#I love them both a normal amount send me asks about them
secretwhumplair · 7 months
1,304 words | Mirai and the serpent king (sequel to Welcome)
Content | Slavery, anxiety, touch starvation, nightmare (non-con touch, briefly mentioned non-con), implied future non-con
Notes | I am delighted to be introducing Shasha and Izara. And also an interesting tidbit about elven culture/probably biology.
Taglist | @yet-another-heathen @echo-goes-aaa @whumpinator
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The day passed quietly, almost disturbingly calm. Mirai was half-expecting something awful to interrupt the peace, but nothing happened except lunch—they were, he learned, getting three meals a day, every day.
He sat quietly with the others, too shy to join their games or talk much, but slowly, slowly getting used to the fact he was in company now. Sure, there had been other slaves in the trader’s possession as well; but they always knew they might be, at any point, mere days from being ripped apart at the next market, and it was easier not to get too invested, even if the circumstances hadn’t been so wretched they allowed for little more than survival.
Now, for the first time in, oh, years, he might make friends.
If he had the nerve.
After dinner, a young guard appeared in the door, rather at ease, as if this was an ordinary occurence. They gave a brief order, in Hishissa.
The red-haired man rose, and, accompanied by a serpent woman—he assumed—covered in scales like fresh spring leaves, followed the guard out, with a passing »good night« for the others. Neither of them, Mirai noted, seemed terribly miserable to have been called upon; the human appeared as one going to work they didn’t loathe which fed their family, and the serpent, if Mirai wasn’t mistaken, outright pleased.
Surely, that was a good sign.
The rest of the evening passed in the same peaceful quiet. One after the other, or sometimes in pairs or threes, the slaves withdrew into the bedrooms, and Mirai started to get nervous, unsure of how he was supposed to act.
He didn’t want to sleep alone. He had been forced to often enough, but it wasn’t normal for an elf to do so, and he craved cuddling up with someone, anyone.
Maybe that was why he had slept so well last night, all curled up in the middle of the serpent king.
Finally, almost everyone had disappeared, with only the other elf—Izara—and the dark shimmering serpent Mirai had seen him with earlier left in the living room. Izara was reading out loud from a book, lounging comfortably in the snake’s coiled body, in a language that must be the local—it didn’t quite sound the way it did from the guards, but Mirai didn’t understand a word.
Suddenly, Izara closed the book and looked right at Mirai. »So. You won’t want to sleep alone, I guess?«
Mirai shook his head. He still didn’t want to speak to Izara. Not because of anything Izara had done, but because he would be the first to understand the true magnitude of his defect.
»You can sleep with us, if you want to. I’m Izara. This is Shasha.« He sounded very matter-of-factly about it, which was the best Mirai had dared hope for. They had hardly met, after all.
»I didn’t know that by getting entangled with one elf, I’d be dealing with every elf,« Shasha sniffed.
»Don’t listen to him,« Izara said immediately, rolling his eyes.
»Yes, don’t listen to me, I’m just playing. You can sleep with us, I know you people can’t sleep alone.«
»‘Can’t’ is a strong word.«
»And you’re but a weak elf, so I shall not use it again to spare your fragile mind.«
Mirai had watched the exchanged nervously, unsure how seriously to take it—and if it really was all play, worried to encroach upon a long-established friendship after a manner he could barely understand.
»Come on,« Izara said, ignoring Shasha’s last comment, hopped off his scaly seat, and led the way into one of the bedrooms.
Mirai hurried to follow, with Shasha close behind. He followed the example of the others in taking off his clothes. Izara showed him where he could put them in the wardrobe, and Mirai put his hair into one big braid to protect it overnight. By the time they were done, Shasha had curled up on the bed.
Izara climbed over them to rest in the nest Shasha’s body made. Mirai hesitated.
»Oh, it’s always alright to climb over a snake. They don’t mind. It’s a cultural thing. I guess they’d get into each other’s way far too much otherwise.«
»Centaurs are weird about it, though. Don’t reach over Ikkira’s back. It’s rude, apparently.«
»You used to do it all the time,« Izara remarked.
»Yes, and she hates me for it,« Shasha replied gleefully. »Anyway, come to bed. Snuggle up.«
They reached out a hand and helped Mirai climb over them. He laid down and nuzzled into Izara’s back; it felt so right he had to hold back a sigh of relief.
Izara for his part threw an arm out over Shasha’s chest, which they had arranged before him, and rested his head on their body. Shasha blew out the light.
Mirai wasn’t half as tired as he had been the night before, and maybe that was why he was so keenly aware of the snake body looped around him. He would have to get used to it, not only to be surrounded by the other snake folk in the harem—but also to be held and touched and—probably it was good practice to sleep here with Shasha.
If he could manage to sleep, now that he was thinking about these things.
He had to ask. It felt easier in the dark.
»Is- what is the king like?« He kept his voice to a whisper, hoping to conceal its real sound for a little longer.
»Oh.« Izara half-turned. »He’s…« The pause drew on far too long for Mirai’s comfort, then Izara went on, quietly, »Frankly, I’m the wrong person to ask this. He’s saved my life. He’s not… he has his desires and he did buy each of us for them, but he takes good care of us.«
»He said he won’t hurt me.«
»Not for now, no.«
Mirai looked up, fear piercing through him at Shasha’s words.
»Was that necessary, Shasha?« Izara had felt his movement. »Look, it’s better here than almost anywhere else. He’ll be gentle with you until you’ve recovered enough to handle a little stress. And he’ll be kind with you.«
»That is true. But, you know. You’ll find out in time. Don’t worry about it too much, it isn’t worth it. You’ll be okay.«
»Okay.« Mirai’s voice came out even smaller than he had intended to.
»Aw, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just didn’t want to lie to you.«
»You were a con artist, Shasha.«
»That doesn’t mean I’m a liar.« Shasha seemed scandalized.
»Whatever, I’ll leave you criminals to it. Good night. It’s going to be alright, Mirai.«
»Good night, you little innocent lamb.«
»Good night,« Mirai muttered, and although it took him a while to calm his swirling thoughts, eventually, they were all asleep.
Mirai was alone in the dark.
But not alone alone. Someone was there, someone big and powerful, and soon, he felt their hands on his hips, digging into his skin. There was more than one, in fact, he could tell when more and more hands grabbed and groped at him, pushed into him, bruised his thighs and hips.
He tried to scream, but no sound came out, and he could feel more than hear them laugh at his pathetic attempts to crawl away, gripping more and more of him, his legs, his arms, and then a pair of hands closed around his throat—
Mirai started awake, gasping for breath.
»Shhh. ‘s alright… oh. Wrong elf.« Before Mirai could process what was happening, Shasha moved, and moments later, Mirai found himself in a soft, warm hug, nothing like his nightmares. »It’s okay, Mirai. You’re safe.«
He was too upset and frightened to question it; he just buried himself in Shasha’s chest, grateful for the comfort.
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
I really loved reading your Zuko Freezer Burn fic! I wanted to request one where Zuko doesn't believe reader could ever love him until she risks her life to save him. Smut in the end is appreciated
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Believe Me Now?
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader
Summary: After narrowly missing getting a scar to match Zuko's after he nearly engulfed the ship, the two of you have a heart to heart. Both of you letting your feelings and insecurities known. The sudden flood of vulnerability and reassurance leads to things getting intense.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut.
Zuko was currently in a private meeting with Iroh, trying to calculate the best route for the latest lead on the Avatar. You were sitting in the room the two of you shared on the ship. Cleaning the room, folding clothes among other things.​​ Even though you were a bit ignorant of all the little details of hunting the Avatar, you could see it slowly chipping away at Zuko. He was more ornery, the smallest things setting him off. It was evident that he was becoming impatient, longing for his old life. You resented this at times, why wasn’t the life you were building together enough to satisfy him? Of course it was only naturally from him to want that royal status back. That’s what made you the most insecure; the one thing he wanted more than anything was also the only thing you can’t give him. He bursted into the room, face red and sweat dripping down his forehead. 
“I’m so tired of being out maneuvered!” he groaned loudly, slamming the door shut. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said.
He sat on the bed, fists balled up and resting on his knees. You rubbed his back, trying your best to calm him down. This wasn’t working, if anything he was becoming more enraged. His mind was snowballing, unable to accept another defeat. Standing up again, making his way out of the room and to the fire room. Where coal was shoved into the furnaces, which powered the ship. Muttering and groaning about how slow we were traveling. Roughly throwing shovel fulls and then shooting fire to ignite them. There were barrels of blasting jelly, normally stored at a safe distance from the heat. Zuko however, shoving large amounts of coal while blasting practically white hot flames was becoming at risk. You were trying to warn him, yelling his name hoping to break him out of this fit. Even you were starting to feel the heat building in the room. 
“Zuko stop!” you scream, wanting to get closer but, the heat was burning your skin. You could barely see due to how bright the flames were. 
Not being able to stand his self destructive behavior, reaching through the hot sting and grabbing his shoulder. One of the barrels ends up catching fire, sending both of you stumbling back as it combusted. Flames began covering the room, slightly disoriented he grabs your arm and pulls you towards the exit. Soldiers were running in, trying their best to extinguish the blaze. The ship was badly damaged, to the extent of evacuating onto a sister ship nearby. Iroh was pissed at Zuko, especially after seeing the burns on your wrist and shoulder. His uncle was lecturing him the entire boat ride there. You were giving him the cold shoulder, fed up with his anger issues. A bottomless hole that no amount of reassurance and comfort could fill. You could tell he wasn’t listening to Iroh, more just sitting in deep thought. Hopefully regretting his action like the fool he is. 
