#I have many opinions
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dcbnam-aep · 8 months ago
everyone saying alicent is a bad mother and focusing on the moment she left rather than the moments (plural!!) that she stayed. the maesters tell her they’re getting to the hard part and instead of leaving the room she just steps back because she cannot leave her son alone in his state. she tries to become queen regent so that she can act for him rather than provide aemond the opportunity to do more harm. and then, despite her own sick history, she returns to the same bed where she cared for a dying viserys and sits with her son. we don’t know how long she sat there before she left. it could have been hours. can we not give her the benefit of the doubt unlike the men on the council who stripped her of any and all authority despite her proving herself time and time again!?!?
(this is the same woman who Did Not Hesitate to step in front of a dragon to protect her son even though it has been established from ep 1 that she does not like dragons!!!)
I’m not saying she’s perfect - she’s flawed like Literally Every Other Character in the show - but she does love her children and only wants the best for them.
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wrathofrats · 1 month ago
Gross shit being said on live tv just remember ur gender is valid ur sexuality is valid and zephyr ghoul will eat anyone who says otherwise (:
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mrspockify · 1 year ago
I don’t really care for thanksgiving so I’m not gonna post much about it but I am gonna take a moment today to warn all of you that I am extremely annoying about Christmas. I will tag the posts accordingly so if you don’t like Christmas you can blacklist. But. Please be warned. I fucking love Christmas.
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notallbloodmages · 3 months ago
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gingerjolover · 1 year ago
“Sweet girl” and “pretty girl” have me in actual shambles 😭 that fic ripped my heart to pieces but in the best way because it was so good
Julien doesn’t give me the “pretty girl” or “sweet girl” vibes UNLESS she’s groveling or her partner is feeling very soft ie. after a fight
i have LOTS of THOUGHTS about pet names
also i’m glad you enjoyed sweet angel <3
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brendaonao3 · 1 year ago
8 for the choose violence game
Hi there, Nonnie!
Hoo boy, you're just trying to get me into trouble, aren't you :D
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I have two big ones atm, because my villain origin story will be people infantilizing Maverick and treating him like he's some sort of pocket princess who is Italian grandmother size instead of an actual Regular Adult Sized Human Person. 5'7" might be a tad short for a dude, but it's a perfectly fine height and no, Ice's (or Hangman's) clothes wouldn't be swimming on him, because they all have pretty much the same build, and it's SO FUCKING annoying to see people writing him like he can't reach a shelf or isn't tall enough to ride a fucking roller coaster or has to stand on his tiptoes to reach Ice's (or Hangman's) lips. Just...no. Stop it. (Yes, Bradley is slightly taller and broader than Mav, but can we not with Bradley's shirts would hang to Mav's knees - I've dated plenty of guys over 6ft and that's never happened to me and I'm literally Mav's height.)
And while I'm here, my other villain origin story is the treatment of Mav like he's some sort of feral gremlin with zero control over himself who needs Ice to rein him in like he's a dog ready to go off leash. He's a literal *CAPTAIN* in the Navy (one rank below Admiral!!!! Which, even the dude who wants to ground him thinks he should have at least 2 stars!!), he's got a jacket filled with commendations and medals, and he literally figured out the best plan and strategy for the uranium mission in about 10 seconds. Dude is scary smart. His problem is he doesn't like assholes and he's got a bit of an impulse control problem. That doesn't make him stupid or someone who needs a babysitter. (Yes, he was more reckless in TG86 - and then Goose died. Let him have the fucking growth.)
(Besides, if Ice didn't find Mav's methods to be worthy, he wouldn't make the calls he did - because their friendship is goals, but Ice isn't risking other people's lives for the sake of a friendship.)
Thank you all for coming to my Ted Talk.
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bonnielass23 · 2 years ago
I was tagged the lovely @astarkey to list 5 unpopular opinions from 5 fandoms! Thank you for the tag! And I’m copying 2 fandoms, but different takes
1. From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
First, jumping on Astarkey’s take, I love the idea of Kisa and Kate being best friends because they dealt with two sides of the same coin of patriarchal bullshit. Literally all I want is them to tear down the patriarchy with their bare hands together.
Other unpopular opinion. In some ways I’m glad they didn’t do a season 4. The ending of season 3 pretty much made SethKate canon, or at least confirmed their love for each other. I worry that given the age gap of both the characters and the larger age gap between DJ and Madison, that they would have rolled rolled back the development, or even potentially given Seth a different, more age appropriate temporary love interest, out of fear of backlash. I know the majority of the fandom was rooting for SethKate, but it’s one thing to tease it and drop hints to appease the fans, and it’s another to openly display it in the show and open themselves up for backlash beyond the fandom. The potential of people hearing about the age gap relationship and jumping on the “let’s cancel fdtd” bandwagon without watching the show. Community and the actors got so much backlash over Jeff and Annie, calling Jeff a pedo, and other than the goodbye kiss in the last episode they didn’t make that ship canon. That show was airing pretty much at the same time as fdtd. I think SethKate could have been safely portrayed in comics or novels though which I’m sad they didn’t do and wish they would. I am also kinda hoping for them to finally do a season 4 with an actual time skip, like it’s 2023, or later, because I think with Madison/Kate being older and them really defining the age gap (other than the one line on the radio that the Gecko brothers are in their late 20â€Čs) that they could more safely develop the relationship.
