#I love them. I want to put them in a terrarium and study them like a lizard.
I broke down and signed up for Malin’s Patreon and all I’ll say is:
Ms. Argent I would die for u
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candyskiez · 3 months
teru and shigeo (???%) for the duo bingo
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As you can see I have a normal amount of thoughts and feelings about them.
(romantically ad platonically are because I love their dynamic either way)
God. God. What do I even say about them I haven't already said. Actually I don't think I've said much publicly I usually scream in my friends dms. Hold on. I can talk so much about this.
It's the. God. Okay. God I wish the ???% and Mob seen was kept in full in the anime because like. So much of the shit he says to Mob/himself/you know. Hand waves. Weird self shenanigans. We're going w the system read for this tho. It's so fucking Teru? It's so fucking Teru??? The "there's nobody I can trust nobody here so why don't I just do whatever the fuck I want, none of these people matter, it's all pointless, I deserve BETTER." The. The parallels. The rage. The angry confusing feelings the why have YOU decided we're friends the fact they're the SAME and they both hate it at that low point, they hate seeing themselves reflected and they feel like the worst person in the world so they NEED the other to attack them and hurt them so they don't feel like they're the one in the wrong. The resentment. The. Oh my god. There is no way to make me shut up about them.
God. Post canon. What does ???% even do now. He was wrong. He did the exact thing he hated Teru for doing. He has no idea if he regrets it because Teru did it FIRST. Why does he have to be the good person here. Why can't he stay mad. Do you ever think about. Do you ever think about the fucking. Gestures wildly. Everything. Hello. And the. The. God what do I even say. Everything about post canon is so fascinating. Why does nobody explore the messy shit. Why is everyone insistent on making it Just Fluff. Like I love the fluff too but why can't you talk about the messy shit without being stabbed. It's weird man. I find the messy parts so interesting yk. I want to see them! And I want to see how do you even GO ABOUT fixing a slight that bad. Y'know. Y'know. Breaks a wall.
Me and a friend (if ur reading this, hi!) talk so much about aus with them. Like. What way can you make them NOT interesting. Like aus where they're friends before character development are so so interesting to mess with. What's up there. You remind me of myself and I don't think that's a good thing. You understand me and I've wanted that more than anything else and I think I'm going to ruin this. Like. HRHRHDHDH. Gnaws on a wall. You are just like me and I didn't realize how fucking selfish I could be until I saw how you are. Vs I know you and I know why you did it and you make sense and. Shakes them. Shakes them!!!!! They would be SO INTERESTING as being close in some way whatever you want to interpret them as. They're everything. I want to put them in a terrarium and study them. Like them meeting each other before canon and being friends and their development Changing because of that. Do you get it. Do you get it. It's complicated! It's weird! Aaaagh!!! AUGH. Augh
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biomecharnotaurus · 7 months
God they are so pathetic, I love them. They call Earth "Super Earth", their fucking credits are called "super credits", they got "super hours", their fucking troops wear capes like superheroes, they got mechanical augmented genitals for no apparent reason, hetero sex is limited and you need to fill a form before fucking or they take away your genitalia augments, the only military training they get is the fucking stupid tutorial at the start of the game...
I want to put them in a terrarium and study them. I'd tap on the glass to scare them.
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far-from-fran · 2 months
we've both been talking about william so much lately so im throwing him your way for that ask game
Ol' Willy Afton, eh?😏
How I feel about this character
He's a bastard man, he's my husband, I wish he stayed dead, I'm glad he always comes back, I wanna break him in half like spaghetti, I wanna put him in a box and shake him, I wanna put him in The Jar™, I wanna put him in a terrarium and study him like the virus he is, everyone gets him wrong, everyone gets him right, I loved him in the fnaf movie, I hated him in the fnaf movie, I wanna make him a home cooked meal, I wanna put him in a blender and drink him, I wanna punch him in the ribs, I want to introduce him to Rigby from Regular Show because I know he'd hate Rigby, I wanna watch Jerma videos with him while he groans and bitches about how much of a buffoon Jerma is and why he hates it, I wanna eat him like a feral beast, I want him to kiss me on the top of my head🥺... I wanna peg him, I wanna-
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All the people I ship romantically with this character
Clara Afton, Henry, Vanny
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Non-romantic, huh...? 🤔 Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. They'd hate each other, and try to kill each other within 15 minutes of meeting, but I want them to be friends anyway. 🤷🏾‍♀️ (Alastor would taunt William for going after "easy prey", I think, and William would taunt Alastor for being super powerful but still having a leash.)
My unpopular opinion about this character
I actually like that he always comes back; I just think there needs to be more space between his appearances. He shouldn't've been in Security Breach, (hints would've been ok) but I think a game or two after that would've been fine.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
A conversation between him and Micheal. Where they really get to look at each other and talk after all these years. They finally confront everything that's happened. William looks into Micheal's eyes, and sees what could've been. He sees how he should've loved his family instead of chasing highs and becoming drunk with the allure of power and pain. He'll finally see how pitiful he truly his.
Micheal finally gets that closure; finally looks into his father's eyes and doesn't see himself. They may have to do this dance forever, they may not. But at least Micheal can rest knowing that he's not his father.
And, then Micheal punches William in the balls. 😌
Thanks for the ask!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁 @kewpidity
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
Got blessed with the stupidest modern!au idea for Sanuso I just had to share because I enjoy the idea so much. Sanji getting dragged to an indoor Zoo that houses reptiles, amphibians and insects by his friends and trying his damndest to not be absolutely horrified by the bugs and arachnids in front of the ladies, failing horribly because Luffy of course is just super hyped the entire time (“WHOOA SANJI LOOK ITS WINGS ARE SO HUGE!” “SANJI THIS ONE LOOKS LIKE A STICK! “SANJI THIS ONES POISON CAN STUN A GROWN MA-“ -“NOPE!”). This leads to him having a minor panic attack until someone gently touches his shoulder and goes “Hey, are you good?”. And that’s how Sanji meets local zookeeper and bugenthusiast Usopp, who not only manages to whisk him away to the staff room to steady his nerves with some coffee but also makes Sanji laugh and just hits it off with him immediately. Just in love with the idea of those two becoming fast friends and falling in love while Sanji also has to grit his teeth and face that the guy he’s falling for will also start infodumping about tarantulas the second he gets a chance and Usopp having to navigate about his crushes fear of insects by having to put a towel over all of his five terrarium’s he has at home because he’s considerate like that (and the fact that Sanji even wants to come up to his place with him, even tough Sanji is horrified at the thought of even being in the same room as a praying Mantis and that makes him feel all warm inside)
this is the sweetest most adorable thing in the whole world and i think i just died a little reading it /pos
imagine sanji trying to overcome his fear by letting usopp teach him about insects!!! he still feels unsafe around them, but the fact that someone as sweet as usopp likes them so so much makes him think a bit differently of them.
also, turns out he really likes usopp's apartment because despite being full of terrariums and insects, it's also full of plants and vegetation. and sanji loves both the aesthetic and the food he could make with them. like, i'm sure usopp has a private orchard somewhere (idk, say the roof of the building) and sanji would absolutely love to come over to his apartment only to make him different meals with the vegetables he cultivates.
and this is cliché af but i'm thinking about usopp having the keys to the zoo and bringing sanji with him at night. sanji isn't.... as excited as usopp ("the tarantulas are going to eat me and you won't even notice before it's too late!" "sanji, that's literally impossible." "IT'S DARK. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DO IN THE DARK!" "I LITERALLY DO KNOW. I STUDIED THEM, YOU IDIOT!"). but usopp takes him to a place that's dark and full of trees and sanji is 100% sure they shouldn't be there because it doesn't look like a place for visitors. there's no sign or animals around and it's just... it's just trees and kind of looks like a forest. turns out it's the back of the zoo, (let's pretend the zoo is like, in a mountain. close to the woods. i don't know how to describe it, but i once went to one like that and it was pretty) usopp tells him, and that people are never here because you can't get here without climbing and the only possible entrance is a little hallway that was accidentally created building the zoo's structure because they just forgot to cover it up. apparently, only usopp and zoro (he's the security guard, by the way) know about this.
so turns out the whole place is full of fireflies. which are not as scary as sanji thought they were. they're beautiful. and of course, usopp is so not looking at them, if you know what i mean. he's lost staring at sanji's eyes. i think that's when they both know they're meant to be together despite being so different.
