#I love seeing what other people are doing with their guys… it’s so interesting !!! it’s always different! two people with the same kinda
artdolliewishes · 3 days
Imagine female Yuu having to cross dress to avoid unnecessary trouble at NRC and Idia finds out through Ortho. Because I can see Ortho finding out if Yuu ever got a minor injury and he was around to play nurse, knowing him he’d do a quick full body scan and find a very high amount of estrogen in her system.
And he blabs to Idia because he’s a snitch who doesn’t keep anything from his brother; if you tell a secret to him, you’re basically telling it to them.
Once Idia finds out, his mind INSTANTLY goes to those otome games and fanfics and gacha life videos about a girl in all boys school. He always thought those were just fun fantasies, but upon seeing that exact scenario happening in real life he becomes curious.
Prior to this, Idia probably wouldn’t think much about Yuu. To him, she was just the odd magicless guy his brother would occasionally run into; the most interesting thing about her was her cat, in his eyes. But now that he knows about her secret, he becomes heavily invested in her school life, he wants to see how this is going to turn out.
He doesn’t exactly stalk Yuu, it’s not like he’s putting cameras in Ramshackle or listening devices in her bag, it’s more like he just pays extra close attention to her when he has the chance, such as during joint classes and lunch. And since Ortho and her are on amicable terms, he encourages Ortho to spill any gossip he learns when around her.
To Idia’s surprise and delight, things end up matching up almost perfectly with what he’s come to expect from these kinds of plots. The ones close to Yuu, who seem to be privy to her secret from what he’s gathered, are all either falling in love or have already been in love. They’re extra protective of her, they’re affectionate and soft with her, and they get jealous when she gives too much of her attention to any one of them.
Idia knows about the overblot incidents, so of course he’d see the pattern in who starts getting closer. Every time someone overblots, Yuu will be there to help and both the overblotter and some other select people in their dorm will begin to fall. It’s a classic pattern.
At this point, Idia would simply see himself as an observer peeking in on this story and, therefore, he can’t be affected by Yuu. He’s not a love target in her story, he’s a side character.
It doesn’t matter that he’s occasionally run in with Yuu and each time he has she’s been a true friend to an introvert like him by making his anxious ass feel comfortable. It doesn’t matter because he’s aware of what’s happening and thus he can’t be affected.
But then he also overblots, and just like before she was there to help pick up the pieces. After that they ended up talking and Idia gets to know more about Yuu, more than he could learn by just observing.
Before long, he’s actually looking forward to seeing her again, to nerding out about his favorite anime’s with her in person because she’s always such a good listener. He’s looking at his manga and game collections and thinking about what she would like.
Idia doesn’t even realize his hearts been skipping beats when she’s around until one day when he’s in class and she walks in. Like a dog hearing their owner walk through the front door, his gaze shoots up and instantly that class gets fifty times more bearable with her around.
…And then he looks around and every other “main character” has had the same reaction.
Which means that he’s also a captured love target, just like them…
Oh how the turn tables for a dating sim loving nerd like himself
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f1orza · 1 day
Lucky girl part five
Summary: it's race time in Barcelona, the home of Lucky and she can't wait for the Spanish GP and what comes after.
Sorry for the wait but I had a lot going on and then I decided to just wait until after the race to see the results. So it can be a accurate to the weekend. This not proof read, so sorry if there's any mistakes.
This is the last one sadly. I honestly wasn't sure how to end this so it might not be that amazing 😓. Also there is likely to be little things that come out if I get inspired or tweets and stuff I didn't post so look out if that interests you but lucky girl is finished, thank you everyone who enjoyed this short series. I didn't expect many people to like it but I was surprised.
yourusername • stories
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charles_leclerc I can't wait to see you mon chéri ❤
yourusername get here soon and you will 😘
Bestfriend2 you're back home, sleepover soon ? 🤔
yourusername ohh yes, I have so much to tell you guys
Bestfriend2 about charles? 😏
yourusername 🤭
Username1 you are so beautiful 🥰
Username2 ¿Es usted de Barcelona? Are you from Barcelona?
yourusername Nací en Barcelona Fue mi primer amor ❤ I was born in Barcelona it was my first love
y/b/username tráeme algo de comida de camino a casa bring me some food on the way home
yourusername ¿Es así como se pide algo? 🤨 Is this how you ask for something?
y/b/username Me dejaste y me perdí a mi piloto favorito ganando su carrera en casa 😐 you left me and I missed my favorite driver winning his home race yourusername Estás alargando esto 🙄, ¿qué quieres? You're dragging this out, what do you want?
y/b/username Cualquier cosa está bien pero yo también quiero churros 😋 Anything is fine but I want churros too.
Username3 I want to visit there 😭
Scuderiaferrari we are ready to race in this beautiful city 🇪🇸
Username5 happy you're home
Username7 that fruit looks so good
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charles_leclerc Difficult weekend for the team. We have to do better in Austria. But first I will be spending time with loved ones and refresh my mind for the race next week.
yourusername Je suis si fière de toi, ma chérie, tu t'es si bien débrouillée. J'ai hâte de te montrer ma ville. I'm so proud of you, darling, you've done so well. I can't wait to show you my city.
* Liked by creator
Scuderiaferrari enjoy your time, we will come back stronger in Austria 💪🏼
Username19 what a....interesting race for Ferrari today 🤕😪
Username16 not charles posting a photo of max maxplaining 😭
charles_leclerc • stories
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arthur_leclerc Je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi elle voudrait sortir avec toi 🤨 I still don't know why she would want to go out with you
Username12 omg they are so cute
Username29 looked at my man and sighed
Username17 congrats Charles for bagging the most gorgeous girl in the world
Liked by creator
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yourusername • stories
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Bestfriend1 Chica esto es una locura para publicar un 8 de la mañana 😭 Girl this is crazy to post on an 8 in the morning.
Friend2 oh...ok this is some despicable behavior for 8am 🤥
charles_leclerc ❤
yourusername 🥰
charles_leclerc • stories
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yourusername 🤭
charles_leclerc Te quiero mi amor ❤ I love you my love
pierregasly Vous êtes bizarres de poster des pièges à soif les uns des autres à 8 heures du matin 😟 You guys are weird for posting thirst traps to each other at 8am.
Arthur_leclerc 😧
charles_leclerc how's that for rizz 😆
y/b/username AHHH MY EYEEEES 🤮
charles_leclerc sorry y/b/n 😅
Username3 AINT NO WAY LMAO 🤣
Username11 Ferrari is gonna put you in pr jail 😭
Username18 OH...oh wow....
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yourusername and charles_leclerc I'm so lucky to have found a love like this in my life. Thank you to y/b/n for making this happen. I love you my love and I'm so lucky to receive your love in return.
y/b/username thank you for the shout out but no more pda🙅🏻‍♂️, I can't do it anymore 🤢
Username124 I love them so much
Bestfriend1 love you lucky and you too Charles 😒
arthur_leclerc congrats ig 😕
youusername you don't sound very happy?
arthur_leclerc why did you have to choose....him tho? 🙁
charles_leclerc you know I can see this comment right?
arthur_leclerc So? she's way out of your league
Username27 we about to get the girlfriend effect goodbye cloud pants
charles_leclerc what's wrong with my pants? 🙁
Username27 everything.
charles_leclerc @yourusername baby are my pants that bad ☹?
yourusername oh they aren't THAT bad Charlie 😅
Username27 but they ARE that bad 🤥
yourusername well don't tell him that 😓
charles_leclerc 😞
yourusername don't worry baby we will work on it okay 🥰
charles_leclerc okay 😍
Username1 what is this comment section 😭
Username16 silly season in full affect
Username3 Charles is a simp 🤣
Username6 I would be too if I was dating lucky
Username5 con😭grat😭u😭lat😭ions Charles
Username45 I can't believe uber boy got lucky 🙄😒
Username4 oh to be dating charles 😪
Username1 oh to be dating lucky
Username11 do you guys need a dog? I can bark 🐕🧎🏼‍♀️
charles_leclerc Already got one 😍
Username11 what do you mean by that 🤨
scuderiaferrari wow this totally sfw post is so lovely, congratulations to the new couple 😍
Username21 help 😭😭
Username8 admin what about charles and luckys' stories 🤣
scuderiaferrari admin has no idea what you're talking about 😆 I definitely have NOT seen post that could be considered nsfw AT ALL 😃 especially not at 8 IN THE MORNING HAHAH 🤣
Username37 IJBOL ferrari admin is freaking out 😭
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aerithisms · 2 days
i think my problem with this dw season arc accusing the audience of fanbrain for theorising about ruby is that it both feels deceitful and isn't actually that compelling from a character perspective. the season goes out of its way to build up supernatural mystery around ruby and even invokes susan more heavily than ever before in a way that is deliberately trying to get the audience to make those connections. and then it turns around and says you stupid idiot why would you ever try to connect these dots i have deliberately tried to get you to connect.
