#I love them and this subtext
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fireheartwraith Ā· 3 months ago
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huachengsromcom Ā· 1 year ago
People call Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing / TGCF a slow burn but Hua Cheng is literally courting Xie Lian like they are DATING. Slow burn who??? Theyā€™re sleeping next to each other on straw mats and Xie Lianā€™s offering to cook him dinner and theyā€™re bantering across THE HOME THEY SHARE like a bunch of desperate hussys
They have A DATE in HCā€™s armoury where they HOLD HANDS and XL pets San Langā€™s quivering sword I-
Hua Cheng basically throws himself at this man heā€™s like you want a sword?? All of them ?? You want ALL THE SWORDS?? Fuck it take the whole room THE WHOLE ROOM JUST COME VISIT I WILL CLEAN THEM FOR YOU
Like he isnā€™t the king of a whole realm with shit to do
And this is just the first half of the first bookā€”again I ask the world SLOW BURN WHOMST
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hoarderheart Ā· 2 months ago
imagine instead of immediately making destiel explicitly canon after they reunite, they instead kept making them do things that could definitely be read as romantic/suggestive but can still be denied if you really wanted to. like if you tried hard enough if you jumped enough hoops and hurdles you can maybe say itā€™s just bros being bros. guys being dudes. and it starts off mild but then they gradually keep pushing the boundaries for what is suggestive and what isnā€™t that towards the end of it itā€™s like theyā€™re having sex without having sex. and then of course to finish it off they finally do make love and itā€™s the craziest most desperate thing ever. now imagine that. on our screensā€¦
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thepersonperson Ā· 8 months ago
Sukunaā€™s Loneliness Part 4 (Sukunaā€™s Negative Rizz)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Some warnings before we start.
1) This analysis deals with sexual topics.
2) I will be mainly using the TCB scans because of their accessibility.Ā Raws are from mangareader(.)to.
3) This was written as of JJK 262 266. (I'm just going to keep updating this until I stop finding things I should've noticed earlier.)
4) The raws broke me in ways you cannot possibly imagine.
(Click images for captions/citations.)
Fighting as Communication
Baki the Grappler. This is a manga where men destroy each otherā€™s bodies as a test of strength. Itā€™s poorly written but the art is terrifying and I love it so dearly. Between fights of extreme violence and body horror the characters eat. And thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the manga.
I bring Baki up because Gege is a huge fan of Fujimoto Tatsuki, the creator of Chainsawman. Fujimoto is a fan of Gege too, but more importantly, he is a huge fan of Itagaki Keisuke, the creator of Baki. (His daughter made Beastars btw.) In a way, this means Jujutsu Kaisen has been influenced by Baki. But thatā€™s not a surprise, a lot of manga is.
Itagakiā€™s work is so massively influetial on Japanese media that itā€™s kind of hard to grasp since itā€™s not as popular overseas. When listening to interviews from various Japanese creators, Baki will often be cited as a major influence. And the thing is, you can tell when a creative has read Baki. Thereā€™s nothing quite like it. If youā€™ve read Baki and consume Chainsawman, you will see its bones everywhere. I feel the same about Jujutsu Kaisen.
The main antagonist in Baki is Yujiro Hanma. He is the strongest creature alive. So much so that he has no one to call a rival. Heā€™s bored. He causes trouble. He kills his wife to motivate his son, Baki into becoming stronger. His son, Baki, who he grooms into becoming a fighter that might beat him in combat one day. Kind of sounds like Sukuna, right?
But thatā€™s not my point here. My focus is how Baki doubles as a discussion about strength and manhood. Itā€™s aggressively bisexual. Men love each other with their fists. Straight up the main character says having sex with women is the same thing as fighting men.
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And it just doesnā€™t stop there. The homoerotic nature of the fights is never shyed away from. Hereā€™s an example of my favorite.
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He grabs his balls and compliments their size. Thatā€™s pretty gay, right? Well thereā€™s this reanimated prehistoric caveman called Pickle that fights Bakiā€™s brother Jack. And how do they fight? They kiss.
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I didnā€™t call it a kiss. Itagaki did. I didnā€™t say they melded together. Itagaki did. This mangaka overtly calls attention to the homoerotic nature of men fighting men, and how men communicate their love for each other through violence. And yes, itā€™s sexual. Itagaki wants you to read it that way.
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But sometimes he doesnā€™t want you to read it that way. Sometimes the fights are a dialogue, an emotional conversation. Like one between father and son.
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Itagaki is a master of narrative framing. When he wants you to feel a certain way, you will feel it. He also tells his readers that thereā€™s more to the fights than just fighting.
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Those are the ideas that help me see the bones of Baki in other works. Men loving men with violence. Men communicating with men through violence. I see these ideas in Jujutsu Kaisen too.
Jujutsu Communication
Iā€™ve gone over how Yuji commucates with other people on their own terms. And a lot of it is through fighting. A conversation without words, learning how someone works. Yuji is good at using fights as tool of communication.
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But heā€™s not the one who tells you that thereā€™s more to the fights than just fighting. Maki does in her spar with the sumo guy.
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Just like Baki. Fighting is a means of communication. Gege has told you that there can be more to the fights than fighting. It's a tool used to understand the self and others.
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With that in mind, I want to reexamine a particular fight under the lens of Baki rather than Umineko.