-> a lil bit of zolu: luffy loves going to this zoo and often tries to talk to the animals and climb on stuff so zoro has to stop him all the time. not because he wants to stop him, it's just his job. tbh most of the time the guy is sleeping and finds the job boring, so somebody doing all this crazy shit around the zoo makes his life wayyy more interesting. if they fall in love or not that's up to you (they definitely do, though).
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lelianaslefthand · 2 months
OC smash or pass
completely forgor i got tagged in this, thank you @bladesmitten !!
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i didnt know who to do this with so im going with my favoritest girl in the whole world. all the facts are from her dnd canon! also the sim is her canon look 😁
name: kaya height: 5'0/152cm age: about 120 (dnd wood elf years) gender: cis woman, she/her sexuality: lesbian
8 charisma. avoids speaking when possible especially in unfamiliar company. often short with her remarks, gets right to the point. can be a bit awkward but is never phased by it.
very private. doesnt like talking about herself (memory is shite what is there to say?)
has a thick irish accent that can be borderline unintelligible, she's so sexy for that. i dont have a voice claim for her unforchies
natural with a bow. katniss wishes she were her
can speak with animals at will
encountered a fey portal at 17, went in and came out in the woods very, very far from home. naturally connected to the fey and spent many years traveling in and out of the feywild. lost all her memories at 29 after staying in the feywild for too long.
spent a year as a bear after being being cursed by a hag. was rescued by a pretty druid whom she had a weird homoerotic friendship with for a few months
not quite depicted in the pictures but she looks a little older than she is, very tired. eyebags, wrinkles at her brow, probably a few white hairs here and there, just an overall weathered look. she's seen Things and experienced the Horrors. she's often zoning out with a forlorn look in her eyes. covered in scars as well. has a particularly nasty one on her left shoulder where she was grabbed by a hydra
though she's very stoic she has a heart of gold, is especially kind towards children and they seem to be drawn to her. she picked up wood carving in the town our group has been staying in and carved little animals for the children. she always keeps a couple in her pack just in case they come across any in their travels
she loves trinkets and has collected quite a few during our campaigns. one is a sick wooden pipe that blows smoke in the shape of animals. she's also developed a love for simple jewelry
prefers sleeping in trees. started off as a joke in our first campaign but i kept it. its familiar to her given she grew up in the woods and also has a tactical advantage in case of an ambush
has a curse(?) of some sort where there are always little critters like squirrels, rats, birds, etc watching her that have a slight sinister aura about them. sometimes they're helpful though
always on edge a little, very alert, always scouting for danger
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demonzoro · 10 months
Character ask game! (if you're still doing it) Numbers 4 and 12 for Sanji or Nami?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
for sanji, answered here! i'd love to see him in a spy/heist setting. i know film gold was kind of that, but i want to see him rlly use his silly aliases and sabotage with more plot relevancy ... i think it wld be so fun!
for nami... it'd be fun to see her in a setting of low fantasy political intrigue :]c as someone who was not born at all into 'noble class' but navigates it's twists and turns as well as any of them... all the cool outfits... she would be so cool in it!!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
for sanji, i hc that pre-baratie, when sanji used to serve on various cruise liners/ships, he used to loiter around the ballrooms to watch the guests dance and wished he could learn. then later, at the baratie, somehow this little wish got out and all the chefs banded together to teach him the various dances they knew. only a couple of them actual had the proper training for formal dances, but sanji ended up learning a lot of dance forms from chefs hailing all across various blues. this goes hand-in-hand with learning various instruments too - you know how sailors are with their music!
for nami, i like to think that post-timeskip, her map-making room is also lined with... sort of terrariums? miniatures of different biomes/locations and the unique weather phenomenon they've come across. it's technology she got (stole teehee) from weatheria. alongside her map-making, it feels right that she'd also catalogue and study the weather patterns they come across as a crew! there's miniatures of reverse mountain, knock-up stream, aqua laguna, etc.
send me a character + a number from 1-26!
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gaoau · 10 months
Stir — Mosquito-Free Zone
A Mother's Instinct note — daddy long legs are cowards and wont even touch you, please dont kill them warnings — none. word count — 1.1k
prev. — next.
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In the end, [Name] bought Gilbert a terrarium and kept him warm on the corner of her desk ​​​​to watch him while she studies. Yaku wasn't exactly fine with the armless reptile, considering it was nowhere to be found the first time [Name] tried to introduce him. He later appeared hissing from [Name]'s closet and Yaku had to keep himself from kicking him. He blinked blankly while [Name] crouched and extended her hand, allowing the two-meter snake to calmly wrap around her. [Name] had never heard Yaku scream louder.
But it was fine. As a few weeks went by and visits to each other's house remained as frequent as usual, Yaku ended up becoming quite fond of Gilbert. It also seemed Gilbert had grown quite fond of [Name], seeing as she mostly left the terrarium without its lid, yet he stayed in the comfort of his hidey home. Their nightly hang-outs turned into [Name] rambling about whatever new fascinating facts she had recently learned, Yaku listening closely but not really—because even if he adored her, sometimes she was too fast to follow—and Gilbert poking out his snake tongue while slithering back and forth between the two.
The whole Gilbert ordeal brought a realization to Yaku: [Name] was in absolute love with plants and animals. He knew about her passion for plants, considering he'd heard refer to her succulents multiple times as her babies. Her interest in animals was the same, as she greeted any animal on the street when walking home. How many times had the whole team stopped because [Name] had suddenly disappeared from their side, only to find her petting and baby-talking a stray cat? Too many to count. How many times had Lev joined her since becoming part of the team? Not more than Fukunaga, that's for sure—damn, that kid loved cats.
What Yaku didn't know about [Name]'s infatuation with breathing creatures was that it included every animal—except for maybe flies and mosquitoes, God, she loathed those. He came to learn this the hard way.
[Name] was finishing with setting up their usual pillow fort when Yaku walked into the room. His arms were occupied with bags of snacks, a plastic container, and soda bottles as he closed the door behind him with his foot. "Hey, your dad baked some brownies. I'm kinda starting to see a pattern here. Do you think he wants to eat you for New Year's?"
"Morisuke, what the fuck?" [Name] looked up from her laptop, eyebrows bending in confusion.
Yaku shrugged. "I'm just saying; he's feeding you a lot of sweets lately."
"Yeah, he's gotten into baking, for some reason. Probably cause mom told him he's not very good at cooking."
Yaku's chuckles bounced against the walls, filling the room with cheerful laughter. [Name] grabbed the sealed bottles from his grasp and, keeping the container for himself, Yaku let go of the bags he was struggling to hold. They plopped down on the carpeted floor, and a very unfortunate one slapped [Name]'s face. She shot her eyes up to glare at her friend, but he was already off to check on Gilbert. Her gaze immediately softened at the sight, a content smile curling her lips upwards.