building up a mystery only for the character to be ordinary is an impossible girl arc redux only this time accusing the viewer of failing to see the humanity of the companion, whereas the impossible girl arc was turning that accusation on the doctor. 7b didn't really blame the audience for viewing clara as a puzzle and in fact several times spells out the fact that clara is perfectly ordinary before the big reveal to give the audience a chance to catch on. as 7b goes on, instead of laying the mystery on thicker, the audience just gets more and more affirmations that clara is a normal human being (rings of akhaten, journey to the centre of the tardis, hide). i found this approach compelling because it was rooted in character, focusing on the doctor's disconnection from humanity/the gendered dynamic of a man treating a woman as his manic pixie mystery to pull him out of grief. s14's meta approach of accusing the viewer feels both unfair, given it has deliberately led the viewer towards theorising, and personally less compelling to me because it wasn't tied into character in any way.
the thing about rey's parentage in tlj is that the reason rian johnson chose to go for that reveal was that it was the only answer that was interesting. none of the theories - rey is a skywalker, rey is a kenobi, and even the eventually canonical rey is a palpatine - were interesting or satisfying because they brought nothing compelling to the table for the story being told. the only satisfaction to be gained from those answers was a fanbrained "omg rey is important because she's related to that guy from the other movie." on top of that, rey desperately wants her parents to have been important, to give her life and her abandonment some kind of significance. so them being ordinary provided the most compelling trajectory for her character because it was the thing she least wanted to hear. it forced her to do the most introspection and growth, as well as tying into the film's themes about the capacity of ordinary people to be special. it wasn't just a choice made to "gotcha" the viewer, it was rooted in character.
i don't think ruby's mother being ordinary accomplishes the same thing. by invoking susan, s14 is engaging with the most egregious example of the doctor's streak of abandonment, which has potential to be very compelling in relation to ruby (and now also the doctor's) own abandonment issues. theories that ruby might be susan, or be somehow related to susan, or somehow related to the doctor, weren't just fanbrained "omg she's related to that guy i know from the classic series." they were theories genuinely rooted in character and the potential to explore both the doctor and ruby's issues with abandonment. and this is something the show willingly led fans towards by invoking susan so much in the first place. so for the show to turn around and act like they were shallow out of nowhere ideas when they were not shallow and were based on potential character conflicts the show itself deliberately invoked, feels misguided.
as well as that, ruby's mother being ordinary does not require that same growth from ruby as it did for rey because it is exactly what ruby wanted to hear. she never wanted her mother to be important, she just wanted to know who her mother was and have a connection with her. so finding out she was a normal woman who still loves her and wants to be a part of her life is everything she's ever wanted. it doesn't introduce interesting conflict for her the way rey's parents being ordinary did for her, because they were written as different characters with different hangups over their abandonment.
tl;dr i don't necessarily dislike ruby's mother being ordinary as an idea but compared to the things it was inspired by - 7b and star wars - it is not nearly as compelling in terms of how it relates to the characters or themes. and the meta angle, while conceptually interesting, doesn't quite work for me because it feels a little manipulative of the audience.
#blahs#dw#dw spoilers#like to be clear i'm not necessarily saying ruby's mother SHOULD have turned out to be susan#i'm saying that if it was always going to be an ordinary woman then rtd should've constructed a better arc around that#bc for the one he did write it's not that compelling of an answer. it doesn't really move anyone forward except maybe the doctor himself#bc the doctor is now sad that ruby has what he can never find#like yeah okay that's interesting... next season. and for the doctor. but not really for ruby!! and not for s14 as a whole!!#and like pulling the rug out of a mystery like this is something moffat also did a lot#like invoking the name of the doctor only to not reveal it or teasing the hybrid as a big alien villain only for it to be twelveclara#but the thing about those is that moffat never makes the answer that he rejects genuinely compelling#like he rejects learning the doctor's name bc there is nothing compelling about knowing it and he never tries to make you think there is#he rejects the hybrid as a warrior alien bc there's nothing compelling about that and he doesn't try to make you think there is#i feel subversive moffat mysteries are always leading you towards why the answer he gives you is the most compelling one#which i don't think s14 accomplishes. instead it's like haha! tricked you! your genuinely interesting theories are silly and dumb!#idk. i see the vision but i don't think it was handled with a deft hand so it ended up kind of a mess that didn't land imo
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kodamaghost00 · 3 days
30 L lawliet Headcanons
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This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw, Fluff, Smut It's also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys!
You’re a task force member in this scenario.
He wouldn’t call you any nicknames, so that the other task force members won’t notices you two liking each other.
But the few times you two are alone together he calls you “Dear” or “Love”. He sticks with the romantic names.
He shares all his sweets with you, but you have to ask him nicely.
He enjoys gentle affection way more than rough love. Gentle hugs or forehead kisses are always welcome.
He doesn’t fall in love easily. In fact I would put him into the Aromatic spectrum. Only for the fact that he’s too focused on being the greatest detective of all time.
It took him some time as well to notice he loves you. Around 2-3 years to be exact.
He had some people seeking his love, but he never responded to any of them.
He’s probably the smartest man alive so sometimes you feel dumb next to him. (Sometimes he reassures you that you’re doing great)
His love language is Acts Of Service. He appreciates it the most when you buy him cake. He loves it even more when you backe one yourself!
He rarely cries. Like at all. You saw him cry like 1-2 times since you got to know him years ago.
He’s very paranoid of Kira killing you. Most of the time he tries to exclude you from the investigation.
Once you made him strawberry shortcake and he loved it! Loved it so much he wanted to show you how grateful he was…
He loves to give and receive neck kisses. He’d leave hickeys on you too but only where people can’t see them.
After all he wants to enjoy you alone. He’s very gentle so he rarely bites you. Not even when you ask him.
“I just don’t want to hurt you, that’s all. You’re so stubborn…”
He has great reflexes and is super flexible as well. He’s willing to try everything for your sake.
He also has a lot stamina. So you have to be prepared for nights that will last long. He cums throughout a lot.
He canonically can tie a cherry stem with his tongue only. Do whatever you want with this information.
He whimpers. But groans when he’s close.
He’s always awkward when it comes to aftercare. He doesn’t know what you want/need so he just decides to ask “What do you want to do now…?”
His cluelessness makes you chuckle most times but he does whatever you ask from him.
He’s not a fan of “sour” fruits like kiwi,pineapple or cranberry. He enjoys the sweeter stuff like banana,strawberry and cherry!
He’s the type of person that’s go non-verbal and let you ramble about your special interests. Not interfering once. Just absorbing all the information you provide.
If you guys fight he will apologize. Even if he knows he is right. He doesn’t like fighting with his loved ones.
He likes to buy you gifts at many times… he likes seeing your surprised smile!
He likes to hear your breathing while you sleep in one bed. It’s a nice ambiance.
He hates nuts. Walnuts, peanuts or even almonds. Everything nut related is a no go.
Every time you do something to make him laugh like embarrassing yourself for his sake, he laughs out of pity for you…
His full genuine laugh is so contagious… it’s really rare, so rare that no one besides you and Watari heard it before.
He takes his time with marriage or any commitment. He wants to make sure that you’re REALLY ready to marry a man like him.
Hey guys! I’m really sorry that these took so long… and I’m also sorry if some Headcanons should come up twice, I’ve written this over a month now and just now finished it… don’t be too harsh on me!!!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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erinwantstowrite · 16 hours
hi!! first off i just want to say i love LOF and i think it really stands out in this niche genre of “spiderman in gotham”, its my absolute favourite fic rn and im loving the long chapters and dynamics between characters :)
for my question, i wanted to know if you ever considered writing any portions of peters past. specifically when he was “Parker”, an informant for the avengers. it sounds like a really interesting story and i’d love to know more about it, no pressure tho ^^
thank you so much!! I do plan on writing more about it. I honestly want to do a prequel,,,
I have some of it written actually. It was called It's called "Technically Not a Lie (Just Omitting Information)" and what is hilarious about that is it's only 27,000 words right now. I haven't touched that fic in forever because I just... had all of the information written down and the planning, and I got into Batfam and was like "Let's just write a little about this" and we can all blame @alighterwood for where we are now LMFAOOO
Thing is, I never expected LoF to get so popular, which is why it was posted first. I was like "I'll just make sure as much as I can that LoF is clear about his past so anyone who isn't me can read it and be fine." And now that we're here, I'm like "...that might be important."
I think it would be fun to have a prequel so more people can see the dynamics of Peter's world from before LoF in a much clearer light.