“Are you okay?” he asks as the two of you settle into the new room. Sitting on the bed and thinking about his question for a second. Tears burning into your eyes, preventing you from answering. 
“Are you?” you asked. 
“Just because I lost my temper doesn’t mean-” he tries to explain. 
“No Zuko. I’m tired. You aren’t happy, I’m not making you happy. It seems like this mission is consuming you. I can’t take the way it makes me feel anymore. I want to be enough for- I want to be what you need but maybe I'm just not,” you said through your tears. 
“I don’t think that, I just want to give you the life you deserve. I want you to be my Fire Lady, to have a crown and be honored as the royalty you are. I feel like my banishment obliterated our entire future together, and it’s my fault,” he said, sitting next to you on the bed. 
“I can’t even believe you’d say that, I love you so much. Why do you think I followed you even after banishment? I chose you over everything because I love you, not being royalty or being honored by a kingdom that worships a man who did this to his own blood,” you said, running your finger tips over his scar. 
“But you deserve better,” he said. 
“No, I know you think that but you’re dumb for that,” you said, which seemed to lighten the mood a bit. He wrapped his arm around you and inspected your arm. 
“It’s really not bad, it doesn’t even hurt that bad,” you reassured him. 
He just smiled and started kissing up your arm. Making you giggle, his lips tickling your skin. The energy changes when he moves his mouth to your neck. Climbing on top of you, letting yourself fall back; giving him room to join you on the bed. It wasn’t like you hadn't been together before but this time was different. It felt really natural and organic, like you were both reaffirming how much you care about each other. Pulling at his armor, hoping he would take the hint and rip it off. He does, slowly shedding his outer layers. While he did so, you took his pony-tail out, letting the hair fall onto his face. The kissing becomes deeper, more needy and desperate.
Feeling him get hard while he was grinding against you was making you become inpatient. Your core begins to ache from the lack of contact. Taking his pants off and lifting your dress up. Reaching his hand down to feel how wet you were, dropping his forehead on your shoulder and groaning. His dick twitched against your thigh as he realized how turned on you were. You reach down and line him up with your entrance. Slowly pushing in, moving all his attention to you. Making eye contact, wanting to see your face as he stretched you around his cock. Kissing your nose and cheeks once he was fully inside. They two of you stayed still for a while, rocking your hips every now and again. 
There was something so much more intimate about just embracing each other. Enjoying the feelings of being full, watching his eyebrows furrow. Hearing him moan every time you squeeze your walls around him. Whispering affirmations into your ear, talking about how much he loved you. He began thrusting into you, wrapping one of arms around the back of your neck. Pulling you closer to him, becoming more sensitive as he started pounding harder.
'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.'The slaps of wet skin and moans fill the room. Pressing your lips into his shoulder, biting and sucking hickies onto him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, running your hands down his back. Feeling all his muscles harden and contract. He was practically panting into your ear, the sensitivity almost felt like a burning as you came. Raking your nails down his back, sending him into his climax. Rutting and bucking into you at an erratic pace. Collapsing onto after it was done, holding you tightly. Not even bothering to pull out before the two of you fell asleep.
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ what it's like for enhypen to be dating their s/o who is also an idol
pairing: enhypen x afab!reader
genre: fluff, a tiny bit suggestive under heeseung's
request: " Cutie patotiiiiii. What do we think about enhypen dating an idol s/o? Maybe even the it girl of the generation? Sending you lots of love <3 ~ sunshine ☀️"
a/n: here it is anon, thank you for the request sweetie and sending you even more love right back, hope you like it!
a/n (2): it has also been brought to my attention that @/rlcswo on tiktok has stolen this word for word so please do go and report this user everyone
a/n (3): shameless self promo, I have a new enha series (still ongoing) so please do check it out, thank you <3
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🖇️ — 양정원 ; JUNGWON !
he is constantly doing covers of your group's dances
he is a bit more lowkey and 'professional' about your relationship
more 'private but not secret' because he knows how you both need to keep your work separated to your private life
but he will be posting his selcas with you to show fans how smitten he is
jungwon is already incredibly active on weverse always replying to fans but now talking about you is all he ever does
'Jungwon how was your day?' a fan would ask
'Just had lunch with my sweet (y/n) and now I'm going to practice!'
biggest simp ever actually
sees you on the big screen during an award show and he's all smiles now, it's adorable :(
but ofcourse you would be displaying the biggest grin ever seeing jungwon shining on stage too
🖇️ — 이희승 ; HEESEUNG !
this man would risk it all for your relationship
whenever you were both together in public he would always be overly affectionate (giving dispatch a field day with the amount of content)
he knows you want to keep things a bit more private despite being in a confirmed public relationship because engene are a little... yeah
but ofcourse majority of them were very supportive and found you and hee to be such a cute couple
the amount of edits of him giving you 'the look' and fans constantly commenting how they wished they were you even for just a second
you'd usually try to stay composed around heeseung but your boyfriend was a tease and he wanted to see you become a flustered mess even on camera
k-netz knew this too because during an enhypen performance, when heeseung's part would come up the camera workers would always try to get the camera on you to get your reaction
let's just say there are many YouTube compilation videos of you simping for your boyfriend
'(Y/n) folding for Heeseung for 8 minutes straight'
🖇️ — 박종성 ; JAY !
jay usually keeps your relationship with him private unless it is brought up or he has something to say about you relating to something he was talking about
"Speaking of actually, (Y/n) showed me how to play this new song on my guitar." jay says during the live as he played a few chords
and during the en o clock episode where he was making muscles for the boys, he wasn’t sure on how to make them and so he called you to help him
fans found it endearing how he causally stayed on the call with you throughout him cooking and his phone would pass around the boys whilst they all said hi and made small talk with you
it soon became a normal thing where during lives if you were to call you would say hi to engene and during your lives he would say hi to your fans
he's always buying you gifts
during your lives there is atleast one item you have on that you'll mention saying you got it as a gift from jay
jay is very much into his rock music and that's pretty much 95% of his Spotify and then the other 5% is your group's songs
🖇️ — 심재윤 ; JAKE !
the most supportive boyfriend ever
best believe he is cheering the loudest during your performances and when your group wins an award
if it's one thing jake was gonna do, it was shamelessly promote you and your group's music
he plays atleast one song from your group during his solo lives and he talks about which songs he likes more and how hard you worked on it
during interviews, just from hearing your name he becomes like a happy pup wagging it's tail like it's time for his walk
the members always tease him for how much of a simp he is but fans find it so cute and wish for a jake of their own
'10 minutes of Jake being (Y/n)'s biggest fan'
you both have matching couple rings that you never take off even during performances
overall just super proud to call himself your boyfriend :(
🖇️ — 박성훈 ; SUNGHOON !
when ni-ki mentioned how sunghoon has high standards he wasnt lying, but then again you are the standard :p
a complete show off unlike jungwon
"Oh you know (y/n)? Yeah they're my girlfriend, isn't she pretty." he would say during a live
despite your protests telling him to stop he just wants everyone to know that your his
now he's all boastful when you aren't there but the minute you're both in one room, it's like he doesn't know how to act
hoon becomes almost robotic and can't even maintain eye contact with you
gets all shy in front of everyone and can't show you any pda
you both had to mc together once and hoon kept stumbling over his words and would blush everytime you looked over to him and smiled
the 4th gen it couple everyone loves and wants to be or be like
🖇️ — 김선우 ; SUNOO !
being called the 'sunshinez' as your couple nickname
loves spending time with you
he passed the friend check too and your members absolutely adore him (just as much as the enha members adore you)
you didn't know this until he mentioned it on a live but he collects your pcs
your no. 1 fanboy that's for sure
fans even noticed how you'd both started picking up small habits from each other
the couple that has all the juiciest tea on people in the industry
fans soon found out you'd actually been supporting him since his i-land days and found it so special
he posts atleast one photo he has with you atleast once a week and it's always the cutest thing
🖇️ — 西村 力 ; NI-KI !
he loves seeing you wearing his clothes during lives or part of your airport fashion
similarly to jake, you and riki have matching couple necklaces that you always have on
now riki usually keeps to himself but when it comes to you he suddenly comes out from his cave
he could disappear without posting for weeks to a month but when your group has a comeback he is the first to post it on his weverse to promote it and fans will tease him about it
'Ni-ki coming out of the trenches to hype up his girl' fans would say
'You'll know Riki's alive when he makes a post about or with (y/n)'
ofcourse netizens are quick to notice that too calling it couple goals
if he's not out with jake then he's either at home or with you, no in between
he's always sharing inside jokes he has with you to fans and they love how happy you make him
if ni-ki isn't updating fans, they come to you begging you to tell your boyfriend and miraculously he updates on social media
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Hey! I absolutely adore your work :D If you wouldn't mind, could you maybe do poly!Marauders x GN!Reader who is having/had a panic attack? So they're just really exhausted and anxious, but our boys are taking care of them? If not, don't worry haha
Thanks lovely <33
cw: panic attack aftermath, anxiety
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 752 words
You’re slick with sweat, and yet you can’t stop shivering. James’ hand is steadfast on your back,  fingers spread wide as he drags it up and down your spine. Somehow he knows to apply a good amount of pressure, grounding you here on your living room floor. 
“I’m okay,” you say, to yourself or them, you’re not entirely sure. You take a big, shuddering breath, your lungs aching like an overworked muscle as they expand. “Sorry about that. I’m okay now.” 
“You don’t have to be.” Sirius matches your quiet tone, sitting with his legs crossed under him on the floor in front of you. “Take your time, baby.” 