Sukuna vs Gojo
Baki tells you that homoerotic readings of its fights are intentional. If you ask me, this probably stems from historical stances on masculinity and homosexuality in ancient Japan. Men loved men and women differently, but both were ok. Thatā€™s how Baki can have a girlfriend and his gay fights. Peak bisexual optimization.
What does Jujutsu Kaisen have to do with this? Well it has been extremely queer friendly. We have a multidue of canonical trans characters, non-binary characters, and other flavors of queer characters not disparaged for their identities, Gojo Satoru included. It may not be stated outright, but Gojo and Geto do love each other in a gay way. The subtext is so persisent itā€™s basically text.
In other words, Gege has already told us, yes please have queer readings of this text. Itā€™s the same way Baki tells you, yes this is straight up convoluded gay sex. So thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to do. Iā€™m going to reread the Sukuna and Gojo fight as some ridiculous mating display between two men who are fighting over can miscommunicate their intent the hardest.
Framed as Courtship
Letā€™s start with the framing. The pre-fight set up. How does text tell you queer readings are allowed?
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Kenjaku does. Itā€™s romantic. Itā€™s a date. This reading has been made valid explicitly. And if thereā€™s room for doubt because of the sarcasm? Thereā€™s still additional support for it.
We already know how badly in love Gojo is with Geto. The fight is on the 24th of December, the most romantic day in Japan. And in a fun little Geto parallel, who declared the start of war on this day, violence underlines this new romantic venture.
That doesnā€™t include Sukuna who recalls Yorozuā€™s words about teaching love in the context of marriage.
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Gojo never heard that conversation which is why the next point is absolutely insane.
The outfit Gojo initially is in resembles that of a groom at a Shinto wedding.
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Shinto weddings were implemented after the Heian era. Part of the ceremony includes a priest and a shrine maiden who respectively stand to the right and left of the altar. A purification ritual will occur, lead by the priest, to cleanse the shrine before vows are exchanged. Gakuganji is the priest and Utahime is the shrine maiden. To the right and left of Gojo respectively.
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The bride at a Shinto wedding wears mainly white. After the 200% Hollow Purple cleanses the area, the dark shawl is removed and Sukuna remains in mostly white.
How interesting that this battle has been framed as one between groom and bride.
The thing is, marriage in the Heian era was far more lax. There were no major ceremonies. If a man was interested in marrying a woman, he would visit her for 3 nights after receiving approval from her father. Upon the passing of their 3rd night together, the family would have an informal celebration of their union in private. Even after marriage, multiple partners were allowed and sometimes encouraged.
Yorozuā€™s big celebration proposal to Sukuna and banning of concubines was quite improper by Heian standards. Though it is in line with modern marriages. If Sukuna did not consume any Shinto wedding literature, he probably didnā€™t recognize that Gojo was dressed as a groom.
But did Gojo dress this way for Sukuna intentionally? The Toji fit served an entirely different purpose. Itā€™s the robes and pre-fight ceremony that catch my attention. So I propose the following:
1) Gojo dressed up as a groom to die and be wed with his one and only Geto in death.
2) Gojo dressed up as a groom in part as an offering to Sukuna. And because Sukuna is from the Heian era it went over his head entirely.
3) Gojo intended for both of these things at the same time and left who he would end up with to fate.
Regardless of what Gojo was going for here, itā€™s a visual cue combined with the knowledge of it being Dec 24th that encourages the reader to perhaps consider the fight as something other than just a fight. A date perhaps? Kenjaku made the connection and neither Gojo or Sukuna really denied it. Gojo gave the weak excuse of a death anniversary confusion. But much weirder, given how hostile he was to Yorozu, Sukuna did not object to the romantic framing in any capacity.
Am I reaching? Is this reading intentional?
When I start getting this confused by how a translated work wants me to read it, I try to refer to the original language text and anyone who knows it for missing context. Sometimes localizations add things that werenā€™t there or push readers towards one interpretation. So for the rest of this analysis, Iā€™m going to be focusing on the raws.
Iā€™m going to be honest. My Japanese fudging sucks. I can barely read kanji and canā€™t reliably translate anything. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong. That being said, with what little I do know, I have discovered something interesting.
In this post I talked about how weird Sukunaā€™s manner of speech is. I focused on his you pronoun usage of ćŠå‰ (Omae) for everyone else and č²“ę§˜ (Kisama) for Gojo since this is a strong indicator of how a character views their relationship to someone.
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Here's a summary of the two points I made in that post:
1) Omae is informal and either a casual thing amongst peers or indicates the speaker's higher status. Since Sukuna is arrogant, we can reasonably assume he's talking down to people.
2) Kisama historically was a formal show of respect, but in modern times it is a hostile insult, much more rude than Omae. Since Sukuna is 1,000 years old and hates Yuji (who he uses Omae with), we can reasonably assume Sukuna was being friendly to Gojo when he used Kisama.
With that pronoun usage in mind, while examining the raws for the infamous ā€œYou Cleared My Skiesā€ speech I found this:
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Kisama. Sukuna is very happy and lavishing Gojo with praise. The assumption it was formal from the start seems to be correct. It's hard to read this any other way.
Though Japanese can easily be dubious in its interpretation, there are instances where context can cut off all other readings. I truly believe this one of those cases.