I kind of wanna shed a little light on how this prequel would go:
He ran from his last foster house at 12 years old, and he's year years old in this fic. In that time, he has been determined to make a life for himself all on his own, as well as help people as Spider-Man. He has no idea that his personality made people trust him so much. He's only on the street for about a year by the time the story starts, but "Parker" is very much intertwined with people. People just know him, he's the kid that the other kids go to for help. Even without Spider-Man (who, at this point, has only just gotten a proper suit and people actually realize he's not a cryptid), Parker manages to help people.
That's why the Avengers end up talking to him. Kids are going missing in Queens and show up dead- but most of them are the homeless population. They think it has something to do with people trying to make a knock-off super solider serum, and during their investigation, everything comes back to "That Parker Guy." Not in a bad way- everything has nice things to say. One kid even says they'll only talk to them if Parker vouches for them.
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Turns out, Parker is a 13 year old and a fucking genius. I mentioned in LoF chapter 1 about it a little bit, and here and there it was mentioned. Peter gives the Avengers a real run for their money the way he does for the Batfam. Except it's ten times worse because he hasn't gone to therapy and is on his own, yknow?
So Bucky and Steve run across Peter (who is doing his own investigation into the missing kids as both Parker and Spider-Man) and that conversation ends with Peter going "Look behind you!" and sprinting in the opposite direction.
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Sam and Banner are the ones that really track Parker down and have the first contact with him, and from there, he becomes their informant. Of course, he's also lying to their faces. Swears that he has a mother waiting for him and that he's just really good friends with these people. And people have lied several times to their faces for Peter, going with the lie, which muddies the waters about what is and isn't the truth.
From there, the rest is history. Tony thought he was just viewing Peter like he was a puzzle to figure out, and is truly shaken to his core when he realizes how much he cares about the little shit. When Peter gets kidnapped by the people making the knock off serum, they go looking for him. And Peter ends up having a home :)
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hayleyscommet15 · 1 day
jealousy suits you
relationship: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: smut, fingering, cursing, VERY intense sex, mature, dni if under 18!
word count: 2.4k
summary: at a party, billie sees you with another man. well, good thing jealousy suits her…
a/n: paaart two?
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billie and you had been dating for a while now, you were at the point where you’d be comfortable saying i love you. so basically a pretty solid place in your relationship where you’d gain your trust. yet that didn’t mean billie didn’t get jealous anymore, she was still a freak. every guy or girl who had the slightest intention of flirting you would regret it. billie was overprotective, and you didn’t mind.
you sat at the bar at a party billie had invited you to. it was another well known person hosting the event. billie had been dragged into conversation, catching up with a couple of old friends and chatting with new identities. it didn’t bother you one bit, yet you were alone at your seat mainly because you got bored. of course it didn’t seem like an issue that billie was making conversation with other people. you were just bored because you didn’t know anyone else, and also needed space because of the flashy lights, loud music and fierce atmosphere.
you stirred you cocktail with the short black straw as you stared deep in to your drink. the thought of being home scratched your brain. the comfort that being out of the black mini dress you were wearing would give you was amazing at that moment. all you wanted in that moment to be in comfortable clothes, a less noisy and overwhelming place and to be sat with your girlfriend watching tv. that’s all you wanted. but no, you were in this stupid bar, with scratchy clothing, and your girlfriend no where to be found.
“bored?” a young man sat next to you on the pressurized bar stools. he joined his eyes with yours. the man was dressed in a black suit and a matching black shirt with crimson details. his crimson tie matched the small features on his shirt. his dark black eyes and slick back hair caught your eye. “exactly.” you responded, keeping it short. you didn’t want a random guy hitting on you. that was the last thing you wanted.
you drifted your eyes away from his and you turned a bit away from him, facing your almost done drink once more. “the reason you’re bored might be because you’re not talking to anyone. you do realize this is a party, right?” he continued. “i’m very aware.” you said as you faced down to the ground. your eyes caught the gentleman’s shoes. he wore very shiny, designer loafers. he somehow managed to wear his outfit very well, something a dude almost never does. “then, why aren’t you talking to me?” he said, turning his stool so he’d face you.
you lifted your head up, and brought your gaze to his. “listen, i’m really not interested. i’m in a relationship and i would just like to-“ the man cut you off. “oh, are you kidding me? i’m gay.” he said. you cocked an eyebrow before continuing, “oh! i’m- i’m sorry. i just thought” you got cut off once more. “no no- i totally get it. you’re at a very crowded party, you’re bound to get hit on. i know. how did you not guess that I was gay though,” he said, chuckling a bit at the last bit of his sentence. “literally, have you seen a straight guy dressed as good as me before?” he continued. you laughed at his joke, “well, than let’s get you a drink. you might be the highlight of my night.”
he laughed in response, “could I get a martini and a margarita?” he said, raising his hand at the bartender. “you drink heavy.” you said to the guy. “what? i ordered a martini for myself and a refill on your drink?” he said. his what seemed to be an australian accent really showed with his words. “oh! i really shouldn’t be drinking more actually, i get drunk really-“ you got cut off once more by the guy. “c’mon! this is a fun event. another drink won’t hurt!” he pleaded with a soft smile. the bartender placed the drinks in front of you. you sighed in response. yeah, fuck it. another drink couldn’t hurt anyone.
time went on as you chatted with the gentleman. you’d learned that his name was chris and was 33 years old. he had a boyfriend of a year named scott and they lived together in liverpool. he was apparently a successful semi-producer and business for an upcoming artist you hadn’t heard of. in that hour you laughed with him countless times, he had great humor.
meanwhile, billie was outside talking with some friends. she must be having a blast as had forgotten all about you. “hey, i’m gonna get a soda.” she used as an excuse to go find you. she squeezed past you as she climbed up stairs to the second floor which was where you were the last time she saw you. there you were. you sat on the same bar she last saw you at. her view was blocked by the crowd and the fact that she was short. she took a steps towards you, and that’s when she saw you. laughing your ass of with a guy, a guy which seemed to have a charming gaze. billie angrily walked over to you, her steps furious. her immediate thought was that you were flirting with another man. you had to be drunk. no other explanation.
“stop cause i love that movie so much!” you exclaimed in the conversation using hand gestures when you felt a hand snake up your waist. you jolted as you turned around to see your girlfriend with a very obvious mad and jealous look. “i also love that movie where an imbecile of a guy keeps the fuck away from my girlfriend, asshole!” billie yelled towards the guy. “oh, i-“ chris defended himself with hand gestures before geting cut off by billie yelling “i said fuck off!”. she quickly pulled at your waist, dragging you up from the stool you sat on. “billie-“ your words got lost in the crowd. billie directed her hand towards your waist, getting you outside of the house. she walked furiously to her car, pulling you all the way there. she slammed the door as you got in the car.
“billie why-“ you got cut off by her. “don’t make a fucking noise before I drive off a bridge.” she said furiously. jealousy took her to a different level of anger. oh, but how hot she looked being jealous. the drive home was silent like she ordered. when you arrived, billie threw herself out of the car mumbling words. you also got out, following billie. “you’re overreacting, billie.” you said walking. “oh yeah? i’m overreacting that you got drunk and started flirting with a guy?” billie said as she jiggled her keys into the entrance of your house. “flirting? where did you get that?” you defended. “oh, please” billie said as she slam opened the door. “billie it’s not like that! the guy is-“ billie cut you off. “what? the guy’s what? handsome, charming, hot, better than me?” billie kept on yelling as she threw her keys onto the mantle. she stood still at the front of the door, the door was still cracked slightly open.
you grinned. “gosh, you look so sexy jealous.” you said quietly as you took a step towards her. your hands roamed her top before they grabbed her collar. “stop drifting this to another place. you were about to cheat on me!” billie yelled as she threw your hands off your body. “cheat on you? how could i cheat on you? maybe i was doing it to get you fired up.” you said, inching even closer to her. your faces were inches apart. “maybe i was doing it to get you jealous. you’d have to see how hot you look when you’re burning with jealously. so then maybe you’d lay me down, you’d strip off my clothes. you’d tease me until i’d start to beg. i would beg for you to fuck me.” you leaned down so your lips could be inches apart from each other. you whispered, “i could be your doll. you’d fuck me merciless, until i can’t take it anymore. i’d scream your name.” before billie slammed her lips onto yours, taking both arms and wrapping them around your neck, pulling you closer to her.
you slammed her against the door, making it close. you let your free hands roam all around billie’s back. billie’s tongue pressed up on your entrance, you let out a moan before allowing access. you pull away to get a breather. “i told you you’re hot when you’re jealous.” you said, billie moaned at your words before latching her lips onto yours once more. you starting going backwards as billie followed you into the living room, not once breaking contact from the heated kiss. the back of your legs hit the couch as you let yourself fall on it with billie on top of you. you laid still on the couch, sometimes whimpering from the sensation on your lips, which was made by the woman on top of you. billie pulled on the edge of your dress, demanding it off.