Remus stands from behind you on the couch, disappearing into the kitchen and returning a minute later with a glass of water. He sets it down in front of you.
“Only drink it if you want,” he says. 
You nod, and you do want, sipping at the cold water and relishing the feel of it in your sore throat. You let out a breath when you finish, setting the glass atop the coffee table and leaning sideways until your head hits James’ shoulder. 
Your boyfriends are being quieter than you would’ve expected. Certainly quieter than they had been when the attack came on, Sirius and James launching questions at you rapid-fire and scrambling to find out how they could help before Remus had shushed them harshly and given you the environment you needed to calm yourself down. You’re sure they’re still brimming with questions now, but they’re patient enough to put their curiosity on hold, just sitting with you while you will the tension in your muscles to ease and your heart to beat at a normal pace. 
“Tired, sweetheart?” James murmurs, hand following the curve of your spine from your tailbone to where your neck meets his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” It comes out a sigh. 
Remus hums. “Your body just went through a lot,” he explains, more for James and Sirius than for you, you think. “Do you want to lie down, love?”
You nod, and Remus reaches down to steady you at the elbows, helping you up. You’d like to think he’s being excessive in his cosseting, but your trembling worsens as you stand. Your legs feel made of rubber underneath you, and you waste no time sitting down again on the couch. 
Remus gets up to make room for you, and you spread out, trying to convey to your body that the danger has passed. You cover your eyes with your hand, pinching the bridge of your nose in an attempt to quell the headache you feel coming on.
There’s a gentle whoosh of air, and then a soft, heavy blanket settles over you. You open your eyes to find James tucking it around your feet, and you send him a grateful smile. 
“Sorry about that,” you say again, though you know they don’t want to hear it. You just aren’t sure what else to say. “Thanks for helping me through it.” 
“Anytime, angel.” James gives your feet a little squeeze through the blanket. If you weren’t so exhausted you’d probably be a lot more embarrassed about that. “You’ve got nothing to apologize for, you know. That seemed…really scary.” 
You nod, because you don’t know what else to do. It was. It is. 
“Is there anything else we can do to help?” Sirius asks, and you’re both touched and heartbroken by the worry in his voice. 
“Thanks.” You give him your most reassuring smile. It’s a small, feeble thing, but hopefully enough to comfort him a little. “Actually, do you think you could wake me up in a little while? I just…it’s sometimes hard for me to sleep the first night after a panic attack. I don’t want to make it worse by napping all day.”
Sirius flashes a smile. It’s maybe half its usual wattage, but it’s something. “Sounds good, sweet thing.” 
You look between your boyfriends, feeling awkward and a little bit dramatic for the past hour’s events. You can’t decide whether to apologize or thank them again, but Remus seems to see the words warring on the tip of your tongue. He reaches over to brush some hair from your face, his knuckle stroking gently down your cheek. 
“We can talk about it after you wake up if you want to, love,” he says. “Just get some rest for now, yeah?”
You nod, snuggling into the blanket and closing your eyes. 
“We’ll be here when you wake up.” 
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joekeeryswife · 6 months
hi hihi can u do an age gap fic w alex - like both alex and reader are famous and reader gets a ton of hate for dating him and alex js comforts reader 😕
Age Gap - a.t
a/n: hey loves! i haven’t written for alex in ages! my requests are open for him so please send me some through, enjoy 🫶🏼 y/n is 26 and Alex is 38
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you had been with Alex for over a year and a half but only just recently announced it. you knew that you both would get hate for it but you didn’t realise the extent of hate you would receive. you had a big following, you were a famous supermodel and an influencer and met Alex when you were at one of the music release parties and hit it off straight away.
you’d gotten hate before, being a model came with the thousands of people hating on you just for being yourself but it never got to you because you knew that these people were either jealous or just bored and you never even looked at their comments because it wasn’t worth it.
there had been speculation of you and Alex being together your whole relationship which never bothered you, you didn’t feel the need to explain yourself when people would ask questions about it but you and Alex were both sick of not being able to go out in public and do normal stuff together.
Alex had gone out to the studio a few hours ago to do some recording and you took the opportunity to look through the comments of your post. you weren’t shocked at you getting hate but shocked at the amount of hate you were receiving.
your post was cute, a few pictures of you and Alex in a photobooth together which showed how much you were in love and you were upset that people didn’t agree. there were obviously hundereds of lovely comments, people saying how great you looked together, how loved up you looked but they were overwhelmed with the thousands of hate comments.
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yn.yln: 🤍 @AlexTurner
View 104,628 comments
honeymoon: babies🥹
yourbestfriend: surprised i could keep this quiet 🤫
ynfan01: YAY OMFG
arcticm0nkeys: ew wth. Alex should be with someone older than this girl, isn’t she like 20 or something?
fan61838: y/n is so gorgeous i can’t deal! Alex is a lucky guy.
user0183: no one wants you here, you shouldn’t be with someone like Alex. he deserves so much better than you.
user163: wtaf is this. why would he want her?
yn.alexfan163: the update we have all been waiting for🤭
user74: no because tell me why alex chose her? she is way too young.
monkeys5363: our boy looks so happy, they deserve the world 🥰
user260: please leave y/n, you don’t deserve alex.
monkeysfan: alex looks so happy guys, leave them be 🫶🏼
ynswife: they’re so in love🫶🏼
alexturnershair: don’t even they looks so happy🥹
user54: these photos are vile. Alex honey we forgive you for choosing her but please leave. you deserve someone so much better than y/n.
your eyes filled with tears and you quickly put your head in your hands. the hate never usually got to you but this was a whole new level. were these people right? did alex really deserve someone better? were you really too young for him? your mind was filled with a million questions. what if alex decided that you were too young for him and that he deserved someone better than you?
a few tears spilled down your cheeks, this was awful. you had never felt so pick on up until now. yes you were a lot younger than him but that didn’t mean you weren’t mature enough. it wasn’t like you were underage, you were a full grown adult and these people were picking on you because you were younger than alex?
your mind was going so crazy that you didn’t even hear Alex come through the front door. he had even called out to you and got worried when he got no response. he found you sat curled up on the sofa, your small sobs could be heard and his body filled with worry.
“sweetheart? what’s happed?” he quickly sat down next to you and pulled your body into his. he kissed your forehead and rubbed his hand up and down your back soothingly. he heard you sniffle as you tried to calm yourself down but it was no use, a sob escaped you making his heart break. “take a deep breathe, talk to me honey”
you tried to regulate your breathing, listening to his heartbeat as you hugged him closer. “you’re gonna leave me” he was confused, where has this come from? it was completely out of character for you and he had never ever seen you like this before. “what are you on about baby, i’m not going to leave you” he felt your arms squeeze his waist.
you pulled away so you could look at him, his face was filled with concern and confusion. “i was reading the comments on our photo” he sighed, he knew something like this would happen when you announced your relationship but he didn’t think it would make you cry like this. “you shouldn’t read them sweetheart, you know them people are just jealous” his thumb reached out to stroke your tear stained cheeks.
“i know but they were all saying how you deserved so much better than me and how im way too young for you. that you deserve someone who’s closer to you in age and it just got my mind going. maybe you do deserve better than me” now his heart had full on shattered. you sounded so vulnerable and scared and the look on your face made it even worse. you just looked so sad and he hated that. deep down he was fuming that these people had made you cry but he didn’t want to show you that.
“do you really think i listen to what the comments have to say? do you think i let my so called fans dictate my life? i don’t listen to them. they can’t decide who’s good for me and who’s not, they don’t even know me. and if i had an issue with your age i wouldn’t of dated you in the first place, it isn’t like you’re a minor. you’re an adult same as what i am. i know it’s hard to not read the comments but i really don’t give a shit about what they say” his eyes were soft as he looked at you, he hated that these people had made you this upset.
“i love you and those dickheads can just fuck off. you are the only girl for me, yes i’ve had relationships in the past but i’ve never ever felt like this and we don’t need their input, we never did before so why listen now” he lent in and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “now i bet there were some nice comments in there, they can’t be all bad surely” you showed him your phone which was still showing the post.
he looked through the comments and shook his head as he read the bad ones. “most of these people don’t even follow me, they’re just doing it because they want attention and they want to hurt you but don’t let them get to you, they’re just a bunch of assholes who don’t have a life” he passed your phone back to you and pulled you into him again.
“you’re too pretty to cry honey, i love you and that’s all that matters. no more looking at these silly comments” he felt you nod “i love you too” he kissed your forehead softly.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Ok but this with Anakin!! It would totally work on him! I love that you’re writing for Anakin now you do it so well 🫶🫶
thank you!! you're so sweet <3 i think if i'm good at it it's because i've been in love with him since middle school maybe
You strike while his brain is foggy with sleep, perhaps cruel on your part to combine two sedatives. The natural one, the chemicals his brain slowly releases as the night winds down to lull him into a dozy state, and the pointed tips of your nails, paid for by the very man you inflict them upon.
You reach out and scratch at the base of Anakin's spine, sending a shiver up its length. He's turned away from you only because you're doing some late night reading, and the glow of your screen is too invasive for him to sleep through. He groans at the feeling of your fingernails raking up his spine as you slowly drag them up his back, scratching at the fabric of his heather gray t-shirt.
"Don't stop," He pleads, half-asleep and unfiltered. You indulge him, tracing sprawling spirals over the expanse of his broad, toned back. He seems to melt into the mattress below him, and when you're sure he's barely containing himself from becoming a puddle of goop, you whisper, "Ani?"
"Hm?" He replies, and his voice is just the perfect amount of sappy-mushy-sleepy-gushy; you know you'll get what you want.
