#I love my incest ships and nothing will stop me.
hyperactivewhore · 8 months
hi I love your blog we have very much the same opinions in everything except klamille is my favourite klaus ship and klaurora is second
I have been trying to enjoying klaus fics or any tvdu fics on wattpad but every thing I have read so far doenst show the characters accurately which is very annoying
I was hoping and want to request if you could give me some recommendations on fics on wattpad that are good. (Mainly klaus but any love interest would be good)
could you please give a short summary/review so far of any recommendation you give so I don’t waste time starting one only to not like ir
sorry if I am sounding rude English is not my first language but I can read it fully thank I you very much
Don't worry, you're not sounding rude at all, if anything you actually sound really sweet. I'm glad we share some opinions and I'm really honored you came to me for some suggestions.
I haven't read long fanfictions in a while outside works in ao3, I left Wattpad a few time ago but I'll still try my best, tho I'm not very good at giving summaries. Fair warning these are mainly fanfics I've read in Archive of Our Own, not Wattpad, but I hope it's not a problem. If it annoys you, send me an ask and I'll give you some Wattpad recommendations!
Patisserie (ao3, poly Mikaelson siblings x original female character, no incest) by @wickedlyemma:
Stats: (published: 2020-12-29), (completed: 2023-03-12), (words: 154,943), (chapters: 45/45), (comments: 4,385), (kudos: 8,469), (bookmarks: 1,799), (hits: 279,967)
Tags: Polyamory, Sugar Daddy, Self-Indulgent, Explicit Sexual Content, No Incest, Slow Burn, Not Canon Compliant
I think we've all read those kind of tvdu fanfics where the main character is a teenager, usually related to the Gilbert or the Forbes, still in high school and who suddenly stops trying to make a life for herself just because she gets dragged into the supernatural world. Well, Patisserie is the opposite of that. For once, the main character isn't a teen but an adult around her twenties, who works at a bakery and is completely unaware of the supernatural world until Klaus decides to change that.
The slow burn is is truly worthy of a chef's kiss, the way the author describes and writes the Mikaelson is just so on point it hurts. Their family dynamic is so entertaining to watch, but it's as fucked up as it is in the show, which it's something not many authors can accomplish. The way they behave around the main character, a simple human, it's so amusing because they truly know nothing despite their age and she's just so easy to relate to, because for once the oc is not ridiculously overpowered.
The way we perceive the Mikaelson and the vampire world from a human pov is truly interesting, how she copes with all of it and eventually learns to love all of them individually while being aware of the danger is so well done. Kol and her, as well as her relationship with Klaus, are particularly interesting to read, especially considering how they all behaved around her at the beginning and especially because both of them are the most dangerous members of their family. They are all selfish creatures, and I love how it shows the more their relationships with her develop.
Apotheosis (ao3, Klaus x original female character) by atriums;
Stats: (published: 2022-01-01), (completed: 2022-12-13), (words: 158,264), (chapters: 31/31), (comments: 606), (kudos: 1,817), (bookmarks: 491), (hits: 69,472)
Tags: POV Alternating, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Sex, Sexual Content, Devoted Reader, Author Rejects Canon and Substitutes It with Their Own, Cannibalistic Werewolf Cults, Nobody Is Good But Also Nobody Is Evil, These Characters are Flawed and Problematic (Probably), This Fic is Not a Bastion for Healthy Characters and Relationships, Reader/OC Especially, Reader/OC can be any ethnicity
You know those fanfics who fix (almost) everything problematic in canon? Apotheosis does exactly that. In this story, Klaus isn't a complete irredeemable character for once, but he also isn't half as bad as his canon version, and due to the oc being a werewolf, this fanfic does expand on his werewolf side a little more than The Vampire Diaries or The Originals ever did. His family and him actually have a healthy bond, and Finn gets the recognition he deserves for once.
The story is set in season three of TVD, exactly when Klaus and Stefan are trying to make hybrids for his pack, and in a ironic plot twist, Klaus decides to take you with him when you're still a werewolf after you say you're not worthy to be a hybrid, at least not yet.
Her devotion to him is completely endearing and I absolutely love how Klaus actually cares for his pack, especially because they're all canonical characters who were killed way too quickly. Her relationships with the members of their pack are so well written, and this fanfic it's the perfect mix of humour and seriousness. It has a ongoing sequel, which I just adore. I warn you though, all the characters have several differences from their canon versions.
Twisted Obsession (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by rocket-queen98;
Stats: Originals, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 16, words: 59k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: May 6, 2023 published: Aug 13, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] Elijah M., Hope M.
Lola is one of the most adorable mc I've read. She is human and around nineteen, if I remember correctly, and just a sweet girl and adorable. She's introduced into the supernatural world thanks to baby Hope, who is just the cutest, due to her needing a mother figure now that Hayley wasn't present in her life thanks to the curse placed on her.
Her relationship with Hope is my favorite part of the whole fanfic. She doesn't suddenly turn into her mother, she doesn't intend to either, but rather becomes her best friend and Klaus and her develop a bond thanks to this. The way father and daughter interact is so heartwarming too, the subtle hints of them being werewolves, and seeing a main character having a good relationship with her father for once is a good turn, especially in tvd fanfics.
It's clear Klaus and Lola have something going on, even if they won't admit out loud, but for some reason the people around them give the impression they don't actually want them to date. There is implications something more fucked up than usual is going on with Klaus and his relationships, and I'm pretty sure him and Cami were a thing in this fic too. Surprisingly, Hayley and Cami aren't turned into absolute bitches, but there is Jackson bashing though.
The Girl in the Forest (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by noblecrescent;
Stats: Originals, T, English, Mystery & Romance, chapters: 30, words: 311k+, favs: 232, follows: 176, updated: Feb 19, 2017 published: Jan 23, 2016, [Klaus M., OC] [Elijah M., Camille O'Connell]
This fanfic is a tetralogy of books set in The Originals, I read those fanfics a while ago so forgive me for any mistake. Maleny is a witch who was cursed, if I remember correctly, and was constantly body-jumping every short time.
In one of her lives, she met Klaus and they fell in love, but she died, if I'm not wrong, and they end up meeting again in New Orleans time later where he has a child on the way and a kingdom to conquer.
I can't remember a lot more without giving you spoilers, but it's worth checking it out!
Now, I'll give no more summaries because I honestly don't remember a lot of the next fanfics, but it's your choice if you want to read them;
A Veil Between Love and Hate (fanfiction.net, Klaus x original female character) by MandalorianHybrid;
Stats: Originals, T, English, chapters: 57, words: 200k+, favs: 609, follows: 359, updated: Sep 15, 2019 published: Jan 30, 2014, [Klaus M., OC]
Summary; Another five books set in The Vampire Diaries, with a story that eventually moves to The Originals.
Allure (wattpad, Klaus x oc x Stefan) by @viavolterra;
Stats: 575k Readings, 20,5k Votes, 34 Chapters
I just could not not recommend this fanfic. Mia comes to Mystic Falls to seek revenge after Damon kills her best friend Lexi, but she of course gets dragged by the problems in that little town.