“wait” you said breaking the kiss. you stood up slightly on the couch as billie reached for the zipper on your dress. you latched your lips onto billie’s neck, leaving small marks as you trail down. billie whimpers at the touch as she works on getting your dress off. billie looked at your perfect body, mouth salivating. she got back into your kiss as this time you tried to take her clothing off. you unbuttoned her shirt before cupping her breasts, gaining a moan. billie broke the kiss to make contact with your ear. she nibbled on your sensitive earlobes, savoring you. she then went down your neck, sucking and placing kisses as you already started pleasure building up. she reached your lips as she hungrily made out with you once more. her hands roamed all around your body, before landing on your earlobes. she toyed with your lobe as she went on kissing you. she latched herself onto your neck once more. she left a trail down as she reached the valley between your breasts.
she gave a lick, shivers went down you spine. “take this off” billie demanded as you reached to take your bra off. “you knew we were gonna do this today?” billie said, glazing at the matching lingerie you wore. “i knew i was gonna get laid,” you said as you took of your bra, “just didn’t know by who.” you said as you stared deep into billie’s ocean blues, smirking. that sentence just made her mad her even more. she started working on your breasts, pinching and rubbing your hard nipples. she worked on your body like it was the last day ever, acting harsh trying to get her anger out. her fingertips traced your waist as you trembled at the cold touch. she trailed until the inside of your thigh. you whimpered at the touch.
she let go of your breast and trails down kisses until she reached down to your clit. she pressed a kiss at your clit covered up by your underwear, earning a moan from the pressure. “not so fast” billie said as she brought herself back up to you as she made deep eye contact. she hovered on top of you. “i’m gonna punish you.” billie whispered into your ear. “are you gonna be a good girl for me?” she continued. her voice was so attractive. she traced her cold fingertips around your bare body. “i will.” you said firmly. “good. so, you’ll be able to keep yourself together watching me touch myself?” billie said teasing you. you could feel her grin. “i guess we’ll have to find out.” you reply. billie stops her hands right on your underwear, and gives you a slap on your pussy, targeting your pussy. you tremble at the pleasure. “you better. or i’ll make your punishment way worse” billie whispered before moving back to her original spot.
she sat on your legs, you placed your hands behind your head. billie took off her bottom slowly, your eyes watched her every move. you bit your bottom lip as you watched billie’s hot moves. she moved her fingers towards your mouth, “lick them for me” billie said as you got her fingers wet. she later moved her wet fingers to her clit, rubbing in circles. she let her head fall back as she picked up her pace. “fuck” she softly moaned. her fingers slid down her slit. she teased herself by pushing the tip of her fingers in and out. she moaned at the pleasure. you watched her please herself, mouth watering.
billie started penetrating herself, going at a fast pace. billie started moaning uncontrollably. she pulled her head up to connect her ocean blue’s with yours. you just couldn’t take it anymore, watching her give insane amounts of pleasure and you just staying there. maybe you’d get way more punishment by her, yet you needed her.
you hastily got up from your position laying down, you picked billie up by the waist. her eyes widened on what you were doing. i’m one movement you switched places so you were on top of billie. “y/n what are you- FUCK!” billie exclaimed when your fingers entered her hole. you went into pull her into a hot kiss. you started making out with her, tongues fighting into your mouths as you pump into her. billie moans into your mouth occasionally. you add another finger into her, making her gain even more pleasure. you curl your fingers inside of her, just hitting her stop. “fuck, y/n!” she says moaning your name. you grin, and pick up your pace even more. you lick her bottom lip and pull away from the kiss. your other hands thumb softly presses on clit, “i’m gonna- fuck” billie exclaimed, letting her head fall back. you go even faster, at those words. you feel her walls start clenching closer around your fingers. her moans get louder, sweat around her forehead makes her bangs stick to her face. you feel her juices come out as you ease her through her orgasm.
“oh you’re so fucked.” billie whispers breaths heavily against your ear. she lays her head down as she takes a breather from the intense orgasm she just had. oh, but billie doesn’t rest. “i’m gonna fuck the light out of you.” she says before connecting your lips once more.
paaart two?
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i was thinking about how ariel from the little mermaid is criticized so harshly for "giving up her voice and family for some guy" when there was definitely a lot more to it than that.
ariel had dreams outside of eric. she wanted to see the world, she wanted to get acquainted with humans and human traditions and she wasn't satisfied with her life underwater. that was the whole point of "part of your world", she barely mentions eric in it. he was just a bonus in her new life, not her entire purpose.
why am i talking about a random disney movie? it's because i was thinking of lumity, and how amity also rebelled against her family for a new life. except.. amity really only mentions luz (and "the others" because let's be real, she did not give a shit about willow and gus at that point). amity's sole reason to go against her family's values was luz.
this, if anything, could be considered "giving up everything for a love interest" but people don't see it that way because amity's parents were shitty to begin with. but if you look at the little mermaid from a different perspective, you could argue that king triton wasn't a very good parent either.
he literally throws a temper tantrum just because his teenage daughter has a crush on a guy. ariel is legit terrified in that scene, and regardless of whether triton had good intentions or not, he made his daughter feel unsafe and turn to an impulsive decision in a moment of emotional distress.
all of this to say, you could argue that ariel had no reason to stay with her family either, given that her father lacks emotional sensitivity and does not sit down and try to communicate with his child, instead of destroying her collection and scaring her away.
coming back to amity, i can understand that luz inspired her to actually do something about her abusive parents, and that's sweet. but we never get to see what else amity wanted. since they never established a friendship arc between amity and gus or willow (she apologized to willow, sure, but the rekindling of their relationship happens much later on), all we know is that amity is tired of being abused and she wants to be with luz.
from an abuse victim's perspective, amity standing up against her parents was powerful. but unlike ariel, amity doesn't seem to want anything besides luz. and she never explores what she wants to do, now that she has successfully cut herself away from her mother's influence. her whole life revolves around luz after that.
there was that abomination brawl episode but even that ended up being about luz. the brawl was just a quick montage, it only existed for the emotional drama that came later on. in fact, even when the plot was focused on amity, it was more about her relationship with her father rather than her autonomy and personal interests.
there's a reason why a lot of people liked the mean girl version of amity. she had personality, she had interests and goals, she had CHARACTER. it was all fake and a result of trauma, but it was there and it helped flesh out her character. but after she is redeemed? there's nothing left of the old amity, not even the more positive/neutral traits, and her only personality is "luz's awesome girlfriend".
amity's arc should have been about exploring what she wanted outside of her parents' wishes. abuse often turns you into a shell of a person and recovering from years of trauma isn't as simple as getting a romantic partner. it takes therapy (and that is canonically an option in the boiling isles, let me remind you), it takes self-reflection, it takes giving yourself the permission to choose your own destiny and explore yourself outside of your abusers' expectations.
and amity gets none of this. her trauma and arc was resolved too quickly, even for a show that was cut short. they just gave her a makeover, got her into a relationship with luz and called it a day. the only reason people aren't giving her the ariel treatment is (probably) because lumity is a queer ship.
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zuko and katara have genuinely SUCH an interesting dynamic and relationship to explore when you don’t have a bitch in your ear trying to tell you they should kiss.
like there’s nothing objectively wrong with shipping zut4ra but i CANNOT find any proper duo content of them that isn’t romantic or romantically implied and it annoys me. no i don’t think they would work. no i don’t think Katara would give up her man for that guy of all people. no I don’t think Zuko would be romantically interested in Katara. yes i do think that reducing all of their feelings towards each other into ‘romance’ oversimplifies and undermines the depth of the platonic relationship that they actually do have in established canon. yes whatever I’m sure there’s something sweet about a boy trying to get a girl to forgive him by helping her get revenge on the guy that killed her mom but don’t you think that it’s actually much more profound if there are no romantic ulterior motives whatsoever and it’s actually just a demonstration of the lengths Zuko will go to because he cares deeply about his friends and their feelings and what they think about him and he wants Katara to like him and he’s genuinely sorry that he broke her trust by warming up to her slightly before betraying them and to make sure she knows that he was being sincere and he actually was touched by what she said he tries to find a way for her to heal a wound that he knows tears her apart and it’s a wound he wishes he could heal in himself. and he does it because he’s trying to earn her forgiveness, not her love. he’s trying to earn himself the right to look her in the eye, not to hold her hand. he’s trying to amend for the mistakes of his people for nothing but the better of others.
and when Katara offers to heal him in the cave, it’s not because she’s fallen head over heels at all, or even in the slightest. she’s the first to see the light in him, and she sees a boy who’s been hurt by the fire nation in a similar way to her. she recognises that if she can convince him to come with her now, the gaang is up by a firebending teacher and a friend at best, and down an enemy at least at worst. for a moment she sees him for who he is and what he’s been through and it’s not because she likes him. the thought doesn’t even cross her mind, it’s just in her nature as a person to be caring and understanding and she has the help she can tell he needs, so she extends a hand.