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
I have a lot of opinions but these are probably my most unpopular. I used to be a hard core spuffy shipper when I was watching in middle and high school. I think that was because I liked Spike more than Angel (his snark speaks to my soul). I’m currently doing a rewatch, almost through season 5, and maybe my view will change in season 6 and 7, but right now I’m not a fan of either spuffy or bangel, or honestly any of Buffy’s romantic relationships. Actually currently questioning my younger self’s judgement.
My actual otps currently are Xander and Anya, and Angel and Cordelia, and I will forever be pissed that they never got Xander and Anya back together and killed her off, and that they killed Cordelia. 
Also as a note, I have not read any of the comics or continuing story, so there could have been developments with Buffy’s relationships with Spike and Angel that could sway me, but I’m going entirely off the two television series.
3. Doctor Who
I loved RTD and hated Moffat, which I know isn’t that unpopular, but I actually loved Chibnall’s era. I really appreciated the social commentary and thought he and Jody did an amazing job. Also I’m not sure how unpopular this is anymore, but I loved Rose and Tentoo’s ending. I think given that this is a live action series with actors who want to move on to different projects it was the best ending we could get for The Doctor and Rose. Also Tentoo IS The Doctor.
4. Fairy Tail
Gray and Lucy work better together than Gru//via and Na////Lu. I stand by my statement and will not budge. 
I think Gru//via is actually harmful. I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong about toxic or abusive relationships being portrayed in media, but I think it needs to be recognized in the series that it is toxic and abusive behavior. That’s not the case with Gru///via. No character is calling out Ju///via’s behavior towards Gray as abusive, it’s played off as comedy or that Gray is the bad guy for not returning her feelings, and as far as I know Mashima hasn’t said anything publicly about it being problematic behavior either. I know someone who has used that as a model for how to get a guy and is in a very messed up situation where he is taking advantage of her.
Also not exactly unpopular as in controversial, but super rare pair ship, Loke and Cana is my OTP for the series. I only actually ship and have strong feelings about GrayLu and and Lokana, all the other ships range from NOTP to I have no issue with it existing.
5. Big Bang Theory
Not a huge fandom of mine but something that just irks me to no end, and I know has been done in other media. I HATE that they had Penny backtrack on being childfree. I get wanting to have this happily ever after for two characters, but it doesn’t have to be children. Having Penny change her mind because Leonard and her dad is so problematic though. It delegitimizes actual women who have this stance (including me). It perpetuates the idea of this is just a phase and we’ll change our minds, which has real world consequences of employers looking at all women as not as serious because as soon as they have that baby that we all KNOW they will, they’ll be taking a step back to be a mom so why give them a promotion. And bodily autonomy. I understand not tying an 18 year old’s tubes, but the fact the so many adult women are denied sterilization procedures because “you’ll change your mind” or “what if your future husband wants kids?” like the wants of a hypothetical partner takes precedence  over what the woman wants to do with her own body. It’s just such bullshit when this happens.
The ONLY time I’ve witnessed this happen that I’ve been okay with is Elliot in Scrubs, it was part of a long character arch, and her not wanting kids seemed to be rooted almost entirely of her fear of it affecting her career. It wasn’t just a snap decision of omg after years of not wanting to procreate I suddenly want children.
Definitely did some rambling and got political up in here, but I think these are probably some of my most unpopular opinions. Depending on the fandom my opinions can fall into more popular or mostly controversial
Some of my fdtd mutuals have already been tagged, so not gonna double tag them: @darth-tella @sunniebelle @kelkat9 @yourundead @fortysevenswrites @scrumptiousperfectionwizard @milkshakemicrowave @elialys @gralunaisland (Although I feel yours should be 5 unpopular opinions on gru//via lol) and of course anyone else who’d like to do this!
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infinityactual · 2 years ago
Your Tags are very very very good thank you for them they feed me
u are quite welcome my friend. đŸ€
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gooblygoops · 2 years ago
Corbin: Okay, we need to advertise our new channel because I know we're super funny and would make good content. Remember, we're going to be gaming for the most part, at least to start.
Me: Video games, got it. I can totally talk video games. Look, any way you cut it Manfred von Karma is the most important character of the Ace Attorney universe, and while he may not be the god of prosecution he kinda should be called the god of the universe, not literally but like in a creation myth sorta analysis way, because without his being not a single character in the original trilogy, and a few in subsequent games, would exist as we know it.
Corbin: This is not effective marketing, but go on.
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wrathofrats · 9 months ago
Please please please elaborate on ifrit with OCD
My bait worked time to give ifrit problems
Small warning for descriptions of compulsive and obsessive behaviors, because I know that can trigger some of this stuff to happen. So be slightly cautious if you’re someone who is affected by this!