The thing I like the most about Via's story is how there is no cliché: no bashing towards Tyler or Elena, Mia actually befriends them, Bonnie gets the recognition and love she deserves, Klaus doesn't suddenly turn into a different person just because he loves the oc, he continues to be a piece of shit, and how sweet and empathetic she is, not like those reused badass mc who are just rude.
I would recommend some more, but it's kinda hard to find fanfics with a good Klaus depiction. I'm pretty sure I left out a lot of amazing fanfics, though.
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Anti-destiel Wank (sorry but I have to)
If you hardcore ship Destiel, please just scroll on by. Please.
Ok, I'm gonna get myself in trouble, I'm sure, but I gotta get this off my chest...
Destiel may be a perfectly fine ship,
Full fucking stop.
Subtext can be interpreted in ANY WAY YOU WANT. It is subjective. You will find whatever you look for in it. Please stop waving subtext interpretations around as if they were objective facts, they aren't. Subtext, by its very definition, relies on implied meaning and understanding, this means it is a subjective interpretation of the media that varies from viewer to viewer. The inherent variations are what make it fanon/headcanon instead of canon.
If you see tension of that sort there and it makes you happy to postulate the what if, then go ahead, that is what fanon and head canon and fan fiction is all about. But if the fact that the tension you think you see isn't being addressed in actual canon makes you grumpy, maybe you need to take some of the fanatic out of your fanning. If you are beginning to think the show creators are actively trying to repress Dean's "true sexuality and feelings" because they are evil, you might need to consider that you've dug in too deep.
Because, like I ship wincest. Yeah, I said it. But I am aware that canon doesn't actually include any level of sexual or romantic (in the modern sense) relationship between Sam and Dean. Wincest is not canon.
Now, are Sam and Dean the real "love" story of the show? Yes, yes they are. That has always been 100% the entire point of Supernatural, the great love story of two brothers struggling to save the world together. It's about family and everything that means, but at its heart, it is about Sam and Dean WInchester. Not all kisses and cuddles and sex kind of love, but love nonetheless. Full stop.
Now, the fact that Destiel is such a popular ship is not surprising to me in the least. Jensen and Misha are two gorgeous guys who share a lot of chemistry on screen and off. And, it is canon that Cas loves Dean. That has been evident since Lazarus Rising (4x01) when Cas was introduced. Castiel's love of Dean Winchester has been his character's main motivation all along and culminated with Cas sacrificing himself to save Dean, after telling him that he loved him in Despair (15x18)
But Dean's main motivation has always been to watch out for his brother. And though Castiel became Dean's best friend, he still comes second to Sam. Nothing against Cas, he just isn't Sam.
So why are so many people so absolutely convinced that Destiel is so real within the context of the story?
Well, I'm pretty sure that it is the same reason that they are so opposed to the idea of wincest.
As we all know, incest is bad, mmmkay? Incest is probably one of the biggest, strongest, cultural taboos we have. So it makes perfect sense that the idea of two blood-related brothers having sexual or romantic feelings for each other is considered icky. It's so off putting that it is a complete no go for even fantasizing about for most people. And that's probably a good thing, tbh, incest should be taboo. But where does that taboo spring from? Why is it so deeply off limits? There are several reasons, but the two main ones are:
That incest can lead to inbreeding.
That incest too often involves molestation or rape of children.
Both of these are seriously bad enough that we all pretty much collectively agree to avoid incestuous relationships. But, do either of these two reasons really apply in the case of Sam and Dean?
The short answer is no. Primarily this is because they are fictional characters that are being played by unrelated actors. But to humor the objectors we'll look at it closer.
We can take the first one right off the table. As two cis men, neither of them is capable of becoming pregnant, so outside of the mpreg (male pregnancy) or gender bending subsets of fanfic tropes, this is not applicable.
The second reason only becomes an issue when talking about the characters earlier in their lives, pre-show or flashbacks. Weecest or teencest, or whatever, are things, but these typically have separate ship names for a reason, because even when dealing with fictional characters this squicks a lot of folks who are otherwise down with the wincest ship. So most content is tagged or labeled as its specific flavor, so anyone can find it or avoid it. But wincest that involves adult Sam and Dean (the specific pairing I'm referring to in this post) doesn't apply to the second reason listed above.
So there really is nothing morally wrong with Sam and Dean having sex with each other. I know that statement is going to bother a whole lot of people, but it is true. Just because something is taboo does not automatically make it morally wrong. Being gay used to be taboo in our culture, and is still taboo for way too many people, even though there is nothing morally wrong with homosexuality.
Now, I wasn't in the fandom back at the beginning of the show, but I've heard tell that the very first Sam/Dean fic was posted just a few hours after the pilot episode aired. A few hours, that's all it took for some highly motivated fan to type out a story where they were more than just brothers. The story is called Reunion. If you watch the pilot, even with your anti-incest goggles on, the chemistry between Jared and Jensen is palpable throughout. There is a reason the show lasted for 15 years, and that reason is that Sam and Dean just work on screen so well together. So if it only took one episode for that ship to be born, what did all the future destiel shippers do? Well I imagine they felt somewhat uncomfortable for the first 60 episodes.
Flash forward to season four and the introduction of Castiel. Finally there was another male character for fans squicked by the notion of sweet, sweet brother loving to focus on! Cas was clearly fixated on Dean more than Sam, which followed the plot since Cas had been instructed to rescue Dean from Hell. As it would turn out, the brothers were destined to be the meatsuits that Michael and Lucifer wore to the big prize fight to determine the fate of the world. Prepping Sam for Lucifer involved him consuming demon blood, which made most of the angelic host view him as an abomination, a factor that Cas had to learn to get past in his relationship with the younger brother. But Dean was ready to go right out of the box, no assembly required for Michael. Castiel, and many of his angelic brethren, as well as a lot of Demons, seem to be drawn to Dean in a way that they just aren't drawn to Sam. Is this fair? Hell no. But I mean, look at him! Jensen has sexual tension with literally everything he comes in contact with, people, food, his car, the man oozes sexual attraction. Don't get me wrong, Jared is a sexy fucking ball of sunshine, and our Sammy is a damned attractive man, but he tends to be more repressed and less openly sexual than his brother, so it is what it is.
Where was I going with this? That's a good question. I got a bit distracted, sorry. Oh right...
At its root, destiel is a reactive projection. There is undeniable tension between characters in the show. Since all of the main cast are male, that tension is highly homoerotic. The two main characters, who are undeniably emotionally enmeshed and co-dependent with each other (a very well established canon fact btw), happen to be blood-related brothers. Oh no! Where is all that tension coming from since we cannot admit or accept that it's coming from them? Ah ha! Here is a new male character that we like, yes, it is obviously coming from his interactions with one of the brothers, even though he wasn't in the first 60 episodes. Yes, it all makes perfect sense now, all that tension was merely foreshadowing.