Now, to confirm Sukuna is still only treating Gojo this way I started looking at his you pronouns as he got excited post-Gojo death. Maki is the person he seems to admire the most.
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Heā€™s still just using Omae. What does that mean? Gojo is in his own fudging category for Sukuna and he has been there since the start of the manga. (For more on why this is significant, refer to this post.)
Wow ok. Thatā€™s pretty intense! Weā€™ve got Gojo dressed up as a groom on December 24th and Sukuna treating Gojo different from anyone else. I read their fight again under the lens of explicit courtship and focused in on these specific panels.
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Satisfaction. Now thatā€™s a word that can easily carry a sexual connotation. Love as well. The parallel syntax fascinated me in English. So I decided to look at the raws and see how close they are.
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Pretty much the same except for "the one who will teach you love" and "the one satisfying him now". Since the one being satisfied is Gojo by Sukuna, it really seems we can assume the one being taught love is Gojo by Sukuna.
Time to learn some Japanese again!
Kanji has multiple readings. Most have at least two. The Onyomi (Chinese) reading typically used for nouns and the Kunyomi (Japanese) reading typically used for verbs. (This is not always the case but itā€™s the basics.)
Thatā€™s probably why ęŗ€ is read as ć¾ć‚“ (man) when Gojo and Geto are talking about ā€œsatisfactionā€ using the On version and ćæ (mi), the Kun version, when the narrator is talking about who ā€œsatisfiesā€ who.
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However ęŗ€ on its own does not mean satisfaction. It means full. To be filled. Or fullness. č¶³ (zoku) is added as a modifier after ęŗ€ to be read as satisfaction ęŗ€č¶³ (manzoku). č¶³ usually means feet, but it can also mean to be sufficient. Manzoku therefore has a direct translation of being sufficiently full. Itā€™s not a surprise a lot of food places in Japan use Manzoku in their names or advertising.
But whatā€™s this? Why is this sentence written as ęŗ€ćŸć—恦 or Mi(tashite) instead of ęŗ€č¶³ć—恦 or Manzoku(shite)? The addition of Zoku is what transforms Man into "satisfying". Without the Zoku, itā€™s just "fill". The means this sentence can be read as ā€œThe one filling him up now isā€”ā€
Weā€™ve already established that the blank is Sukuna. The new problem is that heā€™s filling Gojo up. And boy, does that sound homoerotic to put it lightly. But perhaps I am reaching.
So I did what any sane person would do in this situation. I read hentai.
Surely if the phrase ęŗ€ćŸć—恦 (mitashite) can carry a sexual connotation I will find it in hentai.
I immediately found a yaoi doujin called Fill me with your Big Love aka ćŠć£ććŖꄛ恧ęŗ€ćŸć—恦 (Okkina Ai de Mitashite). Honestly, I found too many doujins about creampies specifically. (You have internet access verify this yourself.) When you search Manzokushite the results are much more in line with life satisfaction than sexual satisfaction. ...So Gege decided to use the more frisky phrasing.
Manzoku is also the name of an active sex toy manufacturer (Iā€™m not linking them use a search engine.) and a discontinued adult entertainment news company. So the satisfaction Gojo and Geto talk about, along with Geto using 妬 (ya), the jealous kanji often used between lovers, is definitely probably carrying a sexual connotation too.
So, Iā€™m not reaching. What the fudge did Gege mean by this?
Now that we've established that I am NOT reaching. What do we do with this information?
Well, we ruminate on the fight with the knowledge that Sukuna, of his own volition, decided to get Gojo off, probably.
I have forgiven Nanami for calling Gojo a pervert. If I watched someone bust a nut after being cut in half by his sworn enemy instead of saving the country, I too would be like what the fudge.
Anyways, the typical phrase used for an orgasm in Japanese is č”Œć(iku). It translates as to go. And yes it can mean to die, as in going to the other side. To die and go to heaven if you will. Which is what Gojo did with a big old smile on his face.
Thereā€™s also the term åæƒå¤© (tokoroten). It refers to a dish were a semi-opaque white substance is pushed through holes to create noodles. Literal translation using the kanji for heart åæƒ (kokoro) and the kanji for heaven 天 (ten). (Donā€™t ask me why them being smack together turns the Koroko into Tokoro. I donā€™t know.) Which in slang refers to prostate orgasms. This has nothing to do with this analysis I wanted to drop this fun fact in here. ā€¦And this image of Sukuna clutching his heart while looking at someone he sent to heaven.
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(This is a reach but the idea of this being an elaborate gay pun amuses me greatly.)
I have another fun slang term: č³¢č€…ć‚æ悤惠 (kenjataimu) which directly translates to sage č³¢č€… (kenja) time ć‚æ悤惠 (taimu). This refers to post-nut clarity sending someone into a meditative-like state.
Oh thatā€™s a bit familiar. Sukuna was giving sagely advice to Kashimo and reflecting on satisfaction and love.
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And whatā€™s this? Mitashite has made a reappearance! Sukuna is saying ā€œIā€™ve never thought about needing another person to fill me up.ā€ Which 1. further supports the 'The one satisfying/filling him (Gojo) now isā€”Sukuna.' reading and 2. suggests Sukuna is a top suggests Sukuna really doesnā€™t have sexual interest in people. (Since the context of this convo is relationships and love.)