Yaku did like Gilbert, after all. To think that about a month before he wouldn't dare get close to the snake, and now he was tapping Gilbert's terrarium and calling him buddy. How very lucky she was to have a best friend that put up with every last bit of her bullshit; be it adopting random animals or buying ice-cream for her all-nighters.
"Ah, shit, [Name], there's a spider here. You should clean this place a bit."
[Name] snapped out of her daze at the sound of her name. One of her brows quirked as she tried to make sense out of Yaku's words. She dismissed his sentence when she remembered the spider by the corner of her room. "Oh, no, that's Lukas. I feed him the mosquitoes—"
Yaku's palm slamming against the wall silenced her instantly. Her jaw unhinged. Yaku wiped his hand on his clothes to clean off the spider's body. His eyes widened in guilt as he turned to look at [Name]'s dumbfounded expression. "You had a name for it?"
"Did you just…? Did—Did you…? Did you just kill Lukas?"
"Shit, sorry, I thought it was just a spider."
[Name] blinked once; twice; thrice. Her brows twitched. "Um… It's—Doesn't matter, it's fine. Don't worry…"
A heavy silence settled between the pair. [Name] hung her head low to hide her eyes brimming with tears. Yaku heard his stomach growl at him as it started somersaulting in its place. He sighed along with a roll of his eyes. Gilbert slithered onto his arm, and he popped open the lid of the brownie container. "Are you crying?"
The breaking of her voice begged to differ. "[Name], look, I'm sorry. I acted on reflex. I meant no disrespect to Lukas." He plopped down among the bundle of blankets, a friendly snake on one hand and a pair of brownie squares in the other. Gilbert hissed while climbing up [Name]'s neck and nuzzling below her hair.
She sniffed, pursing her lips."…It's fine." She used her index finger to rub Gilbert's head.
"[Name], I'm really sorry. I'll help you find another one, if you want to."
[Name] lifted her head to meet Yaku's eyes with her own teary ones. Her lips were downturned in a pout, voice quivering as she muttered, "Would you really do that…?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Here, come on." His left arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, pulling her to lean against him as she still sniffled quietly. He held the brownie in front of her and she leaned froward slightly to bite down on it, albeit still holding back her tears. "I'm sorry, I really am, yeah?"
"He was my best friend…"
"After Gilbert, of course."
"Well, look who's not sad anymore." Yaku almost instantly pulled his arm back and pushed [Name] away from his body.
"No, wait, I'm still sad, hug me!" And she threw her arms around him, stealing the brownie from his hand in the process. Yaku wanted to grunt out an I hate you, but [Name] would never buy it. She knew better than that, and he would be lying if he said he didn't want to hold her again.
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moongothic · 10 months
Do you think crocodile has some sort of past with doflamingo? Either as warlords or before? Or is doflamingo just a weirdo
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Personally, prooobably not?
We don't really know what Doflamingo was doing between his early childhood and when we see him in his late 20s (during Law's flashback). But we do know Doflamingo was groomed into become who he is by Trebol and a few other members of his to-be family (as it was them who encouraged Mingo to murder his father as a child), and we know he was at Roger's execution at 17
So that in mind, I doubt Doflamingo had much run-ins with Crocodile before he became a Shichibukai and took over Dressrosa 10 years ago, as Crocodile became a Shichibukai a whole decade before Doflamingo ever did, while Mingo was doing his whole thing. (Of course, we don't really know what Crocodile was doing during that "quiet era" in his mid/late 20s but I doubt he was hanging out with Mingo of all people)
We do know Doflamingo would respond and go hang out at Marijoa when summoned for whatever reason, but we don't know if Crocodile would ever leave Alabasta when the Shichibukai were summoned, so like, I can't say anything for sure But if Crocodile did go to those meetings I'm sure whatever weird beef the two have between them was born there. IDK Mingo just being Himself at the meetings and Crocodile finding him obnoxious (and Mingo loved every second of that)
I do wonder though, if Doflamingo ever saw and remembers seeing Crocodile at Roger's execution... Well if Crocodile was pre-t at that point then Doflamingo would Know (if he remembers seeing Crocodile that is, and is certain about having seen him when he was pre-t)
And there's just something so incredibly funny to me about Doflamingo just being facinated by Crocodile. Like he is obsessed with him. He wants to know what the gator's deal is, wants him for himself (either to put the man into a terrarium to study him or... y'know). And somehow being rejected time and time again by this strange, powerful warlord just makes him even more of a weirdo about it
Like that mental image is so fucking funny to me and until Oda tells us otherwise it's canon to me
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anthromimicry · 5 months
alright, but i shall be posting more in-depth information about misao later, but here's a little headcanon about her: misao is indeed licensed as both a psychiatrist AND an art therapist, though she hasn't really gotten the chance to solely practice art therapy — seeing as arkham itself is an institution that is mainly based around talk therapy and... well, pharmacotherapy, though to a degree that it is unfortunately very corrupt and harmful to its patients. but misao herself often implements the things she learned while she was studying to become an art therapist into her psychotherapy, and she will almost always offer art supplies to her patients when she sees them.
this is because misao herself would argue that it could provide her with a visual representation of some feelings that they may have trouble articulating through words, or simply don't want to say aloud, which would more helpful in allowing her to best treat her patients than just talking to them. and i think i mentioned this in my doc, but that seems to make her kind of confusing in a way. because on one hand, it appears as if misao actually DOES care about the people that come into her office, but then she'll turn around and go do something as horrific as eat them so... you know 😬 misao herself comes off as kind of a walking contradiction BUT another thing about her is, she has this subconscious want to be loved by others and thus, i feel as if even if she might not actually care about her patients — misao does try pretty damn hard to look like it and not just to ' blend in, ' but in hopes that she will successfully charm people and have them speak only good things of her.
sooo yeah,, she is kind of a cake inside of a cake whenever it comes to how many layers there is to her LOL however, you absolutely do NOT want to mistake misao's desire to get people to like her as her having a high tolerance for any kind of digs made at her or aggressive behavior done towards her; and perhaps even behavior that could be misunderstood as negative. because trust me when i say that misao turns into a whole nother person whenever she feels as if she has been treated unfairly / insulted and this is when it seems like her quote unquote ' true colors ' most commonly reveal themselves. other than when others try to make an effort to restrict her freedom in any way, as that is very much a sore spot for her because as a child, although i will once again say that it was no one's fault... misao felt like she could never do anything for herself because she always had to put ryuuji's needs above her own and she only got to experience feeling ' liberated ' whenever she went out on her own.
but yeah. this is also something that is VERY rare for misao to do, but with one or two patients through the years... she has trusted them enough to hold the tarantula she keeps in the terrarium in her office as a sort-of abnormal attempt at pet therapy? so there's also that JSJSJ and yes, she does keep a terrarium in her office that's filled with a bunch of different insects (,: there has yet to be a rule in arkham that says a psychiatrist can't so i guess she figured, if she could do it, then why not... am i right? so, as for those who have characters who are patients in arkham that also have arachnophobia, you mayyy not want to make them look too closely at her terrarium ahahhhh. and this seems like a good stopping point so i'm just gonna leave you with that thought ☠️
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Hehe for the send me a fandom thing not to be obvious, but Trigun?
Oh absolutely!!!
The first character I first fell in love with:  Vash!!!! His swagless whimsy intrigued me, but it wasn’t until ep5 of Stampede when he says “If God won’t save you, I will” that I became obsessed with him. I went “ohhhh he’s messed up for REALSIES” and put him in my mental centrifuge. This happened months ago and he hasn’t left.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Wolfwood, weirdly enough. It took me a while to get the hang of him. Really it wasn’t until I read Trimax and got to the parentification backstory that he became laser-etched in my brain.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t know if I have one, tbh, I love all of these characters a lot. I have extremely complicated feelings about Knives but I adore how complex he is as a character. I don’t want to fox him I want to put him in a terrarium and study him.