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I've read through all the destiel subtext posts. I've gone back and watched all the scenes they reference multiple times with the express purpose of finding destiel. I'm telling you it is just a fanon ship. Which is 100% fine and good, ship that ship, just stop declaring it more canon than canon, because it's not.
And if you don't like fictional incest, cool, cool, you don't have to. But the underlying sexual tension existed in the first 60 episodes prior to Misha being cast on the show, so it was coming from somewhere. And it'd be cooler if you learned how to scroll past people shipping wincest, like I'm sure you do for all the other weirdass, squicky shit that people post all over the internet. But if it makes your heart beat a little faster to imagine that Dean and Cas have eyesex but that Dean and Sam don't, that's fine. I think it's delusional because neither ship is actually canon and both are 100% A-Ok in fanon, and honestly Jensen doesn't seem to be able to control his eyes, which is not something anyone should feel bad about (it's fucking marvelous) but you do you.
*Castiel does love Dean. He confessed as much, but Dean did not reciprocate. What I am referencing is a mutual romance or attraction, which does not exist.
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
what are your thoughts on each tmi ship?
I love all three of them.
Sizzy -> Absolutely beautiful. Show stopping. Amazing. They compliment each other perfectly. Love their little nerdy vibes. 10/10 banter. Simon makes Izzy feel safe. Izzy makes Simon feel seen. There's nothing not to love.
Clace -> Absolute OGs like I better see everyone paying them some respect. They're cute together and have a love for heaven to envy. Nothing can keep them apart. They're kickass. I love them. Also the incest plotline doesn't bother me because it's about abuse, not incest.
Malec -> The ESSENCE of TSC. They are the series they are the moment they deserve the praise they get. They're one of the first canon queer ships I ever saw and loved and were essential in my journey of my own bisexual discovery. I have a lot of fond, nostalgic feelings for them.
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leonkennedygvrl · 5 days
don’t know how many times i have to mention it given how many messages i get in my inbox about lara/leon
i do not care if you ship aeon, cleon, leshley, chreon, kreon, heon or fucking anything for that matter.
no, i will not stop expressing my love for lara and leon.
lara is not canonically lesbian, no matter how much you want it to be true.
i’m not homophobic for shipping her with leon/claiming she isn’t lesbian because that’s not how homophobia works.
i will continue to write bizarre, depraved stories.
this is fiction. i don’t advocate murder, rape or incest in real life.
for all the people who do not like dead dove, all of us are human. we are all different, we all have preferences & opinions and that is okay. it is not okay to send people death threats for their preferences & opinions. you are worse than myself & anyone else.
i don’t care who you ship
writing is a hobby, not my fantasies.
you take full responsibility to read stories the second you downloaded this app, not me. if you’re underage, it’s your responsibility to click off, not mine. if you do not like my content, it’s your responsibility to block me, not mine (unless i find out you’re a minor), if you do not agree with me/my ships, it’s your responsibility to keep it to yourself.
thank you for reading, remember that nothing you can say will change my mind. :)
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darklinaforever · 3 months
You said this
So thank you for prove that you have no reading comprehension.
Do you know how many times I have heard this in real life from dickwads like you because I fucked up reading something. It's the kneejerk response people like you use. Instead of being patient and sensible and using your brain to think maybe this person has a reading problem, you just use ablelist slander. It's not about being a mind reader either it's about being a decent human being. It's like telling someone walking slow to hurry up when they might have a physical disability that makes them not be able to. But you wouldn't understand this because you're ablelist.
Yes I made a grace joke because it's meme level now and you are a cunt and treated me badly. Love how you also shat on the sa victim as well. So they're not valid because they were assaulted and feel triggered which colors what they see in the scene but because you like Daemyra and Rhaenyra is your bb girl, you are valid and make out what you see is the reality
Hear is a new flash bitch Viserys was a rapist Rhaenyra was a rapist and Aegon was a rapist. Daemon is a grooming pedo incest wife killer. But you talk about accepting their vices when you don't you deliberately blind yourself to their vices. You are a twat and everyone hates your guts btw
Grace sends her regards lol
Also no wonder you were bullied at school makes sense you're now the bully acting so vile
Do you know how many antis and haters say things to me that don't make any sense when I've given them perfectly clear answers just to try to put me down for free ? Simply because the reality of my words does not correspond to their defamatory speech ?
Literally tons and tons of times.
So yes, sorry for not necessarily having thought that you could be dyslexic and autistic instead of just belonging to the usual group of hateful morons.
At this point, you blame me for not being a soothsayer and not knowing how to distinguish your hatred from that of others.
You also visibly love, like your compatriots, use big words whose meaning you don't understand. Just like ableist which is discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities. But how the hell could I be that when I had no idea you were autistic and basic dyslexic ? You are only trying to discredit me and make yourself look like a victim.
And sorry, but this story with Grace doesn't have to become some sort of meme level, and this sentence : "Tell grace I said hi btw lol" Makes you the first person to be rude out of both of us whether you like it or not, particularly annoying me. So once again, stop trying to play the victim. Besides now you insult me ​​as a bitch and twat...
You're the one who comes to my inbox and talk rude, so don't be surprised that I'm not very polite to you in return.
Then, I didn't shit on the victims of SA :
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I simply said that it is not because a person is a victim of SA and sees a fictional scene as such that it means that it is necessarily true, because their opinions can also be false, because the victim of SA are humans like you and me, simple as that. It may shock you that I have the balls to say it, but it's just reality and you don't seem mature enough to hear it.
And the posts about Criston Cole have absolutely nothing to do with Daemyra, so why are you bringing this ship back to the table to try to discredit me ? It's ridiculous.
Funfact : Rhaenyra is not a rapist in Fire and Blood or HOTD and Daemon is not a groomer or a pedophile in Fire and Blood or HOTD (and he didn't kill his wife in Fire and Blood, it is an invention of HOTD, because he was at war when she died from a fall from a horse during a hunt, after agonize for 9 days and getting up one last time before finally dying).
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Daemon, suspected of sexual contact with 13 / 14-year-old Rhaenyra in the book /19-year-old Rhaenyra in the show, may be an ephebophile. But there is no evidence (because besides, he has officially only been with adult women by our modern standards).
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This came from this post from @nrilliree :
Oh and I would like to understand how the incest part is supposed to be a revelation or an insult ? In this aspect, Daemon is no different from any other Targaryen.
And if I'm willfully blind to Rhaenyra's vices and an twat for it, I hope once again that, as I told the other anons, that the same thing can be said of the writers, producers and actors of HOTD in this case, since everyone on the crew confirmed that this scene was not rape, consistent with what is shown on screen... I hope you say the same for them, but I doubt.
And again, I'm not harassing anyone on tumblr. Stop spewing these lies to feel justified in your vile words. It was you who came to invade my inbox, sending me your messages again and again, being the first to be rude. You are literally doing what you accuse me of, which is hypocritical behavior.
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readreactrant · 1 month
I watched Code Geass but before I get to my short rant about the show and the ship you can pretty much guess this is about…. Let me just say….