By the way. Acts of eating in Japanese can be modified to carry sexual meanings. Itā€™s a bit more suggestive than English, but it carries over pretty well I think? č‚‰é£Ÿē³» (nikusokukei) refers to someone who aggresively pursues romantic or sexual relationships. Composed of the kanji 肉 (niku) for meat, 食 (ta) for eating, and ē³» (kei) class. If you noticed, 食 isnā€™t usually read as Soku. It becomes Soku when paired with Niku for some reason. (I donā€™t know why someone please help me.) Side by side the kanji č‚‰é£Ÿ (nikusoku) means meat-eater.
食 is still interesting on itā€™s own. The é£Ÿć¹ć‚‹ (taberu) reading is normal eating. The é£Ÿć†(kuu) reading is an innuendo. It can mean to devour someone, like a cannibal, or devour someone sexually.
Sukuna has made it very clear that his eating of people is literal. Thereā€™s no innuendo. In fact, if you read into it, heā€™ll kill you (rip Yorozu and Kashimo).
Gojo, however, appears to be his sole exception to this rule. When Sukuna tells Kashimo not to spoil his pleasure he uses the kanji 興 (kyou). This of course can be directly translated as pleasure, but the Chinese reading of it can also indicate intense excitement or sexual arousal.
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Sukuna is pretty good at double-entendre wordplay if his earlier stunts with the kanji for Enchain doubling as Megumi Activities if read a different way is anything to go by. He's a fan of Chinese literature. It's not a stretch to assume there's more going on here.
And if notoriously homophobic Reddit dudebros are posting things like this. Maybe there's a lot more merit to this reading than I can currently grasp.
Iā€™m still pretty convinced Sukuna is aroace. That of course doesnā€™t bar him from pursuing romantic or sexual relationships. Sometimes thereā€™s the one exception. Sometimes the desire to be with and please an allo partner allows for engagement of activities they arenā€™t into. Sometimes the actions are pursued without the emotional attachment because they physically feel good. Thereā€™s also the gray-scale and demi labels to consider.
With that in mind, I want to emphasize this all points to how important Gojo is to Sukuna regardless of sexuality. He tried to engage with and understand Gojo on terms he wonā€™t for anyone else. And heā€™s been pursuing this connection relentlessly since the start of manga.
Sukunaā€™s Negative Rizz
Ok I established that reading the Sukuna vs Gojo fight as unhinged courtship is supported by the text. That doesnā€™t really say anything about Sukuna sucking at it.
But, my dear reader, that in of itself is proof of his negative rizz. I had to sit down. Learn about Heian era and Shinto wedding rituals, learn more Japanese, splice seemingly unrelated manga panels together, read hentai, and know that Gege is into yaoi to come to this conclusion. I had to rip every little shred of characterization and context apart and rearrange it into something comprehensible.
You know who canā€™t do that? Gojo.
As far as Gojo is concerned, Sukuna hates him. Kisama is an extremely hostile you pronoun in modern times. And if Gojo canā€™t tell Shoko (his closest friend after Geto) is stressed over him being used like a meat puppet by her visibly falling back on her addiction, heā€™s going to default to the assumption Sukuna hates him just as much as everyone else.
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And Gojo does just that. He assumes he failed to reach Sukuna. Despite how often they did hand to hand combat and weaponized their knowledge of each other, Gojo believes they never had proper conversation through fighting. He dies not understanding Sukuna, convinced the other was not trying to communicate with him at all.
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And if you recall, all of this fight occurred while Sukuna was wearing Megumiā€™s face. That boy is pretty much Gojoā€™s adopted child. From my experience, most single parents do not go looking for clones of their kids as partners.
If someone wore the skin of my family member I would assume they were trying to torment me. And torment Gojo Sukuna does. He draws attention to Megumiā€™s soul being used as collateral and attacks him with the 10 Shadows. We as the audience know this is all for the sake of getting past Infinity using his Shrine. Gojo doesnā€™t know that. Heā€™s fighting an evil dude who is puppeting the body of his son for god knows what reason.
Seriously, Sukuna sucks at communicating intent.
In Part 3 of my examination of Sukunaā€™s loneliness, I said Dismantle is a tool Sukuna uses to understand. And that him upgrading it by making Gojo the center of his world was indicative of his desire to reach him. I also said his refusal to use it on Yorozu was him expressing how little interest he had in her.
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Yorozu is pissed by this. She sees it as Sukuna rejecting her and I donā€™t think sheā€™s wrong. Sukuna saved his special Cursed Technique (CT) for Gojo while turning Yorozu down. If weā€™re considering all the wedding imagery and references that started with Yorozu, Iā€™m certainly allowed to read that as him saving himself for Gojo. (Think of how he lied to Gojo about being the first one he killed.)
Thereā€™s also the fact that Yorozu saw their battle as an expression love and lustā€”that the usage of CT is a type of foreplay under certain circumstances since it is an extension of the self. Combine that with the established premise that fighting is a type of a communication thanks to Maki vs Sumo Guy and you can start to see the courtship logic behind Sukunaā€™s treatment of Gojo.
If we are to read ā€œThe one who will teach you love isā€¦Sukunaā€ thereā€™s another adorable caveat. Yorozu uses the you pronoun 恂ćŖ恟 (Anata) for Sukuna.
