was never in control of. He’s plenty independent without help and beyond grouchy. Has been known to bite humans who try to help him but wont listen to him, hard. He’s never been allowed to live a normal tiny’s life because the parents he was born to gave him to humans to ensure he lived, then got retroactively babied since. His foul temper has lead to a difficulty in the homing process, and the humans are almost about to give up on him when Virgil walks in one day, curious about homing a third tiny to help stabalize the twins antics and frustrations born from there only being the two of them.
Janus is just as foul at first as he is to everyone who approaches him, because he fully expects pity. Instead of Virgil moving on in rejection/dismissal of the rude behavior, Virgil just chuckles in amusement. “Oh boy, you’re fiesty huh?” “Have to be, lest people think they can do and think whatever they want about me. Better to give them my worst so they don’t get any god-complex over my disability, right?” And Virgil relates, and isnt hesitant abt mentioning his own struggles w/ how rudely people treat him w/ his general anxiety disorder and chronic depression.
Virgil manages to convince Janus take a chance and come home w/ him. And then Janus meets Patton, and things go so much better than anyone expected them to go. I mean, they get worse before they get better, but the getting better is so much further than any resulted backtracking. Janus likes Patton, and is uber protective of him. No one knew Patton to bicker much, but oh boy, does he bicker with Janus, often abt taking care of one another. Its all out of love and care, and its honestly jarringly sweet. (Patton gets Janus hooked on chocolate chips, and may or may not bribe him with a bottle-lip full from time to time if it means making Janus relax.)
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Hey! I hope you're well. I started watching AOT and realized that levihan was a ship. And after reading the manga Ive come to the conclusion that they were more than friends if not just friends. Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her? And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on. At first I thought its because of how they met maybe but their first meeting was so sweet. Hange seemed impressed by him and he even thanked her for her compliments. I didnt think their interaction would lead to something like this. So what are your thoughts because I wonder alot on this. Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
Hi! I am well, thanks! And thank you for leaving me an ask! I always appreciate hearing what people have to say. I’m gonna try my best to answer your question without going on any tangents lol (but I can’t promise I won’t). This is going to be long.
Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more.
I 100% agree with this. When I read the manga and watched the anime, I thought maybe Isabel was a love interest (AT FIRST). When I realized she would call him “aniki” (brother) and the way he acted around her (patting her head), I knew there was a different relationship between Isabel and Levi. He saw her as a little sister and was always trying to avoid his two friends from getting into trouble. That’s why he decided for all of them to join the SC after all.
But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her?
I think that the reason Levi had always acted different with her than anyone else was because of their first interaction. It was not in the anime but it WAS in the manga where Hange approaches the trio saying “I was watching you at that crucial moment!” (Not to mention the chapter Hange appears for the first time is called “Hearts” and in 139 we see “...hearts” over her head). At this point, Levi, Farlan, and Isabel were ready to kill Hange since they thought she found out about their plan to kill Erwin. What actually happened was she had seen how cool they all were and wanted to pay them a compliment. Ever since that trio left the underground, Hange was the first person to show them kindness. I don’t think this is something Levi would forget or take lightly. If it were me, I’d definitely remember that moment. I know there is a post somewhere comparing how Levi looked at Hange for the first time vs how he admired the nature outside the walls for the first time. After Farlan and Isabel died, who did he have? Practically no one. It’s my own HC but I’d like to think that Hange stuck by his side. Levi and Hange both have lost so many comrades that they found solace in each other. They bonded through grief I suppose. Also, I think Levi was intrigued by Hange’s personality. Their personalities complement each other: Hange is extroverted, loud, messy; Levi is introverted, quiet, reserved, clean.
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When I first saw them, I definitely felt some romantic attraction of sorts. We eventually learn he is a clean freak, yet he has no issue grabbing her hair (which probably was greasy and unclean). Also, I believe that wasn’t in the manga and Isym requested it be added? I can be wrong with that, but I think that if there was nothing planned for their relationship, he wouldn’t have requested it. From the second I saw them, they reminded me of an old married couple. The way they bickered and how Hange never felt threatened by him.
One of my favorite scenes is when Hange enters the room that Levi’s squad is in at the castle.
E: Oh, I’m not sure if I have the authority to help you.
H: Levi, what is Eren doing tomorrow?
L: Cleaning the courtyard.
H: Okay! It’s settled!
See how she doesn’t ask permission? See how Levi doesn’t retaliate? If it were anyone else, I’m sure that 1) someone wouldn't ask that and 2) Levi wouldn’t have responded that way. We have seen all throughout the anime and manga that he usually goes along with whatever she wants to do. Remember in the OVA where Levi grabs her and yells at her? She doesn’t retaliate from his tone either. She SMILES at him. Why? Because he is expressing concern for her. He is showing he cares about her (also he’s grabbing her and bringing her close again). Eventually at the end of the OVA, we see how Levi tells Hange that Erwin agreed to capture titans for experimenting.
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And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on… Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened? Thank you !
I am not sure if there was a specific moment, but I do believe it definitely developed over time. One specific moment is the one you mentioned later on in your message, “If you don’t know something, go figure it out. Isn’t that what the Survey Corps is all about?” Levi looks at Hange almost in a surprised manner. In my biased LH eyes, it shows that Hange really is a brilliant and wonderful Commander, and Levi is appreciating her and her intelligence. In reality, it is most likely because it is something similar to what Erwin would have said as Commander. In all seriousness, her statement is entirely true. I think we can all learn from and use that statement in our everyday lives. But I think that in this moment, he possibly starts to realize how much he admires the Commander. We can also see Hange taking her own advice in chapter 126? 127? Where she forms the alliance with Pieck. She is not sure how to stop the Rumbling, so she goes to figure out how she can by talking with Pieck. As it turns out, she is successful in forming the alliance.
Overall, I think that Hange and Levi complement each other perfectly. Even if you aren’t looking too deep, I think their relationship is quite obvious. I mean… why would you ask someone to live with you if you didn’t care for them or even love them? I think that this is one of the points that other shippers bring up to break up LH (how L dislikes H or vice versa). Levi didn’t reject her. If Isym wanted him to reject her, he would’ve made him say something similar to Erwin’s “Give up on your dreams and die” statement when Erwin stated his selfish dream and was willing to sacrifice all of humanity for his selfish desire. Hange told him while he was unconscious and “not listening”, and he didn’t reject her. He says “if we run and hide, what will that get us?” and “I know you aren’t able to stay out of the action” when he sees her building the cart. We also see Levi “confess” or “respond” in 132 to Hange’s statement in 126. “Dedicate your heart”?? OMG Do not get me started on that lol.
Getting back on track, the pair is almost always together in the anime. They’re together in the manga panels when they don’t have to be. They don’t even need to speak actual words to communicate. They are the sun and moon, two wings of a bird. Levi is almost always looking at Hange in the official fanarts. We know from the smartpass AU’s that Hange says “he is a good guy” and “he doesn’t say what he means.” That’s why I think they use nicknames frequently. Four-eyes could be seen as an endearing comment coming from him. Also, Levi making Hange chocolates in the Junior High manga?!?!! Oh, yeah, its definitely to shut her up.
Im sorry for the huge tangent but I hope some of this answered your question. I enjoy reading the levihan analysis’ from other blogs. Thank you for reading if you did read this far. Have a good day/afternoon/night <3
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