This show peaked at the pseudo incest brocon subplot, I'm taking no arguments!
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Fine, fine, that's definitely not entirely true but Rolo's death had me pausing the show and staring at the screen like for what reason?! Let the boy be hopelessly obsessed goddammit 😭😭😭
Now I've gotten that out of my system…
Guess who's the character I hate most?
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shocker I know/sarc
I haven't hated one half of my otp ship in a piece of media this much since that one Episode Nagi panel of Reo's heart getting destroyed by Nagi's dumbass (Reo my love love I'd treat you so much better)
Suzaku's case is worse by several degrees because his idiocy and attitude only continued to stoke the flames of my annoyance for the whole two fucking seasons until like the three or two episodes at the end cause oh my fucking God I cried.
(That shit was a wild ride enough nothing is making me watch any spin offs or side stories I care that little)
From the first moment he entered that Lancelot suit and agreed to help the side that attempted to silence him by murder, I clocked his ass and marked him as the dumbest bitch to ever exist but we love a protective loyal dog Top don't we ladies?
"I want to change the system from the inside-" bitch shut up these are colonizers you ain't changing nothing 😭
Even after they they tried pining the murder on him to sentence him to death AGAIN!! BOY WENT BACK.
He refused Zero?!
Now I'm not a particularly patriotic person (I hate my county so so much) but if we got neo colonized, No matter what merits I would never be friendly or cooperative with the other side.
Suzaku stopped his country fighting back (valid reason or not I don't remember, he killed his dad and that meant surrender ig) and proceeded to kiss up to brits, fall in love with one of them, and further hinder every attempt of his own people fighting back because 'Violence wrong' but it's okay when he does it because some made up ideal told him being subservient would make a change. And it did….just for him tho, all other 11s? no one cares.
And it didn't even matter because Lulu's methods were always the ones that brought things closer!
I know it's a kind of a commentary on something, I ain't stupid but I was still pissed.
Literally had me gritting my teeth almost every time he stepped on screen, especially when he went pseudo emo after becoming a knight of round or whatever.
Bottom line, he frustrated me as much as he did Lelouch but I still wanted to see them FUCK.
The last couple of episodes where genuinely the best things I've ever watched and a brilliant end to the series. I wouldn't say I grew to enjoy all the characters but God did the plot threads keep me going.
Trust I understood very little about the gate shit and the killing God aspect but when you're having a fun time everything just looks good.
To sum up SuzaLulu…
Giving me friends to enemies to lovers (correct me not I won't hear you) All mixed together with the palpable hatred and vitriol they held toward each other is just too much.
And Lelouch as a bottom is literally my type >.< psycho, pretty, and bad at sports (also having a natural inclination to dominate others)??? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!
His dramatic ass had me gripped and his personality contrasted so beautifully with Suzaku's dumbass that while I did want to be sad about that redhead he might have liked dying….girl bye 👋 make way for the gay 🏳️‍🌈
(Srsly tho, I was sad for a sec, it was a very shocking scene to say the least but Rolo pulled such a Brocon move I was laughing for a solid minute.)
I very much didn't want to be like most other yaoi shippers that watched this shit when they were ten and went for the very obvious but still delicious low hanging fruit yaoi but I see enemies to lovers mixed with tragic yaoi and an undeniably fun story and brain stops functioning lmaooo. Turns out I'm very much like other fujins ;p
Closing thoughts: Umm…If you're going to defend Suzaku in the replies…go for it I'm down to listen but he'll forever be my bitch. I love Lelouch but Light is better, Orange x Lelouch is underratedand C.C. and Kallen should have gotten married.
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senseichaos · 7 months
Hey. Don't blame sin for the obvious shit you did. Sure they called you out for being disgusting, but the love of God know that Pro-shipping is hated because the tropes are fucking disgusting. Awful. Horrendous. Incest, pedophilia, age-difference, and abusive tropes are NOT okay. That is PRO-SHIPPING. You fucking do Morningstarcest that is NOT okay. I don't want to say to kill yourself, I want to say to fucking learn. It's not okay. I don't want to spread negativity but you can't go through life without a scolding or being nice. Look buddy. I know you want a safe space, but your fucking safe space should be private. Not public. This is SOCIAL MEDIA. Kids, minors, and adults are free to do what the FUCK they want. Even if you put warnings, DNI's, or any bullshit they won't give a FUCK. Like oh my stars. At least be a good influence. I'm not telling you to change drastically. Just in opinion. And if you really are gonna stay ignorant. I'd say being 22 doesn't fucking fit you at all. You should be dissapointed that you even are saying you are a PRO-SHIPPER. it's not okay. It really isn't. It's nothing to be proud of that's just stupid. Okay? Please. Just don't. Keep this to yourself or don't ever touch Wattpad, Tumble, AO3, any fan fiction writing site. God.
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I didn't do anything. They called me out for believing what I want to believe in.
I will write what I want, and consume the writing I want.
And what, I'm getting a "Scolding" for doing nothing wrong? From a minor who shouldn't have been in the space anyway? And get told to kill myself because that's the "scolding"?
I will never "learn" because there is nothing I need to learn. I have done absolutely nothing wrong but write what I want to about fictional people in fictional worlds. I have spread kindness through my community, and have been enjoying myself whilst doing so.
I will always be proud to be a proshipper, because otherwise I wouldn't have this following I have now.
I will keep writing on Tumblr, and there is nothing you can do to stop me! Have a great day.
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wokelander · 1 month
jesus what is with these save Leon ppl and their hard-on for mobilizing support for anti dc shit surrounding this man??? i've never seen such targeted harassment for someone writing incest fics. and there are dc creators in like my hero academia for the students😭 even seen dc outer banks and gilmore girls fics literally every single fandom has that side LMAO ??? like yeah they'll get the occasional hate ask and ppl starting discourse and shit. but never seen repeated attempts of creating a hate and harassment campaign against one specific person bc of writing dc. also bc im pretty sure i've seen other ppl write dc Leon fics but u get it the worst for some reason ?? you've suffered more than jesus fr🙏🏽 sending u so much love u don't deserve all this for writing fictional shit for a fictional man. he's not reallllll he doesn't need to be saved. i stg these ppl are absolutely batshit crazy it's not even funny. like imo it's more concerning than anyone writing incest fics bc okay u don't like it...but this isn't anything new. tumblr user wokelander is not the first person to write incest fanfic and she most certainly won't be the last. this makes me think it's ppl new to fandom spaces bc dark content is not a new phenomena. even if u delete ur blog and stop writing (pls don't i will die 😫) or they move to a different fandom, unfortunately for them incest/dc/pro-ship content isn't going anywhere! so they can be an adult and learn to curate their own online experience by muting keywords and tags or spend the rest of their miserable lives witch-hunting every dc writer they come across 🤷🏾‍♀️
sorry for the long ask i just think the hate you've gotten is so bizarre and u don't deserve it at all❤️❤️ pls don't let these ppl get in ur head❤️❤️
I’ve written in SO many different fandoms and I have gotten hate before but omg the leon girls are fucking crazy and this isn’t me trying to be like. Annoying ab it but I do genuinely believe that bc re got so much traction from re4r leon from tiktok and whatnot that it’s just brought in a load of people who are unfamiliar with re as a whole..