"Will you make pancakes tomorrow?" You hum, "The really fancy ones, with the fruit-flavored batter?"
"Sure," He hums casually, like you'd merely asked him to blink. On the contrary, Anakin's rather complicated recipe for flavored pancakes, for special occasions only due to its strenuous nature, is something he normally grouches about.
"Thanks, baby." You scratch up towards the base of his neck with your nails, lingering for only a minute more before you let your hand slink back to the screen that's displaying your novel. You think you've won, you think he's drifted off to sleep without fully realizing the gravity of the situation, but all of a sudden he turns over to face you, eyes both squinted and drooping at the same time, a sight you never thought was possible, much less this endearing.
"Did you mind trick me?" He asks, his glare scrutinizing.
You try to fight off your triumphant grin, "What? What are you talking about?"
"You tricked me," He huffs incredulously, and you feign innocence.
"You're the Jedi, Ani." You try turning back to your book, but he's not having it.
"You did that thing with your nails," He reaches an arm out from under the blankets to snatch up your hand, pulling it to his face to inspect it. His eyes narrow as he stares at your fingertips, examining your nails, "Do these things give you a connection to the Force, or something? How'd you do that?"
You snap your nails at him, scratching playfully at his fingers and retracting your hand when he yelps, "Don't be ridiculous, Anakin."
"You conned me!" He insists, his grin bright now that some of his sleepiness has worn off, "This is ridiculous, you owe me at least twenty more minutes of back scratches if I'm making you pancakes in the morning."
Your initial instinct is to fight it, even though you'd love nothing more than to scratch your nails along his muscled back for hours on end. But you catch yourself, thinking about the pair of boots you'd seen while window shopping earlier, their price a bit too high for you to justify an impulse purchase.
"Alright, Ani." You agree, and you see his brow twitch at the eagerness in your tone, "Roll over, I'll scratch your back until you fall asleep."
"Okay..." He turns like you instruct him to, but he cranes his head to peer over his shoulder at you as you start up your nails against his back once more. His eyes are narrowed, and his hair is messy enough that it nearly covers one of them. He watches you, and you keep your eyes pointedly on your screen, avoiding his scrutiny. Finally he turns, and you wait until he's minutes away from sleep to strike.
"Ani?" You croon, nails dancing along his left side, "Will you buy me new boots?"
"Mhm," He hums groggily, nodding easily into his pillow, "Anything you want, angel."
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bldngiris · 6 months
꒰OKLAHOMA SMOKESHOW ꒱ . . . d winston !
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pairing(s) : book! dallas winston x fem!soc! reader
in which y/n dreams of escaping tulsa but her dad is holding her back. however dallas winston listens and yearns.
requested : yes or no.
!! content warnings : yelling, swearing, r's father is an ass, r is a soc but she doesn't like being one, discrimination. movie dallas used only for visuals even though i used blonde book dallas in mind!! mentions of religion, angst
robin chirps : happy easter!! this fic is inspired by oklahoma smokeshow by zach bryan :) bold is the song lyrics!
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go on and put on that dress that all the bad boys like.
y/n stood in front of her full-length mirror and took a look at herself one last time before heading out the door. if her father had caught her wearing anything other than appropriate soc attire, she would be done for. the amount of times she had been hit on by cocky high class boys who just wanted to get into her pants was numerous, alas her father didn't care. "you don't want to look like one of those greasy balls of garbage do you?" he would ask her. truth was y/n didn't want to be a soc. sh didn't want to be a greaser either. she wanted to escape tulsa and live in a city without labels and get away from all the hostility stored away in the streets of tulsa.
i know your daddy ain't home so ride with me tonight. you always wind up here in a puddle of tears
y/n had made her way to the diner with her friends. however, her "friends" had left her midway through the walk home to go hang out with a group of other socs. it had started to rain and the closest place y/n could go to was bucks. y/ns feet subconsciously made their way to the building lit by neon beer signs, ignoring the voice in the back of her head saying, "if i catch you 'round one of them greaser places.."
she slowly opened the door to the place, as a mixture of tears, mascara and raindrops ran down her face, her hair sticking to her face, her dress drenched. many eyes were on her as barely, if any, socs came to bucks. whispers, some louder than others presumably by drunk men were heard as y/n sat on one of the bar stools.
them boys are out and they're angry and they're lookin' for blood In the back of a blue old pick up truck. you've got nowhere to go although you're all gussied up
y/n sat at the barstool, a shaggy, pale, blonde boy sat beside her, a malboro cigarette hanging out of his mouth loosely.
"hey man, what're you doin' out here?" he asked the soc, curiously, in a sluggish tone of voice. y/n sniffled.
"my friends left me when we were at the diner, n' i didn't wanna get jumped, it's dangerous walkin' home by myself, y'know." she sniffled again. "plus, it's cold and wet." she paused again. dallas listened, as he hummed and nodded, understanding what she was talking about.
there's so much whiskey in his coke it'll make her nose bend
"that really sucks man," he muttered taking a sip of his whiskey and coke, y/n could smell the drink from her seat. dallas did't turn away or ignore her after that. they spent the next hour talking.
but she swears that his love is a damn god send
don't get me wrong, dallas hated socs. but y/n was different, under the high class, hair done, pretty dress facade, she was a normal girl yearning for more than just a privilege title. the two could relate on another level which dallas had appreciated. dallas and y/n both wanted more or less the same thing, both wanted to escape tulsa, but more or less everything was holding them back from doing so.
she's known god since she was a child, she used to play in the yard and she would dream of one day
y/n played in the front yard of her house with a white picket fence. she saw two kids around her age, playing over by a park around the 'border' between the west and east side.
"hi! im y/n can i play with you?" she asked the three children. they were greaser children, as seen by the difference in their appearance.
'til the world came around and took her dreaming away. told her how to dress and act and smile.
"sure! im soda, thats johnny and that one over there is steve" one said. soon enough, y/n's father had come out of the house, soon following a burst of yelling came about. "y/n get over here and away from that white trash." he exclaimed. y/n wondered, how could a grown adult be so hostile toward children? y/ns father grabbed the little girls hand and took her back over to the freshly painted house on the block.
'y/n, sweetie, you know better than to talk to those type of people." he told her. "now, im sure mrs. sheldon and mrs. valances children would love to play with you hm?" he said. the little girl with pigtails and turned around to watch the greaser kids looking at her sadly, eventually cheering themselves up and laughing softly as they played on the monkey bars.
she's an oklahoma smokeshow. he's an asshole from back home. she'll never make it out alive.
that night, at bucks dallas and y/n talked for hours. y/n told dallas about her image and how she was forced by her father to keep up the good girl act, how every soc guy just wanted to get in her pants and how she's never going to make it out alive.
dallas told her about how he grew up in the streets of brooklyn, new york because his asshole father didn't give a shit about him. his mother and grandmother didn't have enough to provide, because his dad kept taking the profit to the bottle. he ended up in juvi by the time he was ten for theft, trying to provide for his family until he just left and ended up here in tulsa.
that small town bar scene, where small vices kill your big dreams. he'd take you home but he's too drunk to drive.
"but my dad will never let me leave, not until i'm 21 at least, and if i do, he'll list me as a runaway to the police and they'll come and find me." she muttered, solemnly. it was nearly midnight now. dallas way to intoxicated to drive. y/n had used bucks landline to call a cab as she made her way home, thinking of the boy who had changed her life in a mere few hours.
well, I've been here, I've been up all night. thinkin' 'bout a life with you and i. one you'll never know 'cause you're a small town smokeshow.
dallas layed there, head empty except for the thought of y/n. it was nearly 3 in the morning at this point, but all he could think about was the girl who he had just met but felt like they had known each other for years and there he continued dreaming, because unfortunately for him only one of the two got their 'escape' from the prejudice of tulsa, oklahoma. unfortunately, it wasn't y/n. unfortunately, it wasn't the way either of them planned.
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i gotta talk about frank v russia cuz i was rewatching it again and whoever said it was a fever dream of an episode is so right, there's just so many implications to dissect i didn't catch them all at first.
the beginning of the episode sets up dennis's motivation to pass the effort of helping everyone around him onto someone else... by him putting an enormous amount of effort into finding normal dates and teaching mac and dee to be normal enough to hold onto normal people (i can't imagine how this would keep mac and dee from bothering him tho cuz they'd just come back to him asking for more relationship help, dating a normal person doesn't make relationship issues go away). the enthusiasm he shows when checking in with them after the dates shows this amount of effort was worth it to him. one could argue it's because deep down he cares about their growth, he mistakenly thinks this will get them to leave him alone, or that he's attracted to the thrill of the ruse. mayb it's some combination of all three, but given that he could have always just ignored them or left, to me his hard on for control and deception points to the latter for the most part.
which further explains his flimsy justification of catfishing mac just to "get him out of the apartment." like if that was his sole goal there's a million other ways to accomplish that. ways that don't include: creating a profile guaranteed to get mac to match with him, chatting long enough to establish an emotional bond (altho that's not the hard part when mac falls for anybody who shows him a modicum of affection), and buying and sending him remote controlled anal beads as some sort of complicated signal system when simply texting "meet me at the motel" would suffice.
we're talking about a man who started a cult just to get mac to stop eating his thin mints. who drugged mac with diet pills, convincing him they were "size pills" just because he was unhappy with mac's weight gain. the exploitation of mac's body dysmorphia serves not only as a means of keeping his self esteem in check so he's more easily pliable ("you've been looking so sexy, so this... this is disappointing, at least to me" in ass kickers united; "mac did you gain some weight?" at the end of the gang makes paddy's great again), but also to mold him into an idealized physique that he's attracted to, and the unnecessary inclusion of anal beads in this ploy is the logical conclusion of obsessing over mac's appearance.
it was never just about getting the apartment to himself, or even just seizing an opportunity to manipulate, even if those both played a role. there's just no heterosexual explanation for the full extent of what this episode is implying.
so it still seems odd that dennis would want to sabotage a system that was working in his favor logistically and emotionally, essentially giving up the thrill (and safety) of inhabiting another man's skin in order to admit things he could never feel secure enough to admit even to himself. was johnny becoming too difficult to maintain? maybe dennis was motivated to pass mac onto someone else because he was running into a wall trying to figure out how to keep mac interested while avoiding the obvious issue of meeting in person. an effort to self sabotage when things started to get too close for comfort, when he could feel a certain loss of control.
the "johnny doesn't love you, he doesn't even like you" was enough to send me reeling that it was too easy for me to pass over all of this the first time, what a red herring. there's not another man as toxically obsessed w his roommate/work husband in crime/life terry mac as dennis is, while also being so self-deluded he has to make up half-assed excuses just to convince himself this is normal behavior.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
iFall for Harry pt. 5
Summary: Harry's got a proposition.