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Itā€™s an informal you pronoun used by people learning Japanese. Native speakers try to avoid using it as it can come across as rude. But in the context of love? This is colloquially called the wife pronoun as its often used by a wife to her husband.
If you wanted to localize its usage in the way Yorozu means it, Anata might become ā€œyou, dearā€. So here we have Sukuna dressed in white, like a bride to Gojoā€™s groom, thinking of him as Anata.
The problem is, Gojo doesnā€™t know that. Sukuna never bothered to open his mouth and say this was an act of love. Sure he told Kashimo in the most roundabout way possible, but Gojo was the one who needed to hear that. If a courtship is going to be this diabolically complicated, there has to be clear hints for the other party. JJK is not Umineko where thereā€™s a witch that can revive the dead over and over until the idiot finally understands this was all for them.
Gojo also doesnā€™t have access to the kanji Sukuna uses to describe certain techinques or words. He hears the phonetics and runs with whatever best fits the context. This means thereā€™s no way for him to catch the double-meaning unless heā€™s a certain type of lingust, which he is not. His manner of speech and personal interests donā€™t line up with the flowery language of the Heian Era. The types of written works Gojo is into are historical war politics from the Sengoku period (known for violence more than the fine arts), Shonen manga, and physics/math.
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And what's this? According to CFYOW (the canon light novels): JJK Thorny Road at Dawn, Chapter 3 Asakusabashi Elegy, Gojo doesn't even like ancient poetry. You know, the thing Sukuna enjoys and tries to communicate with.
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The Kokin Wakashu Gojo off-handedly disparages is a compilation of Hiean Era poetry known as Waka. This was the primary means of communication amongst the noble class and spiritual leaders at the time. And the thing is, this poetry is supposed to be read into. Down to the quality of stroke and paper, not just the kanji written. Especially for courtship.
Itā€™s not that Gojo is stupid. He just doesnā€™t specialize in the studies that would give him a more critical ear to Sukuna's words. And Sukuna doesnā€™t seem to understand that no one in the modern era communicates like this anymore.
If you didnā€™t know, this is why Japanese characters introduce themselves they often describe what kanji their name is spelled with. Take for example: Satoru. He uses the kanji ꂟ meaning enlightenment. This kanji can be read as Go instead of Satoru. Additionally, the name Satoru can be written in kanji as 联 for smart, ę™ŗ for wisdom, ēŸ„ for knowledge, äŗ† for understanding, 哲 for philosophy, 聖 for virtuous, or ꚁ for daybreak. Thatā€™s 8 different kanji possible if you hear the name Satoru.
This is why Sukunaā€™s wordplay for everything else can be easily missed by other characters. They hear the words and cannot read the kanji like us. Context decides what Sukuna means for them. And since Sukunaā€™s context for most is violence and insults, itā€™s very hard for them to think about his words in any other way.
And boy howdy does Gojo miss it. Sukuna straight up calls him his husband and it took me several rereads to catch it. While mocking Gojo for being unable to open his domain, Sukuna calls him "painfully ordinary". This is localized from the word 凔夫 (bonpu) which can also be translated as unenlightened. (A layered insult! Sukuna is pretty much saying Gojo's sorcery is so boring he shouldn't even call himself the Honored One.)
The thing is...Bonpu is comprised of the 2 kanji 凔 for mediocre, and 夫 for husband. (Please note that there are many other ways to call Gojo a ditz without using the kanji for husband.) And an update from the Replies: Turns out there's layers to the gayness too.
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It's come full fudging circle. Gojo came dressed as a groom for a wedding and Sukuna thinks they're already married. The miscommunication is off the rails.
But wait! There's more...
Earlier I mentioned that the kanji for Enchain doubles as Megumi Activities. Let's break that down more. (Unfortunately the Twitter account of the person I referenced may or may not be nuked so here's this screenshot I've doctored.)
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So we have the translation of Enchain from å„‘é—Š (Keikatsu), which might be better localized as Separation.
This term comes from a Chinese poem about lovers who are husband and wife in The Book of Odes, Section I (Lessons from the States), Chapter 3 (The Odes of Bei), Poem 31 (Banging the Drum). (Here's a link to the full poem and context of it.)
In summary, itā€™s about a soldier who is on the brink of death, having lost nearly everything after being abandoned by those in power, lamenting the happiest days of his life with his love are ones he can never get back. (Hey that sounds just like what Sukuna did to Yuji!)
Keikatsu specifically comes from this passage:
ā€œOur vow is beyond death and lifeā€, I and you are together I always remembered. I will hold your hand, And together we grow old.
Too pitiful we are faraway apart, The distance separates us to meet again! Too miserable this takes forever, And it does not let us fulfill our vow!
Keikatsu is used to exemplify how the physical distance between the husband and wife prevents them from fulfilling their wedding vows. And that's just what Keikatsu/Enchain does to Yuji and Megumi, it causes painful separation neither of them wanted.
Keikatsu also tells Yuji exactly how Sukuna plans to do it. å„‘(kei)闊(katsu) can be written as ꁵ(kei)ę“»(katsu). The kanji ꁵ can be read as Kei or...Megumi. (It's the literal kanji used for his name.) The kanji ę“» (katsu) can mean "activities", which is how we get Enchain=Megumi Activities.
A two for one special! Sukuna mocks Yuji for being so close with Megumi while telling him exactly how he's going to destroy their relationship.