I’ve never written for re on tumblr but I’ve been in the fandom for years and I only used to post on ao3 and I never got backlash there? I also grew up reading weird re fanfics LMFAO so it’s like?? ok so why is this happening all of a sudden? fanfiction.net was FULL of leon being a creep when I was a kid LOL and even as a kid I had the fucking brains to scroll past shit I didn’t like? so man idek they’re just dumb
i also think it’s partially bc leon is a white guy who can do no wrong in their eyes golden retriever boyfriend who wants the best for everyone!!! nobody gets sent extreme hate for writing carlos ISTG it’s bc he’s a white boy like hello. they’re the worst!!!!
I am not the first to write dark content but like on leon tumblr I will say I wrote the first leon incest fic.. like not stepcest or pseudo cest even when u go on ao3 and put it in the tags I’m there first for actual incest 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊 so I guess people blame me bc now everyone writes dark content but?? they don’t? most of the re tag is full of fluff so … like I think these people see one fic and tweak out ab it and think everyone’s doing it man idk they’re so entitled there’s no point in reasoning with them it’s funny to me bc they quite literally talk like narcissistic abusers sometimes .. I say that as someone who has been thru that LOL like the way they speak in that self righteous tone is so..
HOWEVER. THIS IS RE !! the game is dark content the game has fucking incest in it ??? there are implications of rape! there is so much ugh. Idk but thank u for this ask ily!!! sorry for rambling ab nothing in particular
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byghostface · 7 months
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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ssruis · 2 months
i like youre posts, thoughts on ruinene ?
As a romantic dynamic: I don’t really think abt them that way… it’s the unrepentant emunene/ruikasa bias. Also a lot of rui & nene’s interactions read as very… sibling-like? To *me*. Personally. I hesitate to say sibling-like, because people get really weird about assigning family dynamics to characters who aren’t related or raised as siblings and have never referred to each other as siblings (“it’s basically incest” no it is not what are you on), but it’s something similar to that imo. Gestures at nene’s new 3rd anniversary 2* card story where Rui is like “I remember when you were reading picture books… and now you’re reading more advanced books… how time flies…” & she’s like “stop treating me like a kid 😑” despite being him being only one year older than her.
I don’t have anything against it (& I think taking shipping fictional characters seriously enough to fight over it is ridiculous), it’s just not for me & I don’t see it romantically. But for the people who do: you do you have fun enjoy yourselves. (I also personally think Rui is gay coded but again. Idc if people disagree it doesn’t affect me I’m glad they’re having fun. Also that’s a hot button topic & I don’t want the people who do take this shit too seriously to hunt me down with pitchforks and torches please go outside it’s not that deep.)
As a platonic dynamic/going off what’s in canon: I’m so obsessed with them (as I am with all wxs dynamics). They’re so fascinating to me. They make me so sad. Another reason I hate the “they’re siblings” thing is it feels like a boring restrictive box people want to shove their dynamic into that does a disservice to how interesting it is. It waters it down.
Nene was the only person Rui really had as a friend when he was a kid, and the only person who trusted in him and his ideas. They grew their love for theatre together. At some point they grew distant - we don’t know why, but my personal take on it is this:
1. Rui slowly growing to think he would never find anyone who got him after experiencing rejection after rejection, and pushing Nene away. A combination of “I need to leave her before she leaves me, this way it will hurt less because it’s My Choice”, “I shouldn’t inflict myself upon other people it’s better for everyone if I stay by myself”, and “Nene has her own friends now I would just be dragging her down.”
2. Nene having her own friends (new troupe) and slowly pulling back - or, at least, not actively trying to prevent him pushing her away. “I don’t want to experience the same social rejection, and I don’t know how to help Rui, there’s nothing I can do.” Nene, especially in the early days, has never been very assertive, and I don’t think favoring blending into the background over standing out (in a potentially embarrassing way) due to Rui’s stunts and ideas would be out of character for her.
3. I don’t think they went to the same middle school/junior high (I could be wrong) (did they even go to the same elementary school?) which meant they didn’t spend time together without one of them reaching out, which became increasingly rare.
I don’t think either of them are to blame. Or they share equal blame, depending on how you look at it. I see people placing more of the blame on Nene though, which is… Nene get behind me. Leave her alone. If you held my prsk account at gunpoint and said “ok but seriously who is more to blame for the relationship breakdown you have choose or your 4*s are gone forever” I would say Rui. Wouldn’t even have to think about it. Given his abandonment issues/avoidant tendencies/habit of pushing others away/pre main story mindset, it’s what makes the most sense.
They don’t really reconnect until the main story, and even then I wholeheartedly believe Rui was less interested in reconnecting than he was interested in getting Nene to perform again. He accepts Tsukasa’s invitation to WxS under the condition that he gets to bring in a fourth member and then immediately tries to leave the second Tsukasa is like “I don’t want to die wtf.” like he doesn’t even try that hard to convince him he just goes “ok bye have fun nene :).”
Rui builds Nene a robot so she can perform again which - I’ve talked about it before briefly, I need to talk about it at length at some point, but while that’s very sweet it’s also… not helpful. Not in the long run, at least. It wasn’t a *bad* thing, it was just the only solution he was capable of offering. It was a bandaid over a gaping wound situation - Nene couldn’t hide behind a robot forever. Rui couldn’t always be there to fix nenerobo, she couldn’t pursue performing seriously behind a robot, and she *wanted* to be on stage again. What Nene needed was the courage to get on stage again, and Rui didn’t have the skill set to help with that, because it was something Nene needed to find on her own (with support).
The thing about them in the early days is they both enabled each other to stagnate in situations they weren’t happy with. Maybe more so Rui than Nene, in that he literally built he a robot to allow her to avoid confronting her anxiety around performing, but Nene also lacked the ability to challenge or discourage Rui’s “I’m better off on my own” mindset. The tragic consequences of two people who lack social skills (one of which has pretty severe social anxiety) trying to help each other. Nothing really gets done.
(As an aside: this is why the emu+nene and tsukasa+rui dynamics are so crucial. Yes even outside of a ship dynamic I promise I’m accounting for my own bias. Emu+tsukasa did actually have the ability to encourage nene+rui to come out of their shells - Emu is Nene’s no.1 hype man and always encourages her in everything she does and pushes her outside her comfort zone socially. Nene doesn’t have to guess at what Emu is thinking & get caught up in the weeds of anxiety bc Emu will just tell her outright. Rui credits Tsukasa specifically with giving him the chance to change for a reason, and Mizuki/pandemonium NPCs point out that Rui has seemed so much happier and less closed off since becoming Tsukasa’s friend. Pointing @ the thing Rui’s CV said about as you like it.)