The character I love that everyone else hates: maybe I’m just in the right part of the fandom, but I haven’t seen a lot of hate for anyone. Zazie, maybe, because they get overlooked but I think about the implications of them a lot.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: still love all of these dweebuses
The character I would totally smooch: 🥰 Milly Thompson. She’s sooooo my type it’s not even funny.
The character I’d want to be like: well. I’m already embarrassingly similar to a lot of these guys (derogatory to us all), but maybe trimax Luida? She seems like she has her shit together, and who doesn’t respect an older butch? 🫡
The character I’d slap: I am actively eviscerating both Conrad and Chapel. Not in a cute teehee way but in a “do you want to know the color of your guts?” Kind of way.
A pairing that I love: Vashwood does make me feel shrimp emotions, but polyguns (vash x milly x Meryl x Wolfwood) feels so Right. They’re a team they’re friends they’re a family. It’s the vibe.
A pairing that I despise: k/v gives me the ick.
Thanks for asking! This was fun
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Does the LGBT part of "LGBT SciFi-romance" have to be included if LGBT folks just openly exist in a show (like Carlos) or more specifically if they're going to be smooching each other onscreen?
...kinda yeah. It sucks, and it's slowly changing, but I've bitched about market segregation before. One of the main reasons it was so goddamn hard to turn around the Destiel ship originally was it was neither pitched/marketed as an LGBT product or a romance. And you see that it was like trying to steer the titanic to avoid an iceberg just to get front gay characters, and even then they were kinda. lowkey. And dumped in bathtubs. Like I don't think this fandom WANTS to truly appreciate how much legwork Berens did to run the ball as far as he did with Cas.
But that's also why CW felt so... fake. LOOK WE HAVE A GAY CHARACTER ARENT WE WOKE. LOOK, A BLACK CHARACTER. Because, basically, that's what it got sold to them as. They hit a checkbox for "diversity" and get thrown in the diversity bin. And for some reason kids fell for it and I'm like wtf this channel used to be like 50% black people 10% gays 20% other races 20% sit down in your place whities how do people know history this bad to fall for this.
Like I've always been cynical and pissed as fuck that people listened to CW's "WE HAVE GREAT REP" no you fucking don't. You stole our fucking airspace after picking apart Atlanta. And I came back with a baseball bat and a whole lot of white people that suddenly cared a decade or two late because the coconuts didn't kiss, and we smashed their fucking kneecaps, hence Everybody Loves Chris and the like swinging its advertisement into the slots on Digital, for example.
Notice Nexstar isn't sending off obnoxious fucking flares and slapping rainbows on their shit and putting a Person Of Color lead in a marketing terrarium to feed like crickets to so CW gets praised for it. But the content is still fucking there. Nexstar's CW isn't disingenuously screaming LOOK HOW DIVERSE WE ARE. AA IS BLACK AND AAH IS BLACK AND THE WINCHESTERS FIVE IS REPRESENTATIVE OF REAL US DEMOS TILTING OUT OF WHITE (3/5 POC). They COULD slap a rainbow flag over Carlos and shit (and may like, on pride month) but it's not them pointing WE HAVE A GAY. LOOK GUYS. WE HAVE A GAY. COME STUDY HIM LIKE A BUG.
no like they just exist. but I don't think jensen knew nexstar would actually be chill when he was making it or whatever. And he still had to deal with WB. So he SECURED his exclusivity deal to use WB properties, he PITCHED his product, he GOT then liking it with John and Mary, and then they moved to treatments and shit once there was a script commitment.
So Jensen played this. Hilariously smart. Check it out: He got his licensing clearance via old WB but WBD can't undo that and is looking for new franchises anyway. THEN he pitched it as JohnMary romance, so boom. Winchesters gets cleared as a Romance, which was another stalling point in SPN.
Then, well, Jensen built CM the way it was for a reason. So part of that stamp was knowing this was going to have forward LGBTQ characters, and that's part of that stamp. They have Renee Reiff, again, running CM. Even Zaslav has reasons to fear Reiff. Zaslav pisses off Reiff Jensen can unleash the wrath of every gay DC creative on WB. Zaslav wouldn't fuck around anyway, bc Roth told him Winchesters Is It, Roth advised on properties and is like, no one is left that has been with it as long as him, you're new, just let him do his thing [rubberstamp rubberstamp rubberstamp]
And again, nexstar doesn't really care. Pedowitz might have tried stunting, especially for old WB or CBS whining we were actually gaying up the channel too bad, but thankfully Dennis threw him out the door, so that's not an issue. Nexstar just wants the ratings, it don't give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK what gives it to them, they just had to sell their Chicago properties just to try to level out losses in the CW, which is WHY the licensing fees are being reduced.
So while it matters a little less than how hard it nailed SPN down in the day, yes it matters, and I keep fucking SAYING this fandom won't unpack its trauma even when Dean is telling them to, and to pay the fuck attention to why he made these choices and why the socials are openly and almost primarily engaging DeanCas shit. They'd rather let fandom liars, doxxers, grifters etc like teamfreewill2pointo (pinned post for context) just scream and scream and whip bullshit up from wholecloth or badly googlefu his way through life to tell them NO, IT'S NOT HAPPENING BECAUSE [reaches up own asshole, forages around in there, pulls out a card] OLD REASONS THAT ARENT APPLICABLE ANYMORE [NODS ASSERTIVELY]
Everything in this show was built with dedication and love to make it bombproof to the end. Fandom just won't appreciate it till they get what they want in an extremely tunnelvisioned way, which honestly makes me angrier than anything
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
For the Fandom Game: Narcos
The gasp I fucking gasped at this! I love it. Letsgoooo
The first character I first fell in love with: My unhinged colonel, Horacio Carrillo. I love him and all of his war crimes. 😌
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The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Okay so someone who grew on me in a major way was definitely Amado. I never disliked him, but for the longest time he was just Some Guy to me but now when he's on screen I am fully 👀 paying attention 👀
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The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I feel like there's no one in OG Narcos that I dislike that people would really consider an unpopular opinion. I'm gonna tweak this a little and do a character from Narcos: Mexico because??? I can 😂 My apologies to the Calderoni girlies but I would throw that man off a roof with my bare hands if given the opportunity. And I wouldn't feel bad about it. 😌
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The character I love that everyone else hates: Okay I know that he is not everyone's cup of tea, but there is something that I am just so fucking obsessed with when it comes to Navegante. I don't want him. But I want to study him. I want to put him in a big ol' terrarium on my windowsill and take notes on his behavior.
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The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I still love all the characters that I loved that the start. Momma didn't raise a quitter. 😌
The character I would totally smooch: He's a Wife Guy so I know that he would never, but god the way I just want to plant one on Jorge. I love him. Let me put him in my pocket I'm begging. (There are hardly any gifs of him in the search which is fucking CRIMINAL I'm weeping. Look at him and his little beard. God. He could fix me I know it.)
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The character I’d want to be like: Please let me be a boss bitch like Judy Moncada. I want a painted portrait of myself and a tiger hanging in my living room. I want to have weird, antagonistic sexual tension with Javi. Por favor.