And you're not sure you're ready for it.
(Previous parts to this series are down below at the end!)
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So…what’s the appropriate, normal, non-creepy amount of time to wait after fucking your fist to the sound of somebody’s voice over the phone before texting them?
You grin to yourself when you see the text message slide down on your screen, your lip between your teeth as you click on his name.
Well, considering you could have a heart attack and keel over at any moment, I’d say the sooner the better.
How did I know you’d say that?
Cause I’m just so gosh darn charming.
Oh, is that what you are?
You seemed to think so when you were begging me to let you come.
…I wasn’t begging, I was just asking…really…nicely.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I sleep a lot better after that phone call.
Yeah. Except for the fact that I wake up hard as a fucking rock and leaking into my boxers, but…whatever.
Yum. I mean…yikes. Sounds painful. 
 Careful, Cheese Girl. Or I might just call you again.
And what would be so bad about that?
Well, for one, I quite literally don’t think there’s any fucking come left in my body.
…I don’t know if I needed to hear that.
Why? Have you fallen in love?
Oh, is that what this strange feeling in my chest is? Love? Huh, I thought it was heartburn.
Aww, are you saying your heart burns for me?
I’m saying you’re lucky your number isn’t blocked.
You’d never block me. You think about me too much.
Who says I think about you?
Do you?
You suck in a sharp breath, eyes glued to the screen as you contemplate a response.
You could lie to him. After all, he wouldn’t know the difference.
But…it would be a lie.
You do think about him. Far more than you care to admit.
The only problem…is that you don’t want to think about him.
After all, what would telling him even do? It’s not like anything could ever happen outside of the occasional phone sex.
You don’t even know the man.
But…what if you want to?
Yeah, I do. When it’s late at night and I can’t sleep.
A solid minute passes before he finally sends his response.
What did I just say? Are you trying to fucking kill me?
If you can survive a heart attack, you can survive this.
I would never survive you.
You’re not sure if this is meant to be a compliment or an insult…but your heart flutters, nonetheless.
Oops, sorry. Bad time? Are you in another meeting?
Nah. Out by the pool. 
That sounds nice. It’s fucking freezing here.
And where is here...exactly? If you don’t mind my asking.
Again, you hesitate. He could be a catfish…or a stalker…or just a fucking creep.
Or maybe he’s just curious. Maybe he wants to get to know you. And it’s not like you’d be telling him your exact address. Just…maybe a vague description of where you are in the country.
I’m guessing Los Angeles from your area code. 
And I only know that because I also have a Los Angeles area code. 
Which you can probably tell, so I don’t know why I said it.
And now I’m rambling, and you aren’t responding, and I think I freaked you out.
As the texts continue to roll in, you have to smirk, slightly relieved by how adorably flustered he is.
You can almost hear each response in his voice.
That sexy fucking voice.
Easy, Gramps. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years, but I’m in New York now.
Ah, the Big Apple. Nice. I like New York, but you’re right, it’s fucking freezing.
Do you come a lot? To New York I mean.
Uh huh. Sure, you did. And yes. To both.
Very nice. Any particular reason?
Well, sometimes it’s because I'm remembering that phone call. But other times it’s because I’m dreaming about that phone call. Either way, I’m just always thinking about you.
Your stomach flips.
I meant any particular reason you come to New York so often, you twat.
Oh, right. Yeah, I do a lot of business there. Or business-related things.
I see.
Suddenly, the chat goes quiet. Far too quiet, and as the minutes begin to tick by…you feel a strange tingle begin to crawl its way up the back of your throat.
And then—
“Hi.” Harry. His voice. Breathless and seemingly rattled. “Sorry. I just…I figured if I didn’t call, I’d never say it? And I wanted to hear your reaction instead of just staring at those goddamn bubbles until I shit myself.”
A little surprised, you stand up from your desk and begin to pace toward the kitchen. “No, it’s fine. Are you…okay?”
“I’m…no. Yes, no. I’m fine.”
“…yes, no?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” he repeats. “Sorry. I’m…shit. This isn’t going how I wanted it to.”
Your eyebrows raise. 
“I…so, here’s the thing,” he tries again. “There’s a thing. And I know we…don’t know each other, so we don’t really do things…but there’s a thing. That maybe…could be a thing. Like, an us thing.”
“You’re rambling again.”
You hear him exhale a laugh before there’s a bit of noise and he clears his throat. “Sorry. Yeah, I’m…I do that. When I’m nervous.”
“I see. And why are you nervous?”
“’Cause of…the thing.”
“Ah.” You nod, despite the fact that he can’t see you. “Well…why don’t you tell me what this thing is.”
“Right.” More noise. “So…the thing. I’m…gonna be in New York this week.”
He goes quiet then, as if giving you time to process what he’s saying.
What he’s implying.
“Oh,” you breathe, the realization weighing heavy on your chest. 
“Yeah.” Another beat. “Look, I don’t…I’m not expecting us to meet. I don’t…that’s weird, I know. But…fuck, honestly? All I keep thinking about…is asking you. And I know it’s fucking weird. I know that but I had to ask you. ’Cause it would drive me nuts if I didn’t.”
A long stretch of silence passes between you as your mind begins to work overtime to create any sort of response.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” he adds after a moment, almost sounding embarrassed. “Or at all. I don’t…I really don’t expect anything, but…I’ll be in the city on Friday. And…if you do want to meet…I’ll be at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. At twelve. You could…I don’t know, peek in? See if I look…worth your time? I don’t know. I’m…shit, sorry. I thought this would go better.”
“No, I—” Your eyes squeeze shut. “I’ll…I’ll think about it.”
“Really?” He clears his throat again. “Fuck, sorry. I’m cool. Uh…really. Interesting. Okay, got it. Good to know.”
You smile to yourself as you lean against your kitchen island. “Oh yeah, you are so cool.”
“The coolest—hey, look, I’ve…I’ve gotta go,” he sighs, and for some reason, you feel your heart sink. “I know I keep doing that, and I swear I didn’t mean to drop this on you and then disappear, I’ve just…I’ve…”
“More meetings?” you guess, and you hear him take another breath.
“Yeah. S’always more fucking meetings, and more fucking shit I’m apparently doing wrong.” 
Your expression softens. “I see. Well…good luck.”
“Thanks.” A beat. “So…you’ll think about it?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“’Cause you can tell me if I’m just too attractive for you to actually meet. I’ll believe you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would.”
“Good,” he chuckles. “Okay, I really do have to go now.”
“Hey, I’m just waiting for you to hang up.”
“Honestly, it might be easier if you hang up first. I don’t really think I have the strength to hang up on you.”
There he fucking goes again. 
You tug your lip between your teeth. “Bye, Harry.”
“Yeah…bye, Cheese Girl. Maybe see you Friday.”
You grin.
“Yeah. Maybe see you Friday.”
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Next part! ~ iFall for Harry pt. 6
Previous parts:
~ iFall for Harry pt. 4*
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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WIBTA if I restart an argument with a friend?
🌊⚓ <- so I can search for it.
So, a while ago, a friend was over and we talked. She is from South Germany while I am from North Germany, where we are both living (this'll be important in a sec).
I don't really remember why we were talking about the topic, but we started talking about regional dialects and sayings and then she called Low German* a dialect. Which tldr: big no-no. But I don't think she was being malicious, she just didn't know about the topic at all.
So naturally I explained: "You absolutely cannot call Low German a dialect to peoples faces around here. People will take offense to it. I don't really, because I consider the difference between dialect and language is arbitrary to begin with. But you will provoke incredibly unkind reactions from other people."
Her response was "Yeah but like. Doesn't everyone think their own dialect should be a language."
And... Idk why that one hurt but it did. It just felt incredibly dismissive. And I didn't really know how to respond other than "but this is the one case where it is true" which felt weird so I just. Didn't. We kinda moved on to other topics. But in hindsight, I really wish I hadn't?
Because I wish I had explained it in depth to her so she understands why what she said is considered unacceptable. But also for her own sake, because she will piss people off if she says the same thing to other people. And honestly for my sake so I can make peace with the conversation.
So I'm considering either finding a way to restart the argument/ conversation when we are together or go the cowardly route and send her a couple screenshots explaining the topic. But I also feel like restarting a fight we never really had and really doesn't matter is kind of a dick move.
Additionally I tend to be a person that corrects people when they are wrong and starts discussion way too much. Because in my family academic debates are a love language.** So I tend to reaaaaaally overestimate the amount of debating/ arguing people are comfortable with. They tend to perceive me as being upset with them while I am just having fun hashing out a topic from different angles.