and when they face Azula together? Katara was the first to reach out when it was almost the right time, and she’s the one who’ll be there to help him see it through. When he takes a bolt for her, isn’t it more profound that he jumps in front of the bolt not out of romantic love, but because Zuko is the kind of person who would put himself in mortal danger for anyone he cared about? Because his heart’s too big and because he’s seen those he love get hurt too many times to stand there and let them take it?
anyway I’ve spent too much of this post refuting romance but not actually expressing what it is i do like about their platonic dynamic but it’s late and i don’t have the words. so i’ll just say it’s such in that it would be really funny if Zuko instead dated Katara’s brother. and they yap together and she gives him a list of interests and he tells her embarrassing date stories. they also yap a lot about Aang because like. Zuko’s bff and Katara’s bf he’d probably come up a lot. also Maiko’s platonic shit-talking exes/close friends dynamic solos their romantic dynamic but that’s a discussion for another day ^-^
ship name censored because I don’t intend for any negativity to actually intrude upon certain shipping spaces lmao. i’m rarely opinionated but i don’t really care tbh i just wish there was more platonic stuff out there or i saw less romantic stuff el oh el
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anxresi · 2 days
They're absolutely right...
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...It's the writers that deserve the lion's share of the backlash, for poor, innocent, boring-as-hell Zoe is merely a tool of the oppressor, aka Mr Astruc. What's being oppressed, you may well ask? Well, interesting storylines, proper continuity, two-dimensional personalities... I could go on. Everything that makes a show compulsive and rewarding viewing that Miraculous Ladybug conspicuously and utterly lacks in every department due to his increasingly destructive machinations, basically.
This pink-streaked plot device masquerading as a serious character can (along with another equally pointless individual called 'Soquerline' who was so unmemorable I almost forgot she was ever a thing) exists for one reason and one reason only: to diminish Chloe's relevance and role in the show to the sum of precisely nothing. Well after S5, job done I guess guys. Well done. Well done indeed. (Although apparently not... they're bringing Miss Bourgeois back for more torture in the London 'special'. Guess Tommy Boy just can't keep away from his favorite punching bag, can he?)
The irony is though, having such a super-sweet but dull-as-ditchwater Mary Sue to replace a well-established and multi-layered person such as Chloe actually sends out a seriously awful message. Why? Because if I was a bad kid and saw S1-3 Chloe, I'd think 'what a fascinating redemption arc, I can inspired by that and do better.' But after seeing S4-5 Chloe and what an arguable downgrade as a replacement the incredibly tedious Zoe is, I'd be more like 'well, obviously there's no point in trying to be good, because you'll probably turn into a psychopath overnight with no explanation in the middle of your genuine efforts to improve. And if what the show is presenting to me as the ideal for a teenage girl to be is the waste-of-blank-space that Zoe clearly is... then a life of deliquency sounds more tempting with every passing minute! Now, where did I put my spray can?'
The most shameless aspect to this whole argument though, is by those trying to paint the hapless Zoe as some kind of lesbian icon. Pardon? She got a plot-mandated crush on Marinette in one episode and somehow that makes her insipid and needless presence an asset for the gay community? Somehow a few people have got it into their heads if you 'dare' to make someone non-straight in cartoons these days you deserve a big pat on the back for that 'risk' alone. WRONG. They should also be fleshed-out, complex, necessary characters whose sexuality isn't just define them or deflect from deserved criticism as to what the hell they are doing there if they turn up in the middle of proceedings with no prior explanation. See: The Owl House for how it's done.
And that's all Zoe being gay is... an irrelevant trait Mr Astruc can point to cynically and say ' you're a bigot for disliking her whatever your reasons are, so I'm not listening to you' instead of engaging with the actual argument which is SHE IS NOT AND WAS NEVER NEEDED IN THE SHOW. Everything you required to make Chloe the brilliant character she could've been was RIGHT THERE in the script but you CHOSE to rub it all out and scrawl some hastily scribbled doodle with no personality other than being 'very nice' in her place. A tragedy. The worst case of self-vandalism I've ever seen. No wonder Jeremy Zag wants to start from scratch with his rebooted movies. More power to him, IMHO.
Needless to say, nearly all the above in the quoted post about her father loving her (we haven't met him yet, it's DEFINITELY not Andre Bourgeois, his name ends in 'Lee' for a start) her supposed growth (the only 'growth' she's had is when she turned into that giant golden Chloe after being akumatized) her alleged pansexuality (all in the desperate mind of the OP) her 'abusive' family (I think you'll find Chloe had it FAR WORSE over the course of the show in that regard, so why not idolise her?) is complete bunkum. and to be frank I couldn't compose a much delusional post if I tried. Sometimes I wonder: what planet are some people on to reach such implausible conclusions? I don't understand it, I'll never understand it and quite frankly I feel quite sorry for the arbiters of such risibly deluded takes.
Last but not least though, we have...
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Now this I ALSO agree with 1000%. And I know just the place to 'flush' her... ;)
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devastatinglygreen · 2 days
I really like hearing your opinion on the things the fandom is hung up on and I haven't seen you say anything yet so I wanted to know what you thought of Colin's entrapment comment?
ohhhh interesting (and thank you tho i am sure you will regret it). i am here to provide 24/7 personalized hot takes so don't worry i will bother everyone with my opinion.
why do i, personally, think he said it? aside from being hurt? i sort of have a very nebulous idea of it that i noticed on a rewatch (yes i will rewatch this season consistently, it's now my among my favorite comfort tv shows along with 2005's p&p (which is a movie i know), that one season of friends, that flea market show i hate (don't ask), and the entirety of bob's burgers) but colin has no idea penelope loves him until episode 6 so it's connected to that.
i am very sorry you were brave enough to ask me a question and now have to read all the nonsense below. god speed.
like, he's flying blind and after the carriage (insert pitbull music...and fingers here) he's pretty insecure that's he's moving a lot faster than she is. it's unsettling to be head over ass in love and feel like you're not worthy of it and then not even be sure where the other person is. that penelope doesn't reciprocate when he first says it to her is noticeable but he moves on so quickly you can sort of assume he doesn't want to give her a chance to, like he's scared of the answer if he asks.
colin waxes poetic about love, about penelope, etc all through eps 5 and 6. he's consumed by it and to be fair, they were on different wavelengths in part 1. she was trying to let him go and move past him and he was stumbling and staring and wanting to die with wanting her while she was like, "hey this guy you hate for no reason likes me, isn't that cool?" and it's pretty fresh for him so i would think something like that lingers.
when she tells him she loves him in ep 6, he's happy. and relieved. i also think he's been expecting bad news (which, you know. it, uh, will be later) so it's a relief to hear that they're on the same page but, and this stuck out to me the first time i heard it, she says she loved him while pretending to be his friend. she corrects herself because of course she was actually his friend but she loved him underneath of it all as well but penelope isn't always the best with words when on the spot and it takes her a moment to calm down and gather her thoughts. the relief (and guilt of him not knowing/reciprocating) is very obvious in the moment and i think he was thrilled to hear that she loved him back.
which leads us to the LW fight. which makes him question if he ever knew her at all. he does, of course he does, but she's been this secret second person who has written about him, his family, her best friend, and her own family for years. penelope's intentions are never malicious when it comes to protecting the people she loves but the execution can leave a fair bit to be desired. she doesn't lie but she isn't always kind, either.
so you have this man beyond in love with a woman he doesn't think he can trust who just admitted she'd loved him for years. it's easy to live in that hurt and anger and assume the worst of someone when they've just betrayed your trust so deeply. it would probably be easy to feel manipulated. i don't think him questioning her motives is beyond the realm of possibility but i do think penelope is better than me because if i get accused of something i didn't do i would act up something fierce (see this is why my husband had to marry me, he had to keep me from terrorizing the rest of the population with my dramatics. a hero of our times, really).
anyways, what i mean is, i think it's easy to ignore the lead up to that betrayal as an audience since we know penelope's anguish and hurt over what she's done but colin has no idea and it's very fresh for him so it's easy to lash out and think everything had a motive. penelope as LW is very calculating and pointed. i think it's smart of her, actually, to continually tell him she loves him and not constantly poke at the argument. she's not giving him anything else to hold up and use against her after the fact. she's very frank and open even when they have their argument in the street.
this idea he has of LW is this hurtful, manipulative person playing with people's lives. like, LW would entrap him but penelope wouldn't so it's easy to hate one and love the other and i think his inability to bring them together as one person could play into that dynamic of feeling insecure of what her intentions were. you can sort of see each time he breaks because he knows penelope loves him but he steps back each time he's reminded of LW and how it comes between them.
something i also think plays out in his inability to communicate effectively and how deeply his self-loathing goes into his jealousy of her success and how he's incapable of being intimate with penelope until he's in a better headspace. he loves penelope. he wants to marry her and be with her and live a life with her but there's a 3rd person in his marriage in his mind and what does one do with all of that when you're so firmly penelope-sexual you're staring at the walls in a brothel when you're still single? idk man.
just remember if you're sorry for having read this, i am sorrier for having written it. except for the penelope-sexual part. that's still funny to me.