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The character I’d slap: The list is too long! I love all these men but god they can all be so stupid sometimes! Passing one brain cell around just simply isn't enough. 😂 Although I will say, despite how much I love him, I think that my hillbilly husband Steve Murphy should've caught hands at some point. Maybe someone could've slapped some Spanish vocab into his brain idk 😂
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A pairing that I love: Limon and farming. 😌 Lmaooo no but real talk I will be a Steve/Connie girlie till I die. I love them so much. God. Yes.
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A pairing that I despise: Not a romantic pairing, but the entire dynamic between Pablo and his mom drove me absolutely up the walls. The cognitive dissonance of those two really had me putting my head through drywall lmao 😂 It's not even like they have a ton of scenes with just the two of them or anything but they are just such a horrid little feedback loop for each other.
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Thank you for this!!! xoxo
Send me a fandom!
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neoninky · 1 year
TWST Fanfic "Her Lost Voice": Chapter 17
Off topic note: anyone who wants/NEEDS to gush about TWST Chapter 7 happenings, feel free to flood my Inbox lol I be taking notes for my Diasomnia story (spoilers be DAMNED!!)
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Chapter 17: Ready to Stand
The Sacred Crown bell echoed across the campus, igniting a school-wide mad dash to the main corridors. It was a smaller elite school but unlike their brother school or Night Raven, the girls of Sacred Crown had monthly exams instead of just midterms or final exams. At the end of each month, regular classes had a three-day testing period for every class: first, second, and third years alike. This month was no different in spite of the first festival of the year being just around the corner. Tests were finished, and the campus itself had been cleaned, pruned, and polished to perfection. Now, the results of all their hard work were being posted.
However, all of the fuss sounded like a dull hum to Cowrie as she stood facing the posting board, blank eyes forward. She heard the whispers, the gossip-mongering as it floated around her but none of that seemed to matter anymore. It hadn't for weeks. While the other girls were busy keeping tabs on each other or worrying about their grades, the new Cerulamare Dorm Leader was just trying to keep her head above water in silence. There was just too much going on outside that her trivial school life barely amounted to much anymore. It honestly felt like some weird stage production she was constantly stuck playing in while the real world kept moving on outside the small island.
Once the faculty finished posting the results, everyone around her reacted as her pale eyes remained fixed and unmoved. Her name had gone from Number 3 down to Number 11. A drop this drastic caused a few onlookers to start the latest gossip chain: "The Cerulamare Prefect is losing her edge." 
A few of her students that supported her gave Cowrie words of encouragement but they were only met with indifference as the eel returned to her dorm room. Alone. What was interpreted as disappointment, maybe even depression, was a front. Once Cowrie was in her room, bookbag tossed aside, her eyes steeled into a determined gaze. All over her desk were handwritten letters. Each and every one was from Jade. To the untrained eye, it seemed like a bounty of affectionate, sweet nothings from her beau. Between the two young lovers, however, they knew how to exchange information in plain sight. 
"I miss you terribly, my Cowrie. I cannot wait to see you again and tell you all about the new alchemy project we've been working on. It's almost finished and ready to put into practice..."
The 'alchemy project' being Elise's transformation back into a mermaid.
"Mother says hello, by the way, and apologizes that the care package will be delayed a bit longer due to storm systems over the Coral Sea..." 
Luna, "the care package", is unable to contact her just now. And so on and so forth. Texting each other would be more convenient but letters were harder to track. Thanks to Luna's studies, the group now had a far more efficient method of delivery. The downside was that Cowrie herself wasn't as privy to everything going on because she was stuck on the outskirts of the situation. She understood the logistics but it still irritated her ferociously. Cowrie grabbed the scroll she had written that morning and put it inside the bottle Jade's most recent letter had arrived in. Seconds later, the paper disappeared in a flash. It reappeared in an identical bottle that sat on Jade's shelf next to his terrariums. Azul and Floyd had been given bottles of their own to keep them in contact with Luna whenever she had something to report. Or whenever she missed her love too much. Cowrie sighed and flopped on her bed just before burrowing under her blankets. She was exhausted, anxious, and frustrated all at the same time. Patience was never one of her strong suits. She was about to drift off when a thunderous knock on her door shocked her out of her bed and onto the floor. 
"Cowrie??" It was her Vice Prefect. Cowrie groaned and marched over to the now squeaky door, staring up at the much taller girl on the other side.
"What, Ombra??"
Ombra was a very soft-spoken, near seven-foot-tall orca mermaid. The girl was sweet as can be but literally heavy-handed given her large stature. The repair bill for the dorm itself was setting a record. She fiddled with one of her black and white curls of hair before muttering, "O-Oh I'm sorry to bother you, Cowrie, but the Headmistress wants to see you in her office regarding Family Day coming up?"
Family Day was the opening day of the festival. As a prefect, Cowrie was aware of the schedule but had no idea what that day had to do with her specifically. The small eel just scoffed at the interruption and staggered out of the dorm without another word to anyone. 
The Headmistress' office was unnervingly organized, pastel, and smelled like a grandmother's powder room. It always made Cowrie feel itchy. She sat in the very ornate and stiff seat before the Headmistress' large desk, doing her best to listen as paperwork kept being piled in front of her.
"-you'll have off campus visitation rights for two days but for the remainder of the festival, your presence on campus as a Prefect is mandatory."
Cowrie blinked her sleepy eyes, "...What?"
The retired Fairy Godmother sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Pay attention, Miss Cerith! Your guardians have confirmed their attendance for Family Day but have also asked that you be able to visit them while they stay in the city off campus. Given your family's uh...condition, I know they probably don't get to come to the surface very often so I have the approval forms right here-" 
Cowrie's brain burst into a wildfire. Her WHAT now?! She grabbed the forms from the desk and quickly read over them. She found herself with even more questions as she saw her 'guardians' names and signatures: Indigo and Ivy Cerith. 
"Who is Ivy and when the hell did he get married?!" she shrieked just before getting bopped on the head with the Headmistress' wand. 
"Miss Cerith! Language!"
Another letter appeared inside Azul's bottle as he was listening to the recorded message Elise had sent him two weeks ago. Was this the third or fourth time he sat and listened to it? Azul wasn't sure anymore. The words had passed from Elise and this Spindle fellow to him and he passed them via ink and paper to Luna for confirmation. He knew Elise wasn't stupid but he'd be damned if he didn't fact-check every last syllable uttered by a stranger, renounced by the enemy or not. He continued to listen and reached for the letter stamped with a crescent moon inside the bottle. Luna didn't disappoint. Not only was Spindle telling the truth, but he had an insider perspective. 
Azul's vault opened with a heavy thunk to what used to be his contract collection. Now it was more or less a store room for important ingredients or hidden 'treasures'. Spindle's voice played over the phone as Azul opened the wooden box his grandmother had given Elise. In place of the dagger was the vial given to him by Reine, now full.
"I started to show signs of magic when I was about ten years old...my unique magic manifested very quickly, though it was hard to control at first..."
Azul smiled at the completed serum in the vial before sliding the chain holding it around his neck. It took several tries but he was confident this was the perfect combination to return his darling to him once and for all. Spindle's distant voice continued as Azul locked the vault. 
"Proteus was the first to witness it soon after he started working for my father. He told me it was better to keep it a secret since my father didn't care too much for magic...I was young so I didn't know any better at the time. Soon after that, Proteus went to Lorelei Ashengrotto for help since he didn't have any magic of his own and he wanted mine, but she turned him away. I didn't know about any of this until it was too late."
Luna had confirmed this was true, straight from her mentor's mouth. Madam Lorelei was always open to helping those who sought her out but helping someone take the magic away from another, much less a child? Ridiculous. Azul scoffed at the notion. His grandmother had too much pride in her abilities, natural and learned, to do such a thing. The irony of his disdain wasn't lost on him given his past endeavors. But there was a vast difference in common thievery and striking a deal with full disclosure! So it was no surprise that Proteus made the desperate move that he did...