It seems this has nothing to do with Gojo until you consider the 3rd possible reading from wordplay with å„‘é—Š (Keikatsu). The kanji å„‘ when read as Kei refers to a promise, pledge or vow. When å„‘ read as Chigi? It can refer to sexual intercourse, especially between husband and wife.
So we have å„‘é—Š(keikatsu, separation), ꁵ(kei Megumi)ę“»(katsu, activities), and å„‘(kei chigi, spousal sex)ę“»(katsu, activities). It's no wonder he erased Yuji's memory of it.
Keep in mind, that when Sukuna uses Keikatsu, the only vow that he has made at this point is his promise to kill Gojo. He eventually does that using Megumi's body during a fight framed between groom and bride. And for reasons beyond their control, Sukuna and Gojo have been unable to fulfill that vow through lengthy separation.
Notes from poem "Banging the Drum" Sukuna references include the following:
"And during the operation, he lost his horse, which was a desperate situation (horses in ancient time carried soldier supply and weapons, are life companion for soldiers in advance or retreat), he lost his horse, his supply, maybe his armor and weapons, and the road he was facing that we may lose his life so he may never go back. In all these mess, he started searching, and somehow at this hopeless moment he started to revisit his happiest moment, when he together vowed in marriage ceremony with his wife, and he was even afraid that he might never see his love again."
"And His last statement for his true value is his home, his love, his fulfillment of his vow is his true duty. Hero's duty is to pursue love."
In Buddhism, which JJK is heavily influenced by, horses are a pretty big deal. Horses can represent the path to enlightenment, especially since The Buddha's horse is what takes him on this journey away from his wife and children. They separate in the end though, the horse dying of a broken heart.
Remember how Sukuna called Gojo unenlightened? He sort of guided Gojo to enlightenment using Mahoraga, whose Eight-Handed title is a reference to the Eightfold Path to be followed for enlightenment. Buddhist enlightenment is centered around liberation from suffering. (Just check the wiki entry to verify this.) Infinity was the source of Gojo's suffering and Sukuna cut right through it.
Sukuna has been running around with a broken heart for a good chunk of the post-Gojo fight. And if you take that into consideration with this poem and all the other symbolism, he's somehow a Buddha, a Bodhisattva, the dying husband, the widowed wife, and the heartbroken horse all at the same time. Not unlike his wordplay taking on every possible meaning at once.
But my point here is that Sukuna mightā€™ve seen his fight with Gojo as consummation of their marriage. (There's probably a joke in here about the husband reaching climax while leaving his wife unsatisfied.) Remember in the wise words of Itagaki Keisuke, "Fighting and sex are exactly the same!"
In Conclusion?
This is possibly one of the most bizarre and elaborate expressions of love I have lost my mind over. Sukuna gave everything Gojo ever wanted from Jujutsu violently. He did it in such an unpleasant and cruel way that the target of his affection thought there was nothing between them. Sukuna also hid his intent under social norms that no longer exist. Unless Gojo happened to be into ancient literature, there was never a scenario where he would catch onto this. Sukuna's failure is critical on multiple levels.
Itā€™s impressive. It really is. No one knows how Sukunaā€™s strange little brain works so heā€™s stuck being loner without anyone that fully understands him. (Iā€™m still thinking about how Uraume didnā€™t know Sukuna was a twin for over 1,000 years.) Heā€™d have to let people in and tell him outright, but heā€™s just like Gojo so I guess thatā€™s never happening.
#cactus yaps#I need to have my weeaboo license revoked.#How on earth did I miss this?#GEGE WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY THIS.#Hi yes I will dress as a traditional groom on Dec 24th the most romantic day in Japan after someone else called the arrangement a date.#Is this even subtext at this point?#Why canā€™t these men use their got danged words instead of Umineko levels of psychological warfare.#Sukuna: ''Gojo is clearly driven by lust. How do I have s*x with him without actually having s*x?#Fighting and death are basically the same thing as s*x so Iā€™ll do that and hopefully he sees that I love him.''#Gojo to Geto: ''Sukuna gave me the best *rgasm I've had in years. I think he hates me.''#Geto: ''Huh.''#Absolutely fascinated by girlfailures Sukuna and Geto horribly fumbling Gojo in completely different ways.#I want them to fight over him in the most passive aggressive way possible.#Gojo was meant to be a romcom harem protagonist.#Though Sukuna should be way more ok with poly given Heian rules on relationships.#But you know Geto was also ok that someone else was able to make Gojo feel good.#I like that prioritization of his pleasure. Even if it came a little too late.#Much to think about.#Consider this my Sukugo manifesto part 2.#Update 8/14/24: One of these days I'm just going to have to make a new post.#Update Cont: Sukuna calling Gojo his mid unenlightened husband wife spouse all at once using two kanji is truly insane.#Update 8/19/2024: All according to Keikatsu.#sukugo#ryomen sukuna#gojo satoru#jjk spoilers#jujutsu kaisen#lemons
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oreo-cookies-fan Ā· 5 months ago
I still can't get over The Gay Montage in XMA. Like, you don't understand. Peter was right there. The moment was dramatic enough. They could make Erik good again by Peter telling him the truth. Or any other character blurting out "This is your son!". It would make so much sense since the whole drama came from Erik losing his wife and child. You don't understand, I was expecting this to happen since the whole heteronormative agenda being pushed our throats in this movie. I WAS SURE THAT THEY'D PLAY THAT CARD BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE WOULD PLAY IT BECAUSE IT'S A SAFE CARD TO PLAY SINCE THERE'S NOTHING CONTROVERSIAL ABOUT PARENTAL LOVE!