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you should absolutely write the genderbent outsiders fic, it would be so interesting to see how many things get changed. often people genderbend one person and just turn them into someone everyone's attracted to rather than looking at character, or they do change everyone but it's still all surface level changes but from what i've seen you seem like you'd do something really interesting with it
(no pressure obviously but it's a really cool idea especially with the attitudes of the outsiders (how would the scene where they meet cherry and marcia play out for example?))
HI! Ok so I do love this idea but I dont have time to wrote a full fic with the nuance it deserves but I did write out two little scenes for it so I'll post them here! One is lifted almost directly from the book its just the genderben take on it :)
“Speaking of movies,” Dalia flicked away her cigarette butt, “I’m thinking of walkin’ over to the nightly double tomorrow night. Might find someone to fool around with. Anyone wanna come?”
Stella shook her head. “The boys are takin’ me and Soda to the game.”
She didn’t need to look at me the way she did then. I wasn’t gonna try and stick around or nothing. I liked Soda’s boy, James, well enough and sometimes they’d offer me and Dar to go with them when they went to do stuff, but I wasn’t gonna try and third wheel. I’d never admit it, because Soda really likes Stella a lot, but sometimes I hate her. She doesn’t need to be half so possessive as she is over everything all the time- and Soda is my sister.
Darlene sighed, just like I knew she would. Darlene never had time to do anything with us anymore. “I have a date tomorrow night.”
She sounded less than enthused at the prospect, and Soda and I shared a look. Ever since mom and dad died, Darlene had spent nearly every night she wasn’t working going on various dates, with each guy seemingly worse than the last- and much as she tried to hide it, it wasn’t hard for Soda and me to guess why. It kind of killed me that my once vivacious sister, who’d always been so fiercely independent, was throwing herself at every mediocre guy who looked her way trying to find someone to provide for her, for us. On her own, Darlene would never consider marriage, at twenty no less, but now she had Soda to support for another year and me for another four and we all knew her two jobs were barely covering bills already. Sometimes the guilt of it, what Dar had already given up and what she was further prepared to lose made me so guilty and sad I couldn’t stand it. I knew Soda felt the same way.
Dalia just rolled her eyes. She only went on dates when it suited her, and only to cause trouble. She didn’t get Dar’s obsession with finding a good man- or if she did, she clearly didn’t respect it. 
“What about the rest of y’all? Two-bit? Jennygirl? You an’ Pony wanna come?”
“Me’n Jenny’ll come,” I knew Jenny wouldn’t open her mouth unless she was forced to, “Okay Dar?”
“You make sure she gets her ass straight home, Soda,” Darlene says, “I mean it.”
I roll my eyes and she fixes me with an icy glare.
“Don’t get huffy with me, Ponygirl. You’re lucky you ain’t grounded. You know better than to be goin’ to the movie house alone.”
“No buts,” she fixes me with a stern glare. If it weren't for how cold her eyes are she could be real pretty with her tumble of smoky curls and delicate nose. Now though, she just looks mean, like Tamina Shepard or one of the other girls who date the gang leaders round town, “you ain’t a boy Pony, you gotta quit goin’ around actin’ like one.”
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Shanks. Oh Shanks…
Yes he is kinda the guy on the beach who wasn’t lying about knowing karate.
When we meet him he’s relaxing/chilling/taking a breather in a little hidden away port to get away from the Navy. This is in a world where stories about Pirates (and many actual Pirates) are about how much chaos and pain and destruction they bring simply looking for treasure. But not Shanks and not in Foosha.
He puts people at ease because there is no reason to antagonize or bully the locals. He spends his days flirting it up at the bar. When someone does come looking for a fight, he’s not easily baited either. Some things aren’t worth it, a message he teaches Luffy. It takes a kidnapping for Shanks to step up and remind everyone that not only is he a real pirate, but a dangerous one at that.
He also has scars. Very sexy scars. And they don’t seem to turn him bitter or spur him on life. His facial scarring is a lesson about how there are people who will never fight fair and if you’re going to get anywhere you should recognize and respond appropriately. And they really give some character and contrast to him. I really can’t explain why. He also SCARIFICED HIS ARM FOR A CHILD. This man jumps into the ocean knowing full well there is a legit sea monster waiting for a snack and swims out to save a boy who had idolized him, acted out, and eaten Shanks’ treasure. What kind of Pirate risks life and limb for a kid who took their most powerful possession? THEN!! Then this man is able to TURN BACK THE SEA MONSTER WITH A LOOK. That’s all! Just a very intense look saying “you may be called a Sea King but I am an Emperor so get!” (Ps he’s not an emperor yet) And it works!!
Now yes, he is a total slut. I personally subscribe to a specific endgame ship where such behavior changes when he falls in love but man is always going to have his manwhore vibe. But they are the best? Like he’s not creeping or forceful about it. He knows he’s attractive and he knows what parties interested in a night (or so) of fun look like. And if he were in this world now or back during the golden age of piracy, I would be like “yeah walking STD” but it seems like everyone whose anyone in One Piece has a capable doctor. If he did catch something he’d appropriatly take care of it.
Shanks is also not completely irresponsible. Man is captain of a ship with a crew and fleet who like him and believe in him. He makes world altering decisions on the regular. He has been granted audiences with the 5 elders. He fights other Emperors. He’s been playing a long game. His first teacher was the Pirate King. Yes, Beckmann definitely keeps things on track at times but Shanks isn’t like a toddler running in all the directions at once. He’s got a plan and he’s been sticking to it. And it’s been working really well.
As for the showers: I personally never thought about it but…in the world of One Piece every ship is complete with all the luxuries of life. This means Red Force is bound to have baths/showers. Shanks isn’t a DF eater so he can take baths and I assume while he might not everyday he does regularly. Plus with a man whose identity/brand is tied to his hair, he’s not letting that get grimy and greasy and dirty. I do believe there is some dependable vanity here which Zoro would lack.
TLDR; Shanks may initially look like a scary threat based on reputation, build, and scaring, but he has a gift for putting people at ease so they see him as some beach bum. But right below that his dangerous aura is ready to burst out when needed (usually in aide of a friend/ally or for his plan). He is an intelligent man who knows what is happening in the World and a very talented swordsman. And the layer below is someone who clearly loves life and all the wonderful things it can offer.
In summary: he has a genuine peacefulness about him that makes him feel safe (when not actively fighting as I mean “peaceful” in relation to being capible of great violence.) and he’s just sexy as sin.
For context, they're responding to this post about Shanks
That's the dichotomy of shakes. He goes from complete dork
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To the absolutely terrifying Emperor of the Sea.
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People like to talk about the yesification and glow-up of most of the characters post-time skip. The most prominent glow-up to me was the dedorkification of shanks. That man was a complete dork for most of the pre-time skip. Now in Wano. What happened?
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He's got a whole new jawline and everything
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But at least he still has his dorky moments
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Fans of IWTV that are problems
People who want to put the blame on one character.
Like sir. Uhm. How do I say this? In a way that can penetrate your mind?
They. Are. All. Horrible. People.
But they are also: All Beautiful People With Love All Consuming.
Both can be true. Because IWTV is the extreme reflection of life and people.
There is this comment on a fan edit on YT that was literally posted a day ago that I found.
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I think we've established Louis is the problem. He is the common denominator in all these toxic relationships. Even his and Claudia's was an unhealthy mess. [Image]
And before I go on, on why this sh*t brings the movement down and I don't and won't tolerate I just want to bash the thinking of this person.
Let me ask you, reader and watcher, if a person in an abusive relationship lands in another abusive relationship are they the problem? Are they seeking to be abused yet again? Do you think they like it? Do you think Louis du Point du Lac went into loving Lestat because Lestat showed anger issues? Insecurities? No. He saw the best in him. He still fucking does. He loves the guy despite his problems. Do you think Louis fell for Armand because he was a gaslighter? A liar? A betrayer and clear child killer? No. He fell for Armand's ability to be soft to be gentle. He fell for his understanding. His clear care and focus on what he wants. His endurance.
"Louis is the problem." The problem here is that there are lies and manipulation from all characters. Louis is a lost soul who is more impulsive than the rest of the characters. He goes through life always seeking, seeking, seeking not really knowing what he is looking for. He also has fucking depression and some deep self-resentment.