"There are others not as well known or revered in our neighborhood. Proteus turned to one of them. I'm not sure which one. They don't leave any tracks behind. But they gave him a spell that would take magic and give it to him. He could only use it once though. He used it against me while I was asleep but something happened, something went wrong...I started to wake up and I tried to resist but failed. That's how my throat was injured and I lost my voice. No one else knew about my magic and Proteus mastered it quickly enough to help my father prosper by trapping his enemies or their families. So even if I could speak, who would believe me?"
"Despicable..." Azul muttered before turning off the message. He had heard enough. Now he understood his grandmother's warning on a visceral level. The Octavinelle prefect snapped his fingers and lowered the magic barrier that had soundproofed his office. Even though he was nowhere near his home, Azul couldn't be too careful. Everything needed to go according to plan that everyone involved had put so much effort into building over the past weeks. Just as he was about to leave, another letter appeared in the bottle. This time, it was his grandmother's handwriting. 
"Everything is set for your homecoming party. Your mother is asking about the present sent for our guest."
"Well, well. That is excellent news," Azul smugly grinned as he held the serum in his hand and planted a kiss on the glass vial before tucking it into his shirt. He quickly scribbled a reply before sending it right back, once again relishing in Luna's clever little invention. Portal magic was no walk in the park for most mages and yet she had outdone herself using the same magic to connect one vessel to another.
The sun was going down as Spindle waited for Elise by the Castilene family's dock. Normally he preferred to be in the water but...well his mistress insisted he get used to being on two legs. It just "made things less complicated" in the long run. He stared down at the clothes on his now human form and those strange things on his feet. What were they called again? Shoes?? The flower princess had others help him get dressed and explain how to do it himself but it was still hard to get a firm handle on. He at least got the hang of making his own dry land potions after Elise's thorough instruction. Spindle straightened up the best he could as he saw Reine approach with bodyguards and his mistress at her side. Elise beamed with pride at him as she walked up to him, "He makes a very dashing human, doesn't he?"
He felt his face grow warm as Reine smiled and agreed, "He's a fast learner too. You've done very well in such a short amount of time, Spindle." 
He tried to bow but nearly fell over, making his face burn with more embarrassment, "Th-Thank you, Your Rose Highness." 
Elise hooked her arm with his to help him board Reine's ship, "Don't worry. You'll get used to this form in no time," Elise lowered her voice as they reached the deck, "There is something very important I need you to hold onto for me, Spindle. You'll know when the time is right for it. Until then keep it hidden, alright?" 
Once the two of them were settled on the ship's deck, Elise handed the eel something wrapped in fabric. He tucked it inside his jacket without question.
His mistress rewarded him with a soft peck on his forehead, "Good. Now relax. It'll be a short trip back to Sacred Crown. Just stick with me, ok?"
Reine couldn't help but giggle at the two of them. Had she not known any better, she could have sworn Elise's new companion was a puppy beastman, not an eel. 
The Sacred Crown Prefects stood in a perfectly straight greeting line at the front gates as they opened a few days later. It was tradition to greet each group of visitors starting with students from their brother school, then other schools, Night Raven, and the returning Fourth Year students usually brought up the rear, and then specifically for this event, visiting family members and alumni. Alumni from Sacred Crown, Royal Sword, and Night Raven had all received invitations meaning that there were a lot of people to go through...which only made Cowrie's eye twitch even more.
"Hey...are you good, Cowrie?" Petra whispered to the visibly irritated mermaid on her left. The Cerulamare prefect didn't bother hiding her impatience even as the Headmistress gave her usual speech to the crowds as they entered. 
"Sure," she answered very bluntly as she tapped her foot and gave a half-baked greeting to any random person that walked by her. Her eyes scanned for any one of a few familiar faces and only felt more irritated when she didn't see them right away. Cowrie's mood lightened once she started seeing more NRC uniforms enter through the gates. Even some friendly faces from Octavinelle stopped to chat with her which eased her a bit. They weren't the ones she was looking for but the Octavinelle boys had always treated her, Luna, and Elise very well. Probably a certain trio's influence, no doubt. However, there was always at least one in every dorm to ruin a good thing...
One such boy was getting a bit too friendly for a certain eel's taste.  He was a third year in the same class as "Dorm Leader Azul", something he was proud of clearly, and a merman as well. A merman that took note of the very unique shark tooth necklace around Cowrie's neck.
"Hey, that's a nice piece, Cowrie-chan," he began to lean in to get a closer look, making the female eel's eye start to twitch again, "Where did you get it?"
"My mate," she said pointedly while scanning the crowd for the man himself. The third-year boy laughed at the word.
"Your mate? You only have the one or are you just testing the waters?" 
His comment snapped Cowrie's attention right back to him, "The hell does that mean?"
The smirk on his face made her skin start to crawl, "Well I mean you and your sister. You're sirens, right? It's to be expected given your nature. I figured your knock-out sister got around, but you? You don't seem like that type of girl but maybe you just hide it better..."
Petra overheard the boy's suggestive commentary and grabbed his arm, "Hey! You're holding up the line, dude. Move along." 
Cowrie fumed, ready to take a chunk out of this rude boy herself! She suddenly squeaked as a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind and pulled her back into a firm chest. 
"Yes, please do..." the familiar voice's possessive tone caused Cowrie's face to flush. All the color that burned her face suddenly drained from the NRC boy's terrified expression.
The Octavinelle third year jumped back, startled, "V-Vice Prefect Leech!"
Jade Leech gently held his mate to him as he rested his chin on top of her head. His smile didn't reach his eyes as they pierced into his rude dormmate, "You're being terribly crass to my devoted pearl. Listen to the lady and move along before I decide to be less...forgiving." 
The boy darted off without another word. Cowrie looked up at her mate as he turned a much softer, sweeter even, gaze down to her as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear. He didn't dare let her go. She wasn't sure which gesture frazzled her more, "Jay Jay??"
Jade looked at her as if there wasn't a whole group of her peers surrounding them in that now more intimate moment. The normally more reserved twin's voice was heavy with affection, "Ahh, my Cowrie...I've missed you."  
The greeting line was completely derailed as Jade leaned down and kissed Cowrie without any hint of shyness. Cowrie's heart skipped, if not straight up hopscotched a beat or two as the other prefects around her stared and cooed enthusiastically at the sight. Clearly Jade had lost his mind but Cowrie was in no condition to question it. It wasn't until he released her that she ripened into a perfect tomato red. 
"J-J-JAY JAY!" Jade chuckled as she whined and swatted his arm. The fact that a few of the girls had their phones out made things even worse, "Y-You decide to be all lovey-dovey in public NOW?!" 
His smile only broadened, "Oooh? You don't like it, my little tadpole?" Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing alright. Well besides teasing his adorable future wife, the wide birth boys from his dorm and others suddenly gave him and Cowrie did not go unnoticed by either one of them. 
Cowrie huffed and stomped her foot, "I never said that. Just...if you wanted to claim territory, at least give me a heads-up first! ...And...I uh.." Her expression was sour but her face was shimmering at this point, "...I missed you too, Jade." 
Only he could hear her pouty, mumbled confession but hearing his full name on her lips did wonders for his already fantastic mood, "Oya...so cute," he grinned making Petra and Manari snicker on either side of the couple. 
"My, my, I've never seen Jade behave so sweetly before. How precious."