But they chose memories of Charles! They chose the memory where Charles says that there's good in Erik and they didn't even follow it up with flashbacks with Magda and Nina (so a proof that Charles was right). It's a memory of Charles walking away (and Charles being in danger in present time) that snaps Erik out of anger and grief! And the tear. That one single fucking tear he sheds for Charles!
I'm just ... *screams*
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osamucide Ā· 4 months ago
I dunno if we're still lusting over Akutagawa but I just wanna say that that the idea of him being turned on by gore in horror movies made all the blood leave my brain immediately because I've been having these fantasies about reciting him some disturbing ass poems about, fkn cannibalism or something, whilst jerking him off
um we are ALWAYS lusting over Akutagawa in this house. see below the cut for real lit nerd shit. cw hereā€”handjob, sub!Aku, John Donne himself is a content warning, mdni
This made me think of Donneā€™s "The Flea"ā€”if youā€™ve not read it, basically it uses intermixed blood inside a flea as an extended metaphor for sex and it kind of has no business being so fucking hot for how strange it is (quoted below is the last stanza). And I think Akutagawa, in the limited swath of earthly things he indulges in outside of Dazai's approval, fucks with ANY kind of deranged media, not just movies; his beloved touching him while they recite weird poetry? Oh my god. Your mind is huge, anon. Listenā€”
"Cruel and sudden, hast thou since purpled thy nail, in blood of innocence?" you sigh, voice slow, deliberate, hardly above a whisper; you pinch the spine of the leather-bound anthology, balancing it against one of his trembling shoulders as you straddle his waist, sinking your teeth into the milky skin beneath the severity of Ryuunosuke's jawline. "Wherein could this flea guilty be, except in that drop which it sucked from thee?"
Your other hand strokes him, softly, agonizingly; Ryuunosuke's breath is short, rhythmic, quietly frustrated between his chest and his throat as he tugs at the rope binding his wrists behind his back, his fingers flexing wide, curling into fists. When you squeeze just beneath his leaking tip and work your way down his cock, his forehead falls into your shoulder, where he returns your bite through a pitchy groan.
"Yet thou triumph'st, and say'st that thou... Find'st not thy self, nor me the weaker now." You, calculated, roll your wrist faster; his stifled groan gives way to a gasp, an open-mouthed plea for you to continue, and he twitches, hips lurching upward in pursuit of more of your touch. "'Tis true; then learn how false, fears beā€”"
"Please," Ryuunosuke's voice weaves through yours, desperate and broken amidst cries of your name. "My love, please."
"Just so much honor, when thou yield'st to me," you continue, pausing only to lick across the chain of bruising kisses you've left upon his neck. Pink and needy and twitching like the rest of him, his cock stutters, jumps as pearly white ropes of cum are spurting from him, hitting his pale chest and stomach, dripping over your fingers. You mutter the last line as he sobs, thanking you in breaths so shaky and hoarse and spent that you can't help your satisfied smile; "Will waste, as this fleaā€™s death took life from thee." āŠ¹
this ask also made me think of a dissertation I read in my undergrad and itā€™s called "Raw Metaphors: Cannibal Poetics in Early Modern England" by Amanda Lehr. itā€™s wonderful and if youā€™re a cannibalism-in-poetry freak like me DEFINITELY check it out. it's lengthy but so worth the read.
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dcbnam-aep Ā· 8 months ago
everyone saying alicent is a bad mother and focusing on the moment she left rather than the moments (plural!!) that she stayed. the maesters tell her theyā€™re getting to the hard part and instead of leaving the room she just steps back because she cannot leave her son alone in his state. she tries to become queen regent so that she can act for him rather than provide aemond the opportunity to do more harm. and then, despite her own sick history, she returns to the same bed where she cared for a dying viserys and sits with her son. we donā€™t know how long she sat there before she left. it could have been hours. can we not give her the benefit of the doubt unlike the men on the council who stripped her of any and all authority despite her proving herself time and time again!?!?
(this is the same woman who Did Not Hesitate to step in front of a dragon to protect her son even though it has been established from ep 1 that she does not like dragons!!!)
Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s perfect - sheā€™s flawed like Literally Every Other Character in the show - but she does love her children and only wants the best for them.
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jadecantcreate Ā· 2 months ago
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pyke if he was an avantris character! for the little au im currently calling witchlight rhapsody, where the rhapsody crew is in prismeer/once upon a witchlight
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slickricklj Ā· 8 months ago
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Jill Valentine + Chris Redfield - When you know, you know.