So Tumblr. WIBTA?
* Low German is the regional language of North Germany. The definition of North Germany is actually pretty much "wherever they are speaking Low German". There is some controversy if Low German is a dialect or a language. Which like... People often describe it as closer to Dutch and English than Standard German, it's a recognised language in every state it is spoken in, it is recognized as a regional language in the fucking European Union WHY is it still controversial.
It is also very much an endangered language because in the past decades especially it has been looked down on as being "lower class". No that's not where the name comes from, low german is spoken where the terrain is flat/ low and high/ upper german is spoken where the mountains are. This attitude towards Low German is shifting a lot recently but it is entirely possible it's too late to prevent it from dying out.
** I felt like this part needed some clarification too. I can't count how many dinners in my childhood were spent eating while getting into the meat of whatever topic caught our attention. Politics or science or more spiritual stuff. Ask questions about things we were wondering about. Absolutely tear into each other when we had opposing positions, but concede when we were convinced. Oftentimes I'd get up to grab pen and paper, or demonstrate orbital dynamics with the jam container, a bowl and my plate, or use the butter as an impromptu drawing board.
But that doesn't mean we were fighting in the normal sense even if someone got upset occasionally. It was really just communicating with one another. It was connecting. Exercising our debate skills. Play-fighting but make it academia. It was genuinely fun to us and still is. An alternative outlet for sibling rivalry. There is no need to fight over the TV remote when you can just reason it out together.
So yeah. That's how academic debates can be a love language (and simultaneously absolutely destroy your conception of what is considered arguing).
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lilislegacy · 5 months
Positive Percabeth imagines :))) (though ngl this is mostly about their daughters but still)
I imagine that Percy and Annabeth will have twin daughters, and they’ll choose names based off their loved ones. One daughter is named Zoe Elizabeth, after Zoe the Hunter, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare. The second daughter is named Natalie Grace, after Annabeth’s aunt Natalie (and also bc as einherjars Magnus and Alex will never be able to have kids so it’s also for Magnus’ sake) and Grace bc it’s the last name of both Thalia and Jason obviously but it’s a way to honor Jason especially. Natalie Grace is nicknamed Tali, pronounced Tah-lee, and I’ve always pronounced Thalia as Tah-lee-uh, so that way they’re honoring her too. Zoe has dark brown hair and grey-blue eyes, and Tali has dirty blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
Percy and Annabeth lived in New Rome for several years after finishing college, and they both helped create sacred temples and statues and groves and places for all the gods, as Percy started, Jason expanded, and Apollo basically vowed to complete. Annabeth of course did most of the brainstorming and research and building stuff, but Percy was actually the one who would ask various gods and be like “okay Nereus. These are some ideas we have to honor you. Can you tell me which you like best?” And then that god would send him a dream giving varying amounts of detail and instruction as to what exactly they wanted. So the twins, Zoe and Tali, were raised in New Rome for their first several years.
Meanwhile at Camp Half-Blood, they have expanded to have cabins for legacies, and they also started an academy, called Olympus Heights Academy. As more demigods were claimed and now legacies too, it made sense to start a school. When Tali and Zoe are eight, their parents decide to move back to Camp Half-Blood and become teachers. Annabeth predictably tries to teach too many classes at first but eventually settles on just teaching a couple classes, probably Ancient Greek history and language bc we know she taught Percy and also close combat with a knife. Percy teaches swords fighting obviously.
Tali and Zoe are at this point beginning to learn their abilities. Both of them can breathe underwater. Zoe can control water, ocean water most easily but with some degree of control over fresh water. She is an expert in close combat fighting. She is skilled in strategy and has an affinity for the arts. She is a natural sailor. Natalie can communicate with horses and their cousins. She has siren powers, similar to charmspeak, but water based and music/voice linked. She is an expert at swords fighting. She is skilled in craftsmanship and strategy and has an affinity for academics. She is a natural sailor.
You noticed the siren powers? I headcanon that Sally is a third generation legacy of Venus, and Percy didn’t really get anything from Venus except good looks, extra ability to learn Latin, and extra meddling in his love life, but Tali did. I saw someone make a post about, what if daughters of Poseidon could sometimes get siren like abilities? I loved that idea, and had to include that in one of the twins. Normally a second generation legacy of Poseidon wouldn’t ever have siren abilities, but bc of the distant relation to Venus, Tali did get that ability.
The twins will of course go on their own death defying quests and adventures. Percy and Annabeth will happily be living in Camp Half-Blood, visiting Sally and the rest of the Jackson-Blofis family as much as they can.
Oh I also have another funny idea. I actually woke up one morning earlier this week daydreaming about it. Percy and Annabeth, after college, are trying to plan their wedding. But they keep getting into fights about small random things. And this is so out of character for them. Eventually Annabeth realizes that this is Hera meddling and at first she’s furious but eventually tries to reason with Hera. Hera eventually gives specific instructions on something that she wants to be created at Camp Half-Blood to honor her. I’m not entirely sure what it is yet, but whatever it is, it’s gonna be nearly impossible to create. But Annabeth has to do it if she wants to get married to Percy. So she struggles for months with this building project, finally it’s nearly done. Then Hera says that she will allow them to marry, but they have to be married nearby whatever it is that Annabeth had to create, and their marriage will be dedicated to Hera and will act as the way to consecrate the sacred building thing to Hera. So now Chiron has to allow demigods to get married at Camp Half-Blood, allow the queen of the gods to officiate it, and he can’t keep their mortal family from the wedding! So now there are mortals in Camp Half-Blood. But it all goes well, but now a tradition has begun of campers wanting to get married by Hera’s sacred thing, and now Chiron has to deal with weddings and mortal families and he’s seriously annoyed at Hera but he can’t show it bc she’s the queen of the gods.
Hope you like these headcanons!!! :)))
thanks for the ask wolfyboi!
awww, these are all so fun and cute! i love thinking about their future and their kids! it just being me so much joy. they deserve to be happy more than anyone. i do hate hera so the thought of them having to dedicate their marriage to her makes me a little queasy, but the idea of chiron having to deal with a ton of people getting married at the camp made me giggle
this put a smile on my face. thank you!! ❤️❤️
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Omg could we get the same as trh 2# gen but 2 twin girls ?? Same concept same age but just both of them are girls?? Like gossiping/ shit talking together, fighting over clothes and makeup etc!! 🤭🤭
(Hello! Sure I can and I hope you enjoy!)
Girl Dad Tom Kaulitz
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You and your sister are going to be the death of Tom
Obviously, he very much so love you and your sister
But the amount of fights he has broken up is ridiculous
But somehow you guys always get along five minutes later because you got food
You and your sister love hanging out with Uncle Bill
Your uncle Bill would always take you guys from your dad when you were kids, dress you up and take you guys out
You guys got your love for partying, flirting, and fashion from Bill when you guys were younger
You and your sister can be absolutely ruthless at times
Shit talking and gossip is a given with you two
You guys always have shit to say, bust down your dad's door and jump on his bed and tell him everything
It could be just drama at school but your dad is paying attention and is like
"So Heather B-"
"No, dad! Heather M is the one who slept with Heather B's boyfriend!"
"Oh, okay."
He just needs a minute give him time
You guys are very spoiled but he taught you guys manners and had you appreciate everything growing up
He buys you guys whatever you want but always has to buy two of the same because you guys fight over so much stuff
You and your sister remind him of him and Bill when they were younger
You and your sister do each others makeup and match sometimes hut you guys have your own style and personalities and Tom never forced you guys to dress the same
You guys were treated as little princess's growing up 1000%
You and your sister are very confident, don't care about confrontation or hate and will do absolutely anything for your family
Tom had a little bit of a rough time with you guys as he had y'all when he was younger but the band helped a lot
You guys were born into fame
Everyone knew you guys would be legit stars when you guys were younger
You guys take after your dad so much sometimes it scares him
You guys are the definition of twin maneaters
Always flirting and have flings and shit
You truly learned from your dad
You guys are always wrapped up in some scandal or news
You and your twin do not care and do whatever makes y'all happy
The younger Tokio Hotel fanbase is literally down bad for you guys
You guys like teasing them and like feeding into it so much because it's just fun
When you guys were younger Tom wanted to keep you guys private and have a relatively private life as he and Bill were stripped of that when younger
But he didn't get to a lot because paparazzi would follow you guys, photographed you guys and never left you alone
So that's how you and your twin started yelling at paparazzi and throwing things at them because they made your dad feel bad
Tom felt bad because he just wanted to give you guys normal lives but couldn't
But you guys love your dad and wouldn't give up your lives for anything
You guys were taken to photoshoots, meet and greets, concerts, on stage and everything anyone could ever want because Tom wanted to give you guys anything
You and your sister never dress boring
Even the simplest outfits have touches to them and send statements
You guys learned that from your Uncle Bill, obviously
You guys stole some old clothes from your dad and obviously wear them a lot
Even if your mom wasn't in your life your dad married Heidi
And Heidi took you guys in as her own and you guys loved her for that
Your lives with Tom as your dad couldn't be any better if you ask me
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kp0ptributera · 2 years
Beautiful colleague
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A/N: Welcome to my fist ever smut, feel free to send all the remarks you want to help me improve. ^~^ Word count: 1708
You woke up thinking it would be another boring day, just another day listening to pointless demands and orders at work, in fact you still ask yourself why do you keep that shitty job, but then you think about your new colleague, and you start to smile. The day she came in felt like a ray of sun after a rainy day, the tall gorgeous blonde was stunning and before you could even say a word, you find yourself tripping on your words, trying to salute her and welcome her in this hell which suddenly became way more interesting. “H-hi, nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N)” you said, still astonished by her smile. “Hey, I’m Somi, hope we will do good work together” she started giggling, which made her even more beautiful. Your boss looked at you, “She will be under your commands till you finished teach her all she needs to know, so don’t waste both your time and get to it”, he left you both in your office and locked himself in his. “He looks like a perv”, Somi said, “ like he kept trying to watch down my shirt all the time he was with me” she looked disappointed by that, but you can’t blame your boss, she looks like a walking goddess, her figure could make anyone go crazy and she was overflowing with confidence. “He isn’t a bad guy, it’s not that often that we see woman as beautiful as you here” you started blushing when those words left your lips, “I should learn to think before I speak” you thought, looking in her eyes, afraid to see disgust, but all you saw was a malicious look. “Oh, so you think I’m beautiful ?”, Somi started to smile, “maybe you could help your new BEAUTIFUL colleague learning her job then” “You are going to tease me with that, don’t you”, you laughed, feeling happy to be at work for the first time in months “Yes I am”, she laugh too, “but we should work now”.