Cowrie turned to Jade's pleased companions that were now approaching the couple. Azul was practically glowing in his freshly cleaned and pressed uniform, walking tall and ready for anything. He seemed to be wearing extra cologne as well. Floyd was just the same as always as he flopped on the other side of Cowrie, making it a sloppy group hug. 
"Cowriiiiie-chaaaaaaaan! You're even cuter in your uniform! So little and girly. Heh did you make the skirt shorter though? Just for Jade, right?" he giggled smugly. Cowrie's face glowed pink. Yes, it was true that she did roll the edge of her skirt higher than what was dress code regulated but HE wasn't supposed to be the one to notice it!! 
The younger Cerith sister was reaching her limit at breakneck speed, "Shut up, Floyd! You guys go to the courtyard and wait there until I'm done! It's straight that way. Geez!"
Jade planted another kiss on Cowrie's cheek, earning more excited coos from the other girls, before helping Azul drag his frustrated twin further into the campus like a big fussy toddler.
"Good luck with all that ruckus, Cowrie," Petra snickered beside her, "And congratulations, Mrs. Leech~"
Cowrie had a snide comeback at the ready but it died in her throat as the next group of visitors entered the gates. Her baby blue eyes widened with a wild mix of emotions all at once as two figures stopped in the middle of the path to face her. 
"Sorry, we took so long, sister." 
Luna hadn't aged whatsoever. She just looked more elegant now than ever before: she was fashioned, curated specifically to not only make a statement but represent her brilliant mentor as a proper apprentice. She was dressed in a fitted black turtle-necked dress with a luscious purple fur shawl around her shoulders. Pinned in her sleek black up-do was Madam Lorelei's signature spiral shell on a gold hair comb. Around her neck, Luna proudly wore the necklace Floyd made for her as if it was the world's finest jewel. On Luna's arm was their brother, Indigo Cerith, dressed to the nines in a classic black suit and tie and standing on human legs as if he did this in his sleep. He looked amazing and yet stranger cleaned up so nicely. Any complaint or retort fell by the wayside as Cowrie's eyes clouded over with salt water the minute she rushed forward and threw her arms around her siblings. 
"You're both here, that's all that matters," she mumbled into Indigo's chest. 
Indigo wrapped an arm around his baby sister and pulled her close with a soft grin, "There's someone else you need to see."
Cowrie froze for a second before pushing away from him with a huff, "Is it this Ivy person? Who the hell is she, huh?!"
Luna chuckled as Indigo awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "You'll meet her soon enough. But no, not her. Someone else...someone very important." 
Azul's eyes stayed trained on the movement of the crowd passing them by as the trio waited in the large courtyard. His confidence was still high enough to cover up any nervous energy trying to surface but he frowned when she was nowhere to be seen. 
"Is that a pout I see?" Jade teased him. The eel was still in a very good and smug mood with no intention of hiding it from anyone. Floyd's playfulness had quickly morphed into impatience as both he and Azul were waiting for their own reunions. He growled at the general atmosphere and huffed, "We're here, where are they??"
Azul checked his watch, trying and failing to hide his own antsy feelings, "Calm yourself, Floyd. We've only been here ten minutes." 
Floyd turned on Azul about to launch straight into a sour-fueled mood when his eyes filled with stardust, lazer focused up the path where they had come from. Jade and Azul both knew who he was looking at before they even turned around, still, they found themselves even a bit flustered by the siren's glow up. Luna broke away from her brother as she locked eyes with her beloved with a smile that rivaled the sun.
"Floyd, honey! There you are!" Her sweet tone radiated warmth. Before Floyd could say a word, Luna was right there with her arms around his neck and her rich red lips planted on his. The eel melted in her arms with a soft moan. Jade half expected his brother to collapse or explode on the spot. Perhaps both. 
Azul silently commended his grandmother on the stylistic choices she made for Luna but also on how Luna's magical aura had clearly flourished under her tutelage. Normal humans struggled to notice these things but mermaids and beastmen could easily register them with their keener senses. To Azul, Luna's growing power surrounded her like a high-quality perfume: alluring, unique, and even a bit disarming. The siren in question gravitated toward the octopus with a kind smile. Floyd was too blissed out to be upset about her temporary departure. 
"Luna, you are absolutely thriving," Azul greeted her with a proud grin, "I can see how well Grandmother is treating you." 
"Azul-kun," she gave him a grateful kiss on his cheek, "How can I ever repay your wonderful generosity? Actually...don't answer that. I already know one way. Come with me." 
The sparkle in her golden eyes as she took him by the hand made Azul weirdly excited and anxious all at the same time. Luna cooed to her love that she'd return shortly but he was already bothering 'big brother' Indigo alongside Jade. 
"Ooh Big Brother, you're taller than I thought you'd  be!" Floyd chuckled. 
Indigo's stoic expression didn't budge nor did his crossed arms as he rolled his eyes at the twin's bluntness. He was by no means short in his human form. He had to be at least six foot five, but the even taller twins still leaned down to talk to him just to be cheeky. Cowrie felt like she was standing in the middle of a forest of black uniforms and tailored suits, almost straining her neck just to look up at the guys surrounding her.
Luna and Azul walked along the stone path away from the large courtyard towards a more solitary park area with a lake. 
"This was always one of her favorite hideaways when we were still on campus. Don't be too upset with her for keeping you waiting, Azul-kun. She was intercepted, unfortunately..." Luna's voice lowered as the two of them reached the shoreline. The siren placed a finger to her lips before pointing across the lake to the bridge. Azul nearly choked on his own breath at the sight of her, his beloved Elise. 
She was standing on the bridge talking to someone but even with her back turned to him, she was a vision. Her long, curled dark hair tumbled down her back with white lilies braided in behind her ear. The dress she wore was a modern Rose Queendom style but instead of the usual red or white, it was lavender with a black waterfall waistcoat, giving it a customed look. White rose emblems had been pinned into her lapels, proving that she had been taken under the royal family's wing. Azul felt a swell of pride and awe that wasn't even daunted when he realized who Elise was talking to. The shock of red hair on the intruder did make him frown, however. Luna gently tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the water with a mischievous smirk. 
"I was never here," she sing-song whispered before walking back to the courtyard. Azul didn't hesitate. He quietly slipped into the water and shifted into his true form, making his way stealthfully as possible towards the bridge as he sank beneath the water's surface. Azul felt a tremendous shiver of energy electrify him to the core before he even peeked out of the water. He knew it well, it had the same base feeling, scent even, as before but now it had grown tenfold. He knew it had to be Elise's magic. The octopus quietly settled just below where Elise and Rielle stood.
"I'm sorry for how I behaved before, Rielle...I wasn't thinking clearly." 
She sounded like she truly regrated whatever had happened between them. What had happened while she was away? Azul had to fight to not let his paranoid imagination get the best of him as he quietly listened from the shadows. He made the mistake of moving ever so slightly over so he could see the two of them better...just in time to see Rielle touch Elise's hand in a way that was way too friendly for Azul's tastes. The octopus' tentacles twitched angrily under the lake's surface as Azul clenched his teeth. 
"You were upset, Elise. I understand. But I meant what I said before. I am sorry for everything that has happened to you. I've been regretting it for weeks..." Ugh, damn those doe eyes and that innocent prince charming act! Azul was seconds away from spitting a bullet of ink right in his ear until Elise moved away from the prince, turning away from the side Azul was on, thankfully. She didn't seem nearly as eager to be close to him as before, much to Azul's delight. 
"I haven't. I don't regret any of it, honestly. Well except for giving you my first kiss, that is," she said plainly. The octopus' internal fit was outrageous: happy that Elise didn't regret anything that led her to him-er-where she was, but also infuriated that Rielle was her first kiss and not him. He at least took solace in the fact that he had and would continue to be given all her other kisses. 