There’s still some degree of guilt on Nene’s side wrt being unable to help Rui even now, but that’s lessened over the course of the story. There’s a lot that goes unsaid between them about their shared past, but they also understand each other incredibly well after knowing each other for ~10 years. By virtue of knowing each other forever they’re both well acquainted with how the other’s mind works.
Nene can tell what’s bothering Rui in wonder halloween before even he realizes it, and she understands that he struggles to explain/articulate his feelings and issues in curtain call. Rui is tuned into Nene’s anxiety saw trap of a mind and is well versed in getting her to realize she’s overthinking things (I.e. “why don’t you just ask tsukasa what he did in the acting camp” in her emu3 2* card. I think that’s the right card) as well as getting her to speak up (shutting emu up with a donut in one of the earlier nene card stories so nene has a chance to talk. source here is just trust me I don’t want to hunt the card down).
Nene is always in his corner, and the reverse is true. They want each other to be happy and they’re so so so pleased that the other is doing better now. Nene often points out that Rui seems happier, and Rui is very proud of how far Nene has grown both on the stage and off it. Love their dynamic it’s so good… I care them…
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roadhogsbigbelly · 8 months
she did NOT say that fictional csa is fine though, that’s the thing that everyone is very expressly telling you. and IM not defending ““people who jack off to fictional children”” either, where the fuck are you getting that, do you just say this shit to every trans woman you see? you can’t argue by putting shit in people’s mouths. the “standards” you are describing are the same standards that the people you’re smearing agree with. im not saying its all or nothing at all, you just can’t take anything we’re saying seriously
when you read "stopping being mean to sex freaks who like ageplay and incest shipping" why do you think that suddenly stops at loliporn or fictional csa when that's part of the package? do you think "ageplay and incest shipping" only applied to game and thrones fanfiction and mild "daddy" play? like of course those posts saying "don't be say you love sex freaks if you don't include ALL sex freaks" is also including fictional csa, like fucking cailou porn or whatever. because the posts those are response to are like "stop being mean about people with weird fetishes that make you uncomfortable! (except fictional csa fuck you you can die)" if she's not supporting fictional csa great, but why did she reblog the fucking post than?
and again the fact that i criticized her has nothing to do with her being a trans woman, that didn't even cross my mind, and i've criticized cis men, cis women, trans men, non binary people and people of all genders and sexuality that have been dismissive of concerns over this shit. i've criticized cis women on twitter for publicly posting their weird underaged boy rape fantaties and i got accused of "hating women's fantasies", i've also critcized other cis gay men for drawing actual "toddlercon" and got accused of being a "pick me" gay, and other variations of "stop criticizing grown adults for what they do in private even if they post in publicly actually oops"
i don't actually care what people do in the privacy of their own homes, but the only reason people on tumblr make posts about how "you should stop being mean to people about their age play, incest porn" is because most people don't actually keep it private actually, or else other people wouldn't be seeing it and complain about it. like if you go into someone's dms or a locked private space to "out them" for being into scooby doo or even some actually more harmful fantasy than that's still kind of gross and intruding and they shouldn't do that, but if said person is doing it in a PUBLIC FORUM than yeah they're not above criticism because it's their own "private fantasies" when it's clearly not.
(and before you take words out of my mouth i am not inherently against public displays of sexuality or even kink, i don't think a child seeing a man in a pup mask and harness is going to tramatize them, i think they'll be fine, and in general i think try to hide the fact "sex" like. exists from children does not nothing to deter grooming and kind of causes it in some cases. i've seen people insisting that people who don't lock their nsfw twitter accounts of adults have regular but explicit sex that they're are personally grooming children who might have to figure out porn exists, and i think that's an unhealthy attitude to have. my point is more that the entire argument that noone can criticize or have a negative opinion on "ageplay" or "incest kink" because "it only exists between two private consenting adults" is just. not true.)
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alaynestone · 9 months
You don’t have to post this if you don’t want. I just wanted to say I was one of those curious, openminded fans willing to entertain the idea of samjohn (mostly bc deanjohn feels so congruent with canon + there’s so much interesting meta on it that managed to convert me + incestuous households usually affect all of it’s members) but just like you said I was immediately put off by the blatant character assassination that pervades everything from fics to edits to the propaganda in that incest poll lmao.
I guess that’s the major difference - deanjohn requires little to no stretching of imagination bc it already fits seamlessly into canon, whereas samjohn almost demands ooc shenanigans to work.
I also just found the way fans talk about it nauseating for some reason, though that’s likely more of a reflection of my own personal triggers. I love digesting incest narratives, but the fetishistic angle of that blog really makes my stomach turn. That’s not a moral judgement on anyone else’s enjoyment btw! Just another reason why this ship didn’t resonate with me.
thank you for sending me this. it's clear that a lot of people feel the same way.
when i first joined fandom, the few j/s fics were straightforward evil!john non-con. not my thing, but i understood why it was written that way. then came the inexplicably popular fandom creation of "sexkitten sam" which continues to pollute the entire sam/dean fandom and of course extends to other ships too. i'm not even gonna get started on why that's "problematic" because that's not the point, it's not remotely in character. even as an exaggeration sam is not the kind of person to attempt to find agency in outward submission or objectification. he's very vocally not compromising his identity to please his family and especially john. dean is more like that so when you have sam acting like a fetishized pinterest aesthetic moodboard version of dean and dean acting like an old man from wattpad i'm understandably left squinting at the screen. then it's genderswapping sam and using that as a personality eraser because women are automatically submissive and naive and trad?
who is being converted by all this when it has nothing to do with sam, john or even dean? where is dean in all this actually? a core aspect of their family is that dean is closest to both sam and john who rarely had much opportunity to bond without him. there was a distance between sam and john throughout sam's childhood and adolescence. most of his parental needs were being fulfilled by dean even if that was never enough. their situation with their father wasn't the average one where they were simply 2 kids fighting for his attention.
for the most part j/s appears to be about "envying" dean's position in the family. it's about diminishing or straight up erasing dean and more notably about feminizing sam. either directly or otherwise. people generally seem to have big issues with the fact that sam is a man and confidently so. most of the annoying tropes in wincest fandom have this at their core. and of course in order for sam to be "the woman" dean needs to genuinely and authentically be the most stereotypical of cishet men. it's very transparent because right from the start the show poked holes at dean's performance of masculinity. it was very much the point. dean's gender issues could fill a book yet any alternative interpretation of sam and gender seeks to cast dean as the oppressive bigot who would never get it? stopping here before i get off topic but to make myself clear: in theory i respect headcanons i don't understand, but not when they spitefully exist to deny dean's depth in every possible way.