A few weeks have passed since Somi and you were paired, you did your best to teach her all you know, and in exchange, you saw her struggle to take some of the work your boss literally buried you in. “(Y/N), is it normal that you get all that work while I see some colleagues do nearly nothing”, Somi looked pissed, but not because of the amount of work, because you were the one who needed to do it. “Well, that’s because they do nothing that I get to do all the work, to make sure there’s no delay”, you flashed her a sad smile, knowing that it will be another night where you will overwork, “You can go home if you want, you don’t need to lose some sleep because of me”, then you thought “even if I would love to lose some sleep with you”.
Somi started to think, and finally said “No way I leave you alone with all that work, I’ll go get us some food, and your beautiful colleague will assist you as much as she can” she laughed, and you started to feel a bit better.
“Okay, but stop teasing me with that, you know that it slipped out of my head”, you were still feeling shy because of that
“I know, but it’s fun to make you blush”, Somi winked at you, and left to grab some noodle cup at the grocery down the street. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You decided to close your eyes, to let them rest a bit, and fell asleep before even knowing it, just to woke up on something really smooth, you didn’t remembered going to the couch in your office, but it felt like the best pillow you’ve ever slept on….You slowly open your eyes, just to see something huge in front of your sleepy eyes, it took you less than 2 seconds to finally understand the situation….your head was laying on Somi’s thighs, and what was hiding the light was her chest, you tried your best since she worked with you to not stare at them, but they look even bigger from there. “Oh shit, I’m sorry , I must’ve fell asleep”, you were bright red, and your body was reacting to the heaven sent sight you woke up to. Somi looked at you, and you saw that luscious light in her eyes once again, while she bit her lower lip, “Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be sorry there, in fact I think I can help you” she said that with a teasing voice. You gulped loudly, “H-how do you want to help me ?”,you try to look anywhere but at her, her hypnotic body making you fail at it. She got closer to you, and whispered in your ear right before biting your earlobe “Maybe I could help you relive some stress, I know how you look at me when you think I’m too busy to notice, but what you don’t know is that it gets me so horny every time” You couldn’t believe what she said, you must still be dreaming, there’s no other way, but you started to feel a hot breath in your neck, followed by soft lips and kisses crashing on it, stealing some light moans from you, as her hands wander on your chest, going lower and lower, till they reach your pants. “So, (Y/N), any commands for your beautiful assistant, I’m here to help you in any way I can” she rub your growing boner through your underwear, and you feel yourself losing your mind and will to stop her faster than you thought possible. “I need to feel your lips down there, my only order right now is that I want you to make me cum Somi”, your mind was too busy trying to keep your sanity intact to ask for more, and at the second she unpacked your boner, you knew nothing would ever feel better.
Somi started to jerk you off slowly, planting her eyes toward yours, her devilish smile letting you know she was waiting this since longer than you. Her lips began to kiss your length from the bottom, her soft hand fondling your balls gently as she started to push the tip of your cock in her mouth.
You moaned, it was truly too amazing to be true, you were getting you cock sucked by the most beautiful woman you’ve ever met, in your office, and she was willing to do her best to help you to relieve your stress, even if deep down, you knew it was just because she was horny and wanting to do that, after all the teasing she did.
The deeper she went, she louder your moans became, she was really skillful, twisting her tongue around and making your cock feel like it’s melting, the gulping sound echoing with your moans, beginning to sound like a sweet music to both of your ears.
Before you could see it, Somi started to play with herself with her other hand, making you even hornier “F-Fuck Somi, I t-think I’m gonna cum if you keep going”, it sounded more like a demand than a complain and Somi happily oblige, sending her throat faster at your throbbing cock.
“Fuuuck”, you buckled up your hips, pushing your cock down her throat and sending your cum there, you thought she would choke on it, but she swallowed it all with no problem, taking your cock out with a smile.
“Such a nice load (Y/N), how long did you planned to keep it for you instead of asking me”, Somi still looked beautiful with her messy hair and her ruined make up, “she is truly out of this world”, you told yourself. “I don’t know, I tried my best to think about anything else that how sexy you are”, you confessed, “But it’s not fair that I’m the only one feeling good there” you pushed her on the couch and slipped your hand under her skirt while your lips begin to wander around her neck, you can feel how wet she is and her moans grows louder as your fingers slip in her pussy.
You keep fingering her for a moment, till you feel her body slowly arching, her hand joining yours in her panties and furiously caressing her clit, bringing her to the orgasm as her legs get covered in her juices and a puddle appear on the floor.
Somi stared in your eyes, “Fuck me daddy, I dream about it since I started here, I just want you to use me”, she started begging, and with her cute face, there’s nothing you could refuse her. You aligned your cock with her pussy and started to push it in slowly, but she didn’t wanted slow sex, she wanted to be used, Somi locked her legs around your waist and pushed on you so you enter in one smooth movement deep in her.
She let a long moan escape, and you feel her pussy throbbing, “Did you just cum?”, you asked, and she answered with a lustful smile, Of course, my pussy was already feeling so good from earlier, and your cock seems to be perfect for me, so huge and it feels so good”. You started to move your hips, playing with her tits and kissing her pale skin as much as you can, you wanted this to keep going all night, but suddenly Somi grabbed your hair and pushed her lips on yours, the intimacy of this was too much, sending you over the edge and making you fill her pussy with your thick cum.
“Fuck…That was amazing, I don’t think I’ll be able to live without this everyday”, you said, still not sure if it was true or a dream, but Somi whispered in your ear with her soft voice, “Then use me everyday as you wish, no matter where we are, my body is yours”.
You both quickly put your clothes back and decided that after all that hard work, you would both take a day off tomorrow, there’s plenty of time to work later, but now, you need to strengthen that new bound, making you sure your beautiful colleague is all yours.
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returnsandreturns · 7 months
I just dontated to the PCRF! For a mattfoggy prompt, what about, in college, matt sitting in foggy's lap just becoming A Thing That Keeps Happening that started as a circumstantial thing but it just. never /stopped/ happening. And eventually they kiss about it.
matt being just an absolute goddamn mess has been my favorite thing to write lately so this was a lovely opportunity!! thank you <3
(also, if you donate any amount to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund or a similar organization of your choice, you can also get a guaranteed matt/foggy ficlet of an undetermined length. just send me an ask.)
“We cannot afford a cab,” Foggy says, leaning out of the questionable car belonging to Marci’s friend that is already full of more college students than should legally be in it, “and we are both drunk enough that there is a non zero chance that somebody is going to fall in front of a train. Just sit on my lap—you’re too pretty to wander around the streets alone.”
Matt sighs before climbing into the car, slumping down so he can settle awkwardly on Foggy’s lap, shutting the door behind him.
“This is undignified,” he says.
“Dignity’s overrated,” Foggy says, wrapping his arms around Matt’s waist loosely, making a soft noise when Matt shifts and they both clearly internally reckon with the fact that he’s making significant contact with part of Foggy that he actively tries not to think about. Because it’s weird to think about your friend’s dick—and maybe just as weird to have to think so much about how he shouldn’t be thinking of it.
The car is full of drunk babbling so neither of them has to say anything—which is probably for the best.
What’s there to say?
“Oh, shit,” Matt says, when he goes to sit next to Foggy on his bed but, in the midst of finals week delirium, ends up sitting directly on him. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Foggy says, after letting out a shocked laugh, arms going around Matt’s waist to steady him and immediately reminding Matt of that feeling from a few months ago—sitting on Foggy’s lap, Foggy’s arms around him, Foggy’s—his thoughts are interrupted when Foggy says, a little high-pitched, “Are you gonna maybe move, buddy?”
“Oh god,” Matt says, again, despairingly, climbing off of him and considering hiding under the bed. “Sorry! I normally have a better read on where you are, I’m just. . .”
“In clinical need of a nap?” Foggy asks.
“So tired,” Matt agrees.
“I’ll point out,” Foggy says, “that we are currently in a bed—where most naps take place.”
“That’s true,” Matt says, smiling. “Statistically.”
“C’mon, we’ve earned it,” Foggy says, gently touching Matt to guide him so they can lie next to each other, on their sides, touching in so many different little places that Matt can’t focus at all—until Foggy asks, softly, “Is this okay?”
“Yeah,” Matt says, just as softly, smiling. “It’s good.”
If they wake up a little more tangled together and with Matt having a broadened awareness of what Foggy’s dick feels like when it’s pressed up against his ass, it’s fine. They were unconscious. It’s not like they wanted it.
Matt wants it.
Matt—Matt wants it.