Rielle, clueless to the death glares he was receiving below, blinked his wide eyes towards the much more distant girl and her response, "Really? You weren't terrified of those shady con artists? ...They didn't try anything did they?"
Elise just laughed before giving the dumbfound prince a dry look, "You assume too much, you know. Azul, Jade, and Floyd were perfect gentlemen to me the entire time. They cared for and protected me! But I suppose that's too difficult to believe because someone decided to rush headlong into a wild deal without reading the fine print, huh?" Azul internally preened as Elise effortlessly knocked Rielle down a peg or two. 
"I learned from my mistake," the prince quipped, "It makes sense that they treated you with some sort of kindness, Azul was probably trying to cover his slippery tracks-"
Rielle stopped short under the white-hot glare Elise turned on him, "Azul outwitted you. Yes, it was a bit underhanded and I got roped into it, but that was because of YOU. I made my amends with him and I've seen his truest colors. Don't act like you have any room to point fingers when you're just licking your wounds, Rielle! Azul has shown me more care, honesty, and compassion in one season than you ever had in years so don't you dare speak badly about him!"
At this point, Rielle had been backed into the bridge's railing by the angry girl. Had he not been so busy swooning over Elise's passionate defense of him, Azul would be silently praying for her to shove the prince right over the edge. 
"You...you fell for him, didn't you?" Rielle's voice was soft and careful, "For Azul Ashengrotto, really?"
Elise's grin was unapologetic, "Yes. I absolutely did. It feels nice to not only find someone better who reciprocates, but who also appreciates me without question. Whether or not you see it, it is the truth. I hope you'll be lucky enough to find the same for yourself, Rielle."
HA! Azul was buzzing! He had to submerge just to get a hold of how unabashedly elated he was. He couldn't wait to get that marvelous woman back into his arms as quickly as possible. The prince was thrown by the girl's brutal honesty, however, in her declaration, there wasn't a hint of unkindness towards him personally. Had someone insulted Emily to his face, would he have behaved any differently? Remembering her, though, made his heart ache. He had never felt so foolish, but...perhaps it was for the best.
"I wish you both the very best then, Elise," his smile was a melancholy mixture of sadness and acceptance, "I too hope that I am lucky enough in the future." 
The former princess offered him a genuine smile, "Goodbye, Rielle." 
As Elise left the bridge, one of her lilies fell loose and drifted down to the water below. An eager tentacle caught and gently held onto it as Azul jetted back to the shore faster than he ever had in his life. Elise was almost to the entrance of the park when she was suddenly spun around to face her delighted now-human-again sweetheart. 
"My love, you are even more exquisite than I remember," Azul's charm was on full blast as was his admiration for the woman now in his embrace. He smoothly put the magically dried lily back into her hair as he pressed his lips to hers. Elise's surprise only lasted a second before she batted her eyes coyly at him. 
"Oh? Did you like what you heard, Azul?" ...of course, she had known he was nearby. Clever little minx.
"...I suppose that was a breach of your privacy but hopefully a heart as deliciously sweet as yours will forgive me, dearest?" Azul lifted her hands to his lips as if they were glasses of wine without a hint of shame. 
Elise giggled and shook her head, "Oh I suppose it could..." she paused to drape her arms around his shoulders and take back that stolen kiss, "...Handsome."
The pet name made Azul's face burn through the entire blush spectrum as his debonair aura vanished in seconds. Another giggle and a kiss, "Hmm, yes I like that name. It suits you, handsome." 
"You...are even more dangerous than I thought," he mumbled shyly before clearing his throat, "More importantly, now that I have you all to myself..."
He removed the vial from around his neck and showed it to Elise, making her eyes go wide.
"I believe this is it, love. Forgive my impatience but we've both waited long enough.
Elise clasped it in her hand, feeling her entire body bristle with anticipation, "Let's test it right now then-" 
A hush drew them both to a harsh pause. It began as an almost untraceable hum and rose to a full-bodied sound. Azul and Elise turned towards the far side of the lake as they just heard it blossom into a song. 
"What is that...?" Azul's voice was barely a whisper.
Elise moved in a haze without a word but clasped Azul's hand in her own after putting the vial's chain around her neck. She pulled him along with her as she followed the shore to the other side. There were more trees and underbrush growing thicker as they followed the song. It sounded too familiar. Elise's mind questioned whether it was real or if she and Azul had somehow crossed over into the same dream. It was a woman's voice that led them to the furthest corner of the lake, one nearly hidden by willow trees that had always reminded Elise of home. 
There was all at once the singer, bathing in the water with her long, familiar black hair and monochrome patterned skin. Elise's mind played a trick on her at first.
"Luna? Why are you-" No, that wasn't right... 
The woman's song stopped as she turned to face the young couple, her long stripped tail pulled against the chain that kept her from swimming away. Her golden eyes widened at the sight of the former princess as if she were a ghost. Elise's mind froze: Luna really did look so much like her mother.
"Junonia...?" Elise couldn't believe it but there she was. Who else could she possibly be?!
The mature siren's face seemed to recall something familiar about Elise and the look of recognition pricked something in the back of the human girl's mind. Her lips broke into the smile of a proud mother.
"You have grown so much, Princess," Junonia's voice was full of kindness. Elise felt a stir in her heart just from the sound of it. 
"You know who I am?" Azul looked just as puzzled as she was. 
The siren chuckled lightly, "Of course, how could I forget the brave young princess that rescued my Cowrie? I am so grateful and happy that the girl I rescued from drowning in that storm turned out to be such a wonderful human." 
Elise felt the ground nearly crumble under her feet as she remembered the sound of the sea's furious waves and the thunder from all those years ago. The song...Junonia's song...she had heard it before. Many, many years ago at first. The second time that night on the balcony. And now...she barely recognized the sound of her own voice as it left her tight throat.
"What...what did you say?"
Tagging: @nuitthegoddess @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @1ndigowitch @wysteriadelights @evieyouknow @ladyrosemoon @victoria1676 @aiimee9 @honey-milk-depresso @espada188 @feldya
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ao3-feed-sterek · 1 year
raised by wolves (loved by him)
by piratetattoos
“I want to put him in a terrarium and study him,” Stiles says. “Is that weird?”
“It’s not not weird,” Scott says, but he’s not being judgy, so it’s cool. Scott is remarkably non-judgy, which is sort of excellent, because Stiles makes a lot of decisions that should really be frowned upon.
(or: the fic affectionately referred to as "lil freak derek.docx", where everything is beautiful, nothing hurts, and everyone is neurodivergent)
Words: 7645, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of lil freak derek
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, everyone is sixteen, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Pining Idiots, Derek Hale is a Failwolf, Alternate Universe - No Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Autism, Derek Hale Is Autistic, The neurodivergence is prominent and often, He is a lil freak and I adore him, I am autistic and honestly I want to be friends with him, vulture culture, (not to be confused with culture vulture), There is a dead deer but it's not gruesome or graphic, Stiles has a Long Furby, Tumblr, Werewolf Reveal, Getting Together, First Kiss, he likes to be tall, Scott is somehow the voice of reason, weird gifts, Bisexuality, Chronically online Stiles Stilinski, Happy Ending, maybe there will be ficlets in this series if anyone wants them
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48659893
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upsidedowngrass · 2 years
all of ur hfjone takes are So Real. like i cannot every stop thinking abt it ur brain is so wrinkled. i love ur analyses it’s so insane how well put together thye are. i want to put ur brain in a terrarium a study how it works(/silly)
AUUUU THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!! i appreciate this so much :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im glad u like them!!!!!!!!!!
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