to return to my point about dean's pseudo spouse and mother position being enviable, it misses the point of how harmful john's parenting was to both of them. it's no coincidence that they both view themselves as the unfavorite. dean believes he's taken for granted, only valued for what he can give, how well he can perform his roles, how successfully he could play at being an adult even before he hit double digits. dean can't just exist and be himself while sam is uncompromisingly himself. because of that he believes john doesn't like him, never liked him, rejected him, didn't have time for him, didn't trust him enough with the family secrets, even when those secrets directly concerned him. as of season 1 he still has contempt for dean for what he views as unquestioning obedience to john and letting himself be molded by john. dean had to fight for every scrap of approval and affection and sam refused to do the same if it meant sacrificing his own needs and identity. not everyone reacts to abuse the same way and both characters are very much shaped by their different reactions to their environment. and any j/s shipper argument that is built on the idea that sam was the one john loved more is not only gleefully mocking dean's parentification but ignoring that sam being comparatively sheltered and treated like a son is yet another reason why john would not cross such a line with him. dean "gets it", dean lost mary too, dean is his partner and his confidant, dean can handle adult responsibilities, dean is loving and supportive, dean isn't making him confront his parenting failures, dean can't say no to him. like you said, it doesn't at all stretch the imagination to make j/d fit into dean's backstory. "you are not a child" - "i never was".
as i have been saying, any remotely ic exploration of j/s would have to follow both j/d and s/d. i can't believe in a universe where j/s is the only incest that happens in the family. i think a theoretical plausible j/s fic would have to not only accept but embrace its adjacency to the 2 ships that are compliant with the canon. but whether sam knows for a fact about j/d or not, there's no way he isn't severely impacted by the proximity to that relationship in a number of ways and that's a very compelling dynamic in its own right.
tldr i agree with you anon. people can read and write whatever they want but there's a big difference between incest subtext that is believable and just saying things in a way that's meant to provoke.
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beevean · 6 months
Hey I found your post about the Castlevania shipping somewhat unlike you, in the past I have seen you defend nsfw art of Sonic characters who are minors, or brushing of shipping kids with adults but you're clearly upset at problematic power imbalance and noncon tropes in shipping adults. I just wonder does that mean you have changed your mind on the topic ???
Alright, I can see why it seems that I'm being a hypocrite. I'll try to explain myself in the best way I can, even if I question your wording.
I don't hate power imbalance and noncon/dubcon at all. They're some of my favorite tropes, and I am not particularly shy in talking about it :P and it's precisely because I an fascinated by them that poor writing incenses me and I can't stop thinking about it. However, this is the part I have to highlight: poor writing in official products, because comparing a very popular Netflix show written by a respected professional who got paid and promoted for his work, with a 20 kudos fanfiction written by some nameless teen for free, is disingenuous. One has tremendous reach and the other has not.
In the responses in that post (I'm assuming you're talking about this one - hope it's this one because otherwise I'd look dumb lol), I eventually said "I have more respect for the fans who just find the abuse hot". There are thousands of fanfics that are irrealistic when it comes to abusive dynamics, that are literally nothing more than fetish fuel - and that's fine. I wouldn't read them, I would appreciate if people did more research, but they're harmless. Disgust is not harm and in this I have not changed my mind.
My problem with that particular ship is not necessarily the "noncon" part (which is not even noncon: it's dubcon, it's deliberately murky). It's that the noncon part, and not even in a porn fic but in an official product that is praised for the depth of its writing, gets brushed off, because the writing was rushed and made artificially more "wholesome". The dissonance of morals is too big for me to ignore, and the resounding success that it got from its audience even more so - not even from the "step on me mommy" crowd or the "wow I love toxic relationships, they're so fucked up <3" crowd (hell I'm one of them), but from the people who genuinely agree with the story that "yes, this is cute".
I wouldn't care so much if this was just a non-canon ship. There are plenty of popular non-canon ships that make me angry because I think they have a terrible dynamic and I don't understand the appeal. I don't care. But this is not a ship, it's not just some dozens of fans findind two characters hot: this is a story. And this changes everything.
I believe that an official product, that is incidentally praised by nearly everyone, should have been more responsible with its messages. Not in a "fiction affects reality" way, but in a "this story is terribly written, I try to understand why I seem to be in the minority in thinking so, and the justifications are eerily reminiscent of real life abuse apologism" way. I'm not saying that NFCV fans will watch the show and think "oh boy! my eyes have been opened! maybe if I, a woman, raped a man into slavery, he'll love me too!"... but let's be real: unlike the boogeyman of incest, female-on-male abuse is still widely misunderstood. Rape that is not "man violently forces himself on a woman he doesn't know" is still widely misunderstood. The show had the chance to challenge those misconceptions, but instead, it only confirmed them. The fact that it happened mostly out of shoddy writing makes it even worse, because there is not even full authorial intent.
I can safely say that the overwhelming majority of people who draw porn of Tails are well aware that sexualizing real kids is wrong. This sort of moral cannot be influenced by porn, because it's too rooted in our consciousness (people who sexualize real life kids are born that way and it's a completely different topic). Those people have their own reasons for drawing that kind of porn. I don't want to know them, I don't want to see them, please keep it in your corner and tag your shit, but it's just tasteless fanart at worst and I don't care. I grew up in a much edgier era when genuine graphic torture porn was written for no reason other than to shock others, so I don't really bother to wonder why someone would write or draw something disgusting. As long as it's avoidable, it's fine. It's harder to avoid a popular official product that is always touted as an example of excellent writing and also happens to be the adaptation of a franchise I've grown to love, considered superior to said franchise to boot.
It doesn't help that there is proof of the writer in question being a prolific sex pest whose crimes eerily match its writing. So in his case, I do wonder why he wrote certain things.
Just as a note, I don't really talk about it here, but I used to be a fierce anti-Twilight back in the day, and it was for similar reasons: I was appalled at that series' sexism and misanthropy and abuse apologism and I thought it was a real issue, because I think widespread stories ought to be more careful with their themes than fanfics and fanart. Not even necessarily to "teach" a lesson (NFCV is for adults anyway, it's not meant to be educational), but... well, as respect for your audience, you know?
And as for the people who don't see any issue... again, I don't want to assume anything about their morals. Maybe for them it really is just an intriguing ship. But I would like to at least urge someone to think about what they're saying, because when you say "no, he wasn't raped, merely seduced, and anyway he deserved it for being stupid, and he got a good deal out of it so why did he have to ruin such a beautiful relationship?", now that is the thing that could affect real people, not shipping a 12 yo and a 15 yo cartoon hedgehogs.
tl;dr: official stories and ships/fan content have different impacts and I judge them differently. This also happened to be about a topic I very much care about.
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prostimshipping · 10 days
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welcome to my blog! 𐙚
my name is yuu, a proshipper & darkshipper who really likes stimboards and making them. so, i thought to make a blog dedicated to combining the two!
about me && what to expect below the cut (bit of a long post) ,,
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about me! 𐙚
18 , neurodivergent , tmascxenic aroace gay && fictoromantic , it / claw / fang , unapologetic freak ~ i proship because it's fun and it makes me happy.
my current interests : jujutsu kaisen , genshin impact , my hero academia
my favorite problematic ships : sukuita , goyuu , tousho , tojigumi , wriosige , neynette && many more : i also am a rarepair enthusiast!
my favorite tropes : brocon , age gap , really any kind of incest; i LOVE sibcon.
i have no dni (beyond -ists , -phobes , and stuff like that) , i believe everyone has the right to curate their internet experience as they see fit. all i ask is that antis steer clear for both of our comforts. i block freely.