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#Resident Evil#Chris Redfield#Jill Valentine#Valenfield#Reviledit#Jill X Chris#Chris X Jill#vgedit#videogameedit#gamingedit#Resident Evil Revelations#Resident Evil 5#Resident Evil Death Island#those who enjoy their dynamic...enjoy! :D#those who know the lore and dialogue should find plenty of the layered subtext here#They've been obvious from day 1 and I love how their relationship has been such a focal point in the story#other characters are totally aware they have something between them and it's been exploited multiple times#Wesker took advantage of their feelings in RE1 and RE5#Raymond put a lifesize dummy of Chris for Jill and O'Brian baited them by having them think the other was missing LOL#People BS about Ada but didn't even pay attention to the lore to see she actually was connected to RE5 when they established Irving#leaked the info HE obtained on Spencer's whereabouts meant for Wesker to get. They showed up the same night...it's no coincidence#Ada is known for having reliable info she shares and doing things behind the scenes uncredited IJS#RE4make made it even clearer for those who didn't have a clue ADA was against Wesker and had no bad intentions#Claire witnessing her brother's reactions to Jill and even him telling her to leave and he'd stay despite low ammo and no comms..#Sheva telling his personal business he was keeping private and his reaction which... he made no excuses for what he was doing.#And yeah I threw in some Ada/Leon stuff because Chris and Leon clearly were aware the girls were special to them plus MANY parallels exist#threw in an old ref I made about MVC3 in another post. It may be non-canon but point remains.... :P#I did also include Brad spotting them on the helipad to go with the theme but also to show how they bring each other peace/hope#flashing gif tw#biohazard
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infriga Ā· 2 months ago
I've been reading the translated novel version of S-Classes That I Raised, and I remember when I was first reading the webcomic version I was curious about why the ship with Yoojin and Hyunjae was so much more popular than any other ship, since I hadn't gotten very far in yet. I get it now. They won't stop fucking flirting with each other every time they're close enough to exchange words.
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frontseathater Ā· 10 months ago
writers: yeah we put lots of destiel in the subtext
the subtext:
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starry-bi-sky Ā· 3 months ago
pouring one out for luo binghe in my disciple SQQ fic, poor guy has taken a backseat here. we're nearly 30k words deep and he hasn't even shown his face once. it'll be much longer before he even actually talks to Shen Qingqiu.
(i say im pouring one out but in reality im sitting in my director's chair chewing on a cigar and wearing a beret as he tearily and unsuccessfully pleads with me for more scenes with Shen Qingqiu)
#svsss#disciple shen yuan#scum villain#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#SQQ: building his found family on QJP and Plotting#LBH: idk off sniffing rocks somewhere while on one of his protagonist adventures#i say im pouring one out for him but in reality im laughing at him. sorry my guy you are just NOT my priority. be a better peak lord#tell your disciples to stop with the institutionalized peak hierarchy and the internal political intrigue and MAYBE we'll talk#oh he cant hear me he's wearing airpods. welp. *stares at LQG and YQY* more SQQ time for you then!#its funny because i do love bingqiu i just decided to write a fic exploring a roleswap concept i saw where LBH wasnt a good peak lord#and the concept itself didnt explore what consequences might occur if LBH was as inactive a PL as LQG was before redeeming him#like if BZP can go lord of the flies while unsupervised what happens if you leave QJP the same way?? political court intrigue and sabotage#being the protagonist and going on many adventures is great and all.... if you aren't tied down with the responsibilities of a peak lord.#binghe. binghe. binghe. binghe. your head disciple has instated a hierarchy on your peak and routinely sabotages the cultivation of the#junior disciples by actively disrupting their learning by sending them off to do menial chores that should be distributed equally across#the peak. binghe. he's gonna get someone killed. binghe. BINGHE. you're inadvertently creating a generation of cultivators who harbor#resentment against you specifically bc you failed to care and protect them as their shizun. BINGHE. DO YOU HEAR ME? BINGHE#oop. i guess not. SQQ time to organize a covert resistance group. i mean a secret study group that also doubles as an organization dedicate#to ruining Li Tao's reputation and standing amongst the rest of the sect. by boys! have fun storming the castle!#tldr unsweetened lemonade is: 'i force SQQ into a position of no power where keeping his head down is not an option bc neither the system#+ nor his surrounding peakmates will let him fade into the BG. and there's no LBH around for him to wifebeam into the Fave Disciple spot'#its also a 'SY and SJ are the same person' fic bc i love the trope and having a disciple SY where he's also SJ is such a specific niche#that i'll just have to write it myself in order to see it. im having a blast with it. im gonna give him SO much found family.#liushen and yueshen(? qijiu?) are fighting for 1st while poor bingqiu is trying to claw its way out of 3rd with minimal success#good fucking luck babe you gotta fight SQQ's seven evil disciples first. THEN you gotta fight Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan.#and then you gotta fight me. romance isnt even in the cards for this fic they're fighting for the SUBTEXT.#roll for disadvantge binghe
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pantsaretherealheroes Ā· 10 months ago
edwin and niko's budding friendship is so special and important actually
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sebdoesthings Ā· 2 months ago
I'm so glad i watched Sk8 the Infinity as an adult and not a teen so I didn't turn into one of those annoying idiots who complain about "renga not being canon because they didn't kiss"
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windwenn Ā· 11 months ago
Im midway through season 5 of the x files and i cant tell whether the writers created a highly compelling love story by accident and were genuinely confused by the reaction, or they did it on purpose and tried to gaslight everyone about it for as long as humanly possible
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ingravinoveritas Ā· 3 months ago
Video from Multibank last night featuring Cherrie, the CEO of Faith in Families from Swansea, with David and other celebs, which was recorded as a callback to the first video of her with Michael (from a different event). Yet of all the people in the new video, David is only one of two (and the first) who mentions Michael. They are so married and it's adorable...
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