After a series of lap related incidents, some unintentional, most incredibly contrived to the point where Matt almost gives up because Foggy has to actively be choosing not to say something, Foggy pulls Matt into his lap on his bed and gently grabs his hips.
“Do you have something you want to tell me, Matty?” he asks, voice a little lower than normal.
Matt’s eyes widen.
“Uhm,” he says.
“Use your words, please,” Foggy says.
“Okay, but what if I—I mean, instead, what if—fuck, Foggy,” Matt says, giving up on words and leaning down to kiss Foggy instead, soft at first then decidely not when Foggy hands move to squeeze his waist then down to his ass as they go from kissing to Matt dazedly thinking about everything else Foggy could do with his tongue as they frantically make out.
“Okay, the lap sitting,” Foggy says, when they break apart out of sheer need for oxygen. “Do you normally come onto people by literally throwing yourself at them?”
“Everything preceding the month of October was accidental,” Matt says, immediately.
“And what about the incidents following that?” Foggy asks, amused.
“. . .less accidental,” Matt admits.
“You just like being in my lap, buddy?” Foggy asks, stroking Matt’s hair.
Matt nods, a little too overwhelmed, but Foggy gets it immediately and takes Matt by the hips again to pull him slowly closer, making an encouraging noise when Matt shifts so his erection presses up against Foggy’s through too many layers of clothes. He rolls his hips. Foggy swears.
Matt’s fingers slide over the zipper on Foggy’s jeans and Foggy says, firmly, “Yes,” before Matt even has a chance to say please.
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rynwritesstuff · 1 year
No Way to Say ‘Goodbye’
Kylo Ren x Reader
Warnings: Literally just so much unspoken love. Like, an insane amount of it.
Word Count: 830
Summary: You wake up with Kylo Ren.
Author’s Note: This is just a reminder that my requests ARE open for pretty much any of Adam’s characters! If you have any ideas, thoughts, or requests, feel free to send them my way :) Also, I am thinking of making a new taglist for my writing, so if you’d like to be tagged in my writing, let me know, and I’ll be sure to make that happen! - Ryn
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“I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm, your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm. Yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new. In city and in forest, they smiled like me and you, but now it's come to distances and both of us must try. Your eyes are soft with sorrow, and hey, that's no way to say goodbye . . .” - Hey That’s No Way to Say Goodbye, Feist
It is early when Kylo Ren wakes and looks over to his left. You are sleeping beside him, your chest rising and falling steadily as you dream. He finds himself wondering what it is you’re dreaming about. If it’s good. If it’s calm. If it’s him. 
He’s leaving today. That much is certain. He has to find the scavenger, turn her, bring her to the Dark Side. He’s not sure how long he’ll be gone for. Kylo reaches down and caresses your cheek, an action that he normally wouldn’t be caught doing during the day. If the two of you were on a planet, though, the sun wouldn’t even be up, so Kylo lets himself touch your cheek. Your hair is splayed out on his pillow, and you stir as he pulls his hand away. 
This could be the end of everything, Kylo realizes as emotion rises behind his eyes. He doesn’t cry. He never cries, but he might right now. You just look so beautiful and soft and . . . Good. 
You are good. A good lover, a good conversationalist, a good person. He’s the complete opposite, always so tied up with responsibilities and tasks that mean little to him. He doesn’t have time to be good. 
Your eyes open slowly, and Kylo’s face is the first thing that you see. You smile instantly. Kylo isn’t sure why. 
“Hey,” you say, reaching for his hand. “What time is it?” 
“Five,” Kylo says. You hum, bringing his hand to your lips so that you can kiss his fingers. He swallows harshly. “When do you have to go?” 
You nod, looking away from his face so that you can focus on his hand. His hands are so lovely: Big and rough and strong. You bring it up to your cheek, silently asking him to touch the skin there. 
He does. 
“You should go,” Kylo breathes, voice barely above a whisper. He knows that his voice is on the verge of shaking. You nod, offering him a small smile. 
“I know, love,” you say. Kylo rubs your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Will you call me while you’re away?”
“If you would like that,” he says. “Of course I would.”
You sit up, stretching and looking away. You knew this was coming, but you didn’t think it would be so soon. You thought he’d at least get you something to eat, something to drink, something to hold onto. 
You go to stand and get re-dressed – you’re still naked from the night before – and Kylo catches your wrist. You look back at him. 
“I . . . “ he starts.
There is so much he needs to tell you, like how he notices the way you stare at him during meetings, and how much you make him feel, and how deeply you have derailed his existence just by being yourself and having him in this way. 
He closes his mouth. 
You sigh, then pull away and grab your clothes. You get dressed slowly, and you feel his eyes on you the entire time. You grab Kylo’s undershirt, the one he was wearing last night, and slip it on over your uniform. “May I keep this?” you ask him. 
You nod, then pull the sleeves down over your wrists. “I’ll, um . . . I’ll go, then,” you say after you pull your boots on. Kylo stands quickly, still wearing only a pair of underwear, and steps in front of you. He looks at you desperately, wishing more than anything that you could simply read his mind so that he wouldn’t have to say it out loud–
“Please be safe while I’m gone,” Kylo says. You put your hands on his warm chest as he speaks. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.” 
You smile softly, gently, and reach up to touch the scar on his cheek. 
“Nothing will happen to me, love,” you say. “Don’t worry. Just bring the scavenger back with you, alright?” 
Kylo nods. 
“I will.”
You lean up and kiss him, then. It is deep. Passionate. Loving. It conveys all that the two of you are too afraid to say: I love you. I need you. Take care of yourself.
You pull away, tuck a piece of hair behind his ear, and offer him a smile. 
“I’ll see you, Supreme Leader.”
Kylo nods, pulling his hands off of your hips as you take your hand off his cheek. 
“Yes,” he says quietly. “Soon.”
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yuusishi · 2 years
As much as I love Malleus and Lilia, I still hate what they did at the Halloween event. And then when Ace says at them for showing absolutely no remorse (they admitted they had overdone it, but Lilia still said "next time we'll be more careful") My requests: Reader gives those back at school a nasty snap for it at Diasomnia. Why couldn't the two normally ask for a party instead of doing something like that. Reader also tells Lilia that he should have stopped Malleus first instead of helping. That they just completely exaggerated. At the end, Reader says that they are very disappointed in the two of them. How do the two react?
Halloween’s Consequences
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pairings: Malleus Draconia , Lilia Vanrouge x gn!Reader
genre: angst ? not really
cws/tws: ooc Lilia? (first time writing him)
a/n: This took me an unholy amount of time to do because I did NOT know how to write for Lilia, especially for something like this 😭
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You watched everyone go back to their own dorms after finally getting to return to NRC, the only ones you stopped are the two fae responsible for all of this
"Don't even think about getting away after all that" your voice was stern and was evidently angry.
The two looked at you and was slightly shocked to see you genuinely angry for the first time, your eyebrows furrowed even more at the sight of both of their faces
"I'll start with you Malleus..."
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Malleus Draconia !!
You gave him a big sigh as you held your forehead on your hand
You were just so disappointed in both of them
"Malleus, I understand that you sympathize with the ghosts for missing the big party we had here in NRC, but kidnapping students and putting the rest of them in danger is not the right thing to do!" you yelled.
Lilia attempted to calm you down but Malleus stopped him, Malleus's face had an expression of understanding and even shame in himself
"You could've brought the ghosts over to Diasomnia or even my dorm to have your own party for them for Seven's sake! It won't be comparable to the Halloween parade we had but it's better than what both of you did".
Malleus stayed silent the entire time you were giving him an earful, taking in everything you said for future reference while Lilia stared at both of you, helpless that he was letting his Young Master be scolded like this, especially because of him egging Malleus on.
"Child of Man, I was not aware that everyone would react that way towards the ghosts, I...I give my most sincere apologies towards you and the students of Night Raven College"
You sighed once again, unsure whether to accept the apology or not
"You don't need to apologize to me, Malleus, especially since I was safe the entire time. You need to apologize to everyone else for putting them in danger, that goes for you too, Lilia" your head snapped to face Lilia once you mentioned his name
"Now it's your turn..."
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Lilia Vanrouge !!
Lilia readied himself for what's to come, your face still visibly angry despite taking 10 minutes to talk to Malleus
"Lilia, your job is to take care of Malleus and help him, and usually I respect you for that, but not in this situation!" you yelled, arms crossed in front of your chest.
Another one that keeps silent, maybe this is where Malleus got it from, he kept his head up and back straight but never really looking at you in the eye, it almost makes him look like he's spacing out
"Did you really think kidnapping students would be better than just sending them a simple invitation? You could've just told them that they were going to have an escape room as a party game in the Spectral Realm"
You didn't have the energy to be angry anymore, you were sounding more exhausted than anything
"As the vice dorm leader of Diasomnia, I admit that this was a large oversight of mine, Malleus and I shall take full responsibility for this.
But as Lilia Vanrouge, I'm sorry that the ghosts attacked your friends, like what Malleus said, we didn't expect your friends' reactions towards them. If there's anything we can do to compensate for it, we're up to it"
You sighed "Look, I'm not looking to punish you guys or anything, I'm just...incredibly disappointed and even a little shocked that you both thought this was a good idea".
Looking at the two with tired eyes, you continued "Tomorrow morning, I expect both of you to have apologized to all the students you dragged to the Spectral Realm".
After finishing you turned and left, too exhausted from the events of the last few hours (or days) to listen to what the two have to say.
Lilia and Malleus stood there unmoving, none attempting to catch up to you and defend themselves fully knowing that this was just the consequences of their actions catching up to them.
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