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what to expect from my blog! 𐙚
stimboards : boards of ships from all sorts of fandoms and tropes , ranging from age gap to sibcon ; if they're problematic, you can find them here. i'm very self indulgent.
with that said, let me state: i do not care if my content disturbs you. block and move on if you hate it. nothing you say can convince me to stop doing what i enjoy and sharing it with others. it makes me happy, and that's all there is to it.
tags : i will tag my posts and reblogs with their ships and tropes respectively , either so you can surf the tags or filter them out (ex: age gap , brother x brother , etc.)
requests : i take stimboard requests! ships from any media , i'm very open-minded. obviously no rules on what you can or cannot request , but there are some tropes i am uncomfortable with and therefore will not accept. : if you'd like to request , send in a ship or character(s) , as well as themes or colors or certain stims you'd like me to include. if you don't include any theme or specifics , i will choose what to put in , so keep that in mind!
okay with : shipcest , age gap , comship , rarepairs , l0lish0 (sfw only) , most dark tropes (see next line)
NOT okay with : non-con , gr00ming , heavy abuse
fandoms : jjk , gi , mha , hsr , enstars , prsk
try your luck with your requests! i'm 100% willing to hear you out, and i absolutely love rareships, especially if they're darkship at the same time. i'm also fine with fandoms i'm not familiar with, just keep that in mind!
thank you!
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darklinaforever · 2 months
Incest is a sick fetish, yes. Although, what am I talking about - you collect sick ships like Pokemon. If you want to pervert the relationship of the characters, use your favorite black team for this and stay away from the green one, which you hate so much. But hypocrisy is your typical behavior, so I guess it isn't surprising.
Are you aware that there are tons of Green stans who ship Helaemond and Gwaynicent ? There is even Helaegon. You make me laugh. Once again, I ship for chemistry. Not because it's specifically incest, and that I would have a fetish about it. Do you at least know the definition of fetish ? Incest has literally always been a common trope in fiction which can be appreciated for various reasons. But once again, here I ship for the chemistry between the actors. Nothing more. It literally has nothing to do with incest. And even less because I would often be a hypocrite who turns my back on the TG. You have right. I still hate them. But that doesn't stop me from ship the characters, again because of their chemistry. And then, I imagine that GRRM in your eyes is a man who fetishes incest ? I remind you that it is he who created this story in which the Targaryens are the major heroes and where his own favorite ships (generally brother and sister) are located... Other than that, yes I love expanding my list of problematic ships, you even make me want to do it more. 😊
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myslutwritings · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 Welcome to my blog 𓆩♡𓆪
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Hello there:) my name is michelle and i’m 19 years old. i’ve been using tumblr for a long time now. I actually used to write but i stopped doing it awhile ago. however, i’ve decided to give it another try! I remember i stopped awhile ago because i wasn’t as passionate about it. plus, i wasn’t feeling so great and that was the very reason why i quit temporarily.
Currently, i am insanely hyperfixated on demon slayer! i’m mostly obsessed with the KNY demons so this blog is for my demon lovers/simps! i’ll be writing for only the demons because those are the ones i’m most passionate about. Don’t get me wrong, i adore all the characters endlessly but i can only see myself writing for the demons right now. So if that isn’t your preference then please kindly leave and don’t bother hating. As for my lovely demon lovers feel free to stay and send me requests in my inbox!
I’m still (sorta) new at this so my sincerest apologies if my writing/grammar is crappy in any shape or form!!
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☆ Characters i will be writing for ☆
- Muzan kibutsuji
- Kokushibo
- Douma
- Akaza
- Hantengu clones (Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, & Urogi)
- Gyutaro
- Daki
- Enmu
- Lady tamayo
- Nakime
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〖 Rules 〗
-okay so just going over some basic ground rules because this part is required.
-please do NOT spam my inbox! it’ll just stress me out further and only compel me to not wanna write anymore.
-i will not do ships! (ex; character x character) only x readers! (ex: character x s/o)
-i prefer to do preferences/imagines/headcanons but i’ll do short stories(one shots) as well! however, those take more time to write.
-i will write about the ideas that get submitted that i like the most. please don’t take this in the wrong way but i’m only writing for what i know how to write about if that makes sense?
-also, minors aren’t allowed to interact with my NSFW posts.
-PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU REQUEST! and please specify whether you’d like it to be NSFW or SFW.
-if i haven’t done your request please do not take it to heart! i only write for what i know how to write for, you know? i hope that makes sense!
-I will do my best to complete every request i get! It takes me time to write because unfortunately life gets in the way but please do not mistaken me for giving up! I will get it done in my own time.
-writing is a hobby of mine. something i want to do to help me relax and feel comforted. i’m not too keen on making it feel like a chore or a job i hate. i will write for whatever i want and do whichever request i feel motivated to write for. thank you!
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➤ what i’m comfortable writing;
NSFW/SFW (i won’t be doing NSFW for Daki)
Fluff/Angst (I love writing these)
Violence (i’m okay with this jus nothin’ too crazy💀)
Yandere!Characters (Then again just nothing TOO crazy)
Gore (this is demon slayer we’re talking ab so gore is okay obv)
self harm (for comfort purposes only! i won’t be glamorizing/romanticizing it)
Poly relationships (ex: character x character x reader)
I will write for fem, male, trans & GN reader! (i want everyone to feel included, plus it’s fun to write for all)
i’ll also write for child!reader but only platonically.
I will not write full-on smut fics. (simply because i’m terrible at it and i have zero motivation for it) But i can do spicy scenarios or NSFW headcanons!
➤ what i’m NOT comfortable writing;
Pedophilia/underaged/incest (obviously💀)
Suicide (i can write fluff fics where it’s only suicidal thoughts and the characters help the reader but that’s about it.)
pregnancy/birth giving (nothing wrong w it js makes me uncomfortable)
Mother or Father reader. I’m not the best at writing domestic stories like that.
non-sexual Age regression. (nothing wrong with it, it’s just not what i prefer to write about)
necrophilia/foot fetishes/age-play/vore/any weird kinks in general. (you get what i’m saying?)
Daddy kink (i just can’t take it seriously lol)
Smut fics/stories for male!reader (I identify as a woman, so writing a full porn one-shot for a male reader would be a bit awkward in my opinion. But i can still do headcanons)
In conclusion i won’t be writing anything that’s offensive or highly controversial or flat out problematic! however, my writings will contain somewhat dark topics and that’s about all. but i won’t go overboard with anything. (i’m sure you understand)
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Feel free to leave me requests though!! i am sooo desperate‼️ i don’t bite so don’t be scared lol
ANYWAYYY that’s about everything. bye-bye :))
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