But to say he is a problem because he is a victim (and he is because even though he has his strengths in the events between the Big Lestat Drop and The Trial he has been most hurt from both events more than Lestat and Armand (if we don't count Claudia because she was the MOST VICTIM OF ALL OF THEM DURING THAT ERAS)) is disgusting. It's victim blaming. To say he is a common denominator of abuse is stupid. He is the common denominator BECAUSE he attracts powerful love interests who are unhinged.
There is a huge power imbalance between Louis and Lestat. That was unknown. A power imbalance between Louis and Armand that was known but put aside because Armand gave the illusion that he was giving Louis the reigns.
To say Louis is the problem is blaming a wife being beaten, divorcing her husband and then getting in a relationship where she is beaten again. Clearly she's asking for it. (That's how this post sounds like) And. I. Will. Not. Tolerate. It.
Okay. Now that is put aside.
Like I said before.
These vampires are broken. One could argue being beyong repair.
The purpose of the books is to show monsters in love. Monsters who act on humanity but still take it too far.
There's a whole quote that says something about Lestat loving first and how passionate he is but in that love the only way he can show it is through violence. To break it.
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We see Armand who is so loving and so f*cking patient. So eager to be loved. So eager to not be alone. Because he has been so alone all these years and then he meets Louis. Louis with a daughter. Louis with a burning, eager heart to be free this time around. Louis who represents everything Armand desires. To be free of all chains. And in wanting Louis he loves only him. Sees Claudia as chain too. Because Louis broke free of Lestat. Because Claudia, to Armand, is an extension of Lestat. Louis' capturer, maker, abuser.
He loves so much that he sees this as right. To get Louis all to himself. He wants this so badly. He even says it. "I want you more than anything in the world."
Words with weight. Words he meant. Words he carried through. He loves wholly. Obsessively. He loves solely.
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And then Louis. Sweet Saint Louis. A father, a brother, a man who cannot exist or see himself outside of others. He is father, brother, lover, companion, son before he is Louis. This man who cannot exist outside others. This man who because of his spiraling self-hate drags others so he can stop the self- punishment. To get a reprieve. To put this love onto others because he can only love himself by loving and caring about others.
Who cannot love himself. Who drags the body of a stranger's daughter to beg for one himself. Who self sabotages and then tries to fix it. Who loved someone who hurt him because he can't let it go. Who thought he could love a man with burdens and control that was spiraling. A man who he knew felt the loneliness he had too. Louis who begs, demands and pleads and manipulates to get this fix of love. To put it somewhere. Even if it destroys the person he loves. (Paul, Claudia, Lestat and Armand) Just a little bit. Who loves then bites the hand that feeds him. Who loves so much. So much. He gets lost in it. Then drowns. Drowns in his failures. And drags others into it.
(Lestat: You drag me into your gloom. Armand: Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?)
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And it's true to sense. He can't preserve his happiness. And sometimes he goes out of his way to not. Destroys it. (The killing of Lestat. The harsh words in 1970s to Armand) Because he doesn't deserve it.
This is all what it comes to:
They are humans stuck to live forever with these woes and problems and nowhere to put it. No where to put their trauma. So they make it themselves and then try to love with these jagged pieces.
They are fleshed out and more real than any character out there.
They are real. In their monstrosity. In their humanity.
They are horrible, they are beautiful, they are guilty, they are innocent. All of this. All true. All at the same time.
"I could not prevent it."
"...Was a band aid for shitty marriage?"
"This fascinating boy."
"Let me go."
"I love you with all of myself."
"Come to me."
"But she didn't love you. Not like he did, not like I have."
"I hate you."
"I know, I know. She's calling me."
"You and me. Me and you. You and me. Me and you."
"He's...a lot."
"I love you too baby brother."
"I'm not asking Arun."
"Am I all I have endured?"
"THE NAME! UNUTTERED in our home for 23 YEARS!"
"Could you imagine me? Without the burden of her?"
"I want you more than anything in the world."
"She called me an angel. Me!"
"Saint Louis."
"Are your companions?" "Yes." "No."
"I had a hunch."
"He forgave me."
"Why do I owe you my one act of cowardice?"
"Armand preserves my happiness..."
"Claudia is my coven."
"It was never about me."
"Tell her she's beautiful every morning."
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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ironunderstands · 3 days
Not a question, just very happy it's not just me loving IP3 (or trans Ratio for that matter). Yap away on both
Ugh I love them both so much
Most of my headcanons are when I find something to be better and/or more interesting than it is in canon, or something that’s a great extension of canon, and that’s exactly what trans Ratio is to me.
It takes his already present insecurities and squares them, as now the doctor has to contend with not just being a SMART enough man, but being a smart enough MAN, and adding that extra layer of misery and complexity is just so delightful.
By taking a character racked by self doubt and adding another layer to it, like Ratio being trans, you complicate his current insecurities and give new perspectives to look at them from.
Like in canon Ratio exercises so much because he wants to be the most perfect, best version of himself and has been doing it since a very young age (middle school).
But then you add him being trans to that, and suddenly he’s not just combating being perceived as not good enough, he’s combating being perceived entirely, attempting to try and get others to view him the way he really is, and attempting to live up to whatever masculine ideal that would push away his dysphoria, something prominent within his life from a young age.
I’ve kinda dived into this within my fics about it, but I like the idea that Ratio keeps this a secret from everyone- and I mean everyone. He already doesn’t live up to his own expectations of himself, so to have the rest of the galaxy find out that he doesn’t live up to their expectations of him either (ie being a cis man I mean you cannot tell me there aren’t like hundreds of people in universe begging for his uh- yeah), it would crush him.
I mean considering how guarded he is already, adding another thing to hide behind that alabaster mask would be fun, even if I think Ratio is likely at least a decade post-op + post-transition, so it’s not like he has to bind or anything, but the threat is still there. Especially considering his well known love of baths- imagine if he avoided the public baths at his home planet (considering how heavily Greek/Roman inspired Ratio is), and how that might affected him growing up, or just the tendency of shirtlessness in general.
There’s just a lot of possibilities and intricacies to it that makes me really like this particular headcanon, and it will always be canon in my heart haha. I have some more silly things behind it, like me wanting to give Aventio and Ratiopaz biological kids because it would be cute, or just the inherent joy of the big buff guy actually being the trans one rather than who you would expect it to be/who it’s stereotypically made as- Aventurine, as I like when characters have traits you don’t expect them to possess.
I also tend to dislike Aventurine being made ftm because he’s implied to be an SA survivor and rep for amab victims is already kinda abysmal so I don’t like taking it away, also I just think it’s boring tbh, at least for me it just doesn’t interest me.
Trans Topaz is a whole other discussion, personally I think she’s mtnb, and more femme presenting (I’d make her use she/they in my fics it’s just pronoun swapping when writing polyamory is miserable and anybody who’s ever written it can attest to that 😭, it’s there in spirit I promise!)
I honestly don’t have deep reasons behind this one, it’s just pure vibes. Someone was like, “Topaz gives nonbinary” once on here and I’m like yeah, yeah she does 😭. She reminds me of Childe a lot and I also view him as nonbinary so she’s kinda in a similar boat.
I think she’s very motherly but like in the way Mother Nature is if that makes sense? Mother is mothering but she’s also a creature tm* and certified tax collecting humanity loving entity. Also I have a close friend who’s a trans woman and Topaz reminds me of her so like, bam ur trans now lol (hi Alice if ur seeing this).
As for Aventiopaz, I fear I’d need a whole other post dedicated to why I like them. You guys know why I like Aventio, Avenpaz also require a whole other yap session, and Ratiopaz is the best rarepair ever fight me. Generally I like it because it’s really sweet, the dynamic is hilarious, they are the power trio of all time, they have great gameplay synergy, and their designs complement each other a lot- being primary colors and all.
I also enjoy their individual unique relationships to the IPC and how that might affect their interactions with one another, both in canon and in my brain. Moreover the trio of coworkers who are well known around the office for a) getting the job done and b) being absolutely obnoxious around one another (in a good way) is incredibly fun and I enjoy the idea of all the shenanigans they would get up to.