It’s a big reason why he’s such a caregiver type.
A fair amount of his obsessions and rituals revolve around zephyr. The idea that he has to constantly be there to help them there will be one time he doesn’t and zephyr will be injured because of it. He has to check on them, thinks about their health constantly. Because sure zephyr says they’re fine but what if they’re lying? What if they are really sick and they just don’t know it? What if ifrit is the only one to notice the signs and if he doesn’t say something then something bad will happen to Zeph and it will be his fault?
It eats at him, the constant idea of zeph is in danger or needs him whenever he can’t be physically with him. And the idea that zephyr is annoyed by the constant attention, even if he can’t help it.
Zephyrs really patient with him though, lets him act out his compulsions to give him the peace of mind he needs. Always reassures him that he’s not being a bother to them, that zephyr knows why he dotes and does whatever they can to lessen then obsession. Whether that be with proving they’re ok or just the reassurance that if anything were to happen, it’s not his fault.
He does little things too. When he works out it has to be a certain number of reps or he won’t be able to stop thinking about it until he rights the “wrong”, constantly checks the weights on his bar to make sure he grabbed the right one, even if he saw it, he has to check again because what if he misread it?
He does it while baking too. He tries to have a partner with him so he doesn’t completely lose it trying to be certain he didn’t poison anyone with his batch of cookies. Because sure he read that he put in vanilla, but what if it wasn’t? What if he was lying to himself and now he’s going to hurt everyone?
There’s been a couple of batters that have been thrown away because he’s convinced himself he put something poisonous in there. That’s why he makes someone else stand there, just in case. Puts his mind at ease.
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pastrydragon · 2 years ago
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cursed-collective · 6 months ago
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Me? Forgetting to post my sketch pages? Expect it by now, honestly.
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muttdoesthings · 2 months ago
Dom leaning switch ≠ Dom
Dom leaning switch = Switch
Sub leaning switch ≠ Sub
Sub leaning switch = Switch
That’s all i have to say, wroof :3
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hunters-angel · 8 months ago
i've just been called weird because i love my old pipettes. i'm working in the rich new lab again and i brought my beloved pipettes with me and everyone is weirded out that i don't want their fancy new eppendorfs and rainins. but i've used them before and i hate them. the tips sometimes fall off, they are bulkier and less comfortable to use, and the click isn't as satisfying. my old medlabs are buttery smooth with good rebound. it may be more tiring to operate them in the long term, but the click gives me so much joy. and i do prefer joy over fancy looks
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hinamie · 1 month ago
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subject, specimen, spectacle;
should i say that you're dead?
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#jjk satoru#satoru gojo#gojo#bugs/#insects/#eye horror/#every time i post gojo art i feel scummy using like . the slew of tags this mf has#im like wow u look desperate gdfjkdjkg#listen ok im not a gojomain idk where people look fr content#anyway for not a gojomain i sure do have a lot of artistic breakthroughs whenever i draw him#first th eyedoves then lmhs gojo then gojo in the (club) bathroom by himself now this#loathe as i am to admit it i Love how much there is to pick apart of him in art theres so much theres so many angles u cld take#personally my favourite gojo angle in art (tm) is the Cryptically Unsettling Not Sane Not Human what can i say#keep ur thirst trap gojoart i like this guy unblinking and twitchy#on that note here he is pinned down as god intended#i ATE w this concept i fear fgfgsd i wanted a like. pallid formaldehyde dissection table under examination motif#and i was torn between using snakes or bugs to convey it and im SO SOOSOSOO happy i picked the bugs#ive used butterflies a lot they arent anything unfamiliar but truly i felt a chakra unlock when i thought of gojo+butterfly pinning#the burning light the eye the composition i rly think this is some of my best work#also also th poem was smth i came across when i was brainstorming captions and i ws like. gagged @ how well it fit gojo i had to include it#im not a poetry buff so my opinion is very uneducated but i think it was rly haunting and sad and beautiful#fit my target vibe so i took it slapped it on gojo w bugs said thank you verymuch smile :)
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zarvasace · 1 year ago
I'm nighttime custodial! :D The place I work at sees thousands of people come through every day, and we get some volunteers every night to help, mostly setting them to vacuuming or mopping. The number one comment we get is "you guys do this every night?" Second is "you guys are here until 2 AM?"
Yep. Every hallway gets vacuumed, every toilet gets wiped down, every mirror is dusted, every garbage taken out, every night. Every hour of every day, there's someone there to keep an eye on garbages and toilet paper and tissue boxes. People don't see what we do, but they sure notice if we don't do it!
As with many industries, service and hospitality in particular, the general public has no idea what goes into this. It can be hard, and gross sometimes. But it's really cool to get to be a part of it, and this job pays pretty well too! :D
Maids, cleaners, janitors, and sanitation workers are all the most important people of civilization by far. Even 12 hours without them is VERY noticable and they simply need to be highly compensated for it
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