Perhaps my next Aventiopaz fic would be them going on a mission together or something, as I definitely want to write another one, and also update my slideshow of the parents au, I’ve just been so busy and a bit unmotivated 😭 so hopefully I can get to that soon
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her-favorite · 14 hours
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warnings: sort of fluff? honestly, i have no idea what this would be categorized as.. read to find out!! 😽 - talks of (sex)ual acts but not blatant smut - that’s it, i think
wc: 1,252 - just something small bc i felt like writing something small
a/n: i’ve wanted to write something for matt based on an ethel song for a bit (totally don’t have a pt. 1 to a horror series for him based on another one of her songs in my drafts) so i decided on dust bowl! also i’m seeing her live on the 27th and i’m so fucking excited 🤭 (technically tomorrow since it’s past 1 am when i’m posting this)
a/n 2: as someone who lovesss dialogue, there really isn’t much in this (sadly), so if you’re like me and you like reading about people talking, this probably won’t be very interesting lmao but you can give it a try! 🫶🏻
SYNOPSIS: He was the love of your life, someone that only ever cherished you. You both were made for each other.. and only each other.
a/n 3: listening to the song will help!! promise (had to do an unofficial vers. bc it’s a demo!)
He was the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen.
From his piercing blue eyes, to his messy, soft brown hair, to his perfectly sculpted nose, to his pretty pink lips. It was as if someone had took centuries to hand sculpt his features carefully.
His clothes were old and worn, but it only showed growth. His white sneakers were stained with dirt and grass, with holes seeping through the fabric, but he always told you it was because he wanted them to be worn until they couldn’t be used anymore. His mind always amazed you, though he was as humble as ever. Not once did he speak of himself as someone superior to others, he wanted to be on the same level as outsiders. He wanted that normalcy that comes with growing up.
It was easy to fall in love with Matt.
He looked at you as if you had hung the moon and hand placed the stars. His ocean eyes tinted with admiration anytime they had caught yours. He looked to you as his lover; not a piece of meat that he could bite into and swallow whole so there was nothing left. He didn’t love you for your body, your beautiful sculpture was just a bonus. He loves you for you.
His big hands took time on you. They felt and molded into your curves and marks, memorizing every small and big detail on your skin. From your eyebrows, down to your ankles, he lets his calloused palms gently glide over your soft skin. Whispered praises always left his sweet lips, sinking you deeper into euphoria. He always knew the right words to say, as if he only knew those words in those moments.
He never rushed anything. The way his lips or his fingers or his eyes traveled your body, he worshipped you as if he was only put on earth to do so. He knew you deserved it, you were the only thing that deserved only good in your life. And he’d do anything to do that for you.
It was written in both of your minds that you’d end up together. It was the only way.
Back then, when everyone was naïve and dumb, you and him had made a pact, back in middle school. Had anything happen to you, Matt would join. When you both were younger, it was all just words. But now, as you grow older together, live together, and experience more together, the words became more real; they became set in stone. The both of you knew that if you were to pass, Matt wouldn’t waste a second to be with you; and vice versa.
Some people thought you guys were too close. They thought it was odd to spend so much time with your lover, muttering to others that they’d get sick of their’s had they be around them for too long. But you couldn’t get sick of Matt. And neither could he.
Matt had brought a light into your life, even at such a young age. He was a shy, suppressed boy when you had met him. His father drove a hard bargain into making his son’s life difficult and puzzling, but that never stopped Matt. There were times, when you both were in Highschool, where he’d run away at night and climb the tree by your window because he needed to be near you. On certain nights like those, where his father’s harsh words cut deep wounds, Matt would let you hold him as you promised him a future of leaving this old, shitty town and traveling together, free of everyone and everything.
When you both would have nights like that, it was easy to think of the future. Sometimes, if he was drowsy, he’d confess about how he wanted to be a writer. He wanted to construct his own stories, where he can escape into the words and become the character that he wrote about, delving deep into the flimsy, white paper. He’d whisper, on the edge of sleep, about how he’d write about you. About how he pictured your future together and the way he quietly slurs his words as sleep slowly invades his body, sending him into a deep slumber as all of his body weight lays on you.
You knew he loved you. It was obvious.
Though, the thought of how many other pretty girls have tried to entice him into being theirs never failed to make you spiral. He was your pretty boy, and everyone could see how beautiful he is. Of course other people wanted to be chosen by him.
“I love you.”
His words didn’t shock you the first time he had told you; like you had said, it was obvious. They slipped from his lips when you both had been at your regular Friday drive-in movie. Your eyes were captivated by the old, black and white movie with bad acting that you didn’t notice the way his eyes were captivated by you.
His gaze never wavered as they ventured over your side, perfectly unique.. perfectly you. He tried to fight it, tried to not distract you from the screen that caught every bit of your attention, but he already knew he was going to lose the game.
Not once had Matt looked at any other women with any interest ever since that day in first grade. At such a young, and innocent age, he knew he was made for you. All he’s ever wanted was you. He never gave another girl the light of day, or porn, or anything else. Because he looked at you as someone who deserves all of his attention; someone so effortlessly beautiful, mind and body, that he found that he physically couldn’t ignore you, even if he so desperately tried. You were just so damn captivating.. even after all these years.
So many times, on your scheduled date nights, you’ve both ended up with your lips entwined as your labored breathing shares with his, his pretty blue eyes and pretty pink swollen lips captured only by you, even with pornographic scenes playing on the big screen. He didn’t need them, or want them, he wanted you. His eyes were always on you, no matter what you were doing.
With your whispered promises of the future, it was hard to not feel guilty.
Your hands shook as your eyes rimmed red, sobs being ripped and pulled from you as you begged and pleaded with anything to bring him back. This wasn’t set in stone, this wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to leave you here without him; he was supposed to stay with you, to leave this godforsaken town and for him to become a writer and to have children and to grow old together, until you rot beside him. But now that’s not an option.
You had promised him a future.. now he doesn’t get one. Because, as you rip at the grass surrounding his headstone, you beseech and cry out as you beg for someone to take you, not him. He didn’t deserve it, he never did anything wrong. Your words were now lies as they replay and replay and replay in your mind, taunting and mocking you as you sob for your lover back.
Though, one thing that was for certain, was your pact. And you were sure to join him as you slowly lose consciousness, your cold body laying beside Matt’s grave.
With the holes in his sneakers.
And his eyes all over me.
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doukeshi-kun · 1 day
regarding beandaifuku
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hello, people. as you may have known, i have deactivated my old blog (beandaifuku) since about a month ago or so. i really appreciate the love and support received for the blog and the memories created there. as it was my first time creating in tumblr, i am grateful that fun memories were created there, as well as the amount of friends i've made from there
i understand that it was hypocritical of me to delete that blog when i did say i will just keep it archived when i first moved here because i understand the feeling of having works you like deleted. firstly, i am sorry for that. so, i created a collection in AO3 where i have archived some of my works from beandaifuku to there. aside from that, i also have reblogged a few fics and works such as the headcanons to a side blog. you can visit them with these links
AO3 collection
as of why i deactivated the blog in the first place—it is mainly because i want to fully move on from it. the writing, the works—they are quite immature writings, so to speak. there are works that i am NOT proud of and i do not want to see it existing. i know it won't fully get deleted since some people did reblog the works, but at least it will just stay in that bubble.
i have archived some fics but i definitely will not archive ALL works or drabbles i have done. because then, what's the point of deleting the blog if i'm just gonna have all works stay up.
and honestly, i also don't see the point of keeping it up when i do not even use the blog anymore. the blog was also infected with (porn)bots liking and following. and quite a number of my fics were flagged unfairly with community labels. as of now, i am very comfortable with my not-so-new identity and blogs.
now, onto some other things.
i know some people probably noticed my attitude on vampire!nikolai AU. frankly said, i have 100% moved on from it. i lost interest with it. generally, i do not really reblog those posts about writers and readers discourse/opinions—usually about how readers should at least give some comments or appreciation for the works a writer has done. i never talk about it, but that doesn't mean i don't care. in fact, i was heavily affected by it in the old blog.
that happened with vampire!nikolai AU after its so-called hype has passed. i was still enthusiastic about it as there were a few people giving asks about it. but that enthusiasm was not reciprocated, which led me to lose interest about it totally. i have completely moved on and i have other AUs i want to explore and write about, such as my latest ongoing series, Trash Sugar Magic.
on a side note, just saying, one of the reasons i'm not sick of stalker!au despite it has basically ended a few months ago is because some people literally analysed the fic and its details—which is like my favourite type of discussion. trust me, your enthusiasm towards a writer's work will keep their enthusiasm alive too.
i really appreciate people who love and find joy in my old works. i definitely am. it was a hard decision for me to deactivate it either since i know people are still tuning in. matter of fact, i have contemplated it for months and started by slowly taking down/privating the stuff i have posted there. and for that, i am deeply sorry.
these are all the information i could share. i honestly do not want to talk about it and keep the rest of my reasons private. but i hope you guys understand and respect my decision. i have no plan of deactivating doukeshi-kun and/or cherikolya. the worst i do in this blog are just blocking people indiscriminately and deleting old insignificant posts.
tldr; i deactivated the old blog because i have moved on and i don't want to see the fics i'm not proud of stay up and my enthusiasm wasn't reciprocated which led me to lose motivation and interest to continue on with certain AU.
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